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1974-10-2299 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 1974 AT THE CITY OFFICES 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota Present were Mayor Donald Ulrick, Councilmen Orval Fenstad, Frank Philbrook and Gordon Swenson; Attorney Curtis Pearson, Acting City Manager Barbara Heyman and Engineer Gary Franke. Cklair Nasse arrived later in the meeting. MINUTES - October 8, 1974 The minutes of the October 8, 1974 meeting were presented for consideration. Swenson moved, Philbrook seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the minutes. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK The Mayor read the proclamation declaring the week of October 27 through November 2, 1974 be observed as American Education Week in Mound. CBD PARKING SNOW REMOVAL BIDS There was only one bid received. Word was received yesterday after the bids were opened that there had been another sent in the mail; the bidder has sent another bid to be opened or not opened as the Council decides. The Attorney advised that this bid could not be opened, that the Council could either accept the one bid or reject the bid and advertise for new bids. The Council asked the Street Smperin- tendent if there had been any critizism of the work done by Illies& Sons and if the price was out of line. Based on the Street Superintendent's recommendation, Swenson moved and Philbrook seconded a motion. RESOLUTION NO. 74-320 RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND ACCEPTING BID OF ILLIES & SONS FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON CBD PARKING LOTS The vote was unanimously in favor. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Item 1 of Minutes of October 10, 1974 Phillip Goplen Lot 15, Whipple Shores Front Yard Variance Mr. Goplen was present. ~enstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION NO. 74-321 RESOLUTION GRANTING THREE-FOOT FRONT YARD (STREET SIDE) VARIANCE The vote was unanimously in favor. Item 2 of Minutes ef October .~0~ 1~74 Excavating and Filling-In Ordinance. This item was held over for a committee meeting. Item ~ of. Minutes of.i~September 26,....1~74 Hennepin County Library Sigh'Variance David Smith of the He~nepin County Library Board and Mr. Reller representing the sign company, presented plans and a colored photo of the signs being put up throughout Hennepin County. Fenstad moved and Philbrook seconded a motion. RESOLUTION NO. 74-322 The vote was unanimously in favor. RESOLUTION GRANTING PERMISSION TO ~IN COUNTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO ~RECT A SIGN IN FRONT OF THE WESTONKA LIBRARY ACCORDING TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND PHOTO PRESENT AT THE OCTOBER 22, 1974 COUNCIL MEETING 100 Items 10 and 11 of Minutes of September 26~ 1974 West Suburban Builders Lot 5, Block 24, Shadywood Point Lot size variance West Suburban Builders Lot 22, Block 25, Shadywood Point Lot size variance At the last Council meeting the Attorney was asked to draw up two resolutions of denial of variances on these two lots. Hr. Robert Gove, attorney for West Sub- urban ~ailders was present and was given a copy of these two resolutions. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded to table this matter until later in the meeting after Hr. Gore has had a chance to look over the resolutions. The vote was unanimously in favor. PARK COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Item 1 of Minutes of 0ctobeM !~ 1974 Naming Park in Minnesota Baptist Assembly Groun4s Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion. RESOLUTION NO. 74-323 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE NAME OF "HIGHLAND PARK" TO THE .PARK LOCATED IN BLOCK T~REE, MINNESOTA BAPTIST ASSEMBLY The vote was unanimously in favor. The dedication of the park will be Sunday, October 27 at 5:00 p.m. Item 2 of Minutes of October 1.7.~ Revision of Dock Ordinance Hr. Fratzke of the Park Commission was present. After some discussion Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded the motion to table this item for a committee meeting on October 29, 1974 and to notify all members of the Park Commission to be present. The vote was unanimously in favor. Item ~ of Minutes of October 17.~ 1974 Don R. Phillips has resigned from the Park Commission so a replacement is needed. BELLAIRE LANE Mr. Frank~of McCombs-Knutson p~esented a progress report on Project 74-45 School Drainage. He asked the Council if they wished to have the contractor replace the blacktop as specified in the contract or if a change order should be made not to lay the blacktop because of l~roject 74-55 Bellaire Lane Street Improvement. Action on the change order was deferred to October 29, 1974. Ulrick moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLI~ION NO. 74-324 The vote was unanimously in favor. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS AND ORDERrNG ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (To be received November 12) (Project 74-55 Bellaire Lane Street) Councilman Hasse arrived at 9:30. He was unable to attend before. ELECTION WORKERS S~enson moved and Philbrook seconded a motion RESOLUTION NO. 74-325 The vote was unanimously in favor. RECOLUTION ACCEPTING LIST OF ELECTION WO~P~S AND AUTHORIZING THE STAFF TO SELECT MORE WORKERS IF NECESSARY TO STAFF THE NOVEMBER 5th GENERAL ELECTION :. 101 SEWER LATERAL ASSESSMENT Mr. Blumberg of Blumberg Homes was present and asked if he would be required to pay an assessment on tax forfeit land which he had purchased which had not been included in the sale price. He had purchased this from Bob Bird who had told him all assessments were paid. It was explained to him that assessments for improvements were made as fairly as possible and if a piece of property did not pay its fair share of assessments other properties suffered. Mr. Blumberg agreed to pay the assessment. At this time the Sun Newspaper reporter left the meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Mayor Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded to remove Items l0 and ll from the table. The vote was unanimously in favor. The Mayor called for Mr. Gove. Mr. Gove did not appear. The Mayor said, "Mr. Gore, the legal representative of Western Suburban Builder% was at this meeting, did receive copies of both of the reso- lutions and was given time to review them before the matter came to the Council and did without presenting any reason to the Council or anyone else leave the building and apparently did not choose to participate in the discussion of the two resolutions at hand." Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION N0. 74-326 RESOLUTION DENYING A REQUEST FOR LOT SIZE VARIANCE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 24, SHADYWOOD POINT The vote was unanimously in favor. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION NO. 74-327 RESOLUTION DENYING A REQUEST FOR LOT SIZE VARIANCE OF LOT 22, Block 25, SHADYWOOD POINT The vote was unanimously in favor. ORDINANCE NO. 74-32 4 - NO PARKING ON ROSEDALE AND ABERDEEN ROADS The Police Chief reported the neighborhoods had requested there be no parking on these two streets as they are narrow and there is too much congestion. The Council asked that adequate warning of the no parking restrictions be given to the people in those neighborhoods. Swenson moved and Nasse seconded a motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. (Note: Ordinance No. 74-324 is on file in the office of the City Clerk) FOUR-WAY STOP ON GRANDVIEW BOULEVARD & SUNSET The Council received a request for a four-way stop at Grandview & Sunset, but the Police Chief and the Council felt Grandview should be a thru street and traffic should not be required to stop on it. Also, it may do more harm than good as it may take a long time to educate people to stop there and there would be a false sense of security. DISEASED TREE ORDINANCE - Ordinance No. 74-325 Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 74-325. The vote was unanimously in favor. (Note: Ordinance No. 74-325 is on file in the office of the City Clerk) PETITION AGAINST BLACKTOPPING BLUEBIRD AND CANARY LANES A petition was presented signed by residents on Bluebird and Canary Lanes saying they were fearful that the City of Mound may blacktop their said streets and registeredtheir united opposition to any plan to curb & gutter and black- top their said two streets. 102 Fenstad moved, Nasse seconded, and it was unanimously carried that no consider- ation be made at this time to blacktop Bluebird and Canary Lanes. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY Ulrick moved and S~enson seconded a motion RESOLUTION NO. 74-328 The vote was unanimously in favor. REFUND OF BUILDING P]~,N~#3308 RESOLUTION DIRECTING SALE OF EXCESS STREET DEPARTMENT PROPERTY (Roller and Seamen Mixer) Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION NO. 74-329 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING I~ 01~ BUILDING I~T (75% of ]~ilding Permit #3308) The vote was unanimously in favor. DENBIGH R~AD WATER - Project No. 74-48 Hal Larson of 4400 Denbigh Road was present and said the project for Denbigh Road Water had not been started and wondered about the connection charge to be imposed November 15. Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion. RESOLUTION NO. 74-330 RESOLUTION WAIVING TEE $125.00 WATER CONNECTION CHARGE FOR RESIDENTS WHO ARE TO BE SERVICED BY PROJECT 74-48 DENBIGH ROAD WATER The vote was unanimously in favor. Robert Smith of 3125 Highland Boulevard inquired about the Highlands Park Beach. He was referred to the Park Commiseion meeting the third Thursday of November. Del Pfeifer on Drury Lane told how the contractors in the Island have been ruin- ing the streets with their heavy equipment. He would like a couple of wheel- barrows of blacktop on Drury to save it. He also suggested the Council look at the setbacks of the new houses being built. The CoUncil noted the followingStreet Department Reports: 1. Fall Trash Pickup November 4-8, 1974. 2. List of Bitum~mous roads in Mound NUISANCE AT 5840 LYNWOOD BOULEWARD The Building Inspector presented a report of nuisance at 5840 Lynwood Boulevard. Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion. RESOLUTION NO. 74-331 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OPEN BASEMENT AT 5840 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD (P~t 61670, Parcel 200) A NUISANCE AND DIRECTING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO PROCEED TO HAVE THE NUISANCE REMOVED OR ABATED AS OUTLINED IN CHAPTER 60 OF THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES The vote was unanimously in favor. A discussion of existing "nuisances" and what could be done about them followed. Fenstad moved and Hasse seconded a motion to adjourn to October 29, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. A~V~nd~n, ACting City Clerk