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CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Pledge of Allegiance. Resolution Declaring September 25, 1988, Lynn Nelson Day in Mound, Minnesota Pg. 2042-2043 Approve Minutes of August 23, 1988, Regular Meeting· Pg. 2044-2054 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CASE ~88-720 & 88-721. Applicant: Tonka Alano Society, Inc. Owner of Property: Roger Rager & Joyce Guinon, 5098 Three Points Blvd., Lots 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, Block 2, Dreamwood, PID #13-117-24 12 0018/0017/ 0020/0021/0022. Request: Zoning Amendment and Conditional Use Permit for public lodge, meeting hall and club. Pg. 2055-2061 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CASE ~88-723: William Niccum, 4841 Bartlett Blvd., Part of Government Lot 8, PID #13-117-24 44 0001/0002/0010. Request: Conditional Use Permit for wetlands alteration. Pg. 2062-2074 Se (Curt Pearson, City Attorney, will distribute a letter Tuesday evening regarding this issue.) PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Drummond Road from Amhurst Lane to Devon Lane. Pg. 2075-2086 · PUBLIC HEARING: Drummond Road Storm Sewer and Street Improvement Assessment. Pg. 2087-2097 PUBLIC HEARING: County Road 15 Street Improvement Assessments. (Please bring assessment roll distributed at the August 23, 1988 Council Meeting.) Pg. 2098-2107 PUBLIC ~EARING: County Road 15 Street Light Improvement Assessments. (Please bring assessment roll distributed at the August 23, 1988 Council Meeting.) Pg. 2108-2116 Page 2039 10. Comments & Suggestions from Citizens Present. 11. Request to he heard from Bret% ~aage. ~666 Westedge Blvd. re: Homestead Credit Processing Pg. 2117-2119 12. 13. Request to be heard from Mike Malaske, 6557 Bartlett Blvd. (Mr. Malaske indicated he would send information regarding this matter to you for the packet. It has not been received by City Staff.) Approval of Payment Request #4, Public Works Facility in the amount of $145,044.10 Pg. 2120-2122 14. Approval of Change Order #5, Public Works Facility. (City Engineer will distribute materials Tuesday evening.) 15. Request for Maintenance Permit on Commons - Studer/Smith, 4849 Island View Drive. Pg. 2123-2124 16. Appointment of Director to L.M.C.D. Board. Pg. 2125 17. Extension of Resolution #88-36. Pg. 2126-2129 18. Resolution Reconveying (if necessary) Certain Portions of Tax Forfeit Lands Back to the State and Requesting the County Board to Impose Conditions on the Sale of said Tax Forfeit Lands and to Restrict the sale to Owners of Adjoining Lands (PID ~13-117-24 34 0009). Pg. 2130-2133 19. Request from James Musech, Attorney for ARCO Century re: Release of Reversionary Interest. Pg. 2134-2139 20. DISCUSSION: 5440 Lynwood Blvd. (Resolution submitted by Councilmember Liz Jensen.) Pg. 2140 21. Presentation of Proposed 1989 City of Mound Budget. Pg. 2141-2142 22. Payment of Bills. Pg. 2143-2159 23. INFORMATION/MISCEL~OUS ae' Department Head Monthly Reports for August 1988. Pg. 2160-2196 Be August 1988 Financial Report as Prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. Pg. 2197-2198 Ce Memo dated September 6, 1988, from Jim Fackler, Parks Director, regarding Eurasion Water Milfoil Seminar. Pg. 2199-2200 Page 2040 De F® I understand that Mayor Smith has invited the Drug Task Force to a breakfast meeting on Saturday, September 17, 1988. The enclosed letter dated September 9, 1988, from Dr. Bill Peglow indicates that he cannot attend this meeting and also suggests hesitancy with regard to approving expenditures for 1989 for drug issues. Pg. 2201 Letter from Cathy Bailey, Westonka Senior Center regarding efforts of Sgt. Brad Roy. Pg. 2202 Mailing from the Metro Futures Task Force of the Metropolitan Council on issues facing the Twin Cities in the 21st century. They want your opinions. Please review and respond to Donna Mattson at the Metropolitan Council. Pg. 2203-2208 Park Commission Minutes of Sept. 8, 1988. Pg. 2209-2214 Planning Commission Minutes of Sept. 12, 1988. Pg. 2215-2221 Page 2041 ~ MAYOR STEVE SMITH ~1~ MOUND, MN HOME 472-766a 5,341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55384 (612) 472-1!55 ED .~HUKLE, CITY MANA(~ER LEN HARRELL, POLICE CHIEF DON BRYCE, FIRE CHIEF September 12, 1988' Ed Shukle City }.~anager 5341 I,iaywoo;d Road ~;ound, ~E'T. 55364 Dear Ed: Ehclosed is a Resolution that is self-explanatory, please place it on 2©th agenda after the Pledge of Allegiance. Thanks. Sincerely, RESOLUTION DECLARING SEPTEMBER 25, 1988, LYNN NELSON DAY IN MOUND, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson attended Mound-Westonka schools from grade 3 through 12; WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson started her running career as a member of the 1976 Mound-Westonka High School Girls Cross Country team and competed, successfully for four years as a member of the Mound-Westonka Girls Cross Country team and for four years as a member of the Mound-Westonka Girls track team; WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson won conference and regional championships while competing for Mound-Westonka High School and won all state honors in cross country and track and field while competing for Mound-Westonka High School and graduated from Mound-Westonka High School in 1980; WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson attended Mankato State and Arizona State Universities, graduating from Arizona State in 1985 with a B average and a degree in Computer Science and on two occasions made All-American while competing at the University level; ' WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson represented the 'United States of America as a member of team USA in the World Games in Rome in 1987, and placed eighth in the 1988 U.S. Olympic trials in the Marathon; WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson won the U.S. Olympic trials in the 10,000 meters in Indianapolis on July 22, 1988, establishing the trials record for the event; WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson will represent the United States team in the Olympics 10,000 meter event in Seoul, South Korea on Sunday, September 25, 7:10 E.T. and on Thursday, September 29, 1:40 a.m. E.T; and WHEREAS, Lynn Nelson is a product of, an example of, the Mound-Wesfonka school system and of the quality of life and the environment found in Mound, Minnesota and who reflects a spirit of competitiveness and drive to reach excellence found generally all across the United States of America and specifically right here in Mound, Minnesota, and the Mayor, the City Council and the people of Mound, Minnesota, hereby affirm that we do hold Lynn Nelson in high regard and esteem. NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota declare that Sunday, September 25, 1988, is Lynn Nelson Day in Mound, Minnesota. A o 13 122 August 23~ 1988 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 23, 1988 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, August 23, 1988, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council ChamBers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Liz Jen- sen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Councilmember Don Abel was absent and excused. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, City Planner Mark Koegler, and Build- ing Official Jan Bertrand and the following interested citizens: Gladys Larson, Ray Chamberlain, Marie Sorrell, Ed and Vangie Waldroff, John Larson, Pat and Paul Meisel, Rick Lindlan, Doug Selle, June and Raymond Dahlguist, John Gonzalez, Jim Bloom, Dana Fanelli, Sheila Sundstrom, James Morgan, Jay and Lori Gyllen, H. J. Hagedorn, Louise Hagedorn, Clifford Reep, Jim Robin, Frank Ah- rens, A1 Strand, Jay Gorden, Greg Hewitt. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in atten- dance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MINUTES 'MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the August 9, 1988, Regular Meeting, as sub- mitred. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS city Manager Ed Shukle explained that the revised amount was $2,084.08. The Mayor.opened the Public Hearing. There were no comments. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the folloWing resolution: RESOLUTION 88-115 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,084.08 AND AUTHORIZING THE STAFF TO SHUT-OFF WATER SERVICE TO THOSE ACCOUNTS Thevote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE ~88-717: MARIE SORRELL, 2147 FOREST LANE, LOT 41, BLOCK 1, BROOKTON, PID ~14-117-24 31 0042, FENCE HEIGHT VARIANCE The Building Official explained that the request is for a 2 foot extension to an existing 6 foot high privacy fence to keep the neighbor's dog from jumping the fence into Ms. Sorrell's yard. 123 August 23, 1988 The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request and suggested that the neighbor move the junk by the fence, shorten the leash on the dog and the. Police Department be notified so they can enforce the animal control ordinance. They also recom- mended that the Council refund Ms. Sorrell's $50.00 variance ap- plication fee. The Council agreed that this is not a planning or zoning problem'but an animal enforcement problem. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to deny the variance request and refund Ms. Sorre11,s variance applica- tion fee. Further that the neighbor be notified to remove the junk near the fence, shorten the leash on the dog and the Po~ioe Department be notified for enforoement of the animal control ordinance. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE ~88-718: TED ROBINSON, 2339 COMMERCE BLVD.w LOT 2 & PART OF LOT 3, AUDITOR'S SUBD. ~167, PID ~14-117-24 44 0002, Sign Variances The City Planner explained that the request is for a 22 square foot area variance and a 2 foot setback variance for use the ex- isting sign that was the Mound State Bank time and temperature sign. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr, Paul Meisel, owner of the building was present representing Mr. Robinson who was out of town. He explained what the real es- tate business "Help-U-Sell" was and showed the lettering that .would be done on the sign. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-116 RESOLUTION TO 'APPROVE A SIGN AND SETBACK VARIANCE FOR 2339 COMMERCE BLVD., LOT 2 AND PART OF LOT 3~ AUDITOR'S SUBD. %167, PID %14-117-24 44 0.002 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC IFEARING: CASE ~88-720 & 88-721 - APPLICANT: TONKA ALANO SOCIETY, INC., OWNER OF PROPERTY: ROGER RAGER & JOYCE GUINONw 5098 THREE POINTS BLVD. t LOTS 8, 9, 12, 13t 14, 15t BLOCK 2, D~a.MWOOD~ PID ~13-117-24 12 0018/0017/0020 /0021/0022 - ZONING ~MENDMENT A/~D CONDITIOI~AL USE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC LODGEr MEETING HALL,. ~ND CLUB The city Planner explained that there are two items to be con- sidered here, a zoning amendment and then if that is adopted, the conditional use permit. 2 124 AUgUst 23, 1988 The zoning amendment, if approved, would allow public lodges and clubs to be added to the list of conditional uses in the zone. If the amendment were approved, Tonka Alano is requesting approval of a conditional use permit for 5098 Three Points Blvd. The Planner then reviewed his report dated August 1, 1988, with the Council. He reported that the Planning Commission questioned whether the B-3 zone was a correct zone now and they discussed changing the B-3 zone description~ There was discussion on changing the ordinance. In the end their recommendation was to deny the request to expand the conditional uses for the B-3 dis- trict to include public lodges and clubs. Councilmembe~ Jensen stated that after the applicant left the Planning Commission Meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to have the Staff investigate and report at the next meet- ing the various alternatives available in revising the B-3 zoning district. The Planner pointed out that there are four, B-3 zones in the City of Mound. This area, the area of Donnie's, A1 & Alma's and the area of Grim~'s Store. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. The following persons spoke regarding the use of 5098 Three POints Blvd.: JIM BLOOM, 1700 Finch Lane, agreed with the Planning Co~is- sion recommendation to deny because it doesn't meet the neighborhood services category, in the B-3 zone. He then suggested several options, all which ended with the Council never allowing a liquor establishment there again if the Tonka Alano SocietY ever leaves. JOHN GONZALEZ, 1673 Gull Lane, questioned whether the proposed use fits under the current B-3 zoning, if 'it doesn't just provide service to the Three Points area. GL~.DYS LARSON, 1664 Eagle Lane, related past unpleasant ex- periences when the property was used as a tavern with live music. She also asked if Alano would be allowed to rent out the building when they were not using it and asked how they would be able to support and keep up the property. The following representatives of Tonka Alano were present: A1 Strand, Greg Hewitt, Jay Gordon, and Rick Lindlan. A1 Strand was the spokesperson and explained the background of the Tonka Alano Society. He stated they have to move from their present meeting area in the Administrative Building of the School District because of the new smoke free policy that the District adopted. They have rented homes in residential areas before for their operations and have not 3 125 Aug%lst 23, 1988 had any problems. He stated they would not rent out the facility to others. He further stated they are not a club but a completely self-supporting, nonprofit organization and have the volunteers to maintain the building and grounds. They stated they do have a time problem because they have to close by October 1, 1988. DOUG SELLE, 1688 Avocet,. stated he is a member of Tonka Alano and suggested rezoning the property to residential and asked if then the requested used would be permissible. The ~itY Attorney explained that even if Tonka Alano were rent- lng the_ property, they would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance because it is not a permitted use in a residential area. The Council discussed the wording "public lodge, meeting hall and club". The City Attorney suggested finding a bet- ter definition for the Tonka' Alano Society then the above. He stated he found the following in another city's ordinance which might work. It read as follows: "Institutions and non profit corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature". The Council then discussed redefining the B-3 District. The City Attorney suggested that the item be referred back to the Planning Commission and the public hearing continued on changing the Ordinance or investigate the possibility, of creating another zone. He pointed out that two of the B-3 areas have close parallels, Donnie's and A1 & Alma's which could be in one category and the other two, this area and Grimm's Store could be,in another category. SHEILA SUNDSTROM, 1705 Finch Lane, stated she is against the requested use and the past use of the property because of the increased traffic and the noise. The City Attorney stated that the Council could, if it chose to do .so tonight, substitute language which was the discussion at the Planning Commission Meeting to try to find a definition which would be different from the private clubs and lodges and then they could go on and consider the request for a conditional use permit, but that would be bypassing the Planning Commission. MOTION b~ Johnson to den~ expanded use of the current zone and refer the issue back to the Planning Comm~ssion to redefine the B-3 zone, thinking of Donnie's an4 A1 & ~lma,s an4 have them try to develop a B-4 zone that would appl~ to the Grimm's Store area and the Three Points area. The mo- tion died for lack of a second. There was discussion on referring the following back to the Plan- ning Commission to redefine the B-3 zone using the language sug- gested by the City Attorney and perhaps creating a B-4 zone for 4 126 August 23, 1988 limited business. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to refer back to the Planning Commission a suggestion that they study replacing the words public lodge, meeting hall and club, with the fo1%owing: institutions and non profit corporati~ns of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary (relating to or supported by charity), or philanthropic nature. Further tha~ the ~lanning Commission look into creating a fourth busLness dxstrict with the suggestions of the Planner and the Attorney. Also to continue the public hearing to the September 20th meeting. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ~DD ON ITEM: CASE ~88-724: FRANK & ~NDR~ ~]TRENS, 4673 ~SL~N~ VIEW DRIVE, LOT 17 ~,ND SE 1/2 OF 18, BLOCK 1, DEVON; PID ~30-117- 23'22 0008, FRONT Y~t~D SETBACK VARIANCE The Building Official explained'the request. Mr. Ahrens was present and asked that the survey requirement be waived. The Building Official explained that the survey is needed because it will indicate the corners of the proposed garage elevation, the proposed elevation at the front of the garage, and the elevations at the corner of the existing lot. The Council agreed. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-117 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A FRONT Y~RD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOT 17 & S.E. 1/2 OF 18, BLOCK It DEVON; PID %30- 117-23 22 0008 (4673 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE) P & Z CASE %88-724 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: CASE ~88-722= JOHN E. L~RSON, 5271 SHORELINE BLVD. (SHORELINE PLAZA), PID ~13-117-24 34 0072, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRINT SHOP The City Planner explained the request. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Mayor closed the public hearing. There was no response. The Jessen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-118 RESOLUTION ~UTHORIZIN~ A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRINT SHOP LOCATED AT 5271 SHORELINE BLVD. t LOTS 7-20, 26-35~ BLOCK 1~ SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT F~ PID %13-117-24 34 0072, P & Z CASE %88-722 5 127 August 23, 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. ~otion carried. PUBLIC HE~RING= CASE #88-?Z3: WILLIAM NICCUM, 4841 B~RTLETT BLVD., ?aa? oF Gov~ah~umT LOT 8. 24 44 0001/000Z/0010, ~ONDITION~L USE PERMIT FoawETLaND8 ALTERATION The City Planner explained that this request comes after the fact because the dredging is already done. The Planning Commission reviewed this' case last night and the motion to approve the Wet- land Permit failed on a five to three vote. The applicant had obtained permits from the DNR and the Watershed District and was not aware that he needed one from the City. The Planning Co~is- sion was also concerned about the proposed docks. The Council discussed their concerns about disturbing this desig- nated wetlands without the permission of the City. The Planner explained that since .the meeting last night it has been researched and the City was notified of the general project in May of 1987 and it did not respond against it. Councilmember Johnson expressed concern about whether the city has any jurisdiction over this particular wetlands because it is on Lake Minnetonka and not enclosed by land. The Mayor opened the public hearing. JIM ROBIN, attorney representing Mr. Niccum, stated that there is a Minnesota Supreme Court case between a private party and the City of Orono which decided that anything within the boundaries of navigable water was outside the reach of the respective cities as far as regulation and that the sole jurisdiction for regulating dredging falls on the Department of NatUral Resources. Mr. Robin stated that if anything was done improperly, it was not done intentionally. The council disdussed the dredge and the dock that is being installed at the site. Mr.' Robin stated that a permit for the docks has been issued by the L.M.C.D. At present there is a request to modify that original permit, and the L.M.C.D. will approve it if the City has no objections. As far as the dredge is con- cerned, Mr. Robin stated it is his understanding that a per- mit is not needed from the city of Mound to dredge anywhere in Lake Minnetonka below the normal high water mark. That is excIusively reserved to the DNR. With regard to the dock, he stated he sees nothing, in Mound's ordinances that regulate docks on private lakeshore. That regulation comes from the L.M.C.D. 128 August 2~ 1988- The City Attorney stated that ~n adopting the wetlands or- dinance reference is made to several state statutes and he would like to have time to look into that. He suggested continuing this discussion until September 20 when he and the Planner can report back. RAY CHAMBERLAIN, 4913 Bartlett Blvd., submitted a petition with ~1 signatures opposing the issuance of a wetlands al- teration permit because it is destroying the wetlands. He stated that at the Planning Commission Meeting, Mound's L.M.C.D. Representative, Tom Reese, stated that the L.M.C.D. did not know this was a wetlands area. The Mayor c~ntinued this hearing to September 20 and asked that Mound's L.M.C.D. representative, Tom Reese, also be present. SET PUBLIC HE~RING: DRUMMOND RO~D STREET VACATION MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Johnson to set September 20, 1988, for a public hearing on the proposed vacation of Dr-mmond Road from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ADD ON ITEM: BID ~WARD & ~SSESSME~T OF STREET AND STORM SEWE~ IMPROVEHENTS - DRUMMOND ROAD The city Engineer .explaine~ storm sewer and street improvement of Drummond Road. G.L. Contracting $10,497.50 Widmer Bros. $11,857.50 The estimate for this project was $10,900.00. Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-119 that he 'received two bids for the They were: RESOLUTION AWARDING THE BID FOR THE STORM SEWER AND STREET IMPROVEMENT OF DRUMMOND ROAD TO G.L. CONTRACTING IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,497.50 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Jessen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 988-120 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The City Engineer then presented the proposed assessment roll to the Council for this project. 7 129 August 23, 1988 He suggested September 20, 1988, for. the assessment hearing~ Council agreed. The Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-121 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OF 1988 STORM SEWER AND STREET IMPROVEMENT- DRUMMOND ROAD The vote was Unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COUNTS & SUGGESTIONS FR0~ CITIZENS PRESENT There was no' response. RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO COUNTy ROAD 15 ASSESSMENTS & HE]~RINGS T~e City Engineer explained that a mathematical error was made in Resolution %88-112 and that needs .to be corrected. The amount to be paid by the City should have been $92,338.00 and the amount to be assessed against the benefited property owners should have been $135,771.00. Smith moved and Jensen seconded the ~ollowing resolution: RESOLUTION %88-122 RESOLUTION CORRECTING RESOLUTION %88-112 ORDERING COST TO BE ASSESSED ~ND ORDER- ING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET IMPROVEMENT The vote was unanimouslY in favor. Motion carried. The City Engineer presented the proposed assessment rolls for the county Road 15 Street Improvement and the County Road 15 Street Light Improvement. He' suggested that September 20, 1988, be the date for the public hearings. Jessen moved'and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-123 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET IM- PROVEMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Smith moved and Jensen seconded the ~ollowing resolution: RESOLUTION %88-124 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT -.COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion Carried. 8 150 August 23, 1988 REOUEST FOR H~INTEI~ANCE PERMIT ON COMMONS - HOWARD H~GEDORN~ 1749 AVOCET The City Manager explained that the Park Commission recommended the following on Mr. Hagedorn's requests: Approve the replacement of s°d on the. southwest corner of Mr. Hagedorn's lot, which is in the cocoons. Accept the request t° trim sumach to 3 1/2 feet under the Park Director's supervision, hard wood trees are not to be cut. Mr. Hagedorn was present and stated this was agreeable with him. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to concur with the Park Commission and approve a Maintenance Permit on Com- mons for Howard Hagedorn at 1748 Avocet. The vote was un- animously in favor. Motion carried. SIGN PERMIT MOTION made by Jessen, seconded, by Johnson to Approve a sign Permit for Truman Wilson, 6575 County Road 15 - to promote benefit for Todd Wilson. .The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion .carried. SET DATES FOR PUBLIc ~EARING - SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS MOTION made by JoB~son, seconded 27, 1988, for the public hearings assessments: by Smith to set September on the following Special B. C. D. ~'e. CBD (Central Business District) Assessment Unpaid Weed Removal Assessment Unpaid Tree Removal Assessment Unpaid Utility Bill Assessment Unpaid Mowing Bill Assessment The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. LOST L~KE PARK DEVELOPMENT PLaN The city Manager explained that the Center for Community Studies of the University of Minnesota has approved the Lost Lake site as a landscape architecture class pr6ject for the fall quarter. They anticipate the project would begin around November % and be completed around December 5. The class will develop design con- cepts for development and its relation to its surroundings. In exchange for the time and skills donated by University students and faculty, they expect the City to reimburse the University for expenses (such as mileage, photography, supplies, printing) up to $500 and an administrative fee of $50.00. 131 August 23, 1988 He further stated that the Center ~or Community Studies expects this project to help the City explore options and gain support and funding which will lead to professional design development and implementation. MOTION made b~ Johnson, seconded b~ Jessen to authorize pa~ing up'to $550 for the Lost Lake Park Development Plan as expl&ina~ above. The vote was unanimousl~ in favor. Motion carrie~.. ~PPROV~L OF LICENSEB FOR MOUND POLICE RESERVE MOTION ma~e b~ Sm/th, sacon~e~ b~ Jansen to approve the fol- lowing for the Moun~ Police Reserve for September 10, 198S= Charitable Beer Permit Public Dance Permit - waive fee Set-Up Permit - waive fee The vote was unanimousl~ in favor. Motion carrie~. p~YMENT OF BILLS MOTION ma~e b2 Jess.n, seconde~ b2 Jansen to authorize the payment of bills as presenta~ on the pre-list in the amount of $221~430.06, when funds are available. ~ roll call vote was unanimousl~ in favor. Motion carrie~. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIO1TAL ELECTION JUDGES Johnson moved and jansen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-125 RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES ~8 RECOMMENDED FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS SEPTEMBER 13; 1988 AND NOVEM- BER 8; 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION/MISCELLaNEOUS A® July 1988 Financial Report as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. C® 1987 Prosecution and Code Enforcement Summary requested by Mayor Smith and prepared by Ji~ Larson, Prosecuting Attor- ney. Plannin~ Commission Meeting Minutes of August 8, 1988. D. Letter from Morrie Splettstaszer, 6100'Beachwood Road. E. Letter from Margaret K. Bargman, 4691 Wilshire Blvd. I0 Ge 132 August 23, 1988 Letter from Fred Guttormson, President, C.R. Mfg. Co. - Re: performance of Officer Darrell Huggett in a recent police matter. REMINDERS NLC Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, December 3-7, 1988. Contact Fran ASAP, if you want to attend. - LMC Regional Meeting, September 12 at Robert Lee's (Hwy. 694 & Silver Lake Road, New Brighton). Please let Fran know by Tuesday, Sept. 6, if you plan to ar- t.hd. Park Commission Minutes of August 11, 1988. Ail employees will be attending a Sexual Harassment Seminar on Thursday, September 22, 1988. The Cities of Orono and Mound will each be sending employees to two 1/2 day semi- nars being presented by the Government Training Service. This is a follow-up to action taken by the City Council on June 28th, that employees be given the opportunity to attend informational seminars regarding this subject. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to adjourn at 10=30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk 11 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 612/553-1950 REL"D SEP 5 198.9 HEHORANDUH TO: City Council and Staff FROH: Mark Koegler, City Planner~J~ DATE: September 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Tonka Alano/Modification of the B-3 Zone On September 12, 1988, the Planning Commission met to review the uses in the B-3 zone as a follow-up to the directive issued by the City Council. The Commissi.on discussed the three options that are outlined in the letter from the City Attorney dated August 24, 1988. The following is a summary of the three options: 1. Alternative Number I - Add a new use to the conditional uses in the B-3 zone which would accommodate Tonka Alano. The use is listed as "institutions and non-public corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature." 2. Alternative Number 2 - Define a new set of low intensity commercial uses for the existing B-3 zones.. 3. Alternative Number 3 - Modify the existing B-3 zone and create a new B-4 zone which would include some of the existing B-3 designated areas. After considerable review of each of these alternatives, the Planning Commission decided that a two stage approach is appropriate. First, they recommend the immediate implementation of Alternative Number I which modifies the provisions of the B-3 zone to include Tonka Alano type uses as conditional uses. Additionally, they recommend commencing further review of Alternative Number 3 which establishes a new B-4 zone. Exact uses and purposes of both the B-3 and B-4 zones will be determined during the review and public hearing process. STAFF RECOHHENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the modification of Section 23.635.3 of the Mound Zoning Code to include "institutions and non-public corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature" as conditional uses. Additionally, staff recommends approval of a conditional use permit for Tonka Alano subject to the conditions found in the staff report dated August 1, 1988. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AHENDING SECTION 23.635.3 OF THE HOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING INSTITUTIONS AND NON-PUBLIC CORPORATIONS OF A RELIGIOUS, HEALTH, EDUCATIONAL, ELEEHOSYNARY OR PHILANTHROPIC NATURE AS CONDITIONAL USES The City of Mound does ordain: Section 23.635.3 of the Mound Code of Ordinances is amended as follows: The listing of uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit shall also include "Institutions and non-public corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature." Mayor Attest: City Clerk STAFF RECOMMEN~)ATION: Staff~r_~_C_.om..mend_~ t_h.at the City Council approve the modification of Section. 23.635.3 _.of the....M,.o~.nd Zoning Code to inclu~A .... ".in.stitu,tions and non-~tic ocr,potations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature" as conditional uses. Addi~~,~, approval of a condit conditions found in the staff report dated ~u ust ORDINANCE NO.~t'-~_~.~ ~ AN ORDINANCE AHENDING SECTION 23.635.30q THE HOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING INSTITUTIONS AND NON-'P'~C CORPORATIONS OF A RELIGIOUS, HEALTH, EDUCATIONAL, ELEEHOSYNARY OR PHILANTHROPIC NATURE AS CONDZTIONAL USES The City of Mound does ordain: ,/ dio~nal s/'s amended\~ Section 23.635.3 of the Mound Code of Ordinance ~Y'-( The listing .of uses allowed by Con Use Permit shall ~Au]/ ~ also include~.j'Ins~i~ i~~s and non-~l~}q~ corporations of 9 ~// ~ r~ health, educational, eJeemosynary o~ i~hilanthro'pic / ~nature.~.~~ Mayor Attest: City Clerk ,,l,o.g7 ' ..2._ Proposed Resolution Case No. 88-721 RESOLUTI'ON NO. 88- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPERATION OF AN INSTITUTION AND NON-PUBLIC CORPORATION OF A RELIGIOUS, HEALTH, EOUCATIONAL, ELEEMOSYNARY OR PHILANTHROPIC NATURE AT 5098 THREE POINTS BOULEVARD, PlO ~ 13-117-24-12-0017/0018/0020/0021/0022. WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on August 23, 1988 which was continued to the meeting on September 20, 1988 pursuant to Section 23.505 of the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of an institution and non-public corporation of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthroPic nature at 5098 Three Points Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Tonka Alano Society, Inc. has requested approval of a permit to operate a meeting center; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Neighborhood Business (B-3) which allows such uses by conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval; and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be heard were heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Use of the facility and the scheduling of programming shall be accomplished in such a manner that all parking is accommodated by on-site, off street parking. 2. The Tonka Alano Society shall prepare a landscaping plan for the overall facility specifically identifying clean up and proposed improvements to the slope areas immediately north of the building and immediately north of the parking lot. The plan, which shall be due within 60 days of the date of City Council approval of this permit, shall be approved by the City Planner and implemented by September 20, 1989. 3. Debris including but not limited to the truck, snowmobile, dock and miscellaneous items shall be removed from the site immediately. 4. All signage shall conform to the Mound Sign Ordinance. 5. All building and site improvements shall receive proper local, county and state permits as applicable. 6. Fencing around the existing dumpster shall be repaired. 7~ If the deck area is used for meetings or other activities, use shall occur only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Proposed Resolution Case No. 88-721 RESOLUTI'ON NO. 88- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT FOR OPERATION OF AN INSTITUTION AND NON-PUBLIC CORPORATION OF A RELIGIOUS, HEALTH, EDUCATIONAL, ELEEMOSYNARY OR PHILANTHROPIC NATURE AT 5098 THREE POINTS BOULEVARD, PID ~ 13-117-24-12-0017/0018/0020/0021/0022. WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on August 23, 1988 which was continued to the meeting on September 20, 1988 pursuant to Section 23.505 of the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the issuance of a Conditional. Use Permit for the operation of an institution and non-public corporation of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature at 5098 Three Points Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Tonka Alano Society, Inc. has requested approval of a permit to operate a meeting center; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Neighborhood Business (B-3) which allows such uses by conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval; and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be heard were heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Conditfbnal Use Permit is hereby approved~~t~ the [ollo~i~g_conditions: 1. Use of the facility and the scheduling of programming shall be accomplished in such a manner that all parking is accommodated by on-site, off street parking. 2. The Tonka Alano Society shall prepare a landscaping plan for the overall facility specifically identifying clean up and proposed improvements to the slope areas immediately north of the building and immediately north of the parking lot. The plan, which shall be due within 60 days of the date of City Council approval of this permit, shall be approved by the City Planner and implemented by September 20, 1989. 3. Debris including but not limited to the truck, snowmobile, dock and miscellaneous items shall be removed from the site immediately. 4. All signage shall conform to the Mound Sign Ordinance. 5. All building and site improvements shall receive proper local, county and state permits as applicable. 6. Fencing around the existing dumpster shall be repaired. If the deck area is used for meetings or other activities, use 1 occur only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. A. THOMAS WURST, P.A. CURTIS A. PEARSON, P.A. ,,JAMES D. I-ARSON. P.A. THOk~A~ F'. UNDERWOOD, P.A. CRAIG M. MERTZ ROGER J. F£L.I. OW$ I. AW WURST, PF-~R$ON, L~RSONt UNDERWOOD & MERTZ I100 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA August 24, 1988" Mr. Mark Koegler VanDoren,.Hazard, Stallings 3030 Harbor Lane, Building 2 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 (6IS') 33e-~00 Re: Dear Mark: B-3 Zoning District This is a follow-up on the discussions held at the Council meeting on August 23. I think there are a number of things the Planning Commission can consider which will work to solve this problem over the long term. I would suggest that for starters there are at least three alternatives and then there can be a number of off-shoots or variations from those alternatives. Alternative No. 1 Add to Section 23.635.3 the following: Institutions and non-public corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature. Alternative No. 2 Redefine purpose of 23.635 to call it limited or restricted business area. Add uses which can go into the district which are compatible with a residential neighborhood such as: ' a. Barber shop or beauty shop b. Dry cleaning pick-up c. Bakery or pastry shops selling products Produced off the site (no baking to occur on the premises) d. Florist and gift shops e. Permitted and conditional uses as set forth in Sections 23.610.2, 23.610.3, 23.620.2 and 23.620.3 and said uses are subject to all restrictions and standards established in said use districts. f. Nursery schools or child care center g. Institutions and non-profit corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature. WURST, PEARSON, LARSON, UNDERWOOD & IVIERTZ Page 2 Mr. Mark Koegler August 24, 1988 Alternative No. 3 Create two separate districts to cover the four existing sites which are zoned B-3. Donnies and A1 & Almas would fit into one district and Grimm's store and 3 Points store would be in a district which would be limited to types of uses set forth in Alternative No. 2. Remove liquor, beer, wine, music from Grimm's and 3 Points locations and try to establish uses which will truly serve the neighborhood and the community as a whole. I would suggest that in our statement of purposes defining the districts, we in effect recognize that we have uses which may not be compatible with residential development and particularly in the limited or restricted business district that might fit Grimm's and the 3 Points location. We want uses that would have a reasonable economic chance of surviving but that do not change the long-term goal from having those properties change towards residential property or at least perform a true service function. Alternative No. 1 is a quick-fix and will work to take care of the Alano problem. Alternative No. 2 is a step in the right direction but would still leave four properties in a zoning district where there is little similarity between the institutions. Frankly, I am not sure that Donnies couldn,t fit into the B2 District, but that is another question. I hope this gives you and the Planning Commission some assistance in trying to resolve the problem. I believe the Council and most of the neighbors would find the proposed use much more compatible with the neighborhood than anything which has been presented and proposed on the 3 Points site previously. We also must remember that all of these proposed uses are under a conditional use permit where the planning staff, Planning Commission, and Council can tailor make and impose reasonable conditions on any of the uses. I agree 100% with the neighbors that a Class 4 restaurant and live music should be prohibited on the Grimm's site and the 3 Points site. I expect I will hear more from you about this in the near future. Very truly yours, Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney A THOMAS WURST. P.A CUIWTIS A P~r-AI~$ON. P.A ~JIAME:$ D L-^W$ON. P.A. THOMAS [. UNDERWOOD. P.A C~A~G M. MEWTZ ROG~ ~ ~eLLOW5 LAW OFFICES WUI~$T, Plr&R$ON, LAI~$ON, UNDIrRWOOD & MI:RTZ IIOO rllqST lANK PLACE WEST I~INNEAPOLI$, MINNESOTA $$40~ September 19," 1988 Mr. Ed Shhkle, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: William Niccum - Wetlands Permit Dear Ed: On August 23, 1988, the City Council considered at a public hearing issuing a conditional use permit for alterations of land located at 4841 Bartlett Boulevard. During the course of that discussion, Mr. Robin, representing Mr. Niccum, presented the City with the information about a case wherein the same matter had been determined by the Minnesota Supreme Court. In Welsh v. City of Orono, 355 N.W. 2d 117, the Minnesota Supreme Court on August 31, 1984, ruled against the City of Orono and said in part: "A municipality has no inherent powers but only such powers as are expressly conferred by statute or are implied as necessary in aid of those powers which are expressly conferred; if the activity is one peculiarly subject to local regulation, based upon nature of activity and its customary area of performance, the necessary implied powers in aid of carrying out express statutory power is construed liberally, but if a matter presents a statewide problem, the implied necessary powers of a municipality to regulate are narrowly construed unless the legislature has expressly provided otherwise." The Court went on to say: "The municipality is without jurisdiction, either explicitly or implicitly, to regulate dredging in public waters because Department of Natural Resources has exclusive jurisdiction to grant or deny dredge permits for work in public waters as provided by the legislature." WURST, PEARSON, LARSON, UNDERWOOD ~,~ JVIERTZ Page 2 Mr. Ed Shukle, City Manager September 19, 1988 There appeared to be some confusion, and the question was raised, Does the Mound Wetland Ordinance have any purpose whatsoever if the DNR is going to issue the permits? I have reviewed Section 23.1100 through Section 23.1150 and do believe that this ordinance still has some meaning and some purpose for the City of Mound. First of all, the Department of Natural Resources normally will contact the local municipality, the watershed district, and others to determine if there is a problem. It is my understanding in this case that such a contact was made by the DNR. It may also be that the DNR would issue the permit subject to local regulations, and therefore our wetland interest could be protected with the assistance of the DNR. In addition to those cases, there may be cases where the DNR does not have jurisdiction since it is not in public waters and therefore the Mound wetlands ordinance would be totally controlling. After review of the materials submitted to me in this case, I would agree that the City is limited in what it can do since the DNR issued a permit to Mr. Niccum to dredge in public waters. I would further indicate that the ordinance still can have meaning and serve a useful purpose to the City and unless there is a confrontation between the DNR and the City of Mound, I believe you will find that the City usually will be able to obtain much of what it desires through the DNR regulations. I am enclosing a copy of Welsh v. City of Orono and you and/or the Council may find it interesting to read how the Court reasoned its decision in this case. There also was some effort by the City of Orono in that whatever they were trying to do to regulate the wharves and docks was deemed to be within their powers. CAP:lh Enclosure /truly yours, City Attorney EARING NOTICE CiTY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WETLANDS ALTERATION FOR 4841 BARTLETT BOULEVARD: PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 8~ PID #13-117-Z4-44- O00t/OOOZ/OOlO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City' of MounO, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chaml3ers, 5341MaywooO Road at 7:30 p.m. on TuesOay, August 23, 1988, to consider a con- dltlonal use wetland alteration permit at 484! Bartlett Boulevard, legal description= Part of Government 0001/0002/0010. Lot 81 PID # 13-117-24-44- Ail persons appearing at said hearing with re,terence to the above wtll be heard at thts meettng. Francene C. Clark, City'Clerk ~Pubitshed. in, "The Laker," AugUSt 8, 1988. ..... ' ............L: . .. I CAT I ON TO PLANN ! '" '~' ~"' '' (Please type the roll.lng infor~tion) Leg~l Description of Property: Lot ~~~ ~ ~ ~/~~lock Appllcan%' (if other than owner): Name Day .Phone No. Address : Type of Request: Variance ondltlonal Use Permit Zoning Interpretation & Review Wetland Permit ( ) P.U.D. % ( ') Amendment ( ) Sign Permlt ( )*Other *If other., specify: ..- 6. Present Zoning District ~--{ ..~A/4/.~ 7. Existing Use(s) of 8. HaS an application ever been made for zoning, variance, or conditlonal use permit or other zoning procedure for this property? If so, list date(s) of lis: date(s) of application, action taken an~ provide Resolution No.(s) ~.~-~ Copies of previous'resolutions shall accompany present', request. I certify that all of the above statements and th& statements conte~ned in any required papers or plans t'o be submitted herewith are true end accurate. I consent or upon :he pr~mises described ~n this appllcatlon by any au:hor~zed official of :he C~ty of ~ound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maJn:s~n~ng and re~vlng such ~o:Jces as may be required by~aw. Date ~/~Z~ ,, Date Council Action: Resolution No. 3u~y 25~ 1~88 Ms. 3an Bertrand Planning and Zoning City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Application for wetland permit, William Niccum. Minnetonka Portable Dredging 500 West Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Bertrand: Enclosed is a completed application to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Wetland Alteration. The property, located at approximately 4841 Bartlett Blvd. is undeveloped, and is being considered by Mound for a four lot subdivision. Mr. Niccum, the owner, has submitted applications to the MCWD and the MN/DNR to excavate a wildlife pond in the wetland area, in the bed of Lake Minnetonka, below the legal shoreline elevation 929.4. The enclosed plan, last revised 11/4/87 indicates the location of the wildlife pond. The island shown on the plan has been eliminated, because of problems associated with placing fill in the bed of the lake. The wetland vegetation in the location of the pond was Purple Looestrife, and the vegetation was disposed of at the Louisville Landfill. The work was begun and substantially completed in March 1988. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, Clifford Peep Minnetonka Portable Dredging LEGAL DESCRIPTION JUL 2:6 1988 A strip of land 10 feet wide lying south of County Road and westerly of and adjacent the following described line~ Commencing 630 2/10 feet west from southeast corner of Govt. Lo~ 8 then northerly to a point in center of County Road which is 250 feet southwesterly along same from a point due north of a point 872 6/10 feet east from meander corner no. 30 in Unplatted Section. 13-117-24' (PID %13-117-24-44-0001)~ and Commencing 630 2/10 feet west of southeast corner of Govt. Lot 8. then east 160 feet then north to center of County Road then southwesterly along road to a point 250 feet southwesterly from a point due north of a point 872 6/10 feet east of meander co=ne= no. 30 then southerly to beginning except road in Unplatted Section 13-117-24' (PID %13-117-24-44-0002)~ and PID %13-117-24-44-0010. Z o ~s ~ 0 ~ffiffiEHAflA CREEK .... WATERSHED DISTRICT Pe~m~ Application No,: 87-73 ~1 24, 1987 O~ne~: N~ 11 ~ am N~ ccum 2895 Nestedge Blvd. · Hound, HN 55364 Location: City of Hound, Sec 13DD, Seton Channel, Lake Hinnetonka Purpose: 320 lineal feet of rip rap shoreline erosion protection, and construction of a wildlife pond Dear Mr. Niccum: At the regularly scheduled April 16, 1987 meeting of the Board of Managers, the subject permit was reviewed along with the following exhibits: 1, Permit Application 87-73 received April 6, 1987, 2. Typical cross-section of rip-rap placement, dated April 1, 1987, 3. Site plan of the area. The Board approved the permit application, This document is your permit from the ~WD. It is valid for one (1) year.. construction is not complete within one (1) year, an extension must be requested. Please contact the District at 473-4224 when the project is about to commence so an.inspector may view the work in progress. If EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES Engineers for the Distri~,t I~ichael A. PaFnzer, P.E. / CC: Board G. Macomber J. Bertrand, City of Mound Date of Is PROTECTED WATERS ~'' .A. luober 87-628~ Indicat 8} The ordinary high water-level--.' does not apply .~ ~ ....... · . -- This permit is granted subject to the follou[ng GENERAL and SpECI&L PROVISIO#S:' ~'- * 1. This permit Es permlss[ve only and shall not release the permittee from any liability or obligation imposed by H~nnesota Statutes, Federal Lam or local ordinances relating thereto and shal! reiain ~n force sub,ecS al, conditions and [~mitations nov or hereafter imposed by lay. 2. lh~s perils is not assignable except u[th the ur[teen consent of the Comm[ss[one? of Natura! Resources. 3. The Regional Hydrologist shall he notified at least five days [n advance of the commencement of the work authorized hereunder and shall be notified of Ets conplet[on u[th[n five days thereafter. ~he notice of pern[t issued by the Commissioner shal! be kept securely posted in a conspicuous place' at the site of operations. k. No change shal! be aide, u[thobt uritten pere[ssion previously obtained froe the Concessioner of Natural Resources, [n the dieens[o~s, capacity or location of any items of uork authorized hereunder ..... -S. ~e permittee shall grant access to the sere at all reasonable times during and after construct[on to author[zed representatives of the Co,sissioner of Hatural Resources for inspection of the uork authorized hereunder. This Pera[t may be terminated by the Com=[ssioner of ~atural Resources at any t[ae he deems Et necessary ;or the conservation of mater resources of the state, or [n the interest of pub!lc health and uelfare, or For violation of ~ny of the provisions of this petalS, unless Dehorn[se provided in the Special Provisions. ?. Construct[on ~ork author[zed u~der this pere[t shall be completed on or before date spec[feed above. Upon ar[teen. request to the Coemi~s[oner by the Perm[tree, stating .the reason therefore, an extension of time may be obtained. construed to include the removal of organic.matter (as 8. The excavation of sol1 authorized herein shall not be End[cared above) unless the area from nh[ch such o~ganic matter is removed,. Es [spervious, or Es sealed by the application of bentonite after excavateD;* · h r[zed by this permit shall involve the ta~[ng, 'n the peri,tree of anything nut .~r ...... r nelsons, DC of any publtcly oune~ I cases uhere the doe g by . 'terests of any otner pcr~ ..... . ' sh:ll obtain g. I~ al _. ~ .... ina of any property rights or .1~ '- ehe eert~ttee, before proceedxng .there,. ~ands or. ~.proveien~So ~"~'~'. ..... =n ncies, or author[Sacs concernea, · ........ . the uritten consent ot szz p~,..., .,e /~L4/ and tnt.rests necessar~ therefore. )DSO of Pereit: Boat mooring/habitat enhancement ~erty Described as: 4841 Bartlett Blvd., City of Hound Gov~t. Lot 8~ SE~ Section 13, Township 117 N, Range 24 W. Indicat County )in ELEVATZON 929.4 NGVD, 1929 Expiration Date of PerB[t #~02735-01 ~NGSO~A DePartment of Natull, Resources PERMIT ~n the ~ursuint to K~nnesota Statutes, Chapter lOS, and on the bas~s of statements and ~nfornat[on contained pera~t application, letters, maps and p~ins subn~tted by the applicant and others suPPort~n9 data, are nldt a part hereof by reference. PERRISST~ IS HEREBY GRANI[O to the appt~cant imbed belou to change the course. or cross section of the follov~nq: County · otected Mater He~epin Lake Hinnetmka 27-133P (Se~on Lake ~14) ~elephone Mumber {[nclude Area &ppi[cant 612) 475-1816 Willi~ &~res~ ~ Street, RFB, Box Mo., City, State, Z~p 2895 Westedge Boulevard., Mound, ~. 55364 22,1987, .~zed to: cons~uc~ per. neat dock with 6-slips as indicated on plan received riprap 230 lineal feet (per ~R guidelines) and cons~uc~ wildlife pond with isla~ as indicated in plans received .Ap~il 9, 1987. Disposal of* spoil ~erial shall consistent wi~h Special provision 18. T~is permit does not authorize access to islands. . ' · '' ' 'v omi · No liability shal! be imposed upon or incurred by the State of Hinne~ota or [hlS permit ~s permxssx e. y · ..... of F{ciallv or personally, on account of the 9ranting hereof or on any oF ~ts o~cer$, agents or elp~oy~, - account oF any damage t any person or property resulting frol any act · 0 r contractors relating to any matter h~reunder. ~s permit shal! not be construed oF~ agents, e?l~ees, o . ' -la,ms or ri-ha oF action oF any person other than the state against the perm~ttee, its agents, ~ Y .... n'-ht oF action oF the stmte against the perml~ee, ~s agents, or as estopplng o~ 1~. ~ Y .... :-- -~ -. [-~l-re to coaoIv with the permit or appljcable provisions oF employees, o~ coat,actors Tot v~o,acxu- law. · No material excavated by autyr[ty oF this permit nor material From any other source, except as specified here[n, shall be placed on any port[on oF the bed oF said waters which lies below (as indicated above)· I. Any extension oF the surface oF said waters resulting [roe work authorized by this permit shall become protected waters and left open and unobstructed For use by the public. 3. This permit does not obviate any requirement For Federal assent From the U.S. Corps o~ Eng[neens, ll3~ U.$. Post OFF[ce and Custom House, St. Paul, Hinnesota " SPECIA~ PROVISIONS The permittee shall comply with all rules, regulations, ~equirements or standards of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and other applicable federal, state or local agencies. Pe~m£ttee sha~l ensure that ~he con~ractor has ~eceived and ~horough~y understands &~ conditions o~ ~his permit. Erosion control measures shall be adequately designed for ~he s~te characteristics. They may ~nclude staked haybales~ d£ve~sion~channe~s, sediment ponds° or sed~men~ ~s. They shall be ~ns~al~ed prior ~o commencement and maintained th~oughou~ ec~. Ail exposed soil shall be restored (by seed£ng and mulching or. sodd£ng and staking) within 72 hours of completion o~ pro~ec~. Excavated materials shall not be depos£~ed or stored along s~de ~he pro~ected water £n a manner where the mate~£als can be redeposited in~o the protected reasonable expected h~gh water or s~o~m runoff. ~8. Disposal of any spo~ material which is contaminated by purple ~ooses~fe s~a~ be ~n accordance w~h ~he ~nneso~a Depa~en~ of Ag~cu~u~e p~oceedu~es (c/o~ Chuck ~9. Any f~sh k~s which m~g~ occu~ w~n ~he ~d~fe pond a~ea a~e ~he so~e responsibility ! Authorhed Sjg!~T. ure USCOE Beep/ Cliff'ord · Hennepin County SWCD City of Mound Minnehaha Creek Lake Minnetonka Conservation D~str~ct S. Oie, ANC J. Parker, AWM St. Paul Waters Lake Minnetonka file (Seton Lake #14) ITitle Regional Hydrologist STATE OF -soU"c' s P,O,E,o. 6].2/296-7523 1200 ;arner Rd., St. Paul, ~N. 55106 FILE NO. Decembe: 28, 1987 Mr. ~llltam Niccum 2895 gesCedge Boulevard Mound, ~lnnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Ntccum: RE: AMENDMENT TO ?EEMIT ~87-6281, I~ILDLIFE POND EXCAVATION, LAKE HIh~ETOh'KA (S£TON LAKE ge have received your request (via Clifford Reep) to enlarge the wildlife pond approved under Permit ~87-6281, to remove the island shown on the plans, and to include 200 additional feet of rtprap along the main shoreline. The Department has received no negative comments regarding your proposal, the only concern being the control of purple loosestrtfe. .Therefore, Permit ~87-6281 is hereby amended to allow for the enlarged pond as shown on* the plans received November 9, 1987 (excluding the island) and to rtprap 200 additional feet of mainland with the condition that the applicant follow Department of Natural Resources 'guidelines for purple loosestrtfe (contact Steve Ote, DNR Section of Fisheries at 296-2959). All other terms and conditions of the permit shall remain in full force and effect. Please feel free to contact. Area Hydrologist Judy Boudreau should you have further questions. Sincerely, Kent Lokkesmoe Regional Hydrologist METRO REGION .DIVISION OF WATERS CC: J41 o"11. USCOE Henneptn SWCD Minnehaha Creek WSD City of Mo~nd · ~ Clifford Reep S. Oie, .-~C S. Fecht, St. Paul Waters Lake file AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER · MarCh ii), RE$OLUTI ON #87-&3 ~: /''' / RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIHINARY REGISTERED LAND SUrVeY' ' ~ FOR. A FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION ALONG BARTL~ BLVD., '. PID ~1~-117-2~ kk 0001/0002, P ~ Z CASE ~87-610 ~,'the~ C~by CountY'1 on Ha=ch 10~ Z98~ held a publ~= hea~ng. as ~ ~~ Z3 117 24 44 0001 a~ ~~ sat~ Reg~s~e=e8 ~an~ Su=vey Prel lmlna.ry...approval of Registered .Land_Su..ryey Case #87.-610 is granted 'upon' compliance with the fol lowlng .requlrements: Per Registered T~and Survey on fLle at. Yoimd City Ball dated January 22, 1987. All lots shall meet minimum ar..ea, setback an] frontage requirements. Grading, draihage":~'nd util~'lty plans'"~ha11 be prepared bY the applfcant ard approved by tbs city engineer. Park dedication fees in the amount of $300.00 per lot for each of the thre& newly created lots shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance, 5. The applicant shall submit plans to review.- the watershed, district for ~ 6. All proposed c%ocks shall be reviewe~ an~ approved by the Td4CD. 7. The discrepancy with the adjacent RLS shall be resolved. If the legal description for the property extends to the centerline · of Bartlett Boulevard, the 33 feet used as right-of-way for Bartlett Boulevard shall be shown as a separate tract and deeded to the City. The applicant shall be responsible for furnishing. wate~ service to. all four lots. , 10. 11. At the time of final approval, three (3) deficient street unit charges in'the amount of $5,484.45 shall be paid. Drainage and utility easements shall be furnished to the City in accordance with the recommendations of the city engineer. ,, 072. t~rch 10, 1987 . - · The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Abel and seconded by Councllmember Johnson. The following C6un~llmembers.voted In the 8ffirmative: Abc1, Jansen, dessen, Johnson.and'Smith. The followlng'Councllmembers voted In th~ negative: none, ~y6r Attest: C~t¥ Clerk-- // I!' TlR, ACT. A. TRACT C IJ~: TRACT' D CITY OF MOUND Mound, M I nnesota NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF DRUMMOND ROAD TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a public hearing at the Ctty Hall, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, at 7:30 P.m. on the ZO day of September, 1988, to consider the vaca- tion of Drumn~3nd Road from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane (between Block 11 and Block 12, Devon) 3225 Devon Lane. Such oersons as desire to be heard with reference to the above will be heard at this meeting. Publish'in The Laker Setpember 988 & September"2 1 , 1988 Francene C. Clark, CHC, City Clerk 227 September 20, 1988 September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- 128 RESOLUTION VACATING CERTAIN STREET EASEMENTS OVER PART OF DRUMMOND ROAD AND RETAINING FOR THE CITY A UTILITY EASEMENT WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851 provides that the City Council may by resolution vacate any street, alley, public grounds, or public way, or any part thereof, when it appears in the interest of the public to do so; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has claimed a street and utility easement over the following described land: Part of Drummond Road, as donated and dedicated to the public and shown on the plat of "DEVON", according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 20, 1988, as required by law; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that good area planning requires that this easement be vacated and that a portion be retained as a utility easement and that it would be in the public interest to do so. NOW, THERLTORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby vacates: That part of Drummond Road as dedicated in the plat of "DEVON" accordinq to the recorded plat thereof lying between the southerly extension of the ~ast line of Lot 20, Block 11, DEVON, and a line drawn parallel with and distant 100 feet west from said east line of Lot 20, except the City of Mound shall retain a permanent utility easement over the north 15.00 feet thereof. A certified copy of this resolution shall be prepared by the City Clerk and shall be a notice of completion of the proceedings and shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and/or the Registrar of Titles as set forth in M.S.A. 412.851. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jessen and seconded by Councilmember Johnson. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, dessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Mayor Attest: City Clerk CITY of MOUND August 16, 1988 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 To: From: Subj: Minnegasco Northern States Power Continental Telephone Public Works Department Fire Department McCombs Frank Roos Associates Police Department Building Official Vacation of Drummond Road from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane (between Block 11 and Block 12, Devon) 3225 Devon Lane. We have a request to vacate Drummond Road from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane, between Block 11 and Block 12, Devon as shown on the map below. Do you foresee a need for this part of Drummond Road? JB: pj Jan Bertrand Building Official An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the bas~s of race, color, national ong~n, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities CASE NO. 88-719 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: dan Bertrand, Building OFFicial Planntng Commission Agenda of August 8, 1988 CASE NO. 88-719 APPLICANT: Paul K. Jereczek LOCATION: 32Z5 Devon Lane LEGAL DESC.: Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20, Block 11, Devon; PID# 25-1t7-24-ti-O025 SUBJECT: Setback Vartance EXISTING ZONING: R-2 Single Family Residential PROPOSAL: .The applicant is proposing to construct an open, unenclosed deck within three (3) Feet of the sout~ property line. The size would project Four (4) Feet to the south and' ap- Proximately ten (10) Feet to the east. COMMENTS: The R-2 zoning district requires a twenty (20) Foot Front yard setback to the Front Property line of Devon and Orum- ~nd Road. Drummond Road, at this time,, is an unimproved right- of-way; however, the applicant Odes use.this as a Orfveway access to the rear of his home due to the topography. The ap- p.ltcant could ~ave the alternative of applying for a street vaca- tion of Drummond Road, which would add an additional Fifteen (15) Feet onto his lot description. The engineer, John Cameron, last Fall dtd a review of Drummond Road with a public hearing at the city council For posstble tmprovemment of the Drummond Road. The city has ownership of lots to the west, as welt as a proposed construction site thai'would obtain access onto Drummond Road. RECOMMENDATION= The staff recommends that the applicant apply to the city For the vacation of a portton of Drummond Road to be aOOeO to their parcel for Lots 17, 18, ]9 and 20. IF the vaca- tion request is not approved by the city counctl, posstbly the entry 'to his south door could have an elevated porch reconstructed as it presently is within two (2) Feet of the south lot line. The Oeck construction that would be built to the east of the property could rematn within twenty (20) Feet of the Drum- mond Road right-of-way with a stat.rway access to the elevated deck portion. The abutting neighbors have been notified. ~r~s w~ De referred to the city council meeting on August 23, 1988. Case #88-7t9. Paul K. JereczeK, 3225 Devon Lake, Lots '18, l~ anO 20, 8lock Il, Devon; PlO # 25-117-Z4 Il 0025; 5£TBACK VARIANCE. Staff Reco~enOationt 8ullOing O~fictal revtewe~ the staff report to the Planning Commission. The applicant ts requesting a variance to construct an open, unencloseO ~eck 3 ft. From the south property line. The R-2 zoning Otstrtct requires a 20 ft. front yarO setback to the Devon aha OrummonO RoaO right-of-ways. OrummonO RoaO is an unimproveO rtght-of-way~ however, the City Council dfa review the storm sewer Oralnage anO possible improvement of DrummonQ Roaa last. fall. The property owner ODes use the unimproved right-of- way as Oriveway access to hfs property at this time· The staff recommenOs that the applicant apply to the City for a street vacation for a portion of Drummon~ Roa~ to be aOOea to his parcel, Lot t7, ]8, 19, an~ 20, 8lock Ii, Devon. If the street vacation is not approveQ Dy the City Council, staff recommenOs that an 8' x 8' entry deck be constructed to replace the existing Oeck with the same ~tmenstons. The new construction to the east side of the property woul~ have conforming setbacks to the Devon an~ DrummonO Roa~ right-of-way. Discussion= Mr. Jereczek commente~ that all he wants to do is' increase hfs Oeck size 5 more feet. He woul~ not have any objections to t~e roaO vacation. Mr. dereczeK will submit an aPPlication for a street vacation. MOTION maae. by Meyer, seconOeO by Sohns that the Planning Commission recommeno an application for the street vacation on Mr. JereczeK's 1/2 of DrummonO RoaO adjacent to Lots 17, 18, 19,' anO 20. With his application then forwarOed to City 5 Council for public hearing at the September 20, meeting. The motion passeO unanimously. 1988 ......... - CITY OF' HOUND · --,, ' ...... ' .' .~: ': ~.,'I'...( (Please type the followlng Jnforrn~tion) Street Address of Property Fee Paid -Date Filed e Legal Descrlption of Property: Addition ~_HU~ Block,, \ No. oD Day Phone No. '~'"'~r ,.~'"" ~',..~c~.~.._ Applicant' (if other than owner): Name ~A~K/q .C., Day Phone. No. ~-~J~L Address ~.~ L , Type of Request: (~:~ Variance ( ) Condltional Use Permit ( ) Amendment ( ) Zoning Interpretation S Review ( ) Sign Permlt ( ) Wetland Permit (') P.U.D. ( ),Other *If or'her:, specify: '. 6, Present Zoning District [~r~'~c..xq ~ ~o_.~ . 7. Existing Use(s) of Property 8. Has an applicatlon ever been made for zoning, variance~ or condltional use permit or other zoning procedure for this property? ~¢.) If so, list date(s) of llst date(s) of application, 'actlon taken anU provide Resolutlon No.(s) Copies o( p.r&vious resoYutions shall accompany present request· I certify that all of the above statements and th~ statements contained in any required pspers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Hound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such ~otices as may be req-ired by l~ Planning Commission Recommendatl ck va~ianc~ denied. Cnmmi~.Rinn r~nnmmpnd~ nn nnnli- cation for the street 'vacation of Drummond Road from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane (between ~ock 11 and Block 12, Devon) 3225 Devon Lane. Date Council Action: Resolution No. K~quest for 7-on!.~O Varlance.l~roceclure, (~)) Case # ~ D. Lo~lon o~: SJons, easeMn~s~ underground u~l{i~les, e~. E, Indicate North compass direction F. ~y additional lnformtlon ms my reasonably be required by the City Staff and applicable .Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. I1'1..Request for a Zonln~ Variance .A. A11.lnfo~tlon bel~ a slte plan, as described in Part II, and general appllcatlon must'be provided before a hearing ~I11 be scheduled. B. Does the present use of the property-~nfo~ to ali use regulations for the zone district in ~l~h It ls lo, ted2 Yes ('~) No ( ) If "no", specify each ~on-~nfo~l. ng use: C. OD the existing structures comply with'all area height and bulk regulatlons for the zone district In which It Is.located? Yes ( ) No' ~}~_~,~j~ If "no", specify each non-conforming use: D. Which unique ~hyslcal characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable use for any of the uses .permitted In that zoning district? ( ) .Too narrow (~) Topography ( ) Sol1 ( ) · Too shallow ( ) Shape Other: Specify: Was the hardship d~scrlbed above 'created by the action o~ anyone having property Ipterests In the land after the Zoning Ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ) No (~) If yes, explaln: Are the conditions of hardship for w ch you request a variance peculiar .only to the property described In this petition7 Yes (~ No ( ) 'If no, how many other properties are slmllarly affected? l~as the hardship created by any'other man-made change, such as the reloca- tion of a road? Yes ('~) No ( ) 'If yes, explain:. ~_(~¢,~t-(.(~9u~ _ What Is the "minimum" modification (variance) from the area-bulk regulations' that will permit you to make reasonable use of your land? (Specify, using maps, site plans with dimensions and written explanation. Attach additional sheets, If necessary.) · l~ill granting of the variance 'be materially detrimental to property In the same zone, or to the enfo6cement of this ordinance? ~(~(~(~7 ~ ' , ~ ,~ ._ ~ .... f I, ~ .... . '... : ~ _ ADORES$ '~--~'~ 5 .LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI;I OF PROPERTY OWNED'BY APPLICANT: Pill APPLICATION FOR STREET vAC~c T~N~' .... ,.~ "....CASE;.,[~¥.;:] .*. ~,.c_~.c:.'~-'..~ '~: ...... AUG Og~LE~:.. _ . :. ~, o~'~'' '1' ~"S. ......... ' .... .~J , "- ,;'-. ,.. ~; ~,. ,., LOT ! '7. ( ~' / ~. ~ 0 BLOCK' 'I '~' SUBDIVISION STREET TO .BE VACATED ~'t REASON FOR RE(~UEST TEL. NO. Z-fTg ,-- (o~ E Residents and owners of property abutting the street to be Vacated:. (Please:attach list...Certlfled mal]lng list*can.be obtained from Hennepin County.by calllng~.~.~.8-~271~ .' 'Recon~nded by.Utllltles: NSP ; Hlnnegasco' ; Continental 'Recommended by City: Publlc Works ; Fire Chief ; Te 1 ephone Eng i neer ; Police Chief Planning .; Other Departments. , 'Commission Recommendation: Date Council Action Resolution No. ' ..... Date' Plat of Survey for James L. Anderson of Lots 17, 18, 1~, and 20, ~lock 11, D~von Henne~in County, Minnesota -6tD- - - -D ' -~ - --1~0.00._ _ ROAD 30 Cert~ fi~te of Survey: ~ b.~reb:; certify that this ~ ~ true. ~n.~ oorre¢.t repr~sen~atfcn o~ a ~u.~ey or the bound.~ri~.s of Lotz l~, i.~, 19, ::,nH 20, ~lock ll, De.,,ou, a~,: c? tho loe':tinn o£ ,,~ ~;'~.,~'ting h~,u~e tber.-.cn. ~t does not ouroo:-t to sbo,~, ether i:,~orov,.-~.,'r:+..~ or euero.'.,ehments, e×eept, a ~ort~n of a si6e~alk. $~ai~: 1" = 4~' L~te : 5-14-74 o : I:-on marker L~nd Surveyor and Planner Long L~ke, Minnesota ,ao83 ' McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. 'l'eleDhone Plymouth. MN 612/476-6010 55447 September l~, 1988 Engineers Planners Surveyors Ms. Jan Bertrand' Planning and Zoning Department City of Mound 534I Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: D~ummond Road Street Vacation Case #88-7].9 Dear Jan: As requested, we have reviewed the request to vacate a portion of Drummond Road between Amherst Lane and Devon Lane and have the foiIowing comments and recommendations. The Owner of Lots 17- 20, Block 11, Devon has requested the vacation, which we. assume was intended to incIude oniy that portion of DzqJmmond Road adjacent to his property. This aiso brings back a previous probiem concerning the use of this unimproved right-of-way. The City heid a pubIic hearing last winter and ordered an improvement project over the west portion of this right-of-way. Attached is a copy of the construction plan for this improvement. Bids were taken, a preiimina~y assessment roii prepared, and the assessment hearing scheduied for the same night, September 20, 1988, as the vacation hearing is being heid. At the time the Council ordered the improvement project, staff was directed to solve the problem still remaining with the rest of Dz~mmond Road right-of-way. The Owner Of Lots 17 - 20, along with 'at least one other neighbor, uses this "trail" as a second access to their p=operty. This umimproved right-of-way does have a city watermain located in it, the full length from Amherst Lane to Devon Lane. Therefore, whatever portion is vacated, the City will have to retain a permanent utility easement. The City of Mound owns Lot 13 and 14, Block 11, which were tax forfeit lots taken for park purposes. Lots i5 and I6 are owned by Mr. Stragner, whose home is directiy north, facing Hanover Road.: There is no sanitary sewer directiy avaiiabie to either Mr. Stragner's iots or the City owned parceI. Previous discussions have ranged from vacating the entire right-of-way to barricading the existing driven trail to a complete street improvement project. We have discussed this problem at great lengths with the Street Department, and have come up with the following joint recommendations: An Ec~ual Opportunity Employer Ms. ~an Bertrand september iX, 198$ Page Two US. 1. The area to be vacated should be that pa~t of D~%~mond Road right-of-way lying between the southerly extension of the east line of Lot 20, Block ii, Devon and a line drawn paralIel with and distant 100 feet west f~em said east line of Lot 20, except the City shall ~etain a permanent utiiity easement over the no~th 15 feet of the p~eviously .. described p~ope~ty. 2..~ The City wili be responsible for maintaining that portion of Dz~mond Road right-of-way which is pz~posed to be improved with bituminous surfacing. The remaining portion shall be left in it's present condition and shall not be maintained by City forces. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Very t~uly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Sohn Cameron SC: jmJ RESOLUTION NO. 88- 5eptembez ZO~ ~88 RESOLUTION VACATING CERTAIN STREET EASEMENTS OVER PART OF DRUMMOND ROAD AND RETAINING FOR THE CITY A UTILITY EASEMENT WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851 provides that the City Council may by resolution vacate any street, alley, public grounds, or public way, or any.part thereof, when it appears in the interest of the public to do so; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has claimed a street and utility easement over the following described land: Part of Drummond Road, as donated and dedicated to the public and shown on the plat of "DEVON", according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 20, 1988 as required by law; and , WHEREAS, it has been determined that good area planning requires that this easement be vacated and that a portion be retained as a utility easement and that it would be in the public interest to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby vacates: That part of Drummond Road as dedicated in the plat of "DEVON" according to the recorded plat thereof lying between the southerly extension of the east line of Lot 20, 8lock ll, DEVON, and a line drawn parallel with and distant 100 feet west from said east line of Lot 20, except the City of Mound shall retain a permanent utility easement over the north 15.00 feet thereof. A certified copy of this resolution shall be prepared by the City Clerk and shall be a notice of completion of the proceedings and shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and/or the Registrar of Titles as set forth in M.S.A. 412.851. September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE DRUMMOND ROAD STORM SEWERAND STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST LEVY %11158 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the following im- provements, to-wit: STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR DRUMMOND ROAD BETWEEN AMHURST LANE AND DEVON LANE; AND THE MINIMUM STREET IMPROVEMENT OF DRUMMOND ROAD ADJACENT TO LOTS 11 & 12, BLOCK 11, DEVON. NOWv THEREFOREv BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND: Such proposed special assessment, copies of which are 'attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby ac- cepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. Such assessments shall be payable in equal annual in- stallments, extending over a period of ten (10) years,' the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1989, and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution un- til December 31, 1988. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time on or before October 30, 1988, following the date of assessments, pay the whole of the 'assessment against any parcel, to the City of Mound without interest; and 'he may until November 15, following the assessment date, pay the whole of the assessment to the City of Mound with interest accrued to the 31st of December following the date of th~ assessment. September 20, 1988 After November 15, following the date of the assess- ment, the first year's installment shall be added to the taxes for the year's tax list and collected as taxes with interest accruing from the date of the assessment through December 31 of the following year. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified dupli- cate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be ex- tended on the proper tax lists for the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted 'in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk' I-- 0 I I I I I ~-- -, I I ' ' I W~I (iD CD u% O~ .-~ 0 n-o E~-~W OOZ ,,, ~_) / CIT' of ,X IOUND PROPERTY OWNER NAME & ADDRESS September 1, 1988 5.'eI MAYWOOD ROA. MOUND. MINNESOTA (612} 472-1155 Dear Mound Property Owner: The enclosed official notice is intended to advise you of a Special Assessment Hearing to be conducted by the City Council of Mound at 7:30 P.M., on September 20, 1988, in the Council Cnam~ers at Mound City Hall, 5~41 MaywooO Road. The notice relates to the improvement of Drummond Road from Amherst Lane to 100 feet east by construction of storm sewer ano bituminous surfacing. Minnesota Statutory requirements provide that this assessment hearing be held prior to certifying and levying the final improvement assessment costs to the Hennepin County Finance Department. The assessment will be collected over succeeding years by the Hennepin County Treasurer's Office, along with the real estate taxes. The purpose of this hearing is to advise the affected property owners of the finalimprovement costs to be assessed and the methods of apportionment and payment to be used. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE ~UALITY OR EXTENT OF TF~ CONSTRUCTION WORK UNDER THE IMPROVEMENT PROOECT RELATING TO YOUR PROPERTY, PLEASE CALL 30HN CAMERON, CITY ENGINEER, AT 476-6010 BETWEEN 7:30 A.M. AND P.M. IF POSSIBLE, PLEASE CONTACT US PRIOR TO THE HEARING DATE (SEPTEMBER 20, 1988). The .proposed assessment cost for the storm sewer was computed using $0.308 per square foot. The final assessment amounts will be computed based upon the formula and benefits as ordered by the City Council at the assessment hearing. Usually, the final amounts are the same as the proposed amounts. The following is a breakdown of total proposed assessment for your individual proPerty. PROPOSED PROPOSED STORH SEWER STREET. TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSNENT o?o NOTIC~ OF H~ARIN9 ON PROPOSED ASSESSMSNT City of Mound, Minnesota TO WHOM IT MAY CONCh: NOTI05 IS HERE~Y GIVE]~ that the City Council of Mound. will meet at 7:~0 P.M. on Tuesday, September 20, 1988, at the City Hall, located at 5341 Maywood Road, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the imp~ovement of: "Drummond Road from ~mhe=st Lane to 100 feet East by construction of stozm sew. er and bitu~nous surfacing. Pursuant ti NSASec. 429.011 to 429.111. All p~operty located in Blocks 11 and 12,'Devon and abutting Drummond Road between Amherst Lane and Devon Lane and benefiting therefrom is proposed to be assessed. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $13,652.64. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk's office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing, but the Council may consider any objections to the amount of the proposed individual assessments at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable.. An Owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal, upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment ar~ filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon .the MayOr or Clerk. ., ,' No such appeal.as to the amount of an assessment to a specific parcel of land may be made unless the Owner has either filed a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or has p~esented the written objection to the presiding officer at the hearing. The ~ity Council has adopted, pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 435.193 to 435.195, a resolution containing standards and guidelines for deferring assessments for senior citizens for whom it would be a hardship to make the.payments on homestead property. The standards and guideiines are on fiie with the City Clerk for your inspection. Francene C. Clark[-Cit~y Clerk' Published in the Laker on September. 5, 1988 and September 12, 1988 Further infoz~mtion for you= =efez~-e =egazdin9 t~e p=opose~ special · ass~ssm~n~ is given as ~o~ow$; Minnesota Statutory =eq,~{~ements regulate the special assessment procedures to be used (Minnesota Statutes Chapte~ 429). An O~ner may appeal an assessment to Dis~ict Court, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 42~.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor o= City Clez~< of the City within 50 Oays after the adoption of the assessment and filing of such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Nayor o= City Clezk. No such appeal as 't~ the amount of an assessment pertaining ~o a specific pazcel of land may be made unless the Owner has either file~ a sig.ned written objection to that assessment with the City Clez~< prior to the public hearing or has presented the written objection, to the presidin9 officer at the public heazing. Payment in full with no interest charges may be made within thirty (50) days from the date the City Council adopts the assessment roll. Payments can be made at the Mound City Hall. If you wish to make a partial payment, the payment must be in $100.00 increments. If the total assessment is less under $500.00, no partial payment will be accepted. If the assessment is paid more than thirty (50).days after Council action, but on or before November 15, 1988, int,=est will be charged to December Fl, 1988. If the assessment is not paid on or before No~ember 15, 1988, the amount will be spread over the assessmenf period. The first year payment will include interest for fifteen (15) months (October through December of 1988, and all of 1989). Followin9 years will have interest computed for twelve (12) months. Payments will become due with your real estate taxes. During each subsequent year, payment of the remainin9 balance may be made and must be paid on or before November 15 to have special assessments removed from the following year'~s tax statements. Partial payments are not allowed. The assessment will be spread for 10 years at th~ current interest 'rate of eight percent (8%) per year on the r~maining principal. The City of Mound does have a deferred assessment policy based on hardship for Senior Citizens 65 years or older who have an income of !ess than $i0,001.00, and who reside on and own homestead property. Information on this program can be secured at the City Offices, prior to the.pubiic hearing. Again, if ¥6u have any questions or comments, please contact us prior to the assessment hearing, if possible. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. 214 AUgust 23, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88-121 RESOLUTION FOR HF2LRING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OR 1988 STORM SEWER AND STREET IHPROVEHENT - DRUMMOND RO~D WHEREAS, by Resolution 988-120 passedby the Council on August 23, 1988, the City Clerk and the City Engineer were directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of making the storm sewer improvement for D~mmond Road between Amhurst Lane and Devon Lane; and the minimum street improvement of Drum- mond Road adjacent to Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Devon WHEREAS, the City Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in her of- fice for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: A .hearing shall be held on the 20th day of September, 1988, in the City Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property af- fected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than ~wo weeks prior to the hearings. The owner of any propert~ so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with inter- est accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payable is made. Such payment must be made before Nowember 15 or interest will be charged through Decem- ber 31 of the succeeding year. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. ,,9,.09..7, CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA 1988 SPECIAL A55F. SSMENT HEARING SeptemDer 20, 1988 Don Abel Liz Oensen City Manager City Engineer City Attorney MAYOR: Steve Smith COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF Phyllis Oessen Skip Oohnson Edward O. Shukle, Or, Oohn Cameron, McCombs Frank Rods Curtis A. Pearson AGENDA Introduction: Mayor Smith Legal Basis for Hearing: Mr. Pearson Explanation of Construction Work Completed and Final Costs for each project: Mr. Cameron Questions and Comments After being recognized by Mayor Smith, please state your name.anO address prior to your questions or comments. Final Resolutions Adopted 212 August 23,. 1988 RESOLUTION %88-119 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE BID FOR BTORM SEWER AND STREET IMPROVEHENT OF DRUMMOND ROAD TO G.L. CONTRACTING IN THE AMOUNT OF $10t497.50 WHEREAS, Resolution %87-213, adopted on December 22, 1987, ordered the storm sewer .improvement for Drummond Road be- tween Amhurst Lane and Devon Lane; and the minimum street im- provement of Drummond Road adjacent to Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Devon; and WHEREAS, bids were solicited for this project and the following were received: G.L. Contracting $10,497.50 Widmer, Inc. $11,857.50 WHEREAS, the City Engineer is recommending the award be made to G.L.'Contracting as the apparent low bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby award to bid for the storm sewer .improvement for Drummond Road between Amhurst Lane and Devon Lane; and the minimum street improvement of Drummond Road adjacent to Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Devon, to G. L. Con- tracting in the. amount of $10,497.50. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following councilmembers voted in the negative: none. CouncilmemberAbel was absent and excused. Attest: City Clerk ' 213 August 23, 1988 REBOLUTION #88-120 RESOLUTION DECLAIMING THE COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED l%8SESSHENT - DRUMMOND RO~D WHEREAS, a contract has been let (costs have been determined) for the storm sewer improvement for Drummond Road be- tween Amhurst Lane and Devon 'Lane; and the minimum street im- provement of Drummond Road adjacent to Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Devon and the contract price for such improvement is $10,497.50, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $3,155.14 so that the total cost of the im- provement will be $13,652.64. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be .zero and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $13,652.64. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the install- ments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1989, and shall bear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolu- tion. 3. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the McCombs Frank Roos. shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, Piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assess- ment, notify the council thereof. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jessen and seconded by Councilmember. Johnson. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Abel was Attest: City Clerk absent ~nd. M~yor McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55447 August 23, 1988 Telephone 612/476-6010 Engineers Planners Surveyors Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBOECT: City of Mound, Minnesota 1988 Storm Sewer and Street Improvements Drummond Road Rreliminary Assessment Roll MF1RA #852_1 Dear Mayor and Council Members: As requested, we submit herewith, the Preliminary Assessment Roll for the storm sewer and street improvement project on Drummond Road. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $13,652.64. The following is an itemization of all the costs: COnstruction Cost (Bid) City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total Project Cost $ 10,497.50 It is proposed to assess the abutting properties for the total cost of the project. Lots ll and 12, 8lock ll, Devon, will be assessed $1,000.00 for paving that portion of adjacent Drummond Road. The~remaining cost of the project'will be assessed on a square footage basis to the benefitting properties. The rate per square foot was determined by dividing the amount to be assessed by the total square feet of property benefitting. $ 12,652.64 ¢ $41,080 S.F. = $0.308/S.F. If you have any questions or need more information on anything in the assessment roll, we will be pleased to discuss this further with you at your convenience. Very truly yours, $C:jmj Enciosures McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Oohn Cameron An Equal Oppodunity Employer CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA 1988 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING SeptemOer 20, 1988 Don Abel Liz Jensen City Manager City Engineer City Attorney MAYOR: Steve Smith COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF Phyllis Oessen Skip Oohnson Edward O. Shukle, Jr. John Cameron, McCombs Frank Roos Curtis A. Pearson AGENDA Introduction: Mayor Smith Legal Basis for Hearing: Mr. Pearson Explanation of Construction Work Completed and Final Costs for each project: Mr. Cameron Questions and Comments After being recognized by Mayor Smith, please state your name anO address prior to your questions or comments. Final Resolutions Adopted September 20, 1R88 Dear Property Owner: We want to thank you for attending tonight's Special Assessment Hearing. The reason for this meeting is twofold. First of all, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, we are required to certify the special assessment rolls prior to October 12th this year, in that that these Special Assessments can be placed upon the tax rolls for next year. Secondly, you, as an affected property owner, are given the opportunity to comment on your proposed assessment. All costs incurred in the construction of the projects to De discussed at tonight's hearing have been totaled. The total costs are than spread according to various factors among all affected property owners within a given oenefit district. The specific method or methods to distribute costs will be discussed individually for each project as it is brought up at tonight's meeting. Your individual costs were included with your hearing notice. Questions you have regarding the rate of assessment will be discussed as it relates to the entire project cost. For an individual property owner, the amount of your assessment was included in the notice you received in the mail. If you have any questions on how your individual asessment was calculated, please contact Dee Schwalbe, Assessment Clerk, at Mound City Hall, 472-1155. If Council action alters or adjusts any costs or rates, then our staff will need additional time to recalculate the individual assessments. If you have questions about the construction as it relates to your property, please contact the City Engineer or City Manager. No complaints relating to the construction will be handled during the hearing. The attached page shows an example of how an amount is spread over a 10-year period. It should be emphasized that you have the option of either paying the total amount of the assessment immeOiately, or paying it in annual installments. If you pay the entire amount of your assessment within 30 days after aooption of the assessment rolls by the Council, you will not De charged any interest on the amount of the assessment. If, however, you choose to pay after the JO-day period, interest accrues at the rate of 8.~ per year. During each subsequent year, payment of the remaining balance may be made on or before November 15th, to have special assessments removed from the following year's tax statements. Partial payments are not allowed. Yours very truly, EOS: jmj Edward O. Shukle, Jr., City Manager COUNTY ROAD 15 - SHORELINE BOULEVARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS The street improvement work on Shoreline Boulevard was undertaken dy Hennepin County, with the City of Mound to pay a portion of the costs. The following is an itemization of Mound's share of the cost ($376,713.94) of the total street improvement including storm sewer. Invoiced from Hennepin County (Roadway Items) Watermain Replacement Miscellaneous Expense (Televise & Repair Sanitary Sewer, etc.) Engineering, Legal, Fiscal & Administrative cost Subtotal Estimated Right-of-Way cost Total Cost of Project $204,923.55 80,008.50 16,745.00 35,036.89 $336,713.94 40,000.00 $376,713.9a The amount proposed to be assessed to the benefitting properties is $135,771.38, which leaves a balance of $240,942.56 to be paid from City funds. The four items proposed for assessment are curO ano gutter, concrete driveway aprons, concrete sidewalk and storm sewer. The construction cost for these items were furnished by Hennepin County and then the City's cost added to arrive at the amount to be assessed. The following is a breakdown for each of these items. Concrete Curb and Gutter Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total to be Assessed $38,001.89 4~299.63 $42,301.52 Concrete Driveway Apron Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total to be Assessed $11,914.40 1,348.03 $13,262.43 Concrete Sidewalk Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total Cost Less City Share (50%) Total to be Assessed (50%) $53,662.42 6,071.52 $59,733.94 29~866.97 $29,866.97 Storm Sewer Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Credit from Previous Assessments Total to be Assessed $45,223.72 5,116.74 10~007.50 $60,~47.96 These preceding costs were then used to determine the lineal foot, square yard and square foot charges. They were computed as follows: Curb and Gutter Cost Per Front Foot $42,301.52 ~ 9,061.83 L.F. = $4.67/L.F. Concrete Driveway Aprons Cost Per Square Yard $13,262.43 ~ 965.45 S.Y. = $13.74/S.Y. Concrete Sidewalk Cost per Square Foot $29,866.97 ~ 42,985.39 S.F. = $0.70/S.F. Storm Sewer Cost per Square Foot $60,347.96 ~ 1,341,352 S.F. = $0.045/S.F. COUNTY ROAD 15 - SHORELINE BOULEVARD STREET LIGHTS The street lights were included in the overall improvement project by Hennepin County, with the entire cost being the responsibility of the City. The following is an itemization of the toal cost of the project. Invoiced from Hennepin County $147,084.00 City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative Cost) 24,330.00 $171,414.00 The amount proposed to be assessed to the benefitting properties is $85,707.00, which leaves a balance of $85,707.00 to be paid from City funOs. The abutting properties have been divided into two categories, with residential use as one category and all other uses in the second category. charge per front foot for the uses other then residential were computed at 1-1/2 times the residential rate. Using this criteria, the amount to be assessed ($85,707.00) was spread between the two uses as follows: Residential Use = 18,322.00 - 2,930.04 L.F. = $6.25/L.F. Other Use = 67,385.00 - 7,182.43 L.F. = $9.38/L.F. The EXAMPLE ASSESSMENT TOTAL PRINCIPAL - $100.00 10 Years ANNUAL PRINCIPAL - $ 10.00 INTEREST - 8.~% PAYMENT SCHEDULE BALANCE OF AMOUNT iNT. AT 8.0% TOTAL AMOUNT REMAINING OF ON UNPAID LEVIED WiTH UNPAID INSTALLMENT BALANCE CURRENT TAX 1989 $ 100.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 * $ 20.00 1990 90.00 10.00 7.20 17.20 1991 80.00 10.00 6.40 16.40 1992 70.00 10.00 5.60 15.60 1993 60.00 10.00 4.80 14.80 1994 50.00 10.00 4.00 14.00 1995 40.00 10.00 3.20 13.20 1996 30.00 10.00 2.40 12.40 1997 20.00 10.00 1.60 11.60 1998 10.00 10.00 0.80 10.80 * 15 Months Interest To figure the yearly payments for your individual assesment, divide the total assessment by 100 and multiply times the total amount after each year above. EXAMPLE: Total Assessment: - $ 1,743.00 $ 1,743.00 ~ 100 = 17.43 x 20.00 = $348.60 - payment for 1989. $ 1,743.00 ~ 100 = 17.43 x 17.20 = $299.20 - payment for 1990. September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST LEVY %11156 WHEREAS, pursuant to ~roper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the following im- provements, to-wit: STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON SHORELINE BLVD. (HENNEPIN COUNTY ROAD 15), BETWEEN COMMERCE BLVD. (HENNEPIN COUNTY ROAD 110) AND THE MOUND CITY LIMITS AT THE SETON CHANNEL BY THE CONSTRUC- TION OF CURB AND GUTTER, CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONS, SIDEWALK AND STORM SEWER. ~$~o~,~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND: Such proposed special assessment, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby ac- cepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. Such assessments shall be payable in equal annual in- stallments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1989, and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution un- til December 31, 1988. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time on or before October 30,.1988, following the date of assessments, pay the whole of the assessment against any parcel, to the City of Mound without interest; and he may until November 15, following the assessment date, pay the whole of the assessment to the City of Mound with interest accrued to the 31st of December following the date of the assessment. September 20, 1988 After November 15, following the date of the assess- ment, the first year's installment shall be added to the taxes for the year's tax list and collected as taxes with interest accruing from the date of the assessment through December 31 of the following year. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified dupli- cate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be ex- tended on the proper tax lists for the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk PID # PROPERTY OWNER NAHE & ADDRESS CIT " of XI()UND September l, 1988 ~3~'. M~YWOOD ROAC MOUND MINNE$O'rA 553~; {~I~, 473-1155 Dear Mound Property Owner: Tne enciosed official notice is intended to advise you of a Special Assessment Hearing to be conducted by the City Council of Mound at ?:30 P.M., on September 20, 1988, in the Council Chambers at MounO City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road. The notice relates to specific improvement projects, County Road 15 Street Improvements anO County Road 15 Street Lights, previously authorized Dy the City Council, which are in the process of being completed. Minnesota Statutory requirements proviOe that this assessment hearing De held prior to certifying and levying the final improvement assessment costs to the Hennepin County Finance Department. The assessment will be collected over succeeding years by the Hennepin County Treasurer's Office, along with the real estate taxes. The purpose of this hearing is to advise the affected property owners of the final improvement costs to be assessed and the methods of apportionment an~payment to be used. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE QUALITY OR EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK UNDER THE IMRROVEMENT PROOECT(S) RELATING TO YOUR PROPERTY, PLEASE CALL DAVE FELTL, PROOECT ENGINEEr, HENNERIN COUNTY, AT 935-3381 BETWEEN ?:30 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. IF POSSIBLE, PLEASE CONTACT US PRIOR TO THE HEARING DATE (SEPTEMBER 20, 1988). The proposed assessment cost for the street improvement was computed using $4.67 per front foot for curb and gutter, $13.74 per square yard for driveway aprons, $0.?0 per square foot for sidewalk, and $0.045 per square foot for storm sewer. The proposed.assessment cost for the street lights was computed using $~.25 per front foot for residential property and $9.38 per front foot for all other property. The final assessment amounts will be computed based upon the formula and benefits as ordered by the City Council at the assessment hearing. Usually, the final amounts are the same as the proposed amounts. The following is a breakdown of the total proposed assessment for your individual property. C&G ARRON SIDEWALK ST.SEW.AREA TOTAL (LN.FT.) (SQ.YD.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) STREET ASSMT. .'ASSMT. ASSMT. ASSMT. ASSESSMENT TOTAL FRONT RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ST. LIGHT FOOTAGE LIGHTS LIGHTS ASSESSMENT NOTICE It~ ~ ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT City of Mound, Minnesota TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HERSBY gIVEN that the City Council of Mound will meet at ?:30 P.M. on Tuesday, September 20, 1988, at the City Hall, located at 5341 Maywood Road, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the improvement of: "County Road 15 (Sho~eiine Boulevard) Street Improvements." between Comne~ce Boulevard and Seton Channel, The total cost of this improvement is $576,713.94. "County Road 15 (Shoreline Boulevard) Street Light P~oject" between Commerce Boulevard and Seton Channel. The total cost of this improvement is $171,414.00. Pursuant t° MSA Sec. 429.011 to 429.111. All property abutting upon or lying within the above described limits and benefitting therefrom is proposed to be assessed. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at theCity Clerk's office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing, but the Council may consider any objections to the amount of the proposed individual assessments at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property~owners as it deems advisable. An Owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnasota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk-of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filin9 such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. No such appeal as to the amount of an assessment.to a specific parcel of Iand may be made uniess the Owner has either flied a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or has presented the written objection to the presiding officer at the hearing. The City Council has adopted, pursuant to the authority granted by MinnesotaStatutes, Sec. 435.193 to 435.195, a resolution containing standards and guidelines for deferring assessments for senior citizens for'whom it would be a hardship to make the payments on homestead property. The standards and guideiines are on file with the City Cierk for your inspection. Francene C. Clark, City Clerk Published in the Laker on September 5, 1988 and September 12, 1988 Furthe= infor~ation lot yot= reference =eg~g the p=opose~ special assessment is Diven as follows: Minnesota Statuto~J ~e~Jt~ements ~egu~ate the special procedures to be used (Ninnesota Statutes Chapter 42~). An Owner may appeal an assessment to District Cou~t, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk of the City within 30 Says after the adoption of the assessment and filing of such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City No such appeal as ~o the amount of an assessment pertaining to a specific parcel of land may be ma~e unless the Owner has either fi~ed a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk pr£or 'to the public hearing or has pz~sented the written objection-to "the presiding officer at the public hearing. Payment in full with no interest cha~ges may be maOe within thi~y (30) days f~om the date the City Council adopts the assessment roll. Payments can be made at the Mound City Hall. If you wish to make a partial payment, the payment must be in $100.00 increments. If the total assessment is less under $300.00, no pa=tiaI payment wi~i be accepted. If the assessment is paid more than thirty (30).Says after Council action, but on or before November 15, 1988, interest will be cha~ged to December ~l, 1~88. If the assessment is n~t paid on or before November 15, 1988, the amount w/ii be spread over the assessment period. The.first year payment wili include interest for fifteen (15) months (October through December of 1~88, and al& of 198~). Following years wi]A have interest computed for twelve (12) months. Payments w/A1 become due with your reai estate taxes. 7. During each subseqUent year, payment of the remaining balance may be made and must be paid on or before November 15 to have special assessments removed from the following year!~ tax statements. Partial' ..payments are not allowed. 8. The assessment will be spread for l0 years at the current interest 'rate of eight percent (8%) per year on the remaining principal. The C~ty of Mound does have a deferred assessment policy based on hardship for Senior Cit&zens 65 years or older who have an income of · iess than $iO, OOi. O0, and who ~eside on and own homestead p~ope~ty. Information on this p~ogram can be secured at the City Offices, p~ior to the pubIic hea~ing. Again,' if you have any questions or co~ents, piease contact us p~ior to the assessment-hearing, if possible. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. 218 August 23, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88-123 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on August 9, 1988, and corrected on August 23, 1988, the City Clerk and the City Engineer were directed to prepare a proposed assess- ment of the cost of making street improvements on Shoreline Blvd. (Hennepin County Road 15), between Commerce Blvd. (Hennepin County Road 110) and the Mound City limits at the Seton Channel by the-construction of curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons, sidewalk and storm sewer; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in her of- lice for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: A hearing shall be held on the 20th day of September, 1988, in the City Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property af- fected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with' reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. ~ 3; The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with inter- est accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payable is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through Decem- ber 31 of the succeeding year. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmemb~ Jessen and seconded by Councilmember Johnson 219 August 23, 1988 The following Coun¢ilme~ers voted in the affi~ative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilme~ers voted in the negative: none. Councilme~er ~el was absent and excused. M~o~ / Attest: City Clerk McCombs Frank Rods Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55447 Telephone 612/476-6010 Engineers Planners Surveyors August 18, 1988 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 SUB3ECT: City of Mound, Minnesota County Road 15 Street Improvements Preliminary Assessment Roll MFRA #8087 Dear Mayor and Council Members: As requested, we submit herewith the Preliminary Assessment Roll for the street improvement work completed by Hennepin County on Shoreline 8odlevard (County Road #15). The total cost for the street improvements on County Road 15 is $376,713.94, of which $135,771.38 is proposed to De assessed back to the abutting properties. The remaining cost of $240,942.56 will be paid by the City of Mound from funds such as the water fund for the major portion of the water main replacement and the State Aid construction fund for the balance. The following is an itemization of all the costs, except those for the stree~ lights. Invoiced from Hennepin County (Roadway Items) Watermain Replacement Miscellaneous Expense (Televise & Repair Sanitary Sewer, etc.) Engineering, Legal, Fiscal & Administrative cost Subtotal Estimated Right-of-Way cost Total Cost of Project $204,923.55 80,008.50 16,745.00 35~036.89 $336,713.94 The four items proposed for assessment are curb and gutter, concrete driveway .aprons, concrete sidewalk and storm sewer. The construction cost for these items w6re furnished by Hennepin County and then the City's cost added to arrive at the amount to be assessed. The following is a breakdown for each of these items. Honorable Mayor and MemDers of the City Council August 18, 1988 Page Two Concrete Curd and Gutter Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total to De Assessed $38,001.89 4,299.63 $42,301.52 Concrete Driveway Apron Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Total to be Assessed $11,914.40 i~34U.03 $13,26Z.43 Concrete Sidewalk Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and AOministrative) Total Cost Less City Share (50%) Total to De Assessed (50%) $53,662.42 6~071.52 $59,733.~4 29~866.97 $29,866.97 Storm Sewer Hennepin County Construction Cost City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative) Credit from Previous Assessments Total to be Assessed $45,223.72 5,116.74 10~007.50 $60,347.96 These preceding costs were then used to determine the lineal foot, square yard and square foot charges. They were computed as follows: Curb and Gutter Cost Per Front Foot $42,301.52 ~ 9,061.83 L.F. = $4.67/L.F. Concrete Driveway Aprons Cost Per Square Yard $13,262.43 ~ 965.45 S.Y. = $13.74/S.Y. - ~- Concrete Sidewalk Cost per Square Foot ..q[/5%m $29,866.97 Storm Sewer Cost per Square Foot $60,347.96 ~ 1,341,352 S.F. = $0.045/S.F. Honorable Mayor and Nembers of the City Council August 18, 1988 Page Three If you have any questions or need more information on anything in the assessment roll, we will be pleased to discuss this further with you at your convenience. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, 1NC. Oohn Cameron OC:aju Enclosures September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST LEVY %11157 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the following im- provements, to-wit: IMPROVEMENT ON SHORELINE BLVD. (HENNEPIN COUNTY ROAD 15), BETWEEN COMMERCE BLVD. (HENNEPIN COUNTY ROAD 110) AND THE MOUND CITY LIMITS AT THE SETON CHANNEL BY THE ADDITION OF STREET LIGHTS ~ %~,6~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND: me Such proposed special assessment, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby ac- cepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. Such assessments shall be payable in equal annual in- stallments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1989, and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution un- til December 31, 1988. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time on or before October 30, 1988, following the date of assessments, pay the whole of the assessment against any parcel, to the City of Mound without interest; and he may until November 15, following the assessment date, pay the whole of the assessment to the City of Mound with interest accrued to the 31st of December following the date of the assessment. September 20, 1988 After November 15, following the date of the assess- ment, the first year's installment shall be added to the taxes for the year's tax list and collected as taxes with interest accruing from the date of the assessment through December 31 of the following year. ® The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified dupli- cate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be ex- tended on the proper tax lists for the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk CITY of iX."IOUND D ~ Septembe~ 1, --~,OPERTY OWNER-NAHE-' ADDRESS M~YWOOD ROA~, MINNESOTA 1~12,472-1155 Dear Mound Property Owner: The enclosed official notice is intended to advise you of a Special Assessm6nt Hearing to be conducted by the City Council of Mound at ?:)0 P.M., on September 20, 198B, in the Council Chambers at Mound City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road. The notice relates to specific improvement projects, County Road 15 Street Improvements and County Road 15 Street Lights, previously authorized Dy the City Council, which are in the process of being completed. Minnesota Statutory requirements provide that this assessment hearing be held prior to certifyin9 and levying the final improvement assessment costs to the Hennepin County Finance .Department. The assessment wil! be collected ovez succeeding years by the Hennepin County Treasurer's Office, along with the real estate taxes. The purpose of this hearing is to advise the affected property owners of the final improvement costs to be assessed and the methods of apportionment and payment to be used. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE QUALITY OP, EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK UNDER TI~ IMPROVEMENT PROJECT(S) RELATING TO YOUR PROPERTY, PLEASE CALL DAVE FELTL, PROOECT ENGINEER,, HENNEPIN COUNTY, AT ~35-~B1 .BETWEEN 7:)0 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. ZF POSSIBLE, PLEASE CONTACT US PRIOR TO THE HEARING DATE (SEPTEMBER 20, ~P88). The proposed assessment cost fo= the street improvement was computed using $4.~7 per front foot for curb and gutter, $1~.74 per square yard for d~iveway aprons, $0.70 per square foot for sidewaik, and $0.045 per square foot for storm sewer. The proposed.assessment cost for the street iights was computed using $6.25 per front foot for residential property and $~.38 per front foot for ali other property. The finai assessment amounts will be computed based upon the formula and benefits as oraered by the City Council at the assessment hearing. Usualiy, the finai amounts are the same as the proposed amounts. The following is a breakdown of the totai proposed assessment for your individual property. C~G APRON SIDEWALK ST.SE'W.~REA TOTAL (LN.FT.) (SQ.YD.) (SQ.FT.) (SQ.FT.) STREET AS~4T. .'ASSMT. ASSMT. ASSMT. ASSESSMENT TOTAL FRONT RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ST. LIGHT FOOTAGE LIGHTS LIGHTS ASSESSMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONC[RN: NOTIC~ IS H~Y 9~VE~ that the City Council of ~ound wLL1 meet at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, September ~0, 3~88, at the City ~].L, lo~ated at ~4i Maywoo~ Road, to pass upon the proposed assessment fo: the improvement of: 'County Road' 15 (Shoreline Boulev'a:d) Street /mp:ovements.' between Conee:ce Boulevard and Seton Channel. The total cost of this imp~vement is $3T6,TL~.94. "County Road 15 (Shoreline Bouleva:d) Street Light Pz~ject" between Con~ne~ce Boulevaz~ and Seton Channel. The total cost of this i~p:ovment is $1T1,414.00. Pursuant '*t6 MSA Sec. 429.011 to ~29.1L1. A11 property abutttn9 upon or lying within the above described /1mits and benefitting therefrom is proposed ,to be assessed. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk's office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing, but .the Council may consider any objections to the amount of the proposed individual assessments at an adjourned meeting upon such fu:the: notice to the affected pzope:ty..owne:s as it deemS'advisable. An Owner may appeal an assessment to District cou~t pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section ~29.081 by serving notice of the appea/ upon the Mayor or Clerk .of the City within ~0 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the Dist:ict Court within ten days after service upon the Mayo: o: Clerk. No such appeal as to the amount of an assessment .~o a specific pa:cel of land may be made unless t~e 0wne: has either filed a signed written objection to that assessment with the ~ity Clerk p:to: to the hearing or has presented the w:itteh' objection to the presiding office: at the hearing. The City Council has adopted, pursuant to the authority g:ante~, by Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 4~5.19~ to 4~5.195, a :esoiution containing standards and guidelines for deferring assessments fo: senior citizens for'whom it would be a hardship to make the payments on homestead property. The standards and guidelines are on fiIe with the City Clerk fo: your inspection. Francene C. Clark, City Clerk Published in the Laker on September 5, 1988 and September 12, 1988 Furl:l-e~ infer?nation lot you: reference :eDa:db~ tr. p:oposec! specta~ "assessnent is given as follows: · M.Lnnesot. a Statu~o~ re--ts z~te the special assessment p:oce~rres to be used (~Lrnesota Statutes ~hapte: Z~?~). An Owner may appea~ an .assessment to District Court, pursuant to ~Lnnesota Statu~es Section 4~.08~, by serving notice of the appeal upon the ~ayo: or C~ty ~Le:k of :he C~ty withLn 30 Oays aft~ tn, adopt~Lon of the assessment and f~l~ng of such not~ce with the Oistz~ct COurt wit~Ln ten days-after service up~ :he ~yo: or ~Lty Clerk. No such appeal as ~o-d:he amount of an assessment pe~ain~ng to a spe~Lfic pa~ce~ 'of ~and may ~ ~ u~ ~ ~ ~s ~ f~ ~ si9~ ~i~ obj~on to t~t a~es~nt wi~ ~ ~ty ~ .. prior 'to t~ ~b~c ~:~g or ~s 'p~t~ t~ ~it~n objecti~. ~ the p~si~g officer at t~ p~c ~~. Payment in full with no interest charges may be maOe within thirty (:~0) days from the date the City Council adopts the assessment roll. Payments can be made at the Hound City Hall. If you wish to make a partial payment, the payment must be in $100.00 increments. [f the total assessment is less under $~00.-00, no partial payment will be accepted. If the assessment is paid more than thirty (~0) .days after Council action, but on or before November 15, 1~88, interest will be charged to December ~1, 1~88. If the assessment is n~t paid on or before November 15, 1~8, the amount will be spread over the assessment period. The.first year payment will include interest for fifteen (15) months COctober through December of 1~88, and all of 1~8~). Following years will have interest computed for twelve (12) months. Payments will become Oue with your real estate taxes. During each subsequent year, payment of the remaining balance may be made and must be paid on or before November' 15 to have special assessments removed from the following year? tax statements. Partial- · 'payments are not allowed. The assessment will be spread for 10 years at the current interest 'rate of eight percent (8%) per year on the remaining principal. The City of Mound does have a deferred assessment policy based on hardship for Senior Citizens 65 years or older who have an income of · less than $10,001.00, and who reside on and own homestead property. Information on this program can be secured at the City Offices, prior to the public hearing. Again,'if you have any questions or comments, please contact us prior to the assessment-hearing, if possible. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. 220 August 23, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88-124 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON P~OPOSED ASSESSMENT - COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET LIGHT IMPROFEHENT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on August 9, 1988, and corrected on August 23, 1988, the City Clerk and the City Engineer were directed to prepare a proposed assess- ment of the cost of making improvements on Shoreline Blvd. (Hennepin County Road 15), between Commerce Blvd. (Hennepin County Road 110) and the Mound City limits at the Seton Channel by the'additiona of street lights; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in her of- lice for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 20th day of September, 1988, in the City Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property af- fected by such improvement' will be given an opportunity to be heard with., reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 3..The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification .of the. assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such · ' property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with inter- est accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payable is made. Such payment must' be made before No,vember 15 or interest will be charged through Decem- ber 31 of the succeeding year. The foregoing resolution was moved by Mayor Smith and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. 221 August 23, 1988 The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Abel was absent and excused. Attest: City Clerk McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55447 Telephone 612/476-6010 Engineers Planners Surveyors August 18, 1988 Honorable Mayor and Hembers of the City Council City of Mound 5341 May~ood Road Mound, MN 55364 SUB 3E CT: City of Mound, Minnesota County Road 15 Street Lights Preliminary Assessment Roll MIRA #8259 Dear Mayor and Council Members: As requested, we submit herewith, the Preliminary Assessment Roll for the street light project on County Road 15. The total cost for the street light project on County Road 15 is projected to be $171,414.00, of which 1/2 or $85,707.00 is proposed to De assessed back to the abutting properties. The City's share of the cost will be paid from their State Aid construction fund. The following is a breakdown of the total cost of the street light project. Invoiced from HennepinOounty $147,084.00 City Cost (Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative Cost) 24~330.00 $171,414.00 The ~butting properties have been divided into two categories, with residential use as one category and all other uses in the second category. charge per front foot for the uses other then residential were computed at 1-1/2 times the residential rate. Using this criteria, the amount to be assessed ($85,707.00) was spread between the two uses as follows: The Residential Use = 18,322.00 ~ 2,930.04 L.F. = $6.25/L..F.--e~. -Other Use = 67,385.00 ~ 7,182.43 L.F. = $9.38/L.F. -~, 2 II ~" AnEquaiOppodun,tyEmp~o:,,er Honorable Mayor and Hembers of the City Council August 18, 1988 Page Two If you have any questions or need more information on anything in the assessment roll, we will be pleased to discuss this further with you at your convenience. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Oolan Cameron OC:aju Enclosure CITY of MOUND 53~1 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 16, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER ISSUE REGARDING BRETT HAAGE, 2666 WESTEDGE BLVD. As indicated on the agenda, Mr. Brett Haage, 2666 Westedge Blvd., wishes to be heard before the City Councii regarding applying for homestead credit on the property located at 2666 Westedge Blvd. Attached is a copy of the Warranty Deed which is in the name of his wife, Pauia J. Gronland. Aiso attached is the request for homestead application dated August 11, 1988, indicating that the date moved into the property was July 28, 1988. As you know, homestead credit processing for 1989 ended June 1, 1988. A homeowner cannot apply for homestead credit after June 1st for the upcoming year. Mr. Haage has indicated to me that he believes the City of Mound interfered and has harassed him and has caused his problems with regard to this issue. We have contacted Keith Rennerfeldt, Principal Appraiser with Hennepin c~unty, regarding Mr. Haage's req6est. Mr. Rennerfeldt indicated that state statute states that the date of the legal document, or in this case July 28, 1988, must be used in filing the homestead credit. He further indicates that the City Council cannot act on this, it has no jurisdiction over this matter at this time. The classification cannot be changed until the Board of Review meets in May 1989, at which time all of the information regarding the property will be reviewed. Therefore, the City Council has no action to take on this item. If you have any questions contact me. ES:is //7 Ar~ ,:;,;al opportundy Empioye¢ that does not discriminate on the ['.~s,s o ~'I'ATE Dr-~.D TAX DUE HEREON: $ _ .............. NTY DEED I~ld ~ I~d--'- ............. No delinquent ~e~ and ~anster en~r~; ~rtirica~ ot ~eli ~l~ Vllue ( ) fil~ ( ) not require~ ,19~ FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, ' ' (ro~erved for recordin~ da~_.~.~,._~ I,,wi~ ,~.., , Or&nt~r (~), re~ pro~rty in ~ , Orange _Co~ty, Minneso~, d~ibed ~ follows: ' ' ~ot8 ~ a~ 4~ Zlook 1, ktdorf~, l~.~et LOgeLher with all heredi~menf4 Ind al)purLenunces belonging thereto, .uhject Lo U~e following excepUonl: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF _mem~e~r~ / ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowl~d ed bof HC 225 FOR HOMESTEAD A~PLICATION CONVEYANCE ATTACH]~D: ~)~ Warrant7 Deed Torrens CertSfica=e Full Year Half Year Da te Moved In: Con=rac~ For Deed Other Taken By: /~ McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Telephone Engineers Plymouth. MN 612/476-6010 Planners 55447 Surveyors September 15, 1988 Mr. Edward O. Schukle, Or., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBSECT: Public Works Facility MFRA #8275 Dear Ed: Concerning Loeffel-Engstrand's Payment Request No. 4 for work completed through August 31, 1988, on the subject project, which I gave to you at the project meeting. The amount of this payment request is $145,0~4.10. We have reviewed this request, find that it is in order, and recommend payment in the above amount to the Contractor. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. SO:aju An Equal Opportumb/Employer ©C -'~ 0 C. CC~ L~; 4-' ~r. .-.t ,L., 'q Lr, C, 0 00io r~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Ed Shukle, City Manager Jim Fackler, Park Dtrector//~/~ Devon Commons in front of~/'// //' 4849 IVD (Studer/Smith) 1985 Jon Elam, City Manager was approached by the past owner to riprap in front of their house at 4849 IVD on Devon Commons. During that year Lake Hinnetonka was experiencing high water. The past owner had a sea wall constructed of timber. The water was caus- ing erosion behind the timber and making a washout between the shoreline and the backside of the timbers. The cost to riprap would have been $2,400. Jon Elam offered to pay 50%, but was turned down by the property owner who wanted the City to pay 100%. This work was never done, instead the City filled the washout area and allowed the owner to lay dock sections along this area to provide a safe walkway. 1986 The past resident of 4849 IVO approached the City asking for the 50% of the $2,400 saying that they would provide the other 50%. At this time Jon Elam had left employment with the City and there were no funds available in the 1986 Budget. 1987 During the winter of 1987-88 most of Devon Commons was riprapped under a shorellne protection program. This included the shoreline in front of 4849 IVD. ' 1988 Currently there is a flat ground walk area between the riprap on the shoreline, about 7' wide, and a retaining wall. A wood structure is not needed to provide a safe walk along the Commons. As in many areas a set of steps can be used over the riprap as an extension of the dock. Recommendation The 28' x 7' deck be removed and the walk area be repaired to grass. JF:pJ 7.A. MAINTENANCE PERMITS - S~IJDER/SMITH ,4849 ISLAND VIEW DRIVF The Park D~rector, dim Fackler explaine~ the history of this request. This particular commons area had erosion in the shoreline, we offered to pay 50[ to ftx tt to the previous owner, he turned down the offer. The next year he wanted the same 50% deal, but the City Manager said no, it wasn't in the budget. So, the previous owner temporarily laid dock sections for a walkway on the commons area over the washed out area for safety, which was allowed temporarily. The new owner replaced it with a deck 28' x ?', without applytng for a maintenance permit. Rip rap has been placed to protect the shore, and now there is no need to place, dock sections on the walkway, recommendation is to deny the maintenance permit application. MOTION moved by Baily, seconded by Jessen to deny main- tenance permit application and enforce removal of the exist- ing walkway and deck from the commons. Request will appear before the City Council on AUgust 23, 1988. 7.A. MAINTENANCE PERMIT - STUDER/SMITH 4849 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE Hr. Studer and Hr. Smith arrived. The Commission advised them the Commission had already made a motion. Clough repeated the motion. Hr. Studer and Hr. Smith stated they would like to com- ment'on their behalf. MOTION moved by Clough seconded by Panetta to re-open dis- cussion regarding Studer/Smtth maintenance permit. Mr..Studer and Mr. Smith showed pictures to the Commission of the extended stairway and the deck. The temporary deck was deteriorating and was unsafe, he was unaware a permit was needed to rebuild the deck and walkway. He had a friend that was in- jured on the deck because it was unsafe, so they improved it (without a 'permit). Mr. Studer believes the walkway provides protection when walking From the stairway to the dock. The Co'mission explained they have turned down other requests in the past for the same, they have never allowed deck structures in the commons. The Park Director explained that the steps were allowed due to access over the rip rap. The deck and the walkway are not needed. Bally commented that she looked at the property and says you can walk on the shore, the deck is not needed. Jessen agreed. MOTION moved by Jessen, seconded by Baily to deny main- tenance permit application and enforce removal of the exist- ing walkway and deck from the commons. Request will appear before the City Council on August 23, LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTF IC, WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 612/473-7033 EUGENE R. STROMMEN, EXECUTIVE DIREL;ioR BOARD MEMBERS Robert Rascop, Chairman Shorewood JoEIlen Hurr, Vice Chairman Orono Carl H. Weisser, Secretary Excelsior Mark Westlund, Treasurer Wayzata Marvin Bjorlin Tonka Bey Jan Boswinkel Uinnetonke Beach David Cochren Greenwood Albert O. Foster Deephaven Eon Kreemer Spring Park John Lawman Minnetrista John G. Ualinka Victoria Robert K. Pillsbury Minnetonke Thomas W. Reese Mound Robert E. Slocum Woodland 402 EAST LAKE STREET REC'O SEF The TO= Honorable Steve Smith, Edward Shukle, Hound Manager~' FROH= LMCD Board Chairman Robert Rascop SUBJ: Appointment of Director to the LMCD Board DATE= September 1, 1988 The term of your appointed LMCD Director expires September 30, 1988. These three-year terms provide your City direct input on the proceedings of the LMCD Board. The state statute governing the LMCD Board of Directors re- quires the Director's election by the City's governing body, namely, your City Council. We invite you to prepare for this selection process during September. Your notification of our office by a copy of the City Council minutes or other official communication is requested promptly upon the Council's action. You will be interested to know that the LHCD Board will be electing new officers at its September 28 meeting. Your Director is your voice on all LMCD board proceedings and programs. Regular reports to the Council from your repre- sentative are encouraged and expected. Likewise, the Council's. concerns and interest are expected to be conveyed to the LMCD Board. Your Director, Tom Reese, attended meetings as noted below: No. Attended No. of Meetings Board of Directors Dock/Environment Committee Lake Use Committee 19 22 22 25 18 18 Meeting attendance is not intended as a sole cirteria of your Director's effectiveness. The .information exchange between your City and the LMCD Board is a matter of signifi- cance in your Director's effectiveness. The first meeting of the 1988-1989 Board will be 7=30 p.m., Wednesday, October 26, at the Tonka Bay City Hall. Thank you for your thoughtful attention to this important selection. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 13, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK EXTENSION OF RESOLUTION #88-36 Attached is resolution #88-36, which was adopted by the City Council on February 24, 1988. Please note that item E requires that they have this resolution filed and recorded 180 days from the date of adoption. Mr. Bill Koenig, the applicant's attorney, called and stated that because of the financial and legal problems with Dakota Rail, they have not been able to close on this. The closing is getting closer and as soon as that is accomplished the resolution will be filed and recorded. In the meantime, they are requesting an extension of resolution #88-36 for another 180 days. fc enc. ...... ~:4: : ;.;:.':.;' ,:, Em?l o',er tit al c:3es not d~scriminate on the b as,s of race September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF RESOLUTION %88-36 ENTITLED "RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMI(XSSION TO RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A WJtIVER OF SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 330:185 OF THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR METES AND BONDS DESCRIPTIONS, LOTS 38 & 39v KOEHLER'B ADDITION TO MOUND; PID %13-117-24 33 0040; P & Z C~SE %88-704) WHERE~B, on February 24, 1988, the City Council ap- proved Resolution %88-36; and .. WHERE~E, this resolution was to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date and because of legal problems in closing has not been filed and recorded; and WHEREAS, the applicant has now requested an extension of Resolution %88-36 so that it can be filed and recorded when the closing takes place. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby grant an additional 180 days from the date of adoption of this resolution for Resolution %88-36, entitled "Resolution to Concur with the Planning Commis- sion Recommendation to Approve a Waiver of Subdivision Require- ments Pursuant to Section 330:185 of the Mound Code of Ordinances for Metes and Bounds Descriptions, Lots 38 and 39, Koehler's Ad- dition to Mound; PID %13-117-24 33 0040; P & Z Case %88-704. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk 49 Pebruary 24, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88-36 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REQUIPd~M~NTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 330:185 OF THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR)fETES AND BOUNDS DES- CRIPTIONS, LOTS 38 AND 39, KOEHLER'S ADDITION TO MOUND; PID # 13-117-24 33 0040; (P & Z CASE ~ 88-704) WHEREAS, an application to requirements contained in Section 330 and under the Minnesota State Statute and all proceedings conducted thereunder; and waive the subdivision Chapter 462 of have been duly WHEREAS, an application to waive the subdivision requirements contained in Section 330 of the City Code has been filed with the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that there are 'special circumstances affecting said properties such that the strict ap- plication of the ordinance would deprive the applicant' of the reasonable use of his land; and that the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property rights; and that granting the waiver would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council, the City of Mound, Minnesota; the request of the applican~ for the waiver from the provisions of Section 330 of the City Code and~the request to convey the property of less than 5 acres, described as follows: The Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way running through the Southwest qua~er of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 117 North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian; and that part of Lots 38 and 39 lying South of the North 20 feet thereof, Koehler's Addition to Mound, Lake Minnetonka. The new parcel shall be legally described as follows: Parcel A: Lots 38 and 39, "Koehler's Addition to Mound" Lake Min- netonka and That part of the Northerly 96.00 feet of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way running through the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 117 North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, which lies between the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 38, 50 February 24, 1988 "Koehler's Addition to Mound", Lake Minnetonka, and a line drawn parallel with and 317.00 feet West, measured at right angles to said East line of Lot 38 and its Southerly extension. Parcel B: All of the remaining Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way running through the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 117 North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian. B. Upon the further following condition: Site plan approval shall be required for any alterations or construction on the portion of property lying east of the eastern most wall of the existing structure. Co It is determined that the foregoing conveyance will constitute a desirable and stable community development and it is .in harmony with adjacent properties . De The City Clerk is authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the applicant for filing in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds, or the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County to show com- pliance with the subdivision regulations of the city. This lot conveyance is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date of this resolution. The~ foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in th~ negative: none. Mayor / ~ '.<.~:~ ~.,.~ . .~ Attest: City Clerk September 20, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION RECONVEYING (IF NECESSARY) CERTAIN PORTIONS OF TAX FORFEIT LANDS BACK TO THE STATE AND REQUESTING THE COUNTY BOARD TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS ON THE SALE OF SAID TAX FORFEIT LANDS AND TO RESTRICT THE SALE TO OWNERS OF ADJOINING LANDS (PID #13-117-24 34 0009) WHEREAS, the City of Mound has been informed by the Department of Property Taxation of Hennepin County that certain lands within the City have been forfeited for non-payment of real estate taxes; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has a number of tax parcels which do not comply with the City's zoning ordinance and building codes because of a lack of minimum area, shape, frontage, access problems, or the parcels contain.nuisances or dangerous condi- tions which are adverse to the health, safety and general welfare of residents of this City; and WHEREAS, the City was instrumental in obtaining legis- lation which could allow said parcels to be withheld from public sale and sold at a non-public sale to eliminate nuisances and dangerous conditions and to increase compliance with land use or- dinances and Minnesota Laws of 1982, Chapter 253, Article 39, Sect. 6 was adopted to provide said authority to the City and the County; and WHEREAS, a specific list of tax forfeited lands' has been provided the City and the City wishes to restrict and condi- tion the sale of certain portions of lands to bring them into conformance with City ordinances and land use goals; and WHEREAS, all special assessments were cancelled at the time of forfeiture and may be reassessed after the property is returned to private ownership pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.02 (also note: M.S. 429.07, Subd. 4; M.S. 435.23 and M.S. 444.076); and WHEREAS, all special assessments that have been levied since forfeiture shall be included as a separate item and added to the appraised value of any such parcel of land at the time it is sold (M.S. 282.01, Subd. 3). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: The County Board is hereby requested to impose conditions on the sale of the following described lands, and is further requested to sell such lands only to owners of lands adjoin- ing at a non-public sale so that said lands will be combined for tax and land use purposes and will comply with City or- dinances and regulations: A. Portion of PID #13-117-24 22 0009 described as follows: "The northeasterly 10.00 feet of Lot 21, Lincoln Addition to Lakeside Park, Minnetonka". Abrahma Mound, The Mayor and City Clerk are.hereby authorized and directed to release the aforementioned lands for sale, subject to the County imposing the aforestated conditions and the lien of special assessments on said lands. The City of Mound is releasing the above properties subject to street and utility easements being retained by the City of Mound. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember 'The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk 2 TO Cities St. Cloud Engineers, Planners. Surveyors 15050 23r0 Ave. N., Plymouth, MN 55447 612/476-6010 WE ARE SENDING *YOU /~'Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] , [] Samples .the following items: [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION / ~ ~ ~ THESE ARE TRANSMI3q'ED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted F'I Resubmit /~For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit [] As requested E3 Returned for corrections [] Return [] For review and comment [] copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ~o,oo ~eet ~ cot ~ ~ ~ ~--~r~E~ b~ ~ ~~' ~~ ;5 ~ ~/~ SIGNED: ~~- ~- ~ - ~~ ...................... ON Iii CORTLEN G. CLOUTIER JAMES M. MUSECH JOSEPH F. LYONS.LEONI CLOUTIER ~. MUSECH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 MAR TEN BUILDING 9:2 I MARQUETTE AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402-3291 TELEPHONE (6 i 2) 332-5100 September 9, 1988 LEGAL ASSISTANTS OTIS R. MAYS DIANE KRAWCZYNSKI MARY L. SNYDER EARNEST T, HUTCHINSON Mr. Curtis Pearson Attorney at Law 120 South Sixth Street Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Dear Mr. Pearson: In accordance with our phone conversation of September 9, 1988, I am enclosing a copy of the title opinion rendered by attorney William R. Koenig raising a title objection concerning a reversionary interest in favor of the City of Mound as more specifically set forth in Paragraph No. 3 of the title opinion. A request is made for a release of this reversionary interest. Yours very truly, JMB~:daq Enclosure cc: Ed Schukle James M. Musech I'I~TER W. )OI IN %'. WtX~l). JR. GAILY L H ILEGER WARREN %t IIIGEh~W, JR. ANN C. ~tiULI t~ ~ MASSI~ I~RIC C. DAMMI~YER MICItAEL V. ~NIGIIT September 8, 1988 I.AW OFFIC. E$ JOl INSON, \VOOD, I'ItLEGER & BIGELOW MOUND. MINNESOTA 5~164 16121 472-It~ 7 ~,0 EAST LAKE STRI.'I.'T WAYT:ATA, MINNESOTA ~5 ~PHONE 1612) 475.1515 TEI.ECOI'IEI~ (612~ 4754) HI RI~PI.Y ~: MOUND WILLIAM R. KOENIG JAMES M. VI:NTURA T. CItRIS STEWART 5'rEl'l IEN A. I'ALMER F^RI.E I. JAMES D. Ma~ I~INNON State Bank of Mound 2220 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Attention Jerry Pietrowski RE: Lot 5 and the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170. (Cossette Properties, Inc.) Dear Jerry: I have examined Abstracts relating to the above-described property. There are two Abstracts involved; one covering, in part, Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170 and the other extended as to both Lot 5 and Lot 6. The latter Abstract contains 169 Entires and is extended to April 27, 1988. This is not a current extension and it will be necessary to update the Abstract to a current date. However, as per your request, I am giving you an opinion based on this Abstrac~ extended as to tha~ latter date. Based upon my examination of the Abstract, I am of the opinion that the fee owner of the property in question is Charles Robert Hess. His ownership is subject to the following: 1. Subject to the statutory interest of his spouse, if married. 2. At Entry No. 156 in the Abstract, there is a recording of a Contract for Deed from Jeffrey C. Gustafson, single, to Cossette Partners, a Minnesota Partnership consisting of James R. Cossette and others. This Contract is dated January 6, 1981 and recorde~ January 20, 1981 as Document No. 4619355. It agrees to convey Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170 and the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170 for a purchase price of $130,000.00, with $10,000.00 cash paid down and $107,211.00 by assuming and agreeing to pay according to its terms a certain Purchase Aqreement and Contract for Deed, dated October 3, 1978 between Charles Robert Hess, Vendor and Jeffrey SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT This agreement is made this day of 1988, by the City of Mound, hereinafter, "City", Cossette Properties, Inc., hereinafter, "Purchaser", and the State Bank of Mound, hereinafter, "Lender". Whereas, City did execute a certain warranty deed dated February 14, 1967, recorded March 10, 1967, in Book 2581 of Deeds, Page 149, conveying the real estate located in Hennepin County, Minnesota, legally described as follows, to wit: The Westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170. Whereas, in the above warranty deed, the City reserved an easement over portion of the above described property and also retained a right of re-entry and reversion; Whereas, Purchaser of said property desires to place a new mortgage against said property with Lender; Whereas, Lender will place said new mortgage against said property if its interest therein is not subject to the City's right of re-entry and reversion; Whereas, City is willing to subordinate its right of re-entry and reversion to a new mortgage to be placed against said property by Purchaser with Lender. SUBORDINATION: The mortgage deed of the Lender as referred to above and any renewals or extensions thereof and the note to secure it, hereby shall be and remain at all times a lien or charge on the property herein described, prior and superior to the right of re-entry and reversion of the city above described. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SUBORDINATION: The City acknowledges that it hereby intentionally waives, relinquishes and subordinates the priorty and superiority of its right of re-entry and reversion above mentioned in favor of the lien or charge-against such said land in favor of the Lender, and that it understands that in reliance upon and in consideration of this relinquishment and subordination, that specific loan advances are being and will be made, and as a part and parcel thereof, specific monetary and other obligations are and will be entered into by third parties which would not be made or entered into but for such reliance upon this relinquishment and subordination. That in consideration of the foregoing, this agreement is entered into this day of , 1988. City of Mound By: Its: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988 by and the and of the City of Mound, a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the municipal corporation. This instrument was drafted by: CLOUTIER & 5~USECH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 ~-{Aiq TE~ BUILDING 921 MARQUETTE AVENUE SO. MINNEAPOLIS, MN SS402-3291 Notary Public -2- Cossette Properties, Inc. By: Its: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988 by and the and of Cossette Properties, Inc., a corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public State Bank of Mound By: Its: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988 by and the and of State Bank of Mound, a corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. This instrument was drafted by: CLOUTIER & MUSECH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 MAR TEN BUILDING 921 MARQUETTE AVENUE SO, MINNEAPOLIS, MN $5402-3291 Notary Public -3- Mr. jerry Pietrowski september 8, 1988 Page Two C. Gustafson, Vendee. This Contract has a due date of May 1, 1988, which has now gone by. There is no evidence of a cancellation of this Contract. However, I call this to your attention in that there is an unrecorded Contract running from Robert Hess to Jeffrey C. GuStafson and the only reference to it in the Abstract is referred to in the Contract for Deed between Gustafson and Cossette. It will be necessary to get a Deed from fee owner, Hesse, to Gustafson and Gustafson to Cossette Properties, Inc., a Minnesota corporation who took an assignment of that vendee's interest running to the partnership by Quit Claim dated January 8, 1981 and recorded January 20, 1981 as Document No. 4619356. 3. At Entry No. 138 in the Abstract, there is a Deed from the City of Mound to one of the prior fee owners, namely Howard C. and Phyllis E. Om, covering the West 50 feet of Lot 6. That Deed is dated February 14, 1967 and was fi]ed of record March 10, 1967 in Book 2581 of Deeds, Page 149. That Deed reserves an easement for continued existence, use and maintenance of a fire siren thereon, until such time as the vii]age or its successors elect to remove the same. The village is entitled to maintain the siren tower upon the Westerly 20 feet of the Southerly 24 feet of said Lot 6, until 6 months after receipt of a written notice from the owner of the underlying fee of the intent to build thereon and the vii]age or its successors may then, by written notice to the owner, require provision upon said building for the installation of a fire siren and access thereto for continued maintenance. If no such written notices be given to the owner within 6 months, then said easement shall terminate, I believe that fire siren is still located on the property. There is a further.objectionable feature that effects the marketability of title to this Lot and that is that the conveyance is made upon "the express condition that if said party of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns cause or permit outdoor storage of autos, auto parts or refuse upon said premises, unsuitably fenced or screened, so as to be removed from public view, then the Estate hereby conveyed shall revert to and revest in said party of the first part, its successors or assigns and it shall be ].awful for it to then re-enter upon the premises hereby conveyed. This reversionary interest affects the marketability of title to said Lot. I realize that a fence has been set up, covering a part of this property, but whether it meets'with the approval of the City is another problem. Cossette Properties, Inc. should obtain from the City of Mound a Quit Claim releasing that reversionary interest to make title marketable. 4. At Entry No. 162 in the Abstract, there is a Mechanic's Mr. Jerry Pietrowski September 8, 1988 Page Three Lien dated January 11, 1985 and recorded January 21, 1985 as Document No. 4960744 in the amount of $4,743.20. The first item is dated August 30, 1984 and the last item is October 1, 1984. There is no Notice of Lis Pendens filed of record and pursuant to the Minnesota standards, the right to proceed on the lien claim expires one year from the date of the last item of material delivered, which was October 1, 1984. Therefore, this lien is no l'onger enforceable. 5. Subject to that part taken for Hennepin State Aid Highway No. 15 as shown on the plat of said road and referred to at Entry No. 163 in the Abstract. 6. At Entry No. 164 in the Abstract, there is a Notice of Federal Tax Lien filed against a Jeffrey Charles Gustafson, dated March 4, 1982 and recorded March 8, 1982, Document No. 4704215 in the amount of of $1,520.34. The Tax Lien may be ignored if more than 6 years and 30 days has expired since the date of examination, but it must be kept in mind that the extension date of this Abstract is April 27, 1988 and therefore the full 6 years and 30 days had not expired. It wi]] be necessary to recertify 'as to whether or not there has been a refi]ing of this lien and if so, and it is against the Jeffrey Charles Gustafson in the chain of tit]e, the lien must be satisfied of record. 7. The Judgment and Tax Lien Search shows a Judgment against a Jeffrey Gustafson at 5533 Shoreline Boulevard, Mound, Minnesota by a Sally Armitage. The Judgment is dated December 2, 1980 and docketed September 18, 1981 as Case No. 783199 in the amount of $1,826.74. The attorney of record is Wells H. Anderson. If this Judgment is against the Gustafson in the chain of title, then the Judgment must be satisfied of record or an appropriate release of this property obtained and filed of record. 8. There is a Judgment shown by Cominco American, Inc. v. Robert Hesse, R.R. 2, Box 173, South Haven, MN. The Judgment amount is $3,828.88. The Judgment was obtained on February 7, 1985 and docketed February 7, 1985 as Case Number 85-00592 by Rider, Bennet, et al. as attorneys. If this Judgment is against the same Hesse in the chain of title, then this Judgment will have to be satisfied or an appropriate Affidavit obtained and fi]ed of reco~:d. 9. The Abstract indicates that taxes for 1986 and prior years have been paid. Taxes for 1987 amount to $4,195.00; $4,184.87 has been paid, and the balance delinquent, plus pena]t and interest on Lo% 5, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170. Mr. Jerry Pietrowski September 8, 1988 Page Four Taxes for 1987 and prior years paid on the balance of the description. Taxes for 1988 in the amount of $4,523.44 not paid. The base tax is $3,698.80, which would indicate there are special assessments levied against the premises. Additional taxes amount %o $687.94 not paid, with abase tax of $544.08, which would indicate that there are special assessments levied against that parcel. Taxes are assessed in the name of Hess as Non-Homestead, Plat 61290, Parcel 1200, Property I.D. No. 13-117-24-33-0007 and 0008, Mound ~85. 10. Subject to rights of parties in possession of the property, other than the fee owners and contract vendees herein referred to, if'any. 11. Subject to facts which might be ascertained by an actual survey of the property in question. As you can see, there are some problems to be resolved with regard to this property. In the first instance, there is the possibility of reverter running to the City of Mound over the West 50 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170. The easement, itself, is probably of no concern, but the possibility of reverter is. There is also the matter of the Judgments and Liens herein referred to and the updating of the Abstract to make certain that there have been no changes in the condition of title. Thank you. Very truly yours, JOHNSON, WOOD, PHLEGER & BIGELOW William R. Koenig WRK: s k i Unless- sp~:ifi~]ly n~t,¥1 ,~.~'e, thin ,'~p:.nion of title is ~.~ ~~tion of an ~-ac~ of title or a :a~.ury of ~e 1~ ~~. ~u ~ ~ title in~w~'~ ~ t'bnua are s~a ~,t. te~s whi~ ~d aff~ ~1~ ~ not ~usti'~u ~t ~ [.:et fo~ to give you ~ id~ of you ~y wi~% tn inv=sU~ga~ 1) RIGhts ari~.i~], f[~m p.~._~%ge-~..~.i.~). C~mt]nu~ use for c~ t~ ~c~tn of driveways, dra.i~,ge dit~, h~]d~s, fe~, etc., l~tic,n of ~m~'~5, 3. incs cmn lm dete~incd by su.~Ney a~ i~ion. 3) Zc, nJnq,..p...l~3~ni~3..'-.-x~t.~ivi.~;ion o~xlinan~_.r?, and othe~ _m~_nt. cipal Iazal gu~arnilx] bcd'les'restrict p. roperty ~u~a.'-k~y various zoning- ,] lat~or~s, Ience r.~2ulat]ons, sett~c.'k p~visio,~s, et~ If you plan tlnProve~ to your property or :-:},~.-cialiZcd '~ ycx~ should be aware of z'm~tmt of any 3. c~;11 sl'~:ial asne:~.~nonts n~ ]r:vitx~ or p~Jlding to be levie( municipal impr~;o-ments ~,ch a~ watar, s~w~r, q~attar, et~. ThSs %~tld r~ inquiry from thc,. m~nici~ali~y. 5) Sanit,.%r%.__fAq.i.1..i.t..~_e.~___a..r!J.._.w_,.a_t.e..r... You s~,ould kn=~ 'Jnethar the prop privat~ well Or IalntcJ[,~l wai'l-~r m,l %bather' th,.:ru is a privata septic .~uniciI~l ~st~.~. ~ha ca~ition of tho st'stem, w.~ter capacit, y ant water quali~. all matters y~u ma}' want to bxluiz~ about. 6) ,Ur~aid L;t.i. li.%'y._b.i_.l.!_~. If then: are ut. iiit¥ bills agaist~t the premi-~e.s muni¢tpalt:ies ~xke t/t~ a lien agai~mt, fha p~ot.~:t~:¥ if nc*. ~ai¢l by seller. ?) Sell .c~:..?!i.t.!:o_,;s. Is tha ,~11 of gc~xt ¢l~%lity t~u a~t~port the famclatic any contcm%)latc{t :st:',%ctures 'and have. ti%ere feral ~.~t.er problems? ,i,'ell~r~j yeti sl;,-~Hzl Iii(: hane:;ta:,l with t~t.: l~nl goveIT~ir~ office to obta fqvorable r~al ~t'n.',~. ta:¢ tl.'eat~'nt. 9) l_~.o,..y.4.1....:-:~.T,-r'<.y. Fxami~%'~tion of tl%e ,.-.,bat'fact does riot tell who 1~ ti=lc to r~l~,~r~al pm,~a~y t~t 'you ~",y 1~ Fa~:%'l,,a:;i~I with the real eztate.. nor'~i~l tr-mlsact.io;~ a bill o;: -.-'.ale sJ~c~lLd L~: pi~/ided for the per~nal prc~ sepal~at~ frcm tbs deed or contract t~:latil~ to i~]e real estate and there shoul asst~t-m~ce thara ts l'~ ,-~urity interest cover, in~ the pe. rscnal pr~pe, rty. 10) DTom ..~r_i:~t..nfl.__f..rT_...._...(....~_.)..i.!!..~..tn. ~...~:~.,t.:'_a~. ca very rata occasions t ~n · b~, an ~-roz. lv.y ~hn. c~n~any ccEpi] irr4 tho abs~tract so timt a mat. tar of recoz net ptc. k~l up. v,~':(,n %a ex,mm[ne tho att;tr, tct %k: l~lve to ~;nume that the abstra I:as bcen accurate. ,213'? 90 April 12, 1988 RESOLUTION %88-59 RESOLUTIO~ TO APPROVE VARIANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MUNICIPAL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY AT 5468 LYNWOOD BLVD. WHEREAS, the City Council held a public meeting on April 12, 1988, to consider the issuance of variance for the con- struction of a public works building for the City of Mound; and and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be heard were heard; WHEREAS, the variances involve 43 and 44 foot variances to the 50 foot setback requirement along the northern and eastern property lines where the Central Business (B-l) zone abuts property zoned residential; a driveway width variance to allow a 32 foot wide driveway instead of a 22 foot wide driveway as prescribed by ordinance; a six-space parking variance and a variance from the required parking stall size of 10 feet by 20 feet; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommends approval of the setback and driveway width variances and denial of the parking space.' size and number variances electing to approve a motion recommending that the City Council acquire contiguous property when it becomes available, part of which could be used for off-street parking; and WHEREAS, the setback and driveway width variances rep- resent existing situations and the parking variances will be potentially removed in the future through expansion of the proposed facility or acquisition or use of adjacent property for parking purposes; and WHEREAS, construction of the new public works facility is needed to alleviate hardship; and WHEREAS, bond issues held over a two year period clearly identified that the voters of the City of Mound are will- ing to fund only a minimal public works facility; and WHEREAS, a public works building is necessary to facilitate the maintenance of public streets and public property in a sound, safe and effective manner; and WHEREAS, the proposed variances are consistent with the criteria for' granting variances found in Section 23.506 of the zoning code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby' approve the setback, driveway width and parking variances for the proposed public works building located at 5468 Lynwood Blvd., PID #13-117-24 33 91 April 12, 1988 0030 subject to the followlng condltioms: The handicappe~ parking s=all shall be relocate~ stall 5 as shown on the site plan dated January 1988. Steps shall be added at the northern segment of the retaining wall to facilitate access to the eastern and northern sides of the building. The City Planner shall approve landscaping- plaR modifications resulting from removal of the loading dock area as shown on the site plan dated January 22, 1988. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Abel and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: ~one. M~or Attest: city Clerk DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION REJECTING THE SITE EAST OF THE NEW PUBLIC WORK~ BUILDING FOR MATERIALS HA~D. LING WHEREAS, the City values its single family residential areas; and WHEREAS, the City has acquired a property in a single family residential area on Lynwood Blvd. East of the new Public Works Building; and WHEREAS, the City had acquired said property when it had been offered for sale to hold said property for potential use as part of its materials handling site; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the need to be conserva- tive when it comes to taxing; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the site East of the new Public Works Building to be the most expensive of the current al- ternatives and intrusive on a residential area; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to preserve its single family residential areas; and WHEREAS, the City was not granted a parking variance but instead was directed to provide parking as required by ordinance; and WHEREAS, this sight can be used to meet the parking requirement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby declare that it does not wish to use the property East of the Public Works Building on Lynwood Blvd. for materials handling. Further, the City Council declares that the property owned by the City will be held for use as parking for the employees at the Public Works Building until such time as other parking is made available. At that time the City Manager will be directed to enter into negotiations as needed to sell subject property such that the costs of the pur- chase are covered by the proceeds of the sale and the City of Mound realizes no monetary loss in the transaction. September 20, 1988~ RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1989 GENERAL FUND BUDGET' IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,239,190; SETTING THE LEVY AT ~ $1,351,245; AND APPROVING THE OVERALL BUDGET FOR198 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following 1989 General Fund Budget appropriations. GENERAL FUND Council City Manager/City Clerk Elections/Voter Registration Assessing Finance Computer Legal Cable T.V. Recycling 'Police Planning & Inspection Civil Defense Street Shop & Stores City Property & Buildings Parks Recreation Contingency Transfers 46,030 143,210 650 43,930 152,760 20,000 97,100 9,980 67,400 677,770 128,400 1,880 391,140 57,760 81,860 149,320 11,090 30,000 128,910 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,239,190 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following taxes for collection in 1989: SPECIAL LEVIES Bonded Indebtedness Certificates of Indebtedness Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds Housing & Redevelopment Authority (See Res. #87- 140,026 11,732 30,172 24,000 Total Special Levies 205,930 September 20, 1988 TOTAL LEVY LIMITATION 1988/89 1,145,315 GRAND TOTAL TO BE LEVIED 1,351,245 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the overall budget for 1989 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above 2,239,190 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Area Fire Service Fund Cemetery Fund Pension Fund Commons Docks Fund 229,230 3,950 --0-- 72,240 SELF-SUPPORTING FUNDS Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor. Fund 322,550 634,160 208,810 TOTAL 3,565,650 The foregoing resolution, was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk BILLS ....... SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 Batch 8083 Batch 8084 79,823.82 132,555.35 Total Bills 212,379.17 AP-C02-01 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITI OF MOUND VE){DOR INVOICE DJ. rE HOLD NO. II~OICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AM~NT DESCRIPTION ?RE-FAID A~OUNT NU~ER AMOb~JT Ci AOIO0 PRE-PAID 9108188 91~1~ 18.81 11.97 11.97 6.84 18.81 11.97 171.00 RA~qlO SERVICE CONTRACT RADIO SERVICE CONTRACT RADIO ~ERVICE CONTRACT RADIO SEI~YlCE C~.;TRACT RADIO SERVICE CONTRACT RADIO SERVICE CO~fTPY~CT RADIO SERVICE CONTRACT RADIO SERVICE CONTRACT ~NL-CD 01-4280-2750 01-4340-3950 01-4190-3750 O1-4_,"90-.~, 50 0 i-4140-3'~0 72-7300-2950 75-7800-o"1'50 ~-4170-2,o5~) 1010 171.00 AIR COMM !NC VENDOR TOTAL 171.00 A0412 PRE-PAID 45,00 PAY EQUITY SEMINAR 01-4040-41~ 9/08188 9/08/E8 45,00 JRNL-CD 1010 45,00 ASSN OF MN COUNTIES VENDOR TOTAL 45,00 B0549 PRE-PAID 610,14 LIQ 9/08/88 9/08/88 610.14 JR,-CD 71-7100-9510 1010 610,14 BR ) ~y CORPORATION VENDOR TOTAL 610.14 B0580 PRE-PAID 1,675.22 GASOLINE 9/08/88 9/O8/88 1,675.22 JRNL-CD BILL CLARK OIL COJi~ANY VENDOR TOTAL 1675,22 01-1250-0000 1010 167S,22 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 461.29 F, EMO BALLOTS 45.55 VDT MACH SUPPL 172.84 DE]iD BOX 2X)9.50 JUDGES MANUALS 989.18 JPJI. -CD 01-4060-~00 01-4060-2100 01-406Q-5000 01-4060-3500 1010 BUSINESS RECORDS CDRPORATI VF, J~I)OR TOTAL C08..88 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/O8/88 2,526.00 CR UNION 8/~ PR 2,526.00 JRII.-CD 01-2040-0000 1010 .'~26.00 CITY COUNTY CREDIT UNION VENBORTOTAL C0920 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/E8 ~26.00 28.82 REPLEN P/C 28.82 JRNL-CD 71-7100-2200 1010 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 43.37 REPLEN P/C 43.37 JR,-CD 01-4140-2200 1010 43.37 CITY DF MOUND VENDOR TOTAL 72.19 C0~9 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 45.90 LIFE INS 8/~ PR 1.80 RETIREE LIFE ~NS 47.70 ~-CO 01-2040-0000 01-41~-15~ 1010 47.70 CC~XEBCIAL LIFE INS CO VENDOR TOTAL 47.70 CIO01 PRE-PAID 46,87 3,565.~ 2ND 1/2 JUNE SALES TAX 2NO 1/2 JUN~ SALES TAX 73-35~-0000 71-:35~-0000' ,p¢''c~ ~ PAGE 2 AP-C02-OI PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MOUND VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE ~BR DATE DATE STATUS ~DUNT DESCRIPTION PRE-PAID ACCDUNT NUMB~ AHOUI'~ ~E 9/O8/88 9/08/88 P~-PAID 9/08188 9/O8/88 PRE-PAID 9/O8/88 9/O8/88 3,612.09 d~i~L-CI) 90.16 dULY SALES TAX 7,971.68 dULY SALES TAX 8,061.~ u~RI~L-CD 2,038.85 SIT 8/20 PR 2,038.~ ~NL-CD 1010 ~1~.~? 73-5~-0000 71-35~-0000 · 1010 8061.84 01-2040-0000 1010 2038.8S CD~IMISSIO)~-R ~ R~EI~JE ~qENI)OR TOTAl. 13712.78 01219 PRE-PAID 205.63 ~.5 ~Nll~qCT HOLRS 9/08/88 81-4350-3100 1010 205.tJ DE]BERT RUDOLPH TOTAL 205.63 D1235 PRE-PAID 9/O8188 9/O8/88 991.65 DENTAL INS 8/20 PR 32.95 RETIREE DENTAL 32.95 RETIREE DENTAL 12.75 RETIREE DENTAL 45.70 RETIREE DENTAL 1,116.00 dPJ~.-CD 01-2040-0000 01-4140-1510 01-4280-1510 01-4190-1510 71-7100-1510 I010 1116.00 DELTA DENTAL VENDOR TDTAL E14~ FIUE-PAID 9/O8/88 9/08/B8 1116.00 917.31 LIQ 88.25 WI~ 19.22- DISC 98~.34 JRNL-C9 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 I010 Et) PHILLIPS & ~NS VENDOR TOTAL ~6.34 G1955 PRE-PAID 1,0~.00 9/08/88 9/08/88 1,023.00 GREAT WEST LIFE 'ASSURANCE VENDDR TDTAL 1023.00 G1971 PRE-PAID 1~.30 9108188 9/08/88 189.30 [EF CDMP 8/2O PR JRNL-CD HOSP 8120 PR JRI~-CI) 01-2040-0000 1010 01-2040-0000 1010 1023 189.30 GROUP HEALTH PLAN VENDOR TOTAL G1972 PRE-PAID , 9/O8/88 9/O8/88 PI~E-PAID 9/08/88 9/O8/88 GRIGGS COOPER & ~ANY VENDOR TOTAL 189.30 904.27 77.28 19.64- 6.75 968.66 ~.98 424.49 1~.10 27.13- 12.15 1,341.59 LIQ WI~ DISC FRT dRNL-CD LIQ WI~ MIX DISC FRT JRNL -CD 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-956~) 71-7100-9600 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9540 71-7!00-9560 71-7100-%00 1010 9&9.66 1341.59 2310.:5 P~SE 3 AP-C02-O1 ~DOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE I.~BR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY OF MOb?iD AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUnt, NU~ER PRE-PAID AMOL~4T C~ PRE-PAID 9108/88 9108188 GTE/SUN COMMUNITY DIRECTO* VENDOR TOTAL ~136 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 91081~ HENN CO RECORD~ VEN~R TOTAL ~145 PRE-PAID 9/08/,~ 9/08/88 ~ CO SUPPORT & COLLECT, VEI~OR TOTAL PR~-PAID 9108188 9/08/88 ~ TECHNICAL INSTITUTE VEi'~OR TOTAL N~52. PRE-PAID ,~/08/88 ~/08/88 ~.ING & REDEVF1 ~MNT AUT VENE)(]R TOTAL ~E-PAID HOb~qRD $IMAR VtENDDR TOTAL I~J01 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 I~J~ R~IRE)~E~ C[EU~ ~ TOTAL PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 JAMES FACK]_E]~ VEND~ TOTAL d~O0 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 JANEI' B~AND VENDOR TOTAL PRE-PAID 9/08/~ 9/08/~'~ JOHN TAFFE VENDOR TOTAL J2579 PPdE-PAID 205.20 DIRECTORY ADV-PR~A!D 205.20 dRNL-CD 205.20 10.00 RECORD VARIANCE iO.O0 dRNL-CD I0.00 171.~ DEl) FDR 8/20 PR 171.~ ~-CD 171.~ 93.00 COURSE REGISTR-G. ANDEFUJON ~.00 ~-CO 1,2~.00 BAL-EXEC DI~CTDR SAL~qRY 1,263.00 dRNL-CD 1263.00 401.70 CE]qETERY ~INT ~.70 C ~LI. liqINl' 4~.40 dRNL-CD 434. ~ 5,~.06 DEF COMP 8/20/PR 538.06 dR)iL-CD 538.06 16.70 REIMB 16.70 ,.~RNL-CD 16.70 31.00 UNIFD~ ~L'I(ET & HAT 31~00 ~Nq.-CD 31.00 517.50 6~ CONT~OqCT ~URS 517.50 ~Nt.-CD 517.50 3,422.11 LIQ 75.83- DISC 37.50 FRT 705.75 WINE 71-7100-3500 1010 01-4~0-4100 1010 01-2040-0000 I010 22-4170-4110 1010 ~-5600-3100 1010 ~-80(X)-1300 01-4~0-13(X) 1010 o1- o40-oOOO 1010 01-20~X)-(X)00 1010 01-4190-2.240 1010 01-4~0-31CK) 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-~60 71-71~-96~ 71-7100-95~ ~.20 10.00 171.53 ~.00 1263.00 434.40 16.70 31.00 517.50 PAGE 4 AP-C02-OI PURCHASE dOURNAL CITY OF MOUND VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION PRE-PAID ACCOUNT NUMBER A. MOUNT CHE 9/08/88 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9108188 91O81~ 4,O89.53 JRNL-CD 1,~8.31 LIQ 611.95 WINE 31.22- DISC 26.00 PRT 1,864.94 ~NL-CD 1010 4(Y~ ~ 2 71-7100-9510 71-7100-~.60 71-7100-9600 1010 1864.94 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LI* VENDOR TOTAL 5954,47 1~.090. PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/O8/88 726.49 HOSP 8/20 PR 726.49 JRNL-CD 01-2040-0000 I010 726.49 MB) CENTER I-~LTH PLAN VEN]~ TOTAL 726.~9 M3268 PRE-PAID 122,05 INS 8/20 PR 01-2040-0000 9/08/88 9/08/88 122.05 dRNL-CD 1010 122,05 MN BENEFIT ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 122.05 M2A01 PRE-PAID 288.00 DEF CO~ 8/~ PR 01-2040-0000 9/o8/88 9/08/88 ."~8.00 ~J~I.-CD 1010 lin ~'TIREM~ SYSTEM VEN~ TOTPl ~8.00 {'{352O PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/O8/E~ PRE-PAID 9/08/88 9/08/88 71,61 POSTG-WATER BILLS 71,61 POST(]-WATER BILLS 143,22 JB~L-CD 20,75 REPLEN POgT(] METER 31,45 REPLEN POgT(] ~ 15,~5 REPLEN POgTO ~ 52.45 REPLEN POST(] METER 63,30 REPLEN POST(] METER 15.05 REPLEN POST(] I'ETER 9.50 REPLEN POST(] ~ 9.~ REPLE~I POSTG METER 170.40 REPL~ POST(] I'ETER 29,S2 REFt~ POST(] ~ 29,$2 RI~:'L.E~ POST(] ~ 2.~ REPt~ POST(] ~ 17.99 RECYO. E POST(] 14.1S ~ECT 8 POST(] 6,30 REPU~ POST(] I'ETER .2S REPL.EN POST(] I'ETER 12,0~ REPt. E~ POST~ VETER 73-7300-3210 78-7800-3210 I010 01-4070-3210 01-4020-3210 01-4040-3210 01-4060-3210 01-40~0-3210 22-4170-3210 71-7100-3210 01-4340-3210 81-4350-3210 01-41.90-3210 73-7300-3210 78-7800-3210 01-4140-3210 01-4280-3210 01-4270-3210 01-409~)-3210 01-4030-3210 80-8000-2200 01-4320-3210 !010 143.22 600.00 MOUND F~STMASTE]R VENIXRTOTAL 743.22 M3629 PRE-PAID 3,124.80 CBD PARKING LEASE 40-6000-3910 9/08/88 9/08/88 3,124.80 JR~-CD 1010 3124.80 IW'J ~ELLER/LAN$IN8 PROF~TIE$ VE~OR TOTAL 3124,80 PAOE 5 AP-C02-O1 INVOICE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITI AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOU)-~ NUMBER PRE-PAID AMOUNT ~621 PRE-PAID 527,62 LTD I~ 8/20 PR 01-~40-0000 9/08/88 9/08/8.9 527.62 JRNL-CD 1010 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE VENDD~ TOTAL 527.62 P2950 PRE-PAID 5,407.21 FtERA 8/20 PR 01-2040-0000 9/08/~ ?/08/88 5,407.21 ~NL-CD 1010 P E R A VENDOR TOTAL 5407.21 P4011 PRE-PAID ;)00.00 REFlJND-~ PF. FU~IT 8117 01-325t-0000 9/08/~ 9/08/88 300.00 JPdtL-CI) 1010 PHI[LIP HASCH VENDOR TOTAL 300.00 P4030 PRE-PAID 5,446.0,95HOSP 8/20 PR 01-2040-0000 ~1.62 RE-FIRE]E HOSP 01-4140-1510 9/08/88 9/08/88 5,668.47 JRNL-CD 1010 PHYSICIANS DF MN VENDOR TOTAL 5688.47 P4031 PRE-PAID 142.40 SEPT HOSP-M ~SON 01-4140-1510 9/08/88 9/08/88 142.40 JP. NL-CD 1010 PHYSICIANS DF MN VENIE)R TOTAL 142.40 P4115 PRE-PAID 77.13 INS OEO 8/20 PR 01-2040-0000 9/08/88 9/08/88 77.13 ~NL-CD 1010 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CDMPA VENDUR TOTAL ~. 13 Q4171 PRE-PAID 1,756.~ LIQ 71-7100-95i0 ~7.50 WINE 71-7100-9520 ~.11- DISC 71-7100-9540 9/08/88 9~08/88 2,105.32 ~NL-CD 1010 PRE-PAID 1,503.24 LIQ 71-7100-~10 49.45 WINE 71-7100-9520 30.,58- DISC 71-7100-956O .79- FRT 71-7100-9600 1,521.32 JRNL-CD 1010 ~/08/88 ~/08/88 QUALITY WINE & ~IRITS VE)4DOR TOTAL R4259 PRE-PAID ,~/08/88 9/O'8/88 ROBOT E d(]HNSON VENDOR TOTAL R4320 PRE-PAID 9/08/88 ~/08/88 RLq'H VOGEL '¢ENDOR TOTAL ~26~64 555.00 97.S3 37.00 689.83 689,83 42.35 42.35 42.~ 6O CONTRACT HOURS AUG .HOSP 4 CONTRACT HOURS JRII.-CD REIMB VOGEL-POSI1ERS JRNL-CD 52? .62 5407.21 300.00 56.68.4T 142.~ 77.12 2105.32 1521.32 01-4340-3100 01-4340-1510 73-7300-3100 1010 01-~00-0~1 1010 42.35 PAGE AP-C02-O! VE)4DOR IN"v~ICE IXAE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY DF MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION S4500 PRE-PAID 9,324.31 9/08/88 9/08/88 9,324.31 STATE BANK OF MDUNI) VENI)DR TOTAL 9324.31 S4511 PRE-PAID 410.60 9/08/88 9/08/88 418.60 STATE CAPITOl. CREI)IT UNION ~ TOTAL 418.60 T4830 PRE-PAID 201.79 9/08/88 9/08/88 201.79 TDI)I) TRUAX VENDOR TOTAL 201.79 ~ PRE-PAID 3,3~.00 9,22O.00 9/08/88 9/08/88 12,595.00 WIDMER INC ~ TOTAL 125~.00 W5651 PRE-PAID 583.32 9/08/88 9/08/88 583.32 WM KDENIG VENDOR TOTAL' 583.32 Z6131 PRE-PAID 300.00 9/08/88 9/08/88 300.00 SHINGOBEE Bi_ORS I~ VE]~I)OR TOTAL 300.00 TOTAL ~ VE),IDOR~ 79,823.82 FIT 8/20 PR JRNL-CD CR UNION 8/2O PR JRNL-CD REPLACE GLASSES JRNL-CI) CROSSINGS-NORWOOD CROSSINGS-LOST LAKE ~-CI) C])D PARKING LEASE dR)~.-CI) REFUND-~ PEt~IIT 8154 dRNL-CI) PRE-PAID ACCDL)~ NUb'ER AMDL~,iT 01-204.0-0000 1010 9324.31 01-2040-0000 1010 418.60 01-4140-224-0 1010 201.79 01-4280-42X)0 66-6000-4100 1010 12595.00 40-6000-3910 I010 583.32 01-3251-0000 1010 300.00 VD~DOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NHBR DATE DATE STATUS Ar^~60 ACRO-MN ~0100 AIR COMM INC AO190 ALLIED BLACKTOP CO A02 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL ?/O?/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/0.:)/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/0':)/88 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK VENDOR TOTAL A0350 AFelOR SECURITY INC A0470 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO B0540 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENI)OR TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL BATHKE COMPANY B065~ ~OUSTEAD ELECTRIC B0660 9109188 9109/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/~ 9/O9/~ PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MOUND AMD~4T 46.65 15,72 31.84 63.06 11 11.95 2.42 1!.~5 9.44 23.~8 .58 228.73 228.73 48.00 48.00 187.50 187.50 187.50 1~.44 126.~ 106,38 358.14 358.14 ~.00 ~.00 156.40 156.40 156.40 7.50 7.50 12.50 27.50 27.50 ~,30 93.30 ?3.30 ~2.41 332.41 DESCRIPTION AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG S~PLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES AUG SUPPLIES dRNL-CD RADIO REPAIR ' dRNL-CD BLACKTOP dRNL-CD EEE-FIRE CERTIFICATE FEE-GO 1984 BONDS FEE-TAX INCR REDEV 1985 JRNL-CD REPAIR DOOR dRNL-CD REPAIR WELL 7 JRNL-CD OXYGEN OXYGEN OXYGEN dRNL-CD R~AIR MOTORS' dRNL-CD MISC PARTS dRNL-CD ACCOU)~ NU~ER 01-4040-2100 O1 40yv-~l~ 01-4140-2100 01-4190-2100 01-4~40-21~0 01-4i~0-2100 71-7100-2100 73-7300-2100 78F7800-2100 01-4060-2100 01-42~0-~00 1010 01-4~-2o~ 1010 01-4~qB0-2340 1010 21-4170-61~ 59-6000-6120 54-5600-61~ 1010 01-4320-3830 1010 73-7300-4200 1010 73-7300-2200 78-7800-~00 01-4290-2250 1010 78-78~-4200 1010 01-4290-2310 1010 PRE-PAtC A~MOUNT i~ P~.]E 2 AP-C02-01 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE h,'MBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY QF MOL~D AMOUNT [ESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT ~JMBER pREpAID AMOUNT BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION B07~ BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS B0771 VE~]R TOTAL 9/O9/88 9109/88 VEI~IOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9109/88 BUSINESS RECORDS CO~DRATI VENDOR TOTAL CITY ~ MOL)ND CO940 ~NSTEPRENTAL 9/09/88 9/09/8~ VE]~DDR TOTAL 9/0~/88 9/O9/88 VENI~R TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MI[~EST VENI)O~ TOTAL CLIO0 9/O9/88 9/O9/88 COPY DUPLI~TI~ P~CTS ;~lENDDR TOTAL D1190 9/O9/88 9/09/88 DAVIES WATER EQUIPME]tT VENDOR, TOTAL DI~O DAY DISTRIBUTING CO D1300 9/09/88 9/09/88 VE]'~OR TOTAL 9/O.9/88 9/09/88 DIXCD ENGRAVINg' VENDOR TOTAL DI~O 9109/88 9/09/88 DONHLD ~Y~ VE]~D~ TOTAL D1350 9/09/88 9/09/88 332.41 319.72 RIP RAP 319.72 JR~-CD 319.72 9.84 CANDIDATE BOOK 9.84 JRI~.-CD 17.91 ~TER-LIQ STORE 17.91 JRNL-CD 17.91 25.30 AUG RUG RENT 25.30 AUG RUG RENT 50.60 dRNL-CD 50.60 417.05 AUG MIX 417.05 ,.~NL-CD 417.05 18.80 dRNL-CD 18.80 ~6.56 METERS 776.56 J~NL-CD 776.56 5,444.62 AUG BEER 5,444.62 JRNL-CD 5444.62 3.~ NAME Pi. ATE-JAMES 3.~5 J:U',IL-CD 3.75 417.00 ~G CHIEF ~LARY 417.00 JRNL-CD 417.00 .55.04 TOWING & LP GAS 55.04 ~NL-CD O1-42EQ-~ 1010 01r4060-2200 I010 71-7100-37~0 1010 01-4320-4210 71-7100~4210 1010 71-7100-9540 1010 78-78(X)-S~.~ 1010 73-7300-2300 1010 71-7100-9',~30 1010 01-4190-2100 1010 ~-4170-1370 I010 01-4~0-4200 1010 PM:: 3 AP-C02-01 VENDOR INVOIOE DUE HOLD NO. I~JOIOE ~tBR ELATE DATE STATU~ PURCHASE CITY OF MOUI~D AMOUNT [ESCR!PTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUM~ PRE-PAID AMOUNT DUANE'B &~ ~ERVICE E1420 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE E142~ VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/~/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9109/88 EATON'S TOWI~ SERVICE E1430 EO~ARO SHUKLE E1485 EQUIPMENT SUPPLY INC F1690 VENDOR TOTAL 91O9188 91O9188 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/~ 9/09/88 FOUR STAR BAR SUPPLY Fl711 FRAN~S TRUCKING 61870 GERALD BABB H2120 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09188 9/09/88 VE~OR TOTAL 9/09/88 ?t09/88 VENgoR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/09/88 HID, IN CO DEPT OF PROPERTY T VENDOR TOTAL H2140 9/09188 9/09/88 HENN CO SHERIFFS DEBT VENDOR TOTAL H21~ 9/09/88 9/09/88 55.04 8,769.90 AUG BEER 8,769.90 J~NL-CD 8?69.90 74.80 TOW UNIT 18 74.80 JRNL-CD 74.80 8.25 ROTARY MAKEUP 8.~ JRNL-CD 8.25 12,~5.00 HEAT & A/C REVISION 12~295.00 ~NL-CD 12295.00 31.40 AUG MIX 127.25 AUG MISC 158.65 dRNL-CD 158.65 133.20 AUG FRT 133.20 ~NL-CD 1~.20 208.33 AUG MARSHALL SALARY 208.33 ,.~L-CD 208.33 31.00 SERVICE MANUAL 31.00 ~-CO 31.00 16~20 AUG POSTAL VERIF 16.20 JRNL-CI) 16.20 646.20 JULY BDDKING FEE 646.20 JR[L-CO 646.20 1,211.34 JULY PRISD)ER BOARD 1,211.34 JRNL-CD 71-710C)-953/J 1010 ~.-4170-2200 1010 01-404Y)-41~ 1010 01-4320-3~..,0 1010 71-7100-954.0 71-7100-9~.,0 1010 71'7100-9600 1010 22-4170-1370 1010 01-4~0-4! I0 1010 01-4060-32.10 1010 01-4110-4250 1010 01-4110-4250 lOlO I .Z. PAGE 4 AP-C02-O1 VE]qDOR IN'~ICE [~E HOLD NO. INVOICE NHBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CIT¥OPM~D AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL AO:OUNT NUMBER PRE'PAID AMOUNT HE]qN CO TREASURER VIE)Il)OR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/O9/88 HYDRAULIC COMPOI~-NT SERVIC VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/o"8 9/O9/88 INSTRUIIE~ATIDI SERVICES I VENDOR TOTAL I2400 ISLAND PARK SKEU. Y d2500 JOHN BREITNER 12.790 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDDR TOTAL 9/09/~ 9/O9/:38 VENI)DR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 91O91~ LAKELAND ENVELOPE CO VENDOR TOTAL I.,.'"921 LOREN KOHNEN L2930 LOWELJ.'$ LUTZ ~ SEFU,~ICE 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/O9,/88 VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL 1211.34 415,00 FtIMP-S~-b'T 415,00 JRNL-CD 415,00 113.51 REPAIR RADIO 67.50 REPAIR RADIO 181.01 JRNL-CD 181.01 73.67 MAINT-CELEBRITY 73.67 ,.RNL-CD 73.67 15.00 NO STAR MI'G 15.00 ~.-CD 15.00 226.95 PLMB INS~CTIONS 226.95 JRNL-CD 226.95 67.98 ENVELOPES 67.~ ENVEL~S 67.~ ENVELOPES 67.98 ENVELOPES 67.98 ENVELOPES 33.99 ENVELOPES 33.99 ENVELOPES 33.~) ENVELOPES 33.~ E)C~ELOPES 475.86 JRNL-CD 475.86 1,037.75 BLJ)G INEeECTION$ 1,037.75 JRNL-CD 1037.75 79.77 AUG PARTS 79.77 ~RNL-CD 79.77 3,5~.00 TREE REMOVAL 3,595.00 ~NL-CD 3595.00 01-42B0-2310 I010 01-4140-3820 01-4140-~"20 1010 01-4140-,3810 1010 01-4190~412Q 1010 01-4190-3100 1010 01-4040-2100 01-4090-2100 01-4140-2100 01-41~0-21O0 01-4340-2100 01-4280-2100 71-7100-2100 73-7300-2100 78-7800-2100 1010 01-4190-3100 1010 01-42~0-2310 1010 01-4340-5110 1010 PA~E 5 ~-C02-01 I~OICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STA~S PURCHASE CITY DF MOUND AMDb)~ DESCRIPTION JOURNAL PRE-PAID AMDU~ff M3030 9/09/88 ~/09/88 MARK Vii DISTRIBUTOR V 'ENDDR TOTAL M3080 9/09/88 9/09/88 MCCOMBSFRAN( RODS ASSOCI* VID, II)OR TOTAL M3110 9/0~/88 9/09/88 MEDICAL OXYGEN & EQUIPMENT VENDOR TOTAL M3150 9/09/88 9/09/88 t~'TRD FDNE COMMUNICATIONS VENDOR TOTAL M3170 9109/88 9/09/88 MElteD WASqE CONll~OL COMMI* VENI)DR TOTAL M3~9 9/~/88 9109/88 MN CDNWAY FIRE ~ SAFETY VENDOR TOTAL M3330 MN GFOA M3470 9/O9/88 9/09,/~ VENDOR TOTAL 9/09/~ 9/09/88 MN VALLEY ~STING ~BOP~qTO VE]qDOR TOTAL M~490 9/09/~ 91091~ 9,426.93 AUG BEER 9,;26.93 JRNL-CD 9426.93 ~.00 724.00 742.00 126.00 8,4.00 58.00 3,117.00 1,194.00 5,112.2'5 1,715.00 12,900.2'5 34.00 34,00 34.00 42.80 42.80 42.80 AUG ENGR-NORWOOD AUG ENGR-WESTEDGE ALIG ENGR- AUG ENGR-MSA AUG ENGR-CDBBLESTQNE ESCROW AUG ENGR-MORSE ESCROW AUG ENGR-PW BLDO AUG EliGR-CO 15 WA~RMAIN AUG ENGR-CD 15 AUG EN~-DRUMMDND JRNL-CD RE'VALVE CYL JR~-CD SEPT PAGER RENT JRNL-CD ~,736.17 SEPT SEWER SERVICE 7,719,~- b"~T ~ SEIWI~ 753.32- EEPT E~'WER SERVICE 25,263.01 dP, NL-CD 25263.01 112.~5 PARTS 112.95 JRNL-C~ 112.95 95.00 ~OA FALL ~-NORMAN 95.00 ,.~,N.-CD 9'5.00 37.40 WATER ANALYSIS 37.40 JqNL-CD 37.40 4,7~.00 AUG SALARIES 1,000.00 AUG ~INT 541.50 AUG DRILLS 6,264.50 dRNL-CD 71-7100-7530 1010 01-41~-3100 01-4190-3100 01-4190-3100 26-5700-3100 01-2300-0962 01-~00-~ 2~-60r~-3100 73-7300-3100 66-6(X)0-3100 01-4190-3100 1010 ~-4170-2270 1010 01-4140-3'~0 1010 78-7800-47J0 78-I190-0000 78-~12-0000 1010 ~-4170-----.70 1010 01-4090-4110 1010 73-7300-3100 1010 ~-4170-1390 ~-~170-31~ ~-4170-1380 OlO I,.STM PAGE AP-C02-01 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMB~ DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY DF MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCObt4T NUMBER PF,~PAID AMDLqqT MOUND FIRE DEPARTME)~T VEt'~DR TOTAL 6264.50 ~00 4,428.92 9/09/88 9/09/88 4,428.92 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 4428.92 N3710 210.00 19.35 16.65 6.38 9/09/88 9/09/B8 252.38 VENDOR TOTAL NAVARRE~ N3800 NORT)'ERN STATES POWER CO VENI)OR TOTAL 9/O9/88 PE]~NZDIL PRODUCTS CO VENI)~ TOTAl. P4000 9/og/ee PEPSI COLA/TUP I)DTTLING VENDOR TOTAL P4002 PERSONIiEL DECISIONS P4010 PHILIP HAUGEN P4040 PITNEY BOWLES I~ P4060 9/09/83 9/O9/88 VE~m TOTAL 9/09/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL ,0/O9/88 9/O9/88 VENI~R TOTAL 9/09/88 ~/0~/88 252.38 221.53 54.37 658.20 515.84 237.19 3,104.21 1,101.18 5,892.52 58~2.52 132.85 132.85 132.85 160.00 160.00 160.00 120.00 50.00 170.00 170.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 2,9%.01 2,996.01 SFJ:'T FIRE RELIEF PENSION JRNL-CI) GRASS SEEI) HA~S-FI.~ES CEMENT-BUSHINGS HANI]LE ~NL-CI) AUG ELECTRICITY AUG ELECTRICITY AUG ELECTRICITY AUG ELECTRICITY ~ ELECTRICITY AUG ELECTRICITY AUG ELECTRICITY ,JRNL-CD ANTIFREEZE dRNL-CD ~ MiX ,JP, bE.-CD ,JULY CONSULT ,.JRNL-CI) ~JqSS CUTTING GRASS CUTTING-5061 AVON dRNL-CI) PDSTG METER PLAINT 9-12/~ ~NL-CD AUG BEER J~NL-CI) ~-~0-1400 1010 01-4240-2350 78 -7800-2200 01-42~.,0-2300 01-4~0-2300 1010 01-4280-3710 01-4340-3710 01-43~-3710 71-7100-3710 22-4170-3710 73-7300-3710 78-7800-3710 1010 01-4290-2250 1010 71-7100-f640 1010 01-4090-3100 1010 01-4340-3800 01-1190-0000 I010 01-4320-3210 1010 71-7100-~30 1010 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP-C02-O! CITY DF MOUND ~JE~DOR INVDICE DUE HOLD PRE-PAl. NO. INVOICE r,~BR DATE DATE STATUSAMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOLNT NUMBER AMOUDF PCUR~A DISTRIBUTING L"O V~DOR TOT~ ~%.01 R4209 9/09/~ 9/O9/88 RANDY'S S~ITATION V~R TOT~ 47,00 4%00 AUG (~ARBA[~E 01-4320-3750 47.00 dRN.-CD 1010 R4280 9/09/88 9/09/88 RONALD MARSCHKE VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 150.00 AUG ASST CHIEF SALARY 22-4170-1370 150.00 JRNL-CD I010 RI]N'S I~ ~Y 9/09/88 9109188 VENDOR TOTAL 521.10 AUG ICE 71-7100-9540 521. I0 JRII.-CD 1010 521.10 R4310 107.40 AUG MIX 71-7100-9540 9/09/88 9/09/88 107.40 JRNL-CD 1010 ROYAL CROWN BE'~ERAGE VENDOR TOTAL 107.40 S4370. 9/O9/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL 68.85 9-10-11 HOSP-STUTSMAN 01-4190-1510 68.~ dP, N.-CD I010 68.85 S4440 9/09/88 9/09/88 SPRING PAD( CAR WASH VENDOR TOTAL 10.50 AUG CAR WASH 01-4280-3810 3.50 AUG CAR WASH 01-4040-3810 80.50 AUG CAR WASH 01'-4140-3810 94.50 JRI~.-CD 1010 ?4.50 $4580 STERNE ELECTRIC CO 9109188 9109188 VENDOR TOTAL 42.00 FUSE-PUl? HOUSE 73-7300-4200 42.00 dFUxL-CD i010 42.00 S4~00 STREICHER'S 9/09/~ 9/(Y9/~ V1D~DOR TOTAL 5~9.00 SHOT GUN--PISTOL 01-4140-5000 94.70 CLEANERS 01-4140-2200 146.00 SILVER TIP AMMO 01-4140'2270 809.70 JRt(L-CD 1010 S4610 SUBURBAN TIRE CO 9109/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TDI'AL 178.88 TIRES 01-4140-3810 178.88 JRN~-CD 1010 178.88 S4630 11.80 JULY GASOLINE 01-4190-2210 9.68 ,U.Y GASOUNE o~-4o4o-:1o 95,33 JULY GASOLINE 01'4:'80-2210 67,76 JULY GASOLINE 73-7300-2210 PAGE 8 AP-C02-O1 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MOU~D VF. ND~ INVOICE ~ HO[n NO. I~OICE )~BR DATE DATE STATUS 9/O9/889/O9/88 SUPERAME]~I~ VENDOR TOTAL AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 873.90 J~,NL-CD 873.90 ACCOUNT kUM~ER 1010 PRE-PAID AMOL~4T S4632 9/O9/88 9/O9/88 SWEEPS~ dENKINS EOUIP CO VENDOR TOTAL S4640 9109188 91O9188 SUPER CYCLE VENDOR TOTAL 260.31 BROOM FOR TRACKLESS 260.31 dRNL-CD 1,4~.00 AUO ~CY~ ~ 1,430.00 dRilL-CD 1430.00 01-4~0-2310 I010 01-4270-4200 1010 T4700 T & T MAINTENANCE 9/09/88 9/O9/88 VENDOR TOTAL 56.50 01-4290-3i~20 1010 T4715 ~2.~ TEIt~ HELP 9/09188 9/09/88 642.55 JRNL-CD TEMP CENTER, INC VENDOR TOTAL 642.55 T4741 14%00 AUG WINE 9/09/88 9/09188 147.00 JRI~.-CD THE WINE CO,ANY VENDOR TOTAL 147.00 01-4190-1300 1010 71-7100-9520 1010 T4770 9/09/88 9/09/88 DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 11,190.~ AUG BEE~ 11,190.4.0 JRltL-CD 11190.40 71-7100-~30 1010 T4780 9/O9/88 9/O9/88 THRIFTY* SNYI)ER ORUG bi04 VENI)OR TOTAL 01-4190-2200 1010 T~IO ~/09/88 9/09/85 TIMBE]~WALL LANI)SCAJ~ING . VENDOR TOTAL 469.00 TIMI)ERS 469.00 JRI~.-CD 469.00 01-4340-,5000 I010 T4940 9/O9/88 9/09/88 TRI-STATE-PUMP ~ CONTROL I VENDOR TOTAL ~1.02 REPAIR ~1.02 J~NL-CD 841.02 78-7800-42(X) 1010 T4980 9/09/88 9/09/88 65.64 AUG MIX 65.64 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9540 1010 ll~IN CITY HOME JUICE CO VE]~iI~]R TOTAL U5050 9/09/88 9/09/88 415.90 PANTS,~IRTS,NAME TAG~ 415.90 01-2300-0~*0 1010 PAGE AP-C02-01 ~ND~ I~0I~ NO. INVOI~ N~R PURCHASE CITY.MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUMB~ PRE-PAID AMOUNT 9/0~/88 ~/0~/88 UNITOG RENTAL SYSTEM VE~rtOR TOTAL V5190 9/09/~ 9/09/8",8 VANDOR~-I~ZARD-STALLI~]S VID~]O~ TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/09/88 VEBN[X] ~INq'EN~CE I~ ~ TOT~ ~/09/~ 9109188 WACONIR RIIX~EVIE~ HOSPITAL VEN[~ TOTAL ~/09/88 ~/09/88 WAlleR P~I~JCTS COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL ~$TONK.~ FO0~ W~ ~STOM<A 'INTERIORS W5580 WESTO~{A S~ITATI~ W5~30 WII]~EB INC W5700 ~/0~/88 TOTAL 9/O9/88 9/09/88 VENDOR TOTAL ~/o~/m ~/o~/m VEN[~ TOTAL 9/0~/8~ ~/O~/m VEN'uOR TOTAL 415.90 55.70 AUG TOI~ELS 16.80 AUG RUGS 78.00 A~ ~IFOPJ4S 15.60 AUG UNIFORMS .10.~ AUG ~IFOR~ ~.40 A~ ~.00 AUG ~IFORMS 238.90 3(~.00 ~Y ~ ~T 1,~7.~ ~Y ~SIVE P~ 1,~3.~ ~-CD 1~3.~ ~.18 ~ ~I~ ~.18 ~-CD ~.18 ~.~ ~S~&~T ~5.~ ~.~ ~G ~IES ~.00 ~-CO 45.~ ~AIR ~ 45.~ 45.~ 310.~ ~-5-6-7 310.~ ~-CD 310.~ 1,000.~ ~ ~ ~-FI~ I,~0.~ ~-CD 10~.~ 1,~0.~ ~T R~AI~ 01-4290-~50 01-4~-~00 01-422~)-~40 01-4~0-~40 01-4340-~40 73-7300-2240 78-7800-2240 1010 01-41~0-3100 1&-5894-3100 1010 01-4~%20-4210 1010 01-.%~)0-0220 1010 78-7800-4200 1010 01--40."rd)'2200 1010 '01-4320-3830 1010 01-4340-3750 1010 81-4350-5300 1010 PAGE 10 AP-C02-O1 VENDOR NO. INVOICE NMBR WURST-PEARSON-LARSON X5750 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MOUND XERDX CDRPDRATIDN Z5850 IACK'S INC Z6132 ~qRIE SORREl& INVOICE DUE HDLI) DATE DATE STATUS AMDUNT 9/09/88 9/09/1~ 1,~0.00 VENDOR TOTAL 1~0.00 ~i0~188 91O9188 VENODR TOTAL '9/09/88 9/09/88 VEND[R TOTAL 9/09/88 9/09/88 ~ TOTAL TOTAL ALL VENDORS 153.2~ 17.19 ~.00 245.47 245.47 DESCRIPTION ,JRNL-CD 19.00 BROOM 19.00 JR~L-CI) 19.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 132,555.35 VARIANCE REFUND dRNL-CD ACCOUNT NUMBER 1010 01-4320-50(X) 01-4320-6110 01-4320-22(X) 1010 01-4290-2200 1010 01-3510-0000 1010 PREJPAID AMOUNT i) LISq CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1!55 September 14, 1988 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Greg Bergquist Mechanic SUBJECT: August's Activity Report This month nine pieces of equipment were serviced. Repair to one dump truck tailgate was made. The small sweeper required a new hydraulic motor for th~ broom. Unit #16, 75 Chev. dump shared by Parks, Sewer & Water Departments needed a new clutch and transmission repair. We prepared the loader for winter service, this included all new filters (air, oil, hydraulic, etc.) Four squad cars were serviced and minor repairs made to all. #841 required' new tires due to road hazards. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 {612) 472-1155 September 7, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBEJCT: Ed Shukle City Manager Geno Hoff Street Supt. August's Activity Report 2.1&l We did alot of handpatching again this month. Most of it was done in Three Points~ we have about 8 blocks of blacktop streets that don't have cement curbing so there is alot more maintance to keeping these roads in good shape. We didn't have any pot holes, it was just some low areas that hold water and some blacktop curb that needed repair. We had one sweeper out in the residential area for about a week cleaning up some debris that washed out into the streets because of a 2~" downpour on the 3rd. We finished hauling the rest of the sweepings from Spring clean-up out of the Lost Lake dump area to Centerview Park. :~ We repaired a void that we discovered under a section of concrete curbing and driveway apron on Emerald Dr., also 2 retaining walls on Island View Dr. The vac-all was out for 3 days to clean out a number of sump catch basins and also 1 storm sewer. CEMETERY WORK 4 stones, 3 graves and pushed over the dump SiGN WORK No Parking Stop 4 street sign names with post STREET MATERIALS PURCHASED Blacktop 96.17 Sand 20.80 Rip Rap 31.5 CITY of MOUND 534'~ MAYWOOD ROAD M©Ut.-:D. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 14, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Greg Skinner Water & Sewer Supt. August's Activity Report In August we pumped 28,768,000 gallons of water. There were 3 new accounts, 9 T-Offs for non-payment, 34 final readings, 2 meters replaced, 2 outside readers installed, 7 outside readers reset and 7 outside readers replaced. With all the water that has been pumped this summer the Wells held up pretty good. The only big problem that occured is that the motor at Well #7'will be pulled in September to replace a bearing in top of the meter. The County Road 15 project has slowed alittle bit for us in August. All of. our underground utilities have been completed. I look for the middle of September thru October to be busy as they will then start to raise the existing structures before they put the final ware of blacktop down. The new shop is coming along fine. As of now it looks like we will be able to move the equipment out of Balboa by the end of September. SEWER DEPARTMENT In August we had 1 sewer back-up there was no damages reported by any residents. We have been w~rking with our jet machine cleaning main sewer lines and manhole repairs. In September and October we will be raising and lowering manholes to grade in preparing for winter. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 14, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator August's Recycling We now have 37 recycling containers located in Mound. There are 8 at Grandview Apartments, 6 at Seahorse, 14 at Lakewinds, 6 at 2020 Commerce Blvd. and 3 at the American Legion. The Jock Club will be getting 3 also. These containers have helped raise our tonnage figure. In the month of July 16.18 tons of material was picked up in August 22.15 tons of material was picked up. This is an increase of 6 tons in one month. These containers are being emptied twice a month, with the curbside pick-up the first Friday of the month and also the third Saturday of the month when Supercycle comes out for the drop-off site. Well Hennepin County approved our contract for 1988. I think they're alittle slow. ? August pick-up was 22.15 tons and 602 households. MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September, l, 1988 City Manager, Members. of the City Council and Staff Jan Bertrand, Building Official (~ August 1988 Monthly Report During the month of August, we had 23 working days with myself taking one half day of vacation. The Inspection/Planning Depart- ment has had two Planning Commission meetings on August 8th and 22nd. Peggy James has also attended one Park Commission meeting. I have attended one City Council meeting on the 23rd of August. The Inspection/Planning Department is at full force once again with a full inspection schedule during the month of August, con- ducted as follows: Site Inspections 30 Footing Inspections 24 Framing Inspections 13 Insulation Inspections 5 Drywall Inspections 5 Final Inspections 22 Progress Inspections 15 Erosion/Grading Inspections 3 House Moving/Demolition 2 Heating Inspections 4 Plumbing Inspections 5 Fire Sprinklers/Fire Code Complaints 21 TOTAL 160 This list of inspections does not include 16 inspect.ions con- ducted by the substitute inspector during the month. There were 14 plan reviews completed during August, including one for 2020 Commerce Blvd., seniors building. The monthly report for July was submitted to the City Manager, as well as the normal cor- respondence,, inspection notices and reports to the Planning and Zoning Commission, August 1988 Monthly Report Page Two The Planning Commission meetings in July reviewed one wetland permit, three variances, three zoning amendments, one street vacation which was converted from a variance request, and two conditional use permit applications. The Planning Commission again reviewed the Land Use Section of the Comprehensive Plan. CorreSpondence was reviewed from Jean Coone of New Hope regarding the implementation of the housing maintenance code. Also, Curt Pearson submitted comments on the Housing Maintenance Code Draft. During August, ! attended a condemnation hearing at Hennepin County Court for 2965 Oaklawn. 4700 Wtlshire has had weekly recheck inspections due to a pending court trial on October 2l, 1988~ one formal complaint was drafted for failure to conduct final inspections by a builder/contractor, three citations were issued for failure to obtain a permit and exterior storage; four warning tags were issued for trash and derelict vehicles. Possibly, due to the small amount of rain and the hot weather, people have.gotten a little ornery and have contributed to the larger amount of complaints being received. There were several inspections during the month for gasoline/oil tank removal and installation as we11 as on-site inspection of a fire damaged structure which was posted for condemnation at 4915 Monomouth. I attended the regular staff meeting for August. The IAPMO af- ternoon meeting was held at Fort Shelling to discuss the code re- lated items to adopting a national plumbing code for the state of Minnesota. The Northstar Chapter of I.C.B.O. was held in Owatonna with a business meeting to discuss the upcoming code ap- provals and challenges for the amendments.~to the 1988 Uniform Building Code as well as a tour of Viracon, a window manufacturer for the regional area. The process of heat strengthened, temper- ing, laminated, and energy efficient glass was shown and ex- plained to the visiting building officials from the Northstar Chapter. The City vehicle required the normal gasoline fills during August. The department purchased and picked up photographic film. The total number of building permits issued in August was 45, with a valuation of $1,216,896. The valuation figures are at- tached on the building activity report for August. August 1988 Monthly Report Page Three In addition, Peggy has prepared the monthly calendar For Septem- ber city meetings and events. She has arranged appointments For the inspections oF buildings, plumbing, and the substitute in- spector. She did prepare the Planning Commission agenda For August 8th and 22nd, and has written the minutes. She has com- pleted the Park Commission agenda and minutes as well as cor- respondence For the Building OFFicial and Park Superintendent. · Site .inspections include the review oF the Planning Commis- sion requests and requirements, site inspections For Floodplain verification, complaints and Follow-up to code compliance such as no building permit, recheck oF exterior storage compliance notices, review status of various sites for the city prosecutor, preconstruction meetings at the site For building permit applica- tions or realtors, Fire damage and periodic commercial inspection updates. · * The heating inspections during the construction oF a project are included under the Framing and Final inspection oF the build- ing.' The heating installations mentioned are For separate equip- ment being placed in homes and businesses. NOTE: "WHEN YOU'RE ALIVE, YOU'RE MEASURED BY THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE YOU SERVE, BUT WHEN YOU'RE GONE, YOU'RE MEASURED BY THE NUMBER YOU HAVE SERVED. JB:pj CITY OF HOUND Hound, HN. 55~4 * BUI~ING A~ RE~ *~ AuGust ~N 4 . ~*~~ 7 6 623~493 24 ~605~722 ~ ~~ 4 228 ~ 240 ~~ 7 6 623,493 28 1,833,962 H~ T~ N~F~ N~ NO~RESIDE~ ~' ~ 600,000 ,.~ ~, .... '" ~ ,~ ~;~--~ ~ 1,ooo T~Q N~71 3 616,000 AND AL~T~NS :~~ 6 ~'"'"" 51,832 ' 11 87,590 ~ ~ ~ 1 2,085 ~ ~ ~' .... *~ 2 17 ~ 400 ~ ~ 9 ~ 13,124 40 132,871 ~ ~ 28 ~ 581,178 145 1,917,464 NO~RESIOE~ ~Db ~ ~'~ 2 ~=~" 1Z,ZZ5 14 348,925 T~l N~I 2 ~ 12 ~225 16~ 444 ~439 TOTAL MO~N ~D Y~ TO DA~ ~ ,216,896 ~ 4,295,643 T~I ~ OEMO~ .-- -- ~~' v..,,. "~ 6 *~ 4 ~*~ ~ 10 10 ~ 45 20~ Fences ~/Nechanl ca1 26 .144 ~ 0 1 ~ 3 14 ~,~,, ~ 12 34 ~~ ~...,..... , .- ...... ...., ..-; ~o~ 87 432 IL4JOR PERMIT ~ OVER $10C),000 ~: Addn to Sr 2020 Commer, ~. Hsg & & HUD of Mound (612) 472,)~ Jan Bertrand, Building Officiml CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 6, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK AUGUST MONTHLY REPORT The City had 2 regular Council Meetings in August with 18 resolu- tions. There was Agenda preparation for each meeting and items to clear up after each meeting. Linda and I have been extremely busy getting ready for the upcom- ing Primary Election. Judges have been contacted and appointed by the City Council. They have been assigned to precincts. The training of these judges, 'as required by law, will be in Septem- ber. Training guides have been prepared for the each judge for the training meeting. The new Optec Scan IIIP ballots arrived and the absentee ballot supplies arrived and are available at city Hall for absentee voting. We are required to have ballots available 30 days before an election for absentee voting. Hennepin County held its last election meeting before the Primary Election on the new equipment and absentee balloting. Inputting the budget into the computer was done. This is a time consuming project that I tried to have part of done before the 1989 proposed figures were ready to input. I already had the previous years inputted, i.e. actual figures for 1986 and 1987, and the budgeted figures for 1988. The special assessment hearings will be held in September. These special assessments are for Central Business District Parking Maintenance, unpaid tree removal charges, unpaid mowing charges, unpaid weed removal charges and delinquent utility bills which will be placed upon taxes. In addition to these, there are sup- plemental assessments placed upon property which have waivers signed and do not require a public hearing. Hearing notices were made up and have been submitted to'the newspaper for publication. The mailed notice requires additional information and this also has been done, with the mailing taking place on September 2nd. The Central Business District Parking Maintenance Assessment is a long and involved formula and was not on the new computer system 1 so that had to be inputted with all the formulas. Along with the above assessments were the County Road 15 Street Improvements, the County Road 15 Street Light Improvement, and the Drummond Road Storm Sewer and Bituminous Paving. The same procedure as above was done with these. The usual calls and questions from residents were handled. fc CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 1, 1988 TO: FROM" RE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR AUGUST FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT 1989 BUDGET A majority of my time in August was spent preparing the 1989 budget. The budget process includes a rate study for the Water and Sewer Funds. The Enterprise Funds are in good financial condition· Our current rates will be sufficient to cover 1989 expenses. Ed will introduce the budget to the Council on September 20th. ZNVEST~ENTS The following is August investment activity: Balance 8-1-88 $8,151,502 Bought: CD 8..40 Due 2-1-89 4M Fund 70,000 CP 8.75 Due 5-8-89 Marquette , 347,217 CD 8.20 Due 4-3-89 St. Bank Mound 100,000 Matured.: CP 7.40 Piper (285,056) CP 7.20 Marquette (308,330) CP 7.33 Marquette (151,799) Balance 8-31-88 $7,923,534 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 September 2; 1988 TO: FROM: RE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER AUGUST 1988 MONTHLY REPORT Again, we had a terrific month as far as sales were concerned. Sales for August were $86,056. Last year they were $77,312. To date, sales for the year are $620,695, compared to last year at this time when they were $555,256. That is an 11.5% increase from '88 over '87. And, we had 2,100 more customers to date this year than we had to date last year. I honestly cannot think of any more significant events that occurred last month. Or, perhaps, I have developed "writer's block". In any case, I will not bore you with any trite details. Let it simply be said that the days and months have been continuing along on an upward trend. We should all be thankful for this for who knows what tomorrow shall bring. JK:ls AUGUST NONTHLY REPORT PARKS DEPARTHENT General Comments The Parks Department is beginning to show a reduction in staff. Two tree trust workers have come to the end of their position funding and one for the mowing crew has returned to college. On hand now is Bob Johnson who is handling both repairs, John Taffe doing all park land mowing, Pat Chewney doing commons area repair and mowing, and Dell Rudolph, Dock Inspector. These workers will be leaving in the upcoming weeks. The Parks Department will be down to myself until late November when John Taffe will return part time to aid in flooding ice skating rinks. I feel that a lot has been accomplished this year by the city crew and the tree trust workers. We have riprapped over 1500 in. ft. of shoreline, installed three play structures and improved the grounds at many dock site areas. All while still doing the daily maintenance of litter pick-up, mowing and general repairs. The budget, for 1988 has al lowed for these accomplishments. ThroUgh the increase of funds in key areas. This has not gone unnoticed by the public, we have received compliments through letters, phone calls and on site as the work progressed. SPECIFIC: Tree Removal There were I7 trees removed from City property and three trees from private property under forced removals. Thirteen of the seventeen trees came from one lot that the City owns. Cemetery Now wit~ the weather cooling off and some n~Disture, the cemetery has begun to green up. Howard Simar, caretaker, has done a good job again this year maintaining this area. Parks The Summer playground program ended the first part of August and the beach lifeguard staffing began to slow down by mid-August. We will' be ,receiving a program update from Westonka Community Services on both of these and the information will be forwarded to you next month. Dock The final dock statistics: 428 I05 28 575 6 21 15 6 dock sites paid for docks are shared sites dock sites held by seniors LHCD boat fees paid sailboat buoys dock sites did not have docks put in summer-only residents renters owners paying fees for renters In all, even though we had such low water, the docks program went well.' Dell Rudolph has to be complimented for this. In 1989 I have proposed a stand alone computer that will greatly aid us in processing al) the information in this program. JF:pj MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT .5'"" THIS LAST THIS YEAR LAST YEAR MONTH OF /P~4~P" MONTH MONTH TO DATE TO DATE NO. OF CALLS MOUND - FIRE EMERGENCY M'TONKA BEACH - FIRE EMERGENCY MINHETRISTA - FIRE · EM£RGE.Cy ORONO - FIRE EM£RGE.CY SNORE~OOD - FIRE EMERGENCY SPRING PARK - FIRE EMERGENCY MUTUAL AID FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL ~RE*CALLS TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS COMMER,CAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL GRASS & MISCELLANEOUS AUTO NO. O~ HOURS - HOUND EMERGENCY - MT~ BCH FIRE EHERGENCY TOTAL -M'TRISTA FIRE EHERGENCY TOTAL - ORONO FIRE - SHOREWOOD FIRE E~[R~E.CY TOTAL -SP. PARK FIRE E.ER~.C~ -~UTUAL A~D F~E EHEEGENCY ~OTA~ E~E~E~C~ HOURS MUTUAL AID RECEIVED F~I~ DEpA~TIB~ KEPORT Hou~ l~Laz~esot,& MOUN~ VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 DRILL REPORT Discipline and Team Work Critique of Fires Pre-Planning and Inspections Tools & Apparatus Identifying Hand Extinguisher Oneration Wearing Protective Clothing Films Time Time Pumper Operation Fire Streams & Friction~ House Burnings Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstration~ Ladder Evolutions Salvage ODerations Radio Operations . ..First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Inhalator Operation Note: flours Trainin~ Paid llouse Evolutions , Nozzle & llose Alliance Excused X Unexcused 0 Present, - Tot paid Miscellaneous: _ l?~'s c ~ c -4- T,~' ~/., ~,~ ~- r~ , D I~.j. Garvais U~K. ~rad~ '~Vj_ L. Heitz ~ V~_C. Henderson ~-G. Johnson ~M. Kleeberger' ~kU3~B. Landsman ~)/~. Marschke ~ J. Nafus ~/%M. Nelson ~'~A. Opitz a ~G. P~lm ~/~_J. Andersen ~. G. Enderson ~//,,t.. J Babb ~/~_.J Beauchamp ~V~-D Boyd ~/~D Bryce ~S Bryce ~l~D Carlson ~S Collins Z ~M. David ~B. Erickson ~S. Erickson ~ U~_M. Palm ~/~. Pederson ~ ~/~T. Rasmussen Savage Stallman ~ ~/~T Swenson W Swenson ~/~R Williams ~'/~T Williams Drillmaster MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE MOUND, MINNESOTA DRILL REP DEPARTMENT 5536~ 0 R T Discipline and Team Work Critique of Fires Pre-Planning and Inspections Tools & Apparatus Identifying Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing Films Time Time Pumper Operation Fire Streams & Loss House Burnings Friction Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstrations Ladder Evolutions .,~/0-- Salvace Operations Radio Operations ..First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Inhalator Operation .., Note: tlours Trainin~ Paid llouse Evolutions , Nozzle & Ilose Alliance Excused X Unexcused 0 Present, - Nob paid Miscellaneous: ~ i/~-G. ~nderson ~ ~/~-K. Babb _~ J. Beauchamp ~'/~C. ~*/~D. Bryce s. .~i~D. Carlson' ~,.,,>.z M. David ~B. Erickson ~'/~ A ,/ ~ ',~S. Erickson Garvais ~t~:,%-hl. Palm Grady ~i~ G. Pederson tleitz ~'~_T. Rasmussen Henderson ~.L_M. Savage Johnson ~"¢--R. Stallman Kleeberger '~?_T. Swenson Landsman ~'" W Swenson Marschke ~/~R. Williams Nafus ~'I~T. Williams Nelson Opitz Palm ,.4 Drillmaster MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE FOR MEN ON DUTY -' O --' J. Andersen -- O -' 'Z G. Anderson ~0'-- J. Babb ----- --0-- J. Beauchamp --O '-' D. Bryce --O '- S. Bryce M. Nelson A. Opitz G. Palm M. Palm G. Pederson ~ f/Z- D. Carlson --0-' T. ~ ~ S. Collins --O-- M. David -- O-- B. Erickson ~ S. Erickson ~ J. Garvais ~ ~Z L. Heitz ~ C. Henderson · ~. G. Johnson ~ M. Kleeberger --~)--' R. Marschke ~ J. Nafus ~smussen T. Swenson W. Swenson R. Williams TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle Len Harrell Monthly Report for August, I988 STATISTICS The police department responded to 963 calls for service during the month of August/. There were 69 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 18 burglaries, 45 lar- cenies, 1 arson, 2 criminal sexual conduct, and 3 vehicle thefts. There were 59 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses in- cluded ! chi)d abuse/neglect, I forgery/NSF checks, 10 criminal damage to property, ! DWI, 5 simple assaults, 8 domestics (2 with assaults), 13 harassment, ! runaway/truancy, ! narcotics violations, and 6 liquor viola- tions and 12 miscellaneous other offenses. The patrol division issued 225 adult citations and lB juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an ditionai 46 citations. An aOditional 8] warnings were issued during the month. Wive adults and 17 juveniles were arrested for felonies in August. Eleven adults and eleven juveniles were arrested for misdemeanors. The department assisted in 13 vehiclular accidents, 4 with personal injuries. There were 24 medical emergencies anO )0~ ORimO) ¢o~plaint~. OFFicers assisted surrounding agencies on mutual aid calls 16 times in August. Property valued at $29,82! was stolen during the month and $22,556 of that was recovered. II. INVESTIGATION Six child protection cases were investigated during the month'of August, along with two criminal sexual conOuct cases. The department has investigated 48 child protection cases' since the First of the year. , ,,7150 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST, 1988 The department investigated two death situations, one in- volving an arson and the other involved a woman in her who was found in her home. Other cases involved two burglaries of the Harrison Bay 76 · station in which two adult rrna)es were arrested and charged. In the first burglary, a suspect was developed and )ocated in South Dakota and fina)ly arrested in southern Minnesota. In the second burglary, the police reserves assisted in set- ting up a stakeout and an adult male was captured while still in the station. ]n addition, cases involving other burglaries, check for- gery, damage to property, theft, assault, and depriving an individual of parental rights were investigated. Inv. Grand spent time preparing for upcoming school programs and in developing some crime prevention strategies. Formal complaints were issued for the 2 burglaries, 2 as- saults, window peepi'ng, theft, and several gross misdemeanor DWI charges. III. MANPOWER: The department used 45 hours of overtime during the month of August. A good portion of that overtime was expended on'the' two death investigations. Officers earned about 25 hours in cOmp-time in August and Used over 60 hours. Officers also used 17 days of vacation, 2 holidays, and 2 sick days. Officer Ewald was assigned to work one day at the state fair in the crime prevention booth. ;Zl l IV. TRAINING Jim Larson, our prosecutor, gave a three hour presentation to all officers on the legal updates and changes that have taken'place and become effective in August. Sgt. Hudson attended a three day continuing legal education conference. All oFFicers were also involved in firearms training in 2 August. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST V. RESERVES The reserves donated approximate}y ]88 hours during August. Reserves were very helpful in securing the fire scene on Monmouth Rd. during our death investigation. Two new reserves are currently in training and the unit con- sists of ten officers. ~micide _ ~m~nal Sexual Conduct 2 1 1 )bbery ssault urglary 18 I I 4 3 1 arceny '45 , 3 7 2 9 ehicle Theft 3 1 7 rson " 1 OTAL 69 2 6 12 5 17 ART II ~-~ hild Abuse/Neglect 1 'orgery/NSF Checks 1 :r~m~nal Damage to Property 10 1 1 1 reapons [arcotic Laws 1 1 1 ,iquor Laws .. 6 6 5 -. 1 1 1 limple Assault 5 2 )omestic Assault 2 I 1. 1 )omestics (No Assault} 6 {arassment 13 2 (unaway/Incorrigibility~Truancy " 1 I 1 >ublic Peace 3 1 1 2 1 %11 Other offenses 9 2 4 1 7 FOTAL 59 9 16 11 · 11 PART III &':PART IV Property Damage Accidents 9 Personal Injury Accidents .4 Fatal Accidents 0 Medicals 24 " 103 Animal Complaints Mutual Aid 16 Other General Investigations 807 ,TOTAL 21 3 Henn. Crv. Child Protection t 1 i~ n~o o 1~ ' 28 ' .16 ~ 28 POLICE/CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH AUGUST YEAR 1988 ~~__~'ITY SUMMARY THIS THIS YEAR LAST YEAR MON~M T0 DATE T0 DATE Hazardous Citations 193. 982 -910 Non-Hazardous Citations 33 416 404 Hazardous Warnings 18 241 294 Non-Hazardous Warnings 42 506 605 Verbal Warnings 119 896 547 Parkin~ Citations 46 403 266 DW~ 1 59 71 Olr~R .10 0 30 46 Property DamaRe Accidents 9 81 64 Personal Injury Accidents 4 23' 25 Fa~-a Accidents' 0 0 0 'Adult Felony Arrests 5 · 29 36 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 11 169 211 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 11 78 56 ~uvenile Felony Arrests 17 63 41 3uvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 11 49 90 3uveni!e Misdemeanor Citations 5 35 36 Part I Offenses 69 284 248 Part II Offenses 59 533 557 Medicals 24 155 131 Animal Complaints 103 780 770 Other Public Contacts 807 4,148 3,700 1,587 9,960 10,186 Assists 84 426 380 Follow-Ups 69 339 410 I t CITATIONS DWI More than .10% BAC Reckless Driving Driving After susp. or Rev. Open Bottle SpeeO No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, ExptreO, or No Plates Illegal Passing Stop Sign ViolatiOns Failure to YielO Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No InsuranCe Illegal or. UnsaEe Turn Over th~ Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog OrOinance Derelict Autos Seat Belt Miscellaneous Tags TOTAL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST, t988 ADULT Ol 0 0 1 136 0 1 17 0 17 1 11 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 269 JUV 0 0 0 0 1 6 ] 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZO MOUND POL%CE D£PARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT WARNINGS NO ]nsurance Traffic EQuipment Crosswalk Anirnais Trash/Derelict Autos C~her Seat Belts TOTAL ARRESTS Misc. Arrests. Warrant Arrests 'ADULT 1! ]5 0 9 0 0 78 0 JUV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROPERTY LOSS/RECOVERY SUMI~RY B i kcs ITEM Snowmobiles Boats, Mo:ors, Trailers Clothing Currency, Notes, Etc. Jewelr. y r. Precious ½etals Guns Home Furnishings Radio & Electronic Equipment Vehicles S Vehicle Equipment Hiscellaneous TOTAL STbLE. $ 1,037 350 20 12,632 215 3,780 9,530 2,257 $29,821 RECOVERED $ 610. 140 11,900 '9,500 406 22,556 ~: 1-SEP-~ INSTALLATI~ NAME -- ROi.~D POLICE ~PART~NT P~E 1 D~SF~"'R'ID~ CD[ES; ALL ACTIVITY CODES: 'ALL OFFENSE ~CTIVITY BY DISPOSII'IDtt GRID: ALL 0712bl88 TI. RU 081~188 / .............. ~' OFFENSES ~ ................. / CTIVITY CO~I DFFF. NSES ACTUAL .... BY ARREST .... BY TOTAL ~ £SCRIPTIDt~ REPDRTED UNFDUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT dL~/ENILE EXCEPTIDN CLEARED CLEARE~ ',5351 2 ~T 5-I~LICTS ATTEMPTS HF~-HANDS-ADLT-FAM ! IS1.T 5-1AcLICTS ATTEMPTS HF-,,'~-HANDS-ADLT-ACQ 4 AT 5-IA:LICTS ATTEMPTS HR~-HAN£~-CHLII-AC~ )11~ 1 ~ 1-OCC FOES FRC-N-U~ WEAP-C[~ THEFT )URG ~S FRC-U-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT '.,LRG 3-U~CC RES FRC-U-UNK ~-COi'I THEFT AJRG 3-UNDCC RES ND FRC-D-UNK ~E~)P-CDM THEFT 1 AJRG 3-UNOCC RES ND FRC-N-UNK WEAP-CDM THEFT ~4~5 ~URG 3-UNDCC RES ND FRC-U-UNK WEAP-C[rl PF, q3P ~764 5 ~LRG 3-U~q>DC ~RES FRC-N-UNK ~EJ~,'-C(~ lHEFT FJ:E,iO 1 ~UR~G 3-UNOCC NRES ~0 FRC-U-U~j WEAP-UNK ACT ~tA13 4-L~'4OCC RES ~,~ FRC-U-~,~( WEAP-U,"A AQCI P,47bO z ~'d~ 4-U~':OCC r~RES FRC-N-U~'~ WEAF'-U~K ACl 2 )u,E~ 4-u:iOCC RFLES FRC-U-UD.~', WEAP-L~ ACl 1 :~5.SRI-,'".$-M&'tE ALTER DESTRDY-CHE~,-BUS1NESS 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 100.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 0 4 3 0 0 1 1 25.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 1 ! 0 0 0 0 .0 0 5 1 2 1 1 4 80,0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 UN: 1-SEP-88 INSTALLATIOII NAME -- MEM~ POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 FFOI , · , · , , F(II'LqRY ISII'S ONLY? ltd E It F 0 R S DIS~'OSITION CODES: ~ ACT1VITI ~: ~ ~ ~TIVITI B~ ~I~I~I~ ~IO: A~ 0712b1~ l~ ~1~1~ / ................ OFFENSES CLEAREI) ................. / ~CTIVIT¥ CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL .... BY AF~STL--- BY TOTAL PE~CEN~ ESCRIPTID~4 REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT dUVENILE EXCEPTIDN CLEAF~I CLE~ )! 700 h~JGS-SC~ 1 NAE~J]TIC-ATT PRDC-U~, TYP-U~( CHAR :1111 1 ~ 1-INHAB-ND WEA-SG RESID-$ToO00 MDRE ~500 1 FRAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER I~LUENCE DF LIC~JDR .4022 ~C 2 WEAP-U~( ACT-PARENT-UNDER 13-M 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 ~4981 1 ~SC 2 WEAP-ATTEMPTE[i-STRANGER-UND~ 13-F 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100,0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 ~4104 5 0 5 0 4 1 0 5 lO0.v .IQUOR - FqDSSE~ING ~4199 x 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 100.0 :IL'~OR - OTHER 5313 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 I 100.0 dUVF. NILE-CURFE~ ~.~350 I 0 1 0 0 ~A) 1~:020 DISTU~ PEACE-MS-UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY DISTURB PEA~-.MS-DISORDERLY C~4DUCT N3080 1 DISTURB PEACE-~iS-INTERFERE WllH PRIVAC) 1 0 1 100.0 ~:190 13 DISTURB PEA~-~S-HAF~:ASSII`~ CO~MUNI'CAllO~ 'P3! 10 ~RDP D~,~AGE-F~S-F'RIV~TE-u,~t INlEml' 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 ~oROP DAnAOE-~"~-BuSI~;£SS-uNK INTEl'Il 1 0 1 0 0 0 i 1 100,0 x.i g,=t 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 13 11 0 0 2 2 15.3 7 0 7 5 0 1 1 2 28 I 0 I I 0 0 0 0 ,0 u~: 1-SEP-~ INSIALLAIION NA,,4E -- HOUND POLICE PACE / .............. '-- OFFENSES CLEAF~.D ................. / ~CTIVIT¥ CDDE/ OFFENSES ACTUAl. .... ~¥ ARREST .... BY TOTAL PJStCENT EE~RIPTIO~4 REPO~TED UNFDUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT dUVENILE EXCE}>TIDN ~ CJ. EARE:D ?J~lO 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 ~0.0 'RE~ASS -~'£-~ I VATE-L~ INTSNT '?,6~ .ITTF_R-~UL DEPDSIT DF GARB~GiE-MS 3 0 3 0 1 1 1 3 1~.0 F2021 1 'FEFT-$25 t-$2500-FE-FFu'9 BUIL[II NG-MONE) F2i59 2 'HEFT-$~I-$2~/JO-FE-FRM MOTDR VEHICLE-OTH F'RDP 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 .0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 [2169 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 .0 1-$2500-FE-FE~l WATERC. RAFT-OTH PROP F402~ FFEFT-$250 LESS-MS-FRM BUILDING-MDNE) FHEFT-$2SO LESS-MS-FRM BUILDING-OTH PRDP r4~9 1 F~.FT-$2SO LESS-~S-FRM ~IFqqENT-OTH PRDF' 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ,0 [HEFT-$2SO LESS-MS-FRM YA~S-OIH PF~qJP 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1~.0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 r406 ~ 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 FHF. FT-$2~O LESS-P'J-FRM MAIL-MONEY F40~ FHEFT-$2SO LESS-MS-FEqq SELF SRV GAS-DIM r4151 FHEFT-$2~) LE~-MS-FEq9 F~]TDR V~ICLE-MONE% FHEFT-~250 LESS-MS-F~I MOTOR VEHICLE-OIH F~OP I flEFT-$250 LESS-~S-FRM WATEE~RAFT-MONE; 14169 5 FHEFT-~25(,' LESCJ-MS-FR~ ~ATERCRAFT-OTH 0 I 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 .0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 $ 5 0 0 0 0 .0 ~: PSE. P-88 INSTAJJ.ATIO~ NA~ -- hOUND POLICE DEPARI*?EN1 PAGE 4 'RIMAR¥ 1SIt'S ONLY? ND DISPOSITION ~DES: ~ ACTIVITY CODES: ALL GRID: ALL EIiFORS OFFENSE ACTIVIT'i BY DISPOSITION CTIVITI~ CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ESCRIPTION REPORT~ UI~rDUNDEI) OFFENSES PENDING / ................ OFFENSES CLEAF-F~ ................. / .... BY ARREST .... BY TOTAL PERCENT ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEAREI) J1494 1 rHEFI'-FE-BICYC:LE-NO M3TGR-301-500 :RAUD-FE-DTHER ACT-501-,?500 J3066 1 rHEFT-~-B¥ SWINDLE DR TRICK-$~) LESS U3:.,'86 7 [HEFT-MS-SHOPL IFT 1NG-$250 LESS 5496 [HEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTDR-~ LESS 0 1 1 1/1012 1 JitAUT~RIZED USE-FE-DVER 2500-Tgq.~K-BU$ O25 1 ~,HTHEFT-FE-DVER 2500-ATV V4040 1 VEH THEFT AND STRIP-MS-250 LESS-OTM VEH X3190 1 CRIM AGenT AF.~4 dUST-tlS-FALSELY REPORT C~I~IE. 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 0 10 0 10 10 0 1 0 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 1 I 100.0 0 0 0 0 .0 1 5 I ? 100.0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 I 0 I 100.0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0. 0 1 I 100.0 REPORT TOTALS - 117 2 115 72 15 13 15 43 37.3 Al"// FS03 o~¥? ~TIVITY CO~S: NO ALL INSTALLATIO~ ~ -- MOUND POLICE DEPARTHENT ENFORS ~ F~ SERVICE ACTIVITY ~YSIS i~Y PATROL 07/26/88 Tt~r-~ 08125188 PACE )9001 ~9003 )9OO4 ~9005 )9012 ~013 O9015 )9016 O9018 )9019 O9024 )9025 O9030 )90¢0 ~050 )9100 7P150 ~200 ~P2JO ACTIVITY DESC~IPTI~ SPEEDING J-SPEEDING d-NO El/L, EXPIRED D/L RESTRICTED Jill u-RESTRICTED D/L Oi:~N ~T~LE U-OPE~ BOTTLE d-STOP SIGN FAILURE TO E~IPME~T VIOLATIO~ d-EQIFI'IENT VIOLATIO~ ILLEGAL/UNSAFE TU~S OVER THE CENTER LINE CROSSWALK VIOLATIOr~ NO SEATBELT ALLO~JI~JG INCOMPET~T TO DRIVE PAD.'.I~/ALL OTHER r~O TRAILER PA~(tNG · NO TRAIL~ PARI',ING u - DAS y DAR ! DAC PL~TES/~- Ir1PF:OPER-E XPIRED ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 10 20 30 40 50 bO 70 80 90 28 32 13 34 1 I 2 2 4 1 1 1 7 2 9 2 3 5 2 29 7 2 TOT~ 136 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 I 2 8 I 17 I~IP. ARY ISN'S ONLY? ACTIVITY CODES: ND ~T ~ ~TIVITY DESCRIPTI~ )9220 NO I~/PROOF OF :)9240 CHANGE OF DOMICILE ~Z'JO0 LOST ARTICLES/OTHER 09312 FOUND ANI~ALS/I~POUNDS ~313 FOUND PROPERTY 09430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 09450 PROPERTY £~AGE ACCIDENTS 09,451 H/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. D9560 ANIMAL BITES/OTHER 09561 DOG BITE 09562 ~T BIT~ 09564 DOG BARKING 09700 SUICIDES 109720 SUDDEN DEATHS/BODIES FOUND 09730 MEDICALS ~973] DETOX-MEDICALS 09750 FIRES 09800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 09801 DDrlESTIC/NO ASSAULT ¢~810 LOITERING/LURKING ~09811 d-LOITERING/LUStING ,0~?00 AJ_L MCCP CASES ~09~04 OPEN DOOR/ALARMS INSTALLATIO~ NAME -- ~ P~ICE DEPARTmeNT ENFDRS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 07/2&/88 THRU 0~/251~ ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ~ 90 I 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 7 1 1 1 1 PAGE TOI~ 2 1 10 9 4 7 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 t9 2 1 1 $ 1 Jl~: 2-SEP-88 RIMA~N~ S ONLY? NO ALL i~T/~.J.~TI~ ~ -- MOi.~ POLI~E I)EP~T~ENT tttttt G~&L5 F~ ~ICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PA~ ~A 07/2b/~ Tl.~lJ ~1~188 ACTIVITY DES[~RIPTI~ ........... PATRI AREAS ........... 10 ~ ~ 40 ~ ~ 70 ~ 90 TOT~ 15C~1 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS I'tr"~-HAIVJJS-~T-FAM 5-I~LICTS ATTEMPTS ~-~-C~-~Q ~94 B~G 3-~J~C RES F~-U-~ W~-C~ T~T ~434 ~RG 3-U~ ~S NO F~-O-UNK WE~-~ T~FT ~495 B~ 3-U~CC RES ~ FRC-U-UNK WE~-COM PR~ ~7~ ~G 3-~i0~ NRES ~C-N-~IK WEAF'-C~ T~ ~:~0 BURG 3-U~C h~S PJ FRC-U-~ W~-~( ~T B~ ~ 4-~40~ RES )40 FE~-U-UNK WE~-U~( A~T ~760 BURG 4-uNOCC NRES FRC-N-~tK WEAP-~8( ~T B4790 BURG A-Ur~OCC ~RES FRC-U-UNK W~P-UNK ACT ~qll~RGER;-M3-~::~ A~TER DESTROY-CMECK-BUSINESS D17fX) DRUGS-SCH 1 rqARCOTIC-ATT F'ROC-UNK TYP-UN~, Fll~I ARSO~J ~-iNMA8-~O WEA-SG RESID-$2~O0 MORE 1 2 2 5 2 I 16 1 3 2 14 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2-$EP-88 ACTIVITY CODES: INSIALLATION NA~tE -- MDUNI) POLIGE DEP~TMSNT ENFOR$ CALLS FOR ~ERUICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 07t26/88 THRU PAGE ~T ~]DE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ........... PATR[~. ARF. AS ........... 10 20 ~ 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL .4022 .4981 ~4104 14199 5313 tS~O ~:020 T3030 TRAF-ACCID-MS-DF(IVE UNDE~ INFLUE~C_,E DF LIQUO~ C~C 2 WEA. c'-UNK ACT-PAFUENT-UNDER 13-M CSC 2 W~AP-ATTF. MPTEI~-STRANGF. R-Ut(DER 13-F LIOUOR - FfJSSESSING LICqJDR - DTHF. R JUVENILE-CURFEW RUNAWAY DISTURB PEACE-MS-UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY DISTL~-CB P~-MS-DI~Y CONDUCT ~080 DISTURB PEACE-MS-INTERFEP, E WITH PRIVACY ~3190 DISTUP, B PF_ACE-MS-HARRASSING CDIiMU~ICATIONS F3110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT ~13~ PROP DAMAGE-MS-BUSINESS-UNK~ INTENT F~:310 TRESPASS-MS-PRIVATE-U~K, INTENT P~O0 LITTER-UNLAwFUL DEFI]SIT DF GAF(BAGE-MS T202] THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-FRM BUILDING-MONEY T2159 1HEFl-$251-$2500-FE-F~ MDl~ VEHICLE-DTH PROP T2169 TMEFT-~25]-$2500-FE-FFLM WAIERCRAFT-OTH PROP T4021 THEFT-S250 LESS-tlS-FFU~. BUILD'ING-MD~EY T402P i'~EFl-~2$O LESS-~S-FR~ BUILDING-OTH PROP T4049 THF. 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ICK-BI~' VEH THEFT-FE-OVER 2500-ATV VEH THEFT AND STEIP-MS-2$O LESS-OTH VEH CRIM AGNST A~N JUST'MS-FALSELY REPORT CRIME 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 l 5 1 1 4 2 3 1 PA~E TOTA. 1 1 5 1 1 1 7 10 1 1 1 REPORT TOTALS: 109 64 128 109 100 3 16 5~ GENERAL FUND Tmxe s Intergovernmental Business Licences Non-Business Licenses ~r,d Permits Charges ~or Services Court Fines Charges to Other Dep~rtments Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUE LIQUOR FUND' WATER FUND SEWER FUND BUDGET CITY OF MOUND 1988 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT AUGUST 1988 AUGUST YTD REVENUE 66.7% PER CENT REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED 1033008 491124 541884 47.54% 776950 40868 410633 366317 52.85% 8510 177 6434 2076 75.61% 100400 13440 63628 36772 63.37% 37200 15220 23736 13464 63.81% 90000 18412 54572 35428 60.64% 27280 1530 9072 18208 33.26% 56950 3179 5248 51702 9.22% 2130298 92826 1064447 1065851 49.97% 800000 79392 572874 227126 71.61% 315000 32367 219524 95476 69.69% 550000 47758 :381621 168379 6'.-.?. 39% CITY OF MOUND 1988 BUDGET REPORT EXPEND I TURES AUGUST 1988 6.6.7% BUDGE'F AUGI_I:::T YTD F'ER CENT EXF'ENSE E X PEN'.E;E VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND C:oun,: i 1 46810 786 2'.-.? 10:]-: 17707 62.17% Cable TV 8390 6 6525 1865 77.77% City Mar, ager/Cler, k 116760 9921 8950::: 27252 76.66% E1 ections 40000 1246 33096 6904 82.74% A s s e s s i r, g 41800 29 3023 38777 7.23% Finance. 134940 10937 96470 38470 71.49% Compute p 28920 1857 2:::802 5118 82.30% Legal 97150 5592 57574 39576 59.26% Pol i ce 660410 44458 42551:3 234897 64.43% Civil Defense 2000 110 1890 5.50% Planning/Inspections 109450 15126 86829 22621 79.33% Recycl ir, g 17880 3147 13288 4592 74.32% Str'eets 364270 26646 2:31985 132285 63.68% Shop & St¢,r. es 51860 3722 351:35 16725 67.75% City Pr. opepty 83830 17340 68336 15494 81.52% Par-ks 16_-.5430 23836 1151.59 50271 69.61% Summer. Recne~tion ' 7660 44 44 7616 0.57% C:or, t i nge fmc ies 0 3854 -3854 Tr.~ns~er.s 150990 9721 77766 73224 51.50% GENERAL FUND TOTAL ..' 1 -.' ,:,._,._ 0 174414 13'.-.v 7120 7:-:: 1430 6,5.6.4% Ar. ma Fir. e :'~; e r- v i c e I_-: O IT, IT; 0 r, $ L i q U O r. Se Lde Fund D,:,,: k s Fun,:] F u r, d F Ij r, d F u r, d 201430 10629 131755 69675 65.41% 69990 2531 65336 4654 93.35% 1:5:7520 110:5:0 10237::: 85147 54 .... 9% 299/-.,20 16,9:--::3 1 '~'~ 5'.-.-.'6, 7 103653 6,5.41% 6,4'F, 640 5(1)726 426240 "72340C) 6,.5.61% MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: September 6, 1988 Ed Shukle, City Manager j Jim Fackler, Park Directod.~.~ ~OP~ Eurasion Water MilfoiI Seminar On August 13, 1988 a seminar entitled "A New Threat to Minnesota Lakes" was offered through the Gray Freshwater Biological In- stitute. The schedule of speaker topics ran From "The Biology of Minnesota Lakes" to "On the Trial of a New Weed." The Freshwater Foundation is concerned about lakes and the problems Faced by the people who must make lake management deci- sions. This seminar was to educate the related persons to a new exotic weed that has appeared in Minnesota lakes. The weed is called Eurasion Water Milfoil and when it appears in a lake it is nearly impossible to eradicate. The information provided was to make aware how it can be managed, to reduce its spread in a lake or spread to a new body of water. The ecosystem of a lake was the emphasis of Robert O. Megard, Ph.D. Aquatic Ecologist From the University of Minnesota. He ex- plained how Aquatic plants are part of the biology of a lake. They provide Food, habitat or spanning areas For Fish. They also help to stabilize the 1aka bottom and generate the water. One of the biggest Factors that can change a lakes quality is surround- ing land use as agricultural or residential developments using Fertilizers, or allowing sewage seepage into a lake causes ad- verse effects on the ecosystem. They stimulate weed gro~ch and algae. Aquatic plants also can have undesirable effects when they are too abundant or in the wrong place. Eurasion Water MiIFoil can adversely effect swimming, boating and Fishing by its dense growth. It can grow and spread rapidly in a wide range of condi- tions, taking over and replacing existing, more desirable plants. Eurasion Water MilFoil is not native to North America, but is widely spread in Asia, Africa and Europe. The first observation Eurasion Water Mi lfoi 1 Seminar Page Two of this plan was in British Columbia about 1970. has spread rapidly. Since then it The plant is a perennial, growing on the lake bottom, at a depth of up to ]5' from a fiberous root system. During the summer months, rapid growth from the root crown area produces reddish shoots. Dense populations may occur on a variety of bottom types, including silt, sand and gravel. Floating plant fragments produced by waves and human disturbances are spread by water currents and will root when they sink or drift to shore beginning a new colony. Boats and trailers can transport from one body of water to another. Peter C. Newroth, Ph.D., Manager, Littoral Resources Minister of Environment and Parks, Victoria, British Columbia spoke on the control of Eurasion Water Milfoil. He began by pointing out that eradication appears impossible, intensive control directed at colonies during initial stages of growth may reduce both adverse impacts and costs of treatment. A cooperative effort, combining long~term water quality improvement with immediate weed control methods appear to offer the best approach. Some of the methods being used in British Columbia to control the spread of this plant are: 2. 3. 4. .~. G. 7. harvesting rototilling of root system bottom barriers granular herbicides suction dredging lake draw-down preventative efforts in surveillance and public education The individual lakeshore residents with aquatic weed. problems should attempt to clear their beach of weed fragments before roots develop. Fragments must be collected and removed from the water, and placed well above the high water mark to prevent re- growth. Boat operators can reduce the spread of aquatic weeds by removing all plants from boats, anchors, proPellers, and trailers after removing them from the water. Local authorities and concerned parties should promote a com- munity approach to relieving this problem through a plan of con- trol methods and funding. MOUND MEDICAL CLINIC, LTD. 2200 COMMERCE BLVD., MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 · 472-114.4 September 9, 1988 Steve Smith, Mayor Mound City Offices 5341Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Steve: I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve on the Citizens Task Force On Drugs this past year. Unfortunately, time comnittments are such that I can't meet with you on September 17th as you had suggested. I am not sure that comnittment of funds as you have suggested is the right thing to do at this time. I believe a number of positive actions came of the recommen- dations of our task force and your. efforts, as well as the efforts of a number of other citizens, comnunity and educational groups over the past couple of years. There is a new Police Liaison Officer with the school ~i~trict, there are new and innovative drug education and awareness programs at the elementary and middle school levels and a very heightened awareness of potential drug problems in the schools in the co~,,,unity. There is improved opportunity for family counseling intervention available through the school district and coamunity services. I suspect that enforcement efforts will improve with the addition of the extra police officer that you and the council have approved as well. I believe all of these things together are con~endable and verypositive developments for our conmunity. My advice would be to allow these new and innovative programs to function and produce results over the next couple of years. I am fearful that a permanent · task force would tend to become too institutionalized, politicized or impotent to be of much benefit to the council in these matters. I suspect the expenditure of funds you have.suggested could be better applied to drug education programs, family counseling programs or enforcement efforts which are already in place~ .the co~,,,unity should the council see fit to approve such expenditure. Again, I appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Citizen's Task Force. Sincerely, William Peglow, M.D. wp/tv cc June R. Fitz 5776 Bartlet Blvd. Mound, MN. 55364 Mound Medical Clinic, Ltd. 2200 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Maple Plain Clinic 4960 Hwy. 12 Maple Plain, MN 55359 479-1921 Crow River Medical Center 707 Elm Ave. Delano, MN 55328 972-3961 HOME OF THE WESTONKA SENIOR CITIZENS. INC. · 5600 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 {612)472-1600 Ext. 247 or 248 A Non-profit Organization Serving The Com~/h/ti~s Of Mound · O~J~no· Spring Parr, M/nne~rista ~0~ EI~'~ AU8 3 0 i988 WANTED: IDEAS FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY "The future isn't some place that already exists out there marching down on us. It's a place we create every day by our decisions," says Li Broberg, futurist for U.S. West. And decisions that shape the future are driven by ideas. That's why we want your ideas...ideas about future challenges facing the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. We're the'Metro Futures Task Force of the Metropolitan Council, a group of 23 people- citizens, business people, Metropolitan Council members and other government officials-- appointed by the Council earlier this year. Our assignment is a far-reaching one: to begin a discussion of how the seven-county Twin Cities Area should plan for the 21st century. This discussion paper is a starting point for reaching out to the community-at-large to get people thinking about what kind of metropolitan area, cities and neighborhoods they want in the next 20 to 30 years. The task force will report back to the Council in December. Our report will.translate the ideas the task force has gathered from many people into recommendations tlaat public agencies like the Metropolitan Council can use to develop plans for the future. We know it isn't easy to imagine what lies ahead many decades from now. Even professionals who earn their living anticipating the future are often wrong in their forecasts. But we don't want you to predict the future; we want your help in shaping it. Specifically, we want your answers to the questions shown below in bold type on the left side of the page. To the right of the questions are some examples of future trends or issues. Feel free to suggest other, even contradictory, examples. The examples are supposed to be a springboard for your own thoughts and ideas, not a limit on the discussion. The questions and examples are grouped under six categories. The first category deals wit.h the region of today. Each of the five other categories concerns a driving force for change treat the task force hasidentified. These categories are: 1) changing demographics (population patterns and trends), 2) changing technology, 3) changing ideas and behaviors, 4) changing resources and 5) changing economic roles. We know these questions and examples don't cover everything we'll have to deal with in the 21st century. They're only a starting point. We hope the discussions will broaden to include many more questions and ideas from you. THE CURRENT SITUATION What do you value most about our Twin Cities Area that you would want to continue into the 21 st century? As we look to the future, we should take stock of what we have now and what we value. Twin Citians place a high value on: · Protecting the environment. · High-quality public services and facilities. '1 If you could make some improve-. ments in the Twin Cities Area in the next 20 or 30 years, what 2 or 3 would top your list? · A good educational system. · A healthy, diversified economy that is home base for many Form. ne 500 companies. · An attitude or outlook sometimes called the "Minnesota Difference"--a concern about each others' welfare and needs. · Outstanding and varied cultural and arts opportunities. At the same time, we know the Twin Cities Area isn't perfect. · Its environment is not always well taken care of. · High-quality services and facilities usually mean high taxes. · The region's commitment to education is strong but many disagree over the direction that the educationalsystem should take. · The region's economy, though healthy, is vulnerable to stiff international competition. · Some people, see an erosion in the "Minnesota' Difference --a less sensitive social conscience. CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS How d.o. you think the shifts in the population's age groups will affect the Metropolitan Area? What are some possib, le impacts of having larger minori~ populations? This category deals with the.profile of our population in terms of age groups, race, its locauon and movement, and other factors. The most dramatic and far-reaching change is the post-Worl6 War II "baby boom," together v~th the unusually low number of births before and after this population bulge. · The region will experience enormous growtl~',m th.e · number of middle-aged people (aged 40 to ou) as me baby boomers continue to age. For workers, these are · normally the peak earning years. As.a result, this populauon sh~ft could be a boon for the economy or it could mean smaller pieces of an economic pie that cannot g.row fast enough for this large group's expectauons. · The smaller "baby bust" generation followingthe baby boomers could rriean a reduced demand for new housing and fewer entry-level workers--a situation that could hoId both advantages and disadvantages. Housing may become more affordable, but clues' property-tax revenue may decline. Lower-level workers may get higher wages, but business costs may go up substantially. · Minority populations will continue to grow faster than the nonnunority populatiom By 2010, racial and ethnic minorities in this country will make up half the total CHANGING TECHNOLOGY What can be done to make sure more people benefit from new technology? population. The Twin Cities Area has a r.e, latively small, rapidly growing minority population, but it s not certain whether our larger majontypopulation will be ready to relinquish a greater share of political and economic power to minorities. This category deals with the development and application of new technology and how it influences our daily lives. · If advances in biomedical and agricultural technology pose serious ethical dilemmas, outrunning the ability of society's ethical and legal systems to cope. with_the.m, further technological developments may be stitlec~. · Access to information, especially via telecommunications, will likely be improved and ex'panded. However, such improvements may not benefit everyone, especially people who are "information poor"because they are also "money poor." And sophisticated information collection could threaten civil liberties. · Putting new technology to use involves financial risks or burdens that government and bu~ness may be reluctant to take. The result could be that tuture services anc~ products, including infrastructure like transit Systems or airports, aren't as adaptable, effective or efficient as they could be. CHANGING IDEAS AND BEHAVIORS How wili changing ideas influence how.public services are provided and affect other government roles? This category includes bas!c attitud, es .that are shaped ,by, families, ethnic origins, culture anti other intiuences, xaeas aha behaviors are often decisive in shaping the future and affecting how people respond to it. · Some people believe that the drive for self-gratification has displaced a long-standing cultural value of accepting personal sacrifice to achieve a greater good. If Americans become more personally self-intereste, d, it may eventually erode the sense of community ana cooperation that now characterize the TwinCities Area. · Privatization of services traditionally provided by ~uOVernment will probably become more common in the. ture. A few jails around the country are now operatea by private companies, and privatization of the U.S. mail service has been proposed. · There's a growing recognition of the value of care traditionany given by women to other family members-- for example, m raising children or caring for an elderly parent--especially as families have probIems finding substitute caregivers and face high costs in using them. HANGING ESOURCES This category includes natural, man-made and human resources. How can we avoid or cope with a serious energy shortage? Ho.w will we .mmntatn our tnformal system of volunteers and caregivers, which has served us well? CHANGING Because the Twin Cities Area doesn't have its own energy sources, its reliance on fossil fuels makes it particularly vulnerable to energy shortages. In the future, the volatile energy marketplace will likely eclipse any attempt by government to carry out an effective energy pohcy. · The people of the Twin Cities Area--through volunteer orgahizations, churches and businesses, and as families and inflividuals--have historically shov ,-n great concern for each others' needs. The increased nun.~er of single-parent and two-parent wor 'king families, plus changes in lo&al corporate leadership, has placed considerable stress on caregivers and volunteers who must also hold down a job. · The physical beauty of the Twin Cities Area, ofte9 an . underappreciated asset, could attract many out-or-starers to me region. As the Sun Belt gets more crowded and depleted of resources, people ma)' be drawn to the relatively unspoiled setting of the Twin Cities Area. Such a migration could strain the region's natural amenities, infrastructure and cultural values. ECONOMIC ROLES What can be done to help close the gap between the "haves" and "have- nots" in the Twin Cities Area? What will happen if the gap widens? How will changes in the global economy affect the Twin Cities Area?. bhehat other allenges should considered? This category includes roles for individuals, family members, · different income groups, business, government and for the entire economy of the Twin Cities Area. · The rapid growth of the services indust_ry poses questions about what proportion of service jobs will be in the higher-paying . "information" sector and what share will be traditionklly . lower-paying service jobs. ®- Our educational system is going to have to find ways to enable economically disadvantaged people to achieve self-sufficiency. We may have to devote more resources toward earlier intervention to prevent problems. · The role of middle-age workers will increase becaUSe~ there will be more of them. They may e.xperience less job satistaction than other workers because of increased competition among them. The result could be more worker stress or even greater worker productivity, or some of each. · The growing trend toward a global, interrelated economy could mean the dispersal of economic power and local control. Or it could make the nation and the region more vulnerable to unfriendly actions by economically powerful foreign countries. 4 IWE NEED YOUR HELP Over the next few months, and continuing throughout next year, we will be on the lookout for possibilities and options for the future. The Council and the task force plan to work with many citizens of the region, including local governments, education, business, labor, nonprofit organizations, civic groups, young people and groups with special needs. To whom should we be talking about future metropolitan issues? What creative efforts to deal with the future are occurring now in the Twin Cities Area? How can we find out more about them? We know we haven't thought of all the future trends and issues we need to think about. We'd like your ideas about others that should be considered. Your responses can be passed along to the task force orally or in writing. Task force members will hold a series of discussion sessions in August and September to give people an opportunity to voice their ideas and comments. For information about where and when the meetings will take place, or if you'd like to schedule task force members to meet with ~.our organization, please call Donna Mattson of the Council staff at 291-6493. If you prefer to respond in writing, please address your response to: Metro Futures Task Force c/o Donna Mattson Metropolitan Council 230 E. Fifth St. St. Paul MN 55101 MORE ABOUT THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AND THE METRO FUTURES TASK FORCE The Metropolitan Council is the regional planning and coordinating agency for the Twin Cities Area. One of the Council's main jobs is to work toward solving the challenges currently facing the region. Examples include: · Disposal and reuse of trash. · Increasing the people-carrying capacity of our highways and transit system. · Improving the quality of the region's waters. · Creating more housing opportunities for people with low and moderate incomes. · Developing a system of regional parks. · Providing a regional framework for managing growth and regional "infrastructure"-- highways, sewers, airports, and other facihties. 5 Thc Council has believed for some time that i~ also needs to look ahead 20, 30 or 40 Yantiears-well into the 21st century-to see what opportunities and problems we should cipate. The Metro Futures Task Force was created to help the Council fulfill this responsibility. The task force members are: Judith A. Pinke, task force chair Assistant commissioner State Department of Administration Mary Anderson, mayor City of Golden Valley Steve Keefelchair . Metropolitan Council Ted Kolderie, senior fellow Hubert H. Humphrey Institute University of Minnesota Will Ante[l, manager State Department of Education Larry Laukka, president Laukka Development Co. Linda Barton, manager City of Burnsville Mike McLaughlin, Council member Metropolitan Council Rormie Brooks, executive director St. Paul Downtown Council Thomas Morin, vice president Medtronic, Inc. Joan Campbell, Council member Metropolitan Council Bruce Nawrocki, executive director Minnesota.Association of Urban Counties William Davis, chair Minority Issues Advisory Committee of theMetropolitan Council David Fisher, Couhcil member Metropolitan Council Billie Franey League of Women Voters John Hammitt, vice president Pillsbury 'Co. .' Curtis Johnson, executive director Citizens League Robert Orth, executive director Metropolitan Inter-County Association Vern Peterson, executive director Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Dottie Rietow, Council member Metropolitan Council James Scheibel, president St. Paul City Council Joseph Sizer, former assistant commissioner State Planning Agency Marcy Waritz, Council member Metropolitan Council: 6 N I NUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMNISSION NEETING September 8, 1988 Present were: Chair Nancy Clough; Commissioners Steve Burke, Linda' Panetta, Cathy Batly, Shirley Andersen and Martlyn Byrnes, Council Representative Phyllis Jessen; City Manager Ed Shukle; Park'Dlrector Jim Fackler~ Dock Inspector Dell Rudolph~ and Secretary Peggy James. Also present were the following interested persons: Michael Savage, John Thoresen, Bruce Tower Jr., Martha Meyers, Jim Glasoe, and Gene Strommen from the LMCD. Chair called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. I. M I NUTES The minutes.of the Park Commission meeting of August B, 1988 were presented for changes or additions. Byrnes moved and Bally seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. GENE STROMMEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR LMCD Mr. Strommen presented to the Park Commission his background and his position within the LMCD. He started working for the LMCD July ], 1988, has been there three months now and is enjoying It. He studied 'forestry and lumber merchandise at the University of Minnesota was and also involved in conservation. Mr. Strommen worked'six ~ears at the City of St. Louis Park and was active In the Chamber of Commerce for 13 years in which he gained involve- ment wi~h Eestivals/actfvitles such as the Aquatennial and St. Paul Wi'nter Carnival. He was also involved with civic groups and public agencies. He now 1ives in Shorevtew, but is looking to move to the Lake Minnetonka area. LMCD management Is making changes to better the lakes, they have organized a committee of 14 members for this purpose. LMCD has developed a Management Plan and a Scope Study which is available to the public. Mr. Strommen's role is to bring the community to together. ~E any one wants to stop by and visit the LMCD offices they are located at the Wayzata Depot. Mr. Strommen explained LMCD's goals are to govern all activities that take place on the water, including water use and water structures. To control lake uses through Hennepin County Or- dinances which include dockage, mooring, development, dredging, etc. LMCO works with the Mfnnehaha Watershed District, they govern the land around the lake. We are presently reviewing a manual of shoreline rules to better manage lakeshore property. The present weed problem o¢ Euraston Water Mtlfoil is the LMCD's concern, they have organized, a private Eund raiser to help provide education and information which will hopefully reduce spreading dE the weed. Burke asked what LMCD's biggest selling point would be for the people of Mound, and why they should support them. Mr. Strommen said the fact that they have been serving our community for 20 years, their known quality, and the studies they are performing. The lakes are being restored, and the people should give LMCD a chance to serve them, the community will have a voice with them. 3. REPORTS ON BEACH AND PLAYGROUND BY JIM GLASOE AND MARTHA MEYERS Glasoe reported on the beach first. They had a good year, it started with beach attendance very good in June, but dwindled down as the long hot weather hung on. Centerview increased in attendance, while Chester had very Iow attendance of about 6 ail year.. There is too much traffic at Chester, and the beach is in poor condition. The lifeguard at Chester was pulled quite oEten to lifeguard at Centerview, we may not replace lifeguard at Chester next year. The option to'post a sign saying "Lifeguard not on Duty" at Chester beach was discussed. Everyone appreciated the use of the radios, they had one or two actual rescues, and no serious injuries. Meyers reported on the parks. Day camp went very well with an attendance of 2? kids each week between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Fol- lowing is the average daily attendance schedule for each park: Highland 25 Belmont B Three Points 27 Sw.enson Park 40 Clover Circle 30 On Fridays they had special events at Mound Bay Park and had proximately )50 kids each Friday. Burke asked if the attendance was what they expected. It was better than expected in the beginning, but due to the heat, it dwindled. Baily wants to have park buttons done for next year for ali the kids involved in the park program, the senior citizens have a button making machine. Jansen suggested Meyer ltst for 1989 what activities were most successful with the kids, and what supplies and/or equipment they might need. 4. HIGHLAND END REQUEST FOR SECURITY LIGHT. Chatr, Nancy Clough addressed the fact that the Commission needs to resolve 1rem S. "Flow chart for maintenance request" on the agenda, before we address this item, unless we can determine that this request Is not a maintenance request. Batly believed item 4. to be an equipment request rather than a maintenance request. It was so determined that this item is not a maintenance request. Jim Fackler reported on his meeting with NSP, looking into the best type of light to suit their needs for sliding, and for a security light. They do not want lights shining in windows of neighbors, so the type of light they propose is not a street light, but a security light which shines only in the direction of the lake. Michael Savage was present to represent the Highland End dockers, and commented that this area is popular for sliding in the win- ter, they have block parties. ;n the summer they would like the light for boaters and people fishing off the dock. There are also security reasons for wanting a light. It was discussed that there are more needs for this light than just for security purposes, such as sliding, skating, and fish- ing. Jim Fackler informed the Commission that the City will cost share 50% of'the cost of the light. Cost for the individual dockers would be $4BO/year @ 50% divided by 9 dockers = 26.33/year per docker. MOTION made by Batly, seconded by Byrnes to recommend to the City Counctl to add a light pole to Highland End Park as recommended for purpose of public to use area for sliding and skating. 3 The commission discusseQ whether this request shoul~ be accepteO for security reasons, or as a park light, the concern being if for security reasons, everyone would want a security light in their commons area. The motion was accepted unanimously 5. FLOW CHART FOR MAINTENANCE REQUEST. The philosophy of the flow chart was discussed and the status of it. There should be a philosophy before a flow chart can be developed. It was decided everyone would give their personal opinion regarding the adoption of the flow chart. Burke: In favor of green space and restrictive development, however, not anti-development. Andersen: Need to handle each item as it comes along, each item is different, rather than follow a chart. Jessen: Minimum structural impact on public lands, however enough to provide safety for people using the commons. Clough: The Environment must be protected, especially the lakeshore. In favor of using the flow chart of topography types. Feels comfortable with structured ruling, which cou)d minimize permits for private decks. Does not like it when people who live on commons feel they own that lakeshore, public should, be en- couraged to use the commons. Byrnes: There are four to five different types of commons, we need to take into consideration what type of commons each request has. If people are willing to beautify their area, we should go along with it. We can't be negative to tax payers, because that is their front yard' and they want it to look nice. The City should encourage all of Mound to keep up their property, presently only lakeshore people are. Panetta: Need to educate ourselves on different types of com- mons. Approves of having a plan that we will be able to follow. Bally:. Likes flow chart system, however agrees each case is diF- ferent. 4 The general census was to form a subcommittee to develop a philosophy for the flow chart. Including the Park Director, the following volunteered: Marilyn Byrnes Steve Burke Cathy Baily The first flow chart sub-committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, September 29th at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. Phyllis Jessen commented that the commons should be signed with big wooden signs. Would ifke to have put on a future agenda. 6. 1989 PARK, COMMONS, RECREATION, AND CEMETERY BUDGET. RECREATION Clough expressed that she would like to see last years budget, and expenses for IgBB. She would also like to see the budget in- crease justified by park usage (number of kids, performance measurements). Glasoe stated he would like comments of exactly what the commis- sion wants'shown. MOTION moved by Jessen, seconded by Panetta to approve the recreation budget as submitted. Motion Carried unanimously. It was suggested that Glasoe submit a program layout, per age group, for the 1989 park program. BEACH There was a 5% increase due to salary increases which were needed in order to'keep the lifeguard staff. Clough would like to recommend to the staff to direct A1 & AI~s to clean up their beach area. MOTION moved by Baily, seconded by Panetta to approve the 1989 beach budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously. PARK Clough would like to add a Christmas luncheon/dinner for the Park Commission members to the budget. Add to Code 4120 for $150.00. MOTION moved by Jessen, seconded by Byrnes to approve the ]989 Park Budget as presented with the addition to Code 41Z0 for $150. Motion carried unanimously. 5 2 13 ' COMMONS The Dock Inspector's pay cut was discussed. MOTION m~de by Panetta, seconded by Byrnes to approve the 1989 Commons Budget as presented. Motion carried unanim- ously. CEMETERY Cemetery plot rates were discussed. Concern was expressed that the Cemetery was almost full. Jim Fackler handed out a cemetery rates comparison sheet and it was discussed. MOTI°N made by Bally, seconded by Jessen to approve the 1989 Cemetery Budget with an increase For a non-resident normal plot from $200 to $400. Description of non-resident to be determined at a later date. Motion carried unanimously. 7. LOST LAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT PLANS - UNIVERSI]~f OF MINNESOTAt LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT Ed Shukle, City Manager reported that the City's request for a University of Minnesota student project has been accepted and that the Lost Lake site has been selected as a landscape ar- chitecture class project for Fall 19BB. The cost is $550, and the City Councti has approved. Ed hopes to get all the commis- sions involved. There wfll be a public notice for the meetings. 8. REPORTS Council Representative: Council approved Park Commission recommendation for Mr. Hegadorn. B. City Manager: No comments. C. Park Director: season. Commented on the closing of the summer D. Dock Inspector: No comments. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Andersen moved and Byrnes seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at IO:SB p.m. All were in favor. MINUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 Present were: Commissioners William Thal, Geoff Michael, Kenneth Smith', Vern Andersen, Brad Sohns, Frank WeiIand, and William Meyer; Council Representative Elizabeth Jansen; City Planner Mark Koegler; and Secretary Peggy James. Absent and excused was Chairman Thomas Reese and Building Official Jan Bertrand. Also present were the following interested persons: Mark Ander- son representing Bethel Methodist Church, and Don Shaw of 5084 Three Points Blvd. MINUTES The minu~es of the Planning Commission meeting for August Z2, 19B8 were presented for consideration. Sohns suggested the fol- lowing changes. The minutes be written with less play-by-play and b'e more summarized, .with quotes when needed. Page four, paragraph eight should read, "Sohns mentioned no-one seemed con- cerned about putting extensive docks, walkways' and observation towers through the Lost Lake wetlands." Page four, paragraph nine shou]d read . . . they "may" have floating structures . . . Page four, last paragraph is to be deleted, the meaning of "it" can not be determined. Names of persons opposing or in favor oE the motions should be 'included. Page nine, last paragraph should read, "It was the opinion of the six opposed on the above motion, for the City to consider a future taking of,the property at Three Points,and Grimm's Store in an effort to get them to be residen- tial, and Ordinances should be enforced to clean up the sites while 't~ey sit there." Page ten, paragraph three should read, "Sohns would like Curt to spend more time reviewing it, and would like it to be reasonably legally sound before public hearing." And last, but not least, page ten, paragraph eight, August 24th should be September 24th. MOTION made by 5mtth, seconded by Weiland to accept minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. I~:)ARD OF APPEALS Case #88-725: Bethel United Methodist Church, 2116 Commerce Blvd., Lot 10 & Park of 3Z, Block 12, Lakeside Park Crocker's 1st Addition, PID #13-117-24-32-0128; SIGN VARIANCE. Recommendation by City Plannert Mark Koegler: Staff recommends denial of the proposed variance due to the find- ing that no hardship exists as defined in the sign ordinance. The proposed sign complies with all of the ordinance requirements except the area limitation. The proposed sign in 21.5 square Feet larger than the allowable area by ordinance. The proposed sign essentially consists of two signs, one contain- ing the name of the church and the second containing the change- able message component. The sign ordinance allows one 24 square foot sign per street Frontage and the Bethel united methodist Church is a .corner lot Fronting on both Commerce Blvd. and Church Blvd. Therefore, the church would have two Freestanding signs, one containing the top half of the proposed sign and the other containing the bottom half. Such a proposal~ if acceptable to the church would alleviate the necessity For a variance. Discussion: Mark Anderson was present to comment on his behalf. His First design For the sign was 30 sq. Ft. (5' x 6'), but he was.unaware of the ordinance at that time, so it was designed at a larger size so a longer message and larger letterfng could be used. Available options and alternatives were discussed. The commis- sion agreed that the size of the proposed sign was enormous (7' x 6'6"). The option to split the sign in half and place one on Church Street and one on Commerce was discussed. Welland asked if the signs could be placed on the same post and placed on the corner. According to the City Planner this is a gray area and would be considered as one sign with using one post, however it would be projected on two different streets, and there is a zoning Ordinance which requires a thirty Foot clear area From the street. MOTION .made by Smith, seconded by Jensen to deny the Sign Variance Application because it does not fit within the sign ordinance. MOTION carried, seven in favor (Andersen, Weiland, Smith, Sohns, Thai, Jensen, and Meyer), one abstained (Michael). 2 Discussion: The commission agreed the option to down size the sign rather than spltt it in half was more appealing. Mark Anderson said the letters would be too small tf the sign was smaller. Case will be heard before the City Council on September ZT, 1988. The cOmmission commented, if Mr. Andersen had come in with the 5' x 6' sign that he referred to as being his first design, the commission may have favored it since they are on a major county road 'and adjacent to a commercial area. Mr. Anderson may feel that was a reasonable compromise. Sohns and Smith did not agree with this comment. Case #88-726: G. H. (Fritz) Widmar, Lot 26, Lafayette Park Lake Minnetonka, PID #13-117-24-22-016; MINOR SUBDIVISION. Reco~endatton by City Plannert Mark Koegler= The proposal is to subdivide a parcel that measures 30' x 200' for the purpose of selling to abutting neighbor, who is Paul's AUto, The property is to. be used for parking and open space for the auto repair business. The request is consistent with the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan· Staff recommends ap- proval of the subdivision and waiver of the public hearing requirements subject to the applicant preparing a legal descrip- tion which is acceptable to Hennepin County and should be prepared and submitted to the Mound City Engineer for review. Discussion.'. Access .availability to the remaining property was discussed. The City PJanner explained that lot !8 ts a difficult piece to util- ize, ho.waver does not think the 30 feet made a substantial dif- ference either one way or another on the i~act Of the property, it doe~ make it a little more difficult, but it does not preclude access. MOTION made by Wetland, seconded by Andersen to accept the City Planners recommenclatlon for approval of the Minor Sub- division. The motion carried unanimously. Case will be heard before the City council on September 27, 1988. Case #88-7Z0 & #88-721. Tonka Alan0 50ciety, Inc., 5098 Three Points Blvd., Lots 8, 9, IZ, 13, 14 and 15, Block 2, Dreamwood, PID 13-117-24-12-0017/0018/0020/0021/0022; ZONING AMENDMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PER CITY COUNCIL'S RECOMMENDATION AS A CONTINUATION OF A PUBLIC HEARING. Recommendation by City Planner~ Mark Koe~ler: The City Council met on August 2B, 1988 to review this case, and the have referred it back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. The item is scheduled to be heard again at the City Council on September 20, 1988. During the Council discussion, there was sentiment expressed by both neighbors and council members that indicated that the proposed Alano use may be acceptable if the use could be strictly defined. Three options were discussed by the Council as outlined in Mr. Pearson's letter dated August 24, 1988 (listed below). Alternative No. ] Add to Section 23.635.3 the following: Institutions and non-public corporations of a religious, health, education, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature. Alternative No. 2 Redefine purpose of 23.635 to call it limited or restricted business area. Add uses which can go into the district which are compatible with a residential neighborhood, such as: Barber shop or beauty shop Dry cleaning pick-up Bakery or pastry shops selling products produced off the site (no baking to occur on the premises) Florist and gift shops Permitted and conditional uses as set forth in Sections 23.610.2, 23.610.3, 23.620.2 and 23.620.3 and said uses are subject to all restrictions and standard established in said use districts Nursery schools or child care center Institutions and non-profit corporations of a religious, health, educational, eleemosynary or philanthropic nature. Alternative No. 3 Create two separate districts to cover the four existing sites which are zoned B-3. Donnies and A1 & Al mas would fit into one district and Grimm's store and Three Points store would be in a district which would be limited to types of uses set forth in Alternative No. 2. Remove liquor, beer, wine, music from Grimm's and Three Points locations and try to establish uses which will truly serve the neighborhood and the community as a whole. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission identify Alterna- tfve 'Number 3 as the best and most realistic method of modifying the existing B-3 zone. The Commission should provide the staff with overall direction on uses and content of the purpose state- ment of such a zoning change. Discussion: Concern was expressed if Mr. Rager could actually re-open a bar as the zoning ordinance stands, the City Planner stated that the restaurant/bar has been out of business for longer than twelve months, in which case they would have to come back to the City for a condi.tional use permit application to resume that type of business, they are no longer grandfathered. Mr. Don Shaw of 5084 Three Points Blvd. was present in regard to this case. Mr. Shaw recently purchased the old Drews Electrtc Building which is next door to the subject property. He has c'leaned and fixed up his property hoping to lease it out to some- body and is concerned with the future uses that will be available to his property. It was real.ized that Mr. Shaw's property had not been considered as a separate identity throughout the discussions for this case. The three Alternatives were discussed and analyzed, along with the suggested neighborhood businesses. The possibility of any legal problems by down-zoning property, and the effect down-zoning would have on the property value was discussed. A question was directed toward the City Planner in regard to the time limit involved with this case, and the length of time it would take to change the zoning ordinance taking into considera- tion the fqct that there has to be a public hearing. The City P)anner commented that the Council held the public hearing open until September 20th, they have a request to add the wording specified in Alternative No. ! to the B-3 zone, they could find 6avor with that and then further decree that. It is their opinion that the zone needs to be modified and they need to add a B-4 and then begin the mechanics 0F that process which would require public hearings and a vote by the City Council. The process is the same fop modifying the B-3 zone or creating a new B-4 zone, the Mound edda considers it a zoning amendment whether you want to change one word in the ordinance OK the designation of a zone. Sohns asked the City Manager if anyone at the City has tried to work with Alano to Find a new meeting place. The City Manager stated that receipt of this application was the first time they had approached the City for help. Concern was expressed that maybe the City could have done more For Alano, since it is a good organization. An opinion was expressed by Smith that the commission should just leave B-3 the way it is, and questioned why the City should al- ways change the zoning uses to accommodate certain types of busi- ness as they come up. Thal Stated that people have the right to get the value out of their property. Discussion to accept Alternative No. 1 and then Follow through with Alternative No. 3 was examined. Commitment to Alternative No. 3 as written was discussed, it was expressed that the motion should be stated to allow more flexibility as far as grouping Grimm's and Three Points together. MOTION made by Andersen, seconded by Jensen that it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to follow through with Alternative No. 15 the Planning Commission is' to im- mediately address uses in B-3 with the possibility of creat- ing a 8-4 zoning district. Hotton carPi ed five in favor (Andersen, Sohns, Meyer, lhal, and Jensen), three opposed (Wefland, Smith, and Michael). Recommendation will be heard at the September 20, 1988 City Council Heeting, DISCUSSION INFORMATIONAL Request For Subdivision Application to appear at. September 26th Planning Commission Workshop for Shirley Hills Unit B. City Planner, Mark Koegler reported there are actually two requests For-subdivisions, and he suggested they add them to the agenda. Bo~h subdivision applications are relatively straight forward and he believes they will not take a lot of time. The Commission accepted to hear the subdivision applications at the September 26th Planning Commission Workshop. 2. Calendar For September. No discussion. 3. Update Comprehensive Plan Schedule. City Planner, Mark Koegler, handed out an updated Comprehensive Plan Schedule per the Chairman's request from the last Planning Commission Meeting. Mark briefly reviewed what would be dis- cussed at the upcoming meetings, and emphasized that the November lO, 1988 meeting is not to re-write the zoning ordinance, but to set the framework for future modifications. Mark also noted that the December 26, 1988 meeting date will be determined closer to that date. 4. Bus Trip - Tentative Itinerary. The City Manager, Ed Shukle spoke on Jan Bertrand's behalf. The bus will be at Hardees at 9=00 a.m. and the tour should go until noon. You may want to arrive at Hardees earlier for breakfast. City Counctl minutes on Planning Commission items for August. Not comments. The City Manager, Ed Shukle reported to the Commission about the Lost Lake Park development plans using the University of Min- nesota Landscape Architecture Department. The City placed a request for a University of Minnesota student project, which was accepted in late August. The class wtll be held this Fall and involves lO to 15 students. The cost is $550 which was approved by the City Council. The Planning Commission may be asked to provide some input for this project. Sohns expressed his cOncern that the Planning Commission was not getting involved with'Planning issues as much as he would like; the Commission seems to be handling only zoning issues. Sohns expressed some ideas, and they were discussed. MOTION made by S~lth, seconded by Michael to adjourn meeting at 10=15 p.m. Motion carried unant~x>usly. Willfam Thal, Acting Chairman Attest: -