2001-10-09MOUND CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 9, 2001 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at 5341 Maywood Road in said City. Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, Kim Anderson, and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney, John Dean; City Manager, Kandis Hanson; Acting City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter; Community Development Director, Sarah Smith; City Planners Loren Gordon and Bruce Chamberlain; City Engineer, John Cameron; Pam Myers, Jim Smith, Kristyn Hewitt, Stephen Hewitt, Vern Hanson, Larry Olson, Jeff Paul, Pamela Paul, Jonathan Paul, Margo Hopkins, Dennis Hopkins, Darcy Howley, Rick and Susan Bloomquist, Peter Johnson, Ken Custer, Frank Weiland, Roland Jurgens. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Meisel called to meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2. APPROVE AGENDA City Manager Hanson requested the addition of item 9A, City Manager's Report, and adding item 3G, Special Meeting to be held October 22, 7:00 p.m., to discuss the Watershed Cooperative Agreement. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3, CONSENT AGENDA Hanus requested that 3B, Approval of Claims, be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Meyer requested that item 3A, Approval of the September 25, 2001 minutes be removed from the consent agenda. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. (removed) B. (removed) Mound City Council Minutes - October 9, 2001 C. Approve Planning Commission Recommendations Case #01-26 & #01-31: Brenshell Homes, 1642 Gull Lane, Minor Subdivision and Variance on Lot size. RESOLUTION NO. 01-82: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1642 GULL LANE, LOTS 9, 10 AND 11, BLOCK 18, SHADYWOOD POINT, P & Z CASE #01-26 AND #01-31; PID #23-117-24-12-0256 2. Case #01-37: Swenson, 4865 Island View Drive, Variance for front yard setback. RESOLUTION NO. 01-83: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A TWO STALL, ATTACHED GARAGE AT 4865 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 7 AND 8, BLOCK 14, DEVON, P & Z CASE #01-37: PID #25-117-24-11-0039 D. Approval of Award for Snow Removal Contract to Widmer, Inc. of St. Bonifacius E. Approval of Proposal from GME Consultants, Inc., for Phase II Environmental Site Assessment for Portions of Balboa Site F. RESOLUTION NO. 01-84: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FORM OF THE LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH ZlONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY THEREOF G. Special Meeting on October 22, 2001, to discuss the Watershed District Cooperative Agreement. 3A. APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2001, REGULAR MEETING MOTION by Meyer, seconded by Anderson to add the amendment offered by Meyer to Resolution No. 01-80, in it's entirety, in the minutes of September 25. Meisel disagreed due to the fact that resolutions that are adopted are not entered into the minutes in their entirety, but only by reference. Thus, an amendment that was defeated should not be entered word for word in minutes. The following voted in the affirmative: Anderson and Meyer. The following voted in the negative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. Motion defeated. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the minutes of September 25, 2001, as presented. The following voted in the affirmative: Hanus, Brown, Meisel and Anderson. The following voted in the negative: Meyer. Motion carried. 2 Mound City Council Minutes - October 3B. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Hanus questioned why a tree on Basswood WoUld be charged to the Dock Fund. This item in the amount of $745.50 will be removed from the claims list for further investigation. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve payment of claims in the amount of $124,795.95. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA Jim Smith, past Superintendent of Mound Westonka Schools, addressed the Council in support of the Mound Westonka School System, and to introduce Dr. Pam Myers. Para Myers, Mound Westonka School Superintendent, stressed the importance of the operating levy before voters in November. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case #01-21: Jonathan Paul, 4679 Wilshire Blvd - Kells Lane Street and Easement Vacation Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. City Planner, Loren Gordon reviewed the case and outlined the four option~ that the Planning Commission had considered. Dennis Hopkins of 4608 Wilshire Blvd, stressed to the Council that he and others in the neighborhood, according to the petition submitted, were strongly opposed to the vacation of Kells Lane as submitted. After hearing additional comments from the applicant and others involved, Mayor Meisel closed the hearing at 8:50 p.m. MOTION by Meyer and seconded by Anderson that staff meet with Jeff Paul to negotiate a purchase price for his parcel, that is adjacent to the Jonathan Paul parcel. The following voted in the affirmative: Anderson and Meyer. The following voted in the negative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. Motion defeated. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to request Jonathan Paul and Jeff Paul to meet with staff and a neighborhood representative if desired, to come up with an agreeable proposed new lot line, that would provide acceptable access to Jeff Paul's property, as well as satisfy the request of Jonathan Paul. It was noted that a curb cut onto Wilshire Blvd. will also have to be approved by Hennepin County. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. The following voted in the negative: Anderson and Meyer. Motion carried. 3 Mound City Council Minutes - October 9, 2001 B. Public Hearing on Unpaid Utility Bills - to be Certified to the County Auditor Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 9:40 p.m. She asked for public comment, and when no comments were offered, the public hearing was closed at 9:41 p.m. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. RESOLUTION NO. 01-85: RESOLUTION ADOPTING DELINQUENT WATER & SEWER ASSESSMENT ROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $88,647.6'1 TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #15278 Mayor Meisel stepped down at this point, and Acting Mayor Hanus presided over item 5C. C. Public Hearing on 2001 CBD Parking Maintenance Acting Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing at 9:42 p.m: he asked for public comment and when no comments were offered, the public hearing was closed at 9:43 p.m. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Meyer to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 01-86: RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2001 CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,707.27 TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #15279 Mayor Meisel returned to preside over the remainder of the meeting. 6. METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT {ELS) Community Development Director, Sarah Smith, reviewed the history of the EAW, stating that it was a discretionary EAW prepared on behalf of the City of Mound by City staff and consultants. The availability notice was published in EQB Monitor and The Laker, with copies forwarded to the list of public agencies pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. The thirty-day comment period ran from September 3, 2001 to October 3, 2001, with comments received from MnDot, Met Council, DNR and MCWD. Bruce Chamberlain reviewed the comments received during the comment period and recommended that the project proceed as proposed. 4 Mound City Council Minutes - October ~), 200t Discussion followed regarding the comments received on October 9 from the Minnesota Historical Society and Hennepin County Department.of Transportation. City Attorney, John Dean explained that the comments received after the designated comment period need not be considered. The process for review of the EAW is set by rule and law and these rules have been followed. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. The following voted in the negative: Meyer. Councilmember Anderson abstained from voting. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 01-87: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND DETERMINING THAT, BASED ON THE ENVIRON MENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) AND PUBLIC COMMENT TO THE EAW, AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT SATEMENT (ELS) IS NOT WARRANTED FOR THE VILLAGE BY COOKS BAY/MOUND MARKET PLACE PROJECT 7. METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT - MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION FINAL PLAT City Planner, Loren Gordon, informed the Council that he has reviewed the final plat with regard to consistency with the preliminary plat and has found it to conform and recommends final approval. MOTION by Hanus and seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. The following voted in the negative: Anderson and Meyer. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 01-88: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND GRANTING APPROVAL OF THE MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION FINAL PLAT LOCATED AT 5600 LYNWOOD BLVD. CASE #01-41 8. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Case #01-30: MetroPlains Development - 5600 Lynwood Blvd, Variance for Cell Tower MOTION by Brown and seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus and Meisel. The following voted in the negative: Anderson and Meyer. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 01-89: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 5600 LYNWOOD BLVD., P & Z CASE #01-30: PID #14-117-24-41-0011 5 Mound City Council Minutes - October 9, 2001 9. LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR ACQUISITION OF RAIL CORRIDOR MOTION by Brown and seconded by Hanus to approve writing a letter of support for the Dakota Rail Corridor that runs through Mound to become a public trail. All ayes. Motion carried. 9A. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Hanson informed the Council that the Christmas Tree I'ighting Ceremony is scheduled for November 19, at 6:30 p.m. Conducting Planning Commission interviews will follow this at 8:00 p.m. Hanson also informed the Council and the public that the City has taken measures to increase security in the City. Extra effort is being taken regarding security of the lift stations, wells, and heightened awareness as a whole. The Watershed District 'Cooperative Agreement will be discussed on October 22r~, following the CSAH 15 discussion. 10. INFORMATION/MISCELLAN EOUS A. LMCD correspondence B. Mound Westonka school district correspondence C. Gillespie Gazette D. AMM Fax news E. Report: Mound Police Department, September, 2001 F. Letter from Congressman Ramstad G. Report: Building permits through September, 2001 H. Report: Polston,~et al, lawsuit costs through October 4, 2001 11. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown and seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 10:40 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Acting City Clerk Mayor Pat ~eisel ~ 6