2024-06-25 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
June 25, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Kathy McEnaney and
Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: Council Member Paula Larson.
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, Public
Works Director Ryan Prich, City Attorney Scott Landsman, City Engineer Matt Bauman, City
Engineer Brian Simmons, Leslie Gillette.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Dickson requested that a resolution be added to the agenda regarding the approval of liquor
license renewals for 2024 — 2025.
This item was added to the consent agenda as item D.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the agenda as amended. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Pugh, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,439,497.34.
B. Approve minutes: 06-11-24 Regular Meeting
C. Pay request No. 5 in the amount of $130,837.09 to Minger Construction for the 2023 Lift
Station improvements. City Project No. PW 23-03.
D. (Added) 2024 — 2025 Liquor License Renewals Resolution 24-48 Resolution
approving Liquor Licenses for 2024- 2025
5. Comments and suqqestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda
Mound City Council Minutes
A representative of the Orono Police Department (OPD) provided a summary of activity for May 2024.
He informed that activity has been normal for this time of year. He stated that there is an increase in
juvenile complaints which happens over the summer months when school is out. He said that the
Department has been proactive at Centerview Beach with regards to the boat launch. The officer stated
that they were contacted by residents regarding the current detour off of Shoreline Drive and that they
are monitoring speeding and cutting through properties. He said that the Department was glad to see
stops signs along the detour route after receiving several complaints. The officer said that the
Community Service Officer (CSO) had remained on assignment patrolling Surfside Park and that things
are going well with patrolling, educating, and enforcing.
Councilmember McEnaney said that the Department has been doing a great job at Surfside Park and
Councilmember Castellano stated that there has been very positive messages on social media
thanking the Department.
6. Resolution approving participation in the Just Deeds Coalition
Dickson introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that on June 11th at a City Council
workshop, the City Council reviewed materials provided by the Just Deeds Coalition related to a
request to provide assistance to property owners interested in discharging racial covenants from their
properties. Dickson stated that at the June 11th meeting, the City Council directed staff to provide a
resolution of support for joining the Just Deeds initiative at this meeting. Dickson said that resolution
included within the packet includes language that authorizes the City of Mound to join the Just Deeds
Coalition, thus allowing property owners the ability to work with the Just Deeds organization to remove
the covenants. He explained that property owners would have access to an attorney, free of charge,
and be able to file the new document records with Hennepin County free of charge.
Leslie Gillette, resident at 6000 Evergreen Road, stated that as a resident of the City of Mound, she
expressed appreciation to the City Council for joining the Just Deeds Coalition. She said that it sends
an excellent message that all are welcome in the community. She explained that she is part of the
League of Women's Voters and that this organization promotes diversity and inclusion in voting in
elections. Gillette explained that when people feel welcomes in their community, they are more likely to
vote. She thanked them for their consideration in approval of the resolution.
Pastor Ryan Prondzinski of St John's Church in Mound informed that the church property has a
covenant attached to the land and that they will be seeking to get it removed. He informed that all
humans are created in the likeliness of God and thanked the City Council for addressing this issue
within the community. He said that it is important to be welcoming to all.
Holt thanked Gillette and Prondzinski. He stated that the City Council discussed this issue at depth at a
City Council workshop meeting. He informed that staff will make sure that letters are sent out to
property owners with properties that have the covenant currently attached so that people are notified
and have the option to participate.
Motion by Councilmember Castellano to approve Resolution 24-49 Condemning the use of
Discriminatory Covenants Discharging Discriminatory Covenants on City -Owned Property, and
Approving Participation in the Just Deeds Coalition. Councilmember Pugh seconded. Motion
passed 4-0.
Councilmember Castellano asked for confirmation on how staff would be reaching out to property
owners with these covenants on their properties.
Mound City Council Minutes
Dickson stated that there is a toolkit that the Just Deeds Coalition has provided and that staff will work
with the Coalition to send letters and educate residents on what to do.
McEnaney informed that the Coalition has a list of the properties and will be sending letters.
7. Request to Authorize Bidding for the Harbor Park District Phase I Improvements and Transit
Center Pavers Improvements
City Engineer, Matt Bauman, introduced this item to the City Council. He stated that concept plans have
been prepared and specific design elements reviewed with the Parks and Open Spaces Commission
(POSC) at their June 13, 2024 meeting. Bauman presented the specific design elements that the
POSC reviewed and recommended to the City Council. He provided a final concept that incorporated
the recommended elements of the POSC for the City Council to review.
Bauman informed that the park project was tied to a neighboring project located at the Transit Center.
He stated that this project includes the replacement of a pavers currently in poor condition at that site.
He explained that the City has been working with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) on
reviewing the current condition of the pavers, how that area can be improved moving forward, and the
associated stormwater treatment options for both projects. Bauman stated that per conversations with
MCWD, the City will be allowed to remove the pavers and replace with asphalt. He added that the
water quality basin proposed within the park project area, that ties into the overall stormwater
management plan of the area, will need to be sized to make up for the treatment provided by the
pavers. Bauman informed that the MCWD would be taking the final city plans and updated agreements
to their board for approval at their July 11, 2024 meeting.
Bauman went into detail about how costs have decreased significantly as it relates to the transit center
paver replacement project because of changes in the project scope. He said that both projects are also
able to bid simultaneously. Bauman stated that the projected timeline for bidding the projects is mid -
July and that awarding the bid would take place at the last meeting in July. He informed that
construction would start this fall.
Bauman asked that the City Council provide this evening any additional park design comments and or
direction so that final plans could be completed and ready for the Phase I plans to be put out for bid.
Bauman explained that Phase I of the park would include the restoration of the site after the
neighboring development project concludes in August. He said it would remove remaining road and an
underground stormwater storage tank, project fire access to the site, and install underground elements
that will support future phases.
Bauman informed that the project would include salvaging the old pavers with names on them and
incorporate them back into the new park seating area.
Councilmember Castellano asked if the paths and seating areas were going to be concrete only and/or
pavers. Bauman said that everything will be colored concrete, except the salvages pavers.
Bauman reviewed the cost information for the project improvements. He informed that the Phase I of
the park will be mostly covered by the previous land sale that brought in $700K.
McEnaney said that this area will look great when complete
Mound City Council Minutes
Bauman informed that if the City Council is ok with the concept, that the final concept will be finished
and put out for bid. He said that the bidding results will come back to the City Council in July.
Councilmember Castellano stated that he is excited about the project and said it will be very nice.
Castellano asked if the new park would add significant cost to the public works park's maintenance
Bauman said that costs would increase slightly in the areas of weeding maintenance, plants, mowing,
and irrigation costs.
Prich agreed and added that there would be additional costs associated with mulching as well.
Councilmember Castellano asked what the budget impact would be.
Prich said that he would have to sit down with the City Engineer to get a more accurate estimate to
ongoing costs, but estimated the cost increases to be minimal with regards to the entire parks budget.
He said that the biggest increase would be added staff time for mowing.
Councilmember Pugh stressed the importance of making sure all city parks are age friendly. She said
she loves the new park at Surfside Park. She explained that the new benches were installed without
arm rests nonetheless and expressed concern about that.
Prich informed that the arms for the benches had been ordered recently, but that with all the recent
rain, the factory that makes and ships the arms was currently under water and behind on orders.
Councilmember McEnaney thanked Bauman and staff. She said that she liked seeing that the
stormwater pond was able to go down in size significantly.
Mayor Holt thanked the Parks and Open Spaces Commission for their hard work.
Mayor Holt asked about when the paver replacement project would be complete.
Bauman estimated it to be complete in early November, all things going well.
Councilmember Castellano asked with the lights within the park project would go in.
Bauman stated that the electrical underground lines would go in within the Phase I portion, but that the
actual light installation wouldn't be until Phase ll. He said that the types of lights to be installed still
needs to be determined.
Councilmember Castellano stressed the importance of safety. He asked if the middle of the park would
need to have a light.
Bauman said that a light study hasn't been completed yet, but that as part of the study, that will be
Mayor Holt asked when planning for Phase II will occur.
Bauman stated that as part of the budget planning for 2025, staff will review the 2025 Capital
Improvement Plan schedule to determine when it would be good initiate Phase 11. He said the goal is to
have Phase 11 started in 2025.
Mound City Council Minutes
Councilmember Pugh recommended that the City consider expanding Spirit of the Lakes to this park as
well as Surfside Park. She recommended there be two locations with different events.
There was discussion amongst the City Council on community events and reaching out to community
partners about the park improvements to make sure that their events would be well supported by the
park improvements.
9. Request to Authorize Bolton and Menk to Proceed with Final Design and Bidding State
Appropriated Portions of the Water Treatment Plant Improvements
Simmons introduced this item to the City Council. He explained that in 2023, the City Council
authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the Water Treatment Facility Improvements
per Resolution 23-64. Simmons explained that following that approval, the Minnesota Public Facilities
Authority asserted additional limitations and requirements on the City and the appropriated funds.
Simmons informed that as a result, the appropriations were delayed due to language review of the
previous legislation needing to be reviewed again at the legislature. Simmons said that as part of the
2024 legislative session, the bill was amended to allow the City to now use the appropriated $10.3
Simmons explained that the language now enabled the design of the Water Treatment Facility, and the
bidding and construction of portions of the overall project.
Simmons reviewed the following deliverables that will be provided with this funding:
a. Design, bid, and construction of watermain replacements between towers 3 and 8.
b. Design, bid, and construction of new municipal well.
c. Decommission and seal of existing wells 4 and 7.
d. Design of the Water Treatment Plant including manganese and iron removal, to be shovel
He reviewed the expected schedule starting in June 2024 — Fall 2025. Simmons explained that the by
making the amount of progress listed above to a project that is "shovel ready", it helps when asking for
funding at the state and federal level because they are looking for ready projects.
Simmons reviewed the preliminary breakdown of funds for the appropriated 10.3 million including
elements such as design and bid, construction administration, and construction cost. He said for
transparency purposes, it includes the estimates for engineering.
Councilmember McEnaney asked where the proposed new well would be
Simmons stated by Sorbo Park.
Councilmember Pugh asked if there would be neighborhood outreach and education about the
construction of the new facility.
Simmons confirmed that it would be part of the process and that neighboring properties would be
Mayor Holt asked if there would be noise from the facility
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Simmons explained that there could be some noise from water flow. He informed that there is a well
there currently. He said that the noise should not be intrusive thought to neighboring properties.
Simmons said that the city would provide education nonetheless.
Mayor Holt explained that the city could request a proposal from an outside engineering company to do
the engineering work for the project, however the City is choosing to work with the City Engineer
because they know the city and have been working for the city for over 20 years. He informed that they
know the city's infrastructure and system and generally function as an extension of staff.
Mayor Holt stated that it has taken a lot of hard work to get to this point in the project. He referenced
the schedule between now and 2025 and informed the public that they likely won't see much happening
yet because there is a lot of design work that needs to be done first.
Councilmember McEnaney asked for clarification on how getting these parts of the project complete
would help get more funding.
Simmons explained that the City continues to anticipate funding becoming available to apply for and
that a lot of that money will request that a project be shovel ready to receive money.
Mayor Holt thanked City Manager, Jesse Dickson, for all of his help on this. He said that he took a tour
of the wells and that it was very interesting to learn about the system and how public works tracks them
Prich added that any noise generated is usually from the backup generators that need to be "exercised"
from time to time. He informed that staff worked with neighbors to let them know what the schedule of
that maintenance is however.
Motion by Mayor Holt to approve Resolution 24-50 Applying for a grant from the Minnesota
Pubic Facilities Authority and Authorizing Preparations of Plans and Specifications for Water
Treatment Improvements. Councilmember McEnaney seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
9. Resolution Accepting Quote for the 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Proiect: PW-24-05 and
Awarding the 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Project to Floorcoat Midwest
Simmons introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that the 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation
Project will take place within the Dutch Lake and Shirley Hills areas of the City. He informed that three
contractors provided quotes for the project. He explained that the three quotes ranged from
$103,350.00 - $190,800.00. Simmons said that low bid came from Floorcoat Midwest (Truman, MN)
and that he is recommending that the project be awarded to them in the amount of $103,350.00.
Motion by McEnaney, seconded by Castellano to approve Resolution 24-51 Accepting Quote for
the 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Project: PW-24-05. Motion Passed 4-0.
10. To Consider a Recommendation of the Parks and Open Spaces Commission (POSC) to
Name Harbor Park District Park Space: Lost Lake Commons
Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that as part of the planning for Phase I
of the Harbor District park space, and subsequent phases, the City Council directed the POSC to
restart the discussion to determine an official name for the park space.
Reisdorf explained that the POSC reviewed different name options that came from a 2022 community
survey. She said that also tried reaching out to the Lake Minnetonka History Society for historical name
recommendations. She said that they didn't have any success with that outreach nonetheless. Reisdorf
Mound City Council Minutes
informed that at the June 13, 2024 POSC meeting, the POSC reviewed the available name
recommendations from the survey and ultimately recommended to the City Council officially naming the
park area Lost Lake Commons.
Reisdorf said that the POSC is recommending approval of the resolution that would formally adopt the
name Lost Lake Commons.
Motion by Pugh, seconded by Castellano to approve Resolution 24-52 Approving the Park
Located within the Harbor District to be Named: Lost Lake Commons. Motions passed 4-0.
Councilmember Pugh stated that the City Council needs to continue to develop a strategy on
wayfinding and wayfinding signage within the city's downtown, specifically off of the Dakota Trail. She
said that the City Council needs to talk about the goals of signs would be and which businesses would
benefit from being on the sign. She provided examples of business categories that included family
restaurant, family recreation, adult dining, etc.
Simmons said that the City Engineer's office has been working with their landscape architect on
wayfinding sign designs and options as part of the Lost Lake Commons park space project. Simmons
said that this will come back to the City Council for further discussion.
Mayor Holt said it would be nice to have a wayfinding sign at the Lost Lake dock.
Mayor Holt mentioned that the neighboring city, Spring Park, recently put up banners around the
community that were business sponsored.
The City Council agreed that more discussion was needed on wayfinding and the parameters.
11. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh —Stated that she spoke at a University of Minnesota event recently related to a
workshop on aging. She said that the focus was discussing what joy looks like in your community. Pugh
said that Joy in the community for her is reflected through the volunteers of the community. She
specifically mentioned those that work the community events and festivals, fundraise for community
projects, the Fire Department Fish Fry and more. She said joy is when the community comes together
and shows their commitment to the community.
Council Member McEnaney — NA.
Council Member Castellano — NA
Mayor Holt — Mentioned that the next newsletter will be coming out in August and will include a recap of
the City Councils goals and priorities. He asked staff to include information and a graphic that provides
a timeline of funding and project goals, including funding received. He asked that staff include
information about what we have been doing and what progress has been made. He informed that the
fishing pier at Dutch Lake will be put in on July 8th, 2024. He said that the workshop that was scheduled
for tonight before the regular meeting was cancelled and will be moved to 5:00 pm on July 911. Holt
stated that we are getting closer to starting discussions on the 2025 budget. He mentioned that the city
recently finalized its Long Term Financial Plan. He mentioned that the City Attorney finished the title
work for the city owned Centennial Building and will be reaching out to a commercial realtor to see if the
building would be marketable. Councilmember McEnaney asked about the restaurant downtown that
hasn't opened yet, stating that it has been in progress of opening for two years. Dickson explained that
the owner said they are delayed due to supply chain issues on some parts they need for their kitchen.
Holt said that the City's Instagram page is now live. Holt asked staff about the option of having staff
paint the storm drains to make them more visible and so people don't dump down these drains. Prich
advised that staff look into a placard option instead of painting, as painting requires more long term
Mound City Council Minutes
maintenance. Prich said that staff can be more proactive with educating residents on stormwater,
including drains. Holt stated that the City has been working more on communications and getting
messages out through the newsletter, website, and potentially some short promotion videos. There was
discussion about what to focus on in the videos and how drones could be used. Holt asked if a video
could be completed by the end of summer, with a goal of September. There was discussion by the City
Council on having a booth at the Spirit of the Lakes Festival, who would be able to be at the booth and
what materials could be handed out. They talked about handing out shop local stickers. The City
Council also discussed creating three posters that highlighted the Water Treatment Facility project,
Phase I of the Lost Lake Commons park space, and Mound Citizen of the Year. They asked for staff to
purchase candy for the event for them to hand out. Holt informed that the City Council is staying on
track with regards to its priorities list that they drafted at the beginning of the year.
12. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from the City Manager: Dickson mentioned that next week is the
Fourth of July Holiday on Thursday. He said that City Hall is open for four hours the following
day on Friday. He asked if the City Council would be ok with City Hall being closed on Friday
and staff taking PTO. The City Council agreed that this was ok. Dickson stated that Public
Works Superintendent, Ryan Prich, was recently promoted to Public Works Director. McEnaney
congratulated Prich on his promotion. Prich informed that he has been with the City of about
nine years and that with a lot of positive conversations with staff, he decided to go for the
position. He stated that when the other candidate dropped out, he got a boost of confidence and
decided to take the next step into this role. Holt said that everyone hoped he would. Prich said
that staff has been very supportive and he knows he can do the position and knows he will have
great support. Holt said that the City is gaining here and likes the idea of advancing internal
staff. Holt said they are all excited. Prich thanked the City Council. McEnaney said the City is
lucky to have him in this role.
B. Reports:
C. Minutes: May 9, 2024 — POSC Minutes.
D. Correspondence:
13. Adjourn
ACTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. All voted in favor.
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