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CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATE~; The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MF.~G 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER $, 1992 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ® 9. 10. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 25, 1992 REGULAR MEETING. PG. 3063-3072 PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO ELDO SCHMIDT, CHAIR, MOUND H.R.A. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONING CODE MODIFICATIONS. PG. 3073-3122 REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF THE REMOVAL OF THE DECK LOCATED ON PUBLIC LAND AT 4729 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, JON SUTHERLAND, BUILDING OFFICIAL. PG. 3123-3129 REQUEST FROM CURT JOHNSON, WEST LAKE STENO SERVICE, TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CBD PARKING PROGRAM. PG. 3130-3131 DISCUSSION: COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PUBLIC LANDS LITIGATION AND SOURCES OF FUND TO PAY THESE COSTS.PG. 3132-3135 COMMONS MARKINGS. PG. 3136-3142 COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. PRESENTATION OF 1993 PROPOSED BUDGET; RESOLUTION APPROVING THE pRELIMINARy 1993 TAX LEVY, ~RELIMINAR¥ 1993 BUDGET, APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OVERALL BUDGET FOR 1993, AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATES. SUGGESTED DATES: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1992 AND WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16, 1992. PG. 3143-3144 3060 11. 12. RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO EXCEED $24,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 1993. PG. 3145-3148 RESOLUTION APPOINTING LEONARD KOPP TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF ELDO SCHMIDT OF THE MOUND HRA. PG. 3149-3150 13. DISCUSSION= 14. 15. 16. RECYCLING BUDGET RECAP/FALL RECYCLING DAYS. PG. 3151-3154 APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL ELECTION JUDGES. PG. 3155 PAYMENT OF BILLS. PG. 3156-3171 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A® Department Head Monthly Reports for August 1992. Pg. 3172-3200 L.M.C.D. Representative's Monthly Report for August 1992. Pg. 3201-3205 C. LMCD Mailings. Pg. 3206-3218 Mailings from Hennepin County on Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days scheduled for Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26, at the Hennepin County Public Works Garage, Spring Park. Pg. 3219-3221 Letter from Hennepin County Community Service Department re: assistance provided by Officer Steve Grand. Pg. 3222 REMINDER~ Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting is rescheduled for September due to the Primary Election. It has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 29, 1992, 7:30 P.M. The main agenda item will be a detailed discussion on the Shoreland Management Ordinance. If time allows, other items will be discussed. Ge REMINDERs Emergency Preparedness Meeting, Tuesday, September 29, 1992, 3:00 P.M., Mound City Hall. Plan to attend, if you can. H. Information on yard waste. Pg. 3223 3061 Je Hennepin County Residential Recycling Funding Policy for the period January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1997. This policy references the elimination of the 80% reimbursement policy by changing to $1.75 per household per month. It also requires cities to recycle 18% of their residential waste stream or the percentage achieved in 1992, whichever is greater. Pg. 3224-3228 Invitation from Metropolitan Council Chair Mary E. Anderson to attend the annual Regional Breakfast Meeting to be held Tuesday, September 29, 1992, at 7:30 A.M., at Boston Subway, 1019 Main St., Hopkins. Please let Fran know by September 24, 1992, if you plan to attend. The cost is $6.00. Pg. 3229 3062 August 25, 1992 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 25, 1992 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, August 25, 1992, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Skip Johnson, Councilmembers Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Ken Smith. Councilmember Andrea Ahrens was absent and excused. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Planner Mark Koegler, City Engineer John Cameron, Building Official Jon Sutherland and the following interested citizens: Mark Hanus, Vernon Christiansen, Tammy & Dave Bye, Brenda & Ted Breckheimer, Keith & Linda Mitchell, Tom Bullock, Dan Sinner, Bob & Mary Wold, Barry Ream, Dan Hessburg, Bob Commerford, Paul Larson, Bruce Larson, Denny Flack, Mark Gronberg, and Bruce Dodds. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited° 1.0 ~INUTES MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to approve the Minutes of the August 11, 1992, Regular Meeting and the August 18, 1992, Committee of the Whole Meeting, as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.1 CASE ~92-036; WILLIAMS MIBBS, 5860 IDLEWOOD ROAD, LOT 4 & 1/2 OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, THE HIGHL~S, PID ~23-117-24 42 0014, yARIANCE - REPAIR FOO~DATIONt APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION OF DENIAT, OR LETTER OF WITHDRAWAL RE~ VARIANCE APPLICATIOn, The Building Official stated that a letter of withdrawal has been received by the City. MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Jensen to accept the letter of withdrawal from the applicant in Case %92-036 and terminate the action. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ~EPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF THE R~NOVaL OF THE DECK LOCATED PUBLIC LAND AT 4729 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, JON SUTHERLAND ~UILDIN~ OFFICIAL The Building Official submitted an inspection notice that he conducted today to check the progress on the removal of the deck. No action has been taken on the deck, no work was in progress and there was no one on site. At 4:25 this afternoon the Building Official stated he received a phone call from Ms. Munson's 169 August 25, 1992 attorney, Mr. Indritz, stating he or Carole Munson had not received any resolutions from the Council. He further stated they are expecting additional notices; that they have not received any notice from the last Council Meeting; and that Ms. Munson has been out of town most of the time. The Building Official stated that he mentioned to Mr. Indritz that he was at the last Council Meeting representing Ms. Munson and is aware of all the Council actions. The Building Official informed Mr. Indritz that he was going to report to the Council that there was no progress on the removal of the deck. Councilmember Smith reported that Ms. Munson called him this evening and stated she has just gotten back in town and that she was due a copy of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting. The City Clerk eXPlained that the Minutes from the August 11, 1992, Council Meeting were just approved tonight and the resolutions from that meeting were Just signed tonight also so nothing would be released until tomorrow. The City Manager pointed out that the resolutions being discussed do not refer to the deck. That order was made on December 10, 1991, to remove the deck. She has still not complied with that order. The City Attorney pointed out that the resolutions go into effect when they are adopted. The Council discussed the continued delays in removing the deck. The Council directed that a letter be sent to Ms. Munson and her attorney with the resolutions stating that if the deck removal is not substantially complete by the September 8, 1992, Council Meeting, legal action will be taken for the removal. The letter with the resolutions should be sent registered. 1.3 CASE #92-041~ PAUL LARSON, ~ ZNVERNESS~.%NE& XXXXHAMPTO~ ~OADm LOTS 6, 7, 8r & N 1/2 OF VAC, HAMPTONr BLOCK 10t PEMBROrds, PID #19-117-23 33 0093-0095, N!NO~ SUBDIVISION £ The Building Official stated that at the last meeting the Council requested that the Staff provide additional development options for the site. He then reviewed Alternate #1, which was Mr. Larson's original proposal, creating a flag lot with Lot B and the proposal did not have enough of the drainage provisions that Staff had requested and worked out with the applicant. Staff met with Mr. Larson to review a number of concerns, principally related to the shape and drainage in the area. During the meeting it became apparent that drainage was the most significant issue affecting the 170 August 25, 1992 proposed subdivision. In order to avoid the "gerrymandered,, lot arrangement and to provide more flexibility in the overall design of a system to control stormwater runoff, Staff suggested that the applicant consider an alternate plan. That plan became Alternate #2 which is the one the applicant is proposing. This divided the property into two parcels lying east and west of a common lot line. One parcel takes driveway access from Hampton Road and the other has access from Inverness Lane. The access configuration is the same as in Alternate #1, however, from a Staff perspective this proposal has more flexibility in the placement of a home on Parcel A and specifically added flexibility in locating detention ponds and other stormwater control elements adjacent to Inverness. It also creates lots with more typical shapes. Alternate 3 has been prepared by Staff as requested by the City Council to show that it is possible to have a minor subdivision which meets all city criteria and does not require the issuance of variances. Each lot can accommodate a single family structure conforming to all setbacks and impervious cover restrictions. The Council discussed the points brought up in a letter from Michael D. Pederson which pointed out among other things that Parcel B does not have frontage on an existing public road. The Building Official stated that the City strives to do away with the necessity to issue variances, but in this case, it was the opinion of Staff, that Alternate #2 afforded the best means of handling storm water runoff. In this case, topography and drainage concerns are key issues. The hardship exists due to the topography of the site and the necessity to manage stormwater without adversely impacting adjacent properties. The Council stated they were asking if the applicant could come in and obtain two building permits, one for each lot (Lots 6 & 7). The Building Official stated yes. The Council discussed the difference between a minor subdivision and a major subdivision. The Building Official explained that the developer did not want to go through a major subdivision because of the expense. The Building Official explained that the requirements are more stringent for a major subdivision. The City Engineer explained that the main difference is the platting requirement. The City Attorney explained that the only reason for a minor subdivision is to allow a more reasonable method of dividing property that has already been platted and to realign boundary lines. He then stated that, in his opinion, the questions raised by Mr. Pederson are correct. If you were to plat this property in the way that it is proposed with Lots A & B, B being redirected to the back onto Hampton Road, under a platting requirement you would 171 3o&A-- August 25, 1992 require that person to bring in all the public improvements, in accordance with City standards (which means a city street). What the staff recommended is practical, but as pointed out by Mr. Pederson, does not meet the ordinances. Councilmember Jessen asked if drainage was addressed in Alternate 3. The Building Official stated that Alternate 3 was not proposed by the applicant and is not desired by the applicant. The Building Official then stated that Alternate 3 was put together by the Staff to show the Council that it could be done and meet the minor subdivision requirements so a variance would not be required. The Council discussed using only Lot 6 for a home and Lot 7 for a home coming off of Inverness. The Council discussed Alternate 2 which is what the applicant is requesting and decided there is no hardship. They discussed granting a subdivision that would require variances and decided that was not the way to go. The Council then discussed Alternate 1 and variances would still be required. Paul Larson stated that to go with Alternate 3 would create seriously less attractive tract housing. He is proposing to put up homes that are more expensive than the abutting properties in the existing neighborhood. He stated he thought there would be more serious drainage problems with Alternate 3. ~OTION made by Johnson, seconded by Smith, to deny the minor subdivision Alternate 2, but if the applicant comes in with something that meets the subdivision requirements, the City will not charge another fee. The City Attorney suggested that since Alternate #1 & 2 are not acceptable to the Council, maybe the applicant would consider Alternate 3 and therefore would not have to go through all the public hearings again but would have to go back to the Planning Commission. The City Planner pointed out that Alternate 3 was a hypothetical and things like topography and drainage have not been looked at. Alternate 3 was only looked at from physical lot dimension standards which said yes it meets the City's codes. The City Attorney then suggested that the Council refer this back to the City Planner, Building Official and Planning Commission to look at Alternate 3, or something similar, which would meet the City's standards and the developer's standards. Johnson withdrew his motion and Smith withdrew his second. 172 August 25, 1992 MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to table this and send it back to Staff and the Planning Com~ission to work toward something similar to Alternate 3. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 CASE #92-042~ FERNON CHRISTIANSEN, 5098 SHORELINE DRIVE, LOT 3 AND THE SOUTH 50' OF LOT 2, KOHMAN,B aDDITION TO MOUND, PID #13-117-24 43 0042-0043, VARIANC~ - NEW DETACHED GARAGE The City Planner explained the request. recommended approval. The Planning Commission Smith moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #92-108 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FARIANCE FOR LOT $ AND THE SOUTH 50' OF LOT 2, KOHMAN'S ADDITION TO MOUND, PID ~13-117-24 43 0042 & 0043, 5096 & 5098 SHORELINE DRIVE, P & S CASE ~92-042 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.5 CASE #92-043~ DAN SINNER, ~053 WREN ROAD, LOT 8, BLOCK 1, LINDEN HEIGHTS, PID ~13-117 24 15 0037, VARIANCE FOR GARAGE ADDITION The City Planner explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. The City Clerk explained that if a portion of the City property next to this property can be subdivided off and sold to the applicant, his lot would then be conforming. This is being researched and could happen sometime in the future. Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #92-109 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE RECOGNIZING AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING SETBACK TO ALLOW ~ONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ADDITION AT LOT 8, BLOCK 1, LINDEN HEIGHTSv PID ~13-117-24 13 0037v 5053 NREN ROAD, P & ~ CASE ~92-043 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.6 CASE #92-044~ JEFFREy RITENOUR, 5656 BARTLETT BLVD., LOTS 11 & 16, BLOCK 9m MO~ BAY PARK, PID #23-117-24 14 0027~ VARIANCE FOR DECK The City Planner explained the request. recommended approval. The Planning Commission 173 August 25, 1992 Smith moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #92-110 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO RECOGNIV. E AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING DECK AT LOTS 11 TO 16, BLOCK 9~ MOUND BAY PARK, 5656 BARTLETT BLVD., p & ~ CA~E #92-044 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.7 CASE ~92-046~ ROBERT WOLD, 15S0 N~RON LANE, LOT 3 AND PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK 22, SHAD~OOD POINT. PID #15-117-24 11 0130, VARIANCE - ~W CONSTRUC~I0~ The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. The Council discussed the minimum variance and decided to have the proposed house moved 1 foot west which would make the house setback conforming on the east. They also discussed adding the following: 7. The surface under the deck shall be a permeable material. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #92-111 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SETBACK VARIANCES TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DWELLING AT LOT 3 AND THE NORTHERLY 5.2 FEET OF THE WESTERLy 53 FEET OF LOT 4~ BLOCK 22~ SHADYWOOD POINT, PID ~13-117-24 11 0130, 1580 HURON LANE, P & Z CASE %92-046 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.8 CASE ~92-050~ .WES OLBEN (OWNER) DON BONNICKSEN (APPLICANT) 2539 EMERALD DRIVe. LOTS 6 & 7. BLOCK 6. SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT B, PID #24-117-24 12 0066. VARIANC~ The City Manager explained that this item has been withdrawn. 1.9 REOUEST FROM CURT JOHNBONTO BE REMOVED FROM THE CED PARKIN~ PROGRAM The City Manager explained he has received a letter from Mr. Johnson asking that his property be removed from the CBD Parking Program because he feels he does not benefit and has adequate parking. The City Manager reported that at the CBD Committee meeting last week Mr. Johnson's request was discussed. The Committee had 3 concerns: 174 August 25, 1992 The question of zoning and does Mr, Johnson have sufficient parking spaces.' Snow removal - The snow would have to be hauled away and not pushed into Auditor's Road, Shoreline Drive or the unimproved parking lot behind his building. Should people only be allowed to petition out of the CBD Parking Program at the end of the fiscal year, June 30. The City Planner stated that Mr. Johnson is required to have 6 1/2 parking spaces (1 space per 400 square feet of building) and has 9 with the use of the building as an office. The Council asked what would happen if this were retail space. The City Planner stated he would be required to have 1 space for every 150 square feet if it were retail. If he were to use the space as retail he would have to enter the CBD Parking Program again. The Council asked the City Manager to write Mr. Johnson a letter explaining the snow removal requirement and the requirement if he were to change the use of the building from office to retail· The COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. There were none. 1.10 DISCUSSION= HRA VACANCY The City Manager reported that it has been suggested that maybe Leonard Kopp would be interested in serving on the HRA. The City Manager will contact him and ask and if he is interested, it will be on the agenda September 8, 1992. 1.11 HPPROVAL OF pAYMENT REOUEBT TO GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION FOR THE 1992 LIFT STATION IMPR0¥EM~NT PROJECT - $92,695.48 The City Engineer recommended approval. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to approve payment request #2, to Gridor Construction, in the amount of $92,596.48, for the 1992 Lift Station Improvement. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.12 RESOLUTION TO APPROV]~ THE ~992 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRAN~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~NNEPIN COUNTY ~ TH~ CITy OF MOUND HUThORI~ING THE MA¥0~ & CITY MANAGER TO SIGN & SUBMIT The City Manager recommended approval to avoid delay in receiving the mid-year payment from Hennepin County. He stated that in 1993 the City will only be receiving $1.75 per household. The payment will no longer be based upon the tonnage of recycling done by the residents of the city. The Council expressed concern about what 175 August 25, 1992 this will do to the costs the City has in providing and administering the recycling program. The Council asked for a recap of the Recycling Budget in the next packet. Smith moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution= RESOLUTION ~92-112 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYORANDCITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE 1992 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.13 DISCUSSIONs COSTS aSSOCIaTED NITHPUBLICL~NDS LITIGATION Ab~. SOURCES OF FUND TO PAY T~SE COST~ - This item was rescheduled to the next meeting because Councilmember Ahrens is not present to discuss this item. 1.14 ~BOLUTION DIRECTING THAT A PLAN BE PREPARED By CITy PLANNS~ RE~ NATURE CONSERVATION AREA~ The City Manager explained the Park & Open Space Commission has requested professional assistance in working on the Nature Conservation Area Study. The City Planner has submitted a proposal to assist the Commission in developing a plan not to exceed $2500 in cost. Jensen moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #92-113 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT A PLAN BE PREPARED ON NATURE CONSERVATION AREA8 BY THE CITY PLANNER AT & ~OST NOT TO EXCEED $2,500 The vote was unanimously in favor. 1.15 COMMONS MARKIN~m Motion carried. This item was rescheduled to the next meeting because Councilmember Ahrens is not present to discuss this item. The Council asked that information be included in their packets regarding dedicated and non-dedicated commons on the list of proposed sites for the markings. 1.16 PAYMENT OF BILL~ 507D 176 August 25, 1992 MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Jensen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $100,228.98, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ~DD-ONS 1.17 SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARIN~ MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to set September 22, 1992, for a public hearing to consider the vacation of a street easement located at 2615 Halstead Lane, Lot 1, Block 1, Woodcrest of Mound, PID %23-117-24 23 0022. The vote was unanlmously in favor. Motion carried. 1.18 ~PPROVAL OF LICENS~ MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to authorize the issuance of a Tree Removal License to The Tree-Stump Company, 13677 Dan Patch Drive, Savage, MN. 55378. License expires April 1, 1993. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION/MISCELL~uNEOUR A. Financial Report for July 1992 prepared by John Norman Finance Director. ' B. Planning Commission Minutes of August 10, 1992. Ce De E® Fe Go Information on Canadian Geese is a follow-up to geese complaints from earlier this Summer. Information from the MTC on upcoming changes to MTC bus service in Mound effective September 26, 1992. ~ Reception for Officer Ron Bostrom, Monday, August 31, 1992, at 3 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. NLC (National League of Cities) 69thAnnual Congress of Cities Conference will be held November 28 - December 2, 1992, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme of this year's conference is "Avenues and Bridges - Great Ideas for Community Leadership,,. Please let Fran know before September 1st if you are interested in attending. REMINDER~ Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting is rescheduled for September due to the Primary Election. It has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 29, 1992, 7:30 P.M. The main agenda item will be a detailed discussion on the 177 J® Shoreland Management Ordinance. will be discussed. August 25, 1992 If time allows, other items ~ Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days will be held on Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26, at the Hennepin County Public Works site in Spring Park. REMINDER- Emergency Preparedness Meeting, Tuesday, September 29, 1992, 3:00 P.M., Mound City Hall. Plan to attend, if you can. The City Council requested information on the 1992 Recycling Budget. Information will be provided in the next packet. The City Council wants to offer Recycling/Clean-Up Days later this Fall. This will be confirmed later. HOTION made by Smith, seconded by ~ohnson to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. 'The vote was unanimously in favor. Hotion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Attest: City Clerk 178 Hoislngton Koegler Group Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: Mound City Council and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: September 1, 1992 SUBJECT: Zoning Code Modifications On September 8, 1992, the Mound City Council will hold a public hearing on proposed modifications to Mound's Zoning Ordinance. At a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, the Council expressed the desire to delay final action on adoption of the modifications until the shoreland management ordinance is completed. Therefore, it will be necessary to defer action on the ordinance change and continue the public hearing until November 10, 1992. November 10, 1992 is the scheduled hearing date for the shoreland provisions. The proposed changes will modify a number of sections of the existing Zoning Code. The following is a brief summary of some of the highlights: The names of the residential districts will be changed to reflect the nomenclature commonly used by other municipalities. These changes include: Old New R-1 will remain R-1 R-2 will become R-lA R-3 will become R-2 R-4 will become R-3 Permitted, conditional and accessory uses will be presented in chart form rather than in narrative form. 3. Changes and additions are proposed for the definitions section. New accessory building provisions have been added. They relate to the number of allowed structures, floor area and the relationship between the structure the lot. Land Use / Environmental · Planning / Design 7300 Metro Boulevard / Suite 525 ' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 · (612) 835-9960 · Fax: (612) 835-3160 Zoning Code Modifications Memorandum September 1, 1992 Page Two o Sheds and storage buildings less than 120 square feet in area will be required to be placed in the rear yard area. All newly created lots are to have a minimum size of 10,000 square feet. Lots of record in certain districts are required to maintain a minimum of 6,000 square feet. Maximum building coverage on residential lots is limited to 30% of the total lot area. Note: The shoreland ordinance will expand this provision to include all impervious cover. New landscaping provisions have been added for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial developments. A new section on acceptable building materials has been added. It contains the following: Residential - encourages a variety of roof styles, roof pitches, exterior surface materials, etc. to promote housing style diversity. Commercial prohibits unadorned, prestressed concrete panels, concrete block and sheet metal. Pole buildings are prohibited. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATIONS OF THE MOUND ZONING CODE Mound City Code, Appendix B NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8, 1992 to solicit the public's input relating to proposed modifications of the Mound Zoning Code. The proposed modifications include, but are not limited to, changes to Section 4. General Provisions, Section 6. District Provisions and Section 7. Performance Standards. Included in the changes are provisions impacting lot size, building setbacks and acceptable building materials. Ail persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Francene C. Cla~k~--city Clerk Published in "The Laker" August 17 and 24, 1992. MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL ~Y 26, 1992 1.14 SET PUBLIC ~EARING FOR ZONING CODE MODIFICATION SUGGESTEi, pATE: BEpTE)IBER 8~ 1992 MOTION mad~ by ~ensen, seconded by Smith to set September 8, 1992v at 7.30 P.M. for a public hearing to consider Zoning Code Modifications. The vote vas unanimously in favor. Motion carried. MINUTBO OF A MBBTIN~ OF THE -HOUND M)VI~0RY PLANNING COJOilSSlON FEBRUMtY lO~ 1992 PROPOSED ZONING CODE MODXFICATXONS~ PUBLIC HEARXNG, The City Planner, Mark Ko·gl·r, reviewed a summary of proposed revisions to the Zoning Code, as follows: 1. Changes in Residential District names: Old New R-1 to R-1 R-2 to R-lA R-3 to R-2 R-4 to R-3 Permitted, conditional and accessory uses presented in chart form rather than narrative form. 3. Definition changes / additions. Accessory Buildings - New provisions pertaining to number, floor area and relationship to lot area. Sheds and storage Buildings (less than 120 square feet required to be in the rear yard area). Ail newly created lots are to have a minimum size of 10,000 square feet. Lots of record in certain districts are required to have a minimum of 6,000 square feet. Maximum building coverage on residential lots - 30% of the total lot area. ® New landscaping provisions for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial developments. 9. New Acceptable Building Materials Section: Residential - encourages variety of roof styles, roof pitches, exterior surface materials, etc. to promote housing style diversity. 3o77 Pl&nnLn9 Commission Minutes Fobruarj, 10, 1992 Commercial - Prohibits unadorned, prestressed concrete panels, concrete block and sheet metal. Prohibits pole buildings. In addition to these items, there are a lot of housekeeping items, such as correcting grammatical errors. Clapsaddle questioned if Section 23.740.4 relating to Pole Buildings covers what the Planning Commission intended it to prohibit? Is Pole Building the proper term? The City Planner commented that those materials prohibited in 23.740.3 should eliminate any concerns. Weiland commented that 23.740.6 provides for an appeals process. It was determined to leave the section as proposed, at this time. Chairman Bill Meyer opened the public hearing. There being no citizens present to speak on the issue, Meyer closed the public hearing. Mueller confirmed with the City Planner that the residential and commercial driveway access width was addressed. Mueller referred to Section 23.610.4 1.C. "The total number of accessory buildings for lots measuring 10,000 square feet or less shall be two (2). On lots exceeding 10,000 square feet, accessory buildings shall be limited to a total of three (3)." The City Planner confirmed that this provision applies to all Residential districts; all lots exceeding 10,000 square feet are allowed three (3) accessory buildings. Mueller referred to Section 23.506.2 (5) relating to variance extensions, as'follows: "The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attempt to complete or utilize the use permitted in the variance or appeal. Such petition shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council for a decision." The intention of the Planning Commission for variance extensions was clarified that only one extension would be allowed and then a full variance application would be required thereafter for the same request. Hanus referred to Section 23.407 (7) relating to sheds and storage buildings less than 120 square feet in floor area, he believes they should be allowed to be located in the front yard for lakeshore and through lots. It was suggested that sheds be allowed to be placed in the front yard if only behind an accessory building and between this accessory building and the house so it is hidden. It was questioned if aesthetics should be controlled with the zoning code. The City Planner reviewed the Zoning Ordinance's Planning Commission #J. nu~os Februaz7 ~0, 1993 Intent and Purpose Section, and two of these listed include promoting orderly development, and conserving the natural and scenic beauty and attractiveness of the city. Some Commissioners contemplated leaving the section as proposed, implying that it is better to have more enforcement available than not enough. Johnson suggested that if sheds are allowed to be placed in the front yard, performance criteria could apply, i.e. require the siding, roofing, and color match the principal dwelling and it should be constructed with quality materials. Since a consensus relating to sheds was objectionable, the commission moved forward with review of the balance of the zoning code modifications. Jensen questioned what type of structures are included in the maximum lot area coverage of 30%. The City Planner referred to the definition of "Structure - Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, except the following: (1) on-grade stairways and steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and landings connected to such stairways or steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and 6 feet in length; (2) boardwalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; (3) driveways not exceeding 20 feet in width; (4) sidewalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; and (5) retaining walls not having or requiring a railing and not exceeding 3-1/2 feet in height." The Building Official confirmed that he would consider a deck a structure. The City Planner stated that the State Shoreland Management Ordinance allows for only 25% of lot area to be covered, and this includes impervious surfaces, so what is now proposed is considered lenient. Within one year this section of the zoning ordinance may need to be revised to comply with the Shoreland Regulations, however, at this time, these proposed requirements should be sufficient. Chair Meyer reviewed the outstanding issues which include 1) Sheds and other buildings less than 120 square feet in area, and 2) Lot coverage requirements. Meyer suggested that the ordinance be moved forward to the Council stating these outstanding concerns. Johnson questioned if Planning Commission will have the chance to review the modification of language relating to variance extensions. HOTION made by Hueller, seconded by Voss to reconnend approval of the zoning code modifications with the exception that the language in Section 23.506.2 (S) relating to variance extensions be revised as discussed by tho Planning Commission. Hotion carried 8 to 1. Those in favor eore~ Woiland, Clapoaddle, Hueller, ~ohnson; Heyer; Voos, Hichasl; and Jensen. Hanus opposed. Hanus stated that he opposed due to the requirements for sheds. The zoning code modifications will be forwarded to the City Council for review. A public hearing date has not been set yet. CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF AN INFORM~ PUBLIC HF~RING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATIONS OF THE MOUND ZONING CODE Mound City Code, &ppendix B NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 1992 to solicit the public's input relating to proposed modifications of the Mound Zoning Code. The proposed modifications include, but are not limited to, changes to Section 4. General Provisions, Section 6. District Provisions and Section 7. Performance Standards. Included in the changes are provisions impacting lot size, building setbacks and acceptable building materials. Ail persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Francene C. Clar~, City Cl'erk Published in "The Laker" January 27, 1992. Hoisin ton Group Inc. LAND USE CONSULTANTS MEMORANDUM TO: Mound Planning Commission FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: February 5, 1992 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Zoning Code Modifications On February 10, 1992, the Mound Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed modifications to Ordinance #422 which is commonly known as Mound's Zoning Ordinance. The attached information includes all modifications that have been proposed to date. Further modifications of the Ordinance are possible depending on the testimony received during the public hearing process. After conclusion of the Planning Commission public hearing and further deliberation on the issue, the proposed modifications will be reviewed by the Mound City Council who will hold another public hearing prior to formal adoption of any changes. ,FORMAT ¢HANGP, Chart C (Uses - Residential Zones) and Chart D (Uses - Business and Industrial Zones) are to be inserted in lieu of the verbal descriptions of permitted, conditional and accessory uses. This change will impact the following sections of the Mound Zoning Code: 23. 604 2 23 604 3 23 604 4 23 605 2 23 605 3 23 605 4 23 610 2 23 610 3 23 610 4 23 620.2 23 620.3 23 620.4 23 625 2 23 625 3 23 625 4 23 630 2 23 630 3 23 630 4 23 635 2 23 635 3 23 635 4 23 640 2 23 640 3 23 640 4 23 650 5 USE TABLE C USES - RESIDENTIAL ZONES R-1 (R-2) R1-A (R-3) R-2 (R-4) R-3 Single-Family Detached Residences Two-Family Residences Twin Homes Townhouses Lodging Room (1 per single-family unit) Multiple Dwelling Unit Structure (3-6 units) Multiple Dwelling Unit Structure (over 6 units) Garages Accessory Buildings Accessory Grocery Store Cemeteries Churches Commercial Recreation Community Residential Facilities (16 or less) Community Residential Facilities (6 or less) Fences Gardening and Horticulture Uses Home Occupations Licensed Daycare (12 or less) Licensed Daycare (13 or more) Local Government Buildings P A A A C C P A A P P C C P P A A P P C C P P C C A A A C C P A A P P C C P P C P A P C A A C C C C P P A A P C 3o63 USE (R-2) (R-3) (R-4) R-1 R1-A R-2 R-3 Nursery Schools Nursing Homes Offices (limited) Off-Street Parking Docks Public and Private Schools Public Park and Recreation Recreational Equipment Swimming Pools U Changes/Clarifications - ' ' C C C C C - C A A A A A A A A C C C C P P P P A A A A A A A A Key: P Permitted Use C Conditional Use A Accessory Use Not Allowed Note: Information includes proposed Zoning Code modifications. USE TABLE D USES - BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ZONES B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 PlA Accessory Structures other than Garages Animal Hospital[or Assembly/Storage (limited) Auction Hall Auto, Bus and Truck Maintenance Garages Banks Barber and Beauty Shops Boat and Marine Sales Buildings over 35 feet in height Business or Trade School Bus Terminal and Taxi Stands Car Wash Churches Commercial Parking Lots (limited) Commercial Recreation Community Residential Facilities (16 or less) Community Residential Facilities (6 or less) Consignment Shops Construction and Special Trade Contractor Cultural and Fraternal Institutions Delicatessen and Dairy Store Drive-In Retailing Establishments Drug Store - C P P C P C P C C C P C P P P C P C C P C C C P P P C C C C C C C C P P C C P C C P C C C P C C USE B- 1 B-2 B-3 I - 1 PlA Grocery Store Health Club, Fitness Center and Dance Studios Home Occupations Hospitals and Clinics Household Goods Warehousing and Storage Incidental Repair or Processing (limited) Institutions and Non-profit Corporations (limited) Laundry and Dry Cleaning Licensed Day Care Facilities~2 Liquor Stores Major Auto Repair, Tire, Battery Stores Medical and Dental Clinics Minor Auto Repair, Tire, Battery Stores Motel and Motor Hotels Motor Fuel Station Motor Fuel Station, Convenience Store Multiple Dwelling Structure Newspaper Printing or Publishing Shops Offices Open Sales Lots Private Lodges and Clubs Private Garages, Off-street Parking Public and Private Utility Uses Public Buildings Public Park and Recreation Eublic and Private Schools'] P P P P C C - P P P P - p . . p P A A - P P C C P P P ? C !~ ' C C - P P P - C C C - ~] C - C C C C C C ~] C C C C P C C C C P P P C C P P P A A - - - p P P P D P P P P P P USE B-1 B-2 B-3 I- 1 PIA Refrigerated Warehousing Research Laboratories Ec~'l~cnt~ al ,~,ccc~orY--I Restaurants (Class I) Restaurants (Class II) Restaurants (Class III) Restaurants (Class IV) Retail Businesses Retail and Mail Order Businesses Service Shops Single-Family Detached Residences Tavern Television and Radio Stations Temporary Construction Buildings Theaters Townhouses Twin Homes Two-Family Dwellings Warehousing and Wholesaling (limited) Wholesale and Assembly Operations - p P P P C C - C C - C - C C - C - C C C C - P P - p - C - P - P P - p - C C - C - C - C - A A - - P P - p - - p C C - C ~-'~ Changes/Clarifications Key: P Permitted Use C Conditional Use A Accessory Use Not Allowed Note: 1. Information includes proposed Zoning Code modifications. 2. See Zoning Code for complete list of PIA uses allowed by Operations Permit. printed 4/20/92 23.302 DEFINITIONS The following are additions and modifications to the definition statements now found in the zoning ordinance. (1) (4) (106) Accessory Building - An accessory building shall be considered to be an integral part of a principal structure unless it is five (5) feet or more from the principal structure or use. ~.a.=~::ii~::~i::~::~~ Alley - A public right-of-way which affords a secondary means of access to abutting property. Structure - Anything constructed ~iiiiiii~~, the use of which requires more or less per~:~::~:{~:~:~:~:~:~i:~:~:~tion on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, printed 4/20/92 23.404 NON-CONFORMING USES Based upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, the following change is recommended: 23.404 (8) Alterations may be made to a building containing lawful non-conforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units or bulk ~f tha building, with the recommendation and approval of the City Council. 23.407 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS The following changes are proposed for this section: 23.407 (3) In Residential Districts ~ A ~ .4 ~' 4- ~' A-- ~ 1 ........ .: ~- }iiiiiiii!:!:' 23.408 REQUIRED YARDS AND OPEN SPACE 23.408 Required Yards and Open Space printed 4/20/92 (1) No yard or other open space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to make such yard or other open space less than the minimum required by this Ordinance, and if the existing yard or other open space as existing is less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. (2) (3) No required yard or other open space allocated to a building or dwelling group shall be used to satisfy yard, other open space, or minimum lot area requirements for any other building. The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on yard requirements. ae ornamental features, mechanical devices, cornices, eaves, gutters, and the like, provided they do not extend more than two (2) ~ Steps, uncovered porches, stoops or similar ~~ structures, which do not extend i~:'~':':':'~'~:~:lon above the height of the ground floor elevation of the principal building and do not extend to a distance of less than two (2) feet from any lot line. Decks, balconies, and the like, attached to the principal building which extend in elevation above the height of the ground floor ..e..!...e..v.._a ~ ~ ~n of the principal bu i ld i ngi~ii!!!iiii~ rear lot line or extend beyond side yard and front yard accessory building setbacks. ~h printed 4/20/92 (4) (5) (6) Buildings may be excluded from side yard requirements if party walls are utilized or if the adjacent buildings are planned to be constructed as an integral structure and a conditional use permit is secured. Lots which abut on more than one street shall provide the required front yards along every street except for lots of record which shall provide a side yard setback abutting the street based on the lot width as follows: Lot Width Minimum Side Yard Setback On Corner Lots 40-50 feet 51-80 feet 81 feet or more 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet Where adjoining structures existing on the effective date of this Ordinance have a shorter setback from that required, the front setback of a 4 o?I printed 4/20/92 new structure shall conform to the average of the setback observed by the adjoining houses on either side, but not closer than twenty (20) feet. (7) In all districts, ~ structures shall be fifty (50) feet or more from the mee~ ~~ high water line when the property abut~ ............. ~ ............... ~e or stream. No structure, except piers and docks, shall be placed at an elevation such that the lowest floor, including basement floors, is less than three feet above the highest known water level. (8) No building permit shall be issued for any lot or parcel which does not abut a dedicated!~!!!iiiiiiiiii~~ public street. ::.~:i,i:!:i:i~i~::~:~ ............................................. 23.409 ACCESS DRIVES AND ACCESS The number and types of access drives onto major streets may be controlled and limited in the interests of public safety and efficient traffic flow. Access drives onto county roads shall require a review by the County Engineer. The County Engineer shall determine the appropriate location, size, and design of such access drives and may limit the number of access drives in the interest of public safety and efficient traffic flow. Access drives to principal structures which traverse wooded, steep, or open field areas shall be constructed and maintained to a width and base material depth sufficient to s~pp~rt access by emergency vehicles. The Administrator ~i~i~i~i~ ~i~i~i~i~ shall review all access drives (drivewa~)~:~:~::~::~~ ~:~:~ce with accepted community access drive standards. 5 printed 4/20/92 All driveways shall have a minimum width of ~w~.~ ~, ~ ii~i!~}~i)i~!ii feet with a pavement strength capable of supporting any '~'~gency vehicles. Ail lots or parcels shall have direct adequate physical access for emergency vehicles along the frontage of the lot or parcel from an existing dedicated i~~ public roadway. 23.412.2 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREAS The last paragraph of this section is changed as noted: The City Manager or Clerk shall itemize all services and materials billed to any Developer's Escrow Account. The applicant, owner or developer making the deposit(s) in the Developer's Escrow Account shall ~iiiii~i~~i~ii be furnished a copy of said itemized charges and'~'"'"'~'~'~'~'·"·~emaining in the account upon completing the project shall be returned to the depositor by the Clerk after all claims and charges thereto have been paid. 23.505.3 PROCEDURE The last paragraph of this section, item #11 is changed as noted: The City Engineer and City Attorney shall itemize all services and materials billed to any Developer's Escrow Account. The applicant, owner or developer making the deposit(s) in the Developer's Escrow Account shall ~ ~~i~ii be furnished a copy of said itemized charges and:':~:"~ ~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'remaining in the account upon completing the project shall be returned to the depositor by the Clerk after all claims and charges thereto have been paid. 23.506.2 PROCEDURE Item #5 of this section is changed as noted: 6 printed 4/20/92 SECTION 6. DISTR~CT PROViSiONS 23.601 23.602 Zoninq Districts For the purpose of this Section, the City is hereby divided into the following use districts: R-1 Single Family Residential R 2 ~-~- ily sid tiat R 3 B-1 Central Business B-2 General Business B-3 Neighborhood Business I-1 Light Industrial Zoning Map printed 4/20/92 The Zoning Map of the City, marked Exhibit A and attached hereto, is hereby adopted,by reference ~ ~ .... ~ -~ .... ............. h ....... The boundaries of the Districts are hereby established as shown on said Map. A revised, updated copy of said map shall be kept on file in the office of the City Manager, or Manager's designate for reference as the Official Zoning Map. 23.603 23.604 23.604.1 23.604.2 District Boundaries District boundary lines as indicated on ~ ~ ~._.~i!!!!i~ follow lot lines, the center line of stree~~ ~'~'-"~'~{~f'lines of streets projected, the center line of railroad right-of-way, the center of water courses or the corporate limits lines, as they exist, upon the effective date of this Section. Single Family Residential (R-l) Purpose The ~ purpose of this district is to allow the continuation of existing residential development and infilling ~, ...... ~iii~i~ of existing lots in residentia~ ............... ~ ................ ~f the city where services are available· Permitted Uses Within the R-1 District, no structure or land shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: Single-family detached residences, limited to one dwelling per lot. A State Licensed Community Residential Facility servicing six (6) or fewer mentally retarded or physically handicapped persons. 8 23.604.4 printed 4/20/92 4. Home occupations 23.604.3 Conditional Uses Within the R-1 District, no structure or land shall be used for the following %~ses except by conditional use permit: 1. Local government buildings 2. Churches 3. Cemeteries Permitted Accessory Uses Within any R-1 District the following uses shall be permitted accessory uses: 2. Fences 3. Gardening and other horticultural uses where no printed 4/20/92 sale of products is conducted on the site. One lodging room per single-family dwelling· ..... "-- ~~~ Equipment 4- ~ Docks in accordance with Minnetonka Conservation District the Lake ~ swimming pools having a water depth of two (2) feet or more which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their guests provided that the following conditions are met: Be 10 printed 4/20/92 23.604.5 Ce The swimming pool shall be entirely enclosed by a protective fence or other permanent structure not less than five (5) feet nor more than six (6) feet in height. Such protective enclosures shall be maintained by locked gates or entrances when the pool is not tended by a qualified and responsible person. Lot Area, Heiqht, Lot Width, Yard ..Requirements No building hereafter erected shall exceed two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. The following minimum requirements shall be observed subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in other sections of this Ordinance. Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Minimum Lot Depth 10,000 sq.ft. 60 feet 30 feet 10 feet 15 feet 80 feet The following minimum setback requirements shall be observed for Lots of Record. Side Yard Requirements The required side yard setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet. Lot Width Minimum Setback on One Side Yard 11 printed 4/20/92 ~40,~79 feet 80-100 feet ~101 feet 6 feet $ feet 10 feet Front Yard Except as regulated in Section 23.408(6), the front yard setback shall be based on the lot depth as follows: Lot Depth Minimum Front Yard Setback ~60 feet 20 feet 61-80 feet 24 feet kS1 feet 30 feet 23.605.1 Purpose 23.605.2 Permitted Uses 12 printed 4/20/92 23.605.3 23.605.4 .Conditional Use.~ ~ ~ ...... ~- permitted !iiiii!!!i!!!iiiii!iii"i!~:~:~:i:::~:~:!:~:::ii ========================================================= :~ ~-..:~...~:~ ~.. ........................... .......... ..................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.~::: :::::: Permitted Accessory Uses 13 3 0o printed 4/20/92 2. Fences 3. Gardening or other horticultural uses where no sale of products is conducted on the site. 4. One lodging room per single family dwelling. 5. Recreational Equipment Requirements 23.605.5 14 printed 4/20/92 ...,.510 TUO U~:ILY R.~.SIDENTIAL 23. 610.1 Purpose The R--~ ~i~ District is intended to provide a district 15 printed 4/20/92 which will allow two-family residential dwellings and twin homes and mid-d~itY townhous~ upon review. 23.610.2 Permitted Uses Within any Two-family Residential District, no structures or land shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: 23.610.3 Conditional Uses Within the R--~iiiiiii!District, no structure or land shall be used for the:'?~:~:~owing uses except by conditional use permit: to~nhouse~. 16 printed 4/20/92 Two-family dwellings and twin homes may be divided into single parcels of record with the party wall acting as the dividing lot line and subject to the following conditions: Each of the lots created in subdividing lands on which a two-family structure is located shall be equal in area or as near equal as is reasonably possible. Each lot so created shall contain no less than ½ the minimum land area requirement for a two family dwelling, and shall be shown on a registered survey. Except for setbacks along the common property line, all other setback and yard requirements shall be met. Separate services shall be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and other utilities. The two-family units, either existing or proposed, must be constructed in a side-by- side manner. To protect the safety and property of the owner and occupants of each individual unit, no existing e~~~i~ structure may be split into two sep~'~:~:~'~:'~ships unless and until the common party wall fire rating is brought up to new construction standards contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). ~ .... ~ ...... ~ ty .... ~z ..... Par walls must provide sound transmission control ratings as per ~ .... ~ ..... of the UBC. The owner of property to be subdivided shall execute and record at their expense a 17 printed 4/20/92 "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" as approved by the City Attorney. Said document is necessary to protect the rights of the individual owners sharing a single structure and the public as it relates to but not limited to such things as maintenance, repair and construction in case of damage to the original structure and sanitation. The declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions shall provide protection to the property owners and the City on the following subjects: A. Building and use restrictions. B. Party walls. Relationships among owners of adjoining living units and arbitration of disputes. The intent of these regulations is to promote harmony between the neighbors sharing a single structure and to protect the City and neighborhood from improper maintenance and/or disputes such as the following examples: one living unit being painted one color and the other unit having a different color or one side of the structure having one roof color and type of roof and the other side being of a different type and color. The city is concerned that all such disputes be avoided and that the regulations contained herein are designed to establish the rights of the parties prior to their entering into joint ownership of one structure. The city shall be a beneficiary of these declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions. The authority to divide a single structure containing two dwelling units shall be subject to Section 22 of the City Code relating to park dedication and other subdivision requirements and the City Council may impose other reasonable conditions. 23.610.4 Permitted Accessory Uses Within any n Y R~i~i district, the following uses shall be 18 printed 4/20/92 permitted accessory uses: 2. Fences Gardening and other horticultural uses where no sale of products is conducted on the site. One lodging room per single-family dwelling. Recreational Equipment 0 Docks in accordance with the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District ~iiiii!!ii~iiiiiiii~ ~ iii!iiiiiiii~ ~ ~ ::::::::::::::::.,========================================= :;::: ::::::::::::::; :::::: Swimming pools and hot tubs subject to Section 23.604.4 (7). printed 4/20/92 printed 4/20/92 Ail Lot Area, Height, Lot Width and Yard Requirements for Two Family homes shall apply to twin homes unless separate requirements are specifically provided. 21 printed 4/20/92 23.620.1 Purpose The R--~ ~ multiple-family district is intended to provide ~:'>:<<':'~istrict which will allow multiple-family dwellings where proper relationships to other land uses and adequate transportation services exist. 23.620.2 Permitted Uses Within any R--~ ...................... District .~....~.~.....~.~.~.~.~...'.'.'~.~.~.....~.~....~r 1. Multiple dwelling structure (3-6 units) 8~e ~:~:~:~:~i:!:::::::::i!~i~ and two family dwe 1 i"i:'~ ~ : 22 printed 4/20/92 Community Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions: It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling. Be No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be housed in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family", except for structures designed or newly built specifically for such use may allow a greater number provided that all other conditions of the Conditional Use Permit are met. De The minimum lot size is that prescribed for, ~n~ fanilv d~'~llings ~i~i:':'::~::':':'::~~::~i ..... ~::::::: :::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::~ :::1~::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::::::i:!:~:i~ A minimum distance of 300 feet will be required between lots used as Community Residential Facilities. 23.620.3 Conditional Uses Within the Multi-Family Residential District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit: Multiple dwelling unit structures (over 6 units), according to Section~. 7~v ~i~i~i~i~i~iii~i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2. Nursing Homes 3. Nursery Schools 4. Churches 5. Commercial Recreation 6. Cemeteries 23 printed 4/20/92 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Schools Local Government Buildings Accessory grocery store in apartment complex containing 100 or more units, provided it serves the principal structure and is smaller than 400 square feet. Offices of persons engaged in the engineering, medical, dental, accounting or legal profession or for religious or philanthropic organizations, subject to minimum performance standards Twin Home dwellings which shall be subject to the requirements of Sections 23 ~610.3,~,.,~-'a 23 . ,.,...,., ~ ~ "'. 5 23.620.4 Permitted Accessory Uses Within any R-~ ~i~i District, the following uses shall be permitted acce~:~:~y uses: 3. Fences Gardening and other horticultural uses where no sale of products is conducted on the site. 24 printed 4/20/92 Se One lodging room per single-family dwelling Recreational Equipment Docks in accordance with the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District . Swimming pools and hot tubs subject to Section 23. 604.4 (7). 23.620.5 Performance Requirements for Townhouses Height limit: Two and one-half 2(½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. 2. The following minimum requirements shall be observed: ae Minimum 3 unit structure - 5,000 sq.ft./unit Lot 4 unit structure - 4,500 sq.ft./unit Area 5 unit structure - 4,000 sq.ft./unit 6 unit structure - 4,000 sq.ft./unit Minimum Setbacks Front - 30 feet Side - 20 feet Rear - 20 feet C. Off-street parking requirements: Two per unit, at least one of which shall be indoors. If the indoor parking is a part of the main structure and is set back at least 25 feet, and has an individual driveway for each unit, one off-street parking space may be credited for the portion of the driveway which shall be set back at least five feet from the public right-of-way. Any off-street parking located other than within the front yard area described above and serving more than one dwelling unit shall not be located closer than 10 feet from the principal structure. De No more than one townhouse shall be located on any one platted lot, if more than one platted lot is used for said construction, the owner shall be required to replat said lots in accordance with Chapter 22 of the City Code. The Council may waive said platting requirements upon recommendation of the 25 printed 4/20/92 Planning Commission and upon receipt of a signed statement from the owners combining said lots into one buildable parcel, said combination to be filed with the County Auditor and taxed as one parcel. 23.620.6 Individual townhouse units may be conveyed or ownership transferred if copies of articles of incorporation, association bylaws, or other covenants are presented to the Council and said documents setting forth conditions for transfer are approved by the Council. Such approval shall not be given until the aforesaid documents shall be filed with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles and all future owners of townhouses or units in the individual townhouse shall be bound by the conditions and covenants set forth in said documents. A certified copy of the documents filed with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles shall be filed with the City Clerk. Lot Area, Height, Lot Width, Yard, and ~iiiiiiii~~ Requirements other than Multi-family Dwelli~ .................................................................. height lot area and ~idth req_ .......... t~ fv~_~..~,-~--~. (Section 23.620.7 remains unchanged) 23.625.2 PERMITTED USES (B-I) 26 printed 4/20/92 Under Section 23.625.2, remove the listing "Physical culture and dance studios" and replace it with "Health Club, Fitness Center and Dance Studios". 23.701 SECTION 7. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PURPOSE The performance standards established in this section are designed to encourage a high standard of development by providing ..... that::':'?:':'::'":'~'!-iii:':'::~::':':"iii'i-ii'~!i!ii::'::'~~ ....... ~:::::~i:~..:~.~~~::~i:.:~::~::.:.::i..ii~..!.~:::~i~!~..i~..~"...:.~.:?:.::~..~ neighboring' ' xan~ uses. ~ill De c¢..~D~f~bI~'2 ......... ~'"'"~'~ff~'f~h'ce standards are designed to prevent and eliminate those conditions meet these standards. The standards shall also apply to existing development where so stated. The City Manager shall be responsible for enforcing the standards. Before any building permit is approved, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the proposed use will conform to the performance standards. The ~ or land o~nera~i~ shall supply i~ data necessary ...... ~ ........ ~ ............... , ..... ~ operation, 23.702 EXTERIOR STORAGE (No Modification Proposed) 23.702 REFUSE (No Modification Proposed) 23.704 SCREENING AND BUFFERING Screening shall be required in all residential zones where (a) any off-street parking area contains more than four (4) parking spaces and is within thirty (30) feet of an adjoining residential zone, and (b) where the driveway to a parking area of more than six (6) parking spaces is within fifteen (15) feet of an adjoining residential use or zone. Where any business (structure, parking or storage) is 27 printed 4/20/92 adjacent to property zoned or developed for any residential use, that business or industr~ shall provide screening along thc boundary of ~i~ilili~!iii~~i~i~i~ii~ the residential property. Screening ~:~:'~:~:'~'~':':~:'~':~'~'~':~:'~:~:':':~:~'~'~ided where a business, parking lot, or industry is across the street from a residential zone, but not on that side of a business or industry considered to be the front (as determined by the ~"~ ~-- ~ ..... ~- Z~R~~e) Ail exterior storage in commercial districts shall be screened. The exceptions are: (1) merchandise being displayed for sale; (2) materials and equipment presently being used for construction on the premises; and (3) merchandise located on service station pump islands. All exterior storage in commercial districts shall not impede traffic control and must follow Section 23.714 of this Ordinance. 23.705 28 3/Iff printed 4/20/92 .......... ghtl~- 29 printed 4/20/92 ~iiiii The following restrictions shall apply to all development occurring in wooded areas: 1) Structures shall be located in such a manner that the maximum number of trees shall be preserved. 30 printed 4/20/92 2) 3) 4) 5) Prior to the granting of a building permit, it shall be the duty of the person seeking the permit to demonstrate that there are no feasible or prudent alternatives to the cutting of trees on the site. Forestation, reforestation or landscaping shall utilize a variety of tree species and shall not utilize any species presently under disease epidemic. Species planted shall be hardy under local conditions and compatible with the local landscape. Development including grading and contouring shall take place in such a manner that the root zone aeration stability of existing trees shall not be affected and shall provide existing trees with a watering equal to one- half the crown area. Notwithstanding the above, the removal of trees seriously, damaged by storms, ~ ......... , ~:::::~s~:::::~a~a:~:::::~a~si!ii! shall not be prohxb~ed. ' ................................................................................. 23.706 GLARE (No Modification Proposed) 23.707 BULK STORAGE (No Modification Proposed) 23.708 NUISANCES (No Modification Proposed) 23.711 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Proposed) (No Modification 23.713 TREE AND WOODLAND PRESERVATION This section has been relocated and integrated into 23.705.7(C). 23.714 TRAFFIC CONTROL (No Modification Proposed) 23.716 PARKING (No modification except as noted below) 31 printed 4/20/92 23.716.3 Desiqn and Maintenance of Off-Street Parkinq Areas 1) Parking areas shall be designed so as to provide adequate means of access to a public alley or street. Such dr.~aY a¢.cess shall not exceed ~-~,,~z~" ~"-~.v ,~,'~' ~~i~iiiiliiiii~i~i~i)iiiii!iiiifeet in width and shall be so ~:~'~:~ ................. ~'~ ................. ~ ................. Cause the least interference with traffic movement. than ~ne (1) f.~t fr~,,n the ~id~ pr.petty line. shall bg erectad along tho front yard sgtback linc 23.717 OFF-STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING AREAS Modification Proposed) (No 23.718 AUTO SERVICE STATIONS (No Modification Proposed) 23.719 DRIVE-IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Modification Proposed) (No 23.730 OFFICES IN MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT Modification Proposed) (R-4) (No 23.731 CAR WASHES (No Modification Proposed) 3/1 ? printed 4/20/92 33 printed 4/20/92 34 Carl J. Anderson 1536 East Minnehaha Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 September 3, 1992 Mound City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 R[C'O SEP $19 Dear City Council.- I am the owoner of the property at 1754 Shorewood Lane, which is lakeshore. I understand that you are having a public hearing September 8, 1992 to change the building codes. I have read the propose changes in the building code, and this would affect m~ property, on lot size and the size of a new house. I also understand from the staff that this could change in 1993 by the DNR and LMCD. I am hoping this letter could be read at the hearing since I will not be able to attend. I oppose these changes. Thank you so much in this matter. Sincerely Carl J. Anderson PERMIT NO. OWNE. CONTRACTOR [] FOOTING r'l FRAMING D INSULATION [] WALLBOARD r-I PROGRESS I-] FINAL COMMENTS: CITY OF MOUND INSPECTION NOTICE M (~/ W TH F PHONE' PHONE # ~"SITE INSPECTION 1-1 GRADING/EXCAV. oOMPLAINT LLOW-UP [] PLUMBING ROUGH-IN [] PLUMBING FINAL I-I MECHANICAL [] FIREPLACE AT THROAT [] FIREPLACE FINAL [] DEMOLITION [] CORRECT WORK. CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING [] CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN HOURS. INSPECTOR WILL RETURN [] STOP ORDER POSTED. CALL INSPECTOR [] INSPECTION REQUIRED. CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS Call for the next Inspection 24 hours in advance. /...j Inspector --.==:::g-~.~ , I~/~F~ 472-0600 Yellow Copy/Site Notice ' ! - W'nite Copy/Inspector's File q~7zq ~'~D CITY of M[OU,X'D Certified Mail August 26, 1992 Ms. Carole Munson 4729 Island View Drive Mound, MN 55364 RE: 1. Resolution to Approve a Construction on Public Lands Permit to Allow Construction of a Stairway on Commons Resolution to Approve a Public Lands Permit to Allow Minimal Repairs to an Existing Boathouse on Public Property Removal of Deck on Public Lands Dear Ms. Munson: Enclosed are signed resolutions dealing with items #1 and #2 above that were approved at the City Council meeting of August 11, 1992. Please refer to those resolutions as they pertain to the items stated. With regard to the removal of your deck on public lands (Devon Commons) the City Council again emphasizes that they took action on December 10, 1991 to have this deck removed on or before June 10, 1992. As of this date, you have still not complied with this action. At the City Council meeting of August 25, 1992, the City Council directed that a certified letter be sent to you indicating that the deck removal should be substantially completed by September 8, 1992, which is also the next regular City Council meeting date. printed on recycled paper $123 Ms. Carole Munson, August 26, 1992, Page 2 A report will be given to the City Council concerning this deck removal at that Council meeting. ~dw~ard ~~ Shukle, Jr. City Manager ES:ls CC: Mr. Dick Indritz, Reed and Pond Mr. Curt Pearson, City Attorney Jon Sutherland, Building Official RESOLUTION #92-101 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR CAROLE MUNSON TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A STAIRWAY ON DEVON COMMONSv DOCK SITE ~42314~ ABUTTING 4729 ISIJ~'D VIEW DRIVE~ LOT 6, BLOCK 7, DEVON WHEREAS, Carole Munson has applied for a Construction on Public Lands Permit to allow the construction of a stairway and guardrail on Devon Commons, Dock Site #42314, abutting 4729 Island View Drive, and; WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval by a four-fifths vote for Construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, and; WHEREAS, on April 28, 1992, the City Council approved Resolution No. 92-48 "TO ISSUE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT (FEE WAIVED), TO CAROLE MUNSON 4729 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WALKWAY TO CONNECT THE TWO STAIRWAYS ON THE COMMONS, TO BE BUILT ACCORDING TO CODE," and; WHEREAS, on June 23, 1992, the City Council agreed to give Ms. Munson until July 28, 1992 to submit an application for a construction on public lands permit with a plan for whatever she is proposing to do with the railing that she wants on the edge of the old patio, and; WHEREAS, a proposed plan for the guardrail was.received by City Staff the day prior to a meeting of the Advisory Park and Open Space Commission meeting, and; WHEREAS, The City Council met on July 28, 1992 and considered the recommendation of the Advisory Park and Open Space Commission and directed staff to prepare a resolution outlining the limitations and agreement as to the authorized improvement that may remain on the public lands. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: A Construction on Public Lands Permit for Carole Munson on Devon Commons, Dock Site #42314, abutting 4729 Island View Drive, Lot 6, Block 7, Devon, is approved subject to the following conditions: a. Allow the applicant to maintain a maximum 4 foot wide 177 August 11, 1992 portion of the existing deck to connect the existing stairways. Construct a new stairway to the old patio area between the existing play house and boat house (this area is under the existing deck), and also allow an on-grade pathway of wood chips or other similar material as approved by the Parks Director which specifically may not be wood or concrete or hard surface material. C® The existingguardrail shall be removed and replaced with plantings along the guardrail area, as approved by the Park Director. d% Allowing such repairs as may be deemed necessary by staff to the existing masonry retaining wall closest to the lakeshore and that the decorative lattice work be moved in flush with the masonry wall and plantings be allowed to remain. ee That a handrail of an approved type as noted on handrail handout be installed on each of the stairways above and below the connecting walkway the full length of each stairway and that the existing stairs may remain as constructed. That all such improvements shall be reviewed, inspected and approved by the Building Official and Parks Director and the handrail and guardrail modifications shall be in conformance with the Building Code. The permit expiration date is December 10, 1994 which is consistent with the previously granted maintenance permit for this property. Permit renewal is required upon expiration of any existing permits and the applicant or his/her successors and assigns shall be advised that an application must be filed in 1994 which is consistent with all applicable City ordinances in force as of the date of application. The foregoing resolution was moved by Mayor Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following voted in the Ahrens. Attest: City'Clerk~- 178 ne~%ive: ,/7 ].74' August 11, 1992 RESOLUTION ~92-100 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE X PUBLIC LXNDS NAINTENANCE PERMIT TO ALLOW MINIMAL REPAIP~ TO AN EXISTING BOATHOUSE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY KNOWN AS DEVON COMMONS DIRECTLY ABUTTING LOT 6, BLOCK 7, DEVON, 4729 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE WHEREAS, The applicant, Carole Munson, has requested permission to repair the hazardous boat house on public land abutting her property at 4729 Island View Drive, and; WHEREAS, The City Attorney has written two comprehensive legal opinions regarding nonconforming private uses of public land; and WHEREAS, On August 8, 1979, the City Maintenance Permit for certain structures Resolution #78-372; and Council approved a on the Commons by WHEREAS, On December 10, 1991, the City Council approved a 3 year Maintenance Permit for the Munson boathouse and that permit expires on December 10, 1994; and WHEREAS, On April 13, 1992 during a scheduled inventory of Devon Commons adjacent to 4729 Island View Drive, Staff noted the sagging roof and dilapidated condition of the existing boathouse, and it is the opinion of the Building Official that the nonconforming building is in an unsafe and hazardous condition; and WHEREAS, The City Council has issued a 3 year Maintenance permit which allows the abutting owner to continue the use of the boathouse until the expiration of the Maintenance Permit contingent upon the applicant agreeing to make limited construction changes which will make the boathouse safe with minimal expenditures as not to attempt to extend the life of the structure beyond the expiration of the Maintenance Permit; and WHEREAS, The City Council on April 28, 1992 directed the applicant to work with a contractor and the Building Official to develop the minimum repairs needed to make the building safe; and WHEREAS, The applicant has obtained the opinion of a structural engineer regarding repairs that could be made, the Building Official has reviewed the engineer's suggestions and is in substantial agreement with the engineer; and WHEREAS, To-date, the boathouse remains in a dilapidated and unsafe hazardous condition and it is in the best interest of all concerned to make the building safe and to eliminate the hazard until such time that the 3 year Maintenance Permit expires and the boathouse has been properly amortized and can be removed and the 174 $1 7 175 August 11, 1992 public area restored to a natural condition~ and WHEREAS, The City Council has directed in the interest of public safety that the minimal repairs suggested need to be completed in a timely fashion and shall be completed by November 1, 1992 and the limited repairs shall be made at the sole cost of the applicant/abutting owner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows= The minimal repairs to the boathouse on Devon Commons, abutting 4729 Island View Drive, Lot 6, Block 7, Devon, as suggested by the applicant's structural engineer, Mr. Richard Eckroad, be allowed to the boathouse as approved by the Building Official. An outline of the repairs authorized by this resolution is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. That a building permit be obtained by the applicant and the repairs be subject to the approval of the Building Official and all associated costs be the responsibility of the applicant. ® Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide the city with a certificate of insurance in the amount of not less than $600,000 general liability and coverage to protect herself and the city against any loss on the property (boathouse). The private use of public land is discouraged and shall be terminated at the earliest opportunity and the current Maintenance Permit allows for use of the boathouse until December 10, 1994. 0 It is the intent of this City Council that the boathouse shall be removed within 30 days of the expiration of the Maintenance Permit at the sole cost of the applicant/abutting owner and the area shall be restored to a natural condition as approved and under the direction of the Parks Director, City Engineer, and Building Official. Permit expiration date is December 10, 1994 which is consistent with the previously granted Maintenance Permit for this property. This Maintenance Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1)· This shall be considered a restriction on how 176 August 11, 1992 this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject minimal repairs shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. It is a further condition of this permit that if everything required by this resolution is not completed and all repairs completed by November 1, 1992, the boathouse shall be removed immediately thereafter. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Mayor Johnson. The following voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following voted in the negative: Ahrens, Attest-:- '~lty clerk - 176 CITY of MOUND August 26, 1992 Mr. C.L. Johnson West Lake Steno Service, Inc. 5545 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 RE: CBD Parking Program Dear Mr. Johnson: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 18, 1992, in which you are requesting, to the Mayor and City Council, to be removed from the CBD parking program. I brought your letter to the City Council meeting of August 25, 1992 and the City Council tabled your request until the next meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8, 1992, 7:30 PM, at Mound City Hall. The City Council has some questions with regard to adequate parking and snow removal. With regard to parking, under the City's zoning ordinance, for an office use the zoning code requires one parking space per 400 square feet of building. It is our understanding that your building encompasses 2500 square feet. Therefore, the parking requirements are 6.5 spaces. Our records indicate that you provide 9 parking spaces. However, if your building use changes and becomes retail or a portion becomes retail, the zoning code dictates one space per 150 square feet. If that occurred, you would be in violation of the parking requirements and would be required to obtain additional parking which may lead you to petitioning back into the CBD parking program. With regard to snow removal, it is the City Council's concern that if your petition is granted, snow removal would have to be done in such a way that the snow could not be pushed into Auditor's Road or into the parking lot to the south of Auditor's Road that is owned by the City. ,313o printed on recycled paper West Lake Steno Service, Inc. 5545 SHORELINE BOULEVARD · MOUND, MN 55364 (612) 472-5353 September 8, 1992 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1687 Attention: Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Re: CBD Parking Program Gentlemen: I have your letter of August 26, 1992, mentioning the City Council had questions regarding adequate parking and snow removal for our property. The figures in your letter for parking are incorrect as the building is 2344.50 sq. ft. and dividing this by 400 square feet, leaves 5.86 as the required number of parking spaces. The parking lot is over 3250 sq. ft. and this amounts to 10 parking spaces, which we have. We understand if the use of the property changes, the required amount of parking will change. As far as snow removal, we understand snow cannot be placed on Auditor's Road or the City parking lot south of it. If the City has any other concerns, let me know so I can them. respond to Sincerel__y yours, CLJ:ch P.S.: I will be unable to attend the Council meeting tonight. TELEPHONE ANSWERING AND COMPLETE SECRETARIAL SERVICES Mr. C.L. Johnson, August 26, 1992, Page 2 I would suggest that you appear at the next City Council meeting and answer these concerns as well as any other questions that the City Council may have. If you have any questions of me at this time, please do not hesitate to contact me. City Manager ES:is August 21, 1992 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUBJECT: ED SHUKLE~ CITY MANAGER COMMONS DOCK EXPENDITURES - REQUEST FROM COUNCIl.MEMBER AHRENS Councilmember Andrea Ahrens has requested the attached information regarding expenditures in the Commons Docks Program in 1992. This matter relates to the issue of legal fees being charged to this fund for the Hanus and Munson cases. At the last city Council meeting, the Council discussed this matter when it was considering the payment of bills and it was suggested that this item appear on a regular City Council agenda. I placed it on the agenda for Tuesday, August 25th, but have now learned that Councilmember Ahrens will not be in attendance. Therefore, we will postpone discussion of this matter until the September Sth, 1992 regular meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. ES:is attachment Z .=~ Z 0 0 0 I # # ~00~0~0000 000000 ~00~ 000000000000000 I Z ~Z Z I ,,~t~ O0 0 Z 0 Z 0 0 I *-4 zz ,..el.., CITY of MOUND 53:~ k~AvWOoD ROAD MOUND L~NNESOTA 55S64 612472 1155 ~AX 642; 472-0622 DATE: TO- FROM: September 2, 1992 Ed Shukle, City Manager Jim Fackler, Parks Director SUBJECT: Monuments As you requested, I have listed all dock site locations that currently do not have signage. In past memorandums concerning monument locations there has been perimeters on placement such as high priority (high use areas) or low priority (low use areas). Below you will find a combination of all sites totaling 66. To place monuments at all 66 sites would need approximately 75 individual posts, about 69 posts will be placed at access points with about 6 placed at corner irons on the lake side of the access. The approximately cost (not including manpower, would be as follows: 6" x 6" x.8f cedar wood Sack-crete 12" nails Logo Estimated Cost Each $14.00 6.25 2.00 1.00 $23.25 The 66 sites would take 75 monuments at a material cost of $1,743.75. If approval is to go ahead with this program, the materials could be purchased now and the posts constructed during the fall weather and stored until Spring of 1993 to begin installation. A® ABRAHAM LINCOLN ADDN. TO LAKESIDE PARK: " . . and we hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever, all the streets, avenues and alleys hereon shown . . . this 17th day of June 1909." WATERSIDE LANE / WATERBANK COMMON 1. VILLA LANE printed on recycled paper Memorandum - Monuments September 4, 1992 Be D~ E~ 3. 4. 5. OVERLAND LANE CENTERVIEW LANE ASHLAND LANE CARDINAL LANE ARDEN: ,, . . . and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, avenues, and alleys as shown on said plat. In witness whereof the Tuxedo Park Company has caused these presents to be signed and its corporate seal affixed this 13th day of May 1910. BRIGHTON COMMON BRIGHTON COMMON - SOUTH MANCHESTER ROAD BRIGHTON COMMON NORTH AVALON: "... and we hereby dedicate to the owners of the lots as shown on the annexed plat all the streets, avenues and alleys thereon shown· . . and seals this 21st day of December 1908." STRATFORD LANE EAST END OF STRATFORD WEST END OF STRATFORD DEVON: ,,.. . has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as "Devon" and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for the public use forever the roads, lands, streets and common as shown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof said Tuxedo Park Company has caused these presents to be signed and its corporate seat to be hereunto affixed on this 12th day of September 1911." DEVON COMMON /11 · 12. /13. 14. v/15. 16. v/17. ABERDEEN ROAD ROANOKE POINT ROANOKE ROAD DEVON LANE AMHURST LANE ROXBURY LANE DEVON COMMON - WEST DRE~OOD: "... have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as "Dreamwood" and we hereby dedicate to the owners of the lots as shown on the annexed plat all the streets or 3137 Memorandum - Monuments September 4, 1992 H~ avenues thereon shown. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 28th day of May 1907." WIOTA COMMON - south 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. GULL LANE FINCH LAND EAGLE LANE DOVE LANE CANARY LANE BLUEBIRD LANE AVOCET LANE WIOTA COMMON - WEST END L.P. CREVIER'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT 36 LAFAYE~TEPARK: "... and we hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever all the streets and avenues thereof as shown on the accompanying plat . . . this 29th day of December 1892. LAKE BOULEVARD / PLATTED STREETS 26. 27. FAIRVI EW LANE CHATEAU LANE LAKF$IDE PARK A.L. CROCKER'S FIRST DIVISION' ,,. . . and we hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever all the roads and avenues and streets hereon shown . . . this 26th day of November 1907." WATERSIDE LANE / WATERBANK COMMON 28. BREEZY ROAD 29. TONKAWOOD ROAD LINDENHEIGHTS: ,,. . . and hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever the streets, avenues, roads and park as shown on the annexed plat . . . this 30th day of December 1915. CRESCENT PARK 30. CRESCENT PARK EAST CITY PROPERTY RETAINED FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT 31. WREN ROAD ACCESS Memorandum - Monuments Septen%ber 4, 1992 L LOST L/~If~E: ,,. . . and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the road, and the drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat.., this 24th day of March 1986." DRAINAGE/WALKWAY EASEMENT TO PUBLIC LAND 32. LOST LAKE PARK SOUTH 33. LOST LAKE PARK NORTH REARRANGEMF NT OF BLOCK 10 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ADDI- TION TO LAKESIDE PARK: "· · . and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever the avenues, streets and alleys as shown on the annexed plat 26th Day of August 1914." Plat includes North Park (de~i~a~ed to public) as shown on plat. NORTH PARK 34. APPLE LANE K® SETON: .. . . has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as "Seton" and hereby does donate and dedicate to the public forever the streets, avenues, roads, lanes and common as shown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof said Tuxedo Park Company has caused those presented to be signed and this corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on this 26th Day of November 1913." KENMORE COMMON / BLACK LAKE LANE 35. LONGFORD ROAD 36. CARLOW ROAD EXCELSIOR LANE 37. GALWAY ROAD 38. CAVAN ROAD L. SHADY%VOODPOINT: ". . . have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as "Shadywood Point" Hennepin County, Minn., and hereby do donate and dedicate to the public use forever all the streets, avenue, boulevard, roads, lanes, drives, path, place, trial, square, common, landings and parks as shown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof said Lakeside Park Association has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be Memorandum - Monuments Septen%ber 4, 1992 herewith affixed this 8th day of July 1921." PEBBLE BEACH COMMON 39. HERON LANE 40. PARADISE LANE PLATTED STREETS AND LANDINGS 41. NORTH END OF THREE POINTS BLVD. 42. SUNRISE LANDING 43. BEACHSIDE - NORTH 44. SHOREWOOD LANE - SOUTH 45. BEACHSIDE - SOUTH 46. SUNSET LANDING M, SHIRLEY t{II.LS UNIT B: ,,... and we do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the lanes, avenues, roads, drive, alleys and park as shown on the annexed plat . . . 18th day of August 1924. ® PLATTED STREETS 47. AVON DRIVE ACCESS 48. INWOOD ROAD ACCESS 49. EMERALD DRIVE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 & RAVENSWOOD: "... and I 32 SKARP & LINDQUIST'S hereby donate and dedicate to the public'use forever the Avenues and Alley and Park thereon shown . . this 10th day of April A.D. 1910. PLATTED STREETS 50. ARBOR LANE T~F~G}~.ANDS: ,,. . . and we hereby donate and dedicate to the public use forever the Avenues, Streets, Places, Parks, Drives, Parkways, channels, Lagoons, Lanes and Boulevards, as shown on the annexed plat . . . this 15th day of December 1910. PLATTED PARKS 51. 52. AT END OF IDLEWOOD ROAD TWIN PARK OFF OF HIGHLAND BLVD. 5 Memorandum - Monuments September 4, 1992 W IPPLE SHORF : ". · . and we hereby dedicate to the owners of the lots as shown on the annexe4 pl&t, forever, all the streets or avenues thereon shown. PLATTED STREET 53. WATERBURY ROAD WOODLAND POINT: ,,... have caused the same to be platted as "Woodland Point" Hennepin County, Minn. and we hereby dedicate to the owners of the lots as shown on the annexe4 plat, forever, all the streets or avenues thereon shown. Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of June 1906." WAURICA COMMON - north 54. BLUEBIRD LANE 55. CANARY LANE 56. DOVE LANE 57. EAGLE LANE 58. FINCH LANE 59. GULL LANE WAWANOSSA COMMON - west 60. SOUTHERN END 61. WOODLAND ROAD ENTRANCE 62. WOODLAND POINT JENNINGS COVE 63. AVOCET LANE 64. BLUEBIRD LANE 65. CANARY LANE 66. DOVE LANE 6 RESOLUTION NO. 92- REBOLUTION APPROVING THE 1993 PRELIMINARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,325,7801 BETTING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY AT $1v734,8011 APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OVERALL BUDGET FOR 1995; AND BETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATES BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following 1993 Preliminary General Fund Budget appropriations: City Council Promotions City Manager/Clerk Elections & Registration Assessing Finance Computer Legal Cable T. V. Recycling Police Planning & Inspection Emergency Preparedness Street Shop & Store City Property & Buildings Parks Recreation Contingencies Transfers 57,500 2,000 170,380 2,140 46,550 145,900 24,000 79,000 1,380 0 779,200 138,440 4,000 406,750 17,100 97,160 174,340 33,100 10,000 136.840 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,325,780 BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following preliminary taxes for collection in 1992: SPECIAL LEVIES Bonded Indebtedness Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds Total Special Levies TOTAL PRELIMINARY LEVY PRELIMINARY GRAND TOTAL TO BE LEVIED FOR 1993 120,856 33.35Q 154,206 1,580,595 1,734,801 3/'/3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the preliminary overall budget for 1993 as follows: As per above 2,325.780 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND~ Capital Projects Fund Area Fire Service Fund Cemetery Fund Pension Fund Dock Fund Capital Improvement Fund 34,900 274,200 4,790 --0-- 55,440 65.100 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 434,430 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor Fund 358,190 761,350 288.760 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1,408,300 SUMM~RY General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds 2,325,780 434,430 1.408.300 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 4,168,510 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby sets Wednesday, December 9, 1992, and Wednesday, December 16, 1992~, as the public hearing dates for consideration of the 1993 Proposed Budget. Sep~embe~ 9~ 1992 RESOLUTION NO. 92-114 RESOLUTION ~PPROVING THE 1993 PRELINTw~v "~,NEI~L FUND BUDGET 'tN THE F .... ~ SETTING THE PRELININ~ 1~ ~PPROVTNG THE PRELIHINAR~ 1995~ BE IT RESOLVED, that ~ Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adol General Fund Budget appropriation the City of Preliminary City Council Promotions City Manager/Clerk Elections & Registration Assessing Finance Computer Legal Cable T. V. Recycling Police Planning & Inspection Emergency Preparedness Street Shop & Store City Property & Buildings Parks Recreation Contingencies Transfers 57,500 2,000 170,380 2,140 46,550 145,900 24,000 79,000 1,380 0 779,200 138,440 4,000 406,750 17,100 97,160 174,340 33,100 10,000 136,840 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,325,780 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following preliminary taxes for collection in 1992: SPECIAL LEVIES Bonded Indebtedness 120,856 Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds 33.350 Total Special Levies 154,206 TOTAL PRELIMINARY LEVY ~,580,595 PRELIMINARY GRAND TOTAL TO BE LEVIED FOR 1993 1,734,801 8ep~e~t~e= 8, 1992 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the preliminary overall budget for 1993 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above 2,325.780 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Capital Projects Fund Area Fire Service Fund Cemetery Fund Pension Fund Dock Fund Capital Improvement Fund 34,900 274,200 4,790 --0-- 55,440 65,100 TOTAL BPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 434,430 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor Fund 358,190 761,350 288.760 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1,408,300 SUMMARY General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds 2,325,780 434,430 1,408,300 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 4,168,510 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby sets Wednesday, December 9, 1992, and Wednesday, December 16, 1992, as the public hearing dates for consideration of the 1993 Proposed Budget. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Smith and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. The following voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. Attest: The following voted in the negative: none. ss/Skip Johnson City Clerk Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 92- RESOLUTION APPROVINg A LEVY NOT TO ~XCEED $24,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFP. AYING THE COST OF OPERATIONt PURSU]~NT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469t OF THE HOUSINg ~ REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 1993 WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received two resolutions from the Housing & Redevelopment Authority of the city of Mound: one entitled, "Resolution Approving the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority Budget for the Year 1993 Pursuant to MSA Chapter 469", and the other entitled, "Resolution Establishing the Tax Levy for the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the Year 1993"; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469., must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the city of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount not to exceed $24,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, not to exceed $24,000.00 is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing & Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before September 15, 1992. Iloueinl~ and Redevelopment Authority of Mound 2020 COMMERCE BOULEVARD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 July 16, 1992 Mound City Council Mound, MN RE: Levy Monies The Mound HRA would like to request Levy Monies again this year. We have been using this money to help run our Senior Building. There are a lot of items not covered by the operating budget that this money has allowed our Board to approve for this building. Sincerely Yours, Ka~ol Charon Interim Exec Director MOUND HR~ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MOUND HOUSING LOPMENTAUTHORITY BUDGET FOR THE YFJ~ 1993 PURSU~%PI' TO MS CHAPTER 462.545v SUBDIVISION 6 WHEREAS, the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority has considered the attache budget and finds that this budget is necessary for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority during the year 1993; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound understands that pursuant to MS 462.545, Subdivision 6, its budget must be approved before a special tax may by levied; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Mound, by consent resolution, must approve and authorize the levy for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority which would be imposed as a special tax upon all property, both real and personal, within the taxing district of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound that the attached budget of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for said City is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution, together with the attached budget, be submitted to the City for adoption by the City of Mound together with a consent resolution for adoption by the City Council of the City of Mound authorizing the levy of a special tax, for the purposes of MA 462.411 to 462.705, upon all property, both real and personal, within said City. Passed by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the city of Mound this day of , 1992 Chairperson A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE YEAR 1993 BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, as follows: Section 1: That there be and hereby is levied a one-third mill for the year 1993 on all taxable property, real and personal, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Mound and not exempted by the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, for the purposes of establishing an HRAFund and conducting the operation of an HRA pursuant to the provisions of MS 462.411 through 462.705. Section 2: That the consent resolution by the City Council of the City of Mound to this special tax for the operation of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is attached to this resolution and bad a part of it. Section 3: That said tax rate and levy shall be certified to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on ~r before September 1, 1992 Passed by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound this day of , 1992 Chairperson RESOLUTION NO. 92- RESOLUTION TO APPOINT LEONARD KOPP TO THE MOUND HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF ELDO SCHIMDT - TERM TO EXPIRE 8-29-94 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Leonard Kopp to the Mound Housing & Redevelopment Authority to fill the unexpired term of Eldo Schmidt, term to expire August 29, 1994. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk CIT ' ()f IOUND August 26, 1992 Mr. Leonard Kopp 2128 Centerview Lane Mound, MN 55364 Dear Leonard: There is currently a vacancy on the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). Your name has come up in discussions with regard to replacing that vacancy. It is my understanding that you would be interested in serving on the HRA. Your background and experience would offer a great deal to the operations of the HRA and Indian Knoll Manor. The vacancy on the HRA has occurred due to the fact that Eldo Schmidt has resigned. His term expires August 29, 1994. This appointment would take you through that date and you would be eligible to be reappointed for an additional five years. If you are interested in this appointment, please contact me as soon as possible. The City Council would like to make an appointment at the September 8th City Council meeting. The HRA meets the second Wednesday of each month. If you are appointed on September 8th, you would be able to begin your term on September 9th. If you are interested in this vacancy, please submit a letter to me as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from yOU. City Manager ES:is 3 printed on recycled paper CITY of MOUND 53:,: IJAYWOOD ~3t2 4-2 i'55 FAX ~6~2~ al2 062{ To: Ed Shukle, city Manager From: John Norman, Finance Director Re: Recycling Fund Projection At the last council meeting, the Mayor and city Council requested an update of expenditures and projected balances in the recycling fund. Following is a breakdown of expenditures through July against the approved 1992 budget amounts: Budqet Actual Salaries $8000 $10742 Supplies 4250 222 Other contractual 88650 42274 $100900 $53239 Total The projected fund balance at the end of 1992 is $45000. Beginning in 1993 Hennepin County will be reimbursing the City on a flat amount per household, not a percentage of total expenditures. Following is an accounting of the Spring Clean up day: BFI Recycling JR Appliance Goodwill Industries Blackowiak Miscellaneous Total Expenditures Pick up day collections Net cost - pick up day $2100 2315 365 662 92 5534 -4289 $1245 Leaf pickup cost $5275 to Westonka Sanitation this spring. The city also paid $5500 for leaf pickup last fall. printed on recycled paper CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364-:687 (6121 472-0600 FAX (612~ 472-0620 September 3, 1992 TO; FROM; SUBJECT; Ed Shukle City Manager Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator Brush In the handling of brush there are some things that should be decided first. If we want to save the mulch to give back to the residents for if we just want to dispose of it. If we want to give the mulch back to the residents the brush must first be Seppi (this machine breaks down the branches) and then put thru a tub grinder. The Seppi charge is $175.00 per hour, tub grinder is $150.00 per hour. If the brush is not Seppi first the tub grinder can handle about 8-10 yards per hour of material, if the brush is Seppi the tub grinder then can handle 20 -25 yards of material an hour. There is a transportation charge of $60.00 per hour for each piece of equipment. This company is located on Co. Rd. B in St. Paul, travel time is about 1 hour. If we just want to dispose of the material, to reduce the volume we could seppi it and then haul it to the Hennepin County Tree Site in Maple Orove. Hennepin County charges $9.00 per ton for disposal. When these companies come in to work on the brush they want at least 1,000 cubic yards, brush must be no larger than 9" in diameter. This brush can be pushed up to reduce the volume needed to store it. We should also give some thought to monitoring the site and if we want to charge to dispose of brush. printed on recycled paper Materials Recycling Experts in Wood Waste and Solid Waste .Processing · Land Clearing · Mobile Tree and Wood Waste Chipping and Grinding · Municipal Solid Waste Processing · Yard Waste Processing · Equipment Rental · Screening of Difficult to Screen Materials Ceres is your source for help with Wood Waste and Solid Waste Processing. For more information, just give us a call. Professional Environmental Engineering Staff Including: · Hydrologist/Geologist · Solid Waste Composting Expert Forester Partial Listing of Equipment Available · Tree Chippers Handling up to 48" Dia. Logs · .Tub Grinders for Brush, Pallets & Light Demo Material · Seppi Grinder for clearing .and Large Brush Dump Sites. · 30 Ft. x 8 Ft. Revolving Trommel Screen with Shredder · Compost Windrow Turners and Static Pile Processing Equip. · 115 Cubic Yard Live Bottom Trailer Printed on Recycled Paper ERE$ 2504 West Co. Rd.B St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 633-4424 Fax (612) 633-8316 RESOLUTION NO. 92- RESOLUTION APPOINTING ADDITIONAL ELECTION JUDGES AS RECOMMENDED FOR THEPRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 & NOVEMBER 3, 1992 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve the following list of election judges for the Primary Election September 15, 1992, and the General Election November 3, 1992: Dick Hall Vera Horgan Mike Mueller Del Rudolph Marion Tomalka Robert Tomalka The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: BILLS September 08, 1992 BATCH 2083 BATCH 2084 TOTAL BILLS $147,162.24 79,433.05 $226,595.29 ORDINANCE ~59-1992 ]tN ORDINANCE ~d~ENDING SECTION 370:15~ SECTION 600:85~ SECTION 610:70 RELATING TO CERTIFICATION FEES THE CITY OF MOUND DOES ORDAIN: Section 600:85 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 600:85. Delin_auent accounts, Penalty, Assessment. In order to defray the City's increased administrative costs caused by water account delinquencies, a ten percent (10%) penalty will be added to sewer bills not paid within 30 days after the date of billing. On or before ~'~^-~--~~--~ November 1st of each year, the water superintendent shall have listed and transmitted to the Council the total unpaid charges for water service against each separate lot or parcel to which such is attributable. The Council may then spread the unpaid charges against the property served .to the County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected under Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075. In addition to the ~~ment, a certification fee in an .amount set fort~ in SectioD 54~'may be certified ~o ~he County Aud%tor for Gollectlon as other ~~e~ are collected, Section 610:70 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 610:70. Delinquent Accounts, penal~¥, Assessment. In order to defray the City's increased administrative costs caused by water account delinquencies, a ten percent (10%) penalty will be added to sewer bills not paid within 30 days after the date of billing. On or before ~ November 1st of each year, the water superintendent shall have listed and transmitted to the Council the total unpaid charges for water service against each separate lot or parcel to which such is attributable. The Council may then spread the unpaid charges against the property served to the County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected under Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075. In addition ~o the a ment. a c~r~ification fee in an amount set forth in Section be certified to the County Auditor for ¢011ection as other - are c~o] e ed~l ~ d, - section 370:15 is hereby amended to add the following: m un s o ed o County Auditor for collection as other t~xes ar~ collected. Attest: City Clerk Mayor Adopted by the City Council September 8, 1992 Publish in The Laker September 14, 1992 /~~ ~~ / ~ 3~ ~Section 54000 Subd. Code Type ~f Rate Conditions No, Section Charge or Fee and Terms Amount ~ / 620:70 ~__Certification Fee Per Certification $25.00 x ).~ ~,~ ,AJC0 Z uJ~ 0 z o ~-4 oo o~ o ! o o ~.~. ~. z Oc I o oo I Q..J ~'Z 0 Z ~'~ Z 0 t~ CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 September 3, 1992 TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; SUBJECT; Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator August's Recycling On August 26 a meeting was held with Hennepin County Recycling, with recycling going so smoothly they are now working on educating the public into smart buying. We were given 6 large posters to display. These posters encourage the public to buy in bulk, use reusables, avoid disposables, buy concentrates, buy returnables, use refillables, etc. These posters are quite large and I haven't decided where to hang them yet. If we have a Fall Recycling Day, I have checked with BFI, Rick's Scrape Metal, Goodwill and JR Appliance. BFI, Rick's and JR's are available for October 23 & 24. I'm still waiting for a call from Goodwill. BFI and JR's prices are the same, $1000.00 for a truckload of tires (about 1,500 - 1,800 tires) and appliances are $7.00 and $15.00 for air conditioners, scrap metal is free. printed on recycled paper LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle Len Harrell Monthly Report for August 1992 STATISTICS The police department responded to 923 calls for service during the month of August. There were 36 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 3 criminal sexual conducts, 7 burglaries, 1 aggravated assault, 23 larcenies, 1 vehicle theft, and 1 arson. There were 63 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses included 1 child abuse/neglect, 3 forgery/NSF check, 1 weapon, 4 narcotics, 9 damage to property, 7 liquor law violations, 7 DUI's, 3 simple assaults, 9 domestics (3 with assaults), 9 harassments, 6 juvenile status offenses, and 4 other offenses. The patrol division issued 131 adult citations and 5 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 24 tickets. Warnings were issued to 49 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 3 adults and 10 juveniles arrested for felonies. There were 32 adults and 11 juveniles arrested for misdemeanors. There were an additional 9 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 5 vehicular accidents, 1 with injuries. There were 21 medical emergencies and 97 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 21 occasions in August and requested assistance 4 times. Property valued at $17,211 was stolen and $3,649 was recovered in August. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 1992 II. III. IV. Ve INVESTIGATION The investigators worked on five child protection cases and three criminal sexual conduct cases, accounting for 74 hours of investigative time. Other cases investigated included burglary, thefts, criminal damage to property, threats, domestic assault, violation of order of protection, absenting, harassment, assault, weapons violation, and arson. Formal complaints were issued for false information to police, fleeing a police officer, criminal damage to property, criminal sexual conduct, possession of fireworks, assault, DUI, obstructing legal process, worthless checks, and discharge of a weapon. Personnel/Staffing The department used approximately 48 hours of overtime during the month of August. Officers used 36.5 hours of comp-time, 384 hours of vacation, 38 hours of sick time, and 6 holidays. Officers earned 48 hours of comp-time. Officer Ron Bostrom retired effective August 31, 1992. Training Officer Huggett and Inv. Grand attended the Wilson Leadership series in August. I attended the region 12 canine competition and judged for two days. Police Reserves The Reserves donated 376.5 hours during the month of August. AUGUST 1992 OF FENSES CLEARED EXCEPT. REPORTED UNFOUNDED CLEARED CLEARED BY ARREST ARRESTED ADULT JUVENILE pART I CRI~ES Homicide 0 0 0 0 Criminal Sexual Conduct 3 0 I 2 Robbery 0 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 1 0 1 0 BurgLary 7 0 0 0 Larceny 23 0 3 5 VehicLe Theft 1 1 0 0 Arson 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 36 I 5 7 3 pART II CRIMES ChiLd Abuse/NegLect 1 0 0 1 1 Forgery/NSF Checks 3 0 0 2 5 Criminal Damage to Property 9 0 0 2 2 I~eapens 1 0 0 1 2 Narcotics 4 0 0 4 3 Liquor La~s 7 0 0 7 8 D~I 7 0 0 7 7 SimpLe AssauLt 3 0 2 0 1 Domestic AssauLt 3 0 1 2 2 Oomestic (No Assault) 6 0 0 0 0 Harassment 9 0 2 0 0 JuveniLe Status Offenses 6 0 1 5 0 PubLic Peace 0 0 0 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 0 0 0 Att Other Offenses 4 0 6 I 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 TOTAL 63 PART Il! & PART IV Property Damage Accidents 4 Personal Injury Accidents 1 Fatal Accidents 0 Medicals 21 Animal Complaints 97 Mutual Aid 21 Other ~ra[ Investigations 678 0 12 32 32 11 TOTAL 822 Her~epin County Chitd Protection 2 TOTAL 923 1 17 39 35 21 1 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1992 CITATIONS DWI More than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired, or No Plates Illegal Passing Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Derelict Autos Seat Belt MV?ATV Miscellaneous Tags ADULT 7 5 1 8 2 73 0 2 0 0 2 0 16 0 2 0 0 24 0 1 0 6 0 155 .JUV 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1992 WARNINGS No Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAL WARRANT ARRESTS Felony Warrant Misdemeanor Warrants ADULT 14 6 9 0 5 9 0 0 0 2 45 0 9 JUV 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 JI77 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST 1992 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY THIS MONTH Hazardous Citations 82 Non-Hazardous Citations 41 Hazardous Warnings 7 Non-Hazardous Warnings 43 Verbal Warnings 104 Parking Citations 24 DWI 8 Over .10 5 Property Damage Accidents 4 Personal Injury Accidents 1 Fatal Accidents 0 Adult Felony Arrests 3 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 41 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 18 Juvenile Felony Arrests 10 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 11 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 9 Part I Offenses 36 Part II Offenses 63 Medicals 21 Animmal Complaints 97 Other Public Contacts 678 YEAR TO DATE 494 200 96 302 780 434 46 32 50 14 0 41 305 90 30 68 29 233 501 194 712 4,456 LAST YEAR TO DATE 578 192 19 202 813 308 59 37 64 25 0 43 194 59 21 42 40 245 468 206 766 4,249 TOTAL 1,306 Assists 78 Follow-Ups 23 Henn. County Child Protection 2 Mutual Aid Given 21 Mutual Aid Requested 4 9,110 628 185 42 95 31 8,630 364 90 34 90 30 RUN: PRO03 2-SEP-92 INSTALLATION NAME -- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT ENFORS PROPERTY - STOLEN/RECOVERED 07/26/92 THRU 08/25/92 PROP PROP [NC[DENT SEQ TYPE DATE STOLEN DATE RECOVERED TYPE DESC NUMBER NO NO STOLEN VALUE RECOVERED VALUE PAGE 1 BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE CONSUM CONSUM JEWELRY JEWELRY RADIO RADIO CURNCY CURNCY CURNCY CURNCY CURNCY MV PRTS EQP TLS EGP TLS ALL OTR ALL OTR ALL OTR ALL OTR ALL OTR ALL OTR ALL OTR BICYCL BICYCL BICYCL BICYCL BICYCL 8ICYCL BICYCL BICYCL B[CYCL SPEAKE 92001393 1 1 08/08/92 $10,000 92001471 1 1 08/22/92 S10 92001291 1 1 07/26/92 $100 07/26/92 $100 92001313 I 1 07/28/92 $71 92001329 1 1 07/30/92 $852 08/02/92 S852 9200137'2 1 I 08/06/92 $450 08/11/92 $450 92001378 1 I 08/07/92 $120 08/07/92 $1,420 92001378 1 2 08/07/92 $245 92001409 1 I 08/12/92 $50 92001451 1 1 08/19/92 $400 92001460 I 1 08/20/92 $91 92001464 1 1 08/21/92 S125 92001481 1 1 08/24/92 $26 92001321 1 1 07/29/92 $17 07/29/92 $5 92001469 1 1 08/22/92 $1,019 92001259 1 1 07/20/92 $60 08/17/92 $60 92001427 1 3 08/14/92 $250 92001311 1 1 07/28/92 $594 92001320 1 I 07/29/92 $250 92001456 1 1 08/20/92 $690 08/20/92 $690 92001399 1 1 08/10/92 $1,000 92001320 1 2 07/29/92 $50 92001392 1 1 08/09/92 $20 92001427 1 4 08/14/92 $12 92001434 1 2 08/16/92 $17 92001437 1 1 08/17/92 $150 92001311 1 2 07/28/92 $125 92001347 1 1 08/02/92 $60 08/03/92 $60 92001478 1 1 08/23/92 $175 92000838 1 1 08/04/92 $10 92001336 1 1 07/31/92 $1 07/31/92 $1 92001385 1 1 08/07/92 $1 08/07/92 $1 92001427 1 1 08/14/92 $55 92001427 1 2 08/14/92 $15 92001434 1 1 08/16/92 $50 92001440 1 1 08/11/92 $60 TOTALS: $17,211 $3,649 Run: 2-Sep-92 10:52 CFS08 Pr|mery ISN~s only: No Date Reported range: 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 No~ Received: Activity Resutted: Dispositions: Officers/Badges: Grids: A[[ Patrol Areas: Days of the week: AIl ~OUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[Is For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION INCIDENTS 9000 SPEEDING 7'5 9001 J-SPEEDING 3 900~ RESTRICTED D/L 2 9006 TEST REFUSAL 2 9010 BAC OVER .10 5 9012 OPEN BOTTLE 2 9013 J-OPEN BOTTLE 1 9014 STOP SIGN 2 9018 EGUIPMENT VIOLATION 3 9020 CARELESS/RECKLESS 1 9022 EXHIBITION DRIVING 2 9027 J-OVER THE CENTER LINE 1 9038 ALL OTHER TRAFFIC 1 9040 NO SEATBELT 6 9050 ALLOUING INCOHPETENT TO DRIVE 1 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 21 9150 NO TRAILER PARKING 3 9200 DAS/DAR/DAC 8 9210 PLATES/NO'IMPROPER-EXPIRED 13 9220 NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF 2 9312 FOUND ANIMALS/IMPOUNDS 3 9313 FOUNO PROPERTY 6 Page Run: 2-$ep-g2 10:52 CFS08 Primary ISN's on[y: Reported range: I range each day: No~ Received: Activity Resul ted: Dispositions: Of f icers/Badges: Grids: Pa[roi Areas: Oays of the ~eek: ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION NO 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 00:00 - 23:59 AIL Att AIl AL[ 9315 UNCLAIME DESTROYED ANIMALS 9430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 9450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS 9561 DOG BITE 956] DOG AT LARGE 9566 AN[HAL ENFORCEMENT TICKETS MEDICAL/ASU 9~20 MEDICAL/DOA 9~r50 MEDICALS 97"51 HEDICALS/DX 97-52 NEOICALS/CI 9750 FIRES 9800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 9801 DOHESTIC/NO ASSAULT 9900 ALL NCCP CASES 9904 OPEN DOOR/ALARMS 9913 CHIPS 9930 HANDGUN APPLICATION SUSPICIOUS PERSON i~ARRANTS 9990 NISC. VIOLATIONS 999Z MUTUAL AID/8100 HOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors CarLs For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 6 1 2 9 8 Page Run: 2-Sep-92 10:52 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 0?/26/92 - 08/25/92 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Hou Received: Activity Resulted: ALL Oispositions: ALL Officers/Badges: ALL Grids: AtL Patrol Areas: ALL Oays of the ueek: AIL ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors CaLLs For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 9993 MUTUAL AI0/6500 10 9994 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER 3 A2332 ASLT 2-INFLICTS BOOILY HARM-KNIFE ETC-ADLT-ACQ 1 A5351 ASLT S-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM 3 A5354 ASLT 5'INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CflLD-FAM 1 A5355 ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ 1 A5502 ASLT 5-THRT BOO[LY HARM-UNK WEAP-ADLT-ACQ 1 A8602 ASLT-COERCION-MS-THREAT DMGE PROP-ADLT-ACQ 1 Bl165 BURG 1-OCC RES FRC-N-UNK ~/EAP-COH PROPERTY 1 B3394 BURG 3'UNOCC RES FRC'U-UNK WEAP'CON THEFT 1 B3494 BURG 3'UNOCC RES NO FRC'U'UNK ~EAP-COH THEFT 3 B3794 BURG 3-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK ~EAP-COH THEFT 1 84990 BURG 4-AT FRC RES-U-UNK~EAP-UNK ACT 1 08500 DRUGS-SMALL AHOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION 3 F2262 ARSON 2-UNINHAB*NO ~EA-PUB BLDG-lO000-19999 1 F7005 NEGLIGENT FIRE-MS-OT PROP-S299 LESS 1 J2500 TRAFFIC-GH-DR%VE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 2 J2700 TRAF'ACCID-ON-AGGRAVATED VIOLAT]ON 3 J3500 TRAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 2 L38~1 CSC 2-MULTIPLE ACTS-OTH FAN-UNDER 13-F 1 L7021 CSC 4-UNK ACT-PARENT-UNDER 13-F 1 LZOBZ CSC 4-UNK ACT-STRANGER-18 OLDER-F 1 Page Run: 2-$ep-92 10:52 CF$O8 Primary ISN's onty: Reported range: trange each day: Ho~ Received: Activity Resutted: Oispositions: Officers/Badges: Grids: Patrot Areas: Oays of the week: NO 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 00:00 - 23:59 Att Ail ALL MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[ts For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF DESCRIPTION iNCiDENTS JUVENILE-ALCOHOL OFFENDER LIQUOR - POSSESSING LIQUOR - OTHER JUVENILE-CURFEW RUNAWAY DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESSION DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS M3001 M4104 M4199 M5313 N5350 M6501 U2493 U249Z 1 1 5 1 7 1 1 ? 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 03882 08SEN[TY-HS-OBSCENE PHONE CALL-ADULT Pl110 PROP DAHAGE-FE-PRiVATE-UNK ]NTENT P2120 PROP DAMAGE-GM-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT T2029 THEFT'$251-$2500-FE-FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T2159 THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-FRM MOTOR VEH1CLE-OTN PROP T4059 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM YARDS-OTH PROP T4099 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTH PROP T4151 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM MOTOR VEHiCLE-MONEY T4159 THEFT-$250 LESS-MS-FRM MOTOR VEHZCLE-OTH PROP T4169 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP T4999 THEFT-250 LESS-MS-FRM OTHER-OTH PROP FRAUO-FE-OTHER ACT-301-500 THEFT-GM-BiCYCLE-NO MOTOR-501-2501 THEFT-GM-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-$201-$500 Page Run; 2-Sep-92 10:52 CFS08 Primary ISlI~$ on[y; No Date Reported range: 07'/26/92 - 08/25/92 Tima range each day; 00:00 - 23:59 #o~ Received: Att Activity Resutted: Att D Jsposi tions: ALt Officers/Badges: At t Grids: Att Parrot Areas: Air Days of the week: Att MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[ts For Service INCIOENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF INCIDENTS U3018 THEFT-MS-BY CHECK - $200 OR LESS U3026 THEFT-MS-ISSUE 140RTHLES CHECK-S250 LESS U3036 THEFT-MS-BY CREDIT CARD'S250 LESS U~286 THEFT"MS-SHOPLIFTING-S250 LESS U3288 U3497 U3498 V1021 THEFT-MIS-SHOPLIFTING - $200 OR LESS THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR - $201-$500 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-S200 OR LESS VEH THEFT-FE-OVER $2500-AUTO 2 1 5 1 U3190 I~EAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR X3080 CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-NS-OBST LEGAL PROCESS Page **** Report Totats: 338 Run: 28-Aug-92 15:24 OFF01 Primary IS#'s only: No Reported range: 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 each day: 00:00 - 2:5:59 Dispositions: Att Activity codes: AIl Officers/Badges: Grids: 14QUND POLICE OEPARTHENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page 1 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... ACT ACTIVITY OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT CODE OESCRIPT]ON REPORTEO FOUNDEO OFFENSES PENDING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED #410~ N4199 A2332 ASLT 2-INFLICTS BOO[LY HARM-KNIFE ETC-ADLT-ACQ A5351 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HR#-HANDS-ADLT-FAM A5354 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-FAM A5355 ASLT 5-1NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ A5502 ASLT 5-THRT BOOILY HARM-UNK WEAP-ADLT-ACQ A8602 ASLT-COERCION-MS-THREAT DMGE PROP-ADLT-ACQ Bl165 BURG 1-OCC RES FRC-N-UN[ I~EAP-CC~4 PROPERTY BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U-UNK t/EAP-COH THEFT B3494 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC'U-UN[ 14EAP-CON THEFT B379~ BURG 3-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-CON THEFT B4990 BURG 4-AT FRC RES-U-UNK t/EAP-ONK ACT D8500 ORUGS-SNALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION F2262 ARSON 2-UNINHAB-NO t4EA-PUB BLDG'10000-19999 F?O05 NEGLIGENT FIRE-MS-OT PROP-S299 LESS J2500 TRAFFIC-GN-OR[VE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR d2700 TRAF-ACClD-GN-AGGRAVATEO VIOLATION J3500 TRAF-ACCID-NS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR L38~1 CSC 2-MULTIPLE ACTS-OTH FAN-UNOER 13-F L?021 CSC 4-UNK ACT-PARENT-UNDER 13-F L7087 CSC 4-UNK ACT-STRANGER-18 OLDER-F JUVENILE-ALCOHOL OFFENDER LIQUOR - POSSESSING LIQUOR - OTHER 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Run: 28-A~-9:) 15:24 OFF01 Primary %SN's on[y: No Date Reported range: 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: At[ Activity codes: AIl Officers/Badges: ALL Grids: At[ HOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page 2 ACT ACTIVITY OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL COOE DESCRIPTION REPORTED FOUNOED OFFENSES PENDING T4059 T4099 T4151 T4159 T4169 T4999 U1994 U2493 U2497 U3018 U3026 U3036 U3286 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... AOULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED M5313 JUVENILE-CURFEW M5350 RUNAI, JAY M6501 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESSION N3190 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 03882 08SENITY-NS-OBSCENE PHONE CALL-ADULT Pl110 PROP OAHAGE'FE-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P2120 PROP OANAGE-GN-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3110 PROP OAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT T2029 THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T2159 THEFT-$251-$2500-FE-FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-OTH PROP THEFT-$250 LESS-NS-FRM YAROS'OTH PROP THEFT-$250 LESS-MS-FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTH PROP THEFT-$250 LESS'MS-FRM MOTOR VEHICLE'MONEY THEFT-$250 LESS-MS-FRM MOTOR VEflICLE-OTH PROP THEFT-$250 LESS-MS-FRM WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP THEFT-250 LESS-MS-FRN OTHER-OTH PROP FRAUO-FE-OTHER ACT-301'500 THEFT-GM-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-501-2501 THEFT-GM-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-$201-$500 THEFT'MS'BY CHECK - $200OR LESS THEFT-MS'ISSUE WONTHLES CHECK-$250 LESS THEFT-MS-BY CREOIT CARD-$250 LESS THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFT%NG-$250 LESS 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 100.0 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 3 100.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 100.0 7 0 7 5 0 0 2 2 28.5 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 7 0 7 5 2 0 0 2 28 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.. 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 Run: 2&-Aug-92 15:2& OFF01 MOUND POL%CE DEPARTRENT Page Primary ISN's on[y: Reported range: range each day: Dispositions: Activity codes: Officers/Badges: Grids: No 07/26/92 - 08/25/92 00:00 - 23:59 Att Att Att Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... ACT ACTIVITY OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL ADULT dUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT CODE OESCRIPTION REPORTEO FOUHDEO OFFENSES PENDING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED U3288 THEFT-MIS-SHOPLIFTING - $200 OR LESS 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 100.0 U3497 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR - $201-$500 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 U3498 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-S200 OR LESS 5 0 5 3 1 0 1 2 40.0 V1021 VEH THEFT-FE-OVER $2500-AUTO 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 $~J190 $WEAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 X3080 CRIM AGNST AOMN JUST-MS-OSST LEGAL PROCESS 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 **** Report Totats: 91 I 90 40 28 11 11 50 55.5 HOUND POLICE RESERVES MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1992 DETAILS EMER RES. C/O SQUAD BADGE # FOX, Jim 3.5 5.0 Geyen 2.0 Fox, Norton 2.0 13.5 LJLjeberg 2.5 8.5 Lyng Attee - Berent 4.0 CoLe Fleming Haarstad 1.0 Maas 3.5 3.5 Nassett NeLson, S 6.0 GuneLL 2.0 Ranum Swenson, J 2.0 - Erdman - . Ringate . TOTAL 22.5 36.5 COMM SERV 1.0 1.5 2.5 5.0 H/F TRAIN ]NSTR RIDE BALL lNG T]ON ALONG 20.5 4.0 5.5 37.5 8.5 17.0 18.0 5.0 28.0 23.0 46.5 24.0 ADMIN 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.5 4.0 213.0 75.0 MEET ING TOTAL 23.5 17.0 15.0 36.0 68.5 8.5 0 21 .0 0 18.0 6.0 35 30.5 48.5 20.5 28.5 0 0 376.5 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES Ride Atongs Meetings Transports Reserve Squad SurveiLLance for HCWP ECO - Power Line R4 R5 R56 RIO Rll R16 ACTIVE RESERVES FLeming R22 Fox, J. R24 FOX, K. R28 NeLson, S R53 Ouneit, O R54 Norton, L R55 Haarstad, P. Maas, d. Geyen Swenson, d Erdman, T. Nassett, S R59 Berent R56 In Training J. Ranum R17 P. CoLe 1 MOUND POLICE RESERVES SEVERENCE ACCOUNTS AUGUST 1992 OFFICER Sherry Zuccaro Jeff Fleming Tom Geyen Jim Fox Katie Fox Sam Ne[son J. Swenson S. Nassett P. Naarstad L ALtee L Lyng L Norton T Erdman R Li[jeberg J Maas O Qunell T Berent DEPOSIT BALANCE $ 0 $215.67 0 397.21 6.50 259.10 13.00 434.08 0 341.58 0 175.50 6.50 123.50 0 71.50 6.50 52.00 0 110.50 0 130.00 6.50 123.50 0 39.00 13.00 45.50 13.00 65.00 6.50 13.00 6.50 6.50 TOTALS $ 84.50 S2,609.64 KF/sh CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 September q, J. 9~2 TO; Ed Shukle ..~ty Manager FROM; Oeno Hoff Street Supt. SUBJECT; August's Activity Report The first week we spent cleaning up the excess sealcoating rock, we ended up with 88 loads of rock which we mix with pit run sand and use for fill for watermain breaks. Now that the sealcoating has been completed we can work on some of the other work that we've let go. We've been doing some spot patching with blacktop and also some blacktop curb repair on Aspen Rd. We were out with the sweepers three times this month cleaning catch basins. We've been spraying weeks on and off thru out the month whenever we have some time. We've been spraying retaining walls and road edges. We're using Ranger Herbicide again this year. S_!.ON..W_O_R. ~ Put up 8 new posts and 5 No Parking, 1 Slow Children, 2 Stop and 2 No Parking this side. Laid out 3 graves and staked out 4 stones. printed on recycled paper CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612t 472-1155 September 3, 1992 TO; FROM; SUJECT; Ed Shulke City Manager Greg Skinner Water & Sewer Supt. August's Activity Report WATER DEPARTMENT In August we pumped 27,498,ooogallons of water. We repaired 4 standpipes and 1 gatevalve. Well # 6 was down this month, but it was a power problem that NSP ~ad with the transformer that feeds the well.We had 1 watermain break. I have sent letters to 116 residents that are possible canidates for our copper and lead testing. We will most likely do the sampling on Sept. 28. I willbe recieving the financial report back from Sensus Meter & Neptune Meter later this month. After i recieve these reports i will then give my report to the City Manager. SEWER DEPARTMENT The entire month was spent working with the contractors on our lift station up- grades. This project is about 90% complete now. We will now start to make a punch list for the contractor. This year's project went very smooth and fast. We are very happy with the work from Gridor Construction on this project. We did have 1 sewer forcemain break on Commerce Blvd. CITY of MOUND 534.! t~"AYWOOD ROAD MOUND I~"~NNESOTA 55364 :612~472.1155 FAX r612i 472 0620 September 3, 1992 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: AUGUST MONTHLY REPORT The City had 2 regular Council Meetings, in September. 15 resolutions were prepared. There was Agenda preparation for each meeting and items to clear up after each meeting. I was busy inputting all the budget information into the computer. We have been getting ready for the Primary Election which will be held on Tuesday, September 15, 1992. All the ballots arrived. The ballots all have to be checked and put in the appropriate boxes for the correct precincts. The memory packs have been programmed by Hennepin County and all pack have been tested to verify that the programs are correct. This testing requires that I make up test decks of ballots with every different voting scenario possible to check the machines and make sure they are counting accurately. There are two ballots during the Primary because of the Associate Justice Supreme Court (Yetka Seat) that the courts did not decide upon until right before the Absentee Ballots had to be available. It was not our idea or our choice to have one seat on this huge ballot. Parts of Precincts 2 & 6 are in the 2nd Congressional District since the redistricting so there will be one ballot for that Congressional District as well as one for Congressional District 6. Letters were sent to all election judges to notify them of an instructional meeting that will be held on September 9, 1992. Absentee ballots have been available since the 15th of August. We have had a number of people request those. Please bare with us on the mess at the back end of the Council Chambers. Linda will be checking and filling supply boxes for each precinct. Testing of the machines is very convenient here. There were the usual calls, questions and research done on specific items during the month. 31 o printed on recycled paper CITY of MOUND PARKS DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1992 MONTHLY REPORT 53a~ MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND MiNNESO'rA 55364 7657 :612', 472 !!55 FAX~612~4T2 0620 Parks In August we begin to lose our seasonal staff. By the first week in September the two college students will have returned to school. This will leave two other seasonal workers on, one until October and the other until December. Beaches The buoys and markers were brought in from all the beaches except Mound Bay Park. These will remain until after Labor Day. Docks The dock inspector has been limiting his time with the anticipation that additional hours will be needed as we head into the winter season. At that time we will need to inspect all sites for proper storage of docks. Cemetery An up-date of the survey on cemetery fees has been completed and will be available during the budget process. JF:pj ~ pri.,edon~ecycledpaper CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND MINNESOTA 55364 !627 (612¢ 472-1 !55 FAX i612 472-0620 September 2, 1992 TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR~ CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR~-b~ AUGUST FINANCE DEP~RTMENT REPORT INVESTMENT~ The following is August investment activity: Balance: August 1, 1992 Bought: $6,248,816 Matured: Cd 4.25 4m Fund (100,000) CP 3.84 Shearson Lehman (139,722) BA 3.88 Marquette (99,124) Balance as of August 31, 1992 $5,909,970 1993 BUDGET A significant amount of my time is August was spent working on the 1993 budget. The budget was made more difficult by having to deal with sales taxes on certain purchases with the passage of legislation earlier this year. The budget will be presented to the Council on September 8. A preliminary levy must be sent into Hennepin County by September 15. The final levy due on December 28 may not exceed the preliminary levy adopted in September. 5 ~~'~ ~ printed on recycled paper CITY of MOUND 5341MAYWOOD qOAD MOUND MiNNES©TA 5536~ '~E- :6:2 472-~!55 ~A× 6~2:a72 0~27 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 2, 1992 City Manager, Members of the City Council and Staff Jon Sutherland, Building official AUGUBT 1992 MONTHLY REPORT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY In August 44 building permits were issued with a construction value of $786,678 bringing year-to-date construction value to $3,596,041. Current year-to-date construction value is an increase over last August which was $2,801,862. There were 50 plumbing, mechanical, fence and other miscellaneous permits issued for a total of 94 permits issued this month. This is the largest number of permits issued in one month since September 1988 when 90 permits were issued. This permit activity has kept staff very busy. PLANNING AND ZONING The Planning Commission reviewed 5 variance cases this month in addition to reviewing the second draft of the Shoreland Management Ordinance. DJ printed on recycled paper C l TY OF NOUND 554! Heywood ROad NOund, NN 55564 BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT u~h ~~ r~ 1992 371,l ~ 1,979,090 13 177,083 ~22~3,596,o4t MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 1992 FIRE FIGHTERS DRILLS & MAINTENANCE FIRE & RESCUE 8/10 8/17/ ~ H1RS H/RS ~ 1 JM ,~EN X X 2 19 .{Df) 6 ~ 6.00 204.00 2 GR~G ANDERSON X X 2 19.00 2 36 6.00 216.00 3 J~ZRy BABB X X 2 19.OO 2 18 6.0O 108.00 4 DAVID BOYD X X 2 19.00 2 21 6.00 126.00 5 DON BRYCE X X 2 19.00 0 25 6.50 162.50 6 SCOTT BRYCE X X 2 19.00 2 20 6.00 120.O0 7 DAVID CARLSON X X 2 19.00 2% 16 6.00 96.00 8 4~ ~ASEY X X 2 19.00 2 26 6.'00 156.OO 9 S~"EVE COLLINS X ~ 1 9.50 2 19 6.00 114.00 10 RANDY ENGELHART X X 2 19.00 2% 25 6.00 150.00 11 STEVE ERICKSON i~_.~ X 1 9.50 4 23 6.00 138.O0 12 PHIL FISK X X 2 19.00 0 23 6.00 138.OO 13 GfRALD GARVAIS X X 2 19.00 4 24 6.00 144.00 14 DAN GRADY X X 2 19.00 0 28 6.00 168.00 15 KEVIN GRADY X X 2 19.00 3 35 6.00 210.00 16 CP~.IG H]~ql)}~:~S(3{q X X 2 19.00 2 37 6.00 222.00 17 P.~2UL H]~RY X X 2 19.00 3 23 6.{]0 138.00 18 BRAD LANDSMAN X ~ 1 9.50 1 20 6.00 120.00 19 RON M~d{SC]-IK~ X X 2 19.00 0 25 6.25 156.25 20 JOHN NAFUS X X 2 19.00 2 34 6.00 204.00 21 JAMES NELSON X X 2 19.00 2 19 6.00 114.00 22 MARV NELSON X X 2 19.00 2 23 6.00 138.00 23 BRET NI(~ X X 2 19.00 3% 29 6.00 174.00 24 GREG PAlM X X 2 19.00 2 28 6.00 168.00 25 MIKE PAD! X X 2 19.00 0 44 6.00 264.00 26 TIM PALM X X 2 19.00 3½ 27 6.00 162.00 27 GREG PEDERSON X X 2 19.00 2 29 6.00 "174.00 2s x x 2 19.oo o 6.0o i z.oo 29 ~ SAVAGE X X 2 19.00 1.5 29 6.00 174.00 31 RON S~ X X 2 19.00 8~f 24 6.00 144.00 32 ~ SWENSON X ~__~ 1 9.50 2 27 6.00 162.00 33 WM SWI~SON ~E.~..~l X 1 9.50 3 26 6.00 156.00 34 ED VANECiX X X 2 19.00 2 39 6.00 234.00 ~ RICK WILLIA~ X X 2 19.00 19 30 6.00 180.00 36 TIM WILLIAMS X X 2 19.00 3 18 6.00 '108.00 37 DEI~IS WOY/L"KE X X 2 19.00 2½ 27 6.00 162.00 35 34 69 ~ 87½ 85 172½ 655.5C 115 978 ~ 5,886.75 172½ ~11 l.q 655.50 ~ 1,167.00 ~ 7,709.25 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH OF ~T~T.~' 1992 MC)N'I~[ ~ TO DATE TO DATE NO. OF CAT,T.~ 46 47 32~ 292 MOUND FIRE MINNETONKA BEACH FIRE O Z ? MINNETRISTA FIRE 3 1 13 7,0 ORONO ?.,IRE 3 3 13 23 EMt~GEI~CY ~ 2 1 § 11 SHOREWOOD FIRE 0 0 2 SPRING PARK FIRE MUTUAL AID ?.IRE 0 0 4 1 M~ERG]~CY 0 0 0 O TOTAL FIRE CALLS 17 20 127 123 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 29 27 198 169 ,.CO~I~RCIAL 3 0 8 4 RESIDI~TIAL 7 10 51 43 INIYOSTRIAL 0 0 1 2 .GRASS & M~SC~.,~_~JS 3 2 27 34 FALSE ~ / Frae ~ 3 b 32 32 - MOUND ,mmGm~ 2O3 ~02 2187 2233 - MTKA BEACH mmGENC~ TOTAL 18 58 174 241 FIRE 75 28 388 629 - M' TRISTA Ft~I~GENCY 78 66 442 442 TOTAL 153 94 830 1071 FIRE 70 39 259 495 - ORONO ~GI~ 101 25 340 211 TOTAL 171 64 599 706 FIRE 0 0 126 8 - SHOREWOOD f~ERGENCY 0 0 16 15 TOTAL 0 0 142 23 .FIRE 141 50 471 431 - SP. PARK ~GEI~ 188 128 877 289 . TOTAL 329 178 1348 720 FIRE 0 0 220 18 - lq~rOAL AID ,EMERGM~-~f 0 0 0 0 _,, TOTAL 0 0 22O 0 .~OTAL DRILL HOURS 172~ Ib?~ i382½ 1297~ TOTAL FIRE HOURS 390 475 3375 3122 TOTAL EMERGENCY HOURS 588 544 3933 3270 TOTAL FIRE & M~f~RGENCY HOURS 978 1019 7308 6392 .MUTUAL AID RECEIVED 0 0 3 3 .MUTUAL AID GIVEN 0 0 4 1 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILL REPORT .scipline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspections Tools and Apparatus Identify Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing Films First aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks Pumper Operation Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas demos, Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hose Appliance X Hours Training Paid : ~ Excused X Unexecused O Present / Not Paid scellaneous : 1Z. FlosE L; F_ k,'ozzca PERSONNEL ~Z J,Andersen __~ G,Anderson J, Babb , Bryce ~ ~ S, Bryce i'carls°n ~ J,Casey ' S,Collins ,Englehart ,Erickson P,Fisk J,Garvais ~D,Grady K, Grady ,Henderson ~._P · Henry · Landsman ,Marschke ~---T/~j. Nafus J. Ne 1 son M.Nelson . Pa lm · Palm T,Palm G,Pederson ~%_./T,Rassmusen ~A=M,Savage ~_K,Sipprell 2~A~R,Stallman ~__~=T,Swenson ,Swenson Vanecek :Williams T,Williams ~,Woytcke MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Discipline and Teamwork Critique of fires Pre-plan and Inspections Tools and Apparatus Identify Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing Films First aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self-Contained Masks DRILL Hours Training Paid : REPORT Date /~u~7' ~Z Pumper Operation ~ Fire Streams & Friction Loss ~( House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas demos. Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio Operations House Evolutions X Nozzles & Hose Appliance X Excused X Unexecused 0 Present / Not Paid Miscellaneous : P E R S 0 N N E L ~_J.Andersen ~_~=G.Anderson ~J. Babb ~-D.Boyd D.Bryce S. Bryce D.Carlson zJ'Case¥ ~'~J .Garvais ~r~-z D · Grady ,zcK'Grady ~ .Henderson ;'L P. Henry B. Landsman .Marschke 2~J. Nafus J. Ne 1 son .Nelson .Niccum .Palm .Palm ~-T.Palm ~-~G.Peder~on ~.Rassmusen M.Savage K.Sipprell R'stallman .Swenson ,Swenson E.Vanecek .Williams _~T.Williams Z~D.Woytcke MOUND FIRE DEPAR~I~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE FOR MONIM OF ~ J. ANDERS~ ~ G. ANDERSON ~. J. BABB ~ D. BOYD ~) D. BRYCE ~ S. BRYCE ~//~D. CARLSON ~ S. COLLINS ~i R. ENGELHART ~ S. ERICKSON O p. ~f J. GARVAI S ~) D. GRADY ~'~ K. GRADY ~__ C. HENDERSON ~'~ P. HENRY / B. LANDSMAN ~3~ T. WILLIAMS TOTAL MONT}{LY HOURS CITY of MOUND 534! MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612! 472-1 !55 FAX (612) 472-0620 September 1, 1992 TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER ~/( FROM: JOEL SUBJECT: "BEER WARS" Remember that sci-fi epic "Star Wars"? Well, now we have "Beer Wars". For the first time in recent memory, the beer industry on a national basis, is experiencing a decline in sales for the first six months of 1992, due to what I feel is the poor economy. Plus the high cost of beer to the consumer is finally catching up to them. As long as I've been in this business, all the beer companies have raised their prices once a year from 30 cents to 55 cents a case. For example; before the beer wars this summer, a case of a national brand, not on sale and after Minnesota's extravagant sales tax (9% on alcoholic beverages), would cost the customer $17. For the average person, moderate drinker - one case per week, this amounts to $884 per year. Two things have occurred, people are either forced to buy less or are buying down. To compound matters, the midwest has witnessed one of the coolest summers ever recorded. In order to keep their "barrelage" production from slipping further, the breweries have offered deeper incentives to their distributors in our region. Thus, prices have been cut and what you are seeing on the local retail end are prices to the consumers that compare to what they were in 1990. Of course we pass the savings on to the customer and hopefully, they will take advantage of the situation and purchase a little bit more beer. JK:ls 32,00 printed on recycled paper BOARD MEMBERS David H. Cochran, Chair Greenwood Tom Reese, Vice Chair Mound Douglas E. Babcock, Secretary Spring Park J. P. Boswinkel, Treasurer Minnetonka Beach Scott Carlson Minnetrista Albert (Bert) Foster Deephaven James N. Grathwol Excelsior JoEIlen L. Hurr Orono William A. Johnstone Minnetonka Duane Markus Wayzata George C. Owen Victoria Tom Penn Tonka Bay Robert Rascop Shorewood Robert E, Slocum Woodland LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 900 EAST WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 160 · WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 * TELEHONE 612/473-7033 EUGENE R. STROMMEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO: MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 FROM: TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: AUGUST REPORT - LMCD 1.0 GENERAL INTEREST ITEMS. 1.1 Eurasion Watermilfoil Task Force. The harvesting season has been concluded. A total of just over 300 acres has been harvested. The final report (copy attached) has been issued. Evaluation of the program by the consultant continues. The end of season sampling of the existing weed growth in St Albans bay is currently being done. $54M of county funds have been approved for next season's program, $40M for harvesting and $14M for the St Alban's Sonar treatment program. The DNR is looking at a reorganization that shows promise of concentrating the control of exotic species into a single department, Ecological Services. If it happens at all, it will take several years to accomplish. This control is now budgeted at $680M annually which is enough to do some good, if properly administered. Milfoil has been discovered in the St Croix. Thc discovery of new infestations has slowed, leading some to conclude that the public education program is having good effect. The 2-4-D treatment of a portion of Diamond Reef proved ineffective, leading us to conclude that open water treatment such as this is not worthwhile. 1.2 Management Plan The DNR has pulled back somewhat from their approval of the new del'tuition of what constitutes a reliable access. This w;Jl p. rolong the discussions on what the real number of existing accesses as. The LCMR (lottery money) access funding for Minnetonka request for $944M has been approved for submission to the Legislature. Chances for ultimate approval seem favorable. With the Shoreland Ordinance deadline for the cities approaching, the September meeting of the Technical Review committee promises to be a long one. Requests for flexibility vary greatly from city to city. The mechanism for review and/or review and comment on these requests by other cities is under development. 1.3 Other General Interest Items. The conflict of interest item was discussed at the August board meeting with the result that the attorney opined that it was not a legal or even an ethical issue, but rather one of perception. If one is perceived to have a conflict of interest on a given issue, then one should abstain. Given this, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary 1967-1992 one yacht club member abstained and another voted on a Wayzata Yacht Club issue. 2.0 CITY SPECIFIC ITEMS - MOUND 2.1 Chapman Place. A public hearing was held on a dock extension for Chapman Place. The issue is the shallow water situation that precludes the effective use of the in-shore slips. The storm sewer that exits between the public access and Chapman Place may be partially responsible for silting in the shore area. The matter will be taken up further in committee. l..ake Minnetonka Conservation District cc Gene Strommen 2 LAKE HINNEIO~,~KA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1992 Final RepurC Milfoil harvesting Bay Date Loads Engine Cutter Work Wait Travel Uaint. ._ffe_c_h:_[ Acres OIdChannel 6/19/9~Z 7.0 1~-_:8____8~.___32_:_3_ _.5_-~ ..... o_-~._'.ff~.C~_._]!.5/._¥-~.:~ Totals 7.~ 18.8 8.8 32.3 5.3 0.0 1.0 11.5 9.3 Carmans 6/22/92 9.0 23.0 11.8 32.8 0.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 8.0: ~/~ 10.4 ~.~ --~.~ ---~2.§ .... ~'~i ....0.0 .... ~.S ..... ~.0t-' -9.0 6/24/92 7.9 18.3 9.7 29.5 2.6 0.0 1.8 6.3 4.0 6/25/~2 11.2 2~.2 i3.3 32.6! 0.5 6.6 4.0 8.0 6/~)')92 12.8 31.9 18.3 §8.0' 1.3 14.5 1.0 1.0 9.0 Tot~is 51.3 124.3 6§.7 1~)§~§ 5.5 1~.5 7.3'---~§.§-38.0 'Phelps 6/29/92 12.0 18.9 12.4 39.3 7.0 0.0 1.0 1 ~>.6 9.1 6/30/92 12.0 21.2 13.2 34.5 6.31 0.01 1.5 9.2 __8.5 7/1/92 12.5 28.0 18.3 37.0 2.8, 0.0~ 1.5 3.1.,. 8.4 7/2/92 6.0 13.5 7.8 16.3 0.0 3.9 0.5 16.0 4.5 8/5/92 11.3 22.3 10.0 25.4 0.0 9.3 2.0 0.5 7.3 8/6/92 o.o o.o o.6 o.o 0.5 6.0 o.o 6.o o:0 8/7/92 9.3 12,7 8.0 ~4.5 0.6- 0.0 1.5 9.0 6.5 0.;4 .... --§f.i ---§i§ ..... .... 2.5 i2.s --- 7.0 8/11/92 17.3 28.0 19.4 29.1 0.3 0.0 2.0 8.0! 11.0 8/12/92 10.4 20.9 15.4 27.6 3.3 0.0 2.5 lb.~l 7.0 T~tais 100.4 185.9 --~8.4 -~60.1~ -~3.;~ --~4.~> 15.0 . 81.2i 69.3 st. Albans 7/2/92 4.7 ~.41 4.8 12.5 1.0 O.~)i 0.0 2.0 5.0 7/6/9~' 7.8 22.8 14.0 29.5 5.6 2.0[ 1.0 §i~)- 7.5 7/~/92 1.0 2.0 1.0i 5.0 0.~ ~i~- 0.0 --- '~.~ .... ~.:~, 7/;)7/92 1.8, 7.0- 5.0 8.5 1.5 4.0j 0.0 _0_..o Totals 15.3 41.2 24.8 55.5 7.5 6.0[ 1.0 8.0 13.8~ Excelsior 7/6/92 1.0 5.3 2~§ 8.0 0.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 2.~) 7/7/92 3.7 1 ~.1 6.8 13.5 1.§ 0.0 1.0; S.~ -~.0 Totals 4.7 16.4 9.6 21.5 1.8 2.~ 1]§: 7.1 5.0 Gideons 7/8/92 10.0 32.6 18.5 39.0 3.4 7.0 1.5 2.5 7.5 7/9/92 11.8 31.0 2111 37.3 2.~ 0.-~ 2.~3--~]§ 9.'~ Totals 21-]3 G-~-- 39.~ 76.~ 5.~i- 7.0 ....§.§ ---'~.~---~.0 ~afayette 7/10/92 9.4 25.6 14.1 29.4 4.~ 5.8- 11~ -' ~.~. 8.5 ~~----~.~--~.§----~.~ --~..~ ---~.~ ~.~?--- ~.0 -'3.3 3.8 7/14/92 16.0 29.8 1§.'i ~:0 ~:6' 7/15/~2 4.0 8.5 S.;~ 1~]- 4.5 2.§ 1:§ ~.6 2.6 7/16/92 3.0 9.5 5.2 11.0 ~.0 3.~ Totals 39.4 86.9 §~.§'-~'~ ~.(~ ---~ ~]~ 13.3 5.7 21.0 36:_8 Page 1 Milfoil harvesting Bay. Date Loads Engine Cutter Work Wait Travel Maint. Mech. Acres Echo 7/10/92 2.0 4.0 3.0 8.0 3 0 2.0 0.0 0.~ 1 ,Totals 6.0 14.6 9.6~ 2215 6.S 3.5 0.5 0.~3 3.5 -~rowns 7/16/92 9.1 20.2 14.7 23.5 2.3 0~ 2.0 0.3 1 O.0 7/17/92 13.2 26.2 17.3 32.3 1.5 0.7 --1.0 0.0 1~.~) Wayzata 7/20/92 5.0 12.9 5.6 17.8 8.5 5.5 1,0 4.5 1~§ 7/21/92 11.7 23.6 13.6 31,0 1.9 1.2 0.5 5.4 9.0 Totals 16.7 36.5 19.2 48.8 10.4~ 6.7 1.5 9.9 10,5 Grays 7/21/92 1.9 4.3 2,7 5.1 0.0 0.7 O.5= 2.0 1.3 7/22/92 9.6 15.5 7.2 28.0 0.8 0.7 "1.0 18.0 7/23/92 14.8 25.5 15.5 34.8 1.8 0.8 2.0 6.8 8.5 Totals 26.3 45.3 25.4 67.9 2.6 2.2 3.5 26.8 16.§ 7/27/92 8.5 14.7 8.8 23.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 6-,~ ~.~ Totals 15.8 33.9 16.4 50.0 1.5 9.0 4,0 8.51 10.5 7/28/92 12.0 27.0 16.1 41.0 0.8 4.0 2.0 13.0 8.O 7/29/92 2.5 12.8 3.1 20.3 0.5 6.0 2.3 4.5 4.5 Totals 15.5 42.6 20.4 63.3 1.7 10.0 4.8 19.0 13. North Arm 7/29/92 0.6 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.~ ~.~ Totals 0.6 2.0 1.0 4.0 Z.O 1.0 0.0 0.0 Seton 7/29/92 2.5 5.9 2.9 13.0 1.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 2.3 7/30/92 3.0 6.5 4.2 7.3 0.3 O.O 0.5 O~ 1~§ Totals 5.5~ i 2.4 7.1 20.3 1.3 -~.0 4.5 4.0 3.8 :Black 7/30/92' 9.5 23.9 14.2 30.1 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.5i 5.(~ Totals 9.5 23.9 14.2 3~.1 0.0 0.(~ --'~.5 ---§.5i .... 5.0 Smiths 7/31/92 4.8 15.3 5.3; 20.3 0.0 5.0 1.8 6.3 3-~ 8/3/9~_ ~0 14.7 ~.~I 20.0 0.§ ~.0 2.0 ...... 5.~, ....5.5 8/5/92 4.0 6.8 4.8 6.8 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 21§ Totals 28.8 58.2' 32,8 69.6 2.1 5.0 5.1 12.2 18.0 Project Total 386.9 852.9 497.8 1156.5 92.0 95.1 64.4 240.3 300.6 I~iffoil Harvesting Loads by Date 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Date Page I Lake Minnetonka Conservation District 900 E. Wayzata Blvd, Suite 160 Wayzata MN 55391 473-7033 R£C'~ AUB $ ~ i~gZ L.M.C.D. MEETING SCHEDULE September 1992 Friday 4 Staff Floating Holiday Wednesday 9 Standards Subcommittee, Lake Access Task Force 7:30 pm, ~135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Saturday 12 Water Structures Committee 7:30 am, #135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Tuesday Friday 15 18 Environment Committee 8:30 am, #135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force 8:30 am, #135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Monday 21 Lake Use and Recreation Committee 4:30 pm, #135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Tuesday 22 Technical Review Committee 8:00 am, #135 Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata Wednesday 23 7:00 pm, Public Hearing: Halsteds Bay Quiet Waters 7:30 pm, LMCD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tonka Bay City Hall 8-26-92 Lake M£nnetonka Conservation District 473-7033 EVENTS SCHEDULE September 1992 Thu Sat Sun Men Thu Fri Sat Sun Sat Sun Sat Sut~ 10 11 12 13 19 2O 26 27 6:15 pm 2:00 pm 10:30 am 1:30 pm 10:00 am 12:00 pm 7:00 am to 4 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm 7:00 am to 4 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm 7:00 am to 4 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 7:00 am to 4 pm 10:00 am 1:30 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 10:00 am 1:30 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 10:00 am 11:00 am WYC Main UMYC East UMYC West WYC Main MYC Main UMYC East Shelby Invitational, Minnetonka Boat Works, Wayzata Bay MYC Main MYC Main Shelby Invitational, Minnetonka Boat Works, Wayzata Bay MYC Main MYC Main Shelby Invitational, Minnetonka Boat Works, Wayzata Bay WYC Main MYC Main UMYC West Shelby Invitational, Minnetonka Boat Works, Wayzata Bay MYC main WYC Main WYC Main MYC Main UMYC West MYC Main W~fC Main WYC Main MYC Big Island WYC Main UMYC East WYC Main SYC Big Island 8-28-92 SEP LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Water Structures Committee Agenda 7:30 AM, Saturday, September 12. 1992 Norwest Bank Bldg, Rm 135, 900 E Wayzata Blvd (Elevator handicapped access, west entrance, Wayzata Blvd.) 1. / Public Hearing Report review for recommendation to the _~ board, Minnetonka Dock Services, Inc. for Chapman Place Marina docks, Cooks Bay, Mound, variance for additional 26', total dock length of 155'. m Draft ordinance Relating to the Effect on Licenses of Failure to construct Licensed Docks within a Specified Time, amending LMCD Code Sect. 2.05, subject to Water Structures Committee direction for a sub-committee to study various possibilities for addressing this problem. m Draft of ordinance amending definitions of permanent and seasonal docks adopting DNR definition as directed by the Board. Draft of ordinance authorizing executive director to issue deicing licenses with provisions subject to Board approval. (copy to follow week of September 8) m City of Orono ordinance regulating the use of styrofoam in .dock construction, for committee review, discussion and recommendation. Staff report on follow-up of multiple dock license violations discovered during annual boat storage inventory and/or annual multiple dock inspections. Additional business recommended by the committee. Adjournment $£P 4 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Public Hearing: Minnetonka DoCk Services, Inc. for Chapman Place Marina docks, 2670 Commerce Blvd., Mound, on Cook's Bay, Lake Minnetonka. Dock length variance for an additional 26 feet, for a total dock length of 155 feet into the Lake. Meet lng: Members Present: 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 26, 1992 .'Ton~a BaY. Cit~Hall~ David Cochran;'~;~ha'ir. Greenwood: Bert Foster, Deephaven; James Grathwol, Excelsior; Wm. Johnstone, Minnetonka; Michael. Bloom. Minnetonka~Beach~,Scott Carlson, Minnetri- sta; JoEllen'-H~r? Orono; Robert Rascop, Shorewood; Douglas Babcock, Spring Park; Tom Penn, Tonka Bay; George Owen, Victoria. Duane Markus, Wayzata and Robert Slocum, Woodland arrived during the hearing. Also Present: Charles LeFevere, Counsel, Rachel Thibault, Administrative Technician: Eugene Strommen, Executive Director. The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Cochran. Thibault explained that Chapman Place, formerly the Surfside Supper Club, was granted an amended Multiple Dock License in 1989 for 27 over night storage slips, on a 129' dock. The Order requires that the docks be operated' independent of Chapman Place Homeowner,s Association..,Vince McClellan, Minnetonka Dock Serv- ~:~%:~-~!':ice~'~i-s~!Tthe ~h~o: ~pl~ce!:'Marina. was row water in 1989. ied;~low water variances during se:: :~6h~i°ns at or above ;: ::':i~:!::~ :929:~: O, figurat ion approved in !989 'dOck wings for boat 'maneuvering;betw6~n Slips I'6 and 7-12, currently 24' between he ~P~t-the~:'d66ks'in he als°. found there was not enough depth at slips 1 -6, depths ranging from 21" at slip one to 30" at slip 6 during high water levels above 929.0'. The Board received information including the site plan approved 2/22/89 with water depth readings taken 4/17/92 by McClellan and Thibault during which the Lake level was 929.69', the site plan approved 2/22/89, a Lake locator, a property site survey, a site plan dated 8/1/92 showing the proposed dock rea- lignment, and a staff report detailing the reasons for the vari- ance application. Bob Cuthill. President. Chapman Place Homeowner's Associa- tion, said in 1990 the Association installed boulder rip-rap Public Hearing - Chapman Place August 26, 1992 along the shore to preserve a deteriorating shoreline. Photos were presented to show the lakeward boulder positions. This required moving the dock further into the Lake. It was noted that previously the walkway to slips 1-6 was further east. The new site plan shows it moved further west to intersect with the dock serving the west facing slips. Responding to a question from Hurt, Cuthill said the original turfside docks were some 300' into the Lake. They were permanent docks, and when the Association rebuilt they put in seasonal docks. Hurr questioned Cuthill and McClellan about a real estate advertisement indicat- ing a dock was part of a Chapman Place condominium. Both Cuthill and McClellan said they had no knowledge of the advertisement put out by a real estate company. Hurr questioned why the dock had to be moved out just be- cause of the rip-rap. McClellan responded that the dock had never been installed according to the 1989 plan due to low water. There was no experience with the dock configuration at high water levels. Carlson expressed concern about granting a variance when the hardship is created by the applicant, that is. the installation of the rip-rap. Thibault supported the request by stating there is a need to add 8' to get the dock slips beyond the rip-rap, 8' more to get additional water depth, and the additional 10' to acquire additional maneuvering space between slips 1-6 and 7-12. Cochran said he does not believe the rip-rap should take up more than 3'. Rascop asked if there are any covenants placed on the property when it was changed from 8urfside to Chapman Place. Cochran said that could be researched. Cochran said he would like to see an adjusted plan showing how it would look without the additional 10' between the slips for maneuvering space. Penn asked about the location in relation to the public access. Thibault responded that there is no interference. All interested parties having been given an opportunity to be heard, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 p. m.. Findings 1. Chapman Place is requesting a shallow water length variance for an additional 26' for a total dock length of 155' into the Lake. 2. Dock length was establish at 129' by LMCD Order of 2-22-89, copy attached. 3. Low water variance was granted 3-11-89 to 264', and was granted 3-28-90 to 306'. 4. On 4-13-91 the committee recommended a temporary extension to 274', and a review of amenities to compensate for excess of 1:50 storage by January 1993; the Board approved this recommendation on 4-24-92. Public Hearing - Chapman Place 5. In 1990 the applicant installed riprap which necessitated movin8 the docks westward and lakeward, according to the applicant's description. The marina nov finds, with the addition of the riprap, that the config- uration approved in 1989 does not allow enough maneuverability between slips 1-6 and 7-12 because of shallow water (21" to 30" at slips 1-6) during this near-normal lake level of 929.0. 7. An amended application would need to be submitted by the applicant to the DNR' if the 155~ dock length would be granted (DNR letter is attached).. 3 LAKE HINIqETO~ CONSERVATION DISTRICT IN RE: APPLICATION OF WATERFORD PROPERTIES, INC. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS A public hearing was held on the application of Waterford Properties, Inc. (Applicant) at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, 1988, at the Tonka Bay Village Hall. Mr. Ross Fefercorn appeared for the Applicant. The Applicant has applied for a commercial marina license for a marina to be operated at the site of the Chapman Place Condominium on the northwest side of Cooks Bay, LMCD Area Three. The marina will consist of a modification to a previously exist- .ing marina which will include 27 boat storage units. A dispute at the hearing about the legal entitlement to operate a marina at the site has since been resolved in favor of the Applicant by binding arbitration. For many years, a commercial marina was operated at the site in conjunc- tion with a restaurant. The marina included 51 slips, many of which were licensed as transient slips for use by patrons of the restaurant. Several years ago, the site was sold and a condominium project was constructed. The prior owner of the site continued to operate a commercial marina at the site under a lease agreement with the previous owner without dock licenses from the LMCD. Because the restaurant was discontinued, the Board has previously determined that there is no Justification for a continuation of the licensing of the transient slips. This application represents a considerable reduction in the size of the marina and the impact of the marina operation on the Lake. LMCD Code Section 2.11 defines various categories of dock uses including commercial marina, transient and outlot association uses. The Code forbids from any of these categories of use to another category ,conversion without first coming into compliance with all provisions of the LHCD Code. Therefore~ it would not be permissible to convert the operation at the site from commercial and transient to an outlot association use. The Applicant has submitted a copy of the proposed contract between the Applicant and Waterfront Specialties, Inc. (WSI) for operation of a commercial marina by WSI at the site. This contract, together with other evidence and assurances given by the Applicant shows that~ if operated in accordance with the contract and the description of the relationship between the Applicant and WSI, no impermissible conversion of use will occur. Conditions imposed in this Order are imposed to ensure continuing compliance with LMCD Code Section 2.11. ORDER A commercial dock license for operation of a commercial marina at the subject site is hereby granted subject to the following conditions. I. The marina shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the dock plan shown on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Order. To ensure continuing compliance with LMCD Code Section 2.11, the follow- ing slip rental policies and procedures are required: The Applicant shall notify the District of any change in its con- tractual relationship, whether written or oral, between the Appli- cant and WSI or any change in rental practices. Ce d® e® Boat slips shall be available for rental on a nondiscriminatory basis to any member of the public who makes timely ps~nent of fees and complies with reasonable rules and regulations of WSI. WSI shall maintain a waiting list of applicants for boat slips in the order in which applications are received and openings at slip spaces shall be offered to persons on such list in the same order. Only individual persons may be applicants for or lease slip space. The waiting list shall be open to inspection by representatives of the LMCD at any time during normal business hours. No priority of rights to rent space shall be given to members of Chapman Place Association Inc. or any person owning any interest in the site at which the marina is located. e No leases for boat slips may be sublet or assigned, and no priority of entitlement to a boat slip may be sublet or assigned. ge Prior to issuance of an annual dock license, the Applicant shall provide to the District satisfactory assurance that the contract between ~SI and the Applicant, which is on file at the District offices, is the only agreement between these parties and that there are no other agreements or understandings, either written or oral, between the parties with respect to the marina or the rental of slip spaces at the marina. Assurance shall also be given that WSI and the Applicant are entirely separate organizations and that there is no common ownership of the two. he Prior to issuance of the annual dock license, the Applicant shall also submit a list of all persons to whom slip privileges have been given and the owners of the boats kept at the slips and an identification of any of such persons who are also owners, tenants, or occupants of condominiums at the site or are related to, affiliated with, or employed by such owners. All docks constructed shall be seasonal docks and no de-icing shall be allowed. The license issued hereby shall grant no vested rights to the use of Lake Minnetonka. Such use shall at all times remain subject to regulation by the District to assure the public of reasonable and equitable access to the Lake. By Order of the Board of Directors of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District this 22nd day of February , 1989. L4:0703AC01.E19 ........ Revised Dock Plan meeti~g I~ I-, ..~- FE.r{ Id i9~9 20' set back requirements beyond 100' point per Dock Committee resolution o! 2/11/89 meeting. I ATTACH[lENT ONE PHONE NO. STATE OF EPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES METRO WATERS - 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN 5510~ENO' 772--7910 August 21, 1992 Eugene Strommen, Executive Director Lake Minnetonka Conservation District 900 East Wayzata Boulevard, $160 Wayzata, MN 55391-1857 RE: DOCK LENGTH VARIANCE, CHAPMAN PLACE MARINA, PERMIT #89-6397, LAKE MINNETONKA~ CITY OF MOUND~ HENNEPIN COUNTY Dear Mr. strommen: We have received the public hearing notice for the dock length variance application for the Chapman Place Marina docks. Chapman Place Marina is authorized under DNR permit $89-6397, which must be amended when the dock configuration or length changes. The length variance application should be approved with the condition that DNR permit #89-6397 will be amended to reflect the change in the dock length. The applicant will be required to submit a letter requesting the amendment of permit $89-6397 along with a revised plan for the docks and a $75.00 amendment fee (made out to the Department of Natural Resources) to this office before the permit can be amended. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Should you have any questions concerning this matter please call me, or Staff Hydrologist Joe Richter, at 772-7910. Sincerely, Ceil Strauss Area Hydrologist CC: Lake Minnetonka (27-133), Cook's Bay (#3) file Vince McClellan, Chapman Place Marina RECEIVED AUb 1992 Akt g:/"ll IAI /"iI;;CI~"'~ ~]'f | iI~lI'l'v r-I~ADI HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAYS Friday Sept. 25 & Saturday Sept. 26, 1992 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. each day Hennepin County Public Works Site 3880 Shoreline Drive County Road 15 S ACCEPTING Paints and Paint Thinners olvents and Wood Preservatives Pesticides and Garden Chemicals Cleaning Solvents Motor Oil Car Batteries Button Batteries Rechargeable Batteries Hobby Chemicals Tires (small fee) NOT ACCEPTING Explosives Radioactive Materials Compressed Gas Unidentified Wastes Automobile Antifreeze Phone West Hennepln Recycling Commission at 476-0012 for information. Printed on Recycled Paper lOS fUndlul by Honnepiu Co. Board of Com...lsslonerJ HENNEPIN IL_ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 4'I 7 North Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 5540'1-'1309 Phone: [6'12] 348-6846 FAX: [6'12] 348-8532 August 26, 1992 ~ AUG 2 8 I992 Mr. Edward j. Shukle, Jr. City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle: Hennepin County is sponsoring a total of five household hazardous waste event collections this fall. Each will be held on Friday and Saturday from g:O0 AM to 3:00 PM both days. The dates and locations are as follows: September 11 and 12 Two Minneapolis locations North Site Minneapolis Public Works facility 1809 Washington Street Northeast September 25 and 26 South Site Minneapolis Public Works facility 3607 East 44th Street Three suburban locations Bloomington 1400 West g6th Street (g6th and Humboldt) Orono County Public Works facility 3880 Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) Hopkins/Minnetonka County Public Works facility (Hopkins) 320 Washington Avenue South HENNEPIN COUNTY J~m~(~) on equal opporlunMy employer August 26, 1992 page 2 Items that will be accepted are as follows: oil-base paint; pesticides; paint thinners and solvents; cleaning solvents; automotive chemicals; photographic and hobby chemicals; wood preservatives; car batteries; household batteries; rechargeable appliances; auto tires {$1.00 per tire without rims and $2.00 per tire with rims); electronic goods; pool chemicals and latex paints. Items not accepted are radioactive materials, compressed gas and explosives. The CountY's permanent collection site for household hazardous waste is open six days a week. Hours of operation are 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturdays. This site accepts all materials that will be collected at the event sites. Only residents' of Hennepin County are welcome to use these collections. If you have any questions, please call me at 348-2311. Sincerely, Michael K. Brandt Conservation/Protection Unit Manager t: \corr\br&ndt \evenote :mi' COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY RESOURCES DIVISION HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING- Level 9 525 Portland Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554'15-2007 August 21, 1992 Police Chief Len Harrell 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Police Chief Harrell: I want to express my appreciation for your outstanding Officer, Steve Grand. I have been licensing Family Day Care homes in Mound for about 12 years and have had several occasions to work with him in various Child Protection issues in day care. He has always been quick to respond to situations, cooperative with County workers, and always acted in a professional manner. I have heard nothing but positive comments about officer Grand from Child Protection workers and from day care providers. Above all, I feel he should be commended for his genuine concern for the well being of children. Since~ rely, Zigrida Krake Senior Social Worker Family Day Care Unit I cc: Steve Grand HENNEPIN COUNTY 30~'~ on equoI opportunity ~rnploy,r THIS IS A PLACE TO TAKE YARD GRASS, LEAVES AND BRUSH: ACCEPTABLE YARD WASTE: LEAVES, GRASS AND SMALL BRUSH (LESS THAN 3" DIAMETER) NOT ACCEPTABLE: LUMBER, LARGE WOOD AND BURSH, STUMPS IF MATERIAL IS BAGGED, IT MUST BE DE-BAGGED AND THE BAGS REMOVED FROM THE SITE. IN FALL (OCT-NOV) HOURS WILL CHANGE AND THEY WILL BE OPEN A FEW MORE DAYS PER WEEK R A WYardWaste Site Open- Thursday 3-Spm Saturday 10-3pm Locatod on Co. Rd. 140 1/2 block off Hwy 212, and I/2 milo wost of Hwy 41 in Chaska For mor~ information call: 448-7833 BRUSH: 1.50 Per 30 gallon bag 7.50 Pet' Cubic Yard GEASS & LEA~: · 75 Per Bag 5.25 Pet Cubic Yard So~ry no checks ALSO !l HAPLE GROVE TREE SITE 348-6846 OPEN 8-4 MON-FRI THEY TAKE: TREE BRUSH - $18 TON LOGS - $ 9 TON STUMPS $39 TON CALL FOR DIRECTIONS LOCATED AT:. 77TH AND COUNTY RD 130 RE~'D SEP 2 1992 HENNEPIN COUNTY RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING FUNDING POLICY JANUARY 1, 1993, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1997 APPROVED BY THE HENNEPIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SEPTEMBER 1992 HENNEPIN COUNTY P, ESIDENTIAL RECYCLING FUNDING POLICY Hennepin County has adopted a policy to Provide funding support to municipalities for curbside collection of residential recyclables. This policy is the product of input received from municipalities through the Recycling Task Force which reviewed County programs and recommended direction for future program development. He Policy Description The Residential Recycling Funding Policy covers the period from January 1, 1993, to December 31, 1997, and provides for the following: Entitlement Grant Municipalities shall receive $1.75 per eligible residential housing unit per month for recycling program expenses including capital and operating costs. Eligible residential housing units are defined as single family through eight-plex residential units, or other residential units with separate entry and where the individual residential unit sets out its own refuse and recycling container, such as a townhome. Be Incentive Grant A waste reduction and recycling incentive grant fund will be established and will be equal to $ cents per month per eligible residential housing unit. This incentive fund will'be established each year using the total number of households as submitted by each municipality. Any portion of the incentive grant fund not awarded will remain in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. This fund will be used to provide grants for the capital and operating costs of new or innovative methods which contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of residential waste reduction and recycling programs. Also eligible are municipally sponsored programs for multi-housing and dormitories at higher education institutions. The municipal recycling coordinators, as a group, will determine a process to select five municipal representatives to the incentive grant committee. Two County staff will also be on the committee. The committee will develop criteria for incentive grants each year, and will evaluate and select proposals based on these criteria. III. Respo_ nsibilifies of Municipalities he Avplication for Fundim, 1. ~ a. Applications for the entitlement must be received by November 1, 1992 and by October 1 for each year thereafter in order to receive entitlement funding for the following year. The application must be accompanied by a city council resolution authorizing submi.'ttal of the application. b. Each municipality applying for entitlement funds must sign an agreement to receive entitlement and incentive payments. 2. Incentive Grant. s a. Applications for incentive grants are due by March 1, 1993 for the 1993 grant period. Applications must be accompanied by a resolution authorizing submittal of the application. For each year thereafter, applications for incentive grants must be submitted by October 1 in order to qualify for grants for the following year. b. For those cities awarded an incentive grant, an amendment to those cities' entitlement agreements will be prepared in order to ensure that grant funds can be paid to those cities. Minimum Pro,ram Re~uirement~ I. Recycling Performan~ Municipalities must recycle 1851; of their residential waste stream or the percentage achieved in 1992, whichever is greater. Hennepin County will determine the residential generation upon which this percentage is calculated, unless a municipality is able to measure its residential generation amount. Failure to achieve this percentage goal will result in the requirement that a plan to increase abatement be submitted for Hennepin County approval within 90 days of the submittal of the municipal year-end report. Materials to be Collected At a minimum, the following materials must be collected at curbside: a. Newspaper and advertising supplements; b. Corrugated cardboard; c. Clear, brown and green glass food and beverage containers; d. Metal food and beverage cans; and e. All plastic bottles with a neck except bottles that previously contained hazardous materials or motor oil. This list may be modified from .time to time, with input from municipalities and approval of Hermepin County. Ce De Reporting R~uirements 1. A Semi-Annual and a Final Report must be submitted to the County by July 15 .of the grant year and .February 15 of the following year, respectively, on forms provided by the County. Incentive grant activities and expenditures must be reported based on requirements developed through the incentive grant process. Use of Funds 1. All entitlement funds accepted from the County must be used for waste reduction and recycling capital and operating expenses in the year granted; any unused fund must be returned to the County by April I of the following year. e A municipality or township may not charge its residents through property tax, utility fees or any other method for that portion of the costs of its recycling program funded by County entitlement. e The municipality or township must establish a separate accounting mechanism such as a project number, activity number, cost center or fund that will separate recycling revenues and expenditures from all other municipal activities including solid waste and yard waste activities. All recycling and waste reduction activities, revenues and expenditures are subject to audit. Municipalities that do not contract for curbside recycling services will receive the entitlement specified in II.A provided these funds are credited back to those residents whose participation in curbside recycling programs can be verified. IVo Respo_ nsibilities of Hennepin County_ Entitlement grant payments will be made to a municipality or township. The first entitlement grant payment, amounting to one third of the grant application amount, will be made following the County Board approval of the grant application and execution of the grant agreement. The second and third payments will be made upon receipt of the Semi-Annual and Final Reports. Bo The County will convene an incentive grants committee (see II.B) to e~tablish criteria for incentive grant applications. Criteria for the 1993 funding year will be established by January 1, 1993, and by August 1 of the year preceding the funding year, for following periods. Co Hennepin County will continue this funding policy through December 31, 1997, or as long as State and County funds are available to fund this program. The County reserves the right to change any provision of this policy by Board resolution, with 90 days notice. Multi-Housing Progr0xn Hennepin County will continue to sUpport multi-housing recycling through the following: The five cent incentive program (II. B) may be used to cover multi-housing and dormitory recycling projects. B. Technical assistance will be provided to support multi-housing recycling programs. Advertising and public education efforts to support multi-housing recycling will be continued. REGIONAL BREAKFAST MEETINGS FOR LOCAL OFFICIALS IN HENNEPIN COUNTY Metropolitan Council Chair Mary E. ~lnderson invites you to her annual regional breakfast meetings for local officials in Hennepin County. The meetings provide an opportunity to talk about the regional issues the Council is dealing with. They also are a chance for you to tell us more about the impact of regional issues in your part of the Metro ~4rea. Chair Anderson will discuss the Council's ptiotities. Included are our New Ventures project to develop more effective ways to deliver government services, and our proposed vision and goals for the region in the year 2015. Council members are also interested in heating what you think the Council is doing tight, what it's doing wrong and what it should be doing in the future. Meeting details follow: HENNEPIN CO UNTY (NOR TH) HENNEPIN COUNTY (SOUTH) WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 23 WHEN: 7:30-9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29 7:30-9 a.m. Day's Inn Mpls. North 1501 Freeway Blvd. Brooklyn Center Boston Subway 1019 Main St. Hopkins RSgP Br.. Sept. 18 RSFP BY: Sept. 25 The cost per meeting is $6, which includes breakfast, tax and gratuity. TO RSI~, please call the Community Services Department at 291-6447. September 8, 1992 Mr. Edward J. Shukle City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 SEP 8 Dear Ed: I am writing to give notice that I will be resigning my position as Finance Director for the City of Mound effective October 1, 1992. I have accepted the Finance Director position for the City of St Cloud starting October 5, 1992. ' I would like to express my gratitude for all the support I have received from you, the finance department staff, all departments of the City and the City Council. I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together during my seven years with the City of Mound. I wish all my co-workers and friends in Mound the best of luck in the future. Sincerely, September 4, 1992 Mmnegasco' A Division of Arkla, Inc. Francene Leisinger City Clerk 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE' SEP 8 ;9§2 Dear Ms. Leisinger: I am writing to inform you that Minnegasco has filed a rate increase request with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) that would raise a typical residential heating customer's bill by about $3.50 per month. This request, Minnegasco's first general rate increase request in Minnesota since 1982, would increase overall revenues by about 5.5 percent. The MPUC has approved a 2.63 percent interim rate increase, effective September 1. An official notice of this filing is enclosed. Please share this information with your Mayor and City Council members at your earliest convenience. There are four major factors affecting Minnegasco's need for a rate increase: · The need to invest continually in the gas distribution system · Costs associated with old manufactured gas plants · The effects of inflation over several years · Growth of conservation programs designed to help customers save energy and money. The rate increase will help us meet the significant increases in our costs of doing business, and enable us to continue providing a safe, reliable supply of natural gas. Although we have been able to improve productivity and manage expenses effectively over the past several years, we're at a point where those efforts are no longer enough to offset rising COSTS. Even with this proposed increase in rates, Minnegasco's residential natural gas rates will still be the lowest offered by the five largest natural gas utilities in Minnesota. If you have any questions about this rate increase request, please don't hesitate to contact me at (612)342-4821. Sincerely, Kim Roden, Director Local Government & Community Relations 201 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Notice to Counties and Municipalities Under Minn. Stat. § 216B.16 Subd. 1 BEFORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - STATE OF MINNESOTA In the Matter of the Application ) of Minnegasco, Minneapolis, ) Minnesota, for Authority to Change ) Its Schedule of Natural Gas Rates ) for Retail Customers Within the ) State of Minnesota ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR P~ATE INCREASE MPUC Docket No. G-OO8/GR-92-400 On July 2, 1992, Minnegasco, a division of Arkla, Inc., (Minnegasco) filed a request with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for a general rate increase of $24.8 million or 5.5 percent. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 216.16 Subd. 3 (1990), the Commission shall order an interim rate schedule into effect no later than September 1, 1992. The Commission has approved an interim rate increase of $11.8 million or 2~63 percent. Below are examples of the effect of the proposed and interim increase on typical bills. Individual changes may be higher or lower depending on actual natural gas usage. Rate class Average Average Interim rates Proposed monthly usage monthly bill: rates CCFs current rates Residential 108 $ 47.00 $ 48.20 $ 50.40 Commercial 561 $ 236.40 $ 242.60 $ 250.00 and industrial Small volume 5,878 $ 1,389.80 $ 1,426.40 $ 1,511.40 interruptible Large volume 25,000 $10,357.00 $10,629.00 $10,677.00 firm Large volume 100,000 $22,128.00 $22,710.00 $20,650.00 interruptible The Commission will determine the amount of the final rate increase on or before May 3, 1993. If the final approved rates are less than the interim rates, the difference will be refunded to the customer, with interest. The Department of Public Service will conduct an investigation of Minnegasco's books and records. A public hearing will be scheduled by the MPUC. Public notice of the hearing dates and locations will be published in local newspapers in Minnegasco's Minnesota service areas. (over)