May 10, 2007
Present: Chair Mike Mason, Vice Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners
Don Heywood, Pat Meisel Mayor Mark Hanus, Council
Members David Osmek, Mike Specht
Others Present: Park Superintendent Jim Fackler, Administrative Assistant
Vicki Weber
Chair Mason called meeting called to order 6:34 p.m
Discuss Park Planning:
Mason thanked everyone for coming and stated the purpose of
meeting is to discuss park improvements. Our current park systems
does not need to grow, but it does need improvement. We need to
figure out how to best utilize a park space. Mason doesn't want to
focus on the deficiencies, but the potential. He would like the City to
consider utilizing park planning.
Osmek stated Watertown has park planning and they utilized students
from Mankato State University to create a plan for them. Mason stated
we don't need to develop a master plan at this time, but would like to
develop the concept of planning. The City needs to look at a concept
to see if it makes sense. The POSDAC doesn't have the background
to do park planning. We need someone with a greater scope of
Fackler stated when the parks were formed, the developers didn't give
us the best land, a lot of the parcels are not the choice parcels and
were restricted by the size of our parcels.
Mason is pursuing talking to other cities to see how they went about
their park planning. Heywood asked if there is a possibility of working
with other communities. Mason said he would welcome a round table
discussion with other communities to discuss what they do in regarding
to park planning.
Mason thanked everyone for coming and asked Fackler to contact
other communities to see what sources they've utilized for Park
Planning. Commission will also contact cities to see what resources
they've identified.
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.