2023-02-14 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
February 14, 2023
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy
McEnaney and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Community Development
Director Sarah Smith, City Engineers Brian Simmons and Matt Bauman, City Attorney Scott
Landsman, Ellen Pruitt, Andrew Beitler, Tiffany Beitler, Benjamin Colianni, Ben Landhauser,
Mary Davis and Tim Nichols.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Council Member Kevin Castellano Oath of Office
City Manager Eric Hoversten swore in Council Member Kevin Castellano into office.
4. Approve agenda
Hoversten noted replacement page 244 to correct the date and year of the February 8, 2023
Special meeting minutes.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
5. Consent agenda
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $540,984.41.
B. Approve minutes: 01-24-23 Regular Meeting
02-08-23 Special Meeting
D. Removed
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
F. Approve City Council Workshop Session on Thursday, February 23,2023 at 6:00 p.m. to
discuss development procedures and attorney attendance at official meetings
G. Approve 1-4 Day Temporary Liquor Licenses for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School
Keg & Cork Fundraiser 03-04-2023
5. D. (Removed Item) Public Works Projects Pay Items
4th and final Pay Request in the amount of $2,711.14 to Derau Construction for the 2021
Entrance Monument Project, PW 21-13
Larson asked about the spruce trees at the Entrance Monument not included in the payment.
Hoversten said the trees will be done by another, more suitable company, with the amount
withheld for the work.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Castellano, to approve item 5. D. All voted in favor. Motion
6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
7. Introduction of City Attorney, Scott Landsman, Hoff -Barry, P.A.
Holt introduced Attorney Scott Landsman. Landsman said he is humbled by being chosen by the
Council to be City Attorney and he looks forward to serving in that role. Landsman said he likes Mound
because it is his biking area, noting he lives in Minnetonka. Landsman said Hoff Barry has 45 years of
experience in representing cities and he personally has 25 years of experience. Landsman said he is a
resource to the Council and encouraged them to contact him so they are as informed as possible
before Council meetings.
8. Ellen Pruitt Westonka High School Student Senate presenting a school update
Holt said he reached out to Mound Westonka for students to present recent school activity to the
Council. Holt said Ellen Pruitt is the first student which will present a school update. Pruitt introduced
herself as a Westonka High School Senior and Representative and Treasurer of Student Senate. Pruitt
said she is the first of four students who will be speaking before the Council.
Pruitt listed the following recent activities:
• Letters of Love a club writes letters to terminally ill children and raised $330.00
• DECA, a career -oriented development club is sending 155 students to a conference in March
and six students have qualified for the International Conference
• Student Senate is preparing for a food shelf fund raiser and will host the State Student Council
at the National Honor Society Conference in April being held at Mound Westonka High School
• Speech Team members have qualified for the NEITOC Competition of the National Honor
• National Honor Society and WeCAN are working a blood drive scheduled for March 13
0 Winter and Spring sports are on -going
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
• 11 th grader Nordic skier Averie Zeally is going to State
The Hawkettes Dance Team qualified for the State competition
The Mound Westonka (MWHS) Girls hockey team is competing in sectionals at Orono
• Band, Choir and Theatre students appreciate the Westonka Performing Arts Center
• Attendance has improved since the Covid pandemic
• Student Awards given to Laura Sunnarborg, Daniel Kaczanowski and Natalie Miner
National Signing Day happened recently with five athletes going on to post -secondary athletics
Westonka Parent and Community Facilities Presentation March 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Demographic study completed this spring describes the needs for:
• Facility maintenance
• Building and Campus Security
• MWHS redesign
• Outdoor activity space improvements
Pruitt said she appreciated the opportunity to address the Council.
9. Orono Police Department Monthly Activity Report for January 2023
Sergeant Matt Siltala said there were 136 calls in January which is typical during the winter. Siltala said
the recent homicide trial came to a close and justice was served. Siltala said he hopes if people are
struggling they can resource the in-house Social Worker who is available to help residents.
Siltala noted there was a house fire on Lost Lake Court. Siltala said the Mound Fire Department (MFD)
had a very fast response and extinguished it quickly. Siltala said he has worked with other Fire
Departments and said the MFD is top notch.
10. Eli Hart Memorial Foundation Presentation, and request to approve Resolution of Support
from the City of Mound for the Efforts of the Eli Hart Memorial Foundation
Ben Colianni, Jen Houghton and Tiffany Beitler introduced themselves as the founders of the Eli Hart
Foundation and offered a presentation on the proposed playground at Surfside Park to honor Eli Hart.
Beitler provided background information about Eli. Beitler said his favorite colors were green and gold,
Eli wanted to be a fire fighter and Dad when he grew up and he enjoyed sour foods. Eli and his Father
especially loved going to playgrounds and parks and his two favorite activities were the swings and
monkey bars.
Beitler said the goals of the Eli Hart Foundation are to help the community heal and work with the City
to meet the Parks Commission goals of building a new playground at Surfside Park. Beitler said the
playground will have a natural feel which fits in with the lake and green space and will be inclusive for
all ages and disabilities.
Beitler said Midwest Playscapes was chosen as a vendor for providing the playground equipment at
cost and will provide staff to oversee the installation of the equipment free of cost.
Beitler presented the first rendering of the playground with the following features:
• Accessible poured in place ground cover and wood chips
• A five -child slide
• Green and gold color scheme
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
• Playground is 88 x 109 feet long
• Wood chips are on the side of the playground closest to the beach
• There will be a sidewalk around the playground will be accessible to parents/ grandparents so
all can participate
Houghton said the equipment is put structured so you can see through it and will have a natural look.
Beitler said the swing also faces the lake with one of the swings being ADA accessible.
Other features include:
• Swing along
• NAICA — a new type of equipment of triangular climbing nets
• Playtown community helper
• Unity SpinR — wheelchair accessible ride
• Concerto Chimes and Vibes — for sensory effect as Eli had cochlear implants
• Timber stacks and log hops
• Rock Climbing Wall
• Denali Net which is 18.8 feet high
• Mighty Descent Slide for ages 2-12 which is an 8-foot-wide slide
• Monkey Bars
• ADA steps on certain areas of equipment
Beitler said the Eli Hart Foundation is planning on installation being a community build which will save
on costs. Beitler added that Midwest Playscapes will be providing six crew members who will lead the
build and are safety inspectors. Beitler said they are hoping to break ground on October 1, 2023.
McEnaney asked if the group is going to use the same footprint of the formerly proposed playground.
Beitler said it will be bigger than the City proposal and Hoversten said the playground will move toward
the depot parking lot which will push the edge of the playground closer to County Road 110. Hoversten
added the move is to accommodate the new playground but doesn't interrupt the parks green space.
McEnaney asked how the foundation proposes to memorialize Eli which Beitler said has not been
finalized. Beitler said one idea is to put a logo in the middle of the playground and another idea in the
works is a possible sign. Houghton said the Rotary Club would also like to donate money to the
Monkey Bars and said some type of foster care information would be included in the sign.
Colianni said the foundation is not changing the original plans of the City but using the City research to
help with the design of the playground. Houghton said they are helping with the playground budget by
trying to do something for the City and Eli's family and Eli's classmates.
Colianni said they hope their status as a charitable non-profit will help raise funds and Houghton said
benches donated by Midwest Playscapes can be auctioned off to City residents to raise additional
Holt said the playground proposal will go through Parks Commission and also be vetted by the Council.
Beitler said the foundation did request some of the equipment in the proposal and also worked with the
vendor to pick out items.
Castellano asked about the fundraising plan and if there is a number they are looking to be at. Beitler
said they are looking to raise 200K and have raised $30K so far. Beitler said the foundation is talking to
other Rotaries in the area for a grant and the foundation is close to finalizing its 501 c3 status. Beitler
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
said the 501c3 status has allowed Hennepin County to reach out to the group to apply for a grant and
offered several leads to other grants. Beitler said there is a fundraiser in the works for May. It was
noted some groups have been withholding donations until the IRS approval of the 501 c3 status and
that US Congressman Dean Phillip's office has offered to help expedite that.
Larson said she wanted to tell the public that the City is not changing the name of the park, noting the
name will stay Surfside.
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
11. Discussion and instructions to staff regarding video recording of Planning Commission
Holt said he asked about the cost of videotaping Planning Commission meetings with the Council
concern about transparency and how much it would cost.
Hoversten said the approximate cost is based on a fixed fee for videography of 12 meetings a year and
an additional hourly rate for processing and posting the meeting to the Lake Minnetonka Cable
Commission website and is estimated to cost under $31K annually.
Holt said he thinks public video of Planning Commission meetings is a no brainer and another plus is
that the Council will be able to see the exact comments of the Planning Commission when going
through the meeting minutes.
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Castellano, to instruct staff to go ahead with the steps necessary
to video record Planning Commission meetings. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
12. Consideration/Action on requests from Lifestyles Communities, LLC to approve First
Amendment for Development Agreement for Mound Harbor 2nd Addition and Termination of
Purchase and Development Agreement
Smith said the developers of the Artessa project, Tim Nichols and Ben Landhauser are requesting two
actions to amend the Artessa agreements. Smith said the amendments are to extend the start date of
the project from Feb 18th to April 30th and the second issue is related to financing the project now that
Lifestyles Communities owns the property, which makes the Purchase and Development Agreement
(PDA) moot. Smith added that City Attorney Landsman has reviewed the amendments and
agreements and his changes have been reflected. Smith added that all parties are diligently working
through final engineering plans, have had a pre -construction site meeting and all applicable agency
approvals and fees were paid last week with the approved final plat pending recording at Hennepin
Smith noted the City Building Official has reviewed the plans and the project is ready to go.
Tim Nichols and Ben Landhauser of Lifestyles Communities said Smith did a great job with the
overview of what has been going on and the new Development Agreement (DA). Landhauser said the
DA is needed to get Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval to ensure the project mortgage
is for 40 years. Landhauser said this will allow the shares sold to members to be spread out enough to
make the shares more financially attainable to a wider range of potential residents.
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
Landhauser said they have been holding meetings with prospective tenants and HUD is requesting the
PDA and DA be simplified into one document. Landhauser said the HUD approval of an amended DA
will allow Lifestyles to lock in their mortgage rate and closing date in order to start construction as soon
as possible.
Landhauser said they have had about 50% of full commitments with a number of reservation holders
and are sure they will reach 60% at the start of construction.
Holt asked about dates for completion and Landhauser said they are working toward April of 2024 as
their 13-month construction schedule.
Tim Nichols, thanked the Council and staff for working through this process and noted excitement is
building. Nichols said there needs to be activity at the site for sales to really start happening. Nichols
said they are hearing from the residents who are from a close radius to Mound with family in the area
who want to live next to a beautiful park and a walkable area.
Pugh asked at what point will Auditors Road will be closed and whether the Hennepin County Dakota
Trail crossing project across Shoreline Drive will happen at the same time. Landhauser replied the two
projects will happen at the same time and be in coordination with Hennepin County. Landhauser said
they will give a two -week notice and provide more direct communication with the City when that is going
to commence.
Hoversten said Hennepin County is finishing up their project details for the Dakota Trail crossing and
the process is set to start in the spring or early summer. Hoversten said the City has asked Lifestyle to
not close Auditors Road until snow season is over.
Hoversten said there will be additional excavation of Shoreline Drive due to the Met Council sewer
interceptor which will not likely coordinate with the other activity and may make keeping Shoreline Drive
open a challenge. Hoversten said Public Works staff are aware of the expectations of residents, noting
the City has not received firm proposals from the Met Council.
McEnaney said she has heard feedback regarding the style of the Artessa project which has made
people think the building could be from anywhere in the USA and does not have the charm that speaks
of Mound, noting the architectural detail is nice in the other Lifestyle buildings.
Nichols said the 3-D rendering of the promotional photos will not show details and nuances but the
architectural elements are present from the roofline to the foundation. Nichols said the nautical theme
from earlier community engagement is present and the vibe of the building will be unique to this area
and is connected to the lake. Nichols said the owners really love the design.
Landhauser said the design will be Cape Cod, coast line, lake house style rather than a round, strictly
nautical feeling. McEnaney said she will relay this to residents who are contacting her about the
design of the building.
Holt said former City Council member Phil Velsor was involved in the design and Nichols said Velsor
brought forward community comments and Lifestyle used this input to make this to make it a
deliberative and interactive process.
Larson said Velsor expressed his concerns about the design and it was not what he had hoped for.
Larson said it bothers her that there have been four amendments to the original agreement. Larson
said this project has been before the Council for a very long time. Larson said she was hoping the
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
Planning Commission (PC) would get another look at the project. Smith noted the Planning
Commission approvals are complete.
Larson asked if Lifestyle has a hard number of people signed up and Nichols said he doesn't have a
hard number. Larson asked about the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency testing wells and Nichols
said it is done. Landhauser said the PCA mitigation work is spelled out including soil removal and the
sub -contractors are aware of the testing. Landhauser added the testing well will remain in place with
additional monitoring wells which will then be removed at the end of construction.
Larson said she is concerned with the Mound Farmers Market & More (MFMM) and whether the timing
of the project will be a problem for the MFMM. Pugh and Landhauser both responded there are
provisions in the Council approvals which require the MFMM to be unobstructed. Pugh said she is
okay with the project and the MFMM.
Larson said the Council was talked into approving the project and the land purchase value of $700K
when it is now assessed by Hennepin County at $2.2Million. Nichols said the project will be valued at
much higher than that amount when it is completed. Nichols said he worked closely with Velsor to
address his concerns and there is excitement about the building and it is a fact that they have done
things have been done responsibly and deliberately based on Council directives. Nichols said Larson's
assertions are unfounded.
Larson said she had comments about the legal documents and asked if City Attorney Landsman
reviewed the documents. Larson said the City Attorney hasn't signed the documents even though he
made alterations to the document. Larson said the dock slip agreement was written by another
attorney and she is nervous about the amendments. Landsman said the amendments were proposed
by the developer and Landsman said he made minimal changes. Landsman said he has gone through
both documents and there are protections in place to aid the City.
Landsman said there are two documents, the Development Agreement and the Purchase and
Development Agreement. Landsman said the City was approached by Lifestyle because the dates in
the agreement needed to be changed. Landsman said the changes were based on Lifestyle's
experience with HUD as they could anticipate the problems HUD would have with two documents.
Landsman said one area he amended was on page 310 of the packet, section 2.2, regarding minimum
improvements. Landsman said changes made were to subdivision improvements originally and
Landsman added language to make sure all elements are tied together. Landsman said the dates in
Section 2.2 were changed and in section 2.3 there was a change to the new builder, AP Midwest LLC.
Landsman added that from section 2.4 to the end of section 2 was previously negotiated language and
the idea is to move this language to the DA and get rid of the PDA restrictions on how the developer
can transfer the property. Landsman said there are exceptions on page 312 in areas I, II, III regarding
financing and how the developer can transfer to the Cooperative, articles of incorporation, boat slip
agreements and construction deadline dates.
Landsman said there is also a Letter of Cash as the form of security. Landsman said there are Council
remedies for default; which are to initiate legal actions, draw on the improvement surety to complete
improvements, be reimbursed for expenses and/or to hold building permits for corrective action.
Landsman said the amendment is really about setting realistic dates which work with the developer and
moving PDA language to the DA to tie it all together. Landsman said the Council needs to approve the
amended DA in order to then terminate the PDA.
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
Larson asked the City Attorney about his signature and Landsman said some charter cities or counties
may ask the attorney to sign a document but usually it is the City Manager and the Mayor. Landsman
said the City Code would need to be changed to require an attorney signature.
Landsman said he has worked with many different cities and is working to protect the City from liability
and that is why he reviews the agenda and provides comments if needed.
Holt said he and City staff met with Assistant Attorney Shelly Ryan and Landsman for four hours last
week. Holt said Hoff and Barry were technically hired tonight and in the future Holt asked the Council
to contact Landsman directly with their questions. Landsman said it is important to have an open line of
communication with the Council and he is mindful of the balancing act between communication and
attorney rates. Landsman said at the upcoming workshop meeting the Council can discuss with him
how they want to move forward with communication.
Castellano asked about the slip agreement and the language on page 322 of the Council packet
regarding offering up to 10 slips to the residents of Artessa. Hoversten said this will allow the Dock
Program to rent any unused slips to Mound residents.
Requested Actions:
A. Approve resolution approving First Amendment to Development Agreement for Mound Harbor 2nd
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve to the following resolution. McEnaney, Pugh,
Castellano and Holt voted in favor. Larson voted no. Motion carried.
B. Approve Resolution approving termination of Purchase and Development Agreement for Mound
Harbor 2nd Addition
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. McEnaney, Pugh,
Castellano and Holt voted in favor. Larson voted no. Motion carried.
13. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting approval of a Resolution Accepting Bid for
Lynwood Watermain Improvement Phase 3: Southview to Grandview
City Project PW 23-01
Bauman and Simmons approached the Council. Bauman said the bid opening for the watermain
improvement received five competitive bids with Bituminous Roadways the low bidder and staff
recommends approval of Bituminous Roadways. Bauman said the engineer's estimate of the project
was $737K and Holt said you can see Bituminous Roadways was the lowest bid at $539K
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
14. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting approval of a Resolution Receiving Plans and
Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for the 2023 Lift Station Improvements
Bauman said City Engineers in October prepared a feasibility study of the Lakewinds Lift Station and
after final design, the scope of the project needed to be increased. Bauman said if approved, the
project bids in the Engineer's Estimate will increase from earlier estimates. Bauman said the $1.15M
estimate was due to the lift station being in a difficult site with a steep grade, a nearby garage and the
need for a pass -through driveway for safety and truck maneuverability.
Holt asked for a high-level overview of the site from Bauman. Bauman said there is a steep grade at
the site and the trucks needing to service the lift station would have to use private property next to
Lakewinds Condominiums which didn't really allow room for the trucks. Hoversten said a maintenance
truck would need to be on site two or three times a week and the proposed driveway will give room for
trucks to serve the area safely. Hoversten said another cost factor is a larger amount of forcemain in
this project than typical.
Simmons said lift station improvements are part of the capital improvement plan. Simmons said Lift
stations brings up sewage from one gravity pipe to another gravity pipe, noting Mound has 30 lift
stations due to its topography.
Hoversten said the lift station is old and is a liability and expense to the City.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
15. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting approval of a Resolution Receiving Report and
Authorizing Preparation of Plans Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for
Downtown Paver Sidewalk Replacement Phase 2 Project PW 23-08
Bauman presented the 2nd phase of sidewalk paver improvement project, noting the project has been
scheduled in collaboration with Hennepin County (HC). Bauman said HC will build out the pedestrian
ramps at the intersection of Shoreline and Commerce to be ADA accessible. Bauman said the City
portion of this phase is the extension of the sidewalks off of the pedestrian ramps with the 31 phase
scheduled for next year. Bauman said City Engineers have been working with Mound Marketplace to
commit to some participation in having the pavers replaced near Carbone's. Bauman said the owners
of Mound Market place have balked at the cost and the City will work with them on an alternate
improvement that looks the same but is within their budget. Bauman said the Engineer's Estimate is
$600K for the project and with Council approval, the project will go through final plans and
specifications and then go out for bids.
Holt and Hoversten noted the project must be approved by the Hennepin County Board as part of their
capital improvement program and is one of five projects recommended by staff for approval.
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
16. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh — Pugh said she testified at the State Legislature and has been thinking the City
should hire a lobbyist to support the water treatment project bill. Holt said he talked to Senator
Morrison and said other communities are using lobbyists. Holt said he also talked to Representative
Myers about this and told Holt it wouldn't help. Holt said it could cost $30K to hire a lobbyist and he
could contact the lobbyist recommended by Morrison. Pugh said it takes a lot to be at the Capital and a
lobbyist would allow the City to be more proactive in response to the legislature which is moving bills so
fast. Pugh asked if the City can get people in front of the legislature with a two hour notice.
Holt said the treatment plant bill has been introduced in the House and there is work on getting a
hearing in the Senate. Holt said he received a message from Representative Myers that the bill could
get a hearing in early March. Pugh asked about working with other cities which Hoversten said a
partnership was discussed previously, but fell apart.
Holt said he would call a lobbyist contact he has. Pugh asked if the City is organized to have residents
ready to go testify at the Capitol and how many people are going to show up, noting numbers matter.
Discussion ensued about the need for personal stories of residents being relayed to the State
Legislature regarding how the water issue is affecting them.
Council Member Larson — Larson said she attended the January 26th Development Committee meeting
to exchange information with a current developer in town. Larson said she also attend the January
30th Casa Amigos ribbon cutting event. Larson added there was a closed meeting on February 8tn
Council Member McEnaney — McEnaney said she is working on a City social media presence and an e-
newsletter and has contacted seven cities with well put together newsletters. McEnaney said she is
reviewing research and information from Catherine Pausche before she moves forward. McEnaney
said she hopes to be ready to address the Council in March.
Council Member Castellano — Castellano said he received a phone call requesting the bus route be
reinstated. Hoversten said the City doesn't have a District Representative on the Met Council board
right now so it is best to advocate the need for bus service through the two Hennepin County Board
members who represent the City. Hoversten said the Met Council is working on hiring drivers, noting
Mound has experienced low ridership since the pandemic and the Met Council is waying hardship over
ridership when scheduling routes.
Castellano asked about the improvements for the Surfside boat launch and whether improvements are
planned for the Three Points boat launches. Hoversten said the City works with the DNR on Surfside
but not the other launches due to invasive species control.
Castellano asked about crosswalk paint at the four-way stop at Gull Lane and Three Points Blvd.
Simmons said this intersection can be painted. Hoversten and Simmons said they are working on a
crosswalk policy and it will be on the Council agenda in the next meeting or two.
Castellano asked about looking into boat trailer parking on County Road 110 and if it makes sense for
parking restrictions during the boating season. Hoversten said there are no restrictions other than
overnight parking not being allowed in certain areas. Hoversten said there are people in Mound who
Mound City Council Minutes — February 14, 2023
park their vehicles and trailers on 110. Castellano said some of the other lake communities have
restricted parking around the lake. Council discussion ensued regarding parking along Commerce
Mayor Holt — Holt said he attended the Polar Plunge and it was very nice but could use a bonfire pit for
spectators. Holt said Surfside Bar and Grill had one of their biggest days ever during the Polar Plunge.
Holt said all he thinks about is improving social media, noting the new newsletter looks good. Holt said
he reached out to Orono, Waconia and Victoria and other cities about their social media. Holt said the
City of Waconia does a monthly two -page e-newsletter which is very good.
Landsman said the City would need to develop a social media policy before implementation which he
said he would review.
17. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
Hoversten offered the following items:
• Surfside Boat Launch repair will begin after ice -out in the spring, noting the launch will
be closed during repairs.
• Harbor Wine and Spirits held its anniversary sale and Rare Whiskey Release which was
very successful.
• February 21 - Special combined PC CC Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
• February 23rd the Council approved tonight the 6:00 p.m. Council Workshop Meeting
• February 27th Volunteer Event at Surfside Bar and Grill starting at 6:00 p.m.
B. Reports: Liquor Store — January 2023
Engineering — 4th Quarter 2022
Finance Department — December 2022 (preliminary)
C. Minutes: September 15, 2022 DCC Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2022 DCC Meeting Minutes
D. Correspondence: Hennepin County Assessor - 2023 Open Book Meeting
18. Adjourn
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Castellano, to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Attest: evin Kelly, Cler
Mayor Jason R. Holt