;titY OF MOUND ~issioN STATEMENT: The City Of MO6nd, t~OUgh ~eamw°r~andcooperation, provides at a reasonable
cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a Safe, attractive and flourishing Community.
Open Meeting
Discussion on Financing Issues/Bonding Needs
Discussion on Policy for Procedure to Appoint Commission Members
4. Adjourn
Kandis Hanson City of Mound
Jim Prosser, Ehlers & Associates
March 28, 2003
Financing Issues Update
At the March 5, Council workshop potential 2003 capital project were reviewed. The
Council directed that additional information regarding these projects be prepared for
discussion on April 1. The City's attorney and bond counsel have also reviewed the projects
to assess the impact of pending legislation and the City's ability to issue debt with new
The table below summarizes the current projects identified for potential funding within the
next two years with updated project information and impacts. Project listed in the
"Schedule" column for 2003 are those projects to be considered for funding this year. Other
projects have been identified to forecast future needs to be considered by the City Council.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide information so the City Council can determine
which (if any) of the projects should be funded. If a determination is made to consider the
issuance of debt to finance any of the 2003 project listed below, Ehlers will coordinate with
your staff to prepare a pre sale report with proposed sale details including bond terms,
conditions, timing, proposed debt schedule and projected impacts. The pre sale report would
be presented at a City Council meeting. At that time the Council would make a final
determination regarding the projects to be financed and authorize Ehlers to proceed with a
competitive bond sale. The bond sale results would be presented at a subsequent meeting,
usually one month after the pre sale presentation. At that meeting the Council would review
and accept the bond sale results.
It is not required that any or all of the 2003 projects would need to be authorized at this time.
However, if a decision is made to authorize any of the projects, grouping bonds for the
approved projects for sale at one time will save some cost of issuance and reduces some of
the administrative and technical complexities.
3060 Centre Pointe Drive Phone: 651-697-8503 Fax: 651-697-8555
RoseviLle, MN 55113-1105 Emai[: jim®ehJers-inc.com
City of Mound - Capital Financing Issues
Projected Capital Projects - City of Mound 2003~2004
MetroPlains $600,000 100% assessed will not MetroPlains is being assessed for full
Improvements increase debt levy or tax cost of this project.
2003 Issue rate.
Bonds 100% Work
assessed completed.
CSAH 15 Road $2,150,000 $100,00 residence is $23 This project could be added to the
acquisition MetroPlains funding as part of an
2003 $200,000 residence is $46 improvement bond. The City could also
Debt levy use MSA to fund these costs. Issuance of
$500,000 commercial is these bonds would be a back up to CSAH
$220 15 bonds to be considered next year
(after Hennepin County completes
construction plan, budget and
agreement). Any amount issued would
reduce future project borrowing needs.
Street $400,000 $100,00 residence is Will need to wait until assessment
Improvements/ $2.18 proceeding initiated to issue bonds.
Improvement 2003 Issue Impact is based on 15-year term.
Bonds/60% $200,000 residence is
assessed/40% Summer 2003 $4.36
debt levy
$500,000 commercial is
Remote water $350,000 Approximately 1.5% Should combine with other projects.
meter readers/ increase in water/sewer Actual impact should be studied further.
Water bonds 2003 Issue rates Impact slightly higher if project not
100% water combined with other water
revenue improvements.
Water $650,000 Approximately 3.5% Project relates to downtown
improvements/ increase in water/sewer improvements related to roadway and
Water Bonds 2003 Issue rates, redevelopment (West Edge main, CSAH
15 water main, well, pump house and
controls).. This is in addition to $341,250
already issued. Can likely wait until
CSAH 15 project design completed.
Page 2 of 4C:\Documents and Settings\Bonnie Rifler\Local Settinc~s~Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5\6DTM72PG\financing options.3.28.03
- 1320-
City of Mound- Capital Financing Issues
Refund 1993 $670,000 Minor decrease in debt Refunding these bonds will save City an
water and sewer cost. estimated $28,000 total over the next 5
bonds 2003 Issue years. Should combine with other issue to
reduce issuance costs and maximize
Current ASAP savings.
Downtown $605,000 - No impact for $605,000 if The HRA has incurred an estimated
Redevelopment $2,100,000 tax values and rates are $2,100,000 in costs related to downtown
Costs/G.O. TIF sustained for balance of redevelopment. These costs include land
Bonds 2003 Issue district term. acquisition, engineering, planning,
project management, appraisal, soil
100% tax City could issue up to studies and other related costs. These
increment-with $2.1 million. If full costs have been covered by inter-fund
risk of changes in amount issued tax impact loans. Ability to reimburse will depend
tax structure and would be $17.00 per on redevelopment finances. Given State
decertification of $100,000 value, budget issues City should consider
parcels, issuing bonds to reimburse for a portion
of these costs. Ehlers estimates that
Bonds in addition about $605,000 of debt can be supported
to $605,000 from tax increment not pledged to other
could be issued debt. Debt in addition to this amount
but would be could be issued, for a portion of the
paid from general project expenses to date but would
debt levy. increase city debt levy.
Potentiai FUture ~Pitai ~rojects
CSAH/ $3,772,916 Future Issue City has sufficient MSA funds to cover
Improvement (City portion) land cost reimbursement to County.
Bonds Land purchase by County County needs to complete project design
$1,420,000 is underway. May need and develop final project estimates before
(Projected to reimburse early 2003. bonds are issued. Can issue temporary
developer Construction later 2003. bonds, if needed, until final cost is
payment) determined.
assessed to
Sanitary $200,000 Undetermined Required for city portion of lift station
sewer/Sewer relocation. MetroWaste has not yet
Bonds resolved lift station relocation and costs.
Probably can be tied to CSAH 15 project.
Page 3 of 4C:,Documents and Settings,Bonnie Ri,er, Local S:~i~lT~._mporary Internet Files\Content.iE5\6DTM72PG\financing options.3.28.03
City of Mound - Capital Financing Issues
Water TBD N/A Need cost estimate
bonds Early 2004
Retaining wall TBD N/A Need to combine with other improvement
replacement/ project.
Page 4 of 4C:\Documents and Settings\Bonnie Ritter~Local Settinlls\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5\6DTM72PG\financing options.3.28.03
- 1322-
City of Mound
Mound Visions
Redevelopment-Related Public Expenditures
Uses Sources
Amount Amount
Lost Lake Greenway
Construction 1',100,000 Reserved City Funds 500,000
Design/Engineering/Admin. 65,000 TEA 21 636,000
Non Designated 29,000
subtotal 1,105, 000 subtotal 1,165, 000
County Road 15 Relocation
ROW Acquisition 4,300,000 County 50/50 ROW cost split 2,150,000
Construction 2,100,000 County 70/30 construction split 1,470,000
Watermain Replacement 100,000 Water fund 100,000
Agency Coordination 50,000 MSA fund balance (1/31/02) 1,120,000
Non Designated 'I ,710,000
subtotal 6, 550, 000 subtotal 6, 550, 000
CSAH15 Streetscape (areas not linked to redevelopment projects listed below) and Park & Ride Lot
Streetscape Construction 660,000
Park & Ride Lot Construction 85,000
Park & Ride Lot Site Amenities 25,000 MetroTransit 25,000
Design/Engineering/Admin. 138,600
Bus Shelter Construction 25,000 Non Designated 908,600
subtotal 933, 600 subtotal 933, 600
Auditors Road Completion
Post Office Demolition 70,000
Street Construction 250,000
Public Contrib to Auditors Storm Pond 25,000
PO Demolition Eng/Admin 9,800
Construction Eng/Admin 62,500 Non designated 417,300
subtotal 417, 300 subtotal 417,300
Regional Stormwater Pond
Appraisals 10,000 MCWD payment 80,000
Environmental Testing 15,000 Stormwater Bond Proceeds 50,000
Property Acquisition 40,000
Grit Chamber Construction 80,000
Agency Coordination 10,000
Contamination Contingency 50,000 Non Designated 75,000
subtotal 205, 000 subtotal 205, 000
Well Closure/Relocation
Relocate/Restore Pump House 125,000 Water Fund 533,750
Land Acquisition for New Well 140,000
Abandon Existing Well 10,000 Water Bond Proceeds 2001 341,250
Drill New Well 500,000
New Well Dsn/Eng/Admin. 100,000 Non Designated
subtotal 875, 000 subtotal 875, 000
Lift Station Relocation
Appraisals 5,000 Metro Waste 1,000,000
Environmental Testing 12,000 Sewer Fund 200,000
Property Acquisition 80,000
Construction 1,000,000
City main relocation 200,000
Agency Coordination 10,000
Easement Contingency 20,000
Contamination Contingency 50,000 Non Designated 177,000
subtotal 1,377, 000 subtotal 1,377, 000
Xcel Transmission Line Relocation
Apraisals 10,000 Xcel franchise (ratepayers) 525,000
Environmental Testing 20,000 Land sale proceeds 90,000
Substation Land Acquisition 90,000
Line Relocation 500,000
Agency Coordination 20,000
Contamination Contingency 25,000
Non Designated 50,000
subtotal 665, 000 subtotal 665, 000
Xcel Distribution Line Relocation
Agency Coordination 10,000 Non Designated 10,000
subtotal 1 O, 000 subtotal 1 O, 000
Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - 1 323- Page 1 of 3
City of Mound
Mound Visions
Redevelopment-Related Public Expenditures
Uses Sources
Items Related to Langdon District Redev
Utility Improvements 40,000 Developer Payment - Assessed 230,100
Commerce Boulevard Streetscape 125,000
Commerce Blvd On-Street Parking 30,000
Design/Engineering/Admin. 35,100
Legal Consult 15,000
Planning Consult 6,000
Redevelopment Consult 10,000 Non Designated 31,000
subtotal 261,100 subtotal 261,100
Items Related to Auditors District Redev
Auditors Road Streetscape 250,000 Developer Payment - Assessed 477,900
Commerce Boulevard Streetscape 125,000
Commerce Blvd On-Street Parking 30,000
Design/Engineering/Ad min. 72,900
Legal Consult 15,000
Planning Consult 6,000
Redevelopment Consult 10,000
Non Designated 31,000
subtotal 508, 900 subtotal 508, 900
Items Related to MetroPlains Redev
CSAH 15 Streetscape 40,000 Developer Payment - Assessed 712,000
Commerce Boulevard Streetscape 100,000
Turn Lane on CSAH 15 28,000
Design/Engineering/Admin. 30,240
On site public improvements 544,000
Legal Consult 6,000
Planning Consult 3,000
Redevelopment Consult 3,000 Non designated 42,240
subtotal 754, 240 subtotal 754,240
Items Related to True Value District Redev
CSAH 15 Streetscape 132,200
Commerce Boulevard Streetscape 55,000 HRA Fund Balance 200,000
Commerce Blvd On-Street Parking 6,000 Assessed to owners 12,200
Municipal Parking Lot 150,000
Design/Engineering/Admin. 61,776
Contamination Contingency 50,000
Legal Consult 6,000
Planning Consult 4,000
Redevelopment Consult 4,000
Non designated 256,776
subtotal 468, 976 subtotal 468, 976
Items Related to Post Office Development
CSAH 15 Streetscape 40,000 Assessed to owners 54,200
Design/Engineering/Admin. 7,200
Legal Consult 5,000
Planning Consult 1,000
Redevelopment Consult 1,000 Non designated
subtotal 54,2001 54,200
Misc Mound Visions Coordination
Legal Consult 5,000
Planning Consult 20,000
Redevelopment Consult 10,000 Non designated 35,000
subtotal 35, 000 subtotal 35, 000
Budget Total $ 14,280,316 $ 14,280,31~6
Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - 1324- Page 2 of 3
Fundin.q Source Summary
Non designated (City funded)
'EA 21
Reserved City Funds
County 50/50 ROW cost split
County 70/30 construction split
Sanitary sewer fund new funds
Water fund new funds
Water fund bond proceeds 2001
MSA fund balance 7/31/02
Xcel land payment
Xcel franchise (ratepayers)
Stormwater Bond Proceeds
Metro Waste
MCWD payment
Developer Payment - Assessed
HRA Fund Balance
Assessed to owners
City of Mound
Mound Visions
Redevelopment-Related Public Expenditures
$ 14,2a0,3'~6
Potential Land Sale Proceeds
Longpre Property
Mueller Lansing remnent
Non designated control
Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - 1325- Page 3 of 3
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Sarah Smith / Jim Fackler
City of Mound Commission Appointment Process
As the City Council is aware, at its January 21, 2003 joint workshop, members of the City Council
and the Planning Commission discussed whether modifications are needed with regard to the
interview process. Specifically, the following items were discussed:
· Candidate interviews
· PC / POSAC / DCAC candidate recommendation(s)
For your review, a copy of the Work Rules for the Planning Commission, Docks and Commons
Advisory Commission and Parks and Open Space Commission are included. Included in the Work
Rules are copies of the following documents:
· Resolution No. 89-139 Approving a Policy on Appointments and Reappointments to
Advisory Commissions
· Resolution No. 01-15 Amending Resolution No. 89-139 Approving a Policy on
Appointments and Reappointments to Advisory Commissions
· Resolution No. 92-136 Establishing the Process of Interviewing Candidates for Advisory
Commission Appointments
Members of the City Council are advised that the Planning Commission Work Rules were
amended in February 2003 with the regard to voting system for consistency with state statute as
recommended by John Dean. It is suggested that similar modifications be made to the POSAC and
DCAC Work Rules (Refer to Section C, Sulxl. 4 of the PC Work Rules.) prior to the next interview cycle
next fall.
Members of City staff including City Manager Hanson and Parks Director Fackler will be present
at the meeting to further review and discuss the cun'ent process.
- 1326-
A. Organization
1. The Planning Commission Officers shall be:
a. Chair
b. Vice-Chair
2. Special assignment areas shall be:
a. Plat, Subdivision and Waivers
b. Zoning and Variances
c. Conditional Use Permits
d. Community Development Committee
e. Other areas of assignment
3. Duties of the Officers:
a. Chair:
1) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission.
2) The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide questions of
3) The Chair shall appoint all assignment areas unless otherwise requested
by a majority.
4) The Chair may call special meetings stating the purpose of such meetings
and be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meetings.
5) The Chair shall be responsible to have the staff report on the status of
previous recommendations made to the Council, stating the Planning
Commission's recommendation and Council action.
b. Vice-Chair:
The Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair.
4. The Mound Planning Commission acts only as an advisory group to the Council
to make recommendations in the best interest of the citizens and the City.
- 1327-
B. Work Rules
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
1. The first and third Monday's shall be considered regularly scheduled official
meeting nights.
a. Board of Appeals will meet on the first Monday of each month.
b. In the event that there are more board of appeals cases than can reasonably
be concluded by 11:00 p.m., the Chair and the Planning Staff shall be
empowered to schedule a second meeting for another Monday during the
same month to take care of the overload.
c. The Chair shall have prerogative to cancel or postpone any regularlY
scheduled meetings.
AIl ~ublic hearings shall be held at the City Hall. All meetings shall be called at
7.~3 p.m. and shall conclude at 11:00 p.m. unless waived by the majority. Any
15usiness unfinished at the scheduled closing time shall be taken up at a
subsequent meeting designated by the Chair.
The Commission, at the first regular meeting of the new year, shall elect from its
group, a Chair and a Vice-Chair.
A majority of five (5) members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a
quorum, the minority shall adjourn any item of business requiring official
Commission action, to a specified time.
A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reason of illness,
work, or out-of-town trips.
In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the remaining members shall elect a
Temporary Chair.
The Chair shall call the meeting to order and the Secretary to the Commission
shall call the roll and announce a quorum.
8. The order of business shall be as follows unless amended by the Chair:
a. Call to Order
b. Roll call
c. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
d. Public hearings/board of appeals
1) old business
2) new business
e. Other items of concern:
1) discussion items
2) information items
f. Adjournment
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
9. The following statement shall be printed on all agendas:
MISSION STATEMENT: "The City of Mound through teamwork and cooperation,
provides, at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all
citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community."
"The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. One of the
Commission's functions is to hold public hearings and make recommendations to
the City Council. The City Council makes all final decisions on these matters."
Mound City Ordinances require that certain documents and information be
included in applications. The Planning Commission may postpone consideration
of an application that is incomplete and may for other reasons postpone final
action on an application.
For each agenda item the Commission will receive reports prepared by the City
Staff, open the hearing to the public, and discuss and act on the application.
10.AIl recommendations shall be sent to the Council by means of written minutes,
and shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation.
11. Minutes of the meetings shall be recorded and kept by the Planning Staff.
12.AII meetings shall be public.
13.Any resolution or motion, except motion to adjourn, postpone, reConsider, table,
or call the previous questions, shall be reduced to writing if requested by the
14.Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on
15. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to
table, or to call for the question, action on the question, postpone, refer to
committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first
two shall be without debate.
16.All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except
call for the question. Any member of the Commission may call for a roll call vote
on any issue.
17. Motions can only be made by members recognized by the Chair.
- 1329-
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
18. Speaking without recognition of the Chair shall be cause for another member to
call "point of order" and the member speaking out of turn must relinquish the
19."Call for the question" or "previous question" is a motion and must be seconded.
It is not debatable and must be voted upon immediately. A two-thirds majority is
necessary to call the previous question. If the two-thirds majority is given, the
motion or question on the floor must be immediately put to a vote without debate
except for a motion to table.
20."Question" is not a motion but only an indication to the Chair that the person
making statement is ready to have the motion or question put to a vote.
21 .The Chair may direct that a motion be divided if requested by a member.
22. Members must limit their remarks to the subject matter being discussed and shall
not be repetitious. The speaking order shall be at the discretion of the Chair,
however, all members shall be allowed to speak in their turn.
23. Any member, who shall be absent without leave of absence for two consecutive
unexcused meetings, shall receive a reminder from the clerical secretary
assigned by the City, as directed by the Chair. Upon three consecutive
unexcused absences, he/she shall be recommended to the City Council for
24.Any member having a direct financial and/or direct personal interest in an
individual action under consideration by the Commission shall excuse
himself/herself from the Commission and not vote on that particular matter. Said
member will have the same rights as any citizen who has an interest in any
action being considered by the Planning Commission.
25.These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the
26. Robert's Rules of Order or standard parliamentary procedure shall govern any
rule of order not covered by the work rules.
- 1330-
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
Candidate Selection/Interview Procedures (see Exhibit A: Res. #89-139 and Exhibit
B: Res. #92-136).
It is the intent of the Commission to interview all applicants and vote at the same
meeting. The Mayor and City Council are to be included in the interviewing
process. The vote will be conducted by the Commission and will not include
visiting Council member. (Rev. 1/8/96)
2. The applicant is to be advised of the interview at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of the interview.
3. If the applicant is unable to attend the scheduled interview, the Planning
Commission may make the recommendation based on the information provided.
Following the interviews and at the same meeting, a written ballot method of
voting will be used (see Exhibit C). The secretary will have the candidates
names typed on the form and the form will be sent to Planning Commissioners in
their packet. Ballots will be kept in the journal of the Planning Commission
containing meeting minutes.
5. The Planning Commission shall forward to the City Council, at their next regular
meeting, a list of the candidates and the number of votes they received.
6. Every seated member shall be eligible to vote.
Adopted December 10, 1984
Revised December 14, 1987
Revised January 23, 1989
Revised June 10, 1991
Revised March 25, 1992
Revised January 11, 1993
Revised January 8, 1996
Revised January 26, 1998
Adopted March 4, 2002
-1331 -
BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota
as follow:
1. Section C of the Planning Commission Work Rules is hereby amended by
amending paragraph 4 thereof to read as follows:
4. Following the interviews and at the same meeting, a ~ written
ballot method of voting will be used (see Exhibit C). The secretary will
have the candidates names typed on the form and the form will be sent to
Planning Commissioners in their packet. Ballots will be kept in the journal
of the Planning Commission containinq meeting minutes.
2. Exhibit C to the Work Rules is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHOICE #: 1 = first choice, 2 = second choice, etc.
The secretary will collect the ballots and total the choice points. The candidate with the
least amount of points is your choice.
Only ballots containing the initials of the voting member will be counted.
JBD-227120v 1
- 1332-
3. The Secretary is directed to prepare replacement pages to the work rules
incorporating the changes hereby made.
Adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota this
day of February, 2003.
Geoff Michael, Chair
Jill Norlander, Secretary
- 1333-
DATE: September 27, 2002
Frank Ahrens, Docks & Commons Commission
Gerald Jones, Docks~ & Commons Commission
Orv Burma, Planning Commission
Becky Glister, Planning Commission
Jorj Ayaz, Planning Commission
Kandis Hanson, City Manager
Term Expirations
You are at the end of your term as a commission member. In preparation for the Mound City
Council Annual Meeting, Mayor Meisel would like to confirm your interest in being
reappointed to your volunteer position serving the City. Please indicate below regarding your
interest and return this memo Jfiu Fackler or Sarah Smith by Oct 18, 2002. You may fax it to
952-472-0620, or mail it to or drop it at City Hall at 5341 Maywood Road. Feel free to use the
drop boxes after hours.
Thank you for your willingness to serve over the years!
My name:
Commission on which I serve:
Please consider me for reappointment for another term:
Yes No
(Cir¢l~ One, Pl~se)
Moundseeks t°'"fiil
'The City"of. Mound has a '. ii.'i'ing,'and acts as
vacancyi' on' its. Planning com-
mission and h~reby invites
interested persons to apply fora
. three-year: term!:i:~Meetings
· the first? and' thirdI Monday.: of
each month at, 7:30 p.m.
Applicants must reside in
· Mound?"
' The .i~lanning commission '; will'be, read'by, the
considers all matters pertaining i:~city council at the
to land :use, planning and zon- iag on Jan,.14, 2003.
The Laker: Please publish weekly, through Nov 9. Thanks!
The City of Mound wishes to notify the public of an upcoming vacancy on its Planning Commission, and
hereby invites interested persons to apply. It is a three-year term. Meetings are the first and third Monday of
each month at 7:30 p.m.' Applicants must reside in the City of Mound. The Planning Commission considers all
matters pertaining to land use, planning and zoning, and acts as a recommending body to the City Council.
Please call Sarah (472-3190) for more information, or Jodi (472'0601) to apply. Applications close at 4:30
p.m., November 12, 2002. Interviews wil'l"be ~oVember 18} 7:30 p.m., at Mound City Hall'. Appointments will
be made by the Mayor and City Council at their Annual Meetihg, JanUary 14,: 2003.
- 1336-
Planning Commission Work Rules
city of Mound
Exhibit A
October 24, 1989
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of
Mound, Minnesota, hereby establishes the following pollcy~
Definitions of "Vacancy": A vacancy occurs when a term
expires and the commissioner holding that term does not
desire reappointment. A vacancy also occurs when a
commissioner resigns bls/her position prior to the term
1. When a vacancy occurs, the City Manager is
directed to advertise in the City's official
newspaper that there ara positions to be filled on
a commission(s). Such advertising shall be dons
in the form of a "news release".
2. Such news release shall include, but not be
limited to, the number of vacancies, the length of
the term, or request for letter of interest and/or
resume, application deadline date, etc. The news
release shall also state that prospective ap-
plicants will be required to interview with the
City Council and respective commission Jointly.
Such interviews will bm conducted as soon as pos-
sible following the application deadline. Each
commission will formally recommend appointments
following the Joint interviews. The City Council
will review those recommendations and will be
responsible for making the appointments.
3. Current commission members who wish to be reap-
pointed must indicate such and~ the reasons for
being reappointed in writing a minimum of sixty
(60) days prior to their term expiring.
4. If a member resigns during his/her term, such
resignation must be in writing and submitted to
the City Manager.
5. In the case of member resigning with less than
nSnsty (90) days remaining~ on his/her term, the
City Council, at its discretion, may delay filling
the vacancy until the term officially expires.',
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember
Jessen and seconded by Councilmember Johnson.
The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative:
Jensen, Jessen, and Johnson.
The following Councilmembers voted in the negative:
Ahrens and Smith.
Attest: City Clerk
- 1337- ' ' ..
BE IT RESOLVED, ~at the Ci~7 Council of the City of Mound, lvr~esot~
hereby esmblishes the following policy:
Definitions of "Vacancy":. A vacancy occurs when ¢ term expires. A vacamcy
also occurs when a COmmissioner resiffr, s his/her position prior to the term
C~ry"s official newspaper ~t there are positions to be titled on a '
commission (s). Such miverfis~g shall be dong in the ~orm o~ a "newes
SUch news releas~ shatlino!ude, but not be limited to, the number of
vacancies, the. tength..o£th~ ~ or re~tuest ~or le~te~ o~ interes~ and Jot
, resume, application dea~n~ dat~, crc..7)he news release shall also state '
CoU~cfl,,and respective ~omm~ss,io~ io~tty. Such :int~'views will b~
~onduct¢Cl as. short, as possibte fo~owimg-~l~e appiiCafion d~dline. Each
be responsible for making appointments.
Current commission members who wish to be re-appointed must indicate
such by submitting an .app.lioation~
If a member ~esigns d~u--ing hi~h~r tern:., such resignation must be L~
writing and submitted to the City Mmager.
In the case of member msi~i~ with less than. ni~ery (90) days rcm~g
on his/her ~cerm, the City Council, at its discretion, ~y delay ffdling the
vacancy until the mm officially expires,
A commission member seeking re-appointment has the option to iaerview
as he or she chooses.
...................... ...:- 1338 .........
Th: for~goiug resolu~on was moved by CoUn~lmemb~r Brown and seconded by
Coun¢~lr~emb~r PIanu~.
The following Counc~lmcmb~r void iu thc afErmadvc:
Brown, Hanus and Mciscl.
Thc follo~E Counc~tmcmbers void iu thc negs~vc:
Anderson and l~cy~.
Adopted ~anuary 23, 2001
- 1339-
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
Exhibit B
October 13, 1992
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of
Mound, Minnesota, hereby establishes the following policy as it
pertains to the interviewing of candidates for advisory commission
Candidates for appointment to advisory commissions will
be interviewed Jointly by the applicable commission and the City
Council at a regularly scheduled commission meeting. Following the
interviews and at the same meeting, the commission will establish
a ranking of the candidates, listing the candidates.and the number
of votes they have received. The resu.lts will then be submitted to
the Council at the next regular Council Meeting. The Council will
then make official appointments at that Council Meeting.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if candidates who wish to be
considered for appointment cannot be present for the interviews
that the commission and the City Council will base their decisions
on the resumes submitted.
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Smith
seconded by Councilmember Jensen.
The following councilmembers voted in the affirmative:
Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith.
Attest: City Clerk
The following councilmembers voted in the negative:
- 1340- "
Exhibit C
Planning Commission Work Rules
City of Mound
CHOICE #: 1 - First Choice; 2 - Second Choice; etc.
The secretary will collect the ballots and total the choice pointS?:'~::'The'Candidate with the
least amount of points is your choice.
Only ballots containing the initials of the voting member will be counted.
- Initial~
- 1341 -
1. The Park and Open Space c6mmission offi6ei:s sha'flbe:
a.. Chair
b. Vice-Chair
2. Duties of the Officers:
a. Chair:
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission.
The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide
questions of order.
The Chair shall appoint all assignment areas unless otherwise
requested by a majority.
The Chair may call special meetings stating the purpose of such
meetings and be posted at least.24 hOUrs in advance of the meetings.
The Chair shall be respons, ible to have the staff report on the status
of previous recommendations made to the Council, stating the Park
and Open Space Commission's recommendations and Council
b. Vice-Chair:
1) The Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the
The Mound Park and Open Space Commissi acts only as an advisory group to
the Council to make recommendations in the best interest of the citizens of Mound.
The second Thursday shall be considered the regularly scheduled official meeting
The Chair shall have prerogative to cancel or postpone any regularly scheduled
- 1342-
Park and Open Space Commission Work Rules
All public hearings shall be held at City Hall. All meetings shall be called at 7':30
p.m. and shall conclude at 11:00 p,m. unless waived by the majority. Any
business unfinished at the scheduled closing time, shall be taken up as old business
at the next regular meeting. (Rev. 1-9-97) (Rev. 1-8-98)
If at 10:00 items still remain, then the item and/or motion currently on the floor
will be immediately tabled by the chair, without a motion to table, and the chair
will put forth a continuance motion to extend the meeting for an additional thirty
minutes. If passed, the item table immediately prior will be brought back up. This
cycles until all items are completed or the continuance motion fails. Any items left
at adjournment will be automatically added to the next meeting's agenda prior to
any new items. (Added 1-9-97)
If all items listed on the agenda prior to the start of the meeting are not completed
and the continuance fails, then the chair has discretionary authority to schedule a
second meeting for that month without a motion. That meeting will take place on
the fourth Thursday of the month, from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm. (Added 1-9-97)
If any items, not listed on the agenda prior to the start of the meeting are not
completed, and the continuance fails, then the chair will move the commission for
a second monthly meeting, on the fourth Thursday of the month from 7:30 pm to
10:00 pm. (Added 1-9-97) (Rev. 1-8-98)
The Commission at'the first meeting in January, shall elect from its group, a Chair
and a Vice-Chair.
A majority of four (4) members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a
quorum, the minority shall adjourn any' item of business requiring ..official
Commission action, to a specified time. 0~ev. 2-12-97)
· '
With prior notice to City Staff or the Chair, ember may be excused from an
individual meeting for reason of illness, work, or out-of-town travel.
In the absence of the Chair or Vice-Chair, the remaining members shall elect a
Temporary Chair.
The Chair (Vice-Chair/Temporary Chair) shall call the meeting to order and
announce a quorum.
The order of business shall be as follows unless amended by the Chair:
Call to order.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Agenda change requests.
- 1343-
Park and Open Space Commission Work Rules
Public hearings.
Old business (permits, applications, etc.).
New business.
Agenda add-ons (from "c" above).
Staff reports.
The following statement shall be primed on all agendas:
"MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound through teamwork and
cooperation, provides, at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the
needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing cornraunity."
"The Park and Open Space Commission is an advisory body to the City Council.
One of the Commission's functions is to hold public hearings and make
recommendations to the City Council. The City Council makes all final decisions
on these matters.
Mound City Ordinances require that certain documents and information be included
in applications. The Park and Open Space Commission may postpone
consideration of an application that is incomplete and may for other reasons
postpone final action on an application. '
For each agenda item the Commission will receive reports prepared by the City
Staff, open the hearing to the public, and discuss and act on the application."
All recommendations shall be sent to the Council by means of written minutes, and
shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation.
Minutes of the me. etings.shall be recorded and~ept by Staff.
All meetings shall be open to the public.
Any resolution or motion, except motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table,
or call the previous questions, shall be reduced to writing if requested by any
member of the Commission.
Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before a second is made.
(Rev. 1-8-98)
When a queStion is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to
table, or to call for the question, action on the question, postpone, refer to
committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order, and the first
two shall be without debate.
- 1344-
Park and Open Space Commission Work Rules
All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except call
for the question which requires 2/3rds vote: Any member of the Commission may
call for a roll call vote on any issue. ~Rev. 1-8-98)
Motions can only be made by members recognized by the Chair, and the motions
shall be initiated with the phrase "I move that..."
Speaking without recognition of the Chair shall be cause for another member to call
"point of order" and the member speaking out of turn must relinquish the floor.
"Call for the question" or "previous question" is a motion and must be seconded.
It is not debatable and must be voted upon immediately. A 2/3 majority is
necessary to call the previous question. If the 2/3 majority is given, the motion or
question on the floor must be immediately put to a vote without debate except for
a motion to table.
"Question" is not a motion but only an indication to the Chair that the person
making statement is ready to have the motion or question put to a vote.
The Chair may direct that a motion be dlvided if requested by a member.
Members must limit their remarks to the. subject matter being discussed and shall
not be repetitious. The speaking order shall be at the discretion of the Chair,
however, all members shall be allowed to speak in their turn.
At the start of each pertinent agenda item, a roll call (show of hands) shall he taken
of who visited the subject site and who did not. (Rev. 11/16/96)
Any member who shall be absent without lea of absence for two consecutive
unexcused meetings, shall receive a reminder from the clerical secretary assigned
by the City, as directed by the Chair. Upon three (3) consecutive unexcused
absences, he/she shall be recommended to the City Council for replacement.
Any member who is absent with leave of absence for more than three (3)
consecutive excused absences, the Commission shall recommend to the Council
whether that commissioner shall be replaced or not. (Rev. 11/16/96)
Any member having a financial and/or personal interest in an individual action
under consideration by the Commission shall identify their personal interest prior
to the discussion, remove himself/herself from the discussion and not vote on that
particular matter. In addition, members shall further avoid any appearance of
impropriety. Said member will have the same rights as any citizen who has an
- 1345-
Park and Open Space Commission Work Rules
interest in any action being considered by the Park and Open Space Commission..
When a commissioner chooses to abstain from a motion, they shall state a general
reason for their abstention (i.e. lack of knowledge, conflict of interest). (Rev.
11/16/96) (Rev. 1-8-98)
These rules shall nOt be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the
Any rule of order not covered by the work rules shall be governed by Robert's
Rules of Order or standard parliamentary procedure.
See attached Resolution #01-15
- 1346-
BE IT RESOLVED, thru. the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota,
hereb~ establishes the following policy:
Definitions of"Vacancy": 'A vacancy occurs when a term expires. A vacamcy
also occurs when a commissioner resigns Ns/her position prior to the term
.expiring. ' · ' ' ..
When a vacancy occurs, the City Manager is directed to aelvertise in the
City's official newspaper that there are positions to be filled on a
commission (s). Such advertising shall be done in the form of a "news
Such news release shall include, but not be. limited to, the number of
vacancies, the length of the term, or request for letter of interest and/or
resume, .application deadline date, etc. The news release shall also state
the prospective applicants will be required to interview with the City
Council and respective commission jointly. Such interviews will be
conducted as soon as possible following the application deadline. Each
commission will formally recommend appointments following the joint
interviews. The City Council will review those recommendations and will
be responsible for making appointments.
Current commission members who wish to be re-appointed must indicate
such by submitting an application.
If a member resigns during Ns/her term, suq~ resignation must be in
writing and submitted to the City Manager' "]
In the case of member resigning with less than ninety (90) days remaining
on Ns/her term, the .City Council, at its' discretion, may delay filling the
vacancy until the term officially expires.
A commission member seeking re-appointment has the option to interview
as he or she chooses.
- 1347-
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmcmber Brown and secon, ded by
Councilmember Hanus.
The following Councilmember voted in the affmuative:
Brown, Hanus and Meisel.
The following Councilmembers 'voted in the negative:
Anderson and Meyer.
Adopted January 23, 2001
Acti~ag City Clerk
- 1348-
The Dock and Commons Commission Officers shall be:
a. Chair
b. Vice-Chair
Duties of the Officers:
a. Chair:
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission.
The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide
questions of order.
The Chair shall appoint all assignment areas unless otherwise
requested by a majority.
The Chair may call special meetings stating the purpose of such
meetings and be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the
meetings. ~
The Chair shall be responsible to have the staff report on the status
of previous recommendations made to the Council, stating the
Dock and Commons Commission's recommendations and Council
b. Vice-Chair:
The Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the
Chair. "
The Mound Docl~ and Commons Commission ~,cts only as an advisory group to
the Council to make recommendations in the best interest of the citizens and the
The third Thursday of each month shall be considered the regularly scheduled
official meeting night.
The Chair shall have prerogative to cancel or postpone any regularly scheduled
All public hearings shall be held at City Hall. All meetings shall be cailed at
7:30 p.m. and shall conclude at 10:00 p.m. unless waived by the majority. Any
business unfinished at the scheduled closing time, shall be taken up as old
business at the next regular meeting.
- 1349-
Dock and Commons Advisory Commission
~topted 4-3-97
The Commission at the first meeting in January, shall elect from its group, a
Chair and a Vice-Chair.
A majority of four (4) members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a
quorum, the minority shall adjourn any item of business requiring official
Commission action, to a specified time. 0~,v. 2-12-97)
With prior notice to City Staff or the Chair, a member may be excused from an
individual meeting for reason of illness, work, or out-of-town travel.
In the absence of the Chair or Vice-Chair, the remaining members shall elect a
Temporary Chair.
The Chair (Vice-Chair/Temporary Chair) shall call the meeting to order and
announce a quorum.
The order of business shall be as follows unless amended by the Chair:
Call to order.
· Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Agenda change requests.
Public hearings.
Old business (permits, applications, etc.).
New business.
Agenda add-ons (from 'c' above).
Staff reports.
The following statement shall be printed on all agendas:
'MISSION STA.TEMY_,NT: The City of ~Mound through teamwork and
cooperation, provides, at a reasonable cost, qut~.lity services that respond to the
needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community.'
'The Dock and Commons Commission is an advisory body to the City Council.
One of the Commission's functions is to hold public hearings and make
recommendations to the City Council. The City Council makes all final decisions
on these matters.
Mound City Ordinances require that certain documents and information be
included in applications. The Dock and Commons Commission may postpone
consideration of an application that is incomplete and may for other reasons
postpone final action on an application.
- 1350-
Dock and Commons Advisory Commission
Adopted 4-3-97
For each agenda item the Commission will receive reports prepared by the City
Staff, open the hearing to the public, and discuss and act on the application."
All recommendations shall be sent to the Council by means of written minutes,
and shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation.
Minutes of the meetings shall be recorded and kept by Staff.
All meetings shall be open to the public.
Any resolution or motion, except motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table,
or call the previous questions, shall be reduced to writing if requested by any
member of the Commission.
Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on
When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to
table, or to call for the question, action on the question, postpone, refer to
committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order, and the first
two shall be without debate.
All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except
call for the question. Any member of the Commission may call for a roll call
vote on any issue.
Motions can only be made by members recognized by the Chair, and the motions
shall be initiated with the phrase "I move that..."
Speaking without recognition of the Chair shall be cause for another member to
call "point of order" and the member speaklng~out of turn must relinquish the
"Call for the question" or "previous question" is a motion and must be SeConded.
It is not debatable and must be voted upon immediately. A 2/3-majority is
necessary to call the previous question. If the 2/3 majority is given, the motion
or question on the floor must be immediately put to a vote without debate except
for a motion to table.
"Question~ is not a motion but only an indication to the Chair that the person
making statement is ready to have the motion or question put to a vote.
The Chair may direct that a motion be divided if requested by a member.
- 1351 -
Dock and Commons Advisory Commission
Adopted 4-3-97
Members must limit their remarks to the subject matter being discussed and shall
not be repetitious. The speaking order shall be at the discretion of the Chair,
however, all members shall be allowed to speak in their turn.
Any member who shall be absent without leave of absence for two consecutive
unexcused meetings, shall receive a reminder from the clerical secretary assigned
by the City, as directed by the Chair. Upon three consecutive unexcused
absences, he/she shall be recommended to the City Council for replacement.
Any member who is absent with leave of absence for more than three consecutive
excused absences, the Commission shall recommend to the Council whether that
commissioner shall be replaced or not.
Any member having a financial and/or personal interest in an'individual action
under consideration by the Commission shall identify their personal interest prior
to the discussion, remove himself/herself from the discussion and not vote on that
particular matter. In addition, members shall further avoid any appearance of
'impropriety. Said member will have the same rights as any citizen who has an
interest in any action being considered by the Dock and Commons Commission.
When a commissioner chooses to abstain from a motion, they shall state a general
reason for their abstention (i.e. lack of knowledge, conflict of interest).
These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the
27. Any rule of order not covered by the work rules shall be governed by Robert's
Rules of Order or standard parliamentary procedure.
1. Resolution g92-136 and Resolution #89-139, attached as "Exhibit A", have been
adopted by the City Council Approving a Policy on Appointments and
Reappointments to Advisory Commissions.
The applicant is to be advised of the interview at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of the interview.
A silent ballot method of voting will be used (see attached "Exhibit B"). The
secretary will have the candidates names typed on the form and the form will be
sent to you in your packet.
After the ballots have been counted, and the results announced, a formal motion
is required to recommend the candidate(s) to the City Council.
'Dock and Commons Advisory Commission
Adopted 4-3-97
"Exhibit A", page 1 of 2
Dock and Commons Advisory Commission
Adopted 4-3-97
"Exhibit B"
CHOICE #: 1 = first choice, 2 = second choice, etc.
The secretary will collect the ballots and total the choice points.
with the least amount of points is your first choice, etc.
The candidate
MISSION STATEMENT: "The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides, at a reasonable cost, quality
services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishinl~ community."
Open Meeting
Discussion on Agreement For Right Of Way Acquisition Amendment
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City
of Mound, Minnesota will hold a special meeting in the
Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:00 PM p.m.
on Tuesday, April 1,2003 for the purpose of discussing
financing issues associated with the CSAH 15 Road Project
including the ROW Agreement between the City of Mound
and Hennepin COunty.
Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Posted: March 28, 2003
Amendment No. 1 to
Agreement No. PW 04-06-02
County Project No. 9417
County State Aid Highway No. 15
City of Mound
County of Hennepin
THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of ,
2003, by and between the County of Hennepin, a body politic and corporate under the laws of
the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Mound, a body
politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS, the City is actively involved in redevelopment of a portion of its business
district in the vicinity of the intersection of County State Aid Highways No. (CSAH) 15 and 110,
said roads also known as Shoreline Drive, Commerce Boulevard, and Lynwood Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, in conjunction with the anticipated redevelopment the County and the City
have been negotiating to bring about the complete reconstruction of CSAH 15 from
approximately 600 feet west of CSAH 110 to Cypress Lane, a portion of which is on a new
alignment, along with the reconstruction of CSAH 110 from approximately 250 feet south of
Lynwood Boulevard to approximately 600 feet north of Lynwood Boulevard, and replacement of
the existing two intersections of CSAH 15 and CSAH 110 with a single intersection at Lynwood
Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, the afore described roadway improvements are all to be accomplished under
Hennepin County Project No. 9417, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, there exists in full force and effect Agreement No. PW 04-06-02, dated
October 1, 2002, between the County and the City for the acquisition of the property necessary
for the right of way of said Project; and
WHEREAS, the County and City intend to enter into a separate future cooperative
agreement for construction of the Project; and
WHEREAS, the City's share of the construction costs for the Project will be paid to the
County from proceeds of general obligation bonds; and
- 1355-
Amendment No. 1 to
Agreement No. PW 04-06-02
CSAH 15; C.P. 9417
WHEREAS, pending levy limit legislation before the State of Minnesota's Legislature
contains provisions that would require that debt service on bonds fit within the levy; and
WHEREAS, obligating the City, at this time, to share in the costs of construction of the
Project will enable the City to sell bonds for the Project without including debt service within its
levy; and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto, therefore, desire to amend said Agreement No. PW 04-
06-02 as hereinafter set forth:
The following is hereby included as Article XXIV of Agreement No. PW 04-06-02:
The City agrees that it is obligated to pay for its share of construction of the
Project in the amount of $630,000.00, or such lessor or greater amount as may be
determined in a separate future construction agreement between the parties.
The parties agree the City's financial responsibilities related to development and
construction of the Project cannot be determined until a detailed Project design is
completed. The parties further agree the City intends to make such payments from
proceeds of general obligation bonds. In the event that general obligation bonds are
not available to the City, the City agrees to fund its share of the Project's construction
costs with other City funds.
Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions in said Agreement No. PW 04-06-02
shall remain in full force and effect.
(this space left intentionally blank)
- 1356-
Amendment No. 1 to
Agreement No. PW 04-06-02
CSAH 15; C.P. 9417
IN TESTIMONY WltEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this agreement to be
executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written.
Deputy/Clerk of the County Board
Chair of its County Board
Assistant County Attorney
Assistant County Attomey
Assistant/Deputy/County Administrator
Assistant County Administrator, Public Works
and County Engineer
Director, Transportation Department
- 1357-