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1988-12-27 CC Agenda Packet
CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Presentation of Certificate of ~ppreciation to Councilmember Don Abel. 3. Approve the minutes of the December 13, 1988, Regular Council meeting. 4. PUBLIc HEARING= Delinquent Utility Bills 5. Grimm's Store - Devlin Gleason 6. Report on Cleanup at 5909 Glenwood Road. 7. Bid Awards: 1989 Recycling Contract Street Sweeper 1989 Commons Dock Maintenance Program - Rip Rap 8. Comments and suggestions from citizens present. 9. Transfer from 1988 General Fund to Fire Operating Fund. 10. Transfer to 1988 Sealcoat Fund from Liquor and General Fund. 11. Transfer from 1988 Water Fund to County Road 15 Street Improvement Project Fund. 12. Transfer from Capital Improvements Fund to Public Works Facility Fund. 13. Payment of Bills. 14. License Renewals - Gambling License - Mound VFW Pg. 3176-3181 Pg. 3182-3183 Pg. 3184-3188 Pg. 3189-3192 Pg. 3193-3219 Pg. 3220 Pg. 3221 Pg. 3222 Pg. 3223-3226 Pg. 3227-3239 Pg. 3240-3241 15. INFORMATION/MISCELLkNEOUS: A. November 1988 Financial Report as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. Pg. 3242-3243 Page 3174 Joint City Council/Planning Commission minutes of December 12, 1988. Pg. 3244-3249 Co De Fe Ge He REMINDERS: - Hennepin County Economic Development Consortium January 10, 1989, Breakfast meeting, 7:30 AM, Scanticon. Please let Linda know by Tuesday, January 3rd, if you will be attending. - 1989 Goal-Setting Seminar, Saturday, January 7, 1989, 9:00 AM, city Hall. Bring 1988 goal- setting material included in last packet. - Park Commission Vacancy Interviews - Tuesday, January 3rd, 7:00 PM, City Hall. Material on applicants are included in this packet. National League of Cities (NLC) will be holding its annual Congress of Cities, March 11-14, 1989, in Washington, DC. Enclosed is brochure regarding the conference. Past Councils have attended and have found it interesting and informative. If you are · interested in attending, please let Fran know' by mid-January. The earlier you register, the better off you are in getting a satisfactory hotel. A Book on municipal incinerators is enclosed, published by'the NLC, for your information. League of Minnesota cities (LMC) 1989 Legislative Policies. These are the policies that the LMC will follow in lobbying the state legislature during the 1989 legislative session. Attached is a news release from LMCD re: Upcoming presentations on the Eurasian Water Milfoil in Lake Minnetonka. Pg. 3250-3251 ~Brochure on Eurasian Water Milfoil published by LMCD. Article dated 12-21-88 from the Minneapolis Star Tribune on recycling. Pg. 3252 Page 3175 189 December 13,~ 1988 MINUTES - MOUI~D CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 13v 1988 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, December 13, 1988, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Don Abel, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, and Building Official Jan Bertrand and the following interested citizens: Jeri & Tom Forster, Leslie Jen- sen, Lucille Maas, Curt & Marge Olson, Jack Cook, Howard & Julie Tripp and Andrea Ahrens. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in atten- dance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MINUTES , MOTIO~ made by Johnson, seconded by Abel to approve the minutes of the November 29, 1988, Regular Meeting as sub- mitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASE ~88-673: JACK COOK, 4451 DENBIGH ROAD~ LOT 2 INCLUDING AD~ JACENT VACATED STREET,' BLOCK 1, AVALON, PID #19- 117-23 24 0002, SETBACK VARIANCE - CHANGE REQUEST The Building Official reported that the Planning Commission recommended no change in the original resolution %87-191 that ex- pired on October 13, 1988. The applicant, Jack Cook, was present and asked for an extension of time to complete the project and to work with the neighbor, Ms. Konnad, to come to an equitable solution to the deck encroachment problem. Abel moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-184 RESOLUTION EXTENDING RESOLUTION 87-191, ENTITLED "RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE FOR A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE ON LOT 2 INCLUDING ADJACENT VACATED STREET, BLOCK 1, AVALONv PID %19-117-23 24 0002 (4452 DENBIGH ROAD), P & Z CASE %87-673~ FOR 60 DAYS~ UNTIL FEBRUARY 13, 1989 The vote was unanimously in.favor. Motion carried. 190 December 13, 1988 The Council asked that if the applicant wanted to change the original variance request that he reapply and go through the Planning Commission for their recommendation. GRIMM'S STORE - DEVLIN GLEASON The Building Official explained that she has written two letters to Mr. Gleason asking for a completion date for the renovation and upgrading of Grimm's Store at 3069 Brighton Blvd. She fur- ther reported that Resolution #87-65, approved on April 14, 1987, expired on April 14, 1988. That resolution approved the lot size and setback variances and authorized a conditional use permit for a grocery store. Mr. Gleason has not contacted the Building Of- ficial regarding a completion date for the project and she has not been able to inspect the premises to determine what has or has not been done. The City Manager stated he received 2 papers from Mr. Gleason today on what appears to be the items completed~ and items to be done at the site. Mr. Gleason did not speak to either the City Manager or the Building official when he was in to indicate a completion date. The City Council directed the Building Official to write one more letter to Mr. Gleason explaining the situation and giving him one more'chance to-appear before the City Council.at the next meet- ing, December 27, 1988. If he does not respond and is not present, the Council will then take action to have the building demolished. STREET LIGHT REQUEST AT LYNWOOD BLVD. & MILL POND LANE The City Manager explained that the Police Department has reviewed this request and recommends approval of the installation of a street light at Lynwood Blvd. and Mill Pond Lane. Johnson. moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-185 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT AT THE CORNER OF LYNWOOD BLVD. AND MILL POND LANE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR SIGN PERMIT - OUR LADY.OF THE LAKE CHURCH The Building Official explained that the request is for a 4 foot by 8 foot portable sign; the length of time for use is 3 months and no location for the sign was submitted. The ordinance allows for 10 consecutive days of use. The Building Official expressed concern that the placement of the sign not cause a problem with sight lines from the driveways to the property. 191 December 13, 1988 The Council asked if the Church could eventually install a per- manent sign on the property to announce upcoming events at the church and school. The Building Official stated yes and she would encourage them to do so. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Abel to approve a porary, portable sign permit to Our Lady of the Lake Church, to be used for 3 months at location on their property that will not cause a problem with sight lines from the driveways to the property. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Mr. & Mrs. Tom Forster, 5921 Fairfield Road, were present asking for an update on the property located at 5909 Glenwood Road. The Building Official reported that she has inspected the yard behind the fence and it is full of what could be described as salvage materials, i.e. 'front end of a car, lamps, boat lift, radiators, riding lawn mower, auto gasoline tanks, etc. She fur- ther repor.ted that the garage is also full of similar items. Hennepin County Adult Protection,'wh~ch is a part of the Hennepin County Health Dept., has been notified and they will be or have already inspected the residence. The Building Official is wait- ing to hear the results of that inspection. The Mayor suggested using Section 1000:15,. Subd. m. of the City Code to clean up this public nuisance. The Council asked the Building Official to start abatement proceedings on the property at 5909 Glenwood Road. REQUEST FOR USE OF MOUND BAY PARK TO HOLD A WEIGH-IN FOR BASf FISHING TOURNAMENT - AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION - JUNE 4, 1989 Mr. Howard Tripp, representing the American Scholarship Founda- tion, was present and explained that they had 50 boats last year and eXpect approximately 75 boats this year. They will stagger the times for the weigh-in and will do everything they can to make this a positive event for the City and the Foundation. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Johnson to approve the use of Mound Bay Park for the American Scholarship Foundation to hold a weight-in for a bass fishing tournament on June 4, 1989. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The Council indicated they would like to see a policy developed regarding weigh-ins at Mound Bay Park. 192 December 13, 1988 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE M.S.A. FIVE YE;tR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS SUBMITTED The City Manager explained that this is a tentative program to show the State that there are sufficient projects to utilize all existing and anticipated funds accruing during the next five years. The City Manager, the City Engineer and the the Street Superintendent have reviewed these items and are in agreement. Jessen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION %88-186 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE M.S.A. FIVE YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS SUBMITTED The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The Council asked that the 1994 expenditure for Belmont Lane from Lynwood Blvd. to County Road 15 be watched to see if it needed to be moved up on the schedule. PAYMENT REQUEST ~7 - PUBLIC WORKS F~CILITY - LOEFFEL-ENGSTRAND - $27t960.28 MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Johnson to authorize pay- ment of $27,960.28, to Loeffel-Engstrand, as requested in Payment Request 97 for the new public works facility. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. REVIEW OF STATE G~MBLING LICENSE RENEWAL FOR OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH The City Clerk explained that unless the Council has a problem with the State renewing a Gambling License for Our Lady of the Lake Church, they need not take any action. No action was taken. REQUEST FROM COMMON'S DOCK HOLDER - RE: LOW LAKE LEVELS & COMMONS DOCKS FEES The City Manager reported that Mr. Larry Holzerland, 4713 Bedford Road requested an adjustment be made in the Commons Dock fee be- cause of low lake levels for the past two years. This item came before the Park Commission on December 8, 1988, and their recom- mendation was that the present fee'structure be maintained and that no exceptions be made with regard to the fees and their relationship to the low lake levels. He reported that their rationale is the fact that we do have a Commons maintenance program in place and that it is based upon the fees collected from the Common's Dock holders. MOTION made by Abel, seoonded by Jessen that the present fee structure be maintained and that no exceptions be made with regard to the fees and their relationship to the low lake levels. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 193 December 13, 1988 PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $515,447.83, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. Department Head Monthly Reports for November. B. Planning Commission Minutes - November 28, 1988. Current Listing of Ail Licenses Issued by the City of Mound· The City Manager reported that the Hennepin County Economic Development Consortium meeting was again rescheduled for the following time: DATE: TIME: o PLACE: · Tuesday, January 10, 1989 7:30 A.M. -.Breakfast 8:00 A.M. - Meeting 9:15.A.M-. - Adjourn The Scandinavian Room Scanticon Minneapolis Northwest Business Campus 313.1 Campus Drive Plymouth Please let Linda know by Tuesday, January 3rd, if you will be attending. Summaries of 1988 Goal Setting Sessions per your request in preparation for January 7, 1989 Goal Setting Session. Sum- maries are from sessions held with City Council, City Manager and Department Heads January 22-23, 1988 and session with City Council and City Manager held March 26, 1988. Vic Cossette, Arco/Century, has requested his issue be con- tinued to the January 10, 1989, Council Meeting. I saw no reason to deny this request so it will appear on that Agenda. REMINDER: Joint Planning Com~.ission/City Council Meeting, Monday, December 12, 1988, 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers. Attached is an Agenda formulated by the Planning Commission. The citizens Task Force on 'Public Facilities is meeting, Thursday, December 15, 1988, at 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers. An Agenda is attached along with minutes of the last meeting. You are welcome to attend. Policies and Legislative Proposals, 1989-1990, as adopted by the AMM Membership on November 3, 1988. 194 December 13, 1988 Park Commission will be holding interviews for 2 vacancies on Park Commission. One existing member has indicated she wishes to be reappointed. Interviews will be held Tuesday, January 3, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in City Council Chambers. Recent past practice has been to invite City Council to in- terviews for commission vacancies. Please mark your calen- dars. Letters of application and resumes will be sent to you prior to January 3rd. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor explained that the City Council would enter into Execu- tive Session at 8:35 P.M. to discuss labor negotiations and strategy. The City Council returned from Executive Session at 9:55 P.M. MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk 42 3550 031 42 4040 691 22 2320 422 22 2320 753 22 2350 333 22 2380 392 22 2380 664 22 2382 094 22 2382 211 22 2382 601 22 2590 152 22 2594 06~ 22 2594 872 22 2596 273 22 2596 841 22 2598 091 22 2598601 22 2620 091 22 2620 123 22 2620 937 22 2640 051 22 2740 124 22 2800 451 22 2800 601 22 2860212 22 2860 481 22 2860 571 22 2860 601 Delinquent ~ter ~n~ %ewer $287 33 277 23 104 78 83 86 86 83 137 72 85 16 83.33 80.32 129.21 125.90 151.94 190.50 135.98 205.27 53.59 126.64 152.68 94.59 174.57 63.16 88.46 96.91 159.67 67.56 117.52 78.56 117.46 22 3010 034 22 3070 031 22 3100 331 22 3102 545 22 3130 091 22 3160 091 22 3160 211 22 3370 032 22 3430 633 22 3630 041 22 373O 183 22 3880 483 22 3880 692 $114.86 316.12 214.17 157.74 132.14 295.87 153.54 163.86 120.77 94.74 182. O9 89.94 87.56 $5680.13 CITY OF MOUND Case Fee Paid APPLICATION TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (Please type the following information) 1. Street Address of Property __~C3(~ ~-~,'o~'~-~rc>~ 2. Legal Description of Property: Lot ~ / ~:~ Addition A¥~e~ 3. Owner's Name ~-~.\/llh)~, ~i~c~-?~(~,~t v Address ~Z/ ~ ~C,~q¢~J D~{' ~T- 4. Applicant (if other than owner): D~te Filed' Block PID No.~.~Z/- ~ ~-']-~'~) gay Phone No. ~-~-/Zq Name Day Phone 'No. Address 5. Type of Request: ( )' Variance (~ Conditional Use Permit ( ) Zoning Interpretation & Review ( ) Wetland Permit ( ) P.U.D. ( ) Amendment ( ) Sign Permit ( )*Other *If other, specify: Present Zoning District' .~'-~ 6. e Existing Use(s) of Property / Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, or conditional use permit or other zoning procedure for this property? ~/P_~. If so, list date(s) of list date(s) of application, action taken an~ provide Resolution No.(s) q-LO Copies of previous .resolutions shall accompany presen~ Fequest. I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or p)ans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be require~---~aw. ~ ~ignature of ApPlicant ~~4~m~ q Date Planning Commission Recommendation: Date Council Action: Resolution No. Date ' 4182 'Procedure for Conditional Use Permit (2) Case D. Location of: Signs, easements, underground utilities, etc. E. Indicate North compass direction. F~ Any additional information as may reasonably be required by the City Staff and applicable Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. III Request for a Conditional Use A. All information.requested below, a site plan as described in Part il, and a development schedule providing'reasonable guarantees for the completion of the construction must be provided before a hearing will be scheduled. B. Type of development for which a Conditional Use Permit is requested: l. Conditional Use (Specify): ~\x~C~/ ~]rC','~ 2. -Current Zoning and Designation in the future Land Use Plan for Mound Development Schedule: -. 1. A.development schedule shall be attached to this application.providing reasonable guarantees for the co~pletlon of the proposed development. 2. Estimate of cost of. the project: 1 Bedroom 3 Bedroom X DenSity (for residential developments only): 1~ Number of structures: 2. Dwelling Units Per Structure: a. Number of type: Efficiency ' 2 Bedroom Lot area per dwelling unit: Total-lot area: IV. Effects of the Proposed Use A. List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, in- cluding, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and, describe the steps taken to mitigate or 'eliminate the impacts. 12/27/88 Report on 3069 ~hton Blvd. Devlin Gleason 4540 Enchanted Pt. Mound, Mn. 55564 474-0938 5- 6x6xB' wood post 10- 2x4x8' mood studs 3- 4xBx½" c d x plywood 2- 69' x 62' x ~" insulated glass windows 2- 25" x 62" x {" insulated glass windows 1- 3-0 insulated glass door with closer , ~ 4- 3½ x 8' bags of insulation 1300 sq. ~t. x' 12" of insulation b~owen in ceiling 100' lin. ft. od ~ood siding cement for 800 sq. ft. x 4" basement floor 180~ of 4" round heat ducks 8- heat vents 49- 4 x 12 x 5/8" drywall 39- 4 x 8 x ½" drywall 40 lb. drywaal screws 5- 5lb. cans of drywall mud lO-'rolls of drywall tape 1300 sq. ft. of tile , to meet code 1- tolet 1- sink 1- exhust Can 15- ceiling light fixtures 4- gal. of ceiling paint 5- gal inside wall paint 1- gal. outside trime paint 2- inside 3-0 doors 73~ ] ~n ff_ nf hn~ hn~H 12/27/88 Report on Brighton Blvd. Devlin Gleason 4540 Enchantted Pt. Mound Mn. 55364 4740938 Progress Report on Work Done: 1' Moved out 10, 30 yard dumpsters of trash, and rotten wood from building. 2. Replaced main floor beam, floor joyces, floor deck and stairs to State and City codes. 3. Replaced all onside walls, with.new 2x4 stud walls, for added support for roof. 4. Replaced broken cement floor in rear of building, with new cement floor. 5. Razied the walls by. three feet..in rear. of buildin~ to Installed new roof and shingles for all of building. 7. Installed new 200 amp.. elect, service and new wire for all of building, which has been passed by the State. 8. All new plumbing for rest room, that is to State and City code. 9. Rebuilt furance for building. 10. New tie walls ou.tside, to helpin the parking lot. 12/27/88 Report on 3069 Brighton Blvd. Devlin Gleason 4540 Enchanted Pt. Mound Mn. 55364 474-0938 1-3-84 Framing started 1-6 1-9 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-13 1 -17 1-18 1 -20 1 -20 1 -28 2-1 2-10 2-13 2-13 2-1.5 2-15 2-16 2-16 2-18 2-20 2-24 2-28 Framing complete insulation started insulation complete siding started d.rymall started windows and door started windows and door completed rough mechanical started rough mechanica~ complete siding complete d~ywall complete tile flooring started tile flooring complete paint inside started plumbing fixtures started plumbing fixtures complete inside paint complete baseboard started elect, fixtures started elect, fixtures complete baseboard complete inside paint started inside paint complete Repair of outside plaster, paint, and semer hook-up complete when weather permits, but no latter than six months from start of job permit. Jan. 1,1989 to June 1, 1987. 12/27/88 Report on Brighton Blvd. Devlin Gleason 4540 Enchanted Pt. Mound Mn. 55364 474 0938 Progress Report On Work To Be Done: 1. Install three basement post, under main floor beam. 2. Install two 1st. floor post, under roof beams. 3. Block out old window openings, and cover with plywood, to be prepared for plaster. 4' Install insulated window glass ~r~d~.insulated glass door, on the East side of the building. -.. 5. Finnish insulation of ceiling and rear of building, to be drywalled. 6. Repair or replace wood siding 'on front, of building, where needed 7. Hook-up sewer line from road, to finish the plumbing. 8. Pour cement in basement for new floor. 9. Install new heat ducks for furance, to the 1st. floor of the building. 10. Dry wall ceiling and walls, tape, mud, and sand sheetrock. 11. Tile 1st. floor and rest room walls. 12. Install restroom plumbing and exhust fan, to finish all the plumbing. 13. Instali ceiling lights on the main floor, basement lights are installed. 14. P~int inside. 15. Install baseboard trim and two inside doors. 16. Repair plaster outside where needed and paint. CITY of , iOUND MINNESOTA {~I~ 472-~ 155 December 14, 1988 Mr. Devlin H. Gleason 4540 Enchanted Point Road Shorewood, MN 55331 Re: 3069 Brighton Boulevard Dear Mr. Gleason: At the City Council meeting of December 13, 1988 yOU have been directed by the City Council to submit the enclosed application For a Conditional Use Permit. The variance which was granted to you, enclosed For your reference, on April 14, 1987 stipulates that your grocery'store operation is'under a'Conditional Use PerI mit. The list that you submitted to the City Council on December ISth was not explicit enough to determine whether the building would be sufficiently improved to rescind the process For removal. .,The City Council would like you to attend their meeting of December 27, 1988. Prior to the meeting you wil 1 need to stipulate a development schedule, list the costs involved, and Fill out the appl.ication For the. Conditional Use Permit by December Z2nd. However, you will not be required to submit the $200 Filing Fee. you will also have to meet with me prior to, completion of the Conditional Use Permit apDlication Form to determine an agreed consensus For the improvements necessary. Thank you For your prompt attention to this matter. Forward'to hearing From you soon. I will look S i ncere 1 y, Jan Bertrand Building OFFicial JB:pj cc: Ed Shukle CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 NOTICE TO REMOVE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY HAZARDS AND ASSESSMENT NOTICE TO: Mrs. Myrtle Janke, Richard Janke, all owners, and occupants of the premises commonly known as 5909 Glenwood Lane, Mound, Minnesota, also described as Tax Parcel No. Z3-1]?-24-4Z- 00?8, and legally described as Minnesota Baptist Summer As- sembly Addition, Lot 10 and that part of Lot 9 lying north of the south 4.35 & 100 feet thereof. You are hereby ordered to remove, within 90 days 6f the date of this Notice (due to the weather), from the above-described premises, the following public health and publtc safety hazards, such as, but not limited to, all accumulations of trash, debris, front end of car; 'fishing boat and trailer,, ladders, alumtnum 'door, lamps, LP 30 tank, boat lift, wood fence section, plumbing pipes, barrels, radiators, riding lawnmower, wheels, tires, leaf mulcher, wood chipper, dog house, boat seat, gas tank, hot water radiator, pipes, snow blower, front-end loader bucket and hydraulics, metal shelving, ~olly, dereltct vehicle with expired license #DZK 580, and miscellaneous junk. As provided under Ordinance Provision 1000:00 of the Mound Nuisance Ordinance, you are hereOy notified that you are respon- sible for completion of the aforesaid work within the time period specified above. You are further notified that, in the event that you fail to complete the aforesaid work within the time period specified above, the City of Mound will undertake said work and will col- lect the costs of the same from all owners of the above-described real property. In the further event that said costs are not paid within 30 days of the City's request for payment, the unpaid charges will be collected as a special assessment levied against the above-described real property. 88/112. CITY OF MOUND Its: /~'ui Iding Official An equal OppOrtunity Employer that ooes not discriminate on the ~as~s of race. color, national origin. Or handscapped status m me acim~ss~on or access to, or treatment or employment m. its programs and activities COMMUNITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT GROUP Suite 2'15 Ei NE[IN ~ '~0'~'1 South First Street Hopkins, Minnesota 55343-94'13 Telephone: [6'12] 935-'1544 December 19, 1988 Jan Bertrand, Building Official City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: 5909 Glenwood Road Dear Ms. Bertrand: On December 9, 1988 I visited 5909 Glenwood Road and attempted to make a houslng inspection, I knocked on the back door, which was answered by Myrtle Janke. She did not open the door, but talked through it. I identified myself and asked to be let in to take a look around. She refused. She said she did not live in a "garbage house.'" She saidher son brings things home from his garbage route 'which they are sorting to send to auction so things were a little messy, but not dirty. The area I could see around the edges of the door curtain were messy, bug there was nothing .visible that would indicat~ a public health problem. If you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, please call me at 935-1544. Sincerely, Debra M. Anderson Environmentalist DMA/vp HENNEPIN COUNTY an ~qual opportunity ~rnptoy~r CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 1612) 472-1155 NOTICE TO REMOVE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY HAZARDS AND ASSESSMENT NOTICE TO: Alan J. and Mary Burkness, all owners, and occupants of the premises commonly known as 290! Meadow Lane, Mou~d, Min- nesota, also described as Tax Parcel No. 23-II7-Z4-42-0!04, and legally described as Minnesota Baptist Summer Assembly Addition, Lots I and 9o You are hereby ordered to remove, within 90 days of the date of this Notice (due to the weather), from the above-described p.remlses, the following public health and public safety hazards, such as, but not lfmtted to, all ac~umulations of trash, debris, pile of wood debris from-old garage, two small storage'sheds, one large boat, one canoe, two speed boats with no licenses on the trailers, wire fencing, wheel barrel, grocery cart, four tires, metal shelf, bike, GMC truck license #FOF-843, Buick Regal itcense #HP-105, Dodge License #ESN-83.1, and miscellaneous Junk. Any Inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles cannot be stored 'unenclosed on your property and are In violation of Section 23.703 of.the City Code. As provided under Ordinance Provision !000=00 of the Mound Nuisance Ordinance, you are hereby notified that you are respon- sible For completion of the aforesaid work within the time period specified above. You are'further notified that, tn t~e event that you fall to complete 'the aforesaid work within the time period specified above, the City of Mound will undertake said work and will col- lect the costs of the same from all owners of the above-described real property. In the further event that said costs are not paid within 30 days.of the City's request for payment, the unpaid charges.will be collected as a special assessment levied against the above-described real property. CITY OF MOUND . Its/But ldtng Official 88/111 An equal oppo~unity Em~10yef t~at 0Des not discriminate on the Das~s o! race. color, nat,onal 0ng,n. or nandicappeo status ,n the admission or access to. or treatment or employment in. its programs an0 actiwbes. CITY ()f MOUND 53~1 MAYWOO~) ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 1612) 472-1355 NOTICE TO REMOVE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY HAZARDS AND ASSESSMENT NOTICE TO: Mrs. Lucille Maas, residing at 5901 Glenwood Road, Mound, Minnesota, ell owners, and occupants of the premises described as Tax ParceJ No, 23-117-24-42-0097, and legally described as Minnesota Baptist Summer Assembly Addit'ion, Lot 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block 4 (vacant lots), You are hereby ordered to remove, wtthtn 90 days of the date of this Notice (due to'the weather), From the above-described premises, the Following public health and public safety hazards, such as, but not lfmlted to, ell accumulations of trash, debris, pile of wo~d debris From old garage, two small storage sheds, one large boat, one canoe, two speed boats with no licenses on the trailers, wire Fencing, wheel barrel, grocery cart, Four tires, mete] shelf, bike, GMC truck license #FOF-843, Buick Raga.1 license #HP-lO5,.Dodge License #ESN-83i, and miscellaneous Junk. As provided under Ordinance Provision 1000:00 of the Mound Nuisance Ordinance, you are hereby notified that you are respon- sible For completion of the aforesaid work within the time period specified'above, .. You are further notified that, in the event that you Fall to complete the aforesaid work within the time period specified above, the City of Mound will undertake said work and will col- lect the costs of the. same From ali ownqrs of the above-described real property. In the Further event that said costs are not paid withi-n 30 days of the City's request For payment, the unpaid charges will be collected as a special assessment levied against the above-described real property. C!TY OF MOUND Its~Butlding OFFicial 88/1 An equal 0pp0rtumty Emm0yer ~hal Ooes not O~scnmmate on the bas~s of race. color, natlonat Orlg~n Or nanmcapped sJalus in me aOm~ss~on or access t0, or 'reatmen! or employmenl tn, ~ts programs aha ac,bylines CITY of MOUND o_="z', MAYV~'OOC ROAD MOUND. MINNESC:TA 55364 (612) 472-1155 December 20, 1988 TO: .FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle City Manager Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator Recycling Contract Only one bid was received for t.he.curbside pickup of recYclables. This bid was from SuperCycle in the amount of $2,975.00 per month with $40.00 per ton for each ton over a 50 ton base. Contracts were sent to Waste Management and BFI, ! contacted Waste Management and they said they did not bid because we were going to twice a month ~pickup and of our location they didn't think it was feasible for them to bid. BFI stated thai they were not expecting their trucks until the end of January and would not be able to start the pickup until the end of February or beginning of March, they felt that with a two month delay it would hurt our program. $38,000 was budgeted for this, but to help make the budget balance $4,000 was cut.leaving us with $34,000. $2,975.00 X 12 = $35,700. We will be over by $1,700, so we will be eliminating the leaf pickup and the tire drop-off which were also budgeted. Hennepin County's new policy is if we recycle 10% we will be reimbursed 80% of our costs. We are now recycling about 20 tons or 7%~ to reach the 10% mark we will have to recycle about 30 tons a month. With going to twice a month curbside pickup we should reach this. Enclosed is a copy of Hennepin County's policy. Enclosed also is a copy of the bid contract sent out. CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55354 (612) 472-1155 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: The City of Mound is seeking a recycling contractor to collect newsprint, aluminum, s:eel and 'tin' cans, glass and cardboard from an area of approximately 3100 housing units and participating businesses. The specifics of the program are contained within she enclosed draft .agreemen:. To bid this program, please fill in the blanks below and return this sheet and pages 1! and 12 to..the City.Manager at the City Hall by 2:'30 p.m. December 13, !989. ' I have read t'he proposed :'Agreement for Recycl-ing Services" and agree to sign it and comply' with it if I am the Successful bidder. NAHE OF CObIPANY_ ADDRESS TELEPHONE Super Cycle, Inc. 775 Rice Street, St. Paul, MN 55117 612-224-5081 SIGNATURE DATE December 13, 1988 m the a~m,ss,on Or access 1o. or lreatmenl Or employment tn. ~ts programs anO achvit,es QUESTIONS 1 - 9 TO BE COMPLETED AND MAILED IN WITH COVER SHEET What collection cost for all units including businesses. cost/ton $ OR cost/unit collection $ OR Flat/fee month $ 2,975 with $40/ton for each ton over a 50 ton base. What preparation is required before recyclable materials are placed on the curb? (check all that apply) NEWSPRINT: GLASS X Bag Bundle other.(specify) ALUMIN~UM: wash rinse remove labels smash other (specify) wash rinse remove labels smash other (speci.fy) Preparation of additional recyclable materials; Miss. metals no larger than 3 ft. X 3 ft., no motorized parts, no hangers; corrugated cardboard flattened and bundled,~ 3 ft. X 3 ft. size limit. Iden.:ify any aspect of this program which would cause a problem or present difficulties to your business to undertake this program. ¸Il. What is the extent of your current recyclables collection operation? Number of units now serving OR AND q Number of municipalities servered Number of years in CONTINOUS business Please furnish references of previous/current customers. Are your recyclable materials collection trucks/vehicles clearly marked and identifiable with your company's name? X Yes No '7. 26 Number of trucks/vehicles used for your recycling hauling servles. Please furnish a copy of your most recent financial statement or balance shee:. (Auditied statement preferred if available). Enclosed. Present a brief description of the procedures.used to operate your current recyclables collection program. Include comments about the equipment, facilities and number of employees needed for your recycling operation. Please see attached. 8. Is your business for profit or not-for-profit? Profit. Other comments: As part of the bid, Super Cycle will continue to provide containers to the multi-dwelling units and businesses presently receiving recycling services. Super Cycie is working on: * Improved routing and scheduling techniques. * Enlarging the collection fleet to better serve your Community's growing recycling needs. * Improving materials markets. PROYIDING COLLECTION, PROCESSING AND HARKETINO OF RECYCLABLES SUPER CYCLE, INC. 775 RICE ST. , ~T. PAUL, PIN 55117 (612) 22~.-5081 Super Cycle, inc. provides recycling services to the residential and commercial sector. The Company is owned by North Star Universal of St. Louis Park, MN. North Star' is a public OTC company. Super Cycle operates as a service company providing cur. bside and drop off center collection, processing, and marketing of primarily newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metals from over 300,000 households in the Metropolitan Area. The Company has developed .its own collection and p. rocessing systems. Recyclables' from the c'urbside p~'ogram a~d commercial accounts ~re' delivered to the intermediate processing center' at 775 Rice St. in St. Paul, t'iN. A mobile processing center' has been develope, d to support, processing of materials closer'to .the point Of' Collection..Super .Cycle. works very closely with: *Municipalities to establish and implement recycling *Markets to develop long term and stable markets for. processed recyclable materials. Curbside Collection Systems Sourc.e separated materials are placed by residents at curbside. A Super Cycle route operator, using a specially built truck and trailer designed ~nd built by Super Cycle, picks up and places the recyclables in bins which have a total capacity of twenty cubic yards. Each operator usually fills his truck twice each day. Curbside service is usually provided on a twice monthly or weekly basis. Each participating resident usually.recycle between 60 and 70 lbs. per month. Up to 70 percent of residents will participate each collection period. Processing At the processing center a forklift, with a specially designed tipping mechar~ism, is used to transfer materials from the collection vehicle to large volume processing trailers. Glass and metal processing equipment is used to further separate, densify and prepare materials for end markets. Cardboard is baled and newsprint is hauled in bulk to market. Plant capacity is more than 200 tons per day. Presently over l OOtons per day is. processed and shipped. Newspaper' Newspaper is shipped to a variety of end markets including boxboard piants, paper' brokers, and cellulose insulation plants. Each market requires a different level of quality and preparation which reflects the · value of the end newsprint product. Super Cycle has equipment to prepare materials to the quality required by markets. Glass. Glass is color Separated into 'three categories (clear,' green, and brown) at time of pickup and at final processing. Super Cycle provides two levels of processing developed on end market needs. Some users maintain a requirement that glass be color separated and free of all "tramp" metals. Other users require no processing other' than color separation. Glass is normally crushed to increase payload size to reduce costs of transportation. Ifletat ' Metal c°l tected from recycl lng pr-ogr'arns includes several r'ecyclable material's which require separation, handpicking, conveying, crushing and loading. Aluminum and bimetal beverage cans and tin cans are marketed. Materials are emptied into the metal processing bin. fdaterials flow onto a conveyor' at which point materials are inspected and any nonmetalic and large items, are pulled off. The materi'al passes over a magnetic head and all ferrous items including bimetal beverage and tin cans are pulled off and dumped onto a cross conveyor'. The bimetal cans are manually picked off and placed into a crusher/blower for a final' processing step. The aluminum beverage cans are dumped onto a conveyor for inspection before final processing through a crusher/blower. All materials are transported in truckload quantities to end markets. AGREEMENT FOR RECYCLING SERVICES AGREEMENT made as of between the CiTY OF MOUND, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation ("City"), and ("Contractor"). The City and the Contractor agree a~ follows: 1. Definitions '.1.1 "Recyclable materi'als'' means .newsprint, unsorted glass, .unsorted aluminum, steel and "tin" cans, corrugated cardboard, and other materials as mutually agreed upon by the Ci.ty and the Contractor. 1.2 "Recycling .collection" means the taking up of all recyClable .material-s accumulated in containers at a single-, dOuble-,. triple-, and quadruple-dwelling unit residential proper{les located within the City of Mound, as identified in Exhibit "A" and the transporting of the recyclable materials to a site Where they can be processed for the marketplace as determined by the Contractor. 1.3 "Dwelling unit" means a separate residential dwelling place with a kitchen. Serv~ee~ to be Der£ormed 2.1 The Contractor shall collect all recyclab!e materials for collection in the City twice each month during the duration of this contract. Collections shall be made on the first and third Friday of each month for the City, as shown on Exhibit A. Such collection shall include collection of recyc!able materials from all residential properties having four or less dwelling units in a single building. 2.2 The Contractor shall not be required to make regular collections on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Uay, or Christmas Day; provided, however, that collection occurs on the routes reasonably in advance thereof or thereafter in the opinion of the City Manager and the week's schedule shall be completed regardless of the holiday. : 2.3 The term of this Contract shall' be from January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1989. The first collection date shall be Friday, January 6, 1989, and thereafter on the first-and third Fridays of each month. 2.4 This Contract may be renewed at the City's discretion or may. be Opened for competitive bidding. The City shall consider whether the Contractor has performed satisfactorily. Renewal shall be subject to mutual agreement to amendments proposed bY the City of the Contractor. 2.5 The Contract shall provide containers for apartment complexes and businesses that the City requests. These contrainers are to be in good condition and have lids. Collections from these containers shall be 'made on the first and third Fridays of each month for apartment complexes and B _oo businesses that have the containers. .4, Preparation for Collection 4.1 All occupants of residential properties consisting of four or less dwelling units in a single building in the City who are participating in this program shall separate and place recyclable materials in paper bags and/or cardboard boxes. 4.2 Containers shall be placed upon the boulevard area of the street for collection. Containers shall be placed for collection by 8:00 A.M. on the scheduled day of collection. ~.3 All recyclable.materials placed for collection shall be Owned by and the responsibility of the occupants of residential .- ~ properties until 'they are handled by t~e Contractor. Upon handling the recyclable materials by the Contractor, the recyClable materials become' ~he property, and'. responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor's Eo_uiDment 5.1 Ail vehicles, shall be painted and marked uniformly and shall be indentlfied on both sides of the cab. Broom and shovel in. go.od usable condition shall be placed and maintained on each truck. 5.2 The Contractor shall make all collections of recyc!able materials other than newsprint in a water-tight metal receptacle or vehicles with closed tops so constructed that their contents will not spill therefrom; however, all receptacles and vehicles shall be kept clean and as free from all offensive odors as possible and shall not' be allowed to stand in any street, alley or other place longer' than is reasonably necessary to collect recyelable materials. 5.3 The Contractor shall keep all equipment used in the performance of the work in good operating condition and in a clean, sanitary condition. Equipment is subject to periodic inspection by the City. ~ 6. Contractor' s Operations 6.1 The Contractor shall establish and maintain in a location approved by the City l{anager, an office with continuous supervisi'on for accepting complaints and customer calls. The office shall be in service during the hours of 8:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. on all dayf' of collection as specified in this Contract...Address and telephone cumber of such office and any changes therein shall be given to the City. in writing. The address of this office as of the execution of this Contract is:. The telephone number is . ~ ' 6.2 Complaints on service will be taken and collected by the City. The City will notify the Contractor of all complaints it receives. The Contractor is responsible for all corrective actions. A record of'all such complaints will be catalogued by the City . All complaints shall be answered by the Contractor courteously and promptly. The Contractor shall check with Public Works before 4:30 P.M. on each pick-up day for any messages. 6~3 Whenever the City or a resident notifies the Contractor of locations which~ have not received scheduled service, th~ Contractor is required to service such locations before 7:00 P.M. of the same day when notified prior to noon. When notified after noon,' the Contractor shall service such locations not later than 12:00 Noon of the following day. 6.4 The Contractor's employees shall handle all containers with reasonable care to avoid damage, and shall immediately clean up and dispose of any contents thereof which may be spilled. Contractor will not be obligated to collect unseparated materials. 7- · Psy~ent 7.1 The City will compensate the Contractor for the collection of reeyelable materials from dwelling units in the City. During this Contract, the City will pay the Contractor on a monthly basis, in t~e sum Fili~ of Reports of $ pe,r month. 8.1 The Contractor shall submit a monthly summary of the total tonage 'o'f ,all recyel-able materials collected and the primary purchaser(s) of the recyclable materials. Monthly summaries shall be submitted no later than the 15th'day of the month following the month for which the report is submitted. 8.2 The Contractor shall also furnish to the City throughout .the dura'tion of the recycling program a quarterly financia. 1 rePort detailing the expenses and revenues of the Mound collection and the Contractor's overall operations. Quarterly financial, reports shall be submitted to the City on or before January 15, April 15, July 15 and.October 15, of each year. Access'to Records. 9.1 The Contractor shall provide, access to the City, 5 Nennepin County, or any of their duly authorized reDresentatives to review any books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Contract for the purpose of makinE an audit, other examination and preparing excerpts and transcriptions. 10, Insurance 10.1 Comprehensive general liability insurance insuring against liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death, in the sum of not less than $200,000 each individual, $600,000 each occurrence, and against liability for property damage of not less than $50,000 for each occurrence. 10.2' Worker~" Compensati'on insurance and~ gmployers' liability insurance as required by law. '10.3 Autom°b~.le liability and propelrtly.damage insurance, including coverage for non-owned and hired vehicles, in limits as for comprehensive general liability coverage above. 10.4 The City shall be named as an additional insured, in these policies for coverage needed only for work as specified in this'Contract, which, shall provide that the coverage may not be terminated or changed by the insurer except upon 30 day's written notice to the City Clerk. 10.'5 No policy shall contain any provisions for exclusions from liability other than provisions for exclusion from liability forming part. of the standard bssi~ unamended and unendorsed form of policy, ~xcept that no exclusion will be permitted in any event if it conflicts with .a coverage expressly required in this Contract, and in addition, 'no .policy shall contain any exclusion from bodily injury to, or sickness, disease,~or death of any coverage under the contractual liability endorsement of the liability of the Contractor under this Contract. Compliance by the Contractor with the foregoing requirements to carry insurance and furnish certificates shall not relieve the Contractor from liability assumed under any provisions of this Contract. 11. 'Performance Bond 11.1 This Contract shall not be in in effect until the Contractor shall have executed and delivered to the City Clerk a performance bond in the sum of $2,500.00 and executed by a corporate surety company authorized to be business in the State of Minne'ao'fa to secure the faithfuI'~ performance of this Contract by said Contractor conditioned that the ContraCtor shall well and truly perform and carry out~ 'the covenan'ts, terms, and conditions of this Contract in strict accordance with its provisions. This Contract shall be subject to termination by the City a.t any time if said bond shall be cancelled or the surety thereon relieved' from liability because of failure 'to pay the premium or termination of the per°iod of the bond without renewal thereof. 12. Ip'demni fication 12.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold har. mless the City and its officers, agents, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorney fees, for which it.may be held liable, arising out of or resulting from the assertion against them of any claims, debts, or obligations in consequence of the performance of this Contract by the Contractor, his employees, agents, or subcontractors. 13. Termination 1B.1 The City shall have the right to terminate this Contract in the event of bre~ch thereof by the Contractor and a continuing breach shall not be deemed to be waived because not followed by prompt termination. This Contract shall terminate, and neither party nor the officers of the City sh~ll be liable for further performance after the termination, if it sh~i become invalid by reason of any present or future law other than an ordinance of the City. 13.2 The work shall be done with forces which are adequate to insure the satisfactory collection and disposal of said materials'at all.'times, and fail{~re to perform &hall not be excused by adverse conditions of weather, breakdown, or similar hindrances which on othe.r.'work might~be regarded as "acts of providence". 1B.B Upon failure of the Contractor to fulfill any of the provisions of the Contract, the City Manager may be authorized to hire such persons, or assign City employees and equipment, as may be necessary, to do Such work and the cost and expense thereof may .be charged and deducted from monies due the Contractor, collected from the Contractor, or collected by recourse from the Contractor's bond. .14 .~ Penal tie~ 14.1 F~ilure by the Contractor to conform with the provisions of this Contract may result in the termination of this Contract and/or cash claims by the City of damages of up to $2,500.00. Minor infringements and informalities of Contract provisions shall not be considered subject to penalty. The City shall inform the Contractor of such failures in writing and the Contractor shall have 30 days from the date of notice to correct such failures before penalty may be invoked. 14.2 In the event of such failures, the Contractor agrees to pay, in addition to the actual damages sustained by the City as a result thereof, the reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City in pursuing any of its rights under the Contract. 15, Non-DiscriminatorY Practices 15.1 Minnesota Statutes, Section 181.59, which prohibits 'discrimination on account of race, creed, or color in the performan'ce of public contracts, is made a' part of thi's Contract with the same force and effect as if set out herein verbatim. .16~, Succ~ssQrs a.~d Assigns 16.1 The Contractor binds itself jointly and severally, its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns to the City in respect to all covenants of this Contract, except that the Contractor shall not assign or transfer any part of its interest in~ this Contract or sublet as a whole nor shall the Contractor assign .any monies due, or to become due, without the City's written consent. 17. . .Whole A~reemen~. 17.1 This agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties including all prior understandings and agreements and may not be modified except in writing signed by all the parties. Executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MOUND Mayor City Manager NAMEOFCOMPANY SIGNATURE DATE 10 PROPOSED HENNEPIN COUNTY FUNDING ASSISTANCE POLICY FOR sOuRcE-SEPARATED RECYCLABLES AND YARD WASTE Effective January 1, 1989 RECYCLING PROGRAM PUBLIC SERVICE ADMINISTRATION HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 1, 1988 PROPOSED HENNEPIN COUNTY FUNDING ASSISTANCE POLICY FOX{ SOURCE-S~PARATED 'RECYCLABLES A~ YARD ~ASTE EFFECTIVE jANUARY i, 1989 The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners will provide financial assistance to t_he township, cities and University of Minnesota in Hennepin County for programs that source-separate recyclables and yard waste. The purpose of the f~nding is to assist municipalities and the township in complying with Ordinance HOW TO APPLY Applicants must submit two copies of their application to the Chairman of the County Board. The city or township must complete the Recycling and Composting Grant Application form to receive funding assistance. If the County Board approves funding assistance, the County will execute a contract with the city or township to implement the recycling and composting program proposed in the application. The recycling and composting programs must be consistent with the County's Solid Waste Master Plan and Ordinance 13. ELIGIBLE RECYCLING PROGRAM ACTMTIES The County will provide funding assistance for comprehensive municipal recycling program activities which may ~nclude: .- , - Curbside/alleyway collection of recyclables. - Recycling drop-off centers. - Special programs for recovery of recyclabl~ household goods. ~ - Collection of source-separated yard waste for-' composting in 1989. The County will not reimburse collection beginning in 1990 but it is expected that cities will provide for separate collection of yard waste where needed in complying with Mn. Statute l15A. 936. LEVEL OF COUNTY REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROGRAM EXPENSES The County will provide funding assistance in amounts that are a percentage of documented net project expenditures. The net project expenditures must be directly applicable to the recycling and composting program proposed in the application. The rate of. reimbursement for all program activities is based upon the cities' success in recycling 10% of the residential waste stream consisting of a minimum of three types of materials including paper, glass, and cans by May 1, 1989, in accordance with Resolution 88-3-!68R1. The rate of reimbursement is as follows: Percent Percent Residential County Abatement Funding > 10% 80% > 9% 70% > 8% 60% > 7% 50% 7% or < Prorated Continued Page Two Net project expenditures means the cities' program costs after deducting: - other grants received from governmental units or agencies made specifically for the proposed recycling program; and - revenues from the sale of recyclable materials. ELIGIBLE EXPENSES Eligible program expenses include expenditures for: Labor - Hourly wages of employees collecting, transporting and/or processing recyclable materials; - Salary of dedicated employees implementing the recycling program. Dedicated employees are those staff who are primarily responsible to plan, coordinate, implement, and/or promote the recycling program; and · .- Costs of consultant services~o plan, boordinate, promote, inspect, collect, transport, and/or process materials. Equipment - Purchase or lease..of, vehicles and trailers used for collection and transportation of'-recyclables; - Purchase or lease of equipment used for collection and storage of recyclables at municipal recycling drop-off centers; and - Development costs of a municipal {ecycling drop-off center. Promotion - Promotional activities to encourage recycling. These activities may include production and distribution of flyers and brochures; lawn signs; posters and articles in municipal newsletters. Collection Contracts - Contract payments forcollection and transportation of recyclable materials from all residential units, businesses, and institutions that can be incorporated on the residential collection route. HOUSEHOLD RECYCLING CONTAINER REIMBURSEMENT The County will assist in the purchase of household containers for curbside or alleyway collection of recyclables by providing fun~ding for 100% of the cost of the container(s) up to a maximum of $5.00 per household, whichever is less. The County provides this funding for household recycling containers with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the cities and township to fund the replacement cost of containers that are lost, stolen or damaged. 5pit Continued Page Three PROGRAM COST EFFECTIVENESS Applications for funding after 1990 must demonstrate that the total program costs per ton of waste processed through the program are comparable with the costs of other major long-termwaste management methods set forth in the County Solid Waste Master Plan. REI~URSEMENT PROCEDURES The County will reimburse cities semi-annually for recycling and composting program expenses in 1989 and annually in 1990 and thereafter. In 1989, the first payment will be made after a city submits its progress report for the first half of the year. The payment will be calculated for cost sharing based on the estimated percentage of recycling identified in the grant application. An invoice or letter requesting payment must be submitted to receive reimbursement. In addition, 20% of the calculated payment ~ill be witt{held to ensure contract performance. The final .payment will be made upon completion of the annual report, based on the final annual calculated rec~jcling percentages and will include the amount withheld in the first payment. Beginning in 1990, the County w~ll reimburse cities upch suknittal of the annual report. [ MICHAUD] FUNDING5 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD RDAD MC, UND. M, INNESOT,t* 55364 (612) 472-115~, December 21, 1988 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Geno Hoff Street Supt. SUBJECT: Sweeper bids Bids were sent out in October for the purchase of a 1989 Sweeper. Bid opening was December 13, 1988 at 2;00 p.m. 2 bids were received,one from MacQueen Equipment and the other from Boyum Equipment. Bids came in as follows: MacQueens Boyum Equip. $63,707.00 $66,016.00 $68,000 was budgeted for this sweeper. Mc'Combs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St Ctoud 15050 23rd Ave N Plymouth. MN .55447 Telephone 612/476-6010 Engineers Planners Surveyors December 21, 1988 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota 1989 Shoreline Protection Project City Commons MFRA #8169 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: On Tuesday, December 20, 1988, bids were received and opened for the subject project. Ten (10) bids were received and a tabulation is enclosed. The low bidder was Minnetonka Portable Dredging, ~ith a low bid of $22,660.00. We have checked Minnetonka Portable Dredgilng's proPosal and find that it is correct and balanced, and do hereby recommend awarding the contract to Minnetonka Portable Dredging. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron JC:jmj Enclosures PROJECT." 8169 CITY OF MOUND -- SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT ENGINEER: McCOMBS FRANK RODS 1989 ITEM UNIT QUANTITY I GRANULAR FILL (L.V.) CY BO.O 2 RANDOM RIF'RAF' (AREA i) LF 740.0 3 RANDOM RIF'RAF' (AREA 2) LF 1,030.0 SHORLINE PROTECTION PROJECT PAGE I ENG. ESTIMATE MTKA PORT. DREDGIN~ WIDMER, INC. UNIT TOTAL L~IT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 10.00 500.00 10.70 535.00 6.50 3B5.00' 14.00 10,360.00 lP.50 9,E~O.O0 1~.90 9,546.00 14.00 14,4~0.00 1~.50 1~,875.00 1P.90 13,~87.00 TOTAL SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT B~,880.00 88,660.00 85:,1S8.00 JECT '~ 8169 ~Y OF MOUND -- SHORELINE PROI'ECTION PROJECT ENOINEER: McCDMB$ FRANK ROOS ITEM 1 DRANULAR FILL (L.U.) 2 RANDOM RIPRAF' (AREA 1) --. RANDOM RIPRAP (AREA P) 1989 UNIT QUANTITY CY SO. 0 LF 740.0 LF l, 02:0.0 SHORLINE PROTECTION PROJECT PA~E ~ END. ESTIMATE TALBERD LAWN UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 10. O0 SOO. O0 16.7S 82:7. SO 14.00 10,2:60.00 15.28 il,307.20 14.00 14,420.00 ~.28 ~,738.40 SUN P, AM LAND$CAP · ~IT TOTAL 10.00 SO0.O0 1S.6S 11,S81.00 1B.6S 16,119.S0 TOTAL SHORELINE PROTECTION PRDIECT 2S, £ 80. O0 27,883.10 28, ~ 00. SO F'ROJECT: 81G9 CITY oF HOUND -- SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT EN~,INEER. P, cCO~BS FPu~NK RDOS ITEH UNIT QUANTITY DRANULAR FILL (L.V.) CY SO.O RANDOM RIPRAF' (AREA 1) LF 740.0 R~NDDM RIPRAF' (AREA SHORLINE PROTECTION PROJECT £NC. ESTIHATE DOCK & LIFT SERVICE TOTAL UNIT TOTAL WICKENHAUSER £XCAU. UNIT TOTAL 10.00 500.00 5.00 250.00 14.00 10,360.00 17.00 1~,580.00 14.00 14,420.00 20.00 20,600.00 20.00 1,000.00 19.S0 14,420.00 19.50 20,085.00 TOTAL SHORELINE F~DTEu,~D,4 PROJECT 25,280.00 3~:,430.00 3S,S1S.O0 C~II~Y OF MOUND -- SHORELINE PROT£CTION ?ROJECT ENGINEER: McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ITEM ~IT QUANTITY GRANULAR FILL (L.U.) CY SO.O RANDOM RIPRAP (AREA 1) LF 740.0 RANDOM RIPRAP (AREA E) LF 1,030.0 TOTAL SHORELINE PROTECTIO~I PROJECT SHO RL INE ENG. ESTIMATE TOTAL 10.00 SO0.O0 14.00 10,360.00 14.00 14,4B0.00 PROTECTION PROJECT BARBER CONSTRUCTION · 4IT TOTAL 1~.00 ~0.00 25.00 18,500~00 BS.O0 B5,?SO.O0 ES,BSO. O0 4S,000.00 HARDRIVES, I~4IT 10. O0 ?A~E 4 INC. TOTAL lB,G10.00 87,~95.00 47,40S.00 PROJECT: 8169 CITY OF' HOUND -- SHOP~ELINE PROTECTION PROJECT ENOINEER: McCOMBS FRANK RODS 1989 ITEH ~4IT QUANTITY DRANULAR FILL (L.V.) CY SO.O RANDOM RIF'RAP (AREA 1) LF 740.0 RANDOM RIP~P (AREA 2) LF 1,030.0 TOTAL SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT SHO RL INE END. ESTIMATE UNIT TOTAL 10.00 SO0.O0 14.00 10,360.00 14.00 14,420.00 PROTECTION PROJECT PAGE 5 S,:ov. O0 H.R.S. CONSTRUCTION UNIT TOTAL 7.00 250.00 30.75 ~,755.00 20.75 31,672.50 54,777.50 DON-EVE ~ SONS, INC. TOTAL 10.00 500.00 44.25 ?~,745.00 44.25 45,577.50 7B,B22.50 RESOLUTION NO. 88- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND WHEREAS, Resolution #81-394 created a Special Revenue Fund called the Area Fire Service Fund to account for operation of the Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound entered into fire contracts with five surrounding municipalities; and WHEREAS, Mound's share of the total cost of fire serv- ice is $157,508 for 1988; and WHEREAS, $40,858 of Mound's share is provided by spe- cial tax. levies which are credited directly to the Fire Relief Fund and Fire Equipment Certificate Fund; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby transfer $116,650 from the General Fund to the Area Fire Service Fund. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 88 RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $40,~00 FROM THE LIQUOR FUND AND $?,553 FROM THE gENERAL FUND TO THE 1988 SEALCOAT PROJECT WHEREAS, Resolution #82-46 approved the plans and specifications for a five year sealcoating of the streets in Mound; and WHEREAS, the 1988 Budget called for sealcoating ex- penses to be funded $40,000 between the Liquor Fund and $7,553 balance from the General Fund revenues; and WHEREAS, The 1988 Sealcoat Project costs consist of the following: Mc Combs $ 671 Mueller .. 13,207 Allied 33,541 Publishing 134 TOTAL $ 47,553 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve transfers of $40,000 from the Liquor Fund and $7,553 from the General Fund to the 1988 Sealcoat Project. The foregoing resolution was moved by by The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: 'Mayor Attest: City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 88 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER FROM 1988 WATER FUND TO COUNTY ROAD 15 STREET PROJECT IMPROVEMENT FUND WHEREAS, the watermain replacement on County Road 15 has been completed; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County billed the City of Mound for the construction work on County Road 15, including the watermain replacement; and WHEREAS, the Water Fund Reserves are to finance the $55,000 cost for the watermain replacement on County Road 15. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve transfer of $55,000 from the Water Fund to the County Road 15 Street Fund. The foregoing resolution was moved by' and seconded by The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk CITY of MOUND t J,,: ~WOOD ROAD MINNESOTA 5536,4' December 22, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR .CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRAN~'FER TO PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITY Bonds were issued for par.amount of $790,000 for the Public Works Facility. The cost of the project excee'ded the amount of bond revenue and interest by $200,805. The excess amount was known when the bids were accepted for the construction of the building. At that time, we discussed the financing of this excess amount over bond revenue. I have enclosed a copy of the resolution establishing a Capital Improvements Fund from the surplus of the 1987 Street Improvement Fund (pages 3225-3226). The fund balance is sufficient to cover the deficit in the Public Works Facility Fund. I haVe enclosed a resolution for City Council approval for a transfer of $200,805 from the Capital Improvements fund to close out th6 Public Works Facility Fund. ES:is RESOLUTION NO. 88 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF $200,805 FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TO THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY FUND WHEREAS, the Public Works Facility was started and com- pleted during 1988; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Facility Fund final revenues and expenditures are as follows: REVENUES: Bond Sale Interest $781,010 7,775 788,784 EXPENDITURES Loffel Ingstrand Construction James Riley McCombs Wurst Pearson Bond Costs Zahl Equip. GME Consultants MiscellaneoUs Land acquisition Engineering. Legal fees Lube equip. Engineering $699,135 172,000 81,~29 2,125 16,749 9,597 4,191 4,263 '$989,589 FUND DEFICIT (200,805) WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Fund has a sufficient fund balance to fund the Public Works Facility deficit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of 'Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve a transfer of $200,805 from the Capital Improvements Fund to the Public Works Facility Fund. Mayor Attest: City Clerk 25 .. January 26, 1988 RESOLUTION TO SET ASIDE.SURPLUS FUNDS, NOW AND IN THE FUTURE, IN THE 1981 STREET IMPROVEHENT FUND FOR CAPITAL IHPROVEHENTS WHEREAS, in 1981, $275,000 HSA Street Bonds were issued for the Street Improvement Fund; and WHEREAS, the Council followed its previous pol.icy of assessing the property owners their share of the project costs {over a 15 year period); and WHEREAS, this assessment would have been sufficient to pay off the bonds on this project; and WHEREAS, during.the year ~982]'1'985 we received principal and in~ terest payments for the 1981 HSA Bonds out of our State-A~d allotment and therefore, wm had revenue from both assessments and State-Aid to make the pripcipal and interest payments; and REVENUE~ {Excluding . MSA . OUTSTANDING' HSA BOND BOND ' FUND CASH. BOND REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURESBALANCE BALANCE .. PAYABLE ~1981 ~,008,'452 '".'.i' 9~¥,968 :.~6,484 i~4'6,656) 27.5,000 1.982 56,619 67,125 '44.,229 1.55,999 (93,576) 245,000 1983 43,503 49,650 51,487 197,665 (34,018) 215,000 1.984 36,034 52,250 15,986 269,963 .-49,084 180,000 1985 39,834 54,450 16,383 347,864 138,872 140,000 1986 63,531 51,250 42,604 420,041 247,043 100,000 1987 43,456 7,587 .- 455,910 278,686 50,000 1988 'Final HSA Bond Payment April 1, 1988 WHEREAS, in 1986 and 1987 we informed the State that we would make principal and interest payments from City funds {assessments) rather than from the yearly MSA allotment. WHEREAS~ in checking with our auditor and engineer regarding the surplus in this fund, MSA's only concern would be that the bonds are paid off; and WHEREAS, the HSA bonds will be paid in full on April 1, 1988. WHEREAS, there is no stipulation by the State on what to do with this surplus which means that the balance of this fund could be dsed at the Council's discretion, .. 26 26, 1988 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby set aside surplus funds, now and in the fu- ture, in the 1981 Street Improvement Fund for capital improvements. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Johnson and seconded by.Councilmember Jensen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Abel was absent and excused. Mayor× ~ - Attest: City Clerk BILLS-~---DECEMBER 27, 1988 BATCH 8121 130,694.00 BATCH 8122 21,885.24 TOTAL BILLS 152,579.24 51]12~. 00 !(!!;.) F:E-?A:: !0.00 6.13 3.76 1,00 12/'.6/',.:S 12/!6/S8 2O,S? P/C-MOWING P/S-SUPPLIES. P/C-SUPPLiES JRNL-CD 71-7100-4200 71-7100-2200 7!-7100-211:19 !0!0 CiTY OF MOUND 60'?3 ~. v T" C~T'f, DF ~,Z~.~ CC1960 VENDOR TOTAL PRE-PA!D !2/16/88 I~/1~/~o VENDOR TOTAL Fh.=.-rH 1 L 282.87 282,88 8.75 !3~.05 709.55 3..39 8.2! 66,99 2,98 51.12 70.22 37,36 / v · Vd i 1.06 2.67 5.38 !z Z2.14 23.96 -? !R3,6'? ::-:6,30 6!9,26 LIC-1987 Pi C~OJP MC-RED CAR LiC-18 FT TRAILER ~NL-CD NOV SbS'PLiES NOV ~PF!.IES NOV SL~'PLIES NOV ~P¢%IES NOV SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES MiSC TOOLS MtSO TOOLS ~¢]V SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES ~3V SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES NOV SUPPLIES d~L-CD / o- 1.~,:,..,-909~ 0i-40,~0-4146 01-43~0-4 i"-0 1010 0t-4320-~C<~ 01-4320-27_<~ 22-;170-22{~ 01-1340-2310 0!-4290-2200 0!-4270-2300 73-7300-2300 40-6000-2300 !010 708.55 :';, 5,,'., 01 - 20 z 0- 00,170 01 - 41911-: ':-.:'::; :C:O AA,: 56?0.4':, !2/!6/8:.":,,~,, ~'' ~,.,;; ,.,oc..., ? fir-:';' ,i::, dRNL-~D TOTAL 96 '."'~ D!2175 P~E-PAiD DELTA D~AL 12/16/88 12/16/88 VENDOR TOTAL 1,004,40 DEC D:';TAL PREM !2.75 DEC DEhqAL-R_FFiREE <,~.,~ [EC Db-NT~-R~TIF~: 32.95 DEC DENTAL-RKFIR: 45.70 [EC D~qTAL-R~i~£E 1,128.75 dRNL-CD 1128.75 0!-20%-00% 01-4190-1510 01-4280-15!0 01-4140-1510 71-7!00-!5!0 !0!0 1128.75 PRE-PAID 12/16/88 !2/16/$t 381.01 L!Q !,8~.19 WI)E 25.84- DISC 2,177.36 c~NL-CD 71-7!00-9510 71-7100-952~) 71-71~0-9560 ' 1010 21~.36 PRE-PAID i..!ic, 18o ........ VEN[:CR TO~ ..' ,z47.7,.. LIQ i!?.40 WiNE 46. !4' DISC 2,321,02 JRNL-CD 71'7!00-9510 '71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 !0!0 2321.02 0?55 ?RE-PAiD 12/16/:.::8 12/!6/~::B I "~,.00 D~ CUSIP 1!/26 1,256,00 JR~&-CD 01-20"0-0000 10W !256.00 1,2.56..90 Ii: C~? 12/i0 PR 1,256.00 ~;u-~ V t I0!0 !256.00 15. ::5 ~: ..:..., HCEF' . , !2/10 23';'.35 JRNL-CD C I 3::9..'.':5 :~' ,'.. T C, :: :--:ri: T r~ 25:,70 !F..4, F:4- r~; ;.'.r 431,:74 ,.:;;!4L-CD 7:-%,;3-?5:0 7 ! -71 7". 1010 !0!0 99. O0 DEF'T OF PROPERTY T v,.~,~,ur, TOTAL r~.-~Hl~ 12/16/~ 12/16/88 PRE-PAiD ' 1./~o/o,D 12/16/E8 SUPPORT & CO~! =CT* V~.~,uK TOTAL 99.00 !71.53 /26 PR JRNL-CD [:ED 12/10 PR JRNL-CD 01-2040-00(~ I010 01-204(>0000 1010 171.53 H2C52 PRE-PAID 10,E~9.30 OCT TAX.E-R-LE,,.NT° :~= ' 12/!6/~ ;dl.,/,:,s 10,827,30 ~;NL-CD t08'."9.30 96-9600-4100 1010 !0~.30 ,.:,o.0o DEF CSMF' 11/26 PR 01-2040-0003 1010 PRE-PAiD '.', ' ~ ..... !2/16/;::::'.. Jm:,.._',.eo '.;-% CUSP 12/!0 PR o , Ic.a. ( i '"' .... . ' ~ L) 4'U - U t..' V J 10i0 538.06 !076.!2 20.00 C=OA PWG '~ "'"' CE: ,:,~.,:,.:, HTO 2!2.17 ~R~L-C3 Ol-~090-zi!O 01-4090-4!20 01-4075-4!10 1010 "=-: :.-0.30 ~; C2NT=.ACT HCU~.-3 ! .'-..=,. ',"::') ::'~' -r'Fl '. ':_.5.00 :. :.::::".'-.3 : ? ~ .) ~r'.,...~ ..... ~'O~ I "';:;I ? ...... " ............. =.~r, ....V:'?,,L,u..'; TOTAL L2'.'.-' I';' - FF:E -F'A I D 1 L~EF~L-D~JSTRAND CD VDC:OR TOT~ M3090 PC:E-~AtD !2/16/C-:8 12/!6/,-°,8 PRE-PAID 1.~ ,i~ ,,.,-, ME'D CENT~ HEALI~d PLAN VB'~DOR TOTAL M3...170 PRE-PAID 1~/16/,:-:, 12/16/88 ,,EZ~,,-:u WASTE CO;4ROL · ~ur,,~ .. VE!'iDOR TOTAL i?/16/88 12/1.-'.,/?,8 MN BEN~!T AS31 VEkD._r,R TOTAL I ;C,~,.:; . - . ..... -'/'-"':' ~;'/IAiL::',:.: F~'E-PAiD ............. ,Tn*, TO'r:L :fi,"-~ t-,:t :r,:¢z,'il:~.-_;'~' ..... -" ~cru:.:,~ ..... M.': :55 ?F:E- F'~ l ,.'!. .,*.:N .............. in ..... :;'n VENEC.~: .... " 73!.3t 1 ~/' i, ,'::,,~ t "' ," A ;'::.',-"', 39,00 ~/, ..-oU, ..'o PYMT .... ' 27,%0.2C-; JR~L-CD 27760,2S 70,b8 70.08 ~,44,..,0 ~DV SAC 544.50 JRNL-CD !40,05 HOSF' DED 1 !/26 PR HOS'F/ DED 12/!0 F'R 2:?,8,00 ~"' "" 2S::.:,00 :CF CC~? !2/!0 F'R 2::.:::',, 00 JR%-CD 57::,.00 5i0,'?'? 71-7t00-95£0 71-71C:0-¢5~L: 1810 iOtO 01-2040-0000 t010 O1-20!O-OOt~ '' 1010 I010 01-2040-0( 01-2040-00C8 70,05 ' t1¢rZ.77 . .,:;u,O · Jv 5.0S DCT SL;..-':-LiE5 :~.;.-'. OCT SU?%!ES .-.,.:,or4S'.,' SUF'FtiES I,:..6,-hDV '"~ ...... I21.13 '~" ~* 01-4290-2£50 73-7~00-235.0 01-42S0-2£00 01-4290-2200 .) P::':'~50 PERA P4030 , ~ ~ICIAN= C4= MN F4031 PHYSICIANS OF ;~ P4!15 12/!6/88 i2/16/~8 P~E-PAID ¢B~T'OR TGTAL PRE-~AiD 12/16/88 12/167S8. FRS-PAiD 12/16/88q~/~/c'o VENDOR TOTAL PRE-PAID !2/16/88 12/16/88 VEneeR TDTAL F~E-PAiD 5,702.76 J~L-CD .,,~,:,=,.~o F'E~A 12/!4t 349,02 HOSP DEB 11/26 PR 34?.02 dRNL-CD ~¢1.~o 266.00 PHP-R~iREE ,~.:.7 ...... ~I'~t-CD 6887.00 158.60 ~-CD !58.60 88.33 our~L 177.76 0!-2§40-0000 0!-2040-0000 I0~0 01-2040-0000 1010 0!-2040-0000 01-4140-I510 1010 01-4140-!510 lOlO .,i.j ,.-<:, 349.02 !%.76 ~RE-PAiD ...... : , ,-.,,- & EP:TZT~ ?E>;:.O.'-: TOT.~L $63,00 W:NE 27,47- DiSC t,627,46 JP~L-CD 3,110. I? ~:'*,.-'-, 65, i% 63,75 3, '.::z 5:. I 0 j=j~L-CD 4'5'7,:';, F.A 71-7100-';510 71-7100-7520 71-71.(K~-';'560 71-7100-95:0 7!-7100-9520 71-7100-7560 71-710%PT40 :.::343.10 .) ST.cR-~;EST CHEV/SL[iS VD~[!CR TOTAL S:500 12/16./:B8 ,t.'/. ~/,:,~ ~'RE-PA;D !:/16/~.E:E', S45!I PRE-PAiD FF:E-P~ID STATE OAPZTOL C~'EDIT UNZD~-I VENDOR TOTAL ~,~ .... PRE-PAID S4630 PRE-PAiD TO!AL VDiDOR ' . 12/16/E8 12/16/88 PR-PAID '~ ...."Iz/16/oo 5d:?A~ERZCA VE~C~OR TOTAL Z6140 ~ r, ~-r~ !~/~6/~8 '"' '~ V~iDC~ T~TAL PRESSURE PO;~? CC~TROL'TA~ VE!~30R TOTAL TOTAL ALL VENDORS Y,Sz':, · v..'. 415.60 ~,:,.60 ~:o.60 i50 150, O0 i50,00 23.19 18,62 ~6.40 708.21 '"* .16 575 601.04 i309,25 !6,42 16,42 50.00 50,00 FiT !2/:10 PR CR UNION DED 11/26 dRNL-CD C~; UNION £!ED 12,:!0 PR OCT'GASOLINE CCT GASOLI),E OCT GASOLINE ~,~?;L -CD l~DV GASOt. If~ NOV GASOLinE ,r,~.,,i t?l RE~4D-OVERPYMT WTR BiLL :'FCT-MCK, HUGEE~ ..,~, 0 !010 01-20-10-00C4} 1010 01-20z0-00{'.0 10i0 01-20~0-0000 i010 01-4020-13¢~J I~0 01-4190-~i0 01-4040-2210 01-41~-22!0 1010 0!-4!~0-~0 0,-,,,,.,-~0 10!0 79-I19!-0000 01-4140-4110 I0!0 418.60 418,60 150,00 708,21 601,04 50.00 -) TOTAL 1.'-. 34"'" ....~ ':'=',67 " "'"' .., .... :.....~ ,1¢: CFFZCE ""=' ....='"" ...... OFFICE =~ '='""' 4.0'? 0==i~= ,",,o,', '25.3~ D-'F~CE SUPPLIES !".'.2.24 ~' ..... :' .../*..:,u O! Ot-itiO-2D(;O 0L-i190-2!00 0!-4310-2!00 !:il 7i-7i00-2i00 7:3-7300-2100 0i-i235-0000 76- !2:?,5-0000 01-4C,75-22C© 10!0 A0340 2:_'-~:.2~ );E~:O× F'APE~; 2:33,24 dRNL-CD 1010 VENDOR TOTAL A0350 I:B0.75 PLANTS-PW BLDG ~,:,0 ....JRNL-CD 180.75 01-40::)-2200 10t0 i2/22/88 12/~/~3 · ~J.74 RE'LAYS ~,74 ¢~L-CD 73-7300-2~)0 I010 AL~G~ATIC SYST~S CO VENL~R TOTAL 33.74 1 ........ 01-2300-022! 10!0 B0660 i2/22/8~ !2/22/E:3 S077! 12/22/S8 12/22/S8 $46.27 20.5! FRT-BALLOT FOXES 20.51 m~' ~' 20.51 0!-4060-5000 1010 D3i0 117.70 J~NL-CD -'/ ,.u~ ~ Ih~Nl ~L TEL?HONE VE~iOR TOTAL O1,'Jd D~m. ORIS SOHWAEBE D1280 D1310 TOTAL ,./...~:/.,~ 12/~/88 , VENI]OR TOTAL 12I~/88 12/~/88 DIXIE FETRO-~ INC VB~DOR TOTAL F1538 F~JN t?~ORMATIDN SYSTEMS V~DR TOTAL Ft560 FIEE C~4TROL '~' '¢~-~R TOTAL EXTiNGUISHSR 12/22/88 VEN['OR TOTAL 32!.!? DEC TELE 40.42 [;EC T~_E 4,21 [,EC TELE ,' ,,.,c, [iEC !78,78 DEC TELE 67,70 DEC TELE COMPUTER c,o.v..,~4OV-DEC TELE 1~0,27 NOV-DEC T~E 33.03 NSV-DEC TELE 124.55' dRNL-CD 65,$~ MILEAGE ~ ~ JRNL-CD 65.82 95.00 95.00 95.00 63.00 63.00 63.00 44,44 44.~ 44,44 Z3,00 23.00 95.00 260;00 95,00 90.(~ 540,00 540,00 29,72 FPO-8? MAINT-DICT JRNL-CD CH~ICALS ~NL-CD COMPU~ PAPER JRNL-CD EXTINGUISHER SE,,rdClCE JRNL-CD PA~OL ~IC-~:~MX 12/8 AL'WY EXCL-EW~LD 12/6-7 NARCDTICS-LOTTON 12/13 DATA PRIV-HARR'HUDS 12/16 JR~L-CD ~LORINE PACKETS JRNL-CD CLE~4ERS 0i ::.;9-'8000- 4100 01-4340-3220 0!-zi40-3220 22-4170-3220 73-73':)0-~20 1010 0 ~ ' 40 1010 01-12~5-0¢~0 I010 73-7300-~60 1010 -Z2-4170-4100 1010 71-7100-3820 1010 01-4140-4110 0!-4140-4110 01-4140-4110 01-4140-4110 1010 73-73C~J-22(8 1010 0t-4'?0-2250 ..) '% .) JA~ET ~EFTRA~Ci ,J2~O 17/'~,-~/on t2/.Z2/,S8 VENDOR TOTAL LARSDN PRI.,'GING & GRAPHICS VE,~OR TOTAL L2~80 · 12!~/88 t2/22/~ LE~ARD HARF~L V~[~R TOTAL L2930 ~?.~;~, 12/22/88 Lr~= ~ .'" 4,~n~n;m:/?w.~. ~ VENDOR TOTAL ~30i0 .... ..,,,,, AI~O ...... ~'I"-' ',C 9 TOTAL 32. c;5 !4%90 !9.90 t 9,90 I9.90 26.!1 26.11 26.11 96,73 96.73 96.73 407.88 ~.)¢ 407.88 172,12 172.12 397.59 37.98 435.~ 435.~ 2!,92 ,'O.u4 3.!5 197.13 242.74 242,74 476,00 28, O0 127, O0 28.00 55.00 6~. O0 ¢~,'9, O0 DEC MTGS ~NL-CD NUTS-WIRE NL-CD PROP RM FORMS-KiCK SHEETS JR.'CD COLLEGE R.I~-M.hkA~O NOV PARTS ~',NL-CD NOV PARTS NOV PARTS NOV PARTS NOV PARTS JRNL-CD NOV E~GR NOV ENOR-NCR~OD NOV ENGR-SAND~U~ST )~V E~SR-CGS~STC~E ESCRO~ ~V ENGR-CO 15 LIGHTS NOV EN~R-CO 15 "~ 'BLDG NCV D~uR-PW NOV ENOR-~HORB.;NE FROT PF'D i ':'-: '. 0 0t--'.34.:;-'%z0 ! {. 10 01-4140-4!10 1010 01-4290-23!0 1010 1010 01-4140-4110 1010 .,-.~..0-~;~0 !0t0 Z2-4170-2200 73-7300-~00 78-7800-2200 10!0 0!-4190-31C..'J L,., 01-23C-0-00('.0 01-2300-09,-'.,2 c,6- o .:L,V-.:, 1 6 ,:., -,".,00C, - :~, I il: 0 2.:- ~ 01'.'0-3100 $:.-~ -) .'> -) 1.:/z~/¢,c .~.../£.../,:,,_, t~ ~}/,-,0 VENDOR TOTAL 12/22/88 12/~/88' MN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ~* ~DOR TOTAL M2A70 12/22/88 MN V~"~Y ~STiNG LA~RATO VE~DOR TOTAL M3481 MOl]RE SiGN ~MPANY N3740 N~MAN SIGNS N3~O 12122188 12/22/~ VENDOR TOTAL ,'/,.,.'/¢,c. I2/Z2/E~ V~DOR TOTAL NORlqH STAR WAT~:WORKS PR~ VENDOR TOTAL N~.~O0 12/~2/88 12/22/E~ NC~TH~RN STATES POW~ CO VENEER TOT~ !2/~/~: 12/22/:~8 NCRTNERN ST?ES PO~ER VEh~R TOTAL 420.00 71,00 ,.;~.00 2518.00 ~E;O. 57 291.02 172.99 377.9i 46~.76 135,50 270.47 · ~70.47 10.00 I0.00 I0.00 37.40 37.4.0 37.40 600.00 6(~),00 600.00 318.00 2~8.00 626.00 626.00 506.42 506.42 309..19 oo9.19 309.19 3,765.70 376%70 594.53 594.53 NOV GAS NOV GAS NOV GAS NOV GAS ~OV GAS NOV GAS NOV GAS ~NL-CD CYO~E SEMINAR-EWALI) ~RNL-CD WATER TESTS JRNI_-CD INSTALL LETTERS ~NL -CD E~.CYCLE StCNS ~UO(, BLADE SIGNS ~NL-CD WATER JRNL-CD NOV ELEC ~NL-CD DEC ELEC JRNL-CD VEHICLE ~' WA=H JR~-CD % 1010 01-4280-3720 7:,-7ov,.,-,~7,0 78-7:'::00-3720 e~i _.~ '-;~.0- 7-:7';'¢~ ','~ i-i320-3720 2.2-4170-3720 71-7100-3720 1010 01-41~-4110 I010 73-7300-3100 1010 78-780~-4200 1010 .01-4270-22~ 01-42~-2~60 1010 73-73%-2~)0 1010 78-7800-3710 1010 'l '1 .) D R~200 .............. :. ~:.c,,_,;,~u'~ v-,,,uu~, TOTAL !2/22/8:3 v', VDa]OR TOTAL t2/2/88 VE?¢~DR TOTAL SOS PRiNTiNG 12/22/88 12/22/~8 SPRING PARK CAR WASH VENDOR TOTAL S46!0 SL~RBAN TIRE 'CO S~-540 v~ CYCLE T4770 THRIFTY"''':~' 12/~/88 121221,<8 V~NIIOR TOTAL 1o/~ioo ..... ,.~, 12/~/88 ~40~ TOTAL VqE,N[~OR TOTAL T,%L CF.~iPANY WS'.'SO V",.m~ TOTAL HOSPITAL v-4r,,R TOTAL C~T'Y OF 15%01 !~.01 1.,y.01 102.00 I02,00 102.00 ~5,00 35,00 ~..4.70 1!.55 ~66.~ 266.25 3,50 10,50 80,50 - 94,..,0 94.50 [:E~CRIF:TZDN CAS EN,S FP~..~N .... Ar~l., ~L-CD CLASSES dR)C-CD RECYCLE BROO4JRES C~:TIFICATES JR[¢u-CD NOV CAR WASH NOV CAR WAb't4 NOV CAR WASH '- 50,00 FIX FLAT 50.00 JRf~L-CD 50.00 t,430.00 1,430.00 1430.00 10.~ 10.66 10.66 43.40 7.50 115.37 166.27 166.27 30,00 :30.~ SO.O0 NOV RECYCLE JRNL-CD RODS,STEEL CUT OFF WHEEL CABLE J).E-CD BLDCD ALCOHOL-BOTTNFLD JRNt-CD '7, ':' - '7 F ')F) - 'T,c "; !0!0 · ] 10!0 .~, 4~ .... 1,,.) 01-4270-2!20 ~-4!70-~00 1010 01-4190-~10 01-428~-3810 01-41~-.~I0 1010 01-4~J-3810 1010 01-4270-42(~ 10!0 1010 0!-4270-23Cg) 01-4140-2300 I0!0 01-4140-31~' I010 ') !HV~!CE DUE HOLD ]'lATE DATE W5430 PRODUCTS CC~?ANY WESTON~3.~w~nnno WS565 ~:~ ~ u~F,~ GLA~ ~RVI CE WIDM,~ INC W5652 WILLI~ NICCUM !2/22/88 12,/22/88 vENuO,, TOTAL 12/22/88 VENDOR TOTAL 12/~/~ 12/~/88 VD~OR TOTAL 12/~/~ 12/22/88 VDE~R TOTAL 12/22/~ 12/22/88 VEN~ TOTAl. TOTAL ALL ~NDORS A~IC, UHT DESCRIPTION ?0.9., XMAS DECORATIONS-LiQ 67,06 CLE~S 50.51 COUNCIL S~'PL 13.16 SALT 2~9.68 ~NL-CD 229.68 20.00 GLASS FOR #17 20.00 dRNL-CD 20.00 8.96.50 3/4 ~OW PLOWING 2~5.50 I/4 SNOW P~OWiNG ~8.-75 4909 ISLAND VIEW 130.00 BEA~WOOD 1,870,75 JRNL-CD 1870.75' 100.00 100.00 REFUND-COND USE PERMIT JRNL-CD 21,885,24 71-7!¢~-35C© 22-4170-2200 0i-402~-~00 73-73~-2200 10!0 22~4170-~.:'0. 1010 40-~00-4200 01-4280-4200 78'7500-3800 73-7300-$900 1010 01-3510-0000 1010 PSE-PA!D .) -) For December 27, 1988 Council Meeting December 21, 1988 GAMBLING LICENSE -- Class B (Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, Pull-tabs) Renewal - New License Period: 5-1-89 to 4-30-90 Chamberlain Goudy VFW Post #5113 2544 Commerce Blvd. Mound, Minn. 55364 THIS APPLICATION WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND IF'APPROVED BY THE BOARD WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF RECEIPT (12-19-88), UNLESS A RESOLUTION OF THE LOCAL GOVERN- ING BODY IS PASSED WHICH SPECIFICALLY DISALLOWS SUCH ACTIVITY AND A COPY OF THAT RESOLUTION IS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE. OTHER GAMBLING LICENSES IN MOUND ARE: Class A - American Legion #398 Church of Our Lady of the Lake Class B - Northwest Tonka Lions AT: Mack's Jock Club Charitable Gambling Control Board Rm N-475 'Griggs-Midway Bldg. 1821 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-3383 (612) 642-0555 LICENSE NUMBER: 1. Applicant--Legal Name of Organization 3. City, State, Zip 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 10. Name of Gambling Manager A~rJ~n ieuuJsse~ 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place VFW Pos~ 5113 Mound , For Board Use Only Paid Amt: Check No. ,'~P,~ ~' ~-'~,~,~ C~'c',~d'- Date: GAMBLING LICENSE RENEWAL A~.~P/LICATION t EFF. DATE: I ~ / ~ 1 / ~} I~ / AMOUNT OF FEE: 16. Lessor Name 2. Street Address 4. County H~nn~pin 11. Bond Number 5t9~3562 14. County Hennep[n 5. Business Phone 7. Business Phone 9. Business Phone ' 12. Business Ptlone 15. No. of Active Membem 17. Monthly Rent: 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please, specify days and times of Bingo. Days Times Days Times Days Times Sig,nature of Person Receiving Application: / ,': Title i,: -"~ , .II, late Rec~.~ed (this data begi.D.~-~JlS~,~, ~day psr, o. d) , ~":~ ~.~.~ ~"'.. ~. · Na~ P~so~D~r~Applicalion lo.t~al Soverning Body: 19. Has license ever been: - r'l Revoked Da,te: [] Suspended Date: [] Denied Date:. 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? )~Yes [3 No (If 'No,' attach copy) 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? [] Yes '[] No (If 'No," attach copy) 22. Has curt,ant sLat,ch been filed with the board? I-3 Yes E] No (If 'No,' attach copy) · GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gambling is being conducted, to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice· BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true, accurate and complete; 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full resPOnsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rides of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments thereto. 23. Official Legal Name~3f~Organization I,;, .fure?> r ecut,vo,O icer) Date I Title ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been se~ed with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board will become effecti,4~-{~/djays from the date of receipt (noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing~body is passe~l which specifically disallows such activity a~'A copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board withi~d~ys of the below noted date· 24. City/County Name (Local Governir~g Body) Township: If site is located within a township, please complete'items 24 and 25: CG-00022-01, (5/87) · Township Name White Copy-Board Canary--Applicant . Pink-Local Governing Body GENERAL FUND I n t e r.,_2 o ver. nme r, t ~ ] Business Licer, ces Non-Busir, ess Licenses and' Per. mits Chmrges for. Set. vices t Fines Chmrges to Other Depmrtments Other' Revenue TOTAL REVENI_IE LIQUAR FLIND WATER FUND SEWER FLIND BUDGET CITY OF MOUND 19:B8 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT NOVEMBER 1988 NOVEMBER YTD REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE 91.7% PER CENT RECE I VED 10:E::BC)08 46421 F: '-? ='="-'-~ '- - ~ ...... :,-, -" 77666 92.48% 776'F~50 3.315 414206 3627.44 53.31% ,--,. 10 25 6550 1 ?~/.-,C) 76.97% 100400 7744 91295 9105 90.93% 37200 492 ~/:,o0._-, 10397 72.05% 90000 10.t 80 7:::211 1,17:::9 86.90% 27280 1332 1306/:, 14214 47.90% · =, ' 4980c~ 12 55% 5~'P50 1464 71._ u . . 213 c~2'.-.? 8 488770 1592623 5:--:7675 ~4.7/:,% ,:,00000 c,o.:,6 ;~ 782808 17192 97. :--:5% "=''' '~'-"- ...... -' :_:;88::: ,:, 1 ._,U UO 272:--:2 ~-, ,:,,.~,:, o - 1 104.41% ...... boO0 4 :~:/-',05 5250'.-'.~ 1 24909 ..... 47% CITY OF MOUND !9:B8 BUDGET REPORT EXF'END I TURES NOVEMBER 1988 91.7% GENERAL FUND Council Cable TV -- City Manager/Clerk Elections Assessing Finance. ~ Comp u t e r ' Legal F'ol ice Civil De,er, se P1 ar, r,i ng/I nspect i c, nm Recy,: 1 ir, g S~r. eets 8h,:,p ~ Stores C:~ty Property F'¢r. ks 8,Jmmer Recreation Cont i ngencimm Trsns~eps BI_]DGET 46810 :3390 116760 40000 41800 134940 28920 9715¢) 660410 2000 109450 17880 364270 51860 838:30 165430 "7660 0 150990 NOVEMBER YTD PER CENT EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXF'ENDED 6705 42660 4150 91.13% ~44 6:373 1537 81.92% 9666 119923 -3163 102.71% 3713 40032 -32 I¢)0.08% 27 44841 -3041 107.28% 10005 128036 6904 94.88~ 1814 ,. 29296. -376 101.30% 8625 75622 21528 77.84% 48464 56:3649 91761 86.11% -9 135 1865 6.75% 10906 115854 -6404 105.85% 293 16541 13:39 92.51% ' 283:20 :321015 43255 88.13% 3807 49256 2604 94.98% 3407 100004 -16174 119.29% -21¢)7 138538 26892 83.74% 4872 7511 149 98.05% 0 3901 -3901 9720 1(i)6928 44062 70.82% GENERAL FLIND TOTAL 212:E:550 148572 1915615 2129:35 90. 0(:)% Arem Fire Service Fur, d C,:,mm,:,ns Docks Fund L i q,J,:, r. Fund WCter. Fund :-];e~e r Fund 201430 69990 147520 299620 649640 14:303 169:314 32116 84.06% 208 68685 1305 98. 14% 108:--:8 t :B6455 11065 92.5(3% 15948 262236 :37:--:84 87.52% .~,.-.., (')/-,'~~- .-, - .-, .-, .-,.-,/. ,~ · -,-" 7(.).:,-' 1 -'-" :,00 8 !. 1 :":7. MINUTES OF A JOINT MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION & CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 12, 1988 Present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Phyllis Jessen, Don Able, Skip Johnson, and Andrea Ahrens, Council Representative Elizabeth Jensen; Chairman Thomas Reese, Commissioners William Thai, GeofF Michael, Kenneth Smith, Vern Andersen, Brad Sohns, Frank Weiland, William Meyer; City Manager Ed Shukle, City Plan- ner Mark Koegler; Building Inspector Jan Bertrand; and Secretary Peggy James. C. hair~n Reese called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman.Reese started the meeting with a short presentation slide show regarding Eurasion Water Mtlfoi). Chairman Reese ex- plained there has been an tnteragency task force organized to create public awareness. This interagency panel includes persons From.~the DNR, Hennepin P.arks, Hennepin County, Corps of En- gineers, a representative From the Fisherman's'Group, and LMCD. The slide show included the following: a map showing where the weed Presently exists'lon lake Hinnetonka financial impact (75 to 150 million dollars) quality of life Impacts weed removal.~management plan harvesting procedures and equipment needed budget and sources of funding The interagency will present this information to the public on January'?th. General Discussion: Concern' was expressed that the Planning Commission needs more direction from the City Council, and would like to know what their goals are, in general, for the Planning Commission. City Code Section 245:00 was reviewed and discussed. Planning Commission & City Council December 12, 1988 The Mayor informed the Commission that the City Council does have goal setting sessions, the last one was in March of 1988, and he listed some of the goals that were discussed. It was suggested the goals should be shared with the Planning Commission. It was also noted the goals set by the City Council were short term, not long range goals which the Planning Commission is seeking. The Planning Commission raised the issue of zoning, do they have the authorization to change zoning in order to change the shape of the city for the future? in what direction should the downtown commercial core be expanded? The City Planner informed the Commission of an option in which to present zoning changes which another City is currently doing, that is, create a Zoning Opinion which could be forwarded to the City Councf~ as a sort of check measure to make sur~ the plan is in line with what the Council thinks before a public hearing process begins. It was discussed, that the City Council:Representative's role is. · 'to keep routine communications between the:City Council and Plan- ning Commission. It was suggested a "Council Representative's Report" be added as an agenda Item at both the Planning Commis- sion and City Council levels. It was also suggested the same be done for the Park Commission Council RePresentative. Shoreland Management Ordinance The City Planner reviewed the history of the Shoreland Management Ordinance and explained that a State Law has required cities to enact Shoreland Management Ordinances for some time, however the DNR has not had the manpower or the ability, until now, to en- Force the cities to adopt them. Presently, if a city does not adopt a Shoreland Management Ordinance, the DNR can adopt one for you. Once the DNR adopts their new rules, which are under review now and should be completed mid-1989, cities will have two years to enact their own ordinances. The LMCD has organized a subcom- mittee including representatives from the 14 lake area com- munities to review the regulations to see how they fit with all the other Minnetonka communities. -This is part of the management plan for Lak~ Minnetonka. Once 'this plan is adopted, it can dif- Fer From the state plan and will have precedence to alter the standard organization. The subcommittee's last meeting is in February, so Future interaction with the Council on this issue will hopefully be in March.. Planning Commission & City Council December !2, !988 Some areas in which Mound differs from the other lake communities were discussed at the )asr subcon~mittee meeting, some of these differences are commercial docks and industrial zoning. Lot sizes are also going to be an issue which wi)l need to be addressed. Comprehensive Plan The City Planner reported that the last comprehensive plan was adopted in 1982. it is a requirement of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act of 1976 to adopt a plan. The Metro Council will be requiring cities to update their comprehensive plans in the next year or two. The comprehensive plan serves as a policy document f. or the city referencing housing, land use, "transportation, recreation, implementation, etc. The City Planner also added that redevelopment is an issue the city is going to have to Face, and the Planning Commission wants to know what the Council Feels the city needs to. achieve in the next 10 to 15 years. What..are the Council's visions For downtown Mound? The Land Use Section, and how it relates with the Park Commis- sion, was discussed. It was suggested the Park and Planning Commission's combine their input for the Land Use Section. There was some discussion regarding commons and fire lanes; what is their purpose? Sohns suggested writing into the comprehensive plan some wording which would allow existing Fire )ares and/or alleys, which have no purpose and do not provide access to the lake, to be vacated. Problems which could arise due to vacating public 'land was discussed, such as utilities and increased lot sizes which could allow a subdivision creating two smaller lots rather than keeping one larger lot in a R-2 district. The City Planner explained some ways in which Mound's Planning Commissi. on operates differently than most other cities. In most cities the Planning Commission holds the primary public hearings, if there is an ordinance amendment or change ft goes to the Coun- cil and they may have a public hearing, and the Council has the option of holding other public hearings if they feel inadequate public comments occurred at the Planning Commission level. It is very rare you find a Planning Commission that sits as the board of appeals/ adjustments, there is usually another body that does that, and that body has decision powers with only the appeals going to the City Counctl. Planning Convnission & City Council December 12, 1988 The City Planner was questioned about the timetable for comple- tion of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Planner informeO the Commission and Council if the Shoreland Management Ordinance is extracted from the Comprehensive Plan, the document itself should be done by the end of March 1989. If the Shoreland Management Ordinance is included, it should be completed by late summer, 1989. The City Planner concluded with some questions the Council should think about: What are the strengths and weaknesses of this community? are there improvements which should be made? Where do you want the City of Mound to be in 20107 Present zoning in the commercial core was discussed, it was noted that residential zoning should not abut industrial zoning. Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Ordinance Sohns' expressed., to the Council that ~he Planning Commission needed some direction on the Housing' Maintenance and Occupancy Ordinance. Some questions which were asked are: In general, how does the Council feel about the community standards? The housing is aging in Mound, do you feel we have a problem? Do our present ordinances cover these problem houses? How far should we go with maintenance requirements? Are we on the right track? Should.we continue with this ordinance? Johnson commented that the people should have a "right-to-know" the condition of a house when you buy it, and maybe there should be a check list of some sort; he is in favor of this. He would also like to see the title changed to "Truth in Housing." The Building Inspector explained that there is a new State Law which does not support health inspectors. This is the duty of the Building Inspector. However it is difficult to obtain right of entry. The present draft of the ordinance does not have en- Forcement. Should the ordinance be enforced at: point-of-sale, mandatory code compliance, complaint basis, rental housing, or a truth in hou~.ing? The City of Minneapolis gives a seller an op- tion to bring their house up to code, and/or only awareness of the contractor (Truth in Housing). This can be beneficial to the seller for financing. Current Federal programs through local bank financings require your house be brought up to a code, either the' state building code, the City's Housing Maintenance code, or §uch as FHA who has their own guidelines. Planning Commission & City Council DecemDer 12, ]988 In order to enforce the Housing Maintenance Ordinance For multi family dwellings (three units or more), their needs to be an an- nual licensing system. A consensus From the city council was requested: l) Are they in Favor of licensing multi Family housing? 2) Are they in Favor of enforcing the housing maintenance code at point of sale, man- datory code compliance, or truth in housing? Skip Johnson: in favor of licensing multi Family housing, in Favor of Housing Maintenance, however is undecided for enforce- ment. L.iz Jensen: Is in Favor of Housing Maintenance'with enforcement at point of sale, this should include any existing variances, any nonconformance, lot size, etc. Al~o in favor of licensing multi family housing. Andrea Ahrens: Endorses the concept of licensing multi family housing. She is not opposed.to Housing Maintenance. PhYllis Jessen: In favor of licensing multi family housing, sup- ports Housing Maintenance, and is in favor of enforcement at point of sale. Mayor Smith: It is unclear to him why the Nuisance Ordinance has not gained the city access to the premises at 5909 Glenwood. The Mayor suggested that maybe the City is at a point where they need to test the Nuisance Ordinance. The Building"OfFicial informed the Mayor that through a previous prosecution, the attorney For.that case preferred to use the Ex- terior Storage Ordinance in the Zoning Code rather than the Nuisance' Ordinance because it was too ambiguous. However, the Exterior Storage Ordinance states, if you properly screen storage from your neighbors, you can keep your exterior storage. In the case of 5909 Glenwood, there is no garbage, it is storage. The Mayor stated, in determining the need For enforcement in the Housing Maintenance Ordinance, a public hearing should be held so the community may express their opinions. The Mayor stated he has not heard from the community, but if he were to give an opinion, it~ would be to enforce an ordinance regarding rental units, and anything with maintenance up to the door, probably in- cluding point of sale Planning Commission & City Council December 12, 1988 A general Feeling of who would come to the public hearing was discussed. The people who live next door to these garbage houses are the people who will attend the meetings. People who agree with the ordinance, however, and have no problem in their neigh- borhood, will not come to the meeting. It was determined that the Council is generally in Favor of licensing multi family dwellings, and is not opposed to Housing Maintenance at the point of sale. However the Council is un- decided regarding enforcement. Johnson commented that the Hous- ing Maintenance Ordinance needs to be drafted in order to enforce the licensing of multi Family dwellings. It was suggested a public hearing be held at the Planning Commis- sion level to present the Housing Maintenance Ordinance. The City Attorney has to review the document prior to an~ hearing. It was also suggested the name oF the document be changed. The Mayor expressed his opinion on a public hearing. A public hearf'ng Is a kick-oFf to a' public disbusston oF what you are planning or think'lng about dofng which is'Followed by people talking about it, writing letters about It, and then calling people on the council or the commission. When it dies down in a few weeks or couple oF months, another public hearing is held which is stimulated on a round oF the public discussion. It was suggested that the Planning Commission open a public hear- ing as soon as possible and state "conceptually," the issues which will be discussed i.e., up to the door, into the house, at point, oF sale, enforcement for rental, " A document does not need to be presented, only a concept needs to be presented. The commission needs to collect public input. It was decided a concept should be drafted, and a public hearing should be held in order to received Feedback from the community. The concept should also be presented in the newspaper. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Chairman, Thomas Reese Attest: 6 NEWS RELEASE DATE: SUBJECT: December 19, 1988 Emergency Public Meetings to Address Eurasian Water Milfoil in Lake Minnetonka CONTACT: Gene Strommen Executive Directo~ 473-7033 Tom Reese, Chair, Task Force 540-2583 k~at can you do to assist in controlling "the" weed that threatens the recreational uses and beauty of Lake Minnetonka? A sixty-minute presentation and audience participation program is scheduled twice on Saturday, January 7, to provide answers to problems being created by Eurasian Water Milfoil, according to Task Force Chairperson Tom Reese,'~oard member of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD). The two public meetings on Saturday, January 7, will be held: 10:00 a.m., City of Minnetonka, Counc'il Chambers, 3401Williston Road 1:30 p.m., Mound-Westonka High School, Little Theatre, 5910 Sunnyfield Road How does Eurasian Water Milfoil affect a lake? * Weed mats form an unsightly lake surface. '* Decreases swimming, boating, water skiing and fishing * Replaces more desirable native plants * Messes up beaches with plant fragments * Lowers property values * Fouls boat props '* Provides mosquitoe breeding habitat in weed beds The heart of a 1989 Eurasian Water Hilfoil control program is an im- mediate weed harvesting operation. In order for this to get underway on time, Reese has devised an equipment and operating plan to be funded in large (more) ~.~ LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT News Release: Emergency Public Meetings 2 December 19, 1988 measure by private funding. At some $80,000 for only one weed harvester, the financial need is great. Budget lead time for public agencies would put the program off until 1990. Reese predicts Lake'Minnetonka's Eurasian Water Milfoil weed would be unmanageable in another year. "We just can't wait, we need everyone's help now, including financial," Reese added. Panel participants include specialists Steve Colvin, Minnesota Depart- ment of Natural Resources; Terri Sardinas, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Kevin Kretsch, Lake Restoration, Inc.; and Task Force Chair Tom Reese, Gen- eral Mills, Inc. Those unable to attend may send contributions now to the Lake Minne- tonka Conservation'District, attenfion Save the Lake Fund,'402 East Lake Street, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391. Many contributions now will make the dif- ference in this'sqmmer's water quality. XXX Hennepin County moves forward on recycling °iicy on subsidies revised By Steve Brandt StaffWriter The Hennepin County Board formal- ly adopted a plan Tuesday that gives C~ties responsibility for rc~.'cling I0 p~rc~nt of' unprocessed residential .garbage or risk having the county ~mpose a mandatory program on th~ra. But to help c~fies meet that goal, the deadline was pushed back eight months. Th' ; policy adopted by the board changes how recycling subsidies are distributed to cities. The policy Pushes back a former May I county deadline to the end of 1989 for the cities to recycle 10 percent of their residential garbage or risk having the county impose mandatory recycling programs. The policy allows up to 80 percent of · a 'city's costs in running a recycling program to be reimbursed by the. county. Only recycling of bottles, ~lass and newsprint will be counted. The program also gives cities more money to buy containers for resi- dents to use in separating recyclables for pickup, and reimburses cities that already have bought such containers. The board also selected a firm that wants to make construction materials out of ash from the downtown Min- neapolis incinerator, now being built for the county. ApprOval of the firm, U.S. Pollution Control Inc. of Oklahoma City, Okla., hinges on /ts ability to get Minnesota Pollution Control Agency .permits for its proposal to turn ash into pellets that could be used for road construction or other purposes. The firm was approved in part b~- cause it offers to give to the county:a portion of the money it gets for sell- Recycling continued on page 7B Recycling Continued from page lB lng pelletized ash. It proposes build- ing a plant in Maple Grove. Yesterday's board action could mean that it may not need to contract for long-term storage of ash produced by the incinerator. The board is consid- ering two proposals for short-term burial of ash until the plant could be ready. The ash-re-use plant would be the first ever built by U.S. Pollution Control Inc., which bills itself as a leading marketer of coal ash for con- struction use. The County Board yesterday also au- thorized the taking of bids for burial in landfills of sarbage not burned at county waste-processing facilities ei- ther because the facility isn't working 3r the garbage is rejected for buraing ~.nd it agreed to spend $250,000, on 3romoting recycling.