TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2002 - 6:30 PM
MOUND, MN 55364-1687
PH: (952) 472-0600
FAX: (952) 472-0620
WEB: WWw.cityofmound.com
May 17, 2002
Mayor Meisel
Council Members
Kandis Hanson, City Managg~
Performance Evaluation
On April 17th, I observed my second anniversary as City Manager for the City of Mound. The
last two years will go down in my personal history book as the most demanding of my lifetime.
They have been fraught with challenges and celebrations. It has been a roller coaster of joys and
disappointments. I have always considered redevelopment as the primary reason the Council
hired me, so as I assess the last two years, I struggle to find my successes. But, I am reminded
by the Department Heads of the changes and progress made throughout the organization, and to
not limit my assessment to redevelopment alone.
Professional Goals and Priorities
At my six-month anniversary, we used the 360-degree evaluation, performed by Lynn and
Associates. Out of that came a question regarding my professional goals and priorities. My
goals and priorities at that time were the following: 1) Become more involved in the community;
2) Improve my public speaking abilities; 3) Improve all aspects of communication--internal and
external; 4) Broaden my knowledge of the financial aspects of the City; 5) Build bridges--council
with council, staff with councilors/commissioners, city with city, city with school, city with other
agencies, and city with the development world. With only eight months between my six-month
and my one-year evaluations, those continued to be my goals for the coming year.
With another year having elapsed, I now have enough perspective to fairly judge how I have
come along on these goals.
Community Involvement - I feel I am totally enmeshed in the community--as much as I
can be without detracting from my primary purpose for being here. I was elected as a
board member on the Chamber of Commerce, effective in January. I am also active in a
variety of other ways with the Chamber. I attend a lot of community events, either as a
guest speaker, a volunteer or simply as an attendee. Often, however, I turn down
opportunities for involvement. I have a personal concern that I must do all that I can to
maintain a healthy balance in my life, to hopefully avoid a burnout situation. As it is,
work related activities pervade my life. Fortunately for me, I love what I do and don't
mind the approaches from the public and talking about "City business" everywhere I go.
printed on recycled paper
Improved Public Speaking Skills - Whereas Kasson elected officials preferred to
represent themselves publicly, even doing presentations at council meetings, you have
expressed your desire for me to represent you at public gatherings. And whereas I was a
bit rusty at presenting initially, I now feel extremely comfortable and feel I do a good job
of presenting. I believe this is largely due to my growing familiarity with the subject
matter and what I feel is a high level of support by community members. I feel my
involvement at council meetings has more recently increased and that my contributions in
those meetings add significantly to the decision-making. I appreciate your confidence in
me in these areas and enjoy being your ambassador in the community.
Improved Communication - There are lots of examples of how communication has
improved over the past. Some include: open houses and news letters geared to specific
programs or projects; monthly department head meetings; council member FYI's of
agendas and notes from department head meetings; monthly staff newsletter to all full
and part-time staff; council member FYI's of staff news letter; day-after meeting with
department heads and administrative staff as to council meeting outcomes; occasional
formal and informal staff meetings; new phone book listings in all three phone books, for
improved efficiency and availability; my direct line listed in all phone books, news letters
and other publications; annual staff tour of downtown redevelopment and other projects
so that they may adequately describe city activities to customers; open door policy and
directives to staff as to how they may utilize the chain of command to their benefit;
conflict resolution proceedings between employees or between neighbors, when needed.
This list is in now way exhaustive, but represents my earnest efforts to provide
Where information continues to be suffering is between council members and myself.
For the most part, I communicate with the Mayor. I know I don't call other council
members often enough. I feel that if I call one, I must call all four, and time is my enemy
in that regard. Some of my colleagues call their council members once a week; others
call them before each council meeting. I would appreciate direction on what you would
like from me in the line of communications. When all five members formerly had email,
I felt that communication was better. I could send out quick updates and notices, which
took very little of my time. Everyone was more on top of the news. It is not the same
high quality communication when some rely on a copy of the email in their boxes. I have
been frustrated by not being able to use email as a means of communication over the last
year and a half.
Financial Awareness - I am pleased that I am becoming more acquainted with the
finances of the city, so that I may adequately safeguard the public's money. Some areas
in which my grasp has improved are: the various department budgets and where the needs
and demands lie; knowledge of inadequate fund balance and the implications; success in
initiating capital planning and placing capital purchases within the budget; improved
management of the escrow accounts; collections of dollars from developers and other
applicants that reimburse the city for the costs they incur; increasing fees to reflect the
cost of providing services; labor contract settlements that don't "break the bank;"
educating staff and council regarding the critical state of our finances and the need for
cost consciousness when spending. I am not an accountant and will never be intimately
involved in the actual crunching of numbers. That is not my role as city manager,
however, I feel I have the "big picture" ability to successfully bring Mound to better
financial times.
Build Bridges - I am of the philosophy that relationships are the key to success in life--
both personal and professional. That makes building relationships an underlying goal for
me. My overt efforts at restoring and maintaining good working relationships can
account for a number of the projects that have gotten underway or conflicts that have
been resolved. Some of those include: the Westedge Boulevard water main project and
road improvement project; the settlement of the community center matter with the school
district; reaching a sub-lease agreement with the school district that kept the liquor store
in business; the settlement of the MetroPlains law suit, enable the project to proceed; the
conflict with Balboa building owner, Gary Maxwell, over the ACT II default; reversing
the decree to condemn Balboa land for development, and hopefully coming to an
amicable agreement for the sale of the land; facilitating the Dreamwood neighborhood
dock matters; restoring the post office project through Congressman Ramstad's office;
again, conflict resolution between employees and between neighbors, as needed;
combining police and fire departments in a common facility--an uncommon occurrence;
occasional meetings with downtown business owners about their futures. This partial list
of successes is very representative of how I conduct myself on a routine basis.
An area needing work that I can't do alone is relationship building with council members.
In a recent conversation, I described us as being "all on the same team." It is my most
sincere desire to please all of you all of the time, but realistically, that can't be done.
Improving our communication by whatever means you suggest will undoubtedly
strengthen the manager/council member relationship. I would also be looking for your
public support of my work and my efforts, while privately and appropriately dealing with
our differences.
Ci.ty and Departmental Accomplishments and Goals
People representing all possible constituencies tell me noticeable change and activity has
occurred in the last year. Frankly, if I may use an analogy, I'm unable to see the £orest for the
trees. I am so entrenched in a workload that is suited for two, that I lack the subjective ability to
note on my own all that has actually been accomplished. That being the case, I straggle to
comprehend any advances. Thus, the following comprehensive list has been submitted by the
Departments Heads, so that I might prove to myself that some things have been accomplished,
and justify my worth. Of course, the list is in no way comprehensive, but rather a sampling of
the achievements, by department. As the lists imply, the workload is monumental and
accomplishing some work assignments on a timely basis is really a challenge. This performance
evaluation falls in that category, unfortunately. I apologize for its lateness.
Implemented new Financial System, which includes the City Bookkeeping, the Payroll, the
Accounts Payable, and the Utility Billing applications.
Purchased new computers and linked them into a network with DSL lines' connection.
Purchased some major office machines, namely a new copy machine, a postage meter and fax
Assisted with union contracts' negotiations.
Work with the insurance after the June 2001 Hail Storm damage of buildings, cars and
Implemented new optional short-term disability program.
Implemented improved long-term disability program.
Converted indexing system for council minutes, resolutions & ordinances to electronic system.
Submitted the City' s Notification of Adoption of City General Retention Schedule to the
Historical Society, so that we can dispose of records accordingly.
Prepared a Data Practices Procedures Manual for the City of Mound, according to state statute.
Updated the cemetery records (hadn't been updated since 1998). Every occupant and deed
holder is cross-referenced, and the map updated.
Updated sewer/water trunk area charge and connection fees.
Updated park dedication fees.
Planning and Building Inspections Department reorganized.
Filled new position - Community Development Director.
Replaced Planning Secretary position.
Replaced Building Official position.
Adopted Surface Water Management Plan, acquiring permitting authority.
MetroPlains Development: preliminary/final plat, EAW, subdivision & development agreements.
Langdon Bay: preliminary/final plat, development agreement.
Langdon Woods: preliminary/final plat, development agreement.
ERF Grant from Hennepin County for cleanup of Maxwell site ($60,000).
Update of the no parking code.
Funding of the storm water projects.
Completed survey for streets and retaining walls.
New vehicles added to fleet.
Resolution of comparable worth issues within PW.
Hired full-time park maintenance person.
Installed new park play structure at Swenson Park.
Planned new parks for the MetroPlains & Rottland Homes developments
Replaced Dock Inspector.
Reorganized office space allocated to Parks Department, for greater efficiency.
Implemented a new fee structure for Dock/Slip program.
Updated the computer programming for the Dock/Slip program.
Approved full-time secretary to assist the Parks & Docks Dept in the 2002 Budget.
Hired two police officers replacing for a retirement and a vacancy.
Implemented the School Resource Officer with funds raised within the community through the
crime fund. Grant to fund the position through the COPS office for three additional years.
Cleaned up over 100 properties under Operation Clean Sweep.
Citizens' Academy, National Night Out, DARE, Citizen Comment Card Programs, and the
individual SARA projects by officers.
Revised and renewed fire service contract for all contract cities going from 1 year term to 3 year.
Formed and enjoying successes of MFD "Fire Commission".
Purchased new fire engine pumper.
Extension of the current liquor store lease.
Issuance of bonds for the new liquor store
Purchase of a computerized inventory control system
Efforts underway, but not yet completed
Working with non-union employees on Administrative Code changes.
Working on Post Retirement Health Plan.
Working on VIP Properties Agreement and related management of Indian Knoll Manor
Prepare the 2001 Annual Financial Report and assist with the annual audit by the Independent
Completely updating the City Clerk's filing system, including destruction of old records
according to the retention schedule, and overall organization of existing active files.
Creation of a Family Medical Leave Policy.
Creation of an "Adult Use" ordinance.
Election Certification for Clerk and Assistant.
CSAH 15 cooperative agreements.
Zoning map update.
Creation of right-of-way and gas/electric franchise ordinance.
Utilities district(s) analysis with PC/CC.
Transfer of surface water permitting from MCWD to City of Mound.
New well and water tower.
Six storm water projects.
Street and curb upgrades.
Retaining wall repairs.
Westedge water main extension.
Upgrade of meter reading system.
Space needs for all city buildings.
Sewer and storm maintenance and repairs.
Install play equipment for new parks in the Metro Plain & Rottland Homes developments
Hire a full-time secretary to assist in the Parks/Docks department.
Work on ordinances to make clean up enforcement more efficient.
Officer Swensen continues to work with the skate park committee.
Operation Clean Sweep continues to clean up the neighborhoods.
Hiring of full time Fire Chief/Marshal.
Kickoff of public safety facility project.
Replacement of Fire Department By-Laws with policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.
Negotiations with MetroPlains on liquor store construction agreement.
Whereas I asked Department Head to limit their list to six items or less, and to only list things in
which I had involvement. Their inability to limit the number of accomplishments and those in
process is indicative of the workload, the progress that has been made and the success stories that
took place in my Year 2 on the job. I appreciate all of them immensely, and I think it goes both
ways. In a department head meeting, I recall telling them, "I will lead as fast as you push me."
With all of my responsibilities, I depend upon them to initiate their department endeavors, and I
will do my part to facilitate the matter. Often times they are standing two and three in line at my
door waiting for my time. Mound residents are very fortunate to have such talented and self-
starting individuals serving their community. Hats off to them all!
Goals for Upcoming Year
Fully implement and become more familiar with the new Financial System.
Move personnel in space that will allow them to be more effective and efficient with their work.
An upgraded Clerk's computer (faster, more storage, CD burner, scanning equipment).
Completion of Mound Visions program.
Archiving/redacking of all property and building permit files.
Prepare residential Planning Reports in-house as cost-savings measure.
Total upgrade of all city roads and underground utilities.
Complete water reading system upgrade.
Updated Parks Maintenance Facility.
Increase in Parks maintenance staff.
Continue our customer service initiatives and focus on community problem solving.
Maintain personnel strength and reduce turnover.
Recover funds lost from PD budget for equipment and training.
Maintain full compliment of (37) firefighters.
Resolve public safety facility needs.
Meet OSHA and NFPA mandates and standards through improved administration & operations.
Open new liquor store by Nov 1, 2002.
City Manager's Goals for Upcoming Year
My suggestion is that the council agree on 3-5 ways in which they would like to see me develop
professionally over the next year. You are invited to consider the list on page 6 of the
evaluation, or think of others not listed there. One thing I would like considered as a goal for me
is to learn to discern what must be done now and what can wait. That would help make my
workload more manageable. It could be entitled "learn to discern priorities, and manage work
load more effectively." A second would be to, "remain objective and not get over-invested
personally in my work." Both will help reduce stress, real or perceived, and achieve the larger
goal of a balanced life.
If I may, these are my overall conclusions regarding my position:
The Mound City Managers' job is, without a doubt, the largest undertaking of my
lifetime. The amount of work exceeds one person's capabilities. The Mound's
redevelopment plans are probably viewed as my primary responsibility. However, the
needs and work to be accomplished cover a vast array of matters totally unrelated to
redevelopment. I feel the pressures for certain types of change and response from
employees, Department Heads, Council Members and the public customers. Slowing
down the rate of new undertakings by discerning the priorities is critical to carrying out
successful endeavors and preventing overload.
The expectations create pressures that are compounded by the small staff. Even though
we have added to the size of the staff, Mound continues to work with a smaller staff than
in past years. Our work force is notably smaller than other cities our size. So it can be
assumed that, just as I am feeling the overwhelming demands of the job, so are those who
are helping carry out the work. Remarkably, we are accomplishing more, but with fewer
people and financial resources. This is very draining. Council understanding of these
demands and pressures will ease concerns I have regarding adequately measuring up to
council expectations.
In summary, I wish to thank council members for your help and understanding in making my job
manageable in the upcoming year. I want to thank you for your support and patience while I
make my very best effort to make the City of Mound and the community of Mound a place you
in which you may be proud.
I am requesting and recommending the following:
That my compensation be stepped up from Year 3 to Year 4, or $75,985, plus the
customary 10% surplus pay for salaried employees at the City of Mound, equating to
$83,583.50, retroactive to April 16. (Refer to the 2002 Classification Plan.)
· That the City contribution to the ICMA Deferred Compensation Program be increased by
1%, making it 4%, effective immediately.
Thank you for your kind consideration of these requests. I am happy to answer any questions.
KANDIS HANSON- A =ril, 2002
(1) Shows diplomacy, r~spoet arid ~n,itivi~ in d~!in~ with cu~tom~r~. 4.
(2) Demonstrates rare and mn~m a~Ut ~e.quali[y of se~i~ m customers. 4.33
(3) Responds to ~S~emem in a timely and appropriate manner. 4.14
(4) Maintains. g~d WoAing relationship ~th cus~m~m. 4.13
(5) Views ~mplaints as an oppo~uni~ to creativelY solve issues and responds wi~ 3.67
composure to ~ticiSm and/or ~mplaints.
Average Customer So,ice 4.09
(1) Cemmun~tes ~pmp~ate[y in s~ken and w~en fe~. 4,~
(2) Demens~s,~,g=ed liS~g skill. 3.~
(3) Shares i~e~afie~ a~ra~!Y and i~. a: timely ma~er. 4.~
(4) Respe~ ~ident~ii a~ p~va ef othem
, , .
(5) Is receptive to:feedba=k and mher opinions, 3.~
(6) Community. e~e.~atie.~s ~ e~ers effe~ive]y. 4.00
Average communication 3.96
(2) peffo~S the baSi~ of sup~ision (i,e.. ~mpletes m~iews en time, ~ndu~s staff 3.83
meeting~, ~pm~ides regular feedba~ te employees, etc.)
3 A~ e '~~m ~a~n. decisions. 3.92
(6) Re~gnjzes~ a~ .~Urages ~sit!~e e~ple~ee a~ens and :behaviOrs. 4.2~
Average Pemennel AdministratiOn 3,~89
resou~s afforded ~e depa~t.
(2) Assesses, evaluates and effe~iVely delegates auto,fY and msponsibili~ in 3.~
a~an~ wi~ employees' ~pabilities to make ~e .best use of their ~len~, skills
and kne~edge.
(3) Keeps e~,~ (i.e* Oi~ Coundl, Ci~ Manger, Saff, Peem, ou~ide agencies) 4.~
info,ed o~ .issUes ~t affe~ ~ ~p~nt er ~ ~' '
(4) Obse~es: roles and m~l~i~s, (i.e. Daa PHvaCy ~, Ad~ni~rafiVe C~e P~ides, 4.17
OSHA, et=
(5) U~de~St~dS issues f~m a Cit~ide and.depa~men~ point of view.
(6) complieS. ~h' ati Statees, mien, po~es; Pr~dUreS 'a.~am~Aing .mqukements as 4.~
they affe~.~e Depa~ment in a timely and a~umte manner.
Average Management "~' ~' 3.92
(l) Provides leadership to organizational efforts within the City andserves as a role 4.00
(2) inspires others to achieve desired results by promoting involvement, participation, 4.11
cooperation and .informed decision making.
(3) Promotes a positive, constn~otive and supportive work environment, 4.00
(4) Fosters goOd will. and represents the City in a .professional manner. 4.47
(5) Encourages new ideas and procedures. 4.44
(6) Utilizes employees in a manner that recognizes and develops their skills and training. 4.00
(7) Empowers others to explore creative ways to complete job responsibilities 4.21
Average Leadership 4.18
Total Average 20.04
Adjusted Average 4.01
Employee Comments:
See attached ...... ?_ I c~-~ 7_(~ ~.~~ ,-i-F,~,_ ~ ~ o~1~ ~),~ ~.
By signing this appraisal I acknowledge that I have read and had an opportunity to discuss the contents with
the Department Head or City Council, which ever shall apply. My signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement with the evaluation.
Employee signatare
Department head signature
City Manager slgnatur~~
RecommendatiOn for step placement:
Mayor signature
Step "~ Rate of Pay
City Council Approval: Step
Approval date:
Rate of Pay
Effective date: April 16, 2002
Dam ~_~-- / "7 -- ~ -
· Kandis has a passion for customer servi~e. She works hard at it and she strongly encourages
others to do the same.
· Kandis has strong commitment to customers. Understands principals of customer service. Good
listener- not defensive. Takes time to absorb information.
· Kandis is very accessible to the public.
I have been told by some residents how Kandis has handled a problem they have had and felt that
she handled them professionally and was able to resolve the problem to a point of satisfaction.
· I saw an improvement in others, also, after Kandis started at Mound.
· Always has service as a high priority.
Kandis makes it very clear to employees that customer service is first before anything else. She
has made an effort to create an open, friendly, and approachable City government. This
atmosphere is to be visible to the public from her down to the line workers. She makes it very
clear that any departure from this mission goes against what City government should be about.
Overall, Kandis has committed the City of Mound to a higher level of customer service.
· The only response I could have on this issue is what I have heard from other people in town, being
as I don't work at City Hall. Everything I have heard are positive things.
· The feedback I have gotten from citizens has been positive.
· Kandis has excellent listening skills. She is able to communicate in a very clear and effective way.
· Very careful about written communication - concise and clear.
Kandis is very interested in opinions, view points and reasoning of others.
· I have received copies of leffers that Kandis has ~tten and feel she does an excellent job at letter
writing. Some may think Kandis doesn't share information in a. timely manner, but I feel because
she is also trying to respect confidential issues, some information might not be available to share.
Mound's rumor line will hear it firsL
· Does a good job of passing on information.
· Kandis does a good job of communicating to her employees. Kandis has made it clear she wants
all of her employees well.informed about issues that affect the City of Mound. Employees are
encouraged, and sometimes expected, to have a working knowledge of City matters to answer
citizens' questions accurately and intelligently. Kandis regularly does a "happenings" newsletter to
relay a variety, of information to City employees. Kandis also holds "debriefing" sessions after
Council meetings to keep the office employees appraised of current events. Kandis is very
receptive to feedback from employees and does not have "knee-jerk" reactions to feedback she
doesn't agree with.
· I. believe that Kandis has excellent communication skills, even when she's been veRj busy she
either finds time to talk to yea right~ now or within a day or two. Does respect conf,:ientlality when
she can - sometimes in some areas i{ is not possible. She does communicate expectations very
well and does seem to be fair.
· Maybe it's just because I am on the minority side of particular issues, but I perceive City Manager
Hanson is pressured to not communicate to me on a par with other City Council members.
· Kandis is being confronted with some difficult situations in this area. She is dealing width them very
tactfully and with the best interest of the C~ in mind.
· Kandis has ta~ied tough issues - long overlooked in the past. Kandis' positive approach has turned
organization 180 degrees to positive, She leads by example.
· She acts very superiori in attitude over other employees.
· The events and activities that Kandis has organized for staff and others is a great idea.
· I have been able to watch and interact with Kandis on some issues involving Human Resources and I
felt that she handled them appropriately.
· The hiring process of new employees works well that she brought to the City, Allows good input from
Department Heads.
· Overall, Kandis does a good job of'managing employees. I have knowledge Kandis tries to deal with
problems in an e~edient manner when they arise. Most of the time Kandis addresses the problems in
an appropriate matter responding with an appropriate level of discipline. The only concern I have about
Kandis in this category is that sometimes she becomes too involved with issues occurring in the vadous
departments of{he City. Although she has every right, to take action in any City problem, sometimes
those problems may be better addressed by going through the appropriate department head. It is
diFrcutt to e~:lain what is meant by the above listed comment without providing a specRc example.
However, providing an example would risk a high likelihood of revealing the identity of this evaluator.
This issues does not arise often, but is noteworthy.
· This is an area I am more familiar with. She does seem to believe in team work and team goals. She
will make suggestions and seems to be truly interested in how you am doing. Employee issues seem
to be high on her agenda. I was very impressed with how she handled my issues and felt that she was
very fair. She was supportive. She provided encouragement and at the same time firm in her beliefs.
· Comment I have been given - Too by the book. Too bureaucratic. Too strong a leader-"heavy
· Kandis is well prepared in her management skills and she is able to apply those skills in a efficient and
effective way. She is very highly motivated.
· Kandis is operating exceptionally in a tough environment.. There has been no real structure for tracking
long term needs of the City, This still needs to be develoPed. However, given other urgent issues time
is limited to accomPlish,
· I think ~Kandis could make beffer use of City funds when it comes to consulta.nt fees. Weekly meetings
with City Attorney, City Engineer, and Ehlers & Associates have to be very costly.
· Kandis has made improvements in terms of better using resources ava~able, such as staff and
· I feel Kandis meets with Depa~ment Heads on a regular basis and has a good understanding of how
the people feel about an issue. I also feel she has tried to pass that information on to the Council when
necessary. I feel Kandis does keep Council informed to the best of her ability.
· Keeps busy (sometimes too much)
· Overall, Kandis does a great job in this area. The only issue I feel I need to comment on is the post-
Council~ meeting deb~ng meetings. In Kandis' quest to have welbinformed employees, some of
these meetings take between % hour to 45 minutes in the employee's day, taking employees away
from tasks er assignments. Although Kandis keeps these meetings on ask, I feel the public may
question whether this is an effective use of time with tight government budgets and a watchful eye on
non,productive time. Although Kandis would have a reasonable e~lanation about why these meetings
am necessa~ for the City, it could bring damaging criticism and scrutiny from pessimistic and vocal
citizen watchdogs.
, I don't we~ right at Ci~ Hall; but she does send out newsletters ali the time informing us ef what is
going on wi~in the Ci~ and wi~ t~e "Downtown Mound, project. We are. very well informed. From
what rve seen she does follow and respect administrative code policies.
· Regarding keeping others in~rmed... Too often the Council finds out what is happening by reading
about it in The Laker, Regarding unders~nding issues from a Citywide and depaRmental point of
view... Semefm~es not balan~ between staff and employee issues vs. public desires.
e Organized'.- Responsible - Strong Leader- Not afraid to take a position and make a decision - I
applaud that. Here again, Mayor Pat and Council majorities in my view, "blatantly abuse" their powers
on occasion and I feel City Manager Hanson ge~ pulled toe far to that extreme. My ~mments to City
Manager Hanson: Do not get your hands dirty because orwhen Council Majority's in the sewer.
· Clearly this is Kandis' strongest trait. She is strong/positive leader.
· Lots of improvement in this area.
· I have seen a major morale change at. City Hall since Kandis started. She is really trying to make it a
better place to work, I know she encourages and promotes employee team work.
· Keeps things moving and does take a stand en issues.
· Kandis wants her emPloyees to have fun at work and use creative and ingenious ways to solve
problems and get the job done. Kandis has been directly involved in creating events that get
employees to ir~teract with each other in the work setting, Kandis tries to promote a good work
environment. She makes it very clear that the employees can have a direct impact en each other by
adopting this work philosophy. Kandis has even been successful in getting distant and resistant
employees involved in this philosophy. She had a tough job of this due to employee treatment of the
former City Manager, but.has worked hard and has been successful in this task.
· Kandis seems to be very involved with City events and seems to be very interested in the City of
Mound and the people of .Mound.
· Good leader.
· The areas touched upon in the previous pages are all of great strength.
· Positive yet realistic approach to addressing touch issues.
· Strong wri~n and oral communication skills. Fosters creativity. Promotes a positive work
· Her desire to dO a good job for the City of Mound and have a visual positive affect en the City.
· Positive a~tude:
· Involves others so she can make informed decisions.
· Kandis handles multiple issUes - redevelOpment, employee issues and residents complaints and
· questions on a daily basis. I feel She balances these issues very well Each one of the above can be
time r~nsuming and stressful On the Council leve, I feel she deals with us fairly and openly as
possible, ~metimes she is faced with confidentiality issues to where she can't share information with
the Council.
· Positive attitude, Moves forward in adverse conditions.
· Very goad administrator.
· Works well with staff in keeping them. informed. Has done a good job at reviewing staff compensation
and ~nefits.
· Ve~ professional, strong desire to make Mound a progressive City.
· She sees -the potential for progress .in her City and she's determined to use all her skills, energy and
enthusiasm to make this progress a reality.
, Kandis has a management style that does not make her seem that her employees are "beneath" her.
Granted, she is the bess, she is not "in your face" or intimidating about it. Kandis has made it clear she
is interested in any City issue and asserts an open-door policy that people can come to her with issues.
· Kandis is Ret afraid ef ohange or public opinion which enables her to move forward with projects and
other endeavors,
One of Kandis' greatest, st.rengths in my opinion would be leadership. She's a great rote model in many
respects. I feel her communication skills are very good whioh can make it easy to work with her and
around her.
· Marketing - selling the City - representing the City.
· Good level of professionalism and integrity.
· Keep perspective of that Mound needs te prioritize issues on regular basis.
· Be aware of extensive "patting yourself on the back" and not giving credit to others.
· Refrain from using Eyota and Kasson as examples of "the way to do things".
· Don't take responsibility for the decisions of others.
Each of the two years I have worked with Kandis I have seen improvements in her day to day handling
of issues as well as improvements in communications with Council (i.e.: Council briefings). I feel each
day Kandis is with us she continues to learn moro about the residents, staff and Council, which allows
her to continually improve. Kandis has learned a lot in two years, when you think about what she
walked into.
· Use your personal (people) skills as well as your position power to affect change.
· Council be more visible out in the community during the week during the time that the City office is
open. Example, meeting at a local restaurant for lunch, coffee or something of her choice.
· Need. te cla~ the budget preparation process. Gino B seemed to have thought that he was assuming
a go~ posen of approval. Department Heads need to present to the City Manager and then Finance
needs te work out the numbers.
· Any issues for improvement were addressed in the body of the evaluation. I have nothing to add here.
· Kandis, at times, gives the impression of blowing a person off. Its also geed to remember that you
represent the City whether its office hours or not office hours.
· Sometimes I feel her expectations are a little too high - every individual and every situation cannot be
handled with the same expectations.
· Greater politi~l awareness - them are better ways and better times to present politically charged
issues. This COUncil has been placed in very difficult positions when it was not necessary to do so.
· Loosen up a little "procedurally.
· I am very happy to be working with Kandis as our City Manager.
· Kandis Hanson is a great fit for Mound. She is one of the top City Manager's in the metro area.
· Open dOOr policy is extremely positive. Kandis works hard to build a team-oriented organization. "Fun"
atmosphere is wonderful - work hard/play hard concept is proactive.
· Decisions need to be yours, not Prosser's or Gino's.
· KandiS has had many challenges these first two years: (1) New City and Staff; (2) New Council - how
to work with us and our many different personalities and backgroUnds; (3) New City Clerk; and (4)
Redevelopment and it's many challenges.
· Bonnie - next time enclosed an envelope.
· I feel she has been a groat aSSet to the City of Mound. She believes in team work and seems to work
tautly hard at moving Mound ahead. She strives toward physical and mental health of the employees.
She is one ef the first managers I've seen who takes an interest in the well being of the people around
· I believe that you are an asset to this City and have much to offer. A little more focus on a few areas
v~0uld So a 10no way to polish off your ability to excel.
· In my view, debate is healthy. A Council with blinders on and not open to reason is headed in the
wrong direction 80 mph down a one-way street. Community will suffer. Its important for City Manager
to communicate and or brief Mayor and Council, staff's position on issues.
AGREEMENT entered into this 14th day of March, 2000 by and between the City of Mound
(herein after referred to as "City") and Kandis Made Hanson (herein after referred to as
WHEREAS, Hanson is gained, experienced and competent to provide the services needed by
the City in the capacity of City Manager and desires to secure her position with an Employment
Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Mound has sought and engaged the services of a
professional City Manager and desires to engage the services of Hanson by means of the terms
and conditions of the Employment Agreement; and
W~EREAS, the terms and conditions of the Employment Agreement are mutually acceptable to
the parties.
POSITION & DUTIES. The City agrees to employ Hanson as City Manager for said
City to perform legally permissible and proper functions and duties, as the City Council
from time to time shall assign. It is anticipated that Hanson will commence employment
with the City approximately 30 days following the date the parties have executed this
SALARY. The City shall pay Hanson for her services rendered an annual base salary of
$66,000 plus an additional 10% of her salary, or $6,600, equaling $72,600, effective
upon the signing of this document. Her salary is payable in installments at the same time
as other employees of the City. Hanson's salary shall be adjusted upwardly by 2% at her
six-month anniversary with a satisfactory performance review by the City Council.
MOVING AND RELOCATION ALLOWANCE. The City shall pay for the actual
costs of packing, moving and unpacking, to be provided by a professional moving firm.
The City shall accept the lowest of three bids attained from reputable moving companies.
Other costs incidental to moving shall be reimbursed directly to Hanson with a
subsequent payroll check.
PENSION PLAN. The City shall contribute to PERA as required by State law for
VACATIONS. Hanson shall receive three weeks of vacation each year, which is
available for use as it accrues. Accrued vacation may be carried over from year to year.
Increases in accruals shall occur as described in the Administrative Code.
INSURANCE. The City shall provide Hanson full coverage for group hospital, medical
and dental insurance.
DUES & SUBSCRIFrIONS. The City shall budget and pay for professional dues and
subscriptions for Hanson which are necessary for Hanson's continued participation in state
and local associations necessary and desirable for Hanson's continued professional growth
and to the benefit of the City. The City reserves the right to review, from time to time,
the nature and amount of such expenditures, and to determine what adjustments, if any,
are warranted in future budgets.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. The City shall budget and pay for the travel and
subsistence expenses for Hanson for official travel, meetings and occasions at a rate of
whatever is adequate to continue the professional development of Hanson and to allow her
to adequately fulfill her necessary official duties. Hanson shall use good judgment in her
outside activities so she will not neglect primary duties to the City. Some of the seminars
Hanson expects to attend include, but are not limited to, the following: Minnesota
City/County Manager's Association Annual Conferences, League of Minnesota Cities
Annual Conference, and the National International City Manager's Conference. The City
shall also budget for and pay the travel and subsistence expenses of Hanson for short
courses, meetings and seminars that are pertinent to her official duties that are also to the
benefit of the City. The City reserves the right to review the nature and amount of such
expenditures, and to determine what adjustments, if any, are warranted in future budgets.
AUTOMOBILE. A City car shall be available for Hanson's use to attend City-related
functions. When the car is not available, Hanson is authorized to use her personal vehicle
for City purposes and the City shall reimburse Hanson on a per mile basis at the federal
standard for mileage allowance.
GENERAL EXPENSES. The City shall reimburse Hanson's miscellaneous job related
expenses which it is anticipated she will incur from time to time.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW. Annually, or otherwise as required, Hanson's
performance and the expectations of the City shall be reviewed, in consultation with
Hanson. At that same time Hanson's salary shall be reviewed and upward adjustments
made should the expectations of the City Council be met.
HOURS OF WORK. It is understood that the position of City Manager requires
attendance at evening meetings and occasionally at weekend meetings. It is understood by
the City that Hanson may absent herself from the office to a reasonable extent in
consideration of extraordinary time expenditures for evening and weekend meetings at
other than normal working hours.
TERMINATION BENEFITS. In the event that Hanson is terminated by the City during
such time that Hanson is willing and able to perform the duties of City Manager, the City
agrees to pay Hanson at the time of her final payroll check a lump sum cash payment
according to the following schedule:
Within the first six months of employment, 2 months of compensation;
Within the second six months of employment, 4 months of compensation;
After one year of employment, 6 months of compensation.
The City also agrees to provide and pay for the benefits of hospital, medical,
dental insurance benefits, and dues and subscriptions for the applicable period contained
in paragraph a, b or c above following termination (collectively referred to as
"termination benefits"). However, in the event that Hanson is terminated because of her
conviction of an illegal act that adversely impacts the City, then the City shall have no
obligation to pay termination benefits, or if, during the time of payment, Hanson finds
other comparable employment.
If the City at any time during the employment term reduces the salary or other
financial benefits of Hanson in a greater percentage than across-the-board reduction for
all non-union employees, or if the City refuses, following written notice, to comply with
any other provisions of the Agreement benefiting Hanson, or Hanson resigns following a
formal suggestion by the City that she resign, then Hanson may, at her option, be
deemed to be "terminated" on the effective date of Hanson's resignation and Hanson
shall also be entitled to receive the termination benefits set forth herein.
If Hanson voluntarily resigns her position with the City, she agrees to give the
City thirty (30) days advance notice. If Hanson voluntarily resigns her position with the
City, there shall be no termination pay due to her.
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. Nothing in this Agreement shall
prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the City to terminate the services of
Hanson at any time, for any reason, subject only to the provisions of this Agreement.
Furthermore, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the
right of Hanson to resign at any time from her position with the City, subject only to the
provisions of this Agreement.
TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall continue for one year after the date of
its execution. If neither Hanson nor the City give written notice of their desire to
terminate this employment arrangement, this Agreement shall continue for additional
periods of one year at a time until it is terminated as set forth above.
INDEMNIFICATION. The City shall defend and indemnify Hanson pursuant to MS
466.07 and 465.76. In addition, the City shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify
Hanson from all torts; civil damages, penalties and fmes; violations of statutes, laws and
rules and ordinances, provided Hanson was acting in the performance of the duties of the
ADOPTED this 14~ day of March, 2000, by the Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota.
Its Acting Mayor, Mark Hanus
Acting Ci-ty Manager, Fran Clar'l~
Kandis M. HansOn
WHEREAS, the City of Mound and Kandis Hanson entered into an employment
agreement on March 14, 2000; and,
WHEREAS, said Kandis Hanson has presented a pe~ormancee~aluation dated June
16, 2001, '
NOW, THEREFORE, BE:iT RESOLVED by the City ~Council of the City of Mound,
Minnesota, to amend ~the following items on the aforementioned agreement. Items not
mentioned remain as stated in the MarCh 14, 2000 agreement.
1. Salary. The City of Mound shall pay Hanson for her services rendered on an
annual base salary of $71,836 plus an additional 1.0% of her salary, or
$7,184, equaling $79,020, effective and retroactive to April 17, 2001. Her
salary is payable in installments at the same time as other employees of the
Eension Plan. The City of Mound shall contribute to PERA as required by
Sate Law for Hanson or an alternate pension plan, if selected, authorized by
State Law. In addition, the ~ty wi,Il agree to contribute .to a deferred
compensation plan. If Hanson matches the City's contribution, the City will
contribute up to three percent (3%) of her annual salary, effective January 1,
The foregoing resolution was moved by Mayor MeiSel and seconded by Councilmember
The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus, Meisel, Anderson and Meyer.
The following voted in the negative: none.
Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of June, 2001.
Attest: Acting City Clerk
Mayor Pat