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PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CEI,I, PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. TUESDAY, ~NE 11, 2002 - 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. o OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE AGENDA, WITH ANY AMENDMENTS *CONSENT AGENDA *A. APPROVE MINUTES: MAY 21, 2002 SPECIAL MEETING MAY 28, 2002 REGULAR MEETING *B. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS *C. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS *D. APPROVE RESOLUTION RE-AFFIRMING THE AUTHORIZATION OF CITY SPONSORSHIP OF STATE GRANT-IN-AID SNOWMOBILE TRAIL FUNDS *E. APPROVE RESOLUTION RELATING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS; AUTHORIZING AND DELIVERY OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT *F. APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 610 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE WATER DEPARTMENT *G. APPROVE SUBURBAN WILDLIFE CONTROL TO HUNT OR TRAP ANIMALS IN THE CITY FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY PURPOSES *H. APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM IN FY 2003-2005 *I. APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2002 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 2751 2752-2756 2757-2776 2777 2778 2779-2787 2788 2789 2790-2800 2801 o ° 10. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *J. APPROVE PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 2 FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2002 *K. FIRE WORKS 1. APPROVE ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 905 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO WEAPONS, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, HUNTING AND TRAPPING 2. APPROVE ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 906 TO THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE SALE, POSSESSION AND USE OF FIREWORKS 3. APPROVE RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE SETTING FEE FOR LICENSE TO SELL FIREWORKS COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. (LIMIT TO 3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER.) PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING UPDATE: TODD CHRISTOPHERSON PROPERTY OWNER MILTON HENTGES TO DISCUSS THE INITIATIATION OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS BY MINNESOTA PLANNING TO CONSIDER ANNEXATION/DETACHMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6400 LYNWOOD BLVD., PURSUANT TO M.S.S. 414 IN THE CITIES OF MINNETRISTA AND MOUND UPDATE TODD WARNER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ON BRINGING THE MINNEHAHA TO MOUND PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CASE # 02-15: LAKE MINNTONKA QUALITY MOTORS & KEN CUSTER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE B. CASE #02-06: i. HENRY AND GINA LANIARZ PRELIMINARY PLAT MINNETONKA TRAILS (4) MAJOR SUBD LOTS 6,7,9,18,19,20,21, BLOCK 14 AVALON ACTION ON PROPOSED POST RETIREMENT HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. AMM Fax News 2944-2945 B. FYI: Officer Alexander resignation 2946 C. Newsletter: Gillespie Center 2947 D. Letter: Governor Ventura 2948 E. Lake Minnetonka fireworks celebration 2949-2950 F. Newsletter: Ehlers & Assoc 2951-2954 G. Report: Minnesota Health Dept 2955-2959 2802-2809 2810-2812 2813-2814 2815 2816-2821 2822-2834 2835-2848 2849-2892 2893-2939 2940-2943 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. H. Excerpts from Mankato State University newsletter 2960-2961 I. Minutes: Dock and Commons Commission - May 14, 2002 2962-2971 J. Minutes: Parks and Open Space Commission - May 9, 2002 2972-2979 10. ADJOURN This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www. citFofmound com. COUNCIL BRIEFING June 11, 2002 Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! June 13 - 3:00 - Post Office Ground Breaking June 8 - 5:00 - June 11 - 6:30 June 11 - 7:30 June 25 - 6:30 June 25 - 7:30 June 26 - 1:30 June 27 - 7:00 June 28 July 25 July 27 American Legion Convention Parade - HRA regular meeting - CC regular meeting - HRA regular meeting - CC regular meeting City golf outing - Music in the Park - 6:00 - Police Chief retirement party - City Hall closes at 2:30 for employee appreciation - 3:30-4:30 Superintendent Myers retirement open house (Shirley Hills) #3.F. Sprinkling Policy Some informal discussion was recently devoted to a sprinkling policy that would be effective every other day, all summer. That is what is being presented here, with the appropriate amendments to our existing policy, as well. #3.1. Storm Sewer Projects This bid letting is the result of the storm sewer ordinance pass about three years ago and the bonding that was approved last year. With the money in hand and the prospect of good bids, the projects can take place this year. Each represents a drainage problem that has existed for some years. #3.J. Payment Request This payment request is for the public improvements in connection to the MetroPlains project. It will be charged back to MetroPlains and collected by the City through assessments. #3.K. Fire Works Legislative changes in the most recent session has made it possible for Mound businesses to sell certain fireworks that were formerly illegal. We have updated our policies as allowable under the new law, including reasonable fees for services to be provided by the City. Human Resources Two employees of the City were recently terminated--the CSO and a public works worker. This is for your information only. I am negotiating an agreement with Brymeyer and Associates for assistance with the replacement of the Police Chief. An agreement will be on the next agenda for your consideration. An Acting Chief will be appointed to the Police Department by June 21. The largest consideration will be what is best for the Department and enable it to run smoothly over the next four to six months. We are down by two patrol officers and are advertising for their replacement. We have temporarily replaced the CSO with a Reserve Officer, until time allows for advertisement and selection. We have posted for the vacancy in the Public Works Department, as required by the union. Should no person express interest internally, the position will be offered to the candidate second in line when we interviewed in l~ebruary. We have responded to over 110 requests applications for the Administrative Assistant position now being advertised. This person will be shared by the Streets, Water, Sewer, Docks and Parks divisions. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 21, 2002 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, May 21,2002, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. Members present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson 1. OPEN MEETING The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Meisel. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Manager was evaluated for her performance in closed session. 3. REOPEN MEETING The meeting was reopened at 9:37 p.m. by Mayor Meisel. 4. OUTCOME Motion by Meyer and second by Meisel to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Meyer, Osmek, Brown and Meisel. The following voted against: hanus. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 02-60A: RESOLUTION AMENDING EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND CITY MANAGER, KANDIS HANSON 5. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -2751 - MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 28, 2OO2 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. Members present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney, John Dean; Acting City Manager, Gino Businaro; City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director, Sarah Smith; Police Chief, Len Harrell; Fire Chief, Greg Pederson; City Planner, Loren Gordon; City Engineer, John Cameron; John McKinley, Roy Peterson, Scott Hodges, John & Kathy Aquilina, Paul Glynn, John Olson, Karl Weisenhorn, Kathryn Hanna, Michael Reichert, Greg & Kathy Fall, Karl Yeager, Ann Eberhart, Sue Cathers, Pat Wallin, Jan Trapp, Wendy Schur, Mary McKinley, Crv Burma, Keith Foerster, Todd Warner Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent A~i........ ~,,,are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted ~i~i:i~o)l;i!~ vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Cou~ember'"'~iiii~izen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the ~i;~considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING Mayor Meisel called the meeting to recited. the Pledge of Allegiance was 2. APPROVE AGENDA Meyer requested the additi Brown requested to re have already been apl because this item read School 8, being a beautification project. of the projects presented by Meyer requested that item 16 be removed, later agenda. She also stated that item 6B should MOTION by following voted in fa~ against; Meyer. Moti~ Hanus to approve the agenda as amended. The Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted 3. CONSENT AGENDA Hanus requested that item 3C be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote taken, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of the May 14, 2002 meeting. B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $379,602.27. C. (removed) D. RESOLUTION NO. 02-61: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR KEITH AND LAURIE FOERSTER AT 4645 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 13 AND THE SOUTH % OF LOT 12, BLOCK 1, DEVON, HENNEPIN COUNTY, DEVON COMMONS. 1 -2752- Mound City Council - May 28, 2002 3C. Case #02.14 - Olson - 2060 Waterside Lane - Lakeside deck Hanus presented a question on the wording of the draft resolution regarding if the structure should be significantly damaged, it is not the intent to automatically grant another variance. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 02-62: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A LAKESIDE DECK FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2060 WATERSIDE LANE P & Z CASE #02-14, PID #13-117-24-33-0041. 4. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM Peter Meyer announced that there is a load of black dirt a~ii~i~ end of Maywood Road, that has been donated for use in the downtown and pa~i~iii~:~i~i~r boxes and to freshen up front yard flower gardens. He thanked those whe~id:.~nated="~ir time to plant and 5. PUBLIC HEARING - CUP Request by Mat~!~aJ.~i~nd Ken Custer The Council has been advised that the Planning O~ission tabled the subject application to its ne~ meeting to obtaim~9~=Dion f~:~:~:he City Attorney regarding status of previousconditienal use:pe~mi{~~s{=~.~:~t:[he:Council:centinue, the MOTION by Hanus, secon~?~by~wm~?~?~°ntinue this public hearing until June 11, A. Con~ratul~fi~s on Poli~ Chiefs Award - Mayor Meisel informed the Council that she affe~:an=~hrds ceremony with Chief Harrell, where he was honored with the ~chard~::~:~?:~?~Schaller Award, for distinguished contributions he has made to the law e~°rcement profession, both in his community and throughout the entire State of Minnesota. All congratulated the Chief. School Resource Officer- Chief Harrell explained the funding of the School Resource Officer (SRO). The City received notification of a grant of $125,000 over three years. The grant requires that the City maintain the costs of the additional officer after the grant funds have expired. Notice to Retire Submitted by Police Chief- Mayor Meisel announced the receipt of the intent to retire submitted by Chief Len Harrell, effective June 30, 2002. This letter was accepted with deep regret and great appreciation. 2 -2753- Mound City Council - May 28, 2002 7. DESIGN STUDY FOR NEW WELL & APPROVAL OF WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN City Engineer, John Cameron,. explained that the City has two wells that need to be replaced and received a proposal from an outside firm to perform the investigation needed to determine where the well will best be placed to take care of the flows and to take care of the wellhead protection plan, which has to be done whenever a new well is installed. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the May 7, 2002, proposal submitted by Emmons & Olivier Resources to John Cameron, and to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract in accordance with said proposal. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCESS FOR ADOPTIONi~¢ REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND CALLING FOR PUBLIC MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 02-63: RESOLUTION INI OF REDEV A PUBLIC H APPROVAL r AREA AND CALLING MOTION by Meyer, seconded by Hanus presented, with Balboa redevelopment. Purchase Motion carried. option agreement, as hip, for land needed for the city's parcel is $185,000. All voted in favor. 10, WESTERN AR John Dean gave additional sr Approval to act a: )nsor ACADEMY {WAFTA) Council, stating that Mound would not face application for the training site clean-up. give by Council on May 14, 2002. 11. PLANNING COMI ~1 CASE - #02-11' JOHN & KATHY AQUILINA ' Loren Gordon gave histo~' of this case, stating that the Planning Commission reviewed it at their May 6, 2002 regular meeting at which time they recommended denial of a variance' request for an existing deck. The Planning Commission agreed with the staff's recommendation for denial to approve based on the findings of fact supplied in the proposed resolution. Discussion followed between the Council, the applicant and neighboring property owners. MOTION by Meyer to adopt the proposed resolution, denying the variance request. Motion died for lack of a second. After lengthy discussion, there was a MOTION by Hanus, Seconded by Osmek to refer this case back to the Planning Commission, and request clarification and determination 3 -2754- by staff of the setback requirements and ideas on possible redesign of the structure to eliminate or reduce the amount of variance needed. Staff will also initiate a 6C-day extension on this variance application. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 12. DOCKS AND COMMONS A. Action on Homeowner's Associations As they Relate To The Commercial Dock Ordinance - Councilmember Brown stepped down during discussion of this item due to a possible perceived conflict of interest. City Attorney Dean will review the current ordinance to make sure it is in line with the Council's intention regarding licensing of commercial docks. Councilmember Brown returned to his seat on the Council. Amendin,q the 2002 Dock Location Map - MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to amend the 2002 Dock Location Map to re-establish SWC sites 40550K and 40550L as permanent sites, leaving sites 40550G and 40550H as temporary. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 13. NAMING OF PARKS FORM ~,~!iiiiii!iii!i~ii::::~ · The presented form will appear in the City's next newsle~:.;.~l ,This form asks for suggestions from citizens regarding naming of parks i~ii~::~ "~Plains and Rottlund developments. Following previously stated guideliB~i~nd cri{~!~i~or naming of parks 14. PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL :~::::~::iiii~ii ?~i?~iii~ti~:;,.,,~?~iiiiiii!i!!!ii!ii?:': A. Orv Burma on lakescapin,q test site- Orv explaining the proposed test site for planting along the as to the LMCD. Commission for their cons B. Le,qacy Foundation- . ....... Foundation to the and to recognize C. Todd Warner on Council that Steamboa..t...~E'ich Mound B~?ark that Motion carried. the concept of the Legacy oals is to bridge the fourteen lake cities to Mound - Todd Warner informed the )ortation Museum operates the Minnehaha It is proposed to construct a pier at accommodate this boat, making it possible to add Mound to t~"Si:[,,,schedul tours and stops. Warner also requested that the City of Mound set=~ii~;an e.~!~0w account to accept donations for construction of said p er. D~scuss~on",f~!!ewed regarding the perceived pros and cons of such a pier. A neighboring resident spoke with reference to the parking problem already present in that area, and expressed concern over increasing the traffic flow without additional parking. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to direct staff to work with Mr. Warner to develop a dock plan sufficient to make application to the LMCD, notice in the paper that this topic will be discussed at the next Council meeting, and approve that the City act as fiscal agent to accept donations for this project. The following voted in favor: Hanus, Meisel, Osmek and Meyer. The following voted against; Brown. Motion carried. 4 -2755- Mound City Council - May 28, 2002 15. AUDITOR PRESENTING THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAl_ REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2002. Representatives from Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP, presented the ComprehensiVe Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31,2001, along with their management letter. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to acknowledge receipt of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended December 31,2001, and management letter from Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP, dated April 4, 2002. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 16. (removed) 17. ANNUAL REPORTS Fire Chief, Greg Pederson, presented the Fire Departmenti~bal~i Report for 2001, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 18. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS · A. AMM Fax News B. LMC Friday Fax C. LMCD correspondence D. Westonka School District E. LMCC June 2002 schedul G. Report: Finance, H. Phosphorous u I. Met COuncil n J. FYI: Memo K. Letter and res L. M. th~ ~avid N. Mir~ Docks O. Resig P. W~ Q. 2OO2 Days - May 6, 2002 Commission - April 11, 2002 (correct to fact at meeting) Commission - April 18, 2002 ~.r Sam Nelson y Community Collaborative correspondence Public Safe[~ facility update 19. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 12:40 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 5 Mayor Pat Meisel -2756- JUNE 11, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 052902SUE $283.00 053002SUE $45.50 060502S U E $12,309.46 061102SU E $212,881.70 TOTAL $225,519.66 -2757- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: May 2002 Batch Name 052902SUE User Dollar Amt $283.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $283.00 Refer 52902 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHE Cash Payment Invoice 4025591 Cash Payment Invoice 4025525 Transaction Date E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies PO 17388 E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies PO 17388 5/28/2002 $0.00 In Balance 5/29/2002 INTOXILYZER 5000 RECERTIFICATION CLASS BURKE, JAMI INTOXILYZER 5000 RECERTIFICATION CLASS BRUCKNER, MIKE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 52802 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREN T 5/29/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-208 Instructional Supplies COVERT DRUG INVESTIGATION Invoice 052902 PO 17402 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 52902 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO 5/29/2002 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training CERTIFICATION HARDINA, DAMON Total $40.00 $40.00 $80.00 Invoice 051702 PO 17319 Transaction Date 5/28~2002 Fund Summary Total 101 GENERAL FUND 602 SEWER FUND Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $260.00 $23.00 $180.00 $180.00 $23.00 $23.00 $283.00 05/29/02 8:19 AM Page 1 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $283.00 $283.00 -2758- CITY OF MOUND Payments 05/30/02 12:59 PM Page Current Period: May 2002 Batch Name 053002SUE User Dollar Ami $45.50 Payments Refer 53002 WAYZATA, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes Invoice 053002 Transaction Date 5/30/2002 Fund Summary Computer Dollar Amt $45.50 $0.00 5/30/2002 BOAT/TRAILER 101 GENERAL FUND In Balance Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total 10100 MarqueEe Bank Mound $45.50 $45.50 $45.50 $45.50 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $45.5O $45.50 -2759- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/05/02 9:25 AM Page 1 Current Period: June 2002 Batch Name 060902SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $12,309.46 Computer Dollar Amt $12,309.46 Refer 60502 BREITNER, JOHN Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 060502 Transaction Date 6~4~2002 Refer 60502 CONCEPT LANDSCAPING" Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 10542 Transaction Date 6/4/2002 $0.00 6/5/2002 FINAL PAYMENT In Balance $936.06 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $936.06 .6/5~2002 SAND BLANKET, SOIL DISPOSAL $5,285,00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $5,285.00 $136.09 Total $136.09 Refer 60502 KESTNER, AL 6~5/2002 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical REIMSURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE Invoice 060502 Transaction Date 6/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 60502 KIVISTO, SCOTT Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 060502 Transaction Date 6/4~2002 Refer 60902 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC 6/5/2002 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $800.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $%0.00 6/9/2002 MISC SUPPLIES MISC SUPPLIES MISC SUPPLIES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $10.23 $10.23 $10.23 Total $30.69 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 8794240 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials Invoice 8794240 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Invoice 8794240 Transaction Date 5~30~2002 Refer 60502 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (P/W) 6/5/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #16 JOHNSON, TIM $38.11 Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone $38.11 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #17 POUNDER, CHRIS Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #18 HARDINA, $38.11 DAMON Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #19 KIVISTO, SCOTT $38.11 Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #20 GRADY, DAN $65.92 Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 ~21 HEITZ, FRANK $38.11 Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 ~22 HETIZ, DON $38.11 Invoice 060502 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 #23 KESTNER, AL $38.11 Invoice 060502 -2760- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/0§/02 925 AM Page 2 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 101.43100-321 Telephone invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Cash Payment Invoice 060502 Transaction Date 5/30~2002 Refer 60902 SPEEDWA Y SUPERAMERICA (PA/V Cash Payment E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 052302 Cash Payment E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 052302 Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 052302 Transaction Date 5/29/2002 ~EEDWA Y SUPERAMERICA (PAR Cash Payment E 101-42400,212 Motor Fuels Invoice 052302 Transaction Date 5~29~2002 E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 602-49450-321 Telephone E 101-45200-321 Telephone E 281-45210-321 Telephone E 101-41310-321 Telephone E 101-43100-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 602-49450-321 Telephone E 101-45200-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone E 101-42400-321 Telephone E 101-42400-321 Telephone E 101-45200-321 Telephone E '101-45200-321 Telephone E 601-49400-321 Telephone 612-221-6812 #07 SKINNER, GREG 612-221-6812 #07 SKINNER GREG 612-221-6811 #~)7 SKINNER, GREG 612-221-6812 #15 FACKLER JIM 612-221-6813 #16 HOFF KATIE 612-221-6814 #03 RAHN, JODI 612-221-6822 #02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-6822 fl02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-6822 #02 NELSON, JOYCE 612-221-8385 #13 SWARTZER, BRIAN 612-282-1182 #14 GEISE, LEE 612-282-5889 #15 SIMONEAO, MATT 612-363-5883 NORLANDER, JILL 612-221-6740 BRIAN B. 612-221-5794 TAFTE, JOHN 612-282-3599 ANDERSON, MIKE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/9/2002 THRU 05-23-02 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 05-23-02 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 05-23-02 GASOLINE CHARGES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/9/2002 THRU 05-23-02 GASOLINE CHARGES Marquette BankMou 10100 Total Total Total $27.68 $27.68 $27.69 $90.99 $45.77 $38.77 $13.27 $13.27 $13.26 $39.15 $39.15 $1,281.30 $33.61 $27.78 $26.83 $39.15 $2,118.04 $1,015.22 $440.45 $173.60 $1,629.27 $295.96 $295.96 Refer 60502 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POL Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 052302 6/5/2002 " THRU 05-23-02 GASOLINE CHARGE $1,078.35 -2761 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/05/02 9:25 AM Page 3 Current Period: June 2002 Transaction Date 6/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1,078,35 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 Marquette Bank Mound $6,031.54 $45.77 $5,931.15 $301.00 $12,309.46 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $12,309.46 $12,309.46 -2762- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06106102 ~1:t4 AM Page 1 Current Period: June 2002 Batch Name 0611029U1= User Dollar Amt $212,881.70 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $212,881.70 $0.00 In Balance Refer 61102 AAA NURSERY AND LANDSCAPIN 6/11/2002 Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow DIRT $175.00 Invoice 052602 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $175.00 Refer 61102 ALEXAIRAPPARATUS, INCORPO 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 2002 COMPRESSOR SERVICE $564.04 Invoice 3342 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $564.04 Refer 61102 AMCON 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 401-46580-300 Professional Srvs PAYMENT REQUEST#1 Invoice 2420 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer 61102 AMOCO STATION, E.F.H. COMPAN 6/11/2002 Cash Payment G 101-22843 Amoco, Commerce/Three Po REFUND/CLOSE ESCROW Invoice 101-22843 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $5,300.00 10100 Total $5,300.00 $362.50 Total $362.50 Refer 61102 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INCO 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. Invoice 11578D Transaction Date 6/512002 Refer 61102 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE PAGER Marquette Bank Mou 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB215411 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB215221 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB215205 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB215120 Cash Payment E 60949750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB214409 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice MB214508 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Refer 61102 AT&T Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone Invoice 061102 Transaction Date 6/3~2002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer 61102 ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS 6/11/2002 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms WORK SHIRTS Marquette Bank Mou 6/11/2002 05-02 952-250-0429 Cash Payment Invoice 15142 Cash Payment Invoice 15142 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms WORK SHIRTS 10100 $54.43 Total $54.43 $69.60 $78.00 $15.00 $180,00 $35.40 $81,00 10100 Total $459.00 10100 Total $33.56 $33.56 $232.50 $116,25 -2763- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 2 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms WORK SHIRTS $116.25 Invoice 15142 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $4-65.00 Refer 61102 BELLBOY CORPORATION 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MlSCELLAENOUS MERCHANDISE $30.44 Invoice 35616200 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE $304.76 Invoice 35616100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-25t Uquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,322.15 Invoice 23901100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,918.15 Invoice 23863600 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$134.85 Invoice 23813700 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $4,440.65 Refer 61102 BRENSHELL/FINE LINE'DESIGNS 6/11/2002 Cash Payment G 101-22845 Wexford, Fine Une Design REFUND/CLOSE ESCROW $558.82 Invoice 101-22845 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $558.82 Refer 61102 CAHNERS CONSTRUCTION BULLE 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 401-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing WESTEDGE BLVD IMPR PROJECT 2002 $115.91 Invoice 2005113 Cash Payment E 401-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing WESTEDGE BLVD IMPR PROJECT 2002 $115.91 Invoice 2010796 Cash Payment E 401-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing WESTEDGE BLVD IMPR PROJECT 2002 $115.91 Invoice 2016545 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $347.73 Refer 61102 CARLSON TRACTOR AND EQUIPM 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E i01-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SKID STEER LOADER $238.90 Invoice 0201-202602 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SKID STEER LOADER $238.90 Invoice 0201-202602 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SKID STEER LOADER $238.89 Invoice 0201-202602 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply INDICATOR $30.48 Invoice 2006446 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply INDICATOR $30.48 Invoice 2006446 Transaction Date 6~6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $777,65 Refer 61102 CHAMPION AUTO 6/11/2002 Cash Payment · E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery POLY BELT Invoice D141966 Transaction Date 5/24/2002 10100 Refer 61102CHRiSTiANS, INC, · Cash Payment Invoice 15239 Transaction Date Marquette Bank Mou 6/11/2002 R 101-32210 Building Permits 5/28/2002 REFUND BASE PERMIT FEE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $27.68 Total $27.68 $156.50 Total $156.50 -2764- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 3 Current Period: June 2002 ~!::! .:i~!: .! :~ ! : i-~ ?,; i~ ~i~: ~'~! :i ~i!!' ~i:~:: :! ! i~~,'~'i~'i:,' ~ 'i~!~!~!i!~i ~,, :~,!:: :: i~:,::i ,:::~:':~.::' .i :': i:i :: ~ii:~ ~:~'~ ~'!::'~ ,::ii~: i: ::,:~ Refer61102 CZ-A$SIFIEDS, ROUNDUP. LAKER, 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-25-02 CLASSIFIED AD $19.37 Invoice 16384 Cash Payment E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-25-02 CLASSIFIED AD $19.38 Invoice 16384 Cash Payment E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-25-02 CLASSIFIED AD $19.38 Invoice 16384 Cash Payment E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-25-02 CLASSIFIED AD $19.37 Invoice 16384 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 1~100 Total $77.50 Refer 61102 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 61383334 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou $165.50 10100 Total $165.50 Refer 61102 CREPEAU DOCKS 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 281-45210-440 Other Contractual Servic DOCK INSTALLATION Invoice 0513-2 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $4,307.35 Total $4,307.35 Refer 61102 DA Y DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,523.70 Invoice 179369 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,975.62 Invoice 178692 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $33.80 Invoice 178648 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $3,533.12 Refer 61102 DETERMANBROWNIE, INCORPOR 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic WATER,OIL, ETC $838.25 Invoice WO29339 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Refer 61102 DOBOSZENSKI AND SONS, INCOR Cash Payment Invoice 060402 Transaction Date E 455-46384-300 Professional Srvs 6/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $838.25 6/11/2002 REQUEST #2 $79,196.92 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $79,196.92 Refer 61102 DOSSETT, SINDI 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-49840-300 Professional Srvs 05-28-02 VIDEO HP, NCC MEETING $25.00 Invoice 052902 Transaction Date 6/3~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 . Total $25.00 Refer 61102 DUSTY'S BODY SHOP, INCORPOR 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR AUTO $2,240.75 invoice 053102 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $2,240.75 Refer 61102 E-Z RECYCLING 6/1112002 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic 05-02 CURBSIDE RECYCLING $7,700.00 Invoice 3797 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $7,700.00 -2765- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 4 Current Period: June 2002 Refer 61102 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $22.70 Invoice 249780 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,872.54 Invoice 249779 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $32.50 Invoice 247625 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,692.55 Invoice 247624 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $68.00 Invoice 247317 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $254.00 Invoice 245078 Transaction Date 6~6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $6,942.29 Refer 61102 EMEDCO INNOVATIVE SIGNS AND 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies FIRE TAPE $89.53 Invoice 453282-00 PO 17362 Transaction Date ' 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $89.53 Refer 61102 ENVIRONMENTAL LANDFORMS, I 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPAIR PVC BACKFLOW $39.95 invoice 2019 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $39.95 Refer 61102 EXTREME BEVERAGE 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $64.00 Invoice 58724 Transaction Date 6~6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $64.00 Refer 61102 FINAL TOUCH SERVICES, INC. 6/11/2002. Cash Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maint Contract WINDOW CLEANING $543.15 Invoice 017834 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $543.15 Refer 61102 FIRE CHIEFS, INTNAL ASSOCIA TI .6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2002 MEMBERSHIP DUES $170.00 Invoice 041502 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $170.00 Refer 61102 G & K SERVICES 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-14-02 UNIFORMS $29.59 Invoice 210889 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-14-02 UNIFORMS $29.59 Invoice 210889 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-14-02 UNIFORMS $29.59 Invoice 210889 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 05-14-02 MATS $17.12 Invoice 210889 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 05-14-02 MATs $17.12 Invoice 210889 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 05-14-02 MATS $17,12 Invoice 210889 -2766- CITY OF MOUND Payments 11:14 AM Page 5 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 05-28-02 MATS $42.92 Invoice 224693 Cash Payment Invoice 224691 Cash Payment Invoice 224692 Cash Payment Invoice 224694 Cash Payment Invoice 217746 Cash Payment invoice 217746 Cash Payment Invoice 217746 Cash Payment Invoice 217746 Cash Payment Invoice 217746 Cash Payment Invoice 217746 E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 05-28-02 MATS E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 05-28-02 MATS 05-28-02 MATS 05-21-02 UNIFORMS 05-21-02 UNIFORMS 05-21-02 UNIFORMS 05-21-02 MATS 05-21-02 MATS 05-21-02 MATS Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Refer 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 548578 Cash Payment Invoice 548496 Cash Payment Invoice 546257 Cash Payment Invoice 546256 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Refer 61102 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners InVOice 000531 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 6/11/2002 LIQUOR WINE WINE LIQUOR Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 04-02 ROOM AND BOARD Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $48.77 $101.53 $21.62 $30.71 $30.71 $30.71 $24.94 $24.94 $24.94 Total $521.92 $3,101.64 $1,747.63 $622.04 $64.99 Total $5,536.30 $317.50 Total $317.50 Refer 61102 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow Invoice 052102 Transaction Date 6/3/2002 Refer 61102 IKON OFFICE MACHINES Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying Invoice 23230026 Transaction Date 6/3/2002 6/11/2002. 4674 HAMPTON RD MORTGAGE PAYMENT Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 05-24-02 THRU 06-24-02 COPY MAINTENANCE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $6,117.82 Total $6,117.82 $125.17 Total $125.17 Refer 61102 INET7 INTERNET SERVICES, INCO Cash Payment E 101-41910-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 11606 6/11/2002 04-02 INTERNET SERVICE $29.95 -2767- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 6 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $29.95 Refer 61102 INFRATECH 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms SAFETY VESTS Invoice 020783P Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms SAFETY VESTS Invoice 020783P Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 020748P PO 17309 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 020748P PO 17309 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SERVICE REPAIR Invoice 020787P Transaction Date 6/612002 Marquette Bank Mou Refer 61102 ISLAND PARK SKELLY 6/11/2002 E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair FLAT TIRE REPAIR Cash Payment Invoice 10471 Cash Payment Invoice 10608 Cash Payment Invoice 10422 Cash Payment Invoice 10421 Cash Payment Invoice 10455 Cash Payment Invoice 10546 Cash Payment Invoice 10613 Transaction Date E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery AUTO TRANS FLUID E 101-41310-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL CHANGE E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery STARTER AND ELECTRICAL E 601-494000004 Repairs/Maint Machinery HEADLIGHT E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BATTERY E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery A/C SYSTEM INSPECT 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 61102 J.R.°S APPLIANCE DISPOSAL, INC 6/11/2002. Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic RECYCLE APPLIANCES invoice 31673 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 5380 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Refer 61102 JMS COMMUNICATIONS AND RES JENNIGES, KEITH 6/11/2002 R 601-37144 Sales of Meters & Reader REFUND METER SIZE Cash Payment E 401-46580-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 005-30-09 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Rear 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 257637 Cash Payment Invoice 512430 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS G 101-22808 AdOpt A Green Space G 101-22808 Adopt A Green Space Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 FIRE FACILITY PROJECT $101.40 $101.40 $34.96 $34.96 $726.55 10100 Total $999.27 $15.00 $92.95 $25.86 $283.54 $70.62 $68.65 $81.00 Total $637.62 $2,56O.0O Total $2,560.00 $100.00 Total $100.00 $6,875.OO Total $6,875.00 $36.00 $56.26 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 FLOWERS PLANTER BOXES PLANTS -2768- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/0211:14 AM Page 7 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment G 101-22808 Adopt A Green Space Invoice 512434 Transaction Date 5/24/2002 Refer 61102 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1411267 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1411266 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale invoice 1411265 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 1411264 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1407759 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale invoice 1407758 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale invoice 1407757 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1407756 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 1407755 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 194117 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 GREEN SPACE $40.99 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $133.25 6/11/2002 WINE $2,888.62 WINE $310.25 WINE $87.90 LIQUOR $1,829.73 WINE $86.70 WINE $1,402.79 WINE $70.05 WINE $764.10 LIQUOR $2,744.80 CREDIT-BEER -$10.67 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $10,174.27 Refer 61102 LAKER NEWSPAPER 6/11/2002. Cash Payment G 101-22896 Lake Mtka Trail Sub-div #02- 4531 MANCHESTER RD #02-06 Invoice 151 Cash Payment G 101-22896 Lake Mtka Trail Sub-div #02- 4531 MANCHESTER RD Invoice 177 Cash Payment E 401-46580-300 Professional Srvs FACILITIES BUILDING Invoice 181 Transaction Date 5/28~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Refer 6110~''' L'~B ENGINERS AND ARCHITECTS~O0~ ---'- Cash Payment G 101-22851 Langdon Deveop, Gramercy METRO WEST INSPECTIONS Invoice 052802 Transaction Date 6/6~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $37.81 $37.81 $32.00 $107.62 $4,5OO.00 $4,500.00 Refer 61102 LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES, INC 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 0110247-1N Transaction Date 6/6~2002 Refer 61102 LUBE TECH, INCORPORATED JACKETS Cash Payment Invoice849652 Cash Payment Invoice849652 Cash Payment Invoice849652 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Marquette Bank Mou 6/11/2002 AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO SUPPLIES $145.63 10100 Total $145.63 $324.04 $324.04 $324.04 -2769- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 8 Current Period: June 2002 invoice 849550 Cash Payment Invoice 849550 Cash Payment Invoice 849550 Transaction Date Refer 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 13737 Cash Payment Invoice 13737 Cash Payment Invoice 13737 Transaction Date E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 616/2002 LUBES UNLIMITED, INCORPORA T E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 6/6/2002 AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO SUPPLIES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 OIL FILTERS OIL FILTERS OIL FILTERS Marquette BankMou 10100 $223.85 $223.86 Total $1,643.68 $21.67 $21,67 $21.66 Total $65.00 Refer 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 419071 Cash Payment Invoice 418115 Cash Payment Invoice 416977 Cash Payment Invoice 416976 Cash Payment Invoice 416975 Transaction Date MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR 6/11/2002 E 609.49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER 6~6~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 Refer 61102 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment Invoice 11004 Cash Payment Invoice 11015 Cash Payment Invoice 11039 Cash Payment Invoice 11052 Cash Payment Invoice 11078 Transaction Date E 609-49750-265 Freight E 609-49750-265 Freight E 609-49750-265 Freight E 609-49750-265 Freight E 609-49750-265 Freight 6/6/2002 05-16-02 DELIVERY CHARGE 05-20-02 DELIVERY CHARGE 05-23-02 DELIVERY CHARGE 05-28-02 DELIVERY CHARGE 05-31-02 DELIVERY CHARGE MarqUette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 61102 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits Invoice 053102 Transaction Date 6~6/2002 Refer 61102 MINNESOTA PLAYGROUND, INCO Cash Payment Invoice 672832 Transaction Date E 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts PO 17247 5/28/2002 6/11/2002 05-02 SAC CHARGES Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 SPIRAL SLIDE SECTION Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total Total Total Total $2,522.15 $276.0O $97.5O $118.20 $3,617.75 $6,631.60 $136.80 $28.80 ' $119.20 $16.00 $141 °6O $442.40 $3,564.00 $3,5~4.Oo $188.02 $188.02 -2770- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 9 Current Period: June 2002 Refer 61102 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF - VV'I'ER $72.50 Invoice 121155 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $72.50 Refer 61102 MORRELL AND MORRELL, INCOR 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services CLEAN-UP DAY Invoice 3762 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Refer 61102 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Cash Payment Invoice 053102 Cash Payment Invoice 053102 Cash Payment Invoice 053102 Transaction Date E 222-42260-390 General Maint-Fire E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salades 6/5/2002 $3,342.29 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $3,342.29 6/1112002 05-02 MAINTENANCE $1,250.00 05-02 DRILLS $726.00 056-02 RESCUE $7,965.25 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $9,941.25 Refer 61102 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIA TIO 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pension Contdbutio 06-02 FIRE RELIEF invoice 061102 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou $9,033.33 10100 Total $9,033.33 Refer 61102 MUELLER/LANSING PROPERTIES. 6/11/2002 Cash Payment G 101-22839 2240 Commerce, M.E. Muell REFUND/CLOSE ESCROW Invoice 101-22839 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $565.00 Total $565.00 Refer 61102 NAMEPLATES 6/11/2002 Cash Payment Invoice 02388 Transaction Date E 281-45210-220 Repair/Maint Supply PO 17245 5/28/2002 LABELS $209.59 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $209.59 Refer 61102 NASH SALES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1539 Transaction Date 5~28/2002 Refer 61102 NEWMAN SIGNS Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials Invoice TI-0087751 Transaction Date 6/6~2002 6/11/2002 05-18-02 CLEAN-UP $100.00 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $100.00 6/11/2002 SIGNS $64.76 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $64.76 Refer 61102 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (POLl Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone Invoice 061102 Transaction Date 6~6~2002 Refer 61102 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPP Cash Payment Invoice 3113528 Transaction Date E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 6/6/2002 6/11/2002 04-19-02 THRU 05-18-02 $479.77 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $479.77 6/11/2002 WALL RECEPTACLE $1,018.25 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1,018.25 Refer 61102 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA 6/11/2002 -2771 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 10 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $974.00 Invoice 0190704-1N Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $974.00 Refer 61102 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC 6/t1/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $98.00 Invoice 839301 Cash'Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WiNE $434.15 Invoice 839300 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $78.85 Invoice 839299 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,027.05 Invoice 836748 Transaction Date 6~6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1,638.05 Refer 61102 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTM 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $563.16 Invoice 60191 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $751.27 Invoice 59725 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $1,314.43 · Refer 61102 PLUNKETT'S, INCORPORATED 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic MAY,JUN,JUL 2002 PEST CONTROL $40.80 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 LIQUOR Invoice 488095 Transaction Date 6~5/2002 Refer 61102 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 130236-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 130051-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 129915-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 129393-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 129392-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 127493-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 127177-00 Cash.Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 126916-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 126910-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 125608-00 WINE LIQUOR LIQUOR WINE LIQUOR LIQUOR CREDIT-LIQUOR Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 61102 RAND'Y'SSANITATATION 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 05-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 1679 Total $40.80 $164.30 $128.72 $134.64 $73.03 $2,68O.44 $189.93 $140.18 $1,878.48 $80.96 -$216.33 Total $5,254.35 $114.54 -2772- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 11 Current Period: June 2002 Transaction Date 5/2812002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $114.54 Refer 61102 SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS, IN Cash Payment Invoice 1 Cash Payment Invoice 1 Cash Payment invoice 1 Transaction Date E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 6/6/2002 6/11/2002 2002 SAFETY TRAINING 2002 SAFETY TRAINING 2002 SAFETY TRAI~ING Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Refer 61102 SCOTTYB'S 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 02-27-02 STAFF MEETING Invoice 263912 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $983.33 $983.33 $983.34 Total $2,950.00 $90.10 Total $90.10 Refer 61102 SHOREWOOD TREE SERVICE Cash Payment E 280-45250-229 Street Repairs invoice 4012 Transaction Date 6/3~2002 Refer 61102 Cash Payment Invoice 23869 Cash Payment Invoice 23869 Cash Payment invoice 23869 6/11/2002 REMOVE STUMP CEMETARY $106.50 SKYWAY PUBLICATIONS, INCORP E 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-28-02 THRU 06-11-02 CLASSIFIED AD E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-28-02 THRU 06-11-02 CLASSIFIED AD E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-28-02 THRU 06-11-02 CLASSIFIED AD Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $106.50 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-28-02 THRU 06-11-02 CLASSIFIED AD Invoice 23869 Transaction Date 6/6~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $306.00 Refer 61102 STAR TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-328 Employment Advertising 05-19-02 CLASSIFIED AD $448.80 Invoice 113907001 Transaction Date 6~3~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $448.80 $122.40 $61.20 $61.20 $61.20 Refer 61102 SUN NEWSPAPERS 6111/2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-328 EmploymentAdverUsing 05-29-02 CLASSIFIED AD $124.20 Invoice 510737 Cash Payment E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-29-02 CLASSIFIED AD $124.20 invoice 510737 Cash Payment E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-29-02 CLASSIFIED AD $124.20 invoice 510737 Cash Payment E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing 05-29-02 CLASSIFIED AD $124.20 Invoice 510737 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $496.80 Refer 61102 SWAR'I-ZER, BRIAN 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-305 Medical and Dental Fees 05-30-02 EYE EXAM Invoice 060402 Transaction Date 6/4/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 $50.00 Total $50.00 Refer 61102 THURK BROTHERS CHEVROLET 6/11/2002 -2773- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 12 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts BOLT, ETC $7.27 Invoice 47600 Transaction Date 6/6~2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $7.27 Refer 61102 THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR COR .6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 06-02 ELEVATOR SERVICE $158.60 Invoice 307117 Transaction Date 6/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $158.60 Refer 61102 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPLY Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 3567850 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 356785-0 PO 17065 Cash Payment E 101-41920-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PRINTER Invoice 344268-0 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies Invoice 34578409 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 354784-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345784-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345784-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 6/11/2002 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPLER STAPLER,TAPE DISPENSER CHAIR MAT CHAIR MAT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $35.94 $35.94 $35.94 $35.94 $35.94 $11.98 $11.98 $17.97 $18.00 $748.04 $6.83 $89.18 $20.60 $2O.59 $16.19 $9.51 $9.51 $9.51 $9.51 $3.17 -2774- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AU Page 13 Current Period: June 2002 ~'~F~ 'i'~,~ ...... ~'~ ,~'.~i~;~:',~;~'~ ~"~, · ~ t~ ~i~ - ,~ ~ ~' " '~'~ ~=,' - ~, ' ' ='~ ............ Cash Payment E 809-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3.17 Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 345420-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 346489-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 346156-0 PO 17359 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Refer 61102 UNIFORMS LIMITED Cash Payment E 101-42115-218 Clothing and Uniforms TROUSERS $104.50 Invoice 126730 PO 17411 Transaction Date 6/3/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $104.50 Refer 611102 US FILTER 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply STR CPLG FLRXMIP $41.29 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES FILE CARD HOLDER INK JET CARTRIDGE Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 6/11/2002 $4.76 $4.76 $18,36 $133.06 Total $1,346.38 Invoice 8394076 Transaction Date 5/29/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $41.29 Refer 61102 V & S JEWELERS 6/11/2002 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous NELSON PLAQUE $96.70 Invoice 053002 PO 17413 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Refer 61102 WATERTOWN PARTS CENTER Refer 61102 WIDMER, INCORPORATED Cash Payment Invoice 5338 Transaction Date Total $96.70 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL FILTERS $42.33 Invoice 318179 PO 17317 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL FILTERS $42.33 Invoice 318179 PO 17317 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL FILTERS $42,33 Invoice 318179 PO 17317 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply MIRROR $2.12 Invoice 318180 PO 17317 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply MIRROR $2.12 Invoice 318180 PO 17317 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply MIRROR $2.12 Invoice 318180 PO 17317 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $133,35 6/11/2002. E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract STAND PIPE AT CTY RD 44 $362.50 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $362.50 Refer 61102 WILSEY, JOHN 6/11/2002. Cash Payment R 601-37144 Sales of Meters & Reader REFUND METER SIZE $100.00 Invoice 5403 Transaction Date 5/28/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 61102 ZACK, INCORPORATED 6/11/2002 -2775- CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/06/02 11:14 AM Page 14 Current Period: June 2002 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials SQUEEGES $54°03 Invoice 22650 Cash Payment SQUEEGES $54.03 Invoice 22650 Cash Payment SQUEEGES $54.03 Invoice 22650 Transaction Date 6/6/2002 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $162.09 Refer 61102 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 6/11/2002 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 57953870 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies Invoice C5737626 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 57953871 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials Invoice 57953871 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Invoice 57953871 Transaction Date 6/5/2002 Fund Summary 10100 Marquette Bank Mound SHINE, WIPERS $464.54 CHERRY BOMB -$59.64 ZEP-O-SHINE $93.71 ZEP-O-SHINE $93.71 ZEP-O-SHINE $93.70 Marquette Bank Mou 10100 Total $686.02 $20,154.00 $13,640.88 $106.50 $4,523.77 $12,554.73 $79,196.92 $4,515.00 $6,968.50 $47,647.53 $14,540.54 $9,033.33 $212,881.70 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES · 280 CEMETERY FUND 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1-2 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $212,881,70 $212,881.70 -2776- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364o1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bonnie Ritter RE: Liquor License Renewals DATE: June 4, 2002 The following licenses are up for renewal. July 1,2002 through June 30, 2003. and certificates of insurance. Club On-Sale: V.F.W. Post 5113 American Legion Sunday Sales: V.F.W. Post 5113 American Legion On-sale Wine: Al & Alma's Supper Club House of Moy 3.2 Beer On-Sale: Al & Alma's Supper Club House of Moy Off-Sale 3.2 Beer: Mainstreet Market PDQ Foods SuperAmerica The license year on all of these licenses is Approval is subject to receipt of all forms, fees CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02- RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE AUTHORIZATION OF CITY SPONSORSHIP OF STATE GRANT-IN-AID SNOWMOBILE TRAIL FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, did on February 12, 1991, adopt resolution No. 91-30, entitled "Resolution Authorizing City Sponsorship in State Grant-In-Aid Snowmobile Trail Funds"; and WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources is requesting that the City again reaffirm its sponsorship of the State Grant-In-Aid Snowmobile Trail funds; and WHEREAS, the Southwest Trails Association has requested the City of Mound to sponsor grant-in-aid snowmobile trails through the Minnesota Trails Assistance Program; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk is authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for the Minnesota Trail Assistance program on behalf of the Southwest Trails Association; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to execute and approve contractual agreements for this grant. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember and seconded by The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of June, 2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -2778- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com To: From: Re: Date: Mayor and Council Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager LOGIS Group By Law Amendment June 4, 2002 Enclosed is a proposed Amendment No. 2 to the LOGIS Joint Powers Agreement, together with a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of the Amendment? As stated in the Resolution, LOGIS has, since 1988, been administering a group health and medical insurance plan for those members who have chosen to participate, including the City of Mound. LOGIS' legal counsel has advised the Board of Directors that the Agreement should be modified as proposed by the Amendment to clarify LOGIS' authority to conduct and administer the Plan. The amendment also provides that other types of group benefits may be included in the Plan. The resolution also ratifies the participation in the Plan by members o£the Plan. The Joint Powers Agreement can be amended only by a unanimous action of the members. Administration recommends your approval of the Resolution as submitted. It' you have questions on this issue, please call Gino Businaro at 952-472-0608 or myself at 952-472-0609. Thank you. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02- RESOLUTION RELATING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. Background; findings. a. the City is a party to the joint and cooperative agreement (Agreement) establishing an organization known as Local Government Information System (LOGIS). The Agreement is originally dated May 1, 1972, and has been amended by Amendment No. 1, adopted may 3, 1993. b. In 1988, LOGIS established the LOGIS Health Care Group (Plan) to enable members of LOGIS to participate in a program of cooperatively providing group health, life, accident and other insurance and personnel benefits for the officers and employees of the members of the Plan and LOGIS itself. LOGIS has continuously operated and administered the Plan since its inception. c. The Board of Directors of LOGIS has been advised by legal counsel that it is necessary and desirable that the Agreement be amended to clearly authorize the Plan and the participation in the Plan by members of LOGIS. d. There has been presented to this Council a form of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement (Amendment). The Amendment is on file with the City Clerk, and is attached as Exhibit A. e. It is found and determined that it is in the best interests of the City that the Agreement be amended as proposed in the Amendment. 2. Approval and Authorization; Ratification. a. The form of the Amendment is approved. b. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to deliver the Amendment in the manner provided for in the Agreement. c. All actions, if any, of the City, the City Council, and the officers and employees of the City in participating in the Plan, are ratified and confirmed. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember and seconded by The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this day of ,2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -2780- EXHIBIT A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Originally Dated May '1, '1§72, As amended by Amendment No. 1, Adopted May 3, 1993 Section 1. Article I, General Purpose, of the Joint and Cooperative Agreement, Local Government Information Systems, as amended, (Agreement) is amended to read as follows: I. GENERALPURPOSE The general purpose of this agreement is to provide for an organization through which the parties may jointly and cooperatively provide for (i) the establishment, operation and maintenance of data processing facilities and management information systems for the use and benefit of the parties and others and (ii) group health, life, accident, and other insurance and personnel benefits for the officers and employees of the parties and orqanization. Section 2. The terms of this amendment are effective as of April 1,2002. This amendment is effective on the date of its execution and delivery by all of the members of the organization in accordance with the Agreement. -2781 - DJK Draft 2/18/02 MFG Revised 3/27/02 Proposed New By Law LOGIS 6.15. Health Care Group members means those members who choose to provide group health, medical and personnel benefits to their officers and employees under the LOGIS Health Care Group Plan (Plan). A participating, coordinating associate, operations associate, or franchise associate member may become a Health Care Group member. Members of the Plan on May 1, 2002 will continue as members of the Plan without further action by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors. Members not participating in the Plan on May 1, 2002 may become Health Care Group members by complying with the Health Care Group membership requirements. An eligible government unit wishing to become a Health Care Group member may do so by complying with the membership procedure set out in Section 6.2 and complying with the Plan membership requirements. Health Care Group members are subject to the withdrawal provisions of Article XII of the Joint and Cooperative Agreement. For purpose of Section 2 of Article XII the terms "budgeted revenues and the cost sharing charges" mean the liquidated damages as set forth in the LOGIS Group Health and Life Insurance Policies and Procedures. DJK-210239vl LGI00-16 -2782- LOGIS GROUP HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Effective Aug, ust 1, 1992, Amended January 1, 1995, Updated April 12, 2001, and Further Amended May 9, 2002 POLICIES Eligibili~, Requirements To be eligible for participation in the insurance program, the legal entity must be one of the following: 1. A current member of the LOGIS Group Health and Life Insurance Program; 2. A current member of LOGIS; 3. A Minnesota city; or 4. A joint powers entity sponsored by a Minnesota city. The legal entity must also: 1. Not previously have been a participant in the LOGIS Group Health and Life Insurance Program; and 2. Indicate its commitment to the program by July 15th of the current year or whenever reasonably possible for members entering on other than the fu'st day of a plan year. For the Plan Year beginning January 1, 1990: 1. All current members of the LOGIS Group Health and Life Insurance program will be eligible for participation in the Plan without restriction; and 2. Other current LOGIS members will be eligible to participate in the Group provided: a. They have not previously dropped membership in the Group; and b. They submit the necessary marketing information as requested by the Group or its designated representative. 3. All non-LOGIS members who are Minnesota cities will be eligible to participate if they comply with items 2.a. and b. above, as well as: a. They must become at least associate members of LOGIS. For subsequent Plan years, a LOGIS member who has not been a member of the Program or who has not previously dropped membership in the Program may participate in the Program's next Plan Year beginning January 1st of the following year, if: 1. They sign a Participation Resolution on or before August 1st of the preceding Plan Year or whenever reasonably possible; 2. They submit necessary marketing information as requested by the Program or its designated representative. 1 -2783- LOGIS GROUP HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OTHER REQUEREMENTS Ao Definitions for purpose of these Policies and Procedures 1. Benefit-earning employee is a full-time employee working an average of 30 scheduled hours or more per week based on the employer definition during the plan year. 2. Benefit-eligible employee is a part-time employee working at least an average of 20 scheduled hours but less than the defined number of hours eligible to be benefit- earning under the employer's definition during the plan year. 3. Retiree is any employee of a member of the Group who is entitled to coverage under Minnesota Statutes § 471.6 I, subdivision 2a - 2b ("chapter 488") or any retiree policy maintained by the Member. 4. Non benefit-eligible employee is a part-time employee working less than an average of 20 scheduled hours per week during the plan year. 5. COBRA eligibles are employees entitled to continue participation subsequent to the federal legislation commonly termed COBRA as in force and/or amended. COBRA continuation does not constitute retirement coverage. This term also includes individuals eligible for continuation under any provisions of Minnesota State Law if different than any federally applicable legislation. 6. Program means the health insurance or life insurance policies maintained by LOGIS for participating Members. 7. Member means any legal entity as indicated above who has elected to participate in this Program. The Member must honor the LOGIS Health and Life insurance policy regarding employee eligibility, which is as follows: 1. An employee of a Member is eligible for health and life insurance if he or she is a regular or probationary employee and works at least 20 hours per week. However, the Member participating in the group, at its own discretion, may establish a more strict definition of eligibility, but not a more lenient definition. Once the Member's definition of eligibility is established, it must be applied consistently within the Member's employee population. All employees meeting the Member's definition of eligibility must be allowed to participate. 2. Members employing two individuals married to each other may allow one of the partners to carry employee + spouse or family coverage. The other partner may then be carried as a dependent of that Individual. These married individuals may also carry coverage separately if desired. 3. Upon retirement, an eligible public employee as defined in Minnesota Statutes § 471.6 I, subdivision 2a - 2b ("chapter 488") and his/her covered dependents can participate in this Plan at the same premium rate as active employees until reaching age 65. The retiree must pay the entire premium unless otherwise provided for in a collective bargaining agreement or personnel policy. Retirees age 65 and over have the option of an HMO Medicare Supplement. 2 -2784- LOGIS GROUP HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 4. COBRA-eligible employees may be covered to the extent the corresponding active employee is eligible for coverage. COBRA continuees are treated the same as employees who are actively at work. 5. Elected officials of any Member are not to be considered eligible for participation unless the elected official's coverage was in effect April 15, 1991 or prior. Coverage for these elected officials will terminate upon completion of the term of office. 6. Non-benefit eligible employees may not be covered. C. The Member must honor the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance policies regarding enrollment in the health insurance, which is as follows: 1. At a minimum, 100% of its benefit-earning employees who are not covered elsewhere through a spouse's employer sponsored group insurance must be enrolled in one of the single health insurance plans. All benefit earning employees must be enrolled in the group term life insurance plan. Members must pay at least 50% of the lowest single premium for benefit-eligible employees. This does not apply to early retirees eligible under Minnesota § Statutes 471.61, subdivision 2a - 2b ("chapter 488"). 2. The Member may opt, based on its bargaining agreements or personnel policy, not to provide coverage for benefit-eligible employees. 3. Each Member participating in the Group, at its own discretion, may establish a more liberal contribution policy, but not a more conservative policy. 4. Each Member must follow established contribution/participation rules regarding benefit-earning and benefit-eligible employees. 5. Each Member must treat benefit-earning married employees where both are employees of the same Member as they would any other benefit-earning employee. D. The Member may allow, at its discretion, benefit-earning employees to waive health coverage provided that the employee shows proof of group coverage elsewhere. E. If the Member allows its employees to waive health coverage, a maximum credit of $50 per month may be given to employees in lieu of coverage. F. The Member may not, for any reason, allow any of its non-benefit eligible employees to pumhase health coverage regardless of who pays the premium. G. The Member must accept the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance Program's policy regarding the effective date of coverage for newly hired employees. The effective date of coverage can be no sooner than the first day of the calendar month coinciding with or next following one full month of employment and no longer than the first day of the month coinciding with or next following six months of continuous employment. Any such arrangement as to the waiting period of coverage must be consistently applied to all eligible employees of the member. PROCEDURES Ao Eligibility for participation in the following plan year's insurance program is based on the following procedures: 1. If the entity is a current Member of the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance Program: 3 -2785- LOGIS GROUP HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES a. It will automal~ically be included unless it notifies LOGIS of its intention to withdraw from the program prior to July of the current year or it is given leave for a late withdrawal, as provided below. b. It must submit insurance data as required. 2. If the entity is a current member of LOGIS, but is not a Member of the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance Program: a. It must notify LOGIS in writing that it wishes to participate in the Program. The notification must be received by LOGIS by July 15th of the current year or as soon as is reasonably possible. b. It must submit marketing information as required by the group or its designated representative. c. Having satisfied all other conditions, entities with less than 50 employees will be automatically accepted, however, premiums will be based on 100% of their own claims experience for the fu-st year, 50% the second year, and will not be 100% blended with the LOGIS pool until the third year. d. Entities with 50 or more employees may be declined based on claims experience. If allowed to participate, premiums may be rated based on the above-mentioned formula (c.). 3. If neither a current member of LOGIS nor the LOGIS Health Care and Life Insurance Program: a. It must adopt a resolution authorizing execution of the standard LOGIS joint powers agreement. b. It must execute the joint powers agreement. ¢. It must submit the resolution, two copies of the joint powers agreement, and a cover letter to LOGIS. The cover letter should request admission to LOGIS as at least an Associate Member and state the intention to participate in the LOGIS Health Care and Life Insurance Program and commit to the Program at least through the following plan year. This material must be received by LOGIS by July 15th of the current year or whenever reasonably possible. d. It must submit marketing information as required by the group or its designated representative. 4. An entity that is a current Member of the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance Program may not withdraw from the program for the succeeding year unless (1) it provides notice of withdrawal prior to July of the current year or (2) the Member requests leave for a late withdrawal and LOGIS's Executive Committee grants the leave after concluding, based on objective evidence, that the Member's withdrawal financially benefit the other LOGIS members as a group. Any other withdrawal will be considered an "Unauthorized Withdrawal", with the withdrawing Member being referred to as a "Defaulting Member". a. A Defaulting Member will be obligated to pay to LOGIS the greater of (1) minimum liquidated damages of $500 multiplied by each individual insured through the Defaulting Member under the LOGIS Health and Life Insurance Program as of June 30 prior to the Unauthorized Withdrawal or (2) adjusted liquidated damages, as described below, multiplied by each individual insured through the Defaulting Member under the LOGIS Health and Life 4 -2786- LOGIS GROUP HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Insurance Program as of June 30 prior to the Unauthorized Withdrawal. An amount equal to minimum liquidated damages are due and payable within thirty days of an Unauthorized Withdrawal. b. Adjusted liquidated damages shall be determined if there are any Unauthorized Withdrawals prior to the start of a plan year. In that event, after the start of that plan year LOGIS's health coverage contractor shall estimate the difference between what the continuing LOGIS members can be expected to pay for health coverage during the that year and the following year taking into account the Unauthorized Withdrawals and the facts as they exist on the first day of the plan year ("Adjusted Cost"), and what such continuing members would have been expected to pay for such coverage in those years had the Unauthorized Withdrawals not occurred ("Base Cost"). These shall be determined based on actual premiums imposed for the current year, the health coverage contractor's then current underwriting criteria, and facts concerning coverage and experience as known on the first day of such plan year. The determination will be binding on all parties absent clear mathematical error. If Adjusted Cost exceed Base Cost, the difference shall be divided by the number of individuals covered under the LOGIS health plan through the Defaulting Members as of June 30 preceding the beginning of the plan year. If the quotient exceeds $500, such quotient shall establish adjusted liquidated damages, and each Defaulting Member will be obligated to pay the adjusted liquidated damages (net of any amounts already paid) within 30 days of this determination. For purposes of marketing the Group to Health Care Providers, the Program has authorized the following to act as its designated representative: Stanton Group 3405 Annapolis Lane North Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 2784462 For purposes of marketing the Group Life Insurance, the Program has authorized the following to act as its designated representative: Larry Klopp & Assoc., Inc. 825 Nicollet Mall Suite 1045 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-5313 GP:821353 vi 5 -2787- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 610 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE WATER DEPARTMENT The City of Mound does ordain: Section 610.50 - General Regulations is hereby amended by adding Subd. 15 as follows: Subd. 15. Seasonal Restrictions on Lawn Sprinkling. From May 15 to September 1 of each year, an odd/even lawn sprinkling regulation shall be in effect for all lawn sprinkling systems supplied by water from the City of Mound Water Department. Properties with even numbered addresses ma,/ sprinkle lawns only on days with even numbered dates. Properties with odd numbered addresses may sprinkle only on days with odd numbered dates. A one (1) week exemption from the odd/even sprinkling restriction may be granted for newly planted sod, grass or landscaping upon registering for exemption and recommendation of the Mound Public Works Superintendent. Other exemptions may be granted upon evaluation and recommendation from the Mound Public Works Superintendent. Passed by the City Council this day of Published in The Laker the day of Effective on the day of ,2002. ,2002. ,2002. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2788- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Mayor and City Council Bonnie Ritter Authorization to hunt and/or trap nuisance animals June 6, 2002 Jeff Bjorklund of Suburban Wildlife Control in Shakopee was contacted by a Mound resident to take care of beaver that are damaging his trees and starting a family on his property. City Code 905.30 (c) states that no person shall, within the City, take, capture, shoot, or trap any animals or birds except persons authorized by the City Council for the purpose of protecting the health, safety and general welfare. Mr. Bjorklund is requesting authorization to operate according to City Code within the City of Mound. Drinted on recycled paper -2789- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM IN FY 2003-2005. WHEREAS, the City of Mound, Minnesota and the County of Hennepin have in effect a Joint Cooperation Agreement for purposes of qualifying as an Urban County under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs; and WHEREAS, the City and County wish to execute a new Joint Cooperation Agreement in order to continue to qualify as an Urban County for purposes of the Community Development Block Grant and HOME programs. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that a new Joint Cooperation Agreement between the City and County be executed effective October 1, 2002, and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized and directed to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this day of ,2002. and seconded by Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -2790- Hennepin County Oepartment of Transit & Community Works 417 North Fifth Street, Suite 320 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1362 61 2-348-9260, Phone 612-348-9710, Fax www. co.hennepin.mn.us May 22, 2002 Ms. Kandis Hanson Adminis~ator City ofMound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN55364 Subject: Fiscal Year 2003-2005 Joint Cooperation Agreement Dear Ms. Hanson: Accompanying for your review and execution is the Urban Hennepin County Joint Cooperation Agreement for FY 2003 - 2005. The agreement sets forth broad shared powers for carrying out housing and community development activities. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the agreement in order for Hennepin County to qualify as an urban county and receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) entitlement funds. A draft gray-line copy of the agreement is enclosed, which details all revisions to the current agreement. There are several significant changes. The first deals with the need for "timely" expenditure of funds. This relates to the HUD requirement that unexpended CDBG funds cannot total more than 1.5 times the last grant allocation. The hard work of municipal and county staff to meet this expenditure goal has proven successful, but it was felt advisable to provide additional flexibility to address this problem and to avoid financial penalty in the future. One of these changes reduces the time for implementing activities from 24 months to 18 months. Another change is to increase the county administrative fee from 10 to 13 percent of the grant total to offset increasing county property tax expenditures for this purpose. Additionally, this administrative fee will include a set aside for countywide fair housing efforts. As a community participating in the Urban Hennepin County Program, your city would not be eligible in FY 2003 - 2005 to apply for grants under the small cities or state CDBG programs. Your community will automatically participate in the Hennepin County HOME Program and will not be eligible to receive HOME funds through the state or other consortiums. An Equal Opportunity Employer - 2 7 91 - Recycled Paper May 22, 2002 Ms. Kandis Hanson Page 2 Please execute the city signature page of the agreement to indicate your continued participation in the Urban County Program. Return only an original copy of the city signature page with the city seal and a copy of the authorizing resolution. These documents must be returned to this office no later than June 30, 2002. A sample council resolution is enclosed. A copy of the county signature page will be provided after execution by the county. Please contact Jim Ford at 612/348-6013 if you have any questions about the agreement or process. I look forward to continuing our cooperative efforts in addressing suburban Hcnnepin County~~ousing and community development needs. )irector Enclosures: Cooperation Agreement Draft gray line agreement Sample Resolution cc: Sarah Smith -2792- Contract No. A04232 JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," A~2400 Government Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55487, and the cities executing this Master Agreement, each hereinafter respectively referred to as "COOPERATING UNIT," said parties to this Agreement each being governmental units of the State of Minnesota, and made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59: WITNESSETH: COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY agree that it is desirable and in the interests of their citizens that COOPERATING UNIT shares its authority to carry out essential community development and housing activities with COUNTY in order to permit COUNTY to secure and administer Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Parmership funds as an Urban County within the provisions of the Act as herein defined and, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the parties mutually agree to the following terms and conditions. COOPERATING UNIT acknowledges that by the execution of this Agreement that it understands that it: May not also apply for grants under the State CDBG Program from appropriations for fiscal years during which it is participating in the Urban County Program; and 2. May not participate in a HOME Consortium except through the Urban County. I. DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in 42 USC 5302 of the Act and 24 CFR §570.3 of the Regulations are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, and the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them: "Act" means Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). Bo "Regulations" means the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Act, including but not limited to 24 CFR Part 570. C. "HUD" means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. "Cooperating Unit" means any city or town in Hermepin County that has entered into a cooperation agreement that is identical to this Agreement, as well as Hennepin County, which is a party to each Agreement. "Consolidated Plan" means the document bearing that title or similarly required statements or documents submitted to HUD for authorization to expend the annual grant amount and which is -2793- developed by the COUNTY in conjunction with COOPERATING UNITS as part of the Community Development Block Grant Program. "Metropolitan City" means any city located in whole or in part in Hennepin County which is certified by HUD to have a population of 5'0,000 or more people. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize COUNTY and COOPERATING UNIT to cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, commun/ty renewal and lower income housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing and authorizes COUNTY to carry out these and other eligible activities for the benefit of eligible recipients who reside within the corporate hmits of the COOPERATING UNIT which will be funded from annual Community Development Block Grant and HOME appropriations for the Federal Fiscal Years 2003, 2004 and 2005 and from any program income generated from the expenditure of such funds. III. AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement is for a period commencing on October 1, 2002 and terminating no sooner than the end of the program year covered by the Consolidated Plan for the basic grant amount for the Fiscal Year 2005, as author/zed by HUD, and for such additional time as may be required for the expenditure of funds granted to the County for such period. COUNTY may notify COOPERATING UNIT prior to the end of the Urban County qualification period that the Agreement will automatically be renewed unless it is terminated in writing by either party. Either COUNTY or COOPERATING UNIT may exercise the option to terminate the Agreement at the end of the Urban County qualification period. If COUNTY or COOPERATING UNIT fail to exercise that option, it will not have the opportunity to exercise that option until the end of a subsequent Urban County qualification period. COUNTY will notify the COOPERATING UNIT in writing of its fight to elect to be excluded by the date specified by HUD. This Agreement must be amended by written agreement of all parties to incorporate any changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in the Urban County Qualification Notice apphcable for the year in which the next qualification of the County is scheduled. Failure by either party to adopt such an amendment to the Agreement shall automatically terminate the Agreement following the expenditure of all CDBG and HOME funds allocated for use in COOPERATING UNIT's jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated at the end of the program period during which HUD withdraws its designation of COUNTY as an Urban County under the Act. This Agreement shall be executed by the appropriate officers of COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY pursuant to authority granted them by their respective governing bodies, and a copy of the authorizing resolution and executed Agreement shall be filed promptly by the COOPERATING UNIT in the Hermepin County Department of Housing, Community Works and Transit, and in no event shall the Agreement be filed later than June 30, 2002. COOPERATING UNIT and COUNTY shall take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the applicant's certifications required by Section 104Co) of the Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and other applicable laws. -2794- IV. ACTIVITIES COOPERATING UNIT agrees that awarded grant funds will be used to undertake and carry out, within the terms of this Agreement, certain projects involving one or more of the essential activities eligible for funding under the Act. COUNTY agrees and will assist COOPERATING UNIT in the undertaking of such essential activities by providing the services specified in this Agreement. The parties mutually agree to comply with all applicable requirements of the Act and the Regulations and other relevant Federal and/or Minnesota statutes or regulations in the use of basic grant amounts. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to lessen or abrogate COUNTY's responsibility to assume all obligations of an applicant under the Act, including the development of the Consolidated Plan, pursuant to 24 CFR Part 91. COOPERATING UNIT further specifically agrees as follows: COOPERATING UNIT will, in accord with a COUNTY-established schedule, prepare and provide to COUNTY, in a prescribed form, requests for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds consistent with this Agreement, program regulations and the Urban Hennepin County Consolidated Plan. COOPERATING UNIT acknowledges that, pursuant to 24 CFR §570.501 (b), it is subject to the same requirements applicable to subrecipients, including the requirement for a written Subrecipient Agreement set forth in 24 CFR § 570.503. The S ubrecipient Agreement will cover the implementation requirements for each activity funded pursuant to this Agreement and shall be duly executed with and in a form prescribed by COUNTY. COOPERATING UNIT acknowledges that it is subject to the same subrecipient requirements stated in paragraph B above in instances where an agency other than itself is undertaking an activitypursuant to this Agreement on behalf of COOPERATING UNIT. In such instances, a written Third Party Agreement shall be duly executed between the agency and COOPERATING UNIT in a form prescribed by COUNTY. COOPERATING UNIT shall implement all activities funded for each annual program pursuant to this Agreement within eighteen (18) months of the authorization by HUD to expend the basic grant amount. 1. Funds for all activities not implemented within eighteen (18) months shall be transferred to a separate account for reallocation on a competitive request for proposal basis. Limited extensions to the implementation period may be granted upon request only in cases where the authon.'zed activity has been initiated and/or subject of a binding contract to proceed. If COUNTY is notified by HUD that it has not met the performance standard for the timely expenditure of funds at 24 CFR 570.902(a) and the COUNTY,entitlement grant is reduced by HUD, according to its policy on corrective actions, then the basic grant amount to any COOPERATING UNIT that has not met its expenditure goal shall be reduced in a manner proportionate to the reduction in the COUNTY grant. COOPERATING UNIT will take actions necessary to assist in accomplishing the community development program and housing goals, as contained in the Urban Hennepin County Consolidated Plan. 3 -2795- COOPERATING UNIT shall ensure that all programs and/or activities funded, in part or in full by grant funds received pursuant to this Agreement, shall be undertaken affirmatively with regard to fa/r housing, employment and business opportunities for minorities and women. It shall, in implementing all programs and/or activities funded by the basic grant amount, comply with all applicable Federal and Minnesota Laws, statutes, rules and regulations with regard to civil rights, affirmative action and equal employment opportunities and Administrative Rule issued by the COUNTY. COOPERATING UNIT that does not affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction or that impedes action by COUNTY to comply with its fair housing certification shall be prohibited from receiving CDBG funding for any activities. COOPERATING UNIT shall participate in the citizen participation process, as established by COUNTY, in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. COOPERATING UNIT shall reimburse COUNTY for any expenditure determined by HUD or COUNTY to be ineligible. COOPERATING UNIT shall prepare, execute, and cause to be filed all documents protecting the interests of the parties hereto or any other party of interest as may be designated by the COUNTY. K. COOPERATING UNIT has adopted and is enforcing: A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations w/thin its jurisdiction. COUNTY further specifically agrees as follows: COUNTY shall prepare and submit to HUD and appropriate reviewing agencies, on an annual basis, all plans, statements and program documents necessary for receipt of a basic grant amount under the Act. COUNTY shall provide, to the maximum extent feasible, technical assistance and coordinating services to COOPERATING UNIT in the preparation and submission of a request for funding. Co COUNTY shall provide ongoing technical assistance to COOPERATING UNIT to aid COUNTY in fulfilling its responsibility to HUD for accomplishment of the community development program and housing goals. COUNTY shall, upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT, agree to administer local housing rehabilitation grant programs funded pursuant to the Agreement, provided that COUNTY shall receive Twelve percent (12%) of the allocation by COOPERATING UNIT to the activity as reimbursement for costs associated with the adrninistration of COOPERATING UNIT activity. -2796- COUNTY may, at its discretion and upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT, agree to administer, for a possible fee, other programs and/or activities funded pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of COOPERATING UNIT. COUNTY may, as necessary for clarification and coordination of program administration, develop and implement Administrative Rules consistent with the Act, Regulations, I47JD administrati~ve directives, and administrative requirements of COUNTY. V. ALLOCATION OF BASIC GRANT AMOUNTS Basic grant amounts received by the COUNTY under Section 106 of the Act shall be allocated as follows: COUNTY shall retain thirteen percent (13%) of the annual basic grant amount for the administration of the program. Included in this administrative amount is funding for annual county-wide Fair Housing activities. The balance of the basic grant amount shall be made available by COUNTY to COOPERATING UNITS in accordance with the formula stated in part C and the procedure stated in part D of this section for the purpose of allowing the COOPERATING UNITS to submit funding requests. The allocation is for planning purposes only and is not a guarantee of funding. The COUNTY will calculate, for each COOPERATING UNIT, an amount that bears the same ratio to the balance of the basic grant amount as the average of the ratios between: 1. The population of COOPERATING UNIT and the population of all COOPERATING UNITS. 2. The extent of poverty in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of poverty in all COOPERATING UNITS. The extent of overcrowded housing by units in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of overcrowded housing by units in all COOPERATING UNITS. In determining the average of the above ratios, the ratio involving the extent of poverty shall be counted twice. Funds will be made available to communities utilizing the formula specified in C of this Section in the following manner: COOPERATING UNIT qualifying as a Metropolitan City (having populations of at least 50,000) will receive annual funding allocations equal to the HUD formula entitlement or the COUNTY formula allocation, whichever is greater. Other COOPERATING UNITS with COUNTY formula allocations of $75,000 or more will receive funding allocations in accordance with the formula allocations. COOPERATING UNITS with COUNTY formula allocations of less than $75,000 will have their funds consolidated in a pool for award in a manner determined by coUNTy. Only the COOPERATING UNITS, whose funding has been pooled, will be eligible to compete for these funds. 5 -2797- The COUNTY shall develop these ratios based upon data to be furnished by HUD. The COUNTY assumes no duty to gather such data independently and assumes no liability for any errors in the data furnished by HUD. Fo In the event COOPERATING UNIT does not request a funding allocation, or a portion thereof, the amount not requested shall be made available to other participating communities, in a manner determined by COUNTY. VI. METROPOLITAN CITIES Any metropolitan city executing this Agreement shall defer their entitlement status and become part of Urban Hennepin County. This agreement can be voided if the COOPERATING UNIT is advised by HUD, prior to the completion of the re- qualification process for fiscal years 2003-2005, that it is eligible to become a metropolitan city and the COOPERATING UNIT elects to take its entitlement status. If the agreement is not voided on the basis of the COOPERATING UNIT's eligibility as a metropolitan city prior to July 13, 2002, the COOPERATING UNIT must remain a part of the COUNTY program for the entire three-year period of the COUNTY qualification. VII. OPINION OF COUNSEL The undersigned, on behalf of the Hennepin County Attorney, having reviewed this Agreement, hereby opines that the terms and provisions of the Agreement are fully authorized under State and local law and that the COOPERATING UNIT has full legal authority to undertake or assist in undertaking essential community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly-assisted housing. Assistant County Attorney -2798- VIII. HENNEPIN COUNTY EXECUTION The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners having duly approved this Agreement on ., 2002, and pursuant to such approval and the proper County official having signed th/s Agreement, the COUNTY agrees to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, STATE OF MINNESOTA By: Chair of its County Board And: Assistant/Deputy/County Administrator Attest: Deputy/Clerk of the County Board And: Assistant County Administrator, Public Works and County Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant County Attorney RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Director, Housing, Community Works and Transit Department Date: 'Date: APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: Assistant County Attorney Date: 7 -2799- IX. COOPERATING UNIT EXECUTION COOPERATING UNIT, having signed this Agreement, and the COOPERATING UNIT'S governing body having duly approved this Agreement on ,2002, and pursuant to such approval and the proper city official having signed this Agreement, COOPERATING UNIT agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Joint Cooperation Agreement, contract A CITY OF By: Its Mayor And: Its City Manager ATTEST: CITY MUST CHECK ONE: The City is organized pursuant to: Plan A Plan B Charier May 20, 2002 8 -2800- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF MOUND 2002 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk until 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at the City Offices, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials to complete the repair and replacement of storm sewer in various locations in the City, The estimated quantities of major items are: 12" RCP Storm Sewer 189 LF 15" RCP Storm Sewer 247 LF 21" RCP Storm Sewer 373 LF 24" RCP Storm Sewer 361 LF 27" RCP Storm Sewer 194 LF 24" RC Arch Pipe 309 LF 30" RC Arch Pipe 503 LF Together with manholes, catch basins, and related appurtenances. The bids will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on July 23, 2002. All proposals shall be addressed to: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364-1627 and shall be securely sealed and shall be endorsed on the outside with the statement "2002 Storm Sewer Improvements" and shall be on the Bid Form included in the specifications for the project. Copies of the plans and specifications and other proposed contract documents are on file with the City Clerk and at the office of McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc., 15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447. Plans and specifications for use in preparing bids may be obtained at the offices of the Engineer upon payment of $30.00 per set (includes MN sales tax), which is NON- REFUNDABLE. Individual sheets of the plans and sections of the specifications may be purchased at the rate of four dollars ($4.00) per sheet (includes MN sales tax) of plans and twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page (includes MN sales tax) of specifications, which is NON-REFUNDABLE. Each bidder shall file with his bid a cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid. No bid may be withdrawn within sixty (60) days after the bids are opened. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or irregularities therein. City of Mound, Minnesota Pat Meisel, Mayor -2801 - Engineering · Planning · Surveying June 4, 2002 Ms. Kandis Hanson City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound Improvement Project 2002 Mound Visions 2nd Addition Partial Payment MFRA # 13646 Dear Kandis: Enclosed is Doboszenski & Sons' Payment Request No. 2 for work completed through May 31, 2002 on the subject project. The amount of this payment request is $79,196.92. Also included with the Payment Request is Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $5,378.18 for additional work as described in the change order. We have reviewed this Payment Request and Change Order, find them in order, and recommend payment in the above amount to the Contractor. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, John Cameron, City Engineer JC:rth cc: Gino Businaro, Finance Director Enclosure s:\main:\mou13646kspecs\part-pay6-4 15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 763/476-6010 o fax 763/476-8532 e-maih mfra@mfra, com -2802- Z o=O~ - I I,- W LU Z © Z ~ ~ Z o ~000 ~WW~ 000~ I I.l.I o d z >.. ~uJ ~~d~d~dddddd ' 00000000000000000 d*ddddddd~ddddddd d~ddddddd~ddddddd ~dd~dd~dd~d~ KKd;~Nddddd~d qqqqqqqqqqqqqq Z 0.-z 0000000000 0 ~0o0000o00 ~ 0000000000 0 qqqqqqqqq'~ ~0 0000000000 ~00000000 ~ qqqqqqqqqq 0~00000000 ~88888888o ° 000000 qqqqqq 000000 qqqqqq ~0 000000 qqqqqq 000000 ~0 ~00000 000000 000000 000000 qqqqq~ qqqqqqqqq~ qqqqqq ~~00~ ~ ~o ~8~° 000.~ 0 0 0 o. ~. 0 o O0 qq 0 0 0 0 0 o O~ qqqq ~00o ~000 ~0~ LO 0 ILl Z Z '" o n- uJ'~ n- UJ ILl Z '1- qq Z ~ ~000 000~ CI~NGE ORDER NO. 2 City of Mound Improvement Project 2002 Mound Visions 2nd Addition MFRA #13646 ADD Item 1. Additional Work - Forcemain Air Release & Cleanout Manholes 2. Lower Sewer Service for Liquor Store Basement 3. Repair Existing Sewer Service & Adjust Manhole in Alley 4. Additional Work in County Road 110 (Fiber Optics Line) TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER Quantity 1 1 Unit Price LS LS 1 LS 1 LS ADD Total $ 1,524.18 $ 1,589.00 $ 309.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 5,378.18 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 296,146.25 $ 4,807.50 $ 5,378.18 $ 306,331.93 APPROVED: CITY OF MOUND BY: DATE: ACCEPTED: DOBOSZENSKI & SONS, INC. DATE: /~,--6/-~.___ RECOMMENDED: MFRA / s:~nain:~nou 13646~specs\changegorder~2 -2807- CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 City of Mound Improvement Project 2002 Mound Visions 2nd Addition MFRA #13646 ADD 1. Additional Work- Forcemain Air Release & Cleanout Manholes 2. Lower Sewer Service for Liquor Store Basement 3. Repair Existing Sewer Service & Adjust Manhole in Alley 4. Additional Work in County Road 110 (Fiber Optics Line) TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER Quantity 1 1 Unit Price LS LS 1 LS 1 LS ADD Total $ 1,524.18 $ 1,589.00 $ 309.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 5,378.18 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 296,146.25 $ 4,807.50 $ 5,378.18 $ 306,331.93 APPROVED: CITY OF MOUND BY: DATE: ACCEPTED: DOBOSZENSKI & SONS, INC. DATE: RECOMMENDED: MFRA DATE: ~,~¢4..~ ~-/ 7~J~&~ s:~mainAmou 13646kspecsXchangegorde~2 -2808- CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 City of Mound Improvement Project 2002 Mound Visions 2nd Addition MFRA #13646 ADD Item 1. Additional Work - Forcemain Air Release & Cleanout Manholes 2. Lower Sewer Service for Liquor Store Basement 3. Repair Existing Sewer Service & Adjust Manhole in Alley 4. Additional Work in County Road 110 (Fiber Optics Line) TOTAL TH/S CHANGE ORDER Quantity 1 LS 1 LS 1 LS 1 LS ADD Unit Price Total $ 1,524.18 $ 1,589.00 $ 309.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 5,378.18 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 296,146.25 $ 4,807.50 $ 5,378.18 $ 306,331.93 APPROVED: CITY OF MOUND BY: DATE: RECOMMENDED: MFRA / ( /' s:h-nain:h-nou 13646kspecs~changegorder~2 ACCEPTED: DOBOSZENSKI & SONS, INC. DATE: ~, -td-o ~. -2809- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. 08-2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 905 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO WEAPONS, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, HUNTING AND TRAPPING The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 905.25 - Discharqe of Fireworks is hereby amended to read as follows: Subd. 1. The use, display, possession, discharge or sale or any fireworks not expressly permitted by Minnesota Statutes 624.20, subd. 1(c) is strictly prohibited. Subd. 2. All use, display or discharge of those non-explosive, non-aerial pyrotechnic entertainment devices only containinq the limited amounts of pyrotechnic chemical compositions described in and permitted by Minnesota Statutes 624.20, subd. 1(c), hereinafter "permitted consumer fireworks", is strictly prohibited in the area on, below, above or within or in close proximity to: Recreational areas, roadways, streets, highways, bicycle lanes, pedestrian paths, sidewalks, rights of way, lakes, rivers, waterways and all other property owned or leased by the City of Mound, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota or federal government and located in whole or in part within the City limits. Private property within the City limits that has conspicuously posted a written sign or notice that no fireworks discharqe is allowed. Within three hundred (300) feet of any consumer fireworks retail sales facility or storaqe area that has properly posted a written sign or notice that no fireworks discharqe is allowed. Any property, area, structure or material that by its physical condition or the physical conditions in which it is set would constitute a fire or personal safety hazard. 1 -2810- Ordinance No. 08-2002 Subd. 3. All other use, display or discharge of permitted consumer fireworks must be conducted in a manner that minimizes the risk of injury to other persons or property. Passed by the City Council this day of ,2002. Published in The Laker the day of ,2002. Effective the day of ,2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 2 -2811- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www,cityofmound.com TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Mayor and City Council Bonnie Ritter Authorization to hunt and/or trap nuisance animals June 4, 2002 Jeff Bjorklund of Suburban Wildlife Control in Shakopee was contacted by a Mound resident to take care of a beaver that is damaging his trees and starting a family on his property. City Code 905.30 (c) states that no person shall, within the City, take, capture, shoot, or trap any animals or birds except persons authorized by the City Council for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, or general welfare. Mr. Bjorklund is requesting authorization to work according to City Code, within the City of Mound. 1 orinted on recycled paper -2812- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. 09-2002 AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 906 TO THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE SALE, POSSESSION AND USE OF FIREWORKS The City of Mound does ordain: Section 906.00 - SALE, POSSESSION AND USE OF FIREWORKS be added as follows: 906.05 Purpose. Due to the inherent risks of fire and injury to persons and property associated with the sale, possession of fireworks, the City Council has determined that it is necessary to, in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, establish reasonable regulations concerning fireworks. 906.10 Definitions. For purposes of this section, "consumer fireworks" are defined as: Wire or wood sparklers of not more than 100 grams of mixture per item, other sparkling items which are non-explosive and non-aerial and contain 75 grams or less of chemical mixture per tube or a total of 200 grams or less for multiple tubes, snakes, and glow works, smoke devices, or trick noisemakers which include paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, and drop pops, each consisting of not more than twenty-five hundredths grains of explosive mixture. 906.15 Sale of Fireworks. It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, or sell at retail or wholesale any consumer fireworks in the City of Mound without a license. The sale, use and possession of all fireworks in violation of Minnesota Statutes 624.20 through 624.25 inclusive, which are adopted herein by reference, is prohibited. 906.20 License Application. The applicant shall completely fill out and submit an application form for a consumer fireworks license prepared by the City. Information to be submitted as part of the license application includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following information: name, address and telephone number of applicant; the address of the location where fireworks will be sold; the type of consumer fireworks to be sold; the estimated quantity of consumer fireworks that will be stored on the licensed premises. 906.25 Processinq Application. The application must be filed with the City Clerk together with the permit fee. Following an inspection of the premises proposed to be licensed, the City Manager shall issue the permit if the conditions for the license approval are satisfied and the location is properly zoned. If the City Manager denies the -2813- MOund City COde 906,25 permit application, the permit applicant may, within ten (10) days, appeal the decision to the City Council. 906.30 Conditions of License. A license to sell consumer fireworks shall be issued subject to the following conditions: a. The license is non-transferable, either to a different person or location b. The license must be publicly displayed on the licensed premises c. The licensed premises must contain an automatic sprinkler system. d. The premises are subject to inspection by City employees including police officers during normal business hours. e. The premises for which a license will be issued must be located in a zoning district permitting retail sales. f. Storage of consumer fireworks on the premises must be in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code. g. Consumer fireworks shall not be sold to persons under the age of 18. h. The licensed premises may not be a movable place of business, including without limitation, mobile sales made from motorized vehicles, mobile sales kiosks, non-permanent stands or trailers. No license shall be issued hereunder to transient merchants. 906.35 License Period and Fee. Licensed shall be issued for a calendar year. The license fee shall be in established in accordance with the provisions of Section 500 of the City Code and shall not be prorated. 906.40 Revocation of License. Following written notice and an opportunity for a hearing, the City Manager may revoke a license for violation of this Section or state law concerning the sale, use or possession of fireworks. If a license is revoked, neither the applicant nor the licensed premises may obtain a license for twelve (12) months. Passed by the City Council this day of Published in The Laker the day of Effective the day of ,2002. ,2002. ,2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -2814- CITY-OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE The Fee schedule will follow as previously adopted, with the only change being the addition of a fee for License to Sell Fireworks - $150/year. -2815- : Meeting:held ohO~9/02: ~ :: Date printed 06/04/02 Meeting Minutes Mound Public Safety Facility The meeting was convened at 4:30 PM Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at Mound City Hall: Present: Len Harrell City of Mound LH Greg Palm Mound Fire GP Jeff,Andersen Mound Fire J,A Tim Palm Mound Fire TP Greg Pederson Mound Fire GP Matt Simoneau Building Off. MS Sarah Smith City of Mound SS Miles Britz SEH MB Todd Christopherson Amcon TC Todd Christopherson ,Amcon TC John McKinley Mound PD JM 1. Regular meetings will be on Mondays at 4 PM. The design team meetings will follow with a short break in between. 2, Bond sale was approved by HRA last night with $500k set aside in contingency fund. The HRA would like to see estimated costs tdmmed and then only use the special contingency if absolutely needed. 3. Amcon and SEH are still on schedule to meet with the Council on June 11. We will need to provide very clear information for the Council. 4. GP outlined the temporary lease - he is meeting with United Properties next week. 5. Building design - Sam will have an update on stairs for next Monday meeting. 6. The site plan is the next item that needs further study. Sarah handed out the survey of the property that was submitted by MFRA today. 7. The police will be busy with DARE on Monday, LH to see if he can break away to meet with Sam and design committee around 6:45. Discussed the planning commission process. In order to get the July meeting; it will have to be the second meeting in July. Planning Commission will not hold the public hearing. July 15th is target PC meeting. SS will be out the first week of July. Submittal target is June 28. Site plan, elevations, floor plans will be needed for this. A preliminary landscape plan will be needed. The site utilities and drainage plan do not need to be in this submittal. Fire sprinklers were discussed. They may not be required by code, however, there are probably some cost trade-off and probably some political trade off. We should look at it as an alternate possibly. Decided to plan on installing one, however, GP will check with Geno and see if there are insurance savings and also TC and MB to review code and cost implications. 10. GP reviewed financial issues and pre-pay. All cities have been given approval forms to sign and return. 11. TC to get rough numbers on mechanical. MS to use $15 per SF for HVAC and $7 per SF for plumbing. These figures will be used to estimate permit fees. 12. Discussed the budget figures. TC handed out 5/29/02 budget updated. Need some input from the City on the FFE items in particular. 13. Put some empty conduits between the new building and the city hall for future communications. C:\WlNDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content. lE5\496BCDEF~PS 05 29 02.doc Page 1 of 2 -2816- Date printed 06/04/02 CITY OF MOUND 14. The printing of bid documents will be bid out competitively. 15. GP working on lease and moving cost estimates. 16. The FFE items will be reviewed and budgeted by GP and LH. 17. LH wants hooks in property room for hanging bikes. 18. Electrical wiring and Iow voltage rough ins will be done by electrical. The vendors (phone, computer network, and security) will do the actual Iow voltage widng. A meeting between SEH electrical designers and the committee to review rough in requirements for those systems. 19. Discussed the bidding and construction contingency. TC recommends keeping it at the current level until the bids come in. 20. Discussed the funding sources and the HRA direction to cut $500,000. Next Monday meeting, we will get additional updates to the budget costs from the team members and we will decide how to present the overall budget to the Council on the 11th, 21. SS said the John Cameron has said that the existing well structure houses the control panels for the entire city water system, so demolition and removal is more involved than previously anticipated. 22. TC to coordinate with John Cameron regarding relocation and lowering of existing utilities. 23. City Council meeting will be on July 25th for site plan and CUP approval. 24. Meeting adjourned at 6 PM. Minutes done by TC - forward any corrections or additions. C:\WlNDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5~496BCDEFAMPS 05 29 02.doc -2817- Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 1 From: To: Cc: Sent: Attach: Subject: "Todd Christopherson" <tchristoph@amconconstruction.com> "Hanson, Kandis" <kandishanson@cityofmound.com> "Schultz, Nancy" <nschultz@sehinc.com>; "Britz, Miles" <mbritz@sehinc.com>; "Cameron, John" <jcameron@mfra.com> Tuesday, June 04, 2002 8:07 AM ' BORING~I.XLS FW. Mound Soil Borings Hi Kandis As discussed in our recent team meetings, I have solicited proposals for geotechnical and environmental work. The attached shows a summary of fees and scope of work for the three firms we sent our RFP to. We have given Braun a verbal notice to proceed and anticipate that they will be on site in about 1 week. Prior to drilling, Braun will contact Gopher State 1 Call for a utility locate. We discussed last night that the Owner of the property will need to locate private utilities (electrical lines for outside light poles, irrigation, private communication lines, etc.) I believe that Greg Pederson was following through on this item. Some of the borings are proposed to be on the City Hall property as there are plans to modify some of the existing drive and parking areas in conjunction with the Public Safety project. We also talked with John Cameron of MFRA about having his firm stake out the proposed boring locations (a sketch was done by SEH of the locations). Having MFRA do the locates should be more accurate and more cost effective than having Braun do them. John was going to prepare a cost estimate for this work and get your approval prior to staking. Please contact me if you have any questions. Todd > > > > > > > > > > > > > .... Original Message ..... From: Joe Winkels Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 7:53 AM To: Todd Christopherson Subject: Mound Boring Holes <<Boring proposals.xls>> Joe Winkels Assistant Project Manager Amcon Construction Company Direct phOne: 952-808-5370 Office Phone: 952-890-1217 - 2818- 06/04/2002 '~tin~-h~Td~-~-OE/03702 Date printed 06/04/02 CITY OF MOUND Meeting Minutes Mound Public Safety Facility The meeting was convened at 4:00 PM Wednesday, June 3, 2002 at Mound City Hall: Present: Greg Pederson Mound Fire GP Matt Simoneau Building Off. MS Sarah Smith City of Mound SS Miles Britz SEH MB Todd Christopherson Amcon TC Greg Palm City GPalm Tim Palm Mound Fire TP Scott Alden City SA Discussed the timing of the weekly committee meeting and the design meeting. We are still having trouble getting the group together at the planned times. GP will work on getting the schedules ironed out for the two meetings. 2. GP updated on the lease update. MS will look at the proposed space with GP to ensure that there are not code issues. 3. MB showed a proposed preliminary site plan. Discussed the radius of the truck turn area. 4. There is a retaining wall that is approximately 14' high between the west side of the apparatus bay and the lower level parking at the police area. 5. The proposed grade into the west apparatus bay doors is about 8%; the current existing grade is about 13%. 6. Reviewed the budget. All figures to be forwarded to TC by Thursday this week. We will make every effort to get the information out to the Council prior to the 6/11 meeting. 7. GP to see if Kandis will authorize MFRA to assist with the verification of existing utilities and whether they can be buried and at what cost. Discussed the potential need for a pond on site. This will need to be verified ASAP as there is no room for a pond on site and putting one west of the City hall would require removing mature trees. If on site pending is required, we may need additional property or a smaller building and fewer parking stalls. Minnehaha Creek Watershed is the approving agency. There is no regional pond available to tie into. 9. JC does not know current status of wells. GME did previous monitoring work and reports were sent to the City. 10. The Braun Intertec people will contact Gopher State One Call, which will mark all public utilities. GP to talk with Skinner about marking private utilities including the power for outside lighting, storm sewers, phones, irrigation, etc. It is important that the City have these located prior to the drilling. 11. Discussed land use and CUP. 12. Discussed the well. JC said that when he got Council approval, the cost of the replacement well was not addressed. TC said that it was not to be included in the Public Safety project budget per previous direction of JP. This needs to be verified so that everyone is clear on where those funds are to come from. TC to check with JP. The building committee meeting ended, JC and SS left at this point. The design committee meeting started after a short break. John McKinley and Jeff Anderson joined this part of the meeting. A~ Page 1 of 2 C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5~496BCDEF\MPS 06 03 02.doc -2819- Date printed 06/04/02 CITY OF MOUND 13. Discussed precast concrete wall panels. MB showed some pictures of buildings using a colored, textured wall panels. 14. TC said the precast system would be very well suited to a fall construction start. To dress up the building appearance to work with the City's vision, masonry (bdck and or stone) could be used on a more limited basis. The panels provide a structure and insulation value in addition to the exterior finish. 15. All agreed that precast would be the way to go. We will not spec a sealer on it - this is usually not required since the concrete mix is high strength and highly impermeable. 16. We will most like use a steel joist, metal deck roof in the apparatus bay and in the office areas. 17. Site plan issues - there is a lack of parking. The landscape feature on the east side between the apparatus bay doorsand the maintenance bay door could be hard surfaced with pavers or colored, stamped concrete to allow additional parking. 18. The adjacent property is listed at $274,900. This property could be purchased to allow additional parking?? SA to look into size (acreage) of site. 19. There is a need for about 30 stalls for emergency response parking. Currently, there are only about 26 stalls shown or available with the modifications discussed. 20. Also discussed normal parking requirements for administrative personnel, training room use. A parking study should be done to be sure that adequate parking is provided. 21. The design changes that were reviewed with Sam previously were not shown on the prints on hand at this meeting. Sam has these changes and has presumably made most of them. 22. JA reviewed the changes that had already been passed on to Sam. 23. Need to have more showers than currently shown. 24. JM is concerned about the proximity of the public parking to the sally port area - this is a safety concern. This lot should be staff only - police and parking. No public parking in these areas. 25. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. Minutes done by TC - forward any corrections or additions. C:\WINDOWS\Temporary lnternet Files\Content.lE5~496BCDEF~lPS 06 03 02.doc -2820- Page 2 of 2 .TUN-06-2002 09::34 Mound Pul31ic Safety Facility AMCON CONSTRUCTION COMPAN 612 890 0064 P.02/02 F__unding Source Lease Revenue bond Sale Project Funds HRA Contingency Water fum:l bond Proceeds Expenditures Eroiect Develooment Cost- A/E Base Fee A/E Reimbursables S(ope Change Contingency Land Costs Legal Fees/Non Bond Financing Cosbs/Non Bond City Road & Utility Fees Public Utility charges Geotechnical/Environmental Services Surveying Bid Adve~sement and Printing Lease Cost of Temporary Facility Moving Costs (two moves) ConsVuc~ion Testing Furniahinas end EauiDment FFE Audio visual Systems Security and Access Systems Telephone System Computer Network Construction Building Hard Costs Const~u~on Manager Fee Site Improvements Demolition of Existing Removal of Well New (replacement well) Contingency/Bidding & Construction Contlngency/HRA cOntrolled RecOmmended Alternates Uncommited Funds AMCON Bad,et Work Sheet May-02 Schematic Budget Estimate Total .I 5,350,000 Ehler~/CJty 500,000 Ehlem/City Ehlers/Clty Budget SEH SEH City of Mound Kennedy/Graven Braun MFRA To be Bid In Col~tl'uO§Orl Cost Sub4otal$ 371,250 SEH 30,500 $EH 50,000 SEH 0 City 0 Kennedy Graven 3,000 Eh[em 0 City 0 Amcon 8,300 Amen 8,0O0 30,000 Amgen 0 C~ty 0 Ck'y 0 Amcon 501,050 O~q3er Ind in FFE lnc~ in FFE Inci in FFE Inci in FFE Sul~totals 200,000 City 0 City 0 C~ 0 C~ty 0 City 200,000 Contra~tom (to be bid) Amgen CM Inc, lu~ed in Building Included in Building Included in Building NOT ine./uded in project Sub-totals Totals (Fund Shortage) Ii 4,450,000 Amc. on 128,500 Am(on 0 Amcon 0 Amgen 0 City/Amgen 0 C~y 3B0,000 Amcon SOO,000 C~ 0 Ameon 5,428,~00 $6,129,$50 ¢~;~ eat MPS -2821 - TOTRL P. 82 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith June 4, 2002 Property Owner Initiation for Annexation - Milton Hentges, 6400 Lynwood Boulevard REQUEST Milton Hentges, owner of the property at 6400 Lynwood Boulevard, has submitted a request to initiate proceedings to detach his property from the City of Minnetrista and annex it to the Cky of Mound pursuant to M.S.S. 414.062 Subd. 5. The purpose for the request is to accommodate a furore subdivision to create an additional lot that would be subsequently sold to his daughter. Presently, the property owned by Mr. Hentges straddles the corporate boundaries of both cities. Mr. Milton's request for concurrent detachmem / annexation is not supported by the City of Minnetrista and was previously denied on two (2) occasions. A copy of the most recent resolution and the meeting minutes of the April 1, 2002 Minnetrista City Council meeting have been included as attachments. PROCESS - MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 414 The request fi.om Mr. Hentges dated April 27, 2002 falls under a statute that allows a property owner to petition one of the involved municipalities to prepare a resolution that supports the petition to detach / annex. The proceedings are then forwarded to Minnesota Planning that is the agency responsible for coordinating the review of the request. Based on discussions with Christine Scotillo of Minnesota Planning, the request, in all likelihood, would be considered as a "Contested Proceeding" as the request requires a public hearing and is not supported by the City of Minnetrista. Details regarding the review process are outlined in the information obtained from the Minnesota Planning which has been included as an attachment. DISCUSSION The request from Mr. Hentges was forwarded by the City of Minnetrista and is under review. Based on preliminary discussions with City Planner Ron Fuchs, the City of Minnetrista is opposed to the current request. 2. The question of whether or not to approve Mr. Hilton's request is policy decision to be made by the City Council. -2822- The City Council needs to discuss the financial issues associated with the request including who is responsible for any and all costs associated with the petition and its subsequent review by Minnesota Planning. · Page 2 -2823- April 27,2002 Sarah Ji Smith Community Development Director City Of Mound Re: Resolution concerning property annexation. Dear Sarah Smith: I want to thank you for taking the time out of your and Loren Gorden's busy schedule to meet with me on Friday the 26th of April, as you requested I submit the following. I ask of the Council of the City of Mound a resolution accepting the annexation of my property from the city of Minnetrista to the city of Mound the property I. D. #s are, Mound (14-11%24 32 0059), the Minnetrista property I. D.(15- 17-24 41 0003). I have to have this resolution to initiate a petition to the Minnesota Planning Boundary Adjustment Division according to State Statute 114-061 Subd. 5 Property owner initiation (attached copy). The reason for annexation The property in Minnetrista is only 66' wide and is non conforming lot according to that city's building codes which makes it difficult to build on. All the services for these properties come from the city of Mound. The present living quarters straddle the corporate boundaries of the two cities. If the annexation is realized I can then subdivide the combined properties making two Close to equal properties one fronting on Walnut Road on the North and the other fronting on Hennepin County road 15 on the south, (see attached map.) The north lot then would be sold to my Daughter to build a new house. My wife and I own these properties free and clear. There are no mortgages or liens and all taxes are current. If there are any further question or concerns please feel free to contact me at (952-472- 3384) -2824- 21 their desire to detach and annex the land. Su]~d. 2. Board's order. If the resolutions are in order, board may order hhe ~e[ac~ent and annexation. Subd. 3. Effective date. The concurrent detachment and annexation shall be effective upon the issuance of the board's order, or at such later date as provided by the board in its order. A copy of the annexation order must be delivered immediately by the executive director of the Minnesota municipal board to the appropriate county auditor or auditors. For the purposes of taxation, if the annexation becomes effective on or before August 1 of a levy year, the municipality acquiring the detached area of another municipality may levy on it beginning with that same levy year. If the annexation becomes effective after August 1 of a levy year, the municipality losing the detached area may continue to levy on it for that levy year, and the municipality acquiring the detached area may not levy on it until the following levy year. Subd[ 4. Board initiation. The board may initiate proceedings for the concurrent detachment and annexation of portions of one municipality completely surrounded by another municipality, on its own motion or upon the petition of all of the owners of property in the completely surrounded area. In such cases the board shall conduct hearings and issue its order pursuant to section 414.09. In arriving at its decision, the board shall consider the factors in section 414.02, subdivision 3. The board shall order the proposed action if it finds that it will be for the best interests of the municipalities and the property owners. In all cases, the board shall set forth the factors which are the basis for the decision. Subd. 4a. Repealed 1996. Subd. 5. ProDerty owner initiation. ProPerty owners may ~itiate proceedings for the concurrent detachment of their property from one municipality and its annexation to an adjacent municipality by a petition signed by all of them that they submit to the board accompanied by a resolution of the city council of at least one of the affected municipalities. The board shall conduct hearings and issue its order pursuant to section 414.09. In arriving at its decision, the board shall consider the factors in section 414.02, subdivision 3. The board shall order the proposed action if it finds that it will be for the.best interests of the municipalities and the property owner. In all cases, the board shall'set forth the factors which are the basis for the decision. 414.063 JOINT AGREEMENTS. After notice and hearing as provided in section 414.09, the board may include provisions of joint agreements between political subdivisions in its orders. 414.065 STATE LANDS, PROCEEDINGS. In any case in which the state is the fee. owner of land partly or wholly within any area proposed to be part of a boundary adjustment, the executive council of the state of Minnesota may D=~4~ for, or consent to, ~2825-~ any Municipal Boundary Adjustment process Page 1 of 3 PLANNING MINNESOTA PLANNING :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ':' ':':'""~F T SEARCH MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY HOME FORMS HISTORY LEGAL REFERENCES PROCESS OVERVIEW AGENDAS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....... STATUS REPORT CONTACT US ABOUT US WEB HELP MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS: PROCESS OVERVIEW OPENING A FILE For all docketed proceedings, initiating documents and fees are received and collected according to statutory requirements. The boundary adjustments staff opens a file. Property descriptions are checked for legal compliance and reviewed by the Cartographic Unit at the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). Any legal or procedural issues are addressed at this point. NON-CONTESTED PROCEEDINGS Non-contested proceedings include any proposed boundary adjustment filed under a section of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 414 that does not require a hearing, or where a hearing is not necessary due to a waiver of a right to object or a joint filing, as provided for by law. The director of Minnesota Planning reviews non-contested proceedings for approval on a monthly basis or bi-monthly as needed. Expedited review is available when requested for good cause. CONTESTED PROCEEDINGS ~ Contested proceedings include proposed boundary adjustments filed under any section of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 414 that requires a hearing or where a hearing is triggered on receipt of a timely objection as provided for by law. The statute requires a hearing date be scheduled within 30 to 60 days after receipt of initiating documents or a timely objection. A decision on the matter must be made one year from the date of the first heating. Legal notice must be published for two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing (Minnesota Statutes Section 414.09 Subdivision 1). Prior to the first hearing, the director of Minnesota Planning reviews the file and considers whether to send the matter straight to hearing or invoke either: Minnesota Statutes Section 414.01, Subdivision 16, which requires parties to meet locally at least three times during a 60-day period and report back to the director the results of those meetings. The director may grant extensions of this time period if circumstances warrant; or Mediation, in which a neutral third party facilitates a compromise settlement. If the director invokes mediation, either at the outset of a file or after Minnesota Statutes Section 414.01, Subdivision 16 http ://www. mnplan, state, mn. us/munici pal/proc- 2826- 5/29/2002 Municipal Boundary Adjustment process Page 2 of 3 meetings prove unsuccessful, the part/es have input as to the kind of mediation: - parties choose a mediator on their own; - mediator assigned by the Office of Dispute Resolution; or - mediation services provided by the Office of Administrative Hearings by contract between the parties and that office. If parties disagree as to their preference of mediation, the file is sent to the Office of Dispute Resolution for assignment of a mediator. Parties are responsible for all costs of mediation (Minnesota Statutes Section 414.12, Subdivision 3). If the director requires local meetings or mediation, the hearing record is opened as scheduled and then continued for a hearing on the facts at some future date. Or, alternatively, parties notify Minnesota Planning in writing of their intent to invoke mediation and binding arbitration within 30 days of filing an initiating document or a timely objection (Minnesota Statutes Section 572A.015). Although this option has been available since May 1997, parties have never elected to use it. HEARING The director may send a file directly to hearing at any time, either at the outset or after unsuccessful mediation or local meetings. Again, the parties have input as to which decision-making forum they prefer for their evidentiary hearing. The options are: Arbitration pursuant to Minnesota's Uniform Arbitration Act, Chapter 572. This arbitration is before a single arbitrator selected by the parties from a roster provided by Minnesota Planning. Note: this arbitration is different than the process provided by Chapter 572A.015 which is before a three-member arbitration panel and must be invoked within 3C days of filing or objecting. Chapter 414 administrative hearing. If the parties disagree as to the kind of hearing forum preferred, the director, or designee, will either conduct the hearing or delegate the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings for assignment of an administrative law judge. Parties are responsible for all costs of arbitration or hearing (Minnesota Statutes Section 414.12, Subdivision 3). APPEAL · Arbitration. Minnesota Statutes Section 572.19. Grounds are limited to challenging actions of the arbitrator or absence of an arbitration http://www.mnplan, state, mn. us/muni cipal/proc _ 2~27'- 5/29/2002 Municipal Boundary Adjustment process Page 3 of 3 Top agreement, not the reasonableness of the decision nor the underlying facts. Chapter 414 administrative hearing. Minnesota Statutes Section 414.07. Can challenge the authority and actions of th e deci si on-maker as well as the underlying facts of the decision. Minnesota Planning 651-284-3383 phone 658 Cedm' St. 651-284-3545 fax Room 300 municipal.board~mnplan.statemn.us St. Paul, MN 55155 www.mnplan, state.mn.us http ://www. mnplan, state, mn.us/municipal/proc,_ 2i 28'- 5/29/2002 May-07-02 12=48 P.02 RESOLUTION NO, 37-02 RE. SOLUTION DENYING REQUEST OF MILTON HF-.NT('~ES TO DETACH LAND IN MINNETRISTA AND ATTACHMENT TO MOUND WHEREAS, the City of Minnetrista is a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Minnetrista has adopted zoning and subdivision regulations, per chapters 21 and 23 of the Municipal Code, to promote the orderly, economic and safe development and utilization of land within the city; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Minnetrista has adopted the 1998 Comprehensive Plan to promote the orderly, economic and safe development and utilization of land within the city; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the application from Milton Hentges, property owner of 6400 County Road 15, for detachment of his property from the City of Minnetrista and attachment of it to the City of Mound; and, WHEREAS. the Planning Commission considered this request on March 25, 2002 and recommended denial; and, WHEREAS, the City Council considered this matter on Apdl 1, 2002; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings of fact: 1. The requested detachment and annexation is not in the best interests of the City; and, The proposed detachment creates an irregular border along the municipal boundary of the City; and, Approval of the detachment request would set forth an adverse precedence for potential future applications adjacent to the municipal boundary of the City; and, 4. Planning objectives can be achieved through other means and options. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Minnetrista hereby denies the request to detach property in the City of Minnetdsta and to attach it to the City of Mound. This resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Minnetdsta on the 15m day of April 2002 bya vote of ~ Ayes and O Nays. Kllne -,~.absent, Mayor Cherylc¥~isc'h-e~ Admini~trator/Cler~ ($~^L) -2829- May-07-02 12:48 P.03 MINNETRISTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 1st, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Council Present: Kline, Whalen, Davis and Mayor Fischer. Staff present: Dean Lotter- City Administrator, Ron Fuchs - City Planner, Brenda Juneau - Deputy Clerk, Tom Radio- Attorney, and Paul Heuer and Mike Rautmann - Engineers. Absent - Council member Zenanko. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Davis and second by Kline to approve the agenda, removing item 5e from the agenda. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Kline second by Whalen to approve minutes of the 3/4/02 Council meeting as amended. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council requested staff revise minutes of 3/i 8/02 to better reflect the comments from Zenanko regarding the Park Dedication Ordinance. Minutes of 3/18/02 will be reviewed at the following meeting 'with corrections. 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA a. Licenses: AWD Coolers, Larson Plumbing, NEU Plumbing, Plumbing and Heating by Craig Inc., Wayne Dauwalter, Steve Schmidt Plumbing, Carl E. Johnson Plumbing and Heating, Donahue Mech, Inc., Stumpfl Ent, Inc. b. Res No 33-02 Authorizing Unchanged Precinct Polling Locations and Precincts c. Res No 34-02 Second Home Agreement - Cathleen and Vencil Prewitt- 9555 Nike Road d. Second Home Agreement- John E. Kust - 7800 Halstead Drive ,, o,~,-,,~,, :'--,~,,~r E!'-'ff :'~'"'""+ - removed f. Police Chief Salaw Memo Motion by Whalen second by Kline to approve consent agenda items. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 7. PERSONS TO BE HEARD 8. PUBLIC/INFORMATION HEARINGS Consideration of an application from Rick Barrack to amend the 1998 Comprehensive Plan for property located at 5540 County Road North '151 to be included in the Municipal Urban Service Area. Fuchs reported on the history of the property and details of the request, recommending approval. Whalen expressed concern allowing additional properties within the MUSA. Motion b, Kline second by Davis to approve an amendment to the 1998 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Minnetrista, MUSA extension at 5540 County Road 151 -2830- May-07-02 12=49 P.04 City Council Minutes - 4/1/02 Page 2 North, for Rick and Julie Barrack, with staff conditions and the understanding that the parcel's size does not allow for further m-subdivision based on ifs current zoning. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays O. b. Variance for property at 5595 Westwood Drive within the R-2 - Single Family District zone requiring that structures have a 50-foot yard setback, per Minnetrista Code Section 23-99, as applied for by Mound Assembly of God Church. Fuchs reported on the background and vadance review cdteria for this lot. The church seeks a variance to prevent the application of non-conformity restrictions as a result of Hennepin County Road 110 takings. The lot was conforming pdor to the Hennepin County purchase of land for right-of-way along the church's' western property line. Whalen moved and Davis second to approve the variance for Mound Assembly of God Church, with staff recommendations and Planning Commission recommendation (A) as listed in staff report. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. Consideration of an application from Milton Hentges of a concurrent detachment/annexation for property located at 6400 County Road 15. Fuchs presented background information with staff and Planning Commission recommendations. (Council took a short break pending arrival of the applicant's attorney). S. Todd Rapp, representing Milton Hentges, presented the proposed joint resolution to approve concurrent detachment/annexation, stating it is the applicant's desire to put the property into one jurisdiction and subdivide into two lots. Rapp stated he did not see significant administrative impact, as suggested by the Planning Commission, regarding maps, loss of tax revenue for Minnetdsta, and traffic. Rapp stated he does not see any real reason to oppose the request. Council questioned why annexation/detachment is requested when it appears that the lot can be subdivided and developed without annexation. Rapp stated the outline of the proposed subdivided lots is better if in one jurisdiction, if the lots are left in both cities there will be one mutant parcel left over. They want to solve a variety of problems that are best solved with both parcels in one city. Davis questioned the attorney if this is common practice in other communities. Radio stated his experience in Minnetdsta has been with different circumstances, and though he appreciates the circumstances here, he does not know if this property meets criteria for the request. Radio stated the city might face the same occurrence with other properties. Mayor Fischer opened the public hearing. Herman Quass, 725 Game Farm Road North, spoke regarding the General Obligation Bonds of 1976 for the Minnetrista sewer project. Mayor Fischer closed the public hearing. Council agreed that the annexation/detachment does not seem necessary for subdivision and there is concern that approval of such will set a precedent for other lots. Kline moved and Whaien second to deny the application of Milton Hentges for concurrent detachment/annexation from Minnetrista to Mound based on the following findings of fact: 1) the objective to build a second home, as presented, can be satisfied by other means and options; and 2) the request is not in the best -2831 - May-07-02 12:4g P.O5 City Council Minutes - 4/1/02 Page 3 interest of the oity; and 3) approval of detachment would set forth an adverse precedence for future petitions; and 4) the proposed detachment creates a~ irregular boundary. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. Enchanted Island Bridge Public Heating. Mayor Fischer explained the purpose of this headng is to determine the general design for the Enchanted Island Bridge and request plans and specifications, funding options may be discussed after the hearing, pending time. (Council moved to item 9(a) while waiting for projector equipment set-up). Rautmann presented the three options of Replacement, Renovation and Repair. Rautmann presented the history of the bddge and showed deterioration of abutments, piers, stringers, railing and main deck. In conclusion the engineers are recommending Replacement of the bddge. Other opinions were sought from another engineering firm and the Hennepin County engineer. Their recommendations were also for replacement. Rautmann further spoke to some of the concerns previously mentioned by the residents affected by the bridge. In conclusion the engineering recommendation, and most cost effective, is for reconstruction of the bridge at a standard acceptable for MNDOT funding. Bruce Hauglad, 3770 Enchanted Lane, Chairman of the Enchanted Island Brid~ Association, stated their association does not argue about the need for replacement. He submitted a letter, signed by 24 residents of the area, outlining their request that the bridge be constructed as narrow as possible and paid for from the General Fund. They do not support any form of assessments. -2832- May-07-02 12:49 P.06 City Council Minutes- 4/1/02 Page 4 · 9, BUSINESS. ITEMS ...... Consideration of a division of 34 acres zoned agricultural into two lots for property located at 5899 West Branch Road as applied for by West Branch Road Land Partners. Fuchs presented background information regarding the sketch plat request. Motion by Whalen second by Kline to approve the sketch plat for property located at 5899 West Branch Road, with staff recommendations. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. Resolution No, 35-02 Ordering Improvements for the Enchanted Island Bridge. Motion by Kline second by Davis to adopt Resolution No, 35-02 Ordering Improvements for the Enchanted Island Bridge, with Exhibit A, reserving the right to utilize authority to use special assessments for the project. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. 10. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Motion by Whalen, second by Davis to approve Resolution No. 36-02 Claims. Motion carried Ayes 4 Nays 0. il. REPORTS - Police Commission - Planning Commission - Personnel Committee Communications Commission - Park Commission - LMCC - LMCD - MCWD - PSWSD - NW League Whalen reported on possible abolishment of the Hennepin County Conservation District and suggested a letter of support from Minnetdsta. Motion by Kline and second by Whalen to send a letter to the Henr~epin County Commissioners in support of continuing services with the Hennepin County Conservation District. 12.SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA Council set the agenda for the work session scheduled for April 8, 2002. 13.ADJOURNMENT Motion by Kline, second by Whalen to adjourn at i 1:35 p.m. Motion carded Ayes 4 Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, Dean Lotter -2833- CITY OF MOUND -. ZONING INFORMATION SttEET SURVEY ON FILE? NO LOT OF RECORD? YES NO YARD I DIRECTION I IIOUSE ......... ZONING DISTRICT. LOT SIZE/WIDTH: 7.soo/o ~ o,uuu/40 02 20,000/80 R2 6,000/40 03 10,000/60 R2 14,000/80 R3 SEE ORD. I1 30,000/100 REQUIRE[) [ EXISTING/PROPOSED EXISTING LOT SIZE: LOT WIDTH: LOT DEPTH: VARIANCE FRONT FRONT SIDE SIDE REAR LAKE TOP OF BLUFF N S E W N S E W NS E W N S E W N S E W 15' NS E W 50' 10' OR 30' GARAGE, SIIED ..... FRONT FRONT DETACItED BUll,DINGS NS E W N S E W SIDE N .S E w 4' OR 6' SIDE N S E w 4' OR6' REAR N S E W 4' LAKE N S E W 50' TOP OF BI.UFF 10' OR 30' ItARDCOVER CONFORMING? YES / NO 30% OR 40% ? IB`': {DATED: This Zoning hfformation Sheet only summarizes a portion of fl~e requirements outlinc~ in the Cily of Mound Zoning Ordinance. For Planning Department at 472-0600. -- filrd~er information, contact the City of Mound -2834-: ~ O Er} c- O ~ O c- c- ~ _.1 o ~o o 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith / Jim Fackler June 4, 2002 Dock Installation - Mound Bay Park As a follow-up the presentation from Todd Warner of the Westonka Historical Society at the May 28, 2002 City Council meeting, City staff has researched the permitting procedures associated with the proposal to install a new dock at Mound Bay Park that would accommodate the Minnehaha. For your review and consideration, City staff offers the following comments 1, The proposal will require a new multiple dock license from the LMCD which requires the submittal of specific information as well as a public hearing which requires publication and mailing to all property owners within (500) feet at least (10) days prior to the public hearing. Minimally, the following items must be submitted: a. Permit application form and project narrative. Updated survey including proposed location of dock structure. In general, surveys range anywhere from $1000 to $5000 depending on the level of information needed. c. Construction documents and/or specifications. d. Application fee. 2. The permit application fee(s) will be in the range of $500.00 to $1000.00. The LMCD will assist with coordination of any necessary permits from the DNR (ie. Public Waters Permit.) 4. The permit review process takes about (60) days. The maximum suggested dock length is (100) feet. Standard width is limited to no more than (6) feet. However, there is a provision in the LMCD that allows dock width up to (8) feet for publically-owned and operated facilities subject to conditions one of which allows for the facility to be used by transient boats. Greg Nybeck indicated that the construction documents could be prepared in cooperation with the installer. -2835- City staff is hoping to meet with the representatives from the Historical Society prior to the City Council meeting to further discuss the proposal. Therefore, additional information may be available at the meeting. City staff suggests that the Historical Society and/or their preferred contractor provide the design as well as the cost estimate for the facility. · Page 2 -2836- Weston a istorica£$ociet 3740 ~Enchanted Lane Mound, MgV'55364 Dear Ms. Hanson, It is my pleasure, as a board member of the Westonka Historical Society, to present a proposal to unify the citizens, raise awareness on our rich past, and enhance the lives of residents and visitors alike, to the City of Mound. We Propose: Bring the Minnehaha to Mound The Minnesota Transportation Museum operates the Steamboat known as the Minnehaha, which tours Lake Minnetonka. Mound currently lacks a proper pier to accommodate a 71-foot boat and the passengers who come and go. If a City Pier existed, Mound could be part of their schedUled tours & stops on Lake Minnetonka. A City Pier would bring many benefits to our town: A beginning to eventually link Cook's Bay to Lost Lake, an invitation to visit our park and beach by boat for swimming and picnicking not to mention an additional option for other tour boats. It is our proposal to spearhead this project for launch and completion by Spring 2002. Our proposal calls for the full endorsement of the City of Mound, it's Council and Planning Commission as well as the Dock/Commons and Park/Recreation Departments. We propose to operate out of the Mound Depot and locate the Pier on her lakeshore. We feel the parking provided in both the Depot and Landing parking lots as well as street parking will be fully adequate. Any overflow parking may need to rely on the Gillespie Center for support. We propose to fund this project with private and public funds (if available). The construction estimate is less than $30,000 for a 100 ft. by 8 ft pier, installed by Minnetonka Portable Dredging. We will prepare a drawing and estimate when required. -2837- There is an urgent cry from the citizens to find a common ground of full cooperation. It is our common belief that it is time for the Citizens to demonstrate to the governing body, and vice versa, that Mound is a "Can Do Community". We ask for the full support, guidance and assistance of the city to streamline and expedite our proposal. The Westonka Historical Society believes that one successful endeavor will breed and encourage additional proposals to enhance our way of life. Young and Old, resident and visitor will share the excitement that The Minnehaha's presence will bring to the fair City of Mound. We ask you to advise The Chairman of the Minnehaha to Mound Committee regarding issues that the city may have so that we may address and resolve them without delay. F. Todd Warner can be reached Monday through Friday at 952-495-0007. Respectfully Submitted, F. Todd Warner Chairman - Minnehaha to Mound Committee Westonka Historical Society Cc: Jim Facler -2838- Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. Lake Minnetonka Division March 27, 2002 F Todd Warner Mahogany Bay 26422 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Todd In enjoyed your tour of the Mound waterfront, chilly as it was, and hearing about the developments the city of Mound is planning for the downtown area. The Lake Minnetonka Division of the Minnesota Transportation Museum has many members who live in the Upper Lake area and we are interested in the history of the streetcar boats in the Upper Lake. In fact this coming summer we are planning a survey of the Zumbro street car landing led by our site administrator and her husband who are marine historians and archeologists. At the February Minnehaha council meeting I presented ~our idea to have Minnehaha come to Mound when we can. The concept was endorsed by the Council as long as we can develop an operational plan to ensure that a safe route, water depth and bridge clearance issues are addressed. This doesn't appear to be insurmountable. Assuming Minnehaha can safely come to Mound, unless there is a substantial dock we would only be able to cruise around the bay but not carry passengers to or fi~om Mound. If there is a dock available that is capable of handling the 55 ton, 70' long x 6' draft Minnehaha we would be happy to come to Mound for special events. The upcoming season for Minnehaha is pretty well set now but we would try to bring Minnehaha to Mound on a special cruise or two. In the future we could schedule the boat for special events & cruises to Mound. We support your efforts to develop a public dock that the Minnehaha and other boats can use and will be in touch with you as the season nears to develop the operational plan enabling the Minnehaha to Visit Mound. Sincerely, Brad Buxton General Superintendent Lake Minnetonka Division of the MTM The Minnesota D'ansportation Museum, Inc. is a 501. C. 3 non-profit corporation. ,4ll gifts are tax deductible. 328 Lake Street, Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone: 952-474-2115 Fax: 952-474-2192 -2839- WESTONKA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 3740 Enchanted Lane Mound, MN 55364 952 472-4893 City Council Meeting May 28, 2002 The Westonka Historical Society would like to address the following issues regarding the Minnehaha to Mound proposal: Location of dock - if Depot - handicap accessibility, bathrooms, rental of Depot. Would now be the time to re-visit previous redesign of Depot deck to be more community-minded? · Would it make more sense to have dock closer to landing? Apply for permit for multiple dock now for further expansion liner? · Neighborhood concerns - help make the park safer and less subject to vandalism · How far from property line dock should go? · Lighting · Parking · Volleyball court · Signage using historical decor · Plantings, beautification of area done by volunteers? · VFW has offered parking lot for a possible "special cruise or two" by Minnehaha (see insert) · Coordinate Minnehaha visit with Music in the Park to kick off fundraiser · Minnesota Transportation Museum could possibly supply a vintage streetcar to Mound (see insert) We need: · · · · City to apply for multiple transient dock permit with LMCD/DNR City engineers for drawings Escrow account set up by City for donations Unanimous support fi'om Council to move forward MAY--O1--2002 02:22 PM MINNETONKA PORTABLE DREG FOREST BAY. ' ARM' I0 Ill 3O P.02 BAY ORONO '" ,'~ 40 ' .~... . ~" . ~e SOUTH ~ I'~ · ,..'. ..... ~ '~1~. ' . ," ~" ' 40 '~ ' 3D BAY EAST UPPER 30 20 40 ! :f I -2841 - MAY--O1--2002 82:23 PM MIHN£TONKA PORTA~L£ ~R£~ 952 4?4 6712 P. 0~ I , -2842- FREE Yolume 20 1 Volunteers prepare the Minnehaha for its May 4 launch Cruising. ,seasOn. nears .Study of l transit to' ,suburbS! Minnetonka mayor express~ skepticism tha~ light rail will b a reality By Jalme Hunt Assistant Editor Kerm Stake, a long-time volunteer with the Lake Minnatonka Division of the Minnesota Transportation MuseUm, greets visitors to the museum's open house on April 28. On the same day, he touched.up the paint on the Minnehaha, which will be launched for the season at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 4. ' Light rail transit might in the southwest metz future. The Hennepin Cou: Regional Railroad Authol is investigating its options the Southwest Transit Co dot, which runs from dox town Minneapolis to E( Prairie through St. Louis P and Minnetonka. Katie Walker, the coun~ study manager for the p: ect, told the Minnetonka £ Council April 22 that HCRRA is conducting a str to assess potential rail trar technologies for the corrid, "It's within our charge 10ok at rail options on prop ties we own," Walker told I ~arinareceives'~ '"for ....... "tO PubliC doCksappr°val''' .............. '"~' Bay ""'" ' ~29., on GraY's C°un¢ilMemberT~h°ms°n'~ . Heritage Preservation ~;.~ohn,,tho,, w~,lte the DNR but is being ae,,el- ,~,~,arentl:, wa, resOlvea. CommissiOner Don Douglass Staff Reporter oped and will be operated by A.consultant working on the city of Mim~eto~a. Zt is the ~roject for the oi~ agreed Criticize Excelsior,s purchase The old Gra¥'s Bay Marina expected to.operate by next to a_ 2843- of some dock will soon get a new lease on year's boating season, locar~,~z~ rv ~,,en the impact Rv l~.r,,~ gl,~ Lake Minnetonka's Grand Historic Sternwheeler Private Charters and Public Excursions Weddinos o Anniw.sa~ies · Birthda,~ Parties Compa%, ' 'Day and Evening' Cruises 952;929; 12 019 Check out our website ~,~dr0~e~eCruises,com · Corporate & Private Cruises · Birthday Palliaa (SurprlseIl} · Weddings & Grooms Dinners · Appetizer, Luncheon & Dinner Crt · Optlonl Off Sar & Beverage Servi< , Small & Large Groups to 54 Call For A Free Broch ~52-474-117: Outstate 118881474ll 17 Www. oxcelslorbavchar tare.cc Custom Chartere ' of Lake Minnetonka Sl~Bclallzlng In affordable cruises for groups up to 50 or a private cruise for h our 52' triple ~eck Drlftaway IlL C[ Charters cruises ara Individual y pr ced a( lng to your private cruise and dining optior Your captain likes to be on the water an make it affordable for your occasion beauty of our lake's shoreline sxplo0e~ the change of our seasons. You cba~ course-Driftaway III will make it float. ~52-474-7 "Serving Great Times to Great People on Lake Minnetonka Since 1989" HOLIDAY i=AIR BOAT CHARTER P.O. Box 485 · Sprin.g Park, MN 55384 ' Phone: (952) 936-4040 Fax: (952) 471-0087 www. chartermen com lake minnetonka- · CORPORATE EVENTs · SOCIAL OUTINGS · CELEBRATIONS I l Creating exceptional events on the water with our ~First Class'fleet of yachts. Charter 'Fle ,on Lake Minneton, featuring 6 luxury yac to fit any group s Tradition of Excellence Continues for 28 years... ' Ca!l for free brochure 952-472-3098 www.al-almas.com 2844- orporate · Birthdays · or the fun OPERATE THE 1906 STREETCAR STEAMBOAT MINNEHAHA AND STREETCAR 78 Please join the Minnesota Transportation Museum's volunteers and members. Train to be a Captain/Pilot, Purser, and Engineer on the steamboat, an Operator and Conductor on the streetcar, conduct maintenance on our properties, or help operate the Ticket Office for the Lake Minnetonka Division of the MTM. Perks: 1. Operate or maintain a unique 1906 steamboat with an O'Connor Triple Expansion Steam Engine and Cleaver-Brooks Boiler. ~ 2. Operate 1893 Electric Streetcar 78, the oldest operating electric streetcar in the United States. Help restore the 1907 Twin City Rapid Transit Company Streetcar 1239. 3. Educate others about the interesting and rich transportation history of Minnesota. 4. Free steamboat and streetcar rides for volunteers; earn free passes for family and friends through the accumulation of volunteer hours. 5. Store Merchandise Discounts and Volunteer Recognition. 6. Meeting and working with great people. Training begins in the spring but continues all summer. Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. membership is required to volunteer. Please call 952-474-2115 for more information. If you receive the voice mail system, please leave a message and Ann will get back to you. ;)LUNTEER POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: Captain/Pilot: The person responsible steering, docking, historical commentary, and the over-all operation of the steamboat. Training is required and provided. State of Minnesota Master's License required. Purser: The person responsible for line handling, tickets, historical commentary, and passenger safety on the steamboat. Training is required and provided. Engineer: The person responsible for operating the steam engine and boiler, including upon orders from the Captain/Pilot, changing the steamboat's speed and direction. Training is required and provided. ~Jpon sufficient training, a Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Hobby Boiler's License is required to operate the power plant independently. Streetcar Conductor/Operator: The person responsible for safe operation of a streetcar using a throttle and air break system who also imparts historical commentary and gives tours of our streetcar barn. Training is required and provided. Ticket Office Worker: Sell tickets for 'the steamboat, tokens' for the streetcar, and merchandise related to the Minnehaha and streetcars. t~aintenance Worker: Volunteers do not have to operate our properties. Those interested in the aintenance of the steamboat or streetcar, or restoration of streetcars are always welcome. Maintenance of our properties is a year-round activity. -2845- A Very Brief History of Streetcar Boats By 1905, Electric Streetcars of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company (at speeds that could top 60 miles per hour) led out to Excelsior from Minneapolis. The TCRT recognized the need for scheduled public waterborne transportation, not pleasure cruises, on the lake and during 19:05-1906, constructed six Express Boats in the company's Minneapolis shops under the supervision of Wayzata shipwright Royal Moore. Also known as Streetcar Boats since their design emulated the TCRT streetcars, the steamboats operated on Lake Minnetonka between 1906 and 1926. They were named after cities and areas served by the TCRT: Como, Harriet, Hopkins, Minnehaha, Stillwater, and White Bear. A seventh Streetcar Boat, Excelsior, of a slightly different design and construction, was built in Excelsior and was added to the fleet in 1915. Improvements in roads and the proliferation of the automobile began putting the Streetcar Boats out of service. Minnehaha, Como, and White Bear were taken out of commission in 1925. During the winter of 1925-1926, these three steamboats were dismantled to down to their hulls, with their engines, seats, superstructures, and other items removed and sold off. Minnehaha, Como, and White Bear were intentionally scuttled north of Big Island in 1926. HoPkins was sold to Mr. Joseph Du Guise and Mr. George B. Hopkins in 1927. She was painted white and re-named Minnetonka. Minnetonka traveled the lake until 1949, when she was also taken north of Big Island scuttled near her sisters. In 1928 Excelsior, Harriet, and Stillwater were dismantled, with their seats sold to the Pearce Amusement Company and their machinery and salvaged wood sold off as well. Contra'fy to popular belief, these steamboats were not sunk to the lake's bottom. Private individuals raised Minnehaha in 1980. Without money in hand to conserve, restore, or properly store the hull, Minnehaha sat outside and rotted through ten cold winters and hot summers despite efforts by local Excelsior business owners and historians Darel and LaVerna Leipold. The Leipolds established the non-profit Inland Marine Interpretive Center and received Minnehaha's title from the State of Minnesota, who actually owned the boat since the state controls the bottoms of lakes, rivers, and streams. Ultimately the Leipolds transferred ownership of the steamboat to the Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. and restoration began in 1990. Fortunately, the Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 prohibits the destruction of shipwreck sites, so the remaining Streetcar Boats are safe on the lake's bottom. The Lake Minnetonka Division of the MTM is planning, within the next five years, to begin documenting the lake's wrecks in situ and create accurate site plans of the Streetcar Boats, including two other wrecks nearby. Two MTM staff members are trained Nautical Archaeologists and will have the proper permits and permission from the State of Minnesota to conduct these .investigations. -2846- Brief History of the Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. The Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. had its origins in the Minnesota Railfans Associstion~ The MRA ~to.ok .possession of Streetcar 1300 in 1954 and .it was ~in .storage until 1962. The Minnesota Transportation Museum Committee was formed to restore Streetcar 1300 and in May 1963, it began running under its own power generator. The MTMC acquired the historic Minnehaha Depot, the ownership of which was transferred to the Minnesota Historical Society, but restored by the MTMC starting in 1967. The Depot is operated in cooperation with the MItS and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. In 1969, the Como- Harriet Streetcar Line was founded at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, also in cooperation with the MPRB. Both CHSL and the Depot are on the National Register of Historic Places. These humble beginnings led to the incorporation of the Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. in 1971 as a non-profit 501.C.3 organization. In 1976 the Railroad Division was formed and' Stillwater steam lOcomotive//328 was acquired' and its restoration began in 1980. Several pieces of rolling stock were acquired over the years and MTM trains operated out of Stillwater until 1992. 'Relocated to OsceOla, Wisconsin, the Osceola and 'St. Croix Valley'Railway runs on Canadian National track along the St. Croix River Valley in conjunction with the Osceola Historical-Society. tn -1985, the MTM pumhased the frrst roundhouse ¢onstnmled in St. Paul, on the'site of the t862 Minnesota and Pacific Railroad locomotive maintenance facility. The Jackson Street Roundhouse Museum. opened-in- 1-999¢ is currently under restoration; anda new turntable is being re-installed. The MTM's Motor Bus Operations includes several historic buses that have operated in the Twin Cities area including #630,. a 1943 Mack bus; #1399, a 1954 General Motes model TDH 5105, and several unrestored properties. The Lake Minnetonka Division was established in 1989 upon the acquisition of the steamboat Minnehaha from the State of Minnesota. The Minnehaha was restored between 1990-1996 and launched in May 1996. The Excelsior Streetcar Line was established in 1999 and Duluth Electric Streetcar 78 is currently operating on this line. Como-Harriet Streetcar Line volunteers restored Streetcar 78 between 1985 and 1991. Excelsior Streetcar 1239 is currently under restoration in our Excelsior Streetcar Barn. Minnesota Transportation Museum, 'Inc. Streetcars CurrentlY the. Traction Division of the Minnesota Transportation Museum, Inc. (MTM) operates three vintage streetcars on our Como-Harriet Streetcar Line in Minneapolis: Streetcar 265, Streetcar 1300, and PCC Streetcar 322. All three of these streetcars were owned by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company (TCRT) at some point, with 265 and 1300 being constructed in the Twin Cities by the TCRT. The Lake Minnetonka Division of the MTM currently operates the oldest operating electric streetcar in the United States, Streetcar 78, in Excelsior. Streetcar 78 originally operated in Duluth between 1893 and 1911. At our Excelsior facility we are restoring TCRT Streetcar 1239 and two other streetcars, Winona 10 and Mesaba 10, await restoration. -2847- Page. 1 of 1 Kandis M. Hanson From: To: Sent: Subject: "MoundPD" <MoundPD@cityofmound.com> "Kandis M. Hanson" <KandisHanson@cityofmound.com> Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:09 AM Fw: Minnehaha Steamboat --To the Mound City Council .... Original Message .... From: CUTYOW@aol.com To: MoundPD@cityofmound.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 6:11 PM Subject: Minnehaha Steamboat -To the Mound City Council We received notice of the proposal to install a dock at Mound Bay park that will accommodate the Minnehaha Steamboat. Since we will be out of town at the time of the City Council Meeting on May 28, 2002, we are sending this letter in support of the Idea of installing the dock. We are one of the closest neighbors as we live in Chapman Place which borders on Mound Bay Park. It is our opinion that the Minnehaha coming to Mound is a great idea. This would be an added feature to the redevelopment of downtown Mound. Most of our neighbors who live in Chapman Place are supporters of this Minnehaha Steamboat Dock proposal. We hope the City Council looks favorable on this proposal. Robert T. and Carolyn Y. Cuthill 2670 Commerce Blvd., #208 Mound, MN 55364 952 472 6094 - 2848- 05/23/2002 5341 M~5~vood Road Mound, MN $$364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: June 4, 2002 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) APPLICANT: Matt Lajoy, Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors (business owner/operator) and Ken Custer (property owner by contract for deed) PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 02-15 PID: 13-11%24-44-0014 LOCATION: 4831 Shoreline Drive ZONING: General District (B-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Business and Mixed Use CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING The City Council will hold a public hearing for review of the CUP request from Matt Lajoy of Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors and Ken Custer for a Conditional Use Permit to allow open lot vehicle sales at 4831 Shoreline Drive. CUP REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd 3 (B) requires that all requests for conditional use permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission. Additionally, City Code Chapter 350:535 Subd. 3 (C) requires that a public hearing is held by the City Council. Members of the City Council are advised that the Notice of Public Hearing for the public hearing was published in the Laker on May 18, 2002. Additionally, the Notice of Public Hearing was also mailed to all affected property owners located within (350) feet on or before May 17, 2002. As the City Council is aware, the public hearing was originally scheduled to be held on May 25, 2002. However, the public hearing was continued by the City Council to its June 11, 2002 meeting as the Planning Commission tabled the application to its June 3, 2002 meeting to allow additional research by the City Attorney regarding the status of 1995 and 1997 conditional use permits which were previously issued for the subject site. -2849- BACKGROUND Members of the City Council are advised that specific details regarding CUP request are outlined in Planning Report No. 02-15 and Planning Report No. 02-15 Addendum 1. OVERVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING(S) In general, the majority of the discussion at the Planning Commission level focused on the status of the 1995 and 1997 CLIPs. As neither the 1995 or the 1997 permits are valid, the request requires approval of a new permit. The Planning Commission also discussed the number of vehicles which can be accommodated on the site if the property is used for principal open lot sales and agreed, by consensus, that (20) vehicles could be displayed on the site. Additionally, the Commission also discussed that regulating the specific locations for the stalls was not necessary and could be left to the discretion of the applicant(s). Members of the City Council are advised that details regarding the Planning Commission's review are contained in the May 20, 2002 and June 3, 2002 meeting minute excerpts which have been included as attachment. RECOMMENDATION Based on its review, the Planning Commission voted 6 to 1 to recommend Council approval of the conditional use permit to allow open lot sales as a principal use on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Drive subject to conditions. A draft resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included as an attachment. -2850- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 02- A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW "OPEN LOT VEHICLE SALES" FOR LAKE MINNETONKA QUALITY MOTORS LOCATED IN THE B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS 1 TO 4, 21 AND PART OF 5 AND 20, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A PID # 13-117-24-44-0014 P&Z CASE # 02-15 WHEREAS, Owner, Ken Custer, and Lessee, Matt Lajoy (Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors), have applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow principal use of the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive for open lot vehicle sales; and WHEREAS, Mound City Code Section 350:640 allows open lot sale businesses in the B-2 General Business District by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, Mound City Code Section 350:310, Subd. 95 defines an open sales lot as follows: "Any land used or occupied, for the purpose of buying and selling good, materials, or met'chandise and.for the storing o. f same under the open sk)., prior to sale." WHEREAS, there are no active Conditional Use Permits which govern use of the site; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to display and sell up to (20) vehicles on the property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended approval subject to conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: -2851 - The City does hereby grant the Conditional Use Permit for Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors to allow open lot vehicle sales at 4831 Shoreline Drive subject to the following conditions: a. No more than twenty (20) vehicles shall be displayed and offered for sale on the property. b. All signage, including banners and flags, shall meet the regulations of City Code Section 365. This Conditional Use Permit is approved for the following legally property described on the attached Exhibit A. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted June 11, 2002 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2852- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION June 3. 2002 CASE #02-15 CUP - Open Lot Sales - Matt Lajoy/Ken Custer 4831 Shoreline Boulevard Applicants have submitted a CUP request to allow for open sales for used cars. Following the last meeting, staff reviewed previous actions for the property. The 1997 permit nullified the 1995 permit. Additionally, the 1997 permit is also null and void, as it appears it was not renewed as required by condition "k" of Resolution No. 97-19. In the event another use was contemplated, an additional conditional use permit and/or amendment would need to be processed. It is important that future redevelopment of the land is contemplated and the proposed new use could be considered to be an "interim" use. Applicant has indicated that there is significant cut-through traffic. Hennepin County supports eliminating accesses off the county road. Change of use will require another conditional use permit application. The applicant has expressed interest in planting annual flowers in the greenspace. Business activity is preferable to a vacant building. Since beginning operations earlier this year, the subject site has been maintained in an orderly fashion. Primarily, the questions are: is the use appropriate, is it reasonable and how many cars should be allowed? Are there any site problems with the comer? Is it reasonable to eliminate one of the accesses off of Shoreline? Would there be an objection to 20 cars on the lot? Clapsaddle would advise the owner not to give up the curb cuts to Shoreline Drive. This is not a parking lot; this is a sales lot. We shouldn't orchestrate exactly how he can park his cars. Mueller said that keeping the east entrance open would allow for the most parking without bothering the flow of traffic in and out of the lot. We need to permit only one type of use at a time, even though it will be an extra expense for him at the time he requests a change. Public hearing for conditional use permits are only at the council level. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to allow a conditional use permit for an open sales lot with no more than 20 vehicles for sale at one time. All signage, including banners and flags, must meet ordinance. Weiland agrees that we shouldn't restrict how the vehicles are to be displayed. Also, that flags and banners should be controlled. Mueller requests an amendment to not allow any parking of vehicles on the public right of way. Amendment was withdrawn after discussion. -2853- Planning Commission Minutes Michael asked the applicant if he was willing to plant flowers? Lajoy indicated he was. Michael wanted to know if all he would sell would be high end cars? Lajoy said he couldn't guarantee it but they would all be good vehicles with no mst. MOTION carried. Chair Michael voted against. Ayaz, Burma, Clapsaddle, Hasse, Mueller and Weiland voted for. 2 -2854- 5341 Ma}av66d R6ad Mound MN 55364 (952) 4'~2-3190 PLANNING REPORT ADDENUM # 1 TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: May 15, 2002 SUBJECT: CUP Amendment APPLICANT: Matt Lajoy, Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors (business owner/operator) and Ken Custer (property owner by contract for deed) PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 02-15 PID: 13-117-24-44-0014 LOCATION: 4831 Shoreline Boulevard ZONING: General District (B-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Business and Mixed Use BACKGROUND At its May 20, 2002 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the application from Matt Lajoy of Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors and Ken Custer for a Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow open lot sales as a principal use on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Boulevard which would accommodate 10-15 cars offered for sale. Subsequently, the Planning Commission tabled the application in order to obtain an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the status of the 1995 and 1997 conditional use permits. CONTINUANCE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING - JUNE 11, 2002 As the public hearing for this matter was originally scheduled to be held at its Tuesday, May 25, 2002 meeting, the City Council continued the public hearing until June 11, 2002 STATUS OF 1995 AND 1997 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS A memorandum from City Attorney John Dean dated May 30, 2002 regarding the status of the 1995 and 1997 conditional use permit that were issued previously for the site has been included as an attachment. To summarize, the 1997 permit nullified the 1995 permit. Additionally, the 1997 permit is also null and void as it appears it was not renewed as per condition "k" of Resolution No. 9%19. Therefore, the application from Matt Lajoy requires the approval of a new conditional use permit for the property. In the event another use was contemplated, an additional conditional use permit and/or amendment would need to be processed. -2855- DISCUSSION It should be noted that the future redevelopment of the site is contemplated following completion / closeout of environmental issues and the implementation of the CSAH 15 road project therefore the proposed new use could be considered to be an "interim" use. The applicant has indicated that the subject site experiences a significant amount of cut- through traffic from CSAH 15 / Shoreline Drive as well as unauthorized transient parking. As such, the applicant has proposed to block off the eastern most access by displaying vehicles in this area. City.staff discussed this matter with Dave Zetterstrom of Hennepin County who indicated that the reduction of multiple entrances / exits on to county roads is usually favorably received. Optimally, the access/entrance should be chained off and / or the driveway apron removed but this is not a requirement. As the conditional use permit under review deals with open lot sales as a principal use, it appears the site can sustain more vehicles on the site than past CUPs (1995) as it appears they were set up to deal with multiple uses therefore limitation of the number of display vehicles was appropriate. Additionally, the site conditions have changed due to the removal of the pumps and fence enclosure. 4. The applicant has expressed interest in planting annual flowers in the greenspace at the intersection of Shoreline Boulevard and Bartlett Boulevard. 5. Business activity on the site is viewed to be positive as opposed to a vacant building. 6. Since beginning operations earlier this year, the subject site has been maintained in an orderly fashion. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum from John Dean dated May 29, 2002 Resolution No. 97-19 Excerpts from February 11, 1997 City Council meeting minutes Excerpts from January 13, 1997 Planning Commission meeting minutes Letter dated March 4, 1997 to Randy's Automotive -2856- REVISED MEMORANDUM 5/29/02 To: Sarah Smith From: John Dean Subject: CUP application/4831 Shoreline Drive. You have asked me to respond to the following questions that were raised at the May 20 Planning Commission meeting: 1. "Is the 1997 CUP valid as it appears it was not renewed as per condition 'k' .... City staffis unaware if the CUP was recorded or not." If the 1997 CUP was not renewed as provided for in condition 'k', it would have expired one year after issuance. The validity of the CUP is not affected by whether or not it was recorded ( See M.S. § 462.36 subd. 1). 2. "If 'yes' did the 1997 permit nullify all previous permits including the 1995 CUP." Condition "1" of the 1997 resolution provided that "all previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit." Although the heading to the 1995 CUP suggests that other lands are included, the property descriptions in the text of the 1995 and the 1997 CUPs are the same. Consequently, even though it was not renewed, the 1997 CUP nullifies all previous conditional use permits including the 1995 CUP. 3. If'no' has the 'major auto body use' been terminated?" (The answer to 2 was "yes", so this question is no longer relevant.) 4. "Could a CUP be approved to specifically allow both major auto repair and open sales but not simultaneously." I interpret this question to refer essentially to two CUPs rolled into one approval process; and the applicant can do either one, but not at the same time. Although I cannot recall ever seeing that done, I am not aware of any legal reason preventing it. From a land use policy standpoint, it could result in the approval of a use that would not occur until far into the future, at a time when its impact on surrounding uses, and its compatibility would not be known. I hope tha these responses sufficiently address the points raised by the planning commission. JBD-215413v2 MU220-5 -2857- February RESOLUTION ~Y7-19 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS" FOR RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE LOCATED IN THE B-2 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS 1 TO 4 INCL. & LOTS 20 & 21. . ., BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A, PID 13-117-24 44 0014 P&Z CASE//97-01 11, 1997 '~ WHEREAS, Owner, Robert Williams, and Lessee, Randy L. Bilger (P, ady's Automotive), have applied for a Conditional Use Permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility, and; WHEREAS, Mound Zoning Ordinance Section 350:640 allows Major Auto Repair Businesses in the B-2 Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit, and; WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit Resolution #95-79 currently governs the use of the site; and WHEREAS, the difference between major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of engines, transmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, and; WHEREAS, the applicant is not proposing to sell vehicles on the property, and; WHEREAS, staff continues to have concerns about the overall appearance of the property since it is at one of the key entry points into the City of Mound, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended approval, with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions: Allowable repairs shall include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor automobile repairs including but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. -2858- 24 February 11, 1997 25 b. The sale of any vehicles on the property is expressly prohibited. Co All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of 10, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. fo Vehicles parked within the fence enclosure shall be limited to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources within or outside of the fence enclosure is expressly prohibited. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parts currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. j. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. This conditional use permit shall be effective for one year, at which time the property owner will apply for and be subject to a reapplication and review. The reapplication fee shall be waived. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. -2859- February 11, 1997 This Conditional U~ Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, SubdiviSion (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember Hanus. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen Polston and Weycker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none Attest: City Clerk Mayor -2860- 26 ~TES-z 'MO-LIND CITY-C OUN CIL -: FEBRUA.RY3.1~;-1997 1.13 PUBLIC HEARING: TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR" BUSINESS AS REQUESTED BY RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE. The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval with certain conditions. Councilmember Hanus questioned the second sentence in the third Whereas of the proposed resolution which reads as follows: "The permit allows minor auto repair, tire repair, valve jobs, service maintenance, gas welding and an open sales lot limited to 10 vehicles, 7 of which must be stored outside of the fence." The Council discussed the sentence. The City Attorney suggested deleting that sentence from the proposed resolution. The Council agreed. The applicant, Randy Bilger, stated that he will be cleaning up the site and will keep it clean. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Jensen moved and Hanus seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #97-19 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A "MAJOR REPAIR BUSINESS" FOR RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE LOCATED IN THE B-2 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE, LOTS 1 TO 4 INCL. & LOTS 20 & 21 .... , BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A, PID//13-117-24 44 0014, P & Z CASE #97-01 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. -2861 - MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 1997 CASE 97-01: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARING RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE, 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS I - 4, 20 & 21, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A, 13-117-24 44 0014 Chair Michael outlined the guidelines for public hearings. The applicant is seeking approval of a conditional use permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility. The difference between major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of engines, transmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. According to the application, Randy's Automotive intends to only service automobiles and light trucks. Presently, Conditional Use Permit Resolution//95-79 governs the use of the site. The permit allows minor auto repair, tire repair, valve jobs, service maintenance, gas welding and an open sales lot limited to 10 vehicles, 7 of which must be stored outside of the fence. The operator of Randy's Automotive is not pro[~osing to sell vehicles on the property_.. Staff is not apprehensive about the use of the building as a major repair facility but wilt continue to have concerns about the overall a~nearance of the oroperty since it is at one of the key entry points into th,- c'itv of Mound. Staff recommended that Lne Planning Commission recommend approval of a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions. Allowable repairs shall include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor automobile repairs including but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. The sale of any vehicles on the property is expres_slv nrohibite .d~_ All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. No sign shall be placed on any fencing. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of 15, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. Vehicles parked within the fence enclosure shall be limited to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources within or outside of the fence enclosure is expressly prohibited. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parks currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. -2862- Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1997 10. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. 11. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually. Staff recognized that the applicant was present. Clapsaddle confirmed that the property is owned by the same individual when the previous request was reviewed, Robert Williams. Clapsaddle expressed concern regarding the appearance of the property and the lack of support from the owner relating to the maintenance of the property. Weiland commented that he talked with the new tenant and feels he should be given the chance to make the business work. He is in favor of condition #11 requiring the permit be reviewed annually. There was discussion questioning whether all previous conditional use permits on this property will become null and void with the approval of a new permit. Staff noted that they will verify with the City Attorney prior to this case going to the Council if a condition needs to be added to clarify that all previous permit will not longer be valid. Hanus noted that if there are permit violations, the permit can be revoked. Sutherland noted that due to noncompliance, the previous permit was on the verge of being brought back through the council to consider revocation. The Building Official confirmed that the applicant is currently operating in compliance with the existing conditional use permit. The underground gasoline tanks and the possibility of contaminated soil was discussed. Chair Michael opened the public hearing. Debbie Bilger, the applicant's wife, stated that they know the history of the building. They intend to run a nice family business and clean up the property. They want the property to look nice so people will want to use their business. After a year they will have the option to buy the property and they hope this will happen. The owner has informed them that he is responsible to have the gas pumps and tank removed. They want to run a respectable clean business. Applicant, Randy Bilger, resident of 1530 North Arm Drive stated that he understands the concerns of the Commission because he has lived in this area all his life a agrees that the property has been an eyesore. They have already spent time and money on cleaning and fixing up the property. They have already removed 11 or 12 cars, there is only one car left, but it is frozen-in, and they have removed other debris also. As soon as weather permits, they intend to repaint the building, and they would like the chance to prove that they can do it. Frank Niesen, resident at 6565 Bartlett Blvd. stated that he has subleased property to Randy in the past and he took very good care of the property and ran a clean business. 4 -2863- Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1997 Chair Michael closed the public hearing. Weiland suggested that condition #5 be changed to reduce the number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site because he does not feel this business will need that many spaces. Weiland suggested that condition #11 be strengthened to require that the permit be reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council annually. Clapsaddle commented that he would like to owner responsible for these conditions, not the applicant. Hanus suggested that they grant a one year temporary conditional use permit, the same way they did with Glass Plus, and allow the permit to be reissued in one year with no additional fee. Hanus questioned if the applicant would be comfortable with re~C.migg..the~ number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site outside of the fenced area fro~ 15 to L0(. Mr. Bilger agreed that this is okay, and commented that there is not enough room to phrk 15 cars on the site. Bilger noted that he understands that the PCA demands all abandoned gas tanks to be removed by 1998, and they will not purchase the property until the tanks are removed, and the owner has promised to do this. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Reifschneider to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Randy's Automotive, as recommended by staff, with amendments to the conditions, as follows: 3e All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance Se The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of t-5 10, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. 11. This conditional use permit shall expire one year from the date of issuance and there should be no fee for reapplication be 12. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. MOTION carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on February 11, 1997. 5 -2864- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (812) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 March 4, 1997 Mr. Randy L. Bilger Randy's Automotive 4831 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Dear Mr. Bilger: Please find enclosed a certified copy of Resolution #97-19 approving your conditional use permit to operate a major auto repair business at 4831 Shoreline Drive. This resolution must be recorded at Hennepin County, and proof of recording must be submitted to the City. Instructions for recording are enclosed for your reference. Please also note the conditions of approval, specifically 'k.' You should plan to reapply for this permit by January 1998 prior to expiration. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Planning Secretary pJ Enclosures CC: Robert Wil~'iams Excerpts from the MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 20, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Those present: Chair GeoffMichael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Orvin Burma, Jerry Clapsaddle, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Michael Mueller, Frank Weiland. Late and excused: Council Liaison Bob Brown. Staff present: City Planner Loren Gordon, Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were also present: Ken Custer, 5533 Shoreline Dr; John/Michelle Olson, 2060 Waterside Lane; Joan Schluttner, 2600 Westedge Boulevard; Corey Pouchnik, 2600 Westedge Boulevard; Karen and Rob Host, 3006 Inverness Lane; Val Amtson, 3012 Inverness Lane; James Ihli, 3001 Inverness Lane; Jerry Hart, 3012 Inverness Lane; Matt Lajoy, 4831 Shoreline Drive; Angela Lajoy, 1943 Shorewood Lane; Skipp Lajoy, 1780 Hillside Lane; Peg Shea, 6200 Westedge Boulevard; Joshua Weinstein, 6200 Westedge Boulevard; Henry Lazniarz, 10411 Cedar Lake Road; Lawrence Samstad, 327 Marshall Road, Shakopee, MN BOARD OF APPI~AL$ CASE #02-15 CUP Amendment - Open Lot Sales Matt Lajoy/Ken Custer - 4831 Shoreline Boulevard Open sales is allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the B-2 district. A public hearing will be held at a subsequent City Council meeting. The site is located at Bartlett Boulevard and Shoreline Drive. There is access to the site via 2 aprons on Shoreline and 2 aprons on Bartlett. The applicant is requesting use of site for principal sales. Prior approval for use was given, but only a limited number of vehicles were allowed. Dynamics on the site have changed over the years (i.e. fence is gone, no fuel pumping, etc.) The site serves as a gateway to the community of Mound and there is a desire to maintain a positive visual experience. Aesthetics have been an issue in the past. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit amendment to allow open lot sales as a principal use on the property subject to the following conditions: 1. A landscaping plan for the existing greenspace on the north and east sides of the property shall be submitted and implemented upon review and approval by the City. 2. Vehicles to be offered for sale on the property shall be limited to ten with no more than five to seven to be located on the north side of the property facing CSAH 15. -2866- Planning Commission Minutes May 20, 2002 3. No vehicles shall be parked in the site triangle at the intersection of CSAH 15 and CSAH 125. Therefore, the proposed three spaces located in the southeast comer should be removed and/or relocated. 4. The proposed parking plan should be revised to include designated stalls to accommodate customer and employee parking. 5. All slgnage for the business shall comply with City Code Chapter 365. 6. There shall be no storage or repair of inoperative or recreational vehicles on the subject property. 7. All vehicles must be currently licensed and must be directly related to the principal use. 8. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. 9. The conditional use permit shall be subject to an annual review. 10. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. Discussion Mueller wanted to know why staff has asked for not more than 7 vehicles north of the building. Smith said it was based on aesthetics. Mueller asked what is the maximum the site would sustain. Smith thought it could be 15. Clapsaddle asked why there was such a large setback from Shoreline? Smith said that parking barriers are at edge of grassy area which is about 30 feet from curb. Clapsaddle thinks the business should forget about using the access closest to the comer on the north and that it would be good to approve this parcel only for auto sales. Glister thought it would be good to have a copy of the minutes from 1997 when the auto sales were removed from the CUP. Weiland felt it was an absolute must that prior CUP approvals become null and void. Matthew LaJoy - owner of Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors - He said it was not a typical used car dealership. It is high quality such as Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, etc. with clean automobiles and impressive inventory. He stressed that previous uses have been auto repair and often had visible items that were less than desirable. Perhaps the Commission could recommend the open sales be in place and major/minor auto repair could also be in place but not at the same time. Brown joined us at 8:35. Mueller was concerned about the possibility of flags, banners, etc. meeting the temporary sign permit regulations? Lajoy assured that it would be no problem. He intends to keep it simple and clean. Brown asked about the chance that he would change to a low scale dealership? Lajoy indicated that he outlined his business philosophy in his brief and he has no intention to change. -2867- Planning Commission Minutes May 20, 2002 Ken Custer - 5533 Shoreline Drive - (owner of property).- Since he has taken over the property there has been a substantial amount clean-up and improvement and consideration to the welfare of the conditions of the underground. Every piece of property he has owned in Mound has been improved. Smith read excerpts from 1/13/97 Planning Commission Minutes. Mueller feels that the status of the 1997 resolution regarding the certification (or lack of) with the County should be established so we know whether the property now falls under the 1995 or the 1997 permit. Clapsaddle agrees that action should be postponed until further information can be gathered. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle, to table action until staff and the city attorney has had a chance to review status of the 1997 CUP and determine whether the 1995 agreement takes precedence. Clapsaddle would like to see a clear history of CUP recommendations and actions taken and assurance that business as established on the sight will not be interrupted. MOTION carried. Weiland and Michael voted against. -2868- $34! ~/mT~ood Ro~d Mound, MN 55364 (95~) 472-~90 PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah. Smith, Community Development Director DATE: May 15; 2002 SUBJECT: CUP Amendment APPLICANT: Matt Lajoy, Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors (business owner/operator) and Ken Custer (property owner by contract for deed) PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 02-15 PID: 13-117;24-44-0014 LOCATION: 4831 Shoreline Boulevard ZONING: General District (B-2) COMPREltE~NSIVE PLAN: Business and Mixed Use REQUEST The applicant(s), Matt Lajoy of Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors andKen Custer have'"submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow open lot sales as a principal use on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Boulevard:which would accommodate 10-15 cars offered for sale. The parking proposal, as subi~tted, calls for the' ability to' display teii (10) Vehicles on the north side of the property which would front Shoreline BOulevard 'and foihr (4) vehicles to be displayed on the east side of the property fronting Bartlett Boulevard. AdditiOnal parking stalls have been provided on the east, north and west sides of the existing building. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that SPecific details regarding CLIP r~queSt are outlined in the applicant's project narrative that has been provided as an attachment. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW CRITERIA In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council shall ¢6fisidef the advice and recommendations of the Planning 'Co~ssion and the effect of the PropOsed land use upon the health; safety, morals and general Welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. Members Of the Pl~g Co~sSion are.advised that the conditional use permit review: c/'i{eria art COntained in City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd. 1. -2869- CUP REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd. 3 (B) requires that all requests for conditional use permit requests (and amendments) are reviewed by the Planning Commission. Additionally, City Code Chapter 350:535 Subd. 3 (C) requires'that a public hearing is held by the City Council. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that the Notice of Public Hearing for the tipcoming public hearing to be held by the City Council was published in the Laker on May 18, 2002. Additionally, the Notice of Public Hearing Was also mailed to all affected'property owners located within (350) feet on or before May 17, 2002. Procedurally, state statute requires that the planning agency and/or governing.body must hold a public hearing on all requests for conditional use permits and further requires that a Notiee~ of Public Hearing is published at least (10) days in advance of the public hearing and is also mailed to all property owners within (350). feet. "'. 60-DAY PROCESS The conditional use permit application was received and deemed to be complete on April 30, 2002. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny a land use request. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing site includes a small commercial building which fronts CSAH 15 / Shoreline Boulevard. tQ the north and Bartlett Boulevard/CSAH 125 to the east. N° changes to .the existing .building footprint are proposed. Access to the property is provided via (2) driveway entrances off of Shoreline Drive and. CSAH 15 respectively. The majority of the subject site is paved with exception of three (3) grassy strips that are located along CSAH .15 and Bartlett Boulevard and along the south side of the building. PROJECT BACKGROUND The subject site originated as a motor fueling station and has historically been used for other similar auto-oriented purposes including (but not limited to) the, following; major auto repair, mina[ auto repairs, ve~cle impound, ve~¢le storage and open lot sales. Due to on-gohag operational changes that have occurred on the site for. the past over (30) years, numerous conditional use permits and amendments have been issued to accommodate various businesses. -2870- Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors began operations ig late 20.01 / early 2002 after: the ..applicant met with City .staff to discuss a proposal that included open vehicles sales of late model and imported ~ehie!e~. Based on review of the information contained in the property file as well as the City's archived CUP files for the subject property, it ,was City Staff's unoer~ding that .the business was regulated by Conditional Use Permit # 95,79 which allowed open vehicle sales but limited the total number of vehicles on site to ten (10) and also regulated where the vehicles could be parked. Specifically, no more than three (3) vehicles could be parked on the north side of the site. Therefore, the use was alloWed administratively as conditional use permits run with the land and the applicant indicated that the new business :could operate under, the provisions or, the 1995 CUP. During a recent meeting, members of the Planning Commission inquired about the new business as well as the issuance of a post-1995 CUP that removed the condition that previously allowed open auto sales. Following review of the CUP files for the subject,property by City,. staff, no "newer" CUP file was found. This information was shared with the Planning Commission and the applicant was advised of the current 1995 CUP conditions especially with regard to the number of vehicles which are allowed on-site, The applicant responded by reducing the number of vehicles parked on the site and also moved forward with the submktal of a~ new CUP application requesting approval to allow principal use of the site for open lot sales to accommodate 10-15 vehicles on site as well consideration of a proposed alternate parking configuration since the fuel pumps .and fence enclosure been removed and the former principal use (major/minor auto repair) and other secondary uses are no longer in operation. Contrary to City staff's previous findings, a 1997 CLIP file was recently found during review of the current.application. Members of the Commission are advised that it appears the 1997 CUP was filed incorrectly in the archives with an alternate property and therefore was not included with the previous permits for the subject' property. In general, the 1997 CUP approved the establishment of Randy's Automotive, a major automotive repair facility located at 4831 Shoreline Drive and discontinued the provision for open auto sales as it was not part of the appScant's business program. It is unknown whether or not the .permit was recorded but it appears .to the active CUP for .the site. ZONING The subject site is zoned B-2 General Business District. As set forth in City Code Chapter 350:670, open sales lots are allowed by conditional use in the B-2 District. Pursuant to City Code Section 350:310, Subdivision 95, an open: sales lot is defined as follows: "Any land used or occupied.for the purpose of buying and selling or selling goods, materials, or merchandise and for the storing of same under the open sky prior to sal~ " -2871- CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies' of the request and all suppOrting materifils were forwarded to' all applicable City departments' for reView and comment'. Members of the' Planning Commission are' advised that the City Engineer; parks Director and Public Works Director have indicated that they have no eommen~S regarding the current proposal. DISCUSSION POINTS 1. The subject site is located at one of the prim~ entrances to the community. A.¢¢Ordingly, the City has always been sensitive to the appe~ance of businesses and other uses in this area. The "Welcome to Mound" sign is located across the street. During' the review of past conditional use permits for this property, discussion ,has primarily focused on the proposed 'uses as well as the functional, Visual and aesthetic impacts of such: uses. Staff suggests that both functional and aesthetic factors again be used to reVieTM the current request. 3. The layout of the sUbject site differs from previous requests since the fuel pUmps and fence enclosure have been removed. 4. The request inclUdes' use of the site for principal open lot sales. No Other second~ Uses are under consideration. 5. The existing business is owned and operated by the applicant. It is City staff's understanding that.Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors has one (1) employee. 6..The current wall sign located on the north side of the building is compliant with City Code requirements. The opportunity for landscaping and aesthetic imprOvementS on the subject ske is Viewed as positive as the subject site serves as a gateWay to the community IinproVemg~its should be considered especially along the County Roads and at th& intersection of CSAH 15 and CSAH 125. 8. Current hours of operation are as follows: Monday - Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9AM to 7' PM 3' PM to 7 PM 3 PM to 7 PM 9 AM to 6' PM 9 AM to 3 PM -2872- The proposal, as submitted, would discontinue major / minOi: automotive repair activities on the subject property. City staff considers principal open lot sales to be less intense than previOuSly approved useS such as major and minor auto repair.' ~ :: 10. The proposed parldng plan should be reviewed to ensure that adequate sight distance:at the intersection of Shoreline Boulevard and Bartlett Boulevard is maintained. Additionally, appropriate areas for Customer and employee parking should be designated, RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend Council approval of the conditional use permit amendment to allow open lot sales as a principal use on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Boulevard subject to the following minimum conditions: A landscaping plan for the existing greenspace area(s) on the north and east sides of the subject property shall be submitted and implemented upon review and approval by the City. Vehicles to be offered for sale on the property shall be limited to ten (10) with no more than five (5) to seven (7) to be located on the north side of the property facing CSAH 15. o o ° 8. 9. 10. No vehicles shall be parked in the sight triangle at the intersection of CSAH 15 and CSAH 125. Therefore, the proposed (3) spaces located in the southeast corner should be removed and/or relocated. The proposed parking plan should be revised to include designated stalls to accommodate customer and employee parking. All signage for the business shall comply with City Code Chapter 365. There shall b'e no storage or repair of inoperative or recreational vehicles on the subject property. All vehicles must be currently licensed and must be directly related to the principal use. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. The conditional use permit shall be subject to an annual review. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. -2873- CITY COUNCIL REVIEW The public hearing for review of the CUP reqoest from Matt Lajoy of Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors and Ken Custer is scheduled to be held by the City Council at its TUesday, May 28, 2002 meeting in the event a. recommendation from the Planning Commission is made at its, May 20, 2002 meeting. -2874- Application for CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 952-472-0607, Fax: 952-472-0620 Planning Commission Date: Distribution: Conditional Use Permit Fee:~ City Planner: City Engineer: Public works:... ,~ Fire Dept. Parks: Y Other: Please type or Print the following information: PROPERTY Subject INFORMATION Address Name of Business DESCRIPTION APPLICANT The appli=nt Is: , o~er ~ omec TeNAnT Phone Name K~ME~ OWNER - ~$ (if other than ~hone SURVEYOR, OR (H) (M) ZONING Cimle: R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3' B'I BL3 DISTRICT USE Revised 04/24/01 -2875- CondRi~a! U~e p~rrnR Application Page 2 ~ '" Description:of PropoSed Use: EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the propOsed use wi!! have on pro. perty in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ~ yes, ( ) no. If yes, list date(s) of aPplication, actiOn taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Print Applicant's Name This application must be signed by all owners of the Subject property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. Applicant's ~lgnature''~ Date Print Owner's Name OwnS%SignatUre '' ' I Date. Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date Revised 04/24/01 -2876- MEMO~~ IN SUPPORT O1~ AN ~ND~ TO CONDmONAL USE PERMIT 9~97 TO: City o Mouna Staff Planning Commission City Cotmci! FROM: Lake: ~etonka Quality Motors, Mc, Matthew LaJoy, President DATE:APril 23, 2002 My namei i~ ~¢w LaJoy andI. recently' opened Lake Minnetonka Qmlity: Motors. My wife andI are Motmd residents, and have lived.on Three Points for the last 4 years. I deci~ to open my business her, in.'Mound, as.the Visions Pro~' seemed verY welcomingof new and local business owners:~ ~Baek in November 2001, I discovered that the site ~cated at 4831 Shoreline D~e was available for~lease~: a~r ~ with' Sarah Smith, I signed a lease with Ken Custer~ :. .~ ,:: Ihave been conducting, a successful used. car dealership on tNs site s~ DeCember 1, 2001. ! have consistently maintained a very clean dealership. My vehicles are Shiny and mst, free. I have sold:~, such as Lmms,. BlVlW, MereeAes, Acura, Toyota,. Satimk and · other N~ quality vehicles. Lhave sold approximately 30% ofmyvehicles to t4' custo~rs, My'dealership is 'pro, ding a.~ery valuable service to local reSidmats as. We~. ' as people from other areas, ! advertise almost all of my vehicles in the Star Tribune and Auto Trader: As a result of this advertising, people from all over Minnesola c°me. to Mound. This. memo~ supports my reque~ to theCity of.Mound to ame~ the:~ ConditiOnal Use Permit governing the property located at 483'1 Shorelifie Drivei ~ The subject property is zoned 13-2 General Business Zoning' District which allows Minor' Auto Repair and Open Sales Lots by Conditional Use Permit. Currently, thc. property is' goveamed by Conditional Use Permit' 95-97, which allows for display of 10 vehicles for sale, 3 of which may be on the north side of the lot, and 7 of which must be parked within the fence, enclosure. B~ro G-:.UP95.97 was isSU~'CUP 9340 governed the property in similar fashion. A number, of changes have 0~umd since the issuance of these CUP's. Neither CUP refl~ ~e ~urmn-~ physi~ s~tm of th~ property. ' ' i.i." -2877- Originally, this' site wasa rue: station.with.2:~. ~s 1~ on ~ ~ Side. of the site, and a fence enclosure~at the so~ end, of:the,'lOt~: Re 3-vehiCle limitation in the prior CUP's was in place, because, the gas..pumps consumed a large portion, of thel north, section of the lot. Since the issuance of the prior cUP's, the fence enclosure has been reraoved, With approximately 180 feet of space in me norm section, there is more ~_mi enough room for at least 10 cars. I had mistsk_tmly read CUP 95-97 to altow me t~ display 10 vehicles Onthe fiamt ofthe lot. In good faith, I limited my inventory to 10 vehicles, not re~alizing that there was a discussing the display limitatioTM with Mound staffperso~el, I revised my ~S~lay areas to mainlain, complimlce. However, the 3 vehicle, limitaiiol~ in the nO~dl, sectiOn drastimlly reduces my inventory exposure, and will be detrimental to the viabilitY'of the b~iness. lviouncl, and~at, my vusmess is visibly prominenti~For this mason, I ..~.? conslsteiitiY maintained a very clean :andiml~essive dealership: MYb~' is'~t~, t6' ~' vehicle sales, I am not, propoSing to condu~t:a repair bus,ess:: Thisprope~ 'has historic~!ly ~ used as gas.stations and vario~ car repair shops. FUrthermore,. a this location, a former~ condu0ting business as' a' car' repair sti6~ con--ted the groundwater and soil by not property disposingof ~m~'oi~::.. ~ I ~ ~t ~ a repair shop, only sales. Inevitably with. repair shops, there are c~mtaminalion issu~=s with used motor, oils and,~fluids, Therefore,~ I'contend that my btisiness woald, b~'less burdensome environme~Jiy and. ~ually :~.a ~~, 'Mo~ve~,~ shops frequently.have cars parked outside with: opefl hoods; greasy' engine ~on the ground, dumpsters,, to~, trailers, and ~ous other,'unsightly objects ~Ch have a ~gh negatiYe.viS~ :~pa~t,. I hope:tO continue my oPeratiO~ in a cl~ and otderly f~On. I would also lik~. to improve grounds with.~ve..landS~. In conclusion, I reSpectfully request that CLIP 95-79 be amended to allow Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors to display ~n. 10 and 20 vehicleS, for sale,. 10 of which may be on ~¢ north sideofthe site along Shoreline Drive, the re~der ~rdi.ng t0 the atmc~ propo~ ~ay Ca~ ..... · Thank you for your consideration. -2878- CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR LAKE MINNETONKA QUALITY MOTORS IN BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SHORELINE DRIVE (co. a~). ~o. ~) RFCEIVEn MOUND PLANNING'& INSR: -2879- -2880- PROPERTY ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME: LOT LOT AREA~.. LOT AREA · CI~ OF MOUND HARDCOvE~.: CA[ CU[ATioNs SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record*) .... .... SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) *Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques .:are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225,Subd. 6~ B. 1. (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. iDETACHED BLDGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. DECKS Open decks (114" min. opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover OTHER X TOTAL HOUSE/$ ¢~../~. .................... TOTAL DETACHED BLDGS ................. X ._ X = TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC .................. X = X TOTAL DECK ...: ................... ,:.... X = X '- TOTAL OTHER ......................... TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE /OVER (indicate difference) ............................... PREPARED BY DATE -2881 - CERTIFiCAT E City of Mound STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) I, -the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Cl'erk of l~he City..of Mound, Minnesota, hereby attest and certify that: As such officer, I have the legal custody of the original record from Which the a~tached and foregoing extract was tt~anscribed. 2. I have carefully compared said extract with said o.riginal record. I find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript from the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City held on the date indicated in said extract, including any resolutions adopted at Such" meeting, insofar as they relate to: Resolution' #95-79 Resolution to Apprvoe a Conditional Use Permit to Allow the Operation of Minor Auto Repair Facility and Open Sales Lot in the B~2 General Business Zoning District for Shoreline Automotive, 4831 ShOreline Drive, Lots 1-4, 21 & Part of 5 & 20, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A, PID #13-117-24 44 0014. P & Z Case #95-28 4. Said_ meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof as ".. required by law on: August 8, 1995 l~th. WITNESS my hand officially as such Clerk, and the sale of said City, this day of August , i9 95 . seal -2882- RESOLUTION #95-79 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDZTION~tL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE 0PE~T~0N OF MINOR ~%UTO aE~Ia F~CILITY ~ OPEN S~ES LOT IN T~ B-2 GENE~ BUSINESS ~ONING~ LOTS 1-4~ 21 & P~T OF 5 a 20, BLOCK 1~ SHILEY Ht-LLS ~IT A~ PID 13-117-24 44 0014, WHEREAS, Robert Schumack, applicant, and Robert WilLiams, owner have applied for a Conditional Use Permit to use the s~bject site for the following purposes. 1. Minor Auto Repair . 2. Tire Repair 3. Valve Jobs 4. Service Maintenance on Vehicles 5. Gas Welding 6;~ Open Sales Lot (To,al number of vehicles~not to exceed WHEREAS, the Mound Zoning Ordinance defines "Automobile Repair~ Minor" as, "The replacement of any part or repair of any part which does not require the removal of the engine head or pan, engine, transmission or differential; incidental body and fender work, minor painting and upholstering service when said service above is applied to passenger automobiles and trucks not in ex~ess of 7,000 pounds'gross vehicle weight." and; WHEREAS, since 19.69, this property has received 9 different conditional use permits. The basis of the original pe~it apDroval is the site's use as.a motor fuel station. During thee.past year, the principal use has changed from a motor fuel station to a minor auto repair facility and open sales.lot, and; WHEREAS, all of the proposed uses are currently a~lowed on the si~e. Uses no longer being required are "motor fuel station" and "sales of small miscellaneous fishing tackte and live bait," and; WHEREAS, the location of the-site is at the entrance to the City of Mound and across the street from the community sign making this business visibly prominent,, and; . ~REAS~ the subject proper~ty is located in the B-2 General Business Zoning Distr~ct which' allos Minor Auto Repair an~ Open Sales Lots by ConditionaI USe 9ermit, and; WHEREAS, the Planning COmmissiOn has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended approval, ~:with the conditions as recommendedby staff. · NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City CounCil of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: . 177 178 The City Council does hereby, approve a Conditional Use ~ermit fora "minor auto repair facility"' replacing all previous permits and specifically a~lOW'iihg the folloWing.: A. Minor Aut. o'~Repair ~il " B. Tire RePair , · C.~ valve j~bs ~ D. Service Maintenance On VehiCles E. Gas Welding F. Open Sales Lot, limited to a total of 10 vehicles on- site, ~hree (3) of which can be on the north side.'o~ the site and-seven (7) of which may be behind the fenc~ area. Approval of the uses is subject to the following conditions: A. Ail Signage on the property, including signs painted on windows, shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. No signage shall be plaCed on any fencing. B. Vehicles for sale on the site shall be limited to a total of ten (10), three (3) of which can be parked in the area o~ the north side of the property as shoWn on"Exhibit 95- 1 and seven (7) of which must be parked within the fence enClOsure. C. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, Vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to automobiles., vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors, a~{or trailers, buses, motor homes andsimilarly sized vehicle~ is expressly'prohibited. D. No major mechanical overhauls shall occur on the premises. He The ~ota~ number of vehi'cles parked~.on the site outside of the.fenced area shall be limited to a maximum of 1~$'', not including one vehicles per employee working on the premises. Vehicles par~ed Withi~ the fenced en=.'losure Shall be limited only to vehicles awaiting ser~i~e and a.maximUm of. seven (7).vehicles for sale. The parking and storage of wrecned, ~unk'~..Or abandOh~d'Vehicle~ Within of th~ fenced enclosure is' e~Pr~Ssly'pr~ibited. · There shall be no storage of repair or refuse Pa~{s" viSible to the Pu~'iC~ ' Wooden fencing shall be maintained in good condition at all times and worn or broken boards shall be replaced -2884- Ga~es shall be closed at all times except when There shall be no boat storage or repair on the premises. K. This conditional.use .permit shall be reviewed ann=ally~ This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots I to '4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that.part of'the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn fr~m the NorthW'est~ corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The propeuty owner shall .have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the sub, eot construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Hanus and seconded by Councilmember:Ahrens. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen, Jessen and Polston The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: None 2885- 179 CERTIFICATE City of MOund STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)" I, the undersigned, being the dUly qualified'and acting ~Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby atteSt and Certify that:. As such officer, I have the legal custody of the original record from which the attached and foregoing extract was transcribed. 2. I haVe carefullY cOmpared said extract"With said original record. I find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript from the original minutes of a meeting of the City Counci! of said City held on the date indicated in said extract, inc!.dding any resolutions adopted at such meeting, insOfar as they relate to: ~LESOLU?ION #97-19 RESOLUTION .TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS" LOCATED IN THE B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE, LOTS 1 INC,,~,~& LOTS 20 & 21 . . ~, PID 13-117-24 44 0014, P&Z ALLOW CENTRAL TO 4 BLOCK !, SHIRLEY HILLS~UNIT A, CASE #97-01 4TH Said meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof as required I~Y laTM on: FEBRUARY 11, 1997 WITNESS my hand offi_cially as such Clerk, and the sale of said City, this daY of MARCH ,1997 seal -2887- RESOLUTION: #97+19. February ll, 1997 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS" FOR RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE LOCATED IN ~ B..2 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS I TO 4 INCL. & LOTS 20 & 21..., BLOCK 1, SItlRLEY ]tILLS ~ A, PID 13--117-24 44 0014 P&Z CASE b97-01 WItEREAS, Owner, Robert Williams, and Lessee, Randy L. Bilger (Randy's Automotive), have applied for a Conditional Use Permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility, and; Wlq~AS, Mound Zoning Ordinance Sect, ion 350:640 allows Major Auto Repair Businesses in the B-2 Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit, and; WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit Resolution f95-79 cUrrently governs the use of the site; and WHEREAS, the difference between, major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of ~ngines, trangmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and tracks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, and; WHEREAS, the applicant is not proposing to sell vehicles on the property, and; ~,4/S,': staff' continues to have concerns about the overall appearance of the property since it is at one of the key entry points into the City of Mound, and; WI-IEREAS, the Planning Commission 'has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended approval, with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions: Allowiil~:ie reP~rs Sh~i include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor' automobile repairs including, but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. -2888- 24 February 11, 1997 The ~e of any vehicle~ on the property is expresfly p on mtea. All signage on 'the property shall comply with the Mound Sign ordinance. Becau~e of the limited interior gm'age capacity of .the existing· structure., vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks,: semi tractors :and/or trailers, .buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited, The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limit~.dTtO a maximum of 10,. not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. Vehicles parked within'the fence enclosure shall be limited.to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk qr abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources' within Or outside of the fence enclosure is expressly prohibited. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parts currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. The~ property shall be maintained in gOod condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. This conditional use permit shall be effective for one year, at which time the property owner will apply for and be subject to a reapplication and review. The reapplication fee shall be waived. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 2i, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. 25 -2889- February ~1, 1'997 This conditional Use P~it shall b~ r~rded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin Coun%, pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This Shall be considered a restriction on how this property ma), be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of ~ing this resolUtion with Hennepin County ~and paying all Costs":for such" r6cordifl§. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until Proof of re~rdin§ ha~ been filed with the City Clerk. ' The foregoing resolutiOn was mOved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember I-Ianus. ",'' ' The following Coun¢ilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus', Jensen Polston ~d weYeker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none Attest: City Clerk,, MaYor -2890- 26 L. o c~ o I 00~ ir,, I L. '¥1 -2891 - Hennepin County Map Server Page 1 of 1 Hennepin County, MN Proper tH ID Last update: 05/06/2002 at h00:00 PM Approximate PropertH Perimeter 13-117-24-44-00'14 561 ff. Property Address Market Value 4831 SHORELINE DR MOUND, MN 55364 $ 120,000 Approximate Property A=e& 18,856 sq.ff. = 0.433 acres Total Tax (2002) $ 3,536.86 This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of the material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. If map discrepancies are found, please contact Bob Moulder with the Hennepin County Surveyors Office at (612) 348-2618 or email him directly at Bob. Moulder~.co.hennepin.mn.us The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting, and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution This application requires lnternet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation Copyright © 2000 Hennepin County http://wwwl 9.co.hennepin.mn.us/scripts/esrim~2_8.__9.2__-..rne=Hennepin&cmd=Find&VALU... 5/17/2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. TO: Mound City Council and Staff FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP DATE: May 23, 2002 SUBJECT: PC Case #02-06, Lake Mirmetonka Trails Preliminary Plat This case was reviewed by the Plmming Commission at their May 20, 2002 regular meeting at which time the Conmfission approved the preliminary plat. This Preliminary Plat is scheduled for public hearing at Tuesday's City Cotmcil meeting. This plat is a m~ior subdivision although it more closely resembles a minor subdivision. All public streets and utility infrastructure improvements are m place and the development would not require any upgrades to these systems. Additionally, there is not a conveyance of public land with the proposed plat. Staff views this project as a good approach to developing the site. It essentially creates an additional lot for development from the 1979 subdMsion approval. The plat will conform to all zoning and subdivision requirements so it is fairly straight forward in terms of review. At the Planning Commission meeting, input was received £rom neighborhood residents, ltems of concern included traffic impacts on a quiet neighborhood, additional water runoff on streets, and the size and price of proposed homes. Staff and Plamfing Commission are both recommending approval of the Preliminary Plat with conditions as contained in the Resolution. If the Council approves the preliminary plat, the applicant's next step would be the preparation of final plat documents. Code requires final plat approval within one vear of the approval of the preliminary plat or the preliminaD.' plat becomes null and void It is the responsibility of the applicant to fulfill approval and filing requirements. The Lake Minnetonka Trails Preliminary Plat is in order £or City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution 02- for Preliminary Plat approval 2. May 20, 2002 Planning Commission meeting minutes excerpts 3. Plamfing Report dated Ma5, 15.2002 4. Engineers Report dated May 16, 2002 5. Application and Preliminary Plat submittal information 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Mimaeapolis, Mimaesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2893- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION #02- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR THE LAKE MINNETONKA TRAILS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT P&Z CASE #02-06 WHEREAS, the applicant, Henry and Gina Lazniarz, have submitted a Preliminary Plat application for a single family residential development called Lake Minnetonka Trails in the manner required for platting of land under the City of Mound Code, Section 330.00 and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota State Statue and all proceedings have been duly conducted thereunder; and, WHEREAS, the proposed development includes 28,736 square feet of land as proposed. The site consists of three lots which were created with the approval of Resolution 79-479 through a waiver of platting process. As proposed, the existing 3 lots would be reconfigured to create 4 new lots and would include the existing single family residence located on the property; and, WHEREAS, the site is generally conducive to the development as proposed. A ridge runs east/west through the middle of site and drainage patterns are to the north and south. The site is fairly void of trees, except for a few high quality trees which include a 24" Oak on proposed lot 2, a 10" and 12" Oak on proposed lot 1, and a 28" Maple on proposed lot 4; and, WHEREAS, the applicant desires to preserve the trees and preventative measures are advisable long before grading and construction activities commence. Construction activity around the tree base could harm their long term health, especially the Oaks which are extremely sensitive to disruption of soils within their canopy; and WHEREAS, the surrounding neighborhood is small lot single-family residential generally consistent with current R-lA District regulations. Zoning within a two block area includes single-family R-1 and R-lA and two-family R-2 Districts. Current R-lA zoning for non-lots of record require a minimum of 6,000 sq. ft. lot area, a minimum lot width of 40 feet, a front yard setback of 20 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet, 15 feet rear yard setback, and a minimum building floor area of 840 square feet; and, -2894- Resolution No. 02- WHEREAS, all proposed lots meet the minimum standards for newly created lots in the R-lA zoning district and are detailed as follows: Setbacks Proposed Lot Area Lot Lot Front Side Rear Hardcover Width Depth Lot 1 7166 44.3' 100.54' 20' 10' 15' 25.4% Lot 2 6280 -71" 83.55' 20' 10' 15' 23.3% Lot 3 6018 73.8' 81.55' 20' 10' 15' 24.4% Lot 4 8504 86.2' 98.67' 20' 10' 15' 29.9% ; and, WHEREAS, existing roadway and utility infrastructure is in place and would not require the construction of additional facilities to accommodate the proposed subdivision; and, WHEREAS, the physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the type and density of development contemplated and proposed subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the existing land use in the area; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on May 20, 2002, held a public hearing pursuant to Section 330:00 of the Mound City Code of Ordinances, to review the proposed subdivision; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council have studied the practicability of the preliminary plat taking into consideration the requirements of the City, giving particular attention to the lot arrangement their relation to topography, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, the present development of adjoining lands and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and other official controls; and, WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and the regulations and the requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the City Code of Ordinances of the City of Mound; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: The Lake Minnetonka Trails Preliminary Plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The issuance Preliminary Plat subject to compliance with the City Engineer's May 16, 2002, report and conditions contained therein. 2 -2895- Resolution No. 02- 2. Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet wide along the front lot lines and 5 feet in width along side and rear lot lines. 3. The applicant must furnish a letter of exemption to Rule N from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. 4. Property owner to be responsible for all reconstruction of existing stone retaining wall necessary when the driveway for Lot 2 is installed. 5. Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced. 6. Two (2) deficient street unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.45 each, for a total of $3,536.90 shall be paid. 7. Sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges shall be paid. 8. Park dedication fees of $5780.00 be paid prior to the release of the final plat for recording. The applicant is highly encouraged to work with an arborist prior to the commencement of construction activities on measures to preserve the oak trees on lots 1 and 2. 10. The preliminary plat drawing labeled as Exhibit A is hereby incorporated into this Resolution and all improvements shall be as shown on the plans or as modified under the approval of the City Engineer. The location of all dwellings shall be only as provided on the City's Zoning regulations, or as modified by official action of the City Council. 11. Hardcover for each lot be not more than 30%. 12. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of private utilities. The utilities shall not be installed until the boulevard or utility easements have been graded and the grade elevations are approved by the City Engineer. All utilities shall be located underground. 13.The plat shall be filed with Hennepin County within one hundred eighty (180) days of the City Council approving the final plat. If the plat is not filed within that time period, it shall become null and void. -2896- Resolution No. 02- 14.The applicant shall secure and provide copies to the City's Building Official of all reviews and required permits from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or any other applicable permits, prior to beginning construction. The Building Official will not authorize construction until permits are secured. 15. No building permits shall be issued until the Final Plat has been filed and recorded at Hennepin County. 16. Prior to any occupancy the applicant shall secure Certificates of Occupancy from the Building Official. Certificates will not be issued for homes in the subdivision until utilities and access servicing the homes are approved by the City Engineer, Public Works Superintendent, and Building Official. 17.The applicant will reimburse the City for legal, engineering and planning costs incurred for review and approval of this plat. B. The Lake Minnetonka Trails Preliminary Plat is legally described in Exhibit "A" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such execution of the certificate upon said plat by the Mayor and City Manager shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City Officials and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality, all in compliance with Minnesota Statute Chapter 462 and the City of Mound Code of Ordinances. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember and seconded by The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this day of ,2002. Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2897- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE # 02-06 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FROM HENRY AND GINA LANIARZ FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR MINNETONKA TRAILS, A FOUR (4) LOT MAJOR SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 6, 7, 9 18, 20 AN 21, BLOCK 14, AVALON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota will meet in the Council Chambers, 5431 Maywood Road, at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 to hold a public hearing to consider the preliminary plat application from Henry and Gina Laniarz for Minnetonka Trails, a four (4) lot major subdivision proposed for Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, Block 14, Avalon. Copies of the application materials are available to the public upon request at City Hall. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Notice to be mailed to affected property 6wners within (350) feet on or before May 30, 2002. Published in The Laker on May 25, 2002. orlander, Planning and Inspections Secretary Excerpts from the MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 20, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair GeoffMichael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Orvin Burma, Jerry Clapsaddle, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Michael Mueller, Frank Weiland. Late and excused: Council Liaison Bob Brown. Staffpresent: City Planner Loren Gordon, Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were also present: Ken Custer, 5533 Shoreline Dr; John/Michelle Olson, 2060 Waterside Lane; Joan Schluttner, 2600 Westedge Boulevard; Corey Pouchnik, 2600 Westedge Boulevard; Karen and Rob Host, 3006 Inverness Lane; Val Amtson, 3012 Inverness Lane; James Ihli, 3001 Inverness Lane; Jerry Hart, 3012 Inverness Lane; Matt Lajoy, 4831 Shoreline Drive; Angela Lajoy, 1943 Shorewood Lane; Skipp Lajoy, 1780 Hillside Lane; Peg Shea, 6200 Westedge Boulevard; Joshua Weinstein, 6200 Westedge Boulevard; Henry Lazniarz, 10411 Cedar Lake Road; Lawrence Samstad, 327 Marshall Road, Shakopee, MN BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #02-06 Public Hearing - Minnetonka Trails Major Subdivision Henry and Gina Lazniarz - 4531 Manchester Road Parcel fronts Manchester and the cul-de-sac of Inverness Lane. It encompasses 8 lots as the Avalon subdivision was originally platted. In 1979 a waiver of platting was approved and filed with 3 parcels. The Cumberland Road vacation was a part of the whole process. Site conditions - There is 1 house with access off Manchester. There are a number of retaining walls on the south side of the house. The drainage patterns are to the north and south. On Inverness there are 2 retaining walls. They hold the grade back on lots 8, 9 and 10. We are encouraging the developer to get an arborist in to preserve the existing trees. There are no roadway issues. There is some concern on the part of the City Engineer about utilities. All lots meet the 6,000 square feet minimum. The existing house setbacks are maintained conforming and hardcover would be set at 30%. The proposed houses on the other three lots are conforming in all aspects. Watershed district requirements must be met. Park dedication will be 10% of the land or "fees in lieu of'. Staff recommends fees in the amount of $5,780. -2899- Planning Commission Minutes May 20, 2002 Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat with the following conditions: 1 Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet wide along the front lot lines and 5 feet in width along side and rear lot lines. 2 The applicant must furnish a letter of exemption to Rule N from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. 3 Property owner to be responsible for all reconstruction of existing stone retaining wall necessary when the driveway for Lot 2 is installed. 4 Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced. 5 Two deficient street unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.45 each, for a total of $3,536.90 shall be paid. 6 Sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges shall be paid. 7 Park dedication fees of $5,780.00 be paid prior to the release of the final plat for recording. 8 The applicant is highly encouraged to work with an arborist prior to the commencement of construction activities on measures to preserve the oak trees on lots 1 and 2. Karen Host - 3006 Inverness Lane - She is concemed about property values. The nice quiet area won't be quiet any more. Retaining wall was falling down in 1989. They have been taking care of the wall and mowing the lot. She feels that the fence and wall are on their property. Someone's survey is incorrect. Ron Host - 3006 Invemess Lane - The smaller homes bring in lower income and trouble. It won't enhance the value of our homes. It will cheapen the neighborhood. Crowding in this way is ridiculous. Mueller thought it appeared that half of the Cumberland Road vacated area should go to the adjacent property. Gordon said that Cumberland Road was platted with the adjacent property and that when it was vacated it went all to the adjacent property. Henry Laznairz - 10411 Cedar Lake Road - Home values are expected to be about $299,000. He has no problem with granting a perpetual maintenance easement for the retaining walls. We are supportive of working with an arborist to preserve the trees. Jon Lynott, 4561 Manchester Road - He contests the assessment of the size of the homes in the neighborhood. They are 1,000 square feet or better. He's not sure if adding 3 families to the neighborhood will be helpful. He confirmed that Cumberland was not split down the middle when vacated. The front setbacks for the new homes won't be good for the area. Traffic will increase in an already busy area. At 10:55 p.m. Chair Michael acknowledged the lateness of the hour. MOTION by Burma, seconded by Hasse, to extend the work rules another 30 minutes. MOTION carried unanimously. -2900- Planning Commission Minutes May 20, 2002 Taml Jo Chrlstoff - 3011 Inverness - She is concemecl about how the water will run off. Chair Michael assured her that the City Engineer will insure that the drainage is addressed. Val Arntson - 3012 Inverness - We don't want a lot of homes in the neighborhood. Karen Host submitted a copy of the survey that was provided by the previous owner. She was directed to check with staff for a complete copy in city files. Chairman Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Hasse, to recommend approval as provided by staff. Brown was not comfortable with the density in the neighborhood. Mueller felt the density is unfortunate but the proposal meets current standards. Drainage is a major issue and there will be more water running down Inverness Lane. Burma felt it was a reasonable use of land, it will stand up in any court and is a part of life. Glister said she had to go forward with it because it met all the criteria. Ayaz wants clarification between the surveys. Gordon said the neighbors survey appears to be correct but does not show any portion of Cumberland belonging to the property. MOTION carried. Brown voted against. -2901 - Planning Report Hoisington Koegler Group .Inc. TO: City of Mound Staff, Planning Commission and Council FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP DATE: MaY l 5, 2002 SUB3-ECT: Preliminary Plat - "Lake Mirmetonka Trails" APPLICANT: Henry and Gina Lazniarz oWNER: Henry and Gina Lazniarz LOCATION: 4531 Manchester Road PROPERTY ID's: 19-117-23-31-0062 and 19-117-23-31-0063 ZONING: Residential K-2 COlVlPRElq'ENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential BACKGRO~/EXIsTING CONDITIONS The applicant, Henry and Gina Lazniarz, have submitted a Preliminary plat for a 4 lot single family development named "Lake : '" Minnetonka Traals. They recently' purchased the property from the former owner, Bonita Hannaman. The project is located on the north end of Inverness Lane, south of Manchester Road. Existing Uses The property today has one house which is located on the proposed lot 4. The driveway and access to the house is off Manchester Road from a gravel drive. The surrounding neighborhood iS small lot single-family ~esidential generallY' consistent with current R-lA District regulations. Zoning within a two block area includes single-famil~ R-1 and R-1A and two-family R-2 District. Currem Property Holdings The property was previously subdivided into three parcels during the time Invemess Lane was constructed. That subdivision approval was granted as a waiver of plating in Resolution 79-479. Legal· deseripti0ns froril fhat approval are reflected on ihe' proposed plat. One of the confusing aspects 0f hoW the property is cur~e~ntly Vlewed is that the tax parcels are held differently than the parcel descriptions in ihe'CertifiCates:ofTitle. Ihetax parcei iiiformatiofi indicates tWO parcels divided east and west on the property. 123 No~h Third Street, Suite I00, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612):338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2902- ,.: p. ¸2 ~302.06 Lake Minnetonka Trails 3~rajor Subdivision May,:jS, 2002 This is somewhat important to note in this review as it is somewhat odd although not uncommon to have differing torren~ and tax pm'eel boundarles.~ Site Conditions Topography is generally conducive to the development as proposed. A ridge runs east/west through the middle of site and drainage patterns are to the north and south. A two tier retaining wall with a height of about 6 feet was constructed with the Inverness Lane roadway improvements and affects about ½ of the roadway frontage: The site is fairly void of trees, except for a few high quality trees that are worth noting. They include: 24" Oak on lot 2 · 10" Oak on lot 1 · 12" Oak on lot 1 · 28" Maple on lot 4 As it appears that the applicant wants to preserve the trees, some preventative measures and oversight from an arborist are advisable'long before grading and construction activities commence. Initial grading and drainage plans for lots 1 and 2 show the oak trees will be preserved. Attention will need to be given to the construction activity around the tree base that could harm their long term health. Oaks are extremely sensitive to disruption of soils within their canopy. .. The City's wetland inventory does not identify wetland areas on the site. staff's analysis of site conditions also concludes there is no evidence of wetland conditions. Roadways and Utilities Inverness Lane and Manchester Road provide the improved roadway access to the subdivision. The subdivision will not require any additional road upgrades other than normal curb cuts for access. The plat indicates lot 1 includes the full width of vacated Cumberland Road. The previous subdivision approval in 1979 included the vacation as a part of that plat and is evidenced by the certificates of title and examiner's directive. Water and sanitary sewer services are stubbed to the property line in 6 locations · Connections and po~sib!e removal of unused services will need' to be addressed by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. All other utility issues are addressed' in the City Engineer Report. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 5540 i (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2903- p. 3 #02-06 I_xtke Minnetonka Trails Major Subdivision May 15, 2002 PROPOSED P~L~ARY PLAT The subdivision is essentially creating 4 lots from the.existing 3 that were platted in 19'79. Although the proposal is very much like a minor subdivision, because it creates 4 lots, the major subdivision process is required per Section 330:20 of the Subdivision Code. This section provides the ability to use the minor subdivision process when not more than 3 lots are created. As proposed, the existing 3 lots would be reconfi~red to create 4 new lots. Specifics of the proposed Lake Minnetonka Trails preliminary plat are as follows: PROPOSED LOTS PROPOSED NEW HOUSING UNITS 3 DENSITY 6 units/acre ZONn'~G (EYaSTINO) ZONING (PROPOSED) Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width 28,736 sq. ft. 4 R-2¸ 6,000 sf 40 feet Minimum Front Yard Setback 20 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks 10 feet Minimum Rear Ym'd Setbacks 15 feet .LAND USE:PLAN i SUBDt~SION STREET DESIGN Right-of-way width Pavement width PARK SITE DEDICATION Low Density Residential (1,6 units acre~ No additional ROW needed 151. o improvements needed: Minimum requirements for major subdivisions are 10% of plat land area for a park site or equal cash am0~t b~ed on Coun .ty Assess0FS land Value General Discussion The proposed platting of the property essentially creates an additional lot from the existing three lots. The resulting lot Sizes and configurations are very typical of those in the surrounding neighborhood. With the absence of roadway improvements, the density of the development is within the range of low density established in the ComprehenSive Plan. Lot COnfigurations The lots are platted and. house plans are intended to fully comply with applicable development standards of the R-2/R-1A District for single family residences: Proposed development standards for each lot in the plat are as follows: 123 Nm~ah Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2904- #02-06 Lake Minnetonka Trails -fi/fajov Subdivision May 15, 2002 Setbacks Proposed Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Front Side Rear Hardcover Lot 1 7166 44.3' 100.54' 20' 10' 15" 25.4% Lot 2 6280 -71" 83.55' 20' 10' 15' 23.3% Lot 3 6018 73.8' 81.55' 20' 10' i5' 24.4% Lot 4 8504 86.2' 98.67' 20' 10' 15' 29.9% Surface Water The property will generate more surface water run-off as proposed than what currently occurs. Water mn-off.from Lots 1 and 2 will end up in the Inverness Lane roadway and water from lots 3 and 4 will flow to Manchester Road curb and gutter systems. No on-site storm water improvements are proposed. At present, the City has not yet assumed permitting authority from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Any necessary permits required by MCWD for the development would be the applicant's responsibility to secure. Park Dedication As a major subdivision, the property is subject to park dedication fees unless they were paid with the 1979 approval. The resolution approving the plat makes no mention of park dedication, and it is likely that they were not paid based on the fact that the two proPosed homes were not built. A · review of City records Will need to be conducted to substantiate this assumption. If park dedication did not occur, the final plat approval will need tc~ make the appropriate contributionsi Because the.property is so small, land dedication for a park site is not advisable. Fees in lieu of land would be preferred for this subdivision. Hennepin County's land market value for the property is $57,800 for both parcels 0062 and 0063. Based on the 10% value formula, fees paid to the Cky would amount to $5780. Hennepin County Asseser' s Land Value Tax par'cel. 0062 $36,800.00 Tax parcel 0063 21,000.00 Total $57,800.00 10% of total land value $5,780:00 123 North Third SU'eet, Suite 100, MimaeapoIis, Mimesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2905- p. 5 #02-06 Lake Minnetonka D'ails Major Subdivision May 15, 2002 House Plans The applicant has submitted typical house plans for the subdivision to show how they would fit on each lot. They show a tuck under garage design with a total footprint of about 1000 square feet. Given the small lots and the character of the neighborhood, these designs seem to fit well with other housing styles in the area. Although the applicant is a residential home builder, it is likely that they will not be involved in construction. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Lake Minnetonka Trails Preliminary Plat as requested with the following conditions: 1. Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet wide along the front lot lines and 5 feet in width along side and rear lot lines. 2. The applicant must furnish a letter of exemption to Rule N from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. o Property owner to be. responsible for all reconstruction of existing stone retaining wall necessary when the driveway for Lot 2 is installed. Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced. Two (2) deficient street unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.45 each, for a total of $3,536.90 shall be paid. Sanitary.sewer and watermain area trunk charges shall be paid. Park dedication fees of $5780.00 be paid prior to the release of the final plat for recording. The applicant is highly encouraged to work with an arborist prior to the commencement of construction activities on measures to preserve the oak trees on lots 1 and 2. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -2906- City of Mound MAJOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION PAID CITY OF MOUND , ~-~,~.,~ - , , ,,, ~,', DISTRIBU~ON DA~ DiS~IBU~ON ~4~E CHECK ~PE OF APPLI~TION FEE ~' ~. ~ BOX ~' , C[~ P~NER ~UCE S~CH P~ R~I~ ~ PUB WORKS ~ HENNEPIN COU~ FI~ P~T $350+$15 lot PARKS ~ ASSESSING ~NDmONAL USE PERMIT/. $350 PDA DNR "~ FiRE ~ ~ ESCROW DEPOSIT ~ Please type or print INFO Name of proposed Plat ~I~INO ~ ~ v~s D ESCEIPTION PID~ Plat ZONING ~ · DISTElCT Otrcle: R-1 R-lA R.3 B-1 B-2 B-3 APPLICANT The applimnt Is: ~ner , o~e~ Name_, (If other ~an ~d~s appli~nt) Phons (H) ....... ~) (M) ..... Page 1 of 2 Revised 0t/29102 -2907- ' Description of Proposed Use: ~'/'~;7~.~ "~/'~.. ~naua[ng, out no: ,im:ea :o a'arn¢, no,se, i:,igm, smoKe/oaor, parking,.iand describe the step~ {aken to m,igate 0r elim~ethe impaq. . RESID~ DE~OPMENTS: Lot Area, Per [:)welling Ur~tt: 7/<~ <~. sq. ft. Number of Dwelling Units/Structure: ! Total Lot kea: Z(~>/7 :~:g __ $.. ft Has an application ever been made for-zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( ) yes, ( ) no. If yee, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolUt On number(s) and provide copies Application must be signed by a# owners of the subject property, or explanation given Why this Is not the case, I certify thai: afl of Ihe statemertts::abOVe and statements contained in any required pa~rs or Plans lo be submitted herewith are true and'accurate. I a0knowledge thatl have read all of the information 'p~0v]d~!nCluding Section 330 of the Mound C!ty Ordinance)ahd that I am respOnSible fo~ al! ~°~s in~rred.bythe.C!~ related to the processing ef this ~pplication.:'i Consen{ to the entry in or Upon the premises described in this application by any authoriZed official of the City of~otjnd for the pUrpOse of insPectin~ or of POsting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by'l~W? Print Applicant's Neme A~pli~ig,at~e {// Date Print Owners Name own~i~,~ SlgnatUr~ i¥int?~ne~s Name ()~h~¢s $lg~' -~;/ ~ ,,/,~' 2 '* ~ -- ~' Date Major Subd Application Page 2 of 2 Aev-iscd 91/29/02 -2908- %\ -2909- Ll:n' ~ I l l -2910- '),DId ua u~oqs SD 'sau!l ~UOlO Htp{M U~ ),aaj cjL pUD saull IOl JD~IJ puo ap]s // ---_ / OUOl ssauJo^Ul goof ~.~. 0'~ 1~: "-' ·" .' : o oz Illlllllllllilllll'lll .... :' . lllllllll'llillllilllll I ' . - ' ' II111111111111!111111 I . 1333'NI 3qV:DS 3DVNIVH(I ~ DNI(IVHD I ,LOq ,qNVq 3,qNH,qANI C~ ' l, z 6 IdOU'..~. I ~ ~ uo J ) [ 00~ ;OUN !96--. / 9 ' t ~' ;FON S UL t aOOll I l ~13ap / ",, " "~'~;J ~'L IIOM pOOM Jn;) ~'-A75iluos ,,g 9 I 0 "--~ tI!OLU'J-"' nM ,,9 I :~ 3~VHJ .I.I-IdS 0 '~Z6 at, ~oo,, ~,~/ ~:.5 ,... od pooH JaJ$gtpLIO1 UOSlaN 31,W~J-! S- I, uo ~ IopunoI IIO~ auoJs 0 ;IN3R3S¥3 39VNIVS(] IV ~ll-IIIFI CI3SOdOSd 6 '~2Z6 096 ............. ,, ,, 0 NYqd NH punolq OUO'1 SB~UJOAUJ gOO[' U~)JON ~ iSOH r u 3SnOH :)x3 0';~, )0~ '8-t S- ~ 1 opuno,,! 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'11o,~ aUOlS ---- I MEMORANDUM May'17, 2002 · .F'R.A Ms. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, 1Vfinnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City ofMound LakeMinnetonka Trails Preliminary Plat- Case #02-06 M~RA#13724 Dear Sarah: As requested, we have reviewed the subject preliminary plat and have the following comments and recommendations: Comments Prelimin~y. Plat 1. This property was previously subdivided into three parcels by Resolution 79-479 which'was recc~i~ded sometime in early 1980. See planning report for additional information, 2. The proposed utility and drainage easements shown on lot lines could be reduced in width from 15 feet to 10 feet along the right-of-way and from 7-1/2 feet to 5 feet on side and rear lot lines. Grading and Drainage 1. Th~ Prop6sed grades for Lot 1 and Lot 4 indicate a driVeWay grades at approximately 11 percent, which is very close to the maximum allowed of 15%. It apPears that this subdiv'~Slon may be exempt from the permit requirements'of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District due to the size of the development. However, the applicant should provide the City wkh proof of exemption. The proposed grading for the driveway on Lot 2, will require removal of a section of the stone retaining wall located in the City right-of-way. It will be the applicant's responsibility to perform this work. The stone retaining wall blocks that are removed could be reused to construct a new wall along the westerly side of the proposed driveway. 15050 23aD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 JCAMERON(~MFRA.COM (763)476-6010 FAX (763) 476-8532 -2914- ., i'i :: AS!iSh0~' O~::ifie preliminary plat, the InVerness~Lane cul-de-sac is in-Place and improved with CUrb .... and :~tte~:i:~nchester Road is also improved.' 2. When building permits are issued for Lots 1 and 2, concrete driveway aprons need to be constructed. Lot 3 will use the existing driveway opening presently used by the home on Lot 4; therefore a new driveway with concrete apron will be required for Lot 4. 3. Sewer and water services for Lots 1, 2, and 3 were installed when the streets were improved in ! 979. City records indicate that this property was assessed for only two units when the streets were improved in 1979 even though provisions were made at that time to subdivide into four (4) lots. Two (2) deficient street unit charges in the amount of $1,%8.45 per unit should be collected. Recent revisions to the City Code requires that sanitary sewer and watern/ain area trunk, charges in addition to connection fees must be paid on building sites created by subdivision. The present area trunk charges are $1,500 each for sewer and water and a connection fee of $240 each for sewer and water per lot. Miscellaneous 1. It appears that the property to the south (3006 Inverness Lane) of the proposed subdivision have existing block retaining walls that encroach onto Lot 1. Recommendations 1. Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet wide along the front lot lines and 5 feet in width along side and rear lot lines. 2. The applicant must furnish a letter ofexernption to Rule N from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Property oWner to be responsible for all reconstruction of existing stone retaining wall necessary when the driveway for Lot 2 is installed. 4. Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced'. 5. Two (2) deficient s~eet unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.45 each, for a total of $3,536 90 shall be paid. 6. Sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges shall be paid. -2915- Sincerely, MFR~ John Cameron JC:pry cc: Loren C~-don, HKGI -2916- 'Front PerspeCtive. APS-902 HomcStyles - Source Code: CDW6-O -2917- PLan: APS-902 Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Full Livin~ Area: Floo~ 2 B~ment 36 sq. F~s~ 9~3 sq. Total L~ing A~~ 40 ~ Roof S~le: Gable Laund~ ~n ~m~t ~chen S~le: M~ter Suite ~oor: ~r Sui~ F~u~: Walk-~ Clos~ S~h~t~l S~gle S~ g~fior Wall 2x4 Fo~dafion ~fions: ~yli~t B~ent S~: Spa~l Rooms: F~ly ~~ny D~er: Afl~ Pl~ Sou~, ~e. Bluep~t P~ce Code: Souse Code: ~W~ GARAG[ TgX22 First Floor ~[ain FlOOr) DIT..C: K 17X10 Second Floor (Upper Floor) -2918- Second.~'~0or (Upper Floor) APS-902 HomeStyles -"Si0.',uroe Code:, CDW6-0 MASTER B/R t'3Xt2 DM 2 10X10 FAMILY ROOM 16X13 ,,' i ,' DIN)NG ', ,,,' 11)j(11 ',, ~ VAUL~:(?VAULT ~. 23 -2919- Minnehaha, Cre Watershed District Impro ,in ofFa e, O. udi of Gray Freshwater Center Hwys. 15 & 19, Navarre Ma~l: 2500 Shadywood Road Exmlsior, MN SS331-gS78 Phone: (g52) 471.05g0 Fax: (952) 471-0682 Email: admin @minnehahacreek,org Web Site: www.rnlnnehehncreek.org iBoard of Managers Pamela G. BExt dames Calk'ins Lance Fisher Monico Gross Scoa Thorn~' Richard Milier Rober~ S0hroecler DATE: TO: FROM: RE; MEMORANDUM May 13, 2002 Jill Norlander, City of Mound: Henry Laniarz Michael Wyatt, District Technician Permits for the Mlnnetonka Trails Project This memo is designed to inform the CitY Of Mound and the property . owner at LOtS 6-9, 18, lg, 20, 21 on BlOCk 14, Aval°n in the City of Mound, that from t~e: Current pr°p°sa[i the.prOposed constrljcti~n of a foU~4°t subdiylsi°n'at the °cation sta{ed'a?Ve appears to require permits from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Due to the size of the project, it is apparent thatnew home construction on four lots will involve the significant amount of excavation (5000 rt.2 or 50 ft.3) required for the MCWD Rule B: Erosion COntrol permit. In addition, there may stormwater management requirements applicable towards ne project. Permits for such construction will require Board of Managers approVal. Applications SUCh as these typically requite 3045 days: prio~ to Permit~ being issued. Please submit an appliceti'0n ~or tills praJec;t for District rev aw as soon as ~sSible. DelaYs in so~i'ttals will uj;~imately delay the project timeline. Please an application and site plans to: At,tn: DistriCt Te;hn cian Minnehaha C:reek Watershed District Gray Freshwater Center 2500 Shadywood Roadi Suite 140 ExCelsior; MN 5'5331 -2920- TOTnL P. l~1 · M]nnehaha' Watershed District Freshwater 0e~lsr Hwyt 15 & la, Navan'e Mall: 2500 Shadywood P,o~td Ex. Islet, MN ~331-.q678 Phone: (~.) 471-0r~0 Fmc (9-~2) 47143682 Emall: edmin G minnehaha0re~,k.org Web Site: www. rninnehahacmek.org Board of Managem Pamela 13. B!lxt James CaUdM Lan0e Fisher IVbnl~ · $~ott Thornn Malcolm Reid Robert Sohmeder March 25, 20Q2. .Henry &.Glna Lazniaz-z 10411 Cedar Lake Road, Suite 204 Mtnnetonka, MN 55305 RE: Lake Minnetonka Tralls, City Of Mound Dear Sirs; After r~vlewing thc site plans for the project oited above, it appears that the project w[i require permits from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. We at, courage you to submit an application as' soon as possible, Projects of this nature ~vlil requ re aPprOval of t~e MCWD Board of Managers which typiCally ranges between 30-45 d~ys. DelayS'i'h ~'abmit~aj~ Will ultimately resu t n proje'et de ays, Please'con'suit MCWD RuleS'for guidance on the required exhibits to be submitted with an'application, in addition to the items incl~d®d in the District Rules, the Ibllowing buffeted items mbst='be S'Ubmitted as' a part of this specific project application: · Rule A: Procedural Requirements 1, Submit address labels obtained from Hermepin County which cite the names and addresses of all of the property owners who reside within 600 ' fa.et. ~e proj~ a~ea 2. N,dtEicatibt~ df aP~bval °t preliminary'approval from.the City Council or · PlaSh:lng Corn~i$~io~ · Rule a! E~b~'i'on ~0i~'t~°l :' 1. A complete Ru.,le B Checklist (enclosed) must be submitted · Rule'N: StotmweterManagement 1, A Co~pleted Rul6N Oh'~klist (enclosed) must be submitted AS we review .yo~l- submittals,, we .may find the need to request additional information, and will so[nfOrmyou~ tf youhave any questions please call me at (952) 471-0590. Sincerely, Michael D, Wyatt District Tech'nlclan c: Saral~ Smith, City of Moun~l -2921 - TOTRL P. 02 BRUNSWICK RD RD (~) DORCHESTER MANCHESTER ' RD :)N RD ~.~ -2922- "~-¢~' CITY O'F MOUND 5~,41 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PI-t: (952) 472-0800 F,a~X: (952) 472-0620 W EEl: www, cityofmound.corn PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE # O2-06 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC ~ARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FROM H'ENRY AND GINA LANIARZ FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR WIINNETONKA TRAILS, A FOUR (4) LOT MAJOR SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY G NERALLy DESCRIBED AS LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, I9, 20 AND 21, ·BLOCK 14, AVALON, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota will meet in the Council Chambers, 5431 Maywood Road, at 7:30 PM on Monday, May 20, 2002 to hold a public hearing to Consider the preliminary plat application from Henry and Gina Laniarz for Minnetonka Trails, a four (4) lot major subdivision proposed for Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, Block 14, Avalbn. Copies of the .application and project plans are available to the public upon request at City Hall. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given · the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Notice to be mailed to affected property owners within (350) feet on or before May 9, 2002. Published in The Laker on May .4, 2002 Inspections Secretary ~J~ nrinmrt on recycled paper -2923- -2924- -2925- .% Certificate of'Tifle· Cerfi.ficate Number. 602679 Transfer From: C. ettlficate Number:. 493330 Boom 2 Page:'444 DisL ~ Nec 247 county of ~nnepin This is to cattily that Bonita J. Hannaman, 4531 Manchester Road, City of Mound, County of Hennepin, Stale of Minnesota is now the. owner of an estate in fee simple in the fellmvlng described land sltual~ In t~ Coum~/ Lots 20 and 21, and That part of Lots 6, 7, 8, 18, and 19, of said Lot 6 cr~artt 30.00 feet North of line of said Lot 18 distant 45.00 feet all in Block 1.4, "Avalon". chapter ~08, namely:. require.lo ~ of ~; 3. An,/feeee f~r a 4, All rlghtl in publk= S. Such flslit ~. tho fights of any pemon In poue~lon ~ 7, Any outstanding mechanics lion = That Bonita J. Hannaman is f8 years, of ~ a point on the East line a point on the west them terminating, the lemm; Number Type Month Day, Year Time Am~~: ~., Running In Favor of 123176r M,:,d~;.~: ' Aag D9,1977 01'.30 pM 18,912.9{} rw~ c15, Federal ~ and Loan Ano~aaoa MIn~r'~_.'.S, MN 1652491 IV~.g-:g~ Jun 18,1~85 09:00 AM 10,000.00 State Bank. of Moun¢l - Mor~age Mamus C. Hannaman et ad _~_..,~e~ _noc,__?Mnt No. 1231765 21111~ .M~=~ Ju~ 19,1990 10:00 AM 40;000,00 ' V~a~dMM Bank Mound (a M~ corp) - 2118271 $~."_,s~l~ of Aug 17.19g0 0~:00 PM (See M~ee'e Change of N~'me Doc No. 2020498) Mongag. a~n~a j. Hannaman , ~ -~-_-~_-:~,~%t No. 1652491 ->~,3-C .~4~L_3 IV~.~._.--C-, Sap 17,1991 I1.'a0 AM 10,000.00 M%~4~1~ B~nk Mound (a MN ~p) 2¢_-.~_-~_ ~~-~--;-: De~ IS,~gg~ I 1.'~ AA4 S3,~S0,q0 fv:~:,~ette Bank Mound ~--~5gg45 m~'~-r~.--, of Nov 28,1~94 0~:00 PM "-~, ~-'= =,,,~ ii !~,,;4~ j. I-tamiaman, aka I~nlta J. Engta aka Bonita J. Morlgage Hannaman Engle & James M. Engle, wf & hue & Marquette Bank Mour~ (See Inet) ... Re l~._-=_~,~t No. 2~-_'-5~_~'~_ 1 . _~7~ A,~eF~,-,~,,~t & J Mar23,1998 10:00 AM (See IVltgee~ change of Name Doc No. 2599378) Betv~en Uarquelte ExtanMor~ ofJ Bar~ N.A. & Bonita J. Hannaman (See Inet} MortlJacle Re DoJX~T~en~ No. Page I of 2 -2926- Document , Documen~ Number ! Type 28997231' Amendment& 23,1998 10:00 AM ~($ee Mtgee'$ Change of Name Doc No. 2.599376) Between Marquette 1 ~eank N.A. & Bonita J. Hannm~an (See Inet) L.Re Document No. 2455~01 IN WITNESS WHEREOFi.I have hereunto sUl~scribed my name and affixed the seal of my ~ this 7th day of July, 19B0. R. ~n Carlson Registrar of Tities, In and for the County of Hennepih and Stat~of' '~ "'"'~'":~:'~ :M~nnesota.: = Certificate Numbe~. 602680.0 Page 2 of 2 -2927- Certificate of Title Certificate Number: 602680 Transfer From Certificate Number: 493330 Originally registered the 20th day of October, 1904. Book: 2 Page: 444 Dis[ Court No.: 247 State of Minnesota '~ REGISTRATION County o~ Hemmpin .j' s.s. This is to cetfl~ that Bonita J, Hannaman, 4531 Manchester Road~ City of Mound, County of Hennepin,-State of Minnesota is now the owner of an estate in fee simple in th~ following described land situated in the coum~ Lot g, Block.,14,, Th~ pea of Lorn-7, 8, ~8,a~ Lot 6 of said Block 14, dlS~nt t~ w~t line of ~id Lot 18 dis~nt 45, te~ina~ng; and which lies Westerly of ~e following d B~inning ~em ~inafing; all. in Block 14, "Avalon',.· ~.~ chair ~8, name~ ~. L~ mqulm ~ appear of 2. Any mai ~x o~ special mmment I 3. ~y I~ ~ a ~d not 4. UI ~gh~ in pUbl~ hig~ upon ~ land; 6. The dg~ ~ any pemon In ~sslon unde~ ~. Any ou~ndlng mec~nl~ lien righ~ ~lch may at a point on the East tine of Northwesterly to a point en and said tine there said Lot 7 and said line ~rttflcate of rifle; of the certificate Df flue; 14.17. That Bonita J. Hannaman is 18 years of age or older, is unmarried, and is under no legal incapacity. MEMORIALS Number Type ~Mbhth D~:Yem'Ti~ Am~$);=, RUnning in FavOi' of 1463979 Easement Apr 15,1-~-82-0~Td~ The City of·Mound. Granting a perpetual ease~l~r~t for'~et ~, [~J~ity-' · , "' ,~¢ J)~ M.~gL~.j~_L~,of,L 8 &_~ of,:~bove L S. (.$~e Last) '- 2111124 ~li~-facTd~'of Jul i9.;1"9~'610."~'*~ ,., 4See Mtgee% Change of Name Doc No. 2008627) ' Modgage : ' Ma~S.'C~'Hannamen et et .::, 2~ ~25 i~o-~gag~ ..... du~ 19,1990 ID:.DOAM 40,000.00~. 'MarquetrY'Bank k~d (a I~N~~-' _ _ Mound~ MN -2'~034~3~ ' -~f~l-e~'~ 7- ~-ei~ 1¥,199i-,~,[~-- .... ~)~ ~arquette Bank Mound (a MN ~rp) ....................... .......... Mound~ MN Mound, MN 2569945 Extension of Nov 2a~i~4-59:0-0 ~ ...... ~e'~een ivlanquette Ba~k Mound-& B~nita J~ Hannarnan;:aka Bon~ J~ - Mortgage , Englei aka Bonita J. Hannamen Engie & James M. E~gle, wf& bus & .(See Irmt) I ................ .Re Oecurne~ No. 24SSS0~. _ ........ Page 1 of 2 -2928- Certificate :of Title Certificate NumBer: 602681 Transfer From Certificate Number. 493330 O~ginally registered the 20th day.of October, 1904. BOOk: 2 Page! 444 REGISTRATION DisL Court No.: 247 State of Minnesota ~niy ~ lienmp~ j' s.s. Bonite J. Hannam~ ~31 Man~r R~d,CI~ ~ Mound, Co~'~ Henne~n, S~te of Mhneso~ is n~ ~e in!~o Yoth~'ing duscrJbod land ettu~d ~nt pan or Lo~ s, 7 aaa 8, ~l~k ~4, · e ~ ~ne of Lot 6 of said' No~hw~tedyto a ~int:on ~e We~ sa~ ~ lB ~d said ~d whi~ IJ~ Easte~ of ~e ~em ~ina~ng. ~im ~ ~r ~ m~; Such ffgM ~ ~l ~ Hght M ~y o~ndtng ~t Bon~ J. Han~a~hd j~ line: Begl~ning at a point on Lot.6;,. thenc~ S°uth of the NorthWest Comer of Lo{ 7 and said line ~umbor ~ Type 23178~ 211112~; Si~;~,.'-_~;.;on of _ Mortgage 2f~_"-45 ~_~eneion of Monl~ D~', Y#tt~!me Amount[S):: i ...... l~hning lii.~FaVOr of ~g ~,19~ 01:~ PM ~ 18,912.~ ~win Ci~ F~ S~lngs a~ L~ ~tlon · I Apr 15,1~ 05:00 PM ~ ' ~ ..... "' '*~ "' .... iThe ~~.: Gm~ a p~n! o~nt ~ street & ~11~ , ? ;"~'~ ~i,'~ Bank Mou~ 2~9~723 Amendr~t & : Mar 23,1998 10:00 AM '"'; ..... Extension of i 1~,3,,'~ Re~01U[~orf.N0. ~ Feb01.19~ 08~00~ ' ' 7g~o ~ ' Eagle ~,!~ Bonita J. Hallnaman Erlgle & James M. Eagle, Wf & bus & ~ ~ ':'-~i:~ ' '-~:-: ':.".' f':*'.'-[' :' !~';.~. ;;L"' ~' ~, ,(,S~e ivli':-"~ s Change ~ Name Doc No. 25~376) ~en Ma~ue~ . 'Bank N~.. & Bon~a J. ~nnam~A (~ee.insD B~ t~e c~ ~u.=~ ~ ~ ~ Mound. V.~.~ C~A":~ .o.d -} Page 1 0f 2 -2929- Number ~ Type Month Day, Year Time 34911)1~ Examiner's ' Jan 25,2-~2 I~:00 PM Directive Amount iDlmcting that there 18 added to the a'bov~ land descrti:~ton the foll~'~ng': Cumberland, Lane in the plat pf AValon, lying West of' the southerly ' ~xt®n~lon oftlie East'iine of'LOt:iS; BlOdk 14 and easterly of · ~ircle (having a radius of 45 (met, tim cel,4erof said circie t)~ing file intemectton ,iof a line 25 feet South of and para,el with the North line of said ~.nd In' future oertlficat~ for the premlmes place said added land i F)escription in the b~ly of the certificate and omit the memorials of ,Dob'ument No. 1~)69806 and Of this Dimcflve~ i .... j IN WtTNESSWHEREOF, I have hemunt~ subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this 7th day of July, 1980. R. Dan Carlson [istmr of Titles, r Hennepin and State of'Minnesota. .%. Certificate Number:. 602681.0 - Page2 of 2 -29: 0- 520 ' N~vember 13, 1979 Councilmember Swenson moved the following resolution,'~ RESoEuTION N0..79 - 479 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF · THE.PLANNING ~0MMIs§]0N TO APPROVE THE SUBDIV- ISION OF LAND(Lots 6-9 & 18-21, Blk 14, Avalon) WHEREAS, an"application'to waive the subdivision requirements contained In'Sec- tion 22.00 of the City Code has been filed with the City of Mound, and WHEREAS, said request for a waiver has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council, and WHEREAS, It is.hereby determined that there are special circumstances affecting said property s~'~h that the strict application of the ordinance would deprive the appl.icant of the reasonable use of his land; that the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property· right; and that granting the waiver will not be detrimental to the public welfare or in~uri'°us to other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: · 1) The request of Bonnie Hannaman for the waiver from the provisi, o. ns of Section 2.2.00 of .t,.he. City Cbde and the request to subdivide property of less than five a~,~.es, described' as: ·Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20 & 21, Block 1.4, Avalon, Plat 378~:6 Parcels 4·340 & 4350 with PID # 19-117-23 32 0062 and 19-117-23 32 0063. Said property to be divided in the follow- ing described manner: PARCEL "A" Lots 20 and,21 and. that'P.art of Lots 6, 7, 8, 18 and 19, all in Blk 14, ~alOn, according to t~he recorded plat thereof, lying northerly of the fOllowing·described 1-ine: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot 6 dis.ta~t 3~.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northwesterly to'a point on the west line of said Lot 18 distant 45.00 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 18 and said line there terminating. PARCEL "B" Lot 9 and that part of Lots 7,-8, 18 and 19, all in Blk 14, Avalon, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 6 of said Block 14, distant 30.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6;"thence northwesterly to a point on the west line of said Lot 18 distant 45.00 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 18 and 'said line there terminating. And which lies westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence northeasterly to the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and said line there terminating. PARCEL ~'C" That part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 14 Avalon, accord- ing to the recorded plat thereof, lying southerly of the following de- scribed line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 6 of said· Block t4, distant 30.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northwesterly to a point on the west line of Lot 18 of said Bl.ock 14, distant 45.00 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 18 and said line there terminating. -2931 - 521, " ' No~ember.!3.~ 1979 And whi'ch lies easterly'of the following described line: ' Beglnnln§.at the southwest corner of sald Lot 8; .thence northeasterly.to the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and said line there terml natlng. Also that part-of vacated (to be vacated) Cumberland Road adjoining Lots 6, 7 and 8,. Block 14, Avalon, which lies westerly of the ~outherly exten- sion of ~he east line of said Lot 6 and which lies easterly of a circle': having'a radi'us of 45.00 f¢~t, thc center of ~aid ~ir~l¢ is th~ intersec- tion of a line ZS.OO feet south of and parallel with the north line pf Cumberland Road, with a line 13.00 feet east of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 9 of said Block 14 2) That any deficiencies for Sanitary Sewer, Sewer Lateral and Water either be paid in full or waivers signed. Further, that any assessment recently finished and approved by Council be assumed. 3) It i-s determined that the foregoing division will constitute a de- sirable and stable community development and is in harmony with adjacent properties. 4) The City Clerk is authorized ~o deliver a certified copy of this re- solution to the applicant for filing in the office of the Aegister of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County to show compliance with the subdivision regulations of this City. A motion for the adoption of the foregoing'resolution was duly ~econded by Council- member Polston and upon. vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor there- of; Lovaasen, Polston,.Swenson, Ulrick and Withhart, the following voted against the same; none,' whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. s/Tim .Lovaasen Mayor Attest:(/ CMC City C'lerk -2932- PARCEL A Lots 20 and 21 and that. part of Lots 6, 7, 8, 18 and 19, all 'in Blo~ck 14, AVALON, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying northerlM. of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot .6 distant 30.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence north- Westerly to a pOint on the west line of said Lot 18 distant .45.00 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 18 and'said lime there terminating. PARCEL B Lot 9 and that part of Lots 7, 8, 18 and 19, all in Block 14, AVALON, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 6 of said Block 14, distant 30.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northwesterly to a point on the west line of said Lot 18 distant 45.00 feet south of the nOrthwest corner of said Lot 18 and said line there terminating. And .which lies westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north- easterly to the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and said line there terminating. PARCEL C That part Of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 14, AVALON, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 6 of said Block 14, distant 30.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northwesterly to a point on the west line of. Lot 18 of said Block !4, distant 45.00 feet south of the northwest co=nCr. of said Lot i8 and said line there terminating. And which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence north- easterly to the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and said line there terminating. Also that part of vacated (to be vacated) Cumberland Road adjoining Lot~ 6, 7 and 8,' Block 14, AVALON, which lies westerly of the southerly extension of the east line of said Lot 6 and which lies easterly of a circle having a radius of 45.00 feet, the center of said circle is the intersection of a line 25.00 fe~t south of and parallel with the north line of Cumberland Road, with a line 13.00 feet east of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 9 of said Block 14. -2933- '!29 ,27 '2B 55 ; 27:28 2934- o -2935- m ,/_ 0 0 I I I / / / ~Y-15-2002 12:20P FROM: TO: 95247~0620 EXAMINER OF TITLE'S DIRECTIVE (Adding Land in a Vacated Street) ' P:2/S 02-1 Pumuant to Minn. Stat. § 508.73, subd. 2, and upon the tiling of Resolution Document No. 1369806, the Registrar of Titles is directed to show by memorial on Certificate of Title No. 602681 that there is added to the land description on said Certificate of Title the following described land: That part of adjoining vacated Cumberland Road, dedicated as Cumberland Lane In the plat of Avalon, lying West of th e southerly extension of the East line of Lot 6, Block 14 and easterly of a circle'having a radius of 45 feet, the cente~ of Said circle being the intersection of a line 25 feet South of and pardllel with the North line of said Cumberland Road, with a line 13 feet East of the southerly extension of the West line of Lot 9 In said BlOck 14, all in Avalon. And that in future Certificate~' .Of Title issued for the premises described in said Certificate of 5tie, the. i~'egistra[,.plaCe said added land description in the body of the Certificate of Title and omit the memorials of Document No. 1369806 and of this Directive. . Edward A. Bock, Jr. Ex~mi~er of Titles January 25, 2002 DePuty ~xami%'~.~i~ Titles -2936- M~Y.15~2~ 1~:21P FROM: TO:95~4'F~BEC~ DUIiD TAX DUH: $ 76S. 00 Date: Ze~ruqTT ;Bt 200; C, mm~: Auditor Dcpat~ (r~A~rv~i For recordJn8 dnm) Grantor(s) hereby convey(s) ~pd.wntrant(S) to H,e~~ J. l. auni,a=,~ ~ml Ui~ M..~i~ Qrsmc~ n J~t te~ ~l~y ffi" ~enn~n Ca~ty, M~n~, ~ ms foll~f: ~ee A~aahod L~al Un~c~iption ~ainage Oa0em~R wl~uh do not ~b~E~o w~h. (]mck i~x.i~ appl{~bJe ~ ~c ~Her c~ifles ~t t~ ~ller ~ ~ k~w of any ~ on the d~ ~1 pn~iy. A well di~losum c~fi~ nc~mpn~ fids d~cnL bT' . ~'"' ' COUNTy OV ~e~in ) ._ This i~,irutr!=nt wn.n nck'nowlcdgcd bet'om me this 2rtL1, PebZ~m~'y 2oo~, 111~ IN~rRUMEN! WA$~NA~TI~Jn¥:(NAMB&AD~ BU~q~T TITLR 201 ~, Lake S~. 2nd Fl. way=a~a, MN 5S351 01-41339 228179h SlONATURE OP I'EK~ 'r CKI~}~/LEDOMEN ! hmo If pm.r a~ of d'~e ~ is' ~$~,~.:~ (.l~'~s) [::] 55364 -2937- MAY-i~-~00~ 18: SiP P'~OM: TO:g~478~68'O' 'p: Lot 9, Block 14, That part of Lots 7, ~, 18, and 1~ 1yinB Soukhcrly,of the folloWillg described ~ins: seginn og at a point 0~ the Ba~t l~rm o~ Lo~ ~ '..o~ sai~-]. Block 1~, distant 30.00 feet north of the Southeast od,-nor of said Lot 6; theoce Northwesterly to a poi;;L on ~he West linc of said Lot 18 dis~a;l~ 45.00 foet 8ou~h of the Noz'Lhw~st Cci'nar of s'aid Lot 18 add said llne the.re terminating; ' : ' · and which lies westerly of the following described Begi~ing at the g0uthwm~ corner of said'Lot 8; Northeasterl~ to the Northeast uorner of said Lot 7 and said line there termin~nating; all in Block 14, "Avalon" Records of ~e~epin Cu~ty, Mi~esoLa. Registered ~roperty, as evidznced by Cez'tificate of Title 602680. , and the following described lille. of T,ot 6 of said Block 14, dis 0 corner of said Lot 6; thereto NO~'Lhwe~terl¥ bo a point un ti~. West linc. of Lot 18 o¢. said $1ocW 14, distamt 45.00 feet South of the Northwest coz'nor of said Lot 18 and ~aid lane there ter'minatino, And which J les Easter; y of thc fo] lowim$ described !ina: Rewinning at the Southwest co~¢.r of sa~d Lot 8; thence Northeasterly to ~-he Northeast cornet, of said Lo= 7 and said lime there ermmnating. t ' and That part of adjoin;inN vacated Cumberland Road, dedicated as Cumberl, aod Lane in the ?lab of Avalon, lyin Wem e.xte.n~aon of the East l~ne o~ ~.~,. = o,__,. ~. - ~ ~ the Southerly {ntereection of a line 25 feet south of and pab'allel with Lite N~=th line of said Cu~erland Roa~, with a line 13 f~mt Eamt of the Southerly extension of the We~t line of Lot 9 in said. Block 14 all in Avalon. , Records of Benn~Pin County, Mir[nesota. Registered Property, as evidenced by Cert~ficab~ of Title 602681 , ~ (Cont i;~ued) -2938- ~Y-15-~00'8 1E~:E:IP FRO~i: (cont 1hued) and r,o[s 20 and 2i, and Thu'b part of I~ote ~ ,- ' - .A _ described line, Be21-~'~--°'-2*°'~ an.~ ~9, lyi.n9 NortherLy of Lhe ~ollow~ng ...... ~ ~ ,~,~ ~ a po~n~ on the 'East 1t~'o o~ said Lot 6 ozsuan= 30.00 feet North of the Southeast .corner of 8aid Lot 6; thence N°rthWe~turly Lo a point on the Wust ]~ne of uaid Lot ~8 distant 45.00 feet South Of the NorthWest corner of said Lo= lB and said line there terminating, all ~n Block 14, "Avalon,,. Records of He~epin County, Mi~e~ota. -. Regist=r~d Property, as evidenced by CortJ~tcate of Title N~. 602679. -2939- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND,'MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com To: Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Re: Post Retirement Health Care Savings Plan Date: June 6, 2002 The City Personnel Committee (Mayor Meisel, Council Member Bob Brown, City Manager Kandis Hanson, Finance Director Gino Businaro) has negotiated a proposal for a Post Retirement Health Care Savings Plan with the Employee Retirement Program Committee. Attached please find the proposal and an analysis of the fiscal impact. The City Personnel Committee recommends approval. With the exclusion of the members of Local 320 (Public Works/Parks) and Local 266 (Police Officers), all full time employees will be required to participate in this plan. If you have any questions on this plan, please feel free to call me or any other member of the committee. 1 printed on recycled paper -2940- June 5, 2002 City of Mound Post Retirement Health Care Savings Plan Required Plan for: All City Full time Non-Union Employees All Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc., Local No. 35 - Sergeants Cash Contributions: Initial contribution to the Plan This contribution will be made by the end of the month of June 2002. It will be based on 8 hours of accumulated sick leave. - The amount of initial hours contributed cannot exceed 40% of the employee's accumulated sick leave as of the end of the year 2001. - For purposes of this contribution, the hourly rate will be based on the emplo.yee base pay multiplied by the percentage as stated in 18.1 of the City Administrative Code or as stated in the applicable Union Contract's severance section. - The accumulated sick leave of each employee will be reduced by the initial contribution of 8 hours. 2. Subsequent Contributions to the Plan Starting with the month of July 2002, the non-union employees will contribute 3_ percent of the employee gross pay and the members of the Sergeant Unit will contribute I percent of the employee gross pay, on a monthly basis, and the employer will contribute 1 percent of the employee gross pay starting January 1~ 2003. 3. Contribution at retirement At the time of termination, the employee shall contribute based on the following scale: 1250 hours accumulated sick hours .................................. 75% 3.a 1000 hours accumulated sick hours ................................... 60% 3.a 750 hours accumulated sick hours .................................... 50% 3.a 500 hours accumulated sick hours .................................... 25% 3.a of the full amount of severance pay from accrued sick time toward the plan. *** -2941 - Employees who have over $3~000.00 in severance from accrued vacation or comp time shall contribute all monies to the plan. Employees with less than $3~000.00 in severance from accrued vacation or comp time shall receive such monies in a severance check. ***Contributions shall be calculated in the following manner: 2~ Total sick hours, as listed on the employee's final paycheck, shall determine "accumulated sick hours" percentage (3.a) as stated in item 3 listed above. Total sick hours will then be multiplied by 18.1 in the Administrative Code or applicable Union Contract's severance section (depending on employee status/union membership). _ That amount will then be multiplied by the percentage (3.a) listed above in item 3. The remaining percentage shall be given to the employee in the form of a severance check. -2942- mo -2943- · Jun 03 2BB2 15:3G:SB Via Fax -> 952472El&2EI Kan&is Hanson ]~age FIB;?_ ~I;.BB3 June 3 - 7, 2002 II _ I III Metropolitan Council to Prepare Housing Needs Assessment and New Housing Goals for Cities The Metropolitan Council has an- nounced that it plans to prepare an affordable housing needs as- sessment for the seven-county re- gion that will be the basis for re- negotiated housing goals with cit- ies. In an outline of their plans re- leased last week, Council staff also stated that "this goal-setting endeavor will enable the Council to better give guidance and advice to communities regarding the mplementation of affordable ousing planning requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act." The Metropolitan Land Planning Act (Minnesota Statutes 475.859, sub- division 4, clause 3) states that local comprehensive plans shall in- clude: 'A housing implementation program, including official controls to. implement the housing element of the land use plan, which will provide sufficient existing end new housing to meet the local unit's share of the metropolitan area need for low and moderate income housing." VVhile related to the Council's work on Blueprint 2030, it appears the needs assessment is also in re- sSpOnse to threats of litigation from ffordable housing advocates as- ociated with the Alliance for Met- ropolitan Stability and the Metro- politan Interfaith Council on Afford- able Housing (MICAH). Represen- tatives of the Alliance and MICAH maintain that, under the Metropoli- tan Land Planning Act, the Metro- politan Council must develop "re- gional housing need" numbers for Iow and moderate-income families and assign appropriate shares of that need to individual metropoli- tan cities. In addition to cost considerations, Council staff have indicated that the needs assessment will consider issues such as overcrowding, homelessness, the presence of substandard housing and senior housing need. The subsequent local housing goals would be based on the results of this hous- ing needs assessment, as well as employment levels, demographic characteristics, forecasted growth, existing housing stock and avail- able public resources. Details of the plan will be debated at meetings of the Council's Liv- able Communities Committee, be- ginning this month. The Council hopes to have new housing goals in place by eady 2003, but won't be able to begin much of the work until additional Census data is re- leased this fall. in the meantime, the Council has stated that they in- tend to involve stakeholders, such as the AMM and its members, the MHFA, and other funding partners in developing the appropriate cri- teria for the housing needs as- sessment and subsequent goals. The Council's plans raise numer- ous issues for metro-area cities; such as the relationship to partici- pation in the Livable Communities program and enforcement of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. AMM is in the process of schedul- ing a briefing for members with stafffrom the Council. In the mean- time, please contact Gene Ranieri C~ene@amm145.or.q or 651/215- 4001) or Kris Wilson (kristine~ amm145.or.cl or 651/215-4003) with any questions or concerns, Association of HL ropolitan HunicipalRi s ~4MM Far .News i~ f~gd to ~ AMM ~ ~ ~ ~o~, ~i~e ¢o~- m~ ~d Bo~d ~ Pl~t ~hare th~ ~ ~ ~emabr~ of ~on~t ~ro 145 tlniver~v Aven#t West st. Paul, Mlg $$105-2044 Phone: (651) 215.4000 Fwc: (651) 3S1-l~99 E-mall: amm~amrnl 4 $, org page 1 of 2 -2944- J,m B3 2082 15:37:44 Via Fax -> A&~o¢iation of Metropolitan Municipalities News Fax 95247ZOGZO K~&is Page BB3 Of BB3 June3- ~ 2002. page2of2 Metropolitan Council Community Dialogues on Blueprint 2030 The Metropolitan Council is hosting the following Commu- nity Dialogues regarding Blue- print 2030. Meeting partici- pants will be asked to use key- pad response technology to spond to various growth see- nado designs, City officials and staff are encouraged to attend. Thuraday, June 6 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Maple Grove Community Center 12951 Weaver Lake Rd. Tuesday, June 11 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Apple Valley City Hall 7100 West 147th St. Wednesday, June 12 6:30 - 8:30 p,m. North St. Paul Community Center 2290 North First St. Thursday, June 13 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. University o£St. Thoma~ Minneapolis CariOus 1000 LaSalle Avenue RSVP by calling (65D602-1845 Waldron Elected AMM President Three New Board Members Chosen On May 30, members attending the AMM Annual Meeting in St. Paul elected Oakdale City Administrator Craig Waldron as President of the AMM Board of Directors. In addition to leading the Board of Directors for the next year, Waldron will aisc represent AMM on the League of Minnesota Cities Board. St. Paul Park City Councilmember Veld Muiznieks was elected vice presi- dent. Brooklyn Center Mayor Myrna Kragness, Richfield City Manager Samantha Orduno, and South St. Paul City Administrator Doug Reader were elected to serve two-year terms and current Board members Arden Hills City Councilmember Beverly Aplikowaki, Apple Valley City Councilrnember Tom Goodwin, St. Paul IGR Director Nancy Haas, Crystal Mayor Pater Meintsma, and Champlin City Councilmember Joan Molenaar were rs- elected to two-year terms. Department of Revenue Official Discusses Property Tax Reform As part of the annual meeting, Deputy Commissioner of Revenue Jenny Engh discussed the results of the 2001 property tax reforms and what the Department sees in the future, Engh told attendees that 70 percent of the typical property tax bill went to cities and counties in 2002, compared to 50 percent in 2001. Meanwhile, school districts fell from 45 percent of the typical property tax bill in 2001 to 25 percent in 2002. She disputed criti- cisms that the property tax relief provided in 2001 will disappear in only a few years, noting that even if property taxes rise in 2003 they will still be Iowerthan they would have been under the old law. Engh also c'rted findings from the Minnesota Taxpayers Assodation that homestead property tax rates are now lower and more uniform across the state, and that Minnesota has fallen out of the top ten on national property tax rankings for homes, apart- ments and businesses. Looking to the future, Ms. Engh pointed out the $1,4 billion gap legislators are likely to face for the 2004-05 budget, and questioned whether the state will be willing to sustain its fiscal commitment to K-12 education and allow the property tax to remain local. Policy issues that the Department of Rev- enue is now considering include the effectiveness of various tax expendi- tures, such as deductions and credits; the stability of the state's revenue system and the modernization of that system, particularly as it relates to the sales tax and corporate income tax. Engh stated that the Department plans to continue looking at simplification of the property tax administration system and would like to work with city organizations on the formula for local govemment aids. A copy of Ms. Engh's presentation is available by calling Laurie Jennings at AMM (65tl2t5-.4000). -2945- TOTRL P.03 LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 May 24, 2002 Chief Len Harrell 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Chief, I am writing thi~ letter with a littl f apprehension. My last six years with the Department have been wonderful., I am grateful for~ the~ training and experiences I received here. T.h~ h~._b_99~ja great place to work and I can only hope that I will find the same kind of job satisfaction when I get to the east coast. Please accept my letter effective June 10, 2002. As you know, I am going home to be near my family. Still, it is not easy, tO leave the and co- workers I have become Ctose..~tc .here in'%Mi~h.hesota over the last twelve years~ Sin( Michelle Alexander 6425 -2946- The Gillespie Gazette VOL X NO 6 June - 2002 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE May 21st, 2002 Dear Members and Friends, I think our cold and snowy spring has finally left. My idea of a spring day is 70 degrees and a clear blue sky. I now meet lots of my neighbors out walking. I see lots of kids playing in the park. Oh, to be young again. We held a fundraising pork chop dinner on Saturday, Aprit 27th. This was not the nicest of days, with the slushy snow. The Wright County Pork Producers, who cooked the pork chops, were able to cook under our entrance canopy. While we could have had a better turnout and served more people, we were able to earn about $1,400 to help pay for the balance due on our Center. Many of us were disappointed to hear that there would be no Mound City Days this year. I think they had the best fireworks show on Lake Minnetonka. At least the firefighters are still having their annual fish fry and dance. This great event will be held on June 1"t this year. The firefighters are a great asset to our community and have been very supportive of our Center. Let's all show our support for them by supporting this great annual event. Bring your families. Pre-sale tickets are available at the reception desk for a ~5 donation ($8 at the door). Last month at our General Membership meeting, we were entertained by our own "Pretenders". They are members of our Center who sing and read in schools and centers, entercaining young and old. The "Pretenders" are Marilyn Byrnes, Orvella Hanson, Muriel Kolar, Dotty O'Brien, Marie Schmidt, June Messick, Marge Stutsman, ArC Maziarka, Ellen Scholer, Dorothy McQueen, Jo Soderlund, Gloria Heinrich, Helen Ohnesorge and Emily Niccum. They do a great job and are a talented group. Our thanks to all of you for what you do for our Center and our community. Anyone who does not visit our Center occasionally has probably missed the card playing which goes on most afternoons. Someone remarked to me about all the cars at the Gillespie Center in the afternoons. I told him that there was a whole lot of card playing going on. Cribbage is play on Monday afternoons and Gene Adams has that group enjoying the fun. On Wednesdays, we have a large dedicated group of Bridge players here. Ron and Nancy Gramenz were instrumental in getting this group starCed. On Fridays, we have a "500" card group here, with Betty Strong leading that group. Also, Scrabble is played on Thursday afternoons, thanks mostly to Pat Wallin's leadership. They are not playing through the summer, however. A new game, "Hand and Foot" has been brought back by snowbirds, and we'll see if it takes off here. Fun is had by all and newcomers are welcome to come to any of these groups. Chairperson Gillespie Center Advisory Council -2947- STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF GOVERNOR JESSE VENTURA 130 State Capitol · 75 Constitution Avenue · Saint Paul, MN 55155 May22,2002 For the last few months we have been arguing about money here at the Capitol - mostly about how to close significant short and long-term deficits. But today I'm not writing about the reserves and the $400 million dollars a year of cuts that we've been arguing about since November. I want to talk about the $23 billion a year in overall spending that will still be available when the legislature has finally gone home. That's a lot of taxpayer money, and there is a lot that we can - and will - do with it. Those billions have to be carefully managed all year long. We are using two websites to show our key performance results for state government: www.BigPlanResults.state.mn.us and www.DepartmentResults.state.mn.us. These sites show several important results we want to achieve, our targets for performance, and how we are doing so far - good, bad or indifferent. The Star Tribune editorial page described this as "a useful way for state government to fulfill its duty to be accountable to Minnesota citizens, no matter who is governor." That's what I want. Whether I run for re-election in the fall or not, I hope citizens will demand that any future governor will lay out the State's progress on results. My office uses the information on these sites as a management tool with commissioners and departments. We get regular progress reports and updates, and every week the Chief of Staff, along with the commissioners of Finance, Employee Relations, Planning and Administration meet with a different commissioner to go over his/her results. Log on. Let us know what you think. For specific comments on the webSite results, you're welcome to use the feedback buttons. You can also write or call Tom Moss, the Director of Results Management, at (651) 215-1287. His email is tom.moss(_~state.mn.us, and his address is 300 Centennial Building, 658 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155. Thank you for your support of managing for results in government. Sincerely, Jesse Ventura Governor Voice: (651) 296-3391 or (800) 657-3717 (MN), Fax: (651) 296-2089 , TDD: (651) 296-0075 or (800) 657-3598 Web site: http://www, governonstate.mn.us ~ An Equal Opportunity Employer -2948- Lake Minnetonka Association A Proud Sportsor of the Lake Minnetonka 4th of. July 2002 Celebratmn. The Lake Minnet0nka Association wOrks to make Lake Minnetonka a better place to live, work and play. We are an advocate for the lake and those who love the lake. in addition to our advocacy to protect and improve Lake Minnetonka, the LMA is a proud sponsor of the Lake Minnetonka 4th of July 2002 Celebration. Your contribution will help us sponsor this event, which is organized and hosted by the Excelsior Area Chamber of Commerce, for the enioyment of all lake area residents. The Lake Minnetonka 4th of July Celebration will feature a full day of family-oriented entertainment, a live evening concert by The Minnesota Orchestra and fabulous fireworks shot over Excelsior Bay at dusk; YoU'i` tax-deductible c0iitribUti0n today dill support the Lake Minri'~t0nka A$~0~iafi°n and help the :L~A sisonsor the Lake Minnet0nka,. ~th :0f.J~l¥ Celebration at ExcelsiOr COmmon~/Bay.. :' ' Indigidi~al contributions of ~;I01:)-;:Oi; i~i:~i~e will,be listed inShe prin~ed program distributed at the Celebration (if received by June.'7~) Or in .the post-event literature. THANK YOU! LAKE MINNETONKA ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 248 Excelsior, MN 55331 DICK OSGOOD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 952-470-4449 Minnetonka(~Mnlakes. org THANK YOU FOR YOUR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FOR/vi AND MAlL IT t~ITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE LA4A. P.O. BOX 248, EXCELSIOR MN $$.~1. BY USING YOUR OI~/N ENVELOPE, MORE OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION GOB5 TO t~/ORK/ NAME ADDRESS CiTY / ZIP PHONE (HOME) EMAIL ·LEASE CHECK ALL. THAT APPLY. MAKE YOUR CHECK £A. YABL£ TO 'LMA.' ~. CONTRIBUTION TO SUPPORT THE~ LAKE MINN.ETONKA 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION: __$25 $50 ~100 $250 ~$500 __ OTHER 2. MEMBERSHIP DUES CONTRIBUTION TO SUPPORT THE LMA: ~ ~5~149 B~IC ~150--~499 ~$TAINING OTHER ~ ~500+ CAPTAIN ~ ~250 BUSINESS ' 3~ "LMA EXOTIC ~PE~IE5 FUND" CONTRIBUTION: ~ -2949- Lake Minnetonka Association P.O. Box 248 Excelsior, MN 55331 Nonprofit Org. U.S, Postage · PAID Permit/1108 Excelsior, MN 6'1'~'~:'~=~ ~5-D[G [T 55364 Ed Shuki'e Mound City Administrator Mound MN 55364-1627 L ['f,,f,L,,IL,IL,,I,,L,,II, IL,,,L Ii,,,r,L,L,,ILIT,, r Lake Minneton'ka A Proud Sponsor of the Lake Minnetonka 4th of July 2002 Celebration! Dear Friend of Lake Minnetonka: The Lake Minnetonka Association -- your advocate for the lake -- is proud, to be a sponsor of the Lake Minnetonka 4th of July Celebration at the Excelsior Commons! in this flyer, you'll find an opportunity to make a tax-deductible contribution to the LMA to support the 2002 Celebration, including the, fireworks display. Thank you in advance! .. . .... :The LMA al:~O is bu~ '~orking o~ many projects and activities to preserve and improve L~ke Minnetonka for lake~hOte o~r~., lake users.and .businesses on the lake. ~de are now working especially hard t° keep ~ebra mussel out of the lake. For more information on our activities, check out the LMA's web site at www. Mnlakes.org/MinnetOnka. ~0(Je need your help: and ~upport to keep working as the advocate for Lake Minnetonka and all who 'love it. If you haven't . . . already made your an'0ual dues contributiofi, please do so now,. ': -2950- Shoreview Redevelopment S.cheduled for November ComPlehon The City of Shoreview plans to replace a deterio- rating strip center and auto repair shop with the new "Shores" mixed use development, inducling townhomes, senior apartments and neighborhood . retail. The City of Shoreview, working with ENers & Associates on the redevelopment, was able to move the proje,~ from a concept to construction in just 15 months. °Ihe community is very pl0asecl with the new development,' said Mayor Sandy Martin. The City of Shoreview is known for its careful planning and focus on vibrant residential neigh- borhoods. But the strip center on the edge of the community presented an unfavorable impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood and was negatively impacting a larger adjacent tract of undeveloped land by preventing its development. The City retained Ehlers & Associates to provide Redevelopment Management Services. Ehlers performed the following activities for the City during the course of the 15-month planning phase. · Preparation of a development concept consis- tent with city economic and planning goals. · Identification of qualified developers. · Preparation of a request for development . proposals. · Review of development proposals. · Developer selection. · Preparation of a tax increment plan. · Developer negotiations. The project is expected to become a reality by November, 2002. The mixed use Shores development will include 5,000 square feet of neighborhood retail, 68 senior apartments and 15 townhomes. "Ehlers experienced advisors were a good ."~QUick~TIF!T .SOftware AVailable for StateTIF.RepOrting Forms ' ::i~'~i'.i{~i'~{he:~n'athOri. iS"warm'i~iP;: ~h~'0:t{~ fi0aih, tg t(me }0i m~ ~hn~ ~hah;es t0 the"T~: ~(' :. I ncrem~ht Financ ag (T E} Rep~d fig ff~"O~}ed' bY the Off ~bf'Jhe ~t~i~:Add th?.: .': :~ '; ..;.::.: ::'¢:: "}..':' All:jurisdictions managing TIF Dis~im must annua y submit torms to be n comp ~ce with ~e S~te. The s~te Aud'itO~ '~i~ has r~n~ly ient out the 20~ f F RePosing' Fo~s (fOr ?epOd ng 2~1)a~d Ilke all previOui".~ars, there a~e likelyto be some changes. - , . . :...: o~b'~tb}~g:t~at has~chang~.is that Eh'lets &' ~sociates is again bffering Quick-T ~ the handy TIE ::. enter:.~e(,~O'd~,::an3 Quick ~F.complles ~e repb~s.for.90~':,Qdick !~E; ';)": "~',? '?:? :)~. '(':"' ": '~. "calcula[eg.entribs ba~ed bn'O?b~i6'Ug'qnl6'?~i{ib'h'thafyb~:~{~?ed:~ ~ :>7.7: ?.' '.:?~ .:'.5.:.'.5'.. ~::.¥::.?,:'~:: · '.' :stOres all e~l~e~info¢~'i[ on'so ~e~ ~earg vets on w on19 ~equi?e ~ou tO enter,'ew '; Prih~'ffi~:fihi~?e~d'for the s~te~AuditoCs Office. ':~ : ' : - ~Quick TIF has been.agrmt help for.managing our IIF DistricB," said Ken Merrill; Fiance Dire~or in the Oi~ Of Hutchinson ." .w never go back to doing them by hand again after t~ing Quick TIE Should any qu~tions over ~e course of the year come up, ~ey are ~sy to ~swer wi~ Quick TtE" If you would lika to know mom about ~uick TIF or WoUld lika to o~er Vemion 5,0 orthe upgrade, please call Tony Reichenberger at 651-697-8523, complement to our staff. Their knowl- edge of f'mancial and market feasibil- ity and their redevelopment expertise helped us find a solution to an area that had been a community concern for some time," Martin said. To learn more about how Ehlers can help your community meet its development goals, contact Jim Prosser or Stacie Kvilvang at 651-697-8500. -2951 - P 500 O00CDBG research · 'Workin tomes and,: internal littees'... baCkgroUnd~tnlthe rede~bloprn~nt#ehabilitatidn ','~ of mUlti4ardil~ ~hbuSi'~:~ .domPi~S; OCluding': .beth:~pa~m'~A[S'and t°wn s~e he~otiated ~oi~'?padicip~tio~'id -!~:~.pubiic/ ' PriVat,. pa~n.,~b~ps,' w~'i~;:'asS'i~t~d ~ n~ ~' re~ develgpment O~ ov~r. 2,30o multi-famii~ KviNang a so b~:;extbns}ye_e~perie~e;~IQ~the: develoPment;of s~ccessfui legislati~e;SkategiCs';:.?~ ~nd.has 0ve~seen and :tbStified~Ors'Pe~iat'leg islati~'initia{i~ tha~d~bated ". .cities' th~°Ugh~dt:U nn~o~a to:assi~t:th~m in'~ addressing..th~ =c~a!lenges and .cr%ti~g SbI~ · =1ions for their Nm~N~ Ehlers Advisor * Spring 2002 Aid Anticip.atio. n Sertifi ates Help SOlve School D,str,ct Cash Flow Preblems Why is it that some School districts have plenty of cash in the bank for most of the year, but find themselves short at certain key times? The simple answer is that the receipts don't always come in before the money has to be paid out. The major school finance and tax changes approved by the 2001 Legisla- ture - which included replacement'of property tax dollars with state aid - will make school district cash flow problems worse. "Starting in the spring of 2002, every district will now receive its cash later in the year than in past years. As a result, many school districts - even some with healthy fund balances - will now find themselves facing cash shortfalls at some point in the next year," said Joel Sutter, Ehlers Senior Vice President. The most cost-effective solution to this problem may be to issue Aid Anticipa- tion Certificates (AACs) during the summer of 2002. Some of the key features of 3kACs issued through Ehlers are summarized below. Low Interest Costs. For certificates issued in January and February of this year, many districts are paying interest rates of 1.7 percent or less. Although rates have increased since then, very low interest rates are still expected this summer, Flexible Schedules and Terms. Because Ehlers schedules and sells each district's certificates individually (rather than pooling them together), the schedule and the terms of borrow- ing can be tailored to meet each school district's needs. 13-Month Maturity with No Interim Payments. By waiting 13 months to repay the certificates (instead of the commonly used one-year term), the district has more flexibility in schedul- ing the following year's issuance without being short of cash for a few days or weeks. Making no interest payments during the 13 months maximizes the district's investment earnings. Individualized Consultation and Advice. Issuing Aid Anticipation Certificates may affect other financial issues in your district. For example, it could affect arbitrage rebate excep- tions and bank qualification for other forms of borrowing. When you call Ehlers to discuss the issuance of certificates, your financial advisor will discuss other financial issues and, if necessary, modify your school district's plans to maximize the benefit to the district. A Smooth and "Low Hassle" Pro- cess. The procedures and restrictions associated with issuing certificates can be very cumbersome. But Ehlers' experienced staff will "walk you through" every step of the process, ensuring that your school district meets all deadlines and requirements. Ehlers has posted extensive informa- tion about issuance of Aid Anticipation Certificates on the Ehlers Web site, including answers to frequently asked questions, a step-by-step summary of the process, and a free spreadsheet that you can download to summarize your projected cash flow schedule. Go to www.ehlers-inc.com, click On "Tools," and then "Cash Flow Borrow- ing for Minnesota Schools." ~ ~ Q. In projecting interest rates for a bend ~' ~.,=~, issue, financial advisors will look at other i~ ~~' ~~:i '~'~V' ' '~ ~. ~ similar debt issues that have recently sold. ~~Trivi~: ~~n~ that information can also be obtained by ~,~;~,.~[~ ~~~[~. subscribing to a market index se~ice. What .... ~ two market index services are used and ....... favored by the tax exempt municipal market? /f you know the answe4 log on to our webs/te at ~ehlers-/nc. com and fo//o~ the ~r/v/a link under the information page. The name of the winners ~ill be printed in the next issue of the newsle~er as we// as name of th~ winner of the dra~ing. Eh/ers ~/11 donate a check for $100 ~o the municipality of the winner of/he drawing. *2* -2952- Ehlers Advisor ,, Spring 2002 MUNICIPALITY Itasca County New Brighton EDA OImsted County HRA Zumbrota Sandstone St. Paul Port Authority Ulen EDA Delano Delano Wyoming EDA Grand Rapids EDA North St. Paul-Maplewood- Oakdale, lSD No, 622 Steel County Maple Lake, lSD No. 881 Lakeville HRA Dilworth Moorhead, lSD No. 152 New Hope New Hope Walker-Hackenseck,.ISD No. 113 St. Cloud, lSD No. 742 Hutchinson, lSD No. 423 Kenyon Marshall County Robbinsdale Robbinsdale Belle Plaine Benton County Benton County Floodwood, lSD No. 698 Proctor, lSD No. 704 Sartell, lSD No. 748 Mounds View, lSD No. 621 St. Anthony Chatfield Fisher, lSD No. 600 New Prague, lSD No. 721 Red Wing Red Wing Red Wing Hopkins, lSD No. 270 Clay County HRA Robbinsdale, lSD No. 281 DATE 04/23/02 O4/23/O2 04/22/02 04/18/02 04/17/02 04/17/02 04/17/02 04/t6/02 04/16/02 04/15/02 04/11/02 04/09/02 04/09/O2 . O4/08/O2 04/01/02 03/27/02 03/25/O2 03/25/~2 03/25/02 03/25/02 03/21/02 03/2O/02 O3/2O/02 03/19/02 03/19/02 O3/19/02 03/18/02 03/18/02 03/18/02 03/18/02 03/18/02 03118102 03/12/02 03/12/02 03/11/02 03/11/02 03/11/02 03/11/02 03/11/02 03/11/02 03/07/02 03/05/02 03/04/02 TYPE OF BONDS AMOUNT BOND NET BOND BUYER MATURITY RATE INDEX RATING G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds ' $8,300,000 2004-2017 4.40% 5.22% Arnbac Public Facility Lease Revenue Bonds $10,590,000 2003-2017 4.72% 5.22% A2 G.O. Governmental Housing Bonds $1,885,000 2005-2030 4.99% 5.22% Asa/AAA G.O. Sewer Revenue Bonds $1,330,000 2003-2016 4.48% 5.20% Ambac G.O. Certificates of Indebtedness $76,000 2003-2007 4.88% 5.20% NR Tax Increment Revenue Bonds $5,135,000 2003-2027 4.88% 5.20% Aa2/AAA Housing Development Bonds $545,000 2004-2023 4.88% 5.20% NR G.O. Improvement Refunding Bonds $345,000 2004-2023 3.13% 5.20% Baal G.O. Fire Station Bonds $1,705,000 2004-2023 4.89% 5.20% Ambac Public Project Revenue Bonds '" $325,000 2004-2013 4.50% 5.20% NR Public Facility Lease Revenue Bonds . $1,415,000 2004-2018 4.92% 5.28% Baal G.O; Aid Anticipation Cedificatas of Indebtedness $4,995,000 2002 1.89% 5.28% NR G.O. Jail Bonds $9,950,000 2005-2026 4.96% 5.28% FGIC G.O. School Building Bonds $3,610,000 2004-2022 4.78% 5.28% Aa1 Public Facility Lease Revenue Bonds $2,535,000 2004-2023 5.17% 5.32% A2 G.O. Improvement Bonds $530,000 2004-2018 5.11% 5.34% Baa2 G.O. School Building Bonds $64,500,000 2004-2022 5.04% 5.34% FGIC G.O. Storm Sewer Revenue Bonds $850,000 2003-2022 5.07% 5.34% A1 G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness $785,000 2003-2006 3.33% 5.34% A1 G.O. School Building Refunding Bonds $6,855,000 2012-2025 5.13% 5.34% FSA G.O. Aid Anticipation Certificates $4,500,000 2002 4.89% 5.30% NR G.O. Refunding Bonds $2,705,000 2003-2005 2.82% 5.30% Aa1 Electric Revenue and Refu.ndino Bonds $2,130,000 2003-2013 4.86% 5.30% NR G.O. Sate-Aid Hiohway Bonds $1,025,000 2003-2007 3.48% 5.30% A3 G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds $1,735,000 2003-2012 4.'~4% 5.30% A2 G.O. Improvement Bonds $1,230,000 2004-2013 4.23% 5.30% A2 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds $985,000 2002-2012 4.11% 5.30% Baa2 G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds $3,065,000 2004-2018 4.68% 5.30% FSA G.O. Capital Notes $1,530,000 2004-2007 3.54% 5.30% A2 G.O. School Building Bonds $7,000,000 2005-2022 4.85% 5.30% FGIC G.O. School Buitding Bonds $5,590,000 2004-2022 4.80% 5.30% FGIC G.O. School Building 8onds $26,600,000 2004-2022 4.87% 5.30% Aa1 G.O. Aid Anticipation Certificates of indebtedness $9,465,000 2002 1.73% 5.19% NR G.O. improvement Bonds $1,500,000 2004-2018 4.85% 5.19% A1 G.'O. Permanent Improvement Ravolving Fund Bonds $490,000 2003-2017 4.89% 5.19% NR G.O. School Building Bonds $3,380,000 2003-2022 4.81% 5.19% NR Certificates of Padicipation $580,000 2003-2017 5.04% 5.19% NR G.O. Improvement Bonds $2,625,000 2004-2013 '4.15% 5.19% A1 G.O. Water Revenue Bonds $500,000 2003-2012 4.15% 5.19% A1 G.O. Tax increment Refunding Bonds $1,700,000 2003-2008 3.14% 5.19% A1 G.O. School Bonds $50,455,000 2004-2022 4.78% 5.07% NR Lease Revenue Bonds $4,200,000 2004-2023 4.99% 5.07% A3 G.O. Aid Anticipation Certificates of indebtedness $2,500,000 2002 1.73% 5.07% NR -2953- Ehlers Advisor · Spring 2002 Continuing.DisClosure Compliance ,s Necessary Has your municipality or school district issued bonds after July 3, 19957 If so, it is important to make certain that you comply with the Security Exchange Commission rule 15c2-12 better known as continuing disclosure. Ehlers is now finding some municipalities and school districts that are not in compliance. Recently, a Texas school district's poor disclosure practice resulted in a bond underwriter's refusal to buy their bonds. The goal of the disclosure regulation is to provide timely information for under- writers on municipal securities traded in the secondary market. The regulation does not apply directly to issuers but to underwriters. If issuers do not comply with the regulation, then underwriters cannot purchase their securities. Martha Mahan Haines, head of the Securities Exchange Commission Office of Municipal Securities, warns that issuers and underwriters could face liability for failure to properly disclose that an issuer did not file annual financial information. All bond issues over $1 million in size with outstanding indebtedness less than $10 million are subject to limited disclosure requiring the issuer to respond to all requests for information. However, all bond issues over $1 million in size with over $10 million in indebt- edness outstanding are subject to full disclosure requiring the issuer to update specific information found in the final official statement. The type of information needed and when it is to be provided is found in the disclosure agreement which also part of the final official statement. Issuers are to provide this information to nationally recognized municipal securi- ties information repositories (NRMSIR's) and State Information Depository (SID) annually and also notify them and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) of any material events. Failure to comply with the continuing disclosure commitment found in the official statement is a material event. Ehlers assists issuers in the preparation and filing of continuing disclosure information. For more information, contact any Ehlers financial advisor for help. C~lCLfll E H;LERS & ;-IA~ NC to the shape publ.c f ~ance :i'~'?.'" MN Office: 105 ..: · .,rBrookfield e: 375 Bishops Way 'Suite'225 '.,Brookfield. WI 53005-6202 Naperville "IL Office:., ~I001 East Chicago AvenUe Suite 135' Napervilie, IL 60540 ~630-355~6100 www. ehlerS-inc, com -2954- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Protectin$ maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans May 21, 2002 Mound City Council c/o City Clerk Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Council Members: Subject: Quarterly Arsenic Results, Mound Municipal Water Supply, Hennepin County, PWSID 1270038 Enclosed are the results of the most current arsenic analysis conducted on water samples collected from your public drinking water supply. Arsenic isa naturally-occurring contaminant, resulting from the erosion of minerals in the groundwater supply. This monitoring is being done to provide you information concerning the arsenic in your water supply and will not legally obligate you to comply with the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10.4/~g/L (micrograms per liter) until January 2006. If the averaged result for an entry point listed below is between 10.4/~g/L and 50.4/~g/L, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) strongly recommends that your water supply begin reviewing options to achieve compliance before January 2006, and avoid a Notice of Violation. The MDH has analyzed water sample(s) for arsenic, and the results are tabulated below: CONTAMINANT: Arsenic Date Level (/~g/L) MCL: 10.4 ~g/L April 22, 2002 2 January 22, 2002 2 · Average:, 2.0 General Information: (651) 215-5800 · TDD/TTY: (651) 215-8980 · Minnesota Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 · www. health.state.mn.us For directions to any of the MDH locations, call (651 ~ 215-5800 · An equal opportunity employer '-2955- Mound City Council PWSID 1270038 -2- May 21, 2002 CONTAMINANT: Arsenic Date Level (~g/L) MCL: 10.4/zg/L April 22, 2002 4 January 22, 2002 4 Average: 4.0 ~:S :O~T~,~.~el~ RESULTS CONTAMINANT: Arsenic Date Level (/xg/L) MCL: 10.4/zg/L April 22, 2002 8 January 22, 2002 9 Average: 8.5 CONTAIvIINANT: Arsenic Date Level (~.g/L) MCL: 10.4 ~g/L April 22, 2002 11 January 22, 2002 10 Average: 10.5 A sampling kit will be sent to you next quarter. The MDH requests that you collect arsenic samples and submit them to the MDH Laboratory for analysis. The results will be reported to you as soon as they become available. -2956- Mound City Council PWSID 1270038 -3- May 21, 2002 This report should be placed in your records and a copy maintained on or near the water supply premises, and available for public inspection for not less than ten (10) years. If you have any questions or need assistance in complying with the arsenic nde, please contact Karla Peterson at 651/215-0761. Sincere~~.~ Richard D. Clark, P.E. Supervisor of Community Public Water Supply Unit Environmental Health Division P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 RDC:KRP:paw Enclosure cc: Water Superintendent Mr. Bill Anderl, Metro District Office -2957- Program: Program Name: Minnesota Department Of Health - Envkonmental Laboratory Final Re~ort - Cllent Co~ - Report Of Analytical Results HC Date Received: 23-/%~R-2002 COMM WATER SUPPLIES (SAN.) Date Generated: 07-MAY-2002 Request Page: 1 of 2 [Saa~le.: 200207331 - 200207334 } Date Reported: PWS No Site ID Facility Name City 1270038 1270038 MOUND MOI~-D C~]]~ch DE C~]] Time ~ C~l]~ctor Nam~ Orig Samp 22-APR-2002 0727 - DAMON - Field Blank Type QTR Field Res P04 Res Trip Blank Sample No: 200207331.1 Receiving Comments: - Field No LocID Sampling Point - E01 W~ELL I ENTRY POINT ****************************** SAMPLE RESULTS ****************************** Unit: M~TALS 110 Arsenic SDWA, Total 619 Turbidity Check - Metals < 1 NTU (S~unple digest Not Required) 601 Preservation Preservation Completed in Laboratory Result ReDt Level Units Analysis Date 2.3 1.0 ug/L 06-MAY-2002 24-APR-2002 23-APR-2002 ISample No: 200207332I Receiving Comments: - Field No LocID Sampling Point - E02 WELL 3 ENTRY POINT ****************************** SAMPLE RESULTS ****************************** Unit: METALS 110 Arsenic SDWA, Total 619 Turbidity Check - Metals < 1 NTU (Sample digest Not Required) 601 Preservation Preservation Completed in Laboratory Result ReDt Level Units Analysis Date 4.1 1.0 ug/L 06-MAY-2002 24-APR-2002 23-APR-2002 -2958- ~=o~ 16637A Sa.m];)le Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Department Of Health - Envkonmental Laboratory Final Report - Client Copy - Report Of Analytical Results Program: HC Date Received: 23-APR-2002 Program Name: COMM WATER SUPPLIES (SAN.) Date Generated: 07-MAY-2002 Request Page: 2 of 2 [Samples: 200207331 - 200207334I Date Reported: PWS No Site ID Facility Name City 1270038 1270038 c~]~ct D~ C~]] ~m~ Coll ID Collector ~ame Orig Samp 22-APR-2002 0727 - DAMON - Field Blank Type QTR Field Res P04 Res Trip Blank Sample No: Field No 200207333I Receiving Comments: LocID Sampling Point - E03 WELL 6 ENTRY POINT ****************************** SAMPLE RESULTS ****************************** Unit: HETALS 110 Arsenic SDWA, Totai 619 Turbidity Check - Metals < 1 NTU (Sample digest Not Required) 601 Preservation Preservation Completed in Laboratory Result ReDt Level Units Analysis Dat~ 8.3 1.0 ug/L 06-MAY-2002 24-APR-2002 23-APR-2002 Sample No: 200207334] Receiving Comments: - Field No LocID Sampling Point - E04 WELL 7 ENTRY POINT ****************************** SAMPLE RESULTS ****************************** Unit: METALS 110 Arsenic SDWA, Total PWS notified on 07-MAY-02 by DV 619 Turbidity Check - Metals < 1 NTU (Sample digest Not Required) 601 Preservation Preservation Completed in Laboratory Result ReDt Level Units' Analvs~s Date 11 1.0 ug/L 06-MAY-2002 24-APR-2002 23-APR-2002 Qroup 166374 S~m~le Page i of 1 -2959- UK'51M n orin ?ro ram Get in¥olvea! [ al~ Bob Streetar, planner for the City of Minnetonka and Anita Rasmussen, plier for the firm of Dahlgren, Shardlow, and.~an, have continued a program origin~Y started by Bob Barrett, the founder 9f the Urban and Regional Studies InstitUte at:Minnesota State University. The Me~[~rihip .~ogram pairs current graduate and undergraduate students with URSI alu~ c~ently working in the private and public sector. Through this program, alu~ offer students advice on which classeS may bem°st valuable as well as other job related advice that is critical towards finding (and keeping) a job. If you wish to serve as a mentor, please contact Bob Streetar at 952-939-8285. 2 This year's Career Day was coordinated by Janet Cherrington and held on February 27, 2002. What follows are brief panelist biographical updates, their e-mail addresses and some personal comments about how it felt to return to their alma mater: ~//~an~i~ Han~on andis, who graduated from the URSI Masters program in 1993, has been the city manager for the City of Mound since April, 2000. Her current e-mail address is: KandisHanson @cityofmound.com Here is what Kandis had to say about coming back to URSI: "Being included in Career Day was a joy! It was fun to note the things that had not changed and to marvel over those that had. The URSI office was, as always, inviting. The timing of the invitation was great for me personally. I was in the midst of the most challenging time of my 10 year career. Preparing for and :' participating in the panel discussion, to my good fortune, enabled me to rediscover why I like my career in local government so much. It is easy to become bogged down in the milieu of work and think of the "challenges" as "problems." My experience at Career Day reminded me that long ago I ever-so-cleverly described the job title of City Manager as "Problem Solver." When I used that expression in my talk to the students, there was are awakening in me, and my mission as a professional City Manager again became clear. Thanks to URSI for a therapeutic experience~ You can send me the bill!" (Kandis Hanson, class of 1993) ' i3ra~ Pot;1;er Brad, who graduated from URSI in 1999, is an associate planner with the City of Mankato. His current email address is: bpotter@ city. mankato.mn.us Here is what Brad had to say about coming back to URSI: "It was great to see friends and faculty again at the Career Day and to speak with students interested in our profession during Career Day. It is always fun to speak with students about their career goals and planning philosophies. I think the URSI department has always done an excellent job having URSI practitioners be a vital part of the program as guest speakers and mentors." (Brad Potter, class of 1999) From lef~ to right: Kandie Han~en, Ma~y Schultz, 13md Potter, Leila Short Continue~l on pg. ~5 -2960- Achievement Awarde - Continued from pg. 4 Urban Studie~s major with a Marketing minor, .He is the vice president of the Students fOr Urban and Regional Studies In, stimte Club and plans to graduate next sp,Bng. . , . Re:search, This year's recipient is Kristi wibben,~ ,Kristi was aWarded the research scholarship for the research Paper she presented in conjUnction with her URSI co.unity based problem-solving course, Kristi also presented the paper at the MSU's undergraduate research conference in March of 2002 and is submitting it for publication. The Urban and Regional Studies Institute alumni and faculty also have in place an undergraduate grant program for the purchase of academi{!~g.0ks and supplies. Each grant is for $10~ :a~d is provided to eligible juniors and seniors of the URSI program. The following are this year's recipients: Katie Guetter Adam Kienberger Rachel Kuehl Kenneth Ondich MiChael Stalberger Kristin Wentzlaff 5tUla~niOe rec, achievement' awarde pier, uteri right,: KrJetin Wentzla~ er', Michael Stalberger, Krieti ;n. a~a~ ~e,eiving a book award lo RaOhel Kuehl. .~ta~ Update - Continued from pg. 4 for the MSU Undergraduate Research Conference in March of 2002. In the fall of 2002, she will submit her application for tenure and look forward to joining the Institute as a long-standing faculty member. In the spring, Kristi Wibben recognized Janet as a teacher who had "a profound impact on her life as a student" by selecting her to receive the MSU Apple Polisher Award. After 5 years of wandering in the desert as Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Tony Filipovitch will be returning home to URSI in the fall. Tony will also serve as program Chair. After so much time away, he is looking forward to getting back in touch with URSI's many alumni and friends as he thinks through how to structure his Tony Filipovi'r. oh courses and looks for opportunities (for himself and his students) for applied re- search and service. This spring he led the AICP Exam Review Course (by distance technology~it was the day of the terrible ice and snow storm in March) and was in Washington, D.C. review- ing grants for H.U.D. Dr. MJriam Porter was appointed this year 'by the International City/County Manage- ment Association to serve on the Task Force on International Affiliations (TFIA). The TFIA's charge is to identify ways to foster more meaningful international experiences. She has also assisted the Center for Rural Policy and Development by evaluating Miriam F'orr, er funding proposals. Her review focused on the importance and timeliness of the pro- posed projects as well as the methodology which would be used in the research. In respect to her own research, she was back in Ontario last summer updating her comparative local government research. She also attended the ICMA conference in Salt Lake City last fall and observed firsthand a city busily preparing for an international event. Dr..David Laverny-Rafter is on a leave of absence this year. He is in Washington, .~ D.C. doing program evaluations for the. ""~ U. S. General:Accounting Office ~n, th6 area of transportation develoPment. David Laverny-F, after Continued on Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION MAY 16, 2002 Present: Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Greg Eurich, Mark Goldberg, and Gerald Jones. Also present: Parks Director Jim Fackler, Dock Inspector Katie Hoff and Recording Secretary Sue Schwalbe, Absent and excused: Commissioner Frank Ahrens and City Council Representative Mark Hanus. Citizens present: Mayor Pat Meisel, 5501 Bartlett Blvd. Council Member Peter Meyer, Sunset Road Ted and Becky Hall, 4430 Manchester Paul Glynn, 4600 Cumberland Road Orr and Carol Burma, 301 islandview Mike Castigioic, 4600 Cumberland Road F. Todd Warner, 2642 Keith Forrester, 4645 Islandview Chair Funk called the meeting ).m, 1. APPROVAL OF ADVISORY MOUND DOCK AND COMMONS MOTION 2002 Mc Minutes. lock Eurich to approve the April 18, Commons Advisory Commission MOTION carried lanimously. AGENDA CHANGES None 3. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. NONE -2962- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 4. REVIEW: WESTONKA HISTORICAL SOCIETY INFORMATION ON DOCKAGE OF THE MINNEHAHA AT MOUND BAY PARK F. Todd Warner, 3056 Highland Blvd. and 2642 Commerce Blvd., Mahogany Bay Vintage Boats. Mr. Warner presented a proposal to the Commission on behalf of the Westonka Historical Society to bring the Minnehaha to Mound. Previously presented this idea to the Parks Commission and will present this to the City Council on May 28, 2002. This will include a permanent dock to the Mound Cooks Bay Park to accommodate the Minnehaha Steam Boat and its operation from the Mound end of Lake Minnetonka. ^ package was distributed to the Commission and can be found in their packet. In the package is a letter that explains the direction that the Historical Society is headed included the steps necessary to achieve this goal. The Historical Society would like to move forward with the project as possible while still accommodating the concerns of the neighbors that may b ~cted. (Parking, etc). Mr. Warner is requesting guidance, support and a re to move forward with this project. As indicated in on Cook's Bay that would be 100 feet long and construction as in the City of Wayzata and feels that the City of Mound deserves its own pl~ City of Mound will become part of atria, present dock is not adequate for a ,n to the City Council to build a dock wit same The Historical Society Minnetonka. Hopefully the and Mound. The ~nehaha. In the packet is a list of items th, guidance with. as concerns that would like Location of dock, Would now be th~ community rain bathrooms, rental of Depot. redesign of Depot deck to be more There is lock at There have been suggestions of moving that dock to the North. more direct to the street for visibility and a handicapped access g paths. The proposed dock is 100 feet long and the closest residence ff south of the Depot, that line will cross out in the lake and there are setbacks of 100 feet that are going to have to be met. Another suggestion is moving the dock closer to the public landing. Mr. Warner feels it is a good idea to keep the dock closer to the Depot for bathrooms, a ticket function, etc. Would it make more sense to have dock closer to landing? Apply for permit for multiple dock now for further expansion later? Neighborhood concems, help make the park safer and less subject to vandalism. -2963- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 How far from property line dock should go? Lighting. Parking. Volleybafl court. Signage using historical d~cor. Plantings, beautification of area done by volunteers? VFW has offered parking lot for possible "special cruise Minnesota Transportation Museum could possible Mound. Minnehaha vintage streetcar to Commissioner Eurich questioned of this new do Minnehaha or will it be open for other boats, would be open to residents and visitors to Moun for this dock to become a charter boat tr cities have become. This will be more for the Warner stated this dock iehaha only will not be looking the other docks in the other as it originally was. Commissioner Jones q channel. Mr. Warner stated ti concern. with the narrows bridge Commissioner Eurich Warner explained the eight feet wide. Th~ Minnehaha will impact the swimming beach? Mr. feet and is 71 feet long. The dock will be 'ill have enough room to by side by side. The extended periods of time. Mr. Warner indi( posted. not see fishing off of this dock. Signs will need to be Park Director Fackler stated the Commission needs to realize this is a concept and a plan must be utilized for the swimming beach area and the dock area. Staff does not see much change in the use of this dock by implementing this program. Signs could be posted with the Minnehaha schedule. The City of Mound will have to apply with the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District for a multiple transient dock permit. The Commission needs to look to the future, 5-10 years. Also in the.package are items that are necessary in conjunction with the City of Wayzata. This indicates what the City will have to put together to accommodate the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District which also covers the DNR. -2964- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 The plans are moving ahead if the Commission makes a motion for recommendation. Commissioner Goldberg would like to see this information passed on to the Mound Visions Committee and is very much in support of this project. Mr. Warner Would like input from the Commission as to the type of application, multiple dock as the dock in Excelsior. This would not have to be completely built at this time but in future years. The presence of a city dock, properly lit, would help in the safety of the park. Parking is an ongoing problem and will continue to be an issue. At this time, there is not enough demand to address this issue. The VFW might possil f fund extra parking. This can be reviewed at a later date. Commissioner Goldberg questioned if there were volu~ not meeting expectations. Mr. Warner stated the T non-profit organization and is well funded and a They are willing to invest the time to building Transportation Museum supports the efforts to Minnehaha and other boats can use. Th, boat special events. in the case of the idea Jseum is a 501C3 hg group. Th nnesota public dock that the scheduled for cruises and Chair Funk questioned if the neighbors h Historical Society approached have received a mailing. Mr. Wamer stated the they showed much interest. Also, all Mr. Warner stated the City engineering to cons~ an escrow fund. Finance Dire~ the permit and need to city to help with the dock permit questions. Also to be the recipient of )nations have been received. Gino Businaro, g to do this. There is a budget confident that the comr ;ly $30,000 to build the dock. Mr. Warner feels very raise this money without effecting the City's budget. Chair Funk commended Mr. Warner's effort he has put forth and is pursuing this without public funds.. MOTION by Funk second by Jones to recommend pursuing this project and forward a recommendation to the City Council for their approval. ,MOTION carried unamiously. -2965- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 5. REVIEW: PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT a. KEITH AND LAURIE FOERSTER, 4645 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE The applicant is requesting a Public Lands Permit to allow installation of an underground water intake pipe for a new sprinkler system. At the present time, there is a stairway, an electric light (with outlet) and a retaining wall located in Devon Commons that are associated with the subject property. The subject sites includes a single family home that is accessed from Islandview Drive and is bordered by Devon Commons to the south. The city Engineer stated the applicant is advised the City h~i~';sanitary sewer main and water main located in Devon Commons. The survey incl~i~"the manhole and fire hydrant located on the property. The proposed underg~i~!~.i~[igation line will cross both mains. ~:~!I¢~ ..... "~?:',li~}~i~ii~ .... ~ Building Official Matt Sinoneau stated a plumbi be re~::~ed. Public works Director Greg Skinner had no ob Parks Director Fackler stated the a Only one neighbor was heard from statini to the DCAC for review. project. City staff recommends a of a water intake pipe for from the Docks and Comr .ands Permit request to allow installation subject to any and/or all commends City Council, and City Staff. Applicant present. No neighbors or ci .staff's recommendation. MOTION application wi' ;cond by Eurich to approve the ;onditions. MOTION carried unanimously. 6. REVIEW: REQUEST TO REINSTALL SMALL WATERCRAFT SITES AT AVALON PARK SITE NUMBERS 4055OK, 4055OL. A request has been received form Orr Burma who has a slip site at the Avalon Dock to re-establish the Small Watercraft (SWC) sites that were removed while determining the 2002 Dock Location Map. -2966- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 As you will note from the attached information that two of the four SWC sites were removed. Mr. Burma had one of the remaining sites but chose not to renew it for 2002. Another site holder on the dock elected to lease the site so staff issued it to him. The reasoning behind staffs recommendation to the DCAC to remove SWC sites fl40550 K and L and change slip sites #40550 G and H to Temporary sites was due to non use of the SWC sites and a question of meeting the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) side setback requirement. 'Staff believed that the four sites that saw change in their status on the 2002 Dock Location Map did not meet setback. Staff has since reviewed this site plan with the LMCD has found that the slip sites #40550 G and H would be very questionable in meeting setback but SWC sites #40550 K and L would have enough navigation with the current 30' this question to the LMCD prior to establishing the 2002 D( was concerned that the two sites ~40550 G and H woul~ requirement of more then doubling the current 30' Watercraft that are moored parallel to the shoreline Opening/Setback to private property. In the ~40550 G and H are 32'X 10' and would ne~ This would have a major impact on the Avalon that could be moored. Staff did not bring Map because it by the her side of the dock. ~e Avalon slip sites on sides of the dock. n and the number of boats Staffs recommendation is that if the establishing the SWC sites ~40550 K'a sites as permanent. Slip this dock site at some point setbacks. y other issue with re- Location Map adding these should remain as Temporary so that there is a non-renewal, will meet all The concern is that reviewed this questionable. Ilel sites. ~g to be meeting side setbacks. Staff has since has found that the slip sites of G and H are very Staff is currently doi study which will lead us to a site plan for each area which will show what s have established for slips and those will be required to meet side setbacks. Ian, J are very shallow and are established as small water craft. Any dredging would be very costly. Orv Burma, 3011 Islandview Drive. Concurs with staff's recommendation. Would like the Commission to indicate the other two sites small watercraft rather than eliminating. This would allow a Mound resident utilization of these docks. Also, would appreciate when these types of things are considered that directly affect the dock holders they need notification. -2967- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Comm/ssion iV[ay 16, 2002 Fackler stated staff would like to be able to indicate to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District that the City of Mound has been working on adjusting the slips to adhere to the Dock Location Map. This would not change the application to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. At this time, we are at the 590 mark. We do have an excess of shoreline that we have not claimed. Mr. Burma stated the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District previously approved the Mound Plan in their consent agenda. The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District does not like to micro-manage. What they respond to are neighbors that disagree. Pat Meisei, 5501Bartlett Blvd. Originally Ms. Meisel requested this come back to the Dock Commission. This issue was reviewed by the City Council two weeks ago. It was on the consent agenda and was approved. Meisel would like Commission to be sure to involve the people that are using these docks for th~ There are 107 people on the waiting list. Would like to see the list be Would like to see these slips labeled as temporary. Chair Funk stated the Commission will see to it notify neighbors/residents of upcoming issues' staff's recommendation to indicate these slips a examine the other two sites and review the and change those sites on the 2003 the others as small sites. future that ~n will Agrees with ~ry sites. Directed staff to re- ~linnetonka Conservation District permanent. Maybe establish Commissioner Jones is conce~ are not working out. MOTION by season we re-est; Direct the Lak{ Commis~ Co to move for the 2002 boating watercraft site #40550 K and L. to make sites G and H acceptable within ~n District setbacks. Such that the ;ider making these sites permanent for 2003. MOTION animously. City Council Representative Mark Hanus arrived at 8:45 p.m. 7. REVIEW: DOCK/SLIP FEES AND REVENUES VS EXPENDITURES Chair Funk explained the Commission requested more detail on administrative costs. Staff reviewed this information with Gino Businaro, Finance Director. Questions from the Dock Commission had in regards to projected revenues and expenditures from April 8, 2002 referring to what was included in the line item under Administration. Businaro indicated all the line items from the standard budget report that were not separately listed on the projected Revenue and Expenditure were included. -2968- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Advisory Commission May 16, 2002 In 2001 the Dock budget saw charges for the Woodland Point Settlement which included new docks/stairways, engineering and League of Minnesota insurance deductible. Also there was the expense for the Dock Location Mapping of the Shoreline to establish the cities claimed lineal footage for the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. These items are better clarified in the individual balance sheet. The Commission would like to see 2001 "actual fees" not "proposed fees". On June 1st, staff will begin the budget process. 8. REVIEW: PROTECTION OF THE RIP-RAPPING FROM SNOWMOBILES. Avalon Park received an application of fieldstone asked that a wooden ramp be constructed over the the winter seasons of 2001-2002. he Dock Commission by snowmobiles for This was completed in the attempt to protect snowmobile traffic. Staff also constructed a seas( onto the ramp. From this being one w~ One indicating it kept the traffic to the looked ugly. displacement by to direct the snowmobiles staff received two comments. one against saying that it Staff did have t° repair the ri use. inter due to the wood ramp braking from Staff does not have a determination can here them is similar rip-rapping and feels no e. No problem re-installing this annually. Commissioner was on and believed this was a good job and looked 'good. 9. DISCUSS: FOR THE TOUR AT 6:30 P.M. Commissioners toured the five locations recommended for rip-rapping, Waterbank Common, Centerview Road, Crescent Park, Twin park and Idelwood Access. All of these sites are locations where rip-rapping was completed in the past; however due to erosion or red rock breakdown repair is needed. Staff recommends this work be completed after the ice is out in Apdl 2003. In the 2002 budget this is $35,000.00 designated for rip-rapping. The estimated cost range per lineal foot for the field stone specification that was approved by the City Council and Do DCAC will run between $65.00 and $90.00 per lineal foot based on accessibility form land or water. Staff is requesting the CommisSion to prioritize the list above or recommend other sites for rip-rap repair. -2969- Minutes of the Mound DOck and Commons Advisory Commission IV[ay 16, 2002 Hanus toured these areas previously and stated his list of what does and what does not require rip-rap. Idelwood Access no need for work, no deterioration. Centerview Road only needs a portion of rip-rap. Waterbank no need for work. Crescent Park only needs a portion of rip-rap. At Twin Park the entire area needs rip-rapping. Did not tour Idelwood. Park Director Fackler explained that it depends upon the site for the cost of the work per foot. Idelwood has runoff from the street and is deteriorating from the street as well as the lake. The Storm Water Management Fund should provide some of the cost for Idelwood since the streets are in disrepair. Commissioner Eurich stated he feels Centerview is in the most disrepair. Both Chair Funk and Commissioner Goldberg agree Twir However a portion of Centerview and a portion of in the most disrepair. ~ld use rip-rap. Commissioners came to a concession that Twin Pa~ b Idelwood Access should not be completed until ..... issue is and Staff recommends completing one area and responsible for minimum maintenance 3; of the City for stacking and repairs. Dock holders are ultimately it is the responsibility Hanus stated that it is a City Ordi maintain rip-rap. Fackler indi, dock holder and it is ultimat, '1ce ~onsibility of the dock holder to aintenance is the responsibility of the repairs and maintenance. The Commission supports c¢ cost of repairing no proportioned one and not piece-mealing. Aisc agrees the ,s involved with some of theses areas should be Fackler stated th built on a bog. The o there was repair work on Centerview. The road is usually push this area. Commissioner Eurich wo~'i~ like to see Twin Park rip-rapped in its entirety and Crescent as far as the budget allows. MOTION by Funk second by Goldberg to direct staff to proceed with complete rip-rap of Twin Park 100% Twin Park and as rip-rap at Crescent park as budgeted funds allow. MOTION carried unamiously. -2970- Minutes of the Mound Dock and Commons Adviso~ Commission May 16, 2002 Commissioner Goldberg volunteered to construct correspondence stating the position of the Commission in regards to shared responsibility with the Dock Commission and Street Department. Staff recommends this be completed by the time the budget process begins 10. REVIEW: JUNE 2002 AGENDA CALENDAR Mark Goldberg will not be in attendance at the June 2002 meeting. Review: Dock/Slip Fees and Revenues VS Expenditures. 2003 Dock Application/Fee Report Form Will Be Listed Under the For Your Information Section MOTION by Jones second by Eurich to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. MOTION carried unamiously. -2971 - Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9, 20O2 Present: Chair John Beise, Commissioners Gene Hostetler, Derrick Hentz, Susan Taylor, and Ron Motyka. Also present: Parks Director Jim Fackler and Recording Secretary Sue Schwalbe. Absent and excused: Norm Domholt and David Osmek Citizens present: Vicky Depaulis, 3041 Dundee Lane Jennifer Langfield, 3045 Dundee Lane Bill Anderson, VFW F. Todd Warner, 3056 Highland Blvd. Orv Burma, 3011 Islandview Drive Mary Berglund, 5049 Avon Drive Chair Beise called the meeting to order at 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 1 COMMISSION MINUTES OPEN SPACF MOTION BY 2002 Mound Advi minutes. With otyka to approve the April 11, Space Commission Meeting 4. DI~ OF CITY CONTRACT FOR PUBLICATION FOR and COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE DA VID OSMEK Item lifeguard program. Neither effort was successful in obtaining the targeted amount for saving the lifeguard program. $5,000 was contributed from the VFW. $2,000 will go to the Kids Scholarship Parks program; $2,000 will go to Music in the Parks; and $1,000 will be for additional plant boxes in the green space areas. MOTION carried unamiously. 2. AGENDA CHANGES None -2972- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 3. COMMENTS FORM CITIZENS PRESENT Vicky Depaulis, 3041 Dundee Lane. Concems with playground equipment. What is the age of the equipment, when was it last inspected, who is the manufacturer and where can replacement parts be found. There is one major bolt missing that anchors an angle to the post. Jennifer Langfield, 3045 Dundee Lane. Concerns with snowmobiles at Swenson Park. Could a sign be posted to designate where snowmobiles can access the lake. Also would like to see garbage cans installed as soon as possible. Park Director Fackler stated the trash bins are installed in June. The City of Mound is on a very tight budget and the city needs help responsible citizens. Chair Beise directed staff to include the snowmobil~ a discussion item. the next agenda as 4. DISCUSS MOUND PARK COMMISSI~ CITIZENS The Mound Park and Op'er~' on park improvements. ss~on ~s seeking citizen input Mary Berglund, 5049 Avon Drive. Resurface, paint, and instal additional backboard an( the labor. Also anoth~ Re( nts to Avon Park. Basketball Court. Possibly install an ~nger children. Volunteers could do bigger kids is needed. Orv Burma, 301 Fortin Consult power point is Commission advantages to ti and repelling geese for boats and docks Regarding buffer zones on Lake Minnetonka. ;)g firm that demonstrates this program through minutes in length. The Planning 'iewed this presentation. There are many ram including landscaping, attracting songbirds De will not go through a 5-6 foot buffer. Also a screen are out in the lake. The original documents will be left with Jim Fackler. Volunteers will do most of the labor. The only cost to the city will be approximately $1,500.00 for consulting fees and purchasing the plants. The Department of Natural Resources has funds available and the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District might have some funds available as well. Mr. Burma cannot at this time pursue this himself. However, he is requesting the Commission pursue this for Avalon and other parks. The Commission directed staff for a follow-up report on the loose bolt at the park. -2973- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 5. REVIEW: WESTONKA HISTORICAL SOCIETY INFORMATION ON DOCKAGE OF THE MINNEHAHA AT MOUND BAY PARK. F. Todd Warner, 3056 Highland Blvd. and 2642 Commerce Blvd., Mahogany Bay Vintage Boats. Mr. Warner presented a proposal to the Commission on behalf the Westonka Historical Society to bring the Minnehaha to Mound. Previously presented this idea to the Parks Commission and will present this to the City Council on May 28, 2002. This will include a permanent dock to the Mound Cooks Bay Park to accommodate the Minnehaha Steam Boat and its operation from the Mound end of Lake Minnetonka. A package was distributed to the Commission and can be found in their packet. In the package is a letter that explains the direction that the Historical Society is headed included the steps necessary to achieve this goal. The Historical Society like to move forward with the project as quickly as possible while sti] dating the concerns of the neighbors that may be affected. Mr. Warner is requesting guidance, support Council to move forward with this project. to build a dock on Cook's Bay that would with the same construction as in the City of The Historical Society feels that the Mow Lake Minnetonka. Hopefully the Wayzata, Excelsior and Mound. The size of the Minnehaha. ~n to the City in the I: ge, propose and eight feet wide and the City of Excelsior. ;serves its own place on part of a triad of adequate for a boat the In the packet is a list of like guidance with. ri y sees as concerns that would Location of , Would no' the ,dicap accessibility, bathrooms, rental of Depot. previous redesign of Depot deck to be more There is currently the Depot. There have been suggestions of moving that dock to the would be more direct to the street for visibility and a handicapped access and any walking paths. The proposed dock is 100 feet long and the closest residence that is due south of the Depot, that line will cross out in the lake and there are setbacks of 100 feet that are going to have to be met. Another suggestion is moving the dock closer to the public landing. Mr. Warner feels it is a good idea to keep the dock closer to the Depot for bathrooms, a ticket function, etc. Would it make more sense to have dock closer to landing? Apply for permit for multiple dock now for further expansion later? -2974- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 Neighborhood concerns, help make the park safer and less subject to vandalism How far from property line dock should go? Lighting. Parking. Volleyball court. Signage using historical d~cor. Plantings, beautification of area done by VFW has offered parking lot for possible Minnesota Transportation Museum to Mound. )" by Minnehaha a vintage streetcar Mr. Warner indicated that he does need to be posted. this dock. Signs will Park Director Fackler and a plan must be utili; Staff does not see program. Signs ~n needs to realize this is a concept beach area and the dock area. of this dock by implementing this Minnehaha schedule. The City of District for a future, 5-10 ye with the Lake Minnetonka Conservation dock permit. The Commission needs to look to the Also in the package that are necessary in conjunction with the City of Wayzata. This indicates what the City will have to put together to accommodate the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District which also covers the DNR. The plans are moving ahead if the Commission makes a motion for recommendation. Mr. Warner would like input from the Commission as to the type of application, multiple dock as the dock in Excelsior. This would not have to be completely built at this time but in future years. The presence of a city dock, propedy lit, would help in the safety of the park. -2975- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 Parking is an ongoing problem and will continue to be an issue. At this time, there is not enough demand to address this issue. The VFVV might possibly fund extra parking. This can be reviewed at a later date. Mr. Warner stated the Transportation Museum is a 501C3 non-profit organization and is well funded and a well organized, long standing group. They are willing to invest the time to building the interest levels. The Minnesota Transportation Museum supports the efforts to develop a public dock that the Minnehaha and other boats can use. The boat can be scheduled for cruises and special events. Mr. Wamer stated the Historical Society approached the neighbors and they showed much interest. Also, all have received a mailing. Mr. Warner stated the City must apply for the permit an~ the engineering to consider the multiple dock permit recipient of an escrow fund. To date, $5,000 in dol Gino Businaro, Finance Director, stated the to city to help with ons. Also to be the ve been received. this. There is a budget of approximately $30,00( very confident that the community can raise City's budget. dock. Warner feels without effecting the Chair Beise stated the new dock community as a whole. Also questior Depot. public accessible for the would need to rent the Mr. Warner un( charter boats. Other chr: money could go could be used the success point with the ,n might have with other for access to city docks. The will not be a for profit dock. Also the Depot some kind. The visibility factor plays a role in like the dock to be located at a Chair Beise wot the north side of the dock closer to the volleyball and moor put the boat on Commissioner Hentz suggested examining the area more closely during a parks tour. Commissioner Motyka concerned with the bathroom issues. If the dock would be built closer to the landing there would be easier access to the portable 'units. Commissioner Hostetler is in favor of building the dock closer to the depot. -2976- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 The Commission feels it would be wise to built the dock first and then grow with the interest and popularity of the program. In the future look into the idea of a ticket booth and bathrooms. Park Director Fackler stated once the dock is installed, it cannot be moved so the Commission needs to look to the future as far as growth and the concept of the Mound Bay Park. This is a positive project for the city; however keep in mind the other uses of the park. Mr. Warner is looking for a recommendation from the Park Commission to the City Council. Next Warner will go to the Dock Commission for a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there are any obstac concerns, city money, engineering, high level ma the Lake Minnetonka Conservative District be an Neighbor's A/ill the permit through Mr. Warner stated all the neighbors have beet received the same information as the Com as of (. They MOTION by Beise second Commission recommend a new permanent dock in Bay Park. and Open Space Council the promotion of aha to the Mound Motion carried u 6. REVIEW: lNG INFORMATION Park Directo~ Commissione the application ;kler :lule for the Mound City Contact. The paper and a few appropriate pictures to liven up )mmission would like first draft in packet published. 7. DISCUSS: PARK STRICTS: Chair Beise opened this discussion to the Commissioners and would like to see this item on the agenda every month. Staff directed.to only include pages 32, 33,37,38 in the packet. -2977- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 8. REVIEW: JUNE 2002 AGENDA ADD: Park Districting ADD: Quiet Waters Use in Langdon Lake ADD: Dundee Park, Follow-Up RepOrt on DUndee Park Structure repair. ADD: Staff Directed to Include Any Snowmobiling Ordinances in the August Packet. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE DAVID OSMEK Chair Beise stated David Osmek and Bob Brown are in Minneapolis seeing Vice- President Chenney. The wood and materials have been purchased for five n~iiiii~lanter boxes for the Mound downtown area. There will be discussion nex~ii~th as to their locations. The new Fire Station Facility has been ap REPORT FROM PARK DIRECTOR JIM .... Staff is repairing/cleaning items for Memorial There is not a full crew at this time. hired. In the last part of May or by the hired. person has been the remainder of the crew The vandalism at as soon as possible. No lifeguard on soon, istalled and the swimming areas will be roped off Cemetery is I: Jr Memorial Day weekend. ISLAND PARK FA~ii~!!~i!~E:S TASK FORCE REPORT Open house is scheduled for the 15th of June from 10:30 to 1:30 p.m. Kathy of the Historical Society is completed research work for the Open House. Pictures of past use will be display and the floor plan displayed for viewing. Four options are being reviewed: 1. City will undertake restoration. 2. City to sell the proPerty a charitable organization for a $1.00 to take over the renovation 3. Demolish the building and add the property to Swenson park 4. Sell the property to a developer. -2978- Minutes of the Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission May 9, 2002 SKATE PARK REPORT FROM GENE HOSTETLER The Committee will present to the City Council on May 14, 2002 to review arrangements for the building of the park. The City is helping to solve issues and help the project move ahead. Tom Stokes of Brenshell Development is the main developer on this project. MOTION by Motyka second by Hentz to adjourn meeting at 9:30 p.m. MOTION carried unamiously. -2979-