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CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA A G E N D.A MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M., TUESDAYt NOVEMBER 15, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Pledge of Allegiance. Approve Minutes of October 25, 1988, Regular Meeting and November 9, 1988, Special Meeting. Pg. 2641-2649 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ae To Consider an Amendment to the Mound City Code, Section 23.415 (4) g, Relating to Fences. Pg. 2650-2654 CASE #88-732: Consider Issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for Century Auto Body, 5533 Shoreline Blvd., PID # 13-117-24 33 0007/0007. Pg. 2655-2683 CASE #88-728: Joel Dokken, (5042) Avon Drive, Lots 8-12, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B, PID #24-117-24 12 0018. Request: Minor Subdivision. Pg. 2684-2697 5. Comments & Suggestions from Citizens Present. An Ordinance Amending Chapter V of the Mound City Code, Section 510:40, Subd. 2 & 6; Section 520:00 Subd. 1 a (1), Subd. 1 a (2), Subd. lf, Subd 1 g, Subd. 3, Relating to Fees. Pg. 2698-2703 Petition from Property Owners regarding Condition of Property Located at 5909 Glenwood Road. Pg. 2704-2708 Review of Request to DNR to Dredge a Portion of Lost Lake Channel by Lost Lake Homeowners Assoc. Pg. 2709-2713 Continued Discussion of Proposed Agreement bet~.een the'City of Minnetrista and the City of Mound Relative to' Providing Sewer Utility Service to Two Minnetrista Property Owners. (Some of the material will be handed out at ~eeting). Pg. 2714-2721 10. Approval of Payment Request #6, Public Works Facility. Material to be handed out at meeting. Page 2639 11. 12. 13. 14. Consideration of State Gambling License Renewal for the American Legion Post #395 Operation of Pull-Tabs at the J~k--t~b. The Council need not take any action unless you have an objection. Pg. 2722 License Renewal - Entertainment Permit - Jock Club. Pg. 2723 Payment of Bills. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS Pg. 2724-2740 ae Be Department Head Monthly Reports for October 1988. Lake Level, Flow & Precipitation Summary for September 1988. Pg. 2741-2777 Pg. 2778-2780 REMINDER: Last Regular Meeting in November will be November 29, 1988. Page 2640 2 McCornbs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. T,,,,'~n C~t~cs Si rU , ~E,C:'O 23rd ~,vc. N Telephone Engineers [ I .rrT~uuth MN 612,476-6010 Planners ~,5~4,7 Surveyors November 10, 1988 Mr. Edward $. Shukle, Or., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota Public Works Facility Rayment Request No. 6 MFRA #8257 Dear Ed: Enclosed is Loeffel-Engstrand's Payment Request No. 6 for work completed through October 31, 1988 on the subject project. The amount of this payment request is $11,065.60. We have reviewed this request, find that it is in order, and recommend payment to Loeffel-Engstrand for $11,065.60. As stated in our letter of October 20, 1988 to Loeffel-Engstrand, the project was accepted as substantially complete on October 14, 1988; therefore, we have approved this payment request as 100% complete with a 5% retainage to assure final acceptance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven W. Jantzen, P.E., A.I.A. SO:jmj Enclosures Ar. Equa~ OPport, uqlty Employer U I.M Z Z 0 ~ o o o © ,-i o m ~JCO ~ o q.-~ o ,.~ O0 0 C:l © © © 165 October 25, 1988 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 25, 1988 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 25, 1988, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Don Abel, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: Acting City Manager Fran Clark, Acting City Clerk Linda Strong, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, City Planner Mark Koegler, Building Official Jan Bertrand, and the following interested citizens: Harold Meeker, Nancy Clough, Mike Barlow, Gerry & Donna Smith, Chuck Peterson, Vic Cossette, Brad Sohns, Denice 01son, Joel Dokken, Paul Stannard, and Amy Ruud. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in atten- dance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MINUTES MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the October 11, 1988, Regular Meeting, as sub- 'mitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. WESTONKA SENIOR CITIZENS FOUNDATION DAY The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming October 23, 1988, ad Westonka Senior Citizens Day in the City of Mound. Jessen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-171 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING WESTONKA SENIOR CITIZENS FOUNDATION DAY IN THE CITY OF MOUND ON OCTOBER 23v 1988 The'vote'was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. DELINQUENT UTILITY BILL8 The Acting City Manager explained that the revised amount was $3,829.23. Mayor Smith opened the Public Hearing regarding delinquent utility bills. Amy Ruud, 5239 Phelps Road, stated that she does not think she could have used $253.52 worth of water. The Council stated the Staff would contact her. Her account was deleted from the shut-off list for further review. 166 October 25, 1988 The Mayor closed the Public Hearing and turned the item back to the Council. Johnson moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 88-172 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE .THE DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,575.71 AND AUTHORIZING THE STAFF TO SHUT-OFF WATER SERVICE TO THOSE ACCOUNTS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. B. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR TW; IMPROVEMENT OF DRUMMOND ROAD - BY CONSTRUCTION OF A BITUMINOUS The City Engineer explained that the improvement of Drummond Road from 100 feet east of Amhurst Lane to 100 feet west of Devon Lane by the construction of a bituminous road has now been completed. Notices were sent to the people listed on the preliminary assess- ment roll for the proposed assessment. The total amount to be assessed for this portion of the project is $4,900.00. The Mayor opened the public hearing. The Mayor closed the public hearing. There were no comments. Jessen. moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 88-173 RESOLUTION ADOPTING DRUMMOND ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CER- TIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% IN- TEREST - LEVY # The vOte was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. C. CASE #88-732: CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CENTURY AUTO BODY, 5533 SHORELINE BLVD.~ PID ~13-117-24 33 0007/0008 The city Planner reported that the applicant has requested ap- proval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate the repair facility and associated uses consistent with either grandfathered rights or the uses identified in Section 23.625.3 of the Mound Zoning Code. He then reviewed the 12 conditions that the Planning Commission recommended and were incorporated into the proposed resolution which were as 'follows: Uses allowed on the property shall be limited to: No flags, banners or flashing lights 'shall be permitted. Additionally, loud noises or noises over loud speakers shall be prohibited. 167 October 25, 1988 Display of autos, boats and boat trailers for sale shall be limited to the paved portion of the site abutting Shoreline Boulevard. Vehicles for sale shall not be parked on public right-of-way. The premises shall be maintained in a neat and orderly man- ner at all times. There will be no wrecked or damaged vehicles on property outside of the enclosed area. The permit holder shall be prohibited from using the Central Business District parking areas and any public roads includ- ing Auditors Road for storage and repair operations. Employee and customer parking in the Central Business Dis- trict lots shall comply with the Mound parking regulations. Fencing shall comply with Section 23.415 of the Mound Zoning Code. The property shall also comply with the performance requirements of Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. Hazardous materials shall be.stored in an enclosed building and discarded in full compliance with all State and Federal requirements. Ail body work, fiberglas work and painting will be performed · in an enclosed building area conforming to State and Federal ventilation and emission requirements. 9. Tax parcels shall be combined. 10. 11. Ail signage shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance within 90 days of the date of the approval of this permit. Ail trash and waste auto parts shall be kept within screened enclosures. 12. Gates along fenced, storage areas shall be kept close at all times except when access is required for parking or removing vehicles. He reported that the Planning Commission further asked that the Mr. Cossette provide the City with proof that he has sold at least one automobile per year since 1978 when he purchased the property. The Building Official stated that Mr. Cossette has submitted a listing of cars sold since 1980. Mr. Curt Johnson, the owner of property adjacent to Mr. Cossette's present objecting to the dust, fumes and particulate matter escaping into the air from the work being done outside and inside the building. He then submitted correspondence he has ob- tained from the Hennepin County Department of Environment and Energy, and the Minnesota Department of Labor and 3 168 October 25, 1988 Industry, regarding OSHA violations at.the site. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Mr. Cossette was present and stated he would have a problem with item #8 of the conditions recommended .by the Planning Commission. He stated he would like to be allowed to per- form some of theses tasks outside of the building in one of his two lots. He suggested that he could put up some kind of covered area outside to try to confine the dust. He fur- ther stated that the OSHA violations were minor and that employees who were fired brought them to OSHA's attention. The Mayor closed the public hearing. The Council discussed the information supplied by Mr. Johnson regarding OSHA violations. The City Attorney stated that the list of automobiles sold since 1981 could not be verified and should be in following the Plan- ning Commission recommendation. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Abel to delay granting the requested Conditional Use Permit for Arco/Century until Mr. Cossette supplies supporting information verifying the automobile sales as stated on his lists and the Staff has verified, with the various agencies who cited Arco/Century, that the OSHA violations have been corrected. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. D. CASE #88-733: PROPOSED STREET VACATION: "ALLEY BETWEEN AVON DRIVE AND AVON DRIVE"t ABUTTING LOTS 13, BLOCK 4, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B, JOEL DOK- KEN The City Engineer explained that this vacation is for an alley between Lots 7, 8, 9 and part of 10, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B. The Planning Commission recommended approval, with the City retaining a drainage and utility easement. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Donna Smith, 2531 Avon, read her letter of opposition to the proposed vacation and submitted a petition with 28 signa- tures of neighbors which read as follows: "I support Donna and Gerald Smiths' views that the alley that adjoins their property on 2531 Avon Drive not be vacated on October 25, 1988." She further stated that if the vacation is approved, the City is just providing extra land to Mr. Dokken to sell for profit. She suggested that the City could buy Lots 8, 9, and part of 10 and increase Avon Park. The Smiths also questioned the validity of the survey that was submitted by Mr. Dokken. 4 169 October 25, 1988 The following spoke in opposition to the vacation: Bud Stannard, 5050 Avon Drive, Denice Olson, Peterson. and Chuck Joel Dokken, applicant for the vacation, stated that this vacation was requested to make the property easier to build upon. There was Council discussion on the vacation and whether it was in the public's best interest to vacate. The Mayor closed the public hearing. The City Planner explained Mr. Dokken's subdivision request which follows this item. He explained that the subdivision request is not contingent upon the granting of the vacation. If the vaca- tion is not granted, Parcel A still meets all the requirements of the Mound Zoning Code. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Smith to deny the vacation of the alley abutting Lots 7-13, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE ~88-728: JOEL DOKKEN, (5042) AVON DRIVE, LOTS 8-12, BLOC~ ,4t SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B, PID ~24-117-24 12 0018t MINOR SUBDIVISION The City Planner explained that the Planning Commission recom- mended approval with the following 6 conditions: 1. Driveway access for Parcel A shall be from Avon Drive. The apPlicant shall pay one park dedication fee at the time of building permit issuance for Parcel A. 3. Ail applicable unit charges shall be paid. A 4. foot rear yard setback variance shall be granted for the existing house on Parcel B. The applicant shall immediately complete a variance applicati6n and remit the appropriate fee. The applicant is dividing the property with full knowledge of the setback constraints on Parcel A. Future setback variances for Parcel A will not be recommended for approval. The City Engineer shall review and approve utility connec- tions for Parcel A. Johnson moved the following resolution: 5 170 October 25, 1988 RESOLUTION %88-174 RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIREMENTS OF SUB- DIVISION ORDINANCE FOR SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B, LOTS 8,9,10,11 & 12, BLOCK 4, PID %24-117-24 12 0018 AND RECOGNIZING AN EXISTING REAR SETBACK VARIANCE FOR PURPOSED PARCEL B The motion died for lack of a second. The Smiths asked if the survey could be verified. The Planner stated that would be up to the Smiths if they felt the survey was incorrect. It was done and signed by a registered land surveyor and the City is satisfied. MOTION by Johnson, seconded by Abel to table this item until the November 15, 1988, meeting. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There was no response. AMENDMENT TO MOUND CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 920:15 REGULATING NOISE IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS The City Attorney explained that this would regulate "loud party noise" in residential areas. Abel moved and Jensen seconded the following ordinance: ORDINANCE %16-1988 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MOUND CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 920:15 REGULATING NOISE IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. GAMBLING LICENSE - NORTHWEST TONKA LIONS (JOCK CLUB) The Acting city Manager explained that unless the Council has a problem with the State renewing a Gambling License for the Northwest Tonka Lions operation of pull-tabs at the Jock Club, they need not take any action. No action was taken. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST - G.L. CONTRACTING FOR THE ENTIRE DRUMMOND ROAD IMPROVEMENT The City Engineer explained that they recommending payment of $14,651.70 be released to G.L. Contracting for the 1988 Storm Sewer and Street Improvements on Drummond Road. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by JenSen to authorize the payment final payment request of G.L. Contracting for the 1988 Storm Sewer and Street Improvements on Drummond Road in 6 the amount of $14,651.70. favor. Motion oarrie~. PAYMENT OF BILLS 171 October 25, 1988 The vote was unanlmously in MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $287,859.03, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ADD-ON ITEM A. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARIN~ MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to set November 15, 1988, at ?:30 P.M. for a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Mound City Code, Section 23.415 (4) g)., relating to fences. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mo- tion carried. INFORMATION/MISCELLkNEOU~ Ae Be Financial Report for September as Prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. Ee Letter from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding Land Use Legislation. Fe League of Minnesota Cities 1989 Proposed Legislative Policies and Priorities. Please review these and give me any comments you may have. Notice from the League of Minnesota Cities of the Policy Adoption Meeting, Wednesday, November 16, 1988, Hotel Sofitel, Bloomington, MN. Please let Fran know by November 7th if you plan to'attend. Notice from Triax Cablevision that the Governor has declared October as Community Television Month in the State of Min- nesota and a Program Summary of Channel 20 for the month of September. October 10, 1988, Planning Commission Minutes. October 13, 1988, Park Commission Minutes. Findings of Fact submitted by Ted Fox. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to adjourn at 11:15 P.M. The vote was unanlmously in favor. Motion carried. Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk Edward, J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager 7 'MINUTES -'MOUND CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Special Meeting of'the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was held at 5341 Maywood Road, in said' City on November 9, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. The Mayor opened the meeting. ELECTION C;tNVASSING BOARD The city Election results were presented to the Canvassing Board for their approval. The result were as follows: MAYOR (two year term) VOTES CAST Liz Jensen 1,617 Steve Smith 2,954 COUNCILMEMBERS (2elected, each 4 year term) Don Abel Andrea Ahrens Bob Brown Phyllis Jessen Nando Mazoleny 1,916 2,507 1,106 2,487 319 The following were declared the winners: Steve Smith, Mayor Elect (two year term) Andrea Ahrens, Councilmember Elect (four year term) Phyllis Jessen, Councilmember Elect (four year term) Abel moved and-Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-174 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION AS PRESENTED AT THE CANVASS OF VOTED OF THE NOVEMBER 8, 1988v GENERAL ELECTION The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. RENEWAL OF RESOLUTION %83-72 The city. Manager explained that the applicant did not make the improvement to his property using the variance in Resolution %83- 72 because of financing. He would, now like to renew the original approval which expired in May of 1984 to put the addition on the house. The Building official recommended approval. Abel moved and Jensen seconded the follOwing resolution: RESOLUTION %88-175 RESOLUTION RENEWING RESOLUTION %83-72 ENTITLEDv "RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO 173 November 9, 1988 APPROVE A Z FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK V~RIANCE ~S REQUESTED POR LOT 59, WHIPPLE BHORES (PID %25-117-24 21 0128),' 3343 WARNER ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. MOTION made by Abel, seoonded by Jensen to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion oarried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk 2 HEARING NOTICE CiTY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING tO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOUND CiTY CODE, SECTION 23.415 (4) g).,RELATING TO FENCES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341Maywood Road, .at ?:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, I988, to consider the amendment to the Mound Zoning Ordinance, Section 23.415 (4) g., relating to Fences, to read as Follows: "Fences shall be installed such that the Finished side faces abutting-properties. The Finished side shall be the side which provides maximum coverage of posts and stringers. Board-on-board, basket-weave Fences, and similar design shall be deemed to have two Finished sides." All Persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be heard at this meeting. Fr~ncene CT ~ark, ~it~Clerk Publ ished in "The Laker," October 31, I988 and November 7, 1988. Planning and Zoning ¢on~nission Mlnu%es July 25, 1988-Page Four Z. ~nce Ordinance Revision. Section 23.415 (4) g.) planner presented new wording for the fence ordinance. The city It was moved Dy Vern Andersen and seconded Dy Geoff Michael to accept the changes to the wording of the fence ordinance. In further discussion, Bill Meyer suggested removing the word "all" from the ordinance in the sentence, "Fences shall be installed Such that the finished side faces all abutting properties." The motion then passed unanimously. A public hearing on the ~ence ordinance will be held on August ZZnd at the Planning Commission Meeting· Sign Ordinanc_e_ - Section 365:05, Subdivision 8. The city Planner stated that there was a provision in the sign ordinance that said that if the Perm]tee/owner failed to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provision, they had 30 days to remove it. He cited a case in which E person with an illegal sign did not remove tt until 30 days had passed, as rem the'ordinance. He recommended removal of the "30 day" clause, substituting it with, "immediately," and allowing the but.idtng official some discretion in the speed in which it was removed, depending upon the lndlvtGual sign. A motion was made Dy Smith and seconded by Sohns to approve the suggested modification of the sign ordinance for a Public hearing. It was passed unanimously. A publtc hearing on the stgn ordinance wtll be held on August ZZnd at th? Planning Commission Meeting. 3.a) Variance for street frontage on West. edge, City of Mound, part of'Government Lot 4, Section 23, Township I]7, Range 24. This item was referred Pack to the planning commission from the city council. The city planner recommended that the ProPerty does req.uire a variance. He said that the piece of property is city property an~ is' slightly over three acres. The city now has a purchase agreement from a would-be Duyer. Koeg]er cited a section in the zoning code that says a lot of record may De used for single family detached dwelling purposes, providing the area =hereof meets all setback and minimum lot area requirements Provided (]) it has frontage on an improved PuD]lc right-of-way; he said that' the clause has brought about two debates as to the definition of "frontage"- odes it mean 60 feet for R-l, or does ~rontage mean frontage (1', 2', 3', etc.). The city planner s=a=ea ~hat in discussing it with the city attorney, the word "improved" is what causes tnis to come back for a variance. It 4 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. Il, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 612/553-195O HEHORANDUH TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROH: Mark Koegler DATE: July 20, 1988 SUBJECT: Fence Ordinance Revision Within the past year, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed a case pertaining to the construction of a wooden privacy fence. The existing ordinance (Section 23.415 (4) g.) states "If the material used in fence construction is not finished on both sides, the finished side of the material shall be on the outside facing the abutting property." If you recall, the owner of the fence provided correspondence from various people including linguists stating that the wording of this section was ambiguous and could be construed to have a meaning different from the city's intent. In order to remove the ambiguity, the following language is offered to replace the existing paragraph. "Fences shall be installed such that the finished side faces all abutting properties. The finished side shall be the side which provides maximum coverage of posts and stringers. Board on board, basket weave fences and similar designs shall be deemed to have 2 finished sides." It is re'commended that the Planning Commission call a public hearing to review this change to the zoning ordinance. .302 Fence - A fence Is defined for the.purpose of this Ordinance as any partition structure, wa)l or gate erected as a dividing marker, barrier or enclosure.and located along the boundary, o-r within' the required yard. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE FENCE ORDINANCE AND ADDING ORDINANCE AS SECTION 23.hl5 OF THE CITY CODE ENTITLED "FENCES"; REPEALING CERTAIN CITY ORDINANCE SECTIONS 23.h07(6)' AND 55.17 THE CITY OF MOUND DOES ORDAIN: Section 23.415 is added to Chapter 23 and Secti'ons 23.407(6) and 55.17 are repealed: 23.415 Fences Fencing shall be permitted in all zones subject to the following: (1) No person, firm or corporation shall erect, construct or place any fence without first making an application for and securing a building permit. The building official may require fence permit applicants to establish property boundary lines by a survey completed by a registered land sur- veyor. In all cases, the City Of Mound shall not be liable for the establishment or definition of property lines. (2) Electric fences and barbed wire fences are prohibited except that barbed wire may be used in the commercial and industrial districts as an anti- vaulting measure on top of a fence which equals 6 feet in height. In such cases, barbed wire shall not exceed the height of .1 foot above the top of the fence. (3) All fences shall be constructed of durable, ~eather resistant materials and properly anchored. Every fence shall be maintained in a condition .. of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become'and remain in a condition of disrepair, danger or constitute a nuisance. Fences In a state of disrepair or deemed to bAa nuisance may be abated by the City by proceedings taken under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and the cost of abatement, including administration expenses, may be levied as a special assessment against the property upon which the fence is located. (4) In residential and commercial districts, chain )ink fences and wooden fences, constructed from commercially available materials, shell be per- mitted. WOoden fences shall not be constructed from twigs, branches, doors, siding or other wooden products originally intended for other purpqses. Wood and chain link fences shall be subject to the following restrictions: Front yard fences may be so)id or open and sha)) not exceed forty- eight (48) inches in height. Rear and slde yard fences located behind the front yard setback line may be solid or open and shall not exceedS,verity-two {72) inches in height. Fences on or adjacent to the shore line of any navigable lake, channel or stream shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height. Fences on or along that'portion of a side lot llne from a navigable lake, channel or stream to the near side of the average building construction line shall not exceed thirty-six {36) inches in height. ' .3. 604.4 do 'Fence heights shall be measured from the adjoining natural ground. Fences installed on top of retaining walls shall be limited to a maximum of forty-two (42) inches in residential zones. All fenced areas shall be accessible through at least one gate having a minimum width of t~irty-slx (36) inches, ($) All chain link fences shall have a top rail, barbed ends shall be placed at the bottom of the fence and posts shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed eight (8) feet, For wooden fences, post spacing shall not exceed eight (8) feet, If the material used in fence construction is not finished on both sides, the finished side of ~he material shall be on the outside facing the abutting property. Chain link fences not exceeding ten (10) feet in height shall be per- mitted to enclose tennis courts. , (6) Fences shall in no way detain or inhibit the flow of surface water ,drainage to and from abutting properties. (7) Fences.not exceeding seventy-two (72) inches in height may be con- structed without restriction.on the interior of any lot or parcel, providing that no such fence or wall shall be closer than ten (10) feet to any common property line between abutting.lots. In the case of lakeshore lots, no such fence or wall shall be located in a manner which will block or otherwise adversely interfere with an adjoi'nlng property owner's lake view. · ' (8) Fences shall be required around swlmming pools in conformance with Section 23.604.4 Repeal of Certain City Ordinances Sections 23.407(6) and 55.17. Adopted by the City Council July 24, 1984. Published In The Laker, August 6, 1984. Permitted ~ccessor¥ Uses Within any R-1 District the following uses shall be permitted accessory uses: ' Garages Fences. Gardening and other horticultural uses where no sale of products is conducted on the site ,' One lodging room per single family dwelling Lawn, garden and utillty bullding Recreation Equipment Open off-street parking space not to exceed three spaces per dwelling Private docks, in accordance with Lake Minnetonka Conservation Oistrlct'regulatlons P & Z Case No. 88-732 CITY OF ROUND Mound, Minnesota NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERHIT FOR'CENTURY AUTO BODY LOCATED AT 5533 SHORELINE BOULEVARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 25, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, a hearing will be held to consider the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for Century Auto Body located at 5533 Shoreline Boulevard, Lot 5 and the westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, PID numbers 13- 117-24 33 O008.and 13-117-24-33 0007. Proposed conditional uses include but may not be limited to auto body repair, boat repair, boat trailer building, and welding. All persons appearing at said hearing will be given the opportunity to be heard. .. Francene Clark, City Clerk CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 {612) 472-1155 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: November 8, 1988 City Council Victor Cossette Ed Shukle, City Manager Jan Bertrand, Building Official Conditional Use Permit for ARCO/Century Co. 5533 Shoreline Boulevard I have made an inspection of the property at 5533 Shoreline Drive today with Rosemary Lavin, Hennepin County Environmentalist. Following is my observations regarding the body shop operation and storage on the site. The exterior o6 the building is enclosed with a chain link fence with privacy slats, inside the enclosure is a number of automobile body parts, boats on trailers,, and miscel- laneous storage. There appears to be isle-ways in the area 'to allow employees to move around without cutting themselves or catching themselves on metal parts. There has been a covered enclosure built off of Auditors Road to contain Hazardous waste materials. However, at the time of our inspection there remains to be a 55 gallon drum With thinner and the cap removed in an open area. In the enclosure there is an open oil bucket, a drum of thinner with a funnel open at the top, as well as labeling missing on the drums· Inside t'he building, the owner conducts sanding, spray painting in an approved spray booth with exhaust ventilation and flammable liquid storage and dispensing. Due to recent hazardou~ waste legislation the owner has not had the spray booth filters changed because it.requires testing the fil- ters for heavy metal concentration· The filters at this time are virtually plugged. The terminal through the roof of the exhaust duct should be painted with enamel paint to preserve the steel as it is rusted. The flan~nable liqJid dispensing in the sanding area should be separated by a one hour fire rate enclosure. An equal opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the bas~s of race, color, nabonal origin, or nano~capped status mtne adm~ss~c;n or access to, or treatment or emp!o~'ment m ~ls programs and activities NoVember 8, 1988 The wiring in the building is greenfield cable, ridged and Flexible conduit. There is no provision for explosion proof wiring, some of the equipment does not have equipment grounding, With exhaust ventilation in the spray paint booth, there is a 'requirement that a garage of this type supply make-u~ tempered air to replace the exhausted air in the building. There is no make-up air. e After the City Council meeting of October 25, ! directed Tim Cossette to construct a flammable storage cabinet, which he is in the process of building to comply with NFPA 30. The fire extinguishers, at ~he time of my inspection, were throughout the building. However, there were three extin- guishers which had storage in front of them making them in- accessible, one extinguisher had been used and emptied, and three dial indicators were on the discharge line. Fire Con- trol Co. had the tags punched in December 1987 which means they will be serviced again in December 1988. The fire door is in bad repair with holes, no handle and no self-closer. It should be replaced. 10. At the time of writing this letter'we have not completed the testing of the septic tank on the property. It appears there is no fiam~ble waste trap with vents From the Floor drains (catch basin) in the building as required for repair garages by the plumbing code. 12. ~~~13. There is rom the ! did discuss the proper use and repair of extension cords and electrical equipment with Tim at the time of inspection. TheFe is still some storage of materials remaining in the proximity around and on top of the paint spray booth which should have been removed. a non-conforming sign projecting 8 Feet outward building by the current sign code provisions. 2 Proposed Resolution Case Number 88'732 RESOLUTION NUMBER 88- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 'A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR COSSETTE PROPERTIES, INC. LOCATEO AT 5S33 SHORELINE DRIVE, PIO # 13-117-24 33 0007 AND 0008. WHEREAS, the City Council on October 25, 2988 held a public hearing pursuant to Section 23,505 of the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of an auto body/boat repair facility at 5533 Shoreline Boulevard, PID # 12-117-24 23 0007 and 0008; and WHEREAS, the applicant requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate the repair facility and associated uses consistent with either grandfathered rights or the uses identified in Section 23.625.3 of the Mound Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommend approval; and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be heard were heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Conditional Use Permit for the operation of the auto/boat repair facility and listed associated uses is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: Uses allowed on the property shall be limited to: A. Auto Body Repair B. Boat Repair C. Boat Trailer Building D.' Welding E. Sale of Used Autos, Boats and Boat Trailers F. Other Permitted B-1 Uses No flags, banners or flashing lights shall be permitted. Additionally, loud noises or noises over loud speakers shall be prohibi.ted. Display of autos, boats and boat trailers for sale shall be limited to the paved portion of the site abutting Shoreline Boulevard. Vehicles for sale shall not be parked on public right-of-way. 11. 12. The premises shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. There will be no wrecked or damaged vehicles on property outside of the enclosed area. The permit holder shall be prohibited from using the Central' Business District parking areas and any public roads including Auditors Road for storage'and repair operations. Employee and customer parking in the Central Business District lots shall comply with the Mound parking regulations. Fencing shall comply with Section 23.415 of the Mound Zoning Code. The property shall also comply with the performance requirements of Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. Hazardous materials~s~~ore~tn an enclosed building and discarded in full compliance with all State~,~-~--Federal~~ requirements. All body work, fiberglass work and painting will be performed in an enclosed building area conforming to State and Federal ventilation and emission requirements. Tax parcels shall be combined. All signage shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance within 90 days of the date of the approval of this permit. All trash and waste auto parts shall be kept within screened enclosures. Gates along fenced storage areas shall be kept close at all times except when access is required for parking or removing vehicles. REED & POND, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5424 SHORELINE BLVD. P.O. BOX 9 MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-0009 PHONE (612) 472-2222 October 21, 1988 ROGER W. REED PAUL L POND GREGORY S. HAGGE RICHARD N. INDRITZ KAY L. DUNN Legal Assistant City Council City of Mound Mound, MN 55364 Dear Friends: I am writing you in regard to the requested conditional use permit at 5533 Shoreline Blvd., Mound - Case No. 88-732. My client, Curtis L. Johnson has observed to his dismay that even though Arco/Century was not sanding or doing other work outside at the moment, nevertheless my client's cars were covered with the .usual settling of dust from their operation. Apparently confining their operations indoors is not sufficient. I request that any conditional use permit require that no fumes or particulate matter will be exhausted from the building or allowed to escape from the premises at any time. All manufacturing operations should be conducted inside, including spray painting, and whatever filtering of the exhaust system necessary to prevent fumes or particulate matter to escape to the neighborhood should be required. As an illustration as to the seriousness of our concerns, we can tell you that my client has recently been reimbursed by his insurance company for the cost of removing Arco/Century's spray paint .from his automobile. It seems more essential that Arco/Century be required to operate in a manner which does not result in any harm to its neighbors than to tell them how to accomplish this. Obviously, though, manufacturing operations including welding and painting outside are not going to be acceptable. Very truly yours, REED '& POND, LTD Roger ~'~' Reed RWR:bw 185 _ /,',' [R£VZSOR ] CONTROL OF FUGITIVe. PARTICULATE MATTER 7005.0550 PREVENTING PARTICULATE MATTER FROM BECOMING AIRBORNE. No person shall cause or permit the handling, use, transporting, or storage of any material in a manner which may allow avoidable amounts of particulate matter to become airborne. No person shall cause or permit a building or its appurtenances or a road, or a driveway, or an open area to be constructed, used, repaired, or demolished without applying such reasonable measures as may be required to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne. The director may require such reasonable measures as may be necessary to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne including, but not limited to, paving or frequent clearing of roads, driveways, and parking.lots; application of dust-free surfaces; application of water; and the planting and maintenance of vegetative ground cover. MS s 116.07 subd 4 -,=,,u,ouuurer ~ or oes~J,=~' ~ u,a~,,,~, za~e or such other rate that is considered good engineering practice and accepted by the director. DEPARIMEN'I OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY 822 South lhird Street, Suite 300 HENNE Minneapolis, Minnesda 55445 J Phone: (.6~2] 348-6846 October 21, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL Nr. Tim Cossette mr. Vic Cossette ARCO/Century Co. 5533 Shoreline Blvd. ~n~n~, ~N 55364 Gentlemen: On October 20, 1988, Al~CO/Century Co. at the location above was visited by l~osemaryLavin of Bennepin County Department of Znvironment and~nerqy. The purpose of the visit was to investigate a complaint regarding improper outdoor storage of hazardous waste. Tim Cossette represented ARCO/CenturyCo. The inspection revealed that ARCO/Century Co. is storing hazardous waste in violation of MNRules 7045.0219, subp. 5.A.(4) referencing 7045.0292, subp. 1.E. which requires that "outdoor storage areas are protected from unauthorizedaccess and inadvertent damage from vehicles or equipment." Darryl Weakley of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency conducted a complaint investigation of your company on December 18, 1987 and noted the same improper storage in his letter dated January 15, 1988. Betsy ilarmum of this office performed a site inspection on January 14, 1988 of your company for the purpose of licensingARCOas a hazardous waste generator. Her letter dated January 21, 1988 noted the same deficiency in your outdoor storage area and requested that the situation be corrected in~nediately. Accordingly, ARCO/Century Co. is being issued the enclosed citation for violation of Hennepin County Ordinance Number Seven, section 2.01 and Minnesota liazardous Waste Regulations Chapter 7045.0292, subp. 1.E - no protection of outdoor storage. area from unauthorized access and inadvertent damage from vehicles or equipment. aclditi~]ly, the folloei~ is £equiredpursuant tot_he inspecticn ofOctcbe£ 20, 1988: Initiate your hazardous waste generator license by completing and submitting to this office a "Waste Inventory" (Form 1) and a separate "Management Plan" (Form 2) for waste paint thinner, paint sludge, spray booth filters, and oil. paint filters are hazardous if they contain more than the following amounts of toxic metal pigments: barium, 100 mg/1; cadmium, 1 mg/1; chromium, 5 mg/1; lead, 5 mg/1. These are concentrations measured by "extraction procedure toxicity" analysis. Total metals analysis for barium, cadmium, chromium, and lead maybe run for screening purposes to reduce the cost of analysis. If any of the metals show up at high levels, an EP Tox analysis HENNEPIN COUNTY ~ ~ ~, on equol or.p,~d,,n,,r cmpIoye, can be done for only those metals. You can sho~ ~he palnr, s t~sed d0 ~t contain ~y of ~ese m~ls. or you can ~l~e a represen~ttve ~le o~ a ~tch of filters discarded to sh~ ~ey are non-~zard~s, or ~ ~ ass~ ~e ~tltars to ~ ~zar~s ~ d~s~se oE ~e~ accordingly. If you choose to test your paint filters, this should be done at the tim you ~ould ordinarily discard them. If you plan to test, please provide this ?,[fice wit~...t~..t info .r~ati. on in.cludin9 a time table of ~hen you plan to take ~ne present ~lters out ox service and when the analysis would be co.lets. Containers used to store hazardous waste must exhibit the following labeling: a "Hazardous Waste" label, a description identifying the contents, and a start date of accumulation. · he containers used to store hazardous waste at the time of the visit did not display the starting date of accumulation and a label generally identifying the contents. This must be corrected imnediately. It is required that weekly inspections be performed of your hazardous waste storage area and containers and that these inspections be doc~aented. It is required by NN Rules 7045.0626, subp. 4 that containers storing hazardous waste be stored closed except when it is necessar~ to add or ten, ye waste. Several five gallon containers storing ~aste thinner and a five gallon container of waste oil were observed open in your outdoor storage area at the time of the site inspection. This must be corrected immediately. As we discussed, these small containers should be added to your 55 gallon drums in~ediately rather collecting them in the outdoor storage area. ARCO/Century Co. has a present and continuing duty to cca~ly with the hazardous waste regulations. Failure to cc~ply could lead to further enforcement &cticm. Please respond to the above items by November 7, 1988. If you have any questions, please contact me at 348-8596. Ro~Sincerely' Environmentalist cc: Gregory Lie, Rennepin County Crague Biglow, MPCA Joyce Miyamoto, Hennepin County Attorney September 30, 1987 5545 Shoreline Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Tel.: (612) 472-4664 472-5353 Century Auto & Marine 5533 Shoreline Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Attention: Mr. Vic Cossette Dear Mr. Cossette: This will confirm our telephone conversation of September '24, 1987, when I talked to you about the cars in our parking lot being covered with a heavy concentration of fiber glass dust from work you were doing on your property next door to ours. Your workman came over in the afternoon and confirmed that it was fiber glass dust from the work he was doing. You said you didn't care if this was happening and would do nothing to correct the situation. Since September 24, 1987, the cars in our parking lot have been covered with dust from your operation daily, except on the weekend, resulting in having our cars washed on a daily basis. This is to advise you that unless this practice is discontinued, appropriate action will be taken to remedy it. We receive continual complaints from our Customers and tenants about your blocking the'westbound lane of Auditors Road with cars and boats that are being worked on in the street and are illegally parked there for long periods of time. Monday, September 28, 1987, a car was there on the street from at least noon till 5:00 p.m. and yesterday from 8:00 a.m. until almost'3:.00 p.m. when this was reported to the Mound Police Department. This creates a safety hazard for cars traveling on Auditors Road as well as those entering and leaving our parking lot. Sincerel~yours, cc: City of Mound Attention: Mr. Ed Shukle, City Manager Mound Police Department Attention: Mr. Leonard Harrell, Chief of Police CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 612/296-6107 February 5, 1988 Victor Cosse:te, Owner Arco Century Auto 5533 Shoreline Blvd. Mound, ~ 55364 SUBJECT: M5611 135-87 Dear Mr. Cossette: An Occupational Safety and Health investigation of your facility was recently conducted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. A citation was issued to your company which required that a progress report be submitted to this office 30 Uays after receipt of that citation and every 30 days thereafter until the corrections have been fully made. we have not received all progress reports from you. Will you investigate this matter in~nediately and correct the discrepancy? If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Rita · Nelson at this office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Ivan .W. Russell, Director Occupation!l Safety and Health Division IWR:ren Enclosure Minnesota Department of Labor ~. J Industry ~ P.aul, MN 55101 ' · 3itation and Notification of Penalty inspection was made unless Otherwise indicated within the aesc~ given below. 11. Ins~ S~te: Issuance Dale 14. Inspecbo~ Number I 11/16/671 10~4553813 Repomng ID ~. OSHI ID 05527O0 1156.1 t O~ Repo~ No, L Page No, 1356'7 I d 2' Date(s): 10/20/67 - 10/28/87 [ lo: Arco C~ntury Aut. ol:x~y M~r'ine 5533 Shorel i ne BI vd. 5533 Shor'~line Blvd. l~und, MN 55364 12. Item Numl:~' 13. S~anaard, Regu~aon o~ 14. Desc~mon 9 CFR 1910.303(b)(1 ): Elect. rical azards that were likely to cause mployees: ) The exl~-nsion cord which is used 1~ carry ortable welde~ and %t~ press~ ~sher. ) ~ ~te~ion co~ ~ich have ~he ~ound ovem missiS. equipment was not fmee from~eco~nized dear. hot serious physical 220 volts for use with pin removed and %he pluE CFR 1910.106(e)(2)(ii): Flammable or toted in tanks or closed container~: he five Eallon containers of thim~er and combustible liquids were not other flammable liquids. 9 CFR 1910.107(b)(9): A clear space of not less than ept f~ee from st. oraCelOn all sides of paint booths: ,~ Sides and top oF the spray booth in the Shop. 3 fee% was not 1~. Dale by W~-~ Violaaon Mu~ Immediately Upon EeceiFt ] mmediat~ly Upon Receipt 11/23/87 I% D,rect~sS~gnatum Ivan Russell I)mwm d dTkU 0.00 0. O0 l& Last Minnesot~ Department of Labor ~. J Industry ~. l:~ul, MN 5~101 and Nof~ic~on of Penny T~e vioiabo~s) clescribed in ~ inspection was re&cie unless otherwise inclicatecl within the 11. Inspecbon S~: _~=~__u~qOe Dale 14. Inl~ Nlm'Ill31' 11/16/8'71 10q~3813 ~527~ ~11 13587 2 ~ 2 lo/2e/8'7 - 10/28/87 ~. lo: Arco Cent. ury Aut.obody Harine 5533 S~oreline Blvd. Hound, ]~ 55364 5'533 Shoreline Blvd. ]*bund, MN 55364 12. Item Numb~ 13. Smncmrd. ~ (x .'9 llglO.lO~(e)(2)(ii)(b)(2): l~bre than. 120 ~ailons o£ Class lB, or III flama~ble or co~tible liqui~ in containe~ ~ ~ocat~ outside ot inside stora~ room or storaae cabinet~: ~ risible liquid s~ra~e a~a adjacent to t~ spray ~oth. :9 C~R 1910.22(a)(1 ): Places o£ employment were not, kept clean and outside wall in the ,rderly, or in a sanitary condition: 3~o~.bout the shop and at. raCe area alonl the - ' ""'" I O=E 1910.157(e)(3): Portable fire extin~uisher~ were not subjected an annual ~aintenal{ce check: ~ extinguishers in the Shop. 17. D,ec:~r~ S4gnaure Ivan Eu~se13 12/09/87 i I I I I 11/30/871 I 11/23/87 j I ! 0.00 I $ 0.00 DEPARTMENT LaboF and Inddstry STATE OF MINNESOTA O/rice emoranc um T6: Kathle~ Winters, Special Assista'nt o io. ~ROM:~Le~o~y.~..Rd~dqui~~~ant Director ~i~vs ion OSH E sunjscr: CENTURY AUTO BODY & M~RI'NE~' L8475 052 84 DATE: September 19. .9~ .HONE: 296 8265 The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, OSH Division has attempted to contact the above company in regards to an OSH penalty which, to date, has not yet been paid. We have exhausted all means available to our division to collect this fine. I am now turning this case over to your office. Please begin Judgement proceedings as .soon as possible. Please forward a copy of any letters or Judgement pa~ers you send this company to the OSH Division so we may keep our records up-to-date. If you have any question, please contact our office. /lw Centruy Auto Body & Marine Vic Cossette, Manager 444 Lafayette Road St, Paul, Minnesota 55101 TO: 2. Vic Cosse~te, Manager ~Y AUTO BODY & MARINE 5533 Shoreline Drive Mourxt, F~ 55364 jous~?E ~ · .& ;..uc~st 27, 4. P~c 1 o¢ /qi' OOTq 1984 NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED PENALTY Yma ere hereby OOlil'md of the proposea penaJliel l'ur citalilJnl o(vJolations ss Jm:Jlcated below. You hove the right to co.reit i~y qu~-judlc~ i~n~ ~lh au~ority Lo ~e dccGmns regardinF c ta~io.(s~ a~ propped ~nilty(ie~L Ig you ~ to contest. btr~ tO thc ~ Commmuoncr a~ Iht ~ddrcss d,o~ able w.h,n 15 working days' agtet receipt of ~e certific~ m~ notice ~ty(Ks). If y~ ch~ nm Io contest Ibc c~lalmn and ~ty(~es) aa pro.rd, they sh~l be ~emed to ~ i ~m~ m~r of ~e ~ aOt be Ju~ect :o r~bw by ~y coati or lgcflCy. Payment of ~ ~ltbs shown b to ~ made by ci~eck o, money order payable to thc ord~ of "Mifln~ou Dep~tm~t o~ ~bor faym~t of ~tt~ ~ould be remitted to thc Cot~'mationcr at th~ addtru d~o~ a~ve w;*l-:- · · u · ...... (M.S. ~ 182.666), ~bdiv~io~ 7 of O,c Ac~ it~leS: "l:mel ,.posed uf~der d,U act shall be paid to thc Cumm~i~nct for dtp~it ~ d,e m~ be tcc~ered ~ i c~ action m ~hc ~me of thc dc~tmcnt brough* i. ~he distrkt court of the coun~ where t~ viVa.on ~cuntd ot ~c ~t c~ where thc Commmiun~ has an offJte.*' ~tion ~cune~ ~e pro.sod penalty must tomato poMed uni~ all aJleled violaih*~ cited therein are conected, or for ZS ~ys, b lon~t. o1' ~bc Mmneso,- Ckcupatim~fcty and Hc~th Act of ]973 ' ' of t~ Act, u a~cif~ ~ that citation(s), hrrct~ftct reid'tied lo M thc Act. You M're th~ notlfmd of certain YOU ARE HER~Y NOTIFIED tls~t pursuant ~o dsc i. uv~i,).~ u[ (hi.S. ~ 182.(,61). luhdiv~ion I of thc Act, the ~t~c ~j ~o~d,.ba~d on ~c citatioo(s}. S~ 'I['C~$ Vlttl ATt( )N:K aa. 6b. 6c Citation No. Item No. Ytol~cd Penalty I 1 $112.00 7OO47 O.~ hION-S~"~IOUS ¥IOLATION~ ?'~. ?b. Chatio. No. hem No. Propo~¢l Pmcaky 1 1 $48.00 1 2 $84.00 1 3 $56.00 1 4 $84.00 1 5 $48.00 1 6 $56.00 1 7 $64.00 I 8 $96.00 I 9 $96.00 Planning Commission Meeting October 10, 1988 3. Case No. 88-732: 5533 Shoreline Boulevard, Victor Cossette of Arco/Century Co's., Lot 5 and westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, PID ~13.-117-24-33-0008/0.007; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (PUBLIC HEARING). Applicant, Victor C~ssette was present. Staff Recommendation by City Planner, Mark Koealer:. Applicant' is seeking a conditional use permit for the following operations: 2. 3. 4. 5. AUt6 Body Repair Boat Repair Boat Trailer Building and Sales Welding Used Auto Sales A~-~/Century %s a grandfathered business under .the provisions of 'the .Mound Zonmng Code. The purpose of approvmng a conditional use permit is to allow the owner to obtain financing on the property. More importantly, this permit will finally establish the allowed Uses on the subject property and will establish a vehicle for monitoring future business operations on the site. Regarding the'sale of vehicles in the Central Business District, staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit for Arco/Century, Co's. containing the following conditions: 1. Uses allowed on .the property include only the following: a. Auto Body Repair b. Boat Repair c. Boat Trailer Building d. Welding e. .Other Permitted B-1 Uses .2..~ No fl'ag~, banners .or flashing lights shall be permitted. Additionally, loud noises or noises over loud speakers shall be prohibited.. 3. The premises shall be maintained in a neat and orderly man- ner at all times. 4. The permit holder shall be prohibited from using the Central Business District parking areas for storage and repair o~era-' tions. Employee and customer parking in the Central Business District lots shall comply with all Mound parking regulations. Planning Commission Meeting , October 10, 1988 5. :kll signage shall comply wi~h the Mound Sign Ordinance within 90 days of the date of City Council approval cf the coRdi- tional use permit. 6. Fencing shall comply with Sections 23.415 of the Mound Zoning Code and parked and/or stored items shall not exceed the height of the fence. The property shall also comply with the Performance requirements of Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. 7. Ail trash and waste auto parts shall be kept within screened enclosures. 8. Gates along fenced storage areas shall remain closed at all times except when access is required for parking or removing vehicles. 9. Hazardous materials shall be discarded in with all State and Federal requirements. ~hairman Reese oDened Dub~ic hearing at 8:23 p.m. full compliance Cu._rt Johnson of 5545 Shoreline Blvd..; who has an office building on the west side of Arco/Century which he purchased in 1979. Fir. Johnson reported problems he has had with Mr. Cossette's business since 198.2, such as: Parking. junk cars, boats, employee and customer vehicles in their parking lot. Parking/storing cars and boats on Auditors Road. Frequent sanding and painting of boats/cars outside which causes, dust accumulation on their cars. They were'cited by OSHA for noise. They were cited for admitting fiberglas into the air. Welding outside. Mr. Johnson has been verbally threatened by Mr. Cos- sette. There should be plenty of police department records for violations incurred by Mr. Cossette over the years. ~(r. Cossette spoke on Arco/Century's behalf. In response to Mr. Johnson's complaints, he stated they mutually do not like each other. ](r. Cossette admitted to sanding outside, however is planning on putting up a free s. tanding awning to help eliminate dust. He stated John Elam, former City Manager gave him permis- sion .to temp.orarily store six trailers on the back lot (south Planning Co~mission Meeting October 10, 1988 " side) amongst some trees and bushes, he does admit he abused ~he situation. He said they are not the only people that use that back lot for storage. He also admitted they have been sloppy in the past, but have cleaned up the building by pu~ting concrete in the front of the building, and put Up a fence. The Commission asked Mr. Cossette' if he was acquainted with, or had any problems with the nine conditions outlined in the staff recommendation. He replied that he agreed with all of them. Mr. Cossette added t. hat he believed he could sell cars due to ~he grandfather clause and passed out his Minnesota Dealership License and a computer listing of t_he number and valuation of cars sold in 1988 and 1987. Mr. COssette emphasized how impor- tant the selling of cars is to his business. Chairman Reese closed the public hear~nq at 8:50 p.m. Discussion: The concern of sanding and painting outside was expressed, regulations were not determined. Concern for the appearance of downtown Mound was also There is no current development plan for this.area. expressed. MOTION made b~ Sohns, seconded b~ Reese to accept Staff Recommendation with the following modifications to the nine conditionsautlined, in the staff recommendation: 3. The premises shall be maintained in a neat and orderl~ manner at all times, there will be no wrecked or damaged vehicles on the propert~ outside of .the enclosed area. 4. The permit, holder, shall be prohibited from using, the Central BUsiness District parking areas and any public' roads including Auditors Road for storage and repair operations· Employee and customer parking in the Central Business District lots shall comply with the Mound parking regulations. 10. Fencing shall comply with Sections 23.415 of the Mound Zon'ing Code. The property shall also comply with the Performance Requirements of Section ? of the Mound ~oning Code· Hazardous materials sha'l1 be stored in an enclosed building and discarded in full compliance with all state and Federal requirements.. 'All body work, fiberglas work, and painting will be performed in an enclosed building area. 11. Combine tax parcels. Planning Commission Meeting October 10, 1988 Discussion: Adding boat' sales and boat trailer sales to the allowable uses was discussed. Limiting the number of objects for sale in the front of the building was also discussed. Sohns moved to WITHDR~W the previous motion, and Reese -seconded. MOTION moved by $ohns seconded by Reese to make the same mo- tion as originally made amended by the following: to include the addition to allowable uses, f. Sale of Boats and Boat Trailers. Motion carried unanimously. Car-.sales as a ~randfathered use at Arco/Century were discussed 9t this Doint and handled as a seDarate issue. Mr. Cossette claims that car sales have never been discontinued, and believes the use should be grandfathered. A letter written to Mr. Cossette on April 12, 1984 from the Building Official was reviewed which' stated that the sale of automobiles had expired due to discontinued sales for a period of 12' months, and sales were not to be started again. The City Planner had taken under consideration the files the City had, and in regards to the Building Official's letter of April 12, 1984, there was' no written challenge from Mr. Cossette, so it was assumed that sales discontinued. The .Commission determined if Mr. Cossette could provide the City with one sales receipt per year since 1978, when he purchased the property, they would have to grant the grandfathered Use. MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Jensen to recognize the grandfathered use of automobile sales when it is established that auto sales have continued since 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Case will appear before the City Council October 25, 1988. It was stressed to Mr. Cossette to get the automobile sales his- tory to the City as soon as possible. CITY OF MOUND APPLICATION TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (Please type the following' information) 1. Street Address of Property 5533=Shoreline Drive Fee Paid Date Filed CC: Mark Koegler 10-4-88. Legal Description of Property: Lot 5 & the w'ly 50' Lot 6 Block 13-117-24 33 0008 Addition Auditor's s~division ~170 PID No. ]3-117-2~ ~ 0007. 3. O~ner's Name VictOr G. Cossette Day Phone No.(612) 472-1855 ... Address 5471 Moline Rd., Maple Plain, MN 55359 Appllcant' (if other than owner): Name ; Day .P. hone No. A~dress % Type of Request: ( ) Variance (~) Conditional Use Permit (..) Amendment ( ) Zoning interpretation & Review ( ) Sign Permit ( ) Wetland Permit ( )'P.U.D. ( )*Other *If othe(., specify: Present Zoning Di'strlct B-i, Central Businebs District Existing Use(s) of Property **See attached Form I NaS an application ever been made for zoning, variance, or conditional use permit or other zoning procedure for this property? y~s If so, list date(s) of list date(s) of appllcation, action taken an~ provide Resolution No.(s) Copies of previous resolutions' shall accompany present request. I certify that all of the above statements and th& statements contained in aqY required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. ! consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City ~f Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining ~nd remOving such ~Otices as may be 'required · Signature of Appllcant Date Plannlng Commission Reco~nendation: Approved: 'see conditions in minutes. Date IO-IO-L Council Action: Resolut. lon No. Procedure for Conditional Use Permit (2) D. F. Case Location of: Signs, easements, underground ut;lit;es, etc. Indicate NOrth compass d~rectlon. Any addTtlonal informat$on as may reasonably be required by the City .Staff and applicable Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. III Request for a Conditional Use A. All information.requested below, a site plan as described in Part II, and a development schedu)e providing'reasonable guarantees for the completion of the construction must be provided before a hearing will be scheduled. B. Type of development for which a Conditional Use Permit is requested: 1. Conditional Use (Specify): No Development 2. 'Current Zoning and Designation in the future Land Use Plan for Mound · B-l, Central Business D~ ~ri~ C'. Development Schedule: 1. A.development schedule shall be attached to this application.provId[ing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. .2. Estimate of. cost of. the project: $0 --existinq use D. DenSity (for residential developments only): 1. Number of structures: 2. Dwelling Units per Structure: a. Number of type: Efficiency ' 2 Bedroom 3. Lot area per dwell, lng unit: Bedroom Bedroom Total lot area: IV. Effects of the Proposed Use Ae 'List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, in- cludlng,.but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and, describe the steps taken to mitigate or ·eliminate the impacts. **See attached Form II 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 554.47-2175 612/553-1950 PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROm: Mark Koegler, City Planner ~ SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit DATE: October 4, 1988 APPLICANT: Victor Cossette - Century Auto Body (Arco/Century) LOCATION: 5533 Shoreline Boulevard CASE NUNBER: 88-732 · VHS FILE NUMBER: 88-310-A19-ZO EXISTING ZONING.: B-1 (Central Business. District) · COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Commercial BACKGROUND: Century Auto Body is applying for a conditional use permit as the result of-requirements imposed as part of a recent financial transaction, Due to.timing, the City Council considered a reversionary interest release for Arco/Century Inc. at its meeting 9n September 27, 1988. That consideration included a base set of conditional use permit requirements that were prepared by my office and the Building Official. The item is now before the Planning Commission for formal review of the permit application and final action will. occur before the City Council. Century is seeking a conditional use permit for the following operations: 1. 'Auto Body Repair 2. Boat Repair 3. Boat Trailer Building and Sales 4. Welding 5. Used Auto Sales Miscellaneous Boat Sales This property has been the subject of at least three resolutions in the past (65-298, 65-222 anU 78-488). On April 12, 1984, the' Building Official notified the applicant that sales of automobiles which was allowed under resolution 78-488 had been discontinued for over one year and was no longer allowable on the. property without issuance of a new conditional use permit. AUditionally, the applicant was notified that the sale of boats and trailers was not allowed under the conditional uSe permit. Of the uses proposed for the property, sales of automobiles, boats and trailers causes the most concern. T'he Mound Zoning Code allows boat and marine sales in the B-1 zone by conditional use permit but does not allow the sale of automobiles under any circumstance. Sales of any of these types of vehicles is a concern both due to the location of the property and due to the configuration of the business. Century is located in the heart of 'the Hound CBD. Therefore, it plays a major role in the public's perception of downtown Mound. Thus, the appearance of any of the businesses in the downtown area is a legitimate public concern. The Century site contains a building flanked by two fenced storage areas, all of which are setback approximately 30 feet from the rightrof-way for Shoreline Boulevard. Sales oflvehicles requires display space.~ Due to the configuration of the property, the only loca'tion for display is one line across the entire frontage of the property. This area will accommodate approximately nine vehicles if on-site customer and employee parking needs are completely ignored. A line of boats and trailers for sale immediately adjacent to Shoreline Boulevard in downtown Mound does not seem to convey an image consistent with current redevelopment and revitalization efforts in the CBD. The other proposed uses involve the building of boat trailers, repair of boats and body repair of automobiles. Assembly operations (trailers) and minor auto repair are allowed uses in the B-1 zone .by Conditional Use Permit. In previous cases, boats and automobiles.have been categorized as the same type of use. Major auto and boat repair which includes body work is presently not allowed in the B-1 zone as either a permitted use or a conditional use. Body repair seems to be the major component of Century's business. Although clearly not an allowable use under th'e present code, body repair is a "grandfathered use" which is allowed to continue, providing it is not significantly intensified or terminated for a period of time exceeding one year. RECOMMENDATION: Century is a grandfathered business under the provisions of ~the Hound Zoning Code. The purpose of approving a conditional use permit is to allow the owner to obtain financing on the property. More importantly, this. permit will finally establish the allowed uses on the subject property and will establish a vehicle for monitoring future business operations on the site. Based upon the concerns noted in this report regarding the sale of vehicles 'in the CBD area, staff recommends approval of a conditional use permit for Arco/Century, Inc. containing the following conditions: 1. Uses allowed on the property include only the following: A. Auto Body Repair B. Boat Repair C. Boat Trailer Building D. Welding E. Other Permitted B-1 Uses 2. No flags, banners or flashing lights shall be permitted. Additionally, loud noises or noises over loud speakers .shall be prohibited. 3. The premises shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. 4. The permit holder shall be prohibited from using the Central Business District (CBD) parking areas for storage and repair operations. Employee and customer parking in the CBD lots shall comply with all Mound parking regulations. .5. All signage shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance within 90 days of the date of City Council approval of the conditional use permit. 6. Fencing shall comply with Sections 23.415 of the Mound Zoning Code and parked and/or stored items shall not exceed the height of the fence. The property shall also comply with the Performance Requirements of Section. 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. 7. All: trash and waste auto parts shall be kept within screened enclosures. 8. Gates along fenced storage areas shall remain closed at all times except when access is required for parking or removing vehicles. 9. Hazardous materials shall be diScarded in full compliance with all State and Federal requirements. Case No. 88-732 **FOKM I 7. Existing bse(s) of Property: Auto Body Kepair Boat ~epair Boat Trailer Building & Sales Welding 'Used Auto Sales (MN Dealer ~9051) Miscellaneous Boat Sales (10 per year or less) Case No. 88-732 It seems in the Spring when the Doats are being preped for the water and in the Fall being preped for Winter storage, we get too many boats on hand and abuse the back lot. We now have a storage lot where we can park our overflow. At one time we were allowed to park some (6) boat trailers in the back lot by the trees. In lieu of the fact that for days at a time a cement company, t~ cabinet shop, Longpre's, other business' and especially eighteen wheelers parked there for long periods of time. I might mention that very few residents use the back lot for daily parking. In 1984 one of our employees did work on his wood boat in the back parking lot and we received a letter in regards to this isolated situati~. '~his is the only time that I'm aware of anybody working in that lot. We plan on building a free standing awning in our West lot where we work in the Summer time which will hold down the dust in that area. We will do a better job of housekeeping in the dumpster area and along ~uditors ~oad. With money being available, we are hoping to remodel the front of the building and paint in the Summer of 1989. We will try and do a better job of parking vehicles, etc. in front of the building to give a better appearance. Case No. 88-732 Certificate of Surgey for Century Aut~ B~y ~n Lots 5 and 6, Auc~tor's Subdivision No. 170 .~cnner~n County, Min.nc.~ota hereby certify that th~s is a true and correct re;:resert~tlon of a survey o£ the boundarY.em of Lot 5 and the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision 'Number 170 Henne~n County, M~nnc~ota, and ~he location of all existing buildings thereon. It does not ~urport t,.-, show other improvements or encroachments. Scale: 1 "= 30' Date. : 11-22-83 o : Iron marker GORDON R. COFFIN CO., INC. Gordon R. Coffin Reg.~Nc. 6064 Mark S. Gronberg Reg. No.12755 L~.nd Surveyors and Planners Long ~ake, b'~[nne~ota . I0 $1e '.%un*y 5urve,,:,~'$ f,le -. ' .... 2 1984. I:°un¢ ] lmar"bc: r RESOLUTION NO 78-1t88 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COt'V41SSION TO [;RANT THE SPECIAL USE PERHIT AS REQUESTED WITH ADDITIONAL STIPULATIONS WHEREAS, owner of property de~,cribed as Lots 5 and part of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision ~170, have applied for a spcmial use permit, and ~!HEREAS, said property althouyh ;'oned Commercial does not specify the sale of automobiles, and a special use permit i~; necessary, and WHEREAS, a pub]ic hearing is necessary before F, aid permit can be issue~. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE[) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND HOUND, M r~09 Oc.t~ber 2/~, 1978 That Council concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant the Special Use Permit as requested with additional stipulation.~,. Said stipulations are: That sales be limited to not more than 12 cars on sale at one time. ~That the graveled area alonfl Shoreline Blvd. be blacktopped or covered with concrete and sidcwaIl< be repair'ed or reconstructed where damaged, .. as specified by Engir~eer. , That no flags, bannern or Flashing lights be permitted, also no loud noises or noises over loud speakers ~* ' · ,)-- permitted. The premises be maintained in a neat and ordc:rl.y manner That the permit ho]der be prohibited from usin9 thc': C.B D. parking area for storage of.cars for sale. ' The motion for the adoption ~f the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Fenstad, and upon vote being taken lhereon, the following voted in favor t,hereof: Fenstad, Lovaasen, Polslon, Swen:;on and 14ithl~ar!,. th~., follow- ing voted against the same, none; whel'elJpon '.;aid r~",<~l~l ir,n wa:; ct¢:clarc:d passed and adopted, ' signed, by thc., Mayor and his signalur(.: ,,~tus~ed by the City Clerk. s/Tim Lovaasen Mayor Atte~Ci ty C l~.'ii'k~ .................... P&Z Case #88-733 HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET VACATION: "ALLEY BETWEEN AVON DRIVE & AVON DRIVE," ABUTTING LOTS 7, 8, 9, 10, Ii, IZ, & 13, BLOCK 4, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT.the City Council of the City of Mound will meet at the City Hail, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, at 7:30 p.m. on the ZSth day of October, 1988, to con- sider the vacation of the following: Alley between Avon Drive & Avon Drive, abutting lots 7, '8, 9, 10, 11, 12, & 13, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B. Such persons as destre to 'be heard with reference to the above will be heard at this meeting. Francene Clark, City Clerk \ to re~c ~A¥ON. Proposed Resolution Case No. 88-728 RESOLUTION 88- RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIREMENTS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FOR SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B, LOTS 8, 9, 10, 11 AND 12, BLOCK 4, PID~ 24-117-24-12-0018 AND RECOGNITION OF AN EXISTING REAR SETBACK VARIANCE FOR PROPOSED PARCEL B. WHEREAS, the applicant has applied to waive the requirements of the subdivision ordinance and recognition of an existing 4 foot rear setback variance for Proposed Parcel B as shown on the Certificate of Survey dated 7/15/88; and, WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R-l, Single- family zoning district, which according to city code requires a 30 foot rear setback because of an existing alley; and, 'WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval of both the waiver and the variance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: That the requirements of the Ordinance of the City of Mound, Section 330:15, relating to the conveyance of parcels of land are hereby waived to permit conveyance in a manner generally described as follows: ' PARCEL A All of Lots 8 and 9, and that part of Lot 1~, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwesterly corner of said Lot 10: thence northeasterly along the northwesterly.line of said Lot 10 a distance of 16.67 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right from said northwesterly line, an angle of 90 degrees, 07 minutes, 10 seconds for a distance of 56.00 feet; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right from the last described line an angle of 12 degrees, 55 minutes, 20 seconds a distance of 50.35 feet more or less to the southeasterly line of said Lot 10 and said line there terminating. PARCEL B All of Lots 11 and 12, and that part of Lot 10, Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit B, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwesterly' corner of said Lot 10; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 10 a distance of 16.67 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right from said northwesterly line, an angle of 90 degrees, 07 minutes, 10 seconds for a distance of 56.00 feet; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right from the last described line an angle of 12 degrees, 55 minutes, 20 seconds a distance of 50.35 feet more or less to .the southeasterly line of said Lot 10 and said line there terminating. AND The ~- '- - . .... ,, ..' · · _~pll~bi: poFtio.R-of th~, vacated ~lle~ -~nerIh ..... cf Let;" ~ ~,,d p~,t~ Driveway access for Parcel A shall be from Avon Drive. The applicant shall pay one park dedication fee at the time of building permit issuance for Parcel A. All applicable unit charges shall be paid. The City Engineer shall 'review and approve utility connections for Parcel A as there is no sewer or water service at this time. The &pplic~.qt ~hall pr'upas: o,,d ;'db,,qit a new ccrtifi¢,t~ for ~o the City The City does hereby recognize the existing nonconforming principal structure rear setback at Avon Drive and Park Lane, PID# 24-117-24 12 0018, with an approximate setback of 26 feet. The City Council recognizes the existing structural setback violation pursuant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) with the clear and expressed understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrict'ions of Section 23.404. This variance is being granted for the following legally described property: Parcel B as proposed on the developers certificate of survey dated 7/15/88. 10. 11. This variance shall be recorded with the county recorder or registrar of titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes, Section 462.3§95, Subdivision {4). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property ~owner shall have the'responsibility for filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit for Parcel A shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. This lot subdivision is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the aeo~tion date of this resolution. Planning Commission Meeting October 10, 1988 MOTION made b~ Smith, seconded b~ Me, er to approve the vaca- tion according to John C~eron,s recommendation. Motion carried 7 in favor, 1. opposed (in favor: Re·se, Thal, Michael, Smith, Anderson, Sohns, and Jensen; opposed: Me,er). ~.b. case No. 88-?28: ~NO~ S~B~VI~ON. Recommendation by City Planner. Mark Ko·al·r: Staff recommends to approve the minor subdivision subject to the following conditions: Driveway access for Parcel A shall be from Avon Drive. The applicant shall pay one park dedication fee at the time of building permit issued for Parcel A. All applicable unit charges shall be paid. City Engineer is to review and approve utility connections for Parcel A. A 4~ rear yard setback variance shall, be granted ~or the ex- isting house on Parcel B. The applIcant shall lmmedlately complete a variance application and remit the appropriate fee. ~ The applicant is ,to prepare and submit a new certificate of survey subject, to the vacation access approval by the City Council, MOTION made b~ Smith, seconded by Anderson to approve the staff recommendation. Motion. carried 7 in favor, I opposed (in favor: Re·se, Thal, Michael, Smith, Anderson~ Sohns, and Jensen; opposed: Me,er). CaSe Will be heard by the City Council October 25, 1988. The Commission informed Ms. smith that if the vacation is ap- proved by the council her garage will become conforming. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sec. 22.03-. VILLAGE OF MOUND FEE FEE OWNER ,.% ~a~l, ~ ~O~ PLAT PARCEL All supporting documentst such as sketch plans~ surveyst attachments~ etc. must 'be submit'ted in 8~" X 11" slze and/or !~ copies plus one 8½" X I1" copy. (attach survey er scale drawing ~howing adjacent Itrlets, dimeflaio~ of prW building lites, square f~t area of each new parcel designated by number) · A WAIVE8 IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Let Ne. Fr~ Squamf~tTO S(NamfNt PLANNING COflMI~SION RECOIdMENDATION; Subdivision approved subject ~o the conditions set forth in the staff recommendation. DATE 10-10-88 COUNCIL ACTION Resolutien No. DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION A$ APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF.TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN I YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION OR IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID. . MAILED TO MARK KOEGLER 9-2-88. pj . 3030 HarDor Lane North BlOg, II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 612/553-1950 PLANNING REPOET TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner~ DATE: October 4, 1988 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision APPLICANT: Joel Dokken Ralph V. Reeves - Contract Holder Donald A. Knobloch - Fee Owner LOCATION: Avon Drive and Park Lane CASE NUMBER: 88-728 VHS FILE NUMBER: 88-310-A18-ZO EXISTING ZONING: R-1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Single Family Residential BACKGROUND: This item was the subject of two previous staff reports, one dated September 20, 1988 and the other dated September 27, 1988.. Both of those previous reports are being replaced by this planning report. On September .26, 1988, the Planning Commission reviewed t'his minor subdivision r.equest and tabled action until a potential alley vacation could be analyzed by staff. At this time, the City Engineer is looking into the potential of vacating the alley and will prepare a separate report for the Planning Commission on this issue. The potential alley vacation was discussed in the context of the review of Parcel A (developers .certificate of survey dated 7/15/88). Parcel A as proposed contains 10,000 square feet of area put has limited building area due to public .right-of-way on three sides. Parcel A as originally proposed can contain a conforming single family residence which meets minimum square footage requirements for floor area (840 sq. ft.). Exhibit I, prepared by staff, depicts the required setbacks. This configuration results in a total' building area of approximately 1790 square feet. If the alley that borders Parcels A and B can be vacated, one half of the land area will be attached to each of the parcels. More importantly, the removal of the alley will make the existing structure conforming (rear setback) and will'significantly expand the building area of Parcel A. Exhibit 2 shows the required setbacks assuming that the alley is vacated. This configuration results in a building area of approximately 4490 square feet which can easily accommodate a new single family structure. RECOMMENDATION: Since the status of the alley vacation is unknown at this time, this report presents recommendations in two forms. If the alley vacation is denied, approval of the minor subdivision is recommended since Parcel A meets all of the requirements of the Mound Zoning Code. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Driveway access for Parcel A shall be from Avon Drive. 2. The applicant shall pay one park dedication fee at the time of building permit issuance for Parcel A. 3. All applicable unpaid unit charges shall be paid. 4. A 4 foot rear Yard setback variance shall be granted for the existing house on Parcel B. The applicant shall immediately complete a variance application an remit the appropriate fee. 5. The applicant is dividing the property with full knowledge of the setback constraints on Parcel A. Future setback variances for Parcel A will not be recommended for approval. ~6. The City Engineer shall review and approve utility connections for Parcel A. If ' the: alley vacation is approved, approval of the minor subdivision is recommended subject to the following conditions: 1. Driveway access for Parcel A shall be from Avon Drive~ 2. The applicant shall pay one park dedication fee at the time of building permit issuance for Parcel A. 3. All applicable unit charges shall be paid. 4. The City,Engineer shall review and approve utility connections for Par'cel A. ./ :'..:::} = / :: ./ 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg, Il, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 6127553-195O PLANNING REPORT AMENDMENT TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner~'~ DATE: September 27, 1988 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision APPLICANT: Joel Dokken CASE 'NUMBER: 88-728 VHS FILE NUMBER: 88-310-A18-ZO The staff report for this item was prepared on September 20, 1988 and at the time, a full size survey drawing of the proposed parcels was unavailable'. Since that time, a full size drawing has been reviewed and the staff recommendation for approval is being rescinded. The proposed subdivisio.n creates two parcels, A and B. Parcel B contains an existing house which is conforming except for a rear (western side') setback. Approval of this subdivision would have to involve a variance for the recognition of the existing setback which was not part of the original application. Additionally, the existing home does not front on an approved public street. Parcel A Creates the most concern. Due to the configuration of Park Lane, Avon Drive and the alley on the northwest side, it is virtually impossible to build a Structure on the site without setback variances. Due to this fact, the staff recommends denial of the proposed division since it creates a nonconforming lot. If the division is approved, the City of Mound should collect one park dedication fee for the creation of the new lot, any outstanding sewer or water assessments or charges would need to be paid and appropriate driveway access to Park Lane would need to be worked out with the City Engineer. Planning Commission Meeting September 26, I988 Case #88-728: Avon Drive and Park Lane (5042 Avon Drive); Joel Dokken, Ralph Reeves (Contract Holder), and Donald Knoblock (Fee Owner); Shirley Hills Unit B, Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 4, PID #24-117-24-12-0018; MINOR SUBDIVISION. Recommendation by City Planner? Mark Koegler: A revised staff report was presented to the Commission to rescind the previously submitted staFF recommendation for approval oF this case, A full size survey drawing had not been available For review before the initial staFF recommendation. Jan Bertrand brought to his attention the buildability of Parcel A due to set back requirements. The proposed Parcel A would allow a building of approximately 950 square feet,.so it is not technically impos- sible. There is a concern that Park Lane, which it fronts on, is an unimproved public right-oF-way. IF this subdivision were ap- proved there would be an outstanding unit charge For street and storm sewer oF $887.2! and a park dedication charge of ap- proximately $300.00. DiscusSion The Commission confirmed the setback requirements of 30 feet each From Park Lane, Avon Drive and the alley, and a side yard setback of 10 feet. The lot is conforming in every aspect, however the house would have to be designed for that lot. Mr. Dokken was present and confirmed he was not aware of the 30 Foot setback from the alley. Both properties have purchase agreements on.them and would lfke to have a decision made soon. The Commission informed Mr. Dokken the unlikeliness oE granting a variance.For this lot in the Future if it were approved. Mr. Dokken was asked if he was aware of the park dedication fee and the sewer and storm water fee due, he was not. MOTION moved by Weiland, seconded by Thai to table thts case until the next Planning C~lssion Meeting on October 10, 1988 until Further knowledge and information is obtatned and so Mr.. Dokken has Further time to review. Motion Carried, nine in Favor, one opposed (Smith). Case will appear before the City Council on September 27, 1988. Possible vacation of the alley is to be considered.. Set public hear- ing for October 25, 1988. Jensen noted that the Parcel descriptions are wrong, Parcel A is called all o¢ Lots l! & 12, and Parcel B ~s called all o¢ Lots 11 & 12. £xceptions should be a d~vi$~on of Lot !0. ORDIN~NCE NO. ~7-L988 ~ ORDINANCE iMPEdiNG CHAPTER V OF THE HOUND CITY CODE SECTION 5~0:40, SUBD.. 2 & 6; SECTION 520:00, SUBD. · a (L), SUBD. $ & (2), SUBD. ~ f., SUBD. L g., SUBD. 3 RELATING TO FEES The City of Mound Does Ordain: Section 510:40. Permits. Subdivision 2, Gradinq Plan Review Fees, is amended to read as follows. Gradinq Plan Review Fees 50 cubic yards or less No Fee 51 to 100 cubic yards 15.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards 22.50 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards 30.00 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - $30.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $15.00 for each ad- ditional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards - $165.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $9.00 for each ad- ditional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 200,001 cubic yards or more - $255.00 for the first 200,000 cubic yards, plus $4.50 for each ad- ditional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. Other Fees Additional plan review required by changes, addi- tions or revisions to approved plans (minimum cha~ge - one-half hour) $30.00 per hour Gradinq Permit Fees 50 cubic yards or less $ 15.00 51 to 100 cubic yards 22.50 101 to 1,000 cubic yards - $22.50 for the first 100 cubic yards, plus $10.50 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards - $117.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $9.00 for each addi- tional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. Mound City Code Section 510:40. 6 App. B Section 520:00. repealed. Section 520:00. read as follows: Section 520:00. Subd. Code No. Section 1 300:20 a(2) Section 520:00 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - $198.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $40.50 for each ad- ditional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubic yards or more - $562.50 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $22.50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. Other Inspections and Fees: Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge - two hours) $30.00 per hour Re-inspection fees assessed under provisions of Chapter 305 (g) (UBC) $30.00 per hour Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge - one-half hour) $30.00 per hour The fee for a grading permit authorizing addi- tional work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. Permits. Subd. 6 is amended to read as follows: Fencinq/Retaininq Wall Permit Per Application 15.00 Building Permit Fees. Subd. 1 a (1) is hereby Buildinq Permit Fees. Subd. 1 a (2) is amended to Buildinq Permit Fees. Type of License Conditions and Terms Amount Building & InspectiOn Fees - Effective January 1, 1988. Total Valuation Fees $1.00 to $500.00 $15.00 Mound City Code Section 510:40 (3) $501.00 to $2,000.00 $15.00 for the first $500., plus $2.00 fo each additional $100. fraction thereof, to and including $2,000. $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $45.00 for the first $2,000., plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000. or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000. $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $252.00 for the first $25,000., plus $6.50 for each additional $1,000. or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000. $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $414.50 for the first $50,000., plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000. or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000. $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $939.50 for the first $100,000., plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, t~ and including $500,000. $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $2,039.50 for the first $500,000., plus $3.00 for each additional $1,0,0. or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000. $1,000,001.00 and up $3,539.50 for the first $1,000,000., plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000. or fraction thereof. OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge - two hours) * $30.00 per hour Re-inspection fee assessed under provisions of Section 305 (g) * $30.00 each Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge - one-half hour) * $30.00 per hot Mound city Code Section 520:00 lb Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions of approved plans (minimum charge - one-half hour) * $30.00 per hour Or a total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. Section 520:00. Subd. 1 f. Fire Suppression System Permit Fees In- stallation and/or Removal of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and LP Gases. is amended to read as follows: fo Fire Suppression System Permit Fees Installation and/or Removal of Flammabl~ and Combustible Liquids and LP Gases Fees Required. The Building Code Department, before issuing any permit for the installation of any fire suppression or sprin~ler equipment, automatic fire ex- tinguishing system, and flammable and combustible liq- uids and gases, shall require the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees in the amount herein provided. Further, no permit for the installation or any fire suppression or sprinkler equipment, automatic fire extinguishing system, and flammable, combustible liquids and LP gas storage tanks shall be issued until the applicant files with the Building Code Department a complete set of plans for such system approved by the Fire Chief and State Fire Marshal. Sprinkler Permits. For the installation of sprinkler -equipment, the permit fee charged shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for the first ten (10) sprinkler heads or fraction thereof, plus two dollars ($2.00) for each additional ten (10) sprinkler heads or fraction thereof. Standpipe Permits. For the installation of any standpipe, the fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), plus an additional fee of two dollars ($2.00) per floor served by such standpipe over five (5) floors. .Fire Extinquishinq or Suppression System. For the in- stallation of fire extinguishing or suppression sys- tems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for the first ten (10) heads/detectors or fraction thereof, plus two dollars ($2.00) for each additional ten (10) heads/detectors or fraction thereof. 2?al Mound city Code Section 520:00 if Flammable & Combustible Liquids and LP Gas Tanks. For the installation and/or removal of flammable and co~ bustible liquids and LP gas, the permit fees are a~ follows: For any tank not buried or enclosed - 500 gallons or less Over 500 gallons $10.00 15.00 2. For any tank buried or enclosed 25.00 For removal or any combustible and/or flammable liquids tanks For the removal of any storage tanks of above ground and/or below ground liquid gas 15.00 15. O0 Alteration Permits. For the alteration, repair, or ex- tension of standpipes or sprinkler or fire extinguish- ing or suppression systems where the work is of such a nature that the permit charge cannot be determined by the above, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars ($6.00) for each five hundred dol- lars ($500.00) or fraction thereof of the market value of such work. Section 520:00. Subd. 1 g. Surcharges. is amended to read as follows g. Surcharqes In addition to the permit fees required to be paid to the City of Mound in accordance with the City Code, all permits for the following are subject to a State of Minnesota permit surcharge at the specified rate. Part A: Where the fee for the permit issued is fixed in amount (plumbing, fire suppression systems), the surcharge is equivalent to 1/2 mill (.0005) of the fee or 50 cents, whichever is greater. .Part B: Where the fee for the permit is based upon the valuation (building and heating), the surcharge is as follows with a minimu~ fee of 50 cents: Valuation of Structure Addition or Alteration Fee $1,000,000 or less $.0005 x valuation (check current surcharge report for valuation) $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $500. , plus . 0004 (Value- $1,000,000) 5 Mound city Code '' $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 Section 520:00 lg $900. , plus .0003 (Value - $2,000,O00) $1,200., plus .0002 (Value - $3,000,000) x x Section 520:00. follows: 3 310:00 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 $1,400., plus .0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) Greater that $5,000,000 $1,500., plus .00005 x (Value - $5,000,000) No surcharge is assessed for a sign, fence, retaining wall, moving/wrecking, or land reclamation/grading permit which are all considered to be a type of building permit. Subd. 3. Plumbing Permit Fees. is amended to read as PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Definition: A plumbing fixture shall be taken to mean and include any sink, laundry tub, bathtub, wash basin, drinking fountain, water closet, floor drain, or any other plumbing device arranged to be connected with the sewer or portable water system, either directly or in- directly. Permit fee shall be $15.00, plus $8.00 per fixture and $8.00 per rough in only, setting fixture only, and fixture without waste connection (sill cock). 2. $5.00 per 100 feet of pipe or fraction thereof. $3.00 per 100 feet of repair or fraction thereof. $15.00 for outside sewer and/or water inspections. 5. $15.00 for private water well inspection. The permit fee for the installation of gas piping for use in connection with a plumbing system' shall be as set out in the fee table contained in Subdivision c, Gas Piping, above. 6 July 24, 1987 MS. Jan Bertrand Building Inspector City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Ms. Ber'trand: I Lucille Maas residing at 5901Glenwood Road in the city of Mound and have been a resident in Mound for 35 years am writing to formally file a complaint with the City of Mound against the owners and residents of the property at 5909 Glenwood Road in Mound, Myrtle' and Richard Janke. The nature of this complaint is the unsightly, cluttered, dirty rat infested collection of debris and junk at the property adjacent to mine at 5909 Glenwood Road. Approximately ten years ago the owners and residents of the dwelling at 5910.Glenwood Road in Mound filed a complaint against the Jankes, it was brought before the Mound Council and the Jankes were instructed to clean up their premises. The hauled eight truck loads of junk off the premises, it did improve the situation short term, but not for long. I believe the city has ordinances restricting residents from collecting junk to this extent and turning their property and dwellings into a rat infested, fire hazard. I now have a rat pro'blem in my garage, which is a real danger to my grandchildrens safety. 'Their p~operty should be inspected immediately, without notice, including an inside inspection of the dwellings to confirm that all the buildings are a fire hazard and should be condemned. The ~oPmer residents across the street from the Jankes had t6 16~e (discount) their home when they sold it by $8,900.00 bec6u~e of the following quote by the reality company, Coldwell Banker, "The house across the street from you is a P~ular eye ~ore and is lowering the value of your home, ~ ~l~ .th~ lack of upkeep is not your fault. But because it does exist, the value of your home is depreciated." - 2 - If the city of Mound does not take immediate action to correct the situation I will be forced to take action through the legal system to do so. Please review the attached pictures. Mr. Janke was driving a large truck that isn't even shown in the pictures, but note,truck, jeep and tractor in the front yard. How would you like to live next door to this? Please do your best to resolve this problem as soon as possible. I await your reply. Sincerely, Lucille Maas Encl. P~I?ION Petition concerning prol~rty located at 5909 Glenwood Road, Hound, a~d occupi~t by Richard Janke: The p~ople ~hose signatures aPl~er belo~ request that the prol~.rty be insl~cted to determine its condition and its affect on properties locat~t nearby. - Exterior of house and garage in disrepair. - Garage is approximately 3 feet from fence belonging to adjacent proF~rty at 590] Glen~ood. - Garage appears to be full of paper, old tools and discarded junk. - Rats a~d other rodents in and near property. - Interior of ho~e has ~all in ~llsr that is colla~ing. - Fo~ t~cks are parked in yard. - Con~ of ~any neighbors is that house should be roadbed as minhabitable. N~ ADDRESS TELRPHONE # DA'IIi: ,NE NO. SI'ATE OF EPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1200 Warner Road., St. Paul, M~. 55106 61Z/296-7523 PROTECTED WATERS PEP, MIT APPLICATION REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COM2{Eh'TS FILE NO. FROM: JUDY BOUDREAU, AREA H1U]ROLOGIST }~TR0 REGION DIVISION OF WATERS PROJECT SPONSOR: NATUP, E OF WORK: CO.WLMZNTS DUE BY: L-98 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NA-02622-03 Rev..12/85 DEPA lil'.MjNT OF NATURAL RE$OUR. CE$ PERMIT APPLI TION TO WORK IR PROTECTED WATERS OR WETLANDS IIN~UDING DAM · · Please read instructions before attempting to complete this al3Olication. O~ICE USE ONLY. - PA NO EZ)Swco E3c/c EDw.o. Appilcanx s Name (Last, First. M.I.) Aumor,zecl Agent (~! app.caOle) !Telephone NumDer&areac,._ L sf LaB r _n Address (Street. RFP. Box Number, C~. State. Z'~ Code) LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT (BE SURE TO INCLUDE SKETCH SHOWING HOW TO GET TO THE SITE) Government Lot(s) IOuaner Sect,on(s)qSect~s)~o/_~ {owT?~o.~Rangels~o~ ILot. Block. Sub, ivision Fire No.. Box No. or Project Ad0ress ICokn~ ~ 'Pro.ct w,llaffect C La~e. ~Wetlano~ ~Wat~c~r~i TYPE OF WORK PROPOSED (CHECK ONE) IV. TYPE OF PROJECT (CHECK ONE) ~ excavate ~ repa,r ~ shoreline ~ shore-protection O fill ~ remove ~hannel O harbor O bridge ~ other ~ drain O abandon ~ sand blanket O permanent dock ~ culve~ (specie) o constuct ~ othe[ (specie) ~ insall ~ ~~ ~ riprap ~ wharf E~MA~ ~ ~0~ $ ~. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AFFECTED (IN FEET): VOLUME OF MATERIAL FILLED OR EXCAVATED (IN CUBIC YARDS): BRIEF EXPLANATION OF PROJECT: (EXPLAIN WHAT PROJECT CONSISTS OF AND HOW ~ORK W~LL BE DONE) PURPOSE OF PROJECT: (Explain why t~is project is neeaed) ~ , · ENVI~0N~E~L I~PA~ {Anticipated changes to the water and related land resources, includi~~~d~rime~ al ~,NAT~ (~.er alt~.atives to t,e a~ion proposed) :~; GION VI I make apphcatlon pursuant to M,nne$ota Statutes Chapter 105.42 an(S all supporhng rules lora Pe~mJ to work in named protectea r .... ' ~' ware is) m accorOance w~th all suPl:)ollmg maps, plans, and other mformatmn subm~ted with this apphcahon 'The mtormahon subm~tled and statements maOe concerning this applicahon are true an(~ correct to the best of my knowledge. STATE OF couhrr~ o~ ~ F_.B U e~l~., Subscr&~d and sworn to Det~e me thtS ~ (omm~s~mn expir~ ?/ Distribution: White: BNR Blue: SWCD Green: Watershed District Goldenrod: City or County Pink: Army Corps of Engineers Canary: Al:~31icant g~TUt &l. t,E$OUIICE$ LOCAL UNIT OF GOVEFINMENT COMMENTS PAFIT B Section I (To be completed, by epplicant) · · Name o.f Applicant ', ' __ . I^aUress (Street, RFD, Box NO,, GJty, State, Zip Go~:l. e)- ' ~.' ~ ......... Quarter S~tion(s) 'rownship(.s) County(ies) ........ 1 r I 1 P oject will affect: (nsm~e and number of lake, .w~etiancl, or watercourse) ' _. _ Section II (To be completed by local unit of government) ...: . . ...: ...... The following local unit of goveFnment comments and/or recommendations are submitted for co~i~ideration by the Department of Natural Resourcestn the disposition of the referenced permit application. (YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE S.UBMITTED TO THE DNR WITHIN 30 DAYS.) Water APpropriation Permit Applications and Protected Watem Permit_, ~' ?'~. Applications. are to be. sent. to the DNR Regional_ =_., Office. SEE, REVERSE~;:. $1?E~_~ FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSE~).;;. -:;~ '-'~. ~.~.' '-' Was the proposed project field inspected by this local unit of government? IViewer's Name . . Title . lAuthorized Signature Title i'"! NO REGION VI'"" WATERS - ~, · ,.,;.- ,. I"'"IYES (if Yes, give ~iewer~ name) of responding Soil and Water Conservation District, Watershed District, City or County Address (of the above named.local unit of government) (DNR -- Division of Waters addresses on back) '.? IF .ICJ 2O Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 222-8423 November 3, 1988 Ms. Francene Clark Acting City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Walnut Road Dear Ms. Clark: The Metropolitan Waste ControI Commission has reviewed your application for a sanitary sewer extension for Walnut Raod. This project is in accord with your comprehensive sewer plan (CSP) and consistant with the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. We will file this project as part of your CSP and inform the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that we have no objection to the installation of these facilities. Sincerely, R. A. Odde Municipal Services Manager RAO:EJB:sls cc: Metro Council Don Perwien, MPCA .~McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc~ Twin Cities St. Cloud ' ' En§ineer$, Planners, Surveyors ]5050 23rd Ave. N.. Plymouth. MN 55447 612/476-6010 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU '~ Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. .DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: "~ For approval [] Approved as submitted REMARKS [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MINNETRISTA AND THE CITY OF MOUND RELATIVE TO PROVIDING UTILITY SERVICE TO TWO MINNETRISTA PROPERTY OWNERS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1988, by and between the City of Minnetrista, a municipal corporation, of the County of Hennepin and the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Minnetrista", and the City of Mound, a municipal corporation of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Mound" and Lois B. Sandquist and Earl D. Sandquist, the Owners of property described as the East 172 feet of Government Lot l, except the South 478.5 feet of the East 66 feet thereof, Section 15, Township ll? North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, P.I.D. 815-117-24 41 O001, and and , the Owners of property described as the West 141.5 feet of the East 313.5 feet of Government Lot l, Section 15, Township ll? North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, P.I.D. #15-117-24 41 0002, hereinafter called "Owners". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Mound has inplace a sanitary sewer line within 100 feet of the Mound City limits along its boundary with Minnetrista; and WHEREAS, said properties in Minnetrista are isolated from existing sanitary sewer in Minnetrista and is owned by the parties requesting connection to City sewer; and WHEREAS, 'Mound has indicated that they will allow a sanitary sewer connection to the Mound inplace line so that the existing and proposed home on said properties in Minnetrista can be served by said service; and ~.W~E]~.[&Sm th~ .parties ha~e mutually agreed that it is in the best interest of ~ p vide:sa~rltary sewer service from the Mound system to the Minnetrista property owners, and that Minnetrista and the Owners of said properties will pay to Mound the following established amounts and will abide by the rules and regulations established for the Mound system and as set forth in this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein described, IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: The entire cost of the 100 feet of 8" main extension, including construction of a new manhole at the corperate boundary, shall be borne by the Owners of said properties requesting the connection. All construction shall meet the requirements of Mound's Sanitary Sewer Standard Specifications and any special provisions deemed necessary by the Mound City Engineer. The entire cost of the service connection shall be borne by the Owners of said properties requesting the connection. This agreement shall limit the number of connections to two. Any additional connection request would require further action by both the City of Mound and the City of Minnetrista. Within the limits established in this agreement, the property owners in Minnetrista shall be allowed to connect to and become part of the sewer system of Mound, and shall be subject to the same charges and regulations as property owners of Mound. In addition to all the costs incurred and paid by the Owners for the project as outlined in Paragraph l, the Owner's shall, prior to the time they connect to'Mound's sanitary sewer system, pay to Mound the availability and connection charges as follows: CONNECTION CHARGE: Original.Unit Assessment - 2 unit ~ $292.00/Unit $ 584.00 Original Footage Assessment - 270 L.F. ~ $9.04/L.F. 2,440.80 Availability Charge - 2 unit e $125.00/Unit $ 250.00 TOTAL CONNECTION CHARGE Administrative, Legal and Engineering Expense $ 3,274.80 $ 600.00 TOTAL $ 3,874.80 27/7 QUARTE1RLY SEWER USE CHARGE To be determined by Mound's regular rate. The current rate for this type of service is $30.25 per quarter. The Owners in Minnetrista connected to the Mound system shall be billed usage charges on the basis of the same sewer rates applicable to users in Mound, said charges to be billed directly to the user in Minnetrista. Minnetrista shall guarantee payment of these charges, subject to the cooperation of Mound in providing information to Minnetrista which will allow Minnetrista to specially assess unpaid sewer use charges against the Minnetrista properties. 0 The Owners in Minnetrista connecting to the Mound systems shall be required to obtain a construction permit from Mound for a sewer connection and shall pay all connection fees in the same amounts and manner as Mound residents. Mound shall not be responsible to any person, firm, or corporation for damages claimed as a result of backing up of sewers in any basement in Minnetrista. Mound will perform all normal maintenance on the sanitary sewer main lines within the Mound corporate boundaries. Minnetrista and/or the property owners will perform all normal maintenance on service connections to said d~scribed properties and the sanitary sewer line within the Minnetrista corporate boundaries. Mound's responsibility for repair or maintenance shall end at the corporate boundary. 10. Construction of the service line to the two individual homes shall be the responsibility of the Owners in Minnetrista under the supervision of and subject to all Minnetrista codes and regulations. ll. All sanitary sewer construction by Minnetrista and the Owners in Minnetrista shall meet the requirements of Mound's Sanitary Sewer Standard Specifications, and any special provisions deemed necessary by the Mound City Engineer. 12. Mound agrees to ~ooperate and make available any and all records, plans, specifications, and other materials which may be necessary for Minnetrista. 13. The Residential Equivalency Unit (REV) charged by the MWCC for these two hook-ups shall come from the City of Minnetrista's allotment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto authorized and entered into this Agreement upon authority of the City Council of the City of Minnetrista and the City Council of the City of Mound. IN THE PRESENCE OF: CITY OF MINNE-TRISTA BY: Mayor BY: City Administrator - Clerk/Treasurer STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988, by Walton Clevenger and Charlotte Paterson, the Mayor and.City Administrator - Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Minnetrista, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. IN THE PRESENCE OF: CITY OF MOUND BY: Mayor BY: City Administrator - Clerk/Treasurer STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988, by Steve Smith and Edward $. Shukle, Or., the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. IN THE PRESENCE OF: OWNER BY: Earl D. Sandquist BY: Lois B. Sandquist STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988, by Earl D. Sandquist and Lois B. Sandquist. IN THE PRESENCE OF: OWNER BY: BY: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988,.by and McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Telephone Engineers Plymouth, MN 612/476-6010 Planners 55447 Surveyors November 10, 1988 Mr. Edward O. Shukle, Jr., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota Public Works Facility Rayment Request No. 6 MFRA #8257 Dear Ed: Enclosed is Loeffel-Engstrand,s Payment Request No. 6 for work completed through October 31, 1988 on the subject project. The amount of this payment request is $11,065.60. We have reviewed this request, find that it is in order, and recommend payment to Loeffel-Engstrand for $11,065.60. As stated in our letter of October 20, 1988 to Loeffel-Engstrand, the project was accepted as substantially complete on October 14, 1988; therefore, we have approved this payment request as 100%o complete with a 5% retainage to assure final acceptance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. SJ:jmj Enclosures Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven W. 3antzen, P.E. ,! A. T.~... An Equal Opportunity Employer ~ 0 0 0 :z cD c:)o 0 ~ P"' ~ 1'".,. F-- CD CD CD · -d _J - > OE t- uzS~. <z z 'a'NO rO t · 14J.5- - 11'2 -- 5 640 4~0 PART LOT . Charitable Gambling Control Board ' '?"' Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg.. '. ... ~ 1821 University Ave. " " .... ~ St. Paul, MN 55104-3383 ~ .(612) 642-0555 GAMBLING LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION For Board Use Only Paid Amt: Check No. Date: LICENSE NUMBER: lt-t1237-I1! / EFF. DATE: .... t31t111! 1. Applicant--Legat Name of Organization" AIIFRH;AI! LEGIOI~ POST 398 ROUID 3. City, State, Zip Ileund, III 55364 ~:' S't-r~t Addres~ .... 2333 I~ilshlre Hvd 4. County 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 8. Name of Treas;ar~r-0t~'r~o*r~Vho Accounts for Revenue~ Leslie Allen 10. Name of Gambling Manager Robert Shanley 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place ~. teglen Post 398 llound 11. Bond Number 58235282 / AMOUNT OF FEE: 14. County I~enflepte 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify days and times of Bingo· Days Times Days Times Days Times 2 times a Sill,If. 5. Business Phone (H2 } 472-95~2 7. Business Phone 9. Business Phone ( 622 ) 472-9582 12. Business Pho~ 15. No. of Active Mem~m 275 19. Has license ever been: ~ Revoked Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? 22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? [] Suspended Date: [] Denied Date: ~ Yes [] No (If 'No," attach copy) 7E3 Yes [] No (If 'No," attach copy) .. E~Yes [] No (If 'No," attach copy) GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gambling is being conducted, to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice· BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. ' OATH I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true, accurate and complete; 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules (~f the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules; including amendments thereto. 23. Official Legal Name of Organization ~ c. ~.. I t ~]~'~ L":~r~ Sig,'~jure (Chief Executiv~,e ~ffic~r) _ Da e T~tle ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a *copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board, will become effective 60 days from the date of receipt (noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 60 days of the below noted date. 24. City/County Name (Local Governing Body) Signature of Person Receiving AppliCation: r~ Title :~..~'3 . r, Dare'Received (this dat~ begins 60 ~y~eriod) Na~e of Person Delivering Application.lo~ocal Governing Body: Township: If site is located within a township, please complete items 24 and 25: 25. Signature of Person Receiving Application Title: Township Name CG-0002.2-02 (8/88) White Copy- Board Canary- Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St. Cloud 15050 23rd Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55447 Telephone 612/476-6010 Engineers Planners Surveyors October 31, 1988 Hr. Donald K. Perwien, P.E. Hinnesota Pollution Control Agency Regulatory Compliance Section Division of Water quality 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul~ Minnesota 55155 SUBJECT: City of Hound, Minnesota Walnut Lane Sanitary Sewer Extension MFRA #8821 Dear Mr. Perwien: Enclosed for your review is one copy of the plans for subject project, MPCA form Pq-00139-04 and the required application fee of $140.00. Please note that we will be using the Standard Utilities Specifications, as prepared by the City Engineer's Association of Minnesota. us. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron City Engineer, City of Mound JO:jmj Enclosures cc: Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager, City of Mound Ed Bloom, Hetropolitan Waste Control Commission An Equal Opportunity Employer I I01O I010 PRO[: l,,1. I-t. F_.X M.H. EY,I'~.~. "-..... I0o'~,.~' / F-.Y.h~T. ~l~.O~All:) '"". / )000 ~ / ~ '1 / IOo0 ~ 7. o ~ % ' -- ! I -~x~sT. ~"V.C,.T. 9~o 970 ~ ~ ~- 9'70 LI McCombl Frank R0o~ lll0ciltal, Inc. ~'r~--,oo ~2 ~/A L M LiT LAMIr' ' 15050 23rd Ave. N. I:~l~moulll, ~ 55447 P',ann~l : 612/476-6010 Surveyor1 FILE ~0. 8ffi?..I CITY 01: MOL.IMD, MM. Minn? ota Pollution Control Agency Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS AND/OR CHANGES FOR MPCA USE ONLY I. Date II. File No. Instructions: Submit one completed application with one set of plans and specifications for each sanitary sewer extension and/or change. ALL portions of this application MUST be completed and signed if the sewer extension and/or change is to be considered. An application fee is required under Minnesota Statutes section 116.07, subd. 4d (1986) and Minnesota Rules chapter 7002 (Permit Fee Rules). The fee is $140.00 per pemlit application and must be submitted with the application. Please make your check payable to the Minnesota Pollution .Control Agency. III. CITY: Hound COUNTY: Hennep±n IV. ENGINEER, FIRM: .McCombs Frank Roos Assoc±ates, Inc. ADDRESS: 1~0~0 23rd Avenue North, P1Mmouth, Mn. 55447 DATE:lO-24-88 PHONE: 476-6010 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, Name: Blue Lake Is the proposed sewer project in accord with the City or District Comprehensive Sewer Plan? × (Yes) (No) VI. Title of Plans and Specs: Walnut Road Sanitary Sewer Extension Developer/Owner Name: City of Mound Address: 5341 May-wood Road City: _Mo-nd. Mn. 55364 Phone:472-1155 VII. DESIGN OF GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER: Total Length of Pipe: 100 feet Pipe Diameter(s): 8" inches VIII.DESIGN OF PUMP STATION(S), No. of Pumps: N/A STATION #1 STATION #2 Pump Capacity (gpm) Total Dynamic Head (ft) Length of Forcemain (ft) Forcemain Diameter (in) Forcemain Material Friction Factor (C) PUMP #1 PUMP #2 PUMP #1 PUMP #2 IX. ESTIMATED FLOW INCREASE: Initial: 0.0006 MGD Ultimate: 0.0006 MGD Basis for estimate: 2 homes x 3.2 persons/Home x 100 ~allons/ person/day = 640 ~al./day. The ultimate flow, should represent the daily average flow from the proposed develop- mebt and any areas that will ultimately be served by the proposed sewer extension. PQ-00139-04 1988 Xe XI. ESTIMATED BOD~ INCREASE: Initial: 1.1 #/day Ultimate: 1.1 #/day Basis for estimate: ~ hnm~9 ~ q.2 per~nn~/home x 0.17 #BOD/ person /day NATURE OF AREA TO BE SERVED BY THE PROPOSED SEWER EXTENSION: (a) Residential: Number of New Homes: 1 Number of Existing Hom'es: 1 (b) Commercial/Industrial (Describe): (c) bther (Describe) XII. Will the proposed sewer project be designed and constructed as described in Standard Utilities Specifications prepared by the City Engineers Association of Minnesota? yes XIII. DETERMINATION AS TO THE NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET: '(~linnesota Environmental Quality Board Regulation) Please check as appropriate: Yes No Is the ultimate flow increase 500,000 gallons per day (gpd) or more and is the project service area within a city served either by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) or the Western Lake Superior Sanitary Sewer District System (WLSSD)? Is the ultimate flow increase 500,000 gpd or more and is the project service area within a city with a population of 20,000 or more not served by either MWCC or WLSSD? Is the ultimate flow increase 100,000 gpd or more and is the project service area within a city not served by MWCC or WLSSD with a population less than 20,000 but at least 10,0007 Is the ultimate flow increase 50,000 gpd or more and is the project service area within an incorporated city not served by MWCC or WLSSD with a population less than 10,0007 Is the ultimate flow increase 50,000 gpd or more and is the project service area in an unincorporated sewered area? If a yes answer was appropriate for any of the above conditions, then the preparation of an EAW is mandatory. Do you anticipate that a draft Environmental Assessment Worksheel (EAW) will be prepared by the city or county? Approximate date of completion of EAW NO SEWER CONSTRUCTION FOP THE REFERENCED EXTENSION MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL YOU ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE REQUIRED PERMIT(S) ISSUED BY THIS AGENCY AND AS DEFINED BY LAW UNDER IIINNESO,TA STATE STATUTE 115.07, SUBDIVISION 3. Signed: ~/~--- ~~z,x _ Reg. No. ~~ (j~-~ngineer) Printed: William H. McCombs Signed: ~/-/L~~ ~. ~~ (Authorized -City Represent~ti ve) Printed: FR~A~X~(~F ~, ~_~7~x, cor oonle$ 6.97727 TRIP F R 0 M SUBJECT ~L~) MESSAGE · J'~-J~ 4S 472 I~)LY PAK (50 SETS) 4P 472 SIGNED ~ DATE SEND PARTS 1 AND $ INTACT. PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. //,~//~S~'? ' carbanless ARCO/CENTURY COS. 5533 SHORELINE DRIVE MOUND, MN 55364 NOVEmbER 11, 1988 JAN BERTRAND, BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 RE: I~EMORANDUM DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1988 DEAR JAN: IN REGARDS TO YOUR VISIT OF NOVEMBER 8, 1988. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE NOTED IN THE MEMO THAT WE WOULD LIKE TO ~KE A MENTION TO' REGARDING ITEM NUMBER TWO (2) AND THREE (3). THE 55 GALLON DRUM, OPEN OIL BUCKET, AND A DRUM OF THINNER IS TO BE REMOVED ~Y LA~=ON OIL C.O TNE WEEK OF THE 14TM THRU THE 18TH. AT THIS TIME WE WILL ALSO FIND OUT WHERE TO SEND THE PAINT · .FILTERS TO BE TESTED. REGARDING ITEM NUMBER FOUR (4). 'THE TERMINAL THROUGH THE ROOF OF THE EY~HAUST DUCT HAS BEEN PAINTED. REGARDING ITEM NUMBER SEVEN (7). CABINET HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THE FLAMMABLE STORAGE REGARDING ITEM NUMBER EIGHT (8). WE HAVE CLEANED AROUND THE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND MADE THEM ALL ACCESSIBLE. REGARDING ITEM NUMBER NINE (9). THE FIRE DOOR HAS BEEN REPAIRED AND IS NOW IN PROPER WORKING ORDER. REGARDING ITEM NUMBER ELEVEN (11). ALL OF THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPS~NT AND EXTENSION CORDS HAVE BEEN REPAIRED. REGARDING ITEM NUMBER TWELVE (12). SPRAY BOOTH HAS BEEN CLEANED OFF. THE TOP OF PAINT IF THERE 'ARE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL US. V. G. COSSETTE " 0SHi M3833 IM1 NN~-'SO'~'A DEPARTMENT OF M~JALTH Report # 012-7255 717 S.£. Delaware St. P.O. Box 9441 Minneapolis 55440 (612) 623-5334 Section o£ Occupational Health Report of an Industrial Hygiene Field Investigation Arco Century Autobody Marine 5533 Shoreline Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 October 28, 1987 Introductior, An industrial hygiene investigation was made to determine compliance with the Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health regulations and emphasis was placed on determining employee exposure to recognized health hazards. The field visit was initiated because a complaint was received. The items of concern were spray painting being done outside of the booth, spraying of paints containing isocyanates with no airline respirators, improper storage of materials and paints, lack of an eyewash with use of MEK peroxide catalyst, no gloves provided for use with muriatic acid, and possible exposure to lead and styrene. A'ls6' the~s a lack of training as to health hazards. Ii. Applicable Standards ... A. Adopted Standards 1910 1025(c) 8-hour PEL for Octane -- 2,350 mg/m3 !910. 1025(c) 8-hour PEL for lead -- 50 ug/m3; action level -- 30 ug/m3 1910. 134 Respiratory Protection Requirements 1910. lO00(b) Table Z-2 8-hour PEL for toluene -- 200 ppm; ceiling (10 min) --'300 ppm; peak -- 500 ppm 1910. lO00(a) Table Z-1 ceiling PEL for methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI) -- O. 02 ppm or O. 2 mg/m3 1910. lO00(a) Table Z-1 8-hour PEL for xylene (xylol) -- 100 ppm' Minnesota Rules 5206. (1987) -- Employee Right-To-Know Standards 1910. 151(c) Eyewash and Shower Requirements 1910. 132/. 133 Personal Protective Equipment (except respirators) 1910.94(c) Spray finishing operations Minnesota Rules 5205.0110 1987 Workroom ventilation and temperature B. Tentative Standards or Best Available Guidelines Toluene - 1987 ACGIH TLV 8-hour TWA -- 100 ppm; STEL -- 150 ppm Xylene(xylol) -'1987 ACGIH TLV 8-hour TWA -- 100 ppm; STEL -- 150 ppm ctane - 1988 ACGIH TLV 8-hour TWA -- 1,450 mg/m3; STEL1,800 mg/m3 sophrone diisocyanate - 1988 ACGIH TLV S-hour TWA =0.09 mg/m3 (proposed = 0.045 mg/m3) Methylene bisPheny1 isocyanate (MDI) - 1988 ACGIH TLV 8-hour TWA (proposed.= 0.'055 mg/m3) ID # 440 457 460 A. Field Instruments Used Bo Instruments Alnor Model 6000P Hi-Range Velometer MSA Model S Hi-Flow Personal Sampler MSA Model S Hi-Flow Personal Sampler SKC Model 222-3 Low-Flow Personal Sampler Gastec Model 400 Gas Detector Tube Pump Method of Analysis Calibration _ Date June 23, 1987 November 4, 19S: November 4, 1987' November 4, 1987 Day of Study Hazardous Substance or Physical Aqent Octane . Toluene X.¥1ene I'~ocyanates Lead Nuisance dust Samplinq Method Charcoal tube with low-flow pump Charcoal tube with low-flow pump Charcoal tube with low-flow pump Glass fiber 'filter (pip-Perazine) cassette with high-flow pump DM-800 ~ilter with high-flow pump DM-800 filter with high flow pump Analytical Method Gas chromatography Gas chromatography Gas chromatography High performance liquid chromatography Atomic absorption. spectrophotometry Gravimetric IV. Findings - November 4, 1988 Table Solvent Levels During Spray Painting Samp. Sampling No. Period I120-I147 2 1233-1248 1544-1~17 Employee B.Z. Sampled Steve Velde ~tivity Rjr Cone~tratio~ ~tane mq/~3 Toluene p~ Iylere oma Spray painting pri~er (Ditzler DP-48 epoxy ~1.8 pri~eW and DP 4gl catalystl Spray painting Deltron base ocxat D~ 3453 and 115.8 Ditzler reducer DT-178 · 113.8 Spray p~intin~ clear coat (l)elgo-Acrylic U~fhare 88.8 Clear DP~J 82 and l)eltron Acrylic Urethane Catalyst DAU 2) Table 2 8-Hour Time-Weighted Average Exposures Number of Sa~plin~ Samples Period E~ployee Sampled Act ivity Substance T~ 8-hour v. Iq 98 minutes Steve Velde Spray painting primer, base, O~tan~ ~.6 mg/m~ ar~ clear coat " Toluene ~2.7 p~ ' Xylere ~.7 ppm IG. 9 mg/~ ~.G ppm ?.9 pp~ 2 iV. Findings ..MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT O? HEALTH Division of Environmental Health Section of Occupational Health Arco Century Autobody Marine Mound, Minnesota November 4, 1987 Table 3 Particulate Levels During Samp. Sample Employee No. Period I-~2,]-IF~q8 Steve Ve!de Spray paint'ir, g base coat 1445-1508 ' , Spray Painting Air Concentration Nuisame Dust mo/m3 Lead uqtm$ Table 4 Number of Samp! lng Employee Samples :: Period Sampled ~8. 6 (6B 8-Hour Time-Weighted Average Exposures Activity Substance 2 38 minutes Steve Velde Spray painting base coat Nuisarce dust 2 " " · Lead '1%9 8-hr T14A 48.2 ag/m-] 3.~ m{/m3 (62 ug/m3 (5 ug/m3 Table 5 Isocyanate Levels During Spray Samp. Sample Employee No. ' Period B.Z. Sampled 1 iI~-I138 Steve Velde ' Spray painting primer 2 1544-15.5,? · Spray painting clear coat 3 155~-1617 . * · At. tivit¥ Painting Air Concentrat ion, mq/m_3 Isocvanate , No D. 853 Table 6 8-Hour Time-Weighted Average Exposures Number of Sampling E~ployee llJA i,%mples Period Sampled Activity Substame ~mq/m3~ ~ Y~ minutes Steve Velde Spray painting Isocyanates 8.861 he T1J~ iFcludes only the time during which spraying occurred using isccyanate-containing paint (clear coat). is calculat~j for the ~hole eight hours assu~ir, g zero exposu,'e for the unsamp]ed times. 8-hr ~ (mq/m3) B. e~2 The eight-hour 3 V. Comments Arco Century Autobody Harine is a small autobody and marine shoD. The mair, cDeration consists of body~ork. Four employees are utilized. At the time ~£ the investigation, the mair, work,that was being done consiste~ of autobody repairs. This inspection was conducted 3ointly with a safety ~nvesti.gator who addressed the safety items. Durin9 the initial visit,, on October 28, 19B7, it was determined that no Haterial Safety Data Sheets (HSDSs) were present for the materials being used, that no respiratory p~'otection program was provided, and that a Right-to-Know training program was not in place. Spraying was not done at the time of this inspection. Arrangements were made to return to do air sampl'ing on November 3. 1987. One employee did the spray painting which is usually the case. Present at the site on October 2S, 1987, was a Glen Air half-mask respirator with a missing valve and ar, OV cartridge (TC-23C-88) and prefilter. This respirator' was dirty. The employee stated, at this time, that this was not the respirator he used. The respirator he used was at home. He also had his own supplied air respirator that he had used but no longer did as the face piece, was cracked. On November 3, when the spraying was done, the employee wore a Binks half-mask respirator with OV cartridge (TC-23C-86) and prefilter. All valves were present, the respirator was not stored in a clean and sanitary manner, and the employee had not been f~ tested or medically evaluated for ability to wear a respirator. The paint spraying is done in a spray booth. Filters were present in the intake doors but were very dirty and the owner stated he would order new ones. None were present on the outlet plenum. Ventilation measurement of t~e air flow across the filters was erratic and varied from zero to 50 £pm. The exhaust fan for the booth is ir, the air duct although this could be verified. There is also a fan that is used to recirculate the exhaust air from the spray booth into the r~om although this is rarely done per employer and employee interview (two to three times per year). This~type of recirculation is prohibited by the Standard for Blower and Exhaust Systems for Vapor Removal, NFPA No. 91-1961. The employer did indicate a willingness to disconnect this fan. The employee first sprayed the car with primer (Ditzlers DP-40 epoxy primer and Epoxy primer catalyst DP 401), then with Deltron Universal Base Coat (DBU 3453) mixed with Ditzler reducer DT-170, and finally with the clear coat (Delgo-Acrylic . Urethane Clear DAU 82 and Deltron Acrylic Urethane Catalyst DAU 2) which does contain some diisocyanate. Sampling was done using a charcoal tube with a personal l°w-flow Sampling pump for toluene, xylene, and octane. These results 'are summarized in table one. Sampling was also done for isocyanates psing treated glass fiber filters and a personal high-flow sampling pump. Sampling was also done for particulates and lead. One of the health effects of solvents such as xylene and toluene in general are.that of central nervous system (CNS) depression resulting in decreased alertness. There has also been some reports of permanent ~NS changes with chronic exposure to soluents. Another effect is that of irritation to the respiratory tract and eyes. Other specific health effects depend on' the specific solvent and the MSDS should be consulted for each solvent.used for further information. isocyanates, as a class, have the following .health effects: In acute overexposure, they can cause respiratory distress which can result in death. In smaller concentration over a period of time, the isocyanate can cause sensitization in an individual. This sensitivity can be clinically ~viden~ ~n a derma.titis reaction of the skin or in a asthma type reaction of the respiratory tr~'ct. Once a person becomes sensitize~ to an isocyanate, he or she may react to doses smaller than the PEL or TLr. At least three substances were noted to contain isocyanates: the~Deltron Acrylic Urethane Catalyst, an Acrylic enamel catalyst, and the Foam (C-iOOA, C-iO1A) used to coat the boats. Prom employee interview, the s~raying of the catalyst containing the isocyanate occurs approximately every two %o three days and is done solely in %he spray booth. The foam is used four to five times per year usually in the spring and is manually mixed and them poured Jato the boat. Because of the sensitization poten- tial with isocyanates extreme care should be used to eliminate contact by the respiratory route and also from skin contact. It was noted that the employees did not wear gloves while preparing compounds for use and this included the catalyst containing the isocyanates. Gloves were available. Glove usage during use of isocyanate-containing materials needs to be stressed during training and required. Fiberg!assing was not being done on either day. Fiberglassing repair of the boats occurs occasionally on an as needed basis. This may occur as often as once per week or not for ar, extended period of time. Health dangers involved in fiberglass repair generally would include the following: exposure to lead from the gel coat, styrene exposure from the ~sin, and burns from the MEK peroxide. For these reasons appropriate ventilation, respiratory protection, and personal protective equipment such as gloves .and splash goggles must be provided when these operations occur. It was indicated that the gel coat is occasionally sprayed · -outside. Spraying should be done only in a properly operating spray, booth -~ith-the appropriate respiratory protection. No eyewash and shower was present to be used in the event of skin or eye contact with the MEK peroxide '(or the acid wash used in the cleaning of the boat bottoms). Arco Century also prepares boats for winter storage. As part of this preparation, the boat is cleaned with an acid wash solution containing hydrochloric acid. Employees stated that ~they did wear gloves and rain suits while spraying the wash. In addition, they need to wear a face shield or splash goggles to provide eye protection and there, needs to be an eyewash supplied to provide quick flushing for at least 15 minutes in case of skin or eye contact. Lead was listed as a component in some of the products used. This includes some of' the paints and the gel coat used. Lead has several health effects on several body systems including the gastrointestinal, blood, and central nervous system. Because of these potential health problems associated with excessive exposure to lead. Lead standard 1910.1025 requires that initial monitoring for lead be done on each individual who may be exposed to lead during their work day. The employee who sprays lead-containing paint would be such an employee as would the employees who applied the gel coat by spraying and who sand the gel coat prior to finishing. Any potential exposure to lead in any amount during the course of work requires that the employee received specific training on lead. Other requirements may apply based on the measured level of lead exposure. A copy of 1910. 1025 is enclosed for reference. The sample results for lead obtained when the employee was spray painting with base ~coat, showed no overexposures to lead on the day of sampling. The sampling for isophrone diisocyanate indicated significant amounts of this compound present. This level, does not exceed the present exposure 5 lime, ts set ~y the ACQ~H. (For substances that are not listed in table Z-1 of 1910.1000, OSHA enforces the ACGIH TLV limits for the current year.) ~owever, the ACGIH has filed an "notice of intended changes' which lowers the exposure limits for isophrone diisocyanate from 0.09 mg/m3 to O-045mg/m3 eight-hour TWA. Under this change the exposure to isophrone diisocyanate would have been exceeded if the spray painting had occurred for eight hours. Although exposure limits ~ere not exceeded, due to the nature of the health effects from these types of substances, it is highly recommende~ that the employer supply air-supplied air hoods for painters sprayin~ products containing isocyanates and also that the foam (con- taining methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI)) used in the boats be mixed and applied with the above respiratory protection in the spray room. As of yet, there is no cartridge type respirator that has approved for use with isocyanates. VI. Conclusions A serious citation is being recommended for lack of an eye~ash as required by 1910. 151(c) and for lack of splash goggles as required by 1910. 133(a) (1), when using corrosive materials. Abatement would consist of installation of a suitable eyewash and supplying and requiring the use o~ splash goggles when working with corrosives. Copies of these standards are enclosed. A nonserious citation is being recommended for lack of a Right-to-Know training program as required by Minnesota Rules 5206. The requirements for a Right-to-Know program is enclosed~ A nonserious citation is being recommended for lack of MSDSs for the hazardous substances being utilized at Arco Century as required by Minnesota Rules 520.6. Abatement would consist of inventorying all chemicals present, obtaining MSDSs for them, and making them accessible to employees. ~ A nonserious cita'tion is being recommended for lack of a Respiratory Protection Program as required by 1910. 134. A copy is enclosed. A nonserious citation is being recommended for lack of a spray booth that meets the airflow requirements as required by 1910.94(c) (6) (i). A nonserious citation is being recommended for recirculation of exhaust air from the spray booth back into work area which is in violation of 1910. lOT(d) (1). A copy of this standard is enclosed. Abatement would consist of removing the recirculation fan, plugging the opening, and exhausting the air outside. A nonserious citation is being recommended for lack of initial monitoring for lead as required by 1910.1025. A 'copy is enclosed. Initial monitorin'g for lead is required. The monitoring done during spray painting satisfies.this requirement for exposure during the spray ~ainting. Initial monitoring must also be done during application of the 'el coat and sanding of the gel coat. Gel coat.is available that does not contain lead and substitution of a gel coat that did not contain lead would satisfy abatement of the requirement to do initial monitoring for 6 lead during .gel coatin'g processes. If the amount of time spent spray pair, ting with lead-containing paint increases or if the percentage of Lead contained in the Daint is greater than the amount in the Deltron Universal coat used, additional monitoring for. lead would be required. Approved:' Darrell E. Anderson, P.E. , CIH, Chief Section of Occupational Health DEA/LM/gs Linda Malm Industrial Hygienist Sectional of Occupational Health 7 For Nove~oer 15, 1988 Council Meeting LICENSE RENEWAL -- Expire Nov 30, 1988. New License Period 12-1-88 to 11-30-89. Approval contingent upon all required forms, insurance etc. being turned in. Entertainment Permit The Jock Club 5241 Shoreline Dr. Mound, Minn. BILLS NOVEMBER 15, 1988 BATCH 8103 BATCH 8104 73,554.27 146,128.79 Coast to Snyders Westonka Coast Foods Oct suppl les II II 1,878.O9 36.24 118.~9 Total Bills 221,716.08 INVOICE DUE WOLD INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL F',EE-PAID B05~9 PFdE-PAID 11/03/88 B~L_IB, OY CO~'ORATION VE)DOR TOTAL PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 CITY COUNTY ~EIDIT UNION VE[~OR TOTAL 1,069,75 L!Q 1,06L75 dRNL-CD 1069.75 2,705.00 CR UNION 10/15 PR 2,705.00 ~NL-CD 2705.00 71-71(~-7510 1010 01-2040-0000 1010 106%75 2705. O0 CO.C~O PRE-PAID 15.00 SIGN FERMIT-DEP TO UB 79-I191-0000 11/03/88 !1/03/88 15.00 ~T~J~L-CD 1010 15.00 ~E-PA!D 11/03/88 1!/03/88 ~E-PAID I1/03/~ 11/03/88 ~.84 RE1DLEN P/C POLICE ~.$4 .39.02 REPLEN PIe-POLICE 39.02 ~-CD 01-4140-~x'¢)0 I010 01-4140-~'x>0 1010 38,84 ~.02 CITY OF P~]ti~E~ VENDOR TOTAL ~.86 C09.~ PRE-PAID I1/03/~ 11/03/88 47.70 LIFE INS DED 10/15 PR 1.80 LIFE INS-RE'FIFUEE 49.50 JD~_-CD 01-2040-0000 01-4190-15~ ' I010 49.50 COM~CIAL LI~ INS CO VENDOR TOTAL 49.50 CIO01 PRE-PAID II/03/88 11/03/~ ~PRE-PAID 11/03/~ 11/03/88 2,063.71 SIT DED 10/15 PR 2,063.71 dRNL-CD 83,~ SEPT ~S TAX 5,985.61 S~T SALES TAX 6,063.~ dP. NL-CO 01-2040-0000 1010 73-35'~-0000 71-3592-00.00 1010 60~.~ COMMI~ION~ OF REVENUE VB~D~ TOTAL D1219' PRE-PAID 11/03/8~ 11/03/~ DEl..BERT RUDOLPH VtD~DOR TOTAL 81~.64 175.00 175.00 175.00 20 CONTRACT HDURS JRIt-CD 81-4350-3100 1010 175.00 D1235 PRE-PAID DELTA DEhrFAL 11/03/88 II/03/~ VE~OR TOTAL 1,024.60 12.75 45.70 32,95 32.95 1,148.95 1148.75 DENT~ DED 10/15 PR DEI~I'AL RE'FIRE]E DENTAL RETIREE DENTAL RETIREE DENTAL RETIR~ ~NL-CD 01-2040-0000 01-4190-1510 71-7!00-1510 01-4140-1510 01-4~0-1~10 1010 1148.95 E1429 PRE-PAID 11/0~/,~,8 1!/03/88 210.15 7;3.72 I1.~- 9!2.54 LID WINE DISC ~NL-CD 7!-7!00-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-~60 1010 912.54 ..i.iJ PRE-r ,D 305.~ Lia .71-7100-7510 ~, }.~'- PAGE 2 AP-C02-01 VENDOR I~/O!CE DUE HOLD NO. INVOI~ NMBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY OF MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUMBER PFC-PAID AMnUNT 11/03/88 11/03/88 44.80 WINE 6.55,- DISC 343.47 dRNL-CD 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560. 1010 40.47 RE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 219.09 LIQ 539.9~ WINE 9.77- DISC 749.27 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9510 71-710~-9529 71-7100-9560 1010 749.27 ED PHILLIPS TOTAL 2005.28 E1430 PRE-PAID 600.00 11/03/88 11/03/88 600.00 !~A CONF ADVANCE dR)t-CD · 01-,1040-4110 1010 600.00 --) EDWARD S~tE VENDOR TOTAL 600.00 G1751 PM-PAID 14,6.51.70 DRU~OND-~INAL JRNL-CD 26-5700-4200 1010 14651.70 O L CONI'P. ACTI~ VENDOR TOTAL G1955 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/~ GREAT ~EST kI~ ASSURANCE ~NDDR TOTAL 14651.70 1,0~.00 1,0~.00 I0~.00 DEF COMP 10/15 PR JRNL-CD 01-204.0-0000 1010 I023.00 G1971 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/~I 1~.30 HOSP DED 10/15 PR 189.30 dl~NL-CI) 01-2040-0000 1010 189.30 G,q~bl~ ~EALTH PLAN VENDOR TOTAL 189.30 G1972 PRE-PAID 11103188 11103188 8..,~.50 213.8~ 24.~- 13.50 1~.64 1,~7.54 LIQ WINE DISC FRT MIX dR)t-CD 71-7100-~510 71-7100-~5~ 71-7100-9~ 71-7100-9600 71-7100-9540 1010 1237.54 RE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 GRIC. GS CODF,'~ & COMPANY VE,ND~ TOTAL H~14., PPUE-PAID ! 1/03/88 11/03/88 199 3.98- 3.60 1~.98 1436.52 171.53 171.53 WI)E DISC FRT ~NL-CD DED 10/15 PR JRNL-CD 71-7100-95~ 71-7100-9560 71-7100-9600 I010 01-2040-0000 i010 171.53 HB4N CO SUPPORT & CGUFCT, V~DOR TOTAL I~01 PRE-PAiD 11/03/88 11/03/88 171.53 5~.06 538.06 DEF CO~P JR)t-CD 10/15 PR 01-2040-0000 1010 538.06 ICMA RE-FiREMENT CORP VDSDR TOTAL ,~J2579 RE-PAID 538.06 1,245.55, LIQ P UR CHAS; dOURN AL · CITY OF MOUND NO. INVOICE NHBR [~TE DA~ STATUS PRE'PAID AMOUI~F DESCRIPTION ~rn,-~ n~w~,, NUMBER AMOUN"F 11/03188 11/03/E~: 1,893.66 WINE' 45,22- DI~ 5550 FRT 3,149.47 JRt'L-CD 71-7100-9520 7!-7100-9560 71-7100-7600 1010 3!4%49 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 1,797.29 L!Q 730,63 WINE 43.36- DISC 26.50 ~T 2~ ,,Al.06 ~NL-CD 71-7100-9510 71-7100-7520 71-7100-756.~ 71-7100-9600 1010 ~W1.06 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 967.22 LIQ 54.84 WINE 21.~- DI~ 12.50 ~T 1,012.68 JRNL-CD · 7!-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-7560 71-7100-~600 I010 I012,58 JONSON BRDS WFF]LESAUE LI, VE)~DR TOTAL 6673.23 K2708 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/E8. KNOX L~Bc"R COMPLY VEND~ TOTAL M3090 P~£-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 MED CENT~ HEALllH P~N VEI~DOR TOTAL ~E-PAID ~11/03/88 11/03/~ 99,00 99,00 ~L-CD 99,00 ' 942,52 HOSP [ED 942,52 dR~.-CD 942,52 122,05 MBA DED 10/15 PR 122,05 ORNL-CD TRAILER FOR ROBOT CAR 10/15 PR 01-4140-2200 I010 01-20~-0000 1010 01-2040-0000 1010 ~.00 942,52 122,05 MN BElq~IT ~N VENDOR TOTAL 122.05 M3370 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 I1/03/~ 80.00 WAU',LIT RD SEWER 80.00 JR)~-CD 01-~00-0000 1010 80.00 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/~ MN POLL~IDN CCNTROL AG~iC VENDOR TOTAL ~401 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/~ MN R~iREM~N, SYS~ VE~ TOTAL 60.00 BAL DLE-WAI_NLFF RI) SEW~'R 60.00 JRNL-CD 140.00 288.00 D~ COMP 10/15 ~ 2'88.00 JRNL-CD ~88.00 01-~00-0000 1010 01-2040-0000 1010 60.00 288.00 ; M3520 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/8~ ? MDb?~D F~STMASTDR VENDOR TOTAL ~.00 POSTG-WTR BILLS 65.00 POSTG-WTR BILLS. I30.00 JRNL-CD 130.00 73-7300-3210 78-7800-3210 I010 1~.00 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 !1/03/~ 540.99 LTD 540.99 J~-CD 01-2040-0000 I010 540,99 PASE 4 AP-C02-Oi PURCHASE CiTY OF MOU!~D JOURNAL kENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION PRE-PAID ACCOUNT NUH~ AMOUNT -MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE YEI-~OR TOTAL 540.99 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/E8 5,576.13 PEPA 10/15 PR 5,5'/6.13 JR)IL-CD 0!-2040-0000' 1010 55'/6.13 PERA VENDOR TOTAL 5576.13 P4030 PRE-PAID 5,~6.40 ~1.62 11/03/88 11/03/88 5,568.02 HOSP DED 10/15 PR HOSP-RETIREE J~itL-CD 01-2~40-00¢~ 01-4140-1510 1010 5568.02 PHYSICIANS ~ MN V~OR TOTAL ~68.02 P4031 PRE-PAID 158.60 NOV H~P-M THARALSON 11/03/88 11/03/88 158.60 dRNL-CD .01-4140-1510 I010 158.60 PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 158.60 P4115 PRE-PAID 88.3.3 SUPPL LIFE DEl) 10/15 PR 01-2040-0000 11/03/88 11/03/~ 88.3'3 ~NL-CD 1010 PRUD~TIAL INSURANCE COMPA VE)~DDR TOTAL Q4171 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 2,682.94 LIQ 82.80 WINE 54.50- DISC 2,711.24 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9510 71,7100-9520 71-7t00-9560 1010 2711.24 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 11/03/88 QUALITY WI)E & SPIRITS VEN~R TOTAL 1,6~.11 LIQ 1~.50 WINE 34.93- DISC 1,780.60 JRNL-CD 1,~7.90 LIQ 398.40 WINE 33.49- DISC 51.00 MIX 1,863.81 dPJ~_-CD 6355.73 71-7100-~510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-95~ 1010 71-7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 71-7100-9540 1010 1780.68 18~.81 R4259 PRE-PAID II/03/88 11/03/88 97.83 OCT I.IE)~P 97.83 JRNL-CD 01-4340-1510 .. I010 97.B3 ROBOT E JONSON VB.~I~]R TOTAL S4500 PRE-PAID 9,504.94 FIT DED 10/15 PR 11/03/88 11/03/88 9,5~.94 01-2~}40-0~ 1010 ~04.94 STATE BANK DF MOUND TOTAL 9504.94 u4.,lO PRE-PAID 140.00 11/03/88 11/03/88 140. O0 STATE OF ~iI-DDCUME)fFS VENDOR TOTAL 140.00 88 STATLFFES jRNL-CD 01-4020-41~Q I010. 140.00 6P-~02-01 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF iNVOiCE ~UE Hu:D NO.,,~,u..~T~'un~r= NM~R DATE DATE STATUS $4511 PRE-PAID 11/03/88 1!/03/88 STATE CAPITOL CREDIT LNION VENDOR TOTAL AHOUNT 418.60 415.60 418.60 ['E$CR!PTION ACCOUNT ,,u~:-:. CR UNION DED 10/15 PR 01-2040-0000 JRNL-CD 10!0 418.60 PRE-PAiD SUPERAMERI CA 11/03/88 ll, 0c,/,.,8 V~DOR TOTAL 11,49 SE. PT GASOLINE 01-417~-2210 15,83 SEPT GA~LINE 01-4040-~I0 656.94 SEPT GASOLINE 01-4140-2210 I4.g6 BATTERIES-SUPPLIES 01-4020-2200 699.22 ~NL-CD 1010 T4807 PRE-PAID 2,021.99 PPD HD~-M SCHE~AU 71-1285-0000 11/03/88 11/03/88 2,021.9~ JRNL-CD 1010 TIME INSURANCE COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 2021.99 TOTAL ALL VENDORS 73,554.27 I PA~E ~ ~F-C02-O1 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. IN¥OICE NMBR DATE DATE STA,~S PURCHASE CITY OF A~ DESCRIPTION JO~JRNAL ACCOU~ NUM,,~ER P,:?' ?D ,q ..... .,iT A0060 11/08/88 11/08/88 1.33 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.~ OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.32 OFFICE SbT'PLIES 22.56 O~ICE SUPPLIES .66 OFFICE SUPPLIES .66 0~I~ SL~PLIES .66 OFFICE SUPPLIES .66 OFFICE SUPPLIES 34.~ ~NL-CD 0t-4040-2100 01-4090-21~ 01-4140-2100 01-~190-21~; 01-43~-2100 01-4280-2100 71-7100-2100 73-7300-2100 78-7800-2100 1010 A~O'~ VENDOR TOTAL 34.~ A0270 11/08/88 11108/88 46.00 CPR SUPPLIES 46.00 dP~IL-CD , 01-2300-0~0 1010 ~ERICAN ~AR~ ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 45.00 11108/88 11108188 241.50 TIF BOND FLEES 241.50 JRhL-CD 54-5600-61~ 1010 -,) 'l AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AO~I AMSTERDAM PRINTING B0530 BALDWIN SUPPLY B0540 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11108188 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/E~ VENDOR TOTAL BATHKIE CO.ANY 11/08/88 11/08/88 VE]~DOR TOTAL 241 .~ 53,17 JOB APPLICATIONS 53.17 ~.-CD 53.17 1;0.19 SWITCHLETS 140.19 dRNL-CD 1~.19 7.50 ~T OXYG~ 7.50 OCT OXYGEN 12.50 OCT OXY~N 27.50 dRIlL-CD 27.50 73-7300-2120 1010 78-7800-~00 1010 73-7300-~00 78-7800-2200 01-42~0-2200 1010 B0600 BLACKDWIAK ~4D SON 11/08/88 11/08/~ VENOOR TOTAL 45.~ OCT GARBAGE-LIQ 32.50 ~T GARBAGE-FIRE 61.20 OCT GARBAGE-N~'W PW 138.75 JRNL-CD 138.95 7!-7100-3750 -,~.-4170-3750 01-4290-3750 1010 B0680 11/08/88 11/08/~ 16.48 SCHOOL EXP 16.48 ~NL-CD 01-4140-4110 I010 .) BRADFORD ROY VENDOR TOTAL 16.48 B073) 11/08/88 11108188 1,318.21 CRUSHED RO~ 1,318.21 ~L-CD 73-7300-~40 1010 PAGE 2 A~-C02-01 NO. INVOICE ~ DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE dOURNAL DATE 11/ Clli OF ~ lI~E 10,. ~MOUNT DESCRZPTZON ACCOUNT NLI~E~ ~ CFE~ t T,, I)USINESS DEVELDPMNT SERVIC ~ TOTAL B0771 BUSINESS RECORDS C~TI VENI)DR TOTAL C0820 11/08/8) 11/08/8) CAROIU. SALT DIVISION VENDOR TOTAL C0830 CASH REGISTER ~I. ES VENDOR TOTAL C0831 11/00/8) 11/08/8) CATCO PARTS SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL C0870 11/08/8) 11 CHAPIN PUBLISHIN~ CD VENDOR TOTAL C0920 CITY OF MOUND C0~40 CLEAN STEP RENTAL C0~70 11/08/8) 11/08/8) VENDOR TOT6L 11108/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/8) 1 1/08/8) COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST VENDOR TOTAL CIOIO 11108/88 11108/88 CO(~IUNICATION AUDITOR VENDOR TOTAL CliO0 2,000.00 NSPC,CDNTE]. DONATN-EC DEVEL 01-2300-0000 46.50 ECON ~VEL 01-43~-4100 2,046.50 JR~-CD 1010 2046.50 48.~ T~PES-SE~LS--ELECTION 01-4060-2200 7'/.25 INVENTORY FDR~IS 71-7100-3500 126.23 JRNL-CD 1010 126.23 3,0~7.b'5 126.b'ST DEICINO SALT 01-4280-2340 3,077.S5 JRNL-CD 1010 30~7.55 196.45 REGISTER REPAI~ 71-7100-3820 196.4S dRNL-CO 1010 196.45 111.44 SLACK ADJU~NT 01'4280-2310 111.44 JRNL-CD 1010 111.44 21.25 RID AD-RECYCLE COLLECTION 01-4270-3510 '~ 21.25 JRNL-CO 1010 21.25 10.2~ WATER-LIQ 71-7100-3740 10.29 JRNL-CD 1010 I0.2~ 20.24 OCT RUG RENT 01-4320-4210 20.24 OCT RUG RENT 71-7100-4210 40.45 J;~NL-CD 1010 40.48 214.S0 OCT MIX 71-7100-~40 214.50 JRNL-CO 1010 214.50 58.46 PAGER REPAIR 22-4170-3200 58.46 JRNL-CD 1010 58.46 45.40 TONER FOR COPIER 73-7300-2100 18.80 MAINT FOR COPIER 78-7800-3100 PAGE 3 AP-C02-O1 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY DF MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUM~ PRE-PAID A? 11/08/88 11/08/88 6.4.20 ,RNL-CD 1010 COPY DUPLICATING PRODUCTS VENDOR TOTAL 64.20 Dl!70 11/08/88 11/08/88 408.65 RR LEASE TO 11/15 ~)4.35 RR LEASE TO 11/15 613.00 dRNL-CD 40-60~-3710 01-4320-3910 1010 DAKOTA RAIL INC VENDD~ TOTAL 613.0O D1200 3,164.00 DCT ~ .71-7100-9530 I1/08/88 11/08/88 3,164.00 JRNL-CD 1010 DAY DISTRIBUTING CD VENDOR TOTAL D1320 11108/88 11/08/88 DD4ALD BRYCE VDE)O~ TOTAL 3164.00 417.00 417.00 417.00 OCT CHIEF 'SALARY dRNL-CD ??-4170-1370 1010 .) E14~ EAST SIDE BEVERAGE E1430 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08188 11108188 5,442.65 5,442.65 5442.65 27.72 40.74 68.46 OCT BEER JRNL-CD PTAC SE~ION MAMA, MET CDU~IL MT~ dRNL-CI) 71-7100-75~ 1010 01-4040-4110 01-4040-4120 I010 ',) EDWARD SHL)~,LE VENDOR TOTAL 68.46 E14~3 11108188 11/08/~ 38.14 38.14 BAL DUE-LIQ LIAB ~ltL-CD 22-4170-3610 I010 ~OYEIE BD4EFIT ADM VE)~q30R TOTAL 38.14 F1660 P, OYD SECURITY F1690 FOUR STAR BAR SUPPLY 11/08/88 11/08/89 VEI4DDR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 V~NDO~ TOTAL 51.25 51.25 51.25 51.25 205.00 205.00 63.75 125.31 1~.06 189.06 ADDTL CHG-QTR ALARM ADDll. CHG-QTR ALARM ADDTL CHO-QTR ALARM ADDll. C~3-QTR A~ARH dRNL-CD OCT MIX (]CT MISC jRNL-CD 01-4280-4200 01-4~0-4200 73-7300-4200 78-7800-4200 1010 71-7100-95~0 71-7100-9550 I010 F!711 FRANCKS TRUCKING · !1/08/88 1!/08/88 VB~Of"A TOTAL 149.40 149.40 149.40 · I AAA AA DCT F~!GHT JRNL-CD 71-7100-9600 1010 '73-7300-4200 PACE 4 AP'CO£-O1 NO. INVOICE NN~R DATE DATE STATU~ 11/,,8;oo · . 11/L~O/C--, GAB BUSINESS S~VICES VENDOR TOTAL 1,000.00 1000.00 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUf.iT N~MBER 1010 P~'~-PA!D G1870 GERALD B~B 11/~g/88 11/08/88 VE?E~OR TOTAL 208.33 08.~ OCT MARSHALL SALARY dRNL-CD 22-4170-1370 1010 G1890 GLENWOOD INGLL~OOD 11/08/88 11108/88 VENDOR TOTAL 25.65 35.10 19.58 8.01 8.01 96.35 96,35 OCT WATER OCT WATER COOL~ OCT WATER COOL~ OCT WATER ~OLER OCT WATER CO~,ER ~NL-CD 01-41~-4!00 01-4070-~00 '01-4280-2200 78-7~0-~00 1010 Gl~O 11/08/88 11/08/~ GO~ I%qlNING SERVI~S VENDOR TOTAL H2160 II/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL HENN ~0 TREASb~'R II/08/~ 11/08/88 ~'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL J2440 J B DISTRIBUTING ~J25..~5 JOHN BREITNER 11/08/88 11/08/88 VS~D~ TOTAL II/08/88 11/08/88 V~OOR TOTAL 130.00 130.00 130,00 2!2.01 212.01 212.01 44.95 44.95 .44.95 46.20 46.20 46.20 426.70 426.?0 426.?0 DE]: DRIV-ROY dRNL-CD SEPT BOARD ~NL-CD REPAIR TTPEWRIT~B RADIATOR CLEANER dRNL-CD PLMB INSPEC ~NL-CD 0!-4140-4110 I010 01-4110-4250 I0!0 ~-4170-4100 1010 01-4290-~50 1010 01-4190-3100 I010 J2550 JOHN HE]qRY FOSTER .!!/08/88 llI08/~Q V~.~BOR TOTAL 65.56 65.56 65.56 FILTE~ ~)~.-CD 78-7800-~00 1010 1!/08/88 II/08/88 JOHNSON PAPER ~MPANY VD,gOR TOTAL 216.67 216.67 213.67 BAGS JR~-CD 71-7100-2200 1010 L2'850 616.60 616.60 4TH QTR INS 4TH QTR INS 4TF 9TR INS 01-4040-3610 01-4070-3610 01-~}90-3610' AP-C02-01 VENOOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMER DATE DATE STATUS PURCHASE CITY OF MOUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JOURNAL ACCOUNT NUMBER PRE-PAID A' T 11/08/88 11/08/88 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS T~ VEND~ TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 616.60 4TH QTR INS 91.34 4TH QTR INS 3,528.21 4TH QTR INS 34.27 4TH QTR INS 3,722.94 4TH QTR INS 342.56 4TH QTR INS 137.04 4TH QTR INS 913.41 4~ QTR INS 3,471.31 4TH QTR INS 1,%Y~.,.~ 4TH QTR INS 2,534.94 4TH QTR INS 2,534.94 4TH Q~ INS ~,462.50 JRNL-CD 20;62.50 70.10 4TH QTR INS-W/C 74.55 4TH Qll~ INS-W/C 5,%Y35.00 41H QlR I~-W/C 437.~ 4TH QTR INS-W/C 2,607.50 4TH OTR INS-W/C 312.57 4TH Q~ I~-W/C 375.08 4TH OTR INS-W/C 2,8,47.50 4Tl.I OmINS-W/C ~2.(X) 4TH Q~ INS-W/C 5:23.~ 4TH Q~ INS-W/C 1,064.53 4TH Q~ I~-W/C 13,~0.00 01-4190-3610 01-4110-3610 01-4140-3610 01-4150-3610 01-4280-3610 01-4290-3610 01-4~0-3610 01-4340-3610 22-4170-3&10 71-7!00-3610 73-7300-32,10 '78-7800-3610 1010 01-4040-3600 01-4090-3600 01-4140-3600 01-4190-3600 01-4~0-~00 01-4290-a400. 01-4340-3600 22-4170-3600 7D7100-3~00 73-7300'3600 78'7800-3800 1010 LEAGLE DF MN CITIES INS T* VENDOR TOTAL 13800.00 ~) L~80 · 33.31 11/08/88 11/08/88 33.31 LEO)~ARD HARRELL k..~09 LITHO/COLDR, INC. L2~O VEND[B TOTAL 33.31 11/08/88 11/08/88 VD$OR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/~9/~ DEA PRESS~TATION EXP ~NL-CD 12.48 EXIT SIDNS 12.48 EXIT SIGN9 12.49 EXIT SI~'~ 12.49 EXIT SIGN~ 49.94 dRilL-CD 49.94 181.58 OCT PARTS 181.58 JR)~-CD 01-4140-4120 1010 01-4280-2200 01-4%x)0-~00 73-7300-~00 78-7800-~00 1010 01-4290-~10 I010 LO~d..'S VENDOR TOTAL 181.58 ~940 2,025.00 TR~ REMOVAL ~0,00 TREE REMOVAL-ASSESS 46..~ O.~BR 11/08/88 11/08/68 2,375.00 JRNL-CD 01-4~0-5110 OI-I!D-O0~ 1010 LUTZ TR~ SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 2375.00 A!~.~I BA~JO!NT '01-4280-2310 PURCHASE CllY OF MOUND JOURNAL VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD RO. INVOICE RMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT ll/Uo~<.8 I!/0,:,/oo 616.61 M,~U:EN EUU~F,';:NT I~4C VENDOR TOTAL 616.61 DESCRIPTION ~NL-CD ACCOUNT NUMB£:: 1010 PRE-PAID AMCUNT M30iO MARINA AUTO SUPPLY ll/(YE.:/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL ~.03 ~9.59 S51.62 ~1.62 ChCT PARTS OCT PARTS dRNL-CD -- ,170-~,,0 01-4290-~10 1010 .') M3030 11/08/88 11/08/88 MARK VII DISll~!BLFFOR VL~OR TOTAL ~:060 11/08/88 I1/08/~8 M~T!N'S NAVARP£ 66 VENDOR TOTAL M3110 11/08/~ 11/08/88 MEDICAL OXYGEN & EQUIPM£NT VENDOR TOTAL 6. ,%':9. ,:.0 6,~9.30 6839.30 30.00 30.00 30.00 12.99 12.99 12.99 GCT BEER JRNL-CD TOW JRNL -CD FITTINGS JRr,,'L-CD 71-71C~-95-30 I010 01-4140-42~ 1010 01-4140-2300 10!0 M31SO 11/08/88 11/08/88 METRO FB4F. CQD~JNICATIONS VEI'.~qDR TOTAL. M31~O 11/08/88 11/08/88 METRO WASTE CONTROL COM~I* VENDOR TOTAL 42.80 42.80 42.80 ~,75~,17 7,719,84- 753.~- 25,263,01 25263.01 PACER RENTAL J~NL-CD NOV SBWER SERVICE h~V SEW~ SERVICE NOV SEW~ ~RVICE JRNL-CD 01-4140-~50 1010 78-7800-4230 78-I190-0000 78-3812-0000 1010 ~180 11/08/88 11/08/88 MEY~'S MOUD~ -~--_~RVICE V~ttOR TOTAL MINNEGASCD 11/08/88 11/08/88 VB-~OR TOTAL 5.00 SHARPEN SAW 5.00 ~NL-CD 48,40 OCT GAS 56.94 OCT GAS 37.01 OCT GAS 142.35 dRNL-CD 01-4280-4200 1010 01-4280-3720 73-7300-37~ 78-7800-3729 !010 M INN~O~,~fA MIST 11/08/88 ll/08/EDB ~JDOR TOTAL 151.20 RES~VE PARTY-AUG ~.,1.~0 ~NL-CD 151.20 O1 .~00 0..0 !010 M3470 37.40 WATER ANALYSIS 37.40 JR~u-CD ,,lO<, 8 735' I010 P~E ~ AP-C02-01 PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MOUND VD~IOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCODFF NUMBS: P,¢'F-PA!D A~n' :~F MN VALLEY TESTING LAB, ORATO VD~DOR TOTAL 37.40 ~-,490 11/08/~ 11/08/88 3,448.25 1,000.00 5'/0.00 5,018.~ OCT SALARIES OCT MAINT OCT DRILLS JE~4L-CD ~-4170-1390 ~-4170-31~0 22-4170-13E<) 1010 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMD~T VENDOR TOTAL 5018.25 M3500 11/08/88 11/08/88 4,426.92 NOV FIRE RELIEF PENSION 4,428,92. dRNL-CO ~-~00-!464 1010 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSN VENDOR TOTAL M3570 11/08/88 11/08/~ 4428.92 149.27 EMPL AD 149.27 JRNL-CD 73-7300-3410 1010 MPLS STAR & TRIBUNE VENDOR TOTAL 149.27 ~740 N~WMAN SIGNS 11/08/88 11/~/88 VENDOR TOTAL 92.16 PW SIDES 72.16 JRNL-CD 92.16 01-4280-~ 1010 ~770 11/08/~ 11/08/~ 506.~2 WATER MEI'~'S ~6.42 JRNL-CD 73-7300-2300 I010 NORTH STAR WATERWORKS PRO, VENDOR TOTAL N3800 506.42 ~5.99 DOT EUECTRICITY . 46.98 OCT ELECTRICITY 407.10 OCT ELECTRICITY 3'29.48 OCT ELECTRICITY 185.07 OCT ELECTRICITY 1,~2.~ OCT ELECTRICITY 1,217.50 OCT ELECTRICITY 4,145.00 JRNL-CD 01-4280-3710 01-4340-3710 01-4320-~10 71-7100-3710 ~-4170-3710 73-7300-3710 78-7800-3710 '1010 NORTHERN STATES POWER CD VD, IDDR TOTAL 4145.00 02890 89,~ OIL ~-4170-~00 11/08/88 11/08/~ 89.55 &RNL-CD -- I010 OLYMPIC OIL COMPANY VBJ'D~)~ TOTAL 89.55 P4000 11/08/88 11/08/~ 319.10 OCT MIX 319.10 JRNL-CD 71-7100-9~0 1010 PEPSi-COLA COMPANY VD~DOR TOTAL 319.10 P~.132 -11!08/~ 11108/?8 36.~ PHYS DESK REF 36.95 ~)L-CD 01-4140-4170 t010 PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE %~DOR TOTAL 36.95 PAGE AP-C02-01 VE),!DOR I)~OtCE DLE WOLD NO. I~VO!CE I~BR DATE. DATE STATUS P .4460 11/08/88 11/08/~ P~REBA DISTRIBUTING ~ V~D~ TOTAL P4090 11/C~8/88 11/08/88 PG~B BRAKE EQUIPM~T CO ~"$OR TOTAL P4100 11/08/88 11/08/~ PFUECISION B~I~SS SYSl-~ ~ENDOR TOT~ R4209 RANDY'S SANITATION R4280 R4290 R~'S ICE COMPANY R4310 11108/88 11/08/88 VEENDDR TOTAL II!08I~ II/08/~ VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08I~ ~ENDDR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/~ ROYAL CROWN BEVERAGE S4357' SEARS S4430 SOS PRID~ING S4440 V~,~OR TOTAL 11108/88 11/08/88 VE)E10R TOTAL '1!/08/88 11/08188 V'~R TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/68 SPRING PARK CAR WASH VBSDR TOTAL S45~0 AMOUNT 2,782.35 2,75~.35 8~.95 89.95 89.95 315.02 315.02 315.02 54.00 54.00 54.00 150.00 25.00 175.00 175.00 125.64 125.64 1~.64 '80.80 80.80 80.80 54.~ 18.00 72,25 72.~5 14.75 ~.45 35.20 ~.20 8.50 14,00 56.00 78.50 78.50 305.00 PURCHASE JOURNAL Clll OF t'~OUl','rJ DESCRIPTION OCT B~: ~:kL-CD DIESEL FLEL POW~ JR~L-CD MEMO SCRIBER ~)~--CD ~T G~BAGE-CITY ~ ~NL-CD ~T ASST CHI~ SA~RY ~I~ FOR MJ~MORIAL JRNL-CD OCT ICE ~-CD ~T MIX JRNI.-CD VACUUM VACUUM SERVIa--2 YRS JRNL-CD WARNING FLYERS ~-CD []CT CAR WASH OCT C~ WASH OCT CAR WASH ~NL-CD SHELVES-WOFiK, B~CH PRE-PAID AMOUNT 71-7100-7530 1010 01-4290-22~ 1010 .0I-4!40-5000 1010 01-4320-375,0 I010 ~;-4170-13,0 ~-4170-4100 1010 71-7100-~540 I010 71-7100-9540 1010 73-7300-~ 73-7300-~00 I010 01-4340-2100 01-4140-2120 1010 01-4190-3810 01-4280-3810 01-4140-3810 1010 01-4~-~I0 .-) PAGE '9 AP-C02-O1 VE~.!DOR I~JOICE DUE HOLD NO. IN~q3ICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS 11/08/88 11 I08188 STATE TR~b"D'RER - SJJRPLUS S4600 STREIC)~ER'S S4640 SUF'~ CYCLE T4710 VFJ;'DOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 II/08/B8 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICALS VENDOR TOTAL T4~O 11/08/88.. 111O8188. THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL T4890 TOOLS U~LIMITEO T4930 TWIN CITY HOME ,.rdlCE CD U~50 UNIFORMS~P_!MITED USlO0 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 VE)~OR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 UNITDG R~TAL SYS.~ VENDOR TOTAL V5181 !1/08/88 11/08/88 PURCHASE CITY OF MOUND AMOUNT 305.00 305.00 199.50 199.50 199.50 1,430.00 1,430.00 1430.00 94.70 94.70 94.70 7,081.15 7,081.15 7081.15 59.97 59.97 59.97 20.88 20.88 20.88 167.10 81.90 249.00 249.00 50.56 11.64 114.01 ~.80 10.40 ~.20 5-/.01 11.63 11.63 11.63 335.51 ~5.51 79.96 79.96 DESCRIPT!DN JRNL-CD FiLM J~_-CD OCT RECYCLE SERV JRNL-CD HAND SOAP(12) ~NL-CD . OCT B~R JRNL-CD TIES-DIE SETS ,JRNL-CD OCT ,Ix JRNL-CD SHIRTS, TIES PANTS-HYLAND JRNL-CD OCT TOWELS (]CT FUJC, S OCT UNIR]RMS OCT UNIFORMS OCT UNIFORMS OCT UNIFORMS OCT UNIFORMS OCT RUGS OCT RUGS OCT RUGS LIGHTS J~'~-CI) JOURNAL ACCOUNT NU~ER 1010 01-4140-2200 I010 01-4270-42rX) I010 01-42~-~..,0 1010 71-7100-95SQ 1010 0!'4~0-~50 1010 71-7100-9540 I010 01-2300-02~"'0 01-4140-~ 1010 01-4290-~50 01-42~-2200 ' 0 I-4~0-2.240 01-4~-'~y0-2240 01-4340-22-40 73-7300-~4.0 78-7800-~40 01-4290-~00 73-7300-~00 78-7800-~00 1010 01-42~0-2310 1010 PRE-PAID A-~,,NT PGE 10 AP-C02-O! VE?~DOR NO. IN.ICE PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY OF MD. UND DiE HOLD PRE-PAiD DATE STAllJ$ AMOb?~T DESCRIPTION ACCOS~T' NU~ER~,~'~n'~'~:~,~,, I,¥vO!CE DATE .) j> VAN 0 LITE, INC. V5195 VENDOR TOTAL 79.96 11/08/88 11/08/88 V~NCO HAIN~N~ INC ~NDOR TOTAL ~230 11/08/88 11/08/E~ VIKI~ SAki"FY F'RDITdCTS VENDOR TOTAL W.5440 WATERDUS COMPANY W5571 11/08/88 11/08/~ ~IENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 W1ESTOItKA ME~ANI~ ~Nll~. VEI~ TOT~ W~JO 11/O8/~ 11/~/88 WESTON;CA ~NITAT!DN V~R TOT~ ~5~0 WIDMER INC W5690 11/O8/°~ I1/OS/B~ VENDOR TOTAL WM ~UELLER &SDNS ~5-700 W~ST-PEARSDN-L~SDN X~O 11/08/~ 11/~/$I VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/8~ VD~DOR TOTAL 6~5.50 OCT CLEANING 01-4320-4210 ~4.00 WINDOW CLEANING 01-4~0-4~10 1,009.50 ~NL-CD 1010 1009.50 888.00 ~IPDD 78-7800-50C~) ~%~8.00 JRNL-CD I010 ~8. O0 ~4.3. R~'AIR KIT 24.39 ~NL-CD , 24.~ ~-4170-~00 1010 174.54 WAllER ~FTNR HOD)(, ~S 01-428~-42~ 174.53 WATER SOFlltl HOD)( ~8 73-7~0-4200 174.53 WAllER SDFilqR HDDK UPS 78-7800-4200 523.60 dRII.-CD 1010 52~.60 40.00 190.00 ~0.00 230.00 ~0.00 220.S0 1,127.00 1,737.50 1737.50 1,~0.71 5~.13 440.64 4,771.03 6,8~.51 68o'5.51 1,~0.00 2,755.70 4,305.70 4~5.70 OCT GARBAGE-IP ROLLDFF-AS~SS4915 ~m~ JRNL'CO IlO'BANK HAZ H(]USE--~65 OAKLAWN DRUMMOND Ji'h~.--CO BLACKTOP FIU. SA~ BLACXTDP CONCRETE SAND dRNI.--CD ~ RETAINER TIF FEES (HRA) JNL'CD PRINC-5600 INT -56~ PRINC-1012 15.33 15.14 48.52 01-4340-3750 01-11~-00~ 1010 73-7300-2800 01-!I~0-0000 26-5700-4200 1010 73-7oqYJ-2340 73-7300-23~ 78-7800-~-J,0 01-4280-~ 1010 01-4110-310(l 64-5600-3100 1010 o1-4 =5ooo 01-4320-6110 01-43~-5000 PAGE 11 AP-C02-01 V~,~DOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE N~"~R DATE DATE STATUS XEROX CORPORATION X5751 XEROX CORPORATION Z5e~O 11/08/88 11108188 VENDOR TOTAL 11108/88 11108188 VENDOR TOTAL ZACK'S INC Z5851 11/08/88 11/08/88 VENDOR TOTAL 11/08/88 11/08/88 ZA~ EQUIPMENT COI~:~AN¥ VIENIX]R TOTAl. Z5870 ZIEGLER INC Z6136 11/08/88 11/08/88 %E~I]OR TOTAL 11/08/88 11108188 NIGHTIN~LE-Q]NANT CORP VENDOR TOTAL TOTAl. PiJ. VENDDR~ PURCHASE JOURNAL CITY DF MDL~4D AMDL~T 8.5 377.84 605.08 605.08 329.00 329.00 3~.00 26.32 90.75 43.il 160.18 160.18 9,597.00 9,597.00 9597,00 258,34 258,34 43,00 43,00 .43,00 146,128.77 DESCRIPTION INT -1012 SEPT MAINT-5600 JRN1.-CD ~INT AGREEMNT-DIRECT JRNL-CB TRiS'H B~"S CLEANERS-CDMPOUNI) S~GE-WAXWASH JRNL-CD LUBE EDUIPMENT-PW ~(L-CI) FILTERS JRNI.-CD PSYCH DF WINNING CASSETTE ACCOUNT ~&~i~ 01-4320-6110 01-4~--~20-3800' 1010 0!-4040-300 1010 '01-4280-2200 01-4290-2200 01-42~-2258 1010 ~-6000-5000 1010 01-4~0-2210 1010 01-4140-4170 1010 PRE-PAID .') MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1988 PARKS DEPARTMENT General Comments In October the Parks Department was in the process c~ moving all of its equipment and supplies to the old public works building on the island. We completely removed all the unusable parts and equipment that had collected over the years, washed out the stalls and consolidated ail the parks equipment and supplies there. There is still quite a lot of work that needs to be per- Formed, but the staff is gone For the winter. We will resume work in the spring. A11 summer equipment has been prepped For winter, the tractors have had the Fluid changed, washed and re-oiled if they will be used For snow removal or skating rink cleaning. With the summer gone and a look back at the park crew's ac- complishments, you will see a lot has been done. A Few examples: the park crew rip rapped approximately 1,550 linear Feet of shoreline, and repaired dock areas at Lagoon Park, Ridgewood Park, Excelsior Commons and Twin Parks. Under contract, we had the 650 linear Feet dredged at Black Lake Channel and 1,500 linear Fee rip rapped on Devon Commons on the 'island. With all of this we were able to provide the daily main- tenance of the parks and public grounds,. Commons The commons were inspected for compliance of winter dock storage, along with an inventory of sites that wi11 not provide For dock- ing due to low water.. We have set up an area For rip rapping this winter along Brighton Commons. Also, a dredge has been plied For' on' Harrisons Bay From Ashland to Morgan Lane, ap- proximately 550 linear Feet which would be done in the end of January. Tree Removal In October Five trees were removed From City property. We had to Force remove one tree From private property. The cost of the Forced removal will be assessed to the property. Cemeter% The cemetery received its Final mowing and pick-up oF leaves For the Fall. The grounds have been marked For winter burials by the street department. No damage was done this past Halloween on the grounds. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 November 8, 1988 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER RE: OCTOBER 1988 MONTHLY REPORT October's sales of this Year were almost a carbon copy of October of 1987. Last year we did $75,755. This year in October we did $76,50q, up $7q8. Two reasons Sales were flat this month were: 1) Last year there was an extra'Saturday in the month that we lost this October and, 2) Last year the Minnesota' Twins were performing miracles in the American League Championship Series and in the World Series. Their success prompted a few impromptu celebrations. Ail in all, taking these two factors into consideration, I'd say October was not too shabby. So far this year the figures look like this: A. Sales up $72,q88 B. Customer count up 1,882 C. Average sale up from $9 to $9.70 I am anticipating that sales for this November should be good. We have'going for us our full ..compliment of weekend days and of course Thanksgiving, which is traditionally excellent, especially for wine sales. JK:ls An equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationa~ origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle Len Harrell Monthly Report for October, 1988 STATISTICS The police department responded to 73] calls For service during the month of October. There were 32 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses Included ? burglaries, 21 lar- cenies, I robbery, ! assault, ! arson, and I vehicle theft. There were 76 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses in- cluded 3 child abuse/neglect, 7 Forgery/NSF checks, 13 criminal damage to property, 1 weapons violation, I nar- cotics violation, 5 liquor violations, 7 DWI, 5 simple as- sault, 6 domestics (4 with assaults), 11 harassment, 6 runaway/ truancy, and ll miscellaneous other offenses. The patrol division Issued 149 adult citations and 13 .juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an ad- ditional 24 citations. An additional 70 warnings were issued during the month. Two adults and three juveniles were arrested for felonies in October. Twenty-Four adults and- eleven juveniles were ar- rested for misdemeanors. The department assisted in 13 vehiclular accidents, 3 with personal injuries. There were 31 medical emergencies and 85 animal complaints. Officers assisted surrounding agencies 'on mutual aid ca'ils 9 times in October. Property valued at $11,331 was stolen during the month. II. INVESTIGATION Three chilld protection cases were investigated during the month of October. The department has investigated S2 child protection cases since the first of the year. A total of 45 hours of investigative time was spent in October on protec- tion cases. Other cases investigated included several check cases, nar- cotics possession, damage to property, burglary, assault, theft, and Forgery. POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - OCTOBER, 1988 Investigator Grand continues to be utilized in the class- rooms at Shirley Hills, Grandview, and Our Lady of the Lake schools. Inv. Grand completed his D.A.R.E. training in Il- linois in October. Formal complaints were issued for ZZ cases Involving as- sault, providing alcohol to minors, public consumption, pos- . session of marijuana, .public nuisance, worthless check, gross DWI, theft, and driving after revocation. III. MANPOWER: The department used approximately 99 hours of overtime during the month of October. Some of that overtime was necessitated by attending a required course on "Hazardous Materials." Some of the overtime was to cover short shifts For an officer who had minor surgery. OFficers earned about 43 hours in comp-time in October and .used over 50 hours during.the month. Officers also used 5.5 sick days, 8 vacation' days, and 4 holidays during the month. IV. TRAINING Police personnel each attended a four hour COUrSe in "Hazardous Materials." The course is required For a11 First responders. The .department had Firearms training For each officer during t, he month. OFFicers also participated in their fitness te~ts. Officers attended 29 days of training during October. The trai'ning courses included defensive driving, psychology of management and communication, property room management, com- munications, animal control, intoxilyzer testing, D.A.R.E. (drug awareness resistance education), drug enforcement, and supervision. I attended the I.A.C.P, national convention in Portland, Oregon. The following workshops were attended: Innovative Crime Prevention Strategies Current strategies in Drug Enforcement 1 Managing Calls for Service Terrorism 198B: Update & Prognosis Being a Successful Chief in the 1900's Dealing with the Union: Conflict or Cooperation New Directions in Policy & Procedures MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - OCTOBER, 1988 Current Strategies in Drug Enforcement IV Dealing with the Pressures of Being a 'Police Chief I also attended the general assembly meetings where the speakers included Director William Sessions, Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, John C. Lawn (D.E.A.), and chief 1aw enforcement officers from Peru, The Republic of China, and Italy. Reserves The Police Reserves donated approximately 193 hours during October. Their activities included football games, homecom- Ing activities, transports to jail, and a CPR class through Community Services. The reserves received training on first aid and hazardous materials. The unit consists of 9 members. Rob Meuwissen left the unit in october to become a police officer in Aberdeen, South Dakota. !'ART I CRIMES o = o D m o ~ o = ADULT'. JUV [omicide Assault 1 5urglarY 7 1~ 1 21 3 I I 3 ~rceny Vehicle Theft 1 Arson 1 .,. 32 4 2 3 TOTAL PART II CRIMES Child Abuse/NeKlect 3 I I 1 ForRery/NSF Checks 7 5 11 Criminal Dama~,e to Property 13 1 Weapons I i 2 Narcotic Laws I I 1 1 5 5 1 7 Liquor Laws "· 7 7 7 · ' 5 I 1 Simple Assault ' Domestic Assault 4 .- 2 i 1 Domestics (No Assault) 2 Harassment 11 ?unaway/IncorriEibility/Truancy 6 I 2 2 " 4 2 Public Peace All Other Offenses 7 TOTAL "' . 76 7 24 24 · 11 PART III &'.'PART IV ' Property Damage Accidents 10 Personal Injury Accidents 3 Fatal Accidents 0 Medicals 31 Animal Compla,ints 85 Mutual Aid 9 Other General Investigations 593 H_en.ni_Cty. Child Protection I 4 ~/,~ n 7 28 26 14 POLICE/CRIME 'ACTIVITY REPORT '. MONT I OCTOBER GENERAL ACTIVITY SUM~t&RY IHIS rrna UST MONTH . TO DATE Ha.zardous Citations 85 1,203 ~103 Non-Hazardous Citations 57 .565 480 Hazardous'Warnings 22 293 359 Non-Hazardous Warnings 17 578 748 Verbal Warnings 103 1,196 723 Parkin~ Citations 24 458 300 DWI 7 76 88 O%~R .10 7 44 61 .Property DamaEe Accidents 10 97 75 Personal Injury Accidents 3 28 28 AcCidents· 0' 0 0 Adu/~ Felony Arrests- 2 33 40 Adult'Misdemeanor Arrests 36 257 251 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 1 85 62 Juvenile Felony Arrests 3 70 53 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 12 82 110 ~uvenile Misdemeanor Citations " 6 48 46 Part I Offenses 32 345 320 Part II Offenses 76 679 670 Medicals "' 31 221 173 Animal Complaints 85 964 972 Other Public Contacts " mmm 593 5,398 4,691 1,212 12,720 11,353 Assists 60 572 456 Follow-Ups .'55 454 456 HCCP PROPERTY LOSS/RECOVERY SUMMARY ITEH Bikes Snowmobiles Boats, I~otors, T~ailers Clothing Currency, Notes, Jewel'E¥.~ Precious Metals Gu~s Home. Furnishings Radio & Electronic Equipment Vehicles & Vehicle Equipment Miscellaneous TOTAL ST6LE. $ 513 111 1,131 450 860 2,425 5,275 576 $11,331 RECOVERED $ 495 118 613 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER, 1988 ~ CITATIONS DWI More than .lO% BAC Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speed No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired, or No Plates Illega. 1. Passing Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment ViD'rations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn .Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinance. Derelict Autos Seat Belt Miscellaneous Tags TOTAL ADULT dUV 7 0 7 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 61 7 t 2 2 0 0 0 6 ! 0 1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 '0 ! 0 4 0 I 0 15 7 0 173 13 HOUND POLICE DEPARTHENT HONTHLY REPORT October, I988 WARNINGS No Insurance Traf6ic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belts C~cher TOTAL ARRESTS Warrant Arrests ADULT 19 18 0 t 12 JUV 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 OFFICER R5 R6 RII DETAILS Emer.C/O Res. Sq. Comm. S. 15 14.5 Football 24 3 18.5 Training 30 30 Instruction Ride Al., 4 2,5 Adman. 30 10 RI3 RI4 RI6 RI7 RI9 R22 R23 3 14,5 7,5 4,5 11,5 8 8 4 30 6.5 18 3 7 6.5 30 TOTAL 6 82.5 64 138 13 40 TOTALS 103 30 48,5 22.5 7.5 4.5 ;.48,5 14.5 18 46.5 343.5 ACTIVITIES THIS HONTH Reserve Dance HD Telethon 4 Footba.ll Games 4 Attending First Responder School Assisting w/Officer Friendly Program 2 High School Dances OFFICERS R5 Thompson R16 Hawks R6 Niccum R17 Kohman Ell Remain Ri9 Nelson RI3 Heuwissen R22 Fleming RI4 Svoboda R23 Vogel Prepared by Debbie Thompson, Sgt. i MOUND POLICE RESERVES SEVERENCE ACCOUNTS SEPT 1988 OFFICER Butch Hawks Oebble Thompson Ruth Vogel Dan Nlccum Steve Smith Sherry Svoboda Dave Nelson Rob Meuwtssen John Romaln TOTALS Jeff Fleming in'training.' DEPOS I T $26.00 $13.00 $13.00 $26.00 $19.50 $97.50 BALANCE $271,50 $414.50 $408.00 $212.50 $97.50 $78.00 $65.00 $117,00 $ 19.50 $1780.50 Prepared by Debbie Thompson, Sgt. 2 :FS03 I-#0¥-88 50NLY~ NO ACTIVITY CODES= ALL INSTALLATION NANE -- NOUNO POLICE DEPARTNENT PAGE ! · · · I · · -. ENFORS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 09/26/88 THRU 10/25/88 ,CT ~OE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 go TOTAL 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9010 ~014 SPEEDING J-SPEEDING NO O/L, EXPIREO D/L J-NO O/L, EXPIREO D/L RESTRICTEO O/L BAC OVER .10 STOP SIGN SIGN FAILURE TO YIELO EQUIPMENT VIOLATION CARELESS/RECKLESS EXHIBITION DRIVING CROSSWALK VIOLATION OBSTRUCTED VISION · NO SEATBELT d-NO SEATBELT PARKING/ALL OTHER NO TRAILER PARKING DAS/OAR/OAC iTES/NO-I~PROPER-EXPIRED J-PLATES/NO-EXPIRED-IHPROPER CHAHGE OF DOHIC]LE LOST ARTICLES/OTHER lO 9 9 29 ! 3 3 1 ! 3 i Z I 5 I ! 3 I I !0 I I 3 ! 3 4 8 ! ! 6 7 i ! I-' 2 2 I I 61 1 2 7 $ I I !1 i '! i ! 15 IG 8 2 I 5 UN: I-NOV-88 FS03 ~IKARY ISN'S ONLYT ACTIVITY COOES; NO ALL ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION )9311 FOUND PERSONS 09312 FOUND ANIHALS/IHPOUNDS ~9313 FOUND PROPERTY 093i4 FOUND VEHICLES/]HPOUNDED 09420 DERELICT AUTO 09430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS B9450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS ~945! H/R PROPERTY. DAmAGE ACC, 09562 CAT BITES 095G3 DOG AT LARGE 09700 SUICIDES 09130 HEDICALS 09731 DETOX-mEDICALS 09140 mENTAL CASES 09800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 0980! OOm£STIC/NO ASSAULT 09900 ALL HCCP CASES 09904 OPEN DOOR/ALARHS 09913 CHIPS 0992O INSPECTIONS DEPARTHENT 09930 HANDGUN APPLICATION 09945 SUSPiCiOUS PERSON 09950 INTELLIGENCE iKSTALCATION NANE -- mOUND POLICE DEPARTHENT ENFORS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 09126/88 THRU 10/25188 ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 ! ! 2 2 I 2 4 I ! 2 ! 4 2 ! I 1 2 5 i I i ! I I PAGE TOTAL 2 I1 I ! 2 4 !. 26 3 I 5 2 4 2 i 2 ! I RUN~ !-MO¥-BB ~SO~ ~ )RINAR4~SN'S ONLY?. ACTIVITY CODES; NO ALL ~L INSTALLATION NAHE -- HOUND POLICE DEPARTHENT ENFORS CALL5 FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 09/2G/88 THRU 10/25/88 P~GE 3 &CT ::ODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ........... PATROL AREAS ........... I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL )9992 ~0900 ~1000 ~0002 5352 5353 5354 5502 3334 ~434 )494 ~4 WARRANTS NUTUAL AIO/8IO0 NUTUAL AID/GSO0 flUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER ASSAULT - S]HPLE DRUGS ASLT-UNK DEGREE-UNK ACT-UNK WEAPON-ADLT-ACQ S-INFLICTS ATTEfiPTS HR~-HANDS-AOLT-FAN ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEHPTS HRH-HANDS-ADLT-ACQ ASLT S-INFLICTS ATTENPTS HR~-HANDS-ADLT-STR ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEKPTS HRN-HANDS-CHLD-FAN ASLT S'THRT BODILY HARK-UNK WEAP-AOLT-ACq TERROR-THRT ]NFLT PRO DH-EXPLO ]NCEN-UNK RELAT BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-D-UNK WEAP-CON THEFT BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COH THEFT BURG 3'UNOCC RES NO FRC-D-UNK W£AP-CON THEFT ~ 3-I. R40C~ RS ~ F~-U-~ ~,_PJ~.~C(~'~ TI.~EFT BURG 3-UNOCC I~ES ~) FRC-U-UNK ~EAP-COH THEFT FORGERY-~-I~.~E ALTER DESTROY-CHECK-BI~INE~S I NON NARC'DISTRIB-ItARIdU-UNK CHAR ARSON 3-11S-UNK COND-DT PRDP-$299 LESS C~IM AGNST F~-MS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD TFoqF-ACC I O-~ -AGGRAVATED VIDLATIDN 4 7 2 i I I I I 2 ! i 1 1 i ! I l 13 4 2 1 ! I 4 1 2 i ' ! 1 2 I 2 l 1 1 1 1 :UN: 1-NOV-88 ;FS03 ACTIVITY iNST .PJ,~ATION ~ -- i"IOUND POLICE DEP~TMENT ENFOR$ CALLS FOR SStVIE ACTIVITY A,'~L¥SIS BY PATROl. 0912bl88 TI.RU t0125188 ~T ~ ~TIVITY ~O(~IPTI~ ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 d3500 ~-ACCID-MS-DRIVE-UNIE. R INFL[ENCE OF LIOUOR ~S3001 ,.I.MENILE-ALCOHOL .~ ~4~99 LIgUOR - OTI'ER ~ I~tlNAWAY ~1~ CRUELTY TO ANII',AL$-OTI'ER N3030 I)ISTtJU) PF. ACE-~-I)II~OROERLY CONIXJCT ~190 DISTURB PEACE-~-HAR~JqSSIN~ COIII'~JNICATIONS [TJ88'20BSENITY-~-OBSC;E)~[ PHONE CALL-ADULT P31~0 PRDP DAMAGE-~-PRIVAllE-UNK INIENT ~ RDBB-SIlt~I.E-DTH TYP-DTH WEAP-CHILI)-AC~ T202~ THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T20'59 THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-Fl~I YAR~-OTH PRDP T4021 THEFT-S250 LE$S-IiS-FRM BUILDINO-liONEY T4.0~9 THEFT-S250 LESS-~-FRII YARDS-OTH PROP TXl06~ 'THEFT-S200 LE$$-MS-F~ MAIL-OTH PROP T4159 THEFT-S250 LESS-~-FI~ ~TDR VEHICLE-OTH PROP U3016 U3026 U3~6 ¥1021 THF_FT-~-BY CHECK-$250 LF.8~ ~-I'$S-ISSq_IE WORTHLES CHECK-S250 LES~ THEFT-liS-SHOPLIFT I NG-$250 LESS THEFT-~-BICYCLE-NO liDTOR-250 UEH TH~T-FE-OUER $2500-AUTO 2 ! 2 2 3 3 1 I 1 3 ! ! 4 TOT~ 1 4 t ¢. 8 3 9 1 4 t 1. 1 1 7 ¢ 2 2 5 $ De~.Y? ACTIVITY CO~.~: INSTAllATION NANE -- HOUND PDLICE IXEPART~F..NT ENFORS CALLS FOR 8ER~/ICE ~TIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATRO. AREA 09/26/8) THRU 101251~ PAOE 5 ~T ~I]E ~TIVITY I)E~IPTI~ ........... PATROL AREAS ........... 10 20 30 40 50 ~0 70 80 90 TOTAL ~3120 WEAPONS-~-OISCHAF~-PISTDL-ND CHAR I 1 REPORT TOTALS: 67 44 103 105 65 7 5 2 398 7,s-2 ~RIMARY I~N'$ Obi. Y? NO E N F 0 R $ DI~:~OSITION C0~9: lqLJ. ACTIVITY CODES: AU. OF~ ACTIVITY BY I)I~O~ITION ~Ii)) AU. 09/26/88 ~ 10/25/~ ~SCRIPTIOfl REPORTED ~ OFFE~ PENDINO ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION ~ O. EARED 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 .0 0 4 I 1 0 2 3 75.0 0 2 I 0 1 0 1 50,0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 o0 0 2 t I 0 0 1 50,~ 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 1 I : 0 0 0 0 .0 O. 1 0 1 0 0 1 100,0 0 2 2 O' 0 0 0 .0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 .0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 100.0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 .0 INS~AllA'[I~ ~ -- MOU~ POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 / ................ "OFFF~$ ~ ................. / ~CTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSF.~ ACTUAL .... BY ARREST .... BY TOTAL PERCENT )ESCRIPTION REPDRTED U~D~ OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEARED [3O6O 1 ;RIM AGNST FAM-MS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD 127O0 I~qF-ACC I D-GM-AGGRAVATED VIDLATION ~500 " 6 *RAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNOE~ INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR ~3001 1 ~41~ 4 t8199 1 :RUELT¥ TO ANIMALS-OTHER 13030 4 IISTURB PEACE-MS-DISORDERLY CONDUCT 8 ~ISTURB P~E-~-HA~A$SINS CO~I~JNIC~TIONS ~2 ~BSENIT¥-MS-OBS~EN~ P~[~E CAU.-ADU~T ~ DA.~-~-P~IVAT£-UI~< INTENI 3130 4 ROP [JAMAGE-MS-BUSINE~-UNK INTENT 3905 1 TYP-OTH ~£AP-CHILO-ACQ 2029 1 HEFT-$251-$25O0-FE-F~ BUILDING-OTH PF,~]P 2059 1 ~tF. FT-$251-$2500-FE-FP, M YAF',DS-OTH PROP 0 1 0 0 0 I 1 100.0 0 1 0 I 0 0 I 100.0 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 100.0 0 I 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 0 4 0 I 3 0 4 1O0.0 0 6 3 0 2 1 3 50.0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 4 3 0 0 I 1 25.0 '0 8 7 0 0 1 I 12.5 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 0 9 8 0 0 I 1 I1.1 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 iN: 1-NOV-88 INS'TALt. ATIOfl NAME -- MOUND POLICE I)EPA~TMENT PAGE RII'L~RY I~'~ ONLY? NO £ N F 0 R $ OISPOSITION L'D~$: ALI. ACIlUITY CO~S: ALL ~FE]~ ACTIVITY BY DISPOSIIIDN GRID: ALL 09126188 TI. RU 10125188 £TIVIT¥ CODE/ ~ ACTUAL ESO:~IPTION REPORIEB LtqFOUNI~ OFFENSES PENOING / ................' DFFENSES O. EAREO ................. / .... BY ARfUEST .... BY TOTAl. ~ AI)ULT ,.ILr~E)iIIK EXCEPTI~ ~ CLF. iAqE/) I 0 I 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 [4O59 fl~1~:1'-$250 LE~-~-FRM YARDS-OTH PROP 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 f40~9 [I-~-1-$250 LESS-~-FRM MAIL-OTH PROP 1 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 100.0 [4159 7 fl.~'T-$250 LESS-liS-FRM MOTOR VF..HICLE-OTH PROP ~3016 4 0 fi.lEI:T-liS-BY C1-E~-$2~c~) LESS. LI3026 2 [HEFT-MS-ISSUE WORTHLES CHECK-S250 LE~ U32'86 2 [HEFT-~-Shq:)FL I FT I NG-$250 LE~ U3496 THEFT-~-BICYC~-~ MDT~-250 LE~ 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 .0 V1021 UE)I '[HEFT-~-~ $2SOO-AUIO WEAFq]NS-MS-D ISL'tLqRGE-P I STOL-~ CHAR 4 I 3 0 0 3 75,' 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 50.0 5 O. 5 5 0 0 0 0 ,.0 0 o o o o .o 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 REPORT TOTALS- lO0 0 100 65 17 11 7 3S ~.0 CITY of MOUND 534t MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (6!2) 472-1155 November 10, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK OCTOBER MONTHLY REPORT The City Council had 2 regular meetings and 1 special Budget meeting in October with 1 new ordinance and 11 resolutions. There.was Agenda preparation and items to clear up after each meeting. Some preparation was done for the November 8th election. The ab- sentee ballots arrived thirty days before the November 8th elec- tion and all persons who had applied for these were sent a bal- lot. A log has to be kept of all .persons applying for absentee ballots which includes, date of receipt of application, name and address, address where the ballot is sent, date of mailing, and date of receipt of returned ballot. The School District referendum election generated about 250 new vote 'registration cards which Linda had to check over to ensure the County had inputted the proper information into their com- puter, apply the proper voter identification number and file in the original voter registration file. This is a very time con- suming job. Preparation was done for the election judges' training session which was held in November, prior to the election. There were meetings with Hennepin County regarding the November 8th election. The memory packs for the election were prepared by Hennepin County. The Budget was adopted and the changes made were inputted into the computer. The Mound City Code of Ordinances Was updated to include the nine 1 An -;qual opportunity Employer that does not discrim*nate on the basis of race, COlOr, national origin, or handicapped status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. new ordinances that have been passed since the last time. These changes will be given to everyone involVed in the month of Oc- tober after the changes adopted tonight are incorporated. There were the usual calls and questions from the public. fc CiTY of MOUND 5341 MAYV,{)OD ROAr' MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 November 9, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Greg Skinner Water & Sewer Supt. October's Activity Report October was a busy and eventfull month. The move into the new facility is complete. There are still some bugs that we have to work out, but all in all it's great. I'm sure you all noticed the big mess on Commerce Blvd. in front of the bank. We had a main break there that found it's way into some old storm sewer pipe that was left in during construction back in 1981. Because of this, 'locating the break was very difficult and costly. This winter we will have to go out for bids to repair the street. This repair is for removing approximately 125' X 48' of road due to settling. We estimate the cost to run about $15,00 to $20,000. The Sewer Dept. had one back-up this month. With this back-up the resident hired Widmer Bros. to dig up their service line at the property line. When inspecting the line both the City's and the resident we found no major problems. The city has a couple of off- set joints~ but I feel that this did not create the problem she had. The resident has submitted a letter with copies of the bills and damages to' me. i have forwarded this information to John Norman for the Insurance Co. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612i 472-1155 November 9, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator October's Recycling We started the Recycling Task Force committee up again. There are 6 people on this committee. We got together October 26. The colors of our containers will be blue and green. We also put a brochure together to be handed out with the containers. This brochure tells What, W-hen, Where, Why and How to recycle. The leave compost has been open Saturdays at the City of Minnetrista. This is a busy place during these Saturdays. Bids were sent out to two different companies for the picking up of recycable material. The bid opening is December 13 at 2:30 p.m. During the pickup in October Supercycle missed a few places so they had to come back out on Monday and pickup their misses. October's recycling was 21.81 tons and 482 households. '~qgll~ A,',,:,c~;.3iOE~pc, r~,unit7 Emp!oyer that does not discrtmlna:£ on the basis of rase coo %ticna!or,gin orhand,cappedsta:us CITY of MOUND 5341 MAY'¢,9OD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 I512, 472-1155 November 9, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Geno Hoff Street Supt. October's Activity Report The first two weeks were spent moving into the new facility. We had to do alot of work before we could start to move equipment and parts, such as buying and installing used shelving which we purchased from Minnesota Federal Surplus. It was a little tough trying to work around some of the contractors that were finishing up their individual jobs, but we got it done and we are just about settled. The 19ch we started to mix salt and sand, we filled the bin first, then we moved back to the Island Park and mixed another batch. The bin on Lynwood holds 1,O71 tons and we will have another 900 ton stock piled on the Island. We had some rainy days when'we were out with the sweepers picking up leaves.. We are behind on our leaf pickup because of the moving of Public Works. We cleaned up some of the mess left after the fire on Monmouth MATERIALS PURCHASED 35.8 tons of winter mix 13.75 tons of 3/4" to dust 146 tons of salt 34 tons of sandfill CEMETERY WORK Layed out 3 graves and 6 stones, also pushed the dump area. We also staked the lots with lath so we can locate graves in the winter. SIGN WORK 3 Stop signs 4 No parking with posts 2 Slow Children In between the many jobs we had this month we managed to get our snow equipment ready to roll and thats a big job in its self. CITY of MOUND 5341 Mz, YWOO,.ff: F~DAD MOUND. N'!h",INESOTA 5536,.:' (612¢ 472-1155 November 9, 1988 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FRObI: Greg Bergquist Mechanic SUBJECT: October's Activity Report The shop was still being put together the first week of the month. Normal fall winterizing was the main task of this month. Wings and sanders had to be installed on street trucks. The loader needed new tires. MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 3, 1988 City Manager, Members of the City Council and StaFF Bertrand, Building OFFicial ~ Jan October I988 Monthly Report During the month of October, we had 21 working days. The Inspection/Planning Department has had two P)anning Commission meetings on October loth and 24th. Peggy James has also attended one Park Commission meeting on October 13th. I have attended two City Council meetings on Octoben llth and 25th. The Inspection/Planning Department has conducted the fo))owing in- spections during the month of October: Site Inspections 41 Footing Inspections ZZ Framing Inspections lO Insulation Inspections 6 Drywall Inspections 5 Ftnal Inspections 28 Progress Inspections Z? Erosion/Grading Inspections 3 House Moving/Demolition Z Heating'Inspections 23 Plumbing Inspections 15 Fire Sprinklers/Ffre Code 6 Complaints ~ TOTAL ZOO This list oF inspections does not include 5 inspections conOucted by the substitute inspector during the month. There were ]l plan reviews completed during October, including I for 2424 Shoreline Blvd., Attorneys at Law. The monthly report for September was submitted to the City Manager, as well as the normal correspon- dence, inspection notices and reports to the Planning and Zoning Commission. October 1~8 Monthly ReporS P~e Two The Planning Commission meetings in October reviewed two variances, one conditional use permit, one street vacation and one minor subdivision. The Planning Commission meeting on Oc- tober 24th continued their review of the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter, Housing Chapter, and a preliminary review of the Shoreland Management Ordinance Provisions. During October, ! signed a formal complaint for exterior storage at 5riO Windsor Road, the Fire Department completed the removal of 2965 Oaklawn with the Public Works Departments assistance for removal of the rubble after the fire burning. 4700 Wilshire was settled pending the court case. Di.smissal of this case was ac- complished after extensive follow-up and a pending assessment notification to the property owner. Considerable time was spent tn the pending assessment clean up at 4915 Monmouth including ne- gotiation with the neighbor to get right-of-entry on his property for the removal oF the Fire debris on the sight before winter. There were five stop orders issued during the month on Hillside, Shannon, Brighton Blvd., Radnor, and Wtlshire Blvd. There were six citations Issued during the month of October. Also during the mOnth, I have worked with the City Attorney's office to ac- complish some proper deed recording of an outlot with the Cob- -blestone Cove plat as well as recording of their covenants and the restrictions on the property which were not accomplished as of today. ! attended the regular staff meeting for October. I attended the general legislative committee meeting at the League of Minnesota Cities office of St. Paul to review pending legislation for the City of Mound. On October 20, the Lake Country Chapter had an afternoon meeting in .Long Lake to tou~ the Automated Building Components plant and receive information on all oF their manufac- tured-roof and floor trusses. The City vehicle required the normal gasoline fills during the month, as well as a car wash. The City Hall skylight has not yet been repaired after it was shattered this summer during the hot weather. ! have arranged to have Vtracon, window manufacturer, come in and look at the com- mercial skylights to determine what is causing these skylights to shatter. October 1988 Monthly Report Page Three The Public Works Department moved into their new facility during the month of October after several hours of testing the fire sprinklers, alarm systems, and meeting with the architect/engineer to determine a check list of Items to be com- pleted before the Certificate bE Occupancy will be issued Eor 5468 Lynwood Boulevard. The total number of building permits issued tn the month of Oc- tober was 41 with a total valuation of $733,066. The valuation figures are'attached on the building activity report for October. In addition, Peggy has prepared the monthly calendar for November city meetings and events. She has arranged appointments for the inspection of buildings, plumbing, and the substitute Inspector. She did prepare the Planning Commission agenda for the month and has written the minutes. She has completed the Park Commission agenda and minutes as well as correspondence for the Building ficlal and Park Director. m Site inspections include the review of the Planning Commis- sion requests and requirements, stte Inspections for flood plain verification, complaints and follow-up to code compliance such as · no buildtng permit, recheck of exterior storage compliance notices, review status of various sites for the city prosecutor, preconstructlon meetings at the site for building permit applica- tions or realtors, fire damage and periodic commercial Inspection updates. mm The heating Inspections during the construction of a project are Included under the framing and final Inspection of the build- ing. .The heating Installations menttone~ are for separate equip- ment being placed in homes and businesses. NOTE: dB:o] CITY OF HOUND CI~ 5~1 Maywood Road StteetAddm$$ Mound, MN. 5536~ Ci~and BUILOINB A~V~ ~ ~ OCTOBER N~ RESIDENTI~ ' "~~ 6 6 601 ~684 32 2,4 75 to~l ~.~U~ 6 6 601,684 36 2,657,815 NEW RESIDE~IAL (O~ A Tmnmen~ JRESIDENTIAL ADDITI~N~ w~ AND ALTERATIONS '~ I~ ~ ~.~ · ' 6 ' ~.?;. 57,000 103 1,926,721 ~~ 4 ~ 21 ~040 20 157r933 lm~ (decks) 4 ~. 1 ~700 56 185,273 ?oai ~flt/I t 4 ~;~ 91 ~ 740 182 2,289 ~ 412 TOTAL MO~H AND ~ YEAR TO DATE 20 693,424 ~ 6,009,666 DEMOL~NS '* ~ 1 1 9 9 I~ ~ 4 4 ~' ~"~ 21 267 fences ~ 41 -- ~ /mechan i ca 29 200 tOt~ 71 592 FIKE DgPART~I~ t~PORT P. oun~,, /~~ DRILLS & mUUN~ ~IRE DEPAK'J~EN; MONTHLY ~.TIVITY REPORT THIS LAST THIS YEAR LAST YEAR MONTH OF ~,~0~,~... /~"i~" MONTH MONTH TO DATE TO OAT[ NO. OF CALLS ' , HOUND - FI RE EMERGENCY M'TONKA BEACH - FIRE EMERGENCY MINNETRI STA - FIRE EMERGENCY ORONO - FI RE EMERGENCY SHOREVOOD - FI RE EMERGENCY SPR~NG PARK- F~RE EMERGENCY MUTUAL AID - FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL FIRE CALLS TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS RES I DENT I AL "~ NgUSTR~AL G~ss ~ ~SCELLANEOUS AUTO NO. OF HOURS - HOUND FIRE E~E.~ENCY tOTAL - HT~ BCH FIRE TOTAL -H'TRI STA FIRE EHERGENCY TOTAL - OROaO F~ RE EMERGENCY - SHO~EUO0~ EMERGENCY TOTAL -SP. PARK FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL -~UTUAL A~. F~ ~E EHERGEHCY TOTAL TOTAL DRILL HOURS TOTAL EHERGE/ICY HOURS T~T,AL FIRE HOURS MUTUAL AID RECEIVED '""'_ MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MEN ON DUTY I ~Z' J- Andersen J. Babb J. Beauchamp / D. Boyd 0 D. Bryce S. Bryce 13 J. Sassy 2 s. ~on~n, ~ M. David ~ B. Erickson ~ S. Erickson '~ J~ Garvais ' ~ K. Grady ~ L. Heitz ~ .C. Henderson ~ G. Johnson ~ B. Landsman /~ R. Marschke ~ J. Nafus TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS /~? M. Nelson A. Spitz G. Palm M. Palm G. Pederson T. Rasmussen M. Savage R. Stallman T. Swensen W. Swensen MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA 5536/, DRILL REPORT ~;/j_ G. J. S. Date~ .. Discipline and Team Work Critique of Fires Pre-Planning and Inspections Tools & ·Apparatus Identifying Hand Extineuisher Oneration Wearing Protective Clothing ·Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Inhalator Operation 'Note: 'Ilours Training Paid Time Pumper ODera%ion _..~Ti~- Fire Streams & Friction,. Loss House Burnin.gs Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstrationh Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio Operations llouse Evolutions Nozzle & llose Alliance . Excused X Unexcused O Present, - ~o t paid . Andersen Enderson Babb Beauchamp Boyd Bryce Bryce Carlson Collins David .- Erickson Erickson ..DI/,~1-.J. Garvais ~L. tleitz ~;~-C. Henderson ~¥.I_G. Johnson '~/~B. Landsman .. ~¥.I..R. MarSchke ~J. Nafus ~/~-M. Nelson ~'/j~A. Opitz ~G. Palm ~;~.~. Palm ~/~2-G. Pederson ~LT. Rasmussen ~/,~. Savage ~qJ_R. Stallman Dq~T. Swenson ~ W. Swenson ~/~R. Williams ~*/~r. Williams ' - DrillmaSter MOUND VOLUNTEER FIR°E DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA 5536~ D R I L L R E P O R T , ate: !O-lO- 2 Discipline and Team Work Critique of Fires Pre-Planning and Inspe.~tions Tools & Apparatus Identifying Band Extinguisher Oneration Wearing Protective Clothing Films Time Time Pumper Operation Fire Streams &'Fr~c%ion Loss Bouse Burnings Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstrations Ladder Evolutions ,,~ Salvage Operations Radio Operations ..First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Inhalator Operation Ilouse Evolutions , Nozzle & llose Alliance Note: Bours Trainin~ Paid ~Excused X Unexcused O Present, - ~ot paid ~;/~J. AnderSen ~/.J_ G. Enderson '~ ~/~-J.' Babb '~ ~/~- J. Beauchamp ~o-'/~D. Boyd ~;/~ S. Bryce D. ~ ~/~S. Collins ~'/~M. David .. ~S. Erickson ~ ~/~J. Garvais ~I//~L K. Grady ~ L. Heitz ~ C. Henderson ~ ~/~-G. Johnson [kl/~_ B. Landsman .. ..~tl~_ R. l'~arSchke ~< J. Nafus. ~¥~k. M. Nelson ~'/J_A. Opitz ~ UJ--G. Palm ~M. Palm ~q~G. Pederson ~i/j-.T. Rasmussen Savage ~/~I~R. Stallman ~l~.T. Swenson ~/~, W. Swenson ~/~i.R. ~illiams ~'/~-T. Williams y. C rey ! Drillmaster CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 November 9, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Norman, Finance Director RE: October Finance Department Report INVESTMENTS Balance October 1, 1988 Bought: CD 8.O5 Due O4-03-89 First Minnesota CD 8.O5 Due 04-08-89' State Bank of Mound CP 8.27 Due O1-13-89 Marquette Matured: CD 7.60 4M Fund CP 7.30 American National CD 7.50 State Bank of Mound Balance October 31, 1988 7,923,347 100.000 275,000 130,277 (300,000) (224,214) (150,OOO) 7,754,410 GFOA FALL CONFERENCE I attended the State Conference for Finance Officers in were 200 in attendence at the conference. A few of the attended were: October. sessions There I Health care cost trends Property Tax Reform and truth in taxation Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting Capital budgeting and long-term financial planning Motivat'ional speaker on Life is more than money in the bank The conference was organized, informative and well worth attending. I hope the same will be true next year (I was appointed chairperson of the '89 conference committee). An equal oppor, unity E mp,oyer,ha, does not d iscrlm,na,e on ,he b~sis of race, color nail on at od gin, or hand,capped s ta,u$ ~7~2 in the aOrmssion or access to. or treatment or employment in, its pr(;g~ams and activihes. ~£MO TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Board of Managers Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Eugene A. Hickok and Associates October 20, 1988 Lake Level, Flow and Precipitation Summary for September 1988. Lake levels in Lake Minnetonka have continued to decline through September as illustrated by the attached graph and lake elevations. There has not been any discharge from Lake Minnetonka to Minnehaha Creek since November 17, 1986. Creek flow at the Browndale Ave. dam in Edina during September is shown below. The 30 year average precipitation for September at the National Weather Service station in Maple Plain is 2.83 inches. The actual precipitation recorded in Wayzata for September was 3.04 inches. A summary of precipitation follows. PRECIPITATION SUmmARY SEPTEMBER 1988 Maple Plain Minneapolis-St. Paul Intern'l Airport Wayzata Actual 2.79 3.04 30 Year Average 2.83 2.50 September 7 September 14 September 21 September 28 MONTHLY FLOW SUf~4ARY Grays Bay (cfs) Browndale Ave'. Dam (cfs) 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.5 g 30.0C' LAKE MINNETONKA Water kevel~ 19~7-1 929.50 - NOHW(g2g.4) I 92.9.00 - 926.00 .............. ~,. ........... ~ .............. ~ .............. ~ .............. I .............. ~ .............. ~ .......... 06--Apr-87 21 -Jul-87 26--Aug-BT09-Nov-§7 04--Apr--88 03--Jun--88 21 -Jul-B5 06-5ep-B8 928.50 92B.00 g27.50 O.ATE Date Elevation FID. Date Ellvat~on FInN Date Elevation FID. Date Elevation FID. D~te ElevatJo~ FID. 06-3ui-B7 927.48 0.00 14-Jul-B7 927.43 0.00 16-Jul-B7 927.37 0.00 2i-Jul-87 927.71 O.OO 22-Ju1-87 927.71 O.O0 24-Jul-87 928.&2 0.00 27-Jul-87 928.73 0.00 28-Jul-87 926.73 0.00 30-Jul-67 928.79 0.00 31-Jul-B7 928.81 0.00 03-Aug-iT 92D.81 0.00 06-Aug-87 928,78 0,00 10-~.9-87 928,79 0.00 Il*Aug-87 928,77 0,00 17-Au9-87 928.B5 0,00 ID-Aug~87 92a.B~ 0.00 19-~u~-D7 928.79 0.00 24-Aug-J7 928.7~ 26-Aug-87 928.&~ $1-A,9-87 926,65 O,O0 Ol-Sep-87 928.64 O.o0 08-Sep-87 926.52 0,~0 14-S!p-87 928.48 0,00 16-5ep-B? 928,~3 0,00 21-Sep-87 928.47 0,00 23-Sep-e7 928.44 0.00 28-5eD-87 928.42 0.00 03-0ct-87 929.32 0.00 12-0ct-87 928.15 0.00 16-Oct-B7 928.16 0.00 20-~t-87 929,1~ 0.00 24-Oct-B7 928.&Z 0.00 02-Nov-B7 928.06 0,00 09-Nov-B7 928,04 0.00 16-N~v-87 928,04 0.00 24-Nov-67 928.00 0.00 Ol-Dec-87 928,10 O.O0 07-~ec-67 ~28.08 0.00 14-Dec-B7 928,08 O.O0 ID-Jan-J8 927.D8 0.00 03-Feo-B8 927.96 o.oo i7-Feb*88 927.94 0.~0 2~-Feb-88 927.96 07-nar-68 927.% 0.00 i3-~ar-g8 9~8.00 O.OO 24-flar-98 928.06 0.o0 30-~ar-B8 928.08 0.o0 O4-Apr-D8 928.14 O&-AproB8 928.16 0,00 l~-Apr-88 928.14 13-Apr-DB 928,16 0.00 ~8-Apr-88 928.20 0.00 23-~pr088 928.06 D,OO 28-Apr-DB 928.08 O.OO 03-flay-B8 928.0o 0.00 06~~ay-D8 ?~8.GO 09-n~y-BB 928.~4 J~-~ay-D8 9~8.04 OoOO 17-Aay-88 928.00 0.~ J9-~dy-BD 927.96 ~l'Aay-98 9~7,B4 O.O0 ~3-Jun-88 927,80 0,~0 08-~uq-Ba 926,90 o,oo 06-Jun-88 927,76 o.ov lOo4ug-88 926,88 0,00 ~-Jufl-e8 ~zT.&6 o.oo 12-~uD-S8 926.64 0.00 l~-Jun-86 927,39 o.0o lD-&ug-bD 926,86 i~-Jun-68 927.~2 0.00 18-Ru9-88 926.78 O.OU 2u-Juno88 927.44 ~,00 22-~ug-88 926.68 OoOu 24-Jufl-88 927.40 0.00 24-Aug-88 926.6B 27-Jun-DB 927,28 O,Ou 26-Aug-DB 926,62 0.00 3~-Jun-88 927,18 O.Ou 30-Auq-g8 926.54 O~-Jul-88 927,08 0.00 06-$ep-88 926.46 O.oO 07-Jul-88 927.06 O.OU 12-Stp-D8 926,J8 il-Jul-B8 ~2&,De 0,00 13-Sep-88 926,~0 0,00 l~*Jul-88 927,04 o.o~ 19-Sep-88 926,34 o.vo 1~-Ju1-88 9~&.9B ~.oo 2o-stpo88 926.42 o.oo Ia-Jul-B8 926,90 o.oo 2o-$ep-88 9~6.34 o.oo 2Z-Jul-DB 926,96 0,00 ]O-Sep-88 9~a.~D O.Og ;,-JuJ-ee 926,80 0.00 JO-Oct-DB 9Z6,24 0.0~ OI-A,9-B8 .926,72 0,o0 17-0ct-88 926,i6 ~,00 03-~.g-S8 926.76 0.00 20-0cL-88 926.14 0,00 04-Aug-88 926.96 0.00 SIX MONTH PRECIPITATION RECORDED z o 3 APR. 88 MAY 88 JUN. 88 JUL. 88 AUG. 88 SEPT. 88 MONTH ~ MAPLE PLAIN AVE. ~ WAYZATA ACTUAL PRECIPITATION SUH~ARY HPLB, AIRPORT HPL$, AIRPDRT HAPLE PLAIN WAYZATA AVERA6E ACTUAL AVERA6E ACTUAL OCT, 87 1,85 0,60 2,06 0,84 .NOV,87. 1,29 2,07 1,46 2,37 DEC, 87 0,87 1,25 0,86 0,79 JAN. 88 0,82 J,37 0.84 0,96 FEB. 88 0.85 0.30 0.78 0.i9 ~AR. 88 i.17 1,33 1,52' 1,51 APR, 88 2,05 1,58 2,35 0,95 HAY 88 3,20 1,70 3,93 1,46 JUN. 88 4,07 0,22. 4,83 0,10 JUL, 88 3,51 1,17 4,65 2,34 AU6. 88 3,64 4.29 4,09 3,75 SEPT. 88 2,50 2.79 2.83 3.04