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1995-04-11 AGENDA CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND cITy COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1995, 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 28, 1995, REGULAR MEETING. PG. 1129-1140 PUBLIC HEARING..: TO CONSIDER THE MODIFICATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF AND ADDITIONAL MINOR AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS KNOWN AS GLASS PLUS AT 5533 SHORELINE DRIVE (ARCO AUTO & MARINE) LOCATED IN THE B-1 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. PG. 1141-1178 APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAN - AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. PG. 1179-1193 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC LAND PERMIT. DONALD AND GERALDINE SWENSON: REQUEST: TRIM VEGETATION. #43520, PG. 1194-1227 .C~A~J~.:i!: JIM KOCH, 4849 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 3, BLOCK 14, DEVON, PID #25-117-24 11 0036. REQUEST: VARIANCE FOR ADDITION. PG. 1228-1240 BID A_..~WARD: FIRE TRUCK, TRIPLE COMBINATION PUMPER. PG. 1241 8. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 1126 10. 11. REQUEST FROM SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 1~: LIFTING CAP ON CDBG ALLOCATION TO PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITY PROJECT. PAYMENT OF BILLS. (TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING) INFORMATIONAL/MISCELLANEOUS A. Department Head Monthly Reports for March 1995. LMCD Representative's Monthly Report for March 1995. C. LMCD Mailings. The Park & Open Space Commission has rescheduled its Park Tour for Thursday, April 20, 1995, 6:00 P.M. Please make every effort to attend. Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 1995. Economic Development Commission Minutes of March 16, 1995. Attached is the following information RE: S.F. 1570 (Property Tax Freeze Bill proposed by DFL Caucus for 1996): Memo dated March 31, 1995, from League of Minnesota Cities regarding proposed tax freeze for 1996. Letter written to Senator Gen Olson and Representative Steve Smith regarding how a freeze does not make any sense for cities. Information compiled by the League of Minnesota Cities on the impact such a tax freeze would have on various cities across Minnesota. Gino and I attended a hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 1995, at the Capitol. Senator Roger Moe, DFL - Erskine, presented the bill to Senate Tax Committee. A number of cities, counties and school districts were represented. The League testified against the bill and Jim PG. 1242-1245 PG. 1246-1273 PG. 1274-1276 PG. 1277-1295 PG. 1296-1301 PG. 1302-1303 PG. 1304-1310 PG. 1311-1316 PG. 1317-1322 1127 Miller, Executive Director of the League; Karen Anderson, Mayor of Minnetonka and 1st V.P. of LMC; Frank Salerno, Mayor of Ely and 2nd V.P. of LMC; carded the cities message that this bill would have disastrous effects on municipal operations. At the end of the testimony, the Committee voted to approve the bill and it now moves through the Senate process. Governor Carlson is likely to veto it should it ever reach his desk. I have spoken to both Senator Olson and Representative Smith. Both oppose this bill and will work to help cities and other local units of government. Governor Carlson has proposed Local Government Aid (LGA) cuts in our 1995 LGA payments. This amounts to approximately $60,000 or 7.5% of the City of Mound's total aid. Governor Carlson is also proposing an additional $20 million in LGA cuts in 1996. I don't know what that figure is at this point. Whatever the final decision is regarding property taxes or LGA, there are going to be some cutbacks. Cities are again being asked to take cuts in order for the State to balance its budget. This is an annual occurrence which eventually will, in the minds of Legislators, force reform of the state/local finance system. REMINDER: Committee of the Whole Meeting, Tuesday, April 18, 1995, 7:30 P.M. REMINDER: Annual Board of Review, Tuesday, April 25, 1995, 7:00 P.M. Enclosed are copies of Sales data prepared by the County Assessor's Office. Regular Meeting of April 25 will follow Board of Review. We have scheduled Thursday, May 4, 1995, for the Open House on the Mound Visions project. It will be held from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at City Hall. It will provide an opportunity for all interested citizens to become familiarized with the Lost Lake Dredging Project and the Auditor's Road Improvement Project. Please mark your calendars for this event. 1128 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 28, 1995 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 28, 1995, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Mark Hanus, and Liz Jensen. Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens and Phyllis Jessen were absent and excused. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, Building Official Jon Sutherland, Planner Bruce Chamberlain, and the following interested citizens: Jon & Justine Goode, Dave Schmidt, Tom & Kathy Latcham, Ray Salazar, Donald & Geraldine Swenson. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.0 ]VIINIJTES The City Clerk submitted a replacement page for 979 with corrected ritles to three resolutions. The Council accepted the page. Councilmember Jensen questioned page i of the March 21, 1995, COW Minutes regarding the make-up of the Commons Dock Task Force. That part of the minutes reads as follows: ".... Discussion then focused on the number of persons that could serve on the task force, the number suggested was twelve, with five abutters that have shared docks, three abutters who do not share docks, three non abutters and one person at large." After discussion the Council changed the wording to:" ...... , the number suggested was twelve, with five abutters who have docks other than their own in front of their property; three abutters who have only their dock in front of their property; and three non abutters and one person at large." MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Hanus to approve the Minutes of the March 14, 1995, Regular Meeting and the March 21, 1995 Committee of the Whole Meeting, as amended. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.1 CASE//95-08: JONATHAN & JUSTINE GOODE, 5116 EDGEWATER DRIVE, L.P. CREVIERS, .... LOT 2, BLOCK 1, PID//13-117-24 42 0002, VARIANCE FOR SECOND STORY ADDITION. The Council asked that the condition that the Planning Commission requested, be inserted into the proposed resolution. It would read as follows: "7. Water towage from the roof be contained within the site, to the satisfaction of the City Staff." The applicant agreed with the condition. Hanus moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RF~OLUTION//95-34 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE FOR A SECOND STORY ADDITION AT 5116 EDGEWATER DRIVE, LOT 2, BLOCK 1, "L.P. CREVIER'S Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT 36, LAFAYETTE PARK", AND THAT PART OF VACATED LAKE BOULEVARD, PID//13-117-24 42 0002, P & Z CASE //95-08 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carded. 1.2 CASE g95-10: TOM & KATHY LATCHAM, 4711 ISLAND VIEW DR., LOT 3, BLOCK 7, DEVON, Pm //30-117-23 22 0051, VARIANCE FOR DECK & PORCH. Jensen moved and Hanus seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION//95-35 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO RECOGNIZE EXISTING NONCONFORMING SETBACKS TO CONSTRUCTION A CONFORMING DECK AND PORCH AT 4711 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 3, BLOCK 7, DEVON, PID//30-117-23 22 0051, P & Z CASE//95-10 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. There were none. 1.3 APPOINTMENTS TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERMS ON MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (I-IRA). The City Manager reported that the following two persons have been interviewed by the City Council to fill two vacancies on the HRA: James H. Baer, term to expire 8/96 and Donna Christensen, term to expire 8/97. Jensen moved and Hanus seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION//95-36 RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES BAER AND DONNA CHRISTENSEN TO FILL VACANCIES ON THE MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carded. 1.4 RESOLUTION ESTABIJSHING A TASK FORCE ON COMMONS DOCKS. The City Manager related the background on the item. Councilmember Jensen stated that since the last COW Meeting, she is not comfortable with how the Council is distributing the representation on the Task Force. She stated there are 517 people Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 using the Dock Program, and 179 of those users abut Commons land, 11 abutters share a dock. There are 190 people abutting Commons that are participating in the program, which leaves 32'1 people who use the program but do not abut Commons. 37 % of the users of the program abut the Commons and 63 % of them do not abut and the way the distribution is on the Task Force would be 42% for abutting users of the program which she did not think was a proper representation on the Task Force. She stated that the Council needs to make sure that people are fairly represented and she does not feel they have done that. Councilmember Hanus stated that he thought the numbers chosen at the COW Meeting were Councilmember Jensen's numbers. Councilmember Jensen stated that a lot of numbers were discussed and the numbers chosen were to satisfy others in the room, based on what other people in the room were willing to live with. They were not based on knowing there are 517 users of the program and 63 % of them do not abut Commons. That was a detail the Council did not have at the COW Meeting. Councilmember Hanus questioned how many docks are actually used. No one had that answer. He stated that it is his understanding that a lot of the 446 total docks are not used or are unusable. Councilmember Jensen stated she does not have unused or unusable figures. Councilmember Jensen stated she is still struggling with what ill we are trying to correct. She stated that putting that aside, if this is use of Commons then you need to look at abutting people who use the Commons, non-abutting people who use the Commons and a whole lot of people who own the Commons but do not use it at all, and they only have one person representing them on the Task Force as it is currently laid out. Councilmember Hanus stated that he has a concern for everyone's interest in the system. He stated he would like to include the Commons itself as a point of discussion or the possibility of discussion for the group. However the primary focus of discussion is going to be the Dock Program itself, and those that do not use a dock, don't fund the program and if we are only affecting docks and they don't use a dock, what is their interest in docks? Councilmember Jensen stated that as long as that is where the focus is, then she understood where he was coming from. Councilmember Hanus stated that is where he sees the focus. Councilmember Hanus then asked to add some language to the proposed resolution to include the Commons because there are issues such as the use plan, classifications (how rules may or may not be applied to different classifications) which may come up in discussion. So because of those potential intertwining regulations and/or problems, he wanted to be careful not to preclude the Commons as a possibility of discussion. He further stated that he sees most of the problems that will be discussed are relative to the Dock Program itself. He stated he is not looking to take anything away from anybody. He stated he questions how much concern people have about how the Dock Program may be administered if they are not using the program and are not funding it. Councilmember Jensen shared the following thoughts: "The City of Mound owns 4 miles, plus or minus, of lakeshore. In years gone past, there was a scramble at ice out for people to put in a dock and over time as the population grew and as certain locations became more contested for dock sites, it became 1131 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 a problem. So the citizens of the community gathered together and found a way to bring peace to the program and bring some fairness to the program. So we have a program of putting private docks on public land." "The City of Mound owns 4 miles, plus or minus, of lakeshore and we, as a community, can do just about anything, within reason, that we want to do with the land. Right now we are using this land to provide dock sites for people who would not otherwise have dock sites. So we are in the business of providing dock sites and if we want to get some feel for how our customers are responding to the service we are providing to them, that is one thing. If we are going to talk about administration of this part of the public lands that the City owns, that is another thing. So the people who fund it are the customers for that service and if we want to find out how they are perceiving the product or service that we are offering to them, that is all well and good. Administration of the public lands may be something that should be looked at separately. Again, I'm not sure what the ill is we are trying to correct. If there is a problem with the Dock Program, then we can certainly get people who use it, in those different categories, together to discuss what that problem is and bring that customer feedback to us. If it is something other than that, then we may have to open it up to other people because it is the public's land and they do have a right to say what happens to their land." Councilmember Hanus: "That's correct. But just so it's clearly understood, this body that we are looking at forming is not a deciding body of any kind. What I am fishing for is ideas. I perceive this as an idea group of people that are going to start kicking back ideas to us. The votes that they take and the recommendations that they make are all well and good, but just as important is the minutes and what is kicked around. Particularly if an item is pertaining to the Commons, but probably Commons or Docks either one, I would suspect that procedure would be to take those recommendations through the Park Commission and then to the Council. Through all of those bodies there is all kinds of opportunity for the public at large to provide input. I am looking for this core group to be idea people who have problems. That's the group of people I am trying to get ideas from. Once we identify what those problems are and get some recommendations, then we can start getting input and start trying to piece some improvements together. That's what is going on in my mind. ' Councilmember Jensen: ~Reacting to your statement that you want to get ideas. I think that's commendable, but then you focus it down to people with problems. So do you want ideas or do you want people to come in to grind an axe. If you are looking for ideas, then why not open this up to a broader body. ~ Mayor Polston: "My understanding of what was discussed at the COW Meeting was that we, in fact were going to revisit something, system or program, that was started some 20 years ago and invite a Task Force to look at, not only problems, but other aspects of the program and 4 J152. Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 to get feedback from them, as our customers. The main thrust being to have the Task Force look at and evaluate and make recommendations to the Park Commission and at a public hearing with the City Council if there were changes that were going to be made. I didn't understand or feel that there were any limitations of what the Task Force could address, if they so choose to do so. My original recommendation was that 2 members of the body be people at large from the City. The rest of the Councilmembers, that were there, felt it should be restricted to people who were participating in the dock program. I don't have a problem with that because there will be an evaluation by the Park Commission and then a public hearing at the City Council, prior to any action to change anything. With just cleaning up the resolution to reflect what was decided at the COW Meeting, I would like to move ahead." Councilmember Hanus agreed. Councilmember Jensen: "I am still hung up on the distribution of the numbers. The original numbers that we talked about at the COW Meeting for the Task Force were 4, 6 & 2. That was 4 who abutted, 6 who did not abut, and 2 at large. Those were the original numbers that were kicked around and around until everybody was happy. The decision in the minutes of 5, 3, 3, and 1 - and 5 people who have docks in front of their abutting properties are 42% of the 12 member Task Force, but they are only 37% of the whole (all users of the program). 63 % of the users of the program do not abut the lands we are talking about, yet they only represent 25% of the Task Force. I just don't think that is a fair distribution or representation on the Task Force. I haven't cranked out the percentages on the 4, 6 and 2 but I know those were the first numbers we looked at and one Councilmember thought it should be 6, 4 and 2 (6 being abutters, 4 non abutters and 2 at large). I'm willing to go back to the 4, 6, and 2, at least it is a little better representation, in terms of usage." Councilmember Hanus: "Here we go back to the same argument as before, the seriousness of the problems, the magnitude of the problems, these different groups face and I think the most serious problems that people face are the ones that abut that have other people's docks in front of their property and there is actual trespassing on their property to access docks and things of that sort. That's probably the most serious type of problem, as well as the littering, etc. The problems such as, the type of mailings you get and that kind of thing are far more minor. That type of problem is experience by everybody who uses docks." Councilmember Jensen: "You're looking for a group to generate ideas and I don't think we want to set up a group that could put 63 % of the users of the program in an under-represented position where we are trying to generate ideas. So if we are going to be looking at discussion and minutes of discussion rather than recommendations, we get that with a group that represents the users of the program. Even with 2 people at large, the owners of the program could be considered under-represented, but they are potential users of the program who could generate ideas on what could be done with this land, that we wouldn't get without them being there." 5 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 Councilmember Hanus: "My biggest problem with that comment is you rarely get ideas from people who do not have a problem with something. You don't get corrective ideas for a problem from people who don't have a problem." Councilmember Jensen: "I'm still trying to find the illness we are trying to fix." Councilmember Hanus: "Part of that's still trying to be identified too. That's part of their task is to identify what those problems are." Mayor Polston: "We are having the same problem that we had at the COW Meeting, where we seesawed back and forth on numbers and make-up and I really thought we had arrived at a breakdown of the Task Force and everybody felt it was equitable at the time. In lieu of the fact that one of the members of the Council is not here and left with the understanding that we had reached a consensus, I will make a motion to adopt the resolution with the 5, 3, 3, and 1 numbers, and any other changes that the Council would like. ' Polston moved and Hanus seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION//95-37 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A TASK FORCE ON THE COMMONS DOCK PROGRAM Councilmember Jensen: "I can't support that motion." Councilmember Hanus offered a friendly amendment. The first "WHEREAS, the City of Mound operates a municipal dock program known as the Commons Dock Program that is operated upon public pro_t~ertv designated as Commons, and". Councilmember Jensen: "That is inaccurate. The Commons Dock Program utilizes other sites that are not Commons." Councilmember Hanus: "Where I'm trying to go with this thing is, I'm trying to also get under the first, 'Be it further resolved, that the direction of the task force is to review the level of frustration with the Dock Program and related Commons properties and 6 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 develop recommendations on how the program can be improved.' I want to add that as a possible discussion item, not that it will be but it could be and I don't want to preclude the group from being able to discuss that. Because the problems are intertwined and the rules may apply differently to one area than another and it limits the kinds of suggestions they may be able to make. As far as the point on the first Whereas, that doesn't have to be there, it was just to support what I just said." Mayor Polston: "I couldn't accept the Whereas change, but I can accept the second change as a friendly amendment." The Mayor asked for any further discussion. Councilmember Jensen: "I still think that we have got misrepresentation and particularly have made that misrepresentation worse by including Commons related properties, because now you indeed have 37 % of the people representing 42 % of the Task Force. 63 % of the users of the Dock Program do not abut Commons, and they represent 25 % of the Task Force." Councilmember Hanus: "What if this group were talking about, i.e. applying a different set of rules to a different classification of Commons because it may make more sense (maybe you can do something on one type of Commons that you can't do on another). That may affect the Commons properties as to their designation. There may a recommendation from them, (because of problems in a particular area) to redesignate a certain section of Commons. If you don't have that in here, technically I don't think they can make that recommendation because they are not allowed to talk about the Commons property." Councilmember Jensen: "Well, your intent then, with this resolution and what you've done by including this, and I'm obviously in the minority here, you've already changed a resolution that we said earlier all 4 of us had agreed to, and now we've changed that part, but that's O.K. to move forward on. But when we find out that the numbers that we reached on Tuesday (COW Meeting), result in such a lopsided representation, that it's still O.K. to move on that. Regardless of what they do or don't talk about, or whether you do or don't include that, the representation aspect of this Task Force is still skewed. 37% of the users of the program, represent 42% of the Task Force." 7 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 Councilmember Hanus: "If that were a determining body, I'd say it's skewed." Councilmember Jensen: "The recommendations have the potential to be skewed. Their discussion has a potential to be skewed." Councilmember Hanus: "But the people who make the determination have the ability to get (will have to get) regular public input and theoretically they are not skewed, the elected officials or appointed officials on the Park Commission. That's not skewed. That's supposed to be fair representation. There is no determination being made by this group. I'm looking for ideas and you're not going to get ideas from people who don't have a problem with a program." Councilmember Jensen: "But, might you get ideas from these people about how else the program could be used and you've excluded them from even being a part of the idea generation? So you're looking for ideas and you've made it clear that the ideas that you want are from 37% of the users. Your idea generation body doesn't represent the people in the community. We don't need to go into whether or not the Park Commission is representative. Those people are appointed for a variety of reasons." Il3/, Mayor Polston: "We went around and around for several hours on the fine points of this thing. I think the important thing is that we are going to revisit a system and invite public participation through a Task Force, then through the Park Commission and then though a public hearing at the City Council. I think we will provide everybody that wants to an opportunity, to be heard and to listen and to make decisions based upon the ideas that are brought forth by the public at large." Councilmember Jensen: "If, indeed, that's way this thing is going to go, then the folks who are here and the folks who are watching, need to be aware of the fact that we have this skewed Task Force that is going to be put in place and we need to do an outstanding job of getting information out to the rest of the people as to when that Task Force is going to be meeting so that they can get their input to those 12 people, as well as well as when the Park Commission is going to be meeting and when this body is going to be discussing it." Mayor Polston agreed. Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 Councilmember Jensen: "The Task Force meetings have to be public meetings. They have to be consistent at a time when other people can get to them because otherwise it's just not going to work because it is still skewed. Floating locations, floating times and floating days don't make it." Councilmember Hanus: "We did discuss this and agreed that the meeting will have to take place at City Hall, and I would imagine they will be in the evening. We also agreed that City Staff will attend and minutes will be kept. All of those things have been agreed to already." Mayor Polston: "I absolutely agree that we should make an all out effort to make sure that everybody who wants to be heard or participate has an opportunity." The Council then changed the wording in the resolution regarding the make-up of the Task Force to read as follows: 5 persons - abutters who have docks other than their own in front of their homes; 3 persons - abutters who have only their docks in front of their homes; 3 persons - non abutting; and 1 person - at large. The vote was 2 in favor with Jensen voting nay. Motion carded. 1.5 UPDATE ON LOST LAKE DREDGING PROJECT - BRUCE CHAMBERLAIN, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. City Planner Bruce Chamberlain updated the Council on the Lost Lake Dredging Project and reviewed his memo dated March 28, 1995. The following work (Round 1) has been accomplished to date: 2. 3. 4. 5. Understanding of permits and environmental reviews. Collection of site data. Biological survey. Pollution and geotechnical testing. Auditor's Road street alignment. The next phase of work focuses on the preparation of preliminary construction plans, permits and environmental reviews as well as resolving property acquisition and business relocation issues. More detailed project plans will be presented to the community during this time. The Planner stated they are planning an open house sometime in the Spring. He asked the Council to share any ideas they may have on how to present this project creatively to the community. 9 11,.,3"I Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 The Mayor asked about MSA bonding capacity and capability that was discussed at the COW Meeting. The City Manager stated that the City can borrow against future MSA construction allotments, but you cannot borrow more than what the annual principal and interest payment would be on the bonds. The amount will depend on how much is going to be borrowed, what the interest rates will be and how the schedule is set up as far as the principal and interest payments. The City Engineer explained that the dollar limit is based on the payment, so the maximum you can pay back is half of what your yearly MSA construction allotment is, which is currently $157,000, or roughly $78,000. He stated he does not know what the going interest rate is at this time, but if you took $600,000, it would take about 8 years to pay back at approximately $80,000 per year. The Mayor asked the City Attorney's opinion. The City Attorney stated he has not looked at the statute but thought it was tied to the City's construction and maintenance accounts. The City Engineer reminded the Council that all the items have to be State Aid eligible. In other words, this has to be a State Aid approved project and everything has to be eligible. He stated there are some things in the project which are not eligible. Anything not eligible would have to be paid for from City funds, not bonding money. The City Engineer suggested the Council get some projections on what the bond payments would be with interest. The Mayor asked for an opinion from the City Attorney on the ability to borrow against State Aid money, using the $2 million as a worst case scenario, where the City might have to go to the bonding. The City Engineer stated he can give the Council a list of the items that are not eligible for State Aid, but they are making drastic changes in what is eligible, making things more eligible. The Mayor stated that he feels the consensus of the Council is that before they go into the next phase, they have all the necessary answers, financial and legal. The City Attorney asked if Auditor's Road is on the State Aid System at this time. The Engineer answered yes, but you still have to get the fight-of-way plan approved which hasn't even been sent in yet. Before you can buy fight-of-way, you have to have construction plans approved. The Mayor asked how close the City is to having plans and specifications approved. The City Engineer stated they are not working on the construction plans, just the fight-of-way plans. The Council has to approve the fight-of-way plan before it is submitted. The City Manager explained that the fight-of-way plans will come to the Council for approval in the near future, along with the answers to the other questions the Council had. The Manager stated he is trying to set up a meeting with Hennepin County about getting this on their five year Capital Improvement Program. There was discussion on relocating County Road 15. The City Engineer explained that the Auditor's Road project is not dependent on the relocation of County Road 15. The County Road 15 relocation is somewhere in the future and the fight-of-way plan would be shown with the new location of County Road 15, but the construction plans will show a temporary connection to the current location of County Road 15 that goes through the parking lot next to the Post Office. 10 Mound City Council Minutes March 28, 1995 The Council asked that the whole package be presented at a future meeting, i.e. financial, project, bonding, use of MSA funds, and results of the meeting with I-Iennepin County. The Planner then presented the concept plan for the Lost Lake Greenway for which the City has submitted an application for another ISTEA grant in addition to the Lost Lake Canal grant already approved. The amount of the Lost Lake Oreenway grant would be about $400,000. In this plan, Auditor's Road would become the Main Street of Mound with on-street diagonal parking. There would be a greenway or trail that would go along the lake from County Road 110 to the docking facility. The Planner will keep the Council updated. The next two items were taken off the Agenda because they require 4/5 approval by the City Council and there were only 3 members present at this meeting. 1.6 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC LAND PERMITS. //41110, RAY SALAZAR: REQUEST TO TRIM VEGETATION. This item was postponed until the April 25, 1995, Regular Meeting at the applicant's request. 1.7 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC LAND PERMITS. //43520, DONALD AND GERAI.DINE SWENSON: REQUEST TO TRIM VEGETATION. This item was postponed until the April 11, 1995, Regular Meeting at the applicant's request. 1.8 APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN EASEMENTS RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF PARKING LOT LANDS (DAKOTA RAIL) WITH METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTEWATER SERVICES. The City Manager explained that since the Dakota Rail settlement, the City Attorney has negotiated the easements that were pertaining to the parking lots (across from the House of Moy and next to the attorney's offices). These are sewer easements that the City needs to grant to the Metropolitan Council for the interceptor that runs through these parking lots. The City will be paid $45,000 for these easements. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Hanus to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the easements to the Metropolitan Council and the City will receive $45,000 for these sewer easements. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.9 PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Hanus to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $162,601.24, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 11 Mound City Council Minutes INFORMATIONAL/MISCELLANEOUS A. B. C. D. Ee March 28, 1995 February 1995 Financial Report as prepared by Gino Businaro, Finance Director. Park and Open Space Commission Minutes of March 9, 1995. LMCD Mailings. REMINDER: Interview with Donna Christensen HRA Candidate, Tuesday, March 28, 1995, 7:15 PM, City Hall, prior to regular meeting. Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 13, 1995. MOTION made by I-Ianus, seconded by Jensen to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Attest: City Clerk t1'-Io 12 APR 06 '95 0~:49PM MCCOMBS FRAMK ROOS P.~x3 ADril 5, 1995 RZSOLUTION APPROVING R/W PLAN FOR AUDITORS ROAD & BELMONT LANE WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Mound that the streets hereinafter described .as Auditors Road, and Belmont Lane, should be improved with Municipal State Aid funds; and WHERE~S, right-of-way glans for said streets showing proposed alignment, grade and typical cross-section have been prepared. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council Of the City of Mound that said right-of-way plans for Project No. SAP 145-109- 04, Auditors Road and Project No. SAP 145-108-02, Belmont Lane be in all things approved. u:O928/reso~4.5 APR 06 '95 O~:~gPM FRAMK ROOS 7:,: Zg_.~ t--~- i--i-F--- F__T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P. 3/3 PROPOSED RESOLUTION #95- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRIMMING OF VEGETATION ON DEVON COMMONS ABUTTING 4857 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 14, DEVON PID #25-117-24 11 0038 DOCK SITE #43520 WHEREAS, Donald and Geraldine Swenson have applied for a Land Alteration Permit to allow trimming of vegetation on Devon Commons, abutting their property known as 4857 Island View Drive, and; WHEREAS, the applicant requested permit approval for the "cutting and removal of vines which are encroaching on trees." WHEREAS, there is an existing stairway on the commons used to access the applicant's dock site. It is procedure to update all existing encroachments on a site when a new Public Lands Permit is applied for, and; WHEREAS, the applicant states a handrail has been installed on the stairway, and; WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval, by a four-fifths vote, for Construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, and; WHEREAS, the City's Shoreland Management Ordinance allows limited clearing and trimming of vegetation on steep slopes to provide a view to the water from the principal dwelling site provided that screening of structures is not substantially reduced, and; WHEREAS, trees are allowed to be trimmed in a manner appropriate for removal of branches to benefit the trees. Healthy trees and plants with healthy root systems must remain intact to prevent erosion of the steep slope, and; WHEREAS, the Public Land Use Plan classifies this area of commons as Shoreline Type C, and as a resident permit docking area, and; WHEREAS, the Park and Open Space Commission reviewed this request and recommended approval, with conditions and supervision by the Parks Director. Proposed Resolution Swenson Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the following Public Land Permits for Donald and Geraldine Swenson, Dock Site//43520, Devon Common, abutting 4857 Island View Drive, Lots 5 & 6, Block 14, PID #25-117-24 11 0038: A Special Land Alteration Permit to allow the trimming of vegetation subject to the following conditions: The permit is a "one-time" permit. The applicant must notify the City 48 hours prior to the trimming so staff can meet on-site with the applicant to mark brush for removal. All brush/vines that are trimmed have to be removed from Devon Common at the owners expense. Approval of a permit to allow the continuation of the stairway structure, subject to the following conditions: a. The permit shall expire five (5) years from the date of City Council approval. b. Repairs, if needed, shall be done according to code and as approved by the Building Official. In the event compliance with these conditions is not achieved within one (1) year of the date of City Council approval, the applicants dock license will not be issued until compliance is achieved. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MARCH 9, 1995 REQUEST TO TRIM VEGETATION BY DONALD & GERALDINE SWENSON, DOCK SITE #43520, DEVON COMMON, SHORELINE TYPE 'C', ABUTTING 4857 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 14, PID #25-117-2411 0038. The applicant requested permit approval for the "cutting and removal of vines which are encroaching on trees." Along with the need to remove the vines, there is also a need for removal of debris (i.e. concrete blocks, old dock sections) and other minor brush removal. The applicant stated that he is interested in seeking a permit for the additional trimming and would provide a general clean-up of the site. There is also an existing stairway on the commons used to access this dock site. It is procedure to update all existing encroachments on a site when a new Public Lands Permit is being applied for. This allows a concurrent expiration date for each abutting area to limit time spent for the abutting homeowner and City staff. Staff recommended the following: 1. Approval of a permit to allow trimming, subject to the following: The permit is a "one-time" permit. The applicant must notify the City 48 hours prior to the trimming so staff can meet on-site with the applicant to mark brush for removal. All brush/vines that are trimmed have to be removed from Devon Common at the owners expense. Approval of a permit for the existing stairway subject to the following: a. The permit shall expire five (5) years from the date of City Council approval. b. Repairs, if needed, shall be done according to code and as approved by the Building Official. c. In the event compliance with these conditions is not achieved within one (1) year of the date of City Council approval, the applicants dock license will not be issued until compliance is achieved. Photographs of the subject property were reviewed by the Commission. The applicant, Donald Swenson, explained his request and stated that he agrees with staff's recommendation. He explained that a handrail has now been installed on the stairway, and it is his understanding that this was the only repair needed in order to be in compliance. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Meyer, to recommend approval of the Land Alteration Permit to allow the trimming of vegetation, and approve a permit for the stairway, as recommended by staff. Motion carried unanimously. This request will be heard by the Council on March 28, 1995. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 27, 1995 Those present were: Chair Geoff Michael, Commissioners Michael Mueller, Frank Weiland, Bill Voss, Jerry Clapsaddle, Mark Hanus, Lisa Crum, Ed Surko, and Becky Glister, City Council Representative Mark Hanus, Building Official Jon Sutherland and Secretary Peggy James. The following people were also in attendance: Jim Koch and Carl Glister. MINUTES The Planning Commission Minutes of March 13, 1995 were presented for approval. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Clapsaddle, to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of March 13, 1995 as written. Motion carried unanimously. CASE #95-11:. JIM KOCH, 4849 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 3, BLOCK 14, DEVON, PID #25-117-24 11 0036. VARIANCE FOR ADDITIONS. Building Official, Jon Suthedand, reviewed the Staff Report. The applicant is seeking a variance to recognize the existing nonconforming setbacks and hardcover as listed below, in order to construct an attached garage and a second story addition on the house. The second story addition will follow the existing footprint of the house. The garage is proposed to extend into a nonconforming location as noted on the survey. Sutherland noted that this is the second proposal reviewed by staff, the first proposal included a 16' x 24' addition on the lakeside which cannot be constructed due to a City utility easement. The original proposal also had the garage doors facing the street. I EXISTING I PROPOSED IREQUIRED IVARIANCE FRONT 18' 3' 20' 17' SIDE EAST 1' 3' 6' 3' DECK 'A' GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE SIDE (WEST) 3.4' 3.4' 6' 2.6' HARDCOVER 2,071 SF 1,888 SF 1,600 SF 288 SF 72% 47% 40% 7% There are four decks shown on the survey, as follows: Deck A: May be setback 2 feet from the property line if it is reduced in size to 32 square feet or less. Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 Deck B: At second level on lakeside of house, is conforming to setbacks with the exception of the west side which follows the existing line of the dwelling. Deck C: At first level on lakeside of house, planned to be removed. Deck D: Detached from house at lakeside, planned to be removed. Although the proposed garage is nonconforming to the required 20 foot front and 6 foot side yard setbacks, there does appear to be hardship and practical difficulty with this site: 1) The property has limited access and side yard area due to the location of the dwelling. 2) There is a City utility easement on the lakeside that limits the buildable footprint. 3) There is no other reasonable location for a garage. This proposal represents a substantial improvement to the property, and improves its nonconforming status. It is unlikely the nonconforming setback to the dwelling can be eliminated at this time. The amount of impervious surface cover, the impact to the lake, and the use and function of the property are all improved. The City has historically attempted to facilitate the construction of garages, and in this situation the substantial variance seems the only practical solution to accommodate a garage. The City has approved variances for other garages that have a similar setback to the street, under similar restrictive site conditions. Staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend approval of the variance request to construct a second story and garage addition as shown on the survey dated "Rev. March 16, 1995. This recommendation is conditioned on the removal of Decks "C" and "D". A resolution of approval would incorporate the conditions as listed within this report. Sutherland noted that if either owner were to erect a fence to divide the two driveways, it would make access to both garages difficult, and he suggested some type of driveway easement may be a possible solution, and the City Attorney may need to address this issue. It was clarified that the proposed Deck "B" has a concrete patio below it. Staff noted that if the applicant supplied a detailed cross section it would help clarify what is being proposed. Mueller commented that he would like to see gutters and downspouts to help direct the water run-off from the roof. 2 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 Weiland commented that the nonconforming use is being exaggerated. Mueller confirmed that the roof line is proposed to be changed from a east/west peak to a north/south peak. He also confirmed that the existing shed will be removed. Clapsaddle commented that the plan as presented, with a 3 foot front setback, will not work as a two car garage, it will only accommodate one car. He feels that if it is the intent to have a two car garage, a I foot setback should be allowed. The applicant clarified that it is his intent to request a I foot setback from the street in order to accommodate a two car garage. The Building Official stated that City Staff has no objection to allow the I foot setback subject to the overhang being limited to I foot, and no ornamental devices or gutters shall be allowed. Staff confirmed that the house to the west also has an attached garage located 1 foot from the front property line. The Commission requested information relating to the neighboring variance. Hanus noted that there is approximately 920 square feet of green space on the adjacent commons. He confirmed with staff that the existing terraced retaining walls will help slow the drainage to the lake. Weiland expressed a concern about snow removal and questioned if the City could be liable if the garage was damaged by snow if the City gives permission for the location. Weiland also expressed a concern about access to the lakeside of the property for fire fighters Mueller questioned if a survey was on file for the house to the east. Mueller noted that the neighboring garage is lower than street level and this garage would be higher which creates a taller wall and a greater impact. Chair Michael announced a break to allow time for staff to obtain the information in question. Chair Michael reopened meeting. Staff confirmed that there is no survey on file for the property to the east. The Building Official suggested that the applicant could revise his survey to show the location of the garage on the lot to the east prior to the City Council meeting. Photocopies of Resolutions #89-33, 89-44, and 89-84 were distributed to the Planning Commissioners for their review. The Resolution titles are as follows: RESOLUTION 89-33 RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE AND TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF LIVING SPACE, STORAGE SPACE AND DECKS FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID #25-117-24 11 0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE; P&Z CASE #89-804 3 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 RESOLUTION 89-41 RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION #89-33 AND ALLOW RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HOME IN THE SAME FOOTPRINT AND GRANT VARIANCES FOR THE POSITIONING OF THE BOATHOUSE OFF OF PUBLIC PROPERTY AND ONTO THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY, LOT 4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID #25-117-24- 11 0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE); P&Z CASE #89-804- RESOLUTION 89-84 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 3, SHADYWOOD POINT; PID #13-117-24 11 0135 (1766 SHOREWOOD LANE); P&Z CASE #89-824 MOTION made by Clapsaddle, seconded by Crum, to recommend approval of the variance request, as follows: FRONT 18' 1' 20' 19' SIDE (EAST) 3' 6' 3' SIDE (WEST) 3.4' 3.4' 6' 2.6' HARDCOVER 2,071 SF 1,948 SF 1,600 SF 348 SF 72% 49% 40% 9% Subject to the following conditions: Deck 'A' be reduced to 32 square feet in size and conform to the required 2 foot side yard setback. 2. The portion of Deck 'B' which encroaches into the easement shall be eliminated. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed to maintain proper drainage within the property, as required by staff. 4. Decks 'C' and 'D' shall be removed. The setback to the garage on the property to the east shall be identified in order to alleviate concerns relating to possible structural stress on the adjacent garage. 4 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 This recommendation shall be inclusive of the following findings: 1. Garages are normal and customary for residential properties. No feasible alternative for a garage exists on the lot due to the width of the parcel. The property has limited access and side yard area due to the location of the dwelling. There is a City utility easement on the lakeside that limits the buildable footprint. Michael commented that it is his opinion that a single car garage is feasible. Mueller commented that he would like to see a garage on this property, however, feels there may be a better solution, such as creating a tuckunder garage. Weiland agreed that the garage could be pushed southward. Clapsaddle commented that variances were granted to other properties for the same setback. Mueller noted that one variance was granted to recognize an existing setback, and the other variance on Shorewood had 8 feet of boulevard from the property line to the curb. Mueller commented that currently the property has an 18 foot front setback and a conforming east side setback, and this approval would make both of those setbacks worse, it would be expanding a nonconforming situation. MOTION failed 4 to 5. Those in favor were Clapsaddle, Surko, Crum and Voss. Those opposed were Weiland, Michael, Glister, Mueller, and Hanus. Weiland expressed his concern about the City's liability if a I foot setback is approved. Crum emphasized that past variances have been granted and the applicant has shown sufficient hardship for the variance. Mueller feels that if this variance were approved it would be setting a bad precedent, and he feels there are ways to make a garage work on this property. Michael questioned how the garage at 4853 Island View Drive was approved to be constructed in 19797 The Building Official confirmed that other I foot setbacks have been approved, however, the boulevards have been larger. 5 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, I995 MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland. to recommend denial of the variance request, as amended by the applicant for a 1 foot front yard setback. MOTION to deny carried 6 to 3. Those in favor were: Mueller, Weiland, Michael, Glister, Hanus, and Clapsaddle. Those opposed were Crum, Surko, and Voss. Those opposed expressed the following comments: Crum commented that she feels this is sending a negative message to the residents of Mound. Surko believes the applicant has shown a hardship and he should be able to improve the property. Voss feels the proposal is a reasonable use of the property. This case is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 11, 1995. The applicant commented that he thought it was to be heard the next night, March 28th. Staff clarified that the City Manager would need to approve a request for this case to be heard on March 28th. DISCUSSION: ORDINANCE PROVISIONS FOR DRIVEWAYS MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to table discussion on this item due to the late hour. Motion carried unanimously. The Building Official explained why this issue is being proposed by staff, and indicated that both the Public Works Superintendent, Greg Skinner, and himself, have proposed changes to the report prepared by Hoisington Koegler Group. He explained that the planner took the standard ordinance approach. The Commission requested that the Building Official prepare his comments and have them available for discussion at the next meeting. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Crum, to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Geoff Michael Attest: 6 R. CARDARELLE -3031 Certificate Of Survey "~ Su~ey For Douq Smith 4849 Island View Drive l~ound, MN Book Page Land Surveyor Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File MAR gl l{){~ Scale: 1"=20' y · L~V.c 5ho,-¢ .. ~,~'"'- ' '-' -" -'. Lot 3- Blk.14, ~von ~w---~. 24th ~ "'J'°~5 ' ~/ ~-'' ~ Frank R. Cardarelle ~ ,~ ~,. 2,. q ~ State ,....o. ~,o}A II ( ¢='r F.. F-T...T' F p.. o ¢ -r ') 527 November 13, 1979 Councilmember Withhart moved the followi, ng resolution, RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 484 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE NONCONFORMING USE WHEREAS, owner of property described as Lot 4, Block 14, Devon, Plat 37870, Parcel 5125, PID #25-117-24 11 0037 has request'ed expansion of a nonconforming use, and WHEREAS, existing nonconforming use pertains to a 6.89 ft street front variance and a 5.47 west sideyard variance and request would enable owner to move an existipg wall forward 7 ft between garage and structure for additional storage space in a covered area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED'BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That Council concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to recognize the existing nonconforming use of the street front and west side yard variances and approve the request to allow expansion of 7 feet between garage and house for additional covered storage space. A motion'for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council- member Polston and upon vote being taken thereon; the following voted in favor there- of; Lovaasen, Polston, Swenson, Ulrick and Withhart, the following voted against the same; none, whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Attend/c: CMC' ' y 49 March 28, 1989 RESOLUTION 89-33 RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE AND TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF LIVING SPACE, STORAGE SPACE AND DECKS FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID %25-117-24-11-0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE); P & Z CASE %89-804. WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a variance to recognize existing nonconforming front and side yard setbacks and allow expansion of the structure to include additional garage storage space, additional living space on three different levels and decks on two levels, collectively requiring the following variances: A variance from the requirements of Section 23.,404 (8) to expand the first floor level (basement) northward a distance of approximately 20 feet. This expansion will not change the existing exterior dimensions of the structure. On the west side of the structure, expansion of the garage, living space on levels two and three, and a deck on level two, all within an approximate .5 foot setback requiring a 5.5 foot variance. Expansion of the third level of the structure to the north within 18.4 feet of the property line requiring a 1.6 foot variance and the addition of a deck with an approximate size of 8 feet by 8 feet on the southwest corner of the structure. Recognition of the existing front yard setback (attached garage with doors perpendicular to street) of 1.11 feet resulting in a 18.99 foot variance; and, WHEREAS, the property received a variance in 1979 (Resolution #79-484) to allow expansion of the garage on the property; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request and recommends approval after finding that strict application of the Mound Zoning Code would present practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 50 March 28, 1989 That the city does hereby authorize the variances as noted in items 1 through 3 above at 4853 Island View Drive; PID #25-117-24-11-0037. The city Council authorizes the existing structural setback violation identified in item 4 above and authorizes the additions to the structure pursuant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) with the clear and expressed understanding that the use remains as a law- ful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provi- sions and restrictions of Section 23.404. It is determined that the livability of the residential unit will be improved by authorizing the following al- terations to a nonconforming use property due to the narrowness and total size of the lot: Expansion of the first level (basement) to the north with approximate dimensions of 20 feet by 20.4 feet. Expansion of the second level garage on the west side totaling an area approximately 3.4 feet by 8.5 feet. Expansion of second level living area on the west side of the structure with approximate dimensions of 7.6 feet by 8 feet and a deck on the south end of the new construction with an approximate size of 8 feet by 8 feet. Expansion of the third level living areas within an envelope generally defined as being 18.4 feet from the north property line, .5 feet from the west property line extending approximately 44 feet from the north property line and over the existing second level of the home with approximate dimen- sions of 20.4 feet by 36.5 feet. Additionally, a deck will be constructed at the southwest corner of level 3 with an approximate dimension of 8 feet by 8 feet as shown on Exhibits 1 and 2. Relocate boathouse 4 feet onto applicants property or remove the boathouse. This variance is granted for the following legally described property: 51 March 28, 1989 Lot 4, Block 14, Devon PID #25-117-24-11-0037 This variance shall be recorded with the county re- corder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes, Section 462.3595, Subdivision (4). This shall be considered a restriction on the use of this property. 5. The property owner shall have the responsibility for filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Ma~or Attest: city Clerk i,~LALiD VIEW DEVO ,. COM $ LAKE t'41L/HETOLIK,4 DEIdOT£$ IR'O.kl MOk/UMEIJT GET l~,~ ~, · March 19~9 LAKE MI LI~ETO~KA OEUOTE',9 IR'OIl MOUUM£UT SET 66 April 25, 1989 RESOLUTION 89-41 RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION %89-33 AND ALLOW RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HOME IN THE SAME FOOTPRINT AND GRANT VARIANCES FOR THE POSITIONING OF THE BOATHOUSE OFF OF PUBLIC PROPERTY AND ONTO THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY, LOT 4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID %25-117-24-11-0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE); P & Z CASE #89-804. WHEREAS, Resolution #89-33, adopted on March 28, 1989, granted several variances to allow additions and remodeling to the above described property; and WHEREAS, the applicant began removing walls, etc., without a permit; and WHEREAS, while demolishing some walls, the house caved in and it was discovered that the house did not have proper frost footings and the garage walls did not have any footings. NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of . the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby amend Resolution #89-33 to read as follows: WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a variance to recognize existing nonconforming front and side yard set- backs and allow new construction of a structure in the same footprint as the old structure to include garage storage space, living space on three different levels and decks on two levels, collectively requiring the following variances: A variance from the requirements of Section 23.,404 (8) to allow new construction of the first floor level (basement) northward a distance of approximately 20 feet. This expansion will not change the old exterior dimensions of the structure. On the west side of the structure, new construction of the garage, living space on levels two and three, and a deck on level two, all within an approximate .5 foot setback requiring a 5.5 foot variance. New construction of the third level of the structure to the north within 18.4 feet of the property line requir- ing a 1.6 foot variance and the addition of a deck with an approximate size of 8 feet by 8 feet on the southwest corner of the structure. 67 April 25, 1989 Recognition of the existing front yard setback (attached garage with doors perpendicular to street) of 1.11 feet resulting in a 18.99 foot variance; and, WHEREAS, the property received a variance in 1979 (Resolution #79-484) to allow expansion of the garage on the property; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request and recommends approval after finding that strict applica- tion of the Mound Zoning Code would present practical dif- ficulties to the property owner in the use of his land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the City does hereby authorize the variances as noted in items 1 through 3 above at 4853 Island View Drive; PID #25-117-24-11-0037. 2. The city Council authorizes the existing structural setback violation identified in item 4 above and authorizes the new construction of the structure pur- suant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) with the clear and expressed understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provi- sions and restrictions of Section 23.404. It is determined that the livability of the residential unit will be improved by authorizing the following new construction to a nonconforming use property due to the narrowness and total size of the lot: Replacement of the first level (basement) to the north within the footprint shown on Exhibit 1 & 2. Replacement of the second level garage within the footprint shown on Exhibit 1 & 2. Replacement of second level living area and a deck on the south end of the new construction with an approximate size of 8 feet by 8 feet within the footprint shown on Exhibit 1 & 2. Replacement of the third level living areas within an envelope generally defined as being 18.4 feet from the north property line, .5 feet from the west property line extending approximately 44 feet from the north property line and over the existing 68 April 28, 1989 second level of the home with approximate dimen- sions of 20.4 feet by 36.5 feet. Additionally, a deck will be constructed at the southwest corner of level 3 with an approximate dimension of 8 feet by 8 feet as shown on Exhibits I and 2. Relocate boathouse onto applicants property and grant a 3 foot side yard variance and 4 foot rear yard variance. Upon further condition that the Registered Land Survey included by updated to include the staking of the utility easement. This variance is granted for the following legally described property: Lot 4, Block 14, Devon PID #25-117-24-11-0037 This variance shall be recorded with the county re- corder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes, Section 462.3595, Subdivision (4). This shall be considered a restriction on the use of this property. The property owner shall have the responsibility for filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The Certificate Of Oc- cupancy shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Mayor Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Attest: city Clerk 158 July 11, 1989 RESOLUTION 89~84 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH T~E PLANNING COHHISSION TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 3, S~3tDYWOOD POINT; PID 913-117-24-11 0135 (1766 SHOREWOOD LANE); P&Z CAS~ 989-824 WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a variance to allow a two story addition containing a two car garage and living space to the existing principal structure within one (1) foot of the front property line for Lot 4, Block 3, Shadywood Point; PID %12-117-24-11 0135; and WHEREAS, The subject property is. located in the R-2 Single Family Zoning District according to the Mound Code of Or- dinances, which requires a 20 foot front yard setback; and WHEREAS, Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) of the Mound Coae of Ordinances provides that alterations may be made to a building containing a lawful nonconforming use which will improve the livability thereof; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request and found that the one story garage should be approved within one (1) foot of the front lot line because no feasible alternative for a garage exists on the lot due to the width of the parcel; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request for second story living quarters above the garage within three (3) feet of the front lot line and found that such construction would alleviate undue hardship due to practical difficulty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: That the city does hereby authorize the applicant's request to construct a garage and entry area on the first floor within one (1) foot of the front lot line (19 foot variance) for the' property at 1766 Shorewood Lane; PID #13-117-24-11 0135. That the City does hereby approve the request for a 17 foot variance to construct second story living quarters above the first floor construction referenced in item #1 above due to the finding that strict interpretation of the Mound Zoning Code would impose practical difficulty upon the applicant. 159 July 11, 1989 The City Council authorizes the structural setback violation and authorizes the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) of the Mound Code of Or- dinances with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all' of the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.404. ® It is determined that the residential unit will be improved to afford the owner reasonable use of his property by authorizing the construction of a first floor garage and entry area within one (1) foot of the front property line and 2nd floor living quarters within three (3) feet of the front property line. This variance is granted for the followihg legally described property: Lot 4, Block 3, Shadywood Point, PID #13-117-24- 11 0135. -- This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder with the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes,' Section 462.3595, Subdivision (4). This shall be considered as a restriction on how this property may be used. e The property owner shall have the responsibility for filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the city Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Ahrens and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jess·n, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Attest: City Clerk PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROg: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: June 5, 1989 SUBJECT: Variance (Front yard setback) APPLICANT: Daniel P. Johnson LOCATION: 1766 Shorewood Lane CASE NUHBER: 89-~24 VHS FILE NUHBER: 89-310-A19-Z0 EXISTING ZONING: R-2 COHPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeking approval of a 19 foot front yard variance to construct a two car garage and second floor living space addition. The existing home sits approximately 24 feet back from the front yard property line. Proposed improvement plans call for construction of a garage and entry area on the first floor and a new bedroom on the second floor between the existing front of the home and the front property line. Upon completion, the addition to the home will be 1 foot from the front property line. The subject property is a lakeshore lot with limited side yard areas (6 feet and 9.6 feet). In the application, Mr. Johnson notes that the "existing setbacks do not allow wide enough driveway access for (the) garage to be on (the) lakeside." Because of the limited side yard areas, staff feels that placement of the garage in the rear yard is impractical and would result in a single car width driveway abutting the south lot line. Because of this situation, approval of a front yard variance for the garage seems to be warranted in this case. Properties approximately one block north of this site have garages very close to Shorewood Lane. According to City Code, requested variances are to be "the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship." This section of the ordinance impacts both the proposed garage and the second floor living space that is proposed to be constructed above it. 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.ll, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2175 6121553-1950 Regarding the garage, the applicant is proposing the construction of a structure to house two vehicles. The proposed garage is 24 feet in width resulting in the I foot front setback. A 22 foot wide garage will accommodate two vehicles but would reduce the required variance to 17 feet. The existing home presently has a rear yard setback of approximately 78 feet from Lake Minnetonka. The City and the LMCD require a 50 foot lakeshore setback for the principal structure. Construction of additional living space at the rear of the home is possible in conformance with the City's setback requirements. Past actions by the Planning Commission and City Council have recognized the need to allow variances for the construction of garages when no feasible alternatives exist. Garages have been found to be normal and customary parts of residential structures. In all cases, the City has not allowed construction of living space within one foot of a property line when feasible alternatives exist, particularly when the construction will be two stories in height. R£COMM£NDATION: Staff recommends approval of a 19 foot front yard variance for the construction of a new garage and entry area on the first floor of the home. Second story construction within the 20 foot required setback area is specifically prohibited since other alternatives for the construction of additional living space exist. RESOLUTION NO. 95- RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE US CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT TO REMOVE THE 20% CEILING ON THE ALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS TOWARDS PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITY PROJECTS WHEREAS, the City of Mound through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG); and WHEREAS, the City of Mound developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it, and held a public hearing to obtain the views of the citizens and local needs and priorities; and WHEREAS, the Westonka Senior Center using CDBG funds has for many years provided valuable service to the elderly of our community; and WHEREAS, the Federal mandate limiting the amount of Urban County CDBG funds available for eligible services to only 20% of the total available has this year created a major funding crisis for our local Westonka Senior Center and will see a decline in services available; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound understands local conditions and needs better than HUD. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the City Council of the City of Mound requests Congress and the President of the United States to remove the 20% mandate or allow increased local flexibility in the percentage of CDBG funds allowed to be allocated for services to eligible persons. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR MARCH FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Invest me nt activity Bought: CP Smith Barney Matured: CP Smith Barney CP Smith Barney Money Market Smith Barney Money Market 4M 6.15% 5.76% 5.58% 778,452 (397,140) (428,738) (4,031) (75,oo0) Audit Auditors from the CPA firm of Abdo Abdo & Eick were with us for a full week this month. Their audit of the 1994 City financial activity is progressing as scheduled. A report to the City Council will be presented at the May 9, 1995 meeting. Legislative Conference On Thursday March 30th Ed and I attended the 1995 Legislative Conference. Many legislative issues were discussed by the leadership of the League of Cities and its staff. Two major areas of concern to us are the State Aid to local governments and the property tax freeze. Under the Governor's budget proposal the City of Mound would lose $60,273 of state aid in 1995, which represents 7.5% of the total aid. The property tax freeze as proposed by the State Senate (bill S.F. 1570) would put serious strain to our 1996 budget. The City is limited in its ability to control expenditure increases brought about by inflation. At the same time drastic cuts were made in the past few years and any additional cuts in expenditures would impair the ability to provide essential services to the community. MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA FOR MONTH OF ~.IAPC~ lqq5 FIRE FIGHTERS DRILLS & MAINTENANCE FIRE & RESCUE 3/13 3/20 W~ IELRS }{IRS/ ~ 1 JEFF ANDERSEN X X 2 19.00 4 47 6.00 282.00 2 GREG ANDERSON X X 2 19.00 8 48 6.00 288.00 3 PAUL BABB X X 2 19.00 2.5 38 6.00 228.00 4 DAVE BOYD X X 2 19.00 2 21 6.00 126.00 5 SCOTT BRYCE ~' ~7 0 -0- 14 28 6.00 168.00 6 DAVE CARLSON X X 2 19.00 2 29 6,0Q 174.00 7 ,3tt,~ CASEY ~ (~ 0 -0- 2.5 22 6,00 132.00 8 STEVE COT,13NS X X 2 19.00 2 22 6.00 132.00 9 BOB CRAWFORD X X 2 19.00 7 37 6.00 222.00 10 RAI~DY tiNc. F3,HART (~)/ (~ 0 -0- - 12 6.00 72.00 12 P~= ~sK Ct) CD o -o- o o 6.00 -o- 17 ~0~ ~so~ × ~ 2 1~.00 0 34 6.00 20~.00 1~' ~ON ~ x × 2 19.00 2 37 6.00 222.00 X X 2 19.00 2 21 6.00 126.00 19 JOHN NAFU,q 21 MARVIN NEt,.qON X ~ 2 19.00 4.5 31 6.00 ]86.00 22 BRET NICCUM X X Z 19.00 3.5 32 6.00 lq2.00,. 23 C, REG, PAI,M X X 2 19.00 4.5 28 6.00 168.O0 24 ~.IIKE PALM X X 2 19.00 2.5 33 6.00 198.00 25 TIM PAI2,1 X X ' 2 %9,00 2.5 40 6.00 240.O0 26 GREG PEDERSON X X 2 19.00 4 Z~ 6.00 126.O0 27 c}rjlIS POUNDER X X 2 19.00 7.~ 4~ 6.00 Z70.00 28 TQN~ RASMUSSEN X ('~ 1 9.50 1.5 27 6.00 162.00 29 MIKE SAVAQE X X 2 19.00 9 36 6.00 216.00 30 KEVIN SIPPI~F3,L X X 2 19.00 3 28 6.00 168.00 31 RON STALt;iA~N X X 2 19.00 6 21 6.00 126.00 32 BRUCE SVOBODA X X 2 19.00 2.5 40 6.00 240.00 33 TOM SWI~SON X X ~ 19.00 2.5 30 6.00 180.00 34 ED VANECEI< X X 2 19.00 2 33 6.00 198.00 _ ~, RICK WILLIAMS X X 2 19.00 18.5 35 6.00 210.00 36 TII.i ~LLIAbIS (~ ~ 0 -0- 2 23 6.00 138.00 37 DENNIS WOYTCKE X X 2 19.00 1 41 6.00 246.00 32 31 63 80 77.5 157.5 598.50 135.5 1135 ~11{~ 6,838.50 157.5 l~lg 598.50 135.5 MAINI 1~167.00 2DTAL 8,604.00 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT MON~ MONT}{ TO DATEI TO DATE ~DIq~ OF M gRC,~ ~0. OF CALLS 50 47 173 137 FIRE 1 3 7 43 20 ~OUND E~RGENCY' 15 19 29 63 MINNETONKA BEACH FIRE O 2 3 8 ]~MERGENCY O .1 1 O MINNETRISTA FIRE % Z 9 ~M]~GENL'Y ?, Z 6 1 O ORONO FIRE ? ] 6 7 EMERGENCY ? ? 8 SHOREWOOD FIRE 1 0 1 0 MMERGENCf 0 0 0 1 SPRING PARK FIRE 2 4 11 5 F~.~-'RGE~'Y 8 5 23 8 MUTUAL AID -' FIRE 1 1, 2 1 ~MERGENCY 0 1 1 0 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 23 17 75 47 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 27 30 98 90 COMMERCIAL 0 0 0 3 RESIDENTIAL ~ 4 , 20 9 n~X3STR~-AL Q 0 0 0 GRASS & MISCELLANEOUS ~ 1 15 6 AUTO Z 1 4 2 FALSE ALARM / FIRE ALARMS 9 lQ ~ 26 NO. OF HOURS FIRE 277 150 969 5O8 - MOUND ']R~IGEN~Y 367 ~7~ ~224 1273 TOTAL 644 525 Zlg~ 1781 FIRE 0 42 72 lZ0 - - MTKA BEACH EMERC, ENCY (] 22 22 TOTAL (] 64 94 120 FIRE 7~ ~] ] 74 51 - M' TRISTA F~,~GENCY 52 33 127 %74 TOTAL ] 2,5 64 301 225 FIRE 51 23 132 178 - ORONO ]~MERGENCY ~2 42 211 ,~102 TOTAL 103 65 343 280 FIR~ Z~ 0 28 0 - SHOREWOOD m~ERGENCY O O O 22 TOTAL 28 0 28 ~2 FIRE 35 100 255 127 SP. PARK ]R~ERGENOY 177 105 47~ TOTAL 212 2Q~ 7~ ~78 FIRE 23 54 77 96 - MUTUAL AID EMERG~IqCY 0 17 17 0 TOTAL 23 71 94 96 TOTAL DRILL HOURS 160 14~% 460 480 TOTAL FIRE HOURS 4~7 4QQ ~ 7(]7 ]080 TOTAL EMERGENCY HOURS 648 594 ?,079 ] 7?,?, /DTAL FIRE & ~iMERGENCY HOURS ll,~ qq4 2786 MUTUAL AID RECEIVED Q fl (] MUTUAL AID ~VEN 1 ~ ~ DRILL REPORT. Discipline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspections Tools and Apparatus I~entify Hand Extinguisher Ope~tion Wearing protective,ClothiBg Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks ~OUND-FIRE-DEPARTMENT Pumper Operations Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas Demos. · Ladder Evolutions Salvage O~erations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hose'Appliances Hours Training Paid : ~Excused X' Unexecused O .Present / Not Paid Miscellaneous ~\~--J.Andersen G.Anderson P.Babb !!Boyd Bryce Carlson ~icasey .Collins Crawford Engelhart .Erickson P.Fisk · Grady P E R S'O N N E L Henderson ~.% ~ T. R a s mu s s e n .%~1~.H~ M.Savage ~_~.Larson .Sipprell %~3~J.Maas R.Stallman J.Nafus I___~B.Svoboda J.Nelson ~ Swenson M.Nelson E.Vanecek ~B.Niccum R.Williams G.Palm ~.Williams Palm D.Woytcke Z_T.Palm Pederson DRILL REPORT Discipline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspections Tools and Apparatus I~entify Hand Extinguisher Operation ~ear±n~ Protective,¢loth'~ng Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Mask's MOUND--FIRE--DEPARTMENT. Pumper Operations Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas Demos, · Ladder Evolutions Salvage O~erations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hos~'Appliances Hours Training Paid :  Excused X Une~ecused ' O .Present / Not Paid Miscellaneous : P E R S'O N N E L ', il ~\ J.Andersen ~ 'G.Anderson ~ P.Babb 'd .Bryce L-D.Carlson J.Casey S,Collins ~' ' K.Grady. ].,'¢.Henders6r  ,LarsOn ,Maas J ,Nafus J ,Nelson M,Nelson C,Pounder T,Rasmussen M,Savage i,Sipprell R,Stallman B,Svoboda ,Swenson ,Vanecek ~.~R.Crawford ' . . B,NicCum ' R,Williams ,Engelhart " ' G,Palm ~ · .~,Williams ~S.Erickson ' M,Palm ~ .--~\ ; ~,Woytcke ~_P.Fisk . T,palm ~ ' ~D.Grady ' ' ~Pederson ' · -~ DATE MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE FOR MONTH OF MEN ON DUTY ~ J. ANDERSEN ~ G. ANDERSON ~7~' P. BABB D. BOYD /~/ So BRYCE D. CARLSON s. COLLINS ~ S. O P; FISK ¥ ~. ~ ~?~' r, GRADY ~ c. mmDERSON J. i2tRSON j. MAAS ~ J. 'l '/ ~ j. NELSON TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS ~//~ M. NELSON ~/~- B. NICCUM Pzf~l G. PALM ~,? ~L M. PALM V ~. PmmsoN ?f~ c.~m M. SAVAGE K. SIP~L R. S~LL~ B. SVO~DA E. v~m T. ~~ / D. WO~ LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle Chief Len Harrell Monthly Report for March 1995 The police department responded to 768 calls for service during the month of March. There were 20 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 1 criminal sexual conducts, 1 aggravated assault, 16 larcenies, 1 vehicle theft, and 1 arson. There were 55 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses included 6 child abuse/neglect, 1 weapon, 1 narcotic, 11 damage to property, 1 DUI, 6 simple assaults~ 7 domestics (5 with assault), 8 harassment, 9 juvenile status offenses, and 5 other offenses. The patrol division issued 109 adult citations and 2 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 46 tickets. Warnings were issued to 54 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 2 adults and 4 juveniles arrested for a felonies. There were 10 adults and 7 juveniles arrested for misdemeanors. There were an additional 7 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 26 vehicle accidents, 1 with injuries. There were 28 medical emergencies and 46 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 17 occasions in March and requested assistance 11 times. Property valued at 5,379 was stolen in March. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 1995 II. INVESTIGATIONS Inv. Truax worked on 5 child protection issues, 3 CSC's, 3 burglaries and a narcotics case in March. Those cases accounted for 77 hours of investigative time. Other cases investigated included their, assault, damage to property, absenting, and adult protection issues. A formal complaint was issued for possession of narcotics during the month of March. III. Personnel/Staffing The department used approximately 42 hours of overtime during the month of March. Officers used 65.5 hours of comp-time, 120 hours of vacation, 58 hours of sick time, and 28.5 holidays. Officers earned 50 hours of comp-time. IV. IB. AIIfllIS_G Officers attended 34 hours of mandated training in use of force, Haz-Mat and blood born pathogens in the month of March. Officers also attended 24 hours of standard investigations. Inv. Truax has started the Wilson Supervisory Leadership Series. The reserves donated 147.75 hours during the month of March. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT F~RCH 1995 O~'~'~.~SES CLEARED EXCEPT- CLEARED BY ARRESTED REPORTED UNFOUNDED CLEARED ARREST ADULT JUV PART I CRIMES Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 TOTAL 20 3 I 4 2 4 PART II CRIMES Child Abuse/Neglect Forgery/NSF Checks Criminal Damage to Property Weapons Narcotic Laws Liquor Laws DWI Simple Assault Domestic Assault Domestic (No Assault) Harassment Juvenile Status Offenses Public Peace Trespassing All Other Offenses 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 1 1 0 t- 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 4 1 0 1 5 0 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 3 6 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 2 0 TOTAL 55 3 11 15 10 7 PART II & PART IV Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual Aid Other General Investigations 1 1 0 28 46 17 595 TOTAL 688 HCCP Inspections TOTAL 768 12 19 12 11 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT MARCH 1995 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY Hazardous Citations Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over o10 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony Arrests Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests Part I Offenses Part II Offenses Medicals Animal Complaints Ordinance Violations Other Public Contacts THIS MONTH 72 37 11 37 58 46 1 1 1 1 0 2 18 4 7 20 55 28 46 19 595 YEAR TO DATE 250 188 59 145 161 160 8 7 23 9 0 3 72 7 17 54 149 84 121 51 1,495 LAST YEA/~ TO DATE 144 140 64 122 201 120 21 17 34 8 0 11 76 20 11 67 132 66 237 75 2,531 TOTAL Assists Follow-Ups HCCP Mutual Aid Given Mutal Aid Requested 1,059 79 39 2 17 11 3,063 1197 98 8 18 35 4,097 124 193 11 33 19 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MARCH 1995 DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Code Enforcement Seat Belt MV/ATV Miscellaneous Tags ~OTAL 1 1 0 11 0 46 1 0 3 3 7 0 5 0 27 0 0 46 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOUND POLICE DEPD~I{TMENT MARCH 1995 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTA~ WARRANT ARRESTS Felony Misdemeanor 2 11 17 1 1 12 0 0 1 5 50 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Run: 28-Mar-95 11:18 PRO03 Primary ISN's onty: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Activity codes: All Property Status: All Property Types: All Property Oescs: All Brands: ALL Models: All Officers/Badges: All Prop Prop Inc no [SN Pr Tp Desc SN MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTED Prop Date Rptd Stolen Date Recov~d Quantity Act Stat Stolen Value Recov~d Value Code 0 Prop type Totals: E Prop type Totals: S Prop type Totals: T Prop type Totals: W Prop type Totals: X Prop type Totats: Y Prop type Totals: **** Report Totals: 1,250 0 1.000 1 1 1.000 880 0 2.000 121 1 2.000 130 0 1.000 2,977 0 3.000 20 0 3.000 5,379 2 13.000 Brand Model Page off-1 off-2 AssndAssnd Run: 28-Mar-95 9:37 CFS08 Primary [SN's only: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 HOW Received: AlL Activity ResuLted: ALL Dispositions: ALL Officers/Badges: ALL Gr~ds: ALL Patrol Areas: ALL Days of the week: ALL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors CaLLs For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS 9000 SPEEDING 46 9002 NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L 1 9014 STOP SIGN 7 9017 J-FAILURE TO YIELD 1 9018 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION 5 9034 STOP ARM VIOLATION 3 9035 J-NO PASSING 1 9040 NO SEATBELT 4 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 5 9140 NO PARKING/WINTER HOURS 41 9200 DAS/DAR/DAC 11 9210 PLATES/NO-IMPROPER-EXPIRED 3 9220 NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF 27 9300 LOST ARTICLES/OTHER 1 9301 LOST PERSONS 1 9312 FOUND ANIMALS/IMPOUNDS 4 9313 FOUND PROPERTY 3 9314 FOUND VEHICLES/IMPOUNDED 2 9315 UNCLAIME DESTROYED ANIMALS 3 9420 DERELICT AUTO 1 9430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 1 9450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS 1 Page Run: 28£Nar-95 9:37 CFS08 Primary [SN's onty: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 HOU Received: Activity Resutted: Att Dispositions: Officers/Badges: Grids: Att Parrot Areas: ALL Days of the week: Att MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Carts For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS 9465 SNO~OBILE ACCIDENTS 1 9561 DOG BITE 1 9710 MEDICAL/ASU 2 97~0 MED]CALS 24 97~1 MEDICALS/DX 2 97~2 MEDICALS/CI 1 97~5 IOD INJURY 2 9740 MENTAL CASES 1 9800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 3 9801 DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT 2 9810 LOITERING/LURKING 1 9900 ALL HCCP CASES 2 9904 OPEN DOOR/ALARMS 12 9920 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 3 9930 HANDGUN APPLICATION 6 9945 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 9980 WARRANTS 8 99~0 MISC. VIOLATIONS 1 9992 MUTUAL AID/8100 6 9993 MUTUAL AI0/6500 8 ~994 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER 3 A0022 ASLT-UNK DEGREE-UNK ACT-FIREARM-ADLT ACQ 1 I &o Page Run: 28-~ar-95 9:37 CFS08 Primary ISN's onty: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 2]:59 HOW Received: ^tl Activity Resutted: Att Dispositions: AIl Officers/Badges: AIl Grids: ALL Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Carls For Service INCIOENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS 5 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 1 8 1 1 ? 1 1 2 1 1 A5351 ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM A5152 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BO HRM-HANOS-ASLT-AC A5154 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-FAM A5355 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ D8500 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION F1224 ARSON 1-UNINHB-NO WEA-OT RESID-$300-$2499 I]060 CRIM AGNST FAM-MS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD dj500 TRAF-ACCIO-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR d]EO0 TRAF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INd-UNK VEH L5173 CSC 3-NO FRC-ACQUAINT-1~-lS-F M5150 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY N3070 DISTURB PEACE-MS-PUBLIC NUISANCE N]190 OISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS Pl120 PROP OAMAGE-FE-PUBLIC-UN[ INTENT P2120 PROP OAMAGE-GM-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P]110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UN[ INTENT P3120 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3130 PROP DAMAGE-MS-BUSINESS-UNK INTENT TC029 THEFT-501-2500-FE-BUILDING-OTH PROP TC059 THEFT-501-2500-FE-YARDS-OTH PROP TC999 THEFT-501-2500-FE-OTHER-OTH PROP TG021 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-BUILOING-MONEY Page 3 Run: 28-~ar-95 9:37 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 02726795 - 03725/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 How Received: All Activity Resulted: All Dispositions: Alt Officers/Badges: Att Grids: All Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS TG051 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YARDS-MONEY 1 TG059 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YARDS-OTH PROP 2 TG159 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP 3 TG189 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-FISHOUSES-OTH PROP 1 U1234 FRAUD-FE-LONG DIST PHON CALL-$301-$500 1 U3060 THEFT-MS-BY SWINDLE OR TRICK-UNK LOSS 1 U3288 THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-200 OR LESS 1 VE021 VEH-200 OR LESS-MS-THEFT-AUTO 1 W3599 WEAPONS-MS-CARRY TRANS-OTHER-UNLAW PURPOS 1 X3200 CR1M AGNST ADM JUST-MS-GIVE FLSE NAM POL 1 **** Report Totals: 333 Page Run: 28-Nar-95 15:27 OFF01 Primary IS#'s onty: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: Att Activity codes: Att Officers/Badges: Att Grids: ALt ACT ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION A0022 A5352 A5354 A5355 D8500 F1224 13060 J3500 J3EO0 L5173 M5350 N3070 N3190 Pl120 P2120 P3110 P3120 ASLT'UNK DEGREE-UNK ACT-FIREARM-ADLT ACQ ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-ASLT-AC ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-NANDS-CHLD-FAM ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION ARSON I-UNINHB-NO WEA-OT RESID-$300-$24~ CRIM AGNST FAN-MS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD TRAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR TRAF-ACC-HS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-UNK VEH CSC 3-NO FRC-ACQUAINT-13-15-F JUVENILE-RUNAWAY DISTURB PEACE-MS-PUBLIC NUISANCE DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS PROP DAMAGE-FEoPUBLIC-UNK INTENT PROP DAMAGE-GM-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT PROP DAHAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT PROP DAMAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT TC029 THEFT-501-2500-FE-BUILDING-OTH PROP TC059 THEFT-501-2500-FE-YARDS-OTH PROP TC999 TG021 TG051 THEFT-501-2500-FE-OTHER-OTH PROP THEFT-LESS 200-GM-BUILDING-MONEY THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YARDS-MONEY MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING 1 0 1 0 5 1 4 1 5 0 5 2 I 0 I 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 9 0 9 0 1 0 1 1 8 0 8 7 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 7 0 7 6 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Page 1 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED 0 I 0 1 100.0 3 0 0 3 75.0 0 0 3 3 60.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 2 100.0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 I 0 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 1 100.0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 6 3 9 100.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 1 1 12.5 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 0 1 1 14.2 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Run: 28-Nar-95 15:27 OFF01 Primary ISH~s only: No Date Reported range: 02/26/95 - 03/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: All Activity codes: All Officers/Badges: Att Grids: Att ACT ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPT[ON TG059 TG159 T6189 U1234 U3060 U3288 VE021 U3599 X3200 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YARDS-OTH PROP THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP THEFT-LESS 200-GM-F[SHOUSES-OTH PROP FRAUO-FE-LONG DIST PHON CALL-$301-$500 THEFT-MS-BY SWINDLE OR TR[CK-UNK LOSS THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-200 OR LESS VEH-200 OR LESS-MS-THEFT-AUTO WEAPONS-MS-CARRY TRANS-OTHER-UNLAW PURPOS CR[M AGNST ADM dUST-MS-GIVE FLSE NAM POL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIV[TY DISPOSITIONS Page 2 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEAREO 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 **** Report Totals: 70 6 64 33 9 10 12 31 48.4 MtNUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 27, 1995 Those present were: Chair Geoff Michael, Commissioners Michael Mueller, Frank Weiland, Bill Voss, Jerry Clapsaddle, Mark Hanus, Lisa Crum, Ed Surko, and Becky Glister, City Council Representative Mark Hanus, Building Official Jon Sutherland and Secretary Peggy James. The following people were also in attendance: Jim Koch and Carl Glister. MINUTES The Planning Commission Minutes of March 13, 1995 were presented for approval. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Clapsaddle, to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of March 13, 1995 as written. Motion carried unanimously. CASE #95-11: JIM KOCH, 4849 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 3, BLOCK 14, DEVON, PID #25-117-24 11 0036. VARIANCE FOR ADDITIONS._ Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the Staff Report. The applicant is seeking a variance to recognize the existing nonconforming setbacks and hardcover as listed below, in order to construct an attached garage and a second story addition on the house. The second story addition will follow the existing footprint of the house. The garage is proposed to extend into a nonconforming location as noted on the survey. Sutherland noted that this is the second proposal reviewed by staff, the first proposal included a 16' x 24' addition on the lakeside which cannot be constructed due to a City utility easement. The original proposal also had the garage doors facing the street. I EXISTING I PROPOSED IREQUIRED IVARIANCE FRONT 18' 3' 20' 17' SIDE EAST 1' 3' 6' 3' DECK 'A' GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE SIDE (WEST) 3.4' 3.4' 6' 2.6' HARDCOVER 2,071 SF 1,888 SF 1,600 SF 288 SF 72% 47% 40% 7% There are four decks shown on the survey, as follows: Deck A: May be setback 2 feet from the property line if it is reduced in size to 32 square feet or less. Planning Commission Minutes March 27, I995 Deck B: At second level on lakeside of house, is conforming to setbacks with the exception of the west side which follows the existing line of the dwelling. Deck C: At first level on lakeside of house, planned to be removed. Deck D: Detached from house at lakeside, planned to be removed. Although the proposed garage is nonconforming to the required 20 foot front and 6 foot side yard setbacks, there does appear to be hardship and practical difficulty with this site: 1) 2) The property has limited access and side yard area due to the location of the dwelling. There is a City utility easement on the lakeside that limits the buildable footprint. 3) There is no other reasonable location for a garage. This proposal represents a substantial improvement to the property, and improves its nonconforming status. It is unlikely the nonconforming setback to the dwelling can be eliminated at this time. The amount of impervious surface cover, the impact to the lake, and the use and function of the property are all improved. The City has historically attempted to facilitate the construction of garages, and in this situation the substantial variance seems the only practical solution to accommodate a garage. The City has approved variances for other garages that have a similar setback to the street, under similar restrictive site conditions. Staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend approval of the variance request to construct a second story and garage addition as shown on the survey dated "Rev. March 16, 1995. This recommendation is conditioned on the removal of Decks "C" and "D". A resolution of approval would incorporate the conditions as listed within this report. Sutherland noted that if either owner were to erect a fence to divide the two driveways, it would make access to both garages difficult, and he suggested some type of driveway easement may be a possible solution, and the City Attorney may need to address this issue. It was clarified that the proposed Deck "B" has a concrete patio below it. Staff noted that if the applicant supplied a detailed cross section it would help clarify what is being proposed. Mueller commented that he would like to see gutters and downspouts to help direct the water run-off from the roof. 2 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, i995 Weiland commented that the nonconforming use is being exaggerated. Mueller confirmed that the roof line is proposed to be changed from a east/west peak to a north/south peak. He also confirmed that the existing shed will be removed. Clapsaddle commented that the plan as presented, with a 3 foot front setback, will not work as a two car garage, it will only accommodate one car. He feels that if it is the intent to have a two car garage, a 1 foot setback should be allowed. The applicant clarified that it is his intent to request a I foot setback from the street in order to accommodate a two car garage. The Building Official stated that City Staff has no objection to allow the 1 foot setback subject to the overhang being limited to I foot, and no ornamental devices or gutters shall be allowed. Staff confirmed that the house to the west also has an attached garage located 1 foot from the front property line. The Commission requested information relating to the neighboring variance. Hanus noted that there is approximately 920 square feet of green space on the adjacent commons. He confirmed with staff that the existing terraced retaining walls will help slow the drainage to the lake. Weiland expressed a concern about snow removal and questioned if the City could be liable if the garage was damaged by snow if the City gives permission for the location. Weiland also expressed a concern about access to the lakeside of the property for fire fighters Mueller questioned if a survey was on file for the house to the east. Mueller noted that the neighboring garage is lower than street level and this garage would be higher which creates a taller wall and a greater impact. Chair Michael announced a break to allow time for staff to obtain the information in question. Chair Michael reopened meeting. Staff confirmed that there is no survey on file for the property to the east. The Building Official suggested that the applicant could revise his survey to show the location of the garage on the lot to the east prior to the City Council meeting. Photocopies of Resolutions #89-33, 89-44, and 89-84 were distributed to the Planning Commissioners for their review. The Resolution titles are as follows: RESOLUTION 89-33 RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE AND TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF LIVING SPACE, STORAGE SPACE AND DECKS FOR LOT4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID #25-117-24 11 0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE; P&Z CASE #89-804 3 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 RESOLUTION 89-41 RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION #89-33 AND ALLOW RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HOME IN THE SAME FOOTPRINT AND GRANT VARIANCES FOR THE POSITIONING OF THE BOATHOUSE OFF OF PUBLIC PROPERTY AND ONTO THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY, LOT 4, BLOCK 14, DEVON; PID #25-117-24 11 0037 (4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE); P&Z CASE #89-804 RESOLUTION 89-84 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 3, SHADYWOOD POINT; PID #13-117-24 11 0135 (1766 SHOREWOOD LANE); P&Z CASE #8g-824 MOTION made by Clapsaddle, seconded by Crum, to recommend approval of the variance request, as follows: VARIANCES EXISTING I PROPOSED I REQUIRED I VARIANCE FRONT 18' 1' 20' 19' SIDE (EAST) - 3' 6' 3' SIDE (WEST) 3.4' 3.4' 6' 2.6' HARDCOVER 2,071 SF 1,948 SF 1,600 SF 348 SF 72% 49% 4O% 9% Subject to the following conditions: Deck 'A' be reduced to 32 square feet in size and conform to the required 2 foot side yard setback. 2. The portion of Deck 'B' which encroaches into the easement shall be eliminated. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed to maintain proper drainage within the property, as required by staff. 4. Decks 'C' and 'D' shall be removed. The setback to the garage on the property to the east shall be identified in order to alleviate concerns relating to possible structural stress on the adjacent garage. 4 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, 1995 This recommendation shall be inclusive of the following findings: 1. Garages are normal and customary for residential properties. No feasible alternative for a garage exists on the lot due to the width of the parcel. The property has limited access and side yard area due to the location of the dwelling. There is a City utility easement on the lakeside that limits the buildable footprint. Michael commented that it is his opinion that a single car garage is feasible. Mueller commented that he would like to see a garage on this property, however, feels there may be a better solution, such as creating a tuckunder garage. Weiland agreed that the garage could be pushed southward. Clapsaddle commented that variances were granted to other properties for the same setback. Mueller noted that one variance was granted to recognize an existing setback, and the other variance on Shorewood had 8 feet of boulevard from the property line to the curb. Mueller commented that currently the property has an 18 foot front setback and a conforming east side setback, and this approval would make both of those setbacks worse, it would be expanding a nonconforming situation. MOTION failed 4 to 5. Those in favor were Clapsaddle, Surko, Crum and Voss. Those opposed were Weiland, Michael, Glister, Mueller, and Hanus. Weiland expressed his concern about the City's liability if a I foot setback is approved. Crum emphasized that past variances have been granted and the applicant has shown sufficient hardship for the variance. Mueller feels that if this variance were approved it would be setting a bad precedent, and he feels there are ways to make a garage work on this property. Michael questioned how the garage at 4853 Island View Drive was approved to be constructed in 19797 The Building Official confirmed that other 1 foot setbacks have been approved, however, the boulevards have been larger. 5 Planning Commission Minutes March 27, I995 MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to recommend denial of the variance request, as amended by the applicant for a I foot front yard setback. MOTION to deny carried 6 to 3. Those in favor were: Mueller, Weiland, Michael, Glister, Hanus, and Clapsaddle. Those opposed were Crum, Surko, and Voss. Those opposed expressed the following comments: - Crum commented that she feels this is sending a negative message to the residents of Mound. Surko believes the applicant has shown a hardship and he should be able to improve the property. Voss feels the proposal is a reasonable use of the property. This case is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 11, 1995. The applicant commented that he thought it was to be heard the next night, March 28th. Staff clarified that the City Manager would need to approve a request for this case to be heard on March 28th. DISCUSSION: ORDINANCE PROVISIONS FOR DRIVEWAYS MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to table discussion on this item due to the late hour. Motion carried unanimously. The Building Official explained why this issue is being proposed by staff, and indicated that both the Public Works Superintendent, Greg Skinner, and himself, have proposed changes to the report prepared by Hoisington Koegler Group. He explained that the planner took the standard ordinance approach. The Commission requested that the Building Official prepare his comments and have them available for discussion at the next meeting. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Crum, to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Geoff Michael Attest: 6 MINUTES - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - MARCH 16, 1995 The meeting was called to order at 7 AM. Members present: Paul Meisel, Mark Brewer, Jerry Longpre, Dave Willette, Jerry Pietrowski and Councilmember Liz Jensen. Absent and excused: Stan Drahos. Also present: Marge Friederichs, Westonka Chamber; Sharon McMenamy Cook, Norwest Bank; Bruce Chamberlain, Economic Development Coordinator; Gino Businaro, Finance Director and Ed Shukle, City Manager. On motion by Brewer, seconded by Longpre and carried unanimously, the Minutes of the January 19, 1995 meeting were approved. Bruce Chamberlain provided a progress report on the ISTEA grant project. He presented a schedule of the project along with the Auditor's Road project in a graphic form indicating the types of activities to be undertaken and the schedule for each of those activities. Also, discussed was the upcoming permitting agency meeting to be held following the EDC meeting at city hall. This meeting will have representatives present from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), LMCD, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and consultants from Peterson Environmental and Braun Intertec. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the dredging of Lost Lake and to talk about the environmental and biological ramifications of the project. Also to be discussed were to be the soil tests and biological tests that have actually been performed so far in the Lost Lake dredge project area. There was some concern expressed by the EDC as it relates to publicity on the Mound Visions - ISTEA Project and that the public relations task force needs to meet soon to be talking about publicizing the project including the issue of the "buy a brick" program. The next item discussed was the ISTEA grant application for 1998 - 2000, which is called the Greenway Plan. Bruce reviewed the grant application. He described that the application pertains to an area along the south side of the proposed realignment of Auditor's Road which will in essence, become a greenway of park benches, special lighting, trash receptacles and other amenities. The application was filed with the Metropolitan Council who will review the application. The City should know on or about July 1st if it is going to receive up to $394,000 in ISTEA funds. City Manager Ed Shukle reviewed the schedule for the Auditor's Road Improvement project, referring to the graphically described schedule prepared by Bruce Chamberlain. He indicated that the right-of-way plan is currently being prepared by the City Engineer's office and will be reviewed by the City Council within the next few weeks. Assuming the City Council approves the right-of-way plan, negotiations will then begin for acquisition of right-of-way from private property owners. City Manager Ed Shukle provided an update on the Westonka Community Center Task Force. At the previous meeting he had indicated that the task force had recommended demolition of the existing community center and construction of a new community center at the same location. This would involve an estimated cost of $13.5 million. MINUTES - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - MARCH 16, 1995, PAGE 2 He also indicated that this number will probably be scaled back since the task force has been looking at ways to trim the proposed cost of the facility. He reported that the City Council of Mound had agreed to participate in a public attitude survey regarding such a project with the condition that a representative of the City Council be allowed to participate in the development of the survey and that no funds be released for the survey (up to $1500) until the cities of Spring Park and Minnetrista have agreed to also participate. He indicated that Minnetrista had taken a vote not to participate and he was trying to find out the rationale for this action. He noted that the task force will be meeting on Tuesday, March 21 st, to discuss the status of the project and what the next steps will be. There were some comments related to the Arco Century Auto Body property relating to the proposed realignment of Auditor's Road. There being no other business, it was noted that the next meeting of the EDC is scheduled for Thursday, April 20, 1995, 7 AM, city hall. Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Longpre and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 am. Stan Drahos is scheduled to bring rolls at the April meeting. City Manager ES:Is 3o3 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 April 3, 1995 Senator Gen Olson 116 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 Fax # 296-9441 RE: Property Tax Freeze Proposal - 1996 Dear Senator Olson: We have been informed by the League of Minnesota Cities that on Thursday, March 30th, the Senate DFL Leadership introduced Senate File 1570, which would freeze property taxes for all local units of government in 1996. The Bill's authors are Majority Leader, Roger Moe (DFL-Erskine), Tax Committee Chair Doug Johnson (DFL- Cook), Assistant Majority Leader Ember Reichgott Junge (DFL-New Hope), John Hottinger (DFL-Mankato) and Len Price (DFL-Woodbury). This bill would be a disaster for local governments. It is my understanding that the Bill will receive its first hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 1995 at 4 PM, in room 15 of the State Capitoal. Gino Businaro, Finance Director, and myself plan to attend this meeting on behalf of the City of Mound. The LMC has indicated that the authors of the Bill say that its intent is to force reform of the state/local finance system. To achieve this goal, the bill would not only freeze property taxes for 1996, but also sunset local government aid and homestead agricultural aid in 1998, as well as aspects of the education finance system. The effect will be to destroy local finances. To prevent property tax increases in 1996, cities and other local units of government would be prohibited from certifying a 1996 levy greater than the amount certified to the county auditor in 1995. The only exception is for debt service for bonds issued before March 27, 1995. Cities would also be prohibited from incurring any new debt after March 27, 1995 regardless of its impact on property taxes. printed on recycled paper SENATOR GEN OLSON APRIL 3, 1995 PAGE 2 For property owners, property market values would generally be frozen at the value determined as of January 1995 (for taxes payable in 1995). Property values could decline due to abatements or revaluation. The only exception is for value of new construction or improvements. This value would be added to the parcel's market value. The bill would provide additional aid to local units to assure that actual property taxes paid by the taxpayers will not increase. This aid would compensate for tax base reductions or levy increases due to debt issued on or before March 27, 1995. The tax rate could only exceed the previous year level if tax base reductions occur or if debt service levies increase for bonds issued before March 27, 1995. To prevent large levy increases after the freeze expires, the bill would reimpose levy limits for 1997. The limit would be equal to the lesser of the implicit price deflator or 3%. A city could increase its levy beyond this level only if voters approve the increase in a referendum. This bill would be a disaster for cities. Once imposed, a property tax freeze or strict levy limits would be difficult to repeal. The City of Mound operates, as many cities do, in delivering essential services to its citizens. These are services that protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community, as well as services that citizens demand for their tax dollar. Year after year the City of Mound has been able to levy property taxes at or below the rate of inflation. Our budgets do not exceed the inflation rate and in most cases have come in under inflation. We watch our expenses very carefully and are very conscious of the citizen's concerns as they relate to property taxes. We realize that people do not want more taxes. We attempt to provide services at a reasonable cost and we believe we have been able to do that. We are, frankly, sick and tired of having the State of Minnesota balancing its budget on the backs of local government units. It is time for the State of Minnesota to realize that they have to watch their budgets as closely as local government units do. I urge you to oppose this property tax freeze. I would suggest that the State of Minnesota study other alternatives in order to balance its budget. SENATOR GEN OLSON APRIL 3, 1995 PAGE 3 You can annually check the City of Mound's portion of the property tax. We are consistently behind the school district and Hennepin County at roughly 17 to 20 cents on the dollar. Property tax freezes play well to the public but why doesn't the state legislature quit playing games and look at the real problem - its own spending policies? Sincerely, Shukle, Jr. City Manager ES:Is CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 April 3, 1995 Representative Steve Smith 311 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 Fax # 296-8803 RE: Property Tax Freeze Proposal - 1996 Dear Representative Smith: We have been informed by the League of Minnesota Cities that on Thursday, March 30th, the Senate DFL Leadership introduced Senate File 1570, which would freeze property taxes for all local units of government in 1996. The Bill's authors are Majority Leader, Roger Moe (DFL-Erskine), Tax Committee Chair Doug Johnson (DFL- Cook), Assistant Majority Leader Ember Reichgott Junge (DFL-New Hope), John Hottinger (DFL-Mankato) and Len Price (DFL-Woodbury). This bill would be a disaster for local governments. It is my understanding that the Bill will receive its first hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 1995 at 4 PM, in room 15 of the State Capitol. Gino Businaro, Finance Director, and myself plan to attend this meeting on behalf of the City of Mound. The LMC has indicated that the authors of the Bill say that its intent is to force reform of the state/local finance system. To achieve this goal, the bill would not only freeze property taxes for 1996, but also sunset local government aid and homestead agricultural aid in 1998, as well as aspects of the education finance system. The effect will be to destroy local finances. To prevent property tax increases in 1996, cities and other local units of government would be prohibited from certifying a 1996 levy greater than the amount certified to the county auditor in 1995. The only exception is for debt service for bonds issued before March 27, 1995. Cities would also be prohibited from incurring any new debt after March 27, 1995 regardless of its impact on property taxes. printed on recycled paper REPRESENTATIVE STEVE SMITH APRIL 3, 1995 PAGE 2 For property owners, property market values would generally be frozen at the value determined as of January 1995 (for taxes payable in 1995). Property values could decline due to abatements or revaluation. The only exception is for value of new construction or improvements. This value would be added to the parcel's market value. The bill would provide additional aid to local units to assure that actual property taxes paid by the taxpayers will not increase. This aid would compensate for tax base reductions or levy increases due to debt issued on or before March 27, 1995. The tax rate could only exceed the previous year level if tax base reductions occur or if debt service levies increase for bonds issued before March 27, 1995. To prevent large levy increases after the freeze expires, the bill would reimpose levy limits for 1997. The limit would be equal to the lesser of the implicit price deflator or 3%. A city could increase its levy beyond this level only if voters approve the increase in a referendum. This bill would be a disaster for cities. Once imposed, a property tax freeze or strict levy limits would be difficult to repeal. The City of Mound operates, as many cities do, in delivering essential services to its citizens. These are services that protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community, as well as services that citizens demand for their tax dollar. Year after year the City of Mound has been able to levy property taxes at or below the rate of inflation. Our budgets do not exceed the inflation rate and in most cases have come in under inflation. We watch our expenses very carefully and are very conscious of the citizen's concerns as they relate to property taxes. We realize that people do not want more taxes. We attempt to provide services at a reasonable cost and we believe we have been able to do that. We are, frankly, sick and tired of having the State of Minnesota balancing its budget on the backs of local government units. It is time for the State of Minnesota to realize that they have to watch their budgets as closely as local government units do. I urge you to oppose this property tax freeze. I would suggest that the State of Minnesota study other alternatives in order to balance its budget. 1315' REPRESENTATIVE STEVE SMITH APRIL 3f 1995 PAGE 3 You can annually check the City of Mound's portion of the property tax. We are consistently behind the school district and Hennepin County at roughly 17 to 20 cents on the dollar. Property tax freezes play well to the public but why doesn't the state legislature quit playing games and look at the real problem - its own spending policies? Sincerely, City Manager ES:Is League of Minnesota Cities 3490 Lexington Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55126-8044 THE IMPACT OF SF1STO ON SELECTED CITIES City If your 1996 levy were identical to that for 1995, how would your city be affected? If your city is prevented from issuing any general obligation debt until 1997, how would your city be affected? Browerville Cannon Fails Chanhassen Cokato Falcon Heights Fridley Golden Valley Greenfield Delay $10,000 for street repair. Cut staff or capital expenses because of existing labor agreements. Close senior center. Not open rec. center. $500,000 payment to school district would cease. Equipment could not be 'replaced. Some services may be cut. Could not cover police contract costs. Draw down fund baiances by $875,000. Cut back on street reconstruction program. Decrease services such as road maintenance. No impact. Defer capital projects - one will probably not quaiify for tax exempt status due to IRS rules. Two county road projects not built. Delay sewer, water & storm sewer improvements. Jeopardizes $1,000,000 bond sale for road improvements in business district. Defer all special assessment improvement projects. Delay purchase of major equipment. Delay joint sewer/water project serving business district with another city. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER (612) 490-5600 1-800-925-1122 plus your city code TDD (612) 490-9038 Fax (612) 490-0072 Hilltop Little Canada Service cuts because most services are contracted. Eliminate crime prevention program. Postpone capital improvements. No impact. No impact. Long Prairie Mankato Minnetrista Mound New Brighton Northfield Oakdale Perham Cut services/capital expenditures. Reduce services. Use reserves. Reduce basic services - post- pone seal coating. Impacts contracts with other cities. Cash flow problems. Potential strikes. Forgo hiring police officer. Defer infrastructure improvements. Cut services by $157,500 because of already signed labor contracts and anticipated wage increases. Delay hiring additional police officers. Freeze payments to fire and ambulance providers. Jeopardizes "COPS Fast" grant. Delay $1.7 million street, sewer, and water project needed to eliminate sewer backups. Delay bond issues for street improvements and remodeling city hall. Defer water improvement project that serves three schools. No impact. Defer $1 million in bonds for street improvements. Could not repay Street Infrastructure Trust Fund - street repair projects delayed. Sold bonds 3/28/95 - issue in jeopardy. Several major reconstructions could be affected. Delays/cancels library expansion. Cannot match/may lose $400,000 in federal funds for sewer/water/road/rail improvements. Plymouth St. Louis Park St. Paul Park St. Peter Sartell Staples Tonka Bay Victoria Waseca Watertown Watkins Waverly Reduced service levels - with growth, difficult to "keep even" with service demands. Reduce services - levy has been same for 5 years. Cut back services/layoffs. Jeopardize federal "COPS Fast" grant. Cut services because of existing labor settlements. Cancel federal "COPS Fast" grant. Postpone capital purchases. Cut services. Cut back in services. Cut services. Unable to address storm water project to alleviate flooding. Reduce services - cut personnel. Cut back on services such as street overlays. Delay purchase of police and fire equipment. Delay infrastructure improvements. Referendum scheduled for May 23, 1995 for open space and trails would be delayed. Postpone capital projects. Planned to build 1st city hall. Won't be able to issue planned equipment certificates. Delay ADA required sidewalk improvements. Delay repair of flood damage. Delay subdivision improvements. Could not meet capital needs created by growth. "Kill" street and utility projects. Delay/prevent Hiway 210 project. No current plans for debt. No impact. Capital projects severely limited. Jeopardizes debt service for water treatment improvements. No debt anticipated currently. Couldn't comply with federal regulations to dechlorinate at wastewater plant. White Bear Township Woodbury Zumbrota Could not purchase equipment previously deferred. Cut services because of existing labor settlement. Cut services - has used $500,000 last year to keep tax rate the same. Could affect new ambulance service, street reconstruction, park expansion. Cut services. Delay construction of new admin. building - current facility is convened dog kennel. Eliminates reimbursement for $2.3 million storm sewer project - funds already spent. Jeopardizes $10 million in improvement bonds. Sewer and street improvements deferred. Subdivision not completed. 4/4/95 13 0