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AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP August 20, 2002 6:30-9:30 P.M. Call Meeting to Order & Opening Comments - Mayor Pat Meisel Discussion of General Fund Revenues Discussion of Summary of Revenues and Expenditures A. Transfers and Alternative Forms of Funding B. Personnel Additions C. Capital Outlay Preliminary Discussion A. Le~y B. Fund Balance Individual Budgets, including Capital Purchases/Programs A. Council- Gino Businaro B. Promotions - Gino Businaro C. Cable TV - Gino Businaro D. City Manager/City Clerk- Kandis Hanson E. Elections - Bonnie Ritter F. Assessing - Gino Businaro G. Finance - Gino Businaro H. Computer - Gino Businaro I. Legal - Gino Businaro J. Police - John McKinley 11-12 13 14-17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-27 28 29 30-31 Ko L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. Emergency Preparedness - John McKinley Planning and Inspection - Sarah Smith Streets - Greg Skinner City Hall Buildings and Services - Jim Fackler Parks - Jim Fackler Recreation/Community Services - Jim Fackler Contingency- Gino Businaro G~neral Fund Transfer - Gino Businaro Fire - Greg Pederson Recycling - Gino Businaro Liquor- Joel Krumm Water- Greg Skinner Sewer - Greg Skinner Cemetery- Bonnie Ritter/Jim Fackler Storm Water - Greg Skinner/Gino Businaro Docks - Jim Fackler Final Discussion A. Preliminary Levy B. Fund Balance Closing Comments - Mayor Pat Meisel Adjourn 32 33-34 35-36 37 38-39 4O 41 41 42-50 53 54-56 57-60 61-64 65 66 67-68 August 16, 2002 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound,com Mayor Meisel City Council Members 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor and Council, As we embark on the most difficult of budgets thus far, I want to again reassure you that, as City Manager, I am committed to responsible and ethical budgeting and spending. Because it is my responsibility to stay abreast of the short-term and long- term needs of the City, my recommendations represent a very hands-on level of awareness. You may also be assured that I try hard to be sensitive to your priorities and to the politics. At the August 20 2003 Budget Meeting, it is our goal to lead you through some generalized discussion that will allow us to agree on a preliminary budget for 2003. Please note that most capital requests have been denied, personnel considerations are those that are considered essential to carrying out the basic tasks, and lines in the operating budget are either flat or contain minor upward adjustments. Enclosed are the materials for discussion for the workshop. Also enclosed is an agenda that will be the basis for moving quickly and systematically through the material. In order to move the meeting along, you are invited to email, or otherwise direct, your specific questions to me in advance. By doing so, Department Heads may gather the data in advance, enabling us to better answer your questions and satisfy your concerns. Please try to do so by 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 20. Thanks! EXPENDITURES Capital Purchases Department Heads submitted their needs, as are reflected in full under the 2003 Proposed Capital Outlay. These were then severely cut back, reflecting what I view as the most pressing needs. Personnel Proposed staff increases represented includes the addition of an on-staff City Engineer/Public Works Director. Under the plan, Greg Skinner would become Assistant Public Works Director, in charge of daily operations, and the new Public Works Director, who will be a registered engineer, will have oversight of the department and provide the civil engineering functions now provided by John Cameron of MFRA. John's plans have him retiring around the end of 2003, which will allow for 6-8 months of overlap, so John may pass along his knowledge of our infrastructure. This passing of information is critical to the success of our downtown development and other project plans. Administrative backup for the Engineer/Public Works Director will be provided by the Administrative Assistant just hired. Map making can continue to come from MFRA, so there will be no equipment needs, other than the ordinary outfitting of the office space. Specialized engineering backup will continue to come from the professionals already providing those services at MFRA. The cost of the Engineer/Public Works Director is spread across six areas in the Operations Budget: water, sewer, streets, and storm water, with reimbursements from redevelopment and escrow accounts. (This is recommended as a high priority, with John Cameron's plans to retire.) A second staffing request was in the Fire Department, increasing the Administrative Assistant from 32 to 40 hours per week. Full-time wages and benefits are reflected in the Fire Department Budget. The third staffing request was in the Parks Department, increasing a Parks Maintenance position from 1600 to 2080 hours per year. Full-time wages and benefits are not reflected in the Parks Budget. The final request for staffing is the School Resource Officer (SRO) to the Police Department. This is a federal grant in the amount of $125,000 over three years. The City plans to draw more heavily against the program in the early years, so there will be little impact to the Police Department Budget this year. The City assumes a growing responsibility for the funding over the life of the grant. Operations Budget The cost of our operations budget is generally affected minimally, mostly due to inflation and growth. It is important the lines representing operations not be reduced by any measure, since they accurately represent the basic cost of operating that department. Our charge as City officials is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. That generally means provide for the basic needs. Other services can be thought of as quality of life measures and can oftentimes be reduced or eliminated. With that background, Council Members are asked to think in terms of "programs" when you think of reducing costs--what programs can be curtailed or eliminated with the least amount of impact. As last year, here are some programs you could consider: --designating several parks as natural, eliminating mowing them --grass and weed trimming citywide --lifeguards --kid recreation programs --beach maintenance --beach and park weed spraying -2- --port-a-potties in parks --Mound City Days contribution --Music in the Park --garbage pickup downtown --CBD parking program, and the services that goes with it --weed spraying on sidewalks and roadsides --sidewalk repair --pothole repair --signage repair, replacement and additions --PD response to car lockouts --PD response to property damage accidents --police programs, such as Triad or others (eliminating an officer) --closing City Hall one day per week (10 hour days), reducing utilities Public Buildinqs Cleaning and Maintenance With the construction of the new public safety building and the liquor store, cleaning and maintenance contracts will be renegotiated so they include all locations (City Hall, Public Works, Liquor Store, Public Safety Building), resulting in the best possible prices. Those include such things as janitorial, windows, HVAC maintenance, elevators, garbage, etc. The Operations Budgets reflect those costs. Future budgets will include seed funds that will build for the long-term care and maintenance of all the buildings for such things as carpeting, decorating, repair work, etc., making those projects more financially manageable when they are needed. As for the immediate needs of City Hall, we chose address the safety concerns by suggesting funding for paint, carpet and mold testing and remediation. We are also suggesting funding that would make minor alterations so that it will function better once the Police Department has vacated its space. (These improvements are highly recommended as a priority.) We see these as more pressing that some other concerns such as settling and water damage, exterior deterioration and ADA compliance. These pressing needs warrant your serious discussion. Parks As has been discussed in the past, it is my opinion that the ongoing development of our 29 parks depends upon innovativeness. I have numerous ideas in mind for their development that I see as potentially benefiting our parks system over the coming years. Some ideas I have included: --passing an ordinance requiring charitable gambling organizations to dedicate the 10% of contributions to parks --instituting pull tabs in the liquor store with proceeds dedicated to parks --soliciting large contributions from Kevin Sorbo for the maintenance and development of his name sake--Sorbo Park -3- --reviewing the dedication language of each of the parks to determine their potential for alternative uses --inventorying the tax forfeited parcels and marketing them, with proceeds dedicated to parks --soliciting grants from large corporations, foundations and agencies that fund special projects (McKnight, Disney, General Mills, DNR) --engaging the community in parks fund raising, such as in March for Parks --engaging the community in parks maintenance, such as Adopt a Park and spring cleanup programming Streets and Utilities Work is underway to present you with policies that will govern the approach to total replacement for streets, water, sewer and storm sewer systems on a rotating basis throughout the City. Project priorities will be based on the study performed by last year's engineering intern, with the idea that a given number of blocks of street, curb, gutter, and utilities will be replaced each year. These policies will involve the assessment of those who benefit, combined with City participation, where appropriate. Council members will view the draft policies later this fall. It is the recommendation of staff that these policies be adopted just prior to the first of the new-year. There has been a request by the Public Works Director to fund the next phase of the radio read meter system in the coming year, estimated to be $90,000. Instead, I suggest that you leverage the City dollars and bond for them along with other projects occurring in 2003. Legal Costs There is a lack of consistency in the budgeting and accounting for legal costs across the departments. I am suggesting that legal costs incurred by the enterprise funds be charged against them, and that legal costs incurred by General Fund budgets be charged against the Legal Fund. This approach is reflected in this proposed budget. Conferences and Travel My practices are as follows: Department Heads may only utilize airlines as a means of travel once per year. There may not be international travel unless the cost is offset by some means so that it is equal to nationwide travel costs. Gillespie Center Due to their falling revenues, the Gillespie Center is asking for an appropriation. The cooperative agreement is in effect and seems to be a workable arrangement for the present. -4- REVENUES Levy Limits The State Department of Revenue will notify us of the levy limit for the year 2003 by September 1, 2002. We have been given a preliminary number of $2,374,180. We will enter a firm number in documents distributed for the Sept 9 meeting. Levies for debt service, HRA and for portion of the city fire relief contribution are outside the levy limit. State Aid As you know HACA was eliminated and the LGA was reduced down to $296,570 for the year 2003. This change has a major impact on the property tax for Mound. Building Permits Sarah, Matt and Gino gave it their best shot at the estimated revenues for permits. Even if $220,000 looks small if compared with the actual for 2001, it would not be wise to project a higher number, given the economic uncertainties occurring at this time. Transfers from the Liquor Store Fund Based on our analysis of expenses and cash flow needs for the new Liquor Store, we are not recommending transferring dollars from this fund for the year 2003. Most of the profit will have to be used to pay the principal and interest on the bonds. This will create a big gap in the General Fund for the next few years. Unfortunately, this means two consecutive years without seal coat maintenance to our streets. Tax levy Please use caution when analyzing the proposed tax levy for the year 2003. In addition to the vast legislative changes of this year, which affect next year also, we are adding bond payments of principal and interest on the debt authorized in 2001 and 2002. Area Fire Services We are depending on payments from the other member cities to be used for the principal and interest on the HRA Lease Revenue bonds. At this time we do not have firm numbers and therefore they are not reflected in the Fire Department Budget. Capital Improvement Fund The Council will approve the budget as projects are planned, defined and then presented to you. Given the time frame and the nature of the various proposals, we did not include them in the report. Recycling The Recycling fund balance has declined considerably for the last few years. Although we did not reflect revenue increases for the year 2003, we would like you to give us direction as to the per- household fees. We think that the fee should be increased by at least 5%, if the intent is to continue to provide the current level of service. -5- Water/SewedStorm Water Funds We are proposing a 5% increase in fees for the Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Funds. This increase has been incorporated into the preliminary budget for the year 2003. Docks Even if this preliminary budget as presented to you does not include any increase permit fees, we think that the Council should consider one, given that fund balance projections indicate steep declines. Cash Balances Even if the total cash pool appears to be very healthy, most of the cash has been provided from bond proceeds and the use of it has been pre-approved and reserved for various specific projects. In closing, these are the management recommendations for a preliminary budget. However, I recognize that the budget is the prerogative of the City Council. Your candid discussion of the proposed budget is welcome, with the final decisions for funding being yours. Thank you for your kind consideration. Respectfully, Kandis Hanson City Manager -6- Levy limits for one more year Gary Carlson and Ann Higgins Under current law, levy limits ate due to expire after this year. In the meantime, cities over 2,500 population will be subject to levy limitsmand the limitations this year for many cities and counties will be extremely tight. The levy limit calculation for each city starts with the city's previous year levy limit, not the actual property tax lev~ This provision was added to the levy limit law so that levy limits would not be an encouragement for dries and counties to unnecessarily levy more than necessary simply to preserve future levy authority. As a result of this provision, cities that did not use all of their levy authority for taxes payable in 2002 will carry some of that authority forward for taxes payable in 2003. After starting with last year's levy limit, state law specifies that a city's limit will be annually adjusted by three statistical measures to reflect inflation- ary pressure on local government budgets as well as changes in the city that may contribute to increased local service costs. The inflation adjustment is identical for all cities and is based on a commonly used statistic that attempts to measure government cost inflation. The other two adjustments, the percent change in households in the city and the one-half of the percent increase in commercial and industrial market value in the city, attempt to measure increased demand for city services and therefore allow some additional levy growth. In certain circumstances, a city's levy limit will be adjusted due to a consolidation of local units of govern- ment, annexations, and transfers of government functions from one local government unit to another. However, any of these situations must have occurred before June 30 in order to have an impact on the levy limit for taxes payable in 2003. Due to a very low inflation rate, the statistic will only provide for a 0.76 percent increase in the levy limit. July 24, 2002 In other words, a city w/th a $1 million levy limit last year would receive only a $7,600 inflationary increase in its levy authority for taxes due in 2003. This inflation rate is well below the 3 percent to 4 percent inflation rate used in the levy limit calculations over the p,ast several years. Of course, the household growth and commercial and industrial market value growth factors will also be used to adjust the leW limit for each city. However, for most cities household growth does not exceed 1 percent per year and the recent economic down- turn might mean less new construction of commercial and industrial property for many communities. Process to exceed the limit When the Legislature reimposed levy limits in the 2001 tax bill, lawmakers decided to create a process whereby cities and counties could exceed the state-imposed levy limit if local circum- stances indicate that aleW increase larger than the state-imposed limit might be necessary. Under Minnesota Statutes 275.73, subd. 1, a city may ask its voters for additional levy authority. The process requires that an additional leW in excess of the state limit be approved by a majority of the voters in the city voting on the question at a general or a special election. The city must state the purpose and the max/- mm yearly amount of the additional levy, and the city must follow the statutorily-defined election process. Unlike other voter-approved levies, voter-approved levies to exceed state levy limits are generally levied against net tax capacity, unless another general or special state law or local charter provision requires that it be levied against referendum market value. With the tight levy limits for 2003, this process might be a consideration for some cities. However, there are least two major catches. First, cities may not know their 2003 levy limit in time to meet the process requirements for a special election. The Dept. of Revenue has until Sept. 1 to notify cities of their 2003 levy limit. If the city needs the additional levy to be effective for 2003, the election must be held no later than Aug. 31. Of course, a city could go to the voters with a request to exceed the levy limit without knowledge of the actual limitation, but taxpayers would undoubtedly want to know the total potential levy increase, which would not be known until the levy limits are finally certified. Any voter-approved levy approved at an election held after Aug. 31 cannot be levied for taxes payable in 2003, but could be levied fo/taxes payable in 2004. Interestingly, levy limits are due to expire after 2003. Second, the election laws that cities are required to follow appear to prohibit a special election before Aug. 31, 2002. Due to the fact that redistricting was enacted this year, state law (M.S. 204B. 135, Subd. 4.) prohibits cities, counties, townships, and school districts from holding a special election during the 19 weeks prior to the state primary, which will be held on Sept. 10. Even in a non-redistricting year, the normal election process requires that a city must provide written notice to the county auditor of the date as well as the tide and language of the ballot question to appear on the ballot at least 49 days prior to the election, meaning the city would have to anticipate the need to exceed the levy limit well before the state would notify the city of the limitation Although the Dept. ofl~evenue has until Sept. 1 to notify cities of their levy limit, in the past, the department has been able to complete its work in advance of the statutory deadline. The good news is that levy limits are due to expire after the 2003 tax year. The bad news is that the Legislature could always extend levy limits when they convene for the 2003 legishtive session. ~ -7- Page 7 To strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportuniF, leadership, and governance. National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-1763 202-626-3000 Fax: 202-626-3043 www. nlc.org 2002 Officers President Karen J. Anderson Mayor, Minnetonka, Minnesota First Vice President John DeStefano, Jr. Mayor, New Haven, Connecticut Second Vice President Charles Lyons Selectman, Arlington, Massachusetts Immediate Past President Bob Knight Mayor, Wichita, Kansas Executive Director Donald J. Borut Ra~led Paper July 1 l, 2002 The Honorable Patricia A. Meisel Mayor City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Municipal Leader: These are tough economic times for your cormnunity--and for communities nationwide! You are trying to trim the budget and maintain quality services at the same time. We know that's challenging. In addition to testing your leadership skills, it stretches your creativity and your resources. We also know that you can use some help. That's why we're here. As the oldest and largest national organization representing municipal governments in the U.S., the National League of Cities (NLC) has been working for cities and towns like yours for nearly 80 years, and we've seen some tough times over those years. But we've hung in there, serving as a national resource and advocate for you on Capitol Hill and promoting cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance. Today, we continue to help more than 1,700 member cities, towns, and villages of all sizes. Through your community's participation in NLC, you may have networked with your peers at NLC's annual conferences, leadership seminars, and workshops, or served on one of NLC's policy committees or constituency groups. And by reading Nation's Cities Weekly and NLC's practical' guidebooks, you have seen how other communities are solving problems that you face. We want you to continue to receive these valuable membership benefits because, more than ever, you need to be connected to an organization that knows firsthand the challenges you face--one that has the information, resources, and experience to help you. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the City of Mound's membership. We wantyou back/And to help you st~-y connecte:L NLC ~ off.~.ffno~ a 15% d~?com',! on your current dues. Because we have already applied the discount on the enclosed invoice, you only need to send it back along with your check. It's our way of saying that we value your community's membership in NLC, and we're willing to help you continue receiving all the privileges of membership while you work through these difficult times. But hurry! This offer is valid only through August 15, 2002. I hope you take advantage of this special offer to stay connected--to be a voice in shaping policy on behalf of our nationrs great cities and towns. Warm regards, Camille Kellogg Manager, Membership and Marketing Enclosures cc: James F. Miller, Executive Director, League of Minnesota Cities Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager PestPresidenrs: Clarence E. Anthony, Mayor, South Bay, Florida · Glenda E. Hood, Mayor, Orlando, Florida · William H. Hudnut, III, Councilman, Village of Chevy Chase, Maryland o Sharpe James, Mayor, Newark, New Jersey · Brian J. O'Neill, Councilman, Philabelphia, Pennsylvania · Cathy Reynolds, Councilwoman-at-Large, Denver. Colorado · Directors: Jerry Bamberger, Commissioner, Covington, Kentucky · Brenda S. Barger, Mayor, Watertown, South Dakota · Kenneth Barr, Mayor, Fort Worth, Texas · Sally D. Baals, Mayor, Centervgle, Ohio · Threat W. Brown, Councilman, East Point, Georgia · Michael S. Buehlhorn, Village President, Swanson, giinois · Steve Burkholder, Mayor, Lakewood, Colorado · Charles J. Canfield, Mayor. Rochester, Minnesota · Catherine F. Connolly, Executive Director, League of Arizona Cities and Towns · Jim Dailey, Mayor, Little Rock, Arkansas · Alex G. Fekate, Mayor, Pembroke Pines, Florida · Samuel J. Ferrari. Mayor, Greenacres, Florida · Carelye L Royd. Mayor, Kodiak, Alaska · 'l~mothy M. Fulkerson, Mayor, New Castle, Pennsylvania · Ed Garza. Mayor, San Antonio, Texas · Knthleen A. Gaylord, Mayor, South St. Paul, Minnesota · George D. Goodman. Executive Director, Michigan Municipal League · Michael A. Guido. Mayor, Dearborn. Michigan · Larry Haler, Council Member, Richland, Washington · Scott A. Hancock, Executive Director, Maryland Municipal League · George R. Hnrvell, Jr., Mayor, Millington, Tennessee · John HeRman, Mayor, West Hollywood. California · Joseph Hilson, Mayor Pro Tern, Hayword, California · Joycelyn V. Johnson, Aldermen, Winston-Salem, North Carolina · Christopher G. Lockwood, Executive Director, Maine Municipal Association · Souyn L Margerom, Mayor, West Lafayette, Indiana · Gary Mnrkenson, Executive Director, Missouri Municipal League · Brenda Allison Oliver, Mayor. Syiva. North Carolina · George Parks, Executive Director, Wyoming Association of Municipalities · T. J. Patterson, Council Member, Lubbock, Texas · Joe Pi$ciatte, Council Member, Wichita, Kansas · Marie Lopez Rogers, Vice Mayor, Avondale, Arizona · Perry Rnquemore, Executive Director, Alabama League ef Municipalities · Ann Simenk, Ceuncilmember, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma · Alicis D. Smilde, Council Member, Saline, Michigan · Daniel Soza, Council Member, Saginaw, Michigan · W. Glenn Stockman, III, Councilman, Ocean City, Maryland · Frank Stur'zl, Executive Director, Texas Municipal League · Vero White-Reynolds, Council Member, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania · Billy D. Williams. Council Member, Florence, South Carolina -8- National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvarda Avenue, NW ~550 Washington, DC 20004-1763 202.626.3000 * 202.626.3043 fax www.nlc.org Membership Invoice B I L L T 0 The Honorable Patricia A. Meisel Mayor City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 7~alie ,qefvantai~e of this S_p e cia£ Off er! Offer :Ends Jlugust 15, 2002 City Customer # Invoice Date City Manager Invoice Number 00001750 July 12, 2002 Kandis M. Hanson IMembership Group NLC/State League 2000 Population 9~435 Membership Year August 1, 2002-July 31, 2002 Amount $883.00 Total: $883.00 15% Discount: $132.00 Payment: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $751.00 Mark your Calendar for the 2002 Congress of Cities & Exposition December 3-7, 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Visit the NLC website at www. nlc.org for the most up-to-date information, or contact J. Spargo by phone at 888.319.3864, or by e-mail at nlccocregistration@jspargo.com. Please return a copy of this invoice to: Membership Department National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, #550 Washington, DC 20004 The amount shown above is your citY's annual membership dues in the National League of Cities for the current year, which includes $59 per eligible official for a one-year subscription to Nation's Cities Weeklynewspaper. Questions or corrections? Call the NLC Membership office at (202) 626-3190. -9- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Francis Hagen President Bob Bean 1st Vice President John C. Boeder 2nd Vice President Gordon Hughes Treasurer Gloria Johnson Secretary Dr. Chinyere (ike) Njaka Past President Peter Coyle Member-at-Large Dotty O'Brien Member-at-Large John Gray Guritz uchi Dwight Johnson Marvin Johnson Laurie Lafontaine John Lawson Rep. Ann Lenczewski Senator Gen Olson Curtis A. Pearson Mary Tambornino Leonard J. Thiel Thomas Thorfinnson Tom Ticen Benjamin F. Withhart Executive Director & C.E.O. PROGRAMS · Multi-Purpose Senior Centers · Senior Outreach · H.O.M.E. · Transportation SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 111, Minnetonka, MN 5S305 Phone: (9S2) 541-1019 FAX: (952) 541-0841 July 25, 2002 Mayor Pat Meisel and City Council Members City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor Meisel and Council Members: As you may be aware, Community Developemnt Block Grant funding to help support the Gillespie Center has declined again. In 1999, the last year Mound administered its CDBG funds, the City allocated $7,757 in CDBG funding to support the Center. Since the City joined the CDBG Pool all of Mound's funds have been allocated to other projects. Not only has there been absolutely no increase to make up for those funds, but the amount provided to Senior Community Services to support the four senior centers in Delano, Southshore, Long Lake and Mound has shrunk from $36,000 in 1999 to $28,000 for 2002. We are requesting $7,500 from the City of Mound for budget year 2003 (approximately what we used to receive in CDBG funds). Most Center participants are over 75 and for many the Center serves as the principal point of access to needed services and information. Activities include health screenings, physical exercise classes, counseling groups, daily noon meals, tax and energy assistance, recreational groups, a wide range of cultural and educational activities and transportation. The vans allow those people who no longer drive to continue to grocery shop on their own and to do personal errands without having to depend on others. We are hopeful that the City will agree the Gillespie Center Program continues to be a valuable asset to the citizens of the community and deserving of your support. Benjafiq. in F. Withhart Ex'e~tive Director Member of Partners A United Way Agency cc: Kandis Hanson, City Manager -10- GENERAL FUND REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQ. AD VALOREM TAXES PENALTIES & INTEREST FORFEIT TAX. SALE APPORT. TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE FEDERAL GRANT - POLICE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID HACA AID LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID STATE AID FOR STREETS POLICE PENSION AID PERA STATE AID GRANTS FROM OTHER GOVT. UNIT INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES LIQUOR LICENSES BEER LICENSES GARBAGE LICENSES ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES MISC. BUSINESS LICENSES MISC. BUSINESS PERMITS CIGARETTE LICENSES LICENSES NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS CONTAINERS ON RIGHT OF WAY DOG LICENSES BUILDING PERM ITS PLUMBING PERMITS EXCAVATION PERM ITS HEATING PERMITS MISC. NON-BUS. LICENSES FIRE PERMITS NON-BUS. LIC.& PERMITS 2000 ACTUAL 1,362,218 23,822 5,730 8,132 0 5,731 344,750 471,703 0 80,882 64,576 6,060 973,702 1,930 180 400 385 460 160 3,515 0 4,566 158,306 (525) 1,606 7,291 1,116 .408 172,768 2001 ACTUAL 1,444,8Z0 25,028 4,471 5,877 1,480,196 0 3,277 341,078 474,417 0 76,995 61,019 6,060 351 963.197 2,700 1,575 1,200 300 950 700 7,425 100 2,925 267,952 (410) 2,520 5,951 4,778 146 283,962 2002 APPROVED 2,216,520 25,000 5,000 7,000 2,253.520 0 5,800 296,830 0 0 .77,000 75,000 6,500 461,130 2,700 1,350 1,200 0 900 150 6,300 0 1,800 175,000 1,000 2,500 6,000 2,000 150 .188,450 2003 2,255,470 30,O00 5,000 7,000 2,297,470 40,000 5,000 296,870 0 0 80,000 75,000 6,500 503.3¢0 2,850 1,150 1,200 23O 1,200 300 6,930 100 6,000 220,000 25,000 2,500 7,000 2,5O0 150 263.250 -11 - GENERAL FUND REVENUE GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES ANTENNA LEASE FRANCHISE FEE - CABLE T.V. PLANNING COMM. APPL. ZONING CHARGES SALES OF MAPS, ETC. ASSESSMENT SEARCHES MISC. SERVICE CHARGES DOG PICK-UP CHARGES GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES OTHER REVENUE ACCIDENT REPORTS- SURCHARGES COURT FINES INTEREST RENT (DEPOT) NEW ASSESSMENTS SALE OF PROP. & EQUIPMENT ADMIN/FINANCE/COM PUTER MISCELLANEOUS OTHER REVENUE 2000 APPROVED 22,200 104,156 11,830 971 556 260 4O7 2,328 142,708 2,020 188 118,390 64,943 3,995 894 0 0 64.834 255.264 2001 37,663 98,490 11,510 7O 727 36O 27 4,079 152,926 2,466 542 97,913 38,443 4,750 2,807 4,487 90,825 102.236 344,469 2002 25,000 100,000 9,000 2OO 5O0 30O 5O 2.500 137.550 2,000 300 110,000 30,000 4,000 600 3,500 75,000 30.000 255.400 2OO3 66,690 00,000 10,000 2O0 60O 3O0 5O 2.50O 180,340 2,000 30O 110,000 15,000 4,500 100 3,500 77,250 30,000 242,650 INTERFUND TRANSFERS PROCEED FROM SALE OF BONDS TRANS. FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUE 15,150 0 44.500 59.650 3.007.509 14,869 325,563 150.000 490.432 3.722.607 13,000 0 128,000 141.000 3.443.350 14,000 0 ~4.000 3.508,010 BREAKDOWN BY PERCENTAGE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERM ITS GENERAL GOVERNMENT CHARGES OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERS TOTAL 46.55% 32.38% 0.12% 5.74% 4.75% 8.49% 1.98% 100.00% 39.76% 25.87% 0.20% 7.63% 4.11% 9.25% 13.17% 100.00% 65.45% 13.39% 0.18% 5.47% 3.99% 7.42% 4.09% 100.00% 65.49% 14.35% 0.2O% 7.50% 5.14% 6.92% 0.40% -12- GEN ER/M_ FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES OTHER REVENUE INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUE EXPEN DITU RES CITY COUNCIL PROMOTIONS CABLE T.V. CITY MANAGER/CLERK ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION ASSESSING FINANCE COMPUTER LEGAL POLICE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING & INSPECTION STREET CITY RETAINING WALLS CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS PARKS RECREATION CONTINGENCIES TRANSFERS 2000 2001 2002 2003 20 03 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED POP~ 1,399,902 1,399,902 2,253,520 2,297,470 2,297,470 1.95% 973,702 973,702 461,130 503,370 503,370 9.16% 3,515 3,515 6,300 6,930 6,930 10.00% 172,768 172,768 188,450 263,250 263,250 142,708 142,708 137,550 180,340 180,340 255,264 255,264 255,400 242,650 242,650 59,650 59.650 141,000 14,000 14,000 3.007,509 3,007,509 3.443.350 3,508,010 3,508.010 98,495 98,495 79,280 77,920 77,920 4,000 4,000 0 7,500 0 30,198 30,198 48,000 50,000 50,000 206,824 206,824 235,100 266,850 260,850 10,418 10,418 11,030 1,080 1,080 71,391 71,391 79,700 79,630 79,630 180,731 180,731 201,260 215,550 215,100 13,360 13,360 28,250 28,640 28,640 121,546 121,546 122,000 135,550 135,550 1,018,485 1,018,485 1,164,600 1,375,920 1,219,220 9,355 9,355 6,780 32,130 7,130 249,839 249,839 266,030 296,510 270,010 559,904 559,904 576,610 1,047,950 662,950 0 0 25,470 0 0 68,304 68,304 89,110 742,150 194,650 205,647 205,647 322,240 594,390 366,130 39,570 39,570 0 0 0 256,972 256,972 60,860 25,000 25,000 166.120 166,120 207,840 244,390 244,390 39.69% 31.11% -4.99% -90.07% 1.88% ~1.72% ERR 4.17% 10.95% -90.21% -0.09% 6.88% 1.38% 11.11% 4.69% 5.16% 1.50% 14.97% -100.00% 118.44% 13.62% ERR -58.92% 17.59% TOTAL EXPENDITURES IN CREASE (DECREASE) FUND BALANCE, JANUARY 1 ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT FUND BALANCE, DECEMBER 31 FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: 3.311.159 3.311.159 3.524.160 5,221.160 3 838 250 (303,650) (303,650) (80,810) (1,713,150) (330,240) 1,191,456 1,191,456 717,380 717,380 717,380 (9,748) (9,748) 878.058 878,058 636,570 (995,770) ._387,140 26.52% 26.52% 18.06% -19.07% 10.09% 8.91% 308.66% 0.00% -39.18% I NOTE: UNDESIGNATED ONLY IS PART OF FUND BALANCE. ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT HAS TO DO WITH THE PARK DEDICATION RECOGNITION. -13- 2003 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT FUND ITEM DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REQUEST AMOUNT City Manager/ City Clerk Finance/Computer Police Emerg. Prepare Planning/Inspection Streets General General General General General General Fireproof Safe Chair 6,000 0 0 9OO 45O 45O I SUV Patrol Vehicle 32,500 0 1 Squad Car 28,500 0 1 Unmarked Vehicle 25,000 0 2 Radar 5,000 0 2 Light Bar & Siren 5,600 0 2 Roll Cages 1,000 0 2 In-Car Camera 10,600 0 5 Fiberglas Squad Seats 4,000 0 Computer Station Upgrade 2,500 0 All Terrain Vehicle 7,000 0 Photo Imaging Equipment 25,000 0 Replace Siren #1 Computer/Printer Computerized Permitting System Laptop Computer Wood Chipper Bucket Truck Sweeper Posts & Street Signs & No Parking Signs Sign Maker Plow Truck Roller 2 Dump Box 25,000 0 1,500 1,500 25,000 0 1,500 0 35,000 0 60,000 0 120,000 0 20,000 0 15,000 0 95,000 0 40,000 0 20,000 20,000 ,500 20,000 -14- 2003 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY. ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT FUND ITEM DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REC~UEST AMOUNT City Hall Bldg $ Srvs Parks General Scanning/Imaging System 15,000 0 Entrance Sign 4,500 0 Skylite Blinds 2,500 2,500 City Hall Carpet/Paint 165,000 75,000 City Hall Exterior 55,000 0 City Hall Space 33,000 20,000 City Hall ADA 55,000 0 General Dept. Request Brush Cutter 820 0 Push Mower 21" 900 900 Skidsteer Loader 31,000 0 Utility Trailer 5000 Lb 4,500 0 One Ton 4X4 Truck & Plow 35,000 0 72" Mower/Cab/Blower 30,000 0 Depot Dock 10,000 5,000 POSAC Request Highland Pk Equipment 10 Picnic Tables 10 Park Benches 2 Shelter Benches Belmont Play Structure Skate Park 10 Tree Planting 4 Basketball Court Stripping Cresent Park Improvements Trailway Fund Park Land Acquisition TOTAL GENERAL FUND 38,000 0 5,500 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 35,000 0 3,000 3,000 2,500 0 2,000 0 1,500 0 2,000 0 10.000 _0 1,159,320 128,350 97,500 5,900 3,000 -15- 2003 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT FUND ITEM DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REQUEST AMOUNT Fire Area Fire Service Digital Video Camera Tool Box Powered Treadmill Power Point Projector Inferred Camera TOTAL AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND 600 600 700 700 600 600 4,000 4,OOO 6.500 6.500 12,400 12,400 12,400 Water Water Fund TOTAL WATER FUND 5 Hydrant Replacement 1,100 Radio Read MXU Computer 2 Pipe Locator 25,000 25,000 90,000 90,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 118,000 118,000 118,000 Storm Water Storm Water Survey Transit 3,000 3,000 3000 Sewer Sewer Fund Manhole ReHabs Lift Station Panel Upgrade Computer Lift Station Gen Plug Upgrade TOTAL SEWER FUND 50,000 40,000 1,000 20,000 111,000 50,000 40,000 1,000 20,000 111,000 111,000 Docks Dock Fund TOTAL DOCK FUND Computer Dock Deck Replacement 1,000 2.000 3.000 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 -16- 2003 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT FUND ITEM DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REQUEST AMOUNT CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY GENERAL FUND AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND WATER FUND STORM WATER FUND SEWER FUND DOCK FUND TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ,159,320 128,350 12,400 '12,400 118,000 118,000 3,000 3,00O 111,000 111,000 3,000 3,000 .406.720 375,750 -17- CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP TAX LEVIES * REVENUE - GENERAL PURPOSEE REVENUE - LEASE PAY MENTS 2001A JUDGMENT BOND FIRE RELIEF G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2001C PUBLIC WORKS LEVY TOTAL LEVY 2000 2001 2OO2 PROPOSED 2003 1,859,210 1,947,860 2,252,500 2,374,180 0 0 0 251,740 0 0 23,000 22,560 33,350 33,350 33,350 33,350 0 0 0 2,6OO 82.770 84.590 86.020 ~ 1.975.330 2.065.800 2;394.870 2.684.430 SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) 24,000 53.000 53.000 53.000 *THE 1991 LEG ISLATURE CAPPED THE LEVY AMOUNT FOR FIRE PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS AT THE 1991 LEVY AMOUNT. THE 2003 FIRE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF MOUND CONTRIBUTION TO THE FIRE RELIEF PENSION IS $52,640 THE $19,290 INCREASE F ROM 1991 CONTRIBUTION WILL BE FUNDED BY THE GENERAL TAX LEVY. NOTE: THE TRUTH IN TAXATION LEVY NOTICE WILL COMPARE THE 2001 AND 2002 LEVY AMOUNTS AFTER STATE PAID CREDITS. 2001 2002 2003 TOTAL LEVY 2,065,800 2,394,870 2,684,430 HACA AID {502,920) 0_ O CERTIFIED LEVY 1,562,880 2,394,870 2,684,430 FISCAL DISPARITY (193.840) (193.000) (193.000) NET LEVY 1.369.040 2.201.870 2.491.430 CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 17.687 35.477 -18- z m - uJ © m uJ z z z 0 n~ z 0 z .J Ol 0 0 -19- 102 103 121 2OO 2O2 210 3O0 322 35O 351 151 361 430 434 331 433 440 COUNCIL SALARIES, OVERTIME REG SALARIES, COUNCIL FICAJPERA OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE PRINTING LEGAL PUBLICATION WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2OO0 ACTUAL 895 16,5OO 1,263 169 6,061 899 14,000 3,164 5,858 468 150 6,262 3,147 5,824 996 26,908 5.931 2001 ACTUAL 1,131 16,500 1,691 176 4,719 561 6,562 2,144 278 570 240 6,718 1,879 7,917 1,607 27,689 2002 2003 APPROVED ~ O 16,500 16,500 1,260 1,690 250 250 6,000 8,000 1,300 1,000 6,000 6,000 3,000 2,500 4,800 5,000 1,000 600 330 360 6,840 7,520. 3,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 24,500 25,000 1.000 O 101-41110 2003 0 16,500 1,690 250 6,000 1,000 6,000 2,500 5,000 600 360 7,520 2,000 2,500 1,000 25,000 ERR 0.00% 34.13% 0.00% 0.00% -23.08% 0.00% -16.67% 4.17% -40.00% 9.09% 9.94% -33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 2.04% -100.00% TOTAL 98.495 80.944 79.280 77.920 77.920 -1.72% -20- 430 43O PROMOTIONS SENIOR CENTER MOUND CITY DAYS TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 2001 ACTUAL 0 0 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 101-41115 2002 2003 2003 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 0 7,500' 0 7.500 ERR ERR ERR -21 - 300 CABLE T.V. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 30.198 30.198 2001 ACTUAL 60.059 60.059 101-49,1~40 2002 2003 200~ APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 48.000 50.000 50.000 48.000 50.000 50.000 4.17% 4.17% -22- CODE 101 121 131 134 136 2OO 2O2 210 212 3OO 305 322 321 331 151 361 4O0 404 430 434 431 433 438 435 500 CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK SALARIES, REG. FICA/PERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE/CELL USE OF PERSONAL AUTO WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CONTRACT AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LICENSES & TAXES BOOKS & PAMPHLETS CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 2000 2001 2002 2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED 140,257 154,573 174,560 191,260 17,262 17,651 22,370 24,750 13,349 11,451 16,970 19,720 350 263 420 940 0 0 0 1,910 2,299 2,287 1,700 1,700 1,471 3,108 2,200 3,500 491 68 2,500 500 2,921 40 250 1,000 14,203 15 1,000 50 0 100 150 100 430 324 300 500 977 1,142 1,400 1,400 41 135 200 200 241 194 260 290 2,203 1,849 2,120 2,330 988 99 1,000 1,000 28 76 500 500 661 259 500 500 6,011 2,871 4,200 6,000 119 690 300 500 1,431 1,725 2,000 2,000 224 206 100 100 867 (237) 100 100 0 3.471 0 6.000 101-41 3!0 200~ PROPOSED 191,260 24,750 1 9,720 940 1,910 1,700 3,500 5OO 1,000 50 100 500 1,400 200 290 2,330 1,0OO 500 50O 6,000 500 2,000 100 100 206.824 202.360 235.100 266.850 9.57% 10.64% 16.21% 123.81% ERR 0.00% 59.09% -80.00% 300.00% -95.00% -33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 11.54% 9.91% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 42.86% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ERR 10.95% -23- 103 121 200 202 210 300 322 351 400 430 431 500 ELECTIONS SALARIES, ELECT. JUDGES FICAJPERNETC OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE LEGAL PUBLICATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS MEETING EXPENSE CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 7406 409 137 555 419 84 513 627 o 158 11o lO.418 2OOl ACTUAL 0 o 0 1 o 45 133 o o o 0 2002 2003 APPROVED REQUESTED 7850 0 430 o 140 0 590 o 440 o 90 50 540 150 660 0 0 880 170 0 120 0 101-41 410 200~ PROPOSED 0 0 0 o 0 50 150 0 880 0 0 -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -lOO.OO% -100.00% -44.44% -72.22% -lO0.0o% ERR -100.00% -100.00% ERR 179 11.030 1.080 1.080 -90.21% -24- 202 322 350 440 ASSESSING COPY MACHINE & FEES POSTAGE PRINTING OTHER CONTRACT SERV, TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 78 68 125 71.120 71.391 2001 ACTUAL 20 87 139 77,913 78.159 101-41 550 2002 2003 2003 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 80 50 50 7O 100 100 150 150 150 79.400 79.330 79.330 79.700 79,630 79,630 -37.50% 42.86% 0.00% -0.09% -0.09% -25- OODE 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 200 203 202 210 300 301 305 322 321 331 351 151 361 430 434 431 FINANCE SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICA/PERA HOSP./DENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AUDIT & FINANCIAL MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE USE OF PERSONAL AUTO LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE 2000 2001 2002 2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED 132,485 140,682 146,680 154,540 0 0 1,000 500 0 0 0 0 16,104 17,066 19,470 20,430 14,869 16,873 16,990 19,720 401 392 420 770 0 0 0 1,540 1,611 1,618 1,000 1,500 208 0 100 100 762 812 750 800 647 601 3,100 1,500 160 675 200 700 4,900 875 3,600 3,700 15 50 100 100 1,303 1,243 1,270 1,300 163 120 200 150 382 265 420 300 723 763 800 800 333 535 730 800 2,186 2,379 2,730 3,000 129 365 250 300 1,916 1,845 500 750 302 211 300 300 101-41 500 2003 PROPOSED 154,540 500 0 5)0,430 1 9,720 770 1,540 1,500 100 800 1,500 700 3,700 100 1,300 150 300 800 800 3,000 300 750 300 5.36% -50.00% ERR 4.93% 16.07% 83.33% ERR 50.00% 0.00% 6.67% -51.61% 250.00% 2.78% 0.00% 2.36% -25.00% -28.57% 0.00% 9.59% 9.89% 20.00% 50.00% 0.00% -26- CODE 433 435 205 315 500 FINANCE DUES& SUBSCRIPTIONS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICE CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 2OO0 ACTUAL 92O 12 0 72 128 180.731 2001 ACTUAL 769 22 138 27 188.326 2002 APPROVED 400 50 200 0 2003 REQUESTED 800 5O 200 0 215.550 101-41 500 200~ PROPOSED 800 50 2O0 0 450 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% ERR ERR 6.88% -27- 2O0 210 321 4OO 434 205 500 6O0 COMPUTER OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES TELEPHONE REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS COMPUTER SOFTWARE CAPITAL OUTLAY LEASE EQUIP. LOA~FIN. SYSTEM 101-41 920 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED .PROPOSED 0 621 100 500 500 1,944 4,410 3,000 3,000 3,000 17 70 50 50 50 11,275 13,555 10,000 10,000 10,000 44 0 210 200 200 80 609 200 200 200 0 51,089 0 0 0 0 7.476 14.690 14.690 ~ 4.690 400.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -4.76% 0.00% ERR 0.00% TOTAL 13.360 77.830 28.250 28.640 ~ 1.38% -28- CODE 3O0 304 361 450 LEGAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (City Attorney) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Prosecution) GEN, LIABILITY INS. BOARD OF PRISONERS (County Jail/Workhouse) TOTAL 2OOO ACTUAL 42,411 57,810 4O7 20.918 121.546 2001 ACTUAL 44,997 54,000 443 18.545 117.985 2002 APPROVED 45,000 58,000 5OO 18.500 2003 REQUESTED 55,000 60,000 55O 20.000 135.550 101~1600 2~G PROPOSED 55,000 60,000 55O 20.000 135.550 22.22% 3.45% 10.00% 8.11% 11.11% -29- CODE 101 110 102 103 121 131 134 136 2O0 2O3 2O2 210 212 218 219 220 300 3O6 3O5 322 321 331 328 35O 351 151 POLICE SALARIES, REG. CLOTH lNG ALLOWANCE OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICAJPERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INSJDISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SAFETY SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PERSONNEL TESTING MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE USE OF PERSONAL AUTO EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING PRINTING LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. 2OOO ACTUAL 638,269 5,360 40,862 0 75,205 83,748 1,843 0 6,67O 228 1,425 2,165 16,515 3,111 5,817 259 894 639 244 954 9,124 0 852 554 55 7,602 2001 ACTUAL 649,564 5,880 48,719 0 78,526 94,242 1,793 0 4,855 2,012 1,847 2,054 14,767 5,078 5,788 291 1,485 350 603 673 16,136 26 756 228 898 6,208 2002 APPROVEB 740,510 6,430 41,000 0 93,720 114,710 2,280 0 2,250 1,300 1,450 4,750 17,000 2,750 4,500 750 58O 70O 500 1,000 13,500 100 700 900 750 8,480 2OO3 REQUESTED 792,210 8,450 43,050 0 95,280~ 124,030 2,510 1,690 4,000 1,500 1,450 4,750 18,500 3,500 7,500 750 1,300 700 500. 1,100 13,500 50 850 1,250 800 9,330 101-42110 200:3 PROPOSED 782,210 8,450 43,050 0 95,280 124,030 2,510 1,690 4,000 1,500 1,450 4,75O 18,500 3,500 7,500 750 1,300 700 500 1,100 13,500 50 850 1,250 800 9,330 5.63% 31.42% 5.00% ERR 1.66% 8.12% 10.09% ERR 77.78% 15.38% 0.00% 0.00% 8.82% 27.27% 66.67% 0.00% 124.14% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 0.00% -50.00% 21.43% 38.89% 6.67% 10.02% -30- 361 400 404 409 418 430 434 431 433 438 435 205 440 436 445 500 580 POLICE GEN. LIABILITY INS. REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR CENTRAL EQUIP. REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LICENSES & TAXES BOOKS & PAMPHLETS COMPUTER SOFTWARE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. TOWING CHARGES DOG DISPOSAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 800 MEGAHERTZ RESERVE TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 14,059 3,330 9,247 175 7,456 1,095 5,381 875 1,905 0 8O2 454 12,743 0 4,045 54,523 1.018.485 2001 ACTUAL 12,928 2,386 (4,881) 875 6,853 2,697 9,973 1,429 2,299 9O 636 88O 9,783 304 4,466 79,430 1.072.927 2002 APPROVED 14,840 6,000 10,000 500 35,700 1,900 4,000 1,550 1,750 650 700 500 12,200 600 5,100 8,000 1.164.600 2003 REQUESTED 16,320 9,900 12,900 5O0 18,000 1,900 9,500 1,600 1,750 650 700 500 12,200 750 3,500 146,700 101-42110 2003 PROPOSED 1 6,320 9,900 1 2,900 5O0 1 8,000 1,900 9,500 1,600 1,750 650 700 500 12,200 750 3,500 0 0 9.97% 65.00% 29.00% 0.00% -49.58% 0.00% 137.50% 3.23% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% -31.37% -100.00% ERR 4.69% -31 - CODE 210 218 329 361 381 434 500 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS OPERATING SUPPLIES CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SIRENS/PHONE LINES GEN. LIABILITY INS. ELECTRICITY CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 3,306 0 1,062 22O 264 1,394 3.109 9.355 2001 ACTUAL 3,876 2,495 792 231 242 1,211 50O 9.347 2OO2 APPROVED 3,600 O 1,450 26O 27O 1,200 6.780 2003 REQUESTED 3,600 0 1,500 260 270 1,500 25.000 32.130 101-42115 200~ PROPOSED 3,600 o 1,500 26O 27o 1,500 7.130 0.00% ERR 3.45% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% ERR 5.16% -32- CODE 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 200 2O3 2O2 210 212 218 3O0 3O5 322 321 351 151 361 4O4 418 43O 434 PLANNING & INSPECTION SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICA/PERA HOSP./DENTAL LIFE INSJDISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR RADIO RENTALS MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 2OO0 ACTUAL 92,107 1,552 4,182 11,041 11,191 176 0 2,249 875 3,470 1,470 7O 399 100,425 50 1,561 1,076 2,262 386 6,591 1,309 43 77 2,083 2001 ACTUAL 128,329 3,943 2,525 15,748 17,877 332 0 2,872 184 3,437 930 228 513 98,406 50 1,515 3,391 710 621 2,388 1,486 (195) 54 1,490 2OO2 APPROVED 146,820 2,000 0 23,240 25,500 490 0 1,000 1,000 3,500 2,000 450 450 38,160 140 1,700 2,000 1,500 850 2,730 0 4,000 300 1,600 2003 REQUESTED 148,720' 2,000 0 23,740 26,190 890 1,780 1,000 1,000 3,500 2,000 500 450 38,000 100' 1,700 2,000 2,000 940 3,000 0 4,000 300 2,000 101-42400 2003 PROPOSED lZ~8,720 2,000 0 23,740 26,190 890 1,780 1,000 1,000 3,500 2,000 500 450 38,000 100 1,700 2,000 2,000 940 3,000 0 4,000 300 2,000 1.29% 0.00% ERR 2.15% 2.71% 81.63% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.11% 0.00% -0.42% -28.57% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 10.59% 9.89% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% -33- 331 433 438 435 440 500 PLANNING & INSPECTION MEETING EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LICENSES & TAXES BOOKS & PAMPHLETS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 2000 ACTUAL 513 175 0 0 3,323 1.183 101-42400 2001 2002 2003 2003 ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 592 800 600 600 1,099 700 500 500 38 200 200 200 0 600 600 600 0 800 800 800 666 3.500 28.000 1.500 -25.00% -28.57% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -57.14% TOTAL 249.839 289.229 266.030 296.510 270.010 1.50% -34- 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 200 202 210 212 218 230 220 221 223 224 226 300 305 322 321 351 151 361 STREET SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. PERA/FICA HOSP./DENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SHOP MATERIALS REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES EQUIP. PARTS & TIRES BUILDING REPAIR STREET MAINT. MATERIALS SIGNS & STRIPING SUPP. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. 2000 ACTUAL 177,448 18,394 1,527 24,561 35,353 591 0 405 79 697 14,549 1,823 5,241 2,147 11,774 315 39,545 3,818 23,104 529 667 3,164. 118 2,790 15,415 2OOl ACTUAL 182,072 26,072 3,059 26,230 41,133 597 0 356 197 586 14,851 2,614 5,551 993 17,529 1,247 37,780 2,077 16,927 102 49 7,793 382 2,328 16,927 2002 APPROVED 187,520 16,000 2,950 27,050 40,350 620 0 400 200 2,500 15,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 50,000 5,000 10,000 600 100 5,000 200 3,~8o, 16,430 2OO3 REQUESTED 225,370 18,000 0 36,690 63,690 1,240 540 500 200 2,500 17,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 2,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 600 150 6,000 200 3,500 18,070 101-43100 200:3 PROPOSED 225,370 18,000 0 36,690 63,690 1,240 540 500 200 ' 2,500 17,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 2,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 600 150 6,000 200 3,500 18,070 20.18% 12.50% -100.00% 35.64% 57.84% 100.00% ERR 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 13.33% 33.33°/° 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 200.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 20.00% 0.00% 10.06% 9.98% -35- STREET CODE 381 ELECTRIC (ST. LIGHTS) 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 418 RADIO CONTRACTS 430 MISCELLANEOUS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 455 PERMITS 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 600 WALLS/WESTEDGE BLVD BONDS 611 WESTEDGE BLVD BOND INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 68,076 2,286 1,540 20,707 2,932 1,291 291 134 44,713 0 33,881 0 0 559.904 2001 ACTUAL 68,919 3,807 537 14,062 0 2,700 180 0 36,139 0 11,245 0 0 545.041 2002 APPROVED 65,000 3,5o0 60O 20,000 4,000 0 1,500 400 46,000 100 10,000 0 10,910 576.610 2O03 REQUESTED 65,000 3,500 600 20,000 4,000 0 1,500 0 46,000 100 405,000 0 0 1.047.950 101-43100 2003 PROPOSED 6~5,000 3,500 600 20,000 4,000 0 1,500 0 46,000 100 20,000 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ERR 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% ERR -100.00% -100.00% 14.97% -36- CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 2000 2001 2002 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,912 1,700 2,000 220 REPAIR & MAIN..SUPPLIES 218 2,701 1,590 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 960 1,561 800 322 POSTAGE 860 750 500 321 TELEPHONE 7,621 15,072 11,000 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 881 959 1,100 381 ELECTRICITY 12,788 14,784 13,500 383 GAS SERVICE 6,695 8,927 6,890 384 GARBAGE 1,306 1,357 1,250 400 REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. 11,352 9,320 10,500 401 BUILDING REPAIR 5,430 11,169 10,000 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 3,531 4,292 6,500 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 14,750 17,418 16,640 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 35,911 0 520 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 466 0 600 COPY/MAILING MACHINE LOAN 0 3.420 6.840 101-41 910 2003 2003, REQUESTED PROPOSED 2,000 2,000 0.00% 2,000 2,000 25.79% 2,500 2,500 212.50% 800. 800 60.00% 12,000 12,000 9.09% 1,210 1,210 10.00% 14,000 14,000 3.70% 7,000 7,000 1.60% 1,300 1,300 4.00% 10,000 10,000 -4.76% 11,000 11,000 10.00% 6,900 6,900 6.15% 19,600 19,600 17.79% 330,000 97,500 ERR 315,000 0 ERR 6.840 6.840 0.00% TOTAL 68.304 129.807 89.110 742.150 194.650 118.44% -37- CODE 101 102 103 140 121 131 134 136 200 202 210 212 218 220 221 223 232 300 305 322 321 328 351 151 361 381 PARKS SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. U N EMPLOYMENT FICA/PERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS BUILDING REPAIRS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDICAL SERVICES P OSTAG E TELEPHONE EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. ELECTRICITY 2000 ACTUAL 49,312 8,622 20,782 9,371 5,904 132 0 1,316 1,089 2,239 4,201 862 1,713 3,062 3,163 2,116 1,285 24 586 1,241 34 5 763 4,094 2,329 2001 ACTUAL 75,777 6,885 5,929 1,422 12,095 9,356 237 0 992 866 665 4,288 393 2,927 2,353 2,740 10,634 7,322 0 395 1,899 47 1,131 543 3,232 2,555 101-45200 2002 2003 2003 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 86,460 142,260 10 8,320 12,800 13,800 I 3,800 25,230 4,800 25,650 3,500 4,000 4,000 16,410 21,200 I 9,480 13,490 16,540 1 2,090 280 720~ 540 0 660 660 1,820 1,900 1,900 1,300 1,300 1,300 2,500 2,500 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,700 2,350 2,350 1,500 2,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 2,300 10,300 10,300 7,000 29,500 29,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 750 750 2,000 2,000 2,000 350 400 400 100 100 100 740 810 ' 810 3,710 4,080 4,080 2,500 2,600 2,600 25.28% 7.81% 1.66% 14.29% 18.71% -10.38% 92.86% ERR 4.40% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 38.24% 33.33% 200.00% 347.83% 321.43% 0.00% 0.00% 7.14% 0.00% 14.29% 0.00% 9.46% 9.97% 4.00% -38- CODE 383 384 4O0 404 409 410 418 43O 434 431 433 438 440 500 533 525 PARKS GAS SERVICE GARBAGE REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR RENTALS RADIO CONTRACTS MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LICENSES & TAXES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. CAPITAL OUTLAY TREE REMOVAL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL 2O0O ACTUAL 4,913 2,403 9,195 4,085 3,145 2,443 195 395 1,693 268 415 122 1,539 37,687 12,904 205.647 2001 ACTUAL 6,908 2,395 8,673 718 2,318 2,085 0 0 1,280 287 457 0 238 30,000 14,342 224.384 2OO2 APPROVED 11,000 3,000 11,250 12,000 6,000 4,500 4,000 1,000 2,000 700 700 200 0 55,500 13,000 3.000 2003 REQUESTED 11,000 3,500 13,000 12,000 6,000 4,500 4,000 19,000 2,300 900 700 1,200 0 217,720 14,000 10.000 594.390 101-45 200 2003 PROPOSED 1 1,000 3,500 1 3,000 1 2,000 6,000 4,500 4,000 1 9,000 2,300 900 700 1,200 0 8,900 14,000 10.000 366.130 0.00% 16.67% 15.56% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1800.00% 15.00% 28.57% 0.00% 500.00% ERR -83.96% 7.69% 233.33% 13.62% -39- RECREATION-COMMUNITY SERVICES 101-45000 430 44O 44O RECREATION PROGRAM COSTS -COMMUNITY SERVICES LIFEGUARD PROGRAM COSTS -COMMUNITY SERVICES MUSIC IN PARK TOTAL 2000 ACTUAL 2001 2002 2003 ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED 2003 PROPOSED 19,460 20,375 0 0 0 ERR ERR 20,110 20,385 0 0 0 ERR 0 1.500 0 0 0 ERR 39.570 42.260 _Q _Q J_Q_ ERR -40- 430 600 611 CON33NGENCY OTH ER MISCELLANEOUS JUDGMENTBONDS INTEREST ON BONDS 20O0 ACTUAL 2001 2002 2003 ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED 101 .-49999 2003 PROPOSED 256,973 66,429 48,230 25,000 25,000 -48.17% 0 220 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 12.630 ~ 0 -~00.00% TOTAL 256.973 66.649 60.860 25.000 25.000 -58.92% CODE 700 GEN. FUND TRANS. TRANSFERS TRANS, TO AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND 101-49300 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 166.120 206.740 207.840 244.390 244.390 17.59% TOTAL 166.120 206.740 207.840 244.390 244.390 17.59% -41 - MEMORANDUM August6,2002 TO: ALL FIRE CONTRACT CITIES FROM: KANDIS M. HANSON, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 2003 FIRE CONTRACT BUDGET PROPOSAL Enclosed is the 2003 Fire Contract Budget Proposal. It follows the same format and approach as used since 1982, with the exception that we are now using market value instead of assessed value. Capital outlay for 2003 consists of a digital video camera, a tool box, a powered treadmill, a power point projector, and an inferred camera. Although we are not proposing the purchase of a new vehicle in 2003, we are continuing to set aside monies ($40,000), in the Fire Track Repair Account as we have since 1991. Keeping tiffs amount in the budget will assist in planning for future purchases of major firefighting equipment. As in past years, we have reviewed the annual increase for the Fire Relief Association. As you may recall, from 1982 until 1992, we have been collecting a 10% annual increase for this purpose. In the 1991 budget, we reduced the annual increase to 4%. In the 1992 budget, we again included a 4% increase. For 1993, a 7% increase for the fire pension contribution was approved. For 1994, a 4% increase in the contribution was approved. For 1995, we had a 4% increase in the contribution and an additional 2% in the contribution to address the unfunded liability issue that had been discussed within the actuarial report that the Fire Department had prepared as of 12/31/94. The Department requested a pension benefit increase in 1995 but we asked for an actuarial as of 12/31/95. That was completed in the spring of 1996 which indicated that an increase of $35 or a monthly benefit of $460 would be affordable without any increases in contributions from the cities in the fire district. The Department's request was approved by the Mound City Council effective July 1, 1996. Another actuarial was performed as of 12/31/97and as of 12/31/99 which indicate that current investments are doing very well and that the unfunded liability issue is still a concern as we look at -42- the future of the fund and that based upon those actuarial, the unfunded liability mount should be "zeroed out" by December 31, 2009. On August 25, 1998 the Mound City Council passed a resolution approving an increase in monthly pension benefit for the Fire Relief Association to $510 effective September 1, 1998. For 2001, the contribution fzom the cities towards the Fire Relief Association was set at a 4% increase over the 2000 contribution. Firefighter's hourly wages, which are paid on call, have been disbursed at $7.00 per hour for 2001, an increase of 50 cents from prior years. Effective January 1, 2001, the Mound City Council approved the Fire Deparmaent Relief Association's request to an increase in pension benefits to $585.00 per month. For 2002 the contribution from the cities towards the Fire Relief Association was set at a 3% increase over the 2001 contribution. We feel that an additional 3% increase in pension contribution for the year 2003 is a justifiable validation of the skills which these volunteers bring to the service of the Fire Department. The extended leadership of a fire chief and the fire inspection needs are being addressed through a full time fire chief position and a full time secretary. We have budgeted $91,040 for these positions in 2003. The Fire Department is very proud of their equipment and the service that they provide. The City of Mound is proud of having such a dedicated group of individuals who volunteer their time for the safety of all of the citizens in the fire service area. Firefighting continues to be complicated and more sophisticated in many respects. More and more time is required of firefighters now than ever before. Being able to provide excellent equipment, training oppommities and financial incentives to attract and keep firefighters around for 20+ years is critically important to the future of the Mound Fire Department. The Department is at a full complement of 37 firefighters who take their firefightingjob very seriously. They do receive the full support of the entire fire district and we are very proud of what they do to protect the residents from fire or other safety related hazards. Please review this information and the proposed budget and contact Greg Pederson, Fire Chief, or myself, if you have any questions. CC: Greg Pederson, Fire Chief Gino Businaro, Finance Director -43- A - MARKET VALUE MINNETONKA BEACH MINNETRISTA ORONO SHOREWOOD SPRING PARK MOUND 2002 YALUE 194,482,700 380,465,100 556,187,800 45,389,000 135,442,200 837,168,900 2,149,135,700 2001 PERCENTAGE 2001 VALUE 9.05% 162,978,100 17.70% 318,877,700 25.88% .487,896,500 2.11% 38,529,800 6.30% 121,399,800 38.95% 719,291,100 100.00% 1,848,973,000 20O0 PERCENTAGE 8.81% 17.25% 26.39% 2.08% 6.57% 38.90% 100.00% B - FIRE & RESCUE CALL HOURS 2001 2000 1999 MINNETONKA BEACH 436 * 3.60% 392 3.25% MINNETRISTA 2,439 * 20.12% 1,878 15.56% ORONO 2,155 * 17.77% 1,593 13.20% SHOREWOOD 88 * 0.73% 130 1.08% SPRING PARK 925 * 7.63% 771 6.39% MOUND 6,082 * 50.16% 7,302 60.52% 971 2,007 1,718 171 1,467 7.320 12,125 * 100.00% .12,066 100.00% ..13,654 * The total Mutual Aid hours in 2001 Was 347 (up 188 from 2000). 7.11% 14.70% 12.58% 1.25% 10.74% ..5.3.61% .100.00% C - COMBINATION OF MARKET VALUE AND FIRE CALL HOURS MARKET 3 YEAR VALUE AVERAGE PERCENTAGE FIRE CALLS FINAL PERCENTAGE MINNETONKA BEACH 9.05% 4.65% 6.85% ' MINNETRISTA 17.70% 16.79% 17.25% ORONO 25.88% 14.52% 20.20% SHOREW COD 2.11% 1.02% 1.57% SPRING PARK 6.30% 8.25% 7.28% MOUND 38.95% 54.76% ¢6.86% 100.00% 100.00% !00.00% -44- 2003 BUDGET BREAKDOWN RELIEF FIRE DEPT ASSN TRUCK BUDGET CONT REPAIR 2OO3 COST 2OO2 COST MINNETONKA BEACH 30,169 7,696 2,740 40,605 37,694 MINNETRISTA 75,957 19,376 6,899 102,233 87,142 ORONO 88,954 22,692 8,080 119,726 109,899 SHOREWOOD 6,893 1,758 626 9,278 8,526 SPRING PARK 32,052 8,176 2,911 43,139 45,859 MOUND 206,355 52,641 18,743 277,739 259,410 440,380 1!2,340 40,000 592,720 ,548,530 -45- AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND BALANCE BALANCE JANUARY '1, 2002 ESTIMATED 2002 REVENUES ESTIMATED 2002 EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED 2002 FUND BALANCE ADD 2003 ESTIMATED REVENUE LESS 2003 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 2003 280,040 429,47O (659,470) 50,040 480,380 (440,380) 90,040 -46- 2003 BUDGET RECAP OPERATING COSTS CAPITAL OUTLAY (FIRE TRUCK REPAIR) FIREMAN'S RELIEF PENSION CREDIT FROM YR. 200,~ BUDGET SAVINGS TOTAL 2003 FiRE COSTS 440,380 40,000 112,340 592,720 2003 COST BREAKDOWN FOR EACH CONTRACTING CITY MINNETONKA BEACH 592,720 X 6.85% MINNETRISTA 592,720 X 17.25% ORONO 592,720 X 20.20% SHOREWOOD 592,720 X 1.57% SPRING PARK 592,720 X 7.28% MOUND 592,720 X 46.86% TOTAL 100.00% 40,605 102,233 119,726 9,278 43,139 277,739 592,720 -47- AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND RECAP OF COSTS BY CITY 2003 2002 2001 2000 MINNETONKA BEACH 40,605 37,694 33,191 28,663 MINNETRISTA 102,233 87,142 80,332 73,512 ORONO 119,726 109,899 100,791 96,059 SHOREWOOD 9,278 8,526 8,079 7,236 SPRING PARK 43,139 45,859 46,671 44,676 MOUND 277,739 259,410 240,086 229,134 592,720 548,530 509,150 479,280 -48- FIRE DEPARTMENT CODE 101 FULL TIME SALARIES 170 OFFICERS PAY OFFICERS & FIRE SECRETARY'S PAY 180 DRILL PAY 185 MAINTENANCE PAY 190 MONTHLY SALARIES 121 FICNPERA 131 HOSP/DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 136 POST RETIREMENT 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 216 CLEANING SUPPLIES 219 SAFETY SUPPLIES FIRE PREVENTION 217 (FIRE INSPECTOR) 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 307 ADMIN/FINANCE/COM PUTER 301 AUDIT/FINANCIAL 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 2000 ACTUAL 24,199 24,199 18,500 87,570 2,221 0 0 1,480 228 23,370 4,808 720 13,571 2,618 999 0 0 3,009 2001 ACTUAL 37,831 8,665 86,452 3,280 0 0 2,967 331 21,546 3,043 1,314 8,895 3,708 7,167 10,500 2,080 2,248 2OO2 APPROVED 0 41,300 35,400 8,880 87,730 16,140 6,790 110 1,500 480 22,800 4,500 600 9,000 2,400 1,200 10,500 2,080 2,400 2003 REQUESTED 91,040 7,200 0 8,880 14,000 92,760 20,000 12,090 280 910 1,600 480 22,800 4,200 600 9,000 2,400 1,200 10,820 2,140 2,400" 222.-4~260 2003 PROPOSED 91,040 7,200 0 8,880 14,000 92,760 20,000 12,090 28O 910 1,600 480 22,800 4,200 6OO 9,0O0 2,400 1,200 10,820 2,140 2,400 120.44% ERR -100.00% 0.00% ERR 5.73% 23.92% 78.06% 154.55% ERR 6.67% 0.00% 0.00% -6.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.05% 2.88% 0.00% CODE 390 325 322 321 350 151 361 381 383 384 409 401 418 430 434 433 460 205 500 500 580 600 FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE PAGERS - FIRE DEPT. POSTAGE TELEPHONE PRINTING WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. ELECTRICITY GAS SERVICE GARBAGE OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR BUILDING REPAIR RENTALS MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS JANITORIAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE CAPITAL OUTLAY NEW ENGINE PUMPER FIRE TRUCK REPAIR LEASE PAYMENTS TO HRA TOTAL 2OOO ACTUAL 2,605 2,711 529 2,025 514 9,243 15,646 5,615 5,955 818 18,523 15,481 2,069 5,823 20,472 5,187 0 560 55,873 0 0 0 377.141 2001 ACTUAL 14,683 4,233 620 3,069 1,598 14,860 16,642 6,379 7,956 1,192 21,229 6,217 2,022 3,483 26,682 8,346 0 816 32,090 0 0 372.144 2002 APPROVED 16,000 3,600 600 2,700 600 21,060 19,860 6,240 4,500 1,200 19,200 7,200 12,000 1,500 18,000 2,400 0 600 8,400 260,000 40,000 699.470 2OO3 REQUESTED 0 3,600 600 2,760 600 23,170 21,850 7,000 9,500 1,200 14,000' 1,200 10,200 1,500 19,000 2,400 4,000 600 12,400 0 40,000 480.380 222-4~260 2003 PROPOSED 0 3,600 600 2,760 600 2:3,170 21,850 7,000 9,500 1,200 14,000 1,200 10,200 1,500 19,000 2,400 4,000 600 12,400 0 40,000 480.380 -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.22% 0.00% 10.02% 10.02% 12.18% 111.11% 0.00% -27.08% -83.33% -15.00% 0.00% 5.56% 0.00% ERR 0.00% 47.62% -100.00% 0.00% ERR -31.32% -50- 33160 36100 36210 36200 39203 39203 3999-R 5O0 5O0 5OO 5OO 5OO 5O0 5OO 600 5OO 5OO 5OO 5O0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE FOR LOST LAKE CANAL HENNEPIN COUNTY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INCOME INTEREST/GAIN ON INVESTMENT MISCELLANEOUS PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF BONDS TRANSFER - COMPUTER TRANSFER - EQUITY OTHER FUND TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL REVENUE EQUIPMENT RESERVE NORWOOD LN IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY - MISC. STREETS LOST LAKE GREENWAY/TRAIL LOST LAKE PHASE II MOUND FACILITIES RETAINING WALLS MISC CAPITAL CO RD 110 ON-STREET PARKING AUDITORS ROAD STREETSCAPE COMMERCE BLVD STREETSCAPE 2OO0 ACTUAL 0 0 44,368 21,717 39,454 0 0 7,783 113.322 14,340 2,793 610 0 8,888 5,111 0 0 0 0 0 0 2001 ACTUAL 509,961 0 24,632 35,343 112,696 736,237 0 0 1.418.869 0 0 0 13,452 0 44,008 41,556 0 4,541 0 0 0 2002 APPROVED 20,000 7,500 27.500 2O03 REQUESTED 30,000 5,000 35.000 FUND 401 2003 PROPOSED 30,000 5,000 35.000 50.00% -33.33% 27.27% -51 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 500 500 500 SHORELINE DRIVE STREETSCAPE MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT STORMWATER PONDING LOST LAKE AND AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROV. PROJECTS TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 2000 ACTUAL 2001 ACTUAL 31.742 81,580 269.121 350.701 0 0 103.557 1,315,312 350.701 1.666.013 2002 APPROVED 27,500 27.500 2003 REQUESTED 35,000 27.500 62.500 FUND 401 2003 PROPOSED 35,000 62.500 97.500 ERR 27.27% ERR 254.55% -52- RECYCLING CODE HENNEPIN COUNTY 33160 REIMBURSEMENT ($.80 PER HOUSEHOLD FOR 1998) HOUSEHOLD CHARGE 37280 ($2.00/MO./HOUSEHOLD) 36200 SALE OF RECYCLABLES TOTAL REVENUE 103 SALARIES 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 136 POST RETIREMENT 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/AUDIT 307 ADMIN/FINANCE/COM PUTER 322 POSTAGE 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 431 MEETING EXPENSE 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SER. 460 SPECIAL RECYCLING DAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 2000 ACTUAL 30,182 85,962 11.102 13,477 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 335 159 81,430 9.090 22,724 76.353 99.077 2001 ACTUAL 30,009 85,554 13.860 129.423 14,451 1,800 1,666 32 0 0 17 3,856 0 500 0 140 47 90,300 24.037 136.846 (7,423) 99.077 91.654 2002 APPROVED 3o,180 82,700 15.000 127.880 21,260 1,700 2,270 50 0 50 100 4,000 730 6,080 700 470 100 93,000 25.000 155.510 (27,630) 85.480 57.850 2003 REQUESTED 30,000 84,000 15.000 129.000 22,000 1,760 2,540 70 130 50 100 4,000 750 6,260 50 500 100 95,000 30.000 163.310 (34,31 O) 64.020 29.710 670..49500 2003 PROPOSED 30,000 84,000 15.000 22,000 1,760 2,540 70 130 50 100 4,000 750 6,260 50 500 100 95,000 30.000 163.310 (34,310) 29.710 -0.60% 1.57% 0.00% 0.88% 3.48% 3.53% 11.89% 40.00% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.74% 2.96% -92.86% 6.38% 0.00% 2.15% 20.00% 5.02% 24.18% -25.11% -48.64% -53- 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 200 202 210 300 307 301 305 322 321 331 340 328 350 351 151 361 381 LIQUOR SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICNPERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMIN/FINANCE/COM PUTER AUDIT & FINANCIAL MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE/CELL USE PERSONAL AUTO ADVERTIZING/PROMOS EMPLOYMENT ADVERT PRINTING LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WORKER'S COMP. INS. GEN. LIABILITY INS. ELECTRICITY 200O ACTUAL 109,351 12,753 45,142 18,124 11,008 29O 0 890 6o 3,597 0 o 2,500 0 24 1,846 o o 148 2,345 706 1,337 20,293 5,456 2OOl ACTUAL 128,447 3,844 49,846 21,873 22,612 365 0 338 35 3,623 216 15,000 3,000 50 14 2,231 176 3,072 0 0 108 2,150 22,070 5,019 20O2 APPROVED 135,790 1,300 57,070 25,590 25,130 420 0 200 50 4,800 0 24,480 2,940 110 30 3,000 200 5,000 250 1,350 500 3,050 21,230 7,500 20O3 REQUESTED 141,950 1,000 57,070 26,361 25,480 710 1,420 2O0 5O 4,400 0 25,210 3,030 5O 0 5,000 2O0 5,000 25O 0 0 3,350 23,350 6,000. 609.49750 20O3 PROPOSED 141,95O 1,000 57,070 26,361 ~'5,480 710 1,420 20O 50 4,400 0 25,210 3,030 50 0 5,000 200 5,000 250 0 0 3,350 23,350 6,000 4.54% -23.08% 0.00% 3.01% 1.39% 69.05% ERR O.00% 0.00% -8.33% ERR 2.98% 3.06% -54.55% -100.00% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -100.00% 9.84% 9.99% -20.00% -54- LIQUOR 609-49750 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 383 GAS SERVICE 1,551 2,297 4,500 3,500 3,500 -22.22% 382 WATER/SEWER 280 284 400 400 400 0.00% 384 GARBAGE 213 262 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 1,621 1,156 1,000 500 500 -50.00% 412 COMMON AREA MAINT. 29,465 31,538 52,000 10,000 10,000 -80.77% 404 PROTECT. SERVICE RENT 822 977 900 900 900 0.00% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 385 251 500 500 500 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 65 388 500 500 500 0.00% 331 MEETING EXPENSE 88 90 100 100 100 0.00% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 2,000 600 650 650 8.33% 438 LICENSES & TAXES 520 435 520 520 520 0.00% 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 996 1,315 750 63,700 63,700 8393.33% 315 SERVICE CHARGES 8,196 10,036 9,000 16,000 16,000 77.78% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 1,007 1,023 0 1,900'~ 1,900 ERR 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 697 737 700 2,000 2,000 185.71% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 276 0 0 0 0 ERR 611 INTEREST 0 30,203 66,950 62,300 62,300 -6.95% 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 0 189 750 800 800 6.67% 700 TRANS. TO OTHER FUNDS 79.500 219.000 194.000 66.000 O -100.00% TOTAL 362.030 586~270. 654.660 561.851 ~ -24.26% *SEAL COAT 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 0 -100.00% GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SAL. 8,000 0 0 0 ERR COMPUTER ALLOCATION 2,500 0 0 0 ERR GENERAL FUND EQUIPMENT 0 150,000 125,000 0 0 -100.00% 1997 CAPITAL OUTLAY BLUFF BEACH IMP. 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 -100.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY MISCELLANEOUS/LOST LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 0 0 (3 (3 ERR 79.500 219.000 194.000 66.000 _Q -100.00% -55- LIQUOR YEAR 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 EST. 2003 PROJ. SALES 759,527 785,000 875,578 892,028 939,285 1,144,683 1,207,429 1,317,537 1,368,288 1,409,488 1,523,897 1,533,378 1,671,286 1,756,800 1,861,914 1,899,857 2,O5O,000 2,110,000 COST OF GOODS SOLD 584,929 599,454 675,584 683,533 721,268 873,711 921,777 1,007,545 1,027,912 1,065,414 1,145,974 1,163,745 1,258,919 1,319,085 1,406,548 1,434,850 1,568,250 1,614,150 GROSS PROFIT 174,598 185,546 199,994 208,475 218,017 270,972 285,652 309,992 340,376 344,074 377,923 369,633 412,367 437,715 455,366 465,007 481,750 495,850 OPERATING EXPENSES 144,155 146,608 153,948 159,749 162,868 173,134 172,275 188,226 198,400 196,678 213,867 214,320 216,441 236,993 282,530 336,877 460,660 493,850 OPERATING INCOME 30,443 38,938 46,046 48,726 55,149 97,838 113,377 121,766 141,976 147,396 164,056 155,313 195,926 200,722 172,836 128,130 21,090 2,000 -56- 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 2OO 2O3 202 210 212 218 230 227 220 221 223 224 229 30O 3O7 395 301 3O5 322 WATER SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICNPERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS COPY MACHINE & FEES ' OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SHOP MATERIALS CHEMICALS REP. & MAINT. SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS BUILDING REPAIR STREET MAINT. MAT. STREET REPAIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMIN/FINANCE/COMPUTER GOPHER ONE-CALL AUDIT & FINANCIAL MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE 2000 ACTUAL 134,337 3,233 2,410 17,526 20,590 457 0 621 523 138 1,121 4,051 2,028 6,279 6,197 13,030 5,313 389 9,350 0 4,291 0 772 2,600 116 1,980 2001 ACTUAL 142,422 6,616 1,657 19,946 24,799 445 0 497 590 771 836 3,128 2,580 6,690 7,719 (1,733) 7,518 1,465 20,547 6,695 9,731 20,000 956 3,000 2,234 2002 APPROVED 150,850 7,500 2,950 21,260 25,650 52O 0 35O 50O 3OO 4,000 4,000 2,500 3,000 6,500 15,000 6,000 1,000 8,000 10,000 2,000 20,000 2,000 1,640 600 1,600 2O03 REQUESTED 162,040 10,000 0 22,670 30,610 78O 530 350 500 300 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 7,OO0 17,000 7,000 1,000 8,000 10,000 4,000 20,600 2,000 1,690 600 2,000 601-49400 200,3 PROPOSED 162,040 10,000 0 22,670 30,610 780 530 350 500 300 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 17,000 7,000 1,000 8,000 10,000 4,000 20,600 2,000 1,690 600 2,000 7.42% 33.33% -100.00% 6.63% 19.34% 50.00% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 7.69% 13.33% 16.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 3.00% 0.00% 3.05% 0.00% 25.00% -57- WATER CODE 321 TELEPHONE 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINT. 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 418 RADIO CONTRACT 430 MISCELLANEOUS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 470 WATER SAMPLES 455 PERMITS 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 700 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL * GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY COMPUTER ALLOCATION 2000 ACTUAL 3,676 345 1,921 11,949 25,076 1,333 380 26,108 24,015 1,457 242 1,329 472 68 73,363 7,834 885 1,435 2,014 21,461 191 17.000 458.906 12,500 4.500 17.000 2001 ACTUAL 7,043 1,709 3,088 13,000 44,755 2,402 380 29,671 11,219 0 0 976 489 0 73,734 15,084 798 1,250 0 32,597 601 527.969 2002 APPROVED 4,000 3O0 4,380 15,610 28,000 3,000 400 30,000 6,000 4,000 50 3,000 400 100 73,950 13,000 900 500 45,000 46,950 500 577.660 2OO3 REQUESTED 6,000 500 4,820 17,060 30,000 3,000 400~ 30,000 6,000 4,000 50 3,000 400 0 72,975 15,000 900 1,000 117,000 43,450 65G 678.875 601-49400 2003 PROPOSED 6,000 500 4,820 17,060 30,000 3,000 400 30,000 6,000 4,000 50 3,000 400 0 72,975 15,000 900 1,000 118,000 43,450 650 50.00% 66.67% 10.05% 9.99% 7.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -1.32% 15.38% 0.00% 100.00% 162.22% -7.45% 30.00% ERR 17.69% ERR ERR ERR -58- Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 EST. PROJ. WATER OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES 378,775 (256,025) 346,898 (326,595) 351,116 (351,023) 324,482 (346,144) 364,295 (350,016) 370,594 (307,898) 373,974. (329,039) 401,044 (376,861) 424,085 (384,379) 440,308 (377,634) 491,127 (359,407) 472,661 (416,955) 467,680 (420,255) 480,467 (494,771 ) 535,500 (577,660) 625,000 (678,870) OTHER REVENUES fEXPENSES) 5,023 · 17,682 10,537 4,434 3,860 15,638 23,409 (5,434) (578) 6,283 11,462 15,856 31,716 10,733 0 0 NET INCOME fLOSS) 127,773 37,985 10,630 (17,228) 18.139 78.334 68.344 18 749 39 128 68 957 143 182 71 562 79 141 (3,571) (42,160) (53,870) CASH BALANCE - END OF YEAR 1999 2000 2001 2002 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED 2OO3 PROJECTED 711,406 792,529 872,420 750,000 700,000 -59- YEAR 1980 1981-1982 1983 1984-1985 1986 1987 1988 1989-1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999-2001 2002 2OO3 CITY OF MOUND WATER RATES HISTORY GALLONS FIRST 6000 NEXT 2400 NEXT 2400 NEXT 20000 OVER 50000 FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 BASE RATE FLAT RATE PER 1,000 RATE $1.00/THOUSAND $.60/THOUSAND $.55/THOUSAND $.50FFHOUSAND $.45/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $.80/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $3.30 $ .88fTHOUSAND NO CHANGE $3.30 $1.00fTHOUSAND NO CHANGE $3.45 $1.05FFHOUSAND $3.60 $1.10/THOUSAND $3.80 $1.15FFHOUSAND $4.05 $1.20/THOUSAND $4.25 $1.25/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $4.45 $1.30/THOUSAND $4.65 $1.35/THOUSAND -60- CODE 101 102 103 121 131 134 136 2OO 203 2O2 210 212 218 23O 220 221 223 224 229 3OO 3O7 395 301 305 322 SEWER SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARIES, TEMP. FICA/PERA HOSPJDENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS SHOP MATERIALS REP. & MAINT. SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS BUILDING REPAIR STREET MAINT. MAT. STREET REPAIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMIN/FINANCE/COMPUTER GOPHER ONE-CALL AUDIT & FINANCIAL MEDICAL SERVICES POSTAGE 2000 ACTUAL 119,498 18,851 554 16,397 19,666. 374 0 621 523 101 1,140 2,683 1,576 5,272 8,000 6,081 357 3,043 0 2,191 0 772 2,600 40 1,324 2001 ACTUAL 123,377 23,978 1,657 18,011 22,648 378 0 494 590 177 714 3,988 2,276 5,820 3,514 7,154 1,196 3,556 74 8,105 20,000 956 3,000 219 1,388 20O2 APPROVED 167,440 12,500 2,950 24,100 31,550 570 0 350 500 300 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 8,000 7,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 14,870 2,000 1,780 600 1,500 2003 REQUESTED 189,240 15,000 0 26,920 34,430 910 53O 35O 500 300 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 8,000 7,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 15,320 2,000 1,830 300 2,000: 602-4~9450 2003 PROPOSED 189,240 15,000 0 26,920 ~,4,430 910 530 350 500 300 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 8,000 7,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 15,320 2,000 1,830 300 2,000 13.02% 20.00% -100.00% 11.70% 9.13% 59.65% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.67% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 3.03% 0.00% 2.81% -50.00% 33.33% -61 - SEWER CODE 321 TELEPHONE 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINT. 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 418 RADIO CONTRACT 430 MISCELLANEOUS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 455 PERMITS 388 WASTE DISPOSAL - MCES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 700 TRANS. TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL *GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY COMPUTER ALLOCATION 2000 ACTUAL 4,046 157 2,838 12,949 29,680 1,634 380 9,293 4,124 1,520 358 1,212 106 41 101,039 7,111 0 390,804 2,269 26,230 233 17.000 824.688 602-49450 2001 2002 2003 2003 ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 6,993 7,000 7,500 7,500 1,147 100 300 300 4,563 6,470 7,120 7,120 14,000 15,510 17,060 17,060 19,116 18,000 18,000 18,000 2,845 3,000 3,000 3,000 380 400 400 400 12,824 8,000 10,000 10,000 4,821 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 6,426 50 50 50 1,716 3,000 3,000 3,000 161 200 200 200 22 50 0 0 104,324 100,250 115,380 115,380 44,015 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 250 250 250 451,551 450,000 460,000 460,000 0 62,000 110,000 111,000 24,189 22,880 20,490 20,490 235 250 300 300 952.598 1.007.420 1.116.680 ~ 7.14% 200.00% 10.05% 9.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 15.09% 0.00% 0.00% 2.22% 79.03% -10.45% 20.00% ERR 10.94% 12,500 0 0 0 0 ERR 4.500 0 0 0 0 ERR 17.000 ERR -62- SEWER Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 EST. PROJ. OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES 592,307 (571,372) 588,892 (594,289) 583,951 (631,239) 590,479 (719,862) 614,755 (717,914) 660,510 (829,579) 684,474 (803,601) 719,249 (878,543) 826,308 (938,555) 959,110 (1,013,287) 956,437 (994,534) 995,027 (871,928) 998,870 (781,222) 1,080,344 (928,175) 1,048,810 (1,007,420) 1,100,000 (1,116,680) OTHER REVENUES (EXPENSES) 70 968 87 690 93 587 67 357 46 584 49 001 45 678 1 465 (6,O85) (7,802) 2,389 1,498 22,717 14,157 0 0 NET INCOME~ (LOSS) 91,9o3 82,293 46,299 (62,026) (56,575) (120,068) (73,449) (157,829) (118,332) (61,979) (35,708) 124,597 240,365 166,326 41,390 (16,680) CASH BALANCE - END Of YEAR 1999 2000 2001 2002 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTI MATED 591,462 838,166 525,820 820,000 2003 PROJECTED 525,000 -63- YEAR 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987-1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999-2001 2002 2OO2 CITY OF MOUND SEWER RATES HISTORY GALLONS MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 OVER 10,000 RATE $18.00 $1.20/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $21.00 $23.10 $1.52/THOUSAND $25.41 $1.67/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $28.oo $1.75fTHOUSAND NO CHANGE $29.40 $1.84/THOUSAND $3o.85 $1.95/THOOSAND $32.40 $2.05/THOUSAND $37.25 $2.35/THOUSAND $40.00 $2.50/THOUSAND NO CHANGE $42.00 $2.60/THOUSAND $44.10 $2.70/THOUSAND -64- CEMETERy CODE REVENUE 34940 SALE OF LOTS 36210 INTEREST 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 121 PERA/FICA 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 229 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 400 REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. 430 MISCELLANEOUS 525 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 2000 ACTUAL 2001 ACTUAL 2002 APPROVED 2OO3 REQUESTED 280-45250 200 3 PROPOSED 4,530 4,005 6,000 5,000 5,000 4.831 4.098 6.050 5.000 5.000 -16.67% -100.00% -17.36% 5,660 4,940 5,120 5,320 5,320 3.91% 433 380 390 410 410 5.13% 108 0 110 110 110 0.00% 65 601 500 500 500 0.00% 0 373 400 400 400 0.00% 936 936 2,000 2,200 2,200 10.00% 1,153 968 200 200 200 0.00% Q Q 1.200 Q Q -100.00% 8.355 8.198 9.920 9.140 9.140 -7.86% (3,524) (4,100) (3,870) (4,140) (4,140) 6.98% 5.034 1.510 260 (6.460) (6.460) -2584.62% 1.510 !2.590! (3.610) (10.600) ~10.600) 193.63% -65- STORM WATER UTILITY 37270 3931O 36210 2000 ACTUAL 2001 ACTUAL 2002 APPROVED 2003 REQUESTED 675-49425 2003 PROPOSED HOUSEHOLD CHARGE 1 REF =$8.55 PER MONTH 0 102,294 100,000 105,000 105,000 5.00% BOND SALES 0 0 0 0 0 ERR INTEREST ON INVESTMENT O 16.600 12.000 10.000 10.000 -16.67% TOTAL REVENUE 0 118.894 112.000 115.000 115.000 2.68% 1,690 0 5,000 5,000 ERR 8,716 0 18,560 18,560 ERR 0 50 500 500 900.00% 3,771 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 0 3,000 3,000 ERR 6,945 37,650 35,090 35,090 -6.80% 552 500 600 600 20.00% 31.674 58.200 82.750 ~ 42.18% 220 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 322 POSTAGE 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 87,220 53,800 32,250 32,250 -40.06% (3 174.000 141.020 _~ -18.95% ~7.220 227.800 173.270 ~ -23.94% -66- CODE 34725 34705 36210 36200 101 102 103 140 121 131 134 136 2O0 2O2 210 212 22O 223 3OO 307 301 322 DOCKS DOCK PERMITS LMCD FEE INTEREST OTHER TOTAL REVENUE SALARIES, REG. OVERTIME, REG. SALARI ES, TEMP. UNEMPLOYMENT PERA/FICA HOSP./DENTAL LIFE INS./DISABILITY POST RETIREMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS REPAIR/MAINT. SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMIN/COMPUTER CHARGE AUDIT AND FINANCIAL POSTAGE 20OO ACTUAL 63,635 5,098 18,930 87.663 0 93 21,009 3,360 2,703 0 0 0 183 1,292 344 0 411 0 2,615 0 0 569 2001 ACTUAL 65,584 5,319 9,047 6.990 86.940 0 1,138 27,000 3,630 1,751 93 2 0 63 896 1,191 0 39 0 32,154 8,500 1,040 660 2002 APPROVED 113,620 5,000 9,640 1.100 129.360 6,170 1,800 27,000 0 3,640 1,360 3O 0 560 1,600 350 0 1,500 0 500 6,360 760 1,100 2OO3 REQUESTED 91,800 5,000 5,500 1.100 103.400 7,020 500 30,450~ 0 4,000 1,530 40 70 560 1,600 350 0 1,500 0 500 6,550 780~ 1,200 281-45210 2003 PROPOSED 91,800 5,000 5,500 1.100 103.400 7,020 50O 30,450 0 4,330 1,530 40 7O 560 1,600 350 0 1,500 0 5OO 6,550 780 1,200 -19.20% 0.00% -42.95% 0.00% -20.07% 13.78% -72.22% 12.78% ERR 18.96% 12.50% 33.33% ERR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ERR 0.00% ERR 0.00% 2.99% 2.63% 9.09% -67- DOCKS D_QD_E 321 TELEPHONE 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR 430 LMCD FEES 434 CONFERENCES/SCHOOLS 431 MEETING EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS 433 DUES/SUBSCRIPTIONS 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 533 TREE REMOVAL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 525 (RIP-RAP/DREDGING/STAIRS) TOTAL REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 2OOO ACTUAL 695 244 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,300 0 0 0 0 5,373 15,225 6,795 18,434 237.657 256.091 2001 ACTUAL 1,146 57 442 660 14,874 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,229 0 9,284 56,222 9,485 43.884 215.440 (128,500) 256.091 281..4S210 2002 2003 ', 2003 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 1,000 600 600 350 350 350 1 O0 100 100 930 1,020 1,020 2,190 2,410 2,410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 400 3,000 3,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 50.000 50.000 50.000 132.700 139.130 139.460 (3,340) (35,730) (36,060) 192.820 124.250 124.250 189.480 ~ 88.190 -40.00% 0.00% O.0O% 9.68% 10.05% ERR ERR ERR ERR 0.00% ERR ERR ERR ERR 0.00% 650.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.09% 979.64% -35.56% -53.46% -68-