2024-05-15 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 15, 2024 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, May 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy McEnaney and Kevin Castellano. Members absent: None Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, City Attorney Scott Landsman, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Planning Consultant Rita Trapp, City Engineer Matt Baumann. B.J. Johnson of 6655 Halsted Ave. J Mader of 6607 Bartlett Ave. Tom Goodrum of Moore Engineering. Mound Westonka Robotics Team, the Tonkabots. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Mayor Holt announced that the City of Mound recently applied for Community Project Funds for the fiscal 2025 cycle. He said the request was due to Congressman Dean Phillips office by May 1, 2024 and that the city submitted for 3.1 million for the Water Treatment Plant construction project. Holt informed that Congressman Dean Phillips has chosen to include the request as part of his recommendation to the Appropriations committee for funding consideration. Holt informed that the City of Mound submitted for $4 million in 2023 and received about $1 million. Mayor Holt stated that the City of Mound has submitted for state funding as well and that the city is waiting to see if any funds will be appropriated towards the project in 2024. MOTION by CM Pugh, seconded by CM Castellano, to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by CM Castellano, seconded by CM McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims. B. Approve minutes: April 23, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting April 23, 2024 Workshop City Council Meeting Mound City Council Minutes 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. NA. 6. Orono Police Activity Report for April 2024 NA. 7. Mound Westonka High School Robotics Team Presentation Several members of the Mound Westonka High School Robotics Team presented a robot that the group built for competition in 2024. Various members of the group presented their achievements for the year including that they won the state competition and regionals for 2024. One of the students on the team informed that the achievements for the year were because of the team effort that everyone contributed. The robot was presented to the City Council and included a demonstration of the robot being driven around the room and collecting and shooting out large rings. It was explained that the robotics team included kids from between the grades of 8-12. The City Council thanked the group for coming to the meeting to present their robot. 8. Council Introduction: Presentation of concept plan from Jeff Green for the property located at 6639 Bartlett Boulevard in Mound to include the construction of eight rowhouses, two duplex buildings and one detached single-family home. The proposed concept is part of a larger project called "Halstead Estates" which proposes an additional three duplex buildings and 20 single-family homes in the City of Minnetrista. Trapp introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that per city policy, the City Council reviews concept plans for development applications as the first step in the application process. She stated that the concept plan in front of them is called "Halstead Estates" as is located at 6639 Bartlett Boulevard in Mound, as well as neighboring properties in the City of Minnetrista (Halstead Ave). Trapp explained that the project site in Mound is parcel the size of 1.66 acres and is the east side of the larger project as a whole. She informed that the developer is currently showing an eight -unit rowhouse, two duplex buildings, and one single family home on the site. Trapp said to the west within the City of Minnetrista, the developer is proposing an additional three duplex buildings and 20 single-family homes. Trapp stated that the City of Minnetrista has reviewed the project concept and has provided some feedback. She said that Tom Goodrum from Moore Engineering was in attendance to present the concept plan on behalf of the developer and to receive comments and feedback on the proposal. Trapp informed that residents within 350 feet of the project were notified of the concept presentation. Goodrum introduced himself to the City Council and informed that he would be presenting the concept in more detail. He stated that he has a background in city planning/land use and that he is representing the developer, Jeff Green, Pine Financial Group Inc. of Denver, CO. Goodrum informed that the developer is excited to be working in the City of Mound as they have relations in the area. He stated that they have reached out to the fire marshall, the City of Minnetrista and adjacent neighbors for preliminary comments. Goodrum explained the concept with the desired location of buildings and a private access road. He referenced a potential significant slope and grading that would need to be considered as it relates to the road reaching the southern portion of the property. He informed that the theme of the project would be that of an independent neighborhood that is separate from the neighboring developments. Goodrum said that this makes the development unique. CM McEnaney asked if these properties would be for sale or for rent. She expressed concern about the density of the buildings. Goodrum stated that they would be for sale. He acknowledged that the developer was trying to meet density requirements as prescribed in the City Code. Mound City Council Minutes Smith stated that City Code does require certain density requirements for this lot. She informed that since it is a concept plan, staff hasn't done a full analysis yet of the concept and what does and doesn't meet current City Code. Goodrum acknowledged that the concept is subject to change and that the concept includes ideas of what they would like to see, but not necessarily what will happen. CM McEnaney asked if the housing will be part of a homeowner's association. Goodrum said it is likely the development will be part of a homeowner's association. CM McEnaney stated that the concept seems like a good start. She stated that she believes there will need to be some finessing to the concept. She said she was curious about what the neighboring property owners have said about the concept. Resident, BJ Johnson 6655 Halstead Ave expressed concern about the plan to put the private road all the way through to the south of the property as he felt the elevation change would be too significant. He said that he has lived at his property since 1997 and that he has seen between 4-5 developers proposed concepts for this property. He stated that all of the other development proposals have included the rebuilding of Halstead and that access to the south of the property would be an extension off Halstead. Johnson said that the Mound properties on Halstead are the only properties within the city on a dirt road. He said that he was told that the street would be redone at the time a development occurs. He recommended that the Halstead be redone with the development and be an access to the southern part of the development. CM McEnaney asked why this section of Halstead has never been redone. Smith stated that there is an understanding that goes back that the road would be updated if a development were to occur. Johnson said that the city hasn't been interested in updating the road unless a development occurs. He explained that he prefers the southern portion of the development to have access off Halstead. He asked if the proposed single family on the southern portion of the lot would only have lake access. Goodrum confirmed that this property would only have access. Resident Steve Lillehaug of 6627 Bartlett Blvd explained that he has been a part of development planning in the past. He said that he moved to the neighboring Mound property to the east in 2018. He stated that he likes the property as is, but understands that the owner of the property has a right to develop the land. Lillehaug made several recommendations including lessening the current proposed density, trying to connect the development to the neighboring developments, and increasing connectability with a trail along the north adjacent to the highway. He expressed concern about the private driveway being graded in a way that would connect the north to the south part of the property because it is so steep. Lillehaug expressed concern about emergency services already being able to find properties in this area. He recommended access from Halstead for the southern part of the development. Resident J Mader of 6607 Bartlett Avenue expressed concern about the concept being too dense. He asked Goodrum if the development would include a transient dock. Mound City Council Minutes Goodrum said that there has been some preliminary concern over the slope of the proposed concept for the private driveway. He informed that the developer is aware that it may not work. He stated that there isn't an objection to extending Halstead if it makes sense. He informed that he will bring the information back to the developer. He said that the property on the lake would only be a single family home and that the owner of that property would only have access to the lake. Mayor Holt inquired about the density. Goodrum stated that the density within the concept plan is based on the city's current City Code requirements. Mayor Holt asked if the Mound part of the development could be that of a similar look to the Minnetrista side. Goodrum stated that he can look into it Trapp informed that historically this property has been guided medium density and not as single-family housing. She said that to mirror the City of Minnetrista's side of the development, the City of Mound would have to go through a comprehensive plan amendment. Mayor Holt expressed preference to single-family housing. He asked where the City of Minnetrista is with the review of this development. Goodrum stated that the City of Minnetrista is also only at concept level as well. 9. 2024 Crack Repair and Seal Coating Bauman introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that public works project, PW-24- 06, 2024 Crack Repair Project, was quoted by four contractors. He informed that the areas to be repaired are those throughout the city that were part of the 2013 Street Reconstruction Project. He said that the four quotes ranged between $22,575 and $61,860. He recommended that the City award the bid to the lowest bidder, MP Asphalt Maintenance in the amount of $22,575. MOTION by CM McEnaney, seconded by CM Castellano, to approve Resolution 24-38 accepting bid for the 2024 crack repair project (PW-24-06). All voted in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Bauman introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that public works project, PW-24- 07, 2024 Seal Coat Project, was quoted by two contractors. He informed that the areas to be repaired are those throughout the city that were part of the 2012 and 2019 Street Reconstruction Projects and the MSA route from the 2011 Reconstruction Project area, Tuxedo Boulevard West of Brighton Blvd. He said the project also includes the fog sealing of the parking lots around City Hall, the Fire Station and Public Works. He said that the two quotes ranged between $155,998.75 and $200,790.00. He recommended that the City award the bid to the lowest bidder, Allied Blacktop in the amount of $155,998.75. MOTION by CM McEnaney, seconded by CM Castellano, to approve Resolution 24-38 accepting bid for the 2024 seal coat project (PW-24-07). All voted in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Comments/ Reports from Council member Mound City Council Minutes Council Member Pugh — NA. Council Member Larson — She mentioned that she and the mayor attended two fire commission meetings since the last City Council meeting. She said that they have been discussing the future of fire protection in the western area of Lake Minnetonka. She said that the planning process is going to be a lot of work. Council Member McEnaney — She expressed concern about the park going in a Surfside Park, stating that the size of it is unforgivable as it is robbing the green space at the park. She also expressed frustration over the lack of ticketing at Surfside Park for those parking trailers and using the boat launch at Surfside Park for business. She said that the police need to write more tickets so that they take the City seriously. Dickson said he would reach out the police chief. He said that he has spoken with the police chief about weekend citations and was informed that citations were being written. Mayor Holt agreed that more ticketing and enforcement needs to occur including the towing of vehicles. CM Castellano asked if staff could ask for a copy of the police report. CM Larson stated that she believed that the City Council needs to review the contract with the City of Orono Police Department. She said that the failure of the Department is that they don't pay attention to the City of Mound. She said that the City of Mound should have never gotten rid of its Police Department, but understands that it is too expensive to form a new department. Larson recommended that the City Council consider using the City of Minnetrista's police department for police services. She said it is more logical as they would be faster and because the City of Mound is already looking to join Fire Department services in the future. Larson requested a workshop on the matter. CM Castellano asked if it is even feasible to switch and if the City of Minnetrista is interested. He said he is not against talking about it and asked if it had to be at a workshop. CM Pugh said that there needs to be more data to support a change. Mayor Holt stated that staff would compile data and information for the City Council to review at a workshop meeting. Landsman informed that the contract is up in 2028 and that notice to the Orono Police Department would have to be in 2025 if there was desire to end the contract. Mayor Holt stated that besides the handling of Surfside Park, he has been satisfied with Orono Police Department. CM McEnaney stated that the Department needs to understand that enforcement needs to be taken seriouslt. Council Member Castellano — NA. Mayor Holt — Stated that the finance committee would be meeting with the Financial Advisor, Ehlers, on Friday morning to receive an update on the Long -Term Financial Plan and the Utility Rate Study. He informed that the Mound Fire Department recently did a controlled burn exercise on a Westonka School property and that it involved burning down a house and barn. He mentioned that Fire Department Fish Fry that will be held on June 1, 2024. Mayor Holt stated that the Metropolitan Council will be starting a sewermain project in the city soon and asked staff to post information on the website and social media. He mentioned the Dakota Trail Crossing project that will occur after the Metropolitan Council project is complete. He thanked staff on their work on the most recent newsletter. 13. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from staff/City Manager: Dickson informed that he had recently met with the Orono Police Chief and Community Service Officer. He said that he will follow back about the concerns regarding enforcement at Surfside Park. He informed that the Hennepin County Assessor's Office recently reached out to the City of Mound stated that the County Board recently passed a resolution that would eliminate costs related to County Assessor contracts for cities under 30,000. Reisdorf said that the city currently pays around $140,000 for the contract and that this would be eliminated. Dickson stated that a conditional offer has been provided for the Public Works Director position and that the hope is that they can start at the end of June, 2024. B. Reports: Engineering — 15t Quarter, 2024 April — Liquor Store Report Mound City Council Minutes C. Minutes: April 2, 2024 — Planning Commission. D. Correspondence: NA. 14. Adiourn MOTION by CM Castellano, seconded by CM McEnaney, to adjourn at 8:52 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Jason R. —Ho lt Attest: vin Kelly, Cler