The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special
workshop session on Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., at 5341 Maywood Road, in
said City.
Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus,
Kim Anderson and Peter Meyer.
Others Present: City Manager, Kandis Hanson; Acting City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter; and Parks
Director, Jim Fackler.
The meeting~was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Mayor Meisel.
Jim Fackler presented a fee schedule with the proposed 100% increase for multiple docks,
50% increase for non-abutters, and 25% for abutters. He also presented projected
revenues from dock permits with these increases factored in, along with projected
revenues and expenditures.
Meyer suggested that fees be increased equally across the board with the increase to
cover the dock program costs but not to fund other general fund expenses. He agrees
with staff recommendations and with the Dock and Commons program fees budget
numbers as presented.
There was discussion regarding the pros and cons of increasing fees with a fiat fee
increase straight across the board versus a tiered increase. A credit system for the people
who maintain the lakeshore was also discussed.
After lengthy discussion the following issues will be referred to the Docks and Open Space
Advisory Commission for their review and recommendation back to the Council:
1) Should the fees increase on a flat or tiered basis? (2) Review the content of the
Administration budget of the program, (3) Decide if the docks program should be a "for
profit" program or just self-sustaining. Also the Commission is asked to consider different
approaches within each of the options (i.e., The current rates + the additional cost of the
program spread evenly across the board; assess dock fees by the foot; and review the
program's budget.
MOTION by Meyer, seconded by Anderson to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Ayes: Hanus, Meisel,
Anderson and Meyer. Nayes: Brown. Motion carried.
Mayor Pat Meisel
Attest: Acting City Clerk