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AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1996, 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PAGE 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. e APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 27, 1996 REGULAR MEETING ................................... 2989-2997 3. CASE #96-44: PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE ~PERMIT FOR ZERO LOT LINE TWIN HOME, 5514 & 5518 ~ ~V~DRUMMOND ROAD, MARK GILECZEK, LOTS 4, 5, 14 & 15, WHIPPLE, PID 25-117-24 21 0025 ............................ 2998-3025 REQUEST FROM MOUND FREE CHURCH TO USE THE DEPOT AT MOUND BAY PARK FOR THE CHURCH'S YOUTH GROUP ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 18 THROUGH MAY 21, 1997 (EXCLUDING WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16TH, DUE TO THE DEPOT BEING RESERVED) ............. 3026 APPLICATION FOR A DANCE PERMIT AND TEMPORARY BEER PERMIT FOR MOHAWK SAYCEES - ALUMNI DANCE DURING MOUND WESTONKA HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING ....................................... 3027-3028 6. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ............... RESOLUTION APPROVING COMMENCEMENT OF CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS REGARDING AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND LOST LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ................................ 3029-3031 SET PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) ASSESSMENT AND UNPAID WATER AND SEWER BILLS. SUGGESTED DATE: OCTOBER 8, 1996 ................ 3032-3036 9. PRESENTATION OF 1997 PROPOSED BUDGET ......................... 2986 Agenda, Mound City Council September 11. I996 Page 2 10. 12. 13. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1997 PRELIMINARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,591,760; SETTING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY AT $1,895,080 LESS THE HOMESTEAD AGRICULTURAL CREDIT (HACA) OF $490,975, RF_.SULTING IN A PRELIMINARY CERTIFIED LEVY OF $1,404,105; APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OVERALL BUDGET FOR 1997; AND sETrlNG PUBLIC HEARING DATES ......................... 3037-3039 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO EXCEED $24,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 1997 ............................................. 3040 PAYMENT OF BILLS ................................... 3041-3053 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS: DEPARTMENT HEAD MONTHLY REPORTS FOR AUGUST, 1996 ................................ 3054-3082 Bo LMCD REPRESENTATIVE'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1996 ........ .~. .~. . . .(.(.~.~. . .-. ........ 3083 NOTICE FROM THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES RE: REGIONAL MEETINGS. THE NEAREST ONE TO MOUND IS IN WATERTOWN, WHICH IS SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, oC~. THERE IS AN AFTERNOON PROGRAM BEGINNING AT 2 PM. SOCIAL HOUR BEGINS AT 5 PM, FOLLOWED BY DINNER AT 6 PM. IT WILL BE HELD AT THE WATERTOWN CITY HALL. IF INTERESTED IN ATTENDING, LET LINDA KNOW ASAP .................. 3084-3087 INVITATION FROM THE CITY OF WATERTOWN TO ATTEND THEIR GRAND OPENING OF THEIR NEW CITY HALL ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 10 AM - 2 PM ....................................... 3088 Eo REMINDER: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1996. 2987 Agenda, Mound City Council September 11, 1996 Page 3 NOTICE FROM MIKE LOOBY, CO-CHAIR, WESTONKA COMMUNITY CENTER TASK FORCE, REGARDING A MEETING OF THE TASK FORCE SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1996, 7:30 AM, WESTONKA COMMUNITY CENTER REGARDING THE STATUS OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER, ANTICIPATED SCHOOL BOARD ACTION TO DEMOLISH THE EXISTING CENTER AND REPLACE IT WITH A NEW BUILDING AND POSSIBLE INVOLVEMENT IN THE NEW BUILDING BY AREA CITIES AS IT RELATES TO COMMUNITY FUNCTIONS, I.E., SENIOR CENTER, MULTI-PURPOSE GYMNASIUM, ETC. AS IN THE PAST WHERE REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE CITIES ATTENDED, THE TASK FORCE IS ASKING THE MAYOR AND A CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND. SINCE COUNCILMEMBER JENSEN IS A MEMBER OF THE TASK FORCE, THE TASK FORCE IS REQUESTING THAT MAYOR POLSTON ATTEND THIS MEETING. I HOPE YOUR CALENDARS ARE CLEAR SO THAT YOU CAN ATTEND THIS MEETING. PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE .............................. 3089-3093 2988 Timeline: Sep 9 Sep 23 Oct 14 Winter 97 March 97 Spring 97 January 98 Recommendation to Board to build new building Discussion regarding providing operating expenses with school dollars for. community building partnership possibility Authorization to direct architect to develop master plan and schedule Authorization to direct construction manager to verify cost estimates This action will initiate formation of a Building Design Committee for the community center building This action will initiate soil samplings at possible sites, and property appraisal. Presentation of tentative master design and several site options for discussion and modification Recommendation to Board for specific master design and site location Authorization to direct architect to finalize design Best climate for letting bids If necessary, interim move to relocate prior to demolition DemOlition followed by construction, or construction followed by demolition Move to new location 3o*3 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 27, 1996 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, September 27, 1996 at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Mark Hanus, Liz Jensen and Phyllis Jessen. Also in attendance: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Attorney Curt Pearson, Building Official Jon Sutherland and Acting City Clerk Linda Strong. City Engineer John Cameron arrived at 8:10 PM. The following interested citizens were also present: Jill Botko, Jack Sobraske, John and Kathy Aquilina, Amy L. Cicchese, and Mark Jorland. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 13, 1996 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens, and carried unanimously, to approve the Minutes of the August 13, 1996 Regular City Council meeting. 1.1 APPROVE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 20, 1996 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. There were a few minor changes to the Minutes of the 8-20-96 C.O.W. meeting. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Jessen and carried unanimously to approve the Minutes of the August 20, 1996 Committee of the Whole meeting as changed. 1.2 CASE//96-42: VARIANCE FOR GARAGE ADDITION, 5996 LYNWOOD BLVD.. JILL BOTKO, PART OF LOT 20, KOEHLER'S 2ND ADDITION, PID 14-11%24 42 0046. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated that applicant Jill Botko was applying for a 3 foot side yard setback variance to construct a 16.39' x 32' garage addition 3 feet from the side property line. The new garage will replace an existing one car detached garage and a storage building that encroaches on the neighboring property. The owner plans to remove the old garage and shed. Planning Commission and staff recommend approval. Councilmember Ahrens moved and Councilmember Jensen seconded the following recommended resolution: Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 RESOLUTION//96-82 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR A GARAGE AT 5996 LYNWOOD BLVD., PART OF LOT 20, KOEHLER'S 2ND ADDITION, PID 14-11%24-42 0046, PZ//96-42. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.3 CASE //96-39: VARIANCE FOR PORCH, 5009 WILSHIRE BLVD.. JOHN SOBRASKE, M&B, BLK 40, WYCHWOOD, PID 24-11%24-13-0035. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated that John Sobraske was applying for a variance to recognize the existing and proposed nonconforming setbacks to allow for construction of a nonconforming 9' x 13' three season porch. He stated impervious cover was conforming at 40% with the existing drainage situation. The Planning Commission recommended approval 6-2. Councilmember Ahrens moved and Councilmember Hanus seconded the following proposed resolution: RESOLUTION//96-83 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO RECOGNIZE EXISTING NONCONFORMING SETBACKS TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A PORCH AT 5009 WILSHIRE BLVD., M&B, BLOCK 40, WYCHWOOD, PID//24-117-24 13 0035, PZ//96-39. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 CASE g96-40: VARIANCE FOR SHED, 3030 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, JOHN & KATHY AQUILINA, LOT 48, PHELPS ISLAND PARK 1ST DIVISION, PID 19-11% 23-34 0073. Building Official Jon Suthefland stated the owners John and Kathy Aquilina are applying for a variance to allow reconstruction of a nonconforming 8' x 10' shed 22 feet from the ordinary high water (OHW) elevation. All other setbacks, lot area, and lot coverage are conforming. The Shoreland Management Ordinance allows for one water oriented accessory structure (a lock box) provided that it does not have a floor area exceeding 20 square feet and is a maximum of four feet in height. The lock box must also be treated to reduce visibility as viewed from the lake. The shed will be used to store a riding lawn mower as the owner states is due to a severe slope to the lake that is dangerous to drive up and down. It was noted that the applicant was also applying for a 3' side yard setback variance also. This was to be added to the resolution. Staff recommended denial, Planning Commission approved 5-2, due to the practical difficulty and the present location has the least impact to the neighbors. 2 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 Councilmember Hanus moved and Councilmember Ahrens seconded the amended resolution: RESOLUTION//96-84 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SETBACK VARIANCES TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A NONCONFORMING SHED AT 3030 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 48, PHELPS ISLAND PARK 1ST DIVISION, PID 19-11%23 34 0073, P&Z//96-40 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.5 CASE //96-41: VARIANCE FOR DECK, 4753 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, CHRT~ BRIGHT, LOT 10, BLK 7, DEVON PID 30-11%23-22-0058. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated the owner has applied for a variance to recognize an existing nonconforming detached garage in order to allow construction of a conforming 12' x 32' deck on the lake side. According to the applicants site plan, the existing detached garage is setback approximately 4 feet to the front property line, and 2 feet to the east side. The required setbacks are 8 feet to the front and 4 feet to the side for this situation. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. Councilmember Jessen moved and Councilmember Ahrens seconded the resolution as proposed: RESOLUTION//96-41 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE RECOGNIZING AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING DETACHED GARAGE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING DECK AT 4753 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 10, BLOCK 7, DEVON, PID 30-117-23 22 0058, P&Z//96-41 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.6 CASE//96-45: VARIANCE FOR DECK, 4833 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE GLENN AMY HURD, LOT 9, BLK 13, DEVON, PID 25-117-24 11 0034. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated that due to comments from the Planning Commission, Mr. Hurd has removed his item from the agenda and is redesigning his plans and will return to the Planning Commission. City Attorney stated the item should have action to refer the item back to the staff and Planning Commission. MOTION by Ahrens to table Case //96-45 until the Staff and Planning Commission review this case with further information. 3 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 City Attorney stated the item should have action to refer the item to Planning Commission and staff not to table it. MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Hanus and carried unanimously to refer the item, Case //96-45 back to staff and Planning Commi~ion for further information. 1.7 COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT, There were none. 1.8 REQUEST FROM THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (SRA) TO CONSIDER JOINING THIS ORGANIZATION ON A TRIAL BASIS AT NO COST FOR ONE YEAR. City Manager Ed Shukle stated the Suburban Rate Authority is a joint powers organization consisting of 33 Twin Cities suburban cities. The SPA has been in existence for over 20 years and they are proposing an associate membership through June 30, 1997 at no fee. There would be no obligation to continue membership after that date at a membership fee of $400-$800. The purpose of joining the SPA is to continue protecting cities rights-of-way and the health, safety and welfare of its residents. This is especially important with the telecommunications and electric companies, which includes rate changes and use of our rights-of-way. A member and an alternate needs to be appointed and a resolution furnished back to the SRA. The Council consensus was to appoint Mark Hanus as member and Ed Shukle as alternate member. Councilmember Jensen stated she could not be involved with this as her employer was U.S. West. Mayor Polston moved and Councilmember Ahrens seconded the following resolution to include Mark Hanus as member and Ed Shukle as alternate member: RESOLUTION//96-86 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY; AND DESIGNATING A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY AS ITS MEMBER ON THE BOARD OF THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY. The vote carried 4-0. Hanus abstained.~L.~,i7// 1.9 PETITION REQUESTING THAT SHERWOOD DRIVE UNDERGO A COMPLETE STREET IMPROVEMENT AND REQUESTING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECT THE CITY ENGINEER TO CONDUCT A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENT. 4 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 City Manager Ed Shukle stated a petition was presented to do a full street improvement on Sherwood Drive. He stated that this road was not upgraded in the 70's as Sherwood Drive was only 11 years old then. Mark Jorland, 5549 Sherwood Drive, was present and he stated the street has sunken over the years and now the storm water runs to the east end of the road toward his driveway, and the storm drain is at the west end of the road at Commerce Blvd. John Cameron, City Engineer, stated there are 13 addresses on Commerce and only nine were on the petition. According to the Statute, more than 35 % of the addresses must be on the petition or a 4/5 vote by the Council is needed. There were 35 % of the residents on the petition. Councilmember Hanus stated he would like to hear from the other nine residents. City Attorney Curt Pearson stated that a public hearing would be set after the feasibility report was completed, should the Council direct the feasibility study to be done. MOTION Polston, seconded by Hanus and carried unanimously to direct staff to prepare a feasibility report on the improvement of Sherwood Drive. 1.10 APPLICATION FOR A QUASI-PUBLIC FUNCTION PORTABLE SIGN PERMIT OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH, INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL City Manager Ed Shukle stated the church wanted to place signs by the Depot, SuperAmerica, old Norwest Bank, vacant lot across from PDQ and at the church. MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to approve portable signs for Our Lady of the Lake Church for the Incredible Festival. 1.11 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS, OUR LADY INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL - SATURDAY/SUNDAY, DANCE AND TEMPORARY BEER PERMIT. OF THE LAKE CHURCH SEPTEMBER 21 & 22, 1996 MOTION by Polston, seconded by Jessen and carried unanimously to approve a "Temporary Beer Permit" and a "Dance Permit" for Our Lady of the Lake Church for September 21 & 22, 1996. 1.12 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REOUEST NO. 1 - CALDWELL ASPHALT, 1996 .SEALCOAT PROJECT. City Manager Ed Shukle stated that Caldwell Asphalt has a payment request in for the 1996 Seal Coat project in the amount of $26,061.75. The project is complete, but the city engineer recommends retaining 5 % until a few minor difficulties are resolved. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Hanus and carried unanimously to approve the payment of $26, 061.75, which includes the retainer of 5%, to Caldwell Asphalt 5 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 for the 1996 Seal Coat project. 1.13 APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL EI.ECTION JUDGES FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION. MOTION by Jessen, seconded by Ahrens, and carried unanimously, to approve the list of additional election judges for the Primary and General Election. 1.14 APPROVAL OF BEER LICENSE FOR MOUND LANES. MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen, and carried unanimously to approve the beer license for Mound Lanes, contingent upon all required forms, insurance and taxes being paid, as submitted. 1.15 PAYMENT OF BILLS. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Hanus to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $140,456.91, when funds are available. A roil call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ADD-ON ITEMS -- 1.16 PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RELATING TO THE DIVISION OF TAX COMBINED PARCELS: SECTION 330:12, WAIVER OF PLATTING City Manager Ed Shukle informed the Council that this item was before the Planning Commission on Monday, August 26, 1996 and was brought to the Council meeting the next night to get clarification regarding the lot of record status and subdivision issues relating to the Kildare Road Improvement. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated the City Planner Mark Koegler had written a letter to the city attorney outlining the Planning Commission's concerns relating to the Kildare Road area project. The city attorney's response included his drafting a proposed ordinance amendment relating to adding a waiver of platting provision to the Subdivision Code. The Planning Commission had recommended that the proposed ordinance be held until it could be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Planner and possibly a public hearing. The Commission would like to review the impact it may have on the City and they felt the ordinance was missing features that should be included. The City Attorney Curt Pearson stated Kildare Road housing proposals main issue is that they 6 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 cannot divide their 12 lots without the City's approval. No approval has been given yet. When the issue of a need for a division or a subdivision was raised, staff reviewed the ordinance. A waiver of platting code division had been left out when the ordinance was revised. The minor subdivision provision makes reference to through lots that can be created, otherwise it is a major subdivision. A major subdivision is covered by the code, but the process is detailed and expensive to divide a piece of property. The Kildare lots do not fit in the minor process because that is limited to creating three parcels or lots. The major process is more complicated, expensive and time consuming. Even a PDA needs a process similar to a subdivision, because you are creating various parcels of record. As the attorney understands the Kildare case, twelve lots which have been combined can be divided along original property lines by the combination of two lots. And, therefore, the twelve combined lots could be divided into 6 parcels which will meet the Zoning Code. Sutherland confirmed this statement. They are conforming in most respects with the City's subdivision regulation and the zoning codes for that area. Sutherland added that the lots are not conforming to the required lot width. The City Engineer stated that they are not the full 40 feet. Pearson stated the process he prepared in this proposed ordinance was an effort to give the City some control, at the same time provide a simpler process which has always been there in the past for the division of property. Pearson intended to simplify the process to some extent. Combining lots was usually done to avoid city special assessments or for other tax purposes. When a person wants to re-divide combined lots, staff needs to make sure the proposed division meets the current codes, not the codes that existed in the past. Assessments need to be checked. Pearson stated that in drafting the ordinance, he made it optional whether the request does or does not go to the Planning Commission. He stated it is consistent with every waiver of the platting code ordinance which he is familiar with. Pearson commented regarding the amount of time an item can be tabled. If the Council does not take action on a request, presented to them in proper form, the request of the applicant would automatically became approved after 60 days. The City could extend the time by sending a notice of a need for an additional 60 days with reasons. The City should have a policy adopted which states no time starts to toll unless the application is completed properly and all required materials have been presented to the City. Hanus stated there is currently a request for a number of variances on the Kildare lots, including the lot width. The private road they wish to install requires a number of variances. He wasn't sure this was tied to another subdivision. Pearson stated that to his knowledge, there is no application for a subdivision on Kildare, the only item is the developer wants to separate 12 lots into 6 different parcels. Sutherland stated Fine Line went directly to the Council to get approval for the road, they did not go to the Planning Commission. The proposals of Fine Line came to the staff in several stages, in bits and pieces, a complete plan was not presented. Determinations were made on the information available at the time. A number of issues could not be identified until the information was supplied by the applicant. Mayor Polston suggested the staff meet with Fine Line Developers and have them put everything on paper, so the Planning Commission could review it. 7 Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 It was the Council consensus that there is a need to consider the Attorney's suggested draft of a waiver of platting ordinance, that is an easier and less costly way to handle simple subdivision requests. City Engineer John Cameron stated the developers of the Kildare project want to redivide the lots without going through a subdivision process because they will keep their "lot of record~ status. There are a number of requirements that are easier to meet than if they have a newly created parcel, including bluff setback, side yard setbacks, etc. They can meet the requirements with a lot of record status, but maybe not with a new parcel status. Pearson stated that the "lot of record" provisions of the ordinance need to be revised because when a parcel is created or divided, the new parcel description should prevail. The whole purpose of a combination of lots or replats, etc., is to bring the parcels up to date with the current code requirements. Mayor Polston moved and Councilmember Jensen seconded the following ordinance amendment with the addition of "which shall include a provision to reimburse the City for all of its costs.~; the addition of "..in compliance with all City codes." Eliminate" in the best interest of reaching the goals of the City planning and zoning requirements." Delete "decision" and replace with "request". MOTION by Polston, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to approve the Ordinance Adding Section 330:12 to the City Subdivision Code allowing for a Waiver of Platting, as amended. A copy of the revised Ordinance will be distributed to the Council and Building Official for review before publishing in the paper. 1.17 POSSIBLE CONDEMNATION ACTION - AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROVEMENT PRO,IECT City Manager Ed Shukle stated that Evergreen Land Company has been having difficulty in securing certain properties needed for the Auditor's Road Improvement project and time is running out. An easement agreement was signed with the Meisels stating the property required for the project would all be obtained by the end of 1996, and if not, the Meisel agreement would be null and void. He asked the Council for permission to go forward and prepare a resolution for condemnation and bring it back to the Council for approval. This procedure may not be necessary, but documentation should be prepared. Mayor Polston asked if all avenues have been used to acquire the property, and the City Manager affirmed all had been tried. Councilmember Hanus stated this was a hard decision, but time is close. Mayor Polston stated it was difficult to get to this point. This project is in the best interest for the City and we need to move ahead. He hoped things could be negotiated. Councilmember Ahrens commented to continue negotiations. MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to direct staff to prepare resolution for condemnation proceedings regarding the properties needed to be purchased in the Auditor's Road Improvement project and to bring the resolution back to the next meeting. Minutes - Mound City Council Meeting - August 27, 1996 1.18 .LETTER REGARDING BATCH//9, PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TO MRS. ANDERSON AND MR. SMITH FROM ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER- COUNCILMEMBER AHRENS Councilmember Ahrens wanted to discuss a letter written by the City Manager in response to a letter he received requesting the Council to review and approve Batch gO. He had written back to them stating the applications were tabled by the Commission and no action was taken. According to the City's Procedure Manual, these items would not go to the Council until the Commission had reviewed and made their recommendations. He asked them to be patient. City Manager Ed Shulde stated he used "parliamentary discretion~ in translating the manual. Councilmember Hanus asked about time frames, does 60 days also apply here when the item was tabled at the Parks and Open Space Commission, if that time passes, do the requests automatically get approval? Consensus was that the City Attorney will verify the time frame and give information to the city manager. 1.19 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS, Ao FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY 1996 AS PREPARED BY GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR. B. PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1996. C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1996. Do ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1996. REMINDER: CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1996. REMINDER: CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 HAS BEEN CHANGED TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1996, DUE TO THE PRIMARY ELECTION. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45. Edward J. Shukle, City Manager Attest: Linda Strong, Acting City Clerk RESOLUTION #96- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW ZERO LOT LINE TWINHOMES AT 5214/5218 DRUMMOND ROAD LOTS 4v 5v 14 & 15, BLOCK 12~ WHIPPLE PID 25-117-24 21 0025 P&Z CASE 96-44 · WHEREAS, the applicant, Mark Gileczek, has submitted an plication for a Conditional Use Permit to divide an existing two ~milv dwelling into two single parcels of record with the party (~all ~cting as the dividing lot line, and; WHEREAS, divisions of two family dwellings may be allowed only by Conditional Use Permit in the R-2 Zoning District, subject to the conditions set forth under Zoning Ordinance Section 350:630, Subd. 3 and 4, and; WHEREAS, in this case, the common wall for the units was not built exactly on the lot line, therefore, a minor subdivision is also proposed in order to modify the common lot line of the two dwelling units, and; WHEREAS, the Mound Zoning Code requires 14,000 square feet as the minimum lot size for two family dwellings. The Ordinance also states, "Each lot so created shall contain no less than 1/2 the minimum land area requirement for a twin home dwelling," and; WHEREAS, the PlanningCommission has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended approval, and; WHEREAS, as a result of the proposed lot line shift, the Westerly Parcel will have an area of 6,972 square feet and the Easterly Parcel will have an area of 7,034 square feet, therefore, the lot line needs to be adjusted to render both lots equal in size thereby eliminating the need for a variance, and; WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance also contains a number of provisions that apply to this case: - Separate services shall be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone, and other utilities. - No existing two family structure may be split into two separate ownerships unless and until the common party wall fire rating is brought up to new construction standards contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Party walls must provide sound transmission control ratings as per the UBC. - The owner of the property to be subdivided shall execute and record at their expense, a ,,Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" as approved by the city Attorney. Proposed Resolution Gileczek P. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the application for a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Subdivision to separate the existing two family dwelling into single parcels of record with the party wall acting as the dividing side lot line, for the property legally described as Lots 4, 5, 14 and 15, Block 12, Whipple, PID 25-117- 24 21 0025, subject to the following conditions: Prior to release of this resolution for filing, the following conditions shall be fully completed: ae An amended survey must be submitted to the City depicting a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet for both the Easterly Parcel and the Westerly Parcel, and the legal descriptions for both new parcels. This survey will be attached to this resolution as Exhibit A. Separate services for all utilities shall be provided as per City Code. c. The common party wall shall comply with the fire rating and sound transmission requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC), and as applicable, the project shall comply with all building codes, fire codes and other regulatory measures. d. Prior to release of this resolution, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. The street frontage shall remain the same at 40 feet for each parcel. This Conditional Use Permit and Minor Subdivision shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction must be issued, and the work completed prior to the recording of this resolution and the filing with the City Clerk. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 96-44 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A TWIN HOME LOCATED WITHIN THE R-2 ZONING DISTRICT AT 5214/5218 DRUMMOND ROAD LOTS 4, 5, 14, & 15, BLOCK 12, WHIPPLE PID 25-11%24 21 0025, P&Z NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 1996 to consider the approval of a conditional use permit to allow for a Twin Home located within the R-2 Two Family Residential Zoning District. Two family dwellings and twin homes may be divided into single parcels of record with the party wall acting as the dividing lot line by issuance of a conditional use permit. The subject property is legally described as follows: Lots 4, 5, 14, and 15, Block 12, Whipple, Hennepin County, Minnesota, together with that part of adjacent Hanover Road which accrued thereto by vacation. All persons appearing at said heating with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Pegg,~ J~rn~s, Planing Secretary Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affected property by August 30, 1996. Published in "The Laker" August 24, 1996. printed on recycled paper iVfINUTES OF A MEETING OF TH'E MOUND ADV/SORY PLANNING COMMIgSION AUGUST 12, 1996 CASE 96-44: CONDITIONAL USE P~MIT FOR ZERO LOT LINE TWIN HOME, 5214 & 5218 DRUMMOND ROAD, MARK GILECZEK, LOTS 4t 5, 14t & 15t BLOCK 12, W~IPPLEt PID 25-117-24 21 0025. PUBLIC HEARING. City Planner, Mark Koegler, reviewed the Planning Report. The applicant is seeking to divide an existing two family dwelling into two separate legal parcels. Under the Mound Ordinance, divisions of two family dwellings can occur through the issuance of a conditional use permit. In this case, the common wall for the units was not built exactly on the lot line, therefore, a minor subdivision is also proposed in order to modify the common lot line of the two dwelling units. As a result of the proposed lot line shift, the Westerly Parcel will have an area of 6,972 square feet and the Easterly Parcel will have an area of 7,034 square feet. The Mound Zoning Code requires 14,000 square feet as the minimum lot size for two family dwellings. The Ordinance also states, "Each lot so created shall contain no less than 1/2 the minimum land area requirement for a twin home dwelling, and shall be shown on a registered survey.', Therefore, as proposed, this request would also involve a lot size variance for the Westerly Parcel of 28 square feet. Since the lot line is being adjusted to accommodate the shift in the common wall, it could be further adjusted to render both lots equal in size thereby eliminating the need for the variance. The Zoning Ordinance also contains a number of other provisions that apply to this case. They state: 4 Planning Commission ~inu~es Augus= 12, 1996 - Separate services shall be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone, and other utilities. - No existing two family structure may be split into two separate ownerships unless and until the common party wall fire rating is brought up to new construction standards contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Party walls must provide sound transmission control ratings as per the UBC. - The owner of the property to be subdivided shall execute and record at their expense, a ,,Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" as approved by the City Attorney. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed conditional use permit and minor subdivision subject to the following conditions: 1. The survey for the minor subdivision shall be amended to depict a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet for both the Easterly Parcel and the Westerly Parcel. 2. Separate services for all utilities shall be provided as per City code. 3. The common party wall shall comply with the fire rating and sound transmission requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). 4. The submitted Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements shall be reviewed and approved by the city Attorney. 5. As applicable, the project shall comply with all building codes, fire codes and other regulatory measures. Mueller questioned the street frontage requirements. Koegler confirmed that each lot is required to have 40 feet of street frontage, therefore, if the lot line is to be shifted to accommodate for the difference in square footage, this should occur at the rear of the lot. Weiland questioned the need for park dedication fees. Koegler stated that he can review the ordinance to see if it applies. Chair Michael opened the public hearing. There being nobody present to speak on the issue, Chair Michael closed the public hearing. Mueller questioned the applicant, Mark Gileczek about the utilities. Mr. Gileczek explained that both units have separate water, but are served by one sewer. 5 Planning Commission Minutes August 12, I996 Weiland moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Minor Subdivision, as recommended by staff, including the following conditions: The street frontage remain the same at 40 feet for each parcel. Staff review the ordinance and determine if a park dedication fee should be paid. Motion carried unanimously. Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. II'li k-'4H PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: August 6, 1996 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Mark Gileczek CASE NUMBER: 96-44 HKG FILE NUMBER: 96-5v LOCATION: 5218 and 5214 Drummond Road EXISTING ZONING: Two Family Residential (R-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeking to divide an existing two family dwelling into two separate legal parcels. Under the Mound Ordinance, divisions of two family dwellings can occur through the issuance of a conditional use permit. In this case, the common wall for the units was not built exactly on the lot line, therefore, a minor subdivision is also proposed in order to modify the common lot line of the two dwelling units. As a result of the proposed lot line shift, the Westerly Parcel will have an area of 6,972 square feet and the Easterly Parcel will have an area of 7,034 square feet. The Mound Zoning Code requires 14,000 square feet as the minimum lot size for two family dwellings. The Ordinance also states, "Each lot so created shall contain no less than Va the minimum land area requirement for a twin home dwelling, and shall be shown on a registered survey." Therefore, as proposed, this request would also involve a lot size variance for the Westerly Parcel of 28 square feet. Since the lot line is being adjusted to accommodate the shift in the common wall, it could be further adjusted to render both lots equal in size thereby eliminating the need for the variance. 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 Planning Report - Conditional Use Permit and Minor Subdivision August 6, 1996 Page 2 The Zoning Ordinance also contains a number of other provisions that apply to this case. They state: · Separate services shall be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and other utilities. No existing two family structure may be split into two separate ownerships unless and until the common party wall fire rating is brought up to new construction standards contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Party walls must provide sound transmission control ratings as per the UBC. · The owner of the property to be subdivided shall execute and record at their expense, a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" as approved by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed conditional use permit and minor subdivision subject to the following conditions: 1. The survey for the minor subdivision shall be amended to depict a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet for both the Easterly Parcel and the Westerly Parcel. Separate services for all utilities shall be provided as per City Code. The common party wall shall comply with the fire rating and sound transmission requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The submitted Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. As applicable, the project shall comply with all building codes, fire codes and other regulatory measures. Rev. 3-6-96 Application for CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT city of Mound 5341 Maywood Road, Phone: 472-0600, Mound, MN 55364 Fax: 472-0620 Planning Commission Date: City Council Dated-[~-q~' Case No. Conditional Use Permit Fee: $200.00 Distribution: City Planner: City Engineer: Public Works: Other: INFORMATION Name of Business D~SCSI~IIO~ ' APPLICANT The applicant is: ~o~ner~ othe/~ Name O~ER {if other than Address applicant} Phons (H) (W) (M) ~.~. ~ ~,,~ S~,~,,~ ~,~~ c~ .... - 1 R-lA ~ R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 ZONING Circle: DISTRICT Conditional Use Permit Application Page 2 EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( ) yes, (~ no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. ~pp~cant's S~gnatur~ Property Owner's Signature Date f NORTH LINF- OF S~F.' ~ /...- Si~i, 9°4.S'S~"~ /OF YACA'TEDH...ANOVERIil] .... ,, ---::o.oo--- ~o. olo , , ^ .'~ I A T c- r-, / , , ^ ,~,.,, ~,~/[_- ~,,~ i' ~-~ D~UMMOI'qD '[' RD. NFL-- D AD VANCE ,FUR VEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone(612)4747964 Fax (612) 474 8267 MARK GILECZEK ~ July, 1996 ~ July 9, 1996 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTIRE PARCEL: Lots 4, 5, 14, and 15, Block 12, Whipple, Hannepin County, Minnesota, together with that part of adjacent Hanover Road which accrued thereto by vacation. pROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WESTERLY PARCEL: 5Z~ ~ That part of the following described parcel: Lots 4, 5, 14, and 15, Block 12, Whipple, Hennepin County, Minnesota, together with that part of adjacent Hanover Road which accrued thereto by vacation; Which lies WEST of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast comer of said Lot 15; thence on an assumed bearing ol`North 89 degrees 46 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 40 feet to the point of bagianing of the line to be described; thence North 01 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 33.45 feet; thence North 02 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 33.76 feet; thence North 00 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 107.91 feet to the northwest comer of ,~id Lot 4 and there terminating. That part of the following described parcel: ~ Lots 4, 5, 14, and 15, Block 12, Whipple, Hennepin County, Minnesota, together with that part of adjacent Hanover Road which accrued thereto by vacation; Which lies EAST of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Lot 15; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 46 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 40 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 01 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 33.45 feet; thence North 02 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 33.76 feet; thence North 00 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of I07.91 feet to the northwest comer of said Lot 4 and there terminating. We show a proposed division of the property but recommend that you find out which governmental agencies have jurisdiction over such a proposal and obtain their approval if you can, before making any important decisions regarding the properly. ' SCALE___._._~ ONE INCH EQUALS 20 FEET STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: "o" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, it' "o" is filled in, then denotes found iron monument. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I a Professional SI rv under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. J~ fl. Parker P E & p S No. 92~_'_'_'_'_'_'_~ CITY OF MOUND HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) LOT AREA -~ (~"3(-/ SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) .............. LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record*) ....... LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) *Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques .are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225,Subd. 6. B. 1. (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE -~1.~ X _,~ C/, / ~" = '"7 ~ '7 , ?7. X = DETACHED BLDGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover OTHER TOTAL HOUSE ......................... X = X = TOTAL DETACHED BLDGS ................. X = X TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC .................. X = X = X = TOTAL DECK .......................... X = X = -7(~7' TOTAL OTHER ......................... TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (~) OVER (ind~c~e difference) ............................... .. - / .... ~0~o CITY Of MOUND .HARDCOVER CALCULATION?, {IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record*) ....... j j LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) . . J j LOT AREA (.O,9-),,~ SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) .............. *Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques-are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6. B. 1. (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. HOUSE DETACHED BLDGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT -~ 1, ~ x ~ ~/,/5- = -7(07, 97 X = TOTAL HOUSE DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover OTHER TOTAL DETACHED BLDGS ~ ..~.._ _~,/'P ............... TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC X = X = X = TOTAL DECK TOTAL OTHER . "TG?, 9 7 TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE I! 3570.3 S~_1 ~Nk~/OVER (indicate difference) :Jo( t R-2 Two Family Residential Zoning Ordinance Excerpts 4/93 Subd. 3. TWO Family Dwellinqs and Twin Homes - Lot Area, Heiqht, Lot Width, Yard and Lot Coveraqe Requirements (R-2). A. No building hereafter erected shall exceed two and one half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. B. minimum requirements shall be observed requirements, exceptions, and in other sections of this The following subject to additional modifications set forth ordinance. Ce Minimum Lot Area .......... 14,000 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width ............. 80 feet Front Yard ............... 20 feet Side Yard ................. 10 feet Rear Yard ................. 15 feet Minimum lot frontage on an improved public street shall be 80 feet, except that lots fronting on a cul- de-sac shall be 80 feet at the front building setback line. Minimum Side Yard Setback Requirements for Lots of Record (R-2): Side yard setbacks shall be six (6) feet unless the structures or sites do not contain garages in which case, side yard setbacks shall be ten (10) feet to accommodate driveway accesses. Subd. 4. Twin Home Dwellinq - Conditional Uses (R-2). Two family dwellings and twin homes may be divided into single parcels of record with the party wall acting as the dividing lot line by issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the following conditions: A. Each of the lots created in subdividing lands on which a two family structure is located shall be equal in area or as near equal as is reasonably possible. B. Each lot so created shall contain no less than 1/2 the minimum land area requirement for a twin home dwelling, and shall be shown on a registered survey. C. Except for setbacks along the common property line, all other setback and yard requirements shall be met. D. Separate services shall be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and other utilities. 2 R-2 Two Family Residential Zoning Ordinance Excerpts 4/93 Ee Fe Ge He The two family units, either existing or proposed, must be constructed in a side-by-side manner. To protect the safety and property of the owner and occupants of each individual unit, no existing two family structure may be split into two separate ownerships unless and until the common party wall fire rating is brought up to new construction standards contained in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Party walls must provide sound transmission control ratings as per the UBC. The owner of property to be subdivided shall execute and record at their expense a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions,, as approved by the City Attorney. Said document is necessary to protect the rights of the individual owners sharing a single structure and the public as it relates to but not limited to such things as maintenance, repair and construction in case of damage to the original structure and sanitation. The declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions shall provide protection to the property owners and the City on the following subjects: 1. Building and use restrictions. 2. Party walls. Relationships among owners of adjoining living units and arbitration of disputes. The intent of these regulations is to promote harmony between the neighbors sharing a single structure and to protect the City and neighborhood from improper maintenance and/or disputes such as the following examples: one living unit being painted one color and the other unit having a different color or one side of the structure having one roof color and type of roof and the other side being of a different type and color. The city is concerned that all such disputes be avoided and that the regulations contained herein are designed to establish the rights of the parties prior to their entering into joint ownership of one structure. The City shall be a beneficiary of these declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions. The authority to divide a single structure containing two dwelling units shall be subject to Section 330 of the City Code relating to park dedication and other subdivision requirements and the City Council may impose other reasonable conditions. R-2 Two Family Residential Zoning Ordinance Excerpts 4/93 Section 350:645. General Requirements Applicable to All Residential Districts. Subd. 1. Lot Coveraqe. Impervious surface coverage of lots shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. Open patterned decks and stairways shall be counted as 50 percent impervious cover providing that they are installed over a permeable surface. Those constructed over an impermeable surface or are impermeable themselves shall be counted as 100% impervious cover. Subd. 2. Lot Coveraqe Requirements. Impervious surface coverage of lots shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. Open patterned decks and stairways shall be counted as 50 percent impervious cover providing that they are installed over a permeable surface. Those constructed over an impermeable surface or are impermeable themselves shall be counted as 100% impervious cover. Subd. 3. Permitted Accessory Uses. Within any Residential District, Accessory buildings shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions: A. Each individual accessory building shall not exceed 1,200 square feet of gross floor area. B. Accessory buildings shall not exceed a total gross floo~ area of 3,000 square feet or 15% of the total lot area whichever is less. C. The total number of accessory buildings for lots measuring 10,000 square feet or less shall be two (2). On lots exceeding 10,000 square feet, accessory buildings shall be limited to a total of three (3). Section 350:440. Required Yards and Open Space. Subd. 1. No yard or other open space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to make such yard or other open space less than the minimum required by this Ordinance, and if the existing yard or other open space as existing is less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. Subd. 2. No required yard or other open space allocated to a building or dwelling group shall be used to satisfy yard, other open space, or minimum lot area requirements for any other building. Subd. 3. The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on yard requirements. NO PENETRATI S THRU ROOF 5/8' GABL END (VER WEBS TYPE 'X' GYP, BOARD JSS @ 24' D/C) .- ) LAYERS 5/8' TYPE 'X' GYP. BFIARD LAYERS 5/8' TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD STAGGERED STUD WALL BOTTOH PLATE 8X10 JOISTS (2) LAYERS 5/8' TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD TYPICAL PARTYVALL SECTION SCALE, 1/2'=1' ,~)/..~ 10 I1 12 14 15 16 18 2O 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS of THIS DECLARATION is made in the County of Heunepin, State ofMinnesota' on this ~ day ,1996, by Comfort Builders, Inc., a l~fmnesota corporation (the "Declarant"). WHHREAS, Dedamm is the owner of certain property in Hennepin County, lvfinnesota, which is more particularly described as: Lot 3, Block 1, Landmark Addition, according to the plat thereof on t'de or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. WH]ERBAS, Declarant intends to subdi~de the subject property into the following two parcels of land, described as follows [hereinafter "Lots" or "Properties"]: PARCEL A (for the purposes of this instrument): That part of. Lot 3, Block 1, Landmark Addition, lying north of a line drawn parallel to and distant 93.85 feet south of the north line of said Lot 3, and its easterly extension, as measured at right angles to said north line, according to the plat thereof on isle or of record in the office of the Registrar of Tit!es in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. PARCEL B (for the purposes of this instnzment) : That part of LOt 3, Block 1, Landmark Addition, lying south of a line drawn parallel to and distant 9335 feet south ofthe north line of said Lot $, and its easterly extension, as measured at fight angles to said north line, according to the plat thereof on t'fie or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Hennepin CountY, Minnesota, WHEREAS, there is a dwelling unit [hereimf~"Unif'] eonsUuaed on each Lot, which Units share a common Party Wall centered along the common boundary line between the two Lots. WHEREAS, there are eo~on landscape eleme:~ and smaetmal dements shared by the two Units. WHEREAS, Declarant desires to establish on the Property, a plan for these properties to be owned, occupied and opemt_ed for the use, health, safety anti welfare of its resident Owners and Oeeupsats, and for the purpose of preserving the value, the structural quality, and the original architectural sad aesthetic character, of the Property, and THEREFORE, Declarant makes ~e Declaration, declaring that thi~ Declaration shall constitute covenants to run with the Property, sad that thc Property, shall be owned, used occupied and conveyed subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens set forth herein, all of which shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of ali Persons owning or accluh/n8 any risht, title or interest therein, and their heirs, personal represenf~ve% successors mad assigns.' APPURTENANCES AND EASEM~_~NTS A _o:es__s F_a~emems. Each Lot shall have an aptmrtenam easement for e~nergency access purposes over, under, and across the othe~ Lot, subject to any restriotions set forth in the Declaration. Utilities and Services. Each Lot shall have an appurtenant easement for all services and utilities 35 serving the Unit on each Lot, and for maimerumce, repair, and replacement ofsuch services and utilities, 36 over, under, and across the other Lot, subject to any restrictions set forth in the Declaration. Encroachment Easements. 'Each Unit, and rights of the Owners and Occupants therein, shall be subject to an exclusive easement for encroachments in favor of the adjoining Units for Walls, roof ovedmngs, utility installations and other appurtenances which are part of the original construction of the adjoining Unit. If there is an encroachment by a Unit, or other buildin8 or improvement located in a Unit, upon another Unit as a result of the construction, reconstruction, repair, shifting, settlement or movement of any part of the Property, an appurtenant easement for the encroachment, for the use, enjoyment and habitation of any encroaching Dwelling Unit, building or improvement, and for the maintenance thereof, shall exist; provided that with respect to improvements or alterations added aRer the date of this Declaration, no easemeat shall exist unless the same has been approved in a recordable writing by the other Owner, as required by this Declaratioia. Such easements shall continue for as long as the encroachment exits and shall not affect the marketab.ility of rifle. Easement for Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Reconstruction. Each Unit, and the fights of the Owners and Occupams thereof; ~hml be subject to the rights of the Owners of the other Lot to an exclusive, appurtenant easement on and over the Lots and Units for the purposes of maintenance, repair, replacement and reconstruction of the Party Wall and common structural elements and common landscape elements, and utilities serving the Units. 37 59 40 41 43 44 4,5 46 47 4~ 49 50 53 55 57 59 6O 61 62 63' 64 ContinUance and Scope of Easements. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, in no event shall an Owner or Occupant be denied reasonable access to his or her Unit or the right to utility services thereto. The easements set forth here shall supplement and not limit any easement described elscwvhere in this Declaration or recorded, and shall include reasonable access to the easem~ areas through the Units and the Lots for purposes of maintenance., repair, replacement and reconstruction. Easements are Appurtenant. All easements and similar fights burdening or benefiting a Lot or any other part 'of the property sha~l be apptmenant thereto, and shall be permanent, subject only to termination only by unanknous'writing of all Lot Owners or by theterms of the specific easement. Any recorded easement benef~ or burdening the Protxa~ ._~__iI be construed in a manner con.~stent with, and not in conflict with, the easements created by this Declaration. Impairment Prohibited. No person shall materially restrict or impair any easement benefiting or burdening the Property. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 PARTY WALLS AND OTI~R COMMON EI~MENTS General Rule~ of Law to Apply. Each w~ which is built as a part o£the original construction of the homes upon the Properties and placed on the dividing line between the Lots, including cove~d structural components and the roof system over the party wall, shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsi.m~ with the provisions ofthis Article, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thea~eto. Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and malnteazance ora party wail shall be shared by the Owners who make use of the wail in proportion to such use, provided that any Declaration for Lot 3. Block ,1. Lan,4m~k AdtlMom Fie-me, in CounW. M'nmesotn PAGE 3 ?3 74 rnalntetmn~ repair or rep~ necessa~ due to the acts or omissions of a certain Owner or Occupant sharing such party wall shall be paid for by such Owner. 75 78 Destruction by Fire or Other C_~suaity. If'a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, any Owner who has used the wall may restore it, and the other Owners thereafter shall contn'oute to the cost of restoration thereof in proportion to such use without prejudice, however, to the right of any such Owners to call for a larger contribution from the others under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or willful aots or omL~sions. ~ce claims shall be made promptly following any casualty. 80 Weatherproofing Notwilhstanding any other provision of this Declaration, an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the party wall to be exposed to the dements shall bear the whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection .against such dements. 83 85 Right to Contribution Rnns With Land. The fight of an Owner to contn'bufion from any other Owner under this Section shall be appurtenant to the Unit and shall pass to such Owner's assign and successors in title. 86 RESTRICTIONS ON USE. OF PROPERTY 8? All Owners and Occupants, and all secured parties, by their ~ or assertion of au interest in the Property, or by their occupancy of a Unit, covenant and agree that, the occupancy, use, operation, alienation and conwyance of the Property shall be subject to the following restrictions: 90 91 92 93 94 General The Property shall be owned, conveyed, encumbered, leased, used and occupied subject to this Declaration, as mended from time to time. An covenants, restrictions and obligations set forth herein shall run with the Property and be a burden and benefit to all Owners and Occupants and to any other Person acquiring or owning m ~ in fl~ Property, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and 96 Subdivision Prohibited. No Unit or Lot may be subdivided or partitioned without the prior written approval of all Owners and ail secured parties holding first mortgages on the Units. 97 98 99 Residential Use. The Units shall be used by Owners and Ocalpants and their guests exclusively as private, single family residential dwellings, and not for transient, hotel, commerchl, business or other nomresidential purposes. 100 101 102 103 104 105, 106 Brainess Use Restricted. No i~_~_,~ess, u~_~¢, occupation or profession of any kind, whether carried on for profit or otherwise, shall be conducted, maintained or permitted in any Unit or on any Lot; except an Owner or ~ residing in a Unit may keep and maintain his or her business or professional records in such Unit and handle matters relating to such business by telephone or correspondence therefrom, provided that such uses are incidental to the residential use, .do not involve physical alteration of the Unit and do not involve any observable business activity such as signs, advertising displays, bulk mailings, deliveries, or visitation or use of the Unit by customers or employees. 107 109 Le~ing. Leasing of Units shall be allowed, subject to the following conditions: (I) that no Unit shall be leased for transient or hotel purposes, ('n~ that no Unit may be subleased, (iii) that all leases shall be in writing and shall for a term of not less ~han six (6) months, and (iv) that all leases shall provide that they are subordinate and subject to this Declaration, and'(v) that any failure of the lessee to comply with the terms oftlds Declaration shall be a default under the lease. 114 115 116 117 I18 !19 ~20 121 122 123 124 125 126 Parking. Garages and paxkL, xg areas on the Property shall be used only for parking of vehicles owned or leased by Owners and Occupants and their guests. Outside'Storage. Outside storage ofitexns, including but not llrr~ted to, sporting equipment, toys, outdoor cooking equipment, yard and garden tools and trash and garbage oomainers shall not be stored outride. No boa~, snowmobiles, mOtOrcycles, trailers, camping vehicles, tractors/trailers, trucks in excess of 9000 pounds gross weight or passenger vchieles that are not currently licensed or passenger vehicles that do not operate shall at any time be stored or parked outside of a garage. Animals. No animal may be bred, or kept or maintained for business or commercial purposes, anywhere on the Property, except that dogs, eats and other household pets may be kept pursuant to the o~ ~ l'~g~datlottn ofth~ City ofEdina. A]] pe~ must be restrained on the Owner's Lot by fencing Pet waste shall be promptly removed and lawfully disposed by the Owner of the pet. Quiet Enjoyment; Inteeferenee Prohibited. All Owners and Oeoapants and their guests shall have a right of quiet eajoymem in their respective Units, and ~all use the Property in such a manner as will not cause a nuisance, nor unduly restrict, interfere with or impede the use of the Property by other Owners and Occupants and their guests. ~27 !28 129 130 134 135 136 137 1~8 Compliance with Law. No use shali be made of the Property which would violate any then exiting municipal codes or ordinances, or state or federal laws, nor shall any act or use be permitted which could elmse waste to the Property, ease a material increase in insurance rates on the Property, or otherwise cause any unusual liability, health or safety risk, or expense, for any Owner or Occupant. Alterations. No alterations, changes, improvements, repairs or replacements of any type, temporary or permanent, structural, aesthetic or otherwise (collectively referred to as 'alterations") shall be made, or caused or allowed to be made, by any Owners or Occupant, or their guests, to any part of the roof system, siding, exterior doors, windows, ,d~i,'.v_.~ewa..y~, .reta~ walls, landscaping, or in any pan of a Unit which is visible from the exterior of the unit, vnmout tlae prior written authorization of the other Oval. There shailbe no alterations to the'oUtside appearance of the Units, including without limitation the exterior paint color(s), the siding material, the roofin~ material, and landscaping without the prior written authorization of the other Owner. 139 140 141 Time Shares Prohibited. The time share form of ownership, or any comparable form oflease, cwarpan~ rights or ownership which has the effect of dividing the ownership or occupancy of a Unit into separate time periods, is proh,'bited. 142 143 144 Fences. Any fences erected ~all be approved by all Owners prior to construction. Fences erected on the common .boundary' betweexi tl~ two Lots shall be governed by the same covenants as contained herein for the Party Wail ?45 146 Exterior Antennas. Antennas may not be erected, installed or maintained on the exterior of any Unit or on any Lot without the express written consent of the other. Owner. : D~laration for Lo! 3. Block 1. Landmark Additio~ Henn~in Co~n .ly. M'mnesota PAGE_5 147 149 Landacaping. Except for r~aining wallz and fences which are common to both Lots, each Owne~ shall maintain finished landscaping over all earthen portions of the Lot except those portions which ge covered by impervious surfaces such as driveways, sidewalks, and patios. 150 151 152 153 155 156 1D 158 159 160 161 162 163 Maintenance by Owners. The Owners of the two Lots, when necessary, for the purpose of preserving the architectural 0ham~er, quality, and uniform and high standards for appearance of the Property, .~han provide for all maintenan~ repair or ~ (collectively referred to as "maintenance") for exterior maintenance upon each Unit: paint and replace roolk, gutters, downspouts, decks, garage doors (except hardware), exterior siding, trim, and other bm'lding surfao~; repair and replace siding, trim elemems, roofing, and feaoin~, and provide for lawn, ~ and tree maintenance on all landscaping. All maintxaance of each Lot and Unit shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the respective Owners thereof. However, the Owners and Occupants shall have a duty to promptly notify the other Owners of da'ects in or damage to those parts of the Prol~rty which thc other Owner is obligated to maintain. To the greatest extent possible, the Owners shall COnduct exttnior maintenance together or under one contraat: painting of the exterior of the Units .~h~ll be done together, replacement of the roof over one Unit shall require the replaceme~ of the roof over the other Unit; driveways .nhnll be maintained and sealed gt the same time; and other tach mutually beneCaoig work shall be performed conmrremly for both Lots and both Units. 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Damage Caused by Owner. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary,/f, in the judgment of one Owner, the need for mdntamnce of any part of the Property is ~sed by the w/llful or negligent act or om/ssion of an Owner or Occupan~ or theh' guests, or by a condition in a Un/t which the Owner or Occupant has willfully or negligently allowed to exist, the other Owner may commence an arbitration proceeding in accordance with the arb/tration provisions hcreina~cr contained in this DecJaradon to determine the c~ause of such damage or condition and to determine the neo~si~ of such repairs or corrections. 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 181 182 184 INSURANCE Required Coverage. Each Owner shall, to the extent reasonably available, obtain and maintain, a policy or policies of insurance hsued by a reputable insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State oflVlir~esota, as follows. Each Owner shall maintain property insurance in broad form covering all risks of phys/cal loss in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the insurable "replacement cost" of the Property, less deduola~oles. Each Owner shaft maintain oomprehensive public liability insurance covering the ownership, existence, management, use, operation and rnaint~oe of the property, with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per ocourrea~ against cl~m~ for death, bodily injury and prOperty damage, and such other risks as are customarily covered by such policies for projects similar in construction, location and use to the Property. Application of Insurance Proceeds. In the event of a property casualty, the proceeds o£the Owner's/n.sumn~ shall be used the rebuild, repair, and replace the ~ components if tlilher Owner desires to have the property rebuilt, repaired, or replaced. This provision supersedes any provision to the co,,t,~y in any monroe encumbering the property recorded or filed alter the recording or filing date of this Declaration. Lot3 B -. · . 187 RECONSTRUCTION, CONDEMNATION AND EMINENT DOMAIN Reconstruction. Any repair or reconstruction of a Unit shall be substantially in aecordance with the plans and specifications .of the Property as initially constructed and subsequently improved. 190 Condemnation and Eminent Domain. In the event ora taking of any part of the Property by 191 condemnation or eminent domain, each Owner shall have the right to prove damages to their respective 192 property and to retain all proceeds. In connection with any Party Wall or shared structural compommt, the ~93 Owner ora Unit that is not taken by eminent domain shall have the right to have the remainder of the other ~94 structure dcm°fished and to claim damages for Iateral support for the remaining Unit Eligible Mort~gees ~95 shall be entitled to priority for - 196 respective mortgages, condemnation awards in accordance with the priorities established by their lO~7 198 199 2O0 20~ 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 DISPUTE RESOLUTION Own d Arbitration for M~. 'n.ten*_.nce and Repair Disputes. In the eVent that: (a) the · agree on the determmatton that an item of repair, replacement or maintenance is nmnediatety n~ or, Co) the Owners are unable to agree on the scope and cost ora necessary repair, or, © thc Owners are unable to agree on the determination of Owner negtigenc~ willful act, or omission as the cause of a necessary repair, then the questions of necessity, cost, and/or e.,ause shall be submitted i_.m~__?~tely ,.,o b' ..n~ arbitration in ~ordancc with thc arbitration orovisi' ' ' ' ~vmt many omer dispute ~sing conceive mainte- . . _. OhS recited below. In the ~ ~J~ce, repair, or replacement of a party wall, exterior componea~ts, landscape or other common or shared elements, and if the same is not resolved within thirty (30) days of the event causing the dispute, the matter shall be submitted to mediation, through a mutually agreeable mediation provider. In the event thc parties reach an impasse, the matter in dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration at a mutually agreeable arbitration provider. The Rules of Arbitration within Minnesota Statutes shall apply. In the event the parties in dispute cannot choose a mutually agreeable arbitration provider, the Board of Directors shall choose the Arbitration provider and the decision of the Board shall be final. Each party agrees that the decision of the arbitrators shall be binding and conclusive of the questions involved. The fees of the mediator shall be shared equally by the parties, but each party shall pay its own attorney fees or other costs. In any legal proceeding other than mediation, the prevailing party shall have the right to or by an arbitrator, recover reasonable attorneys fees and costs determined by a court 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Other Disputes. For disputes not covered by the provisions above, each owner may commence legal action to recover sums due for necessary repair~ replacements and/or maintenan~ for damages, for injunctive relief~ or any combina%n tl~'eof~ or ~ action for any other relief authorized by this Declaration or available at law or in equity. Liability for Owner's and Occupants* Acts. An Owner shall be liable for the expense of any maintenan~ repair or replacem~ of the Property or bY that of Occu~ or ~_,_~ in flue rendered necessary by such Ownffs acts or omissions, Ownffs Unit, to the extent that such expense is not covered by the proceeds of insurance carried by such Owner or Ocx~pant. Deolaration for Lo~ 3. Block 1. Laadmsd~ Additi~_..H.enn~in CoUn?. hfmnesota PAGE 7 The Declaration may be amended by the un~nlmous writing of the 'Owners of the two Lots and with the consent of first mortgagees. The Amendment shall be effective when recorded or £1ed for record. 227 228 229 2~ 2~1 232 233 234 235 257 238 24O 241 242 RIGHTS OF EI,TGIBT,E MORTGAGEES Notwithstanding anything to the comra~ in the Goven, lng Documems, and subjeot to any greater requirements of the Act or other laws, Eligible Mortgagees shall have the following fights and protections: Consent to Subdivision. No Unit may be partitioned or subdivided w/thout thc prior written approval of all Owners and first Mortgagees thereof. Priority of Lien- Any holder of a first mortsage on a Unit or any purchaser of a first mortgage at a foreclosure sale, that comes 4~to possession of a Unit by foreclosure of the first mortsa~e or by deed or ~ in lieu of foreclosure, .takc~ the Unit subject to any judgment lien of the offer Owner obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages accrued in enforcir~ the terms of this Declaration for repairs and maintenance of the prot~rty. Priority for Condemnation Award~. No provision ofthis Declara~on shall give an Owner, or any other party, pdoriv/over any ~ of a mortgagee Of a Lot pursu~ to its mortgage in caze of a distribution to such Owner of condemnation awards for losses to or a taking of the Unit. ************************************************************************************* IN WITNESS WI:EEREOF, the undersigned has executed this h~rum~ the day and year first set forth in accor~ with the requirements of the Act. Comfort Budders, Inc. 244 245 246 2.47 248 249 2~ 251 252 253 By. John R. Frei, its president STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Th~ fc~gaing insmmmat was ~km-nvl_ ~g~l b~fo~ ,~. *hln __ day of ,1996, by Jolm P,. Frei, thc Prcsidmt ot'~ Builda~, In~., a ccaTxxafion under the laws of Mi--csota, on behalf of thc oaqxxafioa. SIONATURE OF I'E2SON TAKING ACKNOWLEDOI~D~T This instrument was drafted $~t~ O~ 9353 ~e~n ~hway T~ (612) 493-~999 F~ (612) 493-~55 2~ l V J. l'l O ' ' ~Sew~r Units O.K: N BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION OWNER A°, ?~,O l ,;) .~; ~ ~ H ~ ! .~/ r~. DATE ~- g ? ' ADDRESS .~/.:~ , ,./_,..,_./,.. ¢ .~ PHONE ¢7 ~- - .F BUILDER & ARCHITECT ,.,---~.~/~ ADDRESS PHONE LO~ATIO~ OF PROPOSE~ I~PROVE~E~T STREET ~DDRESS .~iq - .~ ~-I ? D~/~,',n/O ~.D ¥) ADDITION ).f...~._..,.~..~ LOT/¢~/~¢ BLOCK /~. PLAT ~777 ~ ~PARCEL J¢~.,3~° ~o~ EsTIMAtED'VALUE TO BE USER_.._. A.:.'..,~.~.~->.~ ) .TO BE COMPLETED ' . A~.UCA.. ~..q.~s.~Low~G: . 1, One plot plan showing dimension of lot or lots and location of building on sa~e.' The Building Inspector may in his d iscreUon ask for a registered survey. 2. One set of plans and specificaUons o~'su~icie~]c~[~~l~i~ the nature and extent of work proposed. 5:howi.~ji~~DP~ ~~nL and · side elevation, and wall and roof sec?~,~.de[A,~.~ ~O~S~ONS · ~. One ~o, .~a. ~.ow,n. ,~. ,o~a,,on a.?>~;.~~ State the'hature and extent of work. For any new constructi~n:'°ne,P!ot :sh~wi',ng dimensiO~ of lot or lots and location of building on same musE..be~ ~ubmitted~"."The Building Inspector in his discretion may ask for a registered survey ~ad, ~,w~o,,~-'~. ~ ""~': '~ ..................... : specifications. . x,'~-' .- PLUMBING ~~~-/~ d6 - PLUMBING PERMIT NEEDED:. . ~ ,~:// ~ //~ ~ . description above set forth and according to the provisions of all ordinances of the Village.., of Mound and of all statutes of the State of Minnesota in such cases made and 'provided. 5,'~, / ~. ~ o.. DATE-' .- ' ~o~ov~~ ~ ~ A ...~ ' . .' "~ BUILDING INSPECTOR ~- DATE /~ ~F~- CITY OF MOUND - ZONING INFORMATION SHEET I_OT OF RECORD? YES ~ R3 YARD DIRECTION [ REQUIRED IlOLISE ......... FRONT I N~E W F.o~ } N ~ ~ W REAR J ~)S E W LAKE ] N S E W TOP OF BLUFF GARAGE, SliEI) ..... FRONT FRONT SIDE N S E W SIDE N S E W REAR N S E W LAKE N S E W TOP OF BLUFF tIARDCOVER CONFORMING? YES / (NO OR OTIIER DETACHED N~)w N S E W This Zoning Information Sheet only sninmarizen a portion of the requi Planning Department at 472-O600. - 54 / (166 R~ ~o, ooo/eo .2 7,soo/o I~ LOT R1A 6t000/40 B2 20,000/80 .~ ~,ooo/~.~ lo,ooo/~o '~z 14,000/80 LOT DEPTH: I~'°~ I v~ lO' 15' ¢o~.,o. I tO(} ' 4' OR 6' 4' OR 6' 4' 50' ~nenis outlined in the Cily of Mound Zonin~ Ordiuauce. }:or further infurmafiou, coutac! the City of Mound C CITY I Et"'ElVED 4 1996 Mound Free Church 2117 Commerce Boulevard, Mound, N1N 55364 (612-472-2779) Dr. George Thoml:~sor~, Senior Pastor Gcor,~},o. Fizer, Youth Pa,stOl* September 4, 1996 To the Mound City Council, Proposal to use the Mound Depot on a weekly basis. The Mound Evangelical Free Church Youth Group (Grades 7-12) requests the opportunity to use the Depot as a regular meeting place on Wednesday nights. The normal meeting time would be from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. I checked the rental calendar for the school year and the only date it is booked is Wednesday, October 16th. We would like'to be able to rent the building from September through mid May. We are experiencing significant growth in our youth programs and do not currently have adequate space. Also, we have many area youth from non- churched families attending. We are currently working with the City, Planning Commission on a proposed multi-purpose addition to our Church. However we would not be able to utilize it for this school year. I have five youth group sponsors (adults) plus myself (Youth Pastor) for supervision each week. We anticipate on averaging 30-50 vouth per week. Crowd control would not be a problem. Linda Strong, the City, Clerk, recommended I submit this proposal. Also, for an area youth program would you consider lowering the rental rates on a long term weeklv rental basis? May I even be so bold to ask you to consider a waiver of the fe~s altogether? If you have any questions about this proposal you may call me at the church 472-2779, or at home 472-4217. Thanks for your time and consideration of this proposal. Working together for area youth, George L. Fizer II Youth Pastor The Mission of Mound Free Church is: To make disciples who exalt the Lord, edify the saved, and evangelize the lost. - - , ,,] a, ,,at 3 days, plus $2.00 per day' after cimi~ to Ten c0n~ufive Onl~:Four per Y~' i~ any Organization Dates Permit Will Be Used LICENSE # CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNF3OTA 55364 .TEMPORARY ON-SALE NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR PERMIT Section 810.10, Subd. 2. Liability Insurance. (a) Prior to the issuance of any Beer license, the applicant shall demonstrate proof of fuumcial responsibility with regard to liability imposed by Minnesota Statutes Section 340A.801 to the City Clerk and to the Commissioner of Public Safety as a condition of the issuance or renewal of his license. Proof of fumaeial responsibility shall be given by filing a certificate that there is in effect an insurance policy or pool providing the minimum coverages for dram shop liability as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.409, Subdivision I. It is the intent of this section to require the minimum insurance coverages and amounts required by Minnesota law. Name of Insurance Co.: Amount of Coverage:. Section 810:10. Subd. 1. Application Form. In the ease of any application for a Temporary 'On-Sale' license to allow sale and consumption of beer on public land or public school lands, the applicant shall, prior to issuance of such license, file the written consent of the owner of such lands to such use of its lands. Daie 7 - Applicant's Signature 'J$25.00 Day - Single Dance " Date of Single Dance $200.00 Yr.- Annual Dance 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND~ M]NN~OTA 55364 PI, IBLIC DANCE PERMIT APPLICATION" ! TIME PERIOD OF DANCE: ~:~0 - ?~.'O6 00-/ CHAIRPERSON O/1~ WORK PHONE #: ~72 - ZqVy WORK PHONE #: Date ~2p'plicant's Signature 1D,6123379310 2/4 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERT.~tN REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Mound is a Minnesota municipal corporation, and is a statutory city and has all the powers and responsibili6es as set forth in Chapter 412 of the Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS, thc City adopted a redevelopment plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for the area in the City of Mound generally known as the Lost Lake Area (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the City. of Mound proposes to construct and reconstruct a State .~id Street known as Auditors Road which Mil nm between Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) and Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) in the City of Mound, and the City Council has previously authorized City staff to negotiate to acquire the necessary rights-of-way to construct and reconstruct said street; and WHEREAS, the City Council working ',~Sth the City's Economic Development Commission and with its citizens and consulting planners have developed a plan to develop and redevelop the Lost Lake area of the City and have applied for and have been awarded a federal grant to improve a channel running southerly from Lake Minnetonka through an existing channel to an area abutting County Road 15 and as a part of that improvement it is necessary to construct and reconstruct the Lost Lake channel entrance to Lake Mirmetonka; and WHEREAS, the Lost Lake improvement project requires the acquisition of rights-of-way to consu-uct and reconstruct said channel, and the City Council has previously authorized City staff to negotiate the purchase of the necessary rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, negotiat/ons have been taking place and it is determined that it is doubtful that the City and the property ovmers will be able to agree on the compensation due the owners for the hereinafter described takings; and WHEREAS, the Plans, as modified, contemplate thc acquisition of certain real property (the "Property") which is located in the Project Area and which is more particularly described below in this resolution; and WHEREAS, the approved improvements to Auditors Road and to the channel entrance to Lost Lake requires the City to acquire tide to and possession of the Prop,try under the powers granted to the City by Chapter 117, Minnesota Statutes and more particularly by the earliest date permitted in accordance with ~ Statutes 117.042. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bv the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: S£P-O6-gG 14,42 FROM:KENNEDY & GRAVEN ID,G123379310 PAGE 3/4 1. It is necessary to acquire the Property as described below in this resolution in order for the City to carry out the purposes of the Plans to construct the City's State Aid Street (Auditors Road) and to construct improvements to the Lost Lake Channel. 2. Acquisition of the Property by eminent domain, in the mallner provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117, is deemed to be necessary and for public purposes and is hereby authorized. 3. The City deems it necessary for the reasons ,et forth in the Plans, as modified, and in order to fulfill the Cib"s obligations under the approved plar~ and in accordance with contractual obligations: to proceed without delay under Mirme,ota Statutes, Section I 17.042, to acquire title to and possession of the Propert7 pHor to the filing of a final report of commission- erS. 4. The City attorney and staff are authorized and directed to commence eminent domain proceedings to acquire fee simple absolute title to the Property, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 117.042 and to pay to the owner(s) or into court, a sum of money to secure compensation to the owners of the Property, which mount shall be equal to petitioner's approved apprair~l of value as determined by staff. 5. The Plopcrty to bc acquired is described as follows: Parcel 1 Lots 6 and 7 except that part of said Lots described as beginning at the Northea_q comer of said Lot 6; thence Westerly along the North line of said Lot 6, a distance of 79.$1 feet; thence Sou~erly a distance of 61.12 feet along a line extending to a point in the South line of said Lot 7 distant 79.87 feet Westerly 79.g5 feet, more or less to a point in the East line of said Lot 7 distant 38.26 feet North from the Southeast comer of said Lot 7; thence Northerly along the East lines of said Lots 7 and 6 a distance of 61.74 feet more or less to the point of beginning, McNaught's Addition to "Mound", Lake Minnetonka Parcel 2 Those parts of Lots 6 and 7, McNaught's Addition to "Mound", Lake Minnetonka described as be~rming at the Northeast comer of said Lot 6, thence Westerly along the North line of said Lot 6 a distance of 79.gl feet; thence Southerly a distance of 61.12 feet aloha a line extending to a point in the South line of said Lot 7 distant 79.87 feet Westerly from the Southeast comer of said Lot 7; thence Easterly 79.85 feet more or less to a point in the East line of said Lot 7 distant 38.26 feet North from the Southeast comer of said Lot 7; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 7 and 6 a distance of 61.74 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Parcel 3 The South 50 feet of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 170 l~J200- 2,2 2 $£P-06-$6 14~43 FRO~,K£NN£D¥ & GR~V£N 1D,~12337~931~ ,P, arcel 4 Lot 16, "The Bartlett Place" Upper Lake Minnetonka Adopted by the City Council in and for the City of Mound, Minnesota this of September, I996. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk HU200-12 3 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE - 1996 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota will meet in the City Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Rd., at 7:30 P.M. on October 8, 1996, to hear, consider and pass on all written and oral objections, if any, to the proposed assessment. The general nature of the improvements to be assessed are as follows: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING MAINTENANCE - 1996- Area within the following boundaries proposed to be assessed: Belmont Lane on the East Lynwood Boulevard to the North 700 feet West of Commerce Boulevard 700 feet South of Shoreline Drive Total Cost to be Assessed $10,151.27 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.011 to 429.110, all property lying within the above described limits and benefiting therefrom is proposed to be assessed. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk's office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing, but the Council may consider any objections to the amount of the proposed individual assessments at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. No such appeal as to the amount of an assessment as to a specific parcel of land may be made unless the owner has either filed a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or has presented the written objection to the presiding officer at the hearing. The City Council has adopted, pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 435.193 to 435.195, a resolution (#89-77) containing standards and guidelines for deferring the assessments for senior citizens for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments on homestead property. The standards and guidelines are on file with the City Clerk for your inspection. Linda Strong, Acting City Clerk Publish in The Laker September 21, 1996. Public Hearing Assessment Notice - 1996 Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills September 10, 1996 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS= UNPAID WATER AND SEWER BILLS; TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN= NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota will meet in the City Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 P.M. on October 8, 1996, to hear, consider and pass on all written and oral objections, if any, to the proposed assessment on the following parcels of land for: UNPAID WATER AND SEWER BILLS: AMOUNT TO BE SPREAD OVER 1 YEAR PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION # 13-117-24 22 0031 12-117-24 43 0038 12-117-24 43 0052 13-117-24 21 0026 13-117-24 12 0123 13-117-24 12 0052 13-117-24 12 0220 13-117-24 12 0119 13-117-24 12 0189 13-117-24 13 0040 13-117-24 12 0009 13-117-24 12 0014S /0015P/0016S 13-117-24 12 0006 13-117-24 13 0021 13-117-24 11 0061 13-117-24 12 0231 13-117-24 11 0056 13-117-24 14 0029 13-117-24 14 0030 13-117-24 12 0083 13-117-24 12 0093 13-117-24 12 0106 13-117-24 11 0077 18-117-23 23 0004 18-117-23 23 0012 13-117-24 11 0122 13-117-24 14 0021 13-117-24 11 0053 13-117-24 12 0075 13-117-24 22 0273 14-117-24 42 0082 PROPERTY AMOUNT IDENTIFICATION # AMOUNT 203.93 14-117-24 42 0011 93.81 212.93 14-117-24 14 0043 134.85 175.15 14-117-24 13 0004 324.34 155.41 14-117-24 13 0002 107.75 179.76 14-117-24 42 0110 214.42 190.74 14-117-24 41 0040 171.60 188.73 14-117-24 42 0016 459.33 266.75 14-117-24 42 0028 430.15 246.13 14-117-24 42 0030 109.33 173.55 14-117-24 42 0042 317.89 383.11 14-117-24 42 0041 216.77 14-117-24 31 0058 208.39 210.35 14-117-24 43 0032 144.71 /0033 226.32 14-117-24 31 0031 211.90 14-117-24 31 0042 177.75 14-117-24 34 0020 93.35 14-117-24 44 0032 467.75 14-117-24 44 0031 61.44 14-117-24 42 0002 70.03 14-117-24 42 0023 110.13 13-117-24 32 0057 339.87 13-117-24 32 0066 200.46 13-117-24 31 0075 272.03 13-117-24 32 0107 259.45 13-117-24 32 0155 240.71 13-117-24 32 0153 179.60 13-117-24 31 0033 189.22 13-117-24 31 0052 230.75 13-117-24 34 0014 169.25 13-117-24 34 0010 225.92 13-117-24 43 0072 221.50 406.63 167.30 636.75 277.71 344.18 296.56 261.32 225.25 267.33 207.58 167.31 180.51 262.96 105.31 115.35 209.66 187.12 100.00 1 Public Hearing Assessment Notice - 1996 Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills September 10, 1996 13-117-24 43 0086 24-117-24 12 0055 24-117-24 12 0050 13-117-24 41 0053 13-117-24 41 0042 13-117-24 41 0012 13-117-24 42 0014 13-117-24 43 0118 13-117-24 42 0022 13-117-24 44 0081 18-117-23 33 0027 18-117-23 33 0026 13-117-24 44 0067 13-117-24 44 0095 24-117-24 21 0030 24-117-24 23 0024 23-117-24 14 0013 23-117-24 13 0012 23-117-24 42 0002 23-117-24 13 0016 23-117-24 42 0005 22-117-24 44 0030 22-117-24 44 0031 22-117-24 43 0040 23-117-24 41 0016 23-117-24 41 0018 23-117-24 41 0021 23-117-24 43 0003 23-117-24 43 0036 23-117-24 42 0054 23-117-24 42 0073 23-117-24 41 0020 23-117-24 42 0016 23-117-24 42 0018 23-117-24 42 0020 23-117-24 43 0006 23-117-24 43 0008 23-117-24 34 0086 23-117-24 34 0036 23-117-24 34 0090 23-117-24 31 0095 23-117-24 31 0041 23-117-24 34 0102 23-117-24 24 0013 23-117-24 23 0005 23-117-24 23 0012 23-117-24 23 0110 23-117-24 24 0008 23-117-24 31 0054 23-117-24 34 0066 23-117-24 23 0001 266.82 248.09 174.76 159.99 307.85 426.75 230.36 155.97 102.53 373.84 330.14 229.39 124.74 156.04 386.68 117.28 334.39 223.74 206.48 214.05 206.63 216.01 193.94 167.59 209.32 581.41 191.95 205.57 284.70 354.50 592.44 297.62 80.40 259.95 391.23 291.80 495.71 201.89 205.26 362.96 366.30 119.30 330.24 229.13 104.62 349.10 184.59 253.99 376.89 473.66 44.15 22-117-24 44 0005 23-117-24 23 0054 23-117-24 32 0043 23-117-24 32 0050 22-117-24 44 0002 23-117-24 31 0066 23-117-24 32 0063 23-117-24 23 0108 23-117-24 23 0104 23-117-24 13 0055 23-117-24 13 0034 23-117-24 24 0058 23-117-24 24 0020 23-117-24 13 0046 23-117-24 13 0075 23-117-24 24 0033 13-117-24 22 0251 24-117-24 22 0001 23-117-24 11 0006 23-117-24 14 0042 13-117-24 34 0082 13-117-24 34 0036 13-117-24 43 0022 13-117-24 43 0025 13-117-24 44 0037 13-117-24 43 0036 24-117-24 12 0016 24-117-24 12 0020 19-117-23 23 0094 19-117-23 23 0093 19-117-23 23 0135 19-117-23 23 0082 19-117-23 23 0153 19-117-23 21 0039 24-117-24 13 0027 19-117-23 24 0016 19-117-23 31 0026 19-117-23 23 0064 19-117-23 32 0159 24-117-24 41 0197 19-117-23 24 0024 19-117-23 32 0033 24-117-24 41 0063 24-117-24 41 0042 24-117-24 41 0087 24-117-24 41 0148 19-117-23 31 0108 19-117-23 31 0079 19-117-23 31 0062 19-117-23 31 0101 19-117-23 32 0076 2 158.24 213.67 252.63 606.73 373.13 454.79 306.88 227.23 255.26 232.33 101.45 422.30 134.40 330.08 92.73 122.91 347.41 111.43 399.59 118.81 354.07 309.17 272.58 206.95 192.18 170.82 258.85 336.96 313.44 213.24 269.38 270.34 357.59 143.45 809.60 177.76 236.17 173.09 369.99 98.14 328.40 256.01 100.92 222.41 143.11 172.40 103.31 113.81 305.78 266.87 322.68 Public Heariag Assessment Notice - 1996 Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills September 10, 1996 19-117-23 32 0077 19-117-23 32 0082 19-117-23 32 0086 19-117-23 32 0111 19-117-23 32 0111 24-117-24 41 0162 19-117-23 31 0128 19-117-23 34 0064 19-117-23 34 0099 19-117-23 33 0026 25-117-24 11 0133 25-117-24 11 0068 24-117-24 44 0051 25-117-24 11 0078 24-117-24 43 0028 24-117-24 43 0079 19-117-23 33 0196 19-117-23 32 0210 19-117-23 34 0036 19-117-23 34 0043 19-117-23 34 0112 19-117-23 33 0010 19-117-23 33 0235 19-117-23 33 0075 19-117-23 33 0189 19-117-23 33 0081 19-117-23 33 0184 19-117-23 33 0055 19-117-23 33 0125 19-117-23 33 0232 19-117-23 33 0129 24-117-24 44 0079 24-117-24 44 0187 24-117-24 44 0050 24-117-24 44 0060 24-117-24 44 0062 24-117-24 44 0176 24-117-24 44 0111 24-117-24 44 0182 24-117-24 44 0188 24-117-24 44 0073 /0074 24-117-24 41 0022 24-117-24 41 0182 24-117-24 41 0102 24-117-24 42 0007 24-117-24 41 0175 25-117-24 11 0064 25-117-24 21 0029 19-117-23 33 0033 30-117-23 22 0034 337.57 287.42 299.59 273.41 142.22 235.32 197.95 382.97 100.76 260.35 425.21 192.64 125.21 218.74 286.58 260.17 295.19 100.94 188.74 399.15 140.07 307.36 289.34 319.47 171.12 212.07 336.07 215.56 206.36 180.48 246.98 365.05 185.61 183.25 357.62 214.22 211.13 264.44 264.19 180.20 294.78 131.90 157.43 172.96 261.63 174.20 232.44 311.74 278.46 239.54 3 30-117-23 22 0036 25-117-24 12 0219 19-117-23 34 0092 30-117-23 21 0001 30-117-23 21 0007 30-117-23 22 0049 25-117-24 11 0035 25-117-24 11 0043 25-117-24 11 0116 25-117-24 11 0115 25-117-24 21 0106 25-117-24 21 0114 25-117-24 12 0134 25-117-24 21 0007 25-117-24 21 0080 13-117-24 44 0051 13-117-24 33 0073 14-117-24 44 0036 13-117-24 33 0016 13-117-24 33 0057 13-117-24 44 0014 13-117-24 33 0014 115.24 209.15 183.05 275.67 265.26 382.14 112.64 217.89 147.66 256.72 257.19 270.11 298.99 334.94 176.81 204.81 301.87 514.87 344.78 171.24 135.34 125.97 (As of 9-6-96 the total outstanding is $57,868.49) Public Hearing Assessment Notice - 1996 Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills September 10, 1996 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.011 to 429.110, all property lying within'the above described limits and benefiting therefrom is proposed to be assessed. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the city Clerk's office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing, but the Council may consider any objections to the amount of the proposed individual assessments at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or city Clerk of the city within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or city Clerk. No such appeal as to the amount of an assessment as to a specific parcel of land may be made unless the owner has either filed a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or has presented the written objection to the presiding officer at the hearing. The City Council has adopted, pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 435.193 to 435.195, a resolution (#89-77) containing standards and guidelines for deferring the assessments for senior citizens for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments on homestead property. The standards and guidelines are on file with the city Clerk for your inspection. Linda Strong, Acti~ city Clerk Publish in The Lake~ September 21, 1996. RESOLUTION g96- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1997 PRELIMINARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,591,760; SETTING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY AT $1,895,080 LESS THE HOMESTEAD AGRICULTURAL CREDIT (HACA) OF $490,975, RESULTING IN A PRELIMINARY CERTIFIED LEVY OF $1,404,105; APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OVERALL BUDGET FOR 1997; AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATES BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following preliminary 1997 General Fund Budget appropriations: City Council Promotions Cable TV City Manager/Clerk Elections/Registration Assessing Finance Computer Legal Police Emergency Preparedness Planning/Inspections Street City Property/Buildings Parks Recreation Contingencies Transfers 69,370 4,000 8OO 193 470 2 100 59 480 168 960 23.550 114 460 924 350 4.100 172 870 405 270 82 840 148 550 36 200 20,000 161.390 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,591,760 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following preliminary taxes for collection in 1997: 7 Proposed 1997 Budget Resolution September 11, 1996 Page 2 SPECIAL LEVIES Bonded Indebtedness 84,690 Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds 33.350 Total Special Levies 118.040 TOTAL PRELIMINARY LEVY 1,777,040 PRELIMINARY TOTAL TO BE LEVIED FOR 1996 1,895,080 Less Homestead Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) -490,975 Preliminary Certified Levy 1,404,105 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the preliminary overall budget for 1997 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2,591,760 Area Fire Service Fund Capital Improvement Fund Capital Projects Fund Cemetery Fund Dock Fund TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 336,020 379,690 -0- 8,100 68.440 792,250 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Recycling Fund Liquor Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 93,950 289,020 429,300 1,020,460 1,832,730 Proposed 1997 Budget Resolution September 11, 1996 Page 3 .SUMMARY General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2,591,760 792,250 1 832 730 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby sets Wednesday, December 4, 1996 and Wednesday, December 11, 1996, as the public hearing dates for conSideration Of'the 199?Proposed Budget; The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: Acting City Clerk September 11, 1996 RESOLUTION #96- RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO EXCEED $24,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 1997 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WI-IEREAS, the City Council has received two resolutions from the Housing & Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound: one entitled, "Resolution Approving the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority Budget for the Year 1997 Pursuant to MSA Chapter 469, and the other entitled, "Resolution Establishing the Tax Levy for the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the Year 1997; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount not to exceed $24,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said levy, not to exceed $24,000 is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing & Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before September 15, 1996. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: Acting City Clerk BILLS .............. -September 11, 1996 BATCH 6083 BATCH 6084 Total Batch $114,582.41 126,079.90 $240,662.31 z ILs Z ~ 0 JU ~ ~L~ I CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Mayor, City Council and City Manager Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent August 1996 Monthly Report September 5, 1996 Street Department: It's been a busy month. We started out the month seal coating the Highlands area. On Tuesday August 6th we had a storm that shut down the power in much of the town. This was the night before the project was supposed to begin. Sullivans had to be brought in to pump our lift stations out at the Three Points and Dutch Lake areas. Some areas did not get power until late the following day. There were trees down blocking the roads in Island Park and on Avon. Taking care of those trees and sweeping up the rest of the debris from the storm delayed the seal coating project by half a day. We had a new company do the seal coating this year, Caldwell out of Saint Cloud. We were not entirely imPressed with the job they did. I addressed the problems with the engineer as well as a representative from Caldwell.. The seal coating was completed in three days in the Highlands area. The following week we went back to sweep it up. That also took three days to complete. The excess Buckshot that was swept up will be mixed with the sand fill that we use for water main breaks. The street department spent the rest of the month mainly trimming the branches and 1 printed on recycled paper brush that hangs over into the right away. This is something that is done every year. This year we are putting extra effort into trying to get the trimming done through out the entire town before winter comes. Any branches that are hanging over the right away or sidewalks by thirteen feet or less are trimmed back. In August we've completed the Three Points area and all most all of Island Park. The next areas we will doing this in are; Dutch Lake, the Highlands, Tonkawood and Mound proper. Again, we're trying to get as much done as we can before Winter gets here. We also finished pulling all the No Parking from November to April signs in the Three Points and Island Park areas. We have a sign at each of the five entrances to the City stating the parking restrictions for November to April. This should eliminate a lot of the signs and obstructions on the right of way and in front of people's homes. We will do the same thing in the Dutch Lake area next as well as putting in the No Parking signs where they should be according to the City Code Book. Hopefully we will be able to get to all the areas this year but if not we will finish this up next year. We did some hand and pot hole patching around town and will do more of that right before winter begins to get the streets ready for plowing. The house at 2509 Commerce Blvd., that the City purchased, is all demolition. The sewer, water and other utilities have been disconnected. scheduled to do the job the first week in September. ready for Widmer is .Water Department: We're working with the water meters and have had a tremendous amount of success with them so far. We've pretty much gotten all the bugs worked out of the system. We have found after a couple of storms that had lightening, a few meter heads had 2 to be reprogrammed. We were aware that lightening could be a problem with this type of system but all and all it's getting better each time we go around and read them. We've had a tremendous amount of locates for construction over the last couple of months. This takes up quite a bit of time and has kept them very busy for this month and last month. Sewer Department_: We were very busy after that last storm pumping down the wet wells with Sullivan trying to avoid any possible back ups. They worked well into the next day. Some of the areas did not have power until late the next day. They've also been doing a lot of sewer line maintenance and cleaning with our new Jet Vac. There are still some bugs to be worked out with that but it's functioning. We've talked with ABM, the company we purchased it from, and are working on the problems we've been having. All and all the machine is doing everything we expected and more. We are trying to develop a five year rotation so every fifth year we're back at the same spot cleaning. This should definitely help us as far as back ups, obstructions, roots in the lines, etc. It is going very well. 3 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1667 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Mayor, City Council and City Manager Joel Krumm, Liquor Store Manager .~-~< August 1996 Monthly Report September 3, 1996 The dust has settled. The registers have quit smoking. The calculators have tallied the score. Because of the fact August had five weekends in it this year and because it was such a beautiful month, no rain, Iow humidity and temperatures mostly in the 80's, sales totaled $176,709. This number represents the largest month in sales that the store has ever produced. Ever. This comes a little unexpectedly. Usually if we break a monthly record it comes in July or December. But we will take it. To give you an example of how good this August was here are the facts. Last year in August gross sales were $144,051. That means we were up $32,658 or 22.5%. Customers last year in August were 10,646. compared to 12,014. this year in August. For the year so far we are $87,357. ahead of Last year's pace. I have been very pleased with the acceptability and sales of our premium cigars. It was my initial intent and hope to sell between 45,000. and 47,500. per year. From what I have seen recently, if we were to have a full years of sales in this category, ( We began operation in late March ) we would do between 420,000. to 425,000. per year. And with a little bit of expansion those numbers could printed on recycled paper increase dramatically. Whether it's a fad or is here for the long run it has been very beneficial for us to have entered into this when we did, Always stay one step ahead of the competition, CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 6, 1996 City Manager, Members of the City Council and Staff Jon Sutherland, Building Official AUGUST 1996 MONTHLY REPORT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY There were 42 building permits issued in August for a construction value of $421,280, this brings year- to-date construction value to $7,704,361. This is more that $2 million ahead of last year's record pace. This month included one permit for a single family dwelling. There was a commercial permit issued for the remodeling of the Mound Optical Clinic. We issued 39 plumbing, mechanical, and miscellanous permits for a total of 81 permits this month, and 521 year-to-date. These are still record setting numbers for construction activity and value. PLANNING & ZONING The Planning Commission reviewed seven variance cases in August in addition to one conditional use permit and one ordinance amendment relating to a waiver of platting and the subdivision ordinance. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment for streamlining variances was adopted by the City Council on August 13, and staff is tracking the number of cases that are impacted or that do not require a variance. Since the ordinance has been adopted two properties have taken advantage of the new ordinance. JS:pj printed on recycled paper City of Mound BULLDOG ACTIVITY REPORT Month: AUOUSX Year:. 1996 MONTH YEAR.TO DATE 4EW CONSTI~UCTION SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED i i 176,070 22 2,410,905 SINGLE FAMILY A~-TACHED (CONDOS) 8 2,256,815 TWO FAMILY ! DUPLEX MULTIPLE FAMILY (3 OR MORE UNITS) TRANSIENT HSG. (HOTELS I MOTELS) SUBTOTAL [ I 176,070 30 4 , 667, 720 NEW CONSTRUCtiON : 1 llO,O00 COMMERCIAL (RETAIL/RESTAURANT) i 200,000 OFFICE I PROFESSIONAL · iNDUSTRiAL PUBLIC I SCHOOLS i 2 310,000 iSUBTOTAL ,,. ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS TO PRINCIPAL BUILDING 2 . ; 49,565 17 428,441 )ETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS i 12,500 13 134,137 DECKS 11 35,204 48 127,048 1 400 SWIMMING POOLS 94,622 134 567,551 REMODEL - MISC RESIDENTIAL 23 2 81,640 REMODEL ' MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 37 191,891 215 1,339,217 SUBTOTAL L ~,D DITION S IALTERATIONB 2 30,000 COMMERCIAL (RETAIL/RESTAURANT) OFFICE / PROFESSIONAL 2 53,319 ~ 157,42t~ NDUSTRIAL I I, 200,000 'UBLIC / SCHOOLS DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS -- 2 53,319 7 1,387,424 SUBTOTAL DEMOMT'ONS II # PERMITS I # UNITS I VALUATION II # PERMITS I VALUATION .J i 1 7 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS NON*RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ]. 5 TOTAL DEMOLITIONS 2 ]. 12 # PERMITS # UNITS VALUATION ~ VALUATION 30 TOTAL 42 1 421,280 ~ 7,70/~,361 - ~HIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE · BUILDING 42 266 FENCES & RETAINING WALLS 4 20 SIGNS 4 9 PLUMBING 14 93 7 76 MECHANICAL GRADING 0 2 S&W, STREET EXCAV., FIRE, ETC. 10 55 TOTAL I 81 I 521 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Mayor, City Council and City Manager Jim Fackler, Parks Director August Monthly Report September 5,1996 ~,/" GENERAL COMMENT' August is always the month that summer begins to wind down. The recreational Parks Program ends and the beach staffing is cut back. Mound Bay Park life guards remain through Labor Day. If funds allow Centerview beach will remain staffed also. August saw very little rain so the mowing crew was able to complete all needed cutting. This allowed for other much needed repair to be done. All of the equipment was cleaned and serviced and needed repairs were also completed on the tractors. TREES: A storm created some damage which required nine trees to be removed and a number of damaged branches to be trimmed. A hazardous tree was taken down in Three Points and one tree was marked for removal on private property. DOCKS: The dock system is near capacity with only a few sites available in the dedicated areas remaining. We continue to receive calls inquiring about docks for 1997. .CEMETERY: There were only ash burials and locations for headstone placements required this month. The dry month has taken a toll on the grounds. printed on recycled paper O9/05/96 of Mound Monthly Report Utilities Month of: August 1996 Utility-96 Residential Commercial Total o. of Customers: Water Sewer Water Used: (in 1,000 gallons) 1,144 1,137 23,547 124 124 4,636 1,268 1,261 28,183 Billing' Water Sewer Recycle $34,858 $52, OO3 $5,176 Total $92,037 Payments: Water Sewer Recycle Total $28,689 $47,272 $4,704 $80,665 $6,678 $15,875 $106 $22,659 $5,667 $13,840 $94 $19,601 $41,536 $67,878 $5,282 $114,696 $34,356 $61,112 $4,798 $100,266 TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR AUGUST FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT I nvestm e nt Activity Bought: $4,385,416 Money Market 4M 230,824 Money Market Norwest Bank 4 Money Market First Bank 102,891 CP Smith Barney 5.43% 560,572 CP Dain Bosworth 5.43% 410,573 CP Dain Bosworth 5.41% 89,189 CD FBS Investment 5.30% 490,247 CP FBS Investment 5.39% 299,347 Matured: Money Market First Bank (354,347) Piper Jaffray Inst Govt Inc 7.56/Share (1,747,202) CP FBS Investment 5.42% (249,663) August 31, i996 Balance: Weddin sg~weddi~g~ August 1996 was a wedding month in the finance department. Gayle changed her name from Burns to Bethke on August 30. She also moved from Minneapolis to Arlington, MN. Joyce's daughter, Jannifer, tied the knot on August 31. And my niece, Isabelle, did the same on the same day, although the ceremonies took place on two different continents. My niece lives in France. Even with all the celebrating, we kept up with all the monthly routines, helped to finalize the budget for 1997, and dealt with the investments as highlighted above. MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 1996 FIRE FIGHTERS DRILLS & MAINTENANCE FIRE & RESCUE 8/12 8/19 ~ I-IZLRS ~ ~ATE 1 ,~F~ ANDk-~gk~W X X 2 19 O0 2 42 6.50 273.00 2 f}~ ~G, AI~ER ~O~q X X 2 19.00 2 45 6.50 292.50 3 ?AI~, B~BB X X 2 19.00 4.5 41 6.50 266.50 4 ,T)AVT r) BOYD X X 2 19.00 5 24 6.50 156.OO ..... 5 SCOT? BRYCE × X 2 lq. DO 0 16 6.50 104.00 6 JIM CASEY X w 2 lq_DO 1.5 19 6.50 123.50 .... 7 STEVE COLLINS X Y 2 1 q. Df) 3 20 6.50 130. O0 8 .BOB CRA!.~FORD X y 9 IQ.PD 2.5 28 6.50 182.00 , .. 9__ RA~DY ~G~,~ART X X ? iQ c~ 1 22 6.50 143.00 10 STEVE ERICKSON X X 2 1 q. DO 0 33 7.00 231.00 11 DAN GRADY X × 2 ] q.('D 9 27 6.50 175.50 12 KEVIN GRADY X 7( 2 ~ lq.oO 2 19 6_50 123.50 13 ]%PT~C,~ G;~g?*P,~ON X X 2 19,0O 5.5 22 6.50 143.00 14 CPJ. IG _~HFND~., EP. SOW X X 2 19.00 0 37 ~,75 249.75· 15 PA3~., ,_w51~_ Y 'X ('~ 1 9.50 4.5 19 §,50 [23.50 16_~__~iATT F~::]',~'TC. Eg X X 2 19. O0 3 29 ~, 50 188.50 17. ROGER KRYCK X X 2 19.00 4.5 22 6.50 143.00 18' 30HN LARSON X X 2 19.00 2.5 36 ~.50 234.00 · 19 JASON ~.IAAS X X 2 19.00 2 27 ~.50 175.50 20 JOIiq NAFUS X (~3 1 9.50 2 32 6.50 208.00 21 3ALOES NELSON X X 2 19.00 3 29 6.50 188.50 22 BRET NICCI/.! X X 2 19.00 9 40 6.50 260.00 23 GREG PAI2.! X X 2 19.OO , 6 19 6.50 123.50 24 ~..!nCE PA~ x x ~ 19.00 2.5 II ~.g 6.50 t88.5o 25 TIl. i PALM X X 2 19.00 5.5 II 29 6.50 188.50 26 GREG PEDERSON X X 2 19.00 1 II 28 6.50 182.00 27 CHRIS POUNDER X X 2 19.00 6.5 '29 6.50 188.50 28 TONY RASMUSSEN X 1 9,50 29 RICHARD ROGERS X X 2 19,00 34 6.50 221.00 ,_. 30 HIKE SAVAGE X X 2 19.00 36 6.50 234.00 _ 31 KEVIN SIPPR~.T, X X 2 19.00 13 6.50 84.50 ~2 RON ST_~ X X 2 19.00 24 6.50 156.00 36 'fll.l WIT,LT~S X E (~ 9.50 20 6.50 130.00 37 DEi%R~IS WOYTCKE X X 2 19.00 27 6.50 175.50 ..... 36 34 70 "IOr_ALS 90HRS 85 ~-~g, 175 HR] 665.0¢ 125 II 1012 W~f~$ 6,603.75 175 HRS I1RILLS 665.00 125 MAIN~ __ 1,167.00 ~FAL 8,435.75 ,,,~, ,! ~ MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT. .~D .~ _L-H OF A_____~_.~ 96 .ND. OF CALLS HOUND FIRE MINNETONKA BEACH M!NNETR!STA 0RONO SHOREW00D SPRING PARK TOTAL FIRE CALLS TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS CO~'~RCIAL ~S!D~TL~ Ab'fO F;2~SE ALA.R_M / FIRE ALARMS EMERGENCY FIRE FIRE F RE ~. OF HOURS FIRE - MOUND '~MERGENCY FIRE MTKA BEACH MON'~{ MON2M 50 65 .16 16 9 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 4 2 8 1 0 0 27 29 23 36 0 M'TRtSTA 114 102 TOTAL 221 216 FIRE 31 14 ORONO ~M~RGENL~ 122 49 TO'~.AL 153 63 SHOREUOOD 0 SP. PARK FIRE EMERGENCY TOT_AL 0 27 68 22 127 49 195 0 65 11 0 TOTAL DRILL HOURS TOTAL FIRE HOURS TOTAL EMERGENCY HOURS 11 175 577 435 1012 0 /D~-~L FIRE & IMERG_ENCY HOURS /UTU~.~ ;.ID RECEIVED MUTUAL ^~D GIVEN 532 131 179 5 9 41 25 42 21 0 3 18 5O 6 2 242 290 1 25 1 97 18 88 ;075 681 79 202 281 824 490 131.4 924 425 1349 68 68 3O8 1000 1308 141 51 '192 1390 5351 5917 11 268 O TO DATE 512 125 175 9 5 30 21 38 16 7 2 31 48 3 2 243 269 4 54 0 85 16 82 2812 3463 6275 205 91 296 740 385 1125 969 393 1362 192 44 236 692 917 1609 131 50 LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Telephone 472-0621 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle ChiefLen Harrell Monthly Report for August 1996 The police department responded to 1,053 calls for service during the month of August. There were 32 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 1 criminal sexual conduct, 1 robbery, 6 burglaries, 21 larcenies, and 3 arsons. There were 97 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses included 1 child abuse/neglect, 2 forgery/NSF checks, 2 weapons, 9 narcotics, 13 damage to property, 3 liquor law violations, 8 DUI's, 12 simple assaults, 18 domestics (9 with assaults), 3 harassment's, 7 juvenile status offenses, and 19 other offenses. The patrol division issued 157 adult citations and 11 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 22 tickets. Warnings were issued to 101 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 2 adults and 8 juveniles arrested for felonies. adults and 14 juveniles arrested for misdemeanors. additional 11 warrant arrests. There were 46 There were an The department assisted in 6 vehicle accidents, 1 with injuries. There were 17 medical emergencies and 101 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 20 occasions in August and requested assistance 6 times. Property valued at $29,659 was stolen. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 1996 II. INVESTIGATIONS The investigators worked on one child protection issue, one adult protection issue, and 3 criminal sexual conduct cases that accounted for 35 hours of investigative time. Additional cases included burglary, assault, robbery, dumping of hazardous material, neglect issues, damage to property, domestic assaults, deprivation of parental fights, harassing, talking, theft, NSF checks and absenting. Formal complaints were issued for theft, assault, child neglect, worthless check, DWI, violating an order for protection, nuisance party, dog at large, llurking, careless driving, obstructing legal process, open bottle, minor consumption, and theft of services. III. Personnel/Staffing The department used approximately 32 hours of overtime during the month of August. Officers used 46 hours of comp-time, 183 hours of vacation, 20 hours of sick time, and 6 holidays. Officers earned 17 hours of comp- time. Officers also earned 18 hours of "standby" court time. IV. ~ Sgt. McKinley attended the USPCA Regional 12 Trials in Anoka as a competition judge. Sgt. Truax is attending the Southern Police Institute Administrative Officer Course in Kentucky. Vo COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS Officers Packard and Clark addressed 56 animal complaints, 40 ordinance violations, and 122 miscellaneous calls for services. MOI_YND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST ! 996 The reserves donated 115 hours during the month of August. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1996 OFFENSES CLEARED EXCEPT- CLEARED BY ARRESTED REPORTED UNFOUNDED CLEARED ARREST ADULT JUV PART I CRIMES Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery Aggravated A~sault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 21 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 TOTAL 32 I 1 5 2 8 PART II CRIMES Child Abuse/Neglect Forgery/NSF Checks Criminal Damage to Property Weapons Narcotic Laws Liquor Laws DWI Simple A~sault Domestic Assault Domestic (No Assault) Harassment Juvenile Status Offenses Public Peace Trespassing All Other Offenses 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 13 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 9 0 0 9 7 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 8 0 0 8 8 0 12 1 5 4 3 1 9 0 2 7 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 6 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 I 12 12 1 TOTAL 97 3 10 53 46 14 PART II & PART IV Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual Aid Other General Investigations TOTAL 5 1 0 17 101 2O 776 920 HCCP Inspections TOTAL 1,053 11 58 48 22 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST 1996 GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY Hazardous Citations Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over .10 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony Arrests Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests Part I Offenses Part II Offenses Medicals Animal Complaints Ordinance Violations Other Public Contacts THIS YEA/~ TO LAST YEA/~ MONTH DATE TO DATE 99 551 584 56 373 496 35 176 133 89 454 438 110 665 447 22 439 247 8 43 35 5 33 29 5 44 62 1 14 24 0 0 0 5 31 14 52 260 233 8 42 41 16 130 107 32 208 182 97 548 504 17 246 236 101 381 440 40 150 415 776 5,816 4,726 TOTAL Assists Follow-Ups HCCP Mutual Aid Given Mutal Aid Requested 1,574 10,604 9,393 89 564 598 18 272 254 6 41 24 20 126 129 6 76 109 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1996 DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Code Enforcement Seat Belt MV/ATV Miscellaneous Tags TOTAL 8 5 0 8 0 62 1 0 34 0 10 0 3 0 7 0 0 22 5 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1996 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAL WARRANT ARRESTS Felony Misdemeanor 38 21 13 2 5 0 0 0 0 8 87 2 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 Run= 29-Aug-96 10=16 PRO03 Prf~ry JSNIs only: No Da~..~eported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 tivit¥ codes: operty Status: All Property Types: AIl Property Descs: All Brands: All Mode[s: All Officers/Badges: Alt )rop Prop Inc no ISN Pr Prop Date Rptd Stolen Tp Desc SN Stat Stolen Value 6 Prop type Totals: 500 7 Prop type Totals: 10,000 B Prop type Totals: 2,330 ¢ Prop type Totals: 225 E Prop type Totals: 20 G Prop type Totals: 1,170 H '" Prop type Totals: 190 J Prop type Totals: 4,575 M Prop type Totals: 3,665 P Prop type Totats: 152 R Prop type Totals: 1,025 S Prop type Totals: 250 T Prop type Totals: 3,148 ~ Prop type Totals: 320 X Prop type Totats: 2,059 Y Prop type Totals: 30 **** Report Totats: 29,659 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTED Date Recov'd Quantity Act Recov'd Value Code 0 1.000 0 2.000 251 12.000 0 1.000 0 2.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 2.000 0 5.000 0 2.000 3 5.000 0 1.000 0 2.000 30 4.000 284 43.000 Brand Model Page Off-1 Off-2 Assnd Assnd ~un: 29-Aug-96 8:43 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No ~ate Reported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 ime range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 How Received: Att Activity Resulted: Att Dispositions: Att Officers/Badges: Att Grids: Att Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All ~CTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 9000 SPEEDING 62 9001 J-SPEEDING 8 9002 NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L 1 9003 J-NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L 1 9014 STOP SIGN 10 9015 J-STOP SIGN 1 9018 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION 3 9022 EXHIBITION DRIVING 2 9030 CROSSWALK VIOLATION 5 9038 ALL OTHER TRAFFIC 3 9040 NO SEATBELT 3 9041 J-NO SEATBELT 1 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 20 9150 NO TRAILER PARKING 2 9200 DAS/OAR/OAC 8 9210 PLATES/NO-IMPROPER-EXPIRED 34 9220 NO INSURANCE/PROOF OF 7 9240 CHANGE OF DOMICILE 3 9252 WARNING TAGS 1 9301 LOST PERSONS 1 9310 FORFEITURES 1 9312 FOUND ANIMALS/IMPOUNDS 2 Page t ,,- ,,t il Il !un: 29-Aug-96 8:43 CFS08 Primary ISN's on[y: No ~at~eported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 'if ~ge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 How Received: AIl Activity Resulted: AIl Dispositions: AIl Officers/Badges: AIl Grids: AIl Patrol Areas: AIl Days of the week: Ali kCTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION 9313 9314 9315 9430 9450 9451 9562 9566 FOUND PROPERTY FOUND VENICLES/IMPOUNDED UNCLAIME DESTROYED ANIMALS PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS H/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. DOG BITE CAT BITES ANIMAL ENFORCEMENT TICKETS 9710 MEDICAL/ASU 9720 MEDICAL/DOA 9730 MEDICALS 9731 MEDICALS/DX 9735 IO0 INJURY 9740 MENTAL CASES 9800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 9801 DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT 9802 PUBLIC ASSIST 9900 ALL NCCP CASES 3PEN DOOR/ALARMS MISC. SERVICES BY OFFICERS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[Is For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 16 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 12 2 1 1 4 9 5 4 10 2 1 Page ~un: 29-Aug-96 8:43 CFS08 Primary ]SN's only: ~ate Reported range: ime range each day: How Received: Activity Resulted: Dispositions: Officers/Badges: Grids: Patrol Areas: Days of the week: ~CTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION No 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 00:00 - 23:59 ALL ALL ALL ALt ALL All ALL MOUND POLICE DEPARTHENT Enfors carts For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 9930 HANDGUN APPLICATION 4 9931 HANDGUN DENIALS 1 9945 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 9950 INFO/INT 2 9980 WARRANTS 11 9990 MISC. VIOLATIONS 1 9992 MUTUAL AID/8100 10 9993 MUTUAL AID/6500 3 9994 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER 7 ~5307 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-NO WEAP-POLICE 1 ~5351 ASLT 5-MS-[NFL[CT ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM 7 ~5352 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-ASLT'AC 3 ~5353 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-ADULT-STR 1 ~5355 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ 4 A5451 ASLT 5-MS-FEAR BOD HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM 1 A5502 ASLT 5-THRT BQOILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-ACQ 2 A5505 ASLT 5-THRT BOOILY HARM-NO WEAP-CHLD-ACQ 1 A5531 ASLT 5-THRT BOOILY HARM-KNIFE ETC-AOLT-FAM 1 83434 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-D-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 1 83494 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 2 83794 BURG 3-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COH THEFT 1 84790 BUR~ 4-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT 1 Page tun: 29-Aug-96 8:43 CFS08 Primary ISN's onty: No )at~,~eported range: 0?/26/96 - 08/25/96 Fi nge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Now Received: AIl Activity Resulted: Ali Dispositions: AIl Officers/Badges: AIl Grids: A[[ Patrol Areas: Ali Days of the week: Ali kCTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION 34795 BURG 4-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM PROPERTY )8540 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSESSION )A548 DRUGS-SM AMT IN MOT VEH-POSS-MARIJ-NOT APP )C500 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-UNK ~C508 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-NOT APPLICABLE :308B ARSON 3-FE-UNK COND-MTR VEHC-$300-999 :4~'''' ARSON 3-MS-UNINHB-NO WEA-OT STRU-$299 LESS :700C ~1148 [3100 J2501 J2EO1 J2R01 J3500 J3501 J3EO0 J3E01 K6C04 K6E04 M~ M4199 M5350 NEGLIGENT FIRE-MS-OT PROP-S299 LESS CAM AGST FM-FE-SEXUAL ABUSE VULN ADLT CAM AGNST FAM-MS-ENDANGER CHLD-UNK INJURY TRAFF-GM-DUI LIQUOR-UNK INJ-UNK VEH TRAF-ACC-GM-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-MV TRAFF-GM-FAIL TO SUBMIT TO TEST-UNK INJ-MV TRAF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR TRAFF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE TRAF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-UNK VEH TRAF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-MV DEPRIVE PANT RGHTS-TAKE/RETAIN-UNK WP-CHLD-FAM DEPRVE PANT RGHTSoLIVE W CHILD-UNK WP-CHLD-FAM JUVENILE-USE OF TOBACCO LIQUOR - OTHER JUVENILE-RUNAWAY MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Ca[Is For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 Page Run: 29-Aug-96 8:43 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 How Received: All Activity Resulted: All Dispositions: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All Patrol Areas: Days of the week: All ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION M8199 N1310 N3190 N3230 P3110 P3119 P3120 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors carts For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY COOE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS CRUELTY TO ANIMALS-OTHER 1 DISTURBING PEACE-FE-STALKING-UNKNOIJN 1 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 3 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARASS-ABUSE-THRT'MAIL'DELIV 1 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT 10 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-OTHER INTENT 1 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT 1 P3130 PROP DAMAGE-MS-BUSINESS-UNK INTENT 1 R3152 ROBB-SIMPLE-HIGHWAY-STRONGARM-ADULT'ACQ 1 TF029 THEFT-201-5OO-GM-BUILDING'OTH PROP 1 TF159 THEFT-201-5OO-GM-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP 1 TF169 THEFT-201-5OO-GM-WATERCRAFT-OTN PROP 2 TG021 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-BUILDING-MONEY 2 TG059 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-YARDS-OTHR PROP 1 TG159 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-MOTOR VEH-OTHER 2 TG169 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-~ATERCRAFT-OTH PROP 2 U1018 THEFT-FE-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS 1 U1287 THEFT-FE-SHOPLIFTING-201-500 1 U1497 THEFT-FE-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-201-500 1 U3018 THEFT-MS-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS 1 U3288 THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING-200 OR LESS 1 U3497 THefT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-201-500 I Page ~un: 29-Aug-96 8:43- CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No ~ate Reported range: 0?/26/96 - 08/25/96 im~""'-~ge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 ,ow Received: Activity Resulted: ALt Dispositions: AL[ Officers/Badges: Grids: Patrol Areas: AIl Days of the week: At[ ~CTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Carts For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS J3498 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-200 OR LESS J3150 WEAPONS-MS-POSSESS-EXPLOS-INCEND-NO CHAR ~3190 WEAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR ~2200 ~3080 ;3250 CRIM AGNST ADM JUST-GM-GIVE FLSE NAM-POL CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-OBST LEGAL PROCESS CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORD PROTECTION CRIM AGNST ADM JUST-MS-VIOL NARRASS REST ORDER 6 1 1 1 1 3 2 *** Report Totals: 427 Page Run: 29-Aug-96 14:17 OFF01 Primary lSN's only: No Date Reported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 Time range each day: 00:00 - 2~:59 Dispositions: Att Activity codes: AIl Officers/Badges: AL[ Grids: AL[ MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page 1 ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... AOULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED A5307 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-NO WEAP-POLICE I 0 I 0 I 0 0 1 100.0 A5351 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-AOLT-FAM 7 0 7 0 6 0 I 7 100.0 A5352 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BO HRM-HANOS-ASLT-AC 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 100.0 A5353 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-ADULT-STR 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 A5355 ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HANDS-CHLD-ACQ 4 0 4 2 0 1 1 2 50.0 A5451 ASLT 5-MS-FEAR BOO HRM-HANDS-ADLT-FAM 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 A5502 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-NO WEAP-ADLT-ACQ 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 100.0 A5505 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-NO WEAP-CHLD-ACQ 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100 A5531 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-KNIFE ETC-ADLT-FAM 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 B3434 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-D-UNK NEAP-COM THEFT I 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 83494 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 83794 BURG 3-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 B4790 BURG 4-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-UNK ACT 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 B4795 BURG 4-UNOCC NRES FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM PROPERTY 1 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0.0 D8540 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSESSION 4 0 4 0 3 1 0 & 100.0 DA548 DRUGS-SM AMT IN MOT VEH-POSS-MAR[J-NOT APP 1 0 I 0 0 1 0 I 100.0 DCSO0 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-UNK ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 3 100.0 DC508 DRUGS-DRUG PARAPH-POSSESS-UNK-NOT APPLICABLE 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 F3OSB ARSON 3-FE-UNK COND-MTR VEHC-$~O0-999 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 F4275 ARSON 3-MS-UNINHB-NO UEA-OT STRU-$299 LESS 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 FTOOC NEGLIGENT FIRE-MS'OT PROP-S299 LESS I 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 lOG 11148 CRM AGST FM-FE-SEXUAL ABUSE VULN ADLT 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 13100 CRM AGNST FAM-MS-ENDANGER CHLD-UNK INJURY 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 1. 100.0 OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES ACT ACTIVITY CODE OESCRIPTION PENDING ., ,- it[ I E Run: 29-Aug-96 14:17 OFF01 Primary iSN's on[y: No date Reported range: 0?/26/96 - 08/25/96 Ti~"""~nge each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: Att Activity codes: At[ Officers/Badges: AIl Grids: ALL NOUND POLICE OEPART~ENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page ~CT ACTIVITY :ODE DESCRIPTION J2501 TRAFF-GN-DUI LIQUOR-UNK INJ-UNK VEH J2E01 TRAF-ACC-GN-AL 10 NORE-UN[ INJ-NV J2R01 TRAFF-GN-FAIL TO SUBNIT TO TEST-UNK INJ-NV J3500 TRAF-ACClD-NS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J3501 TRAFF-ACCID-NS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE J]EO0 TRAF-ACC-NS-AL 10 NORE-UNK INJ-UNK VEH J]E01 TRAF-ACC-NS-AL 10 NORE-UNK INJ-NV ~6C0~ DEPRIVE PRNT RGHTS-TAKE/RETAIN-UNK WP'CHLD-FAN ~6Eu~ DEPRVE PRNT RGHTS-LIVE W CHILD-UN[ WP'CHLD'FAM l]O0~ JUVENILE'USE OF TOBACCO 44199 LIQUOR - OTHER ~5350 JUVENiLE'RUNAWAY 48199 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS'OTHER ~3190 DISTURB PEACE'MS-HARRASSING COHMUNICATIONS N3230 DISTURB PEACE'MS'HARASS-ABUSE'THRT-NAIL-DELIV P3110 PROP DANAGE-NS'PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3119 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-OTHER INTENT P3120 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3130 PROP DAHAGE-MS-BUSINESS-UNK INTENT ~3152 ROBB'SIMPLE-H~GHWAY-STRONGARM-ADULT.ACQ rF~ THEFT-201-500-C44-BUILDING-OTN PROP rF159 THEFT-201-500-GN-HOTOR VEH-OTH PROP 'F169 THEFT-201-500-GN-WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... OFFENSES UN- ACTUAL ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED 3 5 1 3 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 0 1 0 I 0 0 1 100.0 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 100.0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 100.0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 100.0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 0 5 0 0 4 1 5 100.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 10 9 1 0 0 1 10.0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2 2 0 0 0 O. 0.0 Run: 29-Aug-96 14:17 OFF01 Primary ISN's on[y: No Date Reported range: 07/26/96 - 08/25/96 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: ALL Activity cedes: ALL Officers/Badges: Grids: AL[ MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page OFFENSES ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... UN- ACTUAL ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT FOUNDED OFFENSES ARREST ARREST CEPTION TOTAL CLEAREO ACT ACTIVITY COOE DESCRIPTION REPORTED PENDING TG021 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-BUILDING-MONEY TGO59 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-YARDS-OTHR PROP TG159 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-MOTOR VEH-OTNER TG169 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-WATERCRAFT-OTH PROP U1018 THEFT-FE-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS J1287 THEFT-FE-SHOPLIFTING-201-500 U1497 THEFT-FE-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-201-500 U3018 THEFT-MS-BY CHECK-200 OR LESS J3288 THEFT-MS-SHOPLIFTING*200 OR LESS J3497 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE'NO MOTOR-201-500 ~3498 THEFT-MS-BICYCLE-NO MOTOR-200 OR LESS Wr5150 WEAPONS-MS-POSSESS-EXPLOS-INCEND'NO CHAR ~3190 WEAPONS-MS-USES-OTHER TYPE-NO CHAR X2200 CRIM AGNST ADH JUST-GM-GIVE FLSE NAM-POL CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-OBST LEGAL PROCESS CRIM AGNST RDMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORD PROTECTION CRIM AGNST ADM JUST-MS-VIOL HARRASS REST ORDER X3080 X3250 X3360 50.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100.0 0.0 16.6 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 **** Report TotaLs: 118 4 114 45 44 14 11 69 60.5 09/04/199G 10:00 612--4724435 TOM REESE PAGE 01 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRI, 900 EAST WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 160, WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 · TELEPHONE 61 G. Alan Wlllcutt. EXECUTIVE DIREi BOARD MEMBI~R9 Dduglas E, Babcock Chair. Tonka Bay' Tom Raese Vice Chair, Mound Jo~,eph Zwak Secmta~, Greenwood Robert Aa,cop Treasurer, Shomwood Kant Dahlen Minnetonka Beach Beq Foster Oeephaven Gr~lchan Maglich Mtnnetenka Duane Markus Wayzata Craig Moiler Victoria Craig Nelson Spring Park Eugene Partyka Mlnne~rlsla Paul Stark Excelsior Herb J. Sue~th Woodland ~ono TO: MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE: SEJ~EMBER 4, 1996 FROM: TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: AUGUST REPORT- LMCD 1.0 General Items. 1.1 Thc 9/11 mccting will be cancelled due to a conflict with the meeting room availability and the difficulty in finding an alternate date. 1.2 The district District is on e-mail at LMCD@winternet.com 1.3 Staff members are receiving training in the efficient use of the new computers, software and the LAN system. 2.0 Exotic Species Task Force· 2. ! In connection with'thc recent Inland Lakes Regatta, 183 boats were washed, at the request of the event sponsors. Many of these boats came from watem known to be infested with the zebra mussel. 2.2 Marsh Gabriel, Who handles the maintenance on the existing machines travelled to St Clair Shores, Michigan over the holiday period. He viewed an existing new machine there and talked to the operators. We are awaiting his report. We have also Iocated and are investigating two other harvester suppliers. 3.0 Water Structures 3.1 Bil Hawks was denied grandfather status for his floating boathouse on Halsted Bay. Minnetrista is proceeding with criminal prosecution due to his violati°n of their ordinances and a failure to obey a .stop construction order. He has threatened a protracted fight over this ISSUe. 3.2 The Minnctonka Beach fire lane issue has been tabled so that the city can prepare another proposal that might be ,_more agreeable to Mr Goodman. This could potentially involve Mound s common docks. 4.0 Lake Use. 4. I Tom Hawley of 4898 Three Points Bird, Mound was drowned in an accident in West Arm Bay on 9/2. No fur~er details are available at this writing. $..0~ Mound Specific Items _. ' / 5.1 I will be meeting With thc council at the 9/17 Committee of ~he eting to talk about commons issues, and perhaps others.. Mound Representative - LMCD lc. Al Wilicutt, Doug Babcock. ;T '033 roR Laagu~ of ~Minna~ota Citia~ RF..CF..IVED/ U6 3 0 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-204~ Phone: (612) 281-1200 - (800) 925-1122 Fax: (612) 281-1299 ' TDD (612) 281-1290 August 26, 1996 TO: FROM: SUB J: Mayors, Managers, Administrators, Clerks Councilmembers cio City Clerk James F. Miller, Executive Director(~/~,~~ League of Minnesota Cities 1996 Regional Meetings Again this year the League of Minnesota Cities will hold twelve regional meetings to bring city officials from throughout Minnesota together. At these meetings current policy issues will be considered, as well as practical questions concerning the problems you face. We cordially invite you to attend a regional meeting and to join in our discussions. This year, the League's regional meetings are scheduled in Dalton, Fosston, Roseau, Emily, Virginia, Askov, Renville, Upsala, Watertown, Heron Lake, Pine Island, and New UIm. You may receive an invitation from more than one host city, depending upon your location. Please feel free to choose the one which best fits your schedule. The afternoon program will begin at 2:00 p.m. and cover important topics such as how claims against cities are handled, new League services such as our Web Site, the Ambassador's Program, the 4M fund and the new 4M Plus Fund, and an explanation of how the sales tax affects cities. Again this year we will have the "around the table" discussions with cities citing their latest accomplishments. The social hour is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m. The evening program will include a video presentation dealing with the rights of way issue, and a multi-media presentation on conflicts of interest. I hope you will be able to join us at one of our regional meetings. If you plan to attend, please RSVP the city contact person identified on the attached regional meeting schedule to make your reservations. Come for the afternoon, the evening, or both. I look forward to meeting you there. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER C 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone: (612) 281-1200 · (800) 925-1122 Fax: (612) 281-1299 ° TDD (612) 281-1290 DATE September 24 September 25 September 26 October 1 October 2 October 3 1996 REGIONAL MEETINGS CITY Dalton LOCATION/CONTACT PERSON Community Center 114 West Main Street Dalton, MN 56324 . Dennis Mosher, City Administrator PHONE: 218/589-8701 Fosston The Stadium 104 South Amber Avenue Fosston, MN 56542 Chuck Lucken, Clerk-Treasurer PHONE: 218/435-1959 Roseau Golf Course Club House 100 2nd Avenue NE Roseau, MN 56751 Leland Lunos, Clerk-Treasurer PHONE: 218/463-1542 Emily City Hall/Community Center 2nd & Lake Streets Emily, MN 56447 Julie Frank, City Clerk PHONE: 218/763-2480 Virginia Coates Plaza Hotel 502 Chestnut Street Virginia, MN 55792 Gary Picek, Deputy City Clerk PHONE: 218/741-3890 OR Susan Pikula at 218/741-0581 Askov Askov Community Center 6369 Kobmagergade (Merchants Street) Askov, MN 55704 Aria Budd, City Clerk PHONE: 320/838-3616 (OVER) AN :B(~LTAL OPPORTUNITY/A~,FiRMATlrV-B ACTION I~MPLOYt~I~ October 15 Renville Renville Community Center 221 North Main Renville, MN 56284 Duane Hebert, City Administrator PHONE: 3201329-8366 October 16 Upsala Upsala Recreation Center Upsala, MN 56384 Lynn Fabro, Clerk-Treasurer PHONE: 320/573-2710 October 17 Watertown City Hall/Community Center 309 Lewis Avenue South Watertown, MN 55388 Mike Ericson, City Administrator PHONE: 612/955-2681 or METRO 446-1711 October 22 Heron Lake Heron Lake Area Community Center 312 10th Street Heron Lake, MN 56137 Judy Haberman, Clerk-Treasurer PHONE: 507/793-2826 October 23 Pine Island American Legion Post #184 108 1st Avenue SE Pine Island, MN 55963 Elmer Brocker, Clerk-Administrator PHONE: 507/356-4591 October 24 New Ulm New UIm Country Club 1 Golf Drive New UIm, MN 56073 Diane Hempel PHONE: 507/359-8233 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone: (612) 281-1200 · (800) 925-1122 Fax: (612) 281-1299 ° TDD (612) 281-1290 2:00-2:30 p.m. 2:30-3:00 p.m. 3:00-3:15 p.m. 3:15- 4:00 p.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 7:00-7:15 p.m. 7:15-8:30 p.m. 8:30-9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 1996 REGIONAL MEETING PROGRAM AFTERNOON PROGRAM "I'M GOING TO SUE YOU" How claims against cities are handled League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Staff WHAT'S NEW. How the League's Home Page, Ambassadors Program, Investment Programs (the 4M Fund' and the new 4M Plus Fund) and other new League services will benefit your city. League of Minnesota Cities Staff Break WHAT'S DUE. ARE WE PAYING TOO MUCH? An explanation of the sales tax on cities with an emphasis on what purchases are exempt. Minnesota State Department of Revenue Staff AROUND THE TABLE. Each city presents its latest accomplishments Tom Thelen, Field Representative, League of Minnesota Cities SOCIAL HOUR & OPPORTUNITY TO QUESTION THE AFTERNOON PRESENTERS AND TO INTERACT WITH OFFICIALS FROM OTHER CITIES. Dinner EVENING PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Jim Miller, Executive Director, League of Minnesota Cities BOARD OF DIRECTORS REMARKS WELCOME Host City Mayor LOCAL CONTROL. View the video on whether cities will retain control over their rights of' way. VVill property tax reform diminish the ability of cities to provide services? Tips for bringing the impact on cities of these and other MINNESOTA ELECTION 96 ISSUES to the attention of national and state candidates. Gary Carlson, Director, Intergovernmental Relations Sharon Klumpp, Associate Executive Director, League of Minnesota Cities OFFICIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. VVhat kinds of business transactions between a councilmember and the city are legal, illegal or unwise. Adjourn AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER RECEIVED SEP eRTo M.1-N .N-E. S · O.T. A H E A R T O F T H E L U C E L I N E T R A I L YOU ~IRE CORDI/ILL Y INVITED WilERE: Watertown City I lall 309 Lewis Aveuue South WllEN: Saturday, Septetnber 14, 1996 TIME: 10:00 a.tn. - 2:00 p.m. On behalf of the Watertown City Couucil, Watertown Public Library, aud Friends for Life Orgauization, you arc cordially invited to Ibc grand openiug of tile Watertown City llall to be held Saturday, September 14, 1996 tioln 10:00 am. to 2:00 pin.. Tbc official dedication ccremouy and program is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m.. Tiffs project is thc fulfillment of thc visiou and bard work of many commuuity leaders, city and counly officials, and city and library staff. Plcasc join us on Scptcmbcr 14, 1996 Ibr zcfiesbmcnts and building Innrs to celcbralc Ibc completion of' thc cily's ucw downtown facility. Tile favor of a reply is appreciated. Please R.S.V.P Io Michael A. Ericsou, City Administralor al (612) 955-2681 or 446-1711 prior to September I1, 1996. FROM: RE: WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 277 5600 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD · MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 Michael G. Looby, Director of Community Education and Personnel' Services 472-0341 September 5, 1996 RECEIVE SE.P 6_ Westonka Community Center Task Force Members Mike Looby, Chairperson, s/./a~ COMMUNITY CENTER TASK FORCE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH 7:30 - 9:00 A.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, COMMUNITY CENTER Another meeting of the Community Center Task force has been scheduled for September 17th as described above. A meeting notice is also being sent to the Mayors / Council Representatives and School Board Chair / Board Member Representative. Enclosed with this mailing is Community Center planning sheet / time line, and a copy of the last meeting summary. As you will read, the Superintendent will be recommending the construction of a new building to the School Board on September 9th. In addition to phase one which is intended to meet some immediate school district needs, a "phase in" plan is being developed which will allow room for additional school functions as well as space expansion with other community partners. The primary purpose of this meeting will be to briefly review the current planning status, the School Board action from September 9th, and discuss the "phase in" plan with specific attention given to the senior center and multipurpose gym facility. It would be ideal to include several phases in the original construction of a new facility. However, it is clearly time for the district to proceed, preferably with community parmers. We will plan to start our meeting promptly at 7:30 a.m. and conclude no later than 9:00 a.m. Please mark your calendar accordingly and plan to attend. If you are unable to attend, please contact Lois Sage at 491-8040. Thanks, see you soon! Eos Architects and Engineers Office,, in Rochester am Minneapol s. MN TSP/E¢)S 21 Water Stree~ Excelsior. MN 5533 FAX 1612) 474-3928 FEL ~t~l 2 } 474-3291 Member of TSP Group: Rochesler. MN Minneapolis. MN Denver. CO Gillette. WY Rapid Cit,~, SD Sheridan. WY Sioux Falls. SD Marshalhown. IA An Equal Opportunity, Affirm:ltive Action Employer Meeting Summary Westonka Community Center Task Force August 20, 1996 Members Present: (guest) (guest) Mike Looby, Co-chairperson Ed Shukle Patsy Kiesow Doc Meier Marilyn Byrnes Tom Reese Jim Robin Pat Meisel Peter Johnson Pam Meyers Jeannie Stortz Bert Haglund District 277 Administration CiD' of Mound Community Education & Sen'ices Westonka Senior Center Community Education Advisor)' Council Citizen Citizen Citizen Hockey Association District 277 Superintendent Westonka Helping Youth TSP/Eos The meeting was called to order by Mike Looby at 7:30 A.M. Looby reviewed the meeting summary of July 26, 1996. Looby reviewed a handout that was presented to Westonka School Board on August 19th. The handout addressed the following with regard to the community center. 2. 3. 4. Review current cost analysis of options. Updated review of options discussed at July Board meeting. Recommendation to table action until September Board meeting. Proposed action for September Board meeting: build new. Looby reviewed a "Zero-in on Space Needs" which had also been presented to the School Board. This document outlined the current District use of the community center building and the proposed District space needs if housed in a new facility. Non-Distict uses of the community center building were not included. Haglund reviewed some building cost data developed by Marshal & Swift, a national building cost estimating service. It included a comparison of various classes of office buildings, their construction materials and systems, and project costs. This information had also been presented to the School Board. Looby reviewed a letter from "Triad" stating their support of a new community center. Triad is a national organization representing senior citizens. Johnson indicated that the Pond arena is planning to build new team rooms for hockey. If the existing community center building is demolished, team rooms may also be needed for football. If so, more elaborate team rooms might be considered. Meeting Summary Westonka Community Center Task Force August 20, 1996 Page 2 Looby indicated that all of the tenants in the 1938 building have been given notice to vacate within 60 days. Reese asked if any contingency funds are available from other District projects. Meyer said that this should be known by the September School Board meeting. Robin offered the following concept for discussion: Demolish the entire existing community center building. Develop a master plan for phased development of a new community center on the site. Phase I would include building as much District space as possible with available funds. Phase 1 may involve moving early childhood to the primary schools and displacement of the senior center and other community programs. Construction of a senior center, youth programs and gymnasium programs would be part of future phases. An idea suggested during discussion was to approach the city(ies) to participate in funding the construction of the master plan -- with the School District covering operating costs. A straw poll was taken on Robin's concept with the following results: 5 yes and 3 abstentions. Robin had to leave the meeting and was not present for the straw poll. Meisel, Meier and Byrnes abstained because of their concerns about the Senior center being displaced. Meisel also abstained because she is in the process of discussing a multi-use facility concept with the District. Looby adjourned the meeting at 9:00 A.M. Respectfully Submitted, BEH:bh Community Center Plannine TSPfEOS will create for us a general concept of a building, which will reflect the Community Center Task Force's recommendation, to build a building which can be expanded in the future, to include every school and community program currently housed in the community center building. We have asked Bert Haglund to include all the school offices and school programs, as well as all the community programs, which are currently housed in the community center building. In the first phase, this concept includes the school district offices. In the second phase, this concept includes school district programs for early childhood special education, community preschool, early childhood family education, The Learning Center (high school alternative program), and Adult Basic Education. In the third phase, this concept includes a multi- purpose gymnasium. In the fourth phase, this concept includes a senior center, as a community-built facility which might be attached to our building. In the fifth phase, this concept includes WeCAN, Wright County Headstart, and Triax. Future expansion options might include an indoor track, a community pool, and/or a fitness center. We are also exploring site options. The current site of the community center building is only one of several possibilities which the school district has available for building. It's possible on several school sites to consider an addition onto a current school building for school offices. It's also possible to consider an addition onto the high schOol building for a multipurpose gymnasium facility. We'll also explore the possible use of the school property nor~ of Sunnyfield Road, which appears to be large enough to build school offices plus a future primary school, should the population increase to warrant it. There may be additional options. Considering the prime location of the current community center building from the point of view of the future of downtown Mound and the Mound Vision planning, private investors are interested in acquiring this corner property. The Pond Arena Board of Directors is interested in acquiring land to assure future parking for their facility. FYI: As a point of reference, the classification of our district transportation building would be a "C low cost" category, on the chart distributed at Monday's Board meeting. It has masonry walls, and steel support for roof. I've asked Bert to find some buildings, new and 20-30 years old, in the $70 per sq ft cost range, for a visit. Anyone interested in a tour? We are beginning to wrestle with several issues: 1. $1.1 million only builds phase 1. How do we house the school programs which are in phases 2 and 3, temporarily? permanently? CES, ECSE, ECFE, preschool, TLC, and ABE are beginning to consider their options. 2. Are the cities of Mound, Spring Park, and Minnetrista interested in building a center for the community programs in phase 4, jointly with the school district's building? If the answer is yes, is the school district willing to offer to continue to provide operating expenses for the community program portion of this proposed building? 3. It may be appropriate to move the headend of the fiber optic data and telephone systems now. This will avoid spending $50,000 to build a protection for this site during the demolition process, which would also be accessible to work on the system. We'll research the options with Elert & Associates, the consultant who helped design our district fiber optic and telephone system.