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CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M., MONDAI, H~RCH COUNCIL CHAMBERS 17, 1. Approve Minutes of February 25, 1986, Regular Meeting Pg. 504-510 PUBLIC HEARING: Year XlI CDBG Funds (There will be a handout on this item Monday evening) Pg. 511 PUBLIC HEARING:' Conditional Use Permit at 4850 Edgewater Drive for Underground Fuel Storage and/or Marina Operation· Pg. 512-524 PUBLIC HEARING: Subdivision of Land Located South of Lynwood Blvd. on Westedge Blvd Pg. 525-538 Pg. 539-542 DISCUSSION: Lost Lake Property Subdivision of Land - Parcel 1, Parts of Lots 44 & 45, Koehler Addition to Mound; Parcel A, the north 10 ft. of lots 9, 10, & 11, Koehler Addition to Mound; and Parcel B, the north 10 ft. of Lots 6, 7, & 8, Koehler Addition to Mound Pg. 543-549 DISCUSSION: An Ordinance amending section of the Mound Zoning Code to Establish Regulations on the Placement and Installation of Satellite Dish Antennas Pg. 550-553 8. Payment of Bills Pg. 554-567 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. February 1986 Department Head Monthly Reports Pg. 568-602 Be Tour of Chapman Place - Meet at Chapman Place on March 25, 1986, at 6:00 P.M., to tour the Chapman Place Project. Following the tour is our regularly scheduled Council Meeting De Letter from Louis M. Breimhurst, Chief Administrator, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) regarding wastewater flow during 1985 in Mound Pg. 603-604 Memo on Parking Standards - LMCD Pg. 605-606 Memo on Personnel Changes Pg. 607 Page 503 29 February 25,'1986 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 1986 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on February 25, 1986, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341Maywood Road in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Phyllis Jessen, Gary Paulsen, Russ Peterson and Steve Smith. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Engineer John Cameron and the following interested citizen: Cheryl Grand. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Minutes from the February 18, 1986' Regular Meeting were presented for consideration. MOTION made by Peterson, seconded by Paulsen to approve the Minutes of the February 18, 1986, Regular Council Meeting as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HKARING: DELINOUENT UTILITY BILLS The Mayor opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present who wished to address the Council regarding a delinquent utility bill. No one responded. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Paulsen moved and Peterson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION ~86-24 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,527.70, AND AUTHORIZING THE STAFF TO SHUT-OFF WATER SERVICE FOR THOSE ACCOUNTS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPOINT ACTING CITY MANAGER Jessen moved and Paulsen seconded the following re~olution: RESOLUTION ~86-25 RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN NORMAN AS ACTING CITY MANAGER MARCH 7, 1986 TO MARCH 11, 1986, IN THE ABSENCE OF THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY CLERK 3O February 25, 1986 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING: IEAR XII CDBG FUNDR MOTION made by Peterson, seconded by Smith to set March 17, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. for a public hearing on the uses of Year XlI CDBG funds. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. LICENSE RENEWALS A NEW PERMIT REOUESTS The .following license renewals and new .permit requests have been received: LICENSE RENEWALS: All Expire February 28, 1986 New License Period 3-1-86 to 2-28-87 A1 & Alma's Supper Club Ben Franklin Boat Rentals of Minnetonka (formerly Martin & Son) Bob's Bait Shop Donnies on the Lake, Inc. Duane's 66 Grimm's Store Meyer's Mound "K" Station Mound Municipal Liquor Store Mound Superette PDQ Food Stores of MN., Inc. Snyder Drug SuperAmerica Stations, Inc. (Old Store - March Only) SuperAmerica Stations, Inc. (New Store - Full Year) Texaco (formerly Getty Oil Co.) Westonka Foods Blackowiak & Son Dependable Services Waste Management - Savage (formerly Village Sanitation) Westonka Sanitation Woodlake Sanitary Service NEW PERMITS Bingo Permit Moun¢ Fire Dept. - March 18, 1986 - 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. Public Dance Permit Benefit Dance for John Brunzell (American Legion - March 8, 1986 (place were being held) Hawkers Permi$ Hot Lunch Truck - Roger Bernard Kleven 2521Wilshire Blvd., Mound 6or 7 months - Spring Summer & Fall 31 February 25, 1986 MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Paulsen to authorize the issuance of the above listed licenses and permits. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. REOUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING DEMOLITION Paulsen moved and Peterson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION ~86-26 RESOLUTION ADOPTING CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING DEMOLITION The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. NO PARKING RESOLUTION FOR BARTLETT BLVD~ The City Engineer explained that he neglected to have the Council pass a "No Parking Resolution" for Bartlett Blvd. when the plans were approved for the repair of the road. This is needed because the road is only 32 feet in width and is.a requirement of M.S.A. to receive the necessary funding. The Council discussed restricting the parking on Bartlett Blvd. from Fairview to Wilshire and the time frame needed for a variance from the requirement. Peterson moved and Paulsen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #86-27 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT RELATED TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON BARTLETT BLVD. FROM WlLSHIRE BLVD. 'TO FAIRVlEW LANE The vote was unanaimously in favor. Motion carried. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON BEACHWOOD POND PROJECT The City Engineer went over the background of the project and stated that McCombs-Knutson has now prepared the plans for the construction of a new outfall line at no cost to the City as was agreed upon. The plan would be to lower the pond 1 foot, 3 inches from its present level and would be about 1/2 way between the 1977 elevation and now. He then suggested that the Council send out notices to all the property owners abutting Beachwood Pond letting them know of this public hearing. The Council discussed the hearing and asked that the City Engineer meet with the residents for an informal meeting to present the plans before a hearing is held. The Engineer agreed. No action was taken on this item. 32 February 25, 1986 SET DATES FOR BID OPENINGS MOTION made by Peters.n, seconded by Paulsen to set the following dates and times For bid openings: Lynwood Blvd. Realignment and Tuxedo Blvd. Improvement for March 21, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Safety 1986 Seal Coat Program for April 11, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. Motion carried. APPOINT ADDITIONAL ELECTION JUDGES The following names were submitted for appointment as election judges: Pinky Charon and Charlotte Rogers. Paulsen moved and Peterson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION ~86-28 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT ADDITIONAL ELECTION JUDGES The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. LOST LAKE PROPERTY The City Manager reported that the Planning Commission discussed the Lost Lake property at their meeting on Monday evening as was previously requested by the City Council. They recommended developing a letter of interest to send out to various interested parties to see what type of proposal would be'submitted for this property. The suggestion was made to have the Staff develop a request for proposals. Councilmember Smith elaborated further on the Planning Commission's recommendation stating that they wanted to see developers come forth within 45 days. They and the Council could then review the 2 previous proposals as well as any others that might surface. He stated the Planning Commission needs ideas and would prefer to go slowly. Councilmember Paulsen.stated that he thought getting a request for proposals'put together would be a good way to solicit developers ideas for the property. Councilmember Peterson expressed concern about doing nothing for 45 days and suggested the Planning Commission and the Council could look at the two previous proposals during this time. The Mayor stated that he feels that any developer would be crazy to spend money or time putting together a proposal on a piece of property they did not own. February 25,' 1986 MOTION made by Paulsen, seconded by Jessen to develop, advertise and send out requests for proposals (uses commercial, recreational or housing) to anybody interested. The City Attorney .stated that the Planning Commission and the Council have to decide whether the City wants to sell the property or not, and then what the City would like to see on this property. The part that the City would consider selling is the high ground, the remainder is in the wetlands and would stay that way. -The Mayor stated that what he feels the Planning Commission should do is advise the Council whether they feel it is feasible or not to sell the property; . what type of restrictions should be put on the property; what type of development they would like to see for the property, i.e. commercial, housing, recreational, park; and what would be consistent with the comprehensive plan.' Councilmember Jessen stated that the 'Council should tell the Planning Commission that the City would like to sell the 3.1 acres of the Lost Lake property. Jessen withdrew her second to the above motion and Paulsen withdrew his motion. Polston moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #86-29 RESOLUTION GIVING DIRECTION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING THE LOST LAKE PROPERTY The Mayor read the following: "The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby state that it believes that it is in the best interest of the City of Mound to sell approximately 3.1 acres of land owned by the City in the Lost Lake area. The Council further requests that the Planning Commission advise this Council if it believes that commercial, residential or some other use is in the best interest of the City. The Council further indicates that it will consider the Planning Commission recommendations and will probably refer the matter to Staff to commence negotiations on development consistent with the Planning Commission's and Council's basic decisions." This item to be on the March 17th City Council Agenda. The vote on the resolution was unanimously in favor. carried. Motion 34 February 25, 1986 PAYMENT OF BILL~ The bills were presented for consideration. MOTION made by Paulsen, seconded by Peterson to approve the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list, in the amount of $145,582.51, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. HOCKEY WEEK Polston moved and Peterson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION ~86-30 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF MARCH 3RD AS MOUND WESTONKA HOCKEY WEEK IN THE CITY OF MOUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION! MISCELLA NEOU~ A. January 1986 Monthly Financial Report. MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Polston to adjourn at 8:50 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk BILLS FEBRUARY 25, 1986 Batch 864021---Computer'run dated 2/20/86 Batch 864022---Computer run dated 2/21/86 Total bills 97,395.40 48,187.11 145,582.51 CITY OF MOUND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YEAR Xll (1986) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM Notice if hereby given that Hennepin County and the City of Mound, pursuant to Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, are sponsoring a public hearing on March 17, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, at 5341Maywood Road to obtain the views of citizens on local and Urban County housing and community development needs and to provide citizens with the opportunity to comment on the Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives/1986 and~'the City of Mound's proposed use of its Year Xll Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant planning allocation of $51,309. For additional information on proposed activities, level of funding and program objectives the City of Mound, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, MN. 55364, 472-1155. The public healing is being held in accord with the Urban Hennepin County Joint Cooperation Agreement pursuant to M.S., 471.59. Francene C. Clark, CMC City Clerk Publish in The Laker March 3, 1986. March 17, 1986 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER. SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of Year Xll Community Development .Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardy" and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding (beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail- able to us for Year XII. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local un'its of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearings are used as a forum ¢or citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentially,.programs are aimed at assisting low and moderate'income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i.~e., interest write-down grants, matching loans to assist existing businesses with building rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too, ,have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Ci'tizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT $ 4,121.OO 11,798.00 1,000.00 An equal opportunity Employer that does not dlscriminate on the basis of race, color, nat onaI origi L or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or emp!oyment in, its programs and activities. Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone, Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) 10,000.00 Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation 24,390.00 TOTAL $51,309.00 * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. Funding would begin August 1, 1986. I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year Xll CDBG program. ES:fc ",~rodedure for Conditional Use Permit (2) D. E. F. Location of: Signs, easements, underground utilities, etc'. Indicate North compass direction. Any additional information as may reasonably be required by the City Staff' and applicable Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. Ill Request for a Conditional Use A. All information requested below, a site plan as described in Part II, and a development schedule providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the construction must be provided before a hearing will be scheduled. B. Type of development for which.a Conditional Use Permit is requested: 1. Conditional Use (Specify):Boat Rentalt Boat Servicet Ma.~ina O££ice, Marina~ Gas I~spensing to Boats, Bait Shop, Convenience ~tore, Winter Storage 2. Current Zoning and Designation in the future Land Use Plan for Mound C. Development Schedule: 1. A development schedule shall be attached.to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. 2. Estimate of cost of the project: $ ~?,O00 D. DenSity (for residential developments only): 1. Number of structures: 2. Dwelling Units Per Structure: a. Number of type: Efficiency 2 Bedroom 3. Lot area per dwelling unit: 4. Total lot area: 1 Bedroom 3 Bed room IV. Effects of the Proposed Use A. List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, in- cluding, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and, describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. See attached CASE 85-441 Conditional Use Permit For Lots 19, 20, 21,22. Boat Rental: The present operation is allowed 18 watercraft to be stored on land. These would be rented as fishing or pleasure craft to the general public much as the operation was run by the former owner when the property was called Martin and Sons. Boat Service: In o~der to keep the noise to a minimum and to ensure the neighbors enjoyment of their property, only emergency service will be done on boats that are harbored in the marina and belong to present slip customers. Boats that are disabled and brought to the dock will be referred for service to another vendor. Seton Channel Marina will not be in the service business at this location. No boats will be test driven in the adjoining bay.. Marina Office: The space under the triple garage is a rental unit presently. Applicant would like the C.U.P. to allow the capability to use that space as the marina office. Having the owner present will benefit the neighbors because the owner will be available for consultation should any problems arise. The neighbors have indicated that this use is not objectionable. Applicant will make every effort to keep the grounds neat and attractive. Docks: Applicant will conform to all the conditions set forth in the LMCD dock permit and adhere to LMCD rules and regulations concerning the docks. Applicant would like the commercial use of the docks in the residential area to continue. Proper screening will be done at the expense of applicant if deemed necessary by adjacent neighbor. Gas: The request is for a 7,500 gallon tank with a dock dispenser. The dispenser would have two hoses but only one type of gas. The gas tank will be buried to below the level of the lake to eliminate the possibility of the gas tank siphoning into the lake. The tank will be anchored so that it will not rise-with the underground-water that may be present in the area. The tank relieves a potential fire hazard that exists with the present above ground tank on the property. The present tank is also unsightly. The size of the tank is.flexible, the larger the tank, the less it will have to be refilled. Refilling has been listed as one of the objections that the neighbors have. The location of the tank will be changed from its originally planned location to the other side of the double garage (and closer to the lake if allowed) in order to move it as far away from the adjacent residential property owners as possible. The tank installation will meet all conditions of the DNR, State Fire Marshall, the City of Mound and the LMCD. Applicant will place slow buoys in the bay to further notify boaters of the closed throttle no wake rule that is presently in effect. Signs will be placed on CASE 85-44! neighboring residential docks indicating that they are private docks at applicants expense if desired by neighbors. Also applicant will guarantee the repair of neighbors docks that are damaged by marina customers. The expected heavy use of this dock would be limited to the months of Mid-June to Mid-August only as these are the most intense boating months on the lake. The fastest pumps available will be used to speed fueling and eliminate the stacking up of boats waiting to buy gas. Applicant is willing to place a 25 foot ex'tension on the docks to keep the boat traffic further into the lake and away from the neighbors. Signage: The signs identifying the business would be placed on the road at County Road 15, on the double garage building on Edgewater Drive, and on the end of the dock. These signs would be for identification and would'conform. to the Mound sign ordinance. Convenience Items: The conditional use'permit also requests the ability to sell snacks, candy, pop, off Sale .beer, fishing tackle, bait, ice, sundries and various needs Residential: The duplex and double bungalow on the site are intended to be used as they are now as rental units. Boat Storage: Applicant requests that winter storage of boats be allowed for Marina owned boats only. No customer owned boats would be stored on premises in Winter.. 5~I'? :5'iADIA' LOCATION Oi- ~.,,,.., ,,~ ..,'..;bKS FOR: r;,.,,-.,-i!e ~. .'-;or: SCALE-' I": 20' Mr. Chodes Jones CASE 85-441 ! ./ Case No. 85-441 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis; Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 TO: 'Planning Commissio~ and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DAT~: February 5, 1986 SUBJ: Conditional Use Permit CASE NO.: 86-441 %~lS ~ NO.: 86-310-A7-Z0 APt~uICANT: Charles Jones LOCATION: '4850 Edgewater Drive EXi~i%iG ~J/~G.. General Business (B-2) and Single Family Residential (R-2) (II~E~SIVE PLAN: Commercial and Residential PROPOSAL: At the Planning Commission meeting on January 13, 1986, Mr. Jones verbally outlined his desire to operate the Seton Channel Marina (Blue Lagoon). Since that meeting, he confered with the abutting neighbors and submitted a .revised application. According to the application, he is boats , proposing to provide boat rentals ~ he will discontinue all boat service except emergency service on boa~t~-that are harbored on the marina, a marina office is proposed for the lower level of the garage on lot 19 and docks will conform to LMCD approvals. Additionally, he is ~seekin~ aD~z_o~al to. ~n~s~a.11 ...a 7,50_o__~allon undergro~, gas tank with n ~wo ho~e d~ek d~s_pe~se~r. It IR his lhtent to_sell ~as to ~he_.qe~ernI-~ubl!e and he has proposed t~ extend the existing dock and add slow buoys in the channel to help alleviate boat traffic congestion. The application also includes a request to ~11_ varj[ous items desired, b~ the ~boa__ting co~m.. ~ity. Included are such items as 'snacks, "~0ft ~r[nks, be~r, tackle, et6. Boat storage on the site during the winter months will be limited to marina owned boats only. ISSUES: This site has prompted more discussion and raised more issues than any Mound zoning case in recent years. The Planning Commission and City Council have consistently emphasized that resolution of all issues will involve compromise. A determination as to whether or not Mr. Jones' proposal constitutes a reasonable compromise is the major issue facing the Planning Commission. Case No. 85-441 It is important to keep in mind that thepresentmarina is non-eonformln~ due to inadequate structural setbacks, two principal uses (residential and commercial) on the property and the existence of a duplex on an R-2 zoned lot. Because of this, an acceptable compromise solution should be consistent with the non-conforming use provision of the Mound Zoning Code. Specifically, the new use of the marina should not be more intensive than the previous use of the Martin and Son Marina. The subject proposal contains a number of items which will reduce the intensity of the useage of the site. The removal of boat service except under emergency conditions and the on-site storage of only marina owned boats are examples. The installation of the 7,500 gallon gas tank along with a two hosed dispenser unit will intensify the sales of fuel compared to the previous level of activity. The obvious question is, "Are these reasonable trade.frs?" In the application, Mr. Jones indicated the desire to use the lower level of the existing ~araGe and lot 19 as a marina office. Lot 19 is currently zoned residential and as such, office uses are excluded. A more appropriate location for the office would be in one of the structures that li9 within the B-2 zoned lots. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission determines that the proposed operation of the Scion Channel Marina constitutes a workable compromise which offers reasonable use of the property while minimizing impact on the surrounding residences, Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit subjec~ 5o the following conditions: Approval of the conditional use permit for the Seton Channel Marina as proposed is consistent with the criteria for ~ranting conditional use permits (23.505,1) and is consistent with the non-conforming use provisions of the Mound Zoning Code (23.404). 2. Boat rentals shall be limited to more than 18 boats. Boat service on the property including the dock areas shall be expressly prohibited except under emergency conditions. Emergency conditions shall be defined as the services necessary to make an inoperatable water craft operable for the purpose of transporting it to another authorized service location. The existing residences on lots 20 and 21 may continue to be used as two family structures, however, they shall contain residential uses only. Lots lg, 20, 21, and 22 shall be combined as one tax parcel and the conditional use permit shall be applicable to all four lots. 6. Docks shall conform to all LMCD standards and approvals. 7. A 7,500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank with a two hose dock mou~ted dispensing unit will permitted to replace the existing above ground 500 gallon tank. The installation of the tank will comply with all state, local and regional permits and requirements. Fuel sales shall be limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Case No. 85-441 11. Signage shall be approved providing that ~t eomply~ with the Mound Sign Ordinance. Grocery and convenience items may be sold on the premises providing that suc~ sales are clearly accessory to the principal marina use. Retail sales of off sale beer shall be subject to the licensing requirements the City of Mound. Boat storage shall be limited to retina ~ed boats only. Ail other on- site, outside storage is prohibited. Upon approval of the conditional use Permit, the applicant shall establish anescro~acco~nt for planning a~ legal expenses fn the amount of $1,000. MINUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF February 10, 1986' Present were:' Vice Chairman Thomas. Reese; Commissioners Robert Byrnes, William Meyer, Geoff Michael, Kenneth Smith, Wi11. iam Thal and Frank Weiland; Council Representative Steve Smith; City Manager Ed Shukle; City Planner Mark Koeg]er; Building Official Jan Bertrand and Secretary Marjorie Stutsman. Chair Elizabeth Jensen was absent and excused. Also present were the following interested per- sons: Todd Yl]ek, Philllp Hasch,'Kim Yilek, Cherryl Lebra, Rick Lebra, Bonnie LannS, Jon R, Alblnson, Rick Ahmann, Audrey. Froeming, Charl]e Jones, Richard Anderson, Rex Alwin a~ John Hudoba. MINUTES The minutes of the.Planning Commission'meeting of January 27, 1986 were presented for consideration. Ml. chae) moved and Meyer seconded a motion to approve the.min- utes of the January 27, 1986 PlannlngCommission meeting as presented. The vote was unanimous)y In favor. BOARD OF APPEALS. 1, Case No. 8~'-441 Public Hearing on Conditional Use Permit're:. 4850 Edgewater Drive; Lots'19,'20, 21 & 22, Subd. of Lots 1 ~ 32 Skarp & Lindquist's Ravenswood Charl]e Jones was present. The City Planner, Mark Koegler,.reviewed the request stating that since Mr. -Jones was i'n in'January, he has met with the neighbors and he has .come back with an application seeking condltional use permit approval for boat rentals of 18 boats; he proposes:..to,dlscontinue:all boat service except what is de- fined as .emergency service; he Is proposing putting an office in the lower level of'the residential garage-on'Lot 19; he stated a11 of his docks will continue .to conform to LMCD approvals and requirements. He is asking for a 7500 gallon underground gas tank. with a two hose dock based dispenser. Also he has requested approval to sell various 'items.such as soft drinks, snacks,. beer, bait and tackle, etc.. '(Selling of beer and'some items Would come under licensing'provisions also). He stated that boat storage on the site during the winter months will be limited only to the marina boats and not to boats of the general public. The consistent theme has been to try to come to some reasonable position of compromise; something that would not signlficantly hi)aCt the nei'ghbors and'would al-low Mr. Jones to reasonably conduct his busi- ness. Some Items in request do reduce the intensity of site---lack of service work would be a major one. There are some'things that potentially would intensify the use;-such as.the 7500 gallon gas.tank and the retail, sales of that versus the 500 gallon tank. It gets down to an issue of trade offs. Koegler commented that Lot 19 is zoned residential and office uses are pro- hibited within that zone; one of the structures in B-2 might be a more appro- priate location. He reviewed the conditions listed in the staff'S report making corrections to Item 2, "...to no more..." and Item 4, "...on lots 20 and 19...". Koegler concluded his review with comment, if this is a workable compromise, the recommendation to approve it be subject to conditions listed in staff's report. The planning Commission had various questions and comments, such as, "If this were granted, would it terminate all grandfathered uses? (Yes); Woutd'-~ombining lots as one tax parcel enlarge the B-2 district? (Would have no impact on the underlying zoning); Could boat sizes be limited?; Another in Item 3 should Planning Commission Minutes February 10, 1~i86 - Page 2 be changed to an; What are permanent slips dolng'ln.Residentlal District? (Grandfathered' in) Section 23;413 does allow docks in residential to be used for com.me'rc|al, purposes with conditional use permit. Koegler stated .he does not believe the conflgurat'ion Of docks there would meet-the exact items Ilsted in Section'23.4]3. That becomes'an Issue of ~randfathering in prior rights. The type of boats eppl'i, cant'woald;'have there, was questioned. Jones stated he'd be'renting 18 (1~' to'16"]ong).fishl.ng'boatswhich would be pulled.up on shore; The on17 rental.boats he'd'keep in'the.water woul.d.be.the 5 pontoon boats. He'd be renting out'24 sl'ips.for:customer:boats.. 'It was clarffied that total number of boats:~ou]d be approxlmately.~2. Jones:was asked to-explain where there would be parking for'boaters..Jones'.is proposing to shuttle cars across the street (Babler's) plus he intends to"tear .down two'shacks for more parking. Koegler thought lot could accon~aodate'.20 v~hicles. The 'Commission discussed what is meept:by emergency'boat service-and. Deer-lng Island possibly Opening as' recreational: facility and maybe'.a..potential prob]em if they wanted .to run a shuttle f~om this'site.or Just 'the congestion from gas.customers. Chairman Reese opened~the public hear-lng. The following'persons had questions or comments and are not.In favor:of the marina.as proposed: Aud[ey Froemming, Todd Yilek, Richard Libra, Phi1'Hasch,.Kim Yllek'; John Hudoba, Bonn-ia Lanns, Rick Ahmann. and Jon Albinson.. : : .-. - . .. ' ..... Reese asked' if they had not gotten, together to work out some agreement on acceptable conditions for., both the neighbors.and applicant. Jones stated he had hoped'to.come up with compromise. ' Only three.neighbors showed at the meeting. He'-feels what he is.proposing'is compromise; l.e., discontinuing boat storage, discontinue servicing boats (major and minor), cleaning boats, launchin boats. He. wants to continue business; he feels it unlikely he can come to com~ promise with neighbors.now or in the future. He's changed some things and plans to be actively involv'ed in-the business. He feels he .is taking a gamble going for the Conditi.onal 'Use rathe~ than the. grandfathered Use and doesn't want the C.U.P. pulled. Hewi11 alleviate the parking problems (no cars will be parked on the street); he will take as much insurance as is prudent and plans to make the property look nice. Chairman Reese closed the public hearing. The Commission discussed the following pOints: Office'should be located in the.B-2 portion; intent was to keep e~isting residential residential; change Item 2 of. Staff recommendations.to: Boat rentals shall be limited to no'more than 1~ .fishing boats and $ (24~) pontoon boats with maximum of 25 horsepower motors. Item 3, Boat Servi.ce on the property including the dock areas.shall be expressly prohibited except under emergency conditions and only for people'renting boats and slips, Emergency conditions shall be defined as the services necessary to make an inoperable water craft operable for the purpose of transporting it to an authorized service location, Item 4. The existlng residences on Lots 20 and 1.~.~ may continue to be used as two two-family structures, however, they shall contain residential uses only. This does not allow an office on Lot 20 unless owner lives in same residence. 55 April 9, 1985 RESOLUTION ~85-39 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR YEAR XI URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL WHEREAS, the City of Mound, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is a cooperating unit in the Urban Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it; and WHEREAS, the following proposed use of Community Development Block Grant funds was developed consistent with program rules. Downtown Improvement Financing Rehab of Private Property Economic Development Financing Downtown Commercial Rehab Design Commercial Fix-Up/Paint-Up Tonka Building Incubator Design Westonka Senior Van $ 12,350 20,000 25,000 2,500 I ,000 8,081 7,650 TOTAL " $ 76,581 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Mi-nnesota, approved the proposed use of Year XI Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds and authorizes submittal of the above proposal to Hennepin County for consideration by the Citizen Advisory Committee and for inclusion in the Year XI Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Paulsen and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jessen, Paulsen, Polston, and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Peterson was absent and excused. Attest: City Clerk Mayor CITY of MOUND March 17, 1986 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ~,~. ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of Year Xll Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardyI' and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding (beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail- able to us for Year Xll. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local units of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearings are used as a forum for citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentially, programs are aimed at assisting low and moderate'income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i.e., interest write-down grants, matching loans to assist existing businesses with building rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too, have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Citizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT $ 4,121.00 11,798.00 1,000.00 Ar: equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate ¢'.,n the basis of race cotor, nadonat ori~4 . or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone, Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) 10,000.00 Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation 24,390.00 TOTAL $51,309.00 * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. Funding would begin August t, 1986. I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year Xll CDBG program. ES:fc March 17, 1986 There was discussion on the trade-offs; no engine repair vs. the installation and use of an underground gas tank. Also, a parking plan should be submitted. Jessen suggested a 5000 gallon under- ground tank, one hose and a one year review. Mr. Jones offered to reduce the size of the tank by 1000 gallons, and add four more parking sites. It was suggested to review the NFDA Codes regarding fire hazard on gas tanks and then make a decision Mayor Polston made and Councilmember Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOULTION #86-31 TO DENY THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO SETON CHANNEL MARINA, BASED ON THE FACKS PRESENTED AS AN EXPANSION OF A NON-CONFORMING USE. The resolution passed with Mayor Polston and Councilmember Smith in favor and Jessen voting nay. PUBLIC HEARING: YEAR Xll CDBG FUNDS The item was returned to the Council. Ed Shukle, City Manager intro- duced the item. He said the Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant program was in the planning process for year twelve funds, the year twelve beginning August 1, 1986. HUD requires using communities to hold public hearings to gain public input on pro- posed uses of funds. He then introduced Larry Blackstad from Henn- epin County Office of Planning and Development. Larry Blackstad explained the program. The City of Mound has partic- ipated in the program since it's birth in 1975. There are three objectives: 1) benefit low and moderate income families, 2) economic development programs, and 3) social service type programs. Basically, these are rehabilitation grants repayable by the users on a monthly loan payment arrangement. Mound has approximately $55,000 this year. The future of this program is questionable. The budget for this fund has been cut 32%. MINUTES MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 17, 1986 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on March 17, 1986, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341Maywood Road in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Phyllis Jessen and Steve Smith. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Engineer John Cameron, City Planner Mark Koegler, and the following interested citizens: Paul V. Gahlin, Charlie Jones, Todd and Kim Yelek, Bonnie Lanns, Cherryl Lebra, Rick Lebra, Phillip Hasch, Eva Hasch, Ken Smith, Cheryl Grand, Larry Connolly Buzz Sykes, Larry Blackstad, Richard Johnson, Rex Alwin, Linda Strong, and The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. MINUTES The minutes from the February 25, 1986, Regular Meeting were presented for consideration. MOTION BY JESSEN AMD SECONDED BY SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 25, 1986, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. THE VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: YEAR Xll CDBG FUNDS The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. There was no response from people in attendance. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. The item was moved to later in the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AT 4850 EDGEWATER DRIVE FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE AND/OR MARINA OPERATION. Mark Koegler, City Planner summarized this item. Mr. Jones proposes to operate Martin Marina, Blue Lagoon now named Seton Channel Marina. On the site he is proposing to provide boat rental for 18 boats, dis- continue all boat service except emergency service. He proposes to have a marina office in the lower level of the garage. Docks will conform to LMCD approvals. Additionally he is seeking approval to install a 7,500 gallon underground gas tank with a two hose dock dispenser. He would sell gas to the general public along with various items desired by the boating community, including snacks, soft drinks and tackle. Boat storage on the site during the winter will be limited to marina owned boats only. The Planning Commission has reviewed several times, also the Council is familiar with this item. The theme of both groups is to find a reasonable compromise. The Planning Commission did recommend approval with recommendations that appeared to be a reasonable compromise. March 17, 1986 The Mayor asked if increasing the gas tank size to 7500 gallons or 5000 from the original 500 gallons would be an expansion of a non-conforming use. He also asked if the cataloging of the uses had been completed. The City Attorney, Curt Pearson stated that the new owner doesn't have any right to expand and not conform to use, but he could continue to do what has been done before. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favor or against this item. The following persons present gave their input to this item: Todd Yilek, Rex Alwin, Phil Hasch, John Hudoba, Cheryl Lebra, Rick Lebra and Bonnie Lanns. Their reasons against the item were: More boats using facility would increase the noise and gas fume odor, Increase in boat traffic will cause conjestion in the channel, the residents were concerned about commercial sale of gas and dangers, inadequate parking provided for the number of boats rentable, residents not agree with gas tank size increase and the filling times of the tank. Charlie Jones, owner of Seton Channel Marina, stated the existing above ground gas tank is more unsafe than an underground tank, which would be approved by the LMCD, DNR and State Fire Marshall. He mentioned that two hoses for gas tanks would decrease boat back up at the pump. The bigger the gas tank, the less often it would have to be filled. There were 34 parking spaces, and if need be he would shuttle people from other parking facilities across County Rd 15., from outside parking. The residents stated that parking was already a problem. They were against two hoses from the pump. They asked about insurance. The Council was asked to look into the parking situation. Mr. Jones plans to remove some small sheds on the property and that would add to the parking spaces. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Councilmember Jessen summarized the Planning Commission decision, stating they had agreed to a 5000 gallon tank and one hose. Smith stated that he agreed with the recommendations 1-6 and 8-14, but does not agree with commercializing a residential area. He felt the Council should vote as the Planning Commission had. Mayor Polston said that if there was no parking plan and tank size change was expanding on a non-conforming use, he had to oppose. Mayor Polston offered the following resolution: Resolution #86-31 To deny the Conditional Use Permit for Seton Channel Marina The resolution died for lack of a second. Planning Commission Minutes February. 10, 1986 - Page Item 5. No. change. item 6. No change, but include copy of approvals by LMCD as Exhibit. Item 7. Discussed tank sizes and 2 dispensing hoses versus 1. The Building "Official explained that when underground tank is buried, there is a vent pipe on it so that the fumes, are vented'out; she also explained other safety de- vices on the hoses and.tanks and that these restrictions are only required on tanks over' 1,000 gallons. 'PCA does not regulate small'er .tanks such as a 500 gallon tank. It was"discussed that-gas doesn't explode; fumes explode. The Commission asked sizes on other tanks being installed In Mound so they can be · consistent' in their recommendation. Item '8. No.~hange.. Item'9. ~urs-.of operation were discussed. Jones stated store will be closed at 10 P.M.' InClude"no'sales after 10 o!clock P,M." "Off season boat-storage. " Item 10. Include Words, ...... Item'll. No.change..' Item 12. It was suggested a ,,Review he. made by the Commission'in one year to see if.conditions of the Conditional'Use were being adhered to.' City Manager to be asked tO keep a log." Item 13. Add, '!Ask Risk Management Advisor to review insurance and make recom- mendation :to the City'Council". The s. lze of the gaS tank Was disCussed at length; the pros and cons of which size is safer, number of fillings required by ~anker trucks, whether a full · tank is ]ess hazardou's 'than a half full one, to'have one or 'two hose dispensers, etc, Parking was also addressed. Item 14. Add, "A1.1 parking has .to be on site or within confines of appropriately Zoned parcels['. Michael moved and Ken Smith seconded a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions; It,ns1 through 6 and 8 through 14, as discussed and noted in these minutes. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Thal moved and Ken Smith.seconded a motion to.approve Item 7 which is changed to read, "A 5,000 gallon ........ with a one hose ............. ". The vote was Byrnes, Weiland and Steve Smith against; Meyer, Michael, Ken Smith, Thai and Re,se in favor. Motion carried.. The proposed public hearing by the City Council will be held March 18th. Case No. 86~503 Preliminary Plat Subdivision of Land 22XX Westedge Boulevard Part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 11, Mound Terrace; PID Numbers 14-117-24 33 0013 and ]4-117-24 33 0014 Richard T. Anderson was present. The City Planner, Mark Koegler, reviewed the.request for preliminary plat approval to divide a 3.5 acre.parcel into 4 lots. The lots would all have frontage of between 95 and .125 feet and the size is far in excess of Mound's minimum zoning requirements. Two items he wanted to make everyone aware of CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota CASE NO. 86-503 NOTICE OF HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.: NOTICE IS HEREBY.GIVEN that there will* be a public hearing a.t the City Hall, 534! May~ood Road, Mound, Minnesota, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 17, 19B6.1~to consider the subdivision of land located South of Lynwood Boulevard on Westedge Boulevard, PID #~s l~-117-24 33 00]3 and l~-117-24'33 001~ described as: The SoUth 410 feet of Lot 6'and *that part of Lot $ and of the West 1/2of Lot ~ lying Southerly.of the Northerly l~ feet thereof, Block' 11, Mound Terrace. Such persons.as 'desire to be heard with reference to the above will be heard at this meeting. ~"~~'~'~- t"~' City C~]'e~kr Francene C. Clark, To From Ed Shukle, City Manager Date 3-12-86 Jan Bertrand, Building Official/"~ _ /. Re: Preliminary Plat in Block 11, Mound Terrace PID Numbers 14-117-24 33 0013/0014 Mr. Richard Anderson has not' submitted the fees as requested on the attached letter/bill. CITY of MOUND 5341 M,,%Y\%~X)I) MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 612/472-1155 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 5.5364 (612) 472-1155 February 18, 1986 Hr. Richard T. Anderson 111208 Charl.ng Cross Road Eden Prairie, HN. 55311/~ Re: Preliminary Plat of land in Block ll,.Hound Terrace PlO #"S 111-117-'2Zl 33 0013/0Ol11 Dear J~r. Anderson: Upon reviewing your appllcatlon for subdivision, I found that the fees collected were-not sufficient'.. Attached p'lease find a copy of resolution pertaining to subdlv, islon fees, Please remit $1,050. for balance on preliminary plat.fee and escrow before H arch 15th,'1986 prior to the City Council meeting. .Sincerely, Bertrand .Bu! ldl.ng Official JB/ms cc: John Cameron An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race. color, national origin, or handicapped status APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF Sec. 22.03-a ' VILLAGE OF MOUND LAND FEE $ ,,/ "...90, O~} Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: PLAT PARCEL ZONING R~I To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent' streets, 'dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: ts~gnaturel ADDRESS ~-[~----~t~ ~ '~[~._ DATE interest . k~) ~: . I. Applicant's in ,he pro. erty~, ~~ >--~ff This application must be signed by all the OWNERS of ~e property, or an explan- 'afion given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE 9dO I Date : 1-29-86 Scale: 1" = 50' Datum: Mean Sea Level COFFIN & GRONSERG, INC. Engineers & Land Surveyors Long Lake, Minnesota SKETCH FOR RICHARD T. ANDERSON CASE 86-5)3~ IN BLOCK Il. MOUND TERRACE MOUND, MINNESOTA -:. LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of Lot 5 lying Southerly of the Northerly 144 feet thereof, That part of the. West half of Lot 4 lying Southerly of the Northerly 144 feet thereof-( for purposes of this survey the East line of said West half of Lot 4 has been assumed to be a line midway between the East and West lines of said Lot ), That part of Lot 6 lying Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 6 a distance of 330.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflecting right 88o00'00'' to the East line of said Lot 6, and there ending, Al1 in Block 11, Mound Terrace ~'7Z2 C I'1' Y OF MINNETRtSTA "¢'~ '~ ~r .... o~ ~ ou-.'D .5, ,? oo '.,- ?..,,, / March 10, 1~86 McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS · PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Ms. Jan Bertrand Planning and Zoning City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 SUBJECT Prelimina~y Plat Richard T. Anderson Case No. 86-503 ~<A File #6294 Dear 3an: As requested we have reviewed the preliminary plat for a proposed subdivision of part of Lots 4, 5, and 6, BIock II, Mound Terrace. The foilowtng are our comments and recommendations: PRELIMINARY PLAT The preliminary plat does not indicate any easements on the proposed lot iines. A minimum iO ft. drainage and utiIity easement shouid be provided aiong the street side and a minimum 6 ft. on aiI other iot itnes. Previous discussions and pIat submissions have indicated the'possibiIity of subdividing · this pa~cei with much more density. The present zoning aiiows iots of IO, O00 sq. feet or i/3 the size' of those proposed on the piat under consideration. La~ge Iots such as are proposed in this piat are often subject to future subdivision; therefore, we wouid suggest that approvai of this piat contain a restriction that no variances be granted for any future subdivision. GRADING) DRAINAGE~ UTILITIES & STREETS The proposed elevations shown on the plan submitted are very preliminary. We feel they are adequate for plat approval because of the large size of the lots. A more in depth review of the proposed grading will need to be done at the time individual building permits are applied for. Any erosion control deemed necessary by us or the building official can also be required as a condition on the building permit. We would suggest that the common driveways as shown on the plat not be mandatory, but rather left as an option, with development of each lot. All four proposed lots are presently provided with sanitary sewer and water services. Due to the fact that no street or utility construction will be required, we see no reason to require a development contract or any type of performance bond. There is still the possibility that West Edge Boulevard could be improved. If such improvement should proceed and the project is assessed, these lots could be subject to a street assessment. printed on recycled paper Ms. Oan Bertrand March 10, 1986 Page T~o RECOMMENDATION We would recommend approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: .~ Addition of lO ft. drainage and utility easements on front lot lines and 6 ft. drainage and utility easements all other lot lines. 2. Restriction be placed of record that no variances will be granted as part of any future subdivision. Site plan (survey) with proposed grades, which is a required submittal with the building permit application, will be approved by both the City Engineer and Building Official. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Oo~hn~mero~n~-~-'- OC:djk CASE 86-503 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 TO:. Planning Commission and Staff ~: Mark' Koegler, City Planner ~ DATE: February 5, 1986 SOBT: Preliminary Plat ' CASE NO.: 86-503 %~IS FrTR NO.: 86-310-A4-Z0 APE~ICANT= Richard T. Anderson IDCA/~ON: .Wested~e Boulevard EXISTING ZONING: Single Family ReSidential (R-l) (~ PLAN: Single Family Residential (10,000 sq. ft.) ~AL: The applicant is seeking preliminary plat approval to divide a 3.5 acre parcel into 4 lots. In past actions, the City approved a preliminary plat for 10 lots on this site. The site generally slopes from east to west. The proposed street frontage on Westedge Boulevard ranges from 95 to 125 feet. Westedge Boulevard is presently an ~improved gravel road. Water and sewer are available. Each of the 4 proposed lots. exceed Mound's minimum lot requirements for the R-1 district. Lot A which is an "L" shaped lot has a narrow point which measures 60 feet in width. This dimension is equivelent to the minimum lot width in the R-1 zone. ISSUES: This subdivision is straight forward and presents very few issues. Two items are, however, worth noting. At the present time, the Cities of Mound and Minnetrista are exploring the possibility of improving Westedge Boulevard. If Westedge Boulevard is improved, each of these lots will be subject to an assessment for street construction. CASE 86-503 The second issue is related to lot size. Large lots, as are proposed in this preliminary plat, are frequently subject to future subdivision. In the future, if any or all of these lots are proposed for further subdivision, they will be required to meet the R-1 zoning provisions. The applicant is encouraged to prepare a future development sketch plan which would show how such a division may occur. Such a plan could aid in the placement of homes on lots A, B, C, and D in a manner which would not foreclose on future subdivision opportunities. RECOMMENDATION.- Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for the Richard T. Anderson subdivision subject to the following conditions: -The applicant shall prepare a preliminary plat drawing, signed by a registered land surveyor which depicts all information required in the subdivision ordinance ie. existing utility lines, subdivision name, etc. Any future subdivision of the newly created lots should comply with the provisions of the R-1 zoning district. Since the applicant has previously demonstrated that other options exist for the creation of additional conforming lots, future variances are not recommended. The applicant shall establish an escrow account for engineering and legal' review in the amount of $1,000. Each lot shall be subject to a $300 park dedication fee to be collected at the time of building permit issuance. A grading, drainage and erosion control plan shall be prepared and submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. Planning Commission Hinutes February 10, 1986 -~ Page 3 Item 5. No. change. Item 6. No change, but include copy of approvals by LMCD as Exhibit. Item 7. Discussed.tank sizes, and 2 dispensing hoses versus 1. The Building · 'Official explained'that when underground tank is buried, there is a vent pipe on it So that the fumes are ventedout; she also explained other safety de- vices on the hoses and. tanks and that these restrictions are only required on tanks over 1,O00 gallons'. .PCA does .not regulate small'er-tanks such as a 500 gallon tank. It was'discussed 'that-gas doesn't explode; fumes explode. The Commission asked sizes on other tanks being installed in Mound so they can be consistent'in their recommendation. Item 8. No dhange.. Item'9. Hours..of operation were .discussed. JOnes stated store will be closed at 10 P.M.' Include'."no salesafter l0 o!clock P;M." Item 10. Include words, "Off season boat storage ....... " Item"Il. No change. Item 12. It was suggested a "Review be. made by the Commission 'in one year to see if .conditions of the Conditlonal'.Use were being adhered t°. City Manager to be asked to keep a log." Item 13. Add, '!Ask Risk Management Advisor to review insurance and make recom- mendatlon':to the 'C.lty~Councll". The slZe of the gaS'tank~Was discussed at length; the pros and cons of which size. Is Safer, number of fillings required-by tanker trucks, whether a full tank Is less hazardous than a half full one, to'have one or two hose dispensers, etc.' Pa~klng was also addressed. Item 14. Add, "A1.I parking has..to be on site orwithln c~nfines of appropriately Zoned parcels[~. Michael moved and'Ken Smith .seconded a. motion to approve Conditional Use Permit w!th the following conditions; Items1-through 6 and 8 through 14, as discussed and noted in these minutes. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Thal moved and Ken Smith.seconded a motion to.approve Item 7 which is changed to read, "A 5,000 gallon ........ with a one hose ............. ". The vote was Byrnes, Weiland and Steve Smith against; Meyer, Michael, Ken Smith, Thal and Reese in favor. Motion carried. The proposed publi'c hearing' by the City Council will-be held March 18th. Case No. 86-503 Preliminary Plat Subdivision of Land 22XX Westedge BoUlevard Part of ·Lots 4, $ and 6, Block 11, Mound Terrace; PID Numbers 14-117-24 33 0013 and 14-117-24 33 0014 " Richard T. Anderson was present. The City Planner, Mark Koegler, reviewed the.request for preliminary plat approval to divide a 3.5 acre-parcel into 4 lots. The lots would all have frontage of between 95 and 125 feet and the size is far in.excess of Mound's minimum zoning requirements. Two items he wanted to make everyone aware of Plannlng Commission Minutes February 10, 1986 - Page are: 1) Westedge Boulevard ls up for.improvement' by both the Cities of Minnetrlsta and Mound. '2) 'Relates to lot size, anytime there isa subdivi- sion. of large lots, a concern'is' expressed as to whether, or not those lots wlll be subdivided l.n the future...Ne want to make appllcant aware that it would be prudent for' them~o prepare' some'kind of sketch plan that might show how they would-subdlvldein.the'future if'that is a possibility, so that they can position the:~ houses accordingly to-permit that go occur ]n the future. Staff recommends approval subject to the 5 conditions'in"hls report. .The Commission asked applicant, why he dropped.number Of lots in his proposal. Mr. Anderson stated'he Is'paying close to'.$2,0pO'a year'taxes. He wants to dl~pose'of the. property and'back In 1980;-he thought'best way was to develop it, Al1 he wanted.to do-.wast.se1'1 off.th~ lots along.Westedge. Boulevard that.. had sewer~.. Commlsslon'at.'.that tlme.wanted tO.see.a'tOta] division, He-spent $3,000 for. engineering drawtng's',"etc, and then, the.market' went bad. Developers didn't feel that'they'could make a profit. Merr111 Lynch feels this.size lot 'is more marketable. Chairman Reese.'opened the. pub]lc hearing. Rex Alwin stated he ~as tooked at the plat.that Anderson'has:now.and It is how he'.recommended.div~.ding l.t several years ago; it fits the neighborhood. Anderson asked about grading permits and:park dedication fee. .Grading would be up to the developer..'~The City Engineer-reviews the grading to set a pro~ posed grading plan for the'building si.res; have control of the whole site 'and prevents making someone..els&'S,property~nore d.l.fficult to build:on if there Is a drainage-problem. They can set up drainage easements between the parcels, The Chairman closed ~he publlc hear'ing. The Commission discussed topography, drainage,.and what might be required. Weiland moved and.Byrnes seconded a motion to approve the preliminary plat with the staff's recommendations. The vote was unanimously in favor. The publlc hearing wlll be held by the City Council March 18, 1986 Case No. 86-50~ Subdivision of Land - PID 13-117-2~ 33 00~6 The bulldlng Offlclai explained, that because, of the.relocation of Lynwo°d Boule- vard, the City'is asking that the Commission give approval that the remainder of parcel' (Parcel 1) be subdivided and the City would, have that part to negotiate for sa]e to one of the surrounding pcoperties. Weiland moved and Meyer seconded a motion to approve the subdi'vision on staff's recommendation so Lynwood can be realigned. The vote was unanimously in favor'. Motign carried. M~morandum from Minnesota Housing Finance Agency The proposed policy to increase construction of accessory apartments was discussed. A motion was made that the Commission was not In,favor of the policy.' Motion died for ]ack Of a second. It was decided no action was the better course to take. RESOLUTION 86- RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PlAT FOR A FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11, MOUND TERRACE, LOTS 5, 6, AND THE WEST ONE HALF OF LOT 4 FOR RICHARD T. ANDERSON WHEREAS, the City (buncil on March 17, 1986, held a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 2200, Chapter 22, Mound Code of Ordinances, to consider the approval of a preliminary plat for the establishment of fDur residential lots located on property described as Block 11, Mound Terrace, Lots 5, 6 and the ~st one-half of Lot 4; ar~ WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the Mound GomprehenSive Plan ard the regulations and requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and Ordinances of the City of Mound, Ordinance %422. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF MOUND: Preliminary Plat Case Number 86-503 is approved upon compliance with the fie llowing requirements: 1. Per plat on file at M~und City Hall dated , 1986. 2. R~sting of a subdividers escrow in the anount of $1,000. Payment of park dedication in the arm)mt 'of the fee which is applicable at the time of building permit issuance. A grad ing and drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the reoording of the final plat. Drainage and utility easements shall be shown in conformance with the City Engineers reoon~uendations. ® ® All future subdivisions of the newly created lots shall comply with the provisions of ~.~rd~ in_--.cc ~.2~_. ~v~~m~-~. ~ ~, Before' the Certificate of Occupancy for any homes built in this subdivision is issued, a certificate signed by a registered engineer must be provided. This certificate will state that all property irons are at proper grade and that final lot and building grades are in conformance with the drainage plan approved by the City Engineer. That failure on the part of the applicant to submit a final plat per Section 22.13 within one year from the date of this approval shall deem the preliminary approval to be null and ANDERSON Z 'PROPOSED SUBDIVISION FOR RICHARD T. AND£F?$OiV 'i 'IN BLOCK I!, MOUND TERRACE SCALE DATE DATUM :1 INCH :50 FEET :1-28-80 :MEAN SEA LEVEL COFFIN t~ GONBERG, INC. SURVEYORS ~ ENGINEERS LONG LAKE, MINNESOTA ,5'38 Planning Commission Action March 10, 1986 Weiland moved and Reese seconded the following motion: The Planning Commission has reviewed the Lost Lake site and City Council Resolution 86-29 and has determined the following: Development of Lost Lake represents a unique opportunity for the City of Mound; one which has long term impacts. As a result, the decision on the use requires careful study and analysis and should not be done hastily. More detailed analysis of the site is necessary to determine if viable mixed use opportunities exist combining residential, 'commercial, retail and/or park use. In its preliminary findings, the Planning Commission favors that consideration be given to use of the property for resi- dential purposes. Such a use will support existing business and will help support existing and upcoming vacant commercial structures. e Regardless of the selected use of the property, it is recom- mended that the Planning Commission conduct a site plan review of any and all proposals. The vote on the motion was unanimously in favOr. Motion carried. 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 TO: Planning Cb~uission an~ Staff FR[~: Mark Foegler, City Planner DATE: March 3, 1986 SUBJ: Lost Lake On February 26, 1986, the City Cbuncil adopted a resolution (enclosed) stating that it is the intent of the City of M~und to sell approximately 3.1 acres of land in the Lost Lake area. The Cbuncil has asked the Cbmmission tD prepare a recx)n~endat~on on the type of use that will be in the best interest of the City. The Cbnm~ission's recDn~endation is to be presented at the City 03uncil m~eting on March 17, 1986. At the last Planning Commission meeting, staff was requested to prepare infDrmation on taxes, population figures and park development costs. This mem3rand~ outlines each of these topics. TAX~q As an aid in the decision process, the Planning Cbmmission ask for an analysis of the tax ramifications of a conm~rcial use versus a residential use on the [Dst Lake property. Since the City has previously received proposals for both of these uses, the following m3dels are loosely based on the site plans that were received. Since these models are based on a set of debatable assumptions, they should not be looked up3n as o3nclusive evidence supporting either position. However, they are appropriate as a general guide in indicating the overall tax impact of each development type.. Coz~nercial - The oo~aercial mDdel is based on the following assumptions: 2. 3. 4. Development will consist of one story, retail uses. 30 Percent of the site will be maintainad in green area. 144 parking spaces required (1/250 sq. ft. ). Lan~ value is based on $1.70 per sq. ft. which is comparable to adjacent property. Approximately 36,000 square feet of retail space can be constructed on the Lost Lake site assuming that 30 percent of the site is reserved for landscaped areas. A development of this scale will require a 144 vehicle parking lot. A cost breakdown of the oonm~ercial development is as follows: (bm~ercial Building 36,000 sq. ft. @ $45/sg. ft. $1,620,000 Lard 230,000 Parking 144 space surface lot 57,600 Lardscaping 60,000 Utilities 25,000 TG5%L $1,992,600 If it is assumed that 90 .percent of the improvement costs are directly translated into market value, the market value of the hypothetical oon~ercial developn~nt is $1,793,340. This market value %Duld result in a total property tax of $88,162. Based upon recent mill rate breakdowns, the City of M~und ~Du]d receive approximately $14,105 in property taxes. Residential - The residential m~del is based on the following assumptions; mo High rise residential, 100 to 125 units - total structure size of approximately 125,000 sq. ft. 150 parking spaces required. Units are apartments and do not involve k)mesteed credits. Lan~ value is based on $1.70 per sq. ft. which is comparable to adjacent property. The cost breakdown of the residential use is as follows: B~sidential 125,000 sq. ft. @ $55/sg. ft. $6,875,000 Lard 230,000 Parking 150 space surface lot 60,000 Landscaping 60,000 Utilities 25,000 TG5%L $7,250,000 Again, if-it is assumed 'that 90 percent of the improvement costs directly'.. translate into market value, the market value of the residential develo[mment is $6,525,000. This market value results in a total, property tax of $253,63.4 and a tax of approximately $40,481 payable to the City. POFdLATION In response to the question on projected population growth in the Found are, the following. Metropolitan Gouncil population projections have been assembled: City 1980 1.9.90 2000 Found 9280 9900 10000 Minnetrista 3236 3500 3500 Spring Park 1465 1500 1500 St. Bonifacius 857 1100 1200 Watertown 1818 2200 2300 Watertown Township 1429 1500 1600 PARK DEVELO~ The conceptual park plan that was prep. areal fDr Lost Lake contained tennis courts, a ball dianDnd, parking, landscaping ard a w~tlard trail net%ork. The estimated cost for the construction of all of these facilities is $121,000. The wetland walkway system accosts fDr $45,000 of this total. RESOLUTION #86-29 February 25, 1986 · BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the .City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby state that.it believes'that it is in the best Interest of the City of Mound .to sell approximately .3.1 acres of land owned by the·City in the Lost Lake area. .The Council furt.her requests that the Planning Commission advise this Council i.f it believes that commerci, al,. residential or some other Use is.in the best interest of the City. The Council further indicates that it will consider the Planning. Commission's recommendations and will probably refer the matter to'~taff to commence negotiations'on development consistent with the Planning Commission's and the Council's basic decisions. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND FEE $ waive FEE OWNER Herbert E. Wolner PLAT 61650 PARCEL 0925 Randy E. Bickmann The City of Hound is initiating this subdivision on behalf of the fee Owners. Location andcomplotalegal ~scriptionotpropertytobedivided:PID #13-117-2q 33 0029 Lots 9, 10 & 11, Koehlerts Addition to Mound ZONING B-1 To be divided as fallews: (See attached description and map) Parcel A to become part' of Lynwx~d Blvd. lattach survey or scale drawing sbewing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed buiidlng sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SiZE Il REOUESTED FOR: New Lot Ne. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: APPLICANT '~. ~L.,.~e,--, (:'.Cl,'~.'l~ C~'*'f~',,C.~A~TEL. NO. b72-1155 Isignature) '~ ' ~ ~DRE~ 53~1 ~ay~od Road DATE ~und, ~N. 5S36a Applicant'sin~erest in the p~opeHy: This subdivision is part of an agreement with the fee owners to all~ us to purchase this part of 'the parcel. This application must be signed by III ~e OWNERS of ~e prierS, or in explan- ati~ given ~y ~is is ~t ~e case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resoluti~ No, DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION ORIT BECOMES' NULL AND VOID. ~ . APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND FEE $ waive FEE OWNER Loretta E. Corbett et a! Randy E. 8ickmann PLAT 61650 PARCEL 0625 The City of Hound is initiating this subdivision on behalf of the fee owners. L~ationandcompletelegaldescripti~ ofpropertytobedivlded: Lots 6, 7, and 8, Koehler~s Addition to Hound .PID #13-117-24 33 0028 ZONING B-1 To be divided as follows: (See Attached Descrlpt ion and Hap) Parcel become part of: Lynwood Blvd. B to (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building lites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE I~: REQUESTED FOR: New I~ot No. From Reason: Square feet TO Square feet APPLICANT ~ ..... - {signatbre)-" ' ADDRE~ 53~1 Naywood Road DATE 2-19-86 Hound, Appllcant'linterlstin{hlpropeHy: This subdivision is part of an agreement with the fee owners to a)low us to purchase this part of the parcel. Thi~ mpplitation must be signed by mil the OWNERS of the property, or mn explan- ation given why this ms not ~e case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resolution NO. DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING O.c THE DIV1SION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION OR IT BECOMES' NULL AND VOID. ,s'yy Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND · FEE FEE OWNER CITY OF MOUND PLAT 61650 PARCEL 5100 Location andcompletelegal ~scrlptionofproper~tobedivlded: PID #1~-117-24 33 0046 The North 22,5 Ceet of the South 2~ feet of the ~est 100 feet. o~ Lot Koeh~er~s Addition to Mound, Lake Mlnnetonka, Hennepln County, Hlnnesota ZONING B-1 To bedividedasfolIows: (SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION) The remainder of the parcel. wi'11 become part of. LynW°od B1vd. when it is realigned'this Spring,. (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE I~ REQUESTED FOR: New I~.ot No. From Reason: ';. Square feet TO Square feet . City of Hound " - (signature) ADDRES~ 53b~.I Maywood 'Road DATE 2-7-86 Hound, Applicant's interest in the property: 0w~er This application must be signed by all the OWNERS of t,%e property, or an explan- ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No. DATE APPROVAl. OF THIS .DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION OR IT BECOMES' NULL AND VOID. A list of residents and owners of property within . feet must be attached. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION #86-'33 . t I .... ~ : -~.~]-I q/ -'":' ' I/ : : ~ / / t' ~j -' h~'..:, : ~1 ~ ~ - ....~'~' '" ~-~ ........... '-'] ~ -~'-~ ....... ~i ................. ' ~' ........ ~ ~--~ ........... ~.~ z McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS [] PLANNERS PARCEL 1 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Part of Lots 44 and 45 KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND That part of Lots 44 and 45, KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 44; thence easterIy aIong the north Iine of said Lot 44 a distance of 131.00 feet to the intersection of the west line of the east 80.00 feet of said Lots 44 and 45; thence southerly along said west iine to the south Ilne of the north 28.5 feet of said Lot 45; thence westerly aIong said south Ilne to the west iine of the east 91.00 feet of said Lot 45; thence southerIy aiong said west iine to the north Iine of the south 1.5 feet of said Lot 45; thence westerIy aiong said north Iine to the west line of the east IO0.O0 feet of said Lot 45; thence southerly aIong said west line 1.5 feet to the south line of said Lot 45; thence westeriy aiong said south ilne to the east iine of the west IO0.O0 feet of said Lot 45; thence northerIy aiong said east line to the north line of the south 1.5 feet; thence westerly aIong said north ilne iO0.O0 feet to the west iine of said Lot 45; thence north 78.5 feet to the point of beginning, which Iies southerly of the folIowing described 'line: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 41, said KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND: thence on a bearing of South aiong the east Iine of said Lot 4i a distance of IO.O0 feet to the beginning of said line: thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 45 seconds West 5.08 feet; thence southwesteriy 287.22 feet aIong a tangentiai curve, concave to the southeast having a radius of i056.48 feet and a centrai angle of i5 degrees 34 minutes 35 seconds; thence South 73 degrees 54 minutes iO seconds West i7.77 feet; thence southwesteriy 77.47 feet aIong a tangentiai curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 669.i7 feet and a centraI angIe of 6 degrees ~8 minutes to the west iine of said Lot 45 and said iine there terminating. Containing 2864.15 square feet. printed on recycled paper .~. ~McCOMB$ KNUTSON ASSOCIATE ' - S, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS · PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612} 559-3700 Herbert E. Wolner Randy.E. Bickman Parcel A The south 10.00 feet of Lots 9, 10 and 11, KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND, according to the recorded piat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. COMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Loretta E. Corbett Randy E. Bickman Parcei B The south 10.00 feet of Lots 8, 7 and 8, KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND, according to the recorded piat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ~.SO A temporary construction easement over, under and across the north 10.00 feet of the south 20.00 feet of Lots ~, 7 and'8, KOEHLER'SADDITION TO MOUND, together with a temporary construction easement over, under and across the east i5.00 feet of the north lO. O0 feet of the south ~0.00 feet of Lot ~, said KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ,Said temporary construction.easement to expire # 7193 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE MOUND ZONING OODE TO ESTABLISH RBX;ULATIONS ON THE PLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION OF SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS. The City of Mound does ordain: section 23.302 shall be amended to add the following definitioo (4A): (4A) Antenna, Satellite Dish - a parabolic dish antenna greater than three (3) feet in diameter whose purpose is to receive communication or other signals from orbiting satellites and other extraterrestrial sources. Such devices typically include a low noise amplifier (LNA) which is situated at the focal point of the receiving component and whose purpose is to magnify and transfer signals. Section 6, DISTRICT PROVISIONS, shall be amended to add the following: 23.604.4 Permitted Accessory Uses (R-I) Satellite dish antennas - Subject to applicable restrictions in Section 23.732. 23.625.3 Conditiomal Uses (B-I) Satellite dish antennas - Subject to applicable restrictions in Section 23.732. 23.630.3 Conditional Uses (B-2) Satellite dish antennas - Subject to applicable restrictions in Section 23.732. 23.635.3 Conditional Uses (B-3) Satellite dish antennas - Subject to applicable restrictions in Section 23.732. 23.640.3 Conditional Uses (I-l) Satellite dish antennas - Subject to applicable restrictions in Section 23.732. SSO Section 7, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, shall be amended to add the following: 23.732 SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS 23.732.1 Satellite Dish Antenna~ in Residential Districts a. Installation of a satellite dish shall require a building permit. b. Size of the dish antenna shall be no greater than ten (10) feet and limited to one satellite dish per zoning lot. c. All setback requirements shall comply with the Yard Requirements for the respective zoning district. The lakeshore side of lots shall be considered as a front yard setback. d. All dish antennas shall be ground mounted. Maximum height of grou~ mounted dish antennas shall be twelve (12) feet from top of antenna to ground. All ground mounted antennas shall be constructed so as to withstand a wind load of 80 miles per hour. Depending on site conditions, the dish antenna must be mounted in accordance with the slab on grade provisions of the State Building Code or mounted in a concrete pier footing that is at least 8 inches below the frost line. Satellite Dish Antennas in Commercial and Industrial Districts 23.732.2 Ail the performance standards listed in 23.732.1 shall apply to satellite dish antennas in commercial and industrial districts unless modified or supplemented as follows: a. Dish antennas shall be prohibited from rooftops unless it is determined by the City Council that placement within side or rear yards is impractical. If a roof mounted dish antenna is permitted, the dish must be fully screened from public view with building materials similar in appearance to the principal building and in proportion to the height and size of the building. Anchoring must be approved by the building official. b. Size of dish antenna shall be no greater than ten (10) feet and limited to one satellite dish per zoning lot. BILLS ......... M~CH i7, i986 Computer Run dated 3/5/86 Computer Run dated 3/11/86 Batch 864023 Batch 864024 Total Bills 24,866.75 77,668.15 102,534.90 z u Z Z WhJ ZZ ~Z "1-3: O0 WW 0 Z W :;3 ,..I --I W W :2, Z ~' U U .J .J ...I Z ? o I Z Z Z ~J U. 0 0 0 0 .1~ ~ . 0 I- u 0 ~,,) ~,1 i~ F,) in ~n I~ ~r) I'~ ~'~fr) 000000000(:30 (~ o I~J 0 Z L~ ZZ~Z I I.- 0 0 ' ]C W (.) ir) I o Z o eD,DM' ~ r~ r~ ~ ~ Z ~C Z r~ .J .J U 000000000 o000o00oo ! I Iii U 0 W Ld bJ W W W W C~ 0 0 0 LU 0 U 0 w Id ,,J 0 oO IIIIIIII IIIIIIII I ! I I I I U I /-I I I I I I I I t I I U Z OI Z 0 U ~1~ U I /4 ,I Illl T IlJlllllJlllll t} o 0oo %, I f I I I I I I I 0 I-O i,,. -r- ,~ tl. ll.U. ,Ii fJ I & I I UU hi I*1 tsJ ' ° I I Mid U I 4 & W WWW~W~W WWW I I I 000 0 0 , I[:: I-- Z 0 W 0 Wl~J )-II WW UO C~ .J W II.u. b. IW bJW WW Z W iI. I- I W LU W ~.' oo Doc) /,4 c) c) 0 m.~ Id ~.j I ? I iii 0 W W w w fi.. u 0 O. W -i I w 0 W 0 U ,ii ,II W U ,ii, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U Vt W W 0 Z W w oo O0 O0 WW ~lp~m O0 CiO W~J _.1 ,.I ~WW~~ ZZZZZZZZZ IIIlllJll 000000000 u~ 1~91~ W 0 II. · ~. ~J 0 bJ t~ dr I 0 0 .,I · er U I .,Il 0 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (512) 472'115,5 TO: F~OM: SUBJECT: DATE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER & CITY COUNCIL JIM FACKLER PARKS DIRECTOR FEBRUARY 1986 MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 7, 1986 GENERAL PARKS DEPARTMENT STATUS Currently, the Parks Department is preparing for the summer months. We are doing this by keeping the Commons Docks system organized on a daily basis. This has proven to be timely by the number of phone calls received and'the ability to produce the information needed. The summer maintenance program with seasonal help is going to be stressed for time, I have a number of projects that are partially completed and a stock of tasks to be started, The weather will be the determining factor in what will be done, Our first, priority is the cutting of grass and liter and garbage pick up in City Parks, Then working in the projects such as the construction and maint- enance of Parks and Playground equipment as time allows, The summer will provide a good view of the need for additional. seasonal help to eliminate the carry over of projects from year to year, In February, I attended a Sports Turf Seminar by the R.L. Gould Co. This seminar provided information pretaining to maintenance of high use turf areas. Such as the problem we have at Mound Bay Park, where the turf is completely worn to the top soil. I gained information on techniques and equipment use to maintain these areas. I felt that this seminar was well worth the time investment. The seminar also illustrated alternative ways to purchase equipment, through the use of leasing. I feel that leasing equipment may be an alternative to the City, by spreading the cost over a number of years, rather than absorbing it all in one year. These lease programs have been set up with Municipalities in mind and allows for a lot of variations, such as a base can be dropped if budget cuts warrant it and payments can be made in a monthly or quarterly basis, best suited for the City. An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities, -2- PARKS DEPARTMENT The skating rinks were maintained through February and have been left alone as of March 1st. The weather has fluctuated too much to allow flooding. The skidsteer loader that was being used as a demo was returned to the dealer. We were able to use it for more than two months. The summer months would have increased the use of it. I feel this machine would be in great demand in the Parks and in the Street Dept. Progress has been made on a plan to allow for equipment replacement. This was begun late in 1985, and has been changed as I become more familiar the equipment and the Cities ability to replace Capital Outlay items. Lagoon Park next to the Sinclair Addition was allowed to drain down to relieve the threat of the marsh flooding the back yards of surr- ounding residents. This was done by re-opening the outlet to Lake Minnetonka. This cost will be approximately $200.00, and it was not a budgeted item in 1986. The dredging of Jennings Bay has been set aside until possible approval in the 1987 Budget. Shade Tree Program - Three trees were removed on the Brighton Commons. Commons Docks - With the start of March, the Commons Docks applications and residents questioning different aspects of it are at a peak. A .large portion of my time now is spent organizing this program so the Dock Inspector, who will return in late March, will be able to assume it with little trouble. Summer Recreation Program - Jackie Meyer will be returning this summer as Recreation Program Supervisor. She is checking into getting a student intern from the University of Minnesota. Recreation. Commission - Minutes of the February meeting are attached. MINUTES OF THE HOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION MEETING OF February 13, 1986 Present were: Chair Nancy Clough;.Commlssloners Cathy Bailey, Cheryl Burns, Marl- lyn Byrnes, Dolores Maas, Linda Panetta.and Lowell Swenson; Counci) Representative Phyllis Jessen; Park Director Jim Fackler and Secretary Marge Stutsman. C0mmi$- sloners Andy Gearhart and Robin Michael were absent 'and excused. Also present were the following )n[erested persons .associated with Vineyard of the Lake Church: Pastor Robert Whitesel, Joseph K. Mimms, Pastor John Ericksen, Cayla Ericksen, Dave A])yn and Patti Zimmerman. HINUTES The minutes of the.January 7, 1986 Park Commission meeting were presented fOr con- sideration. Bailey moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve the minutes as 'presented. The vote was-unan)mouSlY in favor. Request for use'of the'.Depot Bu.llding'by.'~vinAyard of'the Lake-Church Pastor Whitesel explained that they have.had a'¥outh program which has been a- model around the United States fOr the past 8 years and' now are looking for a facility for their meeting place in this area. They have been meeting downtown; part of Jesus People.Church, That.building has been sold because they found most of their peop)e come from the suburbs. They are in the process of purchasing land in Orono. They are an interdominationa) church and workwith a lot of dif- · ferent churches In the area. .They draw from the Hound area heavily. They try to have a local gathering, area for young people to come to. They have singers and musicians that-come to lead singing; they usually have a movie or a speaker; they have testimonia]s from different people such as Carl Ka'su]ke wh~ was with the Hinnesota Vikings. They try to bring in youth oriented speakers who can tell them about their own misadventures. They a'lso have a drama program youth can get in- volved in. Their purpose is to.get the. kids out of main life style, out of the drug culture, out'of peer pressure and things.]ike that and make )t a positive. peer pressure. Program would be about 1½ hours with a positive speaker and environ- ment. Commissioners asked about ages of group, supervision, time sequence they wanted. Whitesel.stated group is mostly teens and post teens; it is staffed by college age kids from the University or St. Kate's with one or two other adults always there; he said supervision is very important to them to maintain their record. They would like to begin in Hatch and have found best thing is to have program at the same place on a regular basis; they are asking that it be Wednesday (thought Friday might, be a better nitq but there might be more conflicts for use of building) Bailey asked if we have policy/guidelines for use of building? The Commission discussed haVing the building used on a long term basis; what fees should be charged; any previously scheduled use of the building and whether those meetings could be relocated; when group would anti'cipate being in their own facility; etc. Whitesel stated they are prepared to pay a fee; they would like to pay about $25. per use; they hoped that would be fair. The group doesn't charge the young people or ask for donations. They wish to provide an alternative for the average young kid who has seen the movies, wants to do something with his friends and meet others their own age. They wi1) be negotiating for land in Orono within two weeks and plan on breaking ground about a year from now. Park Commission Minutes February 13, 1986 - Page 2 Haas stated the Depot had been reserved for various Wednesday .evenings between now and June by the committee for Hound City Days, but they would be willing to use City Hall if that were available. Staff is to check, but it was thought to be available. Bailey was concerned about traffic problem and parking situation. It was mentioned, with the condominiums, it was going to be-interesting to-see how things worked.out. Whitesel .stated they were used to coming early for con- certs and they.thought many kids would be dropped off or would.bike over. Seating also would be.no problem. He also.stated that having refreshments'was not a neces- sity and would be up to the Commission whether they wish to allow. Hostly they would just have pop/bars, etc. They would leave premises as they found them. Haas moved and Swenson seconded a motion that Co~mlsslon let the group, rent the Depot faci.lity starting in Harch with.a review'of the. use,at the'Commiss'ion~s July meeting conditioned upon payment of $25. weekiy fee..to cover maintenance and a $200 damage deposit with the check being held. The vote was unanimously · in favor. Commercial Dock Defini.tion Park Director Jim Fackier. explained that.in the.Ordinance, there.are several classifications: ]) group or association', 2) A1 & A'lma's.type'.and,3) Blue Lagoon Harina type.. There is a conflict.on what iS being charged for;.i.e. Lakewinds and Seahofse~are not charged.~ Commission'discussed whether they really are com- mercial type of ~se.. Commission thought ordinance should be' revised, to be more specific...Fackler will write'to Comm. ercial dock applicants and get information from them regarding regulations and restrictions-of their associations. Dock Rentai"'for Seniors' Park Director Jim Fackier explained.application states.seniors get 50~ off of straight docks; it was wondered why not 50~ on all docks for.seniors? He stated that in talking with Del.l' Rudolph, Dell feels strongly'that senlor should have half off on a]] docks. Bailey thought'they shouldn!t have a discount'on.L,. T and U docks. .0rigina]]y reason was to give little old person with a fishing boat a reasonably priced space. If person can afford big boat and'larger dock, price can be paid. Clough thought only straight docks.should'be a]]0wed to give more people opportunity'for a dock space. Fackier has sent.notices to Seniors with L,'T & U docks that balance is due on their doCks. Burns moved and Haas seconded a motion that dock fees remain the. same. The vote was unanimously in favor. (Straight senior docks onlY be half - $42.50). Reports Council RepresentatiVe Phyllls Jessen reported that Minnetrista answered the DNR well relatlve to providing accesses to Lake M.innetonka. Clough commented that Manager Shukle's le.tter to the DNR supports Minnetrista's position.. Jessen would like Mound to'answer the Task Force and address it more seriously. She reported we are not any further on.Lost Lake and that the proposed Ski School on Lake Langdon had been .turned down. · Park Director Jim Fackier reported on a study the City.had done On Lost' Lake dated June of i974; the cost estimate on'that was $321,394. Ed Hassek~s'p]an was a slmpler plan; but apparently is not aval]able. .He reported that the fishing pier for Hound'Bay Park is on hold--he talked with the DNR and their fiscal year ends in July, s° we won't know until end of'June if funds are available. Also the Depot $'7/ Park Commission Minutes February ]3, 1986 - Page 3 improvements will depend on whether any. m~tching Federal funds wi]] be received. Fack]er reported the Parks Department inherited a ']954 Dodge 4 wheet drive which will give the Department another set of wheels. Fackler reported.he's kept busy wlth snow removal, maintaining the ice rlnks and various projects around City Hall. Hound City Day Clough reported.this is Scheduled for June 22nd--the.same day as.the Fire Depart- ment Fish Fry and a.3 Hile Harathon Race. She gave a little information on the planning that.is taking place and questioned whether satelites and garbage cans can be furnished again this year. Adjournment Swenson moved and.Panetta seconded a motion.to adjourn. All were in favor, so meeting adjourned at CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE:' ED SHUKLE AND COUNCIL MEMBERS · JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1986 REPORT MARCH 7, 1986 As encouraged as I was with January's sales, I am equally as disappointed with February's performance. The gross figures for February were $46,888,83, This is $1,698,59 less than February of 1985, The drop off in customers was just as .discouragi.ng. In February of 1985, 6229 customers passed through the turn styles. This year in February, the faithful numbered only 5739, A decrease of 490 people! I hope they were all vacationing somewhere, and I wish they would come home soon. On a brighter note, the liquor wholesalers contunued with their price war, Since December of 1985, they have been battling one another to see which of them wrll survive. The prediction is that there will eventually be only three houses remaining out of five. If that happens, watch out! The prices will skyrocket, from them, to us, to you. On the other hand, the national beer companies, (Anheuser'Busch, Miller Strohs, Coors, Pabst) were true to form and took their annual price raise. They raised their prices to their distributors across the board, who in turn increased the cost of goods to us on an average of · 30¢ to .40¢ per case. On a local level there has been a change at your Mound Municipal Liquor Store. If you don't frequent us that much you probably won't notice it. What happened is that after a year and a half, I finally was able to get around to doing a major shelf reset. This was possible to do now, because we finally closed out a lot of items that were taking up valuable shelf space. Not only does it make better sense and look 100% better, but if also helped us in four other ways: 1. It opened up the cordia] and liqueur area, making that shelf easily accessible to the customer. · 2. It allowed us to take down a huge and rather awkward looking Lambrusco display. Thus, we were able to condense the bottles into a smaller section. 3. It opened up a prime area of the store that can be utilized for more efficient and diverse displays. 4. More importantly, it increased our "wine cooler" section by three times. This is most beneficial to us with the warm weather coming up. An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities, We will be able to offer a wider selection and it will be a lot easier to stock. On other matters, I began getting bids for our inventory tags that we put on the wine and liquor bottles. I should say I started requesting bids instead of actually receiving them, because no one has gotten back to me yet. I am glad I started early. I also began working on a St. Patrick's Day Sale,'we are going to run from March 7th through the 17th. An ad in the LAKER will appear in the March llth issue. The ad will be green, a quarter of a page in size and be on the back page of the Laker. I am eager for the warmer months to arrive which is when we do the most volume, so that I can determine whether or not the new Marina Wine and Spirits Store is going to have a major affect on our business. .... :MONTH' OF CITY OF MOU~fD 1.IOtf~ ~ t4TN~ '~SOTA MONTHLY ACTTV-ITY REPORT OF LIQUOR 'DEPART~[EN'T" ..-:, ....... THIS MONTH L~ST MONTH ..' THiS Co-mpaz'-ison of Honthly S81es Month .f cITy OF MOUND Bound, Minnesota TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle, City Manager Jan Bertrand, Building Official March 5, 1986 February 1986 Monthly Report 2-1-86 to 1. 2-5-86 2-6-86 1. 2. 3. 4. Sick Leave - Orono Inspectors doing field work. Met with Fire Marshal, Jerry Babb. Answer phone calls 8 to l0 A.M. Met with Orono Inspector, Tom Jacobs Met with Dick Smith regarding Wilshire Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit with instructions and requirements. Met with B & C Heating regarding plans for Balboa Minnesota Footing inspection at Town Square Project Talked to Balboa regarding exterior storage violation of C.U.P. off of Lynwood Boulevard. 2-7-86 1. Had discussion with Jeff Kelley regarding Town Square blueprint and code requirements for south portion (Drug Store). 2. City vehicle at shop to repair muffler. 3. Answer phone calls 8 to 10 A.M. 4. Met with Jim Fackler regarding.park building and complaint letter on Woodcrest 5. Met with Greg Skinner regarding Shepherd's Laundromat, new con- struction approval and public works building. 6. Field inspection work: Balboa Minnesota Chapman Place Manchester Port Harrison Townhomes Sheetrock and footing inspections to be done by Orono Inspector. 7. Record inspections on cards 8. Discussion with Bill Hudson regarding 3118 Inverness Lane; no heat in building; kids sick and remodeling being done without permits (James Otto). 9. Reviewed mail at home 10. City vehicle had tailpipe hanger fixed. 2-10-86 1. Met with John Cameron and Ed Shukle at Anthony's Florist to review stockpile request. 2. Answered phone inquiries 8 to I0 A.M. 3. Wrote memorandums to City Manager Off in afternoon Planning Commission meeting 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. 2-11-86 City car won't start; arranged tow to garage 1. Answer phone calls 8 to lO A.M. 2. Code complaint recheck at 3137 Donald Drive rental. 3. Port Harrison inspection 4. Balboa sheetrock inspection. 5. Site inspection regarding nonconforming house remodel at 1713 Gull Lane Memorandum to Ed Shukle, City Manager Subject: February 1986 Monthly Report.- Page 2 2'11-86 6. Discussion with tentative buyer regarding land on Morton Lane; vacant property, and soil report. 2-12-86 1. Answer phone calls 8 to lO A. M. 2. Plan review for new dwelling 3. Inspections at Balboa, Chapman Place, Setter Circle, etc. 4. Heating Inspectors' meeting on fire/ceiling/damper requirements. 5. Discussed basement finishing with 4848 Hanover Road owner. 6. 'Reviewed mall received, City property for sale, summer intern · program, questionnaire from I.C.B.O., etc. 2-13-86 Off work 2-14-86 2-18-86 2-19-86 2-20-86 1, Answer phone calls 8 to 10 A.M. 2. Inspections at 5055 Edgewater Drive - heating; Solarium Systems; Town Square - footl'ng; 3072 Dundee Lane; 31]8 Inverness Lane - Police Department complaint; Chapman Place receheck sheetrock Unit 108. 3. Reviewed mall received 4. Reviewed 3 appll'catlons'for building permits. 1. Answer phoneca.lls 8 to ]0 A.M. 2. Filed expense report 3. Discussion regarding variance for undeveloped lot with no im- proved public right-of-way. 4. Made inspections at: 6216 Red Oak Road; 3OO1 Island View Drive; 5709 Lynwood Boulevard. 5. Staff meeting 2 hours. 6. Town Square foot:lng, inspection 7. Write correspondence 8. Review mail. 9. City Council meeting 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. 1. Answer phone calls 8 to 9 A.M. 2. Inspections at 4540 West Arm, Spring Park and 950 North Shore Drive, Orono. 3.' Met with City Engineer regarding survey and site plans for remodeling. 4. Site inspection with owner, Tim Shannon, of 3137 Donald Drive regarding code compliance letter dated October 8, 1985. 5. 62]6 Red Oak Road footing inspection 6. 2670 Commerce' Boul'evard hydro test. 7. Write correspondence to R. L. Anderson and Bill Hudson, Police Department. 8. 4882 Edgewater Drive site inspection. 9. Approve permit for A1 & Alma's remodeling. 10. Research technical report for TECO Plywood Products. 1. Answer phone calls 8 to l0 A. M. 2. Chapman Place Inspections - 3 trips relative to 2 hour sprinkler test. 3. Reviewed Planning Commission minutes and new agenda for 24th of February. 4. Four persons at office to discuss possible lot purchase, variance request, code compliance and application for permit. Memorandum to Ed Shukle, City Manager Subject: February 198~ Monthly Report - Page 2-20-86 5. Wrote correction notice for Chapman Place 2-21-86 1. Answer phone cal. ls 8 to I0 A.M. 2. Sheetrock inspection at Balboa and met with Architect and Job Forman 3. Reviewed subdivision status. 4. Plan review. 2-24-86 1. Answer phone calls 8 to lO A.M. 2. Site inspection with Hennepin County Planning & Development Office at 1631 Gull Lane 3. Request for help from tenant at 3235 Dexter Lane 4. Plan review 5. Posted "no occupancy" at 5540 Lynwood Boulevard TIF District Planning Commission Training meeting 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. 2-25-86 2-26-86 2-27-86 2-28-86 1. Answer phone calls 8 to l0 A. M. 2. 1555 Bluebird Lane plumbing inspection 3. Discussed R. Anderson and Sinclair Court Subdivisions with Mark Koegler and John Cameron. 4. Dictated Planning Commission minutes 5. Made inspections at: 825 01d Crystal Bay Road South, Orono and 4470 Forest Lake Landing, Orono. 6. .Discussed proposal of lawn and garden area at Coast to Coast. 7. Reviewed mail received and applications for permits. 8. Wrote up citation for 3118 Inverness Lane 1. Met with Sinclair Court and Town Square - preconstruction meetings. 2. Met at Balboa Minnesota 2 hours regarding: Sheetrock 2 hour walls; storage on.lots; Fire Sprinkler ComPanY; met with Phil regarding grading at old Metro site for parking lot. 3. Replace glass at City Hall; Solarium Systems to get two panes for skylights. 1. Met with several builders and landowners to discuss projects and issue two additional remodels. 2. Town Square column.inspection. 3. Discussion with Don Bryce regarding Balboa Minnesota - sprinkler pit and flammible storage. 4. Final inspection - 2992 Highview - many problems not approved. 5. School District 277 inspections at Community Center, Seniors' Center and Grandview. 6. Fill car with gas. 7. Correspondence to Attorney regarding yesterday's meeting on Sinclair Court. 8. Discussed Lagoon Park (Channel opening to be cleaned out) with City Manager and Geno. 9. Had Purchase Order approved for $2900. for heating controls modi- fication for City Hall. 10. Answer phone calls 8 to 10 A. M. 1. Minnegasco breakfast meeting - discussion on new innovations in gas piping and appliances; Japanese concept of portable appli- ance with house outlets for gas in each room, etc. Memorandum to Ed Shukle, City Manager Subject: February 1986 Monthly Report - Page 4 2-28-86 2. Met with Jim Fackler to discuss wetland ordinance and restric- tions for dredging on City property. 3. Jerry Babb discussed L. P. Tanks 4. Inspections: Plumbing & heating at 5891 Beachwood; Code com- pliance at 3137 Donald Drive 5. Paper work: Pull permits, write up corrections, etc. 6. Plan review 7. Issue SuperAmerica certificate of occupancy. Conditional Use Permit for Charlie Jones' marina and underground gas tank at 4850 Edgewater Drive and subdivision of Richard T. Anderson's Westedge Boulevard property were handled and referred from the Planning Commission. Budget figures are not available for February. The January closing budget figure indicate this Department spent $5,734.35 which is 5.7 of the total Department budget for January through the 31st. The total number of Building Permits issued in February was II with a valu- ation of $170,000. Copy of Building Activity Report attached. CITY OF HOUND City 5341 haywood Road Street Address Mound, I~N, 55364 Ci~ and State BUILDING ACTIVI~ REPORT Monthof February ~ ~ N~ RESIDENTIAL I1" ~1~ CONSTRUCTION [Faro ~ ,0O0. IDENTtAL Grou!~ & Tmn$ienO Non. Flmlly )N*RESIDENTIAt- 84,300. Totsl NO~* Res~clontlal RESIDENTIAL ADDITI(~ NS AND ALTERATIONS , Total Residential NTIAL ADDI- & ALTERATIONS Total Non' Residential MONTH AND t DATE CONVERSIONS Total Convar$1ofli DEMOL~IONS iNSPECTIONS, Insp. TOTAL 67,000. 61,20C 44,000. 170,000 124,200. 5540 5542 Lynwood Blvd. Lynwood Blvd. LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 53Ztl MaYwood Road Telephone 472-3711 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 544-9511 EMERGENCY 911 TO: Ed Shukle FROM: Chief Harrell SUBJECT: MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY, 1986 I. Statistics The police department received 547 calls for service in the month of Feb- ruary. Among the calls reported were 22 Part I Crimes and 57 Part II Crimes. There were 8 property damage accidents, 10 medicals, and 109 animal complaints. Mound was called upon to assist other agencies 10 times. The patrol division issued 180 adult citations, including 79 parking viola- tions. Juveniles received 8 moving violations~. .... There .were 6 arrests for DWI; all adults. In addition, 133 warnings were issued to both juvenile and adults. There were 4 arrests for felonies and 38 for misdemeanors. 9 of those arrests were juveniles. A total of $9,196 worth of property was reported'stolen; of which, $6,605' was recovered. II. InvestiEations The department spent a good deal of investigation time continuing the PDQ robbery investigation. Several officers were also involved in the arrest of three adult males for burglary of a local home. The case is being reviewed at the county attorney's office. Child abuse cases continue to require a significant amount of investigative time. Over 45 hours were expended on following-up on 7 current abuse cases during the month of February. Another 40 hours were spent in training for Sgt. Bill Hudson in the area of child abuse, sponsored by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. There were 10 check cases investigated requiring another 25 hours of investi- gative time. Ed Shukle Monthly Report Page Two III. Manpower Officers Truax and McKinley missed work because of injuries on the job. Off. Truax had a neck spasm reoccur from his car accident in December, and missed 8 days. Off. McKinley fell while pursuing a stolen 3-wheeler, on foot, and suffered a shoulder injury; missing one day of work. Canine "Mickey" has developed a shoulder problem that is currently being diagnosed. It is unknown whether he suffered some kind of soft tissue strain or may have more serious problems. Uniformed officers were assigned to work in plain clothes for 6 shifts during the month to assist in following up cases. IV. Training. A total of 225 hours of training was received by officers of the department. The training hours were for EMT school (81), child sexual abuse (40), defensive tactics (24), Minnesota Data Practices (8), Intoxilyzer schoQ1 (40). V. Overtime Thirty hours of overtime was caused by filling short shifts while Off. Truax was out IOD. Another 8 hours of overtime was incurred because of illness. Presidents Day accounted for 25.5 hours of premium pay for three shifts. Officers received another 12 hours of overtime for calls that necessitated work after shift end; such as transports to jail and needed follow-ups. VI. Reserves The Reserves donated 285 hours in the month of February. The bulk of their hours were spent working hockey games at the Pond Arena and in a reserve squad doing house checks. Several officers received training accounting for 42.5 hours. CIty , ' .......... MOLI~D nonT. n r~.D~UAKI' ~V ~0" CITATIONS DWI or OUI Hore than .10~ BAC AI~ULT JUV Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired OL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired, or No Plates Illegal Passln9 ~top Slgn Vlolatlons' Failure to Yleld Equipment Violations ~..&R Leavln9 the Scene Illegal or .Improper Lane Usage Illegal or Unsafe Turn' 15 Over the Centerllne ': p~Fk'l n~l:.V:~,6l'a';~'lTOi~'~-" .. 7c) Crosswalk 0o9 Ordinances Derelict Autos Hls~ellaneous Tags TOTALS I 1- · 37'. 5' 1 13 '~ I 6 2 180 8 WARNINGS Traffic 29 2 Equipment '. 82 10 Crosswalk. Animals 10 Trash/Derelict Autos ' Other TOTAL ARRESTS Felony i sdemeanor 31 , 30 8 PROPERTY LOSS/RECOVERY SUHKARY ITEM Bikes Snowmobiles -Boats, Hotors, Trailers ¢1othlng CurrencY, Notes, Etc. Jewelry & Precious Metals . Home Furnl shlngs Radio & Electronic Equipment Vehicles & Vehicle Equipment Hlscellaneous TOTAL STOLEN $ 40 6,281 324 7OO 100 615 296 84O $9,196 RECOVERED $6,600 5 $6,605 Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct 1 1 1 ' 2 __ Robbery 2 ~ ' Assault Burglary 3 3 1 Larceny 14 1 13 1 Vehicle Theft 2 2 2 Arson TOTAL 22 2 21 2 4 3 2 PART' II CRIMES Child Abuse/Neglect 3 1 3 1 Forgery/NSFChecks', 13 13 3 1 Criminal Damage to ProPerty 12 12 WeapOns Narcotic Laws 1 1 1 1 Liquor Laws DWI ~5 5 Simple'Assaul~ 2 2- 1 2 1' 1__ Domestic Assault 5 5 3 2 2 Domestics (No Assault) 1 1 Harassing Phone Calls 6 1 5 1 Runaway/Incorrigibility 2 2 1 1 1 Public Peace 4 4 3 Ail Other Offenses 3 3 1 2 1 1 TOTAL · 57 2 56 13 15 tl 3 PART III & IV REPORTS Property Damage Accidents ..... 8 8 Personal Injury ~ccidents 0 0 Fatal Accidents Medicals 10 10 Animal Cpmplaints 109 109 Mutual Aid 10 10 Other General Investigations 331 331 TOTAL 468 468 TOTAL ACTIVITIES 547 4 545 15 19 14 5 · . I:'OI.,ICE/CRI]'YEA~¥~~ORT MON~{ I~HgBRUARY ~ 1986 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY - -THIS THIS YEAR LAST YEAR MONTH TO DATE TO DATE ~azardous Citations 62 135 120 Non-Hazardous Citations 26 93 122 Hazardous Warnings 28 71 40 Non-Hazardous Warnings 105 214 146 Par~ng Citations 79 163 190 DWI 6 16 8 OVER .10 5 11 4 .'Property Damage Accidents 8 15 20 Personal Injury Accidents 0 3 2 Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 t Felony.Arrests 6 7 6 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 51 75 69 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 10 i.' 10 - Juvenile Felony Arrests 3 3 5 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 11 14 12 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 0 0 - Par~ I Offenses 21 ,44 40 Part II Offenses 56 124 63 Medicals 10 39 32. Animal Complaints 109 204 172 Other General Investigations 331 747 980 TOTAL 917 1,988 2,031 ists 50' 50 - Follow_Ups 38 38 - MOUND POLICE RESERVES HOURS FEBRUARY 1986 NAME ,~ E.C.O. ~".R.~. R.S. TR. R. Brown ' 0 13 0 2 R. Hawks 0 8½ 0 0 D. Huggett 0 0 0 0 D. Shenkyr 0 0 24½ 17 D. St. Cyr ~ ~ 0 1 7½ 20 D. Thompson 2½ 11½ 4 0 R Vogel 1 4 29 3! · 2 INST. C.S. 2 2 o 5½ 0 0 4 0 8½ 6 9 0 o 5½ H.G, 7 11 5 12½ 0 15 AD. 0 15 0 0 0 15 0 MTe 0 1 0 TOTAL 26 5 59 43 51 TOTALS 3½ 38 65 42½ 23½ 19 58 30 5.5 285 E.C.0.-Emergency Call Out R.A.- Ride' Along with Regular Officer R.S;- Reserve Squa~ TR.- Training Henn. Cty. Auxilary Police School RQTA Training Seminar(Drug Awareness) INST.- Instuction Given CPR Class taught at Comm. Services C.S.- Community Service Details High School Dance H.G.- Hockey Games AD.- Administrative Hours MT.- Monthly Meeting Prepared by D. Thompson MOUND POLICE RESERVES SEVERANCE MONEY FEBRUARY 1986 · OFFICER RoSier t' Brown Butch' Hawks Darrell Huggett Dave Shenkyr Dave St. Cyr Debbie Thompson Ruth Vogel TOTAL AMOUNT DEPOSITED 12.50 20.00 17.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 95.00 TOTAL 22.50 149.00 58.00 47.50 25.00 '118.00 145.00 565.00 Hazardous Violations ~~rdo~ Violations Hazardous Wa~n~n~' Parking D~ Over .10 Adult ~elon~ Adult ~'~eme~n°~ Adult Citation Juve~1~e Fe~on~ Juvenile ~,~emeanor Juvenile Citation Ail Other Total Contacts Total ~n~t ASSISTS FOLmW-UPS EMERGENCY M'TONKA BEACH - . : FIRE EMERGENCY EMERGENCY / O~ONO - FIRE / 3 E~ERGENCY SHOREWOOD - FI RE EMERGENCY SPRING PARK- FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL ~IRE CALLS TOTAL. EHE~GENC~ CALLS GRASS g HISCELLANEOUS EALSE ALARH NO. OF HOURS - ~OUND FI~E /J~ TOTAL '- M'.TON~ B.-F~E EHERG~NCY - OKONO FIRE EMERGENCY - SHO~EWOOD-Fl~[ TOTAL EMERGENCY' TOTAL TOTAL FIRE NOUKS TOTAL FIRE ~ EHERGENCY HOURS' MUTUAL AID aECEIVED D KUTUAL AID GIVEN E DEPA~4ZNT ~ORT FOR MO1Fi~ OF -~,~'~ DATE OATE DRILLS DRILL MAIN. TOTAL 50URL¥ .~-/a ~-~ WAGES WAGES HOURS ~TE WAGES I C. Henderson ~ ~ ~ /~. ~ ~ /~ ~- . 7~. ~ T. Ingram~ / ~ ~ /~'~ ~ ~ ~- G Johnson ~ ~ ; ~0 ~~ ~-- 3~ ~ S. L~ndsm~n. ~ ~ ~- ~'~ ~ ~-- T. ~%,smussen : ~ ~ ~ /~~ q ' ~- v'. ~wenson ~ ~ I ¢.~0 d- . "' Il Hound, Hi nnesota DRILL RE PORT Date Discipline and Team Work Critique of Fires Time m Pumper Oper~tlon Fire Streams ~ Friction Los s T~me Pre-Planning &'Inspections .~ools s Apparatus Identifying Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing House Burnings Natural & Propane Gas & Demonstrations Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Talk Films Firs-t Aid and ResCue Operation Radio Operations House Evolutions Uge of Self-Contained Masks Inhalator Operation NOTE: HouYs Training Paid X Excused X Nozzle & Hose Alliance Unexcus~d 0 Present, Not' Paid ~)/.D~. David Q. }~. .o~,/~:. S. Erickson '~'/~ A. DI/~ C. Henderson ~ I ~'/~B F Landsman R. H~rschke F~, : ~. ~atus Nelson ~ e~.t .... Opitz ~I/.~T. Stat]man Palm ._~. Swenson ~aim D I/.~-T. Swenson Pederson ~'/.L.r, T. X~ll lams ', :--~-~- -~ '/o- 7;, -~ n 0 r,, '~ MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT O O MEN ON DUTY J. Anderson G. Anderson J. Babb J. Beauchamp D. Boyd D. Bryce S. Bryce D. Carlson P. Charles S. Collins M. David S. Erickson J. Garvais L. Heitz C. Henderson J. Henke T. Ingram G. Johnson B. Landsman R. Marschke J. Nafus M. Nelson A. Opitz B. Palm G. Palm M. Palm G. Pederson D. Platzer T. Rasmussen C. Razba M. Savage T. Stallman W. Swenson T. Swenson M. Tobey R. Williams T. Williams TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS Mound, Minnesota 55364 DRILL Dn~e i scipl i ne and Team 14ork ~i'tlq~e of Fires re-Planning &'lnspectlons "cola ~ Apparatus IdentifY/lng land Extinguisher Operation /earing Protective Clothing films Firs.t Aid and Res'cue Operation. ~)~e of Self-Contalned Masks Time Pumper Operation Fire Streams s Friction Loss House Burnings Natural S Propane Gas Talk & Demonstrations Ladder Evol utions Salvage Operations Radio Operations House EVolutions · Nozzle & Hose Alliance Time. Inhalator Operation NOTj~mm)' HouYs: Training Pald X Excus&d X Unexcus~d '0 Present, Not' Paid c/°/f: S. Bryce DI/~. D. Carlson D/la P. Charles ~1/.~. S. Collins 91/~- S. Erickson .D IhA-J. Garvais ~) L. Heftz '-)l/~)- G. Henderson ~ J. Henke ~ I/)--T. Ingrain ~ I/..~,G. Johnson ~)~/,1- B. Landsman ~) ~/,~-- R. Marschke · David D//J- J.*~fus . ~'~ M. Savage ~);/~-- M. Nelson Q~/~- A. Opitz alm c~'% G. Palm Dl/~. )vi .~,?~ lm G. Pederson · D. Platzer b;/J-- T. Rasmussen ~) T. Stallman ~'/~- T. Swanson - D ~/)-- W. SwerSon .'. ~ '/~, M. Tobey . ~//~-R. Williams ~/AL-T. Williams CITY of MOUND 5~41 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 March 13, 1986 TO: Ed Shukl~, City Manager FROM: Greg Skinner, Utilities Supt. SUBJECT: February's Monthly Activity Report In February we pumped 16,670,O0 gallons of water, two new water accounts were recorded, 1,OO1 meters were read out of 1,014. Meter testing and repairs were down this month due to an increase of service calls, snow plowing .and snow removal. Meter and outside reader failure rate is up this month to .1%. We well reduce this rate in March. February had three watermain breaks', all were pretty routine and no major damage. The redevelopment of Well #7 is. now completed with start up the second week of March. As for the Sewer Dept. the month of February was routine and quiet, no backups or breakdowns. I received a letter from Metro Sewer in regards to our flow estimated for 1985. It appears that our flow was considerably less than estimated. We are down from 467 million gallons per year to 410 million.gallons per year. The reason for this I believe is that Metro has finally put the pressure on Minnetrista and Shorewood and found problems in their sewer lines. In addition Metro has cleaned and televised their own lines and have found a~ few problems with their lines. Metro has assured me that these problems will be taken care of in the near future, so it looks like all the years we spent talking with Metro are starting to pay off. An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 March 6, 1986 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Geno Hoff, Street Supt. SUBJECT: Monthly Report for February The Month of February started out very mild as far as snowfall. We spent about 4 days mixing salt and sand. We had the snowblower and 2 trucks out widening and hauling snow away from walls and sidewalks° We also had the blade with the wing out widening in some areas. We had one truck hauling 3/4 to dust red rock to the stockpile for water main breaks. The Street Dept. helped on the main break that was located on Bartlett, February 14, it lasted about 7 hours. On the 13th we got 3.8 inches of snow in the afternoon, sanded 4 hours. .The 14th we started to plow and sand at 4 a.m. and finished at noon. We then cleared sidewalks. The 15th it started.to snow at 2:00 p.m. and quit at 1:00 a.m~, we got 4.2 inches and started to plow and sand at 4:00 a.m. finished at 10:OO a.m. on the Sunday the 16th. The 20th we got another 1~ of snow. SALT & SAND We mixed 331 ton of sand with 44.84 ton of salt this month. We hauled in 67.35 ton of red rock. CEMETERY We staked out 4 graves and sold one, plowed and sanded the road 4 times in the month of February. February was a hard month on equipment as far as repairs go. Unit #1, the the Street Dept. pickup, had a valve job which cost $540.00. The truck has a lot of miles on it and is wornout, The snowblower had a An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. PAGE 2 a bearing and blower fan 2o out, the cost for the parts was $400.00 and we did the labor. Unit #13, thats one of the 2~ ton snowplow trucks, had to have the rearend replaced cost was $2,095.00, Gary's Diesel did the work. This is the truck that is going to be replaced by the new one. The City Mechanic quit February 26 and was replaced by Greg Bergquist. CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MONTH OF MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT OF STREET DEPARTMENT WORK DESCRIPTION Administration Patching Snow Plowin8 Sidewalk Snow Removal .C.B.D. Maintenance Material Transport ping Sand & Ice Control Miscellaneous Sisns & Lightly8 ' Garase - Repair & Maint. Cemetery (Tree trimming) Right of Way Maint. (hauling snow) Storm Sewer Maint. Seal Coating Water Main Breaks Lift Station Insp. HOURS OVERTIME 0 x/?. © 0 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 March ;4, 1986 TO: FROM: RE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK FEBRUARY MONTHLY REPORT February Just seemed like it started and it was all over. The month had only 19 working days, so much had to be accomplished. I attended the following extra meetings, 2 HRA Meetings and 2 Public Works Facility Study Committee Meetings, as well as the normal 2 City Council Meetings. The HRA Meetings were to clear up items on Town Square and bring the HRA up-to-date on the project, The P.W. Facility Study Committee Meetings were to help prepare the information that went into the brochure for the facility. The City Council Meetings involved the usual preparation and coordination of the Agenda..with 'the City Manager, .setting up the packets and having Linda Strong run the packets. Linda is the City's receptionist and a God-send to me and the Finance Dept. She not only answers the phone anywhere from 40 to 60 times~a day, fielding the calls to the correct person, but helps both the Finance Dept. and the City Manager/City Clerk Department by doing overflow work. She also does alot of typing for the Departments who do not have secretarial help, i.e. Liquor, Fire, Parks, and the Dock Inspector. She is also in charge of handling all incoming and out going mail, copying things for various departments, keeping the fire reports for all the cities and checking them against the month-end sheets from the Fire Department, office supply ordering, directing people when they come into City Hall, taking messages when people are out of the office. I hope everyone realizes that she is' the first person alot of people come in contact with when they either call the City or come into the office, and I feel she does an excellent job of giving people a positive and helpful image of the City of Mound. More about Linda in future reports. This month was the month we finally got rid of the "house" at 5540 Lynwood Blvd. which has been such a thorn in everyone's 1 An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on{he basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Page 2 City Manager March 4, 1R86 side. After two moving companies refused to move the people out we finally found someone with a strong stomach, but it still took about 75 hours, several vans and a tow truck to get them moved. Unfortunately, they moved to another location in Mound. They did take all the cats (estimated 25 or more) with them. This entire move took about 3 weeks and getting these people to give up the house was not easy. The house was burned this past weekend so Town Square will now move ahead. The City Manager and myself attended the League Legislative Conference which was quite interesting because it was about the Governor's proposed budget cuts in LGA. We also attended a meeting sponsored by Miller/Schroeder regarding H.F. 3838, Federal Tax Reform, tax exempt bonding. We will be addressing Senators Boschwitz and Durenberger in Washington on this bill and alternative legislation that has been proposed and is being backed by Durenberger. I have been preparing for the upcoming April 8, Special Election. Lining up election judges, getting supplies, ordering the ballots, and getting the training materials for the judges together. Since we are doing this election paper ballot alot of the instructions needed to be changed. We mailed out 5,300 informational brochures on the Public Works Facility. They were sent to each registered voter (ones in the same household only' got one brochure). Then there was the normal duties of minutes, resolutions, answering a variety of questions for the public, researching various items for citizens and helping people find solutions for a number of different problems. 2 CITY of MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 To: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: John Norman Finance Directo~ RE: February 1986 Finance Department Report AUDIT The November - December 1985 tax settlement was received February 25th, This is the last information necessary before year end adjustments can be made, The last week of February and the beginning of March was spent_preParing for the audit, The final audit report is scheduled to be presented to the Council the first meeting in Hay, Both the auditor and myself will be.in attendance at that meeting, INVESTMENTS The roi.lowing is February Investment activity: Balance 2-1-86 $7,289,062 Bought: Repo 7.8% Due 3-3-86 Marquette 100,000 CD 7.8% Due6-13-86 Marquette 120,OO0 CD 7.8% Due 7-1-86 Marquette 120,OOO Matured: Comm. Paper 8.17~ Marquette (450,624) Bankers Acceptance 7.989% Marquette (400,281) Balance 2-28-86 $6,778,157 Breakdown of Balance Us Gov't Securities $4,599,225 Certificates of Deposit 990,OO0 Commerical Paper 575,569 Gov't Trust Pool 310,000 Bankers Acceptance 203,363 Repurchase Agreements 100,000 $6~778~!57 An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. February Finance Report Page 2 TOWN SQUARE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Balance 2-1-86 and 2-28-86 $614,652.63 No activity in February The Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority has recently hired a new director. I will be meeting with her to explain the City's investment of Town Square money. WORKSHOP In February all Finance Department staff attended a Municipals workshop called "Improving Your Communication Style". I was informed that the workshop was interesting and worthwhile. A number of good points were brought out regarding handling various people and personalities. This workshop is appropriate since effective communication with the public is an important part of our job. MISCELLANEOUS The deadline for dock license applications was February 28th. The last week of February was busy at the counter collecting dock permit fees. I realize now how important the commons dock issue is to many Mound residents. There was an increase in the number of problems with outside meter readings for utility billing purposes. The problems led to some significantly larger utility bills for some Mound residents. I spent time reading letters from these residents and discussing the problems with Lois Sandquist and Greg Skinner. I was able to reach a compromise agreement with the residents regarding their high utility bills. It appears that there is nothing more the City can do to avoid these problems with outside meters. However, I will look into whether additional steps could be taken to prevent more problems from occuring. QmETROPOLITAN WA;TE CONTROL COMMI;;ION February 24, 1986 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound., MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle: This letter is to inform you regarding the volume of wastewater flow from your city in 1985. In addition, we would also llke to inform you of our activities to calibrate flow measurement equip- ment and televise our interceptors within the city during the past year. The wastewater flow from your city was determined (based on metered and unmetered flow) to be 410 million gallons (MG) in 1985. This volume is considerably less than the 467 MG of flow in 1984 and somewhat less than the estimated flow of 430 MG for 1985 and 1986. This decrease in flow is considerably more than that experienced by most other cities in the metro area. We believe the measured flow (M-422 and M-423) to be quite accurate as we calibrated M-422 on 2/15, 3/7, 5/17, 8/9/85 and- 1/9/86 and M-423 on 2/21, 7/9, 10/11/85 and 1/17/86 and found the meters to be operating satisfactorily on all occasions. The con- sistency of data bears out our confidence in the flow accuracy. A copy of the annual flow summary is attached for your infor- mation. We have met with the City of Minnetrista and reviewed their lift station operation to determine whether the flow data calculated from pump hours times calibrated capacity appears to be normal. We believe that the calculated flow from the Jennings and Halstead Bay Lift Stations is satisfactory and we have deducted it from the measured Mound flow (M-423). Likewise, we have reviewed the calculated flow from the Douglas Beach - Enchanted Island areas of Minnetrista and Shorewood using the data from our lift station (L-50). The flow from this area is significantly higher this year (36 to 55 MG) due to sewer connection problems in Minnetrista which were identified during the televising of our interceptor (6-MT-647). This flow was deducted from the measured Mound flow. .350 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612-222-8423 Mr. 'Edward J. Shukle Page Two 2/24/86 In response to your request, we televised all of the Metropolitan owned gravity sewers (6-Mo-650 and 6-M0-651)in your city during last year. We did inform-the public works personnel of your city when we began the investigation and invited their presence to view the condition of the interceptor as it was filmed. We do have the video tapes available for viewing at our interceptor service office at the Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant. The television inspection of our interceptor (6 MO 651) which constitutes the gravity sewer portions upstream of L-25, located at CO. 'Rd. 110 and Villa Lane, showed a significant tree root problem. The roots cause problems of flow restraint and may affect the structural integrity of the pipe. The inspection revealed that inflow/infiltration (I/I) was minimal in our pipe. ~owever, it was noted that some service connections to our inter- ceptor conveyed water which was very clear and perhaps consisted of groundwater infiltration into the sewer. The television inspection of our interceptor '(6-MO-650), which is upstream of our main lift station and along Langdon Lake, also showed some root problems. These root problems, while not so numerous as in the other interceptor were much larger and causing a maintenance problem. The inspection did show that some infiltration was occurring as joint leaks in the section of pipe along West Edge Boulevard directly upstream of our lift station. It is Our intent to correct these problems at some time in the near future to remove the infiltration 'source and insure the integrity of our interceptor. The Commission is concerned that both metropolitan and locally owned sewer lines are maintained in good condition so as to limit I/I and provide a conveyance system that has a dependable con- tinuity of service. If you have some questions in this regard, please let us know and we can meet to discuss them. % Sincerely, Chief Administrator LJB:RAO:blm cc: Commissioner JoEllen Hurr J. J. ~iniker, MWCC J. A. Almo, MWCC R. W. Arbour, MWCC R. A. Odde, MWCC M. P. Ferguson, MWCC Eugene Hickok & Associates BOARD MEMBERS Robert Ra$cop, Chairman Shorewood JoEIlen Hurr, Vice Chairman Orono Audrey Gisvold, Secretary Wayzata Jon Elam, Treaa.urer Mound ' Marvin Bjorlln Tonka Bay dan Bo'=winkel Minnetonka Beach Robert Tipton Brown Greenwood Frank de Monchaux Minnestrista Richard J. Garwoocl Deephaven Ron Kraemer Spring Park Robert K. Pillsbury Minnetonka Robert E. Slocum · Woodland Ron 8pargo victoria Carl H. Weissr Excelsior LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRIC. 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 6121473-7033 FRANK MIXA0 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO= DATE= SUBJ= MEMBER MUNICIPALITIES March 7, 1986 Public Parking at Lake Minnetonka Accesses At the recent Board meeting the LMCD Board of Directors modified the parking standards for public acceses on Lake Minnetonka. ~e modification eliminates the restricting on-street parking parking only. Sincerely, requirement for to car-trailer LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Cha irmau eric= Parking Standards 2-26-86 c/enc= Governor's Task Force .Metro Council Task Force on Lake Minnetonka, Alexander, Dayton~ Gardebring Carlson, Markell, Wallace~ Wheeler Area State Legislators State Executive Council County Commissioners Klossner~ Ault~ Latvaaho c/o Mauritz LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT PARKING STANDARDS LAKE MINNETONKA PUBLIC ACCESSES The Lake Minnetonka Task Force agreed to a goal of 700 long-term reliable spaces for car-trailer parking in the vicinity of present and· future access sites at Lake Minnetonka. The Task Force further recommended that the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District establish an acceptable' set of standards for identifying and counting of these spaces and monitor progress toward the goal on a continuing basis. The following set of standards has been adopted by the LMCD and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for application to Lake Minnetonka~ 1. All spaces must be within 1,500 feet of a public access point. 2. All off-site locations should be provided with a long-term agreement, five year minimum, on file with the LMCD. 3. The location of off-site spaces, either off-street: or - on-street, must be identified by clear, permanent-type signage at the access point. All off-street spaces.must be layed out on a plan on file with the LMCD. The plan shall clearly indicate each car-trailer space and adequate ingress, egress and maneuvering space. e All spaces must be available on an unrestricted, first-come- first-served basis, as a minimum from 5 p.m. on Friday until midnight Sunday, and on holidays, from April 15 to October 15. 6. All on-street spaces should meet the following additional standards: 6.1 Minimum length of 50 feet per space. 6.2 Adequate shoulder width to Preclude door opening into a traffic lane and to provide a safe route to the access point. 2-26-86 March 14, 1986 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER PERSONNEL CHANGES I want to update you on the personnel'changes occurring within the City of Mound. Dick Schnabel has resigned to.go into business with his son. Dick had been with the City for 1'O years as the mechanic. Dick has been replaced by Greg Bergquist who has been working in the Sewer Department since September 1985. We are currently 'advertising for a replacement for Greg in the Sewer Department. Holly Bostrom, custodian,'has resigned. Holly has been with the City for 8-9 years as a contractual employee for janitorial service. I have directed Jim Fackler to interview persons or firms to replace Holly and we hope to have someone by next week. 3. Mlcky, the Police Canine, has been replaced by Rex. Micky has bone cancer and had to be relieved of duty. ED:fc An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. CITY of MOUND March 17, 1986 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ~'~. ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER, SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of , Year Xll Community Development .Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardy" and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding (beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail.- able to us for Year Xll. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local un'its of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearings'are used as a forum for citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentially,.programs are aimed at assisting low and moderate-income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i.,e., interest write-down grants, matching loans to assist existing businesses with building rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too,-have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Citizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator. * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT 4,121.00 11,798.00 1,OOO.00 An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone,. Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation 10,000.00 24,390.00 TOTAL $51,309.00 * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. would begin August 1, 1986. Funding I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year Xll CDBG program. ES:fc March 17, 1986 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ~5. ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER. SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of Year Xll Community Development .Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardy" and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding' (beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail- able to us for Year XII. · The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local units of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearings are used as a forum for citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentially,.programs are aimed at assisting low and modera.te'income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i.e., interest write-down grants, matching loans to assist existing businesses with buildi-ng rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too,..have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Citizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT $ 4,121.00 11,798.00 1,000.00 An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race color, national ori§in, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or ernployment in, its programs and activities. Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone,. Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation 10,OOO.00 24,390.00 TOTAL $51,309.OO * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. Funding would begin August 1, 1986. I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year Xll CDBG program. ES:fc March 17, 1986 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER. SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of Year Xll Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardy" and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding (beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail- able to us for Year Xll. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local un'its of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearingsareused as a forum for citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentially,.programs are aimed at assisting low and moderate'income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i.e., interest write-down grants, matching loans to assist existing businesses with building rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too,.~have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Citizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator. * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT 4,121.00 1,798. O0 1,ood.oo An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in. its programs and activities. Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone,. Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation TOTAL * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. would begin August 1, 1986. 10,000.00 24,390.00 $51,309.O0 Funding I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year Xll CDBG program. ES:fc March 17, 1986 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: ' FROM: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER. SUBJECT: CDBG YEAR Xll FUNDS A public hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss the use of · Year Xll Community Development ·Block·Grant (CDBG) funds. As with all federal funding, CDBG is in "jeopardy" and we have been advised by Hennepin County that Year Xll funding (.beginning August 1, 1986) will be cut by 33%. Thus, we are looking at $51,309 as the amount avail- able to us for Year Xll · The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local units of government to hold public hearings on the proposed use of CDBG funds. The public hearingsareused as a forum for citizens to provide input on the use of the funds. Rules and regulations are fairly restrictive on how the funds can be used. Essentiall. y,·programs are aimed at assisting low and moderate 'income families (i.e., single family housing rehabilitation). In addition, CDBG has expanded to include economic development programs (i..e., interest write-down g'rants, match~~-s~st-~isting businesses with building rehabilitation and other redevelopment activities). Other social service type programs (i.e., senior citizens counselling, domestic intervention programs, etc.) have been funded with CDBG funds. Park improvement projects, too,.~have been undertaken with CDBG funds. To assist the City Council. in its decision on the use of Year Xll funds, I have developed a suggested Year Xll program for your review and consideration. The following is a project proposal based upon past uses of CDBG funds and immediate needs: PROPOSED PROJECT * Senior Citizen Counselling (Suburban Community Services) * Senior Citizen's Coordinator· * Westonka Intervention BUDGET AMOUNT 4,121.00 11,798.00 1,000.00 An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Page 2 Mayor & City Council March 17, 1986 Year Xll CDBG Funds Park Improvements (Clover Circle, Belmont, Seton, Edgewater, Tyrone,. Avon, Wychwood, Swenson, Doone and Avalon) Single Family Dwelling Rehabilitation 10,000.'00 24,390.00 $$1,309.00 TOTAL * Previously funded projects. Proposals are due into Hennepin County by March 26, 1986. Funding would begin August 1, 1986. . I am recommending that the above programs be approved for the Year XII CDBG program. ES:fo