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1987-10-27CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.fl.~ TUESD.A_~Y~ OCTOBER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 27.~._1987 Pledge of Allegiance Approve the Minutes of the October 13, 1987, Regular Meeting PUBLIC HEARING: Delinquent Utility Bills Pg. 2896-2902 Pg. 2903 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING: To Consider an '~-~p-T~T~'-T~r a n "0 n - S a 1 e" Intoxicating Liquor License for Joel Turunen, Star..Hospitalit~, Inc., dba Tonka Star, at 5241 Shoreline Blvd· (formerly Captain Billy's) (Additional material' to be handed out at meeting) Pg. 2904-2905 PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Portion of Phelps Road on the East Side of Tuxedo Blvd. Abutting.Lots 13 & 14, Block 20, Whipple (3314 Tuxedo Blvd.) P & Z Case #87-666 Pg. 2906-2912 Request by Ms. Sandra Konnad, 4458 Denbigh Rd. to address the Council regarding P & Z Case #87-673, Mr. Jack Cook, 4458 Denb.igh Roa.d. Variance was approved at the October 13, 1987, meeting Discussion on Item #7 in Resolution #87-145, Amendment to Balboa Mn. Corp. Conditional Use Permit Pg. 2913-2927 Pg. 2928-2932 Request for Issuance .of a Building Permit for 2867 Westedge Blvd. (Lot 11, Block 2, Westwood) by Mr. Richard M. Smith, 6600 Mohawk Trail, Edina Pg. 2933-2937 Request for Extension of Resolution #86-100, "Resolution to Approve a Final Plat of Seton Place, PID #24-117-24 14 0027/0038/0039/0013, Lots 7, 8, & 9, Block 29, and Part of Lot 6, Block 18, Seton, P & Z Case #86-507 and 508, Including the City Engineer's Recommendations on the Storm Sewer & Drainage Ditch" Pg. 2938-2944 Page 2893 10. Request for Extension of Resolution #87-181, "Resolution to Concur with the Planning Commission to Grant a Variance to Temporarily Place a Travel Trailer at 6260 Deerwood Drive, Lot 4, Block 3, Woodcrest . P & Z Case #87-668" Pg. 2945-2947 CASE #87-670: Don &.jan Larson, 4619 Carlow .Road, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and East 10 feet of 6, and the adjacent part of street vacated along the same; Block 24, Seton; (PID #19-117-23 24 0044/0045) 12. Request: CASE 187-671: Request: Front Yard Setback Variance Pg. 2948-2956 Earl & Nila Erlander, 4354 Wilshire Blvd., Lot 80, Phelps Island Park First Division, also land lying between sa~.d. Lot.80 and the shore of Block Lake, PID #19-117-23 13 0013 Lakeshore Setback Variance Pg. 2957-2967 Comments & Suggestions from Citizens Present. 14. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Notify James A. Riley that the City will Exercise its Option to Purchase Land Pg. 2968 15. Reappointment of Pinky Charon to the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority Pg. 2969-2970 16. Developer's Presentation of Country Inn Project at Lost Lake 17. Payment of Bills, 18. INFORHATION/HISCELLANEOUS Pg. 2971-2972 Pg. 2973-2987 A. September Financial Report as Prepared by Finance ~Director, John Norman B. Planning Commission Minutes of October 12, 1987 Pg. 2988-2989 Pg. 2990-2993 Article from St. Paul Pioneer Press (Business/ Twin Cities) Regarding Hotels Pg. 2994-2997 Notice of League Policy Adoption Meeting for 1988 Proposed Legislative Policies and Priorities. If you would like a copy of these, please let Fran know. Page 2894 Date: Time: Place: Wednesday, November 18, 1987 9:00 A.M. Sheraton Midway Hotel in St. Paul REflINDER: Special Council Work Session Saturday, October 31, 1987 7:30 A.M. Lafayette Club Please turn your goals and objectives in to Fran or bring them to the Saturday Meeting Pg. 2998 Page 2895 ... 165. October 13, 1987 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUMCIL - OCTOBER 13, 1987 The City. Council of Mound,. Hennepin. County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 13, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in.said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Don Abel., Liz Jensen, and Skip. Johnson. Councilmember Phyllis Jessen arrived at 7:50 P.M. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, Building Official Jan Bertrand, Police Chief Len Harrell, and the following interested citizens: Joseph Safreed, Nancy & Darrell Barclay, Dan & Liz Tveite, Ken Kelsey, Jim Beletti, Wade Neske, Chris Heeb, Joel Turunen, Bill McNamee, Jim McNamee, Teri Vitah, Don Maxwell, Tom Maxwell, Steve Coddon, Jack Cook, Paula Gronland, Bret Haage, Norman Berglund, Clarence & Carol Krotzer, Susan Dailey, Charles McCain. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance Was recited. MIMUTES MOTION made by. Abel, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the September 22, 1987, Regular Meeting, and the September 30, 1987, Special Meeting, as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR AN "ON'SALE" INTOXICATING LIQ~ UOR .LICENSE FOR JOEL..TURUNEN, · STAR HOSPITALITY, INC.~ DBA TONKA STARt· AT 5241 SHORELINE. BLVD, (FORMERLY CAPTAIN BILLY'S), The City Manager stated that the Police Chief is not recommending approval of this license at this time. The Police Chief stated that the investigation done has uncovered that there are more principals involved and additional funds involved that were not disclosed in the original application. The addi- tional principals are Bill McNamee, Mark Saliterman and Bill Alexander. He also stated that Mr. Turunen has not provided financial information and infor- mation regarding his investment in the business. Mr. Joel Turunen and Mr. Bill McNamee were present to answer questions from the Council. The Mayor opened the public hearing. No one responded. The Mayor closed the public hearing. There was discussion on the Tonka Star's status with the Health Dept. and the delinquent water and sewer bill owed to the City of Mound. 166 .... October 13, 1987 HOTION made by Smith to approve the 'On'Sale' Intoxicating Liquor License for North Star Hospitality, dba Tonka Star. Notion died for lack of a second. The council further questioned Hr. Turunen's involvement in the business. Hr. Turunen stated that according to his agreement with Hr. Alexander the defined amount that he will pay Hr. Alexander for the business is $125,000 and this· would be paid on a best .effort basis. He further stated that he has paid nothing down, has no investment and no actual payment schedule for the busi- ness. Hr. Turunen stated he would supply the necessary financial information and other information that has been requested. Hr. HcNamee stated that he will be managing the establishment and would be in: vesting in the business. He further stated that he will fill out the neces- sary papers to have an investigation started on him. The Council discussed delaying this item for 2 weeks. NOTION made by Jensen,.seconded by Abel to continue this public hearing until the October 27, 1987, meeting so that additional information'can be submitted and investigated. The vote was unanimously in favor. Ho- tion carried~ ' CASE #87-672: DARRELL & NANCY BARCLAY~ OWNERS AND DANIEL &*ELIZABETH TVEITE~ APPLICANT,..2666 .WESTEDGE BLVD.~.._LOTS .2~.:3, AND 4~ BLOCK1, BATDORF'S 1ST ADDITION-(PID #23-117-24 24 0014/0059)~ .NINO~ SUBDIVISION The Building Official explained the. request. The Planning Commission recom, mended approval if the fee owners, {Clarence & Carol Krotzer}, signed the ap- plication. They signed the application this evening. Hr. & Hrs. Krotzer were present and asked that the subdivision not be recorded until he can give a deed to the Barclays. Councilmember jensen stated that there was a purchase agreement from the Barclay's to a Paula Gronland that has now expired.but Hs. Gronland was at the Planning Commission meeting objecting to the request. Hs. Gronland and Hr. Bret Haage were present at this meeting objecting to the subdivision. The City Attorney stated that he has no objection to the proposed subdivision, but advised that an additional condition be added to the resolution as follows: "The resolution approving the subdivision shall be delivered to the fee owners, Clarence & Carol Krotzer, for recording upon compliance with the conditions contained in this resolution." The Council agreed to add this stipulation. Abel moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: .... 167 October 13, 1987 RESOLUTION #87-188 RESOLUTION TO.AR. PROVE A HINOR SUBDIVISION FOR LOTS Z,.3,_4, BLOCK.l, BATI)ORF'S FIRST ADDITION PID t23- 117-Z4.Z4 0014/0059 {Z666 WESTEDGE BLVD,) P & Z CASE #87-672 The vote was 4 in favor with Councilmember Jensen voting nay. Motion carried. CASE t87-641: NORNAN. BERGLUND~ 1905 CONCORDIA ST.~.WAYZATA~-HN.~.LOTS 11.THRU 20 &.27 THRU 36~-BLOCK 11~.~SETON (PID.#lg-llT-Z3 21-003Z) - DIVISION OF TAX PARCELINI'O 5 LOTS The Building Official explained the request. The City Engineer explained that there is no sewer service to one of the parcels and no water service to another. There are also deficient unit charges .for street, sewer and water. He asked the City Attorney if this should be noted in the resolution. The City Attorney stated it could be in the resolution, but should definitely be noted on the property cards. The Attorney stated that these .items are dealt with in the City Code under Sections 600:50 for sewer and 610:15 for water. Abel moved and Jensen sec'pnded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #87-189 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE DIVISION' OE_TAX PARCEL INTO THE ORIGINAL PLAI-I'EO LOTS, LOTS ll_TIIRU_20 AND 27 THRU 36, BLOCK 11, SETON, PID #19-117-23 Z1003Z The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE 187-669: JOHN. & HELVIN-BOSHA~..170 COUNTY.ROAD.II0 .NORTH~-LOTS 17 & 18~ BLOCK .5~ .PEHBROKE~-.(PID t19-117-23 .33.0010)~ .-VARIANCE IN.LOT AREA The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission has recommended approval. She asked that the following be added to the proposed resolution~ "5. Upon further condition that a soil test be submitted prior to parcel development." The Council agreed. Johnson moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION /87-190 RESOLUTION TO- APPROVE A VARIANCE IN LOT..AREA* FOR LOTS 17 AND. 18, BLOCK 5, PENBROKE, PID /19-117-23 33 0010, (3100 XNVERIIESS LAgE) The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 168 October 13, 1987 cAsE t87-673: JACK COOK~ 4452 DENBIGH ROAD,..-LO~_2.-.INCLUDING.ADJACENT.VACATED STREET~. BLOCK 1~ AVALON .(PID ./19-117-23 24 0002~ SIDE.YARD SET- BACK-VARIANCE The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recom- mended approval. Jensen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #87-191 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH TIlE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOHNENDATION TO APPROVE k VARIANCE FOR k NONCON? FORNING STRUCTU~ ON.LOT 2 INCLUDING..JUMACENT. VA~ CATED STREET, BLOCK 1, AVALON, PID ~19.112-23 24 0002, (4452 DENBIGH ROAD)· P & Z CASE #87-$73 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE #87-667: THOMAS NAXWELL~ 3114 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE~ LOT 59~ PHELP'SISLAND PARK FIRST *ADDZTION~-VARZANCE *.TO RECOGNIZE AN.EXISTING.NONCON- FORMING SIDE YARD-SETBACK The Building' Official explained that this item was' continued from the last meeting so the applicant could remove the encroachmeht on the adjoining property or have the survey redone. The applicant was present and delivered a new survey which showed no encroachment. Abel moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #87-192 RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE All EXISTING NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE TO ALLOW AN ADDITION FOR. LOI...59, PHELP'S ISLAND PARK FIRST ADDITION, PID #19-117=23-34 0082 (3114 ISLAND VIEW.DRIVE), P & Z CASE ~87-667 The vote was Unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CONHENTS & SUGGESTIONS FRON CITIZENS PRESENT There were n6 comments Or suggestions from the citizens present. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE HAYOR AND CITY HANAGER TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIN DEED (LOT 5~ BLOCK 12~SETON). The City Attorney explained that this is to resolve any questions of ownership and the easements on Lot 5, Block 12, Seton. Johnson moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 187-193 ...... 169 October 1~, 1987 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING. THE NAYOR AND .CITY HANAGER TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIH DEED (LOT 5, BLOCK 12, SETON) The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION AHENDING CDBG JOINT COOPERATION AGREEHENT ~!70484 The City.. Manager explained this amendment is needed because of additional requirements issued by HUD. Jessen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution:' RESOLUTION #87-194 RESOLUTION..A~ENDING CDBG JOINT COOPERATIOH AGREE- RENT #70484 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE AHENDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 437:25 .OF THE CITY CODE The City Clerk explained'that the last 2 sentences in this section currently read as follows: "Resid6nts of the City of Mound 65 years of age or older shall pay 50% of the required license fee for a straight dock. A full license fee shall be charged to all persons for all L, T, or U docks and boathouses." When the recodification was done fees are all listed in section 510 of the City Code and the Council changes these by resolution so the last 2 sentences currently in the Code should be deleted and replaced with the following: "The annual license fee for residents of the City. of Mound 65 years of age or older shall be as set by the Council in Section 510:00." Abel moved and Jensen seconded the following: ORDINANCE #9-87 AN ORDINANCE AI~NDING SECTION 437:25 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO DOCK LICENSE FEE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. LICENSE AppROVALS The following licenses were submitted for approval. a. On-Sale Wine & Beer, Restaurant for D'Vinci's 2244-A Commerce Blvd. b. Cigarette - VFW, 2544 Commerce Blvd. The Building Official asked that D'Vinci's licenses be issued upon their 170 ..... October 1.3, 1987 receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy. The Council agreed. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jessen to authorize the issued of the folloNing licenses: 0n~Sale gine & Beer, Restaurant for D'Vinci's 2244-A Commerce Blvd. Nhen a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building 0fficial. b. Cigarette - VFI/, 2544 Commerce Blvd. The vote Nas unanimously ~n favor. Mo~ion carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to approve .the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $261,343.89, when funds are available. A roll call vote Nas unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ~OMMONS MAI,If[ENANCE PERMIT The City Manager explained that William and Elaine Lovk¥ist, 1745 Wildhurst Lane would like to build a stairway on a steep bank to the Commons. They would also install a light on their property for this stairway. The Park Com- mission has recommended approval. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Johnson to approve a Commons Main- tenance.Permit to William and Elaine Lovkvist for land abutting Lot 8, Block 13, Shadyuood Point. Permit to alloN the construction of a stair- way and installation of a light and receptacle at the top of stairuay. All to be maintained by the property owner. The vote Nas upanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORHATION/MISCELLANEOUS Letter from Dowden Cablesystems of the possibility of the sale of all of Dowden's properties. Be September Monthly Reports as Prepared by the Department Heads. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Johnson to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. vote Nas unanimously in favor. Hotion carried. The Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager aqo/ BILLS ..... October 13, 1987 Batch 7091 Computer run 9/28/87 108,057.39 Batch 7093 Computer run 9/30/87 31,907.15 Batch 7094 Computer run 10/8/87 120,515.23 260,479.77 SuperAmerica Gasoline 864.12 TOTAL BI LLS 261.343.89 Delinquent Water and Sewer 10-22-87 33 435 4400 51 33 q63 4735 01 33 463 4840 61 33 466 4825 01 33 472 457O O2 33 475 4515 82 33 475.4515 01 33 475 4635 62 33 484 3113 51 33 484 4821 23 33 484'4905 32 33 484 5174 51 33 487 4764 71 33 487 4873 61 33 5O6 3135 82 33 518 4684 92 33 518 4725 O2 33 '530 481.0 51 33 551' 3087 71 33 554 3033 51 33 569 4876 41 33 572 4864 41 33 587 4951 71 33 593 4866 53 33 596 4811 41 33 599 4580 54 33 599 4773 02 33 608 3~07 51 33 620 4556 32 33 620 4828 61 33 620 4884 93 33 620 4921 91 33 638 3246 41 33.641 5220 12 33 647 5211 71 $116.75 lO5.34 73.00 52.20 78.33 177.87 111.52 131.81 15o.32 167.82 76.72 103.49 100.54 118.47 89.53 129.42 115.78 77.01 131.31 99.45 100.50 84.12 101..06 131.40 76.13 71.31 76.51 114.41 113.65 125.52 225.23 90.81 147.55 57.40 114.88 $~922-76 Delinquent Water and Sewer 10-22-87 33 439 4400 91 33 463 4739 O1 33 463 4840 61 33 466 4825 O1 33 472 4570 02 33 475 4515 82 33 475 4519 01 33 475 4639 62 33 484 3113 51 33 484 4821 23 Morgan & Ward Roberta Nelson S. Hofshult Peter Lund Peter Ba]tuff M.J.Phillipi M.J.Phi]lipi Ramona Reimer Robert Wagstrom Robert Forrest 33 484 4905 32 Joe Fiedler 33 484 5174 51 Gary Carlson 33 487 4764 71 Reynold Nelson 33 506 3135 82 T. Williams 33 518 4684 92 T. Levesque Z"~33 518 4795 02 Mark Nadon 33 530 48t0 51 33 551 3087 71 33 5~4 3033 51 33 569 4876 41 33 572 4864 41 33 587 4951 71 James Leiter Richard Maxwell S. Sundquist Gary Snyder R. Swanson Gary Schlief 33 593 4866 53 Willis Dressel 33 596 4811 41 Ocdupant 33 599 4580 94 Sandra Hanson 33 599 4773 02 Eeanne Miller 33 608 3207 91 Keith Johnson 33 620 4556 32 Scott Berglund 33 620 4828 61 Douglas Nelson 33 620 4884 93 Terrance.'Berg 33 620 4921 91 Joe Andrews 33 638 3246 41 Occupant 33 641 5220 12 Paul Beckford 33 647 5211 71 Duane Nelson Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd Pd. Pd. $116.75 105.34 73.00 92.20 78.33 177.87 111.92 131.81 150.32 167.82 76.72 103.49 100.54 118.47 89.53 129.42 77.ol 131.31 99.45 100.90 84.12 101.06 131.40 76.13 71.31 76.51 114.41 113.65 125.92 229.23 90.81 147.95 97.40 114.88 $ 3922:.. 76 4400 Wilshlre Blvd. 4739 Bedford Rd. 4840 Wilshire B]vd. 4825 Brunswick Rd. 4570 Dorchester Rd. 4515 Manchester Rd. 4519 Manchester Rd. '4639 Manchester Rd. '3113 Tuxedo Blvd. 4821 Tuxedo Blvd. 4905 Tuxedo B]vd. '5174 Tuxedo Blvd. 4764 Cumberland Rd. ~373 C .... l~i,~,,j Rd__ 3135 Ayr Ln. 4684 Hampton Rd. ~810 Donald Dr. '3087 Alexander Ln. 3033 Dundee Ln. 4876 Leslie Rd. 4864 Monmouth Rd. 4951 Brighton Blvd. 4866 Drummond Rd. 4811 Hanover Rd. 4580 Aberdeen Rd. 4773 Aberdeen Rd. 3207 Amhurst Rd. 4556 Island View Dr. 4828 Island View Dr. 4884 Island View Dr. 4921 Island View Dr. 3246 Warner Ln. 5220 Sulfrove Rd. 52'11 Phelps Rd. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MOUND~ MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota will meet on Tuesday, October 13, 1987, at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of a public hearing on an application for an "On-Sale" Intoxicating Liquor License for Joel Turunen, Star Hospitality, Inc., dba Tonka Star, at 5241 Shoreline Boulevard (formerly Captain Billy's). At this hearing, opportunity shall be given any person to be heard for or against the granting of the license. Francene C. Clark, CMC, City ClErk Publish in The Laker September 28, 1987 LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472-3711 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 544-9511 EMERGENCY 911 October 8, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle, City Manager Len Harrell, Chief of Police Star Hospitality, Inc. Sgt. Hudson has been attempting to investigate the liquor license application that was submitted by Joel Turunen for the business Tonka Star. The investi- gation has been restricted by the lack of cooperation of the principals in providing needed information. Mr. Turunen has been requested to provide financial information and information regarding his investment of $95,000.00 in the businesses. As of this date, no documentation has been provided. The original application, fees and pro-rated liquor license fee were paid by Mark Saliterman and Bill Alexander. According to Mr. Alexander, Mr. Saliterman has advanced $23,000 to Alexander to assist in re-opening the business for which Alexander has re-negotiated his lease agreement. The $23,000 will be repaid through higher square footage costs and has been backed by the fixtures and equipment currently in the establishment. Mr. Alexander is to be respon- sible for the lease with Mr. Saliterman for eight years and there is a stipu- lation that Alexander can not sub-lease er sell the business without Saliterman's approval. Sgt. Hudson's investigation would indicate that the same equipment and fixtures that Mr. Turunen is claiming as his investment is currently controlled by Mr. Saliterman through the new lease agreement. In further investigating, Sgt. Hudson spoke with a Mr. Ernest McNamee at the business location. Mr. McNamee stated that he was a managing partner under the name of Mack II, Inc. and that Turunen was only a "silent partner." McNamee claims that he will be investing $5,000 and will be responsible for the day to day operations of the establishment. Hudson became aware of facts regarding health department violations that will need to be corrected, as well as several outstanding bills with the state and the city that also need to be satisfied before the business can re-open. At this time I can not support approval of the liquor license for the Tonka Star. The investigation'has uncovered that there are more principals involved and additional funds involved that were not disclosed in the original application. 75 YEARS CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 October 26, 1987 TO: FROM: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DI RECTOR RE: TONKA STAR LIQUOR LICENSE Each application for an on-sale liquor license is accompanied by a payment of one-half of the license fee on a prorated basis. Tonka Star paid one- half of the liquor license fee for the period of September 1987 - June 1988. The remaining balance of the license fee must be paid before the license is issued. Mound City Ordinance 800.10, Subd. 7, states that the entire annual on-sale liquor license fee must be paid for first years operation of a newly licensed establishment. Future years license fees maybe paid in two installments. The following is a recap of liquor license fee owed by Tonka Star: LIQUOR LICENSE OWED LIQUOR SUNDAY TOTAL LIQUOR Period Nov. 1987 - June 1988 One-half payment received by City 8-20-87 period Sept. 87 - June 88 $2666.72 133.36 $2800.08 ($1800.65) ($83.35) ($1884.OO) Balance of Liquor License owed if November opening *If business were to open October 28, 1987, additional balance owed would be $866.O7 $50.01 $916.O8 $334.34 $16.67 $351.O1 Total of liquor license owed if October opening $~2OO.41 $66.68 $1267.O9 Tonka Star has paid in full the restaurant, entertainment, dancing, cigarette, pool and games of skill fees. Memo to Ed Shukle October 26, 1987 Page 2 In conclusion, Tonka Star has the following financial obligations with the City of Mound: October November I' Opening Opening Balance due on liquor licenses $1267.09 $916.08 Balance due on Utility bill $779.66 $779.66 $2046.75 $1695.74 *Mound City Code Section 800:15, Subd. 3, states if application made during license year, a license may be issued for the remainder of .the year for a pro rate fee, with any unexpired fraction of a month being counted as one month. JN:ls MOUND' 75 YEARS CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 October 9, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR UNPAID UTILITY BILL ON CAPTAIN BILLY'S PROPERTY I have photocopied the current water and sewer bill outstanding on the Captain Billy's property. The total owed is $779.66, this amount must be paid in full. The Mound City Code states that no liquor license shall be granted on premises on which financial claims of the City are delinquent and unpaid. JN:Is FOR: UTILITY BILL 5241 Shoreline Blvd. 42 404 5241 91 754.21 8.14 16.82 .49 METER :READING 9059 I 90671 A G E 8000 779 66 782.20 THIS AMOUNT DUE FROM: City of Mound 5341Maywood Rd. Mound,MN 55364 To:{ Captain Billys 5241 Shoreline Blvd. Mound,MN 55364 42 .~0~ ~;241 ~,1 110/28/871 , 779,661 { KEEP THIS STUB FOR YOUR RECOROS RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT Mound City Code Section 800:30, Subd. 2 Subd. 2. Time in Business. No license shall be issued to any business until it has been in operation continuously for six months. claSUbd. 3. Delinquent Taxes and Cbar~es. No license shall be granted fo~ operation on any premises on which taxes, assessments, or other financial~ tms of the City are delinquent and unpaid. . Section 800:35. Conditions of License. Subd. 1. In General. Every license is subject to the conditions in the following subdivisions and all other provisions of this Section and of any other applicable ordinance, state law, or regulation. Subd. 2. Chanses in Corporate Form - Notification Requirements. Changes in the-corporate or association officers, corporate charter, articles of incorporation, by-laws, or partnership agreement, as the cases may be, shall be submitted to the City Clerk within 30 days after such changes are made. In the case of a corporation, the licensee ~hall notify the City Clerk when a person not listed in the application acquires an interest which, together with that of his or her. spouse, parent,;brdtber, sister, or child, exceeds $~, and shall give all information about said person as is required of a person pursuant to the provisions of Section 800:10, Subd." 2. Subd. 3. Chantes in Corporate Form - Early Termination of License. ..Any change of ownership or beneficial interest or sales of stock entitled to be voted at any meeting of the stockholders of a corporation which result in,a change in voting control of the corporation by the persons owning shares.. of stock therein shall be deemed equivalent to a transfer of the license issued to such corporation, and any such license shall be revoked and terminated 30 days after any such change in ownership or beneficial interest of shares, unless the Council shall have been notified of such change in writing and shall have approved thereof. Subd. 4. Chan~es in Physical Condition of Licensed Premises - Notification Requirements. Proposed enlargement, alteration, or extension of premises previously licensed Shall be reported to the City Clerk at or before the time application is made for a building permit for any such change, and the licensee shall also give such information as is required by Section 800:10, Subd. 2. .. Subd. 5. Licensee's Responsibility. Every licensee is responsible for the conduct of his or her place of business and the conditions of sobriety and order in it. The act of any employee on the licensed premises authorized to sell intoxicating liquor there is deemed the act of the licensee as well, and the licensee shall be liable to all penalties provided by this Section and the law equally with the employee. Subd. 6. Inspections. Every licensee shall allow any peace officer, health officer, or properly designated officer or employee of the City to enter, inspect, and search the premises of the licensee during business hours without a warrant. In addition, the business records of the licensee, LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472-3711 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 544-9511 EMERGENCY 911 October 26, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mound City Council Chief Len Harrell Star Hospitality, Joel Turunen Liquor License Application I spoke with Ernest William McNamee on October 20, 1987, regarding his involvement with the Tonka Star. Mr. McNamee stated that his involvement consists only of the two months of clean-up and getting the establishment ready to open. McNamee states that he has a 90 day contract with Mr. Turunen for 20% of the gross as his salary. Mr. McNamee states that many of the items discussed at last Tuesday's Council meeting were also of a surprise to him. Mr. McNamee was advised to contact Mr. Turunen and to sit down and correct any misrepresentations that were made in the application. On October 21, 1987, I met with William Alexander who inquired as to what was needed to get the process approved and stated that Mr. Turunen is new to the business and Alexander would assist him. Mr. Alexander assured me that he wanted nothing more to do with the liquor business. Mr. Alexander was advised of the financial documents needed from Mr. Turunen and was advised of corrections needed in the application. Mr. Alexander stated that he would meet with Mr. Turunen and that necessary items would be provided. On October 23, 1987, Mr. Alexander came to the Mound Police Department and produced a synopsis of the business arrangement between bM. Saliterman, Mr. Turunen, Mr. Alexander, and Mr. McNamee. Mr. Alexander also provided a resume from Mr. Turunen with a personal financial report. Mr. Alexander also provided a letter dated September 27, 1987, responding to Sgt. Hudson's letter dated September 23, 1987, for which the City never received a response. Mr. Alexander provided an amendment to his lease agreement with Mr. Saliterman allowing Star Hospitality to sublet. That document has not been signed as of yet. I then began to comPlete the background on Mr. Turunen and found him to be a very solvent individual who owns two properties in northern Minnesota, a home in Minneapolis, and stock that is substantial. Mr. Turunen also receives a substan- tial salary and commissions from his present employment. I spoke with Mr. Turunen who stated that he had been surprised by some of the items uncovered during the investigation and had spoken with a personal attorney but felt that the situation could be resolved and it was his intention to run a nice, clean, family business in Mound. Mound City Council October 26, 1987 Page Two On October 26, 1987, I received a call from Mr. Turunen who stated that he had reconsidered the business venture in Mound because of some concerns that had been uncovered and some liabilities that may become his responsibility. Mr. Turunen stated that he was withdrawing his application for a liquor license for the Tonka Star. The letter from Mr. Turunen is attached. October 23, 1987 Mr. Len Harrell Chief of Police City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Len: This letter is formal notification that I withdraw from applying for a liquor license from the City of Mound, Minnesota. Recent developments just uncovered have made my prusuing this license an unwise business decision at this time. Respectfully Submitted, Joel Turunen Star Hospitality, Inc. 4412 Victory Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55412 (612) 521-6250 CITY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesot~ NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF' PHELPS ROAD ON THE EAST SIDE OF TUXEDO BOULEVARD ABUTTING LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 20, WHIPPLE (3314 Tuxedo Boulevard) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held at the Mound' City Hall, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota at 7:30 p.m. on the 27th day of October,, 1987 to consider the vacation of the following des- cribed portion of street: Phelps Road on the East side of Tuxedo Boulevard abutting Lots 13 and 14, Block 20, Whipple; PID 25-117-24 21 0072 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the above w111 be thi. s meeting. Publish in The'Laker October 5, 1987 Francene C. C~[~rk, City Clerk RECEiVED SEP 2 8 !987 ~~ McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. 12800 Industrial Park Blvd. Plymouth, MN 55441 612/559-3700 1-800-328-8322 Ext. 784 September 25, 1987 Engineers Planners Surveyors Ms. San Bertrand Planning and Zoning Cityof Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBOECT: Proposed Street Vacation Phelps Road, Case #87-666 HKA File #2113 Dear San: As requested, we have reviewed the application to vacate a portion of Phelps Road lying directly east of Tuxedo Boulevard and have the following comments and recommendations. As I stated at the Planning Commission Meeting on September 14, 1987, we would have to recommend that the City not vacate this street for the following reasons: Direct access would be denied to two parcels, 136 and 165, which are shown on the attached map. It is questionable whether parcel 165 is buildable because of the wetlands; but both parcels do meet the zoning requirements. be From the topography in the area, it appears this vacation would also deny access to the south tier of lots (17 through 23) in parcel 134. They are at a much lower elevation than the portion of parcel 134, which abuts Waterbury Road; and if developed, may require the extension of Phelps Road. We have also discussed this with.the City Attorney's office, and I believe you will find that they are of the same option that the City should not approve the vacation. Enclosed is a map which indicates the ownership of the parcels which would be affected by the proposed vacation. Very truly yours, McCONBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 3ohn Cameron OC:khw Enclosure ,A, RD~ Planning Commission Hinutest September 1/4, 1987~ Case No. 87-666 PUBLIC HEARING on proposed Vacation of portion of Phelps Road (on East side of Tuxedo Boulevard abutting Lots 13 and 14,.Block 20, Whipple) As the City Engineer had not arrived,.Jensen moved and Weiland seconded a motion to table. The vote was unanlmously in favor. When the City Engineer John Cameron arrived, Case No. 87-666 was taken off the table. The City Engineer reported the'problem he sees with the proposed street vaca- tlon is that some parcels under private ownership 1ie East of this proposed vacation. Lots 8. and 9, Block 23, Whipple.may be wetlands, but taxes are be- ing paid on lots; Lots 15 and 16, and also Lots 17 through 23, Block 20, Whipple, are under private owhership and appear to be buildable from aerial photographs. The vacation of portlon of Phelps Road would cut off access and there is not another access because of topography. He commented another item was that if Phelps.Road were vacated, all that applicant would galn would be 'the north half; the other half would go with Lot 10, Block 23. Hrs. 0'1son stated that Lot 10, Block 23, was tax fOrfeit and would be up for auction this winter to adjacent 'homeowners. She stated if vacation went thru, they would be an adjacent owner. The Commission discussed the request and noted that applicant's driveway is on the unimproved Phelps Road~ The Vice Chairman opened the public hearing. Hr. 01son presented a drawing of hls driveway and the structures on his lot. His concern is that if the City were to put a road in, it would be at the same level as Tuxedo and than he could have a water problem because hls property is lower than Tuxedo; he wants the street vacated to protect hTs property and to be able to control the drainage. The Clty Engineer advised that, .if the road were to be put in, the City would take drainage into consideration. No others wished to speak for or against the vacatlon. The publlc hearing was closed. Jensen moved and Weiland seconded a motion for denial of the proposed vacation. Reason is that we can't vacate roads when there are lots on the other slde. The vote was unanlmously in favor. The Council will set a date for the public hearing on their meeting Sept. 22. ~. 3/84 · i.'i ~/~.~.~-~,7__~,0~.! APPLICATION FOR STREET VACATION CASE NO. ['~ AU~ 2 ~ {~ ~ CITY OF MOUND FEE $150.OO LESAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY O~NE~ BY APPLI~ANT~ PI~ ~ ~ II 3~ ~1 O0 REASON FOR REQUEST Applicant's Interest in Property Residents and owners of property abutting the street to be vacated: (Please attach~list~ Certified mailing listscan be obtained from Hennepin County by calling 348-3271) Recommended by Utilities: NSP Recommended by City: Public Works~ Minnegasco ~-7~; Continental Telephone Fire Chief ; Engineer ; Police Chief ~ ; Cable Systems ; Other Departments ' ~ '~_.Planning~-Commission Recommendation.'~ Denial of the request because proposed vacation would cut off access to lots that appear to be buildab)e to the east. The vote on the denial was unanimous, Date September 14~ 1987. Council Action Resolution No. Date RD ~ WA.T'ERBURY PHELP~ RD ,tBt 4 \ BERNICK AND STERN A F~ROF'Ir~,~IONAL A~,~,OCIATION A'I-FORNEY~ AT I-AW STERN, LEVINE, LIFSON & STRAUSS, P. A. SERNICK, SHAPIRO AND GI..~SSMAN~ P, A. PARK. DALE I, SUITE 200 5401 GAHBIE DRIVE ST. LOUIS PAl~lC, MINNESOTA (612) 5.46 -1200 October 21, 1987 Mr. Jack Cook 4452 Denbigh Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Encroachment onto Lot 3 and the East 10 feet of Lot 4, Block 1, Avalon Dear Mr. Cook: I have been retained by Sandra J. Konnad with respect to the enCroachments onto her property by the recent construction originating from your property. For your reference, I enclose a copy of a survey recently completed, which shows the following encroachments onto Ms. Konnad's property: Your metal shed is located three-tenths of one foot on Ms. Konnad's property. The wooden retaining wall immediately south of the shed encroaches seven-tenths of one foot on the north end and eight-tenths of one foot on the south end. The wooden retaining wall to the north of the foregoing retaining wall encroaches 1.15 feet on the north and 3.7 feet on the south. The wooden deck adjacent to your home encroaches one foot on the north and eight-tenths of one foot on the south end. The concrete foundation of the entrance to your basement on the west side of your house encroaches .08 feet across its entire width. Mr. Jack Cook October 21, 1987 Page 2 BERNICK AND STERN A PROFESSIONAl ASSOCIATION It is unfortunate that these improvements were made without securing the necessary permits. I understand a survey was obtained by you two years ago, but the stakes were lost during the extensive regrading of your back lot. Had you reestablished the lot line prior to commencing construction, you could have perhaps avoided this problem. On behalf of Ms. Konnad, we are requesting that these encroachments be removed immediately. I have been provided with a copy of a Resolution by the City Counsel dated October 13, 1987, which appears to authorize a variance from the six foot side set back to within 3.7 feet of the side lot line on the west. At a minimum, that side lot clearance should be reestablished adjacent to the home. It is not clear whether the retaining walls to the- north and the metal shed are subject to the variance or must be reestablished at a minimum of six feet to the east of the property line. It is my understanding that your request for a variance was placed upon the Planning Commission agenda for the meeting October 12, 1987, and further placed upon the City Counsel agenda for approval the following day, October 13. Ms. Konnad advises me that she spoke with you on the morning of October 13, and that you advised her of the results of the Planning Commission meeting the previous evening. In response to her inquiry as to the date of the next counsel meeting, you advised her not of the meeting scheduled for that evening, but of a meeting to be scheduled for the 23rd or 28th of October. Certainly if she had been advised of that evening's City Counsel meeting, she would have attended and expressed her opposition to your request for a variance. We intend to bring this matter up before the counsel at the next meeting, so that both sides can be heard on this matter. Irrespective of the outcome of the meeting, and whether the City grants a variance or not, the encroachments have to be removed from Ms. Konnad's property. Mr. Jack Cook October 21, 1987 Page 3 BERNICK AND STERN A PROFE:$SlONAL ASSOCIATION In order that we may advise our client whether legal action is required, we would appreciate your response at your earliest opportunity. Very truly yours, BERNICF~AND ~TERN, P.A. David L. Olson DLO/cmw Enclosure cc Ms. Jan Bertrand Ms. Sandra J. Konnad Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. Mr. Steve Smith 011,5" I hereby certJy this th~l il i true and correct representation of a survey of File No. the boundlrtel of the above described land and of the location of all buildings, DEMARS · GABRIEL if in¥, thereon, and all vi$i~,le encroachments, if any, from or O,~ said land. 5615 LAND SURVEYORS, INC. · / oo /d,v of .SEPT. ,086 Book - Pa~ Plymouth MN 55441 - Scale Phon.: (~12) 55~-o~S ' !" = 30' 279 October 13, 1987' RESOLUTION 87- 1 91 P. ESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH PLANNING .C0~ISSION RECO}~iENDATION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE FOR A NON-CONFORHING STRUCTURE ON LOT 2 INCLUDING _ ADJACENT VACATED STREET, BLOCK 1, AVALON; PID ~ 19=117-23-2~ 0002 (4452 Denbigh Road) .Y&~ Case No. 87-673 WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow an attached deck with a walkway within zero feet to th=. side property line at the west, add a second floor.on the existing dwelling within 3.7 feet of the side lot line and 20 feet to the front property line; and .. WHEkEAS, the R-2 single family zoning district requires 6 foot side yards,20 foo~ front yard, and 50 foot lakeside setback to the Ordinary High Water Elevation of 929.5 N.G.V.D.; and WHEREAS, SECTION 23.404 Subd. (8) provides that alterations may be made to a building containing a lawful nonconforming .residential unit when the alteration will improve the livability thereof but the alteration may not increase the number of dwelling units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ofH°und,'MN., as follows: 1. That the City does hereby authorize the existing nonconforming principle 'structure setback lat 4452 Denbigh Road;. PID t19-1'17-23 24 0002. ' 2. The City Council ~uthorizes the existing structural setback violation and authorizes'the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 23.404, Subd. (8) with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and re- strictions of Section 23.404. 3. It is determined that the livability of the residential.unit will be improved by authorizing the following alterations to the nonconforming property: % A second story (floor) is to be added to the. existing dwelling within 3J7 feet of the west property line, a'minimum of 6 feet to the east property line, 50 feet to .the O.H.W. elevation.of 929.5 N.G.V.D. to lakeside, and 20 feet to the street front property line. Reduce the deck elevation to within 30 inches from existing ground level ' with a stairway from the patio door down to the lower deck, proceeding at ground level to the lakeside, and then a stairway to the elevated deck beginning at the 3.7 foot building setback line. Upon. the further condition that the existing dwelling must meet State Building Code, the existing basement entry at zero feet to the property line be relocated into ~he new construction 'and then to be removed to ground level, provisions be made to divert water run off away from the adjoining'property. Variance approval is valid for one year from the date of this resolution. 280 October 13, 1~87 The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmembe~ Jensen and seconded by Ha¥or Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel~ Jensen~ Jessen~ Johnson and Smith. The following Councllmembers voted in the negative: none. Hayor Attest: City Clerk TO: Piannlng Commission, Applicant and Staff FROFI: Jan Bertrand, Bullding Offlclal ~--~ Planning CommisSion Agenda of October 12, 1~87. CASE NO. 87-673 CASE NO. 87-673 APPliCANT: Jack Cook LOCATION: ~52 Denblgh Road LEGAL DESC.: Lot 2 Including adjacent vacated street, Block 1, Avalon; PID Number'lg-llT-23 2~ 0002 SUBJECT: Side yard setback variance EXISTING ZONING:..R-2 Single Family Dwelling PROPOSAL: The applicant, Jack Cook, Is requesting a variance to allow an attached deck with a walkway within zero feet to the side property line at the west. The size of the deck on the north is not Included wlth the application., tie ls also requesting to add a second floor on this dwelling as well as a.portlofi of .the attached garage, which was granted und&r the prev!ous varlance Resolution # 86-1011. The.R-2 ZonJng Dl.s. trlct requ!res a 6. foot side yard, 50 foot lakeshore setback, a 20 foot f'r'ont, yard s&tbaCk, a l°t slze bf 6~'000 square feet, and a hO foot lot width. The existing lot is a Conforming parcel, The structure, however, has a 3,7 to a,1 foot setback to the"~est, lot line to the prlnclpa.1 structure, and a' zero foot side yard setback to an entry~vay to the' basement level of the home. The attached gar.age. Is under constructlon, at.this, time as well as some of the other repairs to.the'dwe11~ing ha~e.'gone, beyond the scope of the orlglnal variance approval. Hr. Cook,' at the'present time,' is under a stop order to ceas'e all modi- fications to the prlnclpal structure. He Is being allowed to continue wlth the attached, ga.r.age which Was prevl.ously approved. The applicant has constructed; the'deck and svalkway at this time, has added patio doors and vtl. ndows, .and beam supports to get~' ready to add a second .floor to the dwelling.. The'only difficulty, that Fir. Cook ha~ had with this lot has been the existing dwelling and !ts close proxlml.t¥ to the west lot line and also to the right-of-way 'of' Denbigh Road.' The lot area does meet the reqblrements for the R-2 Zoning Ordinance provisions and the east property line setback, as well as the lakeshore setback does comply with the R-2 District requlrem&nts. RECOI4HENDATION: The staff does not. recommend approval of the walkway along the west property line. tiowever, the recommendations that the deck walkway be reduced to within 30 Inches or less from grade within that 3 foot setback could allow steps down from the patlo door which was Instal.led and than proceed along the walk~ay and than allow steps to be constructed to the elevated portion of the deck on lakeside. A slmllar circumstances happened on /4932 Bedford Road for a Fir. Ftark Jenks in April of this year. Hodlflcatlons to this d~elllng which wouid add a CASE N0. 8.7-673 Page 2 second floor within 3:7 feet of the west lot.line could be all'wed, iF. the ovmer made prov'$slons to reduce overhang projections as Well as a plan for dlvertlng water away from th&.adJacent neighbors. Also, the existing basement entry could be remdved from the building and provisions made for the remodeling of' the second floor to ~ln¢lude a stairway that would extend Into the basement. The' abutting neighbors 'have been n~>tlfled. This wlil be referred to the City Counc11 on October · ~3, lg87. O~OCT' ~E¢'° ?' CITY O; ~OU,D - ~-~ --...~..~...., .... ~ ' ' ~ .. ~ ,.....,.,,. ~ APPLICATION TO PLANNING S ZONING CO~HlSSlON ' ' ' ---'-. '; '(Please type the foll~lng Inf~rmtlo~ Fee Pald Da~e Flled ~-~a=.p? 0 / Legal Description of Property: Lot' Addition ~ PID No. /9-//? - .~Y .,~/ Address Day Phone No.~ Applicant '(if other than owner): Nam~ · . Day Phone No. Address Type of Request: (/~) Variance ( ) Condltlonal Use Permit ( ) Zoning Interpretations Review (.') ~etland Permit ( ) P,U.O. *If other, specify: (.) Amendment ( ) Sign Permit ( )*Other -. ~resent ~onlng Dlst~ct" Exlstln" Use(s) of Property' ~/~ ~_ ~4~_~ ~.. /~.~/, ' Co, ed. of previous rasolutions shall accompany present request. ertlfy that all of the above statements and t~e statements contained In any requlred ap~rs or"be submitted herewith are true and accurate· I consent to the entry or upon the premises dascrlbed In this application by any authorized official of the City of Hound for'the purpose.of Inspecting, or of posting, ~aintalnlng 'and re~vlng ~uch notices as.,ay be..requlre~by Signature'of Applicant Plannlng Commission Reco ndatlon: Date 10-12~87 Council Action: Resolutlon No. Request for Variance Procedure Case (Z): D. Location of: Slgns, easements~ underground utilities, etc. E. Indicate North compass direction ~ .F. Any addltlonal Information as may reasonabl~ be required by the City Staff and appllcable Sections o~ the Zoning Ordinance. III, ~e~uest for a Zonln~ Varl..a~c~ A. Ali Information below, a slte plan, as descrlbed In Part I1, and general ....application must be provided before a hearing wI11 be scheduled. B. Does the present use of. the property'confOrm toad1 use regulations fOr the zone district In which it Is located2 Yes (/~) No ( ) If "no", specify each non-conforming use= Do the existing structure~ comply ~ith a11 area helgl~t.and bulk regulations for the zon~ district In ~hlch It Is.located? Y~ (/~ No'( ) ' If 'no"~ specify each non-conforming use~. (~') .Too narrow (~ Topography ( ) Sol1 .. ' ( ) Too small ..'. ( ) Drainage ( ) Sub-surface ~-..(.- ) .. Too shallow .. ( ) ' Shape: - ( ) Other= Spei:lfy: l~hlch unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable .use for any of the uses permitted In that zoning dlstrlct'~ Nas the hardship d~scrlbed a~ove createdby the action of anyone having property Interests In the land' after the Zoning Ordinance was ~dopted? Yes ( ) No (~) if yes, explaln: . F. Was the harashlp created by'any'o.t~er man-matte change, such as the reloca- tlon of a road2 Yes ( )(~No If yes, explain: . . I~. Are.'the conditions of hardship for'which you request a variance pecu. l lar only to descrlbed In this petltlon? Yes '."( ) ~No If no, how .many othe, r propgrtles are slmilarly~.affected? from the areg-bulk regulatlons (Speclfy~ using Attach additional Nill granting of the variance be materially detrimental to property In the same zone~or to the enforcement of this ordinance2 Fl..~hat is t'he "minimum" modlflcatlon (variance) that ~Ill permit you to mak& reasonable use 'of your land? maps, site plans with.dimensions and ~rltten explanation. sheets, If necessary.) " RESOLUTION NO. 86- lOti I~ESOLUT'ION TO CONCUR WITH TNE PLANNIN~ COI~ISSION TO APPROVE A 3. FOOT sIDE:YARD SETBACK AND ·12.5 FOOT STREET FRONT SETBACK FOR LOT 2, BLOCK 1, AVALON, PID ~ 1~-117-23 2q 0002 .P S Z Case'tlO. 86-538 (qq$2 Denblgh Road) "WHEREAS, Jack Cook~. owner of the parcel .described .as Lot 2, Block 1, Avalon, PID # 1~.-117-23 2/t 0002; has appl.led for a side yard and front yard setback to a11&w the construction of an attached garage of 20 by..2~ foot within 12 to.13 fe&t of the front property' line and zero feet to'the slde property; and "'I~IEREAS, 'Clty Code requires a {~ 'foot glde yard s'etback and a 20 foot fron~: yard setback to'the.prln.clpal bulldlng In the R-2 Slngle Fatally Resld. entlal District; and - . .. WXERE/~S,'the Planning Commission has reviewed'the request and does recom- mend a v. arlance with .sma& modl flc~tlon '. to 'the appt lcantts, request, to afford the property owner reasonable use of bls land. ' NO~,.'THEREFORE', .BE IT RESOLVED 'th;l~'t'he Clty Councl. l of the l:;l~y of_ Hound,. Minnesota, does hereby approve a 3 foot side yard setback and a 1.2.5 foot attached garage with j~o front yard setback to allow the construction of a ¢losu'r['of tl~e exlstlng 'basement ~tal rway due .to .the. and. topography of the i~roperty for Lot 2, Block 1,.'Avalon (Zi~52 Denblgh ROad) PlO ~ oooz. . The foregolng resolutlon was moved by Councilmember Paulsen and secondec~ by Councilmember Peterson. The following Councl 1members vo~ed · In the affirmative: · Jessen~ Paulsen, Peterson, Polston and Smith; The. follc;.wlng .Cou.ncllmembers vote. d In the negative: · nOlle, e ~ayor At:est: City Clerk ,. I : ,4 DE.~iARS - GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. $050 I"(Imor I.&n~ NO. Piy~.OUlh MN ~5441 I hereby cerldy thlt this is I tl'ue Ind COrlVCt reprcse~io~ o( I w'~e~ I=.~e No. ! .j 75 YEARS CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 October 23, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL~, ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION 87-145 At the City Council meeting of August 11, 1987, the enclosed resolution was passed by the City Council. This resolution was developed upon the conversation at the meeting with Mark Lundgren of Balboa, Inc. Mark had indicated that he thought that Toro could live with the resolution, partioulartly as it applied to item ~7 which deals with the trailer activity behind the-Toro building along Lynwood Boulevard. As you recall, Mr. Allen Shay, 5348 Lynwood Blvd., and Mrs. Gay Hoftelg, 2216 Noble Lane, were present to state their opposition to Balboa's request for trailer storage. The trailer activity item dealt with Toro specifically and Mr. Shay had indicated that the noise from the trailer activity between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM, woke he and his family up. He felt that this should not be allowed. Since August l 1 th, when the resolution was passed, Mr. Shay has called the police department on two occasions and the Mayor on one occasion (4:20 AM) indicating his .disappointment in Toro not following what the resolution had called for. In early October, following the phone call to Mayor Smith, I contacted Balboa and indicated to them that the resolution was not being followed. Mark Lundgren indicated that he would contact Toro to inform them of their responsibility to comply with Resolution 87-145. Upon receipt of the letter and resolution enclosed, Toro immediately contacted Balboa and myself regarding the difficulty in which to comply with item #7. I met with Mark Lundgren and Jim Bruha. We discussed Mr. Shay's complaints and what could be done regarding the compliance to the resolution. Mr. Bruha indicated that it is absolutely necessary that Toro be allowed to have trailer activity between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. He indicated that noise can be minimized as much as possible, but that the requirement not to allow any activity would make his business operations very difficult to carry out. In other words, Mr. Bruha has indicated that Toro would seriously have to consider leaving the Mound facility because they would not be allowed to operate during the early morning hours. Memo to Mayor and Council - Toro October 23, 1987 Page 2 I indicated to Mr. Bruha that it was the City's intent not to have Toro "pull up stakes" and leave our community as they are a vital economic resource to it. However, I did indicate that possibly some "middle ground" could be reached so that the neighbors across from Toro and Toro itself could co-exist happily. Mr. Bruha did remind me that the area where he f's loc_ated is zgn~4~dus.$rt~l under 9ur ?_~ln~ ordin~-~-~ and the t~aci-lity has_been there many, manv_ve~rs~ Mr. Bruha indicated that h~ould con6'act hr. b~a~ and-v~sit with him personally to discuss the matter further. I told him that it was imperative that a change in the resolution would have to be reconsidered by the City Council. That is why it is back ~n the agenda. Mr. Bruha did contact Mr. Shay and Mr. Shay is still adamant about the noise from the trailer activity in the early morning hours. On Monday, October 19th, Mr. Shay and~r, Hofteil called me at home at approximately 11:00 PM, indicating again that there'was trailer activity in the Toro lot. I told them that this would be discussed at the October 27th Council meeting. Mr. Bruha has included a letter in the packet dated October 22, 1987, indicating that this is a very serious COncern 'of the Toro Company in that they be allowed to operate between the'hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Mr. Bruha and Mr. Lundgren will both be present at the Council meeting on Tuesday. By the way, the neighbors across the street will also be there. It is. my suggestion that the City Council attempt to reach some middle ground, so that Toro does not break its lease with Balboa and leave our City due to this condition of Resolution 87-1~5. At the same time, the neighbors across the street have to be dealt with fairly. ES:la ' 198 Augus~ 11, 1987 RESOLUTION #87-145 RESOLUT.ION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A REVISION TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANTED TO BALBOA MN. CORP, IN RESOLUTION #8~-87 SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ~IHEREAS, the City Council on August 11, 1987, held a public hearing pUrsuant to Section 23.505 of the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the amendment of item 2(j) of the Resolution 85-87 to pe[~nit the parking of trailers at 5340 Shoreline Boulevard~ and WHERE~9, the subject property is within the Light Industrial (I-l) zone Which allows such uses; and WHEREAS, the subject 'property has been established as a Planned Industrial Area (PIA) which allows such uses by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, .the Planning Commission reviewed the request and does recommend approval; and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be he~rd were heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minn&sota, that Condition 2(j) of Resolution 85-87 is hereby amended to permit · the perking of trailers at 5340'Shore.line Boulevard st'.bject to the following condi t ions: Ail existing construction debris within the area shall be removed immediately. ' 2. Dust-free surfacing in the trailer parking area shall be maintained at all times. Prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit, Balboa Minnesota shall submit a landscapiog plan showing screening along Lynwood Boulevard for review and .approval by the City Planner. Landscaping shall be installed within 60 days of the date of this resolution. 4. Trailers and trucks within the parking area and on the remaining ~ Balboa property shall be directly involved with tenant businesses. No trailers shall be allowed to remain parked on the site for longer than 30 days. 6. The trailer storage area shall remain trash free at all times. Be N° activity shall occur in the trailer parking area between hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. · Trailer lqcations 'shall be as shown on the site plans dated June 25, 1987. · No outside storage is permitted except by operations permit. The Toro Company Home Improvement Division 5300 Shoreline Boulevard, Mound, Minnesota 55364 612-472-8300 · Telex 290428 · Facsimile 472-5588 DATE: October 22, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mr. Edward Schukle, Jr. City Manager Mound, Minnesota James Bruha Managing Director of Operations Home Improvement Division Mound, Minnesota RESOLUTION #87-145 ITEM 97 As per our conversation.last week, I am looking forward'to discussing this issue with the City Council on the evening of October 27. This issue is of great concern to the Toro Company. and we basically consider this a life threatening issue. I would like to thank you for your help and consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, ~uha CC: Mark Lundgren The.Balboa Group 5340 Shoreline Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Ron Zamansky Doherty, Rumble and Butler Attorneys at Law 3750 IDS Tower 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN JB/jc 6.18 TI i!~ I.~AI.IM)A ((,1 ') 4'72-1-11)~ October 1, 1987 Mr. Jim Bruha Toro H.I.D. 5300 Shoreline Blvd. Mound; Mn. 55364 Dear Jim, I recieved a phone call this morning from Ed Schukle at the City of Mound offices. As you are aware we have recieved a Revision to the Conditional Use Permit for the parking of trailers in our rear lot. Attached is a copy of that Resolution, which states no activity shall occur in the trailer parking ares between the~hours of'10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. This condition falls in line with the normal hours set by the State of Minnesota guidelines for trailer parking. Please be advised that it is extremely important to function within these hours. We are bordered by a heavy residential area on the North side of this lot, and it is important to the residents that the hours be observed. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark Lundgren cc: Ed Schukle Richard M. Smith 6600 Mohawk Trail Edina, Mn. 55435 October 19, 1987 ~City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, Mn. 55364 Attn: C~ty Manager Attn:· . Jan Bertrand· S.ubjec't~ .2867 Wes%edge Blvd. Lot 11,-Block 2 - ..-Westwood - · Dear Jan: o I respectfully requ~ a .hearing before the Mound City Council ~on their"Oc{ober Council Meeting regarding our ongo~.~g problems wi~h; this particular residentail building On June 26, 1986 we~were issued a building permit No. 7273 and after digging a few test holes on this site, we notified your office that w~!%~ianned to modify the plan of the home proposed for this sit.e since we encountered what appeared to be an old burned dump' site. We employed the services of Notch Engineering to check .the soil conditions and structural capabilities of the site and GME Engineering to do a detailed soil boring analysis of the site. We modified the plan and in June of 1987 we planned to start construction on this home after a one year delay. We submitted to your office the revised plans and the test reports from GME Engineering Co. and. further stated that we would p~oceed to ppen up the excavation to see just what we did run into. Our plan was to excavate all of the non compactible material, oversize the hole and take the basement footings to the original clay lying under this dump site. This was as detailed in our engineer's report and we further planned to backfill the basement foundation walls with clay and construct the home on a compacted soil condition. Apparently Tonka Toys submitted a letter to MPCA indicating they had dumped hazardous materials somewhere in the Mound or Woodcrest area and further stated there might be the possibility of methane gas at this particular site. Obviously, we tried to cooperate with MPCA and asked for meetings out at the site so they could see exactly what was there. I did not feel we Page 2 could get the problem solved by their sitting in their offices in St. Paul and I again asked GME to intercede on our behalf to see what MPCA'actually wanted before we could proceed with construction. I refer you to GME's letter dated September 28, 1987 which more or less summarizes the MPCA position and you can rest assured that on page.2 when they suggested I check the entire area to make sure everything was clean with my cost in excess of $200,600.00, i o~viously declined. ~° I have owned this lot for a great number of years, have paid taxes and special assessments for all of these years. I originally purchased this lot from the.State of Minnesota in a tax sale. I have also spent several thousand dollars with GME Consultants for their engineerin.g reports which were submitted to your office -as well as"MPCA and have'spent an additional $1,500.00 for -Notch Engineering .to'analyze the conditions as they see them in the field. 'We proceeded to dig the proposed basement area and excavated approximately 70%of the required area before being stopped. We'encountered no methane gas and although we were. willing to take soil samples for heavy metal and or other toxic chemicals, MPCA merely continued to. state their pOsition that some ~ime in the future they would probably'do a thorough 'soils investigation in the'area that apparently Tonka Toys indicated was at one time a dump site. I am ~re that sometime down the road the MPCA and the federal ~A will get around to checking this site, however, in the meantime we have a location with a customer that wants this home, is aware of the soil conditions at the site and my request to council is merely to make a field investigation and determination if a building permit could be issued, again. I would appreciate any consideration you and the Mound Council could extend on this issue. MS/js GME CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2083 East Center C,rcle / Mmneapohs, MN 55441 / 812/559-1859 II I'll I September 28, 1987 Mr. Richard Smith 6600 Mohawk-Trail ' '~ Edina, Minnesota 55435-'- RE: Summ;~ of'recent conversations with the City u~f Mound and the MinnesOta Pollution Control Agency regarding the proposed residence on We~.t~E~ge. ~- . . Boulevard in Mound, Minnesota On september 9,~[987,~u contacted me regarding the 'acquisition of a building.-Permit'frq~-~he.City of'Mound, for'a proposed, residence -on west' Edge Bo~l'evard~' ..This .letter serves, as' a'. stunmary of cqnversations that .~J'i~have had 'in the last 2 weeks, with Ms.. Jan Bertran~of t~e City~--~]Mound, and Mr. Shaun RuotsinOja of the ~innesota Psllution Control Agency. On Septemb~.r~ ~1, %987~~ I contacted'Ms. Bertrand, to 'discuss the qualifications necessary..for you to continue construction of this residence.. '~Ms. Bertrand did acknowledge that at one time a building permit..~had been.=issued, -however, the building design' was changed, -and a new building perm~.'~ application was made..She then summarized the events le~ding to.~r..decision not to issue a new building permit, stipulatin~ ·%hat if the MPCA~would allow, she would issue a ..'new building-p~rmit for;'the relocated house. After dis~u~'si~n ~ september -16, 1987 'with Mr. Ruotsinoja, he explained that '.the Tonka Corporation had informed the MPCA that they had disposed'~of potentially hazardous material in an area of Mound described as~e Woodcrest Site.-'Your'"bUilding lot is,considered by the State'to ~e..within the boundaries of this site. The presence of -.refuse at your'--"'-'lot .--was confirmed by data collected during-'a .~.subsurface ...e~xploration by GME, .the results 'of which are summarized= 'i~ our ~report/dated .October "21, 1986. I explained to Mr. Ruotsinoja, that .you'-would do what is reasonably necessary to 'determine if~hazardous substances exist on the lot. .After a short' ..-. discussion, -it.was agreed to by the MPCA.that at 3 locations within the building ~xcavat~on, we would collect samples for chemical ~- -analysis~---'<L~Onveye~'.-this i~formation to you. '- -~i On September-.~8,~%[987, I received a call frbm Mr. Ruotsinoja~ He .... explained thlt the ~PcA had taken a new position concerning the 'Woodcrest dump~ and that it bore directly upon your lot on West Edge ..Boulevard. He further-explained that the Federal EPA, and the State GEOTECHNICAL · MATERIALS · ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS ' WILLIAM C. KWASNY, P,E. THOMAS 13. VENEMA, P,E, WILLIAM E, BLOEMENDAL E,I,T, Mr. Richard Smith 2 September 28, 1987 MPCA had agreed that a comprehensive site investigation was warranted to evaluate the Dresence of Dotentiall¥ hazardous substances on the Woodcrest Site. It was his understanding at the time, that no investigation had been completed, and that it could take up to a year and a half before this work is done. ~e also said that no part of this site could be investigated separately, but that the entire site must be evaluated before any parcel can be cohsidered "clean". 'He suggested, that you could investigate the entire site on your Own, but acknowledged that the cost could be in excess $200,000.. Withthis ~ew development, I conveyed this information to you, and consider the subject:,t closed until an investigation by a State or Federal Agency is completed. If you have any questi.o~ regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me or Mr. Wil!i-_Am C.-Kwasny. sincerely .... ~ : -GME CONSULTANTS, -.INC. /- ' ~ ' ' 7:'~- ' · ' '~. o _ · . T% - William ~. 'Kwasny,-P,~. Principal Engineer '-~- WJC:WCK:bjs : GME CONSULTANTS. INC. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency October 21, 1987 Ms. Jan Bertrand Building .Inspector City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Ms. Bertrand: RE: Development of Woodcrest Dump This letter serves to confirm our conversation of October 14, 1987, in which' we discussed the Woodcrest Dump (Site) and the proposed development of lot 11, block 2, of Woodcrest. We understand that you are considering not issuing the developer of lot 11 a building permit, and are asking the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency-¢MPCA) staff to inform you in writing of the MPCA staff's position regarding future investigations at the Site. As I informed you, the MPCA staff will not comment on whether development of lot 11 should occur. However, the MPCA staff has reason to believe that hazardous substances may have been disposed of at the Site, and-therefore, an investigation to determine the presence and extent of contamination of soil and ground water is warranted. The MPCA staff has proposed to conduct a federally funded Site Inspection at the Site sometime in 1988. However, the MPCA staff is also willing to provide (as time allows) technical assistance, including'the review of work plans and results,, if other parties are interested in conducting their own investigations at the Site. If you have any questions, please call me at 296-7375. Shawn Ruotstnoja Site Assessment Unit Site Response Section Ground Water and Solid Waste Division SR:ls Phone:. 520 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Regional Offices · DuluthlBrainerd/Detroit Lakes/Marshall/Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer Richard M. Smith 6600 Mohawk Trail Edina, Mn. 55435 CityMa~ager. City of Mound ~5341 Maywood Rd. Mound,~.Mn. 55364 Attn: -City Manager ~. Attn: J~n Bertrand Subjecti: October 19, 1987 Final Plat'- Seton Place Planning Commi'ssion Case ~-507 and 6-508 .Preliminary Plat Conditional Use- Resolution NO. 86-53 .... Final Pla~.~Approval~-. Resolution No. 86-100 Dear Jan~ Due to'circumstances beyond my control the final plat for Seton PlaCe has nog been filed or re~orded and in fact --~Artical D or the fihal plat Resolution No. 86-100 was not 'I respectfully requ%st a hearing with the Mound City Council requesting.a~'extension of the final plat approval contained in ~esolu~ion No~ 86-100. I would also like to .... point out that no changes, variances, or'modifications to -- the 6riginal Approved plat were mad~ from the August 26, 1986 'meeting to the m~eti~g scheduled for October, 1987. As you kn~w~ '%he original permits issued for this development have all'expired and we have now obtained reapprovals and extensions on the following required permits. A. MWCC'permit for connection' of lift station has expired but an extension has been obtained. B...The ~CA appear~to be current. They do not indicate 'an expiration ~a%e. C~ Minnesota Health Department permit is current with an expiration dat~ now indicated for 8-18-88.~ ~ D. .'Minnesota Watefcreek and Watershed permit has expired and at the Watershed meeting October 15, 1987we obtained approval and a one ~'ear extension .to our application. We pointed out We p~nted out to the watershed committee that our'efforts were to get the sewer and water in and completed by the end of 1987. E. The Hennepin County Entrance permits ha~e been obtained and an extension granted with a slight modification. Hennepin County would have Preferred to see 3 curb cuts instead of the original approved 4 and we have agreed. We have agreed to have a single curb cut for Lots 1 and 2, a single curb cut for Lots 3 and 4 and where we showed 2 curb cuts for Lots 5 and 6 we will now use a shared curb cut for these last two lots. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of our request and your prompt approval will enable us to commence construction. on the sewer and water before Noven~Ser 1, 1987. Sincerely yours, -Richard.M.. Smith. 160 August 26, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 86- 100 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF SETON PLACE FID# 24-117-24 14 0037/0038/0039/0013, LOTS 7,8, & 9, BLOCK 29, ANq) FART OF LOT 6, BLOCK 18, SETON · PLANNING COb~ISSION CASE #86-507 AND 508, ~NCtUD1 CITY ENGINEER"S RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE STORM SEWER & DRAINAGE DITCN k~EREAS, the final plat of Seton Place has been submitted in the · manner required Cot platting of land under the City of Mound Ordinance Code, Section 22.00 and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota State Statutes and proceedings have been duly conducted thereunder; and ~EREAS, the City Council, on May 13, 1986, held a public hearing pursuant to Section 22.00, Chapter 22, of the Mound City Code of Ordinances, to Consider the approval of the preliminary plat and final plat requirements for Seton Place subdivision located on property described as follows: Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 29, and Part of Lot 6, Block 18, Seton Addition also known asPID# 24-117-24 14 0037/0038/0039/0013 WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects'consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and the requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the City Code of the City of Mound, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, 'Minnesota;. A. Plat approval is granted for Seton Place requested by Richard M. Smith upon compliance withthe following requirements: 1. As .per final plat, Exhibit "A" . 2. Completion of the requirements and conditions listed in Resolution 86-53. 3. 'The Developer is to sign a Development Contract and furnish to the City a performance bond in the amount of $~T88~ to cover grading and utility construction as'per plans approved by 'the City Engineer. Approval is to be submitted from all agencies requiring review, such as MCk~, FSi'CC, Minnesota Health Department, Hennepin County, etc. 5. Approval of all final grading and utility plans by the City Engineer. ~ e Submit additional escrow funds of $1,000.00 to defray city costs for Engineering, Legal, and Planning fees and any additional amounts that may be charged against said account under City Ordinance Section 22.40. 7. Approval of the land title by the City Attorney. 8. Submit Soil Test Reports as required and approved by the City Engineer. Park dedication in the amount of the fee which is applicable at the 'time of building permit issuance, but in no case less than 5300.00 per dwelling unit. ~ 161 August 26, 1986 10. Any deficient sewer unit charges will be paid in the amount of $292, for each deficient sewer unit upon issuance of the building permit', Ce That the City Clerk'is hereby directed to supply a certified copy of this Resolutioh to the above named owner and subdivider after completion of the requirements for his.use as required by M.S.A. 462.358. That the Mayor and City Manager.are hereby author)zed to execute the Certificate of Approval on behalf of the City Council upon compliance with the foregoing resolution. This final plat shall be Filed and recorded~withln 60 days of the date of the signing of the hardshells by the Mayor and City Manager in accordance with Section 22.00 of the City Code'and shall be recorded'wlthln 180 days of the adoption date of this Resolution with one copy being filed with the .! City of Mound. The foregoing resolution was moved by Copncilmember Peterson and seconded by Councilmember Paulsen. The following Councilmembers voted'in the affirmative: Paulsen, Peterson a~d Polston. The.following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Jessen and Smith. Mayor Attest: City Clerk RESOLUTION //86-100 (EXHIBIT "A") *' . is. l,;~ ·-'-_ '"" '~'-' "'~- !i :-," .,.~ ', -, !!ql ~11t I! l,t :!l|! ill-,-,.., ,,-,,-,, ,-,-- .. ·. ~:,-:,,,,~-! }l [, ,,. --.. -.-,... :. - ~! ,,bt ! .._ ,,.,, ~,' "":> "'~' ~ ~ d~1 Mi,i, / \ \ o \ \_ 0 \ - \ May 13, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 86-53 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR A SIX (6) LOT SUBDIVISION AS AMENDED DENYING THE SIDE YARD VARIANCES OF LOTS ?, 8 & 9, BLOCK 29, AND PART OF LOT 6, BLOCK 18, SETION, PID NUMBERS 2~-117-24 14 0037/0038/0039/0013 PLANNING COMMISSION CASE ~86-507 & 508 WHEREAS, the City Council on May 13, 1986, held a publi~ hearing pursuant to Section 22.00, Chapter 22, Mound Code of Ordinances, to consider approval of a preliminary plat for Seton Place, issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and approval of variances for the establishment of, twin homes on six (6) lots located on property described as Lots 7, 8 & 9., Block 29 and Part of Lot 6, Block 18, Seton; and WHEREAS, twin homes are allowed in the Two-Family Residential (R-3) zone by Conditional' Use Permit in accordance with Section 23.610.3 of the Mound Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the applicant requested a 3 foot side .yard variance for Lot 2, a 3 foot side yard variance and a 5 f-oct front yard'vari'ance~for Lot 3, a 3'foot side yard variance and a 17' foot front yard variance for Lot 4 and a 3 foot side yard variance for Lot 5; and WHEREAS, the proposed front yard variance satisfies the criteria for granting variances as stated in Section 23.506.1 of the Mound Zoning Code and the Conditional Use Permit satisfies the criteria for granting Conditional Use Permits as stated in Section 23.505.1 of the Mound Zoning Code; and 'WHEREAS, the Planning Commission. has reviewed the request and. does recommend a conditioned approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City C~uncil of the City of MoUnd, Minnesota: Preliminary Plat, Cohditiona.1 Use Permit and the rear yard variance for Seton Place (Case #86-507) are approved subject to the following requirements: Per plat on file at Mound City Hall, dated March 25, 1986. 2. Posting of a subdivision escrow in the amount of $1,000. Payment of park dedication in the amount of the fee which is applicable at the time of building permit issuance, but in no case less than $300.00 per unit. May 13, 1986 A grading and drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the recording of the final plat. Drainage and utility easements shall be shown in conformance with the City En§ineer's recommendations. That failure on the part of the applicant to submit a final plat per Section 22.13 within one year from the date of this approval shall deem the preliminary approval to be null and void· The following variance is approved: - Lots 3 and 4 : 20 to 22 foot rear yard variance, subject to LMCD approval, to compensate for the MWCC lift station in the front of the parcel. Any modification from this variance shall require review by the Planning Commission and City Council. 7. The side yard variances requested are DENIED· 8. Subject to other State and Local agency approval~ where applicable. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember .Peterson and seconded by Mayor Polston. .The following Counoilmember$ voted in the affirmative: paulsen, Peterson, Polston and smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Jessen. Mayor Attest: City. Clerk 75 YEARS CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager ,~-~ FROM: Jan Bertrand, Building Official DATE: October 21, 1987 SUBJECT: Kent & Leslie Westberg 6280 Deerwood Drive A variance was approved to allow a travel trailer at a construction site for new residence. The owner is requesting an extension untT1 the 5th of November. ! do not believe the structure nor the basement of the home will be completed by that date. As of today, the sheet- rock is being installed; but is not finished, no plumbing fixtures set, no appliances, no light fixture, no finished flooring, etc. ~ 7'7-6 RESOLUTION 87-181 -RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE TO TEMPORARILY PLACE A TRAVEL TRAILER AT 6260 DEERWOOD'DRIVE, LOT 4, BLOCK ~, WOODCREST; PID#23-117-24 23 0100 P $ Z CASE #87-668 WHEREAS, the applicant, Mr. & Mrs. Kent Westberg, has applied for a variance to a11o~, a travel trailer to be used as temporary living quarters; and WHEREAS, the city code 23.709 and the R-1 zoning district provisions do not allow, travel trailers as a residence; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval with restrictions. '' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City.Council of the Clty of Mound, MN. that the variance to allow a temporary travel trailer as a residence until October 26, 1987 to allow the completion of the dwelling being constructed at 6260 Deerwood Drive, PID#23-117-24 23 0100 as shown on Exhibit"A" is hereby granted. PROPOSED RESOLUTION CASE NO. 87-670 RESOLUTION NO. 87- .. RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE TO ALLOW AN ADDITION FOR LOTS 1,2,3,4,5 .AND THE EAST 10 FEET OF LOT 6, AND THE VACATED PORTION OF THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT, BLOCK 24, SETON; PID # 19-117-23 24 0044/0045 (4619 CARLOW ROAD) WHEREAS, the applicant has app]ied for a variance to recognize an existing non-conforming 7.7 foot front yard setback for lots I thru 5, and the East 10 feet of Lot 6, and the ~djacent vacatedstreet right-of-way, Block 24, Seton; PID Numbers 19-117-23 24 0044/0045; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R-2 Single Famil'y Zoning District, which according to the City Code,' requires a 20 foot front yard setback, 4 foot side yard setback to accessory buildings, a '50 foot )akeshore setback and a 6 fOot side yard; and WHEREAS, Section 23.404(8) provides that alterations, may be made to a building containing a lawful non-conforming residential unit when the al'teration will improve the livabillty thereof, but the alteration may not increase the number of units; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval with conditions. .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE.SOLVED by the City COuncil of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the City does hereby authOrize existing non-conforming principal structure setback'at 46'19 Carlow Road; PID 19-117-23 24 0044/0045. 2. The City Council authorizes existing structural setback violation and authorizes the alterations setforth below, pursuant to Section 23.404, Subd.(8) with the clear'and express understanding .that the use remains as a lawful'non- conforming use subject to all .the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.404. 3.' It is determined that the livability of the residential unit will be improved by'authorizing the following alterations to the non-conforming use property: Expansion of the prlnclpa)' structure wlth a 14 foot by 21 foot + one story three season porch on crawl space as shown on the slt~ plan identified as Exhibit A. CASE NO. 87-670 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: Jan Bertrand,'Suilding Official 2,~/l~ Planning Commission Agenda of October 1 987 CASE NO. 87-670 APPLICANT: Don & Jan Larson LOCATION: 4619 Carlow Road LEGAL DESC.: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and East 10 feet of 6, and the adjacent part of street vacated along the same; Block 24, Seton; PID Numbers 19-117-23.24 0044/0045 SUBJECT: Front yard setback v~rlance EXISTING ZONING: R-2 Single Family PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to add a 14 foot by 21 foot+one story three season addition to the living space of the existing home. T--he existing structure is 7,7 feet from the north property l.lne. The three season addition being proposed would be 10.5 feet to the north street front property line. Theother setbacks on the lot meet the City Zoning Code provisions. The R-2 Zoning District requires a 4 foot'side yard. to accessory structures, a 20 foot front Yard setback and'a 50 foot lakeshore setback. COMMENTS: The existing dwelling has several roof lines'which make it difficult to add onto the structure in another location. The pub)lc right-of-way was platted at a 66 foot wid~ major arterial width in this neighborhood. Prior to 1964, 8 feet of thls right-of-way was vacated On the north and south side of the street. The curb llne is 15.2 feet to the property line. The submitted survey does not indi- cate the 8 foot vacated portion as there is a separate tax parcel for this vacated portion of the street. The dwelling on the survey indicates an encroachment of .3 feet into the right-of-way which is incorrect,. The proposed addition would be 10.5 foot from the property line and 25.7 from the curb llne. The other setbacks on. the property do meet zoning code provisions. The Builder was requesting', in his application, that the City grant a blanket variance for the homeowner to do any modifications in the future. However, the Zoning Ordinance provisions do not allow structural modifications on non-conforming buildings without a variance approval for each modification. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested variance upon the con- dition that no further modifications be made without variance approval, and that the tax parcel for the 8 foot vacated portlon of the property be combined as one tax parcel. The abutting neighbors have been notified. This will be referred to the City Council on October 27, 1987. McOoml:)s-Knutson Associates, Inc, 12800 Industrial Park Blvd. Plymouth, MN 55441 612/559-3700 1-800-328-8322 Ext. 784 Oc~obe~ 6~ 1~87 Engineers Planners Surveyors Ms. Oan Bertrand Planning and Zoning City of Mound 5~41 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 SUBOECT: Zoning Variance - Lots 1 - 5 and East iO' Lot 6, Biock 24, Seton Case #87-670 ~<A #2113 Dear 3an: As requested, we have researched the probiem with that portion of Cariow Road which was previousiy vacated. The City of Mound did vacate 8 feet of Cariow Road adjacent to this property in I964, but evidentiy the resoiution was never properiy recorded. The resoiution no. is 64-88. Fran wiii certify a. copy of this. resoiution, which can be passed on to the property owner for recording and subseqUentiy, be added to the property description of this parcei. With the addition of the 8 foot street vacation, the existing house setback from the street right-of-way wouid be 7.7 feet and the proposed. addition setback wouId be i0.5 feet. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact us. Very truly yours, McCOHBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron $C: jmj Planning Commission H|nutes · October ]2, 1987 '3. Case'No. 87-670. Front yard setback variance, for 4619 CarlowRoad Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and E. l0 feet of 6, and adjacent part of street wacated along the same; Block 24, Seton; PID~'s 19-117-23 24 0044/0045 Owner Don [arson and Contractor Richard Rucinski were present. .. The Building Official explained %he request to add a 14 foot by 21 foot one story three season addition to the existing'home on the north. The survey submitted does show encroachment, but that is incorrect. Mr. Larsonhas letter showing 8 foot street vacation was done in 1964. The road. was platted at 66 foot wide. Present structure is 25.7 feet to curb line; there is quite a bit of right-of-way. She noted that she had ex- plained the Ordinance requires a variance for each structural modifcation to the applicant. Staff recommends approval of the requested variance with condition no further modifications be made without variance approval and tax parcel for 8 foot vacated portion of Carlow Road adjacent-to this property becombined with this property. Andersen moved' and Weiland seconded a motion to recommend approval of the-staff's recomendation. Thevote was unanimouslyin favor. This will be on the City Council Agenda October 27, 1987. CITY OF HOUND APPLICATION TO PLANNING & ZONING COHHIS$10N (Please type the followlng information) Case No. ~7- 47. Fee Paid _~a ~ D~te Filed ~.~-~? 1. Street Address of Property 2. Legal Description of Property: Lot~ 1_:>_~_1,_~; y~ ~* ~n ,-,~' ~ Block ?/~ Addition Set;grt PID No. /~ - //7- 4~ &~~~ 3. Owner's Name ~o~ ~ Ja~ ~so~ Day Phone No. 1:?O-~. Address &619 Carlow Applicant"(if other than owner): Richard Rucinski 5217 Phelps,Mound,Mn. Name Day Phone No. I:?~ 7~5~ Address Type of Request: e Variance ( ) Conditional Use Permit Zoning Interpretation $ Review Wetland Permit ( ) P.U.D. ( ) Amendment ( ) Sign Permit ( )*Other *If other, specify: Present Zoning District Existing Use(s) of Property Has an application.ever been made for zoning, variance, or conditional use permit or other zoning procedure for this property? ~_~ If so, list date(s) of list date(s) of application, action taken and provide Resolution No.(s) Copies of previous resolutions shall accompany present request. I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained In any required papers or plans tO be submitted herewith are true and a'ccur~te. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Hound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be, required by ]~w.. , ,~ .~.~2..~.~ Signature o' Appiicant /~~~~ Da Planning Commission Reco~endation: Approval of staff's recommendation. Council Action: Resolution No. Oate 7 Request for Variance ,Procedure (2) Case # ~'7-/.. ? o D.. Location of: Signs, easements, underground utilities, et~. E. Indl. cate North compass direction °" ~ · .F. Any additional Information as may reasonably be required by the City Staff and applicable Sections of th~ Zoning Ordl. nance. !11. Request for a Zoning Variance .A. All.l'nformation below, a site plan, as described In Part II, and general application must be provided before a hearing wlll be scheduled. B. ODes the present use of. the property'conform to all use r_egjot~atlons for the zone district In which It ls located? Yes ( ) No If "no", specify each n~n-conformlng, use: House is 19ca,ed i~ street easmen~ Ce Do the existing structures comply with'all area helg~and bulk regulatlons for the zone district In which l't Is.located? Yes (~J~) No' ( ) If "no", sp&clfy each non-conforming use: De Ee Which unique physlcal characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable use for any of the uses.permitted in that zoning district? ( ) .Too narrow ( ) Topography' ( ) So41 "( ) Too. small · ( ) Drainage. ( ( ) ..Too shal!o.w ( ) Shape ( Old house ;imProperly located on the lot ) Sub-surface ) Other..: Specit~y: Was the hardship d~scrlbed above'created by the action o~ anyone having property, lqterests in the land after the Zoning Ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ) No (:]CC) If yes, explaln: F, Was the hardship created by'any 'other man-made change, such as the reloca- tion of a road? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, explain:Unknov.~; streets ,were installed abou~ 196~;possible vacation a~ C~at ~ime G. Are the conditions of hardship for'which'you request a variance peculiar only to.the property described In this petltlon? Yes' If no, how many other properties are similarly affected? ~;e are. app~n~o~ly for this property bu~ the homes across the: stree= may be az[eecee. . Wha~ Is the "minimum" modification (variance) from the area-bulk regulations · that will permit you to make reasonable use of your land? (Specify, using maps, site plans with dlmenslqns and written exp~apation. At~ach addl~lQna~ "sheets, If necessarv.~ince the ~ev~ous vac~=zon .was no= recoroe~ ~ is no~ know i~ t~ previous vacation applies now, so ~e would like I. Will granting of the variance be materially detrimental to property ~Vt~) same zone, or to the enforcement of thls ordinance? no Certifica.teof Survey for Carpenters Wheel in Lots 1-6, Block 24, SETON Hennepin County, Minnesota 29~' I hereby certify.that this ts a true and correct representation of a surve, y of the boundaries of Lots 1 2, 3, 4, 5, and the East 10 feet of. Lot 6, Block 24, SETON, the iocation of all existing build- ings, if any, thereon, and the.proposed location of a proposed ad- dition..It does not purport to show any other'improvements or encr- oachments. Scale: Date : 1 inch = 40 feet September 9. 1987,vehU67 COFFIN &.GRONOERG, ~lark S. Gronberg HN. LIc. No. 12755 'Gordon R. Coffin MN. Ltc. No. 6064 tN/ CASE NO. 87-671 TO: Planning Commission, ~pplicant and Sta~ FROH: Jan Bertrand, Bumld,ng Official Planning Commission Agenda of October 12, 1987 CASE NO. 87.671 APPLICANT: Earl and Nila Erlander LOCATION: 4354 Vilshlre Boulevard LEGAL DESC.: Lot 80, Phelps Island Park First Division, also land lying between said Lot 80 and the shore of Black Lake; PID 19-117-23 13 0013 SUBJECT: Lakeshore setback variance EXISTING ZONING: R-2 Single Family PROPOSAL: The aPplicant is requesting a variance to allow the construction of an 8 foot by 28 foot + above ground deck to the lakeshore within 30.feet of the ordinary high water elevation of Lake Hinnetonka. The property has had a garage added to the Structure since the survey was done in ]971. There was a variance granted-under Res. No. 71-350. The property has approximately 5200 square feet + of lot area. The R-2 Zoning District requires a 6,000 square foot lot area, a 6 foot side yard setback, a 20 foot front yard setback, and a 50 foot lakeshore setback to the ordi- nary high water elevation for Lake Hinnetonka. COHHENTS: The'tOpography of this lot is quite steep to the lakeshore and to afford the owner some amount of yard space and easier maintenance for the building, the applicant has requested this variance of 20 feet + to lakeshore. There is a 4 foot walkway proposed to the above ground deck along the east property line. There is also room however alg~'th~_.we~t_.p~operty an 8 foot de~k at the top of 'the hill aiong the west side of the structure. RECOHHENDATION: As the structure was built previous to adoption of any flood plain elevations and setbacks by the City, it is felt that the 38 foot setback on-the ....... structure is not objectionable to the area. However, both structures adjacent to this building are set back in line and the proposed deck would protrude in front of the average building line of the homes. There is also the possibility of adding this deck along the west side of the property and still allow an 8 foot deck at the top of the hill. Staff would recommend denial of any further encroachment into the setback area adjacent to lakeshore. The abutting neighbors have been notified. This will be referred to the Clty Council on the October 27, 1987 Agenda. A "/.s' ? Plannln9 Commission Minutes October 12, 1987 Case No. 87-671 Lakeshore setback variance for 4354 WilshireBoulevard Lot 80, Phelps Island Park 1st Division, also land lying betweenLot 80 and the shore of Black Lake; PID % 19-117-23 13 0013 Applicants, Earl and Nila Erlander, were present. The Building Official explained they are requesting to construct an 8 by 28 foot above ground deck within 30 feet of lakeshore. She revi~¢ed some history found in the file on previously granted variances. In 1981, Resolution 81-87, a former owner was granted a variance to enclose what used to be a deck with the stipulation that no deck be added at a future date. Apparently the north end of the ho~se was open then. The structure w~s originally built before the adoption of the Flood Plain Ordinance andwas built 38 feet + to lake. Mr. Erlander stated they wish deck in order to maintain property; it is a little frightening to get up and caulk, paint, etc. the lakefront side of home; basicallywant to put deck on for access to windows. Mrs. · Erlander questioned .not being told it was cut and dried and they could have saved the $50~ Ene also commented neighbors have decks closer to 1-ake. Weiland movedand Sohns seconded a motion to recoranend deniai of the request. The Commission explained that it certainly was an inconvenience not to' have a deck in order to maintain their lakeshore windows; but that finan- cial hardship was not part of criteria to grant a variance. The vote on the motion to deny was unanimously in favor.of .the denial. This will go to the City Council on the October 27, 1987 agenda. CITY OF HOUND PPLICATION TO PLANNING & ZONING COHHISSION '(Please type the following information) Case No. ,P7-~£ ?/ Fee Paid ~'o ~ Date Filed 2. Le. gal Oe~cript.lon, of Property: Lot ~0 Address Day Phone /~. Applicant '(if other than owner): Name ~ Day Phone No. Address ------' 5. Type of Request: (~} Variance ( ) Conditional Use Permit ( ) Zoning Interpretation & Review ( ) Wetland Permit ( ) P.U.D. '% ( ) Amendment ( ) Sign Permlt ( )*Other' *If other, specify: '~, Present ~:onin9 District ' ' '~ Z 7. Existing Use(s) of Property ./L~,4 ! ~.4-r,' . 8.' Has an appl,cation ever been made for zoning, vaflance, or conditional .other zoning procedure for this property? ~ VF.$ If so, 11st date(s) of list date(s) of application, action taken and provid~ Resolutlon No.(s) ~/~ use permit or Copies of previous resolutions shall accompany present request. I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to'be submitted herewlth are true and accurate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this appllcatlon by any authorized official of the City of Hound for the purpose of inspecting, o~ of posting, maintaining'and removing such notices as may be,required by law. "Signature of Applicant~~ Date ~-~-~" Planning Commfsslon Recommendation: Denial of the request. Date Council Action: Resolution No. Date /0 '-~-7-,~'7 Request for Zoning Varlance Procedure (2) Case # ,r?- ?/ D. Location of: Signs, easements, underground utillties, etc. E. Indicate North compass direction F. Any addltlonal information as may reasonably be required by the City Staff and applicable Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. III. Request for a Zonln~ Variance A. All.information below, a site plan, as described in Part II, and general application must be provided before a hearing wlll be scheduled. B. Does the present use of the property conform to all use regulations for the zone.district In which it Is located? Yes (/~) No ( ) .. If "no", specify each non-conforming use= Do the existing structures comply with ali area height and bulk regulations .for the zone district in which it is located? Ye~ (~') No ( If "no'~, specify each non-conforming use: D. Which unique physical characterlstlcs of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) .Too narrow ( ) Topography ( ) Soi'l ( ) Too. small ( ) Drainage ( ) Sub-surface ( ). Too shallow. ( ) Shape . ( ) Other: Specl~y: E. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anydne having property interests in the land after the Zoning Ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ) No ()~) If yes, explain: F. Was the hardship created by any'other man-made change, such as the reloca- tion of a road? Yes ( ) No (~ If yes, explain: G. Are. the conditions of hardship for'which you request a. variance peculia~ only to the property described in this petition? Yes .( ) No If no, how many other properties are similarly affected? H, ~hat is the 'minimum'~ mdific;tio~ (variance) from the area-bulk regulations that will permit you to ~ke reasonable use of your land? (Specify, using maps, site plans ~ith dimensions and written exp]anatlon. ~ttach additional sheets, If necessary.) ~ ~~ ~o c~~oc~ 2 I ~ill granting o¢ the variance be mater~aliy detrimental to propefty same zone, or' to the enforcement of this ordinance? /do, I I I March 10, 1981 Councilmember Swenson moved the following resolution, RESOLUTION NO. 81-87 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE STREET FRONT & LOT SIZE VARIANCE WHEREAS, owner of property described as Lot 80 Phelps Island Park 1st Division, Plat 37930, Parcel 4915, PID 19-117-23 13 O015 and having a street address of 4354 Wllshi're Blvd. is requesting variances to add on an addition 12 x 24, and WHEREAS, sai'd addition would be where the existing deck is now located and offer more iiv|ng and dining area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That C0uncil does hereby concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and does hereby approve the 4.5 ft. ~treet front variance and the 915.25 ft. lot size variance to allow the building of an addi- tion where a deck is now located. Be it further stipulated that no deck be added at a future date and o~ne~ obt~[~Pe~ts~ion fo~ S~[d ad~t~- _f_r_om'the Minnehaha Creek W~tershed District. A motion f~r the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council-:. - 'member'Ulrlck'and.upon.vOte being t~ken thereon; the following voted i'n favor thereof; Charon, Lindlan, Polston, Swenson and Ulrick,'the following voted against the same; none, whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Attest: ~ty Clerk CMC s/Leighton Lindlan Mayor RES0L~TION NO. 71-3~0 RESOLUTION CRAXT~C ~RONT YARD (Lot 80, Phelps Ielan~ Park let Division) :-~.. ;.'-.'.[~ 'W~V~8, the °Wne~ of Lot 80, Phelps Islan~ Park, let Divis/on has '- ::.;:'.'*' requeste~ a front yar~ setback varianoe of 4~ feet in or,em · ' · :: "": to oonstru~t a g~rage on his lot, and [ ..:'.'. · .. ~!....:...,.'~.:..-* :.: ~ WHEREAs, the P~.anninE Commtesi6n has reoommende~ the variance to provide ,, , ....-..' for an attache~ two-car garage 22 fee~ in width and not more ;.:;'.,. :-~ . :.' . · ':" :'" ""' ~0'~ · ;: '.%'?...-..... . . .'. .:-: .."-~- ..~ .. . · . '. '.. ":....'. ·· · so the garage oan ~e. plaoed I feet from Count-/ Roa~ ~12~ ::..:.... . .. . 5 ~ : ..': :.'-,:' ".. .' ' ' · .'..-.. ..- ...' . the Oounotl this La, th da~ of :Deoe~e=, 1971. KERR~°~ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NOTIFY JAMES A. RILEY THAT THE CITY WILL EXERCISE ITS OPTION TO PURCHASE LAND WHEREAS, the City of Mound has entered into option contract with Mr. James A. Riley for the acquisition of Lot 12, lying east of the road, and Lots 13, 14, and 15, Koelher's Addition to Mound, Lake Minnetonka, and WHEREAS, the City held an election on September 29, 1987, and the electorate has given the City authority to borrow money to acquire this land and to develop a Public Utility Building, and WHEREAS, the City in the option agreed to notify the seller by November, 1987, if they have an interest in proceeding so that the seller can make many necessary plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, as follows: e The City Manager is hereby authorized to write to James A. Riley notifying him that the City will exercise its option to purchase the aforedescribed property and thatthe date the City shall take possession is April 1, 1988. The Mayori City Manager, Finance DirectOr, City Attorney, and other City staff are authorized to complete the necessary work for the City to acquire said lands at the option price of $172,000 plus the payment of all outstanding special assessment coming due after the closing and to prorate the 1988 taxes and assessments to the date of a closing. Attest: Mayor City Clerk CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYVVOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 75 YEARS October 22, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK REAPPOINTMENT OF PINKY CHARON TO THE MOUND HOUSING ANO REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ms. Pinky Charon's term on the Mound Housing & Redevelopment Authority expired on August 29, 1987. She has asked to be reappointed and the HRA has recommended .approval. This is a 5 year term which would expire on August 29, 1992. fc October 27, 1987 RESOLUTION NO. 87- RESOLUTION TO REAPPOINT KAROL 'PINKY' CHARON TO THE HOUND HOUSING & REDEVELOPIlENT AUTLIORITY FOR k FIVE YEAR TERM - TO EXPIRE 8-29-92 BE IT RESOLVED, that. the City Council of the City of Mound, Min- nesota, does hereby reappoint Karol "Pinky" Charon to the Mound.Housing & Redevelopment Authority for a five year term, to expire August 29, 1992. The foregoing ressolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk 75 YEARS CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-1155 October 23, 1987 TO: FROM: · MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL dC ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER-' ' RE: DEVELOPERS PRESENTATION - LOST LAKE Richard Bienapfl, President of Waterford Development Group, and Nell Weber, Richard Schwartz of Schwartz/Weber will be present Tuesday evening to make a formal presentation on the country inn project they have proposed for the City's Lost Lake property.-. The intent of the presentation is to give you a better picture of what the developer is attempting to do with the project. I have extended invitations to the Planning Commission and the Park Commission to attend. 'Copies of the proposal are available to anyone who wants them. Fran will bring copies along with her to the meeting, should anybody request them there. Following the presentation, I am sure there will be a number of questions. Mark Koegler, City Planner, 'and myself have had two meetings with Mr. Bienapfl and Mr. Weber. We have discussed various aspects of the project, but there are still some questions that need to be resolved, on a staff level, before further review can be carried out. I would suggest that you allow the staff to further review the .proposal and allow the staff ,to further address questions that we have. Subsequent to that review, should the City Council desire'to proceed, a letter of intent would be appreciated by the Developer from the City, which would indicate that the City is willing to pursue the project and will study further issues that surround the project. ES:is THE INN AT LOST LAKE A DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL October 27, 1987 II. III. I. Development Team A. Waterford Development Group, Inc. B. Schwarz/Weber, Architects C. Consultants & Other Team Members Development Proposal A. Architectural Concept B. Architectural Program C. Description of Improvement Discussion of Issues A. Market -- B. Environment ~ Lake Ac .cess . D. Connection to Remainder of Community E. Finance -- (Tlostlk) 3300 EDINBOROUGH WAY,, SUITE 406, EDINA, MN 55435, TELEPHONE 835-7075 BILLS OCTOBER 27, 1987 Batch 7101 Batch 7102 6q,699.57 .. 75,283LTq 139,983.31 ~estonka Sewer & ~ater Bristol residence 750.00 TOTAL BILLS lq.O,733.31 PArlE i AP-C02-O1 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLO NO. INVOICE ~SR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY DF {iDU~ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION dOURNAL ACCOUNT NUII~ER PPF-PAID A~UNT DATE TIME CHECK {" AOO&O ACRO-MN 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 19.42 OFFICE ~UPPLIES 19.42 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12,23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.81 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 251.47 PAPER-CARTRIDGES 5.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES 352.77 dRNL-CD 352.77 01-4040-2100 01-4090-2i00 0i-4140'2100 01-41~0-2100 01-4340-2100 01-4280-2100 71-7100-2100 73-7300-2100 78-7800-2100 01-40~-2100 01-40&0-2100 2O4O AOIO0 AIR COM~ INC 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 68.28 NOV CONTRACT 20.45 NOV CO, FTRACT 9.45 NOV CONTRACT 4.68 t~V CONTRACT 24.30 NOV CONTRACT 4.69 NOV COntRACT 14.85 NOV CONTRACT 9.45 NOV CONrFp. ACT 14.85 NOV CONTRACT 171.00 dR)~.-CD 171.00 01-4280-3~50 01-4340-3950 01-41~0-3950 01-42~0-3~50 01-4140-3950 01-4040-3950 73-7300-3950 78-7800-~50 22-4170-3!!F'-J) 2040 BO510 10/22/87 10/22/87 541.32 METERS 541.32 dRNL-CD 73-7300-2300 2O40 BADGER {*ETER VENDOR TOTAL 541.32 B0520 10/22/87 10/~/87 1,411.25 NOV LEASE 1,411.25 JRN'L-CD 20-5~)0-3920 2040 BALSA MI~4ESOTA )01000307 VENI)OR TOTAL 1411.25 B0540 10/22/87 10/22/87 76.,: OXYGEN 76,22 JRNL-CD Ol-v;>O-;;Sv 2040 VEN£OR TOTAL 76.22 S0541 1~2.00 ~.:r~:R TIRE LOADER 142.00 JRNL-CD U~-.~uO-~310 2040 VENDOR TOTAL 142.00 ).--.50 10/22/87 I0/~/~7 2,94 PEN REFILLS 2.0:. SL?F'LiES ~o.oc. ...... F'~K REC SUPPLIES 41,83 01-4280-2100 0i-4060-21CZJ 01-4~40-~80 2040 STORE VD4DOR TOTAL 01-4320-3800 PAGE 2 AP-C02-OI PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY~M~$ DATE 10/2 TIME 11.1 INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION PRE-PAID CHE ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT CHECK. t DA 10/22/87 10/22/87 256.92 JRNL-CD 2O4O CHEMLAWN CARPET CLEAN VENDOR TOTAL 256.92 coqgo 10/22/87 10/22/87 907.00 505.00 303.64 5,946.50 7,662.14 EOUIP LEASE HI)WE MAINT UBIRAINING UB SOFTWARE dFN.-CD 01-4095-5000 01-4095-3800 01-4095-4110 01-4095-5000 2O40 COMPUTOSERVICE INC VENDOR TOTAL 7662.14 C1079 10/22/87 10/22/87 51.04 319.21 3.02 107.78 53.89 53.89 209.12 61.54 138.79 998.28 OCT TELEPHONE OCT TELEPHONE OCT TELEPHONE OCT TELEPHD~ OCT TELEPHONE OCT TELEPHONE OCT TEL.EPHD~ []CT T~_ ~HONE OCT TELEPHONE dRNLoCD 01-4095-3220 01-4320-3220 01-4190-3220 01-4280-3220 73-7300-3220 78-7800-3220 01-4140-3':J~ 22-4170-3220 71-7100-3220 2O40 CDNTIN~J~AL TEI. EPHDNE VENDOR TOTAL 998.28 01170 10/22/87 10/22/87 459.75 153.25 613.00 RR LEASE TO 11/15 RRLEASE TO 11/15 ,JRNL-CO 40'~00-3910 01-4320-3910 2O4O DAKOTA RAIL INC VENDOR TOTAL 613.00 Dl189 10/22/87 10/22/87 40.00 MAY INSPECTIONS 40.00 JRNL-CD 01-3251-0000 2O4O DAVID P FISCHER D1230 VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 40.00 25.52 HUD-MILEAGE 3.25 HUD-MTO 28.77 JF~.-CD 01-4~0-3340 01-4090-412~ 2O4O VENDOR TOTAL 28.77 D1290 10/22/~7 10/..~; o7 ~n CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS-CB9 6,30?.60 ~NL-CD 40-6000-2.2~ 2~0 VEND&~ TOTAL 6309.60 10./22/,'E.-;7 10/22/87 ;~-7800-23CK, E'.J: ?::E;: :,.',;Y'.~:ETE VEI~;DOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 E'J2?:: :-::~DK & ASSOC VEND3R TOTAL 42,00 42.00 42.00 TA!:K ...... D' JRNL-CD 73-7300-3100 2040 PAGE 3 AP-C02-OI ~DOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE ~R DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY OF HOB'iD AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUMBER PRE-PAID AMOUNT DATE TIItE F1660 FLOYD SECURITY 81831" G~ERAL R~AIR SE~ICE 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENI)DR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP VENDOR TOTAL H2100 10/22/87 10/22/87 HE)tN CO CHIEF OF POLICE-PT VENDOR TOTAL H2140 10/22/87 10/~/87 HENN CO SH~IFFS DF. PT VENDOR TOTAL I2'389 10/~/87 10/22/87 INSTRU~NTATIDN SERVICES I VENDOR TOTAL J2440 d B DISTRIBUTING 10/22/87 10/22/87 VE)~OR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/L-';7 VEI-~DGR TOTAL !.C~.--_'- C=E' :CAL VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 i0/22/87 VEND[8 TOTAL 411,00 SEMI ANI, FUAL ALARM 411.00 ,~mNI_-CD 411.00 343.51 SEAL-SLEEVE 343.51 JF~L-CD 343.51 58.55 REPAIR TANKER 50.00 REPAIR I)URP TRUCK 50.00 REPAIR [~JMP TRUCK 5.80 ROD 164.35 ,JR~.-CD 164.35 195.00 COURSE FEE-HARRKIL 195.00 JRNL-CD 195.00 160.46 SEPT BOOKINGS 160,46 ,JR~L-CO 160,46 104.85 REPAIR RADIO 104.~ JRNL-CB 104.85 111.24 CLEANERS 111.24 JR)~.-CD !11.24 i0.0~ SEHINAR 10,04 JRNL-CD 10,04 6S,20 MILEAGE o~ ~ GrU~ ~TG ~ ~ COMPUTER ~TG 220.76 JRI.~L-CD 220.7~, ..... .-. HY~ ..... L~,, ACID 150.72 150.92 71-7100-3980 78-7800-2300 2O40 78-7800-2300 73-7300-23(X) 01-4340-2300 01-4280-2300 2040 01-4140-4110 2O40 01.4110-4350 2O40 01-4140-3820 01-42~0-2200 2040 0!-4190-4120 2040 0!-4090-3340 01-4070-4110 01-4095-4110 2040 73-7300-2260 2O4O PAgE 4 AP-C02-O1 VENDOR NO. INVOICE NMBR K2709 INVOICE DUE HOLD DATE DATE STATUS 10/22/87 I0/22/87 PURCHASE CITY OF AMI]LINT[ESCRIPTION 179.00 EMULSION 179.00 ~NL-CI) JOURNAL .~r_.OUNT ~ 01-4280-2340 2O40 PRE-PAID AMOUNT DAlE 10/£ TIME II.1 CHE CH£CK Il DA KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 17%00 L2850 10/22/87 10/22/87 562.10 4TH QTR INSURANCE 60.77 4TH QTR INSURANCE 562.10 4TH QTR INSURANCE 7'5.96 4TH QTR INSURA, NCE 4,017.13 4TH QTR INSURANCE 562.10 4TH Qll~ INSLRANCE 30.3 4TH QTR INSLS~qNCE 3,266.31 4TH QTR INSURANCE 303.84 4TH QTR INSURANCE 121.54 4TH QTR INSURANCE 835.57 4114 I]TR INSURANCE 3,190.38 4TH QTR INSURANCE 1,124.22 4TH QTR INSURA~tCE 2,316.80 4TH I]TRINSURANCE 2,316.80 4TH I]TRINSURANCE 19,346.00 dRNL-CD 01-4040-3610 01-4070-3610 01-40~-3610 01-4110-36 I0 01-4140-3610 01-4190-3610 01-41S0-3610 01-4280-3610 01-4290-3610 01-4320-3610 01-4340-3610 22-4170-3610 71-7100-3610 73-7300-3610 78-7800-3610 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS T* VENDOR TOTAL L2851 10/22/87 10/22/87 19346.00 56.50 4TH QTR W/C INS 62.50 41H OTR W/C INS 4j69.oo 4TH W/C INS 2,427.S0 4TH ~ W/C Im 1,6~00 4TH ~TR W/C I~ ~2.2S 4~ ~TR W/C I~ 62(.~ 4TH ~TR W/C I~ 1,069.25 4TH Q~ W/C INS ~5.75 4TH O~ W/C INS 11,~7.00 J~L-~ 01-4040-3600 O1 01-4140-3600 01-41~0-3600 01-4280-3600 0i-42~0-36(X) 22-4170-3600 71-7100-3600 73-7300-3600 78-7800-3600 01-4340-3600 2'O40 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS T* VENI)~ TOTAL L2880 10/22/87 10,/22/87 11307.00 97.50 ROTARY DLES 97.50 JRNL-CD 0!-4140-4120 2O4O LEONARD H~RRELL L2721 TOTAL 10/22/87 10,/22/87 97.50 8?5.00 iNSP-PLAN REVIEW 8~5.00 JRNL-CD 01-3251-0000 2O40 VE~DC~ TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 8?5.00 180.30 ALTERNATOR 445.95 PARTS 6~6.~v JRNL-CD 01-4140-3810 01-4290-2310 2040 LF_)!.j?..?' c~' "iZ' 'r VENDOR TOTAL 626.25 21.07 H~SE ~.-4170-~00 PASE 5 AP-C02-O1 NO. INVOICE ~BR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY OF ~tOUND A~9OL~T [ESCRIPTION JOURNAL DATE 1". CHECK # MACK TRUCK 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 21,07 dFt~4L-CD 21.07 20,i0 M~IO MARINA AUTO SUPPLY 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 236.03 SEPT PARTS 11.59 SEPT PARTS 3.00 SEPT PARTS 41.00 SEPT PARTS 291.62 JRNL-CD 291.62 01-4290-2310 01-4280-2300 73=7300-Z'JO0 22-4170-2200 2040 1'~40 MASYS CORPORATION 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 120.00 NOVSUPPORT-POLICE 120.00 JRNL-CD 120.00 01-4095-3800 2O4O M3080 MCCO~SS-KNUTSON 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 1,302.00 SEPT ~OR SERVICES 529,00 SEPT-DRAIN LINE 126.00 SEPT-CO 15 LIGHTS 2,067.11 SEPT-PW BLDG 243,00 SEPT ~A 54.00 SEPT CO 15 54.00 SEPT-FO PAF~(ING 54.00 SEPT-87 SEALCOAT 81.00 SEPT BURTON ESORDW 63.00 SEPT-B 'ALBDA ESCROW 54.00 SEPT-COMi'ERC SO ESCRDW 27.00 SEPT-LOST LA~ ES~DW 666.00 SEPT-78 STREETS 27.00 SEPT-STREET PLANS 243.00 SEPT-PLANS-ASSESS,STRIPING 5,590.11 JRll.-CD 5590.11 01-4190-3100 73-7300-3100 67-6000-3100 20-5200-3100 26-5700-3100 66-6000-3100 27-5800-3100 27-5800-3100 01-2r300-0967 01-2300-0948 01-2300-0928 01-2300-0901 55-6000-3100 01-4140-3100 40-6000-3100 2O40 M~50 10/~/87 10/22/87 664,94 SEPT GAS .47 SEPT GAS A~ ~l JRNL-CD 01-4320-3720 22-4170-37~ 2(;40 TOTAL 10/~/87 10/22/87 81.!5 130.95 212.10 HIP BOOTS .... CD 73-7300-2200 22-4170-2270 2040 ~;~,~:,,.~.-~ ..... -f ,:tP;._. c°. SA:ETY VEtJDDR TOTAL 212.I0 80.00 80.00 oR,'~L-uD 01-4090-4110 2~40 ....... =,, OF CPA'S VENDOR TOTAL 80.00 01-4280-3710 40-6000-3710 73-7300-3710 PAOE 6 AP-C02-01 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY DF MOUND DATE lO/l TIME ll.J VENDOR INVOICE [rdE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DE~RIPTIDN PRE-PAID CHi ACCOUNT NUMBER AK, DUNT CH£CK # 10/22/87 10/22/87 4,677.70 JRNL-CO NDRT~RN STATES POWER CD VENDOR TOTAL 4677.70 10/22/87 10/22/87 54.00 WINDSHIELD WASHEB 54.00 JRNL-CO 01-4290-2250 2040 PEkt4S~LVAJ4IA OIL CO VENDOR TOTAL 54,00 P4050 10/22/87 10/22/87 535.00 OCT JANITORIAL 9ERV 535.00 R-CO 01-43~-4210 2040 PNS SERVICE CORP VENDOR TOTAL 535.00 P4110 10/22/87 10/-)9/87 569.25 74.75 644.00 STRIPING CBD STRIPING CITY HALL JRNL-CD 40-6000-2360 01-4320-4200 20~ PRECISION STRIPING VENDOR TOTAL 644.00 R4220 10~2/87 10/22/87 244.00 FREIGHT 244.00 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9600 2040 P, BKS CORPORATION/NELSON D~ VENDOR TOTAL 244.00 S43&0 10/22/87 10/22/87 1,110.00 SENIOR ' COUNSELING 1,110.00 JRNL-CD 16-~-3100 · 2040 SENIOR COM,%~4ITY SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 1110.00 S4-430 10/22/87 10/22/87 552.90 417J15 970.05 RECYCLE FLYERS PW BR~H~E JR.-CD 01-4270-2120 ~-5200-3S00 2040 S~ F~INTING VENI)OR TOTAL 970.05 84431 10/22/87 10/22/87 43.05 REPAIR VACLrdM 43.05 71-7100-3820 2~0 SDS VACUL~ CLEANER SENVICE VENDOR TOTAL S44~9 ~v/~lo7 10,.~,~7 43.05 -'m.'.O0 DRACKETS 25'~ JRNL'CD' 22--4!70--~ 2040 54~00 25.00 ~..~., EAR PLUOS 51.45 ........ 73-7300-2200 . VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 5!.45 1,561,10 TiEES 53b.75 TI~£S 137.50 TIEES ~,~.~, JRNL-CD 01-4280-2310 · 01-4140-3810 01-4340-2310 2040 PAGE 7 AP-C02-O! VENDOR INVOICE ))UE HOLD NO, INVOICE N~R ))ATE rlATE STATUS SUBURBAN TIRE VEhq}OR TOTAL PURCHASE CIT)~ DF HOUND &~DUk5 DESCRIPTION 2235,46 JOURNAL A~COUNT NUMBER PRE'PAID AJ'iOL~4T DATE lC TIN II. CHECK S4630 10/~/87 10/2.2/87 11.40 SEPT GASOLINE 54.74 SEPT GASOLINE 13.02 OIL 28.78 SEPT GASOLINE 76.69 SEPT GASOLINE 8.75 SEPT GASOLINE 2.68 SEPT GASOLINE 526.94 SEPT GASOLINE 7~.00 ,JR~-CI) 01-4190-210 01-4280-2210 01-4290-2250 01-4~0-2210 73-7300-2210 01-4040-2210 22-4170-2210 01-4140-2210 2O4O SL~:'ERAMERICA VEND~ TOTAL 7~.00 S4641 10/22/87 10/22/87 680.00 WYE-GEAR CASE 680.00 dRNL-CD 22-4170-3820 SUTPHEN CORP VENDOR TOTAL 680.00 T4730 10/22/87 10/22/87 45.40 EXTERIOR STOOGE NOTICE 9.~ TONK~ STAR HEARING 87.06 F~DPDSED ASSESS;'IENTS 156.00 RECYCLE INSERTS 56.78 PROPOSED CBD AS~SSMENTS 148.80 PW BLDG ))ISPLAY 244.80 LABOR DAY-FOOTBALL ADS 442.8S PW ELECTIDN NDTICES 1,190.77 ,JRNL-C9 01-4190-3510 01-4090-3510 01-4020-3510 01-~270-3510 40-6000-3510 20-52O0-C-600 71-7100-3510 01-4060-510 2O40 THE LAKER VEND~ TOTAL 1190.77 T4790 10/22/87 10/22/87 364.10 BOOSTER-SUPPORT 18.28 FILTER-SENDER 382.38 JRNL-CD 01-4290-2310 22-4170-2200 2O40 TI-R]~ BRC)5 CHEVROLET VENDOR TOTAL 382.38 T4810 10/22/87 10/22/87 48.00 PENTA PRESS 48.00 JR)~-CD 01-4280-2310 2O40 T~ ~::nW~,LL L~,~,:~,,A, I,,G VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 272.01 META~ HASTER'HDSE 272.01 JRNL-CD 78-7800-2300 ~40 TOLL C~PANY TOTAL 272,0! 01-4095-2100 2040 10/22/87 10/22/~7 17.00 100.00 II~.00 SUBSCRIPTION F'FD SUBSCRIPTION JR¢C-CD 01-4090-4170 01-12~-0000 2(NO PAEE 8 AP-C02-01 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS WALL STREET JOURNAL VEI~OR TOTAL I0/22/87 10/22/87 WATER PRODUCTS CO~ANY VENDOR TOTAL W5530 WIDME~ INC X5-/50 XEROX CO~ORATION Z5870 ZIEGLER INC 10/22/87 10/22/87 VB~E~OR TOTAl. 10/22/87 10/22/87 VENDOR TOTAL 10/22/87 10/22/87 V~DOR TOTAL TOTAL ALL VENDORS PURCHASE CITY OF MOUND AMOUNT ~ESCRIPTION 119.00 28.94 ~YS 28,94 JRNL-CD 2~0.00 ~ANDVIEW 2&O.O0 dBl.-CD 2&O.O0 48.~5 FILTHS 48.~$ d~NL-CD 48.~ 75,289.74 JOURNAL AC~3OUNT NUMBER 73-7300-2300 2O40 78-7800-3800 204O 01-4320-3800 2O40 01-4280-2310 PRE-PAIl) AMOL~i' DATE TI~ 11. CHE CHECK # PAGE I AP-C02-O1 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. It~/OICE NMI)R BATE BATE STATU~ AO030 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 A-1 HII~ETO~{A RENTAL VF.2,9)OR TOTAL PURCHASE CITY OF MOUND 650.00 DESCRIPTION TABLES-CHAIRS JRNL-CD 6SO,O0 JOURNAL PRE-PAIl) O1 1010 6,50.00 27665 I A0149 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 AL & ALMA'S SUPPER CLUB VENDOR TOTAL 133.65 48.b0 182.25 182.25 P & Z DIIkS~F~ P & Z DINNER dRNL-CD 01-4190-4100 01-2300-000O 1010 182.25 27677 1( B0549 PRE-PAID · . 10/16/87 10/16/87 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 BELLBOY CORPORATION TOTAL 884.40 884.40 1,996.41 1,996.41 2880.81 LIQ dRNL-CD LIO JRNL-CD 71-7100-9510 1010 71-7100-9510 1010 884.40 27652 1( 1996.41 27673 1( C0889 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 CHUCK TWEDT SEMINARS VENDOR TOTAL 52.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 175.00 175.00 SEiilNAR SEMINAR 9EHINAR SEMINAR SEMINAR SEHINAR SEMINAR JRN.'CD 01-4090:4120 01-4040-4120 01-4190-4120 01-4140-4120 73-7300-4110 78-7800-4120 71-710o-4i20 1010 175,00 27637 C~99 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 COMMERCIAL LIFE INS CD VE)E~R TOTAL D1219 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 3.60 1.80 3.60 6.30 13.50 3.60 .90 7.20 5.40 .90 46.80 46.80 131.75 8.80 140.55 (]CT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE (]CT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE OCT LIFE ~NC-CD CONTRACT HILEAGET JF~,E.-CD INS INS INS INS INS INS INS INS INS INS 73-7300-1520 78-7800-1520 71-7100-1520 01-4280-1520 01-4140-1520 01-4190-1520 01-42~0-1520 01-4090-1520 01-4040-1520 01-4340-1520 1010 01-4350-3100 01-4350-3340 1010 4~.80 27662 140.55 27650 DELBERT RUBOLPH VENDOR TOTAL 140.55 DI.~O PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 B~AI,.I) BRYCE VENDOR TOTAL E1429 PRE-PAID 350.00 350.00 350.00 613.31 ADVANCE-CHIEFS MTG JRNL-CD LIQ 22-4!70-4110 1010 · 71-7100-9510 350.00 27645 PAJgE 2 AP-C02-OI PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY DF HDI~tl) ~ATE 10/ TINE IS. VENDOR INVOI~ DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE ~ DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNI ~SCRIPTION PRE-PAID CH ACCOUNT NIJMBER A,~UNT ~CK # D 10/16/87 10/16/87 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 323.35 WINE 15.48- DISC 921.18 dRIlL-CD 435.60 WINE 4.35- DISC 431.25 dRNL-CD 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 1010 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 1010 921.18 27M3 10/ 431.~ 27653 lOi nE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 569.94 LIQ 119.~8 WINE 12.99- DISC 676.83 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-956O 1010 676.83 27670 lOy El) PHILLIPS & SONS ~ENDDR TOTAL 2029.26 G!971 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 1~.70 OCT HOSP PREM 158.70 JRNL-CD 01-4140-1510 1010 158.70 27632 10~ GROUP HEALTH PLAN UE~$OR TOTAL 158.70 G1772 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87. PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 895.38 LIO ;'07,35 WINE 22.06- DISC 10.12 FRT 1,090.79 JRNL-CD 6O0.55 WINE 12.21- DISC 1.80 FRT 590.14 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 71-7100-9600 1010 71-7100-~520 71-7100-9560 71-7100-9600 1010 1090.79 'I I0, 590.14 27667 10 GRIGGS CODFt-R & COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 1680.93 H2150 PRE-PAID 22,787.74 98.62 10/16/87 10/16/87 22,886.36 PRE-PAID 21.00 10/16/87 10/16/87 21.00 2ND 1/2 PROP TAX 2ND 1/2 PROP TAX dRNL-CD EASEMENT 251172421013 JRNL-CD 01-4320-5310 40-6O00-5310 1010 01-4320-4100 1010 22886.36 27674 10 21.00 27654 H~N CO TREASLKrER ~rJ'4DOR TOTAL 22907.36 H2251 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 57.00 ROOM GUARANTEE 57.00 JRNL-CD 01-4040-4110 1010 57.00 27666 1( HOTEL MARITIME VENDOR TOTAL PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 69.40 ICMA SHUK1.E IO/3PR 69.40 JR~-CD 01-4040-1400 I010 69.40 276~ 1( ICMA RETIREMENT CDRP VENDOR TOTAL PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 INSTRUY~;TATION SERVICES I VENDOR TOTAL 69,40 2S.O0 25,00 25.00 REGISTRATION-SKINNER JRNL-CD 78-7800-4110 1010 ~,00 276~ 1, PAGE 3 AP-C02-O1 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. I)~.)DICE )~IBR DATE DATE BTATUB PURCHASE CITY OF I'IOUND AMOL~4T DESCRIPTION JOURNAL AC_COUNT NLrdBER DATE TIME Pfl~-PAID AHDUNT CHE~ # J2S71 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 JOHN TAFFE VENDOR TOTAL J26-79 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 JOHNSON BRDS ~HOLESALE LI* VENDOR TOTAL M3090 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 tED CENTER HEALTH PLAN VEYlDDR TOTAL H3170 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 ME1T<D WASTE CONTROL CDHMI* VEI~DDR TOTAL PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 ~ DTED VENDOR TOTAL M3500 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 MDU[~ FIRE RELIEt: ASSN VEND~ TOTAL M3631 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 MLFFUAL ~EHEFIT LIFE VEND~ TOTAL 162.00 CONI~T 234.00 CONTRACT 72.00 COt~RACT 12.00 CONTRACT 480.00 ~'NL-CD 480.00 1,185.98 LID 1,331.33 WINE 37.04- DISC 2,450.27 ~NL-CD 1,242.26 LID ~9.25 WINE 31.89- DISC 1,$79.62 JNL-CD 4~9.87 334.40 OCT HDSP ~REM 167.20 OCT HOSP PR~ 73.35 OCT HDSP PREM 574.95 JRNL-CD 574.95 2,598.75 SEPT SAC 2,598.75 JRNL-CD 2598.75 20.00 WDFU(SHOP-S~Ji~E 20.00 JRNL-CD 20,00 4,026.25 OCT FIRE RELI~ PENSI~t 4,026.25 dRNL-CD · 4026.25 177,73 OCT LTD 88.63 OCT Lll} 40,43 OCT LTl) 72.84- OCT LTD 16,44 OCT LTD 54.73 OCT LTD 16.44 OCT LTD 29.85 OCT LTD 34.72 OCT LTl) 48.96 OCT LTD 4~.09 JF~4L-CD 435.09 01-4~0-3100 16-5898-3100 01-4060-3100 80-8000-3100 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-~60 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 1010 01-4040-1510 01-4340-1510 01-4140-1510 I010' 78-2304-0000 1010 01-4040-4110 I010 95-9500-14~ 1010 01-4140-1520 01-4280-1520 01-4040-1520 01-41~0-1520 01-4340-1520 01-4090-1520 0i-4290-1520 71-7100-1520 73-7300-1520 78-7800-1520 I010 480,00 27649 1( 2480.27 2764.2 1879.62 27669 574.95 27633 2598.75 27663 1( 20.00 27676 1( 4026,25 276~9 1( 435.09 27638 1( PAGE 4 AP-C02-O1 VEh~OR INVOICE OUE HOLD NO, INVOICE )~BR DATE BATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY O~ HOL~D A~OUNT ~SCRIPTI[~N JOURNAL ACCOL~ NO,ER P~E-PAID AHOUNT DATE 10/~ TIME 15.~ C~ CHECK # P3950 PRE-PAID . PERA 10/16/87 10/16/87 VS'~OR TOTAL P4000 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PEPSI COLA/7UP BOTTLING VENDOR TOTAL P4030 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL P4111 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PROFESSIONAL EEO CONSULTAN VENDO~ TOTAL P4112 ' PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PROVIDENTIAL LIFE INS CO VENDOR TOTAL Q4171 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 OUALITY WI~E ~ SPIRITS VENDOR TOTAL R4259 PRE-PAID 104.09 PERA IO/3PR 151.46 PERA IO/3PR 84.10 PERA IO/3PR 324.39 PERA IO/3PR 84.73 PERA IO/3PR 1,676.03 PERA IO/SPR ~.06 PERA IO/3PR 63.32 PERA IO/3PR 143.58 PERA IO/3PR 4~.87 PE~A IO/3PR 2,722.~ JRNI,.-CD 2722.63 71.55 POP FOR DANCE 71.55 JRNL-CD 71.55 423.8~ OCT HOSP PREM 528.41 OCT HOSP PP£H 376.76 OCT HOSP PREM 1,036.08 OCT HOSP PREM 376.76 OCT HOSP PREM .2,054.83 OCT HOSP P~:~ 188.38 OCT HOSP PREM ~.86 OCT HO~ PREM 188.38 OCT HOSP P~H 5,759.32 ~-CD 5759.32 75.00 CONF FEE-SHLIKLE 75.00 JRIt-CD 75.00 689,70 PPD HDSP-N SCHEP~IAU 689.70 ~NL-CD 689.70 408.44 WINE 4.09- DISC 404.35 ~t.L-CD 1,024.28 LIO 306.50 WINE 23.77- DISC 1,317,01 ~NL-CD 1721.36 55.25 CONTRACT 98.09 OCT HOSP 73-7300-1440 78-7800-1440 71-7100-1440 01-4280-1440 01-4190-1440 01-4140-1440 01-4290-1440 0t-4040-1440 Ot-40~O-t440 01-4340-1440 1010 01-2300-0220 1010 73-7300-1510 78-7800-1510 71-7100-1510 01-4280-1510 01-4190-1510 01-4140-1510 01-4290-I510 01-4090-1510 01-4040-1510 1010 01-4040-4110 1010 71-1285-0000 1010 71-7100-9520 71-7100-95~0 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-95~0 1010 01-4060-3100 01-4340-1510 2722,63 71.55 5759.32 75.00 689.70 404.35 1317.01 27~5~ lot 27640 10, 27634 27~39 lC 27647 PA~ 5 AP-C02-O1 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY DF MOUND DATE TIME 15., VE)~OR NO. INVOICE NMBR ROBERT E JO~S~ I)~v'DICE ~JE HOLD DATE DATE STATUS ~MOUNT 10/16/87 10/16/87 153.34 vE~DR TOTAL 153.34 [ESCRIPTIB4 JRNL-CD A~OUltT NUMBB 1010 AMOUr41 153.34 C~ 27651 lOt' R4~$0 RONALD 'MARSCHt~ PRE-PAID 350.00 10/16/87 10/16/~7 3SO.O0 MENDO~ TOTAL 350.00 ADVANCE-CHIEFS MTG J~NL-CO 22-4170-4110 lOlO S4&59 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO S4370 .HAR.' PRE-PAID 104.98 10/16/87 10/16/87 104.98 VEhtDDR TOTAL 104.98 PRE-PAID 227,85 10/16/87 10/16/87 227.85 VENDOR TOTAL 22%$5 WRENCH-IMPACT GUN dR~-CO HOSP-KRAUSE-11,12,1/88 JRNL-CD 22-4170-~20 1010 01-4280-1510 1010 104.98 227.85 27636 1( 27648 1( S4390 SHDR~INE PLAZA PRE-PAID 1,993.74 OCT RENT I0/16/~7 10/16/87 1,?~3.74 JR~_-CD VENDOR TOTAL 1993.74 71-7100-3920 I010 1993.74 27635 S4500 PRE-PAID 175.11 254.80 141.49 32~.30 142,56 74,12 ~3.28 241.54 90.71 78.86 14,11 5.80 8.97 10/16/87 10/16/87 1,787.6,5 FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FICA IO/3PR FiCA IO/3PR FICA MED IO/3PR FICA ME~ IO/3PR FICA HED IO/3PR JRNL-CO 73-7300-1440 78-7800-1440 71-7100-1440 01-4280-1440 01-41~0-1440 01-4~0-1440 01-4040-1440 01-4090-1440 01-4140-1440 01-4340-1440 01-4140-1440 01-4340-14~0 71-7100-1440 1010 1787.65 27&~7 i~ STATE BA)~K DF MD'J4D VENDOR TOTAL 1787.65 S4550 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 ),574.44 3RD QTR SURCHARGE 1,574.44 JRNL-CO 01-2222-0000 1010 1574.44 276~. STATE TREASURER VEN[SR TOTAL 1574.44 S4570 PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 100.20 SYLVANIA LA?~ 100.20 ~)~_-CD 01-4320-2200 1010 100.20 27655 STERLING ELECTRIC CO VENDOR TOTAL 100.20 S4630 PRE-PAID 12.31 AUG GASOLINE 10.26 AUG GASOLINE 108.70 AUG GASOLI)E 87.58 AUG GASOLINE 645.27 AUG GASOLINE 01-4190-2210 01-4270-2210 01-4280-2210 73-7300-2210 01-4140-2210 PAGE AP-C02-O1 VENDOR NO. INVOICE ~tBR SUF'ERAM~ICA T4927 PURCHASE CITY DF MDUHD 10/16/87 10/16/87 TRAVELERS INSURANCE CD VENDOR TOTAL U5100 PRE-PAID INVOICE DUE HOLD DATE DAlE STATUS AHOL~T 10/16/87 10/16/87 864.12 VE)~DR TOTAL 864.12 PRE-PAID 57.93 63.79 262.36 22,00 149.50 44.00 49.50 63.43 86.43 820.94 10/16/87 10/i6/87 U~ITDG RENTAL SYSTEM VB~DR TOTAL PRE-PAID 10/16/87 10/16/87 ~URST-PEARSON-LARSON VEI'4DDR TOTAL TOTAL ALL VENDORS 820.94 42,46 16.80 105.00 21.00 10,40 31.50 52.50 5.10 284,76 284.76 1,550,00 1,550,00 1550.00 DESCRIPTION ,JR.-CD (]CT DENTAL PREM OCT DENIAL PREM OCT DENTAL PREM OCT DENTAL PREM OCT DENTAL PREll OCT DENTAL PREM OCT DENTAL PREM OCT DENTAL PREH OCT DENTAL PREM (3CT DENTAL PREH JRNL-CD SEPT TO~LS SEPT RUGSLS SEPT UNIFOF~ SEPT UNIFORMS SEPT UNIFORMS SEPT UNIFORMS SEPT UNIFORMS SEPT RAGS JRNL-CD OCT RETAINER JRNL-CD 64,699.57 JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1010 01-4040-1510 01-4090-1510 01-4140-1510 01-4290-1510 01-4280-1510 0i-4340-1510 01-4190-15i0 73-7300-1510 78-7800-1510 71-7100-1510 1010 01-4290-2250 01-4280-2200 01-42~-2.240 01-4290-2240 01-4340-2240 73-7300-2240 78-7800-2240 22-4170-22~ 1010 01-4110-3100 1010 PRE-PAID AMDU[f[ 864.12 820.94 284.76 1550.00 DATE 10/~ TIME 15.~ C{-ECK # 9~ . 2 10/ 27661 10~ 27671 10 27660 1( \o\ CITY OF MOUND Hound, H~nnesota PUBL!C DANCE PERMIT APPLICATION .~'ame of Owner of Business , S~ree~ City State Phone q72 - i -¢ff Date of Birth Does anYone other-than above have financial interest in the'business? Dates o'f Single Dances 16). If Annual Dance Permit, from when to when: Annuat Dance" $200.00 : (Ord' 3~7) ,. Iqa loween ~'rlf the answer to Item 3 is "Yes":, please list others havi The Mound Westonka Choir and Our Lady of the Lake Youth Group will hold a HalIoween Dance for all high school students grades 9-I2 .. ~day, Oct. 30, from ~-1I p.m. ntOur ~ Lady of the Lake School social hall. : . There will be D] music provided ' by the ~Mound Westonka Choir. Refreshments will be available. ; Tickets will be sold for $3 at thc hi~d~ .. school and will be available a~ door for $4. Proceeds will ~o to the CITY OF HOUND 1987 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES SEPTEMBER' 1987 SEPTEMBER BUDGET EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE 75 J of UNEN- CUMBERED EXPENSE Yea r PER CENT EXPENDED GENERAL FUND Council City'Manager/Clerk Elections Assessing Finance ... Legal Cable TV Recycling Police Civil Defense Planning/Inspectior Streets Shop & Store City Property Parks Commons. Docks Hound City Dpys Contingencies Transfers Computer $50,460 3,475 111,430 7,772 500. 1,914 46,170 40,803 134,010 9,314 83,750 5,333 6,490 22 18,32o 1,o83 626,130 39,746 2,300 33 104,600 8,235 390,730 25,872 50,810 4,409 85,320 3,071 144,760 6,342 54,100 366 3,500 --- 17,140 180 143,200 9,767, 5,5!8 41,364 9,096 82.0 78,996 32,434 70.9 2,657 (2,157) N/A 46,159 11 100.0 95,006 39,004 70.9 49,282 34,468 58.8 5,642 848 86.9 11,735 6,585 64.1 423,474 ~02,656 67.6 482 1,818 21.0 82,441 22,159 78.8 259,229 131,501- 66.3 37,561 13,249 73.9 49,077 36,243 57.5 109,284 35,476 75.5 42,199 11,901 78.0 3,485 15 99.6 1,584 15,556 9.2 87,900 55,300 61.38 39,739 .(39,739) . -- GENERAL FUND TOTAL j2,o7),72o 173,255 1,467,296 606,424 70.8 Area Fi re Service Fund $223,940 7,184 Liquor Fund 149,340 11,036 Water Fund' 296,910 36,797 Sewer Fund 693,150 103,497 167,391 56,549 108,067 39,173 215,874 81,036 493,819 199,331 74.8 73.4 72.7 71..2 CITY OF HOUND 1987 BUDGET REPORT SEPTEMBER 1987 75 ~; of Year BUDGET ~nt~mh~r REVENUE YTD REVENUE VARIANCE PER CENT RECEIVED GENERAL FUND Taxes Intergovernmental Business. Licenses Non-Business Licenses and Permits General Gov't Charges. Court Fines Charges to Other Departments Other Revenue $975,893 771,o57 13,000 108,100' 33,3OO 94,000 20,870 57,500 TOTAL REVENUE $2,073,720 '40,751 410 14,771 1,421 7,453 1,595 375 66,776 485,755 412,950 9,439 127,!!3' 18,144 61,848 11,192 1~,856 1~140~297 490,139 358,1o7 3,561 (19,013) 15,156 32,!52 9,678 43,643 ~33,424 49.8 53.6 72.61 117.6 54.5 65.8 53.6 24.1 55.0 LIQUOR FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND $755,0oo $300,000 $565,000 65,263 29,789 48,056 577,955 234,354 427,100 177,045 65,646 137,900 76.6 78.1 75.6 MINUTES OF THE MCUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1987 Present were: Chairman Thomas Reese; Commissioners VernAndersen, William Meyer, Geoff Michael, Brad Sohns, William Thal and Frank Weiland; Council Representative Elizabeth Jensen; City Manager Ed Shukle; Building Official Jan Bertrand and Secretary Marjorie Stutsman. Also present were the following interested persons: Susan Dailey of Merrill Lynch, Don Larson, Earl & Nila Erlander, Eric Berglund, Kurt Berglund, Norman T. Berglund, Richard Rucinski, Clarence & Carol Krotzer, Paula Gronlund, Bret Haage, Gary Paulsen, Daniel & Elizabeth Tveite, Nancy Barclay and Jack Cook. The minutes of the Planning Co~-~ission meeting of September 14, 1987 were pre- sented for consideration. On Case 87-662, Page 2, Sohns stated he did not make the motion; change maker of the motion to Meyer. Weiland moved and Thal seconded a motion to approve the minutes, of the September 14, 1987 meeting as corrected. The vote was unanimously in favor. BOARD OFAPPEALS 1. Case No. 87-641 Review and interpretation of development on Kildare Road Lots 11-20 and 27-36, Block 11, Seton; PID ~ 19-117-23 21 0032 Norman T. Berglund was present. The Building Official, Jan Bertrand, explained that this piece of property was in for rezoning from the R-4 to R-2 a few months ago and also .they had requested a vacation for Longford Road vacation which was denied. Now Mr. Berglund is requesting that parcel be split up robe sold as individual R-2 parcels. She noted that Kerry Lane going north and south thru there is about the end of the utilities and the blacktop as you go west on Kildare Road. Normally it does not take a subdivision to break up land because they are platted lots; but the County (because Mound has so many undersized lots) does require staff approval. The City Engineer talked with Mr. Berg- lund and it was agreed to keep intact the parcel west of the improved street, watermains and sewer (Parcel E) and the proposed resolution shows the pro- posed split of the land. Thal moved and Michael seconded a motion to recon~nend approval of the proposed resolution dividing the land. Council Representative Jensen stated Attorney Jim Larson had questioned. whether or not we were creating new parcels by doing this; that there was something about the way they were deeded that we may have an opportunity to not create more bowling alley type lots. Mr. Berglund stated it was under one deed; he purchased these lots 20 years ago and former owner had combined them and had them rezoned for purpose of building multi-family; Berglund has not been able to sell them for multi-family and so had it rezoned back to single family which he said the whole area is zoned. The Building Official stated that Jim Larson was concerned that property, when split up, may not meet criteria for "lots of record" and would have to maintain all the current criteria for the R-2 Zoning District which means 10 foot sideyard setbacks. Meyer advised he is against proposal of creating 40 foot wide bowling alley type lots because he feels these will keep coming back for variances. Berglund stated area won't support large homes, but if someone wishes larger lots, they could buy 2 parcels. The Commission discussed and it was noted lots meet legal size, width, etc. Planning Co~missionMinutes October 12, 1987 - Page 2 The vote on the motion was: Weiland and Meyer opposed; all others in favor. Motion carried by a 6 to 2 vote. . This will be back on the City Council Agenda October 13, 1987. Case No. 87-669 Lot size variance for property at 3100 Inverness Lane Lots '17 and 18, Block 5, Pembroke; PID~ 19-117-23 33 0010 Owners John and Melvin P. Bosma The Building Official explained that she put a proposed resolution in the packet on this item as square footage is well within the 10~ limitation and Mr. B°sma is supposed to be closing on this property contingent on-Vari- ance approval on October 15th, so rather than waiting to send it to the Council on the 27th, it is on the agenda with a proposed resolution to be adopted and any changes the' Commission wishes to make would have robe relayed %o the Council at the October 13th meeting.. One alteration she would like added as Item 5: Upon the further condition that a soil test be submitted prior to parcel development(before they build on the lot). Sohns moved and Andersen seconded a motion to recon~nend granting the the lot size variance with the conditions in the proposedresolution and also the addition of Item 5 that soil test be sutznitted prior to parcel development. The yote was unanimously in favor. 'This will be on the City Council Agenda October 13, 1987. 'Case No. 87-670 'Front yard 'setback 'variance for 4619 CarlowRoad Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and E, i0 feet of 6, and adjacent part of street vacated along the same; Block 24, Seton; PID%'s 19-117-23 24 0044/0045 Owner DonLarson and Contractor Richard Rucinski were present. The Building Official explained the request to add a 14 foot by 21 foot one story three season addition to the existing home on the north. The survey sul~nitted does show encroachment, but that is incorrect. Mr. Larson has letter showing 8 foot street vacation was done in 1964. The road was platted at 66 foot wide. Present structure is 25.7 feet to curb line; there is quite a bit of right-of-way. She noted that she had ex- plained the Ordinance requires a variance for each structural modifcation "to the applicant. Staff recon~nends approval of the requested variance with condition no further modifications be made without variance approval and tax parcel for 8 foot vacated portion of CarlowRoad adjacent to this property be combined with this property. Andersen moved and W~iland seconded a motion to recon~nend approval of the staff's recon~nendation. The vote was unanimously in favor. This will be on the City Council Agenda October 27, 1987. Case No. 87-671 Lakeshore setback variance for 4354 Wilshire Boulevard Lot 80, Phelps Island Park 1st Division, also land lying between Lot 80 and the shore of Black Lake; PID % 19-117-23 13 0013 Applicants, Earl and Nila Erlander, were present. The Building Official explained they are requesting to construct'an 8 by 28 foot above ground deck within 30 feet of lakeshore. She reviewed some history found in the file on previously granted variances. In 1981, Planning Co~ission Minutes October 12, 1987 - Page 3 Resolution 81r87, a former owner was granted a variance to enclose what used to be a deck withthe stipulation that no deck be added a% a future date. Apparently the north end of the house was open then. The structure was originally built before the adoption of the Flood Plain Ordinance and was built 38 feet + to lake. Mr. Erlander stated they wish deck in order to maintain property; it is a little frightening to get up and caulk, paint, etc. the lakefront side of home; basically want to put deck on for access to windows. Mrs. Erlander questioned .not being told it was cut and dried and they could have saved the $50. She also co~,ented neighbors have decks closer to lake. Weiland moved and Sohns seconded a motion to reconm~end denial of the request. The Conm~ission explained that it certainly was an inconvenience not to have a deck in order to maintain their lakeshore windows; but that finan- cial hardship was not part of criteria to grant a variance. The vote on the motion to deny was unanimously in favor.of the denial. This will go to the City Council on the October 27, 1987 agenda. Case No. 87-672 Minor subdivision of land re: 2666 Westedge Boulevard Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Batdorf's First Addition; PID %'s 23-117.-24 24 0014/0059;. Nancy Barclay, Applicants Daniel. Tveite and Elizabeth Tveite, Clarence Krotzer, Bret Haage and Paula Gronlund'were present.. The Building Official explained that Mr. & Mrs. Barclay are in the pro- cess of selling the property and the neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Tveite, want to purchase half of Lot 3 adjoining their property. The division would make one parcel have 14,930 square feet and the other 15,430 square feet. As the first survey did not show the location of the garage..on. Lot ~,..she had the surveyor go back and locate it with conforming setbacks (descrip- tions were adjusted). Staff reconm~ends approval of the proposed division upon condition accessory structure have 6 foot sideyard setback to the north property line and that utilities be located and if there is an en- croachment, they be relocated onto Lot 4 and south half of Lot 3. She noted, that because these people hay, been delaying closing, and this is a conforming minor subdivision, she has prepared a proposed resolution and this will go to the City Council on October 13th. The Chairman stated he understood Barclays are not the fee owner, but Contract Purchaser. Clarence Krotzer stated he is the fee owner. The Chair stated Mr. Krotzer was the person who should have made this appli- cation. Mr. Tv. ire stated 1½ lots were going to be sold to one party and he was buying the other ½. Mr. Haaqe stated he is a third party buying the property and he understood he was purchasing Lots 3 and 4. He stated they had the title work done on the property preparatory to closing on Lots 3 and 4 and if descriptions are other than shown on purchase agree- ment, it becomes a legal problem and will cause a problem with the mort- gage company and they'll be unable to close. The Buildin9 Official said there were some difficulties in the closing, however, that was not a Planning Con~nis~ion Minutes October 12, 1987 - Page 4 Planning issue. The ~ots do conform to our Ordinance. The Chair noted the fee owner needs to be agreeable to wanting Lot 3 subdivided. Nancy Barcla%[ stated they, as Contract Purchasers, put the house up for sale with ~ealty company's full.knowledge and the people they bring through, that they were going to split off the half of the lot to go to owner of Lot 2. Mr. Krotzer stated he would okay the division subject to checking it out with his attorney on Tuesday prior to the Council meeting. Weiland moved and Sohns seconded a mDtion to recoranend approval of the minor subdivision subject to Mr. Krotzer's checking it out and signing the application as fee owner. The vote was unanimously in favor. .This will be on the City Council agenda October 13, 1987. 6. Case No. 87-673 Side yard setback variance for 4452 Denbigh Road Lot 2 including adjacent vacated street, Block 1, Avalon; PID ~ 19-117223 24 0002; Jack Cook was present. The Building Official explained Mr. Cook received a variance a short time ago to place a garage on the street side of his home; we allowed that within 3 feet of the side lot line and 12% feet of front property line. Now, he wants to add a second floor on this existing home; do. struc- tural modifications with beams and supports and has continued to build a deck which is there at the present time. It is sitting within the 3.7 foot to 4.1 foot setback on the west which is non-conforming. The Conxnission discussed the request at length; they thought we could allow minimum requirements and that the deck should be cut down or come off; also it was thought that the building should be brought up to Building Code. The applicant stated he would like approval to continue building the upper story and get it closed 'in 'at this time and then come back with some plans for the deck situation at the next meeting; that could be Under another application. Sohns moved and Weiland seconded a motion to reco~-~;end approval of staff recommendation. After some discussion, "bringing the structure up to Building Code" was added to the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Cook was advised, if he wishes to come back with a revised plan, he can apply for an amendment of the variance. This will be on the Council agenda of-October 13, 1987. The Building Official advised that the minor subdivision request by Lucille Maas.,~ for 5916-5930 Glenwood Road (Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 4, Minne- sota Baptist S~L..~,er Assembly) has been withdrawn at this time. DISCUSSION ITEM 1 It was agreed that interviews for Planning Con~nission·mem- bership will be scheduled for the end of November. ADJOURNMENT Andersen moved and Weiland seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:25 P.M.. in favor, so meeting was adjourned. All were Gl. Paul Pioneer Pre,s DiSpatch 1 .Buainess/Twtn Cities · Monday, oCi°i)er' ~9, ~e87 emp.loYs_ dive,:se ho el Str'a eg ea Radisson expafids into Far East. Canad.. · ' . · .. - ~ . · ""~'~ d,scount Country Hospitality.line Opens :: By Jim McOartney ' ..... '" Staff Writer The Carlson Cos. would like to match the success of the Minnesota Twins and their "homefield advantage.". While the Twins are competing for the No. 1 slot in baseball, the huge, diversified Plymouth-based company ownedby Curt Carlson is moving Closer to its own goal of entering the hotel industry's top 10. Its Radisson hotel division has. moved in the last four years from. [gth nationally in amber of rooms' o 12th, based on its own estimates. of The eompuny is taking a number strikingly different approaches m an effort to move up two more notches: Marketing the luxury Radisson hotels to women travelers, building a new chain of discount inns, and expanding into foreign markets. But there is one factor common to carlson's diverse strategies -- the underlying belief that no matter how far they travel or how much they pay for lodging, all customers want to feel at home. "Nobody really wants to be in a hotel -- they would rather be home," said Roland Bauman, manager of the ritzy Radisson Plaza hotel in downtown Minneapolis. "We try to make the hotel as dose to home as you can have. We avoid putting junk in the guest rooms, and that applies to the design throughout. We have restaurants that don't look like caverns, but are reminiscent of home." Carlson Cos.' '~o place like home" strategy can be seen in various ways: · It is giving an increasingly ' homey touch to the interior design of Radisson hotels in an attempt to appeal to women travelers -- a key element in its marketing plan -- and get away from the __aceoratng to Suergen Barrels. the : ;; Nobody really Wants to be in a 'hotel .-- they would rather be home. Roland Bauman Manager Radisson Plaza ·., Minneapolis head of the Carlson Cos. hospitality. group. h m With th~ slogan "Just like ome.," the company will have a grand opening Thursday for the prototype in Burnsville of its new discount chain, "Country Hospitality Inns" Cozy touches the inns will inc~l~ude f~'eplaces the lobbies and down-filled quilts on the beds. · The "hotel as home" concept also underlies Radisson's rapid ' expansion into foreign markets, ineinding the Far East, Europe and Canada. Barrels feels that the Radisson name, increasingly familiar in the United States, will have a comforting and recognizable appeal to U.S. business travelers who are visiting foreign countries. Bartels hopes home appeal will continue to propel the hotel group along the rapid growth pattern he set when he came to the Carlson Cos. four years ago. He promised then that he would grow the hotel division from 89th in size in the country to the ranks Of such : industry giants as .Ramada Inn ~ind Marriott. .8o far, he apPears to be on ' schedule. Since 1083 the hotel . .. divisiOn has grown to 152 hotels · ' with 36,000 rooms, from 39 hotels ~9:2.00 rooms.. During that time me hotel group has added $2 billion m new hotels and 16,000 employees. Revenues are projected to increase to $770 million this year, from $605 million in 1986. The group has an additional $960 _ million in hotels under co~tructi6n now, and b~;the ~nd of: next year there will be 50,000 rooms under its management. ' ''~ While that is a far cry from the industry leader, Holiday Carp., - with more than 303,000 i'ooms, it moves the Radisson clOSer to the top 10. In Lodging Hospitality. Magazine's ranking by numbers of · rooms at the end 'of 1986, Radisson was 16th, with 23,662. Bartels'... .calculations about Radisson's ~ncreases since then compared with those of the companies ahead. of it on the list lead him to believe his company now is 12th. As is increasingly common in the l · hotel industry, Radisson will manage, not own, the new hotels. Most hotel chains prefer to deploy their assets into management ' services rather than into real estate, according to Stephen Sherf, partner in the Minneapolis office of Laventhol & Horwath, an accounting firm that studies the hotel industry. The chains also find it easier to expand when they don't have to finance their own development.. "We want to build 40 hotels a year, and that's in a climate of decreasing results for the industry," Bartels said. The rapid growth of Radisson through acquisitions is part of a hotel industry trend toward consolidation. "A' lot more people are traveling from coast to coast, not just regionally any more," said Sherf. "The regional chains are finding it to their benefit to be national. That way they can support national advertising. You need a lot of rooms to support that" , Hospitality Inns have toll-free reservation lines, which would be too expensive for a small chain. The hotels expect to pick up more than 20 percent of their bookings through the toll-free systems. No' more men's' clubs Bartels believes that one of the key elements of success for the Radissons will be their appeal to women_ Women continue to be ' overlooked in business travel, despite their growing presence in' that marketplace, he said. In 1970, only I percent of business travelers were women, acc°rding to. Bartels. Now One-third of all travelers are women, he said, with that percentage expected to rise to half by the end of the century. "We must change from the brown and beige men's club look to a more modern style," he said. Radisson hotels are being designed with a-lighter, more colorful appearance and greater. use of pastels, shades and patterns, Barrels said, adding that women want class, not "shag carpets and nickel-and-dime paintings." Sitting in the Festival .restaurant, the main dining room of the new Radisson Plaza in ...... downtown Minneapolis, Bartels said that the pink piano in the corner "wouldn't have gone under · the old style." Earlier attempts by hotels to appeal to women failed because women were not given what they wanted, according to Bartels. In the 1970s, Hilton experimented with segregated floors for women that offered extra security, frilly decor and a special "Lady Hilton" in-house representative. Women didn't like this, particularly the dormitory effect of segregated floors, Barrels said. Criteria the same Radisson's studies show that women have many of the same criteria in choosing a hotel as men do. They want hassle-free .__registration, comfortable accommodations, appealing meals, good service and cleanliness. · But they also want additional security, including electronic card systems instead of keys, deadbelts, chains, self-locking stairwell doors, .and better lighting in parking ramps~ Barrels makes sure his new 'hotels incorporate such security items. In addition, women ask for suites where business can be transacted in a room separate from the bedroom, and for club lounges or executive floors where guests can socialize for breakfast or after- dinner cocktails in a more relaxed atmosphere than a bar or lobby, Barteis said. "Although men world never have asked for it, they like the more residential look of the rooms, 'as well as the club facilities and other amenities,,.he said. '. ........ Homey touohes Barrels says the feminine touch ls carried over into Carlson Cos.' new chain, Country-Hospitality Inn.q, The preferred name, "Coun- trademarked, but 'q-Iospitality" is de-emphasized in the logo. "In other discount hotels, it was as though men who did p. ublic hous- ing were doing them ruth their old turquoise or black-and-red interi- · ors," Bartels said. ·"Most of them were designing truck stops." The "just like home" theme is Carried throughout'the inn. Onthe 'outside· is a front Porch with shutters on the windows/In the lob- by, wooden chairs surround a small fireplace. The walls are bordered with handpainted stencils. All the rooms have grapevine wreaths on the walls over the beds. Such items ss lamps and phones are not at- tacbed to the walls or desks, so- they can be arranged to suit the lodger.. '~Ve have tried to develop a strong residential look," said Scc' Mey~er, the manager of the ~. room prototype Country Inn that recently opened in Burnsvill~ The addition of Country Inr~q gives Carlson Cos. a foothold in the lower end of the hospitality mar- ket. Its Radisson group hotels al- ready compete in the top two seg'). ments of the lodging industry... '- Radisson Plaza hotels compete with Hyatt Regency, Westin and some newer Marriotts and Hiltons in the luxury market, where ledgers pay $100 and more a night for their roon~ Radisson Inns op. erate in the full-service market; where rooms cost $70 to $100 a night and the competition includes other Hiltons and Marriotts and new Holiday Tn,~ Now, with Country Inns, Carlson will be competing in the. limited- service market, where such chains ss Hampton Inn, Comfort Inns and Days Inns offer rooms for $35 to $50 a night. Carlson 'also Will attempt to ap- peal to the upper end of the limit- · ed-service market with Countr Suites, an upscale version of ti, Country Inn. The prototype for this inn style was built this year in Coon Rapids near'Northtown Cea- son will not have an offering is the budget market, where such chains · as Super 8, Motel 6 and Econolodge Maintaining qtiality and · consistency will be one of the ' company's biggest. challenges !n general as it continues to grow. compete for customers looking for rooms at less than $35 a nighL Although the two Twin Cities Country Inns are the only ones op- · erating so far, there already are 37 franchisees signed up to build . more. The company expects to have 300 within five years, accord- ing to John Olson, senior vice pres- ident of Country Inns. · 'Hotels/. carlson. Cos. :sets 'fevered expanSion' ' pace _ The company has deals set in the Maine, Vermont and New Hamp- shire region, as well as the Indiana, KentuCl~y and Tennessee area. "We have been expanding at the rate of' about one (t~ranchise agreement) per week," Olson said. . ... "We've really eliminated all the extra services you don't need to: pay for," said Edward "SMp" Gage, president of the Carlson Cos., who is Curt Carlson's son-in- law. "That includes ballrooms, meeting space, and room service." CocoUntry Inns are a subsidiary of untry Kitchen International, the Carlson Cos. chain of family res- tam'ants. Country Kitchen officials' hope that about 80 percent of the new Country Inns have Country Kitchens built next to them. The decor in the' 136-seat Country Kitchen in Burnsville is similar to its Companion inn next door in .the country manor theme. "In Country Kitchen, we did a number of restaurants with budget hotels." Gage said.."We decided that we're in both sides of this -- why don't we do it too?" - The association between the inn and the restaurant is suggested but not mandatory, said Richard Hob- man, president of Country Kitchen. Also recommended but not re-! quired is a liquor lounge in the~, Country Kitchen. The inns and res- taurants usually will have differ- ent owners, Hohman said. Together, the average cost of a Country Inn and Country Kitchen is about $5 million. The Country Inn costs about $30,000 a room, and can be built in 20 weeks. Carl- son Cos. is recommending franchl-' _sees___.~e M.A. Mortenson Construct__ tion of Golden Valley, which built and owns the first inn in Burns- ville. There are about 250 Country. Kitchens in 20 states and two Canadian provinces. Global ambitions ' : If, many business travelers in the United States like staying at a · home-away-from-home hotel, Carl- son Cos. is' betting that Americans o aV. e. Ung ab. road also may .yearn, r me conuorts of home. The re-* suit 'is an aggressive campaign to spread the Radisson name world- wide through associnUon with eign hotels. : -.. ~ ey are more aggressive in expanding 'into Eui-ope and over-'~: seas than other hotel companies," Sherf said,- "Since so much of the European travel is American, it makes sel~se." So far, Radisson has expanded into Canada, Germany, gwitzer- land, Scandinavia, the Middle East and the Far East. About 65 of its hotels are located outside the Unit- ed States. .' , The expansion is made easier by..' the foreign contacts of Bartels, a native of Germany who has Europe and Canada. His background also inspires him with a competitive fervor. "'The hoteliers"in-E[U-op~ have always set the standard, but not any more. I want them to come to M/nnesota to see_the state of the · rt, smd Bal~.. els, referring to, the new Radisson Plaza Hotel in down- town Mirmea~lis. Radisson announced last month .that it was expanding' into the Far. -East'throUgh a joint venture wtth, H~ng.Kong,based Park Lane Ho-] tels International. The two wilI l pursue joint development of howls| under the Radisson/Park Lane! name in the Asia/Pacific region. Radisson also said it would em- bark on a major 'expansion pro~ gram in Canada beginning 'Nov. 1 with a 277-room Radisson Plaza in St. John's, Newfoundland. The Radisson name will appear on sew eral hotels in major Canadian cit- ies in the next two years. Barteis said the company is negotiating for more Canadian locations, and ex- pects to have deals set within 15 months. Two years ago, Radisson entered into a joint marketing agreement with MovenpiciL a Swiss hotel con.. cern. At least one jointly devdoped. hotel Under the Radisson/Moven.' pick name is expected to open next .. Most of the foreign ho.tels ~a~e managed by the foreign partner, not by Radisson. In such arrange- merits, Carlson makes its money by · charging for management support . services, as~well as for a share of · the overall cost. Of-marketing and' of the.toll-free telephone reserva- tion system. Withbut management responsi- . bility, Carlson may encounter diffi-. · culty in maintaining consistency in the. fo. re. ign hotels. "If things get out ot line,, we can dissolve the partnership," Gage said. '.'But the · real key is finding the righ{ part- hers in [he ih-st place." ency will be one of the c0mpanlfs biggest challenges in general as it continues to grow. In fact, because of the variety of hotels that are as- suming the Radisson name, Barrels emphasizes that Radisson is a "col- · lection," not a chain. About half the. ''current Radisson hotels are man- ' .aged by the company, with the rest · : franchised. - . '. He hopes to meet the quality challenge by carefully selecting. which hotels the CompanY.takes: over and who it hires to run them. .Rapid:growth is one waY to attract the best young talent the industry has to offer, he said.. · Side benefit Carlson Cos. also benefits from other subsidiaries that comple. ment its hotel group. For instance, Carlson owns such major travel agencies as Ask Mr. Foster with' 400 offices and P. Lawson with 111, offices in Canada. With a total 650 offices, Carlson has become the largest travel agency in this country and second largest in the' world. : markets," Gage said of. the hotel, and travel agency ~roups. are in similar bUSinesses,i and it's good for our executives to talk'to each .o. ther and be fantiliar with, each other's businesses.".. HoWever, he said that'each busi- : ness COncentra. tes on serving its' own customers, not those of anoth- er subsidiary. The company's trav- el.agencies are not told to favor Carlson hoteis :in' making recom, · mendatiOus to customers, he said. · :...'.:..: .! ..:. :" BarteJs recognizes may be difficult ~).'keep Up the expan, sion pace he's seL The investment ctimate for new hoteis is weaken- ing, he. said, because tax' revision has sheared away some of the breaks investors &nce goL' Rising interest rates and the anticipated recession, also wi]] dampen new de- velopment, according to Barte]s. '"! ha~;e :made a 5i~ p~-omise of' continued'growth despite this cti-. . mate," he said. "We just have to crank up= the machine another notch." league of minnesota oities October 13, 1987 TO: FROM: City Clerks ~ Donald A. Slater, Executive Director RE: 1988 Proposed Legislative Policies and Priorities Enclosed you will find your city's copy of the League's 1988 Legislative Policies and Priorities. Please distribute copies to your mayor and councilmembers for their review. The general membership will adopt the 1988 Legislative Policies and Priorities on Wednesday, November 18 at the Sheraton Midway Hotel in St. Paul. Registration opens at 9:00 am and the adoption meeting begins at 10:00 am. (Please see the October magazine for registration forms). Every member city has one vote to cast at the meeting. It is important that your city is represented so your city's views can be expressed. Our six policy committees developed these policies through the League's policy process. The policy process begins in June at the annual conference. Committee meetings continue throughout the summer. Each policy committee recommends topics for issues papers to be discussed at the League's regional meetings. At the regional meetings, cities voted--via a written ballot--on these issues. The results were shared with committee members, who took these results into consideration when drafting the final proposed policies. As you can see, an extensive amount of work went into drafting the proposed policies. Therefore, your city's suggestions on them is very important. I hope your city will be represented at the Policy Adoption Meeting on Wednesday, November 18. If you have any questions concerning the proposed policies please feel free to call: Committee Development Strategies (DS) Elections and Ethics (EE) General Legislation-and Personnel (GLP) Land Use, Energy, Environment and Transportation (LUEET) Revenue Sources (RS) Federal Legislative (FL) Staff Person Donald Slater/Lynda Woulfe Helen Schendel Joel Jamnik Joel Jamnik Laurie Hacking/Sarah Hackett Ann Higgins