2024-09-10 CC Meeting Minutes WorkshopMOUND CITY COUNCIL
September 10, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in a special workshop
meeting session on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the
Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Sherrie Pugh, Paula Larson, Kathy
McEnaney and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf and City
Attorney Scott Landsman.
Centennial Building Discussion
Mayor Holt introduced this item stating that the City Council continues to discuss the future of
the City's Centennial Building located at 5341 Maywood Road.
Landsman informed that since the last meeting this topic was discussed, he worked with a
commercial real estate developer to get a general idea of what the building could sell for.
Landsman provided a report on the findings.
Landsman reviewed the report's four comparable properties that included one commercial
property within the City of Mound not too far from City Hall. He explained that it was an old
Frontier Communications building that was listed and marketed for $525,000 in 2022. He noted
the three other properties that were located within Edina, Eden Prairie, and Eagan at marketed
prices between 2M and $3.5M. He noted that these commercial properties are quite different
and therefore the City Council should be mindful of those differences when comparing with the
marketability of the Centennial Building. He informed that marketability is based in part of
location to the metro, location, lot size, and other factors.
Pugh mentioned that the Centennial Building currently backs up to a wetland and is not too far
from the lake. She asked if the City should take into consideration all of the recent development
occurring next to the lake and if a more environmental focus should be taken by avoiding
additional development within/near the wetland areas.
McEnaney stated that the location is not desirable and that the marketability of the property
would be more in line with the low estimate provided within the report.
Landsman explained that at this point in time, there is little information about the property's lot
as a survey still needs to be completed. He also said that City would need to grasp how the lot
would be subdivided as it currently shares the site with the current City Hall and neighboring
park. He said next steps would involve including the City Engineer. Landsman stated that the
City would have to determine how it would like to market the site and by whom.
McEnaney said that it likely that the City would get the high amount for the property. She stated
that if the City would only get the low amount, that it doesn't make sense to sell. She
recommended marketing the current building to increase tenant use.
Holt stated that the City should not be in the rental property business.
Pugh said that the City may need the space in the future.
Holt said that the revenue from selling the building could go to pay off current debt. He said that
the City is barely breaking even on the current running and maintenance of the building with its
current leases.
Pugh informed that if in the future, the City decides it needs more space, it will cost a lot more
and will be a lot harder in the future to get that space back.
Holt mentioned the current City Hall building and how there is room within the upstairs of the
building on the Fire Department side to remodel.
Pugh explained that in the past, City Hall staffing was severely reduced and that now that the
City is adding some of those positions back, they need to be mindful of space. She said that
98% of the City is build out and that the City Council needs to be mindful of the City's future
McEnaney informed that it would be helpful to tour the City Hall space and visualize any
available opportunities for remodeling. She stated that if it is going to cost too much to prepare
and sell the site and recoup those costs at the moment, then it isn't currently worth going
through the process.
Holt said that he was happy with the low estimate. He said that he has talked with some
interested people. He agreed that the City should look at what it would take and cost to get the
site ready and marketable, including survey work, rezoning, agreements, and more.
Landsman said that he can research what the cost of a commercial developer marketing team
would cost. He explained that the current holding costs of the Centennial Building for the City is
minimal. He agreed that if it did sell and the City would need more space in the future, it would
be expensive to get that space back. He added though, on the other hand, by redeveloping it, it
could add to the tax base.
Pugh stated that the City can't sell assets unless the future needs of the City are understood
first. She said that they need to understand that first. She explained that it isn't just about the
money that could be gained, but the quality services that they need to continue to provide. She
said that they also need to be mindful of what would go in this location at it would significantly
impact the neighboring properties and park areas.
McEnaney said that once sold, the City would have less control over the site.
Holt recommended a tour of City Hall. He said that there is plenty of room for renovations.
Castellano stated that he is not worried about space.
McEnaney explained that the City has 30 parks currently. She wondered if the City should
consider selling some of that land as well since some of the spaces are vacant and aren't even
used as park space.
Holt stated that it is hard to get rid of park space.
McEnaney informed that if the City Council is really looking to reduce the City's debt, that there
are other options to consider as well.
Landman said that the City could look into selling park space, but that the City would have to
research each location specifically as to how the City currently holds them. He informed that it
depends on how the City acquired the land, which can dictate how it can sell it.
Holt said that he wants to move forward with getting estimates on what it would cost to prepare
the site, including costs associated with the surveying process and subdivision process.
Landsman informed that the City would also have to take into consideration an agreement for
shared driveway access and parking.
Holt said that once estimates are received, the City Council can come back to review those
costs and determine how to move forward.
Landsman stated that he would reach out a get an estimate on what it could cost for
engineering work and commercial developer/reality/marketing work.
Castellano stated that that makes sense
Continued Discussion on Police Coverage
Holt introduced this item to the City Council. He stated that the City Council has been discussing
this item over the past several months. He informed that he recently had a meeting with the
Mayor of Minnetrista, the City Administrator of Minnetrista, and Dickson. He informed that the
meeting was held to discuss the feasibility of future police services with the City of Minnetrista's
Police Department. Holt explained that the representatives of Minnetrista didn't seem very
interested in pursuing this stating that they felt that the City of Mound wouldn't have a lot to offer
in the switch. He said there was discussion as well as to how the Orono Police Department
would lose half of their staff due to Mound moving to the Minnetrista Police Department. Holt
explained that the Minnetrista Police Department is currently having trouble maintaining a full
staff. He said that there was discussion on the possibility of attracting the Orono Police
Department officers who would be let go to Minnetrista. Holt explained that the agreement
between the two parties would be that of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA), instead of the
current contract agreement that the City has with the Orono Police Department. He stated again
that it didn't seem that there was too much interest in making a change. He explained that if the
City Council of Mound was interested, the Minnetrista representatives at the meeting explained
that they would want a formal resolution of interest for the City Council of Minnetrista to
consider. He informed that if approved by the City of Minnetrista, the City of Mound would be
required to cover the cost of a formal study that would determine how the change would work.
Holt explained that the political environment in the region at the moment has been focused
heavily on emergency response and management. He went into detail about how the change
would likely not save moving as far as contract cost. Holt said it would likely cost a lot of money
for a study. He mentioned that as far as assets, the City of Mound, does have the old police
station at City Hall.
Pugh said that staff from the current Orono Police Department may not be interested in moving
to the Minnetrista Police Department if the City made the change.
Hold said that the City of Minnetrista wants to know why the City of Mound is interested in
making a switch away from the Orono Police Department. He stated that they want to know why
the City of Mound is unhappy with its current services. Holt explained that he is not unhappy
with the Orono Police Department. He said he believes that the City of Mound has a good
contract and that they serve the community well. He said he is not in favor of switching.
Castellano stated that he hasn't received any complaints about Orono Police Department that
would justify a switch to a new police department. He said that City wouldn't be saving any
money and he is ok with the service. He asked if the City Council needed to get community
input on the issue.
Larson explained that as a long-time resident of the City of Mound, the first priority of the City
Council is to the citizens of Mound. She informed that there has been bad blood between the
Cities of Mound and Minnetrista for a long time. She said that they need to stop thinking about
the finances of the City of Orono and the Orono Police Department. She said that the City of
Orono has shown with its own Fire Department that they want to be alone and don't need our
help. She informed that the City of Minnetrista doesn't have a Fire Department and partially
relies on the City of Mound for its fire services. Larson stated that the City Council has to do
what's best for its citizens and provide the best services. She informed that she is not a fan of
the Orono Police Department. She explained that the City of Minnetrista needs the City of
Mound's fire services and doesn't understand why they have no interest. She stated that by
switching Mound's police services to the City of Minnetrista, both police and fire services
together would be more efficient and effective. She discussed a referendum vote. She said that
it would be best to have our own police department again, but acknowledged that it would cost
too much at an estimated $20 million to start up. She said it would be a mistake to stay with the
Orono Police Department. She said that it was unfortunate and unfair that the staff and City
Council in the past pushed to get rid of the Mound Police Department. She said there should
have been a referendum vote in the past to do so, but instead the decision was made by the
City Council at the time. Larson stated that it is strange for the City of Minnetrista to say no
when they need the City of Mound for fire services and that by combining both police and fire,
there could be better system that is faster.
Holt stated that the City Council can still pursue this option by passing a resolution of interest
and sending it to the City of Minnetrista's City Council for consideration.
Landsman provided a review of the City's current police contract and when notice would have to
be given to the Orono Police Department about a discontinuation in services.
Castellano agreed that it is their role to keep the community safe and provide services. He said
that he hasn't heard anything bad about Orono Police Department and therefore if the City is
concerned about specific things, why not address them with the Department.
Larson said that there needs to be better communication between the police department and
the fire department and therefore they need to be combined to be more efficient and effective.
McEnaney stated that Holt went into the meeting with the City of Minnetrista with apprehension
probably and informed that that is why she doesn't trust the information being reported. She
said that she has no problem with the police officers. She questioned that the City of Mound
would not have anything to bring to the City of Minnetrista's Police Department. She asked what
the City of Mound brought to the City of Orono what that contract with written.
Holt said that another discussion could take place and a meeting could include the entire City
Pugh stated that there needs to be a united front and a uniform message from the Mound City
Council and not a separate one. She said that the City Council needs to talk about and think
about the future of the City of Mound. She informed that there are things that the City of Mound
has to offer such as the current police and fire station building. She said that the City Council
has to be consistent with its message and work on a joint statement that is presented uniformly
Holt agreed that it was important to be united. Holt stated that with the meeting time ending, that
this item would come back to the City Council for further discussion at a future meeting.
Motion by Castellano to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 pm. Seconded by Pugh. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Jason R. Holt
Attes .--Kevin Kel y, Cler