2024-09-10 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
September 10, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Kathy McEnaney, Paula
Larson, and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None.
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, City
Attorney Scott Landsman, Finance Director Noah Iverson, and Public Works Director Ryan
Prich. Financial Advisor (Ehlers), Stacie Kvilvang, and Sergeant Ryan Spencer, Orono Police
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Dickson stated that the Resolution on page 2181 has been replaced with an updated Resolution
that provides information on bond sale that took place that day (September 10, 2024).
MOTION by Castellano, to approve the agenda with the updated resolution, seconded by
McEnaney. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by McEnaney, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $249,626.86.
B. Approve minutes: August 27, 2024 Regular Meeting
C. Approve Resolution No. 24-73 Authorizing 2024 Central Business District (CBD)
Parking Maintenance Roll to be Certified to the County Auditor at 5% Interest
Levy #25121
D. Approve Resolution No. 24- 74 Approving Application to Conduct Off -Site
Gambling Permit for American Legion Post 398
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
6. Orono Police Department Activity Report for August 2024
Orono police officer, Spencer, provided a report to the City Council for the month of August. He
informed that there had been 136 calls for service for the month. He stated that nothing was spiking
and was usual as far as numbers and types of calls for this time of year. Spencer stated that the Labor
Day Weekend holiday went well. He mentioned that the Our Lady of the Lake Festival is coming up this
weekend and that there will be some extra coverage to support the event. Spencer went into detail
about a recent event in which the Orono Police Department assisted. He stated that there was a vehicle
chase that took place within the City of Wayzata and that through their assistance and with partnership
between multiple police agencies, they were able to apprehend the suspect. Spencer stated that the
Orono Police Department will be traveling to Ripley in the near future to perform, be tested on, and
reviewed on things like physical fitness, fire arms, problem solving, and more. He said that the
Department continues to be proactive throughout the community by driving around and making sure
they are visibly present.
7. Reporting on the results of the 2024A bond sale and requesting action on the resolution
providing for the issuance and awarding the sale of $4,820,000 General Obligation Utility
Revenue Bonds, Series 2024A.
Kvilvang (Ehlers) introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that at the last meeting, the City
Council approved moving forward with a bond sale that would finance 2024 water and sewer projects,
and a portion of the 2025 sewer projects. She added that it would also reimburse the City of its 2020-
2023 sewer and water projects. Kvilvang stated that the City Council also approved moving forward with
participating in the Minnesota Credit Enhancement program that would allow the City to use a rating of
AAA for this bond. She explained that per the bond sale that day (September 10, 2024), the City received
seven (7) bids on the bond and that the lowest bidder was TD Securities (USA), LLC at 3.2296%. She
stated that the highest bid came in at 3.4357%. Kvilvang mentioned that the City Council is being asked
to adopt a resolution that would award the sale of $4,820,000 General Obligation Utility Revenue Bonds,
Series 2024A to the lowest bidder.
Kvilvang explained that as part of the bond sale process, the City had to go through a credit rating
review and that as part of the review, the credit rating agency, Standard and Poor's, issued a rating
increase from AA to AA+ for the City of Mound. She stated that as credit ratings increase, interest costs
decrease. Kvilvang presented a certificate to the City Council that recognizes the rating increase. She
informed that an integral reason for the increase, as reported by the rating agency, was because of the
City's recent work and completion of their long-term financial plan, good financial management and
policies, and more.
Castellano asked how often the city's rating is reviewed.
Kvilvang informed that ratings are reviewed every time the City's issue debt through bonding. She said
that if a City goes a long period without issuing debt, that sometimes rating agencies will perform a
surveillance rating as a check in.
MOTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
8. Holiday Wreath Replacement
Public Works Director, Prich, introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that the City currently
has 60 holiday wreaths that are comprised of three generations worth of wreaths. He stated that as
such, the wreaths are different sizes, colors, and styles. Prich said that some of them are in such
disrepair that they have started on fire when they were up on the street lights. Prich explained that staff
is recommending replacement of the current wreaths because of their age. He stated that staff reached
out to three companies for quotes and received two back. He said that the low quote came from Display
Sales in the amount of $16,080. He informed that the other quote came in at $21,900. Prich explained
that this is an unbudgeted item over $10,000 and therefore staff is seeking the City Council's approval.
Prich stated that staff is recommending that the purchase be financed through the Community
Investment Fund. Prich explained that the received quotes were for wreaths that went away from the
current wreath style that has three candles in the middle. He said that the quote reflects a wreath
design without candles because the candles were found to be difficult to maintain and that they were at
times a fire hazard. He informed that without the candles, the there was a $10,000 reduction in cost.
McEnaney said that she has traveled to other communities over the winter months and felt that when
warm lights were used for decorations, they looked a lot better than cool lights. She said warm lights
are more inviting. She asked the City Council to consider warm lights for the wreaths.
Prich informed that the City currently does have a mixture of warm and cool lights for decorating
throughout town. He said that he could look into purchasing warm lights only as they get replaced.
Prich said he can reach back out to the company to make sure that the wreaths have warm lights.
Castellano agreed that they should all be the same type of light and that he preferred warm lights as
9. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh — Mentioned that she will be at the Gillespie next week for lunch and invited
other Councilmembers to attend with her if they are interested. She mentioned the City should look into
applying for age -friendly grants for park projects. Mentioned that the Shoreline street project turned out
Council Member Larson — Mentioned that a long-time resident, Patti Dodds, recently passed away. She
informed that Dodds did a lot for the community and will be very missed.
Council Member McEnaney — Informed that a small local business, Mama's Happy, is returning to the
City of Mound and that they are having a ribbon cutting event tomorrow (September 11, 2024) at 1:00
PM. McEnaney asked Dickson about the status of the building project located at services station
located on Commerce Blvd. Dickson stated that the property owner is working through some permitting
requirements, but that they have submitted a construction plans and will be working under a City issued
Conditional Use Permit that was issued previously.
Council Member Castellano — Nothing to report.
Mayor Holt — Mentioned that he attended a Fire Commission meeting that morning (September 10,
10. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Dickson informed that a
demolition permit was received for the property located at the intersection of Shoreline Drive
and Commerce. He said the demolition is scheduled to take place the week of September 16,
B. Reports: Liquor Store — August 2024
C. Minutes: August 20, 2024 — Planning Commission
D. Correspondence:
11. Adjourn
ACTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Jason R. Holt
Ades.Kevin Kelly, Cler