2024-02-28 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
February 28, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, February 28, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy
McEnaney and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, City
Attorney Scott Landsman, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Engineer Brian
Simmons, Kathleen Olesinski, Jess Hill, Ladislau Cisar, Joanna Kahn, Johaun Chemin —
Danielson, and Paul Hatk/Emily Peterson.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Dickson added to Item 6 a document that provides an official documented comment on this
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Pugh, to approve the amended agenda. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $349,349.54.
B. Approve minutes: February 13, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting
February 13, 2024 Workshop Meeting
C. Downtown Paver Sidewalks Replacement Project — Phase 1
City Project No. PW 22-08
Pay Request No. 4
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Mound resident, Johaun Chemin — Danielson, 6039 Beachwood Road, stated that he had a few
comments that he wanted to provide to the City Council. He referenced the new Artessa building
project being built that is several stories high. He asked the City Council in the future to not allow
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buildings within the City over three stories high. He asked them instead to consider tiered building
Chem in -Danielson referenced the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan that mentions the use of solar
panels on large projects. He asked that the City Council look into this with future project proposals. He
asked the City Council to consider promoting water conservation methods as the state is experiencing
a severe drought. He asked the City Council to consider declaring a drought, nudging property owners
to create more sustainable landscaping, and not water lawns. He recommended that the City take part
in "No Mow May". Chemin-Danielson thanked the City Council for their efforts on securing funding on a
Water Treatment Plant.
Mayor Holt mentioned that the City posted an article in a recent newsletter on water conservation.
Mound resident, Jess Hill, 2217 Basswood Lane, thanked the City Council for their time, efforts and
dedication to the community. She stated that it is often a thankless position. She informed that she is
the Director for the Spirit of the Lakes Festival. She thanked the City of their collaboration.
Councilmember Pugh mentioned that the festival in Wayzata promotes itself as the biggest festival on
Lake Minnetonka. She stated that she believed the Spirit of the Lakes was bigger.
Hill stated that if the numbers hit paper, that it would likely come out as the bigger event.
Mayor Holt mentioned that City Manager Dickson, Hill and he met recently to discuss the preparation
for the 2024 festival date. He thanked Hill for all of her work and dedication to the event.
Hill noted that this year would be the 20t" year of the event and that with that milestone would be new
swag and promotional materials. She said she is looking forward to it.
Mayor Holt stated that the event date for 2024 would be July 201"
6. Council Introduction — Presentation of concept plan from Michael Greer of Greer Custom
Homes, LLC of a proposal for a 2-lot subdivision of the property at 5123 Waterbury Lane to
construct two new single family homes
Community Development Director, Sarah Smith, introduced this item to the City Council. She informed
that per City Policy, the City Council is provided Concept Introductions for some proposed planning
projects. She stated that the project concept coming to the City Council today is from Mike Greer,
owner of Greer Custom Homes, LLC. Smith informed that the project concept includes a two -lot
subdivision of a property located at 5123 Waterbury Lane in Mound. She stated that Greer has
purchased the property, had the property surveyed and had a wetland delineation report completed.
Smith reviewed a concept drawing with the City Council that included the potential construction of two
single family homes at the location.
Smith reviewed the purpose of the concept introduction, stating that it provides the City Council with the
opportunity to review the basic elements of the proposed project and to provide direction about any
refinements or issued that should be researched or addressed before the formal application is
Property Owner, Michael Greer, introduced himself to the City Council. He stated that he has lived in
and around the community of Mound for a long time. He explained that he owns a small custom
remodeling business. He informed that he purchases the property located at 5123 Waterbury Lane with
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the desire to tear down the current structure and possibly build two new residential homes. He
explained that the current residential home on site is a small cabin that was constructed some time ago.
Greer reviewed an aerial survey of the current property and explained how the property could be
subdivided with the placement of two new homes. Greer stated that there are water/sewer stubs
already available for two new homes. He said that it looks like the concept would meet all the
requirements for zoning. He informed that tree removal would be minimal and that his goal is to
maintain and incorporate in the surrounding natural beauty of the land. He stated that both homes
would have three car garages.
Michael Greer informed that he had received a letter from a concerned neighbor that day and that he is
happy to meet with anyone to review and address any concerns. He stated that he prides himself on
communication and wants to be a good neighbor. Greer explained his home construction process,
specifically that one home would be strategically built before the other. He informed that he is a custom
builder and so the purchaser will decide what they want for a home and he will build it. Greer said he
wants to go through the subdivision process first to determine if it is feasible. He stated if the
subdivision moves forward that he will then move forward with marketing the lots for sale and for
construction. He informed that he doesn't have an exact time frame yet, but that one could be built in
summer 2024 and the other 2025.
Michael Greer stated that he is aware of the nearby wetland and will take precaution to protect the
surrounding natural beauty. He informed that he has been licensed as a builder for over 20 years and
that he builds nice quality homes. He stated that he lives off his reputation and looks forward to building
two beautiful homes. Greer described the neighborhood and felt that the homes would fit well there. He
said he was excited about the project.
Mayor Holt said that he appreciated the information and the concept introduction. He informed that next
steps would be to continue to work with staff on the application process.
Smith stated that staff has not received an application yet as the concept plan, per policy, is the first
step in the process. She informed that with an application submission, the next steps would include that
everything meets all the requirements.
Ladislau Cisar, resident at 5139 Waterbury Road, informed that he owns a home in the neighborhood
and knows the proposed project property well. He stated that he does not agree with the subdivision
proposal. He said that the street is very narrow and cannot accommodate more traffic. He expressed
concern about the homes blocking his property's view of the lake and thus decreasing his property's
value. He said the project would be a burden and is not welcoming of it. He informed that Greer did
come throughout the neighborhood with information on the project. He expressed concern about the
true buildable space of the property and that two homes would take up a lot of the buildable space.
7. Amending Mound City Council Regular Meeting Time: From 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that at previous City Council meetings,
the City Council discussed the desire to change their official meeting times from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
She informed that at the January 23, 2024 City Council meeting, that the City Council directed staff to
move forward with drafting the documentation that would be brought back to the City Council to
officially change the meeting time.
Reisdorf informed that there is an Ordinance in the City Council packet for the City Council to consider
approval of, as well as a resolution, that would if approved codify the meeting time change.
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Reisdorf stated that if approved, the City Council meetings would likely change to the 6:00 pm time
starting in May 2024 since the City would need to have time to communicate the time change.
The City Council agreed that the time change would start the second meeting in May 2024.
MOTION by Councilmember Castellano, seconded by Councilmember McEnaney, to approve the
following Ordinance No. 1-2024. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
MOTION by Councilmember Castellano, seconded by Councilmember McEnaney, to approve the
following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
8. AARP Community Challenge Grant — Surfside Park Depot
Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that the discussion to submit a grant
application for a park project was brought up recently by a Park Commissioner. She informed that per
the discussion with the City Council, that they directed that staff and the Park Commissioner could
move forward with writing a grant that could provide financial support for a park project that has been
deemed a priority of the Park Commission in the past.
Reisdorf explained that there is a grant available through the national non-profit organization, AARP.
She referenced her memo within the packet that provided the history of AARP and their Community
Challenge Grant. She explained that goals of the grant in that AARP is looking for projects that focus on
tangible projects, and community engagement that support the efforts of neighborhoods, towns, cities,
and counties across the country to become great places to live for all people.
Reisdorf stated specifics about the grant including application timelines and deadlines. She said that
she has been working with Parks and Open Spaces Commissioner Joanna Kahn on the grant
requirements that the recommended project would be the replacement of the furnace and the additional
of air conditioning at the Surfside Park Depot building. She informed that the furnace at the site
currently needs to be replaced and that there is no air conditioning. She informed that the rationale
behind the replacement and addition of these units would be to make the popular public amenity more
comfortable and usable year round.
Reisdorf explained that staff received two quotes for the project and the estimated project cost, with
some additional electrical work (unquoted) would be between $10,000 - $17,000. The cost range
partially depends on the type of furnace installed. Reisdorf stated that the application is due March 6,
2024. Reisdorf stated that staff recommended approval to submit the grant application.
POSC Commission Joanna Kahn stated that she has been working on drafting the grant and is excited
at the opportunity. She informed that the city has been making many improvements over the years to
this park in particular as it relates to accessibility. She said that this project would support that effort as
MOTION by Councilmember Pugh, seconded by Councilmember Castellano, to approve moving
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forward with the submission of the AARP grant application. All voted in favor
9. City Manager Review Template Discussion
Mayor Holt introduced this item to the City Council. He stated that the City Manager is an employee of
the City Council and with the hiring of the new City Manager, the City Council needs to determine how it
is going to do the middle year and end of year review of the City Manager. He provided drafted review
documents for the City Council to consider and comment on. Holt reviewed the document templates
that would incorporate city established goals and priorities for the year into the review process. He
stated that he had City Manager Dickson review and provide feedback. Mayor Holt said that the goal of
the review and the supporting review documents is to make sure city goals and priorities are on track
and that overall the working relationship is going well.
Councilmember McEnaney stated that the Personnel Committee did a review and approved of the
Mayor Holt said that the City Attorney has reviewed and approved.
The City Council agreed that staff reviews of the City Manager would be conducted by the department
heads that report to the City Manager.
MOTION by Councilmember Castellano, seconded by Councilmember McEnaney, to approve the
drafted review templates for the future reviews of the City Manager. All voted in favor.
10. Comments/ Reports from Council members
Council Member Pugh — Reported that she will be attending the League of Minnesota Cities Capitol on
the Hill event on March 7, 2024.
Council Member Larson — Nothing.
Council Member McEnaney — Nothing
Council Member Castellano — Nothing.
Mayor Holt — Mentioned that he, the City Manager Dickson, and Spirit of the Lakes Director Jess Hill,
met recently to discuss the July 2024 event and the City's partnership.
Informed that he, City state representatives, City Manager Dickson and state department administration
have been working on the verbiage change requirements needed to release the allocated state funding
received for the City's Water Treatment Plant. He said that the City would like to be able to use the
funds for the designing of the plant. He said that he has been impressed with Dickson's initiative.
Informed that at the second City Council meeting in March that the City Engineer would be presenting
the annual "State of the Water Address" that informs the community about the water and the progress
being made on securing funds for a new Water Treatment Plant.
11. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from staff/City Manager:
B. Reports: Finance — January 2024
C. Minutes:
D. Correspondence:
12. Adjourn
Mound City Council Minutes
MOTION by Councilmember Castellano, seconded by Councilmember McEnaney, to adjourn at
8:24p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Jason R. Holt
Attest.'Kevin Kelly, Clerk