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2022-09-13 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, L quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1. Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 - 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further support from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. 4. *Consent Agenda Page *A. Approve payment of claims 2114-2155 *B. Approve minutes: August 23, 2022 Regular Meeting 2156-2164 *C. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 22-_: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 2022 2165-2170 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) PARKING MAINTENANCE ROLL 2170 TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 5% INTEREST LEVY #22019 *D. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 22-_• RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE 2171-2199 AND PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR 6 FOOT FRONT YARD 2173 FENCE IN RIGHT OF WAY ADJACENT TO PROPERTY AT 1703 JONES LANE (PLANNING CASE NO. 22-11) 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Re-evaluation of previously -reviewed development applications from Northland Real 2200-2235 Estate Group for Northland Mound project involving property generally located southwest of the intersection of Commerce Boulevard and the Dakota Rail Regional Trail on the eastern shore of Lake Langdon and undeveloped street right of ways: Resolutions denying development applications: A. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Denying the Requested 2201 Street Vacations Related to Development of the Plat of Northland Mound PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Planning Case 21-18 B. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Denying Northland Real 2205 Estate Group Zoning Applications Planning Case 21-18 Resolutions approving development applications: A. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Approving the Requested 2207 Street Vacations Related to Development of the Plat of Northland Mound Planning Case 21-18 B. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Granting Preliminary Plat 2011 Approval for Northland Mound Planning Case 21-18 C. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Granting Approval of a 2017 Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development in a Shoreland Area for Northland Real Estate Group Planning Case 21-18 D. Approval of Resolution No. 22- _Resolution Approving Public Lands 2026 Permit for Use of Public Property for Northland Mound Project Planning Case 21-18 E. Approval of Resolution No. 22Resolution Approving Sale of City 2029 Parcels to be Consistent with the 2040 Mound Comprehensive Plan Planning Case 21-18 7. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/Reports from Council members B. Reports: Liquor Store — August 2022 C. Minutes: 2236 D. Correspondence: WeCAN Golf Tournament Thank you 2237 MN Water Assistance Program Flyer 2238 8. Adjourn COUNCIL BRIEFING Tuesday September 13, 2022 Council meetings are held in the City Council Chambers in the Centennial Building on the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 7:00 PM with agendas and meeting details/locations posted to the City website the Thursday prior under the "Mayor and Council' section of the "Government' tab of the Home Page. Government I Mound, MN (cityofmound.com) * * * All Meetings At City Council Chambers, Centennial Building * * * i�ncominn Events Schedule: Don't Fornet!! September 13 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) September 13 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting September 27 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) September 27 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting October 11 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) October 11 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting October 18 — 6:30 PM — City Council Special Meeting Workshop — 2023 Budget Review October 25 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) October 25 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting November 8 —General Elections ***Regular HRA and Council Meetings Rescheduled) ***November 9 — 6:55 PM — Rescheduled November 8 HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) ***November 9 — 7:00 PM — Rescheduled November 8 City Council Regular Meeting November 22 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) November 22 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting December 13 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) December 13 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting December 27- All Meetings Cancelled _Events and Activities: Subscribe to RAVE messaging tool for emergency notifications and updates RAVE Emereencv Notifications I Mound, MN (citvofmound.com) Farmers Market and More continues Saturday AMs OLL Incredible Festival — September 16 - 18 City Offices: City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Tnauirein advance. nlease...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision - making. 2022 City of Mound Claims 09-13-22 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2022 PRIMARYELECT080922 $ 6,983.50 2022 UBREFUND082022 $ 807.77 2022 PAYREQ082322 $ 70,796.27 2022 083122CTYMAN $ 42,380.72 2022 KENGRAV0722 $ 6,666.00 2022 BOLT#7-2022 $ 32,633.00 2022 AWWAMNSEPT2022 $ 960.00 2022 090222HWSMAN $ 46,356.76 2022 091322CITY $ 37,749.03 2022 091322CITY--2 $ 134,108.11 2022 091322HWS $ 102,094.37 TOTAL CLAIMS 11 $ 481,535.53 ASE! Payments Batch PRIMARYELECT080922 $ Refer 233 ABRAMS, LYNDA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 ABRAMS, ROSS Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 231 ANDERSON, DOUG Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 L MI 6,983.50 Refer 233 ANDERSON, SUSAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 BUTTERFIELD, ALLEENE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 CAMPBELL, REBECCA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 15.5 HOURS HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 1 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 $248.00 $112.00 $360.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 Refer 233 CARLSON, RONALD Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 DEVENY, JOANN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 231 DOEPNER-HOVE, STACY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 a ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 15 HOURS HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 2 $42.00 $84.00 $126.00 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $240.00 $80.00 $320.00 Refer 233 GILLETTE, LESLIE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $112.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $154.00 Refer 233 HANSEN, SARAH _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $91.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 6.5 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $133.00 Refer 233 HUTCHINSON, MARGARET _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $98.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $140.00 Refer 233 JOHANSEN, KEVIN _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 041ve, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 233 JOHNSON, B.J. Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 KABELLA, BECKY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 230 LINKERT, GEORGE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 LINKERT, JANET Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 MASON, STACIA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 MCGREGOR, CHRISTINA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 MEYER, PETER C. Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 15.5 HOURS HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-09-22- 3 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 3 $112.00 $154.00 $42.00 $91.00 $133.00 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $248.00 $48.00 $296.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $42.00 $91.00 $133.00 $84.00 $84.00 04`r5A Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 MOHAGEN, HEIDI Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 MOON, MARY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 a ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 6 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 4 $42.00 $91.00 $133.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $84.00 $210.00 $294.00 Refer 233 NEUBERT, GREG _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $84.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 6 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $210.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 15 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $294.00 Refer 233 OLSON, DAVE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $115.50 ELECTION 8-9-22- 8.25 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $157.50 Refer 233 SCHURMAN, RITA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $98.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $140.00 Refer 233 SHELLENBAUM, STEVEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 041E-0] CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 233 SHERMAN, SHELLY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 SHERWOOD, MARK Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 SHUKLE, CAROL Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 231 SPIESS, NICHOLE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 STARR, NANCY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 SWENSON, STEVE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 14.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 5 $112.00 $154.00 $42.00 $203.00 $245.00 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $240.00 ELECTION 8-09-22- 15 HOURS HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $80.00 ELECTION 8-09-22- 5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $320.00 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $217.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 15.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $259.00 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY $42.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY $112.00 ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $154.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Refer 233 TOBIN, TIM Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 VINSON, LISA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 WALLACE, SHERI Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 WEISS SMITH, GRETCHEN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 WILLIAMS, KRISTIE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 Refer 233 ZIMMERMAN, BARB Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 080922 8242022 Transaction Date 8242022 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS 08/25/22 8:05 AM Page 6 $42.00 $98.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $140.00 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $42.00 $112.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $154.00 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 8 HOURS $42.00 $112.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $154.00 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY -PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- PRIMARY ELECTION 8-9-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 API Fund Summary CITY OF MOUND 08/25/228:05AM Page 7 Payments Current Period: August 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $6,983.50 $6,983.50 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $6,983.50 Total $6,983.50 PAPA, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: September 2022 Payments Batch UBREFUND082022 $807.77 Refer 254 ALL AMERICAN TITLE - BLAINE Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 4757 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE- UTILITY REFUND - ALL AMERICAN TITLE-BLAINE- P & C TERIO Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 255 LAND TITLE - RSVL Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 3179 DEVON LN- UTILITY REFUND- LAND TITLE- ROSEVILLE- T & D VAN PEUREM Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 255 LAND TITLE - RSVL Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 4751 WILSHIRE BLVD- UTILITY REFUND - LAND TITLE- ROSEVILLE- T ALBRECHT Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction note 8L79L7077 U S Rank 10100 10100 Total Refer 255 MINNESOTA TITLE- MENDOTA HEI Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 1586 BLUEBIRD LN- UTILITY REFUND- MINNESOTA TITLE- MENDOTA HEIGHTS- J & M DEWALL Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 256 TITLE GROUP INC. -COON RAPID Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 5505 SPRUCE RD- UTILITY REFUND- TITLE GROUP- COON RAPIDS - T.BORISOVHT Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 253 TITLESMART INC WHITE BEAR LA _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 2256 WOODLYN RIDGE CT- UTILITY REFUND- TITLESMART INC- WHITE BEAR LAKE- J & N ROBERTS Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 255 TRADEMARK TITLE SVCS, INC SH _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 2718 TYRONE LN- UTILITY REFUND - TRADEMARK TITLE SVCS, INC SHAKOPEE- A WYMAN & L ECCLES Invoice 081522 8222022 Transaction Date 8292022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Fund Summary 601 WATER FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $807.77 $807.77 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $807.77 Total $807.77 08/29/22 3:26 PM Page 1 $127.23 $127.23 $262.09 $262.09 $207.56 $207.56 $19.29 $19.29 $20.03 $20.03 $155.05 $155.05 $16.52 $16.52 AN" Payments Batch PAYREQ082322 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 $70,796.27 Refer 228 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 427-43121-440 Other Contractual Servic PAY REQUEST #1 & FINAL- 2022 FOG SEALING PROJECT- PW 22-07 WORK COMPLETED AUG 1 THRU AUG 9, 2022 Invoice 082322 8232022 Project PW2207 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 229 MP ASPHALT MAINTENANCE, INC. _ Cash Payment E 427-43121-440 Other Contractual Servic PAY REQ #1 & FINAL- 2022 CRACK SEALING PROJ PW 22-06- WORK COMPLETED AUGUST 1ST THRU AUGUST 9TH 2O22 Invoice 082322 8232022 Project PW2206 Transaction Date 8242022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 227 R & R EXCAVATING, INC. Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 082322 8232022 Transaction Date 8242022 PAY REQUEST #4 2021 B-2 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 21-03- WORK COMPLETED JAN 1, THRU JUNE 30, 2022 Project PW2103 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 427 STREET MAINTENANCE $39,783.00 602 SEWER FUND $31,013.27 $70,796.27 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $70,796.27 Total $70,796.27 08/25/22 1:56 PM Page 1 $10,450.00 $10,450.00 $29,333.00 $29,333.00 $31,013.27 $31.013.27 PANG]] CITY OF MOUND 09/07/221:21 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payments Batch 083122CTYMAN $42,380.72 Refer 501 A-1 OUTDOOR POWER, INC Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip SWITCH, NOTCHED BLADE- PARTS- TO $263.54 REPAIR PARKS EQUIPMENT Invoice 518269-2 8/112022 Transaction Date 8/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $263.54 Refer 502 A-1 RENT IT, BROADWAY TENT & Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic EXCAVATOR BOBCAT W/ BUCKET & $330.00 TRAILER RENTAL- PROJECT NEAR AL & ALMA'S Invoice 173122-1 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Servic EARLY RETURN CREDIT- EXCAVATOR -$72.60 BOBCAT W/ BUCKET & TRAILER RENTAL - RE -LOCATE STORM SEWER OUTLET FOR COMMUNITY GARDEN- OVERLAND LN- CENTERVIEW AREA Invoice 170205-2 6/152022 Transaction Date 8/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $257.40 Refer 505AQUAPRO _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR IRRIGATION SYSTEM DISTURBED $133.93 DURING STORM WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE- 1800 COMMERCE BLVD-S. ALEXANDER Invoice 30139 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $133.93 Refer 504 AUBEN RESIDENTIAL _ Cash Payment G 101-23448 4657 ISLAND VIEW DR PC ESCROW BALANCE REFUND EXPANSION $750.00 PERMIT- 4657 ISLAND VIEW DR- PC 20-24- AUBEN RESIDENTIAL- D. WOLD Invoice 083122 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 503 BAYWOOD SHORES, LLC _ Cash Payment G 101-23473 BAYWOOD SHORES WETL ESCROW BALANCE REFUND- WETLAND $1,140.00 DETERMINATION BAYWOOD SHORES LLC, Invoice 083122 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,140.00 Refer 507 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying SEPT 2022 - COPIER RENTAL- HARBOR $34.40 WINE & SPIRITS Invoice 29045432 8/132022 Transaction Date 3242020 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $34.40 Refer 508 CINTAS _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL $61.30 REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 8/1822 Invoice 4128751930 8/182022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL $58.40 REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 82522 Invoice 4129425646 8252022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 7 PAIRS NAVY WORK PANTS- T. HICKEY $413.80 STREETS DEPT Invoice 1903277984 8242022 PAN"! CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 8/18/22 Invoice 4128751897 8/182022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 509 DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY Total 09/07/22 1:21 PM Page 2 $59.88 $593.38 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal Invoice 916913346 Transaction Date 8/112022 CLEAN UP & HAUL AWAY -STORM DAMAGED BASSWOOD TREE@ 6068 CHERRYWOOD RD U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,600.00 $2,600.00 Refer 511 DENALI RENOVATIONS _ Cash Payment G 101-23460 2057 ARBOR LN EX-DENALI ESCROW REFUND -EXPANSION PERMIT $750.00 APP- 2057 ARBOR LN- DENALI RENOVATIONS Invoice 083122 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 510 ESS BROTHERS AND SONS, INCO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 6 QTY SANITARY SEWER LIDS $1,211.76 Invoice CC6410 8/112022 Transaction Date 8/112022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,211.76 Refer 506 GRAINGER _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip FUSES- 2 QTY- CC 5A SEWER DEPT Invoice 9412039829 8/162022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip 20 GALLONS ENGINE OIL- 1OW-30 SYNTHETIC BLEND- PUBLIC WORKS Invoice 9415701151 8/182022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 512 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals Invoice 6263631 8/152022 Transaction Date 6202017 150 LB CHLORINE CYLINDERS- 7 QTY U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 526 HICKEY, TIMOTHY P. _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes EIMBURSE CDL LEARNER PERMIT & TANKER ENDORSEMENT- TIM HICKEY - STREETS DEPT STAFF Invoice 083122 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 513 HOME DEPOT/GECF (PN1) Cash Payment G 101-22802 Festival Invoice 5022930 7212022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Total Total 8 QTY 4 X 8 PLYWOOD 3-PLY BOARDS - SPIRIT OF THE LAKES BAR AREA SET UP U S Rank 10100 10100 Total Refer 514 LAND EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair Supplies & Equip OIL- STREETS DEPT Invoice 03-933641 8/172022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs REPAIR STREET SWEEPER- PIVOT WEDGES, SPRING, PINS, SOCKET HEAD SCREWS- STREETS DEPT Invoice 03-932285 8/112022 $46.46 $601.00 $647.46 $70.00 $70.00 $13.00 $13.00 $259.60 $259.60 $62.58 $88.82 API CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip FITTINGS, CONNECTORS, COUPLERS, GRINDING STONES, PROMARK HELMET SYSTEM, HYDRANT HOSES, HOSE GUARDS- PARKS DEPT Invoice 03-934594 8222022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip GRINDING STONES, ULTRA 5 GAL MIX, BAR & CHAIN OIL- PARKS DEPT Invoice 03-932070 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs REPLACE GLASS DOOR, SEAL DOOR - PARKS BOBCAT Invoice 03-932070 8/102022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 515 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples Invoice 1158662 8/152022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Refer 516 MNNVI PLAYGROUND, INC. Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 2022372 8262022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Refer 223 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086468 8/32022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086524 8/42022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086574 8/42022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086628 8/52022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086633 8/52022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086635 8/52022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086644 8/52022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086795 8/82022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104086893 8/92022 Transaction Date 8/192022 MONTHLY CHLORINE REPORT & COLIFORM WATER TESTS -10 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total BBC GRILL FOR SURFSIDE PARK 09/07/22 1:21 PM Page 3 $209.75 $92.49 $351.97 $805.61 $141.18 $141.18 $2,418.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,418.00 DISPOSE OF 3 CUBIC YARDS- LOGS 8-03-22 $36.00 4 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-04- $48.00 22 4 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-04- $48.00 22 4 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-05- $48.00 22 2 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-05- $24.00 22 4 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-05- $48.00 22 4 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8-05- $48.00 22 DISPOSE OF 4 CUBIC YARDS- LOGS 8-08-22 $48.00 1.5 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 8- $18.00 09-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $366.00 Refer 517 NASSEFF MECHANICAL CONTRAC _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Servic RPZ TESTING - TEST 6 AT CITY PARKS - $3,636.41 REBUILD ONE & REPLACE ONE Invoice 43764 8/112022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,636.41 Refer 518 OPUS 21 MGMT SOLUTIONS, LLC CITY OF MOUND 09/07/221:21 PM Page 4 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-307 Admin/Finance/Compute JULY 2022 -UTILITY BILLING -CIS DATA $1,820.35 HOSTING, PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT Invoice 220772 8/192022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Compute JULY 2022 -UTILITY BILLING -CIS DATA $1,820.34 HOSTING, PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT Invoice 220772 8/192022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Postage JULY 2022- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $339.06 Invoice 220772 8/192022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage JULY 2022- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $339.06 Invoice 220772 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,318.81 Refer 519 ORONO, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 20142063 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 20142063 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM FEES JUNE 2022 HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM FEES JULY 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $172.08 $487.56 $659.64 Refer 520 REPUBLIC SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose SEPT 2022 GARBAGE SVC- PUB WRKS $96.93 Invoice 0894-005873495 8252022 Project 22-3 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic AUG 2022 CITYWIDE RECYCLING SVC $18,650.70 Invoice 0894-005872044 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose SEPT 2022 GARBAGE SVC- PARKS $290.79 Invoice 0894-005873495 8252022 Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous SEPT 2022 CITYWIDE ORGANICS PROGRAM $134.50 PICKUP SVC Invoice 0894-005874401 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $19,172.92 Refer 521 SPIKES FEED, SEED & PET SUPPL Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 2923 8232022 CENTENNIAL BLDG- GROUNDS OVERHAUL 15 STRAW BALES CENTENNIAL BLDG- GROUNDS OVERHAUL- 15 #S PREMIUM SUNNY GRASS SEED IXTAA0FY07019G1 7 tE,W&A111 II1:9N[i1T/A'.4 SWENSON PARK- 2 #S MICRO CLOVER SURFSIDE PARK- REPAIR AFTER SPIRIT OF THE LAKES- 15 #S PREMIUM SUNNY GRASS SEED SURFSIDE PARK- 25 #S PREMIUM SUNNY & 12 #S SUN & SHADE GRASS SEED CENTENNIAL BLDG- GROUNDS OVERHAUL- 25 #S PREMIUM SUNNY & 12 #S SUN & SHADE GRASS SEED 2127 $149.85 $76.42 $25.96 $59.98 $76.43 $178.45 $178.44 CITY OF MOUND 09/07/221:21 PM Page 5 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $745.53 Refer 525 STRICKLAND, EZRA _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes REIMBURSE CDL LEARNER PERMIT & $13.00 TANKER ENDORSEMENT- EZRA STRICKLAND- PARKS STAFF Invoice 083122 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $13.00 Refer 522 TONKA PLUMBING HEATING & CL _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL 4" WATER METER @ SHIRLEY $524.00 HILLS SCHOOL- 8-16-22 Invoice 7991 8/162022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $524.00 Refer 523 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- $35.01 INTERNET SVC- 7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR- RYAN $35.01 PRICH TABLET-INTERNET SVC-7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS DEPT-TABLET- HOT SPOT $35.01 SVC 7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.50 SVC- SVC 7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.51 SVC- SVC 7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $35.01 SVC 7-11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS DEPT TABLET INTERNET SVC 7- $35.01 11-222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS OPEN LINE INTERNET SVC 7-11- $35.01 222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 7-11-222 $17.51 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 7-11-222 $17.50 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 7-11- $17.51 222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 7-11- $17.50 222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 7-11- $35.01 222 THRU 8-10-22 Invoice 9913136240 8/102022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $350.10 Refer 524 VERIZON WIRELESS 2128 CITY OF MOUND 09/07/221:21 PM Page 6 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $143.07 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $77.71 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $52.17 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $28.69 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $126.66 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $60.41 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 7-14-22 THRU 8-13- $16.34 22 Invoice 9913425178 8/132022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $505.05 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $16,066.47 601 WATER FUND $3,007.31 602 SEWER FUND $4,427.46 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $94.28 670 RECYCLING FUND $18,785.20 $42,380.72 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $42,380.72 Total $42,380.72 PAP14-01 CITY OF MOUND 09/08/22 11:51 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payments Batch KENGRAV0722 $6,666.00 Refer 833 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 $221.00 Invoice 169428 8252022 Cash Payment G 101-23454 2396 COMMERCE BLVD HA 2396 COMMERCE BLVD HAZARDOUS BLDG $513.00 MATTER -LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 Invoice 169428 8252022 Cash Payment G 101-23453 5872 GLENWOOD ABATE 5872 GLENWOOD RD HAZARDOUS BLDG $354.00 ABATEMENT -LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 Invoice 169428 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I PLANNING LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 $220.00 Invoice 169428 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-312 Legal Council NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE DATA $3,876.00 REQUEST - LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 Invoice 169428 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-312 Legal Council NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE - COMPLAINT $1,482.00 PLAT ZONING REQUEST- LEGAL SVCS JULY 2022 Invoice 169428 8252022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $6,666.00 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $6,666.00 $6,666.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $6,666.00 Total $6,666.00 04106, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payments Batch BOLT#7-2022 $32,633.00 Refer 834 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs GIB UPDATES ENG SVC JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8. 2022 Invoice 0294877 7/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294877 7/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294877 7/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294888 7/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 Refer 835 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43101-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43124-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0294876 7/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 Refer 838 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0294885 7/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA GIB UPDATES ENG SVCJ UNE 11 THRU JULY 8. 2022 GIB UPDATES ENG SVC JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8. 2022 MSA SYSTEM COORDINATION UPDATES ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 09/08/22 12:49 PM Page 1 $142.00 $142.00 $142.00 $156.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $582.00 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 2022 DOWNTOWN PAVER SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJ. PHASE I PW 22-08 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Project PW2208 SCADA 2020 J-1 AVALON PARK LIFT STATION IMPORV PROJ PW 20-05 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Project PW2005 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 2021 LYNWOOD BLVD WATERMAIN REPLACE PROJ PW 21-01 - ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Project PW2101 2021 B-2 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 21-03- ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 $1,587.16 $521.67 $521.67 $690.00 $455.00 $639.00 $4,414.50 $618.00 $2,130.00 Invoice 0294871 7/312022 Project PW2103 Cash Payment E 427-43121-303 Engineering Fees 2021 CENTENNIAL PARKKING LOT PROJ PW $170.50 21-09 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294872 7/312022 Project PW2109 Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees 2021 THREE PTS & AVON BASKETBALL $170.50 COURTS IMPROV PROJ PW 21-11 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294872 7/312022 Project PW2111 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 1010p'), Z4100 Total $3,089.00 CITY OF MOUND 09/08/22 12:49 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Refer 839 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Cash Payment Invoice 0294884 Transaction Date E 401-43101-303 Engineering Fees 7/312022 9/82022 WCA ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $384.00 $384.00 Refer 840 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment G 101-23451 VILLAGES OF ISLAND PAR VILLAGES OF ISLAND PARK $4,169.00 DEVELOPMENT- MISC ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294889 7/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,169.00 Refer 841 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN IMPROV PROJ $156.00 PHASE 2 - PW 22-01 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294887 7/312022 Project PW2201 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 22-03 $3,083.00 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294878 7/312022 Project PW2203 Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees 2022 SURFSIDE DEPOT SITE $13,422.50 IMPROVEMENT PROJ PW 22-09 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294883 7/312022 Project PW2209 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 MANHOLE REHAB & SEWER $1,382.00 TELEVISING IMPROV PROJ PW 22-04 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294880 7/312022 Project PW2204 Cash Payment E 427-43121-440 Other Contractual Servic 2022 CRACK SEAL PROJ PW 22-06 - ENG $416.50 SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294874 7/312022 Project PW2206 Cash Payment E 427-43121-440 Other Contractual Servic 2022 SEAL COAT PROJ PW 22-07 - ENG $416.50 SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294874 7/312022 Project PW2207 Cash Payment E 401-43124-303 Engineering Fees 2022 DOWNTOWN PAVER SIDEWALK $281.00 REPLACEMENT PROJ. PHASE I PW 22-08 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294873 7/312022 Project PW2208 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 SEWER TELEVISING IMPROV PROJ $837.00 PW 22-04 ENG SVCS JUNE 11 THRU JULY 8, 2022 Invoice 0294881 7/312022 Project PW2204 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $19,994.50 PAKYA Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE 427 STREET MAINTENANCE 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $5,898.16 $1,966.00 $13,593.00 $1,003.50 $1,437.67 $8,734.67 $32,633.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $32,633.00 Total $32,633.00 09/08/22 12:49 PM Page 3 04ICK CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payment Batch AWWAMNSEPT2022 $960.00 Refer 225 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSO Ck# 071850 823/2022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION 2022 MN AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOC ANNUAL CONFERENCE- SEPT 14 THRU 16 DULUTH MN- L. PITSENBERGER Invoice 082322 8232022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION 2022 MN AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOC ANNUAL CONFERENCE- SEPT 14 THRU 16 DULUTH MN- M. RADDE Invoice 082322 8232022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION 2022 MN AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOC ANNUAL CONFERENCE- SEPT 14 THRU 16 DULUTH MN- R. PRICH Invoice 082322 8232022 Project 22-5 Transaction note 8D3D077 U S Rank 10100 10100 Total Fund Summary 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $320.00 $640.00 Pre -Written Checks $960.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $960.00 $960.00 09/08/22 10:56 AM Page 1 $320.00 $320.00 $320.00 $960.00 04ICE! CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 A Payments Batch 090222HWSMAN $46,356.76 Refer 67656 BREWING, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 5619791 8/162022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 641 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 3555152 8/182022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 678 BACK CHANNEL BREWING _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1297 8/182022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 623 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 0105657600 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0105657600 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 625 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0096250500 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0096193800 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 95887400-2 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Refer 642 BELLBOY CORPORATION LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR CREDIT- 95887400- 7/27/22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 09/07/22 1:29 PM Page 1 $119.00 Total $119.00 $1,637.70 Total Total $1,637.70 $270.00 $270.00 $60.00 $212.50 Total $272.50 $1,027.70 $1,436.55 -$216.00 Total $2,248.25 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $91.00 Invoice 0105623200 8/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $48.00 Invoice 0105623200 8/192022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CARDED AUGER CORKSCREWS, $101.30 CHAMPAGNE STOPPERS, STAINLESS SHAKER SET, CHAMPAGNE FLUTES Invoice 0105623200 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 680 BLUE CLOUD DISTRIBUTION, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER- MTN DEW HARD Invoice 101070591 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 633 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 345366532 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 345366471 8232022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total $240.30 $568.00 $568.00 $146.45 $9,739.02 $9.885.47 Refer 630 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ 2135 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 345389788 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 345389790 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 345389789 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 640 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2729127 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2729126 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2729128 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2729130 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2729129 8232022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Total 09/07/22 1:29 PM Page 2 $2,365.37 $801.00 $62.92 $3,229.29 LIQUOR $540.00 BEER CREDIT -$199.05 BEER $3,621.60 BEER $142.55 BEER $263.25 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,368.35 Refer 645 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 646882 8222022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 636 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1641429 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 635 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 533698 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 533698 8232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 533699 8232022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 637 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2122542 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2122543 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2119884 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2119885 8222022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 626 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ $641.50 Total $641.50 $1,352.00 Total $1,352.00 Total $79.50 $23.00 $2,400.30 $2,502.80 $2,690.44 $2,571.19 $2,578.62 $1,048.44 Total $8,888.69 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $366.00 Invoice 175469 8232022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $366.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Refer 672 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 136613 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 632 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6451598 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6451597 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 652 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2802990 8202022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 679 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2250921 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2250924 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2250923 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2250926 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2250925 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 654 SUMMER LAKES BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 4455 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 629 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 7392991 8242022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 745670 8/112022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 745669 8/112022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 745671 8/112022 Transaction Date 8/312022 WINE WINE CREDIT WINE CREDIT WINE CREDIT U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $46,356.76 $46,356.76 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $46,356.76 Total $46,356.76 09/07/22 1:29 PM Page 3 $472.00 Total $472.00 $1,150.31 $3,666.50 Total Total Total $4,816.81 $244.05 $244.05 $587.60 $441.00 $1,636.00 $67.12 $115.00 $2,846.72 $976.50 Total $976.50 Total $548.00 -$8.32 -$20.85 -$108.00 $410.83 CITY OF MOUND 09/08/2211:00AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: September 2022 Payments Batch 091322CITY $37,749.03 Refer 600 ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY, IN _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs PERFORM ANNUAL BOOM INSPECTION - $1,805.60 BUCKET TRUCK#504- CHANGE HYDRAULIC FILTER, INSTALL NEW FILTER ASSEMBLY, REPLACE HOLDING VALVA ASSEMBLY Invoice 0171810 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,805.60 Refer 601 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic EMERGENCY SERVICE- C-1 LIFT STATION- $793.00 THREE PTS BLVD-AFTER STORM-8-6-22- REPLACED TRANSDUCER Invoice 37767 8/162022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SERVICE 8-8-22 C-1 LIFT STATION- THREE $328.90 PTS BLVD- ATS WON'T TRANSFER DUE TO LIGHTNING STORM Invoice 37777 8/162022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 3 UPS'S- PARTS FOR LIFT STATIONS $451.95 Invoice 37768 8/162022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,573.85 Refer 602 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies BATTERIES- D, C, AA, AAA, 12V U1, 6V $465.02 LEAD- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice P54138294 8/162022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $465.02 Refer 603 BOYER TRUCKS-MPLS _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs TOWED WATER DEPT TRUCK#315- $1,092.96 CHARGED, SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS, MULTIPOINT INSPECTION, RELACE POSITIVE BATTERY CABLE ASSEMBLY Invoice 002S209622 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,092.96 Refer 604 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 5808 GRANDVIEW BLVD LS GENERATOR $37.21 NATL GAS SVC 7-20-22 THRU 8-20-22 Invoice 091322 8242022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR $20.96 NATL GAS SVC 7-20-22 THRU 8-20-22 Invoice 091322 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $58.17 Refer 605 CIVIC PLUS, LLC _ Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic CITYOFMOUND.COM WEBSITE REDESIGN $3,150.00 & STANDARD ANNUAL SUPPORT PACKAGE 9-23-22 THRU 9-22-2023 Invoice 237225 9232022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,150.00 Refer 606 CORE & MAIN LP _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 2 QTY 18" WATER HYDRANT EXTENSION $2,622.98 KITS Invoice R425777 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,622.98 Refer 607 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE _ 2138 CITY OF MOUND 09/08/2211:00AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: September 2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair Supplies & Equip 25 QTY 6' X 1" WHITE FLAGPOLE W/GOLD $2,060.00 BALL, 25 QTY 3 X 5 NYLON US FLAG MADE IN USA Invoice 2022286 8262022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,060.00 Refer 608 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. _ Cash Payment E 375-47200-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2022 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $500.00 REPORTING & FEES Invoice 91580 8222022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 609 FIVE TECHNOLOGY _ Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,290.00 MTCE- SEPTEMBER 2022 Invoice 10922-15 9/12022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,290.00 Refer 610 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs REPLACE SPINDLE ON AXLE- PARKS $335.00 EQUIPMENT Invoice 109739 8/182022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $335.00 Refer 611 LAKE RES TORA TION, INC. Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic ULTRA POND PROGRAM -WEED CONTROL- $178.00 APPLICATION #4 Invoice 029175 8292022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $178.00 Refer 612 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip MISC PARTS - NYLLON PROTECTIVE SLEEVING, MEGACRIMP FITTINGS- PUB W KS Invoice 9309843585 8/162022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies MISC PARTS- MEGACRIMP FITTINGS- PUB W KS Invoice 9309855862 8/192022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Tota Refer 613 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions SEPT 2022 THRU AUG 2023 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES BASED ON CITY POPULATION 9,408 Invoice 091322 8/312022 Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions MN MAYORS ASSOC MEMBERSHIP DUES, -- RAYMOND SALAZAR- SEPT 2022 THRU AUG 2023 Invoice 091322 8/312022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 614 MINNESOTA BUSINESS ENTERPRI _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials DUMP CONCRETE PIPE 8-19-22 Invoice 50089 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 615 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH $228.55 $44.40 $272.95 $9,980.00 $30.00 Total $10,010.00 $300.00 Total $300.00 Cash Payment R 601-49400-37170 State fee- Water 3RD QTR 2022 COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY $9,141.00 SVC CONNECTION FEE Invoice 091322 8/162022 2139 Transaction Date 8/312022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: September 2022 09/08/22 11:00 AM Page 3 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $9,141.00 Refer 616 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material CONCRETE SAND -PARKS LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 19.04 TON- 8-18-22 Invoice 279864 8/182022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 617 NEWMAN SIGNS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN MATERIALS- STANDARD POSTS- QTY 10 Invoice 041831 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 618 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip HARDWOOD DOLLY-2, HOSE NOZZLE, 6 PC DEMO DEMO, TOW -ULTRA PACK, TARP STRAPS, 2 RATCHET 4 PKS, FILES GARDEN HOSE- PARKS DEPT Invoice 4061213409 8/112022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair PRESSURE WASHER- 5000 PSI 100' HOSE - FIRE DEPT WASHBAY Invoice 50712658 8/162022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 619 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101-41930-200 Office Supplies Invoice 1261250736001 8222022 PO 25081 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 259228634001 8/152022 PO 81222 Cash Payment E 101-41410-200 Office Supplies Invoice 1261250736001 8222022 PO 25081 Transaction Date 8/312022 $304.64 $304.64 $648.71 $648.71 $478.82 $190.61 $669.43 COPY PAPER- 3 CASES, 10 PK TAPE, BLACK $210.92 & BLUE PENS, SMALL ENVELOPES- CITY HALL COPY PAPER- 1 CASE, LAMINATING $87.93 POUCHES- 5 ML- HWS 2 BOXES DYMO ADDRESS LABELS- $32.68 ELECTIONS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $331.53 Refer 620 SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, L _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip LIQUID HERBICIDE- 2 QTY 2.5 GALLON - PARKS Invoice 122388297 8/122022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 621 ULINE Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip DOG WASTE BAGS 6000 CT, 55-60 GAL 3 MIL CLEAR CONTRACTOR TRASH BAGS - PARKS Invoice 153058141 8242022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 153058141 8242022 Transaction Date 8/312022 Refer 622 XCEL ENERGY DOUBLE JUMBO ROLL TOILET TISSUE DISPENSER- PUBLIC WORKS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $390.62 $390.62 $453.54 $65.27 $518.81 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 1790 COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS 7-26-22 $29.76 THRU 8-24-22 Invoice 793636283 8252022 Transaction Date 8/312022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $29.76 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 375 TIF 1-3 Debt Service 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: September 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $21,678.29 $190.61 $500.00 $12,901.34 $2,390.86 $87.93 $37,749.03 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $37,749.03 Total $37,749.03 09/08/22 11:00 AM Page 4 PAEAN CITY OF MOUND 09/08/2211:12AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payments Batch 091322CITY-2 $134,108.11 Refer 700 AMERICAN MESSAGING _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi QUARTERLY PAGER INSURANCE & $14.11 REPLACEMENT-SEPT, OCT, & NOV 2022- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026 9/12022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi QUARTERLY PAGER INSURANCE & $14.11 REPLACEMENT-SEPT, OCT, & NOV 2022- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi QUARTERLY PAGER INSURANCE & $14.10 REPLACEMENT-SEPT, OCT, & NOV 2022- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi QUARTERLY PAGER INSURANCE & $14.10 REPLACEMENT-SEPT, OCT, & NOV 2022- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026 9/12022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 701 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 3 QTY SUBMERSIBLES, 65 FEET OF CABLE, 0-35 FT RANGE, 3 IS BARRIERS, & 2 THERMOSTATS- LIFT STATIONS Invoice 37816 8/302022 Transaction Date 9172022 Refer 702 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 917254 9/12022 Transaction Date 9172022 Refer 732 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883719 9172022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883716 9172022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883717 9172022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883718 9172022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883720 9172022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W883721 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 Refer 703 CADY BUILDING MAINTENANCE U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $56.42 $4,540.83 $4,540.83 RENTAL & MTCE- 9/1/22 THRU 11/3022- $83.46 COFFEE MACHINE FIRE DEPT U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $83.46 PHILBROOK PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 8- $178.00 10-22 THRU 9-06-22 CENTERVIEW BEACH BIFFS RENTAL & SVC $237.00 8- 10-22 THRU 9-06-22 SURFSIDE PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 8- 10- $415.00 22 THRU 9-06-22 SKATEPARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 8- 10-22 $237.00 THRU 9-06-22 SWENSON EPARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 8- $178.00 10-22 THRU 9-06-22 THREE PTS PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 8- $178.00 10-22 THRU 9-06-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,423.00 Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services SEPT 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CITY HALL $550.00 /POLICE Invoice 4972110 1/12021 2142 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4972110 1/12021 Transaction Date 1/62021 Refer 704 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 0000190925 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 Refer 705 CINTAS Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4130122017 9/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4129425517 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4130121900 9/12022 Transaction Date 9172022 Refer 706 DAVES MULCH STORE Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 27773 8232022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 27791 8242022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 27815 8252022 Transaction Date 9172022 SEPT 2022 CLEANING SVCS- FIRE DEPT SEPT 2022 CLEANING SVCS- PUBLIC WORKS BLDG Project 22-5 SEPT 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CENTENNIAL BLDG CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS Project 22-5 CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS CLEANING SUPPLIES- MULTI -FOLD TOWELS, LARGE & MEDIUM TRASH CAN LINERS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HIGH PRESSURE MEDIUM & ACETYLENE MEDIUM CYLINDER RENTALS Project 22-5 I.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 09/08/22 11:12 AM Page 2 $299.00 $425.00 $425.00 $64.07 $64.07 $83.29 $44.86 $1,955.29 $20.46 $20.46 MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL $58.40 REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 9/0122 Project 22-5 MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- $59.88 HWS- 8/25/22 MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- $59.88 HWS- 9/01/22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $178.16 50/50 CONTRACTORS MULCH $326.00 50/50 CONTRACTORS MULCH $326.00 50/50 CONTRACTORS MULCH $512.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,164.00 Refer 707 DURKIN, DAVID _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic TEAR OUT EXISTING MODULAR WALL & $1,680.00 REINSTALL WHERE CEMENT STAIRS WERE 5341 MAYWOOD RD- CENTENNIAL BLDG LOT Invoice 090722 9/72022 2143 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Transaction Date 9172022 Refer 708 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCT Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies Invoice 2475254 8292022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 1 CASE PURPLE NITRILE GLOVES- X- LARGE- FIRE DEPT U.S. Bank 10100 10100 09/08/22 11:12 AM Page 3 Total $1,680.00 $182.32 Total $182.32 Refer 709 FIRE SAFETY USA, INCORPORATE _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair FIRE TRUCK SVC- EMGINE #29 FILTER FOR BACK A/C Invoice 162700 8/192022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 710 FIRS TNET _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC- XXX-0353 FIRE UNIT #39 FIRE CHIEF RESCUE UTILITY 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC XXX-0545 FIRE #43 RESCUE TRUCK SVC 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC XXX-1887 FIRE LADDER TRUCK#44 SVC 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC XXX-1962 FIRE ENGINE #29 SVC 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC XXX-4845 FIRE UNIT #42 DUTY OFFICER SVC 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELLPHONE SVC XXX-0150- CHIEF G. PEDERSON - 7-26-22 THRU 8-25-22 Invoice 09032022 8252022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 711 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 8-22-22 THRU 9- 21-22 Invoice 091322 8/302022 Cash Payment E 101-41920-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 8-22-22 THRU 9- 21-22 Invoice 091322 8/302022 Tmnsectinn Rafe 9l7L7077 U S Rank 10100 10100 Total $85.95 $85.95 $38.23 $38.23 $38.23 $38.23 $38.23 $53.71 $244.86 $150.00 $175.00 $325.00 Refer 712 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $57.73 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $248.74 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $210.11 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $203.93 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $203.93 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 $537.24 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 2144 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC-8-30-22 TO 9-29-22 Invoice 091322-2 8/302022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 09/08/22 11:12 AM Page 4 $179.08 $89.54 $89.54 Total $1,819.84 Refer 713 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Call AUGUST 2022 LOCATES $94.50 Invoice 2080614 8/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One -Call AUGUST 2022 LOCATES $94.50 Invoice 2080614 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $189.00 Refer 714 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- $335.06 AUGUST 2022 Invoice 1000191288 8/312022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & $2,250.94 ADMINISTRATION FEE- AUGUST 2022 Invoice 1000191231 8/312022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi EMERGENCY MGMT RADIO LEASE & $65.61 ADMINISTRATION FEE- AUGUST 2022 Invoice 1000191231 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,651.61 Refer 715 HENNEPIN COUNTY RECORDER _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs RECORDING FEES & RESOLUTION $48.00 PACKAGE- PROPERTY USE CHANGE Invoice 1000156583 10/192020 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $48.00 Refer 716 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R FRESH LIMES & LEMONS FOR RESALE- HWS Invoice 083122 8/102022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies STARBURST & TOOTSIE MIDGEES- TREATS FOR KIDS- HWS Invoice 083122 8/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R FRESH LIMES & LEMONS FOR RESALE Invoice 083122 8/152022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $11.59 $9.62 $55.00 $76.21 Refer 718 MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INCO _ Cash Payment E 281-45210-220 Repair Supplies & Equip TREATED LUMBER 2 X 8 - 12' QTY 40 - $806.40 DOCKS Invoice 219681 8222022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $806.40 Refer 719 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS WASTEWATER SVCS OCTOBER 2022 $71,941.74 Invoice 0001145161 9/62022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $71,941.74 Refer 720 MIDWEST SERVICES _ CITY OF MOUND 09/08/2211:12AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #315, $828.00 #420, #1604, TYMCO SWEEPER, TOOL CAT #216 Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #315 $207.00 Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #315, $828.00 #109, RETURN ALL PARTS TO BOYER FORD Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #219, $828.00 SUMACH GENERATOR Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #214, $1,012.20 #1604, SKID STEER #121, SKID STEER #120, GLENELYN GENERATOR, PARTS: MICRO SLIM ULTRA MINI LED LIGHTBAR Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TOOLCAT $997.91 #216, BOBCAT JACK HAMMER, BAYWOOD GENERATOR, PARTS: 13" RAZOR EXTREME ULTRA MINI LED LIGHTBAR, ORGANIZED TOOL SHOP- GOT RID OF UNUSABLE ITEMS Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022 - TOOLCAT $517.50 #216, SKID STEER #121, GRANDVIEW GENERATOR, CLEAN & ORGANIZE TOOL ROOM Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022 - SINCLAIR $258.75 GENERATOR, COMMERCE GENERATOR, PUT ENDS ON AIR HOSE, ORDER FILTERS Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022 - TRUCK #412, $465.75 ORGANIZED TOOL ROOM & PUT OIL AWAY Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MECHANIC SVCS- AUG 2022- TRUCK #318, $828.00 TYMCO SWEEPER, TRACTOR #197, ORGANIZE TOOL ROOM Invoice 9069 9/12022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $6,771.11 Refer 721 MINNESOTA BUSINESS ENTERPRI _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials DUMP 2 DUMP TRUCK LOADS OF ROAD $100.00 MATERIALS- CONCRETE MIXED WITH ASPHALT 8-26-22 Invoice 50151 9/12022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 722 MINNESOTA LABOR INDUSTRY _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-430 Miscellaneous PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG- CITY HALL- $50.00 ELEVATOR ANNUAL OPERATING PERMIT- 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD Invoice ALRO137268X 8272022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG- FIRE DEPT- $50.00 ELEVATOR ANNUAL OPERATING PERMIT- 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD Invoice ALRO137268X 8272022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 723 MNSPECT - 2146 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees AUGUST 2022 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES Invoice 9090 8/312022 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments AUGUST 2022 - ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT Invoice 9090 8/312022 Cash Payment R 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee AUGUST 2022- ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PERMIT FEE CREDITS Invoice 9090 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 724 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSO CIA TIO 09/08/22 11:12 AM Page 6 -$438.00 $16,239.31 Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib SEPTEMBER 2022 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $11,500.00 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 090122 9/12022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $11,500.00 Refer 725 MRI SOFTWARE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-305 Medical Services BACKGROUND CHECKS AUGUST 2022 2 $27.00 NEW HIRES @ HWS Invoice 1211381 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $27.00 Refer 726 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material CONCRETE SAND -PARKS LANDSCAPE $835.34 MATERIAL 55.32 TON DELIVERED 9-1-22 Invoice 280456 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material PEA ROCK -PARKS LANDSCAPE MATERIAL $0.00 12.23 TON Invoice 280456 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 3/8" FINE ASPHALT- 1.03 TON 10-2-18 $0.00 STREETS Invoice 280456 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 3/4" CLEAR RED ROCK 38.78 TON - 2128 $0.00 CENTERVIEW LN Invoice 280456 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 3/4" MINUS MIX- 18.58 TON DELIVERED 9-1- $456.14 22 Invoice 280456 9/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 3/4" MINUS MIX- 38.89 TON DELIVERED 9-2- $954.75 22 Invoice 280515 9/62022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,246.23 Refer 727 MULCH STORE, THE _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material 12 CUBIC YARDS- LOAM TOPSOIL- PARKS $222.00 Invoice 104088111 8252022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material 12 CUBIC YARDS- LOAM TOPSOIL- PARKS $222.00 Invoice 104088119 8252022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $444.00 Refer 728 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-200 Office Supplies 2 BOXES INKJET LASER ADDRESS LABELS, $69.57 1 CASE COPY PAPER, 1 REAM GREEN 20# COPY PAPER- CITY HALL Invoice 262827446001 8/302022 PO 25082 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies 2 PK LEGAL SIZE WOODEN CLIP BOARDS- $4.61 DOCK INSPECTIONS Invoice 262827446001 8/302022 PO 25082 2147 CITY OF MOUND 09/08/2211:12AM Page 7 Payments Current Period: August 2022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $74.18 Refer 729 PEDERSON, GREG _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE- MEALS- PER DIEM- G. $224.00 PEDERSON- FIRE RESCUE INTL ANNUAL CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO TX- AUG 24-27 2022 Invoice 083022 8/302022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE- LODGING 3 NIGHTS- $711.39 MARRIOTT RIVERCENTER- G. PEDERSON- FIRE RESCUE INTL ANNUAL CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO TX- AUG 24-27 2022 Invoice 083022 8/302022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE- DELTA ROUNDTRIP AIRFARE $404.46 & TRIP INSURANCE- G. PEDERSON- FIRE RESCUE INTL ANNUAL CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO TX- AUG 24-27 2022 Invoice 083022 8/302022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE- MILEAGE TO & FROM $56.58 AIRPORT- G. PEDERSON- FIRE RESCUE INTL ANNUAL CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO TX- AUG 24-27 2022 Invoice 083022 8/302022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,396.43 Refer 730 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic CHECK ATS SWITCH @ LIFT STATION- 4922 $380.00 THREE PTS BLVD- BAD SOLENOID & NEED NEW ATS SWITCH Invoice 8326 8/92022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 731 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs TYMCO SWEEPER- REMOVE & REPLACE FUEL PUMP, PRIME FUEL SYSTEM Invoice W6187501 8/312022 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 733 SIMSUSHARE _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-205 Computer Hardware/Soft CTC CUSTOM- LICENSE FOR 2 SIM DEVELOPERS, UNLIMITED STORAGE, WEB SUPPORT, 10 SIMS STORAGE IN SIM CLOUD, 2 SIMULTANEOUS CLOUD EXERCISES, 6 TOTAL ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS ACROSS ALL CLOUD EXERCISES- FIRE DEPTANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Invoice 16445 922022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 734 SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, L _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic WELLHOUSE #3- SITE IMPROVEMENT- BULK GRANITE, VINYL EDGING, 6 MIL POLY SHEETING 100', SANDSCAPE STAPLES- 11 GAUGE 6" 1,000 BOX Invoice 122968083 8/312022 $380.00 $1,702.85 $1,702.85 $354.95 $354.95 $530.25 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES- PARKS- ADJ ROTOR 4" RISER W/2.5 NOZZLE, PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER, CLAMP CRIMPING TOOL, HOLE CORING TOOL, VARIOUS NOZZLES, PLASTIC VALE, OUTDOOR CONTROLLER, 100' PIPE, VALVE BOX, ELBOWS, WIRE CONNECTOR, 100' GREEN HOSE, HIGH FLOW NOZZLE Invoice 122812757 8262022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 735 SPEEDPRO IMAGING Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies Invoice 9148 8/182022 Transaction Date 9/82022 WHITE REFLECTIVE VINYL NAMES: PATTERSON, BOOS, CRAWFORD- FIREFIGHTERS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 736 ULINE _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maintenance- 1 QTY 2-DRUM SPILL WORKSTATION & 2 QTY 4-DRUM SPILL WORKSTATION- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 153341168 8/312022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 9172022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 737 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 793541515 8252022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 793678190 8252022 Transaction Date 9172022 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 09/08/22 11:12 AM Page 8 $1,507.97 $2,038.22 $45.00 $45.00 $773.54 $773.54 ELECTRIC SVC 7-25-22 THRU 8-23-22 $189.22 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION ELECTRIC SVC 7-25-22 THRU 8-23-22- 1871 $253.52 COMMERCE BLVD LIFT STATION U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $442.74 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $28,986.35 $16,866.85 $811.01 $842.79 $86,129.40 $471.71 $134,108.11 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $134,108.11 Total $134,108.11 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Payments Batch 091322HWS Refer 80056 BREWING, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 5619937 8/302022 Transaction Date 9/82022 $102,094.37 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 801 AM CRAFT SPIRITS, INC. Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 15298 8/302022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 802 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3556486 8262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3558048 922022 Transaction Date 9/82022 Refer 803 BACK CHANNEL BREWING Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1312 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 BEER BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 BEER 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 1 $159.00 Total $159.00 $276.49 Total $276.49 $1,318.75 $1,282.80 Total $2,601.55 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 804 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS, TOILET PAPER Invoice 0105691300 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0105691400 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CARDED AUGERS, JELLO SHOT CUPS W/ LIDS Invoice 0105691400 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS, C-FOLD TOWELS Invoice 0105712900 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0105712800 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- DOUBLE JIGGERS, STAINLESS 3 PC SHAKER SETS Invoice 0105712800 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 805 BELLBOY CORPORATION $240.00 $240.00 $152.00 $25.95 $18.20 $173.25 $246.80 $30.50 $646.70 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,166.00 Invoice 0096356300 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $480.00 Invoice 0096356300 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,437.55 Invoice 0096298600 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $436.50 Invoice 0096297900 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $393.30 Invoice 0096286200 8262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $231.40 Invoice 0096286700 8262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,001.80 Invoice 0096423600 9/72022 2150 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0096424000 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0096426400 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0096437000 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 806 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE Total 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 2 $133.65 $168.65 $1,538.15 $8,987.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $9,517.53 Invoice 345463792 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $33.60 Invoice 345463861 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $632.00 Invoice 345463860 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $245.00 Invoice 345463794 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $410.50 Invoice 345463793 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $218.10 Invoice 345560593 9/62022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $10,740.55 Invoice 345560592 9/62022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER credit -$20.00 Invoice 410087327 9/62022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $369.00 Invoice 345560591 9/62022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $148.50 Invoice 345560594 9/62022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,621.20 Invoice 345577268 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $23,915.98 Refer 807 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 345482708 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 345482707 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 345572248 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 345572249 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 345572250 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 345594120 9/82022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 808 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2732116 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 2732115 8/302022 BEER BEER $129.00 $3,548.94 $184.00 $802.20 $13,869.34 $72.00 Total $18,605.48 $164.41 $2,578.05 PAID CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2735222 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2735225 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2735224 9172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 2735223 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 809 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 648998 922022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 648201 8292022 Transaction Date 9/82022 BEER BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 810 COCA COLA -GREAT LAKES DISTRI Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 3609218250 8292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT Invoice 3609218249 8292022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 811 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1645234 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1645235 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 BEER BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 812 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 536058 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 536059 8/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 538351 9/62022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 813 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2127987 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2127984 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2127985 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2129342 9/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2129343 9/12022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 3 $5,603.45 $115.58 $300.25 -$34.13 Total $8,727.61 $466.50 $517.25 Total $983.75 $879.84 -$36.46 Total $843.38 $146.00 $976.50 Total $1,122.50 Total $34.50 $2,052.00 $967.80 $3,054.30 $32.00 $6,168.76 $2,089.14 $225.00 $88.00 Total $8,602.90 Refer 814 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 8-18-22 $274.35 Invoice 38312 8/182022 2152 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38328 8252022 Transaction Date 9/82022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 DELIVERY SVC 8-25-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 815 MAVERICK WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 829180 8262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 829180 8262022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 816 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities Invoice 091322 8202022 Transaction Date 9/82022 Refer 831 OLD WORLD BEER LLC WATER SERVICE 6-30-22 THRU 8-01-22 HWS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1749 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 817 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 175939 8292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 176634 9/62022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 818 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6455428 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6455429 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 6455430 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 819 PRYES BREWING COMPANY, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 42477 9/12022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 820 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2805880 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2805657 8272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2806031 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2808146 9/32022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2808552 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 4 $387.50 $661.85 $435.00 $104.04 Total $539.04 $72.88 Total $72.88 $384.32 Total $384.32 $284.92 $563.50 Total Total Total Total $848.42 $1,508.80 $3,259.88 $86.35 $4.855.03 $834.67 $834.67 $132.95 $244.05 $140.90 $299.75 $288.80 $1,106.45 Refer 821 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M 2153 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 5088142 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 5088138 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2253913 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2253914 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2253912 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2253911 8/312022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2253910 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 822 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance- HVAC PREV MTCE- 8-9-22- COOLERS, CONDENSERS- CHANGE FILTERS, CHECKED BLOWER OPERATIONS & BELT TENSIONS, WASHED CONDENSERS, CHECK FAN MOTORS- HWS Invoice W79267 8292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance- NO A/C- 8-26-22- REPLACED LOCKED UP CONDENSER FAN MOTOR & CRACKED REFRIGERANT DISCHARGE LINE- HWS Invoice W79402 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 823 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 33118 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 NVII014 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 824 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0311816 9/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0311814 9/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0311815 9/12022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 825 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0311306 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0311308 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0311307 8252022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 826 WINE COMPANY 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 5 $88.00 $2,425.25 $138.00 $240.00 $1,137.91 $309.42 $428.55 $4,767.13 $454.49 $1,451.41 $1,905.90 $492.00 $492.00 $590.84 $486.00 $132.00 Total $1,208.84 Total $110.75 $114.50 $29.25 $254.50 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $206.00 Invoice 212966 8252022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $414.00 Invoice 212332 8/182022 2154 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: August 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 213638 9/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 213638 9/12022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 827 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7393945 8/312022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 828 WINEBOW _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale WINE Invoice 118165 9/12022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 829 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 3672 8262022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 3704 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 830 Z WINES USA LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 25723 9172022 Transaction Date 9/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $102,094.37 $102,094.37 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $102,094.37 Total $102,094.37 09/08/22 11:32 AM Page 6 $182.00 $120.00 $922.00 $2,254.00 Total $2,254.00 $1,183.50 Total $1,183.50 $193.60 $513.60 Total $707.20 $330.00 Total $330.00 2155 MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 23, 2022 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council Members Sherrie Pugh, Phil Velsor and Jason Holt Members absent: Council Member Paula Larson Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Administrative Services Director Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Brian Simmons, Alex Smith, Mackenzie Smith, Roman Sopau, Pasha Sopau, Kim Blievernicht, Jan Roberge, Mary Berglund, Jim Murphy, Michelle Herrick, Merrick Morlan, Kristi Hughes Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2 Pledae of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Council Member Pugh requested Item 4C be pulled and an audience member requested Item 4H be pulled for discussion. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $478,728.83. B. Approve minutes: 08-08-22 Special Meeting 08-10-22 Regular Meeting C. (Pulled). D. Approve PW Projects Pay Items: 1. Pay Request #4 in the amount of $31,013.27 to R&R Excavating for the 2021 Liftstation Improvement Project PW 21-03 2. Final close-out Pay Request in the amount of $29,333.50 to MP Asphalt Maintenance, 2156 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Inc. for the 2022 Crack Sealing project PW 22-06 3. Final closeout Pay Request in the amount of $10,450 to Allied Blacktop Co. for the 2022 Fog Seal Project, PW 22-06 E. RESOLUTION NO. 22-71: RESOLUTION APPROVING MASTER PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH THE MN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION F. RESOLUTION NO. 22-72: RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR PID NO. 23-117-24- 42-0124 LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF FAIRFIELD ROAD AND LEACH AVENUE G. RESOLUTION NO. 22-73: RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR PID NO. 23-117-24-42-0124 LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF FAIRFIELD ROAD AND LEACH AVENUE H. (PULLED) I. RESOLUTION NO. 22-75: RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE THAT EXCEEDS HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE/HOUSE AND REDUCED FRONT SETBACK FOR PROPERTY AT 4987 THREE POINTS BOULEVARD 4C. (Pulled). Approve budget -neutral 2022 Budget Amendment for Urban Forest Management Plan, EAB Response Plan and Tree Inventory Pugh said she requested the item be pulled so that should could emphasize her excitement and request that the report results be shared with both the Parks and Open Spaces Commission and City Council. MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Velsor, to approve the 2022 budget amendment for Urban Forest Management Plan, EAB Response Plan and Tree Inventory. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Item 4H. (Pulled). Approve Resolution Approving Waiver of Platting and Variance for Property at 2531 Avon Drive. Alex Smith, 5042 Avon Drive, said he is here to address the Council as he did the Planning Commission as he feels the request to divide this parcel into two buildable lots does not meet the standard for a variance of there being a special and unique circumstance. Smith noted the proposed lot is smaller than the over 10K SF lots in the area and does not meet the character of the area. Velsor voted to table item 4H, seconded by Pugh. Velsor then asked Holt to comment on the discussion at the Planning Commission. K 2157 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Holt asked the City Manager to pull up the platting. Hoversten said the element of difficulty came from the geometry of the right of way, noting the parcels were paired for tax purposes pre-1955 but were originally platted as separate. Holt said Smith was asked if the new parcel is buildable and Smith indicated yes. Perry Ryan, 19665 Waterbury, said he is the applicant and said the PC recommended 4 to 1 to approve. Ryan said it is consistent with the Comp Plan, noting the area of the combined lot is over 20K, averaging 10K, but they chose not to ask for a vacation of the alley way due to the administrative time and expense involved. Ryan said the new lot does not have any environmental conditions and will be built within setbacks. Velsor asked about the alley. Hoversten said it is a 14-foot fire alley and he sees no reason to ever improve it. Ryan said there are no utilities and there was no perceived benefit of requesting a vacation. Jim Murphy, 5045 Avon Drive, asked if there is a minimum lot size for new lots. Hoversten clarified this is not a new lot but rather a waiver of platting and variance on lot size. Murphy pointed out that many properties in this area are on multiple platted lots and that this could suggest a major change in character. Velsor said Parcel A is 12,204 and Parcel B is 8,208. Hoversten said minimum lot size in the R1 District is 10,000. Salazar said it would seem most fair to table it. Hoversten noted precedent is not as prescient as every Planning decision is meant to stand on its own. Velsor asked about vacating the alley and Murphy noted that would still not equal 10,000 and that vacating may make sense if the owner wants to expand the existing dwelling. Ryan said vacating the alley would get them over 10,000 but there was no apparent benefit for the extra administrative expense. Ryan read from the 2020 Housing Plan, specifically number 2 that in order to provide for Lifecycle Housing, the plan recognizes the ability to recognize historically platted lots. Mary Bergland, 5049 Avon Drive, noted that if the alley was vacated the existing garage would not meet the set back. Velsor said it appeared it would be 6 feet. Discussion ensued on whether the new lot could have a house and garage and it was felt that it could. Velsor noted the Eva and Abbey subdivision seemed similar. Hoversten guessed that is an R2 zoning district, as many of those lots are 6,500 SF. Hoversten offered that one of the purposes of a variance is to recognize flexibility. 2158 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Velsor said the fact that Lots 6 and 7 have a dwelling and Lots 8 and 9 don't so no structure has to be relocated to make another buildable lot seems reasonable. Velsor said he thinks it would have been worth pursuing the vacation. Hoversten said they can't come back to ask for a set- back variance because they created the conditions that caused the practical difficulty, noting this is a variance request for lot size. Discussion ensued on the setbacks, including side setback depended on alley requirements and Park Lane will be 20 since it has three fronts. Hoversten said technically the building pad would be about 40 x 100, noting the more difficult constraints are probably the lot size and hardcover requirements. Velsor withdrew his motion to table. MOTION by Holt, second by Velsor, to approve the resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 22-74: RESOLUTION APPROVING WAIVER OF PLATTING AND VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY AT 2531 AVON DRIVE 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. Dr Dr. Kristi Hughes, business owner of 5225 Shoreline Drive, resident of 4842 Dale Road, gave a summary about her specialty including working with patients experiencing chronic pain, anxiety and PTSD. Hughes said her store is about to open and had thousands of dollars of low levels of THC products delivered and then found out a moratorium was enacted. Hughes asked if she could be part of any committee to do some education about the benefits of these products. Salazar said it is not a ban, it is a moratorium, for up to a year through June 30. Salazar said it was a common response by many cities and was recommended by the police department, LMC, and City Attorneys. Salazar noted cities need to be consistent and that it can't be banned, but time is needed to figure out oversight. Hughes said she is here for the long haul, but just wants clarity on whether she can consult on these products or what the parameters are. Salazar suggested she should seek legal advice. Hoversten suggested Staff and the attorneys would benefit from Dr. Krsiti's insights. Pugh thanked Dr. Kristi for offering her time and knowledge to inform our process and ultimately educate the community. Dr. Kristi said she fell in love with Mound has traveled the world over to educate the medical community on topics such as this. Holt asked how fast the Council will receive the options or draft. Hoversten said the City does have the right to defer to the State Department of Pharmacy similar to how we defer to Hennepin County for tobacco sales or the state for licensing liquor establishments. Hoversten said the City could look at zoning limitations, but that would not have any oversight on who sells. Hoversten said there are a lot of health and wellness sales from home, similar to Nutrisystem and Mary Kay. Hoversten said Minnetonka is looking at licensure to go online within a month, so perhaps the Council will see something within 2 or 3 months. Velsor reminded Hoversten to consult/consider concerns of Orono Chief Farniok. Hoversten said the fact that we won't be regulating possession and use will simplify enforcement for him. 2159 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Dr. Kristi noted the legal limit is 5mg and the product she would sell is professional grade and will be mixed with botanicals to help with chronic pain versus the 20 — 200mg in states it has been legalized. Dr. Kristi talked about the security in the store to ensure safe distribution and invited any Council to visit the store anytime. 6. City Engineer Brian Simmons presenting preliminary discussion on 2023 Public Works capital projects and requesting direction to initiate Engineering Studies: Simmons said BMI has taken Council feedback on going to bid earlier so this is ahead of previous projects. Simmons said he is requesting permission to get the study underway that will allow the survey to be completed before the snow and will provide flexibility with any supply chain issues. Holt said he attempted to drive by the existing lift station. Simmons said it is behind Lakewinds, noting the generator is not always near the station in order to minimize disruption to the existing street. Simmons also noted many previous water improvements were made to benefit this area. Simmons said Mound operates many more lift stations because of the topography of the area and embarked on a total replacement plan prioritized by level of liability, noting this is the 25th to be replaced with 5 more to go. Holt said this isn't like trading in a car that might have more life and Simmons agreed saying this is more like replacing a model T. Simmons said when the City reduced from 2 replacements to 1 per year (due to financial stress), the need to finish the remaining is now critical. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. a. RESOLUTION NO. 22-76: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR 2023 Simmons said this is the third of three phases on Lynwood using trenchless technology to reline cast iron watermain pipe, noting Phase III is Southview to Grandview. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. b. RESOLUTION NO. 22-77: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON LYNWOOD BLVD WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (SOUTHIVIEW TO GRANDVIEW) 7. Administrative Services Director Catherine Pausche requesting discussion and direction on the following budget related matters: Pausche said this is a first look at the proposed preliminary budget and levy to provide the opportunity for discussion and questions and that if enough clarity and consensus is achieved, then just the 2160 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 resolutions would come back, otherwise there will be another opportunity to bring it back for discussion prior to the September 30th preliminary levy deadline. Pausche said it is typical at this point in the planning process for her to bring forward topics that deal with more policy issues on level of service or that have been under Council consideration at previous workshops and are ready to be acted upon. A. Communication Initiatives Pausche said the website and newsletter were discussed at the April 2019 workshop and since that meeting Pausche has been working with a communications/graphic design freelancer who suggested moving to Adobe InDesign for the newsletter to improve the look from the current dated layout. Pausche said a mock-up was included in the packet and shows there are more images that will translate well to website news entries thereby providing multiple media formats and the opportunity to reemphasize important topics. Pausche said the first edition using this new format will be the November, December, and January issue, noting that many of the images in the mock-up were stock photos and she provided information on options to have more customized photography of the City performed. Pausche displayed the City's new website on the Civic Plus platform that went live in 2021. Pausche said it was a big improvement over the previous version and a lot of thought went into structuring the menus based on statistics of most used pages and other government websites. Pausche said Civic Plus is widely used for government websites and that based on the Council's feedback, she asked them for options. Pausche said Civic Plus has the ability to separate the news from the calendar instead of requiring users to click on a tab, giving it a bit more of a social media feel. Pausche showed examples of other cities where the news and calendar are separated. Pausche said if the Council wanted it done immediately, it would cost $4,000, or after the 4th year of the contract (2024) a redesign of the website is included. Pausche emphasized you can't outsource content creation, so the struggle is to keep it fresh with the existing staff resources. Discussion ensued and it was decided to wait for the redesign included with the website subscription to make changes. Velsor asked it there are more pictures to rotate on the homepage and Pausche said it is an option but we are in need of more quality photos which is why she provided some options for a freelance photographer. Pausche said she wonders whether it would be best to wait until the Harbor Park and Surfside improvements are complete. The Council agreed that between the public, elected officials and BMI's drone, there was no need to pay for images at this time. Holt said he would rather use a different platform for the website like Wix or GoDaddy to give it a more contemporary feel. Pausche noted there are synergies with working with providers who specialize in this sector as often the consultants are familiar with the platforms and other tools like on- line permitting have already been integrated. Pausche said Civic Plus is used by many cities and municipal government has some rather 'boring' content that needs to be shared with multiple users and there are benefits to city websites having similar layouts. Holt said this seems more website browser/PC based when society has moved to mobile. 2161 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Michelle Herrick, 2630 Westedge Boulevard, said she just used Wix to create the Westonka Food Shelf's website and that it was very modular and user friendly and has a mobile aspect as well. Herrick noted there are cheaper alternatives than Civic Plus. Pausche showed the prototype of the newsletter reformat included in the packet stating that it is intended to make it more visually appealing and translate more easily to website news entries. Holt asked if Pausche will save the equivalent of $4K in her time and energy. Pausche said the existing template doesn't change much between issues and she drops in content in large block format, so this is really incremental effort to improve the layout. Pausche said she is still responsible for developing and editing the content but the freelancer will work more on the presentation. Holt said communication needs to be improved and this will help. Pausche said it sounds like the majority is in favor of having it printed in color and she will reflect that in the budget. B. Cemetery Improvements Pausche said many options were explored but ultimately the most affordable solution is to survey the remaining area for the smaller ash burial plots at an estimated $15,000 and then through time look at screening and beautification efforts. Pausche said the Cemetery is completely sold out, so she recommends proceeding with the survey. Pausche said she will prepare an analysis of the fees to ensure the $15,000 will be recaptured from the sale of the lots during the fee schedule discussion. Pausche said the $15,000 will be expensed this year in the General Fund. C. 2023 Preliminary Budget and Levy Pausche noted no formal decisions would be made at this meeting and she would like to give some background on changes in the environment. Pausche said the Council has agreed to annual 5% total levy increases in order to reduce our future reliance on bonds and special assessments for streets. Pausche said a scenario was added for a 7% total levy increase due to a reduction in the City's Local Government Aid (LGA). Pausche said Mound tax capacity will increase 30% next year, and that based on the LGA formula, Mound's allocation dropped by over half to $168K. Pausche said she would hope that 5% would be the minimal increase because of the need to fund the utility fund deficits and that the Council would consider the 7% because the rising tax capacity will help absorb the impact, once again noting that is why we lost the LGA equivalent of 2.6% of the levy. Pausche noted the drop in the tax rate and the relatively small impact on an average property, noting the hard part is knowing how much individual properties appreciated relative to one another. Pausche noted at 7%, a $400K house would pay $1,320 in City property taxes in 2023 and the average utility customer (15K gallons per quarter) will pay an estimated $1,292 per year, asking the Council to try to keep it in context relative to other services and utilities. Discussion ensued on the various factors that drive the calculation of tax capacity and it was noted higher value homes tend to absorb the increases. Velsor asked the Mayor about the Finance Committee discussion. Salazar said inflation is unlike what we have seen in 40 years and he doubts wages are keeping up. Salazar said Council Member Larson and he were concerned with the burden which is why he asked to present a 5% alternative. Pausche summarized the bonding needs at 5% and 7%, the difference of which will be a lower contribution to the capital reserve funds and a need to bond for more within the next 5 years. Pausche walked through the presentation included in the Council agenda packet, reiterating the goal of the Long Term Financial Plan is to get to a steady levy increase to offset the deficits in the utility funds 2162 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 and reduce future reliance on debt and special assessments. Pausche said between 2003-2016 Mound issued an average $5.11 M in bonds a year, over half for the utility funds to be repaid over 20 years. Pausche said the street improvement portion is financed over 15 years, noting about 40% was paid by special assessments and a portion of the improvements were allocated to the utility funds, noting with inflation, no special assessments, and less or no allocation to utilities in the next round of street improvements the property tax burden will look very different. Pausche noted that 60% of utility revenues currently pay for debt service creating significant restraints in the amount of options to create utility savings. Pausche said a 5% levy increase vs 7% will mean less contributed to the capital reserves and more will need to be bonded for in the next 5 years, noting adding to the capital reserve funds helps to avoid large swings in the levy and utility rates as were seen in the past. Pausche noted the increases to the Capital Improvement Plan in just the last few years as new needs were identified, noting projects like the water treatment plant and trail crossings that are currently not included. Pausche said at 5% the average capital reserve funding is $1.04M per year for the next 5 years and the projected bonding need is $8.5M. Pausche said at 7% the average capital reserve funding increases to $1.6M per year and the need to bond drops to an estimated $6.2M. Pausche noted through 2020, $32.3M in bonds were issued for street and retaining wall projects, $19M in water improvements, $14M in sewer improvements, $6M in storm sewer, and $8.8 in redevelopment and building related. Pausche noted there were $43.3M in bonds outstanding as of 12-31-2021. Salazar noted the financial plan created in 2018 was in reaction to the years of people frustrated by the special assessment process when they are already paying property taxes. Hoversten reiterated that was due to the lack of reserves when the street projects started and this is what the City is trying to prevent in the future. Pausche noted the updated CIP shows that significant street expenditures for mill and overlay begin in 2027, which has already been deferred from the 20 years called for in the assumptions. Hoversten noted the longer you wait the condition will worsen that may increase the urgency and cost, noting you don't want projects stacking up on one another. Salazar noted asphalt comes from oil and we are dealing with an oil shortage. Pausche recapped the challenge has been to find the right balance between property taxes and utility bills. Pausche noted she is recommending a 3% increase to water and 3% to sewer which will equate to about $3 per month on the average bill (15K gallons) or 2.8% in total. Pausche said staff is seeking direction on the preliminary levy increase and then additional discussion will occur at the October 18 special meeting workshop with the final levy, utility rates and fee schedule to be approved at the December 13th regular meeting. Discussion ensued on the amount of levy increase needed. Salazar noted surrounding Cities are going up and asked Staff to share what they have heard. Pausche said Staff has heard 8% with some smaller cities in the double digits, noting that this discussion is earlier than most so the City will learn more as cities approve their preliminary levy. Hoversten noted our union contract is settled for 2023 at 3% but he is hearing that for cities negotiating in this environment, the rates are much higher and that will likely drive a market adjustment in 2024. Pausche also noted the Orono police contract has reached the 5% cap for the last two years which equates to $94K increase for 2023. Salazar asked the Council Members for their thoughts, noting that the need to bond continues to concern him but he doesn't like the idea of charging more. Discussion ensued about the impact of the reduction in LGA and Pausche noted that because of the increase in the tax capacity the impact should be reduced if the shortfall is made up by a higher increase to the levy. Velsor said he is all for keeping it consistent but because the rate is going down he can see the benefit of funding the reserves to reduce future reliance on debt. Velsor said he is going with the will of the Council as he won't be here to make this decision in a year. Salazar noted all the issues that will be coming forward and he doesn't want to return to the past when we didn't plan for the future and had to use the special assessment process as it creates a hardship. 2163 Mound City Council Minutes —August 23, 2022 Pugh said she feels for seniors who feel the burden of the increases but the thought of needing more debt in the future does not build on the success and progress we have made, noting the 10-year plan was progress. Pugh suggested going with the higher number as the ceiling and then continue to try to find ways to find alternatives over the next 30 to 60 days to reduce as 5% is her preference. Pausche said she does not foresee the numbers changing except for the amount levied for the capital reserve funds and the amount of future bonding needed, noting the City typically does not change from the preliminary levy to the final levy as Staff tries to give the most thorough information up front. Holt asked to take out the 3% for the water and 5% is his maximum for the levy. Velsor noted the 3% to water and sewer was only $3 increase on the average bill. Salazar said he sweats these dollars and percentages, noting over 50% are retirees on fixed income. Salazar said he can see the benefits of 7% and the business necessity but as the Mayor, he doesn't think the citizens can bear more than 5% and we can talk about water later. Pausche said the preliminary levy resolutions will be on the September 27 regular meeting agenda at 5%. 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Hoversten noted the following: Special meeting workshop 10/18 at 6:30 pm General Election 11/8 Rescheduled Regular Meetings moved to 11/9 due to election. Construction had a lot of false starts so downtown sidewalks will start in end of September. Mid -September Phase II Lynwood Watermain Early October — paving and sidewalk activity at Surfside Depot TBD — Supply chain issues on Lift Station project (South end of Island View) but price locked in Velsor asked about pre -buying equipment ourselves. Hoversten said he hasn't done so prior to the Council approving the project overall thus they are trying to get the studies expedited. Hoversten noted detours on Lynwood will be coordinated. Holt asked about signage around the Westedge curb by the Met Council lift station. Velsor asked why it isn't striped compared to Tuxedo. Simmons said they can bring back suggestions but noted Tuxedo has a lot more curvature thus the need for striping. B. Reports: Fire Department —July 2022 Finance Department — July 2022 C. Minutes: Planning Commission —June 7, 2022 July 5, 2022 D. Correspondence: 8. Adjourn ACTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 10:35 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2164 2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 • PH: 952-472-0600 • FAX: 952-472-0620 • WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM MEMORANDUM DATE: DULY 28, 2022 TO: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) PROPERTY OWNERS FROM: CATHERINE PAUSCHE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 2022 CBD ASSESSMENT ROLL Enclosed is the proposed assessment roll for the period July 1, 2021- June 30, 2022. Under the Langdon District CBD parking agreement approved in 2010 (which travels with the Property), the City will no longer include these assessments in the public hearing before the City Council. The assessment resolution will appear on the September 13, 2022 Consent Agenda. The City contracted with Beniek Property Services to plow the Langdon Area. Recent history includes: Assessment Total Cost Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 5,270 4,572 4,842 9,696 6,659 Net $ Received from Participants 2,370 1,672 1,942 6,796 3,759 Difference Paid by City 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 You may pay the balance due by November 15, 2022; otherwise, the City will certify the amount due to the County for inclusion on the property's payable 2023 property tax bill. If you have any questions about this assessment, please contact me at 952-472-0633 or via email at catherinepausche(iLcityofinound.com. Thank you! 2165 City of Mound (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Langdon Area CBD Parking Program Wgt Avg % OF COST PARK. SPACES of TOTAL x % REQ'D. PROV. 1 & 2 OF 3 (� for the Period 07/01/21 - 06130/22 50% 50% 14-117-24 44 0041 2301 Commerce PETER JOHNSON (Did not sign agreement 5 11 7.4 10.39 547.74 14-117-24 44 0042 2313 Commerce SHAUN & KAREN GAULD 12 3 8.4 11.80 621.76 14-117-24 44 0001 2321 Commerce FRISCO2 LLC 13 8 11.0 15.45 814.21 14-117-24 44 0002 2339 Commerce FRISCO2 LLC 7 26 14.6 20.51 1,080.68 14-117-24 44 0004 2345 Commerce 2345 COMMERCE BLVD LLC 13 9 11.4 16.0 843.82 14-117-24 44 0006 XXXX Commerce NORTHERN HERITAGE PROPS LLC 0 15 6.0 8.43 444.12 14-117-24 44 0003 2365/2363 Commerce NORTHERN HERITAGE PROPS LLC 14 10 12.4 17.42 917.84 84 82 71.2 100.00 25. 70.17 (6) $50 charge Spaces per space Net Amount Net Needed (+) needed / Due Amount Provided (-) $100 credit to Program Due to (1) - (2) per space (Owed to Owne City provided -6.00 -600.00 -52.26 n/a 9.00 450.00 1071.76 1071.76 5.00 250.00 1064.21 -19.00 -1900.00 -819.32 244.89 4.00 200.00 1043.82 1043.82 -15.00 -1500.00 -1055.88 4.00 200.00 1117.84 61.95 18.00 2 9, 00.000 2 7 .17 2,422.43 2166 7/28/2022 Public Works - CBD Parking Langdon District - 7/1121 - 6/30/22 Hrs per event Plowing (outsourced to Beniek Prop Svices) Sanding Striping (Every 2 yrs) Pothole Repair Total Cost for 7/1/21 - 6/30/22 Signing - (sign, pole, cap) - Charged individually to property owners except this year it was "No overnight parking" on utility poles Sweeping Cost of Labor/ Overhead Materials Total Cost 0 $ 5,230.00 $ 0.25 $ - 0 $ - 0 $ - $ $ 5,230.00 0 $ - $ 0.5 $ 40.17 $ - $ No. of events per year Total Cost $ 5,230.00 0 $ - 1 $ - 0 $ $ 5,230.00 1 $ - 40.17 1 $ 40.17 Total Cost to Allocate as of 6130121 $ 5,270.17 Area 1 CBD Langdon Dist - 2313 - 2365 Cornmerce Blvd Area 2 Lots adjacent to True Va ue ar.d Parking Ramp, including sidewalks Area 3 Boulevard Beniek Transactions Act Year elio GL Acct I Amount I Check Date Check Nbr Comments I AREA #1 CBD DECEMBER 2021 PLOWING- DEC 7TH, 2022 1 i 101-20200 $2,000.00? 1/11/2022! 70373 10TH, 18TH, 26TH, 28TH & 31ST 2022 3 101-43100-440i $1,200.00, 3/22/2022! 70814 AREA #1 CBD FEBRUARY 2022 PLOWING :2022 2 101-43100-440 $1,615.00i 2/8/20221 70526.14 AREA #1 CBD JANUARY 2022 PLOWING I i 2022 4 ? 101-43100-440 1 $415.00 4/8/2022 i 70960 i AREA # 1 CBDMARCH 2O22 PLOWING 2167 10 r -4r- noo) A L CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • MOUND, MN 55364-1668 • PH: 952-472-0600 • FA➢C: 952-472-0620 • WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM July 28, 2022 Ray Mar Properties, Inc. Attn: Bruce Dodds 2250 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Re: 2021-2022 parking repair and maintenance charges This letter is in regard to the 2021-22 parking maintenance charge for Raymar Properties, Inc. (RayMar) related to fees incurred by the City for parking maintenance at 2250 Commerce Boulevard and the North Parking Lot as provided by the 2000 Shared Parking Agreement and 2006 Land Agreement. Please see breakdown below: Building Square Footage (as provided by Hennepin County)—17,162 square feet 1 stall per 400 SF calculation (as used in the CBD Program) — 43 stalls required (less) 20 spaces provided for RayMar in parking ramp (per Agreements) 9 spaces provided on RayMar property Net: 14 parking stall shortage Therefore, RayMar is responsible for (9+14) = 23 of the 25 (92%) of the total spaces in the North Parking Lot. Applying that to the cost formula developed by the City in the Land Agreement between the Mound HRA and RayMar, $7,346.20 is owed by RayMar for the period of 7/1/21 to 6/30/22. The amount owed is part of this year's special assessment roll which will be included on the Tuesday, September 13, 2022 City Council consent agenda for action. Please pay this amount in full by November 15, 2022 to avoid interest. After that time, it will be certified to the County Auditor with an interest rate of 5 percent. If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please feel free to contact me via phone at 952.472.0633 or by email at catherinepausche@cityofmound.com. Sincerely, Catherine Pausche Administrative Services Director 2168 Public Works - Parking Maintenance North Lot of Transit District - 7/1/20 - 6/30/21 Cost of Hrs per Labor/ event Overhead Materials Total Cost Total Cost Plowing & Salting (Beniek) 1 $ - $ - $ 7,985.00 Signing - (sign, pole, cap) - Charged individually to owner 0 $ - $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ Sweeping 0 $ $ - $ - $ - Total Cost to Allocate as of 6/30/21 $ 7,985.00 Raymar percentage (23 of the 25 spaces in the North Lot) 92% $ 7,346.20 % Share based on the following: Raymar building footprint SF provided by Hennepin County. Spaces requred calculated as follows: Business and professional offices -1 space per 400 SF (used to be consistent with Langdon District) 17,162 / 400 = 43 Spaces Total Spaces Required: 43 LESS: Deck I Spaces (no charge) (20) North Lot spaces owned by Ray Mar (9) Additional Spaces Needed from Public 14 North Lot Total Spaces 25 North Lot Spaces owned/need by Ray Mar Properties, Inc (9 + 14) 23 % of Maintenance Allocation to Ray Mar Properties, Inc. 0.92 Act Year jPeriodl GL Acct I Amount I Comments r I AREA #2 TRUE VALUE -RAMP -SIDEWALKS DECEMBER 2021 PLOWING& SHOVELING -DEC 7TH, 10TH, 18TH, 26TH, 28TH & ;2022 11101-2-0200 $3,085.00 31ST I i 101-43100- AREA #2 TRUE VALUE -RAMP -SIDEWALKS FEB 2022 2022 3'440 i $1,790.00'PLOWING& SHOVELING 101-43100- AREA #2 TRUE VALUE -RAMP -SIDEWALKS JANUARY 2022 2022 I 2 440 $2,520.00 i PLOWING & SHOVELING 101-43100- AREA #2 TRUE VALUE -RAMP -SIDEWALKS MARCH 2O22 2022 4 440 $590.00; PLOWING& SHOVELING $7,985.00' — 2169 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 2022 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) PARKING MAINTENANCE ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 5% INTEREST LEVY #22019 WHEREAS, participants signed a CBD Parking Program Agreement in 2010 that allows for the collection of the CBD Parking Maintenance Fee by means of the assessment process; and WHEREAS, the owner of 2250 Commerce Boulevard signed a Shared Parking Agreement in 2000 and a Land Agreement in 2006 that allows for the collection of maintenance fees by means of the assessment process; and WHEREAS, by entering into these agreements the participants have waived their right to an assessment hearing for said assessment: 2022 CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE FROM JULY 1, 2021 TO JUNE 30, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound: 1. Such proposed special assessments as noted below, and made a part hereof, are hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable in one annual installment as follows: PID Number Amount 14-117-24-44-0042 $1,071.76 14-117-24-44-0001/2 NET $244.89 14-117-24-44-0004 $1,043.82 14-117-24-44-0003/6 NET $61.95 13-117-24-33-0158 $7,346.20 3. Such assessment shall be payable in one installment and shall bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent, to be collectable in 2023. To the assessment shall be added interest from November 15, 2022 through December 31, 2023. 4. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City of Mound, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15, 2022. 5. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of September, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2170 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING CASE: APPLICANT: LOCATION: MEETING DATE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ZONING: Planning Commission Sarah Smith, Community Development Director August 31, 2022 Variance for Fence Height and Public Lands Permit 22-12 Jacob Kohler 1703 Jones Lane September 13, 2022 Low Density Residential R-1 Single Family Residential Background. The property owner, Jacob (Jake) Kohler, who resides at 1703 Jones Lane, has submitted an application to the City of Mound requesting a variance and Public lands permit (PLP) approval to install a 6 foot fence along Three Points Boulevard in the public right-of-way. Based on information from the applicant, the purpose for the requested fence and variance is to: 1. Provide safety for their family as Three Points Boulevard is a busy road. 2. Provide privacy from activities relatedtothe Metro Transit Commission(MTC) bus stop located near the intersection of Jones Lane and Three Points Boulevard. 3. Help minimize and/or abate the noise from passing vehicles and busses. 4. Buffer activities from the multiple- unit condominium complexlocated acrossthe street including lighting. Mound City Code allows fence height up to 4 feet within front setback areas for residential lots. Three Points Boulevard is considered "a front' because the property is a corner lot. Fences in side and rear locations (non -Lakeshore) are allowed up to 6 feet. Mound City Code does not allow placement of a 6 foot fencewithin the front setback of a property and does not allow for fences to be built in the public right-of-way. 2171 Notification. Neighbors, per Hennepin County property tax information were sent mailed notice on August 31, 2022 to inform them of the City Council's review of the applications at its September 13, 2022 meeting and that the requests were being included on the Consent Agenda. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. The Planning Commission reviewed the variance and public lands permit requests at their August 16'special/rescheduled regular meeting. Draft minutes have been prepared and included as an attachment to the Executive Summary Report. The applicant was present at the meeting. No other persons attended the meeting for this request. Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the variance and public lands permit with the conditions and findings as recommended by Staff. Recommendation. Given Staff and the Planning Commission recommendation for approval, the attached resolution has been prepared for your consideration. Additional Comment. The City of Mound, on August 22, 2022, executed a 60-day extension for action on the variance as provided by Minnesota Statutes section15.99. 2172 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE AND PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR 6 FOOT FRONT YARD FENCE IN RIGHT OF WAY ADJACENT TO PROPERTY AT 1703 JONES LANE (PLANNING CASE NO. 22-11) WHEREAS, the applicant and property owner, Jacob Kohler, who resides at 1703 Jones Lane, submitted applications to the City of Mound requesting variance and public lands permit approval to install a 6 foot fence in the front yard of the property in the right of way adjacent to his property; and WHEREAS, Mound City Code Sec. 129-203 allows fence height up to 4 feet within front setback areas for residential lots; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in the R-1 single family residential district and the minimum required front setback is 30 feet; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. ; and WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: 2173 Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. ; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 62-11 requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, the variance and public lands permit requests were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its August 16, 2022 meeting. Details regarding the Planning Commission's review of the requested variance and public lands permit are contained in the Executive Summary Report for the September 13, 2022 Council meeting, the August 16, 2022 Planning Commission draft meeting minutes and the applicant's submitted materials; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended City Council approval of the variance and public lands permit, as recommended by Staff, subject to conditions and findings of fact; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the variance and public lands permit requests at its September 13, 2022 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, the City Council's decision on the variance application was made within the timelines included in Minnesota Statutes 15.99; and WHEREAS, public lands permits are not subject to the timelines in Minnesota Statutes 15.99; and 2174 WHEREAS, in granting approval of the variance and the public lands permit, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The fence shall be placed in the public right-of-way 4 feet from the southerly edge of the sidewalk on Three Points Boulevard. 2. The public lands permit shall be granted contingent on the approval of the variance for the fence project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approves a variance for the property at 1703 Jones Lane, as described in Exhibit A, to allow construction of a 6 foot front yard fence in the right of way adjacent to the property, subject to the following conditions: 1. A fence permit shall be required to include all information required for the application, to include a field inspection. 2. The permanent fence to be installed on the property shall be 6-foot tall with the good side of the fence facing Three Points Boulevard. 3. The variance shall be granted contingent on the approval of the public lands permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approves a public lands permit for the property at 1703 Jones Lane, as described in Exhibit A, to allow construction of a 6 foot front yard fence in the right of way adjacent to the property, subject to the following conditions: Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of September, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor 2175 Exhibit A Lot 1, Block 1, REPLAT OF HARRISON SHORES 2176 MINUTES - DRAFT MOUND SPECIAL/RESCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 16, 2022 Chair Goode called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: David Goode, Jake Saystrom, Samantha Erickson, Jason Holt, Allen Andersen Staff present: Sarah Smith and Secretary Jen Holmquist. Members of the public: Alex Smith-2052 Avon Drive, Raman Sopau and Dasha Sopov-2400 109th Ave NW, Coon Rapids, Nate Reinitz-5221 Fairfield Rd, Perry Ryan-19655 Waterford Place, Excelsior, Matt Van Nelson-2925 Meadow Lane, Jacob Kohler-1703 Jones Lane, Dmitriy Sechko- 20240 Hackawase Rd, Corcoran, Jan and Jim Roberge-4987 Three Points Blvd. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA MOTION by Saystrom to approve the agenda, as written; seconded by Andersen. MOTION carried unanimously. REVIEW OF JULY 5, 2022, REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Saystrom to approve the July 5, 2022 minutes as written; seconded by Erickson. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 22-11 Variance and public lands permit for 6 foot front yard fence in right of way adjacent to property at 1703 Jones Lane Applicant: Jacob Kohler Smith presents the case. The applicant is requesting a variance and public lands permit to install a 6-foot fence. The first request for a public lands permit would allow placement of a fence 6 feet in height, just north of their lot where the sidewalk sits high and the property is lower. The applicants seek screening from Three Points Blvd which includes a busy road, a condo and a bus stop. Fences in the front yard are allowed to be 4 feet. The steep drop of the terrain, additional height on the fence is being requested. The public land will allow construction of the fence in the right of way and the variance is requested because a 4-foot fence would not allow for the privacy. 2177 Smith notes that traffic sight lines will not be affected. Staff met with the applicant in the field and understands the need for additional height will help maintain privacy for the homeowner. Staff stated the fence should be located 4 feet off the right of way to allow for snow storage. If something were to happen to the approved fence, the property owners will be liable for repair, not the city. The application was routed to consulting agencies and no comments were received. Staff recommends approval. Smith asks for questions. Holt asks if the fence being 4 feet from the sidewalk edge would be downhill from the sidewalk. Smith confirms. Holt asks about the type of fence. Privacy fence panels are being proposed and all other fence standards must be met. Andersen asked if this residence is the only one along Three Points that have these unique qualities. Smith confirms. Jake Kohler — He reiterates that his is the only property with these unique characteristics. MOTION by Saystrom recommends City Council approve Variance and Public Lands Permit for 6-foot fence in right of way adjacent to property at 1703 Jones Lane, including staff recommendations and findings of fact; seconded by Andersen. MOTION carries unanimously. 2178 PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING CASE: APPLICANT: LOCATION: MEETING DATE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ZONING: Planning Commission Sarah Smith, Community Development Director August 8, 2022 Variance — Fence Height and on Public Land 22-11 Jacob Kohler 1703 Jones Lane August 16, 2022 Low Density Residential R-1 Single Family Residential BACKGROUND The property owner, Jacob (Jake) Kohler, who resides at 1703 Jones Lane, has submitted an application to the City of Mound requesting a variance and Public Lands Permit (PLP) approval to install a 6footfence along Three Points Boulevard inthe public right-of-way. Based on information from the applicant, the purpose for the requested fence and variance is to: 1. Provide safety for their family as Three Points Boulevard is a busy road. 2. Provide privacy from activities related to the Metro Transit Commission(MTC) bus stop located near the intersection of Jones Lane and Three Points Boulevard. 3. Help minimize and/or abate the noise from passing vehicles and busses. 4. Buffer activities from the multiple- unit condominium complex located across the street including lighting. Mound City Code allows fence height up to 4 feet within front setback areas for residential lots. Three Points Boulevard is considered "a front' because the property is a corner lot. Fences in side and rear locations (non -Lakeshore) are allowed up to 6 feet. Mound City Code does not allow placement of a 6 foot fence within thefront setback of a property and does not allowfor fences to be built in the public right-of-way. 2179 VARIANCE City Code Section 129-39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-2, 'Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; and (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems TIMELINE FOR DECISION Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. Within the 60-day period, an automatic extension of no more than 60 days can be obtained by providing the applicant written notice containing the reason for the extension and specifying how much additional time is needed. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 15.99, "Day 1" is determined to be July 14, 2022 as provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 645.15. Page 2 2180 NOTIFICATION Neighbors abutting the subject site, per Hennepin County taxpayer records, were mailed a letter on August 10, 2022 to inform them of the Planning Commission's review of the application at its August 16, 2022 special/rescheduled regular meeting. Courtesy notice was also mailed to the Seahorse Condominium HOA. STAFF/CONSULTANT/DEPARTMENT/AGENCIES REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to involved departments, consultants, and public agencies for review and comment. SITE INFORMATION AND BACKGROUND 1. The property, which is approximately 10,624 square feet, includes a single-family house that was constructed in 1984 and was last purchased in 2009 per Hennepin County property tax information. 2. Neighboring properties are also in residential use. 3. This property is located on the corner of Jones Lane and Three Points Boulevard. The house is situated approximately 3 to 4 feet below the grade of Three Point Boulevard. The northern property line is approximately 11 feet from the southernly edge of the sidewalk that is along the south side of Three Points Boulevard. 4. As previously mentioned, there is a MTC bus stop located near the intersection of Jones Lane and Three Points Boulevard. 5. The property owner met with the Public Works Superintendent and Field Officer on site to discuss the conditions. The proposed permanent fence to be installed on public lands was reviewed by the Public Works Department and is requested to be set back 4 feet from the southerly edge of the sidewalk to allow for maintenance and snow storage. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the requested variance and Public Lands Permit to allow installation of 6 foot permanent to be installed 4 feet from the southerly edge of the sidewalk on Three Points Boulevard, in the public right-of-way, subject to the following conditions: Variance: 1. A fence permit shall be required to include all information required for the application, to include a field inspection. 2. The permanent fence to be installed on the property shall be 6-foot tall with the good side of the fence facing Three Points Boulevard. 3. The variance shall be granted contingent on the approval of the Public Lands Permit. Page 3 2181 Public Lands Permit: 1. The fence shall be placed in the public right-of-way 4 feet from the southerly edge of the sidewalk on Three Points Boulevard. 2. The public lands permit shall be granted contingent on the approval of the variance for the fence project. Staff's recommendation for approval is based on the following findings of fact: 1. The property sits approximately 3 to 4 feet below the grade of Three Points Boulevard which means the allowable 4 oot front yard fence would not afford much privacy. 2. There is a MTC bus stop near the intersection of Three Points Boulevard and Jones Lane. The proposed fence will provide the property owner would like some privacy from the bus stop use and activities. 3. The 6 foot fence would help buffer some of the noise from traffic on Three Points Boulevard on the road. 4. There is a multiple -unit condominium complex located on the north side of Three Points Boulevard across the street from the applicant's home. The proposed fence will help buffer and/or minimize activities including lighting. Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Public Lands Permit CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission at its August 16th meeting, it is anticipated that the variance application will be considered by the City Council at its August 23 d meeting with an alternate date of September 13th Page 4 2182 JUL 13 2022 Planning Committee/City Council — I am requesting to construct a 97ft long and 6ft high fence along the Three Points Blvd side of our house at 1703 Jones Ln. Due to the contour of the land (the road is significantly higher than the ground level of our yard/house), I am requesting to construct the fence between the city sidewalk and our property line. I have located our property stakes and due to the contour of the land on that property line, adding a fence will not work unless it is approximately 3-4 feet beyond our property line. I met with city maintenance in June, and they agreed that a 6ft high fence and leaving 4 ft between the sidewalk and the fence would be enough room for maintenance/snow removal. I would be willing to take any responsibility for damage to the fence or removal if needed in the future. There are several reasons why we are looking to add a fence: 1) Main reason is for the safety of our children — as you know Three Points is a very busy road and there is also a city bus stop right by our house 2) Noise abatement 3) Light from the condominiums across the road 4) Privacy Thanks for your consideration! AJaohler I, POL 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 VARIANCE APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date City Council Date Case No. i-mase type or print le IUI SUBJECT Address 1703 PROPERTY LEGAL Lot 601 Block 0 I DESC. p Subdivision nedo� PID # 3 ► a �% a� 0 ( 02 6 Zoning: 1 R1A R2 R3 B1 82 B3 (Circle one) PROPERTY Name Email ; 4c ob. ko yg400, cor-\ OWNER Address 1 r7 3 -o--J G-i Phone Home ? 0- 36 0-A ) Work Fax rvlA APPLICANT Name Email (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) Phone Home Work Fax 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No (>1• If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): See a*--, CIA , �" « �-s Variance Information (11412019) Page 4 of 6 ;.I Case No. 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No ( ). If no, specify each non -conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, lot area, etc.): SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) Front Yard: (NSEW) ft. _ _ ft. ft. Side Yard: (NSEW) ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: (NSEW) _ ft. ft. ft. Rear Yard: (NSEW) ft. ft. Lakeside: (NSEW) ft. ft. ft. (NSEW) Street Frontage: Lot Size: sq ft sq ft sq ft Hardcover: sq ft sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (, No ( ). If no, specify each non -conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) too small ( ) too shallow Please describe: Variance Information (1/4/2019) Page 5 of 6 topography ( ) drainage ( ) shape p ( ) soil ( ) existing situation ( ) other: specify 2185 Case No. 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes ( ), No W. If yes, explain: 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes (�, No ( ). If yes, explain: nci�•r�d �-i �� + %a/S` S�p.d , c;-c_ 8. Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes �, No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Signature _Z ��N 1 Date �2 Applicant's nature G �:/'�" l Date pp 's Signature f Variance Information (1/4/2019) Page 6 of 6 2186 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620 PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION Date Received Parks and Open Space Commission Date City Council Date DISTRIBUTION Building Official Parks Director DNR MCWD Public Works Other Check CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT — new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND - City Code Section 62-11(a) & (b). ❑ PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT — to allow repairs to an existing structure - City Code Section 62-11(c). ❑ CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition - City Code Section 62-11(g). ❑ LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. - City Code Section 62-11(d). The structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, sheds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non -transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. Please tvpe or print le ibl APPLICANT Name o \2r Email ag yob • koh �2r ®`/aho o. LoM Address ) 9 a 3 3oio-s LY, Phone (H) NIA (W) rv;A (M) -763- 346- ,�( a3r1 ABUTTING Address ig�5 PROPERTY LEGAL Lot 0 01 Block 0 C,, DESC. Subdivision 10, a ", - � PID # l : °� Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 131 132 133 (Circle one) Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 1212212020 2187 PUBLIC PROPERTY Name Dock Site # Email Shoreline Type CONTRACTOR Name Email Address Phone (H) A FEE OF $200.00 APPLIES IF VALUATION OF PROJECT EXCEEDS $1,000.00 AND NO PUBLIC BENEFIT IS DERIVED. PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) $ `7, 000 — '%9 , S00 DESCRIBE REQUEST & PURPOSE lee a�c�4� Leif Applicant's Signature ZZLI Date Public Lands Permit Application Page 2 of 2 Revised 1212212020 I. V) e ro Pk- „ OPY NO Me FIELD A NOWAK f, WS WAYWA surd riws GA08L . MONSWY ►11 J r- a CERTIFICATE Of SURVIT iK RELIANCE BUILDERS :�In icates Proposed Elevation Description: Lot 1, Block 1, REPLAT OF Proposed HARRTSON SHORES op of Block /. e3 arage Floor 2�v•S4 vote: Bearings shown are assumed -- Ba ment Floor 93 . WA**, �R w� i PO vr5 -8ovcfiI1ARo_ _ _ 9#3.nz i� • MAW uMf,Nd��J'Gb'M/. �It.29t o#lio•/f” asl WI S now sfivrE�i� a=i��s•zs� - +; : z �►,Rs,+}Is W�, � , ��� or „ ; }F#r Q �; i BENCH MARK* Top o i* rs� hydrant by Seahor e 1r'Y �938•!D g�.�0 �� z2.40 << Apts., north side -- .y `'`''�- of Three Pts. Blv and Jones Lane - ale �\ .� El. 942.64 fee V N J I 0: ' �� (sea -level k"� 16 ��' a �v► datum) N p0 O\ 0 936.90 936.90 I 1 I s 9 0 p 8 p939•��i' ii 4z. _ �� I �,t♦ ww A,;Mf ) 9'Ji 93 I �i •-EAdT �� � 3 i i MIZOIAM AI. n7 wo hereby certify that this is s true .and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of all building; If any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, If any, from or on said land. Dated this 2rA day of November ,198 EGA*, LD i* NOWAK, INC - ._�urveyo IS r, ^" i R A by 1 .K a Q�S �-e-/XUCAC)C-,tv ,0 I—\ r Hennepin Count Property Map Date: 7/12/2022 .t No results -. .4• s s1*4 13 ry • T a r oc . 6LdNklk'- 4 W. 1 inch = 50 feet 'omments: This data (1) Is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (III) is not suitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable forany damage, injury or loss resulting from this data COPYRIGHT ©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2022 2191 �?: 1�1 It . r 2193 4�1 m _, Nil 2194 iJ 0 -4 I 2195 NORTHLAND FENCE t- Suite 12 arose MN 55303 63-316-4881 sa espnorthland ence.co www.northlan;d encex m 3acob Kohler 55364, MN 63-360-2887 acota.kohler@ a nnn��� LJ Ll L NORMAND FENCE 14/2022 Estimator is sales B FENCE INSTALLATION AGREEMENT LF/QTY RATE AMOUNT Installation of 72" Tongue & Groove White Vinyl Privacy Fence, 97 72.00 6984.00 Commercial grade galvanized posts driven 48" below grade. (Guaranteed to preventpostheaving) 2 post collars installed on galvanized posts. Galvanized posts sleeved by 5' x 5" vinyl posts 6' x 8' Sections (7/8" tongue & groove boards) and reinforced steel bottom - rail. 10-year warranty on installation and limited lifetime on materials. Price for 4' Vinyl Fence = $7469.00 wn Payment of and remaining balance clue at completi n of Subtotal $6,984.00 once. We accept cash check cashier's checks, PayPal and a or credit cards. p v Discounts $0.00 'or financing throe h our we to portal with o. Total $6,984.00 h and Fence agrees to perfo the anove-named service n accordance with erms an conditions of the Sergi ce greemcr nor and materials will be furnished to provide the most Efficient service in compliance with state and city uiations stomer is respons-ble for the following prior to instaila ton da c.. ^.err- Wrest be o�-aered ii, required) and present the �av of in t nation ` :petty pinsrmor,um rots mst be exposes prior to clay or 'nstallatio rooerty lines must be marked and d ared of all bush tree limbs etc, vrthm a 3 moot r.Acu u ,ate Aw.tie must be irked. Ex. Linderq ound spr•nkler systems, inv6ible rence, gas grills, cool heaters elewtnCity detac ed garage oi.biar:d Feiw- voll contact Uon ;er it.ate Unc ro n:we utilities marke gnat rs irste. t "hion' oea not include onvate utilitie c thland -ence will n.ci be held resoensib!e or p .vate acinty da na e Including scriOle systcm de ac ea arace itii+ties, dram tile, rams and unde,ra.-Mr:d pwl equipment etc. rou are hereoy autn.rized tc return a format cc.ntract bets/een us to accomplish the nark descr:bed in the - r ve pros: sa idersianed agrees to pay the amount stated ir, said pr000sal and accordinq to the terms thes'eof. 11,lort .land Fence reset es the ri�f fenc• material for non-pavm nt of comr ct. Thi,, proposal may be wichdra Northland Fence if a, erte s All cancellations are st h"ect ° ancellation the enti,; 'ence roject. NER YER SIGN TURF 2196 JUL 13 2022 .�I Hennepin County Property Map �: Date: 7/ 12/2022 No results Comments: This data (i) is furnished AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of an y kind; and (ii i) is not suitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for a ny damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT ©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2022 2197 JUL 13 2022 NORTHLAND FENCE 6390 McKinley St NW Suite 120 Ramsey, MN 55303 763-316-4881 sales@northiandfence.com www.northiandfence.com Jacob Kohler 1703 Jones Lane Mound 55364, MN 763-360-2887 jacob.kohler@yahoo.com om NORTHLAND FENCE 6/24/2022 Estimator - Office Sales - Jordan Burk FENCE INSTALLATION AGREEMENT LF)QTY RATE AMOUNT Installation of 72" Tongue & Groove White Vinyl Privacy Fence: 97 72.00 6984.00 Commercial grade galvanized posts driven 48" below grade. (Guaranteed to preventpostheaving) 2 post collars installed on galvanized posts. Galvanized posts sleeved by 5" x 5" vinyl posts 6' x 8' Sections (718" tongue 8 groove hoards) and reinforced steel bottom - rail. 10-year warranty on installation and limited lifetime on materials. Price for 4' Vinyl Fence = $7469.00 Down Payment of $3,492.00 and remaining balance $3,492.00 due at completion of Subtotal $6,984.00 fence. We accept cash, check, cashier's checks, PayPal and all major credit cards. Apply Discounts $0.00 for financing through our website portal with g'nerf?anit or PayPal Credit. Total $6,984.00 Northland Fence agrees to perform the above -named service in accordance with terms and conditions of the Service Agreement. All labor and materials will be furnished to provide the most efficient service in compliance with state and city regulations. Customer is responsible for the following prior to installation day: Fence permit must be ordered (if required) and present the day of installation. Property pins/monuments must be exposed prior to day of installation. All property lines must be marked and cleared of all brush, tree limbs, etc, within a 3 foot radius. All private utilities must be marked. Ex. underground sprinkler systems, invisible fence, gas grills, pool heaters, electricity to detached garage, etc.* Northland Fence will contact Gopher State One to have utilities marked prior to installation** ** does not Include private utilities *Northland Fence will not be held responsible for private facility damage including sprinkler systems, detached garage utilities, drain tile, septic and well systems and underground pool equipment, etc. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT You are hereby authorized to return a formal contract between us to accomplish the work described in the above proposal, Undersigned agrees to pay the amount stated in said proposal and according to the terms thereof. Northland Fence reserves the right to remove all fence material for non-payment of contract. This proposal may be withdrawn by Northland Fence if not accepted in 7 days. All cancellations are subject to a 20% cancellation fee of the entire fence project. OWNER/BUYER SIGNATURE: 2198 I M m z >.I e. 0 C) A zo O oww E OT 07 wo w Q 0 O w o w-2 w 'm wz E �O w I L w.w a: :E Iz @ goo E F-- S-a I � Z E 2 2 0 - b W o w 0 0 c) %Oak' !r- 2199 Kennedy 0 "ve CHARTERED Troy J. Gilchrist 150 South Fifth Street Suite 700 Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9214 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax tgilchris at kcmcdy-graven.com htto: //www.kennedv-craven. corn Also: St. Cloud Office 501 W. Germain Street, Suite 304 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 240-8200 telephone MEMORANDUM To: Mound City Council From: Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney Date: September 8, 2022 (September 13, 2022 Regular Meeting) Re: Reconsideration of Northland Real Estate Group Vacation Petition and Zoning Applications The defense counsel appointed to the City by the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust ha, recommended, and I concurred, that the City Council should reconsider the vacation petition and zoning applications submitted by Northland Real Estate Group for its proposed development of an 83 unit apartment building within the City. The Planning Commission and City Council have spent many hours considering this matter and so I will not take the time now to spell out the various requests, other than to note they involve a petition to vacate two streets and several zoning applications seeking approval to plat and develop the property for the apartment building. The packet contains two sets of documents, the original set of resolutions approving the project (updated to reflect that the matter is being reconsidered) and two denial resolutions (one denying the vacation and the other denying the zoning applications). The intent is to allow the applicant and the public to once again speak to the requested approvals, and then have the City Council discuss the requests. Because the proposed project is not possible without the requested street vacations, the City Council needs to address the vacation issue first. Again, there are vacation resolutions to support whichever decision the City Council makes regarding the petition. If the City Council decides to approve the street vacations, then it would proceed to consider the other approval resolutions (preliminary plat, conditional use permit, public lands permit, and sale of City parcels). If the City Council decides to deny the vacation, then it needs to act on the resolution denying the zoning applications. I will attend the City Council meeting and will be happy to answer any questions the Council may have. 2200 Resolution Denying Vacation RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION DENYING THE REQUESTED STREET VACATION RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAT OF NORTHLAND MOUND PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Petitioner") submitted a petition to vacate two platted streets originally named Lake Place and Langdon Place (collectively, the "Streets") within the plat of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwood Park, Lake Minnetonka as shown on the attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Petitioner is seeking to plat the land on which the Streets are located as Northland Mound and to construct an 83 unit apartment building on the property ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted, after due notice having been provided, a public hearing on the requested vacation at its February 8, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council acted at its April 26, 2022 meeting to deny the requested vacation, but on advice of counsel elected to reconsider the matter; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted, after due notice having been provided, a second public hearing on the requested vacation at its September 13, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council heard from those wishing to speak to the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines as follows regarding the proposed vacation: a. The Streets proposed for vacation were dedicated to the City and the City Council has the authority under Minnesota Statutes, section 412.851 to determine whether to vacate them; b. The authority to vacate a public right-of-way is legislative in nature. State v. Board of Park Commis of the City of Minneapolis, 110 N.W. 1121, 1122 (Minn. 1907); c. The City Council is prohibited from vacating the Streets unless it determines it is in the public interest to do so ("No vacation shall be made unless it appears in the interest of the public to do so ...." Minnesota Statutes, section 412.851); MU200-216-821555.v2 2201 Resolution Denying Vacation d. The courts are required to uphold a city's legislative decision if it is supported by a rational basis that is related to the promotion of the public health, safety, morality, or general welfare. Hess v. City of Fergus Falls, No. A07-465, 2007 WL 3072076, at *4 (Minn. Ct. App. Oct. 17, 2007), citing Village of Medford v. Wilson, 230 N.W.2d 458, 460 (Minn. 1975); e. City staff recommended approval of the vacation as part of its set of recommendations supporting the proposed Project; f. The City provided notice and consulted with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ("DNR") regarding the proposed vacation. The DNR submitted a letter dated February 4, 2022 indicating that it is not in favor of the proposed vacation because the request "does not clearly state how the vacation is to the public benefit. Lake access is vital to community as future land use and population growth can cause a scarcity of these necessary amenities. The DNR is not in favor of the vacation and would encourage the city to preserve public access on or near the proposed development."; g. The City Council received a great deal of testimony expressing concern that the proposed vacation would limit or block access to the dock easement located on Lot 18. While there is debate over the continued existence of the easement, the City Council recognizes that vacating the Streets would limit access to the lot and use of the easement to the extent it continues to exist; h. While the hearing on the requested vacation was initiated at the February 8, 2022 meeting, the Petitioner requested an extension to allow time to address the City Council's concerns regarding the proposed Project; i. The City Council considered the requested vacation and at its April 12, 2022 meeting directed staff to prepare an approval resolution for consideration at its April 26, 2022 meeting; j. At its April 26, 2022 meeting the City Council determined it is not in the public interest to vacate the Streets and voted to deny the vacation resolution; k. The City Council recognizes that once a public right-of-way is vacated it is gone and the costs associated with reestablishing a right-of-way in the future is costly; I. There was testimony that a portion of one of the Streets was built and used in the past, but the Streets are currently not constructed or being used as part of the City's system of maintained public streets; 2 MU200-216-821555.v2 2202 Resolution Denying Vacation m. While the Streets are not currently being used, there remains a potential for future development and use of these Streets. As such, the City Council is not prepared to forever extinguish the public's interest in the Streets; and n. The City Council determines that it does not appear to be in the public interest to vacate the streets and so the requested vacation must be denied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council, based on the record of this matter and the findings and determinations contained herein, as follows: 1. The requested vacation of the Streets is hereby denied. 2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to provide the Petitioner a copy of this Resolution. Adopted by the City Council this 13th of September 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 3 MU200-216-821555.v2 2203 Resolution Denying Vacation EXHIBIT A Plat Showing Streets Proposed for Vacation k� F 'o h � e � O � W J �a= J x Q O J m3: z o J W 2 2 — 4 MU200-216-821555.0 2204 Resolution Denying Zoning Applications RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION DENYING NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP ZONING APPLICATIONS PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Applicant") applied to the City of Mound ("City") for the following zoning approvals associated with its proposed plat of Northland Mound and development of an 83 unit apartment building ("Project") on parcels which are part of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park, Lake Minnetonka (collectively, the "Applications"): • Preliminary approval of a major subdivision for the proposed plat of Northland Mound; • Conditional use permit to allow for a planned unit development in a shoreland area; and Public lands permit to allow for improvements on public lands immediately adjacent to the Project; and WHEREAS, the Applicant also submitted a petition requesting the vacation of two platted streets located on the property on which the proposed apartment building is to be located: and WHEREAS, the apartment building would be located directly on the platted streets and so the proposed Project cannot be approved unless the City Council determines it is in the public interest to vacate the platted streets; WHEREAS, the City Council acted at its April 26, 2022 meeting to deny the requested vacation and then acted separately to deny each of the Applications; WHEREAS, the City, on advice of counsel, elected to reconsider the zoning requests made in the Applications; WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing, after due notice having been provided, at its September 13, 2022 meeting to hear from the Applicant and the public, and to reconsider the proposed vacation and the Applications; WHEREAS, the City Council acted by resolution (which is incorporated herein by reference) to deny the requested vacation because it determined it was not in the public interest to vacate the streets; WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines as follows regarding the Applications: MU200-216-821633.v2 2205 Resolution Denying Zoning Applications a. The City Council remains concerned regarding the proposed density of the Project despite the Applicant's efforts to reduce the total number of units in the apartment building; b. The City Council also remains concerned regarding the adequacy of the accesses to the Project property. Again, the Applicant attempted to improve the proposed accesses, but those efforts included signage and improvements to be located on the property of others with no indication the property owners would consent to such improvements. Additionally, the City Council determines the accesses are not sufficient to accommodate the density proposed for the Project; c. While not a determining factor, the City Council also received a significant amount of public concern regarding the proposed Project; and d. Ultimately, the City Council cannot approve the Applications, and the Project cannot be constructed, unless the City Council determines it is in the public interest to vacate the streets. As noted above, the City Council acted to deny the requested vacation and so, as a matter of necessity, the City Council must deny the Applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council, based on the record of this matter and the findings and determinations contained herein, as follows: 1. The Applications are hereby denied. 2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to provide the Applicant a copy of this Resolution. Adopted by the City Council this 13th of September 2022. Mayor Raymond J. Salazar Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk MU200-216-821633.v2 2206 Resolution Approving Street Vacation RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REQUESTED STREET VACATIONS RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAT OF NORTHLAND MOUND PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Petitioner") submitted a petition to vacate previously platted, but never constructed, rights -of -way as shown and described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the subject site is generally located southwest of Commerce Boulevard and Dakota Rail Regional Trail and involves parcels which are part of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park, Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, the requested vacations are proposed to facilitate the platting and development of a plat to be named Northland Mound ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the rights -of -way proposed for vacation have not been built as City streets and have not otherwise been used for the purposes set forth in the original dedication; and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested vacations are contained in the Executive Summary Report for the February 8, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Executive Summary Report for the April 12, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the January 4, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the February 1, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant, all of which are incorporated herein by reference: and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the requested vacations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the requested vacations at its January 4, 2022 and February 1, 2022 meetings and recommended the City Council approve the vacation request; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after providing notice in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 412.851, held a public hearing on February 8, 2022 to hear the request and to receive public input on the proposed right-of-way vacations; and WHEREAS, the City processed the vacation petition together with a number of other requests related to the Project and, because City Council raised concerns associated with the Project separate from the proposed vacations, all of the requests were tabled and were taken back up at the City Council's April 12, 2022 meeting; and MU200-216-821918.v2 2207 Resolution Approving Street Vacation WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a motion at its April 12, 2022 meeting directing staff to prepare resolutions approving the Petitioner's requests for the Project, including the proposed vacation, for review and final action at its April 26, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows: (a) The rights -of -way proposed for vacation were dedicated to the City and the City Council has the authority under Minnesota Statutes, section 412.851 to vacate them; (b) The requested vacation was initiated by petition submitted by the Petitioner, which is proposing to develop the property encompassing the rights -of -way as part of the Project, and so a majority vote of the City Council is required to approve the vacation; (c) The City provided the proper notice, including notice of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ("DNR"), and conducted a public hearing on the proposed vacation as required by the statute; (d) The DNR sent a letter to the City indicating it is not in favor of the proposed vacation because it "does not clearly state how the vacation is to be public benefit"; (e) The rights -of -way proposed for vacation, as dedicated, are separated from Lake Langdon by one of the platted lots. As such, the rights -of -way were not dedicated to provide access to the lake and so references to the loss of public access the lake are not well founded; (f) The City Council is charged with the duty to determine the public interest in rights -of -way dedicated by plat; and (g) The City Council determines the rights -of -way are not needed for the purposes for which they were dedicated and that it is in the public interest to vacate these undeveloped and unused rights -of -way to promote development of the surrounding property. WHEREAS, at its April 26, 2022 meeting the City Council voted to deny the requested vacation of the streets. On advice of counsel, the City determined to reconsider the vacation request. The City provided notice and the City Council reheard and reconsidered the request at its September 13, 2022 meeting. 2 MU200-216-821918.v2 O �: Resolution Approving Street Vacation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council, based on the staff reports, the record of this matter, and the findings and determinations contained herein, as follows: 1. The requested vacation of the rights -of -way as shown on the attached Exhibit A are hereby approved, conditioned on the contemporaneous approval of the zoning, subdivision and related approvals needed for the Project. 2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to prepare a notice of the completion regarding the approved vacation and, upon satisfaction of the condition noted above, to present it to the Hennepin County Auditor for entry in the transfer of records and then to record it in the office of the Hennepin County Recorder. 3. Staff are authorized and directed to work with the City Attorney as needed to complete this process and to take such other actions as may be needed to carry out the intent of this Resolution. Adopted by the City Council this 13th of September 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 3 MU200-216-821918.v2 2209 Resolution Approving Street Vacation EXHIBIT A Rights -of -Way Being Vacated (- to be inserted -) MU200-216-821918.v2 0 2210 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR NORTHLAND MOUND PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Applicant") submitted an application for preliminary approval of a major subdivision to plat the property described in the attached Exhibit A ("Property") as Northland Mound ("Plat"); and WHEREAS, the Property is generally located southwest of Commerce Boulevard and the Dakota Rail Regional Trail and involves parcels which are part of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56 and Lynwold Park, Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is proposing to develop a single structure with a total of 83 dwelling units ("Project"), which requires several City approvals in addition to requested preliminary plat approval, all of which are addressed in separate resolutions; and WHEREAS, the Property is guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for mixed use as part of the Downtown Lakes Mixed Use Area; and WHEREAS, the Property is zoned Mixed Use - Downtown; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend approval of the requested preliminary plat approval for the Plat, with certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 4, 2022 to receive public testimony on the proposed Plat, after which the Planning Commission requested additional information from the Applicant and continued its consideration of the request until its February 1, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, after further consideration at the February 1, 2022 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council grant preliminary approval of the Plat with certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted another public hearing regarding the proposed Plat at its February 8, 2022 meeting and, after closing the public hearing, the City Council tabled consideration of the application to allow the Applicant to address the concerns it expressed regarding the density of the proposed Project on the Property and the adequacy of its accesses; and WHEREAS, the Applicant extended the timeline for the City's review of the preliminary plat request for the Project to May 30, 2022; and MU200-216-821923.v2 2211 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat WHEREAS, on March 30, 2022, the Applicant submitted revised plans for the Project in response to the information requested by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City posted the updated plans provided by the Applicant on its website and distributed notice that the City Council would consider them at its April 12, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the revised plans at its April 12, 2022 meeting and allowed for additional public comment as part of its consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a motion at its April 12, 2022 meeting directing staff to prepare resolutions approving the Applicant's requests for review and final action at its April 26, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows regarding the proposed Plat: (a) The proposed Plat constitutes a major subdivision under Section 121-35 of the City Code; (b) The Applicant worked through the preapplication procedural requirements with the City as required by Section 121-36 of the City Code; (c) The Applicant submitted the current request for preliminary plat approval for the Plat, and the City processed it, in accordance with Section 121-61 of the City Code; (d) City staff submitted as part of the public record several reports and provided multiple presentations on the proposed Plat as City processed the requested preliminary plat approval, all of which are incorporated herein by reference; (e) The City processed and heard the several requests required for approval of the proposed Project, including this preliminary plat approval, concurrently; (f) A number of the residents who spoke during the several hours of public testimony expressed concerns regarding the Project and the City Council ultimately continued its consideration of the matter to provide the Applicant an opportunity to revise the plans to address the concerns. Those concerns and the continuance did not relate directly the proposed Plat, but were directed at the proposed Project. The City Council addresses those issues in its resolution acting on the requested conditional use permit for a planned unit development which speaks directly to the proposed Project; 2 MU200-216-821923.v2 2212 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat (g) The City Council has considered the factors identified in Section 121-61(g) and finds as follows: (1) The City's comprehensive plan guides the Property as Downtown Lakes Mixed Use Area and the proposed Plat is consistent with that designation; (2) The design of the Plat is fairly straight forward as it supports the construction of a single structure and is consistent with the City's requirements and policies; (3) The physical characteristics of the Property are sufficient to support the proposed Plat and the proper management of stormwater, though the Applicant is aware of the additional construction elements required to develop the Project given its proximity to the lake; (4) Some of the residents objecting to the Project raised environmental concerns regarding the proposed Project, but the objections were based on unsupported speculation. The City has previously approved subdivisions along the lakeshore and finds no basis to suggest the proposed Plat will have any greater impact on the environment than the other developments. Furthermore, there is no basis to suggest the Plat may have a potential to cause significant environmental effects; (5) The Applicant requested the vacation of some platted rights -of -way that will be addressed by the City Council in a separate resolution. The Applicant is aware of an easement for dock purposes over an undefined area of a portion of the Property. The City Council determines the proposed Plat will not interfere with the easement and the Project is not being constructed on the portion of the Property that is subject to the easement; (6) Traffic generated by the proposed Project was the subject of discussion, but the primary focus was on the adequacy of the access points to the Property. Part of the City Council continuing its consideration of the requested approvals was to allow the Applicant time to address concerns regarding parking and the accesses to the Property. The City Council finds the proposed improvements to the access points, removing any proposed improvements outside of the easement areas that are not supported by the fee owner, are sufficient to address the concerns over access. There is no basis to believe the traffic generated by the Plat will be disruptive to the area of the City's infrastructure; and 3 MU200-216-821923.v2 2213 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat (7) The City Council does not identify any other aspects of the proposed Plat that will create public health, safety or welfare concerns. To the extent the City does have any specific concerns regarding the impacts from the Plat or the Project, they are adequately addressed in the conditions placed on the City's approvals; (h) The City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls; and (i) The City Council determines the proposed Plat satisfies the requirements of the City Code and, consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation, should be approved with certain conditions. WHEREAS, at its April 26, 2022 meeting the City Council voted to deny the requested preliminary plat approval. On advice of counsel, the City determined to reconsider the request. The City provided notice and the City Council reheard and reconsidered the request at its September 13, 2022 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, based on the staff reports, the updated submittals, the record of this matter, and the findings and determinations contained herein, does hereby grant preliminary approval of the Plat as proposed by the Applicant, subject to compliance with all of the following conditions: 1. The Plat shall incorporate all properties proposed to be part of the development. 2. 10-foot drainage and utility easements shall be established around the perimeter of the Property. 3. This approval shall only be valid upon the concurrent approvals of the requested conditional use permit, public lands permit, and vacation of rights -of -way. 4. The Applicant shall prepare and submit to the City a final plat for approval within one year of this preliminary approval which meets the following: (a) The final plat must consistent with this preliminary approval, the preliminary plat, the City Code, and state law; (b) The Applicant satisfactorily completes any and all requirements after review of the final plat; and (c) The final plat shall include all easements as required by the City. 4 MU200-216-821923.v2 2214 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat 5. The Applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the City, in a form acceptable to the City, that shall be prepared as part of the final plat process and must be executed before the final plat may be recorded. 6. Applicant shall be responsible for reimbursing the City for all costs it incurs associated with processing and acting on the preliminary plat application, drafting and entering into the development agreement, and acting on the final plat. 7. The Applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolutions(s) with Hennepin County. Applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 8. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. 9. The MCES SAC charge for the Project shall be determined as part of the final plat which shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. 10. Sewer and watermain area trunk charges for the Project shall be determined as part of the final plat. The current trunk charge for sewer and water, per unit, is $2,000.00 each. 11. Sewer connection and water connection fees shall be determined as part of the final plat. The 2022 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. 12. The park dedication fee amount shall be determined as part of the final plat as provided by Section 121-121 of the City Code and shall be paid before the final plat is released for recording. Adopted by the City Council this 13th of September 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 5 MU200-216-821923.v2 2215 Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat EXHIBIT A Property Description ( - to be inserted - ) MU200-216-821923.v2 2216 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A SHORELAND AREA FOR NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Applicant") submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") to allow for a planned unit development ("PUD") in a shoreland area as part of the plat of Northland Mound ("Plat") proposed for the property described in the attached Exhibit A ("Property"); and WHEREAS, the Property is generally located southwest of Commerce Boulevard and Dakota Rail Regional Trail and involves parcels which are part of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park, Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is proposing to develop 83-market rate, multi -family units within a single structure, including one floor of enclosed parking ("Project"), which requires several City approvals in addition to requested CUP for a PUD approval, all of which are addressed in separate resolutions; and WHEREAS, the Property has been guided by the Comprehensive Plan for mixed use as the Downtown Lakes Mixed Use Area; and WHEREAS, the proposed Project is allowed in the Mixed Use — Downtown District upon the issuance of a CUP for approval of a PUD; and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested CUP are contained in the Executive Summary Report for the February 8, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Executive Summary Report for the April 12, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the January 4, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the February 1, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant, all of which are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the CUP to allow the Project as part of a shoreland PUD subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, after due notice was provided, and reviewed the CUP application at its January 4, 2022 and February 1, 2022 meetings, and acted to recommend the City Council approve the requested CUP for a PUD with certain conditions; and MU200-216-821883.v2 2217 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD WHEREAS, the City Council conducted another public hearing, after due notice being provided, on the requested CUP at its February 8, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, after closing the public hearing, the City Council tabled consideration of the application, requesting the Applicant to evaluate whether the Project could have fewer units and to communicate with the adjacent property owners to address concerns about traffic and circulation at the access points; and WHEREAS, the Applicant extended the timeline for the City's review of the requested CUP for the Project to May 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, on March 30, 2022, the Applicant submitted revised plans for the Project in response to the information requested by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City posted the updated plans provided by the Applicant on its website and distributed notice that the City Council would consider them at its April 12, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the revised plans at its April 12, 2022 meeting and allowed for additional public comment as part of its consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a motion at its April 12, 2022 meeting directing staff to prepare resolutions approving the Applicant's requests for review and final action at its April 26, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows regarding the requested CUP: (a) Section 129-39 of the City Code sets out the process for considering a CUP for a PUD. The section also notes that when a request involves a request for a major subdivision, the City is to consider the CUP request concurrently with the request for preliminary plat approval, which is what the City has done in this case. (b) Section 129-387 of the City Code requires the evaluation of proposed site density for projects in the shoreland through a tiering evaluation which uses the single-family lot of 10,000 square feet. The City has previously approved subdivisions in the shoreland that have exceeded the density allowance recognizing that the tiering evaluation is difficult to comply with for downtown areas as it does not take into consideration the reduced impact of a multi -story building or the reduced impact a development has when a comprehensive stormwater management system is constructed. (c) The Applicant is seeking the following flexibility from the City Code as part MU200-216-821883.v2 2218 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD of the requested PUD for the Project, as shown on the project plans, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Allowance for additional density for an apartment building than allowed through the shoreland tiering provisions; (2) Reduction in the number of trees required for the site; (3) Placement of the building on the site behind parking instead of at the front property line. (d) Section 129-38 of the City Code sets out the criteria to be considered when reviewing a request for a CUP. The City Council finds as follows regarding the criteria: (1) While there were a wide range of concerns expressed by residents regarding the proposed Project, they were based on speculation and none demonstrated the proposed Project would actually be injurious to the use or enjoyment of property or reduce values. Some of the residents objecting to the Project raised environmental concerns regarding the proposed Project, but the objections were based on unsupported speculation. The City has previously approved subdivisions along the lakeshore and finds no basis to suggest the proposed Project will have a greater impact on the environment than the other developments. Furthermore, there is no basis to suggest the Plat may have a potential to cause significant environment effects. The City Council notes that any development of previously vacant land will have some impact, but that is the nature of development. The impacts in this case are not any greater than other residential developments of this size and is appropriately located in a mixed use area of the City. The proposed Project is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and the City Code. The anticipated impacts of the Project on neighboring properties are adequately addressed in the conditions placed on the CUP; (2) The area surrounding the Property is already developed and so this Project will not impede other development; (3) The Property has adequate access to utilities and to public infrastructure. Access to and from the Property was a concern raised by the City Council during its initial review of the Project. However, the proposed improvements to the accesses and parking on the Property have adequately addressed the concerns. The City Council did note that any proposed improvements located outside of the access easement areas cannot be constructed without first securing all required approvals from the fee owner of the property; 3 MU200-216-821883.v2 2219 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD (4) The City Council did raise the sufficiency of parking spaces as a concern. However, the revised plans for the Project adequately addressed those concerns by increasing the number of spaces from 1.2 spaces per unit to 1.5 spaces per unit. (5) This residential Project is not anticipated to produce the types of nuisance concerns to be considered as part of this criteria that may be created by other types of commercial or industrial uses requiring a CUP; (6) The City Council determines this market rate apartment Project furthers the need for housing options in the City and will help support the businesses in the area; (7) The proposed Project is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the City Code; (8) The Project does not conflict with the policy plan of the City. The use is allowed in this district with the issuance of a CUP; (9) The Property is accessed from Commerce Boulevard, a County Highway. The City does not anticipate that the proposed development will create any additional traffic hazards or congestion above what is typical for a new residential project in a downtown area; (10) Development of 83 dwelling units in this mixed use area will not adversely affect businesses in the area and should, instead, provide additional customers; (11) The Applicant has submitted a time schedule for development of the Project; (12) The Applicant has entered into a purchase agreement for the purchase of the Property. Development of the Project is dependent on the Applicant closing on the purchase of the Property; and (e) Section 129-39(c)(4) of the City Code sets out the criteria for considering a requested CUP for a PUD: (1) The proposed Project is consistent with the purpose and intent of PUDs as expressed in Section 129-39 of the City Code. The proposed Project is consistent with the mixed use nature of the area and is consistent with the uses allowed in the district in which it is located; 4 MU200-216-821883.v2 2220 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD (2) The Project is consistent with the comprehensive plan and how the Property is guided, both of which promote the mixed use nature of the area; (3) Traffic circulation and parking were, as previously discussed, raised as concerns by the City Council based on the original plans for the Project. The City Council expressed concern over these issues given the proposed density of the Project. However, the Applicant's reduction in density from the original 104 units to 83 units, and improvements to parking and the access routes, in the revised plans adequately addressed the City Council's concerns.; (4) The standards for PUDs set out in Section 129-195 of the City Code are satisfied. The size of the Property, proposed density, the allowed nature of the use, and park dedication requirements are all being satisfied or are otherwise compliant with the comprehensive plan and City Code, except to the extent Flexibility is granted as part of this approval; (5) The City Council determines any other factors it determines are relevant to the application have been addressed or are addressed by the imposition of conditions on this approval; (f) Staff has determined the proposed Project satisfies the requirements of the City Code which includes the applicable shoreland regulations. These include, but are not limited, the minimum required amount of open space, the lakeshore setback, and the impervious surface coverage requirement for a project in a mixed use district that has approved stormwater management plan. (g) The City Council is prohibited from denying a zoning request based solely on neighborhood opposition. The Planning Commission and City Council held public hearings and collectively heard over 7 hours of public comments on the proposed Project. While the City Council appreciates and values public input, which is evident by the multiple opportunities the City provided for such input, the City Council is compelled by law to objectively apply the City Code to the facts of this request. Based on the City Council's consideration of the request and the written or oral testimony it has received, it does not find any particular public health, safety, or welfare concern that is legally sufficient to deny the request; (h) The City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the Property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls and determines the proposed CUP for a PUD satisfies the MU200-216-821883.v2 2221 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD requirements of the City Code and should be approved. WHEREAS, at its April 26, 2022 meeting the City Council voted to deny the requested Conditional Use Permit. On advice of counsel, the City determined to reconsider the request. The City provided notice and the City Council reheard and reconsidered the request at its September 13, 2022 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, based on the staff reports, the updated submittals, the record of this matter, and the findings and determinations contained herein, does hereby approve the requested Conditional Use Permit to allow a Planned Unit Development in a shoreland area for the proposed Project subject to compliance with all the following conditions: 1. Revisions as needed to the plan set so that all sheets of the plan show the same Project area boundary and site size. 2. No future ('overnight mooring") dock structures or uses shall be allowed onto Lake Langdon. All permitted shall meet local and state regulations. 3. The parking and circulation areas located with the public right-of-way and the access easements shall be improved as is proposed in the Traffic Exhibit that was included in the March 30, 2022 revised plan submittal from the Applicant. No improvements shall be constructed on private property without the consent of the property owner. Plans showing the improvements to be constructed shall be approved by the City. 4. Signage shall be added to the north exit of the site indicating that drivers shall not turn left upon exiting. 5. The building materials and color scheme shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City. 6. Final design of any ADA spaces shall be approved by the Building Official. 7. Plans shall be updated to show the size and drive aisle spacing of the underground parking area. 8. The Project shall be developed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the development agreement entered into with the City for this Project. 9. Approval of the easement and public lands permit to allow for construction of a drive aisle, curb, and landscaping on the city -owned right-of-way and parking area to the east. 6 MU200-216-821883.v2 2222 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD 10.Add to the site plan the depth of the dead-end parking lot turnaround on the south. The depth shall be at least 7 feet for ease of maneuverability. 11. Ensure all sidewalks are graded for ADA accessibility and railings along retaining walls provided. 12. The Applicant shall work with City Staff to identify pedestrian connections to the Dakota Rail Regional Trail and Commerce Boulevard. 13.Outdoor storage of boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles will not be allowed on the site. 14.Apartment unit decks and patios shall not be allowed for personal storage purposes, including for bicycles. 15. The landscape plan shall be revised to the satisfaction of the City Planner. This shall include addressing the following: (a) The seed mixes shown on the landscape plan need refinement. The Wet Prairie seed mix shown is not appropriate in all areas identified. Drier seed mix is required on sloped areas and areas without wetland soils. In addition, in the basin north of the building the landscape plan should specify use of State Seed Mix 34-262 (Riparian South and West) instead of the currently proposed Wet Prairie; (b) Revise the landscape plan to include a strip at least one mower's width wide of no mow fescue or pollinator lawn mix along the sidewalk on south of building to indicate "cues to care" and so that tall native plants are not flopping over onto sidewalk; (c) A tree survey shall be provided that shows which trees are being preserved and what will be installed to meet the 1 tree per dwelling unit requirement; and (d) Revise the proposed mix of trees to ensure that at least 25% are deciduous and 25% are coniferous. Also diversify the mix of deciduous and coniferous species to increase site landscape resiliency from species specific pests and disease. 16. Ensure the erosion control plan includes silt fence and the use of an erosion control blanket for seeded area of 3:1 slopes or greater. 7 MU200-216-821883.v2 2223 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD 17. Provide additional information, including an image, of the lighting fixtures proposed. 18.AlI signage shall meet the requirements of Chapter 119 of the City Code and Applicant is required to obtain all required permitting for future signage. 19. This approval shall only be valid upon the concurrent approvals of the rights -of -way vacation, public lands permit, major subdivision -preliminary plat and related requests 20.A Development Agreement, to be prepared by the City Attorney, shall be required for the project and prepared as part of the final plat. 21.Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the conditional use permit application. 22. The Applicant shall be responsible for securing all required local, state, and federal permits and approvals. 23. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: (to be inserted). 24. The Applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The Applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 25.Applicant should ensure the preliminary plat and site plan include proposed building setbacks. Adopted by the City Council this 13th of September 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 8 MU200-216-821883.v2 2224 Resolution Approving CUP/PUD EXHIBIT A Property Description ( - to be inserted - ) MU200-216-821883.v2 2225 Resolution Approving Public Lands Permit RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR NORTHLAND MOUND PROJECT PLANNING CASE NO. 21-18 WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Applicant") submitted an application for a public lands permit ("Permit") to allow for improvements on public lands immediately adjacent to the Northland Mound project ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the subject site is generally located southwest of Commerce Boulevard and Dakota Rail Regional Trail and involves parcels which are part of Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park, Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is proposing to improve the adjacent public lands with parking, curbing, landscaping, traffic directional signage, and a monument sign (collectively, the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, Section 62-11 of the City Code requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, details regarding the Permit request are contained in the Executive Summary Report for the February 8, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Executive Summary Report for the April 12, 2022 City Council meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the January 4, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, the Planning Report for the February 1, 2022 Planning Commission meeting and minutes, and the submitted application and supporting materials from the Applicant, all of which are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the Permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the Permit request at its January 4, 2022 and February 1, 2022 meetings and recommended the City Council approve the requested Permit; and WHEREAS, the City processed the Permit request together with a number of other requests related to the Project and, because City Council raised concerns associated with the Project, all of the requests were tabled and were taken back up at the City Council's April 12, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a motion at its April 12, 2022 meeting directing staff to prepare resolutions approving the Applicant's requests for the 2226 Resolution Approving Public Lands Permit Project, including the proposed Permit for review and final action at its April 26, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows: (a) The City Council is authorized under Section 62-11 of the City Code to approve the requested Permit, which is considered a special permit under the City Code; (b) The proposed Improvements, including construction of the curb and landscaping, will improve the City's right-of-way from existing conditions; (c) The separation of vehicular movement on the project site from the City right-of-way will benefit safety; and (d) The proposed Improvements are reasonable and will enhance the public property. WHEREAS, at its April 26, 2022 meeting the City Council voted to deny the requested Public Lands Permit. On advice of counsel, the City determined to reconsider the request. The City provided notice and the City Council reheard and reconsidered the request at its September 13, 2022 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council, based on the staff reports, the record of this matter, and the findings and determinations contained herein, hereby approves the requested Permit subject to compliance with all the following conditions: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, subdivision, vacation and related requests for the Project. 2. Prior to commencing any future building, site, or land alteration activities, the final construction plans related to the proposed Project shall be submitted for review and acceptance by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 3. Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining any other local permits (i.e. building permit, grading permit, etc.) that is required for the Project. 4. Applicant responsible for all cost for the improvements to include typical design review and placement supervision costs of the City Engineer incurred by the City. 5. Improvements will be considered part of the Subdivisions Improvements for the project and included in the construction cost estimates used to determine project financial surety requirements determined I; 2227 Resolution Approving Public Lands Permit 6. Approval of the improvements does not grant or imply any exclusive use. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of September 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk 3 Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2228 Resolution Approving Parcel Sale CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING SALE OF CITY PARCELS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE 2040 MOUND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, Northland Real Estate Group ("Buyer") has made an offer to purchase three (3) City -owned parcels (collectively, the "City Parcels") to be developed as part of the proposed Northland Mound project; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at its January 25, 2022 meeting, approved the sale of the City Parcels to the Buyer and the City entered into a purchase agreement ("Purchase Agreement") with the Buyer; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, section 462.356, subdivision 2 requires that the Planning Commission review and make findings to the City Council related to a proposed acquisition or disposal of publicly -owned property regarding consistency with the City's approved comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed sale was evaluated under the 2040 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Staffs evaluation of the proposed sale of the City Parcels is included in the Planning Reports for the January 4, 2022 and February 1, 2022 Planning Commission meetings, such reports are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning Reports include Staff's recommendation to sell the City Parcels due to the community benefits and finding the proposed sale to be consistent with the 2040 Mound Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at its February 1, 2022 meeting, reviewed the proposed sale and determined the sale is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as the plan contemplates redevelopment of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission's evaluation of the proposed sale of the City Parcels is included in the Executive Summary Report for the Northland Mound project applications that was included in the February 8, 2022 City Council meeting materials for consideration; and WHEREAS, as part of its evaluation of the Northland Mound project, the City Council tabled consideration of the determination of consistency at its February 8, 2022 meeting, requesting the applicant to evaluate whether the project could have fewer units and to connect with the adjacent property owners to address concerns about traffic and circulation; and MU200-216-821926.v2 2229 Resolution Approving Parcel Sale WHEREAS, on March 30, 2022, the applicant submitted revised plans in response to the information requested by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City posted the updated plans provided by the Applicant on its website and distributed notice that the City Council would consider them at its April 12, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the revised plans at its April 12, 2022 meeting and allowed for additional public comment as part of its consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a motion at its April 12, 2022 meeting directing staff to prepare resolutions approving the Applicant's requests for review and final action at its April 26, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines the proposed sale of the City Parcels is consistent with the 2040 Mound Comprehensive Plan as it contemplates redevelopment of the subject property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: The proposed sale of the City Parcels, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement, is hereby approved, with the understanding the parcels are to be included in the plat of Northland Mound. 2. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents as may be needed to complete the sale and conveyance of the City Parcels. 3. Staff are authorized and directed to take such additional actions as may be needed to carry out the intent of this Resolution to complete the sale of the City Parcels. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of September 2022. Raymond S. Salazar Attest: Kevin Kelly, City Clerk MU200-216-821926.v2 2230 Project details have not changed since last reviewed by the Council at its April 26, 2022 Regular Meeting. The most current project details are available on the City of Mound website by clicking on this link: Northland Application Materials or may be viewed at City Hall, by appointment, during office hours. Click HERE to review the full Public Notice April 26, 2022, April 12, 2022 and February 8, 2022 Council Packets as previously prepared and reviewed by the Council are available at these links: 4-26-22 Item materials link 4-12-22 Item materials link 2-8-22 Item materials link -Click HERE to view February 2022 Northland Mound Plan Set 2231 Northland Mound Public Comments —Septem be r 8, 2022 Public Comments for Northland Mound August 25, 2022 Jason Zattler Email #1 Can you provide please provide what Northland Real Estate Group has asserted was defective about the public hearing and why the City of Mound is even reconsidering this development? After the City Council voted it down based on a number of issues including right of use of the lake on titles etc. Response from Eric Hoversten, City Manager and Public Works Director The developer asserts Councilmember Larson's voting on the applications was improper as she had a conflict. On the advice of the City Attorney and League of MN Cities - assigned Defense Council, and to ensure a full and fair hearing, the Council has agreed to reconsider the applications. Email #2 Is Paula allowed to be a voting member for the reconsideration? Response from Eric Hoversten, City Manager and Public Works Director The Member and the Council have been advised by the legal team that she should not participate in the vote. August 31, 2022 Teresa Luterbach It has come to my attention that the city is again considering the proposal for a multi -family housing complex on the shores of Langdon Lake, known as "Northland Mound". As a citizen of Mound, I am strongly opposed to this development. I believe that it goes against Mound's future land use plan, of decreasing high density residential from 1.41% to 0.84%. (Source, City of Mound Comprehensive Plan.) The proposal is for "market rate" apartments, which equates to more low-income housing. Mound is already saturated with low-income apartments. If you compare average rent in Mound to that of other lake communities, you will see we are well under average rents: 2232 Northland Mound Public Comments —September 8, 2822 1ow,3W,585,2W995 TPark�.Sn .Sn11 PyrtmeMa ant mwnMmea source: zil Core n addition to this Mound has more IowLnmmeapartment mmpleeesthan these surrounding cities. There are several pmpertlestbat are within the Mound City limits: Grandview, Balsam Hill, Harbor District, Westonka Estates Langton Lake, Royal, Country Villa and then all building behind it; and Shoreline Place and all of which could use some sprucing up. Not to mention that Country Who constantly has pile of garbage neen to its dump ter. Bottom line's the city is saturated with low cost "market rater housing. We don't need anymore Asa member of Our Lady of the Lake Catho ll c Church, I also o ppose this prat ert because K has the potential to endanger the children gaing to ¢Fool there. The'l unl per Road' entrance Vol ll besub act toTroop tafflcfamthe residents and Vol ll me st l ikely I Hours with ache o l start and stop times, aswelI as church parking. Neither of bese o too nslssatisfacfo R. One question does arise —has the city offered to sel l this' and to OLT I'm sure many parish a Hers we uld be Vol 11ing to tonoder a proposal. Thereto re, as toncemetl dtisn of Mountl, I am asking that the city aHad agaln retert the No rtMand pm to sal. Thank yo a fa ryour to n deratlon. September 1, 2022 Irene Knott I feel that biswoultl bean unwise decision, this isa cramped space, with all the additional traffic K seems K would a dangerous situation' With a school m dose K doesn't make sense l am hoping and paying that this does not pass' Thank you for all your hard work on this project. Septemirl2022 John B. B@low My namelslobn S. Aglow, one of the Tmsteer of Our Lady of the Catholic Chub POLL) and I submit the following concernslcommentsfor dissemination to the members of the Mound Planning Commission, and to bemade pan of public record. 2233 Northland Mound Public Comments —Septem be r 8, 2022 Our Lady of The Lake serves the community through its School (of 200 students), the Church (with 1280 families and 2900 members), and the Grace Family Center/Westonka Food Shelf/PennyWise Thrift Store (which serves over 1,900 local Families). Concern remains that the size of the development and number of units will create issues with corresponding traffic, parking, and safety within an already busy shared North Ingress/egress and Commerce Blvd. There continue to be concerns as well that the South entrance will be used as a cut through. Safety is the main concern. The development and the increase in traffic will present concerns for our children attending school, our senior citizens attending church or activities and the community at large who participate with the church events and the Grace Family Center. Numerous constraints seem to indicate that this plan might not be the right fit for this location, space, and adjacencies. Our Lady of the Lake does not object to the Project but does have the following concerns/comments for your consideration. Concern #1: CONGESTION Due to the unique nature of the flow of traffic to and from OLL, in particular school buses, parents bringing children to and from the school, and parishioners attending mass, as well as the community attending events including the Incredible Festival, the safe access and egress from OLL will be affected by the influx of new resident commuters. Proposed actions/requirements for the development: In addition to the Commissioned Study on Traffic, the implement of speed bumps, or other devices or signage to practically control the new increased use. With placement of speed bumps, and signage, we would be looking to prevent, within reason, the likelihood, of increased exiting speeds, or any cut throughs through the OLL parking lot. In addition, because the parking lot is roped off during school playground time, these types of safety mechanisms or warnings would be especially important. Concern #2: PARKING If insufficient parking is planned for the development, then OLL will be negatively affected. The tendency of overflow parking to migrate into the surrounding properties is likely. OLL has the largest lot next to the development, and in cases where there are 2 vehicles owned by the Tenants of the Development, or their guests, then the public parking available between the Development and the Commerce store front parking lots will be insufficient to handle the increase in resident commuters, family and guests. Proposed actions/requirements for the development: In addition to the developments plan for parking for its tenants, the Development should install the necessary Curb and Landscaping that clearly demarks the allowable parking for the Development and separates OLL's parking lot. A treed boulevard or berm on the southernmost boundary of the Development with OLL would clearly show the separation of parking options. In addition, deployment of signage for their tenants for allowable parking, and designations that parking is not allowed in the OLL parking lot, nor overnight parking in the public parking spaces adjacent to the Development. Concern #3: SAFETY Due to the involvement of a school, and children of elementary and middle school age, the 2234 Northland Mound Public Comments —Septem be r 8, 2022 increase in the congestion as stated above, brings a concern regarding the school parking lot use by the Development tenants as a drive through egress option, and accessibility for emergency vehicles. There is also a concern about the added traffic exiting onto and off of Commerce Blvd with multiple entry points, and a Pedestrian Cross Walk. Proposed actions/requirements for the Development: In addition to the above -mentioned speed bump and signage, a concerted management of the Tenants regarding prohibition of parking outside of designated areas, or storage of refuse containers only within the complex's garage will help avoid blockage through the area. In addition, the city could introduce traffic controls or warnings to prevent accidents with vehicles, bicycles, and foot traffic in that section of Commerce Blvd. Concern #4: AESTHETICS The area is a natural area, and the Development will change the appearance and view of the nature and the lake. It will be important as the community comes to OLL for events, that there is a sense of harmony with the natural surroundings. Proposed actions/requirements for the Development: The landscaping and the interior storage of waste containers as well as the deploying of signs disallowing areas of smoking, or raucous behavior on the southernmost boundary of the Development with OLL. September 7, 2022 Jordan Pagel I just received the new notice in the mail about the city reconsidering the apartment building near our home at 5759 Lynwood. It appears this is directly behind our house. We strongly oppose anything that would block our lake view behind our house or would allow residents to have a balcony view of our backyard. It's hard for me to tell where the proposed building would end via the online proposal documents. I've also reached out about the specific city owned lot that is directly behind our house at 5759 Lynwood and our request to obtain/purchase was denied. Finally and most importantly, we have been notified that we have deeded access to Lake Langdon in this area. We are anticipating the city will reestablish the access road so we can install a dock with boat/kayaks on it. Please let me know if you can assist with my concerns. Please confirm you have received this email as well. 2235 Larkin Hoffman September 12, 2022 Troy Gilchrist Kennedy & Graven, Ltd. 150 South Fifth Street Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Larkin Hoffinan 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55437-1060 General: 952-835-3800 Fax: 952-896-3333 Web: wwwlarkinhoffmau.com BY EMAIL tgilchrist@kennedy-graven.com kennedygraven.com Paul Reuvers BY EMAIL Iverson Reuvers paul(ig)iversonlaw.com 9321 Ensign Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55438 Re: Northland Real Estate Group, LLC - Mound Multifamily Project Dear Counsel: We represent Northland Real Estate Group, LLC ("Northland") regarding its proposed 83-unit multifamily project ("the Project") in the City of Mound, Minnesota ("the City"). Please circulate this letter to the Mayor and City Council, as well as City staff, ahead of Tuesday night's meeting. It is our understanding that the City Council has placed reconsideration of the Project on its agenda for September 13, 2022. The reconsideration follows the Council's actions taken on April 26, 2022 to deny the Project. Recommendation of Approval —April 12, 2022 On April 12, 2022, following a multi -hour public hearing, by a vote of 3-1 (Councilmember Larson was recused) staff was directed to prepare resolutions of approval for the Project. At the meeting on April 26, 2022, the City Council reversed its decision by a vote of 3-1, which included the vote of Councilmember Larson (Councilmember Pugh was absent). The Council's April 12 decision to recommend approval of the Project was based directly on the substantial changes to the Project made by Northland at the direction of the Mayor and Councilmembers: 1. Based on direct feedback from the Mayor and City Council, along with residents, Northland reduced the height and unit -count of the Project, by removing a proposed Troy Gilchrist Paul Reuvers September 12, 2022 Page 2 fourth floor and dropping the building density from 102 to 83 units. The unit density is well within the density allowed under City Code. 2. Based on specific direction from the Mayor and City Council, Northland proposed 124 parking stalls for its modified Project (1.5 stalls per unit), which is well beyond the 92 parking stalls required under City Code. 3. To soften the building mass toward Langdon Lake, Northland created walk -out units with private entrances below the proposed building amenity deck, with private access directly from the lakeside exposure. 4. Based on direction from the Mayor and City Council, Northland met directly with surrounding property owners to address concerns about traffic, including access and parking. Northland proposed multiple changes to access and parking within the area governed by a private easement; these changes included new public parking and a wider 28-foot drive -aisle. The result of Northland's proposed improvements made access to the affected properties safer and provided more parking as confirmed by staff; all improvements to be paid for by Northland. During the meeting on April 12, 2022, Councilmembers wanted assurances that none of Northland's proposed traffic improvements would require the use of adjacent church property; that confirmation was provided at the meeting by Northland. After addressing the noted items, City staff confirmed its positive recommendation for the Project at both the April 12 and April 26 meetings. There was no new information introduced between the April 12 and April 26 meetings contradicting or challenging the changes made to the Project or the Council's April 12 vote to recommend approval. Grant of Easement to Lake Lanadon The topic that was discussed at length on April 26 (even though the public hearing was closed by the City Council on April 12), initiated by Councilmember Larson, related to a purported private access easement dating to as early as 1909 benefitting residents in the Lynwold Park neighborhood, connecting to Langdon Lake. The purported easement was for access to an existing dock; it did not authorize construction of a dock. The "dock" does not exist and, therefore, the easement relating to it is deemed terminated. Supporting this position, Northland's title company will insure over the easement and nothing in the record contradicts these facts. That said, in the interest of demonstrating continued good faith and cooperation, Northland proposes to grant the City a perpetual public easement to Langdon Lake for the benefit of the residents of the City. It would be aligned along the west side of the Project site, accessible from the public trail. Attached is a description of the proposed public easement for consideration by the City Council. Northland's public easement proposal definitively resolves the access concern raised on April 26 by granting a perpetual public easement to benefit all residents of the City. This easement also Troy Gilchrist Paul Reuvers September 12, 2022 Page 3 responds directly to the objection raised by the DNR to the proposed vacation of right-of-way by creating a clear, undisputed public access point to Langdon Lake. Northland requests that its proposed access easement be included as a condition of approval in the resolutions approving the Project. Conclusion Northland has diligently pursued and accepted multiple changes to its Project at the urging of the Mayor and City Council. The use itself is permitted. Based on the foregoing, including consistent support of the Project from City staff and the City Planning Commission, Northland requests that the City Council adopt the prepared resolutions approving the Project. W�-- Peter J. Coyle, for Larkin Hoffman Direct Dial: (952) 896-3214 Direct Fax: (952) 841-1704 Email: pcoyle@iarkinhoffman.com Attachment cc: Brian Farrell (by email) 4870-1299-8193, v. 3 PUBLIC LAKE ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT Langdon Lake Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota DESCRIPTION An 18.00 foot wide easement for public lake access purposes, over and across part of Lot 18, "Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park", Lake Minnetonka, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and part of to be vacated Juniper Road (originally dedicated as Lake Place in said plat). The centerline of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 18; thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 18 and along the northerly line of said to be vacated Juniper Road for 175.19 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 94 degrees 23 minutes 11 seconds for 70.87 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of said Lot 18 and said centerline there terminating. The sidelines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to begin on said northerly line and end on said southerly line. �OTTO N W OO d y I r� n i /� , /Y ,. LANE �, i _ I VV -(A Public R/W) T C-_ 9q2 943.07 •,� .'... COR Rir 942.08 Irw-939.08 - I� I i '. S .'.. t 5555 943.31 9r12.9-g4 ".5Z _g O`7 55 S . 94t�' 'h5\ 943.72; 9A0/94- - XI/ r� CER — Riir941.83 /_X942 "� : "=.;•.i. IM-93878 HE -SEAR �•'; lnrv-937.93 W Ri S41.21_"- JT7 938.g3 - r940.ap,' Henn. Co. th rity RIr�941.14��" SMH Rm 94235 CUR --RI�94219 ` -5f 949.96 I SMH _ I a 94,T5 Rh -942.84 I 0. I � �4 I = .:`• 6 I it v �4r —939 <----- 940.63 OAD- L Bituminous TFAit Oy - - 940.9 I. Regional RR Au o _ "' 1.t 0� aq - 940-�' �. I 09, 93.55 (A Public R/W) 9ao,zi` J $ [ - _ 937 12` xtt CLUiP— 932.0E \oy� 9� X� �- N'ly Line of Lot 18, "Kennedy's Subdivision of9S2 \ 1 Lot 56, Lynwold Park", Lake Min netonka---- \\�305��?� -831.57 \ sQ Y� �\ and the N Line of Juniper Road I ?a3o;45-p.O.B. �� \ ' 175.19 I ��� /�1W Corner of Lot 18, f 1y 0 o I �U R(lAD`�(A Public R/W to be Vacated "Kennedy's Subdivision of �n� ¢ Lot 56, Lynwold Park", Lake Minnetonka F •1 ---- �,iProposed 93or5^X 9 X akeAccess/ I I� Easement k-r Ai, T J 930.78 '3p 81 r to \ �� / Open Water V ' � S'ly Line of Lot 18,----_-__-_---�/ 9go�4 ��0 0g9 9.yp$�\ c.i I "Kennedy's Subdivision of Lot 56, Lynwold Park", Lake Minnetonka LA N G D O N LAKE Ordinary High Water Level = 932.1 (NGVD29 Datum) I I IrT �� rT`'� r� % �Y \ �37� Highest Recorded = 933.3 I I k-1 Lowest Recorded = 929.92 \ Ice Elevation as Measured on 1-17-2022 = 930.8 MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that IAi am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 12th day of September, 2022 50 100 0 Rory L. Synstelien Minni ThM Lice nse[qo-44555 SCALE IN FEET 0 0 ?'; i G Sla , 10 e R O U P 5000 GLENWOOD AVENUE GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 CivilSiteGroupxom Drawn By:CJ Project No. 21410 SHEET 1 OF 1 COUNCIL REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting Planner DATE: September 13, 2022 SUBJECT: Request to amend agenda Item 6 to add comments received for Northland Mound project since Council packet preparation Staff requests the City Council amend tonight's agenda under Item 6 to add the following additional pages to the packet to receive the comments which were received through 3 p.m. today and which were not already included in the City Council packet. Northland Mound — CC Report —September 13, 2022 — Additional Comments Received September 7, 2022 Nick Brown As a resident of the affected area in Mound, I am not able to attend the meeting in person but felt my opinion was worth sharing. My main concerns are the "market rate" language and strategy in building housing in our community as well as so few multi -room units in the plan. To keep this somewhat brief, I won't address the environmental cost/impact, the lack of greenspace and open area outside for renters nor the aesthetics or design of the proposed development. A quick search on any website or app that you can look for available housing in our area will tell you that there is NO shortage of studio and 1 unit apartments, especially within a two mile radius of the proposed development. What you will see, is a shortage of 2 or more unit apartments, condos, or houses. 80% of the units in this proposed development are for studio or 1 bedroom apartments. This development does not address a need for our community while certainly creating more issues and friction over this project. The term "market rate" is not only ambiguous, it speaks to the real motivation for this development. It is being done solely to slap together this apartment complex as soon as possible for the most amount of money possible with little to no regard to the community, it's needs or it's character. Current rental rates in our community can range from around a thousand dollars a month for a studio to just under three thousand a month for a one bedroom. This will create a surplus of the least desired housing options in our area. If there is any need for additional apartment units in our area, it is if they are classified and built as "affordable housing" or "market rate affordable housing." I am almost always in favor for attracting more people into our area, creating jobs even if they are temporary and creating more housing, but we have to ask ourselves, at what price? In a quick review of the Northland Real Estate Group's website, there is ZERO mention of community involvement during or after the project or about community service in their own backyard of Minneapolis or the areas of their projects. In my personal opinion, this seems like a cash grab real estate development operation and plan, with little to no regard to the community and what we need and want. This current meeting is only happening because Northland threatened litigation over a previous rejection, not because anything has changed or they have improved the plan. I urge our city council and fellow residents of Mound to reject this plan. September 9 Cindy and Tom Notch Could you please have the attached map available to display at 9/13/22 meeting? 7 Northland Mound — CC Report —September 13, 2022 — Additional Comments Received rr ` O o 50 O50 N. 50 .50 •T IA 1 v a I I I 1; r�0 150 1i ------ i ----r- r L I r^v I I �./ I i o N A I v o I I 485.93 I I I - — _ ` L _ 50 , 50 50 ,50 �Iv C, c� o -Civ ITQNMOa+A - 267,01 2T5 02 > 209.5 207.92 w N 206.36 n, .. 1m 250 �' IU 3fi95457 : 7.13 40 I� 53.38 tJ 77.77 f+ I N o 40 g n 1 � 1 87.f � o Harbor AUGUST 2022 VS 2021 DATE SALES CUSTOMERS AVERAGETICKET '22 '21 '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- Saturday Sunday 1 7,956 -100% 273 -100% 29 -100% Monday 1 2 8,355 7,222 16% 315 284 11% 27 26 4% Tuesday 2 3 9,053 9,194 -2% 343 356 -4% 26 26 0% Wednesday 3 4 8,688 9,527 -9% 322 338 -5% 27 28 -4% Thursday 4 5 12,809 11,087 16% 403 345 17% 32 32 0% Friday 5 6 18,341 19,631 -7% 561 570 -2% 33 34 -3% Saturday 6 7 12,761 12,797 0% 408 421 -3% 31 30 3% Sunday 7 8 8,017 6,834 17% 277 237 17% 29 29 0% Monday 8 9 8,056 7,285 11% 299 289 3% 27 25 8% Tuesday 9 10 9,827 9,394 5% 328 322 2% 30 29 3% Wednesday 10 11 13,072 10,149 29% 370 339 9% 35 30 17% Thursday 11 12 9,731 11,639 -16% 342 389 -12% 29 30 -3% Friday 12 13 16,545 18,263 -9% 489 535 -9% 34 34 0% Saturday 13 14 19,337 18,872 2% 471 546 -14% 41 35 17% Sunday 14 15 8,472 8,510 0% 303 325 -7% 28 26 8% Monday 15 16 7,758 8,948 -13% 284 340 -16% 27 26 4% Tuesday 16 17 8,256 8,896 -7% 324 338 -4% 25 26 -4% Wednesday 17 18 9,641 9,924 -3% 319 352 -9% 30 28 7% Thursday 18 19 12,103 11,049 10% 377 392 -4% 32 28 14% Friday 19 20 16,139 19,402 -17% 471 592 -20% 34 33 3% Saturday 20 21 13,816 15,555 -11% 433 460 -6% 30 34 -12% Sunday 21 22 9,094 7,332 24% 311 270 15% 29 27 7% Monday 22 23 7,032 7,877 -11% 297 308 -4% 24 26 -6% Tuesday 23 24 8,555 7,447 15% 308 287 7% 28 26 8% Wednesday 24 25 8,811 9,586 -8% 289 336 -14% 30 28 7% Thursday 25 26 10,595 8,255 28% 341 317 8% 31 26 19% Friday 26 27 18,471 15,546 19% 558 496 13% 33 31 6% Saturday 27 28 18,682 15,303 22% 464 443 5% 40 35 14% Sunday 28 29 7,876 8,856 -11% 278 300 -7% 28 30 -7% Monday 29 30 8,023 8,485 -5% 300 299 0% 27 28 -4% Tuesday 30 31 8,589 8,717 -1% 332 324 2% 26 27 -4% Wednesday 31 9,220 339 27 TOTAL - August 345,726 339,538 1.82% 11,256 11,423 -1% 31 30 3% Sales Customer Avg Ticket 2022 2021 2022 2021 �2022 �2021 , FIRST QTR 760,983 788,940 -4% 26,457 27,978 -5% 29 28 2% SECOND QTR 960,426 1,018,298 -6% 32,057 34,232 -6% 30 30 1% July 425,747 422,124 1% 13,051 13,285 -2% 33 32 3% August 345,726 339,538 2% 11,256 11,423 -1% 31 30 3% THIRD QTR 771,472 761,662 1% 24,307 24,708 -2% 32 31 3% TOTAL - YTD 2,492,881 2,568,891 -3% 82,821 86,918 -5% 30 30 2% 2236 From: Sara Johnson Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 7:39 PM Subject: THANK YOU to our Tournament Sponsors and Donors! (Including Harbor Wine & Spirits) On behalf of the 5th Annual Timber Creek Women's Charity Golf Tournament we would like to Thank You for your sponsorship and/or donation in this year's tournament (picture attached)! Last week the tournament committee was able to present a check to Christopher Anderson, Executive Director of WeCAN (Western Community Action Network) for over $19,000 due to your generous sponsorships and raffle donations! I really don't think any of us realize how much this amount of money helps a small organization like WeCAN in providing resources for their clients. During the presentation ceremony Chris also shared with the tournament committee some client testimonials (also attached) which again really drove home the essential help that this tournament continues to provide to WeCAN's clients. Completing its 5th very successful year, this tournament had its start by the desire to have an opportunity for all women golfers to get together and have a day all about women (an under- represented group in the golf community). We found a kindred spiritship with WeCAN, a smaller local charity - supporting those that don't have many options. Timber Creek Golf Course owner Brooks Ellingson started this initiative, and for that... the tournament committee, WeCAN, and all our women participants are very grateful)! We are hoping you will put a donation or sponsorship towards the tournament on July 22, 2023 into your budget for next year so we can continue to support WeCAN and women golfers! We are also looking for any feedback you may have on our sponsorship levels. Obviously our goal is to get the highest donation for WeCAN but we want to make sure we still have affordable options for every business - big, small or tiny. Again - Thank You!II Join our private tournament Facebook page for updated information for next year and some fun pictures of this years tournament (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TCWomensTourney . Sara Johnson On behalf of the Timber Creek Women's Charity Golf Tournament Committee 2237 M11 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Minnesota's Energy Assistance Program A free grant for home energy & water bills Overdue water bill? Water disconnected or scheduled for disconnection? You may qualify to have your bill paid off. More households are eligible than ever. ©WHAT IS IT? The Water Assistance Program pays the water/wastewater bill for eligible households. WHO IS IT FOR? Households who are currently disconnected from water/wastewater, or have a pending disconnection, or have a past due bill. HOW MUCH CAN I RECEIVE? You can apply for energy and water assistance with your local energy assistance partner. If you are eligible, you can get help with both energy and water bills. A R A ' ELIGIBLE? Household Size Annual Income 1 $30,572 2 $39,979 3 $49,386 4 $58,793 Apply for Minnesota's Energy and Water Assistance Programs mn.gov/energyassistance • For more information visit: mn.gov/home • Para mas informacion visite: mn.gov/hogar • Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, boocio: mn.gov/guriga • Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus saib: mn.gov/tsev 1-800-657-3710 We want all households to feel safe when applying. We do not record or reportthe immigration status of any undocumented household members. If a household has a mix of citizens/eligible residents and ineligible residents —for example, those on student visas or undocumented —you may still be eligible for energy assistance, and we encourage you to apply. 2238