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2022-05-10 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1. Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022 - 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by Quotes staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further support from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims *B. Approve minutes: April 19, 2022 Special Meeting Workshop April 26, 2022 Regular Meeting *C. Approve Ordinance Amending Chapter 54 of the Mound City Code as it relates to Solid Waste *D. Approve Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 of the Mound City Code as it relates to Waterways *E. Approve resolution authorizing transfer of funds *F Approve Resolution Approving Permits for 2022 Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance on Saturday, June 4, 2022 and Waiving Fees Due to Public Purpose of Gathering 1) Public Gathering Permit 2) Musical Concert Permit (including extended timeframe past 10:00 p.m.) 3) Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit 4) 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License *G Approve Resolution Approving Public Gathering Permit for Back Channel Run for a Reason 5K on Sunday, May, 2022 Page 984-991 992-1004 1005-1006 1007-1009 1010 1011-1020 1014 1021-1028 1022 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *H Approve final, closeout pay request in the amount of $4,441.25 to Thul 1029-1032 Specialty Contracting for the 2020 Manhole Rehabilitation Project PW 20-04 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Sergeant Sonnek and the Mound Activity Report for April 2022 1033-1044 7. Approve Public Land Permit for Water Steward Demonstration Project, Overland Lane 1045-1048 8. Approve Public Land Permit Application for electric circuits at Zero Gravity for Wolner 1049-1059 Field scoreboards and batting cages 9. City Engineer presenting reports and requesting actions on Capital Investment Plan 1060-1070 2022projects; Surfside Park depot area site improvements project and final plans and specs for City sidewalk repairs A. Approve Resolution Receiving Report and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and 1064 Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for Surfside Park Depot Area Improvements Project B. Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Request for 1070 Quotes for the Downtown Paver Sidewalks Replacement Project Ph 1, City Project PW 22-08 10. Administrative Services Coordinator Kevin Kelly requesting discussion and action on 1071-1082 proposed policy: ADMIN-XXX: City Participation in Lake Management Projects 11. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/Reports from Council members B. Reports: Liquor Store —April 2022 1083 Finance Dept. — March 2022 1084-1086 C. Minutes: Planning Commission —April 5, 2022 1087-1090 D. Correspondence: 12. Adjourn COUNCIL BRIEFING May 10, 2022 Council meetings are held in the City Council Chambers in the Centennial Building on the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 7:00 PM with agendas and meeting details/locations posted to the City website the Thursday prior under the "Mayor and Council' section of the "Government' tab of the Home Page. Government I Mound, MN (citvofmound.com) *** All Meetings At City Council Chambers, Centennial Building *** Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! May 10 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) May 10 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting May 24 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) May 24 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting June 14— 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) June 14 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting June 28— 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) June 28 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting July 12— 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) July 12 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting July 26— 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) July 26 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting Events and Activities: Subscribe to RAVE messaging tool for emergency notifications and updates RAVE Emereencv Notifications I Mound, MN (citvofmound.com) *** Hydrant Flushing Continues through late May *** May 14 — Mound and Minnetrista Clean Up Day May 19 — WeCAN Open House 4 PM — 6 PM May 21 — Farmers Market and More May 21 — Island Park Family Fun Fest June 4 — Mound Fire Fish Fry June 18 — "Rockin' The Block a Gillespie" City Offices: Closed May 30 — Memorial Day City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Inquire in advance. please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision - making. 2022 City of Mound Claims 05-10-22 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2022 BOLT#3-2022 $ 64,717.00 2022 0322HOISINGT $ 720.00 2022 KENGRAV0322 $ 6,509.00 2022 050222CTYMAN $ 48,278.41 2022 050522HWS $ 140,724.54 2022 051022CITY $ 137,899.82 2022 051022HWS $ 33,131.24 TOTAL CLAIMS 11 $ 431,980.01 Mf:3 Payments Batch BOLT#3-2022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 $64,717.00 Refer 179 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287227 3/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287227 3/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287227 3/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287227 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 Refer 180 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287226 3/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287226 3/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287226 3/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43101-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287226 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 Refer 183 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0287222 3/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0287223 3/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43124-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0287224 3/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0287235 3/312022 Cash Payment E 404-43100-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0287231 3/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0287225 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 05/04/22 11:18 AM Page 1 GIB UPDATES ENG SVC FEB 5 THRU $995.33 MARCH 18, 2022 GIB UPDATES ENG SVC FEB 5 THRU $995.34 MARCH 18, 2022 GIB UPDATES ENG SVC FEB 5 THRU $995.33 MARCH 18, 2022 MSA SYSTEM COORDINATION UPDATES $156.00 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,142.00 GENERAL ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH $1,120.66 18, 2022 GENERAL ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH $1,120.67 18, 2022 GENERAL ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH $1,120.67 18, 2022 STORMWATER ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU $1,173.00 MARCH 18, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 2021 B-2 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 21-03- ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2103 2021 MANHOLE REHAB PROJ- PW 21-04 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2104 2021 PAVER SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJ PW 21-08 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2108 2021 WATER TREATMENT STUDY PW 21-12 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2112 2021 MOUND ENTRANCE MONUMENT REPLACEMENT PROJ PW 21-13 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2113 2021 SEWER TELEVISING PROJ- PW 21-04 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Project PW2104 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,535.00 $1,384.00 $360.00 $7,405.00 $702.00 $305.00 $355.00 $10,511.00 Refer 184 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA MA WO CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 AP Payment E 401-43101-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0287229 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 WCA ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 185 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-314 Legal PAN LMCIT 2018 WESTEDGE STREET PROJ- PW 18-01- ASSESSMENT OBJECTION SUPPORT- ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Invoice 0287221 3/312022 Cash Payment G 101-23451 VILLAGES OF ISLAND PAR VILLAGES OF ISLAND PARK DEVELOPMENT- MISC ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Invoice 0287234 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 186 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Total Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN IMPROV PROJ PW 22-01 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Invoice 0287232 3/312022 Project PW2201 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 22-03 ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Invoice 0287228 3/312022 Project PW2203 Cash Payment G 101-23446 LIFESTYLE HOMES MOUN ENG SVCS FEB 5 THRU MARCH 18, 2022 Invoice 0287230 3/312022 Transaction Date 522022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Tota Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $4,790.99 $8,812.00 $305.00 $12,011.01 $38,798.00 $64,717.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $64,717.00 Total $64,717.00 05/04/22 11:18 AM Page 2 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $1,853.00 $1,931.00 $9,193.00 $34,583.00 $744.00 $44,520.00 01781 CITY OF MOUND 05/04/229:19AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Payments Batch 0322HOISINGT $720.00 Refer 188 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, 1 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2O22 $187.50 Invoice 020-002-26 4/172022 Cash Payment G 101-23470 Northland Real Estate-104 u NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE- MISC $420.00 PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 020-002-26 4/172022 Cash Payment G 101-23475 PC 22-01 6041 RIDGEWOO 6041 RIDGEWOOD PC 22-01 - PLANNING $75.00 SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 020-002-26 4/172022 Cash Payment G 101-23477 2313 COMMERCE SUB USE 2313 COMMERCE SUB USE & PARKING - $37.50 PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 020-002-26 4/172022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $720.00 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $720.00 $720.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $720.00 Total $720.00 Ad CITY OF MOUND 05/04/229:18AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Payments Batch KENGRAV0322 $6,509.00 Refer 191 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 $816.00 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23440 4848/4852 LANARKABATE 4848/4852 LANARK RD ENFORCEMENT $589.00 MATTER -LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23454 2396 COMMERCE BLVD HA 2396 COMMERCE BLVD HAZARDOUS BLDG $2,641.00 MATTER -LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23453 5872 GLENWOOD ABATE 5872 GLENWOOD RD HAZARDOUS BLDG $447.00 ABATEMENT -LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23464 2631 COMMERCE SUNSET 2631 COMMERCE SUNSET VIEW VILLA- $47.50 NEVE -LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP- $237.50 PLANNING LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23455 3053 BRIGHTON BLVD ABA 3053 BRIGHTON BLVD HAZARDOUS BLDG $779.00 ABATEMENT MATTER -LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2022 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23470 Northland Real Estate-104 u NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP- MISC $561.00 LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23456 PC 20-10 & 11 5790 BART 5790 BARTLETT- MILLER VACATION $85.00 WETLAND BUFFER- MISC LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I ISLAND PARK HALL MISC PLANNING LEGAL $238.00 SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Cash Payment G 101-23478 5000 EDGEWATER-ZIELINS 5000 RDGEWATER-ZIELINSKI- LIGHT $68.00 NUISANCE- MISC LEGAL SVCS MARCH 2O22 Invoice 167423 4282022 Transaction Date 522022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $6,509.00 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $6,509.00 $6,509.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $6,509.00 Total $6,509.00 01M CITY OF MOUND 042922 4:28 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Payments Batch 050222CTYMAN $48,278.41 Refer 154 BALDUS, JIM Cash Payment Invoice 042622 Transaction Date E 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous 4262022 4292022 REIMBURSEMENT FOR MAILBOX HIT BY CITY PLOW- J. BALDUS 3032 HIGHVIEW LN U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $100.00 $100.00 Refer 155 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying APRIL 2022- COPIER RENTAL- HWS $34.40 Invoice 21234655 3/132020 Transaction Date 3242020 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $34.40 Refer 157 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $47.71 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1717 BAYWOOD SHORES DR. LS $44.88 GENERATOR NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3- 20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4728 CARLOW RD LS GENERATOR NATL $30.80 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1871 COMMERCE BLVD NEW LIFT STATION $31.74 GENERATOR NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3- 20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2649 EMERALD DR. LS E3 GENERATOR $39.28 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 5808 GRANDVIEW BLVD LS GENERATOR $38.55 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR $38.33 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 5260 LYNWOOD BLVD. LS GENERATOR $26.12 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4791 NORTHERN RD LS D1 GENERATOR $37.40 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1972 SHOREWOOD LN LS GENERATOR $30.80 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 3172 SINCLAIR RD LS GENERATOR NATL $42.09 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1758 SUMACH LANE LS GENERATOR NATL $29.89 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4922 THREE PTS BLVD LS GENERATOR $35.50 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 3303 WATERBURY RD LS GAS SVC 2-20-22 $29.89 TO 3-20-22 Invoice 042822 4/82022 953 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042822 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042822 4/82022 Transaction Date 422019 Refer 156 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-41930-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 042922 4/82022 Transaction Date 4292022 CITY OF MOUND 042922 4:28 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: May 2022 5077 WINDSOR RD LS GENERATOR NATL $30.80 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 4783 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE LS GENERATOR $45.24 NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 5330 BARTLETT & LAKEWOOD- LS E4 $42.24 GENERATOR NATL GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3- 20-22 3000 ISLAND VIEW DR GENERATOR NATL $31.12 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $652.38 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $296.09 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $1,677.87 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $882.98 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $1,078.34 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $1,848.98 Project 22-3 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 $589.31 GAS SVC 2-20-22 TO 3-20-22- BILL #3 - $242.37 DEPOT BLDG U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 159 EDINA REALTY TITLE _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY BILLING CREDIT-2424 AVON DR - R.WIPF- EDINA REALTY TITLE Invoice 042922 4292022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 160 FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC, HENNEPIN C _ Cash Payment G 222-22801 Deposits/Escrow 2022 DUES & RECORDS UPDATE FOR E. WAAGE & B. KELLI- HENNEPIN COUNTY TRANSFERRED $ VIA ACH INTO CITY OF MOUNDACCOUNT Invoice 041222 4/122022 Transaction Date 4292022 Refer 161 HOME DEPOT/GECF (P/W Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice W881290701 1202022 Transaction Date 2222022 $6,615.94 $110.12 $110.12 $20.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $20.00 2 GAL SPRAYER, 22" CLEAR LID $129.87 ORGANIZER, DEWALT 20 COMPARTMENT SMALL PARTS ORGANIZER, DEWALT DEEP PRO ORGANIZWE, HUSKY 22" ORGANIZER - FIRE DEPT U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $129.87 Refer 162 LAKE MINNETONKA COMM. COMM rRM CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 101-49840-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 033122 4222022 Transaction Date 4292022 Refer 158 LOEHRER, DORICE Cash Payment E 285-46388-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 042721 4202021 Transaction Date 4202021 1ST QTR 2022 PEG ACCESS FEE -$1.96 PER SUBSCRIBER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total REFUND OF DOCK FEE OVERPAYMENT- D.LOEHRER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 163 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying CANON C2501F FIRE COPIER -COLOR OVERAGE CHARGES - 1-1-22 THRU 3-31-22 Invoice 3996642 4/12022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying CANON C2501F FIRE COPIER - B & W OVERAGE CHARGES - 1-1-22 THRU 3-31-22 Invoice 3996642 4/12022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 04/29/22 4:28 PM Page 3 $6,321.00 $6, 321.00 $7.50 $7.50 $79.32 $28.78 $108.10 Refer 164 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies RIT REPLACEMENT BAG- FIRE ENGINE #29 $322.11 Invoice P02122 4/62022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $322.11 Refer 165 NAPA AUTO PARTS - SPRING PAR _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply AD IP DRYER CART & CORE DEPOSIT- $124.10 SEWER TRUCK#214 Invoice 0577--153245 3/12022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply CRANKCASE FILTER- SEWER TRUCK #214 $77.47 Invoice 0577--153236 3/12022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs G-FORCE BELT- PARKS GATOR #305 $90.36 Invoice 0577--153581 3/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply SYNTHETIC OIL 5W30 OIL- 8 QUARTS- $123.56 PUBLIC WORKS Invoice 0577--153573 3/82022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply HOSE CLAMP- WELL #3 $3.32 Invoice 0577--153637 3/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply RETURN CREDIT- NAPA GOLD AIR FILTER, -$209.85 CURVED HOSE & CORE DEPOSIT RETURN Invoice 0577--153847 3/152022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply CREDIT- DUPLICATE INVOICE ON 2 STMTS- -$587.72 AUG/SEPT 2021- CREDIT GIVEN 2-28-22 Invoice 0577--143124A 3/152022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL DRAIN PAN- 16 GALLON- PUBLIC $394.53 WORKS SHOP Invoice 0577--155385 4/192022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 3/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $15.77 Refer 153 POSTMASTER _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-322 Postage POSTAGE CITY CONTACT NEWSLETTER - $1,162.50 MAY, JUNE, JULY 2022 EDITION Invoice 042922 4292022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,162.50 Refer 166 RADCO-PL YMOUTH r W CITY OF MOUND 042922 4:28 PM Page 4 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs X-ACT CONTOUR FLOOR LINERS- B. KRESS $568.44 STREETS DEPT TRUCK Invoice PLY-40829-01 4/62022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $568.44 Refer 167 SOUTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow SW TRAILS ASSOC 2022 SNOWMOBILE $8,491.49 MTCE-DNR PMT #3 2022- RECVD 4-25-22 Invoice 042922 4252022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $8,491.49 Refer 169 TRAMONTE, BRIAN _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSEMENT FOR MAILBOX HIT BY $100.00 CITY PLOW- B. TRAMONTE- 3125 HIGHLAND BLVD Invoice 041122 4/112022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 168 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-401 Building Repairs SVC & ADJUST FIRE DEPT WASH BAY $230.00 ENTRANCE DOOR- 2-25-22 Invoice Z207105 4222022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $230.00 Refer 170 UHL COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC CALL HTG SYSTEM- CITY HALL 4-1-22 $269.43 REPLACED CONTACTOR FOR FIRST STAGE ELECTRIC REHEAT Invoice 41932 4/82022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance SVC CALL HTG SYSTEM- FIRE DEPT 4-1-22 $269.42 REPLACED CONTACTOR FOR FIRST STAGE ELECTRIC REHEAT Invoice 41932 4/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-400 Repairs & Maintenance PREVENTATIVE MTCE CONTRACT- CITY $650.25 HALL 2ND QTR 2022 Invoice 67962 4/52022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance PREVENTATIVE MTCE CONTRACT- FIRE $650.25 DEPT 2ND QTR 2022 Invoice 67962 4/52022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,839.35 Refer 172 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- $35.01 INTERNET SVC- 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR- RYAN $35.01 PRICH TABLET- INTERNET SVC- 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS DEPT-TABLET- HOT SPOT $35.01 SVC 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.50 SVC- SVC 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.51 SVC- SVC 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 956 CITY OF MOUND 042922 4:28 PM Page 5 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $35.01 SVC 3-11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS DEPT TABLET INTERNET SVC 3- $35.01 11-21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS OPEN LINE INTERNET SVC 3-11- $35.01 21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 3-11-21 $17.51 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 3-11-21 $17.50 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 3-11- $17.51 21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 3-11- $17.50 21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 3-11- $35.01 21 THRU 4-10-22 Invoice 9896987830 1/102022 Transaction Date 2222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $350.10 Refer 171 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $107.94 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $107.94 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $76.07 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $28.26 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $95.61 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $55.87 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 3-14-22 THRU 4-13- $15.94 22 Invoice 9904112527 4/132022 Transaction Date 4292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $487.63 Refer 173 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $126.12 Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22- DEPOT $108.96 BLDG Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $1,961.02 957 Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 285-46388-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774215400 4/42022 Transaction Date 4292022 Refer 174 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 774190877 4/42022 Transaction Date 4292022 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 285 HRA/HARBOR DISTRICT 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND CITY OF MOUND 042922 4:28 PM Page 6 Payments Current Period: May 2022 ELECTRIC SVC- 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $1,065.03 ELECTRIC SVC -2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $4,182.76 ELECTRIC SVC- 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $1,314.89 ELECTRIC SVC- 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $1,361.15 ELECTRIC SVC- 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $1,361.15 ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $779.18 ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $2,815.32 ELECTRIC SVC - 2-25-22 TO 3-25-22 $47.98 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $15,123.56 ELECTRIC SVC 3-03-22 THRU 4-02-22 CITY $5,488.15 OWNED STREET LIGHTS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $5,488.15 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $29,708.49 $4,768.77 $2,822.82 $4,439.15 $4,600.58 $1,938.60 $48,278.41 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $48,278.41 Total $48,278.41 019fi3 Payments Batch 050522HWS Refer 10056 BREWING, LLC CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 $140,724.54 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 5618270 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 5618484 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 101 AM CRAFT SPIRITS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 14383 4/152022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 102 AMPHORA IMPORTS LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 12538 4/82022 Transaction Date 4282022 Refer 103 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3529764 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3530960 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3532070 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 330089 4/112022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 16065 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 16184 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3533184 4292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 331065 4252022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 175 BACK CHANNEL BREWING Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1176 4272022 Transaction Date 5/22022 WINE 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 1 $64.00 $144.00 Total $208.00 $214.70 Total $214.70 $251.25 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $251.25 BEER $244.60 BEER $246.40 BEER $668.35 BEER CREDIT -$96.60 WINE $288.00 WINE $108.00 BEER $232.90 BEER CREDIT -$93.32 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,598.33 BEER $340.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 105 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 0104992800 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0105025800 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CARDED AUGERS Invoice 0105025800 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0104992900 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- DOUBLE JIGGERS, BOMB SHOT CUPS, LAKE LIFE CAN COOLERS Invoice 0104993100 4/132022 $340.00 $70.25 $228.70 $22.70 $153.00 $47.90 AM CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2210:08AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT -$38.00 Invoice 0105013300 4/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $96.00 Invoice 0105026400 4202022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $580.55 Refer 106 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $57.65 Invoice 0094443200 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,300.72 Invoice 0094442400 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $257.75 Invoice 0094461500 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $381.75 Invoice 0094450400 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,210.83 Invoice 0094533900 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $20.00 Invoice 0094533900 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $563.95 Invoice 0094391400 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $230.65 Invoice 0094497600 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $249.86 Invoice 0094640900 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $99.24 Invoice 0094640500 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $6,372.40 Refer 104 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $142.00 Invoice 0105061900 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $67.70 Invoice 0105061900 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CARDED AUGERS, BOMB SHOT $28.10 CUPS Invoice 0105061900 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $237.80 Refer 107 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $231.96 Invoice 8187 4/132022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $231.96 Refer 108 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,299.70 Invoice 343682696 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $89.70 Invoice 343682697 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,438.50 Invoice 343788310 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $417.50 Invoice 343788311 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,084.35 Invoice 34375771 4272022 960 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 34375772 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 109 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 34368.249 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 34368.250 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 343789522 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 343704132 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 343789523 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 343789521 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 343877146 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 343877147 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 110 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2673355 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2673356 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2673357 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2676565 4/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2675643 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2676566 4/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2676573 4/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2679117 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2679116 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2679118 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 17840332 4/122022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 111 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 626103 4/112022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 628244 4252022 Total U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 3 $243.30 $18,573.05 $760.00 $1,833.69 $490.40 $154.51 $3,092.41 $1,592.00 $80.00 $2,917.30 $10,920.31 BEER $76.00 BEER $2,802.30 BEER $25.50 BEER $31.50 BEER $552.50 BEER $1,737.95 BEER $185.53 BEER $3,866.90 BEER CREDIT -$33.48 BEER $154.25 BEER CREDIT -$17.20 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $9,381.75 BEER $334.69 BEER $400.71 01,01 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 626252 4/112022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 629235 522022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 112 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1570545 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1567439 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1567437 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 127027 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1574607 4242022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 113 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING _ 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 4 -$21.50 $214.25 Total $928.15 $150.00 $2,005.45 $60.00 -$149.10 $672.85 Total $2,739.20 Cash Payment Invoice 2160 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment Invoice 051022 Transaction Date E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 4/192022 4272022 232 GILLESPIE CENTER _ E 609-49750-340 Advertising 5/32022 5/42022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORSHIP- NAME & LOGO IN ADS, ON EVENT POSTERS, BANNERS, TABLES -GILLESPIE FUNDRAISER- ROCKING THE BLOCK- SATURDAY,JUNE18TH2O22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $199.80 $199.80 $250.00 $250.00 Refer 114 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $27.00 Invoice 495638 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $23.00 Invoice 495638 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$27.00 Invoice 495638 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $27.00 Invoice 499721 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $23.00 Invoice 499721 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $817.20 Invoice 499722 4262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,742.50 Invoice 497739 4/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $23.00 Invoice 497738 4/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,596.00 Invoice 480360 2/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $49.50 Invoice 480138 2/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $607.50 Invoice 495639 4/122022 962 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 115 INBOUND BREWCO Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 13446 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 13392 4/132022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 116 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 5 $4,908.70 BEER $67.00 BEER $50.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $117.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $50.90 Invoice 3281135 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,082.92 Invoice 3281134 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,891.84 Invoice 3281157 4212022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $11,025.66 Refer 117 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $287.25 Invoice 3281185 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,432.74 Invoice 3281184 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,719.99 Refer 120 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$1.33 Invoice 197562 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$3.33 Invoice 197561 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$12.14 Invoice 197567 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$3.33 Invoice 197564 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$12.00 Invoice 197563 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT -$2.67 Invoice 197565 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$160.00 Invoice 195456 4/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$9.76 Invoice 195458 4/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$420.00 Invoice 195457 4/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$432.00 Invoice 195592 4/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$7.50 Invoice 195591 4/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$7.19 Invoice 196661 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$16.29 Invoice 196610 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$10.58 Invoice 196661 4/82022 963 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 198586 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 198730 4252022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 119 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2035936 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2035937 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2035939 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2035938 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2031002 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2031001 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2031000 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2031003 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2033422 4/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2033423 4/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2027282 4172022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 118 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2040676 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2040675 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2040674 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2040672 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2040673 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 121 LIBATION PROJECT Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 44686 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 44686 4/132022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 122 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY LIQUOR WINE 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 6 -$152.05 -$32.00 Total-$1,282.17 Total $2,057.73 $2,242.49 $483.99 $557.67 $1,225.68 $818.12 $7,247.96 $674.36 $1,802.40 $1,275.00 $585.85 $18,971.25 $84.95 $488.50 $948.70 $2,743.10 $1,085.61 Total $5,350.86 $358.00 $412.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 44379 4/142022 $770.00 $157.00 40%,1 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 44664 4292022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 123 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38016 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38032 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38049 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38063 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 124 MAVERICK WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 765367 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 755831 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 745997-2 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 757912 4/132022 Transaction Date 4272022 DELIVERY SVC 4-7-22 DELIVERY SVC 4-14-22 DELIVERY SVC 4-21-22 DELIVERY SVC 4-28-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 LIQUOR WINE WINE- BAL DUE INVC #745997 WINE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total Total Refer 125 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 3-21-22 Invoice 180203975 4/172022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 176 MINUTEMAN PRESS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies BUSINESS CARDS- R. GUST 250 & SARA PETERSON 100- HWS Invoice 22004 4272022 Transaction Date 522022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 126 MODIST BREWING CO. LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 30748 4272022 Transaction Date 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 421-001 4212022 Transaction Date 4272022 Refer 128 MOUND MARKETPLACE ASSOC Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals Invoice 050122 5/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals Invoice 050122 5/12022 Transaction Date 4272022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total MAY 2022 COMMON AREA MTCE & INSURANCE HWS 2021 RECONCILIATION -COMMON AREA MTCE&INSURANCE -HWS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 7 $458.40 $615.40 $406.10 $243.35 $382.85 $308.45 $1,340.75 $340.98 $695.46 $1.00 $291.00 $1,328.44 $74.81 $74.81 $103.85 $103.85 $329.04 $329.04 $114.00 $114.00 $1,504.18 $970.02 $2,474.20 Refer 177 MOUND, CITY OF _ 965 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities Invoice 040722-2 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities Invoice 051022 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals Invoice 040722-2 4202022 Transaction Date 522022 WATER SERVICE 1-31-21 THRU 2-28-22- HWS WATER SERVICE 2-28-21 THRU 3-31-22- HWS WATER SERVICE 1-31-21 THRU 2-28-22- HWS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 129 OUTS TATE BREWING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1962 4/82022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 130 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 161489 4/112022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 131 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 162218 4/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 162920 4252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 163756 522022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 132 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 142945 4212022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 134 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6379944 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6379943 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 6379945 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6387360 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6387359 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6380920 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 663176 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 664681 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 664681 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT Invoice 664681 4222022 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 8 $67.59 $72.88 -$67.59 $72.88 $93.00 Total $93.00 $491.75 Total $491.75 $373.09 $391.50 $546.75 Total $1,311.34 $86.00 Total $86.00 $229.75 $261.00 $94.00 $442.00 $497.10 $585.00 -$79.00 -$43.46 -$66.29 -$4.36 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 664555 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 664555 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT Invoice 664557 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 664556 4212022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 133 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6383618 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6383619 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale MIX Invoice 6383620 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6383620 4202022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 135 PRYES BREWING COMPANY, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 35463 4/142022 Transaction Date 4272022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 136 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2746204 4/92022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2748265 4/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2746204 4/92022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 701205623 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2753662 4272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2753830 4/302022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 9 -$27.83 -$0.67 -$42.00 $48.86 Total $1,894.10 $315.30 $1,276.60 $320.00 $216.00 Total $2,127.90 $662.00 Total $662.00 Total Refer 137 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 4-30-22 EDITION Invoice S0771290 4/12022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 138 SMALL LOT MN Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 52046 4202022 Transaction Date 4272022 WINE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 139 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2200433 4/142022 $178.48 $147.72 $42.00 $287.35 $83.00 $30.00 $768.55 $17.50 $17.50 $159.96 $159.96 $1,330.00 MOYA CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2200430 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2200432 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2202946 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2200429 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2202944 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2202945 4212022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 140 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2205599 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2205602 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2205601 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2205600 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -REF 2173101 Invoice 9381361 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -REF 2190326 Invoice 9379814 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -REF 2195281 Invoice 93858666 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total Refer 141 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance HVAC PREV MTCE- COOLERS, CONDENSERS HWS- CHANGE FILTERS, BELTS Invoice W74870 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance HVAC MTCE- COOLERS, CONDENSERS HWS- REPLACE INDUCED DRAFT MOTOR & WHEEL ON RTU #1 Invoice W74847 4/142022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 142 SUMMER LAKES BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 3601 4/142022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 10 $1,454.63 $66.12 $1,332.00 $996.00 $1,359.36 $115.00 $6,653.11 $320.00 $2,267.20 $26.00 $4,428.00 -$42.00 -$104.00 -$872.00 $6,023.20 $454.49 $978.65 $1,433.14 $540.00 $540.00 Refer 143 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $288.00 Invoice 31216 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $328.00 Invoice 31116 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $740.00 Invoice 31363 4222022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,356.00 CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2210:08AM Page 11 Payments Current Period: March 2022 Refer 144 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICES, 1 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance INDOOR/OUTDOOR DOME SURVEILLANCE $5,946.79 CAMERAS- REMOVE & REPLACE 9 INDOOR CAMERAS & 1 OUTDOOR CMERA W/HD- INSTALL 3 NEW FOR BASEMENT, BEHIND REGISTER- SET UP & ADJUST- HWS Invoice 6916 4282022 Transaction Date 4282022 Refer 145 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0301602 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0301601 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0302361 4/192022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $5,946.79 LIQUOR $574.50 WINE $548.50 WINE $213.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 146 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0302641 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0302640 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0301732 4/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0303130 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0303129 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 151 WECAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 042822 4282022 Transaction Date 4292022 Refer 147 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 200864 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 200864 4172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 202139 4212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 202750 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 Total $1,336.00 $317.50 $213.00 $160.00 $457.44 $170.25 Total $1,318.19 BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR & ADVERTISING- WOMEN'S CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT- JULY 23RD TIMBERCREEK U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total WINE WINE WINE WINE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $500.00 $500.00 $213.00 $361.00 $692.00 $218.00 Total $1,484.00 Refer 148 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $432.00 Invoice 7375666 4/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $576.00 Invoice 7376525 4202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $864.00 Invoice 7377526 4272022 0I:�s. Transaction Date 4272022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 149 WINEBOW Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 111002 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 111002 4/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 111900 4282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 111899 4282022 Transaction Date 4272022 LIQUOR WINE WINE WINE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 178 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 3367 4282022 Transaction Date 522022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 150 Z WINES USA LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 25387 4202022 Transaction Date 4272022 WINE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $140,724.54 $140,724.54 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $140,724.54 Total $140,724.54 Total 05/05/22 10:08 AM Page 12 $1,872.00 $171.00 $135.00 $551.25 $294.75 $1,152.00 $179.10 $179.10 $257.00 $257.00 offel CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Payments Batch 051022CITY $137,899.82 Refer 192 A-10UTDOOR POWER, INC. Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms WRAP CHAPS- PROTECTIVE CLOTHING- D. VORPAHL- PARKS DEPT Invoice 509342 4272022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL, FUEL & AIR FILTERS, ELEMENT, - PARKS DEPT Invoice 508526 4/132022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 193 ASPEN MILLS 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 1 $113.39 $184.39 $297.78 Cash Payment Invoice 292029 Cash Payment Invoice 293081 Cash Payment Invoice 293303 Cash Payment Invoice 293303 Transaction Date E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 4/82022 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 4282022 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 522022 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 522022 5/32022 300 NEW CUSTOM WOVEN PATCHES- MOUND FIRE 9 QTY NAME TAGS METAL- ONE LINE SILVER 12" CLUTCH- FIREMEN 2 PAIRS NAVY PANTS & 3 LINE PATCHES SEWN ON CUSTOMER'S JACKET - G. PEDERSON- CHIEF PREPAYMENT CREDIT 057067-B 9-18-18 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $594.00 $79.65 $148.40 -$17.95 $804.10 Refer 228 CADY BUILDING MAINTENANCE _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services MAY 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CITY HALL $550.00 /POLICE Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services MAY 2022 CLEANING SVCS- FIRE DEPT $299.00 Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services MAY 2022 CLEANING SVCS- PUBLIC WORKS $425.00 BLDG Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services MAY 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CENTENNIAL $425.00 BLDG Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD $17.51 TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD $17.51 TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD $22.75 TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD $12.25 TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Transaction Date 1/62021 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,769.02 Refer 238 CENTRAL MCGOWAN. INCORPOR CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 0000169457 4/302022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 0000169457 4/302022 Transaction Date 5/52022 Refer 194 CINTAS HIGH PRESSURE MEDIUM CYLINDER RENTALS- QTY 7 Project 22-3 HIGH PRESSURE ACETYLENE MEDIUM CYLINDER RENTALS- QTY 5 Project 22-3 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 4/0822 Invoice 4115913637 4/82022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 4/1522 Invoice 4116616610 4/152022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 1 PAIR NAVY WORK PANTS-D. VORPAHLPARKS STAFF Invoice 1902964878 4/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 4/08/22 Invoice 4115913764 4/82022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 42222 Invoice 4117339601 4222022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 42922 Invoice 4117983557 4292022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies CREDIT EARLY PAY DISCOUNT Invoice 033122 3/312022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 4/15/22 Invoice 4116616716 4/152022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 4/22/22 Invoice 4117339717 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 4/29/22 Invoice 4117983600 4292022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 223 COLLINSON ENTERPRISES, INC. Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 031622-9 522022 Transaction Date 5/42022 Refer 230 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials Invoice 913553 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/42022 Refer 195 COPPIN SEWER & WATER 100 QTY MOUND FIRE DEPT CHALLENGE COINS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total BULK COARSE HWY MIX- 49.12 TON U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic DIG UP & REPLACE 3/4 CURB STOP NEAR CURB @ 1649 GULL LN Invoice 2578 4202022 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 2 $9.90 $9.90 $19.80 $58.16 $58.16 $52.84 $56.84 $58.16 $58.16 -$12.85 $56.84 $56.84 $56.84 $499.99 $641.50 $641.50 $3,634.88 $3,634.88 $2,000.00 OYN CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2211: 16 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic DIG UP & REMOVE OLD STOP BOX & ROD, $2,000.00 CUT IN 2" CURB STOP FOR BETTER LOCATION- SPRINKLERS @ MAPLE MANORS Invoice 2579 4202022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,000.00 Refer 196 CORE & MAIN LP _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies WATER PARTS- 2 QTY 8' HYDRANTS, 80 $11,699.40 QTY T-HEADS BUCKET QUANTITY Invoice Q714574 4202022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies 1/4" BALL CURB $282.83 Invoice Q718528 4202022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies WATER METER PARTS- 1 QTY 2 MPLS BALL $1,401.01 CURB, 1 12 BALL CURB, 4 QTY 8' AIS MP CURB BOXES Invoice Q718521 4202022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $13,383.24 Refer 224 DRILLING, ANDREW _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE TRAVEL -FUEL & TOLLS FIRE $229.52 DEPT INTL CONFERENCE APRIL 26 THRU 29 INDPLS IN -A. DRILLING Invoice 051022 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $229.52 Refer 197 DURKIN, DAVID _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic TEAR OUT & HAUL EXISTING FLAGSTONE $1,385.00 WALL & DIRT @ 1673 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL NEW MODULAR WALL @ 1673 $7,920.00 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic DIRT & SEED FOR RESTORATION @ 1673 $370.00 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic TEAR DOWN EXISTING MODULAR WALL & $820.00 HAUL AWAY EXCESS DIRT @ EMERALD DRIVE Invoice 042722 4272022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic RE -INSTALL MODULAR WALL IN SAME $3,290.00 LOCATION & BACKFIILL W/CLEAR ROCK EMERALD DRIVE Invoice 042722 4272022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic DIRT & SEED FOR RESTORATION $330.00 EMERALD DRIVE Invoice 042722 4272022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic TEAR OUT & HAUL EXISTING FLAGSTONE $1,280.00 WALL & DIRT @ 1649 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL NEW MODULAR WALL IN SAME $7,320.00 LOCATION @ 1649 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic DIRT & SEED FOR RESTORATION @ 1649 $430.00 GULL LN Invoice 042822 4282022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $23,145.00 Refer 225 EDDIES AUTO AND MARINE _ 973 CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2211: 16 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment Invoice 50030 Cash Payment Invoice 55306 Transaction Date E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 4222022 E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies 4222022 5/42022 RUNNING GOF- MTCE- 2013 CHEVY TAHOE- FIRE CHIEF VEHICLE #42 MTCE- GOF- EMERGENCY MGMT VEHICLE- 2016 FORD EXPLORER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Refer 226 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES, 1 _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies LION AMERICAN LEGEND HELMETS- 3 QTY $1,476.99 W/INTEGRATED EYESHIELDS- RED & 2 QTY W/ INTEGRATED FACESHIELDS- BLACK - FIRE DEPT Invoice 10994 4/182022 Transaction Date 5/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,476.99 Refer 198 FIVE TECHNOLOGY _ Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,290.00 MTCE- MAY 2022 Invoice 10522-13 1/12020 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,290.00 Refer 199 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 4-22-22 THRU 5- $150.00 21-22 Invoice 051022 4222022 Cash Payment E 101-41920-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 4-22-22 THRU 5- $175.00 21-22 Invoice 051022 4222022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $325.00 Refer 239 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-4-30-22 TO 5-29-22 Invoice 020822 1222022 Transaction Date 2222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $47.52 $204.48 $172.38 $167.31 $167.31 $436.33 $145.44 $72.72 $72.72 Total $1,486.21 Refer 200 GERTENS GARDEN CENTER INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material MISC FLOWERS- CITY LANDSCAPES- $759.52 PARKS- TULIPS, DAFFODILS, HYACINTHS Invoice 74219 4252022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $759.52 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Refer 203 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Call Invoice 2040610 4/302022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One -Call Invoice 2040610 4/302022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 201 H & R CONSTRUCTION CO. 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 5 APRIL 2022 LOCATES $76.95 APRIL 2022 LOCATES $76.95 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $153.90 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic GUARDRAIL REPAIR @ TUXEDO & MANCHESTER Invoice 20006 4/142022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $5,830.88 Total $5,830.88 Refer 236 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE - APRIL 2022 Invoice 1000185625 4292022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- APRIL 2022 Invoice 1000185568 4292022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi EMERGENCY MGMT RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- APRIL 2022 Invoice 1000185568 4292022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $335.06 $2,251.04 $65.51 $2,651.61 Refer 202 KIRVIDA FIRE- APPARATUS SVC _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair CHECK FOR OIL LEAK FROM PUMP AREA. $284.92 DRAIN & REFILL GEAR CASE TO PROPER OIL LEVEL SPECS.- 2003 SALISBURY E-ONE TYPHOON PUMPER- FIRE ENGINE #29 Invoice 10375 4/122022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $284.92 Refer 204 KOSKELA, DUSTIN _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2022 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMB- D. $225.00 KOSKELA Invoice 043022 4/302022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 205 LAND EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MIRROR & RIGHT TURN SIGNAL- STREETS, TRUCK Invoice 03-904423 4/152022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 206 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA HP521 FINANCE/P &I COPIER B & WHT COPIES 1-20-222 THRU 4- 19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Cash Payment E 101-41500-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA HP521 FINANCE/P &I COPIER B & WHT COPIES 1-20-222 THRU 4- 19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-202 Duplicating and copying PRINTER HP4100 P&I COPIER B & WHT COPIES 1-20-222 THRU 4-19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 $162.46 $162.46 $47.06 $47.06 $16.89 =19 CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2211: 16 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41500-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA HP521 FINANCE-3 $15.00 MONTHS FREIGHT & DELIVERY FEE 1-20- 222 THRU 4-19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-202 Duplicating and copying PRINTER HP4100 P&I COPIER -3 MONTHS $15.00 FREIGHT & DELIVERY FEE 1-20-222 THRU 4- 19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying HWS COPIER -CANON C26501F - 3 MONTHS $15.00 FREIGHT & DELIVERY FEE 1-20-222 THRU 4- 19-22 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying FREIGHT & DELIVERY FEE 1-20-222 THRU 4- $30.00 19-22-COPY ROOM KONICA C65061 Invoice 4015181 4222022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $186.01 Refer 227 MARINE COVERS AND INTERIORS _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR HOSE BED COVER- CANVAS- $175.00 REPLACEMENT COVER FOR FIRE ENGINE #24 Invoice 16968 4202022 Transaction Date 5/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $175.00 Refer 207 MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INCO _ Cash Payment E 281-45210-220 Repair/Maint Supply 20 QTY TREATED 2X6X12 BOARDS- LOST $376.80 LAKE DOCKS REPAIR Invoice 214008 4/192022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $376.80 Refer 208 MIDWEST SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - TRUCK #120, $828.00 #318 & TRAILER #609 Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - TRUCK #316, $931.50 SWEEPER #407, SDMO PORTABLE GENERATOR & TRAILER #509 Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS-APRIL 2022 - TRUCK#313, $1,179.90 #316,#318 & #319, SDMO PORTABLE GENERATOR Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022- HIMOINSA $828.00 PORTABLE GENERATOR, BOBCAT TOO LCAT#216 Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - TRUCK $828.00 #217,#218 #109, WACKER JUMPING JACK PACK Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - BOBCAT $776.25 TOOLCAT #216, PELICAN SWEEPER, TRUCK #312 Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - TRUCK #221, $776.25 PELICAN SWEEPER #407, TRUCK #415, JD LOADER #107 Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 !Reel CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- APRIL 2022 - TRUCK #1604, BAYWOOD SHORES & SINCLAIR GENERATORS, ENTER INFO MTCE PRO WEB SYSTEM Invoice 8779 4/302022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 210 MINER, LTD _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maintenance REMOVE 4 OLD GARAGE DOORS & INSTALL 4 NEW DOORS- WITH 4 WIRELESS OUTSIDE KEY PADS- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 789805 5/32022 PO 25016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maintenance REMOVE 4 OLD GARAGE DOORS & INSTALL 4 NEW DOORS- WITH 4 WIRELESS OUTSIDE KEY PADS- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 789805 5/32022 PO 25016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintenance REMOVE 4 OLD GARAGE DOORS & INSTALL 4 NEW DOORS- WITH 4 WIRELESS OUTSIDE KEY PADS- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 789805 5/32022 PO 25016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maintenance REMOVE 4 OLD GARAGE DOORS & INSTALL 4 NEW DOORS- WITH 4 WIRELESS OUTSIDE KEY PADS- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 789805 5/32022 PO 25016 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 209 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib Invoice 051022 5/12022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 211 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 274888 4/132022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 212 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104076782 4252022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 213 NEWMAN SIGNS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 038527 4/112022 Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous Invoice SALES006339 5/32022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 235 PEDERSON, GREG MAY 2022 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION CONTRIBUTION U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total CONCRETE SAND -PARKS LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 41.07 TON DELIVERED 4-13-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 7 $621.00 $6,768.90 $5,962.50 $5,962.50 $5,962.50 $5,962.50 $23,850.00 $11,500.00 $11,500.00 $579.10 $579.10 BRUSH DISPOSAL 6 CUIC YARDS $24.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $24.00 SIGN MATERIALS- BRACKET CENTER $1,761.00 RODS- 20" -QTY 200 & T-SCREW SET 5?16" X 5/16" 500 QTY SIGNS FOR RECYCLING ORGANICS $573.73 PROGRAM- 3 QTY- NO GARBAGE, NO PET OR YARD WASTE, NO PLASTIC BAGS- 3 QTY MOUND RESIDENTS MUST REGISTER - ORGANICS RECYCLING PROGRAM U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,334.73 MAN CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2211: 16 AM Page 8 Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training HOME DEPOT- MILWAUKEE M18 18 VOLT $326.63 LITHIUM ION BATTERY PACKS- 2 EACH 6.OAH, 2 3.OAH- REIMBURSE G. PEDERSON- FIRE DEPT Invoice WP31996808 4/152022 Transaction Date 5/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $326.63 Refer 214 RAVE MOBILE SAFETY _ Cash Payment E 101-42115-440 Other Contractual Servic RAVE ALERT PUBLIC SAFETY $3,300.00 COMMUNICATIONS -NOTIFICATIONS- SVC 5- 1-22 THRU 4-30-23- INCLUDES SMS TEXT, LANDLINES, MOBILE, EMAIL SMART 911 APP Invoice 42786 4/152022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,300.00 Refer 237 REPUBLIC SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose MAY 2021 GARBAGE SVC- PUB WRKS $180.32 Invoice 0894-005688937 4252022 Project 22-3 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic APARIL 2022 CITYWIDE RECYCLING SVC $18,650.70 Invoice 0894-005687410 4252022 Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous MAY 2022 CITY ORGANICS PROGRAM $143.67 PICKUP SVC Invoice 0894-005689723 4252022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose MAY 2021 GARBAGE SVC- PARKS $180.32 Invoice 0894-005688937 4252022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $19,155.01 Refer 216 STA-SAFE LOCKSMITHS COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous MASTER PADLOCK & 150 QTY MASTER $495.60 PADLOCK KEYS- ORGANICS RECYCLING PROGRAM DUMPSTER Invoice 0007790 4282022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $495.60 Refer 417 SUN NEWSPAPERS-HWS ACCT. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-328 Employment Advertising HELP WANTED AD- ASSISTANT STORE $110.00 LEADER- HWS Invoice 884260 3272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising STATEMENT CREDIT- DISCOUNTED REPEAL -$126.00 OF PROHIBITION AD 11-27-21- DIDN'T RUN IN THE LK ISSUE Invoice 1182343 3272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-351 Legal Notices Publishing FINANCIAL STATEMENT- MUNICIPAL $107.94 LIQUOR STORE- HARBOR WINE & SPIRITS - PUBLISHED 4-2-22 Invoice 885235 422022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising CREDIT- INSERTS WEREN'T INSERTEDIN 1 -$207.28 ZONE- 2-5-22 Invoice 1200032 2/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing HYDRANT FLUSHING NOTICE- PUBLISHED 4- $75.00 23-22 Invoice 888789 4242022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing HYDRANT FLUSHING NOTICE- PUBLISHED 4- $75.00 23-22 Invoice 888789 4242022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing HYDRANT FLUSHING NOTICE- PUBLISHED 4- $75.01 30-22 Invoice 890040 4/302022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing HYDRANT FLUSHING NOTICE- PUBLISHED 4- 30-22 Invoice 890040 4/302022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- ORDINANCE 13-2021 ZONING AMENDMENT- CHANGE 5098 & 5084 3 PTS BLVD TO MU-C MIXED USE CORRIDOR DISTRICT Invoice 889918 4/302022 Transaction Date 5/52022 Refer 215 SWEEPER SERVICES, LLC Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 22045 4/182022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 221 TRUE VALUE, NAVARRE Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 336404 4202022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 336204 4/52022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 217 UHL COMPANY U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total SWEEPER PARTS- WATER SHUTDOWN SENDER & OIL SHUTDOWN SENDER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total BARREL BOLT, 12 PT SOCKET- PARKS ILINN Z010191617/G1101 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-41930-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC CALL -PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG- HVAC- ISSUES ACCESSING WEB BROWSER - TAUGHT BLDG STAFF HOW TO ACCESS SYSTEM„ SET UP PASSWORDS, & DESKTOP SHORTCUT, RTU WAS OFFLINE, POWER CYCLED THE CONTROLLER, GOT HEAT RUNNING IN COLD AREAS, ONE VAV NEEDS NEW AIR FLOW SWITCH VAV 1.5 DISCONNECT OFF AND LIMIT WAS TRIPPED, RESET, VAV 2.7 BREAKER OFF AND AIR FLOW SWITCH IS BAD- NEEDS REPLACING Invoice 42287 4282022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance Invoice 42287 4282022 Transaction Date 5/32022 SVC CALL -PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG- HVAC- ISSUES ACCESSING WEB BROWSER - TAUGHT BLDG STAFF HOW TO ACCESS SYSTEM„ SET UP PASSWORDS, & DESKTOP SHORTCUT, RTU WAS OFFLINE, POWER CYCLED THE CONTROLLER, GOT HEAT RUNNING IN COLD AREAS, ONE VAV NEEDS NEW AIR FLOW SWITCH VAV 1.5 DISCONNECT OFF AND LIMIT WAS TRIPPED, RESET, VAV 2.7 BREAKER OFF AND AIR FLOW SWITCH IS BAD- NEEDS REPLACING 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 9 $75.00 $97.10 $281.77 $124.36 $124.36 $24.48 $8.02 $32.50 $575.00 $575.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,150.00 Refer 218 VELANDER, JEFF Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic SEWER SERVICE LINER REPAIR- @ 4949 THREE PTS BLVD- CITY WATERMAIN ENCROACHING ON SEWER LINE - REIMBURSE J. VELANDER FOR COFFIN REPAIR Invoice 042922 4292022 $1,750.00 MAP CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SEWER SERVICE LINER REPAIR- @ 4949 THREE PTS BLVD- CITY WATERMAIN ENCROACHING ON SEWER LINE - REIMBURSE J. VELANDER FOR COFFIN REPAIR Invoice 042922 4292022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 219 WACONIA FORD MERCURY _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY- WATER TRUCK #316 Invoice 5007490 4/112022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 24 QTY RETAINER MAT- WATER TRUCK#316 Invoice 5007577 4/142022 Transaction Date 5/32022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 220 WEBER, VICKI Cash Payment E 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense Invoice 042122 4212022 Transaction Date 5/32022 Refer 229 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 777518391 4272022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 777518391 4272022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 777518391 4272022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 777518391 4272022 Transaction Date 5/42022 MACKENTHUNS-CUPCAKES,CAESAR SALAD, COKE, SPRITE- FIRE COMMISSION MTG 4-20-22- REIMBURSE V. WEBER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 05/05/22 11:16 AM Page 10 $1,750.00 $3,500.00 $468.30 $34.56 $502.86 $33.35 $33.35 SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS $0.00 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 ELECTRIC SVC 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 $0.00 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION ELECTRIC SVC 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 1871 $0.00 COMMERCE BLVD LIFT STATION 1790 COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS 3-28-22 $31.88 THRU 4-27-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $31.88 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $56,246.46 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $18,954.74 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $376.80 601 WATER FUND $26,000.89 602 SEWER FUND $16,125.73 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $331.50 670 RECYCLING FUND $19,863.70 $137,899.82 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $137,899.82 Total $137,899.82 0Z:1i] CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 a Payments Batch 051022HWS $33,131.24 Refer 541 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 0105095700 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0105095700 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- WAITERS CORKSCREWS Invoice 0105095700 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 540 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0094693200 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0094737700 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 542 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 343976510 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 343976509 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 543 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 343978036 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 343978038 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 343978037 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 544 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2681156 5/32022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 17840348 5/32022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 545 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 501719 5/32022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 501719 5/32022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 501720 5/32022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 539 JACK PINE BREWERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 4347 522022 Transaction Date 5/52022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 05/05/22 11:40 AM Page 1 $87.50 $61.40 $13.50 Total $162.40 $1,264.57 $2,223.10 Total Total Total Total Total Total $3,487.67 $6,489.82 $172.00 $6.661.82 $80.00 $2,287.06 $24.00 $2.391.06 $3,843.25 -$8.05 $3,835.20 $52.50 $57.50 $942.50 $1.052.50 $78.00 $78.00 Refer 546 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR !i i CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2045545 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2045544 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2045542 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2045543 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 547 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6391078 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6391079 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 6391080 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 548 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2754040 5/42022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2753661 4272022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 549 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2208188 5/52022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2208189 5/52022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 550 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0303348 5/32022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 551 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7378467 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 552 Z WINES USA LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 24520 5/42022 Transaction Date 5/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total 05/05/22 11:40 AM Page 2 $1,449.40 $1,037.00 $4,371.77 $2,307.07 $9,165.24 $379.00 $758.55 $52.00 $1,189.55 $176.80 $308.35 Total $485.15 $2,669.11 $1,125.71 Total $3,794.82 $213.00 Total $213.00 $367.33 Total $367.33 $247.50 Total $247.50 MOM Fund Summary CITY OF MOUND 05/05/2211: 40 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: May 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $33,131.24 $33,131.24 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $33,131.24 Total $33,131.24 4-01c] MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2022 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council Members Jason Holt, Sherrie Pugh, Phil Velsor, and Paula Larson Members absent: None Others present: City Manager/Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public Works Superintendent Ryan Prich, Fire Chief Greg Pederson, Administrative Services Director Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Matt Bauman, Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok 1. Open meeting Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Approve the agenda Motion by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Department Head Annual Reports Annual reports were presented by Department Heads with discussion following. A. Orono Police Department — Police Chief Correy Farniok Chief Farniok said he was happy to report many of Orono's community service outreach programs have been reinstated since the pandemic. Farniok said he wants to reiterate the need to lock homes and vehicles as theft from vehicles and vehicle theft is up 76% from prior year. Salazar asked for an update from the January Mayors' meeting. Farniok said there are still many areas in the criminal justice system that lack accountability or are in denial. Farniok said they are seeing repeat offenders caused by changes in criteria for intake and bail reform. Farniok said there is a need for social programs to provide life skills training and give alternatives to jail but most were shut down by the pandemic. Farniok said many juveniles lack faith and parents in the home and they are on their own. Farniok said the crime spike in the 1990's was gang affiliated with hierarchies and structures but now it is just a loose affiliation of neighborhood friends. Farniok confirmed the embedded social worker has started which will be a huge resource to help fill the gaps in identifying needs and potential resources. Larson said last Tuesday there was an incident at her commercial business that involved a gentleman who could have benefited from services and there was another incident at her home and place of business that she was told appeared targeted. Farniok said this is an example of where they are hopeful the social worker can bring more resources to bare. Holt asked if the offenders are being caught. Farniok said they are following the trail of gift cards purchased and building the case of offenses. Farniok said they are arriving just minutes late to the scene and so the public is once again encouraged to call at any sign of activity, noting Ring doorbells have been very instrumental. Farniok said he is working with a vendor on a pilot program to put cameras on the county roads, noting the footage will only be viewed as needed for a case. Farniok said in some cases the license plates are removed, but businesses C:m Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 and schools can get license plate readers to feed into the system and OPD can access with permission from property owner. Pausche said the cover memorandum lists department goals and accomplishments and that she would like to highlight the fact that the Department of Finance and Administrative Services operates with 4 FTEs compared to neighboring cities who have 5.8 to 7 equivalent staff, also noting Mound has a liquor store, a dock program and significantly more debt and TIF. i. Ordinance and Policy Drafts Discussion on ordinance amendments included the temporary visitors permit, lake management policy, and operating hours for garbage collection. Pausche stated the Lake Management Policy was well vetted by the Docks and Commons Commission and the meeting minutes from the discussions were included in the packet. Pausche said it is important to establish boundaries of what the City will and will not do and to encourage residents to organize groups to address common concerns, similar to what the Harrison Bay neighbors did to address AIS. Pausche said the City paid for an engineering analysis of the Avalon Channel and the results were inconclusive as to the cause of the sediment build-up. Pausche said there are several areas on Lake Minnetonka where wetlands have been dredged to provide lake access and these initial dredges would have been done by developers seeking to improve the marketability and value of the parcels and it is reasonable to assume the property owners are responsible for maintaining the access. Pausche said the exception is Lost Lake where the City sponsored the dredge and has pledged to maintain it, noting the fees for the Lost Lake slips are significantly higher and also noting that the City had to sue the dredging company for performance. Pausche said limiting the City's responsibility to the shore land is the key to maintaining the affordability and equitability of the regular dock program. Pausche said a slip holder at Carlson Park paid for weed treatment thinking the others would chip in and no one did except the City who keeps the fire boat at that location. Pausche said she feels the proposed language is simple and justifiable and it is important to establish the level of service and the City's responsibility ends at the shoreline. Discussion ensued about rip rap, navigability in low water years, and lifts at slips. Pausche said there are some dock sites that can't be used in low water years, but not many. Salazar noted what happened to White Bear Lake. Pausche suggested that the property owners need to understand the cost of ownership and that the City's resources are limited. Holt asked for clarification and Pausche said the City will support projects by signing off on permits, etc., but it will be up to individuals to get together and figure out the contracts, funding, etc. The Council was OK with 14 days for visitors, and a 7:00 am start time for garbage to mimic construction hours. Discussion ensued about the missed pick-ups since Republic took over Blackowiak. Council Member Larson complemented Administrative Services Coordinator Kevin Kelly on his patience in handling the dock program, noting he is an asset to the City. ii. Marketing and Communication Pausche said she reached out to Prime Advertising & Design in Maple Grove that developed the liquor store website and handles Maple Grove's newsletter to see what resources/services they offer that the City might benefit from. Pausche noted the Prime staff did not recommend using social media unless the City had the internal resources to support it, noting a City can't outsource content creation. Prime said they can copy edit the newsletter to improve the visuals and they can audit the City website to ensure it is ADA compliant and that the Search Engine I Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 Optimization (SEO) is functioning efficiently. Pausche suggested contracting for 20 hours and letting them work with the newsletter and website. Pausche noted the Elk River Municipal Utilities social media topics on page 43 are feel good in nature and what is recommended to keep users interested, but Pausche stressed that the City website needs to be the official notification for legal notices and that the current staff does not have the capacity to develop social media content. Velsor asked if the contract is one-time or weekly/monthly and Pausche said one-time to use as needed with no obligation to renew. Holt noted he does not have a problem with the newsletter, but has heard comments on the design. Holt asked how would the printing costs change if we moved to color. Pausche said she can get quotes and also noted the on-line version will be in color, so even if the we continue to print in two color, it could be an improvement. Discussion ensued on use of local vendors. Pugh said the City needs to look to the future and the need to plan and promote events in our new parks. Pausche suggested we look to our partners in Community Ed and Westonka Community & Commerce. Velsor suggested links on the website to our partners which Pausche said there are. Salazar said the Jaycees, Lions, WCC and Community Ed specialize in these events and he agrees that government can't be everything to everybody and hiring staff can be cost prohibitive. Velsor said sprucing up the newsletter could help distinguish it as they all look the same. Pausche said Prime would help with graphics, formats, etc. Salazar said it is important that this is one and done and not creating a continuous contract. Holt noted he does want the City to ultimately pursue social media. Pugh said to grow the City we have to grow the staff and start looking to the future by developing policies and long term plans for improvements. Pausche agreed and noted that long term plan should incorporate options, but right now the focus is on our already high tax and utility rates. Velsor asked Holt what he envisions for social media that is not available on the website as he assumes we don't want a back and forth with users. Holt said many area cities use Facebook effectively. Holt said the homepage of the website has the calendar but we aren't reaching people. Velsor said he is concerned that social media users would expect comments to be responded to. Holt suggested just duplicate what other cities are doing. Hoversten noted that most city policies on social media state that no official business is done on social media. Discussion ensued on Next Door Mound and the content that can be negative and unsupportive of new businesses. Salazar noted the number of likes and followers on the Elk River Facebook page compared to the total number of customers does not seem like it is a worthwhile investment. Holt asked Pugh what she thought. Pugh said she can see how it could create vibrancy but is unsure about the comments portion. Salazar said he talked to one City that has to monitor the comments every day. Larson said her experience is everything has moved to smart phones and printed newsletters are passe. Larson suggested we take the newsletter budget to spruce up the web page, including adding pictures and ADA compliance. Larson said website should take feedback or encourage people to contact the Council with concerns. Larson said Facebook is too much of an opportunity to post negative comments. Holt agreed that eliminating the mailed printed version of the newsletter and moving to a digital/email copy of a prettier version could be better, including saving money and going green. Larson said LMCC-TV has great community content and noted coverage in the Laker is dwindling. Pausche said she has heard good feedback and will bring back options during the IW Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 budget discussion. Discussion ensued on the COVID-19 tab and all agreed that it could be removed from the website. Recycling Program — Tabled to budget discussions iv. Muncipal Liquor Store A brief discussion took place to talk about the strong sales and profitability, but also the challenges of staffing the store and the legal environment with the push to allow beer and wine in grocery stores. Staff was directed to explore 'what if' scenarios in the event the environment fails to improve. C. Fire & Rescue/Emergency Response/Emergency Management — Fire Chief Greg Pederson i. Fire & Rescue/Emergency Response Chief Pederson presented 2021 report, noting one firefighter retired and three where hired. Pederson noted the waitlist numbers are lower than in the past but that so far it hasn't been an issue. Pederson said rescue call outs were high at 659 vs prior year and the 5-year average of 590, driven by an EMS increase due somewhat to police staffing shortages. Pederson said the department averages 18-19 fire fighters per call out and that the facility debt payment is done in 2022 which is a huge budget relief. Pederson said the focus is on firefighter health, wellness and safety by investing in better gear and safety equipment and additional training on firefighter health, wellness and safety provided by MnFIRE. Pederson said the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will include putting some funds aside for long term maintenance of the building and the new pumper truck that was ordered and will be delivered in end of 2022 or early 2023. Pederson noted the Mound firefighters on -call pay is lower than every other area department because they have chosen to prioritize the funding of the pension benefits. Pederson said the primary challenge is staffing, noting Plymouth and St. Louis Park have moved to paid on call/duty shifts and full-time firefighters and our goal is to maintain a volunteer structure as long as we can. Pederson said firefighters no longer share gear and the department is procuring two full sets of turnout gear per firefighter. Pederson said they are monitoring the required response level performance standards because with so many medical calls, some staff are challenged to make the minimum 30 percent. Pederson said shared mutual aid and services with neighboring communities requires partnership and communication so that all parties are fairly compensated for the value they provide, but not necessarily creating a fire district. Pederson said the 4-1-21 ISO rating reduced to 3 from 4 which is really good and Duty Officers responded to 48% of all calls which improves response time and staff hours. Pederson said the Department's Centennial is in 2023 and thanked the Council for the continued support. Salazar asked Pederson how he would approach compensation for the value of mutual aid provided. Pederson gave the example of the City of Minnetrista being served by both St. Boni Fire and Mound Fire when Mound Fire consistently has better turnout. Pederson encourages elected officials of the cities to have a dialogue on sharing resources and figuring out just compensation. Pederson said the new Woodland Cove is in St Boni's coverage area but Mound Fire has it as a first alarm assignment as well. Pederson noted the ladder truck and 104 staff hours were primary on recent Orono and Minnetonka Beach fires. Pederson said the Hennepin County Mutual Aid Agreement says departments can't charge for anything unless the Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 event exceeds eight hours. Pederson said he just asks that the Council Members have situational awareness about the issues as he doesn't want emphasis on creating a Fire District but just wants to see more equitable compensation for value provided. ii. Emergency Management Pederson presented the emergency management/preparedness overview, noting that because we don't have our own police department, it falls within his purview with the assistance of Field Officer Andrew Drilling and Administrative Assistant Vicki Weber. Pederson said the function covers the maintenance and monitoring of sirens and the RAVE notification system. Pederson said Hennepin County hosts many meetings and trainings to coordinate regional response preparedness for multiple scenarios, adding that it is time to do a large-scale incident training to include the administrative staff and City Council. Pederson said another issue is the need to evaluate a plan for creating a barrier around City Hall in the event of civil unrest or wide scale protests. Pederson said local participants would like to see Hennepin County or Homeland Security procure the supplies and create a regional inventory. Hoversten said it will be a reactionary event and the question is how much advanced time and resources should be invested. Hoversten noted the Orono Police Chief is not satisfied with the proposed administrative mechanism and this is just to give the City Council an idea of the types of considerations being discussed. D. Community Development/Planninq/Zoning/Building Inspections — Community Development Director Sarah Smith Smith noted much of the material in the packet was covered at the joint workshop with the Planning Commission on February 15'h. Smith noted the Lanark house came down last week as a result of the hazardous building abatement actions the City pursued. Smith noted the replatting of Mound Harbor represented a significant amount of time and resources. Smith said Community Core electronic building permit system will facilitate more timely and comprehensive information sharing between city, inspectors and contractors. Smith said development interest is still significant in spite of inflation and the labor/supply challenges. Smith said she fields multiple calls on set -backs, lot of record, flood elevation, etc. on a daily basis. E. Public Works (Parks) Operations & City Projects — Public Works Superintendent Ryan Prich and City Manager/PWD Eric Hoversten Superintendent Ryan Prich presented a slide show of improvements, including eliminating a retaining wall at Three Points Park and creating a grassed slope instead, paver repairs near Scotty B's, a downed tree blocking the road removed in-house, and excavation of approximately 6 storm water ouffalls to improve flows by hauling away truckloads of debris that had been dumped. Prich said a storm sewer repair by the trail removed a tree and prevented a landslide and that changes have been made for the festival to cut down set up time from 3 days to 1.5 days with opportunities to do more. Prich said the festival tear down after the fireworks was done by 2 am and the turf was restored the next day vs tear down used to go into the early morning. Prich showed other pictures of retaining wall repairs and rebuilds and said he sold a lot of unused equipment and raised over $50K on govdeals.com. Velsor asked about the access at Brighton being used during the winter that has become an eyesore. Discussion ensued about possible remedies but it was noted that not many solutions provide for grass in summer because of the location and transition from grass to sand as well as weather conditions that can exacerbate damage. Hoversten said we could possibly use matting that can be rolled out in fall and picked up in spring. I Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 Hoversten noted rest of report covered standards and policies that Staff administers and noted the transition from large scale street projects to smaller area projects like addressing basketball courts, public parking lots, segments of water main, and finishing off the 2020/19 projects. Hoversten said Surfside Park improvements will continue, including the Depot parking and sidewalks, storm water management and likely the Jaycees' picnic pavilion. Hoversten complemented Prich for the innovative/new approach to smaller scale spot repairs done in- house. Hoversten displayed the CIP and noted the major changes related to inflation cost adjustments for lift station projects and the addition of the outer ring of sidewalks not including those already discussed in the downtown. Hoversten said the additional sidewalks will be discussed on May 10th F. Wrap-up by City Manager Eric Hoversten Hoversten said the packet contains the annual update of value statements noting that this is what he prepares based on council discussion absent from a formal strategic planning process. Pugh asked to discuss Minnetonka's early development review process created in response to upheaval over a proposed megachurch. Pugh said the City should require or recommend developers host a concept meeting with property owners within 350 feet so that developers can incorporate the feedback into the initial plans. Pugh said Staff serve as regulators, the Planning Commission (PC) focuses on conformity and ultimately the Council takes into consideration Staff, PC, public and developer feedback and this will prevent people from saying they did not get a say or they got it too late. Velsor said what if they can't incorporate feedback, and Pugh said it would just prepare the developer for what they are going to come up against if they don't. Larson said she and Pugh have discussed eliminating the Development Committee and allow for the entire Council to be involved. Larson thinks this is fairer to the developer so they don't overly invest up front. Larson said she does not even want the City Staff vetting the project beforehand. Hoversten said no developer is going to think up a project without understanding the code and land use requirements and discussing with Staff. Larson wants another step added where the developer presents to the entire Council up front. Pugh said it is a problem to hold the preliminary meeting with the full Council because it seems it is giving approval and she would rather it be put to the public first. Larson said she wants to understand how the sub -committees were created and why the Mayor gets to appoint members. Velsor said when Northland came to the Development Committee it was a rough sketch with unit counts, etc. that did not cost much, but if you present to the community, they are going to have to have architectural renderings. Velsor asked if the Development Committee is seen as a wall or a speed bump. Larson said she feels it is a secret society. Velsor said he takes time off work and it needs to be less than an hour and the more people you add the longer it would take. C:• Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 Hoversten asked the Council to consider how much time adding additional steps takes and to decide whether the current process is broken and needs to be fixed. Hoversten said the question is whether the current processes are confidence forming for public and Council Members as it does not seem so, but emphasized Staff does not vet or have decision making authority. Salazar said the City's Comp Plan update is an opportunity for the public to weigh in on the vision. Smith said there were multiple in -person meetings and an on-line social pinpoint feedback opportunity during the Comp Plan update. Pugh said she is just trying to respond to the repeated feedback from the public about the process. Hoversten suggested that adding a Sketch Plan or Neighborhood Meeting requirement ahead of the planning application submittal would increase the amount of time the developer wants to spend with Staff in order to produce the level of detail the community would want, and the time with Staff up front seems to be a problem for some. Hoversten said the creation of the Development Committee was to provide input from some of the elected officials and not just staff while still conforming to open meeting law. Velsor asked how much notice is expected by a typical citizen. Pugh said the objective would be to see if any of the feedback could be incorporated. Discussion ensued about the proposed Commerce Place apartment redevelopment and the outcomes of those neighborhood meetings. Holt said he thinks the PC might address some of the concerns that could be covered in the community meeting Pugh is talking about, saying he got over his concerns about the Development Committee now that he has been through the process. Holt said this is exactly why he wants the Facebook alerts to notify the public of upcoming issues, noting he ran for Council to improve communications and transparency. Holt said the City needs to provide better education on what the process is and allow the public to sign up for emails or RAVE alerts at a minimum. Hoversten said as it stands, the Planning Commission meeting is the first official public notification of a proposed application, noting sometimes site control is not in place when they approach the City or Development Committee, so the Council should consider how many steps they want to add up front and whether or not the processes are working for all. Holt said he is comfortable with the process but sees the need for better education on it for the general public. Velsor asked about the LMCC-TV zoning tutorial and coming up with an equivalent. Hoversten said the main concern is the statutory timeline once the application is complete and submitted, so the Council may want to consider the requirement of a Sketch Plan that happens on its own timeline and goes before the Planning Commission and Council. Salazar said he is hearing two options: add a step in the process as Pugh suggested and/or work on better education on the process and opportunity to participate for the public. Discussion ensued on production of a FAQ to help educate the public on the process and ultimately to work on creating a more comprehensive email list to push the information out. Larson asked where are we at with the cemetery and whether there can be more than two interments in each plot. Pausche said the last direction was to work on improving the entry marker/frontage but her research did not produce anything worth considering. Pausche said Larson can bring a proposal for multiple internments to the City Council but her experience in the past was people did not work through the City and it got chaotic. Pausche said perhaps the C•I Mound City Council Minutes —April 19, 2022 Council wants to consider the $200K it would take to do the Columbarium vaults but noted in this supply chain environment, it will be more expensive. 4. Adiourn MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to adjourn at 11:12 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar IW MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 26, 2022 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Paula Larson, Phil Velsor and Jason Holt Members absent: Sherrie Pugh Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Planner Rita Trapp, City Attorney Troy Gilchrist, Orono Police Department Sergeant Tim Sonnek, Joe Bruns, Scott Picha, Nick Meester, Tom & Cindy Notch, Michelle Herrick, Brian Farrell, Stephanie Bollinger, Jeff Bollinger, Jason Zattler, Scott Gates, Mary Davis, Ron Saatzer, Jerry Jerome, Sean Carroll, Dan Saatzer, Margie Saatzer, Leigh Maurstad, Ben Brandt. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance 3. Approve agenda Hoversten added two pages to item 8 of the agenda, the AIS Ambassador Consent Agreement and background on the AIS Ambassador program. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in favor. Motion 4. Consent agenda Mayor Salazar asked for item 4B to be pulled. MOTION by Larson, seconded by Holt, to approve the amended consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $157,026.66 B. Pulled C. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 22-33 APPROVING 2022 SEASONAL REQUEST FROM MOUND FARMERS' MARKET AND MORE IN DOWNTOWN MOUND AND REDUCED FEE DUE TO PUBLICE PURPOSE OF GATHERING 4B. Pulled. Approve minutes: 04-12-22 regular meeting Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Salazar requested an amendment to the meeting minutes to add the word "not" to a sentence on page 874 of the meeting minutes. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Velsor, to approve the amended April 12, 2022 regular meeting minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Sergeant Sonnek and the Mound Activity Report for March 2022 Sergeant Tim Sonnek presented the Mound Activity Report for March 2022. Sonnek listed five crashes, seven alarms, nine animal complaints, three assaults, 41 Medical calls, one burglary, one car theft, three DUI's, seven domestic calls, five mental health calls, five thefts, 10 parking complaints, 54 traffic stops and three arrest warrants. Sonnek added there was a total of 263 incidents in March and 290 incidents in March of 2021. Sonnek said three Explorers between the ages of 16 and 20 years -old and their Advisor traveled to Rochester to take part in a competition where they won five trophies and the Explorer Advisor of the year award. Sonnek said Jen Withrow has been hired as the new embedded social worker, noting she worked at Carver County for the last three years and at Nicollet County prior to that. Sonnek said she should be starting at the end of the month. Sonnek said Officer Zach Way is leaving his position and moving to Ely to be a realtor. Sonnek said Orono PD is down three Officers though one new Officer just started and his name is Brandon Sherman who is a recent college graduate who also has worked part-time for the City of Foley. Sonnek added the OPD has made two conditional offers to applicants who are being backgrounded. Velsor asked about the number of Explorers at OPD and Sonnek said the OPD would like to have 6 or 8 but the three they have now are very sharp. 7. Action on revised development applications from Northland Real Estate Group for Northland Mound project involving property generally located southwest of he intersection of Commerce Boulevard and the Dakota Rail Regional Trail on the eastern shore of Lake Langdon and undeveloped street right of ways: Trapp said Council directed staff at the last meeting to prepare five resolutions for consideration which are in the agenda packet which includes a supplemental item from the City Attorney. Trapp said she does have a map of the development area from a member of the public which was provided to the Council. Salazar said the Council is going to entertain public discussion. Leigh Maurstad, 5130 County Road 151, Minnetrista, said she is a former Mound resident and has researched the easement in question since the mid-2000's. Maurstad referenced the City attorney's letter that stated the Council needs to have relevant facts and a standards -based decision on why the proposal should be denied. Maurstad said there are two easements in question. Maurstad said the easement on Lot 18 has been addressed by the City Attorney which allows roughly 20 single family homes and an apartment building to have access to the Lake Langdon lakeshore and dock rights. Maurstad said the attorney said the actions will not impact the easement. Maurstad said she concludes Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 that the actions will effectively land lock the access to the easement with the only access through the Dakota Trail or through the Our Lady of the Lake's (OLL) private parcel. Maurstad said it is not the best interest of the City to create a burden on its citizens to privately resolve the matter and becomes a poor precedent in regards to other City parks and commons. Maurstad said the 2nd easement is established by the plat for the Lynwold Park subdivision which states the two platted roads named Langdon Place and Lake Place (Juniper) are dedicated to the public use forever and these roads lie between lot 18 and the private parcels. Maurstad said selling Lot 18 would be akin to the City selling the park across from Al & Almas. Maurstad said she found a recorded deed for lots 11 & 12 which were purchased due to tax forfeiture in 1963 for $1.00 which stated that the lots were to be used exclusively for street purposes. Maurstad asked if the City notice was sent to affected residents within 350 feet of the proposed development and Smith said notice was sent to everyone in the Lynwold subdivision. Gilchrist said he is not exactly sure what Maurstad is referring to but the City holds title to the land which is not restricted and there are no title conflicts which would prohibit the sale of the property. Cindy Notch, 1250 Morningview Drive, Minnetrista, thanked the Mayor and Council for being patient and allowing all to speak, for their service and to wade through the issue of the land sale. Notch said the last time she addressed the Council she was concerned about traffic on Commerce Blvd. backing up. Notch said she has researched the property for sale and presented the section map of the property. Notch said the platted roads on the property are not owned by either the Meisel's or Northland Mound and this property was deeded to the property owners of the Lynwold subdivision. Notch said there is a 38-page easement agreement between the Miesel's and OLL. Notch said one easement is owned by Meisel and the other easement is owned by OLL. Notch said the covenant in the easement says there are to be no changes to width, fencing, curbing or any other alteration of the blacktop area so this throws out the changes to the easement which Northland Mound proposed. Notch stated the covenant of the private access easement between the property owners states the access is for a section of properties north of the platted east west ROW but is silent regarding the property owned by Mr. Meisel which is south of the platted right of way. Notch said the covenant is silent regarding the properties south of the ROW which means Mr. Meisel/Northland Mound can't use the easement owned by OLL for access to those properties which are south of the ROW. Notch said the right of ways and other parcels are City owned and are also not covered by the OLL/Meisel easement and the Northland Mound Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposal is over land which it doesn't own and doesn't have the rights to traverse through the 50' x 50' OLL easement. Notch said the Council has no choice but to vote down the proposal if the City is to follow private property law. Tom Notch, 1250 Morningview Drive, Minnetrista, said he received information from the DNR which recommended denial of the PUD. Notch mentioned a finding (#2) of fact by the Planning Commission (PC) which he said read due to the redevelopment of the area the purpose of the dedications are no longer needed. Notch said this is totally incorrect and the right of way dedications are to the perpetual benefit of residents. Notch said all five of the resolutions should be denied. Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Notch said he viewed Hennepin County GIS maps of the development area and if you view older maps of the site you can see fill being added to the site through the years. Notch said this was done in order to raise the value of the property and if this is the case the fill should be pulled out of the area. Notch said he doesn't believe the claim of $300,000 of additional tax revenue would come to the City. Notch said a Tonka Bay development is only creating $165K in tax value. Notch said the site of the Northland development is smaller than the Tonka Bay site and won't bring in the dollars as claimed. Notch said after the other taxing districts and the County and School District get their share of the taxes created, the Northland Mound project will only bring $75K to the City. Jeff Bollinger, 2257 Cottonwood Lane, likes his dead-end street and he likes to take his kayak over the deeded access. Bollinger said this was more difficult to do since the fill being was placed on the site. Bollinger said he thought this was done purposely to make it more difficult to get to Lake Langdon and over the years he said he has abandoned doing that. Bollinger said it is his opinion the residents of the development should get paid and not the developer. Bollinger said the development is lowering the value of his house if he sells it because the access to Lake Langdon will be taken away. Bollinger said residents shouldn't be stepped on and the sale is not an appropriate action. Bollinger said he doesn't drink city water and there are a number of infrastructures needs in the City. Bollinger said he remembers the dumping in the area and for the Council to reconsider this development. Bollinger said if this development occurs, his dead-end street will be opened up to access to the development site Nick Meester 5764 Lynwood Blvd., said he was indifferent to the development until the point he realized his deeded access would be cut off. Meester said it is very difficult to get to the lake right now and he hopes something would be maintained and the access be preserved. Meester said he feels his property rights are violated. Meester said the developer will not allow us through the site and we would not be able to fight against the access being taken away. Ron Saatzer, 5745 Lynwood Blvd. said he once had the Meisel property under contract in order to develop the land. Saatzer said a soil test detected a lot of problems with the soil. Saatzer said this is swamp land and Meisel is misrepresenting his property. Saatzer said now that he knows he has deeded access his property is now more valuable. Saatzer said there was an electrical easement and the soil is a mess. Saatzer said he had a sketch plan of 25 town homes which had to be slab on grade because of the soil on site. Saatzer said if nothing gets developed the City should turn the land into a dog park or some kind of park and to allow access to enjoy the lake as it should be used. Salazar asked Saatzer why he didn't want to develop the site and Saatzer said his Architect said there was a wetland delineation and added he was astonished there was going to be a large apartment built on the site. Saatzer said his plan couldn't fit 22 townhomes on the site and if it doesn't get built Saatzer is in favor of revisiting this thing because it will take work to redevelop the site. Salazar and Saatzer spoke about his prior proposal and said their due diligence showed he couldn't build on the site and he got his earnest money back. Saatzer said if you are going to develop something get your facts straight before it gets on the market. I Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Michelle Herrick, 2630 Westedge Blvd., said she questions why all of a sudden this is a concern to me and she lives directly across the lake from the development. She asked her neighbors about how to get a boat on the lake and was told by them it was from the area of the Northland development. Herrick said she didn't believe this and now believes she has common access rights to the road to put her boat in Lake Langdon from the area of the development. Herrick said there is another access to Lake Langdon off of Commerce Blvd. but it is difficult and you could damage your boat there. Herrick said from what she knows now she is disappointed that the due diligence has not been done. Herrick said the Council should take a long look at the City selling this property and look at the facts and reevaluate the City's position. Salazar ended the public discussion at 7:46. Holt said he has the same issue as Michelle Herrick as he also lives on Lake Langdon. Holt asked whether we know this is correct and this a boat launch area. Gilchrist said a road like that is held in the interest of the public but to keep in mind that there is a lot between the dedicated road and the water and this is essentially private property owned by the City. Gilchrist said this property doesn't serve as a City lake access but the owners who have the benefit of the shoreline easement of lot 18 arguably have rights to access it, but it is subject to debate and is important for the Council to understand that the real estate issues need to be worked out by the City and the buyer. Gilchrist said the easement has been reviewed through the title work of the site and the easement was within the title and is in the record. Gilchrist said in regards to the dedicated roads in the plat there have been recent court of appeals decisions which would suggest these roads have already gone through the Marketable Title Act and there may not be any roads left. Gilchrist said the Marketable Title Act would also apply to the platted roads and could go before the Minnesota Supreme Court. Gilchrist said the point for the Council to consider is that the Council as a body is not a judge though the Council acts as a quasi-judicial body when applying the City zoning code to zoning applications. Gilchrist added the Council is not here to decide real estate matters and rights, nor does it have the authority to do so. Gilchrist said that is ultimately for a court to decide and there are rules around who has standing and there are burdens of proof and he encouraged the Council to apply the zoning code and not real estate concerns when making their decision. Salazar asked about the Marketable Title Act and if it means that easements can be revoked after a period of time. Gilchrist said yes, it is meant to clean away old interests in property after 40 years so those interests could potentially be gone but that can't be determined tonight. Salazar said Langdon Place had a home heating oil company on the site for many years which went out of business and after the business left the land was filled in and the road eliminated for the new property owner's convenience. Salazar said it wasn't right to fill in the road because it wasn't used. Salazar said there was an unimproved road in the area and asked Larson who moved to Mound at age 12 if there was a road and business on site. Larson answered yes to both questions. Larson said it was the 1980's when the business closed. Salazar said this land was filled in illegally and the folks in the subdivision would enjoy the use of the access to the lake and it is a beautiful lake. Salazar said the lot was filled in to the benefit of the property owner and the person who did it isn't here. Salazar asked Larson if she remembers Juniper Road being there and Larson said she did and has lived here for 50 years. Salazar said the resolution requesting the street vacation related to the development was inaccurate as it stated the platted road was never used but that isn't true. Salazar said the platted road wasn't used because it was filled in by the present property owner which IW Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 precluded folks from gaining access to the lake. Salazar said Lot 18 is marshland and people can get to the lake and put in a dock. Gilchrist said the easement that is recorded on Lot 18 provides to the residents the right to use Lot 18 for a dock. Gilchrist said the easement doesn't go into much detail, such as, if a dock was in use at the time of the easement, or for future dock use or the number of docks which can be used. Gilchrist said the easement doesn't provide access to the dock and its purpose is the right to use Lot 18 for a dock and only for the residents named in the easement grant. Gilchrist said the platted ROW's that lead to Lot 18 are City owned land but Lot 18 isn't dedicated as a Park nor is it a Right of Way. Gilchrist said the Lot 18 easement is not for the general public use nor can the general public have the right to cross Lot 18 to get to the lake. Velsor asked about how many of the City owned lots are being sold to which Hoversten responded that lots 11 and 12 are combined into one Property Identification Number (PID) and Lot 17 has its own PID. Hoversten added that Lot 18 is depicted as two separate sections with one PID, noting in the original plat Lot 18 is plotted out into the water as one contiguous piece of land. Hoversten said the current Juniper Road is the originally platted Langdon Place and Lake Place which were renamed. Salazar and Velsor discussed the nature of Lot 18 and whether it is a Commons to which Salazar said yes. Velsor asked if this is part of the Commons Dock Program which Salazar said the Dock Program is for property on Lake Minnetonka not Langdon. Maurstad addressed the Council and said there are two separate easements for the area; the original Lynwood Place subdivision which allowed the dock on Lot 18 and the re -platting of Lynwold Place, the Kennedy Lot 56 subdivision. Maurstad said the ROW's are dedicated for the public use on each plat and not just to the residents of the two subdivisions. Velsor said he has been part of both Planning Commission and Council and many vacations have been done over the years and for property which is dedicated to the public. Velsor added there wasn't a problem with any of those and questions why this is any different. Hoversten said this is pretty standard language and the ROW under consideration can be rearranged during the platting process to meet the needs of the property owners. Hoversten said there are other similar vacations in which the dedications were fairly standard language such as ROW's. Gilchrist said this is standard plat language and the land is held in trust by the City and the Council has the authority to hold the easements or to decide whether to vacate or not. Salazar said he still had difficulty with it, obviously. Larson said she has intimate knowledge of the area back there. Larson said she and her husband bought her property on Lynwood and she worked for a local attorney who said that you they have access to Lake Langdon and have an access that goes across the property to get to lake. Larson said her kids and husband used the lake and neighbors used the lake. Larson said the attorney told her that in the future should Lake Langdon ever be connected to Lake Minnetonka through Lost Lake you could have dock rights to Lake Minnetonka which makes a big difference as far as property values. Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Larson said she would like to correct the Preliminary Plat resolution regarding the road not being constructed which she labeled absolutely false. Larson said the section regarding the ROW's which read that they have not been built as City streets is a complete fabrication. Larson added they may not have been used as set for in the original dedication which Larson said is from January 30, 1908 but there is going to be a long court battle if the aim is to take away an easement in perpetuity. Larson said the Kennedy's who were the developers of the area sold their lots by granting a permanent access to Lot 18 as a lakeshore perk when you bought your lot. Larson said the dedicated ROW grants an access through the area to Lake Langdon though it doesn't give the dock rights to people outside the neighborhood. Larson said there was a fuel oil business and bait shop in the development area. Larson said the bait shop owner would drive his vehicle to the edge of the shoreline and get in his boat and load up minnows in his commercial vehicle. Larson said teenagers used to party back there and the City put in a trashcan for all the beer bottles. Larson said it is a falsehood that there were no roads there and the public has access from Commerce Blvd. to access to the lake. Larson said she disagreed with part D of the resolution on page 917 of the packet, which read the DNR sent a letter to the City indicating it is not in favor of the proposed vacation because it does not clearly state how the proposed vacation is to be a public benefit. Larson said the application by Northland has been denied twice on September 27th and January 27th by the DNR, a state agency. Larson said it is curious the title company will honor and mention the recording of the title to Lot 18 and the City is completely ignoring the wishes of the Kennedy's. Larson also noted item F of the resolution regarding public interest and said it is up to the City Council to decide. Larson called Item G a complete fabrication which refers to it being in the public interest to vacate the undeveloped and unused ROW's to promote development when we know what happened to these roads. Larson wanted it added to the public record that Patricia Meisel was Mayor of Mound from 1999 to 2006. Larson said she received a call from Greg Skinner, who was a former City Public Works Superintendent of Mound, regarding the site of the development. Larson said Skinner told her that there were bulk oil tanks on site and fuel tankers used the access and road and the land was filled in around the early 2000's. Larson asked for permission from Saatzer to read a document completed 15 months ago from Haugo Geotechnical Services who did a study on the development area. Larson read page five of the report from Haugo Geotechnical Services, that said the origin of top soil fill is unknown but based on historical photographs it appears grading activities have occurred on the site with the most recent activity from 2006. Larson said Haugo did recommend the top soil be removed and replaced with suitable compacted sill. Larson said she watched the trucks dumping fill into the area and reported it to the MCWD who said no report was made on the area. IMI Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Larson said the Haugo report stated the fill is one to seven feet deep according to the report. Larson said this fill covered up the City streets and blocked access over the Kennedy subdivision. Larson said she doesn't have proof who did it but she believes it is payback from the Meisel's. Gilchrist discouraged the Council in getting into who did what and getting into the history of the site. Gilchrist said the matter before the Council is a zoning proposal. Gilchrist said he has had conversations with Larson about her conflicts of interest. Gilchrist added this conversation at the Council level jeopardizes the Council's position regardless of the Council vote on the proposal. Larson asked if Gilchrist was telling her to recuse herself and Gilchrist said he informed Larson when she speaks on items which could be a conflict of interest it potentially undermines the due process of the proceeding. Gilchrist said he has had conversations with Larson that the project would devalue her property and it is his opinion that Larson has a conflict of interest and should recuse herself and to not vote on the proposal. Gilchrist said he understood that Larson did recuse herself at prior meetings and spoke as a member of the audience. Gilchrist said he is concerned about due process and he let the issue go initially at the start of the discussion because it was around the public road and the public interest in the road but now as the discussion moves to the development he wants to raise the issue with the Council so they are aware of it and should be concerned with it. Larson asked Gilchrist if she should recuse herself and Gilchrist said it is his recommendation. Larson said the reason she recused herself at the time was she wanted to be a good Council Member and if there was any hint of a conflict of interest she said she would recuse herself. Larson said she talked to a realtor at the time who thought it would reduce the value of her property but she did not get anything in writing, and since then she called another realtor who put in writing that the development would not cause her to lose value on either of her two properties. Larson said because the properties will not lose or gain value she didn't need to recuse herself. Larson said the second reason she recused herself was because it involved the Meisel's in which she had two years of litigation against them for conflict of interest in the past. Larson said weeks later she called her law firm, Larkin Hoffman, to help her get her old records from the Meisel lawsuit. Larson said she was told by Larkin Hoffman that they can't represent her now and wouldn't give her their records regarding the lawsuit with the Meisel's because they represent Northland Mound. Larson said this was unethical and she felt because of this she didn't need to recuse herself. Gilchrist responded that his original opinion was based on the self -report of Larson's conflict of interest and was not aware of the different opinion about the property valuation effect of the development. Gilchrist said he wasn't as concerned about the conflict of interest with this new information but Gilchrist said it appeared to be that Larson contacted Larkin Hoffman to instigate a law suit which means she has a direct interest. Salazar said Larson was contacting the law firm for information. Larson reiterated that Larkin Hoffman said they couldn't represent her because they are representing Northland Mound. Brian Farrell of Northland Mound said Larkin Hoffman is the representative on this transaction. Farrell said he was confused that Larson is now not recusing herself when she did recuse IMI Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 herself at all the previous meetings due to Larson's claim the development would reduce her property value. Larson said she received new information regarding the effect of the development on her property value. Larson said she wanted to err on the side of caution prior to receiving the new information. Farrell said he has legitimate concerns if Larson does not recuse herself. Salazar said the burden of recusal is on the Council member and not Farrell. Farrell said during previous Council hearings Larson recused herself to which Salazar said Larson has new information which negates the recusal. Salazar said this is on the conscience of Larson and not the authority of the Council. Salazar said Larson has a clear conscience. Larson said she spoke with Skip Johnson, a former Mayor of Mound, who Larson said couldn't recall a street and roadway being vacated in any area of the City which involved access to water as access to the water is so valuable. Larson said allowing this vacation to happen to an access to water is a precursor of what could happen to our Commons Dock Program if the Council starts vacating roads and the access rights to the water. Larson said the City is setting ourselves up for a flood of developers to remove access to water which have been dedicated to the public. Salazar said he concurs with Larson and her points of contention. Velsor asked to see the site plan for the project. Velsor said the parking space to the south of the building with the small retaining wall could be used to keep access to the lake open. Velsor said the dedicated access is at the shoreline and Juniper Road doesn't go to the shoreline. Velsor said the access is getting to Lot 18. Larson said she has permission from the DNR to put in a dock at the site to reach beyond the cattails. Velsor asked to see an aerial view of the property. Discussion ensued around the Ordinary High Water (OHW) of Lake Langdon as depicted on the documents. Velsor asked if the Council could add a condition of the sale of City property to make a sidewalk access to the lake for paddle boarders and canoers so people can get to the border of the property line of Lot 18. Velsor said this would be a better access than what is there now and get them to Lot 18 to use the lake or put in a dock. Farrell said it is Northland's understanding, based on the title, that the dock easement has been terminated. Farrell said it wasn't improved and it is our Counsel's opinion that the easement has been terminated. Farrell said, based on our analysis and discussion with staff, that this easement was not for the general public but to the benefit to the immediate parcels. Farrell said it is our understanding that Lot 18 was not dedicated to all of the City. Velsor said he was playing devil's advocate and if Lynwold Park has access only Lynwold Park residents could put in a dock. Velsor said if the access is the problem the access doesn't need to be the angled, former gravel road and could instead be a path to Lot 18. Farrell said if that is the Council's determination that Northland could be amenable but it is their opinion based on title search that this was not for citywide access and the dock easement was terminated. 1000 Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Gilchrist said he suspected there is a potential property dispute between parties who would benefit from the access but this isn't a Council decision and trying to find a resolution to the issue is valid but the easement is not a general grant to the public as a whole. Gilchrist said Courts have ruled that if there is a gap between the waterway and the platted row then there is not access as determined by the courts. Salazar and Gilchrist discussed the access to Lot 18 and Gilchrist said there is a significant gap between the OHW level and the ROW with the easement over Lot 18 is for dock use purposes. Salazar and Gilchrist discussed the City owned parcels which will be transferred to Northland. Gilchrist said he argues that Lot 18 is privately held by the City and this is a private easement. Salazar said how are folks supposed to get access to the dock and lake. Gilchrist said the City can't facilitate access to a private easement. Salazar said this land was for the benefit to the citizens of the Lynwold development. Salazar and Gilchrist discussed that the ROW's on the property which have language which dedicates them to the general public use which Gilchrist said is typical language and Lot 18 is a private easement. Salazar said the folks can't get access to the lake if the lot goes private with the sale to Northland. Gilchrist explained that the access easement which may be in dispute would need to be taken to the courts for resolution if the easement is deemed to exist. Salazar and Gilchrist discussed the title company stance on the easement and the request by Northland to not have it reflected. Gilchrist said the title company kept the easement on the title because they didn't feel comfortable leaving it off. Gilchrist said the courts may have to decide this item. Salazar said he is concerned about the 50 x 50 square private easement which was brought up earlier in the meeting. Cindy Notch claimed this easement, which is OLL property, allows for access to some of the interior lots but not all of the lots of the proposed sale to Northland because those lots aren't mentioned in the access easement agreement. Salazar said he had issues with the easement and Notch responded that Northland couldn't use the OLL easement area to alter either of the two easement areas or to fix traffic issues. Farrell said he is comfortable with the language of the easement and the right to improve the area and agrees with Gilchrist and is not the purview of the Council. Salazar said the Council has questions about the development and easement. Larson read from a Kennedy and Graven memo which said the parties may disagree about on issues on whether the easement still exits or its scope but those are private property disputes which need to be addressed by the owners and the City is a property owner and needs to figure this out. Gilchrist said it is not the City's responsibility to resolve the easement issues with respect to a development proposed by another entity. Gilchrist said it is up to the buyer to feel comfortable with going forward with the development. Salazar said all of this has been around since 1908 and then brought up to date in 1972. Salazar said its confusing and we want to do the right thing with our responsibility to our citizens first and foremost. Scott Gates, 4363 Wilshire Blvd. said an important clarification regarding the discussion is property rights don't go anywhere and each party has a right to disagree. Gates said the riparian rights means property which typically adjoins a body of water and these parcels don't adjoin with the OHW over 100 feet away. Gates added the parties don't officially have riparian rights i[s] 1001 Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 because the property is not adjoined to the lakeshore though they may be granted access through an easement. Gates said he quoted a 1968 case regarding riparian rights and if an easement does exist it does not grant riparian rights. Gates said it is clear that Lot 18 doesn't adjoin the OHW of the lake and the two ROW's don't have riparian rights to the lake. Salazar said there is a private easement over Lot 18 for boat docking purposes for Lynwold Park and Kennedy Subdivision residents to which Gates agreed. Gates said the easement grants a riparian right but Gates said the riparian rights must have access to the body of water and those parcels don't have access to the lake as riparian rights begin at the edge of the water Maurstad said the issue is that Gates doesn't understand that the Hennepin County mapping system doesn't show parcels which are below the OHW and much of lot 18 is below the OHW level. Maurstad said the owner of Lot 18 isn't an individual homeowner but the City, which is a steward of the public. Salazar asked for the resolutions to be moved. MOTION by Velsor to approve the following resolution, not seconded. Motion fails. A. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REQUESTED STREET VACATIONS RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAT OF NORTHLAND MOUND Velsor asked Gilchrist if the other resolutions can be voted on if the first resolution dies. Gilchrist said, without the vacations, the plat doesn't work as proposed and these are cascading resolutions and without the first resolution the second doesn't work. Gilchrist said there is a ticking clock on the zoning related resolutions and the first resolution wasn't acted on and sits on the table. Gilchrist said without a Council action the Council is precluded from acting on those zoning matters in the subsequent resolutions. Gilchrist said the Council could continue these matters for one more meeting until the absent Council member is present or act on the resolutions at this meeting with an up or down vote. Salazar said he thought if there is no second, the resolution dies and there are no do overs. Salazar added that experience has taught him if there is not a second the motion is dead on arrival. Gilchrist said the motion is dead but the resolution remains on the agenda without being resolved. Salazar said there would be no continuance and wanted to bring the motion back. Gilchrist said the Council would need a motion to readopt the resolution or propose a new motion which would deny the resolution. Gilchrist said if the Council wants to deny the motion by finding it is not in the public interest to vacate the roads then the Council should deny the resolution. Salazar called for a Council member to move to deny the resolution on the street vacations. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to deny the following resolution. Larson, Holt and Salazar voted in favor. Velsor voted no. Motion carried. A. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REQUESTED STREET VACATIONS RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAT OF NORTHLAND MOUND 11 1002 Mound City Council Minutes — April 26, 2022 Salazar asked Gilchrist for guidance on the preliminary plat resolution. Gilchrist said refusing to vacate the roads does create an incompatibility with the proposed plat. Gilchrist said either the resolutions are carried over for denial at the next Council meeting or the Council can deny the resolution due to the streets not being vacated by the previous denial vote. Gilchrist said the Council needs to formally act on the resolution. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to deny the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR NORTHLAND MOUND Gilchrist said the PUD doesn't work due to the denial of the previous two resolutions. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to deny the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A SHORELAND AREA FOR NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to deny the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. D. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR NORTHLAND MOUND PROJECT Gilchrist strongly recommend to the Council to table the resolution on the already signed purchase agreement. Gilchrist said he would like to look up the potential impact the vote will have on any legal questions. Gilchrist said he would like to think this through and will follow up with advice for the Council. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to table the following resolution. Velsor, Holt and Salazar voted in favor. Larson voted no. Motion carried. E. RESOLUTION NO. 22 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY PARCELS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE VACATIONS RELATED TO THE 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 8. Consider Right of Entry Agreement for Hennepin County AIS Ambassador Vendor Ben Brandt, 6233 Ladyslipper Circle, addressed the Council by stating he received grant funding from Hennepin County to conduct a new pilot program focused on an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). Brandt said the AIS Ambassador Program would staff five boat launches in the County to educate owners to inspect their own equipment, educate them on the threats posed by AIS and to inform them on the potential ramifications of new AIS entering the lake. The purpose of the grant and the Right of Entry agreement is to allow staff to be at Surfside Park boat launch. Brandt said staff will work six -to - eight -hour shifts on weekends, beginning on the fishing opener and making interactions through July. Brandt said there has not been an AIS program in the City for about five years and this would be an excellent opportunity. 12 1003 Mound City Council Minutes —April 26, 2022 Brandt said the allocation of funds is from the State through the County and there is no cost to Mound nor is there a requirement for people to comply with the ambassador program staff. Brandt said 10 to 20% of boaters will change behavior when inspectors are present so reducing the number of potential boaters transporting AIS from one water body to the next is a priority. Brandt said the Ambassador program is education focused for boaters to check their own equipment. Brandt said there will be no survey or legal requirements to participate but is intended to raise awareness of AIS and to train watercraft owners to complete more thorough inspections in the future. Brandt said part of the education will be to inform the 5 to 6% of boaters who violate the Minnesota drain plug law. Brandt said the other four locations for AIS Ambassadors in Hennepin County are Weaver Lake, West Bush Lake, Long Lake and the Mississippi River in Champlain. Brandt said bringing the AIS Ambassador program to Mound is a good opportunity as Surfside is a busy launch with enough traffic to make a difference. Brandt said he has created a Consent Agreement for the Council to grant approval of the program and to allow access to the boat launch. Brandt added the AIS Ambassador program can be discontinued at Council direction and moved to another location. Salazar said this is an educational program and he thinks it will do a good job. MOTION by Larson, seconded by Holt, to approve the Right of Entry Agreement and Waiver to Trespass Agreement for the Hennepin County AIS Ambassador Program. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Brandt said he will be back in the fall with a report to Council on the AIS Ambassador program. 9. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Hoversten noted the following events: • May 14th —The Mound Minnetrista Special Clean Up Day • May 21 st — Mound Farmers Market & More starts • May 21 st — Island Park Hall Preservation Society/Family Fun Fest at Swenson Park and the Island Park Hall building • Hydrant flushing has started with Public Works crew on the Island next week • May 2nd — City Hall Summer Hours schedule begins • May 30th — City Hall closed for Memorial Day B. Reports: Fire Department —March 2022 C. Minutes: Parks & Open Spaces Commission — February 17, 2022 D. Correspondence: 10. Adjourn ACTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to adjourn at 9:46 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 13 1004 n 2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • MOUND, MN 5536G-1668 • PH: 952-G)2-0600 • FA%: 952d)2-0620 • W W W.CIWOFMOUND.COM MEMORANDUM Date: May 5, 2022 To: City Council From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator/City Clerk Subject: Amending Garbage Hauler Collection Hours The City has been receiving complaints from residents about garbage collection which has occurred before 7:00 a.m. Existing City Code language includes: Chapter 54 Solid Waste • Garbage Collection in residential zoned areas 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday • No restrictions on collection of Garbage Collection in Industrial and Commercial zoned areas o Recycling Collection hours aren't specified in the City Code, but the contact restricts collection from 7:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Chapter 46 Nuisances • Construction Activity on residential Zoned Property o Power Equipment M-F 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. o Saturday 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. • Construction Activity in public ROW 0 7:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 0 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday o Not allowed on Sunday excepting emergencies • Disturbances and Loud Noise and/or Sound o Not between 10:00p.m. -7:00 a.m. Neighboring cities collection hours • Spring Park Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, no commercial zoning hour restrictions • Orono Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Minnetrista Hours: Construction activity 7a -7p, no specified hours for garbage collection The Council discussed the attached ordinance amendment at the April 19a' special meeting workshop and directed staff to make the hours comparable with Chapter 46 construction operation in residential areas and in the Public right of way for residential areas only and to continue not to restrict commercial/industrial area pick-ups. 1005 PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO BE ACTED UPON MAY 10, 2022 AT THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (POSTED 4-20-22) CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE -2022 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO SOLID WASTE The City Council of the City of Mound ordains: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Mound hereby amends Chapter 54 Solid Waste, Article II. Collection and Disposal, Division 2. Collectors, of Collection Vehicles for Hauling Garbage and Refuse. Section 54-49, subdivision (b). Operating Hours of the Mound City Code as follows: Sec. 54-49. Operating Hours. (b) Operating Hours. Collection vehicles shall operate within the city and make residential collections only between the hours of 67:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays daily. 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays., Residential collection is banned on Sundays. There shall be no restriction on hours or days for collection from commercial or industrial uses. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 2022. Mayor Raymond J. Salazar Attest: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Published in the Laker- Pioneer the _ of , 2022. Effective the _ day of _, 2022. (StFikeet+t indicates matter to be deleted, underline indicates new matter.) 11: May 5, 2022 To: Mayor &Council Members From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator/City Clerk Re: Temporary Visitor's Permit —Reduction in days allowed The City Council discussed dock fees and the Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit at the October 19"' special meeting workshop. The Council instructed staff to change the number of days from 21 to 10 at that time. The majority of Docks and Commons Commissioners recommended the number of days be reduced to 14, not 1 Q, which was discussed at the April 19, 2022 special meeting workshop, where Staff was then directed to prepare an ordinance amendment reducing it to 14 days as follows: (b) Allowable Mooring ojNon-Owned Gpolercr¢J2. Mooring of watercraft not owned by the dock licensee (Prmary Site Holder or Secondary Site Holder) is perritted for a period of up to 48 hours, two times in a calendar yeaz. Mooring of watercraft not owned by the dock licensee (Primary Site Holder or Secondary Site Holder) is not permitted far a period in excess of 48 hours unless a Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit has been first obtained by the licensee from the City and the fees established by the City have been paid. All Temporary Visiting Dodage Permits shall contain the DNR registration number or U 8 Coast Guazd documentation (and copies of same) of the boat and shall be limited to?.� 14 days. No mare than one Temporuy Visiting Dockage Permit may be issued in any calendaz yeaz to an individual dock licensee. The thought behind the change is that the program is supposed to be for the benefit of Mound residents and the City Council feels afourteen-day visitor's permit is reasonable when there are so few restrictions on who is eligible for one. The City is also trying to stay ahead of potential abuses of the program and managing the total number of BSUs. Reducing from 21 to 14 days is considered a compromise to eliminating the option all together. The following is an excerpt from the January 20`" DCC meeting minutes where a majority of the commission recommended reducing it to 14 days, not 10: 9. Te moos ry Visitors Permit Kelly stated the Council proposed to change the $50.00 fee for this permit to $150.00 during the October City Council workshop meeting. Kelly added a fee analysis was done and the temporary permit fee was the lowest fee per day of all dock license and permit fees. Kelly noted the increase to $150.00 was approved by the Council in December as an item in the fee schedule and the item for discussion by the DCC is approval of limiting the 1007 duration of the permit from 21 to 10 days. Larson said the Council felt the increase in fees and shortening the length of the permit was a compromise to a full removal of temporary permits as the majority of the temporary permits go to non-residents. DCC members asked Kelly how many temporary permits are issued a year and Kelly said between 8 and 10 on average. Kelly added that some of these permits take quite a bit of time to process and a few each year seem to be between people who don't know each other well. Peterson and Olson asked about the rationale in both increasing fees and shortening the length of the permit and felt reducing the duration of the permit to 14 days would be fair. Discussion took place on what day people typically start the temporary rentals and whether the permits usually fall over two weekends. Kelly said that rentals do typically start before a weekend. Gardner said she felt the 10-day duration was fair as this would cover two weekends and would only be a $15.00 per day charge for a spot on the lake which would cost much more at commercial slips. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Olson, to recommend approval of the temporary dockage permit ordinance with duration of the permit to be for 14 days. Muller, Hentz, Peterson and Olson voted in favor. Gardner and Larson voted no. Motion carried. The proposed Ordinance amendment has been posted on the website, City Hall bulletin board, sent to all RAVE Mobile Safety and email list subscribers, as well as sent to the Dock Program email list as is the standard procedure for ordinance amendments to the official City Code regarding Waterways. 11: ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO BE ACTED UPON AT MAY 10, 2022 CITY COUNCIL MEETING (POSTED APRIL 20, 2022) CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE -2022 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO WATERWAYS The City Council of the City of Mound does ordain: Chapter 78 Waterways, Article V. Dock and Slip Licensing, Section 78-103 Regulations of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: (b) Allowable Mooring of Non -Owned Watercraft. Mooring of watercraft not owned by the dock licensee (Primary Site Holder or Secondary Site Holder) is permitted for a period of up to 48 hours, two times in a calendar year. Mooring of watercraft not owned by the dock licensee (Primary Site Holder or Secondary Site Holder) is not permitted for a period in excess of 48 hours unless a Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit has been first obtained by the licensee from the City and the fees established by the City have been paid. All Temporary Visiting Dockage Permits shall contain the DNR registration number or US Coast Guard documentation (and copies of same) of the boat and shall be limited to 24 14 days. No more than one Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit may be issued in any calendar year to an individual dock licensee. Passed by the City Council this loth day of May, 2022. Mayor Raymond J. Salazar Attest: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Published in the Laker- Pioneer the _ of _, 2022. Effective the _ day of , 2022. (StFikeet+t indicates matter to be deleted, underline indicates new matter.) 1009 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Mound transfers funds at year end to close out fund accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approves the following transfer for the year 2021: 1. Transfer $18,807.02 from G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2014B Debt Service Fund 368 to G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B Debt Service Fund 362 to close G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2014B Debt Service Fund 368 as the final debt service payment on the 2014B bonds occurred in 2021 and remaining fund balance can be used to reduce future special levy requirements. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 1010 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: May 5, 2022 Re: May 10, 2022 City Council Consent Agenda Item — 2022 MFD Annual Fish Fry and Dance Summary. The Mound Fire Department Relief Association has submitted and is requesting approval of the following permits required for the 2022 Fish Fry and Dance being held on Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (excluding event set-up and tear down . The requested applications and/or requests are outlined below: A. Public Gathering Permit B. Musical Concert Permit (including extended hours beyond 10:00 p.m.) C. Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit D. 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License Comments. • Staff notified the Public Works Department and the Orono Police Department about the upcoming event; also involved public agencies. • Wilshire Boulevard will be closed from Lakewood Lane to Maywood Road for the event as well as during event set-up and tear down. • The applicant is required to obtain all required permits to hold the event, including but not limited to, approvals from the Hennepin County Health Department, MN Dept. of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division, etc. for food/beverages to be served at the event. • As the Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance is an annual fundraiser and for community enjoyment, Staff recommends waiver of all local permit fees similar to previous years. • The MFD has an emergency weather plan and lost child plan in place for the event. • A Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit application was submitted but does not require Council approval. However, the application has been included for Council action 1011 to waive the involved fee. If a tent permit is issued by the MFD for the event, this fee is also requested to be waived. Recommendation. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the permits and requests for the 2022 Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance including waiver of fees, subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required public agency permits that are needed to hold the event (i.e., Hennepin County Transportation Department, Hennepin County Environmental Department, etc.). 2. Applicant shall work with the Orono Police Department and Public Works Department regarding logistics for the upcoming event including, but not limited to, equipment and personnel needs , road closure(s), site set-up and staging, traffic/pedestrian control and circulation, etc. Applicant is responsible for payment of fees for public safety or public services that may apply. 3. Amplified music, speakers and PA/sound systems are to be directed in the direction best suited to minimize impact upon neighbors as determined by the City Manager or designee. Applicant shall work with Staff on the final plan for layout and set-up of the stage and equipment. 4. As applicable, the applicant shall work with Staff to evaluate all proposed sign locations. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining permission from the current property owner for sign placement on private property 5. The City shall reserve the right to regulate hours of operation for any illuminated sign so as to prevent the creation of a nuisance, if applicable. 6. All signage is removed immediately following the event. 7. No signs can be placed within any County Road right-of-way unless approval is granted by Hennepin County. 8. No sign shall be placed in the sight triangle or obstruct vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Sign placement shall be subject to field modification by Mound Staff, if needed. 9. The submittal of a Certificate of Insurance for $1,000,000 in liquor liability coverage and naming the City of Mound as an additional insured, is required and shall be provided prior to the release and issuance of the permits. 10. If different from the application, contact information, including name and cell phone number, for the person(s) who will be on site the day of the event shall be provided prior to the release of the Public Gathering Permit. 11. Applicant is required to comply with the CDC guidelines for the COVID 19 pandemic and the Governor's Executive Order in effect at the time that apply to the special event. 1012 A resolution, approving the permit applications and request, subject to conditions, based on Staff's recommendation, has been prepared for Council consideration. Staff recommends approval. 1013 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING PERMITS FOR 2022 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION FISH FRY AND DANCE ON JUNE 4, 2022 AND WAIVING FEES DUE TO PUBLIC PURPOSE OF GATHERING WHEREAS, on December 14, 2021, the City Council of the City of Mound approved Resolution 21-129 which adopted the 2022 Fee Schedule ("Fee Schedule"); and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set a Public Gathering Permit Category I Location Fee at $300 per day and the Damage Deposit at $500 per day; and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule does not require a separate Musical Concert Permit fee if a Public Gathering Permit fee is being paid; and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit at $25; and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License at $50 per day; and WHEREAS, Andy Drilling, on behalf of the Mound Fire Department Relief Association, submitted the following applications for the 2022 Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance being held on June 4, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (not including event set-up and tear down activities) at the Mound Public Safety Building located at 2415 Wilshire Boulevard: A. Public Gathering Permit B. Musical Concert Permit (including extended timeframe past 10:00 P.M.) C. Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit D. 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License ;and WHEREAS, City Staff has reviewed said applications and has recommended reasonable conditions to protect the public's investment in its public parks and common areas as set forth in a staff memo to the City Council dated May 5, 2022 ("Conditions"); and WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Staff desire to waive fees for the 2022 Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance as it is a public event that benefits the community as a whole. 1014 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Resolution. 2. The following permits for the 2022 Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance are approved with Conditions: A. Public Gathering Permit B. Musical Concert Permit (including extended timeframe past 10:00 P.M.) C. Seasonal, Banner and Portable Sign Permit D. 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License 3. Waiver of all permit fees for the 2022 Mound Fire Department Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance is in the public interest due to the overwhelming public benefits. Passed by the City Council this 10th day of May, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 1015 CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LIQUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. Category I Locations: Surfside Park, Greenway, Centerview Park and Parking Deck PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500/DAY Category II Locations: Other Parks (neighborhoods, veteran's parks) PERMIT FEE: $50/DAY DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $200/DAY A Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Mound as Certificate Holder/Additional Insured is required with respect to the City's ownership of the public lands. Date(s) of Use June 2 Area to be Used Time Frame Intended Use M J Expected Attendance / Organization /"ld,0 *' ate, Representative's Name NIA Address 2) I /V/9_ Telephone No. Daytime: <16 qO6" 07<50 Work: 4� `-/ E-Mail: c1r 1 ll� Dq artmental A��roval City Clerk Police Dept. Works Fire D $50/event (only if no Public Gathering Permit Issued) Date(s) of Musical Concert LICENSE # CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 MUSICAL CONCERT PERMIT APPLICATION (Including, but not limited to, live music, music provided by a disc jockey, and/or any type of amplified music) EVENT: Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association 69th Fish Fry and Dance LOCATION OF MUSICAL CONCERT: In front of the Mound Fire Station on driveway apron and in roadway at Wilshire v oun , MN 55364 TYPE OF MUSICICAL CONCERT: Variety of Dance, Country, Rock-n-Roll and Oldies TIME PERIOD OF MUSICAL CONCERT 7:00pm - 11:59pm (HOURS PERMITTED: Mon - Sun: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm) REQUESTED EXTENSION OF HOURS: Music from 1 0:00pm-1 1:59pm (Council approval must be received to conduct a musical concert after 10:00 pm) APPLICANT: Mound Volunteer Fire Dept Relief Association CONTACT: Gregory Pederson, Fire Chief ADDRESS: 2415 Wilshire Blvd E-MAIL chiefl@moundfire.com HOME PHONE #: 952-292-0150 ii tt_ 2T 262 Date ADDRESS: Mound, MN 55364 WORK PHONE #: 952-472-3533 )3rL�,x &,ai.. Applic is Signature A certificate of insurance naming the City of Mound as Certificate Holder/Additional Insured is required with respect to the City's ownership of the public lands, if applicable. Department Review Approved Denied Police Dept. Adm. Fire Dept. �60 1017 I, �r 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 962472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620 SITE SEASONAL, BANNER, & PORTABLE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Note: Any information supplied on this form will be considered public according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Property Address 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 Business Name Mound Fire Department Zone _ Phone 952-472-3555 APPLICANT Name Gregory Pederson, Fire Chief Email chiefs@moundfire.com Phone 952-472-3533 Fax 952-472-3775 Other OWNER Name City of Mound i 952-472-0603 952-472-0620 Phone Fax Other SIGN Company Name CONTRACTOR Address Contact Person Phone Email Fax Other See City Code Chapter 119-4 952-292-0150 (cell) ❑ Seasonal Sign $25 - Dates from to Size feet x feet = sf Message Seasonal Signs - Seasonal signs of a temporary or portable nature may be used in the non-residential districts to promote or advertise on -premise seasonal services or merchandise. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall not be left in place for more than a two (2) month period. Permits and fees shall be required for all seasonal signs, and permits may be issued no more than two (2) times per calendar year per business. x❑ Banner/Pennant $25 - Dates from 05/14/2022 to 06/05/2022 Describe event Mound volunteer Fire Department Relief Association's 69th Fish Fry and Dance Sign locations (list or attach map) Mound Fire Station, Surfside Park, Eddies Auto and Marine Temporary banners and pennants employed for grand openings of business establishments, special events or promotions and holidays are not exempt from permits and fees and shall be removed within thirty (30) days upon permit issuance unless an alternate schedule is approved by the City Council. Temporary banners and pennants are prohibited from being placed upon any decorative fencing unless the banner or pennant is used in conjunction with a government, a quasi -public function, or similar -related special event. Permits for banners and pennants can be issued no more than four (4) times per calendar year. ❑ Portable Sign (no fee) - Dates from to Number of signs Sign locations (list or attach map) Describe sign (message, materials, etc.) 1018 Portable Signs used for the purpose of directing the public may be permitted under the following conditions: (a) Said sign is coincidental to, or used in conjunction with, a governmental unit or quasi -public function; and (b) The period of use of said sign shall not exceed thirty (30) consecutive days; and (c) Signs shall not be used more than four (4) times during a calendar year; and (d) Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event and/or on such other premises following approval of a temporary sign permit by the City of Mound. Administrative approval of a portable sign permit is permitted if the following conditions are met: 1. The sign is not being placed on public property. 2. Written permission from the property owner of record is provided if being located off -premises. 3. The criteria reference in subsections (a), (b), and (c) above are met. 4. The proposed location of the sign is reviewed and deemed acceptable by Mound Staff, which shall include the Police, Planning, and Engineering Departments, based on the following criteria: • The sign is not being placed in the road right-of-way. • The sign does not obstruct the sight triangle for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. • Placement of the sign does not create any potential traffic or other related hazard; and (e) Portable sign placement on public property requires City Council approval; and (f) Such signs shall require the issuance of a permit but will be exempt from all fees; and (g) In the instance of a multi -use facility, only one seasonal sign may be placed on the premises at any one time. Applicants are advised that incomplete applications or insufficient information can delay the processing of the permit request or may result in the application being rejected. Please fully complete all involved sections of the application and provide as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the proposed locations of signs, using addresses or landmarks, and written. permission from the property owner for off -site locations. ;70,7-Z APPLICA T' SIM NATU DATE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SPECIAL CONDITIONS & COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY & DATE 11 ( PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED BY & DATE COPIED APPROVED ZONING --A 1019 , FM� MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAPETY Name of organization Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1600, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE The Mound Volunteer Fire Department Association, Inc. Date organized Tax exempt number (April 30,1959 41-6146215 71 Organization Address City State Zip Code 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound I Minnesota 55364 Name of person making application Gregory S. Pederson, Fire Chief Business phone Home phone 952-472-3533 952-292-0150 Date(s) of event Type of organization ❑ Microdistillery ❑ Small Brewer r June 4, 2022 ❑ Club ❑ Charitable ❑ Religious ❑X Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Andy Drilling - Relief President Mound —1 Minnesota 55364 Organization officer's name City Mound State Minnesota Zip Code 55364 Jeff Ottenbreit, Relief Treasurer Organization officer's name City State Minnesota Zip Code Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN. Located at the Mound Fire Station inside apparatus bay and outside building in parking lot and on front apron. 0 If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. N/a If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association - Minnesota Liquor Liability Assigned Risk Plan - Coverage $1,000,000 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Date Approved ` Fee Amount Permit Date L/— S - Z©'�Z _QSC GrfYO•-f';"6C_0 VI Date Fee Paid City or County E-mail Address 9sa-Lt-7a-- 06 1_2 City or County Phh nne Number �_1 / /V / \ � /l y Signature City Clerk o County Official ell Please Print Name of City Clerk or County Official CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE. TEMPORARYAPPLICATION STATE.MN.US 1020 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: May 5, 2022 Re: Consent Agenda Item for May 10, 2022 Meeting— Public Gathering Permit for Special Event (Back Channel Run for a Reason 5K Fun Run) Overview. Morgan Jabbe, on behalf of the Brewery Running Series, submitted a Public Gathering Permit Application for City Council consideration to approve a 5K run/walk being held on Sun., May 22, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (excluding set-up and tear down activities) that includes use of roads and sidewalks in the City of Mound. Details. The 5K event, which is named Back Channel Run for a Reason, starts and ends at the Back Channel Brewery located in Spring Park. A graphic of the route of the 5K fun run, which includes an open course, was included in the applicant's submitted materials and has been included as an attachment. • Staff notified the Orono Police Department, the Public Works Department and the Mound Fire Department about this event. Staff also notified affected public agencies (i.e., Three Rivers Park District Hennepin County Transportation Department etc.). Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the requested permits subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required local and public agency permits that are needed to hold the event. 2. Applicant shall work with the Orono Police Department, the Mound Fire Department (MFD) and the Public Works Department, as needed, regarding logistics for the upcoming event including, but not limited to, equipment and personnel needs, site set-up and staging, traffic/pedestrian control and circulation, road closure needs, etc. Applicant is responsible for payment of fees for public safety or public services that may apply. A copy of the permit from Hennepin County for the event was submitted by the applicant and is included as an attachment. 3. Amplified music, speakers and PA/sound systems are to be directed in the direction best suited to minimize impact upon neighbors. 1021 4. Placement of any and/or all temporary signs shall be subject to regulations contained in City Code Chapter 119 and may include issuance of a permit and payment of the required fee. 5. No signage can be placed upon private property unless permission from the private property owner and/or other interested party has been provided to the applicant who shall be responsible for obtaining same. 6. Signage placement is subject to review and approval by the City of Mound. No signage shall be placed in a location so as to affectvehicular and pedestrian traffic. The City of Mound reserves the right to modify sign placement in the field. 7. The submittal of a Certificate of Insurance, naming the City of Mound as an additional insured, is required and shall be provided prior to the release and issuance of the Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit. Required insurance and coverage shall be in accordance with the City's established policies. 8. If different from the application, contact information, including name and cell phone number, for the person(s) who will be on site the day of the event shall be provided prior to the release of the Public Gathering Permit. 9. Applicant is required to comply with the CDC guidelines for the COVID 19 pandemic and the Governor's Executive Order in effect at the time. A resolution, approving the permit application, subject to conditions, based on Staff's recommendation, has been prepared for Council's consideration. Staff recommends approval. • Page 2 1022 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT FOR BACKCHANNEL RUN FOR A REASON 5K FUN RUN BEING HELD ON SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2022 WHEREAS, on December 14, 2021, the City Council of the City of Mound approved Resolution 21-129 which adopted the 2022 Fee Schedule ("Fee Schedule"); and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set a Public Gathering Permit Category I Location Fee at $300 per day and the Damage Deposit at $500 per day; and WHEREAS, Morgan Jabbe, on behalf of the Brewery Running Series, submitted a Public Gathering Permit Application and supporting information for a 5K run/walk being held on Sun., May 22, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (excluding set-up and tear down activities) that includes use of roads and sidewalks in Mound for City Council consideration. The 5K event, which is named, Back Channel Run for a Reason, starts and ends at Back Channel Brewery which is located in the City of Spring Park. WHEREAS, City Staff has reviewed said applications and has recommended reasonable conditions to protect the public's investment in its public parks and common areas as set forth in a staff memo to the City Council dated May 5, 2022 ("Conditions"); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Resolution. Passed by the City Council this 10th day of May, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 1023 CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a public park, streets or rights of way by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the public lands or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LIQUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up ofthe public lands. Category I Locations (Surfside Park, Greenway, Centerview and Parking Deck) PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500/DAY* Category 11 Locations: Other parks (neighborhoods, veterans parks) PERMIT FEE: $50/DAY X DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $200/DAY* A certificate of insurance naming the City of Mound as Certificate Holder/Additional Insured is required with respect to the City's ownership of the public lands. Date(s) of Use Sunday, May 22, 2022 Area to be Used 5k course loop aloong sidewalks on Bartlett Blvd, Wllshire Blvd, Interlachen Rd and Shoreline Dr Time Frame 10:30am - 12:30pm Intended Use Family 5k fun run / walk event to suppor the Grief Club of Minnesota. Expected Attendance 200 participants Organization Apple Adventure Racing, LLC / dba Brewery Running Series Representative's Name Morgan Jappe Address 1138 Marshall Ave St Paul, MN 55104 Telephone No. Daytime:612-791-6553 Work:612-791-6553 E-Mail: morgan@breweryrunningseries.com Departmental Approval City Clerk Police Dept. Public Works Fire N I 0 70 r Z m u 70 1 ♦ � an 41 powli, rn V � m W a n O D N N W% C:) N N 1025 TI *�l I m (D >< (D .0 r+ (Z (D r+ r+ (D < (D (D (D o 0 . � v r+ (D r+ (D N O r+ CD CD a) CD O � 3 ol 0 .Z (Z r-F (p j cDM�% (D _ � X 0 3 � r+ (D e-+ 0 O r+ N N � 0 r-F O r+ 3 r+ r+ N � (D � (D r+ V) cc 0 r+ + n r e-+ r+ 0 r-F � (gyp 3 -r � r(D(D v (D n cn r-r .0 cD n 0 c N m Z O m rAd- Ok i i r- r ;u O v r m 0 n S CD N N W% C:) N N 1026 HEN NEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA April 22, 2022 Morganlabbe Brewery Running Series 1138 Marshall Ave St Paul MN, 55104 Re: Back Channel Run for a Reason 5k Fun Run Dear Morgan, This letter will serve as your permit to temporarily use segments of CSAH 15 (Shoreline Drive) and CSAH 125 (Wilshire Blvd and Interlachen Road) for the Back Channel Run for a Reason 5k Fun Run Sunday, May 22, 2022 between 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM. This is an Open Course where the roads will not be closed, and intersections will not be controlled for the run. Sidewalks are to be used where available and shoulders where there are no sidewalks. Participants are responsible fortheir safety. Only a Traffic Control Officer may override the placement and use of traffic control devices. All county road intersection traffic disruptions will be kept to a minimum. Please contact me at (612) 596-0336 or michael.olmstead@hennepin.us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Michael Olmstead Permits Supervisor cc: David Bramwell, Hennepin County Road Operations Supervisor Hennepin County Communications and Engagement Hennepin County Transportation Operations Public Works Facility,1600 Prairie Drive, Medina, MN 55430 hennepin.us 1028 S B&MLENK Real People. Real Solutions. May 51h, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten — Director of Public Works & City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2020 Manhole Rehabilitation Project City Project No.PW-20-04 BMI No. C17.121634 Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (952) 448-8838 Fax: (952) 448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 3 & Final from Thul Specialty Contracting for work completed on the 2020 Manhole Rehabilitation Project from February 2n', 2021 through August 10111, 2021. Work to date includes installation of Cementitious Structure Lining, Epoxy Structure Lining, Structure Joint Sealing, Structure Bench & Invert Reconstruction, and other work to prevent inflow & infiltration into the Sanitary Sewer System. We have reviewed the estimate, verified the quantities, and recommend final payment to the contractor in the amount of $4,441.25. The detail for this amount is attached. At this time, the project is complete. The total on this estimate includes the release of previously withheld retainage. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Brian D. Simmons, P.E. City Engineer H.AMOONVC19121634\1 CorresVC To Others\2021-08-10 fir of Recdo, Pay Reiff 3- Final .docx Bolton & Monk is an DATE: 8/10/2021 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT CITY PROJECT NOS. PW-20-04 BMI PROJECT NO. C17.121634 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 3&Final 2/2/2021 THROUGH 8/10/2021 CONTRACTOR THUL SPECIALTY CONTRACTING OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Bolton & Menk TOTALAMOUNT BID ..... ........-....... .................. -...... ..._.....-................. ....__.__........... ........ .................... ......... _.............. ........ $ 86,980.00 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS ............. ...............__............... ...._....._....--- ........... .... ........ ......... ...._........................... $ - CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT_ ........ ............................. .... .. ......... $ 86,980.00 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE._._.......................................................... _._..._..____._...__...__............ ..._......................... $ 88,825.00 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ... ........ _.......................................... ...._._..__._......................... ........................... ......... .$ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ - TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS .... —.............. __........ -...... ........................._......._.._................_...........--... $ 88,825.00 RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 0% ) .........._....._...:........: .. _... ......... $ TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS ......................................... .............................................. __........ ._.__..._.._.._.__. ..... - $ - NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE. ._____..____..._.._........._........_...... _.._........ .................................................. $ 88,825.00 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES .............................................. _._...._..___.__...__._.......... ....... _..._................ . $ 84,383.75 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 3&FINAL___.... ____...........__..._........... _........... .............. _....... ........ _......... __............. ... $ 4,441.25 Certificate for Final Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290,92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor That Specialty C r ting PO Box 322 Elk Rive 330j By Date CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By ' T-�" PROJECT ENGINEER Brian D. Simmons Date 2021-08-11 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By 1030 DATE., PROJECT., CONTRACTOR: 8/10/2021 FILEPATH. H:UOUMCI"1121634A"1 ConsvdonO Pay Applimtonsll21634 NEMEeRe bPay App: PPAY RE 3&FiaE REQUEST FOR PAYMENT MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT THUL SPECIALTY CONTRACTING REQUEST NO.: 3&Final ORIGINAL BID 11 COMPLETED BID UNIT THIS MONTH TO DATE ITEM QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT NO. BID ITEM UNIT QUANTIT PRICE 1 MOBILIZATION 1 LS $5,000.00 1.00 $5,000.00 2 BYPASS PLAN 1 LS $5,000.00 1.00 $5,000.00 3 REMOVE & INSTALL WATERTIGHT CASTING LID 7 EACH $250.00 7.00 $1,750.00 4 GROUT RINGS/SEAL CHIMNEY SEAL & CONE (PER MANHOLE) 34 EACH $350.00 32.00 $11,200.00 5 MANHOLE JOINT SEALING 44 EACH $350.00 50.00 $17,500.00 6 VERTICAL CRACK SEALING 2.5 LF $350.00 7 MANHOLE BENCH/INVERT RECONSTRUCTION 11 EACH $1,150.00 12.00 $13,800.00 8 MISCELLANEOUS GROUTING 23 $250.00 23.00 $5,750.00 9 MANHOLE LINING (CEMENT) 54.5 LGAL $340.005500 $18,700.00 10 MANHOLE LINING EPDXY 40.5 $250.00 40.50 $10,125.00 $88,825.00 1031 M � DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Your Contractor Affidavit request is Approved. A copy of this page MUST be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Submitted Date and Time: 24-Aug-2021 12:07:44 PM Confirmation Number: 0-479-007-904 Name: THUL SPECIALTY CONTRACTING INC ID: 7502508 Affidavit Number: 430575616 Project Owner: CITY OF MOUND Project Number: 2020 Project Begin Date: 10/12/2020 Project End Date: 4/10/2021 Project Location: 2020 MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT Project Amount: $88,825.00 Subcontractors: No Subcontractors Please print this page for your records using the print or save functionality built into your browser. 1032 Orono Police Department Crime Summary Report Cities: MOUND Date Range: 41112022 12:00:01 AM - 41302022 11:59:59 PM Crime Category: Aggravated Assault 609.224.1 Assault-5th Degree -Misdemeanor 1 609.2242.1(2) Domestic Assault -Misdemeanor -Intentionally Inflicts/Attempts to Inflict Bodily Harm on Another 1 Crime Category: All Other Offenses 609.50.1(2) Obstruct Legal Process -Interfere w/Peace Officer 1 Crime Category: Burglary/Breaking & Entering 609.582.4 Burglary-4th Deg -to Commit Misdemeanor 1 Crime Categ 609.72.1(3) Disorderly Conduct - Offensive/Abusive/Boisterous/Noisy/Obscene 1 Crime Category: Drug Equipment Violations 152.092(a) Drugs- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia- Use or Possession Prohibited 1 Crime Category: Drug/Narcotic Violations 151.37.1 Pharmacy- Legend Drugs- Unlawful Possess/Sell/Give Away/Barter/Exchange/Distribute 1 152.025.2(1) Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 1 152.027.4(a) Drugs - Possess/Sale Small Amount of Marijuana - No Remuneration 1 gory: Non -Reportable 168.36.1 Motor Vehicle Registration - Unregistered -Certificate Revoked 1 169.09.2 Traffic Collision - Driver Involved Fails to Stop for Collision - Driven or Attended Vehicle 1 169.14.5b Traffic - Speeding - Excess speed in urban district 1 169.73.2 Traffic Regulation - Motor Vehicle - Bumper Required 1 169.797.2 Traffic Regulation -Uninsured Vehicle -Owner Violation 1 171.24.1 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Suspension 1 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation 2 ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE 3 ADLOCK ADMIN LOCKOUT CAR/HOUSE 1 AL FAIL ALARM FALSE 3 ALFIRE ALARM FIRE 1 Report Ran: 5/4/2022 11:03:30 AM Page 1 of 3 Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report 1033 ANAL ANIMAL AT LARGE ASFD ASSIST FIRE DEPT ASLI FT LIFT ASSIST ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC DEATH DEATH INVESTIGATION DISDOM DISTURB DOMESTIC DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT DISNOI DISTURB NOISE COMPLAINT DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON FOPR FOUND PROPERTY JUVPROB JUV-CHILD PROBLEM JUVPROT JUV-CHILD PROTECTION MED MEDICAL MEDCR MEDICAL CRISIS MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE MIS911 MISC FALSE 911 CALL MISABV MISC OFCR ABANDONED VEHMUNK MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER MISCPS MISC PUBLIC CIVIL PAPER SERVICE MISHRO MISC PUBLIC HARRASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDER MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE MISRUNLOC MISC OFCR JUVENILE RUNAWAY LOCATED MISSCAM MISC OFCR SCAM/SWINDLE MISUT MISC OFCR UNFOUNDED THEFT MISUTL MISC OFCR UTILITIES MISVAN MISC VANDALISM MISVUL MISC PUBLIC VULNERABLE ADULT MISWA MISC OFCR WARRANT ARREST MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK ORDDPA ORD VIO-POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA SUSACT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON SUSVEH SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE Report Ran: 5/4/2022 11:03:30 AM Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report Page 2 of 3 1034 Crime Category: Shoplifting 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Crime Category: Simple Assault 609.2242.1(2) Domestic Assault -Misdemeanor -Intentionally Inflicts/Attempts to Inflict Bodily Harmon Another 609.2247.2 Domestic Assault - By Strangulation Crime Category: Theft From Building 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Report Ran: 5/4/2022 11:03:30 AM Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report Page 3 of 3 1035 3urono Police Deoartment Activity Report - Public (If Juvenile involved, no address nrovidedl Cities: MOUND Date Range: 4/1/2022 12:00:01 AM - 4/30/2022 11:59:59 PM Case: OR22002236 Reported: 4/1/2022 12:05:31 AM Address:—AVON DR MOUND Offense: SUSACT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Case: OR22002241 Reported: 411/20223:35:41 AM Address:— CYPRESS LN MOUND Offense: 152.092(a) Drugs - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - Use or Possession ProhiMed. Offense: 171-24-1 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Suspens Case: OR22002273 Reported: 4/1/2022 1:57:01 PM Address:- IDLEWOOD RD MOUND Offense: ANAL ANIMAL AT LARGE Case: OR22002278 Reported: 4/1/20224:32:23 PM Address: -COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ASFD ASSIST FIRE DEPT Case: OR22002293 Reported: 4/2/20222:00:43 AM Address SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002294 Reported: 412/20224:02:47 AM Address WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: DISNOI DISTURB NOISE COMPLAINT Case- OR22002309 Reported: 4/2/2022 3.50:05 PM Address ABERDEEN RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002310 Reported: 4/2/2022 3:43:49 PM Address EDEN RD MOUND Offense: MISSCAM MISC OFCR SCAM/SWINDLE Case: OR22002311 Reported: 4)2/2022 4:08:26 PM Address:! BALSAM RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002312 Reported: 4/2/2022 4:49c47 PM Address:_ PHEASANT CIR MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002316 Reported: 4/2/2022 722:33 PM Addresss THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002319 Reported: 4/3/202212A8:54 AM Address COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002321 Reported: 4/3/2022 1:34:29 AM Address" RED OAK RD MOUND Offense: MEDCR MEDICAL CRISIS Case: OR22002323 Reported: 4/3120223.31.07 AM Address4WROSEDALE RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002324 Reported: 4/3120223:33:39 AM AddressAWOMMERCE BLVD MOUND -tense: MED MEDICAL Report Ran: 5/4/2022 10:56:3T Ra .� 036 Page 1 of 9 Report OR - FBR - Activity Report - Pubtic Case: OR22002325 Reported: 413/20223:36:53 AM Address: -WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: DISNOI DISTURB NOISE COMPLAINT Case: OR22002350 Reported: 4/3/2022 727:32 PM Address: tWSHANNON LN MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002351 Reported: 4/3/2022 820:22 PM Address:r RED OAK RD MOUND Offense:ASLIFT LIFT ASSIST Case: OR22002383 Reported: 4/4/202211:51:50 AM Address:—BARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002385 Reported: 4/4/2022 1:08:26 PM Address: — WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: 152.027.4(a) Druas - Possess/Sale Small Amount of Manivana - No Remuneration Case: OR22002387 Reported: 4/4/2022 2,07:39 PM Address: 4WELLAIRE LN MOUND Offense: MISUT MISC OFCR UNFOUNDED THEFT Case: OR22002389 Reported: 4/4/2022 3:1826 PM Address: —FAIRFIELD RD MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002390 Reported: 4/4/2022 3:2422 PM Address: SWELLAIRE LN MOUND Offense. SUSACT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Case: OR22002395 Reported: 4/4/2022 4:56:47 PM Address-rDEVON LN MOUND Offense: FOPR FOUND PROPERTY Case: OR22002413 Reported: 4/4/2022 9:55:37 PM Address: IMSEASURY RD MOUND Offense: MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE Case: OR22002449 Reported: 415120224:33:27 PM Address:S LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002450 Reported: 4/5/2022 6:31:45 PM Address:`OVERLAND LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002459 Reported: 4/5120229:5721 PM Address-d1WONGFORD RD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002461 Reported: 4/6/2022 1:01:31 AM Address:41WLM RD MOUND T^t,w se: MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE r"IF wme: MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE Case: OR22002464 Reported: 4/6/2022 7:46:27 AM Address-" BARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: ALFAL ALARM FALSE Case: OR22002467 Reported: 4/6f2022 8:30:17 AM Address4WTHREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: MISUT MISC OFCR UNFOUNDED THEFT Case: OR22002469 Reported: 4/6/2022 10:05:28 AM Address: — GULL LN MOUND Offense:609.72.10 Disorderiv Conduct - Offensive/Abusive/Boisterous/Noisy/Obscene Case: OR22002473 Reported: 4/5/2022 3:00:00 PM Address: —ARBOR LN MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATK7. ;-port Tian: 514/2022 10:56:37 AM 1037 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 2 of 9 Case: OR22002481 Reported: 416/2022 7:13:00 PM Offense: 609.2247.2 Domestic Assault - By Strangulation Case: OR22002482 Reported: 4/6/20227*38:14 PM Offense: MISWA MISC OFCR WARRANT ARREST Case: OR22002489 Reported: 41612022 10:01:22 AM Offense: MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE Case: OR22002494 Reported: 41YM22223:00 PM Offense: MISVUL MISC PUBLIC VULNERABLE ADULT Case: OR22002510 Reported: 4O/2022 5:19.45 PM Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22002518 Reported: 417120227,05-31 PM Offense: MED MEDICAL Address:#W COMMERCE BLVD Address-.IRV SHORELINE DR Address -AM TONKAWOOD RD Address: Address:_HALSTEAD LN Address:dW LAKEWOOD LN Case: OR22002521 Reported: 4/7/2022 7:33:32 PM Address:JW COMMERCE BLVD :,tense., 168.36.1 Motor Vehicle Registration - Unregistered -Certificate Revoked , r,ense: 169.14.5b Traffic - Speeding. - Excess speed in urban district Offense: 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation Case: OF122002529 Reported: 4/7/2022 9-53:34 PM AddresspSOTONKAWOOD RD Offense: SUSVEH SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE Case: OR22002548 Reported: 4/8/2022 1:36:36 PM Addresses SANDY LN Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22002550 Reported: 418120223:51:05 PM Address:—BARTLETT 13LVD Offense: 151.37-1 Pharmacv - Legend Druas- Unlawful Possess/Sell/Give AwavBarter/Exchanae/Dislribu;:7 Offense. 152.025.2(1) Drugs - Sth Degree - Possess Schedule - Not Small Amount Manivarw.. Offense., 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation Case: OR22002556 Reported: 4/8/2022 10:23,04 PM Address: LYNWOOD BLVD & COMMERCE BLVD Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002561 Reported: 4/9/2022 2:50:24 AM Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002564 Reported: 4/9/2022 5:57:02 AM Offense: ALFAL ALARM FALSE Case: OR22002566 Reported: 4/9/2022 8:10:49 AM Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002587 Reported: 4/9/202.2 6:17:19 PM Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22002593 Reported: 4/9/2022 7:35:10 PM :'dense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Address:-. SPRUCE RD Address:'COMMERCE BLVD Address: {!COMMERCE BLVD Address:SSPRUCE RD Address: 6WOMMERCE BLVD MOUND MOUND VIXEN MOUND MOUND TIOII� MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MINOR MOUND Report Ran: 5/4120221056:37 Xr- 1038 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 3 of 9 Case: OR22002594 Reported: 4/9/2022 7-42:35 PM Address:+COMMERCE BLVD MUUNU Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002613 Reported: 4110/2022 12-40:48 AM Address: fWIPER RD MOUND Offense: MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE Case: OR22002614 Reported: 4/10/2022501:53 AM Address: MAYWOOD RD MOUND Offense: MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH Case: OR22002615 Reported: 4110/2022 6:20:12 AM Address4WPRUCE RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002678 Repor[ed:4lt012022 3:3925 PM Address:gWBALSAM RD MOUND Offense: DISDOM DISTURB DOMESTIC Case: OR22002619 Reported: 4I10/20224:24:16 PM Address::COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT Case:OR22002620 Reported: 4/10/20225:50:57 PM Address:MIWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002627 Reported: 4/10/2022 634:59 PM Address: f0BLACK LAKE LN MOUND Offense: MIS911 MISC FALSE 911 CALL Case: OR22002622 Reported: 4/1012022 6:53:17 PM Address: MOUND Offense: 609.2242.1(12) Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-inten5onally Inflicts/Attemots to Inflict Bodilv Harm on Another Case: OR22002629 Reported: 4/1112022 6:22:55 AM Address:rLANGDON LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002688 Reported: 4111l2022 1:13:35 PM Address:COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002640 Reported: 4711/20222:48:47 PM Address:rtANGDON LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002641 Reported: 4/11l20223:33:04 PM Address:-YNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON Case: OR22002643 Reported: 40l202211:30:00 AM Address:fo GULL W MOUND Offense: MISHRO MISC PUBLIC HARRASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDER Case: OR22002648 Reported: 4/71/20225:13:58 PM Address: SWLD SCHOOL RD MOUND Offense: MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH Case: OA22002653 Reported: 4/11l2022 9:18:01 PM pddress:dWELICAN POINT CIR MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002660 Reported: 4112/2022 435:31 AM Address: PARK AND RIDE 65 MOUND POST OFFICE MOUND Offense: DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON Case: OR22002664 Reported: 4/12/2022 8:57:56 AM Address:rSHORELINE DR MOUND nK-6D&56.}t2} Obstruct Legal Process -Interfere w/Peace Officer Offense: 609.582.4 Surgtary-4th Deg -to Commit Misdemeanor Report Ran: 5/4/2022 10:56:37 A::: Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public 1039 Page 4 of 9 Case:. OR22002665 Reported: 4/12/2022 9:59:31 AM Address: fW LOST LAKE CT Offense: DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON Case: OR22002669 Reported: 4112/2022 10,33-31 AM Address: IMCOMMERCE BLVD Offense: 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Case: OR22002670 Reported: 4/12/2022102610 AM Address: 4WAIRFIELD RD Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002676 Reported-. 4/12/2022 4:30:56 PM Address: OLD SCHOOL RD Offense: MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH Case: OR22GO2683 Reported: 4/13/2022 3:29:24 AM Address: 410GUMWOOD RD Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22GO2697 Reported: 4/13/2022 11:36:32 AM Address>_COMMERCE BLVD Offense: 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Usefiransfer Movable ProD-No Consent Case: OR22002705 Reported: 4113120222:14:12 PM Address:4WHORELINE DR Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002706 Reported: 4113/2022 2:55:21 PM Address:_SHORELINE DR Offense: MISUT MISC OFCR UNFOUNDED THEFT Case: OR22002709 Reported: 4/13l2022 4:12:46 PM Address: CRESTVIEW RD & HERON LN Offense: ANAL ANIMAL AT LARGE Case: OR22002710 Reported: 4/13/2022 453:34 PM Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002711 Reported: 4/13/2022 5.38:15 PM Offense: DISDOM DISTURB DOMESTIC Case: OR22002716 Reported: 4/13/2022 8:45:17 PM Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002719 Reported: 4/14/202212:07.01 AM Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002737 Reported: 4/14/2022 3,19:52 PM Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002740 Reported: 4/14/2022 4:57:39 PM Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22002747 Reported: 4/14/2022 7:55:37 PM Offense: 609224.1 Assault-5th Decree -Misdemeanor Case: OR22002749 Reported: 4/14/2022 9:41:47 PM Offense: MISUT MISC OFCR UNFOUNDED THEFT Case: OR22002751 Reported: 4/15/2022 2:50:28 AM _'.ense: MED MEDICAL Address_NORWOOD LN Address:_BALSAM RD AddressSHILLCREST RD Address:40WOMMERCE BLVD Address: MONMOUTH RD & CAMBRIDGE LN Address: LYNWOOD BLVD & SHORELINE DR Address: AddresslCOMMERCE BLVD Address: SHORELINE DR & FERNSIDE LN MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND Report Ran: 514/202210:5637 Page 5 of 5 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Pubim 1 040 Case: OR22002756 Reported: 4/15/2022 3.08.23 AM Address:—BAYPORT RD MOUND Offense: DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON Case: OR22002761 Reported: 4/15/2022 1222:57 PM Address:AIWRUMMOND RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002767 Reported: 4/15/2022 4:56:19 PM Address: LYNWOOD BLVD & COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: 169.09.2 Traffic Collision - Driver Involved Fails to Stoo for Collision - Driven or Attended Vehicle Case: OR22002768 Reported: 4/15/2022 6:21:00 PM Address: dWOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002769 Reported: 4/15/2022 6:5425 PM Address:40WIDGEWOOD RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002770 Reported: 4/15/2022 7:23:42 PM Address:—RIDGEWOOD RD MOUND Offense: ADLOCK ADMIN LOCKOUT CAR/HOUSE Case: OR22002783 Reported: 4/16/2022 1:39:10 AM AddressAWCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense. SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON Case: OR22002792 Reported: 4/16/202211:45:31 AM AddressAMFA1RVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002812 Reported: 4117/20223:15:36 AM Address:COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002816 Reported: 4/17/20228:11:05 AM Address—LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: MISVAN MISC VANDALISM Case: OR22002820 Reported: 411712022 9c17:32 AM Address:_COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISVAN MISC VANDALISM Case: OR22002821 Reported: 4/171202211:46:24 AM Address COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense--MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002823 Reported: 4/17/2022 1.0526 PM Address:THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002828 Reported: 4118120224:12:42 AM Address:dWYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002831 Reported: 4118/2022 8:36:56 AM Address: SWAYWOOD LN MOUND Offense: MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER Case: OR22002840 Reported: 4/18/2022 3:2326 PM Address:AWAWTHORNE RD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22002846 Reported: 4118/2022 6-35:57 PM Address:—SOUTHVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002849 Reported: 4/18/2022 7.59:56 PM Address:&COMMERCE BLVD MOUND offense: M€D MEDICAL Report Ran: 5/41202210:56:37 M; 9 Report: OR - FBR - Acfivity Report - Public 1041 Page 6 of Case: OR22002852 Reported: 4119/20223:16:12 AM AddressASHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case- OR22002863 Reported: 411912022 12:41[33 PM Address:#IWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: DISNOI DISTURB NOISE COMPLAINT Case-OR22002867 Reported: 4/19/20221:46:11 PM Addresse'HREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: DISUNW DISTURB UNWANTED PERSON Case: OR22002873 Reported: 4/19/2022 5:54:50 PM Address•AWYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002883 Reported: 4/1912022 10:01:12 PM Address:—BAYPORT RD MOUND Offense: ORDDPA ORD VIO-POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA Case: OR22002904 Reported: 4120/202211:58:08 AM Address4CENTERVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case-OR22002910 Reported: 4Y20/20221220:09 PM Address:_SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: ALFIRE ALARM FIRE Case: OR22002912 Reported: 4/20120224:04:24 PM Address: -COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: 0822002918 Reported: 4/20/202211:06:15 PM AddressSCENTERVIEW LN MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22002925 Reported: 4/21/2022 8:49:05 AM Address: BRIGHTON BLVD & PLYMOUTH RD MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22002946 Reported: 4/22/20229:24:52 AM Address:-HANOVER RD MOUND Offense: DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT Case: OR22002948 Reported: 41222022 12:02:52 PM Address: MOUND Offense: JUVPROT JUV-CHILD PROTECTION Case: OR22002950 Reported: 4221202212:0126 PM AddressCWLESLIE RD MOUND Offense: MISUTL MISC OFCR UTILITIES Case: OR22002952 Reported: 42220221:29:10 PM AddressAWESTEDGE BLVD MOUND Offense: MIS911 MISC FALSE 911 CALL Case: OR22002957 Reported: 4222022431:47 PM AddressWTONKAWOOD RD MOUND Offense: JUVPROB JUV-CHILD PROBLEM Case: OR22002966 Reported: 4/23/2022 6:11:37 AM Address— EDGEWATER DR MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002972 Reported: 423/2022 12:57:57 PM AddresAWCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22002975 Reported: 4/23/2022 2:17:20 PM Address"VSHOREWOOD LN MOUND ^3ffense: MED MEDICAL Report Ran: 5142022 1056:37 AL, Report: OR - PER - Activity Report - Pubim 1 042 Page 7 of 9 Case: OR22002982 Reported: 4/23/2022 6:52:17 PM Address: TUXEDO BLVD & PELICAN POINT CIR MOUND Offense: MISRUNLOC MISC OFCR JUVENILE RUNAWAY LOCATED Case: OR22002987 Reported: 4/24/202212:05:56 AM Address41WUNSET RD MOUND Offense: SUSACT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Case: OR22003010 Reported: 424/20227:52:22 PM Address:dollljWRANDVIEW BLVD MOUND 169.73.2 Traffic Reaulation - Motor Vehicle - Bumper Reauired -15nse: 169.797.2 Traffic Reaulation-Uninsured Vehicle -Owner Violation Case: OR22003026 Reported: 425/2022928:42 AM Address:—BELMONT LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22003029 Reported 425202211A1:40 AM Address: dWCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003038 Reported: 4/25/2022 3:26:02 PM Address: AWINCH LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003057 Reported: 426120229:20:13 AM Address: dWOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22003114 Reported: 412720222:29:37 PM Address MWOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ALFAL ALARM FALSE Case: OR22003117 Reported: 4/2720223:41:34 PM Address:AGRANDVIEW BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003120 Reported: 427/2022 9.04:10 PM Address.4eARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003124 Reported: 42820227:21:45 AM AddressAWCENTERVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MISCPS MISC PUBLIC CIVIL PAPER SERVICE Case: OR22003127 Reported: 4/28/2022 8:41:29 AM Address: COMMERCE BLVD & OLD SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22003136 Reported: 428/2022 5.03:32 PM Address-dWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER Case:OR22003139 Reported: 4/28/20225:44:33 PM Address: MOUND Offense: 609.522(a1(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Case: OR22003140 Reported: 4/28/20228:18:47 PM Address:—CENTERVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22003145 Reported: 4/292022 8:17:29 AM Address_THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER Cases OR22003149 Reported: 429202211:51:48 AM AddressS FAIRVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22003150 Reported: 4)29/2022 12:30:43 PM Address —COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MFDK'= report Ran: 5/42022 10:56:37 AM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public 1043 Page 8 of 9 Case: OR22003152 Reported: 4/29/2022124:30 PM Address: SPRUCE RD & BALSAM RD Offense: MISABV MISC OFCR ABANDONED VEHMUNK Case: OR22003161 Reported: 4f29/2022 5:55:53 PM Address:-f ULL LN Offense: DEATH DEATH INVESTIGATION Case: OR22003170 Reported: 4/292022 8:00:11 PM Address:!TUXEDO BLVD Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003173 Reported: 4/29/20229:45:10 PM Address- RIDGEWOOD RD Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22003177 Reported: 4/291202211A2:21 PM Address THREE POINTS BLVD Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22003205 Reported: 4130/202210:50:10 PM Address#WGRANDVIEW BLVD Offense: 609.2242.1(2) Domestic Assault -Misdemeanor -intentionally Inflicts/Attemots to Inflict Bodily Harm on Another Case: OR22003206 Reported: 4/30/2022 11.23:19 PM Address:_ALEXANDER tN MiSRUNLOC MISC OFCR JUVENILE RUNAWAY LOCATED MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND f46 Report Ran: 5/4/2022 10:56:37 At, Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - PuNuin 1 044 Page 9 of CITY OF MOUND — CITY MANAGER 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Eric Hoversten, City Manager and Director of Public Works DATE: May 3, 2022 SUBJECT: Water Steward Demonstration Project at Overland Road LOCATION: Overland Road Street End REQUEST: Review proposed Water Steward demonstration project at the dead-end street end of Overland Drive BACKGROUND: Community member and volunteer Sheri Wallace has enrolled in the Water Steward certification program through Hennepin County. The program requires participants to propose and complete a demonstration project that implements clean water best management practices as part of the certification completion. Ms Wallace has proposed installation of a rain garden to improve treatment of water flowing off the end of Overland Road and into Harrison Bay. The City has many street ends approaching the lake similar to this location and developing a best management practice demonstration will help encourage others interested in making positive impact on water quality to consider similar installations on either private or public (Rights of way) lands. The applicant has provided a project summary which is attached to describe the specifics of the project. This location services an inland, (non -abutter) dock site and any alteration of the public land would need to assure non -disrupted traversability from the street end to the dock location. The proposed plans leave adequate circulation and traversability to support dock access and use by the license holder. Approval of a Public Land Alteration Permit by the City Council is required for this proposal and has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Parks and Open Spaces Commission RECOMMENDATION: Approve Public Land Alteration Permit consistent the project as proposed and described in the attached materials submitted by the applicant. 1 1045 From: Shen Wallace TO: Eric Hoversten Cc: nnoorec1an5Cnlmsn.conn Subject: End of Street Project Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:57:45 AM Hi, Eric. Yesterday we had a brief call with a landscaper TaI Simchoni to talk about the scope of our project and the possible cost. Hennepin County has provided funds of $3k forthe project and our outreach education. Below is a high level list of items we will need. The below estimate is based on a 600 sq foot rain garden which would filter a 1" rainfall. Ideally we'd like to make it bigger and add a shoreline buffer but that will be dependent on funding. • Plants & scrubs (279 perennials in 3 % inch pots)—$1,000 • 5%yards of mulch -$400 • Compost and other soil amendments and dirt removal -? • Permeable Walkway to dock -? • Landscape designer- $250 • Landscaper to supervise escavation - $500 • Excavation -? • Engineering support with rerouting storm drain & silt catch to rain garden • Labor from volu nteers As we start to plan out our project could you think about what type of help would be available through the city. Specifically are there contacts through the city for compost/mulch etc that we could leverage? Would there be any possibility to get excavation assistance with city equipment and staff? Is there engineering support available for the diversion of the storm drain to the garden? Just want to get you thinking ....... On a side note, does the city have any relationships with Recycle Minnesota to have rain barrel sales? httDS7//recycleminnesota.org/compost-bins-rain-barrels/ As an outreach project I would like to provide education to our Harrisons Bay Association members on the benefits of rain barrels and offer my services to assist them in hooking them up. I see that there are some cities that offer a $20 discountfor residents that order through the Recycle Minnesota sale. With the high summer usage of water in Mound I thought this might be a good way to divert some of that storm water and save on city water. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that. We will have an association meeting in May so will be planning a table to talk about this opportunity and maybe raffle off some rain barrels. Ok, enough food forthought now. Please look for a meeting notice for the March 28 meeting at 10 am. Best, Sheri e site: 2135 and 2132 Overland Lane, Mound, MN 55463 Rain Garden 1 350 sg ft 1 Rain Garden 2 1 340 sq ft Project: Sheri Wallace Julie Moore Title Scale: (Date: Overland End Rain Gardena 1/4":1,0„ April, 2022 Drain• Harmony Garden LLC Mary Gaytan 3013 18th Ave 8 Mpls MN 55407 612.242.4667 1047 1251 0" ► f_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, . Viburnum i SaLvia OBoLtonia O Eupatorium/Joe Pye Weed . DayLily . Rudbeckia/Black eyed Susans . Aronia . Echinacea/Purple Coneflower . Switchgrass/Panicum O Yellow Sedum . Geranium Cranesbill O Blazing Star/Liatris . LeadpLant/Amorpha Draft Planting Plan - Rain Garden 1 Overland End Rain Garden Project Sheri Wallace,lulie Moore Mary Gaytan drawing April 2022 m PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT INFORMATION PERMITTYPE: LAND ALTERATION APPLICANT SHERI WALLACE SHERI. L.WALLACE(aGMAI L.COM 2135 OVERLAND LANE, MOUND 763.234.6016 Ta dslAbstmt Torrens AddiJ.r. Abraham Llnwin Addn Lake Side Park Lot: Block: 005 Lots 3Antl A Also That Mere. & Part Of Water Bank PUBLIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Street end lot between 2135 and 2132 Overland Lane SHORELINE TYPE: Shoreline of Harrisons Bay DESCRIBE REQUEST& PURPOSE To create a demonstration rain garden which will filter the pollutants from the storm water run-off before it enters the lake. Project will include a grass path between gardens that will allow for access to the dock at the lake. This project is being constructed as part of the Master Water Stewards capstone project sponsored by Hennepin County. This rain garden will be included in community education on how the approximately 70 end of street city lots within Mound might be used to filter contaminated storm run-off. Bob Bean from Bolton & Menk, Inc. did the following drainage calculations. 1. Estimated an area of approximately 8,000 s.f. draining to this location. 2. The volume of 1" runoff is 667 c.f. This represents a one year rain event. The volume of a 10 year event is estimated at 1655 cf. 3. The distance from the end of the road to the bank is approximately 90 feet and the road is 26' wide. In 2020 the house at 2132 was removed along with numerous large trees. The short-term objective is to add 700 so feet of rain garden which will consist of 2 gardens with a grass path between them to allow for access to the commons dock. These gardens will be dug into the top of the hill and will be leveled out to hold waterthe rainwater and allow the pollutants to be filtered out before any run-off into Harrisons Bay. Longerterm as money allows we will be adding shoreline buffer plants on either side of the dock to furtherfilter out contaminants in large rain storms. PHOTOGRAPHS OF AFFECTED AREA GIS Map showing the elevation and marking drainage area i ANK .� -00" ' r Google Map showing existing landscaping PROPOSED COST: The Hennepin County Master Stewards will contribute $3000 to cover costs of landscape design, mulch and compost and plants. Volunteers and residents will provide the planting labor. It is our hope that we can utilize a city worker and bobcat to assist with the excavation of the site to reduce the amount of manual labor. 1050 SCALED DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT See attached drawing Each garden will be amended with compost and topped with mulch. Plantings will consist of bushes and perennials that are native to the area. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of the installation of the rain garden on this site is two -fold. Primarily, the rain garden is designed to catch water run-off coming from Overland Lane and draining into Harrison Bay. Harrison Bay is an impaired water source. Filtering the run-off using a rain garden will help reduce the amount of chloride, sand and other pollutants from the roadway and phosphorus from the turfgrass from entering the lake. The site is also one of 70 similar sites on Harrison Bay where roadways lead directly to the lake. It is hoped that this will serve as an example to property owners in the area and that other such landscape projects to improve the quality of the lake will be installed. aY0byW0[d9]i!I9.10149I9iA A silt fence will be constructed to keep the dirt from washing into the neighbor yards and the bay. 1051 An PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT INFORMATION 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952472-0600 Fax 952472-0620 Construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour on any public land is unlawful unless a special public land permit is issued. This includes any alterations to land, trees, stairways, retaining walls, fences, temporary structures, stone or concrete work, or other types of construction including structural repairs on any boathouse. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Accurately completed application form, including name, address and day phone of both applicant and owner. 2. CURRENT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY: 2 copies drawn to -scale and one copy 8-1/2" x 11" (may be reduced). Survey must include all of the items listed on the City of Mound Survey Requirements (attached). In addition, please show all existing and proposed encroachments. 3. Scaled drawings and specifications of proposed improvement 4. Proposed cost of project 5. Photographs of the existing structure or affected area 6. Statement of purpose for proposed change 7. Erosion Control Plan. If any of the above materials are not submitted by the deadline date, the application may be deemed incomplete and it will not be placed on the agenda for that month. ABOUT THE MEETINGS The Parks and Open Space Commission meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. You will be mailed a copy of the staff report and an agenda on the Monday just prior to your scheduled hearing. Abutting property owners will also be notified of your application. THE APPLICANT OR A DULY -AUTHORIZED AGENT MUST BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. The Parks and Open Space Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. The City Council makes all final decisions. Public Lands Permit Information Page 1 of 2 1052 Revised 1212212020 APPLICATION DEADLINES To give staff ample time to review your request, please submit your application by 12:00 noon on the due date listed below. Your request will then be reviewed by the Parks and Open Space Commission and City Council on the subsequent dates. 2021 Meeting Dates and Application Deadlines Application Parks & Open Space Comm City Council Deadline 2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm 4th Tuesday at 7:00 pm Dec 1 Jan 8 Jan 26 Jan 4 Feb 11 Feb 23 Feb 1 Mar 11 Mar 23 Mar 1 Apr 8 Apr 27 Apr 5 May 13 May 25 May 3 Jun 10 Jun 22 Jun 7 Jul 8 Jul 27 Jul 5 Aug 12 Aug 24 Aug 2 Sep 9 Sep 28 Sep 6 Oct 14 Oct 26 Oct 4 Nov 11 Nov 23 Nov 1 Dec 9 Dec 28 Dec 6 Jan 13 (2022) Jan 25 (2022) Jan 6 (2022) Feb 10 (2022) Feb 22 (2022) Application Fee (value of project over $1000) _ $200 Fee only applies if there is no public benefit. Public Lands Permit Information Page 2 of 2 1053 Revised 1212212020 Ir� PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620 Date Received Parks and Open Space Commission Date Building Official Public Works —City Council Date DISTRIBUTION Parks Director DNR MCWD Other Check One CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT — new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND - City Code Section 62-11(a) & (b). PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT — to allow repairs to an existing structure - City Code Section 62-11(c). CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition - City Code Section 62-11(g). LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. - City Code Section 62-11(d). The structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, sheds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non -transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. APPLICANT I Name _Sheri Wallace Email _sheri.l.wallace@gmail.com Address_2135 Overland Lane Phone (M) 763.234.6016 1054 ABUTTING I Address - End of Street Right of Way between 2135 and 2132 Overland Lane PROPERTY LEGAL Lot DESC. Subdivision Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 1212212020 Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 131 B2 133 (Circle one) PUBLIC Name Email PROPERTY Dock Site # Shoreline Type CONTRACTOR Name Morning Dew Gardening - Tal Simchoni Email momingdewgardening@gmail.com Address Phone(M) Applicant's Signatu Page 2 of 2 Revised 1212212020 Public Lands Permit Application 1055 CITY OF MOUND — CITY MANAGER 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Eric Hoversten, City Manager and Director of Public Works DATE: April 29, 2022 SUBJECT: Public Land Permit Application, Scoreboard Electric LOCATION: Zero Gravity and Wolner Field REQUEST: Approve Public Land Permit to Westonka Youth Baseball as attached BACKGROUND: Westonka Youth Baseball has been seeking methods to re -energize the two outfield scoreboards and batting cage areas of the Wolner Filed complex. These areas were originally powered via circuits pulled back to the score house and concession building between the two fields. That circuit has been damaged in time and the circuits isolated within the distribution panel of the score house. City Utility staff, Youth Baseball volunteers and multiple electrician vendors have exhausted any options to reuse or repair the existing circuit conduit without removal of the existing patio slabs behind the scorehouse. This would drive substantial additional cost into the project and preclude the repairs. Alternatively, there is power present at the Zero Gravity sun shelter which can be extended over to the score board and batting cage area. Youth Baseball has requested access to this panel and unmetered power from the City to re-establish these facilities. They will provide all costs for the circuit installation as depicted in the sketch included in the permit application. The work will be completed by a licensed electrician on their behalf, permitted and inspected per codes. They will restore all areas following installation of the circuits. No other cost effective alternatives exist to restore power to the scoreboard and batting cage facilities. Power for the incidental use of the score boards and batting cages would be minimal in nature and not justify installation of separate metering. The cost of the power supplied would be diminimous in value and not recoverable by the City absent metering. Restoring power to the scoreboards and batting cage areas will enhance the programs provided by the Westonka School District Community Education and various youth sports activity operations that use the facility. RECOMMENDATION: Council consider the attached application for approval. 1 1056 PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952A72-0620 Date Received Parks and Open Space Commission Date City Council Date DISTRIBUTION Building Official Parks Director DNR MCWD Public Works Other Check One ❑ CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT — new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND - City Code Section 62-11(a) & (b). [ PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT — to allow repairs to an existing structure - / \ City Code Section 62-11(c). ❑ CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition - City Code Section 62-11(g). ❑ LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. - City Code Section 62-11(d). The structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, sheds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non -transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. Please type or print legibly APPLICANT Name M.nr15 G I .,v\me J Email �k r 1 ,k MM &. p O (w V cjjcl(l Ca Address �U� ? �`fl ����ti &\ ,� I" LyyIj i YVUN) S'� AA Phone (H) —�(W) (M) ABUTTING Address 3 S G �� SS �1 IV1c�t t� SS3��t PROPERTY ZP-1ro �/GUi Jh� (� I�rl� blVlef LEGAL ly Lot Block 06 DESC. Subdivision Swr� PID # 13 I I q3 � oo L Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 B1 B2 B3 (Circle one) Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 1212212020 1057 PUBLIC Name U AAPr IiT6k Email I PROPERTY Dock Site # �I Shoreline Type PIA CONTRACTOR Name L t•JA Email_7�cFiry_e er_: iC G yat co Dp Address �b `o<)_o 2j) S�rinS T�r�� Mtn 553� Phone (H) (W) (M) A FEE OF $200.00 APPLIES IF VALUATION OF PROJECT EXCEEDS $1,000.00 AND NO PUBLIC BENEFIT IS DERIVED. PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) $ IS60-30M DESCRIBE REQUEST& PURPOSE aAl c_� suvice G(-+ Z-e-ro GrGy�!y SatC. irk V2Cove-�g� 66'i(Na( �rom C01\Uwrx\ A.J< V,)M . exCeSS(q eK-u-4 and 'ks CoS+ lorohibi%ive. Applicant's Signatu Public Lands Permit Application Page 2 of 2 Revised 1212212020 Date r{ P7L,10a1 1058 �1 C < U f M. Ll 1059 O & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. May 4, 2022 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Engineering Report Surfside Park Site Improvements City Project No. PW-22-09 Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com The 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes improvements to Surfside Park, specifically the Depot area and parking lot. This work is scheduled to be completed in the 2022 construction season. This engineering Feasibility Report was prepared to determine in a preliminary manner, the feasibility of reconstructing the Surfside Park Depot area parking lot, reconstruction of the sidewalks to American Disability Act (ADA) standards, site improvements in preparation for future park play structure replacement and accompanying surface restoration. BACKGROUND The City of Mound's Surfside Park revitalization has been identified in the Surfside Master Plan and 2040 Comprehensive Plan. These plans evaluated the parks current functions and opportunities for improvement. The boat launch parking lot was reconstructed in 2020. Issues identified near the Depot area focused on the playground structure replacement, a picnic shelter and improved access around the parking lot and Depot building. PROPOSED PROJECT The improvements are proposed at Surfside Park east of Commerce Boulevard, near the intersection of Beachwood Road and terminating at the beach. The proposed project includes: • Replace the existing parking lot pavement section • Replace existing sidewalk and addition of new around the beach side of the parking lot • Addition of a concrete pad to facilitate separately funded covered picnic structure H.AMOONVOC112S932\2 Prelim inar,VC_Reports\2022-OS-04_Letter Report to Couodl_Sur&Ide Depot Pack l mprovemeuts. pore Batton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. Page 2 • Install a bioretention basin to accommodate the increased hardcover of the site by redirecting drainage from the county road • Minor grading improvements to eliminate puddles and ponding in the area. The proposed improvements as part of this project can be found in the attached figure. ESTIMATED COSTS The proposed project is feasible from a technical standpoint. In addition, the project is necessary to renew the lifecycle of the parking lot, meet ADA requirements, and provide treatment of the runoff water prior to entering the lake to accommodate these improvements as well as others to come with the play structure improvements. The proposed improvements represent cost effective means for doing so. The following cost summaries indicate the anticipated costs for public and private improvements. Depot Area Improvements: Estimated Cost Summary: SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $133,707 10%CONTINGENCIES $13,371 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $147,078 25% INDIRECT COSTS $36,770 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $183,848 Itemized cost estimate also attached The allowance for indirect project costs includes, but is not limited to, engineering, surveying, geotechnical, administrative, fiscal and legal costs. Easement acquisition costs, if required, are not included. Funding for the proposed improvements will be from the Community Investment Fund. If approved, the proposed project schedule is to open bids and award the project in June. Construction is anticipated to commence in late summer and last one month. CONCLUSION We request that the Council accept this Engineering Report and approve the attached Resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the Surfside Park Depot Area Improvements Project. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer H.AMOONVOC112S932\2 Prelim inar,VC_Reports\2022-OS-04_Letter Report to Couodl_Sur&Ide Depot Pack l mprovemeuts. pore Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. 2022 SURFSIDE PARK DEPOT AREA IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MOUND Figure A 1 gpLTON MAY 20220 &MEN K STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DEVICE ..* (DESIGN AND LOCATION PENDING COUNTY APPROVAL) % • 4r • # - s age VL i A NEW PICNIC SHELTER A r ELIMINATE OLD ELECTRIC POST I w - ' RECONSTRUCT PARKING LOT i ? r ;._ MODIFY ` STORM SEWER air RUBBER TIMBER EDGING, r, 17!T -- PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS"* i RELOCATE ELECTRIC N T� (BY OTHERS) N BOX AND SIGN POSTS Ln N ;• _ RECONSTRUCT & EXTEND SIDEWALKS _ 0 s .dQ% 41 Vi • i ..�.. y --�---x _ LL— -104 00 N W N • m u� N r-I m U U N m Ln oop N r-I r-I U 0 25 50 z H O RZ. ° 1062 SCALE FEET PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 2022 SURFSIDE PARK DEPOT AREA IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MOUND, MN MAY 2022 OBOLTON &MENK Real People. Real Solutions. 1 MOBILIZATION ITS 1 $6,400.00 $6,400.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL ITS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 3 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 1,015 $8.50 $8,627.50 4 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SF 1,110 $3.00 $3,330.00 5 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB LF 40 $10.00 $400.00 6 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) CY 250 $40.00 $10,000.00 7 AGGREGATE BASE CIE 5(CV) CY 235 $50.00 $11,750.00 8 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TON 200 $115.00 $23,000.00 9 BITUMINOUSTRAIL TON 4 $150.00 $600.00 10 4" CONCRETE WALK (W/6"AGG BASE CIE 5) SF 1,650 $9.00 $14,850.00 11 6" CONCRETE (W/ 6" AGG BASE CIE 5)[PICNIC SHELTER] SF 600 $14.00 $8,400.00 12 SHELTER FOOTINGS [PICNIC SHELTER] EA 6 $750.00 $4,500.00 13 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LF 70 $40.00 $2,800.00 14 15"RCP STORM SEWER LF 24 $150.00 $3,600.00 15 CATCH BASIN EA 1 $3,100.00 $3,100.00 16 STORMWATERTREATMENT ITS 1 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 17 CONNECT TO EXIST STORM STRUCTURE EA 2 $700.00 $1,400.00 18 RUBBER TIMBER VOLLEYBALL BORDER LF 160 $15.00 $2,400.00 19 STRIPING ITS 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 20 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CY 100 $40.00 $4,000.00 21 TURF RESTORATION SY 600 $8.00 $4,800.00 SUBTOTAL $133,707.50 CONTINGENCIES(10%) $13,370.75 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $147,078.25 SOFT COSTS (25%) $36,769.56 TOTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT COST $183,847.81 1063 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SURFSIDE PARK DEPOT AREA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, Staff requested the preparation of an engineering study to examine the costs and feasibility of improvements at the Surfside Parking Depot area parking area and amenities, including sidewalk and stormwater management and landscaping improvements; and WHEREAS, The Surfside Park Depot Area Improvement Project is currently shown in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in year 2022; and WHEREAS, the Council received and reviewed this report on May 10, 2022; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to receive this engineering report, to order preparation of plans and specifications, and to order advertisement for bids for the Surfside Park Depot Area Improvement Project. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May 2022. ATTEST: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor 1064 O & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. May 5, 2022 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Authorization to Solicit Quotes Downtown Paver Sidewalks Replacement Project — Phase 1 City Project No. PW-22-08 Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com The 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes the replacement the downtown paver sidewalks along Hennepin County roads 110 and 15, along with some sidewalks around the parking structure. BACKGROUND The paver sidewalks were installed with the 2003 county road and parking garage projects. The existing pavers have been deteriorating within the last few years and are reaching the end of their useful life, currently at the top of the curve in a rapid state of decline. At the October 12, 2021, Council meeting, staff presented several options for replacement of the paver sidewalks and was directed to proceed with the mixed option of partial colored concrete and colored and stamped concrete at the main intersections, to be reconstructed over several years. PROPOSED PROJECT The improvements will be completed over several phases to coincide and align with the degree of acceptable deterioration and as funds are available. Discussions with Hennepin County have indicated they may be willing to pay for the pedestrian ramp work required and so a project funding request has been submitted to them, awaiting formal approval. To keep the project moving forward, we will proceed with straight runs of sidewalk replacement that do not affect the county roads that they would potentially fund. Figure 1 shows the updated phasing plan. H.AMOONVOC1124410\1 CocresVA_Meetings\1244102022-OS-OS_O own town Sidewalk Authorize Quotes Phase 1 docx Batton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. Page 2 Additionally, concrete sidewalks in other areas of town are in poor shape and in the CIP for replacement. Based on the chosen phasing downtown work this year and estimated costs, it was determined the Commerce Boulevard sidewalk replacements identified last year could be combined with this project. The other items included in the project are maintenance items and necessary repairs. ESTIMATED COSTS The immediate project cost is split by several elements with the Paver Sidewalks Replacement Portion estimated total cost of $133,000. The overall estimate is summarized below in Table 1. Table 1. Phase 1 Sidewalk Replacement Summary* Downtown Paver Replacement $132,644 Transit Center Vicinity ADA Work $22,211 Commerce Boulevard Walks $59,286 Miscellaneous Curb $2,999 Total Estimated Project Cost $217,140 *All costs include 25% soft cost. The high-level phasing estimate and anticipated Hennepin County cost share is summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Paver Sidewalk Replacement Estimates * COST PARTICIPATION 2022 2023 2024 TOTAL CITY $130,000 $240,000 $220,000 $590,000 COUNTY - $225,000 - $225,000 TOTAL $130,000 $465,000 $220,000 $815,000 *All costs include 25% soft cost. 2023 and 2024 projects include inflation contingency of 10% and 13% respectively. The original engineering study estimate for all the Downtown Paver Sidewalk Replacement Costs chosen option was $708,576. The bidding climate has changed since then, prompting an increase in construction costs across the board. The overall estimate is now $815,000, while $750,000 is allocated in the CIP over the next three years. With county participation, the City's share will be within the budgeted amount. Summary of estimates • Original Estimate $708,576 • Capital Improvement Plan Estimate $750,000 • Current Overall Downtown Paver Sidewalks $815,000 Estimate (including county participation) County road sidewalk patching is allocated in the CIP for 2022 at $105,600, compared to the estimate of just under $60,000. The other items included in the project are maintenance items and fit within the overall combined 2022 project budget of $235,600. H.AMOONVOC1124410\1 CocresVA_Meetings\1244102022-OS-OS_O own town Sidewalk Authorize Quotes Phase 1 docx Balton & Menk is an Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is our recommendation that the Council approve the attached resolution authorizing solicitation for quotes for the Downtown Pavers Sidewalk Replacement Project - Phase 1. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Attachments — Engineer's Estimate for Phase 1 Link to plans: Downtown Sidewalks - Phase 1 Plans H.AMOONVOC1124410\1 CocresVA_Meetings\1244102022-OS-OS_O own town Sidewalk Authorize Quotes Phase 1 docx Bolton & Menk is an zm Oz �W OE (n N Q O W N J_ Q CL d Q W 2 W Q J W Y J Q W G r-I W Q H O V) w z z z O �ly I t r of f ol r: ' n I QQQ w w w r oc oc oc a �z �z �z - - 9 J J J pow -QQQ p w w w — w p r,� Z Z cn cn cn IJJ W r- e OC W - ,-; ram, r rc _ cn do � rr -ell I gib. z (OTT HVSD) an1e 3:)83wwoD _A rr ,' wr c � 4 /rr r Milo T r Ift �^ Ln 4a '- ma a � PIP Ln } lb� or or, rr S` O a U + y 4 G wd zi:si:s zzoz/oz/ti ZMp•33o @lei a}!}uenb-oititizi-Dsiw\asD\adD\oititiZTTDO\Nnow\:H ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE DOWNTOWN PAVER SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT- PHASE 1 CITY PROJECT NO. PW-22-08 CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA OC1.124410 PRORATA 1 MOBILIZATION 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL DOWNTOWN SIDEWALKS 3 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK 4 REMOVE PAVERS 5 COMMON EXCAVATION (PAVER BASE REMOVAL) 6 4"CONCRETE WALK (STANDARD) 7 4"CONCRETE WALK (COLORED) S TURF RESTORATION 9 LANDSCE ALLOWANCE TRANSIT CENTER V ICINITY ADA 10 SALVAGE AND INSTALL PAVERS 11 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 12 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK 13 4"CONCRETE WALK (STANDARD) 14 #67 AGGREGATE, WASHED, CRUSHED GRANITE 15 CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER DESIGN RIBBON 16 4" SOLID LINE LATEX 17 HANDICAP PARKING PAVEMENT MARKING COMMERCE BLVD SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT 16 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK/DRIVEWAY 19 4"CONCRETE WALK (STANDARD) 20 6" CONCRETE WALK/DRIVEWAY 21 TURF RESTORATION MISC. CURB REPLACEMENT 22 CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER DESIGN ANY 1 1 621 9065 140 4454 5234 140 1 710 31 503 503 7 31 122 1 OBOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. LUMP SUM $8,300.00 $8,300.00 LUMP SUM $2,500.00 $2,500.00 SO FT SO FT CU YD SO FT SO FT LIN FT ALLOWANCE SO FT LIN FT SO FT SO FT CU YD LIN FT LIN FT EACH $1,242.00 $9,085.00 $4,200.00 $28,951.00 $52,340.00 $700.00 $3,000.00 $9,585.00 $310.00 $754.50 $3,143.75 $1,015.00 $1,240.00 $366.00 $250.00 2660 SO FT $2.00 $5,760.00 2592 SO FT $11.50 $29,808.00 266 SO FT $24.00 $6,912.00 400 LIN FT $5.00 $2,000.00 15 LIN FT $150.00 $2,250.00 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL: $173,712.25 ENGINEERING &ADMINISTRATION (25%): $43,428.06 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $217,140.31 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN DOWNTOWN SIDEWALKS REPLACEMENT: $132,644.23 TRANSIT CENTER VICINITY ADA: $22,211.22 COMMERCE BLVD. SIDEWALK PATCHING: $59,285.91 MISC. CURB REPLACEMENT: $2,998.95 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $217,140.31 1069 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING REQUEST FOR QUOTES FOR THE DOWNTOWN PAVER SIDEWALKS REPLACEMENT PROJECT PHASE 1 CITY PROJECT NO. PW-22-08 WHEREAS, as part of the Capital Improvement Plan the City of Mound has replaced and rehabilitated its aging infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Plan for 2022 includes the replacement of paver sidewalks in the CSAH 110 and CSAH 15 intersection corridor; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Plan for 2022 includes the replacement of sidewalks in the CSAH 110 corridor: and WHEREAS, the Council received and reviewed the engineering report on October 12, 2021 and ordered preparation of plans and specifications, and to order advertisement for bids; and WHEREAS, the Council directed the preparation of plans and specs to proceed, incorporating the mixed color and stamping concrete option for paver replacement; WHEREAS, the Council received and reviewed the plans and specifications and the engineer's estimate of probable cost on May 10, 2022; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to receive the plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate, and to order request for quotes for the Downtown Paver Sidewalks Replacement Project - Phase 1. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May 2022. ATTEST: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor 1070 MEMORANDUM Date: May 5, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator Subject: Proposed ADMIN POLICY: City participation in lake management projects The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) grants the City of Mound a license for up to 590 Boat Storage Units for which the City allocates and administers through its Commons Dock Program. In 2021, the Docks and Commons Commission appointed Dave Olson and Linda Muller to serve on a Dredge Task Force/Subcommittee to work with Staff to come up with a reasonable standard or policy for if and when the City would participate in a dredge project. In addition, the increasing prevalence of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) has resulted in some residents seeking City participation in lake weed treatment projects. While there is historical precedent for the City to administer and fund dredge projects, these projects have become more costly and complex as regulations have tightened around permitting and disposal. Climate change is also resulting in more weather extremes causing excessively high water in some years and low water levels in others. The dredges that have taken place since 1980 benefitted very specific dock sites by providing navigability into wetland areas. The city also has over 200 storm water outfalls that are slowly being rehabilitated to reduce the amount of phosphorus and other sediments from flowing unfiltered into the lake, but the concerns are typically around the chemistry of the discharge and not a material impact to sediment levels beyond other causes such as tree canopy and vegetative growth. The City needs to manage expectations for service levels particularly in this era of climate change and increasing development and utilization of the lake. Staff suggests the City clearly limit its responsibility to shoreline stabilization and not water quality or navigability. The City should continue to support privately funded projects and facilitate information sharing among program participants who may want to coordinate a weed treatment or dredging of their particular dock use areas. Limiting the City's responsibility is key to maintaining the affordability and equitability of the dock program. Excerpts of the January 20 and March 17ffi Docks & Commons Commission meeting minutes and the April 19ffi City Council Special Meeting Workshop minutes are included in the packet. While this represents one extreme with the City taking total responsibility on the other, the compromise would be some type of cost sharing agreement or city financing. That is not recommended as then the City becomes the de facto project manager and all dock fees will need to be raised to benefit specific areas. Staff would recommend suggesting some type of home owners association group or organization be created to coordinate local activities benefiting specific areas, as was done with the Harrison Bay Association to address water quality issues in that area. Staff recommends approval of the ADMIN-XXX: City Participation in Lake Management Projects policy. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information at (952)472-0613 or at asc@cityofmound.com. 1071 MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2022 DRAFT— EXCERPT ITEM 313i The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Centennial Building. B. Finance & Administration —Admin Services Director Catherine Pausche L Ordinance and Policy Drafts Discussion on ordinance amendments included the temporary visitors permit, lake management policy, and operating hours for garbage collection. Pausche stated the Lake Management Policy was well vetted by the Docks and Commons Commission and the meeting minutes from the discussions were included in the packet. Pausche said it is important to establish boundaries of what the City will and will not do and to encourage residents to organize groups to address common concerns, similar to what the Harrison Bay neighbors did to address AIS. Pausche said the City paid for an engineering analysis of the Avalon Channel and the results were inconclusive as to the cause of the sediment build-up. Pausche said there are several areas on Lake Minnetonka where wetlands have been dredged to provide lake access and these initial dredges would have been done by developers seeking to improve the marketability and value of the parcels and it is reasonable to assume the property owners are responsible for maintaining the access. Pausche said the exception is Lost Lake where the City sponsored the dredge and has pledged to maintain it, noting the fees for the Lost Lake slips are significantly higher and also noting that the City had to sue the dredging company for performance. Pausche said limiting the City's responsibility to the shore land is the key to maintaining the affordability and equitability of the regular dock program. Pausche said a slip holder at Carlson Park paid for weed treatment thinking the others would chip in and no one did except the City who keeps the fire boat at that location. Pausche said she feels the proposed language is simple and justifiable and it is important to establish the level of service and the City's responsibility ends at the shoreline. Discussion ensued about rip rap, navigability in low water years, and lifts at slips. Pausche said there are some dock sites that can't be used in low water years, but not many. Salazar noted what happened to White Bear Lake. Pausche suggested that the property owners need to understand the cost of ownership and that the City's resources are limited. Holt asked for clarification and Pausche said the City will support projects by signing off on permits, etc., but it will be up to individuals to get together and figure out the contracts, funding, etc. 1072 MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES March 17, 2022 DRAFT & EXCERPT OF ITEM 6 The Mound Docks and Commons Commission met on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Centennial Building at 5341 Maywood Road in Mound. Present: Chair Linda Muller, Commissioners Derrick Hentz, Heidi Peterson, Dave Olson and Council Representative Paula Larson. Absent: Vice Chair Susan Gardner 6. Policy Discussion and Action: City Participation in Lake Management Protects Kelly said this will finish up the policy discussion which started at the January DCC meeting which included the findings of the Avalon Channel Survey and clarify the City policy as it relates to lake management. Kelly said the City's formal responsibility is to the collective property which is controlled by the City at and above the Ordinary High Water (OHW) level and the lake is property of the state and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Kelly said the only area of the lake which the City has the expressed responsibility for lake management is in the Lost Lake Channel, which was granted to the City by the DNR. Kelly said the Lost Lake Channel was a community and economic development project for this once blighted area and the City is responsible for maintaining navigation through the channel. Kelly said the agreement with the DNR is for the City to maintain navigation though there is no stipulation of how frequently the City has to dredge the area or to what depth the channel is to be maintained. Kelly said the DNR does not have a duty to maintain navigation in the lake, noting Hennepin County does have a responsibility to maintain channel access between navigable bays. Kelly added the proposed policy states the City will continue to maintain public land above the OWH level as it has with rip rap projects and infrastructure improvements such as dock structures and stairways. Kelly said the City built a stairway at Pebble Beach and the walkway to the new Idlewood slip on City controlled property and said these are examples of the City making improvements to property which is City controlled. Kelly said he contacted Excelsior, Tonka Bay and Minnetonka Beach to inquire if those cities are planning any dredging projects at their public dock areas and none of them are. Kelly said Minnetonka Beach reported they are taking out an area of docks due to low water levels and Tonka Bay reported that one City dock user was requesting dredging of the dock area they used and Tonka Bay moved that individual to a different and deeper dock area. 1073 Kelly said he has been informing license holders particularly in Jennings Cove that it is a low water area and the license holder is taking the risk and should take that into account if their boat has a deep draft. Kelly said the City's audit isn't completed though dock program fund reserves are estimated to be between $250-300K. Kelly said the dock program is self -funded and these reserves have been used on improvements to City controlled shoreline areas in recent years. Kelly said the ball park figure the City received from a vendor for completing a dredge study on Avalon Channel was $100 to $150K. Kelly added if both Avalon Channel and Excelsior Commons on Black Lake were dredged the low -ball number of those projects would be $200K at a minimum. Kelly has also heard from license holders asking for dredges in other areas of the lake. Kelly added the purpose of the policy is to limit the scope of the City's responsibility for lake management going forward and let licensees know the City supports them organizing their own projects. Kelly said the City pays the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) an annual levy and part of their charter is to manage the lake, including finding to solutions to Aquatic Invasive Species and weed mats in the Lake. Kelly added a City resident spoke at a City Council meeting in 2021 to complain about the weed mat which had grown in Harrison's Bay and ultimately the neighbors in and around Harrison's Bay got together and created an association and is currently working with the LMCD on a cost share for the study of the weed mat problem and researching funding alternatives to address the weeds. Kelly said in 2020 another resident in the dock program took it upon himself to hire a lake management company to remove weed growth around the Carlson Park multiple slip, noting the individual ended up having difficulty getting others on the complex to participate in the cost. Olson asked about the LMCD and the percentages which were paid for the Harrison Bay project. Discussion ensued around the fact that the LMCD has a finite amount of funds for lake management projects which may affect the number of projects funded and the amount of funding available for these projects. Peterson asked whether the City is at risk of losing the docks at these mucky, weedy areas. Kelly said yes this could happen, noting he showed the 1913 plat map from of Seton subdivision at the last DCC Meeting which showed the Black Lake area was marshland before the lots were developed. Kelly said there has been on -going erosion of navigation in the Avalon Channel area since the first dredge which took place over 100 years ago. Peterson said if the City does not maintain these areas of the commons the dock program is at risk of losing 70 or more dock sites. Kelly said the City could move dock users to other areas of the commons. Peterson said the question was what would the City be losing if there isn't any maintenance of these areas. 1074 Muller said she expressed the same concern as Peterson and the City can't be engaged in a dredging battle with Mother Nature and lake levels and that sort of thing. Muller said at what point do you actually dredge because the lake level could stay at the level it is at now. Peterson said there could be a rotating dredge of these problems areas and Muller said dredges have gotten much more expensive than in the past and how do you budget for that. Muller said if lake levels don't change the City may have to look at this issue. Muller added residents consider cost shares for managing lake weeds and AIS. Muller said the policy provides clarity to this issue and doesn't ensure that just because you have a dock doesn't mean you can have as big as boat as you want. Peterson said how many dock sites will be affected through this policy and how many of those sites could be replaced. Peterson added if 30 docks are affected would they be replaced by five. Kelly said we don't know the answer to this yet but the non -abutter sites could be moved to other locations. Kelly added the Centerview and Jennings Cove multiple slips have been added to after they were first installed and there are options which the dock program can take. Olson said if a dock area is temporarily dry land, the City doesn't lose the dock, but it might be not used for a year or two. Kelly said if you looked at 2019 which was a high-water year, there were no calls for dredging. Kelly said the assumption regarding the original dredge of the Avalon Channel would be that it was done by the Tuxedo Development Company as an economic development tool to sell the lots that they owned at a higher profit. Kelly said this dredge was a private endeavor from the beginning and the City has been providing a benefit to these abutting lakeshore owners. Kelly added these previously City funded dredges benefitted a small subset of property owners. Kelly added there are economic disparities in Mound from lakeshore to inland properties and the City Council not too long ago reduced utility rates to help alleviate the financial burden for residents who were seeking out reduced rates. The Council has also reaffirmed the desire to keep the dock program affordable. Kelly said it is clear there will be both abutter and non -abutter dock sites affected by this policy but where the City's responsibility ends is with the communities shared property. Peterson said the policy being discussed says the City will maintain the shoreline and what goes on in the lake as regards to lake levels and other factors is not the City's responsibility. Kelly said an example would be the Bluebird South dock site which is mentioned in the Woodland Point Settlement Agreement as not the City's responsibility to keep that dock site open. Kelly said if that dock site was continued there would have to be a lengthy dredge across the marsh. Kelly said there have been other areas which have been discontinued due to lack of access such as the Norwood Lane dock. Kelly said he checked out this dock and found out it is weed choked. Peterson said if Jennings Cove was choked off would the City forfeit those slips and would passing this policy mean the City will never maintain this area or others like it. Kelly said this is 1075 a valid point and the assumption is that Jennings Cove would be choked off unless there was a group response to keeping the area open. Olson read from section 3.2 of the policy which states "the City of Mound generally signs off on any permit to improve water quality and/or navigability as required by permitting agencies and is privately funded." Olson said people of like mind can pool their resources to improve the navigation in their area and the City is not shutting off this possibility. Kelly noted the costs of maintaining City shoreline has gone up for Rip Rap projects in the past few years. Peterson said the difference regarding rip rap is that once it is done it stays in place for many years and is not an on -going cost. Muller said dock fees could be raised significantly and Peterson said to not do any dredge work is not the answer. Peterson said some of these areas when the water is low won't be navigable she questions whether a rotating dredge is the answer. Peterson said can the dock program can create a dredge fund. Olson and Peterson discussed how things are changing regarding how the lake has been used and Peterson referenced the letter attached to the DCC packet on how much the Avalon Channel has changed. Peterson said she doesn't agree with a completely hands -off policy. Hentz said the City has been looking for other areas such as Idlewood to put in multiple slips and if the City exhausts all other areas for people to move the City could go back to dredge certain areas. Hentz added the Policy limits the expectations for the present but doesn't preclude something being done in the future. Muller said the way to fund it will mean dock fees will increase and she asked about the people who are on dock sites which don't need dredging and whether they should have to pay in. Hentz said what can be done now includes people getting together to remove weeds to keep areas open. Olson said if you look at the number of sites affected it is very small compared to the entire dock program and if lake levels raise by a foot that number would be even smaller. Peterson said the Policy is stipulating that the City is not responsible for draught or flood conditions nor to maintain the areas around dock sites though they could be addressed in the future. Kelly said the question is related to Section 4, the Service Levels of the Policy, and the expectation of the level of service. Kelly mentioned an abutter on Island View Drive who had problems with muskrats and took care of the matter privately versus some neighbors on Black Lake who had destructive beaver activity and insisted it was the City's responsibility to remove the beaver. Kelly said the City did hire someone but beavers being a nuisance isn't a problem that is going to go away, noting another solution to the beaver problem that does not include the City is for residents to wrap their trees to protect them. 1076 Kelly said the City Code states that there isn't a guarantee that your dock is usable year to year. Peterson said she was concerned about the lack of verbiage in the Policy to attempt to maintain current dock sites. Kelly said the policy states the City responsibility ends at the Ordinary High Water Level. Muller is optimistic that water levels will come up but the lake will have weed issues. Muller said it could come to a point that if the City doesn't dredge the area she lives in, she may not have use of her dock in Black Lake. Kelly noted the estimated cost of a dredge in Avalon Channel discussed at the January DCC meeting was $100-150K and was probably conservative. Kelly said the Denbigh residents present at the January meeting responded to the costs by saying they only wanted the mouth of the channel to be dredged instead of whole channel. Kelly said delineating where the City responsibility ends is important when a passionate group want the public water maintained in their area when there are other comparable needs elsewhere. Kelly said if this group wants to pool their resources to take care of the matter privately the City will support it. Muller asked if the public would like to come forward to speak on this issue. Michael Kline, 1630 Dove Lane, stated he has his boat at the Jennings Cove multiple slip. Kline said the Mission Statement on the DCC Agenda states "the City will provide at a reasonable cost, quality services" and the talk at previous meetings has been about equity. Kline said if things are to be equitable, if rates would be raised, they should be raised for everyone. Kline said he lives across the street from the Jennings Cove slip, noting it is technically a City Park, and this policy is saying for him to use the slip he would have to put together a group of neighbors to get it dredged. Kline said the water level goes down through the year and by September he has to pull out his boat early because of the situation there. Kline said the two or three slips at the north end of the slip are really unusable into August. Kline said if he did get the neighbors together there is going to be the free rider issue so he said he should move to another dock and when the neighbors dredge the area I will move back to the area. Kline said the Jennings Cove slip, which is at the end of the channel, was pretty much unusable and he needed to push his boat out with a paddle to get it started. Kline said there isn't much incentive to dredge the Jennings Slip as they are all non -abutters so he isn't sure what the answer is. Kline said maybe the neighbors should band together to purchase the land themselves or the City should manage the situation. Kline said he wouldn't improve something he doesn't own as there would be no way to monetize his investment. Discussion ensued about the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) and how it manages lake levels which get lower through the season and that the MCWD is trying to balance the lake with Minnehaha Creek. Kline said if nothing happens all the eight users will go to other dock areas and the one boat on the far north end of the slip will be sitting in mud. 1077 Peterson said the one dock on Bluebird which isn't being used is what the Jennings Cove will turn into. Peterson said it is really bad and literally a swamp and there are eight slips there and there won't be an option to use the dock. Olson asked about other options to move and Kelly said there are other areas to move to and maybe there shouldn't be that many boats in the Jennings Cove area. Peterson said she couldn't believe the LMCD allowed the private dock to be placed at the end of Jennings Cove, noting the property is now for sale. Muller said she would like to recommend another task force to explore other options if people need to be moved from low water areas. Muller added the task force can look into what the cost would be to dock fees to be able to pay for dredging. Peterson talked about the fee she was assessed when the stairway was built at Bluebird Lane and could a fee be assessed for slip users in low water areas. Discussion took place on the cost of individuals taking on dredging and Kelly asked if it is a good use of City funds to be regularly dredging an area every 20 years when the area was originally marshland, once again noting the original plat of the Avalon Channel showed the area as marshland which is the natural state. Kelly said the City does not want to be the general contractor for these dredge projects and if neighbors want to get together to do this work the City will support this activity. Muller said the language in the policy is there and the DCC can continue to study the problem to get a better understanding. Kelly said it is a good idea to study what alternatives there are available for lake use at those lake areas with public shoreline which don't support the use of watercraft. Hentz said the DCC has been talking for the past 10 years about moving people to different areas though there are not very many of these areas left to put people. Hentz said we can be creative about moving people around and look at certain fees for specific spots. Peterson said if people are willing to pay $2500.00 for a slip at Lost Lake, they may be willing to pay that amount at Jennings if the alternative is paying $10K for a private site. Peterson said if the City puts in a dock in an area, then the City should have some responsibility to make the area accessible. Discussion ensued about the number of docks affected by low water areas and why did the City put docks in low water areas in the first place. Kelly said these areas were marshland a hundred or so years ago, noting there are platted parcels in areas which are now under water. Kelly questioned whether it makes sense for the City to be dredging a marsh every twenty years. 1078 Olson said his recommendation is to vote on the policy tonight, noting he thinks it is a good policy which may need to be changed in the future. Hentz said there are other options for placing docks in other places and the policy says the City doesn't have to dredge areas. Hentz said identifying the responsibilities of lake agencies is a good start. MOTION, by Hentz, seconded by Larson, to approve the City Participation in Lake Management Policy. Muller stated she would like to make an amendment to the motion after it was seconded to remove language in Section 3.2 at the end of the sentence which reads "and is privately funded." Hentz and Larson took the suggested the language change as a friendly amendment. Muller said it leaves the opportunity for a group to gather facts about options going forward after the passage of the City Participation in Lake Management Projects policy. MOTION, by Hentz, seconded by Larson, to approve the City Participation in Lake Management Policy excepting the phrase "and is privately funded" in section 3.2. Hentz, Muller, Peterson and Olson voted in favor. Larson abstained. Motion carried. MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES January 20, 2022 — EXCERPT ITEM 10 The Mound Docks and Commons Commission met on Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Centennial Building at 5341 Maywood Road in Mound. Present: Chair Derrick Hentz, Vice Chair Susan Gardner, Commissioners Heidi Peterson, Linda Muller and Dave Olson and Council Representative Paula Larson. Absent: None 10. City Participation in Lake Management/Avalon Channel Survey Kelly stated the policy is meant to clarify the prescribed obligations of the City when it comes to property owned by the City and in waters of the state. Kelly said the City has been and will continue to protect the City public land at and above the Ordinary High Water mark for Lake Minnetonka which is currently 929.4. Kelly said the City has completed rip rapping Devon Commons and will support shoreline work where there is significant erosion of areas which receive a lot of boat traffic and wave action. Kelly said that 2021 was a low water year which made navigation more difficult than in recent years and the Dock Program can't guarantee access to locations at all times. Kelly said he has heard from a number of boaters this year who had trouble with the low water levels and some needing to take their watercraft off of the lake earlier in the season than they expected. Kelly 1079 said that though the City has done dredges in the past the City does not own the lake and the regulatory environment has changed and the expense of dredges has increased. Kelly added another area which has impacted navigation on the lake are Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) particularly vegetal growth in the lake in areas like Harrison's Bay. Kelly stated that a lakeshore resident came to the City to discuss the navigation difficulties he and fellow boaters were having with a large mat of AIS and other weeds in Harrison's Bay. Kelly said Council and staff directed the resident to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) as they had a program to respond to weed growth on the lake. Kelly said the City provides funds for the LMCD to conduct work on the lake and to license the Dock Program. Kelly said the LMCD has changed their focus on how to treat weed growth from active harvesting with their own staff to now working with neighborhood and other associations and providing funds to assess AIS problem areas. Kelly said the LMCD will also provide funds to contractors through the lake associations to address the problem. Kelly said the lakeshore residents and other neighbors have created the Harrison's Bay Association. Kelly said the LMCD has provided 50%of the funding for the assessment of the weed growth in Harrison's Bay with the Association paying for the other 50%. Kelly said the LMCD will provide up to 25% of funding for the actual weed removal. Kelly said the dock program has discontinued non -abutter dock sites due to weed growth or access issues in the past. Peterson talked about the dock site called Bluebird South which is a dock in the Woodland Point neighborhood and it is not being used in the Dock Program due to weed growth blocking access to the dock. Peterson added she remembers draught years on the lake where they had to push their boat off from their dock to get to open water. Kelly said the DCC dredge sub -committee toured the Denbigh and Jennings Cove sites this summer to look at the areas in which residents were concerned about water depth and navigation. Kelly added the City paid for the Avalon Channel Survey to determine what was the content and if possible the cause of the buildup of this area. Kelly said the Channel Survey said there was sand and other deposits in the direct area of the outfalls but there was no evidence provided in the survey that it was spread out beyond the immediate area of the outfall. Kelly stated he looked at the original plats of the Avalon and Seton subdivisions from over 100 years ago which depicted the area where the channel is now to be a marsh with a Channel cut through. Kelly showed copies of the plats to the DCC and public and said it was highly unlikely that this was a publically funded dredge but rather funded by the development company to sell their lots. Rodney Beystrom, 4466 Denbigh Road, addressed the DCC by saying he has lived in Mound since 1987 and remembers the summer of 1988 which was an extreme drought year. Beystrom said he had to push with his oars off of sand to float his watercraft. I:I Beystrom said he provided photos to the DCC prior to the meeting which showed the extent of weed growth at the entrance to Avalon Channel since 2002. Beystrom said in 2002 two boats could pass side by side which isn't the case now. Beystrom said that the run off from the property behind Island Park Skelley building through the storm water outfall has in the past has been very powerful and deposited sediment from the streets into the Channel. Beystrom stated this outfall caused the navigation issues at the entrance to the Denbigh Channel. Carl Palmquist, 4500 Denbigh Road, said the City dredged the stormwater outfall adjacent to his property in 2008 or 2009. Palmquist said the City should dredge the area of the outfall because it is the City stormwater which is causing the buildup in the Channel. Jay Stemler, Denbigh Road, didn't feel the Avalon Channel Survey was an accurate depiction of the sediment deposits in the Channel. Stemler said he has video of the storm water outfall which he will send to Staff. Stemler said the Public Works Superintendent at the time said that the City will have to dredge the outfall from the storm sewer and Stemler said he would like the City to dredge the area from the outfall to the Channel opening. Tom Delacy, 4458 Denbigh, said he is a private property owner next to Beystrom and would be interested in paying a fair share for a dredge of the Channel. Joe Goetz, 2512 Shannon Lane, said what will happen to these dock sites if the City policy is to not pay for work in the lake. Goetz said in 30 years the Excelsior Commons would not be navigable. Goetz said the storm water outlets are creating water currents in the mud banks in the Excelsior Commons and Denbigh areas and is causing mud to be displaced. Goetz suggested a fee on each dock holder as the dock fees "are a steal" to create a dredge fund. Olson said the commons program is for the little guy in the City who lives off of the lakeshore and doesn't think the average taxpayer should pay for dredges benefiting lakeshore owners. Discussion will continue at March 17, 2022 meeting. 1081 ADMIN POLICY- CITY PARTICIPATION IN LAKE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS Original Adoption: xx/xx/22 Reviewed/Updated: TBD Reference No. ADMIN-00x Section 1. Purpose and Scope This policy is intended to supplement City Code Chapter 78 Waterways to clarify the City's position on participating in lake management projects. Section 2. Roles and Responsibilities 2.1 The LMCD has licensed the City of Mound Commons Dock Program to grant licenses for up to 590 Boat Storage Units (BSUs). The City of Mound allocates these licenses between three primary types of uses: Abutters, Non -abutters and Multiple Slip licensees. 2.2 The City of Mound Commons Dock Program is made possible because of the many miles of City owned shoreline that was dedicated by developers during the platting process and by nature of ownership of the public rights of way. 2.3 The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District is the local unit of government responsible for managing and protecting the water resources for Lake Minnetonka. It permits shoreline stabilization projects and projects related to dredging and navigation. 2.4 The MN Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) issues aquatic vegetation permits for removal of aquatic vegetation. Section 3. Lake Management Projects 3.1 Lake management refers to projects that focus on water quality and navigability. 3.2 The City of Mound generally signs off on any permit to improve water quality and/or navigability as required by permitting agencies. 3.3 The MN DNR does not guarantee continued navigability. 3.4 The MCWD does what it can in high water and low water years by regulating the Gray's Bay Dam but weather extremes are becoming more common. Section 4. Service Levels 4.1 The City of Mound does not guarantee use of all dock locations at all times nor does the City of Mound guarantee every dock location can accommodate any type of watercraft. 4.2 The City of Mound will not endorse dredge projects to create new abutting dock sites as the City's wetlands and shoreline are already included in the shoreline count for existing licenses through the LMCD. 4.3 The City of Mound will only participate in shoreline stabilization projects (primarily limited to rip -rap) in areas within City lands at or above the Ordinary High Water Level, where there is a significant level of erosion, and or shore exposure to breaking waves due to open waters over an extended period of time. 4.4 The City of Mound is not responsible for wild life management and property owners should take the necessary precautions to protect their landscape and watercraft from potential nuisances created by AIS, beavers, and muskrats. 1082 Harbor -�APRIL 20221 Wine 8� Splrlis DATE SALES CUSTOMERS AVERAGE TICK ET '22 '21 '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- Thursday 1 9,987 327 31 Friday 1 2 9,209 14,713 -37% 314 487 -36% 29 30 -3% Saturday 2 3 12,466 20,611 -40% 408 593 -31% 31 35 -12% Sunday 3 4 5,269 EASTER 213 25 Monday 4 5 7,106 8,630 -18% 260 317 -18% 27 27 0% Tuesday 5 6 5,989 7,380 -19% 241 285 -15% 25 26 -4% Wednesday 6 7 7,130 6,911 3% 262 270 -3% 27 26 6% Thursday 7 8 7,354 7,590 -3% 273 307 -11% 27 25 9% Friday 8 9 13,241 16,003 -17% 468 499 -6% 28 32 -12% Saturday 9 10 13,258 14,659 -10% 416 443 -6% 32 33 -4% Sunday 10 11 6,418 6,055 6% 254 233 9% 25 26 -3% Monday 11 12 5,531 6,757 -18% 238 258 -8% 23 26 -11% Tuesday 12 13 6,234 7,085 -12% 238 266 -11% 26 27 -2% Wednesday 13 14 7,260 7,752 -6% 277 281 -1% 26 28 -5% Thursday 14 15 8,815 8,902 -1% 299 298 0% 29 30 -1% Friday 15 16 17,158 16,659 3% 486 534 -9% 35 31 13% Saturday 16 17 20,056 15,353 31% 574 495 16% 35 31 13% Sunday 17 18 EASTER 6,141 239 26 Monday 18 19 7,077 4,745 49% 260 208 25% 27 23 19% Tuesday 19 20 6,321 7,772 -19% 263 298 -12% 24 26 -8% Wednesday 20 21 6,211 8,064 -23% 228 300 -24% 27 27 1% Thursday 21 22 8,438 9,833 -14% 319 372 -14% 26 26 0% Friday 22 23 12,578 15,075 -17% 421 492 -14% 30 31 -2% Saturday 23 24 11,939 14,588 -18% 384 442 -13% 31 33 -6% Sunday 24 25 5,038 5,132 -2% 211 211 0% 24 24 -2% Monday 25 26 5,979 6,433 -7% 229 268 -15% 26 24 9% Tuesday 26 27 7,207 6,283 15% 269 267 1% 27 24 14% Wednesday 27 28 7,220 8,428 -14% 270 296 -9% 27 28 -6% Thursday 28 29 7,863 10,326 -24% 286 369 -22% 27 28 -2% Friday 29 30 15,699 17,471 -10% 506 533 -5% 31 33 -5% Saturday 30 11,950 390 31 TOTAL - April 266,014 295,338 -9.93°% 9,257 10,188 -9.14°% 29 29 -1°% Sales Customer Avg Ticket ' 2022 ' 2021 ' 2022 ' 202i '2022 '2021 January 238,117 267,685 -11% 8,605 9,572 -10% 28 28 -1% February 274,733 251,310 9% 8,815 8,750 1% 31 29 9% March 248,132 269,945 -8% 9,037 9,656 -6% 27 28 -2% , FIRST QTR 760,983 788,940 -4% 26,457 27,978 -5% 29 28 2% April 266,014 295,338 -10% 9,257 10,188 -9% 29 29 -1% TOTAL-YTD 1,026,997 1,084,278 -5% 35,714 38,166 -6% 29 28 1% 1083 City of Mound Cash Balances Reporting As of 01-31-22 As of 02-28-22 As of 03-31-22 General Fund (101) 4,180,773 2,852,510 2,569,558 Area Fire Services(222) 412,955 387,915 394,398 Dock Fund (281) 464,675 492,768 498,677 Harbor District (285) 214,676 220,511 264,579 Debt Service Funds (3XX) ** 2,597,235 2,493,196 2,517,431 Captial Project Reserve Funds 401Infrastructure/Street 2,257,566 2,224,909 2,254,248 403-Cap Reserve - Vechicles & Equip 457,559 457,559 457,559 404-Community Investment Fund (5,636) (16,438) (16,438) 405-Cap Reserve City Buildings 137,500 140,291 140,291 427-Street Maintenance Fund 610,629 643,110 643,110 454-TIF 1-1 Harrison Bay 77,934 22,985 22,985 475-TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor District 515,767 515,767 513,143 Subtotal Capital Funds 4,051,319 3,988,183 4,014,898 Enterprise Funds Liquor (609) 722,917 738,419 641,333 Water (601) (4,721,705) (4,817,539) (4,747,474) Sewer(602) 923,655 1,057,362 1,017,124 Storm (675) (1,607,726) (1,595,566) (1,587,264) Recycling (670) 191,780 199,569 184,772 Subtotal Enterprise Funds (4,491,079) (4,417,755) (4,491,509) Pooled Investments/CDs (884) (3,003,864) (2,996,102) (2,994,691) TOTAL ALL FUNDS - CASH BALANCE 4,426,690 3,021,226 2,773,341 ** Debt Service Fund Balance - prepaid special assessments SAFINANCE DEPT\REP0RTS\2022\CASH BALANCES.XLS 1084 CITY OF MOUND REVENUE -BUDGET REPORTING MARCH 2O22 Percentage of Budget 25.00% FUND BUDGET MARCH2O22 REVENUE YTD REVENUE VARIANCE PERCENT RECEIVED JAN FEB MAR GENERALFUND Property Taxes 3,918,283 - - 3,918,283 0.00% - - Business Licenses & Permits 27,250 2,400 11,565 15,685 42.44% 5,165 4,000 2,400 Non -Business Licenses & Permits 209,200 15,912 40,352 168,848 19.29% 15,990 8,450 15,912 Intergovernmenta 343,146 - 15,000 328,146 4.37% - 15,000 0 Charges for Services 226,750 18,708 55,713 171,037 24.57% 21,813 15,192 18,708 City Hall Rent 40,000 3,668 11,004 28,996 27.51% 3,668 3,668 3,668 Fines & Forfeitures 28,000 2,251 4,950 23,050 17.68% - 2,699 2,251 Special Assessments 15,000 - - 15,000 0.00% - - - Street Lighting Fees 40,000 3,349 9,887 30,113 24.72% 3,229 3,309 3,349 Franchise Fees 397,000 21,532 21,532 375,468 5.42% - - 21,532 Transfers 250,000 - 250,000 - 100.00% 250,000 - - Miscellaneou=_ 203,000 1,624 175,134 27,866 86.27% 172,663 847 1,624 TOTALS 5,697,629 69,444 595,137 5,102,492 10.45% 472,528 53,165 69,444 OTHER FUNDS Area Fire Services 1,370,761 125,876 339,690 1,031,071 24.78% 173,388 40,426 125,876 Docks 180,100 10,210 173,375 6,725 96.27% 68,875 94,290 10,210 Transit District Maintenance 160,100 53,200 81,850 78,250 51.12% 19,550 9,100 53,200 Water Utility 2,030,000 150,359 462,324 1,567,676 22.77% 154,843 157,122 150,359 Sewer Utility 2,550,403 215,415 634,211 1,916,192 24.87% 206,611 212,185 215,415 Liquor Store 3,500,000 248,061 760,673 2,739,327 21.73% 238,105 274,507 248,061 Recycling Utility 242,825 19,996 58,560 184,265 24.12% 18,761 19,803 19,996 Storm Water Utility 140,000 11,629 34,664 105,336 24.76% 11,475 11,560 11,629 Investment=_ - 1,411 1,655 (1,655) n/a 186 58 1,411 1085 CITY OF MOUND EXPENSES- BUDGET REPORTING MARCH 2O22 Percentage of Budget 25.00% MARCH 2022 YTD PERCENT FUND BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERALFUND Council Promotions City Manager / City Clerl Elections Finance Assessing Legal Centennial Buildinc City Hall - Wilshire Computer Police Emergency Preparedness Planning & Inspections Streets Parks Transfers Cable TV Contingency TOTALS OTHER FUNDS Area Fire Service Docks Transit District Maintenance Capital Projects Capital Replacement- Equipmen Community Investment Resew, Capital Replacement - Building! Sealcoatinc TIF 1-1-Harrison Bay TIF 1-2 - Metroplains TIF 1-3 - Mound Harboi Water Utility Sewer Utilit} Liquor Store Recycling Utilit} Storm Water Utility 83,826 5,561 16,739 67,087 19.97% 1,500 - - 1,500 0.00% 193,521 14,875 44,218 149,303 22.85% 15,700 66 2,367 13,333 15.08% 461,487 38,858 110,788 350,699 24.01% 132,000 - - 132,000 0.00% 90,212 5,155 16,637 73,575 18.44% 53,950 5,594 7,213 46,737 13.37% 54,731 8,998 13,043 41,688 23.83% 41,500 6,638 11,486 30,014 27.68% 1,949,782 398 967,314 982,468 49.61% 48,288 3,961 10,106 38,182 20.93% 503,231 47,538 92,541 410,690 18.39% 868,567 106,112 227,042 641,525 26.14% 498,929 35,200 75,101 423,828 15.05% 757,946 39,829 399,486 358,460 52.71% 42,300 - - 42,300 0.00% 66,000 2,109 2,109 63,891 3.20% JAN FEB MAR 2,395 8,783 5,561 14,539 14,804 14,875 27 2,274 66 35,513 36,417 38,858 11,482 - 5,155 837 782 5,594 2,460 1,585 8,998 1,465 3,383 6,638 44 966,872 398 3,473 2,672 3,961 23,168 21,835 47,538 29,649 91,281 106,112 18,331 21,570 35,200 319,828 39,829 39,829 2,109 5,863,470 320,892 1,996,190 3,867,280 34.04% 463,211 1,212,087 320,892 1,441,662 129,695 398,892 1,042,770 27.67% 199,227 69,970 129,695 164,857 4,300 11,221 153,636 6.81% 805 6,116 4,300 49,126 9,132 9,865 39,261 20.08% 334 399 9,132 - - 1,127 (1,127) n/a - 1,127 - 25,000 - - 25,000 0.00% - - - - - 34,081 (34,081) n/a 33,471 610 - - - - - n/a - - - - - 7,115 (7,115) n/a 6,767 348 - - - - - n/a - - - - - - - n/a - - - - 2,624 2,624 (2,624) n/a - - 2,624 1,911,239 139,723 542,877 1,368,362 28.40% 278,881 124,273 139,723 2,279,773 244,997 707,861 1,571,912 31.05% 272,519 190,345 244,997 667,446 61,268 182,028 485,418 27.27% 36,267 84,493 61,268 242,092 32,901 52,990 189,102 21.89% 719 19,370 32,901 336,800 22,337 109,294 227,506 32.45% 65,490 21,467 22,337 m MINUTES MOUND PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 5, 2022 Vice Chair Baker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Vice Chair Jason Baker, Kevin Castellano, Jon Ciatti, Samantha Erickson, Jason Holt, Jake Saystrom, and Allen Andersen Staff present: Sarah Smith and Secretary Jen Holmquist. Members of the public: Jim Ebsen, 6041 Ridgewood Road, Mike and Carrie Johnson, 10025 County Road 115, Corcoran, Gene Peterson 6033 Ridgewood Road APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA MOTION by Castellano to approve the agenda as amended; seconded by Erickson. MOTION carried unanimously. REVIEW OF FEBRUARY 15, 2022 CONCURRENT SPECIAL MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL MINUTES and REVIEW OF MARCH 1. 2022 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Castellano to approve the February 15, 2022 concurrent special meeting workshop minutes with City Council and the March 1, 2022 regular meeting as written; seconded by Ciatti. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 22-01 Review/recommendation of variance and expansion permit requests for house remodel/additions project at 6041 Ridgewood Road Applicant: J Brothers Design I Build I Remodel, on behalf of property owner Jim Ebsen Smith presented the case. The request includes a request for a front yard setback variance and an expansion permit for alterations to the existing structure, which has non -conforming setbacks with additions that will expand those conditions. Smith provided a graphic of the property boundaries. She shared that neighboring properties are single family homes. The subject property has frontage on Ridgewood Road and sits on Lake Minnetonka with private lake frontage. The current setback on a previous attached garage addition is close to the Ridgewood Road. This is an existing condition and it was approved for a variance a few years 1087 Planning Commission Minutes - Draft prior. The existing side set backs are deficient but is an existing condition. This application does not seek to expand the deficiencies along the east or the west elevation. The corner of the existing and the expansion of current conditions can be authorized with an expansion permit. The proposed addition will be closer to the set back so a variance is needed. The existing conditions make it difficult to remain in the setback. The variance will be less than the minimum 30 foot requirement but there is some distance between the property line and the curb of the road additional footage in front of the road. Smith showed the house from the elevations and the street view as it will look with the expansion. She also provided a graphic of the proposed addition from the lake side and how it will look from each neighboring property. The application was routed to staff and consulting agencies and no comments were received. Notification was provided to adjacent and neighboring property owners. Staff finds proposed conditions to be acceptable. The entry addition is modest and the applicant is attempting to minimize the nonconformance. Staff recommends approval with conditions and findings of fact, as outlined. Smith asked for questions from the planning commissioners. Saystrom asked if the impervious hardcover will remain the same. Smith noted the application shows existing hardcover at 39.3%the property is under allowed amount and must remain under 40%. If the project is over, post construction, it will need to be modified to conform to that requirement. Baker asked for clarification on what's included in the expansion permit. Smith said it's for the west side setback for the foyer, the attached covered porch, expanding to a second story, as well as the east side expansion of the great room. Baker asked about the previous variance when the homeowner expanded a garage. Smith explained that variance was for that project only. Existing condition, including the garage is 4.9 feet front setback. This improvement will not be the required 30 feet, it is less than that previous approved improvement, being a little more than 27 feet. Baker asked if the applicant would like to speak. Jim Ebson — 6041 Ridgewood Road, Homeowner. He thanks the commissioners for their consideration. He is hopeful that he can operate within the setbacks, where able. He noted the improvement won't expand any further into the setback than the current deck does. The foyer addition will allow for interior remodel to improve movability through the home. This is a covered patio. I:: Planning Commission Minutes - Draft Carrie Johnson — 10025 County Road 115, Corcoran: JBrothers Design -Smith asked Johnson to outline what is currently there for height. Johnson noted the peak will be a little taller than what is existing but will match what is there. Smith noted with how the measurements are taken at the mid -point it may actually be smaller. Gene Peterson — 6033 Ridgewood Road. He is in support of this project. The original structure was built in 1929. It was a small cabin. The structure has been modified several times. The add- ons make the layout of the home feel chopped up. He believes the roof lines are horrible because of these previous add-ons and he believes this project will correct that. He hopes the commissioners will approve the project. Smith asked the contractor to show what will people see during construction. Johnson outlines on the graphic how the improvements will make the project look. Baker asked for additional questions. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. MOTION by Saystrom to recommend City Council approval of the expansion permit and variance, subject to conditions and findings of fact; seconded by Andersen. MOTION carries unanimously. Old/New Business Review/recommendation of 2022 Planning Commission Work Rules Smith outlined the work rules conversation from the previous meeting. She offered language to address unexcused absences by commissioners. She noted that if we haven't heard from you, we expect you to be here. If there are unexcused absences a meeting will call the chair, the commissioner, staff and the Council Liaison to discuss possibly allowing another commissioner to serve on the commission. She outlined other work rules that have been changed recently and explained why the working document is so helpful. Holt commented that City Council recognizes the time commitment. He wonders if a member has more than 4 absences in a calendar year, whether excused or not, a discussion may need to be had just to touch base. Erickson agrees. Ciatti would be ok with the change to just remove unexcused. MOTION by Castellano to recommend removing "unexcused" from the work rules; seconded by Ciatti. MOTION carries unanimously. I:• Planning Commission Minutes - Draft City Council liaison / staff report Holt has heard from Senator Osmek that the water issue continues to move through committees in search for funding. He states that the next City Council meeting will discuss the Northland Mound project. There will be a request for action. Holt also discussed a social media presence for the City. Erickson wonders what we expect from social media, rather than the website. Holt believes it's more accessible by residents and social media is used by several surrounding cities. He knows it can be helpful, if done well. Erickson asked Holt for an update on the water. He explained that he hasn't gotten a lot of complaints about the water. Erickson assumes the communication presented to the residents has helped. Ciatti believes that is correct. Holt said the infrastructure bill is a possibility for funding. Holt said emails and phone calls to Morrison and Osmek work and he encourages residents reach out. Smith outlined the priority order of the work list was approved by City Council. Strategic discussions surround long term rentals are forthcoming. Building Official working with staff to implement the IPMC 2022 update. Also, code evaluation continues and some revisions will be forthcoming. Smith said Lifestyle sent an invite to introduce the Artessa project. Smith will forward the email to each commissioner. Smith updated that Community Core is the electronic permitting system that we started using March 1, 2022. It is hoped that this system will streamline review and will help flag missing items. Special events are starting to be planned. Many of the events that have been cancelled recently are coming back. Baker asked what's happening at the former manufactured home court. He wonders if anything is coming soon. Smith outlined that the property is partially in Minnetrista and partially in Mound. She said the owners are looking at anew concept. They have gone through an informal process in Minnetrista but there has been a request for concept review regarding the Mound portion. Smith stated she is not aware of a timeline but will update when information is available. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Saystrom to adjourn at 7:54 pm; seconded by Castellano, MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jen Holmquist 1090