2021-11-09 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
November 9, 2021
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Phil Velsor, Paula Larson, Sherrie
Pugh, and Jason Holt
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, City Planner Rita Trapp,
Orono Police Sergeant Tim Sonnek
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2 Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $363,469.50.
B. Approve minutes: 10-19-21 Special Meeting Workshop
10-26-21 Regular Meeting
D. Approve Pay Request #2 in the amount of $20,755.14 to R & R Excavating for the 2021
Lift Station Improvement Project, PW 21-03
E. Approve Pay Request #1 in the amount of $49,951.00 to Floorcoat Midwest, LLC for the
2021 Manhole Rehabilitation Project PW 21-04
F. Approve final closeout pay request in the amount of $17,077.85 to Allied Blacktop
Company for the 2021 Seal Coat Project PW 21-07
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
6. Orono Police Sergeant Tim Sonnek presenting the October Activity Report
Sonnek reported on the Orono Police Department (OPD) activity in October which included 314
total incidents compared to in 307 in 2020. Sonnek listed seven crashes, seven alarms, 10
animal complaints, two assaults, 74 medical calls, eight fire assists, zero burglaries, 10
disturbances, one DUI, five domestic calls, eight mental health issues, five thefts, seven
parking complaints, 15 welfare checks and 27 traffic stops.
Sonnek said the increase of medical calls were due to one individual. Sonnek stated there
should be reduction of those calls in November.
Sonnek reminded residents of the start of parking restrictions beginning on November 15tn
Sonnek said the OPD will begin enforcement during snow events with a warning and then begin
ticketing on subsequent snowfall events.
Sonnek added there was a theft of a motor vehicle on the eastside of Orono and individuals
have been casing areas to look for vehicles. Sonnek reminded residents to lock their vehicles,
to not leave possessions in their vehicle and to lock your garage and house.
Sonnek said two new officers have been added to the force. Sonnek said the officers are Tim
Wessel who has experience with Washington County Water Patrol and as an EMT in
Woodbury. Sonnek said the second officer is Colin Hennessy who was with the Carver County
SWAT team for five years.
Pugh asked about the status of embedded Hennepin County Social Worker program with the
OPD. Sonnek stated the program will begin in January of 2022.
7. Planning Case No. 21-07 and Planning Case No. 21-12
Public Hearing - Consideration/action on proposed amendments to City Code Chapter
129 (Zoning Ordinance) related to parking, residential fences and food trucks
Trapp presented the three ordinance amendments to be addressed as part of the City zoning update
project. Trapp said the zoning update project has been a 2021 zoning update project of the Planning
Commission to address inconsistencies between the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and with the City
zoning code and zoning map, to add flexibility for property owners in mixed use areas, to address
inconsistencies in the zoning code and to update the code to reflect modern standards.
Trapp said the areas addressed at this meeting relate to parking regulations, fences and food trucks.
Trapp said the parking standards are consolidated from multiple parts of the code in order to reorganize
the code, to reflect the new zoning districts as appropriate and make modifications to the minimum
parking use table so it is easier to use. Trapp said the amendments include adding missing standards
and updating existing standards. Trapp said another change is to multifamily apartments as there is
the current of 2 or 2.5 cars per unit standards which don't reflect current realities and the
recommendation is to and move to a per bedroom model. Trapp said a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment
needs more parking than a studio apartment and the amendment reflects this situation.
Trapp said parking standards for what off-street parking can and cannot be used for open storage of
goods or vehicles that are inoperable or for sale or rent.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
Trapp said one area which the Planning Commission studied was enclosed or underground parking
provisions which were determined infeasible by the project's engineers due to technical or engineering
constraints. Trapp said the changes the number of underground parking spaces without requiring a
specific number if the site has engineering or technical needs caused by lot grade, poor soils or the
location of the water table.
Trapp said the amendments regarding fences was a technical change made to reflect current practices
and make it easier and straight forward. Trapp said that one change was at area adjacent to
unimproved streets and alleys to allow for a six-foot fence in those areas. Trapp said those areas must
be of 15 feet width of the adjacent unimproved alleys, fire lanes, and street frontages.
Trapp said other amendments were the height of fences being allowed in certain areas for four -foot
maximum height and the areas were six foot maximum fences were allowed.
Trapp the third area addressed are food truck regulations as staff were directed to address food trucks
in the zoning code to address what is happening on private property in Mound.
Trapp presented the definition for Food Truck and is being proposed as an accessory use with
standards in the zoning code and only on private property as part of a private event. Trapp said staff
are trying to provide framework where food truck are allowed and are corresponding to a private event
and all on private land.
Trapp said the Planning Commission has reviewed the three areas of zoning amendments on October
5th food and parking and/or September 7tn
Trapp added a Public Hearing is required for each zoning amendments with summary publishing
resolutions corresponding to the zoning amendments.
Trapp reminded the Council that there is a statute which requires four votes of the Council to approve
the summary publishing of the code amendment.
Velsor said there was a case when he was on Planning Commission with a family on Interlachen whose
property faced the lake and the street was on other side and the family wanted a six-foot fence on the
street side. Velsor said the six-foot fence was approved for the front of house because the lake side
was considered the front of the house. Velsor said wondered why this wasn't addressed by the
planning commission with code language.
Trapp said these specific cases will need to looked at on a case by case basis as opposed to making a
blanket ordinance which may not work for every situation.
Hoversten said a specific ordinance would divide the community between the Lakeshore owners who
could have a six-foot front yard fence and everybody else who could only get a four -foot fence.
Hoversten said the alternative would be that a six-foot front yard fence would be allowed to every front
yard property in Mound. Hoversten said the road in the specific case Velsor mentioned was a county
road and that factored into the decision because there is a different traffic burden at that location.
Discussion ensued regarding the specific case which also had a shallow lot.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
Salazar said the specific case was from 2018 and the property owner was given a variance because
the location had the lake on both sides with fishermen and others walking and hanging out in his yard
and the fence was considered a security feature.
Velsor said the food truck amendments make sure the City is not making it super difficult for the trucks
to come into town because there are benefits to residents. Velsor presented an example of Community
Education that wanted to get a permit and do concerts in the park and talked about doing it at the
Harbor district. Velsor said he didn't want the City to be a huge hurdle to this happening. Trapp said if
an event is being held at the Farmer's Market that event is on public property and treated as part of
public gathering permit. Trapp said this ordinance amendment is regarding food truck use on private
Salazar said the City is allowing an event to have food trucks. Hoversten said a planner can
incorporate food trucks at their event if there is pre -planning and this planning is included in their public
gathering permit.
Salazar said he is concerned that if food trucks are allowed by permit it is conceivable that the permit
could be asked for on a weekly basis. Hoversten said there can be consecutive nights of the event
such as Music in the Park once a week during the run of those events.
Salazar said the food truck should come from a restaurant in the city. Salazar wants the food truck to
come from the 10-12 eating establishments in the city. Salazar said the Music in the Park goers will
spend their money at out of town food trucks instead of supporting the brick and mortar restaurants in
Mound. Salazar said the out of towners are skimming from local restaurants and concert goers won't
patronize city restaurants. Salazar has difficulty with this aspect of food truck use.
Velsor said if Scotty B would want to be a caterer that would be okay. Velsor said he has gone to food
truck festivals out of town due to the variety and quality of the food. Velsor said he goes to Back
Channel once or twice a week dependent on which food truck is there because a specific food truck
has offerings which can't be found in Mound.
Holt said this proposal isn't changing the code but is allowing the new Daruma to put a food truck in
their parking lot on private property. Holt said this isn't a conversation about yes or no to food trucks;
Holt added he likes food trucks and all the restaurants in town can have a food truck.
Pugh said she hosts a family reunion and would want to rent out Surfside and rent out a food truck and
asked if the depot rental includes a food truck. Trapp said you can have catering for your event only
not for the general public. Trapp said this situation is different because what Pugh proposed is on
public land. Hoversten said a food truck couldn't be exclusive for the family reunion as the food truck is
in a public area.
Velsor said the Daruma situation is a positive for Mound as the Daruma food truck was at Back
Channel and the owners wanted to put down roots in Mound and not Spring Park. Salazar agreed he is
happy that Daruma is going to be in town and with a food truck. Salazar repeated that he didn't want
out of town food trucks to come into the city and said he is a business owner of a restaurant business
and the equipment is very expensive. Salazar said he thinks out of town food trucks are skimming and
he wants residents to go to local restaurateurs. Salazar said the amendment is duplicative as catering
of private events are allowed already.
Trapp said the food trucks amendment Is for the catering on restaurant and non -restaurant property
and on private land accompanying private events only.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
Trapp said there is a permit process for public property use and the zoning amendment is for private
property use of food trucks.
Larson said she started a business in Mound from scratch and understands Salazar's point and she
makes a point to buy from local businesses and encourages the restaurants in Mound to cater events
at the new Harbor District. Larson said she knows residents of Mound who go to Back Channel for the
food trucks. Larson clarified this amendment to the code is for private property and Trapp agreed that it
is for private property and there are public food truck regulations already in the code.
Pugh said there are 400,000 trips on the Dakota Trail and food trucks are for special occasions only
and the Trail has attracted users to local residents and she said there can be path finding sign on the
Trail to local restaurants.
Hoversten said this discussion and action is specific to the private use of catered private events on how
someone in town can cater their private event. Hoversten said Chapter 50 of the city code is primarily
for event planners who would like to incorporate a food truck in a public event. Hoversten said a food
truck is not much different than a non-profit group providing food for people at a public event.
Hoversten this is not a question of amending Chapter 50 of the code and the question before the
Council is about private events within Chapter 129 which is the zoning code.
Requested Actions
Salazar called a public hearing at 7:50 addressing concurrently the off-street parking standards,
residential fences and food trucks. Public hearing closed at 7:51.
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to approve the following ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the following ordinance. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to approve the following ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
8. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Larson and Velsor had
questions regarding the City Monumentation on Shoreline Drive. Velsor said the construction is
correct except for the cap and said he and Larson walked the site and are recommending
changes to the placement of the trees and the electrical to illuminate the front of the monument.
Hoversten said the monument is hollow and the lights will be bored out and put in place.
Velsor said he doesn't like trees and Hoversten said Brian Simmons from Bolton & Menk will
provide price and tree options for the site. Hoversten said there are some limitations at the site
due to underground utilities in the area. Hoversten said the trees that are present fall short of
expectations and that the current six foot trees behind a six-foot monument does not work and
would like to add taller trees. Hoversten said a different vendor would need to come in with
options of larger trees.
Velsor said we need to do this right and how much of an increase is there for the new trees.
Hoversten said the City needs to move quickly to get the tree in the ground and hopefully
Simmons can offer options this Friday to make a decision on 11 or 12 foot trees.
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Pugh, to direct staff to procure appropriate trees for City. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
Discussion ensued about the evergreen tree growth which Hoversten said there will need to be
ongoing pruning as they grow. Holt asked about the monumentation cap and Velsor said this
will be changed. Salazar asked Larson about the cost of six foot trees and Larson said it
depends on the warranty and type of tree.
Hoversten highlighted the following dates:
Winter Parking starts on November 15th
December 41h - Tree lighting event at Veterans Circle with a Santa parade train which will go
through the larger community
November 11 City Hall Closed — Veteran's Day
November 25 & 26 City Hall Closed Thanksgiving
Mound City Council Minutes — November 9, 2021
December 14th tentative date for the City Council photo
December 14th is the City Council budget meeting.
B. Reports: Liquor —October 2021
C. Minutes:
D. Correspondence: LMCD Board Term Expiration Notice
10. Adjourn
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar
Attest: kevin Kelly, C erk