July 24, 2007
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in
regular session on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Dave Osmek, Mike
Specht, and John Beise.
Members absent: Councilmember Greg Skinner
Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City
Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public
Works Director Carlton Moore, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Parks
Superintendent Jim Fackler, Police Chief Jim Kurtz, Amanda Schwarze, Cheryl
Martin, Neil Weber, Gene & Janet Linkert, Tony Hentges, Scott Henrichks, Harry
Fuchs, Ryan Gilgenbach, Laura King, Kevin Wethukle, Gary & Colleen Bruman,
Scott Henrichs, Shirley Romness, Brad & Dina Etherington, Karen & Barry
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to
be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There
will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen
so requests, in which event will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Hanus requested the addition of Item 12A, Set date for budget workshop.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to approve the agenda as amended.
All voted in favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
Hanus requested removing item 4C for discussion and Osmek requested the
removal of 4A.
MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve the consent agenda as
amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. (removed)
B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $636,906.05.
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
C. (removed)
D. Approve Garbage & Refuse Collection License for Blackowiak
E. Approve applications for Lawful Gambling from the Gillespie Center, Our
Lady of the Lake, and Mount Olive Church.
F. Approve Payment Request No. 4 from Graham Penn-Co in the amount of
$688,606.19 for the Mound Transit Center
CASE #07-15, PID #13-117-24-11-0082.
4A. Approve minutes
MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to approve the minutes of July 10, 2007.
The following voted in favor: Beise, Specht, and Hanus. The following voted
against: None. Osmek abstained from voting as he was absent from the July
10th meeting. Motion carried.
4C. Public Lands Permit Application for Village by the Bay
Hanus expressed concern over the request to place trees on the east side of the
outlot park, adjacent to boulevard sidewalk. He feels that placing the trees there
would further block view off from the street and further privatize this public park
that was taken by the city for the general public.
Osmek suggested putting the trees along the west side of the park, adjacent to
the private sidewalk. Beise doesn't have a problem with the trees being placed
where proposed, but would like signage to inform citizens that this is a public
Shirley Romness, 2100 Old School Road, stated that that park does get used
and when asked how she feels about planting the trees along the westerly
sidewalk, she stated that she would have to talk to the other residents involved.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to table this item until the next regular
meeting. The following voted in favor: Osmek, Specht, and Hanus. The
following voted against: Beise. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
5. Public Hearing
A. PC Case No. 07-12 -Cancelled and will be rescheduled to future date.
CUP amendment -trail modification in Village by the Bay
Hanus announced that this hearing was cancelled at the applicant's request and
will be re-published and re-noticed for a future date.
B. PC Case No. 07-13 -
CUP amendment -building remodel/addition at Rite Away Oil
5293 Shoreline Drive -Applicant: Tony Hentges
Sarah Smith reviewed the application for a CUP amendment for building and site
alterations at Rite Away Oil at 5293 Shoreline Drive. Both staff and the Planning
Commission are recommending approval.
Hanus opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m
The applicant showed samples of the proposed building materials and it was
noted that the adjacent asphalt sidewalk will be repaired with a future street
reconstruction project.
Hanus closed the hearing at 8:02 p.m.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
DRIVE, P&Z CASE #07-13. PID #13-117-24-34-0021.
6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on
the agenda.
Harry Fuchs, 1760 Resthaven Lane, stated that after the street project the no
parking was changed on his street and he would like to know why.
Carlton Moore explained that the signs were placed go conform with the parking
map approved by the City Council. It was suggested that this be referred to staff
for their recommendation. Kandis Hanson told Fuchs to get a petition signed
from affected residents and then it can be considered by the council. This is the
city's formal proceeding.
Laura King, 2567 Lakewood Lane, stated that the street project contractor did a
nice job of re-paving their street, but now its used as a speedway for everyone in
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
town. She asked what they have to do to get some speed bumps, signs, and a
center line put in on that street.
Hanus stated that this will brought to the Police Chief's attention for
recommendation to the Council. Chief Kurtz was present at the meeting so Ms.
King met with him on these issues.
7. PC Case No. 07-02 -Variance for house setback (after the fact)
5017 Avon Drive -Applicant: George Linkert
Sarah Smith reviewed the application from George Linkert who is requesting an
"after-the-fact" variance approval of a side setback of 1.5 feet on the east side
associated with the constructed location of a new home which is inconsistent with
the City's 2004 variance approval for the project which required a 2.1 foot
setback in this location.
Staff recommended denial of the variance application due to lack of hardship.
The case was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its August meeting at
which time applicant was present and provided an outline of what occurred
during the construction of the home that created the non-conforming setback.
Applicant also provided a summary of the background of what occurred and the
steps that have been taken to try to resolve the situation, which include possible
boundary adjustment with the adjacent property owner and whether or not there
are ways to address it from a construction standpoint, and mediation involving
the neighbor. Neighbor's legal representative was also present and indicated
that they are not in favor of this variance application due to several issues
including drainage, snow loads and proximity and possible encroachment over
the lot line. Smith noted that due to different recommendations between the
Planning Commission and staff, a resolution was not prepared in advance of this
meeting but would be brought back at a later meeting after direction by the
Council. Smith also provided an overview of the timeline with regards to the
application and MS 15.99.
Beise showed an example of a possible boundary shift which would correct the
setback deficiency and Hanus recommended that the applicant and neighbor
consider additional discussions for possible ways to alleviate the situation.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to table this item to give involved
parties a chance for recommendation of resolution of this situation. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
8. 2007 Storm Drainage Improvements
Dan Faulkner of Bolton & Menk, Inc. reviewed the proposed project that includes
improvements in the Port Harrison Townhome area, Franklin/Gladstone area,
Highland Area, Lynwood/Cottonwood area, and Walnut/Rambler area. Total
estimate cost of the entire project is $211,266.90.
Osmek suggested looking to the LMCD, MCWD, Hennepin County, or Federal
reps to see if some EPA money is available to offset this improvement. Faulkner
has researched grants and they won't work here, and also has been in contact
with the MCWD to see if they would help with costs in the Harrison area because
improvements in that area would greatly reduce the amount of phosphorus going
into the lake. It was also noted that a lot of the drainage is coming from the west
side of 110 from Minnetrista.
Hanus stated that if there are opportunities to improve water quality without a lot
of added dollars, it would be a good idea to pursue this especially due to
phosphorus reduction.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise accept the feasibility report and proceed
with preparation of plans and specifications, with the plans including options for
upgrades should the funds become available. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Faulker confirmed that the plans would include the options as stated in the above
motion, with plans coming back to the Council before the bidding process.
9. Sherrv Butcher on Public Leadership Academv for Elected Officials
Sherry Butcher outlined the content of the Public Leadership Academy with its
benefits. It is a five month program designated by and for elected officials to
develop leadership skills and capacity. The next session starts in January of
10. Steve Johnson. Mound LMCD Rea. on 2008 LMCD Budaet
Steve Johnson reviewed the 2008 budget and informed the Council on the plan
to hire a code enforcement individual. Hanus stated that the levy increase of
5.8% is a lot better than the initial 20.5% estimated earlier. Hanus also
expressed his concern over this person being proactive and going out looking for
compliance issues rather than just responding to complaints of non-compliance
as in the past.
11. Consideration/action on petition from residents regarding no parking
signs on Shorewood Lane
Chief Kurtz presented three options and their pros and cons regarding placement
of no parking signs on Shorewood Lane. They were moved to comply with the
city's no parking map after the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project. This
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
placement is opposite of where they were located before the project. A petition
to place them back where they were previous to the project was received from
residents at the July 10th meeting and tabled to this meeting for action.
Osmek stated that the streets in Mound go every direction and sometimes one
size doesn't fit all. Hanus commented on the petition that was received and the
overwhelming agreement to move the signs back to where they were located
before the street project.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to direct staff to prepare a resolution
amending the no parking map to indicate Shorewood Lane from Resthaven to
the eastern most end of Shorewood, as east/west and reflect properly on the
map, to be presented at the next meeting for consideration. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
12. l~date on meeting with Minnetrista City Council on Public Works
Carlton Moore informed Council that staff met with the Minnetrista Council about
the feasibility of Mound building a Public Works Facility in Minnetrista, and were
very well received. Minnetrista presented another possible option to them, which
was to include Mound in their campus concept to house the Public Works
operations, sharing land and buildings. Minnetrista is also talking with other
agencies for their possible involvement.
Hanus stated that Mound certainly can't afford what we've previously been
looking at, so he would not support going off on our own. He is willing to look
further into the campus concept with Minnetrista.
Kandis Hanson stated that the Public Works committee will be meeting this week
to consider this idea with other remaining options. No action is necessary.
12A Set budget workshoa
Kandis Hanson stated that there is a budget workshop already scheduled for July
31St, and is proposing another workshop for August 21St in anticipation of
consideration of the preliminary budget at the regular meeting of September 11.
Hanus would like to do more of the budget discussion in front of the public and
hold the discussion at a regular council meeting. He wants the people to see
what is going on in the budget process.
Beise stated that he feels it's appropriate to hold the preliminary discussions in a
workshop setting as it's always been, to get input from department heads and
questions answered in a closer setting. These workshops are still public
meetings and anyone can attend. The dynamics of a work session around tables
is hard to televise.
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
Osmek agrees with holding the discussions at a regular meeting, with each
Department Head going to the podium to present their budget and answer
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to direct staff to prepare the preliminary
2008 budget material to be presented at the August 28, 2007 council meeting.
Hanson suggested holding a.special workshop on August 21St because people
get way too tired to work on something this important. Osmek suggested
shuffling things to the August 14tH meeting that can be, or delaying a meeting to
make the regular agenda on the 28tH as short as possible. If it's determined that
the August 14tH meeting is not going to work out, it can be changed on the 14tH
Vote on above motion: The following voted in favor: Osmek, Specht, Hanus.
Nayes: Beise. Motion carried.
13. Miscellaneous/Correspondence
A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers
B. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits -June 2007
The Gillespie Center
LMCC Schedule
C. Minutes: POSDAC minutes - Osmek brought attention to the minutes of
June 12, 2007 where the commission discussed atwo-tier dock fee
schedule. The minutes also mention a $25/foot charge for slips. He
wants the Council to convey to the Commission their feelings on this
concept before they spend any more time on it.
Beise stated that the commission is making a recommendation and if it
came to the Council on an agenda, the way the minutes propose it, he
would vote against it.
Osmek stated that if they are using these numbers as a basis for their
budget, they need to be told no now -we're not creating two classes of
citizens. If there is a need for a fee increase, they should look at the
numbers and recommend the same fee for everyone, not two-tier. These
fees are meant to support the dock program and improvements and not be
an en enterprise fund.
D. Correspondence: Letter from resident regarding Swenson Park area
Comprehensive Plan press release and meeting
Three Rivers Park District
Mound City Council Minutes -July 24, 2007
14. Adjourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to adjourn at 10:51 p.m. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
~- ~--
Mayor Mark Hanus