2024-10-08 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
October 8, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members, Kathy McEnaney, Sherrie Pugh, and
Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: Council Members Paula Larson.
Others present: Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, City Attorney Scott Landsman, Public
Works Director Ryan Prich, City Engineer Matt Bauman, Sergeant Ryan Spencer, Orono Police
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledae of Alleqiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Castellano, to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by McEnaney. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by McEnaney, seconded by Castellano, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $608,590.52.
B. Approve minutes: September 24, 2024 Regular Meeting
C. PW-21-01: Lynwood Watermain Improvements Phase 1 — Pay Request 3 & Final
D. PW-22-01: Lynwood Watermain Improvements Phase 2 — Pay Request 3 & Final
E. PW-23-03: 2023 Lift Station Improvements to Minger Construction — Pay Request 7
F. PW-23-03: Miscellaneous pay request to Killmer Electric
G. PW-23-09: Lost Lake Commons — Phase 1 — Pay Request 1
H. PW-24-03: 2024 Lift Station Improvements — Pay Request 1
I. PW-24-08: Downtown Sidewalks Group 2 — Pay Request 1
J. PW-24-11: Transit Center Paver Replacement — Pay Request 1
K. PW-24-13: Marion Lane Watermain — Pay Request 1 & Final
L. Approve Resolution 24-83: Appointment of Election Judges
M. Approve Resolution 24-84: Appointment of Absentee Ballot Board
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
6. Orono Police Department Activity Report For September
Orono police officer, Spencer, provided a report to the City Council for the dates between September
24, 2024 and October 8, 2024. He informed that there have been a total of 40 calls for service over the
past two weeks. He stated that the calls haven't included anything out of the ordinary. Spencer said that
with school starting, activity is calming a little bit. He said that the department is staying visual and
proactive within the community. He reported that there was a vehicle theft recently due to an unlocked
vehicle. He reminded people to lock their doors. He stated that there continue to be a lot of scams
occurring that involve targeting people of an older demographic. He informed that the department has
an investigations team that works on these cases and has held education sessions at the Gillespie
Center on how to avoid scams. Spencer stated that on October 15 and 17, the department will be doing
its second in-house training which will include extensive scenario training. He also mentioned that the
Lake Minnetonka SWAT team participated in a conference recently that was very educational.
Pugh asked about the DNR dock that was installed this year on Dutch Lake and if there has been any
reported upticks in teenage activity down there. She informed that before the dock was installed, there
were concerns from the neighbors that the installation would drive up increased activity. Spencer said
that he was not aware of anything, but would look into the reports more thoroughly.
7. Public Hearings:
A. Action on Resolution Adopting Assessment for Miscellaneous Expenses and
Certifying to the County Auditor at 5% Interest — Levy # 25122
B. Action on Resolution Adopting Assessment for Delinquent Municipal Utility Bills and
Certifying to the County Auditor at 5% Interest — Levy # 25123
Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that she is requesting action on two
public hearings related to assessments. Reisdorf explained that under State Statute, cities are allowed
to recoup unpaid service costs provided to property owners by assessing the unpaid charges to
property taxes for those properties. Reisdorf explained that the property owners were provided
notification of the unpaid fees and assessment process. She said that a notice was also published in
the local newspaper. Reisdorf said that the City Council must hold a public hearing before approving
the certification of the assessments to the county for processing.
Reisdorf said that property owners have until November 15th to pay off their unpaid expenses. She
informed that after that date, staff will direct Hennepin County to assess these unpaid expenses to the
property taxes. She said that an additional 5% interest charge will accrue on the expenses starting from
the data of the adoption of the two resolutions at this meeting. She added that any accounts that are
paid on or before November 15t" would not accrue the interest. Reisdorf recommended holding the
public hearings and approving the resolutions.
Mayor Holt opened the public hearing for the Assessment for Miscellaneous expenses at 6:10 pm.
Craig Rose, 5100 Edgewater Drive (Mound), informed that he has been going through a divorce over
the past three years and that he received a notice of assessment for a boat lift that was moved off of
City property into the property located at 5100 Edgewater Drive. He stated that he did not receive the
notices that these lift needed to be moved because he was not living there at the time. He informed that
he ex-wife was living at the property and received the notices. He informed that as such, he asked the
City of Mound to negotiate the fee that is scheduled to be assessed in the amount of $850.
Holt provided additional information on what occurred in December of 2023. He stated that a boat lift
was placed within the City right of way. Holt said that after multiple communication efforts with the
property owner, the City eventually hired a company to move the boat lift five feet onto the private
property in the amount of $850. He said that he is sympathetic to everything that Rose has been going
Landsman added additional context in that Rose's ex-wife was living at the property at the time and that
she did receive the notices. He said that the ex-wife granted the City permission to come onto the
private property to pick up and move the boat lift. Landsman said that the City was granted permission
to be on the property and do the work.
McEnaney asked Rose if this has been worked out with his ex-wife.
Rose stated that there is a lot still going on that needs to be figured out legally. Rose asked why the
City didn't call him to let him know this was happening.
Holt said that the City sent letters and explained that this is the process that the City of Mound uses. He
said that the City doesn't have the staff to make phone calls in these situations.
Castellano informed that staff did make a phone call a property owner before it was moved to get
Landman stated that Rose was not allowed to live on the property again until July 1, 2024. He said that
the movement of the boat lift occurred in December of 2023 when he wasn't living on the property.
Landsman read a written explanation from City staff, who stated that many letters were sent and that a
phone call with the property owner on site at the time occurred in which permission was given for the
City to come in a move the boat lift.
McEnaney informed that this property has had ongoing issues in the past. She agreed that it is a
difficult situation, but for the property owners to work out.
Holt said that the City had to pay someone to come in and do the work. He said that other residents
should not have to pay for that.
Castellano agreed that it is probably not what the property owner wanted to hear, but that the other
residents shouldn't have to pay for this.
The Public Hearing was closed at 6:26 PM.
Motion by Castellano, seconded my McEnaney, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried
The Public Hearing was opened at 6:27 PM and closed at 6:28 PM.
Motion by McEnaney, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
8 Consulting Water Resources Engineers — Hosting 2024 MS4 Permit Public Meeting
Bauman introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that every year the City must do a
presentation to inform the public on the impacts of stormwater discharges into local water
resources, and actions that can be taken to reduce the potential discharge of pollutants. He said
that the City must also listen to the public and receive input, while also providing an update on
how the City has been complying with the MS4 Permit conditions.
Bauman went into detail about what a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is and its
requirements. He provided information on what a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program is
and the City responsibilities within the program. He reviewed the program's history and what the
City has been working on to fulfill its duties and responsibilities since its inception and most
recently the past two years. Bauman reviewed future plans and program needs.
McEnaney asked about the reporting requirements and if they were every 10 years.
Bauman said that the City has to submit a full report every 10 years, but that an annual report is
required as well listing what the City has been working on. He said that the MPCA reviews the
information and communicates if the City needs to make any changes.
McEnaney said that the information was very interesting and thanked Bauman for the
information. She said she found the program history information very interesting.
Holt informed that the City will be doing its fall street sweeping soon. He mentioned that the City
is very mindful of salt usage in the winter as well. He talked about going on site to watch public
works clean out a hydrodynamic separator and how neat it was. He recommended that other
Councilmembers do it.
Public hearing was opened at 6:52 PM and closed at 6:53 PM.
9. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh — Mentioned that at the previous City Council meeting, she was absent and that
that was the meeting that the City Council approved a financial allocation to the Gillespie Center for
2025. She wondered if the City Council could so a workshop to review the other nonfinancial requests
that were made by the Gillespie Center. McEnaney informed that the City Council did discuss and
approve that they were in support of nonfinancial contributions where possible. Holt mentioned that the
City sent a letter to the Gillespie that noted both the financial and nonfinancial support. Pugh informed
that there the Age Friendly Grant is currently open and that the City should look where it could apply for
Council Member Larson — NA.
Council Member McEnaney — Mentioned that the Farmers Market ends on the upcoming Saturday and
that there have been so many wonderful vendors this year. Asked when the flashing lights for the
crosswalk would be installed on Shoreline Drive. Bauman stated November or December.
Council Member Castellano — Thanked Public Works Director, Prich, for getting the holiday wreaths
ordered with warm lights. Prich said they are scheduled to be delivered on November 11, 2024 and
installed and ready for the tree lighting event.
Mayor Holt — Mentioned that at a previous meeting that staff was requested to look into changing out
the "Welcome to Mound" signs along the Dakota Trail and replacing them with larger signs. He said that
staff is still working on it with Three Rivers Park District. Reisdorf mentioned that the bigger signs that
staff proposed to Three Rivers Park District wouldn't be in compliance and that the other signs on the
trail for other cities are currently out of compliance as far as size. She said staff is working on what can
be done to get bigger signs. Stated that he recently spoke at the Gillespie Center at one of their
Wednesday lunches. He said he provided information as to what the City has been up to the past year.
He said he attended the Fire Department's recent retirement recognition party and that it went really
well. He said the nine retirements were recognized from the past 4-5 years. He informed that the Fire
Auxiliary paid for it. He informed that John Larson, Councilmember Larson's son, was honored at the
event. Holt stated that he was on the department for 20 years and recently passed away. Holt said that
the attended a Fire Department Commission meeting right before the City Council meeting and they
continue to discuss regional solutions. He said likely next steps will be to have the Fire Chief do a
workshop with the City Council to get everyone up to speed.
10. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Reisdorf mentioned that the
City Council has been invited to a grand opening event for the Artessa Co-op on October 22,
2024 and that a notice has been posted that a possible quorum will be in attendance.
B. Reports: September 2024 — Liquor Store Report
August 2024 — Finance Reports
August 2024 — Fire Report
C. Minutes: September 3, 2024 — Planning Commission
D. Correspondence:
11. Adjourn
ACTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 7:07 PM. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Jason R. Holt
Attest: in Kelly, lerk