2024-08-14 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 14, 2024 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Kathy McEnaney, and Kevin Castellano. Members absent: Paula Larson Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, Finance Director Noah Iverson, City Attorney Scott Landsman, Assistant City Engineer Matt Bauman, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Planning Consultant Rita Trapp, and Municipal Finance Advisor Jason Aarsvold. Lisa Bartels (Hennepin County), Jessie Baldry (Gensler), Reid Ziolbowski (Gensler), Kristen Moline (Hennepin County Library), Johann Chemin-Davidson (6039 Beachwood Road), Betsy Lang (2073 Commerce/2931 Bradford), Carrie Melius (2068 Bellaire Lane), Kevin Johanson (2148 Basswood), Ann Eberhart (2100 Old School Road), and Joanna Kahn (6045 Chestnut Road). Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $698,375.78. B. Approve minutes: July 23, 2024 Regular Meeting C. Approve Resolution 24-64 approving Certificate of Completion for 3053 Brighton Blvd. D. 2023 Lift Station Improvements Pat Request #6 E. 2024 Seal Coating Pay Request #1 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Planning Commission Recommendation: Planning Case No. 24-07: Public Hearing — Review of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for new/replacement Westonka library project at 2079 Commerce Blvd. Rita Trapp, Consulting Planner with HKGi introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that the applicant, Gensler on behalf of Hennepin County, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to reconstruct the Westonka Library located at 2079 Commerce Blvd. She informed that the current library is proposed to be demolished and reconstructed. Trapp explained that within that process, some elements would be retained, including part of the existing parking lot and the landscaping between the two existing parking areas. She informed that a CUP is being requested as government buildings are listed as a conditional use within the City's R-2 district. Trapp added that in addition a request for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is also being asked for to allow for flexibility with certain standards due to the reuse of portions of the site as provided in City Code Sec. 129-195. Trapp explained that CUP requests require a public hearing to be held at a City Council meeting following the completion of all required publication and notification requirements. She stated that property owners within 350 feet of the subject property were sent a notice in the mail. Trapp provided some history on the property. She informed that the existing Westonka Library was constructed in 1972 and that the reconstruction is proposed to meet modern community needs. She said that the new facility and site improvements will meet Hennepin County's green initiative standards. Trapp reviewed the following notable features of the proposed site plan: 1. A net -zero energy library with geothermal and solar energy. 2. Reduction in the mount of impervious surface: From 0.78 acres to 0.77 acres. 3. Green roof. 4. Removal of the north parking lot and access to Bellaire and replacement with biofiltration system with vegetated swale and tree trench. 5. Interpretive signage and a floating walkway to educate visitors about stormwater facilities. 6. Retention of mature trees. Trapp reviewed that the current parking along the north of the property will be removed. She said that the drive aisle from Commerce Blvd will be converted to a parking lot with a two-way drive aisle and perpendicular parking stalls to the building. She explained that City Code requires drive aisles to be 25 feet long, but that the applicant is proposing 22 feet. She stated that this is the existing condition of the parking stalls and that the building official has reviewed and signed off on the stalls at 22 feet meeting ADA standards. She said that the 22 feet is recommended by the applicant as to preserve existing trees and landscaping. She informed that it will be tight for cars existing and entering, but that it is doable. Trapp stated that the current City Code requires a maximum of 40% hardcover. She informed that the current hardcover is 47% and that with the reconstruction, it will go down to 44%. She stated that screening will be required between the parking lot and the residential property to the south. Trapp explained that screening is not required for the church property, but that there will be screening between the properties with breaks in the screening to allow for a connection between the properties. Trapp stated that existing lighting will be removed and replaced with new lighting fixtures along the edges of the parking and pathways. Trapp stated that there will be a monument sign installed and that the proposed sign meets City Code. Trapp informed that the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the CUP request at its July 2, 2024 meeting. She said that there were three members of the public who spoke about the project at the meeting. She explained that there were concerns expressed by the Planning Commission and members of the public in which the recommendation of the Planning Commission was for the applicant to respond to the following concerns: 1. Parking: That with the removal of parking stalls, that there wouldn't be enough parking during busy events. The number of parking spaces is within City Code compliance. The applicant acknowledged that 19 parking spaces were being eliminated. The applicant looked into options for adding diagonal parking stalls on Bellaire and/or considering a shared parking agreement with the neighboring church to the south. 2. Snow Removal/Storage: The Planning Commission asked the applicant about snow storage during the winter months. 3. Drive -through Book Drop: The Planning Commission discussed the new design that did not include a drive -through book drop. There was a recommendation for the applicant to consider adding a drive though book drop. 4. Neighbor impacts: The Planning Commission asked the applicant to connect with concerned neighbors about concerns related to tree removal, stormwater, and building height. Trapp stated that after discussion, the Planning Commission recommended unanimously to recommend approval with the conditions identified by staff and with the direction that the applicant provide supplemental information to the City Council. Trapp summarized the supplemental material provided to the City Council which included responses from the applicant regarding expressed concerns: 1. Parking: The applicant stated that they are exploring opportunities to lease parking for the nearby church during special events. The applicant stated that they conducted parking counts during the month of July and noted that the maximum number of cars counted at one time was 26 cars, which is below the 29 provided in the new plans. The applicant stated that they also explored additional parking spaces along Bellaire but that the required site changes to make parking work there would add to the site's impervious surface percentage and trigger additional adjustments for stormwater management. 2. Interim Library Option: The applicant noted that they are working with the City of Mound to have a local pickup location at City Hall. This would allow for people to place materials on hold, pick them up at City Hall and return materials back to City Hall. 3. Drive Through Book Drop: The applicant states that if would not be feasible to construct an automated drive through or remote book drop without significant site alternations. The applicant stated that a manual book drop separate from the building would not be considered due to injury risks for library employees. 4. Neighbor Impacts and Concerns: The applicant met with neighbors regarding their concerns. As a result of those meetings, the applicant stated that the library building height will be lowered by two feet (34 feet to 32 feet) and a shadow study was performed as part of that process. 5. Snow Storage: The applicant provided a site plan to show how snow storage would be conducted on the property. The applicant stated that snow storage is proposed on the northwest corner of the library parking lot and that in the event of additional emergency storage needs, they will use space that is available between the three entrance walkways into the library. Trapp informed that the City Council is being asked to consider the conditional use permit request as part of the meeting. She stated that the Planning Commission and staff are recommending approval and that the resolution within the packet has been prepared for the City Council to act on. Castellano asked for clarification on the ADA requirements for parking. Trapp informed that the proposed parking meets ADA requirements per the building code. She said that the City Code is more restrictive than the building code, but that the PUD process allows the parking to be flexible with regards to the City Code requirements. Trapp invited the City Engineer, Matt Bauman, to explain the stormwater management on the site a little more in depth. Bauman stated that the stormwater plan included adding a rain garden on site, the lessening of overall hardcover, and other stormwater management practices that will allow the site to better manage stormwater than the current site. McEnaney asked about the Planning Commission ask to research additional diagonal parking off of Bellaire. Bauman explained that if parking were to be placed along Bellaire, it would increase hardcover on site. He said too that there was not enough room to add the parking as it would impact the standard street width requirements. Lastly, he stated that the parking would reduce the net zero goals that Hennepin County is desiring. Mayor Holt informed that visitors are still able to park along the street. Trapp confirmed that the added diagonal parking would have added more parking, but would have created more and different issued in the long run. Holt mentioned that the applicant was meeting the minimum parking requirements per City Code and that they is more on street parking nearby. He stated that the applicant is also working with the neighboring church for overflow parking. Holt asked about the drive aisle concerns. Trapp explained that the drive aisle is being shown at 22 feet, which is 3 feet less than the required 25 feet. She said it is a tight design for vehicles, but that the discussion has focused on the tradeoffs of requiring the aisle to be bigger than 22 feet. She said it would include cutting into an existing hill, adding retaining walls, and the removal of trees. Holt mentioned the hardcover on site being reduced from 47% to 44%. He said he is glad to see it reduced, but stated that it is still not meeting City Code. Trapp stated that it is an improvement and that the goal is to get it reduced as much as possible from where it started. She mentioned that when projects do not start as a "clean site", it can change the process of things because some previous elements are maintained. She mentioned as well that this project includes stormwater management site improvements as well, which are taken into consideration with hardcover. Holt asked about the current drop box for books and why the new library site is not able to accommodate a similar amenity. Trapp stated that the Planning Commission had concerns about this as well Lisa Bartels, Hennepin County Library Project Manager, and Jessie Baldry, Gensler, introduced themselves to the City Council. Bartels provided information on the current book drop and how it work. She said that visitors are able to pull up to the drop box, but have to get out of their car to drop the books into the box (if they don't have a passenger in the car). She mentioned that the library is designing a new drop area that will prevent work place injuries. She informed of a workplace study that was conducted by Hennepin County regarding common library employee injuries. She said that the study highlighted repetitive stress injuries related to bending down and picking up heavy objects. Bartels said that automation is being incorporated into the site design to do repetitive tasks that cause workplace injuries, including book drop tasks. She explained a box that is disconnected from the building and available along the street to drop books off would not be considered because of staff having to retrieve the materials during all types of weather events (safety concerns), they would be required to bend down and transfer materials, and that the materials could easily be damages by the weather elements as well. McEnaney asked if the library was going to set up temporary locations during construction. Dickson informed that the library has been working with City staff to have a drop off and pick up location at City Hall. He said that this would likely start in January 2025. Pugh asked if the library would still have computers and internet access available to the public. Hennepin County representatives noted that they were still working on determining where and how to continue to offer computers and internet to people. Mayor Holt opened the Public Hearing at 6:45 pm. Carrie Melius (2068 Bellaire Lane): Melius mentioned that he property borders the library property to the north. She expressed concern about the stormwater management and if it would improve the existing issues that her property currently experiences. She also asked about the trees that were going to be planted along the property line. Betsy Lang (2073 Commerce/2931 Bradford): Lang stated that she excited for the project, but has concerns as well as her property borders the library site to the north. She stated that they bought the property a few years ago with the intent to do an addition at some point on the house. Lang's main concern had to do with shade impact on the property and change to the lighting on the property. She said that it impacts future planning for the property as the new building is the length of the residential property. She thanked the County and City for the open communication and asked that it remain throughout the project. Johann Chemin-Davidson (6039 Beachwood Road): Chemin-Davidson asked if there would be a walkin drop box at the library. That was confirmed. He stated that he loves the project. He asked if there would be temporary meeting rooms somewhere else during construction. Mayor Holt stated that the library is still navigating where temporary services will be. He asked about preservation and reuse initiatives with the project, including the reuse and disposal of materials. Holt mentioned that some building materials would be used with the construction of the new building and that the library has plans for management of many of the materials on site. Chemin-Davidson expressed concern about the height of the building and said it doesn't have to be that tall. He stated that it is wasted space that causes wasted energy. Bartels provided additional information on the height of the building, the public spaces within and outside the building, and how the library would be reusing, repurposing, and working with other local organizations to salvage as much of the current building as possible. McEnaney informed that there is a presentation from Hennepin County library online that addresses concerns and questions about material reuse and disposal. Holt asked about the concerns from the property owner to the north related to stormwater management and the types of trees that will be planted. Bauman reviewed the stormwater plans and the types of trees within the plans were stated. Mayor Holt closed the Public Hearing at 7:13 pm. Castellano informed that he is confident in the stormwater plan and that it will be a significant improvement to what is currently there. He liked that Hennepin County performed a parking study to help with concerns related to parking. He wondered if placing a sign up related to the narrow aisle would help people navigate the tight space better. Trapp said that driving back and forth within the aisle should be fine. She said that concern is more related to the backing out of parking stalls. Pugh said that she has similar concerns regarding safety and inadequate pedestrian access to the site. She asked that pedestrian access be looked at more in that area in general. Holt informed that he has been communicating with County Commissioners about the pedestrian areas within that location for some time. He agreed that some changes need to be made to improve safety. Holt stated that the new library is a great project and that while it will be a bit painful during construction, it will be a long term gain for the community overall. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 24-65: APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A NEW/REPLACEMENT WESTONKA LIBRARY PROJECT AT 2079 COMMERCE BLVD: PLANNING CASE NO. 24-07. PID NO. 14-117-24-41-0005. 7. 2024A Bond Issuance and Credit Enhancement Program Application Jason Aarsvold introduced himself to the City Council. He explained that he is a municipal advisor with Ehlers Public Finance and that the City of Mound recently completed a Long -Term Financial Plan and Utility Rate Study with the company. He informed that per both plans, the City is scheduled to issue new debt near the end of 2024 for the purposes of replenishing cash flow and reducing the reliance on interfund loans from cash deficits in the utility funds. Aarsvold went into detail about the debt issuance process He reviewed that the proposed debt issuance amount would be $4,820,000 in General Obligation Utility Revenue Bonds (Series 2024A). Aarsvold explained that the purpose of issuing the debt was to reimburse the city for 2020 — 2023 sewer and water projects and to finance 2024 sewer and water projects, as well as a portion of the 2025 sewer project (lift station). He stated that the debt would be paid for from utility revenue. He informed that staff is recommending applying for the State's Credit Enhancement Program that would allow the City to utilize the State of Minnesota's higher rating of "AAA". Aarsvold said that the City's current rating sits at "AK and that the enhancement would allow for the City to get better interest rates. Aarsvold reviewed the proposed debt issuance schedule that include the Pre -Sale Review by the City Council and the Approval of the Credit Enhancement Application at tonight's meeting. He informed that there would then be a conference call with a Rating Agency and a Due Diligence Call to review the official statement during the week of September 2, 2024. He informed that the City Council would be provided bond bid information at their September 10, 2024 meeting where the City Council will award the sale of the bonds. Aarsvold said that the estimated closing date of the bond sale would be October 1, 2024. McEnaney asked if this was something that the City needed to do at this time. Reisdorf explained that staff is recommending this due to upcoming cash flow issues with regards to planned capital projects. She explained that as part of the Long Term Financial plan, the City planned to issue bonds for cash flow purpose. Reisdorf explained that as part of the budget process, the City has to take into consideration when it receives its biggest revenue source, property taxes, from the County, which is only twice a year. She explained that the City has to also realize that the utility fund is running in the negative and is partially cash flowed by the General Fund at the moment. Reisdorf said in order to keep on track with capital project costs, staff is recommending reimbursing for past project costs with this bond, and to bond as well for the 2025 lift station project. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution with the following amendment to change the listed City Council meeting date of September 11, 2024 to the correct date of September 10, 2024. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 24-66: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $4,820,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION UTILITY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2024A AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A CREDIT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY 8. T-Mobile — Telecommunications Solutions Project Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council. She provided a review of the City's current contracted telecommunications providers and how they service the city at five city locations. She said that the services provided include internet, phones, cell phones, POTS lines, and more. She explained that the current Mitel desk phone (VOIP) hardware have been discontinued as that the end of life on the devices is listed as November 1, 2024 and technical support will end July 31, 2025. She informed that the City's POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) lines were phasing out nationwide as well and that they need to be upgraded in the near future to ensure continued reliable service. Reisdorf explained that these lines include current City alarm lines, elevator lines, and fax lines. Reisdorf proposed a solution that would bring all four of the current companies' services under one company; T-Mobile. She explained that internet would be provided through the installation of an outdoor 5G adaptor at City Hall. She said routers would also be installed at the City buildings for WIFI coverage. Reisdorf explained that current POTS lines would be converted from analog to digital with a device calls Ooma Airdial. She stated that the current desk phones would be replaced with new desk phones and an application called Dialpad that would integrate the new desk phones into the new computer/phone application. Reisdorf stated that the current mobile phones, mobile internet, and tablet devices would transition over to T-Mobile. Reisdorf explained that staff is recommending an option that would allow employees that currently carry a city cell phone to download the Dialpad application onto their personal phone to eliminate carrying the second city phone. She said they would be allowed a small monthly stipend for having the application on their personal phone instead. Reisdorf reviewed the current financial budget for the current telecommunication operations. She reviewed the proposed operational costs and set up costs for bringing everything under T-Mobile. She estimated a one-time set up and hardware expense of about $10,543.95 with T-Mobile, and an operational cost reduction of about $21,478.08 less 2025. Reisdorf informed that the City needs to do a POTS line changeover on all 30 lift stations in the near future. She said that at this time, staff is estimated each lift station changeover to be about $1,000 each. She said that staff is planning for and budgeting for that project in the next year or so. Reisdorf explained that the attorney has been working with T-Mobile on the drafting of a service agreement that works for both parties. She said that it is still under review and that staff is recommending moving forward with the transition over to T-Mobile pending final approval by the City Attorney on all agreements. Holt asked T-Mobile representative, Daniel O'Donnell, if they have provided similar solutions to other cities and which ones. O'Donnell stated that he works throughout the seven county metro and that they provide similar solutions to other cities, counties, school districts throughout the region.Holt asked about the contract agreement with T-Mobile. O'Donnell explained that the various support, services and devices have different terms and agreements and that it is getting worked out currently with the attorney. McEnaney asked about training would be provided to staff. O'Donnell stated that training is included in the cost and that there will be in person and virtual training options. MOTION by Castellano, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the proposal from T-Mobile subject to the satisfactory review and approval of all agreement documents by the City Manager and City Attorney. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 9. Decorative Sidewalks Bauman introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that the City had requested more information on decorative sidewalk crossings on the County Roads throughout the City. Bauman reviewed the difference between standard crosswalk markings (paint, cost, and maintenance) and nonstandard decorative markings (paint, cost, and maintenance). Bauman recommended maintaining standard crosswalks. Councilmember McEnaney and Councilmember Castellano agreed with Bauman. Councilmember Pugh disagreed. 10. Comments/Reports from Council Members: Council Member Pugh — None. Council Member Larson — Absent. Council Member McEnaney — Mentioned that she continues to receive complaints from residents of Grandview Apartments about the building conditions. She wondered if that was anything the City could do. Mayor Holt said that the City has sent letters in the past regarding outside maintenance concerns, but that indoor conditions and concerns are generally not within the City's ability to regulate. Councilmember Pugh informed that residents of the building are able to organize and contact the State of Minnesota for help. City Manager Dickson informed that the City of Mound doesn't do rental licensing. He said that even so, certain standards are still required by the State of Minnesota and Hennepin County. City Attorney Landsman stated that the City could look into a Rental Licensing Ordinance. He said otherwise it is hard for the City to do much. Holt asked if residents can reach out to the County or State of support. Dickson said that yes, that City could direct residents to resources at the County and/or State. Landman mentioned an organization called "HOME LINE" at Homeline.org that offers free legal help for renters. McEnaney mentioned the Farmers Market. She said that the vendors have noted it being a rough summer with the road construction project going on and less traffic than the other years. She invited the public to come out and support the Market on Saturday. She said parking is not an issue. McEnaney stated that Councilmember Larson is not at the meeting tonight because he son had a heart attack and is in critical condition. She said to keep her and her son in your thoughts for a full recovery. Council Member Castellano — Mentioned that it is hard to hear meeting recordings. Reisdorf informed that she has been getting quotes for audio-visual improvements for the City Council chambers. Mayor Holt — Mentioned that the State of Minnesota posted the Local Government Aid (LGA) for 2025 and that the City of Mound would be losing its aid. He stated that it is frustrating to lose the LGA because the City has to make up for that revenue elsewhere. He explained that he has been talking with state representatives on the loss of the aid. Holt did a quick update on the Orono Police Department July report. He said that there were no abnormal trends and that officers have been monitoring for solicitors without permits. He mentioned that he attended a Fire Department meeting about continued regional opportunities. Holt said that he recently met with County Commissioner, Heather Edelson. He talked about the new crosswalk that was installed by Hennepin County at the Dakota Trail in downtown Mound and expressed desire to have a similar crosswalk painted at the trail crossing in the City of Minnetrista. Holt provided a photo of the "welcome to Spring Park" sign on the Dakota Trail and asked staff to navigate getting a better and similar sign on the trail for the City of Mound. Holt stated that he recently met with the City's Metropolitan Council representative regarding the current sewer maintenance project on Shoreline Drive. He provided pictures of the preliminary ground infrastructure that will support the new crosswalk signal. He said he was super excited about the flashing light signal going in and that is should be complete by Labor Day Weekend. Bauman informed that the flashing signal was delayed, but that the crosswalk striping should be complete by then. Holt informed that National Night Out went well with the Orono Police Department. Pugh asked that the City do a citywide event at Lost Lake Commons in 2025. Holt said that the Artessa grand opening event will be October 22nd, 2024 at 1 PM on site and that the City Council is invited. He said that the two Hennepin County Commissioners that represent the City of Mound voted down a 49% salary increase for Hennepin County Commissioners. He thanked them for voting that down. McEnaney congratulated City Manager Dickson on his marriage that took place over the weekend. 10. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Reisdorf thanked city staff and the election judges for a well -run Primary Election. B. Reports: July 2024 — Liquor Store Report July 2024 — Orono Police Activity Report C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: 11. Adjourn ACTION by McEnaney, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 8:44 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Jason R. Holt Attest'Kevin Kelly, Clerk