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1974-01-22MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 197h at 8 P.M. at the SHI_RlJgY HILLS SCHOOL, MOUND, MINNESOTA Present at roll call were: Mayor ~onald Ulrick, Gouncilmen Frank Philbrook, Gordon Swenson and Orval Fenstad; Attorney Curtis Pearson, ~ity Manager Leonard Kopp. APPOINTMENT OF NE~ COUNCILMAN After welcoming the public to the meeting, the Mayor outlined the method of choosing a councilman to fill his vacated seat on the council; letters and interviews were the basis of the method. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 7~-17 RESOLUTION DECLARING A COUNCIL VACANCY AND NAMING C KLAIRHgSSE TO FILL THE VACANCY The roll call vote was unanimously in favor Cklair Hasse was administered the Oath of Office by the Mayor and was followed by general congratulations and welcome to the new councilman. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of January 8, 1972 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Philbrook seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the January 8, 1972 meeting as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. APPOINTMENTS TABLEI] Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion to table the followin~ appointments: Two m~mbers to the Plannin~ ~ommission for three year terms, and a~replac~ment for Councilman Hasse. Four members to the Park Commission, one for a two year term and three for three year terms. ~ouncil representatiges to: Park commission Plannin~ Commission Human Rights Commission Youth Commission One member to the Human Rights Commission to fill the unexpired term of Marcella Kotula who has resigned. Four adult members and five student members to the Youth Commission Adult terms - 2 for two year terms and 2 for three year terms Student terms are for one year The roll call vote was unanimously in favor. FIRE COMMITTEE Fenstad moved and Philbrook seconded a motion RESOLUTION 72-18 RESOL~ION NAMING OOUNCILF~N CKLAIRHAgSEi A1Vi]GOR~ON SYENSON TO THE FIRE C~)MMITTEE The vote was unanimously in favor POLICE COMMITTEE Swenson moved and Hasse seconded a motion RESOLUTION 72-19 RESOLUTION NAMING MAYOR BONALI] ULRICKAND COUNCILMAN ORVAL FENSTAI] TO THE POLICE COMMITTEE The vote was unanimously in favor. PLAII~ING COMMISSION RECOMFIENDATIONS Forensic Enuineers Lot 1 Auditorts Subdivision ~168 Special Use Permit Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLI~ION 7h-20 RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision~168 - Plat 61270 Parcels 125 and 130 - February 26, 197h, 8 P.M. New City Hall 53~1Maywood Road The vote was unanimously in favor TAX FORFEIT LAND - no action at this time LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE BIBS Swenson moved and Philbrook seconded s motion RESOLUTION 7h-21 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID OF DA¥ID AGENCY FOR LONG TERM DISABILITY GROUP INSURANCE - $199.h2 The vote was unanimously in favor. WATER METER BIDS FOR LARGEMETERS Philbrook moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLIffION 7~-22 RBSOLUTIONJ~DCEPTING BID OF BADGF~RMETER COMPANY FOR ~ATERMETER~ ( 3 and ~ inch meters) The vote was unanimously in favor. FIRE TRAINING SITE JOINT POISing AGREEMENT Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 7h-23 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN~ MAYOR ANDMANAGER TO EXECUTE JOINT ANDCOOPERATIVEAOREEMENT CREATING "THE~ESTERN ARRAFIRE TRAININ@ASSOCZATION" The vote was unanimously in favor NAMING TRD TO I~STERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ASSOCIATION BOAR[] Fenstad moved and Philbrook seconded a motion RESOLUTION 7h-24 RESOLUTION NAMING ROBERT A CHERIEY AND GORDON T. SWENSON AS MEMBERSOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WESTEP~AREA FIRE TRAINING ASSOCIATION The vote was unanimously in favor TAXI CAB LICENSES The City Manager recammends the 9rsntin~ of this Taxi License~ no problems so far. Swenson moved and Hasse seconded a motion RESOLUTION 7h-25 RESOLUTION GRB~TING TAXICAB LICBNSffSFOR T~O TAXICABS TO MINNETONKA TAXI, INC. The vote was unanimously in favor BUS STOP MflINTEN;INCE Alii SPF_~IAL .AS~NTS The City Manager outlined the deal between Zepher Bus and MTC Lines. Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 7[~-26 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE MOUND PASSENGER SHELTER AND PREPAYII/D SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ((Fist 61290, Parcel 1420) The vote was unanimously in favor USE REVENUE SHARING MONIES FOR PREPAYIN(] SPECIAL ASSENTS ON BUS STOP Fenstad moved and Swanson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 74-27 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF REVENUE SHARING ENTITLEMENT FUIII]SFOR THE PREPAYING OF ASSESSNENTS ON PLAT 61290, PARCEL The vote was unanimously in favor COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT - The Mayor called for comments but no one responded. BAY CARE CENTER CONTRACT Swenson moved and Philbrook seconded a motion RESOLUTION 74-28 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING OF OONTRACTk~ITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR PAYMENTS TO DAY CARE CENTER ($1,800.00) The vote was unanimously in favor ESTABLISH POSITION OF POLICE INVESTIGATOR ANI] RAISE STIPENI] FOR POLICE SGT AND UTILTY FOREMAN Fenstad moved and Haas, seconded a motion RESOLUTION 74-29 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POSITION OF POLICE INVESTIGATOR AND SETTING STIPEND FORSAKE AT $~0.00 PER MONTH AND RAISING THE STIPENDS FOR POLI~ESER~EANT ANI] UTILITY FOREMEAN TO$50.OOPER MONTH RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1, 1974. The vote was unanimously in favor. RELEASE OF TAX FORFEIT LANI] The City Manager ~xplained that the ~ity does not need the full easement we took on Lot 25 Block 6 Penbroke because the hi§h bluff had been removed by a contractor and no slope problems now exist. Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded the motion RFi~OLUTION 74-30 RESOLUTION ASKING RELEASE OF THE SOUTHERLY 20 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 50 feet of LOT 25, BLOCK 6, PEMBROKE FOR PUBLIC The vote was unanimously in favor NAMING PROJECT ENGINEER AND INTERZMENGINEERS Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 74-31 RESOLUTION RETAINING MCCOMBS-KNUTSONASSOCIATES, BS PROJECT ENGI~ The vote was unanimously in favor SEWER RATES Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 73-32 RESiOLUTION AMENDING RESOLIf~IONS NUMBERS 64-234, 71-83 & 73-'79 ESTABLISHING REhrFf{ RATES PURSUB1yr TO ORDINANCE' NUMBER 20, MOUND COI]E OR ORdINANCES The vote was unanimously in favor 10 T~FER OF FUNDS Swenson moved and Hasse seconded a motion RESOLUTION ?2-33 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANFER OF FUNI~ The vote was unanimously in favor The following bills were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a .motion to pay the following bills where funds are available. The roll call vote was unanimously in favor. PLANNING COMMISSION FUlfO Sun Newspaper MUNICIPAL COURT FU ND Mpls, City of 378.oo 378.oo ADMINISTRATION FUNB NotarxJ Supplies Acro Adroit American Linen Supply Continental Telephone David Agency Deiano Eagle Dependable Services Internationsl City Management Assn Jet Quick Judy Libertus Mn City Mgrs Assn Mound Hardware Miller Davis Mpls Gas Co Mound Bldg Center Northern States Power Piggly Wiggly Kent Schroeder Sun Oil Shepherds Laundry Title Ins Co Village Printers Wagner Lamp Co Xerox Corp FIRE FUND Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Assn Mn State Fire Chiefs Assn Fire Chief Magazine Dun Donnelley Publishing Corp Carls Repairs Continental Telephone Duane 66 Services Longpres Mound Fire Dept - fires Mpls 6as Co Mn Fire Dept Assn Mn Fire Inc Marina Auto Supply Northern States Power Don Oswald Reynolds Welding Supply Western Area Training Assn Thrifty Drug CIVIL DEFENSE FUND Continental Telephone 8.2S 3.89 6.So 58.7.3 75. co 3S. oS 75. co 36.8S 31. O8 1S. co 2o.2S 92,66 6.02 82.SS 3.98 1S.oo 18.87 6.60 iT.So 118.60 lO.ll 303.28 10.00 12.So l~.oo 8.00 12. O0 ii6.So 39.9S 13S.oo 182,18 20.00 63.25 37.h7 61.33 6o.o0 20.90 500,00 6.61 20.00 i,061.hl 20.00 INSPECTOR FUllfD Continental Telephone Duane Dodds Curtis Pearson 2h.18 333.90 i97.So SSS.Ss PARK FUND Continental Telephone J & B. Rink Service Northern States Power Outdoor Recreation Curtis Pearson POLICE FUND Acme Glass Co Continental Telephone Duanes 66 Service George Hodge Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Assn Harris Office Equip Law Enforcement Equip Co Mn Chiefs of Police Assn Mound Hardware Mobil Oil North Memorial Hospital Richard A. Johnson Mound Police Reserve Reo Raj Kennels Shepherds Laundry Sun Newspaper Sargent Sowetl Inc St. boni Auto Spring Park Car Wash Thrifty Drug Thurk Bros Chev Navarre Union 76 Barbara Heyman STREET FUND Bryan Aggregates Continental Telephone Gene Garvsis Blders Gen'l Communications Mound Sta-Safe Locksmith Hound Hardware Mpls Gas Co Mobil Oil Marina Auto Suoply Wm Mueller & Sons Mound Bldg Center Northern States Power Reynolds Welding Supply Sun Oil Shepherds Laundry Sun Newspaper Standard Oil Wilbur Thurk Body & Implement Thurk Bros Chev Zicglcr Inc BOND AND INTEREST FUND - CBD Burlington Northern WATER FUi~ Badger Meter Continental Telephone Goodin Co Hawkins Chemical Eugene A. Hickok & Associates Inc Integrated Data Processing Mound Hardware Mpls Gas Co Marina Auto Supply Northern States Power Thurk Bros Chev Village Printers Barbara Heyman Westonka Plbg 2.50 630.00 7.60 3.50 %5.oo 16h.76 102.31 222.20 23.00 10.00 9.?5 20.78 10.00 9.30 33o.ho 112.5o 21.00 33.00 7.00 32.30 65.92 17.50 1.18 25.65 172.36 15.oo 23.33 29.80 60.OO 115.3~ 17.o5 15.1o 88.05 199.20 9.79 59.81 ~.79 ~6.85 7.0o 6.~5 ~.5o 98.26 13.l~ 275.oo ~85.76 13.~o 312.66 h~9.87 25.00 18~.o5 111.89 1,178.22 133.~3 129.00 9.00 33.Ol 11. 1,188.6o 1,h87.99 h, o39.97 2 75. oo 3,182.97 12. LIQUOR FUND: Operatin9 Northern States Power Shepherds Laundry Continental Telephone Integrated Data Processing Mound Hardware Marina Auto Supply Northern States Power Curtis Pearson Tri-State Drilling & Equip BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND Williams / O'Brien 162.14 6.60 15.95 184.o5 14.66 2.34 1,050.06 1,097.50 448.43 168.74 2,612.99 5o5.75 Total to here 20,184.48 RESIGNATION OF/~JI]R~Y:TU~~ SH~~ YOUTM~OMM/SSION Swenson moved mhd Fhilbrook-Second~d a motion RESOLUTION 74-34 R~UTION AC. CEPTIi~ TI{E RESIGNATION CFAUDREY TULBERG FI~ THE I~ YOUTH OI~ION - A Le&%er commending her for her services %0 be sent under thc Mayor's 'Si~mture. The vote was unanimously in favor ~iscussed were: Inves%mentplarm for ~mployees Fair Share deduction %o union representative for non-union employees L~.~. - no p~wer for land use South ~est Sewer District representative ~ourt £inding in St. Paul making the city liable for do§ bite Fenstad moved and Swcnson seconded a motion to adjourn until the meeting of February 12, 1974 at the new hall, 5341Maywood Road. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adOourncd. Barbara Heyman, ~itf$1e~tk~-~.: