2023-01-24 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
January 24, 2023
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson and Kathy
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Kim Blievernicht, Kevin
Castellano, Michelle Herrick, Bart Hailing, Scott Bjorlin, Cindy Bjorlin, Matt Bruch, Wes Bruch,
Nathan Carlson, Tyler Finley, Jacob Chilson, Connor Shaw, Sawyer Bruch, Atticus Robson,
Nick Robson, Natalie Carlson and Michelle Bruch
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Hoversten added the Westonka Carp Study Presentation report to the agenda as Item 9.1 and
additional pages 188.1 through 188.15.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,558,099.63.
B. Approve minutes: 12-13-22 Regular Meeting
01-10-23 Regular Meeting
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Matt Bruch, 2775 Halstead Lane, said he is a troop leader with the Boy Scouts. The Scouts
introduced themselves as Nathan Carlson, Tyler Finley, Jacob Chilson, Sawyer Bruch, Wes
Bruch, Connor Shaw, Atticus Robson who are working on their Citizenship and Community
Badge. Bruch said this is an Eagle Scout required badge and as part of earning the badge the
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
scouts need to attend a governmental meeting, listen to a topic at the meeting and write down
the points of view of a disagreement at the meeting. Bruch said the Scouts will be doing quite a
bit of community service for the next few months which is another requirement. Bruch said the
Scouts are from a mix of Troops 571 and 569 in Mound.
6. Mayor Holt requesting discussion and action on a Resolution Recognizing Scotty B's
Holt said the Council wanted to officially recognized Scott Bjorlin for serving the town, noting he has
personally known Scott for many years from church and the restaurant. Holt said everybody knows and
likes Scotty B. Holt presented the resolution in honor of Bjorlin which McEnaney read. McEnaney read
that the Council wished to officially recognize Bjorlin for running the long-standing family -style
restaurant and for his community service work; express its appreciation to Scott Bjorlin and Scott Price
for their public service in Mound and wish them well in their retirement.
McEnaney thanked Bjorlin for all he did and his presence in the community and wished him well on the
next chapter of his life.
Pugh said when Scotty B's first opened in 1990 she was living in California and when she was visiting
town a friend from Minneapolis said "let's go to Scotty B's". Pugh said everyone spoke so well of
Bjorlin. Pugh added that Scotty exemplifies the spirit of an entrepreneurial leader in the community and
has been a person we can all count on.
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
7. Interviews for the vacant City Council seat to fill remainder of term ending on
December 31, 2024
Holt introduced the candidates in the order they will be interviewed and asked the first candidate Kim
Blievernicht to come forward and the other two to wait in the lobby for their turn.
A. Candidate Kim Blievernicht, 5549 Bartlett Blvd.
Blievernicht said she has lived in Mound for 37 years and lives in an intergenerational family with her
husband and Mother-in-law. Blievernicht said she owns a business called HR Smarts that specializes
in Human Resources, is the President of the St. John's Foundation and is the Chairperson for the City
Parks and Open Spaces Commission. Blievernicht said she has the right combination of skills and
experience. Blievernicht said she ran for Mayor in 2022 and applied for City Council in 2018 and has
attended each Council Meeting since April and has learned a lot from this attendance.
Pugh asked each candidate (when it was their turn) to speak to the annual budget and levy, noting the
City's economic diversity and the fact that the Council chose a 5% levy in 2023 which was the smallest
levy increase around the lake. Pugh asked what the candidates thought could be done to improve the
economic development of the community. Blievernicht said there is not a lot of land and open spaces
in Mound and understands it is the responsibility of residents to support the City and the services we
receive which include fire, police, good plowed roads, and the parks.
Pugh asked the candidates if they are familiar with the Hubert Humphrey saying "for the common good"
and how they would interpret the saying as a value in Minnesota. Blievernicht said all the value and
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
taxes I pay goes to the whole of Mound and isn't for individual benefit. Pugh asked if the candidates
thought there is a better way for the City to use the profits from the liquor store and the dock program.
Blievernicht said she is proud of the park maintenance and the park facilities including an upgraded
Surfside Park for all residents. Blievernicht said the community has a responsibility to maintain the
good things and the small town feel in Mound and she said the City is in an upward flow. Blievernicht
said the Mound business community has improved and Mound is special as it is but could be better.
Larson said being on the Council is a very serious, time consuming job and you have to make hard
choices. Larson asked the candidates what is the best thing Mound has to offer and whether the time
commitment for serving on the Council fits in with their personal situations.
Blievernicht said the best thing about Mound are the parks and open spaces as they are gorgeous,
noting she regularly tours the parks in her role as a POSC Commissioner. Blievernicht said by coming
to Council meetings she has demonstrated she is committed to being a Council Member and is at a
time in her life to give back. Blievernicht said she believes her business and HR experience will be an
asset in problem solving, professionalism and working through difficult situations.
McEnaney asked the candidates that when they were out campaigning for office what were the key
take away points heard from residents. Blievernicht said the previous Mayor was the hot topic when
she spoke to people. Blievernicht added she talked about how to build up the City and what her
behavior on the Council would be to support that. Blievernicht said she ran a constructive campaign
and explained this to residents.
Holt asked the candidates what is another one of your favorite things about Mound? Blievernicht said
walking her dog in Surfside Park and talking to the different people using the park.
Holt thanked Blievernicht for her experience on the POSC and asked how does she see that helping
her with being on the Council. Blievernicht said she used Robert's Rules of Order during her 4H
experience as a 6th grader and had to abide by those meeting rules on how to conduct a meeting and
has been doing that ever since.
Holt asked the candidates their thoughts on the water quality issues facing the city. Blievernicht said
there are two concerns; the Manganese issue in regards to infants and the elderly as well as getting
filtered water in Mound to people for free. Blievernicht said this is a basic service to those who can't
afford a filter. Blievernicht noted bottled water is one of the first things to run out at the food shelf
because the need is there.
Blievernicht said she will be available for every meeting.
B. Candidate Kevin Castellano, 1705 Eagle Lane
Kevin Castellano was the second candidate to be interviewed. Castellano said he is a Planning
Commissioner (PC) and the full-time manager at the Wayzata Liquor Store. Castellano said his time on
the PC has kept him informed of items before the Mound Council and his job keeps him aware of what
is happening in the City of Wayzata, including at the Council level.
Castellano said it is important to get the most out of liquor operations and the docks and there are ways
to get funds. Castellano said advertising might be an option for the liquor store or to have a City sales
tax approved through the legislature. Castellano said without a lot of business activity that could be an
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
option. Castellano said the docks are fairly inexpensive. Castellano said the liquor store provides tax
relief and other benefits and that should be promoted.
Castellano said a big part of the PC or Council is answering citizen concerns and keeping that top of
mind is very important.
Castellano said the PC doesn't take up the same amount of time as Council but he keeps involved with
Wayzata related issues and activities.
Castellano said he likes the lake and that it is what makes Mound unique and it is what brings and
keeps people here.
Castellano said he thought about running for Council and said being on PC shows he is interested in
City activities.
Castellano said with regard to communications, he suggests having something like a one -page
pdf/email that residents can look at on their phone with links to the Council packet. Castellano noted
there were people who attended PC meetings who complained they weren't aware of items before the
Commission. Castellano said more frequent contacts and content regarding communication could be
handled through sub -contracting or by hiring a part-time person.
Castellano he would like to see a clear plan from Public Works on improving the look of the City, noting
the Wayzata Liquor Store provides about 20% of the budget to Wayzata and the staff are all working for
the same goals.
C. Candidate Michelle Herrick, 2630 Westedge Blvd.
Herrick said she graduated from Marshall University in Huntington WV and grew up in a banking
household. Herrick said she was involved in the finance industry including underwriting for
governments and worked in a number of finance activities including project management and team
Herrick said she has lived in Mound since 2005 and has lived in Minnesota since 1998. Herrick said
she has volunteered at the Westonka Food Shelf for the last five years and has helped with their
website in addition to helping with the WCC Dog Days event.
Michelle Herrick said she committed to this when she ran in November and has worked diligently with
the community on a lot of issues and she said she thinks she knows what they want to see.
Herrick said she isn't sure of all the particulars and is not sure if she has the answers but has heard
from residents that there needs to be more business activity and the City needs to develop an
economic development organization. Herrick said there is a very mixed community using the food shelf
and a big variety of income between renters and owners.
Herrick said the liquor store is very profitable and is doing things right and probably doesn't need to be
improved. Herrick said she is not really sure how the wait list and dock program work and there needs
to be analysis brought forward on how our rates compare and if it could bring in additional revenue.
Herrick said it is the Council and Mayor's role to move the city forward and focus on the common good
for the community. Herrick added the common good means to provide opportunities for growth, be
involved, and work on what benefits the City could provide. Herrick said Mound has a diversified
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
population, including many seniors and the City should help improve their lives so they can remain in
their homes and have access to downtown businesses.
Herrick said she is aware of the time commitment for serving on the Council, noting she was a member
of an HOA in Alabama that dealt with issues related to aging infrastructure like roads and ground
maintenance, and disagreements among residents. Herrick said she has spent a lot time analyzing
issues that have come before the City. Herrick said there many issues facing the City, including
financial, legal, and development processes that need to be reviewed and it will take time. Herrick said
she works on-line with a diverse group of people and you must communicate efforts and collaborate
with people and the greater community.
Herrick said the reason she moved to Mound is she feels it is important to have a good school district
that impacts property values. Herrick also said she moved to Mound because of its small town feel
which is what she grew up with. Herrick said she lived in Minneapolis and didn't like it and likes living in
a community with green space where she knows people.
Herrick said on the campaign trail the issue with the water came up quite a bit and while a lot of
analysis has been done, the City hasn't communicated it very well as there is a lot of misinformation out
there. Herrick said the City should better communicate what it is doing and be more transparent as
most residents don't know the water treatment plant is going to be $35-40Million and what this means
for their tax or utility bill. Herrick said information and communication should be pushed out to the
community from the City. Herrick said she heard from residents that there should be more businesses
and it was a shame that the City lost Ridgeview Clinic. Herrick said during the Shafer Richardson
proposal discussions, an Economic Development Committee comprised of Council Members and
members of the community was discussed but didn't happen. Herrick said she met a lot of people such
as the former President of Ridgeview who said there were directives he could have taken to benefit the
Herrick said she likes the people and the community events in town and meeting a lot of different
people and religions supporting the community. Herrick likes to volunteer and the Council is another
way to volunteer.
Herrick said she would bring budgeting experience, contract and vendor experience and knowledge on
how to have a schedule and long-term strategy for repairs.
Herrick said she has collaborated with marketing people and we have to have a reason for people to go
to the City website and to get people involved. Herrick would like to see communication to inform
people of community events.
Herrick said she has been in front of the Council and is good at analysis and in getting people involved.
Herrick said she looks forward to help benefit the City to move forward and to encourage growth.
D. Silent ballot
E. Action to appoint a candidate to fill vacant City Council Seat for the remainder
of term expiring December 31, 2024
Holt explained the voting process which was agreed to at the previous Council meeting on January
10th. Holt said the Council will rank each of the candidates through a secret ballot from first preferred
candidate getting three points to two points down to one point for the least preferred. Holt proposed for
Kelly to tabulate the ballots in the Conference Room. Discussion ensued regarding a tie vote in which
Holt as Mayor would break the tie per state statute.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
Kelly returned from tallying the points and declared a three-way tie vote with each of the candidates
receiving eight points. Larson asked Kelly what was the vote total. Kelly said they all had eight points.
Holt reiterated when there is a tie vote the Mayor decides on the candidate. Holt said he was very
impressed with all three candidates and it was hard to rank them. Holt said he has chosen Kevin
Castellano as the candidate to fill out the remaining term of the open council member seat.
Holt addressed the candidates after they were invited back into the Chamber. Holt said there was a
silent ballot and each Council member ranked the candidates. Holt said the points given by the Council
led to a three-way tie. Holt said it was an extremely hard decision, but, at the end of the day, the Mayor
breaks the tie. Holt said again that it was a hard decision and Kevin Castellano is his choice as Council
9.1 Westonka Carp Project Report (actually moved to after Item 6 to accommodate speaker)
Bart Hailing, 5513 Sherwood Drive and member of the Harrison's Bay Association (HBA) introduced
himself and presented a power point to the Council. Hailing said HBA is a young organization with
about 100 households as members, noting many of whom are dock program participants.
Hailing said the big news today is that Hennepin County (HC) has all but approved a grant to help fund
additional rain gardens on Harrisons Bay, noting members have donated the equivalent of $8000 of in -
kind labor to the organization.
Hailing said the HBA has treated some Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) that are lake weeds and did an
analysis of vegetative AIS. Hailing said Carp is the next area of impact on water quality the HBA would
like to investigate/address. Hailing said the Carp are churning up lake -bottom phosphorous and
uprooting vegetation, noting Carp can live up to 50 years and the shallowness of Harrison Bay and
surrounding areas provide the perfect Carp habitat.
Hailing said the HBA used their funds and the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) funds to
have a study completed by University of Minnesota Dr. Shemek Bajer. Hailing said Bajer is a part of
the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center which focuses on Carp, measures Carp
populations and develops strategies to respond to Carp. Hailing said the study was conducted last fall
which included electro fishing. Hailing said this stuns the fish so they can be collected, tagged and
released back into the water in order to study their movement. Hailing listed the data in kilograms per
metric acre and as estimated pounds of Carp per bay, including:
Jennings Bay — 654 pounds of carp per acre
West Arm — 839 pounds
Harrison's — 401 pounds
Hailing said 90 pounds per acre is considered a healthy habitat. Hailing said the problem is big but
there are techniques used in other areas which have produced great improvement in lake quality,
including in Halsted's Bay.
Hailing listed other approaches to controlling Carp such as removal, reducing carp nurseries and
introducing Bluegills to areas because they eat carp eggs. Hailing said when carp are removed the
natural vegetation improves. Hailing said that other projects have been undertaken by the Minnehaha
Creek Watershed District (MCWD) at Six -mile Creek.
Hailing said the Westonka Carp Project plan started in the fall with the U of M Carp assessment and the
next step is to radio tag the Carp to track where and when they are moving among the bays and when
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
they go to areas like Painters Creek to breed. Halling said this information will help with the harvesting
of the Carp. Halling said the HBA is going to need to raise funds and is writing a grant which is due on
15th of February for a portion of the $135K allocated by the state. Halling said the funds will help the
HBA to have a long-term strategy to address the Carp issue.
Halling said the HBA needs to build a coalition, noting he addressed the Minnetrista City Council last
night who agreed to write a formal letter of support of their initiative and he is asking Mound to do the
same and to be part of the coalition.
Larson asked what would be done with the Carp after they are harvested. Halling said the Carp can be
used as fertilizer, pet food and as a menu item such as smoked Carp, noting there is a lot of interest in
harvested Carp.
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Larson, for the City to craft a letter of support of the HBA in their
pursuit of the Grant. All voted yes. Motion carried.
Hoversten said he would work with HBA to craft the letter of support.
8. Mayor Holt requesting discussion and possible action on responses to the Request for
Proposals for Civil Attorney Legal Services
Holt said the City received three good proposals in response to the RFP. Larson asked if the Council is
voting on this item tonight to which Holt said he would like to finalize the choice tonight so the law firm
could start on February 1st
Larson said she hopes that going forward we can have an attorney present at Council meetings and
most law firms want a commitment for scheduling. Larson said this is something which should be
seriously considered. Larson said other cities have attorneys present, though she acknowledged that
money and budget play into things.
Holt asked the Council to look at page 11 of the packet regarding the City organization chart which puts
the choice of an attorney as a decision of the City Council.
Holt asked the Council to turn to Page 13 of the packet which had a chart which compared the three
firms and page 87 which listed Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney (RRM) as City Attorney for the City of Fifty
Lakes which meets on the 211 Tuesday of the month. Holt this could be a problem for attendance at
Mound Council meetings though Holt added that each firm has a team of attorneys to attend the
McEnaney said she is concerned about RRM being the Attorney for both the Mosquito Control Board
and the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) as potential conflicts of interest. McEnaney
said the City doesn't always agree with the LMCD. McEnaney said she has ruled out RRM.
Larson said RRM is the attorney for Black Duck which is a long way to drive. Pugh and Holt said they
want to drop RRM from consideration. Larson noted RRM also was attorney for Westonka School
District. Holt said the choice of the Council would be down to Hoff Barry or Flaherty and Hood.
McEnaney said she worked with Hoff Barry years ago and liked Shelly Ryan who is identified as the
second attorney, noting said she liked what Ryan had to say. McEnaney said she also likes Flaherty
but noted they come from a long distance away and have many clients. McEnaney said Hoff Barry is
her first choice.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
Larson said the choices were all pretty good and her first choice is Flaherty and Hood.
Holt asked for Pugh's comment and she said it is a tossup. McEnaney said the location of Hoff Barry
office would not be a problem with meeting attendance.
Holt said the Flaherty and Hood highlights include that Chris Hood who would be the primary attorney
and liked their response time being no more than four hours. Holt mentioned they have experience
with municipal and joint powers ordinance and resolutions and the City needs an attorney who goes
hard core on issues the City is facing.
Holt said Chris Hood is officed in St. Paul with two backup attorneys. Holt said Hoff Barry has
experience with code enforcement as well and will typically respond in hours. Holt said the proposed
attorney, Scott Landsman, looks like he has good experience with other entities, code enforcement and
hazardous building removal. Holt noted the billable hours from Hoff Barry is set at 1/10th of an hour
increments instead of 15-minute increments.
Holt referred to the summary of the attorney proposals and said Hoff Barry (HB) is located in Eden
Prairie and Flaherty and Hood in St. Paul. Holt added that Flaherty and Hood didn't follow the RFP
required format but HB and MMR did. Holt mentioned the fees which were $180 an hour versus $185
and legal and administrative staff costs being lower, noting most of the billing from the previous City
Attorney was direct attorney billing.
Hoversten said Flaherty would not give a strict answer on future fees and Hoversten said that the Hoff
Barry contract would increase by $5.00 increments each year.
Larson said the two choices are good and Flaherty and Hood would be her first choice. Pugh said she
liked Hoff Barry. McEnaney said she was happy with Flaherty, noting both are good choices with her
first choice being Hoff Barry. Holt said his number one pick is Hoff Barry.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
9. City Manager Eric Hoversten requesting discussion and possible direction on whether or not
to hold a Volunteer Appreciation event
Hoversten said the City has a specific statutory role to recognize and appreciate volunteers. Hoversten
said the City hasn't held this event since 2019 due to the pandemic in 2021.
Hoversten said there are three items for the Council to consider:
Whether to hold a volunteer appreciation event in 2023
• Where to hold the event
• What will be the catering budget will be per attendee? Hoversten said this cost was $40-50 per
person in the past with $45 for a parting gift.
Hoversten said if the Council would like to go ahead with the event, things will need to move pretty
quickly in order to hold an event in late February or early March.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
Pugh said she is the only current Council Member who attended the event in the past and said it is a
nice affair to mingle, sit down and have dinner, and to meet the Chairs of each commission and the
Commissioners, including those who were leaving.
Hoversten said it is a social setting to meet Commissioners and award outgoing members.
Pugh said this is a good event and it is good to recognize the hard work of the Commissioners.
McEnaney said she would like to see the money spent on other options than the dinner.
Larson said there should be an appreciation event.
Holt said this event is new to him and after he was elected Mayor he attended both the Docks and
Commons Commission and Parks and Open Spaces Commission meetings to see what was going on.
Holt said he does think it is important to bring everyone together but was thinking about the money but
said it is justified if kept to reasonable costs.
Pugh said there doesn't have to be a dinner but more of a reception held at Surfside Depot although
she didn't know if you can have alcohol in a park building. Hoversten said the City can't serve alcohol.
Below are excerpts from the discussion on the volunteer appreciation event:
• Holt said he likes supporting a local restaurant
• McEnaney said you could offer hors d'oeuvres
• Pugh said you don't have to have a dinner and it could be a "Taste of Mound" at the Depot
• Holt said he likes a heavy hors d'oeuvres event at 6:30/7:00
Discussion about an informal event took place and Hoversten said it could be a tapas type "stand up
event". Holt said he thought people would want the option to have alcohol so it should be held at a
Hoversten said the City can provide the appetizers but not alcohol. Discussion ensued regarding
holding an event at a restaurant with a cash bar available with a formal recognition of the volunteers.
The Council agreed on Surfside Bar and Grill with a cash bar, appetizers and set presentation time.
Hoversten asked if $25 for food and $60 for an appreciation gift would work for the Council. Pugh
asked about Life on Lake Minnetonka Books for a gift. McEnaney said the Eye above Lake Minnetonka
book could also be good. McEnaney asked how many people will be in attendance. Hoversten said
about 40 attendees and 5-7 gifts for volunteers.
Holt said a 6:00/6:30 start time with the Presentation at 7:00 p.m. Hoversten asked about the night of
the week and McEnaney said Monday is good and Holt agreed. The Council agreed to hold it on a
Monday night at 6:30.
Holt asked Hoversten who would attend, which Hoversten said Staff, Commissioners and City Council
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Larson, to direct staff to hold the volunteer appreciation event as
discussed. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
10. Comments/Reports from Council Members
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
Pugh said the Parks and Open Space Commission (POSC) heard from representatives of the Eli Hart
Foundation (EHF) who have selected a playground vendor who offered a deep discount. Pugh said the
next step is to develop an agreement between the City and the EHF.
Pugh said she is the Suburban Rate Authority Representative, noting Xcel Energy rates haven't been
decided and she talked to a water consultant about options if the state funds don't materialize but their
solution involves privatizing utilities.
Larson said she and Mayor Holt met with two Long Lake Council people on January 12 to discuss
issues, noting it would be nice to do something like that with other Councils.
Larson said she attended the January 19 Docks and Commons Commission (DCC) meeting and a
group from Brighton Commons presented a cost share agreement for rip rap, which the DCC approved.
Larson said two new DCC members were sworn in.
Larson said the Development Committee met with the developers from Old Shoreline LLC and the next
step is for Old Shoreline to present their proposal to the Council in April before it goes to the Planning
McEnaney said she would like to congratulate Kevin Castellano on winning the Council seat and
suggested there should be two sets of eyes to look at the voting results. McEnaney said the City
should take a more active role in acknowledging both old and new businesses to give them a boost.
McEnaney offered to do a presentation on marketing and highlighting businesses at the February 14
meeting. Pugh said in November the Council agreed the City should write to new businesses to see if
they would like to attend meetings to introduce themselves and McEnaney's idea seems like the next
step in this process. McEnaney said when she was campaigning, she was surprised at how
unnourished long-time businesses feel when they are the backbone of the community and are so
Discussion ensued on use of email to communicate to residents and be able to push information and
direct more people to the city website noting caution must be used to avoid conflicts of interest in
promoting new businesses. All agreed on the need to improve communication and the need for a
formalized plan. Holt directed Hoversten to add McEnaney's ideas to the February 14 Agenda.
Holt asked McEnaney to be the representative to the Westonka Community and Commerce.
Hoversten said they are the backbone of many community events and would welcome Council
Holt and Hoversten discussed the Manganese and water quality issues and making the City website a
one -stop shop for information on the progress of the related legislation. Holt encouraged the Council
and residents to keep engaged with their legislators.
Holt said he visited the Westonka Historical Society (WHS) Museum recently and the WHS Board has
invited the Council to visit the museum at 6:00 on March 14Ih prior to the Council Meeting.
Pugh noted the City is not receiving bus service right now and Hoversten said Hennepin County
Commissioners Anderson and LaTondresse need to be notified.
Holt said the Development Committee met with the Old Shoreline LLC developers and it was made
clear the meeting is not giving the developer the green light and that Old Shoreline LLC was receptive
Mound City Council Minutes — January 24, 2023
to a meeting before the full Council. Holt said he wants to do a workshop on the Development
Holt said he and Hoversten met with a reporter from Channel 4 to discuss the City water issue and it
could be aired in the next few weeks, noting he spoke to State Representative Andrew Myers and
Senator Morrison who have been communicating with each other on the water quality bill at the
11. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
Hoversten highlighted the following:
February 14 — The next Council Meeting is in three weeks
February 21 — Special Joint meeting with the Planning Commission
January 28 — Polar Plunge Event
Feb 3 and 4 — Klondike Dog Derby in the lower lake area
Feb 10 — Harbor Wine and Spirits Rare Whiskey release event
Feb 20 — City Hall will be closed for Presidents Day
B. Reports: Fire Department — December 2022
C. Minutes: POSC Meeting Minutes — 12-8-2022
D. Correspondence: Harbor Wine & Spirits Rare Whiskey Release Feb. 10
15. Adjourn
ACTION by Pugh, seconded by McEnaney, to adjourn at 10:31 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Jason R. Holt