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PI,EASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2003 - 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING o o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE AGENDA, WITH ANY AMENDMENTS *CONSENT AGENDA * A. APPROVE MINUTES: MAR 18, 2003 SPECIAL MEETING MAR 25, 2003 REGULAR MEETING APR 1, 2003 SPECIAL MEETING (2) *B. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS *C. APPROVE RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PURCHASE AGREEMENTS, DETERMINING CONFORMITY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AUTHORIZING SALE AND CONVEYANCE OF CITY LAND *D. APPROVE RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A REQUEST BY MARTIN SARENPA FOR A DOCK AT 5446 BARTLETT BOULEVARD *E. APPROVE RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR CHRIS BRIGHT, 4753 ISLAND PARK DRIVE *F. APPROVE TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE *G. APPROVE PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA (LIMIT TO 3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER) 1358-1359 1360-1366 1367 1368-1395 1396-1400 1401-1408 1409-1437 1438-1439 1440-1441 PI,EASE TURN OFF Al,I, CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. o PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CASE # 03-08: TSP ON INC/WESTONKA SCHOOLS 5229/5271 SHORELINE DR & 2324/2330 WILSHIRE BLVD CUP FOR ECFE EXPANSION ACTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR LAND FOR PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PROJECT o REVIEW OF SKETCH PLAN: WARA REAL ESTATE, INC SCOTT HOLTER PROPERTY 2241 SOUTHVIEW LANE EXECUTIVE SESSION ON ROEGLIN SUIT DISPUTING ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO WESTEDGE BOULEVARD 10. WELL NO. 8 PROJECT A. ACTION ON PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR LAND B. ACTION ON ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT 11. ACTION ON REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT TO WELFARE REFORM EXECUTIVE POLICY COMMITTEE 12. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A° B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. K. LMC Friday Fax FYI: Resignation of Officer Jason Swenson FYI: Resignation of Officer Mike Bmckner Minutes: Planning Commission - Mar 3 & 17, 2003 Minutes: Public Safety facility project- March 31, 2003 FYI: Charitable gambling donation Correspondence: Gillespie Center Correspondence: LMCD LMCC calendar Memo: AMM on Metropolitan Council redistricting Report: Police Department - March 2003 Minutes: MHR through Apr 4, 2003 Minutes: Fire Commission - Jan 29, 2003 13. ADJOURN This is a preliminary agenda'and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www. citvofmound, com. 1442-1479 1480-1487 1488-1496 1497-1510 1511-1516 1517 1518-1529 1530 1531 1532-1540 1541-1542 1543 1544-1545 1546-1554 1555-1557 1558-1560 1561-1580 1581 1582-1584 More current meeting COUNCIL BRIEFING April 8, 2003 Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Apr 8 - 7:10 - HRA regular meeting Apr 8 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Apr 15 - 6:30 - HRA workshop ~- MHR Apr 17 - 3:00 - Fire District meeting - Minnetrista (Bob only) Apr 17 - 6:30 - Joint CC/Docks workshop Apr 22 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Apr 22 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Apr 24 - 8:00 a.m. - Fire Commission meeting (Pat only) May 10 - Police Dpt and City-wide Auction May 17 - Recycling Day May 20 - 6:30 - HRA workshop - MHR Upcoming Absences May 1-2 Kandis Hanson May 7-9 Kandis Hanson May 27-30 Kandis Hanson July 3-13 Kandis Hanson Emergency Operations training City Manager's Conference Moving Vacation #7. Public Safety Facili~ Project will attempt to put closure on the purchase of land from neighbors that will add about eight spaces to the safety building parking. This has been a tough deal to close because the parties have been so far apart on the price from the start. Negotiations will continue over the weekend and you will hear the outcome at the meeting. Keep in mind that they have used a triangle of land owned by the city over the years, making it part of their current driveway. You can see the pink markers delineating the properties. That little triangle has become the city's ace in these negotiations. Other Jim Kurtz will be sworn in as Police Chief in an informal ceremony on Apr 11. He will then go to Chief's training at St Cloud the following Mon through Thurs. He will be reswom in a public ceremony on Apr 22, between the HRA and CC meetings, followed by a reception being sponsored by his wife. Friends, family, staff and the public are invited. , Due to absence and illness, the City Manager's performance evaluation has been delayed until Apr 22. Members are reminded to turn in the completed evaluation, if you have not yet done so. Kandis MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Acting Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Bob Brown, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Members Absent: Mayor Pat Meisel Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Fire Chief Greg Pederson, Police Chief John McKinley, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Community,Development Director Sarah Smith, Parks Director Jim Fackler, Public Works Su~i~tendent Greg Skinner, Liquor Store Manager John Colotti. ' Ac~anus opened the meeting ~iiii~?30 P.~:m. 2. DE PARTMENT HEAD ANNU AL REPoRTS:~::~ii?~iii!i!!i!!i?:::!i!!i¢ The following presented their annual re to ncil and fielded questions and concerns. The reports are on file in ;lerk. Fire Department by Fire Police Department by Finance De Community Develo Parks Departme.~ Public Work. Liquor Skinner McKinley 3. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown, Motion carried. Osmek to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Acting Mayor Mark Hanus - 1358- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 1, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, April 1,2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Bob Brown, David Osmek, Mark Hanus and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Engineer John Cameron, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Parks Director Jim Fackler, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, and Jim Prosser of Ehlers & Associates. 1. OPEN MEETING Mayo--'7-Me~d meeting at 7:00 p.m. the 2. AMENDMENT TO RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMEN~T FOR C~=~====~==,1~ City Attorney John Dean presented a propose( ~nt to th~'==~iight-of-Way Agreement between the City of Mound and. for pending CSAH 15 Project The amendment addresses financing f( ect. Hennepin County Transportation would be forwarded on to the Hennepin action at its April 26, 2003 meet that the Amendment Commissioners for formal MOTION by Brown, secon Way Agreement as the Amendment to the Right-of- favor. Motion carried. 3. ADJOURN MOTION by Motion carried. to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -1359- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 25, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Acting Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Bob Brown, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Members Absent: Mayor Pat Meisel Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Engineer John Cameron, Tom Stokes, Chuck Alcon, Ann Eberhart, Henry Lazniarz, Jeff Skelton, Robyn Kern, Greg Kenton, Marcie Felt, Richard Ambrose, Larry Overstreet, James Felt, Paul Larson, R. Lauer, Julian Hook, Don Geiger. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roil call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING Acting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A moment of silence was observed in honor of the armed forces fighting in the Iraqi War, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVE AGENDA Brown requested the addition of 5A, Update by Mound Harbor Renaissance and John Cameron requested the addition of SA, Resolution for Easements for the Greenway Project. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Hanus requested the removal of 4B, Payment of Claims. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the consent agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of the March 4, 2003 special meeting and March 11,2003 regular meeting 1 - 1360 - Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 B. (removed) C. RESOLUTION NO. 03-29 - FEE SCHEDULE D. Approve increase of imprest funds in Police Department from $150 to $500 and in the Liquor Store from $925 to $1,500. E. Approve tree removal license for Shadywood Tree Experts of Minnetonka. F. Approve City Hall summer hours, effective Monday, May 19 through Friday, August 29: Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 4B. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Hanus wants clarification on what fund should be charged for payment to the LMCD for the Lost Lake Dock Fee. He also asked about the payment for shoreline footage to MFRA, questioning of the dock fund was being reimbursed for the appropriate amounts. Hanson assured him that it would be allocated as directed. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve payment of claims in the amount of $305,952.89, minus the $250 to the LMCD until clarification is received. Upon roll call vote taken, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. Jeff Skelton, 1770 Baywood Shores Ddve, suggested that 110 be designated a four- lane road (as it's presently being used) from downtown to Three Points Boulevard. John Dean will talk to Hennepin County regarding this when he meets with them on another matter on Friday. 5A. UPDATE FROM MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE Tom Stokes updated the Council on business items and Chuck Alcon covered the technical issues. They will continue to update the council on a monthly basis. 6. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PROJECT Don Geiger of Amcon reviewed the project schedule with the Council and informed them that the spancrete sample Will be on display in the parking lot of the temporary fire station for two weeks. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to award the following contracts as recommended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. C-06 (Landscape)- Midwest Landscape - $57,112.00 C-07 (Irrigation) - Midwest Landscape - $11,999.00 C-15 (Metal roofing) - Specialty Systems - $116,083 (includes Base + Alt. 1 ) C-15A (Asphalt shingles) - Twin City Roofing - $31,500.00 (inc Base + Alt. 1 ) C-19 (Gypsum Board) Minuti-Ogle Co. - $99,200.00 2 - 1361 - Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 C-27 ......... C-27A (Access doors) - Bartley Sales - $405.00 C-27B (Plastic toilet compartments) - Construction Supply - $4,060.00 C-27D (Flag poles) - BMSI - $3,869.00 C-27E (Interior signage) - BMSI - $1,587.00 C-27F (Dimensional letters & plaques) - BMSI - $2,627.00 C-27G (Metal lockers) - BMSI - $14,713.00 C-27H (Fire protection specialties) - Construction Supply - $2,441.00 C-271 (Wash stall curtains) - Construction Supply - $770.00 C-27K (Toilet accessories & shower stalls) - Construction Supply - $6,777.00 C-27L (Kennels & animal shelters) - Construction Supply - $3,631.00 Total of Bartley sales contract - $405.00 Total of Construction Supply contract- $17,679.00 Total of BMSI contract - $28,916.00 7. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 7A. Case #03-14/15 - Bill Stoddard (Minnetonka Enterprises) - Lots 5-8, Block 4, Replat of Harrison Shores - Minor Subdivision & Variances Sarah Smith reviewed the request for a minor subdivision and variances submitted by Bill Stoddard. Since the Planning Commission meeting the applicant has withdrawn his request for hardcover variance and has adjusted the site plans to meet the city's 30% requirement. In addition, the previous application considered at the February 28 Council meeting has been withdrawn so there is no need for action, on Planning & Zoning Case #03-01. Julian Hook, representative for the applicant, addressed the Council stating the applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision and a variance to allow a 20-foot front yard setback. Another is, sue he would like addressed is the request to have'the SAC and WAC charges waived. Hanus expressed concern over the likelihood that owners of these homes would be back before the Council in the future asking for lakeside deck variances. He would prefer this issue be addressed now. Hook stressed that the only thing the applicant is requesting now is a minor subdivision and front yard setback variance, and those are the only issues that should be addressed. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3 - 1362- Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 RESOLUTION NO. 03-30: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FROM WILLIAM STODDARD OF MINNETONKA ENTERPRISES FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION/LOT REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 5-8, BLOCK 4, REPLAT OF HARRISON SHORES, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO CREATE THREE (3) NEW LOTS AND FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 20-FOOT FRONT SETBACK. P & Z CASE #03-14 AND #03-15. PID #13-117-24-22-0046 PID #13-117-24-21-0050 PID #13-117-24-21-0051 PID #13-117-24-21-0052 With reference to the request to waive the SAC and WAC charges, John Dean informed the Council that the existing policy is that there is a $1500/utility/Iot trunk charge. If they want to depart from that there needs to be action, otherwise nothing is required. No action was taken. 7B. Action on Case #03-01 - Request for Front Yard Variances for Lots 5-8, Block 4, Replat of Harrison Shores, and Lot Area Variances for Lots 5-7, Block 4, Replat of Harrison Shores. This request was withdrawn as earlier noted. 7C. Case #03-07- Henry & Gino Lazniarz- 2954 Oaklawn Lane - Minor Subdivision Sarah Smith reviewed the request, stating that the Planning Commission unanimously approved the request at their meeting of March 3, 2003. Greg Kenton, 5964 Idlewood Road, neighbor to the east, expressed his concern over drainage because the storm sewers already overflow with heavy rain. John Cameron responded that this issue will be handled when the building permits are issued, and they have the grading for the house. In addition existing infrastructure will be looked at to see if it is adequate. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution, adding that the grading and drainage must be approved by the City Engineer when the building permit is applied for. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-31: RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2954 OAKLAWN LANE, PID #23-117-24-31-0003, p & Z CASE #03-07. **ITEM 12 WAS INSERTED A T THIS TIME** 4 - 1363- Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 12. CLOSED MEETING ON JOHN ANDERSON~ ET AL. SUIT~ ON DREAMVVOOD COMMONS City Attorney John Dean recommends going into closed session to hear a report from the City's legal counsel regarding the Dreamwood Addition. The Council went into closed session at 9:13 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:50 p.m., with John Dean stating that the meeting was concluded with legal counsel, George Hoff, where discussion on the status of the case took place and direction from the Council was received. 8. ACTION AUTHORIZING AGENCY AGREEMENT NO. 84208 WITH COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION FOR GREENWAY PROJECT MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-32: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGENCY AGREEMENT NO. 84208 WITH THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION. 8A. EASEMENTS FOR GREENWAY PROJECT MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-33: RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 03-28, TITLED: RESOLUTION GIVING AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOST LAKE GREENWAY (TRAIL, LANDSCAPING AND PIER WITH DOCKS) 9. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE RIGHT-OF- WAY AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR THE REALIGNMENT OF CSAH 15. John Dean explained that the reason for this action is to comply with the provisions of a bill before legislation. If this action isn't taken before May 1, the City can't sell bonds to finance projects outside the levy limits of the City. MOTION by Meyer, seconded by Osmek to approve the First Amendment to the Right- of-Way Agreement with Hennepin County for the Realignment of CSAH 15, such amendment stating: The City agrees that it is obligated to pay for its share of construction of the Project in the amount of $630,000.00, or such lesser or greater amount as may be determined in a separate construction agreement between the parties; and that the City intends to make such payments from the proceeds of general obligation bonds. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5 -1364- Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 10. WELL NO. 8 PROJECT A. Purchase Aqreement for Land John Cameron explained that this item will be ready for the next Council meeting, as the agreement is in the hands of the City Attorney and the homeowner's attorney and both are reviewing. B. Action on Plans and Specifications and Settinq a Bid Date MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the plans and specifications as presented and set the bid date for April 30, 2003, at 10:30 a.m., for Municipal Well No. 8. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 1'1. APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2003 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-34: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2003 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT '12. (moved up on agenda, after item 7) 13. ANNUAL REPORT FOR CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY BONNIE RITTER Bonnie Ritter presented the 2002 Annual Report, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 14. ACTION SETTING SPECIAL MEETING ON 2003 BUDGET AND POTENTIAl REVENUES MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to set a special meeting on 2003 Budget and Potential Revenues for May 6, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 15. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. LMC Friday Fax B. Minutes: POSAC-March 13, 2003 .. C. Minutes: DCAC- March 20, 2003 D. Minutes: Mound Harbor Renaissance E. Letter: Signal at Three Points Boulevard F. Letter: Judicial District Court G. Newsletter: Metropolitan Council H. Newsletter: Ehlers Advisor I. Correspondence: LMCD J. Report: Police Department- February 2003 K. Correspondence: Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative L. Newsletter: Congressman Ramstad 6 -1365- Mound City Council Minutes - March 25, 2003 16. ADJOURN MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 10:11 p.m. Motion carried. All voted in favor. Attest: City Clerk Bonnie Ritter Acting Mayor Mark Hanus 7 - 1366- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 1, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session' on Tuesday., April 1, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Bob Brown, David Osmek, Mark Hanus and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Engineer John Cameron, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Parks Director Jim Fackler, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, and Jim Prosser of Ehlers & Associates. 1. OPEN MEETING Mayor Meisel opened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. 2. FINANCING ISSUES/BONDING NEED.~ Jim Prosser of Ehiers & Associates presented a The City's attorney and bond counsel have re~ pending legislation and the City's ability to issui of this presentation is to provide inform~ so th~ the projects should be funded. If it is of the 2003 projects, Ehlers will coordin. proposed sale details including bond and projected impacts. issue.~ ate to the Council. ........... ects tssess, the impact of new restrictions. The purpose ~ncil can determine which (if any) of issuance of debt to finance any a pre sale report with timing, proposed debt schedule Councilmember Osmek No action was taker 3. POLICY LJR'iE )INT COMMISSION MEMBERS The Council revi~., and dis~ssed the process for conducting interviews and making appointments to the':"~===:~i~y. Commissions. COuncilmember Meyer I~the meeting at 9:05 p.m. The Council reaffirmed its process of having the various Commissions conduct the interviews and requested that City staff research how to address reappointments. The Council tabled discussion on this item to a future workshop to continue discussion regarding the interview and selection process. 4. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Motion carried. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -1367- APRIL 14,2003 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 032703SUE $4,856.00 MARCH 032603SUE $3,042.52 MARCH 032803SUE $250.00 MARCH 041403SU E $144,458.82APRIL TOTAL $152,607.34 -1368- CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/26/03 8:36 AM Page 1 Batch Name 032703SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $4,856.00 Computer Dollar Amt Refer 32703 LAKE MINNETONKA CONVERSA TI Cash Payment Invoice 032703 Cash Payment Invoice 032703 Transaction Date 3/26/2003 Fund Summary 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS E 281-45210-430 Miscellaneous E 401-46510-300 Professional Srvs $4,856.00 $0.00 In Balance MULTIPLE DOCK APPLICATION LOST LAKE DOCK APPLICATION FEE Wells Fargo 10100 10100 Wells Fargo $4,606.00 $250.00 $4,856.00 Total $4,606.00 $250.00 $4,856.00 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $4,856.00 $4,856.00 -1369- CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/27/03 3:01 PM Page 1 Batch Name 032603SUE Payments Refer 32603 BUSINARO, GINO Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical invoice 032603 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Refer 32503 HARDINA, DAMON Current Period: March 2003 User Dollar Amt $3,042.52 Computer Dollar Amt $3,042.52 $0.00 In Balance REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 032603 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical invoice 032603 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 032603 Transaction Date 3/2512003 Refer 32503 PEDERSON, GREG Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 032503 Transaction Date 3125/2003 Refer 32503 -~'TT~ cASH E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies PO 17594 G 101-10300 Change Fund 3/25/2003 Cash Payment Invoice 032603 Cash Payment Invoice 032603 Transaction Date Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND $443.15 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $443.15 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $240.87 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $310.53 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $129.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $680.40 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $1,488.53 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,488.53 REPLENISH PETTY CASH $80,44 INCREASE PE'f'TY CASH $350.00 Wells Fargo 10100 · Total $430.44 10100 Wells Fargo $3,042.52 $3,042.52 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $3,042.52 $3,O42.52 - 1370 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/28/03 10:10 AM Page 1 Current Period: March 2003 Batch Name 032803SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $250.00 Computer Dollar Amt $250.00 Refer 32803 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH Cash Payment Invoice 032803 Transaction Date 3/28/2003 Fund Summary 601 WATER FUND E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs $0.00 In Balance MUNICIPAL WELL PROJECT #8 Project 13313 Wells Fargo 10100 10100 Wells Fargo $250.00 $250.00 Total $250.00 $250.00 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $250.00 $250.00 -1371 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104103 9:44 AM Page I Batch Name 041403SUE User Dollar Amt $144,458.82 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $144,458.82 $0.00 In Balance Refer 41403 AL.AND, ROBERT Cash Payment invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date R 281-34725 Dock Permits R 281-34705 LMCD Fees 4/1/2003 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Cash Payment REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 ALPHA VIDEO AND AUDIO, INCOR Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 03-24-03 SERVICE CALL $275.00 Invoice SCVINVO2453 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $275.00 Refer 41403 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 M sc Merchandise For R ICE $75.00 Invoice DC309209 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $66.84 Invoice DC308412 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $141.84 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 BAUERAFEIND, ALAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 313112003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 BECK, THOMAS R 281-34725 Dock Permits Transaction Date 3131/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R Invoice 36815900 Cash Payment E Invoice 26068200 Cash Payment E Invoice 25999200 Cash Payment E Invoice 25982800 Cash Payment E Invoice 25951900 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale MISCELLANEOUS $204.65 LIQUOR $3,210.30 WINE $2,380.00 LIQUOR $2,067.60 CREDIT-LiQUOR -$55.95 - 1372- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 2 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $150.00 Invoice 25943100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,777.93 Invoice 25927100 Transaction Date 4~4~2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,734.53 Refer 41403 BERG, STEVE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 BESLER, WADE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 BOGAARD, DANE Cash Payment R 281-34725 DoCk Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 BOLL, DANIEL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 BOLTJES, MICHELLE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUP Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply LIGHT BULBS $332.94 Invoice 92912668 PO 17678 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $332.94 Refer 41403 BORNE, RYAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 BRECKE, MICHELLE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS - 1373 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 3 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 3/4 MINUS (CL2) $1,910.85 Invoice 033103 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,910.85 Refer 41403 BUMANN, MARY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts BELTS $13.87 Invoice N7608 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13.87 Refer 41403 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities 02-01-03 THRU 03-19-03 $1,250.41 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,250.41 Refer 41403 CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials CYLINDERS $23.29 Invoice 42944A PO 17682 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials CYLINDERS $23.29 Invoice 42944A PO 17682 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials CYLINDERS $23.28 Invoice 42944A PO 17682 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $69.86 Refer 41403 CHAMBERS, REG Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 . Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 CHAMPION AUTO Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL FILTER $193.71 Invoice D186797 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 · Wells Fargo 10100 Total $193.71 Refer 41403 CHRISTENSEN, GARY R 281-34725 Dock Permits Cash Payment REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $15.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $265.00 Refer 41403 CHRISTENSEN, KENT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND LATE FEE $18.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $268.00 Refer 41403 CLIFFORD, SUSAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 - 1374- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104/03 9:44 AM Page 4 Current Period: April 2003 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250,00 Refer 41403 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa CREDIT-MIX -$7.00 Invoice 63484220 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $275.50 Invoice 63494195 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $268.50 Refer 41403'"'COLE ~)I~'O~-Y Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies 2003 MINNEAPOLIS DIRECTOR $319.45 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $319.45 Refer 41403 DAS, RAJIVE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $10.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.50 Refer 41403 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $16.90 Invoice 213857 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,061.55 Invoice 213847 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $16.90 Invoice 213048 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,664.95 Invoice 213040 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,760.30 Refer 41403 DENISON, TOM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 DIKA, EMIL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11,25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 DILLON, ELIZABETH Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 DIRI_AM, LARRYAND JAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE - 1375- C TY OF NtOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 5 Cash Payment E 609-49750~252 Beer For Resale BEER $20.80 invoice 378612 ' Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $766.85 Invoice 378611 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,350.20 Invoice 375711 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $118.50 Invoice 374174 Transaction Date 4/412003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,256.35 Refer 41403 EDINGTON, PATRICIA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 ELLIOTT, TOM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 ERICKSON, SCOTT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 ~nsaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rosa MIX $32.00 invoice 111945 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.00 Refer 41403 FAGLEY, BRENDA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCKFEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 FRAZIER, DEAN AND LINDA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 FRESKE, NORMAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 03-18-03 UNIFORMS $35.35 invoice 517204 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 03-18-03 UNIFORMS $35.35 Invoice 517204 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 03-18-03 UNIFORMS $35.35 Invoice 517204 - 1376- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104/03 9:44. AM Page 6 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 04-01-03 MATS $51.42 Invoice 531127 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 04-01-03 MATS $55.50 Invoice 531126 Cash Payment 04-01-03 MATS $56,83 Invoice 517204 Cash Payment 04-10-03 MATS $40.03 Invoice 517204 Cash Payment 03-25-03 UNIFORMS $17.81 Invoice 524085 Cash Payment 03-25-03 UNIFORMS $17.81 Invoice 524085 Cash Payment 03-25-03 UNIFORMS $17.81 Invoice 524085 Cash Payment 03-25-03 MATS $28.42 invoice 524085 Cash Payment 03-25-03 MATS $28.42 invoice 524085 Cash Payment 03-25-03 MATS $28.41 Invoice 524085 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $448,51 Refer 41403 GAUDREAU, ANNETTE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 GEYEN, SUE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits 'REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 GILLESPIE CENTER Cash Payment E 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous DONATION TO SENIOR CENTER $3,750.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/21/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,750.00 Refer 41403 GILLET, MARC R 281-34725 Dock Permits E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials Cash Payment REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $22.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $272.50 Refer 41403 GJERSTAD, CLARENCE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 - 1377- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04~04~03 9:44 AM Page 7 Refer 41403 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 03-03 WATER #5158501 $30.53 Invoice 033103 Cash Payment E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies 03-03 WATER #5158502 $11.57 Invoice 033103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies 03-03 WATER #5158502 $11.57 Invoice 033103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies 03-03 WATER #5158502 $11.56 Invoice 033103 Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 03-03 WATER #5158500 $74.80 Invoice 033103 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $140.03 Refer 41403 GME CONSULTANTS Cash Payment E 401-46500-300 Professional Srvs 03-03 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $2,610.20 invoice 16415 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,610.20 Refer 41403 GODDARD, DEREK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 GOUGHNOUR, FRED Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $734.00 Invoice 53919 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $734.00 Refer 41403 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,203.02 Invoice 691198 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $192.00 Invoice 691112 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,203.80 Invoice 691097 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $0.00 Invoice 690862 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,126.91 Invoice 687932 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,020.29 invoice 687931 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $154.10 Invoice 687797 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,900.12 Refer 41403 GRUMAN, GREG Cash*Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 -1378- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 8 Current Period: April 2003 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HALL, TED Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HARVEY, ROGER Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 HATCH, JIM SALES COMPA Y Cash Payment. E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts DIRT SHOE $450.56 Invoice 4537 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.56 Refer 41403 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals HYDROFLUOSOLICIC ACID $1,329.53 Invoice 512055 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,329.53 Refer 41403 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair MOUNTINGS, ETC $5.33 Invoice 032003 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.33 Refer 41403 HEMSTOCK, CHAD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 02-03 BOOKING FEE $1,099.43 Invoice 031803 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,099.43 Refer 41403 HENRY, OWEN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HERDEN, STEPHEN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HERRICK, NANCY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 - 1379- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04~04~03 9:44 AM Page 9 Current Period: April 2003 Refer 41403 HEY1A/OOD, DONALD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HOFF, THOMAS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 HOLDEN, PAUL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 04'1403 Cash Payment R 28%34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 HORGAN, PA T AND REBECCA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 HUN./,, RICHARD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 HUSBY, JESSE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 INFRATECH' Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 RepaidMaint Supply LEADER HOSE $180.66 Invoice 0300330 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $180.66 Refer 41403 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment G 609-16200 Fixed Asset-Buildings REMOVE FREON $180.00 Invoice 12856 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $180.00 Refer 41403 JAKUBIK, MATTHEW Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training EMS TRAINING PETZ $50.00 Invoice 012703 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 41403 JERECZEK, JASON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 -138O- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 10 Current Period: April 2003 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous PICTURE FRAMED $53.25 Invoice 125347 Transaction Date 3/21/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $53.25 Refer 41403 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $709.58 invoice 1538253 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,257.46 Invoice 1538252 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $479.70 Invoice 1535431 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $690.55 Invoice 1535430 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $295.00 Invoice 1535429 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,432.29 Refer 41403 JOHNSON, CHAD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 411/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 JOHNSON, MICHAEL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 496-46580-300 Professional Srvs FIRE STATION MOVE $248.06 Invoice 033103 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $248.06 Refer 41403 KANE, THOMAS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 CTY RD 15 REALIGNEMNT $801.66 Invoice 55651-A Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional srVs 02-03 P/W FRANCHISE ORDINANCE $36.90 Invoice 55651-B Cash Payment G 609-16200 Fixed Asset-Buildings 02-03 NEW LIQUOR STORE $72.00 Invoice 55651-C Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 DREAMWOOD LAWSUIT $102.00 Invoice 55651-D Cash Payment G 601-16100 Fixed Asset-Land 02-03 WELL SITE4 LANE PURCHASE $24.00 Invoice 55651-E Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 BALBOA LAND PURCHASE $145.51 Invoice 55651-F -1381 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104103 9:44 AM Page 11 Cash Payment E 401-43100-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 SKALLERUD LOT SURVEY $1,103.01 Invoice 55651-G Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 SAGE ASSESSMENT APPEAL $49.97 Invoice 55651-H Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 EXECUTIVE $594.00 Invoice 55651-1 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 ADMINISTRATIVE $198.00 Invoice 55651-J Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 NEW METERS $70.80 Invoice 55651-K1 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 NEW METERS $70.80 Invoice 55651-K2 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 PLANNING/ZONING MISC $145.48 Invoice 55651-L1 Cash Payment G 101-22917 Three Points Var Becke #03- 02-03 53XX THREE PTS SUB-DIVNAR $1,043.96 Invoice 55651-L2 Cash Payment G 101-22918 42XX Lynwood, Coddon, #02 02-03 42XX LYNWOOD CODDON 03-04 $23.98 Invoice 55651-L3 Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 02-03 METRO PLAINS $38.98 invoice 55651-L4 .Cash Payment E 101-41110-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 HRA MEETING $247.50 Invoice 55649-A Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 REDEV PROJECT AREA #1 $462.30 Invoice 55649-B Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 02-03 POST OFFICE RELOCATION $155.60 Invoice 55649-C Cash Payment G 101-22908 Landform Development 02-03 LANDFORM DEVELOPMENT $368.50 Invoice 55649-D Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,754.95 Refer 41403 KING, TIM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 LA JOY, MATT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 LAKER NEWSPAPER Cash Payment G 101-22922 Westonka School CUP #02-0 WESTONKA CUP $37.81 Invoice 560 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORDINANCE #O1-2003 $67.66 invoice 556 Cash Payment E 609-49750-351 Legal Notices Publishing 03-22-03 FINANCIAL STATEMENT $157~21 Invoice 545 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $262.68 Refer 41403 I..ANDON, DON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 -1382- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 12 Current Period: April 2003 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 LANGE, JAMES Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 01403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 LANGFIELD, JENNIFER Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 LARSON, MARY JO Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUN DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUN DOCK FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26t.25 Refer 41403 LARUE, BRENTAND CORRINE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials UTILITY LIGHT, BATTERY $28.95 invoice 0703764 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials UTILITY LIGHT, BATTERY $28.95 Invoice 0703764 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials UTILITY LIGHT, BATTERY $28.96 Invoice 0703764 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $86.86 Refer 41403 LEGEROS, JOHN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 LUBE TECH, INCORPORATED Cash Payment Invoice 933318 Cash Payment Invoice 933318 Cash Payment Invoice 933318 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo Refer 41403 LUBES UNLIMITED, INCORPORAT E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials PLASTIC DRUM PLASTIC DRUM PLASTIC DRUM 10100 $46.99 $46.99 $47.00 Total $140.98 - 1383- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104103 9:44 AM Page 13 Cash Payment E 101.43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery USF_D FILTERS $70.00 Invoice 14600 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.00 Refer 41403 LUNDEEN, RICHARD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 MADDEN, STEVE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,813.10 Invoice 523308 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $37.30 Invoice 523309 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $34.90 Invoice 523310 Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $69.80 Invoice 520895 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $21.95 Invoice 520894 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,747.30 Invoice 520893 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,724.35 Refer 41043 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 03-03-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $31.20 Invoice 12077 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 03-06-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $238.60 Invoice 12099 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265,Freight 03-10-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $24.80 Invoice 12111 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 03-10-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $152.90 invoice 12131 Transaction Date 4~4~2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $447.50 Refer 41403 MARTENS, TODD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo · 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 MARTIN, MICHAEL Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 -1384- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 14 Current Period: April 2003 Refer 41403 MATHER, COLIN R 281-34725 Dock Permits $250.00 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date R 281-34705 LMCD Fees 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 MAZO, VADIM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Refer 41403 MCCAUL, JIM Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 041403 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Wells Fargo .10100 Total $257.50 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 MCKINLEY, GINA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 MCNAMARA, MIKE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 METROPOLITAN AREA MANAGEM Cash Payment E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 03-20-03 LUNCHEON MEETING $18.00 Invoice 627 Cash Payment E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2003 MEMBERSHIP DUES $50.00 Invoice 524 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.00 Refer 41403 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits 01-03 BALANCE DUE $3.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3.00 Refer 41403 MID AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEM Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies LABEL DESIGN $159.75 Invoice 38130 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $159.75 Refer 41403 MILLER, JACK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 MILLESS, SHELLEY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 -1385- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44. AM Page 15 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 MINNESOTA BOARD PEACE OFF/ Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions $90.00 Invoice 041403 PO 17597 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions $90.00 Invoice 041403 PO 17597 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions $90.00 Invoice 041403 PO 17597 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions $90.00 Invoice 041403 PO 17597 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $360.00 Refer 41403 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 12-18-02 THRU 03-25-03 KOEHLERS $2,280.00 Invoice VIC 16350-B Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,280.00 Refer 41403 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals COLIFORM, MF-WATER $72.50 Invoice 160003 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.50 Refer 41403 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 2003 RENEWAL SCHOENHERR, B 2003 RENEWAL PETZ, C 2003 RENEWAL TRAUX, T, 2003 RENEWAL NICCUM, D $190.00 05-01-03 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT KURTZ, JIM $190.00 05-01-03INCIDENT MANAGEMENT PEDERSON, GREG $190.00 05-01-03 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT HANSON, KANDIS 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $570.00 Refer 41403 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC SPACE ON SIGN 04-02 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE Wells Fargo 10100 $4,000.00 $1,752.80 Total $5,752.80 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising Invoice 041403 Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Refer 41403 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities WATER AND SEWER $18.23 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $18.23 Refer 41403 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials TRUCK HAUL $996.96 Invoice 579021 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials TRUCK HAUL $1,011.30 Invoice 573772 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,008.26 Refer 41403 NASSET, ANN - 1386- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 16 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 NATIONAL WATERWORKS Cash Payment Invoice 9202234 Cash Payment Invoice 9221786 Transaction Date Refer E 602-49450-220 RepaidMaint Supply E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts 3/31/2003 41403 NEW FRANCE WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 19734 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Refer 41403 NOLDEN, CYNTHIA Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 OLSEN, MELODY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 OLSON, DAVE Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date Refer R 281-34725 Dock Permits R 281-34705 LMCD Fees 3/31/2003 41403 OLSON, DEBORAH Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 OLSON, SCOTT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Refer 41403 PAINE, BEVERLY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Refer 41403 PARENTEAU, AMY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250,00 CLAMPS, ETC $321.97 CLAMPS $320.40 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $642.37 WINE $540.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $540.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 -1387- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04104103 9:44 AM Page 17 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $59.85 invoice 0212244 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,556.29 Invoice 0212243 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,495.33 Invoice 0211219 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,111.47 Refer 41403 PEDERSEN, KAl Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOcK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 PELTIER, MARK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 PETTIBONE, P.F. AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies MINUTE BOOK COVERS $277.20 Invoice 3877 PO 17468 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $277.20 Refer 41403 PETTY CASH G 609-10300 Change Fund Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date G 609-10300 Change Fund INCREASE PETTY CASH INCREASE LIQUOR STORE PETTY CASH $575.00 $575.00 3/27/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,150.00 Refer 41403 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment. WINE $371.30 Invoice 933646 Cash Payment WINE $2,033.05 Invoice 933645 Cash Payment BEER $50.00 Invoice 931604 Cash Payment WINE $1,293.60 Invoice 931603 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$3.98 Invoice 3276354 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,743.97 Refer 41403 PHYLE, SCOTT Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING Cash. Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $513.68 Invoice 13414 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $564.77 Invoice 12917 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale - 1388- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 18 Current Period: April 2003 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Refer 41403 PROK, CHRIS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 PYTLESKI, JOHN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 242214-00 Cash Payment E Invoice 239131-00 Cash Payment E Invoice 241645-00 Cash Payment E Invoice 241644-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale invoice 241268-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 241242-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 239418-00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 238792-00 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Refer 41403 RANDY'S SANITATATION ' Wells Fargo CREDIT-LIQUOR 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Cash Payment E 101-4191'0-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings Invoice 1721 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Refer 41403 REITEN, TERRY AND BEV Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 RICE, NICOLE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL, WACONIA Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies invoice 041403 PO 17596 Wells Fargo 10100 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Wells Fargo 10100 REFUND DOCK FEE 10100 LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR Wells Fargo 10100 2YD ROLL-OFF Wells Fargo 10100 REFUND DOCK FEE REFUND LMCD FEE Wells Fargo 10100 REFUND DOCK FEE Wells Fargo 10100 MENTAL HEALTH HOLDS Total $1,078.45 $230.00 $11.25 Total $241.25 $250.00 Total $250.00 -$11.73 -$20.00 $429.21 $49.34 $749.09 $1,374.37 $476.59 $2,120.43 Total $5,187.30 $114.54 Total $114.54 $250.00 $7.50 Total $257.50 $250.00 Total $250.00 $40.00 - 1389- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04~04~03 9:44 AM Page 19 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.00 Refer 41403 ROT'TI_AND HOMES Cash Payment G 101-22901 6177,6189,6191 Sugar Mill CLOSE ESCROW $1,000.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,000.00 Refer 41403 RUDE, MONTE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 RUPPERT, MATTHEW Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 SCHADTRACYSIGNS Cash Payment E 609-49750-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA OUTSIDE SIGN $2,281.30 Invoice 0023223-[N Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,281.30 Refer 41403 SCHERVEN, PATRICK Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 SCHIEBE, LEONARD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 SHAW, TODD Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 SHENKENBERG, GEORGE Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 SHIMANSKI, JASON Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 SIGNS OF THE SEASON Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SETS MAGNETICS $185.31 Invoice 1087 Transaction Date 3121/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $185.31 Refer 41403 SMITH, SARAH -1390- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04~04/03 9:44 AM Page 20 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment E 101-42400-431 Meeting Expense REIMBURSE MEETING EXPENSE $27.30 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.30 Refer 41403 SOS PRINTING Cash Payment E 601-49400-203 Printed Forms 3 PART CABONLESS FORMS $59.35' Invoice 64521 Cash Payment E 602-49450-203 Printed Forms 3 PART CABONLESS FORMS $59.34 Invoice 64521 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.69 Refer 41;03 SPECHT,"-Mi~HA~L Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/3112003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 SWARTZER, BRIAN Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE BOOT ALLOWANCE $89.99 Invoice 032503 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $89.99 Refer 41403 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,631.90 Invoice 292668 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $51.15 Invoice 292667 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $680.00 invoice 292087 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,309.75 Invoice 292086 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $26.30 Invoice 292085 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $305.00 Invoice 291174 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $213.00 Invoice 251943 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,217.10 Refer 41403 TODD, MARY _ Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $11.25 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.25 Refer 41403 TOFTEY, BRIAN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 TUCKER, THOMAS -1391 - CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04103 9:44 AM Page 21 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Refer 41403 TWIN CITY FILTER SERVICE, INC. Cash Payment E 496-46580-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 295 Transaction Date 4/2/2003 . Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,000.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT $4,000.00 Refer 41403 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPLY Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies DESK TRAY,CLIP BINDERS $29.93 Invoice 378969-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies INK JET CARTRIDGE $185.93 Invoice 379076-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies INK JET CARTRIDGE $155.44 Invoice 379779-0 Cash Payment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies CREAMER $26.61 Invoice 279523-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies SELF-INKING STAMP $56.82 Invoice 378969-0 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies INK STAMP $1.33 Invoice 379446-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies INK STAMP $2.66 Invoice 379446-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies INK STAMP $2.65 Invoice 379446-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies BINDER CLIPS $2.77 Invoice 379734-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $20.97 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $20.97 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $20.97 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $20.97 invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $20.97 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $6.99 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $6.99 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $10.48 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $10.47 Invoice 379568-0 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies SELF INKING STAMP $5.34 Invoice 380005-0 - 1392- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 22 Current Period: April 2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies SELF INKING STAMP $10.67 Invoice 380005-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies SELF INKING STAMP $10.67 Invoice 380005-0 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.60 Refer 41403 UNIFORMS L/M/TED Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves BATON HOLDER $50.38 Invoice 167893 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.38 Refer 41403 VANDERWILT, HEATHER AND GR R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Cash Payment Invoice 041403 Transaction Date R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.50 Refer 41403 WAHL, JERRY AND KAREN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 WATERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $22.35 Invoice 041403 PO 17653 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $22.35 Invoice 041403 PO 17653 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $22.34 Invoice 041403 PO 17653 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials FUEL FILTER $22.02 Invoice 340751 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply AIR TANK, ETC $72.94 Invoice 340900 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $162.00 Refer 41403 WE/ST, KATHY Cash Payment E 222-42260-331 Use of personal auto REIMBURSE MILEAGE $16.91 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16.91 Refer 41403 WHEELER, CHRIS Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 . Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 51403 Cash Payment Invoice 5952 Cash Payment Invoice 5951 Cash Payment Invoice 5950 WIDMER, INCORPORATED E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract REPAIR WATERMAINS E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract REPAIR WATERMAINS E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract BARTLETT WATERMAIN $1,060.00 $1,938.00 $1,815.00 - 1393- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 23 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Contract BELMONT DITCH CLEANING $332.50 Invoice 5949 Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract REPAIR WATERMAINS $1,452.00 Invoice 5948 Transaction Date 4/1/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,597.50 Refer 41403 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $123.00 Invoice 1514-00 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $123.00 Refer 41403 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $592.00 Invoice 71523 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,485.00 Invoice 71148 Transaction Date 4/4/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,077.00 Refer 41403 WINKLER, BOB Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 01-06-03 CONCRETE SNAD FOR SALT MIX $1,257.66 Invoice 041403 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials RED ROCK STOCKPILE $1,700.09 Invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/25/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,957.75 Refer 41403 YOUNG, STEVEN Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 41403 ZIMMER, PEGGY Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 invoice 041403 Transaction Date 3/31/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 -1394- CITY OF MOUND Payments 04/04/03 9:44 AM Page 24 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1-2 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $22,475.91 $629.63 $25,113.92 $3,713.21 $1,419.56 $4,248.06 $8,130.52 $1,123.87 $77,458.63 $145.51 $144,458.82 Pre-W~itten Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $144,458.82 $144,458.82 - 1395- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION #03- A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PURCHASE AGREEMENTS, DETERMINING CONFORMITY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AUTHORIZING SALE AND CONVEYANCE OF CITY LAND WHEREAS, on or about February 26, 2002 this Council did adopt Resolution #02-37 approving the vacation ora portion of the Kells Lane Street right of way; and WHEREAS, said resolution conditioned the vacation upon a number of conditions including without limitation, the sale of portions of Lot 6, Block 1, Wychwood, to owners of land abutting on the portion of Kells Lane to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into separate purchase agreements with Jonathan P. Paul and with Jeffrey L. and Pamela S. Paul (collectively, "Buyers") for the sale of portions of Lot 6, Block 1, Wychwood as described in the separate purchase agreements and as described hereinafter; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City that the sales now proceed to closing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: The separate purchase agreements between the City and the Buyers are hereby ratified and confirmed. In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 562.356 Subd. 2, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the sales contemplated in the separate purchase agreements have no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. The conveyance of that portion of Lot 6, Block 1, Wychwood to Jonathan Paul described in the purchase agreement with Jonathan Paul, and in the attached Exhibit A is hereby, in all respects approved; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix a certification on the face of the deed of conveyance indication that the deed has been approved for recording by the City Council. The conveyance of that portion of Lot 6, Block 1, Wychwood to Jeffrey L. and Pamela S. Paul described in the purchase agreement with them, and in the attached Exhibit B is hereby, in all respects approved; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix a certification on the face of the deed of conveyance indication that the deed has been approved for recording by the City Council. JBD-229662vl MU220-5 -1396- o o The Mayor and City Manager are authorized and directed to take all steps and do all things necessary to implement this resolution and the purchase agreements. The residual portion of Lot 6, BlOckl, Wychwood which will remain in ownership of the City of Mound is l~gally described in the attached Exhibit C. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk JBD-229662vl MU220-5 - 1397- EXHIBIT A Jonathan Paul Property Legal Description That part of Lot 6, Block 1, in the plat of WYCHWOOD, according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 6; then on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds West, along the northerly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 19.80 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence South 42 degrees 12 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 59.56 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 6; thence North 54 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds West, along said southwesterly line a distance of 73.47 feet to the most westerly comer of said Lot 6; thence Noah 89 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds East, along the northerly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 99.97 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a permanent highway easement for County State Aid Highway No. 125 per document No. 7721909. JBD-229662vl MU220-5 -1398- EXHIBIT B Jeffrey L. Paul and Pamela S. Paul Property Legal Description That pan of Lot 6, Block 1, in the plat of WYCHWOOD, according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said Lot 6; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds West, along the northerly line of said LOt 6, a distance of 19.80 feet; thence South 42 degrees 12 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 59.56 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 6; thence South 54 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds East, along said southwesterly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 37 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 70.92 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a permanent highway easement for CountY State Aid Highway No. 125 per document No. 7721909. JBD-229662vl Mu220-~ - 1399- EXHIBIT C That part of Lot 6, Block 1, Wychwood, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin Coumy, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence South 37 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds West, the north line of said Lot 6 has an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 70.92 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 6 and said line there terminating. JBD-229662vl MU220-5 - 1400- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02-__ RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A REQUEST BY MARTIN SARENPA FOR A DOCK AT 5446 BARTLETT BOULEVARD, MOUND, MN 55364 WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting a dock be installed at 5546 Bartlett Blvd, WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council for construction of any kind on any public way, park or natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and by a majority vote alteration of the WHEREAS, the Docks and Commons Advisory its March 20, 2003 meeting and unanimously request with the following restrictions: the request at applicant's That only one boat is allowed depth and dock length. moored to side set water WHEREAS, the City Council this meeting of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Minnesota, to approve the Dock of the City of Mound, )a, The foregoing and seconded by The The the City Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -1401 - DOCK AND COMMONS ADvisoRY COMMISSION MINUTES March 20, 2003 Present: Commissioners Mark Goldberg, Jim Funk, Greg Eurich, Gerald Jones, Council Representative Mark Hanus Also Present: Parks Director Jim Fackler, Docks Administrator Katie Hoff, Secretary Denice Widmer Absent and Excused: Citizens Present: Chair, Frank Ahrens Chris Bright Martin Sarenpa Steve Tibbetts 4753 Island View ~D3 5446 Bartlett Bird No Address Ligted Jim Funk, called the meeting to order at 7:33pm~,~ APPROVAL OF JANUARY 16~ 2003 MINUTES .:...!c.,, MOTION by Jones to approve the minutes:: SECONDED by Funk. MOtion carried. e AGENDA CHANGES None COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS' FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 4. DISCUSS(~LIC ~S pERMIT,APPLICATION Applicant: ChrisBright: 4753 Island Park Dr, Mound, MN 55364 OVerView of the application and stated that staff ,:4 ~ecommended'a~proval 6fthe application. Also advised that this item will go on :': "::(fie'Consent Age~da~ifor the!iA~ril 8, 2003 City Council meeting. Discussion .. foii'6~ed with no re~i. conc~rns raised. ,. MOTI0~:'~, Gold~rg to approve this Public Lands Permit Application. Seconded b'3:~Eurich. Motion carried. 5. DISCUSS: REQUEST FOR DOCK AT 5446 BARTLETT BLVD Fackler gave a brief overview of this request and stated that staff recommended approval of this request. Also advised that this item would go on the Consent Agenda for the April 8, 2003 City Council meeting. Discussion followed on restrictions and recommendations. MOTION by Goldberg to approve the request for a dock at 5446 Bartlett Blvd. In discussion, Hanus noted that the property is already listed as lakeshore. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried. - 1402- 5341 MAYWOOD ROA~ MOUND, MN 55364-1687 CiTY OF MOUND PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DCAC /" JiTM Fa¢lder, Parks D.irec o~.._~ I~ I~ Staff has found that another dock site could be established at Lost Lake Access that would be within the property lines of the applicant's property. (See attached drawing.) The site has side setbacks, cattails, water depth and dock length restrictions into navigable water, that will only allow one boat to be moored. P33 P34 -1404- To:City of Mound From: Martin Sarenpa 5446 Bartlett Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Mailing Address:PO Box 335,Maple Plain, MN 55359 PE# 612-859-4600 This letter is go to mound city code 437.05,Subd.7. ,a. First Priority ,to get a dock in front of property addressed 5446 Bartlett bird,mound.thank you and any questions please give me a call. Martin Sarenpa . P35 NORMAL WATER_..~ ELEVATION .AKE I I CI'~' FLOOD-. JELEVATION I / · OF! . : EAST LINE (F' LOT AUD. SUB. ?. 170 ! I I L¥1 LII~ O~ 236 · '... . ; T~ ' BENchMARK: TOP. NUT HYDRANT AT .~ ~ ~25(BARTLETT BLVD) .. . . - 1406- Click on map to. view information on adjoining properties Scroll down. %o se~' property address, value & tax info Last t~pdat~':'io/o3F2~Oi2, at 1:00:00 PM PrOperty ID "-~pProxima%e ApprOximate '~ 15,020 ~:ff. = 0.345 24~ ~ ~-24-22~00a SOS ~. Property Address 5446 BARTLETT BLVD MOUND, MN 55364 Click on Property Information Button bel~w., t6..vie~,.m!',a.~ti!:~ "" ...,m informatio~ ~age ~,.r... the;property you h~,ve This Information Is to be used fbr referenoe purposes only. Hennepln County~es ~~' }~t'eh the. aocumcy of the material herein oontalhedand la not responsible for any misuse or"h of this Information or ~ derlvativee. If ma~ dl~'t;il~anctes are found, please contact E H&n..ne. plri County Surveyors Offica at (61~) ~4~:~Sl.a)or emall him dlrectiy at Bob. Moul~f~,:':[qenneolrhmlq;u~s" Thi' qu.a, ll.ty of the display rrii~'b~ ih~uencad by your screen size.=bnd resolu§on setting, and Is bast'viewed at 800x'800 ~crein r~oki}to'~.. This application requires Intemet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2;1~1' or Iii'ter.~¢e?~lon for proper operation .Copyright'© 2000 Hennepin County -1407- P37 Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2002 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 200'1 Values: Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status RESIDENTIAL LAKE SHORE HOMESTEAD 983 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Have a tax related question? Send e-mall to taxinfo@co.hennepln.mn.us Experience a problem searching database, have a technical i:luestion or wish to co Hennepin County Tax web site? Send e-mall to Don. Kopel@co.hennepin.mn.us Have a comment on any of Hennepln County's web sites or E-Commerce applicati e-mall to Henn. Net@co.hennepin.mn.us ................................ ' .... '-"' ~,. ........................................... ~,' ............................. ..~!. ' '" ....~.~.~.u'...~,!~.~.~!.. · Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Hennepln County P38 - 1408- ~ ~7 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02-_. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR CHRIS BRIGHT, 4753 ISLAND PARK DR, MOUND, MN 55374 BLOCK 7, LOT 10, DEVON WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a Public Lands Permit to complete a commons property shoreline project designed as a multi-level anchor gravity type retaining wall system. WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City for construction of any kind on any public way, park natural contour of any public way, park or corn WHEREAS, the Docks and Commons its March 20, 2003 meeting and request. WHEREAS, the City Council this NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Minnesota, to approve the Public The foregoing by seconded The The the City by a majority vote. the alteration of the ~ion request at cfi meeting of the City of Mound, Chds Bright. and Attest: Bonnie Rifler, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel - 1409- DOCK AN9 COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION MI1VtI S March 20, 2003 Preset: Commissioners Mark Goldberg, lira Funk, Greg Eurich, Gerald Jones, Council Representative Mark Hanus Also Present: Parks Director Jim Fackler, Docks Administrator Katie HofF, Secretary Denice Widmer Absent and Excused: Frank Ahrens Citizens Present: Chris Bright Martin Sarenpa Steve Tibbetts 4753 Island 5446 Bartlett No Chair, Jim Funk, called the meeting to order at 7:3 APPROVAL OF JANUARY 16, MOTION by Jones to approve the carded. by Funk. e AGENDA CHANGES None 3. COMMENTS None Applicant: Dr, Mound, MN 55364 with no of the application and stated that staff Also advised that this item will go on 8, 2003 City Council meeting. Discussion concerns raised. Seconded to approve this Public Lands Permit Application. Motion carried. DISCUSS: ~QUEST FOR DOCK AT 5446 BARTI,ETT BLVD Fackler gave a brief overview of this request and stated that staff recommended approval oftMs request. Also advised that this item would go on the Consent Agenda for the April 8, 2003 City COuncil meeting. Discussion followed on restrictions and recommendations. MOTION by Goldberg to approve the request for a dock at 5446 Bartlett Blvd. In discussion, Hanus noted that the property is already listed as lakeshore. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried. -1410- PUBLIC LANDS REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUBJECT: Docks n.d Commons Commission, City Council and Staff Jim Fackler, Parks Director February 10, 2003 Public Land.e Permit Application Chris Bright 4753 Island View Drive Land Alteration Application REQUEST The applicant, Chris Bright, is proposing a commons property shoreline restoration project designed as a multi-level Anchor bIock terraced gravity type retaining wall system. It will utilize 3 ten'aces, and each terrace will be approximately 4 feet tall. The stairs connecting the lakeshore to the backyard property will be constructed of the same type Anchor block material used in the terraced walls. Stair step blocks will be used on the stairway portion. There will also be' planting beds that will make use of natural plants, shrubs, ere that will allow the beds to establish solid root systems strong enough to.hold the native soil together on each level. The applicant will also be re-staeldng rocks that have fallen down on the existing shoreline riprap. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Block 7, Lot 10, Devon R-lA CITY CODE 320:-PRIVATE STRUCTURES AND PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON PUBLIC LAND City Code 320.01 regulates private structures and private constmaion activities on public land in the City of Mound. Specifically, Subd. 1 regulates new construction activities on public lands. 4755 ISIAND VIEW DRIVE In 1'971, a five-level terraced natural limestone retaining wall system was built at 4753 Island View Drive. The wail is now over 30 years old and in recent years has suffered serious deterioration and decay to the point where replacement of the entire wall system -1411- P7 is the only practical solution. During a permit update process in 1996, it was noted that the conunons property located in front of 4753 Island View Dr was in need of immediate repair of the stair steps leading to the lake. It was'also noted that a plan was needed from the property owner for restoration of the wall system. This application for lakeshore restoration is largely a result of that evaluation. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to ail applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Director of Community Development Smith: Advised that property is not a bluff pursuant to City Code. (See attached) Also advised that an updated survey showing utilities was needed. (Attached) City Engineer Cameron: Requested a utility survey. Attached.) Public Works Director Skinner: Requested survey showing utilities. (Attached) Parks Director Fackler: No Comment Building Official Simoneau: No Comment PUBLIC AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the proposal were forwarded to all involved public agencies. All written comments received to date have been included in the packet as separate attachments. SITE INSPECTION City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. PHOTOGRAPHS Copies of photos are included in this packet. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation from the Docks and Commons Commission is made at its Thursday, March 20, 2003 meeting, the Public Lands Permit Application will be forwarded to the City Council for review at its Tuesday, April 8, 2003 meeting. - 1412- P8 ' ATTACHMENTS: Mound City Code. 350 310 ,qnbd. 9~ Bluff' Public Lands Application dated 10/17/02 Copies of Ph0tos Site Plan Elevation/Plan View Survey Showing Utilities Batch # 8 Public Land Permits from 1996 Revised StaffKeport for Batch #8 dated May 3, 1996 Statement of Purpose for Proposed Change Proposed Cost of Project Anchor Diamond Pro Retaining Wall System information -1413- Mound City Cocle Subd. 9. . Bluff. of the following 350.31_0, Subd.' 9 -,~ Topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment' having all Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; The slope rises at least 25 feet above the Ordinary high water level of the waterbody; The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the ordinary high water level averages 30 percent or greater; and D. The slope must drain toward the waterbody. An area with an average sloPe of less than 18 percent over a distance of 50 feet or more shall not be considered part of a bluff. Subd. 10. Bluff Impact Zone. An area including a bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of the bluff. Subd. 11. Bluffline. A line along the top of a slope connecting the points at which the slope becomes less than 12%. This applies to those slopes within the land use district(s) whioh are beyond the setback provisions from the Ordinary high water mark. Subd. 12. Boarding house (Rooming or Lodging House). A bUilding Other than a motel or hotel where, for compensation and by pre-arrangement for definite periods, meals or lodgings are provided for three or more persons, but not to exceed twenty persons. Subd. 13. Building. Any structure having a roof which may provide shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattel, or property of any kind, Subd. 14. .Building Height. The vertical distance to be measured from the average grade of a building line to the top, to the cornice of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansa~ roof, to a point on the r~of directly above the highest wall of a shed roof, to the uppermost point' on a round or other arch type roof, to the mean distance of the highest gable on. a pitched or hip roof. Subd. 15. Building Line. A line parallel to the street right-of-way or the ordinary high: water level at any story level of a building and representing the minimum distance which all. or any part of the building is set back from said right~of-way line or ordinary high water level. 4 2/5/00 PlO -1414- PUBLIC LANDS,, APPLICATION Date Received D~)'C'k CommiS~'i0n ba~e '" City Council Date DISTRIBUTION Building Official OCT 1. ? 2002 MOUND PLANNING & It $P.. Parks Director DNR MCWD Check One Public Works Other i'-] CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT- new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code.Section 320, Subd. 1). [--I PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT- to alloW repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). [] CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE -to allow an existing encroachment.to remain in an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). LAND ALTERATION - change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4). ~ structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, ..~ds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non-0transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the pe. rm'~it is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to change in dock site holder. Please type or print legibly APPLICANT Name ~..,.~,,t .z~ 't).,. ~._~.~.~ Address ~'?'~.__~ ~~.~ ~t.~ ~- ~~,~ ABOWlNG Address q ~~~ ~[~ ~, ~N~, ~, PROPER~ LEGAL Lot J ~ Block._ DESC. Subdivision ~t)O'~ ~.~ PID~ &O-~q'*~~ O~ Plat~ ZONING DISTRICT R-1 ~ R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 I Revised 02/08/02 - 1415- P11 PUBLIC PROPERTY CONTRACTOR Name ~.L,~?._t.-Z~ _~J,,,.~.,.~ Dock Site# q '7__~I I Type Name "'~,(AkJ t(")~ ~L~.~ Address. c~ ~ \ ~ Phone (H) .... '--' (w) 'PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) DESCRIBE REQUEST & PURPOSE Applicant's Signature. Date p l~2,~vised O2/O8/O2 - 1 41 6- 1418 ~TINO EDGE OF CONCRETE "" PAVEMENT Ik.I, F_.XJS'TING HOUSB METER DECK~ WRE FENC~ ~E 'EPS 0 M 0 N LAKE ' MiNNF_.TONKA )L.,,iSES: ' 3ccording to the plat thereon on file and of record in ar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota oundories of the above described property, and the . 3use, deck and garage thereon. It does not purpoF.1419- O, Z W ~ C~ bJ 0'1-- ._1 Z rn ED 0 ~ g Z -J Z W 0 P15 I m~_ z~O ~m Z~ m P16 GRONBEI G & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, SITE PLANNERS 4-4-5 N. WILLOW DR. LoNG LAKE, MN, :55356 952-473-4141 I'HEREBY CERTIFY .THAT THIS PLAN, SPECiF- WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRE( THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ..... 'ATE /Z-~ 2~,~'2 MN IICENSE NUMBER - 1420- Batch #8 Public Land Permits .................................................................................. .Pa._r..k...a. _n.d_.....O_p.._e_~ ..~ Pac_e...C~m_m_i..s.s! q~_5_ ./.9. ~9_6 ............................................................................ City Council 5128/96 DOCK ] ABUTTINGADORESS I ENCROACHMENT{SITE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEVON COMMON, CLASS C 42314 4729 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF STAIRWAY AND REPAIRS TO STEPHANIE COON - RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL. NEW STAIRWAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. - PLANTINGS PLANTINGS, PER PLAN, SEE BELOW.** - ELECTRIC LIGHT APPROVE NEW ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND OUTLET AS SHOWN & OUTLET ON PLAN.* - PLAY HOUSE REMOVE OR RELOCATE FLAG POLE AND PLAY HOUSE ONTO - FLAG POLE PRIVATE PROPERTY. 42406 4743 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY APPROVE STAIRWAY WITH REPAIRS TO BE MADE BY TODD BRANDSTETTER APPLICANT AND APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. - FLAG POLE RELOCATE FLAG POLE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. 42.461 4747 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY APPROVE (ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). BRADLEY MILLER - ELECTRIC LIGHT APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION.* ~ & OUTLET 4753 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY , APPROVE, IN NEED OF MINOR REPAIRS FOR ACCEPTABLE CHRIS BRIGHT CONDITION, LOOSE STONES ON TREADS, - RETAINING WALL PLAN FOR RESTORATION NEEDED, - ELECTRIC OUTLET APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION,* 42556 4757 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY APPROVE WITH CONDITION THAT A GRIPABLE HANDRAIL BE TOM EFFERTZ INSTALLED AS REQUIRED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. SHARES SITE WITH: LEROY GEISE, 4764 IVD - RETAINING WALL APPROVE {ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). - ELECTRIC OUTLET APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION.* 42586 4763 ISLAND VIEW DR - STAIRWAY APPROVE {ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). DEBORAH MATHEWS - PLATFORM APPROVE SUBJECT TO SIZE BEING REDUCED TO MAX 4' X ACCORDING TO PROCEDURE MANUAL. - RETAINING WALL APPROVE {MARGINAL CONDITION) PLAN FOR RESTORATION NEEDED. - FLAG POLE REMOVE OR RELOCATE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. - ELECTRIC, LOW APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION.* VOLTAGE REMOVE LOOSE ELECTRICAL WIRE. -1421 - P17 Page Two 4767 ISLAND VIEW DR RONALD MCCOMBS · STAIRWAY - PLATFORM APPROVE {ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). APPROVE SUBJECT TO SIZE BEING REDUCED TO MAX 4-' X 8', ACCORDING TO PROCEDURE MANUAL. - ELECTRIC LIGHT - WATER PUMP APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION.' - RETAINING WALL APPROVE UPPER WALL (ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). LOWER WALL IN NEED OF REPAIR OR REMOVAL. NEED PLAN FOR RESTORATION. Jl 42691 I 4771 ISLAND VIEW DR II 4.2791 I ,~7s~ ISLAND VIEW DR DEVON COMMON, CLASS B - STAIRWAY - RETAINING WALLS - STAIRWAY - ELECTRIC LIGHT & OUTLET - RETAINING WALLS - PLATFORM APPROVE (ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). APPROVE (ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). APPROVE (ACCEPTABLE CONDITION). APPROVE PENDING STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION.- APPROVE (MARGINAL CONDitION). PLAN FOR RESTORATION NEEDED. APPROVE SUBJECT TO SIZE BEING REDUCED TO MAX 4' X 8'. All electrical work on public property is required by State law to be installed by a qualified licensed electrical contractor and inspected and approved by the State Electrical Inspector. The City Council must first approve of the proposed installation. A scaled site plan must be submitted showing in detail the location of all electrical services on the public land. All power supply to the abutting property must be properly disconnected until such work is approved by the City Council. The applicant must verify disconnection with staff. #42314, Coon: As an alternative to the proposed planter box on top of the retaining wall, staff recommends the applicant install plantings/bushes at the base of retaining wall to screen the wall and also bushes on top of the wall, as outlined in the Shoreland Management Ordinance. Prior to installation, a plan describing the type of plantings shall be submitted and approved by the Parks Director. Plantings should not block or hinder access along the commons. P18 - 1422- C! TY., O'FM OUND Memorandum 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (812) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 DATE: TO: FROM' SUB3ECT: May 3, 1996 Batch #8 Dock Site Holders Jon Sutherland, Building Official' Jim Fackler, Parks Director ,~ Tom McCaffrey, Dock Inspedt'o~' Revised' Staff Repor~ for Batch #8 Enclosed is a revised Staff Report frem the~ May.l, 19:96 Staff Report you received regarding the Update of Public Land Permits, Batch #8. Clarification wasmeeded on a.few of the issues invblved. ". '. · ,. ~ , .:.. .... ;,. ... . ,:,~ :':" : :)' ., If'youhave any q'uestions¥~ please feet~ free' to contac~any one'of us:'at 47~- 0600. ' ~ " "': JF:pj Enci,osures ~ - 1423- prlntecl on' rec~'ci'ed P19 ClTYOFMOUND Revised STAFF REPORT 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612).472-0620 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ½ May 3, 1996 Park and~Open Space CommisSion Those Persons Listed on the Attached Batch #8 Jon Sutherland, Building Offici~al '~/, Jim Fackler, Parks Ditect0r ./~,~r (~. ' Tom McCaffrey, Dock InsPe~t~j u up'late of Public Land Permits, '~Batch #8"', Dock Sites #41830- #42351 Park & Open Space Commission Meeting, May 9, 199'6 City staff is in the process of updating permits for encroachments on public lands as directed by the City Council. Special permits are required for private encroachments 10cated on public lands as specified in City Code Sedtion 320~,:" ,,.~ ~ '. , ' ~i ' ~ : ~ i : .: ~ : Please find attached "Batch //8", t.his :is a.listing of dock:sites' that have. private encroachments such as stairways, lights, or some other type of encroachment, located on public, lands~., , The~e encroachments have be.eh inspected by the B.u Iding QffiCial .andr Dock Inspector according to the Procedure Manual as approved by t.he City Council. :~ Batch #8 will be reviewed by the Park Commission on' May 9, 1996, and then the City Council will take final action on these permits at their meeting on May 28, 1996. Recommendation:, Staff recommends' approval of a 5 year permit for Batch #8, Subject to the conditions as noted on the attached. All conditions of approval must be completed within one (1) year of approval by City Council or the dock license will be wi~h~e'ld until completion. Permits must be renewed with change in dock license holder. Enclosures Abutting property owners / dock site holders will be notified. P20 ~ - 1424- Statement of purpose for proposed change Lakeshore commons property located on lot 10, block 7 devon Aoolicant; Chris K. Bright 4753 Island View Dr, Mound, MN 55364 Overview Rain runoff and annual snow melt draining down off of the elevated backyard and down to the shoreline causes soil erosion on the commons property located in front of 4753 Island View Drive, A previous .retaining wall system installed on the commons property was successful in controlling the erosion. The last time the property was improved, was :[971. when a five level-terraced wall retaining system was built with natural Limestone. This retaining wall system is now over 30 years old. And has in recent years suffered fairly serious deterioration and decay to the point where replacement of the entire retaining wall system is the only practical long-term solution. During a permit update process taken in May of 1996, (see attached document) it was noted that the commons property located in front of 4753 Island view drive was in need of immediate repair of the stair steps leading to the lake..0ther notations regarding the conditions of approval indicated that a plan was needed from the owner of the abutting property that a plan for restoration was needed. This application for lakeshore restoration is largely a result of that evaluation. There are three other points to be addressed in this statement of purpose. Safety The stair steps are difficul[ to negotiate. Each spring they have become progressively worse. The stones are crumbling and falling out of place on nearly every step. The stairway side stones are also falling out of place and onto the walkway. Erosion Nearly all of the existing stone terraces have fallen down making it Impossible for them to keep the existing native soil in its plaCe. Evidence of this is apparent every spring a~cer the thaw. Much of the soil that was once at the top of the hill is moved to the bottom of the hill. ]:f no action is taken in the very near future it will become more difficult and more expensive to repair the commons property. Natural appearance of shoreline The proposed improvement plan takes into account the natural contour of the land as well as utilizing indigenous plants and shrubs that will help the retaining walls to blend into the surrounding vegetation. Blocks to be used in the restoration also come in 5 natural earth tones that will allow it to blend into the existing shoreline. Block colors include Charcoal, Gray, Red Rock, desert tan (light brown), and Umber (dark brown). Selection of block color should be determined what color best blends into the surrounding shoreline and homes. - 1425- P21 Erosion control plan Lakeshore commons property located on lot 10, block 7 devon Aoolicant: Chris K. Bright 4753 Island View Dr. Mound, MN 55364 Design overview The proposed commons property shoreline restoration project is designed as a multi- level Anchore block terraced gravity type retaining wall system. It will utilize 3. terraces, each terrace wall, will be approximately 4 feet tall. Each terraced retaining wall will be built on. a ~/4"- aggregate with fines, 6" deep compacted base. The first course will be approximately 7" below grade. Additional courses on top of base course will be laid out in a running bond configuration. Behind the bottom course of block, a 4" perforated PVC drain tile pipe will run the distance of each terrace wall. This will be first covered with a geotex filter fabric to protect the perforated pipe, and then backfilled with ¥4"- drainage aggregate. The drainage aggregate will be filled in .between the back of retaining wail blocks and the native soil for a thickness of 1' deep, and 3' high. Planting beds The planting beds will make use of natural plants, shrubs, arbor vitae, and any recommended plantings that will allow the planting beds to establish a solid root system strong enough to hold together the native soil on each level, Terraces Terrace # 1 Closest to the lakeshore, this terrace will contain 2 planting beds, one on each side of the staircase. Terrace #2 One planting bed on the west side of the staircase, and a brick paver patio to be located.on the east side of the staircase. Terrace #3 There is only 1ft. vertical elevation between the backyard, and the top of the 3rd set of terrace blocks, I Propose this area to be continuation of backyard lawn area. P22 - 1426- Stair steps to iakeshore The stairs connecting the lakeshore to the backyard property will be constructed of the same type Anchore block material used in the terraced walls; Stair step blocks Will be used for the stairway portion. [t will be constructed on the same type compacted base using a 6" base of ~/4"- aggregate. The staircase will span in two vertical sections top to bottom with a horizontal landing partway down the embankment at terrace 2. Stairway dimension~ Stairway width Stair tread depth 12" Stair dser height 6' First Terrace placement at shoreline The first terrace course of blocks will be laid at approximately 932'. This is 2.6' above the ordinary high water level of 929.4'. Shoreline Riprap The existing shoreline rlprap is in. good condition; the only change I Intend to make with dprap is to re-stack rocks that have fallen down over the years. -1427- P23 Proposed cost of project Lakeshore commons restoration located at 4753 Zsland View Dr. Hound, HN Lot #10 Block #7 Devon, Hennepin County, HN Item # Description of material (~uantity Price Extension 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 10 Yd. Roll off dumpster (trash removal of excavated rock & dirt) 3/4" minus aggregate w/fines (Per Ton) (base foundation material for retaining wall) 3/4" aggregate (Per Ton) (drainage aggregate behind blocks) Delivery of aggregate - (15 Ton/truck load limit) Clean backfill (Per Ton) Anchor Diamond retaining ,wall blocks Anchor Diamond stair step i31ocks Anchor Cap Blocks Retaining wall blocks - Delivery 216 Blocks per truck 4" perforated drain Tile ptpe geogrld fabric reinforcement material - (running yard) Vegetation - typical Indigenous variety Rolls of sod I 1/2" Red Ifmestone decorative aggregate(Per Ton) Misc. construction lumber Haybales for construction erosion control Sedlment barrier matertal Rental equipment - compactor Labor for entire ;lob i $325,00 $325.00 22,2 $22.00 $488.40' 31.5 $25.50 $803.25 10 $81.00 $810.00 29.5 $17.50 $516.25 1196 $5.05 $6,039.80 72 $5.65 $406.80 94 $4.55 $427.70 6 $180.00 $1,080.00 202 $0.66 $133.32 202 $6.00 $1,212.00 20 $25. oo $5oo.oo 20 $1.25 $25.00 8.1 $25.50 $206.55 10 $5.00 $50.00 10 $2.00 $20.00 2 $18.95 $37.90 4 $155.00 $620.00 120 $30.00 $3,600.00 Total cost for pro~ect $17,301.97 P24 10/16/2o02 4753_1_ 1428-Pr°Jectxls anchor diamond pro~txt secti on 02830 ANCHOR DIAMOND PRo RETAINING wALL SYSTEM: ~ PART I GENERAL 1.01 Am 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1..02 Section Includes Concrete segmental retaining wall units· ~e~at~d seCtiOns : Section ~ ~Geosgnthetic wall Reinforcement senti, oh - s~c.kfil 1 ' .seCti:~ ~ D~i,:~age Fil'll .'. se~ti&n - LandsEaping Turf Section - Drain REFERENCE5. A. American Society of Testing a'nd Materials 1. ASTM C1372-99a, standard Specification for s_egmental .Retaining Wall units 2. ASTM C 1262-98; standard Test Method for Evaluating t. he Fre~Z&'~Thaw "' urability of Manufactured Concrete Masonry Units and Related Concr_ete. Units · ASTM C698-91~ Standard Test Methods for Moisture-DensitY Rel'at~iOns of soils and soil-Aggregate M~xtures Using 5.5-lb Rammer and 12-in. Drop, (Standard Proctor) 4. ASTM D1557-9~; Standard, Test .Methods .~or Noisture~Density, Rel al:~Ons of Soils and soilrAggregate Mi,xtu.res using..-10~lb RammerrLand ~8~in.,Drop:,:.' (Mode. fi ed Proctor) 5.. AST.'.M 'D~8~86;~S'~&i~dard ':claSs~ fi cati on:- :fOr si~s of Aggreg~t-e fo~' Ro,~d Bridge con'~t~uCti on 6 .... AS.~, C ~4.0-99b; Standard' Test Methods 'of sampq ing and Testi ng concrete Masonry unit~ 7. ,. .... ASTt4. D 2922-96; Standard Task:, Method for'Density Of soil and Soil-Aggregate Tn 'PI ace' b~ Nuclea'p Methods (s'h~! 8. AS134 D 1556-90; Standard ~est Method fo~':DenSity'of Soiq In Pqa~e" by the sand cone. Method ..... 9. ASTM D 2488"93; standard Practice for Description and Identification of; soils, Visual-Manual Procedure (uscs; unified soil classification system) ' ManufactUrer's literature: Hater~als description 2 ; Sb~P:dr~..ngs:: Ret~ni ng ~<w~l.l:r;system des:~gn ~' .i~ncl~ud~pg ~:wal I ~he~ghts, a). :''~rt~/,. 'i]FU~ish :"(.~) ~M~' ~in. the col~o~.amd,'face" ~p:m~tee~, s'peci, fi:ed~ if request'Ad by' ~'he S'~eCi:fi ed: ..... c0'mptt&~-~ ~A' :s'~:~&~h~.~'~mOp~r:~ eS spectft cart dhs ~&'h'{eJt&~ 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. or ot~herw~,s~, uns. uq table ma~eri.~].~ whe~': so:. dete:~mi ned;~ fro~' l:h'~i :Si t~. ld.amaged, To prevent damage~ store above ground on wood pallets or blo.ckin9. Remove FAceS ~'he C0~fi'-~P'e~e Wal 1:' .Uni~g Sh~l 1 --be-substanti al ty free' of ehq p'g':~" ' Page 1 - 1429- P25:'~ anchor diamond pro.txt cracks and stains. 2. Prevent excessive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like material, which may affix themselves, from coming in contact with the materials. 1.05 EXTRA MATERIALS A. (3) replacement units identical to those installed on the Project. 1.06 DEFINITIONS A. Geosynthetic reinforcement is a material specifically fabricated for use as a soil reinforcement. B. Concrete retaining Wall units are as detailed on the drawings and are specified under section 02830: Anchor Diamond Pro Retaining Wall Units. C. Drainage aggregate is a material used around and directly behind the concrete wall units. D. Backfill is the soil, which is used as fill behind the drainage aggregate and within the reinforced soil mass if applicable. E. Foundation soil is the soil mass supporting the leveling pad and reinforced zone of the retaining wall system. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete Retaining wall Unit: "Anchor Diamond Pro Retaining wall units" as manufactured under license from Anchor Wall systems. I. , concrete wall units shall ~eet r~quirements of ASTM Ci372-97 except the maximum water absorption shall be limited to 7.0 percent and unit height dimensions shall not vary more than +/- 1/16 inch from that specified. 2. concrete wall units are required to'have a minimum of 0.94 square foot face area. 3. Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard selections. 4. Face pattern: Geometry: Beveled or straight; S. Texture: smooth or Split Rock Face. 6. The concrete units shall i,nclude an integral concrete shear connection flange/locator. , B. Geosynthetic reinforcement: Polyester fiber geogrid, polyethylene expanded sheet geogrid, or polypropylene woven geotextile for use as soil reinforcement. c. Base: Material shall consist of drainage aggregate, sand and gravel and/or concrete as shown on the construction drawings. A mnimum of 6 inches of compacted base is required. D. Drainage aggregate: Fill between units shall consist of free-draining, crushed coarse aggregate that meets the gradation re uirements of ASTM 448-86; standard classification for Sizes of Aggregate for R~ad and Bridge ConstruCtion, designation 57, 67, 6, 7 or 8.~ E. Backfill: Materials suitable non-organic soils at a moisture content which enables compaction to specified densities, unsuitable soils are organic soils and those soils with the uscs classification symbol of CH, ON, NH, OL, or PT. eL soils with a Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 25 are also considered unsuitable soils. F. Drain tile: The drainage collection pipe shall be a perforated or slotted PVC or corrugated HDPE pipe, The Pipe may be coVered with a geoteXtile filter fabric to function as a filter. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine the areas and conditions under which the retaining wa]] is to be erected and notify the Architect or Civil Engineer in writing of conditions Page 2 P26 - 1430- anchor diamond pro.txt detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do .not proceed with the work until ,unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Prompt/y_ noti fy the wall design engineer of any site conditionst which may affect wal3 performance or may requ3re a reevaluation of the wall design. B. Foundation soil shall be examined by the project geotechnic.al engineer to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength, meets or exceeds that required on the construction drawings. 3.02 EXCAVATION . Excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. ye~;excavation not approved by the owner or duly appointed owner's representative shall not be paid for and replacement with compacted fill and/or wall System ?mpgoents .will be. required at th~ ~gn?actor's e~en~e. Dp not ~i~turb ~as~ beyond the ~lnes snown. The Contractor sna~' De responsio~e rot the staoi~ity o~ the excavation and it's influence on adjacent properties and structures. 3.03 FOUNDATION PREPARATION A. Foundation soil shall be excavated as required for footing or base dimension shown on the construction drawings, or as directed by the engineer. a. soil not meeting the required strength shall be removed, sufficiently oversized from the front of the block and the back of the reinforcement and back-filled with suitable material. C. over-excavated areas shall be fill ed with suitable compacted backfill. 3.04 BASE COURSE PREPARATION A. . ~Base materials shall be placed as shown on the cOnstr~ction drawings with a minimum thickness of 6 inches. B. Base materials shall be installed upon undisturbed soils, or foundation soils prepared in accordance with Section 3.03. C. Material shall be compacted so as to provide a level, hard surface on which to place the first course of units. D. Base materials shall be prepared to ensure complete contact of retaining wall unit. Gaps shall not be allowed. E. Base materials shall be tq the depths and widths shown on the plans. Reduced t,he.~depth. Of sand and gravel and replace with a l" t? 2" concret.e topping, concrete snam~ oe ~ean, unreinforced and a maximum of two inches thick. Where a reinforced footing is required, place below the frost line. 3.05 ERECTZON A. First course of concrete wall units shall be placed on the prepared base material, units shall be checked for level and alignment. The top of all units in base course shall be at the same elevation. B. Ensure that concrete wall units are in full contact with base. c. Concrete wall units shall be placed side by .side for full length of wall alignment. Alignment may be done, by using a string line or offset of wall line. D. Fill all voids between and within concrete wa)l units with drainage aggregate. E. A minimum of 12 inches of drainage aggregate shall be placed behind the concrete~ wall units. F. Drain tile shall be installed at the lowest elevation possible to maintain gravity flow of water to outside of the reinforced zone. The drainage collection pipe shall be day-lighted to an appropriate location away from the wall system at each low point or at SO-foot intervals along the wall. G. Remove all'excess fill from top of units and install next course. Ensure drainage aggregate and backfill are compacted before installation of next course. H. Install each succeeding course. Backfill as each course is Fom~leted, Pull the units forward until the locating, surface of the unit contacts the locating surface of the units in the preceding course. Pull the units forward as far as possible. Page 3 - 1431 - P27 anchor diamond pro.txt T. Tnstall geosynthe:ic fei nforcement in accordance with geosynthe:ic manufacturer's recommendations and the design drawings. 3.06 BACKFILL PLACEMENT A. Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread and compacted in a manner that will minimize slack in the reinforcement. B. Fill in the reinforced zone shall be placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6 to 8 inches in loose thickness where hand operated compaction equipment is used and not exceeding 12 inches loose thickness where heavy, self-propelled compaction equipment is used. C. All fill placed in the reinforced zone must be compacted to a minimum of 9 percent of the soil's standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698-91) or as recommended'byS the project geotechnical engineer. D. Only lightweight hand-operated equipment shall be allowed within 4 feet of the back of the retaining wall units, or one-half of the wall height, whichever is greater. 3.07 the cap B. C. 3,08 CAP UNTT INSTALLATION (if Applicable) Apply construction adhesive to the top surface of the unit below and place unit into desi red position. cap units may need to be cut to obtain the proper fit. Backfill and compact to finish grade. AD3US~TNG AND CLEANING A. Damaged un, ts should be replaced with new units during construction. B. , Contractor shall remove debris caused by this construction and leave adjacent paved areas broom clean. 3.09 QUALITY CONTROL A. The wall installation contractor is responsible fbr quality control of installation of all materials. The contractor should enlist the assistance of a qualified independent third party to verify the correct installation of all materials according to these specifications and the construction drawings. B. The Owner, at his own expense, should retain a qualified professional to perform random quality assurance checks of the contractor's work. c. work found to be deficient according to these specifications or the ?nstruct_.ion d.raw, ings mu.s.t be..corrected at the contractor's expense. u. .ne retaining wa/m wi~m not be considered complete until excepted b the engineer or duly appointed owner's representative. Y END OF SECTION Revised 5/01/00 Page 4 P28 - 1432- · Cona'actors - Products - Diamond Pro Page 1 of 1 ArchitectS, engineers and contractbrs are choosing the Anch¢ ProTM to create flexible, cost-effective solUtions for a broad commercial, municipal and residential wall projects. For cont. new environments, colors that blend with the Surroundings, choice Is Anchor Diamond Pro. The Anchor Diamond ProTM featu'fes a one square foot of wal makes estimating and installation easier. The Integral rear ii[ guesswork and greatly simplifies your wok with easy Installai are also reduced by automatically*delivering a quick uniform warm earthtone colors and rUgged natural rock texture make Diamond ProTM an attractive addition to any landscape. The actual weight, size and .avallblllty may vary by region. S( Representative for details and specific block, dimensions. I Anchor Diamond Pro® [ General Specs, U.$, Metric Dimensions 8" x 18" x !.2, 200mmxZ Weight 7~ lbs. 34 kg Coverage i sq. ft. .09m2 Setback (batter) 1" (7*) 25mm Anchor Diamond Pro® Cap General Specs. U.S. Metric II Dimensions 4"'x 17.25" x 10" 100minx4 Weight 44 lbs. 20 kg. Anchor Diamond Pro® Corner General Specs, U.S. Metric Dimensions 8" x 18" x 9" 200mmx~ Weight 101 lbs. 46 kg. - 1433- P29 Contractors- Products- Diamond Page ! o1! I The actual weight, size and avallblllty may vary by region. SJ Representative for details and specific block dimensions. Anchor Diamond® I General Specs. U.S. Metric Dimensions 6" x 15 7/8" x 12' :[50mmx4 Weight 6Bibs, 31 kg Coverage .67 sq. ft. .065m2 Setback (batter) :1 1/8" (10.6°) 28mm Anchor Diamond® Cap i General Specs. U,S. [Metric Dimensions 3" x 17.25" x $0" 75minx45 Weight 32 lbs. 15 kg. Anchor Diamond® Step Dimensions 16" x [6" x 12" 150minx4 Weight 85 lbs. 39 kg. P30 - 1434- I,,~-~.//,, .......... ! ....... 11 ~.,-.,~/,-,,.,~/T~,.-,~,.,"I'"/ ~,.,~., THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -1435- IIII IIIIII I I IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Planting Bed Planting / / LAKE MINNETONKA Bright Residence Mound Minnesota Davidicus Land Design 804 - 0174 Page I of I PropedyAddress 4753 Island View Drive C. ily Mound Counly Hennepin Staie MN Zip Code 55364 Lender Chris K. Brisht · 19 GOVT LOT - TUXEDO BLVD I 1605. 80 RES (21 4(: R D'l 40 , , LLI 4O ISLAND VIEW DR ?.8.8' '21.2 I.yle II. Nagell & Company (612) ,544-8966- 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 CITY OF MOUND PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com April 2, 2003 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BONNIE RITTER SUBJECT: TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE Bob Bittle, on behalf of the Northwest Tonka Lions, has submitted an application for a transient merchant license in order to sell hotdogs, sandwiches and pop at the Music In the Park activities in Mound Bay Park. The dates for these events are: June 12 & 26, July 10 & 24, and August 7. There is a request to waive the normal fees charged for this permit, with note that profits will be split between the lifeguard account with Community EducatiOn, and the Northwest Tonka Lions Administrative Fund. printed on recycled paper - 1438- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNF. SOTA, 55364 TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE D~C~ON OF ~GS TO BE SOLD: ~US~S ~D~S:. ~m~c~ ov ~ A~Uc~ ~ / '~P/~ ~'. FOR ~ LaST (S) ~:~~ / / REFEP)ENCES: (OI, VE NAMES,.., ADDRF~' SES AND PHONE # OF THREE)~//~/e ~ SIGNATURe/OF APPLICANT - 1439- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com April 2, 2003 TO: FROM' SUBJECT: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL BONNIE RITTER PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT An application has been received from the Minnetonka Bass Club to hold their fishing tournament weigh-in at Mound Bay Park on May 31,2003, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Certificate of Liability Insurance and the $300 fee have been received. printed on recycled paper - 1440- CIT¥ OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a. public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO L/OUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS QR BUILDINGS, GrouP is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY Date of Use ~ l'-- ' Drivers License Number -1441 - : 5~41 Manhood I~o~cl (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 31, 2003 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Amendment - Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Expansion / Learning Center APPLICANT: TSP One Inc (on behalf ofWestonka Public Schools) OWNER: Mark Saliterman PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 03-08 PID: 13-117-24-34-0072 LOCATION: 5229-5271 Shoreline Drive & 2324-2330 Wilshire Blvd ZONING: B-1 Business COMPREItENSIVE PLAN: Business and Mixed Use (Auto Destination District) PUBLIC HEARING - CUP AMENDMENT The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a conditional use permit amendment application from Westonka Public Schools (CUP) to expand the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) center that is located in Shoreline Plaza by taking over the space formerly occupied by Mound Liquor. The proposal also includes construction of a 6362 square foot Learning Center to include both office and classroom space to be located in a portion of the space formerly occupied by Jubilee Foods. Based on information from the applicant, it is estimated that approximately, six (6) staff members and (70) students will operate out of the Learning Center. PROJECT BACKGROUND Details regarding the application are contained in Planning Report No. 03-08 which has been included as an attachment. NOTIFICATION - CUP REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd. 3 (B) requires that all requests for conditional use permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission. Additionally, City Code Chapter 350:535 Subd. 3 (C) requires that a public hearing is held by the City Council. The Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Laker on March 22, 2003. Additionally, the Notice of Public Heating was also mailed to all affected property owners located within (350) feet on March 27, 2003. - 1442- 60-DAY PROCESS Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. The CUP application was received and deemed to be complete on February 3, 2002 and the 60-day timeline expires on or around April 3, 2003. Within the 60-day period, an automatic extension of no more than 60 days can be obtained by providing the applicant written notice containing the reason for the extension and specifying how much additional time is needed. Members of the City Council are advised that the City executed an extension on March 28, 2003. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW The request was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its March 3, 2003 meeting. In general, members of the Planning Commission expressed support for the proposal and further commented that traffic circulation and other conditions may improve for the ECFE Center due to the recent relocation of Mound Liquor. The proposed exterior remodel, while not part of this proposal, was also favorably received by the Commission. Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommended Council approval of the CLIP amendment subject to conditions. A copy of the March 3, 2003 Planning Commission meeting minute excerpts (draft) have been included as an attachment. A draft resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has also been included. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A building permit for the exterior remodel of the Shoreline Plaza shopping center was recently issued by the Building Official. An architectural rendering of the building following remodel activities will be available at the meeting. 2 - 1443- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 3, 2003 CASE #03-08 CUP Amendment - Expansion of ECFE Classroom 5229-5271 Shoreline Blvd and 2324-2330 Wilshire Blvd Westonka Public Schools Westonka Public Schools is requesting a conditional use permit amendment to expand the Early Childhood Family Education center that is located in Shoreline Plaza by taking over the space formerly occupied by Mound Liquor and part of the space currently occupied by Jubilee Foods. Educational facilities are allowed in the B 1 District by conditional use. The original Cup for ECFE facility was issued in 1997 following approval of Resolution 97-84. It was subsequently amended in 1999 following its one-year review. Discussion Clapsaddle asked if the doors on the west end were to be used as fire exits. Mark Thiede indicated that was the intention. Glister asked if there have been any complaints from parents regarding location or traffic. Sandy Wing, Early Childhood Coordinator for Westonka Schools, indicated that there have been little or no negative comments from parents. Expansion is planned in the area of preschool classes, but not at this location. Clapsaddle inquired about the firewall between Dominoes and the ECFE. Mark Thiede said that only a 1 hour wall is required and is currently in place. Hasse thought the original plan was to relocate the ECFE within 2 years. Ayaz asked about the IBC code that would require 2-hour firewall. Consensus was that, if the IBC is accepted before the plans are reviewed, the Building Official would require whatever fire protection is current, including sprinklers. MOTION by Ayaz, seconded by Clapsaddle, to approve the CUP with requirement that the plans be reviewed with particular attention to firewalls and sprinkler system. MOTION carded unanimously. - 1444- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 03- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION (ECFE) CENTER AND CONSTRUCTION OF A LEARNING CENTER IN SHORELINE PLAZA LOCATED AT 5229-5271 SHORELINE DRIVE AND 2324- 2330 WHILSHIRE BLVD P & Z CASE # 03-08 PID # 13-117-24-34-0072 WHEREAS, the applicant, Westonka Public Schools has submitted a request to amend the conditional use permit to allow expansion of the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) center and construction of a Learning Center at Shoreline Plaza; and WHEREAS, as set forth in City Code Section 350:640, educational facilities are allowed in the B-1 District by conditional use; and WHEREAS, the conditional use permit was originally approved in 1997 following adoption of Resolution 97-88 to allow operation of an educational facility in the B-1 District at Shoreline Plaza shopping center subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the conditional use permit was amended in 1999 following a 1-year review by the Planning Commission and City Council upon adoption of Resolution 99-13 subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at its March 3, 2003 meeting and voted unanimously to recommend approval subject to the following conditions: Eden Road will continue to be used as the primary drop-offpoint. Supervision will be provided during bus drop-off time(s) to route the children into the building. - 1445- If appropriate, traffic control measures will be evaluated by the appropriate personnel including but not limited to, the City Engineer and Police Department. 3. No parking or drop-offwill be permitted directly adjacent to the sidewalk on the front of the building. The project plans shall be reviewed by the Building Official with particular attention to firewalls and sprinkler system as part of the building permit process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: The City does hereby approve the conditional use permit amendment subject to the conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property: See Exhibit A. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted April 8, 2003 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk - 1446- AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING HEARING NOTICE Case No. 0~ STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Jill Norlander, being duly sworn, deposes and says; I am a United States Citizen, over twenty-one (21) years of age, and the Secretary_ for Planning and Inspections Department of the City of Mound, Minnesota. On ~¥~/~,~ ~ ~ ,20 C"3._'~, acting on behalf of the City I deposited in the United States Post Office at Mound, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of a hearing on proposed improvement, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the following persons at the addresses appearing opposite their respective names. NAME *See attached list. ADDRESS There is delivery service by the United States mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Jilr Norlander Subscribed and sworn to before me this c~ '7 day of'~~ 20 ~,..~ - 1447- AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN). led notice in three ~.being duly sworn, )'i! 20~,.~, I in Minnesota. ~ne true co bulletin board on the front door MOUnd 'Minnesota. the:bulletin boa~d .al-ti Mound sWorn to before me CommissiOn CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 47,2-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FROM WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF THE ECFE PROGRAM AND CONSTRUCTION OF A LEARNING CENTER AT 5229-5271 SHORELINE DRIVE AND 2324-2330 WILSIIIRE BOULEVARD IN TIlE SHORELINE PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER P&Z Case No. 03-08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota will meet in the Council Chambers, 5431 Maywood Road, at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, April 8, 2003 to hold a public hearing to consider an Conditional Use Permit (CUP) amendment application from Westonka Public Schools to allow expansion of the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) program and construction of a Learning Center at 5229-5271 Shoreline Drive and 2324 -2330 Wilshire Boulevard. Copies of the application materials are available to the public upon request at City Hall. Ail persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Published in The Laker on March 22, 2003. ]4~1 'Noi'lanci'er, Planning Inspections Secretary printed on recycled paper - 1449- 5341 Maywood Road C~s2) 4v2-~o PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: February 24, 2003 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Amendment - Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) ExpansiOn / Learning Center APPLICANT: TSP One Inc (on behalf of Westonka Public Schools) OWNER: Mark Saliterman PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 03-08 PID: 13-117-24-34-0072 LOCATION: 5229-5271 Shoreline Drive & 2324-2330 Wilshire Blvd ZONING: B-1 Business COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Business and Mixed Use (Auto Desth~ation District) REQUEST Westonka Public Schools is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) amendment to expand the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) center that is located in Shoreline Plaza by taking over the space formerly occupied by Mound Liquor. The proposal also includes construction of a 6362 square foot Learning Center to include both office and classroom space to be located in a portion of the space currently occupied by Jubilee Foodd. Based on information from the applicant, it is estimated that approximately, six (6) staff members and (70) students would operate out of the Learning Center. PREVIOUS APPROVALS According to City Code Section 350:640, educational facilities are allowed in the B-1 District by conditional use. The original CUP for the ECFE facility was issued in 1997 following approval of ResolutiOn No. 97-84. It was subsequently amended in 1999 following its one-year review by the Planning Commission. and City Council. Copies of both the 1997 and 1999 permit' applications and supporting information have been included as attachments. - 1450- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW CRITERIA In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council shall consider the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed land use upon the health, safety, morals and general welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that the conditional use permit review criteria are contained in City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd. 1. CUP REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 350:525 Subd. 3 03) requires that all requests for conditional use permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission. Additionally,. City Code Chapter 350:535 Subd. 3 (C) requires that a public hearing is held by the City Council. Procedurally, state statute requires that the planning agency and/or governing body must hold a public hearing on all requests for conditional use permits and further requires that a Notice o'f Public Hearing is published at least (10) days in advance of the public hearing and is also mailed to all property owners within (350) feet. ~ The tentative date for the City Council public heating is March 25, 20'03. Therefore, it is anticipated that the Notice of Public Hearing will be published in the Laker on March 15, 2003. Additionally, the Notice of Public Hearing is also scheduled to be mailed to all affected property owners located within (350) feet on or before March 14, 2003. 60-DAY PROCESS The conditional use permit application was received and deemed to be complete on February 3, 2003. PUrsuant to lVlinnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny a land use request. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment and are summarized below: City Engineer Cameron No issues. Public Works Director Skinner No comments. Building Official Simoneau A bUilding permit will be required including the submittal of all necessary information. Fire ChiefPederson No objections. Parks Director Jim Fackler No comments. -1451 - Acting Police Chief McKinley 1No con{rnents. DISCUSSION City Code Section 350:760 Subd. D requires at least (1) parking space for each classroom plus one (1) space for each ten (10) student capacity. .(49) stalls were provided with the 1997 permit. The current proposal requires (27) stalls. The applicant has provided a 1998 as-built survey which includes the existing parking plan. With the recent relocation of MoUnd Liquor and pending relocation of Jubilee Foods, there appears to be ample parking on site to accommodate the proposed expansion project. Discussion during the City's review of the earlier permits indicate that the shopping center is serving as "temporary housing" for the school district's early childhood program. Therefore, City staff' respectfully requests discussion with the applicant regarding its long-term plans. The current CUP application includes interior remodeling activities for both the ECFE expansion and Learning Center areas. Discussion regarding the City's 1-year review of the CUP focused on traffic and safety related issues. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends Planning Commission and City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. Eden Road will continue to be used as the primary drop-off point. Supervision will be provided during bus drop-off.time(s) to route the children into the building. 2. If appropriate, traffic control measures will be evaluated by the appropriate personnel including but not limited to, the City Engineer and Police Department. 3. No parking or drop-off will be permitted directly adjacent to the sidewalk on the front of the building. 4. Additional comments from the Planning Commission, City Council and Staff. CITY COUNCI2L REVI~EW As stated previously, it is anticipated that the public hearing for review of the CLIP request for the ECFE / Learning Center expansion at Shoreline Plaza will be held by the City Council at its Tuesday, March 25, 2003 meeting. -14~2- CITY' OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION 2003 Conditional Use Permit Fee: $350.00 PLANNING COMM. DATE CITY COUNCIL DATE: IDistdbution: City Planner: ~'~ O c~ City Engineer: $500 Escrow Deposit Public Works: ~-~ "0-~ Fire Dept. 0~-~ -0 _,~ Parks: ,~-~ ~0 ~ Other: Please type or print the following information: PROPERTY SubJect Address 5229--5271 SHORELINE BLVD. & 2324-2330 WILSHIRE BLVD. INFORMATION Name of Business Westonka Public Schools LEGAL Lot 7 thru 20 incl. also Lots 26 thru 35 Block 001 Plat# DESCRIPTION Subdlvision PID~ 13-117-24-34-0072 APPLICANT The applicant is: Owner X Other: Tennant Name Westonka Public Schools Address 5901 Sunnyfield Rd. East ~ Minnetrista MN 55364 Phone (H) (W) 952-491-8003 .(U). E-Mall Address Fax Name Mark A Siliterman OWNER (ifother than Address 4301 Hi.qhway 7, Suite 100 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 applicant) Phone (H) 544-5937 (W) 920-8282 (M) Name TSP One, Inc. ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, Address 18707 Old Excelsior BIvd - Minnetonka, MN 55345 OR . ENGINEER Phone (H) (W)' 952-474-3291 (U) ZONING Circle: .R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 I[~ B-2 B-3. DISTRICT Conditional Use Permit Application 12/30/02) Page 1 of 2 - 1453- Description of Proposed Use: The proiect consists of a 2,317 SF expansion of an existin.q 6,708 S.F.. Eady Childhood program alon.q with a 6,362 SF Learning Center. The proposed Leaming Center will include classrooms and offices. Approximately 6 staff will work at the Learning Center and will serve at most approximately 70 students at any given time durinq the day. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. It is anticipated that approximately 27 spaces would be required durin.q the day which is less than what is required for the current tenant. No neqative impact on the site is anticipated If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( X yes, ( ) no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Resolution 97-84 Resolution 99-13 Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or an explanation given why this is not fhe case. Print Owner's Name Print Applicant's Name A-ppticant's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name OwneCs Signature Date City Code Section 350:525 relating to Conditional Use Permits must be reviewed by the applicant. If applying for a two family dWelling, City Code Section 350:630, Subd. 4..must be reviewed by the applicant. Conditional Use Permit Application (12/30/02) Page 2 of 2 - 1454- LOT 1 .o W I L S H I R E /" PLAT -: 279.5 BLVD. 6O 66 ~ i~ ALLEY NO1 '10'49"E NOl'O.5'O3"E 225.51 - 1455- I','"'"'. SURVEY ON PILE? YES / NO / LO'r OF RECORD. YE~ / NO YARD i DIRECTION N $ E W N S E W 10,000/60 6,000/40 6,000/40 14,000/80 B2 20,000/80 B3 10,000/60 I1 Bn.ooO/100 EXLqTiNC/PROPOgEi) LOT WIDTH: LOT DSPTH; FRONT ~IDE N S E W SIDE N S E W REAR . N S E W 15' LAKE N S E W 50' TOP OF BLUFF 10' OR 30' GARAGE, SHED ..... DETACHED BUILDINGS FRONT N S E W FRONT N S E W SIDE N S E W 4' OR 6' SIDE N S E W 4'OR6' R~AR N S E W 4' LAKE N S E W 50' BY: 'FOP OF BLUFF 10' OR 30.' HARDCOVER 30% OR 40% CONFORMING? YES NO ) DATED: 1~7.,oning Information Sheet only summarizes a portion of the requirements outlined in the City of Mound Zoning Ordinance. For further information, ¢:onmet the City of Mound ing~epa~r~!_.ent at 472-0600. ~ ' ~ >>~7~ ~ - :: ....... ~ EDEN (4tO $-W ..(,. ~,- O 0 O 0 o 0 O o~ September 9, I997 122ggOLUTION 97-g4 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALI,OW AN EDUCATIONAL FACILITY, LOCATED IN THE B-1 BU8INE8S DISTRICT, AT 5241 SHORELINE BOULEVARD, LOTS 7-20 & 26-35 & ALL VAC. ALLEY & PARKING AREA & PAlZLK, BLOCK 1, PI/) 13-117-24 34 0072, P & Z CASE//97-38 WFiEREAS, the applicant, Westonka Public Schools, has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an educational facility w. ithin the B-1 Business District, and; WHEREAS, Mound Zoning Ordinance Section 350:640 allows an educational facility as a conditional use in the B-1 Zone, and; WHEREAS, Westonka Schools Plan to conduct the following functions: a preschool, early childhood family education and early childhood special education center, and; WHEREAS, the facility would serve approximately 88 children with 10 staff personnel, and; WHEREAS, the proposed facility would consist of 6,708 square feet with three exit/entry doors, one located in the fi'ont of the building and two in the rear of the building along Eden Road, and; WHEREAS, tlne facility would require 49 parking spaces, and; WHEREAS, City staff has met with the applicant to address the safety concerns discussed by the planning commission, and; WHEREAS, the applicant has prepared a detailed site plan to address these concerns at the guidance and input of staff, and; ..- WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommen'd approval with the approved modifications. ,[ _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve a conditional use permit for. an educational facility for Westonka Schools subject to the following conditions: Eden Road will-be used as tile primary drop-off point. During tile bus drop-off, supervision will be proyided to route the children into the building to avoid play behind the building or in the street. Traffic control measures to be installed in the traffic lane in'front of the building to slow traffic. The size and placement of the measures shall be approved by the · City Engin.eer, .. - 1458- September 9, 1.o97 Ce No parking or drop-off will be permitted directly adjacent to the sidewm, lk on the front of the building. de Three foot high protective railings with spindles will be installed between the existing columns on the edge of the .walkway in accordance with Stat= Building Code. This Conditional Use Permit will be reviewed by the City Council one year from building permit issuance to examine conditions and safety issues. 2. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots 7-20 & 26[35 & All Vac. Alley & Parking area-& Park, Block 1 This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder Or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall, not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen, and seconded by Councilmember Weycker. The following Coun¢ilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen and Weycker The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Attest: Acting City Clerk Polston MayOr - 1459- 163 Momd City Council Mflaut~s' S~ptcmb~r 9, 1997 1.5 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ,TO ALLOW THE WESTONKA SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH.EARLY CHiLDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION (E.C.F.E.) LOCATED WITHIN THE ZONING DIS~ICT AT.5241 .SHORELINE DRIVE,. LOTS %20 & -26~35 & ALI, ,VACATED ALLEY & PARKING AREA AND PARK, BLOCK 1, Pm #13-117-2a 34 0072, ~ P :r&~ Z 9~'7--38, . City Manager Ed Shukleintroduced Loren Gordon, City Planner, from Hoisington Koegler GrOUp; Inc. · Lomn Gordon summarized this i, tem. The Wes'tonka SchOol District wants to establish: 'their 'Early Childhood Family Education Center at~$:24:.1 .Shoreline Drive~ in the Jubilee Shopping Center Where the old Headliner's used to be.. A Conditional Use Permit is required to do this in the B21 Business District, The Proposed:office, space conSist~ of 6,708 sq~e feet which includ~the space of Headliner's ~and Larson ?rinting~ The building space Will have ~ee pUbliC entry/exit d00r.~, one in the front of the shopping center, and two in the rear of the building aloag Eden'Road;' Re SChool District intends to conduct the following functions:, a preschool, an' early childhood family education and an early special education center:' The facility Will se~e approximately 88 children with 10 staff persons. . - 1460- MoUnd City Council Minutes'- ~tembe~: 9, 1997 Mayor Polston introduced Mark Thiede, Architect for the school district, from TS?/EOS. Mr. TI'fie. de stated that to provide for the safety of the children at the front of the building, a fence type railing with spindles will be added between the columns so children can not run out onto the parking lot. The entry will be open to the parking lot. The building owner is receptive to the plan and the Planning Commission recommended approval. The building does not contain a fire sprinkler system, it is not required if the w .a, Us 'are a two hour parting wall. The building does eo~ply with A. DA standards. Mayor Polston was concerned that there was no f~re sprinkier system. He hoped that in the haste to accommodate the situation, that it would not be detrimental to the children. 'He was also concerned that the CUP of this nature would be a conflict within an retail location. Mayor Polston opened the publiC hearing~ ,.~ Bil .Hawks, 34'65 County Road: 44, spoke a~n~st the COnditional use Pe~it for:.the school district. Sandy Wing, Director of E.C.F.E., spoke in favor of the Conditional USe Permit,:.~ She stated that several parents will be with their children while at the facility. The two busiest times would be about 9 ama-nd: then again around 3 pm,' This is nOt a busy'time for the shopping...eenter. :' The building that theECFE was:now using is not Suitable for staff and children; · There. are issues of.h~th., safety, and mold, Mayor Polston .stated~ he was sympathetic and: asked ,if~ there had. been: any ~effor~ .to work with the churches in the area? Ms, Wing stated :. they had tri~:i but there .was no,ca that Could'provide a dedi~ted space ,for :their n~s~ :. : · ~l/~'Salit~man, owne~..of the shopping centeri spoke regarding .the .use 0f..the space to be only ~etnporary, around 2 years. / Being there was no one else to comment, Mayor Polston closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Council for discussion. Councilmember Jensen was concerned with condition #1 regarding the non retail and commercial use at the same location. She commented on the proposed stop signs that would be located at the e"ntry to the facility and a crosswalk. She commented th, at she has littie faith in crosswalks. Consensus of the Council was to amend the resolution to include the following conditions: 1. A review of the CUP one year after CoUncil approval. 2. The addition of a railing with spindles to be installed between the columns that currently exist. The following amended resolution was moved by Jensen, seconded by Weycker: -1461 - MINUTES OF A MEETING MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 25, 1997 Those present: chair. Geoff Michael, Commissioners Crv Burma, Frank Weiland, Serry Clapsaddle,, Becky GliSter, GeraldReifschneider, and Council liaison Mark Hanus. Absent and Excused: Michael Mueller, Bill Voss. Also present: Building Official Jon Sutherland, and Secretary Kris Linquist. Public Attendance: Mike Looby, Mark Saliterman, Beth Saliterman, Mark Thiede, Linda Dreyer, Christine Fitz, Sandy Wing. MINUT~ - APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 11, 1997 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING CO~SSION MEETING. MOTION by Wetland, seconded by Clapsaddle tdapprove the Minutes of the AUgust 11, 1997 Planning Commission meeting. DisCUssion Burma stated that in the minutes of August 11, 1997, on page 5 under Commissioner Questions second sentenance the "will" should not,be in the sentenance. The corrected sentenance should read, "Theft' ~ou!d 0nly' be the frOnt yard variance." The Vote to approve the-Minutes as amended carried 8-0. BOARD OF APPEALS: INFO~ "Pi..iBLi~': h I~2iRIN~:,:' C~E' # 97~38,' CONDITiON~.USE P~RMIT, WESTONKA ~LIC S~HOOL~ ~C~):, 5~41.sH0~~ D~, LOTS 7~20 ~& 26- 35 & ~L VAC ~LEY &P~G ~A &-r~,~ BLOCK 1, Pm 13-117-~ 340072. Build~g Officifl, ~n Su~erlmd~ reviewed .me ~e. BACKGROUND: Westonka Public Schools ,have submi.tted aa ~ppli~ati0n for a conditional ttse pe~t ~t6' allow an.'cdUCa{ional~.facillty in the.B, 1 district; The pifOperty is' located 'at. 5'~41 shoreline Boulevard in the Jubilee Shopping Center..which is at' the co~e~ of Sh°rel~e'aiid Wflshire Boulevards. The propoSed.office space consists of 6,708 square feet which includes.the space formefly~ ~ccupied by ~e Headliner aad.the space currently ocCUpied lJya print~g'~hOP. The building 'si~aCe will ~ve three public, entry/exit' doors¢ .: one' in ~e frO~i:of the stiOPP~g Center, and tw~ in~ the rear of ~e building along Eden Road. WestOnka Public s~ho01s plaa condu~t,. thai following functions: apr. eschooL, and early childhood 'fmily education a~" e~iY' childt~66d :gPeciai ed~catio~i center. This facility would serve approximateiy' .88 .chfldr% with 10 staff persons. - 1462- M'tnute~ . Mound Planning Commission August 25, 1997 The. space was previously leased by the Headliner Bar and Grill. The business reCeived a parking space variance due to the floor area and the limited number of p~ng Spaces· in the sho?in.g cede. r.,.: Th.e.varianee allowed the Head}inet 'to opiate witii Si spaces, As not~ inthe appncauon~ westonlm anticipates needing 49'space~ dur~g tiie day for their operationsl . COMMENTS: Public education facilities are permitted in the B-1 district'as a conditional use providing conditions are satisfied. These conditions which may be considered include but are not limited to the following:: '. " ~ ~ 1. That.the conditional .use will not be injurious t° the use and enjoyment afOther prOpe~. ~ in the ~ediate ~viei~¢ .f6~, ti/e PUrposes already p~mitted · nOr Sub~[~m~. dim~sh and impair property values within the immediate vicinity. 2. That the eS'~blishrnefit' of the conditional ~e' will not impeded the .normal and orderly de~elopmem.~d improvement. Of SUtro~ding vaem prOpe~:: for Uses P~o~t in the area. 3. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, and other necessary facilities have bee~ or are being provided: ' 4. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide sufficient off-street parking and.loading space to serve· the proposed Used. 5. That:adequate measures~have been or:Will'~e ~n to pre,;edt 0r C~ntr61 offe~iVe '°d0r., fumes, dust, noise and vibration, so ~at~n0ne of these '~ilI~Omtitut~a nuisance, and to. control lighted signs and other lights in such a mariner that no disturbance to neighboring 6. The use, in the opinion of the City Council, is reasonably related to the overall needs of. the City and to the existing land use. · ':;'" ~' ~ '~ '7. The use is consistent with. the purposes 0f.~.~9~g,.~o~ ~.~0 purg~e~of~the~zomg Zon[pg CO~ :re~mons :for.:me. business: relate.to parking ~a~6S base~,Oln' ~ ¢!~srooms ana.'.:~8..'.smdents, me. proposal to use. the Headliner would exceed ark. in re uirements' One oJ[$eprima~..~ objeefi~e.,~,,inrunning a dayea~e'and presehO~l'facilitv iff'.tb env~rp:.._;.;e~t for chil~fen to learn, and interact, Meetmg:thig~obje~tive: is an issue that' ~eacties" fac'.fl.!~e[ ~, .when~y.~able, lo.ok .for' conflict with othe~ - 1463- M~nut~. Mo~d Planning Cornn~i~n Augu~ 25, l~97 Staff concerns with the facility at this location are traffic safety related. The trips generated by the: businesses in the Jubilee ShopPing Center are predominantly auto related. Jubilee Foods, Domino's Pizza, Norwest Bank, and a liquor store produce a large amount of traffic: It has been observed that some cars drive through the parking area at sp~ which are unsafe for the given conditions. What needs to be addressed is how to pro'tide protection 'from car and pedestri~ conflict during the drop-off and pick-up of children. The school indicates they will use Eden Road as a bus drop-off point. Children would exit the bus and enter the building from the rear'. Presumably parents will pick-up their children in front of the building by waiting in front along the curb or parking, and walking into the building, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission recommend CoUncil approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions. These conditions are intended to protect, the children from interaction with Vehicular traffic on the site and on Eden R~oad; 1. EdenRoad ~ill be used as the primary drop~off pOint. During,~drop:off,'suPe~isi0n Will be provided to route the children into the building to aVOid play behind the 'bUilding or in the street,: 2. Speed bumps be placed in the traffic lane in front of the building to sloW traffic..: The size ~d placement of the bumps shall be approved bY the 'City Engineer, Chair Michael.stated ~e format for public, hearings;. Staff gives their report, C0missionerS comments to s~..then the public hearing opens~ and interested citizens can ~eri speak-. : . commissioner Questions ~... · .. ~ Reifs~hgeider: gskedif the printing shop ,was leaving. Sutherland responde~ :yes to the ,questi6~. Larson Print~g is pumhasing and relocating on Other property wi~ the city. : Clap~ddle in~uireg ig :there were requirements for .outdOor recreation' space? Sutherland StateA not from th~ building, code stand point, Looby stated that since parents are on cite that this facility , the main focus is on parent education and that a, playground is not required~ ~ere will be preschool education'on it would be desirable to have a outdoor'Playground but its not requ~ed, For the Co~iS'sio~s information, this site is not first choice. It is second choice since the Shirley Hills project is on hold. The ~Community Center is in dire need of repairs andit is.nOt safe :tO h61fl~cias'~.the~e anymore. Sutherland stated that from a school board perspective that this is-~a temporary site for their educational needs, : : Saliterman didn't agree with the term temporary. He said the School District is sing a long - 1464- ~ Minute~ - Mound Planning Commit~ion August 25, 1997 term lease and is going to be spending well over $15'0,000 to do improvements. Looby stated they have agreed on a five year lease at'this p0int? InCluded is a Cla~se ha' the lease to be, able to ·leave after two years, It could be a 2year venture or a.20 year;~ it just is noi Clear at this point.. IVs the schools deS~e to hold classes on seh0(~l grounds: Ker~ iterated' the condition of the Community Center,.,This .locatiOn would'also hold aClult le~in-g 6iass6s; alternative school children classes, Being on a.sehool site is not a cur~ent oPtio~ 'for" them right Weiland asked ff we spend $100,000 now, how much would we put into it.'in ten yea.r§? Looby stated that the lease arrange, mere was favorable. The $100,000 dollars would cover getting the building up to code to house an educational-site: Chair Michael~ asked .. Sutherland. or Hanus to update the Commission' on the status of the . Community Center. Hanus stated that the City Councils of Mound, Minnetrista as well as the School Board continue to meet, ona fairly regular basis, The current es~tes have come in and they are substantial enough that the task force felt it was too big of a~:de6ision t6 ma~e on the Council behalf alone. They chose to do a very abbreviated survey of the comm~tie~ involved .in the. school district, Resu!ts.'should~ be in the second week of Septemb6r,. 'The n~xt ~§k force meeting will be mid-September, They then wili get a:repoi-t fr0~ the professi0~'S~eyor as to the results of survey, what it means, how it is analyzed, things of that sort. If the results are of the type that would require a referendum then that is what would happen. There ar~ measures within ~the~ ~vey to :determine how informed~the respondent is:. Referendum if to take place .~in~ ~ November~Or:December. ~t: ~tkes aboat ~60':day~.tOput a .~ren~d~ ~to~ This survey is suppose to be within a 5 % accuracy rate. Reiterate, the figures have been posted a number of times in the paper Salk~ asked what figures~that~were being: .mll~efl about~O r~e~ovate Hanus stated there a~e some base numbers'and then'there a~e~ ~me~pti~'. esti0n to Mark Thiede, the Architect for ECFE, he stated the base number is sligh~y over · Mg!io~ and thcs.total projeet~· .is:.about $9,1 Milliom Hanus: Stated tha~' on a positive note, with all that is involved with the renovation,. ~the probably be next summer or even late summer. Clapsodd!e stated the commission~ was~not tricking to the issue of t~:eonditi~ Would like to mal~e a motion for.,, approval, ~ ....... chair Michael stated that the Commission gota little bitahead of ourselVeS. Asle~'~r any more ' questions of staff. · Hanus inquired on,whether this type of use Should be' located so close to' aliquot'store. Thbf'~ is not a ordinance against it. He also inquired about the traffic in front of the b~ildingLLooby stated that the minibuses would be entering and exiting on Eden Road, The only traffic in the' frOnt.should be that with.'parents~e~corting their chil~en,' Sutherland s~ted thatdire~ctiy ~ front - 1465- ~ir~TM - Mo~d P/arming August 25, 1P97 of the building there may be a fire lane. Reifschneider raised the question of parking spaces. Expressed concern that there would not be enough Spaces if all the parents were there at once. Sandy Wing, Program Coordinator for ECFE, stated that during the week in the morning most students arrive on the bus. Most of the traffic occurs in the morning. Possibly 3 nights a week with less traffic, and occasionally on the weekends with a few cars maybe 8 or so. Chair Michael opened the floor up to the public. Saliterman stated that there is additional parking on the east side of the building by the liquor store were staff could park. Clapsaddle questioned if there was enough parking for the school. Sutherland stated that according to the planner's report they have more parking than they need. Weiland pointed out that Headliners had a variance for parking spaces. .Saliterman explained the proposed improvements, he is going to rebuild the from of the building, new doors, hvc units, ceiling tiles. This money would be spent ,whether the schools or some other retail goes into the space. He is paying all expenses in the building one hundred percent. He has calculated the schools rent accordingly. Christine Fitz, 2440 Avon Drive, a concerned parent, the building that the ECFE is currently in is very unsafe. The classroOms are falling apart. She would like to see this proposed site approved. Chairman Michael closed public hearing. Weiland made spelling corrections on page 14 of the packet. The "bee" has been changed to "been", the "non" has been changed to "none". He expressed concern with the state or city allowing the school to be placed next to a liquor store. He also expressed concern with the traffic that goes through the parking lot. He cannot vote yes for this. He would really like to see this site back on the school property. He is really concerned about the children's safety. Burma stated that he couldn't see anything in the permit in violation with the conditional use permit. The safety issue is a concern. He understands the situation the school is faced with and expressed support of the conditional use permit. Glister had a question for Mike Looby. She asked if they had investigated any sites outside of Mound. Looby stated that they did look at other sites, one was the Freshwater Biological Institute in Navarre. They are looking at that site for adult classes. It could not be used for child education, the Institute does'not have handicap accessibility, or an elevator, it lacks a sprinkler system, the building is 25 years old. The school does have to stay within the school district area. Reifschneider stated that he feels that this is the wrong building for children. There is a lot of Minute~ - Mound Planning Commission August 25, 1997 traffic coming and going from' this area.. It is a commercial district, He would be opposed also if a karate school would want to go into the same site. Chairman Michael questioned that if the Conditional Use Permit could have a time constraint of less than one year be written into the conditions. Sutherland stated that there have been renewal requirements in thc past, and it would have to be researched. Hanus asked if there was any provision in recommendation to restrict the drop off area in the .front of the building that was discussed earlier, in addition to the safety issue. Sutherland said itcould be added. He suggested the applicant could .also address this issue. Hanus stated that he would like to make a recommendation to the issue. On page 15 under the recommendation section of the staff, add item number 3. Stated as, "No parking or drop off will be permitted directly adjacent to the sidewalk on the front side of the building." Saliterman expressed that everyone is concerned with safety. He recommended that the city staff, school board, and himself work on a safety plan. Possibly adding stop signs, adding panic doors, speed bumps, or other safety items. Clapsaddle feels that the exit could be moved to the side of the building instead of facing the street. Looby stated that other school districts have done the same thing in their school districts. It provides a non-threatening environment for adults and parents to come for parent education. The school would like to have this on a school site but right now thereis not a site available and they have immediate needs. Clapsaddle in looking over the site plan, feels that the school should review the site Plan and maybe come up with a better design. ~Chairman Michael stated that there is a daycare on Highway 12 that does real well. He can't see that this proposal will be a long term one. MOTION by ClapSaddle, seconded by Burma,.to r6commend approval for a Conditional Use Permit. Chairman Michael added item//3 on page 15, "No parking or drop off will be permitted directly adjacent to the sidewalk on the front side of the building." Clapsaddle also added that there should be a reevaluation of the plan by city staff and the applicant to look for higher safety factors. Chairman Michael asked the seconder to concur with the amended motion, Burma concurs. The vote was called, the motion carried 5-2, Weiland and Reffschneider opposed. - 1467- Minute~- Mound Planning Comrni.~ion August 25, I997 Hanus strongly suggested that if any safety issues are addressed that they should be done before the City Council meeting. This case will go to City Council September 9, 1997. Meeting of Whole was Cancelled. Hanus raised a question as to whether or not the Planning Commission should be involved in the downtown development that the commission should be involved in the tax increment issues. First question was if the commission should be involved-and secondly what. should the role of the commission should be. No comments where expressed. Reifschneider asked when the dredging going to start. MNDOT is involved with this, its going. to be sometime before dredging will begin. Hanus stated that the destruction of property along Auditor's Road should start within 2 weeks. MOTION by Weiland, seconded by Clapsaddle and Carried unanimouslY to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Chair, Geoff Michael Attest: - 1468- 7 PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound' Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP DATE: August 25, 1997 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Westonka Public Schools -5600 Lynwood Boulevard OWNER: Mark Siliterman - 4301 Highway 7, Ste 100, St. Louis Park CASE NI.qVIBER: 97-38 ~G FILE NUMBER: 97-5w LOCATION: 5241 Shoreline Boulevard EXISTING ZONING: Central Business (B-t) CO1VIPREFEENSIVE PLAN: Business BACKGROUND: Westonka Public Schools have submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow an educational facility in a B-I district. The property is located at 5241 Shoreline Boulevard in the Jubilee Shopping Center which is at the 'corner of Shoreline and Wilshire Boulevard. The proposed office space consists of 6,708'square feet which includes the space formerly occupied by the Headliner and the space currently occupied' by a printing shop. The building space will have three public entry/exit doors, one in the front of the shopping center, and two in the rear of the building along Eden Road. Westonka Public Schools plan to conduct the following functions: a preschool, an early childhood family education and an early childhood special education center. This facility Would serve approximately 88 children with 10 staff persons. The space was previously leased by the Headliner Bar and Grill. The business received a parking space variance due to the floor area and the limited number of parking spaces in the shopping center. The variance allowed the Headliner to operate with 51 spaces. As noted in the application, W'estonka anticipates needing 49 spaces during the day for their operations. COMM/~NTS: Public education facilities are permitted in the B-1 district as a conditional use providing conditions are satisfied. These conditions which may be considered include but are not limited to the following: That the conditional use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes akeady permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the immediate vicinity. -1469- =5l~ -' p, 2 Westonka Conditional Use 8. 9. 10. That the establishment of the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property for uses predominant in the That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, and other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. That adequate measures have beet~or will be taken to provide sufficient off-street parking and loading space to serve the proposed use. That adequate measures have beetbr will be taken to prevent or control offertsive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration, so that noneof these will constitute a nuisartce, and to control lighted signs and other lights in such a manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result. The use, in the opinion of the City Council, is reasonably related to the overall needs of the City and to the existing land use. The use is consistent with the purposes of the zoning code and the purposes of the zoning district in which the applicant intends to locate the proposed use. The use is not in conflict with the policies plan of the City. The use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion. Existing adjacent uses will not be adversely affected because of curtailment of customer trade brought about by intrusion of noise, glare or general unsightliness. Zoning code regulations for the business relate to parking spaces. The code requires 20 spaces based on 6 classrooms and 88 students. The proposal to use 49 of the 51 spaces approved for the Headliner would exceed parking requirements. One of the primary objectives in running a daycare and preschool facility is to provide a safe environment for children to learn and interact. Meeting this objective is an issue that reaches further than the classroom walls and into the external surroundings of the site. Child care facilities will, when available, look for sites which lend a certain degree of shelter from neighboring uses. This reduces the chances for conflict with other businesses which could have an affect on the child care facility. Staff concerns with the facility at this location are traffic safety related. The trips generated by the businesses in the Jubilee Shopping Center are predominantly auto related. Jubilee Foods, Domino's Pizza, Norwest Bank, and a liquor store produce a large amount of traffic. It has been observed that some cars drive through the parking area at speeds which are unsafe for the given conditions. What needs to be addressed is how to provide protection from car and pedestrian conflict during the drop- off and pick-up of children. The school indicates they will use Eden Road as a bus drop-off point. Children would exit the bus and enter the building from' the rear. Presumably parents wilt pick-up their children in front of the building by waiting in front along the curb or parking and walking into the building. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission recommend Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions. These conditions are intended to protect the children from interaction with vehicular traffic on the site and on Eden Road. - 1470- .Westonka Conditional Use Eden..:Ro~. will b~.us~d as the prinmsy drop-off point.. Du~ing~ ~P~off,, supervi SiOn will be provided to route the children into the building to avoid play behind the builds' or in the Sp~d bumps b~ plac~ in the traffic lane in front of the building to slow traffic. The: size and p!acemcnt of f. he bumps shall b~ appr, oved by the City Engine, -1471 - February 9~ I999 RESOLUTION #99-13 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO. ALLOW AN EDUCATIONAL .FACILITY, LOCATED IN THE B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT, AT 5241 SHORELINE BOULEVARD, LOTS 7-20 & 26~35 & ALL VAC. ALLEY & PARKING AREA & PARK, BLOCK 1, PID.. 13~..117.24 34 0072, P & Z CASE #99-01 WHEREAS, the applicant, Westonka Public Schools, has requested the one year review of the Conditional Use Permit # 97-84' to allow for an educational facility within the B-1 Business 'District, andL WHEREAS, Mound ~" Z°ning Ordinance Section 350:640 allows an educational facility as a conditional use in the B-1 Zone, and; WHEREAS, Westonka Schools plan to Ce~uct th~ f~liOwing Unctions; a preschool, early childhood family education and e~rly:Chi'ld'hOO(j. Special edbCa:tion center, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommend approval With conditions, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City· Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve a conditional use permit for an educational facility for Westonka Schools subject to the following conditions: Install a two-sided pbrtable stop sign to be placed that would be more visible than the current one. 13 - 1472- The Conditional Use Permit be reviewed again in twelve months2.This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots 7-20 & 26-35 & Ali Vac. Alley & Parking area & Park, Block: I This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with .the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County .pursuant to Minnesota State StatUte, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shal. I be considered a restTiction on how this property may be used. ... The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued un~! proof of recording has. been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing, resblution"was moved 'by' counci'imember Hanus, seconded by Councilm'ember Ahmns, ' '.:~ " The following c0uncil~embers ~ot~ in th~ affi.~a~iv0: AhrenS, grown;'Hahus, M'eisel and WeyCl<er. The.none. following Counciimembers... voted.~./.~ ~iin. the..ne~ative: .'~~' ;i.'~._ . May~r and - 1473- MINIflE~ - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 9, 1999 LOCATED IN 'IHE IL1 ~ DIKIRI~, AT IB41SHO~ Tm voe was ~y in fays'. M~ ~'~" " ' 1.9 ex'ending over ~am ar~i %~ege orr ~,~t =rn ~ a crmsw~ wi~ F..lb~ ~4/ng 107' - 1474- Moupd,.~lannlng ~0~!sslon MIr~utes · . Jand=ary~11, i99§" ~ .... .:~ ,~". :;~'i ~ ..~:, ,:...~Mi'NUTES:~ MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1999 Thosepmsent: C:hai~ Gsoff.Michael~ Michael'MUellet, Cklair Hasse, Frank Wellahd, Orr BUrma, BiilV°SSi and C0dnci! Liai~O~':uai~k:'Hanus, Bob Brown. Staff pre§~:ht:~'i~i~i:an~r E~re~':Gord'0nl Bui ding official Jon Sutherland, and Secretary Deb HaWki~:c)hl.. . Public Pre~ent: Sandy Wing Ch~ir Geoff ~icfia'ei:~i~ied the m~tih~'to· iorder:~at 7~33 p,m,~ BOARD OF APPEALS: PU~!:~:;~.~ARING: CASE# 99~::. REVIEW A ONE YEAR REvIEWOF THE USE OF A GO:NDI~!ONAL .USE PERMIT TO. AELOW FOR WESTONKA:SC:H~OOL DISTRICT ~: TQCONTINUE THEOPE~TION..O.F~.E,C,F.E,, LO;GA~ED WITHIN~HE BUi~[N"F'~:~:Di~!C~;~i··~4~!· i sH0~EgiNE DRI~E~ LOTs 7,20 .~N;D~26,35 AND ALL VACANT AEL:E~=~AND PARKINGs. BLOCK 1~. SHIRLEY HIE'ES "~Ei~.~PiD ~ 3.1~ 7- 24 34 0072. Cl~ COUNCIL AGENDA, JANUARY 26, 1999. Assistant City Planner Gordon reviewed the concerns that were raised last year when this outli~e~. ~!ew;: (T~ ,~rem~:~:e~!ufi'e~ #9~7~84~:dateE~eptember~ 9;~:199 7, pp. 27-28 of meeting · ~'?~ ~. . '~he.:'d~ ~;~c~, doe,~, ~e~e~::~.,~Pp~o~e, ~.,~ndi[i~nai use : ' P~it ~°r';a~"~d~{~n~l~a~ii'J~:;f~· subject t0 the following conditi~? a. Eden Road will be used as the drop-off, supe~ision will be provided to route the children into the building to avoid play behind the building or in the street. building to slow traffic. The size and placement of the measures shall be c. No parking or drop-off wi~! be permitted directly adjacent to t~6'~de~a k . }'~ ,: ~ ~'".' 1 Mound Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1999 do eo Three-foot high protective railings with spindles will be installed between the existing columns on the edge of the walkway in accordance with State Building, Code.~ This Conditional Use Permit will be reviewed by the City Council one year from building permit issuance to examine the conditions and safety issues." Gordon reported that item "a" has been adopted and is working. Stop signs going east and west have been placed as well as a crosswalk installed in the road in front of the building. (Item "b"). Speed bumps, however, havenot been installed, it seems that this recommendation came froro the City Engineer and Staff.. He reported that there wasn't any dropping off of studentS in front of the building aS specified in item "c." Three,foot spindles have been installed per item "d.'~ Gordon requested that the need for review in one year (item "e") be dropped. DISCUSSION: Weiland raised concerns over whether or not the above safe~ rules were really effective; Several OccasiOns when waiting up there, he has seen infractions.. People have not always stopped at the stop sign, there were no speed bumps as had been recommended and there were students.be ng dropped off in front of the building~ Fortunately, there haven't, been any aCCidentsl but .hefeeis the situation is unsafe Sutherland sUggested` pOinting out t° the lack of speed bumps in the Planning Commission recommendation. Clapsaddle said that perhaps the City Engineer decided to place speed bumps, that measured zero n size. The original Mo'U~d ~vis°ry pl~nni'ng cOmmiSSi°k Minutes dated AuguSt 25, 1997 (pp. 32,38 of meeting packet) and the Planning Report dated August 25, 1997 (pp. 39-41 of meeting packet were reviewed and discussed.. PUBLIC HEARING:' Chair Michael opened the Public Hearing atS:.10 p,m. with an introduction.on Public hearings. Sandy Wing, 6348 Walnut Avenue, director of this center came, forward for questions. Weiland ~sked-herh°w many children currently attended the center . Ms. Wing indicated that the following were the numbers of children and adults in the school broken out by the following age groups, ' : . preSchoOl 120 students (With six full time staff) -1476- Mound Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1999 E.C.F~E;. Sibling Day care 100 Students approximately (Involvement of 250 fa'milleS) (Four full .time. staff) 10 students ~, (Three staff) In addition, there were several part time staff. Weiland asked the Assistant City Planner if parking, Other~ facilities (such as toilets), and fire codes were being considered with' this expanSiOn in nUmbers, and where -that ihformation is provided.,' Gordonstated further review could be:taken and pm~ided tO the Commission if they felt it was needed. Mueller asked the question: "Is it working?" ,Are the safety enhancements working?" "Is it a good use of the building?" In each case, the answer to date is yes, they are working. "It is a good use of a building that otherwise probably would sit empty." Voss wanted to knowif the facility had;~State aCCmditati0n. MS. Wing' responded that, at this time, it.does not. Voss then asked what audits (internal or external) Were conducted to see that.th!rigs rea!i,Y.Were functioning well. The Community Education Directo¢, Mike LoObY(Ms. Wings~ sb'~e~isoi~) conducts audits to make sure the facility is meeting public school standards and the state codes. for such faciiit es. · ' ,:~ ' .~ ," · .... . · She indicated the only issue to date was the hallway congestion.' TIPSY have adjdSted their schedules to make'this more tolerable. Class schedules have also been chang,ed, to allow., for smooth transitioning in the'parking iot::f<~r~ars~and people: .. '~" Sutherland thanked Weiland for extracting the information wltli regai~ds tb, the'i'ncrease i'n occupant Icad and for his observations. He will review the items of Concern relafirtg to the building and zoning codes. · It was.suggested that the Planning CommissiOn make' a .re~Liest to th6 P~iice: D'eibar~e'h( ~b%t stepping up 'friendly' enforcement of the stop sign and crosswalk. Mueller exp!ained that as a former "snow plower." he was not 'convinced that speed bumps were the best answer. Theseai~eas ~nho[~be~"~e~'~'ed With the'snowplow and ti~us,'th~'r~Sult is more ice and snow build-up and potentially greater safety issues. Voss suggested that the parking lot traffic flow be made onedirectlOti' tO' aVdi~ ;~8"Cor~cems o~ people not. stopping. He also suggested using a "portable" stop sign that could be placed in the middle of the parking lot and be more visible than' the current one. Additionally, it could be moved for the snowplow. "~ - 1477-' Mound Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1999 Glister also voiced her concern about speed bumps were not the proper answer. In addition,. she pointed out that this facility was only temporary housing. To date there have been no injuries and things seem to working well. Ms. Wing indicated that this facility and location was not the first choice when they had to move last year. However, they were in a 'sick building.' They still plan to move back to the Community Center' in the Fall, 2001" The parents are very conscious of the safety issues and work well with the Center to see that they are followed and obeyed. The doors are heavy, with alarms on them and the children cannot open them.- The only thing missing from previous quarters is the playground and/or a gym. But, since it is temporary, the Center can live with 'this. Chair Michael closed the Public Hearing at 8:30 p.m. MOTION by Clapsaddle, seconded by Voss, to recommend that,this Conditional Use Permit be reviewed again in twelve months, DISCUSSION: Mueller questioned the need to review this unless there were complaints. It is working. He suggested making the review conditional upon receipt of complaints. We land has concerns about the rapid growth that is taking place and the ability to manage the facilities appropriately without further reviews'. Is a one-year review sufficient? Hanus agreed that the rate of growth was "severe." Since it is a temporary situation, he felt it could easily be reviewed without setting a precedent for review of Conditional Use Permits., Chair Michael suggested that perhaps it is more feasible for Staff to review the facility from time' to time and then bring back any problems to the Planning CommissiOn. The motion was amended after discussion to include a two-sided portable stop sign to be placed that would be more visible than the current one. Both Clapsaddle and Voss accepted the amended motion, Motion carried 9-0. adjourn at 9:44 p,m, Motion carried 8- O, - 1478- PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Crroup Inc. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff Loren Gordon, AICP J ,,anuary 11, i999 Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Westonks Public Schools - 5600 Lynwood Boulevard OWNER: Mark Siliterman - 4301 Highway 7, Ste 100, St. Louis Park CASE NUMBER: 99-01 HKG FILE NUMBER: 99-5a LOCATION: 5241 Shoreline Boulevard EXISTING ZONING: Central Business (B-1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Business BACKGROUND: As a condition of the conditional use permit, the Westonka Public Schools Early Childhood program, ECFE; is back for a one year review to examine conditions and safety issues. The facility is located at 5241 Shoreline Boulevard, in the Jubilee Shopping Center and is zoned B-1 district which allows educational facilities. That resolution, staff report and meeting minutes are provided for your review. ' The safety related concerns regarding pedestrian/vehicle Conflict appear to be adequately addressed. In front of the building, fencing has been installed between the columns to channel pedestrian traffic to the crosswalk. Stop signs have been placed at the crosswalk in both directions to stop vehicles.' This appears to be working well. Morning bus droP-offis occurring in the rear of the building and is working well. Staffhas also contacted the property owner to talk about any issues that have come up over the last year. Mr. Siliterman indicated his companyhas not received any complaints ~om tenants, shoppers, or parents of children involved in the program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission recommend Council approve the one year Conditional Use Permit review with the conditions stated in the previous Kesolut~on 97-84. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 - 1479- Mound Public Safety Facility Land Purchase Proposal 2431 Wilshire Blvd. BackRround A new fire and police public safety facility will be constructed in 2003 on the same site as the exiting fire station located at 2415 Wilshire Blvd., Mound. The current public safety facility site plan has parking issues due to the limited available parking space for emergency responders. Having adequate parking for emergency responders is absolutely critical to this project. PeAinentissues The unusual configuration of the lot lines at 2415 Wilshire Blvd. (fire station property) and at 2431 Wilshire Blvd. (Eischens residence property) is a major contributing factor to the limited parking space problem. The unusual lot line configuration separates these two properties (site plan is attached). The residential property located due south of the existing fire station at 2431 Wilshire Blvd. is owned by Steve and Keri Eischens. The residential lot has an unusual "pie shaped" configuration on the north side of the Eischens property. By purchasing this piece of property, we could increase on-site parking and substantially reduce our emergency response parking problem. There is another piece of property that is owned by the city of Mound (also pie shaped) that is currently being utilized by the Eischens for their driveway and parking. This small piece of property could be utilized for a few fire station parking spots (refer to site plan option #1). The city of Mound would need to reclaim this land because the Eischens driveway is currently on the city owned property. A portion of their driveway would likely need to be removed because it does not meet the current code and set-back requirements. Options for a Solution Negotiate a reasonable purchase pdce and purchase agreement with neighbors (Eischens) to acquire the 3,118 square foot pie shaped piece of property as shown on attached site plan option #2. Negotiate a land purchase and trade which would allow the city of Mound to acquire the larger 3,118 square foot piece of property and allow the Eischen's to acquire the smaller 990 square foot piece of property (as shown on attached site plan). The city of Mound would compensate the Eischens for the additional land property gained. ! - 1480- 3. The city of Mound would compensate the Eischens a reasonable and fair amount for the loss of several trees on the property site. 4. Do nothing and leave the property line and site plan as is, then struggle with inadequate parking now and in the future. Recommendation It is my recommendation that the city of Mound proceed with the purchase of this piece of land as described above, option #1. I also recommend that city of Mound retain ownership of the smaller piece of land as described above, option #2. This would be the most desirable scenario to improve the project site plan and provide for adequate parking.. If the Eischens require the acquisition of the smaller piece of property as a condition of any property sale, then I believe the city of Mound should proceed to negotiate a workable solution by considering the terms as described above, option #2. Gregory S. Pederson Mound Fire Chief Attachments 4/03/03 -1481 - Eischens Property @ 243'1 Wilshire Blvd. Estimated Market Value Land Market Value (total land = 23,779 sq.ft.) Building Market Value 2003 Tax Assessed Value $209,000 2003 Tax statement $55,000 2003 Tax statement $154,000 2003 Tax statement Total Sale Price Land Value (adjusted) Land Value (20% increase) Building Market Value (adjusted) Total Lot/Land Area (Eischens Property) Land Value Calculation Eischens property area (to be purchased) Land Value Calculation City of Mound property (to be traded) Land Value Calculation Difference in land value Value of Removed Trees 7 trees @ $3000 each Sales InformatiOn July 2002 $278,351 $65,975 $79,100 $212,425 45%overassessed value 45%overassessed value 20% valueincrease based on 2003 Tax statement 45% 0verassessed value Purchase Price Considerations 23779 square feet $79100 - 23,779 = $3.33 per square foot 3118 square feet 3118sq. ft. x $3.33=$10,383 990 square feet 990 sq. ft. x $3.33 = $3,297 $7,086 $3,000 each $21,000 - 1482- Eischens Property Purchase Offer Summaw Please refer to the option descriptions on attached land purchase proposal and detailed financial page attached. Option'#I: Purchase 3,118 sq. fi. of land and compensate for (7) lOst trees Land Value = $10,383 Trees Value = $21,000 Total Price = $31,383 Option #2: Trade Property/Land and compensate for (7) lost trees Land Value (difference) = $7,086 Trees Value = $21,000 Total Price = $28,086 Notes: 1. The city of Mound to be responsible for all tree removal costs. 2. All landscaping and safety fencing to be provided by the city of Mound. 3. The city of Mound to cover all expenses related to a purchase aggreement. 4/3/03 - 1483- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 1 of 2 Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) Search By: Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2003 C#ck Here for State Copy of Payable 2003 Tax Statement 24-117-24-21-0023 2431 WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND 277 Construction year: 1068 3 Parcel Size: E15OX242X5OX249 S EISCHENS & K EISCHENS STEVEN EISCHENS 2431 WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and are not warranted to represent arms4ength transactions. Sale Date: July, 2002 Sale Price: $278,351 Transaction Type: Warranty Deed Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT D Lot: 008 Block: 003 Metes & Bounds: Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Marl(at Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2003 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2002 $20O,0O0 $195,500 $195,500 $2,345.94 $37.12 $2,3s3.o~ ~Ji Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2003 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2002 Values: $55,00O $154,000 Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements $209,000 $51,40O $t44,100 $195,5O0 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult j sp 4/3/2003 - 1484- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 2 of 2 Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status Classifications: RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Have a tax related question? Send e-mall to taxinfo(~}co.hennepin.mn.us Experience a problem eaamhing database, have a technical question or wish to comment on Hennepin County Tax web site? Send e-mail to Don. Kopel~co.hennepin.mn.us Have a comment on any of Hennepin County's web sites or E-Commerce applications? Send e-mail to Henn. Net~co.hennepin.mn.us Copyright 0 1998 - 2001 Hennepin County http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.j sp - 1485- 4/3/2003 I I I I 0 ][ / / t /' I ;-~ / ./ / / \ \ i / I I I I I GRADING .... ' / ~ g ~, ' ...,,) ~f / ///,./' // ' .................... .I ........................................, °~e~N~ BY B, REIFSTECK DRAWN BY B, R£1FSIECK Q~QC ~Y J, SPRAGUE ~ DATE DESC~P~ON o~ m~ ~. ~ ~ REVISIONS °"'"' '~'''°'.''''~' ][ FIt~E / POLICE STATION MOUND, MINNEeOTA 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director 4/3/2003 Sketch Plan - 2241 Southview Lane (Scott and Lisa Holter Property) At its March 3, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed sketch plan submitted by WARA Real Estate for the property located at 2241 Southview Lane. The proposal, as submitted, includes (14) single-family units with an overall density of 2.6 dwelling units per acres. Details regarding the Commission's informal review are contained in the March 3, 2003 meeting minute excerpts which have been included as an attachment. Chuck Alcon, WARA Real Estate, will be present at the April 8th City Council meeting to review and discuss the proposal from the City Council. - 1488- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 17, 2003 CASE #03-10 Sketch Plan Review 2241 Southview lane WARA Real Estate/Scott Hoiter The applicant wishes to develop a single-family residential project on the 5.4 acre property located at 2241 Southview Lane. All lots meet or exceed the 10,000 square foot minimum in the R1 zone. Side lot setbacks are requested at 6 and 10 feet. Wetland buffers would be triggered at this development. There are wetlands on both the east and the west side of the development. Watermain and sanitary sewer would come from the Langdon Bay project. There probably wouldn't be a site for a park. Would accept fees in lieu of land. A connection to the trailway would be desirable. Lots 8 - 11 are a little "tight". May want to move the road a little to the north. Otherwise it seems to be a very logical way to develop this sight. Discussion Chuck Alcon, WARA Real Estate, said they want input into the location of the trailway and a tree inventory has been done. Osmek felt Southview would make a good trailway. Cameron indicated that the design of Southview to handle traffic appears to be adequate. - 1489- PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. TO: Mound Honorable Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP DATE: March 12, 2003 SUBJECT: Sketch Plan Review - 2241 Southview Lane APPLICANT: Chuck Alcon, Wara Real Estate Inc. OWNER: Scott and Lisa Holter ZONING: Residential R-1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential A sketch plan has been received from Wara Real Estate, Inc., to develop a single family residential project on the 5.4 acre property located at 2241 Southview Lane. Scott and Lisa Holter are the current owners. The property is located at the corner of Southview Lane and Chestnut Road, south of Lynwood Avenue, abutting the eastern edge of the Langdon Bay development. Current improvements on the property include a single family residence and accessory storage building. Natural features include wetland and upland areas with some tree cover along wetland edges, the northern property border and around the existing home. The high point on the property is generally on proposed lot 3. Topography falls in all directions from that point. The low point is the wetland area on proposed lots 12 and 13. There is approximately 30+ feet of elevation change from north to south. The sketch plan proposes 14 single family units on the property with an overall density of 2.6 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the low density designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Current zoning is R-1 Single Family Residential which requires, among other things, a minimum 10,000 square foot lot size and 60 feet of frontage as measured at the front yard setback (30 feet). Lot sizes as shown, range from 10,056 square feet to 26,067 square feet. Building setbacks show a 25 feet front yard minimum, side yard minimums of 6 and 10 feet, and a 15 feet rear yard. Front and side yard minimums as proposed, deviate from the 30 feet front yard minimum and 10 feet side yard minimum. GENERAL COMMENTS: The following planning and engineering related items are offered as general comments for discussion purposes and to idemify items that will need additional review in subsequent submittals: 1. COMPREH~ENSIVE PLAN - The project is consistent With the low density residential designation in the Land Use Plan. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Mirmeapolis, Mim~esota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 - 1490- p. 2 Sketch Plan Review - 2144 Southview Lane March 13, 2003 2. ZONING - The lot sizes and widths meet R-1 District minimums. The delineated building areas appear to show a 25 feet front yard and 6 feet side yard setbacks. This would require variances or a Planned Development Area (PDA) overlay zoning. 3. SUBDIVISION - A major subdivision (preliminary and final plat) would be required to allow the lot arrangements of the project, incorporate streets and utilities, and protect natural resources. 4. LOT ARRANGEMENT - The lots on the cul-de-sac bulbs "feel" tight, especially those along the southern property line (lots 8-11) adjacent to the Langdon Bay development. Shifting the road north may help create additional land for these lots. 5. WETLANDS - There are two wetlands adjacent to the proposed project. The wetland on the west edge is a protected DNR wetland. The wetlands will need to be delineated and any encroachment addressed as per the Wetlands Conse~-vations Act (WCA). The proposed pond shown on lots 12 and 13 may encroach into the wetlands. The outlet swale from the DNR protected wetland also traverses this property. As a major subdivision, wetland buffering techniques would apply. 6. STREETS - The proposed radius of 45 feet for the cul-de-sac right of ways does not meet the City's minimum of 50 feet. The 40 foot radius to the back of curb does meet the City's standard as does the proposed street width of 28 feet back to back curb distance. Existing Southview Lane right-of-way borders the eastern edge of the plat which could be utilized to extend improved street to the property. 7. UTILITIES - The watermain will need to be looped from the Langdon Bay development thru the proposed subdivision to the City main at the intersection of Southview lane and Chestnut Road. Sanitary sewer is also available this same intersection. A MCES trunk line is also located in the northerly side of the Dakota Rail right of way. 8. HARDCOVER - As a result of the subdivision process, individual lots would be deemed as non-lots of record which would be limited to a maximum of 30 percent hardcover. 9. PARK LAND DEDICATION/TRAILS - At the City's discretion, park land or fees in lieu of land will be required. As proposed, the developer would pay applicable fees in lieu of land. Platting of this property provides the opportunity to evaluate trail connections to the Dakota Rail right-of-way. Additional review will be needed during future plan submittals. 10. STORM WATER - Water runoff and ponding issues will need to be addressed with future plan submittals to meet the City Engineer's approval. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 -14[}4 -0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 WARA REAL ESTATE, INC. February 19, 2003 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Attn: Community Development Director, Sarah J. Smith Subj: Concept Plan Review for the Holter Property Encl: 1) Major Subdivision Application with Sketch plan Review Fee 2) Concept Plan (Large-10 copies, 1 lx17-10 copies) 1. Enclosures 1) and 2) are hereby fonNarded for your review. It is requested that this project be scheduled for Planning Commission and City Council review as soon as practicable, 2. Wara intends to complete the required boundary and topography survey within the next two weeks and will complete a wetland delineation as soon as the weather and soil conditions permit an accurate determination; Kjolhaug Environmental Services will complete this delineation and associated report. This data along with the Concept Plan review comments will be submitted as part of the Preliminary Plat package. 3. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at 763-477- 6073. Chuck Alcon, Project Manager, Wara Real Estate, Inc. Cc: Scott and Lisa Holter with enclosure 2 952-646-9252 · FAX 952-646-9253 · E-MAIL WARAUS@WARAUS.COM · 2420 117TM ST · BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 - 1492- City of Mound MAJOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION CITY COUNCIL DATE: DISTRIBUTION DATE DISTRIBUTION D,~2'E CHECK TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE . , BOX OITY PLANNER POLICE SKETCH PLAN REVIEW $350 CITY,,, ENG MCWD PRELIMINARY PLAT $350+$15 per lot PUB,,, WORKS HENNEPIN COUNTY FINAL PLAT. $350+$t5 per lot PARKS ASSESSING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/ $350 - - PDA DNR FIRE,,, ESCROW DEPOSIT $5,000 VARIANCE ~,200 TOTAL Please tTpe, ~'int iNFO LEG~ ZONING Major Subd Applloatlon Page 1 of 2 -1493- Description of Proposed Use:. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity,' including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the Impacts. if applicable, a development schedule shall, be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development; Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $. Li oooI ,~o o RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS: Number of Structures: //'/' Number of Dwelling Units/Structure: _/~ Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit:~ sq. ff. Totai Lot Area: .--~,~Y ~-.,J Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( )yes, (./..) no. if yea, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be slgned by all owners of the subject property, or exp/anst/on given why this is net t~e case. I certEy that all :of the .statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have mad all of the information provided (including Section 330 of the Mound City OrdinanCe) and that I am responsible for all =oat~ Incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. ! consent to the entry in or upon the promises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound f~r^the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Print A;.i~PB~.an~'= Name .~ CoTT /--] o ~T ,?L~. Print Owner's Name Print Owner's Name A'ppltear~s 8ig ture- ' ' Date ..... 2-/7-0 ~ ,{~,~r'$ SignatUre Date ~ne~s Slgnatura Oa~ Major Subd Application Page 2 of 2 Revi~d 03/20/02 - 1494- THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - 1495- January 23, 2003 John Cameron Mound City Engineer McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 ROBERT J. LINDALL Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9219 Real Property Law Specialist, Certified by Minnesota State Bar Assn. VIA E-MAIL jcameron@mfra.com AND U.S. MAIL Re; Acquisition of Municipal Well Site 6139 Evergreen Road Dear John: As we discussed on January 22, 2003, I am enclosing a revised form of Purchase Agreement befween Allan A. Moran and Linda A. Moran, Sellers, and the City of Mound. If you find it to be in acceptable form, please forward it to the Seller and ask him to review and finalize it as soon as possible so that we can get it to the City Council at the earliest opportunity. I am also enclosing a black-lined version to show where changes have been made since the last draft I sent you. Please let us know as soon as it is apparent whether you are going to be able to reach agreement with him so that we can begin preparations for eminent domain if you are not able to reach agreement. Let me know if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Robert J. Lindall RJL:cm Enclosures cc: Kandis Hanson (via email) John Dean RJL-226542vl MU200-106 - 1497- PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made a s of January ___., 2 003, between Allan A. M oran a nd Linda A. Moran, husband and wife, 6155 Evergreen Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 (hereinafter "Sellers"), and City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "Buyer"). RECITALS Sellers are the fee owners of certain real property located in Hennepin County, Minnesota, containing approximately 2 0,850 square feet m ore o r 1 ess (0.479 acres), a s 1 egally described o n Exhibit A (the "Land"), together with all improvements and landscaping constructed or located on the Land, if any, with a street address of 6139 Evergreen Road, Mound, MN 55364, and all easements and rights benefiting or appurtenant to the Land (collectively, the "Property"). Buyer desires to purchase the Property l~om Sellers pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Sale of Property. Sellers agree to sell the Property to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy the Property from Sellers, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total purchase price ("Purchase Price") to be paid for the Property shall be $115,000, of which $1,000 ("Earnest Money") has been paid pursuant to that certain License Agreement between the parties dated September 13, 2002 (the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Sellers). The remainder of the Purchase Price shall be payable on the Closing Date in cash, certified funds or by electronic funds transfer. Contingencies. The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are contingent upon each of the following: 3.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of Sellers contained in Section 11 of this Agreement must be tree now and on the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date. 3.2 Performance of Sellers' Obligations. Sellers shall have performed all of the obligations required to be performed by Sellers under this Agreement, as and when required by this Agreement. 3.3 Title. Title shall have been found acceptable, or been made acceptable, in accordance with the requirements and terms of the Title Examination Section below. 3.4 Buyer and its environmental consultants being provided access to the Property to perform such soil borings and ground water tests as Buyer's consultant elects and Buyer's consultant confirming that any hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants present on the Property do not exist in amounts or concentrations RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 - 1498- which cause Buyer or its intended purchasers or assigns to be unwilling to proceed with the purchase of the Property in accordance with tl~is Agreement. 3.5. Approval by City Council of the City of Mound. If any of the foregoing contingencies have not been satisfied on the Closing Date, as defined below, then this Agreement may be terminated, at Buyer's option, by written notice from Buyer to Sellers on or before the Closing Date. Upon termination, the Earnest Money, if any, and any interest accrued thereon, shall be released to Buyer, the parties shall sign a recordable cancellation of this Agreement, and neither party will have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement or the Property, except that Buyer's duty to protect and indemnify Sellers against any costs, claims or liens arising fi.om the activities of Buyer or its agents on the Property, including reasonable attorney's fees in enforcing such indemnification, shall survive such termination. All of the contingencies are specifically for the benefit of Buyer, and Buyer shall have the fight to waive any contingency by written notice to Sellers. Buyer's Access and Investigation. Buyer and its consultants shall have the right to enter upon the Property for a 90-day period commencing on the date of final execution of this Agreement for the purpose of making such investigations and completing such testing as deemed necessary by Buyer. Sellers shall allow Buyer, and Buyer's agents, access to the Property without charge and at all reasonable times during such period for such purposes. 5. Closing Date. 5.1 Closing Date. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall occur on or before 120 days from the date of this Agreement (the "Closing Date"). The Closing shall take place at 10:00 a.m. local time at the office of Buyer's Title Insurer, or such other place as may be agreed upon. Sellers agree to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. Buyer may accelerate the Closing Date upon 20 days prior written notice to Sellers and provided Sellers are reasonably available to close. 5.2 The Buyer must close within 30 days following satisfaction of all contingencies listed in Section 3 hereof. Sellers' Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, Sellers shall execute and deliver to Buyer the following (collectively, "Sellers' Closing Documents"), all in form and content reasonably satisfactory to Buyer: 6.1. Warranty Deed. A Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blank Warranty Deed for the conveyance of the Real Property to Buyer. 6.2. Sellers' Affidavit. A standard Affidavit of Sellers. 6.3. FIRPTA Affidavit. A non-foreign affidavit, properly executed and in recordable form, containing such information as is required by IRC Section 1445(b)(2) and its regulations. RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 2 - 1499- 6.4. Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by Title to be necessary to transfer the Property to Buyer free and clear of all encumbrances, except the Permitted Encumbrances. Buyer's Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, Buyer will execute and/or deliver to Sellers the following (collectively, "Buyer's Closing Documents"), all in form and content reasonably satisfactory to Sellers: 7.1 Purchase Price. The Purchase Price, by cash, cashier's check, certified funds or wire transfer of U.S. Federal Funds to be received in Sellers' account on or before 2:00 p.m. local time on the Closing Date. 7.2 Title Documents. Such Affidavits of Purchaser, Certificates of Value or other documents as may be reasonably required by Title in order to record the Sellers' Closing Documents and issue the Title Policy. Prorations. Sellers and Buyer agree to the following prorations and allocation of costs regarding this Agreement: 8.1 Title Insurance and Closing Fee. Sellers will pay: (a) the cost of providing an abstract or registered property abstract certified to date; and (b) the fees charged by Title for any escrow required regarding Buyer's Objections. Buyer will pay all premiums required for the issuance of any commitment for title insurance ("Title Commitment") and title insurance policy ("Title Policy"). Sellers and Buyer will 'each pay one-half of any closing fee or charge imposed by Title. 8.2 Deed Tax. Sellers shall pay all State Deed T ax payable in connection with this transaction. Buyer shall pay all Mortgage Registry Tax payable in connection with Buyer's financing (if any). 8.3 Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. Real estate taxes payable for all years preceding the year in which Closing occurs shall be paid by Sellers. Real estate taxes payable in the year in which Closing occurs shall be pro-rated upon a 365-day calendar year based upon the Date of Closing, with Sellers paying through the Date of Closing. Installments of special assessments payable therewith shall be pro-rated on a 365-day calendar year based upon the Date of Closing, with Sellers paying through the Date of Closing. Subject to the limitation below, Sellers shall pay all other special assessments which are levied or pending as of the Date of Closing. Sellers' provision for payment of a pending assessment shall be made by payment into escrow of one and one-half times the estimated amount of the assessment, with the right to a refund of any excess of the escrow. Sellers agree to pay any required repayment of any real estate taxes deferred under Minnesota Statutes Section 273.111 (commonly known as "Green Acres"). 8.4 Other Costs. All other operating costs of the Property shall be allocated between Sellers and Buyer as of the Closing Date, so that Sellers pay that part of operating RJL-224572v3 M U200-106 3 - 1500- costs payable on and before the Closing Date, and Buyer pays that part of operating costs payable after the Closing Date. 8.5 Attome¥'s Fees. Each of the parties will pay its own attorney's fees. Title Examination. Title Examination will be conducted as follows: 9.1 Sellers' Title Evidence. Sellers shall, within 20 days after the date of this Agreement, furnish to Buyer an abstract of title or registered property abstract ("Abstract") updated and certified to date including appropriate name searches. Buyer may choose to obtain a commitment ("Title Commitment") for title insurance at Buyer's option and expense. 9.1.1 Buyer shall not object to the permitted encumbrances ("Permitted Encumbrances") listed o n t he attached Schedule B a nd agrees t hat it w ill take title subject to such Permitted Encumbrances. 9.1.2 Buyer s hall p ay for creation o f a separate abstract for t he Property based upon the updated abstract provided by Seller. Buyer shall then return the updated abstract to Seller. 9.2 Buyer's Obiections. Within 30 days after receiving the Abstract, Buyer may make written objections ("Objections") to any title matter which is not a Permitted Encumbrance. Buyer's failure to make Objections within such time period will constitute waiver of Objections. Any matter not objected to by Buyer shall be an additional "Permitted Encumbrance" hereunder. Sellers will have 30 days after receipt of the Objections to. cure the Objections, during wh/ch period the Closing will be postponed, if necessary. Sellers shall use their best efforts to correct any Objections. If the Objections are not cured within such 30-day period, Buyer will have the option to do any of the following: 9.2.1 Extend the time period for Sellers to cure the Objections by up to 60 days, at the end of which time Buyer may exercise any of the remaining options set forth below. 9.2.2 Terminate this Agreement and receive a refund o f the Additional Earnest Money, and any interest accrued and unpaid thereon, if any, in which case neither party shall have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement or the Property. 9.2.3 Withhold from the Purchase Price an amount which, in the reasonable judgment of Title, is sufficient to assure cure of the Objections, up to a maximum cost to Sellers of $10,000.00 less any amounts already expended by Sellers to cure any Objection. Any amount so withheld will be placed in escrow with Title, pending such cure. If Sellers do not cure such Objections within 60 days after such escrow is established, Buyer may then cure such Objections and charge the costs against the escrowed amount, with any balance being returned to Sellers. The parties agree to execute and deliver RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 4 - 1501 - 10. 11. such documents as may be reasonably required by Title, and Sellers agree to pay the charges of Title to create and administer the escrow. 9.2.4 Acquire title by commencement and completion of eminent domain proceedings, in which case Buyer and Sellers agree that they will stipulate to an award of damages by the court appointed commissioners for the taking of the Property in the amount of the Purchase Price. 9.2.5 Waive the Objections and proceed to close. Operation Prior to Closing. During the period from the date of Sellers' acceptance of this Agreement to the Closing Date (the "Executory Period"), Sellers shall operate and maintain the Property in the ordinary course of business in accordance with prudent, reasonable business standards, including, if there are improvements on the Property, the maintenance of adequate liabihty insurance and insurance against loss by fire, windstorm and other hazards, casualties and contingencies, including vandalism and malicious mischief. Representations and Warranties by Sellers. Sellers represent and warrant to Buyer as follows: 11.1 Authority. Sellers have the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and the Sellers' Closing Documents; such documents are valid and binding obligations of Sellers, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms. 11.2 THIS SECTION IS INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. 11.3 FIRPTA. Neither of Sellers is a "foreign person," "foreign partnership," "foreign mst" or "foreign estate," as those terms are defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code. 11.4 Proceedings. There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or proceeding of any kind pending or threatened against Sellers or any portion of the Property. 11.5 Wells and Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. The Sellers certify that there are no "Wells" on the Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 1031 or "Individual Sewage Treatment Systems" on the Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 115.55. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of those statutes. 11.6 Storage Tanks. To the best of Sellers' actual knowledge, no above ground or underground tanks are located in or about the Property, or have been located under, i n o r about the Property and h ave subsequently been removed o r filled, except as follows: none. 11.7 THIS SECTION IS INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 5 - 1502- 11.8 Notices. Sellers have not received any notices from any governmental authorities that it is in violation of any law or ordinance. If Sellers receive any such notice, Sellers shall promptly provide Buyer with a copy of same. Sellers will indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns, against, and will hold Buyer, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any expenses or damages, including reasonable attomeys' fees, that Buyer incurs because of the breach of any of the above representations and warranties, whether such breach is discovered before or after Closing. 12. Representations and Warranties of Buyer. Buyer warrants and represents to Sellers the following: 12.1 Valid and Binding Obligations. This Agreement and the other documents contemplated by this Agreement when duly executed and delivered by Buyer will constitute valid and binding obligations of Buyer and will be enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. Neither the execution nor the delivery by Buyer of this Agreement or any other agreements contemplated hereby will violate any applicable state or federal law or regulation. Buyer is not a party to or subject to or bound by any law, judgment, order, writ, injunction, ruling or decree of a ny jurisdiction, court o r govemmental body that i s Iikely t o materially a nd adversely affect in any manner the net worth of or performance by Buyer of this Agreement or any other agreements contemplated hereby. 12.2 No Litigation Pending. There is no litigation or other legal or administrative proceeding currently pending or known to be threatened against Buyer which would prevent Buyer from carrying out the terms of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereunder. 12.3 No Bankruptcy or Insolvency. During the past twelve (12) months, neither Buyer nor any predecessor or affiliate of Buyer has been involved as debtor in any proceeding under the United States Bankruptcy Code or any state insolvency, receivership or similar statute; and 12.4 No Outstanding Liens. There are no outstanding unsatisfied judgments, state tax liens, federal tax liens or other liens against Buyer which may attach to the Property as a part of closing this transaction. 12.5 Proposed Improvements. Buyer agrees to provide the Seller with the opportunity to review and comment on the Buyer's proposed site plan and elevation plans for improvements t o b e constructed o n t he Property b y Buyer prior t o approval o f such plans by the City Council. 12.6 Future Use of the Property. Buyer agrees that it will not construct a public works department garage on the Property so long as Sellers own the adjacent real estate .located at 6155 Evergreen Road, Mound, Minnesota. 13. Condemnation. If, prior to the Closing Date, eminent domain proceedings are commenced against all or any part of the Property, Sellers shall immediately give notice RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 6 - 1503- to Buyer of such fact. There shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price, and Sellers shall assign to BuYer on the Closing Date all of Sellers' right, title and interest in and to any award made or to be made in the condemnation proceedings. Upon receipt of any notice concerning such proceedings, Sellers shall transmit such notice to Buyer promptly so that Buyer may contest any eminent domain or condemnation proceedings. 14. Broker's Commission. Sellers a nd Buyer represent t o e ach other t hat t hey h ave dealt with no other brokers, finders or the like in connection with this transaction, and agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from all claims, damages, costs or expenses of or for any other such fees or commissions resulting from their actions or agreements regarding the execution or performance of this Agreement, and will pay all costs of defending any action or lawsuit brought to recover any such fees or commissions incurred by the other party, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 15. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. 16. Survival. All of the terms of this Agreement and warranties and representations herein contained shall survive and be enforceable after the Closing. 17. Notices. Any notice to be given by a party hereto shall be personally delivered, sent by certified mail, or sent via a nationally recognized courier service that issues a receipt to the other party at the address set forth for that party below (or to such other address as may be designated by notice to the other party), and shall be deemed given upon the earlier of personal delivery, two days after the date postmarked, two days after depositing with such courier for delivery or upon the refusal to accept such service. Address for Notice To Sellers: Allan A. Moran and Linda A. Moran 6155 Evergreen Road Mound, MN 55364 Address for Notice to Buyer: City of Mound Attn: Kandis Hanson City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1627 With copy to: Robert J. Lindall, Esq. Kennedy and Graven 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 18. Miscellaneous. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement, and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the Property. There are no verbal agreements that change this Agreement, and no waiver of any of its terms will be effective unless in a writing RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 - 1504- 19. executed by the parties. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. This Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Minnesota and such laws will control its interpretation. Remedies. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Sellers shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Buyer. If Buyer fails to cure such default within 30 days of the date of such notice, this Agreement will terminate, and upon such termination Sellers w ill retain a 11 Earnest Money, a nd interest t hereon, i f a ny, a s liquidated damages, time being of the essence of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and retention of the Earnest Money and interest thereon, if any, shall be the sole remedy available to Sellers for such default by Buyer. If Sellers default under this Agreement, Buyer m ay, a s i ts sole remedy, either terminate t his Agreement b y giving written notice to Sellers, in which case the Earnest Money and any interest earned thereon shall be returned to Buyer, seek and recover from Sellers specific performance of this Agreement, or acquire title by eminent domain proceedings as provided in Section 9.2.4. Nothing in this Section shall prevent either party from recovering damages' pursuant to any indemnity obligation under this Agreement. Sellers and Buyer have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. SELLERS: CITY OF MOUND By: Allan A. Moran Its: Mayor By: Linda A. Moran Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS.: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of January, 2003, by t he Mayor a nd t he of the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 8 - 1505- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SS.: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ by Allan A. Moran and Linda A. Moran, husband and wife. day of January, 2003, Notary Public RJL-224572v3 9 MU200-106 - 1506- EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East 150 feet of the West 330 feet of the South 165 feet of Government Lot 3, except roads, Section 23, Township 117, Range 24, According to the U.S. Government Survey on file in the office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County, MN (Property Identification No. 23-117-24-24-0011 ) RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 A-1 - 1507- EXHIBIT B Permitted Encumbrances Real estate taxes payable in the year following the year of Closing. Utihty and drainage easements which are of record. Building and zoning regulations of the City of Mound. RJL-224572v3 MU200-106 B-1 - 1508- I I I I I I I I. z~ 41 Approximate depth (ft) Terminate casing minimum 3' above grade 50 /I 24" casing I I N~.~t c¢.mc, nt arc, ut I 200 (194) (198) Clay 250 300 350~ Sand and gravel, some clay layers (309) Clay (313) Shale /Mound WHP/Specs/Well construction detail.ppt 8" casing driven and pulled back (195~ (220/ 12" Screen · Gravel pack (3053 Well Construction Detail Mound Well #8 -1510- ADD~ENDUNI TO PURCHASE AGJR. EE1VIE1NT That certain agreement made the __ day of ., 2003, by and between Allan A. Moran and Linda A. Moran with tile City of Mound for the sale of land at 6139 ~Evergreen Road, lv[ound, Minnesota is hereby amended as, of its inception date as follows: The sum of $1,000 has been pa/d for a license. This is not earnest money and will not be refunded to the Buyer if tlxe sale is not closed. The sum of $5,000 shall be delivered to the sellers at the execution of tt~s agreement. Said $5,000 shall be designated and held as earnest money, without interest.. (At the end ofPara~aph 11.8): It i$ agreed that Seller's indemnity shall be limited to any breach discovered within one year after closing. Buyer covenants not to construct auy building on the subject property or use said property except as shown in Exhibit C a~ long as Seller~ own the adjacent real estate located at 6155 Evergreen Road, Mound, Mhnnesota~ and such covenant shall be incorporated into the deed and. shall nm with the land-bindiag tke buyer and its successors. It is agreed that any notices to Allan A. Moran or Linda A. Moran shall include a copy to I~eed & Pored, Ltd., P.O. Box 9, Mound, MN, 55364. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have caused these presents to be executed this ~ day of ~ 2003. Allan A. Moran Linda A. Moran CITY OF MOUND By: Its Mayor ~tZ-.~ eOO/~:O0',:t oge-.[. OLg(~Z£~:Zlg+ -1511- UmAeJ~] ~ ~peuue)i.moj:t m~02:80 ~O. lO.dd¥ ~ .N. ORTH ,,ELEVATION 5.O, UTI-I ELEVATION I/~.I = ll¢OtI I 800/?00'8 098-.L 2003 W'ELL HOUSE CITY 04 M:OUND olss~.ssaie+ -1512- GEAST ELEVATION Il L "I ~' l"l I'1[ Il I ~I L,L. [ l~ l"r"rul ii ti I: :T l:- i I [.I tI ri' I I - kl~l fi LL_ I I I | .{ I' q' ~b&.~ ' ~ ~ i JJJ J i F j l ---- GN,E,,ST ELEVATION I/E: = i 2003 WELL HOUSI~ I~O~ Ti~ CITY 0I; ~OUI, ID o~,~zL~+ -1513- WP_.L,T... HOpSE BLI~VATI?I~S J / /, BO0/900'~ -1514- J I I~f / WATER TOWER / / 40 i c~ CtL'y of Mound_ ._~ C~ of Mo~d MunloipsI Well ' · ..... ~ u. MoUnd, MN I EVERGREEN EXISTING VO1CESTREAM ~ EXISTING __ __ __ _.~..._.._.Ojoj~.~. f .. TEST WELL '.__.~ EQUIPMENT/.,~ PROPOSED w~'~L % 'i I PROPOSED ~ , i PUMP HOUSE \ I ACCESS DRIVE~/ L __ __ ---?~1?'°il" ~-': / -1516- 098-J. ~IZ-~ 800/800'8 PENNY STEELE COMMISSIONER 612-348-7887 FAX 612-317-6119 BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A-2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487-0240 February 21, 2003 Kandis Hanson, City Manager Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55443-4300 Dear Ms. Hanson, In 1997 Hennepin County passed a resolution forming the Welfare Reform Executive Policy Committee. Mound is one of the cities indicated in the resolution. An elected official appointed by your City Council may serve as your representative. The Committee meets approximately once a quarter. Please contact my assistant, Cynthia Dufour at 612-348-7887 as to who will be the representative from your city. A meeting is planned for Monday March 10, 2003. Please feel free to call with any questions. Sincerely, Penny Steele Hennepin County Board of Commissioners PS:cd PRINTE]- 151 7-:~,Ei) PAPER Feb 21 ZBB3 1G:sB:37 V~a ?ax -> 95247ZBGZB ~&ninistrator -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minrtesota Cities When is 9 percent equal to 40%? City officials and others who have tried to digest the governor's budget.proposal for aid reductions have been confronted with a wide array of seemingly contradictory statistics. Depending upon how you measure it, the governor's proposal could appear to be either modest or dramatic. In the governor's budget proposal, he portrays the cuts as a 5 percent reduction for cities in calendar year 2003 and a 9.5 percent reduction in calendar year 2004. The governor characterized these cuts as reasonable when he recently stated "If you're on a city council or a city manager and you can't manage a 5-percent reduction in your total revenu6s without reducing police or fire services, you should be fired." Elsewhere in his budget, he indicate~ that the cuts are 22 percent of aids and in other sections i~Uts are described as 29 percent, 18.9 percent and 38.5 percent. So which numbers are correct7 As you might guess, all of the figures are, in their proper context, accurate. Starting with the governor's 5% and 9.5% figures--he compares his proposed cuts to total ciO~ revenues. The problem is that total city revenues include revenues to all governmental funds including the general fund, debt service funds, special revenue funds and capital projects funds. In fact, about the only things excluded are enterprise fund revenues and proceeds from bond sales. By using such a broad number, the cut appears to be modest. However, most of the funds outside the general fund are not available for general government operations nor can they. necessarily be reduced' to cover state aid reductions. February 21, 2003 Page 1 The 22 percent figure refers to the city and county cuts as a percentage of total property tax aids and credits. This category is commonly used in state financial reports. However, property tax aids and credits include programs that do not fund cities or counties. In fact, programs Eke the 'circuit breaker, thc renters' refund and the targeting program--all programs that provide direct payments to individuals based on their property tax burdensware included in this .broad category. These latter direct taxpayer programs are not cut under the governor's proposal and therefore including them results in the appearance of a smaller cut. The'29 percent, 18.9 percent and 38.5 percent figures all are related to cuts in aids paid only to cities. The total cut over the two-year period is 29 perCent of ALL city aids. All city aids include several specific programs such as aid to police and fire and PERA aid as well as LGA and market value homestead credit. The first year cutmfor 2003 aids~is actually 18.9 percent while the second-year permanent cut is 38.5 percent. The 29 percent is roughly an average of the two annual cuts. To really make your head spin, the League would like to suggest two additional statistics--20.9 percent and 40.8 percent. These are the reductions in city LGA and market value homestead credit for calendar year 2003 and 2004 respectively. In the end, none of these measures accurately portrays the actual impact of the Governor's proposal on individual city's budgets. Perhaps the most accurate way to analyze the impact is to look at a cities' cut as a percent of their general operating budget, that is, the portion of their budget which includes the spending from which cuts would have to be made. For rno~e information on ally legislative [s,~uea, ¢onlacl any rt~mbe; of lh~ l.~agu¢ of Minnesola Cities lntargovernmantal Ralalion,t learn. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 '-1518- ilar Z1 2883 16:Z8:88 ~ia Fax -> 95Z4?ZS~ZO ~d~iuistrator Pag~ 881 Of 885 - Frid ay Fax - A wee/dy legislative uprlatefrom the League of Minnesota Cities Keep up the good work There is evidence that city officials are getting through to their legislators this session. legislative support for Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget proposal that includes strict levy limits, public wage freezes and aid cuts seems to be softening. More mandate relief bills will be introduced early next week and have been promised hearings. Check out next week's L?VlC Cities Bulletin for more information. Committees will be geared up hard and heavy with the first committee deadline of April 4 just around the corner. City Day at the Capitol April 9 City Day atqh~ Capitol, slated for Wednesday, Apt'il 9, is a chance for city officials to share their perspectives on the impacts of public policy proposals on their communities. Officials will discuss the broad-reaching, profound impacts that the Governor's budget proposal and the Senate's property tax freeze bill would have on cities - while most cities would feel the effect of cuts to state aid, every cio, will be impacted by levy limits, restrictions on debt and reverse referenda. Officials this year are asked to invite one member of the business community and one resident to join them at the Capitol to tell the story of their community. For more on City Day at the Capitol, please see the flier included with this edition of the Friday Yccx- and visit the Ieague's web site at www.lmnc.org. To participate in City Day at the Capitol, please e-mail or fax your name, title, and city name to kMC Public Relations Coordinator Stephanie Lake. E-mail: slake@imnc.org. Fax: (651) 215-4141. In addition, please include the names March 21, 2003 Page 1 of the business leader and resident who will be joining you. While registration is not necessary, it is encouraged to help ensure an accurate meal count. Toolkit helps cities connect with business, residents To help officials fi'om cities of all sizes and regions of the state build knowledge and understanding among business leaders and residents about the impacts of levy limits, restrictions on debt and reverse referenda on their cities, the Ieague is building a City Action Toolkit. These tools can be tailored to reflect your city's specific story. The first installment of this toolkit is focused on working with business leaders in your community. Use these tools to help explain why business leaders should join you at City Day at the Capitol (see related story in this edition of the Friday Fax). Next week, tools for working with residents will be added to the toolkit. The tools are posted on the League's web site at www. lmnc.org. Municipal bid protest attorney fees SF 414 (Bakk)/HF 444 (Swenson) authorizes the courts to award attorney fees, in addition to the costs of preparing an unsuccessful bid, to an unsuccessful bidder who challenges the validity of a municipal contract. The Associated General Contractors of Minnesota is advancing this change in law to help defray the cost of protesting a rnunicipal contract when an unsuccessful bidder believes that a municipality has violated the law. The League is concerned that this bill will increase in the number of challenges to city contracts and, as a result, will increase cities' legal costs. The bill cleared its first hurdle in the House For more info,malion on oily legislalive issues, conlacl any member' of lhe League of Minnesota Cities Intergovernmental Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 -1519- 16:28:41 Via Fax -> 95Zq?ZBGZ8 fidniuis~rator Page BSZ 0£ 885 - Frid ayFax- A weekly leg£slat£ve update from the League of Minrtesota Cities March 21, 2003 Page 2 when the Local Government and Metropolitan legislation would help the many small cities Affairs committee recommenddd on Tuesday and towns tha. t have little development that occurnng tn their commu mttes; and;-as- a result; House Civil Law committee. The Senate State collect few development-related fees. If it and Local Government committee will hear SF 414 again on Monday, March 24. This Senate committee previously heard testimony from the League and the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) about the potential impacts on municipalities and laid the bill over. LMC and MSBA are attempting to amend the bill to authorize the payment of attorney fees only when a municipality has intentionally violated the law, and also to allow the courts to award attorney fees to a prevailing municipality. Please contact Laura Offerdahl, LMC, at (651) 281-1260 or iofferdahl@lmnc, org with any questions. House and Senate committees pass development fee report exemption Legislation that would change the current April 1 reporting deadline for municipal construction and development-related fees, and exempt municipalities that collect less than $5,000 of these fees each year, passed the Senate State and Local Government committee on Monday. The bill, SF 726 (Sams, DFL-Staples), passed unanimously and was referred to the Consent Calendar for action by the full Senate. The house companion, HF 744 (Erickson) also passed the Local Government and Metropolitan Affah's committee on Tuesday and was re- referred to the Consent Calendar in the House. The reporting requirement was passed in 2001 to collect data that would determine if municipal construction and development fees are in alignment with municipal planning, zoning and building inspection expenses. This passes both bodies and is signed by the governor prior to April 1, 2003, cities that collect $5,000 or less of these fees would not be required to file a report this year or in future years. Cities that collect more than $5~000 per year in construction and development fees would have until June 30 each year to file their reports with the Building Codes and Standards Division in the Dept. of Administration. For informat~ion on HF 744/SF 726, visit the legislative bill tracker on the Minnesota Legislature's web site at: www.leg, state, mn.us/leg/legis.asp. If you have questions about the legislation, please contact Laura Offerdahl, LMC, at (651) 281-1260 or io fferdah l@lrnnc, o rg. Your input needed on local control - liquor licensing The House Regulated Industries- Liquor subcommittee will hear testimony Wednesday, March 26 on the various house files dealing with requests by cities for additional on-sale liquor licenses. These requests typically are granted and become part of the Omnibus Liquor Bill. Of particular interest to cities should be HF 719 (Beard, R-Shakopee), which would remove the restrictions on the number of on-sale liquor licenses that may be issued by a city. Effectively, a city would be able to issue as many as they want. The bill calls for the repeal of 340A.413. Thoughts on this? Please contact Jenn O'Rourke at (651) 281-1261 or jorourke@lmnc.org. For mo~¢ information on city lcgislat[w issues, conlacl any member of the L~agu¢ of Minnesota Cilics Inl~governrr~nlal R~lations I~am. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1520- fl~r Z1 Z883 16;zg:z9 glo Fox -~ 95Zq?Z86ZO ~dninis~r~or Page 883 Of 885 -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minrtesota Cities House bill would pre-empt fines and penalties for tobacco sales to minors A bill rnoving through the House would pre- empt a city's ability to determine the amount of a fine or penalty to those businesses selling tobacco to minors by establishing a statewide fine and penalty structure. HF 561 (Gerlach, R- Apple Valley) will be heard next in the House Local Government & Metropolitan Affairs committee. The League testified against it. Business interests claim some cities have been too harsh in their penalizing of businesses that "make a mistake" and sell tobacco to minors. The bill is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday. Thoughts on this? Please contact Jenn O'Rourke at (651) 281-1261 or jor0u rke@lmnc, org. To lobby the committee directly, work on the House Local Govt. rnernbers; their contact information can be found at the legislative website of www.leg, state.mn.us. City street funding bill will be heard A bill that would authorize cities to impose a transportation utility fee for street maintenance and reconstruction will be heard in the Senate next week. SF 825 (Rest, Marko, McGinn, Belanger and Langseth) will be considered by the Transportation Policy and Budget Division chaired by Sen. Dean Johnson (DFL-Willmar). The bill was brought forward by the League, the City Engineers Assoc., and the Public Works Association. Prior to Tuesday's hearing, legislators-especially state senators-need to hear from you about the need for irnproved funding mechanisms for city street maintenance. To view SF 825, go to the League's bill tracker. The hearing is before the Senate Transportation Policy and Budget Division at 3:30 p. rn., Tuesday, March 25, Room 107, Capitol. March 21, 2003 Page 3 Mandate relief ideas Mandate relief bills are floating around the Capitol in a variety of formats. Two we'd like your input relate to a process at the Legislature outside normal committee structure. Ideas and concerns can be sent to Jenn O'Rourke at jorourke~lmnc.org. 1.HF 473 is a bill of Rep. Mark Olson (R-Big Lake) that would set up a process for local governments to opt out of certain state mandates. Once a city went through a local procedure with hearings and public notice., the city could file its request to opt-out of the rnandate with the State Auditor. Once 10 percent of the local units filed the same mandate the list would be submitted to the legislature, and after that legislative session those cities would not have to abide by that mandate. Other cities could opt out of that same mandate later by filing a resolution with the OSA. In the case of cities it would be 85 cities needing to file. Legislative Commission on Unnecessary Mandates. There is a bill out there that will be introduced soon that would set up a commission to review unfunded and underfunded mandates. More on this in next week's LMC Cities Bulletin. Phased-In retirement & voluntary reductions in hours League staff are working with the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) to come up with several methods by which cities could reduce personnel costs if proposed cuts in local government aid are enacted. The first method would involve a "phased-in" retirement for city employees who already meet the age and service requirements for an unreduced pension. These employees could continue working for the city without a break in service For more information on city legislative i~su¢a, conlacl any n~mber of Ihe l_~agu¢ of Minnesola Citiea Inlergovernmenlal Relalion~ learn. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1521 - Hat Z1 Z883 16:38:87 Via Fax -> 95Zq?ZflGZfl Adminis%ra~op Page 884 Of 885 - Frid ay Fax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities and without any limitations on earnings and s/ill collect their full pension benefit. reduction plan by which employees could enter into an agreement to reduce their work hours and still be treated for retirement benefit purposes as if they were working full-time. The employee and the city would need to continue to contribute to PERA as if the employee was working full-time but the city would save the wages associated with whatever reduction in hours was agreed upon by the employee and the city. The third method would allow employees to take voluntary unpaid leave with no reduction in benefits including PERA. Again, the city and/or the employee would need to pay the entire PERA contribution as if the employee had not taken unpaid leave. The cost savings to the city would be in the wages associated with the unpaid leave. All three proposals would include language that gave the city total discretion as to which job classes could be included in the voluntary programs and would include a provision that the proposal does not constitute an unfair labor practice under Minnesota law. The League is interested in hearing from city officials as to whether they believe these programs would be helpful in their cities.' For more informati6n on these proposals, contact Laura Kushner 'by e-mall at lkushner@lmnc, org. March 21, 2003 Page 4 HEARINGS OF INTEREST MONDAY., MARCH 27 Commerce, Jobs and Economic Development Thursday 3/27th Chair: Representative Greg Davids 12:30 p.m., Room 10 State Office Building Agenda: HFS00 (Hackbarth) Fireworks regulation provided, fees authorized, and local regulation limited. Visit the legislative website for a up-to-the- minute schedule of all the legislative hearings. With committee deadlines rapidly approaching, the committee agendas will be changing each day as members try to get bills heard. The web address is www. lea.state, mn.us. For more informal|on on city leg|alalive ia,rues, conlact any member of the l..~ague of Minne,~ota Cit[e~ Inlcrgovernmental Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1522- Xa~ Z1Z003 1G:3B:39 ~ia F~x -> 95Z47ZOGZO A&~ini~a~o~ ~a§~ 885 0£ 885 -FridayFax- A weekly legislative u£ctatefrom the League of Minnesota Cities City Day at the Capitol Wednesday, April 9 March 21, 2003 Page 5 Elected and appointed city officials from [.hrc~,kghom Minnesota will be itl SL., Pacfl l.o sharc their stories aboctL l.he impacLs of I.}~c (;c~vcrrmr's sl.al.c budgcL proposal and I.}~c Mitu-msc~m Scnal.e's properly mx freeze proposal on dmir comn-mniLy. Issucs that will lac addressed includc: · Cuts to revenue sharing; · Levy limits; and · Restrictions on debt. ()Fficials :arc ctxcot, tmgcd I.o invite a business leader and resident m hcll'~ t.cll I.}~c Si.or?' d'~cir COI'TII'T'tU.i'IiI.?'. Tips aha l.OO]S for reaching OCLi. I.O yOLtr bLLSiness and con'lrT'tLtrlil.y r'r'tcmbcrs ,,,,.-ill be post.ed on l.he l~c:[gt.tc ol-Minnesol.a Cities ,,,..'cb siLc aL www.lmnc.org. More dci.ails cm ibis imporlanL cvcm will be pud>lishcd in Ibc l,c:..xg~tc's Cidcs BullctP~, E- BuZlcriz~ and tVdday F,'zx' over l.he ncxl. l.wo weeks, :md posl.cd on the l,cag,tc's web she aL www,hnnc.org, To RSVP fi'~r (';ii.); Day :u. I.}lc (';al3iLol please e-mail or 15~x your rmmc, t.il]c and ciLy n:amc Lo S Lcph anic l,akc, I ~M('; p,d.>lic rcla rio ns coo rdi tmLo r. V~-n'mil: slake (.&.'!lmnc.org. Fax: (651) 215- 4141. Itl addition, please include Lhe nan'ms o£ Lhe b,tsincss leader and rcside~L .jcfirling you. An RSVP is CtlCOctmged l.o ensure :..xrl aCCLLraI.C ri'leal COLLI"tL ?or more irlfi-~rmafion, visiL l.he LM('; web sim :al. www.~nc.org. Tf yOt. L need irffom'mlicm via £ax or mail, please call thc Make the voice of your community heard Wednesday, April Strengthen your voice by inviting a business leader and resident to help tell your city's story. For more information on city legislative i,~suea, contact any member of the League of Minnesota Cities Inlergovernmenlal R¢lali0ns team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1523- Hat 28 2889 17:12:89 Via Fax -> 95Z4?ZBGZ8 fldministrator Page 881 Of flSG -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities Budget discussions on back burner? Next Friday marks the first committee deadline, which means that policy committees will take center stage. Generally, under the committee deadline requh'ements, non-tax and non-budget bills must be reported out of all policy committees in the one house or the bill is technically dead form the session. In all, there currently are more than 200 bills scheduled for House hearings and nearly every committee agenda indicates that more bills "may be added." Many of the committee meetings are already scheduled to run until midnight. We have not yet seen the Senate schedule but we suspect a similar workload. Behind all of the policy committee clatter, the budget discussions will continue as the House and Senate work toward a final state budget for the 2004-2005 biennium. Last week, House Speaker Steve Sviggum indicated that he did not agree with the salary freeze but he quickly pointed out that this was only his opinion. This week, we have heard rumors within the House Republican Caucus that the salary freeze proposal offered by the governor is running into a broader set of concerns among members. These same rumors suggest that the salary freeze could become a state-employee only freeze, rather that applying to local government and school district employees. We have also heard from several legislators that communications by city officials are having an impact and that there is active discussion in both the House and Senate of moderating the state aid cuts and levy limits included in the governor's budget. Unfortunately, these same rumors suggest that some forrn of levy limits will still be included in the House plan and that no decision has been March 28, 2003 Page 1 reached about where to find the money to reduce market value homestead credit and LGA cuts. Only seven weeks to go. Officials will visit legislators, hold press conference at Capitol on April 9 City officials from throughout Minnesota are encouraged to participate in a press conference on the steps of the state Capitol at 2:30 p.m., April 9, to send a message that public policy proposals by the Governor and Senate will forfeit the quality of life in Minnesota communities. Part of the League's City Day at the Capitol, the agenda also includes a morning legislative briefing and lunch. Participants are encouraged to invite business leaders and residents to show the broad- reaching impacts of the proposals; and to schedule appointments with their leglslators. Issues that will be addressed include: · Cuts to revenue sharing; · Levy limits and reverse referenda; · Restrictions on debt; and more. To participate in City Day at the Capitol, please e-mail or fax your name, title, and city name to LMC Public Relations Coordinator Stephanie Lake. E-mail: ~l.a_k~_~.l.!D_n_~_or_g. Fax: (651) 215- 4141. In addition, please include the names of the business leader and resident who will be joining you. While registration is not necessary, it is encouraged to help ensure an accurate meal count. Details will be posted at www.lmnc.org. Legislators question municipal fees relating to fireworks sales The House Committee on Commerce, Jobs and Economic Development yesterday approved a For more informal/on on city legialal/ve iasue~, contact any member of the League of Minne,~ota Cities Intergovernmental Relal/on, team, 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1524- Hat 28 Z003 17:1Z151 Via Fax -> 9524?Z06Z0 Adainistrator Page 00Z Of 00fi -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities bill that would cap the fees cities could impose on vendors selling consumer fireworks. According to the bill's author, Rep. Tom Hackbarth (R-Cedar), HF 800 was introduced in response to excessive fees adopted by some cities after last year's legalization of consumer fireworks including sparklers, party poppers and snakes. The bill would cap the allowable fee at $50 per vendor. Presently, cities charge between $0 and $1,100. Cities maintain that the fees are needed to cover the costs associated with compliance checks, education and inspections relating to the sale of a regulated product. Proponents of the bill testified that current law allows for too much variation between cities, and that sorne cities are abusing their authority by using the fees as a way to discourage retailers from selling fireworks. Another provision in the bill would restrict cities from requiring fireworks sellers to purchase additional liability insurance. Testifiers stated that some cities have adopted licensing provisions that require liability coverage of $1 million. The insurance requirements, coupled with the fees, make selling fireworks cost prohibitive for retailers. City representatives drew heavy criticism during the Thursday hearing. Nevertheless, the cornmittee did adopt an amendment to rernove the amount of the fee cap. The bill will go to the Committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs with a blank amount instead of the proposed $50. The House bill will most likely have its next hearing on Tuesday, April 1. The Senate companion, SF 672 (Tomassoni, DFL- Chisolm), has not been scheduled. March 28, 2003 Page 2 If you would like to share your city's experience with fireworks licensing, please contact Anne Finn at 651-281-1263 or e-mail afinn(a~imnc, org. House, Senate pass exemption for development lee report Legislation that would change the current April 1 reporting deadline for municipal construction and development-related fees, and exempt municipalities that collect $5,000 or less of these fees each year, passed both legislative bodies this week. The Senate on Monday voted unani.mously to pass SF 726 (Sams). The House followed on Thursday by passing the bill 128-0. The bill now goes to the governor for his approval. The reporting requirement was passed in 2001 to collect data that would determine if municipal construction and development fees are in alignment with municipal planning, zoning and building inspection expenses. This legislation will help the many small cities and towns that have little development occurring in their communities, and, as a result, collect few development-related fees. If the governor signs the bill before April is 2003, cities that collect $5,000 or less of these fees would not be required to file a report this year or in future years. Cities that collect more than $5,000 per year in construction and development fees would have until June 30 each year to file their reports with the Building Codes and Standards Division in the Dept. of Administration. The League is urging the governor to sign the bill by Monday, March 31st. For information on HF 744/SF 726, visit the legislative bill tracker on the Minnesota For mote information on ¢ily legislaliv¢ issues, conlacl any n~mber of II1¢ l._¢agu¢ of Minnesota Cilies lnlergovernmcnlsl Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1525- Mar ZB Z003 17:13:3Z Via Fax -> 95Z47ZBGZO ~&mi~ist~ato~ Page BB30~ 00G -FridayFax- A weeMy legislative upclateJ~rom the League oJ~Mirmesota Cities Legislature's web site at: e_gJ. ke.g a.s_g. To track the governor's action on bills, go to www. governor.state, mn.us and Click on the "Legislation" link. If you have questions about the legislation, please contact Laura Offerdahl, LMC, at (651) 281 - 1260 or 1o fferdahl@lmnc, org. House Senate committees debate election bills The Senate Rules and Administration Subcommittee on Elections heard testimony from the Secretary of State's Office and from county auditors on various changes to state and municipal election law on Wednesday. The League of Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota Association of School Boards testified about some problematic provisions in the. two bills, including changes that would: 1. Restrict the timing of local special elections; 2. Align the filing period for municipal offices with the filing period for state offices even if there is no primary election; 3. Advance the deadline for giving notice of election from 7 to 8 weeks before a municipal election; and 4. Make the name and party designation of election judges public information. The committee laid over SF 1035 (Higgins) and SF 767 (Larson) until next week to give the authors and interested parties time to discuss amendments to resolve differences over these and other provisions. The House Governmental Operations & Veterans Affairs committee took-up the Secretary of State's housekeeping bill, HF 791 March 28, 2003 Page 3 (Kielkucki), on Thursday night and passed the bill, as amended, to the House floor. Most of the amendments proposed and adopted were technical author's amendments, but the committee also adopted two substantive amendments. One would require the Secretary of State to develop alternative methods for handling absentee ballots during a declared national or state emergency and report to the legislature on these methods by January 1, 2004. The other amendment modified the provision in the bill dealing with experimental use of electronic voting systems by adding a reference to the federal Help America Vote Act requirement that new systems have a manual audit capacity. For more information in the status of these bills, visit the legislature's web site at www,leg, s[ate, mn.us. Please contact Laura Offerdahl, LMC, at (651) 281-1260 or lofferdahl~-~lmnc, org, or Ann Higgins, LMC, at (651) 291-1257 or ~[_mnc.org if you have any questions or concerns about this legislation. Toolkit helps cities connect with business, residents To help officials from cities of all sizes and regions of the state build knowledge and understanding among business leaders and residents about the impacts of levy limits, restrictions on debt and reverse referenda on their cities, the League is building a City Action Toolkit. These tools can be tailored to reflect your city's specific story. The first installment of this toolkit is focused on working with business leaders in your community. Use these tools to help explain why business leaders should join you at City For more information on city legislative issues, conlarl any member of lhe League of Minnesota C/lies Intergovernmental Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 - 1526- ~ Ze Z~: 17~141~0 ~ia Fax -> 95Z4?ZO6Z8 Ad~inistra%or Page 884 0£ 80B -FridayFax- A weekly legislative upclatefrom the League of Mirmesota Cities Day at the Capitol (see related story in this edition of the Friday Fax). Hearings of interest TUESDAY, APRIL 1 Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Chair: Re?. Jerry Dernpsey 2:30 p.m., Room 200 State Office Building. Will recess at 4:15 p.m.; reconvcne at 5 p.m. in Room 500 South if needed. Agenda includes: · HF 932 (Vandeveer) Property appraisal provided every five years. · HF 800 (Hackbarth) Fireworks regulation provided, fees authorized, and local regulation limited. Transportation Finance Chair: Rep. William Kuisle 8:15 a.m., Room 500S State Office Building. Agenda includes: · 2.003 Road Needs Assessment Study (conclusion). · HF343 (Abeler) Used vehicle dealers sales to other dealers allowed and vehicle donation to individuals by licensed limited used vehicle dealers sales tax exemption provided. · HF986 (Zellers) Northwest busway connecting Minneapolis to Rogers funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. · HFXXXX (Ruth) Trunk highway 14 funding provided. · HF484 (Th[ssen) Bloomington and Richfield 1-494 expansion provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. March 28, 2003 Page 4 Chair: Rep. Steve Smith 10:15 a.m., Basement Hearing Room, State Office Building. Agenda includes: · HF 175 (Davids) Caledonia public safety officer health insurance benefits reimbursed by the department of public safety. · HF 96 (Smith) Public safety officer health insurance benefit reimbursement policy modified, and specified claims reimbursed from available funds. · HF 7 (Smith) Public safety officer death benefit paid to officer's estate if there is no eligible spouse or dependent. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Chair: Rep. Jerry Dempsey 2:30 p.m., Room 200 State Office Building. Will recess at 4:15 pm, and reconvene at 5 p.m. in Room 500 South if needed. Agenda includes: · HF 561 (Gerlach) Tobacco sales to minors uniform mandatory penalties imposed, mitigating circumstances defined, and electronic age verification required. · HF 473 (Olson, M) Local government opt out procedures provided regarding certain state mandates. · HF 1122 (Adolphson) Public notice and proceedings publication alternative methods provided. · HF 1253 (Brod) Local government pay equity reports required to be filed with the commissioner of employee relations every five years. Judiciary Policy and Finance For more information on city legislative issues, conlact any n-~mbct of the l..~agu¢ of Minnesota Cil[¢s Inlergovernmcnlal Relations learn. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 -1527- Xar Z8 2883 17:15:43 Via Fax -> 9524720GZB fl&minis%rs%or Page 885 0£ 886 -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities Safety and Loss Control Workshops are right around the corner Attend the Safety and Loss Control Workshops for only $20, held in 9 cities across the state starting April 1. And stay on for a special session to help cities navigate the uncertainty of the current budget crisis by exploring important issues, providing tools and a forum to share solutions. Prepare for CutbacksMthe Risks o[ Making Tough Decisions offers information on how to deal with reducing staff, protecting discretionary immunity, creating new service partnerships, and communicating with residents. No registration is required for this free session that takes place from 4-6 p.m. directly following the workshops. (No need to attend the Workshops to attend this session.) Register online at ww__w:_ln.~!~c.or.g and come to the workshop closest to your city: · April 1, Mahnomen, Shooting Star Casino · April 2, Alexandria, Holiday Inn · April 8, St. Peter, Community Center · April 9, Rochester, Mayo Civic Center · April 15, St. Paul, Earle Brown Center · April 23, Marshall, Holiday Inn · April 24, St. Cloud, Civic Center · April 29, Biwabik, Giants Ridge · May 1, Brooklyn Park, Community Center March 28, 2003 Page 5 For more informalion on city legislative issues, conlac! any member of Ibc League of Minnesota Cilies Inler~;overnrr~ntal Relations team. 651.28]..!200 or 800.925.1122 - 1528- 8ar 28 ~003 17:1G:54 ~ia Fax -> 9524728628 ~dninis~ra~or Pag~ 886 0£ 88G City_Da_y at the Capitol WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 CiTY OFFICIALS · BUSINESS LEADERS Join commurfidc'.s from ail over Minnesora to send a mc~sagc that the (;overnor's state budget proposal and Senate property tax freeze proposal won't work for Minnesota dries. Bring a business leader and resident ro fl~e Capitol with you on April 9 to show legislators that thc impacts reach beyond cit5, hall to your communityg residents and businesses, Ih* a~0nda inelud~a: 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p,m, 3:30 p,m, Lc~slative briefing Lunch . Appointments with legislators Press conference, Capitol steps Appohlmlents with legislators RESIDENTS For more details on this event, visit www. lmnc.org or call (651) 281.1200 Make your voice heard April 8! Strengthen your community's voicc~invite a business leader and resident. mm encouraged 1o ensure an accm'ale meal couttt. The,v it uo daarge for eveal. [] YES! Name 1. We will make a difference by participating in City Day at the Capitol on April 9, We'll bring a business leader and resident with us--add our city Io the list! Title CiLy TO RSVP: Fax to 651.215.4141, or e.mail slake@lmnc.org LEAGUE O1" MINNI~SO'I'A ¢.;1TII,;$, 145 I.YNl¥l,'.l~t,ql't'¥ AVE. W, ST. PAUL, MN, 55103, (65'1) 281-1200 - 1529- DATE: 03-14-03 TO: Chief McKinley FROM: Sgt. Swensen SUBJECT: Letter of Resignation Please accept this letter of resignation. My last day of employment will be 04-06-03. Thank you for 10 years and 3 months of rewarding employment. Sincerely, - 1530- LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 March 20, 2003 Acting Chief John McKinley Mound Police Department 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Chief McKinley: This letter is to inform police officer with the City of Mound 2003YOU of my resignation as effective April 7th Sincerely, Michael Bruckner -1531 - MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 3, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair GeoffMichael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Jerry Clapsaddle, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Greg Raines. Absent and excused: Michael Mueller & David Osmek. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planner Loren Gordon and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Henry Lazniarz - 10411 Cedar Lake Rd, Greg Kenton - 5964 Idlewood Road, Mark Thiede - TSPI, Sandra Wing - Westonka ECFE 3. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 24, 2003 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Hasse, seconded by Glister, to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. 4. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS MOTION Hasse, second Ayaz, to approve the agenda as written. MOTION carried unanimously. 5. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-07 Minor Subdivision & Variance 2954 Oaklawn Lane Henry and Gina Lazniarz The applicant has submitted an application for a minor subdivision to divide an existing lot into two additional lots. The property is located at the comer of Oaklawn Lane and Idlewood Road and includes Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 1 of the Highlands. Current use includes a 1 ½ story home with an attached double garage. The house has an existing nonconforming front setback of 23 feet along Idlewood Road. R1 District front yard minimum is 30 feet. As currently held, the property includes 35,122 square feet. The applicant requests a 7-foot front yard variance for Lot 2 (as subdivided), bringing the front setback for that lot to 23 feet instead of 30 feet. All other R1 requirements would be met. - 1532- Planning Commission Minutes March 3, 2003 The minor subdivision would create two additional buildable lots from the parcel. The existing residence would remain with a reconfigured driveway accessing Idlewood Road. The nonconforming front yard setback is an existing condition and not a result of the proposed subdivision. Recognition of a 23-foot front yard setback could allow a new home to be built at a 23 foot setback if the applicant's request was approved. Staff would suggest the existing condition not be recognized until such time when rebuilding the existing house is considered. Adjacent to this property is a large DNR identified wetland. The wetland consists of some tamarack swamp that is considered a higher value than many wetland complexes in Mound. The City surface water management plan does not require special buffering as a result of the subdivision. Typical practices to prevent erosion during construction will be required along with other items as determined necessary. Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend Council approve the minor subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Require utility and drainage easements at 10 feet in width at the perimeter of the plat and 5 feet in width along all common lot lines as approved by the City Engineer. 2. Require installation of water lines to each lot or an acceptable form of financial security if they are not installed prior to release of the plat. 3. Park dedication fees be paid prior to release of the plat. Staff recommends denial of the request to recognize the existing nonconforming front yard setback of the existing home. Reasons for denial are as follows: 1. The recognition of the existing setback may grant special privileges to the property for improvements not currently contemplated. 2. Recognizing the existing setback may allow improvements to the property that could be detrimental to surrounding properties. 3. Failure to grant a variance would not change the status of nonconformity and not harm the ability to make such request in the future. Discussion Greg Kenton, 5964 Idlewood Road, indicated that the drainage in the area is a big issue. Because so much water drains into the area it creates an overflow that drains overland through various points of the land under consideration. He also brought up the position of the proposed house on Lot 1 in relation to his house and the neighbor's to the east. Gordon clarified the elevations indicated on the survey. Henry Lazniarz, applicant, withdrew the variance application. Clapsaddle asked what the floor elevation on the house on Lot 1. Lazniarz said it was about 1,003 feet. Clapsaddle asked the same about Lot 3. Lazniarz thought about 989. - 1533- Planning Commission Minutes March 3, 2003 MOTION by Michael, seconded by Clapsaddle, to recommend approval of the subdivision. MOTION carried unanimously Chair Michael asked if, on Lot 2, a car could back out of the garage without running into the fence. Lazniarz indicated they had discussed that and it looks to be no problem. CASE #03-08 CUP Amendment - Expansion of ECFE Classroom 5229-5271 Shoreline Blvd and 2324-2330 Wilshire Blvd Westonka Public Schools Westonka Public Schools is requesting a conditional use permit amendment to expand the Early Childhood Family Education center that is located in Shoreline Plaza by taking over the space formerly occupied by Mound Liquor and part of the space currently occupied by Jubilee Foods. Educational facilities are allowed in the B 1 District by conditional use. The original Cup for ECFE facility was issued in 1997 following approval of Resolution 97-84. It was subsequently amended in 1999 following its one-year review. Discussion Clapsaddle asked if the doors on the west end were to be used as fire exits. Mark Thiede indicated that was the intention. Glister asked if there have been any complaints from parents regarding location or traffic. Sandy Wing, Early Childhood Coordinator for Westonka Schools, indicated that there have been little or no negative comments from parents. Expansion is planned in the area of preschool classes, but not at this location. Clapsaddle inquired about the firewall between Dominoes and the ECFE. Mark Thiede said that only a 1 hour wall is required and is currently in place. Hasse thought the original plan was to relocate the ECFE within 2 years. Ayaz asked about the IBC code that would require 2-hour firewall. Consensus was that, if the IBC is accepted before the plans are reviewed, the Building Official would require whatever fire protection is current, including sprinklers. MOTION by Ayaz, seconded by Clapsaddle, to approve the CUP with requirement that the plans be reviewed with particular attention to firewalls and sprinkler system. MOTION carded unanimously. - 1534- Planning Commission Minutes March 3,2003 6. OLD / NEW BUSINESS POD Ordinance (2nd draft) - Smith reviewed the changes made, at the Commission's request. MOTION by Hasse, seconded by Raines, to accept the POD Ordinance draft and send it on to the City Council. MOTION carried unanimously ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Hasse, seconded by Clapsaddle, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. MOTION carried unanimously. Attest, Planning Secretary Chair Geoff Michael - 1535- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 17, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. · 2. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Michael Mueller, Greg Raines and Council Liaison Dave Osmek. Absent and excused: Jorj Ayaz and Jerry Clapsaddle. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planner Loren Gordon and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Chuck Alcon- 6138 76th Lane, Greenfield; Joan Steve Coddon - 5867 Bartlett Blvd; Jeff Skelton- 1770 Baywood Shores Dr; Paul Larson 3865 Shoreline Dr; Kirk Geadelman- 1709 Baywood Ln. 3. APPROVAL OF MARCH 3~ 2003 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Hasse, seconded by Glister, to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2003 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. 4. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS The agenda was approved as presented. 5. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-14 Minor Subdivision - 3 Lots CASE #03-15 Variance(s) - 20-foot front setback/hardcover Lots 5-8, Block 4, Replat of Harrison Shores William Stoddard/Minnetonka Enterprises 5331-5361 Three Points Boulevard The applicant has signed an option agreement for the property described above. A minor subdivision request to create 3 lots from the existing 4 has been submitted. A front yard setback reduction of (10) feet has been requested as well as flexibility to allow impervious surface coverage up to (40) percent for the subdivision. The applicant also wishes to consider a vacation of an existing drainage/utility easement between Lots 5 and 6. Based on review by City staff, it has been determined that a vacation is not required as the previous approval from 1986 is still valid even though it appears to have never been recorded. Other requests include the approval of a floodplain alteration permit and waiver of the wetland buffer requirement. - 1536- Planning Commission Minutes March 17, 2003 1. Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision and variance request to allow a 20-foot front setback subject to the following list of conditions: a. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use requests. b. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance(s) application is approved. c. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit applications, when appropriate. d. The lowest floor (including basement and/or crawl space) shall be at or above the RFPE. e. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. f. Conditions from the City Engineer. 2. Staff recommends denial of the variance to allow hardcover up to 40 percent on the' property as proposed Lots 1 and 3 meet the 30 percent restriction as submitted and proposed Lot 2 is over by 164 square feet and could be adjusted to meet the current hardcover standard. No action on the vacation request for the drainage/utility easement is necessary as the City's previous approval in 1986 is valid. The City will cooperate with the applicant to ensure that the vacation is put of record. 4. No action on the floodplain alteration permit request as a separate application process will be required and undertaken concurrently with the building permit application. Discussion Mueller - Swaling based on the no-net loss will be addressed at a later date. Bill Stoddard, Minnetonka Realty, thought it was not fair that they would lose lot of record status since he's reducing the number of lots. He felt there were enough controls on the property. Any additional hardcover would have to come before City Council. Michael asked if he knew about any boat length covenant? Stoddard was not familiar with that. Docks would require LMCD permit. He already received a permit for riprap at the shoreline. Osmek had spoken to the owner of Lot 4 about a tree he was hoping would survive the changes. Stoddard would be willing to work with the neighbor. Osmek indicated that SAC and WAC would be dealt with at the Council level. Smith said the code affecting local water and sewer charges changed about a year ago and consideration will be given at the Council. Mueller said this was a prime example of denying an application until a good plan comes along. He thought it was well thought out. He also pointed out that the 20-foot setback will be nearly 30 feet from the street when including the boulevard area. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Glister, to move recommendation of the subdivision and front setback variance request and denial of the hardcover variance request. - 1537- Planning Commission Minutes March 17, 2003 Mueller stated that the lots are quite a bit larger than they were making the hardcover less of an issue. A larger house could be built than with the previous plan. The Planning Commission has been very open to hardcover variances if the request is reasonable. MOTION carried .unanimously CASE #03-05 Variance - Front and Side Setbacks 6382 Maple Road Mark Hagen and Kitty Shea At its February 3, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed and discussed a variance application from Mark Hagen and Kitty Shea to allow construction of a 2-story garage addition to their existing home. The application was tabled by the Planning Commission and remanded back to the applicant in favor of a new and/or modified plan. Based on a project narrative submitted on March 12, 2003, the applicant has investigated a number of possible options. Alternatives include the following: 1. Location of the garage on the lakeside of the house. 2. Location of the garage off the southeast corner of the house. 3. Location of the garage as previously proposed but with increased front and side setbacks. 4. Location of the garage as previously proposed and submittal of a street vacation request. City staff feels that Option 3 and 4 appear to be the most feasible based on preliminary review. Discussion Option 1 - limits view of lake, turning radius prohibitive, winter winds makes for high. maintenance. Option 2 - Mueller - Either applicant needs to remove his request or PC moves it to CC with a recommendation. There is no bluff setback (confirmed by staff). To be granting serious variances to a substandard house is not the right way to go. It would be much better to vacate Maple Road. Michael - The addition as presented is non-conforming. It is really hard to consider a variance of this magnitude. Osmek - Thinks it's a brand new request. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Mueller, to recommend denial of the request. - 1538- Planning Commission Minutes March 17, 2003 The applicant still has the opportunity to change his mind before the denial goes to the Council. MOTION carried unanimously CASE #03-04 Variance - Lack of Street Frontage 5234 Lynwood Boulevard Joan Coddon The applicant has submitted a request for a variance to the requirement of street frontage as set forth in Section 330.115 Subd. 1 for Lot 5 and that part of Lot 4. The property is located north of the residence addressed at 5240 Lynwood Boulevard. It is bordered by the private drive on the east and Morton Lane (channel) on the west. The property was created as the result of a foreclosure on the residence located at 5240 Lynwood Boulevard. Minnesota Statutes guide this process that essentially supercedes local government land subdivision powers. The County has authorized the division of the tax parcel. Although the City's subdivision powers were overridden to create the lot, all applicable zoning authority is in force. The owners have made a number of attempts to develop this property in various forms. In each case, the applicant formally withdrew the application prior to City Council review. None of the issues of concern have changed or have been resolved. Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend Council deny the variance as requested. Hasse asked if the split left enough land for hardcover requirements on the 5240 parcel. Gordon indicated the County process took away our ability to have input on that aspect. Discussion Steve Coddon, applicant's representative - Home plan meets all requirements except the requirement for street width. One of the homes to the north of this parcel received exactly the same variance in 1986 as what this application is for. A lot has changed in the area. The access road has been widened to 20 feet to accommodate emergency vehicles. Existing water and sewer services work very well. It's an oversized lot for the zoning requirements. Smith asked who is taking care of the road. Coddon said everyone takes care of his or her section of the access road. Smith verified with him that there was no formal agreement. Gordon asked if the road had been repaved recently. Coddon said it was widened and redone within the last 2 years. Cameron asked what the length of the redemption period of the loan was. Coddon indicated it was 6 months, which' began in June 2002. The hardship exists because the City vacated Laurel Street. - 1539- Planning Commission Minutes March 17, 2003 MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hasse, to recommend denial of the variance request. MOTION carried. Voting for: Osmek, Hasse, Raines, Glister; Voting against: Michael. Finding of Fact: 1) Previous associated number of utility and access concerns not resolved; 2) Staff recommendation of denial; 3) City Engineer Cameron's recommendation of denial; 4) No public street access whatsoever. CASE #03-10 Sketch Plan Review 2241 Southview lane WARA Real Estate/Scott Holter The applicant wishes to develop a single family residential project on the 5.4 acre property located at 2241 Southview Lane. All lots meet or exceed the 10,000 square foot minimum in the R1 zone. Side lot setbacks are requested at 6 and 10 feet. Wetland buffers would be triggered at this development. There are wetlands on both the east and the west side of the development. Watermain and sanitary sewer would come from the Langdon Bay project. There probably wouldn't be a site for a park. Would accept fees in lieu of land. A connection to the trailway would be desirable. Lots 8 - 11 are a little "tight". May want to move the road a little to the north. Otherwise seems to be a very logical way to develop this sight. Discussion Chuck Alcon, WARA Real Estate - Wants input into the location of the trailway. Have done tree inventory. Osmek - Southview would make a good trailway. Cameron indicated that the design of Southview to handle traffic appears to be adequate. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Hasse, seconded by Raines, to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 PM. MOTION carried unanimously. Comp Plan to Raines - Chair Geoff Michael Attest, Planning Secretary - 1540- CITY OF MOUND Meeting Minutes Mound .Public Safety Facility Meeting held on 3/I 7/03 Date printed 04/01/03 The meeting was convened at 4 PM Monday, March 31, 2003 at Mound Fire Station: Present: Kandis Hanson City KH Miles Britz SEH MB John McKinley . City JM Todd Christopherson Amcon TC Greg Pederson City GP Don Geiger Amcon DG Jeff Andersen City JA 1. The City wishes to have 2 truckloads of the black dirt excavated from the site for inflll at the ballparks. DG to verify with Veit what their intentions are for the removed black dirt. GP and DG visited the Vanderlindy and the Zenenko sites for deposit of excavations. Neither site is filling in wetlands. Jesse at Veit has visited the Vanderlindy site and knows where the dirt is to be dumped. DG will visit the Zenenko site with Veit on Thursday. There will be no permits required for dumping at these sites. GP to talk to Greg Skinner about the Lost Lake site and if we are still dumping there. 3. The sign, water fight ball and retaining wall have been removed from the site. KH and GP met with the neighbor to the south and discussed an offer for their property. The City of Mound will need the entire back triangle but will offer the triangle of land along the road as an exchange to lower the purchase price. With required parking set backs, this parcel of property may be valuable to the neighbors for parking their RV. KH and GP to meet with neighbor this week. If the property purchase is approved the next step is to get a construction easement to continue with the construction while the property purchase is finalized. GP has concerns with the parking and approach of emergency responders. The area of concern is the drive between City Hall and the Safety Facility. There is currently potential for a person to leave the City Hall parking lot when a responder is entering the drive between the two building. The responder will have to take a left turn into the path of the oncoming vehicle. One suggestion was to place a sign and light at the exit for the City Hall lot. When there is an emergency call traffic would be stopped for a period of time while the emergency responders are arriving. More evaluation and.discussion will be required for this situation. 6. A block color was selected for the retaining walls. DG to contact contractor and get a full block sent to the Architect. 7. The lettering on the front sign will be either black or brown. MB to get samples. 8. Discussed the response to the RFI generated by the Concrete contractor in regards to the concrete 'Formliner' walls. DG to contact contractor to verify if there are any questions. 9. The precast mockup was approved, DG to notify Hanson. 10. Reviewed Change Order from Hanson for additional reveals in the precast. The banding on the top of the building was changed to two (2) bands throughout. The reveals at the Time Capsule and radius walls were approved. The ¼" vertical reveals at the base of 32 panels was accepted. 11. The reviewed shop drawings indicated three finishes (Water Washed, Acid Etched and Sand Blasted) and the mockup only indicated Water Wash and Acid Etched. The mockup is correct and there will only be two (2) finishes (Water Washed and Acid Etched). DG to notify Hanson. C:\WlNDOWS~ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content. lE5ffvlBO5CHI7~¥1PS 03 31 03,doc - 1541 - Page ] of 2 CFI~ OF MO~JHD Meeting held on 3/17/03 Date p~inted 04/01/03 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The panel to the south of Door L104 was not included in the Precast or Concrete contractors bid, due to conflicting information in the bid documents. It was decided to fabricate a precast panel for this location. DG to resolve any cost issues with these two contractors. Construction parking is to be on Maywood and Cypress. DG to check with Frontier if we can use their parking lot on the northeast corner of the intersection of Mayhill and Cypress. The drawings for the rebid of casework will be available this week. DG spoke with Xcel Energy in regard to the buried lines. This work will be started in mid-May, due to the workload on the directional boring contractors. If this contractor starts additional crews this date could be moved up, Xcel indicated they might start additional crews. Next meeting April 7 at 4:00. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. Minutes by DG. Call if any missing items or discrepancy. C:\WINDOWS\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content. lE5~MBO5CHI7~JVlPS 03 31 03.doc - 1542- Page 2 of 2 M#;nesola Lawful Gamb#ng LG555 - Government ApProval or Acknov ledgment Gambling FUnd~ (p,evlou,'¥ LOS03 ,nd Lg2eS) For Use of (111oi Organization Information (please p,int) Expenditure De~uription (allach additional sheets Ifnecessaw) % 2. Check Ihe approprlale ~xpendl{ure category' Conlrlbutlon to a u.l[ o~ government - Unlled Slates, stale of Minn,.sola, or an~ ol I1~ ~ubdlvl~lon~, agencies, or In~trumenlalllle~. NOTE; A conlrtbullon may nol be n adc directly 1o a law enforcemenl or . . prosec~lorlal agency, such as a po,ce deparhnenl, counly 9herlff, o~ ;ounly allorney. A wildlife manag~men~ project that benefits the public at large v ilh approval o[ Ihe s~ale agency ll~al ha9 aulhortly over the project, Describe lire proposed expendilure, Including vendors. __ Grooming and maintaining s.owmoblle or all-terrain vehlcle trails with approval by DNR. All trails n'rust be open Io public use. Describe Ihe proposed expenddure, including vendom. Oath · I afl~rm Ihal Ihe conlrlbulion or expendilure, In accordance wilh Minnesota r~ule 7861.0120, subpar{ 5D(10), does not result In any net monetary gain or olher pecuniary banal'il to our organization. · I affirm ihat when lawful gambling lrunds are used for grooming and malnlalnh~g snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle trails or for any wildlife management proJecl [or which relmbursemenl Is recelved horn a unit of government, Ihe reimburse- meal funds musl be depostled In our lawful gambling accounl and recorded on lhe LG1010 - Schedule C/D reporL / I CMel executive o[l'lcer's slg,alure Phone number Date ,I I GoVernment.Approval/Acknowledgment By signalure below, Ihe represenlalive of Ihe unil o[ governmenl ; · approves Ihe project as described above, and/or · acknowledges the conlrtbuIion, whici~ will noi be used [or a pension or relimmenl fund. & PI,one number H Keep this completed form attached Io the LG I 010 - Schedule CID In your o[ganlzation's mcolds. IThis form will be made available In allernalive I'ormat (i.e. large prlntl Brallle) upon request. It you use e 'FRY, ybu can call us by using the Mlnnesola Relay Service at 1-800-6;)7- 352g and ask t.o place a call to 651-639-4000. ~ lhe In[ormalion requesled on Ibis form will become pubt'~ Information, when ~equesled by Ihs Board, and will be used to delermtne your compliance with Mtnnesola statutes and rules governing lawful gambling activilles. For addlllonal IMormation, check our web silo al ww. gcb.state.mn.us - 1543- The GiHespie Gazette VOL XI NO April. 2003 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE March 24, 2003 Dear Members and Friends, If you don't believe that this is the season of change, you haven't been around our area this past week. We have gone from below zero to sixty degrees, from snow to rain, from winter to spring. I'm sure wlnter will make another appearanc, e. At least we know that spring is not far away. Many of us are in contests · predicting when the ice will go out. Makes for good fun and bragging rights. Most of you know the Dotty O'Brien, our Gillespie Gazette Editor, has been recovering from surgery. I believe our prayers have been answered, as ~he is on the road to recovery. She certainly has been missed by Cathy and those who work so hard making our newsletter a reality. Get well soon, Dotty. All your friends at our Center look forward to your return. Every month, we have lots of events going on at our Center. Many of these happen weekly and are very familiar to members who are here often. We also have events here at the Center, and trips, which are arranged so that we can provide a variety of activities that appeal to all of our members. Upcoming events include the Grandvlew "Guys and Gals" performing at our April monthly meeting on April lst' On April 2~ we have two events...a trip to the Marshall Field's Flower Show and a demo of a new class, "Beneficial Belly Dancing". 'On Sunday, April 6~, the Dons will have their "Belgian Waffle Breakfast". This was a big success last year, with many compliments from our members. On Saturday, April 12~, we will have a breakfast honoring our volunteers. We have a trip scheduled on April 23ra to the Great American History Theater. The play is "Main Street" and lunch will be at Awada's. Many of our seniors fall and have serious consequences. We will have a Fall Prevention Screening Event here at the Center on April 24~. Come and learn the "Do's and Don't regarding failing down. We will also have another Lifeline Screening scheduled for May 7~. They have been here before and the test results have been very helpful to many of our members and neighbors. We also have planned a special Lasagna Dinner with the Mad Jazz performing for May, but haven't got the details as to the specific date. Our beautiful building has been restored to its original health and beauty. Our thanks go to many for what they have done to repair the damage. We are as good as new. Jack Weist Chairperson Gillespie Center Advisory Council - 1544- THE GILLESPIE CENTER 2590 COMMERCE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 March 12, 2003 Mr. Greg Skinner Mound Public Works Dear Greg, I want to Thank You and your Department for helping us last Saturday morning. Our Gillespie Center staff and those attending the funeral lunch were so appreciative to have our parking lot cleared after the heavy snow storm. You and your Department have always been wonderful help to us at the · Gillespie Center. Thanks for going above and beyond the call in helping us in our time of need. Sincerely, ~ack Weist Gillespie Center Chairperson Owned and Operated by Westonka Senior Citizens Foundation Phone: . .~cn~ ~, Fax: 952-472-6505 952 472-'154~- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, March 26, 2003 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Foster READING OF MINUTES- 3/12/03 LMCD Regular Board Meeting PUBLI. C COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA- Consent agenda items identified with a (*) Will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. · Abdo, Eick, & Meyers, review of draft 2002 :LMCD Audit.:~ · 'PUBLIC HEARING ~ '~Wa~ata yacht ClUb (Site 1), new multiple'dock license to reCOnfigure the non- conforming facility under LMCD Code Section 2.015~ 1. Public Headng 2. Discussion and/or Consideration WATER STRucTUREs A) Shorewood Yacht Club (Sites 1 and 2), Consideration of renewal, Without change, multiple dock license applications for the 2003 season; B) Wayzata Marine, consideration of renewal, without change, multiple dock license application for the 2003 season; c) (*) 2003 Multiple Dock Licenses, staff recommends approval of 2003 renewal, without change, applications for Minnetonka PoWer Squadron and North Shore Marina; . D) Additional Business; EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE A) (*) Minutes from the 2/14/03 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting; B) 2/14/03 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting Report; - 1546- C) Staff update on the possible pbi,chase',of high'speed transport equipment for the 2003 EWM Harvesting Program; D) Additional Business; 3. FINANCIAL A) Audit of vouchers (3/16/03 - 3/31/03); B) Additional Business; ADMINISTRATION A) (*) LMCIT Insurance, staff recommends Board approval of a motion not to waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statute~ 466.04~,' B) Consideration of draft LMCD Resolution 104; C) Discussion of draft Executive Director Position Description; D) Additional Business; 5. LAKE USE & RECREATION 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT am OLD BUSINESS · Update on 3/5/03 Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee Meeting · Update from Chair Foster on requesting funding from the MCWD for'Potential funding of the LMCD EWM Harvesting program 9. NEW BUSINESS 10.ADJOURNMENT - 1547- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE MINUTES 8:30 a.m., Friday, February 14, 2003 LMCD Office, 18338 Mtka Blvd., Deephaven, MN Present: Herb Suerth, LMCD Board; Bert Foster, LMCD Board; Chip Welling, MN DNR; DaVe McCormack, MN DNR; John Barren, Three Rivers Park District; Dick Osgood, Lake Uinnetonka Association (LMA); Denny Nelson, Super 30 Bass Toumaments; Rebecca Kluckhohn, Wenck Associates representing the Uinnehaha Creek Watershed Distdct (MCWD); Greg Nybeck, LMCD Executive Director. Minutes. The Task Force accepted the minUtes from the 12/13/02 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting as submitted. Discussion of 2003 Lake Minnetonka Zebra Mussel Inspection Program Discussion of LMCD Affidavit Form for Special Event.~ Suerth stated that Denny Nelson from Super Bass 30 Tournaments was in attendance to discuss the affidavit form established for special events on Lake Uinnetonka. Nelson stated that he had concern with the effectiveness of the affidavit form because the participants are completing the forms relatively easy; however, they are not being educated on exotic species. He recommended that an education process of the participants would be a more meaningful process rather than requiring the participants to fill out an affidavit for each participating watercraftl He stated that he had two larger tournaments and the Wednesday evening tournaments on Lake Uinnetonka annually. He and a few other coordinators also have tournaments on the Mississippi River and May and he believed that efforts could be done to ensure that the bilges have been emptied, the live wells have been emptied, and the boats have been inspected for zebra mussels before they leave the public launch areas. Foster stated that he was very concerned with the introduction of zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. Two high risk areas for possible introduction into Lake Minnetonka he believed are the commercial transporters andthe.fishing tournaments that may have recently been on infested waters. He'expressedconcern about totally eliminating the paperwork because he believed it establishes the 'urgency to. the special' event coordinators and participants on reducing the dsk of introducing zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. Nelson stated that he did not agree the fishing tournaments are a high risk for introducing zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. The Task Force discussed the affidavit form used by the District and the request made by Nelson for the Distdct to consider re-focusing its attention of education rather than continuing to use the affidavit form. The Task Force expressed some concern with the tournaments on the Mississippi River, especially in May, and the possibility that boats could be launched into Lake Uinnetonka without being completely dry and cleaned. The consensus of the Task Force was to review the existing affidavit form and see if changes could be made to improve it, including more efforts towards education. - 1548- EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE, 2/14/03, PAGE 2 Update on fundraisin,q efforts of the LMA Osgoodstated that the LMA had' not raised any fundsfor the 2003 zebra mussel inspection program to date. In fact, they were having problems with fundraising in general for the LMA. He attributed this mainly tS~the poor economy. . , ~, ~,,~ .... , .... .:~ . i. ~.'t~ ~ '~, · Foster,stated that he had recently met with Osgood and Gedney Tuttle, LMA Presideht,'re{iarding continued efforts of the LMA for this program. He believed that Tuttle was going to put together a program to assist Osgood in the their efforts and that he was encouraged with the possibilities. He suggested that there should be investigation into supplementing MN DNR inspectors with volunteers, citing local rotary clubs as an example. Discussion of Wenck Associates Memorandum, dated 12/30/02, that discusses the EWM Harvestin~ Pro.qram and the removal of phosphorous from Lake Minnetonka. suerth asked Kl~ickhOhh to provide' an 5reView Of t~e mem~:~he'p~r~P~i~ed for'{he blOWDi .... ":' ': .... :~: Kluckhohn stated that the MCWD asked her to prepare a memo that researched the effect harvesting of milfoil has on water quality. The primary jurisdiction of the MCWD has generally focused on water quality and flooding. Recreational and impediment to navigation have generally not been in the per view of the MCWD in the past; however, milfoil impediment could be an issue for the MCWD to deal with in the future. The methodology used included discussion with the experts and literature review relating to milfoil harvesting practices, chemical control options, and phosphorous contents within milfoil. A variety of factors make it difficult to quantify within a narrow scope how much phosphorous s being removed from the lake by the harvesting'program. Based on these rough calc[Jlatibn'~, she estimated that' the harvesting program bould remove phOsphorous at an.amoUnt equal to or greater than the amo'u ~t coming into Lake Minnetonka on the tributaries being monitored by'the MCWD. She estimated this to be between 5,000 and 19,000 pounds of phosph~r0usannuallY, The costs of therh~irvesting program are currently being incurTed by the District; however, the benefits.generally ~are widespread;- Because of this, there '~s a question on whether the funding should be spread through out the watershed district. Foster stated that he was thrilled with the concept of the harvesting program either improving or assisting in not diminishing water quality on Lake Minnetonka. He believed that a case could be made that Lake Minnetonka is a regional asset that is worthy of the MCWD considering funding for the program. ^ letter has been prepared by legal counsel for the District that discusses petitioning the watershed district for the harvesting program, adding that the state enabling legislation for the District would allow a petition to the MCWD for this. A requ.e.s.t f.o. r funding from the MCWD, rather than a formal petition, seems to makes more sense at this time and it will be disCussed at the next Regular Board Meeting for the District. Kluckhohn stated that she believed there would not be a measurable impact in the short term where you could conclude that the harvesting program improved water quality on a specific bay. In the long term, she believed that there might a measurable impact. Foster stated that he believed that the ranges could be further defined by conducting fieldworkthis upcoming harvesting seaSon. "': ~ ' Kluckhohn stated that even on the Iow end of the ranges for phosphorous removal, the harvesting program is a cheap altemative to address improving water quality issues. - 1549- EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE, 2/14/03, PAGE 3 McCormack stated that the MN DNR permitting program is not intended to allow harvesting for the purpose of removing phosphorous. Instead, it is set up for recreational purposes and it is an issue that would need to be addressed. Baden stated that he had done a similar memo in recent years, adding that his numbers were similar to those outlined by Kluckhohn ~ He believed to further refine the range of statistics, there is a need to measure phosphorous removal by truckload. The consensus of the Task Force was to further pursue the concept with the MCWD and to utilize the harvesting program in 2003 to further define the range on the amount of phosphorous that is removed from the program. This would include weighing of the trucks and the gather of samples of the biomass. Agency Reports. Baden provided an update on the Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Medicine Lake. It has been conceptually been approved, with no funding allocated, by the Three Rivers Parks District Board and is scheduled for approval in the near future by the City of Plymouth. If the plan is ultimately approved, it will result in all aquatic nuisance control on Medicine Lake to be lumped together in one permit that will be reviewed by a committee. In addition, there are protected areas on Medicine Lake where no treatments or boating would be allowed. He stated that he would keep the Task Force informed on the status of the plan. Welling stated that there are meetings upcoming that will address the use of herbicides and the management of milfoil. This will include representat ves from the Army Corps of Engineers and Sea Pro Corporation to discuss the possible use of fluridone on lakes' in Mirmes0ta.' He prov!ded 'a brief update on the three lakes that Were in 2002'with whOle lake treatments With'~udd0ne.' . . . Area Wide lake associatiOn repOrts.` ~'' .... ' There were no area wide lake association reports. Old business. There was no old business. -New b'USi'n~* There was no new business. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. RespectfullY SUbmitted, Greg Nybeck Executive Director - 1550- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE AGENDA 8:30 A.M., Friday, April 11, 2003 LMCD Office 18338 Minnetonka Blvd., Deephaven 1. Introductions and Welcome 2. Review of Minutes from the 2/14/03 meeting 3. Lake Minnetonka Related Projects: · Discussion of solution(s) for milfoil problems on Grays Bay and other,bays · Discussion on the status of a past pilot project that allows for the transfer of weevils from one area of the Lake to another Discussion of conducting fieldwork in 2003 to fine tune details outlined in 12/30/02 Wenck Associates Memorandum Other discussion 4. Discussion of Aquatic Plant Management Plan on Medicine Lake in the City of Plymouth '5. Agency Reports 6. Area wide lake association reports 7. Old business 8. New business 9. Adjournment - 1551 - DRAFT LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE MINUTES 8:30 a.m., Fdday, February 14, 2003 LMCD Office, 18338 Mtka Blvd., Deephaven, MN Present: Herb Suerth, LMCD Board; Bert Foster, LMCD Board; Chip Welling, MN DNR; Dave McCormack, MN DNR; JOhn Baden, Three Rivers Park DiStrict; Dick OSgood, Lake Minnetonka Association (LMA); DennY Nelson, Super 30 Bass ToumamentS; Rebecca KlUckhohn, Wenck Associates representing the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD); Greg Nybeck, LMCD Executive Director. Minutes. The Task Force accepted the minutes from the 12J13/02 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting as submitted. Discussion of 2003 Lake Minnetonka Zebra Mussel Inspection Pro.q ram DiscuSSion of LMCD Affidavit Form for Special Events Suerth stated thaLDenny Nelson from Super Bass 30 Tournaments was in attendance to discuss the affidavit form established for special events on Lake Minnetonka. Nelson stated that he had concern with the effectiveness of the affidavit form because the participants ars comPleting the forms relatively easy; hoWever, they are not being educated on exotic species. He recommended that an edUCation, process of the participants, would be amore meaning[MI process rather than requiring the,participants to fill out an affidavit, for' each participating watercraft. He stated that he.had two larger tournaments and the WednesdaY evening tournaments on Lake Minnetonka annually.. Heand a few other' coordinators a So have t~i~maments on the MiSSissippi River and May and he believed that efforts could be done to ensure that the bilges have been emptied, the live wells have been emptied, and the boats have been inspected for zebra mussels before they leave the. public launch areas. FOster Stated that he was very concemed with .the introduction of zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. Two high dsk areas for poSsible introduction into Lake Minnetonka he believed are the commercial transporters and the fishing tournaments that may have recently been on infested waters. He expressed concem about totally el!n~inating the paperwork because he believed it establishes the urgency to the special event coordinators and participants on reducihg the risk of introducing zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. Nelson stated that he did not agree the fishing tournaments are ahigh dsk for introducing zebra mussels into Lake uin'~ibnk~ : ~ The Task Force discussed the affidavit form used by the District and the request made by Nelson for the District to consider rs-focusing its attention of education rather thap continuing t~:use the affidavit f(~rm The Task ForCe expr~sS~ some' concern with the t°uinamen{S°n the' Mississippi River, especially i.n May~ arid the possibility that boats could be launched into Lake Uinnetonka without being completely dry and cleaned. The consensus of,!he Task Force was to rev ew the existing affidavit.form and see if changes could be made to improve it, including more efforts towards edUcation - 1 552- EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE, 2/14/03, PAGE 2 Update on fundrais n.q efforts of the LMA Osgood stated that the LMA had not ~aised any funds for the 2003 zebra mussel inspection program to date. In fact, theywere having problems with fundraisingin general for the LMA. He attributed this mainly to the poor economy,- Foster stated that he had recently met with Osgood and (~edney Tuttie, LMA president,' ~egardihg 'ContinUed efforts of the LMA for this program. He believed that Tuttle was going to put together a program to assist Osgood in the'their effOrts and that he:was encouraged with the pOSsibilities, He suggested that there sh°uld be investigation irito suPPlementing MN DNR inspectors with volunteers, citing local rotary clubs as an, examPle. Discussion of Wenck Associates Memorandum, dated 12/30102, that discusses the EWM Harvestin? Pro.qram and the removal of phosphorous from Lake Minnetonka. Suerth asked Kluckhohn to Provide an overview of the memo she prepared for the MCWD. Kluckhohn stated that the MCWD a~ked'her tO ~rePare a me~o that researched the effect harvesting of milfOil has on water quality. The primary jurisdiction of the MCWD has generally focused on water quality and flooding. Recreational and impediment to navigation have generallY not been in the per view of the MCWD in the past; however, milfoil impediment COUld be an issue for the MCWD to deal 'With in the future..The methodology used included .discussion w th the experts and literature re~,iew relating to milfoil harvesting practi(~s, ch~mlcal cOntrol options, and phosphorous contents within milfoil. A variety of factors make it difficult to quantify within a narrow s~ope how :much.~ ph%:p~horous is being removed from 't~ lake"by th~ h~rve~: Pi'O~i:~ii:' ~Ba~d dn~:':[h~~e rOUgh calculations', she estimated that the 'harvesting Program coUidre'movetjhO§ph~bi,0Q§~'.~t'~n am~ur~t e~'.Q~!~t~;~r~ greater ~han the amount coming ~nto Lake Min'netO~ka on the tribUtari:e~ being'mOnitored bY the MC~Di S?e estimated t~is to be'between 51~000 aha 19 000 pOUnds 5f Pho~Phbr0uS program are currefitly being incurred bY the District; howe~er, the benefits generally are, wide SPread, BeCause of this, thereis a questiOn on whether ihe funding shOUld be sprea Foster stated that he was thrilled with the concept of the harvesting program either improving or asSiSting in not diminishing water quality on Lake Minnetonka. He believed that a case could be made that Lake Uinnetonka is a regional asset thaHs w0rthy Of the MCWD considering funding for:the program. A letter haS been prepared by legal counsel for the :District that discusses petitiOning the w~ie~Shed dYst~t foi the harvesting prograr~' adding that the state enal~:li~g legisl.ation for the District would' allOW a Pet ti5n to ~e UcWD ior th.j~, ~ re~uest:fo~i;~nding from the MCWD; rather than a focal Petition; Seems to make~ ~ore 'sense at ihi~ tree and it'wl I~e d sdu~ed at the nextRegular Board Meetin§~ for'the Distri~{. Kluckhohn' stated that~ she belieVed there Would not be a measurable impact in the short term where you c°Uld conclude that the harvesting program improved water quality on a specific bay. In the long term,` she beli~bd that there migh! a measurable impact. FoSter stated that he believed thatthe ranges could: be further defined by conducting fieldW6~ih'i:s uP%~in'~! harvesting' Season. KluCkhohn Stated that even on th'e IoW end of the ranges for phosphorous removal, the harvesting program is a cheap alternative to address improving water quality issueS. .... ::'~ '..':" .~" - 1 553- EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE, 2./14/03, PAGE 3 McCormack stated that the MN DNR permitting program is not intended to allow harvesting for the purpose of removing phosphorous. Instead, it is setup for recreational purposes and it is an issue that would need to be addressed. Baden stated that he had done a similar memo in recent years, adding that his numbers were ~irnilar tb those outlined by Kluckhohn. He believed to further refine the range of statistics, there is a need to measure phosphorous removal by truckload. The consensus of the Task Force was to further pursue the concept with the MCWD and to utilize the harvesting program in 2003 to further define the range on the amount of phosphorous that is removed from the program. This would include weighing of the trucks and the gather of samples of the biomass. Aqenc¥ Reports. Baden provided an update on the. Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Medicine Lake, It. has been conceptually been approved, with no funding allocated, by the Three Rivers Parks Distdct Board and is scheduled for approval in the near future by the City of Plymouth. If the plan is ultimately approved, it will result in all aquatic nuisance control on Medicine Lake to be lumped together in one permit that will be reviewed by a committee. In addition, there are protected areas on Medicine Lake where no treatments or boating would be allowed. He stated that he would keep the Task Force informed on.the status of the plan. Welling stated that there are meetings upcoming that will address the use of herbicides and the management of milfoil. This will include representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers and Sea Pro Corporation to discuss the possible use of fluddone on lakes in Minnesota. He provided a bdef update on the three lakes that were in 2002 with .whole lake treatments with fluridone; Area. wide lake association rePOrts. There were no area wide lake association reports. Old business. There was no old business. . New business.. ....... There was no new business. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed at 10:45 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Greg Nybeck Executive Director - 1554- 03-21-2003 10:39AM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4?20620 P.O1 407I Sunset Drive Box 385 9prlng Pa~ MN Phon~- 952-.471-7125 Fax- 952-471-9151 E..rnail- l~uswe~,net CC: Urgent FI For Review [] PleG.~ Comment [] Please Reply r"l Please Rf~-ycle · Comments: If you do not receive all of the page~, please contact our office as soon as p~.eible at 952-471 ................. 1555- 03-21-2003 10:39AM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4720620 P,02 - 1556- 03-21-200~ 10:~gAM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4720620 P.O~ -1557- TOTAL P.03 Association etropolitan unicipalitie LEGISLATIVE ALERT April 1, 2003 TO: FR: RE: City Manager/Administrator, AMM Member City Kris Wilson Met Council Redistricting In this aftemoon's meeting of the House Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Committee, H.F. 1228 was amended to include a new redistricting pl~ for the Metropolitan Council. The bill will now go to the House Government Operations Committee, Attached is a copy of the map that reflects this redistricting plan. It is different f-rom the plan endorsed by the former Metropolitan Council last fall. The current Metropolitan Council has indicated that they are not advocating for the plan adopted by the former Council and do not intend to get involved in the redistricting process, which they view as a legislative responsibility. We would urge cities to review the attached plan and forward any comments or concerns to your local legislators, with a copy to the bill's sponsor Rep. Buesgens (R- Jordan). A quick overview of the map shows numerous suburban communities divided into two districts, as well as traditional communities of interest divided amongst multiple districts and districts that contain portions of three or more counties. At this time, the Senate has not released its own Met Council redistricting plan. AMM is working to determine what the Senate's plans are. I/you have trouble reading the enclosed map or would like to discuss this further, please contact us at 651.215-4000. t,80 page 1 of 3 JO i?ltla a6~d uosuolt s! puolt IlZglaZ-'l~8 - 145 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55~ 03-2044 Telephone: ($5 f) 2 ~ 5-4000 Fax: (65~) 28~.~299 E-mail: amm@amm145,org Metropolitan Council Plan MCO] - Oink <{rove 11 L~ ~ Hvf~ ]~k, omin. gmn M~an MetCotmcil Plan: MC01 Administrate Rep. Mark Bue~gem 3/31/2003 11:20 a.m, Population Summary Report Overall Range: Largest District: 168,220 Smallest District: 160,450 Deviation: Deviation: 4.71 Percent 2.03 Percent -2.68 Percent 7,770 Persons 3,344 Persons -4,426 Persons 2,179.25 Persons 2,615.49 Persons Ideal Distxic~. 164,876 Mean Deviation: Standard Deviation: 1.32 Pement District 1 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 Population Deviation % Devn. 165,616 740 168,220 3,344 167,983 3,107 167,950 3,074 164,011 -865 167,478 2,602 164,399 -477 165,498 622 163,958 -918 167,996 3,120 165,864 988 162,796 -2,080 161,501 -3,375 163,659 -1,217 160,963 -3,913 160,450 -4,426 0.45 2.03 1.88 1.86 -0.52 1.58 -0.29 0.38 -0.56 1.89 0.60 -1.26 -2.05 -0.74 -2.37 -2.68 State Total: 2,638,342 l~00 JO t~[10 a6ad uommH g!ptmlq BZgBZ,'_'-i'",~O- x~cI ~!/1 fiZ:fS:flB EBOZ Eli acl~ LEN HARRELL Chief of Police TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 Kandis Hanson Acting Chief John McKinley Momhly Report for March, 2003 STATISTICS The police d~opartment responded to 579 e~!l~/for service during the month of March. Tl~ere were 12 Part I offenses~e~rted. There was 1 criminal sexual conduct, 4 burglaries, 5 lareenies~d 2 vehicle thefts reported. There were 59 Part II offenses rep~ed. /Those offenses include I child abuse/neglect, t forgeries; 9 crim~:~ d~geto property, 3 narcotic law violations, 12 liquor law violations, 12 DUI, 9 domestics (5 with assaults), and 12 other offenses. ' ' The patrol division issued 173 adult citations and 8 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 22 tickets. Warnings were issued tog0 individUals for a varieO'Of violations. There was:l adult arrested on felony g~es. There were 38 adults and 3 juveniles 5 adults arrested on misdemeanbr-warrants during The There assisted on 11 (0 with injuries). 42 animal complaints. Mound March and requested assistance - 1561 - MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - March, 2003 II. INVESTIGATIONS Investigations were conducted on 2 criminal sexual conducts, 4 burglaries, 4 child protection, 2 motor vehicle thefts and 3 fleeing a police officer cases which accounted for over 57 hours of investigative time. Other cases investigated by the department included thefts, forgery, identity theft, sex offender registration, internet fraud, domestic assault, NSF checks and threats complaints. The cases investigated by this department are complex and time consuming. Our department has a high clearance rate for investigated crimes as was demonstrated in last years annual report. Formal complaints were issued for 3~d Degree Gross Misdemeanor DUI, 3ra Degree Gross Misdemeanor Over. 10, Possession of Stolen Property, 3ra Degree Gross Misdemeanor test Refusal, Issuance of Worthless Checks, Gross Misdemeanor resisting Arrest, 4th Degree Misdemeanor DUI, 4t~ Degree Misdemeanor Over .10, Driving After Suspension, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Possession of Small Amount of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle. III. PERSONNEL/STAFFING Officers earned approximately 8 hours of overtime during the month of March. Officers used 94 hours of comp-time, 88 hours of sick time, 25.5 hours of funeral leave and 135 hours of vacation. Officers earned 38.5 hours of comp time. The entire department attended firearms training in the month of March. Acting Chief John McKinley attended, what is referred to as, the Governors Conference in March. This conference is required by the Minnesota Department of Emergency Management to retain certification as an emergency manager. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER Mike Wocken responded to a total of 228 calls for service in March. Mike continues his efforts in assisting the building department with code enforcement issues and to work on Operation Clean Sweep as well as all his other duties as Community Service Officer. - 1562- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - March, 2003 VI. RESERVES The reserves donated over 256 hours to the community in March. The unit's strength had continued to grow. We have 11 active reserves who contribute on a regular basis. Many of them are interested in pursuing law enforcement as a career and are attending school in this field. - 1563- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MARCH 2003 Oa-~-m~SES ~ EXCEPT- CLEARED BY ARRESTED REPORTED ~NFOUNDED CLEAKED ARREST ADULT JUV Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 I 0 5 I 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Child Abuse/Neglect Forgery/NSF Checks Criminal Damage to Property Weapons Narcotic Laws Liquor Laws DWI $imple Assault Domestic Assault Domestic (No Assault) Harassment Juvenile Status Offenses Public Peace Trespassing Ail Other Offenses 12 1 1 9 0 12 12 1 $ 4 3 4 1 0 3 2 0 i i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 12. 12 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 59 2 $ 41 38 3 PART II & PART IV Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual Aid Other General Investigations 10 0 0 20 42 4 404 48O HCCP Inspections 1 27 5'/9 4 5 42 39 3 - 1564- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT MARCH 2003 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY Hazardous Citations Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over .10 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony Arrests Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests Part I Offenses Part II Offenses Medicals Animal Complaints Ordinance Violations Other Public Contacts THIS YF_~%~TO MONTH DATE TO DATE 135 251 165 46 112 93 34 65 8 25 83 53 128 337 241 22 80 110 12 34 9 10 26 7 10 33 34 0 5 20 0 0 0 1 9 8 38 1-t0 67 0 0 5 3 14 44 12 39 64 59 171 179 20 69 63 42 79 128 27 70 68 404 1,220 1,298 TOTAL Assists Follow-Ups HCCP Mutual Aid Given Mutal Aid Requested 1,028 2,807 2,664 48 153 99 16 49 44 4 11 4 12 20 34 11 22 14 -1565- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MARCH DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Code Enforcement Seat Belt Overweight Vehicles Miscellaneous Tags TOTAL 12 10 0 10 0 121 7 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 0 22 1 0 1 6 3 7 217 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 -1566- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MARCH 2003 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk ~tnimals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAL WARRANT ARREST~ Felony Misdemeanor Adult 19 30 10 0 0 7 0 0 0 19 85 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 567- Property Class C/ass Extension Y - All Other Sub Total: Record Type Loss Type Stolen Items Dollar Value 2 $365.00 2 $365.00 X - Equipment/tools 8awSALL Sub Total: Stolen 1 $150.00 1 $150.00 A - Motor Vehicles Sub Total: Stolen 1 $1,000.00 1 $t,000.00 R - Radio/TV/Sound Entea~nment CD Audio Sub Total: Stolen Stolen 1 $51.00 1 $60.00 2 $111.00 Report TotaL... 6 $1,626.00 Licensed to Mound Poli~ Deparmaent Page 1 of I - 1568- Property Class Class Extension X - Equipment/tools SawSALL Sub Total: Record Type Loss Type Stolen Items Dollar Value 1 $150.00 1 $150.00 Report TotaL... 1 $150.00 Licensed to Mound Police Department Page 1 of 1 - 1569- Offense Summary Report Total MOC Mound Police Department Date Assigned BETWEEN 02/26/2003 and 03/25/2003 and NCIC Number--MN0271300 Printed On: MOC Literal Transaction Tuesday, April 01, 2003 2 3 1 1 1 10 3 4 2 6 7 1 5 7 3 1 1 1 1 2 17 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 15 1 1~,~ 1 9000 9002 9018 9019 9029 9200 9210 9220 9222 9300 9312 9313 9315 9316 9450 9451 9466 9561 9564 9567 9710 9730 9731 9741 9750 9801 9802 9804 9900 9904 9910 9921 9928 SPEEDING NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L EQUIPMENT VIOLATION J-EQIPMENT VIOLATION J-DRIVING ON PARK PROP. DAS/DAR/DAC PLA 'lES~NO-IMPROPER-EXPIRED NO INSURANCFJPROOF OF OVERWEIGHT VEHICLE LOST ARTICLES/OTHER FOUND ANIMALS/IMPOUNDS FOUND PROPERTY UNCLAIME DESTROYED ANIMALS IMPOUNDED PLATES PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS H/R. PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. SNOWMOBILE COMPLA3NTS DOG BITE DOG BARKING DANGEROUS DOG MEDICAL/ASU MEDICALS MEDICALS/DX 911 HANG UPS FIRES DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT PUBLIC ASSIST NOISE COMPLAINT ALL HCCP CASES OPEN DOOR/ALARMS MISC. SERVICES BY OFFICERS INSPECTIONS CITATION HANDGUN CARRY GRANTED Licensed to Mound Police Department Page I of 3 - 1570- Summary Report T~I S MO~ Mound Potice Department Date Assigned BE'nNEEN 02/26/2003 and 03/2512003 and NClC Number =MN0271300 Printed On: MOC Literal Transaction Tuesday, April 01, 2003 HANDGUN PURCHASE GRANTED 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 I 1 1 2 1 6 6 6 4 1 1 1 1' 4 1 3 2 4 9933 9944 9945 9980 9991 9992 9994 A5352 AL351 AL352 AL501 B3394 B3564 B4460 DA540 DC500 DC501 E2700 I2060 JF501 YFF01 JG501 JGF01 J'GR01 Kgc01 L1271 M4140 M5350 N3030 N3190 P2110 P3110 RESTRAINING ORDER ON FII.g~ UNWANTED GUEST SUSPICIOUS PERSON WAKRANTS J,-MISC. VIOLATIONS MUTUAL AID~81 O0 MUTUAL AID/ALL OTHER ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-ASLT-AC DOM ASLT-MS-INFLT BODILY HARM-HANDS-AD-FAM ASLT-DOMESTIC-MS-INFLT BODLY HRM-HNDS-ADLT-AC DOM ASL T-MS-THR T BODILY HARM-ADULT FAMILy BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT BURG 3-OCC NKES FRC-N-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT BURG 4-UNOCC RES NO FRC-N-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT DRUGS-SM AMT IN MOT VEH-POSS-MARLI-UNK DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POS SES S-UNK- UNK DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-SALE TO MINOR ESC-FE-FLEE AN OFFICER CRIM AGNST FAM-GM-NEGLECT OF A CHILD TRAF-AC-GM-3RD DEG DWI-UI ALCOHOL-MV TRAF-AC-GM-3RD DEG DWI-lO OR MORE W/N 2 HRS-MrV TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-UI ALCOHOL-MV TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-10 OR MORE WIN 2 HRS-MV TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-REFUSAL TO TEST-MV DEPRV PARNT-RIGHT-FE-TAKE-FAIL RTN-NONE-A FAM CSC 1-FEAR GRT BOD HRM-ACQUAINT-UNDER 13-F LIQUOR-UNDERAGE CONSUMPTION 18-21 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY DISTURB PEACE-MS-DISORDERLY CONDUCT DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS PROP DAMAGE-GM-PRIVATE-UN/(/NTENT PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT Ucensed to Mound Police Department Page 2 of 3 - 1571 - Offense Summary Report ~OC P3310 Mound Police Department Date Assigned BETWEEN 02/2612003 and 03/2512003 and NClC Number =MN0271300 PHnted On: MOC Literal Transaction Tuesday, April 01, 2003 TRESPAS S-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 (;RAND TOTAL: 200 P3610 P3620 TR021 TR029 TR159 U302D U355D VA021 VC021 [2~J~-~WFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-PRIVATE PRO LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-PUBLIC PROP THEFT-UN-DR 250 - MS - BUILDING MONEY THEFT-250 OR LESS-MS-BUILDING-OTHER PROP THEFT-LESS 250-MS-MOTOR VEl-I-OTHER THEFT-MN-ISSUE WORTHLESS CI-IECK-2$0 OR LESS FRAUD-MS-FIN-TRAN-CARD-NO-CONSENT.250.LES S THEFT-FE-AUTO-MORE THAN 2500 VEH-NOT MORE 500-FE-THEFT-AUTO Ucensed to Mound Police Department Page 3 of 3 - 1572- Mound Police Department Date Cited BETWEEN 02/2512003 and 03/25/03 and NClC Number =MN0271300 Printed On: tion Summary Offense Report Total Offense Offense Literal Tran~ac~n 119 9000 SPEEDING 4 9001 J-SPEEDING 5 9002 NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L 1 9005 J-KESTRICTED D/L 1 9018 EQUIP~ VIOLATION 1 9030 CROSSWALK VIOLATION 1 9033 MV/ATV STREETS-PARKS 1 9036 OBSTRUCTED VISION 1 9038 MI$C CITATIONSfTRAFFIC 1 9039 J-MISC CITATIONS/TRAFFIC 6 9040 NO SEATBELT 3 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 19 9140 NO PARKING/WINTF~ HOURS 3 9210 PLATE S/NO-IMPROPER-EXPIKED 4 9220 NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF 3 9240 CHANGE OF DOMICILE 1 9990 MISC. VIOLATIONS ORAND TOTAL: 174 Tuesday, April 01, 2003 Ucensed to Mound Police Department Page 1 of 1 -1573- Case Status Report MOC Total Founded A5352 Mound Police Department Date Assigned BETWEEN 02/26103 and 03/25103 and Ofc Offense Code >=A0000 and NCIC Number =MN0271300 Printed On: Exoept- Cleared Pending/ Total Cleared Arrest Inactive Cleared ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD }tRM-~S-ASLT-AC Tuesday, April Ol, 2003 Ref, To Oth. GOA Assisted Agen /UTL /Advised Other Total 1 percent AL351 TOts/ 1 percent AL352 Tots/ 3 percent AL501 Total 1 percent B3394 Total 1 B3564 Total 2 B4460 Total 1 percent DA540 Total 1 DC500 Total 1 DC501 Total l E2700 Total 2 I2060 Total 1 JF501 0 1 0 0 1 0 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DOM ASLT-MS-INFLT BODILY HARM-HANDS-AD-FAM 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 ASLT-DOMESTIC-MS-INFLT BODLY HRM-HNDS-ADLT-AC 0 0 3 0 3 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DOM ASLT-MS-THRT BODILY HARM-ADULT FAMILY 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100,00 0.00. BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 BURG 3-OCC NRES FRC-N-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 0 0 1 1 1 0 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 BURG 4-UNOCC RES NO FRC-N-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT 1 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRUGS-SM AMT IN MOT VEH-POSS-MARLI-UNK 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 I00.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POS SES S-UNK-UNK 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POS SES S-UNK-SALE TO MINOR 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 I00.00 0.00 100.00 0~00 ESC-FE-FLEE AN OFFICER 0 0 2 0 2 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 I00.00 0.00 CRIM AGNST FAM-GM-NEGLECT OF A CHILD 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 TRAF-AC-GM-3RD DEG DWI-UI ALCOHOL-MV 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 , 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ucenaed to Mound Police Department Page 1 of 3 - 1574- Case Status Report MOC Total Founded Mound Police Department Date Assigned BETWEF..N 02/26103 and 03/25103 and Ofc Offense Code >--AOOOO and NClC Number --MN0271300 Printed On: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 Except- Cleared 'Pending/ Total Ref. To Otb. GOA A~sisted Cleared Arrest Inactive Cleared Agen /UTL /Advised Other Total 6 percent YFFOI Total 6 percent JGS01 Total 6 percent JGF01 Total 4 pement JGR0I Total 1 percent K9COI 1 percent L1271 Total l M4140 Total 1 M5350 Total 4 percent N3030 Total l percent N3190 Total 3 percent P2110 total 2 P3110 4 0 0 6 0 6 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 TRAF-AC-GM-3RD DEG DWI-10 OR MORE WIN 2 BRS-MV 0 0 6 0 6 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-U] ALCOHOL-MV 0 0 6 0 6 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-10 OR MORE WIN 2 HRS-MV 0 0 4 0 4 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 I00.00 ~ 0.00 TRAF-ACC-M-4TH DEG DWI-REFUSAL TO TEST-MV 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DEPRV PARNT-RIGHT-FE-TAKE-FAIL RTN-NONE-A FAM 1 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CSC 1-FEAR GRT BOD HRM-ACQUAINT-UNDER 13-F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 LIQUOR-UNDERAGE CONSUMPTION 18-21 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY 0 1 3 0 4 0 0.00 25.00 75.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 DISTURB PEACE-MS-DISORDERLY CONDUCT 0 0 1 0 1 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 0 2 0 I 2 0.00 66.67 0.00 33.33 66.67 PROP DAMAGE-GM-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT 0 0 0 2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT 0 0 2 2 2 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Licensed to Mound Police Department 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 2 of 3 - 1575- Case Status Report MOC Total Founded P3310 Mound Police Department Date Assigned BETWEEN 02/26103 and 03/25103 and Ofc Offense Code >=A0000 and NClC Number =MN0271300 Printed On: Total Cleared Except- Cleared 'Pending/ Cleared Arrest Inactive TRESPASS-MS-PRIVATE-UNK I:h'ft~NT Tuesday, April 01, 2003 Ret To Otb. GOA Assisted A.qen /UTL /Advised Other Total 1 P3610 Total 1 P3620 Total 1 TR021 Tot~ 1 percent TR029 Total 1 percent TR 159 Total 2 percent U302D Total 1 U355D Total 1 VA021 Total 1 percent VC021 Total 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-PRIVATE PRO 0 1 0 0 1 0 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 LITTER-~A~ DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-PUBLIC PROP 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 lO0.O0 0.00 THEFT-UNDR 250 - MS - BUILDING MONEY 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 I00.00 0.00 THEFT-250 OR LESS-MS-BUILDING-OTHER PROP 1 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 THEFT-LESS 250-MS-MOTOR VEH-OTH]~R 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 THeFT-MN-ISSUE WORTHLESS CHECK-250 OR LESS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 FRAUD-MS-FIN-TRAN-CARD-NO-CONSENT-250-LES S 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 THEFT-FE-AUTO-MORE THAN 2500 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 VEH-NOT MORE 500-FE-THF_~T-AUTO 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 67 percent 4 5 42 16 47 0 0 0 0 5.97 7.46 62.69 23.88 70.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ucensed to Mound Police Department Page 3 of 3 - 1576- ~ogoOoO~OOOOO~O 000000 goooo~oogoo~ 0000000 000 000000000000 O0 O00 O00 O000 gOOOoOOOgOggoo 000 00 0 goooooooogoOoO 00000000 gggg~oooooo 000000 oooooooo~ 00000000000 000 00000 ~ 000 .~, .1~ 0000 --~ 0 m - 1577- 00000000 ooo~~~ · ~ 000' ~0000 ~ 0 0~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 C Z - 1578- - 1579- - 1580- o e e Mound Harbor Renaissance (MHR) March 21, 2003 -April 4, 3003 - Update Vacations: Peter Pflaum has been on vacation for the past two weeks and Dave Newman was on vacation for one of the past two weeks. MI-IR met and completed several items in their absence but the group waited to address a number of additional items until Dave and Peter returned. Wetland Delineation: Kjolhaug Environmental Services has completed their delineation. Landform has surveyed the wetland areas and is in the process of completing their analysis. "Project Team" Meeting with City Staff and Consultants: We met with the Project Team on Wednesday to go over information we gathered from meetings with STS (outlined below). The project team gave us advice on a number of issues; they thought that it might be more important for us to continue with written and verbal updates than to hold the work session on April 15. MHR is meeting on Monday and will contact staff that afternoon if it appears that this work session is not necessary at this time. Geotechnical and Environmental Issues: MHR has had two meetings to review the data that STS has collected to date. STS also provided a summary of their findings and their recommendations for additional testing. Most of the development districts contain some amount of contamination which will require further testing and eventual remediation. Sarah and Chuck Alcon will be setting up a meeting with Hennepin County Environmental to see if they have funding still available for environmental testing. Sarah and MHR representatives will also be setting up a meeting with the Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTED) and the Met Council to look at grants that may be available for clean up of the sites. In order to overcome a number of the geotechnical issues STS believes that some type of pier foundation system will be needed. This type of systems eliminates the cost prohibitive replacement of the existing poor fill and allows for the least disturbance of the existing soils including contaminants. It is however, more expensive then traditional footings. Financial Issues: We are working on a rough draft of the Sources and Uses statement. This should be available to staff in the next few weeks. Site Plan: Within the next few weeks we should be able to determine if the Plan is impacted by either the locations of the wetland or the HWL. -1581 - FIRE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES from January 29, 2003 Attendees: Kandis Hanson - City Manager Mound, Sara Irvine - City Administrator Minnetonka Beach, Craig Dawson - City Administrator Shorewood, Ron Moorse - City Administrator Orono, Peter Meyer - Council Member Mound, Gino Businaro - Financial Director Mound, Dean Lotter - City Administrator Minnetrista, Cheryl Fischer - Mayor Minnetrista, Bill Weeks - City Administrator Spring Park, Jerry Rockvam - Mayor Spring Park, Pat Meisel- Mayor Mound, George Zenanko - Council Member Minnetrista, Greg Pederson - Fire Chief Mound, Jeff Andersen - Assistant Chief Mound Started: 11:10 a.m. Fire Chief Greg Pederson did a quick review of the MFD 2002 Incident Report Summary. The detailed package of information was distributed to all attendees. Chief Pederson provided a package of Budget and Financial information which included: a. 2002 Budget vs. Expenditures (preliminary estimates) b. 2003 Fire Service Costs ( allocation changes) c. Public Safety Cost Comparison for area fire services d. Jerry Rockvam raised the issue of the fire service cost calculation formula and what could be done in the future to help minimize costs. i. G. Pederson Will do an estimate and detailed breakdown for the contract formula without Orono as a partner. ii. The benefits of the new Public Safety Building were discussed including: 1. Wellness programs 2. Response time issues 3. Potential and future growth iii. Chief Pederson reminded everyone that Volunteer fire departments are very cost effective and economical. iv. An update on fire inspections: 1. Inspections have gone very well in Spring Park 2. Bill Weeks advised that the fire Inspections and follow up have been handled professionally and have been well received in Spring Park. Lunch 12:20 p.m. ! - 1582- Resume 12:30 p.m. Chief Pederson reported on the status of the new fire facility. He provided: a. Details on the bids, released contracts, and schedule were provided to all and discussed. b. Fadlity budget updated version was distributed. c. An overview of the temporary location and move details were provided by Chief Pederson, with the move to the temporary location to happen throughout February 2003. d. Chief Pederson showed a preliminary comparison chart of the new fire stations and fire departments that are currently under construction. ~, Chief Pederson reported on fire service coverage area changes for 2003 and 2004. a. Mound Fire department increased fire coverage area in Minnetrista effective January 1,2003. i. Letter of Understanding 1. Issues a. New Building b. Need for satellite stations b. Minnetrista / Mound Fire Distdct Study i. Working together ii. Appointed people for study (G. Pederson, K. Hanson, P. Meisel, B. Brown) iii. Sent letter to Maple Plain Fire Department to participate in future , iv. Concerns with Other fire departments to come in with the fire c. Orono i. ii. district other than Mound, Minnetrista and Maple Plain 2003 / 2004 Discontinue with Mound in 2004 Excelsior and Long Lake to take the area (recruiting) Other Issues and Discussion a. Response Time Overview i. Breakdown by city ii. What type of call iii. Time the receive the call to the on scene time iv. Code 3 and Routine calls were not dedphered in the response times of 2001. b. Duty Crew Options i. Just looking at! ii. Looking into how much it would cost 1. Response time iii. Minnetdsta and Satellite Station (s) c. Full Time Fire Chief - 1583- do i. Place ad in September ii. Start date January 1, 2004 Ground Breaking Ceremony i. Saturday March 1, 2003 1. 11:00 a.m. 2. Big Deal and Very patriotic - 1584-