2024-10-22 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
October 22, 2024
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Jason Holt, Council Members Sherrie Pugh, and Kevin Castellano.
Members absent: Council Members Paula Larson and Kathy McEnaney.
Others present: City Manager Jesse Dickson, Deputy City Manager Maggie Reisdorf, City
Attorney Scott Landsman, City Engineer Brian Simmons, Community Development Director
Sarah Smith, and City Planning Consultant Rita Trapp. Sheri and Bill Wallace of 2135 Overland
Lane, Julie and Karl Weisenhorn of 1733 Blue Bird Lane, Carl Runck of 429 Second Street
(Excelsior), Jim Gooley of 5496 Lost Lake Lane, Matt Pavek of 224 Oakwood Road (Hopkins),
Angela Saystrom or 5525 Sherwood Drive, Dan Schaefer of 305 Minnetonka Ave S (Wayzata),
Bruce Stillman of 6200 Westedge Blvd, and Tom Zuccaro of 4760 Bedford Road.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledae of Alle ig ance
3. Approve agenda
Dickson asked that the City Council amend the agenda to add to the consent agenda a
resolution that would approve a lawful gambling premises permit for the Gillespie Center, as
well as approval of two (2) gambling event applications to be held at the Gillespie Center.
MOTION by Castellano, to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Pugh. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Castellano, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $343,937.65.
B. Approve minutes: October 8, 2024 Regular Meeting
C. Approve Resolution 24-87 approving the Lake Minnetonka Historical Society
(LMHS) Sixth Amendment to Lease Agreement.
D. 2022 Lift Station Miscellaneous Pay Request to Norlings
E. 2023 Lift Station Miscellaneous Pay Request to Norlings
F. 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Pay Request 1 to Floorcoat Midwest
G. (Added) Approve Resolution 24-88, a Lawful Gambling Premises Permit for the
Gillespie Center and two gambling event applications for the Gillespie Center.
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Tom Zuccaro, resident at 4760 Bedford Road, introduced himself to the City Council. He stated
that he grew up in Mound, moved away, and recently moved back about a year ago. He
explained that he is very health focused and eats about three (3) dozen eggs as a week.
Zuccaro said that he is not in favor of store bought eggs because they are generally unhealthy
and expensive. He requested that the City Council discuss amending the City Code to allow for
hens, turkeys, and roosters.
Castellano informed that the Planning Commission has talked about this in the past, including
discussions on how one variable for allowance would depend on lot size to ensure there is
enough room. He recommended that Zuccaro attend a Planning Commission meeting with his
Zuccaro explained that he lives on the island on a large lot. He said he understands that there
are smaller lots throughout the City that may not have enough room. He stated that many City's
allow for urban animals and that he didn't see the permitting process being that workload
intensive. He informed that some cities do not allow for roosters. Zuccaro said that he is
recommending the allowance of roosters because they help protect the hens from predators.
Pugh stated that she has been supportive in the past when it has been requested. She informed
that when it has come to the City in the past, the last discussion leaned against roosters do to
noise concerns. She said there were also concerns raised about chickens increasing the
presence of predators in the area. She recommended that Zuccaro reach out to others in the
community who have been/are interested in urban chickens and work together on bringing a
proposal to the Planning Commission.
Holt informed that this was reviewed by the Planning Commission a few years ago. He
explained that he is open to hearing a new proposal, but noted that in the past it didn't move
forward with approval. He mentioned the increased work load on staff, the building inspector,
and overall code enforcement. He mentioned concerns about diseases as well. He mentioned
that there are pros and cons. Holt requested the he reach out to the City Manager for more
information about past discussions and recommended bringing a proposal back to the Planning
6. Public Hearings: Ordinances Amending City Code Chapter 129 (Zoning)
Trapp introduced this item to the City Council. She stated that at the beginning of the year, the City
Council and Planning Commission met in joint session to review priorities for 2024. She said three
priorities included updating the City Code for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Solar Energy, and
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging. She informed that at this meeting, the City Council will hold a public
hearing on the proposed changes within the three ordinances.
A. Accessory Dwelling Units
Trapp provided an overview of the City Code amendments within the Accessory Dwelling Units section.
She stated that there are proposed amendments under the definitions section to add a definition for
Accessory Dwelling Unit, within the use tables to update where they are allowed within specific zoning
districts, and the creation of a new subsection under Accessory Buildings as a way to establish
standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Trapp reviewed in detail the proposed City Council changes.
Trapp stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments to the City
Pugh asked if impervious surface requirements would still have to be met on single-family properties if
they are looking to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit.
Trapp stated that yes, these properties would have to still meet those requirements. She mentioned
that traditional setbacks would have to be met as well.
Castellano asked about the hard surface requirement path that leads to the Accessory Dwelling Unit.
Trapp stated that the path is to provide a hard surface accessible path to each unit.
Holt asked if the maximum size of an Accessory Dwelling Unit was 800 square feet.
Trapp stated yes, unless the main home on site is less than that size.
Holt asked what the smallest allowed size was.
Trapp said that is dependent on State Building Code.
Holt asked if it had to have a foundation.
Trapp confirmed this.
B. Solar Energy Systems
Trapp provided an overview of the City Code amendments within the Solar Energy Systems section.
She stated that there are proposed amendments under the definitions section to add definitions, within
the use tables to update where and how they are allowed within specific zoning districts, and the
creation of a new section in the Code for Solar Energy Systems as a way to establish standards. Trapp
reviewed in detail the proposed City Council changes. Trapp stated that the Planning Commission
recommended approval of the amendments to the City Council.
Trapp stated that staff is recommending the removal of solar energy power for pool heating
C. Electric Vehicle Charging
Trapp provided an overview of the City Code amendments within the Electrical Vehicle Charging
section. She stated that there are proposed amendments under the definitions section to add
definitions, within the use tables to update where and how they are allowed within specific zoning
districts, and the creation of a new section in the Code for Electric Vehicle Charging as a way to
establish standards. Trapp reviewed in detail the proposed City Council changes. Trapp stated that the
Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments to the City Council.
Holt opened the public hearing at 6:41 p.m. and closed the public hearing at 6:42 p.m
Motion by Pugh, seconded by Castellano, to approve the following Ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion
Trapp informed because the City Council is missing two of the five members at the meeting that the
City Council is not able to approve the resolutions within the packet that would allow for the publications
of each ordinance, if approved, to be done so by title and summary only. She said if the ordinances are
approved, they would instead be sent to newspaper in its entirety to meet publication requirements,
instead of a summarize version that requires a yes vote of up to four members of the City Council.
The City Council stated that they were ok publishing the ordinances instead in their entirety.
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Ordinance with an amendment to
remove the use of solar power for pool heating. All voted in favor. Motion carried
Motion by Pugh, seconded by Castellano to approve the following Ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion
7 Council Introduction for 2-Lot Subdivision of Property at 6200 Westedge Boulevard
from Bruce Stillman (Property Owner).
Trapp introduced this item to the City Council. She said per City Policy, the City Council is
provided with concept introductions for specific City development projects. She informed that
the property owner of 6200 Westedge Boulevard, Bruce Stillman, would be presenting a
concept proposal for the property at 6200 Westedge Boulevard. She said the purpose of the
concept introduction is to provide the City Council with the opportunity to review the basic
elements of the proposed project and to provide direction before the applicant considers making
a formal application. Trapp explained that per City Policy, staff notified neighboring property
owners within 350 feet of the proposal. She said that the information was also sent to applicable
organizations for comments. She informed that the only comment received so far was from the
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) stating that they do not have concerns but noted
thresholds that may trigger MCWD rules and permitting.
Stillman introduced himself to the City Council. He provided information on the property located
at 6200 Westedge Boulevard. He informed that it is a 1 'Y2 acre lot that he wants to split into two
lots. He explained that there is a house currently on the lot that is in bad shape and needs to be
torn down. He informed that he loves nature and is an artist. He said that he wants to tear down
the one house and put up two new houses, one on each lot. Stillman explained that he wants to
design unique homes. He explained that the properties would likely share a driveway.
Stillman expressed concern about signage that was installed not too long ago along the curve of
the street. He stated that they were installed per the Minnesota Department of Transportation's
recommendation and he felt that since it was a recommendation, it didn't have to be done. He
informed that he would like to see them removed and landscaping installed instead that would
perform a similar function. Stillman said that he has talked to neighbors and they all agree that
the signs are creating sign pollution. He said he would like to discuss this further.
Stillman stated that his concept for the two homes include those that are less than 3,000 square
feet homes that are rambler style. He said he would likely keep one in the family and possible
sell the other.
Pugh stated the she likes the idea of incorporating creative landscaping and housing elements
to the project. She asked Stillman to consider being age -friendly in his design. She said that
based on what was presented, she doesn't have any other comments at this time.
Holt said he thought the current presented concept looked great. He mentioned that the signs
that were placed around the street curve was initiated based on complaints that the curve would
come up quickly without much warning, especially at night. He acknowledged the signs were a
recommended solution from the City Engineer and the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
He said that he understood that they may not look nice, but that the signs are in place for safety
Stillman stated that he believed something else could be done besides having the signs there.
Holt recommended that Stillman connect with the City Manager and City Engineer to determine
if there are other less aggressive solutions that could work instead of the current signs.
Holt opened the meeting up for public comments at 7:00 p.m. and closed the meeting for
public comments at 7:01 p.m.
Holt stated that the next step in the process would be to submit a formal planning application
with the City.
8 Consideration/Actions — Maior Subdivision -Final Plat of Lake Minnetonka Flats
Trapp introduced this item to the City Council. She informed that the City Council is being asked
to approve the major subdivision — final plat 2400 and 2420 Commerce Blvd — for the
development known as Lake Minnetonka Flats. Trapp provided an overview of the process
stating that the City Council approved the preliminary plat and CUP for the development at their
September 24th meeting. She highlighted that the development includes 12 for -sale units, 3
buildings with 4 units each, and a proposed shared HOW dock arrangement with an adjacent
Trapp stated that the location of the development is on properties located along the eastern side
of Commerce Boulevard between Auditors Road and Bartlett Boulevard, and next to Lost Lake.
She explained that the applicant is proposing to combine the lots located at 2420 Commerce
Boulevard and 2400 Commerce Boulevard into one 7.9 acre lot.
Trapp explained that the preliminary plat included that it would be a 7.9 acre site that would
combine the two parcels together into a single lot. She informed that it is anticipated that the
applicant will pursue a common interest community (CIC) plat for the proposed condominiums.
Trapp stated that the final plat maintains it at a 7.9 acre site with the new formal location of: Lot
1, Block 1 Lake Minnetonka Flats.
Trapp stated that the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approved the final plat at a recent
meeting and that Hennepin County Transportation had no new comments.
Trapp stated that the City Council is being asked to discuss the request for the major
subdivision — final plat, developer's agreement, and early state agreement. She stated that all
three documents have been reviewed by the City Attorney.
Landsman informed that the resolution approving the development agreement would essentially
allow himself, the City Attorney, to keep working on a final draft as some minor adjustments are
still needed. He informed that the major substance of the agreement in front of the City Council
that evening would stay the same.
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
9 Harrison Bay Association — Cardinal Lane Improvements
Sheri Wallace, with the Harrison Bay Association, introduced this item to the City Council.
She provided an update to the City Council on the Cardinal Lane End of Street Improvements
that the Harrison Bay Association has been working on. She provided a review of the goals,
including financial and nonfinancial goals, partnerships, improvements, and educational efforts.
Wallace reviewed the issues at Cardinal Lane including shoreline erosion, street sediment
entering the lake, and little opportunity for infiltration of water with the existing rock and
underlayment. She summarized what has been done do far to the site as far as analysis and
improvements. She informed that they have been consulting with the City of Mound. Wallace
informed that many diseased trees were recently removed and that the new plan included a
pretreatment method using a snow garden.
Wallace reviewed the current planned project activities and the estimated costs. She said that
the City of Mound, per the dock fund, is funding the installation of rip rap on the shoreline. She
said that the Association would be relocating the current walkway to the left and making it a
grass walkway instead one that is stone. She asked the as part of the improvement process,
that the City Council allow staff time and labor to assist with rock removal and disposal. She
reviewed ongoing maintenance needs and what the City would help with and what the residents
of the area would take care of. She reviewed the educational goals of the project.
Wallace explained what the current project timeline is for the project scope elements. She
informed that the project is currently about $9,500 short of its financial need, but that the
Association recently presented to the local Lions Club for support. She said they would hear
back in January 2025 if funding is received. She stated that the association is also submitting a
grant to Hennepin County for additional funds.
Wallace stated that the Association recently submitted a permit for land use and asked the City
Council to waive the $200 application fee.
Castellano thanked Wallace and the Association for all of their hard work on improving this area.
Pugh thanked them for their hard work as well. She recommended that this information be sent
to the League of Minnesota Cities for a publication highlighting partnerships and working
collaboratively on an impactful local project.
Holt said that he was glad that the City has been able to offer continued support for the project.
He thanked them for all their hard work.
Dickson mentioned that the application for the land use permit states that a fee is only required
if there is no public benefit. The City Council agreed that the fee was not applicable in this case.
10 2025 Street Reconstruction Proiect and 2025 Mill & Overlay Project Authorizations
Simmons introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that the 2025 Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) includes two street improvement projects. He stated that the first
project is a reconstruction of the 2003 projects area within the Three Points neighborhood, and
the second project is a mill and overlay of the Sugar Mill area in the Dutch Lake neighborhood.
He mentioned that the reconstruction project would consist of a full street reconstruction
including curb replacements where necessary. He said that utilities are evaluated to determine if
any replacement is warranted and if any drainage improvements are needed as well. Simmons
provided a map with the roadways that would be included within the street reconstruction
Simmons reviewed the Mill and Overlay project and process. He informed that the process is
used to extend the useful like of roadways by replacing the top few inches of pavement surface.
He said the project may include minor curb, drainage and roadway corrections. Simmons
provided a map with the roadways that would be included within the mill and overlay project.
Simmons informed that staff is recommending the City Council's authorization to prepare an
engineering report for each project. He stated the preparation of an engineering report will better
inform the City Council of cost estimates, and the preliminary design in anticipation of
requesting permission to create official plans and specifications for the project to put out for bid
in 2025.
11. 2025 Lift Station Project Authorization
Simmons introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that in 2007, the City completed its
Inflow/Infiltration Reduction and Lift Station Reconstruction Plan. He explained that the City has 30 lift
stations, and that between 2008 and 2024, 26 of the 30 have been replaced under the program.
Simmons explained that the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan calls for the replacement of Lift Station C-
4, which is located at the corner of Dove Lane and Woodland Road.
Simmons stated, similar to previous years, staff is requesting the City Council's authorization to prepare
an engineering report for the project with the goal of advertising the project for bids in early 2025. He
showed a map that detailed the current location of the C-4 Lift Station and the location nearby in which
it is proposed to be relocated.
Motion by Pugh, seconded by Castellano to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
12. 2025 Sidewalk Projects Authorization
Simmons introduced this item to the City Council. He informed that the Capital Improvement Plan for
2025 includes the replacement of aging and defective sidewalks in the CSAH 15/Shoreline Drive
corridor east of CSAH 110/Commerce Blvd. He stated that over the past several years, the City has
been completing spot sidewalk replacements within the county road walkways as a way to get them
into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Simmons explained that the final phases of
work in the area included the following two sections:
1. Belmont to Fairview
2. Fairview to Seton Channel.
Simmons explained that Hennepin County has cost participation and maintenance policies that dictate
what cities are responsible for as far as sidewalk maintenance.
Simmons informed that in 2023, the City submitted an intent to replace the Fairview to Seton walks and
to ask the County for cost participation. He informed that the County agreed to allocate $500,000 for
work within this stretch. He mentioned an additional $220,000 for ADA improvements.
Simmons mentioned several other projects that have occurred recently in anticipation of the County's
2025 Mill and Overlay project of CSAH 15.
Simmons stated that staff is requesting authorization from the City Council to prepare engineering
reports for the replacement of the CSAH 15 sidewalk projects.
Pugh asked Simmons about eventually getting the Andrews Sisters Trail extended and tied into the trail
Simmons stated that the City needs to continue the discussion with the County on multi -model
corridors. He said that the funding that the County is providing for this project would not qualify for what
Pugh would like to do with the Andrews Sisters Trail, but that the City can initiate that project separate
from Hennepin County.
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
13. 2025 Utility Rate Approval
Reisdorf introduced this item to the City Council.
She informed that on an annual basis, the City Council approves a fee schedule for the
upcoming year. She said this includes utility rates. Reisdorf explained that this is generally done
at the final City Council meeting in December, however, staff is recommending that the utility
rate portion be done earlier due do notable changes within the structure for multi -family
properties. She informed that the remaining fees will be brought to the City Council in December
for review and approval.
Reisdorf stated that in 2024, a Utility Rate Study was completed with an outside financial
advisor for the water and sewer funds. She informed that the purpose and goals of the study
were to get funds that are operating at a deficit out of the deficit in a timely manner, establish a
new usage tier system that promotes conservation and equitability, creates a schedule that
maintained financial health of all utility funds long-term without reliance on the tax levy, and a
long term plan for capital improvements.
She informed that at the June 18th City Council meeting, the City Council reviewed the report.
Reisdorf stated that the Finance Committee met on October 16th to review the Utility Rate Study
again per staff's recommendation to seek early approval at tonight's meeting.
Reisdorf informed that the recommended utility rates for 2025 were within the packet and in line
with the Study's recommendations. She said that if adopted, the rates would go into effect on
January 1, 2025 and with the first billing of January 2025.
Reisdorf informed that the water utility fund currently sits at a $5.3 Million deficit and the storm
utility fund sits at a $2 Million deficit. She provided information on historical rates between the
years of 2018 and 2024. She noted that for many years, there were 0% increases. She noted
that in 2018, the City Council at the time cut the storm utility rate by 90% for single family
Reisdorf reviewed the changes in the tier structure. She informed that the study identified that
multi -family properties were not get charged correctly and as required by State Statute. She
stated that the new structure has corrected this.
Reisdorf explained the plan to get the water utility fund out of a deficit, which includes a transfer
of $165,000 from the liquor store fund between the years of 2025 — 2029. She said it also
includes following a recommended rate increase timeline per the rate study. She informed that if
no rates are changed and no bonds issued, but projects and operations go on as planned, the
fund will continue to grow its deficit by $800,000 to $1 Million per year.
Reisdorf reviewed the recommended rates for 2025 with the City Council. She provided
informational diagrams on projected impact on users.
Reisdorf reviewed the storm water utility fund and noted that this fund was not part of the utility
rate study analysis. She did state that staff is recommending a $6 per quarter fee increase for
2025 which falls in line with the recommendation from the financial advisor.
Reisdorf stated that staff is recommending approval of the recommended 2025 utility rates with
the intent of starting to communicate with Multi -family properties the significant structure
changes these properties will expect in 2025.
Pugh noted that she has received calls from residents who live in condominiums within the City.
She said that these properties are noting significant increases in their Homeowners Association
fees due to significant insurance increases. She noted that many people are choosing to sell
these properties. She stated that the City Council needs to take that into consideration.
Holt informed that he doesn't take this lightly that the City Council is talking about raising utility
rates. He informed that this is one of the reasons it chose to run for City Council and the
Mayoral seat. He stated that he spoke with the financial advisor about what else could be done
and asked if the City could rely more on the levy to get the fund healthy again. Holt said that the
funds are supposed to run like a business, separate from the levy and therefore noted that the
financial advisor recommended against using the levy.
He noted the significant deficits in the water and storm water funds. He stated that the City can't
keep running a deficit. He highlighted the previous flat rates between the years 2018 — 2024 in
many of the funds. Holt discussed the tiers and trying to get people to be more conscientious
about water usage to lower their bill. He noted that the City was charging multi -family properties
incorrectly for 16 years.
Pugh stated that the City should provide education materials to residents on how to reduce their
water usage.
Motion by Castellano, seconded by Pugh to approve the following Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
14. Comments/Reports from Council Members:
Council Member Pugh — Informed that the Gillespie Center continues to revamp its operations in 2024.
She reminded the Council that the Center hired a new Executive Director in 2024. She said that the
Gillespie Center is starting a walking group. She informed that the Gillespie Center will be submitting for
a grant with the Age Friendly Grant period currently open. She stated the she recently met with the
Mound Fire Chief to discuss if there was any way the Fire Department could submit for the grant to help
with the increase calls related to falls in homes. She said that the Parks and Open Spaces Committee
is starting to look into 2025 improvements to Chester Park. She said that the Committee wants to reach
out to nearby property owners to solicit feedback on what they would like to see there. She said this
would include Al and Almas. She said that the Committee really wants to rethink the space and get
creative. She informed that the Commission directed staff to write a letter to nearby property owners to
inform them of the upcoming project. She informed that the Mound Farmers Market is now closed. She
said that the administrators of the Farmers Market reported back that the nearby Artessa Co-op
development was a great addition, as well as the new nearby Lost Lake Commons Park.
Council Member Larson — NA.
Council Member McEnaney — NA.
Council Member Castellano — No Comments.
Mayor Holt — Informed that he, Councilmember Pugh and Councilmember Castellano attended the
open house for the Artessa Co-op development that day for a ribbon cutting event. He stated that
Hennepin County recently renamed an area of Harrison Bay to Golds Cove Bay after former Mound
residents who used to own the land. Informed that he and Dickson recently met with Hennepin County
Commissioner Heather Edelson and other local city officials to discuss ongoing area concerns. He
noted that major reported concerns related to early in person voting and how it has been taxing on City
staff and operations, EMS response times, water patrol, embedded social workers, and overall need for
better communication between the County and cities. Reported that there haven't been any major
updates with regards to the Fire Commission meetings, but that there is another meeting coming up in
the next two weeks. Reported that a student from Westonka High School would start attending City
Council meetings again to report on what is going on with the school. Stated that the Citizen of the Year
applications are due on October 315t. Stated that Lost Lake Commons improvements for Phase I are
looking great. Holt presented a community video for the City of Mound that was spearheaded and
coordinated by Reisdorf with an outside videographer.
10. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
B. Reports:
C. Minutes:
D. Correspondence:
11. Adjourn
ACTION by Castellano, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 8:40 PM. All voted in favor. Motion
Attest: evin Kelly, Cler
Mayor Jaso R. Holt