2023-04-11 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
April 11, 2023
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy
McEnaney and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Community Development
Director Sarah Smith, Orono Police Sergeant Matt Siltala, Olivia Adam, Kevin Borg and Chris
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $524,174.96.
B. Approve minutes: 03-28-23 Regular Meeting
C. Approve Special Meeting Workshop — Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, 6:30
p.m., May 16, 2023 — Comprehensive Plan Health Check
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Chris Carlson, 5950 West Branch Road, Minnetrista, said he corresponded with Hoversten and
Mound City Council Minutes — April 11, 2023
tried to contact Balsam Hill management. Carlson said there is no place for kids to play and the
hill and land along the building is in bad shape due to being trampled on by kids. Carlson said
he would like the City to use their leverage over the owners to keep up the small patch of land.
Hoversten said he is monitoring the area and has contacted Balsam Hill staff, noting the
Boulevard is in rough shape and there isn't irrigation which increased damage from the
excessive drought.
6. Orono Police Department Activity Report for March 2023
Orono Police Department (OPD) Sergeant Matt Siltala said activity will climb as the weather warms.
Siltala said there were 136 incident reports in March which was typical over the winter. Siltala said
OPD is monitoring residents who are speeding through the Lynwood Blvd. construction site and hope to
curtail that activity. Siltala added there have been fewer violations for overweight vehicles during spring
weight restrictions.
Siltala added he is switching shifts and Sergeant Hennessey will take over presenting the monthly
activity report.
Larson said her neighbor had a medical call and the neighbor praised the two officers who responded.
Siltala said the fine for speeding in a construction zone is $300.00 plus court costs, noting there is no
excuse for drivers to not use the detour.
7. Olivia Adam, Westonka High School Student Senate presenting a School Update
Adam said she is a Junior and Vice President of the student senate for 2022-2023 and is also involved
in DECA, National Honor Society (NHS), Rotary, Letters of Love and the soccer team.
Adam provided the following update:
Activities —
• The Student Senate is hosting 350 students and advisors for the NHS leadership conference
April 28-April 30th
• Two candidates will run for MASC and MAHS Boards
• Junior Prom Committee is planning the Junior Prom at the Nicollet Island Pavilion
• Prom Court Coronation is on April 30th and the Prom is being held on May 6th
• DECA — 28 students are going to the International Career Development Conference April 21-25
• NHS students volunteered 930 hours and held the spring blood drive, Bike Rodeo for Food
Drive and Food Shelf
• Letters of Love Club makes cards for children at the Children's Hospital
• DARE Graduation at Grandview Middle School was held March 23rd
• Shirley Hills Carnival will be held on April 14th from 5:00-9:OOp.m.
Athletics —
• Dance, Gymnastics Wrestling and Swimming all went to State
• MWHS Abby Hollenstein was the MWHS 2023 Athena Award Winner participating on the
soccer, basketball and track and field teams
Arts —
• MWHS Theatre production of "The Play that Goes Wrong" won many awards
• Grandview Middle School Theatre spring musical "Willy Wonka Jr." from April 13-16
• Westonka Community Theatre is presenting their summer musical "Bye -Bye Birdie"
• The MWHS Band performed March 9th, Choir/Coffee House Jazz performances May 12th
Mound City Council Minutes —April 11, 2023
Academics —
• MWHS attendance up since the Covid-19 pandemic
• State Testing is happening soon for grades 3-8 and 10t" for the MCA Reading Assessment
• Grades 3-8 and 11 are taking the MCA Math Assessment
Facility Update — Superintendent Borg has been making public presentations regarding facility
improvements in the School District
8. Westonka School District Superintendent Kevin Borg providing a facilities maintenance and
improvements planning update for District facilities
Borg thanked the Council for giving students the opportunity to address the Council.
Borg also thanked Ryan Prich and the City Public Works team for their flexibility and caring about the
safety of bussing students and thanked Hoversten and team for their cooperation to create the Dutch
Lake Pier for students to enrich their learning.
Borg presented a Comprehensive Facilities Review regarding the facility planning which is underway.
Borg said the process has been going on since 2021-2022 to allow for students needs to be addressed.
Borg said a demographic study was completed which showed the School District will have steady
enrollment over the next 10 years and the School District should have capacity going forward.
Borg stated he has sought out Community input on the following areas:
• School security
• Maintenance
• Activities
• Educational design
Borg said community surveys were completed in August 2022 and the response was positive with
moving forward. Staff focus groups were held during the fall of 2022 and Borg said he is spending
January through April engaged in receiving feedback from the community which will allow for a
Community Bond vote to provide dollars for more than routine maintenance.
Districtwide Security — Borg said people expect safe schools and responsive facilities which can be a
challenge when the school buildings were designed 50 to 70 years ago. Borg said the School District
needs to design a school that is responsive to an emergency and the plan for security includes:
Middle School
• Controlled entrance at Grandview M.S. — current buzzer intercom system allows visitors to walk
a long hallway to get to the school office
• School Resource Officer positioned in a nearby office at entrance
• Proposal is to create a new vestibule/office area where the old stage is located where visitors
will enter
• The old office area across from media center will be repurposed as educational space
High School entrance — currently similar to Grandview where visitors hit a buzzer located at a corner of
the facility where a high number of students come in and out of the building. Borg said the High School
building is used up to 360 days a year and the redesign will create a more prominent entrance.
Borg showed a slide detailing the second floor of Shirley Hills Primary School as a safety example.
Mound City Council Minutes —April 11, 2023
Creates a controlled lock down of the hallway which allows doors to be shut to secure the
The secure doors will add security to the Adventure Club which starts at 6:00 a.m. and will open
building up only in the areas where there are activities.
Hardening of glass at entrances and strobes are other features being added to enhance safety.
Borg noted we live in a community which values the Police Department and the Fire Department and
the School District has an incredible relationship with the School Resource Officers who staff school
Deferred Maintenance — Borg said many of the buildings are 50 to 70 years old and there is a need for
replacement. Borg listed the dates the following buildings were built noting the 2011 bond did not
include older building replacement:
• 1951 Shirley Hills
• 1958 Grandview
• 1964 Hilltop Primary
• 1970 Transportation Building
• 1971 Mound Westonka High School
• 2002 Educational Service Center
• 2018 Activity Center and Performing Arts Center
Borg listed larger maintenance items:
• Air Handling
• Boilers
• Electrical
• Piping
• 1970s steam boiler had 50+ service calls costing $150K in last 3 years
• Tennis courts and track and baseball fields need repair to sub -base
High School Redesign —
• There are excellent school options in the area and the School District needs to be competitive to
enhance learning and engagement on top of the small school advantage and small-town feel.
• Facilities need to be updated to be competitive with surrounding districts.
• Address Special Education and student service's needs.
• Accommodate athletic training needs.
• Expand vocational opportunities.
• Schools have changed with the HS having most use but last to be upgraded.
Borg provided examples of why adding and renovating space is needed:
• Classrooms are undersized, exasperating noise and space.
• 25% increase in students with special needs - highest growth students with autism.
• Student Services counseling and mental health services with space for students to do their
• Parking, cafeteria and weight room running out of space.
Vocational Activity and opportunities with 151 kids in Woodworking.
• 36 students enrolled in Pathways Program at Hennepin Technical College with a need for more
opportunities within the school.
Mound City Council Minutes —April 11, 2023
Borg said there is a need to offer more to students in:
• Machining — Machine Tool Technology also used by engineering students and robotics.
• Nursing/Emergency Response — kids can get a CNA and work in assisted living or nursing
home and/or opportunities in other areas related to emergency services
• Advanced Woods — expand to create a carpentry program emphasizing construction
Borg provided information on Investment and Feedback —
• Chart showing $500K house is taxed lower than neighboring school districts.
• Bond cost would add $220 a year for a $500K valued house.
• The total is $91.5M for the bond.
• $7.4M for Districtwide Security
• $36.2M for Deferred Maintenance — Buildings and Campus
• $47.9M for High School Redesign
Borg said the feedback received thus far is people have been positive and the bond is trying to create a
balance between taxes and the benefit to the community. Borg said the district will send out one more
community survey and bring the results to the school Board who will determine the best way to move
McEnaney and Borg discussed tax and cost estimates for the bond vote which could be affected by
interest rates and inflation.
Borg said the School Board will discuss adding the bond to the November Ballot in 2023 when there will
be four School Board seats up for election and a capital projects levy.
Pugh asked how would the other cities which increased taxes in 2023 and Mound's needs to adjust the
levy be framed with the school levy. Borg said the School District will have a flat increase as well in
2023, noting there is a cost for delaying as things get more expensive.
Pugh said parents look at amenities and many parents in Minneapolis send their children to Wayzata,
Bloomington and Eden Prairie because of all of the amenities.
9. Discussion and action on a DNR Cooperative Agreement and Easement/Maintenance
Agreement with Westonka School District for Ecology Classroom/Fishing Pier at Grandview
Middle School shoreline of Dutch Lake
Hoversten said the DNR has a program to partner with cities to build fishing piers such as the one at
Centerview Beach, noting the program excludes schools so the City is being asked to partner with
Grandview Middle School for a pier on Dutch Lake. Hoversten said in order to do so, administrative
tasks are needed including the school district granting an access easement from the boat launch up the
shore to where the pier will be located.
Hoversten said the cost of the fishing pier will be paid by DNR, the City will continue to be responsible
for maintaining the parking lot, and the school will maintain the pathway. Hoversten said the
partnership allows the City to request the pier on the school district's behalf, noting the pier will be open
to the general public.
Hoversten said the city and school district attorneys have reviewed the agreement, the school board
has approved it, and if the City approves, it will go to the state for approval.
Mound City Council Minutes — April 11, 2023
Borg noted this area is in a section of the school near the lower end of the property and is in a safe
location to allow public access.
Hoversten said the boat launch has no services so the pier needs to be far enough away from the
launch so it is not used by boaters.
a. Action on a Resolution Approving Westonka School District Easement Agreement and
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Cooperative Agreement for Fishing Pier at Dutch
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
10. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh - nothing
Council Member Larson - nothing
Council Member McEnaney — Resident stopped by inquiring if he could put up dog waste bags on a
post at Philbrook Park and he will pay for it. Hoversten said the Parks Commission will be the next step
for this request.
Council Member Castellano - nothing
Mayor Holt —
• City Manager Eric Hoversten has given his intent to resign on January 5th. Hoversten said he
has enjoyed working at the City and is time for his family to take care of aging parents, noting he
and his wife feel blessed to be able to enjoy this time with their parents.
• Administrative Services Director Catherine Pausche has also given her intent to resign and Holt
anticipates her last day to be 9/1/2023.
• Eli Hart Foundation is now officially a 501c3 charitable organization and are holding a
fundraising event on May 20tn
• Eli Hart Playground Plan has been updated and will to go to the Parks Commission to move
forward with formal alterations.
Discussion took place about the remaining green space at the park regarding the replacement of some
low value trees with new ones that work better for the new playground/park layout
• Communications — There was a recent meeting to discuss options and this topic has been
tabled for now in order to talk through a new way forward.
• Harrison's Bay Association Rain Barrel Event is scheduled for June 3rd and all the rain barrels
have been sold out for this year.
• Dakota Trail Crossing — The trail crossing work will be finalized in 2024 due to Metropolitan
Council sewer excavation/restoration work in the fall of 2023. Hoversten said the Shoreline
Drive area near the Reed and Pond building will be dug up by Met Council and it is more cost
effective to push the work by Hennepin County (HC) until after the excavation is complete,
noting the overall cost for HC, Three Rivers Park District and the City will be reduced by the
pavement replacement by the Met Council.
• Holt urged residents to use the City RAVE notification system which residents can sign up for by
texting START to 226787 or go to the City website. Holt said residents who sign up for RAVE
get citywide notifications as well as neighborhood specific alerts.
• Lynwood Blvd. detour from Southview to allow traffic - police are monitoring for speeders
Mound City Council Minutes —April 11, 2023
• Hennepin County Open Book Meeting will be held from 3-7p.m. on April 26t" in the Council
Chambers to discuss property tax valuations and residents should call the City Assessor's at
612-348-8853 to book an appointment.
11. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
Hoversten noted the following:
• April 18 — Special Meeting Workshop — Annual Reports
• May 16 — Joint Special Meeting - Comp Plan Health Assessment
• May 6 — Community Cleanup day at Minnetrista
• May 20 — Mound Farmers Market and More begins 2023 season
• May 20 — Fishing Experince for kids
• June 3 — Mound Fire Relief Association Fish Fry
• May 1 — City Hall Summer Hours start
• May 26 — Memorial Day
B. Reports: Liquor Store — March 2023
Finance Department — February 2023
C. Minutes: February 21, 2023 Planning Commission Special Workshop
March 7, 2023 Planning Commission
March 21, 2023 Planning Commission Special
D. Correspondence:
12. Adjourn
ACTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Jason R. Holt
Attest: Kevin Kelly, aerk