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PLEA~ ~ OFF ALL C~J.L ~O~ & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. :::~.. ..... .::... !: '. : :;., .~ · .~ - ~:;~· ' ~. ..::>. · ~.: :: ~. .: .~ z~' ~~~.~!{~:~i!l!:, .~::.:]~:~ :::::::'" x::" ........... ' ........ :. . ~:~ ~: ~: :": '~ ~: + ~:~:~. .:~2~:~$:~:~:~:~:~ AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2002 - 7:~0 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. PAGE 1. OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. APPROVE AGENDA, WITH ANY AMENDMENTS .. *CONSENT AGENDA *A. APPROVE MINUTES: MAR 19, 2002 SPECIAL MEETING MAR 26, 2002 REGULAR MEETING 1697 1698-1703 *B. *C. *D. *E. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 1704-1739 APPROVE PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT 1740-1741 APPROVE RESOLUTION: CASES # 02-08 & 02-09 1680 BLUEBIRD & 1677 CANARY ROBERGE/SKINNER SUBDMSION AND VARIANCE 1742-1769 *F. APPROVE REVISED RESOLUTION: CASES #02-01 & 02-05 1770-1778 4770 & 4782 NORTHERN ROAD BERGQUIST/LOGELIN SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCES (TO INCLUDE FINDINGS OF FACT BASED ON 3/26 APPROVAL) APPROVE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING COm CT FOa "nvtP OVEMENT PaOmCT 2002 (MOUND VISIONS 2m>)'' 1779-1787 COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. (LIMIT TO 3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER.) HENNEPIN COUNTY 2002 ASSESSMENT UPDATE ACTION ON PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT: 1791 RESTHAVEN LANE 1788-1798 POWERS (CONTINUED FROM 3/12 MEETING) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAC~ IN COUNCH. CI-I&MBERS. ACTION ON CASE # 01-37: 4858 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE SWENSON VARIANCE EXTENSION 1799-1809 ACTION ON RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSED MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT RULE M REVISIONS TO INCREASE/ EXPAND B~FER REQ~MENTS 1810-1818 DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CENTRAL BUS. SS DISTRICT PARKING PROGRAM 1819 10. REPORT ON 2002 LIFEGUARD PROGRAM & MUSIC IN THE PARKS 1820-1821 11. REPORT ON TWO WAY RADIO AND CELL PHONE USE 1822-1833 12. ACTION ON RECOMMENDATION FOR CITY HALL SUMMER HOURS 13. COUNCIL MEMB~ MEYERS ON UPCOMING COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION EVENT 1834 14. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS go B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. AMM Fax News and Bill Tracking Report LMC Friday Fax LMC notice of Board of Directors Vacancies Thank you: City of Orono Thank you: LMCC Report: Cable and communications income and expenses Correspondence from Metropolitan Council LMC notice of availability of city fiscal profiles Notice of Lake Minnetonka Chamber scholarship to Collette Roberts G-illespie Center newsletter FYI: Liquor store articles proposal Report: Police Department - March 2002 Homeland Security Advisory System FAQs Report: Police Department - March, 2002 Homeland Security Advisory System FAQ's 1835 1836-1838 1839-1846 1847 1848-1849 1850 1851-1853 1854-1855 1856 1857 1858-1859 1860-1861 1862-1864 1865-1867 1868-1870 15. ADJOURN This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. agendas may be viewed at Ci(y Hall or at the Ci(v of Mound web site: www. citvoftnound, com. More current meeting COUNCIL BRIEFING April 9, 1002 No HRA Meeting, due to lack of an agenda. Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Apr 9 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Apr 18 - Public Safety Open House - Fire Station Apr 23 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Apr 23 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Mayor Pat Meisel is out of town through April 12. Mark Hanus is Acting Mayor in her absence. #5. Assessment Update Personnel from Hennepin County will do the annual update. For the information of the Council, under our agreement with the County, Phil and Mary occupy the office next to mine about eight months out of the year. We are obligated to provide the office space and phone line for them to perform their work. Council members are asked to bring to the meeting the booklets in red covers that were in your mailboxes this week. #12. Summer Hours In earlier discussi6ns, Council Members supported the concept of summer hours. Upon more discussion at a staff level, it has been determined that the following hours can work: Monday-Thursday: 7:30 - 5:00 and Friday: 7:30 - 11:30. These hours provide a uniform start time each day, so that customers can depend on routine staff availability. There will be no split shifts. Pending your approval, public notices will read: City Hall will be open extended hours Monday through Thursday this summer to make it easier for residents, business owners and contractors to do business with the City. The summer hours, which will be effective Monday, May 20 through Friday, August 30th, are as follows: Monday-Thursday Friday 7:30 - 5:00 7:30 - 11:30 Staff plans to put out comment cards to customers to ascertain their satisfaction with the hours. Staff has been reminded that there shall be no abuse of time off on Friday's, neither sick or vacation time, enabling four-day work weeks. The Council will receive a report of the public comments following this pilot project. Human Resources Update Matt Simoneau, building inspector for the City of Blaine, has said yes to the Building Official position, pending positive outcomes on background checks and a pre-employment physical. It is expected he will begin in early May. Congratulations go out to the following: Mike Palm Ken Beck Collette Kaercher-Roberts 2001Firefighter of the Year 2001 Police Officer of the Year Scholarship recipient for year three of the Clerk's Institute --Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce: $529 --Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association: $100 Other The recent transfer of the Dakota Rail is affecting the plans to realign County Road 15 through downtown Mound. Under the new ownership, multiple layers of approvals are required for the road project to proceed. Hermepin, McCloud and LeSueur Counties and the State of Minnesota each have their approval requirements. The multi-layer approval process could add to the time it takes for the City and the County to approve a cooperative agreement. Also, the intent to retain a 100' corridor could cause us to have to rethink the location of ponds within the redevelopment area. Additionally, the proposed future use, commuter rail, may affect the design of the roadway and the redevelopment area. The plans currently have the rail bed cut down to grade, with no crossing provision. Standards for use as commuter rail may require the raised rail bed and the added cost of a crossing. Staff is working hard to get through these issues so the construction can proceed next year, as planned. We are meeting once a week with the appropriate people on this important matter in an effort to stay within that schedule. Whereas it was planned that the City would approve the City/County cooperative agreement tonight, with our regrets, several weeks' additional time will be required. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARGH 19, Z002 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session at an open house from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Manager, Kandis Hanson; Fire Chief, Greg Pederson, and members of the public. PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY The open house was held to answer questions and receive comments from the public on the proposed public safety facility. Fire Chief Greg Pederson gave a presentation on the proposed public safety facility, designed to house both the Police Department and Fire Department. Attest: City Manager, Kandis Hanson Mayor Pat Meisel - 1697- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 26, 2002 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Counciimembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek, and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney, John Dean; City Manager, Kandis Hanson; City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter; Community Development Director, Sarah Smith; City Planner, Loren Gordon; Frank Weiland, Julie Weisenhorn, Jim Garkack, Vince F°rstek, Bruce McKeeman, Paul Bergquist, Bill Jensen, Elsie Beadle, Kathy & Bob Goodfellow, Kraig Kaiser, Bill Jenson, Sally Koenecke, Todd Landon Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING The meeting was called to order by Mayor Meisel at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2. APPROVE AGENDA Meyer requested the addition of item 12C, his report on fund raising for the lifeguard program and Sr. Citizens. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the agenda as amended with the addition of item 12C. Hanus commented that he supports changes in the agenda but that items should be put on at the appropriate time so that supporting material can be included in the agenda packets. All voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried. 3. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of March 12, 2002 regular meeting B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $2t4,506.29. 1 - 1698- Mound City Council Minutes - March ~6, 2002 4. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA Vince Forstek commented on an article from The Laker that he previously quoted from at a Council meeting. He presented a copy of the survey to the Council in attempt to clarify his point about how the survey results were presented to the public. The survey was in regards to the proposed public safety facility. He also thanked the Council for requesting the retum of unused funds from the Water Patrol, for additional lake patrol last summer. Bruce McKeeman updated the Council on the actions of residents of Dreamwood Addition, with reference to the dock program. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN I ZONING AMEMDMENTS Sarah Smith explained that the initial hearing was held on February 12th, continued to March 12th, when it was continued to this evening. The public hearing is for review of the City Code amendments which are associated with the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) in light of the unknown status of the proposed MCWD Rule M which, if approved, would increase and expand the wetland buffer standards. Lengthy discussion followed with regards to the pros and cons of amending our ordinances. The public hearing was reopened at 8:26 p.m. Mayor Meisel asked for comments from the public, and after hearing none, closed the hearing at 8:27 p.m. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Meisel to pass the following ordinances. Those voting in favor: Brown, Meisel and Meyer. Those voting against: Hanus and Osmek. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 05-2002: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 300 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE NO. 06-2002: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 350 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 07-2002: AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 375 - GRADING, SOIL EROSION, SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, TO THE CITY CODE. Brown requested that a resolution be drafted, that indicates strong opposition to any increase in the buffer zones, and that this resolution be directed to the Watershed District. City Attorney Dean will draft a resolution, asking for input from Council for its' content. 2 -1699- Mound City Council - March 26, 2002 6. SUBDIVISION I VARIANCE APPLICATION - 4770-4782 NORTHERN ROAD - BERGCIUIST I LOGEL!N ON BEHALF OF CALIUND, LLC Loren Gordon reviewed the request from Paul Bergquist and Dave Logelin on behalf of Caliund LLC for a minor subdivision and variances in order to redevelop three properties at 4770-4782 Northern Road in order to create two larger lots. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request by a 3-2 vote. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. Meyer stated that he is in favor of the upgrade but is concerned with the buildings being in the "no- touch, no-build" zone of the DNR, and can't vote in favor of this unless it can be conforming. The following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carded. RESOLUTION NO. 02-41: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION AND RELATED VARIANCES FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 4770-4782 NORTHERN ROAD. P & Z CASE #02-01 AND #02-05. 7. DISCUSSION WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM MEDIACOM AND LAKI~ MINNETON~ CABLE COMMISSION Sally Koenecke of the Lake Minnetonka Cable Commission answered questions of the Council regarding its operation, and use of its facilities. Brown questioned why the Council meetings can't be broadcast live, and was told that to do this they would have to take place at the studio. Bill Jenson, Regional Manager of Mediacom, gave a presentation on the usage of the company's services in the City of Mound. Discussion followed regarding complaints that the Council has received regarding Mediacom's service. Jenson assured that he would look into these complaints and how they were handled. He suggested holding an open house at City Halrl, where residents could talk directly to Mediacom representatives about their concerns. 8. AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE LAND FROM BALBOA CENTER Kandis Hanson reviewed the content of the proposed purchase agreement. The property (Lots 23-28, Koehlers Addition) would be used for public utilities of three different types, CSAH 15 realignment, as welt as parking for Public Works. This property currently houses a vacant duplex owned by Xcel Energy. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the purchase agreement for Lots 23 through 28, Koehlers Addition to the City of Mound, for a total 'purchase price of $170,000.00. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3 - 1700- Mound City Council Minutes - March 26, 2002 9. AGREEMENT WITH BALBOA CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP City Attorney Dean explained that in 1999 the City of Mound facilitated a $148,000 loan to American Coating Technology II (ACT II) with grant funds received from the State. The City borrowed the funds from the State and immediately loaned them to ACT II. The loan was secured by three pieces of equipment. Act II paid a total of $8,690.00 on the loan before defaulting. Pursuant to the settlement, Balboa Investments (where ACT II was a tenant) will buy the equipment for a total of $12,000, and both parties will be released from any further liability. The $12,000 payment from Balboa Investments, along with the $8,690.00 previously paid to the City by ACT II, will be paid over by the City to the State. The State has agreed that, upon receipt of this payment it will terminate the grant agreement and any further liability of the City. Dean recommends aPproval of this agreement. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Meyer to approve the purchase agreement between Balboa Center Limited Partnership and the City, as presented. In discussion, it was noted that this loan was State money, and not City funds. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Meisel called for a recess at 9:55 p.m., and the meeting reconvened at 10:05 p.m. 10. SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY MEASURES City Manager Hanson indicated that the City received a letter from the School District requesting striped crosswalks on the intersections of Maywood and Wilshire, as well as Bartlett and Wilshire Boulevards. Also requested are flashing lights during school crossing hours, stating a lower speed limit during those hours. Included in the request is a four-way stop at Maywood and Wilshire. Brown questioned why the school hasn't implemented a school crossing guard program, and was informed that they anticipate this in the Fall of 2002. After further discussion, Hanson was directed to correspond with the School District, as well as Hennepin County, regarding crosswalk striping. The Council feels that the four- way stop sign is not necessary because of the clear visibility from both ends of the intersections mentioned. Hanus indicated that the cost for this project should be shared 50/50 by the City and School District. 11. CITIZEN SUGGESTIONS FOR PUBLIC BEAUTIFICATION Councilmember Meyer introduced a beautification program for the downtown area that included nine items. He would like to request that members of Mound and City staff provide ideas and/or concepts for beautification in the downtown area. Hanus indicated that he would like to see the "Mound Visions" concept drawings affixed to the downtown buildings in lieu of the plywood..Brown and Sarah Smith commented that this was one 4 -1701 - Mound City Council Minutes - March 26, 2002 of the options suggested by the Planning Commission to improve the aesthetics and overall appearance of the downtown buildings. 12A. LIC~UOR STORE ANNUAL REPORT Joel Krumm presented an overview of his annual report, which is on file in the City Clerk's office. Mayor Meisel stated that she is glad to see that the liquor store is operating at full staff. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to accept the 2001 Annual Report of the Mound Liquor Store. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 12B. PARKS DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT Jim Fackler presented an overview of his annual report, which is on file in the City Clerk's office. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to accept the 2001 Annual Report of the parks Department. All voted in favor. Motion carried. '12C. LIFEGUARD / SR. CITIZENS FUNDRAISER Councilmember Meyer reported that apprOXimately $1800 was raised for the lifeguard/Sr. Center program during the recent fundraiser campaign that he initiated. Brown expressed concern about providing only partial funding for the lifeguard program. Meyer indicated that he thought that funds would cover a couple of the busiest week- ends. City Manager Hanson indicated that the programming has already been set and that the lifeguard assignment would be posted during the 4th of July holiday weekend and reminded the Council that programming for summer recreation is handled by the school district. 13. INFORMATIONIMISCELLANEOUS A. AMM Fax news and Bill Tra~ing Report B. LMC Friday Fax C. Correspondence: LMCD D. Correspondence: Westonka School District E. Just for Fun: Commons rules, found in a residential out house F. Newsletter: Ramstad Reports G. Outsome of Biegler vs. City of Mound and Hennepin County H. Report: Spring and Fall Clean-up Days I. Report: Status of Langdon Lane sewer improvements J. Minutes: Zero Gravity Skate Park meeting - March 6, 2002 K. Newsleffer: Mn Chamber of Commerce L. correspondence: Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative M. Notices: Charitable Gambling contributions to the City of Mound 5 - 1702- Mound City Council Minutes - March 26, 2002 N. FYI: Information related to Fire Station project - Councilmember Brown provided supplemental informationl that he had contacted the City of Lakeville, who is financing their new facility via lease/purchase. Brown further commented that the new Long Lake fire station came in at about $122/sq. ft. O. Communications Law Update P. LMCC April schedule 14. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown, seconded by Meisel to adjourn at 10:55 p.m. Motion carried. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 6 - 1703- CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/27/02 8:29 AM Page 1 Current Period: March 2002 III II Batch Name 032702SUE User Dollar Amt Payments Computer Dollar Amt Refer 32702 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHE 3/27/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies Invoice T011123 PO 17387 Transaction Date 3/27/2002 Refer 32702 COLE DIRECTORY Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 031102 PO 17196 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 32702'"' DEC/S/ON RESOuROEsi L'TD Cash Payment E 401-46580-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 030402.1 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 32702 GRADY, DANIEL E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies II II $6,844.84 $6,844.84 $0.00 In Balance Cash Payment Invoice 032702 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 - ........32702" MA"R ........ Refer TIN, DAN AND LISA Cash Payment E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 032502 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 327:(~2 PALM, TIM E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies 3/26/2002 DARE TRAINING JAN 7-20, ALEXANDER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 3/27/2002 DIRECTORY Marquette Bank Mou 10100 3/27/2002 TELEPHONE SURVEY Marquette Bank Mou 10100 3/27/2002 $350,00 Total $350.00 Cash Payment Invoice 032602 Transaction Date $307.09 Total $307.09 $4,400.00 Total $4,400.00 TRAVEL ADVANCE MN FIRE-EMS SCHOOL APRIL 6-7, 2002 $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $2~0,00 3/27/2002 REFUND SEWER BACKUP $787.75 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $787.75 312712002 TRAVEL ADVANCE MN FIRE-EMS SCHOOL $250.00 APRIL 6-7, 2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 ' Refer 32702 PEDERSON, GREG 3/27/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies TRAVEL ADVANCE MN FIRE~EMS SCHOOL $250.00 APRIL 6-7, 2002 Invoice 032702 Transaction ....... Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 32702 WILLIAMSi'-RiCK .3/27/2002 ................... Cash Payment E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies TRAVEL ADVANCE MN FIRE-EMS SCHOOL $250.00 APRIL 6-7, 2002 Invoice 032702 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 - 1704- CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/27/02 8:29 AM Page 2 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 602 SEWER FUND Current Period: March 2002 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $657.O9 $1,000.00 $4,400.00 $787.75 $6,844.84 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $6,844.84 $6,844.84 -1705- CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/29/02 3:20 PM Page 1 Current Period: March 2002 Batch Name 032802SUE user Dollar Amt $300.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $300.00 $0,00 In Balance Refer 32802 ANOKA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPAR 3/28/2002 Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow CASE #432-552, BOOKING #6721 TOPEL, LEE $300.00 KENNETH Invoice 032802 Transaction Date 3/29/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $300.00 Fund Summary 10100 Marquette Bank Mound 101 GENERAL FUND $300.00 $3OO.OO Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $300.00 Total $300,00 - 1706- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04102102 2:27 PM Page 1 Current Period: April 2002 Batch Name 040302SUE User Dollar Amt $219.34 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $219.34 $0.00 In Balance Refer 40302 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHE 4/3/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs EE BACKGROUND CHECK BLDG OFFICIAL Invoice 032602 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 11111 ,~ ii I iii . Refer 40302 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 4/3/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41500-301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi ANNUAL AUDIT Invoice 44130-671500 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 302 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR 4/3/2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels THRU 03-22-02 GASOLINE CHARGES invoice 041802 Cash Payment Invoice 041802 Transaction Date E 101-41500-212 Motor Fuels THRU 03-22-02 GASOLINE CHARGES 4/1/2002 Fund Summar~ 101 GENERAL FUND $15.00 Total $15.00 $25.O0 Total $25.00 $162.58 $16.76 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $179,34 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $219.34 $219.34 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $219,34 $219.34 - 1707- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/03/02 1:45 PM Page 1 Current Period: April 2002 Batch Name 040402SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $101.18 Computer Dollar Amt $101.18 Refer 40402 WILLIAMS TOWING Cash Payment E 101-42110-436 Towing Charges Invoice 51012 Transaction Date 4~3/2002 i iiiiiiii iI i i iI Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND $0,00 In Balance 4/3/2002 03-29-02 TOWING/IMPOUND Marquette Bank Mou 10100 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $101.18 $101.18 To~l $101,18 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $101.18 $101,18 -1708- CITY 01: MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9;01 AM Page 1 Current Period: April 2002 Batch Name 040902SUE User Dollar Amt $203,198.63 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $203,198.63 $o.oo Refer 40902 ADAMS, JENNIFER 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 In Balance $250.00 $7.5O Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 409 ADVANCE SPECIALITIES COMPAN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies GRATE REINF GALV Invoice 033491 l-IN PO 17306 Cash Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies GRATE REINF GALV Invoice 033491 l-IN PO 17306 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies GRATE REINF GALV Invoice 033491 l-IN PO 17306 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 AMERICAN EXPRESS 4/9/2002 "ash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 03-12-02 MEAL EXPENSE voice 032802 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 AMERICAN TEST CENTER, INCOR 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic BUCK TRUCK #27 SKYJACKER Invoice 2020867-1N Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 317 SUTPHEN TESTED Invoice 2020866-1N Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC0 4/9/2002 Total Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. Invoice 11102D Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 ANDERSON, sKIp Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 APF EMERGENCY REPAIR Cash Payment Invoice 463237 Cash Payment Invoice 463237 tsh Payment 9 463237 Transaction Date Refer $51.96 $51.96 $51.95 $155.87 $21.00 Total $21.00 $400.00 $550.00 Total $950.00 PAGER REPAIR $231.39 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $231.39 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Marquette Bank MoU 10100 Total $261.25 4/9/2002 E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic VEHICLE INSPECTIONS $234.00 $40,00 E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic VEHICLE INSPECTIONS E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic VEHICLE INSPECTIONS 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 40902 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE 4/9/2002 $79.00 Total $353.00 -1709- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 2 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 809-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 55209310 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mcu 10100 Refer 40902 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms SHIRT Invoice 032202 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 ASSURED SECURITY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910.401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REMOUNT DOOR STORAGE FACILITY Invoice 28525 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 AT&T 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone 03-02 952-250-0429 invoice 032602 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 40902 ATHENA CARPET CLEANING Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment Invoice 2291 ~nsaction Date 4/3/2002 Haler 40902 BAUER, RON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 BAUERAFEIND, ALAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 ' Refer 40902 BECK, KENNETH E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic COUNCIL CHAMBERS CLEANING Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMOD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MEALS EXPENSE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 032302 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 BECK, THOMAS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice b40902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer ~0902 '~E~BOIy CORP~A T~ON Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale ~voice 23444500 ash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 23487900 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 REFUND LMCDFEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/~/2002 LIQUOR LIQUOR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $75.00 $75.00 $21.00 $21.00 $105.81 $105,81 $36.48 $36.48 $372.75 $372.75 $330.00 $18.75 $348.75 $250.00 Total $250.00 $17.78 Total $17.78 $250.00 $7.50 $257.50 $2,30O.29 $2,224.40 $4,524.69 -1710- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 3 Refer 40902 BERG, STEVE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-41110-331 Meeting/Travel Invoice 280013 Cash Payment E 101-42400-331 Meeting/Travel Invoice 280013 Cash Payment E 101-45200-331 Meeting/Travel Invoice 280013 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 BLUE LINE GEAR ......... Current Period: April 2002 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE Marquette Bank Mou 4/9/2002 Cash Payment invoice 2002201 PO 17185 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 BOGAARD, DANE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 ~nsaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 BOLL, DANIEL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Total 10100 Total E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA NIGHT VISION MONOCULAR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 BORNE, RyAN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 .................. OyE .............. Refer 40902 B R TRUCK PARTS 4/9/2002 Gash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts TANK ASSEMBLY Invoice 1324OR PO 17304 Gash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts STRAP ASSEMBLY Invoice 13275R PO 17304 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 BUMANN, MARY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Oefer 40902 BYINGTON, CRAIG 4/9/2002 _,ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $250.00 $250.00 $17.oo $8.50 $8.50 $34.00 $3,189.68 Total $3,189.68 Total $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $11.25 Total $261.25 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $491.72 $104,41 Total $596.13 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 -1711 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 4 Current Period.' April 2002 Refer 40902 CABA, THOMAS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ........... ..................... Refer 40902 CARD C CIE C 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies ELECTRODES Invoice 052828 PO 17218 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CARGIL SALT DIVISION 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 22925496 PO 16688 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CARLSON, PHILLIP 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CHAMPION AUTO 4/9/2002 ;ash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts AMP Invoice D134202 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CHRISTENSEN, GARY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CLASSIFIEDS, ROUNDUP' LAKER, .4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 03-02-02 BLDG OFFICIAL Invoice 13829-A Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 CLIFFORD, SUSAN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ............. Refer 40902 COCA COLA BO MID ST 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX Invoice 61338197 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 COOPER, BYRON 4/9/2002 ~.ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE ,nvoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $250.00 $250.00 $136.32 $136.32 $602.26 $602.26 $250.00 $15.00 $265.00 $3.17 $3.17 $250.00 $15.00 $265.00 $93.00 $93.00 $250.00 $250.00 $279.70 $279.70 $250,00 $7.50 -1712- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 5 Current Period: April 2002 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 DA Y DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER invoice 171404 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 171405 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 172067 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 4090 DENISON, TOM 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 DIKA, EMIL 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 oCash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE qvoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 DILLON, ELIZABETH 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LCMD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 DOSSETT, SINDI 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-49840~300 Professional Srvs 03-26-02 VIDEO MEETING Invoice 032702 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 E-Z RECYCLING 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-02 CURBSIDE RECYCLING Invoice 3533 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 Cash Payment Invoice 220673 Cash Payment Invoice 222657 Cash Payment Invoice 222658 ~,ash Payment ,nvoice 218236 Transaction Date EAST SIDE BEVERAGE E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Refer E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 4/3/2002 40902 EQuIpMENT SuppLy, INCORPOR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 BEER BEER BEER BEER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Total $257.50 $1,991.75 $16.90 $1,094.45 Total $3,103.10 $250.00 $11.25 Total $261.25 $250.00 $11.25 Total $261.25 $25O.00 $15.00 Total $265.00 $20.00 Total $20.00 $7,700.00 Total $7,700.00 $3,084.65 $1,185.30 $32.50 $287.00 Total $4,589.45 -1713- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 6 Cash Payment Current Period: April 2002 E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 03-01-02 THRU 06-30-02 SERVICE Invoice S258/0315 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 ERICKSON, SCOTT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 FERRELL, STEPHANIE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 FINK, cRAIG CONTRACT Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/20O2 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $896.00 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Total $896.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 40902 FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC, HENNEPIN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2002 DUES Invoice 033002 ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 0902 FIRE ENGINEERING PUBLICATION 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions TVVO YEAR SUBSCRIPTION Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 40902 F/REHOUSE MAGAZINE 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions TWO YEAR SUBSCRIPTION Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 40902 FLAIG, KEVIN M. 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training TRAVEL ADVANCE MARSHALL STATE FIRE APRIL 19-21, 2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 ' Transaction Date 3/20/2002 Refer 40902 FLICK, SCOTT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 FOSTER, JOY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits InVoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 '{efer 40902 FRANKLIN COVEY COMPANY Jash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 29974530 PO 17242 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 $250.00 10100 Marquette Bank Mou 4/9/2002 PLANNER $250.00 $250.00 $10.00 $10.00 $34.50 $34.50 $49.97 $49.97 $275.00 $275.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $169.12 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1~9.12 -1714- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 7 Current Period: April 2002 Refer 40902 FRESKE, NORMAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 G & K SERVICES 4/9/ZOOZ REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment Invoice 155100 Cash Payment ,~voice 169091 Cash Payment Invoice 169094 Cash Payment Invoice 169093 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies Total 03-19-02 UNIFORMS 03-19-02 UNIFORMS 03-19-02 UNIFORMS 03-19-02 MATS 03-19-02 MATS 03-19-02 MATS 04-02-02 MATS 04-02-02 MATS 04-02-02 MATS Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Transaction Date 4/3/2002 ,, .............. Refer 4 GAUDFIEAU, ANNETTE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GEYEN, SUE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 GIESE, LERoY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-305 Medical and Dental Fees SAFETY LENS Invoice 148728 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 GILLESPIE CENTER 4/9/2002 CaSh Payment G 101-22815 Lifeguard/Senior Fund SLEEP-OUT FUND DONATION Invoice 032702 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 GILLET, MARC 4/9/2002 ;ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 $250,00 $7.50 $257.50 $30.71 $30.71 $30.70 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $101,53 $23.61 $42.01 Total $304,12 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $120.00 Total $120.00 $366.20 Total $366.20 $410.00 $23.50 -1715- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM page 8 Current Period: April 2002 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GJERSTAD, CLARENCE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 022802-A Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 033102 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Refer 40902 GME CONSULTANTS Cash Payment E 401-46500-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 13251 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GODDARDi DEREK Cash Payment ~R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 'ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GOUGHNOUR, FRED Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 02-28-02 WATER 03-02 WATER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 05-01-01 THRU 03-09-02 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ..4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41500-433 Dues and Subscriptions 06-01-02THRU 05-31-03 Invoice 0014587S Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 495-650603-8 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials Invoice 495-650603-8 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials invoice 495-650603-8 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 3/29/2002 40902 GUSTAFSON, BRUCE Refer 40902 Cash Payment Invoice 521137 Cash Payment Invoice 521102 Cash Payment Invoice 518116 ash Payment Invoice 518117 Transaction Date Refer Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 IMPACT WRENCH IMPACT WRENCH IMPACT WRENCH Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 WINE WINE WINE LIQUOR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $433.50 $250.00 $250.00 $83.12 $36.98 '$120.10 $1,542.50 $1,542.50 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $50.00 $50.00 $58.04 $58.04 $58.o4 $174.12 $79.30 $232.80 $718.62 $79.30 Total $1,110.02 -1716- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05102 9:0i AM Page 9 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training TRAVEL ADVANCE MARSHALL FIRE SCHOOL APRIL 20-21, 2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/20/2002 Refer 40902 HARVEY, ROGER Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mo~ 10100 Refer 40902 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP 4/9/2002 E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair STEEL, TUBE Cash Payment Invoice 40497 Cash Payment Invoice 40504 Cash Payment invoice 40548 Cash Payment Invoice 40653 Cash Payment Invoice 40654 Transaction Date Aefer E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair TUBE, SHOP SERVICE E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair STEEL, TUBE, ETC. E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply MATERIAL FOR CART E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts FLATS SHOP SERVICE 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 40902 HEMSTOCK, CHAD 4/9/2002 R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE R 281-34705 LMCD Fees 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 4/9/2002 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Transaction Date Refer 40902 Cash Payment E 101-41550-350 Printing 2002 HARD COPY Invoice 040902 PO 14868 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 HENRY, OWEN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 HENTGE~i MATTHEW Cash Payment E222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/20/2002 Refer 40902 HERDEN, STEPHEN ~ Marquette Bank Mou 4/9/2002 10100 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 {efer 40'902 HEYWOOD, DONALD Cash Payment Invoice 040902 TRAVEL ADVANCE MARSHALL FIRE SCHOOL APRIL 19-21, 2002 $275.00 Total R 281-34725 Dock Permits Total $275.00 $250.00 $250.00 $53.20 $22.78 $46.60 $117.32 $20.17 Total $260.07 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $97.30 Total $97.30 $250.00 Total $250.00 $350.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $350.00 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Total $250.00 $250.00 -1717- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 10 II Transaction Date 4~3/2002 Refer 40902 HOLDEN, PAUL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 HORGAN, PA T AND REBECCA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 HUI~IT, RICHARD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 HUSON, COREY ~.ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits ,nvoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 IKON OFFICE MACHINES Current Period: April 2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 , ..4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2OO2 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2O02 Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 03-24-02 THRU 04-24-02 COPIER MAINTENAN(~E Invoice 23158885 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 INFRATECH 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 602,49450-440 Other Contractual Servic ASSEMBLY SERVICE REPAIR Invoice 020339P Transaction Date 3/26/2002 -Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE MUNI 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions THRU 06-30-03 MEMBERSHIP Invoice 040302 Transaction._ Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEMS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic SUPPORT Invoice ZZ20028801 Cash Payment E602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SUPPORT Invoice ZZ20028801 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 {efer 40902 lOS CAPITAL 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying 04-09-02 THRU 07-08-02 CANON Invoice 54522104 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $250.00 $250.00 $7,50 $257.50 $250.00 $11.25 $261.25 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $22.50 $272.50 $111.76 $111.76 $224.72 $224.72 $95.00 $,q5.00 $375.OO $375.00 $750.00 $99.75 -1718- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 11 Current Period: April 2002 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 ISLAND PARK SKELL Y 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery R&R SPARK PLUGS, ETC. Invoice 10123 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 JAKUBIK, MATTHEW 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies EMS TRAINING W. MURRAY Invoice 032002 PO 17386 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 JENNIGES, KEITH Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 JERECZEK, JASON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 -ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 JESSEN PRESS INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-41110-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 44610 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment Invoice 1384393 Cash Payment Invoice 1384394 Cash Payment Invoice 1384396 Cash Payment Invoice 1384395 Cash Payment invoice 188512 Cash Payment Invoice 1380772 Cash Payment Invoice 1380771 Cash Payment Invoice 1380770 Transaction Date Refer 40902 JOHNSON, LARRY ~,ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits ,nvoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 JUBILEE FOODS E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 3/29/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 SPRING NEWSLETTER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 WINE WiNE WINE WINE WINE LIQUOR WINE LIQUOR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/20O2 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Total $99.75 $228.95 Total $228.95 $50.00 Total $50.00 $25O.O0 $11.25 Total $261.25 $25O.0O Total $250.00 $1,434.56 Total $1,434.56 $718.50 $187.OO $1,292.65 $57,9O -$12.30 $2,910.24 $116.00 $249.00 Total $5,518.99 $250.OO Total $250.00 -1719- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 12 I Cash Payment E 101-41310-331 Meeting/Travel Invoice 032802 Cash Payment E 101-41110-331 Meeting/Travel Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Refer 40902 KEINTZ, JORDIN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-A Cash Payment Invoice 50700-B Cash Payment Invoice 50700-C Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-D Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 'nvoice 50700-E ~ash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-F Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-G Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-H Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-1 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-J Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-K1 Cash Payment G 101-22875 4646 Islandview Brenshell S Invoice 50700-K2 Cash Payment E 101-42110-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-M1 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-M2 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-M3 Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 50700-M4 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 3voice 50700-N1 Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 50700-N2 Current Period: April 2002 MEETING EXPENSE 03-19-02 OPEN HOUSE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2OO2 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 01-02 ACT II GRANT APPLICATION G 101-22854 Langdon Bay Major Sub-Divi 01-02 LANGDON BAY DEVELOPMENT G 101-22875 4646 Islandview Brenshell S 01-02 BECKER PERMIT REQUEST Total Total 01-02 POLSTON LAW SUIT 01-02 DREAMWOOD PRIVATE DEDICATION 01-02 C'Pr' RD 15 REALIGNMENT 01-02 BIEGLER LAW SUIT 01-02 RIGHT-OF-WAY ORDINANCE 01-02 ACT II LOAN DEFAULT 01-02 EXECUTIVE 01-02 ADMINISTRATIVE 01-02 BECKER PROPERTY 01-02 PUBLIC SAFETY 01-02 PUBLIC WORKS MICK 01-02 PUBLIC WORKS MISC 01-02 PUBLIC WORKS MISC 01-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 01-02 PLANNING MISC 01-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT $21.27 $61.43 $R2.70 $250.00 $250.00 $2,234.77 $30.00 $426.00 $18.00 $387.38 $1,809.98 $66.00 $87.50 $2,132.53 $1,273.88 $1,327.28 $36.00 $672.15 $34.60 $34.6O $34.60 $60.00 $1,356.00 $966.00 - 1720- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 13 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-O1 Cash Payment E 281-45210-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50700-02 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50699-A Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50699-B1 Cash Payment G 101-22851 Langdon Deveop, Gramercy Invoice 50699-B2 Cash Payment E455-46379-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 50699-C Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 50699-D Cash Payment G 101-22851 Langdon Deveop, Gramercy Invoice 50699-E Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice -F Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs invoice 51150-A '~ash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs ,~voice 51150-B1 Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 51150-B2 Cash Payment E 455-46379-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51150-C Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 invoice 51150~D Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 51150-E Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-A Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-B Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-C Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-D Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-E Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-F Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-G Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-H1 ash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-H2 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-H3 01-02 PARKS MISC 01-02 DOCKS MISC 01-02 HRNMISC BILLABLE 01-02 TIF DISTRICT REINSPECTIONS 01-02 GRAMERCY DEVELOPMENT 01-02 POST OFFICE RELOCATION 01-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 01-02 GRAMERCY DEVELOPMENT 01-02 MUELLER LANSING DEVELOPMENT 02-02 HRA/MISC BILLABLE 02-02 TIF DISTRICT REINSPECTION 02-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 02-02 POST OFFICE RELOCATION 02-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 02-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 02-02 ACT Il GRANT APPLICATION 02-02 PRIVATE DEDICATED COMMONS 02-02 CTY RD 15 REALINGMENT 02-02 BIEGLER LAW SUIT 02-02 ACT II LOAN DEFAULT 02-02 EXECUTIVE 02-02 ADMINISTRATIVE 02-02 WATER LEGAL FEES 02-02 STREET LEGAL FEES 02-02 WATER LEGAL FEES $493.40 $462.00 $1,108.30 $1,545.50 $110.00 $247.56 $880.00 $533.50 $16.50 $1,701.53 $1,170.75 $132.00 $187.00 $22.00 $584.80 $528.00 $84.00 $1,735.88 $33.00 $2,532.26 $1,458.00 $678.00 $798.00 $18.00 $16.00 - 1 721 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05~02 9:01 AM Page 14 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-H4 Cash Payment G 101-22850 Hasbro, Inc. Invoice 51199-il Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-12 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs invoice 51199-13 Cash Payment E 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 51199-J Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 KESHA VARZ, MAIJEH Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 KIDMOSE, RBA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 · ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 KING, TIM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 efer 40902 KORTERRA UTILITY INDUSTRY AP Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call Invoice 9814450 PO 17296 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call invoice 9814450 PO 17296 Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call Invoice 3914436 PO 17296 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call invoice 391346 PO 17296 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LAJOY, SKIP 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LAKE MINNETONKA CONVERSA TI 3/26/20{)2 ~ash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2ND QTR LEVY PAYMENT invoice 031402 Transaction Date 3/22/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902'''' 'LAKE ~.IPERIOR COLLEGE 4/9/2002 02-02 SEWER LEGAL FEES 02-02 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT 02-02 ACQUILIAN LEGAL FEES 02-02 PLANNING LEGAL FEES 02-02 PARKS LEGAL FEES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 SOFTWARE SOFTWARE 03-01-02 THRU 02-28-03 sUPPORT 03-01-02 THRU 02-28-03 SOFTWARE SUPPORT Total Total Total Total $18.00 $494.50 $4O.00 $274.00 $1,336.40 $32,228.15 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $11.25 $261.25 $250.00 $15.00 $265.00 $1,062.34 $1,062.34 $180.00 $180.00 Total Total $2,484.68 $250.00 $250.00 $4,697.94 Total $4,697.94 - 1722- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 15 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment MYERS, POIKONEN Invoice 00200SFS-118 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LAKER NEWSPAPER 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-351 Legal Notices Publishing FINANCIAL STATEMENT Invoice 981 Transaction Date 4/1/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LAKEVIEW CLINIC, WACONIA 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-305 Medical and Dental Fees EE EXAM 02-07-02 ANDERSON, MIKE E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training STATE FIRE SCHOOL ALDEN,LARSON, R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 LAMP ASSEMBLY LAMP ASSEMBLY LAMP ASSEMBLY WASHER, TIES, ETC WASHER, TIES, ETC WASHER, TIES, ETC Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 POLSTON LAW SUIT Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE REFUND LMCD FEE 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Invoice 020702 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 P, efer 40902 LANGF/ELD, JENNIFER Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 LAWSON PRODuC'TS" INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9088321 ,ash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9088321 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9088321 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9076109 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9076109 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Invoice 9076109 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 LEAGUE MN C/TIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 4~55-46384-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 11034319 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer40902 LEGEROS, JOHN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LEMIRE, ANDRE 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE invoice 049002 ,ash Payment Invoice 049002 Transaction Date $270.00 Total $270.00 $123.38 Total $123.38 $127.00 Total $127.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $18.09 $18.09 $18.09 $58.86 $58.86 $58.85 Total $230.84 $2,875.00 Total $2,875.00 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $250.00 $15.00 Total $265.00 - 1723- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 16 Current Period: April 2002 Refer 40902 LOPEFIGALO, RON AND BARBARA .4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction... Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 LOVKVlST, JEFFHEY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 49002 LOWELL'S AUTOMOTIVE .4/9/2002 Cash Payment E222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair AIR FILTER Invoice 5-335359 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair WIX CORP, ETC. Invoice 5-335360 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair V-BELT Invoice 5-335809 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 other Equipment Repair LICENSE PLATE FASTNER Invoice 5-335998 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SPARK PLUG/GAS FILTER Invoice 5-338281 3ash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts ,nvoice 5-338233 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer40902 MACK, SHAWN" Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer40902 MADDEN STEVE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 392338 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 392338 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 394328 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MARTENS, TODD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 ,'ansaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MATHER, COLIN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 LUBE FILTER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou. 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 BEER BEER BEER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE 'Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $250.00 $~50.00 $250.00 $250.00 $16.82 $261.59 $15.20 $0.52 $45.70 $6.32 $346.15 $250.00 $11.25 $261.25 $250.00 $250.00 $2,118.00 -$32.40 $2,495.75 $4,581.35 $250,00 $2,50.00 $250.00 - 1724- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 17 current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MCCAUL, JIM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Total $257.50 $330.00 $7.50 $337.50 $250.00 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 40902 MCKINLEY, GiNA 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 40902 MCKINLEY, JOHN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies REIMBURSE MEALS $19.50 invoice 032102 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $19.50 M , MIKE 4/9/2002 2ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 .nvoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 FRONT GRAP ADAPTER COAT, PANTS, SUSPENDER Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 03-14-02 SERVICE CALL E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Refer 40902 MES - SNYDER, INCORPORATED 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies HELMET Invoice 058943 Cash Payment Invoice 059362 Cash Payment Invoice 058824 Cash Payment Invoice 060847 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 METRO ELEVATOR, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous invoice 302210 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 METROPOLITAN AREA MANAGEM 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions LUNCHEON Invoice 324 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $391.54 $39.95 $22.45 $6,354.47 Total $6,808.41 $55.00 Total $55.00 $16.00 Ma~rquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 4/9/2002 03-02 SAC CHARGES $16.00 $8,316.00 $8,316.00 Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits invoice 033102 ;ansaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 MILLER, JACK Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 -1725- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 18 current Period.' April 2002 Transaction._ Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 MINNESOTM BOARD PEACE OFF/ 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions LICENSE RENEWAL HARRELL,MCKINLEY,MURRAH Invoice 040302 PO 17391 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MINNESOTA LABOR AND INDusT E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment INSPECT TANK AND VESSEL Invoice 260974 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials INSPECT TANK AND VESSEL Invoice 260974 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials INSPECT TANK AND VESSEL Invoice 260974 Transaction .... Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples COLIFORM,MF-WATER (10) Invoice 114679 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 MORT, ALLAN 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Cash Payment Invoice 033102 Cash Payment Invoice 033102 Cash Payment Invoice 033102 Transaction Date E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay E 222-42260-390 General Maint-Fire E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salaries REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 03-02 DRILLS 03-02 MAINTENANCE O3-O2 RESCUE 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer 40902 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIA TIO 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pension Contdbutio 04-02 FIRE RELIEF Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer 40902 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 001-49400-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE Invoice 56550 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Refer 40902 MYERS, TONy .... Cash Payment 10100 10100 E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 TRAVEL ADVANCE MARSHALL FIRE SCHOOL APRIL 20-21, 2002 nvoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/20/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (PA/V) 4/2/2009 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total $250.00 $270.00 $270.00 $6.67 $6.67 $6.66 $20.00 $72.50 $72.50 $250.00 $15.00 $255.00 $710.00 $1,250.00 $8,731.75 $10,691.75 $9,033.33 $9,033.33 $236.44 $236.44 $275.00 $275.00 - 1726- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 19 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone Invoice 031802 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Paym,ent 3voice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 E 602-49450-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 801-49400-321 Telephone E 602-49450-321 Telephone E 101-45200-321 Telephone E 281-45210-321 Telephone E 101-41310-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 602-49450-321 Telephone E 101-45200-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 101-42400-321 Telephone E 101-42400-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #16 JOHNSON, TIM 02-18-02 THRU 03-18-02 #17 POUNDER, CHRIS 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #18 HARDINA, DAMON 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #19 KIVISTO, SCOTT 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #20 GRADY, DAN 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #21 HEITZ, FRANK 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #22 HEITZ, DON 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 #23 KESTNER, AL 612-221-6811 #07 SKINNER, GREG 612-221-6811 #07 SKINNER, GREG 612-221-6811 #07 SKINNER, GREG 612-221-6812 #15 FACKLER, JIM 612-221-6813 #16 HOFF, KATIE 612-221-6814 #03 RAHN, JODI 612-221-6822 #02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-6822 #02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-6822 #02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-8385 #13 SWARTZER, BRIAN 02-19-02 THRU 03-18, #14 GEISE, LEE 612-282-5889 #15 SUTHERLAND, JON 612-363-5883 NORLANDER, JILL 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 ANDERSON, MIKE 'ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 40902 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (POLl 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6400 OFFICE Invoice 031802 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $39.55 $24.86 $24.86 $24.86 $78.29 $46.31 $35.57 $13.18 $13.18 $13.18 $39.54 $39.54 $6.71 $33.88 $39.54 $749.90 $39.70 - 1727- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 20 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 Cash Payment nvoice 031802 Cash Payment Invoice 031802 E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone E 101-42110-321 Telephone Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 !11111111111111 iiii iiiI iii ii i iiiii ii Refer 40902 NICCUM DOCKS, INCORPORATED 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous BOAT STORAGE Invoice 030502 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ......... NOLDEN, ...................................... Refer 40902 CYNTHIA 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 NORTHERN WATER WO SUPP 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply METER 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6401 CHIEF 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6402 SERGEANT · 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6402 SRO 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6404 INVESTIGATORS 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6405 SQUAE #840 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6406 SQUAD #842 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6407 DARE 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6408 SQUAD #844 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6409 SQUAD #845 02-19-02 THRU 03-18-02 292-6410 CSO Total Invoice 3102657 PO 17300 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 OLSEN, MELODY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 OLSON, DA VE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits ~nvoice 040902 ~ash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date - 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9[2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $39.70 $39.70 $39.70 $66.31 $39.70 $39.70 $39.70 $42.15 $40.19 $39.70 $466.25 $1,281.00 Total $1,281.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $1,976.64 Total $1,976.64 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $7.50 $257.50 - 1728- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 21 Current Period: April 2002 Refer 40902 OL$ON, DEBORAH Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 PALM, MICHAEL Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Transaction Date Refer 40902 R 281-34725 Dock Permits R 281-34705 LMCD Fees 4/3/2002 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0186108-1N Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 pEARSON' FRANK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 PELTIER, MARK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 "4090 '"'" ErE SEN, JANEt JOHN 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 .4/9/2002 WINE $250,00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Total $250.00 $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $11,25 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Total $261.25 $239.00 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC 4/9/2002 Total $239.00 $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE $11.25 REFUND LMCD FEE Total $261.25 $250.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $250.00 $250.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 819116 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 819115 Cash Payment WINE $7.50 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 3257817 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE invoice 816576 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 816575 Transaction Date 3/29/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ~efer 40902 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 4/9/2002 .;ash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES Invoice 55567 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $257.50 $6,456.00 $737.85 -$24.00 $119.75 $329.00 Total $7,618.60 $758.56 Total $758.56 - 1729- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 22 Current Period: April 2002 Refer 40902 PRESS NEWS PUBLICATIONS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing BLDG OFFICIAL AD Invoice 022502 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 PRINClVALLI, MATT 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 4090'~'" PROK, CHRIS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 PYTLESKI, JOHN 4/9/2002 C~§l~ P'~y~ehf R 28'1'~3~47~ D0~l~ P~rr~i~s '~ REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 ash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 ' ...... ............... Refer 40902 QUA WlNE AND IRITS 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 105572-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 105976-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 103043-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 103666-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 103576-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 102758-00 Transaction Date 3/29/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 R.C. ELECTRIC, INOORPORA TED . 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPLACE LAMPS Invoice 032902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 RANDY'S SANITATATION 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 03-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 1614 'ansaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 RATZ, ROBERT 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Total Total Total Total Total Total $74.00 $74.00 $250.00 $7.50 $257;50 $250.00 $11.25 -$261.25 $250.00 $7.50 $257.50 $1,347.63 $1,001.36 $2,044.22 $330.75 $107.20 $1,374.37 $6,205.53, $248.88 $248.88 $114.54 Total $114.54 $250.00 - 1730- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 23 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 REITEIV, TERRY AND BEV Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 RETTKE, BARRY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 REUTER, cHAD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2O02 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 RICE, NICOLE 4/9/2002 ~ash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE nvoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 RIDGEVIEW BUSINESS HEALTH 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-305 Medical and Dental Fees ONSITE HEALTH SURVEILLANCE R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 031202 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 ROTENBERG, DAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Re~;r' 4%62 RUP~RT, MATT/-I'~'W Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer '~0902 ~AATZER, DAN ........ Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 """ ........ ~ " .......... ~ ........ E'O'R -{efer 40902 SCHWALBE, VERNON AND D L R 281-34725 Dock Permits R 281-34705 LMCD Fees ,ash Payment invoice 040902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 $7.50 Total $257.50 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $1,718.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1,718.00 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $250.00 $15.00 Total $265.00 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $190.00 $7.50 -1731 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 24 Current Period: April 2002 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 40902 .......................................... Refer SERVICE MASTER CLEAN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 04-02 CLEANING Invoice 040902 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 04-02 CLEANING Invoice 040902 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 04-02 CLEANING Invoice 040902 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 04-02 CLEANING Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 SHAW, TODD 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 SHENKENBERG, GEORGE 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits nvoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 SHIMANSKI, JASON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 SOS PRINTING Cash Payment E222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 63690 Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 63655 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 SOUTH CENTRAL TECHNICAL CO Cash Payment E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies Invoice 00022988 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 SPECHT, MICHAEL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 '{efer 40902 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIR Cash Payment E 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 041802 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 TRUCK CODE SHEETS UTILITIES BILL ENVELOPES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 2002 STATE FIRE SCHOOL POUNDER/MYERS MARCH 2-3 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 THRU 03-23-02 GAS CHARGES Total $197.50 $1,096.95 $39.05 $39.05 $39.05 Total $1,214.10 Total Total Total Total Total Total $250.00 $15.00 $265.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250,00 $250.00 $6.39 $518.12 $524.51 $110.00 $110.00 $250.00 $11.25 $261.25 $267.49 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $267.49 - 1732- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 25 Current Period: April 2002 Refer 40902 SPEEDWA Y SUPERAMERICA (POL Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 041802 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 409 ST. BONIFACIUS FORD, INCORPO 4/9/2002 THRU 03-24-02 GAS CHARGES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery WIPER METER Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic WIRE, ETC. Invoice 7808 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 STREICHER'S 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM PANTS Invoice 282533.1 PO 17200 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies BOOKING FILM Invoice 272372.2 PO 17173 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 SUTPHEN cORPORATION 4/9/2002 ~sh Payment E 222-42260~409 Other Equipment Repair iNSIDE DOOR HANDLE Invoice 12111795 PO 17219 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 SWANSON, AMY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies REIMBURSE MEALS Invoice 032502 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 SWNASON, DAN AND SIRNY, TRA 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 TAsA, GERALD 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 THOMPSON, MATTHEW 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE ~voice 040902 ~'ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN 4/9/2002 Total $1,102,71 $221.52 Total $221.52 $1,102.96 Total $1,102.96 $44.90 $42.55 Total $87.45 $74.02 Total $74.02 $5.61 Total $5.61 $25O,OO $7,50 Total $257.50 $25O,0O $15.00 Total $265.00 $25O.0O $11.25 Total $261.25 - 1733- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 26 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment Invoice 218809 Cash Payment Invoice 256626 Cash Payment Invoice 256629 Cash Payment Invoice 257148 Cash Payment Invoice 257149 Transaction Date Refer 40902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 Cash Payment Invoice 040902 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 809-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 4/3/2002 TODD, MARY R 281-34725 Dock Permits R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 TOF~i'EY, BRIAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits ~nvoice 040902 ansaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 171973622 PO 17305 Cash Payment Invoice 167970 Cash Payment invoice 167970 Cash Payment Invoice 167970 Cash Payment invoice 169285 Cash Payment Invoice 169285 Cash Payment Invoice 169285 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 TREADWAYGFIAPHICS Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 0136945 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 0137064 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 TRI-STATE BOBCAP, INCORPORA 4/9/2002 ~sh Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic LOADER TRAINING Invoice P21983 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic LOADER TRAINING Invoice P21983 BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER Marquette Bank MOM 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEEJ REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank MoM 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE Marquette Bank MOM 10100 4/9/2002 CYLINDER, CLAMP/GROUND, ETC BOX, MAT, ETC BOX, MAT, ETC BOX, MAT, ETC CYLINDER, CLAMP, ETC CYLINDER, CLAMP, ETC CYLINDER, CLAMP, ETC Marquette Bank MOM 10100 4/9/2002 PENCILS, MEDALLION, ETC ATHLETIC BAG Marquette Bank MoM 10100 $208.00 $11,010.60 $429.40 $63.70 $2,456.05 Total Total $14,167,75 Total Total $250.00 $11.25 $261.25 $250.00 $250.00 $141.01 $18.81 $18.81 $18.81 $47.00 $47.00 $47.01 $338.45 $58.50 $17.00 Total $75.50 $375.00 $75.00 - 1734- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 27 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 101-zt~;200-440 Other Contractual Servic LOADER TRAINING Invoice P21983 Transaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer .40902 TRI-STATE PUMP AND CONTOL, I 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract CHECK VALVE Invoice 20920 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 TUCKER, THOMAS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Refer 40902 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPL Y Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337343-0 PO 17195 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336057-0 PO 17191 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies voice 336938-0 PO 17195 .,ash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337011-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337407-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338318-0 PO 17228 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 33813-1 PO 17228 Lash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies ~voice 336381-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 $75.00 10100 Total $525.00 Total Total Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 PENS AND INK CARTRIDGES BATTERY, BINDER, ETC. INKCARTRIDGES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MOUSE PAD, WRIST PAD INK JET CARTRIDGE CABLE PENS MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES $702.64 $702.64 $250.00 $7.50 $257,50 $44.95 $145.53 $100.30 $10.14 $128.33 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $3.38 $3.38 $5.06 $5.06 $43.31 $34.73 $7.46 $9.35 $91.49 - 1735- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 28 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 336366-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 office Supplies Invoice 337987-0 PO 17227 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 office Supplies Invoice 337692-0 "ash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies ~voice 336938-0 PO 17195 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 office Supplies Invoice 338059-0 PO 17198 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 338220-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 ~sh Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies ,nvoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Current Period: April 2002 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES INKJET, COLOR INKJET CARTRIDGE INKJET CARTRIDGE INKJET, COPY HOLDER, ETC MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $2.50 $2.50 $3.75 $3.75 $129.93 $70.66 -$43.78 $145.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11,75 $11.75 $3.92 $3.92 $5.87 $5.87 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 - 1736- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 29 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 337460-0 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 US FILTER 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 675-49425-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA STORM SEWER PIPE Invoice 7838012 Cash Payment Invoice 8198288 Cash Payment Invoice 8218239 E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply PO 17298 E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES HYDRANT SECTION Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply BALL CORP Invoice 8224482 PO 17301 ansaction Date 4/2/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 VANDERWlL T, HEATHER AND GR 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 4°90 'ONNIE AND ERIC 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 WAGNER, RICHARD 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 4/9/2002 ACETYLENE Marquette Bank Mou 4/9/2002 Refer 40902 WATERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 313589 Transaction Date 3/26/2002 Refer 40902 WESTONKA PUBLIC sCHO0;S Cash Payment G 101-22815 Lifeguard/Senior Fund ~voice 040902 Date 4/1/2002 Refer 40902 WHEELER, CHRIS $0.47 $0,47 $0.71 $O.7O Total $1,095.39 -$252.58 $1,350.65 $267.42 $3O8.75 Total $1,674.24 $250.00 $7.5O Total $257,50 $25O.OO Total $250.00 $250.O0 $7.50 10100 Total $257.50 $52.50 10100 Total $52.50 2002 BEACHES BILLING Marquette Bank Mou 10100 4/9/2002 $1,464.80 Total $1,464.80 - 1737- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/05/02 9:01 AM Page 30 Current Period: April 2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 " Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 WIDMER, INCORPORATED 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 440-43140-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-02 SNOWPLOWING Invoice 5208 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-02 SNOWPLOWING Invoice 5208 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 WINKLER, BOB 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE SAND FOR SALT MIX Invoice 030702 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE SAND FOR SALT MIX Invoice 031102 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE SAND FOR MIX Invoice 030702 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE SAND FOR MIX Invoice 031102 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CONCRETE SAND FOR MIX 'qvoice 031802 ansaction Date 3/26/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 YOUNG, STEVEN 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 I~efer 40902 YOUNGGREN, TO'M 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE Invoice 040902 Transaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials CENTERPULL WIPERS InvoiOe 57943233 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials CENTERPULL WIPERS Invoice 57943233 Cash Payment E 602-49450,230 Shop Materials CENTERPULL WIPERS Invoice 57943233 Transaction Date 4/4/2002 'Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 40902 ZIMMER, PEGGY 4/9/2002 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE Invoice 040902 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE ~voice 040902 ~ ransaction Date 4/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $250.00 Total $250.00 $596.25 $1,788.75 Total $2,385.00 $983.O3 $513.23 $983.03 $515.23 $75.99 Total $3,070.51 Total $250.00 $250.00 $25O.OO $7.50 Total $257.50 $46.79 $46.79 $46.80 Total $140.38 $250.00 $15.00 Total $265.00 - 1738- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04~05~02 9:01 AM Page 31 current Period: April 2002 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 440 CBD FUND 455 TIF 1-2 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $54,400.61 $24,197.35 $26,063.06 $1,542.50 $596.25 $6,855.42 $8,112.98 $12,020.71 $52,929.00 $7,700.00 ($252.58) $9,033.33 $203,198.63 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $203,198.63 $203,198.63 0327025UE = $ 032802SUE = $ 040302SUE ~ $ 040402SOA = $ 6,844.84 300.00 219.34 101.18 0409025[I1[ * ~203,198.63 $210,663.99 ~O~AL - 1739- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com DATE: TO: FROM: RE: April 1, 2002 Mayor & City Council Bonnie Ritter Public Gathering Permit A public gathering permit application has been received for the 23rd Annual Minnetonka Bass Tournament to be held June 1, 2002 at Mound Bay Park. The fee of $300 has been received. Please note on the copy that Police Chief Harrell has approve the application and Jim Fackler signed, with concerns noted. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING pERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use .is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the pOlice in maintaining order. NO LIQUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CrrY PARKS OR BUILDINGS, Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY Date of Use ~o,-.~E, } ~/3 0 ~-,. TimeFrame ]&~.~- ,g/~,~"~0.0~~ IntendedUse ~L~--~,[? tl~d,~~ Expected Attendance/f~Y -~'-c~ /.~nt~. ~~~ / ?elephone No. aome: 5~?-$ff7- d;5°/c Work: C~/[ Drivers License Number ~ ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ --q ~ - 1741 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: April 1, 2002 SUBJECT: Minor subdivision / replat for Lots 8-14, Block 5, Dreamwood, Hennepin County, MN and side setback variance for proposed Parcel C APPLICANT: James Roberge and Greg Skinner (on behalf of son Thomas James Skimaer etal) PID: 13-117-24-21-0092 and 13-117-24-12-0218 PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 02-09 / 02-08 LOCATION: 1680 Bluebird Lane / 1677 Canary Lane ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential SUMMARY At its March 15, 2002 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a request from James Roberge and Greg/Jane/TJ Skinner for approval of a minor subdivision to reconfigure Lots 8-14, Block 5, Dreamwood into three (3) lots in order to create an additional buildable lot which would consist of Lots 10 and 11. Mr. Roberge is also requesting a rear yard setback variance for proposed Parcel C to recognize an existing non-conforming condition. BACKGROUND Presently, James Roberge owns Lots 11-14 which includes his existing home. TJ Skinner and Greg and Jane Skinner 'purchased Lots 8-10 from the former oWner, Mamie Kilkhafer, earlier this year. The applicants are now proposing to split offLot 10 from the 1677 Canary Lane property and Lot 11 from the 1680 Bluebird Lane property in order to create a new "buildable" parcel. Members of the City Council are advised that the single-family homes located at 1680 Bluebird Lane and 1677 Canary respectively are expected to remain "as is" as a result of the proposal. A building pad has been demonstrated on proposed Parcel B. However, house plans have not yet been developed. - 1742- PROJECT REVIEW Details regarding the minor subdivision/variance request are contained in Planning Report No. 02- 09 / 02-08 that hag been included as an attachment. OVERVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Subdivision. The Planning Commission expressed support of the subdivision and commented that the impervious surface coverage verification could be satisfactorily addressed by the applicant and therefore did not require the submittal of additional information by a professional surveyor. Variance. When Building Permit # 9578 was issued in 1992 for the new single-family home at 1680 Bluebird Lane, the east setback was deemed to be a sideyard and therefore a minimum setback of (10) feet was required. However, the new survey that was submitted as part of the current proposal indicates that the east setback for the existing home at 1680 Bluebird Lane was constructed approximately 9.8 feet from the property line and is therefore non-conforming. Members of the City Council are advised that the proposal, as submitted, does not increase the existing non-conforming condition. The Planning Commission discussed whether or not a variance was necessary as the setback is an existing condition and requested input from the City Attorney regarding this matter. City Attorney John Dean has reviewed the proposal and indicated that a variance is necessary because the plans which were submitted as part of the 1992 building permit indicated that the structure would meet all current zoning requirements. Subsequently, when the house was constructed it became non-conforming as it was placed 9.8 feet from the property line. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted approval of the minor subdivision and variance request(s) for the properties located at 1680 Bluebird Lane and 1677 Canary Lane subject to conditions. A draft resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included as an attachment. ATTACHMENTS Planning Report No. 02-08 / 02-09 · Excerpts from March 18, 2002 Planning Commission meeting · Draft resolution - 1743- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 02- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1680 BLUEBIRD LANE AND 1677 CANARY LANE LOTS 8-17, BLOCK 14, DREAMWOOD PID: 13-117-24-21-0092 and 13-117-24-12-0218 PLANNING AND ZONING CASE NO. 02-08 AND 02-09 WHEREAS, the applicant(s), have requested a minor subdivision of property to create three (3) lots including one (1) new buildable parcel identified as Parcel B; and WHEREAS, the existing single-family homes located at 1677 Canary Lane which is identified as Parcel A and 1680 Bluebird Lane which is identified as Parcel C are expected to remain "as-is" as a result of the proposal; and WHEREAS, the minor subdivision also requires approval of a variance to recognize an existing non-conforming rear yard setback for Parcel C; and WHEREAS, the property is located within the R-2 Single m~d Two-Family Residential District as set forth in City Code Chapter 350:630 which requires a lot area of 6000 square feet, (40) feet of frontage on an improved street, a (20) foot front yard setback, (15) foot rear yard setback and (10) foot side yard setbacks for non-lots of record; and, WHEREAS, the proposal, as submitted, meets the requirements of the R-2 District with the exception of Parcel C which has an existing nonconforming rear yard setback of 9.8 feet; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended that the Council approve the minor subdivision and variance as requested by the applicant and recommended for approval by Staff; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the minor subdivision and variance request with the following conditions: a. The existing shed on proposed Parcel B shall be removed. - 1744- b. Hardcover surface coverage on proposed Parcel B 'shall not exceed thirty (30) percent. c. The driveway location for proposed Parcel C should be verified by the applicant to ensure that the property meets the hard surface coverage restrictions. d. Any newly-created lot will be subject to a park dedication fee. e. In the event that previous infrastructure assessments have not been paid, trunk area sewer and water and/or connection charges must be paid. f. The request shall be made subject to any forthcoming comments from City staff that are received prior to review by the City Council at its April 9, 2002 meeting. The City does hereby grant a setback variance for proposed Parcel C which is supported by the following findings: a. The proposed subdivision represents a reasonable way to redevelop a property in the neighborhood. b. The proposed subdivision creates two (2) conforming parcels and one (1) nonconforming parcel due to a deficient setback on Parcel C. The nonconforming setback on Parcel C is an existing condition. c. The character of the proposed subdivision is consistent with that of the surrounding neighborhood. This minor subdivision and variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Existing Legal Descriptions: Lots 8-10, Block 5, Dreamwood Lots 11-14, Block 5, Dreamwood Proposed Legal Descriptions: Parcel A (1677 Canary Lane) Lots 8-9, Block 5 Dreamwood Parcel B (new) Lots 10-11, Block 5, Dreamwood Parcel C (1680 Bluebird Lane) Lots 12-14, Block 5 Dreamwood - 1745- The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted April 9, 2002 and Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: City Clerk - 1746- EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 18, 2002 4. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #02-09 CASE #O2-08 Minor Subdivision Variance James Roberge/Greg Skinner (on behalf of T.J. Skinner Etal) 1680 Bluebird Lane & 1677 Canary Lane Presently Lots 11-15 are owned by Roberge and lots 8-10 are owned by Skinner. Property owners would like to create 3 lots, 2 with existing homes and 1 for new construction. The Roberge home was built about 1992 and met the code at that time. There is an existing non- conforming condition of a 9.8 foot side setback rather than the required 10 feet which is believed to be a mistake on the location of the foundation when installed. The new lot is over the 30% allowable hardcover as proposed and the owner has been made aware that the hardcover must meet the requirement. In general, the subdivision appears to meet all zoning requirements. There is an existing non-conforming shed on Lots 10 and 11. It is staff's understanding that it will be removed or relocated. New lot will be subject to an $1,100 park dedication fee and applicable water and sewer fees. Staff is recommending approval subject to the following: 1. The existing shed on proposed Parcel B shall be removed. 2. Hardcover surface coverage on proposed Parcel B shall not exceed thirty (30) percent. The driveway location for proposed Parcel C should be verified to ensure that the property meets the hard surface coverage restrictions. If applicable, an additional hard surface calculation sheet should be prepared by Gronberg & Associates to address this issue. In the event the property exceeds 30 percent, an appropriate area(s) will need to be restored to soft surface and a revised survey must be prepared by a professional engineer to reflect "as-built" conditions. 4. The request shall be made subject to any forthcoming comments from City staff. Discussion Recognition of the existing non-conformance was discussed. Planning Commission requested that John Dean clarify this issue in writing. The code for establishing side and rear setbacks also needs to be updated. MOTION by Mueller, and seconded by Burma, to accept staff recommendation respecting John Dean's clarification of the non-conforming issue on Parcel C and allowing the applicant to determine hardcover under 30% or less. MOTION carried unanimously - 1747- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 12, 2002 SUBJECT: Minor subdivision/replat for Lots 8-14, Block 5, Dreamwood, Hennepin County, MN and side setback variance for proposed Parcel C APPLICANT: James Roberge and Greg Skinner (on behalf of son Thomas James Skinner ~tal) PID: 13-117-24-21-0092 and 13-117-24-12-0218 PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 02-09 / 02-08 LOCATION: 1680 Bluebird Lane / 1677 Canary Lane ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential REQUEST The applicants are requesting approval of a minor subdivision to reconfigure Lots 8-14, Block 5, Dreamwood into three (3) lots in order to create an additional buildable lot which would consist of Lots 10 and 11. Mr. Roberge is also requesting a rear yard setback variance for proposed Parcel C to recognize an existing non-conforming condition. SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 330.20 outlines the classifications of subdivisions in the City of Mound and states that any division of land that is subject to the subdivision regulations shall be considered either a major subdivision or a minor subdivision. As set forth in City Code Chapter 330:20 Subd. 1, the following is considered to be a minor subdivision: Any subdivision of land creating not more than three (3) residential lots which shall conform to the following: 1. Have frontage on an existing public road. 2. Not require the construction of any new public facilities or public improvements. 3. There shall be no adverse effect on remaining or adjoining property. 4. There shall be no conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance or Official Map. - 1748- EXISTING CONDITION Presently, James Roberge owns Lots 11-14 which includes his existing home. TJ Skinner and Greg and Jane Skinner purchased Lots 8-10 from the former owner, Mamie Kilkhafer, earlier this year. The applicants are now proposing to split offLot 10 from the 1677 Canary Lane property and Lot 11 from the 1680 Bluebird Lane property in order to create a new "buildable" parcel. Existing Legal Descriptions: Parcel 1 (1677 Canary Lane) Parcel 2 (1680 Bluebird Lane) Lots 8-10, Block 5, Dreamwood Lots 11-14, Block 5, Dreamwood Proposed Legal Descriptions: Parcel A (1677 Canary Lane) Parcel B (new) Parcel C (1680 Bluebird Lane) Lots 8-9, Block 5 Dreamwood Lots 10-11, Block 5, Dreamwood Lots 12-14, Block 5 Dreamwood Members of the Planning Commission are advised that the single-family homes located at 1680 Bluebird Lane and 1677 Canary respectively are expected to remain "as is" as a result of the proposal. A building pad has been demonstrated on proposed Parcel B however house plans have not yet been developed. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Fire ChiefPederson No objections. Police Chief Harrell No objections. Public Works Director Skinner Lot 11 has sewer service. City records also show a water service on Lot 10 however City staff has been unable to locate it. City Engineer Cameron Refer to memorandum dated March 14, 2002 which has been included as an attachment. Parks Director Fackler No comments needed from Parks Department. - 1749- ZONING CLASSIFICATION The subject properties are zoned R-2 and subject to the regulations as set forth in City Code Chapter 350: 630. Please see below: Required Proposed Variance Parcel A Lot area 6000 sf 6400 sf Lot width 40 ff 80 fi From setback (east) 20 ff 21.8 fi Side setback (north) 10 fi 17.4 fi Side setback (south) 10 ft 11.3 fi Rear setback (west) 15 ft 31.7 ft Hardcover 1920 sf(max) 1471.42 sf Parcel B Lot area 6000 sf 6400 sf Lot width 40 ft 80 fi Front setback (east) 20 ft 20 fi From setback (south) 20 fi 20 fi Side setback (north) 10 fi 10 fi Rear setback (west) 15 ft 20 fi Hardcover 1920 sf (max) .... Parcel C Lot area 6000 sf 9600 sf Lot width 40 fi 80 fi From setback (south) 20 ft 39.9 ii From setback (west) 20 fi 24.4 fi Side setback (east) 10 fi. 9.8 fi Rear setback (north) 15 ft. 15.6 fi Hardcover 2880 sf(max) 2871 sf 4 in. NOTIFICATION While City Code does not require public notification, current City policy indicates that adjacent property owners are notified as a courtesy. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that notification regarding the request was forwarded to the adjacent property owners on or around March 15, 2002. - 1750- DISCUSSION POINTS 1. The subject property is bordered by public streets on three sides including Bluebird Lane to the west, Three Points Boulevard to the south and Canary Lane to the east. When Building Permit # 9578 was issued in 1992 for the new single-family home at 1680 Bluebird Lane, the east setback was deemed to be a sideyard and therefore a minimum setback of(10) feet was required. However, the new survey that was submitted as part of the current proposal indicates that the east setback for the existing home at 1680 Bluebird Lane was constructed approximately 9.8 feet from the property line and is therefore non- conforming. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that the proposal, as submitted, does not increase the existing non-conforming condition. 3. It is City staff' s understanding that the existing storage shed is to be removed from proposed Parcel B (Lot 11) and/or relocated. The location of the existing driveway for the 1680 Bluebird Lane property should be verified to ensure the property meets the thirty (30) percent hard surface coverage restriction. The calculation sheet submitted by the applicant indicates that proposed Parcel C meets the current requirements, however it appears that it exceeds current standards based on field conditions. Rather than pursuing the option of obtaining a variance, the applicant has indicated that he will make any adjustments necessary to meet the (30) percent coverage requirement on proposed Parcel C. If the minor subdivision is approved, it will lose "lot of record" status and therefore will be subject to the zoning requirements of the R-2 District. Additionally, hard surface coverage will be limited to no more than thirty (30) percent as set forth in City Code Chapter 350:1225. If appropriate, a revised survey should be submitted by the applicant to reflect the "as-built" conditions if field modifications are necessary to comply with the hard cover requirements. Any newly-created lot will be subject to a park dedication fee. Additionally, trunk area water and sewer charges and/or connection fees may also be applicable in the event that previous infrastructure assessments have not been paid. A proposed building pad and driveway location pursuant to City Code regulations has been demonstrated for Parcel B but exceeds the 30 percent hardcover restriction. If the subdivision is approved, hardcover on this new lot will need to meet the impervious surface coverage regulations as set forth in City Code Chapter 350:1225. 8. The proposal appears consistent with the City's revitalization efforts and will be an enhancement for the neighborhood. - 1751 - RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision and variance application(s.) At a minimum, City staff recommends that the following list of minimum conditions be included: 1. The existing shed on proposed Parcel B shall be removed. 2. Hardcover surface coverage on proposed Parcel B shall not exceed thirty (30) percent. The driveway location for proposed Parcel C should be verified to ensure that the property meets the hard surface coverage restrictions. If applicable, an additional hard surface calculation sheet should be prepared by Gronberg & Associates to address this issue. In the event the property exceeds 30 percent, an appropriate area(s) will need to be restored to soft surface and a revised survey must be prepared bv a professional engineer to reflect "as-built" conditions. 4. The request shall be made subject to any forthcoming comments from City staff. CiTY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation from the Planning Commission is received, the request will be forwarded to its April 9, 2002 meeting. ATTACHMENTS · Minor subdivision application · Variance application · Hardcover calculation sheet - 1680 Bluebird Lane (Roberge lot) · Hardcover calculation sheet - 1677 Canary Lane (Skinner lot) · Certificate of survey dated February 28, 2002 - Lots 8-14, Block 5, Dreamwood · Memorandum from City Engineer dated March 14, 2002 · Hennepin County property information sheet - 1680 Bluebird Lane · Hennepin County property information sheet - 1677 Canary Lane · Building permit # 9578 and supporting information for new SFD at 1680 Bluebird Lane (1992) - 1752- Application for MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND City of Mound, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 472.0607, Fax: 472.0620 City Council- Date: ~ Distrit~u.~on; City Planner / DNR Public Works ~ Parks City Engineer /'~'" Other PAID MAR i 4. ZOO[ CITY OF Case No. d~:~ -~"~ _ Application Fee: ~~J Delinquent Taxes? VARIANCE REQUIRED? '~'5 ~., ................................................................................................................................................................. ]q.~.~..!.~f..(..~.~ Please type or print the following information: PROPERTY Subject Address / ~"~' ~,~ ~ ~ ~,~ /~__~g~l INFORMATION --- ' EXISTING Lot /~ g // Block ~ Plat DESCRIPTION Subdivision PID~3' /~ -//~ ZONING DISTRICT Circle: R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 APPLICANT The appli~ntis: ~owner o~er: Phone (H) ~ - ~7~- ~ ~) . ~O -,~ -~ I~ ~ (M) (if other than ' ' applicant) Address/~ 77 Phone (H) ~) ~~7~~ Name ~o,~ ~/~ ~ ~O~;~ff SURVEYO~ ENGINEER Address ~qS- ~ ~,/Io w 0~, ~o~5 Phone (H) ~- C123 -- *# q I (w) (M)__ Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( ) yes, ( O.If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Plication m~all owners of the subject property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. ~er'~-~ignature t~evised 2/01 Revised 04/25/01 ~r's Signature Date Date - 1753- VARIANCE APPLICATION CITY OF MOUND 534'! Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 PhOne: 952-472-0607, Fax: 952-472-0620 4 Z00Z Appli~tion Fee: $200.00 (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Planning Commission Date: City Council Date: Distribution: City Planner City Engineer '~ Public Works Case No. DNR PARK Other PROPERTY Lot LEGAL Block ZONING DISTRICT R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 Phone APPLICANT Name (IF OTHER Address THAN Phone OWNER) (H) (W) (M) Has an application ~een made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for thi property? ( ) yesfO no. )'If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide cop. ie of resolutions, ~ 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): '_-1754-~. ¢ ' Do the existing structur~ with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is Iocate~, No (). If no, specify each non-conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e.'~ack, lot area, etc.): SETBACKS: REQUIRED D VARIANCE Front Yard: ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: (N S(~) !L~ ft. ~ .(~ ff. ~l~cJ-~j-, ft. Rear Yard: ( NS~j~¢¢ ) ft. ft. ft. Lakeside: ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. · (NSEW) ft. ft. ft. Street Frontage: ft. ft. ft. Lot Size: ~sq ft .sq ft _sq ft Hardcover: c.~ ~ ? ¢')_ sq ft ,3 ] '7 ?,._'~ sq fl ~ ~ 0....~'sq ft Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes'~ No (). If no, specify each non-conforming use: Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property preVent its reasonable Use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? Please ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil ( ) too small ( ) drainage ( ) existing situation ( ) too shallow ( ) shape ~),¢,pther: specify describe: / Revised 04/24/01 - 1755- Variance Application, P. 3 of 3 Case No. ~c~..O~' Was the hardship described above created by the action of a, ny~one having property interests in the lan. after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (), No ~. If yes, explain: Was the ha. rd~ship created by any other man-made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes (), No~0.. If yes, explain: /-. Are petition? Yes. No (). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? described in this the conditions ~f. hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property -)"'O /./.4/2 I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining, and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Signature Applicant's Signature Date Revised 04/24/01 - 1756- CITY OF MOUND HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS ~tMPEP, VI, OUS SUP`FACE COVERAGE~ PROPERTYADDESS: ./ ,, ,-~.,~ F) l, "Z., *, / t , .... _~_~_~.*?_ .... .¢.~._/_ ,_2/.,.~_-~..~ ..... OWNER'S NAME: r"~-I/~.'~. ~ 4 ~.¢./~/,- ¢..,, ., LOT AREA (~ C,') r,..~/,.,; SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) ....................................... I ' LOT AREA LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record) [' ~ ~/../:/] r ~ ..:: SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) .................. [, I * Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT I x = DETACHED BUILDINGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. ,!'x = /,5 X i TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ........................................ ,5// DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover. X = X = TOTAL DECK ....................................................... TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ................................................... UNDER / OVER (indicate d~ffer~e) ........ ;~. .... -.' ........ ..*.-.. ..................................... PREPARED BY. _ ~ DATE~ - 1757- CITY OF MOUND HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) LOT AREA · LOT AREA LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) ....................................... [ SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record) ............................. l" SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) .................. J * Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT ~ous~ ~, t x ,.¢'~, 0- -- /~o ~ ~¢. DETACHED BUILDINGS (GARAGE/SHED) TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... :~.~,~w^¥,~^~,.._.~ .... ~l.? x /~. = AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. X = TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ........................................ DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover. X = X = TOTAL DECK ....................................................... RDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ...................................... ............. I VER (indicate diffe~en, ce) .................................................................... I PREPARED BY /,~'/,L/_,'--'''''~''-- ' DATE -1758- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 1 of 2 Search By: Property ID: Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Henrtepin County, lVlN Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County ProperS. Tax web database is updated dally (Monday - Friday) at approxlmately 9: l S p. m. (CST) Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2002 Click Here for State Copy of Payable 2002 Tax Statement ~ 3-~ ~ 7-24-2~-0092 ~680 BLUEBIRD LA MOUND 277 Construction year: 1992 3 Parcel Size: IRREGULA JAMES M ROBERGE JR JAMES M ROBERGE JR 1680 BLUEBIRD LA MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and warranted to represent arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: LOTS 11 THRU 14 INCL Tax Parcel Description DREAMWOOD 005 Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2002 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2001 Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: $212,000 $180,100 $180,1 O0 $2,177.18 $34.32 $2,211,50 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2002 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2001 Values: http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult..'- 17 5 9- 3/13/2002 Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 2 of 2 Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status $35,000 $177,000 $212,000 $29,700 $150,400 $180,100 RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD 8897 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Have a tax related question? Send e-mail to taxinfo@co.hennepin.mn.us Experience a problem searching database, have a technical question or wish to cor Hennepin County Tax web site? Send e-mail to Don.Kopel@co.hennepin.mn.us Have a comment on any of Hennepin County's web sites or E-Commerce applicatic Send e-mail to Henn. Net@co.hennepin.mn.us Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Hennepin County http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.- 1 760- 3/13/2002 Hennepin County Map Server Page 1 of 1 Hennepin County, MN Last update: 03/05/2002 at 8:10:00 AM Property ID Approximate Approximate Property Perimeter Property Area 13-117-24-21-0092 558 ft. 12,889 sq.ft. = 0.296 acres Property Address ~arket Value Total Tax (2002) 1680 BLUEBIRD LA $ 212,000 $ 2,211.50 MOUND, ~N 55364 This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of the material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives, if map discrepancies are found, please contact Bob Moulder with the Hennepin County Surveyors Office at (612) 348-2618 or email him directly at Bob. Moulder(~.co.hennepin.mn.us The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting, and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation Copyright © 2000 Hennepin County http ://www 19. co. hennepin, mn. us/scripts/esrim,_ 1 ~ I~1 - me=Hennepin&cm d=Fi nd& VALU... 3/13/2002 March 14, 2002 Ms. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound Roberge Minor Subdivision Case #02-09 MFRA #13679 Dear Sarah: As requested, we have reviewed the request for a minor subdivision of subject property and have the following comments and recommendations: Comments A survey with more detailed grading and erosion control, meeting the City's survey requirements will need to be submitted when application is made for a building permit. This is again one of the older plats in the City, which typically did not provide drainage easements along lot lines. Therefore, drainage and utility easements should be provided along all new lot lines. From the City's utility records, it appears there is no water service in-place to serve Parcel B. This should be verified with Public Works. If a new service is required, consideration should be given to making the connection to the watermain in Three Point's Boulevard, which appears to be located behind the curb and Would eliminate excavating the paved street. Our records indicate that Lots 10 and 11 were not assessed any unit charges when the streets in this area were reconstructed in 1978. They did pay area and footage assessments. It has been City policy to collect unit charges when properties are redivided and additional building units are created; therefore Parcel B should be charged for one additional unit, or $1,170.90. - 1762- Ms. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director March 14, 2002 Page 2 5. The original sanitary sewer and watermain assessment records should also be checked for any deficient unit charges. Recommendations 1. Final grading and drainage plan be approved by the City Engineer at time of building permit application. 2. Provide drainage and utility easements along all new lot lines of the three parcels, five feet wide on the side lot lines and ten feet in width along the from and rear lot lines. The easement width across the rear of Parcel C, will need to be reduced to nine feet, since the existing house setback is only 9.8 feet. 3. A new water service for Parcel B either be installed or some type of financial guarantee provided, such as cash escrow or performance bond. 4. One deficient street unit charge in the amount of $1,170.90 shall be paid. 5. Any deficient sanitary sewer or watermain unit charges shall be collected. Sincerely, MFRA John Cameron JC:pry s:~nmin:\Mou 13679:\Correspondence\smith3-14 - 1763- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 1 of 2 Search By: i Property Property ID: Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Hennepin County, Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (C,S'T) Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2002 Click Here for State Copy of Payable 2002 Tax Statement -'..~,,~ .:.'¢..:~'., :i~:il '?..~.~:~..-..:¢ ~:.~. :i~i t:., ~.,.,-:~,~..,~i ~'~"<".,.. ~i~.i"-' }i~~ 13-117-24-12-0218 1677 CANARY LA MOUND 277 Construction year: 1963 3 Parcel Size: 120 X 80 THOMAS J SKINNER ET AL THOMAS J SKINNER 1677 CANARY LA MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and warranted to represent arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: LOTS 8 9 AND10 Tax Parcel Description DREAMWOOD OO5 Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2002 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2001 Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: $113,100 $109,100 $109,100 $3,100 $1,172.07 $20.79 $1,192.86 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2002 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2001 Values: http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult..- 1764- 3/13/2002 Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 2 of 2 Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status $33,000 $80,100 $113,100 $3'1,800 $77,3OO $109,100 RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD 8916 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Have a tax related question? Send e-mail to taxinfo@co.hennepin.mn.us Experience a problem searching database, have a technical question or wish to cot Hennepin County Tax web site? Send e-mail to Don.Kopel@co.hennepin.mn.us Have a comment on any of Hennepin County's web sites or E-Commerce applicatic Send e-mail to Henn. Net@co.hennepin.mn.us Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Hennepin County http ://www2. co.hennepin.mn, us/pins/pidresult.:ji- 765 _ 3/13/2002 Hennepin County Map Server Page 1 of 1 Hennepin County, MN Last update: 03/05/2002 at 8:10:00 AM Property ID Approximate Approximate Property Perimeter Property Area 13-117-24-12-0218 400 ft. 9,.532 sq.ft. = 0.219 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2002) 1677 CANARY LA MOUND, MN 55364 $ 113,100 $ 1,192.86 This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of the material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. If map discrepancies are found, please contact Bob Moulder with the Hennepin County Surveyors Office at (612) 348-2618 or email him directly at Bob. Moulderf~_.co.hennepin.mn.us The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting, and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation Copyright © 2000 Hennepin County http://www 19. co.hennepin.mn.us/scripts/esrim:_-l J/~6 £ me=Hennepin&cmd=Find& VALU... 3/13/2002 BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 472-1155 STREET ADDRESS 1680 BLUF, BIRD LANE ADDITION 12, 13, 14, & 11 BLOCK 5 JAMES & DENISE ROBERGE LOT OWN ER ESTIMATED VALUE .$1 } 5,3 r~ 7 PLAT 61LSRO ZONING DISTRICT L,-l~ PID 1.3-117-24 21 Or'R8 & 0055 PHONE NO. 472-5635 ADDRESS 1733 BLUEBIRD I,ANE, MOUND CONTRACTOR LANDON CoNS'I'RUCT!O'~i & WNER ADDRESS PHONE NO. 472-6939 DESCRIPTION OF WORK BEING DONE: SINGLE FAMILY DWELI,ING (2ND FI., 2,334 S.F.) 0TNFINISHF.D ]',ASEMENT 1,536 S.F.) WI'U-! ATTAC}tED GARAGE 798 S.F., ONE DECK 6' X 24', AND ONE FIREPLACE. NOTE PLAN REVIEW COP~iENTS AND CITY ENGINEER'S COMENTS. TEMPORARY (',ONoTRU(,TION SHACK OKAY 'PER CITY CODE SECTION 3].5: 10.-6. ;251 $ 693.35 01-3253 $ ( 269.43 ) ' 01-3253 $ 01-2222. $ 78-2304.. $.~i 78-3774 $ 78-3158 $. 73-3155 $ 73-3744 $: 73-3842 $ 01 3254 $ 450.68 57.69 693.00 7.00 125.00 125.00 75,00 15.00 23.50 Permit Fee Less Paid Plan Check (receipt # 35880 Plan Check Fee Surcharge SAC (99%) SAC (01%) Sewer Connection Fee Water Connection Fee Tapping Fee Stationary Rod Fee FINAL INSPECTION OCCUPANCY C ERTl FICATE Other DP, AINTILE PERMIT ~20 $ 1,995.79 TOTAL DATE DATE HEATING XX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Ohen permit is granted, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with descr pt on above set forth and according to the provisions of all ordinances of the City of Mound and of all statutes of the State of Minnesota in such cases made and provided. All building permits expire one year after date of issuance, i ', ? [5 7 ~3 ;-'"- ~" ' ' · :"~ APPLICANT DATE > - 1767 - Certificate of Survey for James M. Roberge of LoC, 11-14, Rlock 5, Drea~wood ~'% ~n Hennepin County, Mlnn '~a ~' ~ ~ Existin9 Legal Description Lots 11,12,13 and 14, Block 5, Dreamwood. This survey shows the location of a proposed house in relation to the boundaries of the above described property. It does not purport to show any other im- provements or encroachments. · I Iron marker found o : Iron marker set I Existinq elevation I Proposed elevation Datum~ City of Mound Bearings shown are to an assumed datum. - 1768- CI'I 'Y O[ MOUND MEMORANDUM 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-1155 FAX (612) 472-0620 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 6, 1992 Jim Roberge Jon Sutherland, Building official Setbacks for Proposed Dwelling at 1680 Bluebird Lane, Building Permit #9575 The following minimum setbacks are required for the subject property: Front yard setback to the south, Three Points Blvd. = 30 feet to deck or any other wall of the structure. * Front yard setback to the west, Bluebird Lane ' 20 feet. * Rear yard setback to the north = 15 feet. * Side yard setback to_the..e_ast = 10 feet. ) g~e~_>.~~~~i n~g ~fficial Date Date printed on recycled paper - 1769- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director 4/3/2002 Revised Resolution - Minor Subdivision and Variance(s) for 4770-4782 Northern Road (Bergquist / Logelin) SUMMARY As the City Council is aware, the subdivision and variance(s) request submitted by Paul Bergquist and Dave Logelin (on behalf of Caliund LLC) for the property located at 4770-4782 Northern Road was approved at the March 26, 2002 meeting. Pursuant to Mound City Code Section 350:1215 Subd. 2, when a variance to the shoreland management ordinance has been locally approved and was previously recommended for denial by the DNR, the City must make findings based on the record to support its action and forward a copy of the resolution to the DNR within ten (10) days. Therefore, City staff has prepared a proposed final draft of the resolution which includes findings of fact based on the discussion from the 3/26/02 meeting. Members of the City Council are advised that the new language that has been added to the amended resolution has been underlined to allow for easy review. ACTION It is suggested that the City Council rescind its approval of the draft resolution that was presented at the March 26, 2002 meeting and approve the new resolution which includes the findings of fact based on the record. ATTACHMENTS · Revised resolution- proposed final draft · City Code Chapter 350:1215, Subd. 2 · Letter to DNR Area Hydrologist Travis Germundson dated March 27, 2002 - 1770- RESOLUTION # 02- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION AND RELATED VARIANCES FOR THE PROPERIES LOCATED AT 4770 - 4782 NORTHERN ROAD P & Z CASE # 02-01 AND # 02-05 WHEREAS, the applicants, Paul Bergquist and David Logelin, have submitted a request for a minor subdivision to create two new buildable parcels and have also requested variances to accommodate the proposed homes; mad, WHEREAS, the property is located at the east end of Northern Road adjacent to Seton Channel mad Harrison's Bay mad is legally described on E~fibit A which has been included as m~ attachment; and WHEREAS, the properties are currently developed with 2 single story homes, each under 500 square feet, and have single car detached garages. The properties currently have 8 nonconforming building issues including sideyard, lakeside, and garage setbacks, and flood elevation; and, WHEREAS, the applicam proposes the following development standards mad variances for Parcels A and B: Proposed Required Variance Parcel A Lot Area 7437 sq. ft. 6000 sq. ft. Lot Width 67.67 feet 40 feet Sideyards l0 feet 10 feet Frontyard 1.9 feet 20 feet Lakeside (Seton Chmmel) 21.9 feet 50 feet Lakeside (Harrison's Bay) 31.6 feet 50 feet Hardcover 2066 sq. ft. 2231 sq. ft. 18.1 feet 28.1 feet 18.4 feet -1771 - Parcel B Lot Area 6514 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. Lot Width 60.08 feet 40 feet Sideyards 9 feet 10 feet 1 foot Lakeside 40 feet 50 feet 10 feet Hardcover 1702 sq. ft. 1954.2 sq. ft. Driveway width 30 feet 24 feet 6 feet WHEREAS, the floodplain elevation is also nonconforming for the existing homes mad is likely nonconforming for the two garages if the foundations are not anchored and/or floodproofed properly; and, WHEREAS, the City has established a 931 feet flood elevation for Lake Minnetonka which covers a large majority of Parcel B and almost all of Parcel A. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) standard of 931.5 feet would put all of the land area of both parcels below the flood elevation. Flood elevation compensation issues will need to be addressed bv the MCWD; and, · WHEREAS, the proposed unit for Parcel B is a two story.' design with a 3 car attached garage with doors facing Northern Road. The house maintains a 20 feet front vard setback but shows the side and lakeside yards would require variances. Floodplain elevati~)ns for the garage and first floor would be at or above the minimum 933 feet regulatory, flood protection elevation (RFPE). The driveway is 30 feet wide at the right-of-way which exceeds the maximum 24 feet width. The house plans do not indicate a lakeside deck on the main level. A small second story. deck is indicated in the building plans; and, WHEREAS, the proposed unit for Parcel A is a two story design 2 car attached garage with doors facing the west. The garage is almost double deep at 36 feet. As the development standards indicate, a number of variances are proposed. The most severe is the front yard, although it is the same as the existing garage. Parcel A is a difficult lot as proposed because it does not provide a cmfforming buitdable footprint, largely due to the 50 feet lakeside setback. The house plan does provide a lakeside deck. The garage doors are setback 20 feet from the side lot line; mad WHEREAS, Shoreland Management Regulations (Section 350:1200) identify the shore impact zone as an area within 25 feet of the ordinary high water (OHW) that is essentially a "no- touch .... no-build" zone. The proposed house on Parcel A encroaches 3 feet into the zone; and, WHEREAS, floodplain elevation rules also require a 15 feet area surrounding the house is to be elevated above the flood elevation level; mad, WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed the applications and have recommended approval of the minor subdivision and approval of the varimaces with conditions; mad, WHEREAS, the Plm~ning Commission has reviewed the applications mad has recommended approval with conditions. - 1772- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the minor subdivision and variamces as requested by the applicmxts with the following conditions: A. Minor Subdivision 1. The boundary line between Parcels A and B be moved 1.9 feet to the east. 2. The City Engineer review grading and drainage easements and plans prior to building permit approval. 3. The lots be classified as non-lots of record as defined by the Zoning Code. B. Variances (Parcel A) 1. The minimum setback from the OHW along Seton Chamael be not less than 20 feet. 2. The west garage door wall have a minimum 24 feet setback from the west side lot line. 3. A varimace be grmated to the floodplain elevation requirement for land within 15 feet of the house. (Parcel B) 1. The sideyard setbacks meet code minilnums of 10 feet. 2. The driveway width be not more than 24 feet as measured at the right-of- way. 3. A variance be grmated to the floodplain elevation requirement for land within 15 feet of the house. C. General Conditions 1. Approval of the proposal by the MCWD. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, bv the City Council of the City i of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the minor subdivision and variance requests and makes the following finds of fact based on the record: The proposal consolidates three (3) existing lots of records m~d creates two (2) non-lots of records and therefore removes the potential of overbuilding in the future. - 1773- b. The proposal reduces the overall number of variances on the subiect site from ten {10) to three {3). c. The proposal removes two (2) substandard dwelling units. d. The proposal is an overall improvement to the neighborhood. e. The proposal is consistent with the City's goals to improve housing livability. The minor subdivision and variances are approved for the following legally described property included on Exhibit A as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Cotmcilmember and seconded by The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted March 26, 2002 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: City Clerk - 1774- Exhibit A -1775- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BERQUIST PROPERTY: Parcel 1: All that part of the Lot 29, Subdivision of Lots 1 and 32, Skarp and Lindquist's Ravenswood, lying East of the West 45 feet fi'ont and rear of said Lot 29, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The Easterly 35 feet of the Westerly 45 feet of Lot 29, Subdivision of Lots 1 and 32, Skarp and Lindquist's Ravenswood, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CALIUND LLC PROPERTY: The East Half of Lot 28 and the West 10 feet of Lot 29, Subdivision of Lots 1 and 32, Skarp and Lindquist's Ravenswood, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A (BERQUIST): Lot 29 except the West 30 feet thereof, Subdivision of Lots 1 and 32, Skarp and Lindquisfs Ravenswood, Hennepin County, Minnesota. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL B (CALIUND LLC); The East Half of Lot 28 and the West 30 feet of Lot 29, Subdivision of Lots 1 and 32, Skarp andLindquist's Ravenswood, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Mound City Code 350.1215 350.1215 Depa _rtment of Natural Resources Notifications - Shoreland Management. Subd. 1. Hearing Notices. Copies of all notices of any public hearings to consider variances, amendments, or conditional uses under local shoreland management controls must be sent to the commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative and postmarked at least ten days before the hearings. Notices of hearings to consider proposed subdivisions/plats must include copies of the subdivision/plat. Subd. 2. F!ns! Decislons. A copy of approved amendments and subdivisions/plats, and final decisions granting variances or conditional uses under local shoreland management controls must be sent to the commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative and postmarked within ten days of final action. When a variance is approved after the Department of Natural Resources has formally recommended denial in the hearing record, the notification of the approved variance shall also include the Board of Adjustment's summary of the public record/testimony and the findings of facts and conclusions which supported the issuance of the variance. 350.1220 Shore!~nd Classification System and Land Use Districts Management. Shoreland Subd. 1. Shoreland Classification System. The public waters of the City of Mound have been classified below consistent with the criteria found in Minnesota Regulations, Part 6120.3300, and the Protected Waters 'Inventory Map for Hennepin County, Minnesota. The shoreland area for the waterbodies listed in Subsection 350.1220, Subd. 1.B. shall be as defined in Subsection 350.310, Subd. 121, and as shown on the Official Zoning Map. 122 8/29/94 -1777- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com March 28, 2002 Travis Germundson Area Hydrologist DNR Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 COPy RE: Approval Subdivision / Variance(s) - 4770-4782 Northern Road Dear Mr. Germundson: On behalf of the City of Mound, I wish to inform you that at its March 26, 20'02 meeting, the Mound City Council approved the subdivision and variance application submitted by Paul Bergquist and Dave Logelin (on behalf of Caliund LLC) for the property located at 4770-4782 Northern Road. For your review and information, the following information has been included as an attachment: Executive Summary dated March 21, 2002 Draf~ Resolution # 02 Excerpts from the minutes of the March 4, 2002 Planning Commission meeting. Please be advised that a revised resolution to include the findings of fact based on the record from the March 26, 2002 City Council meeting is being prepared and will be reviewed as a consent agenda item by the City Council at its April 9, 2002 meeting. Pursuant to Mound City Code Section 350:1215 Subd. 2, a copy of the final resolution will be forwarded to you upon execution by the City Council. If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please contact me at 952- 472-3190. Community Development Director orinted on recvcled paper - 1778- April 4, 2002 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound Improvement Project No. 2002 Mound Visions 2nd Addition MFRA #13646 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: Enclosed is a tabulation of the ten bids received on April 3, 2002 for the public improvements in Mound Visions 2nd Addition. The bids ranged from a low of $296,146.25, submitted by Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. of Loretto, Minnesota, to a high bid of $437,522.52. The Engineer's estimate for this project was $334,956 Doboszenski & Sons is a well-established, reliable contractor that has previously worked for the City of Mound. They are also completing the private portion of this project for the developer. We are recommending that a contract in the amount of $296,146,25 be awarded to Doboszenski & Sons. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, John Cameron, City Engineer JC:pry Enclosure cc: Veto Hanson, Metro Plains Development 1600 University Avenue, Suite 212, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3825 s:kmain:\Mou 13646:\Correspondenee~nayor44 -1779- MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOLrrH, MINNF3OTA 55447 ITEMI 8" PVC - SDR35, 0-8' l~plh 8" PVC - SDR35, 8-10' l~p~ 8" PVC - SDR35, 10-12' D~plh g" PVC - SDIOS, 12-14' ~ 8' PVC - SDIOS, 14-16' D~pth Standard 48' Diam~ Manhole, 0-8' D~p~h Coflslm~t Manhol~ Ov~r Existing Main Manhole~ Ex~ra ~ Ov~ 8' 8" x 6" PVC S~rvic~ Wye 6" PVC S~vie~ Pilm 11 12" DIP For~main 12 DIP Fittings 13 Clean-out Manhole 14 Air Rel~aa~ Manhole 15 Granular Foundalion Martial 16 Tel~wis~ Sanitary S~w~r 17 Connmlion to Exisling Forcemain Subtotal Sanitary Sewer ~atcrmain 1 8" DIP Class 52 Watamain wRh Polyelhyl~ne Encasem~nt 2 6" DIP Cla~ 52 Wa~ ~ Poly~yl~o ~t 3 M.J. DIP Fi~gs 4 8" Ro~ii~t W~go ~ V~vo 5 6" R~i~ W~go ~ V~e 6 Hy~ 7 10" x 8" Wot Tap ~ 8" ~ V~vo 8 1" Wa~ ~ ~p 9 1' Cop~ ~ ~ 10 1-I/2~ Wa~ ~ ~p 11 1-1/2' ~p~ ~ 12 2" S~f~ ~lafi~ 13 R~o E~ 4" D~ ~ & Wa~ M~Io 14 ~1~ F~fim Ma~ (if~u~) Subtotal W&i~i~dll Stoml 18" RCP, Class IV, 0-8' Deplh 18" RCP, Class IV, 8-10' Deplh 30" RCP, Class IlL 0-8' Doplh 48" Diameter St~m Sew~r Manhole 66" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 84" Diamel~r Storm Sow~r Manhole Outlet Comrol/gkimm~r S~mcturc Riprap Granular Foundalion Matmial (if required) 84" Diameter Manhole, Extra D~h Owr 8' Subtotal Storm Sewer Repair Courtly Road 110, Remove and Roplac~ City Alloy, Remove and Replace Remove Curb and Outer Remove Sidewalk Conc, re~ Curb and Gutt~r B624' C, ono~ Sidewalk Subto~ Street Repair ToM BID TAB 04/03/02 CITY OF MOUND IMP. PROJECT 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS MFRA//13646 DOBOSZENSKI & ENOINEER'S ESTIMATE SONS~ INC. PRICE [ TOTAL 625.0 LF 15.00 $ 9,375.00 12.00 $ 7,500.00 990.0. LF 17.00 $ 16,830.00 12.00 $ 11,880.00 300.0 LF 18.00 $ 5,400.00 12.00 $ 3,600.00 510.0 LF 20.00 $ 10,200.00 13.00 $ 6,630.00 60.0 LF 22.00 $ 1,320.00 14.50 $ 870.00 13.0 EA 1,600.00 $ 20,800.00 1,300.00 $ 16,900.00 2.0 EA 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 2,858.00 $ 5,776.00 40.0 LF 100.00 $ 4,000.00 76.00 $ 3,040.00 11.0 EA 100.00 $ 1,100.00 56.00 $ 616.00 600,0 LF I0.00 $ 6,000.00 9.00 $ 5,400.00 610.0 LF 30;00 $ 18,300.00 24.00 $ 14,640.00 1,300.0 LB 1.50 $ 1,950.00 2.00 $ 2,600.00 2.0 EA 7,000,00 $ 14,000.00 6,900.00 $ 13,800.00 1.0 EA 8,000,00 $ 8,000.00 7,900.00 $ 7,900,00 400.0 TN 8.00 $ 3,200.00 1.00 $ 400.00 2,485,0 LF 1.00 $ 2,485.00 0.65 $ 1,615.25 2.0 EA 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 2,100.00 $ 4,200.00 $131,960.00 $107,367.25 4,050.0 LF 20.00 $ 81,000.00 17.00 $ 68,850.00 210.0 LF 18.00 $ 3,780.00 16.50 $ 3,465.00 8,000.0 LB 1.20 $ 9,600.00 2.00 $ 16,000.00 16.0 EA 750.00 $ 12,000.00 650.00 $ 10,400.00 10.0 EA 550.00 $ 5,500.00 475.00 $ 4,750.00 10.0 EA 1,500,00 $ 15,000,00 1,623.00 $ 16,230.00 2;0 EA 3,000,00 $ 6,000.00 1,570,00 $ 3,140,00 2.0 EA 200.00 $ 400.00 110.00 $ 220.00 40.0 LF 10.00 $ 400.00 13.00 $ 520.00 11.0 EA 350.00 $ 3,850.00' 210.00 $ 2,310.00 300.0 LF 13.00 $ 3,900.00 13.00 $ 3,900.00 200,0 SF 2.50 $ 500.00 5.00 $ 1,000.00 1.0 LS 800.00 $ 800.00 950.00 $ 950.00 500,0 TN 8.00 $ 4,000.00 1.00 $ 500.00 $146,730.00 $132,235.00 45.0 LF 30.00 $ 1,350.00 24.50 $ 1,102.50 23.0 LF 32.00 $ 736.00 24.50 $ 563.50 447.0 LF 40.00 $ 17,880.00 37.00 $ 16,539.00 2.0 EA 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 1,391.00 $ 2,782.00 1.0 EA 3,000,00 $ 3,000~00 2,258.00 $ 2,258.00 1.0 EA 5,000,00 $ 5,000.00 3,B42.00 $ 3,842.00 L0 EA 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 4,627.00 $ 4,627.00 20.0 CY 70,00 $ 1,400.00 70.00 $ 1,400.00 100,0 TN 8.00 $ 800.00 1.00 $ 100~00 1.8 LF 300.00 $ 540.00 250.00 $ 450.00 $ 37,706.00 $ 33,664.00 375.0 SY 30,00 $ 11,250.00 40.00 $ 15,000~00 160;0 SY 20,00 $ 3,200.00 30.00 $ 4,800.00 70.0 LF 8.00 $ 560.00 2.00 $ 140,00 500.0 SF 1.00 $ 500.00 1.00 $ 500,00 70.0 LF 15.00 $ 1,050.00 17.00 $ 1,190.00 500.0 SF 4.00 $ 2,000.00 2.50 $ 1,250.00 - 1780- $ 18,560.00 $ 22,880.00 $334,956.00 $296,146.25 MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 Snnimrv Sewer I 8" PVC - SDR35, 0-8' I~plh .2 8" PVC - SDR35, 8-10' Deplh 8" PVC - gDR35, 10-12' Deplh 8" PVC - SDR35, 12-14' D~plh 8" PVC - $DR35, 14-16' Deplh Slandard 48" Diamet~ Manhole, 0-8' Deplh Conslmct Manhole Over Existing Main Manhole, Extra Deplh Over 8' 8" x 6" PVC S~,ic~ Wye 0 6" PVC S~vice Pil~ 11 12' DIP Forc~nain 12 DIP Fittings 13 Clean-out Manhole 14 Air Releas~ Manhole 15 Granular Foundation Material 16 Televise Sanitary Sewer 17 Connection to Existing Forcemain Subtotal Sanitary Sewer Watermain 8" DIP Class 52 Wat~nnain wilh Polyelhylene Encas~m~nt 6" DIP Class 52 Watormain wilh Polyelhyione Encasement M.J. DIP Fillings 8" Resilient Wedge G-ate Valve 6" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Hydrants 10' x 8" Wet Tap with 8" Gate Valve 1" Water Service Group 1" Copper Service Pip~ 0 1-1/2" Water S~vice Croup 11 1-1/2" Copper Service Pip~ 12 2" Styrofoam Insulation 13 R~move Ex. 4" DIP Lead & Water Manhole 14 Granular Foundation Material (if rexluirod) Subtotal Wat~main Storm Sewer 18" RCP, Class IV, 0-8' Doplh 18" RCP, Class IV, 8-10' Depth 30" RCP, Class III, 0-8' Deplh 48" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 66" Diameter Sto~n Sewer Manhole 84" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole Outlet ConU'ol/Skimmer S~-ucturo Riprap Granular Foundation Material (if required) 0 84" Diameter Manhole, Extra Deplh Over 8' Subtotal Storm Sewer County Rend 110, Remove and Replace City Alley, Remove and Replace Ramove Curb and Gutter Remove Sidewalk Concrete Curb and Gutter 13624' Concrete Sidewalk Subtotal Smmt Repair Total BID TAB 04/03/02 625.0 LF 990.0 LF 300.0 LF 510.0 LF 60.0 LF 13.0 EA 2.0 EA 40.0 LF 11.0 EA 600.0 LF 610.0 LF 1,300.0 LB 2.0 EA 1.0 EA 400.0 TN 2,485.0 LF 2.0 EA 4,050.0 LF 210.0 LF 8,000.0 LB 16.0 EA 10.0 EA 10.0 EA 2.0 EA 2.0 EA 40.0 LF 11.0 EA 300.0 LF 200.0 SF 1.0 LS 500.0 TN CITY OF MOUND IMP. PROJECT 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS MFRA #13646 KOBER EXCAVATING, NODLAlqD INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL 14.00 $ 8,750.00 17.00 $ 10,625.00 13.00 $ 12,870.00 18.00 $ 17,820.00 15.00 $ 4,500.00 19.00 $ 5,700.00 17.00 $ 8,670.00 20.00 $ 10,200.00 20.00 $ 1,200.00 21.00 $ 1,260.00 1,700.00 $ 22,100.00 1,800.00 $ 23,400.00 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 97.00 $ 3,880.00 100.00 $ 4,000.00 65.00 $ 715.00 160.00 $ 1,760.00 6.65 $ 3,990.00 13.00 $ 7,800.00 23.00 $ 14,030.00 29.00 $ 17,690.00 1.69 $ 2,197.00 2.50 $ 3,250.00 7,800.00 $ 15,600.00 7,500.00 $ 15,000.00 8,700.00 $ 8,700.00 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 8.00 $ 3,200.00 0.01 $ 4.00 0.63 $ 1,565.55 0.60 $ 1,491.00 1,820.00 $ 3,640.00 500.00 $ 1,000.00 $121,607.55 $135,000.00 17.00 $ 68,850.00 19.00 $ 76,950.00 14.00 $ 2,940.00 18.00 $ 3,780.00 1.38 $ 11,040.00 1.25 $ 10,000.00 690.00 $ 11,040.00 700.00 $ 11,200.00 510.00 $ 5,100.00 500.00 $ 5,000.00 1,700.00 $ 17,000.00 1,500.00 $ 15,000.00 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00 2,750.00 $ 5,500.00 123.00 $ 246.00 200.00 $ 400.00 8.00 $ 320.00 12.00 $ 480.00 230.00 $ 2,530.00 325.00 $ 3,575.00 11.00 $ 3,300.00 13.00 $ 3,900.00 1.69 $ 338.00 1.50 $ 300.00 920.00 $ 920.00 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 8.00 $ 4,000.00 0.01 $ 5.00 $131,224.00 $137,090.00 45.0 LF 24.00 $ 1,080.00 35.00 $ 1,575.00 23.0 LF 24.00 $ 552.00 35.00 $ 805.00 447.0 LF 42.00 $ 18,774.00 50.00 $ 22,350.00 2.0 EA 1,300.00 $ 2,600.00 1,300.00 $ 2,600.00 1.0 EA 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 1.0 EA 4,300.00 $ 4,300.00 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 1.0 EA 2,900.00 $ 2,900.00 3,250.00 $ 3,250.00 20.0 CY 63.00 $ 1,260.00 60.00 $ 1,200.00 100.0 TN 8.00 $ 800.00 0.01 $ 1.00 1.8 LF 320.00 $ 576.00 500.00 $ 900.00 $ 35,342.00 $ 41,181.00 375.0 SY 28.00 $ 10,500.00 35.00 $ 13,125.00 160.0 SY 23.00 $ 3,680.00 20.00 $ 3,200.00 70.0 LF 4.11 $ 287.70 3.00 $ 210.00 500.0 SF 1.64 $ 820.00 1.00 $ 500.00 70.0 LF 31.00 $ 2,170.00 22.00 $ 1,540.00 500.0 SF 5.61 $ 2,805.00 6.50 $ 3,250.00 -1781 - $ 20,262.70 $ 21,825.00 $308,436.25 $33 5,096.00 MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 Sanitary Sewer I 8' PVC - SDR35, 0-8' Depth 2 8" PVC - SDR35, 8-10' Eh~pth 3 8" PVC - SDR35, 10-12' Depth 4 8" PVC - SDR35, 12-14' D~th 5 8" PVC - SDR35, 14-16' Depth 6 81endnrd 48" Diameter Manhole, 0-8' Depth 7 Conslruct Manhole Over Existing Main 8 M~hol~, Exlrn ~ Over 8' 9 8" x 6" PVC Servie~ Wye 10 6" PVC Sorvi~ Pipe 11 12" DIP Foreemaln 12 DIP Fittings 13 Clam-out Manhole 14 Air Releas~ Manhole 15 Granular Foundation Martial 16 Tol~vise ~nitary Sower 17 Connection ~o Existing Foroemain BID TAB CITY OF MOUND 04/03/02 IMP. PRO~e~2T 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS /vipRA #13646 BURSCHVILLE KUSSKE CONSTRUCTION~ INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. PRICE [ TOTAL 625.0 LF 13.00 $ 8,125,00 990.0 LF 15.00 $ 14,850.00 300,0 LF 17.00 $ 5,100.00 510~0 LF 19.00 $ 9,690.00 60.0 LF 2L00 $ 1,260.00 13,0 EA 1,650~00 $ 21,450.00 2.0 EA 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 40.0 LF 90.00 $ 3,600.00 11,0 EA 45.00 $ 495.00 600.0 LF 10.00 $ 6,000.00 610.0 LF 26.00 $ 15,860.00 1,300.0 LB 2,00 $ 2,600.00 2.0 EA 6,200,00 $ 12,400.00 1.0 EA 6,400,00 $ 6,400~00 400,0 TN 20,00 $ 8,000,00 2,485;0 LF 0.80 $ 1,988,00 2.0 EA 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 13.45 $ 8,406.25 14.00 $ 13,860.00 14.75 $ 4,425.00 15.50 $ 7,9O5.00 16,00 $ 960.00 1,440.00 $ 18,720.00 2,650.00 $ 5,300.00 110.00 $ 4,400.00 50.00 $ 550.00 13.40 $ 8,040.00 24.20 $ 14,762.00 1.30 $ 1,690.00 8,250.oo $16,500.00 9,o9o.00 $ 9,o9o.00 6,OO $ 2,400.00 0.70 $ 1,739.50 1,700.00 $ 3,400.00 Subtotal Sanila~, Sewer $128,818.00 $122,147.75 Watennaln I 8" DIP Class 52 Watermaln with Polyothylene Encasoment 2 6' DiP Class 52 Watermain with Polyethylene Encascment 3 M.J. DIP Fittings 4 8" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve 5 6" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve 6 Hydrants 7 10" x 8' Wot Tap with 8" Gate Valve 8 1" Waler Sorvi~e Group 9 1" Copper Servi~ Pipe 10 1-1/2" Waler Sorviee Group 11 I-1/2" Copper S~vi~e Pipe 12 2" Styrofoam Insulation 13 Remove Ex. 4" DIP Lead & Water Mnnholo 14 Omnular Foundation Mal~ial (if required) 4,050.0 LF 19.50 $ 78,975.00 210.0 LF 17.00 $ 3,570.00 8,000.0 LB 1.00 $ 8,000.00 16.0 EA 700.00 $ 11,200.00 10.0 EA 600~00 $ 6,000.00 10.0 EA 1,500,00 $ 15,000.00 2.0 EA 2,400.00 $ 4,800,00 2.0 EA 110.00 $ 220.00 40,0 LF 8.00 $ 320.00 11.0 EA 275.00 $ 3,025.00 300.0 LF 10.00 $ 3,000.00 200,0 SF 2.00 $ 400.00 1.0 LS 1,500;00 $ 1,500.00 500.0 TN 7.00 $ 3,500.00 18.20 $ 73,710.00 15.50 $ 3,255.00 1.10 $ 8,800.0O 690.00 $ 11,040.00 520.00 $ 5,200.00 1,660.00 $ 16,600,00 1,675.00 $ 3,350.00 170.00 $ 340.00 9.60 $ 384.00 270.00 $ 2,970.00 10~60 $ 3,180,00 4.25 $ 850.OO 1,975.00 $ 1,975.00 6.00 $ 3,000.00 Subtotal Watennaln $139,510.00 $134,654.00 Storm Sower 18' RCP, Class IV, 0-8' Depth 18" RCP, Class IV, 8-10' Depth 3 30" RCP, Cls~s HI, 0-8' Depth 4 48" Diamoter Stenn Sower Manholo 66" Diameter Storm Sower Manhole 84" Diarnote~ Storm Sewer Manhole Outlet Conlrol/Sldmmer Slructor~ 8 Riprap 9 Gnmular Foundation Material (if required) 10 84' Diameter Manhole, Ex~ra Depth Over 8' 45.0 LF 25,00 $ 1,125.00 23.0 LF 27,00 $ 621.00 447.0 LF 43,25 $ 19,332.75 2.0 EA 1,450.00 $ 2,900.00 1.0 EA 3,150.00 $ 3,150.00 1.0 EA 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 1.0 EA 2,800,00 $ 2,800,00 20.0 CY 75.00 $ 1,$00.00 100.0 TN 7.00 $ 700.00 1.8 LF 380,00 $ 684.00 25.85 $ 1,163.25 26.50 $ 609.50 43.25 $ 19,332.75 1,850,00 $ 3,700.00 3,395.00 $ 3,395,00 4,750,00 $ 4,750.00 6,270.00 $ 6,270.00 50.00 $ 1,000.00 6.00 $ 600.00 395,00 $ 711,00 Subtotal Storm Sower $ 38,312.75 $ 41,531.50 County Road 110, Remove end Replace City Alley, Remove end Replace Remove Curb and Gull~ Remove Sidewalk Con~ Curb end Gutter 13624' Coner~ Sidewalk 375.0 SY 54.00 $ 20,250.00 160.0 SY 33.00 $ 5,280.00 70.0 LF 5.00 $ 350.00 500,0 SF 2.00 $ 1,000.00 70.0 LF 23.00 $ 1,610.00 500,0 SF 5.00 $ 2,500.00 79,00 $ 29,625.00 40.00 $ 6,400.00 3.00 $ 210.00 0.50 $ 250.00 25.00 $ 1,750.00 4.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal S~oetRopeir $ 30,990.00 $ 40,235.00 Total $337,630.75 $538,568.25 - 1782- MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 Sanitary Sewer 8" PVC - SDR35, 0-8' Depth 8" PVC - SDR35, g-10' D~pth 8" PVC - SDR35, 10-12' Depth 8' PVC- SDR35, 12-14' Depth 8" PVC - $DR35, 14-16' Depth Standard 48" Diameter Manhole, 0-8' D~pth Conalruet Manhole Over Existing Main Manhole, Extra Depth Over 8' 8" x 6" PVC Service Wye 0 6" PVC Service Pipe 11 12" DIP Foremnain 12 DIP Fittings 13 Clean-out Manhole 14 Air Release Manhole 15 Granular Foundation Material 16 Televise Sanitary Sewer 17 Cennoction to Existing Forceraain Subtotal SanitaW Sewer Wat~rmain I 8" DIP Class 52 Watorraain with Polyethylene Enc~somont 2 6" DIP Class 52 Watermain with Polyeflaylene Eneasement 3 M.J. DIP Fittings 4 8" Resilient W~dgo Gate Valve 5 6" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve 6 Hydrants 7 10" x 8" Wet Tap wilh 8" Gate Valve 8 1" Water Service Group 9 1" Copper Servie~ Pipe 10 1- I/2" Water Service Group 11 1-I/2" Copper Servic~ Pipe 12 2" Styrofoam Insulation 13 Remove Ex. 4" DIP Lead & Water Manhole 14 Granular Foundation Material (if required) Subtotal Watermain Storm Sewer I 18" RCP, Class IV, 0-8' Depth 2 18" RCP, Class IV, 8-10' Depth 3 30" RCP, Class III, 0-8' Depth 4 48" Diam~er Storm Sewer Manhole 5 66" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 6 84" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 7 Outlet Conlrol/Skimmer S~ucture 8 Riprap 9 Granular Foundation Material (ifr~quired) I0 84" Diameter Manhole, Extra Depth Over 8' Subtotal Storm Sewer BID TAB 04/03/02 O.L. CONTRACTINO, INC. PRICE TOTAL CITY OF MOUND IMP. PROJECT 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS F.F. JEDLICKI, INC. PRICE [ TOTAL 625.0 LF 15.40 $ 9,625.00 21.00 $ 13,125.00 990.0 LF 16.30 $ 16,137.00 23.00 $ 22,770.00 300.0 LF 17.40 $ 5,220.00 25.00 $ 7,500.00 510.0 LF 18.70 $ 9,537.00 27.00 $ 13,770.00 60.0 LF 20.30 $ 1,218.00 30.00 $ 1,800.00 13.0 EA 1,526.80 $ 19,848.40 1,850.00 $ 24,050.00 2.0 EA 1,958.40 $ 3,916.80 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 40.0 LF 109.90 $ 4,396.00 90.00 $ 3,600.00 11.0 EA 67.30 $ 740.30 120.00 $ 1,320.00 600.0 LF 12.70 $ 7,620.00 16.00 $ 9,600.00 610.0 LF 27.30 $ 16,653.00 32.00 $ 19,520.00 1,300.0 LB 3.10 $ 4,030.00 2.00 $ 2,600.00 2.0 EA 7,201.70 $ 14,403.40 6,900.00 $ 13,800.00 1.0 EA 6,580.00 $ 6,580.00 9,300.00 $ 9,300.00 400.0 TN 18.70 $ 7,480.00 8.00 $ 3,200.00 2,485.0 LF 0.69 $ 1,714.65 0.75 $ 1,863.75 2.0 EA 873.10 $ 1,746.20 3,800.00 $ 7,600.00 $130,865.75 $160,418.75 4,050.0 LF 18.60 $ 75,330.00 24.00 $ 97,200.00 210.0 LF 15.90 $ 3,339.00 17.00 $ 3,570.00 8,000.0 LB 2.60 $ 20,800.00 2.00 $ 16,000.00 16.0 EA 831.40 $ 13,302.40 900.00 $ 14,400.00 10.0 EA 596.00 $ 5,960.00 700.00 $ 7,000.00 10.0 EA 1,963.50 $ 19,635.00 1,900.00 $ 19,000.00 2.0 EA 2,544.80 $ 5,089.60 2,600.00 $ 5,200.00 2.0 EA 151.40 $ 302.80 140.00 $ 280.00 40.0 LF 12.70 $ 508.00 10.00 $ 400.00 11.0 EA 306.10 $ 3,367.10 160.00 $ 1,760.00 300.0 LF 20.10 $ 6,030.00 12.00 $ 3,600.00 200.0 SF 1.20 $ 240.00 4.00 $ 800.00 1.0 LS 719.32 $ 719.32 2,600.00 $ 2,600.00 500.0 TN 18.70 $ 9,350.00 8.00 $ 4,000.00 $163,973.22 $175,810.00 45.0 LF 27.10 $ 1,219.50 23.00 $ 1,035.00 23.0 LF 29.10 $ 669.30 25.00 $ 575.00 447.0 LF 49.10 $ 21,947.70 41.00 $ 18,327.00 2.0 EA 308.30 $ 616.60 1,950.00 $ 3,900.00 1.0 EA 3,553.20 $ 3,553.20 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1.0 EA 6,017.00 $ 6,017.00 4,900.00 $ 4,900.00 1.0 EA 4,045.50 $ 4,045.50 2,900.00 $ 2,900.00 20.0 CY 92.80 $ 1,856.00 85.00 $ 1,700.00 100.0 TN 18.70 $ 1,870.00 8.00 $ 800.00 1.8 LF 380.40 $ 684.72 375.00 $ 675.00 $ 42,479.52 $ 37,812.00 1 2 3 4 5 County Road 110, Remove and Replace City Alley, Remove and Replace Remove Curb and Gutter Remove Sidewalk Concrete Cmo and Gutter B624' Concr~e Sidewalk Subtotal Street Repair Total 375.0 SY 76.30 $ 28,612.50 160.0 SY 35.40 $ 5,664.00 70.0 LF 2.00 $ 140.00 500.0 SF 0.51 $ 255.00 70.0 LF 25.00 $ 1,750.00 500.0 SF 3.40 $ 1,700.00 - 1783- $ 38,121.50 $375,439.99 32.00 $ 12,000.00 25.00 $ 4,000.00 4.00 $ 280.00 1.00 $ 500.00 29.00 $ 2,030.00 8.00 $ ~000.00 $ 22,810.00 ~96,850.75 MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 ~anitarv Sewer I 8" PVC - SDR35, 0.8' ~ 2 8" PVC- SDR35, 8-10' Deplh 3 8" PVC - SDR35, 10-12' ~ 4 8" PVC - SDR35, 12-14' Deplh 5 8" PVC - SDR35, 14-16' Dop~h 6 Standard 48" Diameter Manhole, 0-8' Depth 7 Conslm~t Manhole Over Existing Main 8 Manhole, Exlra Dop~h Ov~ 8' 9 8" x 6' PVC Service Wyo 10 6" PVC Service Pipe 11 12" DIP Forcemain 12 DIP Fittings 13 Cioen-out Manholo 14 Air Rel~a~o Manhole 15 Granular Foundation Material 16 Tel~wi~o Sanitary Sew~ 17 Connoction 1o Existing Forcemain BID TAB CITY OF MOUND 04/03/02 IMP. PROJECT 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS MFRA #13646 ERIN CONTRACTING, S.R. WEIDEMA~ INC. INC. PRICE I TOTAL 625.0 LF 22.95 $ 14,343.75 14.50 $ 9,062.50 990,0 LF 22.95 $ 22,720.50 14.50 $ 14,355.00 300.0 LF 22.95 $ 6,885.00 18,00 $ 5,400.00 510,0 LF 22.95 $ 11,704.50 20.00 $ 10,200.00 60:0 LF 22.95 $ 1,377.00 24.00 $ 1,440.00 13.0 EA 1,634.00 $ 21,242,00 1,350,00 $ 17,550~00 2.0 EA 3,025,00 $ 6,050.00 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 40,0 LF 98.15 $ 3,926.00 150.00 $ 6,000.00 11.0 EA 39.70 $ 436.70 100.00 $ 1,100.00 600,0 LF 14.65 $ 8,790.00 10.75 $ 6,450.00 610.0 LF 25.10 $ 15,311.00 28.00 $ 17,080.00 1,300.0 LB 2.75 $ 3,575.00 2.50 $ 3,250.00 2.0 EA 8,354.00 $ 16,708.00 6,200.00 $ 12,400.00 1,0 EA 8,874.00 $ 8,874.00 8,200,00 $ 8,200.00 400.0 TN 23,05 $ 9,220.00 27.50 $ 11,000.00 2,485.0 LF 0;65 $ 1,615.25 0.75 $ 1,863.75 2.0 EA 931.00 $ 1,862.00 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Subtotal Sani~'y Sew~' $154,640.70 $134,351.25 Wat~main I 8' DIP Class 52 Wal~main with Polyethyl~n~ Enca.mm~t 2 6" DIP Class 52 Watonnaln wilh Polyethylen~ Eneas~ment 3 M.J. DIP Fittings 4 8" Resilient Wedgo Gate Valve 5 6" Resilient Wodge Gato Valvo 6 Hydranls 7 10" x 8" Wet Tap wilh 8" Gate Valve 8 1" Water Service Group 9 1" Copper Servic~ Pipe 10 1-1/2" Water Servic~ Group 11 1-1/2" Copper Service Pipe 12 2" Styrofoam Insulation 13 Remove Ex. 4" DIP Lead & Water Manhole 14 Onmular Foundation Material (if required) 4,050.0 LF 25.40 $102,870.00 31.50 $127,575.00 210.0 LF 35.70 $ 7,497.00 19.50 $ 4,095.00 8,000.0 LB 1.65 $ 13,200.00 2.50 $ 20,000.00 16.0 EA 723.16 $ 11,570,56 835,00 $ 13,360.00 10,0 EA 508.20 $ 5,082.00 645.21 $ 6,452.10 10,0 EA 1,853.00 $ 18,530.00 2,200.00 $ 22,000.00 2.0 EA 3,314.00 $ 6,628.00 1,500,00 $ 3,000.00 2.0 EA 120.50 $ 241,00 170.42 $ 340.84 40.0 LF 26.45 $ 1,058.00 13.26 $ 530.40 11,0 EA 205.00 $ 2,255.00 220.80 $ 2,428.80 300.0 LF 21.00 $ 6,300.00 16.26 $ 4,878,00 200.0 SF 2.45 $ 490.00 2.60 $ 520.00 1.0 LS 1,416,00 $ 1,416.00 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 500.0 TN 22.90 $ 11,450.00 27.50 $ 13,750.00 Subtotal Walennain $188, 587.56 ~20,730.14 Storm Sower I ' 18" RCP, Class IV, 0-8' Deplh 2 18" RCP, Class IV, 8,10' Deplh 3 30" RCP, Class HI, 0-8' Depth 4 48' Diemeter Sltnm Sewer Manhole 5 66" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 6 84,' Diemetor Storm Sewer Manhole 7 Outlet Con~rol/Skimmer Structur~ 8 Rilxap 9 Ornnulnr Foundation Material (if required) 10 $4" Diameter Manhole, Exlra Deplh Over 8' 45.0 LF 30.25 $ 1,361.25 23,0 LF 34.30 $ 788,90 447.0 LF 43.95 $ 19,645.65 2.0 EA 1,634.00 $ 3,268.00 L0 EA 3,840.00 $ 3,840.00 1.0 EA 5,138.00 $ 5,138,00 1.0 EA 3,526.00 $ 3,526.00 20.0 CY 82.80 $ 1,656.00 100.0 TN 22.95 $ 2,295.00 1,8 LF 322.20 $ 579,96 39.00 $ 1,755.00 39.00 $ 897.00 48,00 $ 21,456.00 1,200.00 $ 2,400,00 3,8000.00 $ 3,800,00 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 45.00 $ 900.00 27.50 $ 2,750.00 425.00 $ 765.00 Subtotal Storm Sower $ 42,098.76 $ 44,623.00 Slrcet R~air 1 County Road 110, Remove and Replac~ 2 City Alloy, Remove and Replaco 3 Remove Curb and Outtor 4 R~movo Sidewalk 5 Concrete Curb and Gaiter 13624' 6 Con~et~ Sidewalk 375,0 SY 44.00 $ 16,500.00 160.0 SY 23.60 $ 3,776.00 70.0 LF 4.73 $ 331.10 500,0 SF 0.92 $ 460,00 70:0 LF 17.85 $ 1,249.50 500.0 SF 3.15 $ 1,575.00 45.00 $ 16,875.00 35,00 $ 5,600.00 15.00 $ 1,050.00 1.25 $ 625.00 20.00 $ 1,400.00 6.00 $ 3,000.00 Subtotal SlreetRepair $ 23,891~60 $ 28,550.00 Total $409,218.62 $428,254.39 - 1784- MFRA 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55~7 Sow~ I 8" PVC - SDPOS. 0-8' Depth 2 8" PVC - SDR3$. 8-10' Depth 3 8" PVC - SDPOS. 10,12' Depth 4 8' PVC- SDR35. 12-14' Dopfll 8' PVC- SDR35. 14-16' Depth Standard 48" Diameter Manhole. 0-8' Depth Conslruct Mmhole Over Exisiing Main 8 Manhole, Ex~ra Dop~ Over 8' 9 8" x 6" PVC Service Wye 10 6" PVC Service Pipo I1 12' DIP Forcomaln 12 DIP Firfngs 13 Clmm-out Manhole 14 Air Release Manhole 15 (h'~ular Foundation Material 16 Televise Sanit~'y Sewer 17 Connection to Existing Forcomaln Subtotsl Sanitary Sower Watermaln 10 11 12 13 14 8" DIP Class 52 Watermain wflh Polyethylene Encasom~nt 6" DIP Class 52 Watermaln wilh Polyethylene Encasement M.J. DIP Fitlings 8" Resilient W~dge Gate Valve 6" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Hydrants 10" x 8" Wet Tap wflh 8" Oate Valve 1" Water SmMco Group 1" Copper Service Pilm 1-1/2' Water Service Group 1-1/2" Copper Service Pipe 2' Styrofoam Insulation Reraove Ex 4" DIP Lead & Water Manhole Granular Foundation Material (if required) Subtotal Watetmain Storm Sower 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18" RCP, Class IV, 0.8' Deplh 18" RCP, Class IV, 8-10' Deplh 30" RCP, Class HI, 0.8' Deplh 48" Diameter Storm Sewer Manhole 66" Diameter Storm Sower Manhole 84" Diamcter Storm Sower Manhole Outlet Cona'ol/Skimmer Structure Riprap Granular Foundation Material (if required) 84" Diameter Manhole, Extra Depth Over 8' Subtotal Storm Sewer Slroot Repair I Counly Road 110, R~move and Replace 2 Cily All~y, Remove and Roplac~ 3 Romove Curb and Gutter 4 Rmnove Sidewalk 5 Concrete Curb and Gutter B624' 6 Concrete Sidewalk Subtotal S~reot Repair Total s:\oxcol:\proj octs:\payestiraate:XMound\13646-bid BID TAB 04/03/02 NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION ~ TOTAL 625.0 LF 20.96 $ 13,100.00 990.0 LF 20.96 $ 20,750.40 300~0 LF 22,60 $ 6,750~00 510.0 LF 24.60 $ 12,546.00 60.0 LF 27.10 $ 1,626.00 13.0 EA 1,545.89 $ 20,096.57 2.0 EA 2,595.89 $ 5,191.78 40.0 LF 121.89 $ 4,875.60 11.0 EA 315.08 $ 3,465.88 600,0 LF 20.32 $ 12,192.00 610,0 LF 31.44 $ 19,178.40 1,300.0 LB 1.76 $ 2,288.00 2.0 EA 8,869,80 $ 17,739.60 1.0 EA 9,173.33 $ 9,173.33 400.0 TN 17.18 $ 6,872.00 2,485.0 LF 0.68 $ 1,689.80 2.0 EA 12,500.00 $ 25,000.00 $182,565.36 4,050.0 LF 23.39 $ 94,729.50 210.0 LF 20.93 $ 4,395.30 8,000.0 LB 1.75 $ 14,000.00 16.0 EA 747,47 $ 11,959.52 10.0 EA 567.48 $ 5,674.80 10.0 EA 1,536.47 $ 15,364.70 2.0 EA 1,921.16 $ 3,842.32 2,0 EA 226.53 $ 453.06 40.0 LF 15.35 $ 614.00 11.0 EA 423.60 $ 4,659.60 300.0 LF 20.32 $ 6,096.00 200,0 SF 1.85 $ 370.00 1.0 LS 4,500.00 $ 4,500,00 500.0 TN 17.18 $ 8,590.00 $175,248.80 45.0 LF 33.35 $ 1,500.75 23:0 LF 33.35 $ 767.05 447.0 LF 50.82 $ 22,716.54 2.0 EA 1,554.41 $ 3,108.82 1.0 EA 3,020.58 $ 3,020.58 L0 EA 4,657.21 $ 4,657.21 1.0 EA 4,350.49 $ 4,350.49 20.0 CY 80:00 $ 1,600~00 100.0 TN 17.18 $ 1,718.00 1.8 LF 389.68 $ 701,42 $ 44,140.86 375.0 SY 66.50 $ 24,937.50 160.0 SY 28.00 $ 4,480.00 70:0 LF 10.00 $ 700.00 500.0 SF 1.00 $ 500.00 70.0 LF 35.00 $ 2,450.00 500.0 SF 5.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 35,567.50 $437,522.52 -1785- CITY OF MOUND IMP. PROJECT 2002 MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION PUBLIC UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS MFRA #13646 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02-__ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR "IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2002 (MOUND VISIONS 2"r~)'' WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the "Improvement Project 2002 (Mound Visions 2n~)" , bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Burschville Construction, Inc./Hanover, MN Doboszenski & Sons, Inc./Loretto, MN Erin Contracting, Inc./Coon Rapids, MN G.L. Contracting/Medina, MN F.F. Jedlicki, Inc./Eden Prairie, MN Kober Excavating, Inc./Elk River, MN Kusske Construction Co., Inc./Chaska, MN Nodland Construction Co., Inc./Alexandria, MN Northdale Construction/Rogers, MN S.R. Weidema, Inc./Maple Grove, MN $ 337,630.75 $ 296,146.25 $ 428,254.39 $ 375,439.99 $ 396,850.75 $ 308,436.25 $ 338,568.25 $ 335,096.00 $ 437,522.52 $ 409,218.62 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Doboszenski & Sons, Inc., of Loretto, MN is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESO.LVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Doboszenski & Sons of Loretto, MN, in the name of the City of Mound for the "Improvement Project 2002 (Mound Visions 2~)" according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 1 - 1786- Reeolutlon No. 02-__ The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember and seconded by The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this day of ,2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisei 2 - 1787- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADDENDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director April 1, 2002 Public Lands Permit Application - 1791 Resthaven Lane James Powers Sunset Landing Request to Allow Continued Placement of Landscaping Elements in Sunset Landing Right-Of-Way SUMMARY At its March 12, 2002 meeting, the City Council reviewed the application from James Powers for an "after-the-fact" Public Lands Permit to allow a number of evergreen trees and retaining wall section(s) to remain in Sunset Landing which were installed in error by the builder, Superior Value Homes, when the new home was constructed in 2000. Subsequently, the City Council tabled the discussion to its April 9, 2002 meeting pending additional information from City staff regarding the size and species of the evergreen trees and comments from the City Attorney whether or not the former builder has any responsibility to correct the aforementioned encroachments. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Evergreen Trees. As requested, Parks Director Fackler has obtained information from the University of Minnesota regarding the description of the evergreen trees which has been included as an attachment. In summary, the trees will mature to a height from 40 to 60 feet and a width of 20 to 30 feet. Builder Responsibility. City Attorney John Dean has commented that if the City wants the encroachments removed, the discussions need to be with the current property owners. ATTACHMENTS · Excerpts frOm March 12, 2002 City Council meeting minutes. ~ Memorandum dated March 15, 2002 from Parks Director Fackler - 1788- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 12, 2002 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 12, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. C~)u-r~Cil,me ~ ber-.~pr~es~n~:~; A~fi n-g-Mayo~M~EHai~:as;-' Coun-~lmembers-BobB~rown; David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Councilmembers Absent: Mayor Pat Meisel Others Present: City Attorney, John Dean; City Manager, Kandis Hanson; City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter; Community Development Director, Sarah Smith;~police Chief, Len Harrell; Nancy Schut~ of SEH, Inc; Jeff Anderson, Richard .~ens, Lorrie Ham Consent Agenda: Ail items listed under the Consent A~i~ considered to be routine in nature by the Council and wi//be enacted.~:~.:~~' roll ~iii~Ote. There wi//be no separate discussion on these items un/ess a Co~i~nember o?'~:=~en so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the ~Sent Agenda an~i?'~nsidered in normal sequence: 8. PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION - POWERS- 1791 RESTHAVEN:LANF sarah smith info,ed t~he Council that the aPplicant, Jim Powers', is reque~ti!ng an "after-the-fact" PUblic Lands Permit to allow a number of evergreen trees and retaining wall section to remain within Sunset Landing. The Docks and Common Commission had been advised that the landscaping elements were instalied in the Sunset Landing right-of-way in error by the bui{der, Superior Value Homes, when the new home at 1791 Resthaven Lane was constructed. The builder was informed of these encroachments before selling the proper~y te Powers. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the problems: that these encroachments could cause, including adding difficulty in backing a trailer to the landing and parking in the. area. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to table action on the item and direct staff to research the oharacteristics of the trees to determine how large they will get and. to contact the City Attorney for his opinion on who is responsible for the encroachment - the builder or the current owner. Ail voted in favor. Motion carried. - 1789- $34i MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 5S364-1687 ~soo FAX (612) 472,0620 March 15, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: M~yor/City Council . { ~ \) FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Dlrectork~/ ~ u REF: Public Lands Permit - 1791 Resthaven Lane. Attached is the description of four evergreen trees from the University of Minnesota. The type of tree was never told to staff but I believe it will fall into one of the four. As you will note all the trees mature to a height from 40' to 60' and a width of 20' to 30'. Cc: Kandis Hanson, city Manager Sarah Smith, Community Development Coordinator Attachments, Tree Description NORWAY SPRUCE Factsheet 63 Picea abies Outstanding Features: ~( "' E~e-rgr e-~fo~ulourbran~htets~ont~ ' ~v~~~ branches create a graceful form. Description: Height: 40-65' Width: 20-35' Hardiness Zone: 3b Norway Spruce is a large conifer that is well adapted to much of the upper midwest. It is faster growing than many of the other spruces. It has a pyramidal form, developing long, pendulous branehlets with age. On older specimens, the lateral branches arise horizontally from the trunk, droop slightly and then have a slight upward curve near the tips with many pendulous branchlets in between. Foliage color is dark green. Norway Spruce prbduees pendulous cones up to 6" long. Requirements and Culture: Prefers soil with ample moisture. Transplants well. Best in full sun, since foliage becomes sparse in shade. Limitations: No serious insect or disease problems. Selected Cultivars: 'Acrocona' - is a small growing cultivar that is much denser than the species. It produces a heavy crop of cones that are quite attractive. Photo Credit: 1 MLA; 2 DCTC. ® IP~mtnno~o~ po~r UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA -1791 - - 1792- WHITE SPRUCE Picea glauca Outstanding Features: Very hardy, adaptable conifer. Factsheet 64 Description: Height: 40-60' Width: 20-30' Hardiness Zone: 2b White Spruce is a densely pyramidal evergreen conifer. The needles are dusty green to blue green in color. This spruce is quite adaptable to difficult conditions such as heat, cold and drought. It can be used as a single specimen or in groups and can also be used for hedges or windbreaks. Requirements and Culture: Does best in moist, well drained soil but will tolerate a fairly wide range of soil conditions. Full sun. Foliage will be more sparse in shade. Transplants well from containers or ball-and-burlapped. ( Limitations: Spider mites can be a problem, especially in hot, dry conditions. Selected Cultivars: 'Conica' - Dwarf Alberta Spruce. Extremely slow growing, forms a dense, formal cone-shaped plant with short, light green needles. Susceptible to winter desiccation and spider mites. Needs protection from winter sun and wind. var. densata - Black Hills Spruce. Slower growing type with dense, conical form eventually reaching 20-30'. Good tolerance to heat and drought. Photo Credit: 1 & 2 MLA. III power UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - 1793- ~, - 1794- DOUGLASFIR Pseudotsuga menziesii Outstanding Features: Attractive dark green evergreen foliage. pyramidal form. Nice Factsheet 87 Description: Height: 40-70' Width: 20-30' Hardiness Zone: 3b Douglasfir is a large conifer that makes an excellent landscape plant for accent and grouping. It has a dense pyramidal form. Needles are 1-1 1/2" long and range in color from dark green to blue-green. Cofies are readily distinguished from spruce and true firs by the papery bracts extending beyond the tips of the scales. Douglasfir is an important timber tree and is also grown for Christmas trees. Requirements and Culture: Fairly tolerant of a broad 'rahge of soil types. tolerant of severe drought and hot, dry winds. Needs ample moisture. Not Full sun. Limitations: There are two major varieties of Douglasfir and it's important to use the most appropriate one. Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, native in the Rocky Mountain region, is winter hardy and adaptable to the growing conditions in the north central states. P. menziesii var. menziesii grows in the western Cascades and does not tolerate the dry conditions and low winter temperatures found in the north central states. Photo Credit: 1 Bailey Nurseries, Inc.; 2 MLA. III UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - 1795- - 1796- COLORADO SPRUCE Factsheet 65 Pice____ a pungen s Outstanding Features: Hardy and adaptable. Blue-foliage types are a strong accent in the landscape. Description: Height: 30-60' Width: 20-30' Hardiness Zone: 3a Colorado Spruce is a stiffly pyramidal evergreen conifer. Horizontal branches reach to the ground, but form may become more open with age. Foliage occurs in a wide range of colors from green to silver-blue. Blue foliage types are often sold as Colorado Blue Spruce. The blue foliage makes a strong accent in the landscape and should be used with restraint. ~ Requirements and Culture: Prefers a moist, well drained soil but will tolerate drier soil. Adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Full sun, especially for blue foliage types which will lose "blueness" in shade. Limitations: Cytospora canker, spider mites, spruce gall aphid, Rhizosphaera needle cast. Selected Cultivars: glauca - with bluish foliage. A number of named cultivars have been selected from the glauca types for outstanding silvery-blue foliage color. 'Fat Albert' - selected for good blue foliage and dense, pyramidal growth. 'Hoopsii' - has very silvery needles and develops a straight trunk. 'Moerheimi' - dense, compact habit with good blue foliage. 'Thomsen' - good symmetrical form with very silver-blue foliage. Photo Credit: 1 MLA; 2 Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Photo 2 is 'Thomsen'. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA -1797- - 1798- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director 4/3/2002 Request for Variance Extension - Steve and Joann Hall Swenson (4865 Island View Drive) BACKGROUND At its September 25, 2001 meeting, the City Council approved the request from Steve and Joann Hall Swenson for a setback variance to allow construction of an addition to their home located at 4865 Island View Drive (Plamfing Case No. 01-37.) VARIANCE EXTENSION Due to the current economic climate, the Swensons are opting to undertake their renovation project in phases and are planning to do their interior remodeling activities as part of the first phase and the garage addition during the second phase. Pursuant to City Code Section 350:530, Subd. 2 (E), whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance, the use as permitted by the variance has not been completed or utilized, the variance becomes null and void unless a petition for an extension has been submitted. Members of the City Council are advised that all requests for variance extensions require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The request for a variance extension from the Swensons was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its March 18, 2002 meeting. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend denial of the extension as the variance was not supported when it was previously reviewed by the Planning Commission last September. ATTACHMENTS · Excerpts from May 18, 2001 Planning Commission meeting Memorandum dated March 14, 2002 · Letter of request dated March 6, 2002 · Resolution # 01-83 dated October 10, 2001 · City Code Section 350:530, Subd. 2 (E) · Planning Report No. 01-37 dated September 5, 2001 and survey (reduced copy) - 1799- EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 18, 2002 5. OLD / NEW BUSINESS A. Request for variance extension - Case #01-37 4858 Island View Drive - Steve and Joann Hall Swenson Applicant could not be present. The Commission reviewed the case and it was noted that approval was not recommended when it came before the Commission the first time. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to recommend denial of the variance extension MOTION carried unanimously. The commission wanted it noted that ille rec°mmendati°n for denial h~d nothing to do with the absence of the applicant. - 1800- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Commission From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: 4/3/2002 Re: Request for Variance Extension - Steve and Joann Hall Swenson (4865 Island View Drive) BACKGROUND As the Planning Commission is aware, at its September 25, 2001 meeting, the City Council approved the request from Steve and Joann Hall Swenson for a setback variance to allow construction of an addition to their home located at 4865 Island View Drive. It is City staff' s understanding that the Swensons have opted to undertake their renovation project in phases and are planning to do their interior remodeling activities first and are going to defer the garage construction. Pursuant to City Code Section 350:530, Subd. 2 (E), whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance or appeal, the use as permitted by the variance or appeal has not been completed or utilized, then the variance or appeal becomes null and void. Pursuant to City Code, all requests for variance extensions require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. A copy of the resolution the written request and resolution # 01-83 have been included as attachments. -1801 - Joann Hall Swenson March 6.~..~_2 O0 2 In regards to: Swenson home variance, 9/25/01 Sarah Smith 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Sarah, My husband, Steve Swenson, and I are thankful to the City of Mound for approving our house variance request on September 25, 2001. Because of the uncertain economic times, we want to be conservative financially. So we have decided to do our home remodel project in phases. We are in the process of remodeling our first floor. This phase does not involve the variance. We would like to postpone building the garage (which involves the variance). Therefore, we are interested in getting an extension on our variance to construct our new garage. To be safe, we would like to have the longest extension you offer - which I believe is one year. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 952/472-0765. Sincerely, Joan~all Swenson 4865 ISLAND VIEW DR. MOUND, MN 55364 - 1802- CERTIFICATE City of Mound STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and the Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby attest and certify that: 1. As such officer, I have the legal custody of the odginal record from which the attached and forgoing extract was transcribed. 2. I have carefully compared said extract with said odginal record. 3. I find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript from the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council of. sa. id .Ci~ he!d of th..e date indicted in said extract, including any resolution a(~opte(~ at such meeang, insofar as they relate to: CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 01-83 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A TWO STALL ATTACHED GARAGE AT 4865 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 7 AND 8, BLOCK 14, DEVON PID #25-117-24-11-0039 P & Z CASE #01-37 Said meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof as required by law on October 9, 2001. WITNESS my hand officially ac, such Clerk, and the seal of said City, this lOth day of October, 2001. Acting City Clerk - 1803- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 01-83 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A TWO STALL A'rrACHED GARAGE AT 4865 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 7 AND 8, BLOCK 14, DEVON PID # 25,117-24 11 0039 P & Z CASE #0t-37 WHEREAS, the applicant, has requested a front yard vadance to build a two stall attached garage at 4865 Island View Drive as indicated below: Existin.q/Proposed Required Variance Front yard 30.6 feet / 5.5 feet 20 ft. 14.5 ft. ; and, WHEREAS, the property is located within an R-lA Single Family Residential Zoning District which according to City Code requires a minimum of 6000 square feet of lot area, 40 feet of street frontage, a 20 feet front yard setback, and 6 feet side yards for lots of record; and, WHEREAS, the proposed addition includes a single story, side entry two stall attached garage; and, WHEREAS, the existing garage space will be converted to living space; and, WHEREAS, the grade difference between the street an property line will act to minimize the garage impact on Island View Drive; and, WHEREAS, the proposal will reduce the hardcover on the property by 95 square feet; and, - 1804- Resolution No. 01-83 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended!hat_the_Co__u~i_l~_e~Y~he?a_r_!_.a_n__c?_~s_r_~u~st~_~ theappli~t~ and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the variance with the following condition: a. The attached garage maintain an 8 feet front yard setback. 2. This variance is denied for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: LOT 7 AND 8, BLOCK 14,'DEVON, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Hanus and seconded by Councilmember Brown. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus, Meisel, Anderson and Meyer. The following voted in the negative: None. Adopted by the City Council this9th day of October, 2001. .SS/Bonnie Ritter Attest: Acting City Clerk SS/Pat. Meisel Mayor Pat Meisel -1805- .. Meund City Code 350.530, Subd. 2. E .... ............. ~--~ E,~ Whenewe~'_wi~n_one~y~~ grating a variance or appeal, the use as ~ permitted by the vari~Ce °r apl~ealYS~iT~i'~ve6ee~ ssm. p~i-~i-.t~:l~bi: .......... " ~ utilized, then such variance or appeal shall become null and void unless a ~ - petition for extension of time in Which to complete or to utilize the use has been granted by the City Council, Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the Building Official at .least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the original variance or appeal. There shall be no charge for the filing of such petition. The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attempt to complete or utilize the use permitted in the variance or appeal. Such petition shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council for a decision. Ail variances are limited to one extension. Further requests for extension shall be co--neW apPlfelltton subject to the provisions of Subection 350.530, Subd. 2. Subsection 350.600 - DISTRICT PROVISIONS 350.605 Zoning Districts. For the purpose of this Section, the City is hereby divided into the following use districts: R-1 Single Family Residential R-lA Single Family Residential R-2 Two Family Residential R-3 Multiple Family Residential B-1 Central Business B-2 General Business B-3 Neighborhood Business I-1 Light Industrial 49 2/5/00 - 1806- PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP D~TE: September 5, 2001 SUBJECT: Variance Request OWNER: Steve and Joann Swenson CASE NUMBER: 01-37 I-IKG FILE NUMBER: 01-05 LOCATION: 4865 Island View Drive ZONING: Residential District R-1A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Illlrt COPY BACKGROUND: The applicant has submitted a variance request for a garage addition within the front yard setback The associated variance request is as follows: Existing/Proposed Required Front yard 30.6 ft/5.6ft. 20 ft. Hardcover 4620 sq. ft./4525 .s'q..ft.3259 sq. ft. Variance 14.4 ft. 1266 sq. ft. 'The project includes a new two stall garage addition, conversion of the existing attached garage to living space and a second story addition over the existing garage space. The proposed garage is a side entry to utilize the current driveway and avoid the steep grades on the north and west sides of the property. As a side entry garage, a detached garage could have an 8 feet setback. Building plans are not complete but the applicant indicates the design will be similar to that of the existing house. Retaining walls will be incorporated in the wall design to work with the grade to prevent any additional water concerns. DISCUSSION: There are a number of homes along Island View that have difficulty meeting setbacks because of the small lots and relatively narrow right-of-way. Although the proposal would create a nonconforming front yard setback, the grade separation will hide much of the 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Mim~esota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 - 1807- p. 2 #01-$ 7 - Swcnson Variance September 5, 2001 impact Granting a variance although large, does reduce the over all hardcOver for the property by about 100 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends tile Planning Commission recommend Council approval of the variance as requested with the following condition: 1. The City Engineer review and approve all grading and drainage plans prior to building permit approval. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 5540 I (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -1808- ISLAND DRIVE 5" N §9°37' 00" E 8 'Ill 0.00 I i ' 23.1 PAVERS. BLACKTOP PAVERS EXISTING k~OT H/C DRIV!EWA¥ :.. 16.8 HOUSE #4865 . LOOR ............... S 89°57' 00" W .ottO" (945.7) 0¢o7 80.00 WALLS Or4 pLAS'TTC LEGAL [ Lots 7 - 1809- ' o : del (908.3): der m, Bearings This sur DRAFT RESOLUTION # 02- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND OPPOSING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT (MCWD) RULE M TO EXPAND AND INCREASE THE MINIMUM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan incorporates rules that are adopted by the MCWD to protect water resources, improve water quality, prevent flooding and otherwise achieve the goals of Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Comprehensive Management Plan includes a regulation which requires the establishment of a wetland buffer ranging in width from 16.5 feet to 50 feet depending on the size of the existing wetland (Rule M) under specific conditions; and WHEREAS, the MCWD adopted Resolution No. 06-2001 on May 10, 2001 which conditionally approved the City of Mound Surface Water Management Plan as it was deemed to be consistent with the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound intends to assume regulatory authority for erosion control, floodplain, preservation, wetland protection and stormwater management as soon as the conditions are set forth in Resolution No. 01-2001 are satisfied; and WHEREAS, the Mound Surface Water Management Plan was prepared in accordance with the approved MCWD Plan; and WHEREAS, the MCWD has proposed amendments to Rule M to increase and expand the buffer distances around wetlands, streams and lakes; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council does not support the proposed amendments to Rule M due to negative impacts upon Mound's redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is also concerned that the establishment of buffer requirements restricts a property owner's right to full use of their land; and -1810- WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is not satisfied that expanded and increased buffer requirements provide additional water quality protection and has not been provided with adequate technical documentation to support the proposed rule revision. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve this resolution expressing its formal opposition to the proposed amendments to MCWD Rule M to increase and expand buffer requirements. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember and The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted April 9, 2002 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: City Clerk -1811- RULE M: Page 1 of 7 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Proposed Rule B Revision and New Rule M March 14, 2001 RULE B: EROSION CONTROL A new paragraph 5(b)(8) is added as follows: FYi (8) Documentation that no vegetation or soils will be disturbed, and no excavated, fill or construction material will be stockpiled, closer to any identified public water or wetland than the following: Stream 75 feet Lake Natural Environment 100 feet All Other 50 feet Wetland Up to 1.0 Acres 25 feet 1.0 Acre or Larger 50 feet Paragraph 9 is amended to read as follows: 9. MAINTENANCE. The permittee shall be responsible at all times for the maintenance and proper operation of all erosion and sediment control facilities. On any property on which land-disturbing activity has occurred pursuant to a permit issued under this rule, the permittee shall, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and repair all disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control facilities and soil stabilization measures every day work is performed on the site, and at least weekly, until land-disturbing activity has ceased. Thereafter, the permittee shall perform these responsibilities at least weekly until vegetative cover is established. Fencing of sufficient height and visibility to prevent land-disturbing activity from intruding on temporary buffer shall be maintained between the buffer and land-disturbing activity until that activity has ceased. The permittee shall maintain a log of activities under this section for inspection by the District on request. RULE M: LAKE, STREAM, AND WETLAND BUFFERS 1. POLICY. Natural vegetation bordering the bed and banks of waterbodies serves a critical role in maintaining the ecological function of and societal benefits deriving from those water resources. Purposes served by vegetative buffers include bank and shoreline stabilization; erosion prevention; filtration of nutrients, sediments and other pollutants from storm flows; protection of stream beds and banks and mitigation of downstream flooding through moderation of peak flows both into and within the resource; regulation of in-stream temperatures; preservation of aquatic and terrestrial habitat; protection of scenic resources; and maintenance of property values. The purpose of this Rule is to afford the greatest possible protection to the water quality, flow regime and habitat of the surface waters within the District, consistent with the interest in avoiding undue disturbance to established public and private activities in littoral and riparian zones. http://www.minnehahacreek.org/Permit_Rules/_ '1' 81 2-nges/Proposed%20Rule%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 2 of 7 2. APPLICABILITY. (a) A buffer permit is required before undertaking activity that requires a permit under Rule C, D, G or N of the District Rules, except as stated below. (1) This Rule applies only to land adjacent to a public water as defined at Minn. Stat. §103G.005, subd. 15, as amended; or a wetland as defined at Minn. Stat. §103G.005, subd. 19, as amended. (2) Land is adjacent to a public water or wetland within the meaning of paragraph (1) when the public water or wetland lies in whole or in part on the property on which the work is proposed, forms a part of the property boundary, or is on adjacent property but separated from the property boundary entirely by a permanent buffer or conservation easement of a width less than that of the applicable buffer. (3) This Rule applies in addition to, and not in place of, any applicable shoreland ordinance. Wetland buffer requirements are established pursuant to authority in Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D. An activity subject to these requirements needs a permit from the District whether or not the District is responsible for administration of the Wetland Conservation Act in the location where the activity is to occur. (b) A buffer encroachment approval is required for any activity after establishment of a buffer for which these rules require District approval. Application shall be made on a form provided by the District. Notwithstanding any other provision of the District rules, District staff may issue a buffer encroachment approval on application without further notice or process. 3. RECORDATION AND MONUMENTATION. ia) A buffer shall be established by declaration or other recordable instrument that shall be approved by the District and recorded in the office of the county recorder or registrar before activity under the MCWD permit commences. The recordable instrument shall state that on further subdivision of the property, each subdivided lot of record shall meet the monumentation requirement of paragraph 3(b). (b) A buffer established pursuant to this rule shall be indicated by a permanent, free-standing marker at the upland edge of the buffer. There shall be one marker for each 200 feet of upland edge or part thereof. If the District permit is sought for a subdivision, this requirement will apply to each lot of record to be created. A marker shall be at least three feet above the ground. It shall indicate that it marks the edge of a buffer established to protect the adjacent wetland and shall briefly state or summarize the activities not permitted within the buffer. This paragraph shall not apply when the buffer requirement is imposed on a single residential lot, except that the recordable instrument filed pursuant to paragraph 3(a) shall include the language specified in that paragraph concerning monumentation, which shall apply in the event that the lot subsequently is subdivided. 4. BUFFER WIDTH. (a) A wetland buffer shall be of the following width: Wetland up to 1.0 acres Wetland 1.0 acre or larger 25 feet 50 feet (b) A stream buffer consists of three adjacent zones. Zone widths shall be as follows, beginning at the ordinary high water level: http://www.minnehahacreek.org/Permit_Rules/_'[ 813-nges/Proposed%20Rule%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 3 of 7 Streamside Middle Outer 25 feet 50 feet To structure setback line under applicable shoreland ordinance or, if none, under DNR shoreland ordinance (c) A lake buffer zone shall be of the following width, measured from the ordinary high water level: Natural environment lake All other lakes 100 feet 50 feet (d) When the upland buffer edge falls on a steep slope, the buffer shall extend to the upland edge of the slope. A steep slope is defined as land with an average slope exceeding 12 percent over a distance of 50 feet or more. (e) When the upland buffer edge falls on a mapped natural community [define] associated with a waterbody, the buffer or, for a stream, the middle zone shall extend to the upland edge of the natural community area. (f) Notwithstanding the widths specified above, the buffer shall extend at least to the 100-year high water elevation of the waterbody. An applicant shall use the 100-year high water elevation identified by the District, if established. http ://www. minnehahacreek, org/Permit_Rules/- -[ 812[-nges/Proposed%20Rul e%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 4 of 7 5. BUFFER REgTRICTION§. (a) The buffer shall consist of vegetated land that is not cultivated, cropped, pastured, mowed, fertilized, subject to the placement of mulch or yard waste, or otherwise disturbed, except for periodic cutting or burning that does not injure buffer quality, the proper application of labeled herbicides, actions to address disease or invasive species, or actions to maintain or improve buffer quality, as approved in writing by District staff. (1) Within the middle or outer zone of a stream buffer, dead trees, limbs and branches, and trees less than four inches in diameter as measured at a point four feet above the ground, may be removed. (2) Except within the outer zone of a stream buffer, in acting on a permit application under this Rule, the District, may impose reasonable conditions to establish and maintain vegetation within the buffer in order to ensure an adequate degree of buffer function. An applicant may propose a buffer establishment plan for District approval where the existing buffer is not adequate. (3) Within the outer zone of a stream buffer, the restrictions of paragraph 5(a) shall not apply. ib) No structure or impervious surface shall be placed within the buffer permanently or temporarily. (1) Notwithstanding, a structure may extend or be suspended above the buffer on written District approval if the impact of any supports within the buffer is negligible, the design allows sufficient light to maintain the species shaded by the structure, and the structure does not otherwise interfere with the protection afforded by the buffer. (2) Where a buffer is established in conjunction with a Rule G permit authorizing a waterbody crossing, the structure associated with the approved crossing is exempted from the prohibition of this paragraph. The impact of the crossing on the waterbody and buffer shall be minimized. (3) Roads and surface utilities shall not be located within a buffer, except pursuant to a crossing of the associated waterbody in accordance with Rule G. Notwithstanding, a public road or public utility, or a structure associated with a public road or utility, may be located within a buffer zone on a finding that avoiding the buffer is infeasible. A structure, impervious cover or right-of-way maintained permanently within a buffer shall minimize the area of permanent vegetative disturbance. Minimization includes, but is not limited to, approach roads and rights-of-way that are perpendicular to the crossing and of a minimum width consistent with use and maintenance access needs. (4) Outlet, flood control and stormwater treatment facilities may be located within a buffer subject to conditions to minimize buffer impact. (5) This Rule does not apply to shoreline or streambank stabilization pursuant to a Rule F permit or specifically excepted from Rule F under paragraph 2(d) of that Rule. (c) Excavating or placing fill, debris or other material, is prohibited in a buffer, except for: (1) temporary placement of fill or excavated material pursuant to duly-permitted work in the http://www.minnehahacreek, org/Permit_Rules/_ 1' 81 g-nges/Proposed%20Rule%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 5 of 7 associated watercourse; or (2) excavation, filling and the temporary placement of fill or excavated material in the outer zone of a stream buffer, in each case with the District's written approval. (d) The buffer may enclose a non-wetland feature such as a pond or trail if the Board finds that doing so will not significantly reduce the protection afforded the waterbody. The feature shall not count toward buffer width. 6. TEMPORARY PROTECTION. (a) The substantive requirements of Rule B, specifically including the requirements of this section, shall apply to land-disturbing activity within any buffer zone other than a stream outer zone, irrespective of the area or volume of earth to be disturbed. (b) Buffers and the location and extent of proposed vegetation disturbance shall be delineated on the erosion control plan. (c) Alterations must be designed and conducted to ensure only the smallest amount of disturbed ground is exposed for the shortest time possible. Mulches or similar materials must be used for temporary soil coverage and permanent natural vegetation established as soon as possible. (d) Fill or excavated material shall not be placed to create an unstable slope. (e) When land-disturbing activity occurs adjacent to a buffer, siltation or other fencing shall be maintained at the buffer edge to prevent buffer disturbance. When land- disturbing activity occurs in an outer or a middle zone of a stream buffer, fencing shall be maintained at the boundary of the adjacent waterward buffer zone. ~ 0 0 0 http://www.minnehahacreek.org/Permit_Rules/_ 'l'81 6-nges/Pr°p°sed Yo20Rule ¼20B )/'o20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 6 of 7 EXCEPTION§. (a) A structure, impervious surface, road or utility in existence on [the effective date of this rule], its maintenance, and maintenance of its existing right-of-way are excepted from the operation of this Rule. Any increase in area or reconstruction of a surface, road or utility excepted under this paragraph is subject to the Rule. (b) A parcel platted as of [the effective date of this rule] for a single-family residence is exempt from the restrictions of paragraph 5(a) except: (i) with respect to any waterbody in which activity. is to occur pursuant to a District permit under Rule C, D, G or N; or (2) if the proposed use or activity requires rezoning, subdivision, a special use permit or a variance from the land use authority. ~c) Access to a waterbody for a lawful private or public use of the resource may be created and maintained. All access surfaces within the buffer zone must be pervious. Permanent vegetative disturbance shall be limited to that necessary for access in light of the nature and extent of the permitted use. A facility accessory to a permitted use of the waterbody and required by its nature to be adjacent to the water may be located within a buffer subject to conditions specified by the District to minimize buffer impact. (d) The District may grant an exception necessary to allow a property to be used in accordance with the reasonable expectations of the property owner. In determining the appropriateness of an exception, the District shall consider, among other factors, the parcel or lot of record as of the date this rule was adopted; the common ownership of the property in question and adjacent property; and the availability of clustering, density compensation, variances and other means under applicable land use law that would allow desired uses to be located on portions of the parcel or lot not within buffer zones. 8. REQUItLED SUBMITTALS. A scaled site plan shall be submitted with the application showing: (a) Property lines and corners and delineation of lands under ownership of the applicant; (b) Existing and proposed elevation contours; (c) Delineation of the stream or lake top of bank or the wetland edge and the buffer applicable under this rule. For a wetland delineation, the application shall include data sheets with detailed information on soils, hydrology and vegetation and a summary report. Wetland should be delineated between May 1 and October 15. A delineation outside of this period may not be accepted and must be approved by the District in advance. The top of bank or wetland boundary shall be staked in the field. (d) Identification, within waterbody and buffer areas, of the location and species of each tree larger than four inches in diameter at a point four feet above the ground, indicating those trees proposed to be removed. (e) Identification and location of all waterbodies on the property or within 100 feet of the property boundary. (f) The location of Information as to state, county and local protection status or designation of the subject waterbody. Rules Revision Schedule: Rules B,D,M,N January 22 - Rules mailed out for review by cities, agencies, interested parties February 14 - Public hearing on rule revisions http://www.minnehahacreek.org/Permit_Rules/-'l' 81 ~-nges/Proposed%20Rule%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 RULE M: Page 7 of 7 February 21 -Public comment period ends February 28 -Board of Managers expected to take action on adopting the rule Proposed Rules Revisions · Revised Proposed Rules B M - 1-17-02 · Revised Proposed Rules D N - 1-17-02 · Supplemental SONAR-revised Rules B D N - Proposed Rule M - 1-17-02 Rules Background Information · Proposed revisions to B D G N - 2-5-01 · Proposed Rule B Revision and New Rule M ~ 3-14-01 · SONAR Proposed rules revisions B D G N - 2-5-01 · SONAR Proposed revised Rule B and New Rule M - 3-14-01 http://www, minnehahacreek, org/Permit_Rules/_ 1'81 ~ - nges/Proposed%20Rule%20B%20R... 4/5/2002 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM April 2, 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND COUNCIL KANDIS M. HANSON, CITY MANAGe' CBD Parking Program As you might know, on July 24, 2001 the City Council took action to extend the existing CBD program until June 30, 2002. After this date, unless extended by the Council, the program will no longer exist. If it is your intent to extend this program for one more year, there will be a direct impact on the City budget. We do not have all the costs for the year 2001-2002, but for the year 2000-2001 they were as follows: Snow plowing by contractor CBD Lease payments Total Cost $17,286.48 6,939.30 24,225.78 Less Assessments (4,321.62) Net Cost to City $19,904.16 The Council could consider one of the following options: Continue the CBD program as is for one more year. Terminate the program at the end of the 2001-2002 season. Continue the program for one more year and charge the CBD district for all direct costs incurred by the City. Continue the program for one more year and charge the CBD district for snow plowing at 1/4 of the cost plus the lease payments. Given the parking concerns that we still have in our downtown area, the administration recommends that the program be extended for one more year and that the CBD district be assessed fully for the costs as indicated in Option 3, as described in Option 4, which is how we charged from the beginning of the program until three years ago. If you have any questions, please contact me at 952-472-0609. cc: Gino Businaro, Finance Director Greg Skinner, P. W. Superintendent 1 printed on recycled paper -1819- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOU N D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 April 1, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor/City Council r~-~b~''~~~/~v<~ FROM: Jim Fackler, Parks Directo REF: 2002 Summer Lifeguards, Recrea~on~ram The Parks. & Music in The monies that were donated by the VFW Club 5113 through efforts by Council Members Bob Brown and David Osmek totaled $5,000.00. The distribution will be as follows; $2,000.00 to Music In The Parks $2,000.00 to Summer Recreation Scholarships * $1,000.00 to be determined by VFW. Club 5113 The Monies that were donated by Council Member Peter Meyer through his Winter Camp Out totaled $1,834.00. The distribution will be as follows; $1,464.80 to Lifeguards for the July 4th weekend $ 366.20 to Gillespie Center Note: * Council Members Bob Brown and David Osmek will be meeting with the VFW prior to the April 9, 2002 City Council meeting to discuss the use of this $1,000.00. Staff has recommended that it be use for a Safety Day at Mound Bay Park for children and their parents. '~io o o o o o o o ~ '~o ' 0 0000000 > }_ 55- - 1821 - CITY OF MOUND March 26, 2002 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 TO: Mayor/City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Director Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent REF: TWO WAY RADIO & CELL PHONE USE EVALUATION. Current Communication Use By Parks & Docks, Public Works, Planning & Inspections and City Hail'Employees; Current Minutes - 250 250 Cell 2 Way Current Monthly Cost - $39 $35 -500/250 Cell/2 Way $70 PUBLIC WORKS, Superintendent ............. Maintenance ................ Secretary .................. PARKS & DOCKS, Parks Director ............. Maintenance ................ (5 of 6 employee's no 2 Way) Dock Inspections ........... PLANNING & INSPECTIONS, Secretary ......... Building Official [[[~[.[[[[ CITY HALL, Receptionist ............... 10 1 # PHONES = TOTAL MONTHLY COST = YEARLY COST = GRAND TOTAL PER YEAR = 1 14 3 $39 $490 $210 $468 $5,880 $2,520 $8,868 Staff has looked at the current needs of the departments listed above and recommends after reviewing the Cell/2 Way providers available that the city remain with Nextel but adjust Phone Packages as follows; PUBLIC WORKS, ** a) Reduce 2 Way minutes from 250 minutes to 150 minutes per phone. ***b) Remove Group 2 Way on all phones. PARKS & DOCKS, a) Reduce Dock Inspection Cell/2 Way phone 500 cell minutes to 250 cell minutes and remove 2 Way capability. This has been done effective March. ***b) Remove Group 2 Way on all phones. ** c) Reduce Park Director/Maintenance 2 Way minutes from 250 minutes to 150 minutes per phone. PLANNING & INSPECTIONS, ** a) Reduce 2 Way minutes from 250 minutes to 150 minutes. b) Remove Group 2 Way. CITY HALL, ** a) Reduce 2 Way minutes from 250 minutes to 150 minutes. ***b) Remove Group 2 Way. In evaluating other Wireless providers staff found (See proposal from Virtualphone), as we did in the past, that only Nextel offers a 2 Way Radio option. All other providers would have only cell phone capabilities. This cell phone option would require very close monitoring by Department Heads and the Finance Department at a time cost that will exceed any savings. Nextel has begun to applied a 10% discount on the Cell/2 Way phone service. This will affect three phones and show a $252 per year savings. Staff will be present at the City Council meeting when this is discussed. If there are any questions that you may have prior to the meeting staff can come better prepared with answers if given a opportunity to do research. NOTES, * Ail incoming calls are free. This program is not offered on current plans and doubles the cell phone minutes at no additional cost. ** Current 2 Way Packages available start at 50 Pooled minutes per phone and then jumps to 250 Pooled minutes per phone. In staffs evaluation if we go with a program that is under our average use (150 minutes) the cost of the lower program (50 minutes) will be more then the higher program (250 minutes) due to additional 2 Way minutes being a charge of 15 cents per minute. ***Reduces cost by $4 per phone saving $864 per year and was done effective March 2002. Attachment: Proposal by Virtualphone Wireless Nextel Communication Plans -1823- Proposed by Virtualphone Wireless For The City Of Mound Mark Bischoff 612-363-1110 - 1824- NEXTEL - 1825- CITY OF MOUND Origianal Nextel Plan 12 units on the Basic Direct Connect 250 @ $35 per unit per month 250 pooled Direct Connect minutes,totaling 3000 shared minutes. Cellular phone restricted. (Note: The average Direct Connect minutes being used on your account is approx 150 minutes per unit or 1800 total minutes) 12 units X $35 ea. = $420 Other Nextel Plans Being Used Jim Fackler- ........ Free incoming cellular, 500 minutes outbound cellular, unlimited Direct Connect $70.00 Greg Skinner- .........Free incoming cellular, 500 minutes outbound cellular, unlimited Direct Connect $70.00 Katie ....................... National Starter Plan.300 cellular minutes,3500 nights&weekends,200 Direct Connect $39.99 ITOTAL $599.99I Since you are well within the allowed 250 pooled Direct Connect minutes on the 12 units. You will not be paying for overage on this plan, if the usage stays the same as it has been.You could keep them on that plan and still receive the 10% discount on Jim and Greg's phone with a monthly payment of $63 each or a total of $585.99 This is a solid Nextel plan, and requires no month to month policing of your statements to check for Direct Connect overage that calculates at .15 a minute which could be substantial. - 1826- CITY OF MOUND Revised by Nextel 12 units on the Minnesota Local $29.99 plan with a 10% discount or $26.99 per unit per month 100 pooled Direct Connect minutes,totaling 1200 shared minutes. Cellular phone restricted. (Note: The average Direct Connect minutes being used on your account is approx 150 minutes per unit or 1800 minutes) 12 units X $26.99 ea, = $323.88 Note:/f the usage continues as it is. You will be paying a per minute overage charge on your Direct Connect (SEE BELOW) With a grand total on this plan {~ $413.88 Other Nextel Plans Being Used & Discounted Jim Fackler ...... Free incoming cellular,500 minutes outbound cellular, unlimited Direct Connect $63.00 Greg Skinner .......... Free incoming cellular, 500 minutes outbound cellular, unlimited Direct Connect $63.00 (atie .................... National Starter Plan.300 cellular minutes,3500 nights and weekend cellular minutes 200 Direct Connect minutes. $39.99 ITOTAL $579.87I Since you will be limited to 100 pooled Direct Connect minutes on each of the 12 units.Totaling 1200 minutes and your usage is approximitly 1800 minutes. You will be paying an overage charge of .15 per minute X 600 minutes,or a total of an extra $90.00 per month. ' With that being said. You will see an approximate savings of $20.12 per month. Unfortunatly what you will inherit this savings,is that you will have to watch your billing every month to find out what people went over and by much. - 1827- VoiceStream - 1828- VOICESTREAM t2 units on the National Business Plan 60 ~) $19.99 ea. Includes the following: 60 whenever minutes per phone 500 Voicestream to Voicestream minutes per phone 60 weekend minutes per phone Free long distance Free voice mail Note: The average Direct Connect minutes being used on your account is approximitly 150 ~er unit or 1800 total minutes. 12 units X $19.99 ea.-- $239.88 VOTE: With this Voicestream package you will have a total of 6000 shared minutes per month that the 12 units can use. This will be 4200 extra minutes than you are currently using on your Nextel's. 2 units on the National Business Plan 800 ~ $59.99 ea. (Jim Fackler & Greg Skinner) Includes the following: 800 whenever minutes Unlimited VoiceStream to VoiceStream minutes 500 weekend minutes Free long distance Free Voice m~lil NOTE: The currant Nextel plan that Jim and Greg are on have unlimited inbound calling at no charge. No other service privides this type of calling plan other than Nextel. I was told to locate a plan that would have usage of approximately 800 minutes per month per unit for Jim and Greg. lf you were to go over on these plans, you would look at a cost of.35 per minute. 2 units X $59.99 ea. = $119.98 1 unit on the National Business Plan 500 (~ $39.99 ea. (Katie) Includes the following: 500 whenever minutes Unlimited VoiceStream to VoiceStream minutes 300 weekend minutes Free long distance Free voice mail IGRAND TOTAL $399.95 - 1829- VoiceStream Accessories Retail Your Cost Leather Case $24.99 N/C Vehicle Adaptor $24.99 N/C Organizer This is a product that VoiceStream does not carry for there phones. I am how ever, getting in contact with other software distributors that may be able to help me out. If the software exists,the cost is usually no more than $50. - 1831 - Steven J. Warmack Government Account Executive Nextel Phone: 612 363-3177 Office Phone: 952 703-7659 Fax #: 952 703-7696 steve, warmack @ nextel.com Nextel Communications 9401 James Avenue South Suite 180 Bloomington, MN 55431 NEXTEL - 1832- Nextel Communications Government Plans SLE Performance 200 Plan for $38.00 Includes- e- 200 cellular minutes that pool between phones (example: 10 phones = 2000 cell minutes) · 250 Direct Connect or radio minutes that pool between phones (example: 10 phones = 2500 radio minutes) · 100 alpha or text messages of 140 characters per message · Unlimited numeric messages · Free voicemail · Free CallerID SLE Acct Advantage Plan 50 for $14.18 includes · 50 Direct connect minutes that are pooled between phones · Unlimited numeric messages · Free voicemail · Free Caller ID Additional cell minutes are billed at .18 cents per minute Additional radio minutes are billed at .12 cents per minute Long Distance is billed at .15 cents per minute Local Market Plans Nextel · · · · · Nextel · · · · · Local Team Share for $67.89 600 cellular minutes that pool between like plans 7000 Night & Weekend cellular minutes 400 Direct Connect minutes that pool between like plans $15.00 for each additional phone can participate in the pool of 600 minutes .15 cents per minute Long Distance Get Right Through 5000 for $48.49 includes- 500 Anytime cellular minutes 2000 Night & Weekend cellular minutes 2500 Direct Connect minutes Free Voicemail Free Caller ID (Price reflects 2 phones - Max of 10 phones) Includes- Nextel · · · · National Starter Plan for $35.99 includes- 300 cellular minutes 3,500 Night & Weekend cellular minutes 200 Direct Connect minutes Free Long Distance Individual Plan Enterprise Account Advantage for $26.99 includes- · 100 Anytime cellular minutes · 100 Direct Connect minutes · 2000 Night &Weekend minutes Additional cell minutes are billed at $0.35 per minute Additional radio (Direct Connect) minutes are billed at $0.15 per minute Long Distance is billed at $0.15 per minute - 1833- ~O'd ~±0± AMM FAX P rtne, rshipe in P Jng orvices and I Legislature to Reconvene April 2 Several Major Bills Still Pending After recessing for the Passover and Easter holidays, both houses of the Legislature will reconvene with floor sessions on Tuesday. Major issues still pending include: Phase II Budget Balancing: Prior to adjournment for the holiday week~ end, the Senate passed an omnibus bill (H. F. 3270) that includes its bud- get balancing proposal, public fi- nance provisions and tax provisions. The budget balancing provisions in- clude several accounting shifts, an increase in the cigarette tax and the restoration of some of the education cuts included in the Phase I bill. Meanwhile, the House, which had already passed several individual budget bills that further reduce spending and spend down the to- bacco endowment, passed a motion to reconstitute the conference com- mittee for H.F.2498. H.F. 2498 is the 2001 omnibus tax bill that was Jeft on the table when the regular ses- sion ended without resolution last May. The motion, which has not yet Associatien of I ctropolit n flunJdpalMcs 145 Unlver~f4y Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Pbont: (651} 215~000 Fax: (651) 281.1299 K-maih am~I45, otg tacts and Board memb~, PIea~ share this fax with your mayors, councllmembers and staff to he. go them abreast of important metro city issa~ ZOB JO Z00 aJaud been approved by the Senate, could establish a vehicle for a 2002 tax bill. Transportation Funding: The House and Senate have each passed their own transportation funding bills, but, at this time, an offi- cial conference committee has yet to be appointed. However, an unoffi- cial "transportation working group" is scheduled to meet today (April 1) to discuss the differences between the two bills. The Senate bill (s.F. 2812) increases the gas tax and provides additional funding for both highways April 1 - 5, 2002 and transit, while the House bill (H.F. 3364) authorizes the issuance of highway bonds but does not autho- rize any additional revenue to cover the bond payments. Capital Investment: The confer- ence committee for the bonding bill has met once to compare the House and Senate bills but a subsequent meeting has not been scheduled due to the lack of a spending target. It is expected that the commiffee will be~ gin meeting again once the leader- ship has agreed to a target. Local Government Issues: Summary Building Inspections: A provision that would have pdvatized a significant por- tion of residential building inspections was removed from the Slate Govemment Finance bill via an amendment on the House floor. Loading Zones: A provision that wouM have prohibited cities fTom granting vari- ances for loading zones located on state aid streets and highways in the metro- politan area was removed from a trans- portation policy bill via an amendment on the House floor last Wednesday. Tax Increment Financing (TIF): The Senate's budget/tax bill (H.F.3270) in- cludes several TIF provisions; including a reinstatement of the TIF grant program with an appropriation of $10 million. Other TI F provisions include a general law provision permitting greater flexibil- ity in the use of pooling and several spe- cial law provisions for the cities of Albert Lea, Minneapolis, Rushford, West St. Paul, Duluth and St. Paul. Metropolitan Council: The House public finance bill (S.F. 257:2) and the Senate budget/tax bill (H.F. 3270) both provide the Metropolitan Council with additional bonding authority for Metro TransiL The Senate bill authorizes $50 million and the House bill authorizes $54 million. Additionally, the Senate budget/tax bill authorizes the Metropolitan Council to use money it has on hand to estab- lish a redevelopment loan fund to make loans to cities or development authori- ties for projects that will result in lower cost housing in the metro area (see Article 18; Sections 18-21 of H.F. 3270, unofficial engrossment). There is no similar language in the House bill. Hat ZB 2BB2 Z5:55:~9 Via F~x -> 952472BGZB ~&~i.ist~o~ P"ge BBl 0£ 883 -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Working Groups Announced With the natural deadline created by the Passover/Easter recess now behind us, many are questioning when the legislature will finish its 2002 work. The only other obvious natural deadline is May 20, which is the legislature's constitutional deadline or the 120 legislative day limit. However, the legislature has now used only 92 legislative days, leaving 28 possible floor session days this year. A meeting of House and Senate leaders yesterday did not produce any semblance of a compromise and in fact, comments by House and Senate members suggested that there was a wide rift between the two bodies. Despite this pessimistic news, the House and Senate may have set in motion a process to negotiate a compromise. Al the close of yesterday's floor session, Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty announced the formation of three working groups to try to bring closure to the 2002 legislative session. There will be a group formed to focus on the budget deficit that will include Representative Kevin Goodno (R-Moorhead), Representative Phil Krinkie (R-Shoreview), Representative Alice Seagren (R- Bloomington), Representative Marly Seifert (R- Marshall), and Representative Tom Pugh (DFL- South St. Paul). A transportation working group currently includes Representative Bill Kuisle (R-Rochester), Mary Liz I-Iolberg (R-Lakeville), Tony Kielkucki (R-Lester Prairie) Tom Workman (R-Chanhassen) and Al Junke (DFL-Willmar). Senator Dean Johnson (DFL-Willmar) will serve on the transportation working group and is the only Senator that has been publicly announced. The stadium working group will include Representative Harry Mares (R-White Bear Lake), Representative Kevin Goodno (R- Moorhead), Representative Dan McElroy (R- Burnsville), Representative Ron Abrams (R- Minnetonka) and Representative Bob Milbert (DFL-South St. Paul). March 28, 2002 Page 1 We hope to have more information on the Senate appointees next week. Senate Budget Deal: Phase Il and Phase IIIa The Senate gave final approval to their Phase II budget reconciliation bill on Wednesday which includes measures to balance the remaining projected $439 million state budget deficit for 2002-2003 and begins to address the 2004-05 budget deficit. The bill also includes the Senate version of an omnibus tax bill. Although the House has not crafted any omnibus tax bill yet this year, there are now indications that some scaled-down tax bill from the House may be forthcoming. On Wednesday at the close of the House floor session, Representative Abrams moved to take last year's omnibus tax bill from the table and return it to the conference committee. That bill was never enacted into law because the session ended. The 2001 tax bill was actually a new bill introduced in the special session. The Senate package contains several provisions that will impact cities, including changes to levy limits, state aids, property taxes, TIF, and local taxes. Levy Limits Levy limits would be increased by a minimum of 2 percent for taxes payable in 2003, which would be a larger increase than current law given the impact of the recent recession on inflation. In addition, property tax increases to cover increasing health insurance costs would be outside levy limits. Levy limits for cities that received mobile home I--IACA in 2001 will have their levy limit increased to reflect the repeal of the mobile home HACA aid. LGA and State Aids LGA for cities under 1,000 population located outside the seven-county metro area would be increased to at least the level of LGA and HACA received in 2001. This provision would be funded with an increased state appropriation of $2.7 million. The bill also contains a number of provisions related to taconite aids, including the elimination of the transfer of tacofllte school aids to For more information on. city lee:ialativ¢ issues, conlacl any member of the l..~.ae:ue of Minnesota Cities Inlerg;overnmanlal R,~lationa team. 651..28~..1200 or 800.925.'i'122 - 1836- Xar ZB ZOOZ iS:SS:S10ia Fax -> 95Z4?Z86Z8 adainistrator Pa§e 00Z Of 003 cities and towns that was contained in.last year's tax bill. A new utility tax base replacement aid would be established for counties where pipeline values exceed 40 percent of the county's lax base. This is intended to offset the unexpected shifts in property taxes caused by the 2001 property tax reforms. Property Taxes The bill creates a new bed and breakfast classification that would be the same as homestead property and reinstates some of the homestead borrowing provisions affecting multi-use properties that were repealed in the 2001 tax bill. Some of these multi-use properties experienced large tax increases because of the 2001 "borrowing" repeal. The state property tax levy will now apply to 75 percent of the value of electric generation machinery. Under last year's tax bill, this property was exempt from the state property tax. Tax Increment Financing The TIF grant program would be reinstated and the pool would be partially restored with a $10 million appropriation. The bill also allows cities to use the deficit reduction provisions that were enacted in last year's tax bill without being required to pool available increments from other districts to first reduce any deficit. The deficit reduction provisions available to the city include an election that the original local tax rate be allowed to float and an election to change the fiscal disparities contribution from the district. Local Taxes -Bloomington lodging tax increase of I percent. -Rochester lodging tax increase of 2 percent. -Hermantown--expands the permissible uses for their local taxes sales tax to include a community education and recreation center, and ice facility, a city hall and public works garage, and certain traffic improvements. -Albert Lea--up to a hA percent sales tax for lake improvements and downtown improvements. -Cloquet--up to a 1/~ percent sales tax for a senior center, park improvements and water and sewer improvements and extensions. - Fri d ay F ax - A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities March 28~ 2002 Page 2 -Ely--up to a I percent sales tax for city facilities and redevelopment activities. -Beaver Bay--up to a 1 percent sales tax for community building and recreational facilities, fire hall, street improvements and water and sewer upgrades. -Medford--up to a V~ percent sales tax for wastewater treatment facility Tax Exemptions -Albert Lea meat-packing facility construction materials -Minneapolis Children's Theatre construction materials -Thief River Falls ice arena construction materials -Guthrie Theatre construction materials -Hydroelectric generating facility -Walker Arts Center construction materials Loading Zone Provision Voted Down in the House A provision that would have prohibited cities from issuing variances for loading zones on MSA and CSAH roads was eliminated on the House Floor this afternoon. The measure was tucked into a non- controversial Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) housekeeping bill (HF 3199) by Rep. Tom Workman (R-Chanhassen) during a committee hearing earlier this session. It would have been effective retroactively for any buildings or projects receiving a building permit after December 31, 2001. Workman cited public safety and traffic congestion as the reason behind the policy. Rep. Jean Wagenius (DFL-Minneapolis) led the effort to amend the language out of the bill. Her effort received bi-partisan support, notably from Rep. Jim Rhodes (R-St. Louis Park), Dan McElroy (R-Burnsville), and Joe Mullery (DFL- Minneapolis). The amendment passed on a vote of 75 to 51. The provision does not exist in the Senate companion to the bill. For more informal/on on airy legislative issues, conlacl any member of Ihe League of Minnesola Cilies lnlergovemmenlal Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1837- Xar ZB ZflB2 15:5G:20 ~ia Fax -> 9524720GZB ~&~inis~ra~or Page tiff3 Of 803 - Fri d ay F ax - A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities Phosphorus Bill Up next week in the House--We need your help The House will take action early next week on HF 1524 authored by Rep. Peggy Leppik (R-Golden Valley). This bill would restrict the use of phosphorus in lawn fertilizers. Debate is likely to be contentious. Amendments are expected that would preempt a city's decision to adopt local controls over residential use of phosphorus in Greater Minnesota. It is also expected an amendment to set a three-percent phosphorus level floor for the metropolitan area will be added. The League of Minnesota Cities is working to defeat both these amendments--and could use your help. Please call your State Representative and urge them to vote no on these amendments and yes on I-IF 1524. Their contact information can be found at www.house, leg.state.mn.u~ or call Jennifer O'Rourke at 651.281.1261 for the phone numbers, or to find out who your legislators are. The bill passed the Senate earlier and will likely head to a conference committee once action by the House has been taken. House Leadership Needs to Hear from Cities About 911 Funding Issues The League urges city officials to contact members of the leadership of the Minnesota House of Representatives to support the critically needed increased surcharge for local 911 centers contained in the Senate version of the anti-terrorism proposals. (See the March 27 Cities Bulletin, page 7, for details or go to the online version of the bulletin on the LMC website.) The House-Senate Conference Committee on I-I.F. 2622, the anti-terrorism legislative package, will meet for the first time on Monday afternoon, April 1. Prior to that time, the leadership of the House Majority Caucus will meet to consider the House position on the details of the final bill that will emerge from conference committee deliberations. The portion of the 911 surcharge that provides March 28, 2002 Page 3 funding to the local 911 operations needs to increase by at least 7 cents for 2003 and 2004. If the conference committee fails to reach agreement on an increase in local 911 funding, the Minnesota Department of Administration may be forced to dip into the 911-surcharge revenue to pay the state costs for charges by phone companies for providing dedicated telecommunications facilities and connections. City officials should call or emaii the following members of the glouse Majority Caucus Executive Committee to urge them to support the increase in the 911 surcharge for local 911 operations: Representative Steve Sviggum, Speaker of the House rep.steve.svi.~gum~house,le~.state,rnn,us or (651) 296- 2273 Representative Tim Pawlenty, House Majority Leader re¢.tim.~awlentv(~_.hou,~e,le~,state,rnn,u~ or (651) 296- 4128 Representative Mary Liz Holberg, Assistant Majority Leader ~p.h..mary~'z, h 91berg~9__.u .s.c, lc..gz~a..[.e.., mn_,...u._s or (651) 296-6926 Representative Tony Kielkucki, Assistant Majority Leader _r__ep,tonv.kielkuck~,house,leg,stale, mn,us or (651) 296- 1534 Representative Jim Knoblach, Assistant M~jority Leader rep,[im.knoblaph('~,houae, le~;,state.mn,us or (6510 296- 6316 Representative William Kulsle, Assistant Majority Leader re¢.william.kuiqe~house.le,~.state.mn.us or (651) 296- 4378 Representative Dan McElroy, Assistant Majority Leader rcp,dan.mcelrov@hous¢.l¢l~,stat¢.mn,us or (653.) 296- 4212 Representative Carol Molnau, Assistant Majority Leader re. Ig.P.carol.molnau(~house, le__g~_t..ate._n.E!:_u_~ or (651) 296- 8872 Representative Marry Seffert, Assistant Majority Leader rep.mart¥.sei[ertCq.)house.le.~,state.mn.us or (651) 296- 5374 For more infm'mation on oily legislative issues, conlacl any mcmb~ of the League of M [nncsola Cities I ntetgovernmenlal Relalions team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1838- C 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone: (651)281-1200. (800) 925-1122 Fax: (651) 281-1299. TDD (651) 281-1290 Web Site: http://www. Lmnc.org TO: City Clerks, Administrators and Managers FROM: Jim Miller, Executive Director DATE: April 1, 2002 SUBJECT: Board of Directors Vacancies At the Annual Meeting in Rochester on June 20th, the membership will elect eight new members to the Board of Directors. As there are no incumbents in the officer positions, members will elect three new officers and five directors. These officials will replace: Jordan Mayor Ron Jabs, Plymouth Councilmember Judy Johnson and Moorhead Mayor Mark Voxland all of whose three year terms expire. Also, the term of Alexandria Mayor Dan Ness who was elected to fill the remaining one-year term of Joel Young when he was elected as 2nd Vice President will expire as will the term of Buffalo Councilmember Del Haag. Haag was appointed by the LMC Board of Directors to serve until June 2002 to fill the vacated position of Reggie Edwards, former Chisago City Administrator. This position still has two years remaining in its term. By precedent, Dan Ness is eligible to be elected to his own three-year term, although Del Haag is not. Please note that open officer positions could be filled by current board members, resulting in additional director openings. The League's strength has always been rooted in the Board's outstanding leadership. Continuing that tradition is critical as the League looks to meeting the ever-changing challenges facing our cities. If you or someone on your Council has an interest in serving on the Board, please apply now. Terms are for three years and service involves attendance at monthly Board meetings and one or two, two-day, retreats. The League pays for most expenses, including mileage. A roster of current Board members and the application form are enclosed. I would be most happy to answer any questions and can be reached at 651-281-1205. Thank you for your help in this very important matter. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 1839- Application for 2002-03 LMC Board of Directors or 2002-03 LMC Officer Positions All candidates for LMC Board of Directors or LMC Officers (President, First Vice President, Second Vice President) positions are asked to submit the following items by May 31, 2002: 1) A cover letter stating your intent to run for an LMC Board or Officer position, addressing the following points: · Why you are interested in serving in this position; · What specific attributes or experiences you would contribute to the Board or Executive Committee (made up of the LMC Officers); and · Whether you will be able to make the time commitment necessary to fulfill your Board or Officer duties (monthly Board meetings, as well as two, two-day retreats). 2) A completed "Nomination Form for LMC Board of Directors/LMC Officers Positions" (attached). 3) Optional: A resume that provides an overview of your municipal/professional experience and accomplishments. 4) Optional: Letters of reference. Please return these materials by May 31, 2002 to: Jim Miller League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 - 1840- Nomination Form - LMC Board of Directors PLEASE COMPLETE THE NOMINATION FORM PROVIDING AS MANY DETAILS AS POSSIBLE. You are encouraged to attach other materials that may be useful to the Nominating Committee during its deliberations, such as your resume and a letter stating your reasons for seeking a League office. Nalne; Organization: Title: Address: City/Zip: Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( ) 1. Length of service in your present position: 2. E-mail: years Other municipal or related position(s) you have held and the number of years: Previous League experience (e.g. committees, conferences, affiliate organizations, etc.) o o Are you applying for (Please select one) President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Director If you are applying for Director, can you complete a full three-year term as a Board member? PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY MAY 31, 2002 TO: Jim Miller League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 - 1841 - Board Nominating Process and Selection Criteria Board nomination process. A. Nominating Committee Appointment and Orientation Process. Beginning in April of every year the League will solicit individuals interested in serving on the nominating committee. Notice of solicitation of interest shall be placed in Cities Bulletin at least twice. When necessary in order to get a sufficient number on the committee, or to achieve appropriate balance, the Executive Director may directly solicit city officials to be on the committee. On or before May 1 of each year the League President shall apPoint a nominating committee of 8 to 12 city officials, consisting of both elected and appointed officials with appropriate attention paid to issues such as gender, city size, and geography. The immediate past president of the Board of Directors will sit as an ex-officio member of the Committee and shall be its Chair. o At least one week prior to the annual conference, the Executive Director shall hold an orientation meeting of the nominating committee in order to explain the nominating committee process and to explain the Board selection criteria. B. Recruitment and Nomination Process Beginning in April of each year the League will solicit Minnesota city officials interested in serVing on the League of Mirmesota Cities Board of Directors. Notice of Board openings and solicitation of interest shall be placed in the April Minnesota Cities Magazine and shall nm at least twice in the Cities Bulletin. In addition, prior to May 1 of each year, the Executive Director shall mail to the chief administrative officer of each member city a letter soliciting Board candidates and explaining the process and selection criteria. All candidates who wish to be considered by the nominating committee must submit an appropriate written expression of interest by June 1. Additional material in support of particular candidates may be submitted up to the date of the nominating committee meeting. Once the list of Board candidates has been compiled, the Executive Director in conjunction with the nominating committee chair shall develop an agenda and a schedule of interView times. - 1842- After considering the presentations of the various candidates, the nominating committee shall make its recommendations based on the requirements of the League Constitution, Board Commitments, and the Guidelines set out herein. o In order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, nominating committee members should refrain from participating in discussions involving candidates from cities that they represent. o Notice of the nominating committee's recommendations shall be posted at a predetermined time in at least two locations at the annual conference site. The location of the postings shall be included in the material provided to conference attendees and shall be directly communicated to prospective candidates. The Chair of the nominating committee shall be responsible for presenting the report of the nominating committee at the Annual business meeting. Board selection requirements and guidelines. A. Constitutional Requirements. The League Constitution requires that the Board of Directors shall consist of an "elected president, an elected frrst vice president, an elected second vice president, the immediate past president ex-officio, the president of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities ex- officio, the president or vice president of the National League of Cities, if a Minnesota City official, ex-officio, and twelve directors. "To be eligible to be elected to serve, or to continue to serve as an elective officer of the League, a person shall be an elected official [or], an appointed official... ," who is not an independent contractor. B. Board Commitments The Board has made a commitment that representatives of the following organizations and entities will have a seat on the Board of Directors, if they desire and if the nominating committee_believes that a qualified individual has been recommended by the particular organization or entity: Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Minnesota Association of Small Cities City of Minneapolis City of St. Paul - 1843- C. Non-binding Guidelines for the Nominating Committee to Consider 1. Geography Co The nominating committee will attempt to respect an appropriate balance of representation between Greater Minnesota and the Metropolitan area. In this same regard, the Committee will strive to maintain a similar balance when making recommendations for the President, first vice-president, and second vice-president positions. No particular importance will be placed on where within Greater Minnesota or the Metropolitan area a given candidate comes from. 2. Population. a. Board members should come from cities of differing size. 3. Gender ao Every effort should be made to ensure gender equity on the Board. Position (Appointed v. Elected) a. A majority of the Board should be elected city officials. Term ao Where there are other qualified candidates, Board members should generally serve only one term. An individual appointed to fill an unexpired Board term will not be prejudiced by this guideline so long as the unexpired term was for one year or less. - 1844- LMC Board of Directors and Officers June 2001 - June 2002 President First Vice President Second Vice President Directors Lester Heitke, Mayor, Willmar Term expires: June, 2002 Joel Young, Clerk, Chatfield Term expires: June, 2002 Gary Doty, Mayor, Duluth Appointed by LMC Board to fill unexpired term of Joan Campbell Term expires: jUne, 2002 Del Haag, Councilmember, Buffalo Appointed by the LMC Board to fill unexpired term of Reggie Edwards Term expires: June, 2002 (2 yrs remaining of Edwards original term) Dan Ness, Mayor, Alexandria Elected by Membership: June 2001 to fill unexpired term of Joel Young Term expires: June 2002 Ronald Jabs, Mayor, Jordan Elected by Membership: June, 1999 Term expires: JUne, 2002 Judy Johnson, Councilmember, Plymouth Elected by Membership: June, 1999 Term expires: June, 2002 Mark Voxland, Councilmember, Moorhead Elected by Membership: June, 1999 Term expires: June, 2002 Marvin Johnson, Mayor Elected b'~ Membership: June, 2000 Term expires: June, 2003 Don Levens, Administrator, Cokato Elected b'~ Membership: June, 2000 Term expires: June, 2003 DeWayne Mareck, Councilmember, St. Cloud Elected by Membership: June, 2000 Term expires: June, 2003 - 1845- Michael McCauley, City Manager, Brooklyn Center Elected by Membership: June, 2000 Term expires: June, 2003 Chris Coleman, Councilmember, City of St. Paul Elected by Membership: June 2001 Term Expires: June, 2004 Bonnie Rietz, Mayor, Austin Elected by Membership: June 2001 Term Expires: June 2004 Terry Schneider, Councilmember, City of Minnetonka Elected by Membership:. June 2001 Term Expires: June 2004 Ex-officio seat Past President: Gary Doty Elected by Membership: June 1996 Term expired: 2002 Karen Anderson, NLC President Elected by NLC: December, 1999 Frank Boyles, AMM President Elected by AMM: May, 2001 - 1846- March 29, 2002 CITY of ORONO Municipal Offices Street Address: Mailinl[ Address: 2750 Kelley Parkway P.O. Box 66 Orono, MN 55356 Crystal Bay, MN 55323-0066 Pat Meisel Mayor City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1627 Dear Mayor Meisel: Thank you for the important role you have played in the legislative effort in support of the preservation of the Dakota Rail Corridor as a continuous public transportation corridor. The large number of officials representing the cities and counties along the corridor sent a strong message to the legislators regarding the importance of preserving the corridor. The fruits of your commitment to doing what is needed to protect the public interest will be enjoyed by many generations to come. Sin erely,/.~-~_:~. Barbara Peterson Mayor, City of Orono Telephone (952) 249-4600 · Fax (952) 249-4616 www. ci.orono.mn.us - 1847- L LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 4071 SUNSET DRIVE · RO. BOX 385 · SPRING PARK, MN 55384-0385 · 952. 471-7125 · F/~X 952. 471-9151 March 28, 2002 DEEPHAVEN EXCELSIOR GREEN~X/OOD INDEPENDENCE LONG LAKE Mayor Meisel and Mound Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor MeiseI and Mound Council Members: Thank you for inviting me to the March 26 Mound Council Meeting to address the questions you had with regard to the television production studio. LORETTO MEDINA MINNETONKA BEACH MINNETRISTA ORONO ST. BONIFACIUS SHORE~./OOD SPRING PARK TONKA BAY VICTORIA WOODLAND The studio is being actively used by Mound residents and the LMCC is fortunate to have the opportunity to assist in these productions. There have been numerous positive comments about the program involving the senior center. We also hear frequently from community residents who appreciate seeing the local youth participating in positive activities in the school programming. Thank you for sharing your survey with the LMCC. It was encouraging to see that approximately half of those surveyed report they watch the local channels for both government and other public access programming. To determine the value.of this service I have always thought that two factors needed to be considered: The people using the studio may not be large in numbers but some people produce numerous programs of benefit to the communities. The second factor is the benefit that is garnered from people watching the programming. If numerous people watch the local programming this may be the greater benefit because of the potential to inform and educate greater numbers of people. Personally, I believe there has been no better time than now, with our culture being threatened, to have programming that reflects the hard work and efforts the local governments, schools and individual residents have expended locally to build this community. Positive images from this - 1848- community counterbalance much of what people are seeing on television from elsewhere. It is quite a stark contrast to see on one channel a boy of about eight (from another country) sitting on dirt talking about his goals to fight wars and on the channel next to it a Mound eight- year-old is playing youth hockey or taking a tour of the LMCC studio with his Cub Scout pack. Once again, the LMCC has appreciated serving the residents of Mound and we look forward to continuing to promote this service in the future. Sincerely, necke Administrator - 1849- 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 April 3, 2002 CITY OF MOUND PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com To: From: Re: Mayor and City Council Businaro, Finance Director Gino Cable Franchise Fees and Payments to LMCC During the March 26, 2002 Council meeting questions came up about fees that we receive from Mediacom and payments that we make to LMCC. Here is an account of receipts and disbursements for the year 2001' Mediacom Franchise fees Mediacom PEG Access fees Payments to LMCC Note: 1. Balance $ 65,144 33,346 (47,872) $ 50,618 The Franchise fee is based on a percentage of the total gross proceeds collected by Mediacom from Mound subscribers. 2. The PEG Access fee remitted to the City of Mound is based on 84 cents per subscriber per month. 3. Payments to LMCC are calculated based on $1.51 per subscriber per month. 4. The balance stays with the City of Mound and it becomes part of our General Fund. If you need more information on this issue, please call me at 952-472-0608. Cc: Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager Sally Koenecke, LMCC printed on recycled paper - 1850- Metropolitan Council Building communities that work March 19, 2002 Representative Tom Workman House District 43A Room 537, State Office Building 100 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55123 Representative Workman: I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your leadership by amending HF3461 to include language addressing our concerns considering Minnetonka Beach and our regional trail system. I am confident this language is reasonable and reaches a compromise where everyone wins. Thank you again for your leadership and support. ,~ regardsi TM:acq Attachment CCi Mary Hill Smith, Metropolitan Council Member Barry Petit, Mayor, City of Wayzata Jerome Rockvam, Mayor, City of Spring Park Barb Peterson, Mayor, City of Orono Pat Meisel, Mayor, City of Mound Cheryl Fischer, Mayor, City of Minnetrista Douglas Bryant, Superintendent, Suburban Hennepin Regional Park Board Marcia Wilda, Hennepin Country Regional Rail Authority Marilyn J. Maloney, Assistant Hennepin County Attorney Gabriel Jabbour, former Mayor, City of Orono Mt:tm Info Line 602-1888 1550 Page 1, delete lines 7 to 16. and insert: ".-\ master plan Ibr a re~ionat trail for any currc?_jt or former railroad comdor located in the city of Minnetonka Beach may not be implemented without consultation with the Minnetonka Beach ciW council as provided in section 473.313." - 1852- 473.31.3 MASTER PLANS Subdivision 1. Adoption. Each park district located wholly or partially within the metroplitan area, and each county in the metropolitan area not wholly within a park district, shall prepare, after consultation with all affected municipalities, and submit to the metropolitan council, and from time to time revise and resubmit to the council, a master plan and annual budget for the acquisition and development of regional recreation open space located within the district or county, consistent with the [Metropolitan] council's policy plan. Subd. 2. Council review. The metropolitan council shall review with the advice of the [metropolitan parks and open space] commission, each master plan to determine whether it is consistent with the council's policy plan. If it is not consistent, the council shall return the plan with its comments to the municipalities, park district or county for revision and resubmittal. (emphasis italicized) C:\TEMPLRegional rec open space master plan law.doc - 1853- 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, ~ 55103-2044 Phone: (651) 281-1200 . (800) 925-1122 TDD (651) 281-1290 LMC Fax: (651) 281-1299 ° LMCIT Fax: (651) 281-1298 Web Site: http:#www.lmnc.org To: ~rom: Re: MEMORANDUM Member City AdministratOrs and Clerks Eric Willette, Policy Research Manager City fiscal profiles on LMC web site March 19, 2002 Fiscal profiles of all Minnesota cities are now available for you to view on the LMC web site. I created the profiles for the LMC legislative conference to assist city officials in discussing city finance issues with their legislators. The profiles include the types of data that have been hot topics with legislators and the administration this year - levy and aid changes, the Governor's aid cut proposal, and 1999 end-of-year fund balances and 1999 per capita expenditure data. The profiles also include comparable data from cities of similar size. The profile generator is password-protected. The profiles can be accessed at: Address: Usemame: Password: http://www.lmnc.org/fiscal/profile/fiscal.cfm lmc fiscal. 145 Please distribute this access information only with other city staff and city elected officials. Legislators and administration officials have been scrutinizing city aid, levy, expenditure, and fund balance data for many months. The profiles enable you to view the same types of information that is being discussed at the capitol this session. If you plan to meet with your legislators, you may want to look at your city fiscal profile to be ready to explain to your legislators the state of your city's finances, and to answer any questions that the profile may raise. Even if city general aid programs are left untouched this session, scrutiny of city finances will likely continue into the 2003 session. If.you do not have Internet access and would like a copy of your city's profile, or if you have any questions about the profiles, please call Eric Willette at 651-281-1245. I hope you find this new information useful. AN EQUAL OPPORTUN[TY/A~IR MATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 1854- Printer Friendly Version of City Fiscal Profile Search Results Page 1 of 2 Loaguo of Minno ota Citio City of Mound Fiscal Profile A. How Mound compares to similar cities Mound Comparison Cities Mt 5,001-10,000 Population 9,435 7,260 2001 Tax Capacity $8,113,888.00 $7,474,224.00 2001 City Tax Rate 17.69% 20.74% 2001 Total Tax Rate 105.59% 112.14% 2001 LGA & HACA . $844,400.00 $440,921.69 2001 Levy $1,562,884.00 $1,576,818.69 2002 LGA $296,833.00 $163,062.19 2002 Levy $2,452,550.00 $2,107,482.50 Change in Levy + Aid 14.21% 9.15% B. Governor Ventura's 'Big Fix' 2002 aid cuts Certified 2002 Levy 2002 Homestead Credit Proposed Growth-based cut Proposed Uniform Cut Total Cut Cut as % of Levy+Aid C. 1999 Expenditures Total Current Expenditures Expenditures per capita D. 1999 Fund Balances General and Special Funds unreserved fund balance Fund Balance as a % of Expenditures Fund Balance All Governmental Funds including reserved funds $296,833.00 $214,896.00 $217,008.93 $50,647.48 $267,656.41 9.74% $3,179,653.00 $337.01 $1,929,354.00 60.68% $2,172,155.00 $163,062.19 $150,428.00 $83,709.68 $36,359.95 $120,069.63 5.29% $2,222,918.94 $3O6.2O $2,010,033.00 90.42% $5,213,789.06 Please note that the comparison data included in the profiles do not account for important differences between cities such as types and levels of services provided, fiscal pressures due to changing populations, diversity of revenue sources, and many other factors. Expenditure and fund balance data are from 1999 State Auditor reports, the most current information available. A $0 fund balance may indicate that the city is one of the 370 smaller cities that reports its finances on a cash basis of accounting, rather than using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Cities using the cash basis do not report fund balance information to the state. A $0 fund balance and $0 expenditures indicates that the city was not included in the 1999 http://www.lmnc.org/fiscal/profile/printerfiscal._ ~ 8~_266 3/28/2002 LalcF M1NNETONKn CHA EB OF COMMERCE ~00Shoreline Drive · EO, Box 115. Navarr~ Minnesota 558~ · Telephone: ~9.471-0708 · Facsimile 952-471-0577 www. lakeminnetonkachamber, com · ~ March 18, 2002 ~ 0~ ' Collette Roberts 1937 Fagemess Point Road .~ Orono MN 55391 RE: 2002 Lake Minnet~~ber ore Dear Collette: You haw Chamber amount of SY Scholarship >icnt of a 2002 Lake Mirmet0nka · Per' are to be Seminar in July. By to ~igned copy of this the you would:] · calling the If you have an~'~estions, please! continued success in ygu,r, ~r. patsy Kie~bw' Executive Director Date: ~'agree to to who the check for completion to the .25~ at Island Vi~ 'invite others att d ~0768 Collette Roberts "Working Together" Serving Minnetonka Beach, Minnetrista, Mound, Navarre/Orono, St. Bonifacious, Spring Park - 1856- Maroh 20, 2002 The Gillespie Gazette VOL X NO 4 April- 2002 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Members and Friends, According to the calendar, Spring is o~cially here. I see lots of signs of Spring. The birds chirping early in the morning, the early sunrise and a few snow birds back from their winter residences. The days are now twelve hours long, and with daylight savings time, we now have time to take a walk after dinner. We should see a lot more of our snowbirds returning this month. One of our snow birds, Barb Calhoun, is in charge of our hosts/dishwasher scheduling. While Barb has been away, Pat Wallin has admirably filled in for her. Barb did set up a schedule before she but there are always lots of changes to be made. Thanks to Pat for filling in and doing a great job. One of the committees we have is a Sunshine Committee. This job involves sending cards to members affected by death, illness, be shut-in and other personal contacts. Margaret Thorne did this job for us for years. Recently, Ellen Scholer has taken on the job. Thanks, Margaret, for all your good work, and thanks, Ellen, for taking on this important job. I'm sure most of our new members, and probably many of our long time members, do not know about our Senior Outreach program. Bev Abbott and Marian Danielson are our Senior Outreach staff of Senior Community Services. Senior Community Services, founded in 1-950, is a private non- profit agency supported by the United Way, Hennepin County, municipalities and individual and corporate contributions. Senior Outreach provides in-home counseling to frail elderly and their families to help older people remain independent. The staff assist~seniors to identif~ and connect with the right combinations of services tailored to fit their individual needs. Senior Outreach helps older adults access the most appropriate and cost-effective services available. Support groups are offered for seniors and for caregivers, health insurance counseling and forms assistance is also available for Medicare beneficiaries. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact Bev or Marian at The Gillespie Center (Bev at 952-472-0014 or Marian at 952-472-0176). Thanks, Bev and Marian, for all your help to our elderly citizens. On April 27~, a Saturday, we will have a Pork Chop Dinner, a f~nd raiser for The Gillespie Center. Please plan to attend and bring your family and friends. Chairperson Gillespie Center Advisory Council - 1857- Business is Booming in Savage By Lori Carlson Savage, MN Business is booming at Savage's three city-run liquor stores according to Pete Matthies, liquor operations manager. Sales were up by 13.9 percent, or $694,644, in 2001 at city-operated liquor st~res. MarketPlace Liquor near County Road 42 and Highway 13, Sunset Liquor on Couflty Road 42 at Egan Drive and Dan Patch Liquor on West 123rd Street and Lynn Avenue. Matthies attributed the gains to convenient locations and a knowledgeable sales staff. Overall, the city's liquor operations generated $5.7 million in 2001. Marketplace sold $2.87 million (a 22 percent increase), Sunset drew $1.7 million (an increase of 8.2 percent) and Dan Patch sold $1.13 million (or an increase of 4.4 percent over 2000) for the year. How it works The city operates the stores as a private enterprise. Other cities that run their own liquor stores include Lakeville, Apple Valley, Edina, Richfield and Eden Prairie. Much of the revenue goes toward operating the stores and paying employees' wages and health insurance. But the proposed 2002 budget also calls for $116,000 of the liquor operations revenues to go to the city's general fund and $260,000 to the Savage Public Library Debt Service Fund. The debt service for the library covers 100 percent of the funding needed for the annual building debt, according to former Finance Director Chris Miller. Some people have criticized the city's use of money generated by its liquor stores for community amenities such as the public library. But city staff members say it is a way to keep property taxes down and generate much-needed money for the community. Marketplace's sales are boosted by its proximity to Rainbow Foods and its visibility from the major intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 13, he said. Dakota Liquor's sign is mostly shielded from view of that intersection to motorists heading north on Highway 13 from Prior Lake. "It's good to have some competition," Matthies said. "We try to mn the stores like a private business. We contract out for services like snow plowing and lawn mowing, so we're supporting the private sector, too." Actual profits for 2001 won't be clear. until March or April when the city's audit is conducted, Matthies said. But the stores clearly have seen continued success, he said. While beer is the No. 1 selling product at all three stores, it is rivaled by wine at Marketplace, which has the most extensive wine selection of the three, Matthies said. Beer sales are a stronghold at Dan Patch, contributing 50 percent of total sales at that store for 2001. "There's tremendous growth in this area," he said. "We seem to be drawing more people across the river, from Bloomington, for our wine selection." Also, more customers are coming from rural communities to the south, such as Lonsdale, as those areas shift from fanning communities to "more upscale" neighborhoods Matthies said. Wine sales in 2001 at Marketplace contributed 27 percent of its total sales, beating out hard liquor, which was at 24 percent. At Sunset, wine sales were at 17 percent of the total, with liquor coming in first at 26 percent. And at Dan Patch wine made up 10 percent of total sales after liquor sales, which were 26 percent also. City leaders said they expect sales revenues to rise even higher over the next two years. The Savage City Council passed the 2002-03 liquor operating budget in early December, which showed projected sales in 2002 of $6.3 million - a 34 percent increase over 2001 projections. The 2002-2003 budget projects sales for 2002 at the three stores: · Dan Patch: $1,136,075, or a 3 percent increase from 2001 · Sunset: $1,777,035, or a 6 percent increase from 2001 · MarketPlace: $3,354,825, or a 17 percent increase from 2001 Combined income for the stores is $540,120, which "shows the true financial strength of the city's liquor operations," according to a report from Miller and Matthies. But Councilman Les Bernick said during a November work session that the city should watch the financial effect on liquor stores if grocery stores begin selling liquor. A bill proposed in the state Legislature to allow wine sales by grocers, known as the "wine with dinner" bill, failed in the last session. Bemick also wondered if the proposed Sam's Club in Shakopee would affect sales. Matthies said Sam's Club would sell liquor, but he said he doesn't expect those sales to have a large effect on Savage stores. He said the Savage stores have high-quality customer service and "loyal clientele." But Matthies said if the "wine and dine" bill passes in the future, it could cut into the city's wine sales by as much as 20 percent. MMBA -1858- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES 5 Isanti Off. Sale Liquor l egin; Selling Puli.Tabs By Corwin Bradford /.a I Cambridge Star 1~'~ ~,~ Patrons of the Isanti Municipal Off- Sale Liquor Store can now purchase a new item: pull tabs. Recently, the Isanti City Council approved a resolution allowing the Cambridge-Isanti Hockey Association to sell pull tabs at the liquor store. According to Troy Heuring, gambling manager of the association, proceeds from the selling of pull tabs will not only go toward youth hockey, but other youth activities such as baseball and soccer. "Our mission is to help all youth activities, not just hockey," he said. Initially, two pull tab games are being offered at the liquor store for a period of three months. The association is paying a rent of $500 per month, and will monitor the situation to determine if more or less games will be placed. Heuring said the rent that is paid at a site is based on the number of games that are closed per month. According to Liquor Store Manager Tom Brokmeier there are no out-of- pocket expenses associated with the selling of pull tabs. The games have been placed on the counter in the check-out area. Liquor store staff are basically selling the pull tabs, just like any other merchandise in the store. The money, though, is kept in a separate till. Liquor store staff count the pull tab money in the morning and again at night, while the association handles all other financial reporting. Only cash is accepted for pull tabs. Patrons who purchase pull tabs must open them before leaving the store. Brokmeier said an area just off the counter serves as a site to open the pull tabs. The Cambridge-Isanti Hockey Association has conducted gambling games since 1992. BASICS OF MMBA CONFERENCE 2002 Date: Sunday, May 5 to Tuesday May 7, 2002. Date chosen to avoid opening of fishing season, Mother's Day etc. Location: Breezy Point Resort, near Brainerd, Minnesota. Attendees: While all industry members are invited, the goal is to fill the entire resort with municipal liqour personnel. Conference Summary: This new conference is being held at the request of the MMBA membership. While there will not be a trade show, attendees can look forward to new and interesting seminar topics & some specific to municipal operations and some general interest. There will also be time for some of that great (up north) relaxation and fun! Response: The response to this event from the membership and industry suppliers has been overhelmingly positive. Midwest Expo: MMBA will continue to support Midwest expo activities but the Breezy Point Conference will be the primary gathering of MMBA members. MLBA Relationship: MMBA's relationship with MLBA is strong & positive. MMBA will continue to work closely with MLBA on items of mutual concern (Anti Wine in Grocery legislation etc.) and/or benefit. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES 8 - 1859- JIM RAMSTAD THIRD DISTRICT, MINNESOTA WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE March 26, 2002 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 103 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225-2871 DISTRICT OFFICE: 1809 PLYMOUTH ROAD SOUTH,#300 MINNETONKA, MN 55305 (952) 738-8200 mn03@mail.house.gov www.house.gov/remstad Kandis Hanson City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Ed: I am writing to invite you to my upcoming town meeting in your area. The attacks on America of September 11 th and the war on terrorism have changed each of our lives in many ways. As a community leader in these challenging times, your input is very important to me as we strive to meet the needs of our mutual constituents. Enclosed is a list of the town meetings I will be holding Tuesday, April 2, through Thursday, April 4. If your schedule permits, I sincerely hope you'll be able to attend one of these meetings and let me know your questions and concems. Thanks again for your leadership, and please let me know if I can ever be helpful in any way. Best regards, JM~beR~r ofST~ess JR:ds PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER - 1860- amstad Minnesota's 3rd District April 2002 Town Meetings Tuesday, April 2 Bloomington City H'all Council Chambers 2215 West Old Shakopee Road Noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 Eden Prairie City Hall Council Chambers 8080 Mitchell Road 7to 8p.m. Wednesday, April 3 Hopkins City Hall Council Chambers 1010 - 1 st Street South 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 4 Plymouth Plymouth Creek Center, Room A 14800 - 34th Avenue North 7 to 8 p.m. MINNESOTA OFFICE 1809 Plymouth Road South, #300 Minnetonka, MN 55305 (952) 738-8200 http://www.house.gov/ramstad Email: MN03~mail.house.gov WASHINGTON OFFICE, 103 Cannon Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) z25-2871 - 1861 - Weston a -Fistorica£$ociety 3 740 BnchantedLane Mound,, MH55364 Monday, April 01, 2002 Dear Ms. Hanson, It is my pleasure, as a board member of the Westonka Historical Society, to present a proposal to unify the citizens, raise awareness on our rich past, and enhance the lives of residents and visitors alike, to the City of Mound. We Propose: Bring the Minnehaha to Mound The Minnesota Transportation Museum operates the Steamboat known as the Minnehaha, which tours Lake Minnetonka. Mound currently lacks a proper pier to accommodate a 71-foot boat and the passengers who come and go. If a City Pier existed, Mound could be part of their scheduled tours & stops on Lake Minnetonka. A City Pier would bring many benefits to our town: A beginning to eventually link Cook's Bay to Lost Lake, an invitation to visit our park and beach by boat for swimming and picnicking not to mention an additional option for other tour boats. It is our proposal to spearhead this project for launch and completion by Spring 2002. Our proposal calls for the full endorsement of the City of Mound; it's Council and Planning Commission as well as the Dock/Commons and Park/Recreation Departments. We propose to operate out of the Mound Depot and locate the Pier on her lakeshore. We feel the parking provided in both the Depot and Landing parking lots as well as street parking will be fully adequate. Any overflow parking may need to rely on the Gillespie Center for support. We propose to fund this project with private and public funds (if available). The construction estimate is less than $30,000 for a 100 ft. by 8 ft pier, installed by Minnetonka Portable Dredging. We will prepare a drawing and estimate when required. - 1862- There is an urgent cry from the citizens to find a common ground of full cooperation. It is our common belief that it is time for the Citizens to demonstrate to the governing body, and vice versa, that Mound is a "Can Do Community". We ask for the full support, guidance and assistance of the city to streamline and expedite our proposal. The Westonka Historical Society believes that one successful endeavor will breed and encourage additional proposals to enhance our way of life. Young and Old, resident and visitor will share the excitement that The Minnehaha's presence will bring to the fair City of Mound. We ask you to advise The Chairman of the Minnehaha to Mound Committee regarding issues that the city may have so that we may address and resolve them without delay. I can be reached Monday through Friday at 952-495-0007. F. Todd Warner~'"' Chairman - Minnehaha to Mound Committee Westonka Historical Society cc: Jim Facler encl - 1863- Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. ~ .... Lake Minnetonka Division March 27, 2002 F Todd Warner Mahogany Bay 26422 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Todd In enjoyed your tour of the Mound waterfront, chilly as it was, and hearing about the developments the city of Mound is planning for the downtown area. The Lake Minnetonka Division of the Minnesota Transportation Museum has many members who live in the Upper Lake area and we are interested in the history of the streetcar boats in the Upper Lake. In fact this coming suramer we are planning a survey of the Zumbro street car landing led by our site administrator and her husband who are marine historians and archeologists. At the February Minnehaha council meeting I presented ~,our idea to have Minnehaha come to Mound when we can. The concept was endorsed by the Council as long as we can develop an operational plan to ensure that a safe route, water depth and bridge clearance issues are addressed. This doesn't appear to be insurmountable. Assmning Minnehaha can safely come to Mound, unless there is a substantial dock we would only be able to cruise around the bay but not carry passengers to or from Mound. If there is a dock available that is capable of handling the 55 ton, 70' long x 6' draft Minnehaha we would be happy to come to Mound for special events. The upcoming season for Minnehaha is pretty well set now but we would try to bring ' Minnehaha to Mound on a special cruise or two. In the future we could schedule the boat for special events & cruises to Mound. We support your efforts to develop a public dock that the Minnehaha and other boats can use and will be in touch with you as the season nears to develop the operational plan enabling the Minnehaha to visit Mound. Sincerely, Brad Buxton General Superintendent Lake Minnetonka Division of the MTM The Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. is a 501. C. 3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are tax deductible. 328 Lake Street, Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone: 952-474-2115 Fax: 952-474-2192 - 1864- LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Kandis Hanson Chief Len Harrell Monthly Report for March, 2002 STATISTICS The police 'department responded to 569, Calls for service during the month of March.' There were 11 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses include 1 criminal sexual conducts, 3 bur~ade~' 1 aggraVated assault, and 6 larcenies:. - ,.~7 ~_,,~ ~ There were 54 Part II offenses abuse, 5 law harassment, and 15 other offenseS: Those offenses include 2 child prop~, 3 narcotics, 3 liquor 14 domestics (4 with assaults), 4 The patrol :diVision issued 57' adult: citations and 5 juvenile citation. Parking violations acCOunted for an addit-'mnal. ,42 tickets. Warnings were issued to ;t6 individiaals fora Varig'of Violations. There was 1 adUlt ~dl' jUVenile felon arrested, and 1,8 adUlts and 9 for misdemeanOrs. There Were 2 misdemeanor adult and 1 The department There were assisted other on 7 occasions. ; 5 with injuries. Mound h and requested assistance - 1865- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - March, 2001 ti. INVESTIGATIONS The Investigators worked on 4 child protection and 5 criminal sexual conduct eases in March accounting for over 37 hours of investigative time. Other eases included burglary, assault, theft, stolen vehicle, domestic assault, vulnerable adult, threats, wimess tampering, identity theft, damage to property, fraud, NSF checks, forgery, public nuisance, harassment, personal injury accident, and absenting. Formal complaints were issued for felony assault on a police officer, concealing an escaped prisoner, marijuana in a motor vehicle, careless driving, gross misdemeanor forgery, domestic assault, criminal damage to property, gross misdemeanor theft, gross misdemeanor DUI, false information to police, driving after suspension, disorderly conduct, gross misdemeanor driving after cancellation, and worthless checks. III. PERSONNEL/STAFFING The department used approximately 47 hours of overtime during the month of March. Officers used 75 hours of comp-time, 29 hours of sick time, 111 hours of vacation and 1 holiday. Officers earned 32 hours of comp time. The department held its annual awards dinner in March. Officer Kenny Beck received "Officer of the Year" honors, Officer Jami Burke was recognized for her lifesaving efforts at a severe medical, and Officer Mike Bmckner was recognized for a narcotics case that he initiated. IV. TRAINING Officers attended firearms training. One officer attended a one day narcotics school, one officer attended EMT refresher for three days, and one investigator attended SCAN school for interviewing. Officer Beck attended training on night vision goggles in Florida provided by the defense department and we were awarded a set of goggles. V. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER CSO Salter handled 222 calls for service including 23 animal complaints, 17 ordinance violations, and 182 miscellaneous calls. - 1866- RESERVES The reserves donated 117 hours to the community in March. The unit currently has eight members who contribute on a regular basis. Sgt. Pat Hart received "Officer of the Year" honors and Capt. Jesse Husby received an award of merit for his years of dedicated service. - 1867- Homeland Security Advisory System FAQs What is the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS)? The Homeland Security Advisory System will provide a comprehensive and effective means to disseminate information regarding the risk of terrorist attacks to Federal, State, and local authorities and to the American people. What is a Threat Condition and how is it determined? The 5 graduated Threat Conditions established by the HSAS are designed to provide a consistent frame of reference for information concerning terrorist threats. A higher Threat Condition means that there is a greater risk of terrorist attack, with risk including both probability and gravity. Heightened Threat Conditions can be declared for the entire nation. However, a heightened condition can also be declared for a limited geographic area or sector. The duration of a Threat Condition depends on the individual circumstances of each threat, and will be reviewed at regular intervals to determine whether adjustments are necessary. What is the role of the Office of Homeland Security? Governor Ridge will continue to evaluate the integrated threat assessments and reports from law enforcement and the intelligence community. The Attorney General will consult with him and review these reports with Cabinet Secretaries and Advisors to the President. Heads of Federal departments and agencies will submit their annual reports to the President on Protective Measures through Governor Ridge. 4. What Threat Condition are we in now? The nation is now at an Elevated or Yellow Condition. This reflects the Homeland Security Council's assessment that there is a significant risk of terrorist attack. It takes into account the Martyrs pictures released publicly by the Attorney General and the list of terrorists released by the FBI on February 12. What does this system mean for Federal agencies? There are many federal alert systems in our country - each tailored and unique to different sectors of our society: transportation, defense, agriculture and weather, for example. Each fills a vital need. The new national Homeland Security System provides context for these systems. During the next 135 days, federal agencies will develop plans to conform their Protective Measures to the national Homeland Security System. 6. Why is there an exemption for the State Department and military? This system only focuses on terrorist threats to the Homeland. The Secretary of State retains the authority to establish threat levels for foreign embassies and posts, while the Secretary of Defense sets threat levels for defense forces. Military facilities in the United States are excluded from conforming to this system because they must operate under one unified threat system that applies to forces at home and abroad. Will this system give local police agencies a better idea of what to do in response to an alert? Yes. This advisory system provides context and common vocabulary for disseminating information concerning the risk of terrorist attacks. It assures greater coherence and consistency across regions and sectors in the assignment of Threat Conditions. This system will greatly improve the quality and quantity of information provided to State and local officials and law enforcement. To the extent possible, the Attorney General will provide timely and relevant - 1868- information regarding the threat and other useful information. What does this new system mean for States and cities? State and local governments were among the first to urge us to develop a national framework for threat alerts. We cannot mandate that Governors and Mayors adopt the Homeland Security Adviso~J System, but we are confident that they share our desire for a common language that will allow us to do a better job of protecting the American people. How would this system have applied to September 11 and/or the previous three general alerts? What tier of alert were they? Any assignment of a threat level done retrospectively would be based largely on speculation. We did not have the new system in place at that time. Certainly on September 11, there were conditions present that would indicate the nation was at red. During the period of the three general alerts, elements of the threat analysis would have probably pointed us toward an elevated Threat Condition. Who determines the need to adjust the Threat Condition level? Decision-making has to be centralized in one individual. The Attorney General assigns Threat Conditions after consultation with Governor Ridge. If time allows, Cabinet Members, government officials at the State and local levels, the private sector, and the Homeland Secudty Council will have input in these decisions when appropriate. Will all alerts or changes in alert status be made public? National Threat Conditions generally will be publicly announced. Public announcements can have the effect of not only informing Americans, but of deterring terrorists. The absence of a terrorist attack could mean that an attack was deterred or averted. when would you not announce an alert or change in alert state? The safety of the American people is the most important consideration we have in this system. For example, if the Attorney General determines that notifying law enforcement agencies will help us catch a terrorist, and we don't want to let the terrorist know we are coming, then we may hold off on letting the public know. However, the most important consideration will always be public safety. Are you afraid the public will tune out these alerts if there are too many? The Advisory System will ensure that the public remains informed, and they are empowered to make the decisions they feel are appropriate for their safety. By creating a common vocabulary and a graduated series of Threat Conditions, we seek to strengthen decision-making at all levels, not only for the government and industry, but for every citizen. How does this system relate to bioterrorism? One of the strengths of this system is its flexibility. If information is obtained that a particular seCtor is threatened or public health is at dsk, we will be able to apply an appropriate Threat Condition to that segment of industry or geographic region. In the case of a bioterrorist attack, medical professionals at the local level may be the first to pass information up the ladder to the State and Federal government. The strengthened communications systems and processes developed under this system should speed information both ways through the system. where should comments and views of the HSAS be forwarded during the - 1869- fon'y-five day review period? Comments may be submitted electronically to: HSAScomments@fl~i.gov. Written comments may be sent to: Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security Advisory System, Room 7222, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 20535. >>> "Manning, Susan" <Susan. Manningi~state.mn.us> 03/13/02 08:42AM >>> Original MessaGe From: Weaver, Chariie Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 5:39 PM To: Manning, Susan Subject: FW: Homeland Security Advisory System FAQs and Answers Let's send this out to chiefs, sheriffs and the utility group as a follow up. thanks -1870-