2023-11-14 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 14, 2023 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy McEnaney and Kevin Castellano. Members absent: None Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, Finance Director Noah Iverson, Andrew Drilling Field Officer, City Clerk Kevin Kelly, City Attorney Scott Landman, Ehlers Consultant Stacy Kvilvang, Mike Zygadlo. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Larson, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $983,439.14. B. Approve minutes: 10-24-23 Regular Meeting 10-30-23 Special Meeting C. Approve Parks Commission Re -appointments Jan. 2024 — Dec 2026 Travis Mills Johanna Kahn D. Approve Pay Request #2 in the amount of $24,381.37 to Create Construction for the 2023 Downtown Paver Replacement Project — Group 3 pavement, PW 23-08 E. Approve Final Pay Request in the amount of $2,127.85 to Boulder Creations Limited for the 2023 Retaining Wall Improvements Project, Waterbury: PW 23-02 Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 F. Approve Pay Request in the amount of $10,312.50 to Klein Underground LLC for miscellaneous street repair work; various utility and drainage repairs G. Approve Pay Request #2 in the amount of $49,942.00 to Thul Specialty Contracting for the 2023 Manhole Rehabilitation Project; PW 23-04 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Orono Police Department September and October 2023 Activity Reports No representatives from the Orono Police Department were present. 7. 5043 Enchanted Road — Exterior Storage/Nuisance Hearing Drilling gave the timeline of events regarding the 5043 Enchanted Road property. Drilling said the initial complaint came to the City in August, 2023. Drilling listed the subsequent activity after the initial complaint: • Sent initial warning on August 18th with a compliance due date of September 1 st • Compliance work was not done on the property. • A second letter was sent with due date for compliance of September 15cn • Final warning letter sent on September 18th with a October 12th compliance date. • On October 611 Drilling received an appeal letter from the property owner. • Resident was notified on October 31"of appeal hearing meeting scheduled at this meeting. Drilling said City Attorney Landsman prepared a resolution declaring a nuisance if the Council would like to pursue that option at this time. Larson said she drove by the property and it looked like there was no work done to comply. McEnaney said has the property owner spoken to Drilling. Drilling said the only communication from the property owner was the appeal letter. Mike Zygadlo, 5043 Enchanted Road, said he sent the appeal letter and that he removed the truck from his property and the building materials located on his property are for his new roof. Zygadlo said he heats his house with the firewood and he said it is stacked neatly. Zygadlo said he is working on the nuisance items. Zygadlo added he has a building permit for the roofing project and the City never contacted him. McEnaney said there were ladders and chairs, a table and other items. McEnaney asked him if he could clean things up a little bit. Zygadlo said he was working on the roof and it is a working project. Zygadlo said he was going to put in a retaining wall on the property which will include a lot of retaining wall blocks added to the property. Holt said the City is looking into property owners trying to comply with cleaning up their properties and following the code that is in place. Holt said the Council read Zygadlo's rebuttal letter. Drilling said he read the letter and is monitoring the property and things are getting moved around but there are still many items in the yard which need to be taken care of. Drilling discussed the photos he provided to the City Council relating to the nuisance items. Drilling said some items were completed but there are many items still in the yard that need to be addressed. Drilling said this is an on -going situation and said some things have moved but there are things like unsplit firewood on the ground and other items which are still present on the property. Drilling said the roof permit was issued a while ago Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 and may be expired. Drilling said over the last few months things have for the most part not changed. Holt said there are photos with long grass which has been mowed. Hoversten said the resident brought forward this hearing directly to the Council but did not work with City staff. Holt asked what next steps would be if the Council approves the resolution. Hoversten said the Council needs to make a decision to approve or table the nuisance resolution. Hoversten said the objective is for the property to improve. Drilling said this is his first appeal and usually the property owner will work with him to take care of their nuisance. Hoversten said it is up to the Council to decide on how to respond to the appeal. Pugh said the City has set out a process to address nuisances and the property owner has been given notice and the homeowner should get another month to get his property cleaned up. Pugh said the Council wants to clean up the City. Castellano said he would like to go with the staff opinion and doesn't see what another 30 days will do when it could snow at any time. Castellano said some of these things can be done immediately. McEnaney said she would like to give him another month out of good will and maybe get a list of to-do items for Zygadlo. Zygadlo said he has stuff on a trailer which he can take off the property and the items are secured by straps. Zygadlo said he is working on the roofing permit and he is working on the backyard. Zygadlo said he doesn't know what the issue is. McEnaney said the area is overgrown and Zygadlo should trim and neaten up the area to camouflage all the stuff in the yard. Castellano said ordering the resolution will give Zygadlo the itemized list of items he needs to improve. Holt said Drilling has been working on this for three months and Zygadlo hasn't responded except for the letter. Larson asked Zygadlo do you live here or is this a rental property and her heart bleeds for him if he is busy working. Larson said Zygadlo lives in a nice neighborhood and she sees things all over his yard. Larson said it is too bad you haven't neatened up the yard. Larson said some of this stuff could have been picked up and the Council wants to tidy up the yards in town. Landsman said the purpose of the appeal is to agree with the staff determination that a nuisance exists. Landsman said the resolution on page 2486 of the agenda states City officials are authorized to take steps to take care of the nuisance and assess the costs of abatement. Holt agreed with the City that this is a nuisance and to go ahead with the motion on the resolution. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Larson, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 23-96: RESOLUTION ORDERING NUISANCE ABATEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5043 ENCHANTED ROAD, MOUND, MINNESOTA 8. Franchise Fee and User Fee discussion Stacy Kvilvang, Ehlers and Associates, said she was before the Council a month ago regarding the history and background of the Franchise Fee decisions. Kvilvang said the current Franchise fee is $2.75 for each utility user whether they are residential or a business property owner. Kvilvang said 94% of the revenue from Franchise fees comes from residential properties. Kvilvang listed Options for the Council to consider: Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 • Increase the fee across the board • Residential could stay at $2.75 with a higher fee for commercial (C/1) users • Move all properties to $4.00 • Another option to move residential to $4.00 with higher fee increase for C/I over 2-3 years Kvilvang provided the data for Option 1: • If all properties paid $4.00 this would increase all properties fees $30 per year • Residential properties would still pay 94% of fees Kvilvang provided the data for Option 2: • Residential at $4.00 • Increase small C/I to $18.50 a month/$222.00 a year • Increase Small C/I to (higher demand) to $54.50 a month/$654.00 a year • Increase Large C/I to 284.50 a month/ $3,414.00 a year • Shifts ratio of residential/commercial percentage to 70/30 which bring better balance to the portfolio Kvilvang said Option 3 would be a gradual ramp up of fees for Option 2 numbers for the 10 - 15 large C & I users in City over three years. Kvilvang said she is looking for Council direction and next steps which she listed: • Select an Option • Approve Ordinance • Communication with residents and business • Notify utility companies of the franchise fee increase Hoversten said there are users of City services who do not pay property taxes. Hoversten said that changing franchise fees is a financially strategic option that can lessen the burden of property taxes and diversify the general fund revenue portfolio. Hoversten said all fees and taxes are more heavily burdened on residential properties in how they are currently structured and implemented. Hoversten said the property tax levy can be lowered by raising revenue through franchise fees so the general fund isn't totally burdened. Hoversten said it is a give and take on how the rate schedule is formulated. Hoversten said churches and schools don't pay property taxes and the smallest users in Mound pay the most heavily. Hoversten said this change would balance equities and spreading it out over two or three years may make it easier. Castellano said he likes Option 2 and wants to ease the burden on residents sooner with a two-year phase in of fee increases. Pugh said she would like to move to C/I paying more fees due to equity. McEnaney said she prefers Option 2 for more immediate relief for residents. Larson said she is in favor of the C/I increase to happen over three years. Kvilvang said Option 3 delays the positive effect on revenue an earlier increase would bring. Hoversten said this is a diversification of revenue sources and paying off the debts of the City will require revenue whether it is from one source or the other. Hoversten said the Council can decide to reduce the burden on single family residences. Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Larson said for every $75,000 the City receives reduces the levy by 1%. Holt said the $290K in increased Franchise Fees would be 3.8% of the levy. Pugh said this strategy should start in 2024. Castellano said this is why the Council should go for Option 2. Pugh said any new Council could change the plans made by this Council. Castellano said a new Council could deviate from this Council's plan. Hoversten said the Council has a preliminary levy and the staff have tried to diversify revenue sources. Hoversten said the City Franchise Fees can be used to reduce the tax levy and to reduce City debt. Holt said he is in favor of Option 2. Castellano reiterated he is in favor of Option 2 which can bring down the levy. Holt asked Larson if she was in favor of Option 2 to which she agreed. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve Option 2 for Franchise Fee rates. All voted in favor. Motion passed. 9. Discussion to consider initiatinq a Utility Rate Study Kvilvang said this is the first discussion on the City Dock Fund. Kvilvang listed the services residents who participate in the dock program get access to: Dock locations — residents put in their own docks into the lake Multiple Slips — City owned slips which the City pays for the installation and removal Wait List — residents wait to get into the dock program Canoe/Kayak Racks — Shoreline spots for season rentals Kvilvang said each user of their portion of the dock program pay an annual license fee as follows: • Multiple slip - $500.00 annual fee • Dock Program - $350.00 annual license Kvilvang said the 2023 budget for the Dock Program is $180K and the projected 2024 Budget is set at $262K. Kvilvang said projections are that the Dock Budget will increase to $330K on average over the next ten years which is caused by tree removal and rip rap shoreline restoration. Kvilvang said there are $400K in fund reserves currently in the Dock Fund and if fees stay the same as they are in 2023 these reserves will be depleted. Kvilvang said the Dock Fund is not currently paying for every activity which benefits the Dock Program such as rip rap and tree removal which are being paid for by the City General Fund. Kvilvang said what should be the goal of the Dock Fund. • Increase rates to adequately support the Dock Fund • Multiple Slips to cover higher costs • Maintain additional boat fee • Maintain equitable fees for all Dock Program uses Kvilvang said the Ehlers proposals are Option 1 - Multiple slips fees to increase by $75.00 a year for the next four years Increase to $90.00 a year from 2027-2029 Increase of $30.00 a year from 2030-2033 Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 • Dock license fees to increase by $50.00 a year • Additional watercraft fees increase by $20.00 a year Option 2 • Multiple slip fee increased by $240.00 in 2024 to $740.00 for annual license • Increase of $50.00 a year from 2025-2029 • Increase of $30.00 a year from 20230-2033 • Docks will increase by $50 a year from 2024-2029 Kvilvang said the Multiple Slip Fee will increase from $500 in 2023 to approximately $1,100.00 in 10 years in either Option 1 or 2. Castellano said in either option fees will increase and get to the same point but Option 2 hits multiple slip users up front than the more gradual increases in Option 1. Kvilvang said in either Option 1 or Option 2 the Dock Fund will be receiving $400K in annual revenue by 2033. Holt said he doesn't think it is fair that he, like other residents on the wait list, support the taking down of trees. Holt said the expectation is the budget in 2024 is going to be $262K due to the tree removal and the dock program fees should pay for this. Hoversten said the understanding was the Dock Program was not to be turned into an enterprise fund but the fees should pay for the cost of services and not supported through the City General Fund. Hoversten said the budget reflects the time staff put in to running the Dock Program. Hoversten said there are insane numbers of dead trees in commons areas due to the Emerald Ash Borer and the drought stress. Hoversten added the dock program is in existence to benefit inland Mound residents and these costs should be allocated to the Dock Fund. Hoversten said the Commons are different from City Parks as anyone can use the Parks but the Commons are licensed to a specific group of use only. Hoversten said the Dock Fund budget in 2024 needs to be adjusted to reflect tree removal in the Commons areas and rip rap cost increases in order to not have to do a shock adjustment in future years. Hoversten said projects reflect current financial realities and the Council needs to make an adjustment and to make sure reserves don't go negative. Hoversten said this is a Policy decision for the Council; should the general fund cover costs or the dock fund and how aggressive the Dock Fund costs should be allocated to the dock program. Hoversten said the Ehlers analysis is long-term and a predictable fee schedule profile. McEnaney said at some point there will be no more rip rap to do and it last 30 years and the trees will be removed so won't the costs become stable? Hoversten and the Council said there is inflation and maintenance costs which will increase. Hoversten said the Council has the opportunity to address these immediate cost increase drivers and make fee adjustments in future years. Hoversten said the options presented by Ehlers will bring consistency and dock program participants will know what to expect regarding fees year to year. Kvilvang said over next the next five years the Dock Fund will be able to cover dock program costs and decisions on fees will be made by the Council every year. Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Kelly said the Docks and Commons Commission (DCC) meets on Thursday and the policy direction from the Council will allow the DCC to have a robust discussion on fees. Kelly said staff have been working for many years on containing Dock Program costs and this has been sufficient but isn't sustainable. Kelly added the Dock Program is an amenity to the residents. Holt said he had learned that people stay in town because of benefit of the dock program and people move to Mound due to the Dock Program and the opportunity to get on the lake. Holt said he doesn't want to nail dock program participants but at the same time staff costs and tree removal costs need to be paid for by the Dock Program now or in the coming years. Larson said the Council needs a workshop to discuss Dock Program fee policy. Larson added there are a number of items in the Dock Fund budget and wondered if other Council Members looked the budget. Larson again requested a workshop to discuss if the users of city property should pay for costs incurred on city property or should it be paid for by the general tax payer. Larson said the general tax payer should fund these costs and not a select group. Holt asked Larson what is a fair amount of fees for a dock. Larson said the dock program is not an enterprise fund and the lakeshore is owned by the City of Mound. Hoversten said the riparian right is acquired and some are platted as commons, act like parcels, some of the slips are in dedicated parks and some dock sites are in platted, unopened rights of way. Hoversten there is right of use by the City and there is land which is in fee title to the adjacent property owner. Hoversten said street ends also hold dock program sites. Larson said the City of Mound operates the largest municipal dock program in the state and permits up to 637 boats on Lake Minnetonka. Larson continued reading "thanks to the developers a hundred years ago and they created... linear access ways to the commons... to allow all residents the chance to enjoy the lake." Larson said the tree removal costs were $6K in 2020 and were budgeted for trees but what is proposed is for $60K in tree removal in 2024. Larson said the people who use the City parks are not charged for the use and the Council needs to move forward with a philosophy on paying for costs incurred on public spaces. Larson said the Dock Program has $398K in reserves in the 2022 budget. Holt said he pays for the dock program but not for going to use a park. Holt said everyone in the City can use the park but not the dock program land. Holt said the budget committee has discussed this and that the City Council can disagree about the policy of dock program participants paying for the costs of land in the dock program. Larson said it is so unfair that dock licensees are paying for these costs and are more like renters such as people renting the depot. Larson said should the depot renters pay for all the expenses of the depot. Larson said a former finance employee of the City worked on eliminating assessments in the City because it was her philosophy that they are City owned streets and that it is not fair for only property owners to pay for the total improvement. Discussion ensued about the City street assessment history and equitability. Discussion ensued on how previous City Councils were forced to make finance decisions in the past due to immediate infrastructure issues and to move from assessments to debt will allow for 15 years of street repairs. Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Larson went through the itemized Dock Fund budget and costs incurred via vehicle use and other costs. Hoversten said the data analysis by Ehlers is to give the City choices and options to respond to cost increases and to retain reserves. Hoversten said there is a Hennepin County tree grant which is $75K and is being used currently for tree removal. Castellano said this is a user fee discussion of the Council and the Ehlers analyses are both good options. Holt said there is $400K in reserves now and said in 2027 there will be negative reserves if fees aren't increased. Hoversten said the tree removal costs are estimated at $60K and are forecasted in the model. Hoversten said 1/8 th of the parks crew's allocated costs are to the dock program. Castellano said the options are a plan and at least the Fund won't be negative. Hoversten said the Council can set up a model. Hoversten said there will be increased costs due to inflationary costs with the tree removal costs being a new calculation. Pugh said there are a lot of work going into the docks and the docks are an amenity. Castellano said people who choose to not use a dock shouldn't have to pay for my access to a dock which he chooses to keep. McEnaney and Castellano both said that Options 1 and 2 are good ways to correct the funding problem. Hoversten said there is a targeted $200K fund reserve in the Dock Fund due to the lack of insurance for the dock infrastructure and this is the estimated expense to replace the infrastructure. Hoversten said the Commons are a special benefit to participants of the dock program and practice is for dock program participants to get exclusive use of the dock areas. Holt said he likes Option 1 and raise it a little bit and to answer Larson this meeting is a Council workshop discussion. McEnaney said she appreciates the dock program and it is a benefit that is well appreciated and the people benefiting from the dock program wouldn't mind paying a higher fee to continue to benefit from the dock program. Pugh said the Dock Program is a huge amenity and none of the other cities on the lake have what we have and it is a benefit to allow inland residents access to the lake. Pugh said people pay for amenities like the Dock Program and it is undercharged. Pugh said she has done budgets for many years and a budget is an allocation for certain activities. Pugh said the budget is not hiding anything. Pugh said the lake has other issues which affect the dock program. Pugh said she would like to move forward and give the staff direction. McEnaney said she is okay with option 1. Castellano said he is okay with Option 1 or 2 and there is inflation and it is not unreasonable. Castellano said fee increases were mentioned at the September DCC meeting and Fee Increases is on the agenda for the Thursday DCC meeting. Holt said he was for Option 1. Pugh said she was for either Option 1 or 2. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to give staff direction to finalize Option 1. McEnaney, Pugh, Castellano and Holt voted in favor. Larson voted no to the motion. Motion passed 4-1. Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Hoversten said the next item is to continue the utility fund recommendation brought forward from the previous meeting which is Ehlers' bringing forward the Sewer, Water and Stormwater study proposal. Hoversten said staff does not have the capacity to do this work. Hoversten said he recommends the Council go forward with the sewer and water study while the stormwater rates could be indexed without the need for a study. Castellano said two of the funds are in deficit and they will pay for themselves and residents would appreciate rates being based on use of their usage. Holt said there will be a flat base increase but the study could look at tiering rates based on use on top of the base fees that all users pay. Kvilvang said they will have user data to analyze and determine to usage rates as part of the study. Holt said the rate study will provide the data for the reasons for the needed rate changed. Hoversten and Holt said there is a need for more revenue to bring the funds back into a healthy state and the Council will decide how to distribute these funds and whether to incentivize residents to not use too much water. Hoversten said the study will be done in early 2024 and the rate changes will take place in 2025. McEnaney said the Council needs to make a decision and the Ehlers study cost for service is high. Castellano said he is in favor of a rate study and is in favor of Option 1. McEnaney said she is in favor of doing the rate study. Hoversten said the commercial accounts in the City are paying more for stormwater fees as their rates are based on the acreage they own. Hoversten said revenue can be had in indexing stormwater demand. Holt said he is in favor of doing the water and sewer study in order to save costs and to use a tiered approach to water/sewer use. Holt said there is a not to exceed limit of $22K for the study. Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, for Ehlers to approve Ehlers to complete the water and sewer rate study. All voted in favor. Motion passed. 10. Approve an Ordinance Amending Appendix B of the Mound City Code as it Relates to Street Naming; Rename Auditors Road to Harbor Place Holt said he attended the ground melding ceremony at the Artessa site and residents approached him requesting the name change. Hoversten said the residents of Artessa were surveyed about the renaming of Auditors Road which is now not a cut through street due to the Artessa project and the future park. Hoversten said the residents chose Harbor Place for the street name which will end at the western edge of the Artessa property. Hoversten said this is the same process which was used to change the name of Brighton Commons to Julia Way. Hoversten said there would be no cost to the City for this process. Pugh said she would like to table this discussion because the Parks Commission hasn't resolved the name for the new park. Pugh said she would like to have a community conversation to name the proposed park as it is worked through the Parks Commission and the Council. McEnaney said is there any historical reason for the name of the road. Hoversten said the name was made after the original plats at the time which was the Auditors Subdivision. Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Castellano said the short street doesn't connect to the park. McEnaney said she would like to wait to change the name. Landsman said Larson has a property interest in the general area and has recused herself from this discussion but can participate as a member of the public. Paula Larson, 5713 Lynwood Blvd., said she thinks the name change is premature and understands the need for a more inviting name. Larson said she would like the Parks Commission and a public hearing weigh in on the name change. Larson said Marion Lane in this area was named after the wife of a former Mayor of Mound. MOTION by Holt, seconded by Pugh, to table the following Ordinance. McEnaney, Pugh, Castellano and Holt voted in favor. Larson abstained. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. - 2023: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX B OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO STREET NAMING 11. Communication Strategy and Social Media Policy Approval Reisdorf presented the consideration of the approval of the City communication policy and a review of the social media policy. Reisdorf said communication is used to connect with residents and includes community information and news. Reisdorf said the City currently communicates through the City Newsletter and website, local newspaper content, RAVE notices and emailed information. Reisdorf said the communication strategy document has been reviewed by McEnaney, Holt and herself and establishes a City Communication Philosophy and the short and long-term goals for communication for the City. Reisdorf listed the short-term communication goals of the City • Add a social media presence • Revamp the city website • Add text and email notification • Monitor for any new tools to arrive Long-term goals: Hire a dedicated staff to do communication duties Reisdorf said the communication policy should be reviewed on an at least annual basis. Reisdorf said staff are welcoming feedback on the document. Reisdorf presented the proposed City Social Media Policy which will be used to encourage citizen involvement and feedback. Reisdorf said the City created a social media policy on how to use it, what it would be used for and to ensure proper administration of the site. Reisdorf said the Policy is a guiding document and governs the use and scope of social media use, definitions, and emergency use and data practices situations as they arise. Reisdorf said social media will be used for general communication and will not be used for official City business unless in an emergency. Reisdorf said the City will limit social media initially to Facebook with a You Tube channel which will allow the City to move away from the Lake Minnetonka cable commission recoding website. ice Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 Reisdorf said there will be rules for use and on how specific use will be handled including inappropriate comments. Reisdorf recommends approval of the City Social Media Policy. McEnaney said she would like to go full steam ahead. Holt said he agreed to move ahead. Reisdorf said she has experience with social media sites and starting an official City Facebook page and You Tube sites. Holt said the goal is to start using the social media slowly and do more as time goes on. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the following policy. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. ADM-013: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY 12. Water Treatment Plant Funding Update Holt said he and Hoversten met with State Senator Kelly Morrison and the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee Chair Sandra Pappas. Holt said there is a potential breakthrough but the funding verbiage needs to be corrected in the legislation for the funds to be released. Hoversten said State Representative Andrew Myers in the Minnesota House needs to re -introduce the capital investment legislation which opens up the entire funding process in the State Legislature. Hoversten said the City needs to spend the money now at current costs and get the project moving forward. Hoversten said the nature of the preliminary work is by a different set of contractors at this stage of the project. Hoversten said the water treatment plant funding was a cash allocation and not bonded. Hoversten said because it was cash only there will only be a simple majority vote needed for passage. Hoversten added they put in a good pitch for the rest of the dollars needed to fund the entire water treatment plant project. Holt said the legislature starts its work in February. Holt said to get future funding the City needs to show it is spending funds on its projects. Hoversten said the City will itemize the funds to show the historical work the City has done on the water infrastructure. Holt said Myers wrote a letter of support for the water treatment project in order for the project to get on the Governors fully funded project list. Holt said he was asking for permission for a similar letter from the City and signed by the Council to be sent to Governor Walz. Holt said he could have the letter ready for the next Council meeting. The Council members agreed to the letter of support which will be reviewed at the next Council meeting. Hoversten said Myers is working hard on behalf of the City on this project. Holt said he and Hoversten spoke to Senator Pappas about the additional need going forward for the funds to do the water treatment plant. X. Comments/Reports from Council Members: Council Member Pugh — Pugh said she went to the Gillespie Center Fundraiser and there is a Gillespie Center Board Meeting this week. Council Member Larson — Nothing Council Member McEnaney — McEnaney said the City looks pretty with the lights and decorations in place. McEnaney said the Shop Local campaign information is ready and does the Council want to start the promotion at tree lighting event. McEnaney said the material could be handed out to residents and businesses at the tree lighting on Saturday. McEnaney said the Mound Fire Department will do a IF Mound City Council Minutes — November 14, 2023 procession through the cities it serves prior to the tree lighting. McEnaney added that the Hot Spot business shop Grand Opening event will be held on Thursday. Council Member Castellano — Castellano said the City Manager interview is scheduled for September 29th at 6:00 p.m. with candidates meeting with City staff prior to the interview. Hoversten said if there questions about the interview contact Pat Melvin from DDA. Mayor Holt — Holt said the Walgreens parking lot has been striped. Hoversten said there is landscaping done as well at Walgreen's. Holt added the neighborhood Santa procession sponsored by the Westonka Community and Commerce will be held on Saturday the 18th. Holt mentioned the Hennepin County District 6 election contest which will be held in the spring of 2024. Y. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: • November 18 - Tree Lighting Event • November 23, 24 - City Hall closed for Thanksgiving • Winter Parking Begins November 15th B. Reports: Harbor Wine and Spirits — October 2023 C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: LMCD Board Community Representative Terms Announcement WeCAB Volunteer and Assistance Letter Z. Adjourn MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 10:21 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Atte . evin Kelly, Jerk 12 ayor Jason R. Holt