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PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 2004, WILL BEGIN AT 7'00 P.M. IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE SWEARING IN OF THE FIRE CHIEF THE OTHER AGENDA ITEMS WILL COMMENCE AT 7'30 P.M. Bonnie Ritter City Clerk Posted 1/8/04 ,,, 11 ~, ~1 PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2004; 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda' Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 2. 3. 4. OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SWEARING-IN OF FIRE CHIEF GREG PEDERSON RECESS FOR RECEPTION RECONVENE AT 7:30 P.M. 'APPROVE AGENDA, WITH ANY AMENDMENTS *CONSENT AGENDA *A. APPROVE MINUTES: DEC 9, 2003 REGULAR M]EETING DEC 23, 2003 SPECIAL MEETING *B. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS *C. APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING GINO BUS1NARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR, ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 2004 100-110 111-115 116-150 151 *D. *E. *F. *G. APPROVE RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2004 APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/ FINANCE DIRECTOR APPROVE RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 2004 152 153 154 155 *H. *I. PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNCILMEMBER MARK HANUS AS ACTINO MAYOR FOR 2004 (By consensus of the Council, the Acting Mayor term runs concurrent with the term of the Mayor.) APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING JIM FACKLER AS ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR 2004 156 157 *J. *K *L. *N. APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNCIL MEMBERS AS COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR 2004 APPROVE AMENDMENT TO 2004 FEE SCI-IEDULE (ADJUSTING WATER & SEWER RATES PER BUDGET (UP 10%) AND REMOVING LAND USE FEES THAT ARE NOW GOVERNED BY ORDINANCE) APPROVE FIXED ASSETS POLICY APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 1. CASE #03-45: LATCHAM 4711 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE VARIANCE 2. CASE #03-49: NADEAU 4852 LANARK ROAD REC'D: APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS CASE #-03-40/41' OAK (HANSON) 2175 NOBLE LANE REC'D: APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS TO 158 159-167 168-181 182-185 186-193 194-206 *O. *p. COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION A. CKLARE HAS SE B. DAVID MILLER DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION A. MICHELLE OLSON APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS APPROVE REQUEST FOR KENNEL PERMIT, BY MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT 207-211 212-214 215 216 10. PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *Q. APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY REGARDING ELECTRONIC PROPRIETARY GEOGRAPHICAL DIGITIZED DATA BASE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE EXTENSION AGREEMENT *R. APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE A PERMANENT DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR REALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 15 AND OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES. *S. APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR REALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 15 AND OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES *T. APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FOR REALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 15 AND OTI-[ER PUBLIC PURPOSES. *U APPROVAL OF LETTER OF UNDERTAKING WITH NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY *V APPROVE ADDENDUM TO EXTEND CURRENT RECYCLING CONTRACT COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. (LIMIT TO 3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER.) ACTION PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO MCWD RULE M (WETLAND BUFFERS) TO APPLY TO LAKES AND STREAMS CONSIDERATION/ACTION ON PROPOSAL FOR ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS 217-219 220-227 228-232 233-240 241-244 245 246-271 272-283 A. Newsletter: Gillespie Center 284 B. Letter: Mediacom 285-288 C. Calendar: LMCC 289-290 D. Report: Finance Department - Nov 2003 291-293 11. ADJOURN This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www. cityo£mound, com. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Finance Director Gino Businaro, City Engineer John Cameron, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Police Chief Jim Kurtz, Bruce Mclntyre, R.Njakara, M.Paunovic, Duane Norberg, Dave Harding, Ron Hendley, Jerry Henke, Don Cox, John Bergren, Pastor John Rogers, Paul Kaster, Marc Clement, Denny & Judy Oas, Dick & Sharon Catton, Keith & Shelynn Benedict, Don & Diana Heywood, Catherine Younes, Dean Pederson, Diane Bates, Jeni OIson, Dick Cherba, Doris Buerkle, Chuck Auger, Guy Johnson, Grant Johnson, Henry & Donna Sandoval, Sheila Reuter, Shirley Hawks, Jim Brand, Butch Hawks, Joe Bruns, Ron Bostrom, Dean Surlander, Laura Sulander, Jerry Dodds, Bruce & Patti Dodds, Mike Fitzgerald, John Babler, Joe & Yukiko Corbett, Tom Latcham, Orv Burma, Bob Longnecker, John Turnacliff, Donna Smith, Greg Pederson, Phil Baumel, Wayne Davis, Karen & Ned Podany, Philip Allen, Mike & Dianne Edwards, Timothy Schmidt, Jim Funk, Jim Ferdinandt, Dean Fleming, Shaun Edwards, Rick Hillaman, Tom Stokes, Denise Waldoch, Katie Mayer, H.S. Smith, Mike Schulz, Carolyn Turnacliff, Ernie & Jill Walters, Vincent Forsman, Lee Kreutter, Melissa Murphy, Scott Picha, Laura Spott, Chuck Alcon. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Counc# and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVE AGENDA Kandis Hanson suggested moving number 13B, Waiver of Platting applied for by the City of Mound, onto the consent agenda. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to approve the agenda as amended, with moving item 13B to the consent agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 1 -100- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 4. AWARD OF CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT TO FINANCE DIRECTOR GINO BUSINARO Kandis Hanson welcomed all present and made an award presentation to Finance Director Gino Businaro. The Certificate of Achievement is for Excellence in Financial Repoding from the Government Finance Officers Association. 5. SWEARING IN OF COREY WIEBUSCH AS PATROL OFFICER Police Chief Jim Kurtz gave the background of Corey Wiebusch, followed by the swearing in by Kandis Hanson. Mayor Meisel called a recess at 7:17 p.m. to accommodate a brief reception for the new police officer, and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Hanus requested the removal of Item B, Payment of Claims, for discussion. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the consent agenda with the exception of Item B. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of November 20th special meeting, November 25th regular meeting, December 1st special meeting and December 1st Truth in Taxation Hearing. B. (removed) C. RESOLUTION NO. 03-110: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE REQUEST FROM GRANT JOHNSON AND JULIE JOHNSON FOR WAIVER OF PLATTING APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE LOTS 3 & 4, BLOCK 17, THE HIGHLANDS, INTO TWO (2) LOTS. PID #23-117-24-34-0092, PLANNING CASE #03-46. D. Approve Docks and Commons Commission Recommendations 1. Set a moratorium not to allow shares for the 2004 season as a means not to exceed the limit of 590 Boat Storage Units (BSUs) allowed by the City's current LMCD license. 2. 2004 Dock Location Map Changes (Removal due to private property setbacks of site #00195, 00215, 10220, and removal of site at non- renewal due to congestion/setbacks of site #30330) E. Approve Payment Request No. 3 to Environmental Associates, Inc., for the Lost Lake Greenway Project, in the amount of $112,884.44. F. Extension of Rental Agreement with the Historical Society for storage at the Mound Depot. Fee of $300 has been received. G. Approve Exchange Agreement with Xcel Energy for property as noted: City exchanging lots 27 & 28, Koehler's Addition, for Lots 32 and east 17.4' of Lot 33, Koehler's Addition, and RESOLUTION NO. 03-116: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN LANDS. 2 -101 - Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 H. (moved from 13B) RESOLUTION NO. 03-111: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE WAIVER OF PLATTING FROM CITY OF MOUND TO SUBDIVIDE A PORTION OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 23 & 28, KOEHLERS ADDITION FOR PURCHASE OF LAND EXCHANGE WITH XCEL ENERGY INVOLVING NEWLY CREATED PARCEL WHICH WOULD CONSIST OF LOTS 27 & 28, KOEHLERS ADDITION. PID #13-117-24-33-0093, PLANNING CASE #03-51. 6B. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Hanus requested removal of this item from the consent agenda to discuss the bill from Niccum Docks in the amount of $6,858.60. This item should be paid out of the Parks Fund, not the Docks Fund. Businaro will adjust accordingly. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve payment of claims in the amount of $223,981.28. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 7. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. None were offered. 8. PUBLIC HEARING - IMPROVEMENT HEARING FOR 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT John Cameron presented an overview of the proposed project and, along with projected costs of such improvements. He indicated that all figures stated are preliminary in nature. City Attorney John Dean informed the public that the City is required by law to publish the notice of this hearing twice in the official newspaper of the City, along with mailed notice to owners of record. The City Clerk provided said notice to The Laker for publication on November 29th and December 6th, but the second publication was inadvertently omitted by the newspaper, thus to legally hold the improvement hearing, th the notice must be repub shed for two consecutive weeks, on December 13 and 20th, and the hearing thus held on December 23rd. The City must comply with state statutes so cannot hold the official public hearing this evening. Mayor Meisel explained that even though the official hearing will be held on December 23rd at 7:00 p.m., she wants the residents present this evening to be heard. Skip Smith, 1764 Jones Lane, stated that about 15 years ago he had a conversation with the then City manager who stated that there is a fund for street maintenance fund and the City shouldn't have to go to the residents and have special assessments for street maintenance. He asked if this fund still exists. Brown answered that the fund referred to is probably the sealcoating fund. The 2004 Project involves streets that have worn down beyond the point of having sealcoat as the remedy. Smith also asked about the assessment is paid, and was informed of the process. 3 -102- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 Jeff Skelton, 1770 Baywood Shores Drive, stated that he has lived in his house since 1987 and has had two major watermain breaks in front of his house and is aware of others in the area. He voiced concern over tearing up the street and putting down a new one without fixing the infrastructure. John Cameron informed him that Public Works keeps track of all watermain breaks and they are going through those records now to determine which watermains will be replaced before the new street is put in. Skelton also commented that too much sand is being dumped in his neighborhood in the Winter, to the point that it seems that he lives on a dirt road. Meisel stated that the Public Works Director and City Manager are present and heard his comments and if the sanding is to the extent he's saying, it will be attended to. Guy Johnson, 6347 Bayridge Road, asked Cameron when they will know what streets are being looked at for new watermains. He expressed concern over having to pay an assessment and then having the street tore up again to repair watermains. Cameron stated that the location for new watermains won't be known in the next two weeks, and that replacement of infrastructure is not part of the assessment. Payment for this work is taken out of the respective utility fund. Johnson also asked about the cul-de~sac at the end of Bayridge and Cameron informed him that the cul-de-sac was never put in, and the cost to put that in is included in this project. Osmek explained that the sewers and watermains will be televised to determine the need for replacement. The City wants to do the water and sewer at the same time if feasible. Cameron added that the City has their own cameras to televise the sanitary sewers, and they already know where the watermain breaks have occurred. Jim Kuse, 2830 Pine Rd, stated that three years ago his storm sewer was replaced and a good job was done. The.utility companies have screwed everything up at Pine and Halstead. He has no problem with putting in new streets but the city should work with the utility companies so that the infrastructure problems are fixed before a new street is put down. He also suggested using a higher quality sealer that what is presently used. Cameron stated that they are looking at using granite on major streets and a better quality aggregate when the sealcoating is done. Kuse asked about the intern that did the inventory of all city streets in 2001. Cameron told him the intern was a student at the U of M, and his work was checked to see if he rated the streets the way Cameron would, and he did. Kuse asked if any other outside firm has been consulted as to the street conditions in the city. He stated a lot of things as being assumed here - that the student did the right thing, that the engineering firm agreed, but as citizens they have the right to say to spend a few extra dollars for sampling for a second opinion. Hanus stated that one of the things the Council has to do is order the improvement, but at the same time they're looking at the whole project. This isn't an all or nothing deal and the council may choose some areas to be done and others not to be done. This decision is based on a lot of factors. 4 -103- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 Jennie Olson, 1616 Finch Lane, asked why the last page of her area wasn't broken down into lineal feet and Cameron informed her that those areas already have concrete curb and gutter and the only improvements are between the curb lines, so her assessment is based on a unit basis. Olson expressed that she thinks it unfair that a 40' lot is assessed the same as a 120' lot, both being one unit. Hanus stated it's one household, one property, one family, so the benefit is the same regardless of the width of the lot. He told her that the Council has hashed this out in the past and this is the adopted policy. Olson stated that there are many single people in her neighborhood and this will price them out of living in Mound. Hanus told her that's the expense of living on a street. Marc Clement, 6821 Sinclair Court, stated his street is about 13 years old and in need of repair. He believes the problem with a lot of Mound streets is the ground that they are built on, being hilly, near water, etc. He thinks that money can be thrown at street improvements until we're blue in the face, and we'll have the same problem. Better construction techniques have to be looked at. Clement suggested coming up with a general fund to keep streets maintained. To go from street to street hitting everybody with different amounts is not fair because all residents use the streets of Mound. Meisel commented on the general fund, stating that is the reason the City is proposing to pay 1/3 of the assessment- because all use the streets of Mound. Cameron will look at his cul-de-sac because it is newer than a lot and they may be able to do less of mill. Catherine Younes, 4962 Bartlett Blvd, said that about 15 years ago Bartlett had street repairs and she was assessed for that, and now she has to pay for street repairs on Bayport Road. She proposed that Cameron come back and look at Bartlett. It's a very short road with few houses on it, everyone takes care of their driveways, there is very little traffic, and in her opinion the street is in great condition. They have no problems, no potholes, they have curb and gutter. Cameron will take a look at Bartlett, but didn't think Bartlett had any assessments since the early 80's. He'll look at it and do borings to determine what is under the blacktop. ©smek agreed that Bayport didn't look that bad. Dick Catton, 2870 Pheasant Circle, asked how we know that these are the worse streets in Mound. Cameron stated that they are not necessarily the worse, but they tried to get the streets in designated areas to the contractors did not have to jump all over town. They tried to coordinate the worse streets in different areas. In Pheasant Circle the streets are approaching 30 years old and the area also has horrible curb and gutter that the people have to drive over, so aprons will also be put in. Catton stated that many already have aprons and Cameron stated that the ones that do will not receive a new one and won't be assessed for aprons. Catton also expressed concern that the developers should be paying for the improvement of some of these streets because of the damage that they do. Meisel stated that the developer for Langdon Bay has paid for a portion of the streets repair, as did the developer of MetroPlains. 5 -104- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 Adam Hawkinson, Eagle Lane, stated that he lives on a stub end that goes into Harrison Bay and his road is in good condition except for one pothole on the very end that could be fixed. He asked about getting a patch at the end of the road, going onto the commons. Cameron stated that mill and overlay is proposed there. Tom Stokes stated he owns property at the corner of Gull and Jennings. He asked about the unit charge on a corner lot. Cameron explained that corner lots will receive ½ unit charge done when one street is improved, and the other ½ unit when the other is improved. Stokes stated that he owns property in other cities and feels that Mound is doing a good job in keeping assessment costs down. Joe Bruns, 2630 Setter Circle, stated he got an estimate for a driveway apron in the amount of $1,000 and the estimated assessment for one is $1200. He asked if he can do his own if the cost is less than what the City is proposing. Cameron informed him that these are estimated costs and feels they are on the high side to make sure they have estimated enough. Kandis Hanson stated that residents on the project will be given the option to hard surface their driveways with this project and add the cost onto their assessment. Donna Smith, 2531 Avon Drive, stated she did some research and in the 70's concrete curb and gutter was put and they rejected putting in aprons. About 10-12 years ago the purchased two lots that adjoin their property to the park and there is a bike path there. She asked if this will continue to be a bike patch or will it be improved to a road. Cameron stated that he hasn't look at the bike path specifically, but doesn't intend to change anything there, so it will stay a bike path. John Bergen, 5928 Idlewood Road, stated he talked to people on his street and everyone thought the street was in good shape expect the part that isn't on the improvement map. Everyone is opposed to the project on Idlewood - they like the potholes because they slow down the speeders. Cameron stated that the area between Ridgewood and Highland Boulevard is not on the project because it is a Municipal State Aid Street and hopefully will be done within the next 3-4 years. Dianne Edwards, 2805 Halstead Lane, asked why cement trucks and construction trucks use Halstead instead of Westedge. She stated that cement trucks go by her house daily and deterioration of the new surface is something to consider. Mike Edwards added that he has seen 20-30 trucks a day gO by his house. These trucks are block trucks, backhoes, flatbeds, construction rigs. Hanus stated that this is something for him to talk with the City Manager because that is something to be of concern and this type of traffic should be using Westedge Boulevard. Phil Baumel, 2239 Langdon Lane, state he was before the Council about a Year ago with the sewer backups in their area, and asked what method was used to value the infrastructure. Cameron informed him that all sanitary Sewers will be televised and any repairs will be done. Watermain break history will be used to determine replacement of 6 -105- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 watermains. Repair and replacement of these won't be assessed, however, as payment will come from the respective utility fund for watermain and sanitary sewer work. Mike Edwards came back to ask about assessed the contractors that use and damage the streets. Mayor Meisel told him that the City's doesn't collect money from the contractors that use the streets, but that they are required to repair damage that they cause. Osmek gave the example that the contractor for the 2003 Street Project damaged Crestview Lane and they were required to fix it. Ron Hendley, 2611 Setter Circle, stated he sees as many as 3-4 trucks a day on Halstead going into the new Saunders development. In Setter Circle he has seen spiderweb-like patterns in the blacktop and they are just scheduled for mill overlay. asked if someone looks at the ground underneath and Cameron stated it will be evaluated and fixed before the overlay is put on. He Philip Allen, 1630 Finch Lane, asked Cameron if he could have access to the scoring system used for the streets. He considers Finch Lane in good shape. Cameron told him that the Public Works Director has a copy of the rating system that he will share with him. Allen stated he lives at the bottom of Finch and drainage is an issue in his particular area. He had over $5,000 damage caused when his sump pump backed up from the stormsewer. When doing the mill he requests that the infrastructure be looked at. Cameron will look at this area. Jerry Henke, 2333 Fernside Lane, stated his street doesn't need any milling and asked if retaining walls will be part of the improvement and the assessment. Cameron stated the city just went through a retaining wall replacement project and the wall on his street was looked at. There is still money left in this wall fund and they will look at future repairs. The only walls included in this assessment are minor ones. If the one on Fernside is done it will be done with the retaining wall fund, not assessments. Henke stated he can't even mow his grass on part of his lot because the water washes out his grass. Cameron will look at this. Henke was also concerned with maintenance after the project, stating that trap rock works a lot better than using the buckshot for sealcoating. Joe Corbett, 1632 Eagle Lane, is very happy with his street. It's in great shape and he doesn't see why it has to be replaced. There are no major potholes. He stated there is also a wall problem on Eagle Lane. They have a small 4' wall that's buckling out and dirt gets washed out into the street. Cameron stated the wall is not part of the street project but will be looked at for the wall project. Donna Smith stated that the wall at 2532 Avon Drive, located across from their property, is in need of repair also. 7 -106- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 Clark Babler, 2919 Dickens Lane, feels that the curb and gutter currently in place was put in wrong because water always pools up at the corner of 110 and Dickens. His grass dies out every year due to the salt that the water carries onto his yard. Cameron will look at but thinks the big problem is there is no curb and gutter on 110 to carry the water away. He'll look at it to see something can be done. Paul Kaster, 1672 Eagle Lane, doesn't know what could be done with Eagle and Finch except to change their color. He asked why his street was chosen to be on the project. Osmek stated that not only the current condition but age of the street is also a factor, and if the street is an area that is really bad, it may be incorporated because of its age. Mayor Meisel asked for any further comments, and receiving none, explained that the formal hearing will take place at 7:00 p.m. on December 23rd. The City's Engineering staff will be present at 6:30 p.m. to answer questions residents may have. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to continue the improvement hearing for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project, to December 23, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., and also to direct the City Clerk to make the comments made at this evening's meeting a part of the record for the December 23rd public hearing, and to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-112: RESOLUTION CALLING HEARING ON 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTIN PROJECT Mayor Meisel called a recess at 9:17 p.m. and reconvened at 9:31 p.m. 9. ACTION ON COMPUTER SYSTEM PURCHASE - FIRE AND POLICE DEPT Fire Chief Greg Pederson and Police Chief Jim Kurtz asked the Council for approval of a computer network system for the new Public Safety Facility. Funds for the purchase are available out of the contingency fund. The Council expressed concern that the cost of the system by itemized out between the Fire Department and Police Department so that fire area member cities aren't paying for the Police portion of the equipment. Pederson stated that he will separate them out. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to approve purchase of the Small Business Service Upgrade in the amount of $34,509.34. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 10. REPORT BY LMCD REPRESENTATIVE ORV BURMA Orv Burma updated the Council as to the LMCD's recent actions and discussions. Included in this update were the lighted buoy system on the lake, the Exotic Species Task Force update, and water patrol statistics. The Council thanked Mr. Burma for being such a good representative for the City of Mound. 8 -107- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 11. LANGDON TRAILS BY KMB DEVELOPMENT A. Early Start A.qreement Amendment MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the First Amendment to Early Start Agreement with LMB Development, LLC, as presented. All voted in favor. Motion carried. B. Action on Extendin.q Approval of Lanqdon Trails Final Plat Sarah Smith reviewed the extension request, stating that technical issues that came up when the final plat was done held up filing of the plat, thus the request for the extension. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution., All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-113: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR THE LANGDON TRAILS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. P&Z CASE #03-44 - PID #14-117- 24-34-0004. 12. APPROVING THE FINAL 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND SETTING LEVY AND APPROVING FINAL OVERALL BUDGET. Gino Businaro reviewed the final budget and levy figures. Mayor Meisel stated the 6.5% levy increase for operating purposes was a tough move, but Mound most continue to move forward. To date the taxpayers have not paid anything toward the development that's going on. This has been paid by the respective developers. As we move forward, there will be costs incurred for the CSAH 15 realignment but in the end we will have a city we can be proud of. Hanus stated that in most years, included this one, the state legislature puts levy limits on cities. In November everyone received mailed notice stating the proposed taxes from the County. The city portion of that showed a specific number and the Council has tried to pare that number down. What is in front of the Council tonight is a small amount less than what was received on the initial tax statements. The levy is not as high as the law will allow. Osmek stated that the original budget at the staff level was $600,000 higher than the one before them now. 2/3 of the city tax has more to do with bonding for the fore department and 1/3 is general levy increases. He feels the Council has been fiscally responsible with this budget. It doesn't fund everything but gets what the City needs to operate. Meyer stated that he can not vote for the budget as presented. He stated that road maintenance has been deferred in the past and this year they are reinstituting the 9 -108- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 sealcoating program but it is short of what it should be. The infrastructure needs to be taken care of. He also feels that conferences, meetings and education should not have been slashed. The most dramatic part of this was the Council portion that in 2001 was over $7000 and is $0 for the 2004 budget. He feels education is good and thinks staff and Council needs to stay current. He also stated that spending huge numbers of dollars in redevelopment and the public safety building is good, but people some of the small items have fallen through the cracks, like the lifeguard program and city staff compensation. His concerns are small dollar items, but feels the philosophy of this budget is off enough that he can't vote for it. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-114: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,066,510; SETTING THE FINAL LEVY AT $3,321.960; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2004. 13. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Case #03-45: Tom Latcham, 4711 Island View Drive, Front setback variance Sarah Smith gave the history of the variance request to renovate the existing 24' x 39' detached garage located at 4711 Island View Drive so as to utilize the existing foundation and preserve the workspace located below. The existing structure encroaches on the neighboring property by .66' in the NW corner and is located .02' from the property line in the SW corner and is therefore nonconforming. There is a permanent easement on file for the existing garage encroachment. According to city code a detached accessory building may be located within 4' of the side lot line in the front yard for lakeshore and through lots. Discussion followed regarding possible options for the garage. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to have staff draft a resolution for approval based on conditions stated by staff and the Council. Meyer stated that that he feels there is no hardship in this case and it's not consistent with the neighborhood so can't vote for this variance. The following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried. 14. UPDATE ON AGREEMENT WITH MCES REGARDING TEMPORARY LIFT STATION. John Cameron and Carlton Moore showed the Council the proposed plans for the temporary lift station in the area of the parking lot west of where the farmers market is located, and to the east of the bank. The actual agreement is scheduled to go to John Dean for review and come back to the Council at their January 13th meeting. No action is needed at this time. 10 -109- Mound City Council Minutes - December 9, 2003 15. STORMWATER/EROSION CONTROL/FLOODPDLAIN ALTERATION PERMIT FOR CSAH 15 ROAD REALIGNMENT PROJECT MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. favor. Motion carried. All voted in RESOLUTION NO. 03-115: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND APPROVING THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, EROSION CONTROL AND FLOODPLAIN ALTERATION PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION FOR THE COUNTY ROAD 15 ROAD PROJECT. 16. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. Report: Medica insurance fee "holiday" B. Article: Law enforcement officials defend use of administrative fines... C. Notice: Water works operator exam results for Rick Todd D. Harbor Wine and Spirits E. Newsletter: Gillespie Center F. Letter: Advisory Board on Homeless G. Letter: Metropolitan Mosquito Control H. Training Opportunity: Leadership Conference for Experienced Officials I. Article: Avoiding Land-Use Disputes 17. ADJOURN MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to adjourn at 11 '10 p.m. Motion carried. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 11 -110- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 23, 2003 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, December 23, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, City Engineer John Cameron, Michael Edwards, Dianne Edwards, William Mueller, Duane Norberg, John Bergren, Gerald Pauly, Jim McCaul, Guy Johnson, Tim Levers, Chad & S. Reuter, Brian Tienter, Jeni Olson, Jerry Henke, Mary Moon, Bill Jacobwith, Linda Martinson, Robert Holman, Guy Jenks, Jerry Clapsaddle, Peter Wimsatt, Richard Hawks, Loren Schmidt, Michael Bennett Consent Agenda: Afl items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roil call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVE AGENDA Mayor Meisel stated that there was a correction to the consent agenda, being that the temporary wine license applicant is the Northwest Tonka Lions, not the Mohawk Jaycees. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the agenda as corrected. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $771,068.88. B. Approve Final Payment Request from Buffalo Bituminous for $2,349.80 for the Westedge Street Improvement Project. C. Approve Request for Letter of Credit Reduction from LMB for Langdon Trails, resulting in remaining balance of $66,567.00 (releasing $199,724.00). 1 -111 - Mound Council Minutes - December 23, 2003 RESOLUTION NO. 03-117: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. RESOLUTION NO. 03-118: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE RELEASE OF A PORTION OF TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY, PID #13-117-24-11-0064, TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER ONLY. F. Approve temporary wine license for Northwest Tonka Lions for January 3, 2004 dinner and wine tasting at the Gillespie Center 5. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUATION - 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT City Attorney John Dean explained that the hearing needed to be held tonight in order to satisfy state statute which requires two weeks' publication in the official newspaper. The Laker inadvertently missed a previous publication and subsequently published the hearing notice on December 13th and 20th for this evening's hearing. The Council gave anyone present at the December 9th meeting the opportunity to address the council and statements and testimony from that meeting will be made part of the record for the public hearing tonight. City Engineer John Cameron reviewed the project areas, along with the projected project costs and estimated assessments. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Mike Bennett, 2973 Hazelwood Lane, asked questions regarding placement of aprons in the red color-coded area. Cameron explained that where there is presently no curb and gutter, concrete aprons will be installed and that cost will be included in the overall project cost and spread out on a unit basis. Guy Jenks, 6120 Beachwood Road, stated that when their development was built, they had the option for curb and gutter and chose not to have it installed. For the last 25+ years they haven't had any curb and aesthetically curb and gutter doesn't fit in. The only problem traffic they have is the snowplows of Mound. He knows the road meets MnDOT standards regarding the base underneath, and the road has only been sealcoated once where rocks were thrown on and compactors ran over it. The people living on Beachwood have no problem with skimming a coating off and putting down a fresh layer, but definitely don't want curb and gutter. The road wasn't built for curb and gutter. Their area also doesn't have any problem with water drainage. The basins are working and they haven't had watermain breaks. The only thing they want is overlay and he asked the Council to take into consideration what the people living in the area want and what it means to them to have the area remain like they bought it. Meisel stated that one of the reasons for the hearing is to hear from people in various 2 -112- Mound City Council Minutes - December 23, 2003 neighborhoods. Jenks stated that he didn't get a letter informing him of the original December 9th meeting, and neither did his neighbors. Cameron stated that he will look at the grades, but as far as curb and gutter going in, when the street reconstruction policy was looked at last Winter, there were a number of reasons stated for the installation of curb and gutter, including improving drainage, protecting edge of streets from cracking, increase value of property, defines driving surface and aids in snow removal. Cameron will take another look at the need for curb and gutter. Gerald Pauly, 5901 Hawthorne Road, stated that he doesn't think the section of Idlewood is that bad, but has a question on the corner of Hawthorne, where the watermain has broken behind the curb twice. Every time it rains there is a lake in front and he stated that the curb needs to be jacked up and the watermain repaired before the street is redone. Cameron stated that some sections of watermain in that area are really old and may have to replace the whole main, but in other areas just sections may have to be replaced. They are still evaluating the records to determine watermain repair. Pauly stated that he plans on putting in a new driveway this summer, and Meisel informed him that if owners are interested in putting in driveways, they can get bids from the contractor doing the street project and possibly get a better price. Cameron stated that if a resident on the street project wants to pave his driveway, the cost can be included with the street assessment. Pauly asked why the project quits at Ridgewood and Cameron informed him that this is a Municipal State Aid Street and will be done in the next few years. Mike Edwards, 2805 Halstead Lane, stated that he spoke at the December 9th meeting, but has pictures for the Council to look at that show various construction traffic on Halstead Lane. He thinks that Halstead Lane's improvement should be delayed until after the construction on North Saunders Addition is completed. The developer notified the contractors to use Westedge BIvd, but they are still using Halstead. Osmek suggested having the City erect signs, directing construction traffic to Westedge Blvd. Jim McCaul, 5921 Idlewood, doesn't feel his road needs repair and asked if he could get a petition not to have it done. John Dean stated the decision whether to do the work rests with the City Council, and if there is reason not to do the work a petition can be presented but the bottom line is if it makes sense to do the work. The Council may order the improvement this evening. McCaul asked if the overlay is guaranteed for so many years and Cameron stated that they get one to two years from the contractor but it is his past experience that overlay will add 15-20 years to a street's life. John Bergren, 5928 Idlewood, stated he also was at the December 9th meeting, but still has questions. He asked if this project idea was reached because of complaints of residents or was it a school project? Meisel state it was not a school project, and Bergren continued stating it's personal to him because it comes out of his pocket. His taxes went up 6%, now he's getting charged a street light fee, and a proposed street 3 -113- Mound City Council Minutes - December 23, 2003 assessment. He hasn't gotten a 6% pay raise for years in a row and is sure other people in Mound haven't either. Brown stated it may sound like there is a lot being done now, but if you look at the last 30 years, everyone was saying nothing was getting done. That's the problem - they have to start somewhere and in 2003 the street reconstruction project was started and they plan to continue it to repair watermains and streets throughout the city. They are trying to make up now for people in the past that didn't do any preventive maintenance. Osmek stated that while Idlewood may be necessary, he questions if Finch, Eagle and Gull could wait. He stated that if a street doesn't get on next year's project it will eventually be replaced. It is the Council's responsibility to decide when. Bergren questioned having an intern do the qualification of the street conditions. Kandis Hanson stated that he was hired by the city to do the assessment of the streets, and it was not a school project. This is the type of project where the City can have someone trained to recognize the state of streets do it and save the expense of the City Engineer. Bergren asked if the lighting fees could be kept in the general fund because somewhere the well is going to go dry. Osmek stated that four members of the Council agreed with backing off of maxxing the tax levy. He also got 0% raise in July and has to live with that until next July. Meisel stated that the Council understands the economy and are looking at the city as a whole. The Council also pays taxes in this City. Sheila Reuter, 2354 Fairview Lane, asked what was going to be done on her street and Cameron informed her that her property is designated for concrete curb and gutter. Reuter questioned the need for new curb when she has bituminous, and if the wall would be taken out. Cameron stated that this is similar to the project this summer, where they remove 2-3 feet off the edge and new curb and gutter is poured, then the leveling course is installed so drainage is directed into the new gutters, then they do an overlay on it. Reuter asked how much St. John's Church is being assessed because the traffic is 90% from them. The street wouldn't be bad if not for the church's traffic. Meisel stated that we all use roads to some extent, Reuter asked if speed bumps can be put in and Meisel informed her that this is an improvement hearing and those concerns can be discussed at a later date. Duane Norberg, 6015 Aspen Road, asked what kind of curb is proposed in his area. Cameron stated that what is referred to as B6-18 is proposed. It's 6" high, the same that's on CSAH 15 and 110, and it's not surmountable. On Aspen they are planning concrete aprons at all driveways. Norberg asked about access to their property during the project and Cameron answered that they hope to have access at all times except when the driveway aprons are being poured. You have to keep off of this for 2 days, and all affected owners will get noticed of when this will be. Curt Pflug, 5900 Ridgewood, asked when Ridgewood was going to be improved and Cameron explained this is also a State Aid Street and will be done in the future. Pflug stated he has contacted the City regarding ponding and the curb falling away from the road. Cameron will look into this. 4 -114- Mound City Council Minutes - December 23, 2003 Jerry Clapsaddle, 2611 Granger Lane, reiterated what Jenks commented on, stating that he doesn't think they suffer from a lot of problems, and doesn't want to see curb and gutter in their neighborhood. He stated that the problem is maintenance in the center of the road, being bad holes. He also stated that the water line in their neighborhood needs to be looped to improve the quality and pressure. Osmek stated that the new well is going to be in operation next year and that may take care of the problem. Upon no further comment, Mayor Meisel closed the public hearing at 8:20 p.m. Discussion followed regarding which streets the Council and Engineer thought could be eliminated from this year's project and postponed to a future year. Osmek stated that by cutting the Bluffs, the Highlands, Woodcrest, Eagle, Finch, Gull, Avon and the Shirley Hills Area (with the exception of Chateau and Fairview) that the project should be at about $1.2 million, with the city's share being about $270,000. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 03-119: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Mayor Meisel called a recess at 9:06 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. The Council then went into executive session for item 6. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING STRATEGY FOR_ LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 13D.03. The Council returned from executive session at 10:10 p.m. and Mayor Meisel informed the public that the session dealt with labor contracts and that direction was given to the City Manager and representatives from Frank Madden's office. 7. ADJOURN MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 10:11 p.m. Motion carried. All voted in favor. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 5 -115- JANUARY '13, 2004 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 121103SUE $5,049.00 DEC 122003SUE $90.00 DEC 123003SUE $72,987.31 DEC 123103SUE $198,245.63DEC 010704SUE $7,547.75 JAN 010904SUE $290.00 JAN 011304SU E $75,909.17 JAN 1103CRCARD $1,714.24 DEC TOTAL $361,833.10 -116- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 12/11/03 1:12 pM Page 1 Batch Name 121103SUE Payments Current Period: December 2003 User Dollar Amt $5,049,00 Computer Dollar Amt $5,049.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 121103 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits 02-03 SAC CHARGES $5,049.00 Invoice 121103 Transaction Date 12/11/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,049.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 602 SEWER FUND $5,049.00 $5,049.00 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $5,049.00 $5,049~00 -117- City of Mound 12/23/031:50 PM · ,,,--"-'----'""-~ Page 1 ''/ ~~,, Payments CITY OF MOUND {~atch klame 1222039UE Payments Current Period: December 2003 User Dollar Amt ~;g0.00 Computer Dollar Amt $90.00 Refer 122203 MINNESOTA BOARD PEACE OFFI E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 12/22/2003 12/23/2003 Cash Payment Invoice 122203 Transaction Date $0.00 In Balance LICENSE WIEBUSCH $90o00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $90.00 $90.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $90.00 Total $90.00 -118- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound 01/09/04 8:3G AM Page 1 Payments · Batch Name 123003SUE Payments Current Period: December 2003 User Dollar Amt $72,987.31 Computer Dollar Amt $72,987.31 $0.00 In Balance Refer 123003 AMCON Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENE~RA 11-03 & 12-03 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $46,467.55 Invoice 2484 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $46,467.55 Refer 123003 BECK, KENNETH Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies $65.00 Invoice 123003 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 10100 Total $65.00 Refer 123003 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTRO0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $50.19 invoice W211288 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 10100 Total $50.19 Refer 123003 CHADWICK AND MERTZ Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees 12-03 PROSECUTION SERVICES $5,576.70 Invoice 123003 1/5/2004 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,576.70 2003 FITNESS REIMBURSEMENT Wells Fargo 12-03 CITY HALL Wells Fargo Refer 123003 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,400.20 Invoice 247516 12/30/2003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,400.20 Refer 123003 DEL PI-ACEMENT AGENCY, INCOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising ADVERTISMENT $100.00 Invoice 2004 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 123003 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 42123 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 123003 ELECTRICITY, STATE BOARD Cash Payment R 101-34105 Sale of Maps and Publicaiion PERMIT BOOKS Invoice 123003 PO 17743 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $234.50 Total $234.50 $150.00 Total $150.O0 Refer 123003 FRONTIER/CITIZENSCOMMUNICA Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone & Cells invoice 123003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Refer 123003 G£ENWOOD INGLEWOOD Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 12/31/2003 E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts 12/31/2003 12-03 472-0648 Wells Fargo 10100 12-03 WATER SERVICE 12-03 WATER SERVICE $461.28 Total $461.28 $22.76 $17,96 -119- CiTY OF MOUND Cash Payment invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts 12/31/2003 E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts 12/31/2003 E 101-41110-210 Operating Supplies 12/31/2003 1/6/2004 City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:36 AM Page 2 Current Period: December 2003 12-03 WATER SERVICE $17.96 12-03 WATER SERVICE $17.97 12-03 WATER SERVICE $13.42 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.07 Refer 123003 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 12-03 ROOM AND BOARD $858.00 Invoice 000270 12/21/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $858.00 Refer 123003 HOFF, KA TIE Cash Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto 2003 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT invoice 123103 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 123003 Cash Payment Invoice 15101 Cash Payment ~voice 154044 Invoice 15053 Cash Payment Invoice 15092 Cash Payment Invoice 15117 Cash Payment Invoice 15173 Transaction Date ISLAND PARK SKELL Y E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery AXLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 12/15/2003 E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery DURANGO OIL CHANGE 12/4/2003 E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2003 IMPALA OIL CHANGE 12/5/2003 E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2001 IMPALA R&R BATTERY 1 2/12/2003 E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2001 IMPALA OIL CHANGE 12/16/2003 E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2001 IMPALA PRESSURE HOSE 12/23/2003 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 123003 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment Invoice 1661891 Cash Payment Invoice 1661892 Cash Payment Invoice 1661893 Cash Payment Invoice 1661894 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 12/30/2003 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 12/3012003 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 12/30/2003 E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $74.82 Total $74.82 $242.74 $25.86 $25.86 $115.07 $25.86 $146.35 Total $581.74 $716.99 $1,243.98 $555.32 $204.75 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,721.04 12-23-03 COUNCIL COOKIES $28.29 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.29 LIQUOR STORE PREMIUM $885.00 Refer 123003 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous Invoice 123003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 123003 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Payment E 609-49750-361 General Liability Ins Invoice 14768 -120- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 14768 City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:36 AM Page 3 Current Period: December 2003 E 496-46580-300 Professional Srvs PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $1,141.00 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,026.00 Refer 123003 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES $227.70 Cash Payment Invoice 14103 Cash Payment Invoice 13254 Cash Payment Invoice 13274 Cash Payment Invoice 13281 Transaction Date E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES $99.90 E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-30-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $91.80 12/30/2003 E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES $54.90 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $474.30 Refer 123003 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits 12-03 SAC CHARGES $3,786.75 invoice 123003 · Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3 786.75 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves CPR MANNEQUIN $355.00 Invoice 2118 12/9/2003 PO 17894 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $355.00 Refer 123003 MINNESOTA DEPT TRANSPORTAT Cash Payment E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing MANUALS $132.59 Invoice 123003 PO 13444 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $132.59 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MAXWELL PROPERTY $60.00 Invoice 123003 Cash Payment E 455-46378-300 Professional Srvs LOST LAKE SITE $420.00 Invoice 123003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 ·Wells Fargo 10100 Total $480.00 I~efer 123~03 NExTEL C~M~IqicA ~IO'NS ~LI Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 PHONES $389.27 Invoice 123003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $389 27 I~efer 123003 PAUSTi~ ~) So'~lT~l~N'"~ ~o~'~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $488.00 invoice 8024778 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 · Total $488.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $322.90 Invoice 2026060 12/30/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$31.00 Invoice 3290448 12/26/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $291.90 Reier 12~003 QUALITY~EF~/G~'~A~-SN -121 - CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 01/09/04 8:36 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 12-12-03 SERVICE CALL $330.00 Invoice 9281 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $330.00 Refer 123003 SCHARBERAND SONS Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair BLADES,ETC $290.62 Invoice 2037235 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $290.62 Refer 123003 STEWART TITLE OF MINNESOTA, Cash Payment R 351-36100 Special Assessments #14-117-24-33-0035 OVERAGE ASSESSMENT $457.11 Invoice 123003 Cash Payment R 351-36100 Special Assessments #14-117-24-33-0040 OVERAGE ASSESSMENT $457.11 Invoice 123003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $914.22 Refer 123003 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750~251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $5.05 Invoice 316143-B 11/12/2003 Transaction Date 11712004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.05 Refer 123003 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPLY Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies voice 413637-0 12/30/2003 Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413896-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413577-0 12/31/1930 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413577-0 12/31/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413577-0 12/31/2003 ash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies )ice 413783-0 12/31/1930 yment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 413783-0 12/31/2003 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES INK,JET CARTRIDGE INK JET CARTRIDGE INK JET CARTRIDGE PHONE REST BATTERIES,RECORDER $406.68 $10.10 $10.10 $10.1o $10.10 $10,10 $3,37 $3.37 $5.05 $5.06 $57,19 $57.19 $57.19 $7.09 $38.24 -122- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 1/7/2004 City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:36 AM Page 5 Current Period: December 2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $690.93 Refer 123003 UNIFORMS LIMITED Cash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms INITIAL ISSUE WIEBUSCH $2,389.39 invoice 204763 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,389.39 Cash Payment E 10142110404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 12-03 SQUAD WASHES $120.79 Invoice 2285 12/31/2003 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120.79 Refer 123003 WA TERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 10143100-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $19.18 Invoice 360626 12/8/2003 PO 18021 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $19.18 Invoice 360626 12/8/2003 PO 18021 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials OIL FILTERS $19.19 Invoice 360626 12/8/2003 PO 18021 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57.55 Refer 123003 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electdc Utilities 12-03 ELECTRICITY $905.57 Invoice 123003 Transaction, Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $905 57' Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 351 2001-C G.O. Improvement 455 TIF 1-2 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $11,277.29 $74.82 $914.22 $420.00 $47,608.55 $99.38 $3,886.16 $8,706.89 $72,987.31 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $72,987.31 $72,987.31 -123- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 123103SUE Payments Refer 123103 3M COMPANY City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2003 User DolLar Amt $198,245,63 Computer Dollar ^mt $198,245,63 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials Invoice TP69750 12/8/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 $0.00 In Balance WHITE TAPE $114.24 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114.24 Refer 123103 A+ CLEANING CONTRACTORS, IN Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 12-03 CLEANING SERVICE $1,260.96 Invoice 10007 12/1/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 11-03 CLEANING SERVICE $304.59 Invoice 9991 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,565.55 Refer 123103 ACTION RADIO AND COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SQUAD #847 MIRROR REPAIR $75.00 Invoice 2758 12/3/2003 PO 17889 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 123103 ALPHA VIDEO AND AUDIO, INCOR ~tash Payment E 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA VIDEO CAMERA IN CHAMBER e voice INV53806 12/23/2003 PO 17991 -"Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 $6,608.39 Total $6,608.39 Refer 123103 AMERICAN RED CROSS MPLS AR Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 66788 11/28/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 SKILLS CARD,ETC Wells Fargo 10100 $127.90 Total $127.90 Refer 123103 Cash Payment invoice 87285 Cash Payment Invoice 87291 Cash Payment Invoice 87290 Cash Payment Invoice 87293 Cash Payment Invoice 87294 Cash Payment invoice 87292 Cash Payment invoice 87253 Transaction Date APPLIED BUSINESS COMMUNICA E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA LOW VOLTAGE TECHNOLOGY 11/21/2003 PO 17383 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PAGING HORNS SYSTEM 11/21/2003 PO 18053 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA TRAINING ROOM AUDIONIDEO 11/21/2003 PO 18052 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA CCTV SECURITY CAMERA 11/21/2003 PO 18051 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA CARD ACCESS 11/21/2003 PO 18050 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA CATV INSTALLATION 11/21/2003 PO 18090 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA VOICE DATA CABLING 11/21/2003 PO 17975 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,400.00 $1,467.50 $7,400.00 $12,250.00 $5,975.00 $1,790,00 $10,300.00 $44,582.50 Refer 123103 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE ash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE ,ice 463335115 12/17/2003 Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463335613 12/22/2003 $77.76 $66.84 -124- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 12/19/2003 City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 2 Current Period: December 2003 Wells Fa.rgo . 10100 Total $144.60 Refer 123103 ASP COMPANY Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training PO 17891 12/23/2003 RED GUNS Wells Fargo $235.00 10100 Total $235.00 Refer 123103 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment "~voice 123103 .,'ash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniform[ E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-42400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-42400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12/22/2003 2003 RAHN, JODI 2003 SCHAWLBE, SUE 2003 HANSON, KANDIS 2003 RITTER, BONNIE 2003 NELSON, JOYCE 2003 NELSON, JOYCE 2003 NELSON, JOYCE 2003 SIMONEAU, MATT 2003 MOORE, CARTON Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.20 $46.11 $47.21 $27.40 $6.33 $6.33 $6.32 $20.10 $26.84 $251.84 Refer 123103 ASPEN EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts SPRINGS Invoice 891741 12/15/2003 PO 18030 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery TRIP EDGE WELDED Invoice 871751 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 123103 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MISCELLANEOUS invoice 37919200 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 28250900. 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Memhandise For R MISCELLANEOUS Invoice 37882500 12/19/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 28169100 12/19/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 28275700 12/26/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $232.02 $1,795.80 $2,027.82 $88.55 $642.55 $109.33 $616.45 $1,300.00 $2,756.88 ~efer 123103 BFI OF MINNESOTA, INC. lash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos Invoice 031200 Cash Payment Invoice 031200 E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $47.27 $70.63 -125- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $19.42 Invoice 031200 Cash Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $47.27 Invoice 031200 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $47.27 Invoice 031200 Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 MAIN STREET $22.15 Invoice 031200 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $14.32 Invoice 031200 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $268.33 Refer 123103 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS Cash Payment E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials 3/4 MINUS (CL2) $1,063.54 Invoice 123103 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,063.54 Refer 123103 BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNT Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs UTILITY BILLING FORM $48.76 Invoice 31973 12/11/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies UTILITY BILLING FORM $97.50 "~voice 31973 12/11/2003 ¢~ash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies UTILITY BILLING FORM $97.50 ice 31973 12/11/2003 Cash Payment E 670-49500-210 Operating Supplies UTILITY BILLING FORM $48.75 Invoice 31973 12/11/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $292.51 Refer 123103 OARGILSALTDIVISION Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK SALT $599.28 Invoice 893492 12/15/2003 PO 17984 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK SALT $1,006.02 Invoice 889884 12/10/2003 PO 17984 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK SALT $952.77 Invoice 891390 12/11/2003 PO 17984 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,558,07 Refer 123103 CENTERPOINT ENERG Y (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 11-17-03 THRU 12-17-03 invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 123103 CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials #20 SNOWPLOW Invoice 48226A 12/5/2003 PO 18006 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,157.12 $4,157.12 $43.34 $43.34 Refer 123103 CHAMPION AUTO Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts #10 SNOW BLADE $95.74 O, voice D236130 12/16/2003 tansaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.74 Refer 123103 OLIN-NET SOLUTIONS LLC -126- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 805142 City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 4 Current Period: December 2003 E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Servic 12-10-03 DRUG SCREENING $38.00 12/12/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.00 Refer 123103 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $380.40 invoice 63482123 12/18/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $380.40 Refer 123103 COLOTTI, JOHN A. Cash Payment E 609-49750-331 Use of personal auto 2003 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $141.84 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $141.84 Refer 123103 COMPUTER CHEQUE Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 11-03 CHECK VERIFICATION $54.50 Invoice 106851103 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.50 Refer 123103 DA Y DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $40.50 Invoice 246095 12/18/2003 Gash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $76.15 ,,~voice 246712 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,217.75 Invoice 246696 12/23/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,334.40 Refer 123103 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,787.50 Invoice 221052 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,192.80 Invoice 221105 12/29/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,980.30 Refer 123103 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 11-03 REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE $1,105.00 Invoice 21615 12/10/2003 Cash Payment G 101-22974 Bloomquist Hotel Developme 11-03 BLOOMQUIST HOTEL DEVELOPMENT $1,050.00 Invoice 21616 12/10/2003 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 11-03 HARBOR RENAISSANCE $4,387.50 Invoice 21617 12/10/2003 Cash Payment E 455-46386-300 Professional Srvs 11-03 TIF DISTRICT 1-3 $1,950.00 Invoice 21618 12/10/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,492.50 Refer 123103 EMMONS AND OLIVIER RESOURC Cash Payment G 601-16100 Fixed Asset-Land THRU10-03- WELL INSTALLATION $6,015.75 Invoice 126-01-0310-B 11/13/2003 '~ransaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,015.75 · Refer 123103 ERICKSON ELLISON AND ASSOCI Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 11-03 STREETSCAPE LIGHTING $1,256.60 Invoice 0311042 11/30/2003 -127- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 12/24/2003 City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 5 Current Period: December 2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,256.60 Refer 123103 FLANAGAN SALES, INCORPORAT Cash Payment R 401-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues Invoice 11187 12/412003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 LANGDON BAY BENCHES Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,355.75 $1,355.75 Refer 123103 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment Invoice 6785556 Cash Payment "~voice 678557 :ash Payment ~voice 6785558 Cash Payment invoice 6785559 Cash Payment Invoice 678555 Cash Payment Invoice 6778963 Cash Payment Invoice 6778963 Cash Payment invoice 6778963 Cash Payment invoice 6778963 Cash Payment Invoice 6778963 Cash Payment Invoice 6778963 Cash Payment Invoice 6706405 Cash Payment Invoice 6706406 Cash Payment Invoice 6706407 Transaction Date E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602.49450-230 Shop Materials E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 1 2/16/2003 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 12/16/2003 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 12/16/2003 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12/16/2003 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12/16~2003 E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 1 2/16/2003 E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 12-23-03 UNIFORMS 12-23-03 UNIFORMS 12-23-03 UNIFORMS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-23-03 MATS 12-16-03 MATS 12-16-03 MATS 12-16-03 MATS 12-16-03 UNIFORMS 12-16-03 UNIFORMS 12-16-03 UNIFORMS 09-30-03 MATS E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 09-30-03 MATS E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 09-30-03 MATS 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 $31.65 $31.65 $31.64 $26.73 $26.73 $26.73 $56.98 $48.14 $76.30 $57.43 $41.41 $41.41 $41.14 $33.24 $33.24 $33.23 $57.47 $48.66 $76.30 Total $820.08 123103 GME CONSULTANTS Payment E 401-43105-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 18540 12/17/2003 06-30-03 THRU 11-29-03 2003 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $1,465.85 -128- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2003 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 6 Cash Payment E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs 09-22-03 THRU 11-29-03 $2,090.85 Invoice 18594 12/18/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,556.70 Refer 123103 GRADY, DANIEL ~ .... Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2003 BOOT ALLOWANCE $150.00 invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 .............. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 R~fer 123103 GRAND, DEB .................................................... Cash Payment E 609-49750-331 Use of personal auto 2003 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $12.96 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.96 Refer 123103 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDiT-LIQUOR -$31.64 Invoice 628362 12/15/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$8.00 Invoice 628648 12/15/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale cREDIT_LiQUOR -$24.45 Invoice 628657 12/15/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,303.17 'ivoice 820061 12/17~2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $6,704.89 Invoice 820062 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $258.25 Invoice 823919 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,725.98 Invoice 823920 12/23/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,928.20 Refer 123103 GUSTAFSON, BRUCE Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 12/30/2003 REIMBURSE FILM DEVELOPMENT Wells Fargo 10100 $5.30 Total $5.30 Refer 123103 HANSON, KANDIS Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03 DSL LINE $49.95 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 12-03 DSL LINE $49.95 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.90 Refer 123103 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals CONTAINER DEMURRAGE $30.00 Invoice DM97343 11/30/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.00 Refer 123103 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair REFLECTING TAPE $93.50 ~ivoice 121503 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.50 Refer 123103 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A -129- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 123193 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 12/8/2003 E 101-42110-418 Other Rentats City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 7 Current Period: December 2003 11-03 BOOK FEE $t,319.11 2003 ANNUAL LEASE $3,478.74 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,797.85 Refer 123103 HOME DEPOT/GECF Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply GUARD RAIL $38.28 invoice 203474 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.28 Refer 123103 JOHNS VARIETYAND PETS Cash Payment G 101-22810 X-Mas Lights Donation/Expe BULBS,ETC $6.34 Invoice 482879 Cash Payment Invoice 482879 Cash Payment Invoice 482877 Transaction Date G 101-22812 X-Mas Ornaments BULBS,ETC G 101-22810 X-Mas Lights Donation/Expe BULBS,ETC 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo $9.56 $5.07 10100 Total $20.97 Refer 123103 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,088.97 ~ice 1655761 12/17/2003 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $677.68 Invoice 1655762 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $551.31 Invoice 1655763 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,526.10 Invoice 1655764 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,015.15 Invoice 1658938 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $230.45 Invoice 1658937 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $485.77 Invoice 1658939 12/23/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$5.81 Invoice 239073 12/16/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$15.34 .invoice 239072 12/16/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$4.58 Invoice 239071 12/16/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,549.70 Refer 123103 LAKE MINNETONKA CONVERSATI Cash Payment E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs LOST LAKE TRANSIENCT DOCKS $882.50 Invoice 123103 PO 18037 Transaction Date 12/29/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $882.50 Refer 123103 LAKER/PIONEER NEWSPAPER Payment E 609-49750-340Advertising HAPPY HOLIDAYS INSERT $331.50 OOX16 12/6/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 11-25-03 INSERTS $286.50 Invoice OOX15 -130- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice OOX16 Cash Payment Invoice OOX17 Transaction Date City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 8 Current Period: December 2003 E 609-49750-340 Advertising 12-06-03 INSERTS $331.50 E 609-49750-340 Advertising 12-13-03 INSERTS $286.50 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,236.00 Refer 123103 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORA'I' Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENE~RA SNOW V-BLADE Invoice 6030 12/18/2003 PO 18002 Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair OIL FILTERS,ETC invoice 101873 12/22/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo $2,442.05 $47.54 10100 Total $2,489.59 Refer 123103 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies FIRST AID KIT $61.81 Invoice 1561620 12/16/2003 PO 18023 Cash Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies FIRST AID KIT $61.81 Invoice 1561620 12/16/2003 PO 18023 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies FIRST AID KIT $61.80 Invoice 1561620 12/16/2003 PO 18023 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $685.96 'r~voice 1561625 12/16/2003 ~ash Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $165.58 Invoice 1556422 12/15/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies MISCELLAENOUS SUPPLIES $165.58 Invoice 1556422 12/15/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $165.58 Invoice 1556422 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,368.12 Refer 123103 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $36.00 Invoice 618093 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609.49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,547.O0 Invoice 618092 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,160.45 Invoice 619898 12/19/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $89.30 Invoice 619899 12/29/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $60.00 Invoice 619900 12/29/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,892,75 Refer 123103 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY .............. Cash Payment Invoice 14014 Cash Payment Invoice 14XXX 'ash Payment invoice 140XX Cash Payment Invoice 14014 E 609-49750-265 Freight 12/1/2003 E 609-49750-265 Freight 12/4/2003 E 609-49750-265 Freight E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-01-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $4,50 12-04-03 DELIVERY CHARGE 12-XX-03 DELIVERY CHARGE DELIVERY CHARGES $t27.80 $5.40 $120.60 -131 - CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM PaGe 9 Payments Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-15-03 DELIVERY CHARGE $13.50 Invoice 14080 12/15/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $271.80 Refer 123103 MCCLARD, JACKAND ASSOCIATE Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HYDRAULIC HOSE $49.46 Invoice 34276 9/13/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 ...... Z~ ~.42'46 Refer 123103 MCKINLEY, JOHN Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies 2003 FITNESS SHOES $49.90 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $49.90 Refer 123103 MID-MINNESOTA WIRE Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $8,932.60 Invoice INV0301223 12/17/2003 Transaction Date 12130/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,932.60 Refer 123103 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings $37.28 Invoice 12213012273 12/21/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings $37.27 ~ice 12213012273 12/21/2003 'ansaction Date 12/2912003 11-24-03 WASH WINDOWS 12-01-03 WASH WINDOWS Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.55 Refer 123103 MINNESOTA DEPT TRANSPORTAT Cash Payment E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing MANUALS $153.89 Invoice 123103 PO 18039 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $153.89 Refer 123103 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals COLIFROM, MF - WATER $72.50 Invoice 195847 12/16/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.50 Refer 123103 MOORE, CARLTON Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs REIMBURSE PARKING $15.00 Invoice 123t 03 12/19/2003 Transaction Date 12/29/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer 123193 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAINS, Cash Payment R 401-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues MODEL FOUNTAIN $2,275.00 Invoice 22349 12/18/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,275.00 Refer 123103 MYERS, TONY Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MILEAGE $187.20 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $187.20 ~ 123103 NATIONAL WATERWORKS I~a. s,h P~ -~ ~~int Supply CREDIT -$113.63 Invoice 9912769 11/5/2003 -132- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2003 E 601-49400-220 RepaidMaint Supply 10/29/2003 E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 10/28/2003 E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 10/17/2003 E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 12/12/2003 12/19/2003 Cash Payment Invoice 9884041 Cash Payment Invoice 9874660 Cash Payment Invoice 9847829 Cash Payment Invoice 0004900 Transaction Date Refer 123103 NEWMAN SIGNS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS STATIONARY ROD Wells Fargo 10100 Total 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page10 $122.00 $1,268.44 $471.31 $124.31 $1,872.43 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials DOME CAP Invoice TI-0116731 12/16/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA SIGNS Invoice TI-0116465 12/16/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo Refer 123103 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (FIRE 10100 Total $69.23 $692.63 $761.86 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 PHONES Invoice 123103 $109.97 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total , ...... - ~ .~ $ 09.97 ~erer 123103 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (P/W) · Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-221-6740 $15.88 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells Cash Payment E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 123103 PO 17476 Transaction Date 1 2/29/2003 Refer 123103 NICCUM, DANIEL BERENT,BRIAN 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-221-6974 TAFFE,JOHN 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-221-6812 #15 FACKLER,JIM 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-221-6813 HOFF,KATIE 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-221-8385 SWARTER,BRIAN 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-282-5889 SIMIONEAU,MATT 11-19-03 THRU 12-18-03 612-363-5883 NORLANDER,JILL NEW UPGRADE HOFF,KATIE Wells Fargo 10100 $15.88 $88.11 $44.67 $38.22 $71.59 $32.84 $132.99 Total $440.18 Cash Payment G 101-22000 Deposits/PreAssessments 'ivoice 123103 ~'ransaction Date 12/30/2003 Refer 123103 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN 2003 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE Wells Fargo 10100 $82.78 Total $82.78 -133- City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 11 ?/~~ '%"-~_ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply TWO WHEELER DOLLY $42.59 Invoice 09214300 12/11/2003 PO 18015 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $42.59 Refer 123103 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPP _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts WATER METERS $999.02 Invoice 3211512 12/18/2003 PO 18027 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $999.02 Refer 123103 NRC PROCESSING SOLLUTIONS L Cash Payment E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services 11-03 BRUSH SERVICE $4,595.00 Invoice 37223 12/7/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,595.00 Refer 123103 OATES, VICTOR D. _ Cash Payment R 351-36100 Special Assessments REIMBURSE ASSESSMENT LEVEY #15606 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 123103 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8023174 12/15/2003 Cash.Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 8023999 12/22/2003 Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8024440 12/29/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 123103 PEDERSON, GREG Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair REIMBUSE EXPENSES Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA REIMBUSE EXPENSES Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo Refer 123103 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 57360034 12/19/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo Total $457.11 $457.11 $819.48 $751.69 $97.75 Total $1,668.92 $43.71 $743.88 10100 Total $787.59 $79.60 10100 Total $79.60 Refer 123103 PERRY'S TRUCK REPAIR Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery PLOW LIGHTS $75.78 Invoice 28518 11/6/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.78 Refer 123103 PETTY'CASH Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous REPLENISH PETTY CASH $1.29 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPLENISH PETTY CASH $6.37 Invoice 123103 Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPLENISH PETTY CASH 57.51 123103 ash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPLENISH PETTY CASH $15,96 Invoice 123103 -134- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM Payments Page 12 Current Period: December 2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $31.13 Refer 123193 PE'I-Z, ZACHORY ~ ...... Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies 2003 FITNESS SHOES Invoice 123103 $65.00 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.00 Refer 123103 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2021580 12/17/2003 $59.20 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2021581 12/17/2003 $1,282.30 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2023884 12/23/2003 $157.35 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2023885 12/23/2003 $1,783.06 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2023886 12/23/2003 $80.25 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,362.16 Refer 123103 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES ~voice 32259 12/17/2003 $760.43 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ...... ~--.~.~-.-~-,,- ~ $760 4'~ Refer 123103 PROTECTION ONE Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 10-15-03 THRU 01-15-04 Invoice 12681011 $47.60 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 10-15-03 THRU 01-15-04 Invoice 12681011 $47.60 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 10-15-03 THRU 01-15~04 Invoice 12681011 $47.60 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $142.80 Refer 123103 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 343044-00 12/10/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 345917-00 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 346214-00 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 345709-00 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 347790-00 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 348011-00 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 348171-00 12/22/2003 .,~ash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 348698-00 12/23/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 CREDIT-LIQUOR -$12.30 WINE $1,733.84 LIQUOR $164,80 LIQUOR $2,217.40 WINE $501.83 LIQUOR $2,127.75 LIQUOR $174.56 WINE $3.48 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,911,36 -135- CiTY OF MOUND City of MOund Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 13 Current Period: December 2003 Refer 123103 R & S COLLISION SERVICES, INCO Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #847 MIRROR $164.89 Invoice 1468-1 11/26/2003 PO 17887 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $164.89 Refer 123103 RANDY'SSANITATATION Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-03 GARBAGE SERVICE $114.54 Invoice 1649 12/19/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114.54 Refer 123103 RIDGEVlEW MEDICAL, MOUND Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies 11-13-03 STRESS TEST $342.00 Invoice 123103 12/10/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $342.00 Refer 123103 SEWER SOLUTIONS Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic CLEAN W/S CAMERS $750.00 Invoice 1167 12/15/2003 PO 18038 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 123103 SHOREWOOD TREE SERVICE Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal SINCLAIR COURT REMOVE TREES $1,278.00 'nvoice 4829 12/23/2003 msaction Date 12/29/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,278.O0 Refer 123103 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON, I Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 11-03 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $2,154.39 Invoice 0109372 12/19/2003 Transaction Date 12/29/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,154.39 Refer 123103 SIMONEAU, MATTHEW W. Cash Payment E 101-42400-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE TUITION $513.36 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $513.36 Refer 123103 SKINNER, GREG Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $33.33 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $33.33 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $33.34 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $215.93 invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $215.93 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMBURSE CLOTHING $215.94 invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $747.80 123103 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIR _ Payment E 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $168.09 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $168.09 -136- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2003 Refer 123103 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (P/W Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 101-43100.212 Motor Fuels E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels 12/29/2003 THRU 12-19-03 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 12-19-03 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 12-19-03 GASOLINE CHARGES Wells Fargo 10100 12/30/03 3:56 PM Pag~ 14 $1,919.29 $636.37 $0.00 Total $2,555.66 Refer 123103 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Cash Payment Invoice 123103 Transaction Date E 101-42400-212 Motor Fuels E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels 12/29/2003 THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $39.84 THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $5.53 THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $5.53 THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $5.53 THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $267.17 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $323.60 ~efer 123103 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POL Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-18-03 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,493.21 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,493.21 Refer 123103 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY Cash Payment G 101-22810 X-Mas Lights Donation/Expe HOLIDAY LIGHT SERVICE CALL $75.00 Invoice 8188 12/5/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 5 LIFT STATION GENERATOR DISCONNECTS $1,500.00 Invoice 8188 12/5/2003 Transaction Date 12/29/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,575.00 Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies INTOXILIZER MOUTH PIECE $36.10 Invoice 407793.1 12/16/2003 PO 17899 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves MISC ITEMS SQUAD BAG $191.43 Invoice 401523.1 11/30/2003 PO 17885 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $227.53 Refer 123103 SWARTZER, BRIAN Cash Payment E 101-45200-208 Instructional Supplies REIMBURSE EDUCATION Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 $410.52 Total $410.52 Refer 123103 TELESYSTEMS, INC. Cash Payment E 609-49750-415 Other Equipment Rental 12-11-03 SERVICE CALL Invoice 2099 12/11/2003 iransacUon Date 12/19/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 $211.05 Total $211.05 Refer 123103 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 320206 12/23/2003 BEER $85,75 -137- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Pag~ 15 Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,608.60 Invoice 320207 12123/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $81 Invoice 30453 12122/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $81 Invoice 30453 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $65.00 Invoice 30556 12/2912003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $382.50 Invoice 30554 12/29/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo Refer 123103 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts 12/17/2003 12/30/2003 Cash Payment Invoice 283009 Transaction Date 10100 Total $2,304.85 $I48.34 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $148.34 Refer 123103 TRI-STATE PUMP AND CONTOL, I Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply BEARINGS $1,202.63 Invoice 22868 12/8/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,202.63 ~efer 123103 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $489.65 ~voice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 101-.41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply 1%03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $55.78 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment G 101-22810 X-Mas Lights DonaUon/Expe 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $79.65 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $143.93 Invoice 123103 11130/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $144.34 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.55 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $10.63 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $40.46 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 RepaidMaint Supply 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $86.55 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 Cash Payment E 101-45200.409 Other Equipment Repair 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $23.51 invoice 123103 Cash Payment $11.70 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment $'/.54 invoice 123103 Cash Payment $71.04 123103 $102.31 Invoice 123103 11/30/2003 E 280-45250-430 Miscellaneous 11/3012003 E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts 11/30/2003 E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts 11/30/2003 E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies 11/30/2003 1%03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 11-03 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES -138- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 12/30/2003 City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 16 $1,306.64 Refer 123103 TWIN CITYOFFICESUPPLy Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 411833-0 12/9/2003 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 412911-0 12/18/2003 PO 18060 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 412409-0 12/15/2003 PO 18059 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 ~ash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies ~nvoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412668-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies invoice 412687-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778.0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 ,Iash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412778-0 12/17/2003 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412636-0 12/16/2003 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES GRAY PAPER INK JET CARTRIDGE MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES BINDERS INK JET CARTRIDGE MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES LABELS $57.55 $5.10 $74.64 $20.36 $20.36 $20.36 $20.36 $20.36 $6.79 $6.79 $10.17 $10.17 $7.75 $105,00 $9.57 $9.57 $9.57 $9.57 $9.57 $3.19 $3,19 $4.79 $4,79 $4.17 -139- CITY OF MOUND Cash Paymen[ E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 412978-0 12/18/2003 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies invoice 413140-0 12/19/2003 Transaction Date 12/19/2003 City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 17 Current Period: December 2003 PHONE REST $7.87 INK JET CARTRIDGE $95.18 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $556.79 Refer 123103 UNIFORMS L/M/TED Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves PANTS SCHWALBE $25.19 Invoice 197490 11/3/2003 PO 17874 Cash Payment G 10%22803 Police Reserves PANTS/BELT AUKEN $89.65 Invoice 202873 12/12/2003 PO 17898 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114,84 Refer 123103 US FOOD SERVICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MISCELLANEOUS $774.95 Invoice 33971276 12/5/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $774.95 Refer 123103 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE~FIN) Cash Payment E 101-41500-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03 CELL PHONES $8.08 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Ceils 11-03 612-751-3572 CELL PHONE $0.33 ~voice 123103 Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03 612-751-3573 CELL PHONE $0.65 invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03 612-875-4502 CELL PHONE $8.08 invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03 952-240-5244 CELL PHONES $45.10 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.24 Refer 123103 VERIZON WIRELESS (PA/V) Cash Payment E 101~43100-321 Telephone & Ceils CELL PHONES $204.55 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONES $204.55 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONES $204.56 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment G 101-22816 Personal Ceil Phone CELL PHONES $21.39 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONES $26.63 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONES $26,63 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONES $26.63 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $714.94 Refer 123103 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS ash Payment E IO1-42110-435 Books and Pamphlets FOIL PENS $315.75 8647 11/20/2003 PO 17865 Cash Payment E 101-42110-435 Books and Pamphlets FOIL PENS -$315.75 Invoice 11333 11/24/2004 PO 17865 -140- /~f..~_--__..~ .it'%. City of Mound 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 18 // ~ ~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 21190 Current Period: December 2003 E 101-42110-435 Books and Pamphlets FOIL PENS $315.75 12/4/2003 PO 17865 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $315.75 Refer 123103 VILLAGE CHEVROLET ' - ~ ........... ~"~ .... Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery REPAIR K3500 $157.82 Invoice 372700 11/26/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $157 82 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 1%03 SQUAD WASHES $59.11 Invoice 2247 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59.11 Refer 123103 WATERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery PACKER, ETC $62.14 Invoice 359921 11/26/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.14 Refer 123103 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AN ..................................... Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery LIQUID TIRE BALANCE $23.88 Invoice 524628 11/26/2003 Transaction Date 12/22/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23.88 Refer 123103 WlDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC ....................... ~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract RIDGEWOOD LN REPAIR $1,795.00 Invoice 257 12/18/2003 Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract BAYWOOD SHORES REPAIR BREAK $1,535.00 Invoice 256 12/18/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,330.00 Refer 123103 WINE COMPANY '~ .......... -- Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $360.05 Invoice 18376-00 12/17/2003 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $360.05 Refer 123103 WlNEMERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $384.00 Invoice 87216 12/17/2003 Transaction Data 12/23/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $384.00 Refer 123103 WOODRUFF, DERRECK ~ Cash Payment R 101-32235 Heating Permits Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/29/2003 Refer 123103 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 144533 12/22/2003 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 18376-00 12/17/2003 .ransacbon Date 12/23/2003 Refer 123103 XCEL ENERGY REIMBURSE PERMIT Wells Fargo 10100 WINE WINE Wells Fargo 10100 $30.24 Total $30.24 $245.00 $360.05 Total $605.05 -141 - CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page Current Period: December 2003 Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #2245-301-939 $706. t5 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-42115-381 Electdc Utilities 10-26-03THRU 11-25-03#0466-607-223 $21.99 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #O217-606-329 $2,397.87 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electdc Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 ¢0047-005-229 $178.46 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electdc Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #0864-508-832 $99.90 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #0864-508-832 $99.90 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electdc Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 1%25-03 #0864-508-832 $99.91 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Etectdc Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #0018-802-634 $1,371.80 Invoice 123103 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electdc Utilities 10-26-03 THRU 11-25-03 #0009-604-835 $322.91 Invoice 123103 Transaction Date 12/30/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,298.89 Refer 123103 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY ~ash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply CENTERPULL WIPERS $84.42 57049749 12/3/2003 Transaction Date 12/24/2003 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $84.42 -142- CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 280 CEMETERY FUND 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 351 2001-C G.O. Improvement 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1-2 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound Payments 12/30/03 3:56 PM Page 20 Current Period: December 2003 10100 Wells Fargo $39,934.12 $985.64 $11.70 $177.66 $457.11 $8,069.95 $4,326.60 $6O,57O.49 $16,639.85 $7,286.50 $55,093.50 $4,643.75 $48.76 $198,245.63 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $198,245.63 $198,245.63 -143- City of Mound 01/07/04 1:21 PM Payments CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 010703SUE Payments Refer 10704 BALBOA CENTER LIMITED PARTN Cash Payment Invoice 010703 Cash Payment Invoice 010703 Transaction Date E 496-46580-412 Building Rentals E 496-46580.412 Building Rentals 1/6/2004 Current Period: January 2004 User Dollar Amt $7,547.75 Computer Dollar Amt $7,547.75 $0.00 In Balance 01-04 FIRE STATION UNIT #5338A $3,750.00 01-04 FIRE STATION TEMP UNIT #5314C $607.75 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,357.75 Refer 10704 HENNEPIN COUNTY TRANSPORT Cash Payment E 101-43100.455 Permits RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT APPLICATION $50.00 Invoice 010704 PO 18017 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 10704 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training MPCA CONFERENCE, KESTNER,HARDINA $540.00 Invoice 010703 PO 18018 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $540.00 Refer 10704 SKINNER, GREG :ash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $2,600.00 010704 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,600.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,650.00 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG $4,357.75 602 SEWER FUND $540.00 $7,547.75 Pre-Written Check $0,00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $7,547,75 Total $7,547.75 -144- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 010904SUE Payments City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:16 AM Parle 1 Current Period: January 2004 User Dollar Amt $290.00 Computer Dollar Amt $290.00 Refer 10904 MINNESOTA BOARD PEACE OFFI E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions PO 18109 1/9/2004 Cash Payment Invoice 010904 Transaction Date $0.00 In Balance LICENSE FEE SCHWALBE $45.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 10904 MINNESOTA DEPT NATURAL RES Cash Payment E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maint Contract AQUATIC NUISANCE SPRAY PERMITS $245.00 invoice 010904 PO 18176 Transaction Date 1/9/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $245.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $290.00 $290.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $290.00 Total $290.00 -145- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 011304SUE Payments City of Mound 01/09/04 8:37 AM Page Payments Current Period: January 2004 User Dollar Amt $75,909.17 Computer Dollar Amt $75,909.17 $0.00 In Balance Refer 11304 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSO E 601-49400-433 Dues and Subscriptions PO 18031 1/6/2004 Cash Payment Invoice 011304 Transaction Date 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $275.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $275.00 Refer 11304 ANDOVER, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-42400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $30.00 Invoice 011303 PO 17740 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.00 Refer 11304 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MISCELLANEOUS $63.36 Invoice 463400608 1/6/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $63.36 Refer 11304 BELLBOY CORPORA TION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $736.70 Invoice 28343000 1/5/2004 msaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $736.70 11303 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHE Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 1ST QTR CJDN CONNECT CHARGE $630.00 Invoice MN02713004F 12/30/2003 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.00 Refer 11304 CARQUESTOFNAVARRE Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply STRAP WRENCH $28.05 Invoice N24532 1/6/2004 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.05 Refer 11304 OHAMPIONAUTO Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery FUEL FILTERS $68.13 Invoice D238753 1/6/2004 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.13 Refer 11304 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $466.20 Invoice 248309 1/6/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R BEER $65.80 Invoice 248321 1/6/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $532.00 Refer 11304 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,114.80 Invoice 221167 1/5/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,114.80 11304 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, INC. Payment E 101-42115-329 Sirens/Phone Linesl 01-01-04 THRU 06-30-04 SIREN $594.00 MAINTENANCE Invoice 30684 11/30/2003 -146- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Refer 11304 Cash Payment invoice 16451 Cash Payment Invoice 16452 Transaction Date City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:37 AM PaGle 2 Current Period: January 2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59zl..00 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair PUMP TEST LADDER #11 10/22/2003 E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs ENGINE #24 SEAL LEAK 10/22/2003 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $4,996.97 $591.90 Total $5,588.87 Refer Cash Payment Invoice 6798806 Cash Payment Invoice 6798809 Cash Payment Invoice 6798810 Transaction Date 11304 G & K SERVICES E 609~49750-460 Janitorial Services 01-06-04 MATS 1/6/2004 E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 01-06-04 MATS 1/6/2004 E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 01-06-04 MATS 1/6/2004 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 1O100 $41.82 $50.71 $98.27 Total $190,80 $35.62 $252.24 Refer 11304 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair SHOP SERVICE invoice 011304 1/8/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair FABRICATE MATERIAL Invoice 011304 1/7/2004 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $287.86 Refer 11304 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER Cash Payment E 101-41410-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2004 TABULATOR LEASE AGREEMENT $896.00 Invoice 011304 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $896.00 Refer 11304 HUMANE SOCIETY WRIGHT COUN Cash Payment E 101-42110-445 Dog Kennel Fees 2004 ANIMAL IMPOUND Invoice 011303 PO 7888 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11304 IKON OFFICE MACHINES Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 01-04 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 23058860 Cash Payment E 101-42400-400 Repairs & Malnt Contract 01-04 FAX MAINTENANCE 00210921 Invoice 23035791 12/4/2003 Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-04 FAX MAINTENANCE #00217810 invoice 23035792 12/4/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $2,053.07 Total $2,053.07 $137.69 $655,68 $607.O9 Total $1,400.46 Refer 11304 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous FIRE CHIEF CEREMONY Invoice 010704 1/7/2004 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $29.28 Total $29.28 Refer 11'304 LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER CO Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions Invoice 0003719 Cash Payment Invoice 0003719 1/1/2004 E 609-49750-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $257.O0 $232.00 -147- City of Mound 01/09/04 8:37 AM ..~~.~ Pa~e 3 /t Payments / ._zL_ CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Current Period: January 2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $489,00 Refer 11304 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,058,.30 invoice 622354 1/6/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $67.00 invoice 622355 1/6/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $21.50 Invoice 622356 1/612004 Transaction Date lf7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,146.80 Refer 11303 MASYS CORPORATION Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2004 MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT $8,54~.63 Invoice 10305 1/1/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,546.63 Refer 11304 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS 01-04 WASTEWATER $35,477.00 Invoice 0000766207 12/4/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $35,477.00 Refer 11304 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cas'i~ Payment E 670-49500-331 Use of personal auto CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $210.00 ,voice 011304 PO 18048 , Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $210.00 Refer 11304 MINNESOTA WASTEWA TER OPER Cash Payment E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training 2004,2005 MEMBERSHIP DUES $8.33 Invoice 011304 PO 18016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Tra}ning 2004,2005 MEMBERSHIP DUES $8.33 Invoice 011304 PO 18016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 2004,2005 MEMBERSHIP DUES $8.34 Invoice 011304 PO 18016 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 11304 MUNICIPALS Cash Payment E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $20.00 Invoice 011304 PO 18204 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 11304 MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-04 MUSIC SERVICE $185.60 Invoice A409055 1/1/2004 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $185.80 Refer 11304 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AS Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $135.O0 invoice 011304 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $135,00 Refer 11304 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER FIRE COU ~sh Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $50.00 011304 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 -148- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 01/09/04 8:37 AM PaGie 4 Current Period: January 2004 Refer 11304 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies SHELVES,STORAGE $881.29 Invoice 9158750R1 12/4/2003 PO 18057 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 .. Total $881.29 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 2004 BULLETIN ADVERTISTING $250.00 Invoice 011304 12/3/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 11304 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,045.90 Invoice 8024847 1/5/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,045.90 Refer 11304 PEDERSON, GREG Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE SUPPLIES $48.42 Invoice 011304 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $48.42 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-04 BURGLARY MONITORING $22.21 Invoice 352281 .1/1/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-04 O/C'S NO REPORTS $10.65 Invoice 352281 1/1/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-04 MONITORING SERVICES $25.72 Invoice 353362 1/1/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-04 FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS $10.65 Invoice 353362 1/1/2004 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $69.23 E 281-45210-533 Tree Removal DOVE COMMONS $852.00 1/7/2004 E 281-45210-533 Tree Removal CRESENT COMMONS $319.50 1/7/2004 E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal MOUND BAY PARK TRIM $2,982.00 1/7/2004 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,153.50 Refer11304 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $45.80 Invoice 321431 1/7/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,100.20 Invoice 321432 1/7/2004 Transaction Date 1/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,146.00 Refer 11304 THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR COR Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic jAN.FEB 2004 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE $340.45 Invoice 57086-B 12/1/2003 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $340.45 Refer 11304 UNITED RENTALS Cash Payment · Invoice 4845 Cash Payment invoice 4844 Cash Payment Invoice 4841 Transaction Date -149- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 01109/04 8:37 AM Page 5 Current Period: January 2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training TRAFFICE CONTROL SEMINAR $29.00 Invoice 011303 PO 18025 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training TRAFFICE CONTROL SEMINAR $58.00 Invoice 011303 PO 18025 Cash Payment E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training TRAFFICE CONTROL SEMINAR $58.00 invoice 011303 PO 18025 Transaction Date 1/6/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $145.00 Refer 11304 WA TERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply GAS FOR WELDER $25.77 Invoice 362575 1/8/2004 PO 18177 Transaction Date 1/8/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.77 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $18,404.01 $6,7O3.58 $1,171.50 $312.33 $35,543.34 $13,564.41 $210.00 $75,909.17 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $75,909.17 $75,909.17 -150- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPOINTING GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AS ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 2004. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Gino Businaro, Finance Director, as the Acting City Manager for the year 2004, to act in this capacity if the City Manager is disabled, incapacitated, away on City business or away on vacation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if both the City Manager and Acting City Manager are disabled, incapacitated, away on City business or away on vacation, then Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk, is hereby appointed as Acting City Manager. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -151 - CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2004 WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute 412.831 states that the Council shall, annually, at its first meeting of the year, designate a legal newspaper of general circulation in the City as its official newspaper; and WHEREAS, publication of ordinances and other matters as required by law are to be so published, and such other matters as the Council may deem advisable and in the public interest to have published in this manner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate The Laker as the official newspaper for the City of Mound for 2004. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -152- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of least a $20,000 bond for the City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -153- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of least a $20,000 bond for the City TreasuredFinance Director, Gino Businaro. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -154- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 2004 WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute Chapter 427 requires the City to select an official depository/depositories for City funds within 30 days of the start of the City's fiscal year; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate the following banks and financial institutions as official depositories for the City of Mound in 2004: Crow River Bank Prime Security Bank USBank Minnesota Municipal Money Market Funds RBC Dain Rauscher Salomon Smith Barney Wells Fargo BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City's deposits shall be protected by Federal Deposit Insurance and/or collateral in accordance with MSA Chapter 118A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Finance Director is hereby authorized to open or continue an account or accounts with said institutions on such terms as required by said institutions in the names of the City, and to deposit, or cause to be deposited in such account or accounts, any monies, checks, drafts, orders, notes or other instruments for the payment of money, upon compliance by said depository with this resolution and the law in such case provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the designation shall continue in force until December 31,2004, or until written notice of its revision or modification has been received by said institution. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -155- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARK HANUS AS ACTING MAYOR FOR 2004. WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 412.121 states that at its first meeting each year the Council shall choose an Acting Mayor from the Councilmembers; and WHEREAS, The Acting Mayor shall perform the duties of Mayor during the disability or absence of the Mayor from the City or, in the case of vacancy in the office of Mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to appoint Mark Hanus as Acting Mayor for 2004. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -156- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION TO APPOINT JIM FACKLER AS ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR 2004 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Parks Superintendent, Jim Fackler, as the Assistant Weed Inspector for the City of Mound in 2004. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -157- CiTY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARK HANUS TO THE DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION, DAVID OSMEK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, AND BOB BROWN TO THE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint the following Councilmembers as Council Representatives to the following City Advisory Commissions for the year 2004: Mark Hanus to the Docks and Commissions Commission David Osmek to the Planning Commission Bob Brown to the Parks and Open Space Commission Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -158- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: Fees shall be hereby established. In the event of a conflict between this schedule and the City Code, the fee schedule shall prevail. An application or code provision may require payment of fees for consultation with experts, professionals or other qualified persons or for other matters, which may result in the imposition of a fee greater than listed in this fee schedule. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES & CHARGES 400.20 Assessment search Comprehensive Plan Copies Faxes Duplicate license/permit Duplicate meeting tapes Minutes Notary (set by State) Recycling container purchase Recycling container replacement Returned Check Zoning Ordinance COBRA Continuation Administration Fee $20/search $3O .25/page .25/page $10 each $3/tape .25/page $1 each at cost at cost $25/check $20 2% AMUSEMENT & COMMERCIAL RECREATION Amusements: (Set by State) Expire April 30 410.10 Mechanical Amusement Machines Arcades: Expire Dec. 31st 405.00 Arcade Permit (fee per machine) Bowlinq: Expire April 30 420.05 Bowling (fee per alley) $15/Iocation+ $15/machine $15/location + $15/machine $20/yr. 1 -159- Carnivals, Shows, Entertainment: 482.10 Circus, show, game or concert Indoor show Outdoor show Tent shows $100/day $100/day $100/day Dance Hall: 450.60 Public dance or live music Dinner Dancing: 451.30 Dinner Dancing annual prorated Parades: 472.00 Parade $300/yr. $100/day $750/yr. $100/mo. $300 min. N/C BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS Alcoholic Bevera.qes: Expire June 30th 810.15 3.2 beer license investigation fee 3.2 beer off-sale 3.2 beer on-sale 3.2 beer on-sale temporary(non-profit) (for profit) 800.45 Set-ups (+State charges $150 for Consumption & Display Permit Temporary (one-day) set-ups 800.20 Liquor Lic. Investigation fee (in state) (out state) 800.00 800.15 Liquor on-sale Liquor on-sale/cabaret Wine on-sale Investigation fee $500/investigation $150/yr. $500/yr. $25/day $50/day $300/yr. $25/day $500/app Actual (up to $1000) $5,000/yr. $5,000/yr. $500/yr. $500/investigation 2 -160- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (CONTINUED) 800.15 Club license (regulated by State) Membership Membership Membership Membership Membership Membership 200 or less: 201-500: 501-1,000: 1,001 -2,000: 2,001-4,000: 4,001-6,000: Membership more than 6,000: 800.15 Sunday liquor Charitable Gamblinq: Investigation fee (set by State) Commissaries 445.10 Commissary Car Wash: Expire January 31st 430.00 Coin operated Automatic, drive-through Automatic, conveyor Cigarettes: Now governed by the County. Fireworks: License to Sell Consumer Fireworks Additional inspection if needed Garbage Collection: 490.25 Permit Fee Peddlers & Solicitors: 485.15 Transient merchants, Peddler, Hawker One day One week One month One year Restaurants & Cafes: Expire April 30th 480.00 Restaurants and cafb permits Taxicabs: Expire January 31st 484.10 Fee per vehicle $300/yr. $500/yr. $650/yr. $800/yr. $1000/yr. $2000/yr. $3000/yr. $200/yr. $200 $5/yr. $100/yr. $100/yr. $100/yr. $100/yr. +$35 $300/yr. $30 $5O $75 $2oo $50/yr. $25/yr. 3 -161 - CEMETERY FEES Adult grave - resident Adult grave - non-resident Baby grave-resident Baby grave-non-resident Ash burial- resident Ash burial - non-resident Locate Maintenance Agreement (June-Oct) Ash burial placed on top of casket DOCKS: 435.35 436.00 437.01 437.05 437.10 437.12 Commercial Boat (fee per boat) Commercial Dock Renewal New applicant fee Prior no-charge commercial docks Slips Prior no-charge slips Boats stored on land Prior no-charge boats stored on land Penalty fee for unregistered boat Shared dock application Filed on or after March 1st Temporary boat docking fee: Up to 21 days: Multiple Slip Fee Penalty for unregistered boat LMCD charge LMCD charge (if variance granted) 437.25 Late dock license application fee on or after March 1st (abutters only) Additional late fees, per month, starting April 1st (abutters only) 437.25 Dock/Slip Sailboat mooring Small watercraft Shared dock Senior citizen primary: 65 and over Senior citizen: sharing LMCD charge LMCD charge (no boat) $6O0 $85o $3oo $4oo $3oo $4oo Actual cost (min $25) $15/mo. $5O $20/yr. $500/yr. $500/yr. $250/yr. $20 ea/yr. $10 ea/yr. $10 ea/yr. $5 ea/yr. $25/day $25 $4O $250/yr. $25 Actual Minimum as set by LMCD $2O $10 $250/yr. $250/yr. $80/yr. $100/yr. $215/yr. $60/yr. Actual Minimum as set by LMCD 4 -162- FIRE SERVICES: Fire report (MFD Report) 225.27 Burning Permit False Alarm (per calendar year) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th- 1 0th ea. over 10 PARKS & RECREATION: Depot rental- residents Depot rental- non-residents Key deposit City Hall room rentals $10 $10 $o $o $5o $15o $25o $5oo $75/day $150/day $4oo $75/day PUBLIC GATHERING: 615.05 Park use fee: commercial events: (Plus other requests at cost) Damage Deposit POLICE SERVICES Administrative: Accident Report Police report: up to 5 single-sided pgs Addn'l pages, same report Drivers license check: non-resident Photographs: cost + reproduction,Film Audio Cassette Video Cassette Dept. computer check Dept. computer check/page Dept. computer check/hr, computer Finger printing: resident: Non-resident: False Alarm (per calendar year) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th- 1 0th ea. over 10 Vehicle Impound Processing Fee (per vehicle) $300/day $5OO $10 $5 .25 ea. $5 $25 $15 $4O $10 .25 ea. $5O N/C $25 $o $o $5o $15o $25o $5oo $6.oo 5 -163- Animals: Expire April 30th 455.05 Dog/cat license: 2-year, neutered or spayed, with proof After April of odd year: Dog/cat license: 2-year un-neutered or spayed After April of odd year: Duplicate Tag: Kennel Fee: per day Quarantine Fee per day 456.75 Commercial Kennel: Late application: on or after May 10 + 475.80 Redemption of impounded animal First impound in current year with current license: First impound in current year without current license: 2nd impound w/i year/licensed 2nd impound w/i year/no license 3rd impound with current license 3rd impound without license $25 $12.50 $35 $17.50 $5 $15 $2O $150/yr. $1 $5O $75 $65neutered $75 un-neutered $9O $8O $105 ...plus license purchase if needed, plus kennel fees... 6 -164- SPECIAL CONTRACTOR LICENSES Heating, AC~ Ventilation: Contractor registration: Tree Surqeon: Expires April 1st 488.05 Tree surgeon (removal & treatment) Street Excavation: 605.15 Street excavation: Unpaved street Macadam Concrete or bade $0 $150/yr. $100+$500 deposit $100+$500 deposit $100+$500 deposit UTILITIES Water: 610.25 610.35 Service Contract Violation Water Meter (with MXU) 5/8 x % 1 1-1½ 2 2 Hpt 3 Hpt 4 Hpt 2 tru/flo 3 tru/flo 4 tru/flo MXU only 610.40 610.40 610.45 Water Meter Test Remote Meter Water gallonage rates Service Charge User fee New Account Charge On/Off at curb box (during normal business hrs.) On/Off at curb box (after normal business hrs.) Meter Installation Meter Removal Reconnection Fee $35/upon t-o $250/meter $275/meter $335/meter $455/meter $585/meter $635/meter $860/meter $1,435/meter $1,610/meter $2,170/meter $2,985/meter $125 ea. $50/test $20/upgrade $1.70/mo/act $1.50/1000g. $10 $35 Actual Cost $17.50 $17.50 $35 7 -165- 610.45 610.60 610.65 610.70 Sprinkler System 2 inch $3/mo 4 inch $4/mo 6 inch $6/mo 8 inch $15/mo 10 inch $25/mo 12 inch $33/mo Water Trunk Area Charge (WTAC) $1500/unit Water Service Connection Fee $240/unit Water Turn-on $35/event PI umber Violation $100/viol. Assessment Fee $25/cert. Sewer: 310.05 Master plumber registration $0 600.45 Connection to sewer, but not water $46.50/qtr. Late fee penalty 10% additional Treatment rates: Residential: 10,000 gals or less $48.50min/qtr Over 10,000 gals/1,000 gals. $3.00 Minimum quarterly charge $48.50 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. Commercial, Industrial & Multi-unit Dwellings: 3,000 gals or less Over 3,000 gals/1,000 gals. Minimum monthly charge/unit Availability charge per dwelling $16.17/min/mo $3.00 $16.17 $48.5o Single Family Dwellin,q - The sewer rate shaft be based on the actual water used. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Two-Family Usage and Multiple Dwelling Usage - It is computed on the same basis as a single dwelling, except that the total quarterly charges on all such properties shall not be less than the number of units multiplied by the $16. 17/month minimum charge per unit. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Dwellinqs Connected to Sewer but not Connected to Municipal Water- Shall pay a quarterly rate of $78.50. If such users wish to pay sewer rates based on gallons of water used, they can purchase a water meter from the City and have their own plumber install the meter on their weft. Availability Char, qe - Afl dwellings not connected to the sanitary sewer must pay an availability charge of $48.50 per quarter whether occupied or vacant. 8 -166- Late Fee Penalty - For afl bills not paid on or before the due date specified on the bill, a 10% late fee will be added. 600.45 Sewer Availability charge(SAC) $1200/unit (passes through to Metro Council Environmental Services Agency) Sewer Trunk Area Charge (STAC) $1500/unit Sewer Service Connection Fee $240/unit 600.85 Assessment Fee $25.00/cert. Storm Sewer: Single-Family or Two-family Residential Cemeteries Parks and Railroads Public and Private Schools/Institutional Use Multi-family Residential Uses Commercial/Industrial/Warehouse Use Churches $5.64/Iot/qtr. $2.31/acre/mo $7.06/acre/mo $11.79/ac/mo $28.31/ac/mo $47.48/ac/mo $11.79/ac/mo Street Lighting: Fee per account per month $2.00/mo. Miscellaneous Fees: A miscellaneous fee shall be paid by the applicant for land use application expenses which the City incurs in regard to the review and processing of that application, and which exceeds the application fee. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, direct City payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants or professionals acting as an agent of the City, the cost of printing, mailing and supplies. Such miscellaneous fees shall come due immediately upon notification by the City. The City shall provide, upon request of the applicant, a breakdown of the various expenses incurred by the City. The City may withhold any final action on a land use application and/or rescind prior actions until all miscellaneous fees are paid in full. The City may request additional deposits if deemed necessary. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 9 -167- 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 CITY OF MOUND PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com To: From: Date: Re: Mayor, Council, and City Manager Gino Businaro, Finance Director January 5, 2004 Fixed Assets Policy Attached please find a copy of the proposed City of Mound Fixed Assets Policy for your review and consideration. The independent auditors and I recommend the adoption of this policy with an effective date of January 1, 2004. In the past we have followed a policy that was set by the Finance Department for purchases of goods with a useful life of more than one year and a value of at least $1,000. With this policy the amounts will very depending on the type of fixed asset. (See section 3.) Our intent is to meet more closely the requirements of GASB 34, given that the new standard will be effective for the City of Mound starting with the year 2004. If you have any question on this matter, please call me at 952-472-0608. Thank you. printed on recycled paper -168- CITY OF MOUND FIXED ASSETS POLICY -169- INDEX SECTION 1. PURPOSE SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS SECTION 3. CAPITAL ASSESTS AND CAPITALIZATION THRESHOLDS SECTION 4. ACQUISITIONS AND RETIREMENTS SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. FIXED ASSET INVENTORY VALUATION AND CAPITALIZATION CRITERIA SALE OF ASSETS DEPRECIATION -170- PROCEDURES FOR ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING A FIXED ASSET RECORD SYSTEM SECTION 1. PURPOSE These procedures are intended to provide a standard system of control for all fixed assets owned by the City of Mound. These procedures give directions to City staff regarding the operation and maintenance of the Fixed Asset Control System (FACS). SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS Ancillary Costs Asset Life Asset Value Buildings Building Improvements Costs, in addition to purchase of construction costs, related to placing a capital asset into its intended use or state of operations. This is the standard estimated useful life of an item. To be considered a fixed asset, an item must have a useful life greater than one year. This is the value of an item. The value will be based on the invoice plus additional costs of preparing the asset for use. To be considered a fixed asset, an item must have a value greater than $5,000. A building is a structure that is permanently attached to the land, has a roof, is partially or completely enclosed by walls, and is not intended to be transportable or movable. For example, a picnic pavilion would be considered a structure although it may have no walls.. A building or structure is a roofed and/or walled structure that is city owned. Certain buildings or structures that are an ancillary part of infrastructure networks such as pumping stations should be reported as infrastructure rather than buildings. A building or structure is a roofed and/or walled structure that is city owned. Capitalized costs that materially extend the useful life of a building or increase the value, or both, beyond one year. Building improvements should not include maintenance and repairs done in the normal course of business. -171 - Capital Assets Capitalization Threshold Depreciation Depreciation Method Estimated Useful Life Fixed Asset Full Month Convention Furniture & Fixtures Infrastructure Under the requirements of GASB 34, capital assets include land, improvements to land, easements, buildings, building improvements, vehicles, machinery, equipments, works of art and historical treasures, infrastructure and all other tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initial useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period. The dollar value at.which a government elects to capitalize tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initial useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period. The process of allocating the cost of assets over a period of time, rather than deducting the cost as an expense in the year of acquisition. The method used to calculate the allocation (depreciation) of the cost of a capital asset over its estimated useful life. The most commonly used method is straight-line depreciation, which allocates the cost evenly over the life of the asset. An accounting estimate of time period that an asset will be able to be used for the purpose for which it was purchased or constructed. An item obtained by the city with a value greater than $5,000 and an estimated useful life greater than one year. Under a full month convention, property placed in service at any time during a given month is treated as if it had been placed in service on the first day of that month. This allows depreciation to be taken for the entire month in which the asset is placed in service. If the property is disposed of before the end of the estimated useful life, no depreciation is allowed for the month of disposition. Assets that are used by people in any city facility that is considered furniture or fixtures. Assets that are long-lived capital assets that normally are stationary in nature and can be preserved for a significantly greater number of years than most capital assets. They are permanent installations with a value greater than $100,000. -172- Examples include water/sewer mains, roads, bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, etc. Infrastructure Improvements Infrastructure improvements are capital costs that materially extend the useful life or increase the value of the infrastructure, or both. Land Any parcel of land that is city owned whether developed or undeveloped. Include costs for professional fees, demolition, interest, taxes, commissions, etc. Land Improvement Grading, roads and parking lots on city owned land that will be capitalized. Inexhaustible - Expenditures for improvements that do not require maintenance or replacement, expenditures to bring land into condition to commence erection of structures, expenditures for improvements not identified with structures, and expenditures for land improvements that do not deteriorate with use or passage of time are additions to the cost of land and are generally not exhaustible and therefore are not depreeiable. Exhaustible - Other improvements that are part of a site, such as parking lots, landscaping and fencing are usually exhaustible and are therefore depreciable. Depreciation of site improvements is necessary if the improvement is exhaustible. Machinery & Equipment Includes motorized and non motorized equipment that has a primary function or use for a city street, park, ice arena, fire fighting or utility maintenance, etc. It includes items such as tractors, mowers, snow plows. Park Improvements Improvements made to a city park that will be capitalized. This category would include items such as playground equipment, back stops, bleachers, flagpoles, etc. Salvage Value The salvage value of an asset is the value it is expected to have when it is no longer useful for its intended purpose. Tools & Other Equipment This category includes small tools and equipment. Vehicles Motorized vehicles owned by the city such as trucks. -173- Vehicle Equipment Equipment that is installed in/on a motor vehicle such as radios, wing plows, sanders, lighting packages and tool boxes. SECTION 3. CAPITAL ASSESTS AND CAPITALIZATION THRESHOLDS A capital asset is real or personal property that has a value equal to or greater than the capitalization threshold for the particular classification of the asset and has an estimated useful life greater than one year. The city reports capital assets in the follow categories: Land/Land Improvements Other Improvements Buildings/Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Vehicles Infrastructure For financial statement purposes only, a capitalization threshold is established for each capital asset category as follows: Land/Land Improvements Other Improvements Buildings Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Vehicles Infrastructure Other assets $10,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $5,000 $5,000 $100,000 $5,000 Capital assets should be recorded and reported at their historical costs, which include the vendor's invoice (plus the value of any trade-in or allowance, if reflected on the invoice) plus sales tax, initial installation cost (excluding in house labor), modifications, attachments, accessories or apparatus necessary to make the asset usable and render into service. Historical costs also include ancillary charges such as freight and transportation charges; site preparation costs, and professional fees. Capital asset improvement costs should be capitalized if the costs exceed the capitalization threshold and either the value of the asset or estimated life is increased by 25% of the original cost, orthe cost results in an increase in the capacity of the asset, or the efficiency of the asset is increased by more than 10%. SECTION 4. ACQUISITIONS AND RETIREMENTS -174- When a department acquires a new asset, the department head is responsible for Completing an "Asset Acquisition Form" and providing the Finance Department with the original. Noted on the Asset Acquisition Forms should be the following: 1. Description: The description should clearly describe the asset, keeping in mind that this description will be used to help identify the asset in the future, without being to lengthy. 2. Expenditure Account: This is the expenditure account that the invoice for the asset is coded to. 3. Location: This is the intended location in which the asset will be stored. 4. Acquisition Code: This is the code which describes the funding source of the asset. This code will be assigned by the Finance Officer and may be left blank by the purchaser. 5. Activity Code: This is the code which describes which department purchased the asset. This code will be assigned by the Finance Officer and may be left blank by the purchaser. 6. Function Code: This is the code which describes the function of the department that owns the asset. Examples include general government, public works and fire department. This code will be assigned by the Finance Officer and may be left blank by the purchaser. 7. Vendor: This is the name of the vendor from whom the asset was purchased. 8. Acquisition Date: This is the date the asset was acquired. 9. Manufacturer: This is the name of the manufacturer of the asset, if applicable. 10. Model Number: This is the model number assigned to the asset by the manufacturer, if applicable. 11. Serial Number: This is the serial number assigned to the asset by the manufacturer, if applicable. 12. Invoice Number: This is the vendor's invoice number for the asset. -175- 13. Cost: This is the cost of the item. Cost will be based on the invoice plus additional costs of preparing the asset for use. Trade-in values will not be used to reduce the carrying cost of the new asset. 14. Estimated Useful Life: This is the standard useful life of the item based on the chart Section 7. The acquisition form should be signed by the department head. The Finance Officer should input asset acquisition forms monthly. Assets to be capitalized will be coded to 16100-16700. Assets under the capitalization value will be coded to 16701-16999. The Finance Officer is responsible for recording completed construction projects in the year completed. When a department retires or transfers out an asset, the department head is responsible for completion of an "Asset Retirement/Transfer Form". The Finance Department must receive the original. The Fixed Asset Retirement/Transfer form should include the following information: 1. Asset Description: The description should be detailed and should include the year, model, model number, color, make, type and other pertinent information relating to the asset. 2. Department: This line refers to the department retiring or otherwise changing the asset. 3. Date of Change: This is the date the change took place. 4. Type of Change: The department head should state whether the asset was sold, transferred, destroyed or traded in. If SOLD the amount of the sale and copy of receipt of cash should be attached. If TRANSFERRED the name of the department receiving the asset and its new location. If TRADE IN the amount of the trade in allowance received on a new item. Description of new item that trade was applied towards. If DESTROYED the amount of compensation received from insurance, if the asset was destroyed as a result of an accident. A copy of the cash -176- receipt shouldbe attached. If the asset was destroyed please note how it was destroyed, examples would include junked, totaled in an accident, stolen, etc. The Asset Retirement/Transfer Form should be signed by the department head. The Finance Officer should input Asset Retirement/Transfer Form information monthly. Trade in value will be coded as a credit to the account; the gross cost will be coded as a debit to the account. SECTION 5. FIXED ASSET INVENTORY VALUATION AND CAPITALIZATION CRITERIA Fixed assets that are purchased, cost will be based on the invoice plus additional costs of preparing the asset for use. Trade-in values will not be used to reduce the carrying cost of the new asset. Assets purchased under a lease or installment method should be valued at the discounted present value of total payments. Additional costs will include those necessary so the asset may be ready for use. Assets acquired by donation, cost will be fair value on date of gift and any costs of preparing asset for use. Property acquired under eminent domain will have a cost determined by the court plus any additional attorney fees, or costs associated with preparing land for intended use. Assets acquired by forfeiture/seizure are based on the fair value on date of forfeiture/seizure and additional costs associated with preparing the asset for intended use. For all fixed assets the additional costs of preparing the asset for intended use includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Land: Legal fees, appraisal and negotiation fees, surveying fees, site preparations costs, demolition of unwanted structures and damage payments. 2. Buildings & Improvements: Architect fees, legal fees, appraisers, costs of fixtures, damage claims, insurance premiums, interest and related construction costs. 3. Machinery, Equipment & Furniture: Transportation charges, installation costs. -177- 4. Motor Vehicles: Transportation charges, painting and installation o£ additional equipment. 5. Street Lighting: street lights acquired through a city installed project will be valued at either the contractors' costs plus a prorated share of all other project costs, or the contractor costs plus 35%. Street lights acquired through a developer installed project will be valued at the contractor costs plus 35%, or current fair market value (based on an engineering estimate) plus 35%. 6. Park Improvements: Physical improvements to park land that are not removable or do not increase the value of the land will not be capitalized, including trails, parking area, grading, aglimed surfaces, drainage pipes, etc. Removable, replaceable fixtures or buildings such as fencing, play equipment, and picnic shelters will be capitalized. It will be the responsibility of the department head to inform the Finance Officer of any additional costs associated with an asset. SECTION 6. SALE OF ASSETS No assets owned by the city shall be sold to an officer or employee of the city unless the sale conforms to Minnesota Statue 15.054. Property, except real property, may be sold to an employee after reasonable public notice at a public auction or by sealed bid, if the employee is the highest bidder and is not directly involved in the auction sealed bid process. SECTION 7. DEPRECIATION Depreciation will be calculated using the straight line method over the estimated useful lives of assets. To avoid the complications of depreciating each asset from the specific date on which it was placed in service, GAAP supports guidelines that assume various assets are placed in service or disposed of at designated dates though out the year. Governmental entities are generally recommended to use the full-month convention. (Unless the asset is fully depreciated). The total amount depreciated can never exceed the asset's historic cost less salvage value. At the end of the asset's estimated life, the salvage value will remain. Standard estimated useful life guidelines are as follows: Buildings 15-75 years Buildings Foundation/Frame/Structure Buildings-Temporary HVAC Systems (a/c heating) Roof 40 years 25 years 20 years 20 years -178- Electrical Plumbing Sprinkler System Security/Fire Alarm System Cabling Floor Covering (other than carpet) Carpeting Interior Construction Interior Renovation Fire Alarm System Telephone Equipment 20-30 20-30 20 10 10 15 7 15 10 10 10 years years years years years years years years years years years Machinery, Equipment, Radio 3-15 years Water Meters Business/Office Equipment Athletic Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Radio Communications Fire Department Equipment Furniture Grounds Equipment - Mowers Kitchen Equipment - Appliances Outdoor Equipment - Playgrounds Custodial Equipment Photocopiers Mounted Equip w/Truck Chassis Plazas and Pavilions 20 7-10 10 7 10 10 15 10 10-12 15 10 5 8 60 years years years years years years years years years years years years years years Vehicles 3-12 years Cars & Light Trucks Heavy trucks (more than 13,000lbs) Fire Trucks Heavy Equipment-Loaders, Graders Boat 3-8 8-10 15 5-50 10 years years years years years Land Not Depreciable Infrastructure 20-60 years Sewer Mains, Lift Stations Water Mains Street Lights Wells & Pump Houses Roads & Highways 20-40 50 50 3O years years years 25 years -179- (includes curb & gutter) Paved 40 years Asphalt (Rural) 40 years Asphalt (Urban) 20 years Non-Paved 50 years Public Parking Lots 15 years Sidewalks 16-20 years Sewer System (Storm & Sanitary) 20-40 years Water System 20-40 years Bridges (Pedestrian) 30 years Land Improvements 15-30 years Fencing, Gates Landscaping, Ball Park Parking Lots Outside Sprinkler Systems Athletic Fields, Bleachers Paths and Trails Tennis & Basketball Courts Retaining Walls Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Equipment Benches, Swings, Slides Boat Facility, Piers, Ramps 20 Years 10-30 years 15 years 20 years 10-15 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 5 years 25 years -180- THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -181 - CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 04- A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW RENOVATION OF A DETACHED GARAGE AT 4711 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE P & Z CASE # 03-45 PID # 30-117-23-22-0051 WHEREAS, the applicant, Thomas Latcham, has requested a variance to allow renovation of an existing 24' x 39' detached garage at 4711 Island View Drive in its current location; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 350:535, Subd. 5, states that a detached accessory building may be located within four (4) feet of the side line line in the front yard on lakeshore and through lots; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 530:530, Subd. 1 states that a variance may be issued to provide relief to a landowner where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his/her property if certain circumstances exist; and WHEREAS, the existing garage structure does not meet the setback requirements and currently encroaches on the adjacent property to the west which is legally described as Lot 4, Block 7, Devon by .66 feet (7.92 inches) in the northwest corner and .02 feet (,24 inches) in the southwest corner; and WHEREAS, there is a permanent easement (Hennepin County Document No. 604697) for the existing garage encroachment on Lot 4, Block 7, Devon for the purpose of maintaining the existing garage and storeroom on the subject property; and -182- WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to renovate the existing garage so as to utilize the existing foundation and preserve the work space which is located below; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 95-35 was adopted in 1995 for a variance to recognize the nonconforming garage setback and 59 percent hardcover on the subject property; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variance subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the request was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its November 17, 2003 meeting as required by the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the requested variance and makes the following findings of fact: The construction of a garage on the lake / south side of the property is not logical or feasible due to topography and the layout of the existing home. There is a large tree located between the detached garage and the existing house which could be lost if the garage were to be pushed further south. C. Construction on the east side of the property is not logical due to the location of an existing concrete staircase. D. Hardcover on the site is currently 51 percent but is not affected the proposal. E. A garage is viewed as positive as it allows for all-season protection for vehicle(s) and also minimizes outside storage issues. F. The subject property is 49' x 149' and is therefore narrow and deep. G. The subject site includes varied topography. While the walls of the structure are in a state of disrepair the majority of the existing foundation remains functional and is proposed to be reused as part of the project. I. The criteria for granting a variance as set forth in City Code Chapter 350:530 have been met. -183- 2. This variance is approved subject to the following conditions: A. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use requests, No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance(s) application is approved. C. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. D. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of a temporary construction and/or access easement over the adjacent property if necessary. No portion or component of the renovated garage can be located outside of the permanent easement including, but not limited to, roof overhangs, gutters, etc. which shall be verified by the Building Official prior to the issuance of the building permit. This variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Lot 3, Block 7, Devon This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. The variance is valid for one (1) year following its approval unless an extension is approved by the City Council pursuant to the City Code 350:530, Subd 2 (E). -1 84- The foregoing resolution was and seconded by Councilmember moved Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted January 1,3, 2004 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -185- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 7, 2004 SUBJECT: Minor subdivision APPLICANT: Thomas Nadeau PID: 24-117-24-44-0035 PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 03-49 LOCATION: 4852 Lanark Road ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential REQUEST At its December 15, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the application from Tom Nadeau for approval of a minor subdivision of the property located at 4852 Lanark Road to create two new lots for single-family use. The subject property abuts Lanark Road on the south side and Argyle Lane on the west side. There is an existing 2-story house and cottage located on Lots 3 and 4 (proposed Parcel B) and a detached garage on Lot 2 (proposed Parcel A). All structures are to be demolished and replaced with (2) new single-family dwellings. PROJECT DETAILS Details regarding the original project are contained in Planning Report No. 03-49 which is on file in the Planning and Building Inspections Department and wilt be provided to members of the City Council upon request. PLANNING COMMISISON RECOMMENDATION Based on its review, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the minor subdivision of the property located at 4825 Lanark Road as recommended by Staff subject to conditions and noted that the proposal, as submitted, meets all provisions of the City Code and no variances are required. A resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included for review by the City Council. -186- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 2003 BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-49 Minor Subdivision 4825 Lanark Road Tom Nadeau The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision to create two new lots for single-family use. The existing home and garage will be removed. The property is zoned R1 for single-family use only. The property becomes a non-lot of record upon division. The new lot has the required frontage on the street and the minimum square footage. Discussion MOTION by Mueller, second by Clapsaddle, to move staff recommendation with driveway surface to be determined by the applicant. MOTION carried unanimously. -187- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 04- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4852 LANARK ROAD P & Z CASE # 03-49 PID # 24-117-24-44-0035 WHEREAS, the applicant, Thomas Nadeau, has requested a minor subdivision to combine and subdivide the property located at 4852 Lanark Road to create two (2) new lots for single-family use; and WHEREAS, the subject property abuts Lanark Road on the south side and Argyle Lane on the west side; and WHEREAS, there is an existing 2-story house and cottage located on Lots 3 and 4 (proposed Parcel B) and a detached gara9e on Lot 2 (proposed Parcel A) and all structures are to be demolished and replaced with (2) new single-family dwellings; and WHEREAS, minor subdivisions are regulated by City Code Chapter 330:20; and WHEREAS, the property is located within the R-1 Single Family Residential District and subject to City Code Chapter 350:620 and the minor subdivision meets the R-1 standards for lot area, width and setback as outlined in the table below: Lot Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Setback Setback(s) Setback R-1 10,000 SF 60 FT 80 FT 30 FT 10 FT 15 FT Parcel A 13,549 SF 96 FT 116 FT 30 FT 30 FT / 10 FT 68 FT Parcel B 15,096 SF ~88 FT 154 FT 30 FT 10 FT / 32 FT 98 FT -188- and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at its December 15, 2003 meeting and unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the minor subdivision as requested by the applicant and as recommended by Staff. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council does hereby approve the Minor Subdivision subject to the following conditions: A. Hardcover surface coverage on the proposed new lots shall not exceed thirty (30) percent. Payment of (1) park dedication fee and any and/or all municipal utilities trunk and connection fees and deficient street assessment charges. C. All comments from the City Engineer's memorandum dated December 5, 2003 that has been included as Exhibit A. This minor subdivision is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Refer to Exhibit B The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted January 13, 2004 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -189- MEMORANDUM DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2003 TO: SARAH SMITH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: JOHN CAMERON, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CITY OF MOUND NADEAU MINOR SUBDIVISION 4852 LANARK ROAD CASE NO. 03-49 MFRA File No. 14629 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 2 As requested, we have reviewed the Nadeau Minor Subdivision request and have the fbllowing comments and recommendations: Comments: 1. According to City records and the survey, both parcels have water and sewer services in place. Recent revisions to the City Code requires that sanitary sewer and watermain trunk charges, in addition to the connection fees must be paid on new building sites. The present trunk charges are $1500 each for sanitary sewer and watermain and a connection fee of $240 each for the sewer and water services for the newly created building site. The concrete curb in this area is not true surmountable curb; therefore when the new homes are constructed, the curb will need to be removed and new concrete aprons installed. This is another of the older plats in the City, which did not provide drainage and utility easements along the lot lines. Therefore; drainage and utility easements should be provided along all lot lines, as shown on the survey submitted with the application. Also, a permanent easement for street purposes will need to be provided for the curb radius at the southwest corner of the property, as shown on the survey. The survey submitted with the application shows only tentative house locations and proposed grading. A complete grading and drainage plan will need to be submitted when application is made for a building permit. 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 -190- JCAMERON@MFRA.COM (763)476-6010 FAX (763) 476-8532 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 2 Recommendations: 1. New services will need to be run from the proposed house to the right of way line at time of construction. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Trunk Charges of $1500 each shall be paid when a building permit application is made for Parcel A. Parcel B would be exempt from the Trunk Charges, since there is an existing home located on it. 3. A new concrete apron must be installed for each parcel at the time of house construction. 4. Provide drainage and utility easements along all lot lines and a permanent easement for street purposes, as shown on the survey. 5. Final grading and drainage plan to be approved by the City Engineer at time of building permit application. -191 - EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION'. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 4, Arden, including adjacent half of vacated sireet, Hennepin County, Miunesot~ PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL A: Lot 1, including adjacent half of vacated street, and that part of Lot 2, Block 4, Arden, Hennepin County, Minnesota, including adjacent half of vacated s~'eet, lying Westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot 4 in said Block 4; thence North 89o07'52" West along tho South line of said Block 4 a distance of 88.20 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00000'22'' West 154.75 feet to the Northerly line of said included adjacent half of vacated sweet and there terminating. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL B: Lots 3, 4, and that part of LOt 2, Block 4, Arden, Hennepin County, Minnesota, including adjacent half of vacated street, lying Easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of LOt 4 in said Block 4; thence North 89O0T52" West along the South llne of said Block 4 a distance of 88.20 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00°00~2" West 154.75 feet to the Northerly line of said included adjacent half of vacated street and there terminating. -192- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952/472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 7, 2004 SUBJECT: Minor subdivision and variance APPLICANT: Dawn Marie Oak (Hanson) PID: 13-117-24-31-0017 PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 03-40 and 03-41 LOCATION: 2175 Noble Lane ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND Original Proposal. At its December 15, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a request from Dawn Marie Oak (Hanson), for approval of a minor subdivision of the property located at 2175 Noble Lane. The proposal, as submitted, would divide the property to create a new buitdable parcel on Cedar Lane to allow construction of a new single-family home on Parcel A. A variance application was also submitted to allow a 2-foot rear setback for the existing home on Parcel B which would become nonconforming as a result of the subdivision. Based on its review, Staff did not support the original application due to the following issues: a. Creation of a new nonconforming condition on Parcel B (2-foot rear setback for existing house.) Lack of demonstrated hardship as the existing house could be demolished and a new house constructed which could meet the current requirements without a variance. c. No evidence that the requested rear yard variance of (13) feet for the existing house is the minimum amount necessary. The Planning Commission subsequently tabled the request(s) to allow the applicant adequate time to consider the possibility of adjusting the proposed rear lot line so as to increase the setback for the existing house on proposed Parcel B. -194- Modified Proposal. At its January 5, 2004 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a modified proposal Which includes a conforming rear setback for the existing house on proposed Parcel B which was accomplished by shifting the proposed lot line further east and removing a portion of the mechanical room. Members of the City Council are advised, however, that a 1-foot variance is still needed to address the side (south) setback of 9 feet for Parcel B. Copies of the December 15, 2003 and January 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes have been included as attachments. RECOMMENDATION Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the minor subdivision and variance request for the property located at 2175 Noble Lane subject to conditions and noted that the new lot to be created meets the provisions of the City Code and the variance needed reflects an existing condition for the house. The Planning Commission also requested that the City Engineer determine whether a larger drainage easement would be necessary to ensure that adequate drainage is maintained. A resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been prepared for review by the City Council. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION While Staff did not support the original application, the modified proposal is viewed as favorable as the only variance needed is for the setback for the existing house. The City executed a 60-day extension for the approval and/or denial of the variance application on December 16, 2003 as allowed by M.S.S. 15.99. City Engineer John Cameron recommends that the drainage and utility easement on the north side be increased from 5-feet to 10-feet. 2 -195- CITY Of MOUND RESOLUTION # 04- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION AND 1-FOOT FRONT SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR THE EXISTING HOUSE LOCATED AT 2175 NOBLE LANE P & Z CASE # 03-40 AND # 03-41 PID # 13-117-24-31-0017 WHEREAS, the applicant, Dawn Marie Oak (Hanson), is requesting minor subdivision and variance approval to subdivide the property located at 2175 Noble Lane to create a new buildable parcel along Cedar Lane (Parcel A) to allow construction of a new single-family home; and WHEREAS, the original proposal dated November 12, 2003 included a minor subdivision and variance request of thirteen (13) feet to allow a 2-foot rear setback for the existing house which was tabled by the Planning Commission to allow adequate time for the applicant to consider the possibility of adjusting the rear lot line so as to increase the setback for the existing house on proposed Parcel B; and WHEREAS, the modified proposal dated December 29, 2003 included a conforming 15-foot rear setback for proposed Parcel B which was accomplished by shifting the lot line further east and removing a portion of the mechanical room however a 1-foot setback variance is required for the existing house on proposed Parcel B on the north side; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned R-2 Single Family Residential. The following table includes the lot area, width and setback requirements of the R-2 District and also outlines the proposal's conformity with the zoning requirements: Lot Area Width Depth Frontage Front Setback Side Setback(s) R-2 6,000 SF 40 FT 80 FT 40 FT 20 FT 10 FT Parcel A 6,210 S F 60 FT 103.5 FT 60 FT 20 FT 10 FT / 10 FT Parcel B 13,363 SF 95 FT 138.5 FT 95 FT 90 FT- existing house 9 FT - North 64 FT - proposed garage 21.5 FT - South (existing house) 11.7 FT - South (proposed garage) and; -196- WHEREAS, minor subdivisions are regulated by City Code Chapter 330:20 Subd. 1 (A); and WHEREAS, the proposed new lots meet the lot area, width and setback requirements of the R-1 District with the exception of the 9-foot side setback for the existing house on Parcel B which is currently nonconforming; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at its December 15, 2003 and January 5, 2004 meetings respectively and unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the minor subdivision and variance as shown on the modified survey dated December 29, 2003; and WHEREAS, in making its recommendation for approval, the Planning Commission made the following findings of fact: The proposal meets the provisions of the City Code with the exception of a 1-foot side side setback variance for the house Parcel B which is an existing condition and a variance was approved previously to recognize the deficient setback in Resolution No. 93-153. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council does hereby approve the modified minor subdivision and variance request dated December 29, 2003 with the following conditions: A. Hardcover surface coverage on the proposed new lots shall not exceed thirty (30) percent. All comments from the City Engineer included in the memorandum dated December 8, 2003 which has been included as Exhibit A with the exception that the drainage and utility easement along the side lot line (north) of Parcel A be increased from 5 to 10 feet and easement along the rear lot line (east) of Parcel B be increased from 2 feet to 10 feet. Payment of one (1) park dedication fee and any and/or all municipal utility trunk and connection fees and deficient street assessment charges. This minor subdivision and variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Refer to Exhibit B The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: -197- The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted January 13, 2004 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -198- EXHIBIT A ME M 0 R A ND UM DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2003 TO: SARAH SMITH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: JOHN CAMERON, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CITY OF MOUND OAK-HANSON MINOR SUBDIVISION 2175 NOBLE LANE CASE NO. 03-40 MFRA File No. 14566 As requested, we have reviewed the Oak-Hanson Minor Subdivision request and have the following comments and recommendations: Comments: According to City records and the survey, both parcels have water and sewer services in place. The existing water service for Parcel A is shown in the proposed driveway. If this is the case, then the curb box will need to relocated. Recent revisions to the City Code requires that sanitary sewer and watermain trunk charges, in addition to the connection fees must be paid on new building sites. The present trunk charges are $1500 each for sanitary sewer and watermain and a connection fee of $240 each roi' the sewer and water services for the newly created building site. The concrete curb in this area is not true surmountable curb; therefore when the new homes is constructed, the curb will need to be removed and a new concrete apron installed for the new driveway. This is another of the older plats in the City, which did not provide drainage and utility easements along the lot lines. Therefore; drainage and utility easements should be provided along all lot lines, 10 feet wide along the front and rear lot lines and 5 feet in width along the side lot lines. The easement along the back lot line of Parcel B will need to narrowed to 2 feet in width, because of the 2 foot setback on the existing house. The survey submitted with the application shows only tentative house locations and proposed elevations. A more complete grading and drainage plan will need to be submitted when application is made for a building permit. 15050 23"° AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 -199- JCAMERON@MFRA.COM (783)476-6010 FAX (763) 476-8532 Recommendations: 1. The existing water service curb box needs to be relocated if it falls within the proposed driveway. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Trunk Charges of $1500 each shall be paid, when a building permit application is made for Parcel A. Parcel B would be exempt from the Trunk Charges, since there is an existing home located on it. 3. A new concrete apron must be installed for each new driveway installed at the time of house construction. Provide drainage and utility easements along all lot lines, 5 feet in width along the side lot lines and 10 feet wide along the front of both parcels, 10 feet wide along the back lot line of Parcel A and 2 feet wide along the back lot line of Parcel B. 5. Final grading and drainage plan to be approved by the City Engineer at time of building permit application. -200- EXHIBIT B EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 17; the South 33 feet of Lot 18; the North 12 feet of Lot 16; the North 40 feet of Lot 11 ond the South 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 3, "Abroh(~n Lincoln Addition to Lekeside Perk, Mound, Minnetonke". PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS : Porcel A ; The North 40 feet of the West 103.50 feet of Lot 11, ond the South 20 feet of the West 103.50 feet of Lot 10, ell in 8lock 3, "Abroh~rn L{ncoln Addition to Lekeslde Pork, Mound, Minnetonko". Parcel B :Lot 17; the South 33 feet of Lot 18, ond the North 12 feet of Lot 16; thet port of the North 40 feet of Lot 11 lying eost of the West 103.50 feet thereof, ond thet port of the South 20 feet of Lot 10 lying cost of the West 103.50 feet thereof, ell in 8lock 3, "Abreha'n Lincoln Addition to Lekeside Pork, Mound. Minnetonka". -201 - MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 2003 CASE #03-39 CASE #03-40 Minor Subdivision Variance 2175 Noble Lane Dawn Marie Oak The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision to create a new buildable parcel on Cedar Lane to allow construction of a new single-family home. A variance application has also been submitted to allow a rear yard setback of 2 feet for the existing home, which would become nonconforming as a result of the subdivision. Both lots meet minimum square footage requirements. The most important comment that was received from staff was that from the Building Official stating that no windows or ~loors may be placed on that portion of the house that is 2 feet from the lot line (state building code). Staff is not supporting the requests due to the creation of a new non-conformance, lack of demonstrated hardship, and no evidence that the requested rear yard variance of 13 feet for the existing house is the minimum necessary. Discussion Ayaz cannot find the hardship. He asked why they don't remove the west jog of the house to make the rear conforming. The drainage also appears to be an issue. Joe Ludwig (applicant's representative) state that the applicant is a single mother on social security disability. The jog in the house is where the 2nd story addition is. It's the new part of the house. The removal of the garage also addresses the drainage issue. Raines suggested the east lot line of Parcel A could be moved west 12 feet and still maintain the 6,000 square foot minimum. Ayaz agrees that moving the dividing lot line would be an improvement. He still doesn't see the hardship for the variance. Varco Rebiskie (2174 Cedar Lane)was concerned about the minimum lot area, drainage and loss of value by virtue of the nearness of the new building. Mueller confirmed with Varco that the removal of the garage would not make the drainage problem worse; in fact it would probably enhance the drainage. -202- Planning Commission Minutes December 15, 2003 Vernon Crane (2168 Cedar) was afraid there will be a problem with drainage. If they pull the garage he's not sure where they would put the garage without impacting the drainage. Mueller reminded Mr. Crane that the city requires drainage and utility easements along the lot lines. If the garage were removed, there would be a minimum of 10 feet dedicated to drainage through the area. It would likely improve the drainage in the area. Lola Rebiskie (2174 Cedar Lane) asked for clarification of the issues. Mary Crane (2168 Cedar Lane) reaffirmed that the big concern is drainage. MOTION by Mueller, second by Clapsaddle, to table the application until applicant brings back a more conforming plan. MOTION carried. Voting in favor: Clapsaddle, Ayaz, Hasse, Glister, Schwingler and Mueller. Voting against: Raines, Osmek and Michael. -203- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 5, 2004 BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-40 VARIANCE CASE #03-41 MINOR SUBDIVISION 2175 NOBLE LANE - DAWN MARIE OAK At the December 15, 2003 Commission meeting this request~as tabled to allow the applicant adequate time to consider the possibility of adju.~i~ the proposed rear lot line so as to increase the setback for the existing house on .p~esed Parcel B. A modified survey was submitted which includes an increased set~'~l~:'¥&~i::~the existing house accomplished by shifting the proposed lot line further:east and ~!~ving a portion of the mechanical room. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Ayaz, to rec~!~e~:~Council approve the subdivision and var ance w th a 5 or 1 O-foot easement as det~::~iiDed by City Engineer. MOTION carried unanimously. -204- --! ~/....-"N 00003' E 60.00 .......... /N 0000,3, qC)" E 3.00 10 ........ S 00°03' W 1 6" ~IP WATERMAIN 8",VCT SA~TARY SEWER 95.00 ................. NOBLE LANE 0 O4 73> _> © __ -rI C~ 0 "U 0 C Z -205- ri < i 6" ¢~_~ATERI~AIN ~ ... .... N 00°0 60.00 ......... ~ , ....... ~ ~ I i~ ', ~ ........ , /"" ~ ~ ~ ~ / --r o /N 00003, /......:,' 13.00 O0 - 0 -g a3 0 0 z ~,, E -O)> )> 0 -206- Z 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: 1/9/2004 Re: Planning Commission Appointment Background The terms of Planning Commissioners Jerry Clapsaddle and Cklair Hasse expired on December 31, 2003. Regretfully, Jerry Clapsaddle opted not to seek another term. However, Mr. Hasse has expressed interest in being reappointed. The City also received applications from Dave Miller, Christine Ebert and Michael Solheim. At its November 17, 2003 meeting, members of the Planning Commiss on interviewed the candidates w th the exception of Christine Ebert who was unexpectedly unable to attend the interview but requested that the Planning Commission consider her submitted materials as allowed in the Planning Commission Work Rules. Several members of the City Council also attended the interview session including Pat Meisel and Mark Hanus. Details regarding the candidate interviews and selection process are contained in the November 17, 2003 Planning Commission meeting minutes which have been included. Recommendation Based on its review, the Planning Commission recommends that Cklair Hasse and Dave Miller be appointed to the Planning Commission for 3-year terms which expire on December 31,2006. -207- MINUTE EXCERPT MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER '17, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS Dave Miller has lived in Mound for 15 months. Wants to help the community during this changing time. He has management skills that could be valuable. He would like to seek the continuing development of the downtown. He wants to encourage new businesses. Mr. Miller has been involved in expanding businesses into new communities. He feels that the code is them for a reason and, with all things being equal; the code should be followed as much as possible. He sees the traffic through Mound as potential for increasing business in the community. He likes the eclectic feel of the community but at the same time thinks there are some areas of the community that need attention. Mr. Miller feels that if there is a conforming location for a project the property owner should be encouraged to conform. Christine Ebert was unavailable for interview. Mike Solheim would like to focus on creating a tax base. He has been located in Mound since February. He would like to see the downtown area revitalized and make it more neighborhood friendly. Upkeep of property is important to Mound's appeal. He feels that the code is there for a reason and, with all things being equal; the code should be followed as much as possible. He sees that the lake communities act independently and not toward one common goal. He feels there needs to be a proactive approach to cohesive development. The land values in the non-lake properties are behind other communities on the lake. He sees Mound as a marketing opportunity. He sees other cities doing a lot more to attract new development. He would be open to working on a home maintenance ordinance. MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines, to recommend appointment of David Miller to the Planning Commission. MOTION carried unanimously. -208- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD , MN 55364-168--'~ PH: (952) 472-060~--'------'-- FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com November 18, 2003 Mr. David Miller 5308 Piper Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Recommendation to Mound Planning Commission Dear Mr. Miller: On behalf of the City of Mound, I wish to inform you that, at its November 17, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission voted to recommend your appointment to the Mound Planning Commission. The City Council will officially consider your appointment at their January 13, 2004 meeting. You are invited to attend that meeting if you wish. In the event you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 952-472-3190. Community Development Director SJS:jn APPLICANT INFORMATION VOLUNTEER COMMISSIONS (Please use black ink or type) Date Name of Board: Planning Commission Personal Information Name /-~'"~ Address. Home Phone Work Phone Place of Employment __~ r-¢~~¢~, With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this commission will need to address in the next 2 years? -f What one or two 'contributions do you think you would make, in the short term (first few months) and in the long term (after a year)? Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest you may have serving on this board. Please return by 4:30 p.m., March 14, 2003, to: City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 -211- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD M,OUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM TO: Kandis Hanson, City Manager FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent DATE: December 1, 2003 Consent Agenda Items for January 13, 2004 City Council Meeting Please add the following attached item to the Consent Agenda: 1. Appointment of Michelle Olson to the DCAC Enddw printed on recycled paper -212- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www. cityofmound.com TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Mayor Pat Meisel and City Counc~ Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent~ November 19, 2003 // - Appointment to Dock and Commons Advisory Commission This is to inform you that candidate Michelle Olson was unanimously chosen to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of abutting representative Mark Goldberg. Following Council approval, Ms. Olson's three year term would run from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006. printed on recycled paper -213- 12. Review: December and Januar~ Agenda Calendars December meeting is cancelled. Packet will still be sent out. Centerview Multiple Survey results added to January Agenda. Motion by Ahrens to extend the meeting to 10:30pm. Second by Funl~ Motion carried. Discussion on candidate, Michelle Oison, followed. Unanimous decision to elect her as the new Commissioner. Recommendation will be sent to the Council for their approval. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Eurich. Motion at 10:22pm. adjourned DCAC -214- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO, 04- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS WHEREAS, the need for a number of various stop signs as been determined by the Public Works Director and Public Works Superintendent NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: To hereby authorize and direct the installation of the following stop signs: Four-way stop signs at the intersection of Cypress Lane and Maywood Road. Stop Sign on Pheasant Circle at Pine Road Stop Sign on Acorn Road at Halstead Lane Stop Sign on Otter Road at Halstead Lane Stop Sign on Setter Circle at Westedge Boulevard Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -215- JAMES E. KURTZ Chief of Police MOUND POLICE' 5341 MaywoodROad Telephone (952) 472-0621 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch (763) 525-6210 · Fax (952) 472-0656 EMERGENCY 911 December 15, 2003 TO: Mound City Council FROM: Mound Police Department The Mound Police Department would like to request a kennel licen~for, the new Police Department building. The reason for the license is because the Police department would li~o hold stray and'lost animals, on grounds, for to 3 days. This process will eliminate much of'the costs of tr~ortin~ impoundedianimals to Wright County up Humane Society. If an animai'i~'n'~'l~'~i''~:lai'~i'~i ~l~end ~'the ~ d~.~ h'~l~i~i~n~ period, the Wright County Humane Society will come out and pick up the animal, and hbld the animal, at their facility for the remainder of the impound period. The only time an animal will be h th6Police department, for a period longer than 3 days in when and animal is held on quarantinestat~ ~rantine hold period is 10 days, at the end of the 10 days, the animal will be returned to;the owner of the Thank you, for your consideration of this matter. Mound Police Department Community Service Officer (Fee of $150/year for commercial kennel-requesting this fee be waived) -216- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 03- RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT (#A14569) WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY REGARDING ELECTRONIC PROPRIETARY GEOGRAPHICAL DIGITIZED DATA BASE (EPDB) AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE EXTENSION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Hennepin County has developed a proprietary geographical digitized data base (EPDB); and WHEREAS, the City of Mound desires to use the County's EPDB in the course of conducting the City's business; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved the license agreement on April 13, 1999, by Resolution #99-31; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved the extension of this agreement through December 31,2002, by resolution #02-17 and extension through December 31,2003 by resolution #02-112; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County is now asking that we extend the EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement through December 31, 2004; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the City Manager to execute the extension of Hennepin County's EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement (#14569) through December 31,2004. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of January, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -217- Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department Survey Division, Suite A-703 Hennepin County Government Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487-0073 612-348-3131, Phone www. co.henn epin.mn.us Decem ~)er 10, 2003 Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk City of Mound 5342 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364-1687 Agreement # A14569 Hennepin County desires to extend the above referenced EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement through December 31, 2004. If you as a Government Unit, Consultant/Third Party or Private Corporation, desire to extend the above-reference Agreement, the following requirements must be satisfied as they pertain to your entity. Please return the required information to Hennepin County, Attention: Robert Moulder (at the address stated at the top of this page). ^.) GOVERNMENTAL UNIT MUST FURNISH TO THE COUNTY A COPY OF THE ACTION OF USER'S GOVERNING BODY AUTHORIZING THIS AGREEMENT EXTENSION. HOWEVER, IF AN OFFICIAL OF USER IS AUTHORIZED BY STATUTE OR CHARTER TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT OF THIS NATURE THEN THIS ORIGINAL LETTER SIGNED BY SUCH OFFICIAL AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COUNTY. NOTE: SUCH OFFICIAL MUST ATTACH TO THIS LETTER A COPY OF THEIR STATUTORY OR CHARTER AUTHORITY TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENTS. B.) CONSULTANT/THIRD PARTY MUST PROVDE THE COUNTY A COPY OF AFFIRMATION BY GOVERNMENTAL UNIT THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE AS CONSULTANT AS STATED IN AGREEMENT NO. THROUGH THE YEAR 2004. IN ADDITION, CONSULTANT/THIRD PARTY MUST SIGN THE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE AND ACKOWLEDGEMENT.AND RETURN ORIGINALS OF BOTH TO THE COUNTY. c.) PRIVATE CORPORATION MUST SIGN THE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND RETURN ORIGINALS OF BOTH TO THE COUNTY. An Equal Opportunity Employer - 218 - Recycled Paper As authorized by the Agreement and noting the above requirements, which pertain to you specifically, please indicate below your intention to extend or not to extend this agreement through the year 2004. Please return the originals of this page and the acknowledgement page and a copy of affu-mation as 'Consult~i~t/Third Party, as reqfiired, to the attention of Robert'Moulder at the address shown 'at the top of page 1 as soon as possible. I Please check (X) appropriate box. It IS our intention to extend this agreement through the year 2004. It is NOT our intention to extend this agreement through the year 2004. We no longer require this information. Signature: Date: Authorized Signature Title: If you have any questions about this notice, please call Robert Moulder at 612-348-2618 for assistance. Sincerely, - (Sandra L. Vargas County Administrator Attachment -219- Jan-07'-04 c ~ From-Kennecl¥ & Graven T-851 470 i>L[lsbury CenTer 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 hrrp:/ lwww. keanedy-gravep,.com +81Z337931e P.OOZ/O0~ .. 11 F-5~3 January 7, 2004 Carlton Moore Director of Public Works City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Fax: (952) 472~0620 ROBERT J. LIZNTDALL Attorney at Law Direct D{~ (612) 337-92] Pa:al Propcrt7 Law Specialist, Cer~fled by Minnesota State Bar VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL John Cameron Mound City Engineer McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23ra Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 Fax: (763) 476-8532 Condemnation of Driveway Easement from Balboa (Parcel 14 at 5300 Shoreline Drive) for the Benefit of Roger Reed (Parcel 18 at 5424 Shoreline Drive) Dear Carlton and Jolm: Sheet numbers 38 and 114 of 117 fi-om the detailed construction plan prepared by Hermepin County for the realignment of CSAH 15 in Mound and approved by the Mound City Council in its Resolution No_ 03-82 on September 23, 2003, depict the elimination of the existing east driveway serving 5424 Shoreline Drive (Parcel 18)~ the moving westerly of the existing driveway serv/ng Parcel 14 at 5300 Shoreline Drive, and the creation of a new common driveway serving both properties located just east of their common property line. The sheets also show the driveway serving Parcel 18/n~essmg by means of this new driveway. On December 19, 2003, John Cameron met with Kurt Woodhouse, representative of Balboa Center Limited Partnership, the owner of Parcel 14, at fl~e property. Mr. Woodhouse showed John Cameron the offer packages received by Balboa from The County. It is John's under~tm~ding that the offers include a storm .~ewer easement and construction easement that are consistent witl~ the need to reconstruct the d.r/veway at the new location serving Parcel 14, but do not include a permanent driveway easement burdening the driveway area for the benefit of Parcel 18. A.~ we have discussed, the creation of the mutual driveway is deskable. This plan eliminates one of the driveways currently serving Parcel 18 and aligns the new driveway with the future property access to the south and the opening m the new median being constructed in County Road 15, creating the possibility that there may be a traffic signal at this location at some point/_n the future if traffic demands. Unfortunately, we believe the County does not intend to acquire the necessary permanent driveway easement for the benefit of Parcel 18. RJL-242344vl M U200-92 -220- Jan-Of-04 15:21 From-Kennedy& Graven +6123379310 T-681 P.003/009 F-Sg3 Carlton Moore & J'ohn Cameron Ltr January 7, 2004 Page 2 On January 6, 2004, Carlton requested that I prepare a proposed eminent domaiu resolution for submission to the City Council at its next meeting to authorize the City to acquire the permancmt driveway easement from Parcel 14 for the b~nefit of Parcel 18. Enclosed is roach a proposed resolution. Please submit the proposed resolution for Council action. Please let me know if you believe it needs revision. Also please let me know if you believe I should plan to be present for discussion of the resolution by the Council. Following Council consideration of tl~e resolution, please let me know whether it passed. If it passes, please arrange for me to be sent a certified copy of the resolution. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, Robert J. Linctmi P, JL:peb Enclosures cc: John Dean R-IL-242344vl MU200-92 -221 - Jan-07-04 ]5:2Z From-Kennedy & (~raven +61Z337'g310 T-$81 P. 004/008 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE A PERMANENT DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR REALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 15 AND OTI4__ER PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Mound is the official governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, acting by and through its City Council, is authorized by law to acquire land needed for public use or purpose; and WHEREAS, the City desires to facilitate construction of realigned Hermepin County Road 15 by the County beginning in 2004 in order to more effectively meet the needs of ~e public and the City of Mound ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the plans and designs for the Project which were previously approved by the City Cou~acil require that the permanent driveway easement described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Easement") be acquired to implemem the plans and designs for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby f'mds tha~ it is reasonably necessary, proper, and convenient, for a public purpose, and in the interest of the public health, convenience, and general welfare of the citizens of the City that title to and possession of the Easement be acquired for the furtherance of the Project,. and that the funding and construction schedule for the Project make it necessary to acquire title to and possession of the Easement prior to the filing of the final report of the condemnation commissioners to be appointed by the district court; NOW.. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF MOUND IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED, that it is the considered judgement of the R.I L-242_346v 1 MU200-92 -222- Jan-07-04 15:22 From-Kennedy & GrAven +6123379310 T-$81 P.OOS/OOg F-553 ma~ed public, purposes and, if necessary, through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager and the City Attomey are authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to acquire said permanent easement by fili~g and completing an action in ,eminent domain pursuant to Minn. Stat § 117.042, the quick take procedure. BE IT FUKTHEK RESOLVED, that thc City Manager is authorized to determine the amount of the City:s approved appraisal of value for said permanent casement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, the quick-take statute. Passed and adopted this __ day of 3anuary, 2004, ATTEST: City Clerk Pat Meisel, Mayor RJL-242346v! MU200-92 2 -223- Jan-O?-04 1~:Z2 From-Kennedy & Graven +612:i1:~?1~310 T-fllitl P. OO6/OO~t F-$[t~ The attached resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound on January 2O04. The question was on the adopt/on of the resolution, and there were. _ follows: CITY OF MOUND COUNCILMEM]BEKS: YEA NAY Pat Meisel, Mayor David Osmek Bob Brown Mark Hanus Peter Meyer YEAS and NAYS as OTHER RESOLUTION ADOPTED. ATTEST: City Clerk R-Jl.~242~46v 1 MU200-92 -224- Jan-07-04 15:23 From-Kennedy& Graven +6123379310 %681 P.OOT/OOg F-Sg3 Legal Description of Easement Tract A permanent non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress purposes over, under and across the following described property: AND That part of Lot 36, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170, Hennepin County, Minnesota and thax part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 117, Range 24, all described as beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 36; distant 25 feet West from the Northeastx-'omer thereof;--which point is marked bye Judi¢ia-l-Lanctrnatk set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 15078; thence East to the Northeast comer of said Lot 36, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 16002; thence south along the .East line of said Lot 36 and its extension to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 33 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of said Lox 36; thence Westerly along the last described parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn South, parallel wkh the East line of said Lot 36 and its extension from the point of beginning; thence North along said last described parallel line 34.15 feet to a point marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 15078; thence continuing North along said last described line, 121.9 feet, to the point of beginning. That part of Lot 8, Block 6, Sylvan Heights Addition to Mound-Minnetrista Township, Hennepin County, Minnesota described as follows: l~eginning at the Northwest comer of said Lot 8, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 16002; thence East along the North line of said Lot 8, 368.35 feet to a point which is 134.4 feet Westerly from the Northeast comer of said Lot 8, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 15805; thence South parallel to the East tine of said Lot 8, 287.3 feet to the South line of said Lot g, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case, No. 15805; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along thc South line of said Lot $, 207.77 feet to a point, which is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 16002; thence continuing Northwesterly along said South line, 162.58 f¢=t, to a point which is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case. No. 16002; thence continuing Northwesterly along said South line to the West line o1: said Lot 8; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 8 to a point which is 40.14 feet South of the Northwest comer of said Lot 8, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 16002; thence continuing Northerly along said West line 40.14 feet to the point of beginning. Said easement lies westerly and southwesterly of the following described property: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence on an assumed bearing of South 69 degrees 46 minutes 25 seconds East, along the southerly line of said Lot 8, a distance of 27.45 fleet to the point of beginning of'the line to be described; thence northwesterly a distance of 66.70 feet along a non-tangential curve having a central angle of 79 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 48.00 feet, a chord of 61.46 feet and a chord bearing of North 32 degr=es 53 minutes 53 seconds West; thence North 72 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance of 15.72 feet to the west line of the above described property and said line there terminating. KIL-2¢2346v 1 MU200-92 A-1 -225- Jan-07-04 15:23 From-Kennedy & Graven +6123379310 %681 P. 008/009 F-$93 Said easement shall burden the foregoing property and shall benefit and be appurtenant to the property which is legally described in Exhibit B attached hereto and which is incorporated therein. According to fl~e map or plat thereof on file and of record in the ofiC~ce of tile Courtly Recorder in and ibr Hennepin County, Mirmesom. ILIL.212346vl MU200-92 A-2 -226- Jan-O?-04 15:24. From-Kennedy & Graven +8123379310 T-BS1 P.O0~/O09 F-593 ............................. E~ITB Legal Description of Pmp_ertv 1:o be Benefited by Permanent Driveway Easement Parcel ]: . That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 13, Township 117, Range 24 described as b~girming at a point on the Northerly ]hue of Lot 36,. Auditor's Subdivision Number 170, Hennepin County, Minnesota, distant 25 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner of said Lot 36, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant_ro__Torreas_Case No.--I--50 7 ,8;-then ce Northr~paratt el-wk-h-th~Eas~ line-of-said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, to the point of intersection with a line 40 feet Northerly et; measured at right angles to and parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot 36 as marked by Judicial Landmarks set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 15078 said point of intersection being marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 17105; thence Westerly, along said parallel line, a distance of 362.59 feet to point marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 17105; thence Southerly, at a right angle, to the said Northerly line of Lot 36 to a point marked by a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 17105; thence Easterly along said Northerly line to the point of beginning. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 649215. Parcel 2: That part of' Lot 36, Auditor's Subdivision Number 170, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township I 17, Range 24 all described as beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 36 distant 25 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner thereof, which point is marked by a Judicial Landmark; thence Westerly along said Northerly line 242.5 feet to a point marked by a Judicial Landmark; thence South parallel to the East line of said Lot 36, a distance of 52.15 feet to a point marked by a Judicial Landmark; thence south, continuing along an extension of the last described line a distance of 33.25 feet to an inersection with a line drawn parallel to and 33 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 36; thence Easterly along flue last described parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn South, parallel to the East line of said Lot 36 and its extension, from the point of beginning; thence North along the last described parallel line 34.15 feet to a point marked by a Judicial landmark; thence North continuing along ~he lam described line 121.9 feet to the point of beginning, said Judicial Landmarks being set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 15078, according to the recorded plat thereof and according to the Government Survey thereof. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 348787. Known as 5424 Shoreline Drive, Mound, Minnesota KJL-242346 v 1 MU200-92 B-1 -227- CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9310 fax http://www, kennedy-graven.com January 6, 2004 Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9219 Real Property Law Specialist, Certified by Minnesota State Bar Assn. YIA~SIMILE ......... AND U.S. MAII, Carlton Moore Director of Public Works City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Fax: (952) 472-0620 John Cameron Mound City Engineer McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 Fax: (763) 476-8532 Re: Acquisition of Temporary Easement from Post Office Dear Carlton and John: Enclosed is a proposed eminent domain resolution for consideration by the City Council at its next meeting. As you know, this easement is necessary for the County Road 15 project. We are continuing to attempt to acquire the easement by agreement but must attempt to avoid delays for the project. Please call me if you have any questions or believe revisions are required. Please also let me know whether you want me to be present when the resolution is considered by the Council. V~urs, Robert J. Lin?~ RJL:peb Enclosure cc: Sarah Smith Bruce Chamberlain John Dean RJL-242282v 1 MU200-92 -228- AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN EASEMENTS AND OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is .the official governing body of the WHEREAS, the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, acting by and through its City Council, is authorized by law to acquire land needed for public use or purpose; and WHEREAS, the City desires to facilitate construction of realigned Hennepin County Road 15 by the County beginning in 2004 in order to more effectively meet the needs of the public and the City of Mound ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the plans and designs for the Project require that the temporary easement described in Exl'fibit A attached hereto ("Easement") be acquired to implement the plans and designs for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City and Hennepin County have previously entered into a Cooperative Agreement for Right of way Acquisition for the Pr°Ject under wkich the City agreed to acquire and/or convey to the County various real estate interests fOr the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that il/is reasonably necessary, proper, and convenient, and in the interest of the public health, convenience, and general welfare of the citizens of the City that title to and possession of the Easement be acquired for the furtherance of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the funding and constrUction schedule for the Project makes it necessary to acquire title to and possession of the Easement prior to the filing of the ' final report of the condemnation commissioners to be appointed by the district court; and RJL-242283vl MU200-92 -229- NOW, T~KEFOP~;BEfTRESOL'VEDBY T~-IEq?_,ITY COL~CIL-OF THE CITY ~OF- MOUND IN REGULAR.. MEETING ASSEMBLED, that it is the considered judgment of the exercise of the power of eminent domain; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized .......... ~d'di~t~d 't6-tak~ '~1 '§t~S neeeg~ to aeq~e ~e E~semefit by-filing ~ acti6n ~-eminent domain, negotiation of early entry authorization, 'and the use of the quick-take procedure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, .that the City Manager is authorized to determine the · amount of the City's approved appraisal of value for the Easement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, the quick-take statute. Passed and adopted this day of January, 2004. ATTEST: City Clerk Pat Meisel, Mayor RJL-242283v 1 MU200-92 2 -230- .......... RESOLUTION NO. Tb* ~acbed m~nlminn w~m ~dnpt~.rl by *h~ Ci~W Cou_n_ci_! of th_e C~nf_Mound on J_~m~ary , The question was On the adoption of the resolution, and there were follows: CITY OF MOUND COUNCILMEMBERS: YEA Pat Meisel, Mayor David Osmek Bob Brown Mark Hanus Peter Meyer RESOLUTION ADOPTED. ATTEST: City Clerk YEAS and NAYS as NAY OTHER RJL-242283vl MU200-92 -231 - EXHIBIT A ~UUlUlUu tu J.V~uu~.u., ]_~u~c J.V.kmLm. nl~tUll.rx.~.~ Lot 7; and those parts of Lots 10 and 11 lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on 'the NOrth line of said Lot 11, distant 6.00 feet Westerly of the Northeast.comer of said Lot 11; thence Southerly, parallel with the East line of said Lot 11,-a distance'of41.47 feet; thence Southerly 155.80 feet along a tangential curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 300.00 feet and a central angle of 29 degrees 45 minutes 23 seconds and said line there terminating. Easement Description A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across all of that part of the'above described property lying easterly and southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 11, distant 6.00 feet westerly of the northeast comer of said Lot 11; thence on an assumed bearing of South 03 degrees 09 minutes 53 seconds West, along a line parallel to.the east line of said Lot 11, a distance of 22.33 feet; thence South 15 degrees 38 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of '114.56 feet; thence South 66 degrees 25 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 5.87 feet; thence South 25 degrees 00 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 46.52 feet; thence North 66 degrees 25 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 22.61 feet; thence South 02 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 8.49 feet; thence North 87 degrees 21 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 54.00 feet; thence North 02 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet; thence North 87 degrees 21 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 19.00 feet; thence South 02 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 5.00' feet; thence North 87 degrees 21 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 26.00 feet;, thence North 02 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet thence North 87 degrees 21 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 30.00 fee:t; thence South 02 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of i0.50 feet to the south line of the above.described property and said line there terminating. Said temporary construction easement shall commence April 1,-2004, and shall eXpire December 31, 2005. According to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the COunty Recorder in and for Hennepin-County, Minnesota RJL-242283vl MU200-92 -232- CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http://www, kennedy-graven.com January 6, 2004 Carlton Moore Director of Public Works City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Fax: (952) 472-0620 ROBERT J, LtNt):AE~-- ..... Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9219 Real Property Law Specialist, Certified by Minnesota State Bar Assn. VIA FACSIM-II,E AND U.S. MAIL John Cameron Mound City Engineer McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 5544'1 Fax: (763) 476-8532' Extinguishment of Right of Entry in Favor of Hasbro, Inc. as an Encumbrance Upon Lots 27 and 28, Koehler's Addition to Mound Dear Carlton and John: As you know, in order to complete the exchange between NSP and the City under which the City acquired Lot 32 and the East 17.4 feet of Lot 33, Koehler's Addition, in return for Lots 27 and 28 Koehler's Addition, the City was obliged to obtain removal of the Memorandum of Agreement burdening Lots 27 and 28 for the benefit of Tonka Corporation, nka Hasbro, Inc. I have previously sent you copies of the Letter of Undertaking signed on behalf of the City, my letter to Hasbro's attorney, and the deed I requested be signed and delivered to the City on behalf of Hasbro. To date, we have not received a deed from Hasbro as requested. I am enclosing a proposed eminent domain resolution for submission to the City Council at its next meeting. Please submit the proposed resolution for Council action. Please let me know if you believe it needs revision. Also please let me know if you believe I should plan to be present for discussion of the resolution by the Council. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, Robert J. L!ndall. RJkpeb...., ..... Enclosures.. cc: John Dean KJL-242276vl MU200-92 -233- .......... RESOLUTION NO2 AUTHORIZING EMb,rENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQT n'R'R CERTAIN' RRAT. ESTATE FOR~t GNM~Nq~O ~ C~O L~T-Y-R-O A~ 4 5 AND OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the official governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, acting by and through its City Council, is authorized by law to acquire landneeded for public use or purpose; and WHEREAS, the City desires to facilitate construction of realigned Hennepin County Road 15 by the County beginning in 2004 and to construct storm water retention ponds in order to more effectively meet the needs of the public and the City of Mound ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the plans and designs for the Project require that the real estate described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("NSP Property") be acquired to implemem the plans and designs for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City and Hennepin County have previously entered into a Cooperative Agreement for Right of Way Acquisition for the Project under which the City agreed to acquire the NSP Property for the Project; and WHEREAS, the.City.Council previously found by'resolution that i~t is reasonably necessary, proper, and convenient, and in the interest of the public health, convenience, and general welfare of the citizens of the City that title to and possession of the NSP Property be acquired for the furtherance of the Project, and that the funding and construction schedule for the Project makes it necessary to acquire title to and possession of the NSP Property prior to the filing of the final report of the condemnation commissioners to be appointed by the district court; and KIL-242277vl MU200-92 -234- WHEREAS, ~ Ci~ C6 9~ed-~' g~hm-ige '~eement with N~he~ State~ - Power Company (NSP) under which Nspagreed to convey the NSP Parcel to the City in return for ...................... convey~6e-by-the' CStTm-NS-P:-0f-0~r~:~~ch-i~-tegatty de sc~rib/.d-in-Ext-.i bi~~ hereto and incorporated herein ("City Property") which the City did convey on December 29, 2003, to NSP pursuant to said Agreement; and WHEREAS, counsel for NSP objected to the marketability of the City's title to the City Property because the City Property was subject to a certain Memorandum of Agreement which is described on Exhibit C attached hereto, which entitled Tonka Corporation, its successors and assigns, to enter the City Property and certain adjacent properties, as needed for environmental remediation; WHEREAS, to induce NSP to accept conveyance of the City Property notwithstanding said objections, the City approved a Letter of Undertaking in which the City committed to undertake legal proceedings to extinguish the Memorandum of Agreement as a lien upon the City Property, if necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has attempted to obtain the voluntary release of the Memorandum of Agreement but has been unsuccessful in such efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED, that it is the considered judgment of the 'Council that the real estate interests encumbering the City Property as described in Exhibit C attached hereto be acquired for the stated public purposes and, if necessary, through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to acquire said real estate interests encumbering the City RJL-242277vl 2 MU200-92 -235- by filkig-'and eO~l:il~t/fig ~"~i~tion-~-'e~eht dom~n pursuant to ~i stat~: §' 'i'i 710421 i:the quick take procedure. amount of the City's approved appraisal of value for said real estate interests pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, the quick-take statute. Passed and adopted this day of January, 2004. ATTEST: Pat Meisel, Mayor City Clerk RJL-242277v 1 MU200-92 3 -236- RESOLUTION NOi ......... ~: The attached resolution w~q adopted hy the f21w Pannell afth~ O;ar ne t, Aound_on_Jan;,~, ..... 200& ................... The question was on the adoption of the resolution, and there were follows: CITY OF MOUND COUNCILMEMBERS: YEA Pat Meisel, Mayor David Osmek Bob Brown Mark Hanus Peter Meyer YEAS and NAY NAYS as OTHER RESOLUTION ADOPTED. ATTEST: City Clerk RJL-242277vl MU200-92 -237- Legal Description of the Northern States Power Company (NSP) Property According to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota RJL-242277vl MU200-92 -238- E~IRIT B Legal Description of the City Property Lots 27 and 28, Koehler's Addition to Mound According to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Hennepin, State of MinnesOta Being Registered Land pursuant to Certificate of Title No. 1629672. RJL-242277 v 1 MU200-92 -239- EXHIBIT C Description of the Real Estate Interests Encumberin~ the City Property. Which Are to be Aequi-re~t-b¥ Use~of~r::m,_'nentDom~n-~rece~L,,.gs All right, title and interest of Balboa Minnesota Co., a Minnesota corporation, its successors and assigns, Tonka Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, its successors and assigns, and others, if any, pursuant to that certain Memorandum of Agreement between said Balboa Minnesota Co. and said Tonka Corporation, dated December 10, 1984, and filed February 25, 1985, in the office, of the Registrar of Titles for Hennepin County, Minnesota, as Document No. 1629672. RJL-242277v 1 M U200-92 -240- LETTER OF UNDERTAKING The undersigned, the City of Mound (hereafter "City"), 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 hereby undertakes and agrees with Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, 800 Nicollet Mall, #2900, Minrieapolis, MN 55402 (hereafter referred to as "NSP"), as follows: WHEREAS, NSP is about to purchase the property set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto ("City Property"); and WHEREAS, the City Property is subject to the interests and/or possible title objection set. forth on Exhibit B attached hereto which NSP claims makes title thereofumr~arketable; and WHEREAS, without this Letter of Undertaking, NSP is unwilling to purchase the City Property so long as the title objections described on Exhibit B continue to exist. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of NSP's willingness to proceed with purchase of the City Property 'phor to the elimination of the exceptions to marketability of title set forth on Exhibit B, if NSP receives this Letter of Undertaking, City undertakes and agrees, prior to December 31, 2004, to (1) obtain a release or quit claim deed fi.om Tonka Corporation or its successors and assigns, holders of the right of entry pursuant to the agreement deschbed on Exhibit B, (2) complete a proceeding subsequent to registration, (3) use its condemnation powers, or (4) take any other action necessary to eliminate the title objections set forth on Exhibit B. The cost of said action, including, if necessary, proceeding subsequent to registration or condemnation, shall be at the sole expense of the City. NSP shall not be responsible for any costs or expense, including attorneys' fees, associated with said proceeding subsequent to registration, condemnation or similar action to remove said title objections. RJL-241977vl 1 M U200-92 -241 - IN wITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Mound has caUsed these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its ['""hC-'~Okf and its ~_~'~f"-~ V~°'~O~f~on this ~ day of December, 2003. CITY OF MOUND By (~.-'¢--. Pat Meisel, Mayor Kandis ~anson, City Manage STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN . ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this ~ day of December, 2003, by Pat Meisel, Mayor, and Kandis Hanson, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Mound. Notar~ Public JUL-241977vl 2 MU200-92 -242- EXttIBIT A Lots 27 and 28, Koehler's Addition, Lake Minnetonka. RJL-241977vl MU200-92 -243- Memormadum of Agreement dated December t0, 1984, by and between Balboa Minnesota Co., a Minnesota corporation, and Tonka Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, which was filed in the office of the Reg/sWar of Titles for Hennepin County on February 25, 1985, as Document No. 4970032 RJL-241977vl M U200-92 -244- ADDENDUM TO EXTEND CURRENT RECYCLING CONTRACT The City of Mound agrees to extend the current contract for recycling services with E-Z Recycling Incorporated. The extension shall be for three years and shall commence January 1, 2004 and run through December 31, 2006. The price for weekly curbside collection shall be $2.32 (2004), $2.32 (2005), $2.32 (2006). E-Z Recycling shall continue a two sort system with corrugated cardboard separate in 3' X 3' X 16" bundles. E-Z shall require route drivers to stop at City Hall at the End of each route day to ask secretarial staff of any missed pickups or other problems have been reported. All language and terms of the contract shall remain in effect except all items referring to revenue sharing shall be omitted. The City of Mound and E-Z Recycling agree that if there is a significant upturn or downturn in the recyclables market that the issue can be revisited at the request of either party. Kandis Hanson, City Manager E-Z Recycling, Inc. -245- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (,g52~ 472-31g0 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director / Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Date: 1/9/2004 Re: Proposed Amendments - MCWD Rule M Wetland Buffers Background The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) has proposed an amendment to Rule M which would require similar buffers for lakes and streams which are designated as public waters. Additionally, the size the buffer is also proposed to be increased. If the City Council recalls, a similar proposal was considered by the MCWD in 2002 at which time a formal resolution opposing the proposed amendment to Rule M was adopted on behalf of the City of Mound. Subsequently, the amendment(s) were put on hold until the functions and values assessment for the watershed was completed. In the event the amendment is approved, the Mound Surface Water Management Plan, which was adopted by the MCWD Board of Managers in August 2002, would need to be amended to include similar provisions. Until such time, it is assumed that that Mound's Plan would be grandfathered until the Generation III Plan is adopted. -246- Minnehaha Creek Watershed District £mprovinx Qualivy of Water, Quality of Life Date: December 5, 2003 To: Attached Distribution List From: Jim Hafner, Project Manager/Senior Technician MCWD Rule M, Buffers Proposed Rule Enclosed for Public Comment In spring of 2002, the MCWD Board of Managers distributed a proposed buffer rule, Rule M, for ~ public comment. This rule would revise the MCWD's existing wetland buffer rule and buffer requirements t~thin the watershed identified ~~.pply Vegetated buffers alo~fb0dies are a means to improve the quality of~protection a~rded to surface waters. After reviewing public comments, the Board of Managers decided to postpone adoption of the rule until the MCWD had completed a then-pending project to inventory and assess the functions of wetlands within the watershed. This would allow the MCWD to create a buffer framework specifying buffer width on the basis of wetland function and value, an approach advocated by interested parties and favored by the Board. The wetland inventory and assessment was completed in January 2003. An internal rules task force has completed revisions based on the assessment. The enclosed revised proposed rule bases wetland buffer width on a wetland classification framework based on wetland function and value. Other changes to the rule draft distributed in 2002 also are proposed. The revised rule, along with a guidance document that describes in detail the basis for the rule, are enclosed and your comments are requested. Public comments may be submitted in writing by mail~ telefax or electronic mail until the close of business (4:30 PM) on January. 21~ 2004. In addition~ a public hearing will be held~ on a date yet to be determined~ at which time interested parties may address the Board of Managers directly. The Managers will seriously consider all comments submitted. A comment is most useful when it addresses a specific provision of the rule and, if critical of that provision, substantiates the criticism, proposes an alternative that achieves the purposes of the nde and provides information to support the alternative. The proposed rule and the guidance document will be posted to our web site (www.minnehahacreek. org) for the convenience of those not receiving a hard copy. Please direct any questions to me at 952-471-0590 or jhafnerCC_,minnehahacreek.org. -247- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT (MCWD) RULE M TO EXPAND AND INCREASE THE MINIMUM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is the duly elected body for the people of Mound, who have been empowered to act in the best interests of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is an appointed body, who are not elected by the voters of Mound, and has been accused in the past of an unwillingness to provide sound environmental evidence in the promotion of their policies or agenda; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan incorporates rules that are adopted by the MCWD to protect water resources, improve water quality, prevent flooding and otherwise achieve the goals of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103B and 103D; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan includes a regulation which requires the establishment of a wetland buffer ranging in width from 16.5 feet to 50 feet depending on the size of the existing wetland (Rule M) under certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the MCWD adopted Resolution No. 06-2001 on May 10, 2001 which conditionally approved the City of Mound Surface Water Management Plan as it was deemed to be consistent with the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound assumed regulatory authority for erosion control, floodplain preservation, wetland protection and stormwater management following formal approval of the City of Mound Surface Water Management Plan by the MCWD Board of Managers on August 22, 2002 as it was determined that the conditions as set forth in Resolution No. 01-2001 had been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the Mound Surface Water Management Plan was prepared in accordance with the approved MCWD Plan; and WHEREAS, the MCWD has again proposed amendments to Rule M to increase and expand the buffer distances around wetlands, streams and lakes; and 1 -248- WHEREAS, the Mound City Council did not support the 2002 proposed amendments to MCWD Rule M and previously expressed its concerns regarding its passage at the public hearing held by the MCWD held on February 14, 2002 and also in a letter dated February 15, 2002 due to the negative impacts upon Mound's redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council adopted Resolution No. 02-45 on April 9, 2002 stating its opposition to the proposed amendments to Rule M; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is also concerned that buffer requirements restricts a property owner's right to a reasonable use of their land; and WHEREAS, it has not been demonstrated that buffers as currently defined by the MCWD increase protection over maintained or mowed lawns, grasses or other ground cover; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is not satisfied that expanded and increased buffer requirements provide additional water quality protection and has not been provided with adequate technical and/or empirical documentation from the MCWD; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to Rule M do not fully consider the existing development patterns in Mound and adoption of the proposed amendments appears to place an undue burden on the ability of private property owners to reasonably utilize their land, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve this resolution expressing its formal opposition to the proposed 2004 amendments to MCWD Rule M to increase and expand buffer requirements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event that the MCWD adopts the proposed amendments to Rule M and in the event that the City concludes that the enforcement of that rule subjects it to liability to a suit for damages, the City reserves the right to elect not to enforce the proposed amendment to Rule M. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by and The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: -249- Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of January 2004 Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -250- COPY CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 02-45 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT (MCWD) RULE M TO EXPAND AND INCREASE THE MINIMUM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is the duly elected body for the people of Mound, who have been empowered to act in the best interests of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is an appointed body, who are not elected by the voters of Mound, and has been accused in the past of an unwillingness to provide sound environmental evidence in the promotion of their policies or agenda; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed management Plan incorporates rules that are adopted by the MCWD to protect water resources, improve water quality, prevent flooding and otherwise achieve the goals of Minnesota statutes chapter 103B and 103D; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Comprehensive Management Plan includes a regulation which requires the establishment of a wetland buffer ranging in width from 16.5 feet to 50 feet depending on the size of the existing wetland (Rule M) under certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the MCWD adopted Resolution No. 06-2001 on May 10, 2001 which conditionally approved the City of Mound Surface Water Management Plan as it was deemed to be consistent with the MCWD Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound intends to assume regulatory authority for erosion control, floodplain preservation, wetland protection and stormwater management as soon as the conditions as set forth in Resolution No. 01-2001 are satisfied; and WHEREAS, the Mound Surface Water Management Plan was prepared in accordance with the approved MCWD Plan; and WHEREAS, the MCWD has proposed amendments to Rule M to increase and expand the buffer distances around wetlands, streams and lakes; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council does not support the proposed amendments to Rule M and expressed its concerns regarding its passage at the public hearing held on February 14, 2002 and also in a letter dated February 15, 2002 due to negative impacts upon Mound's redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, the Mound City council is also concerned that buffer requirements restricts a property owners right to a reasonable use of their land; and 1 -251 - Resolution No. 02-45 WHEREAS, it has not been demonstrated that buffers as currently defined by the MCWD increase protection over maintained or mowed lawns, grasses or other ground cover; and WHEREAS, the Mound City Council is not satisfied that expanded and increased buffer requirements provide additional water quality protection and has not been provided with adequate technical and/or empirical documentation from the MCWD; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to Rule M do not fully consider the existing development patterns in Mound and adoption of the proposed amendments appears to place an undue burden on the ability of private property owners to reasonably utilize their land, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve this resolution expressing its formal opposition to the proposed amendments to MCWD Rule M to increase and expand buffer requirements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event that the MCWD adopts the proposed amendments to Rule M and in the event that the City concludes that the enforcement of that rule subjects it to liability to a suit for damages, the City reserves the right to elect not to enforce the proposed amendment to Rule M. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Brown and seconded by Councilmember Osmek. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus and Osmek. The following voted in the negative: Meyer. Mayor Meisel was absent and did not vote. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of April, 2002. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Acting Mayor Hanus -252- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofrnound.com February 15, 2002 - copy- Ms. Glenda Spiotta Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 2500 Shadywood Road Navarre, MN 55331 Proposed A~nendment to MCWD Rule M - City of Mound Snrface Water Manageinent Plan Dear Ms. Spiotta: This letter is in regard to the public hearing that was held by the MCWD on February 14, 2002 for the proposed amendment(s) to Rule Mi to increase and expand the wetland buffers standards. As you are aware, tine MCWD approved the Mound Sur£ace Water Management Plan (SWMP) on May 10, 2001 subiect to a number of conditions including the execution of a cooperative agreement between the MC\VD ~md the City of Mound within six-months folloxving the Plan's approval. The cooperative agreement ~vas approved by the City, Council at its October 23, 2001 meeting. Subsequently, the MCXXrD Board of Managers approved tine cooperative agreement at its December 6, 2001 meeting subiect to a number of conditions including the requirement that certain amendments and/'or revisions ',~re made to various sections of the Mound City Code within six (6) months. "['he public hearing Gr review of tlne proposed amendment(s) was held by the City, Council at its Tuesday, February 12, 2002 meeting and was subsequently tabled until Tuesday, March 12, 2002 following a £mled vote whicla resulted due to concern expressed by members o£ the City Council xvith regard to tlne proposed revision to Rule M. printed on recycled paper -253- _A_s discussed lnst evening, the City o£ Mound respectfully requests written responses to the following questions: In the event the proposed rule revisions are approved, will Mound's Plan be g'randGthered under the existing rules, and iFso, for how long? As we have discussed previously, since the City of Mound Surface Water Management Plan and the Cooperative Agreement, have already been approved, it is our expectation that the City will be grandfathered under current MCWD rules until such time as the Generation III Plan would be prepared. Additionally, in the event Mound's Plan would be grandfathered under the existing rules, would the MCWD consider amending the Cooperative Agreement to reflect this position. Additionally'. while the Mound City Council did not prepare a formal resolution with regard to proposed Rule M, members expressed strong concern regarding its passage due to possible negative impacts upon Mound's redevelopment activities and also questioned whether expanded and/or increased buffers provided additional water quality protection. On behalf of the City of Mound, I would ask that you share this information with the MCWD Board of Managers. If you have any questions regarding this letter or would like any additional inforlnation, please feel fi'ee to contact me at 952-472-3190. Community Development Director -254- MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS RULES B & M PROPOSED REVISIONS PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES §103D.341 December 5, 2003 DEFINITIONS The following terms are added or amended, as indicated: "Impervious surface" means a surface of largely uninterrupted material such as, but not limited to, asphalt, concrete, shingle, wood or compacted gravel that is unable to effectively absorb or infiltrate rainfall and snowmelt or allow water to enter the underlying soil. "Lake" means a waterbasin other than a wetland as defined at Minnesota Statutes 103G.005, subdivision 19. "Land-disturbing activity" or "land disturbance" means any disturbance to the ground surface that, through the action of wind or water, may result in soil erosion or the movement of sediment into waters, wetlands or storm sewers or onto adjacent property. Land-disturbing activity includes but is not limited to the demolition of a structure or surface, soil stripping, clearing, grubbing, skidding, excavating, surface disturbance related to tunneling, filling and the stockpiling of soil or other erodible materials. "Mature tree" means a woody plant with a trunk diameter of at least 12 inches measured 24 inches above the ground. "Native Plant Community" means a community so listed at the time of Board permit action by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program. "Pervious surface" means a surface that is not impervious, as that term is defined above. "Public use right" means the collective right of the public, as set forth in Minnesota court decisions concerning riparian and public trust rights, to make reasonable use of a navigable waterbody for beneficial purposes. "Riparian canopy tree" means a mature tree with a canopy that extends beyond the vertical plane of the ordinary high water level. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -255- "Riparian right,! means the right of a public or private riparian landowner, as set forth in Minnesota court decisions, to make any reasonable, otherwise lawful use of a waterbody in common with the rights of other riparian landowners and any other public rights. "Sapling" means a young woody plant with a trunk diameter of between one and four inches measured 24 inches above the ground. "Stream" means a watercourse. "Wetland" means all wetlands identified as wetlands under Minnesota Statutes 103G.005, subdivision 19, eXcluding any wetland"~?bat~ifl"sb~l~l~ 'as a resUlt of actions taken by a person for a purpose other than creating the wetland. "Wooded buffer" means a vegetated area at least 15 feet wide parallel to the riparian edge; with a mature tree canopy covering at least 50 percent of the area; and characterized by' heavy ground litter and sparse undergrowth. RULE B: EROSION CONTROL A new subsection 2(c) is added as follows: (c) Does not propose activity subject to Rule M (Lake, Stream and Wetland Buffers), subsection 6(e). A new paragraph 5(b)(8) is added as follows: (8) Documentation that no vegetation .or. soils will be disturbed or compacted, and no excavated, fill or construction material will be stockpiled, closer to any identified public water or wetland than the following. Each wetland is classified (Preserve, Manage 1, Manage 2, Manage 3) using the MCRAM wetland assessment method as further described in Rule M (Lake, Stream and Wetland Buffers), subsection 4(b). Stream 50 feet. Lake 50 feet Wetland Manage 3 Manage 2 Manage 1 Preserve 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet 75 feet MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 2 -256- (a) Notwithstanding the above, when Rule'M applies, the temporary buffer width required under paragraph 8 shall be equal to the permanent buffer width specified under Rule M. (b) If an applicant demonstrates that the specified temporary buffer width will not accommodate applicable construction techniques, the District will reduce the buffer width required. The buffer shall be as wide as site conditions allow and the permit shall include additional conditions to offset any reduced protection. · (c) Para~aph 8 gh/ill not apply to any wetlandwith a sUrface area equal to or less than the area of wetland impact allowed without replacement as de minimis under the Minnesota Wetland Conservati'0n Act. (d) Vegetation or soil disturbance or material stockpiling otherwise prohibited under paragraph 8 is allowed if approved under Rule Mi subsection 6(e). A new paragraph 5(b)(9) is added as follows: (9) Restoration and revegetation measures for disturbed area within a " permanent waterbody buffer, to optimize oonditions.for vegetation growth and infiltration, including decompacdon of the subgrade to a depth of 12 to 18 inches, depending on soil type, and application of at least si>~ inches of soil meeting the specifications for select topsoil borrow at MnDOT specification 3877.2B'(2000 ed.), as amended. ' A new paragraph 5(c)(7) is added as follows: (7) Soil stabilization measures shall provide for prompt and effective stabilization under prevailing site conditions and Seasonal factors. Section 9 is amended to read as follows: 9: MAINTENANCE', The. permittee shall:be responsible at all times for the maintenance and proper operation of all erosion and sediment.control facilities. On any property on which land-disturbing activity has occurred pursuant to a permit issued under this Rule, the permittee shall, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and repair alt disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control facilities and soil stabilization measures every day work is performed on the site, and at least: weekly, until land-disturbing activity has ceased. Thereafter, the permittee shall perform these responsibilities at least weekly until vegetative cover is established. Fencing of sufficient height and visibility to prevent land-disturbing activity from intruding on temporary buffer shall be maintained between MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -257- the buffer and land-disturbing activity until that activity has ceased. The permittee shall maintain a log of activities under this section for inspection by the District on request. RULE J: FEES A new subsection 2(e) is added as follows: (e) when a Comprehensive Site Water Resource Plan is proposed under Rule M (Lake, Stream and Wetland Buffets); Subsections 2(e) and 2(f) are revised to 2(fl and 2(g), respectively. RULE M.' LAKE, STREAM, AND WETLAND BUFFERS 1. POLICY:. A vegetated buffer is a strip of land bordering a waterbody in which primarily native or restored vegetation is maintained largely undisturbed, and serves a critical role in protecting water resources. Purposes served by vegetated buffers include bank and shoreline stabilization; erosion prevention; filtration of nutrients, sediments and other pollutants from storm flows; protection of stream beds and banks and mitigation of downstream flooding through moderation of peak flows both into and within the resource; regulation of in-stream temperatures; preservation of aquatic and terrestrial habitat; protection of scenic resources; and maintenance of property values. The purpose of this Rule is to Use sound scientific principles m afford the greatest possible protection to the functions and values, including the water query,: flow regime and habitat, of the surface waters within the District consistent :with the interest in avoiding undue disruption of established public and private activities in littoral and riparian zones. To minimize disruption and encourage innovation, the Rule, in particular through a Comprehensive Site Water Resources Plan alternative, allows a landowner to select other means of achieving the functions provided by a buffer provided the same standard of performance is achieved; 2. APPLICABILITY. The Rule applies as stated in this section. (a) A buffer permit is required before undertaking activity that requires a permit under RUle (2 (Floodplain Alteration), D (Wetland Protection); :G (Waterbody Crosgings) or N (Stormwater Management) of the District Rules, or when 500 square feet or more of new impervious surface is to be created, consistent with the following.'. (1) This Rule' apP}ies only to land adjacent to a public water as defined at Minn. Stat, §103Gi005, subd. 15, as amended; ora wetland as defined at Minn. Stat. §103G.005, subd. 19, as amended. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 4 -258- (2) Land that is separated frOm an adjacent public water or wetland by intervening property nOt under the aPPlicant'S control is' excepted froru this Rule if the established permanent use of the intervening property renders the required buffer ineffective. (3) This Rule applies in addition to, and not in place of, any applicable shoreland ordinance. Wetland buffer requirements are adopted pursuant to authOrity in Minnesota StatUtes Chapters 103B and 103D. An aCtivity subject to these requirements needs ape~t from the District whether or not the District is responsible for administration of the Wetland Conservation A~t in the location where the activity is to Occur. (4) This Rule does not aPply to any wetland: (a) with a surface area equal to or less than the area of wetland impact allowed without replacement as de minimis under the Minnesota Wetland ConserVation Act; or (b) that will be lawfully converted to non-wetland by the proposed activity. (5) Activity on a single-family residential parcel that requires a permit under Rule C does not trigger this Rule, if the parcel is a lot of record or has received preliminary plat approval as of [the effective date of this Rule]. The Rule will apply, hOwever, if 'the activity requires a permit under another provision of subsection 2(a). (6) If the District, pursuant to an approVed local water, plan, has agreed that it will defer all permitting under the subsection 2(a) triggering rule to the local unit of government, a Rule M pe~t still is' required from the District. (b) A buffer is required along a Waterbody or part thereof as follows: (1) When triggered by a Rule N (Stormwater Management) Permit, along that length of shorelitie or streamb~ that received surface runoff from within the area of land disturbance prior to disturbance. (2) When triggered by a Rule C (Floodplain Alteration) permit, along each waterbody, the floodplain of which is to be altered, (3) When triggered by a Rule D (Wetland Protection) permit, along each wetland that is to be.drained, filled or excavated. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -259- (4) When triggered by a Rule G (Waterbody Crossings) permit, along each waterbody, the bank or bed of which is to be used for a crossing. (5) when triggered by the creation of 500 square feet of hard surface, along that length of shoreline or streambank that received surface runoff from within the area of land disturbance prior to disturbance. (c) Where this Rule requires District permission for activity within a recorded buffer, permission shall be in a written document termed a buffer encroachment approval. Application shall be made on a form provided by the District. Notwithstanding any other provision of the District Rules, District staff may issue a buffer encroachment approval on application without further notice or process. A buffer encroachment approval may encompass a single activity or multiple activities, and may be included in a Comprehensive Site Water Resource Plan approval under section 5 of this Rule. (d) This Rule shall be implemented in accordance with the Minnesota Historic Sites Act, Minnesota Statutes {}{}138.661 through 138.669. 3. RECORDATION AND MONUMENTATION. (a) A buffer shall be documented by .declaration or other recordable instrument that shall be apprOved by the District and recorded in the office of the county recorder or registrar before the MCWD permit is issued. The recordable instrument shall state that on further subdivision of the property, each subdivided lot of record shall meet the monumentation requirement of subsection 3(b). In lieu of recordation, a buffer on public land or right-of-way may be documented in a written agreement executed.~vith the District. The agreement shall state that if the 1.and containing the buffer is conveyed, the public body shall require the buyer to comply with this subsection. (b) A buffer pUrsuant to this Rule shall be indicated by permanent, free-standing markers at the upland edge of the buffer. Stream buffer markers shall be placed at the edge of the streamside zone only. (1) One marker shall be placed at each lot line, with additional markers fOr a maximum marker spacing of 200 feet. (2) The marker shall consist of a four-inch,square treated wood post, installed to a height of foUr feet above grade and set at least 42 inches into the ground. A sign obtained from the District, identifying the buffer, shall be mounted flush with the top of the post using permanent, non-removable fasteners. Minor divergence from this specification is permissible for consistency with a local ordinance. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 6 -260- (3) If the District permit is sought for a subdivision~ the monumentation requirement will apply to each lot of record to be created. (4) Monumentation is not required when the buffer requirement is imposed on a single residential lot. Notwithstanding, the recordable instrument filed pursuant to subsection 3(a) shall include .the. language specified in that subsection concerning monumentation, which shall apply in the event that the lot later is subdivided. (5) With respect to public land or right-of-way, the monumentation requirement may be satisfied by the use of markers flush to the ground, breakaway markers of durable material, or a vegetation maintenance plan approved by the District. 4. BUFFER WIDTH. (a) Buffers shall be of the following minimum and average widths. "Maximum" refers to the maximum width of buffer that will be counted in calculating average width. The average width below shall be met at all points of concentrated sheet inflow to the wetland. All widths are stated as plan view (horizontal). (b) A wetland buffer shall be of the following width;, measured from the wetland edge. Wetland classifications (Preserve, Manage 1, Manage 2, Manage 3), as described in the Functional Assessment of Wetlands incorporated within the District's Water Resources Management Plan, are means of measuring wetland function and value according to criteria specified in the Functional Assessment. The District has evaluated most wetlands inthe watershed and their classifications are contained in the Functional Assessment, If a wetland has not been classified, the District will .classify'it during permit review, with the~cost reimbursable under Rule J (Fees). When a waterbody includes wetlands of different classifications, the buffer width of the dominant classification shall control. Minimum Average Maximum (feet) (feet) (feet) Manage 3 15 20 25 Manage 2 25 30 35 Manage 1 35 40 50 Preserve 50 75 100 MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -261 - (c) A stream buffer consists of two adjacent zones. Zone widths shall be as follows, beginning at the ordinary high water level: Minimum Average Maximum (feet) (feet) (feet) Streamside 25 50 100 Outer To structure setback line under applicable shoreland ordinance or, if none, under DNR shoreland ordinance (d) A lake buffer zone shall be of the following width, measured from the ordinary high water level: Minimum Average Maximum (feet) (feet) (feet) 25 50 100 (e) In an area where more than 25 percent of the applicable average buffer width in subsections 4(b) through (d) falls on a steep slope, the buffer shall extend to the top of the steep slope, or shall have a total width of 100 feet, whichever is less. A steep slope is defined as land with an average slope exceeding 12 pement over a distance of 25 feet, determined on the basis of final contours. (f) In an area where the upland buffer edge or, for a stream, the upland streamside zone edge falls on a Native Plant Community associated with a waterbody, the buffer or streamside zone shall extend to the upland edge of the Native Plant Community, or shall have a total width of 100 feet, whichever is less. 5. COMPREHENSIVE SITE WATER RESOURCE PLAN. (a) In place of a portion of the buffer specified in section 4, a public or private applicant may submit a Comprehensive Site Water Resource Plan. The District will approve the plan if it finds that the alternative means specified in the plan will provide for performance equivalent to that of the applicable buffer with respect to water quality protection, peak flow and volume control, and plant and wildlife habitat preservation. The plan shall provide for the comprehensively use of site design and maintenance, along with structural and non-structural methods, to restore and preserve the functions and values of affected water resources within the subwatershed or other appropriate ecological unit. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -262- (b) The plan must contain the following: (1) The submittals required by section 9; (2) Identification of the subwatershed(s) in which the parcel is situated. If the ecological unit selected is something other than a subwatershed, or if the area of activity is something.other than the parcel, this must be identified and a written justification of why it was selected must be included with the permit application; (3) A topographic map of the parcel and adjacent parcels with best available contours that encompasses the parcel; (4) A scaled site plan showing existing and proposed contours; the locations of proposed improvements; all waterbodies on the parcel; proposed waterbody buffers; and all vegetation types on the parcel, identifying those to be removed, those to be preserved and those to be planted; (5) Cross-sections showing high and Iow points where water will run off and accumulate; (6) A competent analysis by a qualified professional of water quality, peak flow and. volume impacts of the proposed activity, including a comparison of impacts with the full buffer in place and impacts under the plan, and an assessment of plan compatibility with surrounding present and likely future land uses; (7) A competent assessment by a qualified professional of the existing, proposed and potential functional condition of the :parcel's riparian plant and wildlife habitat, including a plant and wildlife inventory; identification of listed or locally rare species; and assessment of the degree of habi'tat alteration, specialized habitat~ connection to other habitat or habitat types, and existence of habitat barriers; (8) ImPlem_ entation plans and specifications, including implementation- phase.erosion and sedimentation controls; (9) A maintenance plan~ including the identification of responsible persons; (10) Identification of those plan elements required by a governmental body. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 -263- (11) Other information as determined by the District to be necessary to evaluate the plan. (c) As part of meeting the performance criteria of subsection 5(a), the plan must provide, at a minimum, for a 10-foot buffer of primarily native vegetation on at least 70 percent of the shoreline or streambank subject to a buffer under this Rule. The requirement of 70 percent will be reduced if justified under another provision of this Rule. (d) All plan elements shall be analyzed, designed and constructed in accordance with accepted engineering standards. The following events shall be assessed: (1) For water quality impacts, the one-year, 24-hour event; (2) For peak flow impacts, the one-, 10- and 100-year, 24-hour events; (3) For volume impacts, the 100-year, 24-hour event. (e) As a condition of plan approval, the District may require: (1) A surety in an amount consistent with Rule K (Sureties), section 3, to ensure installation and maintenance according to the plan; (2) Execution or recordation of a maintenance agreement or declaration to ensure that the parcel is used and maintained consistent with the plan. (f) The District may refer an applicant to manuals and other sources of assistance in developing a plan. (g) A watershed, corridor or other area plan may serve as the basis for a plan under section 5, provided that the area plan is supplemented as necessary to meet the application requirements of the section. A site-specific application under this Rule may propose to vary any provision of an area plan, 6. BUFFER RESTRICTIONS. (a) The buffer shall consist of primarily native vegetation that is not cultivated, cropped, pastured, mowed, fertilized, subject to the placement of mulch or yard waste, or otherwise disturbed, except for periodic cutting or burning that promotes the health of the buffer, actions to address disease or invasive species, or other actions to maintain or improve buffer quality, each as approved under subsection 2(c). Pesticides and herbicides may be used in accordance with Minnesota Department of Agriculture rules and guidelines. The vegetation shall be maintained to preserve buffer function. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 10 -264- (1) Within the outer zone cfa stream buffer, the restrictions of subsection 6(a) shall not apply. (2) The District may impose reasonable conditions to establish primarily native vegetation within the buffer. (3) Notwithstanding subsection 6(a), the District will allow disturbance of an existing District-required buffer pursuant to subsection 6(e). (b) Subject to section 8 of this Rule, except as provided in this subsection, no above-ground structure or impervious surface shall be placed within the buffer permanently or temporarily. (1) A structure may extend or be suspended above the buffer on District approval under subsection 2(c) if the impact of any supports within the buffer is negligible, the design allows sufficient light to maintain the species shaded by the structure, and the structure does not otherwise interfere with the protection afforded by the buffer. (2) Where a buffer is required in conjunction with a Rule G (Waterbody Crossings) permit, the structure associated with an approved crossing is exempted from the prohibition of this subsection. The impact of. the crossing on the waterbody and buffer shall be minimized. (3) A public road, an above-ground public utility, an above-ground structure associated with a public road or public utility, or a maintained public utility right-of-way .may be located within a buffer zone on a demonstration that there is no reasonable alternative that avoids or reduces the proposed buffer intrusion. A .structure, impervious cover or right-of- way maintained permanently within a buffer shall minimize the area of permanent vegetative disturbance. Minimization includes, but is not limited to, approach roads and rights,of-way that are perpendicUlar to a crossing and of a minimum width consistent with use and maintenance access needs. (4) Outlet, flood control and stormwater treatment facilities may be located within a buffer subject to conditions to minimize buffer impact. (5) Shoreline or streambank stabilization measures may be installed pursuant to a Rule F (Shoreline & Streambank Improvements) permit or as specifically excepted from Rule F under subsection 2(d) of that Rule. (c) Fill, debris or other material shall not be excavated from or placed in a buffer, except for: (1) temporary placement of fill or excavated material pursuant to lawful work in the associated waterbody, with District approval under subsection MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 11 -265- 2(c); (2) excavation, filling and the temporary placement of fill or excavated material in the outer zone of a stream buffer, with District approval under subsection 2(c); or (3) activity pursuant to subsection 6(e). (d) The buffer may enclose a linear feature on a demonstration that doing so will not significantly reduce the protection afforded the waterbody. A trail no more than 10 feet in width bordered by a pervious buffer of at least five feet on each side is deemed to meet this requirement. The feature shall not count toward buffer width. (e) Notwithstanding subsection 6(a) or Rule B (Erosion Control), paragraph 5Co)(8), the District shall issue a permit allowing a buffer to be disturbed for the purpose of altering land contours, installing a below-ground public utility or improving buffer function if the following criteria are met: (1) An erosion control plan is submitted that complies with section 7; (2) Wooded buffer and riparian canopy trees, and their root systems within the dripline, are protected and left intact; (3) When disturbance is completed: (a) Sheet flow characteristics within the buffer are improved; (b) Average slope is no steeper than preexisting,average slope; (c) The top 18 inches of the soil profile is uncompacted, has a permeability at least~ equal to the permeability of the preexisting soil in an uncompacted state and has organic matter content of between five and 15 percent;: and (d) Habitat diversity and riparian shading are maintained or improved. (4) A revegetation plan specifies removal of invasive species and establishment of primarily native vegetation suited to the location; the plan also provides that.saplings shall be planted to replace removed trees at a ratio of at least two diameter inches for each diameter inch removed. (5) A recorded instrument establishes that for three years following site stabilization, the property owner of record will correct erosion, maintain and replace vegetation, and remove of invasive species to permanently establish vegetation according to the revegetation plan. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 12 -266- A permit will not be approved if on the basis of existing or proposed slope, soil type, root structure or proposed construction methods, it is likely that disturbance will result in erosion, slope failure or a failure to establish vegetation. 7. TEMPORARY PROTECTION. (a) The substantive requirements of Rule B (Erosion Control), specifically including the requirements of this section, shall apply to land-disturbing activity within any buffer zone other than a stream outer zone that requires a permit or buffer encroachment approval under this Rule, irrespective of the area or volume of earth to be disturbed. (b) Buffers and the location and extent of proposed vegetation disturbance shall be delineated on the erosion control plan. (c) Alterations must be designed and conducted to ensure only the smallest disturbed area is exposed for the shortest time possible. Mulches or similar materials must be used for temporary soil coverage and permanent natural vegetation must be established as soon as possible. (d) Fill or excavated material shall not create an unstable slope. (e) When land-disturbing activity occurs adjacent to a buffer, siltation or other fencing shall be maintained at the buffer edge to prevent buffer disturbance. When land-disturbing activity occurs in the outer zone of a stream buffer, fencing shall be maintained at the common boundary of the outer and streamside zones. 8. EXCEPTIONS. (a) A structure, impervious surface, road or utility in place on [the effective date of this Rule]; its maintenance, reconstruction or relocation further from the waterbody without an increase in surface area; and maintenance of its existing right-of-way are excepted from this Rule. (b) Access may be created and maintained for the exercise of a riparian right or public use right in a waterbody. An access surface within a buffer shall be non- polluting, pervious where feasible, and no larger than needed for the intended use. Permanent vegetative disturbance shall be limited to that needed for access in light of the nature and extent of the permitted use. A facility that is a necessary part of a riparian or public use of the waterbody and required by its nature to be adjacent to the water may be located within a buffer subject to conditions specified by the District to minimize buffer impact. Such facilities include, but are not limited to, docking facilities, boat ramps, fishing piers, overlooks, beaches and canoe racks. The exception provided by this paragraph applies to no more than 30 percent of the shoreline or streambank subject to a buffer under this Rule. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 13 -267- (c) The District may grant a variance or an exception from this Rule in accordance with Rule I of the MCWD Rules. 9. REQUIRED SUBMITTALS. A scaled site plan shall be submitted with the application showing: (a) Property lines and comers and delineation of lands under ownership of the applicant; (b) Existing and proposed elevation contours; (c) Delineation of the stream top of bank, lake ordinary high water level or wetland edge and the buffer applicable under this Rule. For a wetland delineation, the application shall include data sheets with detailed information on soils, hydrology and vegetation and a summary report. Wetland should be delineated between May 1 and October 15. A delineation outside of this period may not be accepted and must be approved by the District in advance. The top of bank or wetland boundary shall be staked in the field. (d) Identification, within waterbody and buffer areas, of the location and species of each tree larger than four inches in diameter at a point four feet above the ground, indicating those trees proposed to be removed. (e) Identification and location of all waterbodies on the property or within 100 feet of the property boundary. (f) State, county and local protection status or designation of the subject waterbody. MCWD Rule Revision Proposed Rules B & M December 5, 2003 14 -268- Minnehaha Creek Watershed District ' Water pro Information for professionals working with water issues. VOL. 1, ISSUE 3 FALL 2003 Inside: Proposed MCWD Rule M on Buffers Excerpts from MCWD's Technical Fact Sheet on Buffers · Trillium Bay Homeowner's Associa- tion shoreline restoration and buffer project Water Wise: haha Creek Watershed District's ,Posed Buffer Rule Prepares for Public Review The Value of Buffers Buffers are an essential part of a developed watershed. Development, by either agricultural intensification or urbanization, is accompanied by soil compaction, loss of vegetation, and increase in impervious surfaces; all these reduce the absorptive capacity of the land. This loss, coupled with introduction of new sources of non-point source pollution, results in higher ¥olumes and velocities of surface runoff carrying larger loads of contaminants. The consequences to the quality of life in Minnehaha Creek watershed are significant: increased flooding and erosion, water quality degradation, reduced biological productivity, and diminished recreational opportunities in some of the state's highly-prized water resources. Buffers alone cannot solve problems caused by excess and contaminated runoff, but they can provide a cost-effective approach to mitigating development pressures. In fact, a nationwide effort is underway to protect lakes, rivers and streams, and wetlands by focusing on the critical and highly vulnerable zones surrounding them. This larger effort by fed- eral and state governments underscores the importance of building a partnership among landowners, communities, business, and citizens' groups in Minnehaha Creek to promote the long-term health and beauty of our watershed. History of the Proposed Rule M Currently Rule D Wetland Protection establishes the width ot'the buffer is based on the size of the wet- land. The MCWD Board of Managers was inter- ested in determining sound scientific principles to add buffers to lakes and streams so they began a two-year process of review as follows: · Conducted extensive buffer research and re- viewed scientific studies. · Developed the first draft of Rule M and sent it out for public comment in the spring of 2001. · Based on cmm'nents received, the MCWD con- ducted additional research. · Due to input from the Twin Cities Builders As- sociation in 2002, the Board decided it would be in the best interests of the rule and its implementation to base buffers on the Functional Assessment of Wetlands (FAW). · In 2003, the District completed the FAW for wetlands ]/4 acre or larger. · The board-appointed task force revised Rule M and it was released for public comment in early December 2003. The FAW was distributed by the MCwD to cities located in the District and other entities such as the Twin Cities Builders Association and MinneaPolis Park and Recreation Board and is aVailable t° anY, one by electronic copy. Maps are available throtigh your city or the MCWD at 952-471-0590. -269- Page 2 HiGhlights of the proposed Rule M are: · Wetland buffer widths are based onfioTction and value. · Currently, bufferpermitsJbrsinglefamily homes are quired in most situations. Under the new Rule M, bu~Jkrs are only required for single family homes when increasing impervious surfaces by 50%, or in large home develop- ments or redevelopments. · The rule includes a Comprehensive Site PVater Resources Plan, or alternate plan for water quality protection. An alternate plan may be proposed in place ora portion of the buffer area, if it provides the same water quality protection, peakjTow and volume control and plant and wildlife habi- tat preservation as the established bt~fer requirements. More simply put...~/lexibility is provided in the rtde Jbr site specific considerations. In an effort to help everyone clearly understand th~ purpose and intent of this rule, the District is developing technical and general public educational WaterPro Fact Sheets about buffers. These documents will include design profiles, plant lists, etc. The following are excerpts from the technical fact sheet. Buffer Fact Sheet Design and maintenance of effective buffers Two key considerations guide buffer design: (I) the func- tions and values of the receiving water, including its sensi- tivity to disturbance; and (2) physical characteristics of the riparian zone. Differing functions and values of lakes, streams, and wet- lands in a watershed (including their importance to water supply, fish and wildlife, and recreation) should be assessed in determining buffering needs. In general, recreational lakes and streams, highly diverse wetlands, and sensitive plant or wildlife communities should be given greater pro- tection than wetlands used for stormwater management. It is important to note that, while buffers around lakes, wet- lands, and streams are similar in most ways, some differ- ences should be factored into design decisions (see Table B on page 3). Physical characteristics of a riparian zone should also factor into buffer design. In particular, the presence of steep slopes (greater than 12% grade) and highly erod- ible soils (0.35 or greater) usually indicate the need to extend the buffer width to the top of a slope wherever possible. Increasing plant density, especially with deep-rooted shrubs and trees, further stabilizes steep and erodible areas. The effectiveness of buffers in protection or rehabili- tating ecological functions and values depends on four factors: width, vegetative character, sheet flow, and maintenance. Step-by-Step to Buffer Development (~ Gather basic site information: slope, soil char- acteristics, drainage patterns, surrounding land uses, and sunlight exposure. (~ Determine location and size of buffers based on site considerations and functional goals. Ac- cess to shoreline through buffers should be designed to direct runoff into vegetated areas. (~) Ensure upgradient design to prevent concen- trated flow and correct erosion problems. Use low impact construction methods to create uneven group topography. (~Natural buffer: the simplest and cheapest way to naturalize a buffer area is to simply stop mowing and to allow a natural succession of plants to establish themselves--first grasses and groundcovers, followed by woody species. If this does not produce the desired effect, professional advice on landscaping and plant selection should be sought. -270- Page 3 (~ Landscaped buffer: a more managed buffer takes less time to establish but is more costly. Use natural refer- ence sites to select appropriate native plants for the project site, or talk to local nurseries about plants that are attractive, easy to maintain, and provide wildlife benefits. To avoid genetic competition, native plants should come from local sources. Where possible, incorporate a multiple-zone design: an outer zone of grasses and groundcovers to filter runoff, and inner (shoreline) zones of shrubs and trees to increase infiltration and nutrient uptake. Protect existing native plants before planting and mulch afterwards. (Water plants regularly until they are established. Remove diseased or invasive species quickly and, as much as possible, by hand. As a general rule, avoid mowing, raking, or removing leaf litter and deadfall. At a mini- mum, delaying these activities until late in the growing season decreases the loss of total solids and phosphorus into aquatic systems. Do not use fertilizers and pesticides within 50 feet ofwaterbodies, and, a special note, after January, 2004, use only phosphorus-free fertilizers in the seven-county metropolitan area. The eight-page technical WaterPro Fact Sheet #B-O01 on Buffers, including plant lists and buffer designs, is avail- able through the MCWD offices at 952-471-0590, jellis~minnehahacreek, org or www. minnehahacreek, org in early December. -271 - Mound Police Department All-Terrain Vehicle Proposal Prepared by: Chief Jim Kurtz December 17, 2003 -272- Introduction I propose purchasing a 2004 All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) for the Mound Police Department. The vehicle would be purchased by transferring monies from our DWI seizure account to pay for a portion of the Crown Victoria Police Interceptor that was budgeted for 2004. The surplus CIP money would then be used to purchase the ATV. The purpose of the All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the City of Mound is to promote effective snowmobile enforcement, aid in fire department water rescue, and provide a tool for Community Policing, covert patrol, and public relations. All-Terrain Vehicles are light weight, durable and capable of operating in almost any environment. Their size, power, and overall versatility have allowed them to be extremely effective in a variety of police and fire operations. ATV successes have been documented by police and fire agencies all around the country. Recently, the Grand Forks Police Department and Grand Forks Sheriff's Office used ATV's to search remote areas of Fargo and Minnesota for missing North Dakota State University Student Dm Sjodin. Snowmobile Enforcement Statistically speaking, the City of Mound records very few snowmobile complaints. In the past two-and-a-half years, the department has only received 30 snowmobile complaints. The limited amount of complaints could be attributed to lack of snow over the past few years, high tolerance to violations, or apathy. From all accounts, it appears there is a high rate of unreported snowmobile violations in our community. The Police Department does not have the abihty to effectively address snowmobile violations in our city. Our patrol vehicles cannot drive in the areas that are most effected by snowmobile violations such as parks, mils, and the Commons. The only time we can really address a problem is if a snowmobile stops for us on a city street or county road. The reality is most snowmobiles flee patrol cars because they know we can't catch them, or even keep pace with them! Fire Department Water Rescue Many Fire and Sheriff Departments in the Upper Midwest use ATV's for water rescues. They use an ATV much like a boat uses a tugboat. The ATV pulls a rescue boat out to the area of the emergency with the firefighters inside. The rescuers then disconnect the boat and push it into the water to make their rescue. When the victim and rescuers are secured in the boat, the ATV pulls them to shore. It should be mentioned that the driver of the ATV and the rescuers are all required to wear life vests or "Gumby" suites while the ATV is on the ice. 1 -273- Public Works/Public Works Operations An ATV can be used for Public Works and Park and Recreation operations such as minor snow plowing, pulling garden wagons, and park maintenance. Community Policino An ATV provides a great oppommity for Community Oriented Policing much like a bike or horse patrol. The only difference is the ATV doesn't get tired! The ATV presents great exposure to the public, its operation is perceived as proactive, and a recreational machine fits the '~theme" of a lake community. Covert patrol For many years police department have used bike patrols to try and catch criminals who work at night. The bikes allow officers to sneak up on the criminals as they break into cars, or vandalize property, but, bikes have their limitations. A bike patrol officer fatigues and can only be expected to ride 3 or 4 hours a shift. In addition, a bike patrol officer is limited to the type of equipment they carry and the distance they can travel. If you have a major incident on the opposite side of the city, the bike patrol officer for all intense and purposes is unavailable. An ATV can be used in much the same manner as a bike. The difference is the ATV can carry equipment and can travel up to 50 M.P.H. This advantage allows the officer to work covert operations and still be available for emergencies or major incidents. City Ordinance Mound City Code, Sections 700 and 705 regulate the use of snowmobiles in the City of Mound. See attachment State Grant I recently applied for a State grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for snowmobile enforcement and education. The grant money can be used to reimburse police departments for salaries associated with enforcement and education. SARA Project I intend to offer snowmobile and Community Policing as a SARA project for two of our officers. The officers will be required to write a problem statement for their topic, develop strategies to address the problems, and keep track of statistics such as; written warnings, citations, and arrest. They will then be required to write a final report documenting the outcome of their project. 2 -274- Operating Permit The Police Department is eligible to obtain a special operating permit, which would allow us to operate an ATV on City streets and County Roads without violating State Statute. Conclusion I propose purchasing a 2004 Yamaha Kodiak 450 4X4 by taking $7,468.06 from the $25,000 we budgeted for our 2004 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor and reimbursing that money from our DWI Seizure account. According to Minnesota State Statute 169A. 63 VEHICLE FORFEITURE, proceeds from the sale of forfeited vehicles must be distributed as follows: (1) 70 percent of the proceeds must be forwarded to the appropriate agency (Mound) for the deposit as a supplement to state and local agency's operating fund or similar fund for the use of DWI- related enforcement, mining, and education; and (2) 30 percent of the money or proceeds must be forwarded to the prosecuting authority (Mound) that handled the forfeiture for deposit as a supplemental to its operating fund or similar fund for prosecution purposes. It would be inappropriate to use DWI-related seizure money to purchase an ATV. However, I feel that it would be completely appropriate to use DWI seizure monies to pay for a portion of a police car, since they are used on a daily bases to enforce traffic, DWI, and alcohol related violations. The Yamaha Kodiak 450 was voted American Hunter magazine's 2003 ATV of the year. It has an automatic transmission, pushbutton automatic 4x4, and has been recommended by local dealers as the best machine for law enforcement and fire applications. The following quotes were obtained: Lake Minnetonka Motorsports St. Boni Motor Sports Polaris Sales inc. $5,899.00 $4,995.00 $5,899.00 - Sportsman 400 I recommend purchasing the ATV from St. Boni Motor Sports and adding the following options: Sportsman storage tank $269.00 Windshield $ 99.95 Fender storage pack $ 29.99 Wench $500.00 Tire Chains $100.00 2 helmets $200.00 Emergency Lighting and installation $870.00 3 -275- Kodiak 450 ATV $4,995.00 Tax $346.12 Licensing $ 33.00 DOC Fees $ 25.00 Total $7,468.06 In conclusion, an ATV has been proposed by the police deparlment in the past, but always cut during preliminary budget negotiations. I feel an ATV would prove to be an important and practical asset for the police department and the City of Mound. It would allow us to aggressively enforce snowmobile violations, improve our Community Policing, aid in coven law enforcement, and enhance fire department water rescue operations. In addition, the ATV could be equipped to support public works and park and recreation crews. 4 -276- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: 12-05-03 TO: Chief Kurtz FROM: Wocken SUBJECT: ATV lighting Per a conversation with Action Radio, following are the costs of lights and installation for an ATV set-up. Front: 1 pr. Red/blue led Par 36 lights $250.00 Rear: 1 pr. Red/blue split led (like 847) $240.00 Side: 1 pr. Red led (on side of rear box) $ 80.00 Total: $570.00 Installation charge: Approx. 3-4 hrs. $300.00 Grand total $870.00 Action does not recommend using a strobe for ATV's due to the mounting and space of a control box and the vibration that will cause problems down the road. -277- Motmcl~it~le 705.00 Section 705 - SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS 705.01 .l~,t,.,,e.,nt. It is the intent of Section 705 to supplement the Laws of the State of Minnesota, ~r~ 84.81 through 84.88, and Chapters 168 through 171, Minnesota statutes, with respect to the operation of snowmobiles. This Section 705 is not intended to alloxv what the state statutes prohibit, or to prohibit what the state statutes expressly allow. 705.05 Dermitions. Any term used in Section 705 and defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 84,81., has the meaning given to it by that Section. 705.10 Drivers Certificate. No person between the ages of 14 and 18 shall operate a snowmobile on a public street or highway or on any public land or ice covered public waters unless the operator shall have a valid snowmobile safety certificate issued by the State of Minnesota u. nder Section 84.,86, Minnesota Statutes. No person under the age of 14 shall operate a snowmobile on City streets, highways, public lands, or ice covered public waters. 705.15 Lamp% Brake% Muffler% and Safety Throttle. No snowmobile shall be operated on a public street: or highway or on any public lands or ice covered public water unless it is equipped with the following: (a) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and which reduce the noise of operation of the snowmobile to a noise level which shall not be a disturbance to residents of the area of operation, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, by- pass, or similar device on said snowmobile. (b) A safety or so,called "deadman" throttle in operating condition; a safety or "deadman" throttle is defined as a device which, when pressure is removed from the accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving track. 705.20 Operations Generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any snowmobile in the following ways: No snowmobile shall be driven within 100 feet of any fisherman, pedestrian, skating rink, or sliding area or in any other area where the operation would conflict with or endanger other persons or property. (b) No snowmobile shall be operated in any cemetery. (c) No snowmobile shall be operated on private property of another without permission of the owner or lawful occupant of said property. 1 -278- Mound Ci~ Code 705.20, (d) (d) No snowmobile shall be operated in a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary, or unu~al noise with disturbs, annoys,' or interferes with the peace and quiet of other persons. (e) No snowmobile shall be operated between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 7:0Oa. m. of each day on City streets, highways, roadways, and public lands that do not abut public waters. 705.25 Unattended Snowmobiles. It is unlawful for the owner or operator of any snowmobile to leave or allow a snowmobile to be or remain unattended on public property while the motor is running or with the key to start said snowmobile in the ignition switch or if said snowmobile does not have an ignition switch which can be locked. 2 -279- Minnesota Statutes 2003, 169A. 63 Page 6 of 7 the vehicle is administratively forfeited under subdivision 8, Or if the court finds under subdivision 9 that the vehicle is subject to forfeiture under subdivisions 6 and 7, the appropriate agency shall: (1) sell the vehicle and distribute the proceeds under paragraph (b); or (2) keep the vehicle for official use. If the agency keeps a forfeited motor vehicle for official use, it shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the motor vehicle is available for use by the agency's officers who participate in the drug abuse resistance education program. (b) The proceeds from the sale of forfeited vehicles, after payment of seizure, storage, forfeiture, and sale expenses, and satisfaction of valid liens against the property, must be distributed as follows: (1) 70 percent of the proceeds must be forwarded to the appropriate agency for deposit as a supplement to the state or local agency's operating fund or similar fund for use in DWI-related enforcement, training, and education; and (2) 30 percent of the money or proceeds must be forwarded to the prosecuting authority that handled the forfeiture for deposit as a supplement to its operating fund or similar fund for prosecutorial purposes. Subd. 11. Sale of forfeited vehicle by secured party. (a) A financial institution with a valid security interest in or a valid lease covering a forfeited vehicle may choose to dispose of the vehicle under this subdivision, in lieu of the appropriate agency disposing of the vehicle under subdivision 9. A financial institution wishing to dispose of a vehicle under this subdivision shall notify the appropriate agency of its intent, in writing, within 30 days after receiving notice of the seizure and forfeiture. The appropriate agency shall release the vehicle to the financial institution or its agent after the financial institution presents proof of its valid security agreement or of its lease agreement and the financial institution agrees not to sell the vehicle to a member of the violator's household, unless the violator is not convicted of the offense on which the forfeiture is based. The financial institution shall dispose of the vehicle in a commercially reasonable manner as defined in section 336.9-610. (b) After disposing of the forfeited vehicle, the financial institution shall reimburse the appropriate agency for its seizure, storage, and forfeiture costs. The financial institution may then apply the proceeds of the sale to its storage costs, to its sale expenses, and to satisfy the lien or the lease on the vehicle. If any proceeds remain, the financial institution shall forward the proceeds to the state treasury, which shall credit the appropriate fund as specified in subdivision 9. HIST: 2000 c 466 s 3,4; 2000 c 478 art 1 s 37; art 2 s 7; 2000 c 495 s 46; 2001 c 195 art 2 s 8,9; 1Sp2001 c 8 art 11 s 11; art http://www, revisor, leg. state, mn. us/stats/169A/63, html 1/8/2004 -280- Snowmobiles make way for ATV boom Page 1 of 3 metro / region news freetime travel homezone cars shopping working nation/world politics business sports variety opinion fun & games talk Subscr classifieds Home detN Related Snowmobiles make way for ATV boom Doug Smith, Star Tribune Published January 7, 2004 DOUG07 Welcome, jameskurtz Not you? Click here Member Center _L._c~ out index photographs chronic wasting disease fishing tennis biking golf recreation search for lodging special projects ATV: Tracks on the land greecequest crossing antarctica the state we're in archive stories repdnts projects The whine of machines zipping across frozen Minnesota lakes used to belong exclusively to snowmobiles. But increasingly that sound is from all-terrain vehicles. Although Minnesota has long been a snowmobile mecca, a dearth of snow in recent years -- including this season -- has caused snowmobile sales to nosedive while sales of ATVs have skyrocketed. The lack of snow is helping drive that trend as more four-wheeled machines turn up on frozen lakes ferrying anglers to ice houses or just providing frigid fun. The numbers tell the tale: For the past four years, new ATV registrations in Minnesota have exceeded new snowmobile registrations. Last year, there were about 35,000 new ATVs registered in the state, compared to 15,000 new snowmobiles. Overall, there still are more snowmobiles registered in the state (about 267,000) than ATVs (206,000), but that gap has been narrowing fast. Snowmobile registrations have declined by 30,000 in the past three years while ATV registrations have increased by more than 57,000. ATV numbers boom David Brewster Star Tribune "We are as astonished as anyone at the rapid growth of ATVs, but we think the weather is one of the primary factors," said Ray Bohn, lobbyist with the All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota. Snow conditions in the state generally have been poor for the past several years. Currently, the southern two-thirds of the state has little or no snow and even some areas in the far north are hurting for snow -- leaving snowmobile enthusiasts, and dealers, frustrated. "Dealers are saying that people are tired of looking at their snowmobile http://www, startribune.com/stories/531/4304888.html Snow ( bleak ii Minne., New snowITi registr~ Cold t6 Wiscor snowm prospe Snows event ( no sno AII-Ter Vehicl( Associ, Minne.~ Minne., Snown Associ, Uti!itie,~ ~t Email t ~AIM thi · Print th Et Make t homep Search More search Featu re OpenSea Buy/sell t sporting ( _VV_a~r_e h__o. ~ Industries _C_uAt__o_~_e Arden Arc 1/7/2004 -281 - Snowmobiles make way for ATV boom Page 2 of 3 sitting in the garage," Bohn said. ATVs are versatile At least some are opting for a machine with wheels instead of skis. "We're seeing a number of people who are disgusted with the change in weather patterns who are making that transition," said Rich Pierce, general manager of Hitching Post Motorsports in South St. Paul. "We see a trend toward ATV use as a year-round alternative," he said. "ATVs obviously don't have the performance of a snowmobile, but they have more practical uses." For the first time, Arctic Cat sold more ATVs than snowmobiles in the past year, said Jay Lusignan, a spokesman for the Thief River Falls- based company. But Lusignan said snowmobiles aren't going away. Sales have been "OK" this season, he said, but should improve when -- and if-- significant snow falls. "Certainly you need snow to run a snowmobile," said Ed Klim of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association in Haslett, Mich. "Sales are pretty flat across the country." Worldwide sales have declined from 261,000 in 1997 to 187,000 in 2003. "Most would say it's because of the lack of snow," Klim said. The ATV boom likely has had some impact, though, he said. The winter use of ATVs poses some problems. By law, ATVs can't use snowmobile trails. And there are few ATV trails in the state, something state officials plan to correct. No snow, no go While it's still early in the winter, conditions in most of the state aren't conducive for good snowmobiling -- or even cross-country skiing. Decent mounts of snow have fallen in many areas, but unseasonably warm weather has melted much of it. "It's the same old story: we've gotten some snow, but then a warm spell melts it," said Pete Boulay, assistant state climatologist with the DNR. "That's been the culprit the last six winters." Again, the numbers tell the story: The Duluth area has gotten 32 inches of snow so far, and normally has about a foot of snow on the ground now. Instead, it now has about 2 inches. The St. Cloud area has 1 inch. The Twin Cities should have about 3 inches of snow now. Instead, there's only a trace. http://www, startribune.com/stories/531/4304888.html Courier - Oncolegy Midwest IX National B Mechi.nst Continent C_ate og~ ~_a_nagei Managem, A_ _w.a_k_e_Q: On Belay '_[ ¢~_h_n_i_caj Systems ¢ E. ducatior College Browse m 1/7/2004 -282- Snowmobiles make way for ATV boom Page 3 of 3 "So far, it hasn't been a great winter," Boulay said. You don't have to tell that to Pierce or other snowmobile dealers. Doug Smith is at dsmiti~$tartribune, com. Advertiser Llnk~ Pats Small Engine Plus i Snowmobile boots, jackets and ;)loves. Same or next day shipping. i www.psep.biz Klim Sledwear clothinp Authorized Klim Dealer for Parkas, Bibs, Gloves, Fleece and inferno. www.klimoear, com _Rp_~Q_top © Coovrieht 2004 Star Tribune. All rights reserved. http://www, startribune.com/stories/531/4304888.hlrnl -283- 1/7/2004 The Gillespie Gazette VOL XII NO 1 January- 2004 December 15, 2003 Dear Members and Friends, This letter is a substitute for the Chairperson's monthly message as our new Chairperson, Barb Calhoun, is dOwn in Oklahoma hopefully having a wonderful time with family and not worrying about us. We are writing the letter to update all of you about your Gillespie Center and the special events we are involved in. Our wonderful Senior Community Services" Dial-a-Ride program is getting a new garage facility in Spring Park for ten of its vehicles and the dispatcher. You can still call the same number for rides - 474-7441. This will be a great improvement for Program Director, Sue Gallus, to have all of the buses in one place for maintenance, cleaning, etc. The Holiday Boutique's proceeds were down a bit fi.om last year, but we felt like the economy and retail super sales were a large part of the problem. It is always such fun to bring the community in and they were so supportive again this year. Many thanks to Phyllis om for again scheduling, displaying, etc, Gini Keefe for the gargantuan job of sorting out all of the tags, our wonderful crew of men who helped move the tables and props to go up and down, our courteous, delightful cashiers and clerks who made the customers feel so special and to all of you who shopped for gifts and purchased raffle tickets. We~ will be letting you know what the profits (which have been earmarked for the Parking Lot Fund) were in the next newsletter. As of press time, we have already sold 120 tickets for the 2aa Annual Holiday Gathering. The prime ribs have been ordered, we have been busy planning the menu, creating the centerpieces and the Golden Strings are looking forward to entertaining for you. We have a great professional crew to serve you and they will make you feel very special on Saturday, January 3~t. It is so nice to see some of you using them as holiday gifts for your f.a~.~. !1~.~, ~:a~.!~,~f eight can be reserved or just come and get your own t ckets We are extremely excited to announce that we are getting very close to our $150,000 goal for the new parking lot property. If you have not yet donated, please consider this in your year-end plans. It would be gratifying to have this project completed before the year end. It is 100% tax deductible. If you want to look back during the past year, we hope our membership feds the pride of accomplishments for The Gillespie Center. We could not have done it without all of your donations, volunteer work, support of events, inspiration, prayers and membership. Each one of you is a cog in the wheels that help to make us mn and don't forget it!! If you get a chance during the holidays to thank our community friends who have donated to us, please do that. It is so nice when it comes from all of you personally! Happy Holidays from The Gillespie Center -284- Mediaco Bill Jensen V'we President., Regional Operations December 16, 2003 Dcar Mound Community Officials: As you know, Mediacom is committed to providing the City with advanced notice of pending changes in thc cable system serving your community. I am writing to inform you of a price adjustment effective on or about February 1, 2004. The price of Family Basic service will increase by $2.00 to $45.95. A copy of thc channel linc-up and rate information is attached for your review. Customers will be notified via messages on their upcoming monthly invoice. Mediacom understands that increased cable prices are not popular. However, I want to explain why the increases have continued and provide you with information on the direction of our business as a local investor in the City. Mediacom entered and expanded in the cable business with the specific goal of providing the best cable services available anywhere to non-metropolitan areas that had been left behind by previous cable operators. While some cable companies either did not reinvest in the communities they served or reinvested mostly in only their biggest markets, Mediacom strives to give all its communities access to robust channel lineups, digital cable and high-speed Internet services as well as the next generation of broadband products. Mediacom also believes its customers should be able to enjoy those services at fair and reasonable prices. Mediacom has invested the hundreds of miHions of dollars necessary to provide those services as well as allowing for expansion as new technologies emerge. We have worked diligently to keep rates very close to the national average as determined by the Federal Communications Commission's national price survey. The mount of programming and ~ overall pricing of cable services have risen substantially and it has been difficult for many previously Underserved customers to comprehend and accept the size of price increases over this period. Mediacom Communications Corporation 1504 2~a Street SE * Waseca, MN 56093 * 507-835-2356 * Fax 507-835-4567 -285- Heavy capital investment and programming increases have been noted in previous rate adjustment notifications. Despite customer sensitivities to further rate increases, programming companies continue to increase their pricing to Mediacom at many times the rate of inflation. It must be noted that although wages and benefits normally comprise the greatest expense for most businesses, programming expenses make up the single greatest operating expense for Mediacom. The significance of these types of increases is put into proper perspective when one considers that this one expense has been increasing at rates in excess of 18 percent per year. Mediacom has strenuously objected to the continued rate of escalation by programming companies and will continue fighting to reduce cost acceleration. Most importantly, the City should know that the total increase in costs that Mediacom incurs from programming, wages and benefits, marketing, training and other items exceed the amount of increased revenue received from increased pricing. The percent of operating margin, or rate of return for core video services has been decreasing year over year. The decline in margin for the company is the equivalent of an employee earning less real dollars as happens when their salary increases by less than the rate of inflation. There are great opportunities for Mediacom in your community despite the challenges we currently face. Mediacom cable systems are superiorly positioned to deliver exciting new products and services such as high definition television, video on demand and telephone service. The growth of high-speed Internet service and other products continue to fuel future investments in your community. Please contact me directly at (507) 835-2356 if you would like to discuss the rate adjustments or if I may be of any assistance in responding to customer inquires. Sincerely, Bill J~~sen~~ -286- sab30356 12/3/03 5:12 PM Page Products & Services Price List Serving Chanhassen, Deephaven, Excelsior, Greenwood, Independence, Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Plain, Medina, Minnetonka Beach, Minnetrista, Mound, Orono, St. Bonifacius, Shorewood, Spring Park, Tonka Bay, Victoria, Waconia, Wayzata, Woodland Effective February I. 2004 Dear VaJued Customer, Mediacom constantly strives :o bring you new products and better programming choices. As part of our ongoing commitmen% we continually seek ways to keep expenses down so our products and services will be fairly priced. However, increased cable programming expenses and operational costs have continued to escalate. At this time, we find it necessary to make some modes: adjustments to monthly rates beginning with your February 2004 billing statement. Even with this adjustment~ Mediacom continues to be an extraordinary value. The improvements we have made throughout the year and continue to make every day allow us to de~iver on the promise of better service, and ensure that Mediacom can continue to provide you and your community with the most competitive level of services available. Thank you for being a valued customer. Sincerely, Regional Vice President VIDEO INSTALLATION CHARGES* Prewired Installation (One outlet) ......................... $ 27.50 LJnwiredAeria~ Installation (One outlet) .................... $ 4h99 Installation of Additional OutJe:Same trip .................. $ 13.49 Installation of Additional Outlet:Separate trip ................ $ 19.99 Field Reactivation of Account ............................ $ 41.99 Electronic Reactivation of Account ........................ $ 27.50 Transfer of Service (One outlet) .......................... $ 14.50 Hourly Service Charge ................................. $ 29.00 Field Change of Service ................................. $ 33.48 Electronic Change of Service ............................. $ 13.49 Connection of Consumer Owned Equipment Same trip (per item)** .$ 5.99 Connection of Consumer Owned Equipment: Separate trip** ...$ 17_99 *Applies to ail s~ndard insl~dlatJon up to IS0 feet from main cable line. Installations of mom dian I SO feet from the main cable line me/require custom work and Prices ma~, var~ Charges for non-s~andard ir~agadons will be quomd in advance of any work. Full Paymem is due prior to commeecement of work Rekx:afing of existing wiring and wail frJ~es are not included. **Includes such items asVCR, DVD, home stereo, game equipment, et:. CABLE SERVICES Broadcast Basic ....................................... $ 13.50 Family Cable* ........................................ $ 45.95 Cable Guide ......................................... $ 3.00 HomeWire Maintenance Plan ............................ $ t.40 Pay-Per-View (PPV) Movies** ............................ $ 3.99 *includes Broadcast Basic. **Digital Conver~r Required (Adult and Special Event Prices vary). DIGITALA LA CARTE PREMIUM SERVICES (Digital converter required) HBO ............................................... $ I 1.95 Cinemax ............................................ $ 9.95 Show:line ........................................... $ 9.95 STARZ! ............................................. $ 9.95 EQUIPMENT CHARGES Monthly Rental Base Digital Converter with Remote ....................... $ 2.00 (Does not include Interactive Guide, PPV Access, and Digital Music Choice) Standard Digital Converter with Remote ................... $ 5.00 (Does not include Interactive Guide, PPV Access, and Digital Music Choice) Digital Link (Digital Converter Required) ...................... $ 3.00 (Includes Interactive Guide, PPV Access, and Digital Music Choice) High Definition (HDTV) Converter with Remote ............. $ I 1.00 (Does not include Interactive Guide. PPV Access, and Digital Music Choice) Cable Modem ........................................ $ 3.00 Medi DIGITAL PACKAGES (Family Cable ~nd Digital Conver~er Required - Prices not Included in Packages) Includes Digital Access: Digital Link (Interactive Guide, Digita~ Music Choice, Digital Pa),-Per-View Access) and Special Interest Channels. Digital Access ........................................ $ 7.00 Digital Encore (includes 12 Encore premium channels) ............. $ 12.00 Digital Choice* ....................................... $ 15.00 (Includes your choice of one Multi-Screen Premium Group) Digital Value* ......................................... $ 23.00 (Includes your choice of two Muki.Screen Premium Groups) Digital Value Plus* ..................................... $ 30.00 (includes your choice of three Multi-Screen Premium Groups) Total Digital .......................................... $ 38.00 (Includes a]l of the Multi-Screen Premium Groups and Digital Variety Pac) Digital Variety Pac (add to any Digital Package) .................. $ 5.95 Digital en Espa~ol (add to any Digital Package) .................. $ 5.95 *Digital packages with HBO are $2.00 extra. MEDIACOM ONLINE (Cable Modem Required) Mediacom Online Service w/Modem Rental ................. $ 45.95 (Includes $10 savings when subscribing to both Online and Video Services) Mediacom Online Service w/Modem Rental ................. $ 55.95 Mediacom Online Service ............................... $ 42.95 (includes $10 savings when subscribing to both Online and Video Services) Mediacom Online Service ............................... $ 52.95 Additional Dynamic IPAddress ........................... $ 5.00 MEDIACOM ONLINE INSTALLATION CHARGES (Cable Modem Required) Standard Installation ................................... $ S9.95 (Installation of cable modem to one existing oudet) Self Activation (CurtentVideo Subscribers Only) ................. $ 29.95 Premium Installation ................................... $ 99.95 (Installation of modem, computer set-up & second outlet if required) Premium Installation with NIC card ....................... $ 124.95 Rates shown above do not include franchise fees, copyright taxes, and/or associated surcharges. How to Contact Us Call Center 24 hours a day/7 days a week: 1-800-332-0245 Billing Policies All accounts not paid by the due date may be assessed up to a $5.00 late payment processing fee on the next statement. A $20.00 field collection charge will be applied to all accounts with unpaid balances sent to the field for collection. A $20.00 handling fee will be charged to accounts for any check returned for insufficient funds. Seven days advance notification is required for termination of service. Ail leased equipment must be returned. Failure to return will result in unreturned equipment charges up to $500 per unit. (over) sab30356 8383.9200(1490.1680,3020) -- -287- tsab30357 12/3/03 4:55 PM Page 2 ~ FAMILY CABLE 209 G4 430 Encore Westerns 210 Tech ~/ 43~ Encore Westerns West B 211 The Golf Channel B 212 FOX Sports World B 213 Outdoor Channel 501-520 Mediacom PPV B 214 style 523 Event PPV B 215 Goodlife 1~ 530 ESPN Now B 216 Wisdom 531-535 Sports PPV B 217 Inspira~nal Life 543 Urban X,'a B 218 BBC America 550 Spice B 219 independent Film Channel 551 Spice 2 B 220 Lifetime Movie Network 552 Playboy 553 Pleasure 554 Hot Body 2 555 TEN 556 TEN Clips 2 ICi'CA (PBS 2) St. Paul 3 WFTC (UPN 29) Mpls. 4 WCCO (CBS 4) Mpls. 5 [STP (ABC S) Mpis. 6 Metro Cable Network 7 KSTC (~ND 45) Mpls. 8 Government Access 9 KMSP (FOX 9) Mpls. Mediacom Connection KARE tNBC II) Mpls. 12 Local access 13 KTCI (PBS 17) St. Paul t6 C-Span 17 RMWB (WB 23) Mpls. 18 QVC 19 Educational/Local Access 20 Local Access 21 Local Access 22 KPXM (PAX 41) St. Cloud 23 The Weather Channel 24 ESPN 25 ESPN 2 26 FOX Sports Net North 27 FX 28 Speed Channel 29 Lifetime 30 ABC Family USA 32 Sci-Fi Channel 33 TBS 34 TNT 35 Bravo 36 AMC 37 A&E 38 History Channel 39 HGT~ 40 Food Network 41 Court TV 42 Travel Channel 43 Discovery Channel 44 TLC 45 Animal Planet 46 Nickelodeon 47 Cartoon Network 48 Disney Channe~ 49 TV Land 50 SoapNet 52 Comedy Central 53 MTV 54 VH-I 55 CMT 56 Spike TV 57 TBN 58 flaiJmark Channel 59 Ev~rrN 60 CNN 61 Headline News 62 FOX News Channel 63 MSNBC 64 CNBC 65 FOX Movie Channel 66 BET 6867 [nsSNPirafion Network 69 TV Guide Channel 70 Univision 71 WE 78 TCM DIGITAL SPECIAL INTEREST 201 Discovery Kids 202 The Science Channel 203 Discovery Health 204 Discovery Home & Leisure 205 Discovery Times 206 Discovery Wings 207 Health Network 208 National Geographic B-- Broadcast Basic __ * Requires Hi-Definition Converter DIGITAL VARIETY PAC 250 Biography Channel 251 History International 254 fuse 255 Trio 256 Bloomberg News 257 Outdoor Life 258 Game Show Network DIGITAL MULTI-SCREEN PREMIUM GROUPS HBO GROUP 301 HBO 303 HBO 2 305 HBO Family 307 HBO Signature 309 HBO Latino 311 HBO Comedy 313 HBO Zone 880 HBO HD* 881 HBO ND West* CINEMAX GROUP 32.5 Cinemax 327 More Max 329 ActionMax 331 ThrillerMAX 333 WMAX 335 @MAX 3375StarMAX 339 OuterMax SHOWTIME/TMC GROUP 351 Showtime 352 Showtime West 353 Showfime Too 354 Showtime Too West 355 Showtime Showcase 356 Showtime Showcase West 357 Showtime Extreme 358 Showtime Extreme West 359 Showtime Beyond 360 Showtime Beyond West 380 THC 38l TMC West 382 THC Xtra 383 TMC X~ West 390 Sundance 391 Sundance West 392 Flix 393 Flix West 890 Showtime MD* 891 Showtime HD West* STARZ! / ENCORE GROUP 401 STARZ! 402 STARZ! West 403 STARZ! 2 Theater 405 Black START.! 407 WAM! 409 STARZ! 4 FamiJy 411 START.! 5 Cinema 412 STA~! 5 Cinema West 420 Encore 421 Encore West 422 Encore Action 423 Encore Action West 424 Encore Love Stories 425 Encore Love Stories West 426 Encore DIGITAL PAY-PER-VIEW DIGITAL EN ESPANOL 601 TVE Internadonal 602 Discovery en Espafiol 603 Cine Latino 604 Utilisima Satelkal 605 FOX Sports World en Espafiol 606 CNN en Espafiol 607 Toon Disney en Espahol 608 MTV S 609 VH UNO DIGITAL MUSIC EN ESPANOL 620 DMX Latin Contemporary 621 DMX Fiesta Tropical 622 DMX Rock en Espa5ol 623 DMX Latin Jazz 624 DMX Regional Mexican 625 DMX Tejano 626 DMX Salsa 627 DMX Musica de las Americas DIGITAL MUSIC CHOICE 701 Showcase 702 Today's Country 703 Classic Country 704 Americana 705 Bluegrass 706 R&B and Hip Hop 707 Classic R&B 708 Smooth R&B 709 Rap 710 Metal 711 Rock 712 Power Rock 713 Classic Rock 714 A}ternative Rock 715 Electronica 716 Dance 717 Progressive/Adult A~ternative 718 Soft Rock 719 Hit List 720 Party Favorites 72180s 722 New Wave 72370s 724 Solid Gold Oldies 725 Singers & Standards 726 Big Band & Swing 727 Easy listening 728 Smooth Jazz 729 Jazz 730 Blues 731 Reggae 732 Soundscapes 733 Classical Masterpieces 734 Opera 735 Light Classical 736 Show Tunes 737 Contemporary Christian 738 Gospel 739 For Rids Only 740 Sounds of the Seasons 741 Husica Latina 742 Salsa y Merengue 743 Rock en Espafiol Mystery 417 Encore Mystery West 428 Encore True Stories 744 Latin Love Songs 429 Encore True Stories West 745 Hexicana Chanhassen. Deephaven, Excelsior, Greenv~od, Independence, Long Lake, L oretto, Maple Plain, Medina, Plinnetonka Beach, Mlnnetrls~. Mound, Orono, St. Benifacius. Shorev, ood, Spring P~rk, Tonkz Bay, Victoria,Waconia,Way'zata, Woodmnd sub30357 8383-9200 (1490-1680, 3020) -288- 12-18-2003 10:51AM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4?20620 P.02 -289- 12-18-2003 10:51AM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4~206~0 P~O~ -290- TOTAL P.03 CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT Nov. 2003 91.67% Nov. 2003 YTD PERCENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND Council 75,990 8,102 72,878 3,112 95.90% Promotions 3,750 (45) 3,750 0 100.00% City Manager/Clerk 257,150 18,951 228,173 28,977 88.73% Elections 1,080 0 326 754 30.19% Finance 215,100 15,827 195,100 20,000 90.70% Assessing 79,630 0 83,262 (3,632) 104.56% Legal 135,550 18,200 124,265 11,285 91.67% City Hall Building & Srvcs 172,650 10,355 154,342 18,308 89.40% Computer 28,640 7,456 18,978 9,662 66.26% Police 1,260,850 76,788 1,085,530 175,320 86.10% Emergency Prepardeness 7,130 22 1,643 5,487 23.04% Planning/Inspections 270,010 23,685 282,699 (12,689) 104.70% Streets 671,450 62,256 475,023 196,427 70.75% Parks 361,130 (4,710) 258,069 103,061 71.46% Transfers 203,350 t6,945 186,404 16,946 91.67% Cable TV 50,000 10,786 32,690 17,310 65.38% Contingencies 44.290 0 2.298 41,992 5.19% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 3,837,750 264.618 3.205.430 632,320 Area Fire Service Fund 510,410 Cemetery Fund 9,140 Dock Fund 141,230 TIF 1-2 0 Water Fund 679,880 Sewer Fund 1,121,210 Liquor Fund 495,850 Recycling Fund 163,310 Storm Water Utility 92,910 82,835 636,948 (126,538) 124.79% 0 1,791 7,349 19.60% 2,696 47,025 94,205 33.30% 21,419 366,559 (366,559) 42,639 524,949 154,931 77.21% 88,677 996,191 125,019 88.85% 28,044 449,269 46,581 90.61% 12,814 134,102 29,208 82.11% 13,335 100,852 (7,942) t 08.55% Exp-02 12/16/2003 Gino -291 - CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT Nov. 2003 91.67% GENERALFUND Taxes Business Licenses Non-Business Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Court Fines Other Revenue Street Lighting Fee Charges to Other Departments Nov. 2003 YTD PERCENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED 2,290,070 0 1,291,324 (998,746) 56.39% 6,930 30 13,570 6,640 195.82% 263,150 15,154 239,673 (23,477) 91.08% 502,930 183,368 348,650 (154,280) 69.32% 97,800 5,078 119,030 21,230 121.71% 117,000 12,737 89,778 (27,222) 76.73% 215,290 3,190 134,189 (81,101) 62.33% 0 9,052 53,124 53,124 14,000 90 10,182 (3.818) 72.73% TOTAL REVENUE 3,507,170 228,699 2.299.520 (1,207.650) 65.57% FIRE FUND CEMETERY FUND DOCK FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND LIQUOR FUND RECYCLING FUND STORM WATER UTILITY 550,410 20,610 541,750 (8,660) 98.43% 5,000 100 4,095 (905) 81.90% 103,400 0 116,008 12,608 112.19% 625,000 50,783 549,178 (75,822) 87.87% 1,100,000 102,029 1,054,618 (45,382) 95.87% 2,110,000 150,117 1,914,495 (195,505) 90.73% 129,000 7,456 123,589 (5,411) 95.81% 115,000 9,795 101,991 (13,009) 88.69% 12116~2003 rev01 Gino -292- General Fund $1,011,020 CDBG 1,581 Area Fire Protection Services 102,290 Grant Revolving 0 Cemetery (2,543) Dock 203,772 PW Facility 72,234 G.O. Improvement Bonds 95,568 Commerce Place TIF (305,406) TIF 1-2 Notes 86,865 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A 9,434 G.O. Bonds 2001 - C 115,570 HRA Lease Rev Bonds (950) Capital Improvement 710,345 MSA 14,860 Sealcoat 67,259 CDB 3,654 Downtown TIF 1-2 3,024,267 HRA Public Safety Bldg (587,173) Water 1,626,648 Sewer 1,164,996 Liquor Store (267,540) Recycling 48,452 Storm Water 284,946 Fire Relief (93,617) HRA 2,989 Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated/reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. 12/16~2003 CashReportCouncil Gino -293-