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AGENDA CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 27, 1995 REGULAR MEETING AND THE JUNE 13, 1995 REGULAR MEETING. PG. 1912-1926 APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS NOT APPROVED AT JUNE 27, 1995 MEETING. PG. 1927-1928 PRESENTATION ON THE HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY - CHARLES M. BROWN, LIBRARY DIRECTOR PG. 1929 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 6 (FINAL) TO SCHLUMBERGER INDUSTRIES - WATER METER READ SYSTEM PROJECT. PG. 1930-1931 6. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZEN'S PRESENT. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A MODIFICATION TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CHANGE THE PRINCIPAL USE FROM "MOTOR FUEL STATION" TO "MINOR AUTO REPAIR AND OPEN SALES LOT" AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE (SHORELINE AUTOMOTIVE), LOTS 1-4, 21 AND P/5 AND 20, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS, UNIT 'A', PID 13-117-24 44 0014. SUGGESTED DATE: AUGUST 8, 1995 PG. 1932 8. APPOINTMENT TO COMMONS TASK FORCE. PG. 1933 9. DISCUSSION: COMPOST SITE 10. RESOLUTION DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO BEGIN THE RIGHT- OF-WAY ACQUISITION PROCESS ON MUNICIPAL STATE AID (MSA) PROJECT 145-108-02 (AUDITOR'S ROAD REALIGNMENT). PG. 1934 1910 11. 12. 13. 14. APPROVAL OF DANCE PERMIT FOR OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL- SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1995 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE. PAYMENT OF BILLS. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT HEAD MONTHLY REPORTS FOR JUNE 1995. LMCD REPRESENTATIVE'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 1995. C. LMCD MAILINGS (1996 ADOPTED LMCD BUDGET) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 26, 1995 PG. 1935 PG. 1936-1938 PG. 1939-1938 PG. 1953-1979 PG. 1980-1981 PG. 1982-1985 PG. 1986-1990 1911 PERSONS PRESENT AT MEETING g PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME & ADDRESS 5"2'41 ~ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 27, 19:95 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 27, 1995 at 7:30 Pm, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Persons in attendance: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Mark Hanus, Liz Jensen and Phyllis Jessen. Also present were: City Manager Ed Shukle, Building Official Jon Sutherland, City Attorney Curt Pearson and Acting City Clerk Linda Strong. The following interested citizens were present: Dean and Juliann Hunter, Bret Niccum, Nathan Perbix, Ken Perbix, Jim Kuehn, Rod Plaza, Stephen Cooper, Keith Foerster, Melody Olsen. The Mayor opened the meeting welcoming the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.1 RECYCLOTTO WINNER Mayor Polston announced that Jerry Peterson of Mound had won $300 Westonka Dollars for curbside recycling. He was not present to accept his winnings. He has been notified by mail and can pick it up at City Hall. 1.2 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 13, 1995 REGULAR MEETING AND THE JUNE 20, 1995 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. The Council had questions regarding the Minutes of June 13, 1995. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Jensen, and carried unanimously, to return the Minutes of June 13, 1995 to staff for clarification and return to Council at the July 11, 1995 meeting. The Council discussed the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole indicating changes they wanted implemented. The changes were noted. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens and carried unanimously to approve the Minutes of the June 20, 1995 Committee of the Whole meeting as changed. 1.3 CASE #95-20: DEAN & JULIANN HUNTER, 5043 TUXEDO BLVD. LOTS 1-6, BLOCK 6, WHIPPLE, PID 24-117-24 43 0071. REQUEST: VARIANCE FOR ADDITION CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 Building Official Jon Sutherland explained the owners have applied for a variance to recognize the existing nonconforming setbacks to three detached accessory buildings on the property, in order to construct a conforming two story garage addition. The Planning Commission and Staff recommends approval. Hanus moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #95-60 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING DETACHED GARAGE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ADDITION AT 5043 TUXEDO BLVD. LOTS 1-6, BLOCK 6, WHIPPLE, PID 24-117- 24 43 0071, P&Z CASE #95-20 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 CASE #95-21: MELODY OLSEN, 4873 CUMBERLAND LOT 24, BLOCK 1, ARDEN, PID 24-117 24 '!.'!. 0021 REQUEST: VARIANCE FOR ADDITION Jon Sutherland, Building Official, explained that the owner has applied for a variance to allow construction of a garage addition that will be nonconforming to the required 10 foot side yard setback, and to recognize the existing nonconforming front yard setback of 29.8 feet to the dwelling. Aisc, the owner proposes to build a conforming screened porch on top of the existing deck. The adjoining property is City owned property that is preserved for a drainage easement. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. The applicant was present. Councilmember Jensen mentioned the 5th Whereas, "...this could be a timely process". She wanted it clarified if it was a timely process or a time consuming process. Hanus stated "time consuming" is what was intended. This was to be changed. Aisc, the resolution should contain comment on the odd shape of the lot, as it is a factor in the granting of the variance. Hanus agreed. City Attorney Curt Pearson suggested the addition of a new Whereas reading as follows, "Whereas, the property is an odd shaped lot with the rear lot line being approximately 1/2 the width of the frontage of the lot; and" Councilmember Jessen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #95-61 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ADDITION AT 4873 CUMBERLAND ROAD, LOT 24, BLOCK 1, ARDEN, PID 24-117-24 '!.'!. 0021, P&Z CASE #95-21, AS AMENDED. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES The vote was unanimously approved. Motion carried. JUNE 27, 1995 1.5 CASE #95-22: BRET NICCUM, 2949 OAKLAWN LANE, LOTS 30 & 31, BLOCK 11, THE HIGHLANDS, PID 23-117 24 31 0033 REQUEST: VARIANCE FOR ADDITION Building Official Jon Sutherl'and explained the applicant has applied for a variance to recognize a nonconforming rear yard setback of 3.2 feet to a shed to allow construction of a conforming garage and second story addition. Staff and Planning Commission unanimously recommend approval. Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant wants to add an additional 4 feet onto the end of the garage. It is still in a conforming location, meets setbacks and staff has no objections. The hardcover is the same and it still conforming. The building official offered to include in the resolution a copy of the survey as Exhibit "A". Hanus asked if this change was substantial enough to send it back to the Planning Commission, or could Council vote on it? The Mayor said staff said it was conforming, meets all requirements. Councilmember Ahrens moved and Councilmember Hanus seconded the following resolution as amended and to include Exhibit "A": RESOLUTION #95-62 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING SHED TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ADDITION AT 2949 OAKLAWN LANE, LOT 30 & 31, BLOCK 11, THE HIGHLANDS, PID 23-227-24 31 0033, P&Z #95-22 AS AMENDED AND TO INCLUDE EXHIBIT "A". The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.6 COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Nathan Perbix and Ken Perbix approached the Council regarding Nate obtaining a Peddler's License from the City to sell pre-wrapped snacks from his van at Mound Bay Park during the day time beach activities. Ed Shukle, City Manager, explained that Nate had come in to the office requesting this permit to sell at Mound Bay Park near the boat launch. The City does not issue these types of licenses for public property. He had told Nate there was no ordinance to deal with this and that he could not allow Nate to sell at the park or there would be several vendors appearing and there already is a serious parking problem. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 1.7 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL PERMITS FOR PRIVATE STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC LAND KNOW AS DEVON COMMON "BATCH 6" DOCK SITES #41050, 41080, 41110, 41470, 41227, 41272, 41319, 41437, 40945 AND 41337. PUBLIC LANDS PERMITS: 40945 ROD PLAZA 4539 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41050 BILL & BARB DAHLEN 4555 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41080 TAMMY RASK 5109 DRUMMOND ROAD 41110 RAY SALAZAR 4559 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41140 RICHARD GLIDWELL 4577 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41170 ROGER STEPHANSON 4601 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41227 A.R. TOUBA 4609 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41272 STEPHEN COOPER 4617 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41319 MARY FAITH 4625 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41337 JAMES KEUHN 4633 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 41437 KEITH FOERSTER 4645 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE Building Official Jon Sutherland explained that Mr. Plaza is in another meeting in the building, and would like to be present during his segment. The Mayor asked the building official if any of the dock sites are a health Or safety issue? The building official replied that there was. The Mayor wanted to deal with only the health and safety issues and table the others for further investigation by the Commons Task Force. The city attorney asked if the Council could approve the ones that the Parks and Open Space Commission had reviewed and recommended approval and the ones that have some questions or controversy whether they could be continued? Hanus agreed if some of these people had applied for the permit and approval was recommended, they should be addressed. The ones dealing with health and safety issues should be dealt with separately. The ones that are at issue, or people do not agree with, should be considered for tabling. There are two issues that are in contention from staff recommendation: dock site//'s 41272, Stephen Cooper; 41337, Jim Kuehn. All other dock sites are recommended for approval. Hanus said he had visited these sites and made observations. Mr. Cooper at//41272, is a health safety issue, according to staff report. The Building Official stated he had inspected the site with Mr. Cooper prior to the Park Commission meeting. The stair had been replaced without a permit or by Council approval. Jori stated minor parts of a stairway can be replaced without Council's approval. The stringer or joist was replaced, which is major repair. Jon noted this in the batch review, that the stair risers varied to the point where it was not in conformance with the building code. Mr. Cooper spoke before Council saying the stair should be grandfathered in as it was there 30 years ago, and it is the foundation to the stairs now. He stated that it is not to code, but it is safe. It was noted that the Parks and Open Space Commission's recommendation is different than that of staff's on dock//41272. Jori stated that he prepared the resolution on the Park Commission's recommendation. The city attorney stated that this stairway could be approved as a legal nonconforming use, and include it in the resolution. The Mayor reiterated the two that need to be approved separately CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 are //41 272 and 41337, the rest are voluntarily complying. Jon stated these two issues could be in question by the Council. Ahrens stated that some of the applicants may not agree with what the Park Commission has recommended. Hanus stated that some of the applicants were present and these people need the opportunity to address the Council. The Mayor opened the meeting up to the attending dock permit applicants. Rod Plaza, 4539 Island View Drive, Dock #40945 - He said the City was harassing the residents. There was no safety value in removing the boat anchor or the flag pole. This was governmental harassment, waste of time and money to do this. The City has encroachments also, large trees with roots protruding from ground, destroying his lawnmower. Jim Kuehn, 4633 Island View Drive, Dock #41337 - He was concerned with the process of 5 year permits when stairs, etc. have a life of 30 years. He wants to replace the stair stringers to make it safe. The stairs do connect to a deck which is against code and will be removed. Keith Foerster, 4645 Island View Drive, Dock #41437 - He had no particular issue. He was going to have an electrician verify light and then the state electrical inspector will approve it. His concern was that he spends time fixing up the Commons, making it nice to see. He doesn't understand that he has no special rights, this property belonged to everyone. Yet, he is there every day and maintains it. It is City property, the City should maintain it. He stated the need to put rules in writing so there is clear interpretations of the law. Jensen stated that she expected to see dock #41337 with structures on the commons to be held until 1996 when the Commons Task Force could have dealt with it. Mayor Polston moved and Jensen seconded the following amended resolution: RESOLUTION #95-63 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL PERMITS FOR PRIVATE STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC LAND KNOWN AS DEVON COMMON "BATCH 6" DOCK SITES #41050, 41080, 41110, 41470, 41170, 41227, 41272, 41319, 41437, AND EXCLUDING #40945 AND 41337. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated Mr. Kuehn needed to replace the stairway before 1996 as it is rotted in places. He asked Council to make an allowance for Jori and Mr. Kuehn to work together to repair or replace just the stairway so it is safe. Jensen stated she is interested in removing structures from Commons, such as the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, I995 one on the Commons at//41337. However, there should not be an unsafe stairway. Some type of minimal repair should be allowed but not to conclude that the structure is permitted to stay where it is. Ahrens stated to not grant a permit for the structure, but to grant a maintenance permit just for the stairs. The city attorney suggested Mr. Kuehn and the building official to leave chambers and discuss what can and cannot be done and return to Council with a solution, so it can be acted on tonight. 1.8 REQUEST TO REPLACE STAIRWAY ON DEVON COMMONS, BY RICHARD SCHERBER, 4921 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 16, BLOCK 14, DEVON, DOCK SITE #43882. Ahrens moved, Hanus seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #95-64 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A STAIRWAY ON PUBLIC LAND KNOWN AS DEVON COMMONS, ABUTTING 4921 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 16, BLOCK 14, DEVON, DOCK//43882. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.9 DISCUSSION: STAIRWAY ON COMMONS - ROANOKE City Manager Ed Shukle stated that part of the stairway had been installed by the City and there was an objection by Mr. John Gabos, 4687 Island View Drive. He referred to the Memo from Mr. Gabos, which Council had discussed at its Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 20th, stating that the abutting owners were not informed of this action, he did not want the stairway being installed near the road, as it could create more foot traffic and result in theft and vandalism, and that the City did not get a permit to construct these stairs on the Commons. The memo also requested the work to be stopped. Council should discuss to either continue or suspend construction of the new stairs. The City Manager said that the Park Commission had approved the construction of stairs as had been proposed by staff within the budget process. Council agreed that the people using the commons, including the abutters and non-abutters, needed a safe stairs access to that commons. The Mayor asked if anyone from the public was there to speak on the stairs at the Roanoke access. John Gabos approached Council. He asked someone to justify why there should be a stairway installed. The Mayor suggested a five minute break so the building official could return to chambers. 9:00 PM, the meeting resumed. l tt7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 1.7 PUBLIC LANDS PERMITS - CONTINUED The Mayor returned to the Council item //1.7, referring to dock site //41337, Jim Kuehn. The Building Official said he had met with Mr. Kuehn and they have agreed to the original staff recommendation. He noted that the applicant would be responsible for the removal 9fthe existing stairway, replacing the new stairway which would get a new 5 year permit. The City would be responsible, as it stated in the resolution, to remove the pump, shed and deck and restore the area. The City would do that in cooperation with the owner. Ahrens stated the Council is setting a terrible precedent now in paying to remove encroachments that belong to abutting property owners who use them. She was going to vote for it only because the funds comes from the General Fund. The city attorney stated that if the City can deal with these encroachments on a single basis, with a minimal cost, it was much cheaper than some of the litigation processes. Councilmember Jensen moved, Councilmember Jessen seconded the following' RESOLUTION #95-65 TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DOCK SITE #41337 IN "BATCH 6" AS RECOMMENDED IN RESOLUTION #95-64. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION OF STAIRS ON ROANOKE COMMONS - CONTINUED The Mayor returned the Council to item #1.9, Construction of stairs on the Roanoke Commons. The City Manager updated.the Building Official as to the discussion that happened while he was meeting with Mr. Kuehn earlier. Jon stated the lower stairs had been rotten, they had been replaced and he had not yet inspected them. Hanus had measured the stairs and found 4 discrepancies: 1. More than 44" wide (it's 48); needs second railing 2. Railing height is too tall at the bottom (39" plus) 3. Runs are too short, as little as 10 and 3/8 4. Run varies more than 3/8" (shortest was 10 3/8, longest was 11") The Building Official said that the contractors are not paid until the work is inspected, and errors are corrected. Hanus added his opinion regarding the upper stairs. Based upon the knowledge he had gathered, there has been no public request for the need of a stairway in that area. It appears that it was staff's decision that one was needed there. There appears to be no danger signs there. The costs, he felt, were too much for the work done, the amount of docks it serves and the amount of stairs. It was clear to Hanus that there was no need for the upper stairs and based upon history, the public did not need it either. 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 MOTION by Mayor Polston, seconded by Councilmember Hanus that the City not install the upper stairway at Roanoke Commons. The vote carried 3 to 2, Jensen and Jessen voted no. 1.10 APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT - QUASI PUBLIC FUNCTION - PORTABLE SIGN - OUR LADY OF THE LAKE INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL Mayor Polston stated the Council had asked the city attorney to draft an ordinance amendment because the ordinance, as it stands, does not allow signs to be placed off of the property of the sign permit holder. City Attorney Curt Pearson had prepared an amendment to the ordinance, adding "..Signs should be placed on the premises of the advertised event and/or on such other premises as approved by the City Council when granting the permit." This would be effective as soon as it is published. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Ahrens to adopt an ordinance amending Section 365:15, Subd. 10, Subsection (e) relating to Temporary Signs, adding the words "...and/or on such other premises as approved by the City Council when granting the permit." The vote was unanimously approved. Motion carried. MOTION by Councilmember Ahrens, seconded by Councilmember Hanus, and carried unanimously to approve the sign permit application for a portable sign for Our Lady of the Lake Church Incredible Festival. 1.11 REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY ON-SALE NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR PERMIT - OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL. MOTION by Councilmember Ahrens, seconded by Councilmember Jensen, and carried unanimously, to approve the Temporary On-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor Permit for Our Lady of the Lake Church Incredible Festival on July 29 & 30, 1995. 1.12 SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A MODIFICATION TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ADDITION TO A MUNICIPAL WELL HOUSE BUILDING LOCATED AT THE FIRE STATION, 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUGGESTED DATE: AUGUST 8,1995 MOTION by Councilmember Jessen, seconded by Councilmember Jensen, and carried unanimously to set August 8, 1995 for a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow an addition to a Municipal Well House building located at the Fire Station, 2415 Wilshire Blvd. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 1.13 PAYMENT OF BILLS. Councilmember Hanus stated a page of the bills was missing, all of the "s". The missing page will be resubmitted at the July 11, 1995 meeting.. The original amount submitted was 8193,920.47, the total has been lowered. MOTION by Polston, seconded by Jensen to authorize payment of the bills as submitted, on the pre-list in the amount of $184,296.27, when funds are available. By roll call vote, the vote was unanimous, motion passed. 1.14 COMMONS TASK FORCE SURVEY City Manager Ed Shukle expressed his concerns about the survey that the Commons Task Force has proposed to be mailed out to all dock holders within the program. The Chairman, Mark Goldberg, is calling this an exploratory survey. The survey is biased, its negative and subjective. Mr. Goldberg told the city manager that another survey will be sent out in September that is more objective and would be a representative survey that could be used. They are generating input, but it is very negative. The adjectives used assume there is a problem. Councilmember Hanus had heard from Goldberg also. Mark put it in different terms. The first survey is specifically for generating thought, this is not going to be used for determining anything, just for ideas and problems that they are soliciting. The second survey will be the qualitative survey, carefully constructed, not be slanted in any way. The City Manager mentioned the bullet items on the survey "Your right to have access to the lake", should be "Right to have access to the lake". Jensen stated the bullets are suggestive in a negative way. And if first survey is biased, the second survey will be biased also. The survey should be neutral. Ahrens, recalled the resolution prepared and the words of "frustration", "problems" as the reasons the task force was organized. Jessen stated the persons who receive the survey should express their frustrations if they have them. The survey will be mailed in early July. Council agreed to soften the words. 1.15 COMMONS TASK FORCE Jensen stated the need to replace Royal Moffatt on the Commons Task Force. There is a press release stating there are 11 members. City Manager Ed Shukle suggested he contact Michael Shearer, one of the persons that had applied. Jensen also mentioned that the press release should mention the meetings are held at City Hall. MOTION by Jessen, seconded by Polston, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 27, 1995 1.16 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS: FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY, 1995 AS PREPARED GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR. B. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 12, 1995. REMINDER: CITY OFFICES CLOSED JULY 4, 1995 - OBSERVATION OF INDEPENDENCE DAY D. PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MINUTES - JUNE 8, 1995. E. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES - JUNE 15, 1995. MINUTES OF THE COMMONS TASK FORCE MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1995. A "PRELIMINARY" SURVEY THAT HAS BEEN DRAFTED BY THE COMMONS TASK FORCE THAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO SEND OUT TO ALL DOCK HOLDERS IN THE DOCK PROGRAM. IT IS AN "EXPLORATORY" SURVEY THAT WILL GENERATE INPUT FROM THE DOCK HOLDERS THAT HAVE A "PROBLEM" WITH THE EXISTING PROGRAM. MARK GOLDBERG, CHAIR, HAS ASSURED ME THAT THIS IS NOT A SURVEY THAT IS TRYING TO MEASURE ANYTHING. THAT SURVEY, WHICH HE TERMS A "REPRESENTATIVE" SURVEY, WILL BE AN OBJECTIVE SURVEY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER TO ALL DOCKHOLDERS. PLEASE REVIEW THIS SURVEY AND WE CAN DISCUSS IT TUESDAY EVENING. POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD ESTIMATE DATA FROM THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AS OF APRIL 1, 1994.. THE POPULATION ESTIMATE IS DOWN FROM 1990 CENSUS POPULATION BUT THE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS IS UP SLIGHTLY. Attest: Acting City Clerk City Manager lq,Al MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 13, 1995 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Persons in attendance: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Mark Hanus, Liz Jensen and Phyllis Jessen. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Attorney Curt Pearson and Acting City Clerk Linda Strong. The Mayor opened the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.1 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 23, 1995 REGULAR MEETING. Councilmember Hanus wanted to amend the minutes on Case #95-16, Heidi Hoy, deleting "..and the owners want to continue renting out the dwelling." Adding "The applicant agreed at the Planning Commission meeting to discontinue the rental use and remove the kitchen facilities. They have since changed their minds and now ask the rental be allowed." Councilmember Jensen said that Councilmember Jessen commented about the archeologist on page 1733, not Councilmember Jensen. MOTION by Councilmember Hanus, seconded by Ahrens and carried unanimously to approve the Minutes of the May 23, 1995 meeting as amended. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.2 CASE #95-16: RESOLUTION OF DENIAL FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE REMODELING OF A DWELLING AT 6669 HALSTEAD AVENUE FOR HEIDI HOY. Councilmember Hanus commented on the 5th paragraph, stating the Planning Commission did not recommend denial, that they failed to pass this item. Council agreed to remove the words ".. of denial" from the paragraph, having it read "..and the Planning Commission's review and recommendations were discussed; and" Councilmember Hanus commented on the item//3 on the last page of the resolution. Council discussion agreed to change the word "structure" to "structures". Councilmember Ahrens moved and Councilmember Jessen seconded the following resolution as amended: RESOLUTION #95-59 RESOLUTION DENYING THE REQUEST OF HEIDI HOY, 6669 HALSTEAD AVENUE FOR A VARIANCE TO REMODEL A NON-CONFORMING BUILDING, PID #22-117-24-43 0023, P&Z CASE #95-16 The vote was unanimously in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 1995 1.3 COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. There were none. 1.4 APPLICATION FOR A SIGN PERMIT - QUASI PUBLIC FUNCTION - WESTONKA BABE RUTH. City Manager Ed Shukle sai~l the Mickey Mantle Baseball Tournament will be in town and they wanted to hang a banner type sign on the Koenig & Dickinson building downtown. Councilmember Hanus commented that the location of where the banner will be displayed does not concur with item e of Section 365:15, Subd. 10 of the Mound City Code. City Manager Ed Shukle explained past interpretations that resulted in signs being permitted. MOTION by Polston, seconded by Ahrens and carried unanimously to approve the sign permit for the Westonka Babe Ruth baseball tournament from June 19, 1995 to July 10, 1995. 1.5 LICENSE RENEWALS. The following licenses are due to expire on June 30, 1995 and are being presented for renewal with the new term dates of 7-1-95 to 6-30-96. Approval is contingent upon all required forms, insurance, etc., being submitted. On-Sale Beer Al & Alma's Supper Club House of Moy Off-Sale Beer Brickley's Market PDQ Food Store SuperAmerica Club - On-Sale American Legion Post #398 VFW Post #5113 On-Sale Wine Al & Alma's Supper Club House of Moy Sunday Sales VFW Post #5113 MOTION by Mayor Polston, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to approve the above mentioned liquor license renewals contingent upon all required forms, insurance, etc. being submitted. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1.6 PAYMENT OF BILLS. JUNE 13, 1995 MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Jessen to authorize payment of the bills on the pre-list in the amount of $290,867.22, when funds are available. By roll call the vote was unanimous. 1.7 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. DEPARTMENT HEADS MONTHLY REPORTS FOR MAY 1995. B. LMCD REPRESENTATIVE'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY, 1995. C. LMCD MAILINGS - PROPOSED 1996 ANNUAL BUDGET LETTER TO MAYOR POLSTON RE: HENNEPIN COUNTY FAIR AND HIS PARTICIPATION IN IT. REMINDER: SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1995, AROUND MOUND RUN/WALK, 8 AM, MOUND BAY PARK. REMINDER: SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1995, MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT FISH FRY, 3 - 8 PM, WITH DANCE BEGINNING AT 8 PM, MOUND FIRE STATION. G. REMINDER: MOUND CITY DAYS, JUNE 16-18, 1995. REMINDER' COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. JUNE 20, 1995, 7:30 PM. At 7:55 PM, the Council went into Executive Session and returned to the chambers at 9:20 PM. 1.8 EXECUTIVE SESSION - FLACK vs. CITY OF MOUND Mayor Polston called the meeting back to order and asked the City Attorney to give the findings on the Executive Session. City Attorney Curt Pearson stated the discussion held in the Executive Session related to the litigation by Dennis Flack and five other residents of the City against the City of Mound relating to questions on Wawonaissa Commons. The Court referred the matter to a Referee and the Referee has prepared proposed findings. The findings have been discussed by the Council tonight. The findings indicate that the abutting property owners are the owners of the underlying fee. The other people in the subdivision have rights and they are not defined or covered by the memorandum, nor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 1995 are they affected by the proposed ruling because they were not parties to the action. Mr. Pearson read the following from the memorandum, "Under the current application by the City of the dock ordinance, the plaintiffs are assured of a dock site as the owners of lots which adjoin Wawonaissa Common. Ironically, a decision by this court for the plaintaiffs will mean they no longer are assured of a dock site. All owners in Woodland Point will then have equal rights to use Wawonaissa Common. The only benefit to the plaintiffs would be that they would be free from the control exercised over Wawonaissa Common by the City." Mr. Pearson went on to say that the Referee did not find a common law dedication of the property, therefore, not subject to a City easement. The City can either do nothing which would leave the Referee's findings go to the judge who will probably put them into an order; or the Council has the opportunity to file written objections. The council needs to decide which to do at this point. Mayor Polston asked the City Attorney Curt Pearson to state the areas of objection. The City Attorney stated the questions: The court holds that Wawonaissa common and Waurika Common are separate commons but there is no definition or boundary in the proposed findings which indicates where the commons are, where one starts and the other ends. The proposed findings seem only to relate to Wawonaissa Common, but Waurika Common is also a private dedicated common in the same plat. The status of Canary Beach and Waurika commons is not known. The City is a major property owner in the subdivision. The City wants to know hat thei ights "- ~-'-"~- ^*'~'~ ccurt '"~*'~'~ ':~"'" '~ """' ~'~" Si w r r are. ,~ u~,,,u ,,, ,,,,, .... ,,, ,,,,- ,,u,,,~ ,,,,- --,,~ ,,,,~. DOe the City represents the public, can the City build a dock on the commons? How can the City assign rights to the citizens to utilize any or all of the City's rights on the commons? Are there other creative means of extending the public's ownership and public participation so that the public can use this? Could the City be authorized to work with the inlanders and the people who abut the commons to form some sort of homeowners association which could at least assign dock sites, perform basic maintenance functions, and oppose any attempt to block free access of the commons to the people in the area? Questions were also raised in the counter-claim concerning the City feels it has rights to regulate and police powers, these issues are not addressed in the report. These items are only part of the list the City could raise to the judge. Motion by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to prepare written objections to the Referee's findings and present those to the judge for clarification and hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUN~ 13, 1995 The vote passed three to two. Hanus and Ahrens voted nay. Mayor Polston stated he would like to see all of the dock holders involved with input to the Commons Dock Task Force. Councilmember Hanus stated he voted no because he did not feel the Council's questions would make any difference in the judge's decision. He wants to move on, be proactive and work with the remaining dock situations. Councilmember Ahrens agreed with the comments made by Councilmember Hanus, and' was against incurring additional expenditures for what would likely to be an identical ruling. MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Hanus and carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM. The meeting adjourned at 9'.35 PM. Mayor Attest: Acting City Clerk BILLS July 11, 1995 Page 7 of Batch 5062 from 06-27-95 $9,624.20 8 oo o o RECEIVED Hennep i County Opportunity Employer April 26, 1995 Ed Shulde Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364-1687 Dear Mr. Shukle: Thank you for making the arrangements for a brief Hennepin County Library presentation at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 1995. Our presentation will include a brief overview of various services available through your local library, a few words from a member of the Hennepin County Library Board, and the introduction of a local library staff member. We will all be available to answer any questions the Council might have about library service. We appreciate the opportunity to address the Council and look forward to our scheduled date. If there are any questions or problems, please feel free to call my office at 541-8581. Thank you. Sincerely, Charles M. Brown Library Director Hennepin County Library Administrative Offices Ridgedale Drive at Plymouth Road 12601 Ridgedale Drive Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-1909 (612) 541-8530 Recycled McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739 RECEIVED JUL Telephone Engineers 612/476-6010 Planners 612/476-8532 FAX Surveyors June 27, 1995 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound Water Meter Read System Payment Request No. 6 (FINAL) MFRA #10622 Dear Ed: Enclosed is Schlumberger's Final Payment Request for the Water Meter pro3ect from last summer. The amount of this payment request is $9,774.99, which is a 3% retainage held since January. We have reviewed the project with Greg Skinner and Gino~Jsinaro of your staff and find that this project was completed in general accordance with the plans and specifications. It ~ls o~r recommendation that the Contractor be paid in full for this project, per the attached Final Payment Request. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron JC: pry Enclosure p: ms: 10622\shukle An Equal Opportunity Employer 0 o. o o o.o.~1~' 000 000 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 00~ 0 0 0 00~ 0~ 0 0 000 0 E 4-) 0 0 0 .> 0 0 Z Z © !l CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 95-28 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A MODIFICATION TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CHANGE THE PRINCIPAL USE FROM "MOTOR FUEL STATION" TO "MINOR AUTO REPAIR AND OPEN SALES LOT" AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE (SHORELINE AUTOMOTIVE) LOTS 1 - 4, 21 AND P/5 AND 20, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT 'A', PID 13-117-24 ~ 0014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8, 1995 to consider a modification to a conditional use permit to change the principal use of the property from Motor Fuel Station to Minor Auto Repair . and Open Sales Lot at 4831 Shoreline Drive (Shoreline Automotive), legally described as follows: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Pe~g~/J~n~es~ Planhing Secretary Mailed to property owners within 350' by July 26, 1995, and published in The Laker on July 24, 1995. printed on recycled paper RESOLUTION #95- RESOLUTION APPOINTING MICHAEL SHEARER TO THE COMMONS TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the City of Mound operates a municipal docks program known as the Commons Dock Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council has appointed 11 members to serve on a Task Force to study the possibilities of making improvements to the Commons Dock program; and WHEREAS, Royal Moffatt, 5488 Tonkawood Road, who had been appointed to the Task Force has resigned due to other commitments. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Mound, Minnesota, hereby appoints Michael Shearer, 1741 Resthaven Lane to serve on the Task Force who will represent the "Type 3 non-abutting dock user". The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember '~ The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Manager RESOLUTION #95 - RESOLUTION DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO BEGIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PROCESS ON MUNICIPAL STATE AID (MSA) PROJECT 145-108-02 (AUDITOR'S ROAD REALIGNMENT) WHEREAS, the City of Mound has been engaged in the Mound Visions Project (Redevelopment of Downtown) for approximately four years, and; WHEREAS, part of the Mound Visions Project includes a realignment of Auditor's Road and Belmont Lane, and; WHEREAS, such realignment will take place under the Municipal State Aid (MSA) program, and; WHEREAS, Right-of-Way plans for said streets showing proposed alignment, grade and typical cross section have been prepared and submitted to the MSA office, and; WHEREAS, the MSA office has approved the Right-of-Way plans under State Aid Project #145-108-02 and has authorized the City of Mound to advance the status of this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota directs the City Staff to begin the Right-of-Way Acquisition process as it relates to this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager utilize the services of the City Engineer, City Attorney and City Planner as necessary and engage the services of other consultants as deemed necessary in order to acquire the appropriate Right-of-Way for this project. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative' Attest: City Manager Mayor CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 JULY 5, 1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL LINDA STRONG, ACTING CITY CLERK OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH - DANCE PERMIT Our Lady of the Lake Church is applying for a dance permit for the Incredible Festival. Dance to be held Saturday, July 29, 1995, 8:30 - 12:30 printed on recycled paper RESOLUTION #95- 67 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, authorizes entering into a cooperative agreement with the Office of the Drug Policy in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled, "Southwest Metro Drug Task Force" during the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Mound Police Department. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Coun¢ilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound on July 11, 1995. Signed: Witnesseth: Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager Linda Strong Acting City Clerk Dated: Dated: SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE P.O. Box 540 · Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 Serving the :Communities Scott County McLeod County : Excelsior 'Greenwood Tonka Bay ShOrewood Chaska_ Chanhassen Shakopee Mound Sr. Bonifacius Mlnnetrista Prior Lake June 8, 1995 To: Task Force Committee Members Re: Cash Match Letters and Resolutions It is once again that time of year to start preparing for the upcoming grant. If I could ask each of you to get your letters of intent for parti.cj~n_~d~.DA__%~'match back to me no later than ~~ need'these letters so I can meet the ODP deaaline,~.:~ReSoiutions can come at a later date as lohg~as it is before the end of August. I have attached a copy of last years letters and resolutions to this memo. Thanks in advance. Sgt. John J. Wolf CITY of MOUND July 18, 1994 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 Mr. John Wolfe Southwest Metro Drug Task Force P. O. Box 540 Shakopee, MN. 55379 Dear Mr. Wolfe: This letter is to confirm that the City of Mound Police Department intends to participate in the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force through December of 1995. We anticipate contributing up to $10,000 in cash match for the federal grant. E~ward~rely' City Manager ES:fc enc. ~ printed on recycled paper BILLS -July 11, 1995 BATCH 5063 BATCH 5064 TOTAL BILLS $642,317.45 71,339.89 $713,657.34 ~J <'~ <2: Z i ' ~ > oc:~ 0 g ° c~ ? o o I z 0 th. z Z Z 0 n~ 0 0 ,41 Z c~ Z 2:) . .-i ',-" ,,-40 -'~ I I TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR, CITY COUNCILAND CITY MANAGER GINO BUSlNARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR JUNE FINANCE DEPARTMENTREPORT Investment activity Bought: Money Market Money Market Money Market CP CP CP M atu red: FNMA CP MHFA Money Market First Bank Smith Barney 4M Dain Bosworth Dain Bosworth Norwest Dain Bosworth Dain Bosworth Dain Bosworth 4M 5.75% 5.93% 5.992% 4 1 325,211 151,519 231,889 507,340 8.25% 6.O2% 8.60% (106,430) (229,613) (250,000) (40,000) $5,1:61,207 Metropolitan Council Sewer Rates The Metropolitan Council has established a Sewer Rate Cost Allocation Task Force for the purpose of reviewing the wastewater treatment cost allocation system in response to metropolitan communitiesconcerns regarding equity in its application to system users. Here are some of the questions that are being discussed: - Is the current system "fair" in its application? - What does "equity" mean to individual communities? - How does reserve capacity, SAC and Inflow/Infiltration(I/I) impact the actual community charges? - Are there benefits to individual communitiesfactored into the system? As you know, our yearly payment to Metro Council for waste disposal is in excess of $500,000. On June 9 the City Manager and I attended a meeting on this issue and we intend to continue to participate in the cost allocation discussion and represent the interests of the City of Mound. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 July 5, 1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL. AND CITY~MAN,~GER JIM FACKLER, PARKS DIRECTOR ~) JUNE MONTHLY REPORT // PARKS June has been a busy month. A lot of things happen at this time; Around Mound Run, Mound City days, the opening of the beaches and the summer parks program. We have also installed the new play equipment at Dundee Park. All that remains to be done is the park bench and a sign installed. The mowing crew has been busy keeping up with the parks. This year it seems we are getting more household garbage dropped off in trash cans. With the beaches being open, we are cleaning all of them five days a week, except when a holiday or special event is scheduled. Then we add a Sunday pick up. DOCKS Staff has been busy providing requests from the Commons Task Force. The meetings are twice a month on Tuesdays. We are already preparing for the 1996 season by updating all of the renewal forms for the Parks and Open Space Commission. printed on recycled paper TREES/WEEDS Two trees were removed from city property and we had not complaints on private property. Weed complains are being handled by the Community Service Officers. They are able to get faster results due to being able to issue a citation at the time of the complaint. I had to send a certified letter that could take up to two weeks for the party to sign for it, then wait ten days from the date they signed it to hire the work done. CEMETERY There have been three burials in June. JF:ls CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 July 5, 1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER GREG SKINNER, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDEN'r~'~' JUNE MONTHLY REPORT STREETS During June we prepared for the seal coating. Streets will be done in the Dutch Lake area, downtown parking lots and Three Points Boulevard. We will probably start around July 24th. The streets where main breaks were are now being repaired. There were quite a few on the county roads this winter. There is a large patch on Edgewater and Hickory. This should be done in July. The rest have been taken care of. We started traffic counts this month on the MSA streets. It will take eight weeks to complete the counts. The figures will go to John Cameron when done. WATER DEPARTMENT We are checking on some pressure problems on top the hill at Island Park. A few houses on Canterbury, Devon, Glasgow and Dale are experiencing Iow pressure. I spoke with the engineer and we are getting some pressure readings. Calculations and a cost will be done to see what we can do to build the pressure up within the system or by booster pumps in a few of these houses. Jerry has been working on changing the meters and upgrading the businesses. We won't have the businesses completed this year. We only budgeted so much for the meters in '95. Hopefully, it will all be done in '96. The whole system seems to be working pretty well. Parts are coming quicker now than in the past from Schlumberger. We replaced two gate valves on Wilshire and Emerald. One at the four way stop and one at just south before you go onto the island. They were old valves and leaking pretty bad. Also, we repaired four stand pipes this month. printed on recycled paper SEWER DEPARTMENT We have had some problems, as I indicated before, with the lift station project. We met with John Cameron and Tri-State and how to resolve this problem with the transducers and the dialers. As of a today, two of the transducers have been replaced. We are still waiting on three more dialers to be replaced. Once those are replaced, hopefully, we will be back running smooth. We have been getting way too many calls after hours and during business hours with these things failing. Tri-State is working on it right now. We hope to have everything done and running smooth by the end of July. GS:Is City of Mound Monthly Report Utilities Month of: June 1995 No. of Customers: Water Sewer Water Used: (in 1,000 gallons) Billing: Water Sewer Recycle Total Payments: Water Sewer Recycle Total Residential 1 ,O7O 1,072 18,461 $21 ,O80 $44,628 $4,472 $70,18O $23,055 $40,642 $4,448 $68,145 Commercial 122 122 4,042 $5,643 $13,772 $105 $19,520 $3,486 $9,515 $94 $13,095 07/06/95 Utility-96 Total 1,192 1,194 22,503 $26,723 $58,4OO $4,577 $89,700 $26,541 $50,157 $4,542 $81,24O MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REP( MONTH OF ~ 1995 ~ MO~ ~ ~ TO DA~ ~. OF CALT.~ ~7 63 347 287 MOUND ~I~ ~2 8 76 MINNETONKA BEACH FI~ I ] 6 15 ~~ 0 Z 3 MINNETRISTA ~ 2 ~ ZO 7 ORONO F~ 6 ] ~ ?& ] 8 SHORE~OOD f~ ~ 2 ~ SPRING PARK ~ 3 1 17 MUTUAL AID-' FI~ ~~~ 3 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 9i;' 30 152 .117 TOTAL EMERGENCy CALLS 3~: 3q lqs 170 ~CI~ " n n n o ~S a ~~S lO 15 52 34 7 7 ~1 47 ~, 73 ~ 556 4268 3675 ~- 36 2~1 7~3 522 ~I~ 1~1 355 680 395 - ORONO ~G~ 96 0 329 172 ~ 247 355 ~9 567 U= 0 ~6 ~07 0 - SHOREWOOD ~~. Z3 O 2} - Sp. PARK ~~ 86 94 7)~ ~ 14) %08 1089 - ~ ~ ~G~ 0 0 17 27 T~ 0 54 148 178 tOTAL DRILL HOURS 172% 157~ 947% 1~2~ rOTAL FIRE HOURS 510 839 3~4 2538 tOTAL EMERGENCY HOURS 675 636 4031 3318 ~ F~E & ~~ ~S 1185 147} 763~ 5856 ~TUAL AID RECEIVED Q' Q ~ ~UTUA5 AID ~IVEN N 1 f~ /, MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA FOR MONTH OF 3UNE1995 FIRE FIGHTERS DRILLS & MAINTENANCE FIRE & RESCUE 1 JEFF ANDERSEN X X 2 %'9,00 2 53 6.00 318,OO 2 GR~G ANDERSON X X 2 19.00 2 4~ 6.00 276.00 3 PAUL BABB X X 2 19.00 5 40 6.00 240.00 4 DAVE BOiD .X. X 2 19.00 5 26 6.00 %)6.00 5 SCOTT BRYCE X ~ X 2 19.00 2 29 6.00 174.00 6 DAVE CARLSON X X 2 19.00 6 33 6.00 198.00 7 JIM X , , ,, ,.oo 16 PAUL ffENRY (E>_ X 1 9.50 1 0 §, QQ -0- 17 JOHN LARSON X X 2 19.00 10 30 §,0Q 180.00 18 JASON MAAS X X 2 lq.DO 4½ 39 ~,OO 234.00 19 JO~ MA~M X X 2 19.OO 0 28 6.00 168.OO 20 .)M~ N~.HON X X 2 19.00 1 il 29 6.00 174.OO 21 MARVYM br~..q~M X X 2 19.00 2~ I 23 6.00 138.00 22 ~RE'T N-rCC~M X X 2 19.00 2~ 29 6.00 174,0Q 23 GRFf~, ~AL~1 X X 2 19.00 6~ 33 6.00 198,00 24 HIk'~ PALM X X 2 19.00 7 36 6.00 216.00 25 TIM PATM X X 2 19.00 4~ 43 6.00 258.00 26 GREG PEDERSON X X 2 19.00 6 30 6.00 180.00 27 CFLRIS POUNDER X X' 2 19.00 8 39 6.00 234.00 28 TONY RAS~4JSSEN X X 2 19.00 0 14 6.00 84.00 29 ~ffKE SAVAGE X X 2 19.00 9 38 6.00 228.00 30 KEVIN SIPPREIL X X 2 19.00 5 27 6.00 162.00 31 RON STALLMAN X X 2 19.00 6½ 33 6.00 198.00 32 BRUCES SVOBODA X X 2 19.00 5 40 6.00 240.00 33 TOM SWanSON X X ~ -19.00 2 32 6.00 192.00 34 ED VANECEK X X 2 19.00 6 37 6.00 222.00 35 RICK [CI'LLIAMS X X 2 19.00 19 26 6.00 156.00 36 TIM WILLIAMS ~{ ~ ] q. 5D 5 30 6.00 180.00 37 DENNIS WOYI~ ~{ X 2 Iq,Do 1 38 6.00 228.00 35 34 69 %%~%LS 87½ 85 172½ 655.50 174½ 1185 WY~5; 7,144.00 172½ I~111~ 655.50 174½ MA]I~ 1~167.00 · ~fAL 8,966.50 DRILL REPORT .MOUND-FIRE_DEPARTMENT Discipline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspections Tools and Apparatus I~entif~ Hand Extinguisher oper~tion Wearing Protective,Clothing Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Pumper Operations Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas Demos. · Ladder Evolutions Salvage O~eratio~s Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hose'Appliances Hours Training Paid : .. Excused X' Unexecused O .Present / Not Paid Miscellaneous : ~ ' '- ' -- ~ ~ V ' .~J.Andersen G ~..~p.Anderson .Babb D.Boyd S.Bryce ~!.Carlson .Casey ~B.C°.llins · Crawford ' R.Engelhart ~%l~S.Erickson D P'Fisk .Grady P E R S'O N N E L Z~, '.K. Grady ~C.Henders6n ~3.~rson %~.J .Maas %~,~J. Nafus ~J .Nelson ~M.Nelson ~B.Niccum Z~G.Palm .. ~M.Palm ~T.Palm ~G. Pederson C.Pounder T.Rasmussen M.Savage .Sipprell R.Stallman B.Svoboda .Swenson E.Vanecek R.Williams .Williams D.Woytcke DRILL REPORT .pline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspectigns Tools and Apparatus I~entify Hand Extinguisher oper~tion wearing Protective,ClothiDg Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks MOUND--FIRE--DEPARTMENT Pumper Operations Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas Demos. Ladder Evolutions Salvage O~erations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hose'Appliances Hours Training Paid : ~lExcused X Unexecused O ,Present / Not Paid J.Andersen 'G.Anderson P.Babb yd yce D.Carlson J.Casey S.Collins Crawford ~I_R_. Enge 1 hart ~S. Erickson l~_P · Fisk ~%_~.,D. Grady PERSONNEL T,~ 'C.-Henderson ~_~_~. LarsOn ~_[~_~.Maas ~\~_~ J.Nafus L%~_J'.Nelson .Nelson .NicCum ~Palm .. ~1,~ ]M.Palm !G.Palm .Pederson C. Pounder T'Rasmussen M.Savage [9-K.Sipprell R.Stallman B.Svoboda T.Swenson 'vanecek .Williams .Williams ~_L~6.Woytcke DATE MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE FOR MONTH OF MEN ON DUTY ~-- J. ANDERSEN G. ANDERSON ~" 1~. BABB ~ D. BOYD ~2_ S. BRYCE ~ D. CARLSON ~ J. CASEY ~ S. COLLI'NS 9/ B. CRAWFORD ~ R. ENGELHART ~ S. ERICKSON ~ P. FISK ~ D. GRADY ~ C. HENDERSON / P. HENRY /~) J. LARSON ' ~/~ J. MAAS ~) J. NAFUS J. NELSON '~/~ M. NELSON ~ B. NICCUM ~ G. PALM ~ M. PALM ~f~' T. PALM ~ G. PEDERSON f C. POUNDER ~ T. RASMUSSEN ~ M. SAVAGE ~ K. SIPPRELL ~7.~ R. STALLMAN / B. SVOBODA T. SWENSON E. VANECEK R. WILLIAMS T. WILLIAMS D. WOYTCKE TOTAL MONTIiLY HOURS /~/~/~ LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shulde Chief Len Harrell Montlfly Report for June, 1995 I. STATISTICS The police department responded to 1,133 calls for service during the month of June. There were 38 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 6 burglaries, 30 larcenies, 1 vehicle thefts, and 1 arson. There were 68 Part 1I offenses reported. Those offenses included 2 child abuse/neglect, 1 forgery/NSF check, 3 weapon, 3 narcotics, 13 damage to property, 3 liquor law violations, 4 DUI's, 9 simple assaults, 5 domestics (2 with assaults), 4 harassment, 9 juvenile status offenses, and 12 other offenses. The patrol division issued 118 adult citations and 3 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 19 tickets. Warnings were issued to 85 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 2 adults and 3 juveniles arrested for felonies. There were 31 adults and 33 juveniles an'ested for misdemeanors. 'There were an additional 10 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 13 vehicle accidents, 3 with injuries. There were 25 medical emergencies and 94 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 14 occasions in June and requested assistance 20 times. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT- JIYNE, 1995 INVESTIGATIONS The investigators worked on 4 child protection issues and 5 criminal sexual conduct cases that accounted for 53 hours of investigative time. Other cases investigated included burglary, robbery, assault, theft, narcotics, threatening communications, domestic assault, false imprisonment, damage to property, suspicious person, stolen property, NSF check, violation of restraining order, and absenting. Formal complaints were issued for criminal sexual conduct, disorderly conduct, minor consumption, violation of a restraining order, and false imprisonment/assault. Ill. Personnel/Staffing The department used approximately 89 hours of overtime during the month of June. Officers used 83 hours of comp-time, 189 hours of vacation, 8 hours of sick time, and 6 holidays. Officers earned 97 hours of comp-time. IV. TRAINING Thc department held a firearms qualification shoot for all officers in June. Other courses attended by officers included professional driving school, police bicycle patrol, Spanish for police officers, Wilson Leadership seminar, and police canine competition. V. RESERVES Thc Mound Policc Rosco/cs donatcd 254 hours during thc month of June. As always, the reserves did an excellent job providing assistance during thc Around Mound Run and Mound City Days. They all deserve our gratitude and recognition for outstanding service to thc community! MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT JUNE 1995 P~dRT I CRIMES Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 1 0 1 30 i 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 38 2 2 3 0 3 P~JIT II CRIMES Child Abuse/Neglect Forgery/NSF Checks Criminal Damage to Property Weapons Narcotic Laws Liquor Laws DWI Simple Assault Domestic Assault Domestic (No Assault) Harassment Juvenile Status Offenses Public Peace Trespassing All Other Offenses 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 1 2 0 5 3 0 0 2 0 6 3 0 1 2 1 2 3 0 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 4 4 0 9 1 1 1 2 3 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 7 0 17 3 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 6 7 0 TOTAL 68 2 6 31 23 33 PART II & PART IV Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual A_id Other General Investigations 10 3 0 25 94 14 761 TOTAL 907 HCCP Inspections 3 117 TOTAL 1,133 34 23 36 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT JUNE 1995 DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Code Enforcement Seat Belt MV/ATV Miscellaneous Tags 4 2 2 4 0 26 1 0 30 7 2 0 6 0 25 0 0 19 1 1 2 1 0 4 ~.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ~4OUND POLICE DEP~kRT~4ENT · UNE 1995 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAL WARRANT ARRESTS Felony Misdemeanor 4 10 26 0 10 17 0 0 0 13 8O 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE 1995 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY Hazardous Citations'' Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over .10 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony Arrests Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests Part I Offenses Part II Offenses Medicals Animal Complaints Ordinance Violations Other Public Contacts THIS YEAR TO LAST YEAR MONTH DATE TO DATE 41 446 359 74 415 261 15 109 114 51 297 211 47 321 408 19 217 194 4 20 46 2 15 38 10 47 60 3 16 20 0 0 0 2 8 16 31 158 189 3 33 29 33 76 33 38 143 157 68 348 343 25 175 147 94 346 577 117 258 287 761 3,506 5,092 TOTAL 1,438 6,954 8,581 Assists 107 443 295 Follow-Ups 42 203 295 HCCP 3 17 29 Mutual Aid Given 14 83 70 Mutal Aid Requested 20 80 42 Run: 28-Jun-g5 9:10 PRO03 Primary ISN~s only: No Date~k~x~_rted range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 t vity codes: Att lWmll~erty Status: ALL Property Types: ALL property Oescs: ALL Brands: ALL Models: ALL Officers/Gadges: ALL Prop lnc no ISN Pr Desc SN MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTEO Prop Date Rptd Stolen Date Recov~d Stat Stolen Value Recov'd Value Quantity Act Code Prop type Totals: 50 0 Prop type Totals: 1,145 0 Prop type Totals: 250 0 Prop type Totals: 430 0 Prop type Totals: 3 3 Prop type Totals: 1,000 0 Prop type Totals: 50 0 Prop type Totals: 3,795 0 Prop type Totals: 1,080 0 Prop type Totals: 3,035 715 Prop type Totals: 150 50 Prop type Totals: 239 0 Prop type Totals: 835 1 12,062 769 **** Report Totals: 1.000 7.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 6.000 2.000 9.000 3.000 2.000 9.000 46.000 Brand ModeL Page Off-1 Off-2 Assnd Assnd '70 Run: 28-Jun-95 8:39 CFS08 Primary ISN~s only: No Date Reported range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Ho~ Received: ALL Activity Resulted: Dispositions: ALL Officers/Badges: ALl Grids: ALL Patrol Areas: ALL Oays of the ~eek: ALL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIOENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS 9000 SPEEDING 26 9002 NO O/L, EXPIRED O/L 1 9014 STOP SIGN ? 9018 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION 6 9020 CARELESS/RECKLESS 2 9030 CROSSWALK VIOLATION 1 9034 STOP ARM VIOLATION 9038 ALL OTHER TRAFFIC 1 9040 NO SEATBELT 1 9041 J-NO SEATBELT 1 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 17 9140 NO PARKING/WINTER HOURS 1 9150 NO TRAILER PARKING 1 9200 DAS/DAR/DAC 9210 PLATES/NO-IMPROPER-EXPIRED 30 9211 J-PLATES/NO-EXPIRED-IMPROPER 1 9220 NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF 25 9221 J-NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF I 9240 CHANGE OF DONICILE 3 9300 LOST ARTICLES/OTHER 2 9301 LOST PERSONS 1 9310 FORFEITURES 1 Page Run: 28- Jun-9~ 8:~9 CFS08 Primary lSN's only: No Oate~rted range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Tim~e each day: 00:00 - 23:59 '~ow Received: ALL Activity Resulted: AiL Dispositions: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All ACTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION 9562 9566 9567 9720 9730 9731 FOUND ANIMALS/iMPOUNDS FOUND PROPERTY FOUND VEHiCLES/iMPOUNDED PERSONAL INdURY ACCIOENTS PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS H/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. BiTE CAT BITES ANIHAL ENFORCEMENT TICKETS DANGEROUS DOG MEDICAL/OOA MEDICALS MEDICALS/DX 9740 MENTAL CASES 9800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFiED 9913 ~20 DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT PUBLIC ASSIST ALL HCCP CASES OPEN DOOR/ALARMS SERVICES BY OFFICERS CHIPS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTiViTY CODE NUMBER OF INC]DENTS 1 17 1 3 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 19 3 1 9 3 ~/ 2 3 6 1 1 Page 2 Run: 28- Jun-95 8:39 CFS08 Primary ISN~s only: No Date Reported range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Hou Received: Ali Activity Resulted: All Dispositions: ALL Officers/Badges: Al l Grids: ALt Patrol Areas: Ali Oays of the ueek: AlL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors CaLLs For Service INCIOENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS INSPECTIONS CITATION HANDGUN APPLICATION XNFO/INT WARRANTS MISC. VIOLATIONS MUTUAL AIO/8100 MUTUAL AI0/6500 MUTUAL AIO/ ALL OTHER ASLT 5-UNKNC~N ACT-NO WEAPON-ADLT-ACQ ASLT 5-INFLZCTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BO HRM-HANOS-ASLT-AC ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-FAM ASLT 5-THRT BOOILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-FAM 9921 9930 9950 9980 9990 9992 9993 9994 A5002 A5351 A5352 A5354 A5501 1 10 1 5 6 3 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A5502 ASLT 5-THR~ BOOILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-ACQ A5525 ASLT 5-THRT BOOILY HARM-FIREARM-CHLO-ACQ Bl160 BURG 1-OCC RES FRC-UoUNK WEAP-UNK ACT B123~ BURG 1-OCC RES NO FRC-O-UN ~EAP-COH THEFT B3G9~ BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-U-UNK ~EAP-COH THEFT B389~ BURG 3-UNOCC NRES NO FRC-U-UNK ~EAP-COI4 THEFT B4330 BURG 4-UNOCC RES FRC-O-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT D25~0 DRUGS-SCH 1 ~NON NARC-POSSESS-MARIJU-UNK CHAR 08500 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION / '73 Page Run: 28-Jun-95 8:~9 CFS08 Primary ISN's on[y: No Oat~l~rted range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Tir~e each day: 00:00 - Z3:59 ~Hou Received: AiL Activity ResuLted: ALL Dispositions: ALL Officers/Badges: ALL Grids: Att Patrol Areas: ALL Days of the ~eek: ALL ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION ffi3UND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[Is For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS Page DC500 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-UNK F4005 ARSON 3-MS-UNK COND-OT PROP-S299 LESS J2500 TRAFFIC-GM-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J2900 TRAFFIC-GM-OTHER J~500 TRAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J~EO0 TRAF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-UNK VEH ILSE IMPRISON-INTENT CONFIN-HANDS-ADLT-ACQ M3001 JUVENILE-ALCOHOL OFFENDER M4199 LIQUOR - OTHER M531~ JUVENILE-CURFEW M5350 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY N3030 DISTURB PEACE-MS-DISORDERLY CONDUCT N3190 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS P~110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3120 PROP DANAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P~600 LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-MS Q1226 STLN PROP'FE-POSSESS-VEHICLES-2500-34999 Q3~99 STLN PROP-MS-TRANSFER-OTH PROP-200 OR LESS TB159 THEFT-MORE 2500-FE-NOTOR VEH-OTH PROP 2500-FE-BUILDING-MONEY THEFT-501-25'OO-FE-OTHER-OTH PROP THEFT-201-5OO-GM-YARDS-OTH PROP TC999 TF059 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 $ 4 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Run.- 28- Jun-95 8:39 CFS08 Primary [SN~s only: No Date Reported range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 2~:59 Ho~ Received: ALt Activity Resulted: At~ Dispositions: Att Officers/Badges: Att Grids: A~ Patrol Areas: Att Oays of the ~eek: Att MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Carts For Service INCIOENT ANALYSIS BY ACT]V[TY COOE ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INC[DENTS TF159 THEFT-201-5OO-GM-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP TG021 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-BUILDING-MONEY TG051 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YAROS-MONEY TG058 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YAROS-GRAIN TG059 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YAROS-OTH PROP TG060 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MAILS-UNKNO~N TG061 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MAILS-MONEY TG159 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP TG169 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP U1~97 THEFT-FE-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-201-500 THEFT-MS-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-200 OR LESS THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-35000-OR MORE THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-200 OR LESS WEAPONS-MS-OISCHARGE-EXPLOS-INCEND-NO CHAR I~EAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORO PROTECTION U3018 U3288 U3289 U3498 1f3150 V3190 X3250 **** Report Totals: 364 Page Rt~= 28- Jun-95 8:4~ OFF01 Primary ISN's only: No Date_Reported range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Ti~ge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 ~llll~Dispositions: All ACtivity c~es: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: ACT ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION A5002 A5351 A5352 A5354 A5501 ASLT 5-UNKNOWN ACT-NO ~EAPON-ADLT-ACQ ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BO HRM-HANDS-ASLT-AC ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-FAM ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-FAM A5502 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-ACQ A5525 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-FIREARM-CHLO-ACQ 1-OCC RES FRC-U-UNK UEAP-UNK ACT B1234 BURG 1-OCC RES NO FRC-D-UN WEAP-COM THEFT B3494 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-U-UNK ~EAP-COH THEFT B3894 BURG ~-UNOCC NRES NO FRC-U-UNK NEAP-COH THEFT B43~0 BURG 4-UNOCC RES FRC-O-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT 02540 DRUGS-SCH 1 NON NARC-POSSESS-MARIJU-UNK CHAR 08500 ORUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION 0C500 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-UNK F4005 ARSON 3-MS-UNK COND-OT PROP-S299 LESS J2500 TRAFFIC-GM-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J2900 TRAFFIC-GM-OTHER J3500 TRAF-ACCIO-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J3EO0 TRAF'ACC-MS~AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-UNK VEH IMPRISON-INTENT CONFIN-HANDS-ADLT-ACQ M3001 JUVENILE-ALCOHOL OFFENDER M4199 LIQUOR - OTHER MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 Page 1 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT PENOING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEAREO 0.0 100.0 40.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0o0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 R ~,~'~: 28- Ju~1-95 8:/.3 OFF01 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: AL[ Activity codes: ALI Officers/Badges: ALL Grids: ALL ACT ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION N5313 JUVENILE-CURFEW M5350 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY N3030 DISTURB PEACE-NS-DISORDERLY CONDUCT N3190 DISTURB PEACE-NS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS P3110 PROP OAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3120 PROP DANAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3600 LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-MS Q1226 STLN PROP-FE-POSSESS-VEHICLES-2500-34999 Q3399 STLN PROP-MS-TRANSFER-OTH PROP-200 OR LESS TB159 THEFT-MORE 2500-FE-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP TC021 THEFT-501-2500-FE-BUILDING-MONEY TC999 THEFT-501-2500-FE-OTHER-OTH PROP TFO59 THEFT'201-5OO-GM-YARDS-OTH PROP TF159 THEFT-ZO1-5OO-GN-MOTOR VEN-OTH PROP TG021 THEFT-LESS 200-GH-BUILO%NG-MONEY TG051 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YAROS-MONEY TG058 THEFT-LESS 200-OM-YAROS-GRAIN TG059 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-YARDS-OTH PROP TG060 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MAILS-UNKNOWN TG061 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MAILS-HONEY TG159 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-MOTOR VEN-OTH PROP TG169 THEFT-LESS 200-GM-WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP U1497 THEFT-FE-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-201-500 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page 2 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL AOULT dUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT REPORTED FOUNOEO OFFENSES PENOING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEAREO 5 0 5 0 0 5 0 5 100.0 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 3 100.0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 4 0 4 ~, 0 0 0 0 0.0 12 0 12 10 0 1 1 2 16.6 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.( 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 5 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 Run: 28- Jun-95 8:/+3 OFF01 Primary ISN's only: No Oata~¥1~orted range: 05/26/95 - 06/25/95 ?i~ge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 "'"Dispositions: Att Activity codes: Att Officers/Badges= Grids: ALL ACT ACTZVZTY COOE DESCRIPTION U3018 THEFT-MS-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS U3288 U3289 U~98 i~5150 i~5190 X3250 THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-200 OR LESS THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFT[NG-35000-OR MORE THEFT-MS-BiCYCLE-NO MOTOR-200 OR LESS WEAPONS-MS-OISCHARGE-EXPLOS-[NCENO-NO CHAR WEAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORD PROTECTION Totals: MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page 3 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL AOULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT REPORTEO FOUNOED OFFENSES PENOING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEAREO 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 I 1 100.0 6 1 5 5 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 50.0 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 50.0 100 4 96 54 18 16 8 42 43.7 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 July 3, 1995 TO: FROM: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER SUBJECT: JUNE 1995 MONTHLY REPORT Well, I guess all I had to do was whine about the weather and conditions improved! Or did you, on my behalf, intervene and seek divine intervention as I requested in Last month's report? Whoever was responsible turned up the heat a little too much. There I go complaining again. I should be ecstatic, and I am. Also, every muscle and joint in my body aches when I go home from work each day. Enough of that. Here's the story. Sales for the month were $158,382. In June of 1994, sales were $142,221. Customers in June of 1995 were 11,423 and last year we had 10,628 people come through our doors in the month of June. Did you see our pre-Fourth of July sale ad that appeared in the June 26th issue of the Laker? It definitely stood out. People have actually called and complemented me on it. It pays to advertise. For the first half of the year, sales to date are $705,496. That compares to last year at this time when sales were $682,717. By the way, this month was the best month we have ever had, beating December of 1994 by $300! JK:ls pr~nted on recycled paper 07/0G/1995 18:49 G12--4724435 TOM REESE PAGE 81 LAI~ MINNI~ONKA CONSKRVATION DISTRICT 900 K. Wayzata Bird, Wayzata, MN ~55391 TO'. MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE: JULY 6, 1995 FROM: TOM REESE, LM~ ~ENTATIVE SUBJ,: JUNE ~RT - 2,0 Eu~on Wnmm~foH Ta~t Fo~e~- 2.1 l-ln~estln8 conti~ ~ ~ ~llmt w~. ~ ~ i~~ in ~ w~ ~ d ~c 1~ ~vc l~ly ~ ~t ~ ~s w~k ~ m~ ~H ~ w~n8 ~ ~~s ~ ~~ Bays. N~ w~k MU ~ w~ ~ ~~, St ~'s, ~d ~'s Bays ~d ~ Big I~ 87/86/1995 10:49 612--4724435 TOM REESE PAGE 02 LAK]I MINNKTONKA CON$SRVATION DISTRICT 900 i. Wayzata Bird, Wayzata, MN 55391 4.1 Somc concern wu cxWcssed 8t thc loss of information available to ~be LA4~ and the dries about cantcsts on th~ lake sLncc the Sl~riff has tnlum over issuing liamscs. Promiscd reports hive not been forthcoming Some pr~cdm~ review wl%.n thc new ~ccutive ~ ~ over will doulrdcss b~ neccss~. fo: Rill Johnstnne LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT June 29, 1995 TO: LMCD Cities FROM: Treasurer Bob Rascop SUBJECT: 1996 Adopted LMCD Budget RECEIVED" Enclosed is a copy of the 1996 budget adopted by the LMCD Board of Directors on June 28. No changes were made to the budget presented to the cities at the June 8 meeting. The City of Orono has expressed an objection to the budget and has requested a public hearing be scheduled to address their concerns. The Board has scheduled this public hearing on Wednesday, JulY 26. If changes were made to the adopted budget, they would be communicated to all LMCD cities after the public hearing. City officials will recall from the June 2 memorandum accompanying the draft budget that both the Administrative Fund Operating Reserve and Milfoil Fund Operating Reserve are being budgeted for current expenses for 1996 from each fund. Implementation of the 1996 Budget estimates the reduction of the Administrative Reserve to approximately six months of operating expenses of $125,000 and the Milfoil Reserve of approximately 12 months of operating expenses of $100,000. The LMCD also administers the Save the Lake Fund which contains donations from private parties and earned interest. The Save the Lake Fund is used to fund special projects of benefit to the lake which the Board does not believe are appropriate for funding from public funds. The concluding comment of the June 2 memorandum merits attention. To maintain present operations in 1997 and thereafter, this will require greater financial assistance from the cities or securing of alternative revenue sources since the Board estimates reduction of the reserve funds to agreed upon levels. A 1993 law amends Minnesota Statutes 103B.635, subd. 2 and limits "the total funding from all municipalities in the district" to ".00242% of the total taxable market value within the district, unless three-fourths of the municipalities in the district pass a resolution concurring to the additional costs." The LMCD Board thanks city officials for their interest and concern for the projected 1996 budget. Please call the office if you have additional questions. LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1996 Draft Budget 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 Budget Actual Budget YTD {3/31) Budget I LMCD Communities Admn Levy 2 Reserve Fund Contribution 3 Court Fines 4 Licenses 5 Interest, Public Funds 6 Shoreland Grants, DNR $ 25,117 $ 35,655 $ 80,322 $57,141 $111,800 65,383 0 39,625 0 0 45,000 38,519 41,000 3,471 40,000 112,000 118,166 86,000 82,139 86,000 6,000 14,108 6,000 4,409 8,000 6,000 1,891 0 0 0 7 Other Income 0 1,637 0 265 0 (a) Income Prepaid at 80 % in 1992 8 EW Milfoil Program a City Levy $63,000 $64,323 $63,000 $34,173 $29,500 b Other Public Agencies 49,500 0 40,000 1,000 24,500 c Private Solicitation 0 1,190 0 0 1,000 d Reserve Fund Allocation 5,000 0 18,500 0 50,000 e Interest 6,~ 15,150 8,000 3,661 10,000 ADMINISTRATION Personnel Services: I Salaries $106,150 $101,450 $113,000 $21,674 $106,000 2 Employer Benefit Contributions 19,600 17,737 19,700 3,499 18,000 : .::.:...:.::: ::.-.. : .-. ============================== . Contractual Services: 4 Office Lease & Storage $11,600 $11,330 $11,647 $2,996 $12,200 Professional Services 5:.:~ ........... 5,~ ....... 7,470 5,700 5,455 10,000 Office & Administrative: 7 Office, General Supplies 8 Telephone 9 Postage 10 Printing, Publ., Adv. 11 Maintenance, Office Equipment 12 Subscriptions, Memberships 13 Insurance, Bonds 14 Public Information, Legal Notices $4,300 $3,287 $4,500 $316 $4,500 2,000 1,932 2,000 545 2,000 4,000 3,676 4,500 230 4,800 3,000 1,660 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,099 2,000 784 2,000 250 295 200 170 300 5,000 6,334 4,200 0 7,500 2,000 1,703 1,000 847 2,000 ! 5. Mileage, Expenses, Training 3,(XX) 1,186 2,500 306 1,500 ~6i:.Totat Office:&Admi~i~Y~fi~ ~:iiii::i::i::::i::::!::::i::::::::::i:::.::::::~:i:.i:.::iii::::ii :/:::::: ii:: ~23~550 ~46:9: ~2~i9~ i:.i:.!~3~i~i~ ii ~26~6~ Page 2 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1996 DraE Budget 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 Budget Actual Budget YTD (3/31) Budget Capital Outlay: 17 Furniture, Equipment $3,000 $165 82,000 $0 $1,000 Legal ~ 20 Legal Services $20,000 $11,097 $22,000 $6,033 $22,000 21 Prosecution Services $30,000 24,664 30,000 5,539 27,000 22 Henn. Cty Room & Board 0 5,700 3,000 126 6,000 23 Process Service 200 0 0 0 0 Contract Services/Studies 25 Shoreland Rules, DNR Consultant $2,000 O O $O O 26 Shoreland Rules, DNR City Grants 4,000 0 2,641 0 0 27 Lake Use Density Study 7,000 $6,207 0 0 7,000 28 Mgmt Plan Env. Impl./User Attitude Survey 15,000 1,332 $13,0OO 0 7,500 29 School District Boater Ed Program 10,000 0 $10,000 0 0 Eurasian Water Milfoil (EVVM) Harvesting Program Trucking Contract Salaries & Employer Taxes/Insurance 34 Administrative 35 Operation Supplies $28,160 $22,251 $26,000 $0 $26,000 43,360 35,555 35,240 0 35,000 5,900 2,938 4,060 81 4,000 29,000 19,993 18,800 126 20,000 36 Contract Services 8,500 16,031 15,900 0 15,000 37 Contingency & Zebra Mussel Ed. Prog. 8,580 1,478 5,000 0 15,000 ~ TOTAL :EWM OPERA:TIONS ~05;000 Save the Lake Program Income: a. Private Donations b. Other Income c. Interest SubTotal, Save the Lake Save the Lake Program Expense: a. Admin Exp b. Program Exp INFORMATIONAL: EWM Equipment Reserve Allocation $22,500 $30,360 $27,000 $4,055 $27,000 0 5,877 2,000 878 2,000 4,000 3,806 4,500 2,952 4,500 $26,500 $40,043 $33,500 7,885 $33,500 $26,500 $40,043 $33,500 3,174 $33,500 2,50O 31 ,OOO $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $0 $35,000 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1996 Draft Budget DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Market Valu Share of Share of Share of Total % of Total EWM Prog. Admin. Budget Market Value $29,500.00 $111~800.00 $141,300.00 Deephaven 322,174,700 7.95 2,345.25 Excelsior 101,495,300 2.50 737.50 Greenwood 68,274,200 1.69 498.55 Minnetonka 3,079,151,600 20.00 5,900.00 Mtka. Beach 75,731,700 1.87 551.65 Minnetrista 296,765,400 7.33 2,162.35 Mound 358,844,500 8.86 2,613.70 Orono 704,073,200 17.38 5,127.10 Shorewood 464,810,500 11.47 3,383.65 Spring Park 56,047,900 1.38 407.10 Tonka Bay 136,888,300 3.38 997.10 Victoria 196,039,800 4.84 1,427.80 Wayzata 370,369,1 O0 9.14 2,696.30 Woodland 89~461 ~400 2.21 651.95 $6,320,127,600 100.00 $29,500.00 8,888.10 2,795.00 1,889.42 22,360.0O 2,090.66 8,194.94 9,905.48 19,430.84 12,823.46 1,542.84 3,778.84 5,411.12 10,218.52 2~470.78 $111,80O.0O 11,233.35 3,532.50 2,387.97 28,260.00 2,642.31 10,357.29 12,519.18 24,557.94 16,207.11 1,949.94 4,775.94 6,838.92 12,914.82 3r 122.73 $141,30O.0O Less Minnetonka: 3,079,151,60O 3,240,976,000 Total of market value less Minnetonka because Minnetonka is a constant 20% Calculating per centage: City market value divided by 3,240,976,000 times .80 equals per cent Use only 80% because Minnetonka is always 20%. i.e. amount of city market value divided by 3,240,976,000 X .80= % of total MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 26, 1995 Those present were: Chair Geoff Michael, Commissioners Michael Mueller, Frank Weiland, Bill Voss, Lisa Crum, Ed Surko, and Becky Glister, City Council Representative Mark Hanus, Building Official Jon Sutherland and Secretary Peggy James. Commissioner Jerry Clapsaddle was absent and excused. MINUTES The Planning Commission Minutes of June 12, 1995 were presented for approval. MOTION made by Crum, seconded by Glister to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of June 12, 1995 as written. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Michael announced that Commissioner Mueller requested to speak at this time. Mueller stated that he would like to again be consistent with where he was coming from last time when he spoke up at this point when the Commission was talking about the ordinance change for driveways. The Streamlining of Variances is an ordinance change which he is ready and willing to discuss just as he would be willing to discuss driveways if it were on the agenda, which he is surprised it is not, and he would be willing to discuss Truth in Housing. At this point, he feels it is inappropriate to take up another new change in ordinance without dealing with those that they have done in the past. Some ordinance changes that they have done in the past have not moved forward one way or the other. MOTION made by Mueller to table the balance of the agenda, except the City Council Report, based on the fact that we are dealing with ordinance changes which should not be dealt with until the ordinance changes that were requested that we review previously be dealt with. Weiland seconded the motion. Chair Michael opened the issue for discussion. Hanus updated the Commission that the last time the tabling was done on a change like this, he asked the Commission if he should formally inform the council as to the vote, and it was agreed that it probably should go through the proper channels and the Council should be informed through the City Manager. Hanus informally mentioned the issue to a few councilmembers. The council has not been officially made aware of the Commission's wishes from the last time around. Mueller commented that maybe at this point the Council will stand up and take notice and the City Manager will see it fit to inform the City Council that some of the Planning Commission members are tired of doing voluntary work that does not get dealt with at the Council level. The previous Council requested they review the Truth in Housing ordinance. A final draft of the Truth in Housing ordinance has been approved by the Planning Commission and a lot of work went into it and he feels it is inappropriate at this time to review other ordinance changes without having some kind of a stance with respect to Truth in Housing. la ge, Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 Voss commented that he is opposed to the motion because he feels there is an overwhelming public need to streamline variances to reduce frustrations for the homeowners. Half of the properties in the City are nonconforming right now, and as Sutherland stated in his memorandum to Ed Shukle, there is a citizen frustration connected with the variances and the hoops the citizens must go through to get a variance to improve there property. He feels it is such a needed ordinance that we would be doing a dis-service to the City of Mound by not addressing this issue and at least forwarding it to the City Attorney for review and drafting a applicable ordinance for the City of Mound so this issue can be moved promptly through the channels. He is opposed to adjourning without addressing the "Streamlining of Variances" because of the overwhelming public need. Weiland feels that streamlining variances will eventually result in more variances. He is in favor of leaving the variance process as is and is not in favor of giving the Building Inspector authority to approve variances. It is the Planning Commission's job to review these variances. Voss agreed and confirmed that the City Attorney does not recommend administrative review. Mueller called for point of order as the issue at hand is whether or not to table the balance of the agenda. Voss commented that he is sure there are other issues from the past have not been addressed, and questioned why this issue should be any different. Hanus commented that the Council in a recent COW meeting briefly addressed Truth in Housing in a goal setting session and there was mixed reaction. The council has not put Truth in Housing high on their priority list. The "Streamlining of Variances" was presented to the Council and was warmly received. If the Commission tables discussion on this subject, the net result is just a delay. Hanus noted that the "Vehicles for Sale Ordinance" does not require review by the Planning Commission, and that it was only placed on the agenda to receive input from the Commission. The Building Official noted that this is a Police Department issue. Voss stated that the Planning Commission can carry more than one or two items in limbo. Just because something is not acted on does not mean you should give up. We are acting as agents of the City and he does not think they should throw up a road block to the progressive movement of City government to resolve the issues that are facing the City. Mueller argued that the City Council's staff gets bogged down within the administration and hopefully this will send a message. Mueller noted that it has been one year and a half since their recommendation for the Truth in Housing ordinance. The Commission is here for the betterment of Mound, not just to do the administrative staff's bidding. By non-action we are not being the progressive City that we can be, and we can be a progressive City if the Council takes action shortly after the Planning Commission has made a recommendation. A Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 proactive recommendation was made to the Council and it was not reacted to. Maybe this council will have a different response than the previous council, but at least it should be addressed. Voss stated that in lieu of Mr. Hanus indicating that the Council is unaware of the Commission's position, he thinks a message can be sent without stopping the orderly process of government business coming before this body. He would support a motion expressing the Commission's dissatisfaction, but he cannot vote in favor of a motion that will stop work by unpaid volunteer's, it goes against his dedication to duty. The motion was reviewed. Voss suggested that the Motion include a statement of reasoning. Mueller suggested that it include, "The Planning Commission feels that the ordinance changes that have been forwarded to the Council with recommendations should be dealt with before continual ordinance changes keep coming down the pipe." Concern about how this action may reflect on the administrative staff was expressed. Mueller commented that if it means that something was not done with an ordinance that should have been done, and it didn't go forward because of that, then that's one thing, but if it means just a lack of concern for the activities that the Commission has, then there is blame, then there is something that says they are not working close enough with the Planning Commission. When he first started on the Commission, Mr. Shukle attended most of the meetings, and he no longer attends them, and maybe he does not need to be here, but does it mean that he does not have enough interest to move our recommendations forward? Hanus suggested that they review the Streamlining of Variances and that they send another message to the Council. Hanus apologized for not carrying the message through the first time. Mueller commented that the Manager and the Council read the minutes and that it was not his responsibility. Surko suggested language to attach to the motion, "That the Planning Commission is concerned about the process in which open issues that have come out of the Commission meetings and gone onto the City Council." He clarified that they need to know what the process is to deal with open issues. Hanus questioned if the Commission would like a prioritization from the Council on the open issues. Mueller would rather see the items dealt with. Mueller summarized that he likes the language, suggested by Surko. The secretary clarified the addendum to the motion, "The Planning'Commission is concerned about the process with which the City Council reviews Planning Commission 'recommendations on ordinance changes." 3 Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 Mueller also suggested adding, "Without response, the Planning Commission feels it cannot continue to review ordinance changes." Surko suggested that the Planning Commission receive the status on open issues before the Commission continue on new items. The Secretary informed the Commission that a memorandum was sent to them which listed all the open ordinance change issues on file. This memorandum was included within their packet for the meeting which the proposed'Norwest Bank was on the agenda, and that meeting was cancelled. Hanus commented that he feels it is his responsibility to pass on the message of the Commission, and that the Council will need to prioritize the open issues and advise the Planning Commission of their direction. Hanus noted that the previous Council directed most of these pending issues, and how the previous Council dealt with them may or may not be an issue. The only thing that the current Council has sent to this group is "Streamlining of Variances." As Council's change, so do their priorities, and by not sending Truth in Housing right away, may or may not mean it is a priority for them, but they did send you what they wanted you to look at. The Council has not seen the driveway ordinance. And if this motion carries, you will be voting to not address the only thing they have asked you to address. Mueller reviewed the other pending ordinances besides Truth in Housing, they are: Truck Parking in Residential Areas, Driveways, and Park Land Dedication Fees, so there are other items out there that we have discussed and made recommendations On. _ Weiland called the question. MOTION carried 5 to 3. Those in favor were: Surko, Weiland, Crum, Glister, and Mueller. Those opposed were: Hanus, Voss, and Michael. Michael commented that he did not vote in the negative because he doesn't share Mueller's frustrations, he just does not think it is the right way to go about it. CITY COUNCIL DIRECTION TO STREAMLINE VARIANCES This item was tabled. DISCUSS AND REVIEW OF PROPOSED "VEHICLES FOR SALE ORDINANCE" This item was tabled. Planning Commission Minutes June 26. 1995 CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT Mueller reviewed the "Hoy" case with Hanus. Hanus indicated that the applicant's changed their proposal to not remove the rental use, and therefore, because of the two uses on the property, it was denied. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT Sutherland reported that some different properties in Mound are getting cleaned up and showing improvement, they are Shoreline Automotive (they will also be coming in with a CUP application), Small Engine Clinic, and Glass Plus. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Geoff Michael Attest: