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MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1997, 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or Citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. ..OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALI.EGIANCE. PAGE APPROVE AGENDA. At this time items can be added to the Agenda that are not listed and/or items can be removed from the Consent Agenda and voted upon after the Consent Agenda has been approved. 3. *CONSENT AGENDA, *A. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1997, REGULAR MEETING. ....................................... 454-476 *B. RESCHEDULE MARCH 11, 1997 REGULAR MEETING. (SUGGESTED DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1997) .............. 477 *C. REQUEST FROM MINNETONKA CLASSIC BASS CLUB TO HOLD TOURNAMENT WEIGH-IN, JUNE 7, 1997, AT MOUND BAY PARK .... 478 *D. APPOINTMENT OF WEED INSPECTOR FOR 1997 ............. 479-480 *E. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS MORTGAGE PROGRAM THROUGH THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY'S MINNESOTA CITIES PARTICIPATION PROGRAM~81-483 *F. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM THROUGH THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY ................................. 484-486 *G. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 350:640 TO ADD "SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES" AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R-1 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT (SUGGESTED DATE: MARCH 4, 1997) ......... 487 *H. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL 451 Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL AND ADD ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES LOCATED WITHIN THE R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AT 2450 WILSHIRE BLVD., SHIRLEY HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (SUGGESTED DATE: MARCH 4, 1997) ....................... 488 *I. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND RELATED VARIANCES FOR THE "SETON BLUFF" RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. (SUGGESTED DATE: MARCH 4, 1997) .................... 489-490 *J. LICENSE RENEWALS ................................... 491 *K. PAYMENT OF BILLS ................................. 492-511 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR" BUSINESS AS REQUESTED BY RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE ............. 512-533 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE VACATION OF THE UNIMPROVED OXFORD LANE LOCATED NORTH OF HANOVER ROAD AND SOUTH OF ABERDEEN ROAD BETWEEN BLOCKS 5 & 9 IN DEVON .......................... 534-546 COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 1996 DEPARTMENT HEADS ANNUAL REPORTS: --JIM FACKLER, PARKS DIRECTOR ...................... --GREG SKINNER, PUBLIC WORKS SUPT ................... --LEN HARRELL, POLICE CHIEF ........................ 547-560 561-566 567-598 REQUEST FROM TONKA BAY MARINA (NEW OWNER OF TEAL POINTE) TO RELEASE LETTER OF CREDIT ON TEAL POINTE DEVELOPMENT ...... 599-603 REQUEST FROM WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO USE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS TWICE PER MONTH ON A REGULAR BASIS BEGINNING JULY 1, 1997 ................................ 604 10. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AMENDING SECTIONS 255:05 AND 255:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 256 TO THE CITY CODE ESTABLISHING A DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION .... 605-608 11. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS:. A. DEPARTMENT HEAD MONTHLY REPORTS FOR JANUARY 1997. . . 609-631 452 Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 Bo Eo Fo LMCD REPRESENTATIVE'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR IANUARY I997. 632 LMCD MAILINGS ................................... 633-635 INVITATION FROM LMCD TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL "SAVE THE LAKE" BANQUET ON FEBRUARY 13, 1997, AT LORD FLETCHERS. PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND .................... 636 INFORMATION FROM THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES RE: MINNESOTA COURT OF APPEALS DECISION ON THE RIGHTS OF WAY ISSUE IN THE US WEST/CITY OF REDWOOD FALLS CASE. 637 REMINDER: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING, FEBRUARY 18, 1997, 7:30 P.M. Go REMINDER: CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1997, IN OBSERVANCE OF PRESIDENT'S DAY. 453 City of Mound Edward Shukle Jr 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 January 31, 1997 Dear Mr. Shukle, RE: Permit to use Mound Bay Park for Tournament Weigh-In We would like to hold our annual bass tournament weigh-in at the Mound Bay Park on June 7th, 1997. The weigh-in will start about 2:30 PM and nm for about one hour. There will be some members setting up the equipment in AM and we should have the area cleaned up and have our equipment out of the park by 5:00PM. Permits have been applied for at' Minnesota DNR and Hennepin County Water patrol. Please call Denny Nelson at 925-3226 if you have any questions or need additional information. Denny Nelson Tournament Coordinator Minnetonka Classic Bass Club 6550 York Ave So. Ste. 602 Edina, MN 55435 He nnepin Cc unt¥ Oplxn'mnit5 Employer January 31, 1997 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF WEED INSPECTOR Enclosed is a form for the appointmem of a weed inspector in your municipality. It is required that the enclosed form be filled out and returned to the County Agricultural Inspector. Please do this as soon as possible. We would like all appointments in by March 15, 1997. Sincerely, Gregory Senst Agricultural Inspector Enclosure ¢:\corfiscnst\96inspeC Department of Public Works 417 North Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1309 (612)348-6846 FAX:(612)348-8532 Recycled Paper lVIINNESOTA DEPARTNIENT OF AGRICUL~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT WEED INSPF. L~OR POR CITY OR TOWNSHIP INSTRUCTIONS 2) Remm to the County Agricultural Inspector: G~eg Senst 4t,7 North 5th Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 NAME OF PERSON APPOINTED JAMES CKLER ADDRESS 5341 MAYW00D ROAD CITY, STATE, ZI~ CODE MOUND, MN. 55364 TF-&.EPHONFj (~CLUDE AREA CODE) 612-472-0600 APPOIN'rlw~T LOCATION MOUND CITY OR TOWNSHIP NAME MOUND COUNTY DATE OF APPOINTMENT it~ACCORDANCE ~ MINNES~A STATUT~q .... ~ INDICATED UNTIL SUCH A TIME AS ~ MAYOR OR TOWN BOARD WISIIES - '~o'o,.'u~l' WEIiD INSPE~-'FOR FROM THE DATE LOCAL W~ED INSPECTOR AS OUTLINED BY LAW. DUTIES, AUTHORITy, AND PRIVILEGES OF ANT SIGNATURE (MAYOR OR CHAIR OF TOWNSH/P BOARD) TfrLE ADDRESS 5341 Maywo0d Road MAYOR MOUND, MN. DATE SIGNED ZIP CODE 55364 Memo DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: January 27, 1997 Suburban Hennepin County Communities Barbara HaYde ,~Administrative Manager Hennepin County I-IRA Application for MI-IFA Minnesota Cities Mortgage Program, Fix-up Funds Lender and Proposed Legislative Change Minnesota Cities Participation Program (MCP P) - First-Time Homebuyers Mortgage Program The Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HCHRA) will be submitting an application for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MI-IFA) Minnesota Cities Participation Program. Applications are due February 18, 1997. In 1996, fourteen (14) suburban Hennepin County communities applied for these mortgage funds on their own, representing approximately $10 million in mortgage funds. The HCHRA application will be on behalf of all communities interested in the program that did not wish to submit an individual application for the mortgage funds. Under the Minnesota City Participation Program, the MHFA sells mortgage revenue bonds on behalf of city and county housing authorities. The proceeds of these bonds provide below-market, interest rate mortgage loans for low and moderate-income first-time home buyers. The maximum purchase price for single-family homes under this program is $95,000. The loans are originated and processed by area participating lenders. The MttFA allocates mortgage funds under this program on a per capita basis. Preliminary estimates of a county application could result in an additional $3 million in mortgage funds available to residents in Hennepin County. Currently, Washington and Wright Counties are major users of these funds. The Metro£ olitan Council has stated that a community's participation in the county application will be viewed as an ejj ort to advance ajj ordabie housing, regardless ij the mortgages are utilized within the city borders. This will assist participating cities in the implementation of the Livable Community's Act. A letter from the Metropolitan Council is enclosed. All communities which have an active I-IRA or EDA and want to be included in the HCHRA application will need to pass a resolution requesting that the HCHRA submit an application on their behalf. A sample resolution is enclosed. Please indicate by February 7, 1997 if your community would like to be included in the HCHRA application. Resolutions need to be returned by March 3, 1997. Please contact Mark Hendrickson at 541-7084 or me at 541-7083 to indicate if your community wishes to participate in the county MCPP application. Home Improvement Loan Programs The HCHRA has been designated by MHFA as an approved lender for the Home Improvement Loan Programs. This includes the Fix-up Fund and Home Energy Loans. Under the Fix-up Fund, income eligible homeowners can qualify for up to a $15,000 loan at interest rates between 2 and 8 percent. Energy loans of up to $5,000 are available to homeowners at an 8 percent interest rate. These programs would be operated in conjunction with other CDBG and MHFA funded single-family housing rehabilitation programs. All communities which have an active HRA or EDA and want the HCHRA to administer these Home Improvement Loan programs in their community will need to pass a resolution requesting the HCHRA to operate the program within the city. A sample resolution is enclosed. HCHR.4 Legislative Change The state statute which authorized the creation of the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HCHRA) is found in Minn. Stat.§383B.77. Subdivision 2 restricts the HCHRA from exercising any powers within a municipality without the request of the municipality. Currently, there are thirty active EDA's or HRA's in suburban Hennepin County. These Authorities vary from meeting I-2 times per year to monthly meetings. We would like to revise the HCHRA statute to reduce a cumbersome approval process for countywide initiatives. A copy of the proposed revision is enclosed. The shaded language is new and that which is stricken would be deleted. This revision would require the HCHRA to notify cities, on an annual basis, of proposed activities and cities would have the option to restrict the administration of any programs within their community. It would no longer require that each HRA or EDA adopt a resolution requesting the administration of these programs in their community. The legislative change being proposed would keep in place the requirement that local approval be obtained prior to the HCHRA undertaking a housing or redevelopment project within a municipality. HCHRA would still need to seek local approval in a municipality which has an HRA that was created prior to June 8, 1971 (Minneapolis and Bloomington). I feel this revision will require that the HCHRA keep cities informed of proposed activities and continue to allow cities the opportunity to choose which activities they want the HCHRA to operate within their community. It reduces the staff time required by the county and local communities to formally adopt resolutions for all proposed HCHRA administered programs, such as the MCPP and Fix-up Fund. Hennepin County HRA has undertaken these activities in direct response to requests from cities during meetings with the Hennepin County Commissioners last January. We are continuing to look for appropriate opportunities to strengthen the county's coordinating role and establish countywide programs to address housing and tax base concerns. Please contact me at 541-7083 if you have any questions. February 11, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97-__ RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PARTICIPATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HRA APPLICATION FOR MI-IFA MINNESOTA CITIES MORTGAGE PROGRAM WHEREAS, on January 3, 1997 the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) issued a request for proposals for the 1997 Minnesota City Participation Program (MCPP); and WHEREAS, through the MCPP, MHFA sells mortgage revenue bonds on behalf of cities to meet locally identified housing needs for low and moderate income first-time homebuyers; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mound would like to access these housing resources to meet the needs of its citizens; and WHEREAS, county housing and redevelopment authorities are eligible applicants from MCPP funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with MSA 383B.77, Subdivision 2, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mound requests the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority include the City of Mound in an application for MCPP funds to MHFA. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen Polston and Weycker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none Mayor Attest: City Clerk Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning for the Future January24,1997 Barbara Hayden Planning Supervisor · O/flee of Planning and Development Development Planning Unit 10709 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 260 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305 Dear Ms. I-Iayden: Beginning this spring, the Metropolitan Council will be conducting an annual survey of communities participating in the LCA to gather information about each community's efforts to advance the development or preservation of affordable and life-cycle housing, and their parfici afion m From this ' ' · · P ' affordable housing programs. mformaUon the Council will nreoare the ...... ' -- - · - · the LCA r v ~,~u comprenenswe hOUSing report card required by As we have stated from the beginning of our implementation of the LCA, an assessment of a city's performance will be based as much upon their efforts to facilitate affordable and housing diversification activity and their participation in programs as it will be on the units the market produces within their borders. The effort you have described to me to make more dollars available for below market MHFA home loans in Hennepin County through the participation of several county communities is an example of the participation we are talking about. ~~Guy Pe~erson' Senior Planner 230 East Fifth Street ,, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1634 (612] 291-6359 Fax 291-6550 TDD/TTY 291-0904 An Equal OpporttmL, g Employer Metro Info Line 229-3780 February 11, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97 ..... RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PARTICIPATION IN THE HENNEPIN cOUNTY HRA HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAMS WHEREAS, The Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (MCHRA) is an approved lender for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) Home Improvement Loan Programs; and WHEREAS, eligible homeowners may apply and receive home improvement loans under the MHFA Home Improvement Loan Programs through the MCHRA; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 0-IRA) in and for the City of Mound would like to access these housing resources to meet the needs of its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV~ that in accordance with MSA 383B.77, Subdivision 2, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mound requests the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority administer the MHFA Home Improvement Loan Programs in the City of Mound. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen Polston and Weycker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none Mayor Attest: City Clerk 383B.77 Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Subd. 2. Limitation. This section does not limit or restrict any existing housing and redevelopment authority or prevent a municipality from creating an authority. For purposes of this subdivision, "housing and redevelopment authority" includes any municipal department, agency, or authority of the city of Minneapolis which exercises the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority ~ursuant to section 469.003 or other law. ..................................... ~*:~:~ ................... ~ ~,umy aumomy snau no~ exercis~ its powers ~"~ municipality where a housing and redevelonment aut ' ;~ ~,~.~' ~.:.:.:.::~;!.::s.:~ .............. i~i~:.;.::~;ii:.:ii~i:::~i.:~ii~i~i xcept as proxqaed m this subdivision. If a city"iia iSi " ? .............. redevelopment authority requests the county housing and redevelopment authority to exercise any power or perform any function of the municipal authority, the county authority may do so. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 97-07 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENI)MENT TO THE MOUND ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 350:640 TO ADD "SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES" AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R-! RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, MARCH 4, 199_7 to consider an amendment to the Mound Zoning Ordinance, Section 350:640 to add "School Administrative Offices" as a Conditional Use in the R-1 Residential Zoning District. The Zoning Ordinance currently allows Public and Private Schools to be located in the R-1 Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. ~s,3P al nning Secretary Published in "The Laker" February 22, 1997. prmted on recycled paper PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 CASE NO. 97-08 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES LOCATED WITHIN THE R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AT 2450 WILSHIRE BLVD. SHIRLEY HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will consider the approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow p.m. on Tuesday, MARCH 4 1997 to the expansion of a public school and administrative offices located within the R-1 single family residential zoning district. The proposal consists of a 29,242 square foot two story addition to provide space for the following school district uses: Preschool, Early Childhood Family Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Special Services, Adult Basic Education, District Administration, and Community Education. The proposed expansion is to be located on the Shirley Hills Elementary School property, 2450 Wilshire Blvd., legally described as follows: All that part of Block 2, lying Northerly and Northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the Southeasterly line of said Block 2 with the intersection of the Southwesterly line of "Re-Arrangement of Block Seven (7), Shirley Hills, Unit B" extended Northwesterly; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the extension Southeasterly of the line between Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Shirley Hills, Unit D, and the Westerly line of said Block 2, and there terminating, except that part of said Block 2 lying Southeasterly of the Southeast line of Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. 739, and Northeasterly of the extension Southeasterly of the Southwesterly line of Tract G, said Registered Land Survey No. 739, and except that part of said Block 2, lying North of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 739, and the North line of Section 24, Township 117, Range 24; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Registered Land Survey No. 739 a distance of 33 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Westerly and parallel to the North line of Section 24, Township 117, Range 24 to the Westerly line of said Block 2, in Shirley Hills, Unit D, Mound, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. Ail persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Peggy Jarfie~, l~anning/ S~ Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affected property by February 21, 1997, and published in The Laker on February 22. 1997. ~---- ....... ""'~'"~"""~ - .**~,-~,~ ............... ~: prtnted on recycled paper PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-O620 CASE g96-64 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND RELATED VARIANCES FOR THE "SETON BLUFF" RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, MARCH 4, 1997_to consider the approval of a preliminary plat, a planned development area by conditional use permit, and related variances for the residential development called Seton Bluff. This proposal involves the improvement of Kildare Road and the creation of eight (8) single family residential building sites. The existing legal description of the subject property is Lots 15 through 32, Block 11, Seton, PID's 19-117-23 22 0036 to 0041 and 0054, as shown on the plat map below: ~:~ ~" _' ,';~o ;' ~o, ' *, 7 16 ' - · ' '~. ~,,,.o, .o, ..~I':~7.o ~,o ~,, i,o l,o i,, ~,o ~ - I '. l~.~,/~,t ~,1 d,, I,,I,, t', h~,,~.-'4~l~ '1..1 4-~! ~>. "~" '" .a L.' t _? ' . · · ' ~ u.. . - Ii U ' .'e '~,r~_.! ,~, -. 'l- I I I I431 ~ ,,I , ,'-~ , -,--,~. I1~'~ ...... · ...... / ...... -'_1 ~,~,1,, L','J" ~", I W:-_~ ...... ,,-o-nW RD - ',- / :~:; t'-'t'~t('~)l ~ '1 '~ ¢t ;3: ,"-~: ~,~r~Lw ~ ~ - All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Published in "The Laker" on February 22, 1997, and mailed to property owners within 350 feet of the subject property by February 21, 1997. U ~ ~ prmted on rec¥cled paper CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 February 6, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBEJCT: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK LICENSE RENEWALS The following licenses are up for renewal. The license period is March 1, 1997 through February 28, 1998. Approval is contingent upon all required forms, insurance, etc. being submitted. American Legion Post #398 Mainstreet Market (Brickley's) By the Way Snack Shop (Steve Bedell) John's Variety & Pets Jubilee Foods PDQ #292 R & R Bait SuperAmerica Thrifty Drug VFW Post #5113 Best Disposal Blackowiak & Son Randy's Sanitation Westonka Sanitation Woodlake Sanitation prmted On recycled paper BILLS ............ February 11, 1997 BATCH 7013 BATCH 7014 Total Bills $593,355.02 185,580.57 $778,935.59 z till .d Z Z Z i!! ! I '1! I ! I I I II! I I I ! I I I I i UJr.- o~ 1 Z RESOLUTION//97- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS" FOR RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE LOCATED IN THE B-2 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS 1 TO 4 INCL. & LOTS 20 & 21 . . ., BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A, PID 13-117-24 44 0014 P&Z CASE//97-01 WHEREAS, Owner, Robert Williams, and Lessee, Randy L. Bilger (Randy's Automotive), have applied for a Conditional Use Permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility, and; WHEREAS, Mound Zoning Ordinance Section 350:640 allows Major Auto Repair Businesses in the B-2 Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit, and; WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit Resolution//95-79 currently governs the use of the site. The permit allows minor auto repair, tire repair, valve jobs, service maintenance, gas welding and an open sales lot limited to 10 vehicles, 7 of which must be stored outside of the fence, and; WHEREAS, the difference between major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of engines, transmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, and; WHEREAS, the applicant is not proposing to sell vehicles on the property, and; WHEREAS, staff continues to have concerns about the overall appearance of the property since it is at one of the key entry points into the City of Mound, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and unanimously recommended approval, with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions: a. Allowable repairs shall include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor automobile repairs including but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. Proposed Resolution Randy's Automotive February II, 1997 Page 2 bo Co do eo fo go ho j° The sale of any vehicles on the property is expressly prohibited. All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of 10, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. Vehicles parked within the fence enclosure shall be limited to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources within or outside of the fence enclosure is expressly prohibited. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parts currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. This conditional use permit shall be effective for one year, at which time the property owner will apply for and be subject to a reapplication and review. The reapplication fee shall be waived. All previous conditional use permits approved for this property shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional use permit. Proposed Resolution Randy. 's Automotive February 11, 1997 Page 2 o This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 97-01 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE TO ALLOW A ,,MAJOR AUTO REPAIR" BUSINESS AS REQUESTED BY RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, _February 11, 199~7 to consider the approval of an amended conditional use permit to allow the operation of a "Major Auto Repair" Business for Randy's Automotive at 4831 Shoreline Drive. The definition of "Major Auto Repair" is: "The general repair, rebuilding, or reconditioning of engines, motor vehicles or trailer, including body work, frame work, and major painting service." City Code Section 350:670 allows Major Auto Repair businesses to be located within the B-2 General Business Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit. The request also includes the discontinuation of the "Open Sales Lot" which is allowed under the existing permit for this property. The subject property is legally described as follows: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest comer of Lot 4 to the Southwest comer of LOt 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. ~l~lannin~ Secretary ... Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affect~operty by February 1, 1997, and published in "The Laker" on February 5~'~ 1, 1997. ~ pr,nteU .... cycled paper CASE 97-01: MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 1997 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARING RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE, 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE LOTS I - 4, 20 & 21, BLOCK !, SHIRLEY HlLLS UNIT A, 13-117-24 44 0014 Chair Michael outlined the guidelines for public hearings. The applicant is seeking approval of a conditional use permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility. The difference between major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of engines, transmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. According to the application, Randy's Automotive intends to only service automobiles and light trucks. Presently, Conditional Use Permit Resolution//95-79 governs the use of the site. The permit allows minor auto repair, tire repair, valve jobs, service maintenance, gas welding and an open sales lot limited to 10 vehicles, 7 of which must be stored outside of the fence. The operator of Randy's Automotive is not proposing to sell vehicles on the property. Staff is not apprehensive about the use of the building as a major repair facility but will continue to have concerns about the overall appearance of the property since it is at one of the key entry points into the City of Mound. Staff reconunended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions. 1. Allowable repairs shall include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor automobile repairs including but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. The sale of any vehicles on the property is expressly prohibited. All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. No sign shall be placed on any fencing. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of 15, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. Vehicles parked within the fence enclosure shall be limited to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources within or outside of the fence enclosure is expressly prohibited. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parks currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. January l3, 1997 Planning Commission Minutes 10. 11. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually. Staff recognized that the applicant was present. Clapsaddle confirmed that the property is owned by the same individual when the previous request was reviewed, Robert Williams. Clapsaddle expressed concern regarding the appearance of the property and the lack of support from the owner relating to the maintenance of the property. Weiland commented that he talked with the new tenant and feels he should be given the chance to make the business work. He is in favor of condition #11 requiring the permit be reviewed annually. There was discussion questioning whether all previous conditional use permits on this property will become null and void with the approval of a new permit. Staff noted that they will verify with the City Attorney prior to this case going to the Council if a condition needs to be added to clarify that all previous permit will not longer be valid. Hanus noted that if there are permit violations, the permit can be revoked. Sutherland noted that due to noncompliance, the previous permit was on the verge of being brought back through the council to consider revocation. The Building Official confirmed that the applicant is currently operating in compliance with the existing conditional use permit. The underground gasoline tanks and the possibility of contaminated soil was discussed. Chair Michael opened the public hearing. Debbie Bilger, the applicant's wife, stated that they know the history of the building. They intend to run a nice family business and clean up the property. They want the property to look nice so people will want to use their business. After a year they will have the option to buy the property and they hope this will happen. The owner has informed them that he is responsible to have the gas pumps and tank removed. They want to run a respectable clean business. Applicant, Randy Bilger, resident of 1530 North Arm Drive stated that he understands the concerns of the Commission because he has lived in this area all his life a agrees that the property has been an eyesore. They have already spent time and money on cleaning and fixing up the property. They have already removed 11 or 12 cars, there is only one car left, but it is frozen-in, and they have removed other debris also. As soon as weather permits, they intend to repaint the building, and they would like the chance to prove that they can do it. Frank Niesen, resident at 6565 Bartlett Blvd. stated that he has subleased property to Randy in the past and he took very good care of the property and ran a clean business. Planning Commission Minutes Chair Michael closed the public hearing. January 13, 1997 Weiland suggested that condition #5 be changed to reduce the number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site because he does not feel this business will need that many spaces. Weiland suggested that condition gl 1 be strengthened to require that the permit be reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council annually. Clapsaddle commented that he would like to owner responsible for these conditions, not the applicant. Hanus suggested that they grant a one year temporary conditional use permit, the same way they did with Glass Plus, and allow the permit to be reissued in one year with no additional fee. Hanus questioned if the applicant would be comfortable with reducing the number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site outside of the fenced area from 15 to 10. Mr. Bilger agreed that this is okay, and commented that there is not enough room to park 15 cars on the site. Bilger noted that he understands that the PCA demands all abandoned gas tanks to be removed by 1998, and they will not purchase the property until the tanks are removed, and the owner has promised to do this. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Reifschneider to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Randy's Automotive, as recommended by staff, with amendments to the conditions, as follows: 3. All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. ~ 5. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fence area shall be limited to a maximum of t-5 10, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. 11. This conditional use permit shall ex ire one ear from the date of issuance and there should be no fee for rea lication be All revious conditional use ermits a roved for this ro eft shall become null and void with the issuance of this conditional MOTION carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on February 11, 1997. 5 PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. TO: Mound Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: January 7, 1997 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Randy Bilger (Randy's Automotive) CASE NUMBER: 97-01 HKG FILE NUMBER: 97-5a LOCATION: 4831 Shoreline Drive EXISTING ZONING: General Business (B-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Commercial BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeking approval of a conditional use permit modification to establish a major automobile repair facility at 4831 Shoreline Drive which has previously been approved as a minor automobile repair facility. The difference between major and minor auto repair facilities is that major accommodates removal of engines, transmissions, etc. where minor relates to repairs not requiring removal of such items. Minor auto repair is also limited to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. According to the application, Randy's Automotive intends to only service automobiles and light trucks. At the present time, Conditional Use Permit Resolution g95-79 governs the use of the site. The permit allows minor auto repair, tire repair, valve jobs, service maintenance, gas welding and an open sales lot limited to 10 vehicles, 7 of which must be stored outside of the fence. The operator of Randy' s Automotive is not proposing to sell vehicles on the property. COMMENTS: Problems with past operations on this site have been related to the exterior appearance of the building and the use of the lot area. Providing that the use of the exterior is properly regulated, the nature of repairs on the inside of the building is not a matter of concern. A properly managed business that conducts major auto repairs should not be any different in appearance from a use that completes minor auto repairs. Therefore, staff is not apprehensive about the use of the building as a major repair facility but will continue to have concerns about the overall appearance of the property since it is at one of the key entry points into the City of Mound. Efforts in the past to control the exterior use and appearance of the property have focused on limiting the types and numbers of vehicles allowed to be parked both outside and inside the fenced area. City staff also has a long history of trying to ensure that the building conforms with the requirements of 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 Randy's Automotive Planning Report January 7, 1997 Page 2 the sign ordinance. Despite such efforts, the building has occasionally been consumed by signage painted on the windows and walls of the front facade. To the applicant's credit, the signs on the building have now been removed and Mr. Bilger has pledged to conform to all ordinance requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of a conditional use permit for Randy's Automotive as a Major Automobile Repair facility subject to the following conditions: Allowable repairs shall include those defined by the Mound Zoning Code as major and minor automobile repairs including but not limited to engine and transmission repair and replacement, tire repair, and service maintenance. 2. The sale of any vehicles on the property is expressly prohibited. 3. All signage on the property shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. No sign shall be placed on any fencing. 4. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to currently licensed automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, buses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. 5. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fenced area shall be limited to a maximum of 15, not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. 6. Vehicles parked within the fenced enclosure shall be limited to vehicles awaiting service. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles or vehicles being retained as parts sources within or outside of the fenced enclosure is expressly prohibited. 7. Storage of discarded parts and/or refuse shall be limited to properly screened dumpster locations. Parts currently being used for the repair of vehicles shall be stored within the building or within the fenced enclosure on the property. o The property shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Worn or broken fencing shall be replaced immediately. Gates on the existing fence shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into or out of the enclosed area. 10. Boat storage or repair on the premises is expressly prohibited. 11. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612} 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 97-01 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMFNT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR" BUSINESS AS REQUESTED BY RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, ~anuary_ 13, 199_7 to consider the approval of an amended conditional use permit to allow the operation of a "Major Auto Repair" Business for Randy's Automotive at 4831 Shoreline Drive. The definition of "Major Auto Repair" is: "The general repair, rebuilding, or reconditioning of engines, motor vehicles or trailer, including body work, frame work, and major painting service." City Code Section 350:670 allows Major Auto Repair businesses to be locat~ within the B-2 General Business Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit. The request also includes the discontinuation of the "Open Sales Lot" which is allowed under the existing permit for this property. The subject property is legally described as follows: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A. Ail persons appearing at said heating with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affecte~operty by January 2, 1997. prt~lted on recycled paper Rev. 3-6-96 APplication for CONDmON.,U, USE PERMIT City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 472-0600, Fax: 472-0620 City Council Date:~_~~~~~ Distributi~n.. Conditional Use Permit Fee:~ City Planner: City Engineer: Public Works: Other: Please type or print the following information: PROPERTY Subject Address ' ~ S ' :~ k/~ ' . INFORMATION Name of Business LEGAL Lot~ DESCR,PT, O. B,ock_ / Subdivision APPLICANT The applicant is: ~owner ~other:~ Name~ (~) OWNER (if other than applicant} ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, OR ENGINEER ZONING DISTRICT CHANGE OF USE Address Phone (H) ______(M) Circle: R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 B-1 (~ B-3 Conditional Use Permit Application Page 2 Description of Proposed Use: ~-(~ ~6,4~7~'~ ~._~--~_~~~_1 EFFECTS OF T~ PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on proper~y in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. If applicable, a development schedule shall be at~ached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $_ ~ ~R Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure fo= this property? ~ yes, ( ) no. If Xes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution nu~er(s) and provide copies of resolutions- Property owner's signature I I PROPERTY ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME: CITY OF MOUND HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) LOT AR SQ. FT. X 30% LOT AREA~~~____SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record*) ....... LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 15% = (for detached buildings only) . . I *Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outtined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6. B. 1. (see back) A I and approved by the Buildin Off' ' o · ·,,,,, .... g Icxal. · p an must be submitted LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT DETACHED BLDGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. DECKS Open decks (114" min. opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted aa hardcover OTHER X X TOTAL HO US E/$~d~ X X TOTAL DETACHED BLDGS X X X TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC X X TOTAL DECK X TOTAL OTHER TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE UNDER / OVER (indicate difference) PREPARED BY I DATE I _1 AugUSt O, I995 RESOLUTION #95-79 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE pERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF MINOR AUTO REPAIR FACILITY ~ OPEN SALES LOT IN THE B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT FOR SHORELINE AUTOMOTIVE, 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE, LOTS 1-4, 21 ~ p~RT OF 5 & 20, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT PID 13-117-24 44 0014, P&Z CASE ~95-28 humack applicant, and Robert Williams, Sc . . '. .~ .... ~A~ to use the subject NHERE~S, Robert a Conditional u~ owner have applied for site for the following purposes. 1. Minor Auto Repair 2. Tire Repair 3. Valve Jobs 4. Service Maintenance on Vehicles 5. Gas Welding 6. Open Sales Lot (To=al number of vehicles not to exceed 10) ' Zonin ordinance defines ,,A.utomobile WHERE/%S, the Mound ~ --~--~ ~ any ~art or repair of any · -. ,, -- ,,The reD~a¢~m=~ ~ ~ = . ~-~ ~ ~an- Repair, Minor ~=' ~_..~-J~h~ ~moval of the engine n==~.~t ~- ' _~-~ ..,~h does ~ot r=qu~== ..... 7- . . .~--~ ~o~ and ien~er work, minor paln=~n9 =~,= -~2'~'_~__ob~les and trucks not in . · lied to passenger above ls app__=_ --~ss vehicle weight." and; of 7,000 pounu= , this property has received 9 different ~EREAS, since. }969The basis of the original pe~it approval conditional use pe~lts. · is the site's use as a motor fuel station. During the past year, inci al use has changed from a motor fuel station to a minor the pr .P ~--~ ~,, ~ d open sales lot, and; auto repair zau~= _n are currently allowed on of the proposed u~es. ,,--~- ~uel station" ~ER~S, all longer being requlre~ are ~u= ~ . =.._ ~=~ ,, the site. Uses no1 miscellaneous fishing tackle an= x~= and ,,sales of smal and; ~ER~S, the location of the site is at the entrance to the city of Mound and across the street from the co,unity sign making this business visibly prominent, and; ~EREAS, the subject property is located in the B-2 General Business zoning District which allos Minor Auto Repair and open Sales Lots by conditional Use Permit, and; ~ER~S, the Planning co~ission has reviewed the request and unanimous ly r eco~ended approval, with the conditions as reco~ended by staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the city council of the city of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 177 August O, 1995 The City Council does hereby approve a Conditional Use Permit for a "minor auto repair facility,, replacing all previous Permits and specifically allowing the following: A. Minor Auto Repair B. Tire Repair C. Valve Jobs D. Service Maintenance on Vehicles E. Gas Welding F. Open Sales Lot, limited to a total of 10 vehicles on- site, three (3) of which can be on the north side of the site and seven (7) of which may be behind the fence area. Approval of the uses is subject to the following conditions: A. All signage on the property, includin~ si ns al windows, shall com 1 wi ~ g P 'nted on · P Y th the Mound Sign Ordinance. No slgnage shall be placed on any fencing. B. Vehicles for sale on the site shall be limited to a total of ten (10), three (3) of which can be parked in the area on the north side of the property as shown on Exhibit 95- 1 and seven (7) of which must be parked within the fence enclosure. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed t parked on the site shal~ =- ~. ~= _ o be repaired and x m~ llml~ed to automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of ~ual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or Trailers, buses, motor homes an~ similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. No major mechanical overhauls shall occur on the premises. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fenced area shall be limited to a maximum of 15 not including one vehicles per employee working on the premises. ' Vehicles parked within the fenced enclosure shall be limited only to vehicles awaiting service and a maximum of seven (7) vehicles for sale. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles within or outside of the fenced enclosure is expressly prohibited. There shall be no storage of repair or refuse parts visible to the public. Wooden fencing shall be maintained in good condition at all times and worn or broken boards shall be replaced immediately. Ce De Fe Go He :78 August 8, ~995 I. Gates shall be'closed at all times except when ~ transferring vehicles into and out of the enclosed area. j. There shall be no boat storage or repair on the premises. K. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually. 3. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for the following legally described property: Lots i to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21, and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line draWn fro~ the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, shirley Hills Unit A. 4. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. owner shall have the responsibility of filing 5. The property. -.~ ~ ~n~nin CountV and paying all costs for this reso£u~lon w~t~ ......... =-- - the subject such recording- A building permit for construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The foregoing resolution was moved by councilmember Hanus and seconded by councilmember Ahrens. The following councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen, Jessen and Polston The following councilmembers voted in the negative: None Manager 179 Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ..PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner DATE: June 29, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Robert Schumack CASE NUMBER: 95-28 HKG FILE NUMBER: 95-5i LOCATION: 4831 Shoreline Drive (Shoreline Automotive) EXISTING ZONING: General Business (B-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Commercial BACKGROUND: Since 1969, the subject property in this case has received 9 different conditional use permits, cumulatively accounting for all of the allowed uses on the arc original pernnt approval is the site's use as ...... ,~._, ~ .. _ .p el. The basis of the · ' ' , -,,.,tu~ reel station. Over the years, variOtlS owners added other uses depending on their interests and market conditions at the time. During the past year, the principal use changed from a motor fuel station to a minor auto repair facility and open sales lot. Accordingly, the applicant has applied for a conditional use permit reflective of this change in use. COMMENT: During the review of conditional use permits for this property over the past 10 years, the location of the property has played a key role all discussions. The location of the site at the entrance to the City of Mound and across the street from the community sign makes this business visibly prominent. As a result, past reviews have focussed on proposed uses as well as the functional, visual and aesthetic impacts of such uses. Staff suggests that both functional and aesthetic factors be again applied to review of the proposed change in use of this site. Land Use / Environmental · Planning / Design 7300 Metro Boulevard/Suite 525 , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 , (612) 835-9960 · Fax: (612) 835-3160 6'$O Shoreline Automotive Conditional Use Permit June 29, 1995 Page 2 The applicant's proposal involves using the subject site for the following purposes: 1. Minor Auto Repair 2. Tire Repair 3. Valve Jobs 4. Service Maintenance on Vehicles 5. Gas Welding 6. Open Sales Lot (Total number of vehicles not to exceed 10) All of the proposed uses are currently allowed on the site. Uses no longer being required are motor fuel station and sales of small miscellaneous fishing tackle and live bait. It is staff' s understanding that the principal aspect of the business will be the repair of vehicles for either 1) private customers, 2) for other vehicle dealerships or 3) for vehicles acquired and offered for sale on the premises. The principal customer base of a motor fuel station is transient. Individuals purchase gasoline and small convenience items and are typically on-site for no more than 5 minutes. In the case of motor fuel stations, vehicle repairs have been a secondary rather than primary use. The duration of parking at a use that is principally a vehicle repair facility is significantly different, particularly if the repair is not being done for a private individual who usually wants to be without the vehicle for the shortest possible time. The change from the principal business activity being a motor fuel station to the principal activity being a minor auto repair facility will increase the potential number of vehicles to be parked on the site for longer periods of time. This raises the question of possibly limiting the total number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site. RECOMMENDATION: As was mentioned earlier, the proposed uses are currently allowable on the site and the permit modification is being completed in order to bring the principal business activity on the property in line with the permit. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve a conditional use permit for a minor auto repair facility replacing all previous permits and specifically allowing the following: 1. Minor Auto Repair 2. Tire Repair 3. Valve Jobs 4. Service Maintenance on Vehicles 5. Gas Welding 6. Open Sales Lot, limited to a total of 10 vehicles on-site, three (3) of which can be on the north side of the site and seven (7) of which may be behind the fenced area. It is further recommended that the approval of these uses is subject to the following conditions: 1. All signage on the property including signs painted on windows shall comply with the Mound Sign Ordinance. No signage shall be placed on any fencing. Shoreline Automotive Conditional Use Permit June 29, 1995 Page 3 2. Vehicles for sale on the site shall be limited to a total often (10), three (3) of which can be parked in the area on the north side of the property as shown on Exhibit 95-1 and seven (7) of which must be parked within the fenced enclosure. 3. Because of the limited interior garage capacity of the existing structure, vehicles allowed to be repaired and parked on the site shall be limited to automobiles, vans and light trucks. Repairs or parking on the premises of dual axle commercial trucks, semi tractors and/or trailers, busses, motor homes and similarly sized vehicles is expressly prohibited. 4. No major mechanical overhauls shall occur on the premises. 5. The total number of vehicles parked on the site outside of the fenced area shall be limited to a maximum of 15 not including one vehicle per employee working on the premises. 6. Vehicles parked within the fenced enclosure shall be limited only to vehicles awaiting service and a maximum of seven (7) vehicles for sale. The parking and storage of wrecked, junk or abandoned vehicles within or outside of the fenced enclosure is expressly prohibited. 7. Storage and/or sales of used auto parts shall be expressly prohibited. 8. Wooden fencing shall be maintained in good condition at all times and worn or broken boards shall be replaced immediately. Gates shall be closed at all times except when transferring vehicles into and out of the enclosed area. 10. There shall be no boat storage or repair in the premises. 11. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually. ZONE: LOT AREA: EXIST. LOT AREA: .......................... SQ ADDRESS: f: oc¢ lin "br. LOT OFRECOBD? YES/NOI? SURVEY ON FILE'/ YES REQUIRED STREET FRONTAGE/WIDTH: EXISTING LOT WIDTH: REQUIRED SETBACKS PRINCIPAL BUILDING HOU,_SE FRONT: N S E W SIDE: N SEW_~'JO' EXISTING LOT DEPTH: SIDE: N S E W - REAR: N S E W ~ '~ ~ / LAKESHORE: ~'~ ~ed from O.H.W. TOP OF BLUFF: -'-------- EXISTING AND/OR PROPOSED SETBACKS: ACCESSORY BUILDING GARAGE SHED FRONT: N S E W FRONT: N S E W SIDE: N S E W 4' or 6' SIDE: N S E W _4' or 6' PRINCIPAL BUILDING HOUSE FRONT: N S E W '------ FRONT: N S E W - SIDE: N S E W -- SIDE: N S E W - REAR: N S E W -- LAKESHORE: ---------- TOP OF BLUFF: HARDCOVER CONFORMING? REAR: N S E W LAKESHORE: TOP OF BLUFF: -50' {measured from O.H.W.) -- A E ORY BUILDING GARAGE SHED FRONT: N S E W FRONT: N S E W SIDE: N S E W fIDE: N S E W REAR: N S E W LAKESHORE: TOP OF BLUFF: IS THIS PROPERTY CONFORMING? YES I NO / ? BY: ~et ~.a pc · For further information, contact the City of Mound Planning Departmen. t Ordinance ..._ ~ . ,~.,n ,'~,.,,¥~F~'~~v~'~',"~."Z'~"'Zi',' .... ~ ,,~ ~ ~"~ ~ ~',.~' ~ J NOR T N~ ~N - - ~¢ --/'~6' ~ t ~ - · ~ ~ !~1~ ~ -~ ~ 1 7 -~7 ~7 ,.. · ~)7 . . .. ~ ,.,o,~.~,.,,?__ ~L--~,-,:~-~ ~ ' , '~1 i 33) DATE: ,on o onlf at 472-0600~_~_~- ~ I I;~'- O ' O"13 O" PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 CA~E NO. 97-02 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE VACATION OF THE UNIMPROVED OXFORD LANE LOCATED NORTH OF HANOVER ROAD AND SOUTH OF ABERDEEN ROAD BETWEEN BLOCKS 5 AND 9 IN DEVON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 1997 to consider a request to vacate Oxford Lane located north of Hanover Road and South of Aberdeen R~ad and between Blocks 5 and 9 in Devon. This portion of Oxford Lane is a 30 foot wide unimproved platted right-of-way, as shown below: 40 ~/~ /~ ~ ~/~ ~~)~2 ,/~ //~/ ~ ~rsons aping at ~d h~ng wi~ reference to the above will be given ~e oppo~ to be h~d at ~is m~ng Mailed to affected property owners by February 1, 1997. Published in "The Laker" on February 1, 1997, and posted by lanuary 28, 1997. printed on recycled paper MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 1997 CASE 97-02: VACATION OF OXFORD LANE - PUBLIC HEARING MARK RESCHKE, 4737 ABERDEEN ROAD LOTS 10 & 11, BLOCK 5, DEVON, 30-117-23 22 0036 The Building Official handed out a copy of an anonymous letter received from a concerned area land owner who requested the City of Mound not to vacate the right-of-way. The Building Official reviewed the recommendation from the City Engineer, the utility companies and the other City departments who responded. The City does not have utilities located in this section of Oxford Lane. The engineer has a concern with the tmdeveloped lots in Block 9 which, if they are ever developed, water and sanitary sewer could [~c extended from the end of the mains on Hanover Road. Hanover Road could be extended to provide access for these parcels; however it is already a dead end street almost 400 feet long with no turn around whatsoever. This portion of Oxford Lane could provide another exit, thus eliminating the existing dead end street. The Building Official discussed this case with the City Planner who is in agreement with the Engineer's comment that State Statute requires that a street vacation be in the best interest of the public, and with the potential for future development and elimination of a dead end street, approval is not recommended. The secretary informed the Commission that the Park Commission recommended denial of the street vacation because they did not feel it was in the public's best interest. The applicant, Mark Reschke responded to the allegations made in the anonymous letter that he is operating a commercial type business from his garage. He stated that he does wood carving with chain saws, as a hobby, he is an artist. The Building Official stated that the applicant stores wood on the unimproved right-of-way, however, there is no history of complaints being made regarding this activity. Chair Michael opened public hearing The applicant, Mark Reschke stated that he has lived at this residence for nine years and the driveway he uses which is located on Oxford Lane was there before he purchased the property. He stated that the vacant lots in Block 9 can be accessed by Hanover, and feels that if Oxford were improved it would create a traffic hazard when exiting onto Aberdeen. He noted that his house is only five feet from Oxford, and he would not want to see Oxford improved. Reifschneider noted that the vacation would make the house more conforming. Hanus commented that it appears it would be more practical to extend Hanover all the way to Devon, and if this is the case he may lean towards supporting the vacation. Chair Michael closed the public hearing. The option of improving Hanover was discussed. Weiland commented, if it isn't in the best interest of the public to vacate the street, and there is no dire need for it to be vacated, he would be opposed to the request. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Burma to recommend denial of the request to vacate Oxford Lane as it is not a necessity that it be vacated, and it is not in the best interest of the general public. Motion carried 4-2-1. Those in favor were: Weiland, Burma, Reifschneider and Glister. Those opposed were: Michael and Clapsaddle. Hanus abstained. This case will by heard by the City Council on February 11, 1997. PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MINUTES OF A MEETING January 9, 1996 ~REVIEW REQUEST TO VACAT~E A PORTION OF OXFORD I,AN___~_E Parks Director, Jim Fackler, stated that he visited the site, and it was difficult to determine the location of the road since there were no corner markers visible due to the deep snow. This area contains large mature trees. At this time it appears that this area is already being used by the abutting home owners for parking and storage. This property does not abut an existing park or nature conservation area, and a portion of Oxford Lane to the south has already been vacated. The only benefit for not approving the vacation request is to retain the area for green space. Casey agreed that the site was difficult to see due to the snow, and suggested they not make a recommendation until the33, have a chance to look at the property more carefully. Darling asked if there were an),' responses from other staff or the utility companies that were notified of this request. The Secretary commented that responses have been received, and none of them were negative, however, the City Engineer did recommended that the easement not be vacated because he did not feel it was in the "public's best interest" to do so. Councilmember Hanus read from his copy of the Engineer's memorandum the following comments and recommendations: "The City does not have any utilities located in this section of Oxford Lane. The existing watermain in Hanover Road is looped back to Island View Drive through the portion of Oxford Lane already vacated. Our major concern is with the undeveloped portion of Block 9, Lots 14-20, lying east of Oxford Lane and north of Hanover Road. These lots are comprised of three separate tax parcels and are owned by one non-resident individual. If they are ever developed, water and sanitary sewer could be extended from the end of the mains on Hanover Road. Future street construction; however poses a different ro . could be extended to provide access for ,r, .... p_blem Hanover Road t,,c~c parce/s; I~owever it is already a dead end street almost 400 feet long with no turn around whatsoever. This portion of Oxford Lane could provide another exit, thus eliminating the existing dead end street. With the potential for future development and elimination of a dead end street, we cannot recommend approval of the proposed street vacation. State statutes require that a street vacation be in the best interest of the public which in this situation that does not appear to be the case." MOTION made by Darling, seconded by Meyer to table the request until they can physically view the subject property. Casey questioned the cost to republish this request. The secretary commented that this request is already scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission on Monday, and the Council on February l lth. so the case will still be heard by the Council even if the Commission recommends to table the request. The secretary commented that the application fee plus the cost to the applicant for labels would be about $300. The secretary commented that she does not believe it is required to get a recommendation from the Park Commission on street vacations, but she would need to verify that. Darling stated that he would rather withdraw his motion than risk it. Darling withdrew his motion. MOTION made by Casey, to recommend the request be denied due to the fact that they are unable to properly view the site due to snow, there is not a strong public interest to do so. th~ City Engineer has recommended denial, anf! the only thing on the application to support the vacation is to make the applicant's house more conforming. Motion seconded by Darling. Motion carried 6 to 1. Ahrens was opposed. 10 Jan '97 COPIED ON 1-13-97 TO: MARK KOEGLER PLANNING COMMISSION FILE RECEIVED JAN 13 1997 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to voice my concerns over the City of Mound and it's public hearing to vacate the unimproved Oxford Lane located north of Hanover Road and south of Aberdeen Road between blocks 5 and 9 in Devon. My family has property in that neighborhood- We are periodically disturbed by noise from residences adjacent to this right-of-waY- One of these residents uses the property for a commercial type of business which has caused noise that disturbs me while inside my house and foot traffic through my yard. I fear that vacating this right-of-waY would give this person more property to expand their operation, and this would lead to more noise and traffic. For that reason, I request the City of Mound to NOT YACATE the right-of-waY- Thank you for any consideration given to my concerns. Name Withheld ~n F_ran.___k Roos Associates, Inc. ue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739 Telephone 612/476-6010 612-J476-8532FAX Engineers Planners Surveyors MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Jon Sutherland, Planning and Zoning John Cameron, City Engineer January 6, 1997 SUBJECT: City of Mound Proposed Street Vacation Oxford Lane Case #97-02 MFRA #8902 As requested, we have reviewed the request to vacate Oxford Lane between Aberdeen Road and Hanover Road and have the following comments and recommendations. The City does not have any utilities located in this section of Oxford Lane. The existing watermain in Hanover Road is looped back to Island View Drive through the portion of Oxford Lane already vacated. Our major concern is with the undeveloped portion of Block 9, Lots 14-20, lying east of Oxford Lane and north of Hanover Road. These lots are comprised of 3 separate tax parcels and are owned by one non-resident individual. If they are ever developed, water and sanitary sewer could be extended from the end of the mains on Hanover Road. Future street construction; however poses a different problem. Hanover Road could be extended to provide access for these parcels; however it is already a dead end street almost 400 feet long with no turn around whatsoever. This portion of Oxford Lane could provide another exit, thus eliminating the existing dead end street. With the potential for future development and elimination of a dead end street, we cannot recommend approval of the proposed street vacation. State statues require that a street vacation be in the best interest of the public which in this situation that does not appear to be the case. e:~nain:\8902~suth 1-6 An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 December 24, 1996 TO: Peggy James FROM: Greg Skirter Public Works Supt. SUBJECT: Vacate that part of Oxford Ln. There are no utilities on Oxford Lane and I see no reason not to let this be vacated. printed on recycled paper Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone (612) 330-5500 January 3, 1997 City of Mound Attn.: Peggy James, Planning & Inspections Secretary 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1687 RE: Request by Mark Reschke to Vacate that pan of Oxford Lane Dear Ms. James: In response to your inquiry regarding utilities involved in the vacation of Oxford Lane, Northern States Power Company does maintain electric distribution facilities along the Southerly right-of- way of Aberdeen Road that will need to be protected. Please feel free to contact me if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Karen K. Bickman Consultant/Land Services 330-6956 _ . m:llandlkkbiOlO3971e, kkb CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: January 6, 1997 Park and Open Space Commission .~ Peggy James, Secretary ~ Jim Faclder, Parks Director Request to Vacate a Portion of Oxford Lane I viewed the portion of Oxford Lane that is being requested to be vacated by the adjoining homeowner at 4737 Aberdeen Road. The location of the unimproved street could only be estimated due to the comer markers not being visible and due to the deep snow. This portion of Oxford Lane, 160' x 30', intersects a larger portion of unimproved Hanover Road to the west which is 350' x 30. Both of these areas contain large mature trees, and at the same time is being used by abutting homeowners for storage and parking. This property does not abut an existing park or nature conservation area, and a potion of Oxford Lane to the south has already been vacated. The only benefit for not approving the vacation request is to retain the area for green space. printed on recycled paper CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 DATE: TO: December 23, 1996 City Engineer GTE Northern States Power Minnegasco Memorandum Parks Department FROM: Peggy James, Planning & Inspections Secre~ SUBJECT: Request by Mark Reschke to Vacate that part of Oxford Lane The City of Mound has received a request from Mark Reschke who resides at 4737 Aberdeen Road to vacate that portion of Oxford Lane located between Aberdeen Road and Hanover Road. This portion of Oxford is a 30 foot wide unimproved platted right-of-way. Do you foresee a need for this right-of-way? Are there any utilities involved? What is your recommendation? Please submit your comments or concerns in writing, according to the schedule below. Park Commission Planning Commission City Council Comments Due ~ 1/2/97 1/9/97 1/8/97 1/13/97 2/5/97 2/11/97 Thank you for your time in reviewing this matter. Enclosures CC: Mark Koeger, City Planner Jon Sutherland, Building Official (File Copy) CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 Memorandum RECEIVED JAN 0 6 1997 DATE: December 23, 1996 TO: FROM: City Engineer Fire Department GTE Public Works Northern States Power Police Department ~~~_~aseo~ Parks Department Peggy James, Planning & Inspections Secre~ SUBJECT: Request by Mark Reschke to Vacate that part of Oxford Lane The City of Mound has received a request from Mark Reschke who resides at 4737 Aberdeen Road to vacate that portion of Oxford Lane located between Aberdeen Road and Hanover Road. This portion of Oxford is a 30 foot wide unimproved platted right-of-way. Do you foresee a need for this right-of-way? Are there any utilities involved? What is your recommendation? Please submit your comments or concerns in writing, according to the schedule below. P~k Commission Planning Commission City Council 112197 1!9/97 118197 1/13/97 215197 2/11/97 Thank you for your time in reviewing this matter. ~. fa.~~s~_.w_i?hin the above described area and has no objection to its vacation,. Thank you for the advance notice. ~te~n Von Bargen / Real Estate specialist Minnegasco Rev. 3-6-96 Appllcatzon for a ood oad, Mound, -none: 472-0600. =ay. Planning Con~ission Date:_ ]" I ,~--~ City Council Date:~ Distribution: Case No._ qg-O~ Application Fee:~ . I~°~ City Planner City Engineer / -----~~Minnegasco -- / Police Dept '_~-~ _Public Works --__~__~Fire Dept. ' Please type or print the following information: APPLICANT ~ Address~ ~ ' ' ~'~ / (W) (M) Adj~e~ Address ~/~ ~ ~ ~/~~ ADJACENT - ~/( PROPERTY (APPLICANT'S PROPERTY) ZONING DISTRICT DESCRIPTION OF STREET TO BE VACATED Name of Business Lot ~.~=~_~_~ Subdivision t""~ Circle: R-1 R-lA Block .~- Plat# PID# R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 .,Ad) .. [/ ~'_ .25 REASON FOR REQUEST IS THERE A PUBLIC NEED FOR THIS LAND? '--PP~¢an~'s ~ignature -- Date -J'vy CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY' "-I" .~ ",?~'~ ." ,,,,.' - ~DENOTES DIRECTION OF SURFA~ ~ DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION T.~G, AL DESCRIPTIO~ PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ~s 10 a~ 11, uloc~ 5, D;~O~ , LOWEST FLOOR ~*' - *~- ~i~eso~a ' GARDE FLOOR ~enne.pin cou y, ' TOP ~ F~NDATION 30OK PROJECT NO. VISIONS ~ Fo ~77~ '&i 16o) 10 ~,, 25 ii ( !62.25 '~ ~ 22 oj 125. 2 ' 8 (':58.~ 8 112.85 66. a 6 -i · ;44 45 42 i 40 HA,Ni©V~R m~-, ,~ b; "" ', ,.,~ ) ( 5-'/)Jr 56) "'~ }(54) ! 28. i ii'[ 4i 7,. Parks Department 1996 Annual Report PERSONNEL ROSTER The Parks Department has only one full-time employee, the Park Director. The rest of the staff is made up of seasonal employees. During the busy spring, summer, and early fall, there are as many as seven full-time seasonal employees, between eight and ten part-time seasonal recreational program leaders, twenty-one lifeguards, and one contracted cleaning service. 1996 Employee_s Park Director Park Maintenance Commons Maintenance Mowing Crew Mowing Crew Dock Inspector Summer Recreation Cemetery Maintenance Janitorial Service Beach Supervisor Date Hired Jim Faclder John Taffe Brad Jayko Chris Benz Mark Bigaouette Tom McCaffrey Jackie Meyer Phil Haugen West Metro Bldg. Mtnc. Jackie Meyer July 1, 1985 May 12, 1983 May 14, 1996 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1995 November 1, 1990 April, 1994 May, 1990 November 1, 1994 May 15, 1995 1996 Non-Returning Employee. David Hartman, Commons Maintenance. GENERAL COMMENTS During 1996 the Parks Department was involved mainly with maintaining current playground equipment and lands. In the past few years, we have seen improvements to the following parks: Pembroke, Philbrook, Langdon, Belmont, Chester, Tyrone, Seton, Three Points and Dundee. In 1996 no new play structures were installed. I have had calls requesting the City look into replacing the play structure at Swenson Park and to see if there is a plan for Dundee Park, which currently has none. A plan is being developed by the City Planner for Veterans Park to create an open sitting area. We still are looking forward to doing planning for other parks that are in need of alterations, they are, Highland, Edgewater, and Crescent Parks. Of these parks, Crescent and Edgewater have none. Highland, like Swenson, has equipment reaching need for replacement. Not a. ll parks require a play structure, Crescent and Doone could be left as open green space m order to keep the areas natural. Parks Department 1996 Annual Report Along with development, maintenance for the parks must be planned. Maintenance and upkeep of the parks is a major ingredient for their success. Regular mowing, leaf removal, litter pick up and periodic repairs are unavoidable aspects of these Parks and generally take up the most hours over the year. These improvements and maintenance will provide a visual commitment that the City of Mound has a dedication towards community development. Having moved into the Island Park Garage in 1989, we began to make improvements to the building by following the ' engineering report for remodeling and repairing nnprovements recommended in a 1987 the garage. In 1990 a new roof was put on, in 1991 the electrical was updated, new garage doors were added, and the exterior of the building was painted. The major repairs for 1994, 1995, 1996 were taken out of the budget due to budget restraints and were not asked for in 1997, but are still needed. The repairs needed, are: replacing of the concrete driveway in front of the building, grounds repair around the back side of the building which would include a retaining wall, and a drain system to keep water out of the building. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Currently, the City of Mound is sponsoring a summer recreation program that lasts six weeks, from mid-June through the end of July. Beginning in 1997 the summer program will go to a eight week schedule so as to provide more recreational opportunity to youths. During 1996 a Program Supervisor oversaw a schedule of events at five parks; Belmont, Swenson, Philbrook, Highland, and Three Points, where there is a Park Leader and an assistant to carry out the daily program. The 1996 program continued its arts and crafts, games, and special events for a broad age of children, and saw smaller parks receiving visits from the recreation staff to provide an opportunity for them to get involved in the program. This program is accomplished by co-sponsoring a program with Westonka Community Services. The basic concept is a program, still offered in the neighborhood park, but utilizing the Community Services special facilities, such as the indoor pool or gym, and co-offering events or field trips. This type of approach will offer a great deal of flexibility to a wide variety of age groups. The programming will represent their special interests and allow for expansion over the years. An added attraction has been "Music in the Parks" that was organized in 1993 and will continue in 1997, and the Parks staff has also assisted in special events, including Mound City Days, and Winterfest. 2 ,5'qg Parks Department 1996 Annual Report PARKS PROGRAM _1994. 1995,. 1996.. LABOR Staff Wages Community Education Support Staff EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (Softball, Parachutes, Games, Craft Supplies, Snacks, etc.) MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS (Training) $ 9,565 $ 7,389 $ 9,223 2,500 2,100 2,100 809 707 548 133 158 133 4~ 229 230 TOTAL $13,056 $10,582 $12,235 CITY BEACHES The beaches are operated under a contract with Westonka Community Services, the costs are as follows: BEACH PROGRAM 1994_ 1995__ 1996 LABOR Lifeguard Wages Community Education Support Staff MILEAGE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES REGISTRATION TOTAL $13,008 $15,921 $15,430 2,500 2,100 2,100 66 183 132 345 184 132 137 _ - ,- $16,056 $18,387 $17,846 These costs cover expenses incurred by Westonka Community Services in supplying lifeguards. They do not, however, reflect the cost of maintenance, weed removal, buoys, portable toilets and life saving equipment. These costs come out of the park fund. In past years we have seen this budget item under projections due to cool weather. 1996 was a warm summer, and due to cut-backs in funding, we had to cut back in hours at beaches to be able to come in at budget. In 1997 there has been additional monies added to allow for keeping the beaches open and a company will be contracted to spray the grounds with a chemical that deters geese from grazing. The chemical makes the grass taste unacceptable to them so they will fred another area to feed. 3 Parks Department 1996 Annual Report MUNICIPAl. CEMETERY The Mound Cemetery was established in 1884 and operated under an association until 1944, when the cemetery was turned over to the City of Mound. There are three divisions, A and B are the old sections to the west and the new section C, to the east. Currently, the grounds are maintained by a seasonal employee. He supplies his own equipment and is paid for time and machinery. The Park Crew helps when requested for projects that are larger in nature than the daily upkeep. The fertilization and weed control is done though a contract with a lawn care company. At the beginning of 1993, due to the retireme Superintendent, I assumed most of the r . .. _ . nt of Geno Hoff, Street · esponslbihty for the Cemetery. This has been, tn general, an easy adjustment except for burials in the oldest area, Section A. Some of the early burials did not have exact placements and one must have extreme caution when doing any work there. A 1990 a survey comparing plot fees at the Mound Cemetery with other municipal and private cemeteries was updated in 1995. A new fee schedule was adopted for 1997 as listed below: Adult, resident Adult, nonresident $350 Baby, resident 650 Baby, nonresident 175 Ash Burial 325 * No additional charge if plot is purchased as a single burial, $25 charge if ash burial is placed on top of a casket burial. A "resident" for the plot fee is defined as, "An individual to be interred is a current resident of the City of Mound at the time of his/her death, or at the time of purchasing his/her grave site." The operation of the cemetery is at a break even with income from the sale of plots. The current level of maintenance at the cemetery needs to be upgraded to aid in providing a more attractive setting. This could be done through irrigation, fencing and additional planting of trees. In 1996 a large maple tree was lost in the oldest section, A. In ~997 we plan to plant a few trees but it will take many years to replace such a significant tree. 4 Parks Department 1996 Annual Report HAZARDOUS TREE REMOVAL As of December 31, 1996, the yearly total of hazardous tree removals from City property were 34 trees removed, 2 stumps chipped, 7 trees trimmed that posed a hazard, and 7 sites brushed. From private property under forced removal, no trees were taken. Diseased and hazardous trees are removed on a complaint basis. When a complaint is received an inspection of the tree is done to determine the need of removal and the ownership. City owned trees are removed by a contractor as soon as possible, while private trees are removed in accordance with City Ordinances. Private trees not removed in the grace period allowed, are forced removed. The cost of a forced removed tree is billed to the property owner. If this bill is not paid, it is then attached to their property taxes. WEED NOTICES In 1996, approximately 20 weed notices were issued by the Community Service Officer for unkept grounds. Of these 20, all owners did comply and a contractor did not have to be hired to perform the work. The cost of mowing incurred by the City for private property would be billed to the owner. If the owner does not pay, the cost is assessed to their taxes. MUNICIPAL DOCK SITES The Municipal dock system is made up of approximately 4.5 miles of lake shore, providing 447 dock sites. The Dock Inspector works under the direction of the Park Director. His main duties are the processing of dock applications, inspections of the dock sites, notification of the discrepancies to permit holders, and an informational source for the general public and City. In 1996 the dock fund showed a balance of $164,069. This balance will allow for future improvements to the dock program where we have seen cost of dredging and shoreline repairs increase dramatically over the past years. In 1996 in working with the Commons Dock Task Force the City's first multiple boat slip dock was installed on Devon Common at Pembroke Park. The concept in general was to allow for current accessibility to non-abutting dock site holders while allowing for less congestion in front of homes abutting the commons. Although there are some details that need to be worked through, the multiple slip dock site is a success. Currently there are funds in the 1997 Dock Fund budget that will allow for the installation of up to three more multiple slip docks. Parks Department 1996 Annual Report DEPOT AND ISLAND PARK BUILDINGS The Depot building had no improvements in 1996, this limitation is due to financing which has been, in part, supplied by government subsidies that are no longer available. Currently for 1997 there is work scheduled to be done to the exterior of the building, including new siding, soffits, fascia, windows and doors. This will greatly unprove the aesthetics of the building as viewed from the street and park, but the interior is also in need of updating. Currently the facility is being used for meetings of local organizations and for rental by private individuals for parties. Response from these users has been positive. Future improvements to the Depot will reinforce the building as an asset to our City. The Island Park building is not being used and has had the water, heat and electricity turned off. Vandalism was a problem this last summer, the windows were broken which lead to boarding up rather then replacing the glass. This facility is currently being used as a storage area for Police Department supplies, and the main hall will only be opened during elections for voting. Only minimum maintenance is being performed on this building. There is a need for updating, but use demand does not warrant it at this time. CITY HALL MAINTENANCE/JANITORIAL The Parks Department is responsible for some areas concerning city hall maintenance and janitorial services. The grounds, lawn care and snow removal are seasonal, while responsibilities for heating/air conditioning are year round. All projects within the capabilities of the park staff are performed. This has been in the areas of repmrs to plumbing, heating and related equipment. Major repairs or cleaning services are contracted out through the direction of the Parks Department. Currently, we have a contract service for janitorial, carpet cleaning and the heating and air conditioning systems. Other projects have been assigned to the Parks Department as instructed by the City Manager. CITY OWNED RETAINING WALLS The replacement and repairs to retaining walls on street right-of-ways continue to be a expense that does not seem to have a end. The original walls constructed of flat stone or wood timber continue to deteriorate faster than the budget will allow replacement. At this time I have a list of work to do that has a two to three year wait for replacement walls. The cost of work done in 1994, 1995 and 1996, and projected Parks Department 1996 Annual Report DEPOT AND ISLAND PARK BUILDINGS The Depot building had no improvements in 1996, this limitation is due to financing which has been, in part, supplied by government subsidies that are no longer available. Currently for 1997 there is work scheduled to be done to the exterior of the building, including new siding, soffits, fascia, windows and doors. This will greatly improve the aesthetics of the building as viewed from the street and park, but the interior is also in need of updating. Currently the facility is being used for meetings of local organizations and for rental by private individuals for parties. Response from these users has been positive. Future improvements to the Depot will reinforce the building as an asset to our City. The Island Park building is not being used and has had the water, heat and electricity turned off. Vandalism was a problem this last summer, the windows were broken which lead to boarding up rather then replacing the glass. This facility is currently being used as a storage area for Police Department supplies, and the main hall will only be opened during elections for voting. Only minimum maintenance is being performed on this building. There is a need for updating, but use demand does not warrant it at this time. CITY HALL MAiNTENANCE/JANITORIAL The Parks Department is responsible for some areas concerning city hall maintenance and janitorial services. The grounds, lawn care and snow removal are seasonal, while responsibilities for heating/air conditioning are year round. All projects within the capabilities of the park staff are performed. This has been in the areas of repairs to plumbing, heating and related equipment. Major repairs or cleaning services are contracted out through the direction of the Parks Department. Currently, we have a contract service for janitorial, carpet cleaning and the heating and air conditioning systems. Other projects have been assigned to the Parks Department as instructed by the City Manager. CITY OWNED RETAINING WALLS The replacement and repairs to retaining walls on street fight-of-ways continue to be a expense that does not seem to have a end. The original wails constructed of flat stone or wood timber continue to deteriorate faster than the budget will allow replacement. At this time I have a list of work to do that has a two to three year wait for replacement walls. The cost of work done in 1995 and 1996, and projected costs for Parks Department costs for 1997 is as follows (note Exhibit C): 1996 Annual Report Actual Actual Est. 19~95 1996 199____27 Repairs Replacements 75 0 500 Insurance 0 8,085 10,000 0 0 0 The walls that have received work are only a reaction to immediate problems, and generally from a complaint or hazard. All of the replacement walls have been composed of concrete block. This type of construction has been done at a comparable cost to that of wood or stone and will last much longer. In 1995, as noted above, there was minimal monies spent on walls, this was not due to the lack of needed repairs or replacements, but rather the budget for 1995 had to address other repairs to curbs and sidewalks instead. In 1996 the budget for wall replacement was $10,000, as it's been in previous years, but only $8,085 was spent due to the same reason as 1995. Currently, there are existing walls that should have been replaced in 1996, and have been delayed to 1997 and beyond. A budget of $10,000 has been establis 1997, this could have easily been $30,000 if all curre-* ..... ,- _ , bed for ,,L w~,,~ neeaea would have been addressed in 1997, This does not allow for any emergency repairs or replacements due to storm damage. PARK & OPEN SPACE COMMISSION The Park Commission is made up of nine members and a Council Representative. The Park and Open Space Commission received one new member in 1996, Bev Botko. The Commission's activities are: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Commons Dock Programs and related concerns. Parks/wetlands and related concerns. Cemetery. Island Park Hall and Depot buildings. Nature Conservation Areas Swimming beaches and lifeguards. Hazardous tree removal. Summer Recreation Program. Budget preparation. 7 1996 Annual Report Parks Department Some of the topics reviewed by the Park Commission in 1996 were: o Commons maintenance permits. o Distribution of funds allotted for park improvements. o Inventory of City owned property for potential nature areas. o Commons dock fees. o Overseeing summer recreation/lifeguard programs. o Dock location map update. o Review of LMCD fees assessed to docks program. o Outdoor skating facilities. COMMONS TASK FORCE. The City Council, on March 28, 1995, established a task force of eleven members. The objective of the task force was to identify problems and frustrations that the current dock program has. Through a series of meetings over the last two years they completed two surveys and had discussions with the City Council and the Park and Open Space An in-der~th evaluation and recommendations was presented to the Commission (POSC). 1997 will ge reviewed by the City Council on January 28, 1997. POSC on January 9, E UIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT Preventive, daily, and unplanned maintenance of all related equipment is the responsibility of the Parks Department. Please note Equipment Inventory on the attached Exhibit A. An Equipment Replacement Schedule is maintained to allow for updating of major capital outlays, see Exhibit A. This schedule when observed, will allow the Parks Department to operate efficiently and provide safety for the general public and the park crew. The Equipment Inventory, Exhibit B, allows you to see all of the Park Department equipment, its projected service years, and replacement costs. ESTIMATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF DECEMBER 1996 BUDGET 135,300 27,700 5,570 37,470 GENERAL FUND Parks Summer Recreation Cemetery Fund Docks Fund YTD EXPENSE 133,482 30,082 3,722 36,342 VARIANCE 1,818 (382) 1,848 1,128 PERCENT EXPENDED 98.66% 101.29% 66.82% 96.99 Parks Department ¸,il 1996 Annual Report Equipment Replacement Schedule - EXHIBIT A (p. 1 of 2) REC# ~YEAR ~EQUIPMENT 1 1990 :BRUSH CUTTER :3/4 TON 4X4/PLOW 1 TON DUMP 4X4 CHEMICAL SPRAYER 4 2:1991 :PUSHMOWER :GROUND AIRATOR :FLAIL MOWER :WATER SPRINKLER :WEEDWHIP : : : 3 1992 :PUSH MOWER :GROUND AIRATOR :WATER SPRINKLER :BOBCAT BUCKET :72" FRONT MOWER :METAL LOCATOR :6000 lb TRAILER :FLAIL MOWER (USED) 1993:1 TON DUMP 4X2 :PUSHMOWER (propel) :WEEDWHIP (2) :METAL DETECTOR : 1994 :POWER WASHER :BEACH BOUYS :3/4 TON 4X4 PLOW :PLAY STRUCTURE METAL DETECTOR 1995 WEEDWHIP (2) GRASS CATCHER (6) PICNIC TABLES 1996 :WATER FOUNTAINS (3) BASKETBALL GOALS COMPUTOR / LAP TOP FLAMABLE LOCKER :RESURFACE COURTS :COST :REPLACES 55O 14,990 :1980 3/4 TON PICKUP 24,000 :1976 3/4 TON 4X4 950 4O0 2,000 24,0430 4. 000 600 4O0 2,900 4,000 1,000 15,000 700 2,000 15,000 24,300 45O 750 '800 1987 PUSHMOWER 1974 FORD TRACTOR 1987 WEEDWHIP (2) 1989 PUSHMOWER 1987 BOBCAT BUCKET 1984 72" MOWER 1982 TRAILER 1974 FORD SICKLE 1978 1 TON DUMP 4X2 1991 PUSHMOWER 1991 WEEDWHIP (2) 1985 METAL DETECTOR :PURCHASEI~ YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO YES NO YES NO YES YES YES NO 1,200 : :YES 1,954) 'WORN OUT BOUYo , ,, ' ~ ,YEo 24,250 :1982 3/4 TON 4X4 PL.:YES 19,600 :OLD STRUCTURE 850 ' :YES ' IYES : , 775 :1993 WEEDWHiP (2) 'YEs 3,730 :NONE ' :YES 1,800 : :YES : ' 8,000 :1987 FOUNTAINS :YES 1,500 :UNKNOWN :YES 1,400 :1988 COMPUTOR :YES 1,000 :NONE :YES 10,500 ~UNKNOWN :YES : : 9 1996 Annual Report Parks Department Eq~pment Replacement Sched~e-EXHIBIT A (p. 2 of 2) ~COST ,REPLACES ~PURCHASED REC~ YEAR ~EQUIPMENT ....... + .......... + ............ + 650 ~1992 PUSH MOWER JD 11 12 1997 ~PUSH MOWER / Propel ~FLAIL MOWER 72" IBOBCAT TRACKS ~BOBCAT GRAPPLE FORKS~ ~DOCK/MOUNDBAY ~BASKETBALL GOALS ~MULTIP. DOCKS 1998 ~BACKPACK BLOWER :72" FRONT MOWER :BRUSH CUTTER PUSH MOWER WEEDWHIPS (2) 1999 2000 3/4 TON 4X4 W/PLOW OUTBOARD MOTOR 14° ALUMA. BOAT 3/4 TON 4X4 W/PLOW 13 14 2001 2002 1 TON 4X2 DUMP 7,000 LB TRAILER 72" FRONT MOWER 2003 10,000 LB TRAILER :SKIDSTEER LOADER :48" RIDING MC)WER 15 2004 ~METAL DETECTOR 16 :2005 :CHEMICAL SPRAYER 17 2006 2007 6,000 LB TRAILER 10 18 30,000 5,000 2,900 2,35O 1,700 22,000 450 27,000 750 700 850 30,000 1,500 90O 34,000 :YES :YES ~NONE :YES :NONE ~1988 GRAPPLE FORKS :YES ~UNKNOWN :YES :YES :UNKNOWN :YES :NONE : 1988 BACKPACK BLOWERI :[988 72" MOWER J D %1990 STHIL BRUSH CUT 1993 PUSH MOWER JD 1995 WEEDWHIPS (2) 1990 3/4 TON 4X4 1961 14' ALUMA BOAT .1961 10 HP JOHONSON 1994 3/4 TON 4X4 1993 1 TON 4X2 I~MP 1988 7.000 LB TRL. 1992 72" FRONT MOWER~ 1987 10,000 LB TRL. 1987 BOBCAT (ATTACH) 1993 48" RIDER 35,000 2,500 19,O00 3,500 40,000 9,000 1,000 3,500 5,000 1994 METAL DETECTOR 1990 CHEM. SPRAYER 1992 6.000 LB TRI.,. 10 19 2O Parks Department 1996 Annual Report REC~ : Curt_ Equip 1 ~1 Ton Chev 4X4 Dump : 2 13/'4 Ton 4X4 : W/Plow 3 1 Ton Ford 4x2 Dump 9 5 3/4 Ton Chev 4X4 W/P 1 ow 48" Mower John Deere 6 172" Mower John Deere Blower, Broom, Cab 7 72" Mower John Deere Weedwhips Brush Cutter 10 IPushmower John Deere 21" self propel 11 Pushmower John Deere 21" self propel 12 Metal Detector 13 :Blower John Deere Backpack 14 15 16 Skidsteer Bobcat 843 Planer. P.Forks, G.Forks, Bucket Utility Trailer 10,000 LB Utility Trailer 7,000 LB 17 :Utility Trailer 6,000 LB 18 Outboard 10 HP Johnson Boat 14° Aluma Craft Chemical Sprayer Equipment Inventory - EXH/BIT B :Model_YearlReplace Year 1990 : 1999 : 1994 :2001 1993 1990 1993 1988 1992 1995 1990 1993 1997 1994 20O2 1999 :2003 1998 2OO2 Service.. Years: Replace Cost 9 $ 30, 7 30,000 9 9 10 10 10 30,0OO 30,00O 9,000 23,000 19,000 1988 1987 1987 1988 1998 1998 1998 2002 5 90O 625 ~00 85O 1992 1961 1970 1990 20O4 1998 2(;)03 2O03 2002 10 10 16 16 14 80O 4512) 40,000 3,500 2,500 2007 2O00 20O0 12005 : : 11 15 39 30 15 2,500 1,500 3,500 3,500 REC~ 2 1996 Annual Report Parks Department Retaining Wall Replacement Schedule - EXHIBIT C (p. 1 of 2) 3 4 DATE ', LOCAT I ON 4-4-94 1590 Ea~le Ln 6-14-94 7-27-94 12-12-94 3-24-95 4754 Manchester Rd 6 4-12-95 8 7 7-31-95 12-27-95 4872 Leslie Rd 3213 Amhurst Ln 4855 Lanark Rd :TYPE :REPLACE_.TYPE:COST :REPAIR. DATE _+ ..... + ............ + ....... + ............ Stone,Replace With:4070.31 esttmate IBlock Stone:Repair, :Est. ~Remove small:l,850 ~trees, shed I 'moved by the~ owner. Wood Replace Est. 200 in ft 10,000 Block 2861 2873 Essex Lane:Wood 5960 Sunset Road 4814 Northern Road Stone,Repair right :side of : dr iveway :Wood IReplace with 'Block Replace with Block Wood Replace with 'Block Call before 472-4202 Wood Remove and grade CONTRACTO~ 4-10-96 4864 Monmouth Road Stone Repair Dr~v~ :way Corners 12 Parks Department Retaining Wall Replacement Schedule 1996 Annual Report EXHIBIT C (p. 2 of 2) REC~ :DATE :LOCATION 10 11 12 13 14 15 -22-96 5-3-96 5-8-96 4738 Galway Road 4705 Bedford Road 4958 Leslie Road 5-20-96 8-8-96 1610 Finch Lane 3051 Long Fellow Ln 11-22-96 3340 Warner Ln :TYPE :REPLACE_TYPE + :Rock :Repair rock Rock Repair rock next to step Rock Wood Repair Replace ? who is to pay for wall Rock Rock Repair next to driveway and street Repair on the corner COST REPAIR DATE:CONTRACTOR 13 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 Ed '£.hukle C it y l',lanage~' & HOLl. 1'ld C i t)/ (~ou. nci 1 F ROM; Greg skinne~ P u b 1 i c L,Jo ',' k s StTeet Department The z~trw~t departments primary function is to maintain and reF)c~ir t, lu~ cities st~'eets and storm sewers. The city has 4 fui1 time en,plo)'ee's in t. he sty'e~'~t depa'Ftment. I have listed the T, alneS; of 'tile personnel below. I,l,&htE Dol~ lieitz Tim Johnson Dan Gvady Fl'ank Heitz lilLE Equip. Operator Equip. Operator Equip. Operator Equip. Operato~ %I~R'T'ING D~TE 5-1-73 6-17-'83 2-13-96 5-20-96 The E,t¥'eet Maintenance Supervision is handled mostly by myself. I delegate certain l')'rojects or task to each employee. E_xalnl~l. es would be, sealcoati~,g, sign repair, maintenance, etc. i handle all of the complaints and questions and try to ~-eso]ve them. Some of: my other ditties include reports (monthly and annual), budget preparations, cupervisin~ per'sonnel, evaluaLion repoTt, eme~"gency call out, construction meeti~<"~ monthly meetings, project inspections, purch.a?3in%~ of road materi~l and etc~ gel<.?~ i<'s a list of the duties ~o," t}',e department. Keep in mind that thi~ coveY's repair and maintenance for 50 miles of st~eete, 12 parking lots and 27 cul-de-sacs. eprtnted on recycled paper cle.al'il~:g sLteet right- of ~ay of b~ ush and trees and guardrails b[tum,inous street Pa~tchirlg Pl"epar lng --t/-eets for s:ea ] c oat i 1'19 rep:-~jl & IrlajllL. sLo~ m 'zce~er o f st~'e¢,t sign 'repe, irillg and installation of new ones Curb & sidewall< ~:tr eet lights retaining walls rr~aintenarlce of equip. Ch~ .isLmas decorations GENERAL Let me gO throLgh tl~e schedule of the Street Department for 1 year ju::st t. ouchir~g on the main duties starting with Winter. SNOW &_ ~ CONTROL It's my job Lo determine ~dhen the snow equipment is called out. I depend on the National Weather Service for information co~cer~in:.~j any weather $>'stem~ moving in our direct/on, also t_he Pcb]ice Dept. Most of the Lilfle I'm out and about to deLe~m]~<;, ~'~hat l/as to be done. Wl~en it's icy we sand as soon as POs:';~:i!~)e but when it s~,o~.,s we like to wait until it's cve~- iF at. all posc<ible. Wlien we plow everyone is out, 4 from tt~e SL~e..~-t Department, ~ from the Water & Sewer Department, Jim f',om L~m~ Pa~ l(s~ and myself. The equipment used ton duwp Lrucks equipped with plow, wing and sanders, 4 -4X4 pickup t-~ucks equipped with 8' plows, 1-4x4 Blazer with a 6'6" plow to do Lhe sidewalks. We have 11 miles of sidewalks that:, we }taul thc ~'~ow away. We uoe the snow blower 3 dump truck.? and 2 4x4 for the job. ' The ne,.,j Yea/ did not sta~-t out very nice. We were hit hard bM a rain storm and then we had sub-zero temperatures that turned the ~treets into s=kating rinks. This required extra salt-sand mix for the streets. I budget 400 tons of salt for the winter. In the two ~eeks after the storm I used 200 tons salt fo~ tl~e streets. The same thing happened at the end this >,ea~'. We l~.0d another rain storm and a couple of big snow falls i~l Pecember. This was not as bad as the beginning of the ~(..;:.~ but still used 100 tons more than normal. We ~e~e not al'~le [o do s;ome Projecl that we had scheduled for spring and s:,..~u',uv>~ becauc:e of the costly winter. ~ WORK T}~e ea~']Y pa~-t of spring is when we do our street right-of- way v..!c,', k, that i,e:af~s we cut brush and trirn tl-ees that are hangin~y in tile street. Due to so,ne h~avy storms during the s:pwin~ and summer we dicl not hav~ as much to cut, but a lot to c'le.~f/ Up. The Sr.:.', if~ clean-'uP is a big job, 2 st~'eet sweepers, 1 sido,,.~a.lk t>~-orm, 2 t'r-ucks arid 1 tcnker. We sweep everything i.n towl',, 50 mi]es of %t~eets, 12 parki]~g lots, ~1 miles of .?iclewall.% arid 2G c-ul-de--sac;s. You'~'e looking at 3 to 4 weeks 0¢ t.gO~' I',. F/"om ou'r' Sl:*ri~lg c-lean-up work we move into our street patchin%l- TI]is year we took inventory of the roads that do not ha'...'e co~c::rete curb and that ,,..~e'Fe not done during the road p~'ojec'[ in the late 70,s al'~d early 80,s. These roads are in ve~'Y bad shape and are costly to n-,aintain. I feel 'that this should ITc ].<~oled at in 1997 to bring all these roads up to ~:>~- ~iLh tl',c~ other roads in the city. As I mentioned a.t the beginning spring is patching and water' main break repair time. VJe patch all of our main b~.-eaks unless it is so big that a paw:~' needed- STORM SEWER SYSTEM system to maintain. I don't I,..J,? haY(' a "¢'' l~'l-(je stoYm sewer know how many miles of pipe we have. I know we have 370 ..... i The 370 catchbasins are catchL, nsi~s and 81 sump catchba~ cleaneJ afte~* every heavy rain and the sumps are cleaned the spring and Fall. The City c~ew maintains and repairs the catchbasins, but when it comes t~.~ ,~-epai¢i~9 the pipe itself we have a contractor come in ~or t}'~e work. We doT~'t have the equipment ov people power" to do it. We did not have any majo'c repairs for storm sewers this year. We haue a~'/c~ a~e still looking at two majo~' projects that need to be take~ ca~e of. One is at the south e~d of Cotton a~d t~<~ othe~ at swensen Park. T}~e city engineer and myself will be wot'king ~omet. hin~ out hopefully for this comin~ year. SE~LCO~TI:4G Me had a ~,ew company this year and I was not very pleased ,^!itt~ tl~e qu.alit, y of thel~ work. I felt that their planning al,('] apl'>li.;.aLior~ of the product was poor. We noticed to much overlapF, i~3 of: cmlusiof, and aggregate that caused a ridge in tl~e middl,'3 <.~f' the streets. These ridges will be leveled off by Lhe suow plows in the winter, but we had to put up with Public Utilities Water and Sewer Public Ut.[.liLi~u: for ti-;,:.:. OIL), Of Hound consists of 2 d.spartmei~ts. 0~,:: beir~9 Mater Distribution a~d the other being ,qanitar,/ Se~..¢er. First I would like Lo start with the [~a. ter 1=,_~ lb.l,.ion sys~tem. The ~Jater Department has 2 1/2 Full time ("tlll}lo>q~6, s, ~[)ich consists of: a supervisor and 2 maintenance employees;. Lie sell k, ater to approximately 3250 customers t~ith]n Ll~e City from 4 city o~ne<j vJeils, one bc)ost, er station, a combl~,:r~,J stor',~ge of 57'5,000 g.n[lon~ ir, 3 water towers and af:Pt,,x]mate]y 4'> miles of waterm3in. We are ~tlte~c',_,i~,e,_t,;.d ,/,,]th the City of Spring Park and Minnetrista fo'r c'merge~c:ie~z if' neected. I h.ave beert ,~ith the City of Mound since 1977 I started out in tt~e blc~te;, trnent as ' Der:.~:.~r a ma]n'ter~anc:e ~..,~orker. In 1982 I -*e<'a,uc, k.}',~, ULil].ties Superintendent. I am responsible for mairlis~l-1.~]19 Lhe .:3nnual budget of' aPp,'ox]ma-Lely $413,410.00 ~<>r 397%, purc. h~?es, scheduling ~.*~ork loads, complaints, emF:.lc~yec~ e'v'.~luaLions~, k~ater ir~sF:'octions for ne~ construction, ~i~hl_ F'J..:~fl re,~.'j(:.h~ for ne~ construction and development, [~'atermain and ::L~hut off location, monthly report to State agencies: al,d saf<,tw. In addition., to my administration r~:~sPonsibi].itja.!.:, I also have the same duties as the mair'~terl:lr'lce Pe~'~:ol-lal do in the ~Jater & Sevder Department. B~,b ¢.,t~c,~]1 ..... ~.,Jc, r ,=. full time in r~aintenanc:e. Bob has been with the City sJ. llc:e 1967. Bob's job ("onsists of repairs ~ater - a'-c~ztion, he handles service call:< t t~oL con{~;is;ts Of' ~L!TI'I--C) FIS, tul'~-ofl:s, final readings, Va],.(. Ig~:iiltlC, lqah(.:t algol I'c, pajr k'aLermair] breaks and sno~,, Je~-~>. I-{c.~k(~. ha..e been ~.,,ith the City roi- over 30 years. Jerry d~6, s all t~qe mof:,,31- installations, mete~ ~'epair helps ~itlq PUBLIC UTILITIES The r'ublic: Utilities are operated as a business. Revenues are gene~at:ed from t.l~e sale of ~ater meter sales and service char~e~ Salar ' ~-. ' - z ......and benefits are paid out of the revenue we receive. The Utility Departments ~,,ork closely with the BuJ].dll~?~ Ins:pet: :o~ and the City Engineer on new construction, ne~ development, utility upgrades or ne~ installation. This includes ~lte al~d plan revle~ and lnspectZor~s along ~Zth dlsc,.~ss:lo~: b~ith developers. Therr: a, e 2 buclo:>tc P~'epa'red for Public Utilities, ~ for ~ater and ~ for Se~,~-. The Mater Depai'tment had a budget of apP~,:,xJm-:~t<:,ly ~;'"'i13,410.00 For 1996. The Se~er Department had a bu, iget of aPProximatelF $963,~;30.00 for Z996. The percent off iuc:rease from year to year is small in both budgets as far as da), I_o day oporations are concerned. HisLory has shown ti,at ~,.]c,y~lllal'l'~: c_:ompensation, Get,era] Liabili'ty Insurance and MCWS have been t.l~e big reason fo~ budgeL increases. Budgets a~e prepared by Lhe Utility Supe~ivdzendent- The budget then goes t.o the City Manager for review and app~ow::l. Each budget is ther', p~-esented t~, the Citf Council bM the Sup,?rinLe~denL~ ~so Lhe Council r,.~:~Y ask any quesLions in regard Lo certain expendilzu~es. The Mi l~l~:~sot:.a I':*c:'l]UI;;°ll 6of'ltvo~ Age,rcM requires that the City c.,f r,'l~:~.~..l l~ave ;~L }eas';~ ~ full time emptoyee ~h a Class C ce~t. ifi::ate in Iz,IOI..E,~ <¢~j[)l~l,/ Sy.a~ten~ Operations- The City is requi~ c:d by thc' F'CA Ilo 1~8'¢e 1 pCySOfl ,.4ith a Class D ce~ I_if'lcaLe i~ t.j...~(:;:tcwaLev Treatment. Each person in the ~ater & [,C~W(~] DE, f.)o~ l.;Iric~/t.', l/O% a c:erti~it:ate in either ~ater or sewer (.)~ iii L,~th. The cc:.vtificateo have tO be ~ene~ed every 3 years. Each eml~l"'Yee is sent to s;chools at least every 3 years, [n additJ,:,n I:.l~ey are sent to various i day schools, c:on-fevences a~d ~.ovve~tions. The pu'~pose of this ~s to learn new up Lo date mcL. hods of maj. l~tel~af~c'e and safety procedures. WATER DEPARTMENT TM_~_~~BREAKS ~ MAINTENANCE- ',)~ a~d there were a couple of k. Jc~ had our allld..t~ I .~ ~%pC'Ct ~ ar',octe:~: veplac:ed (l~at were damage<l f'rom tt',e ice that builds tlp ir, tl,e tanMs Lh~'ough tho winter. PUMPHOUSE ~AINTENANC[ ~l~i~:: yea~' ~,.~:~..s ~ ,jood yea~-. We had ~,o major p~oblems ~ith the wells. We had Lb,,:: ~e~,, master pam~l completed at ~ell ~6 this year. t4e ~,ill b.?:. finishing our ui~gracling of our 4 pumphouses ill 1997. WATER T~_.F=I.E__R_~. Tl~e new system .i.,~; ~.,~orl..in9 ~ell. HYDRANT ~ This )'ear we us~:e L~e same approaches a.s last yeaT lot OUT hydrant flushing program. Instead of flushing during normal ~ork ~,avs I rearranged the shift times, so t~o maintenance ~ovkev~ would work f~om 9:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. for one week ir, May and one week i~] October. 7'his ~orked very well, with very f~w compla]nt~ from the employee's or the customers. GENERAL INFORMATION ~Je i:>uiHt-~ecl 318 , 000 , 000 galJ. ons o'F water iH 1996. The Water Dc'f~aFtH~enf: I-.~L~dgc~t was $18,026.00 oVeF budget for 1996. SEWER DEPARTMENT Tit,? ?-;."..~,:,F Dcpa~ LIHe~it t'lmr~ 2 1/'2 full time employees. DarHc, rl lizard.ina h-:~:-; bee~ witl~ the CiLx 5e.,,~er Oepar;tment since JgFd. '~.cotL I<i',.';:::Lo has been wiLh tt~e C:j.~y since 1985. Th¢~ -, t - '.,u.ies cornetist of malr~tainin~ 28 lifL stations and al~p~ o><J~atet>.. 60 miles oF sarlitai-y seweF lines throughout the City. Stat, ior~s are checked at least 2 times a ~eek. It takes 4 ho,,~'F,2. I:}e] day t'o neff'cfm these checks. [de perform minor maiilter~arHi, e, suc:l~ as Pump removal, seal Feplacement and (,~e~::t~ J. cal 'repaii-.L~. ~ny ma~or pump ~epair is sent out. The 5e~,~er Departmet~L has a tFuck ~ith a cFape so Ne can pull the pumps. ~le also c:leaD the sewer lines in the summer. Ne have 1 watol ta~k. er t. JiLh a ~et clear]er and 1 seNeF fodder to P~rFc, rm ~l'~is ~l,Pc~nirl~. The men also help on Natermain breaks Hy ~e::::F~eHsibiJll.[es foF the SeweF DepaFtnlent are Pretty much the same as for the Pater DepartmeHt~ except the budget Nas aF)pT'ox[rHaLely $963,180.00 foF 19P6. SE~ER ~ ~ ~Jc-~ cle:-]lled :30,000 feef3 Of= see~er line in 1996. ~e have fit~l~h:.,J all oF our major Projec. bs so k~e will be putting more time i~ cleanirl~9 .ar,d Pre.;{,nLive mdiHterlance of our sewer li~tec;. Llith the ne~ 5et-vac we will be able te clean quite a bit more ii. ne t}",¢~l] we use to. ~e had a outside oontNactor come in an televise arid repair some seu~er lines that were fouHd to have :some I/I. The ne~.~ technology for making these 'rep¢;~i'r~; wiLl~ out diggi]~g is gTeaL. ~4e should be ready to do TI~i,=: /' 'e'r t.¢e had Ho 2 sewer force H/al~ breaks. TI'F: 5,%.~er De~>a~'Lments Dud<jet ~Jas 24,145.00 over for LEN HARRELL Chief of Police Mr. Ed Shukle, City Manager City of Mound Mound, MN 55364 MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472-0621 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 525-6210 January 27, 1997 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 Dear Mr. Shukle: Contained within the following pages is the annual report for the police department. The report addresses the budget, personnel, training, equipment, community education, statistics, and emergency preparedness. The year has seen some personnel changes in the department. Todd Truax was promoted to sergeant in January and attended the Southern Police Institute in the fall. Sergeant Grand has been assigned to the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Officer Alien Ringate was hired in January and has since completed probation. Wendy Lewin was hired in April through a Cops More grant and has been taking on many of the routine administrative duties to free up officers. Matthew Sibley as well as both of our CSO's, Maki and Paschke, left in the spring to pursue full time opportunities elsewhere. CSO's Clark and Packard were hired in June and are doing well. The department hired our second female officer, Michelle Alexander, in June and she continues to do well through her probation. The department continues to emphasize dedication to the community through the highest standards of service and through quality training for its employees. We continue to present the D.A.R.E. Program in the elementary schools and Grandview Middle School; with excellent community support. Other community partnerships include our very successful Citizens Academy and Triad In 1996, officers began a door-to-door inquiry to solicit input regarding needs in our neighborhoods; that initiative will continue into 1997. The department continues the "Citizen Comment Card" feedback survey. The cards are randomly sent to our service "customers". Part I and Part II offenses accounted for 1,169 calls for service, up 9.5% over 1996. Total contacts were up by 15%. The police budget for 1996 was slightly over planned expenditures; 2.9%. This was due to an oversight in the budgeting process regarding one officer position. Sincerely, Len Harrell Chief of Police TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Budget Administration m. Organizational Chart IV. Personnel V. Training VI. Equipment VII. Community Education VIII. Statistics IX. Emergency Preparedness X. Southwest Metro Drag Task Force PAGE 2 4 9 13 14 16 25 26 The mission of the Mound Police Department is to provide protection and service to the people of Mound. Many of the activities of the police department are described and summarized in this report for 1996. MOUND POLICE MISSION STATEMENT: The Mound Police Department, through teamwork and cooperation, will be responsive to our citizens' needs with a professional level of dedicated service. Officers will display the highest integrity, and regard each citizen with a focused and unbiased attitude. Our citizens will determine our success. Much of how a police department is evaluated is based on statistics, as found in this report. Information for these statistics comes from internal record-keeping and also from participation in the Minnesota Criminal Justice System (CJIS). In analyzing the crime statistics, several factors need to be considered: 2. 3. 4. 5. Population density Proximity to metropolitan area Population composition Population stability Number, sophistication, and development of police personnel The only area the police department has control in is the fifth category. The police department is consistently looking at ways to better utilize and train personnel to provide better service. This report is provided to highlight the most important area of police department activity and to be used as a gauge for evaluating service. The report includes some comparisons to past years and provides a tool for planning and activities in the years to come. II. BUDGET ADMINISTRATION The 1996 police budget will close out slightly over projections; 2.9%. That overage was due to an oversight in figuring officer salaries. The final expenditures for the police department will amount to approximately $827,960.00. The percentage of expenditures breaks out as follows: Personnel $717,202.00 86.6 38,850.00 4.7 Insurance Training/Travel 12,477.00 1.5 ( includes p.O.S.T.) Fuel / Repairs 20,493.00 2.5 Ail Other 38,938.00 4.7 TOTAL Fund 30 (vehicles, radar, chair) 827,960.00 $56,607.00 100.00 Insurance costs were stable in 1996. Fuel costs were up, but repair costs were down significantly. Personnel costs were up over last year with the addition of the COPS MORE grant position. Despite the personnel change issues, we were able to manage the over-time budget very well and saved approximately 9%. Our training expenses were up slightly due in large part to sending Sergeant T~ax to the Southern Police Institute. The capital outlay expenses were again paid through Fund 30. The police department generated revenues of $85,855.00 from court fines and violations. Animal licenses and pick-ups accounted for $6,113.00 of revenue. Accident reports generated $1,534.00. Minnesota Police Pension and P.O.S.T. Board reimbursements totaled $66,436.00 and $3,869.00 respectively. The COPSFAST and COPSMORE programs reimbursed the department $48,634.00 for the two added positions. We also received $7,372.00 from the school's crime levy for the D.A.K.E Program. The SWMDTF reimburses $51,538.00 for the services of Sergeant Grand. Revenues totaled $271,351.00 for 1996. 2 6"7/ IV. P_F, ILSD2:~ Sworn Personnel: Chief of Police Sergeants Investigators D.A.R.E. Officer Patrol Officers Total Sworn Personnel 1.0 3.0 2.0 .5 13.0 Non-Sworn Personnel: Police Secretary 2.0 part-time Personnel: CSO 2.0 ( 1.3 FTE )* Total Police Personnel 17.0_ ( 16.3 FTE )* *FTE = Full Time Equivalent 3'?2 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ROSTER 1996 Leonard Harrell Patr_o/S erg_e_ant John McKinley Todd Truax Steve Grand (Assigned to SWMDTF) Iaves Jason Swensen Troy Denneson John Ewald Darrell Huggett & Canine "Rainbo" Amy Christenson Dan Niccum Sam Nelson Matthew Sibley (7-17-95; 4-15-96 ) Allen Ringate (1-3-96) Michelle Alexander (6-10-96) Shirley Hawks Wendy Lewin (4-1-96) £ommumily_Servic Rick Maki (3-7-96) Steve Paschke (3-7-96) Patrick Clark (6-10-96) James Packard (6-10-96) ~Rese_rves_ Tom Berent Sue Schebler Jesse Husby Jeffrey Van Auken Corey Klanderud Michael Roepke Dan Monsrud Rick Maki In 1996, the police department added a secretary through the COPS MORE grant which will fund the position for one year with an option to apply for two additional years. This position is to help with administrative duties and to free up officers from routine paper work. Officers Ringate and Alexander were hired in 1996 and Todd Truax was promoted to sergeant. Community Service Officers (C.S.O.) Clark and Packard were hired to fill the vacancies of Rick Maki and Steve Paschke. The department continued with regular evaluations of the police employees. In general, the officers have been doing a fine job in serving the community. There was one internal investigation initiated in 1996 and the video tape indicated that the complaint was unfounded. Citizen Comment Cards In February of 1992, the department initiated a feedback system to solicit input from our citizens on how the police department is serving the community. The cards are randomly sent to citizens who have had a" call for service" contact. The rating system is on a four point basis; poor = 0 and excellent = 4. The department average for our overall service is rated at 3.68 based on over 130 responses. The rate of return is about 13%. The Mound Crime Prevention Association continues to pay for the mailings. Psychological re-evaluations were again given to two officers in 1996. The process, psychological testing for each officer every five years, continues. The department has maintained its involvement in the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force during 1996. Sergeant Grand has sexwed as the coordinator for the Task Force for this year and will continue in that capacity for approximately three years. Sergeant Grand has been doing an excellent job. The communities involved in the task force are Chanhassen, Carver County, South Lake Minnetonka, St. Boni/Minnetrista, Scott County, Shakopee, Chaska, and McLeod County. See section X for the annual report of the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Officer Huggett continues to work with "Kambo". "Kambo" earned a P.D. I certification through the United States Police Canine Association in 1996. The Mound Police Reserves continue to do an excellent job for the community and the department. Sgt. Truax has served as the liaison for the reserves. The unit strength has been fairly stable with six to eight volunteers. The Mound Police Keserves combined to donate a total of 1,720 hours. 6 Child Protection cases accounted for 53 investigations in 1996. There were 12 criminal sexual contact cases reported. Combined contacts were up. Part I offenses were up 8% and Part II offenses were up 10%. The investigators worked on several cases of significance during the year. Investigators Denneson and Swen · . "dumping" issue that orioino*~,~ ~--se,n w, ere ~.nvolve.d in solving the · ~ ,Leu ~som a lOCal service station and threatened a major portion of the City. The case continues to be addressed and federal charges are expected early in 1997. Investigators continued to provide information to the FBI regarding the Norwest Bank robbery; but have been frustrated by the lack of cooperation. Inv. Swensen solved a robbery involving the theft of money from two juveniles. A suspect was identified and charged with aggravated robbery. In April, a large amount of cocaine was seized from a local residence and the owner of the residence was charged with possession of a controlled substance. In June, officers responded to a barricaded, suicidal, male who had threatened to blow up his home and held officers at bay with a large knife. The suspect was arrested after a struggle with officers and taken into custody and charged with terroristic threats and second degree assault. In October, a young woman was held at knife point and assaulted by two juvenile males who tied her up, burned her with cigarettes, and repeatedly assaulted her. Both were arrested and charged with felony assault. Inv. Denneson worked on a case that resulted in the arrest of individuals involved in drug trafficking in Mound. Denneson was also involved in several incidents with stolen snowmobiles and the recovery of those machines. The department experienced four pedestrian personal injury accidents during the year. One resulted in a death, other two in significant bodily injury, and one in less significant injuries . Three were crosswalk related and charges were filed in two of the incidents. There were 88 formal complaints signed in 1996 charging individuals with a variety of crimes. Some of the most severe cases involved criminal sexual conduct, assault, child neglect, narcotics possession and sales, forgery, felony theft, theft by trick, possession of stolen property, and procuring alcohol for minors. Other complaints include DWI, no insurance, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana and paraphernalia, minor consumption, harassing communications, assorted driving violations, worthless checks, violation of orders for protection, dumping, hit and run accidents, barking dog, loud parties, discharging a weapon, and criminal damage to property; to name a few. 7 Officers and staffused a total of 473 days of benefit time during 1996. The time off included approximately 181 vacation days, 110 holidays, 83 comp days, and 99 sick days. Officers earned 630 hours of comp time and 654 hours of overtime during the year. MOUND POLICE RESERVES ANNUAL REPORT The Mound Police Reserves donated 1,720 hours to the City of Mound in 1996. The unit continues to operate with 6 to 8 members. The police reserves assisted in providing the following security services and/or police back-up at: Emergency call outs Reserve squad - house checks High school dances Hockey and football games Mound City Days EFCE Public Safety Days Rotary Dinner for 100 Officer Friendly assists Westonka Homecoming parade Westonka senior overnight party Incredible Festival Child finger printing Halloween and "Kiddie" parades Christmas Tree lighting Our Lady of the Lake Marathon Memorial Day Parade Mound Westonka High School Graduation Fish Fry Traffic Direction (emergencies) Transports Recycling Drop Off Crime Prevention D. A. R. E. assists Winteffest The Mound Police Reserves received training in first-aid and CPR, defensive tactics, and new officers attended the Hennepin County Reserve Officers courses. The reserves continue to raise their own funds and are predominantly self- sufficient. The Emergency Preparedness budget also contributes funds to the maintenance of training and equipment for the police reserves. The police reserve account has about $4,700 in balance. Again, in 1996, the severance fund encumbrance is relatively low due to the change made in the disbursement of those funds. The reserve officers now receive a check in December to cover any expenses which they incur during the year. The police department attempts to provide training on a continual basis to maintain its effectiveness and efficiency. Modem law enforcement is an ever-changing environment that requires the development of special skills and necessitates officers keep abreast of recent changes in job relevant statutes and procedures. High standards of excellence are accomplished by the police department when extensive training can be offered to both officers and staff. Police personnel attended the equivalent of 194 days of training in 1996 in addition to our in-house firearms training. Sgt. Truax attended the Southern Police Institute Administrative Officers course in Louisville, KY for 12 weeks of rigorous training. Courses Attended Firearms Training / F.A.T.S. Wilson Supervisory Leadership Training Canine Training Use of Force FBI Academy Associates Conference Emergency Medical Technician ASP Baton Chemical Agents IACP National Conferefice Intoxilyzer Refresher Pursuit Driving Spring Chiefs Conference Defensive Tactics - PPCT Hazardous Materials Crime Prevention Criminal Information System Emergency Preparedness Minnesota Sex Investigators Conference Sexual Harassment Community Orientated Policing Legislative Update Cultural Sensitivity Governor's Conference for Emergency Preparedness Drug Interdiction through Traffic Standardized Filed Sobriety Standard Investigations Community Oriented Policing/Problem Solving 10 Courses Attended_:_c_O~ Leadership and Command Multi-agency Narcotics Response Undercover Officer Survival Clandestine Meth Labs Interview/Interrogation Constitutional Law Crisis Management Blood-borne pathogens Bicycle Patrol for Police Background Investigations OSHA 11 Three new vehicles were purchased in 1996. The vehicles were purchased through the coumy bid process and are Chevrolet Lumina police package vehicles. We have a total of two Taurus, five Luminas, a Blazer 4-wheel, and the animal truck in normal service. In 1995, we converted a forfeited Buick Electra for utilization as a D.A.R.E. vehicle with the support of the Rotary Club of Mound and the Mound Crime Prevention Assn. The vehicle is being used by our D.A.R.E. officer and has a great impression on the kids. A new radar was purchased to replace an older model that was no longer functioning properly. A new chair was purchased for the office for our new secretary. 12 VII. The department has stayed involved with the community in a variety of activities in 1996. The following is a brief description of the activities. Officer Christenson did an excellent job of organizing the departments first National Night Out celebration ', focused our celebration around our -'-- ;' T.h~s year we nelgnoorn, oo provided i ....... -, · . d parks and ce ,~,,.,~,,, ,mu crime prevention materials to those in attendance. The parks involved were Highland, Philbrook, Swe::sen, Three Points, and Avon. There were also novelty items passed out for the for the kids. The Mound Crime Prevention Association funded the event. Approximately, 450 persons attended at the five different locations. Officer Christenson has been conducting neighborhood meetings and developing block watches. Presentations and security evaluations have been done for local banks and businesses. The police department conducted the first citizens academy in the fall of 1995. Individuals attended classes two hours a night for ten weeks in order to learn, first hand, the operations of the Mound Police Department. The attendee reviews were overwhelming and two academies were held for adults in 1996 and one was presented at Grandview Middle School. Initiative to organize senior citizens and to meet on a regular basis to discuss issues of interest and concern. Officer Ewald has organized a SALT group and is meeting with them on a monthly basis in order to meet the concerns of our seniors. The police reserves and CSO's provide a service of checking periodically on out-of-town resident's homes when notification has been provided to the police department. The police department continues to work closely with the intervention program to assist families that are victims of domestic abuse. The program is currently looking for a new director and has been struggling in 1996. 13 D~epartment Tours The police department has conducted a number of tours of our facility for Cub Scouts, Brownies, and on special requests by schools, etc. Demonstrations / Presentations The police department has been involved in a number of public presentations ranging from canine demonstrations to talks about safety with day-care students. The police department has talked to groups concerning drugs, gun safety, vehicle safety, DWI, and personal safety. Mound City. Days The department was very involved in this year's celebrations. Security was provided for the parade and the weekend activities. The department provides a service of fingerprinting individuals as may be requested. This includes both children and adults. D.A.R.E Program Drug Awareness Resistance Education has been implemented at Shirley Hills Elementary School, Grandview Middle School, and Our Lady of the Lake school. The 17 week program is taught to all 5th grade students and we have expanded into the 1st and 3rd grades with a 5 week program. 3~'estonka Community. Action Network The department has been actively involved in assisting the task force in defining area problems and developing a network for assisting needy individuals. The department has been designated as a resource for emergency "vouchers" for the County. I still serve on the Board. Homecoming Parade The department assisted the high school with setting up a parade route and then provided security for the parade. Halloween Parade Provided security for children during the parade. Elementary school presentations for child safety. 14 Public Safety Days The police department cosponsored a public safety open house with Early Childhood & Family Education. Children were fingerprinted. observed safety presentations, and were able to view police, fire, and medical equipment. Members of the department are involved in several different advisory councils that meet periodically. They include the Guidance Advisory Council, Mound Business & Professional Council, and Co-curricular Advisory to name a few. 15 This section of the report analyzes the statistical portion of the annual report. Most of the statistics comes from tabulating the information from Initial Call Repons ( ICR'S ), informational repons, and traffic citations. The total number of ICR's in a year is useful for comparing the level of activity of the department relative to previous years. It also allows for comparison between personnel changes and activity levels. Some reporting changes were made in 1986 to alleviate statistical duplication that was found in the previous system. TOTAL INCIDENTS PER YEAK 1987 THROUGH 1996 INCIDENTS / MONTH 1987 13,445 1,120 1988 15,582 1,298 1989 14,559 1,213 1990 13,680 1,140 1991 13,207 1,101 1992 13,578 1,130 1993 16,897 1,408 1994 16,239 1,353 1995 14,515 1,210 1996 16,680 1,390 1996 reflected an increase in total contacts of 15%. The serious incidents categorized into Part I of crime reported to the police department are and Part II Offenses. Part I Offenses: Pan I Offenses include major crimes such as homicide, criminal sexual conduct, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, vehicle theft, and arson. Although Part I Offenses are a small percentage of reported crimes, it is these crimes that demand the most attention from the police department in terms of investigation and commitment of resources. 16 Part II Offenses: Part II Offenses include the crimes of forgery, child abuse / neglect, vandalism, stolen property, sexual misconduct, weapons violations, narcotics violations, liquor violations, DWI, simple assault, domestic assault, embezzlement, harassment, public peace, juvenile status offenses, and other violations. Part I crimes did rise in 1996 after a drop in 1995. 1996 was still below our five year average for Part I crimes which are the most significant violent crimes. Part II crimes were up significantly from 1995 and higher than any of the previous five years. Criminal sexual conduct cases were down, but larcenies and vehicle thefts were up significantly. The clearance rate for combined Part I and Part II Offenses was 59%. Part I Offenses were up 8% and Part II were up 10% compared to last year. Burglaries rose 4 occurrences, larcenies increased by 7% and auto theft by 120%. Child protection issues rose by 20 cases. Our combined clearance rates rose by 3%. Part I and Part II Offenses are the incidents that necessitate the most time and effort from the police department. Initial call time is greater in gathering pertinent information at the scene and the greatest amount of investigation and follow-up is dedicated to these types of crimes. Traffic Offenses: Traffic Offenses include both moving and non-moving violations. An examination of the number and percentage of traffic stops, as part of the total number of incidents, allows one to determine the degree to which vehicular traffic and pedestrian movement affects the department's work load. It should also be noted that the more visible that patrols are maintained, the more likely is the positive impact in deterring serious crimes. In 1996, traffic citations accounted for 2,625 police contacts, up significantly from 1995. Property damage and personal injury accidents were down for the second straight year; 15%. The major concern remains the pedestrian accidents that occurred. There were 86 DWI arrests (up 60% after the 40% drop in 1995) and of those, approximately 22% were repeat offenders for gross 17 misdemeanor or aggravated violations. The average test was .143 blood alcohol content (b.a.c.). The highest reading was a .23 b.a.c.; the legal limit is .10 b.a.c. Property: Property loses were valued at $193,240.00 in 1996, 13% for the second year in a row. down Child Protection: The department investigated 53 child protection issues and 12 criminal sexual conduct case for the year. These cases continue to be the single most time-consuming cases we handle. Domestic Dispute Cases: The department responded to 105 domestic situations; 65 with assaults. The number of actual domestic assaults remained the same, and the total number decreased slightly. Arrests: The department processed and hooked 279 adults in 1996, up 24%. There were 23 adults charged for felonies, 344 adults charged with misdemeanors, 71 juveniles taken into custody for felonies, and 190 juveniles taken into custody for misdemeanors. Animal Complaints: The department responded to 997 animal and inspections complaint issues during 1996. This is down from the 1995 total. 18 MOUND POLICE DEPART~NT 1996 YEA~Y~PORT OFFENSES CL~D EXCEPT- CLF~ BY AR/~ES TED ~%E PO~TED UNFOUNDED C~ ~ST ADULT JUV Homicide 0 0 Criminal Sexual Conduct 0 0 Robbery 12 4 1 3 Aggravated Assault 6 0 3 2 Burglary 9 0 0 7 Larceny 48 5 4 9 Vehicle Theft 204 5 11 28 Arson 22 1 1 6 6 0 307 ~ 15 22 57 Child AJDuse/Neglect 36 17 4 2 Forgery/NSF Checks 17 0 6 Criminal Damage to Property 105 7 Weapons 5 4 12 Narcotic Laws 13 0 5 3 Liquor Laws 43 0 0 38 DWI 48 0 0 46 Simple Assault 86 0 0 86 65 7 26 Domestic Assault 45 22 Domestic (No Assault) 0 13 36 Harassment 60 0 0 0 68 1 11 Juvenile Status Offenses 95 1 Public Peace 1 15 71 Trespassing 26 0 7 20 3 0 1 1 All Other Offenses 152 7 7 108 TOTltL 862 38 99 453 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual Aid Other General Investigations TOTAL 75 35 1 364 708 179 8,375 9,737 0 0 3 2 0 2 3 4 0 21 14 33 1 9 2 0 23 71 2 0 5 1 9 16 3 0 45 10 40 32 84 2 10 16 32 4 0 0 1 0 0 87 14 8 1 0 98 14 344 190 HCCP Inspections 53 289 TOTAL 11,248 53 121 510 367 261 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE/CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT Hazardous Citation Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over .10 Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony ArrestS Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests ~991 ~992 _1993 835 710 702 280 323 702 32 138 171 341 421 307 1,273 1,143 1,263 468 569 346 79 63 73 52 44 58 98 86 78 33 22 25 0 1 0 48 62 61 404 426 328 21 56 45 115 91 86 672 535 194 379 734 341 87 75 103 39 0 33 425 89 117 ~995 833 655 216 740 727 346 52 5O 98 32 0 26 377 49 173 1996 1,O53 680 330 832 1,106 739 86 67 75 35 1 36 457 75 203 Part I Offenses 378 354 338 385 283 307 Reported 91 131 122 120 91 94 Cleared 55 96 92 114 65 94 Arrests Made Part II Offenses 694 732 782 841 784 862 Reported 438 441 473 515 502 590 Cleared 331 441 324 451 458 534 Arrests Made 325 300 399 342 350 364 Medicals 1,105 896 1,518 1,007 669 708 Animal Complaints - 501 539 289 Ordinance Violations Other Public ContactS 6,503 6,983 9,564 9,340 7,516 8,375 Total Assists Follow-ups Mutual Aid 13,084 631 164 123 13,420 16,846 16,239 14,515 16,680 896 538 543 877 840 299 328 462 377 372 148 177 177 193 53 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT YEARLY REPORT - 1996 DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Code Enforcement Seat Belt MV/ATV Miscellaneous Tags TOTltL 84 2 67 0 8 2 71 1 15 4 697 54 21 3 4 2 251 11 11 0 113 3 4 0 77 5 0 0 127 4 1 0 6 0 739 0 19 0 19 0 48 0 56 3 0 0 89 4 2,527 98 MOUND POLICE DEPART~T YEARLY REPORT 1996 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAL 423 271 257 7 19 47 3 0 7 144 1,178 55 28 19 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 108 ~RRANT ARREST~ Felony Misdemeanor 13 77 4 13 Run: 30-Jan-97 11:06 PRO03 Primary ISN's only: NO Date Reported range: 01/01/96 _ 12/31/96 /~,~ Activity codes: All rOperty Status: Al/ ''~ Property Types: All Property Descs: All Brands: All Models: All Officers/Badges: All MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTED Prop Prop Inc no ISN Pr Prop Date Rptd Stolen Date Recov.d Quantity Tp Desc SN Stat Stolen Value Recov'd Value Prop type Totals: 5O0 Prop type Totals: 10,000 Prop type Totals: 350 Prop type Totals: 1 Prop type Totals: 33,400 Prop type Totals: 9,009 Prop type Totals: 425 Prop type Totals: 544 Prop type Totals: 276 Prop type Totals: 2,315 Prop type Totals: 490 Prop type Totals: 39,301 Prop type Totals: 10,175 Prop type Totals: 3,665 Prop type Totals: 9,865 Prop type Totals: 731 Prop type Totals: 16,604 Prop type Totals: 14,837 Prop type Totals: 8,703 Prop type Totals: 4,800 Prop type Totals: 654 6 7 8 9 A B 0 0 0 0 33,400 2,819 0 57 85 0 0 10,900 2,690 0 1,135 0 1,590 1,700 95 4,800 0 Page Act Brand Model Off-1 Off-2 Code Assnd Assnd 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 8.000 40.000 2.000 4.OO0 22.000 4.000 2.000 10.000 10.000 1.000 19.000 8.000 73.000 28.000 36.000 t.000 4.000 Run: 30-Jan-97 11:06 PRO03 Primary ISN'S only: No Date Reported range: 01/01/96 - 12/31/96 Activity codes: All Property Status: All Property Types: All Property DesCS: All Brands: All Models: All officers/Badges: All Prop Prop Inc no ISN Pr Tp Desc SN MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTED w Prop type Totals: X Prop type Totals: y Prop type Totals: **** Report Totals: Prop Date Rptd stolen Date Recov'd Stat stolen Value Recov'd Value Quantity Act code 50 10.000 1,080 80 30.000 13,676 11,839 1,578 57.000 193,240 60,979 374.000 Brand Model Page Off-1 Off-2 Assnd Assnd IX. The Emergency Preparedness budget came in slightly below budget this year. There were no major, unexpected expenses this year. Again, this year, hazardous materials continue to be a major concern for Emergency Preparedness. The city receives approximately $4,000 from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association) in the form of a grant. We spent $3,614.16 for emergency preparedness in addition to salaries that are accounted for in the police budget. Most of the money allocated to Emergency Preparedness is used by, and for, the reserve unit. The reserve unit uses a portion of the money for training and uniforms. The reserves are also reimbursed for their expenses from this fund. In September, large scale exercise on Lake Minnetonka was held with the help of Al & Alma's and approximately 200 volunteers. Most of the surrounding departments, both fire and police, were involved in the planning and execution of the exercise; as well as local hospitals and Hennepin County. Mound submitted for a grant for $1,250 for hosting the event and to provide lunches and refreshments the day of the exercise. The exercise is reported to be the largest water exercise ever undertaken in the state and was covered by KARE 11 and presented in their F-,,~TA segment for the news. The exercise was a great training tool and the planning group is continuing to meet at Mound to discuss issues of mutual concern. 25 SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE Attached is the annual report of the drug task force in which we are a member. We believe the task force is doing an excellent job and deserves our continued support, the major drugs of use in our area continues to be marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, and LSD. 26 SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG .... TASK FORCE Serving the Communities of: Carver County Scott County McLeod County Excelsior Greenwood Tonka Bay Shorewood Chaska Chanhassen Shakopee Mound St. Bonifacius ~"~,,Minnetrista TO: Len Harrell Chief of Police From: Sgt. Grand Task Force Coordinator Ref: Annual Report Date: 2-$-97 Please find the 1996 Annual report attached to this letter. The task force completed seven cases in the Ci~, of Mound dunng the year. As a result of those cases, 14 persons were arrested or charged with drug offenses. Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine were all seized during these cases. Several other cases were done by the task force in other comnmnities in which suspects had ties to the Mound area. They either associated with persons in Mound who are kno~ to use or deal drugs or the~, were f~om Mound and arrested in other cities for offenses. In the world of drug deaiing it is common to locate suspects from one ci~, in another cit3.'. The drug users and dealers have a complex network and associate with other offenders in other cities on a regular basis. Suspects with t/e3 to the Citx' of Mound were arrested in St. Bonifacit,..s~ Watertosvn, South Lake Minnetonka as ~.;'z.,'l as Sitakopee. These individuals have taken up ,~ ' ,~ ,- · r~sld,.ii~;c ili different communities but ;,Iso spend time in Mound and the Westonka area. Of the defendants from the Mound area, the average age was 26.5 yrs. old with thc oldest being 46 )'rs. old and the 'youngest being 17 5'rs. of age. SOUTHWEST METRO DRUGS TASK FORCE 1996 ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY 88 Cases were completed in the task force area. 121 Defendants were involved. 63 Search warrants were executed. Number of cases by County Scott 35 Carver 21 Mcleod 13 Hennepin 16 Sibley 1 Dakota 1 Of cases Completed: Possession 52 Sale 24 Manufacturing 5 Growing 7 Funds spent on evidence and information: Controlled substance involved in total cases: Marijuana 49 Cocaine 9 Meth 10 LSD 1 Mushrooms 2 Vikodin 1 Hashish 2 Flurazepam 1 Paraphernalia 13 $ 2829.14 Cities where the controlled substances were seized: Chaska 10 Chanhassen 3 New Germany 1 Hamburg 1 Cologne 1 Watertown 2 Waconia 1 Carver 1 Laketown 1 Mound 7 Excelsior 3 Shorewood 1 St. Bonifacius 3 Maple Plain 1 Shakopee 14 Jordan 7 Prior Lake 2 Savage I Belle Plaine 3 New Prague 2 Elko 1 Credit River 1 St. Lawrence 2 Jackson 2 Spring Lake 1 Glencoe 5 Hutchinson 6 Winsted 1 Brownton 1 Burnsville 1 St. Paul 1 Faxon 1 Forfeitures/seizures executed (11): Currency 10,551.75 Weapons 3 (Minimal value) Vehicles 2 (both returned to owners by Co. Atty.) 1996 Annual budget 261.800.00 Actual Expenditures 257 442.30 Difference 4,357.70 Forfeitures received (cleared court): $12,080.60 February 11, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97- RESOLUTION APPROVING A PARTIAL RELEASE OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT FOR THE TEAL POINTE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, Teal Pointe Development Company was involved in a new housing subdivision project in the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the project involved public improvements to be completed by Teal Pointe Development Company prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project area; and WHEREAS, s letter of credit was issued by Marquette Bank Mound in the amount of $155,000 to assure that the public improvements would be completed; and WHEREAS, a partial release was approved by the City Council on February 27, 1996, which released $75,625.64 from the letter of credit; and WHEREAS, there is now a new owner of Teal Pointe who is attempting to complete the project and actually develop the site; and WHEREAS, the public improvements are nearly completed and will be completed in the spring of 1997; and WHEREAS, the new owner has requested that the letter of credit be reduced for that the remaining amount of the letter of credit is $15,930. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approved the partial release of the letter of credit and directs that $15,930 be held to assure that the public improvements will be completed and approved by the City Engineer. BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED THAT once the public improvements are completed and the City Engineer's requirements have been met, a full release of the letter of credit can be approved. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Hanus, Jensen Polston and Weycker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none Mayor Attest: City Clerk Janua~ 31,1997 RECEIVED Jerry Pietmwski MarqueUe Bank Mound 2220 Commerce BIvd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Pietrowski: As president of Tonka Bay Sales, the new owner of the Teal Point property, I am requesting that Marquette Bank of Mound release the Letter of Credit since it is no longer needed, with the exception of $15,930.00 to cover work to be completed this spdng. I am sending a letter to Edward Shukle, Jr., Mound City Manager informing him of this request. Please call if you need any further information from me in this matter Sincerely, Gabdel Jabbour President, Tonka Bay Sales cc: Edward J. Shukle, Jr., Mound City Manager Janua~ 31,1997 Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1687 Dear Mr. Shukle: Enclosed is a copy of a letter sent to Marquette Bank Mound requesting that all but $15,930.00 of the Letter of Credit to Teal Point Development Company be released. Please place the request for release on an upcoming Mound City Council Agenda for approval. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Gabriel Jabbour President, Tonka Bay Sales cc: Jerry Pietrowski, Marquette Bank Mound January 28, 1997 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 Mr. Gabriel Jabbour Tonka Bay Sales, Inc. 21 University Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413 Re; Teal Point - Letter of Credit Dear Gabriel: I have been contacted by Jerry Pietrowski, Marquette Bank Mound regarding the Letter of Credit that was issued to Teal Point Development Company. He wants to know if the Letter of Credit is necessary due to the fact that you have taken over the property and satisfied the outstanding debts to the project. I have also been contacted by Widmer, Inc. regarding the release of the Letter of Credit based upon the same set of facts. I have reviewed this matter with the City Engineer and Assistant City Attorney and they have advised me as £ollows: o Release all but $15,930.00 of the remaining amount under the Letter of Credit. This amount will cover the remaining work that is to be completed by Widmer this spring. Gabriel Jabbour, as owner of the Teal Point property, must send a letter to Marquette Bank Mound requesting that the Letter of Credit be released based upon the fact that the Letter of Credit, with the exception of $15, 1930.00, is no longer needed. Gabriel Jabbour, as owner of the Teal Point property, must send a letter to the City of Mound, directed to Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager, that he is requesting that the Letter of Credit be released pursuant to #2 above. The City of Mound, upon receipt of a copy of the letter under #2 above and receipt of the letter under #3 above, will place the request for release of the Letter of Credit on an upcoming Mound City Council Agenda for approval pursuant to the above terms. . prlnted on recycled paper Letter to Gabriel Jabbour January 27, 1997 Page 2 We would appreciate that the above items be taken care of at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please contact me. SincerelY, City Manager cc: Jerry Pietrowski, Marquette Bank Mound Paul Widmer, Widmer, Inc. John Dean, Assistant City Attorney John Cameron, City Engineer Gino Businaro, Finance Director Mr. Edward Shukle City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDF-PF_NDEIVT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 277 5600 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD . MOUND, HINNESOTA 55364 Michael G. Looby, Director of Community Education and Personnel Services 472-0341 January 31, 1997 Dear Ed: I am writing today to formally request the use of the City Hall Council Chambers for School Board meetings. As we discussed briefly on the telephone, this request is for two Monday evenings each month, on a regular basis, to begin July 1, 1996. Our School Board currently meets the second and fourth Monday evenings of the month which would be ideal. However, I understand that this is a regularly scheduled time for the City Planning Commission and that it may be necessary to schedule school district meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. Meeting start at 7:00 p.m. and generally conclude no later than 11:00 p.m. There may also be a need for a closed board session on occasion from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Like the City Council, the School Board meetings are video recorded and replayed on the local cable channel for residents of our Westonka community. It would be our intention to continue the practice of video recording, so the use of your upstairs video recording room is also a part of our request. The attendance at School Board meetings vary greatly depending on the agenda. Your room size with seating for 65 and standing room for an additional 35 people would be more than adequate to meet our needs. If we would ever expect to exceed the maximum occupancy of the room, we would plan to schedule the meeting in one of our school facilities such as the little theater at the high school. Thank you for your consideration, Ed. If you have any further questions, please call me at your convenience at 491-8003. Respectfully, Michael G. Looby, Director Community Education and Personnel Services Westonka Public Schools copy: Dr. Pamela J. Myers, Superintendent of Schools ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 255:05 AND 255:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 256 TO THE CITY CODE ESTABLISHING A DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION The City Council of the City of Mound Does Ordain: Section 255:05 of the City code is amended to read as follows: Section 255:05. Com~osition~ The Park and Open Space Advisory Commission shall ~onsist of ~ si___~x members. ~ Five members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be ~emoved by a four-fifths vote of the Council; the Council shall select one member of the Council to serve on the Commission from among the Councilmembers, the said Councilmember to be appointed for one year, commencing in January of each year; the City Manager and the Park Director shall be members of the Commission ex-officio and without vote. Members shall be appointed for terms of three years. .~ hall hold their offices until their ^~ .... A ointees s . f ex-officio succ ........ A_pp . ' ed. The term o successors are appolnte~ an~3u~~ respective office tenures. members shall correspon~ WlLn ~ r Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the term. Every appointed member before unexpired port~on ?f ~t~_ ~ h~= her duties shall take an oath entering upon the dzscnarg~ ~ .... or duties of his or her that he or she will faithfully discharge the office. All members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefor are provided in the adopted budget of the Park Department. Section 255:15 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: Section 255:15. Duties. It shall be the duty of the Commission to meet from time to time with the City Manager, the City Council, and the Park Director to consider matters pertaining to ~, recreation programs, parks and open spaces ~except the publiQ commons of the City[ in the City as shall be referred to the ~ommission by the City Council, City Manager, the Park Director, or as members of the Commission deem properm reqardinq such matters. The public policy of the City of Mound is to strive to: a) provide present and future residents of the City an JBDl16627 MU200-1 unpolluted environment; b) provide access to lakes and streams in the community; and c) provide parks which afford natural beauty as well as recreational enjoyment. It is understood that the Commission is advisory to Council and is created pursuant to the authority conferredthe City City Council by Minnesota Statutes Laws of 1987, Section 412.621, upon the Subdivision 1. ' Section 256 is added to the City Code to read as follows: Section 256 - Dock and Commons Advisor Commission g~mt~°~n 2~5~6~03~_ ~ ~~.t~ ~o~f Commission. The Dock and established. Section 255:05. Composition. ~~~.~Co_m_mo~ns Advisor ~~ tf__ ~h~ree _inland and two abu · a ointed b t~ . _tt.ln ro err owners she ' =,,uv~u o a ~our-fifths ..... ~ ~ ~ouncil and m~--~e r ..... = ~ _ 11 be be members of the Commission ex-officio and without vote. terms °f three ears. Initial a ointments shall to ~~ ~ee s_sh~all _hold their offi ~~al' ~=~ · cee until their su ...... ~ ~n~ ua±ified. ~_ . . __c__c_essors. are ~% m~s__h_all be filled b the Co ' officio m~mbers shall ~u~ member Defore enterin u ~~'~t~hT~u}l dischar e the dut' bud et of the Park De artme~t-/~L =~nlon out ma be reimbursed ~olr1- Section 255:10. Or anization shall elect -- . Meetin s etc C ....... a Ch a 1 r ~ Zfartoim°% ~ ~M~e_e t.i~n s etc. The ommlss~o ~-.~-~u memoers for a JBDl16627 MU200-1 chair erson' and the Co~mission ma create and fill such other offices as it ma determmne. record shall be a ublic record. Section 255:15. Duties. It shall be the dut of the Commission to the Park Director to consider matters ertainin to docks and ublic commons in the Cit as shall be referred to the Commission b the Cit council Cit Mana er the Park Director or as members of the Commission deem ro er with res ect to such matters. The ublic olic of the Cit of Mound is to strive to: a_k u_npolluted environment~ c__k rovide arks which afford natural beaut as well as recreational enjoyment~ Subdivision 1. Section 255:20 Reports to be AdvisorY. The commissio~ We orts conc~sion~ and recommendations sh~ll be made to the recommendations are urel advisor and the final determination and res onsibilit shall be with the Council. It shall be aided ~i~a MaOn~S~l~ b the Park Director who shall Mayor Attest: c--ity Clerk JBDl16627 MU200-1 Adopted by City Council Published in Official Newspaper JBDl16627 MII200-1 TO: FROM: RE: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR JANUARY FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Investment Activity Balance: Bought: Money Market Matu red: Money Market Balance: January 1, 1997 First Bank First Bank January 31, 1997 $4,578,083 260,000 (550,000) $4,288,083 Closing of the Year 1996 January was, as usual, a very busy month for the Finance Department. The new year cycle and the closing of the past year cycle are falling in place as we move along. With the issuance of the W-2 and the 1099 forms, numerous reports were submitted to Federal and State departments. Other reports were submitted to the independent auditor, the insurance agent, and Hennepin county. Recycling Joyce has submitted to Hennepin County the 1996 Municipal Recycling Final Report. The total expenditures for the program were $104,383 and the revenues from the sale of recyclables were $15,664. The county entitlement for the year was $30,949. The city collected $59,625 in household charges. As an example of participation for the month of October, out of 13,180 households 6,374 had their recyclables set out. That is a 49% participatiol~. The total materials collected for the year was 1,037.5 tons. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 February 6, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAG~ JIM FACKLER, PARKS DIRECTOR %~ 1996 GENERAL COMMENT The skating finks at Three Points, Philbrook and Highland are being maintained. The sub zero weather that we had did not allow any flooding because the hoses would freeze up but snow was removed and the ice surfaces broomed. We began getting quotes on the exterior repairs to the Depot building at Mound Bay Park. It looks like the work, siding, facia, windows and doors will be done before summer. Also, the bid information was completed for purchasing the utility tractor with a flail mower. All other capitol outlay items were ordered, such as the basketball goals for Swenson Park, so that we will have all equipment in Mound when the summer seasonal staff comes. The 1997 applications were mailed and renewals have begun coming in. received a number of calls from residents looking for a dock site. We have There was only one burial in January. No trees were removed in January. JF:ls printed on recycled paper CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 MEMORANDUM~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 6, 1997 City Manager, Members of the City Council and Staff Jon Sutherland, Building Official -~C~K~ ~ January 1997 MONTHLY REPORT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY~ The 12 building permits we issued in January for a construction value of $169,249 is not an accurate reflection of how this year is starting out! We are really much busier than that and there are a couple of church projects and some new dwellings in the works that we will see in next month's report. In addition, there is work still in progress from '96 that makes us feel busy. We issued 16 plumbing, mechanical, and miscellanous permits for a total of 28 permits this month. PLANNING & ZONIN~G The Planning Commission was busy processing the typical planning issues, of which Peggy has decided it will be easier to track and record this information in her new chart (see attached). This is the first attempt at the chart and we are going to refine it as we go. We are also looking at a computer program for data processing for the Building and Parks Departments that will put out a Building Activity Report and process the dock information since peggy works with both. Staff is tracking the number of cases that are impacted or that do not require a variance since the ordinance for the streamlining of variances has been adopted, and there is nothing to report to -date. JS:pj prtnted on recycted paper :TION SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED {CONDOS) TWO FAMILY / DUPLEX MULTIPLE FAMILY (3 OR MORE UNITS) TRANSIENT HSG. IHOTELS / MOTELS) SUBTOTAL City of Mound BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Month: .January Year:_ 1997 ~NTH t PERMITS VALUATION // UNITS PERMITS VALUATION # PERMITS COMMERCIAL [RETAIL/RESTAURANT) OFFICE / PROFESSIONAL INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC / SCHOOLS SUBTOTAL ADDITIONS TO PRINCIPAL BUILDING DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS DECKS SWIMMING POOLS REMODEL - MISC RESIDENTIAL REMODEL - MULTIPLE DWELLINGs SUBTOTAL TIONS COMMERCIAL IRETAIL/RESTAURANT) OFFICE / PROFESSIONAL INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC ! SCHOOLS DETACHED ACCEssoRY BUILDINGS SUBTOTAL # PERMITS 10 # PERMITS I 1 VALUATION 10,000 94,399 104,399 VALUATION 100 64,750 64,850 # PERMITS 9 10 # PERMITS 1 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TOTAL DEMOLITIONS TOTAL # PERMITS 12 VALUATION 169,249 VALUATION VALUATION VALUATION 74,399 104,399 VALUATION 64,850 VALUATION 169,249 *BUILDING FENCES &RETAINING WALLS SIGNS PLUMBING MECHANICAL 'GRADING S&W. STREET EXCAV., FIRE, ETC. TOTAL 12 0 2 8 4 0 2 28 12 0 2 8 4 0 2 28 JANUARY MONTHLY REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING CASES VARIANCES VARIANCE EXTENSIONS MINOR SUBDIVISIONS PLATS / PDA'S CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS REZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS ;TREET VACATIONS MOVING BUILDING PERMITS TOTAL CITY OF MOUND February 7, 1997 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER FROM: FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK RE: JANUARY 1997, MONTHLY REPORT Well, I'm back in the saddle. It's been a long time since I've had to do one of these. My first month back has been great. It is kind of like riding a horse, you never really forget how. There were 2 regular meetings in January with agendas, minutes, 15 resolutions to prepare and clean-up items from the two meetings. The first was an organizational meeting, i.e. appointment of acting Mayor, acting City Manager, official newspaper designation of official depositories, etc. , Cigarette and Garbage & Refuse Hauler Licenses were sent out to the licensees. When these are returned everything is checked, i.e. work comp insurance, sales tax information, data privacy forms, etc. Checks are receipted and licenses are prepared for Council approval which will be at the February llth Council Meeting. The Clerk,s Index was updated. There were the usual calls from citizens regarding various subjects. fc (~ prlnted on recyclecl paper LEN HARRELL Chief of Police MOUN O POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472-0621 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 525-6210 Fax 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ed Shukle Chief Len Harrell Monthly Report for January 1997 The police department responded to 663 calls for service during the month of January. There were 7 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 6 larcenies, and 1 vehicle theft. There were 44 Part II offenses reported. Those offenses included 3 damage to property, 2 liquor law violations, 14 DUI's, 2 simple assault, 4 domestics (0 with assaults), 3 juvenile status offenses, and 16 other offenses. The patrol division issued 181 adult citations and 3 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 86 tickets. Warnings were issued to 127 individuals for a variety of violations. There was 1 adult arrested for felonies. There were 32 adults and 2 juveniles arrested for misdemeanors. There were an additional 5 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 14 vehicle accidents, 4 with injuries. There were 23 medical emergencies and 49 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 8 occasions in January and requested assistance 2 times. Property valued at $3,126 was stolen. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - JANUARy 1997 II. The investigators worked on three criminal sexual conduct cases that accounted for 39 hours of investigative time. Other cases investigated included robbery, assault, fleeing a police officer, harassment, damage to property, the/t, gross misdemeanor DWI, illegal dumping, and absenting. Formal complaints were issued for DWI, no insurance, theft, minor consumption, criminal damage to property, fleeing a police officer, open bottle, and exterior storage. III. ~.~rsonne~ The department used approximately 14 hours of overtime during the month of January. Officers used 10 hours of comp-time, 122 hours of vacation, 52 hours of sick time, and 25 holidays. Officers earned 9 hours of comp- time. Investigator Swensen attended the three day Juvenile Officer's Conference. Other officers attended field sobriety, first aid refresher, and a leadership seminar. Officers Packard and Clark addressed 49 animal complaints, 39 ordinance violations, and 126 miscellaneous calls for services. Two citations were issued in January. IV. The reserves donated 34 hours during the month of January. MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 19 9 7 oFFENSES CLEARED EXCEPT- cLEARED BY ARRESTED ~EPORTED UNFOUNDED CLF2%RED AR~ST ADULT J~JV Homicide Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 TOTAL ~ 0 child Abuse/Neglect 0 0 0 0 Forgery/NSF Checks 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Damage to Property 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Weapons 0 0 0 0 0 Narcotic Laws 2 0 0 2 2 Liquor Laws 14 0 0 14 14 DWI 2 0 t 0 0 Simple Assault 0 0 0 0 Domestic Assault 0 0 0 0 0 Domestic (No Assault) 4 0 0 0 0 0 Harassment 0 0 2 0 Juvenile Status Offenses 3 0 0 0 0 0 Public Peace 0 0 0 0 0 Trespassing 16 0 0 13 15 All Other Offenses ~ 44 0 32 TOTAL 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 PART II & PART I~ Property Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Medicals Animal Complaints Mutual Aid Other General investigations TOTAL 10 4 0 23 0 8 512 612 HCCP inspections TOTAL 663 32 33 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARy 1996 GENERAL ACTIViTY SUMM~y Hazardous Citations Non-Hazardous Citations Hazardous Warnings Non-Hazardous Warnings Verbal Warnings Parking Citations DWI Over .10 Propety Damage Accidents Personal Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Adult Felony Arrests Adult Misdemeanor Arrests Juvenile Felony Arrests Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests Part I Offenses Part II Offenses Medicals Animal Complaints Ordinance Violations Other Public Contacts ' THIS MONTH 64 85 13 99 82 86 14 10 10 4 0 1 37 0 2 7 44 23 55 0 512 YEAR TO DATE 64 85 13 99 82 86 14 10 10 4 0 1 37 0 2 7 44 23 55 0 512 LAST YEA=R TO DATE 1, 053 611 330 832 1,106 738 85 66 76 32 1 36 420 72 199 294 847 361 708 378 8,375 TOTA~L Assists Follow-Ups HCCP Mutual Aid Given Mural Aid Requested 1,148 55 23 0 8 2 1,148 55 23 0 8 2 16,620 840 372 45 173 98 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 1997 DWI More Than .10% BAC Careless/Reckless Driving Driving After susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired or No Plates Stop Arm Violations Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H&R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances code Enforcement Seat Belt MV/ATV Miscellaneous Tags TOTAL 14 0 10 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 51 0 3 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 2 0 86 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 267 3 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARy 1997 Insurance Traffic Equipment Crosswalk Animals Trash/Derelict Autos Seat Belt Trespassing Window Tint Miscellaneous TOTAJ~ Felony Misdemeanor 5O 18 24 0 2 0 0 0 0 22 116 0 5 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1! 0 0 Run: 30-Jan-97 9:14 PRO03 Primary ISN'S only: No Date Reported range: 01/01/97 - 01/25/97 Activity codes: All Property Status: All Property Types: All Property DesCS: All Brands: All Models: All Officers/Badges: All Prop Prop Inc no ISN Pr SN Tp DesC MouND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors property Report STOLEN/RECOVERED BY DATE REPORTED O Prop type Totals: S Prop type Totals: U Prop type Totals: y Prop type Totals: Report Totals: Prop Date Rptd stolen Date Recov'd Stat stolen Value Recov'd Value Quantity Act Brand Code 100 525 2,500 1 3,126 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 5.000 Model Page Off-1 Off-2 Assnd Assnd Run: 30~Jan-97 8:11 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 01/01/97 - 01/25/97 ,~ range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 ~How Received: Al/ ~k~ivity Resulted: All Dispositions: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All ACTIVITy CODE DESCRIPTION MOb'ND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITy CODE NI~ER OF INCIDENTs 9000 SPEEDING 51 9002 NO D/L, EXPIRED D/L 3 9012 OPEN BOTTLE 1 9014 STOP SIGN 11 9016 FAILURE TO YIELD 1 9018 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION 5 9026 OVER THE CENTER LINE 2 CROSSWALK VIOLATION 1 9031 J-CROSSWALK VIOLATION · 1 9036 OBSTRUCTED vISION 3 9040 NO SEATBELT 6 9041 J-NO SEATBELT 1 9100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 12 9140 NO PARKING/WINTER HOURS 74 9200 DAS/DAR/DAC ~5 9210 PLATES/No- IMPROPER- EXPIRED 49 9220 NO INSUP~ANCE/PROOF OF 12 922] J-NO INSUP~NCE/PROOF OF 1 9240 C~{ANGE OF DOMICILE 4 WARNING TAGS 1 FORFE I TURES 1 P_O?D ~I~LS/IMPOOX~S 5 Page Run: 30-Jan-97 8:11 CFS08 ~ Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range: 01/01/97 - 01/25/97 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 How Received: All Activity Resulted: All Dispositions: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All ACTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION 9313 FOL~ND PROPERTY 9430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 9440 H/R PERSONAL INJURY ACC. 9450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS 9451 H/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. 9563 DOG AT LARGE 9566 ANIMAL ENFORCEMENT TICKETS 9710 MEDICAL/ASU 9720 MEDICAL/DOA 9730 MEDICALS 9731 MEDICALS/DX 9800 ALL OTHER/UNCLASSIFIED 9801 DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT 9802 PUBLIC AssIST 9810 LOITERING/LURKING 9904 OPEN DOOR/ALA~qMS 9920 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 9930 HA~NDGUN APPLICATION 9945 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 9980 W~.RRANTS 9990 MISC. VIOLATIONS 9992 MUTUAL AID/8100 MOUND POLICE DEPAR~74ENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE NUMBER OF iNCIDENTS 3 3 1 9 2 1 4 2 2 18 1 6 4 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 2 Page Run: 30-Jan~97 8:11 CFS08 Primary ISN's only: No Date Reported range~ 01/01/97 _ 01/25/97 T~erange each day: 00:00 - 23:59 i ~ow Received: All ~A~tivity Resulted: All Dispositions: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All Patrol Areas: All Days of the week: All ACTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION MUTUAL AID/6500 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-fL~S-~dDULT-STR ESC-GM-FLEE AN OFFICER TRAFF-GM-DUi LIQUOR-UNK INJ-UNK VEH TRAFFIC-GM-AGG DUI-LINK INJ-MV TRAF-ACC-GM.AL 10 MORE-I INK INJ MV TRAFF-GM-FAIL TO SUBMIT TO TEST-UNK INJ-MV TRAFF ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE TP~AF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ MV LIQUOR-UNDERAGE CONSUMPTION 18 21 JUVENILE-RUNAWAY PROP D;~MAGE-MS-PRIVATE_UNK INTENT THEFT-501-2500-FE-YARDS_OTH PROP THEFT LESS 200-MS-BUILDING-OTH PROp THEFT-LESS 200-MS-YARDS-OTHR PROP THEFT-LESS 200-MS FISHOUSES-OTH PROp VEH-MORE THAN 2500-FE-THEFT-ATV CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORD PROTECTION 9993 9994 A5353 E4700 J2501 J2701 J2E01 -13501 73E01 M4140 M5350 P3110 TC059 ?G029 7G059 'G189 B024 ~250 ~eport Totals: MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Calls For Service INCIDENT ANALYSIS BY ACTIVITY CODE N-UMBER OF INCIDENTS 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 9 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 379 Page Run: 30-Jan-97 9:06 OFF01 Primary ISN'S only: No Date Reported range: 01/01/97 - 01/25/97 Time range each day: 00:00 - 23:59 Dispositions: All Activity codes: All Officers/Badges: All Grids: All MouND POLICE DEPARTMENT Enfors Offense Report OFFENSE ACTIVITY DISPOSITIONS Page ..... OFFENSES CLEARED .... OFFENSES b'N- AC773AL ADULT JUVENILE BY EX- PERCENT ACT ACTIVITY REPORTED FOUNDED OFFENSES PEN-DING ARREST AP. REST CEPTION TOTAL CLEARED CODE DESCRIPTION ................................... ASLT 5-MS-INFLICT BD HRM-HIGqDS-ADULT-STR 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 50.0 A5353 E4700 J2501 J2701 J2E01 J2R01 J3501 J3E01 M4140 M5350 P3110 TC059 TG029 TG059 TG189 VB024 X3250 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ESC-GM-FLEE AN OFFICER 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 TRAFF-GM-DUI LIQUOR-UNK INJ-UNK VEH 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 TRAFFIC-GM-AGG DUI-UNK INJ-M%; 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 TRAF-ACC-GM-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-MV TRAFF-GM-FAIL TO SUBMIT TO TEST-UNK INJ-MV 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 0 TRAFF-ACCID-MS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE 8 0 8 0 8 0 0 TRAF-ACC-MS-AL 10 MORE-UNK INJ-M%; 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 LIQUOR-I~NDERAGE CONSUMPTION 18-21 ~ 2 0 2 0 2 0 jUVENILE-RUNAWAY 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 THEFT_501-2500-FE-YARDS-OTH PROP 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 THEFT-LESS 200.MS-BUILDING-OTH PROP 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-YARDS-OTHR PROP 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 THEFT-LESS 200-MS-FISHOUSES-OTH PROP 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 VEH-MORE THAN 2500-FE-THEFT-ATV CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-MS-VIOL ORD PROTECTION 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 **** Report Totals: 43 0 43 9 31 2 3 100.0 2 100.0 2 100.0 2 100.0 9 100.0 8 10f 2 100,0 2 I00.0 1 50.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 !00.O 34 7~.0 F:' L! L:, J. ~ C i., o 'r t; S 02/04/97 of Mound Monthly Report Utilities Month of: January 1997 Residential Commercial Utility- 97 Tota o. of Customers: Water Sewer Water Used: (in 1,000 gallons) Billing: Water Sewer Recycle Total 1,105 1,109 19,119 $30,814 $68,176 $5,140 $104,130 124 124 4,219 $6,101 $16,669 $106 $22,876 1,229 1,233 23,338 $36,915 $84,845 $5,246 $127,00~6 Payments: Water Sewer Recycle Total $30,316 $53,915 $4,697 $88,928 $5,793 $13,699 $98 $19,59,0_ $36,109 $67,614 $4,795_ $108,518 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 February 3, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER JANUARY 1997 MONTHLY REPORT January is always a month of great adjustments for us at the Liquor Store. Sales drop off dramatically, by 30%, from December. It takes Some getting used to adapting to the slower pace. The only resemblance to any of those busy December days is the Saturday before Super Bowl. With our neighbors to the east participating in this year's extravaganza, there was much more regional and local interest, thus boosting our sales by almost $1000 over that Saturday a year ago. January's gross sales in all were very good, totalling in at $113,375, compared to $107,319 in 1996. It is indeed a good thing that January is slow for us because it is also the month that demands the most paper work of us due to the inventory process. As you all know, we are required by law to take an inventory of saleable goods in the store once a year. The logical time for this is New Year's Day since we are closed for business. This year was no exception for us. It is a long drawn out process that has to be done accurately. Julie and I usually do this by ourselves because we are more familiar with the merchandise. I have learned from the past that when others help, more mistakes are made which results in more work and time when dealing with the inventory extensions. This year we are a little behind in this process due to the fact that we are very understaffed at the store. Julie and myself have had to cover a lot of shifts that are normally filled by part time employees. The inventory extension is usually completed by the end of January. I am estimating that this year we should be done by the middle of February. One thing that has helped us immensely this year is that Gino has ~ prlnted on recycled paper Liquor Store Monthly Report February 3, 1997 Page 2 come up with a plan that he has developed on his computer that will save us considerable time. It is a good thing he has helped us out otherwise we wouldn't be done this year until March. And next year, provided we have a full staff, we should be able to turn the completed information over to Gino by the middle of January. JK:ls · ~,'0 hrI~. OF NO. OF CALLS MOUND FIRE 50 14 MINNETONKA BEACH FIRE 1 MINNETR ISTA FIRE O ORONO SHOREUOOD FIRE FIRE FIRE SPRING PARK MUTUAL AID '' 'TOTAL FIRE CALLS TOTAL EMERGENCy CALLS COMM~CIAL G~LSS & MiSC~L~S F~E ~ / FIRS ~ ~. OF H~ - MOUND - MTKA BEACH M'TRISTA FIRE ORONO FIRE FIRE SHOREWOOD ~4ERGENCy. SP. PARK EMERGENCy FIRE TOTAL DRILL HOURS TOTAL FIRE HOURS TOTAL EMERGENCY HOURS %~ALF~E&K~ERGENCY~URS ~UTUAL AID RECEIVED MUTUAL AID GIVEN 0 107 107 74 48 122 0 21 21 13 113 126 15 59 74 55 119 174 0 0 0 151 57 208 O 0 18 32 O 3 0 7 0 8 3O4 647 23 O 23 0 107 107. 74 48 122 0 21 21 13 113 126 ,111 TO DATE 80 20 27 0 2 5 2 9 2 0 0 3 8 1 1 38 42 1 4 1 15 ------ 14 ~---__.___ 442 518 96O 0 43 43 72 46 118 171 45 216 0 0 0 48 183 231 11 27 38 1 3 5 6 7 l! 12 FIGHTERS !5 !6 17 !8 ~C 20 22 BRief 25 GREG PAL~I 2a HIKE 25 TIII pALM 26 GREG PEDERSON 27 CHP. IS POUNDER 28 %0-~ RASI~USSEN 29 RICHARD ROGERS 30 iIIKI SAVAGE K~I!'] SlPPRILL 31 ~ ~o~ ST_.~t~ 33 BRUCE SVOBODA 3a ED VA~CEK RICK WILLIAIIS 56 III1 UILLIAI'IS 37 O~II$ WOY'fCKE MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINNESOTA FOR MONTH OF DRILLS & MAINTENANCE JANUARY 1997 FIRE & RESCUE 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 ~ .00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 175 108. 266. 221.00 266.50 97.50 162.50 136.50 149.50 214.50 136.50 136.50 240.50 214.50 312.00 175.50 188.50 203 .50 156.00 201.50 188.50 175.50 188.50 214.50 156.00 52.00 143.00 162.50 162.50 130.00 175.50 665.00 1,167.00 8,653.50 900 EAST WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 160 WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 ' TELEPHONE 612/473-7033 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT O. Al~.~ WIIleult, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BOARD MEMBERS Douglas E. Babcock Chair, Tonka Bay Tom Raese vice Ch&ir, Mouther Josel~ Zwak Secretary, Greenwood Roberl Rascop Treasurer. Shorewoo~l Kant Dahlen Minnatonka Beach Deephaven Gralchan Maglich Mlnnetonka Duane Markus Wayzata Craig Molle! Victoria Craig Nelson Spring Park Eugene Parlyka Minnetrista Paul Stark Excelsior He~ J. Suarth Wc~dlan~l TO: MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE: FEBRUARY 6,1997 FROM: TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: JANUARY REPORT - LMCD 1.0 General Items. 1. I Allen Wiiicutt has resigned as Executive Director. He has never been able to satisfactorily resolve the conflict of his living arrangements, his family in Rochester and his work here. He has family reasons for not wanting to move at this time. His splitting interests between the two communities was making his work here difficult. Greg Nybeck, his assistant has been named interim Director. 1.2 Gene Stomach has also retired effective May 1 from the Minnehaha Watershed District. There is no connection between the two resignations. 2.0 Exotic Species Task Force. 2.1 The decision to commence re-equipping the harvesting with one new harvester was postponed. This was due partly to the program untimely death of the program manager, Norm Paurus, and to some uncertainties about the future operational nature of the program. 2.2 The ordinance amendment providing for the mandatory washing of permit events boats that have been recently in contaminated waters has been approved. 3.0 Water Structures 3. I The Hawks boathouse case is scheduled for trial February 27th. We are still trying to reach an arrangement with him to avoid this. it could still happen. 00% I~ecycim~ Comet 30% P~ Co~; Wuaze 4.0 Lake Use, 4.1 It was decided to not pursue any further a request by a private source to sell food items on the lake. 6.0 Mound Specific Items 5. I The permit for thc Lost Lake project will come before the Board ~br a PU,~earing on February 12th. ~./// Mound Representative. LMCD fc. Greg Nybeck, Doug Babcock LA~ ~T~TO~a~ CO~S~AT~ON mSI~CT SP~C~L ~OA~) O~ ~CTORS AGENDA 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, February 5, 1997 Gray's Freshwater Center CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS- Persons in attendance, subjects not on the agenda (5 min.) 1) Executive Director Position Status 2) Code Review by LMCD Attorney 3) Additional Business 4) Old Business 5) New Business ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS Douglas E. Babcock Chair, Tonka Bay Tom Reese Vice Chair, Mound Joseph Zwak Secretary, Greenwood Craig Nelson Treasurer, Spring Park Kent Dahlen Minnetonka Beach Bert Foster Deephaven Tom GiJman Excelsior Gretchen Maglich Minnetonka Duane Markus Wayzata Eugene Partyka Minnetrista Robert Rascop Shorewood Herb J. Suerth Woodland Ororlo Victoria LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2500 SHADYWOOD ROAD, SUITE 19. EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 · TELEPHONE 612/471-9588. FAX 612/471-0632 G. Alan Willcutt, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR January 31, 1997 TO: FROM: LMCD Board of Directors LMCD Mayors LMCD Cities General Public ~ ~ Greg Nybeck, Adm~)ist~tive Technician SUBJECT: 2/5/97 Special Board meeting Chair Babcock has called a Special Board of Directors meeting for 7 P.M. on Wednesday, February 5t~. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the status of the Executive Director position and to provide a Code review session by Charlie LeFevere. Please note the meeting is scheduled in the Minnesota River Room at the Gray's Freshwater Center. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. 60% RecycieO Conlen! 30% Pos! Consumer Wasle LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT January29,1997 Douglas E. Babcock Chair, LMCD 75 Lakeview Ave. Tonka Bay, MN 55331 Dear Chair Babcock and LMCD Board Members: As you are aware over the past months I have had difficulties juggling family responsibilities with professional work related task requirements. Inasmuch as I have two daughters who are Junior and Senior respectively at Mayo High School in Rochester, has made it difficult for all of us, considering my commuting that distance in the attempt to satisfy both needs. Originally, we attempted to move in your direction, however, over a period of six months, three relocation efforts failed and by that time the decision had been made to remain in Rochester. It is for this reason, as well as another job related situation, that I am tendering my resignation at this time. I am pleased to note that during the last 18 months, the LMCD has enjoyed certain positive events, including the purchase of a boat washing unit, ongoing establishment of a Zebra Mussel Program, successful relocation into new office space, as well as sound budgetary and investment positions. Once again, I would like to thank all of you for having me on board and I wish the very best to each of you, both personally and professionally. Most Sincerely, Executive Director LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT mmm~ mm mm mm m mm mmm mm m mm mm mm mm mm mmmm mm mmm mm mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm mm mmm ,,~ mmm mmm mmm mm mm Yes, confirm my reservation for the Thirtieth Anniversary "SAVE TH E LAKE" Recognition Banquet, Thursday, February 13, 1997. My check (payable to LMCD Save the Lake) is enclosed for persons at $22.50 each, total $ NAME ORGANIZATION Return to arrive by February 6 to: LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2500 Shadywood Road, Suite 19, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 (612) 471-9588 JAM 31 'g? 08:38PM LEAGUE OF MN'CITIES P.1 FRIDA YFAX A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities Vol. 2, No. 4 January 31,1997 League to appeal Redwood Falls decision Legislation readied by League, MTA The League will challenge this week's Appeals Court decision which reversed the District Court in the US WEST/City of Redwood Falls case. The next venue will be the Minnesota Supreme Court. "We're obviously disappointed, and we certainly disagree with the Appeals Court's ruling," said Jim Miller, League of Minnesota Cities Executive Director. "It's clear, now more than ever, that the legislature needs to address critical issues of local control of rights of way management, cost recovery and fair and equitable treatment of rights of way users, including telecommunications providers." Earlier this week, the Minne- sota Court of Appeals ruled that cities do not have authority to franchise telephone companies and may not require a telephone company to place its fiber optic cables in a concrete duct bank. Legislative activities Despite the Appeals Court ruling and imminent League appeal, the fights of way issue will ultimately be decided by the legislature. To date, H.F. 322 (Jennings) is the only right of way bill to be introduced. However, committees in both the House and Senate heard background testimony on rights of way and will likely con- sider additional formal legislation as early as next week. Miller t~s{ified before both the House Regulated Industries & Energy Committee and the Senate Jobs, Energy and Community Develop- ment Committee in the past 10 days. Industry representatives also presented their side of the issue before the committees. The League is currently working on draft legislation that will cladfy city roles and responsibili- ties in managing the rights of way. According to sources, the Minne- sota Telephone Association has a bill ready that mirrors the onerous Colorado laws. In Colorado, the home state of US West, cities are allowed to issue permits but basically have no other rights to manage the public rights of way. Pick up the phone, give 'em a call Listed below are the Representatives and Senators on the Commit- tees that will hear ROW legislation. While we don't know exactly what that legislation will look like, please contact your legislators and; · Express your strong displeasure with the Appeals Court decision. · Encourage them to consider the concerns of cities and local tax payers. · Highlight examples of rights of way management problems in your city. House Regulated Industries & Senate Jobs, Energy and Energy Committee Community Development Jennings (chair) 296-0518 Novak (chair) 296-4334 Oelmont (vice) 296-4226 Kelley, S.P. (vice) 297-8065 Ozment 296-4306 Anderson 296-5537 Anderson, I. 296-4936 Beckman 296,5713 Anderson, B. 296-5063 Frededckson 296-8138 Greiling 296-5387 Higgins 296-4302 Hausman 296-3824 Janezich 296-8017 Hilty 296-4308 Johnson, D.H. 297-8062 Holsten 296-3018 Johnson, D.J. 296-8881 Kahn 296-4257 Johnson, J.B. 296-5419 Kelso 296-1072 Kelly, R.C. 296.5285 Koppendrayer 295-6746 Lesewski 296-4125 Olson, E. 296-4265 Limmer 296-2159 Ol$on, M, 296-4237 Metzen 296-43'/0 Osskop 296-9236 Murphy 296-4264 Pelowski 296-8637 Ourada 296-5981 Vickerman 296.9303 Pariseeu 296-5252 Wagenius 296-4200 Runbeck 296-1253 Woff 296-5185 Scheeve! 296-3903 Workman 296.5066 February 3 , 1997 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA ONE (1) NEW 1997 50 H.P. WHEEL TYPE UTILITY TRACTOR WITH SIDE MOUNT 63" FLAIL MOWER Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened, and read aloud at Mound City Hall at 11:00 a.m. on February 26, 1997 for the purchase of a one (1) new 1997 50 H.P. Wheel Type Utility Tractor with side mount 63" flail mower. The bids will be considered by the City Council at their meeting Tuesday, March 4, 1997, 7:30 p.m. Mound City Hall. All proposals shall be addressed to: City Clerk City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 The proposal shall be security sealed, shall be endorsed on the outside with the statement "Proposal for One (1) New 1997 50 H.P. Wheel Type Utility Trailer with side mount 63" flail mower" and shall be on the Proposal Form included in the specifications for the project. Copies of the specifications and other proposed contract documents are on file with the City Clerk. Specifications for use in preparing bids may be obtained at the City Offices. Each bidder shall file a certified check, or bid bond in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid with the bid. No bid may be withdrawn within sixty (60) days after the bids are opened. The City of Mound reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or irregularities therein. Published in The Laker on February 8, 1997 Published in Construction Bulletin on February 7, 1997 City Clerk City of Mound, Minnesota ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 255:05 AND 255:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 256 TO THE CITY CODW. ESTABLISHING A DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION The City Council of the City ok Mound Does Ordain: Section 255:05 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: · e¢~ion 255:05. ComDo~itlon, The Park and Open Space Advisory Commission shall consist of nine si~ members, ~i~ht Fiv9 members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by a four-fifths vote of the Council; the Council shall select one member of the Council to serve on the Commission from among the Councilmembers, the said Councilmember to be appointed for one year, commencing in January of each year; the City Manager and the Park Director shall be members of the Commission ex-officio and without vote. ~- ~ -~-c cf tho mcr~.crc firs~ appointed, ....... ' ..... t%o chmll c×pira D ..... ~-~ 31, 19~,~- three...__.-~ cx-i-~ ~c ~c---~r 3~, -~,~' -~.--~ .u-~._~ -~-~- .... ~**~c Dcccrbcr 21, 19..~" ...... ~h-':- o.~c' ..... .... ct- Members shall be appointed for terms of three years. ~n=th tkc cri~inal and ...... _'u- a~ppointees shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed and qualified. The term of ex-officio members shall correspond with their respective office tenures. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties shall take an oath that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of his or her office. All members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefor are provided in the adopted budget of the Park Department. Section 255:15 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: Section 25S:15. Duties. It shall be the duty of the Commission to meet from tame to time with the City Manager, the City Council, and the Park Director to consider matters pertaining to dccko, recreation programs, parks and open spaces (exceD~ public ~hore%in- ~ ~hat is s~bjegt to City licensed dogks) in the C~ty as shall be referred to the Commission by the City Council, City Manager, the Park Director, or as members of the Commission deem proper~ reqarding such matters. The public policy of the City of Mound is to strive to: a) provide present and future residents of the City an unpolluted environment; b) provide access to lakes and streams in the community; and c) provide parks which afford natural beauty as well as recreational enjoyment. It is understood that the Commission is advisory to the City Council and is created pursuant to the authority conferred upon the City Council by Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1987, Section 412.621, Subdivision 1. Section 256 is added to the City Code to read as follows: Sectio~ 256 t Dock and Commons Advi$ory_~ of Commission. The Doqk and the city_ of Mound .is hereb~ S_.ectlon 255?05. ComposSti_t_ig_n_~on The~ock and Commons Advisory °~°-~'i'~-/-~k-shall consis_t of · .SiX ,members. Five members (to b~- ~~a.nd may be removed bY a four-fifths~ the Council sha]:./, select one member of the Council to serve on the . _oznce~ t. or one vear, commencing in January of each year; th; City Manaqer and the Park Director shalt be me~%bers~ of th_e ~~-~D-.ex-officio an.d without vo~e. - th r ares ex en os 'ble be mad from th members o the ~am. The trm f e-off'cio mem ers sha cortes ond w h t elf res ectlve of lc.e renu es. Vac cie du in ud et o the Park De artment. MU200-1 Section 255:10. Organization, Meetlnqs, etc. ~e Commission shall ele~ a ~hairDerson from ~monq its a~pointed members for a te~m of 9De year with a limit o~ two conse~Dtive te~ms aK ChairPerson; agd the Comm%ssion may create and ~ill such othe~ offices ~ it may du~ermin~. -- The CommissiQn shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. /~ shall adopt rules fQr the transaction of business and shall keep a record of %ts resolutions, t, ransac~ions, and findings, which record shall be a ~uhl.ig~r~~ ' ~ection 2S$:15. Duties. I~ sh~ll be the d~ty of the CQmmission ~o meet frQm time to ~ime with the City Manager, the CiUy Council, an~ t_he Park Director tQ consider matters Dertain~D~ to docks an,~ public shorel%ne that is subject to City licensed d6cks in the City as shall be referred ~o the Comm%ssion by the City Council, Cit~ Manager, thC Park Diructor, or as members 9~ the Commission dee~, ~roper, with re$9ect ~o such mat~ers. The ~ubli~ pol%cy o~ the City of Mound is to ~rive ~o: a_3_ provide present and f~ture residents 9f the C%t~ an u__npolluted environment; - provide acce$$ to lakes and s~ream~ in th9 community; and D_rovide pa~ks which afford natural beauty as well a~ recreational enjovment~ - It is under~tood tha~ the Commission is advisory ~o the Cit~ Council and ~s created pursuant to th9 authority conferred upon th~ C/tv Council by Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1957, Sec~io~ 412 621-- SubdivisiQn 1. ' ' Section 255:20. Reports to be Advisory. Th9 ~ommission reports, conclusions and recommendations shall be made to th~ Council, Manager. an~ Park Director as or all of ~hem as the Commission ~eems appropriate in =he %igh~ the mat~er under consideration, Its reports,, conclus%ons, an~] recommendations are purely advisory, and th~ fina~ de~erminatio~% and responsib%lit¥ shall be with the Council. It shall be aided and ass%sted in ever~ way ~ossible by th~ park Director, who shal~ b~ appointed b¥..the City Manaqer. Attest: Mayor .,TRD].16627 ~'200-1 City Clerk Adopted by City Council Published in Official Newspaper ~BDl1(62~ I'1U200-1 I.,AKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Janua~ 27,1997 TO: FROM: Rick Christiansen Lakeshore Weekly News (Fax # 473-0895) G. Alan Willcutt Executive Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Notice, 1/30/97 Edition PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 7:00 PM, February 12, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall 4901 Manitou Road City of Mound New Multiple Dock License Application Lost Lake Channel, Lake Minnetonka The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) will hold a public hearing to consider a new multiple dock license application from the City of Mound. The proposed application is for 16 transient slips on 1,500' of continuous shoreline in the Lost Lake Channel Development. Details available at the LMCD offices, 2500 Shadywood Road, Suite 19, Gray's Freshwater Center, Excelsior. LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT February 7, 1997 TO: FROM: Board of Directors ~~~ Greg Nybeck, Interim Executive'Director SUBJECT: City of Mound Public Hearing (2/12/97) The City of Mound has applied for a new multiple dock license of 16 transient Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 1,500' of continuous shoreline on the Lost Lake Channel. The applicant has identified a total of 31,000' of non-contiguous shoreline in the City of Mound. They have allocated 29,500' of shoreline towards the "Commons Program", which has a multiple dock license, and the remaining 1,500' of shoreline has been allocated towards this proposed project. The proposed dock plan consists of eight 11' X 25' slips and eight 12' X 35' slips. The applicant proposes a 41' side setback from the west extended side site line and it appears a setback well over what is required by LMCD Code on the east extended side site line. LMCD Code Section 2.01, Subd. 2b) requires a minimum side setback of 10' for that portion of the dock which extends between zero and 50' from the shore and a minimum 15' side setback for that portion of the dock which extends between 51' and 100' from the shore. The Code requires the setbacks shall be doubled for all multiple docks on each side where such multiple docks are not located adjacent to another multiple dock. Based on Code, a minimum side setback applied of 30' is applied to both extended side site lines. Staff needs to point out that slips 9-16 appear to be further out than 100' from the 929.4' lake elevation. Also, the applicant is proposing a I0' wide Boardwalk between the two walking trails on the north end of the proposed site plan. Both exceed what is allowed by Code. The Board may consider them, though, because of LMCD Code Section 2.03, Subd. 16. This section details exceptions to the Code for municipal or public docks. Staff has done Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) calculations for this project. Total slip and maneuvering space square footage for the proposed project is 12,960. The Environmental Quality Board(EQB) requires an EAW be done when these calculations exceed 20,000 square feet. The Board has the ability to require a discretionary EAW. LOST LAKE CHANNEL PROJECT EAW SLIP & MANEUVERING SPACE CALCULATIONS STRUCTURE SLIP MANEUVERING SPACE [;LIP # SO. Fr. SQ. FT. SO. Fr. I 210 (6' X 35') 420 (12' X 35') 420 ..' 2 420 420 3 210 420 420 4 420 420 5 210 420 420 6 420 420 7 210 420 420 8 420 420 9 150 (6' X 25') 300 (12' X 25') 300 10 300 300 11 150 300 300 12 300 300 13 150 300 300 14 3O0 3O0 15 150 300 300 16 300 300 TOTALS 1,440 5,760 5,760 TOTAL SQ. tr. 1.050 840 1,050 840 1,050 840 1,050 840 750 600 750 750 750 600 12,960 iJ ,J I j mi ,la, I ,I,~ LAKE MINNETON~ CONSERVATION DISTRICT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 14 2 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MUNICIPAL OR PUBLIC DOCKS; AMENDING LMCD CODE, SECTION 2.03 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT ORDAINS that the LMCD Code of Ordinances, Section 2.03 is amended by adding new subdivision 16 as follows: Subd. 16. Special Rules for Municipal Docks. Application may be made under this section for a new multiple dock license which has a length exceeding that which is allowed under Section 2.01, sub& 2 or a width exceeding that which is allowed under Section 2.12, sub& 12 (notwithstanding the prohibition of Section 2.12, sub& 2b). The Board may grant or deny such application or grant such application subject to conditions, after consideration of the criteria set forth in Subdivision 3 of this Section. Notice of the hearing on such new dock applications shall be published and shall be mailed to the owners of all property within 500 feet of the applicant's site. No such license shall be granted unless all of the following conditions are met: a) The dock must be owned and operated by a city, county or state agency. b) The dock must be open to the general public subject to reasonable regulations of the owner. c) No permanent or overnight storage shall be allowed at the dock. d) No license shall be granted for a dock extending more than 150 feet from the shoreline. e) No retail sales, other than fuel, shall be permitted on the dock. This enactment is effective from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the Enabling Act of the District. It is enacted by a majority vote of all the members of the Board of Directors of the LMCD and has the effect of an ordinance. CLL99352 LKll0-13 Adopted by the LMCD Board this 2 8 ATTEST: JosT'Zwak, Secretar~ day of February, 1996. Douglas B~ CLL99352 LKllO-13 BI ,J , I I n, ,IG, I PETERSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Multiple Dock Permit Narrative Lost Lake Redevelopment Project Mound, Minnesota January 22, 1997 Project Background and Purpose .. The Lost Lake Redevelopment project involves the restoration of the 1/2 mile long canal which was excavated in 1906 to connect downtown Mound with Cooks Bay on Lake Minnetonka. The project area is located in the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 13, T.117N., R.24W., Hennepin County, Minnesota (Figures 1 and 2). The original canal also included a large cul-de-sac that was constructed at the canal's northern terminus to allow boats to turn around. The canal restoration is now the focus of Mound's do~aatown revitalization project. The existing Lost Lake canal bisects approximately 55 acres of contiguous wetland. As use of the canal diminished around 1925, siltation of the channel began to occur with aquatic vegetation recolonizing some areas that had been historically dredged. In the 1960's, a large portion of the wetland at the north end of the canal (including a portion of the cul-de-sac) was filled to construct a new post office and Auditor's Road. A garbage dump, which later became the City's public works storage site, was constructed on wetland fill near the northeastern portion of the cul-de-sac area. The Lost Lake canal project consists of restoring the canal to again make it usable for pleasure boats. The project would also restore a portion of the Lost Lake wetland's kistoric shoreline and would provide some ancillary amenities such as boat docks and a pier (see Figure 3-Lost Lake Canal Project Preliminary Grading Plan, supplied by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. under separate cover). We have provided a description of the boat docks proposed for the project and request a review of the project under the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) Code of Ordinances. The project description given below is for Phase I which would include 8 transient docks (16 boat slips) all on the west side of the cul-de-sac area. Future private docks in conjunction with a hotel may be proposed perpendicular to the boardwalk on the northeast side of the cul- de-sac. For illustrative purposes, 5 docks have been shown in this area on Figure 3. This application is submitted only for the 8 transient docks on the west side of the cul-de-sac, the floating boardwalk on the northeast side of the cul-de-sac and the floating marginal dock located south of the proposed pier. l.'t.]~, ~.'~t.nd~:a Hc~;4h:, tc.u,~d ',t~ tc ;oo · .¢l~.~dL,t.; Hct.t~ht, ,%'linnest~;,, 55120-I 112 · 612-686-0151 · F,~x 612-68b-OJ69 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Multiple Dock Permit Narrative January 22, 1997 Page 2 Description of Proposed Docks A total of 8 transient boat docks providing 16 boat slips will be constructed perpendicular to the proposed marginal dock/walking trail which circumscribes the western 1/2 of the turn-around area. A 10-foot wide boardwalk system would be constructed along the northern shoreline which would connect to an on-land 1 O-foot wide walking trail which in mm connects to the proposed pier. The boat docks and boardwalks will all be of a floating design, allowing for the free flow of water beneath. The proposed pier and four of the docks do not encroach into the existing wetland and lie entirely within the area formerly filled for the construction of Auditor's Road and the post office. This area will be excavated to restore the historic mm-around area. The other four docks will be constructed within the existing mm-around area. At the west end of the turn-around, four of the docks would be constructed perpendicular to an eight foot wide floating marginal 'dock. For purposes of review of the project under the LMCD Code of Ordinances, the 1500 feet of shoreline which represents the project area has been identified on Figure 3 supplied by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. The 16 boat slips have been numbered sequentially starting at the northernmost dock. Also, the required 40 foot side setback has been identified south of slip #16 at the southwestern comer of the turn-around area. The 929.4' elevation has been estimated in Figure 3 based on the known slope of the shoreline in the project area (3:1) and the known contour elevation of 930.0'. The proposed pier will serve as a central public amenity as well as the boarding structure for an excursion boat and the shore connection for eight boat slips. The pier will be constructed on existing upland and the canal will then be dredged around its perimeter so the pier will be in direct contact with the water. The perimeter of the pier facing the water will be a concrete retaining wall formed to mimic a granite fieldstone wall. The floor of the pier will be wood decking to give the impression of being over the water. The railing and arbor around the outside perimeter will be constructed of wood and wood composite material (Figure 4). Although the pier will not actually encroach into the existing wetland, it would be designed to contact the water along its front wall after the proposed dredging is carried out. L~CD Rece£p~ # City response due received Because th£s form is ! I}OCK - I{~W -- Lake Ninnetonka Conservation District License Year ~o. Of Bod=s Boat l:)ens~ty Index Can be reached at phone ~ (for I~CD use) to be copied, please ! use black tek or type.! APPLICATION: BKW MULTIPLE DOCK IAUNCIilNG ~, AND/OR MOORING LICIENSE Pursuant to LMCD Code 52.03, a new multiple dock license is requested, in accordance with ail data and other inforuation submitted herewith and u&de a part hereof, ~ity of Mound Prin: or :ype owner's name 5~41Ma~wood ~oad, Mound, MN 55364-1687 (A~ner'e address 472-0600 Phone; ~f no answers callm Yhoue; if no answer, call: 835°9960 Phone Business name (if different from owner) Bruce Chamberlain. Hoi~l~gton Koe~ler Group, Inc. Contact person (if di£ferent from owner) _7~0 M~t~o Blvd., Suite 525. Minneaoolis, MN '55439 S~reet address Niilin$ address (tS different from street address) Property located in the City of Mm~qd Property ia riparian to LMCD bay/area(s) Lost Lake , Ho(s). Classification of use per 52.11, Subd. 2 (please check one)~ a) commercial marina__ d) transien~ S) private residence b) private club e) ou~lo~ associa~ion h) other (explain)_ c) municipal I f) faul~lple dwellin$.. 2. Type of dock construction, describe and a~tach to-scale drawing, Please submi~ names and mailing addresses of o~mers of abutting sites and o~ners of o~her affected sites. Such owners may be verified by checking with Hennepin County property description offices, 348-3271, which can provide actual nailing labels at a cos~ o~ $1.00 per tax parcel. This service usually Sages three days, and you mus~ have your tax parcel identiftca~ion number ready when callin~ for ~his assistance. Documents lis~ed below are required; check that they are attached~ Ix~ator map~ I Scaled drawing showing present dockage NA County plat map X Scaled drawint ehovin~ proposed dockage. X ~ Certified land survey, Scaled drawing o£ docks on abutting proper~iea, legal descrip=lon X and other affected dockage_ NA Absence of significant data requested above could result in a processin~ delay. (over) Lake Hlflnetonka Conservation New Dock License Application City of Mound (Name) 5. All required p~rmtts, licenses and approval8 have been obtained from the and from the city in which the multiple dock, ramp, and/or mooring is located, copies attached: ( )Yes (X)No: If Ho, explain;_MN-0NR permit applied ~0~. ~ea§ue of ~N Cities 6. 'Publi~ l~ability insurance: Coverage All eomerc~al applicants, dud o~heze where applicable, Bust provide the following additional lufor~atiou 7. 8 and 9: 7. Check the nature of services and parking required by the city: a) Boat storage ................. number of parking spaces NA b) Launching ramps ............. - number of parking spaces Times ramp is open for public use, c) Sales ....................... d) Service ..................... e) Boac rentals ................ f) ~estaurant .................. g) Other (explain) - number of parking spaces - number of parking spaces - number o£ parking spaces ' number of parking spaces - n~ber of parking spaces TOTAL parking spaces 8. ~est roo~ facilities provided, Indoor, Outdoor portable (number),~mporary) Permanent restroom facilities anticipated within 5 years. 9. Boat toilet pumping service prov£ded? Yes Ho X Aw-v-APPLICATIONS: 10. Lake frontage of site, 1500 feet. Total square footage of dock area including ~aneuvering space · 12,960 sq.ft. If 20,000 sq.ft, or over, an'Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA~) is required. 11. Boat Storage Units (BSU) computation: Frontage 1500 allowable under the one-boa,-per-fifty-foot rule. If thio number is leas than the total ~SU's applied for lu Ih). 12 below, an applicatl~ for a Special I~eusity License is required per Code J2.05. 12. Number of BSU's applied fort by ~ocation at slips ....................... 16 BSU at slides ...................... BSU at Ii[ts ....................... BSU aC tie-one ..................... BSU a~ moorings .......... ' .......... BSU at oif-I.ake rack storage ....... -BSU other BSU _3f__BSU TOTAL BSU applied for: ~y Use for rent, lease, etc.. ~or service work ...... for company use ....... BSU ~or pr£vate use ....... for transient use ..... i6_BSu other BSU TOTAL BSU applied for: _.~BSU (continued) ,Bi I S I ~ ,N~, I 1,~ Lake Ninnetonka Conservation District New Dock License Application _ City of MOund (~ane) 13. Watercraft Storase Units (WSU) computation schedule~ ~____ BSU @ 1 WSU (each slip up to 20' long and/or up to 10' vide) - WSU BSU · 2 USU (each slip 21'+ to 32' Ions end/or up to 12' vide) - WSU ~ B$O@ 2~ ~$U (each slip 32'+ Co &0' Ions and/or up to Ii' vide) - ~$U @ 3 ~SU (each slip &0~+ to &8' long and/or up to 16' vide) - "~SU BSU @ ~ WSU (each slip over &8' Ions and/or over 16' vide) l&. Fee calculation: Total Watercraft $coraEe Units (WSU) = =_~.~__WSU Sase fee .............................................................. Plus number of ~atercrafc Storage Units (~SU) 40 @ $T.50 as determined from ~SU computation and schedule shown in No. 13 above .... To,el fee enclosed (this fee is for processint of the application and does not encIcle the applicant ~o a license) .................. $ Fees a~e non-~efvndable. 5OO 30O 800 ! certify ~hac the information provided herein end ~he attachments hereto are true and correct; ! understand thac any .license issued may be revoked by the Distric~ for violation of the LNCD Code. ! agree to reimburse the Dietric~ for any legal, surveying, engineering, inspection, slainteuance or other expenses incurred by the District in excess ag the amount o~ the application fee. I consent to permi~tini ofi~cers and a~en~s of the District to enter the premises at all reasonable tines to investigate and co determine vhether or not the Code of the District is beins complied v~th. agree to submit a certified, as=built 8ut-vey upon completion of the docks. Authorized signature~-~~~~~~'~ Reletio,ship tO owner Return Chis application and attachments to: Lake H£nnetonka Conservation District 900 E. Wayzata Blvd., Sut~e 160 Wayzata ~ 55391 Phone .(612) G73-7033 8/92 PI, leaps Site Location Map PETERSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Lost Lake Redevelopment Project Mound, Minnesota FIGURE 1 PEC I~ojcct No. 94-034 RFCEIVE lO DRAFT LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, January 22, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER Chair Babcock called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Bert Foster, Deephaven:, Tom Gilman, Excelsior; Joseph Zwak, Greenwood; Gretchen Maglich, Minnetonka;Kent Dahlen, Minnetonka Beach; Gene Partyka, Minnetrista; Robert Rascop, Shorewood; Craig Nelson, Spring Park; Doug Babcock, Ton '1~ Bay. Also present: G. Alan Willcutt, Executive Director; Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Gregory Nybeck, Administrative Technician. Members absent: Tom Reese, Mound; Duane Markus, Wayzata; Herb Suerth, Woodland. Orono and Victoria have no appointed member. CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS LeFevere administered the oath of office to Tom Gilman. the City of Excelsior. He was seated as representative for Chair Babcock announced the recent death of EWM Project Manager and past LMCD Board member Norm Paurus. He recognized his efforts over the years to the "conservation" of Lake Minnetonka. Chair Babcock encouraged snowmobilers on Lake Minnetonka to comply with speed requirements based on the many fatalities relating to speed throughout the State of Minnesota. READING OF THE MINUTES Zwak moved, Maglich seconded to approve the minutes of the 1/!2/97 Regular Board meeting as submitted. Ayes (6), Abstained (2, Gilman and Rascop); Motion carded. Nelson moved, Zwak seconded to accept the summary notes of the 1/12/97 Regular Boar meeting as submitted. Ayes (5), Abstained (3, Gilman, Rascop, and Partyka); Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bil Hawks, 3465 Co. Rd. 44, suggested he would like to reach a compromise to avoid the pending litigation regarding his houseboat on Halstead's Bay. He stated he believed it was not correct for the LMCD to adopt a code amendment prohibiting it after it had been built and it was legal. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Nelson moved, Dahlen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (Approved consent agenda items: ID, Robert and Susan Mellett, Staff recommends full refund of the $250 deposit for dock length, side setback, and adjusted dock use area at 4435 Enchanted Drive; 2B, Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Significant Activity Report; and 3A, Minutes of the 1/10/97 EWM/Exotics Taskforce). 1. WATER STRUCTURES A. Trillium Bay Limited Partnership, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license. Babcock stated he had a chance to review the proposed application and he believed it complied with LMCD Code requirements. Nelson asked for a further explanation from Jim Lang, 4105 Co. Rd. 44, who had expressed a concern in the proposed location during the public hearing. Jim Lang stated he believed the proposed dock location is too close to his property. He believed Trillium Bay has sufficient lakeshore to locate the dock in a more central location in their property. He expressed concern in that the 80' side setback require- ment may not be complied with on the easternly side site line. Babcock stated on the proposed site plan, the closest the dock would come to this side site line is 80'. Zwak questioned why the applicant is proposing moving the docks to this location. Partyka stated he understood the current location has water depth concerns. MOTION: Rascop moved, Partyka seconded to approve the Trillium Bay Limited Partnership new 1997 multiple dock license application, with amended slip lengths for slips 16 and .17 from 40' to 32'. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gilman); Motion carried. Foster arrived at this time. B. Ordinance Amendment, 1~t reading of an ordinance relating to adjustment of setbacks and dock use areas; adding new subsection c) to LMCD Code Section 2.01, Subdivision 3. Babcock reviewed the code amendment and stated under LMCD Code Section 2.01, Lake Minnelonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 3 e Subd. 3 c)4) that "side' needs to be changed to "site". He noted the draft ordinance allow for the encroachment of the setbacks from both extended lot lines provided the abutting neighbors mutually consent to it. I4e added a letter each year indicating mutual consent needs to be documented with the renewal application. Gabriel Jabbour expressed concern with the narrow focus of the draft code. He stated this code amendment could have some long-term effects with how municipalities are allowed to combine non-continuous shoreline. He specifically expressed concern in how this code.amendment would affect Hennepin County property. MOTION: Foster moved, Zwak seconded moved approval of 1st reading, to waive 2~ and 3~ reading, and adoption of the code amendment. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gilman); Motion carried. The consensus of the Board was to direct LeFevere to draft a code amendment in the near future to exclude the county from using this code amendment. C. City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion on dock length and adjusted dock use area variance application at Dock Site #10 on the Cross Point firelane. Babcock reviewed that the applicant has agreed to reduce the proposed length of this dock from 120' to 100'. He added a dock length variance would still be required because the dock would exceed the 60' dock length allowed by Code. MOTION: Dahlen moved, Nelson seconded to direct attorney to prepare Findings for approval of a dock length variance of I00' at dock site #10 subject to the docks (1) meet the requirements of Section 2.01, Subd. 3, (2) that no canopies are allowed at this dock site, and (3) that signed agreements by abutting neighbors are on file annually. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gihnan); Motion carried. E. Additional Business There was no additional business. LAKE USE & RECREATION A. Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Special Deputy Candidates. The Board asked staff if the Water Patrol had recommended one of the three Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 4 candidates? Nybeck stated they have recommended Jack Spizale for the award. MOTION: Foster moved, Dahlen seconded to nominate Jack Spizale as the 1997 Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Special Deputy. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. C. Additional Business Babcock stated he had talked to some LMCD Mayors and he believed it is in the LMCD's best interest to discontinue conversation regarding retail sales on Lake Minnetonka. The consensus of the Board was to discontinue further discussion at this time. The Board directed staff to contact Lanie Kubes EWM/EXOTICS TASKFORCE B. 1/10/97 meeting report. Willcutt stated the main focus of the meeting was a presentation made by Clear Water Technologies, Inc. He noted the company is exploring the idea of being permitted by the DNR and MPCA for the chemical treatment of eurasian watermilfoil and curly leaf pondweed. He added if permitted, they are interested in establishing a treatment area on Lake Minnetonka with financial assistance from the LMCD. Nelson stated this chemical treatment appears to be relatively expensive. Willcutt stated further details would be provided at a future date. Ce Ordinance Amendment, 2~ reading of an ordinance relating to special events and the transportation of exotic species, adding new subdivisions 2 through 9 to LMCD Code 3.09. MOTION: Nelson moved, Partyka seconded to pass second reading, waive third reading, and adopt the ordinance amendment. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Nelson moved, Partyka seconded to allow for a budget amendment of up to $10,000 from EWM reserves to offset the costs of administering ,J I J~ J J ,~, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 5 the boatwashing efforts. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. D. Update on RFP for new harvester. Babcock stated he believed a decision needs to be made with regard to the purchase of a new harvester. He added he felt a harvester should not be purchased for this year, but on-going research should be done with regards to whether a new transporter would make the operation more efficient. MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster seconded to not purchase a new harvester for 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. The consensus of the Board was to continue discussing the feasibility of a new transporter. E. Additional Business There was no additional business. 4. SAVE THE LAKE Willcutt stated a meeting is scheduled for 5:00 P.M. on 2/6/97 at the office. He encouraged Board participation because of the high turnover of committee members. S. ADMINISTRATION A. Staff Update on Appointments for 1997 Willcutt recommended the Board award: - Auditor selection for the 1996 audit to Abdo, Abdo, & Eick - Bookkeeping services to Specialty Bookkeeping - Bank depository resolution for checking account to 1" National Bank of the Lakes MOTION: VOTE: MOTION: Nelson moved, Dahlen seconded to appoint Abdo, Abdo, & Eick to conduct the 1996 audit for $2,700 Motion carried unanimously. Babcock moved, Zwak seconded to appoint Specialty Bookkeeping as Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 7 past Summer. He noted staff adjusted the request for payment from Todd Grams to exclude personal telephone calls. He recommended approval of payment of $364.16. MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster seconded to authorize payment of $364.16 to Todd Grams for the use of the EWM cellular phone. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously Willcutt reported that Spring Park has paid their LMCD levy in full for 1997. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Willcutt reported on the following: 1) The "Save the Lake" Recognition Banquet is scheduled for 2/13/97 at Lord Flecthers. 2) New maps and Winter Rules have been printed recently. 3) The need to set a meeting date(s) to establish goals and objectives for 1997. The Board discussed the goals and objectives meeting and tentatively set a date of 2/5/97. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 9. NEW BUSINESS Bil Hawks restated he would like to resolve the boathouse problem with the LMCD. The Board discussed the issue in great length with no resolution to the request from Mr. Hawks. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Performance evaluation of the Executive Director MOTION: Rascop moved, Gilman seconded to adjourn and discuss the performance of the Executive Director in closed session. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Babcock adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Douglas Babcock, Chair Joseph Zwak, Secretary Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 6 e bookkeeper for 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Foster moved, Partyka seconded to appoint 1~ National Bank of the lakes as the bank depository for the ckecking account in 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. B. Additional Business There was no additional business. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers for payment - 12/1/96-12/31/96 - 1/1/97-1/15/97 - 1/16/97-1/31/97 Willcutt reviewed the audit of vouchers for payment. MOTION: Zwak moved, Nelson seconded to approve the audit of vouchers as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. B. November financial summary and balance sheet December financial summary and balance sheet Willcutt reviewed the November financial summary and balance sheet and recommended the December financial summary and balance sheet be tabled to the 2/12/97 Board meeting. MOTION: Zwak moved, Nelson seconded to approve the November financial summary and balance sheet and table the December one to the 2/12/97 Board meeting. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. C. Additional Business Willcutt stated staff has reviewed the bills submitted for the EWM cellular phone this RECEIVED lO LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 12, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Bill and Sheila Todd, 20 Crabapple Lane, Gideons Bay, Tonka Bay, Consideration of variance application from LMCD side setback requirements; 2) Lord Fletchers of the Lake, Coffee Cove Channel, Spring Park, Consideration of new multiple dock and special density license applications for 65 Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 1,857' of continuous shoreline; 3) City of Mound, Lost Lake Channel, Mound, Consideration of new multiple dock license application for 16 transient slips on 1,500' of continuous shoreline; 4) City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Lower Lake North, Lafayette, and Crystal Bays, Minnetonka Beach, Consideration of new multiple dock license application for 92 Boat Storage Units (BSU's) at 22 separate dock sites; CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Babcock READING OF MINUTES- 1/22/97 Regular Board Meeting 2/5/97 Special Board Meeting (handout) PUBLIC COMMENTS- Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA- Consent Agenda items identified by "*" will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests a discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. 1. WATER STRUCTURES A. Eagle Bluff HOA, Petition to amend LMCD Code Section 2.02, Subd. 5 (b); B. Bill and Sheila Todd, Discussion on Public Hearing for variance from LMCD side setback requirements; C. Lord Fletchers of the Lake, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock and special density license applications; D. City of Mound, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license application; E. City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license application; City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion and consideration of Findings of Fact and Order for dock length variance at Dock Site #10 on the Cross Point firelane; G. Additional Business; 2. LAKE USE & RECREATION 3. EWMIEXOTICS TASKFORCE 4. SAVE THE LAKE A. Winter Ice Clean-up Request; B. C. Discussion on committee make-up; D. Additional Business 5. ADMINISTRATION 6. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers for payment; - 2/1/97 - 2/15/97 1996 Water Quality of Lake Minnetonka Report (for discussion at the 2/26/97 Bd Mtg) B. December financial summary and balance sheet; C. Staff report on "on-going" checks; D. Additional Business; 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION- (Labor Negotiation) (Note: Board may vote to discuss labor negotiation in closed session) 11. ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS Douglas E. Babcock Chair, Tonka Bay Tom Reese Vice Chair, Mound Joseph Zwak Secretary, Greenwood Craig Nelson Treasurer, Spring Park Kent Dahlen Minnetonka Beach Bert Foster Deephaven Tom Gilman Excelsior Gretchen Maglich Minnetonka Duane Markus Wayzata Eugene Partyka Minnetrista Robert Rascop Shorewood Herb J. Suerth Woodland Orono Victoria ~ ~J ,~ ,Jib, ,J RECEIVED-2 10 1997 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2500 SHADYWOOD ROAD, SUITE 19 · EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 · TELEPHONE 612/471-9588 · FAX 612/471-0632 6. Alan Willcutt, EXECUTIVE BIRECTOR February 7, 1997 TO: FROM: EWM/Exotics Taskforce Members Greg Nybeck, Interim Executive Direc~o~ SUBJECT: 2/14/97 Meeting Due the recent resignation of the Executive Director, the lack of agenda items, and the multitude of on-going LMCD projects, Chairman Herb Suerth has cancelled the 2/14/97 EWM/Exotics Taskforce meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 3/14/97. Feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause you.. 60% Recycled Contenl 30% Post Consumer Waste February 11, 1997 Mound City Council c/o Ed Shukle 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 via fax only 472-0620 RE: Revision of Park Commission Ordinance - 2/11/97 agenda Dear Mr. Shukle, Please read the following comments orally into the public record tonight and include this letter as part of the written public record. For the following reasons, I wish to go on record in opposition to the Hanus proposal to amend the Park and Open Space Commission ordinance. This is a transparent attempt to remove a political opponent, Mr. Bill Darling, from the Park Commission by not having any vacant seats for his reappointment; This is a transparent attempt to "stack the deck" of the Dock and Commons Commission with people who share the commons philosophy of Mr. Hanus, Mrs. Ahrens and Mr. Poston; The reduction of Park Commission membership from eight to five members will create the potential for 3-3 deadlocks (when the vote of the city council liaison is included); The reduction of Park Commission membership from eight to five members also diminishes the opportunity for citizens to participate in local government (including the 3 applicants who interviewed for a vacancy on 1/9/97); The Park Commission presently has decades of collective experience on commons/dock issues (2 present members have almost 20 years of experience); The Park Commission has spent considerable time reviewing proposed encroachment policies, a wasted effort if the commons issues where removed from its duties; and Mr. Hanus, in his 8/31/96 letter to The Laker, stated, "... The procedure adopted by the city council is that the first place a task force policy recommendation goes is to the Parks and Open Space Commission for review. Then it is forwarded to the council. This is the way it was set up, this is how it is now, and this is how it Feb, 11. 1997 2'54PM MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS i, No, 6360 P. Telephone Engineers 612/476-6010 Planners 61Zt476-6532 FAX Surveyors ADDEND UM TO MEMORAND UM TO: Jori Sutherland, Planning and Zoning FROM: John Cameron, City Engineer DATE: February 11, 1997 City of Mound Proposed Street Vacation Oxford Lane Case #97-02 MFRA #8902 A number of questions have been raised regarding my original memorandum dated January 6, 1997, resulting in further review of the proposed street vacation of Oxford Lane. I did not have an opportunity to visit this site prior tn writing a report and tried to piece together enough information from old street plans and record utility plans. In addition, the survey furnished by the applicant was of poor quality and very difficult to read. Since that time, we have discovered that the City's record water plan did n6t show the existing watemmin in Hanover Road from Devon Lane to Oxford Lane. In addition, the existing topography indicates that it would be more feasible to extend Hanover Road west to Devon Lane, ffth¢ vacant property, Lot 14 through 20, Block 9 are ever developed. With the watermain already in-place, the sanitary sewer could be extended from an existing manhole in Devon Lane to serve these lots. Taking this additional information into consideration, we do not see why the City should need this portion of Oxford Lane for any further utility or street improvements. c:~sa~n:\8902h'uth2- I 1 An Ecluel O;~3rtur~L'y Empley~ FEB I1 I997 MARK RESCHKE · (612)472-3283 · 4737 ABERDEEN ROAD * MOUND, MN · 55364 BOARD MEMBERS Douglas E. Babcock Chair, Tonka Bay Tom Reese Vice Chair, Mound Joseph Zwak Secretary, Greenwood Craig Nelson Treasurer, Spring Park Kent Dahlen Minnetonka Beach Bert Foster Deephaven Tom Gilman Excelsior Gretchen Maglich Minnetonka Duane Markus Wayzata Eugene Partyka Minnetrista Robert Rascop Shorewood Herb J. Suerth Woodland Orono Victoria RECEIVEO 1 1§§7 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2500 SHADYWOOD ROAD, SUITE 19 · EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 · TELEPHONE 612/471-9588 · FAX 612/471-0632 G. Alan Willcutt. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR February 7, 1997 TO: FROM: EWM/Exotics Taskforce Members Greg Nybeck, Interim Executive Direc~o~ SUBJECT: 2/14/97 Meeting Due the recent resignation of the Executive Director, the lack of agenda items, and the multitude of on-going LMCD projects, Chairman Herb Suerth has cancelled the 2/14/97 EWM/Exotics Taskforce meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 3/14/97. Feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause you.. 60% Recycled Content 30% Post Consumer Was[e DRAFT LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, January 22, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER Chair Babcock called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Bert Foster, Deephaven~ Tom Gilman, Excelsior; Joseph Zwak, Greenwood; Gretchen Maglich, Minnetonka;Kent Dahlen, Minnetonka Beach; Gene Partyka, Minnetrista; Robert Rascop, Shorcwood; Craig Nelson, Spring Park; Doug Babcock, Ton 'ka Bay. Also present: G. Alan Willcutt, Executive Director; Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Gregory Nybeck, Administrative Technician. Members absent: Tom Reese, Mound; Duane Markus, Wayzata; Herb Suerth, Woodland. Orono and Victoria have no appointed member. CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS LeFevere administered the oath of office to Tom Gilman. the City of Excelsior. He was seated as representative for Chair Babcock announced the recent death of EWM Project Manager and past LMCD Board member Norm Paurus. He recognized his efforts over the years to the "conservation" of Lake Minnetonka. Chair Babcock encouraged snowmobilers on Lake Minnetonka to comply with speed requirements based on the many fatalities relating to speed throughout the State of Minnesota. READING OF THE MINUTES Zwak moved, Maglich seconded to approve the minutes of the 1/!2/97 Regular Board meeting as submitted. Ayes (6), Abstained (2, Gilman and Rascop); Motion carried. Nelson moved, Zwak seconded to accept the summary notes of the 1/12/97 Regular Boar meeting as submitted. Ayes (5), Abstained (3, Gilman, Rascop, and Partyka); Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bil Hawks, 3465 Co. Rd. 44, suggested he would like to reach a compromise to avoid the pending litigation regarding his houseboat on Halstead's Bay. He stated he believed it was not correct for the LMCD to adopt a code amendment prohibiting it after it had been built and it was legal. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Nelson moved, Dahlen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (Approved consent agenda items: ID, Robert and Susan M¢llett, Staff recommends full refund of the $250 deposit for dock length, side setback, and adjusted dock use area at 4435 Enchanted Drive; 2B, Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Significant Activity Report; and 3A, Minutes of the 1/10/97 EWM/Exotics Taskforce). 1. WATER STRUCTURES A. Trillium Bay Limited Partnership, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license. Babcock stated he had a chance to review the proposed application and he believed it complied with LMCD Code requirements. Nelson asked for a further explanation from Jim Lang, 4105 Co. Rd. 44, who had expressed a concern in the proposed location during the public hearing. Jim Lang stated he believed the proposed dock location is too close to his property. He believed Trillium Bay has sufficient lakeshore to locate the dock in a more central location in their property. He expressed concern in that the 80' side setback require- ment may not be complied with on the easternly side site line. Babcock stated on the proposed site plan, the closest the dock would come to this side site line is 80'. Zwak questioned why the applicant is proposing moving the docks to this location. Partyka stated he understood the current location has water depth concerns. MOTION: Rascop moved, Partyka seconded to approve the Trillium Bay Limited Partnership new 1997 multiple dock license application, with amended slip lengths for slips 16 and .17 from 40' to 32'. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (l, Gilman); Motion carried. Foster arrived at this time. Be Ordinance Amendment, 1" reading of an ordinance relating to adjustment of setbacks and dock use areas; adding new subsection c) to LMCD Code Section 2.01, Subdivision 3. Babcock reviewed the code amendment and stated under LMCD Code Section 2.01, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 3 Subd. 3 c)4) that "side' needs to be changed to "site". He noted the draft ordinance allow for the encroachment of the setbacks from both extended lot lines provided the abutting neighbors mutually consent to it. He added a letter each year indicating mutual consent needs to be documented with the renewal application. Gabriel Jabbour expressed concern with the narrow focus of the draft code. He stated this code amendment could have some long-term effects with how municipalities are allowed to combine non-continuous shoreline. He specifically expressed concern in how this code.amendment would affect Hennepin County property. MOTION: Foster moved, Zwak seconded ~noved approval of 1st reading, to waive 2~ and 3~d reading, and adoption of the code amendment. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gilman); Motion carried. The consensus of the Board was to direct LeFevere to draft a code amendment in the near future to exclude the county from using this code amendment. City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion on dock length and adjusted dock use area variance application at Dock Site #10 on the Cross Point firelane. Babcock reviewed that the applicant has agreed to reduce the proposed length of this dock from 120' to 100'. He added a dock length variance would still be required because the dock would exceed the 60' dock length allowed by Code. MOTION: Dahlen moved, Nelson seconded to direct attorney to prepare Findings for approval of a dock length variance of I00' at dock site #10 subject to the docks (1) meet the requirements of Section 2.01, Subd. 3, (2) that no canopies are allowed at this dock site, and (3) that signed agreements by abutting neighbors are on file annually. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gihnan); Motion carded. E. Additional Business There was no additional business. 2. LAKE USE & RECREATION A. Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Special Deputy Candidates. The Board asked staff if the Water Patrol had recommended one of the three Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 4 candidates? Nybeck stated they have recommended Jack Spizale for the award. MOTION: Foster moved, Dahlen seconded to nominate Jack Spizale as the 1997 Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Special Deputy. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. C. Additional Business Babcock stated he had talked to some LMCD Mayors and he believed it is in the LMCD's best interest to discontinue conversation regarding retail sales on Lake Minnetonka. The consensus of the Board was to discontinue further discussion at this time. The Board directed staff to contact Lanie Kubes EWM/EXOTICS TASKFORCE B. 1/10/97 meeting report. Willcutt stated the main focus of the meeting was a presentation made by Clear Water Technologies, Inc. He noted the company is exploring the idea of being permitted by the DNR and MPCA for the chemical treatment of eurasian watermilfoil and curly leaf pondweed. He added if permitted, they are interested in establishing a treatment area on Lake Minnetonka with financial assistance from the LMCD. Nelson stated this chemical treatment appears to be relatively expensive. Willcutt stated further details would be provided at a future date. Ce Ordinance Amendment, 2~ reading of an ordinance relating to special events and the transportation of exotic species, adding new subdivisions 2 through 9 to LMCD Code 3.09. MOTION: Nelson moved, Partyka seconded to pass second reading, waive third reading, and adopt the ordinance amendment. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Nelson moved, Partyka seconded to allow for a budget amendment of up to $10,0130 from EWM reserves to offset the costs of administering Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 5 the boatwashing efforts. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. D. Update on RFP for new harvester. Babcock stated he believed a decision needs to be made with regard to the purchase of a new harvester. He added he felt a harvester should not be purchased for this year, but on-going research should be done with regards to whether a new transporter would make the operation more efficient. MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster seconded to not purchase a new harvester for 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. The consensus of the Board was to continue discussing the feasibility of a new transporter. E. Additional Business There was no additional business. 4. SAVE THE LAKE Willcutt stated a meeting is scheduled for 5:00 P.M. on 2/6/97 at the office. He encouraged Board participation because of the high turnover of committee members. 5. ADMINISTRATION A. Staff Update on Appointments for 1997 Willcutt recommended the Board award: - Auditor selection for the 1996 audit to Abdo, Abdo, & Eick - Bookkeeping services to Specialty Bookkeeping - Bank depository resolution for checking account to 1'~ National Bank of the Lakes MOTION: VOTE: MOTION: Nelson moved, Dahlen seconded to appoint Abdo, Abdo, & Eick to conduct the 1996 audit for $2,700 Motion carried unanimously. Babcock moved, Zwak seconded to appoint Specialty Bookkeeping as Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 7 10. 11. past Summer. He noted staff adjusted the request for payment from Todd Grams to exclude personal telephone calls. He recommended approval of payment of $364.16. MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster seconded to authorize payment of $364.16 to Todd Grams for the use of the EWM cellular phone. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously Willcutt reported that Spring Park has paid their LMCD levy in full for 1997. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Willcutt reported on the following: 1) The "Save the Lake" Recognition Banquet is scheduled for 2/13/97 at Lord Flecthers. 2) New maps and Winter Rules have been printed recently. 3) The need to set a meeting date(s) to establish goals and objectives for 1997. The Board discussed the goals and objectives meeting and tentatively set a date of 2/5/97. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS Bil Hawks restated he would like to resolve the boathouse problem with the LMCD. The Board discussed the issue in great length with no resolution to the request from Mr. Hawks. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Performance evaluation of the Executive Director MOTION: Rascop moved, Gilman seconded to adjourn and discuss the performance of the Executive Director in closed session. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Babcock adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Douglas Babcock, Chair Joseph Zwak, Secretary Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting January 12, 1997 Page 6 e bookkeeper for 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Foster moved, Partyka seconded to appoint 1'~ National Bank of the lakes as the bank depository for the ckecking account in 1997. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. B. Additional Business There was no additional business. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers for payment - 12/1/96-12/31/96 - I/1/97-1/15/97 - 1/16/97-1/31/97 Willcutt reviewed the audit of vouchers for payment. MOTION: Zwak moved, Nelson seconded to approve the audit of vouchers as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. B. November financial summary and balance sheet December financial summary and balance sheet Willcutt reviewed the November financial summary and balance sheet and recommended the December financial summary and balance sheet be tabled to the 2/12/97 Board meeting. MOTION: Zwak moved, Nelson seconded to approve the November financial summary and balance sheet and table the December one to the 2/12/97 Board meeting. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. C. Additional Business Willcutt stated staff has reviewed the bills submitted for the EWM cellular phone this RECEi'VED I 0 1§§? LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 12, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Bill and Sheila Todd, 20 Crabapple Lane, Gideons Bay, Tonka Bay, Consideration of variance application from LMCD side setback requirements; 2) Lord Fletchers of the Lake, Coffee Cove Channel, Spring Park, Consideration of new multiple dock and special density license applications for 65 Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 1,857' of continuous shoreline; :3) City of Mound, Lost Lake Channel, Mound, Consideration of new multiple dock license application for 16 transient slips on 1,500' of continuous shoreline; 4) City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Lower Lake North, Lafayette, and Crystal Bays, Minnetonka Beach, Consideration of new multiple dock license application for 92 Boat Storage Units (BSU's) at 22 separate dock sites; CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Babcock READING OF MINUTES- 1/22/97 Regular Board Meeting 2/5/97 Special Board Meeting (handout) PUBLIC COMMENTS- Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA- Consent Agenda items identified by "*" will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests a discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. 1. WATER STRUCTURES A. Eagle Bluff HOA, Petition to amend LMCD Code Section 2.02, Subd. 5 (b); B. Bill and Sheila Todd, Discussion on Public Hearing for variance from LMCD side setback requirements; C. Lord Fletchers of the Lake, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock and special density license applications; D. City of Mound, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license application; E. City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion on Public Hearing for new multiple dock license application; F. City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Discussion and consideration of Findings of Fact and Order for dock length variance at Dock Site #10 on the Cross Point firelane; G. Additional Business; 2. LAKE USE & RECREATION .1. EWM/EXOTICS TASKFORCE 4. SAVE THE LAKE A. Winter Ice Clean-up Request; B. 1996 Water Quality of Lake Minnetonka Report (for discussion at the 2/26/97 Bd Mtg) C. Discussion on committee make-up; D. Additional Business 5. ADMINISTRATION 6. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers for payment; - 2/1/97 - 2/15/97 B. December financial summary and balance sheet; C. Staff report on "on-going" checks; D. Additional Business; 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION- (Labor Negotiation) (Note: Board may vote to discuss labor negotiation in closed session) 11. ADJOURNMENT Ill LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT January 27, 1997 TO: FROM: Rick Christiansen Lakeshore Weekly News (Fax # 473-0895) G. Alan Willcutt Executive Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Notice, 1/30/97 Edition PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 7:00 PM, February 12, 1997 Tonka Bay City Hall 4901 Manitou Road City of Mound New Multiple Dock License Application Lost Lake Channel, Lake Minnetonka The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) will hold a public hearing to consider a new multiple dock license application from the City of Mound. The proposed application is for 16 transient slips on 1,500' of continuous shoreline in the Lost Lake Channel Development. Details available at the LMCD offices, 2500 Shadywood Road, Suite 19, Gray's Freshwater Center, Excelsior. L~KE MINNE'rONK~ OONSERV~TION DISTRI6T February 7, 1997 TO: FROM: Board of Directors ~. .~~ Greg Nybeck, Interim ExecutSv~Director SUBJECT: City of Mound Public Hearing (2/12/97) The City of Mound has applied for a new multiple dock license of 16 transient Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 1,500' of continuous shoreline on the Lost Lake Channel. The applicant has identified a total of 31,000' of non-contiguous shoreline in the City of Mound. They have allocated 29,500' of shoreline towards the "Commons Program", which has a multiple dock license, and the remaining 1,500' of shoreline has been allocated towards this proposed project. The proposed dock plan consists of eight 11' X 25' slips and eight 12' X 35' slips. The applicant proposes a 41' side setback from the west extended side site line and it appears a setback well over what is required by LMCD Code on the east extended side site line. LMCD Code Section 2.01, Subd. 2b) requires a minimum side setback o£ 10' for that portion of the dock which extends between zero and 50' from the shore and a minimum 15' side setback for that portion of the dock which extends between 51' and 100' from the shore. The Code requires the setbacks shall be doubled for all multiple docks on each side where such multiple docks are not located adjacent to another multiple dock. Based on Code, a minimum side setback applied of 30' is applied to both extended side site lines. Staff needs to point out that slips 9-16 appear to be further out than 100' from the 929.4' lake elevation. Also, the applicant is proposing a 10' wide Boardwalk between the two walking trails on the north end of the proposed site plan. Both exceed what is allowed by Code. The Board may consider them, though, because of LMCD Code Section 2.03, Subd. 16. This section details exceptions to the Code for municipal or public docks. Staff has done Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) calculations for this project. Total slip and maneuvering space square footage for the proposed project is 12,960. The Environmental Quality Board(EQB) requires an EAW be done when these calculations exceed 20,000 square feet. The Board has the ability to require a discretionary EAW. LOST LAKE CHANNEL PROJECT EAW SLIP & MANEUVERING SPACE CALCULATIONS STRUCTURE SLIP MANEUVERING SPACE SLIP # SO. FT. .~L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~. SO. FF. 1 210 (6' X 35') 420 (12' X 35') 420 2 420 420 3 210 420 420 4 420 420 5 210 420 420 6 420 420 7 210 420 420 8 420 420 9 150 (6' X 25') 300 (12' X 25') 300 10 300 300 11 150 300 300 12 300 300 13 150 300 300 14 300 300 15 150 300 300 16 3c)o 30o TOTALS 1,440 5,760 5,760 TOTAL sQ. FF. 1.050 840 1,050 840 1,050 840 1,050 840 750 600 750 750 750 600 12,960 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 1 4 2 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MUNICIPAL OR PUBLIC DOCKS; AMENDING LMCD CODE, SECTION 2.03 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT ORDAINS that the LMCD Code of Ordinances, Section 2.03 is amended by adding new subdivision 16 as follows: Subd. 16. Special Rules for Municipal Docks. Application may be made under this section for a new multiple dock license which has a length exceeding that which is allowed under Section 2.01, subd. 2 or a width exceeding that which is allowed under Section 2.12, subd. 12 (notwithstanding the prohibition of Section 2.12, subd. 2b). The Board may grant or deny such application or grant such application subject to conditions, after consideration of the criteria set forth in Subdivision 3 of this Section. Notice of the hearing on such new dock applications shall be published and shall be mailed to the owners of all property within 500 feet of the applicant's site. No such license shall be granted unless all of the following conditions are met: a) The dock must be owned and operated by a city, county or state agency. b) The dock must be open to the general public subject to reasonable regulations of the owner. c) No permanent or overnight storage shall be allowed at the dock. d) No license shall be granted for a dock extending more than 150 feet from the shoreline. e) No retail sales, other than fuel, shall be permitted on the dock. This enactment is effective from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the Enabling Act of the District. It is enacted by a majority vote of all the members of the Board of Directors of the LMCD and has the effect of an ordinance. CLL99352 LKllO-13 Adopted by the LMCD Board this 2 8 ATTEST: osTZwak, Secretar~ day of February, 1996. Douglas B~ CLL99352 LKll0-13 PETERSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Multiple Dock Permit Narrative Lost Lake Redevelopment Project Mound, Minnesota January 22, 1997 Project Background and Purpose The Lost Lake Redevelopment project involves the restoration of the 1/2 mile long canal which was excavated in 1906 to connect downtown Mound with Cooks Bay on Lake Minnetonka. The project area is located in the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 13, T.117N., R.24W., Hennepin County, Minnesota (Figures 1 and 2). The original canal also included a large cul-de-sac that was constructed at the canal's northern terminus to allow boats to turn around. The canal restoration is now the focus of Mound's downtown revitalization project. The existing Lost Lake canal bisects approximately 55 acres of contiguous wetland. As use of the canal diminished around 1925, siltation of the channel began to occur with aquatic vegetation recolonizing some areas that had been historically dredged. In the 1960's, a large portion of the wetland at the north end of the canal (including a portion of the cul-de-sac) was filled to construct a new post office and Auditor's Road. A garbage dump, which later became the City's public works storage site, was constructed on wetland fill near the northeastern portion of the cul-de-sac area. The Lost Lake canal project consists of restoring the canal to again make it usable for pleasure boats. The project would also restore a portion of the Lost Lake wetland's historic shoreline and would provide some ancillary amenities such as boat docks and a pier (see Figure 3-Lost Lake Canal Project Preliminary Grading Plan, supplied by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. under separate cover). We have provided a description of the boat docks proposed for the project and request a review of the project under the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) Code of Ordinances. The project description given below is for Phase I which would include 8 transient docks (16 boat slips) all on the west side of the cul-de-sac area. Future private docks in conjunction wit!~ a hotel may be proposed perpendicular to the boardwalk on the northeast side of the cul- de-sac. For illustrative purposes, 5 docks have been shown in this area on Figure 3. This application is submitted only for the 8 transient docks on the west side of the cul-de-sac, the floating boardwalk on the northeast side of the cul-de-sac and the floating marginal dock located south of the proposed pier. 13.~.~ A~t.nd~:,~ H~,~,,4h:, Ku,~d, .~t~tc i0,~ . ,~l~,,dut. t Hc~,~ht~,, ,~flnnesot,; $5120-1112 · 612-686.0151 · fa~ 612.686-0369 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Multiple Dock Permit Narrative January 22, 1997 Page 2 Description of Proposed Docks A total of 8 transient boat docks providing 16 boat slips will be constructed perpendicular to the proposed marginal dock/walking trail which circumscribes the western 1/2 of the turn-around area. A 10-foot wide boardwalk system would be constructed along the northern shoreline which would connect to an on-land 10-foot wide walking trail which in turn connects to the proposed pier. The boat docks and boardwalks will all be of a floating design, allowing for the free flow of water beneath. The proposed pier and four of the docks do not encroach into the existing wetland and lie entirely within the area formerly filled for the construction of Auditor's Road and the post office. This area will be excavated to restore the historic turn-around area. The other four docks will be constructed within the existing turn-around area. At the west end of the mm-around, four of the docks would be constructed perpendicular to an eight foot wide floating marginal dock. For purposes of review of the project under the LMCD Code of Ordinances, the 1500 feet of shoreline which represents the project area has been identified on Figure 3 supplied by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. The 16 boat slips have been numbered sequentially starting at the northernmost dock. Also, the required 40 foot side setback has been identified south of slip #16 at the southwestern comer of the turn-around area. The 929.4' elevation has been estimated in Figure 3 based on the known slope of the shoreline in the project area (3:1) and the known contour elevation of 930.0'. The proposed pier will serve as a central public amenity as well as the boarding structure for an excursion boat and the shore connection for eight boat slips. The pier will be constructed on existing upland and the canal will then be dredged around its perimeter so the pier will be in direct contact with the water. The perimeter of the pier facing the water will be a concrete retaining wall formed to mimic a granite fieldstone wall. The floor of the pier will be wood decking to give the impression of being over the water. The railing and arbor around the outside perimeter will be constructed of wood and wood composite material (Figure 4). Although the pier will not actually encroach into the existing ~vetland, it would be designed to contact the water along its front wall after the proposed dredging is carried out. Because this form is ! DOCK - ~W Lake Hlnnetonka Conservation District LMCD Receipt ~ License Year City response due Ho, o[ Boats received Bolt Density Index Can be reached at phone (for I~C0 use) APPLICATION: to be copied, please ! use black ink or type,! REtiNULTIPLE DOCK, LAU~CEIN¢ AND/OR NOORING LICENSE Pursuant to IJiCD Code S2.03, a new multiple dock license is requested, in accordance vith all data and other information submitted herevith and made a part hereof, ~itv of Mound Prink or type o~er's name 472-0600 Phone; if no 5241Mavwood Road, Mound, MN 55364-1687 shaver, call, Chaser's address Business name (if' different from o~rner) Bruce Chamberlain. Hoistnqton Koeqler Group, Inc. Contact person (if di££ere~t £rom o~er) _7~0 Metro Blvd.. Suite 525. Minneaooli$, MN '55439 Street address - )lailin$ address (tf--~fferent from street address) Property located in the City of Mnund Property ia riparian to I~CD bay/area(s)Los: Lake 1. Phoue; if no ansver, call: 835-9960 Phone , No(s). Classification of use per S2.11, Subd. 2 (please check one), a) commercial marina d) transient $) private residence b) private club e) outlot association h) other (explain) c) municipal X f) multiple dwelling_- Type of dock construction, describe and attach to-scale drawings Se~ Please submit names and mailing addresses of o~ners of abutting sites and ovners of other affected sites. Such o%rners may be verified by checking vith Hennepin County property description offices, 348-3271, vhich can provide actual mailing labels at a cos: of $1.00 per tax parcel. This service usually takes three days, and you m~st ha~e your tax parcel identification nmnber ready vhen calling for this assistance. Documents listed belov are required; check that th&y are attached~ Lo.aSsr map__ I Scaled drawin~ showin~ present dockage N~ County plat map ¥ Scaled drawinE sho~ing proposed dockage X ~ Certified land s~vey, Scaled drawin$ o£ docks on abuttins proper~ies, legal description X and other a[£ected docka&e NA Absence of significant data requested above could result in a processing delay. q Lake l~innetonka Conservation District Nev Dock License APplication City of Mound (Name) 5. Ali required permits, licensee and approvals have been obtained from the HN DNR and from the city in vhich the multiple dock, ramp, and/or mooring is located, copies attached: ( )Yes (X)Nos I[ No, explain~_MN-0NR permit apDlie~ for. League of MN Cities 6.' Publl~ liability insur&nce, Coverege ~..~,000,000 $ ~omp&ny Tn~,r~n~ F"qd additional iufor~atioe 7, 8 and 9, Check the nature of services and parking required by the a) Boat storage ................. number of parking spaces b) Launching ramps ............. . - number of parking spaces Times ramp is open ~or public use~ C) Sales.' ......... d) Service ..................... e) Boat rentals ................ f) ~estaurant .................. g) Other (explain) number of parking spaces number of parking spaces number of parking spaces number of parking spaces - number of parking spaces TOTAL parking spaces 8. Rest room facilities provided~ Indoor, Outdoor portable (number),_ ~ (temp0~ary) Permanent ~est~0o~ facilities 9. Boat toilet pumping service prov£ded? Yes... No X AI-LAPPLICATIONS: 10. I1. Lake frontage of site: 1500 feet, Total square footage of dock area includin~ maneuvering space - 1~,960 sq.ft. I[ ~0,000 sq.ft, or over, an'Environmental Assessment ~orksheet (F. Ag) is required. Boat Storage ~nits (BSU) computation; FrontaSe 1500 { 50 - 30_ BSU's allovable under the one-boat-per-fi[ty-Eoot rule. If this n~ber is less than the total ~SU's applied for tu ~o. 1~ belov, an ap~lication tot a Special Z)musity License is required per Code 12.05. 12. Number of BSU's applied for~ by Location at slips ....................... 16_____~SU aC slides ...................... BSU at lilts ....................... ' BSU at tie-OhS ..................... BSU at moorinss .......... . .......... ' at off-Lake rack storage ....... other 16 BSU TOTAL BSU applied for~ ~ Use for rent, lease, etc.. BSU for service york ...... --BSU for company use ....... BSU for pr£vate use ....... BSU for transient use ..... _lfl._BSU other BSU TOTAL BSU applied for~ (continued) Lake Hinnetonka Conservation District __ £ity of Mound (Naris) Watercraft btorabe Units (WbU) computat£on schedule: ._____ BbU @ 1 wbU (each slip up to 20' long and/or up to 10' vide) - _ BbU @ 1~ WSU (each slLp 20'+ to 24' long and/or up to 11' vide) - Dock License Application 13. l&. ~$U ~$u BSU @ 2 WsU (each slip 2&'+ to 32' long and/or up to 12' vide) - ~SU BSU @ 2~ ~$V (each slip 32'+ to &O' long and/or up co 14' vide) - 40-~WSU ~ ~SU @ 3 ~SU (each slip &0'+ to &8' lon~ and/or up to 16' vide) - '" BSU @ ~ ~SU (each slip over 48' long and/or over 16' vide) _ BSU To,al Watercraft Storage Units (WSU) - JQ__~SU Fee calculation: Base fee .............................................................. $ 500 Plus number o£ Watercraft Storage Un[tn (WbU) 40 @ $]. 50 as determined from 14SU compuKation and schedule shown l'-------~ No. 13 above .... + ~00 To,al fee enclosed (th£s fee is [or processing of the application and does not enti=le the applicant Co a license).. ................. $ 800 Fees are non-refundable. ! certify that the information provided herein and the attachments here~o are true and correct; I understand that any license issued may be revoked by the District for viola~ion of the LMCD Code. I a~ree to reimburse the Distr~ct for any aurveyiuK, engineering, lnspec~ion. ~aintenance or ocher e~uoes incurred by the D~aCrict in excess of the ~t sE the application fee. ~ consent co officers and a~encs of the District to enter the premises ac all reasonable Cl~eo i~vesc~ate and Co deCe~ine vhether or not CBc Code of the D[atr~c~ is bein~ c~plied v~Ch. agree to submit a certified, as=built our~ey upon comple~ion of the docks. Au:horized siEnature~ Relationship owner Return this application and a~tachments to: Imke Minnetonka Conservation Distric~ 9OO ~. Wayzata Blvd.. Suite 1~0 Wayzata MN 55391 Phone .(612) 473-7033 8/92 Site Location Map PETERSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Lost Lake Redevelopment Project Mound, Minnesota FIGURE 1 PEC Project No. 94-034 I! Minutes - Mound City Council - February 11, 1997 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 11, 1997 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, February 11, 1997, at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, City Attorney John Dean, City Planner Mark Koegler, and City Clerk Fran Clark. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. *Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or Citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 1.0 APPROVE AGENDA. At this time items can be added to the Agenda that are not listed and/or items can be removed from the Consent Agenda and~ c~ ~V°ted upon..~ ~after the Consenta.~o Agenda, s aj~. haso,.~ ~~.~been approved.t~t.,~tvO ~ ot *CONSENT AGENDA: *1.1 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1997, REGULAR MEETING. ~Minutes - Mound City Council - February 11, 1997 '1.2 '1.3 *1.4 RESCHEDULE MARCH 11, 1997 REGULAR MEETING TO TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1997. REOUEST FROM MINNETONKA CLASSIC BASS CLUB TO HOLD TOURNAMENT WEIGH-IN, JUNE 7, 1997, AT MOUND BAY PARK. APPOINTMENT OF WEED INSPECTOR FOR 1997. '1.5 '1.6 APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS MORTGAGE PROGRAM THROUGH THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY'S MINNESOTA CITIES PARTICIPATION PROGRAM. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM THROUGH THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY. 2 ,j 'Minutes - Mound City Council - February 11, 1997 '1.7 SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 350:640 TO ADD "SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES" AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R-1 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT MARCH 4, 1997. '1.8 SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL AND ADD ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES LOCATED WITHIN THE R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AT 2450 WlLSHIRE BLVD., SHIRLEY HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, MARCH 4, 1997. '1.9 SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND RELATED VARIANCES FOR THE "SETON BLUFF" RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. MARCH 4, 1997. *1.10 LICENSE RENEWALS. *1.11 PAYMENT OF BILLS. 3 Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 1.12 PUBLIC HEARING: TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE TO ALLOW A "MAJOR AUTO REPAIR" BUSINESS AS REQUESTED BY RANDY'S AUTOMOTIVE. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE VACATION OF THE UNIMPROVED OXFORD LANE LOCATED NORTH OF HANOVER ROAD AND SOUTH OF ABERDEEN ROAD BETWEEN BLOCKS 5 & 9 IN DEVON. - ' 1.~vmNYS & .U~G~'HO~S ~oM ~ 4 Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 1.15 1996 DEPARTMENT HEADS ANNUAL REPORTS: --JIM FACKLER, PARKS DIRECTOR --GREG SKINNER, PUBLIC WORKS SUPT --LEN HARRELL, POLICE CHIEF 1.16 REOUEST FROM TONKA BAY MARINA (NEW OWNER OF TEAL POINTE) TO RELEASE LETTER OF CREDIT ON TEAL POINTE DEVELOPMENT. 1.17 REOUEST FROM WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO USE CITY COUNCIIJ CHAMBERS FOR REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS TWICE PER MONTH ON A REGULAR BASIS BEGINNING JULY 1, 1997. · Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 1.18 PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AMENDING SECTIONS 255:05 AND 255:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 256 TO THE CITY CODE ESTABLISHING A DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION. II I ~l ,11 ~,J, ' Mound City Council Agenda February 11, 1997 Page 3 1.19 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS:. B. C. D. Fo Department Head Monthly Reports for January 1997. LMCD Representative's Monthly Report for January 1997. LMCD Mailings. Invitation from LMCD to attend the annual "Save the Lake" Banquet on february 13, 1997, at Lord Fletchers. Please advise if you wish to attend. Information from the League of Minnesota Cities re: Minnesota Court of Appeals decision on the rights of way issue in the US West/City of Redwood Falls case. REMINDER: Committee of the Whole Meeting, February 18, 1997, 7:30 P.M. REMINDER: City Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 1997, in observance of President's Day. MOTION made by onded by adjourn at (/:2--%P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Attest: City Clerk 7