2024-02-13 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
February 13, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy
McEnaney and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, City Clerk
Kevin Kelly, City Attorney Scott Landsman, Community Development Director Sarah Smith,
Assistant City Engineer Matt Bauman, City Engineer Brian Simmons, Olivia Adam, Tim Nichols,
Carrie Melius, Tim Flodin, Margo Geffen, Madie Stei, Bob Stei, Scott Duimstra, Kelle Metz, Lisa
Batels, Dan O'Mara, Nick Landon, Barb and Clem Birch, Carina Lopez and Marie Fernandez.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Dickson added to Item 12 an update to the financials of the Surfside Park Improvements.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,810,533.06.
B. Approve minutes: January 23, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting
C. Approve Updated Public Works Employees Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2024-2026
- Fixing an error within the agreement.
Mound City Council Minutes
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
No one came forward.
6. Orono Police Department Activity Report for January 2024
Sergeant Hennessy presented the Orono Police Activity Report. McEnaney asked about redacting the
entire address of the location where a call has occurred versus just the address number being redacted
in the past. Hennessy said he would note this and will see about retaining the street name in the
Hennessy said January was slow and there were Black Lake parking issues regarding non -local people
fishing. Hennessy said there were quite a few DWI calls related to mostly non-residents. Hennessy
said the call volume is low right now with the expectation was that calls will increase with the warmer
7. Westonka Student Senate presentation
Olivia Adam, Senior at Westonka High School and Vice President of the Westonka Student Senate
presented the Westonka School District Report.
Activities —
• Two Westonka Students attended LEAD conference in Washington D.C.
• Prom 2024 Committee secured a location with an announcement coming in two weeks
• Snowball Dance was held on February 31
• DECA, Speech, Math and Robotics success recently
• Shirley Hill Dance Party held on February 2nd
Athletics —
• Winter sports are in conference and sectional competition
• Dance team competing at State Tournament
Arts —
• MWHS Theatre — One -Act "Kodachrome" play with sub -section and sectional competitions
• Spring Musical will be "Footloose!"
• Choirs — two representatives in honor choir
• Band in Westonka — Concerts on -going
Academics —
• MWHS Hosted CPR/AED Training with 1000 students and staff participating
• MWHS — Two teachers nominated for 2024 MN Teacher of the Year
• Hilltop Primary — Rubik cube art project
• MWHS — reduction in 2nd grade failures in grade 2
8. Council Introduction — Presentation of a concept plan by Bill Baxley from Gensler, on behalf of
Hennepin County, of the new library building/site improvements on the existing Hennepin County
Library Westonka site at 20279 Commerce Boulevard.
Scott Duimstra, Hennepin County Library Director, Lisa Bartels, Project Manager for the Westonka
Library Project and Bill Baxley, architectural designer from Gensler presented on the new Hennepin
County library construction project.
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Duimstra stated they want to get feedback from the community and that there will be a Community
Input session scheduled for Saturday March 2nd at 10:30a.m. at the current site. Duimstra said they will
use the community input session and library usage statistics to determine needs for the new library.
Duimstra noted the following statistics from 2023.
• There were 29K visitors who used the library
• 90K items were checked out which included 48K juvenile items and 41 K adult books
• The library will be designed for both juveniles and adults in mind
• 90 programs offered with 2200 attendees
• 8757 Information counts at Library
• 5816 Computer Sessions
• 12,984 Wi-Fi connections
• 70 meeting room reservations — new library project will consider smaller rooms for individuals
Duimstra said there will also be outside areas designed for extending the use of the library into the site
surrounding the building.
Bartels said the project schedule is as follows:
• Design and development in 2024 followed by community engagement to inform continued
design and development.
• Demo of existing building in 2024/2025
• Library expected to close at end of 2024
• Construction mostly occurring in 2025 into early 2026
Bartels said the new building will be Hennepin County's (HC) first net zero energy building which
creates on -site energy on site and meets all the energy needs. Bartels said this is part of the HC
Climate Action Initiative. Bartels said the building will be a registered B3 project which will include:
• Geothermal heat pumps and a solar array on the roof
• Green roof
• On -site stormwater management — 95% of stormwater filtered on site
• Preserve existing trees
• Reuse of glulam beams in new library
• Pedestrian and bike connections enhanced
Baxley described the Design Process:
• Early in the design process HC will take information from the March 2nd meeting
• Reducing impervious footprint by reducing parking spaces
• Entrance to site will be at Commerce Blvd. and departs at Bellaire Lane
• Collect stormwater on roof and waterflow down to stormwater system
• Porches on three sides of the building to extend use
• Large open light with windows and opening looking out to the park space on -site
• Stormwater features with natural park like setting
• Pathways and park as an extension of the library building
McEnaney asked if there is a greater number of parking spaces in the design plans than what is
existing. Baxley said the number of parking spaces is about 30 parking spaces which equivalent to
what is existing. Baxley said the design is a more efficient use of parking space than the existing
parking due to use of less pavement.
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Pugh asked if there are plans to have a temporary library use during construction. Duimstra said HC is
looking at the needs of a temporary space to match specific community needs. Duimstra said HC
might work with the Westonka School District on library use. Bartels said the project completion date is
scheduled for February of 2026.
Holt asked City staff to use social media to provide links for provide citizen engagement on features
and needs of the community.
Duimstra said the community engagement event will provide opportunities for feedback as well as at
9. Planning Commission Recommendation
Public Hearing — Consideration/action on application to vacate road ROW and drainage and utility
easements for property at 2970 Oaklawn Lane
Planning Case No. 23-16
Applicant: Dan O'Mara
Owner: Javier Toquero Moracho
Requested Action:
A. Approve resolution approving ROW and drainage and utility easement at 2970 Oaklawn Lane
Smith said the area of the proposed vacation is at the intersection of Hawthorne Road and Oaklawn
Lane with the request being to vacate the excess amount of Right of Way (ROW) in the northwest
corner of the site. Smith said staff have followed statute and the review of application has been routed
to staff and private utilities for comments.
Smith noted there is no public benefit to keeping the ROW as there are no future plans to expand the
road. Smith said there is some benefit to vacate the ROW in order to end the arc at the north end of
the lot which would then be squared off. Smith said the vacation will increase the lot to allow for a
residential building. Smith added the lot was created in 2006 as part of a three -lot subdivision. Smith
said the setbacks are consistent with the subdivision.
Smith said the ROW is not needed for expansion nor is it needed for drainage and utility easements.
Smith said there will new utility and drainage easements created.
Smith said the Planning Commission reviewed the project and followed staff recommendation of
Smith said the applicant is looking to relocate the utility pole which will be paid for by the property
owner. Smith said there were two replies from utility companies which use the power utility
infrastructure and those entities did not have concerns about the relocation to underground.
Holt opened the public hearing at 7:54
Holt said he had a question about the placement of the power line on the site. Dan O'Mara, the
applicant, said the pole is at the northwest corner of the site and will be placed underground.
McEnaney asked how long the driveway would be. O'Mara said the driveway is about 30 feet long and
will include the 20 feet of setback and another 10 feet on the property.
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Holt closed the hearing at 7:58.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
10. Hearings on Alcohol Compliance
Kelly said the Council is holding a hearing to discuss the alcohol compliance check violations of two
City licensed establishments; Casa Amigos Mexican Restaurant and Carbone's Pizzeria Bar and Grill.
Kelly said the Orono Police Department conduct periodic compliance checks where underage
customers attempt to purchase alcohol. Kelly said the two establishments are not contesting the
compliance check failures. Kelly said there were two violations at Casa Amigos in 2023 and one
violation at Carbone's in 2023.
Landsman said the two establishments were sent letters of the violations and their right to contest the
compliance check failures. Landsman said due to the compliance checks not being contested the
Council's role is to apply a penalty to the establishments. Kelly said Casa Amigos has been in
business for 14 months with two violations and recommends the minimum penalty which is a three-day
suspension of their alcohol license and a $1,000.00 fine.
Larson asked how many times the OPD compliance checks occur and do they do all of the
establishments during the same sweep. Kelly said the OPD conducts compliance checks on all liquor
Carina Lopez, General Manager of Casa Amigos, said the business is working hard with employees to
ask for ID's and staff are going to training on February 20'. Castellano asked if Casa Amigos is a
Minnesota licensed beverage association member as they have a training course online for staff to
complete. Holt asked if Casa Amigos does card everybody. Lopez said they are training their staff to
make this their policy.
Kelly said the criminal charge was dropped regarding the employee at Carbone's due to only one
violation in the last year. Landsman said the penalty imposed by the court is suspended for not having
a similar violation in the next year.
Two of the owners of Carbone's Pizzeria Bar and Grill, Rachael Foust and Matt Willette addressed the
Council. Willette said he has been an owner of Carbone's for 13 years and Foust said she has been a
Carbone's employee since 2018 and an owner since 2022. Foust said one of the things she is doing is
educating the staff to comply with the law. Foust said the employee who committed the violation hadn't
seen a minor ID previously and did the age check wrong. Foust said Carbone's does their alcohol
compliance training yearly. Foust said they provide a new hire packet for new employees with the
yearly training and alcohol rule compliance continuous is a continuous topic of conversation with
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
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MOTION by Larson, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
11. Request by Artessa Mound Harbor Cooperative Community/Lifestyle Communities to
rename Auditors Road to Harbor Place
Larson said she has thought it over and has decided she has a conflict of interest due to proximity of
her private business location near Auditors Road. Larson said her business address is on Commerce
but the entrance to the property is from Marion Street. Larson said she will recuse herself from the
Council discussion. Landsman said he sees no problem with the Council Member recusing herself in
this instance.
Dickson said the road renaming request on December 13, 2023 had been previously brought forward.
Dickson said the new residents of the Artessa building requested the name change through a survey of
the future Artessa residents. Dickson said Auditors Road now serves only one property which is the
Artessa property. Dickson added the property will need an address prior to the new residents moving
Tim Nichols, 4733 Lincoln Drive, Edina, said this is a discussion which is important to Mound and to the
residents of the Artessa cooperative. Nichols said the residents wanted a better, more fitting name, for
the road to their building. Nichols said the new Artessa owners discussed and held an internal poll with
a vote in favor for the Harbor Place name. Nichols said the new owners need the address to be on
schedule with utility hook ups.
Holt said during the ground melding ceremony the Artessa owners asked about the name change. Holt
added that Auditors Road is not a through road any longer. Holt said seventy some people will be living
at Artessa and it is not fun to change your address. Pugh said she is excited about the residents
wanting to be a part of the naming of the road. Pugh said the City can't piecemeal the renaming of an
area which is going to be a centerpiece of the town. Pugh said this is not a Harbor but a wetland but
the naming must be put in context as the new space will be the heart of the community.
Nichols said the definition of a harbor is a place where vessels take shelter in rough waters. Nichols
said a harbor is an identifiable fixture, a connection, as well as a channel used to get out into the Lake.
Nichols said the legal name of the development is Artessa Mound Harbor. Nichols said if the road was
the main access to the planned new park the naming situation would be different.
Holt said Old Shoreline Drive is the road to the farmers market and the new park space. Pugh said
Mound has suffered over the years as people feeling that Mound was not worthy. Pugh said there
should be pride in the history of the City and the name should be used to honor some item of historic
importance such as Tonka Toy Way.
Pugh said she would like to wait 45 days to let the Parks Commission and Docks Commission weigh in
on the name change. Holt was wondering about the naming time frame. Smith said this would have to
Mound City Council Minutes
come back 10 days in advance of the Council meeting approving an ordinance change. Nichols said
the name change must come within the next two months to coincide with the planning which needs to
happen. Nichols said Artessa doesn't want to push the Council and City to make a decision but a
decision needs to happen within two months.
Pugh said the whole discussion of renaming the area started twenty years ago and the City owes it to
itself to have a renaming discussion regarding Auditors Road. Castellano said he agrees with Pugh
about the length of time and the City has waited too long to name the road but would like to move on
with a decision on the name.
McEnaney said the Council hasn't had an hour-long conversation on the Harbor area. McEnaney said
she is in agreement the name should be changed but the conversation and the name should coincide
with the City vision for the park space.
Nichols said the Council at the time of Artessa project agreement was in favor of the Mound Harbor
name and its connection to the lake. Nichols said he would like to see a timely decision.
Tim Flodine, said he is one of the future Artessa residents, said the channel and harbor have been in
existence since before 1910 and the thought put forth in the name Harbor Place was well vetted.
Castellano said Mound Harbor and Harbor Place is a cohesive theme and is not confident in the time
line in making a decision. Holt said he would like to go forward with the name Harbor Place
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following Ordinance. Holt and Castellano
voted in favor, McEnaney and Pugh voted no. Larson recused herself. Motion did not pass.
McEnaney said the Council needs to talk about the vision for the area. Holt said this is a small road and
the City is spinning its wheels on the name change. Pugh said the City needs to know what the history is
of the Auditors name. Simmons said when the Auditors Road name was decided there was not much
discussion. Simmons added that the Auditors name was platted by the County Auditor for parcels left
over from the Shoreline Drive realignment. Simmons said the road was named Auditors in 2006.
Larson said what Simmons said is incorrect. Larson said the original Auditors Road was in place in the
1960's and admitted Auditors Road is not a glamorous name. Castellano asked why the City Council
doesn't go with the naming of the road by the residents of Artessa. The Council said they will discuss
the renaming of Auditors Road at the workshop on February 20th. Dickson said there can be a notice of
the special meeting to change the Auditors Road name. Dickson said the 10-day notice requirements
need to be met so the 10-day notice and final naming decision will need to take place at the first March
Council meeting.
12. 2024 Surfside Park Improvements
Bauman said he is offering an amended estimate as the cost is approaching $180K. Bauman said
engineers have removed items from the project to reduce the cost. Bauman added that City Public
Works staff will take on the cost for grading and drainage. Baumann said the cost saving measures are
as follows:
$24K in savings to use Grass Seed versus sod
$6.51K in savings for a four feet wide sidewalk versus five feet wide
$1.8K for removal of the thickened edge
$61K in other miscellaneous savings
$21 K City PW will take out existing playground, tree removal and bench relocation.
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Bauman said the savings could be $60K. Bauman said the bid could be awarded in early March with
work beginning in early April. McEnaney said is there the need for more funds for ADA access.
Bauman said ADA requirements are covered in the park.
Castellano said removing the sodding is the biggest cost saving. Simmons said they are getting high
numbers on sod from contractors. Bauman said they could offer an alternate bid for sod as well as
seeded lawn. Holt said there could there be a fenced path through the grass seed to the playground for
children to use.
Larson said the cost of the Surfside Park project was outlandish and the playground is too big. Larson
added the Eli Hart Foundation didn't raise all the money which was needed for the size of the
playground. Larson said the project has expanded beyond the original $60K budgeted amount for the
Park Improvements. Larson said this is an opportunity to stop the project as it is not fair to the
taxpayers and this plan is too big and over budget. Holt said the $120K for the project was decided by
the Council in December. Larson said the money is vulgar and the little child had nothing to do with the
City. Larson added the Council needs to table this project and reduce the size of the playground.
Larson said she has a lot of experience with grass and sod and suggested to wait to do the sod until
after Spirit of the Lake Festival because the sod will be too soft in July.
McEnaney said she has voted no every time on the playground. McEnaney said the playground is too
big and has grown from the original plan. McEnaney said this is a taxpayer train wreck and is not in
favor of the plan.
Simmons said the bid amount is based on an engineer's estimate. Larson asked about the ADA
requirements of the parking lot near the playground. Bauman said the parking spaces are based on
existing ADA requirements in response to Larson's question. Simmons said the parking lot is ADA
accessible and engineer estimates are responding to the park improvements request of the Council.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. Castellano, Pugh and
Holt all voted in favor. Larson and McEnaney vote no. Motion carried.
13. Mound Harbor District Park Improvements
Bauman said he is presenting on the Harbor District Park Improvements Feasibility Study which was
agreed to in January. Bauman said there are a lot of projects which are ongoing and are planned for in
the Harbor District area. Bauman said the Hoisington Kogler study of the area recommended and initial
and future phase to the Park Improvements. Bauman said there have been meetings with the City
finance team on City long-term financial planning. Bauman said these discussions lead to the break
out of the Harbor District Park construction to happen in three phases. Bauman said the Harbor
District Park Improvements begin as the Artessa project wraps up.
Harbor District Park — Phase 1
• Artessa Developer responsible for some restoration work for using Park District site
• Auditors Road and underground stormwater storage to be removed
• Restore the Site
• Provide fire access for fire truck access to the east of Artessa building
Mound City Council Minutes
• Install underground irrigation and lighting conduits
Harbor District Park - Phase 2
• Landscaping and fire ring
• Plaza gathering space
• Seating at Harbor
• Lighting
Harbor District Park - Phase 3
• Pavilion area and open-air shelter
Bauman listed options regarding the Transit center pervious pavers which surround the transit center
and the entrance to the hardware store parking lot. Bauman said the Minnehaha Creek Watershed
District paid for the pavers which are rapidly deteriorating and are no longer manufactured. Bauman
listed options
Option 1 — Asphalt drive lanes and pervious pavers in parking spaces with a 20 to 30-year lifespan and
a Large Basin in the Park which is estimated to cost $735K
Option 2 — Replace pavers in kind with new pervious paver material with a 15-year lifespan at $689K
Option 3 — Pave it all includes underground storage and water quality basin at $1.340K. Pavers in
parking lot reduces the size if the water basin size in the harbor district park
Bauman said staff will work on design coordination with the MCWD pending Park Board approval and
citizen input on artistic elements. Bauman added this project needs be coordinated to the completion of
the Artessa, MCES Sanitary Sewer and Three Rivers Trail Crossing projects. Bauman said all phases
will require $2.2K in funding for the completion of the project over the three phases.
Castellano said are the new pavers in option 2 an improvement over the past product. Simmons and
Bauman said there have been improvements in the last 20 years.
Bauman listed an estimated Project Schedule for 2024-2025:
• Phase 1 authorization by Council for installation and removal of the pavers February 2024
• Put the project to bid in May of 2024
• Award bids in June
• August will begin construction at completion of the Artessa project
• Spring of 2025 final completion and installation of the new pavers
McEnaney asked about the size of the water quality basin. Bauman said the location and size can be
changed a little. Larson asked about the smell of the rain garden at Surfside Park and the proposed
water quality basin. Bauman said this the Mound Harbor basin will be a different and deeper than the
Surfside water basin.
McEnaney asked about the ease of access to the park due to the parking being taken away. There was
Council discussion that the Andrew Sisters trail and the Dakota Trail is nearby and there is parking
north of the park including the parking structure.
Mound City Council Minutes
Dickson said the original park was to be done in one phase but the current long-term financial plan is
forthcoming. Dickson said there are funds currently available for the park in $700K with the sale of the
property for the Artessa project, $70K in park dedication fees with bonding or cash flow to pay for the
last phases of the project. Dickson said the project wasn't going to be completed in one year.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Larson, to approve Option 1 and the Harbor District Phase I with
the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Holt called for a recess at 9:50. Motion by Larson, seconded by Castellano, to recess. All voted in favor.
Motion carried. The Council returned from recess at 9:57
14. Lead Service Line Services Authorization
Bauman presented the background on the Lead and Copper rule revisions from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Area. Bauman said cities need to catalog and inventory public and private water lines and
replace lead and galvanized lines. Bauman said this is a fairly expensive process. Bauman said
Bolton and Menk (B&M) are on the MN Department of Health approved list of contractors with a $75K
Bauman said Mound will need to do the inventory by August with the final end of the process being
October 16th. Bauman said B&M would like to get started in building the GIS platform to help with the
inventory. Pugh said the inventory is mostly on the private side. Bauman said anything built before
June 111 1985 was done before modern plumbing code rule changes. Bauman said the code change
removed lead from plumbing lines so only infrastructure older than 1985 will need to be inventoried.
Bauman listed the costs for completion of the project:
• $250K if B&M completed the inventory without City staff assistance
• $186K with City staff helping out with the inventory
• $75K of the project will be paid for by the Department of Health grant
Pugh asked what happens with the data. Bauman said the City will need to replace the public
infrastructure lines within a two-year window with grants for lines on the private side.
Reisdorf said there is $121 K in the Community Improvement Project (CIP) schedule and the City can
use reserved capital for the project.
15. Manhole Rehab Inspection Services
Baumann said this project is funded through the CIP and is similar to the 2020 project in the Shirley
Hills area. Bauman said this is an estimate of the hourly cost to do the work in the Dutch Lake area.
Bauman said the City will be televising the lines. Bauman said there are 225 manholes in the Dutch
Lake area.
Mound City Council Minutes
16. GIS Web Application Development
Baumann said there are several aspects to the GIS work which include inventory of the City Union
Cemetery plots with a public viewer option, dock inspection program will be digitalized, parks and trails
public viewer application and a back up manager. Simmons said this is an expansion of the service
which the City uses now and adds a new level of program mapping. Simmons said this is an extra level
of licensing and to accommodate staff time and allow for other staff to be able to use the GIS
17. Mound Citizen of the Year
Holt said this item has been talked about in a Council Workshop. Holt said he has created a criteria list
for a Mound Citizen of the Year (COTY) award for 2024. Landsman has reviewed the criteria.
Pugh said former Mayor Wegscheid did a similar program and it was cut off short. Pugh said Holt could
reach out to the former Mayor to connect with him about the award at the time. Holt said he did hear
the stories about the former award and Holt said there will be a Council made choice once a year.
Landsman said this is a proclamation and within the authority of the Council. Landsman added this is a
non -binding motion as there is no money or contract involved. Landsman said there should be some
objective criteria. Landsman said the criteria which Mayor Holt put together is fine and can be changed
going forward.
Holt said he would like to use October 31It as the deadline for candidates and the Council can pick the
person. Holt said he would like to give the person the award in December. Holt would like to see the
COTY Award application letter to be in the newsletter. McEnaney will provide material to put the
criteria on the City Facebook page.
Dickson said the Council will need to motion to approve staff to finalize and circulate the award criteria
in the community. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the criteria and schedule for
the COTY award.
18. Comments/ Reports from Council members
Council Member Pugh — Pugh said she attended the WeCan fundraiser breakfast and the LMC
Advanced Training.
Council Member Larson — Larson attended the Fire Commission in January. Larson said there were
many fire calls for lift assists which use a large number of firefighters in response.
Council Member McEnaney — Nothing
Council Member Castellano — None.
Mayor Holt — Holt said he spoke with Representative Myers regarding the water treatment plant funding
which is pending. Holt said March 7th is Day at the Capitol with meetings scheduled with MN
Representative Myers and Senator Morrison.
Elevated Pilates business startup and welcome.
The City YouTube link set up by Reisdorf said who said the City website contractor Civics Plus is
currently constructing a number of city websites.
Holt said wayfinding signage should be added to the Parks Commission Meeting Agenda.
Holt said the expansion of the Andrew Sisters Trail should also be an agenda item for the Parks
Commission. Pugh said the Andrew Sisters Trail could expand around the Lost Lake area.
Holt would like to see a March presentation on the water treatment plant.
19. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from staff/City Manager:
Mound City Council Minutes
Holt said the Council workshop will be scheduled at February 201h at 6:00 to discuss the
Auditors Road street re -naming.
Dickson said the first Council meeting of May will start at 6:00 and be noticed in the Mound
Compass newsletter.
Holt said he is working on a job performance review template with Dickson for the City Manager
Holt praised Reisdorf on the roll out of the new City Newsletter format
B. Reports: Harbor Wine and Spirits — January 2024
Fire Commission Packet — January 25, 2024
C. Minutes: November 16, 2023 — Docks and Commons Commission
D. Correspondence:
20. Adjourn
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to adjourn at 10:46 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Attes : evin Kelly, Jerk
Mayor J sn R. Holt