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2022-12-13 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. -CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1. Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 - 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further support from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. 4. *Consent Agenda Page *A. Approve payment of claims 2839-2880 *B. Approve minutes: November 22, 2022 Regular Meeting 2881-2884 *C. Approve appointments to the Docks and Commons Commission: 2885 1. James Vettel (Abutter) appointment to a 3-year term 2. Jesse Jensen (Abutter) appointment to a 1-year term 3. Derrick Hentz (Non -Abutter) reappointment to 3-year term *D. Approve appointments to the Planning Commission: 2886-2887 1. Derek Archambault appointment to a 3-year term 2. Jake Staystrom reappointment to a 3-year term 3. Jon Ciatti reappointment to a 3-year term *E. Approve resolution approving contributions for 2022 2888 *F. Approve FIN-014 Policy: Utility Billing for Properties Returned to 2889 Vacant Land *G Approve Public Works Project Pay Requests: 2890-2905 1. Pay request #5 and final in the amount of $5, 133.28 to R&R Excavation for the 2021 Lift Station Improvements Project PW 21-03 2. Pay request #2 in the amount of $1,933.25 to Widmer Construction Inc. 2906-2908 for the 2022 Lynwood Watermain Improvements Phase 2 Project PW 22-01 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 3. Pay request #1 and final in the amount of $106,445.00 to Floorcoat Midwest, LLC for the 2022 Manhole Rehabilitation Project PW 22-04 4. Pay request #1 in the amount of $29,824.02 to Pipe Services for the 2022 Sewer Televising Contract PW 22-04 5. Pay request #2 in the amount of $88,676.36 to Valley Paving Inc. for the 2022 Surfside Park Depot Area improvements PW 22-09 *H Designation of Polling Places for 2023 *1 Action on Resolution approving permits for 2023 Polar Plunge on Lake Minnetonka on Saturday, January 28, 2023 and reduced fee *J Approve resolution approving of Liquor License 2909-2913 2914-2916 2917-2920 2921 2922-2931 2924 2932 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Orono Police November Activity report 2933-2943 7. Hennepin County Assessor Joshua R Hoogland, presenting an overview of the 2944-2958 property taxable market valuation process and the Pay 2023 Assessment 8. 2023 Final Budget and Levy Discussion/Approval 2959-2973 Note: Public will be invited to comment before taking action on the budget resolutions. Catherine Pausche, Administrative Services Director, presenting an overview of the 2023 budget and levy and requesting discussion and action on the following (Also see separate budget packet for more content): A. Action on Resolution Adopting Fee Schedule for 2023 2962 B. Approve Resolution Approving the 2023 Final General Fund Budget 2971 in the amount of $6,399,501; Setting the Final Levy at $6,935,621; and Approving the Final Overall Budget for 2023 C. Approve Resolution Approving a levy of $250,000 for the purpose of defraying the 2973 cost of operation pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of, and for, the City of Mound for the year 2023 9. City Engineers providing a Report of Findings on Harrison Bay stormwater 2974-3002 management facilities and practices 10. City Manager Eric Hoversten requesting action on an Amendment to ADMIN-011: 3003-3005 City Participation in Lake Management Projects PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 11. Harrison Bay Association Rain Barrel Project Presentation 12. Mayor Salazar providing an update on Northland Real Estate Group 3006 Purchase Agreement 13. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/Reports from Council members B. Reports: Liquor Store — November 2022 3007 C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: Mound Press Release 11-29-22 — City Council Applicants Sought 3008 14. Adjourn COUNCIL BRIEFING Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Council meetings are held in the City Council Chambers in the Centennial Building on the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 7:00 PM with agendas and meeting details/locations posted to the City website the Thursday prior under the "Mayor and Council' section of the "Government" tab of the Home Page. Government I Mound, MN (citvofmound.com) *** All Meetings At City Council Chambers, Centennial Building *** Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! December 13 — 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) December 13 — 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting December 27- All Meetings Cancelled 2023 Meetings: January 10 January 24 February 14 February 28 Events and Activities: Subscribe to RAVE messaging tool for emergency notifications and updates RAVE Emereencv Notifications I Mound, MN (citvofmound.com) January 28, 2023 — Polar Plunge, Surfside Beach and Park City Offices: Closed December 23 and 26 in observation of Christmas Eve and Christmas Holiday Closed December 30 and January 2 in observation of New Year's Eve and Day Holiday Closed January 16 in observation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Inquire in advance. please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist decision- making. 2022 City of Mound Claims 12-13-22 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2022 KENGRAV1022 $ 3,922.50 2022 BOLTMENKWCA $ 4,884.00 2022 BOLT#10-2022 $ 78,320.78 2022 2022GENELECT $ 8,840.00 2022 PAYREQ110922 $ 498,350.58 2022 111822CTYMAN $ 26,425.92 2022 HWSAUCTIONPETTYCASH $ 1,500.00 2022 120622CTYMAN $ 42,309.69 2022 120522HWS $ 126,871.38 2022 121322CITY $ 66,390.74 TOTAL CLAIMS 11 $ 857,815.59 04:3CI': CITY OF MOUND 12/06/22 2:30 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2022 Payments Batch KENGRAV1022 $3,922.50 Refer 362 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER $391.00 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment G 101-23440 4848/4852 LANARK ABATE 4848/4852 LANARK RD ENFORCEMENT $332.50 MATTER -LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment G 101-23454 2396 COMMERCE BLVD H 2396 COMMERCE BLVD HAZARDOUS BLDG $190.00 MATTER -LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment G 101-23453 5872 GLENWOOD ABATE 5872 GLENWOOD RD HAZARDOUS BLDG $665.00 ABATEMENT -LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I PLANNING LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 $42.50 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment G 101-23455 3053 BRIGHTON BLVD AS 3053 BRIGHTON BLVD HAZARDOUS $190.00 BUILDING MATTER LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment G 101-23446 LIFESTYLE HOMES MOUN LIFESTYLE HOMES/ARTESSA MOUND $779.00 HARBOR DEVELOPMENT LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-312 Legal Council NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP- $47.50 PURCHASE OF CITY PROPERTY- FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO - LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment E 101-41110-434 Conference & Training GOVERNANCE PROCEDURES WORKSHOP $935.00 PREP LEGAL SVCS OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & 1 1737 WILDHURST FOIA LEGAL SVCS $350.00 OCTOBER 2022 Invoice 171122 11202022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,922.50 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $3,922.50 $3,922.50 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $3,922.50 Total $3,922.50 04:1:119 CITY OF MOUND 12/07/2211:14AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2022 Payments Batch BOLTMENKWCABREAKOUT $4,884.00 Refer 654 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 22-03 $832.00 ENG SVCS - WCA RELATED Invoice 0296954 7/302022 Cash Payment G 101-23489 2721 TYRONE-WETLAND 2721 TYRONE WETLAND DEVELOPMENT- $384.00 SWEENEY- WCA RELATED Invoice 0296954 7/302022 Cash Payment G 101-23489 2721 TYRONE-WETLAND 2721 TYRONE WETLAND DEVELOPMENT- $1,024.00 SWEENEY- WCA RELATED Invoice 0299075 8/302022 Cash Payment G 101-23491 5341 BAYWOOD SHRS EX 5341 BAYWOOD SHORES EXP PERMIT - PC $285.00 22-16- MISC ENG SVCS WCA RELATED Invoice 0283946 1/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS- WCA $392.00 STORMWATER 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Invoice 0283947 1/312022 Cash Payment G 101-23470 Northland Real Estate-104 u NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE- 104 UNIT $868.00 PROJECT - 2022 ENG SVCS - WCA RELATED Invoice 0285542 1/312022 Cash Payment G 101-23470 Northland Real Estate-104 u NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE- 104 UNIT $627.00 PROJECT - 2022 ENG SVCS - WCA RELATED Invoice 0283946 1/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs STORMWATER ENGINEERING SVCS- WCA $472.00 RELATED- MTG W/ WATERSHED Invoice 0283947 1/312022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,884.00 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $4,052.00 602 SEWER FUND $832.00 $4,884.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $4,884.00 Total $4,884.00 01:1:11il CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Payment Batch BOLT#10-2022 $78,320.78 Refer 645 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees GIB SVCS-2023 CEMETERY PROJ 23-11 - ENG SVC ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301084 10/312022 Project PW2311 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 646 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301075 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301075 10/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301075 10/312022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs STORM WATER ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301075 10/312022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs HARRISON BAY INVESTIGATION- STORM WATER ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301085 10/312022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0301076 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0301076 10/312022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0301076 10/312022 Transaction Date 12/52022 GIB UPDATES ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 649 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 2021 LYNWOOD BLVD WATERMAIN REPLACE PROJ PW 21-01 - ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301086 10/312022 Project PW2101 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2021 B-2 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 21-03- ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301072 10/312022 Project PW2103 Cash Payment E 404-43100-303 Engineering Fees 2021 MOUND ENTRANCE MONUMENT REPLACEMENT PROJ PW 21-13 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301083 10/312022 Project PW2113 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 651 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 12/08/22 1:16 PM Page 1 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $1,480.88 $1,480.88 $1,480.89 $5,498.11 $2,305.94 $555.00 $555.00 $555.00 $13,911.70 $213.00 $1,161.56 $217.26 $1,591.82 MOT., PA, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment G 101-23451 VILLAGES OF ISLAND PAR VILLAGES OF ISLAND PARK DEVELOPMENT- MISC ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301089 10/312022 Cash Payment G 101-23446 LIFESTYLE HOMES MOUN LIFESTYLE HOMES/ARTESSA DEVELOPMENT- - MISC ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301082 10/312022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 652 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 2022 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN IMPROV PROJ PW 22-01 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Invoice 0301087 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0301077 10/312022 Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0301080 10/312022 Cash Payment E 401-43124-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0301073 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0301078 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0301079 10/312022 Transaction Date 12/52022 Refer 653 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0301088 10/312022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0301081 10/312022 Transaction Date 12/52022 Project PW2201 2022 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 22-03 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2203 2022 SURFSIDE DEPOT SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJ PW 22-09 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2209 2022 PAVER SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJ. PW 22-08 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2208 2022 MANHOLE REHAB PROJ PW 22-04 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2204 2022 SEWER TELEVISING PROJ PW 22-04 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2204 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Ck# 072750 12/6/2022 2023 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN IMPROV PROJ PHASE 3- PW 23-01 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2301 2023 LIFT STATION IM2023 MOUND LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 23-03 ENG SVCS SEPT 17 THRU OCT 14, 2022 Project PW2303 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 12/08/22 1:16 PM Page 2 $277.00 $1,687.14 $1,964.14 $14,251.58 $1,721.81 $8,070.35 $13,167.43 $963.04 $1,110.34 $39,284.55 $8,578.76 $9,089.81 $17,668.57 MOT10 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $11,804.07 $13,167.43 $12,187.61 $25,079.23 $16,082.44 $78,320.78 Pre -Written Checks $78,320.78 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $78,320.78 12/08/22 1:16 PM Page 3 MOT., EA! Payments Batch 2022GENELECT Refer 1152 ABRAMS, LYNDA CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 jill $8,840.00 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1139 ABRAMS, ROSS _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1100 ALBERT, DAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1101 ANDERSON, DOUG Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1102 ANDERSON, SUSAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1103 BLACKS TAD, JAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1104 BUTTERFIELD, ALLEENE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 1 $98.00 Total $98.00 $98.00 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 14 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 1 HOUR ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 15.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22 - 2 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1138 CAMPBELL, REBECCA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 2 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $98.00 $42.00 $196.00 $238.00 $16.00 $248.00 $264.00 $210.00 $210.00 $28.00 $210.00 $238.00 $98.00 Total $98.00 $28.00 Total $28.00 Refer 1105 CARLSON, RONALD _ 2845 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1106 CLEM, BRYAN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1107 CORDIE, LINDA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY -ABSENTEE- HCF GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 6 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1134 COX, JANE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1108 DEVENY, JOANN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1109 DOEPNER-HOVE, STACY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1110 GILLETTE, LESLIE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1151 HANSEN, SARAH Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1136 HERR, MINDY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 1 HOUR HEAD JUDGE PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11- 08-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 14.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS 2846 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 2 $84.00 $84.00 $42.00 $98.00 $140.00 $84.00 $84.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $16.00 $240.00 $256.00 $203.00 $203.00 $84.00 $84.00 $42.00 $112.00 Transaction Date 11/302022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1137 HUTCHINSON, MARGARET Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1146 JOHANSEN, KEVIN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1149 JOHNSON, B.J. Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1111 KABELLA, BECKY _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1144 KRAUSE, WILLIAM Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1112 LINKERT, GEORGE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1113 LINKERT, JANET Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1140 MASON, STACIA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 3 Total $154.00 $98.00 Total $98.00 $210.00 Total $210.00 $98.00 Total $98.00 $98.00 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 1 HOURS ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 15.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 1 HOUR ELECTION - HEAD JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $98.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $16.00 $248.00 $264.00 $16.00 $240.00 $256.00 $210.00 $210.00 Refer 1114MCGREGOR, CHRISTINA - 2847 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY -ABSENTEE HCF - GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1150 MEYER, PETER C. _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1115 MOHAGEN, HEIDI _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1116 MOON, MARY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1117 MUNDSTOK ERIN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1118 NEUBERT, GREG Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Total Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 2HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 4 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $98.00 $98.00 $210.00 $210.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $28.00 $210.00 $238.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY -ABSENTEE HCF- $42.00 GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL $210.00 ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $252.00 Refer 1119 OLSON, DAVE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1120 SCHURMAN, RITA _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 7 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $210.00 Total $210.00 $98.00 Total $98.00 Refer 1121 SHELLENBAUM, STEVE I=-1 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1141 SHERMAN, SHELLY _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1122 SHERWOOD, MARK Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1143 SHOEMATE, JEFF & JENI Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1123 SHUKLE, CAROL Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1247 SIGURDSON, WANDA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1125 SPIESS, NICHOLE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1126 STADSKLEV, JOLEEN Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 5 $210.00 Total $210.00 $210.00 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 14.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY - ABSENTEE - GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6.5 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 14 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total HEAD JUDGE TRAINING PAY -GENERAL ELECTION 11-08-22- 1 HOUR U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 1.5 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 13 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $210.00 $203.00 $203.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 $84.00 $91.00 $175.00 $42.00 $196.00 $238.00 $16.00 $16.00 $21.00 $182.00 $203.00 Refer 1142 STARR, NANCY /-1` CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15.5 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1127 STROTHER, PATRICIA HENNING Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1145 SVOBODNY, RAY Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1148 SWENSON, STEVE Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1128 TOBIN, TIM Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1129 VINSON, LISA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1130 WALLACE, SHERI Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Refer 1133 WARREN, CHARLES & BARBARA Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Total Total ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 15 HOURS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 6 $217.00 $217.00 $42.00 $112.00 $154.00 $84.00 $112.00 $196.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $210.00 $210.00 $112.00 $112.00 $42.00 $210.00 $252.00 Refer 1135 WEBER, TRENT _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING PAY- GENERAL $42.00 ELECTION 11-8-22- 3 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 2850 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1147 WEISS SMITH, GRETCHEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 11/30/22 3:37 PM Page 7 $112.00 Total $154.00 $112.00 Total Refer 1247 WILLIAMS, KRISTIE _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 8 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1132 ZIMMERMAN, BARB _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs ELECTION JUDGE PAY- GENERAL ELECTION 11-8-22- 6.5 HOURS Invoice 110822 11/82022 Transaction Date 11/302022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 101 GENERAL FUND $8,840.00 $8,840.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $8,840.00 Total $8,840.00 Total $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $91.00 $91.00 WON CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2022 Payments Batch payreg110922 $ Refer 1100 NEW LOOK CONTRACTING Cash Payment E 401-43124-303 Engineering Fees 498,350.58 Invoice 110922 11/92022 Transaction Date 11212022 Refer 1117 VALLEY PAVING, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 404-45200-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 110922 11/92022 Transaction Date 11/172022 Refer 1116 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 110922 11/92022 Transaction Date 11/172022 PAY REQUEST #2 2022 DOWNTOWN PAVER SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE 1- PW 22-08- WORK COMPLETED OCT 1ST THRU NOV 1ST, 2022 Project PW2208 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total PAY REQUEST #1 2022 SURFSIDE PARK DEPOT AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT- PW 22-09- WORK COMPLETED OCT 3RD THRU NOV 1ST, 2022 Project PW2209 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 11 /21 /22 10:15 AM Page 1 $102,675.05 $102,675.05 $81,798.52 $81,798.52 PAY REQUEST #1- 2022 LYNWOOD $313,877.01 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJ PHASE 2- PW 22-01- WORK COMPLETED OCT 1ST THRU NOV 1ST, 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $102,675.05 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE $81,798.52 601 WATER FUND $313,877.01 $498,350.58 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $498,350.58 Total $498,350.58 $313,877.01 MOM Payments Batch 111822CTYMAN Refer 1127 BRIGHT, CHRIS CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2022 $26,425.92 Cash Payment R 281-45210-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 112222 11222022 Transaction Date 11222022 11/22/22 2:35 PM Page 1 REFUND OF DOCK FEE FOR EXTRA $125.00 WATERCRAFT WHICH WASN'T USED - MINUS ADMINISTRATIVE COST- $25.00- C. BRIGHT U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1128 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying NOVEMBER 2022 - MONTHLY COPIER RENTAL- HARBOR WINE & SPIRITS Invoice 29525174 11/122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying DECEMBER 2022 - MONTHLY COPIER RENTAL- HARBOR WINE & SPIRITS Invoice 29525174-DEC 11/122022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1137 CENTRAIRE HEATING&AIR Total $125.00 $34.40 $34.40 Total $68.80 Cash Payment Invoice 112222 Transaction Date R 101-42000-32235 Heating Permits 11222022 11222022 REFUND MUNICIPAY PROCESSING FEE FOR PERMIT ISSUED BY MNSPECT FOR AN ORONO ADDRESS- PERMIT REFUNDED THRU MUNICIPAY U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3.00 $3.00 Refer 1126 HOME DEPOT/GECF (PIM Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip SEALANT FOAM - USE AROUND DOOR $58.83 EDGES TO SEAL LIFT STATIONS- WEATHER PROOFING Invoice 7024342 10272022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip APPLY CREDIT ON ACCOUNT- MISC -$24.37 INCORRECTLY APPLIED & UNAPPLIED PAYMENTS DUE TO TAX WRITE OFFS Invoice 7024342 10272022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $34.46 Refer 1138 KELLYS TOWING LLC _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic HOOK UP & TOW/MOVE STORAGE $200.00 CONTAINER FROM ISLAND PARK HALL TO PUBLIC WORKS SHOP 10-28-22 Invoice 19765 10282022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $200.00 Refer 1136 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA HP521 FINANCE/P &I COPIER B & WHT COPIES7-20-22 THRU 10- 19-22 Invoice 4180861 10282022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-202 Duplicating and copying PRINTER HP4100 P&I COPIER B & WHT COPIES 7-20-22 THRU 10-19-22 Invoice 4180861 10282022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1135 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C650i - COLOR OVERAGE- 8-01-22 THRU 10-31-22 Invoice 4184098 11/12022 $111.50 $20.70 $132.20 $369.40 01i1*1 CITY OF MOUND 11/22/22 2:35 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: November 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C650i - B & W $140.88 OVERAGE- 8-01-22 THRU 10-31-22 Invoice 4184098 11/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying HWS COPIER -CANON C26501F - COLOR $25.26 OVERAGE- 8-01-22 THRU 10-31-22 Invoice 4184102 11/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying HWS COPIER -CANON C26501F - B & W $40.23 OVERAGE- 8-01-22 THRU 10-31-22 Invoice 4184102 11/12022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C650i - MAIN COPIER- $40.00 BLACK TONER EXPEDITED SHIPPING - REFILLED CARTRIDGES WEREN'T WORKING Invoice 4192008 Transaction Date 11/92022 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $615.77 Refer 1130 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training WASTEWATER CLASS SD CERTIFICATION $55.00 EXAM FEE-S. PEDERSON Invoice 111822 11/182022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training WASTEWATER TREATMENT BASIC $390.00 TRAINING CLASS DEC 13-15 BROOKLYN PARK-S. PEDERSON Invoice 111822 11/182022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1125 MINNESOTA TITLE- MENDOTA HEI _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Raven 4500 WILSHIRE BLVD- UTILITY REFUND- MINNESOTA TITLE - TESORO HOMES, INC. Invoice 112022 11222022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1131 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104094137 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104094153 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104094756 11/72022 Transaction Date 11222022 $445.00 $73.80 $73.80 5 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 11- $60.00 02-22 3.5 CUBIC YARDS OF BRUSH DISPOSAL- 11- $42.00 02-22 ORGANIC TOPSOIL 50/50 $37.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $139.00 Refer 1124 NETWORK TITLE, INC. _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Raven 5200 PHELPS RD- UTILITY BILLING $406.68 OVERPAYMENT REFUND- NETWORK TITLE, INC.- K. OLCHEFSKE Invoice 112022 11212022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $406.68 Refer 1134 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip 5K TUBE MOUNT FOR SIDEWIND JACK- $174.93 MIDSOTA TRAILER & CAUTION TAPE - PARKS DEPT Invoice 4061219501 10252022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 5K TUBE MOUNT FOR SIDEWIND JACK- $213.73 MIDSOTA TRAILER & CAUTION TAPE - PARKS DEPT Invoice 4061219501 10252022 MOM CITY OF MOUND 11/22/22 2:35 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: November 2022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 5K TUBE MOUNT FOR SIDEWIND JACK- MIDSOTA TRAILER & CAUTION TAPE - PARKS DEPT Invoice 4061219501 10252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 5K TUBE MOUNT FOR SIDEWIND JACK- MIDSOTA TRAILER & CAUTION TAPE - PARKS DEPT Invoice 4061219501 10252022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $9.49 $106.98 $505.13 Refer 1133 VALLEY -RICH CO., INC. Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR SUNSET FORCEMAIN BREAK- 10- $7,836.14 19-22- YARD EXCAVATOR, TRENCH BOX, TRACTOR W/ HYDRAULIC BREAKER & TAMPER Invoice 31421 10/192022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $7,836.14 Refer 1139 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- $35.01 INTERNET SVC- 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR- RYAN $35.01 PRICH TABLET- INTERNET SVC- 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PUBLIC WORKS DEPT-TABLET- HOT SPOT $35.01 SVC 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.50 SVC- SVC 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.51 SVC- SVC 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $35.01 SVC 10-11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red STREETS DEPT TABLET INTERNET SVC 10- $35.01 11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PUB WKS OPEN LINE INTERNET SVC 10-11- $35.01 22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 10-11-22 $17.51 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red FIELD OFFICER INTERNET SVC 10-11-22 $17.50 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 10- $17.51 11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red UTILITY DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 10- $17.50 11-22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PARKS DEPT TABLET- INTERNET SVC 10-11- $35.01 22 THRU 11-10-22 Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 2855 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PARKS LEAD WORKER NEW REPLACEMENT TABLET - Invoice 9920224008 11/102022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 1140 VERIZON WIRELESS Total Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELL PHONE CHARGES 9-14-22 THRU 10-13- 22 Invoice 9920521681 11/132022 Transaction Date 11222022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1141 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 285-46388-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 802859156 1122022 Transaction Date 11222022 11/22/22 2:35 PM Page 4 $107.57 $457.67 $105.97 $76.78 $76.78 $28.44 $96.69 $60.49 $16.12 $461.27 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $165.04 ELECTRIC SVC - 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22- $72.75 DEPOT BLDG ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $2,723.51 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $1,120.73 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $4,163.22 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $1,655.55 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $1,173.87 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $1,173.87 ELECTRIC SVC - 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $973.90 ELECTRIC SVC- 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $1,649.86 ELECTRIC SVC - 9-25-22 TO 10-25-22 $49.70 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $14,922.00 04i �1 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 HRA/HARBOR DISTRICT 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $5,145.73 $1,290.34 $125.00 $1,649.86 $12,805.36 $3,619.79 $1,789.84 $26,425.92 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $26,425.92 Total $26,425.92 11/22/22 2:35 PM Page 5 01.1'fA CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2022 Payments Batch HWSAUCTIONPETTYCASH $1,500.00 Refer 432 CASH, PETTY CASH _ Cash Payment G 101-10200 Petty Cash CHANGE FUND FOR LIVE AUCTION 11-19- 22- FBO SURFSIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 111922 11/182022 Transaction Date 11/182022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,500.00 Total $1,500.00 Total 11 A 8/22 11:27 AM Page 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 04i1�i1 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Payments Batch 120622CTYMAN $42,309.69 Refer 656 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATION B2 ATS REPLACEMENT- 2021 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW 21-03 Invoice 38030 10/52022 Project PW2103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL UPS & POWER SUPPLY ELEVATED TANK NEAR WELL #3 Invoice 37894 10/52022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL NEW ATS @ LIFT STATION C-1 Invoice 38068 10212022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic REPLACE MOTOR STARTER @D2 LIFT STATION Invoice 38027 10/52022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 657 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK COARSE HWY MIX- 25.32 TON DELIVERED 11-17-22 Invoice 1077943 11/172022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK COARSE HWY MIX- 25.33 TON DELIVERED 11-18-22 Invoice 1079157 11/192022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 658 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT AN Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs GB TORQUE MOTOR 600/50OX Invoice 22674 11/172022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 659 GRAINGER Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip PORTABLE WIRE CADDY W/SPINDLE- PUBLIC WKS Invoice 9517384203 11/172022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs HYDRAULIC AIR PUMP Invoice 9510384432 11/112022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 670 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals Invoice 6336416 11/152022 Transaction Date 12/62022 Refer 671 KELLY, KEVIN Cash Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto Invoice 112822 11282022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-331 Use of personal auto 150 LB CHLORINE CYLINDERS 12/06/22 4:29 PM Page 1 $3,643.65 $1,934.95 $1,281.50 $1,746.95 $8,607.05 $2,177.27 $2,178.13 Total $4,355.40 $845.09 Total $845.09 $229.40 $2,000.00 Total $2,229.40 $60.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $60.00 REIMB MILEAGE- DOCK PROGRAM $25.25 INSPECTIONS- K. KELLY- 9-30-22 THRU 11- 28-22 REIMB MILEAGE -TO ELECTION PLACES & $16.00 HARRISON BAY SHORES- HEALTH CARE FACILITY VOTING- K. KELLY- 10-7-22 THRU 11-8-22 Invoice 112822 11282022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 672 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Total $41.25 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions MN MAYORS ASSOC MEMBERSHIP DUES, -- JASON R. HOLT- SEPT 2022 THRU AUG 2023 Invoice 120622 12/62022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 673 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 101-41600-312 Legal Council NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE GROUP, LLC LAND USE LAWSUIT- DEDUCTIBLE & 15% OF FIRST $250,000 OF LITIGATION COSTS Invoice 112922 11292022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 674 MCCARVILLE, MICHAEL _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies REIMB- FOR DRAGON FIRE GLOVES- TEXAN LARGE FIRE GLOVES- M. MCCARVILLE Invoice 113022 11/302022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMB- USER TRANSPORTATION TO -FROM AIRPORT VOLUNTEER CHIEFS & OFFICERS SYMPOSIUM CON FERENCE-CLEARWATER BEACH FLORIDA- NOV 9TH THRU 12TH 2022 M. MCCARVILLE Invoice 113022 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 12/06/22 4:29 PM Page 2 $30.00 $30.00 $2,794.11 $2,794.11 $155.00 $98.45 $253.45 Refer 675 PEDERSON, GREG _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMB- AIRFARE & MILEAGE TO & FROM $188.85 AIRPORT- VOLUNTEER CHIEFS & OFFICERS SYMPOSIUM CONFERENCE- CLEARWATER BEACH FLORIDA- NOV 9TH THRU 12TH 2O22- G. PEDERSON Invoice 120122 12/12022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies REIMB- WALMART- TV MOUNT- FIRE DEPT- $34.41 G.PEDERSON Invoice 112522 11252022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $223.26 Refer 676 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples MONTHLY CHLORINE REPORT & COLIFORM $149.86 WATER TESTS -10 Invoice 1174160 11/162022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $149.86 Refer 677 REPUBLIC SERVICES Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DECEMBER 2022 GARBAGE SVC- PUB WRKS $385.94 Invoice 0894-005995568 11252022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic NOVEMBER 2022 CITYWIDE RECYCLING $18,650.70 SVC Invoice 0894-005994148 11252022 Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous DECEMBER 2022 CITYWIDE ORGANICS $160.18 PROGRAM PICKUP SVC Invoice 0894-005996520 11252022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $19,196.82 Refer 678 RJ MECHANICAL, INC 01i7A, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic PUT IN NEW GAS REGULATOR ON BACKUP GENERATOR @ CORNER OF BARTLETT BLVD & LAKEWOOD LN Invoice 14441 11/162022 Transaction Date 12/62022 Refer 679 SUN NEWSPAPERS-HWS ACCT. Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 920580 11/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 921605 11202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 922553 11272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 920581 11/132022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 921606 11202022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 922554 11272022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 920582 11/132022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY ADVERTISING- HWS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY ADVERTISING- HWS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY ADVERTISING- HWS VETERANS DAY ADVERTISING- HWS REPEAL OF PROHIBITION ADVERTISING SALE- HWS REPEAL OF PROHIBITION ADVERTISING SALE- HWS LIVE LIQUOR AUCTION EVENT- WINDOW - HWS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 12/06/22 4:29 PM Page 3 $458.45 $458.45 $16.67 $50.01 $33.32 $30.00 $620.00 $350.00 $155.00 $1.255.00 Refer 680 TRI-K SERVICES Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair PS-4 OIL CHANGE KIT FOR POLARIS UTV- $53.49 UNIT #46 - FIRE DEPT Invoice 27020 11/72022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $53.49 Refer 681 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS COR _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials UPM COLD MIX5.48 TONS- BULK $931.60 Invoice 70292 11/172022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $931.60 Refer 682 WACONIA FORD MERCURY _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs OIL LEAK REPAIR -WATER TRUCK #316- $622.96 2016 FORD F150 Invoice 615676 11/172022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $622.96 Refer 683 RADDE, MATTHEW C. Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2022 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT- $202.50 M. RADDE Invoice 120622 12/62022 Transaction Date 12/62022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $202.50 ON Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $10,972.20 $530.20 $25.25 $2,970.27 $7,745.89 $1,255.00 $18,810.88 $42,309.69 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $42,309.69 Total $42,309.69 12/06/22 4:29 PM Page 4 ON% CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Payments Batch 120522HWS $126,871.38 Refer 600 56 BREWING, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 5620867 11212022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 601 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3572644 11/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 349472 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3574819 1222022 Transaction Date 11282022 Refer 602 BACK CHANNEL BREWING Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1397 11222022 Transaction Date 11282022 BEER BEER CREDIT BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 1 $339.33 $339.33 $1,086.10 -$22.02 $838.35 Total $1,902.43 $200.00 Total Refer 603 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 0106035100 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 0106035200 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CARDED WAITER CORKSCREWS, DOUBLE JIGGERS, GIFT BAGS Invoice 0106035200 11/162022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 604 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 0106092900 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 0106063900 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- BOMB SHOT CUPS, STAINLESS SHAKER 3 PC SETS Invoice 0106063900 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 0106092900 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 605 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0097382300 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097376000 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097386700 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097381800 11/162022 WINE LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR $200.00 $172.00 $35.30 $28.00 $235.30 $64.00 $17.30 $39.30 $43.75 Total $164.35 $97.65 $286.50 $190.65 $2,321.90 01i1*1 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 00974978800 11232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 0097584700 11232022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 606 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097406000 11/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097433100 11/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097463200 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097435800 11/182022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097500900 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0097534900 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 Refer 607 BLACKSTACK BREWING Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 20232 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 20346 1222022 Transaction Date 12/52022 Total 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 2 -$484.05 -$95.65 $2,317.00 LIQUOR $3,916.61 LIQUOR CREDIT -$123.65 LIQUOR $2,912.09 LIQUOR CREDIT -$142.65 LIQUOR $650.95 LIQUOR $2,714.83 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $9,928.18 BEER $419.00 BEER $279.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 608 BLUE CLOUD DISTRIBUTION, INC. Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 101071064 11222022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 609 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO. Total $698.00 $176.50 Total $176.50 Cash Payment E Invoice 8809 Transaction Date 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 11/162022 11282022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 $222.38 Total $222.38 Refer 610 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $92.40 Invoice 346699189 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $157.85 Invoice 346703644 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,799.62 Invoice 346703645 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $230.70 Invoice 346699188 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $156.00 Invoice 346619587 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $61.55 Invoice 346619586 11212022 WON* CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 346619585 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 361900117 11282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 361900006 11282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 361900114 11282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 361898462 11282022 Transaction Date 11282022 BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 611 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346542782 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 346542779 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346542781 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 346542780 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 346636817 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346636818 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 346636819 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 346725922 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346725921 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 Refer 612 CANNON RIVER WINERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 14359 11/172022 Transaction Date 12/52022 WINE 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 3 $5,122.86 $9.30 $12.80 $37.20 $38.40 Total $13,718.68 $184.00 $1,479.40 $280.00 $31.46 $2,575.70 $1,753.00 $150.92 $1,906.88 $436.00 10100 Total $8,797.36 $174.00 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 613 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2766638 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2766637 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2768702 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 23120106 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 2766638 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- GLASSWARE Invoice 2765726 11/162022 Total $174.00 $82.55 $1,885.55 $8,036.25 -$30.00 $81.78 $26.00 01ilir CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 4 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $36.80 Invoice 2768703 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- 2022 STEINS $150.00 Invoice 2770680 12/12022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $10,268.93 Refer 614 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $572.32 Invoice 662133 11282022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$36.25 Invoice 662198 11282022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $536.07 Refer 615 COCA COLA -GREAT LAKES DISTRI _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $798.56 Invoice 3609219012 11232022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $798.56 Refer 616 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $90.00 Invoice 1786347 11232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,081.40 Invoice 1786352 11232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $130.70 Invoice 1786347 11232022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $248.80 Invoice 1780309 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $953.20 Invoice 1789958 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,504.10 Refer 617 ENKI BREWING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $225.00 Invoice 11440 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 618 FLAHERTY S HAPPY TYME COMP _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $351.00 Invoice 37887 11/192022 Transaction Date 12/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $351.00 Refer 619 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $54.00 Invoice 562207 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $46.00 Invoice 562207 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,309.00 Invoice 562208 11292022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $54.00 Invoice 560468 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $57.50 Invoice 560468 11212022 01-0'1a, CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 5 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $403.80 Invoice 560469 11212022 Transaction Date 12/42022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,924.30 Refer 620 INSIGHT BREWING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $758.10 Invoice 3812 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $758.10 Refer 621 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $5,621.41 Invoice 2189994 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $11,259.41 Invoice 2189995 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $26.00 Invoice 2189996 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $58.00 Invoice 2189997 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $16,964.82 Refer 622 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $48.00 Invoice 2185750 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $444.00 Invoice 2185751 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,403.41 Invoice 2180674 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,344.97 Invoice 2185748 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,501.07 Invoice 2185749 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,850.74 Invoice 2180673 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $412.56 Invoice 2177992 11/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,770.00 Invoice 2177991 11/142022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $14,774.75 Refer 623 LUCE LINE BREWING CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $130.00 Invoice 1104 11232022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $130.00 Refer 624 LIBATION PROJECT _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $144.02 Invoice 52439 1222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $106.04 Invoice 52439 1222022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $250.06 Refer 625 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY MOM CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 49227 11202022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 626 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38482 1122022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38483 11/32022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 38499 11/102022 Transaction Date 11282022 DELIVERY SVC 11-2-22 DELIVERY SVC 11-3-22 DELIVERY SVC 11-10-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 6 $489.40 Total $489.40 $83.70 $505.30 $238.70 Total $827.70 Refer 627 MAVERICK WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $241.50 Invoice 874793 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $650.52 Invoice 874778 11/162022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $892.02 Refer 628 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance- WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 10-31-22 $74.81 Invoice 180220638 11272022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $74.81 Refer 629 MODIST BREWING CO. LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $207.00 Invoice 36506 11/162022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $207.00 Refer 630 OLD WORLD BEER LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $356.38 Invoice 1935 11212022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $356.38 Refer 631 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 185064 11212022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 183558 11/82022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 184153 11/142022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 185614 11282022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 632 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6496758 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6496759 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 6496760 11/162022 Total $725.83 $132.00 $511.33 $567.75 $1,936.91 $2,792.25 $374.70 $67.20 01t'"St] CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6504298 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6504299 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 6504300 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 633 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6500776 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6500775 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 6500777 11222022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 634 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2838600 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2833008 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2836923 11222022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 635 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2284831 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2284833 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2287553 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2284832 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2284835 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 2284834 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2287554 11/302022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2287555 11/302022 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 7 $741.80 $551.18 $113.00 Total $4,640.13 $653.54 $4,341.45 $52.00 Total $5,046.99 Total $172.95 $145.30 $66.95 $385.20 $776.45 $391.25 $227.98 $654.57 $44.00 $104.20 $789.46 $8,694.24 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $11,682.15 Refer 636 SCOTTY B S Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising PORK FOR HWS AUCTION EVENT 11-19-22 $166.26 Invoice 120522 11/132022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $166.26 Refer 637 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M 01i7K 1 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 8 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $425.91 Invoice 2284836 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $550.21 Invoice 2282863 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $26.00 Invoice 2282865 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WIN6 $342.09 Invoice 2282863 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $300.00 Invoice 2282864 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,750.00 Invoice 2282867 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $230.65 Invoice 2221089 11/72022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,624.86 Refer 638 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale WINE $994.00 Invoice 34234 11222022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $994.00 Refer 639 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICES, 1 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance- SATA HARD DRIVE -DATA STORAGE $331.68 UPGRADE- DVR SURVEILLANCE DRIVE 6TB SEA- INSTALLATION & SET UP @ HWS Invoice 6980 11212022 Transaction Date 12/52022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $331.68 Refer 640 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $96.46 Invoice 0317732 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX $132.00 Invoice 0317731 11/172022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $228.46 Refer 641 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 221755 12/12022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 221755 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/52022 WINE LIQUOR U.S. Bank 10100 Refer 642 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7404282 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7404323 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Res MIX Invoice 7404324 11/162022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7405364 11222022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7405365 11222022 10100 Total $475.75 $57.33 $533.08 $619.65 $380.00 $75.00 $696.00 $136.00 Mile CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 7406163 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 643 Z WINES USA LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 25914 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 25948 11/302022 Transaction Date 11282022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 1198 INBOUND BREWCO Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 15088 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/52022 BEER U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $126,871.38 $126,871.38 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $126,871.38 Total $126,871.38 Total 12/06/22 9:14 AM Page 9 $1,881.00 $3,787.65 $472.00 $357.50 $829.50 $478.00 $478.00 01iyFAIR Payments Batch 121322CITY CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 $66,390.74 Refer 0 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT AN Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip HOSE SUCTION HD, CLAMPS Invoice 1197412545 2292016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs PUH CURTAIN SET Invoice 1197412545 2292016 Transaction Date 4/62016 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 700 AMERICAN MESSAGING Project 20-3 Total Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PAGER SERVICE 1 MO- DEC 2022 - INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PAGER SERVICE 1 MO- DEC 2022 - INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PAGER SERVICE 1 MO- DEC 2022 - INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PAGER SERVICE 1 MO- DEC 2022 - INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT- PARKS & PUB WKS Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment G 602-15500 Prepaid Items Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment G 601-15500 Prepaid Items Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items Invoice D2062026WL 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/72022 PAGER SERVICE 2 MOS- INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT-JAN, FEB 2023- PARKS & PUB WKS PAGER SERVICE 2 MOS- INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT-JAN, FEB 2023- PARKS & PUB WKS PAGER SERVICE 2 MOS- INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT-JAN, FEB 2023- PARKS & PUB WKS PAGER SERVICE 2 MOS- INSURANCE & REPLACEMENT-JAN, FEB 2023- PARKS & PUB WKS 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 1 $0.00 $0.00 Mn $5.13 $5.13 $5.13 $5.13 $10.27 $10.27 $10.28 $10.28 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $61.62 Refer 701 BENCO EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic ANNUAL SAFETY INSPECTION OF HOIST PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Invoice 406005216 11222022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Project 22-5 Total Refer 702 ASPEN EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip 12V HYDRAULIC PUMP PARKS TRUCK #319 Invoice 10242815 12/62022 $205.00 $205.00 $1,176.06 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,176.06 Refer 703 BENDICKSON, WES ,4-014 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials DUMP 15 LOADS OF LEAVES NOVEMBER 2022 Invoice 120122 11282022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 704BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W897859 11/302022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W897860 11/302022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W897861 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/72022 Refer 705 BOYER FORD TRUCKS-SVG 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 2 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 SURFSIDE PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 11-2- $382.14 22 THRU 11-21-22 SKATEPARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 11-2-22 $212.14 THRU 11-21-22 SWENSON PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 11-2- $170.00 22 THRU 11-21-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $764.28 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair Supplies & Equip STREETS TRUCK #314- LINE-DEF .6 GAL CUMMINS RETURN STANDARD Invoice 003P30554 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs STREETS TRUCK #312- FLANGE- NUT Invoice 003P30719 12/62022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs STREETS TRUCK#119-0I1- CONSUMPTION TEST Invoice 002S211933 11282022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs SWITCH, TURN & EMERGENCY LAMP - SEWER TRUCK #1604 Invoice 008P16962 1222022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 706 CADY BUILDING MAINTENANCE Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4985497 12/12022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4985497 12/12022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4985497 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 4985497 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/72022 $230.79 $54.70 $4.02 $240.84 $530.35 DEC 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CITY HALL $607.75 /POLICE DEC 2022 CLEANING SVCS- FIRE DEPT $327.25 DEC 2022 CLEANING SVCS- PUBLIC WORKS $297.00 BLDG Project 22-5 DEC 2022 CLEANING SVCS- CENTENNIAL $636.00 BLDG U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,868.00 Refer 707 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ATTORNEY _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-312 Legal Council NORTHLAND LAND SALE SECOND OPINION Invoice 113022 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 708 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (1 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 121322 11232022 Total 5808 GRANDVIEW BLVD LS GENERATOR NATL GAS SVC 10-20-22 THRU 11-20-22 $297.50 $297.50 $24.77 1-IFICI Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 121322 11232022 Transaction Date 12/72022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 3080 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR NATL GAS SVC 10-20-22 THRU 11-20-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 709 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies HIGH PRESSURE MEDIUM & ACETYLENE MEDIUM CYLINDER RENTALS Invoice 0000207249 11/302022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 710 CINTAS Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 11/17/22 Invoice 4137804549 11/172022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 1123/22 Invoice 4138484724 11232022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms NAVY WORK PANTS- J. STUHR- NEW STREET DEPT STAFF Invoice 1903524258 11232022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- H W S- 11 /1722 Invoice 4137804420 11/172022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 112322 Invoice 4138484672 11232022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, CENTERPULL TOWEL REFILL- PUB WKS SHOP- 12/122 Invoice 4139124479 12/12022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MATS, TOWELS, DUST MOP, WET MOP- HWS- 12/122 Invoice 4139124408 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 711 CORE & MAIN LP Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice R952899 11/162022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice R903420 11232022 Transaction Date 12/72022 WATER SUPPLY- CURB BOX SOCKETS 6 QTY IPERL WATER METER 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 3 $24.81 $49.58 $19.80 $19.80 $58.40 $58.40 $404.88 $59.88 $59.88 $58.40 $59.88 $759.72 $116.48 $1,485.48 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $1,601.96 Refer 712 CUMMINS INC. Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SVC CALL ON E4 LIFT STATION BACKUP GENERATOR Invoice E4-53255 11212022 $3,389.11 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $3,389.11 Refer 713 DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVE BASSWOOD TREE W/ $8,900.00 Invoice 917212269 11/172022 COMPRIMISED BASE @ 5454 BREEZY RD - USE CRANE, HAUL ALL WOOD & DEBRIS AWAY 04i1L� CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal Invoice 917212269 11/172022 Transaction Date 12/72022 REMOVE BASSWOOD TREE ON CITY PROPERTY OVERHANGING NEIGHBORS PROPERTY - USE CRANE, HAUL ALL WOOD & DEBRIS AWAY U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 714 FIVE TECHNOLOGY _ Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK MTCE- DECEMBER 2022 Invoice 11222-15 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic 1 YR RAPID SSL CERTIFICATE FOR WEBSERVER.CITYOFMOUND Invoice P237-68 11/162022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 4 $4,000.00 Total $12,900.00 $1,290.00 $25.00 Total $1,315.00 Refer 715 FLEETPRIDE TRUCK & TRAILER P Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair Supplies & Equip ENGINE HEATER- STREETS TRUCK #314 $275.14 Invoice 104120871 1222022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $275.14 Refer 716 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 11-22-22 THRU $150.00 12-21-22 Invoice 121322 11/302022 Cash Payment E 101-41920-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 11-22-22 THRU $175.00 12-21-22 Invoice 121322 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $325.00 Refer 718 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Call NOVEMBER 2022 LOCATES $47.93 Invoice 2110616 11/302022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One -Call NOVEMBER 2022 LOCATES $47.92 Invoice 2110616 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $95.85 Refer 719 HENNEPIN COUNTY ELECTIONS _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs DS200 - 6 VOTING MACHINES 2023 $1,123.20 MAINTENANCE Invoice 22MAINMND 12/12022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs 5 OMNI BALLOT VOTING MACHINES- 2023 $1,125.00 MAINTENANCE Invoice 22MAINMND 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $2,248.20 Refer 720 HENNEPIN COUNTY ELECTIONS Cash Payment E 101-41410-322 Postage Invoice 2022MND 11282022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 2022MND 11282022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies POSTAL VERIFICATION CARDS QTR 1, 244; $336.18 QTR 2 170; QTR 3, 92; QTR 4, 432 -2022 ELECTIONS 12 ROLLS DS200 TAPE - 2022 ELECTIONS $21.00 24 ROLLS POLL BOOK TAPE - 2022 $72.00 ELECTIONS Invoice 2022MND 11282022 04i11509 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 2022MND 11282022 Cash Payment E 101-41410-322 Postage Invoice 2022MND 11282022 Transaction Date 12/72022 Refer 7211STATE TRUCK CENTER GENERAL BALLOTS 10,600 - 2022 ELECTIONS COURIER CHARGES - 2022 ELECTIONS U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs DRUM FRONT BRAKE- STREETS TRUCK #312 Invoice C241392146 12/52022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs OIL SEAL RETAINER, BEARINGS, HPB ASS SENSOR KIT- STREETS TRUCK#312 Invoice C241391943 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs WINDSHIELD WIPER- STREETS TRUCK #312 Invoice C241391718 11292022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs PARTS- FREIGHT CHARGE- STREETS TRUCK#312 Invoice C241391943 12/52022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs DOSER PUMPS- 2 QTY, V BAND CLAMP, - STREETS TRUCK #314 Invoice C242800728 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 722 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 113022 12/12022 Transaction Date 12/72022 Refer 723 JUBILEE FOODS- (HWS) Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 113021 11/92022 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 113021 11/192021 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies WINTER GREENERY- OUTDOOR POTS CENTENNIAL BLDG U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total BATTERIES FOR ALARM SYSTEM @- HWS AUCTION EVENT LUNCHEON ITEMS - BOTTLED WATER, BBC SAUCE, PAPER PLATES, CLOROX -HWS RETURN UNUSED LUNCHEON ITEMS FROM AUCTION EVENT- BBC SAUCE, PAPER PLATES - HWS Invoice 113021 11/192021 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R STAFF HOLIDAY LUNCH- THANKSGIVING- OREOS, DARK CHOCOLATE, HOT DELI ITEMS Invoice 113021 11222021 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 113021 11282021 Transaction Date 12/62021 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 5 $424.00 $207.05 $1,060.23 $249.35 $296.14 $57.43 $250.95 $1,719.38 $2,573.25 $111.94 $111.94 $13.35 $127.74 -$40.16 $53.20 $289.08 $443.21 Refer 724 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair Supplies & Equip OIL, 3/4" MEGA TUFF HOSE- WATER DEPT $184.29 Invoice 03-959280 1222022 HOLIDAY GREENERY FOR MOUND ENTRANCE SIGN AREA U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total I1-OyAII CITY OF MOUND 12/08/2211:17AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs TIE ROD ASSEMBLY, FRONT 55600 $391.87 SPINDLE- PUBLIC WORKS PAINT SPRAYER #216 Invoice 03-955446 11/142022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Equip & Vehicle Repairs MALE & FEMALE COUPLERS $152.69 Invoice 01-957614 11232022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $728.85 Refer 726 KLM ENGINEERING, INCORPORAT Cash Payment G 101-23283 VERIZON WIRELESS -TOW ANTENNA INSPECTION SERVICES- $5,100.00 VERIZON - HERCULES TOWER 8 Invoice 9284 11/182022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $5,100.00 Refer 727 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATI _ Cash Payment G 281-15500 Prepaid Items 2022 PREPAID LMCD FEES DOCK $5,907.50 PROGRAM LICENSES-590 BSU'S- 781 WSU'S Invoice 121322 1222022 Cash Payment G 285-15500 Prepaid Items 2022 PREPAID 2021 LMCD DOCK LICENSE $432.50 FEES- LOST LAKE TRANSIENT- 24 SLIP COMPLEX- 24 BSU'S, 51 WSU'S- INCLUDES 10 OVERNIGHT SLIPS & 14 TRANSIENT SLIPS Invoice 121322 1222022 Cash Payment G 285-15500 Prepaid Items 2022 PREPAID LMCD DOCK LICENSE FEES- $743.75 37 SLIP LOST LAKE COMPLEX- 37 BSU'S, 92.5 WSU'S Invoice 121322 1222022 Transaction Date 12/72022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $7,083.75 Refer 786 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, 1 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS NOVEMBER 2022 $75.00 Invoice 020-002-34 12/72022 Cash Payment G 101-23484 NHH PROPERTIES- 5581 S 5581 SHORELINE DR- NHH- COURTYARD $225.00 TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT- PLANNING SVCS NOVEMBER 2022 Invoice 020-002-34 12/72022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 787 LUBE-TECH & PARTNERS, LLC Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic USED OIL FILTERS DRUM PICK UP- PUB $55.00 WKS SHOP 11-25-22 Invoice 3074045 11252022 Project 22-5 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $55.00 Refer 789 MINNEOOTA DEPT OF HEALTH _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-37170 State fee - Water 4TH QTR 2022 COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY $9,141.00 SVC CONNECTION FEE Invoice 121322 11212022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $9,141.00 Refer 790 NEWMAN SIGNS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN MATERIALS -ARROWS, DOUBLE $248.34 ARROWS Invoice 043663 11/92022 04:1FrA Transaction Date 12/82022 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 791 OPUS 21 MGMT SOLUTIONS, LLC _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-307 Admin/Finance/Comput OCTOBER 2022-UTILITY BILLING -CIS DATA HOSTING, PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT Invoice 221062 11/192022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Comput OCTOBER 2022-UTILITY BILLING -CIS DATA HOSTING, PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT Invoice 221062 11/192022 Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Postage OCTOBER 2022- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE Invoice 221062 11/192022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage OCTOBER 2022- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE Invoice 221062 11/192022 Transaction Date 12/82022 Refer 792 ORONO, CITY OF i Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 20142121 11/182022 Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 20142121 11/182022 Transaction Date 12/82022 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 7 $248.34 $1,825.07 $1,825.08 $337.52 $337.51 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $4,325.18 HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $257.55 FEES SEPTEMBER 2022 HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $684.45 FEES OCTOBER 2022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $942.00 Refer 793 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance RED PAINT MIX FOR ENTRY DOORS BY $72.38 FIRE APPARTUS BAY Invoice 2342-0 11/82022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance CREDIT BALANCE PREVIOUS RETURN- FIRE -$2.02 DEPT Invoice 2342-0 11/82022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $70.36 Refer 794 SPIKES FEED, SEED & PET SUPPL _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms ZIP TO WAIST BIBERALLS- INITIAL ISSUE- E. $71.99 STRICKLAND- PARKS DEPT Invoice 3398 /15 11222022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $71.99 Refer 795 STUHR, JAKE Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2022 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT- J. STUHR Invoice 121322 12/82022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 796 TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER L Cash Payment E 355-46384-300 Professional Srvs 2022 PREPAYMENT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (METRO PLAINS PROJECT) SERIES 2006 Invoice 4085245 11/302022 Transaction Date 12/82022 Refer 797 XCEL ENERGY U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $170.00 $170.00 $700.00 $700.00 04if001 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 805807448 11232022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 805807448 11232022 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 805807448 11232022 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 805807448 11232022 Transaction Date 12/82022 SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 ELECTRIC SVC 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION ELECTRIC SVC 12-28-19 THRU 1-27-20 1871 COMMERCE BLVD LIFT STATION 1790 COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS ELECTRIC SVC 10-22-22 THRU 11-22-22 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 8 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39.30 $39.30 Refer 798 FIRS TNET _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red DATACARD SVC- XXX-0353 FIRE UNIT #39 $38.23 FIRE CHIEF RESCUE UTILITY 10-26-22 THRU 11-25-22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red DATACARD SVC XXX-0545 FIRE #43 $38.23 RESCUE TRUCK SVC 10-26-22 THRU 11-25- 22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red DATACARD SVC XXX-1887 FIRE LADDER $38.23 TRUCK#44 SVC 10-26-22 THRU 11-25-22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red DATACARD SVC XXX-1962 FIRE ENGINE #29 $38.23 SVC 10-26-22 THRU 11-25-22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red DATACARD SVC XXX-4845 FIRE UNIT #42 $38.23 DUTY OFFICER SVC 10-26-22 THRU 11-25-22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red CELLPHONE SVC XXX-0150- CHIEF G. $53.62 PEDERSON - 10-26-22 THRU 11-25-22 Invoice 12032022 11252022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total $244.77 Refer 800 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- NOVEMBER 2022 Invoice 1000196094 1222022 Project 22-5 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- NOVEMBER 2022 Invoice 1000196037 1222022 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Red EMERGENCY MGMT RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- NOVEMBER 2022 Invoice 1000196037 1222022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 801 MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INCO Cash Payment E 281-45210-220 Repair Supplies & Equip SPRUCE BOARD 2 X 4 = 12' -DOCKS DEPT Invoice 224325 12/72022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Total Refer 802 OFFICE DEPOT $335.06 $2,127.53 $65.61 $2,528.20 $120.96 $120.96 01if�i CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2022 Cash Payment E 101-41930-200 Office Supplies COPY PAPER- 2 CASES & PAPER CLIP CITY HALL Invoice 279468902001 11/302022 P025089 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Refer 803 ULINE Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair Supplies & Equip 40 CT 55-60 GAL 3 MIL CLEAR CONTRACTOR TRASH BAGS -PARKS Invoice 156894987 11282022 Transaction Date 12/82022 U.S. Bank 10100 10100 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 HRA/HARBOR DISTRICT 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 U.S. Bank 10100 $33,862.10 $2,919.91 $6,028.46 $1,176.25 $700.00 $13,153.17 $8,217.08 $333.77 $66,390.74 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $66,390.74 Total $66,390.74 12/08/22 11:17 AM Page 9 S- $125.20 Total $125.20 $825.04 Total $825.04 01:1.019 MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 22, 2022 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council Members Paula Larson, Sherrie Pugh, Phil Velsor and Jason Holt Members absent: None Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Barry Blievernicht, Kim Blievernicht, Logan Velsor. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Salazar said he received comment from the public about standing for the pledge of allegiance. Salazar asked Hoversten about his posture during the pledge at the beginning of each meeting. Hoversten said the reason he does not put his hand on his heart is due to his long career in military service. Hoversten said he would salute the flag when in uniform. Hoversten added that when he is not in a military setting and in uniform, he continues to use flag customs. Hoversten said he is standing at attention during the pledge and to him this is the most meaningful posture and is his chosen flag decorum for Council meetings. Hoversten added he will continue to exercise this custom in which he adhered to from his service in the military. 3. Approve agenda Hoversten said there was an error on page 2774 of the packet in which the correct address was in the title of the claims but was not in the memo. Hoversten said the address, 2232 Commerce, was amended in the memo. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $282,612.17. B. Approve minutes: 11-09-22 Regular Meeting 11-15-22 Special Meeting r:: Mound City Council Minutes — November 22, 2022 C. RESOLUTION NO. 22-102: RESOLUTION APPROVING STATE OF MINNESOTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF MOUND ON BEHALF OF ITS CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY D. Approve Pay Request in the amount of $1,324.00 to Norling's Lake Minnetonka Landscapes for the 2021 Lift Station Improvement Project, PW 21-03 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. City Manager Eric Hoversten summarizing process to solicit candidates for anticipated City Council vacancy Hoversten said due to the General election results Council member Holt will resign his position at the end of term and take on Mayoral duties in 2023. Hoversten said this will leave a vacancy on the Council. Hoversten said the memo in the packet outlines a process to fill the Council seat. Hoversten added the process to fill the seat is at the discretion of the new Council which will be sworn in at the January 10 meeting. Hoversten said staff thought it appropriate to share with the Council and the community the process that staff recommends to begin the advertising for applicants. Hoversten said the process includes a letter of introduction from candidates in a narrative form instead of question and answer to avoid unnecessarily shaping the process. Hoversten said staff would like to have something for the Council on January 10th to choose candidates to interview. Hoversten said the January 24th meeting of the Council will be set for interviews. Hoversten stated the Council will choose the appointee with the intent to swear in the new Council member on February 14. Hoversten noted the appointee couldn't be sworn in until the end of February if the application process isn't started in 2022. Hoversten said staff will prepare to advertise in the Laker for applications to be returned no later than January 6th. Hoversten said this will allow the Council to possibly use the letter of introduction to determine whether or not to interview all candidates. Hoversten said the Council then will come up with interview questions. Hoversten said when the Council chooses the interviewees staff can publicize those individuals in the Laker so the community is appropriately notified. Hoversten said the Council can finish the interview process on January 24th or elect to hold a special meeting for a second round on January 31 It. Hoversten said this process was used in two previous Council vacancies, both of which were appointed to complete the remainder of the term. Pugh asked about announcing the resignation before the seat becomes vacant. Hoversten said this was reviewed by the League of Minnesota Cities and is allowed. Salazar said there were at least 10 candidates in 2019 and are you thinking about the Council interviewing a lesser number. Hoversten said this is the decision of the new Council whether to narrow the field of interviewees. Hoversten said staff is asking the Council to rank choices at the January 24th meeting. Hoversten said a Council member's first choice would get three points, their second choice receives 2 points and one for their third choice and the one with the most points will be the highest ranking from the Council. Salazar and Larson discussed the voting for two Docks and Commons Commissioners and how a second vote was arranged due to their being a tie vote for the second open seat. Larson said she wanted to clarify that the first time through the Council would rank 1, 2 and 3. Velsor said the process states voting for up to three candidates. Hoversten said the Council can finalize the rules at the January 10th meeting. r::. Mound City Council Minutes — November 22, 2022 Larson asked if the applications are going to be available online and handed -in in person. Hoversten said the applications will be available online and will be required to be turned in at City Hall in person or via fax. Larson asked why would the Council reduce the interviewees to five people. Salazar said this will be the third time a vacancy has occurred in the last 10 years, adding how the candidates are chosen is for the Council to decide. Salazar said the new Council can determine the work rules and in the past he wanted to hear from all the candidates in person and not whittle down the applicants before the interview. Larson asked whether the Council will see the candidate narratives at the meeting on the 10th. Holt said the Council will review the materials from the candidates and the in -person interviews will be on January 24th 7. Evaluation of the performance of the City Manager Eric Hoversten MOTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to approve closing the meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Salazar announced that the meeting is being closed for the performance evaluation of City Manager Eric Hoversten at 7:20 p.m. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to approve opening the meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Salazar opened the meeting at 8:11 p.m. 8. Discussion and possible action on City Manager Employment Agreement Salazar said the Council has made an amendment to the Employment Agreement with City Manager Eric Hoversten. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Velsor, to approve the Seventh Amendment to the City Manager Employment Agreement reflecting a 3% merit increase in addition to the cost of living adjustment negotiated by the bargaining units effective January 1, 2023. Salazar, Velsor, Holt and Pugh voted in favor. Larson abstained. Motion carried. 9. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Pugh said she appreciated the snow removal memo from Hoversten. Pugh said last year the City did the snow cleaning on the Dakota Trail and wondered if the City needs to approve matching funds with the Three Rivers Park District. Salazar said the decision to clear the trail from Westedge Blvd. to Spring Park was agreed to in 2020. Hoversten said this is a three-year agreement with Three Rivers. Hoversten said there was a snow removal equipment issue on the first snowfall and the crew was not able to do their normal maintenance but the equipment is repaired and the crew will be back to regular maintenance. Larson said what the Council should do about snow plowing complaints. Hoversten said there is a pattern the crews follow and some streets are left to natural conditions. Hoversten said the plowing crews aren't done with plowing until the job is finished which is based on many 0 Mound City Council Minutes — November 22, 2022 variables. Larson said she would inform residents to wait an hour or two to call back to see if the crews will be plowing their street. Larson said she was listening to WCCO radio and there was a Mound constituent on the program who gave a high five to the City of Mound for its snow removal. Hoversten said the City crews were very happy to receive this positive feedback. The Council looked at a couple of photos of the decorated trees and the city entrance monument. Larson said the new City entrance sign looks beautiful and complimented the City crews work on making the City look more beautiful. Salazar said there is a lot going on in the City with the Artessa project, city -center park in the Harbor District, and the Shoreline Drive/Dakota Trail crossing improvements. Salazar said since March of 2021 the Council and staff have been advocating for the funds to build a water filtration plant. Salazar said it is time for the State to allocate funds to Mound. Holt asked if the parking lot at Surfside Park is done. Hoversten said for the winter the base coat of asphalt is placed to tease out defects and the final wear course will be applied this spring. Hoversten said that work is being bundled with the crosswalk at Tuxedo and Brighton for the spring which will result in a cost savings by a factor of four. Hoversten added: City Hall closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving City Hall closed for Christmas on the Friday before and the Monday after Council Final Budget meeting December 13th B. Reports: Liquor Store — October 2022 Finance Department — October 2022 C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: 15. Adjourn ACTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 8:29 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 0pl 2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • MOUND, MN 55360-1668 • PH: 952-G)2-0600 • FAX: 952-472-0620 • W W W.CITVOFMOUND.COM MEMORANDUM Date: December 5, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator Subject: Docks and Commons Commission Appointment Recommendations Docks and Commons Commission Term Expiration and Vacancy. The three-year Docks and Commons Commission terms of Susan Gardner and Derrick Hentz expire at the end of 2022. Derrick Hentz has requested reappointment, but Susan Gardner is retiring after many years serving on this commission, for which the City is forever grateful. Susan Gardner is an abutter in the dock program and will be replaced with an abutter to keep the desired balance of representation on the commission. Linda Muller also notified Staff that she will be moving and suggested using this process to fill another abutter seat for the remainder of her term which expires in 2023. We sincerely thank Linda for her time served as well I Susan and Linda were exemplary in their contributions and their ability to put their personal interests aside and focus on what was best for the entire program. Interviews of Abutter candidates took place at Thursday, November 17, 2022 Docks and Commons Commission regular meeting. Four applications were received and three candidates were present for the interviews. At the completion of the interviews and ranking process, the DCC recommended James Verret to fill Susan Gardner's 3-year Abutting position appointment and Jesse Jensen to serve the remaining 1-year of Linda Muller's Abutting position appointment. Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding this process at (952) 472-0613 or via email at asc@cityofmound.com. 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-0604 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: November 15, 2022 Re: Planning Commission Reappointments and Appointments Planning Commission Term Expirations and Vacancies. Planning Commission member Allen Andersen resigned from the Planning Commission this summer and the terms of Jake Saystrom and Jon Ciatti expire on December 31, 2022. Both Mr. Saystrom and Mr. Ciatti have requested reappointment by the City Council for new 3 -year terms. An additional 3- year appointment is also required to fill the vacancy created following Mr. Andersen's resignation. His term was also scheduled to expire on December 31, 2022. Planning Commission Interview and City Council Attendance. The City of Mound received 5 applications for the Planning Commission. The candidate interviews were held as part of the regular monthly Planning Commission meeting held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. A public notice was posted on the City Hall bulletin board and website on October 12, 2022 by the City Clerk so that the City Council, including a quorum of body, could attend the Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Planning Commission meeting to listen to the Planning Commission's discussion and recommendation regarding the interviews. All members of the Planning Commission were present at the meeting except Jason Baker. Council member Larson was also present at the meeting for the applicant interviews. The following candidates were interviewed: Nick Rosener Derek Archambault Matt Bouts Flavia Wilson A candidate interview was scheduled for Kory Kluge who submitted an application. However, the applicant was not present for the interview. The candidates were asked to introduce themselves and were each asked a series a questions from the Planning Commission members. The same list of questions was asked of each candidate. As provided by the Planning Commission Work Rules, the Planning Commission considered the submitted materials of Kory Klug's application to the Planning Commission. Followingthe completion of the candidate interviews and discussion, a written ballot method of voting was used which yielded the followingtally: Nick Rosener — (14); Derek Archambault — (11); Matt Bouts — (18); Flavia Wilson — (26) and Kory Kluge — (35). The above individual with the lowest points is the Planning Commission's recommended candidate. Recommendations. 1. Reappointments -The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend the City Council reappoint Jake Saystrom and Jon Ciatti to 3-year terms on the Planning Commission. 2. New Appointment -The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend the City Council appoint Derek Archambault to a 3-year term on the Planning Commission. • Page 2 O CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 2022 WHEREAS, The City of Mound is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and WHEREAS, The following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash sums set forth below to the City: Name of Donor Amount Date Purpose Alison Livermore $300.00 12/15/2021 Donation to Fire Department Anonymous Resident 1.00 2/28/2022 Donation at City Hall for General Fund Mohawk Jaycees of West Minnetonka Mound Fire Relief Association Dock and Lift Incorporated Mound Fire Department Auxiliary Northwest Tonka Lions Club Pelican Point Homeowners Association Mark Wegsheid & Heidi Knight 500.00 4/1/2022 6,948.42 4/6/2022 500.00 4/6/2022 3,000.00 4/8/2022 6,800.00 6/27/2022 1,855.00 8/8/2022 1,480.00 10/26/2022 Donation to Fire Department Donation to Fire Department for Equipment Donation to Fire Department Donation to Fire Department for Equipment Donation to Fire Department for Equipment National Night Out Donation to Fire Dept. Donation to Fire Department for AED WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The contributions described above are hereby acknowledged and accepted by the City of Mound. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound expresses its thanks and appreciation for the contributions. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound this 13th day of December, 2022. ATTEST: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor O Utility Billing for properties Returned to Vacant Land Original Adoption: / / 22 Reviewed/Updated: TBD Reference No. FIN-014 PURPOSE: To prescribe the policies and procedures concerning municipal utility charges for properties in which the structure(s) has been demolished and it has been returned to vacant land eitherthe purpose of future rebuilding or to remain vacant. POLICY AND PROCEDURES: 1.1 Mandatory Connection Chapter 74 Utilities - mandates that all properties be connected to the water and sewer system. In the case of new construction, trunk charges for water and sewer are paid for each new connection that provides funds "to establish, construct, repair, replace, maintain, enlarge and improve said system." Current practice is to follow the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) formula to apply credits for prior hook-ups to avoid additional trunk charges. City Water and Sewer Trunk charges in 2022 are $4,000 per new home construction. Avoiding having to pay these fees represents significant value and having utilities accessible on site adds value to any property. 1.2 Status of Utility Charges for Properties Returned to Vacant Land For properties where structures were demolished to provide for redevelopment, the base utility charges shall continue during the period of reconstruction as these properties benefit from the systems in place and should contribute to their repair, replacement and maintenance as is the intent of the mandatory connection required in Chapter 74 of the Mound City Code. If the property remains completely vacant one year after the demolition and regrading activities were completed, and is not being actively marketed and there is no evidence of intent to build, utility billing will be suspended until a permit for a new water meter is pulled and the water meter is installed. T BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. December 8, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2021 Lift Station Improvements City Project No. PW-21-03 Pay Request No. 5 & Final Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 5 & Final from R & R Excavating for work completed on the 2021 Lift Station Improvements Project from July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022. At this time the project is complete, and we have prepared a pay request for the project that includes the release of the 2% retainage. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities, and recommend payment in the amount of $5,133.28 to R & R Excavating. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. o_ � ii0 .i E Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an DATE: 12/6/2022 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 5 & Final CONTRACTOR R & R Excavating 2021 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NOS. PW-21-03 ENGINEER Bolton & Mark BMI PROJECT NO. OC1.122924 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 7/1/2022 THROUGH 9/30/2022 TOTALAMOUNT BID.............................................................................................................................................................................. $ 247,059.27 APPROVEDCHANGE ORDERS........................................................................................................................................ CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT................................................................................................................................. $ 247,059.27 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE...................................................................................................................................... $ 240,086.95 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE..................................................................................................................................... $ DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED............................................................. $ TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS................................................................................................................. $ 240,086.95 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE ( 0% )..................................................................................................................................... $ TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS........................................................................................................................... $ NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE...................................................................................................................... $ 240.086.95 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES............................................................................................................... $ 234,953.67 PAYCONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 5.......................................................................................................................................... $ 5,133.28 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: R & R Excavating 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson, MN 5350 By / Nam Title P Date C ;> r CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENG EERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By PROJECT ENGINEER Ma ew S. Bauman 12/7/2022 Date APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name 2891 76 C LL 05 U') I v 14 0 0. O1 IO U W od m v Ui 0 O 0 O 0 I- 0 O r O (0 1` to M 0 M o m O O N N O V O O N N 00 V v O M V o O m O m N O O 00 O h m N O 0 O V W m O O to Ih O o 0 co 00 Z r- V M O O �o O O M w N r 1-- m [n m O O) w Cif O N @ f� V N V N �0 M 1- Lo m N m V m to m 0 m 0 1, M c0 1� O O V m o h Lo M OD 1n n - N r O O N ai O In O O L0 1- M 7) f9 r M N VN CA m fA V r N CO N f9 OD E969 Lo P- M V M N N N O V O 0) r d 2 F/l EN9 4h 69 w � � GH E9 fA E9 � Y3 f9 t8l (9 Aa ul w fA 69 w H a p 0 H Z 0 O 0 O 0 o O o O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 o O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O W r _ N _ N ^ O V O O N O m N N N (O f0 W d N J EL O F U z H 2 O a x F � F- z a d V O 0 O 0 O I� O) 0 r 0 (0 1� 117 M m M w N O CD m N O V Lo V �o N W V V O M N O m o O co Lo M co u? V V CO N tL7 L.?I� 1f1 OD @ N W V M O O l0 O O Mfg V wO n m to O N CA N O f� (0 V EA M f9 O (D V CO fD N O f9 Mai �o O iii O t` M n O to V m O V f� to (D U� I- O N a7 N O W (0 V N M N M N N U Z OD N 69 V N N u3, CA N V M r co N M69 N fA N NM V N N f9 f9 V f9 w 64 t9 Lo [L' H) tl w 69 v% to 69 E9 69 W T i9 M !9 m E9 E9 p m�r r r o ON r r r o r r rM N m r Z O O M 0aIrrN 7 M W 7 7 ~ m m W} a¢ a LL LL LL LL a m a s a a Z LL' (O O� fn r a LL LL Q Z LL LL LL a D g m W W W EL J J J J W J W W W W O x a d a U W J J LLll1l 0 (A w Co W J J J ? j F z p W m W W J a 0 Z O > W Z Z p U, m � p Z W 0 � p z QO ¢ m N N Z U m�r°¢3 O O W w w y W a_ a W (9 Z J Z O W ¢ Z W z W z 2 Oa- a� } LL o5 W ui U m J W Z U J of z L. xL. O z w U N m a m m Z Z Z m J p H F H z p w Z w w W J m a v x uai ¢ z a¢ a CD z¢ Q) a_ a_ LL ¢ v z z p z i w p m m a -- O x O O co x ((D w LL' ¢ a a U am v v a U U U U a to N O a `O W J � U W W m a m uj O o w Q LL p m Z O Z F= O a a J O _ _Z O 1 w F z w > OF- O �� 1 0�cW7a�� z a a U m a apzp ~ _TLU � 0)i Z LL U Z cw UO0wawOOmIwWa- � 0 W m LL m V c0 V co 50 io C7 m H Z LL N ^ G r N N N N N N N N N N M m tN+l m J Mj m LL 06 LO N N O N A O N UI0 z O M O m N w 0 W U Z r r r LL LL LL LL j w N o o J J J> 0 Q H Z Z M } X_ o W W H U Ct) X_ H � � Y X Q ZiE W W g Q m J Z fn Q O W Cl)Q W 0 O 0] w Z J o W 0 P m W w O O m F w o 0 m U Z LL J of w p 0 O pV Z W M H m w m cr 2893 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: Submitted Date and Time: Legal Name: Federal Employer ID: User Who Submitted: Type of Request Submitted: Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: 1703514112 Minnesota ID: 4221051 Project Owner: CITY OF MOUND Project Number: PW-21-03 Project Begin Date: 06-Jul-2021 Project End Date: 30-Jun-2022 Project Location: MOUND Project Amount: $239,748.64 Subcontractor Summary 1-905-652-640 29-Sep-2022 11:15:20 AM R & R EXCAVATING INC 41-1936194 Excavate Contractor Affidavit Name ID Affidavit Number C R FISCHER & SONS INC 1605604 1691455488 HUSKY CONSTRUCTION 5047998 2077724672 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC 8225235 1550225408 GROUNDSCAPE ENTERPRISE INC 5366456 1871810560 Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll -free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding.tax@state.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please print this page for your records using the print or save functionality built into your browser. M 8/15/22, 7:56 AM https://www.mndor.state.mn.us/tp/eservices/ /Retrieve/0/Dc/biN4Fco_8Wryc9i4aehN7w_?FILE= Print2&PARAMS= 5219938... DEPARTMENT F REVENUE Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: Submitted Date and Time: Legal Name: Federal Employer ID: User Who Submitted: Type of Request Submitted: Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: Minnesota ID: Project Owner: Project Number: Project Begin Date: Project End Date: Project Location: Project Amount: Subcontractors: 1691455488 1605604 CITY OF MOUND 211075 01-Sep-2021 31-Oct-2021 LIFT STATION, MOUND $9,050.75 No Subcontractors 0-478-379-424 15-Aug-2022 7:56:02 AM C R FISCHER & SONS INC 41-1716349 crfischer Contractor Affidavit Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll -free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding.tax@state.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please print this page for your records using the print or save functionality built into your browser. https://www.mndor.state.mn.us/tp/eservices/ /Retrieve/O/Dc/biN4Fco_8 iyc9I a``ehN7w_?FILE= Print2&PARAMS= 5219938086149053711 1/1 8/16/22, 12:32 PM https://www.mndorctate.mn.us/tp/eservices/,/Retrieve/O/Dc/69yceyAVS2Vw_gOzK3DKUQ_?FILE= Print2&PARAMS_=842... M � DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number. Submitted Date and Time: Legal Name: Federal Employer ID: User Who Submitted: Type of Request Submitted: Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: Minnesota ID: Project Owner. Project Number: Project Begin Date: Project End Date: Project Location: Project Amount: Subcontractors: 0-149-029-792 16-Aug-2022 12:32:24 PM HUSKY CONSTRUCTION 81-5485445 aprilboogren Contractor Affidavit 2077724672 5047998 CITY OF MOUND 2021 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS 01-Jun-2021 01-Aug-2021 MOUND, MN. $6,800.00 No Subcontractors Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll -free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding.tax@state.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please p-dnt this page for your records using the print or save functionality built into your browser. https:l/www.mndorstate.mn.us/tp/eservices/ /Retrieve/0/Dcl6gyceyAVS2VRBQ@3DKUQ_?FILE= Print2&PARAMS= 8427050123155678346 1/1 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: Submitted Date and Time: Legal Name: Federal Employer ID: User Who Submitted: Type of Request Submitted: Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: Minnesota ID: Project Owner: Project Number: Project Begin Date: Project End Date: Project Location: Project Amount: Subcontractors: 1-923-437-472 12-Sep-2022 12:03:15 PM BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC 41-0646864 Cindy Ladzun Contractor Affidavit 1550225408 8225235 CITY OF MOUND BR #2110138 10-May-2022 10-May-2022 2021 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT - MOUND, MN $4,839.50 No Subcontractors Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you_ Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll -free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding.tax@state.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please REblitiLogg for your records using the print or save functionality built into your browser. 2897 Teri McBride From: ROB SIEVERS <groundscape6900@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 8:31 AM To: Teri McBride; Gregor Fraser Subject: Fwd: Your Recent Contractor Affidavit Request Attachments: LIEN RELEASE - MOUND - R&R.pdf Good Morning, Please see attached for the Mound 2021 project. Any questions please let me know. Thank you, Megan ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: MN Revenue e-Services <eservices.mdor(&state.mn.us> Date: Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 8:19 AM Subject: Your Recent Contractor Affidavit Request To: <groundscape6900)email.com> This email is an automated notification and is unable to receive replies. Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: 0-572-191-648 Submitted Date and Time: 27-Sep-2022 8:19:34 AM Legal Name: GROUNDSCAPE ENTERPRISE INC Federal Employer ID: 81-4895852 User Who Submitted: Ground Enter Type of Request Submitted: Contractor Affidavit Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: 1871810560 Minnesota ID: 5366456 Project Owner: CITY OF MOUND Project Number: 2021 Project Begin Date: 01-Apr-2021 Project End Date: 01-Sep-2022 Project Location: MOUND LIFT STATION Project Amount: $7,400.00 Subcontractors: No Subcontractors ;Zt7ffr"MZ-& K X C )!-V--A TING 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone (320) 587-5918 Fax (320) 587-1044 CONDITIONAL RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS'S LIEN RIGHTS FINAL LIEN WAIVER FOR RETAINAGE RELEASE DATED: 9/29/2022 CONTRACTOR: R&R Excavating, Inc. The undersigned contractortvendor hereby acknowledges receipt of the City of Mound's remittance in the sum of $239,748.64 and when all the checks have been properly endorsed and paid by the bank upon which it was drawn, this document shall become effective to release that amount of mechanic's lien or bond right the undersigned has on the project referenced below. The contractorfvendor listed below acknowledges the receipt of $239,748.64 as final payment in full and does hereby waive and release The City of Mound from any/all liens, for any/all work, labor, material supplied on project referenced below. By accepting this final payment contractor will complete and return all necessary documents to close project including final lien waivers and submitting the MN IC-134. CHECK ONLY ONE 1. ( As partial payment for labor, skill, subcontractors and material furnished 2. U As payment in full for all labor, skill and material furnished or to be furnished (except the sum of $ in retainage) 3. ( XXXX) As full and final payment for all labor, skill, subcontractors, and material furnished or to be furnished to the following described property. (legal description, street address or project name) PROJECT NAME 2021 Lift Station Improvements PROJECT LOCATION Mound, MN This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, equipment and material delivered, to The City of Mound on this job. This document is effective upon claimant's signature below, or on claimant's receipt of payment in the amount listed on Line #2 if box is checked. The undersigned affirms that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontrac rs emp ed by the undersigned have been paid in full. Signature Title res i % Address i 22 S �A t%N 55 3 So Date 91S.9 I 2 t) ZZ - = EXCAVOT1t4 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone (320) 587-5918 Fax (320) 587-1044 CONDITIONAL RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS'S LIEN RIGHTS FINAL LIEN WAIVER FOR RETAINAGE RELEASE DATED: 8/12/2022 SUBCONTRACTOR: CR Fischer & Sorts Inc. The undersigned subcontractoriverulor hereby acknowledges receipt of the Contractor remittance in the sum of $452.54 and when the check has been property endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which It was drawn, this document shall become effective to release that amount of mechanic's lien or bond right the undersigned has on the project referenced below. The subcontractorlvendor listed below acknowledges the receipt of $452.54 as final payment in full and does hereby waive and release R&R Excavating Inc. from anylall Hens, for any/all work, labor, material supplied on project referenced below. By accepting this final payment subcontractor will complete and return all necessary documents to close project including final lien waivers and submitting the RAN IC-134. CHECK ONLY ONE 1. ( As partial payment for labor, skill, subcontractors and material famished 2. (`, As payment in full for all tabor, skill and material famished or to be famished (except the sum of $ in retainage) 3. (X)=) As full and final payment for all labor, skill, subcontractors, and material furnished or to be fumished to the following described property. (legal description, street address or project name) PROJECT NAME 2021 Lift Station Improvements PROJECT LOCATION Mound, MN This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, equipment and material delivered, to R&R Excavating Inc. on this job. This document is effective upon claimant's signature below, or on claimant's receipt of payment in the amount listed on Line #f2 if box is checked. The undersigned affirms that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontr employed by the undersigned have been paid In full Signature Title Address Date �11 2900 XCA ATING 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone (320) 587-5918 Fax (320) 587-1044 CONDITIONAL RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS'S LIEN RIGHTS FINAL LIEN WAIVER FOR RETAINAGE RELEASE DATED: a/12/2022 SUBCONTRACTOR: Husky Construction The undersigned subcontractorivendor hereby acknowledges receipt of the Contractor remittance in the sum of $340.00 and when the check has been property endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it was: drawn, this document shall become effective to release that amount of mechanic's lien or bond right the undersigned has on the project referenced below. The subcontractorlvene dor listed below acknowledges the receipt of $340.00 as final payment in full and does hereby waive and release R&R Excavating Inc. from any/au liens, for anylall work, labor, material supplied on project referenced below. By accepting this final payment subcontractor will complete and return all necessary documents to close project including final lien waivers and submitting the MN IC434. CHECK ONLY ONE 1 • (_ ) As partial payment ibr labor, skill, subcontractors and material furnished 2- U As payment in full for all labor, skill and material furnished or to be fumished (except the sum of $ in retainage) 3. (XXXX) As full and final payment for all labor, skill, subcontractors, and material fumished or to be fumished to the foilowing described property. (legal description, street address or project name) PROJECT NAME 2021 Lift Station Improvements PROJECT LOCATION Mound, MN This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, equipment and rnaterial delivered, to R&R Excavating Inc. on this job. This document is effective upon claimant's signature below, or on claimant's receipt of payment in the amount listed on Line #2 if box is checked. The undersigned affirms that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontractors employed by the undersigned have been paid in full Signature Title Address �Z W.K Date 2901 r a am 0 zqL. E C /i 1 6 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone (320) 587-5918 Fax (320) 587-1044 CONDITIONAL RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS'S LIEN RIGHTS FINAL LIEN WAIVER FOR RETAINAGE RELEASE DATED: 8M7/2022 SUBCONTRACTOR: Bituminous Roadways Inc The undersigned sribcontractor/vendor hereby acknowledges receipt of the Contractor remittance in the sum of $4839.60 and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the frank upon which It was drawn, this document shall became effective to release that mount of mechanic's rren or bond right the undersigned has on the project referenced below. The subcontractorivendor Wed below acknowledges the receipt of $4839.50 as final payment in full and does hereby waive and release R&R Excavating Inc. from any/a8 liens, far anylall work, labor, material supplied on project referenced below` By accepting 01% Mall PaYMent subcontractor will complete and retum all necessary documents to close project including final lien walvers and submitting the MN ICA 34. CHECK ONLY ONE 1 C__J As partial payment for labor, skill, subcontractors and material furnished 2. As payment in full for all labor, skill and material furnished or to be furnished (except the sum of $ in retainage) 3. (XXXX) As full and final payment for all labor, skill, subcontractors, and material furnished or to be furnished to the following described property. (legal description, street address or project name) PROJECT NAME 20221 Lift Station Improvements PROJECT LOCATION Mound, MN This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, equipment and material delivered, to R&R Excavating Inc. on this job. This document is effective upon claimarri's signature below, or on claimant's receipt of payment in the amount listed on Line #2 if box is checked. The undersigned affirms that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontractors employed by the undersigned have been paid In full Signature Title Vice -President Address 1520 Commerce Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Date September 12, 2022 2902 1149 Hwy 22 S. Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone (320) 587-5918 Fax (320) 587-1044 CONDITIONAL RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS'S LIEN RIGHTS FINAL LIEN WAIVER FOR RETAINAGE RELEASE DATED: &17=22 SUBCONTRACTOR: Croundscape Enterprise, Inc. The undersigned subcontractor/vendar hereby acknowledges receipt of the Contractor remittance In the sum of $3359.13 and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been upon which it was drawn, id by the bank this document shall become effective to release that amount of rnecha Ic s subfvendor mount tor lien or bond right the undersigned has on the project referenced below. The listed below acknowledges the receipt of $3359.13 as final payment In full and does hereby waive and release R&R Excavating Inc- from anylall liens, for any/all work, labor, material supplied on project referenced below. By accepting this final payment subcontractor will complete and return all necessary documents to close project including final lien waivers and submitting the MN IC-134. CHECK ONLY ONE 1 • (_ } As partial payment for labor, skill, subcontractors and material furnished 2. L.--_..j As payment in full for all labor, skill and material furnished or to be furnished (except the sum of $ in retainage) 3. ( X)XX) As full and final payment for all labor, skill, subcontractors, and material furnished or to be furnished to the following described property. (legal description, street address or project name) PROJECT NAME 2021 Lift Station Improvements PROJECT LOCATION Mound, MN This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice and payment bond rights the clairrrant has for labor and service provided, equipment and material delivered, to R&R Excavating Inc. on this job. This document is effective upon claimants signature below, or on claimant's receipt of payment in the amount listed on Line #2 if fox is checked The undersigned affirms that alf material famished by the undersigned has been paid d 8ll bcontra ed by the undersigned have been paid in full Signature Tittle Pi' zc j d err'.-. Address P.O. 30K 5 3 Ma 1-C.. Plaf.IN, MN b535i Date q 2903 Bond # PB12581700030 111-sAIA Document G707Tm -1994 g0iSent of Surety to Final Payment PROJECT: (Name and address) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER ❑ City Project No. PW-21-03 - BMI Project No. OC1.122924 - 2021 Lift Station Improvements: Highland Boulevard - Lift Station B2Improvements, work aSCONTRACT FOR: ARCHITECT ❑ furtheroutlined in Contractor's Bid, Mound, Minnesota CONTRACTOR ❑ TO OWNER; (Name and address) CONTRACT DATED: 4/29/2021 City Of Mound SURETY ❑ 2415Wilshire Boulevard OTHER ❑ Mound, MN 55364 -In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (Insert name and address of Surety.) Philadelph!a.Indemnity`I`nsurance Company One BalaPlaza,East, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd; PA 10004-1403 on bond of SURETY, (Insert name and address of Contractor.) R & R-Excavating, Inc. 11491 Highway #22 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 CONTRACTOR, hereby approves .of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to (Insert name and address of'Owner.) City Of Mound 2416 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55384 as set forth in said Surety's bond. OWNER, August 19th 2022 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date: (Insert in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year.) Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company (Surety) (Signat e of authorized representative) Troy A. Staples, Attorney -in -fact (S�cil (Printed name and title) CAUTMN. Yev should E.itDli all original Pclat ckwtr,±a_t rjocuiriw_, on whi�li this text appears in RED. An original assures that Cttaitiles will not be o!;scurecl. AIA DocumentG707TIl —1994. Copyright 01970 and 1994 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA" Document is prctected by U.S. Copyright Law and International "i'raatier:. tin�a Ahorixed reproduction or distribution of this AlA5 Document, or any pmlltan of it, may result h1 severe civil and criminal penal, s, Lr:±to itle. rc±axitnu±n extent Pc,ssible under the law. Purchasers are not pannitted to reproduce this document. To report copyright viol 6ti SbITAIA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyripht(5,aia.orQ. PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY One Bala Plain, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-0950 Power of Attorney KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY (the Company), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, does hereby constitute and appoint Jennifer NI. Boyles, N'cholas d Hochban. Thomas G. Kemp, Thomas M. Lahl, TroF A. Staples. Zachary W. Pate of Pate Bondine. Inc., its true and lawful Attomey-in-fact with full authorityto execute on its behalf bonds, undertakings, recognizances and other contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nature thereof issued in the course of its business and to bind the Company thereby, in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000. This Power of Attomey is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY on the 14" of November. 2016. RESOLVED: That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the President or any Vice President of the Company: (1) Appoint Attomey(s) in Fact and authorize the Attomey(s) in Fact to execute on behalf of the Company bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and to attach the seal of the Company thereto; and (2) to remove, at any time, any such Attomey-in-Fact and revoke the authority given. And, be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY HAS CAUSED THIS INSTRUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND ITS CORPORATE SEALTO BE AFFDCED BY ITS AUTHORIZED OFFICE THIS 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 2021. ,s (Seal)' ` Job Glomb, President & CE0 Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company On this 5"day of March, 2021 before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, tome personally known, and being by me duly swom said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal ofsaid Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed. eommonweafth • Norery Seal vsmtaso Mcken2te> Notary Pubtic Montgomery County My commission expires November 3, 2024 Commission number 1366394 Mer, ,Mr. of N01014a Notary Public: residing at: Bala Cynwyd, PA My commission expires: November 3, 2024 I, Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the bregoing resolution of the Board of Directors and the Power of Attomey issued pursuant thereto on the 5" day March, 2021 are true and correct and are still in full force and effect. I do further certify that John Glomb, who executed the Power of Attorney as President, was on the date of execution of the attached Power of Attorney the duly elected President of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY. In Testimony Whereof ]have subscribed my name and affixed the facsimile seal of each Company this 19th day of August 2022 Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY 2905 T BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. December 8, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Lynwood Watermain Improvements Phase 2 City Project No. PW-22-01 Pay Request No. 2 Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 2 from Widmer Construction, Inc. for work completed on the Lynwood Watermain Improvements Phase 2 Project from November 2, 2022, through December 6, 2022. The work includes complete replacement of the main, services and restoration of the project. This pay request also, includes replacement of additional hydrants around town that had failed. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities, and recommend payment in the amount of $1,933.25 to Widmer Construction, Inc. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. o_ � ii0 .i E Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an UUN I KAL; I UK'S PAY REQUEST BO LTQ N DISTRIBUTION: LYNWOOD WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2 & MEN K CONTRACTOR (1) Real People. Real Solutions. CITY OF MOUND - OWNER (1) ENGINEER (1) BMI PROJECT NO. OC1.125730 TOTAL AMOUNT BID PLUS APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS $340,088.50 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $332,431.85 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $0.00 DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $0.00 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $332,431.85 RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) $16,621.59 TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER PAYMENTS OR (DEDUCTIONS) $0.00 NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $315,810.26 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $313,877.01 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 2 $1,933.25 CERTIFICATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the contract amount for the period covered by this Estimate. Contractor: Widmer Construction 9455 County Road 15 Maple Plain MN 55359 BY �✓�� �✓�-.ice✓z— Name Title Date ✓� —,/_? -ate ECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: GINEER: BOLTON & MENK, INC., 2638 SHADOW LANE, STE 200, CHASKA, MN 55318 BY CONSULTING ENGINEER Date 12/8/2022 'ROVED FOR PAYMENT: NER: By Name Title Date And Name Title Date 2907 ZY OZ O .LU j - O': madO Q N I O .. 88 O O O O O V ...... ............ O O O O O O O O n O O O O O O O O N O O ......... O O O O O O O O O N N ............. ............ N W W f fZ O O O O V (O N O O O O O O O O O N m O O V ............. V .......... N Q OmfA O O fAVNmOOOOfANfA fA O n N N O m fA fAMm..NNNOOOONOOO.MNmfA N N O (O V O O (O (O N m O m M m fAm..O..00M M V N N O M V W 2 O w w w w w w w m V V m .......... N m M .. M m l- (O ... N M w w M m N w w N M F Q p m N Q f» f» f» f» O W 0Wj 2Uaf2J 2Uaf2J )mQ OYdy OYdy FLLzj FLLzj 2UQW =NLLf2 2UQW SUQW KO2 2UQW 0Y»U 0YU 0Ydy 0Ydy 0Ydy 2 U U2 U2 U oW }F 0Z~ 0 zzz000QZQQQQOZZZDaZZQQ0QQQ d ¢ Z O a � � � U � W W O W W W Z O O N O 0 000000000ONOO OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O , O OM O O O O V OONOOO O O O O O O O O O N O OOO O O O O O O O O OO OOOOOOO wO m v) m m mOMV M (o m m OOOO.00OOOmOOOOO.00O n V (O m m N N ................................. OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOO N ............ W NtTD WOOOOV f fZ OnOOOOOOOOOn mV OO.00OOOOOO Q ..NNNOOOONOOO. NmOm MNm..m _nm M ..O..00. M mO m m fA fA fA fA fA fA m fA O m V V m . N . m M . . .. . M . . m . l- N . .- . . N . M fA fA M m fA O M F F 2 w m rn rn m Y Y LL LL U U p p » »> Z Z LL LL LL U U U LL U U U U U z LL LL LL » LL LL U U Q 000 ooy MM�aaZZQQLLQO¢>>dddOOzzzQQQQZQQQQOzzzOdzzQQ�QQQ O F r y�� j Q F J O J a w� d' Z Q O. 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N W o N (O O O N l2 N I� V I� O m O O m 0 O 0 N M O (O O N I� M O m V V m m O O (O m 0 N 0 N 0 0 M O 0 (O 0 N .. O ... m N N 0 f VOOO ............. O O ........... N N �fAOOOO N m O N � .................. .................. mfAm M (O M � I� (OO O O O N O O O NfA� O N ... N O O (O fAV O O O O �fA O N N O N O fAO ..... O O O O O O O O O M _ O O V fA fA fA N M N O N N fA fA fA � � fA � fA fA 0 0 � � fA m N M � fA fA fA fA N O O N N O zz z 0 > > w 0 w Q F a w w a w ~ y m < o a s a F w w rr O � W m a � a FF s O� O r w w > w O m Q `� a U y 00 LLLL 0 j� m > zw Z aU(D 2 w MD rr W 0 UM C7 W W OGz 0_ >(D Fw w ¢N f rn UU OW, w Q N Q O 0 800 X Q >¢ > Yw o Z Zw Z �nww z K WW =OQZZ m > Q z noUULL ww>m �OF wzwwQWZ DZOU>WU W O >> w awwWF�Ww FFF QwOD W<Q0w ow.> wo'WoF U <O0 w MM(D(Do ��z<<w OZZ¢ F>¢ 10 OO zF¢ QW p>Zz ¢U�mm Oa zzC pz C7Jw zz� ZWW<WWO UmpF �F> UQW Xw��F QO woo n nm nn�00> O»20a �zW�Q>z rr wQma <OOZZmzU < < XX rm p w w U 0> w ZF O zLLF z�FOrr QOrr ZOrr O ¢>y QU O MEW 0U0U>F� ZOO 0O0m0 r¢w0�~¢¢- O U OY 00 ,.W, �OFQ�m ma� OpF�rn zp W�ZY <mmm zrr wyO � GU wwww ¢7 Q M5rF 5 LLm O»QQO�WFOnw � rrF Ww�z rN rUr r�r rNr CM7 m� aF Orr Orryyw OC7 U O0�0 U0nOO>» Z WaQWOM0ZOmU¢¢OUU�ozz QO O >00 DO-000__WW ZQ���OQwwwwwa Fmrn rn ihF Q mio miom���2 m my>w W W W Q N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M V V V V V V V F Z T BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. December 8, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2022 Manhole Rehabilitation City Project No. PW-22-04 Pay Request No. 1 & Final Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 1 from Floorcoat Midwest, LLC for work completed on the 2022 Manhole Rehabilitation Project from October 21, 2022 through November 9, 2022. At this time the project is complete, and we have prepared a pay request for the project that includes the release of the 5%retainage. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities, and recommend payment in the amount of $106,445.00 to Floorcoat Midwest, LLC. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an DATE: 12/5/2022 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 1 CONTRACTOR Floorcoat Midwest, LLC 2022 MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NOS. PW-22-04 ENGINEER Bolton & Menk BMI PROJECT NO. OC1.127092 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 10/21/2022 THROUGH 11/9/2022 TOTALAMOUNT BID............................................................................................................................................................................. $ 97,245.00 APPROVEDCHANGE ORDERS................................................................................................................................ CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT................................................................................................................................. $ 97,245.00 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE...................................................................................................................................... $ 106,445.00 TOTAL. STORED MATERIALS TO DATE..................................................................................................................................... $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED............................................................. $ TOTAL. COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS................................................................................................................. $ 106,445.00 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE ( 0% )..................................................................................................................................... $ TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS .................................................. .......... $ ............................................................. . NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE...................................................................................................................... $ 106,445.00 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES............................................................................................................... $ - PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 1.......................................................................................................................................... $ 106.44&00 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Floorcoat Midwest, LLC PO Box 245 117 North 1st Ave West Truman, MN 56088 0 f A n By R I <,H `Y —j hil /^6� Name / n Title ul Date2-- CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 Ely PROJECT PROJECT ENGINEER Matthew S. Bauman Date 12/8/2022 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date 2910 B ■ § \ ( a ( \ k | ■ ( ( ( / Matt Bauman From: Sent: To: Subject: IC134 attached. Best Regards, Richard Hanson Floorcoat Midwest, LLC PO Box 245 Truman, MN 56088 507-327-5545 www.floorcoatmidwest.com Floorcoat Midwest <floorcoatmidwest@gmail.com> Wednesday, December 7, 2022 5:59 PM erichoversten@cityofmound.com; Matt Bauman Fwd: Your Recent Contractor Affidavit Request - City of Mound ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: f stone@frontier.com <f stone@frontier.com> Date: Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 12:38 PM Subject: Your Recent Contractor Affidavit Request - City of Mound To: Richard Hanson <floorcoatmidwest@Qmail.com> Dick - here is the IC-134 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: MN Revenue e-Services <eservices.mdor(cDstate.mn.us> To: "f stone (crDfrontier.com" <f stone(crDfrontier.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 12:36:52 PM CST Subject: Your Recent Contractor Affidavit Request This email is an automated notification and is unable to receive replies. Contractor Affidavit Submitted Thank you, your Contractor Affidavit has been approved. Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: 1-446-156-192 Submitted Date and Time: 7-Dec-2022 12:36:44 PM Legal Name: FLOORCOAT MIDWEST LLC Federal Employer ID: 47-3753130 User Who Submitted: floorcoat Type of Request Submitted: Contractor Affidavit Affidavit Summary t 2912 Affidavit Number: 2058850304 Minnesota ID: Project Owner: Project Number: 4417528 CITY OF MOUND INTARXK! Project Begin Date: 19-Oct-2022 Project End Date: 09-Nov-2022 Project Location: Project Amount: Subcontractors: CITY OF MOUND $106,445.00 No Subcontractors Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll -free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding.tax(o),state.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. How to View and Print this Request You can see copies of your requests by going into your History. This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain nonpublic / private data. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use, or distribution of the information included in this message and any attachments is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us and immediately and permanently delete this message and any attachments. Thank you. 2 2913 T BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. December 8, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2022 Sewer Televising Project City Project No. PW-22-04 Pay Request No. 1 Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 1 from Pipe Services for work completed on the 2022 Sewer Televising Project from October 18, 2022, through November 4, 2022. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities, and recommend payment in the amount of $29,824.02 to Pipe Services. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an DATE: 1217a022 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST N0. 2022 SEWER TELEVISING PROJECT CRY PROJECT NOS. PW-V2 BMI PROJECT NO. 0C1.1271 fib FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 1 CONTRACTOR Pipe Services OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Balton & Menk 10110I2022 THROUGH 1114Q022 $ 28,241.12 $ 28,241.12 .................................. CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT......__..._....._._......._......._......._...._...._..._........_.....__... _. . $ 31,393.71 TOTAL. COMPLETED WORK TO DATE. ......._.......... .......__............. _....__...._............. ......__..................__................._.... TOTAL. STORED MATERIALS TO DATE - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED........................_............_......_........... $ E 31.393.71 TOTAL. COMPLETED WORK 8 STORED MATERIALS...._............ ._.....___..._...._........_........._......._........_.._...._.................... f 1.56989 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE ( 5% ).................................................................................................................................... $ - TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS.......................................................................................................................... $ 29 824.02 NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE..... _....___.._._ ..................._........__...... _........._......... ........................ ........................................................................................... TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES -""""""' $ $ 29.024.02 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 1 8 FINAL......._.... .__......_. ..__ ........._ _ ........_.... ........._...... CeNBcete for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of vvork and masers; shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been Performed in full accordance with the terns and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any author2ed changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied wkh and that all claims against me by reason of the Contact have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor Pipe Services 16281 Baseline Avenue CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENNK.K. INC., ENGINEERS, 26M SHADOW UN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By PROJECT ENGINEER Mathew S. Bauman Date 12/8/2022 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Amer: CITY OF MOUND 2915 5 a w Z [V W Q ¢ p p 2 p w 0 m� n oy S� -a m z ¢_ W K W F N W T � u j 2 i w Q p y y Q T BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. December 8, 2022 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2022 Surfside Park Depot Area Improvements City Project No. PW 22-09 Pay Request No. 2 Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:[9521448-8838 Fax:[9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 2 from Valley Paving for work completed on the Surfside Park Depot Area Improvements from November 2, 2022 through December 5, 2022. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities, and recommend payment in the amount of $88,676.36 to Valley Paving Inc. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Matthew S. Bauman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an DATE: 12/5/2022 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 2 CONTRACTOR Valley Paving Inc. 2022 SURFSIDE PARK DEPOT AREA IMPROVEMENTS OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NOS. PW-22-09 ENGINEER Bolton & Menk BMI PROJECT NO. OC1.125732 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 11/2/2022 THROUGH 12/5/2022 TOTALAMOUNT BID.............................................................................................................................................................................. $ 217,024.99 APPROVEDCHANGE ORDERS........................................................................................................................................ CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT................................................................................................................................. $ 217,024.99 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE...................................................................................................................................... $ 179,447.24 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE..................................................................................................................................... $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED............................................................. $ - TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS................................................................................................................. $ 179,447.24 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE ( 5% )..................................................................................................................................... $ 8,972.36 TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS........................................................................................................................... $ - NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE...................................................................................................................... $ 170,474.88 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES............................................................................................................... $ 81,798.52 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 2.......................................................................................................................................... $ 88,676.36 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the contract amount for the period covered by this Estimate. Contractor: Valley Paving Inc. 8800 13th Ave E Shakopee, MN,5r By C . J l> : �W� IVLiv,,--- Name Title Date (a. 17--L, CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By �— PROJECT ENGINEER Matthew S. Bauman Date 12/8/2022 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date 2918 N z w w O w Q Lu Q F- O IL W wl 0 LL U) N N O N N N O N 0 0 0 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 F o 0 0 M M 0 of 0 LO 0 0 m LO ri 0 LO ui LO 0 0 0 0 0 Z O UO LO V' r 0 t- o r-O N N o N CO LO N O M M M O M O O O OD O O LO U') N O r O M V I` "T u') I` N M t- md' M cY d' N I` tt O M "' O N O (O ti N 00 N N •- 6� LO 00 N N M 'V' It L (D L 0i LO ce) CO .- - c- (V O 63 61i 64 69 60� 6 k 64 r r 63 69 N r 63 V) 69 69 6� 6) 69 69 r 64 6'3 69 w 69i 69 69 63 U) Q O } I- 0 o O O o O 00 o O O O E_ �n LO 0 0 0 0 0 O LO o 0 0 0 r O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O coo z r` r` ~ g q 0 0 0 1� 0 o. O o0 0 0 Sri o C� o o 0 0 o o o o O o 0 0 Q O CDp In U-)r 00 r- O I\ d' M L (O N V' r N r r r 00 r N M F- D O) r N N O) r r d' r r W O J d 0 0 V' O O O o 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LO O O O 0 0 O O O iO O O M LO � O LO LO LO O O O C..) 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U LLi >-I- I- LL U CO Q Z Z C� O Q Z d 0 Q °- w cn U Cn w v U) w 2i J wLO c I- ❑ J a_ m U CO = o w O o U Q Z CO CO Cl) CD C O U U Q w a Z Q D Z w a O 2i p 0 E° J O~ ❑ w w � ❑ U U u1 > w J > O T Cry = O -:] 'J UJ 0 Z I- 0* w co E cn w Q° — Z g= U m w:�i C� O Z a a_C/) Z( o ❑C) J J O z U Z m Q Q U� a ❑z J w z LL w —� w 0cr- 0❑ Z z Z 0 LL O m O0 � > M Cl) O J � C � w Z a c~n m 0 M dv En CO I- M M O T N M qL") 0 M 2920 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO.22- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES WHEREAS, effective July 1, 2017, the legislature of the State of Minnesota requires municipalities in each year to designate polling places for each election precinct for the following calendar year; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute section 204B.16, sub. 1 requires the City Council to designate polling places by December 31; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, hereby establishes the 2023 polling places for the designated precincts as follows: Precinct 1 - The Gillespie Center 2590 Commerce Blvd. Precinct 2 - Bethel United Methodist Church 2116 Commerce Blvd. Precinct 3 - The Centennial Building 5341 Maywood Road Precinct 4 - St. John's Lutheran Church 2451 Fairview Lane Adopted by the City Council this 131' day of December, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor 2921 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: December 6, 2022 Re: December 13, 2022 City Council Consent Agenda Item — 2023 Polar Plunge Summary. A Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit applications were submitted by Peter Mayer, on behalf of the Minnesota Special Olympics, for use of Surfside Park and Beach for the 2023 Polar Plunge being held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (excluding set-up and tear down activities) being held on Lake Minnetonka. Details. • Similar to past years, Staff recommends a reduced fee of $100 for the Public Gathering Permit and waiver of the damage deposit. • Staff has notified Orono Police Chief Farniok, Public Works Superintendent Prich and Fire Chief Pederson about the upcoming event. Additionally, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, the Hennepin County Transportation Department, and the Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol were also notified about the special event. • A MFD permit application and eligible for administrative approval. Temporary sign permits are also eligible for administrative approval. • The applicant has reserved the Mound Depot for the event. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the requested permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required local and Public agency permits that are needed to hold the event. Applicant shall provide copies of all said permits to the City prior to the issuance and release of the Public Gathering Permit. 2. Applicant shall work with the Orono Police Department, the Fire Department, and and the Public Works Department regarding any logistics for the upcoming event including, but not limited to, equipment and personnel needs, site set-up and staging, traffic/pedestrian control and circulation, etc. Applicant is responsible for payment of fees for Public safety or Public services that may apply. 2922 3. Amplified music, speakers and PA/sound systems are to be directed in the direction best suited to minimize impact upon neighbors. 4. The submittal of a Certificate of Insurance, naming the City of Mound as an additional insured, is required and shall be provided prior to the release and issuance of the Public Gathering Permit. Required insurance and coverage shall be in accordance with the City's established policies. Applicant to work with Finance Director Catherine Pausche regarding the form and required amounts for the Certificate of Insurance. 5. The Depot parking lot and boat launch parking lot shall be closed to accommodate the event to include set up and tear down activities with specific dates/time to be determined by the City Manager. 6. The applicant is responsible for obtaining a MFD permit to include all required inspections. 7. If different from the application, contact information, including name and cell phone number, for the person(s) who will be on site the day of the event shall be provided prior to the release of the Public Gathering Permit. 8. As applicable, the applicant is responsible for obtaining a temporary sign permit to include all required conditions. 9. Applicant is required to comply with the CDC guidelines for COVID 19 in effect at the time of the event. A draft resolution approving the permit application, subject to conditions, based on Staff s recommendation, has been prepared for Council consideration. Staff recommends approval. • Page 2 2923 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT AND MUSICAL CONCERT PERMIT FOR 2023 MOUND POLAR PLUNGE AT SURFSIDE PARK AND BEACH ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2023 AND REDUCED FEE WHEREAS, the 2022 Fee Schedule set a Public Gathering Permit Category Location Fee at $300 per day and the Damage Deposit at $500 per day; and WHEREAS, the 2022 Fee Schedule set the Musical Concert Fee at $50 per day unless a Public Gathering Permit Fee is being paid in which case the fee is waived; and WHEREAS, the 2022 Fee Schedule sets the Seasonal, Banner, Portable Sign Permit at $25; and WHEREAS, the Mound Fire Department (MFD) Tent and Portable Heating Permit Fees are $25 each; and WHEREAS, Peter Mayer (applicant), on behalf of Special Olympics Minnesota, and in cooperation with Westonka Community and Commerce, submitted Public Gathering Permit and Outdoor Musical Concert Permit applications for the 2023 Annual Mound Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota to be held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (excluding set up and tear down activities) at Surfside Park and Beach; and WHEREAS, the applicant also submitted a MFD Tent Permit which is eligible for administrative approval; and WHEREAS, Seasonal, Banner, and Portable Sign Permits are also eligible for administrative approval. WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Staff desire to waive a portion of said fee and to charge a reduced Public Gathering Permit fee of $100 and waiver of the $500 damage deposit for the proposed public gathering because it is a community event that benefits the community as a whole, it requires an extremely limited amount of city expenditures, and the primary objective of the event is not to benefit a private interest but rather to showcase the economic, recreational, and residential opportunities and amenities located within the City of Mound as a whole and within the geographic area of the proposed public gathering; and 2924 WHEREAS, the City Council, upon recommendation of the City Manager and City Staff, have reviewed said applications and recommend approval including the conditions included in the Staff Memorandum dated December 6, 2022 ("Conditions"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Resolution. 2. A reduced fee of $100 and waiver of the $500 damage deposit for the Public Gathering Permit as it is in the public interest due to the overwhelming public benefits and extremely limited demands on city resources arising from the special event. 3. The Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit for the special event are hereby approved with Conditions. Passed by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2925 CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LIOUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. Category I Locations: Surfside Park, Greenway, Centerview Park and Parking Deck PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY.DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500/DAY Category II Locations: Other Parks (neighborhoods, veteran's parks) PERMIT FEE: $50/DAY DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $200/DAY A Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Mound as Certificate Holder/Additional Insured is required with respect to the City's ownership of the public lands. Date(s) of Use 1 — Z'(S — Z'a Area to be Used l c.e- Time Frame Intended Use Vic 1 J J Expected Attendance 60 - ,,����j/% �U Organization �tTtc ;CV( 0! 12iC.S >1A Representative's Name Address 9 00 14, d Telephone No. Daytime: (412 7-16 E-Mail: C - City Clerk Public Works Dept. /I Police Dept. $50/event (only if no Public Gathering Permit Issued) Date(s) of Musical Concert LICENSE # CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 MUSICAL CONCERT PERMIT APPLICATION (Including, but not limited to, live music, music provided by a disc jockey, and/or any type of amplified music) EVENT: A x r O( M� cS LOCATION OF MUSICAL CONCERT: ice PG�yy u t TYPE OF MUSICICAL CONCERT: D"5 OI ,�r • � uit ?e (a.r �h Z TIME PERIOD OF MUSICAL CONCERT (HOURS PERMITTED: Mon - Sun: 7:00 am 10 00 pm) REQUESTED EXTENSION OF HOURS: (Council approval must be received to conduct a musical concert after 10:00 pm) APPLICANT: �>V?z _�� �},uwti�,cb !�� CONTACT: J I ADDRESS: r'(yL 5 >i...tt �jt( ADDRESS: rACA i Vrl,,5: 1M9\i j��(ci E-MAIL - rtia,Ky,iCi L-!✓ a. urn HOME PHONE #: WORK PHONE #: Date Applicapt's Signature l A certificate of insurance naming the City of Mound as Certificate Holder/Additional Insured is required with respect to the City's ownership of the public lands, if applicable. Department Review Approved Denied Police Dept. Adm. Fire Dept. Zy�/ MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: n 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 $ Phone: (952) 472-3555 Fax: (952) 472-3775 APPLICATION FOR PERMITS SUBJECT TO FIRE INSPECTIONS CHECK BOX OF PERMIT(5) APPYING FOR: ❑ Tent, Canopies & Membrane Structures used for ❑ Bon Fire for Special Event (Fee - $25) Retail or Special Event (Fee - $40) ** ❑ Open Flame or Candles in Assembly Area (Fee - $25) ❑ Temporary Heating and/or LP Usage (Fee - $40) ❑ Temporary Assembly or Occupancy (Fee - $25) Fire Inspection Check List available for the above permits: Contact Person(s): 1 C I Home No: IZ� T 7V4ZWork T1 EVENT INFORMATION �1 EventDate(s): i' Z _ Z�7 Start Time: End Time: �en 1 Event Location: 3UY�S\e.. is !�u ?flfi Area to be Day of Event Contact Person: Attendance: No: &,IZ) �-t6. —to -�Z The following information must accompany the permit application form when applying for an operational permit: **FOR TENT PERMIT. APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: Type of Structure:--p-Nk"S Size of Structure: 3D`s I 7,0,ALIV Does the structure have enclosed sides: Yes X No ❑ Proof of flame -resistant treatment of your tent or membrane structure per NFPA 701. The permit is effective for the above date(s). For questions regarding Fire Permits, call 952-472-3555. The undersigned hereby agrees that all information on this application is true and correct, and that they shall comply with all applicable city ordinances, state and federal rules, and the rulings of the Mound Fire Code Official. Applicants Approved Date: 17 - I - Z.2 Date: Revised 112020 j:\admin\forms\permits\mfd permit application-1-2020.docx I► • Organization (if Address: Email Address Event Tvpe CITY OF MOUND DEPOT RENTAL AGREEMENT nA P— 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0603, Fax 952-472-0620 RENTAL INFORMATION (Renter must be a minimum of 25 years old) Rental Date I- Z' 5 - Z -2> Daytime Phone(Lz) EveningANeekend Phone of Attendees :1 Event Time?3--'C�o I Z: 00 (Rental period is from 7:00 am to Midnight, all set-up (without prior approval) and clean-up must be completed during this time. Maximum building capacity is 141 persons) *** Signature required on back *** FEES Rental Fee: Mound Residents for private use. (i.e., parties, receptions, showers, etc.) $ 125.00/day October -April $ 150.00/day May -September Non -Mound Residents for private use and Non -Local Non -Profit Groups $350.00/day Local Non -Profit Groups $100.00/day Damage & $400.00 — Require $350.00 in a check and $50.00 Cash Cleaning Deposit will be held by the City of Mound until after your rental. Cancellation: $50 of the rental fee is refunded if reservation canceled with less than 30 days notice. Rental fee and signed agreement must be received before the date will be reserved for your use. For Office Use Only: Rental Fee: $ Receipt # Date Received Deposit: $ Check $ Cash $ Date Returned Key # Date Picked -up Date Returned Co Inspected By: 2929 o -n N \0 N o ai - C^l l o - 19 cyptesSL•_ CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22-XX RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW LIQUOR LICENSE FOR 2022 - 2023 WHEREAS, the City Council through the Mound City Code, Chapter 6, Division 3. Licenses, have established requirements for Liquor Licenses; and WHEREAS, the City Staff have reviewed the application for Liquor License and found the application to be complete for Ortiz 8 LLC (Casa Amigos Mexican Restaurant); and WHEREAS, the above applicant has made applicable payments, has the required liability insurance, and have had a satisfactory background check conducted by the Orono Police Department; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby adopts a resolution approving the Liquor License application for the period of January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 to the above -named applicants. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2022. Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2932 Orono Police Department Crime Summary Report Cities: MOUND Date Range: 11/12022 12:00:01 AM - 11/302022 11: 59: 59 PM Crime Category: All Other Larcet 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Crime Category: All Other Offenses 14-4 (Mound)Animals at Large -No person shall permit any animal to be at large 609.505.1 Falsely Reporting Crime Crime Category: Burglary/Breaking & Entering 609.582.4 Burglary-4th Deg -to Commit Misdemeanor 609.595.2(a)(1) Damage to Property - 3rd Degree - Reduce Value $501-$1000 609.595.3 Damage to Property-4th Deg -Intentional Damage -Other Circumstances 609.72.1(1) Disorderly Conduct - Brawling or Fighting Crime Category: Driving Under the Influence 169A.33.2 Traffic - Underage drinking and driving; Crime described 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ipment Violatio 152.092(a) Drugs- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia- Use or Possession Prohibited 1 152.023.2(a)(1) Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 10 grams or more a narcotic drug other than heroin 152.025.2(1) Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 152.027.4(a) Drugs - Possess/Sale Small Amount of Marijuana - No Remuneration Law 169A.35.4 Traffic - Open bottle law; Liability of nonpresent owner; crime described 340A.503.1(a)(2) Liquor -Consumption by persons under 21 340A.503.2(1) Liquor-Pu rch ase/Sell/Barter/Furnish/Give to u21 yr 340A.503.3 Liquor -Possession by Person Under 21 Report Ran: 12/62022 3:48:02 PM Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Page 1 of 3 2933 Crime Category: Motor Vehicle Theft 609.52.2(a)(17) Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle -No Owner Consent 1 Crime Category: Non -Reportable 111 169.797.2 Traffic Regulation -Uninsured Vehicle -Owner Violation 1 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation 2 171.24.5 Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation -inimical to public safety 1 70-35(a) (Mound)Winter Parking Ban -No parking between tam and 6am, Nov 15-Apr 15 2 84.928.2(2) All -Terrain Veh-Operate in Careless/Reckless Manner 1 ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE 5 ACPDD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE -DEER 1 ACPUB ACC -ACCIDENT PUBLIC 2 ALBUS ALARM BUSINESS 1 AL FAIL ALARM FALSE 2 ANAL ANIMAL AT LARGE 1 ANCOMP ANIMAL COMPLAINT/OTHER 2 ASFD ASSIST FIRE DEPT 1 ASLI FT LIFT ASSIST 2 ASOAASSIST OTHER AGENCY 3 ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC 7 DEATH DEATH INVESTIGATION 1 DISDOM DISTURB DOMESTIC 1 DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT 4 DISNEI DISTURB NEIGHBORHOOD 1 DISTHR DISTURB THREAT 3 FIRECO FIRE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR 1 JUVPROB JUV-CHILD PROBLEM 2 LOSTDOG LOST DOG 1 MED MEDICAL 20 MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH 2 MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE 1 MIS911 MISC FALSE 911 CALL 1 MISABV MISC OFCR ABANDONED VEH/JUNK 1 MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER 2 MISIMP MISC OFCR VEHICLE IMPOUND 1 MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION 2 MISINFOID MISC OFCR INFO ID THEFT -TRANS CARD FRAUD 1 MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT 4 Report Ran: 12/62022 3:48:02 PM Page 2 of 3 Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report 2934 MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE 4 MISTRES MISC OFCR TRESPASS NOTICE SERVED 2 MISVUL MISC PUBLIC VULNERABLE ADULT 1 MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK 11 PERSOL PERMIT SOLICITOR 1 PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT 6 SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON 3 Crime Category: Simple Assault 609.224.1(2) Assault-5th Deg -Inflict or Attempt Bodily Harm 1 609.2242.1(2) Domestic Assault -Misdemeanor -Intentionally Inflicts/Attempts to Inflict Bodily Harm on Another 1 609.2242.4 Domestic Assault -Felony 1 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent 1 Crime Category: Theft From Motor Vehicle 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent 1 Total All Categories: 136 Report Ran: 12/62022 3:48:02 PM Page 3 of 3 Report: OR - FBR - Crime Summary Report 2935 Orono Police Department Activity Report - Public (If Juvenile involved, no address provided) Cities: MOUND Date Range: 11/1/2022 12:00:01 AM - 11/30/2022 11:59:59 PM Case: OR22009913 Reported: 11/1/2022 9:11:54 AM Address: IMNORWOOD LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22009916 Reported: 11/1/2022 12:58:06 PM Address:_ SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: ASLIFT LIFT ASSIST Case: OR22009917 Reported: 11/1/2022 1:36:29 PM Address:IftNORWOOD LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22009919 Reported: 11/1/2022 2:30:00 PM Address: In COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ASOA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Case: OR22009925 Reported: 11/1/2022 6:15:44 PM Address:#=SHOREWOOD LN MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22009940 Reported: 11/2/2022 3:29:29 AM Address: MOUND Offense: 609.505.1 Falsely Reporting Crime Offense: MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE Case: OR22009944 Reported: 11/2/2022 9:00:00 AM Address: GM BALSAM RD MOUND Offense: JUVPROB JUV-CHILD PROBLEM Case: OR22009951 Reported: 11/2/2022 1:15:13 PM Address: :HAMPTON RD MOUND Offense: DISTHR DISTURB THREAT Case: OR22009956 Reported: 11/2/2022 3:12:23 PM Address: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1000MMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22009961 Reported: 11/2/2022 5:05:12 PM Address: SSHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22009963 Reported: 11/2/2022 6:33:13 PM Address: NVWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22009971 Reported: 11/3/2022 12:18:49 AM Address: INJOW SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: 169.797.2 Traffic Regulation -Uninsured Vehicle -Owner Violation Offense: 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation Offense: MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE Case: OR22009983 Reported: 11/3/2022 9:14:24 AM Address: COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT Case: OR22009986 Reported: 11/3/2022 2:10:38 PM Address:1000MMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: 609.52.2(a)(17) Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle -No Owner Consent Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM 2936 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 1 of 8 Case: OR22009988 Reported: 11/3/2022 3:54:39 PM Address: FAIRVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MISABV MISC OFCR ABANDONED VEH/JUNK Case: OR22009990 Reported: 11/3/2022 3:58:21 PM Address:f WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22009994 Reported: 11 /3/2022 5:3 1:10 PM Address: SHAZELWOOD LN MOUND Offense: DISNEI DISTURB NEIGHBORHOOD Case: OR22010001 Reported: 11/3/2022 8:04:06 PM Address: _ ROSEDALE RD MOUND Offense: MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT Case: OR22010005 Reported: 11/3/2022 11:37:40 PM Address: MOUND Offense: 152.027.4(a) Drugs - Possess/Sale Small Amount of Marijuana - No Remuneration Offense: 609.2242.4 Domestic Assault -Felony Case: OR22010013 Reported: 11/4/2022 8:08:00 AM Address: COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22010020 Reported: 11/4/2022 11:10:05 AM Address: THREE POINTS PARK MOUND Offense: 14-4 (Mound)Animals at Large -No person shall permit any animal to be at large Case: OR22010023 Reported: 11/4/2022 2:00:23 PM Address: TUXEDO BLVD & AMHURST LN MOUND Offense: ANAL ANIMAL AT LARGE Case: OR22010026 Reported: 11/4/2022 3:38:55 PM Address: � COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010031 Reported: 11/4/2022 6:41:45 PM Address:JW SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT Case: OR22010046 Reported: 11/5/2022 9:02:11 AM Address: �GALWAY RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010054 Reported: 11/5/2022 3:23:59 PM Address:SWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH Case: OR22010055 Reported: 11/5/20223:57:27 PM Address:' SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: 609.595.2(a)(1) Damage to Property - 3rd Degree - Reduce Value $501-$1000 Case: OR22010057 Reported: 11/5/2022 6:01:36 PM Address: aft CHATEAU LN MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010062 Reported: 11/5/2022 7:01:03 PM Address: IMCHATEAU LN MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010084 Reported: 11/6/2022 1:19:12 PM Address: _BRIGHTON BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010095 Reported: 11/6/2022 5:15:19 PM Address:'EDGEWATER DR MOUND Offense: 14-4 (Mound)Animals at Large -No person shall permit any animal to be at large Case: OR22010110 Reported: 11/6/2022 11:11:44 PM Address: �LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: 169A.33.2 Traffic - Underage drinking and driving; Crime described 2937 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 2 of 8 Case: OR22010116 Reported: 11/7/2022 8:15:48 AM Address: QWTYRONE LN MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22010123 Reported: 11/7/2022 11:37:58 AM Address: URCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISTRES MISC OFCR TRESPASS NOTICE SERVED Case: OR22010126 Reported: 11/7/2022 3:02:35 PM Address: � COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON Case: OR22010127 Reported: 11/7/2022 3:45:33 PM Address: JESMARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: FIRECO FIRE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR Case: OR22010155 Reported: 11/8/2022 1:10:33 PM Address: _COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010158 Reported: 11/8/2022 2:08:27 PM Address: &W SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/UsefTransfer Movable Prop -No Consent Case: OR22010166 Reported: 11/8/2022 3:31:57 PM Address:fMCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: 340A.503.2(1) Liquor-Purchase/Sell/Barter/Furnish/Give to u/21yr Case: OR22010168 Reported: 11/8/2022 3:35:24 PM Address: �BRUNSWICK RD MOUND Offense: ANCOMP ANIMAL COMPLAINT/OTHER Case: OR22010178 Reported: 11/9/2022 7:56:50 AM Address: BARTLETT BLVD & COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22010184 Reported: 11/9/2022 12:24:58 PM Address: IMSYCAMORE LN MOUND Offense: ANCOMP ANIMAL COMPLAINT/OTHER Case: OR22010199 Reported: 11/9/2022 10:16:34 PM Address: 4kftMANCHESTER RD MOUND Offense: SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON Case: OR22010207 Reported: 11/10/2022 7:45:32 AM Address: COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22010217 Reported: 11/10/2022 1:47:00 PM Address: 4W COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISTRES MISC OFCR TRESPASS NOTICE SERVED Case: OR22010233 Reported: 11/10/2022 9:31:45 PM Address: BARTLETT BLVD & OAKLAWN LN MOUND Offense: ACPDD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE -DEER Case: OR22010240 Reported: 11/11/2022 1:06:40 AM Address: LYNWOOD BLVD & SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: 171.24.2 Traffic -Drivers License -Driving After Revocation Case: OR22010254 Reported: 11/11/20224:25:21 PM Address:4�llllllllllBALSAM RD MOUND Offense: DISTHR DISTURB THREAT Case: OR22010280 Reported: 11/11/2022 10:50:22 PM Address:lWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: 609.224.1(2) Assault-5th Deg -Inflict or Attempt Bodily Harm Offense: 609.72.1(1) Disorderly Conduct - Brawling or Fighting Case: OR22010286 Reported: 11/12/2022 2:58:25 AM Address:s SHOREWOOD LN MOUND Offense: DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT 2938 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 3 of 8 Case: OR22010329 Reported: 11/13/202212:27:11 PM Address: MOUND Offense: 609.595.3 Damage to Property-4th Deg -Intentional Damage -Other Circumstances Case: OR22010338 Reported: 11/13/2022 5:28:26 PM Address: i BEACHWOOD RD MOUND i Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010358 Reported: 11/14/2022 12:03:15 PM Address' SHANNON LN MOUND Offense: MIS911 MISC FALSE 911 CALL Case: OR22010360 Reported: 11/14/2022 12:40:00 PM Address: Lafayette Ln&Jones Ln MOUND Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010366 Reported: 11/14/2022 2:39:00 PM Address: MOUND Offense: MISVUL MISC PUBLIC VULNERABLE ADULT Case: OR22010367 Reported: 11/23/2022 3:00:00 AM AddressAft WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: PERSOL PERMIT SOLICITOR Case: OR22010369 Reported: 11/14/2022 4:56:56 PM Address:AW COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010388 Reported: 11/15/2022 12:39:38 PM Address:SEMERALD DR MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010395 Reported: 11/15/2022 12:45:00 PM Address:40MRICHMOND RD MOUND Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010403 Reported: 11/15/2022 7:03:49 PM Address: OMWILSH IRE BLVD MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010421 Reported: 11/16/2022 10:49:35 AM Address: RICHMOND RD & BRADFORD LN MOUND Offense: MISINFO MISC OFCR INFORMATION Case: OR22010429 Reported: 11/16/2022 7:17:55 PM AddressAWSBRADFORD LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010430 Reported: 11/16/2022 7:50:16 PM Address:VWFAIRVIEW LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010437 Reported: 11/17/2022 5:55:44 AM Address:NWHATEAU LN MOUND Offense: 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Case: OR22010438 Reported: 11/17/2022 7:45:15 AM Address*W DEVON LN MOUND Offense: DISTHR DISTURB THREAT Case: OR22010449 Reported: 11/17/2022 3:09:54 PM Address:WSHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MEDMH MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH Case: OR22010453 Reported: 11/17/2022 7:21:39 PM Address:AftBARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER Case: OR22010457 Reported: 11/17/2022 10:23:26 PM Address:SCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC 2939 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Page 4 of 8 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Case: OR22010460 Reported: 11/18/2022 7:37:30 AM Address: AMSUNSET RD MOUND Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010461 Reported: 11/18/2022 8:04:21 AM Address: dM COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ACPD ACC -MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Case: OR22010462 Reported: 11/18/2022 9:35:42 AM Address:a LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: SUSPER SUSPICIOUS PERSON Case: OR22010469 Reported: 11/18/2022 3:18:25 PM Address:dM EDGEWATER DR MOUND Offense: MISFRA MISC OFCR FRAUD Case: OR22010487 Reported: 11/19/2022 6:56:47 AM Address: MMIUMHANOVER RD MOUND Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010488 Reported: 11/19/2022 7:52:52 AM Addresses GRANDVIEW BLVD MOUND Offense: 609.582.4 Burglary-4th Deg -to Commit Misdemeanor Case: OR22010499 Reported: 11/19/20224:50:59 PM Address: 1WCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010501 Reported: 11/19/2022 6:41:30 PM AddressAIRM SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: ALFAL ALARM FALSE Case: OR22010503 Reported: 11/19/2022 7:36:41 PM Address: SHORELINE DR & HIDDENVALE LN MOUND Offense: 152.025.2(1) Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana Offense: 171.24.5 Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation -inimical to public safety Case: OR22010504 Reported: 11/19/2022 8:51:32 PM Address: 4W THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND Offense: MEDOD MEDICAL -OVERDOSE Case: OR22010505 Reported: 11/19/2022 9:34:16 PM Address:AWCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT Case: OR22010514 Reported: 11 /19/2022 9:36:00 PM Address: MOUND MARKETPLACE MOUND Offense: ASOA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Case: OR22010520 Reported: 11/20/2022 8:19:22 AM Address: $10111111BARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010525 Reported: 11/20/2022 12:43:30 PM AddressjM COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010530 Reported: 11/20/2022 6.01:06 PM Address:jW BASSWOOD LN MOUND Offense: JUVPROB JUV-CHILD PROBLEM Case: OR22010538 Reported: 11/21/2022 12:14:48 AM Address: JIM COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010540 Reported: 11/20/2022 8:58:53 PM Address: rSHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010551 Reported: 11/21/2022 8:54:18 AM Address: 'WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK 2940 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 5 of 8 Case: OR22010552 Reported: 11/21/2022 9:17:28 AM Address:4M STRATFORD LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010560 Reported: 11/21/2022 5:28:14 PM Address: IWLYNWOOD BLVD MOUND Offense: ACPUB ACC -ACCIDENT PUBLIC Case: OR22010563 Reported: 11/21/2022 7:21:55 PM Address: MVILLAGE TRL MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010594 Reported: 11/22/2022 11:47:11 AM Address~ WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010644 Reported: 11/23/2022 5:12:47 PM Address :4ftCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISLOC MISC OFCR VEHICLE LOCKOUT Case: OR22010660 Reported: 11/24/2022 2:01:30 AM Address: SHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: 340A.503.1(a)(2) Liquor -Consumption by persons under 21 Case: OR22010682 Reported: 11/24/2022 9:34:16 AM Address:AVMHICKORY LN MOUND Offense: ALFAL ALARM FALSE Case: OR22010685 Reported: 11/24/2022 11:09:20 AM Address:✓W HALSTEAD LN MOUND Offense: ASLIFT LIFT ASSIST Case: OR22010686 Reported: 11/24/2022 12:07:15 PM Address:OIIWOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010696 Reported: 11/24/2022 7:12:08 PM Addresses IDLEWOOD RD MOUND Offense: DISDOM DISTURB DOMESTIC Case: OR22010698 Reported: 11/25/2022 1:50:15 AM Address:~ HANOVER RD MOUND Offense: 609.2242.1(2) Domestic Assault -Misdemeanor -Intentionally Inflicts/Attempts to Inflict Bodily Harm on Another Case: OR22010727 Reported: 11/25/2022 11:22:45 AM Address:qW WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010729 Reported: 11/25/2022 1:22:44 PM Addresses HANOVER RD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010731 Reported: 11/25/2022 3:48:07 PM Address BARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: 152.023.2(a)(1) Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 10 grams or more a narcotic drug other than heroin Offense: 152.092(a) Drugs - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - Use or Possession Prohibited Case: OR22010747 Reported: 11/25/2022 9:37:44 PM Address: INIODONALD DR MOUND Offense: DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT Case: OR22010762 Reported: 11/26/2022 2:24:39 AM Address: HANOVER RD MOUND Offense: 70-35(a) (Mound)Winter Parking Ban -No parking between tam and 6am, Nov 15-Apr 15 Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010769 Reported: 11/26/2022 8:55:07 AM Address: JWCOMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: ALBUS ALARM BUSINESS 2941 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 6 of 8 Case: OR22010810 Reported: 11/27/2022 2:17:45 AM Address: THREE POINTS BLVD & COUNTY ROAD 110 N MOUND Offense: 169A.35.4 Traffic - Open bottle law; Liability of nonpresent owner; crime described Offense: 340A.503.1(a)(2) Liquor -Consumption by persons under 21 Offense: 340A.503.3 Liquor -Possession by Person Under 21 Offense: MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE Case: OR22010814 Reported: 11/27/2022 10:59:55 AM Address: go COMMERCE BLVD MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010819 Reported: 11/27/2022 3:12:07 PM Address: S�111CARDINAL LN MOUND Offense: 84.928.2(2) All -Terrain Veh-Operate in Careless/Reckless Manner Case: OR22010821 Reported: 11/27/2022 3:22:48 PM Address: :DRUMMOND RD MOUND Offense: ASOA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Case: OR22010826 Reported: 11/27/2022 5:27:08 PM Address'.MVILLAGE TRL MOUND Offense: ASFD ASSIST FIRE DEPT Case: OR22010832 Reported: 11/27/2022 7:55:12 PM Address:lEMERALD DR MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010856 Reported: 11/28/2022 9:30:10 AM Address:VM FINCH LN MOUND Offense: DEATH DEATH INVESTIGATION Case: OR22010861 Reported: 11/28/2022 11:42:42 AM AddressaWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: MISINFOID MISC OFCR INFO ID THEFT -TRANS CARD FRAUD Case: OR22010862 Reported: 11/28/2022 11:46:58 AM Address: 4WWILSHIRE BLVD MOUND Offense: 609.52.2(a)(1) Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop -No Consent Case: OR22010870 Reported: 11/28/2022 9:00:59 AM Address,151111111111 EMERALD DR MOUND Offense: LOSTDOG LOST DOG Case: OR22010882 Reported: 11/29/2022 2:07:28 AM Address: AWSHOREWOOD LN MOUND Offense: MED MEDICAL Offense: MISNAR MISC OFCR NARCOTICS INTELLIGENCE Case: OR22010885 Reported: 11/29/2022 3:55:54 AM Address illsoM MEADOW LN MOUND Offense: 70-35(a) (Mound)Winter Parking Ban -No parking between tam and 6am, Nov 15-Apr 15 Offense: MISIMP MISC OFCR VEHICLE IMPOUND Case: OR22010905 Reported: 11/29/2022 11:08:33 AM Address: NWROSEDALE RD MOUND Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010920 Reported: 11/29/2022 3:57:07 PM Address: WI BARTLETT BLVD MOUND Offense: MISWEL MISC OFCR WELFARE CHECK Case: OR22010921 Reported: 11/29/2022 4:21:53 PM Address: JNWROSEDALE RD MOUND Offense: PKCOMP PARKING COMPLAINT Case: OR22010922 Reported: 11/29/2022 4:31:54 PM Address:OWSHORELINE DR MOUND Offense: ACPUB ACC -ACCIDENT PUBLIC 2942 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Page 7 of 8 Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Case: OR22010925 Reported: 11/29/2022 6:34:28 PM Address: 4M BEDFORD RD Offense: DISHAR DISTURB HARASSMENT Case: OR22010927 Reported: 11/29/2022 7:06:51 PM Address:&WCOMMERCE BLVD Offense: ASPUB ASSIST PUBLIC Case: OR22010945 Reported: 11/30/2022 7:41:00 AM Address:00 PIPER RD Offense: MED MEDICAL Case: OR22010949 Reported: 11/30/2022 10:54:20 AM AddressSEDGEWATER DR Offense: MISCIV MISC PUBLIC CIVIL MATTER MOUND MOUND MOUND MOUND Total Cases: 123 2943 Report Ran: 12/6/2022 3:50:12 PM Report: OR - FBR - Activity Report - Public Page 8 of 8 HENNEPIN COUNTY MININESOTA 2944 City of Mound - 2022 pay 2023 Assessment Joshua R. Hoogland, Hennepin County Assessor Assessment & Property Tax in Brief • Assessor: Determines the estimated market value and classification of the property • Each Taxing Authority: Sets the property tax levy, the amount that will be collected from taxable property owners • County Auditor: Calculates the tax rate and property tax owed by each property owner Hennepin County 2946 Assessments • Assessors: Role and Training • Property Assessment: Process and statutes • Market Value Estimates: 20% of properties inspected each year, Sales Data, January 2nd assessment date • Statistical Equity Measures: Sales ratio analysis, role of county assessor, final review by Minnesota Department of Revenue Hennepin County 2947 Property classifications Five major classifications 1. Residential — 3 units or less 2. Agricultural 3. Commercial, industrial, utilities 4. Apartment — 4 or more units 5. Unmined Iron Ore and all others Hennepin County 2948 Resources and countywide trends - 2022 HENNEPIN COUNTY Hennepin CnuMy assessors office emn R Avh.m, C�„nyumn v o.12 ■ hennepin.us/assessment i Hennepin County PKAfa: Property type growths Agricultural: 9.2% Apartment: 6.1% Commercial: 1.8% Industrial: 15.3% Residential: 14.4% HenMvm 1 Countywide growth trends Countywide growth by assessment year Property type 2020 2021 2022 Agricultural 5.10% 1.90% 9.20% Apartment 5.80% 1.20% 6.10% Commercial 4.20% -4.80% 1.80% Industrial 8.40% 4.40% 15.30% Residential 2.70% 4.20% 14.40% 2950 T HerwL*n 1 City of Mound growth trends Mound growth by assessment year Property Type 2020 2021 2022 Agricultural Apartment 7.30% 3.50% 17.90% Commercial 4.30% 0.90% 1.80% Industrial 17.00% 2.00% 3.20% Residential 10.100/0 4.30% 28.00% Hennepin County 2951 Residential single- family trend Countywide: 14.4% Minneapolis:8.1% Suburban: 17.8% hen nepi n. us/assessment Hennepin County Residential single- family trend Countywide: 14.4% Minneapolis:8.1% Suburban: 17.8% hen nepi n. us/assessment Hennepin County 2953 R 'I I'm N A Residential single-family trends La ke Minnetonka Communities Single-family growth Hennepin County Deephaven 20.5% 24.1% 22.5% Excelsior 13.4% 23.5% 15.9% Greenwood 14.5% 34.4% 30.0% Minnetonka 15.3% 24.0% 24.0% Minnetonka Beach 15.4% 19.4% 15.8% Minnetrista 23.4% 27.9% 26.0% Mound 25.0% 30.9% 28.0% Orono 12.3% 28.1% 20.6% Shorewood 22.2% 37.2% 26.2% Spring Park 18.6% 27.4% 25.6% Tonka Bay 25.1% 19.5% 20.8% Wayzata 16.5% 22.6% 19.3% Woodland 22.5% 22.3% 22.2% Residential single-family trends Lake Deephaven $ 649,000 $ 682,000 $ 827,500 Excelsior $ 522,500 $ 562,000 $ 618,000 Minnetonka Greenwood $ 982,000 $ 1,018,500 $ 1,244,000 Minnetonka $ 390,300 $ 405,500 $ 468,700 Minnetonka Beach $ 1,445,000 $ 1,464,000 $ 1,671,000 CommunitiesMinnetrista $ 481,000 $ 504,000 $ 636,000 Mound $ 267,000 $ 274,000 $ 346,000 Orono $ 741,000 $ 772,000 $ 916,000 Shorewood $ 501,000 $ 531,000 $ 653,000 Spring Park $ 458,500 $ 460,500 $ 650,500 Single-family Tonka Bay $ 696,000 $ 762,500 $ 910,000 Wavrafa { 695 nnn { 737 nnn { xxi nnn I Woodland 986,000I $ 1,037,500I $ 1,356,000 median value Hennepin County 2955 H Residential Classification & Homestead State classification rates Estimated Market Value of $500,000 or less = 1.00% Estimated Market Value of $500,001 or more = 1.25% Homestead Market Value Exclusion changes 2020 — 2022 Assessment Homestead exclusion as a % of total EMV Pay 2021 Pay 2022 Pay 2023 Countywide 2.367% 2.027% 11.286% Suburban 2.294% 1.941% 1.129% Mound 2.448% 2.334% 11.198% Hennepin county 2956 Questions Hennepin County 2957 Joshua R. Hoogland Josh ua.Hoogland@hennepin.us, 612-348-8853 hennepin.us/assessment Hennepin Hennepin County 2958 n MEMORANDUM Date: December 8, 2022 To: City Mayor and City Council From Catherine Pausche Administrative Services Director Subject: 2023 Proposed Final Budget and Levy Resolutions Governmental Funds/Property Tax Lew The Council approved a 5 %preliminary total levy increase in September and the final levy can't be any higher as these were the levy numbers used by the Assessors to produce the estimated tax statements mailed to all properties in November. Staff had recommended a 7% preliminary levy increase to respond to the dramatic drop in State Local Government Aid (LGA) from $313K in 2022 to $169K in 2023 (equivalent of 2% of the levy). The LGA shortfall will now be made up by a reduction in Capital Reserve funding from a planned $835K to $703K. The Capital Reserve Funds were established in 2018 with two main objectives: (1) in the short-term, fund water and storm water utility fund deficits (over $6M deficit as of 06-30- 2022) in order to moderate increases to the utility rotes, and (2) reduce reliance on debt and special assessments to fund future sfreet prof ects. The City completed 15+years of city street reconstruction projects in 2019 and mill and overlay projects are scheduled to begin again in 2025. The City developed a street assessment policy because there were not enough reserves when the projects started in 2003 and everything had to be funded by debt, property tax levy and street special assessments. Street assessments were based on the actual construction project costs fora 28-foot-wide standard street section, with any cost related to sewer or water main construction subtracted (utility work unlikely to be a maj or factor during the next round). Then 1/3 of the cost of the sfreet prof ect cost was paid by the property tax levy with the other 2/3 was paid through sfreet special assessments. The Equivalent Residential Unit or `ERU' method was used and is considered a more equitable method than other methods, which may incorporate property size, taxable value, front footage, etc. The City Policy capped the total assessment at $6,600.00 per ERU because of the perceived fairness that inflation impacted the later sfreet reconstruction projects and the ERU amounts dramatically increased, particularly on Boulevards that are less densely populated. It should be noted that other cities and Hennepin County do not use sfreet assessments to fund projects. In an effort to support why the 2023 property tax levy increase should remain at 5%, the following excerpts from prior street project assessment hearings are included below to provide background as to why the Council in 2015 felt reducing reliance on special assessments to fund street improvements should be a priority/strategic objective by creating and funding capital reserve funds. 2959 09-22-09 Hearing started 7:49 PM and was closed at 9:38 PM (2008 Proiect) ERU $3911.02 Christina Zylman, 6326 Rambler Lane, asked if the city is paying for the water, sewer, curb and retaining walls, what the assessment is for. Hanus stated it's for the road and apron, if replaced. Zylman feels her apron was fine and shouldn't get charged an extra $829 for its repair. She questioned how it was decided which aprons to replace and Faulkner stated that when watermain and street are replaced they can't not tear out the apron. Zylman doesn't feel she should pay for an apron that was damaged because the watermain was repaired, and that they didn't even do a good job on the new apron. She was also upset that during construction piles of dirt were put on good bushes instead of next to them where landscaping wouldn't have been harmed. Hanus asked if she contacted the City regarding her bushes and she stated that she did and some did get replaced. Faulkner stated that it's up to the Council to assess for aprons, but it has been policy to do so. He has pictures and notes on her apron and it looks like there were no cracks in her apron. Zylman asked where the money is coming from for this project and Hanus stated it was bonded for. Zylman asked about the interest on the bonds and Finance Director Pausche stated that the average coupon rate is 4%. Zylman objects to charging residents more than the 4%that the city's is paying. Pausche stated it's common practice and recommended by financial advisors, for cities to charge 2% over coupon rate to cover the city's costs. Hanus asked Faulkner if he could determine which aprons were removed for what reasons, and Faulkner said he could after further review of the plans. Zylman asked the Council to take into consideration if a resident had an apron replaced strictly because of watermain or sewer work, they not be charged for it. Carol Kelly, 2206 Millpond Lane, stated her concern for paying for work done inadequately. Her driveway was in perfect condition and a large chunk was taken out and it now heaves. She stated that Faulkner has promised her that it will be fixed. Hanus stated that the assessment is a different issue due to timelines and guidelines. Hanson stated that it will be fixed to her satisfaction but the work can't be discounted. Young wanted something in writing that her concrete driveway and apron will be fixed and Hanson stated that the written minutes are record of commitment that the work will be done to her satisfaction. Hanus noted that she is not being assessed for an apron, only the street, so she is not paying for the part that was not done correctly. Bruce Suhns, representing the Westonka-Orono Sports Center at 2121 Commerce Blvd., stated they are a charitable, 501C organization and asked if there is consideration for groups like this for this assessment. Moore stated that the status of the owner is not pertinent to the assessment, per Minnesota State Law. Hanus stated that churches also get assessed. Mark Hagen, 6382 Maple Drive, stated he couldn't park in front of his house all summer and they used his area for staging and that he probably won't be compensated for that. Also when the city adds 2% interest to the money, that's insulting twice. He also expressed that he was intrigued by the rate of payment, and that having two months from notice of assessment to pay it. Hanus stated that the payment stipulations are according to State Statute. Hagen stated that the Council is elected by them and he feels they are not on their side. Hanus stated that the Council also has an obligation to provide certain services, including fixing streets in need of repair. The assessment process is what the council decided was the fairest option back when the 10-year project started. Hanus also stated that he's taking the economy into consideration and currently is not in support next year's project. Hanson noted that the city also saved a million dollars on this project by doing it at this time during a recession. 10-08-2019 Hearing started 7:29 PM and was closed at 8:28 PM (2018 Proiect) ERU: $5,239.51 (A lawsuit challenged this assessment but the court upheld it) Bruce Stillman, 6200 Westedge Blvd, stated there was no benefit to his property from this project. Stillman noted the road was old but was fine. Stillman noted the Met Council pipe installation need to take out the entire street but Hoversten said that it don't require disrupting the entire road. Stillman disputed the costs for the projects and stated he felt the City cost was nearly nothing. Stillman said a base property tax should be assessed everyone in the City and other residents wouldn't notice a $14.00 increase if assessed through the City. Stillman said a major tree was lost on the property line that was the buffer from having to see my neighbors dilapidated shed. Stillman stated the original rollover neighborhood curb was replaced with an institutional city -style curb. Stillman argued the property value did not go up and that the streets were fine before, or at best the streets just needed resurfacing and that the Met Council project has to put back what they ruin so in certain ways the street was completely paid for. Stillman stated the assessment does not fit this situation because it is not a normal street since everybody uses it and there wasn't a choice on curb styles. Stillman argued for a base property tax to be put on everyone's property to pay for the street improvement, with rebates for those who already paid assessments, which would be similar to the water and sewer utilities, where when everybody uses something, everybody should pay for it. Enterprise Funds Water rates have been frozen for the last five years (since 2018), and Staff is recommending a 3% increase to water and a 3% increase to sewer, which will raise the average bill a total of 2.8%. The total monthly utility bill for the use of 5K gallons a month would go from $104.69 to $107.63. A comparison of Mound's 2022 utility rates compared to neighboring cities and cities with similar aging infrastructure is provided on Page 32 of the budget packet. Reasonable and consistent rate increases are key to avoiding the double digit rate increases seen in the past (see table on page 35 of the budget packet), not increasing the current cash deficit, and helping to fund the debt service on the $2.5M in water related capital improvements scheduled for 2023 — 2025 in the CIP. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a living document and many needs have yet to be identified/quantified as well as inflation trends are currently unfavorable. One looming issue that is currently being analyzed is what the next generation of water meter technology will be and how rapidly we will need to upgrade. The City is slowly transitioning to "smart" meters that offer many more features and technology upgrades from its predecessors. FCC regulations have also driven the need to review water meter technology as regulations are limiting the City's options on replacements and causing compatibility issues between technologies. A water treatment plan would increase annual operating costs by an estimated 50%, not including debt service if we have to help fund construction. Fee Schedule The fee schedule is approved as part of the annual budget process. The fee schedule in the packet reflects a 3% increase to water rates and a 3% increase to sewer rates along with some other minor adjustments. Staff recommends approval of the resolutions included in the packet related to the fee schedule and final budget and levy. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these matters at (952) 472-0633 or via email at catherinepausche@cityofmound.com. 2961 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2023 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: Fees shall be hereby established. In the event of a conflict between this schedule and the City Code the fee schedule shall prevail. An application or code provision may require payment of fees for consultation with experts, professionals, or other qualified persons or for other matters which may result in the imposition of a fee greater than listed in this fee schedule. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES & CHARGES Comprehensive Plan $30.00 Copies - Black & White (8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14) $0.25/e-2ide Copies - Black & White (11 x 17) 0.50/side Copies — Color (8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14) $9-7-5 1.00/9age side Copies — Color 11( x 17) 2.00/side Print or Copy 18 x 24 (Arch C) $4.00/sheet Print or Copy 24 x 36 (Arch D) $5.50/sheet Envelopes $0.25 each Faxes $0.25/page 8V9FC9FUS13 drive with electronic info $5-99 7.00 each 38-23 Duplicate license/permit $10.00 each Board and Commissions Minutes (not Council) $0.25/page-side Notary (set by State) $5.00 per service for up to 3 documents, $3 for each additional document Returned Check/ACH $50.00/payment Zoning Ordinance $20.00 74-129 Late fee for invoices not paid within 30 days 1 % per month (for billable services provided by City) AMUSEMENT & COMMERCIAL RECREATION Amusements: (Set by State) Expire April 30 10-37 Mechanical Amusement Machines Arcades: Expire Dec. 311 10-37 Arcade Permit (fee per machine) Carnivals, Shows, Entertainment: 10-73 Circus, carnival, or show $15.00/location+ $15.00/machine $15.00/location + $15.00/machine Indoor show $100.00/day Outdoor show $100.00/day Tent shows $100.00/day 10-73 Outdoor Musical concert (only if no public gathering permit) $50.00/event Parades: 38-1 Parade N/C / 'j BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS Alcoholic Beverages: Expire June 301h 6-112 3.2 beer license investigation fee $500.00/investigation 3.2 beer off -sale $150.00/yr. 3.2 beer on -sale $500.00/yr. 3.2 beer on -sale temporary (non-profit) $25.00/day (for profit) $50.00/day 6-21 Set-ups (+State charges $150 for $300.00/yr. Consumption & Display Permit) Temporary (one -day) set-ups $25.00/day 6-25 As permitted by code, on -sale renewals may be paid in two installments, % due on or before June 30 and % due on or before December 31. Fees will be reduced on a prorated basis for the number of days dine -in was prohibited by the Governor's Executive Order calculated as (182.50 - # days prohibited)/182.50 (1/2 year) x $ % license fee. December 16 — June 15 credit on first % payment and June 16 — December 15 credit on second % payment. 6-49 Liquor Lic. Investigation fee per investor (in state) $500.00/applicant (out state) Actual (up to $1,000) 6-48 Liquor on -sale $5,000.00/yr. Liquor on-sale/cabaret $5,000.00/yr. Temporary On -Sale Liquor (1-4 Day) $50.00/event 6-48 Wine on -sale Investigation fee 6-48 Brew Pub on -sale intoxicating liquor license Brew Pub on -sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license Brewer off -sale intoxicating liquor license Brewer temporary on -sale intoxicating liquor license Brewer taproom liquor license Brewer taproom off -sale liquor license Micro -Distillery cocktail room liquor license Micro -Distillery off -sale liquor license Investigation fee for any combination of above licenses 6-48 Club license (regulated by State) Membership 200 or less: Membership 201-500: Membership 501-1,000: Membership 1,001-2,000: Membership 2,001-4,000: Membership 4,001-6,000: Membership more than 6,000: 6-48 Sunday liquor 6-53 Civil Penalty for violation to comply $500.00/yr. $500.00/investigatio n $500/year $500/year $150/year $50/event $500/year $150/year $500/year $150/year $500/investigation $300.00/yr. $500.00/yr. $650.00/yr. $800.00/yr. $1,000.00/yr. $2,000.00/yr. $3,000.00/yr. $200.00/yr. First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and/or revocation of license 2963 6-117 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and/or revocation of license Charitable Gambling: Investigation fee (set by State) $200.00 Cigarettes: Regulated by the County. Fireworks 38-253 License to Sell Consumer Fireworks $100.00/yr. Fireworks Display/Pyrotechnics Special Effects Permit $ 50.00/event Added post 2010 Additional inspection if needed +$50.00 Garbage Collection: 54-48 Permit Fee $500.00/yr. Secondhand Goods Dealer Background check/investigation fee $100.00 first year Dealer License $100.00/yr. Peddlers & Solicitors: 38-152 Transient merchants, Peddler, Hawker One day $30.00 One week $50.00 One month $75.00 One year $200.00 CEMETERY FEES 18-22 Adult grave — resident (or prior resident with proof) $600.00 Adult grave — non-resident $1,100.00 Increased post 2010 from $850 Half Grave - Babies & Urns — resident $300.00 Half Grave - Babies & Urns — non-resident $550.00 Increased post 2010 from $400 Locate (for burials and marker placement) Actual cost (min $50.00 per trip) Increased post 2010 from $25 Maintenance Agreement (June -Oct) $15.00/mo. Ash burial placed on top of casket (limit 1 urn) $100.00 DOCKS: 78-38 Commercial Boat (fee per boat) 78-56 Commercial Dock Renewal Slips Boats stored on land 78-76 Charter Boat License Fee Investigation Fee 78-101 Non-refundable processing fee for wait list Application 78-101 Processing fee for full dock refunds $30.00/yr. $500.00/yr. $30.00 ea/yr. $10.00 ea/yr. $1,000.00/yr or $1 00.00/occurrence $100.00 $20.00/yr $50.00 78-101 Late dock license application fee on or after March 1It (abutters only) $50.00/mo. 78-101 Late dock license application fee for applications received between March 1It and March 15'h (non -abutters only) $100 78-101 Dock fee that includes primary watercraft (1 boat) $350.00/yr Increased from $300 post 2010 78-101 Each secondary watercraft $150.00/yr. Increased from $75 post 2010 78-101 Sailboat mooring $350.00/yr Increased from $300 post 2010 78-101 Appurtenances on public lands benefitting specific Added post 2010 (cost sharing) license holders - special assessment for a portion of the cost as determined by the City Council 78-102 Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit — one-time/10 day max $150.00 78-103 Shared dock (Secondary Site Holder Fee) $350.00/yr 78-104 Penalty fee for undeclared boat at dock (license holder) $100.00 78-104 Penalty for undeclared boat at a slip (license holder) $100.00 78-104 Penalty for illegally mooring boat to dock or slip (non -licensee) $100.00 Impounding of watercraft Actual costs + $100 Administrative Fee 78-101 Multiple Slip Fee $500.00/yr 78-101 Small watercraft slip fee $150.00/yr 78-101 Canoe/Kayak storage fee — Resident $65.00/yr 78-101 Canoe/Kayak storage fee — Non -Resident $90.00/yr 78-101 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (Villas on Lost Lake Residents) $1,300.00/yr 78-101 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Mound residents who are not Lost Lake Villa residents) $2,500.00/yr 78-101 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Non -Mound residents) $2,800.00/yr 78-101 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (After August 11 of the year) $1,500.00/yr 78-101 Multiple Slip Refundable Key Deposit $50.00 78-101 Processing fee for full slip refund $50.00 78-101 Processing fee for voluntary suspension of license $50.00 78-101 Penalty for boat at slip after October 15'h deadline $100.00 FIRE/EMERGENCY SERVICES: Fire report (MFD Report) $10.00 Hourly billing rate for reimbursable fire services $33-993400/hour Apparatus hourly/daily rates for reimbursable fire services - Per Attachment A Fire Related Permit Fees: Tent, Canopies, Membrane Structure (Retail/Special Event) $50.00 Temporary Heating and/or LP Usage $50.00 Bon Fire for Special Event $25.00 Open Flame or Candles in Assembly Area $25.00 Temporary Assembly or Occupancy $25.00 Installation/Removal of any flammable, combustible liquids and LP gas storage tanks Installation for any tank not buried or enclosed 500 gallons or less $50.00 2965 Over 500 gallons $50.00 For any tank buried or enclosed $65.00 Removal $40.00 26-56 False Alarm (per calendar year) Fire and Burglary Separate 1 n $0.00 2nd $0.00 3'd $100.00 4'h $150.00 5'h-10'h $250.00 ea. over 10 $500.00 PARKS & RECREATION: Mound Resident Depot Rental Rates: October — April $125.00/day May — September $150.00/day ..greased front $125 post 2010 Depot rental — non-residents/non-local non -profits $350.00/day Depot rental - local non -profits $100.00/day Damage deposit $350.00 plus $50.00 cash - City cleaning/emptying of contents - $150.00/hour with a minimum 1-hour charge Cancellation fee (Depot) > 60 days $50.00 Cancellation fee (Depot) < 60 days Rental Fee less $50.00 refund City Hall/Centennial Building room rentals $75.00/day PUBLIC GATHERING: 50-20 Category I Locations: Surfside Park', Greenway, Centerview and Parking Deck - $300 per day with $500 damage deposit and proof of insurance. Public Gathering Permit Fee $300/day Damage Deposit $500/day Category 11 Locations: Other parks (neighborhoods, veterans' parks) - $50 per day with $200 damage deposit. Public Gathering Permit Fee $50/day Damage Deposit $200/day 'Only one public gathering permit may be issued per day from May to September at Surfside Park & Beach to allow for public enjoyment. Permit granted based on date submitted and fees paid. For gatherings over 50 estimated attendees, the Depot must be rented as well from May to September. TAX FORFEIT AND/OR CITY -OWNED PROPERTY Fee for staff review of request for release of tax forfeit and/or city -owned land $200.00 Escrow Deposit for above (legal fees, etc.) $750.00 / le POLICE SERVICES Animals: 14-38 Dangerous Dog Annual Registration $500.00 and Other Related Qualified Costs Actual Cost 14-44 Commercial Kennel: $150.00/yr. 14-1 Redemption of impounded animal (See City of Orono Impound/Release Fees) SPECIAL CONTRACTOR LICENSES Heating, AC, Ventilation: Contractor registration: Tree Surgeon: Expires April 1It 38-207 Tree surgeon (removal & treatment) Street Excavation: 61-23 Street excavation: Unpaved street Asphalt Concrete $0.00 $200.00/yr. $100.00+$500.00 deposit $100.00+$500.00 deposit $100.00+$500.00 deposit UTILITIES - Late Fee Penalty — For all bills not paid on or before the due date specified on the bill, a 10% late fee will be added for the current amount due. Water: State Water Fee — Residential Accounts State Water Fee — Commercial Accounts Bulk Water Sale Charge 74-46 Service Contract Violation 74-77 Water Meter Related MXU Radio Read Transmitter %" iPerl Water Meter 1" iPerl Water Meter For (2) '/d' meters with MXU For (2) 1" meters with MXU Meters greater than 1" 74-128 Water Meter Test 74-127 Water gallonage rates Base Service Charge User Fee Residential (Quarterly) Tier 1 1-5,000 gallons Tier 2 5,001-25,000 gallons Tier 3 25,001 +gallons $2.43/quarter $0.81 /month $250 administrative fee plus actual cost of water using tiered rates $35.00/upon t-o $155.00/meter $260.00/meter $340.00/meter $555.00 for two $715.00 for two Actual Retail Cost + $120 + MXU $50.00/test $19.94 $19.48 /mo/acct. $4.92 5.07/1000g $5.66 5.83/1000g $6.59 6.70/1000g Tiers escalators will not apply on residential water use if there is a one-time catastrophic plumbing failure Like from a frozen pipe burst caused by excessive cold snap. This does not apply to failure to address leaks or cycling water softener. (Limit one exception per owner). 2967 User Fee Commercial (Monthly) Tier 1 1-2,000 gallons $4.92 5.07/1000g Tier 2 2,001-15,000 gallons $5.66 5.83/1000g Tier 3 15,001+ gallons $6.59 6.70/1000g New Account Charge $50.00 Estimated Final Bill for Change in Renters $50.00 $0.00 On/Off at curb box (during normal $25.00 for each trip business hrs.) On/Off at curb box (after normal Actual Cost business hrs.) $125 per hour with minimum 1-hr Meter Reconnect/Meter Disconnect $100/ Per Trip Repair Fee Actual Cost 74-127 Water Trunk Area Charge (WTAC) $2,000.00/unit Water Service Connection Fee $240.00/unit 74-45 Plumber Violation $100.00/viol. Sewer: 105-100 Master plumber registration $0.00 74-241 Connection to sewer, but not water $184.66 $187.11 Wastewater Treatment rates: Residential 10,000 gals or less $118.97 $122.54 min/qtr Over 10,000 gals/1,000 gals. $ 7 37 $7.60 Minimum quarterly charge $118.97 $122.54 min/qtr Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. Commercial, Industrial & Multi -unit Dwellings: 3,000 gals or less Over 3,000 gals/1,000 gals. Minimum monthly charge/unit $39.66 $40.85 min/mo. $7.37 $7.60 $39.66 $40.85 Single Family Dwelling - The sewer rate shall be based on the actual water used. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Two -Family Usage and Multiple Dwelling Usage — It is computed on the same basis as a single dwelling, except that the total quarterly charges on all such properties shall not be less than the number of units multiplied by the $394 $40. 85 month minimum charge per unit. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Dwellings Connected to Sewer but not Connected to Municipal Water — Shall pay a quarterly rate of $42 166 $187.11. If such users wish to pay sewer rates based on gallons of water used, they can purchase a water meter from the City and have their own plumber install the meter on their well. 74-241 Sewer Availability charge(SAC) $2,485.00/unit (passes through to Metro Council Environmental Services Agency) Sewer Trunk Area Charge (STAC) $2,000.00/unit Sewer Service Connection Fee $240.00/unit Storm Sewer: Single -Family or Two-family Residential $3.00/lot/gtr. / -o Cemeteries $4.07/acre/mo. Parks and Railroads $12.41/acre/mo. Public and Private Schools/Institutional Use $20.72/acre/mo. Multi -family Residential Uses $49.77/acre/mo. Commercial/IndustrialMlarehouse Use $83.45/acre/mo. Churches $20.72/acre/mo. Recycling Household Charge: Fee per household per month $5.25/mo. Street Lighting - Franchise Fee per account per month - Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Fam $1.50/mo. Single -Family or Two-family Residential $0.50/mo. Miscellaneous Fees: A miscellaneous fee shall be paid by the applicant for land use application expenses which the City incurs in regard to the review and processing of that application, and which exceeds the application fee. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, direct City payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants or professionals acting as an agent of the City, the cost of printing, mailing and supplies. Such miscellaneous fees shall come due immediately upon notification by the City. The City shall provide, upon request of the applicant, a breakdown of the various expenses incurred by the City. The City may withhold any final action on a land use application and/or rescind prior actions until all miscellaneous fees are paid in full. The City may request additional deposits if deemed necessary. Escrow amounts and planning fees are detailed in City Code Section 101. Nuisance Abatement Related Fees Street Sweeping $175/hr with a minimum 1-hour charge Mowing Abatement $75 inspection fee per time site visit plus actual cost of remediation Impounding Watercraft $ Actual costs + $100 Administrative Fee Miscellaneous Abatements Actual Cost Attachment A contains hourly and daily rates for Fire Department Apparatus and Equipment and is made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2022. Mayor Raymond J. Salazar Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mound Fire Department Apparatus Rates With and Without Staff 2023 Apparatus Without Staff Description Category Classification Hourly Rate Daily Rate Aerial Ladder or Quint Aerial $ 430.00 $3,440.00 Engine Pumper 1250 GPM Pumper $ 240.00 $ 1,920.00 Tanker Water Tenderw/Pump Tanker/Pumper $ 240.00 $ 1,920.00 Grass Rig ATV Mini Pumper Grass/Brush $ 125.00 $ 1,000.00 Heavy Rescue, Utility, Command Vehicle Rescue- Heavy $ 190.00 $ 1,520.00 Light Rescue Rescue - EMS $ 30.00 $ 240.00 Fire Boat w/Pump Boat - large $ 195.00 $ 1,560.00 Pickup Utility - Chief $ 100.00 $ 800.00 SUV - Duty Officer Utility - Tahoe $ 40.00 $ 320.00 LSU Trailer with Tow Vehicle I Trailer &Pick-Upl $ 225.00 1 $1,800.00 Apparatus With Staff $34.00 per hour per firefighter Minimum Staffing Apparatus with 1 Firefighter Apparatus with 2 Firefighters Apparatus with 3 Firefighters Apparatus with 4 Firefighters Apparatus with 5 Firefighters Apparatus with 6 Firefighters 4 Min. Staff: 4 n/a n/a $ 566.00 $ 600.00 n/a 4 Min. Staff: 4 n/a n/a $ 376.00 $ 410.00 n/a 2 Min. Staff: 2 $ 308.00 $ 342.00 n/a n/a n/a 2 Min. Staff: 2 $ 193.00 $ 227.00 $ 261.00 n/a n/a 4 Min. Staff: 4 n/a n/a $ 326.00 $ 360.00 $ 394.00 3 Min. Staff: 3 n/a $ 132.00 $ 166.00 $ 200.00 n/a 3 Min. Staff: 3 n/a $ 297.00 $ 331.00 $ 365.00 $ 399.00 1 $ 134.00 $ 168.00 $ 202.00 $ 236.00 $ 270.00 n/a 1 $ 74.00 $ 108.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Min Staff: 4 n/a n/a $ 361.00 $ 395.00 n/a JbdminAFinancial, Budgets, Contract, ExpensesVCharging for Fire Bep2, v/&ith Henry Rates\2023 Apparatus -Equipment Henry Rate Calculation CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2023 FINAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,399,501; SETTING THE FINAL LEVYAT $6,935,621; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2023 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following final 2023 General Fund Budget appropriation, including capital: TOTAL GENERAL FUND 6,399,501 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following final taxes for collection in 2023: SPECIAL LEVIES Fire Relief 82,839 G.O. Refunding 2018A 215,600 G.O. Refunding Bonds 2011A 179,054 G.O. Improvement 2020A (Refunding Portion) 150,000 G.O. Improvement 2012A 50,000 G.O. Improvement 2013A 100,000 G.O. Improvement 2014A 41,527 G.O. Improvement 2015A 70,000 G.O. Improvement 2016A 119,908 G.O. Refunding Bonds 2016B 50,000 G.O. Improvement 2020A 360,000 FINAL REVENUE LEVY Final Certified Levy Total Special Levies 1,418,928 5,516,693 6,935,621 2971 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the final overall budget for 2023 as follows: As per above 6,399,501 Capital Replacement Reserve Funds 703,000 Area Fire Service Fund 2,088,310 Dock Fund 179,243 HRA Transit District Maintenance Fund 48,018 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2,315,571 Recycling Fund 242,692 Liquor Fund 688,803 Water Fund 1,909,822 Sewer Fund 2,226,799 Storm Water Utility Fund 331,098 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 5,399,214 SUMMARY General Fund 6,399,501 Capital Projects Funds 703,000 Special Revenue Funds 2,315,571 Enterprise Funds 5,399,214 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 14,817,286 Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2022. ATTEST: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar 2972 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 22- RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY OF $260,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469 OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF, AND FOR, THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2023 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a resolution from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of, and for, the City of Mound entitled "Resolution Authorizing The Levy of a Special Benefit Levy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and Approval of a Budget for Fiscal Year 2023"; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount of $250,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, of $250,000, is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469 and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before December 28, 2022. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2022. Attest: Kevin Kelly, Clerk Raymond J. Salazar, Mayor 2973 ©BOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. November 14, 2022 Eric Hoversten, City Administrator City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Harrison Bay Investigation Mr. Hoversten, 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph:(9521448-8838 Fax:(9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com As requested by the City, Bolton & Menk, Inc. has completed an initial investigation into the general performance of stormwater runoff treatment facilities upstream of the outfall from Commerce Boulevard (CV#216), management of the City -owned treatment facilities and outfalls servicing all of Harrison Bay, and the impact of various factors on the condition of Harrison Bay. Residents along Harrison Bay have claimed this outfall has resulted in excessive sedimentation in the bay and a lack of navigability. According to residents, a substantial amount of material from the lake bottom is required to be removed to restore desired navigability and access to shoreline and docks. Therefore, Bolton & Menk reviewed the existing hydrologic and hydraulic conditions in Harrison Bay's watershed to determine if excessive sedimentation has resulted due to the City's management of its stormwater treatment facilities and outfalls (including CV#216), other likely contributors of sedimentation in the bay, and other issues identified by residents. Investigation The Harrison Bay watershed was reviewed using field and office investigation, the City's Stormwater Runoff model and mapping. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) data, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) data, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) data. Bolton & Menk has provided engineering services to the City of Mound since 2006 and was intricately involved with the City's overall street and utility reconstruction efforts between 2008 and 2018. During these efforts, potential stormwater runoff management improvements were evaluated within each project area to determine the best management facilities practical, and they have been implemented as identified. This history was revisited as part of the investigation. The CV#216 site has been visited several times this summer to review site conditions and direct maintenance, providing current perspective on site conditions. I have been involved in Water Resources -related engineering for 30 years, consulting with Mound since 2011. This body of knowledge regarding overall stormwater management provides the ability to research and interpret scientific data related to the hydrology and hydraulics of movingwater. My involvement with City reconstruction efforts has provided a perspective of overall City stormwater runoff management needs, desires, and capabilities. Specifically, the following items were investigated: 1. Naturalvs unnatural eutrophication 2. Likely contributors to the eutrophication process a. Sediment from City Outfall CV#216 b. Other City Outfalls c. Carp \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,yHwr,B� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Menk is an egad oPoon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 2 d. Recreational Watercraft e. Geese f. Lawn Management g. Erosion h. Historic P-Laden Sediment 3. Other issues a. Change in Precipitation Patterns b. Low water level c. Road and Snow Management d. Foam e. Sheen f. Fish Kill Natural vs unnatural eutrophication All water bodies go through a gradual process of nutrient enrichment as they age and can occur without human interference: a process referred to as natural eutrophication (see attached Eutrophication Process Figure). All lakes, ponds and reservoirs have a limited lifespan, varyingfrom a few years for shallow water bodies to potentially millions of years fordeep lakes. Theyfill in gradually with sediment and eventually became shallow enough for plants rooted in the bed sediment to dominate, at which point they develop into a closed swamp or fen and are eventually colonized by terrestrial vegetation. Nutrient enrichment occurs through addition of sediment, rainfall and the decay of resident animals and plants and theirexcreta. Startingfrom an oligotrophic state (relatively low in plant nutrients and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper parts) with low productivity, a typical temperate lake increases in productivity fairly quickly as nutrients accumulate, before reaching a steady eutrophic state (rich in nutrients and so supporting a dense plant population, the decomposition of which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen), which might last for a very long time (perhaps thousands of years). The eutrophication process can be sped up by several various contributors, including human interference. Harrison Bay is surrounded by residential development and urban roads, including 16 storm sewer outfalls, 11 street surface outfalls, and over 200 individual residential lots (see attached Harrison Bay Drainage System Figure). Therefore, it is likelythat human interference is increasingthe rate of lake sedimentation, reducing water column depth, and contributing to the eutrophication process in Harrison Bay. Alteration of Harrison Bay started in the late 1950s to create the shoreline atthe west end as it exists currently. Based on review of historical aerial pictography (see attached Harrison Bay Aerial Image Figures), this area was previously shallow marsh/swamp, and navigable water was created by over - excavating and dredgingto connect to the main partof the bay. Since that time, it has been dredged at least fourtimes bythe adjacent residents/Harrison Bay Association (based on exhibits provided by the residents) to maintain desired navigability and dock access. Reviewing the progression of alterations indicates this area was naturally shallow and marsh -like, with emergent wetlands and submerged weed beds prevalent alongthe shoreline, and absent maintenance, this area would likely return to its pre -development condition. This would likely indicate the eutrophication process in this area is close to the steady eutrophic state described above. However, a more thorough review of \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,ynaR,a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Hank is an equal onpon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 3 historical pictography, sediment sampling, topographical and bathymetric surveying, studying of potential eutrophication contributors, and collection of flow data would be required to determine if the eutrophication process here has sped up and then potentially assign quantities to contributors. 2. Likely Contributors to the Eutrophication Process a. Sediment from City Outfall CV#216 The total watershed area of Harrison Bay is approximately 473 acres, with 230 acres open water and 243 acres land. The land use consists mostly of residential neighborhoods, with some small areas of forest, commercial, and higher use roadway. Based on MPCA literature for recommended pollutant export values based on land use, it is estimated that 21,700 Ibs total suspended solids (TSS) and 250 Ibs total phosphorus (TP) are generated yearly in the watershed, with 75% of TSS and 95%of TP generated bythe residential areas. The area of the watershed to CV#216 is 22.6 acres and is estimated to generate 3,200 Ibs TSS and 27.9 Ibs TP yearly. The estimated amount delivered to Harrison Bay is reduced somewhat though due to a sequence of stormwater runoff treatment measures, including two retention basins on the commercial properties and a water quality structure (hydrodynamic separator) and dry swale at the outfall. Therefore, the estimated amounts delivered to the bay are 1,300 Ibs TSS and 16.6 Ibs TP yearly. However, no sediment plume directly downstream of the outfall is visible or has been revealed with the current low water level. With yearly maintenance on the hydrodynamic separator and recent maintenance on the outfall swale, it is estimated that 25 - 35 cy of sediment has been collected and removed over the 15 years of the systems life. This results in a removal of approximately 3,500 — 4,900 Ibs TSS yearly. When actual removal is compared to estimated removals, it appears that estimated pollutant loading has been affected by an unknown variable (i.e. past construction projects upstream with unknown loading released, excessive road and snow management of Commerce Boulevard bythe county providingan unknown increase in estimated loading, and underestimated values provided by the MPCA literature). However, the amount of material collected and lack of sediment plume downstream indicates the treatment facilities in place for this outfall are very effective in removing sediment. However, a more thorough study would be necessary to evaluate actual loading delivered from this outfall to provide more accuracy and resolve the differences between estimated quantities generated, removal efficiencies of treatment measures, and loads delivered to Harrison Bay. Using the estimated quantities, the level of service provided at this location is reducing the pollutant load by over 60%, comprising about 9% of the Harrison Bay watershed but only delivering6%ofthe pollutant load tothe bay. Additional treatment measuresto increase removal efficiency could result in additional load removal. By installing a wet retention pond prior to the outfall, the removal percentage could be increased to SO%, resulting in an additional 640 Ibs/year load reduction (3% of the overall estimated load to Harrison Bay). However, to provide this removal efficiency the pond would need to provide approximately one acre-foot permanent storage and have a surface area between 0.5 and 1.0 acre. Due to lack of elevation, a pond could not be constructed on the west side of Commerce Boulevard on the Minnhaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Property without an extreme amount of excavation and tree removal. Also, correspondence from MCWD to the Harrison Bay \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,ynaR,a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Menk is an egaal onpon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 4 Association has already indicated that they are not interested in changing the grade or nature of the property. Specifically, they stated 'The property was purchased for conservation purposes and provides water quality benefit to Dutch Lake and Harrisons Bay. It is a well vegetated Maple - Basswood Forest (in a natural condition) that is actively being managed for ecological benefits, is used by partner agencies for environmental programming Due to the lack of available space, a pond could not be constructed on the east side of Commerce Boulevard without removal of the structures adjacent to the existing swale. Therefore, constructing pond atthis location is not feasible, and underscores the reasoningforthe original decision to install the treatment facilities selected. b. Other City Outfalls As previously noted, Harrison Bay has 15 other storm sewer outfalls (in addition to CV#216), 11 street surface outfalls, and over 200 individual residential lots draining to the bay. These remaining outfalls are estimated to generate 16,500 Ibs total suspended solids (TSS) and 222 Ibs total phosphorus (TIE). The estimated amount delivered to Harrison Bay is reduced somewhat due to various stormwater runoff treatment measures, including 5 sump manholes, I rock filter, I rain garden, and 2 retention ponds, but generally, the remaining outfalls provide 91%- 94%of the land surface load. A brief analysis on the other 26 storm sewer and street outfalls for additional treatment opportunities identified 7 locations for potential improvements. However, several issues make these sites difficult or less than optimal, including lack of collection and conveyance system, private shoreline, lack of separation to the ordinary highwater level, minimal drainage area, and return on investment. As opportunities are presented to the City, these sites should be considered for potential improvements, including rain gardens, sump manholes, and stormwater treatment devices. c. Carp Common carp can weigh up to SO pounds, grow up to 5 feet in length, and live an average of 20 years. Native to Europe, carp were brought to the United States by the federal Commission of Fish and Fisheries to be a game fish and source of food. Due to their ability to rapidly reproduce and tolerate a wide range of environments, they quickly spread into waterways throughout the country. However, carp are notorious for altering natural ecosystems. Common carp uproot and disturb submerged vegetation while searching for insect larvae to eat, and they congregate in large numbers when spawning, disturbing the lake bottom in shallowwaters. Stirring up the lake bottom releases phosphorus -containing sediments already present, which contributes greatly to algae blooms and speeding up eutrophication. Harrison Bay is a prime habitat for carp, and they are likely contributing to the eutrophication process here. However, additional study would be necessary to evaluate actual loading delivered from the carp population and potential management solutions. Due to their long life cycles, lack of natural predators, and rapid breeding, carp eradication can be both difficult and expensive. A carp management program in this location would require evaluation of multiple bays in multiple jurisdiction. Over the last six years MCWD undertook a multi -year population evaluation in the 14 lakes within the Six Mile Halsted Bay subwatershed and subsequently received almost $600K from the Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council for a \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,ynaR,a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Hank is an egaal onpon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 5 comprehensive three-year management effort. As that project reaches completion, they intend to take a break from carp management efforts as they evaluate the effectiveness of this comprehensive and strategic approach and determine how carp management might be included in their future planning and project implementation work. While this evaluation is underway, they do not plan to actively engage in new carp management programming. Since this type of effort is beyond the City's jurisdiction or capability, a carp management program here seems unlikely in the near future unless an entity capable of leading the effort (other than MCWD) can be identified. d. Recreational Watercrafts Recreational watercrafts, especially watercraft designed to create large wakes, have a great capacity to disturb phosphorus -laden sediment already present in shallow waters, which contributes to algae blooms and speeding up eutrophication. In addition, the large wakes contribute to erosion of shoreline. A boatwith a 10 hp motor impacts lake bottom up to 6 feet in depth. A 50 hp motor impacts lake bottom up to 15 feet in depth. Based on the population of watercraft and size of motors present in Harrison Bay, recreational watercraft are likely contributors to the eutrophication process here. Also, the introduction of large -wake creating watercraft in recent years may be reducing the service life of recent dredges. The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has undertaken efforts to study this interaction in partnership with the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, with results notyet released. e. Canada Geese Through regulatory actions, habitat restoration, and species conservation initiatives, the current population of Canada Geese far exceeds historic numbers. These extraordinary numbers are the result of a combination of several factors. First, Canada geese are extremely adaptable and benefit significantly from human dominated landscapes. Large expanses of mowed lawns adjacent to bodies of water are perfect habitat for Canada geese. The water bodies provide refuge from predators, and turf lawns are often heavily fertilized, increasing their quality as a food resource. In addition, as many Canada geese nest in urban/suburban landscapes, where fewer predators exist, nest and gosling survival are high. Finally, recreational hunting of Canada geese is less popular than in the past; therefore, adult survival is high. At appropriate densities, Canada geese provide many ecological benefits. Geese disperse seeds by consumingfruits and berries and then depositing the seeds in feces in another location. They also enrich ecosystems through nutrient inputs (feces) and as prey items for several predatory species, including raptors, foxes, coyotes, and snakes. However, an overabundant Canada goose population can negatively impact ecosystems. Canada geese frequently overgraze habitats, particularly along water shorelines, resulting in increased erosion and sedimentation of the adjacent water bodies. Excessive quantities of fecal matter both in and around water bodies contributes greatly to nutrient loading. This excess phosphorus and nitrogen in the water speeds up the eutrophication process. Due to their preference for young plant material, Canada geese also thwart ecological restoration efforts by consuming or trampling recently planted vegetation. Since Canada Geese are present in Harrison Bay, they are likely contributors to the eutrophication process here. However, other than passive management, few options exist within the City's control or jurisdiction. Therefore, additional study of this potential contributor appears to be of limited value. \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,n3�m,yHwr,B� In- n�I doa B.N. & Menk iean...t oDVOMuniryemI Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 6 f. Lawn Management Lawn management adjacent to water bodies can have a significant effect on the eutrophication process. Inappropriate application of fertilizer, lack of native buffer, and improper disposal of grass clippings and leaves help speed up the eutrophication process. Fertilizer nutrients not used by vegetation runs off into the downstream water body, providing fuel for algae blooms. Manicured lawns allow nutrients and eroded sedimentto enter downstream water bodies more easily than shorelines with native vegetation. Disposal of grass clippings and leaves adjacent to water bodies provides nutrients for algae blooms and increases sedimentation rate. Since manicured lawns comprise 75% of Harrison Bay's shoreline, lawn management likely contributes to the eutrophication process here. Since changes to lawn maintenance behaviors would be up to individual landowners, few options exist with the City's control or jurisdiction. Therefore, additional study of this potential contributor appears to be of limited value. g. Erosion Erosion of sediment in upland areas can result in alluvial deposition at outfalls, and erosion along shorelines due to wave and ice action can result in sedimentation alongthe entire lake bottom. This contributes to the eutrophication process by delivering P- and N- rich sediment to the adjacentwater body and by reducing the depth ofthewatercolumn. Nutrients contribute to algae blooms and shallower depths encourage aquatic plant growth and provide carp spawning beds. Since the Harrison Bay shoreline has been altered from natural grades and shape and lacks native vegetation along its length, erosion is a likely contributor to the eutrophication process here. However, a more thorough study would be necessaryto evaluate actual loading delivered from upland and shoreline erosion and potential management solutions. h. Historic P-Laden Sediment For most of the 20`h century, seven different wastewater treatment plants discharged into Lake Minnetonka, continuing until 1966. Although short of raw sewage, the discharge from these plants contained high amounts of phosphorus and were well outside compliance with today's standards. One pound of phosphorus can lead to 500 pounds of algae, and at their peak, these plants were discharging an estimated 50,000 pounds of phosphorus per year (resulting in 25 million pounds algae peryear). The degraded water quality of Lake Minnetonka resulted in these plants being phased out in 1971. Though the Lake Minnetonka has seen a significant rebound in water quality, the long-term effects are still seen, especially in the western portion of the lake. A significant amount of the phosphorus that entered the lake from the treatment plants remains on the lake bottom, bound to sediment. This "internal loading' of phosphorus is released yearly due to natural factors, such as wave, current, and ice action, and further exacerbated by carp population and wake -creating watercraft. Since loadingfrom this sediment is highly variable and few options exist within the City's control or jurisdiction to correct this issue, additional study of this potential contributor appearsto be of limited value. 3. Other Issues a. Change in Precipitation Patterns Changing precipitation patterns (as determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and published in the Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates) are resulting in increased rates and different frequencies and durations. In recentyears, a larger percentage of precipitation has come in the form of more intense, shorter duration events. \wL ESE k"Ekw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,yna",a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Hank is an egaal onpon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 7 This results in increased flow rates and velocity of runoff at the land and water body interface, thus increasing the potential for scouring and mixing of sediment downstream. This can be especially true at storm sewer outfalls due to the concentration of flow. This scouring and mixing can result in release of phosphorus -laden sediment already contained within the lakebed, causing algae blooms and increasing the eutrophication process. In addition, scouringwould result in higher turbidity, loweringwater quality. Changing precipitation patterns are a likely contributor to the eutrophication process in Harrison Bay. However, a more thorough studywould be necessaryto evaluate actual loading delivered due to the change in runoff, scouring of the lakebed, and potential management solutions. b. Low Water Level The U.S. Drought Monitor has identified the drainage area for Minnehaha Creek as experiencing severe drought, and forecasts have indicated conditions will persist through the end of 2022. As of September 30, 2022, the Twin Cities has received 16.5" precipitation, which is 7.67" (30%) below normal. This record dry weather has resulted in a current lake level of 927.48, which is 23" below the ordinary high-water level and 13.5" below the lake's natural runout elevation (controlled by Grey's Bay dam). These low levels have contributed to the lack of navigability and created an image of sedimentation in Harrison Bay. However, the lake bottom is visible in locations, resulting in boats getting stuck or grounded. In addition, the low water level has resulted in higher concentration of phosphorus, higherwater temperatures, and lower oxygen, further exacerbating algae bloom and fish kill issues and speeding up the eutrophication process. c. Turbidity Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. High turbidity can result in low water quality in several ways. It can harm aquatic life essential to maintain balance in the lake ecosystem by reducing food supplies. It can degrade spawning beds and affect gill function. It can act as a shield for pathogens and harbor bacteria and viruses. Also, it can facilitate absorption of pollutants to sediment and settle them to the lake bottom. High turbidity can be a function of or exacerbated by several of the factors investigated, including scouring due to increased precipitation rates, carp and geese interaction, recreational watercraft, lawn and road management practices, erosion, and lowwater levels. d. Road and Snow Management Residents have indicated that salt application on Commerce Boulevard has resulted in pre- mature failure of the lake wall adjacent to the CV#216 outfall. Based on review of historical aerial pictography, this wall has installed prior to 1969 and is at least 33 years old. The life expectancy of a steel lake wall will vary based on conditions and gauge, but a plain 8-gauge steel lake wall under the same conditions has a life expectancy of 25+years. Therefore, it seems that this wall has provided the service life expected and may be approaching its need for replacement as partof expected maintenance. As for road and snow management, Commerce Boulevard is managed by Hennepin County and provides salt application and snow clearing for the street surface located within the drainage area for CV#216. Regarding City managed streets, the City utilizes smart -salting \wL ESE k"Ekw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,yna",a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Hank is an egaal oPoon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: B regulators to minimize salt application to the amount necessary to maintain safe driving conditions. These regulators are calibrated and configured regularly to maintain optimal application. The use of sand in conjunction with the salt was discontinued by the City in the early 2000s. e. Foam Lake foam is created when the surface tension of water is decreased, and air is mixed into the water. Organic materials from naturally decaying plants and animals can reduce the surface tension, increasing potential for foam creation. Autumn weather in Harrison Bay provides optimal conditions forfoam creation. As leaves fall and shoreline vegetation dies this time of year provides the most decaying material, and removal of docks and fall weather conditions provide plenty of wave action. As Harrison Bay is surrounded by trees but has ample east/west fetch for wave action, the creation of foam here should be a usual occurrence. Sustained winds from the eastwould concentrate foam at the west end of the bay. f. Sheen Sheens can be prevalent on still or stagnant water, especially afterthe ice melts. These sheens can be created due to a petroleum product, but they are more likely organic nonpetroleum, or humic, sheen caused by bacteria feeding on decaying organic material. In Harrison Bay, petroleum sheens may also be present due to the number of recreational watercraft, recreational snowcraft, and runoff from adjacent roads and parking surfaces. In most instances, the small amount of oil present due to these types of generators will evaporate or be degraded naturally by microbes. In addition, there is very little within the City's control or authority to collect a very thin petroleum sheen. g. Fish Kill Fish kills most often result from low concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the water. Fish, like all other complex life forms, need oxygen to survive. Warm water holds less dissolved oxygen than coldwater, so summer is the time when fish can have a hard time getting enough oxygen. Other organisms use oxygen, too, including the algae that grow in the summer and bacteria that degrade organic matter. During the day, the algae produce oxygen through photosynthesis, but at night, when photosynthesis stops, they keep respiring, using up oxygen. So on warm summer nights during algal blooms, the dissolved -oxygen concentration sometimes drops too low for the fish, and a die -off can occur. This can occur as a result of purely natural conditions or because of human activity that results in adding nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, to water systems. Nutrients come from many sources: fertilizers, automobiles, sewage, manure, and others. An excess of nutrients tends to speed up the growth of algae and diminish the availabilityof dissolved oxygen. Conclusion Eutrophication is a natural process, but in Harrison Bay, this process is likely being hastened due to several contributors, including human impacts (i.e. infrastructure management, lawn management, shoreline alterations, recreational watercraft, fertilizer application, etc.) and biological contributors (i.e. Canada geese, carp, etc.). A more thorough investigation would be necessary to adequately establish and allocate pollutant loads to provide adequate direction on potential best management practices and improvements to slowdown orstopthe eutrophication process in Harrison Bay. Potential additional investigation items and studies include a bathymetric survey of the bay's bottom, sediment sampling, a detailed pollutant \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,ynaR,a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Menk is an equal onpon niryemployen Harrison Bay Investigation Page: 9 export study of land surfaces (including all human impacts and biological contributors), and carp/geese management studies. However, many of the potential factors contributing to the eutrophication process here are outside the City's control or jurisdiction, so additional investigation would likely be of limited value to the City. Harrison Baywas altered starting in the late 1950s to create navigable depth out of marginally navigable marsh and emergent wetland, and dredging has been performed by the Harrison Bay residents several times to prevent these wetland areas from returning to their natural state. In addition, historically low water levels due to drought have further exacerbated navigation issues. Based on initial investigation, the stormwater runoff management facilities provided at CV#216 appearto maximize the amount of treatment and pollutant removal practical at this location. The City performed maintenance on CV#216 facilities in August 2022, and since no sediment plume is visible downstream, no additional maintenance is required at this outfall per the City's Municipal Separate Storm System (MS4) permit issued by the MPCA. Further, any additional investment of City resources to add or enhance stormwater runoff treatment facilities here or alter operational and management procedures is not justified based on performance -based return on investment. Also, it is my opinion that the issue with navigability in Harrison Bay is most likely due to the eutrophication process tryingto return the bay to its natural state, combined with extremely low water levels. Therefore, dredging of Harrison Bay is also not required perthe MS4 permit. Any additional maintenance ordredging here beyond what is currently being provided would not be linked to any MS4 requirements but would strictly be a policy decision and at the discretion of the City. Please review the information provided, and if you have any questions or comments, please contact me to discuss further. Sincerely, Bolton & Mark, Inc. Robert E. Bean, Jr. Water Resources Engineer CC: Brian Simmons, Bolton & Menk Matt Baumann, Bolton & Menk+ Attachments • Eutrophication Process Figure • Harrison Bay Drainage System Figure • Harrison Bay Aerial Images \wL ESE kVEkw,,mExw, nva,eISW,rk, En,,vS me. r,,,na�m,ynaR,a� In- n�I doa Bolbn & Hank is an egaal oPoon niryemployen CITY OF MOUND Harrison Bay Investigation City of Mound Harrison Bay Drainage System November 2022 QBOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. CITY OF MOUND Harrison Bay Investigation City of Mound Harrison Bay - 1957 Aerial Image November 2022 QBOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. 14 4 .T400 tLx ..ate` �'r • �` I t I V,I or �� Ys 0 o� w NLegend Z Mound Parcel ' o 0 150� Harrison Bay - 1989 Aerial Image BOLTON November 2022 & M E N K Real People. Real Solutions. ir 41- gLIA _ ,'`►' r At r 1 Feet 0 Source: Q CITY OF MOUND Harrison Bay Investigation City of Mound Harrison Bay - 2018 Aerial Image November 2022 QBOLTON & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. ,, Harrison Bay Investigation CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Eutrophication Process QN OLTON MENK November 2022 Real People. Real Solutions. — EUTROPHICATION SUN NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS THESE NUTRIENTS CAUSE INCREASE IN ` I PHYT4PLAI;+iKTON O � � � � ALGAE BLOOM 1 . S o PHYTOPLANRTON - GROWTH ON O ALGAE DIE D Qa 00 SEOGEORASS OXYGEN DECAY LOSE - FOOD, HABITATMOXYGEN PRODUCTION December 13, 2022 O & MENK Purpose of Investigation • At the direction of City Council, based on feedback from residents and lake & stormwater observations • General performance of facilities upstream of Commerce Boulevard outfall (CV#216) • Possibility that this outfall has resulted in excessive sedimentation, contributing to lack of navigability • Management of the City -owned treatment facilities and outfalls servicing all of Harrison Bay • Impact of various factors on the condition of Harrison Bay 0. Investigation Methods and Parameters • Field Investigation • Treatment facilities and outfalls inspections • Watershed review • Office/Desktop Investigation • City's stormwater runoff model and mapping • History of infrastructure improvement projects • Data from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • Qualifications • 30 years of water -resource related engineering experience • Providing consulting services for Mound since 2011 • Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Minnesota • Collaboration with Lake Partners • Ongoing and long-standing relationships with MCWD, LMCD, MPCA, and Hennepin County Investigation Items • Natural vs unnatural eutrophication • Likely contributors to the eutrophication process • Other issues P. Natural vs Unnatural Eutrophication C5 EUTROPHICATION SUN NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS THESE NUTRIENTS 7 CAUSEINCREASEIN PHYTOPLANKTON U O O o 8 t� C 8 ALGAE BLOOM 8 o i PHYTOPLANKTON O GO GDIEWp WTHON O 00 SEDGEGRASS OXYGEN ^ DECAY LOSE -FOOD, HABITAT AND OXYGEN PRODUCTION • All waterbodies go through eutrophication • Eutrophication affected by various contributors • Harrison Bay includes 16 storm sewer outfalls, 11 street surface outfalls, and over 200 residential lots • West end of Harrison Bay altered to create desired shoreline in late 1950s • Harrison Bay dredged multiple times since late 1950s to maintain desired shoreline/navigability z V. - V. 4 I- Likely Contributors to the Eutroph • Sediment from City Outfall CV#216 • Other City outfalls • Carp • Recreational watercraft • Geese • Lawn management • Erosion • Historic P-Laden sediment 2994 ication 1 -.Rp- Process City Outfalls • Harrison Bay watershed is 243 acres land and 230 acres open water • Commerce Boulevard outfall (cv#216) installed 2007 • 22.8 ac watershed • 25-35 cy sediment removed since installation • Comprises 9% watershed, delivers 6% estimated TSS load • Space available maximizes treatment • Other City outfalls —15 storm sewer, 11 street surface • 5 sump manholes, 1 rock filter, 1 rain garden, 2 retention ponds • Treatment opportunities minimized due to elevation, private shoreline, minimal drainage area, and return on investment �0. LE y •�. CatchLegend 0 Outlet Structure A Flared End Section Y 0 Storm Manhole ti Storm Pipe Storm Pond Mound Parcel W Y .0Y 1110000KZZ= Feet _ F9_ __i�i �,,�►ti �6 iL1Y.11—. al .I �Y 0 Other Contributors • Carp • Disturb lake bottom • Recreational watercraft • Disturb lake bottom • Geese • Denude vegetation, disturb lake bottom • Lawn management • Erosion • Historic P-Laden sediment Other Issues _ • Changes in precipitation patterns • Low water level • Road and snow management • Foam • Sheen • Fish Kill r' F- F Conclusions • Eutrophication is a natural process • Harrison Bay has history of alterations (by residents) • Current low water level • City is performing maintenance on outfalls per MS4 requirements • Additional treatment facilities not feasible at Commerce Boulevard outfa II • No additional sediment removal in Harrison Bay required to meet City's MS4 requirements P. Questions and Comments • Council Discussion • Public Comment coming next Questions and Comments • Public Input 0. December 13, 2022 O & MENK n MEMORANDUM Date: December 8, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Eric Hoversten, City Manager/Public Works Director Subject: ADMIN-01I POLICY: City participation in lake management projects At the May 10, 2022 regular Council meeting, the City adopted ADMIN-011 Policy: City participation in lake management projects. While the initial consideration was driven by requests from Dock Program participants, the recent discussions with residents along Harrison Bay who claim stormwater ouffalls cause excessive sedimentation in the bay and lack of navigability suggest that the policy and, more importantly, the reasoning behind it, is also relevant in non -commons areas. Therefore, suggested amendments have been made to expand the scope of the policy and clarify the City's position when it comes to its obligations under the City of Mound Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. While there is historical precedent for the City to administer and fund dredge projects in commons areas, these projects have become more costly and complex as regulations have tightened around permitting and disposal. Climate change is also resulting in more weather extremes causing excessively high water in some years and low water levels in others. The dredges that have taken place since 1980 benefitted very specific dock sites in the commons by providing navigability into wetland areas, which were originally dredged by private developers. The report on Harrison Bay provided by Bolton & Menk identifies multiple contributors to ` eutrophication' or the process where lakes, ponds and reservoirs gradually fill in with sediment and vegetation and the City cannot assume primary responsibility. The City needs to manage expectations for service levels particularly in this era of climate change and increasing development and utilization of the lake. The City should continue to support privately funded projects and facilitate information sharing among property owners who may want to coordinate a weed treatment or dredging of their shoreline or bay. Limiting the City's responsibility is key to maintaining the affordability and equitability of the dock program but also of the property tax and utility rates. The Council, as the policy making authority and resource allocator, is constantly challenged to address endless needs and expectations while having to face the real constraints on its ability to assess property taxes and utility rates. Staff recommends approval of the amendments to ADMIN-011: City Participation in Lake Management Projects policy. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information at (952)472-0609 or at erichoversten@cityofmound.com. 3003 ADMIN POLICY —CITY PARTICIPATION IN LAKE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS Original Adoption: 05/10/22 Reviewed/Updated: Reference No. ADMIN-011 Section 1. Purpose and Scope This policy is intended to supplement City Code Chapter 78 Waterways to clarify the City's position on participating in lake management projects. Section 2. Roles and Responsibilities 2.1 The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) has licensed the City of Mound Commons Dock Program to grant licenses for up to 590 Boat Storage Units (BSUs). The City of Mound allocates these licenses between three primary types of uses: Abutters, Non - abutters and Multiple Slip licensees. 2.2 The City of Mound Commons Dock Program is made possible because of the many miles of City owned shoreline that was dedicated by developers during the platting process and by nature of ownership of the public rights of way. 2.3 The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD 1 is the local unit of government responsible for managing and protecting the water resources for Lake Minnetonka. It permits shoreline stabilization projects and projects related to dredging and navigation when delegated by MN Department of Natural Resources WIN DNR). 2.4 The MN DNR issues aquatic vegetation permits for removal of aquatic vegetation and issues permits for dredge activities not specifically delegated to MCWD. Section 3. Lake Management Projects 3.1 Lake management refers to projects that focus on water quality and navigability. 3.2 The City of Mound generally signs off on any permit to improve water quality and/or navigability as required by permitting agencies. 3.3 The MN DNR does not guarantee continued navigability. 3.4 The MCWD regulates the Gray's Bay Dam according to agreements with the MN DNR during high water and low water periods, butweather extremes, variability in precipitation, and fluctuation in lake level are becoming more common. Section 4. Service Levels 4.1 The City of Mound does not guarantee use of all dock locations managed under the Commons Dock Program at all times nor does the City of Mound guarantee every dock location can accommodate any type of watercraft. 4.2 The City of Mound will not endorse dredge projects to create new abutting dock sites as the City's wetlands and shoreline are already included in the shoreline count for existing licenses through the LMCD. 3004 4.3 The City of Mound will only participate in shoreline stabilization projects (primarily limited to rip -rap) in areas within City lands at or above the Ordinary High Water Level, where there is a significant level of erosion, and/or shore exposure to breaking waves due to open waters over an extended period of time. 4.4 The City of Mound is not responsible for wild life management and property owners should take the necessary precautions to protect their landscape and watercraft from potential nuisances created by AIS, beavers, and muskrats. 4.5 The City of Mound will not initiate or fund lake -bottom dredge projects in shallow bays, marshes, inlets, coves, or harbors intended to increase navigational depth and access to shoreline dockage except for specifically -assigned responsibilities within Lost Lake. 0 3005 n MEMORANDUM Date: December 13, 2022 To: City Council From: Raymond J. Salazar Mayor Subject: Update on Purchase Agreement with Northland Real Estate Group Northland Real Estate Group has waived their rights to terminate a purchase agreement for three City parcels that was approved by the Council on January 25, 2022. The three city parcels are vacant land near the shores of Lake Langdon for which Northland Real Estate Group agreed to pay the City $SQ,000. The City solicited two legal opinions on the matter of whether the City had to sell the land based on the fact Northland's land use applications were denied by the City. Both the City attorney from Kennedy &Graven and a second option from Campbell Knudsen confirmed that the purchase agreement is binding and both recommended the City proceed with closing on the sale of the property to avoid a likely court challenge for specific performance of the agreement (i. e., require the City to sell the property) and potential payment of damages for breach of contract and any associated costs. Both attorneys noted the City still retains land use regulatory authority regarding the property and anypotenfial development thereof. No further action is required by the Council to complete the sale and I have directed the City Attorney to proceed with preparations for closing. ��: HarborNOVEMBER 2022 VS 2021 DATE SALES CUSTOMERS AVERAGETICKET '22 '21 '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- '22 '21 +/- Monday 1 4,920 -100% 215 23 Tuesday 1 2 6,147 7,754 -21% 247 279 -11% 25 28 -10% Wednesday 2 3 6,423 7,662 -16% 259 267 -3% 25 29 -14% Thursday 3 4 8,420 8,037 5% 319 318 0% 26 25 4% Friday 4 5 14,889 14,259 4% 463 482 -4% 32 30 9% Saturday 5 6 11,760 12,728 -8% 378 438 -14% 31 29 7% Sunday 6 7 7,287 6,515 12% 263 253 4% 28 26 8% Monday 7 8 6,268 5,862 7% 257 253 2% 24 23 5% Tuesday 8 9 8,465 7,492 13% 305 285 7% 28 26 6% Wednesday 9 10 7,041 5,071 39% 277 194 43% 25 26 -3% Thursday 10 11 8,653 8,401 3% 300 291 3% 29 29 0% Friday 11 12 15,418 14,530 6% 490 479 2% 31 30 4% Saturday 12 13 11,917 11,080 8% 380 388 -2% 31 29 10% Sunday 13 14 7,267 5,918 23% 275 238 16% 26 25 6% Monday 14 15 5,808 6,112 -5% 236 243 -3% 25 25 -2% Tuesday 15 16 8,214 6,377 29% 287 267 7% 29 24 20% Wednesday 16 17 6,423 8,379 -23% 246 294 -16% 31 29 9% Thursday 17 18 10,030 9,151 -1% 336 318 6% 30 29 4% Friday 18 19 15,802 14,517 9% 471 463 2% 34 31 7% Saturday 19 20 15,238 16,335 -7% 410 425 -4% 37 38 -3% Sunday 20 21 8,686 7,170 21% 291 239 22% 30 30 -1% Monday 21 22 9,046 7,874 15% 282 276 2% 32 29 12% Tuesday 22 23 15,152 12,690 19% 357 413 -14% 42 31 38% Wednesday 23 24 32,955 33,051 0% 734 770 -5% 45 43 5% Thursday 24 25 Friday 25 26 16,394 16,027 2% 442 449 -2% 37 36 4% Saturday 26 27 9,835 12,292 -20% 344 397 -13% 29 31 -8% Sunday 27 28 6,135 5,783 6% 239 249 -4% 26 23 11% Monday 28 29 6,357 5,877 8% 244 252 -3% 26 23 12% Tuesday 29 30 5,475 6,719 -19% 226 284 -20% 24 24 2% Wednesday 30 7,702 277 28 TOTAL - November 299,207 288,583 4% 9,635 9,719 -1% 31 30 5% Sales Customer Avg Ticket 2022 2021 2022 2021 r2022 �2021 FIRST QTR 760,983 788,940 , -4% 26,457 27,978 -5% 29 28 2% SECOND QTR 960,426 1,018,298 -6% 32,057 34,232 -6% 30 30 1% THIRD QTR 1,101,657 1,083,083 2% 35,241 35,700 -1% 31 30 3% October 319,106 315,689 1% 10,713 11,093 -3% 30 28 5% November 299,207 288,583 4% 9,635 9,719 -1% 31 30 5% FOURTH QTR 618,313 604,271 2% 20,348 20,812 -2% 30 29 5% TOTAL - YTD 3,441,378 3,494,583 -2% 114,103 118,722 -4% 30 29 2% 3007 MOUND PRESS RELEASE DATE: TU ESDAy, NOVEM BER 29, 2022 n Mound City Council Member Candidates Sought APPLICATIONS DUE JAN 6th With the election of Jason Holt as Mayor, it is anticipated that there will be a vacancy on the City Council once he takes the Oath of Office for Mayor on January S0, 2023. Therefore, the City is seeking applications from residents interested in being appointed to the City Council to fill the vacancy. The City of Mound is a Statutory Class B City, having a City Council/City Manager form of government. An elected City Council sets the policy and overall direction for Mound. Then, city employees, under the direction of the City Manager, carry out council decisions and provide day-to-day city services. The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p. m. in regular session. Special meetings are called as needed and council members serve on one or more of the advisory commissions or council subcommittees. The City of Mound is accepting applications for appointment to the City Council through 12 noon on Friday, January 6°M1. The council will take action at the January SOen regular meeting to finalize how the appointment process will proceed, including whether the appointment will be for the remainder of Mr. Holt's council member term which expires 12/31/2024 or just until a special election can be held. Candidates need to be available for interviews on Tuesday, January 24en and Tuesday, January 31" in the event a second round is chosen. Please see cityofm ound.com or call 962- 472-0603 for an application. Questions can be directed to City Manager Eric Hoversten at 962-472-0609. ��: