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PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PltONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CIIAMBERS. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004; 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Open meeting - Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve agenda, with any amendments *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes: February 24, 2004 609-612 *B. Approve payment of claims 613-645 *C. Approve public gathering permit for Fishers of Men for bass tournament weigh-in at Centerview Beach 646 *D. Approve resolution combining election Precinct 2 and 4 into new Precinct 2/4. 647-648 Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker.) 2003-2004 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Annual Meeting Engineer's report on well #8 pump house Fire Department A. Action on resolution of appreciation for Congressman John Kline for his Securing $250,000 of funds for clean up of the WAFTA site Action on resolution approving agreement for "Joint and Cooperative Use of Fire Personnel and Equipment" for .Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Association mutual aid group Planning Commission Recommendations A. Action on Subdivision Exemption - Lot 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills, Unit F B. Action on join PC/CC workshop - suggest Mar 29 or Apr 19 649-659 660-667 668-669 670-675 676-695 PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 9. Community Development Director's Update 10. Information/Miscellaneous B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Minutes: Planning Commission - Mar 11, 2004 Newsletter: Metropolitan Council Report: Harbor Wine and Spirits Newsletter: Gillespie Center LMC: Friday Fax Calendar: LMCC Correspondence: LMCD Newsletter: Lake Minnetonka Association Minutes: DCAC- Feb 19, 2004 11. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. agendas may be viewed at Ci .ty Hall or at the Ci~ of 3dound web site: www. cityofmound com. 696-697 698-712 713-716 717 718 719-720 721-722 723-737 738-743 744-745 More current meeting COUNCIL BRIEFING March 9, 2004 ~Jpcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Mar 9 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Mar 9 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Mar 23 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Mar 23 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Mar 30 - 6:30 - Annual Reports Apr 1 - 6:30-9:00 - Harbor Wine and Spirits Wine Tasting Benefit for Public Safety Upcoming Absences Mar 2-13 Mar 7-14 Mar 16-19 Pat Meisel Bob Brown Kandis Hanson Remodeling/Space Reorganization Finance will be in their new space March 6th. The physical move will take place by March 5th, with phones transferred on March 6th. Public Works/Planning will be moved within their space by March 15th, with phones transferred by March 16th. Kandis, Bonnie, Katie, Accessing and Jim F will be moved starting March 16th through March 22nd. The phones will be transferred on March 23rd. Wine Tasting I will bring tickets for the wine tasting to the CC meeting. They are $35 each. Please tell/invite others. We oeed to sell 300 tickets! nions Sergeants' mediation did not result in settlement on Friday, and they have moved on to arbitration. Public Works mediate on Monday, and a date has yet to be set for the Patrol unit. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, February 24, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, City Engineer John Cameron, Vern Brandenberg, David Sutton, Rick Bloomquist, Grant Johnson Consent Agenda: Afl items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVE AGENDA Meyer requested the addition of Item 9L, Citizen Recognition Meisel requested the addition of item 3N, Approval of Garbage and Refuse Collection Licenses. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Meisel requested the removal of Item 3F for discussion and Meyer requested the removal of item 3L. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the consent agenda with the exception of item 3F and 3L. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approval of minutes of February 10, 2004. B. Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $344,520.86. C. Approve final payment to Traut Wells for Municipal Well No. 8 in the amount of $4,424.81. D. Approve Payment Request No. 5 to Valley Paving for 2003 Street Reconstruction Project, in the amount of $38,701.53. E. Approve Appointment to Park & Open Space Commission of Mark Mason. 1 -609- Mound City Council Minutes - February 24, 2004 F. (removed) G. RESOLUTION NO, 04-27' RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR THE VFW POST #5113 H. RESOLUTION NO. 04-28: RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 398 I. Approve Public Gathering Permit for Gander Mountain Invitational Bass Tournament: June 19, 2004 at Mound Bay Park. J. Approve agreement for disposal between NRC Processing Solutions, LLC and the City of Mound. K. RESOLUTION NO, 04-29: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF 2004 GRANT APPLICATION FOR RECYCLING AND EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT L. (removed) M. RESOLUTION NO. 04-30: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS OF $50,000 INTERNAL LOAN N. Approve Garbage and Refuse Collection Licenses for BFI Waste Systems, Randy's Sanitation, and Waste Management Systems, contingent upon receipt of all forms, fees and certificates of insurance. 3F. CONTINUATION OF CDBG FUNDING OF WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK (WeCAN) Vern Brandenberg, Director of WeCAN, presented the Council with statistics from the last year. David Sutton expressed appreciation to the Council for the cooperative effort and invited them to visit their new office on Commerce Blvd. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO, 04-31: RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CONTINUATION OF CDBG FUNDING OF WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK (WeCAN) 3L. APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF $357000 FOR PLAY STRUCTURE AT HIGHLAND PARK Meyer stated that he doesn't agree with spending park dedication dollars, approximately 20% of the entire fund, for something with a life expectancy of about 15 years. He believes that park dedication funds should be used for land acquisition or trail development. Meisel commented that the Parks Commission voted unanimously in favor of this expenditure and is taking this recommendation. Also, with all of the development going on, the fund will be replenished. Brown stated that he doesn't believe that taxpayers should be asked to pay for this equipment when there is already money available in the park dedication fund. Osmek clarified that the park dedication funds come from fees that are paid when subdivisions are approved and this fund will be replenished. Hanus stated that there are no funds available in the city budget for a play structure, and the only way this will be purchased 2 -610- Mound City Council Minutes - Februaw 24, 2004 is through the park dedication fund, which is better than the alternative of letting the present equipment deteriorate to the point of creating a liability. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to authorize $35,000 from the Park Dedication Fund, to pay for the replacement of the Highland Park Play Structure. The following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried. 4. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT ON ANY ITEM NO ~ ON THE AGENDA - None were offered. 5. ACTION ON RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SETTING Bib DATE FOR 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 04-32: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECEIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 6. ACTION ON RESOLUTION ORDERING FEASIBILITY STUDY AND SE'II' lINC PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2004 RETAINING WALL PROJECT John Cameron explained that in order to do more retaining walls according to §429, 20% of the project has to be assessed. Since these retaining walls are not assessed it will be combined with the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project. Kandis Hanson explained that about five years ago a study was done that shows the manner in which retaining walls were installed years ago in the City made them the obligation of the City. They were created to facility street reconstruction so, therefore, the city is obligated for their long term maintenance, even if they are on private property. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 04-33: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY REPORT ON RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2004. 7. UPDATE ON AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES (MCES) FOR LIF~ STATION REMOVAl Mayor Meisel stated that she has a draft letter dated December 3, 2003, that constituted a preliminary agreement with MCES for the lift station project. When an update of this letter dated February 3 was received, it was totally different than what was originally agreed to, both for the temporary and permanent lines. She met today with Mary Hill Smith and Bill Moeller of MCES and believes things are now worked out that will satisfy the hotel development. She will know on Monday, March 1st when she gets the letter 3 -611- Mound City Council Minutes - February 24, 2004 back, if the schedule for both the permanent and temporary lines are what is acceptable for the hotel development project. Rick Bloomquist thanked the Council for their cooperation and a definite date for another meeting the week of March 1st will be scheduled. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION PERTAINING TO LABOR NEGOTIATIONS At 8:20 p.m., Mayor Meisel stated that the Council will go into executive session to discuss strategy for labor negotiations. The Council reconvened at 8:55 p.m. and Mayor Meisel stated that as a result of the executive session, the City Manager has been given direction as to how to proceed with union negotiations. m iNFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. Correspondence: Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative B. Report: Harbor Wine and Spirits C. Correspondence: LMCD D. Newsletter: Gillespie Center E. Letter: Mediacom F. LMC: Friday Fax G. Letter: Northwest Tonka Lions Club H. Report: Finance Dept- Prelim Dec 2003 & Jan 2004 I. Newsletter: Hennepin County J. FYI: Charitable gambling contribution by American Legion K. Letter: Hennepin County re MCWD L. Peter Meyer requested to acknowledge his wife, Jackie, on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. 10. ADJOURN MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 8:59 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 4 -612- MARCH 9, 2004 CITY COUNCIL MEETINC 122503SUE $8,693.29 DEC 013104CRCARD$5,787.37 FEB 021704SUE $67,926.00 FEB 021804SUE $37,121.43 FEB 022004SUE $6,250.00 FEB 022504SUE $4,363.95 FEB 022704S U E $710.76 FEB 030304S U E $1,337.30 MAR 30904S U E $177,663.46 MAR TOTAL $309,853.56 -613- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 03/04/04 1:18 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2003 Batch Name 122503SUE User Dollar Amt $8,693.29 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $8,693,29 $0,00 In Balance Refer 122503 ALEX AIR APPARATUS, INCORPO AP Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA iNSTALL COMPRESSOR $937.20 Invoice 5795 12/25/2003 Total $937.20 Transact on Date 12/25/2003 Due 12/25/2003 Accounts Payab e 20200 Refer 122503 BLACKOWIAKAND SONROLLOFF $475.00 AP Payment E 670-49500-101 F T Empl Regular 50 YD FOR TV'S Invoice 10151738-B 11/9/2003 Total $475.00 Transact on Date 12/25/2003 Due 12/25/2003 Accounts Payab e 20200 Refer 122503 EXTREME BEVERAGE $128.00 AP Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R LIQUOR invoice 168162 12/15/2003 Total $128.00 Transaction Date 12/25/2003 Due 12/25/1993 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 122503 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A AP Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals 2003 RADIO LEASE $2,036.40 invoice 122503 12/25/2003 Total $2,036.40 Transaction Date 12/25/2003 Due 12/25/2003 Accounts Payab e 20200 Refer 122503 PEDERSON, GREG $14.56 AP Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE EXPENSES Invoice 122503 12/25/2003 AP Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training MN FIRE CHIEFS CONFERENCE,DULUTH,MN $692.67 invoice 122503 12/25/2003 $309.24 AP Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 2003 MILEAGE lnvo ce 122503 12/25/2003 , 25/2003 Accounts Payable 20200 Total ' $1,016.47 ction Date 12/25/2003 Due 12/ __ ~ Transa ~ .... ~ - ~ Refer 122503 TWiN ClTY GARAGE DOOR COMP . AP Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies PHOTO EYES ON DOORS $1,026.67 Invoice 211500 1212512003 PO 18012 AP Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies PHOTO EYES ON DOORS $1,026,67 Invoice 211500 12/25/2003 PO 18012 AP Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies PHOTO EYES ON DOORS $1,026,66 Invoice 211500 12/25/2003 PO 18012 , 3 Due 12/25/2003 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,080.00 Transaction Date 12/25/200 ~ ...................... .............................. - ~ ........ Refer 122503 XCEL ENERGY $1,020.22 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 12-03 HOLIDAY LIGHTS Invoice 0393-970-397-00 12/25/2003 Transaction Date 1212512003 Due 1212512003 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,020.22 -614- CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2003 20200 Accounts Payable $2,046.89 $3,O52.87 $937.2O $1,026.67 $1,026.66 $128.00 $475.00 $8,693.29 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $8,693.29 $8,693.29 03/04/04 1:18 PM Page 2 -615- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: February 2004 Batch Name Refer 13104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 013104CRCARD User Dollar Amt $5,787.37 Payments Computer Dollar Ami $5,787.37 $0.00 In Balance ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 95080 1/31/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 01-10-04 BACHMANS PSB 1/10/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 01-10-04 FRANKS PSB 1/10/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 01-11-04 PARTY AMERICA PSB 1/11/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 01-11-04 MICHAELS PSB 1/11/2004 E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training 1/27/2004 E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training 1/27/2004 E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 1/27/2004 E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 1/8/2004 E 101-41920-205 Computer Software 1/20/2004 E 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous 1/26/2004 E 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous 1/30/2004 E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training 1/7/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA APPLICIANCES MICROWAVE,DISHWASHER 1/8/2004 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies ROLLERS FOR STOREAGE DRUMS 1/8/2004 E 222-42260-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA OFFICE MAX FAX 1/8/2004 E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies 1/8/2004 E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies 2/1/2004 E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 1/7/2004 E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 1/14/2004 E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 1/1412004 E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 1/15/2004 E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 1/16/2004 CREDIT CHANGE OF HOTEL CREDIT CHANGE OF HOTEL CREDIT CHANGE OF HOTEL REGISTRATION U OF M INET 7 BALANCE DUE UPS CHARGE MID WINTER BALL TICKETS DIGITAL COMBUSTION FIRE STUDIO OFFICE MAX CLIP BOARDS OFFICE MAX SUPPLIES BEST BUY T,V. MENDARDS TV MOUNT MENARDS SUPPLIES CREDiT-RETURN MENARDS WALMART SUPPLIES 02/23/04 1:04. PM Page I $63.89 $74.54 $53.58 $16.73 -$15.70 -$180.49 -$39.25 $85.00 $3.00 $7,50 $22O.O0 $55O.OO $1,852.97 $127.77 $212.98 $6.37 $27.23 $605.97 $37.14 $200.06 -$107.54 $85.57 -616- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: February 2004 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Cash Payment Invoice 013104 Transaction Date Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous OFFICE DEPOT FAX 1/18/2004 E 101.42110-431 Meeting Expense SUBWAY TRAINING 1/22/2004 E 101-42110-500 Capital Outtay (GENERA DELL COMPUTER 1/25/2004 E 101-42110.430 Miscellaneous BEST BUY SUPPLIES 1/30/2004 2/23/2004 'si go 10100 tten Check to be Generated by the Compute Total 10100 Wells Fargo $3,021.05 $924.35 $2,061.71 ($180.49) ($39.25) $5,787.37 $5,787.37 $o.oo $5,787.37 02/23/04 1:04 PM Page 2 $212.99 $62.27 $1,592.86 $31.93 $5,787.37 -617- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 02/17/049:45 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: February 2004 021704SUE User Dollar Amt $67,926.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $67,926.00 $0.00 In Balance STORM CONTRACTING $45,000~00 E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA DURAPATCH MACHINE 2/17/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45,000.00 Refer 21704 SUPERIOR FORD FLEET/GOVERN AP Payment E 101-42400-500 Capital Outlay (GENE~RA 2004 TRUCK F150 4X4 $22,926.00 invoice 16995 211712004 PO 18014 Transact on Date 211312004 Due 2/13/2004 Accounts Payab e 20200 Total $22,926.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo Batch Name Refer 21704 Cash Payment invoice 021704 101 GENERAL FUND 101 GENERAL FUND $45,000.00 $45,000.00 20200 Accounts Payable $22,926.00 $22,926.00 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $67,926.00 $67,926.00 -618- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 02/18/04 10:4zt AM Page Batch Name 021804SUE Payments Current Period: February 2004 User Dollar Amt $37,121.43 Computer Dollar Amt $37,121.43 $0.00 In Balance Refer 21804 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE Cash Payment E 222.42260.409 Other Equipment Repair YELLOW WAX Invoice N24818 1/10/2004 $67.53 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair BATTERY Invoice N24921 1/13/2004 $71.96 Transaction Date 2/17/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $139 49 Refer 21804 MiNNEsoTA ~L~Ti~N ~O~TRO . Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 03-09-04 REGISTRATION KIVISTO $270.00 Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 PO 18239 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 03-09-04 REGISTRATION GEISE $270.00 Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 PO 18239 Transaction Date 2/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $540 00 Refer 21804 MOUNDpo~T~FFiC~ Cash Payment E 601.49400-322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 $131.13 n ash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE voice 021804 2/18/2004 $131.13 ~ransaction Date 2/18/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $262 26 Refer 21804 NELSON, JO;~ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 $317.90 Transaction Date 2/18/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $317 90 Refer 21804 sec MiNNCOMM PAGiNG Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. 02-04 PAGERS Invoice 20233302049 2/1/2004 $131,09 Transaction Date 2/17/2004 ' Wells Fargo 10100 Total $131 09 Refer 21804 SHA~_~Ai~iT~N~ Cash Payment E 101.41910-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PARTIAL PAINTING 2ND FLOOR Invoice 8071 2/11/2004 $4,000.00 Transaction Date 2/17/2004 Cash Payment E 101.42110-500 Capital Outlay (GENE~RA 2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA $14,406.00 Invoice 021804 PO 18134 Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program 2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA Invoice 021804 PO 18134 $7,000.00 Transaction Date 2/18/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21 406 00 AP Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 $465.00 Date 2/12/2004 Due 2/12/2004 Accounts Payable 20200 ....... Total $465 00 Refer 21804 VERNON s. HOIUM AND NANCY W .... ~ -619- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: February 2004 02/18/04 10:44 AM Page 2 Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs TEMP EASEMENT AGREEMENT $4,800.00 Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 Transaction Date 2,17,2004 Wells Fargo Refer 21804 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 01-04 #0542-505-000-001 $5,059.69 Invoice 021804 2/18/2004 Total $5,059.69 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $30,783.59 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $270.58 455 TIF 1-2 $4.800.00 601 WATER FUND $131.13 602 SEWER FUND $671.13 101 GENERAL FUND $36,656.43 20200 Accounts Payable $465.00 $465.00 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $37,121.43 $37,121.43 -620- Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: February 2004 Batch Name 022004SUE User Dollar Amt $6,250.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $6,250.00 Refer 22004 PA TCHIN MESSNER AND DODD AP Payment E 455-46390-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 203121 2/20/2004 AP Payment E 455-46390-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 203121 2/13/2004 Transaction Date 2/20/2004 Due 2/20/2004 Accounts Payable $0.00 In Balance 5510 LYNWOOD APPRAISAL 5533 SHORELINE DRIVE APPRAISAL 20200 Total 02/20/04 2:37 PM Page 1 $2,500.00 $3,750.00 $6,250.00 Fund Summary 455 TIF 1-2 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total 20200 Accounts Payable $6,250.0O $6,250.00 $0.00 $6,250.00 $6,250.00 -621 - CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: February 2004 02/25/04 9:26 AM Page 1 Batch Name 022504SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $4,363.95 Computer Dollar Amt $4,363.95 Refer 22504 DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes Invoice 022504 2/18/2004 PO 18192 Transaction Date 2/25/2004 Refer 22504 NELSON, JOY'CE Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 022504 2/20/2004 $0.00 In Balance LICENSE FORD F150 Wells Fargo 10100 2004 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE $1,523.69 Total $1,523.69 $318.68 Total $318.68 Refer 22504 XCEL ENERGY' AP Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 01-04 ELECTRICITY $2,521.58 Invoice 022504 2/25/2004 Due 2/17/2004 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $2,521.58 Transaction Date 2/17/2004 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,842.37 $1,842.37 20200 Accounts Payable 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG $2,521.58 $2,521.58 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $4,363.95 Total $4,363.95 -622- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Batch Name 022704SUE Payments Current Period: February 2004 User Dollar Amt $710.76 Computer Dollar Amt $710.76 Refer 22704 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment E 101-41110-322 Postage Invoice 022704 2/27/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND $0.00 In Balance SPRING NEWSLETTER 10100 Wells Fargo $710,76 $710.76 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $710.76 $710.76 02/26/04 2:45 PM Page1 $710.76 -623- City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03/03/04 11:59 AM Page 1 Batch Name 030304SUE Payments Refer 303094 GRAND, DEB AP Payment Invoice 030304 Refer 30304 User Dollar Amt $1,337.30 Computer Dollar Amt $1,337.30 $0.00 In Balance G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE 3/3/2004 Due 3/2/2004 Accounts Payable 20200 MEDINA ENTERTAINMENT CENTE $40.00 E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training PLEAA TRAINING HAWKS 3/3/2004 PO 18155 $40.00 E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training PLEAA TRAINING, DEBORD 3/3/2004 PO 18155 Total $80.00 Cash Payment invoice 030304 Cash Payment Invoice 030304 Wells Fargo 10100 $996.52 Total $996.52 Refer 30304 RITTER, BONNIE $260.78 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE Invoice 030304 3/3/2004 Total $260.78 Transact on Date 3/2/2004 We s Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $340.78 $340.78 20200 Accounts Payable $996.52 101 GENERAL FUND $996.52 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $1,337.30 Total $1,337.30 -624- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound 03/04/04 1:05 PM Payments Page 1 Current Period: March 2004 Batch Name 030904SUE User Dollar Amt $177,663.46 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $177,663.46 $0.00 In Balance Refer 30904 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R Invoice 463406213 3/2/2004 $61.20 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 ~';~e; ~ AS~O~p~' Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61 20 Cash Payment E 101-42110.434 Conference & Training TRAINING GUNS Invoice 0155384-1N 2/17/2004 PO 17891 $915.18 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Refer 30904 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG Wells Fargo 10100 Total $915.18 Cash Payment Invoice 020204 Cash Payment Invoice 020204 Cash Payment Invoice 020204 Cash Payment nvoice 020204 111~Cash Payment Invoice 020204 Transaction Date E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO 2/2/2004 $76.95 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO 2/2/2004 $76.95 E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO 2/2/2004 $76.95 E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO 2/2/2004 $31.13 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO 2/2/2004 $26.18 2/23/2004 Wells Fargo #20 MOTOR ei;; 30~0~ ~AS~ENE~u/PMEN~ 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts Invoice 910571 2/23/2004 $323.85 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $323 85 Refer 30904 ASSURED SECURITY Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REKEY DOORS Invoice 33222 2/20/2004 $1,822.90 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Tota $1 822 90 Refer 30904 BECKER, ~;~' .......... Cash Payment G 101-22907 Rezone Three Points #02--26 REFUND ESCROW Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $300.00 Transaction Date 2/27/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 38100000 2/20/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 28747000 2/20/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 28706700 2/20/2004 ;ash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE ~voice 28714100 2/17/2004 Cash Payment E 609.49750~253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 28815100 2/27/2004 $106.82 $622.40 $104.50 $690100 $1,140.00 -625- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 2 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $291.50 Invoice 28779500 2/27/2004 $43.99 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 38123400 2/27/2004 $567.35 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 28826100 3/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,566.56 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ...... ~. ........ · .......................... Refer 30904 BFI OF MINNESOTA, INC. $42.38 Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 040200 3~9~2004 $28.25 Cash Payment E 101-42110-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 040200 3~9~2004 $40.41 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE invoice 040200 3~9~2004 $33.24 Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 040200 3~9~2004 $33.24 Cash Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 040200 31912004 $33.25 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-02 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 040200 3~9~2004 Total $210.77 Tr~a~ction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer ~ 3~4' ~'RGiL ~L~Di~/7~i~ $1,865.11 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK SALT Invoice 980233 2/19/2004 PO 17984 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,865.11 Refer 30904 CARLSON TRACTOR AND EQUIPM Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #3 BOBCAT/SNOWPLOW $1,103.73 Invoice X00277 2/6/2004 PO 18233 $1,260.22 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery REPAIR HYD MOTOR Invoice S01874 2/11/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,363.95 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Refer 30904 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE . $139.67 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Contract STAPLE ITEM Invoice N27045 2/19/2004 $1.71 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HAND PAD Invoice N28046 2/19/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $141.38 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Refer 30904 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG $3,202.33 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities 01-20-04 THRU 02-18-04 invoice 030904 2/20/2004 $2,134.89 Cash Payment E 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities 01-20-04 THRU 02-18-04 invoice 030904 2/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,337,22 Transacbon Date 3/3/2004 Refer 30904 CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE $67.31 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 RepaidMaint Supply STRAIGHT GUIDES Invoice 53018A 2/9/2004 PO 18228 Transaction Date 2~23~2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.31 -626- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 Refer 30904 CHAMPION AUTO Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL FILTERS,ETC Invoice D244699 2/20/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HIGHLAND MATS Invoice D244334 2/17/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery CREDIT-MUD FLAPS Invoice D245202 2/24/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery MUD FLAPS Invoice D245117 2/23/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 30904 CLARK PRODUCTS, INCORPORA T 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 3 $79.77 $42.59 -$25.55 $57.49 Total $154.30 Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies PAPER CUPS Invoice V486162 2/24/2004 PO 18152 $38.25 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 ........................................ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.25 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 81319087 2/26/2004 $301.00 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $301.00 Refer 30904 COMPUTER CHEQUE Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-04 CHECK VERIFICATION ~nvoice 1068501104 2/1/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Refer 30904 COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-260 Liquor Discount Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-460 Janitorial Serwces Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000083580 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 0000053437 2/26/2004 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 Refer 30904 DA VIES WA TER EQUIPMENT $54.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.50 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE 03-04 CLEANING SERVICE STRIP AND WAX Wells Fargo 10100 $199.16 $46,15 $46.15 $46.15 $504.38 $756.58 $1,166.17 $532.5O Total $3,297.24 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts CASE OF WATER METERS Invoice 2313969 2/2/2004 PO 18226 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 30904 DA Y DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 253869 2/24/2004 Total $996.08 $996,08 $36.10 -627- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 4 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $996.55 Invoice 253862 2/24/2004 -$46,48 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 40866 -$19,45 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR invoice 46696 $1,692,25 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER - Invoice 254764 3/2/2004 $36.70 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 254771 312/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,695.67 Refer 30904 DOLDER PLUMBING AND HEATIN Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic SNAKE SEWER LINE Invoice 6635 5/22/2001 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $643.50 Total $643.50 Refer 30904 DYNAMEX DELIVERS NOW $38,04 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 02-26-04 DELIVERY Invoice 986072 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.04 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 ....... .~,.~,~.~~,~ ...... . ........ Refer 30904 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE . $21.40 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 221733 2/23/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 221732 2/23/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 221819 3/1/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $3,566.90 $1,514.35 Total $5,102,65 Refer 30904 FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC, HENNEPIN $10,00 Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES invoice 030904 3~9~2004 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.00 Refer 30904 FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC MINN Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES $10.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,00 Refer 30904 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 030904 3~9~2004 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 01-21-04 SERVICE CALL Wells Fargo 10100 $70,00 Total $70.00 Refer 30904 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 02-17-04 UNIFORMS $33,21 02-17-04 UNIFORMS $33.21 02-17-04 UNIFORMS $33.20 -628- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 Cash Payment Invoice 6838621 Cash Payment Invoice 6851858 Cash Payment Invoice 685185 Cash Payment Invoice 6851856 Cash Payment Invoice 6838611 Cash Payment Invoice 6838611 Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 )Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 Cash Payment Invoice 6845208 Cash Payment Invoice 6825345 Cash Payment Invoice 6825345 Transaction Date Refer E 101.43100-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 602.49450-230 Shop Materials Current Period: March 2004 02-17-04 MATS 02-17-04 MATS 02-17-04 MATS E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 03-02-04 MATS E 101.41910-460 Janitorial Services E 609-49750.460 Janitorial Services E 101-42110.460 Janitorial Services E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies E 101.43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 601.49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms E 101.43100-230 Shop Materials E 601.49400-230 Shop Materials E 602.49450-230 Shop Materials E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 3/3/2004 30904 GALLS, INCORPORA TED 03-02-04 MATS 03-02-04 MATS 02-17-04 MATS 02-17-04 MATS 02-24-04 UNIFORMS 02-24-04 UNIFORMS 02-24-04 UNIFORMS 02-24-04 MATS 02-24-04 MATS 02-24-04 MATS 02-03-04 MATS 02-03-04 MATS Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA LED BEACON Invoice 5692330100024 2/11/2004 PO 18190 Cash Payment E 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA SLIM LIGHT Invoice 569233010016 2/12/2004 PO 18190 Cash Payment E 101-45200.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery VISOR LIGHT Invoice 5692330100016 2/12/2004 PO 18190 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves CPR MASKS,GLOVES Invoice 5693839900013 2/20/2004 PO 17812 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 .... Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 30904 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Total Cash Payment E 101.42110-210 Operating Supplies 01-04 WATER nvoice 030904 1/31/2004 ash Payment E 222-42260~210 Operating Supplies 02-04 WATER Invoice 030904 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Fargo 101 Total -629- 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 5 $27,80 $27.80 $27.80 $111.10 $86.71 $41.82 $26.25 $26.24 $30.01 $30.01 $30.01 $26,09 $26.09 $26.O9 $26.25 $26,24 $695.93 $850.83 $279.29 $174,48 $76,59 $1,381.19 $84,56 $35.54 $120.10 CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 6 Refer 30904 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICER Cash Payment E 101-41500-433 Dues and Subscriptions 05-01-04 THRU 04-30-05 MEMBERSHIP $145.00 Invoice 0023003-C 2119/2004 Total $145.00 WINE Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 13169 2/17/2004 Total $109.50 Refer 30904 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY $3,229.55 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 849067 2/18/2004 $958.09 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE invoice 849068 2/1812004 -$155,67 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE Invoice 633157 211812004 $71,95 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE invoice 852711 2/16/2004 Total $4,103.92 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts Invoice 5623 2/24/2004 PO 18235 LIGHTS FOR PLOW TRUCKS Wells Fargo 10100 Total $323.17 Refer 30904 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED $30.00 Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals CONTAINERS (6) Invoice DM99443 1/31/2004 Total---- $30.00 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts SHOP SUPPLIES Invoice 47251-B 1/31/2004 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Refer 30904 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Wells Fargo 10100 01-04 ROOM AND BOARD Total $0.10 $3,477.00 Invoice 000349 2/21/2004 Total $3,477,00 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 We s Fargo 10100 Refer 30904 HERC-U-LIFT $67.63 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts #13 HYDRAULIC HOSE Invoice 01P80769010 2/10/2004 PO 18237 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.63 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Refer 30904 HOME DEPOT/GECF__ $359.10 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply MAIL BOX REPLACEMENTS Invoice 030904 2/3/2004 $58.04 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply MAIL BOX REPLACEMENTS Invoice 030904 2/3/2004 -$198.62 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply CREDIT-MAILBOX REPLACEMENT Invoice 030904 2/3/2004 Total $218.52 Transaction Date 2~26~2004 -630- /y------ City of Mound 03/04/04 1:05 PM _~_ ~..~-~ Payments Page7 CiTY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2004 Refer 30904 IKON OFFICE MACHINES Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 03-04 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 23143195 2/23/2004 $137.69 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $137 69 Refer 30904 iSLAND PARK SKE£L~ . Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #32 VACCUM PUMP Invoice 15342 1/22/2004 $427.35 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $427 35 Refer 30904 JEFFERSON NATIONAL LIFE INSU · ' Cash Payment E 609-49750-131 Employer Paid Health- THRU 03-01-05 PREMIUM Invoice 0001032798 3/9/2004 $2,638.85 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 _.. Total $2,638.85 Refer 30904 JENSEN, uALLAS AND ELIZABETH Cash Payment G 101-22956 2684 Wilshire Variance, Jess REIMBURSE ESCROW Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $500.00 Transaction Date 2/25/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 30904 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR ~ ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR l lnnVOice 1683243 2/18/2004 ash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE voice 1683244 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1683245 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1683246 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 244274 2/16/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 244032 2/11/2004 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 $1,057.36 $885.65 $647.48 $705.57 -$1.33 -$11.38 Cash Payment E 101-43100"434 Conference & Training STREET RESTRICTION TRAINING Invoice 030904 2/24/2004 $28.89 Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous 02-25-04 COUNCIL COOKIES Invoice 030904 2/25/2004 $31.65 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60 54 Refer 30904 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 60313-A 2/18/2004 $253.74 Cash Payment E 455"46380-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 60313-B 2/18/2004 $968.00 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance Invoice 60313-C 2/18/2004 $4,856.20 CnaSh Payment G 101-22974 Bloomquist Hotel Developme 01-04 BLOOMQUIST HOTEL DEVELOPMENT voice 60313-D 2/18/2004 $126.50 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 CUSTER PURCHASE AGREEMENT Invoice 60313-E 2/18/2004 $1,768.75 01-04 H.R.A. MEETING 01-04 REDEV PROJECT AREA #1 01-04 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE -631 - CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 8 Cash Payment E 101-45250-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 CREDIT CEMETARY OVERCHARGE -$309.00 Invoice 60314-A 2/18~2004 Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 CTY RD 15 REALIGNEMENT $3,870.22 Invoice 60314-B 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 BALBOA LAND PURCHASE $0.40 Invoice 60314-C 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 401-43100-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 SKAALERUD LOT SURVEY $395.18 Invoice 60314-D 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 BOLT VS LIQUOR STORE $78.00 Invoice 60314-E 211812004 $1,032.00 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 EXECUTIVE invoice 60314-F 2/1812004 $204.00 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 ADMINISTRATIVE Invoice 60314-G 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 401-46590-300 Professional Srvs 01-04 p/W,PARKS FACILITY $141.00 Invoice 60314-H 211812004 Cash Payment G 101-22957 2420 Westedge #03-37 Horn 01-04 2420 WESTEDGE #03-39 $694.00 invoice 60315-1 2/1812004 $132.00 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I 01-04 P/W MISC LEGAL Invoice 60315-1 2/18/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,210.99 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Refer 30904 KURTZ, JAMES $129.80 Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MEALS Invoice 030904 2/20/2004 Total $129.80 Refer 30904 KUSTOM SIGNALS $64.32 Cash Payment E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA SQUAD #845 RADAR REMOTE Invoice 185629 2/6/2004 PO 18133 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $64.32 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 ~ ~ ........................... ' ................ Refer 30904 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC $177.69 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS FUSES,ETC Invoice 1715921 2/9/2004 PO 18231 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS FUSES,ETC $177.69 Invoice 1715921 21912004 PO 18231 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS FUSES,ETC $177.68 invoice 1715921 2/9/2004 PO 18231 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials CREDIT-MISCELLANEOUS FUSES -$36.54 Invoice 1715921 2/9/2004 PO 18231 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials CREDIT--MISCELLANEOUS FUSES -$36.54 Invoice 1715921 2/9/2004 PO 18231 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials CREDIT-MISCELLANEOUS FUSES -$36.53 Invoice 1715921 2/9/2004 PO 18231 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $423.45 Refer 30904 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 101-41110-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41310-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $85.45 $70,11 -632- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Transaction Date 30904 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CIITES E 101-41500-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 101-42110-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 101-42400-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 101-43100-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 101-45200-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 222-42260-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 609-49750-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 601-49400-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 602-49450-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2004 E 281-45210-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 2004 WORKERS COMP 3/9/2003 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 101-41110-434 Conference & Training invoice 1-00015887 2/3/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Refer 30904 LIFETECH CORPORATION Total REGISTRATION EXPERIENCE OFFICIALS Wells Fargo 10100 Total 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 9 $192.80 $2,248.00 $227.87 $843.55 $195.00 $5,584.94 $806.30 $1,161,25 $1,715.58 $245.40 $13,376.25 $175.00 $175.00 Cash Payment E 101-41500-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 6136 3/9/2003 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 ~ - : ........................... Wells Fargo Refer 30904 LUBE TEOH, INOORPORA TED Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID Invoice 1049959 Cash Payment Invoice 1049959 Cash Payment Invoice 1049959 Cash Payment Invoice 1050019 Cash Payment Invoice 1050019 Cash Payment Invoice 1050019 Transaction Date Refer FIRST AID TRAINING 10100 2/18/2004 PO 18241 E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID 2/18/2004 PO 18241 E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID 2/18/2004 PO 18241 E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID 2/18/2004 PO 18241 E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID 2/18/2004 PO 18241 E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery OIL/FLUID 2/18/2004 PO 18241 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 30904 LUSTER'S PRO-FLOORS 10100 $300.00 Total $300.00 $302.60 $302,60 $302.59 $18.24 $18.24 $18.23 Total $962.50 ash Payment E 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA 3RD FLOOR BATHROOMS voice 467613273 2/20/2004 PO 18183 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 30904 MAIER, JEROME Total $3,431.83 $3,431,83 -633- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 City of Mound Payments 03~04~04 1:05 PM Page 10 Current Period: March 2004 REFUND DOCK FEE $250.00 REFUND LMCD FEE $15.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $265.00 Refer 30904 MAINSTREAM SOLUTIONS $17.97 Cash Payment E 222-42260-205 Computer Software 03-04 SPAM VIRUS FILTER Invoice 1140-12809 3/1/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42110-205 Computer Software 03-04 SPAM VIRUS FILTER $11.98 Invoice 1140-12809 3/112004 Total $29.95 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 We Is Fargo 10100 Refer 30904 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR $3,248.85 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 638110 2/24/2004 $37.30 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 638111 2124/2004 $19.60 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 638112 2/24/2004 $1,205.22 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 640491 3/2/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,510.97 Refer 30904 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-05-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $123.30 Invoice 13426 2/4/2004 $4,50 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-09-04 DELIVERY CHARGE invoice 13438 2/9/2004 $63.90 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-12-04 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 13459 2/12/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-16-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $11.70 Invoice 13466 2/16/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-19-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $121.50 Invoice 13488 2/19/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 02-26-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $159.30 Invoice 13522 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $484.20 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 ............. - .... ~~.~, - - ' ~ Refer 30904 METRO FIRE $203.21 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies FLANNEL LINER Invoice 16307 1/29/2004 $39.30 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies 6" LEATHER FRONT Invoice 16102 2/16/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $242,51 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 .................. ~ ..... ~ ~, ~ .... ~ Refer 30904 METROPOLITAN AREA MANAGEM _ Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & ~raining 02-19-04 MAMA LUNCHEON $18.00 Invoice 915 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $18.00 Refer 30904 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA . -634- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 03/04/04 1:o5 PM Page 11 Current Period: March 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 02-02-04 WINDOW WASH Invoice 215000748 2/15/2004 $37.28 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 '~? ................... ................... ~, Wells Fargo 10100 -r ..... .................... ................... ~ ............. . ............. .... .uL,~ $37.28 Refer 30904 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH Cash Payment R 601-37170 State fee - Water 01-01-04 THRU 03-31~04 WASTEWATER Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $4,605.00 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,605.00 Refer 30904 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTR0 ........ Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training RENEWAL OPERATOR, KIVISTO Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 PO 18252 $23.00 Transaction Date 3/2/2004 .... ~ .................. ~ ~.~,.W...ells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 30904 MINNE ............. ............. ~ .......................... ~ ............ $23 00 SOTA VALLEY TES~/~ , ~ ~ ..... ................ ' Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF - WATER Invoice 201965 2/17/2004 $72.50 Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF - WATER Invoice 199166 1/20/2004 $72.50 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 .......... ~ ...... , ~, We s Far ~ . ~ ........................................................... go 10100 Totn~ · ..... ~eter 30904 MO ~N IIR~ t ¢ ¢ ............ ...... ~ ......... ~ ,~,~ --' ~,~v uu Cash Payment E 60949750-255 Misc Merchandise FoUR MERCHANDISE Invoice 230481 2/13/2004 $231.29 Cash Payment E 60949750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 230507 2/13/2003 $142.08 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ......... ~ ............. ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373.37 Refer 30904 MOTORO~ COMMUNICATIONS E ........................................................... Cash Payment E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay (GEN~ PHONES Invoice 13362647 1/27/2004 PO 18022 $9,255.04 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9 255 04 Refer 30904 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT ~,~, ' Cash Payment E 222-42260-101 F T Empl Regular 02-04 WAGE REPORT invoice 030904 $0.00 Cash Payment E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salaries 02-04 SALARIES Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $4,137,25 Cash Payment E 222-42260-185 Fire-Maintenance Pay 02-04 MAINTENANCE Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $1,140.00 Cash Payment E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay 02-04 DRILLS Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $700.00 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,977.25 Refer 30904 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOClA TIO Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pens Contrib 03-04 FIRE RELIEF Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 $9,64t,67 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 .... Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,641.67 Refer 30904 MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVEL Cash Payment E 496-46580-300 Professional Srvs 2003 AUDIT ABDO EICK MYERS nvoice 030904 3/9/2004 $2,500.00 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,500.00 Refer 30904 MOUND, CITY OF -635- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 12 Current Period: March 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities 01-04 WATER/SEWER $22.02 Invoice 030904 2/17/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.02 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ~, ...... ~ ~.~. ~~ ........ ~ ......... ~'~'~' Refer 30904 MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS $92.90 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-04 MUSIC SERVICE invoice A416448 3/1/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $92.90 Refer 30904 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (FIRE Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Ceils 01-19-04 THRU 02-18-04 952-292-0150 $67.71 Invoice 030904 $37.40 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 01-19-04 THRU 02-18-04 952-292-0502 Invoice 030904 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $105.11 Refer 30904 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (PA/V) _ 01 - 19-04 TH RU 02-19-04 612-221-6740 $37.34 BERENT,BRIAN Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 030904 $15.87 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Ceils 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-221-6974 TAFFE,JOHN invoice 030904 $87.80 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-221-6812 #15 FACKLER,JIM invoice 030904 $34.97 Cash Payment E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-221-6813 HOFF,KATIE Invoice 030904 $40.35 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-221-8385 SWARTER,BRIAN invoice 030904 $79.93 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Ceils 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-282-5889 Invoice 030904 $25.93 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 01-19-04 THRU 02-19-04 612-363-5883 NORLANDER,JILL Invoice 030904 Total $322,19 Wells Fargo 10100 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 .................. ~ .... - .... Refer 30904 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN $63.81 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials FLAGS FOR PLOWS Invoice 09484870 2/4/2005 PO 18230 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $63.81 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 ...... ~. ~,~ Refer 30904 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INCORPO $54.05 Cash Payment E 601.49400-395 Gopher One-Call Invoice 4010553 1131/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call Invoice 4010553 1/31/2004 Transaction Date 212312004 01-04 LOCATES 01-04 LOCATES Wells Fargo 10100 $54.05 Total $108.10 Refer 30904 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8028845 2/23/2004 WINE $1,350.73 -636- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 8028845 2/23/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8028882 2/24/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8029477 3/1/2004 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 Refer 30904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Transaction Date Refer Wells Fargo 10100 PEDERSON, GREG E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE EXPENSES 3/4/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 3/9/2004 E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 3/9/2004 3/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 30904 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY Total 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 13 $19.95 $209.00 $527.32 $290.48 $344.45 $297.78 $932.71 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 57360363 3/3/2004 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo Invoice 2031637 Cash Payment Invoice 2041638 2/18/2004 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale 2/18/2004 $89.60 10100 Total $89.60 LIQUOR WINE Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 3052952 2/19/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE Invoice 3294175 2/16/2004 Transaction Date 2/23/2004 ........................................................... Wells Fargo 10100 Tota $568 25 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES Invoice 35823 2/18/2004 $587.52 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ,, Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic FEB,MAR,APR PEST CONTROL Invoice 190321 3/1/2004 $40.80 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 ............... Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.80 Refer 30904 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS $133.95 $388.70 $58.0O -$12.40 Cash Payment E 609~49750~253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 371153-00 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 370804-00 2/18/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR l lnvoice 371086-00 2/18/2004 ash Payment E 609-49750~251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR nvoice 325281 $181.61 $62.73 $2,659.27 -$15.87 -637- CiTY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 334707 Cash Payment Invoice 335456 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 351323 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice ON ACCOUNT Transaction Date 2/23/2004 City of Mound Payments 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 14 Current Period: March 2004 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $100.00 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$0.03 CREDIT-LIQUOR -$24,70 CREDIT-LIQUOR -$2,05O.74 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $912.27 Refer 30904 R & S COLLISION SERVICES, INCO . Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SQUAD #842 REPAIRS $4.216.11 Invoice 8084 2/11/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,216.11 Trans ction Date 3/3/2004 ~ ............................ Refer 30904 RANDY'S SANITATION _ $114.54 Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 02-04 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 1550 2/19/2004 Transaction Date 2~24~2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114.54 Refer 30904 RICHARDSON, RANDALL , $100.00 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves REFUND UNIFORM DEPOSIT invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 30904 SAMARITAN TIRE WHOLESALE _ $420.00 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery TIRES FOR SQUADS invoice 1989/159551 1/6/2004 PO 18094 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $420.00 Refer 30904 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INOORPORAT . $231.18 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic SERVICE CALL Invoice 321420 3/9/2004 $22.21 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-04 BURGLAR MONITORING invoice 365424 31112004 $10.65 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-04 O/C'S MONITORING Invoice 365424 3/1/2004 $25,72 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-04 FIRE MONITORING Invoice 363845 3/1/2004 $10.65 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 03-04 FIRE TEST/INSPECTION Invoice 363845 3/1/2004 $95.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 02-27-04 SERVICE CALL Invoice 366141 2/27/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $395.41 'r~n~_finn Date 2/23/200 ......... ~ ..... , Refer 30904 SHANLEY PAINTING $1,400,00 Cash Payment E 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay (GENE~RA FINAL PAYMENT Invoice 030904 2/24/2004 PO 18042 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,400.00 Refer 30904 SOS PRINTING __ $146.81 Cash Payment E 101-42110-203 Printed Forms IMPOUND FORMS Invoice 65162 2~5~2004 PO 18140 -638- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 Transaction Date 3/4/2004 Refer 30904 SPEEDWAy SUPERAMERICA (FIR Wells Fargo 10100 Total 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 15 $146.81 Cash Payment E 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 Refer 30904 SPEEDWAy SUPERAMERICA (P/W THRU 02-21-04 GASOLINE CHARGES Wells Fargo 10100 Total $253.02 $253.02 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Cash Payment Invoice 030904 Transaction Date Refer E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels 3/9/2004 E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels 3/9/2004 E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels 3/9/2004 3/1/2004 30904 SPEEDWAy SUPERAMERICA (PAR THRU 02-22-04 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 02-22-04 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 02-22-04 GASOLINE CHARGES Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,784.14 $803.84 $548.69 $3,136.67 Cash Payment E 101-42400-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 Refer 30904 STREICHER'S Cash Payment THRU 02-20-04 GASOLINE CHARGES THRU 02-20-04 GASOLINE CHARGES Wells Fargo 10100 Total E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #840 SETUP $49.30 $512.26 $561.56 Invoice 420873.1 2/11/2004 $29.00 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 RePairs/Maint Machinery HALF LENS FILTER Invoice 419533.1 2/6/2004 PO 18128 $5.33 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HALF LENS FILTER Invoice 420402.1 2/9/2004 PO 18128 $10.06 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HALF LENS FILTER Invoice 420713.1 2/10/2004 PO 18128 $2.66 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BEAM SPOT LAMP Invoice 419533.2 2/11/2004 PO 18128 $123.43 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves REPLACEMENT BATTERY Invoice 416261.1 1/20/2004 $62.57 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ""~-~--~~,~ ~ ............. Wells Fargo 10100 .~ IOta I Refer 30904 STS coNSULT~^,~¢ ............................................ $233.05 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs THRU 02~07-04 MAXWELL PROPERTY invoice 253907 2/24/2000 $588.05 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $588.O5 Refer 30904 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment Invoice 325406 Cash Payment Invoice 325405 Cash Payment lnvoice 326104 Cash Payment Invoice 326103 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER 2/18/2004 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER 2/18/2004 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER 2/25/2004 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER 2/25/2004 $1,700.20 $94.2O $2,112.30 $26.90 -639- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 31254 Cash Payment Invoice 326635 Cash Payment Invoice 326634 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 3/1/2004 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 3/2/2004 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 3/2/2004 City of Mound Payments 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 16 Period: March 2004 , ~ ~Current BEER BEER $5,581.65 BEER $1 IO.75 Total $9,987.00 Wells Fargo 10100 '1'.~n~nfinn Date 2/23/2004 ~ ..... ~<~?~ ................. ................. Refer 30904 THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR COR . Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic MAR,APR.MAY ELEVATOR SERVICE $510.68 Invoice 154003 3/1/2004 Transaction Date 3/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $510.68 Refer 30904 TOLT-Z, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSO $375.55 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 6338 RAMBLE LEAK Invoice 066002 2/19/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $375.55 Transaction Date 2/26/2004 ~ ~ ......... ~.~ ......... ~ .... ~ .... Refer 30904 TOSHIBA COMPUTERS $54.14 Cash Payment E 101-41110-210 Operating Supplies ADAPTER SATELLITE Invoice 1760399 211212004 PO 18236 Transaction Date 2~24~2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.14 Refer 30904 __ Cash Payment Invoice 23976 Cash Payment Invoice 23977 Transaction Date TRUXSTOR CUSTOM TRUCK ACC . E 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA TRUCK BED COVER 2/19/2004 PO 18047 E 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA SPRAY BED COVER 2/19/2004 PO 18188 2/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $777.45 $977.67 Total $1,755.12 Refer 30904 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPLY Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $41.61 $41.61 $41.61 $41.61 $41.61 $14.55 $27.40 $27.40 $60.69 $60.69 $60.69 -640- CiTY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 416735-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 101.42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418537-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies invoice 418958-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418719-0 Cash Payment E 222-4-2260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418922-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418454-0 PO 18069 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419348-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies nvoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES FILE, LASER CARD FILES,CARD HOLDER PRINT RIBBON INKJET CARTRIDGE BINDERS MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 17 $60.69 $60.69 $20.23 $40.46 $40.46 $6.21 $6.21 $5.21 $6.21 $6.21 $2,07 $4,14 $4.13 $20.50 $37.05 $28,98 $297.67 $7.09 $4.47 $4.47 $4.47 $4.47 $4.47 $1.49 $2.98 -641 - CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418852-0 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419542-0 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies invoice 419909-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 420260-0 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies invoice 416845-0-B Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies invoice 419825-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies invoice 419117-0 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 417255-0-B Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 418422-0 PO 18149 Transaction Date 3~3~2004 City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES STAMP MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES NAME PLATE CREDIT-PRINT RIBBON LABELING SYSTEM SHREDDER CREDIT-PAPER CABINET KEY Wells Fargo 10100 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 18 $3.01 $13.20 $6.28 $6.28 $6.28 $6.28 $6.28 $2.09 $4.19 $4.19 $122.75 -$42.46 $53.24 $908.45 -$4.10 $52,40 Total $2,289.86 Refer 30904 UNIFORMS LIMITED Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies invoice 211624 2/1312004 )ate Refer 30904 US BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSO Cash Payment E 355-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees Invoice 1301523 Cash Payment Invoice 1301521 Cash Payment Invoice 1301521 Cash Payment Invoice 1301027 Cash Payment Invoice 1301027 3/9/2004 E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 E 360-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 31912004 BADGE SHIELD SEAL Wells Fargo 10100 Total 2003C BONDS ADMINISTRATION FEES FOR 2004 2003B BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2003B BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2001A BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2001A BONDS ADMINISTRATIONOR 2004 $185.31 $185.31 $402.50 $201.25 $201.25 $64.76 $144.74 -642- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 Cash Payment Invoice 1301027 Cash Payment Invoice 1301032 Cash Payment Invoice 1301030 Cash Payment Invoice 1303009 E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 E 351.47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2094 E 609-49750-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 E 396-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 3/9/2004 2001A BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2001C BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2001B BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2002 BONDS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2004 2003A BONDS ADMINISTRATION 2004 Cash Payment E 366-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees In voice 1301519 3/9/2004 Transaction Date 3/1/2004 ~-~-~ ......... ~ Wells Fa rgo 10100 - - · Refer 30904 WALDROFF, EDWARD ................................. ......... Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND LIGHT FEE Invoice 030904 2/26/2004 Transaction Date 2~26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 30904 WESTONKA SEWER AND WATER, 03/04/04 1:05 PM Page 19 $193.00 $402.50 $402.50 $950.00 $402.50 $3,365.O0 $10.50 $10.50 Cash Payment E 101.41910-500 Capital Outlay (GENERA RESET TOILETS Invoice 30052 2/23/2004 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 ...................... Wells Fargo Invoice 316 Cash Payment Invoice 315 Cash Payment Invoice 314 Cash Payment Invoice 363 Cash Payment Invoice 364 Cash Payment Invoice 365 Cash Payment invoice 366 Cash Payment Invoice 368 Cash Payment Invoice 369 Cash Payment Invoice 370 Cash Payment Invoice 416 Cash Payment Invoice 419 Transaction Date 10100 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract WATERMAIN BARTLETT 1/19/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 5860 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN 1/19/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract RAMBLE WATERMAIN 1/19/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract CLOVER ClRLCE WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract HAWTHORNE WATERMAIN 2/6/200;4 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract MAPLE ST WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract ASPEN WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400.400 Repairs & Maint Contract BREEZY WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract GRANDVIEW WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract BREEZY WATERMAIN 2/6/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract BARTLETT WATERMAIN 2/20/2004 E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract TRACTOR IMPACTOR 2/20/2004 $289.00 Total $1,210.00 $742.00 $3,025.00 $936.00 $936.00 $1,703.00 $1,060.00 $1,310.00 $614.00 $655.00 $1,272.00 $943.00 2/23/2004 ~ .............................. ~. ~ We s Fargo 10100 - - Refer 30904 WINE COMPANY ........... ~ .......................................................... ~ $14,406.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 22938-00 2/19/2004 $376.05 -643- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 03~04~04 1:05 PM Page 20 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$160.00 Invoice 22622-00 2/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $216.05 Transaction Date 2/23/200........... ~'........................... Refer 30904 WINE DOCTOR $778.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE invoice 2004-040 2/11/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $778.00 Transact on Date 212612004 Refer 30904 WlNKLER, BOB $4,111.57 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 01-04 SAND/SALT invoice 030904 113112004 $1,410.31 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 02-19-04 SAND/SALT invoice 030904 211912004 Total $5,521.88 Transaction Date 2/24/2004 We s Fargo 10100 ~i Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE invoice 146709 2/18/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -$6.30 Refer 30904 XCEL ENERGY $831.13 Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Eiectdc Utilities 02-04 #0895-951-498-057 Invoice 030904 3/9/2004 ;)ate Wells Fargo 10100 Total $831.13 -644- CiTY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: March 2004 10100 Wells Fargo 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 351 2001-C G.O. Improvement 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 360 2001-A G.O. Bonds 366 2003-A G.O. Improvement 396 2002-HRA Lease Revenue Bonds 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1~2 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND ~itten Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute L Total $65,564.16 $17,172.84 $569.07 $402.50 $4O2.50 $64.76 $402.50 $950.00 $536.18 $4,838.22 $3,142.23 $23,737.37 $4,000.68 $46,045.38 $193.40 $9,641.67 $177,663.46 $0.00 $177,663.46 $177,663.46 03/04/041:05 PM Page 21 -645- CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATI-W~RING PERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LI UOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS_ OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY O7-24-O4 Date of Use ._ Area to be Used Centerview Beach Time Frame 1200-1500 hours Intended Use Bass tournament wei h-in_ Expected Attendance .._75-10~1e Organization_ _Fishers of Men Representative's Name _Dan Niccurn] Mark Schutz Address 1480 Game Farm Road. Mound MN 55364 Telephone No. Home:_952 472-3457 Work:__?52 491-8319 Drivers License Number N-250-135-367-645 -646- CITY OF MOUND March 2, 2004 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www, cityofmound.com TO: FROM: RE: Mayor and City Council Bonnie Ritter Combining of election precinct The proposed combination of Precinct #2 and Precinct #-4 into one, named PrecinCt 2/4 is being requested. Currently the polling place of Precinct 2 is Indian Knoll Manor, where parking is terrible, and access to the room downstairs requires using the elevator, which is not designed to handle election-day traffic. We have received many complaints about the accessibility, as well as the traffic of residents mixing with the voter traffic. precinct 4 polling place is in the Seahorse Rec Building, which is not large enough to accommodate the number of voters in this precinct. The logistics of the room does not allow the required 6' around the tabulator machine, and voters are standing on top of each other, winding through the room to get in line. Parking is also a problem there. Combining these two precincts will give us a new Precinct 2/4 with 1478 registered voters, which is still not our largest precinct. The new polling place will be at Bethel United Methodist Church. The church has been offered to us and will be much more accessible for voters. You will be asked to approve this new polling place at a later date. (At that time, I will also be asking you to change Precinct 5 polling place from Mound Depot to the Gillespie Center) According to state statute, every affected household with at least one registered voter in the precinct will be mailed non-forwardable notice stating the location of the new polling place, at least 25 days before the next election. Hennepin County will do this for us at the cost of .30 cents per household. printed on recycled paper -647- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04-__ RESOLUTION COMBINING PRECINCT 2 AND PRECINCT 4 INTO ONE PRECINCT, TO BE NAMED PRECINCT 214 WHEREAS, according to Minnesota State Statute 204B14, the governing body of each municipality shall establish the boundaries of the election precincts in the municipality; and WHEREAS, it has been determined to be economically and logistically feasible to combine Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 in the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the boundaries of such newly named Precinct 2/4 shall be determined by eliminating the boundary line currently separating the adjoining precincts; NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, To combine Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 into the newly named Precinct 2/4, with the new precinct boundary being that of the combination of the two previous precincts, with exclusion of the boundary that previously separated these two precincts. The boundaries of Precincts 1,3, 5 and 6 shall remain unchanged. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of March, 2004. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -648- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director / Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Date: 3/4/2004 Re: 2003 Annual Report - Mound Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) What is SWPPP In 2003, Staff prepared and submitted the Mound Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program to the MPCA to satisfy compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Permit for the City of Mound. In summary, the intent of the NPDES Phase II program is to encourage and require municipalities to reduce or control the amount of stormwater runoff both in the form of water quality and rate control. In many aspects, the provisions included in the SWPPP are similar to those contained in the City's Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) that was approved in 2002 to transfer stormwater permitting responsibilities from the MCWD to the City. SWPPP Key Components There are six (6) minimum control measures (MCM) which must be included in the SWPPp which are identified as follows: · Public education and outreach · Public participation · Illicit discharge, detection, and elimination · Construction site runoff control · Post-construction site runoff control · Pollution prevention / good housekeeping Each control measure is achieved through the establishment and implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) which are generally described as practices and activities which prevent or reduce the pollution of water. -649- Annual Report and Meeting The SWPPP requires the submittal of an annual report to the MPCA as well as the sponsoring of an annual meeting discussing the provisions of the SWPPP. Public notice regarding the annual meeting must be published at least one (1) month in advance. Members of the City Council are advised that the meeting notice was published in the Laker. on February 7, 2004. Other provisions included in the SWPPP address public a~vailability of the SWPPP and records management. How We Did - 2003 Summary While the SWPPP is a new compliance program for the City of Mound and is less than a year old, Staff is pleased to report that several important components which help to reduce and minimize stormwater pollution have been undertaken and in most cases, have been in place for some time including, but not limited to, the following: · Regular street sweeping program · Stormwater permitting regulations / monitoring / enforcement · Formalized site plan and departmental review process · Animal waste regulations · Fleet and building maintenance program · Established public agency relationships County, Westonka Schools, etc.) (ie. MCWD, DNR, LMCD, Hennepin · Stormwater maintenance program · Park and open space training program Additionally, the City maintains an inventory of informational materials regarding stormwater techniques that are available to the public. Goals / Issues for 2004 Perhaps the biggest constraint to the new compliance program is the availability of adequate funding to undertake capital projects or media campaigns. In our case, these financial concerns are valid due to the state of the current budget and recent LGA cuts. Additionally, the ability of the City to dedicate resources and Staff time to a large-scale SWPPP program is not realistic. However, the ability to take "baby steps" to promote and expand the mission of the SWPPP is definitely attainable. For example: · Page 2 -650- We have the capability to improve our media outreach efforts by regularly incorporating information in the City newsletter and website and by preparing press releases for publication in the local paper. · Cooperating with the school district to be a possible partner to promote and expand our informational effort (ie. catch basin stenciling project, etc.) · Staff presentations to local groups and organizations to promote and provide information about the SWPPP. Additional Comments A full-copy of the SWPPP is on file at City Hall and available for viewing during regular established office hours at City Hall. Copies will be provided upon request and can be obtained by contacting Carlton Moore or Sarah Smith. Staff welcomes any comments or questions and will be present at the March 10th meeting to discuss the SWPPP in further detail. Page 3 -651 - NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING REVIEW OF CITY OF MOUND STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) The City of Mound has prepared a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The SWPPP is available for review at the Mound City Halt. All written comments regarding this SWPPP should be received no later than 4:30 PM, February 27, 2004. Comments shall be addressed to: City of Mound SWPPP 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 The annual meeting to consider the SWPPP will be held on March 9, 2004 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mound City Hall is located at 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, 55364 Published in the Laker_ on February 7, 2004 -652- City of Mound Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program RA McCembs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. CITY of MOUND -653- SECTION E:.swPPP MCM BMP SUMMARY -654- MCM 1: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH BMP JATION A A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 B-1 BMP TITLE STORM WATER EDUCATION PROGRAM (1st Phase) SWPPP INFORMATION/COMMENT LINE CITY STAFF PRESENTATIONS CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC STORM WATER INFORMATION SURVEY UPDATE MEETINGS WITH PROFESSIONALS VOLUNTEER STORM DRAIN STENCILING PROGRAM POND MONITORING PROGRAM WETLAND RESTORATION PROGRAM FIELD TOURS OF BMP'S PROGRAM ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING STORM WATER EDUCATION PROGRAM (2nd F~hase) PARK AND OPEN SPACE TRAINING PROGRAM FLEET AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAINING PROGRAM STORM WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE TRAINING PROGRAM B-2 B-3 B-4 C D E F G -655- MCM 2: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION BMP ..,ESIGNATION BMP TITLE STORM WATER EDUCATION PROGRAM (1 st Phase) SWPPP iNFORMATION/COMMENT LiNE CITY STAFF PRESENTATIONS A A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 C D H ;ITY COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS IBLIC STORM WATER iNFORMATION~VEY 'INGS WITH PROFESSIONALS ~LUNTEER STORM DRAIN STENCILING PROGRAM )ND MONITORING PROGRAM WETLAND RESTORATION PROGRAM LD TOURS OF BMP'S PROGRAM ~INUAL PUBLIC MEETING STORM WATER EDUCATION PROGRAM (2nd Phase) ILIC NOTICE ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS -656- MCM 3: ILLICIT DISCHARGE, DETECTION AND ELIMINATION ,.~SIGNATION BMP TITLE A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 B E F G I J K L-1 L-2 L-3 SWPPP INFORMATION/COMMENT LINE CITY STAFF PRESENTATIONS CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC STORM WATER INFORMATION SURVEY VOLUNTEER STORM DRAIN STENCILING PROGRAM PARK AND OPEN SPACE TRAINING PROGRAM FLEET AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAINING PROGRAM STORM WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE TRAINING PROGRAM STORM SEWER MAP ILLICIT DISCHARGE ORDINANCE REVIEW ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PARKING LOT AND STREET CLEANING STORM DRAIN SYSTEM CLEANING ANIMAL WASTE CONTROL -657- MCM 4: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL BMP ~SIGNATION A-3 A-4 M N O P Q R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 BMP TITLE SWPPP iNFORMATION/COMMENT LINE IBLIC STORM WATER iNFORMATION SURVEY CONSTRUCTION SITE STORM WATER RUNOFF ORDINANCE DEVELOPMENT ;ONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN REVIEW ;ONSTRUCTION SITE NON-COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES )EVELOPMENT AND RI~_DE~ELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW PROGRAM STORM WATER DETENTION AND PONDING SEEDING STABILIZATION STRUCTURAL STABILIZATION INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION TRENCH RAINWATER GARDEN iRASSED SWALE-CHANNEL -658- MCM 5: POST CONSTRUCTION R__~UNOFF _ CONTROL ~":SIGNATION BMP TITLE P DEVELOPMENT AND RE-DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW PROGRAM S STORM WATER DETENTION AND PONDING SEEDING STABILIZATION STRUCTURAL STABILIZATION INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION TRENCH RAINWATER GARDEN GRASSED SWALE - CHANNEL POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER ORDINANCE REVIEW SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN MCM~6: POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BMP ~ DESIGNATIONI__._~ BMP TITLE E F G L-1 L-2 L-3 U PARK AND OPEN SPACE TRAINING PROGRAM FLEET AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM STORM WATER SYSTEM.MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PARKING LOT AND STREET CLEANING 'STORM DRAIN SYSTEM CLEANING STORM SEWER OUTFALL, BASIN AND POND INSPE-~ON PROGRAM -659- Engineering ' Planning ' Surveying March 3, 2004 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: Water Treatment Facility Considerations Mound, Minnesota MFRA #13313 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 'This letter requests authorization to develop plans and specifications for the Well #8 pump house. Because decisions made during design of the pump house may impact future options for water treatment, this letter also addresses water treatment issues and considerations. Previous Water Treatment Study In June 1990, MFRA prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report for Water System Improvements. Several addenda dated September 6, 1990 through October 19, 1993 were subsequently prepared. The June 1990 report considered several options regarding water treatment and distribution. The recommendations of the report included: 1. Construct a 1500 gpm water treatment plant for the purpose of removing iron and manganese to below EPA's secondary treatment standards. 2. Construct a 10" loop around the west side of Lake Langdon. 3. Construct a new well when Well's 1 and 3 are abandoned. 4. Plan for construction of a 300,000 gallon water tower in about 2005. Recommendation 2 has been completed. Recommendation 3 is in progress. A new well has been drilled and will be placed in service in 2004. It should be noted that Well #3 is still in service, but that Well #6 has been abandoned. Recommendation 4 has been discussed with City staff and is tentatively planned for construction in 2005. In order to receive bids in February or March of 2005, design should begin by September 2004. 15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 763/476-6010 · fax 763/476-8532 e-marl: mfra@mfra.com -660- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 3, 2004 Page 2 Recommendation 1 has not been completed. In 1993, the City Council considered other water treatment processes capable of softening the water (removal of calcium and magnesium) in addition to removing the iron and manganese, but did not elect to proceed with any water treatment option. Water Quality Standards Iron and manganese are not health hazards in concentrations typically found in municipal water supplies, but can cause nuisance conditions in high concentrations. The EPA has published "secondary standards" to reduce nuisance conditions such as staining of laundry and dishes, accumulation in pipelines and foul taste. Mound's water supply exceeds the EPA's secondary standards with respect to iron and manganese as presented in Table 1. In Minnesota, the secondary standards are considered recommendations rather than legal requirements. The EPA also publishes primary standards for drinking water to protect human health. The primary standards include microorganisms, disinfection byproducts, disinfectants, inorganic chemicals and organic chemicals. Of particular concern to Mound is the inorganic chemical arsenic. The current primary standard for arsenic is 50 ug/L. As of January 23, 2006, the standard will be lowered to 10 ug/L. According to the EPA, potential health effects from ingestion of water with arsenic are "skin damage or problems with circulatory systems, and may have increased risk of getting cancer." Mound's water supply periodically exceeds the EPA primary standard for arsenic at the Well #7 entry point to the distribution system. Table 1 - Selected Water Quality Standards and Test Results for Wells in the City of Mound EPA Standard Well #3 Well #7 Test Well near #8~r--'---- 1-primary standard 2-secondary standard ------.___. 10 300 1.______:8 to 2.3 - '-------~0 to 230 4..___.~1 to4.8410 ~o 6--0-~ 6.8 to 11 650 to 920 ~ 1.65 875 <1 350 Manganese2 510 to 550 300 to 659 227 to 270 498 397 3-to be abandoned when the Auditor's Road Redevelopment District is implemented 4- one test only Well #8 is not yet in service, but should be available in 2004 following design and construction of the pump house. -661 - Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 3, 2004 Page 3 Water Quality Treatment Options The water quality issues discussed above can be addressed with the following actions. Arsenic Arsenic in the Mound water supply periodically exceeds the upcoming EPA standard at the Well #7 entry point. This could be resolved by treatment; however, because the well has not measured higher than 11 ug/L, the most cost-effective solution may be blending. It is not clear how much blending occurs in the existing distribution system as Well #7 is located on a large dead end. Those portions of the distribution system located to the northeast of Well #7 may receive close to 100% of their water from Well #7. Iron and Manganese Residential water softeners remove calcium and magnesium, but typically do not adequately address iron and manganese. Residential iron filters are available to remove iron and manganese at a typical cost of up to several thousand dollars installed. Typical treatment of municipal groundwater sources in the metro area and in medium-sized out-state communities includes iron and manganese removal, chlorination and fluoridation. Some communities also provide softening; however, this is less common. In 1990, MFRA evaluated two alternatives for treatment of the City's water supply for removal of iron and manganese. The first option was to construct two water treatment facilities, each capable of treating 750 gpm. The second option was to construct a single facility capable of treating 1500 gpm. The second option would also require construction of raw water lines to transport water from the remote wells to the water treatment facility. Both of these options are still viable. Table 2 presents project cost estimates comparing the option of constructing 750 gpm facilities at both Well 7 and Well 8, or constructing a single 1500 gpm facility at a centralized location. The 1990 cost estimates are presented here for comparison purposes. Figures 1 and 2 show a schematic layout of the wells, raw water lines and treatment plants for both 2004 options. It is assumed that the raw water lines would be PVC pipe installed by directional drilling techniques to minimize surface disruption. -662- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 3, 2004 Page 4 Table 2 - Preliminary Capital Cost Estimates for Iron and Manganese Water Treatment Water Treatment 750 1500 2004 1990 2004 1990 Equipment $ 340,000 $ 181,000 500,000 $ 342,000 Installation 170,000 104,000 250,000 184,000 ~Valves 140,000 46,000 200,000 80,000 I_nstrumentation/Controls/Electrical 240,000 46,000 300,000 75,000 Sitework 30,000 14,000 30,000 14,000 Building/Service Facilities 260,000 143,000 400,000 236,000 _Subtotal 180,000 $ 534,000 680,000 $ 931,000 ~encies 118,000 53,000 Construction 168,000 93,000 En--Eg~eering/Legal/Administrative 260,000 117,000 370,000 205,000 Facility Total ,558,000 704,000 treatment Total 6,000 Raw Water Lines ~ ~ Well 8 to plant $ _ $ ~lant ~ant '--'~'~--~ --'~-'~-~ ~ ~ ~ - 99,000 I _ - 173,000 150,000 - Well 3 to Well 7 (Well 6 in 1990) $ 173,000 $ 150,00---~ $ 404~ Subtot ~ncies 17,000 15,000 _Construction _ $ 190,000 $ 165,000 ~l/Administrative 48,000 41,000 ~eline Total $ 238,000 $ 206,000 Pr~ect Total $ 3,354,000 $1,614,000 It should be noted that the 1990 capital cost estimate for the 1500 gpm facility did not recommend a particular site. At that time, it was assumed that a new well would be constructed near Well #7, and that the cost of the raw water line would be relatively small. Because the two main wells will be located approximately two miles apart, the cost of the raw water lines would be a significant part of the project cost. -663- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 3, 2004 Page 5 It should also be noted that control technology for water treatment facilities has advanced considerably since 1990. The advances provide a greater degree of automation at a higher capital cost with the benefit of lower operation costs. Both 2004 options assume that a raw water line will be constructed from Well #3 to a treatment facility. If Well #3 is to be abandoned soon, this line would not be required reducing capital costs as shown in Table 3. Table 3 - Preliminary Capital Cost Estimates for Iron and Manganese Water Treatment Assuming Well #3 is Abandoned ~ 750 ~om Facili~litL---~ q; '- 3.116,000 ~ ~-1 ~Lines $ 2,638,000 ____1 Pr~ct To~-~ Project costs do not include costs for land acquisition or easements. Council Options for Action The City Council may take one of the following actions. Option 1 - The Council may decide 'to construct two water treatment facilities each capable of treating 750 gpm. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Well #8 pump house. Because one of the facilities should be located near Well #8, design of the Well #8 pump house should allow for future construction of the water treatment facility. A procedure for blending Well #7 water with another source may be needed to comply with the arsenic standards. Construction of the treatment facilities could be staged and coordinated with construction of any facilities required for blending. Option 2 - The Council may decide to construct a single water treatment facility at a central location. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Well #8 pump house. The pump house will not be sized for future water treatment capacity. -664- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City :Council March 3, 2004 Page 6 A timeline should be established for design and construction of water treatment facilities. A location should be identified for the future facility. A pro. cedure for blending Well #7 water with another source may be needed to comply with the arsemc standards prior to January 2006. Prior to proceeding with design of a water treatment facility, the existing distribution system should be evaluated to identify any issues that may arise from using a single entry point for treated water. Option 3. The Council may decide to defer consideration of water treatment indefinitely. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Well #8 pump house. The pump house will not be sized for future water treatment capacity. A procedure for blending Well #7 water with another source may be needed to comply with the arsenic standards. Recommendation We recommend Option 2 as listed above. This will allow cost-effective design and construction of the Well #8 pump house this year. In the future, the City may elect to provide centralized water treatment to address water quality concerns. Thank you for this opportunity to review the City's needs regarding water treatment and distribution. If you have any questions or need further information, please call. Sincerely, MFRA Bryan T. Oakley, P.E. Enclosure Poto cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director John Cameron, City Engineer s:Xmain:Lmou 13313Xcorrespondence~aayor&council3_3 -665- -667. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04-__ RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR CONGRESSMAN JOHN KLINE WHEREAS, W.A.F.T.A. is a joint powers entity created pursuant to the authority of Minn. Stat. § 471.59. WHEREAS, the following eleven (11) cities are currently members of W.A.F.T.A.: 1) Chanhassen 2) Chaska 3) Eden Prairie 4) Excelsior 5) Long Lake 6) Maple Plain 7) Mayer 8) Mound 9) St. Bonifacious 10) Victoria 11 ) Watertown WHEREAS, W.A.F.T.A. was created to acquire a site for the member cities to utilize as a fire training facility at which full time and volunteer fire fighters who serve the eleven member cities could develop and improve their fire fighting capabilities. WHEREAS, in 1974, W.A.F.T.A. purchased a vacated Nike Missile Battery Launch Site ("site") from the Department of Defense for the purposes of conducting fire training exercises. The site is located in Watertown Township on the eastern edge of Carver County. WHEREAS, the Members of W.A.F.T.A. desire to conduct an environmental study of the site. WHEREAS, Congressman Kline led an effort to secure $250,000.00 for the Department of the Army to begin investigating the site currently owned by W.A.F.T.A. WHEREAS, without securing this funding it is unlikely a site investigation would have been conducted. 1 -668- Resolution No. 04-__ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Mound, Minnesota: The City is a member of W.A.F.T.A. and has an interest in conducting an environmental investigation of the W.A.F.T.A. site. The City commends Congressman Kline's efforts to secure the necessary funding to begin the process of investigating the W.A.F.T.A. site. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of March, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Acting Mayor Mark Hanus 2 -669- Founded 1961 Dear Members, At the August 14, 2003, meeting of the Hennepin County Chiefs Association, the proposed countywide mutual aid agreement and bylaw changes were unanimously accepted by the members present. It is now up to each Department to get the approval needed so that signed copies, accepting the terms of the agreement, can be put on file with the Secretary of the Association. This agreement is based on the League of Minnesota Cities Mutual Aid Agreement Model with just a few exceptions. The first of these is the addition of "Specialized Activities" in the definition section. This allows departments to assist each other for non-emergency activities. Such activities could be arson investigation, training, sharing of fire instructors, equipment and facilities. The next exception is the addition of Section Three, "PARTIES". This section explains the administrative process required to be part of the agreement. Section 4 also was changed with the addition of the Minnesota Incident Management System (MIMS) to the "Command of Scene" subdivision. The f'mal changes are in Section Seven "Charges to the Requesting Party". This section calls for the responding party to be reimbursed for any assistance that exceeds eight hours and all supplies used regardless of assistance time. This was added to comply with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) rule. The rule states that if local governments do not have a written agreement that provides for charges to be paid to the Responding Party, FEMA will not reimburse the Responding Party for those costs. The rule allows short-term assistance to be given for no charge. The eight-hour figure was decided on by the membership. The by-laws were changed to allow Fire Departments outside the boundary lines of Hennepin County to be Affiliate Members of the organization. They would have the privileges of an active member except for voting and holding office. Their dues would be ten dollars a year, the same as an active member, to cover any administrative costs. For those that must go to council a sample resolution has been provided. Certified copies of the resolution and/or executed copies of the agreement must be sent to Hennepin County Chiefs Association Secretary, Greg Pederson, so that a current list of parties to the agreement can be maintained. Questions regarding the agreement or process should be directed to President George Esbensen, 952-949-8336, or Committee member Luke Stemmer, 952-924-2596. Sincerely, George Esbensen, President Hennepin County Chiefs Association .President George Esbensen Eden Prairie Fire 14800 Scenic Heights Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-949-8336 gesbensen~edenprairie.org S_ecretary. Greg Pedersen Mound Fire 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 952-472-3555 Attachments (2) -670- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT FOR JOINT AND COOPERATIVE USE OF FIRE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the City of Mound is a member of the Hennepin County Chiefs Association; and WHEREAS, the Association has adopted an agreement for joint and cooperative use of fire personnel and equipment; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound believes the effectiveness of fire protection within the City is improved by adopting this agreement; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute the Hennepin County Chiefs Association Joint Cooperative Agreement for Use of Fire Personnel and Equipment, as Exhibit A attached, on behalf of the City of Mound as a participating member. Adopted by the City Council this 9t~ day of March, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Acting Mayor Mark Hanus -671 - jOiNT cOOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR UsE OF FIRE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT BENNEPIN COUNTY CItIEFS ASSOCIATION August 14, 2003 I. Purpose This agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.59 which authorizes the joint and cooperative exercise of powers common to contracting parties. The intent of this agreement is to make equipment, personnel and other resources available to political subdivisions from other political subdivisions. II. Def'mitions "Party" means a political subdivision. "Requesting Official" means the person designated by a Party who is responsible for requesting Assistance from other Parties. "Requesting Party" means a party that requests assistance from other parties. "Responding Official" means the person designated by a party who is responsible to determine whether and to what extent that party should provide assistance to a Requesting "Responding Party" means a party that provides assistance to a Requesting Party. "Assistance" means, fire and/or emergency medical services personnel and/or equipment. "Specialized Activities" means non-emergency Assistance to include but not be limited to: fire investigators, fire inspectors, fire educators, fire instructors, training personnel and associated equipment and facilities. IlL PARTIES The parties of this agreement shall consist of the Active and Affiliate members of the Hennepin County Chiefs Association. Upon the adoption of a resolution by its governing body, an executed copy of this Agreement shall be forwarded by the member party to the Secretary of the Hennepin County Chiefs Association together with a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the agreement. The Secretary of the Hennepin County Chiefs Association shall maintain a current list of the parties to this Agreement and, whenever there is a change in the parties of this Agreement, shall notify the designated responding official of each party of such change. Page: 1 of 4 -672- /V. Procedure ! 1. Subd. 1. Request for assistance. Whenever, in the opinion of a Requesting Official, there is a need for assistance from other parties, the Requesting Official may call upon the Responding Official of any other party to furnish assistance. Specialized activities of a non-emergency nature may bc requested and/or provided by the Parties of this Agreement Subd. 2. Response to request. Upon the request for assistance from a Requesting Party, the Responding Official may authorize and direct his/her party's personnel to provide assistance to the Requesting Party. This decision will be made after considering the needs of the responding party and the availability of resources. Subd. 3. Recall of Assistance. The Responding Official may at any time recall such assistance when in his or her best judgment or by an order from the governing body of the Responding Party, it is considered to be in the best interests of the Responding Party to do so. Subd. 4. Command of Scene. The Requesting Party shall be in command of the mutual aid scene. All mutual aid operations will be carried out according to the Minnesota Incident Management System (MIMS). The personnel and equipment of the Responding Party shall be under the direction and control of the Requesting Party until the Responding Official withdraws assistance. V. Workers' compensation Each party shall be responsible for injuries or death of its own Personnel. Each party will maintain workers' compensation insurance or self-insurance coverage, covering its own personnel while they are providing ass/stance pursuant to this agreement. Each party waives the fight to sue any other party for any workers' compensation benefits paid to its own employee or volunteer or their dependants, even if the injuries were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other party or its officers, employees, or volunteers. VI. Damage to equipment Each party shall be responsible for damages to or loss of its own equipment. Each party waives the right to sue any other party for any damages to or loss of its equipment, even if the damages or losses were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other party or its officers, employees, or volunteers. Page: 2 of 4 -673- · . or the ourl~ose~ of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Liability Act (Minn. Stat. Subd 1 F ~ ~ ,-,' ~ :~ ~ :~-~-qn,- Pa,*,, ~e deem~ to be employees 466), ~e employees and orncers otme (as defined in Minn. Stat. 466.01, subdivision 6) of the Requesting Party. Sub& 2. The Requesting Party agrees to defend and indemnify the Responding Party against any claims brought or actions filed against the Responding Party or any officer, employee, or volunteer of the Responding Party for injury to, death of, or damage to the property of any third person or persons, arising from the performance and provision of assistance in responding to a request for assistance by the Requesting Party pursuant to this agreement. Under no circumstances, however, shall a party be required to pay on behalf of itself and other parties, any amounts in excess of the limits on liability established in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 applicable to any one party. The limits of liability for some or all of the parties may not be added together to determine the maximum amount of liability for any party. The intent of this subdivision is to impose on each Requesting Party a limited duty to defend and indemnify a Responding Party for claims arising within the Requesting Party's jurisdiction subject to the limits of liability under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. The purpose of creating this duty to defend and indemnify is to simplify the defense of claims by eliminating conflicts among defendants, and to permit liability claims against multiple defendants from a single occurrence to be defended by a single attorney. Subd. 3. No party to this agreement nor any officer of any Party shall be liable to any other Party or to any other person for failure of any party to furnish assistance to any other party, or for recalling assistance, both as described in this agreement. VIII. Charges to the Requesting Party Subd. 1. A Responding Party to this agreement will levy no charges for assistance rendered to a Requesting Party under the terms 0f this agreement unless that assistance continues for a period of more than eight (8) hours. The Requesting Party shall regardless to the length of time of the assistance, reimburse the Responding Party for supplies used. If assistance provided under this agreement continues for more than eight (8) hours, the Responding Party will submit to the Requesting Party an itemized bill for the actual cost of any assistance provided after the initial eight (8) hour period, including salaries, overtime, materials and supplies and other necessary expenses; and the Requesting Party will reimburse the party providing the assistance for that amount. Subd. 2. Such charges are not contingent upon the availability of federal or state government funds. Page: 3 of 4 -674- ! 1, Th/s agreement will be in force from the date of execution and notification of the secretary 0fthe He~in c0un~ chiefs ASs0ciati0n~ ~y praY may Withdraw from this agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party or parties to the agreement. X. Execution Each party hereto has read, agreed to and executed this Mutual Aid Agreement on the date indicated. Date Date Entity By Title Entity. By Page: 4 of 4 -675- 5341 Maywood Road ...... Mouo_d~ MN__55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City CounCil Sarah Smith, Community Development Director March 3, 2004 Subdivision Exemption - Lot 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit F Background in January, Staff received a request from Hennepin County Property Divisions to approve a lot split to divide Lot 3, Block 2, Shidey Hills Unit from PID No. 13-117-24- 24-0086 which is owned by Frontier Communications and legally described as follows: Lots 3 thru 15, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit F including % of the vacated alley. The subject parcel was purchased by Peter Norton who owns Lots 1 & 2 which are located immediately north of Lot 3 at 2354 Wilshire Boulevard. As the proposed division required subdivision approval by the City of Mound, the application was rejected and returned to the Hennepin County. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Norton submitted a waiver of platting application for the proposed request with the understanding that Lot 3 would need to be combined with his existing parcel. Following submittal of the waiver application, City staff was contacted by Dave Peterson of Hennepin County Taxpayer Services who indicated that Lot 3 could not be combined with the Norton parcel as it is located within a designated TIF district and therefore would need to be assigned its own PID. New Subdivision Exemption Provision If the City Council recalls, the subdivision ordinance was amended in 2003 to include a provision entitled" Subdivision Exemption" which reads as follows: "In any case in which compliance with Subparagraph A (Minor Boundary Adjustment) and B (Waiver of Platting) will result in an unnecessary hardship to the property owner and the request is not contrary to the platting regulations, the City Council may waive such compliance by adoption of a resolution to that effect and the conveyance may then be recorded. The Council may, at its option, refer such questions to the Planning Commission for recommendation before action." -676- Site Conditions The subject area is zoned B~I a~d'su ec{t° the reg~iaiions ~f city cod~ section 350:650. A table bj provided below: which outlines the regulations of the B-1 District is Height: Lot Size: Setbacks: 35 feet 7500 square feet Same as B-2 if abutting residential district- N/A 2. The Norton property is approximately 50' x 130' or 6500 square feet. The addition of Lot 3 (25'x 130') would make the property conforming with regard to minimum lot size. 3. Lots 1 & 2 generally consist of a 2-story commercial building (28' x 40') and a gravel drive located on the south side. Historically, the upper floor has been used for residential use. 4. With the exception of the existing driveway, there is no available parking on the Norton parcel. There is an existing tree located immediately east of the building which would be lost if the area(s) was to be converted to a hard surface parking lot. 5. Lot 3 generally consists of the orthern parking stalls that are located immediately south of the Norton building which, based on discussions with the owner, are being used by the employees and/or occupants of the Norton building. 6. According to the City Code, a total of (3) parking stalls are required for the Norton building if is being used solely for commercial purposes. 7. According to the City Code, a total of (25) parking stalls are requi~:ed for the Frontier building. Based upon review of the approved site plan for the Frontier building, a total of (85) spaces are provided on the site. If Lot 3 were to be split from the Frontier property, it is estimated that (12) stalls would be lost. Additional Comments 1. No construction is contemplated as part of the current request. · Page 2 -677- ~ . . on re uest was forwarded to all City departments for review. No 2 The subdivisi q ........ ~-~'_tbe Citv_EngineeLquestioned __J;ommeQts__~/ere_r_eceived__w~th~tbe-excep;[[or-L-u~ - -~ ' - the whether an updated site survey was needed. As the City Council may be awsre, submittal of an updated survey is not required for waiver of platting requests. However, the Council, at its discretion, may require that an updated plan be submitted to ensure compliance with the City Code. While a survey of the Norton property was not submitted and is not on file with the City, a copy of the 1989 approved site plan for the Frontier property which includeS the subject area(s) has been obtained from the Building Department and provided aS an attachment. 3. It is City staff's understanding that the TIF District will likely be amended next fall. Therefore, in the event the subdivision exemption were to be approved, the existing boundary within the TIF could be expanded to include Lot 3 and the parcels could be combined at that time. 4. Due to location of the existing driveway entrance and driveway between the Norton and Frontier buildings and the location of the existing dumpster, a shared driveway and/or cross easement is recommended and should considered as a possible condition for approval, if appropriate. 5. The new subdivision exemption provision includes the opportunity to allow for Planning Commission review. 6. In the event, the Council determines that the use of the subdivision exemption provision is not appropriate for this case, the land division request could also be reviewed as a waiver of platting and variance request which would require Planning Commission and City Council review and approval. Requested Action City staff requests that the City Council determine whether or not the land division request for Lot 3 qualifies for approval as a subdivision exemption and if so, direct Staff to prepare a resolution to be brought back to the next Council meeting. Minimally, the following list of conditions should be considered for inclusion in the resolution (if appropriate): 1. Preparation of a cross easement for the driveway entrance and drive aisle along Wilshire Boulevard to be reviewed by Staff and executed by both property owners prior to recording at Hennepin County. In the event there are municipal utilities in the subject area(s) and public easements have not been previously obtained or provided they are to be provided by the new owner(s). 2. Payment of all consultant fees associated with the processing of the request. 3. Lot 3 to be combined with Lots 1 & 2 at such time as the TIF boundary is amended. · Page 3 -678- is needed, p ana a determination whether or not an updated survey Page 4 -679- -680- Z I-- UJ 0 LU U Z Z > I--4 '13 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 0 ~ 0~ = ~ ~ ~ o -681 - PART OF ,LOT 3 (95) BLVD pART OF LOT 35 12. ' 12 120 2 (79) | 27 120 El N RD 26 '2O - LOT-Co -682- I I I I ~o r 33 120o 34 12.0 , 120 ~' 120 ~o~. (69) izO~' ~zo ~- (~1) ~o ~ 30 o~ 120 Io 26 13 S23'#~ 19 150 22 (120) 150 (122} 20 150 2! o~ U21) 15o.I 15o.4 ~ 24 ~ (64)~2o 23 2 ~ (63) ]20 22 ~o (62) ~20 .: -~ 34 I ,- · :-,2o Izp : Si 33'- 2 ;~o~c (106) IZO 120 (90) SJ 32 230 *~o 120 I ,,r ',120 120 I 30 5 ~ ~ 005) ~20 ~20 29 · 6 , ~c ~o~ ~20 ~20 (135) ': , 28 o 2'[ . 8,-[ o ' 25 120~ 120 .... ~', o 24 120 II; \ | (95)....... ~oi ~20 920-; 2 , 23 120 '~-..° 120' (101) 120 ~20 (96) 120 ~ ~! ~o ~5 ~ o ,r ,' (S00) 120 IZO (97) 120 , (99) 120 120 (98)" ~'' 120 120 13 12 ,(55) (54) 8 (53) (13)' 150.22 13 (14) ~ 150,78 W:O0 '~50.78 6 (26) 150.78 150.78 9 (281 I0 (29) ~ 150,78 150.78 167.42 (47) 8 'i 219.4 '; ;,(49) (48) '; ',, GOVT LOT 7' ' " ts 3 thru 1 ' ~ ' '~' ~.?~5'~> ";~;~,;~, above ground tank i 13-117-2~ ~ nnR~ [~g~.,~:.~?~?~j~.:~.s~[:~:: ROOFTOP UNIT #1896 ('7-~7/ ' ,~ ~, ...~: o ,:,,, , .: ,~::i, ANTENNA #94 ( lq ql% ) .......... · ................ ~l~ ~- ~,, I ~ . _ ~ ......... fl, q~w (- ~ ....... ~;d-~5¥','-'7; ..... :{:--.._._ OFFIC~ RKNOD~ #9867 10-26-92 ........... ; ........... ~ ..... T .... i' ................. ' .... L".':'~"i i3 ......... ;': .... t .......... t ........ '?9 : 3r (g ,] (55) .%. CITY OF MoUN_D ' ZONING DDRESS' sURVEY ON FILE? YES /~, "-----'--- LOT OF RECORD? YES I NO YARD ~ I IIOUSE ......... SIDE ;IDE tEAR OF BLUFF FRONT fIDE SIDE DIRECTION-~-~ N S E W N S E W N S E W N S E W ~SEW N S E W DETACIIED BUILDINGS N S E W N S E W N S E W N S E W N S E W N S E W 30% OR 40% SiiED ..... iNFORMATION SltEET zoNING DISI'RICT, LOT SIZE/WIDTH: R1 10 000/60~ 6',ooo/4o B, o,ooo/6o R2 1.4,000/BO R3 SEE ORD. I1 30,000/100 REQUIRED-~--~_ ExiSTING/PROPOSED 10' OR 30' 4' OR6' 4' OR 6' :' -------------- ~ 50' 10' OR 30' OF BLUFF ~.~ n g I g'.OV ER '-~-.XISTING LOT SIZE: VARIANCE Property .Information Search by Street Address Result page Search By: HOUSE or BUILDING #: i2354 STREET NAME: ~St first 3 characters) Wilsh re Blvd UNIT # (if applicable) Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Page 1 of 2 Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) Note: Taxes Payable 2004 (2003 Values) will be available on this web site approximately 03/01 Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2003 :.."':~!~:::: !~::I~.~.'.. ii}i T..':..ii:;:~:~::; !~):;;..:. :~;: F..:....:.c.....,.~ .~... ........ .;: 13.117.24~34~0022 2354 WlLSHIRE BLVD MOUND 277 Construction year: 1953 3 Parcel Size: 50 X 1 P A NORTON & K A NORTON PETER & KATHY NORTON 6256 RED OAK RD MOUND MN 55364 i20 ;~ ..... ~;: records per page Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value a~ warranted to represent arms-length transactions. Sale Date: June, 2001 Sale Price: $160,500 Transaction Type: Warranty Deed Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Tax Parcel Description SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT F 002 Abstract or Torrens: TORRENS Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2003 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 200; Estimated Market Value: $17O,OOO Limited Market Value: $143,100 Taxable Market Value: $143,100 http://www2.co.hennepin mn us/pins/ad&result · ' J°' 85 2/23/2004 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status $9,000 $3,252.69 $27.17 $3,279.86 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2003 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 200; Values: 1 2 $13,000 $13,000 $62,000 $82,000 $75,000 $95,000 $8,300 $13,000 $39,800 $82,000 $48,100 $95,000 1 2 coMMERCIAL' RESIDENTIAL PREFERRED NON- NON- HOMESTEAD HOMESTEAD 4584 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Tax related questions: taxinfo@co.hennepin.mn.us Web related comments: Henn.Net(~co.hennepin.mn.us or use our Feedback Fo~ Need help locating a property on our site? Check out our Search Tips : ¥~¥.~:i~::,~¥..*..~ .'.;;~.?!~!~?;.~.~i!,:~: '"' ................. Copyright ~ 1998 - 2001 Hennepin County -686- I"1")- I"ll'~(~A HennepJn County Map Server Click on map to view infbrmation on adjoining properties $¢roll down to see property address, value & tax info upd;itc: 2'032004 ~ll READ IMPORTAN!;'~;)ISCLAiMER INFORMATION BELOW (?lick on Property Information Button below to view main tax infbrmation page fbr the property you have selected The data contained on Ibis page is derived f}0~ a~0~ ~ti~'~ discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey pe~ormed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only. HennepJn County does not Ouarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. Please repo~ any map d~screpancies to Bob Moulder (Hennepin County Su~ey Division) at (612) 348-26~8 The quality of thC disp ay I~ay ~e'i~fluenced by your screen size and resolution settin9 and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.0~ or later version for proper operation. Copyrighl ©'~ - . .-00_~ Hennepin County http ://www 19. co. henne../esrimap, dll?name=Hen 2 ~-~17°._ :m~d=Find& VALUE= 131172434002 2/23/2004 13'-11'7-24 B4 62060 3810 0022 277/B -688- Description of Building Dimensions._ ~ x ~= x /~ No. of Stories -689- Name of Installers_ '4~~ Plumbing Installed by- ~ Wiring Installed b.v__ ~~,~%~ ,~ Applicant must furnish plat showing dimension of lot or l°ts and location of building on sa~o. ~o'~--~--~:.) AG~EEMENT In case permit is gx'anted, I hereby agree to do the proposed' work in accordance with description above set forth and according the provisions of ~.~ll Ord,.nantes of ~he Villege of Mound and of all Statutes of the State of M~nnes. ot~. in such cases made and provided. ApprOve~ o'? Counci'l this -690- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 1 of 2 } .... The Hennepin County Prope~y Tax web database is updated daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) ~ p~p~;'~ ........................... ~;~ Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2004 Municipality: MOUND .~emy ID: School Dist: 277 Construction year: 1980 ~ 1311724340086 Watershed: 3 Sewer Dist: Parcel Size: IRREGUL CITIZENS TELECOMM CO MN INC Taxpayer Name FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS MN & Address: C/O VALUATION GROUP [NC 935 WHITE PLAINS ND TRUMBULL CT 06611 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reposed as listed on the Ce~ificate of Real Estate Value ar warranted to represent arms-length transactions. Sale Date: August, 2000 Sale Price: $3,665,923 Transaction Type: Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Tax Parcel Description SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT F OO2 LOTS 3 THRU 15 tNCL BLK 2 INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY Abstract or Torrens: TORRENS Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2004 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2003 Estimated Market Value: $591,000 Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $591,000 $591,000 $19,559.55 http ://www2. co. hennepin, mn. u s/pin s/pid result.js.2691 - a/.~/2004 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying improvements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status $105.55 $19,665.10 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2004 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2003 Values: $378,000 $213,000 $591,000 $378,000 $213,000 $591,000 coMMERCiAL- PREFERRED NON- HOMESTEAD 1801 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Tax related questions: taxinfo@co.hennepin.mn.us Web related comments: Henn.Net@co.hennepin.mn.us or use our Feedback Fort Need help locating a property on our site? Check out our Search Tips Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Hennepin County -692- ' .11 ', Hennepin County Map Sen/er Click on m~p to view inrorm~tio~ on ~djoinb~ prope~ies Scroll down to see prope~y ~ddres% v~lue Lasl updalc: 2/25,'2004 al l:O0 PM -- READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Property ID Approximate Pr°pertyApproximate Property Perimeter Area 13-117-24-34-0086 1,395 ft. 71,299 sq.ft. = 1.637 acres Property Address Harket Value Total Tax (2004) 2378 WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND, MN 55364 $ 591,000 $ 19,665.10 Click 0n Property lnfbrmation Button below to view main tax information page for the property you have selected ;h;!?!:!:;~?.:: ,;...~.~;~., ~r;.u,..,,.~ .......... ~aa ........~ :... :...: : : :.::::::::.:.:.::r~.:~:!~.,:~. :.¥.~i~¥~...~??..i~i~...¢? discrepancies ~ag~ ~S~'~e~ifed from a compilation of records and maps and may contain that can only be disclosed by an accurate su~ey Performed by a licensed land su~eyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are apProximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. Please repod any map discrepancies to Bob Moulder (Hennepin County Su~ey Division) at (612) 348-2618 or via e-mail at B~b;_Mou de~6~.b¢8u~pL~._m~.~ The qua ty of t~-~-~--~ay g~ ~}i'~ce~'~y-yaur screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. http://wwwl 9.co.hennep,,./esrimap.dll?name=Hf_69~_&cmd=Find&VALUE=131172434008 3/3/2004 THIS PAGE IS iNTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -694- L_-L .... I ' .gL'~,i~l g_ 3-.I,O.OOoOO-N i !il 5341 Maywood Road Moun~, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director 3/4/2OO4 Project Update MCWD Rule M Buffer- Proposed Amendment The MCWD held the public hearing for review of the proposed amendments to Rule M (buffers) at its March 4, 2004 meeting. As of this writing, the public hearing is pending therefore Staff will provide a verbal update at the Council meeting. If the Council recalls, formal comment(s) and a resolution regarding the City's opposition to the proposed amendment(s) were forwarded to the MCWD in January during the formal comment period. HCRRA Railroad Corridor Abandonment Process The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority filed its notice of intent to abandon the former Dakota railroad corridor with the Surface Transportation Board in Washington D.C. in late December. Based on recent discussions with Hennepin County Staff, it is anticipated that the process should be completed this month. Once the abandonment occurs, it is likely that the rail lines and associated equipment will be removed later this year. Representatives of Hennepin County indicated that a public relations campaign with involved communities and neighborhoods would also be undertaken once the abandonment process was finalized. Joint PC / CC Workshop Suggested dates for a joint Planning Commission and City Council workshop to discuss the work plan and projects list for 2004 are March 29th and April 19th. Langdon Trails The first building permit for Langdon Trails was recently submitted. -696- Langdon Bay The Langdon Bay residential development, which consists of 74 lots, is nearly complete as all of the building permits have been issued. It is anticipated that the development will soon be turned over to the Homeowner's Association. It is City staff's understanding that the MCWD permitting issues have been satisfied. Mound Marketplace The Mound Marketplace shopping center is fully leased with the exception of the freestanding building located in the southeastern corner. Village by the Bay (48) residential units have been completed including the 20-unit Great House. Staff continues to work with MetroPlains on the punchlist items associated with the turnover of the Outlots to the City. MHRD Staff is currently working with MHRD on various site related issues including the AUAR, the Park and Ride, the Farmer's Market, and execution of the cooperative agreement for the MetroPartnership Grant for stormwater improvements which was awarded in 2003. CSAH 15 It is Staff's understanding that the CSAH 15 road project remains on schedule and is tentatively slated to begin construction in April which would allow for a November opening. Final landscaping and cleanup will occur in the Spring of 2005. · Page 2 -697- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 5, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Michael Mueller, Jon Schwingler and Dave Osmek. Absent and Excused: Greg Raines; Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Steve Homola (6305 West Branch Road, Minnetrista), Michael River (6985 173rd St W, Farmington), Barb Bilow (2400 Westedge Blvd, Minnetdsta), Frank & Susie Matachek (7530 Ruby Ln), Ted & Brenda Breckheimer (6333 Alwin Cir), Bill Hartman (4165 Shoreline Dr), J Lindberg (2137 Ashland Ln) ELECTION OF OFFICERS MOTION by Mueller, second by Glister, to re-appoint Geoff Michael as Planning Commission Chairman. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Glister, second by Schwingler to re-appoint Michael Mueller as Planning Commission Vice Chairman. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 24, 2003 & DECEMBER 15, 2003 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Mueller, second by Hasse, to approve the November 24, 2003 minutes. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Mueller, second by Hasse, to approve the December t5, 2003 minutes. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS An additional item was added by Chair Michael. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-40 VARIANCE CASE #03-41 MINOR SUBDIVISION 2175 NOBLE LANE - DAWN MARIE OAK -698- Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2004 At the December 15, 2003 Commission meeting this request was tabled to allow the applicant adequate time to consider the possibility of adjusting the proposed rear lot line so as to increase the setback for the existing house on proposed Parcel B. A modified survey was submitted which includes an increased setback for the existing house accomplished by shifting the proposed lot line further east and removing a portion of the mechanical room. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Ayaz, to recommend Council approve the subdivision and variance with a 5 or 10-foot easement as determined by City Engineer. MOTION carried unanimously. CASE #03-47 MINOR SUBDIVISION 2530 RUBY LANE - FRANK & SUZIE MATACHEK The applicants are requesting approval of a minor subdivision of the referenced property. A variance has also been requested to address the 29.1-foot setback for the existing home along Channel Road. The property abuts Glendale Road on the north, Ruby Lane along the east and Channel Road on the south and west sides. The proposed new lot will be accessed via a new driveway on Glendale Road. City staff recommends approval subject to the following minimum conditions: 1. Hardcover on the proposed new lots shall not exceed 30 percent. 2. Property shall no longer qualify for "lot of record" status. 3. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with City review of the minor subdivision and variance requests. 4. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 5. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit applications. 6. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all public agency permits. 7. All conditions from the City Engineer as referenced in his memorandum dated December 24, 2003. 8. If the resolution is released prior to the installation of municipal utilities and other related work, a utility escrow deposit or other acceptable financial guarantee in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer should be submitted. 9. A legal description for the proposed drainage and utility easements fro proposed Parcels A and B will need to be submitted by the applicant and prepared in document form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County and shall be subject to review by the City Engineer prior to release of the resolution. 10. Payment of 1 park dedication fee and any and/or all municipal utilities trunk and connection fees and deficient street assessment charges prior to the release of the resolution. -699- Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2004 Discussion Mueller asked if the shed needed to be addressed. Smith said staff would address it as part of the building permit approval. It could be formally addressed if the Commission wanted to do it that way. Mueller asked about the availability of the water main. It was pointed out by Mr. Matachek that the original connection for the second lot was used by an adjoining lot leaving the new lot without easy access. He thought that it might be appropriate for the charges for water main to be revised considering the added expense of hookup. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Ayaz, to recommend Council approve the subdivision with staff recommendations and a request that the Council review the water main trunk charges. MOTION carried unanimously. CASE #03-37 MINOR SUBDIVISION CASE #03-38 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE #03-39 VARIANCE 2420 WESTEDGE BOULEVARD - STEVE HOMOLA The applicant is requesting a minor subdivision, variance and conditional use permit to subdivide an existing parcel into 3 buildable lots. A private drive would provide access to the 3 proposed lots from Westedge Boulevard. Private water and sewer utility connections are proposed. The property is currently unplatted and contains 3.164 acres between Westedge Boulevard and the former Dakota Railroad right-of-way and the Langdon Bay neighborhood. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer must approve final grading and drainage plans at time of building permit application. 2. The private driveway shall maintain a 3-foot setback from the northern property line of parcels A and B. 3. Proposed homes shall have a 30-foot setback from that portion of the common driveway located on Parcels A and B. 4. Installation of new water and sanitary sewer services for parcels must either be completed prior to release of building permits. 5. Payment of utility fees in accordance with the Planning Report. 6. The City Attorney shall review and approve the Easement and Covenant Declaration documents for the private driveway and utilities prior to release of the plat for recording. 7. Park dedication fees for 2 additional parcels shall be paid prior to release of the plat for recording at $1100 each. -700- Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2004 Discussion Osmek wanted to know if the dead end line would cause problems with water quality in the future. Moore indicated that he and Cameron didn't think it would because it was a different scenario than the areas currently have trouble within the city. Hasse asked about the 27~foot vs. the 60-foot roadway frontage requirement. Gordon explained the difference between private and public roadway. Hasse asked about the need for variance approval every time they want to do something. Gordon said it would be looked at differently because the variance had already been established. Mueller said there are 3 applications to be considered but essentially the variance will not exist once the private drive is in. Gordon confirmed that to be correct. Osmek asked how this compared to the Lynwood Boulevard area that is similar. Gordon said we were handling this the way the Lynwood area should have been handled. Mueller inquired (packet p 36 - 3rd bullet - item #2) about the language on Page 36. Gordon indicated that we do not have a standard for 30-foot roadway and wanted to be sure that the construction plans for the roadway are specific and reviewed by City Engineer. Mueller asked why staff was not recommending a 30-foot front setback for the existing house when the proposed lots are 30 feet? Gordon thought that was a possibility. Mueller why 30 feet was recommended? Gordon said it was desirable to maintain a uniform look. Mueller noticed that the hard surface private drive would not be closer than 3 feet from lot line. Is 3 feet sufficient? Gordon a minimum would be 3. Five feet would be more than adequate. Michael wanted to know why the private drive couldn't be a public roadway? Gordon responded that, among other things, it would require a 50-foot right of way in order to meet standard requirements. Osmek added that it saves us maintenance and redevelopment costs in the future. Mueller asked if no parking should be required on this roadway. Gordon said that staff has talked about it but have not come to a concrete decision. It would go in the Covenant agreement if we did require it. Barbara Bilow - Minnetrista neighbor- She granted an easement for access to the sewer line. Is her driveway going to be covered by this driveway? Gordon showed how it would not infringe on her property. Steve Homola (applicant) thought it would be okay. -701 - Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2004 Bilow indicated that her sanitary sewer backed up on Christmas Day. Will adding extra households make that worse? Osmek thought that considering the elevations it would probably be better. Brenda Breckheimer (6333 Alwin Circle) asked about setback of the private driveway. Would street assessments on that drive be assessed to Langdon Bay properties if it were a public street? Gordon indicated that it would not. Bill Hartman (applicant's representative) said that the private drive option is an improvement from some of the options that were being considered originally. The homes will be in excess of $350,000. That should have a positive effect on the other properties in the area. Mueller asked if he had any concerns about the 3-foot setback from the north property line for the driveway. Hartman said no. He has contacted the fire department regarding the design of the turnaround. Mueller asked if there are any difficulties with the proposed 30-foot setback. Hartman said it was workable. Twenty-five would be better but 30 works fine. He has been in contact with the City Attorney regarding the agreement language. Osmek asked if they were willing to go with the no parking regulation. Hartman said the fire department was very happy with the 20-foot roadway width and didn't indicate the need for parking restrictions. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Ayaz, to recommend Council approve the CUP with the provisos that the hard surface drive be no less than 3 feet from the north property line, parking provisions be specifically approved by the fire department on portion west of the east line of tot B, maintenance agreement as approved by City Attorney, roadway design in accordance with the 12/10/03 memo from Loren Gordon, that lots be considered conforming based on the Conditional Use Permit taking away the requirement of 60-foot street frontage, and hammerhead design and easement be as outlined on the survey of 12/29/03. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Mueller,.second by Ayaz, to recommend Council approve the subdivision with requirements outlined for private utilities, crossing sewer easements, setbacks from the hard surface not less than 30 feet for a primary residence and/or attachments, front lot lines be those abutting the private roadway, all drainage and grading be reviewed by the City Engineer to not negatively impact abutting property owners, sewer and access charges as outlined under the recommendations. MOTION approved unanimously. Discussion ensued regarding the need (or not) of a variance for the lack of frontage on a public street. Mueller thought it wouldn't be needed since we were getting a Conditional Use Permit for the property. It removes the need for a variance. MOTION by Mueller, second by SChwingler, to recommend Council approve the variance according to staff recommendation. MOTION carried. Voting for: Osmek, Ayaz, Hasse, Michael, Schwingler, and Mueller. Voting against: Glister. -702- Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2004 ADDED ITEM Chair Michael introduced some photos of 1754 Jones Lane. He felt that the Commission, including himself, could not have understood the bulk that this addition added. The home does not fit this neighborhood. It was determined jointly that the Commission needs to keep in mind the give and take they can require when granting variances, such as reducing bulk in exchange for allowing the variance. Gordon added that, in the area that the variance covers, the height or other features could be limited in granting the approval. Another problem is that our code has 2-% stories or 35 feet restriction and no specific way of measuring height. Michael said that leaving one wall existing and building around it qualifies it to be a remodel and not new construction. It is one way around the issues. Ayaz thought it becomes a much bigger issue because of the lakeshore. We need to have the code specifically address sight restrictions and bulk requirements. OLD / NEW BUSINESS City Council Liaison Update - Street reconstruction project has been pared down. Comment was made about the "City Hall" sign on the corner of Cypress and Shoreline. A directional arrow needs to be added. January & February Meetings - Currently there is no second meeting in January or February planned. Amendment to MCWD Rule M Discussion - Smith distributed a proposed resolution regarding the proposal by the Watershed to require an increase in the minimum buffer requirements. 'These new watershed buffer requirements would be triggered when a major subdivision is approved. The resolution will be on the City Council Agenda for discussion and direction on how to proceed. Mueller recalled that we stated that, if they do make changes, we wouldn't go along with them. Gordon said that they are going to establish next generation plans that will affect us. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Hasse to adjourn. Seconded and carried by affirmation at 9:30 p.m. Chair Geoff Michael Attest, Planning Secretary -703- ,i ,J , , ,J,i ,! , IIJJ J L,ill MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller, Jon Schwingler and Dave Osmek. Absent and Excused: Jorj Ayaz and Greg Raines. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Diane Rosencranz (Coldwell Banker Burnett), Bob Piper (Minnetonka Custom Homes) APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS Agenda was approved as written. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #03-52 MINOR SUBDIVISION 3064/3070 ALEXANDER LANE MINNETONKA CUSTOM HOMES The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision of the property located at 3064 and 3070 Alexander Lane. The proposal would divide the property to create a new buildable parcel. The proposed subdivision meets the provisions of the R1A District. No variances are requested. The existing house on Parcel A is conforming to setbacks with the exception of the chimney located on the south side that is an allowable encroachment according to City Code. Parcel A and B meet the 30 percent hardcover restriction for "non-lots of record." Topography on the subject site slopes upward from Alexander Lane to the east. City staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision subject to the following list of minimum conditions: 1. Hardcover on the proposed new lots shall not exceed 30 percent. -704- Planning Commission Minutes January 20, 2004 2. Property shall no longer qualify for "lot of record" status. 3. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with City review of the subdivision. 4. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this land use action in the event the minor subdivision is approved. 5. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit applications. 6. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all public agency permits including the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 7. All conditions from the City Engineer as referenced in his memorandum dated January 15, 2004 that has been included as an attachment. 8. Payment of 1 park dedication fee and any and/or all municipal utilities trunk and connection fees and deficient street assessment charges prior to the release of the resolution. Discussion Hasse asked if there would be an agreement regarding maintenance of the retaining walls. Smith said it had not been addressed. Mueller asked how the hardcover would be tracked in the future. Smith indicated that the hardcover is checked as part of building permit review. Mueller brought up the point that the County has not verified the combination of the property that is being split as yet. Smith responded that the ownership is acknowledged but the combination has not officially come through. MOTION by Mueller, second by Schwingler, to recommend City Council approve the subdivision as recommended. Mueller wanted to be sure the maintenance agreement for the retaining walls is addressed at some point. Smith assured him it would. MOTION carried unanimously. OLD / NEW BUSINESS Review of Proposed Ordinance Amendments - Temporary Membrane Structures Smith reminded the Commission about their positive reaction the last time they saw it. It was felt that the public hearing should be scheduled and go ahead with it. It was thought that City Attorney Dean should be queried about existing structures. A discussion ensued about the reference to this ordinance only affecting residential zoning districts (Section 4.a.). Smith will amend to not allow them in commercial or industrial zones as well. -705- Planning Commission Minutes January 20, 2004 This item will be brought back to the Planning Commission as a public hearing in February or early March. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Hasse to adjourn. Seconded and carried by affirmation at 6:50 p.m. Attest, Planning Secretary Chair Geoff Michael -706- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 1, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller, Greg Raines and Dave Osmek. Absent and excused: Jori Schwingler. Absent and unexcused: Jori Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Recording Secretary Jill Norlander and Police Chief Jim Kurtz. The following individuals were present: Andy Beckel (Xcel Energy), Eva Hasch (4804 Northern Rd), David Wiegert (4065 Quaker Ln, Plymouth), Greg Lunde APPROVAL OF JANUARY 5 AND JANUARY 20, 2004 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines, to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Michael, second by Hasse, to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2004 Planning Commission meeting with changes as discussed. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines, to approve the agenda as proposed. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #04-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE #04-02 VARIANCE 5471 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD - XCEL ENERGY Xcel Energy has submitted an application to upgrade the existing electrical substation. The project requires the approval of building and fence height variances as well as a conditional use permit. On December 10, 2003, the City Council granted waiver of platting approval to subdivide Lots 27 and 28, Koehler's Addition to facilitate the land exchange agreement with Xcel Energy. -707- Planning Commission Minutes March 1, 2004 Discussion Mueller indicated that state statute requires that property given up by the city be reviewed by the Planning Commission to determine if it is the best course of action for the city. This plan did not come to the Planning Commission. He wants this to go forward but wanted to be sure we don't skirt statute requirements so there is no legal problems in the future. Smith said the city attorney would be the best one to approach with this issue. Muetler also felt the developer of the hotel should be made aware of this plan. Andy Beckel (Xcel Energy) reviewed the plan with the Commission in some detail including building design, timeline and landscaping. Michael was concerned about conforming to state statute requirements. He would also like HGKI to review the potential for landscaping on the south side. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Raines, to recommend Council approve the variance providing the following issues are addressed (hotel development, structure enhancement, screening on the north side) Osmek and Raines withdrew the motion. MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines to table the Conditional Use application. Voting for: Mueller, Osmek, Glister, Raines. Voting against: Hasse, Miller, Michael. Issues to be addressed include statutes regarding Planning Commission review of land exchanges, informing hotel developer or plans for the Xcel expansion, screening on south and north sides, transmission levels (cell, television, satellites) MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines, to table the variance application. Voting for: Hasse, Miller, Muelter, Osmek, Glister, Raines. Voting against: Michael. REVIEW OF SURVEY FOR 4804-4820 NORTHERN ROAD The applicant asked the Planning Commission to consider using an existing survey for application for a variance. The Commission agreed it would be acceptable. REPORT FROM MOUND POLICE CHIEF JIM KURTZ Chief Kurtz gave a comprehensive summary of his first year with the police department and entertained questions from the members. OLD / NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of 2004 Work Rules MOTION by Mueller, second by Raines, to adopt the Work Rules for 2004 with no changes. -708- Planning Commission Minutes March 1,2004 B. Dates for Planning Commission/City Council Workshop - Smith will suggest March 29th or April 19th for consideration by the Council. Staff Update - Sarah highlighted several items including: temporary structures ordinance may be brought to the Commission on March 15th, GTS info for training is coming soon by mail, we will coordinate a tour of the new Public Safety Building including photos for new badges, CR 15 project tentatively to start in April and other issues ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Hasse to adjourn. Seconded and carried by affirmation at 9:27 p.m. Chair Geoff Michael Attest, Planning Secretary -709- CITY OF MOUND BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE BINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 2 2 467,933 6 1,243,601 SINGLE FAMILY ATFACHED TWO FAMILY / DUPLEX MULTIPLE FAMILY (3 OR MORE UNITS) TRANSIENT HSG. (HOTELS / MOTELS) SUE~I'~TAL 2 2 467,933 6 1,243,601 MON-RESIDENTIAL 3OMMERCIAL (~,E.¥AIU RESTAURANT) 3FFICE / PROFESSIONAL ]NDU$¥AIAL PUBLIC / SCHOOLS SUBTOTAL 0 - 0 DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS I 4,800 DECKS SWIMMING POOLS REMODEL - MISC. RESIDENT~L 5 126,~9 13 1~,680 REMODEL - MULTIPLE DWELLINGS SUBTOT~ 6~ 186,~9 16 319,~0 DFFICE / PROFESSIONAL ~NDUS~IAL ~UBLIC / SCHOOLS 3~AC'HED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IG;MOU~IONS I~PEEMITS I I VALUATION I~PE;~ITS I VALUATION ~ESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS NON-RESIDENT~L DWELLINGS MOVE BUILDING - ~SIDENT~L TOTAL DEMOLITIONS 0 ~ 0 ~ UNITS ~ PERMITS ~ UNITS VALUATION ~ PERMITS VALUATION 22 ~o~ ~1 ~1 s~,~s; II :~1 PERMIT COUNT MONTH DATE BUILDING 8 22 -'ENCES & RETAINING WALLS 0 0 SIGNS 0 1 =LUMBING 18 28 !MECHANICAL 13 19 GRADING 0 1 S & W, STF~ET EXCAV., FIRE, ETC. 2 8 TOTAL I 4~ I ?~ -710- CITY OF MOUND BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY 2004 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE NEW CONSTRUCTION , # PERMITS # UNITS VALUATION # UNITS VALUATION =SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED .4 775,668 4 775,668 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED iTWO FAMILY / DUPLEX MULTIPLE FAMILY (3 OR MORE UNITS) TRANSIENT HSG. (HOTELS / MOTELS) SUBTOTAL 4 0775,668 4 775,668 COMMERCI~ (R~AI~ ~STAU~T) OFFICE / PROFESSIO~L INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC / SCHOOLS SUBTOTAL 0 0 RESIDENT~L DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 1 4,800 1 4,800 DECKS SWIMMING POOLS REMODEL - MISC. ~ESIDENTIAL 8 " 28,231 8 28,231 REMODEL - MULTIP~ D~LLINGS SUBTOTAL ~0 ~33,031 10 133,031 COMMERCIAL (RETAI~ RESTAU~NT) OEFICE / PROFESSION~ INDUSTRI~ ~U~L,C~ sc.oo~s DETACHED ACCESS~"y BUILDINGS SUBTOTAL 0 0 DEMOLmONS R~S~DSNT~AL DWELUN~S NON-~ES~D~NT~AL DWSLUN~S MOW aU~LD~N~-.SS~DSNT~AL TOT~ DEMOLITIONS 0 0 O ~ UN~5 ~ PE~ITS ~ UNITS .... VALUATION ~pERMITS VALUATION I THIS [ YEAR - TO- PERMIT COUNT MONTH DATE BUILDING 14 14 FENCES & RETAINING WALLS 0 0 SIGNS 1 1 PLUMBING 10 10 MECHANICAL 6 6 GRADING 1 1 S & W, STREET EXCAV., FIRE, ETC. 6 6 TOTAL I 38 ,I 38 tt"t -711- Z ~ ._~ .~ .o ._ ~ ~, ._ ~, , ._ · - > ZD .- > (.D > o o cD o o o o o o o o cD -712- Cc 716-~ Date Weather 2/1/2004 2/2/2004 snow 2/3/2004 sunny 2~4~2004 sunny 2~5~2004 CLOUDY 2~6~2004 snowy 2/7/2004 cold 2/8/2004 2/9/2004 cloudy 2/10/2004 sunny 2/1112004 snow 2/12/2004 sunny 211312004 sunny 2/14/2004 sunny 2/15/2004 2/16/2004 ptlysunny 2/17/2004 sunny 2/18/2004 ptlysunny 2/19~2004 2/20/2004 wet snow 2/21/2004 sunny nice 2/22/2004 2/23/2004 cloudy 2/24/2004 CLOUDY 2/25/2004 cloudy 2/26/2004 CLOUDY 2/27/2004 sunny 2/28/2004 sunny 2/29/2004 Harbor Wine & Spirits Feb 2004 Cust 04 Cust 03 Variance 2004 527 -527 181 181 2528.62 200 278 -78 2861.48 207 219 -12 3019.3 189 290 -101 2904.98 393 314 79 6282.86 393 470 -77 7736.31 513 -513 205 205 3407.31 186 282 -96 2365.15 204 270 -66 3333.57 193 248 -55 3272.8 426 297 129 7788.61 490 465 25 10722.15 468 -468 181 181 2740.4 197 closed 3018.04 228 46 182 3451.49 246 -246 348 245 103 7362.58 420 385 35 8128.5 457 -457 183 183 2739.41 217 213 4 3465,7 194 203 -9 2902.56 233 195 38 4150.45 378 236 142 7530.81 452 409 43 9324.44 0 6298 7276 -978 111037.5 2003 8915.96 3403.72 2672,72 4068.75 3009.8 7214.72 8329,77 3591.77 3871.37 3428.59 4229.O9 7718.98 8274,11 closed 627.61 3613.45 4124.87 7277.59 8383.24 3080.41 2962,65 2334.08 3749.68 8366.8 113249.7 Difference +/- -8915.98 2528.62 -542.24 346.58 -1163.77 3273.06 521.59 -8329.77 3407.31 -1226.62 -537.8 -155.79 3559.52 3003.17 -8274.11 2740.4 3018.04 2823.88 -3613.45 3237.71 850.91 -8383.24 2739.41 385.29 -60.09 1816.37 3781.13 957.64 0 -2212.21 -717- The Gillespie Gazette VOL XII NO 3 March - 2004 February 16, 2004 Dear Members and Friends, As March approaches the weather does seem as though it knows that springtime must take over soon. The sound of the birds around our Gillespie Center is getting louder and louder. Our back area is literally a bird sanctuary in the nesting time of the year. Come and see for yourselves. You have probably already noticed that our big sign is up and running with messages. We will de£mitely be using it for fundraisers and special events. It already has conveyed congratulatory messages for our brides and grooms and they seem like they really get a kick out of having their names up on the grand marquee. It's very nice to know the time and temperature whenever you drive by. We have received many compliments about the new sign. Just a few notes about our ongoing fundraising efforts: We hope everyone knows what our Meisel Room is and what it's function is. We recycle newspaper for Meisel Hardware and they give us a donation for each box we assemble. Last year this hardworking group of people raised over $6,000 to help us with operations of the building. They could definitely use more help each Monday and Wednesday morning. It's an easy job...just opening up the newspapers and putting them in a box. Consider coming in and having a cup of coffee and meet new friends. Thank you to all of these great volunteers. Check out this newsletter for the flyer about the brunch we will be having on Leap Year Day - Sunday, February 29~. Co-Chairs, Dotty O'Brien and Margaret Thorne are looking for volunteers to help set and clean up the dining room and to help serve the brunch. Please call in and let us know if you can make it. Most importantly, come and enjoy the delicious brunch and bring your families and friends. The profits from this fundraiser are earmarked to help with the paving of the new parking lot that we hope to use this year. Start cleaning out your closets, garages and attics for our spring Treasure Sale. Our expert markers, Gayle Grady and Joan Heitz, have set the dates for WedFl'h~ri - April 21st/22~a/23a. This is a great way for you to get rid of things that you will never use and yet at the same time get a tax deduction. Items that sell very well are collectibles and antiques, costume jewelry, dishes and pots and pans, home d~cor, etc, small electrical appliances. Almost anything will sell. 'Ne can't use clothing, curtain rods, exercise bikes and large furniture, however. We know that you must think that we are always having fundraisers and asking for help. Well-l-l-1 .... you are absolutely right. In order to keep this beautiful building running, it takes a lot of fundraising. Our hope is that our rentals will subsidize the operations, but until then it is up to all of us to help in any way we can. We hope you know how appreciative and proud we are of our incredible membership for their efforts in the past and present. We couldn't exist without such support. Please stop in and have a cup of coffee, join our exercise classes, go on our trips and take in our programs. We never can see too much of you! Your Gillespie Center Board and Staff -718- Feb Z8 Z804 15113:57 Via Fax -> 9524?ZOGZO O&ni.isiralor rage 801 0£ 88Z -FridayFax- Budget'forecast due on Friday The State Department of Finance will release the updated state budget forecast next Friday, February 27 at noon. Recent speculation around the capitol suggests that the news may be pessimistic. A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities February 20, 2004 Page 1 traveling on city streets, even while seasonal weight restrictions are in place. The last forecast, released last December, projected a small state deficit of $185 million for the balance of the current 2004-05 biennium. The forecast did include a projected increase in the state's rainy day reserve to $631 million, which was baaed on a combination of projected higher revenue and lower expenditures. A reserve at that level would have been sufficient to cover the December projected deficit. The Department of Finance's January Economic Update, which is a periodic status update of the state's revenue collections, may provide some clues to the validity of these rumors. In that report, the Department suggests that although the short-term variations in revenues from earlier projections were relatively small, there were shortfalls in several key revenue sources. The Finance Department's report indicates that the fourth quarter estimated corporate income tax payments were $33 million or 22 percent below forecast. The report also indicates that the state's two largest sources of revenue- withholding tax receipts and gross sales tax receipts were also below forecast by $10 million and $17 million respectively. State economist Tom Stinson always reminds observers that economic updates should not be used to project the future. Nonetheless, the small deficit announced last December will require legislative action yet this session. We'll have to wait until next Friday to see if the deficit-and perhaps the chances for a longer session-have increased. Overweight vehicle bill advances A bill that would exempt solid waste hauling vehicles from city weight restrictions advanced this week in the House. HF 722 (Erhardt, R-Edina) would prohibit cities from limiting garbage trucks weighing less than 20,000 pounds per axle from Industry representatives complained before the House Transportation Policy committee that existing restrictions drive up the cost of doing business and are inconsistently enforced from city to city. Opponents of the bill, including the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association or' Minnesota Counties and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified that the legislation would result in severe road damage at taxpayer expense. Despite the strong opposition, the bill was passed without recommendation to the House Transportation Finance committee where it will be heard Tuesday, February 24, at 8:15 am in room 500S of the State Office Building. The Senate companion, SF 457 (Belanger, R- Bloomington), has not been scheduled for a hearing. Committee deadlines---still waiting The House and Senate have yet to agree on committee deadlines; these are the dates by which bills must have hearings in policy committees to still be considered "alive" for the session. Word has it the Senate is pushing for the end of March, and the House wanting a tighter deadline of early March for the first committee deadline. Most likely the two bodies will meet somewhere in the middle. The second and third deadlines are likely to come the following two weeks after the first one is set. The committee agendas, particularly in the House, have been extremely aggressive with some night meetings already scheduled to accommodate longer hearings on certain bills. It is also likely that members will have a mini-vacation of March 1 & 2 so that they can attend precinct caucuses in their districts. In recent years, the legislature has tried to be more accommodating for members with out state districts by not scheduling too many committee For more informalion on city legislative issue,=, conla¢! any member of th,* League of Minnesota Cities Intergov'*rnrc~nlal R'*lalions team. 651.281,1200 or 800.925.1122 -719- ,it Ii, 9524728GZB A&m i. is'cr.~cor l~a§e flflZ Of 887_ -FridayFax- A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities hearings early on Mondays or on Fridays to allow for traveling time back home. Translation: very full committee agendas for the other times. Proposed changes to development fee reports Next week the House Commerce, Jobs & Economic Development committee will vote on legislation that addresses moisture intrusion and other problems in newly constructed homes. HF 1801 (Klinzing, R-Woodbury), also known as the Homeowners' Protection Act, regulates residential home building contractors, requires additional building code enforcement reporting, and provides information to homeowners relating to moisture problems, homeowner's warranty coverage and pre- purchase inspections. February 20,2004 Parc 2 LMC will continue to monitor this bill and urge legislators to carefully consider the impacts of these additional reporting requirements, particularly in smaller jurisdictions. To review HF 1801, visit the legislature's web site at: www.leg.state.mn.us. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Laura Offerdahl, IGR, at: lofferda hl@lmnc, or~, or (651) 281-1260. Local impact notes A bill allowing cities and other political subdivisions to request local impact notes on state agency rules is scheduled for a hearing in the House Governmental Operations & Veterans Affairs committee next week. Section 2 of the bill requires municipalities to include additional information in the construction and development fee reports in Minn. Stat. 16B.685. If passed, this provision would require detailed accounting of staff time devoted to building code administration and enforcement. On Thursday, the House Commerce committee arnended the bill to require municipalities to explain surplus construction and development fees. The language states that if fees collected in a calendar year by a municipality exceed the expenses for which the fees were collected, then the municipality must: 1) describe its plan to reduce future fee revenue; 2) describe its plan to increase the quality or quantity of activities related to the fee; or 3) explain why it does not expect the surplus to be repeated in future years. The committee will re-convene on Tuesday, February 24th at 4:30 p.m. in room 10, State Office Building to complete its work on the bill. According to the author, the bill will also be heard in the House Civil Law and Local Government & Metropolitan Affairs committees in the next couple of weeks. Further discussion of building code and fee issues will occur in the Local Government committee. HF 2101 (Seifert, R-Marshall) would require the commissioner of finance to prepare a local government fiscal impact note if requested by the governing body of a political subdivision. The bill also provides that if the initial or yearly cost of complying with the proposed roles is more than $50,000 for any one business with fewer than 100 employees, the rules must not take effect until approved by the legislature. A similar bill passed the legislature last session, but was vetoed by the Governor over concerns that the bill would shift authority for conducting rulemaking from the executive branch to the legislature and would add considerable delay and cost to the rulernaking process. The League supports this legislation to provide more oversight and accountability for regulatory mandates adopted by state agencies and implemented by local units of government. The House Government Operations committee will hear HF 2101 on Tuesday, February 24 at 12:30 p.m. in the basement of the State Office Building. For mote information on city legislaliv¢ issues, conlact any member of the League of Minnesota Cilies Intergovetnmenlal Relalions team. 651,281.1200 or 800.925.1122 -720- 02-20-2004 10:llAM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4?20620 P.02 z ~ -721 - 0~-~0-~00~ 10:llAM ,1 ,J , , J.i ,4 FROM LAKE M I NNETONKA COMMUN I CA ,, Iii J IJll 47~0620 P. 03 -722- TOTAL P. 03 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, Feb~ary 25, 2004 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Skramstad ,, Discussion of March Board Meeting Schedule READING OF MINUTES. 2/11/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA- Consent agenda items identified with a (*) will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. PUBLIC HEARING ,, City of Mound,. new multiple dock license application to increaSe transient Boat Storage Units (BSU's) from 16 to 24 at the north end of the Lost Lake Channel.. 1. Public Hearing (ContinUedfrom 2/i'1/04 Regular LM'CD Board'~eeting) 2. Discussion and/or Consideration LAKE USE & RECREATION A) Tony Brough, review and discussion of 2004 Hennepin CountytL'a'ke IrnProve~nent Program; B) Ordinance Amendment, first reading of an or. dinance relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages on Lake Minnetonka; amending. LMCD Code Sections ~'.02~'~ahd 5.22? C) (*) Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol Significant ActivitY"Re~Ott; D) Additional Business; WATER STRUCTURES A) (*) 2004 Multiple Dock Licenses, staff recommends Board approval of 2004 renewal without change applications as outlined in 2/19/04 staff memo; B) Lisa Ryskamp, staff recommends the Board approve a motion to amend the approved dock length variance by substituting a revised site Plan to allow for a uniform five foot width for the entire dock structure; -723- James Houg, consideration of draft Findings of Fact and Order for approval of a dock length variance application; D) Thomas and Janet Tallakson, consideration of draft Findings of FaCt and Order for approval of a dock length and adjusted dock use area variance application; E) Maple Hills Association, consideration of: 1) draft Findings of Fact and Order for approval of a dock length and adjusted dock use area vadance application, and 2) approval of a new multiple dock license application for the 2004 season; F) Additional Business; 3. FINANCIAL A) Audit of vouchers (2/16/04 - 2/29/04); B) Additional Business; 4. ADMINISTRATION A) Discussion of draft LMCD Personnel Policy; B) AdditiOnal Business; EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE A) (*) Minutes from the 2/13/04 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting (handout); B) 2/13/04 EwM/Exotics Task Force Meeting Report; C) Additional Business; 6. SAVE THE LAKE 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT OLD BUSINESs 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT -724- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 11, 2004 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER Van Hercke called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Vice Chair Van Hercke Van Hercke stated that the City of Orono had recently appointed a new Board member to the LMCD. She welcomed Debbie Halvorson on behalf of the Board and asked LeFevere to administer the oath of office. LeFevere administered the oath of office to Debbie Halvorson, She was seated as representative for the City of Orono. Van Hercke reminded the Board of the 37th annual "Save the Lake" Recognition Banquet Dinner was scheduled for 2/19/04 at the Bayview Event Center. ROLL CALL Members present: Katy Van Hercke, Minnetonka; Bob Ambrose, Wayzata; Doug Babcock, Tonka Bay; Bert Foster, Deephaven; Debbie Halvorson, Orono; Pete Nelson, Victoria; Tom Scanlon, Spring Park; Tom Skramstad, Shorewood. Also present: Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Greg Nybeck, Executive Director; Judd Harper, Administrative Technician. Members absent: Orr Burma, Mound; Miles Canning, Greenwood; Paul Knudsen, Minnetrista; Tom Skramstad, Shorewood; Herb Suerth, Woodland; Jose Valdesuso, Excelsior. READING OF MINUTES. 1114104 LMCD Regular Board Meeting MOTION: Bacock moved, Seuntjens seconded to approve the minutes from the 1/14/04 Regular LMCD Board Meeting as submitted. VOTE: Ayes (6), Abstained (2, Ambrose and Halvorson); motion carded. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Persons in attendance, subjects not on the agenda. There were no comments from the public on subjects not on the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA. Consent agenda items identified with a (*) will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. Nelson moved, Ambrose seconded to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Items approved include: lA, 2004 Multiple Dock Licenses, staff recommends Board approval of 2004 renewal without change applications as outlined in the 2/5/04 staff memo, and 3B, DeCember financial summary sheet. -725- ,1, J ,, , ,Ill ,I, ,, Iii i liil Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11,2004 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS · James Houg, variance applicat on from LMCD Code for dock length requirements at 484I Badlett Blvd. Van Hercke opened the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. and asked for background from Nybeck. Nybeck made the following comments: · Mr. James Houg, 4841 Bartlett Blvd. has submitted a variance application for property on Seton Lake in the City of Mound. The application has been submitted for variance from LMCD Code for dock length requirements, with a particular hardship of emergent vegetation. A dock length of approximately 300' has been proposed to reach open, navigable water to install one 16' x 29' three sided slip on approximate, ly 12g~ of shoreline at elevation 929.4'. The applicant has verbally communicated to staff that he would like to store two watercraft at this site. o Code Section 2.01 prohibits a person from using any area of the Lake outside an authorized dock use area for docking and storage of watercraft. The proposed dock does not comply with LMCD Code for dock length because the maximum dock length aiiowed at this site, without a variance, is 100' from the 929.4' shoreline. The proposed dock would comply with the minimum side setback requirements for this site, 20' from the extended side site lines. The second watercraft to be stored at this dock is not documented on the survey; however, there should be no problem complying with side setback requirements. ° Code Section 1.07 allows the Board to permit a variance from LMCD Code, with conditions deemed necessary, where practical difficulties or particular hardships are caused by the application of the Code. To ensure this, the Board should apply decision standards in the review of variance applications. These include: 1) Is the proposed use reasonable, 2) Would it be unreasonable to require conformance to the ordinance, 3) Is the difficulty of conforming to the ordinance due to circumstances unique to the property, 4) Is the problem one created by the applicant, and 5) Will the variance, if granted, alter the essential character of the locality. o Staff believes that the proposed use is reasonable for a site that has over 100' of 929.4' shoreline. The four adjacent sites to the west are part of a multiple dock facility, Seton View Association, which is licensed for eight Boat Storage Units (BSU's). This facility was granted a dock length variance for a dock with similar length. Because of this, staff belieVes that it would be unreasonable for the applicant to come into conformance with the dock length limitation of 100' from the 929.4' shoreline due to circumstances unique to the property. Staff does not believe that the proposed dock would alter the essential character of the locality and the Board should consider restricting the size and number of watercraft to store at the dock if the Board is inclined to approve the variance application. o In compliance with MN DNR General Permit 97-6098, the MN DNR and the City of Mound were provided a copy of the variance application on 1/22/04, with comments due in the LMCD office by 2/4/04. To date, staff has not received feedback on the variance application from either the MN DNR or the City of Mound. · Staff believes that the applicant has justified a particular hardship of emergent vegetation at this site and that the Board could direct the attorney to prepare Findings of Fact and Order for approval of the variance application. The Board should require the applicant to clarify the exact location of the second watercraft to be stored at the proposed dock and possibly limit the size of the two boats. · He entertained questions or comments from the Board. Van Hercke asked the applicant if he had any comments on the variance application. Houg stated that he concurred with the background provided by Nybeck. He proposed to store a 30' long cruiser in the "H" section of the dock and the ability to store a 20' long ski boat at the dock in the future. -726- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 3 Seuntjens asked the applicant if he had considered talking to Seton View Association to investigate whether he could store the two proposed watercraft at their multiple dock to minimize dock structure through the wetlands. Houg stated that he did not give that a lot of thought because of concern about accessing his dock by having to cross their properties. He pointed out that he proposed to install the dock from the middle of the site to minimize the impact on the abutting property owners. Mr. Mike Ronald, 4853 Bartlett Blvd., stated that he was a member of the Seton View Association. He asked what the Code required for minimum side setback requirements. Nybeck stated that the Code would require a minimum of a 20' side setback from both extended side site lines for both dock structure and boat storage. Although the second boat was not documented on the proposed plan, he did not believe that this would be a problem because the "H" dock structure was 63' from the easterly side site line and 45' from the westerly side site line. Foster stated that because the dock would be placed in the center of the site and would have excessive setbacks from the side site lines, he would not be troubled with approving the variance application as submitted, without restrictions on the size and number of watercraft to be stored at the dock. He believed that these restrictions would be unnecessary and would be more appropriate for sites that are much narrower. Seuntjens asked if the dock would be installed permanently. Houg stated that the dock installed would be seasonal; however, it would be left in place 12 months each year because of limited ice movement in the immediate area. There being no further comments, Van Hercke closed the public hearing at 7:41 p.m. MOTION: Foster moved, Seuntjens seconded to direct the attorney to prepare Findings of Fact and Order for approval of the variance application from LMCD Code for dock length with the proposed plan as submitted, with no restrictions on the number and size of watercraft to be stored at the dock. Babcock expressed concern that dock use areas should not be unilaterally extended for docks that extend well out beyond what Code allows for without variance from Code. He believed that Code allowances for boats stored within a conforming dock use area for this site do not necessarily need to apply for the vadance application. He favored the boats to be stored at this site documented on the site plan and he expressed concern about allowing four boats to be stored at a dock that was 300' in length. Ronald stated that he believed the Board had already granted a variance for a dock with similar length in the immediate area. There previously was a dock installed from the applicant's site that extended across the wetland area in question, pointing out that there are pilings and other dock pieces that remain in the wetland area. Babcock stated that he voted against that variance referenced by Mr. Ronald because he questioned whether granting dock length variances of that nature was sustainable on a lakewide basis. Nelson stated that one dynamic of wetland areas is that they grow over time and he questioned whether an application to amend the variance would be required in the future. -727- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Eeguiar Board Meeting February 11, 2004 page 4 Eonald stated that the wetland area had remained relatively the same in the past 13 years that he had resided at Seton View Assoc!ation, Babcock asked LeFevere to verify whether Seton Lake was established as a "Quiet Waters" area. He questioned whether the 20' side setback requirement for' dock use areas beyond 100' from the 929.4' shoreline applied and he recommended that the Board revieW these sites on a case,by-case basis. LeFevere clarified that Seton Lake was a "Quiet Waters" area as established by LMCD Code. Babcock questioned whether the "two boat" and "four boat" grandfathered exceptions applied to the variance application because he believed that these exceptions should be done within authorized dock use areas, including length. Foster proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to restrict the number of watercraft to be stored at the dock to two. Seuntjens agreed to the friendly amendment. Babcock proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to require the applicant to clean up existing dock structure and pilings from the previous dock installed frOm this site. Foster and Seuntjens agreed to this friendly amendment. VOTE: Ayes (7), Nayes (1, Babcock); motion carded. City of Mound, new multiple dock license application to increase transient Boat Storage Units (BSU's) from 16to 24 at:the north end of the Lost Lake Channel: Van Hercke opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m..and asked for background from Nybeck, Nybeck stated that the applicant submitted address labels for properties within a 350' radius of the s!te rather than the 500' radius as required by Oode Section 2 03, sUbd. 16 for munic pa docks. He indicated that he had talked to the representatives: f~r~ the City o¢'~O~nd and they will be submitting additional address labels for properties 'between 350' and 500' from the site so that they are properly notified of the public hearing. To allow for this, the City of Mound has requested that the public hearing be continued to the 2/25/04 Regular Board Meeting. Nybeck recommended that the' Board allow for testimony for any member of the public present, to speak on the new multiple dock license application and continue the public hearing to the 2/25/04 Regular Board Meeting. Van Hercke pointed out that there was nObOdy in '~ttendance to Provide' public testimony on the new multiple dock license application. MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster' seconded to continue the public hearing for the Cityof Mound (Lost Lake Channel) new multiple dock I cense application to' the 2/25/04 RegUlar LMdD Board Meeting. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. Thomas and Janet TallaksOn; vaiiance application from LMCD Code for dock length requirements, side setback requirements, and an adjusted dock use area on the south end of Carsons Bay. -728- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 5 Maple Hills Association, new multiple dock license and variance applications for nine Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 435' of continuous shoreline on the south end of Carsons Bay. The application is fo~: variance from LMCD Code for dock length requirements, side setback requirements, and an adjusted dock use area. Van Hercke opened the public hearings at'7:56 p.m, pointing out that they were continued from the 1/14/04 Regular Board Meeting. She recommended that both public hearings be conducted at the same time because they were tied together. She asked Nybeck for background on the applications. Nybeck stated that he did not intend to review the staff memo, dated 1/9/04, because it was presented at the 1/14/04 Regular Board Meeting. However, there were a number of issues that need to be pointed out. First, these public hearings were continued from the 1/14/04 Regular Meeting because the Board expressed an interest in receiving public testimony from Jay and Susan Goetz to the west of the Maple Hills HOA site. Second, a subsequent meeting was held in the office with representatives of both applicants and he believed that Thomas and Janet Tallakson would like to amend their variance application to include an adjusted dock use area of their westerly side site line as documented on their proposed plan. Third, a letter was included in the packet from Mr. Dana Young, Deephaven City Administrator, to clarify the position of Deephaven. Fourth, he encouraged the Board to include the fundamental questions on the last page of the staff memo if there was discussion and consideration of the applications at this meeting. Fifth, feedback was received late this afternoon from the MN DNR regarding the applications and this feedback was included in the handout folders. Van Hercke asked if the Goetzs were in attendance to comments on the applications. She pointed out that the Goetzs were not in attendance. Nybeck stated that he had talked to Jay Goetz a day or two after the 1/14/04 Regular Meeting and it was communicated to him that the Board continued the public headng to the 2/11/04 Regular Meeting to allow for him and his wife to participate in the public headng. A second contact was made with Susan Goetz pdor to the packets being sent out for this Board Meeting and she was reminded that the public hearing was continued to the 2/11/04 Regular Meeting. Mr. Ed Towey, 4635 Maple Hill Drive, stated that representatives of Maple Hills HOA and the Tallaksons have met with staff subsequent to the 1/14/04 Regular Board Meeting. He provided a bdef overview of the land transfers proposed with the City of Deephaven, adding that the south end of Carsons Bay was the dead end of the bay. The applications have been submitted to provide access to Carsons Bay through bridging with seasonal docks rather than dredging. He believed that it made more sense to have one multiple dock serve the homeowners association rather than a number of individual docks to minimize structure through the wetland area, The letter in the packet from Dana Young addressed the question whether the sites proposed are hYpothetical and how the City of Deephaven views the proposed project. If the Board has concern about the sites being hypothetical, the Tallaksons have agreed to reduce its site to Lot 6 and utilize the existing side site lines. However, this is not preferred because it would have an impact on deflection of side site lines. Babcock asked if the land transfers would be finalized if the Board did not approve the applications, Towey stated that he believed the land transfers would not be finalized and that a subsequent application would be submitted at a future date. After meeting with staff, he proposed an amendment to the common side site line extension between the Maple Hills HOA and Tallakson sites by deflecting it 28 degrees to the west. He believed that the 60 degree deflection of the westedy side site line at the Maple Hills HOA site made sense because of the extreme extension of this side site line that converges in front of this site. He believed -729- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 6 that this would have a minimal impact on the Goetz site because the dock use area lost in the adiusted dock use area is primarily wetlands and they would still have adequate water space for a six slip dock. Mr. Mark Ruffino, 4635 Maple Hill Drive, documented how the Goetzs or a subsequent owner could install a ~i× ~lil~ dock ~tructure and meet ~t~e required ,4-0' side setback requirements. This was included in their analysis because it is important to ensure that the Goetz docking needs were considered as part of this proposal. Seutjens stated that the existing dock for Maple HillS HOA has a dock for the storage of two boats and the proposed dock would allow for the storage of nine boats. He asked how many homes are included in the homeowners association and what Would happen if all of these homeS did not have a boat. Towey stated that there are nine homes included in the homeowners association. With the recent reconstruction of the bridge, the bay has become more usable because of added clearance under the bridge. The proposal is for each home to have the ability to store a boat at the multiple dock. Ruffino pointed out that these nine home sites have been in existence since around 1977 and that bddge .clearance has been the deterrent. Seuntjens asked how likely it would be that all nine slips would be occupied if the proposed project were approved. Towey stated that the dock for nine slips would be installed and that all nine homes have expressed an interest in storing a boat at the dock. Seuntjens asked if the Taltaksons considered ConsOlidating their docking rights with the Maple Hil s HOA multiple dook to minimize docking structure in the Wetland area. Towey stated that was originally proposal in the discussion with Deephaven; however, the Tal aksons have expressed an interest in maintaining their own independent dock. Halvorson asked how many boats were currently at the Maple Hills HOA dock, Towey stated that there were three boats-Stored at the dock, With the largest boat being 20' in length. Mr, Tom Tallakson, 4640 Maple Hill Drive, restated the history of the immediate area that he testified to at the 1/14/04 Regular:Board Meeting. He recommended that the ~8:ard approve theaPPlicati°ns sUb'miffed for the proposed Project. There being no further comments, Van Hercke closed the public hearing at 8:19 p,m. She asked the Board how they would like to proceed, Seunjtens asked NybeCk to further clarify his conversations With. the Goetzs. Nybeck re-stated that he had talked with Mr. Goetz a day or two after the 1/14/04 public hearing and that he talked to Mrs. Goetz a day or two before the packet for this Board Meeting was sent out. Babcock asked for clarification on the variance approved for the Goetz site. -730- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 7 Nybeck stated that a dock length variance was granted for this site for a dock length not to exceed 135' from the 929.4' shoreline, with no restrictions on the number and size of boats. It appears that the dock currently installed is longer than the 135' length restriction. Babcock stated that he had two issues with the proposed project. First, he believed that the 1:50' General Rule, the two boat grandfathered exception, and the four boat grandfathered exception to sites that cannot store boats within the authorized dock use area for length should not unilaterally be extended. The applications assume these storage rules apply outside of 100' from the 929.4' shoreline and he was uncomfortable with this, He believed that other rules should apply outside of an authorized dock use area. Second, he suggested that the Code provision that allows the Board to reduce usable shoreline when the meandering shoreline exceeds 125 percentage of the straight line measurement should be considered. This Code provision was established to protect wetland areas and he believed that it might apply to the applications being considered by the Board. LeFevere stated that the Code allows the Board to adjust the usable shoreline when the meandering shoreline exceeds 125 percentage of the straight line measurement at a site. This Code provision was established when the meandering shoreline was not fairly reasonable for usable shoreline to construct a multiple dock. This straight line measurement would apply at the 929.4' shoreline and not at the edge of the wetland area. Babcock stated that he believed the intent of this ordinance was designed to protect wetlands by giving credit the usable area of shoreline at the edge of the wetlands rather than at the 929.4' shoreline, Foster stated that he recalled the ordinance was adopted for peninsula or inlet situations, and that the Board was to look at each application on an individual basis. He believed that the 435' of 929.4' shoreline at the Maple Hills HOA site was reasonable and that the City of Deephaven was generally in favor of the applications. MOTION: Foster moved, Seutjens seconded to direct the attorney to prepare Findings of Fact and Order for approval of the Maple Hills HOA and Tallakson variance applications for dock length and adjusted dock use areas, subject to no docks being installed until the City of Deephaven approves the replatting as proposed by the applicants and removal of the existing docks. The Board briefly discussed what the concerns of the Goetzs were and why the public hearing from the 1/14/04 Regular Meeting was continued to this Board Meeting, LeFevere estimated that the meandering shoreline measurements compared to the straight line measurement would not exceed 125 percent because the meandering shoreline has been proposed at 435' and the straight line measurement would be approximately 420'. Babcock stated that he was concemed about protecting wetland areas and that allowing for a marina in a wetland area did not make a lot of sense. If this requires an amendment to the Code provision that would allow the Board to consider the usable shoreline at the edge of the wetland rather than the 929.4 shoreline within the wetland area, he stated that he would support this. LeFevere stated that although the existing Code provision to adjust useable shoreline would not apply to the applications being considered, he believed that the Board could place restrictions on the number and size of watercraft because the docks would be outside of the authorized dock use areas as established by Code. It -731 - ,i, ~ ,, , ~&i ,, Ilj~ I iill Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 page 8 has been relatively common practice by the Board in the past to approve boat density less than density allowances based,on shoreline. Foster stated that the feedback from the MN DNR in the handout folders confirmed that they would prefer granting of vadance for seasonal docks over emergent vegetation rather than approval of a dredging permit because it would have a lesser impact on the wetland. He believed that the size of the boats at the docks would be self-limiting because of the clearance for boats at the bridge. He encouraged the Board to consider the riparian rights of these propert es when considering the applications, although these riparian rights are not well defined by law. ~ Babcock stated that a number of years ago there were a number of Board members whO wanted to Prohibit outio[s on Lake Minnetonka for docking purposes. The proposed project.is an outlot situation and he recalled that Foster was a Board member that previously supported the concept of eliminating or further restricting. outlots for docking purposes on Lake Minnetonka. He asked Foster to comment on this. Foster Stated that he had previously supported a more restrictive storage density¢ however, he has changed his position primarily for two reasons. First, he believed that previous research done by the Board concluded that there were only a limited number of outlot situations around Lake Minnetonka. Second, he expressed concern that more restrictive density allowances could result in narrower lots being platted around the Lake. Babcock asked how the Code was amended in the past to deal.with' outlot situations to prevent them from qualifying for the four boat rule based on the Joe Zwak docking situation, in St. Albans Bay. LeFevere state that the Code was amended to prevent the same situation from Occurring again'. The situation referred to by Babcock was an outlot, that allowed ,multiple users to,use single¢ommo'n d~'ck: In: the amended code, it requires the outlot to be.dediCated to a site with one residential structure on :'it and WOUld pi:ohibit from being tied to additional sites, HalVo[son stated:that the dock at the Goetz site appears to be longer than the l$$'.apprOved t~rough the 1989 vadar~ce for that site. She questioned whether the wetland area at the Goetz site'haS expanded and whethe[,the applications being cOnsidered by the Board would need to be amended in-the future for similar reasonS:. Talla. kson stated that he.did :not believe the dock length measurement was Cotcectin 1989 by the previous properly owners. The dock length at the Goetz site on the proposed plan was accurate and he estimated to be approximately 200'. He believed that the wetland area has grown slightly since 1989, although not significant y in the open water area in the bay. ..' Van HerCke stated that she had reservations about applYing the 1:50' General RUle to the' MaPle Hill~ HOA applications because the dock length is excessive and Carsons Bay is considered a critically dense bay based on.the 1974 policy, She stated~that she.be eved it was',their,'responsibility to took at th~ rn'acrO View of the back .bay and'take tillS into oonsideratiO~ in its decision making' process; Foster stated that he believed that the significant amount of shoreline owned by the City of Deephaven at Burton Park would assist in mitigating the density of the back part of Carsons Bay. BabCOck, stated that the citY of Deephaven has not communicatei:l that they donot have Plans in the future to place boa~S in the back part of Carsons Bay. , -732- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 9 Towey stated that he served on the Deephaven Boat Committee and them has not been discussion on getting docks approved to place boats either on the back bay or at Burton Park. He believed that an application from Deephaven to do so woUld need to stand on its own and that he did not think it would be fair to burden the proposed project on the assumption of what might happen. VOTE: Ayes (5), Nayes (3; Babcock, Halvorson, and Van Hercke); motion carried. WATER STRUCTURES B. Additional Business. Them was no additional business. LAKE USE & RECREATION A, Update of 12/18/03 Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee Meeting. Foster stated that the next sub-committee was scheduled for 2/19/04 and that the document from the 12/18/03 would be reviewed, as well as the direction of the sub-committee for the future. He believed that an update of the sub-committee would be provided to the entire Board in the near future, B, Additional Business, There was no additional business. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers (1/16/04 - 1/31/04) and (2/1/04 - 2J15/04). Nybeck reviewed the audit of vouchers as submitted. MOTION: Foster moved, Babcock seconded to approve the audit of vouchers as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.. C. Additional Business, There was no additional business. ADMINISTRATION A, Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission, staff update on request to have Regular LMCD Board of Director Meetings taped for cable television. Van Hercke stated that this agenda item was informally discussed prior to calling this meeting to order, She believed that staff was given a general direction on how to proceed and report back to the Board in the near future. Without objection, she stated that she would direct staff to proceed accordingly. Them were no objections, B, Discussion of draft LMCD Personnel Policy, The Board briefly discussed this agenda item and the consensus was to reschedule it for the 2/25/04 Regular LMCD Board Meeting to allow Chair Skramstad to provide an overview of'the draft policy, -733- ,i, J ,, , ILl ,, iJ J Lill Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 C. Meeting Report from the 1/28/04 LMCD Board PlanningRVorkshop Session. page l0 Van Hercke asked for background on this agenda item from Nybeck. Nybeck stated that three agenda items were discussed by the Board at the 1/28/04 Board Planning/Workshop Session. These included questions to be included in the 2004 Lake Minnetonka Boat Density and User Attitude Surveys, discussion with Tony Brough from Hennepin County Environmental Services on a variety of topics, and discussion of the 2004 zebra mussel Project for Lake Minnetonka. He pointed out that recommendations for 2004 were being prepared for consideration by the Board and that the 1/28/04 Meeting Report was informational and no formal action by the Board was necessary. Foster stated that it appeared that Hennepin County was reducing its budget concerns by reducing the placement of buoys that are probably not needed. There are a number of instances around the Lake" where private residences might want to put out a pdvate buoy, citing red and green navigational buoys as examples. He did not believe a process existed to allow this occur with a permit on a case by case basis, although he expressedconcern about private-"No-Wake" buoys being placed around the Lake in front of private properties. He suggested that a number of buoys have been piaCed around the 'Lake that are technically illegal. The Board discussed a number of aspects relating to this. Some of these included: 1) the frequency of illegally placed buoys around Lake Minnetonka, 2) the role of the Board in the placement of buoys on L. ake Minnetonka, working with Hennepin County and the Sheriff's Water Patrol, and 3) whether there is a need to establish a policy for private buoys, and 4) whether there was an increase of buoys installed during the "Low-Water" years in the late 1980's. There was no consensus by the Board on:Whether there was a need to establish a process for pdvate buoys on Lake Minnetonka. Further diScuSsion will take place with Tony Brough at the 2125/04 Regular Board Meeting. Staff update on appointment of LMCD Board members whose terms expired in Janua~.2004.. Nybeck stated that a letter was sent out in October to six member cities informing them that the term for their appointed Board member would expire on 1/31/04. Confirmation has been received from all six member cities, with five of them re-appointing their Board member from 2003. These member cities include Deephaven, Minnetonka, Minnetonka Beach, Shorewood, and Victoria. Orono appointed Debbie Halvorson to replace retired Board member Lili McMillan. E. Staff recommends a motion to accept the resignation letter for Karen S. Anderson, effective 3/19/04. Nybeck.stated that Karen Anderson part-t me Administrat ve Secreta~ had recentlY submitted her resignati°n letter from this position, effective 3/19/04, to go back to school, she' was offered the option to work fewer hours per week and she has declined this offer. In the past, the Board has made a motion to accept !he letters of resignation and :to allow the Executive Director to advertise to find replacement. He recommended that the Board approve such a motion. MO¥1ON: Foster moved, Babcock seconded to accept the resignation letter from Karen S. Anderson, to authorize the Executive Director to advertise for her replacement, and to thank her for her service to the LMCD. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. -734- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 F. Additional Business. page 11 There was no additional business, 5. EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE There was no discussion. 6. SAVE THE LAKE There was no discussion. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.. Nybeck stated that a copy of the most recent Executive Newsletter was included in the handout folders for informational purposes. He reviewed tWo other toPics' that merited Board discussion at ihis or a future Board. First, he po nted out that he was meeting with Lt. Jeff Storms in the near future to diScuss the concept of streamlining the Water Patrol and LMCD special event permitting into one application. He siated that he hoped the concerns of the Board relating primarily to exotics species could be streamlined throUgh the Water Patrol specia event application and that he wanted to ensure that' he was not disCusSing a COncept that the Board did not want to investigate. SeCOnd, there was a letter from LeFevere in the packet that addressed the possibility of increasing intoxicating liquor licenses for charter boats on Lake Uinnetonka. The Board discussed'an interest: in the possibilitY ofstreamlining the application process with the Shedffs Water Patrol, yet satisfying the exotic species intereStS'0f~e Board. Tlie Bsard briefly diScuSSecl when the LMCD took back its special event permitting responsibility and the reasons why,~. The .consensus of the Board was for Nybeck to meet with Lt. Storms and report back to the Board in th:e:'~e~r 'fUiu~el" LeFevere stated by laws previously adopted by the state legislature restricted, the Board to issuihg no more. th.an 14 intoxicating ~ iquorticenses. However for testaura~'ts, the~e Ore'ho' longer re~ti1'~i ot~"bn the n~i'mber of ntoxiCating liquor licenses that can be issued and he ~lieved' thede~aii:d for the~'i~'~'feater than-the supply of 14. He stated that some member cities might be in favor of granting additiona quor licenses .and some .memb=erc t es.may not favor thiS. The BOA~d :may deci~e to ~htir~ue t°'iimii ~e number of ntox cating..liquor censes, isSued for charter boats to 14; however, this Should be ~OsSibly be specified in the code. The Board bdefly discussed the existing definition of restaurant':and Whether this should be'changed. A number Of B°ar(j members expressed an interest in seeking feedback from [he 14':~ember'~i{i~ ~cause of their possible increased enforcement if it was the desire of the Board to increase the number of intoxicat ng liquor licenses bey°nd ~'14. Tl'i'e BOoed also briefly disCuSSed ihe nu~ber of %n.ini0xicating malt iiqu0r an~ Wine iCenSes forcharter bOats on Lake uinnetonka:.' The co'~senSijS :of'ihe Board'was to discuss poss ble changes.forthe 2005 season and have more detailed staff 'prep~aratJ0n for' diScUssiOn at a future: Board meet ng this summer. MOTION: Babcock moved, Nelson seCOnded to direot...the.attorney to prepare a code amendment restrict ng the number of intoxicating liquor licenses t(~' 14 and to mStdct the number of non- intoxicating malt liquor and wine licenses for an unspecified number. -735- ri ~ll ,, , ii ,, IlI~ i iii I Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 VOTE: Ayes (7), Nayes (1, Foster); motion carried. Page12 Foster stated that he opposed the motion because he would like to have public input prior to preparing an ordinance amendment. 8. OLD BUSINESS Nelson asked for clarification on the granting of variances from Code at narrow sites, with overlapping dock use areas, when the placement of a dock goes over private property between the ordinary high water and Iow water marks on Lake Minnetonka, especially during low water years. Babcock stated that a temporary Iow water variance was granted in Greenwood primarily during the Iow water years of the late 1980's. This was eventually made a permanent variance for all water level conditions, with some minor changes, and. it gets tricky in these types of situations. LeFevere stated that the Board couldn't give a property owner the right to build a dock on another party's property if it violates their real estate interests. Under LMCD Code, the Board could grant a variance and if another party claims that it involves trespassing, it would be up to that party to resolve their own interests. He reminded the Board that the bed of Lake Minnetonka could be privately owned down to the ordinary Iow water mark; however, this is problematic because the State of Minnesota has not established this level for Lake Minnetonka. Nelson expressed concern about the granting of a variance from Code when the Board could probably conclude that the dock to be approved might be on the adjacent property somewhere between the ordinary high and Iow water marks on Lake Minnetonka. 9. NEW BUSINESS Deicin,q discussion Seuntjens asked for an update of the number of facilities licensed for deicing on Lake Minnetonka and whether these facilities are inspected, Foster stated that all of the licensed deicing facilities have been inspected, correspondence has been sent out, and follow-up inspections are scheduled for those facilities where problems existed during their first inspection. Seuntjens stated that he had recently received a telephone call regarding the deicing site at the Zebeck residence on Forest Lake. Nybeck stated that the Zebeck residence is permitted to deice this winter at its large seasonal dock that is left in place 12 months a year. He expressed concern about issuing permits for these types of sites, although current LMCD Code does not prohibit it. He also expressed concern about allowing for deicing at newly approved permanent docks at residences, especially those that have a limited amount of shoreline. The Board briefly discussed the existing deicing policy and need to revisit in the near future. The consensus of the Board was to schedule an agenda item this upcoming summer to revisit the policy and make necessary changes for the 2004-2005 winter. -736- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting February 11, 2004 Page 13 Wetlands Preservation Babcock stated that he would like an agenda item planned at a future Board meeting to discuss how to preserve wetland areas. Snowmobile Requlations Nelson stated that he would like an agenda item planned at a future Board meeting to discuss existing snowmobile regulations on Lake Minnetonka. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Van Hercke adjourned the meeting at 10:21 p.m. Katy Van Hercke, Vice Chair Jose Valdesuso, Secretary -737- THE WINTER 2004 A PUBLICATION OF THE LAKE MINNETONKA ,ASSOCIATION Zebra Mussel - A Real Threat to Lake Minnetonka Dick Osgood, Executive Director Dick Osgood The Lake Minnetonka Association is con- cerned about the prospect of our lake becoming infested with zebra mussels. In fact, we believe, should zebra mussels get into our lake it would be a disastez We think' aggressive actions are justified. The Good The only 'good' about the prospect of getting zebra mussels in Lake Minnetonka is that they are not now in our lake. We know this because we, along with the LMCD, have been moni- toring for several years for the early stages of an infestation and have found no signs of zebra mussels. The Bad 1. Zebra Mussds are Near By Zebra mussels are in the St. Croix River, the Mississippi River, Lake Zumbro (near Rochester), Lake Superior and most recently have been discovered in Lake Ossawinnamakee (near Brainerd). Zebra mussels are in a couple dozen inland lakes in Wisconsin and about 100 inland lakes in Michigan. Zebra Mussels are Moving Zebra mussels are moving from lake to lake by boats and trailers. Despite a comprehensive state-wide inspection and The LMA is raising the 'red flag.' It is time to increase our efforts if we hope to keep zebra mussel and other exotic species at bay. education program, no lake is immune from a zebra mussel introduction. Lake ~, Minnetonka, with a third of a million boats launched each year; is especially vulnerable to an introduction. · 3. There are Many Likely Impacts of a Zebra Mussel Infestation a. Here is a list of zebra mussel impacts experienced in other water bodies: · Clogging intake pipes · Attaching to piers, pilings, docks, lifts, buoys, seawalls, ramps - any hard surface · Interfering with navigation · Increasing corrosion · Growing on boat hulls · Decreasing fuel efficiency · Damaging engines · Killing or displacing native mussels and clams · Competing for food · Reducing food available in the aquatic food chain · Impacts on fish · Accumulating PCBs and other toxic chemicals - which are transferred up the food chain · Increasing aquatic plant growth, including Eurasian watermilfoil · Littering beaches, closing beaches due to razor-sharp shells b. Zebra mussels will grow in densities up to 3,000 per square foot on hard surfaces. c. The optimal habitat characteristics for zebra mussel growth are: · Water temperatures between 43 and 82°F · pH between 7.4 and 9.4 · salinity less than 5 parts per thousand · Calcium greater than 20 parts per million · Firm substrate for attachment * Lake Minnetonka meets all of these characteristics and is an ideal habitat for zebra mussels d. In Lake Minnetonka, we could expect at least: · Serious impacts to the bass popula- tion and other sport fish · Increases in the distribution of Eurasian watermilfoil · Increases maintenance costs for antifouling boat hulls and engines · Damage or destruction to boat lifts and docks · Beach closures (continued on next page) 4. Once in the Lake there is No Remedy None. The MN DNR is so concerned about the spread of zebra mussels out of Lake Ossawinnamakee, they are consid- ering killing the entire lake as one option. 5. Zebra Mussel is not the Only Exotic Spedes Heading Our Way Even if we should be so unlucky to get a zebra mussel infestation, there are about a dozen other exotic plants and animals that are heading our way. Most of these are also carried by boats and trailers, so we must remain diligent. Fortunately, many of these are not yet close to Lake Minnetonka. 6. We are Exposed While the LMA, LMCD, Legacy Foundation and the MN DNR have par- ticipated in educational program and access inspections, we know our efforts must be increased and focused to have a real chance at preventing the introduction of zebra mussels and other unwanted exotic species. What is the LMA Doing? The LMA has participated in monitoring, education and inspection programs for the prevention of zebra mussels. The LMA, along with the LMCD, the Legacy Foundation and our volunteers, has worked to keep this issue at the forefront of our agenda. In addition, the LMA is researching the specific impacts that could occur in Lake Minnetonka so we have the best available information. Now, the LMA is raising the 'red flag.' It' is time to inCrease our efforts if we hope to keep zebra mussel and other exotic species at bay. The LMA believes a comprehensive inspection program is required. Further, the LMA believes this must be organized and administered at the local level. The "ON THE LAKE" is a quarterly publication of the Lake Minnetonka Association, EO. Box 248, Excelsior, MN 55331 ISSUE 2004:1 · FEBRUARY 2004 HOW TO CONTACT THE LMA Phone Number: ............ (952) 470-4449 E-Mail: .......... Minnetonka@Mnlakes.org Web Site: ...... www. mnlakes.org/Minnetonka Elsewhere in this issue of On the Lake, we talk about our activities and accomplishments in 2003. The LMA has V~'ayne Nelson had a busy year and we look forward to continuing this good work on behalf of lakeshore owners and businesses. I must tell you, the LMA board of Directors is somewhat puzzled. We wonder, why are so few of the lakeshore owners and businesses supporting our efforts? We have accomplished a lot in the past two years and we are grateful for the support we have received - both monetary and other com- munity support. Yet, only a small fraction of Lake Minnetonka lakeshore owners and businesses are members and supporters. With broader support, we could do so much more and be so much more effective! I ask two things: · First, tell us what, if anything, else should the LMA be doing on your behalf? · Second, please send in your membership contribution or donation to show your support for our work. Thank you and have a great 2004. LMCD is the logical agency to take the lead in this important effort and other agencies and organizations must help - including the LMA. What Can LMA Members Do? The most significant action LMA members can take is to get involve& This means: · Telling your mayors and city council members to make sure Lake Minnetonka is protected · Telling your LMCD representatives to support a comprehensive access inspection program · Making sure your boats and trailers are clean · Instructing those visiting our lake to clean their boats and trailers · Keep on the lookout for signs of zebra mussels A comprehensive access inspection pro- gram could cost a quarter of a million dollars per year. The LMA believes these costs should be born by local government and agencies. LMA, through the generos- ity of our members, has provided finan- cial support for the inspection program, and we hope to provide some financial support in 2004. However, we do not believe the LMA or our members should provide significant financial support in the long run. The LMA can provide technical assis- tance and continue to be strong advo- cates for these programs. Perhaps the most important action lakeshore owners and businesses can take is to continue to support the LMA. Please send in your membership dues, renewals or contribu- tions to keep the voice of Lake Minnetonka lakeshore owners and busi- nesses strong and help keep our lake free of zebra mussels. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL .--CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NEEDED! hWNank you to LMA members who have renewed their membership. Your dues help support the important work of the LMA. WE NEED MORE LAKESHORE ERS AS MEMBERS. Without a larger base of support, the LMA cannot continue to provide a voice for the betterment of our beautiful lake. Membership categories are: Basic Member ............................... $50 *About covers the costs of basic member services Sustaining Member ........................... $150 *Provides resources to sustain LMA's activities Captain .................................... $500 *The highest membership level Business Member ............................ $250 *Lake-related businesses supporting the LMA Support the Exotic Species Fund. The ESF allows the LMA to aggressively prevent the spread of new exotic species into Lake Minnetonka and helps to better control those a/ready in Lake Minnetonka. Make a contribution. Additional contributions help strengthen the LMA. THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS SINCE LAST LMA NEWSLETTER! CAPTAINS ($$00 +) Ruth & Bruce Dayton Bob & Brenda MacDonald SUSTAINING ($150 - $499} Paul & Denise Aasen Dean Akins Win & Barb Adams John & Patty Bailey Donna & Warren Beck Lynn & Jim Blakeway R. A. & Terri Bowman Gary Capen Dale Christensen John & Kathy Cleveland Chris & Patsy Clouser Ed Conlin Kenneth H. & Betty Jayne Dahlberg Dave & Holly Eiss Richard E. Engebretson Tom & Judy Ess John & JoAnn Hinnenthal Michael Huddy Dr. Richard & Jaci M. Lindstrom David Lundquist Tom &Mari Lowe Steve & Carrie Parente Warren & Connie Phillips Rebecca Planner & Gene Phelps RJW Foundation Larry Reid John & Lois Rogers Art & Carol Rossberg Mr. Thomas E. Sween Tun Thoele Barry Knight Tim Kramer Mr. Carroll J. Kucera Norman & Elaine Larson Don & Joann Leavenworth Brenda & Terry Lindgren C~istine W. Lindstrom David & Ann Maass Beth & Jim McBride Martie & Ross McGlasson Patrick & Leona McGlone Phil & Peggy McLaughlin Tedd Metz Ted & Laura Merriam Jon& Kirsten Nielson Paul & Lonnie Nelson Tom & Jane Norling Alan & Maxine Opheim Dave & Kay Owen John S. Pillsbury Dick & Jill ILagatz Tom Raymond Rick Rokrer & Sonja Hutchinson Dennis Rust & Shelley Duoos-Rust Steve & Karen Sanger H. J. Schaub Boyd & Karen Schrieber Bill & Jean Seamans Dale & Marilyn Simmonson George Stannard Jim & Mollie Suddendorf David Sutton Barb Sykora Robert A. Van Tassel Stan& Patricia Taube Allen Wade Michael & Donna Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William L. Trubeck Amanda & Denny Walsh Jean & Sheldon Wert Angus & Margaret Wurtele BASIC (UP TO $149) Robert W. Amis Kent Battles John Beal Steve &Patt Bernstmn Blaine Burdick Joe & Pat Carlson Gerald Cavanaugh Mr. Gary Costly Mary & Steve Decatur John E. Folin B.C. Fox Tom & Michele Frahn Rosemary T. Fruehling Michael Fumstahl Dr. Stanley M. and Luella G. Goldberg Suzanne & David Goodwin a :.:,, c, ray Grays Landing Homeowners' Association Robin Grierson Mark & Lisa Hanson Scott Hanson R. G. Hanson John M. Hartwell Ralph G. Hatch Bruce & Carol Hedblom Anne Hoerner Theodore Holsten, Jr. Richard & Meredith Howell Joseph Jester Michael & Holli Johander Doug & Marcia Jolstad William & Dianne Kimber Darwin K. Klockers Alan Ziskin CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME! Please complete this form and mail it with your tax-deductible contribution to the Lake Minnetonka Association, P.O. Box 248, Excelsior, MN 55331. Make your check payable to the "LMA." Thanks/. Name(s): E-mail: Tom & Barbara Warner Sharon L. Wein Dana M. Wells Jeff & Nancy Werner Dick & Marge Wett Mr. & Mrs. Warde E Wheaton Patricia Williams Willow Woods Homeowners Cal& Lori Wright BUSIN'ESS ($250) Blue Lagoon Marine, Inc. Lindbo Landing Marina Tun "Mr. Lakeshore" Lovett J. T. Nystrom The Osgood Group Wealth Enhancemem Group THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FIREWORKS! $500+ Ronald Haberkom uP TO $100 Scott Hanson Dale & Marilyn Simmonson Alan Ziskin THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EXOTIC SPECIES FUNDI UP TO $100 Robert Bredeson Tom & Michele Frahn Scott Hanson Michael & Holti Johander Christine W. Lindstrom Dennis Rust & Shelley Duoos-Rust Bill & Jean Seamans H.R. Swanson Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: 1. I want to support the LMA at the following membership level: [] Basic $50- $149 [] Sustaining $150 - $499 [] Captain $500+ [] Business $250 2. I want to support the "LMA Exotic Species Fund" . .................. $ 3. Other or Additional .......................................... $ The LMA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. ...................... 740 ......... WINTER 2004 · PAGE 3 I I I I I I I I Accounts from People Who Have Had to Deal with Zebra Mussels We have been seeking first-hand accounts from people who have experi- enced zebra mussels in their lake. Here are some of them: From a dock manufacturer: Zebra mussels attach 3-4 inches deep on dock sections and get so heavy, they (the docks) are hard to pick up. Scraping them off is difficult and the resulting stench as they decompose is terrible. From Ted Peters, Director, Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: We have had zebra mussels in Geneva Lake since 1995. An adult mussel was first discovered in the fall on a boat that was moored near a launch site. Following the discovery of the first mussel, the next summer we started discovering veligers (immature mussels) as well as adults. Once found in the lake, it took about a year for them to spread throughout the 5,262 acre Geneva Lake. One thing that has happened is that most hard surfaces now are covered with mussels. Cribs, anchors, chains, pier horses and just about anything hard will have mussels. In the shallow waters they tend to concentrate in the darker areas such as on 'the bottom side of structures. Yet in deeper water they will be on the top and bottom. Any boat that is kept in the water over the summer will need to be periodically inspected to assure that the cooling water intakes for the motor are not being enclosed by mussels. Likewise with bulge pump outlets. Any intake or outlet with flowing water will be a likely candidate for zebra mUSsel colo- nization.. If this is not enough bad news, we are now on the look-out for an even worse non-native mussel called the quagga mussel. It's history is much the same as the zebra, but appears to be more aggressive. It can survive in soft bottom lakes, at greater depths and colder water. It has recently been found in Lake Michigan. From an article in the Janesville (WI) Gazette (December 28, 2003): LAKE GENEVA-A tiny invader of Geneva Lake is getting smaller, and its population might be thinning slightly. But there's no indication that the zebra mussel is about to disappear. The zebra mussel and other invasive species are dangerous to Geneva Lake because their effect on the lake's ecolo- gy is unpredictable. And there is no easy way to bring them under control. Zebras not only encrust natural and manmade surfaces, they also can attach themselves to living organisms. Clams native to Geneva Lake are now endan- gered because zebra mussels can encrust their shells, eventually starving them. So far, the zebra mussel has found no natural enemies in its new home. They're not particularly tasty or meaty enough for larger predators. For more information, check out the MN Sea Grant web site at: http://www, seagrant.umn.edu/exotics Help Support the LMA Through the University of Lake Minnetonka The University of Lake Minnetonka is a for profit business that was created to promote community within the Lake Minnetonka area. The University of Lake Minnetonka sells hats, shirts and other clothing and donates 10% of ALL PRODUCT SALES to the Lake Minnetonka Association. You may purchase merchandise through their web site (www. UniversityofLakeMinnetonka.com) and support the LMA. See their ad in this newsletter. "Thanks" to Morrie's Mazda Morrie's Mazda had pledged $1 for every car sold in 2004 to the Lake Minnetonka Association. Based on 2003 car sales, Morrie's anticipates sending a check in the neighborhood of $3,000 at the end of the year. We thank Morrie's for their commit- ment to the mission of the LMA. W,Nm_741 _E4 ri, i ,, , m,i ,, ill~ i hil Welcome New LMA Board Members Five new members have been elected to the LMA Board of Directors. 'are: Michael Bosanko, Miles Canning, Michael Hudd¥, Tom and Mike Russin. Bob Bentler, a long-time LMA Board member and supporter, has stepped down from the board. 'Thanks' to Bob for his many years of service and his dedication to protecting Lake Mirmetonka. MIKE BOSA_N--KO is a retired public school reacher of 32 years. He and his wife, Sally, live in Bloomington, but move west every summer to be at their 1920% summer cottage on Crystal Bay, which has been in her family since 1902,. Mike has been involved in recreation and envkonmental organizations since the 1960's: first on Bloomington's Natural Resources Commission, then on the Board and as President of the Friends of the Minnesota Valley, as a board member of the Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota, and most recently on the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission. He looks forward to working with like-minded members of the LMA to preserve and enhance the natural and recreational features of Lake Minnetonka - features that make the lake a wonderful natural resource for all to enjoy. MILES CANNING is once again serving on our Board with primary interests in tripling our membership and preventing the introduction of exotic species into Lake Minnetonka. He lives on St. Alban's Bay, is a former Greenwood Planning Commission and Councilperson, and is currently representing Greenwood on the LMCD. An avid snorkler, ice- boater, Sunfish enthusiast, and pontoon pilot, he spends most of his time in and on the water. "The LMA has always served to articulate issues lake users care most about. From this organization I first learned the basic geography and history of the lake. I've learned about lake anagement issues, and I've had the opportunity to influence construc- e policies which have benefited every homeowner on this lake. To ly understand its value, lake property owners need to write a check- become a member!" MICHAEL HUDDY and his wife Paula have a home in Orono on North Arm Bay where they have lived since June 2002. Michael brings a strong scientific background to the Board, having a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Economics from Michigan State University. Michael is a for- mer Board Member of the Mooney Lake Homeowners Association in Plymouth. Michael's primary interest in LMA is in the preservation of the Lake as a natural resource providing for a variety of uses and in helping the LMA develop a stronger sense of "community" among lake shore owners. TOM REESE lives in Mound, on Cook's Bay where he has resided for 36 years. He and his wife, Amy have five grown children. Tom spent 9 years on the LMCD before retiring in 1997. While on that body, he was very active in the startup of the Eurasian Water Milfoil program. He also has served on the Mound Planning Commission for 8 years, chairing that body for 2 years. He retired from that post in 1988. Tom has an MBA from the University of Minnesota and a BSME from the University of Wisconsin. He is a retired Senior Project Manager from General Mills Inc. Tom is a veteran of the Korean War and is retired' from the US Army Reserve, having attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Tom is best known around Mound for his very active hobby of working with antique automobiles. His collection is kept in a build- ing on his property, that he terms: the museum. Persons interested in very early automobiles are always welcome to stop by and get the con- ducted tour of some rare cars. MIKE RUSSIN and family have lived in Orono since 199!. Mike is a native of Chicago and is a graduate of Elmhurst College and Depaul. University. Mike and his wife Catherine have two children ages 13 and 3 that attend Orono schools. Mike has extensive experience in the Financial Services industry as well as many diverse areas of the high technology marketplace. "I am excited to be a board member of the LMA and feel I can contribute valuable experience in the areas market- ing, and business development. Lake Minnetonka is a wonderful natu- ral resource that needs to be preserved so future generations can enjoy the lake as my family and I have." In his spare time, Mike likes to spend time with his family and play golf. UNIVERSITY OF LAKE Mllfl ETONKA Helping The Lake* Get Your Lake Gear; Shop at Lake Country Outfitters in Wayzata or online at www. universityoflakeminnetonka.com T-Shirts · Can Coolers · Hats · Sweatshirts · Floating Key Chains · We donate 10% of our gross proceeds to the Lake Minnetonka Association DON STODOLA WELL DRILLING CO., INC. SINCE 1945 3841 North. Main St., St. Bonifaclus, MN 55375-0065 WELL AND PUMP SERVICE WELL ABANDONMENT RICK STODOLA, President' Office (952) 936-2111 or (952) 446.WELL Res. (952) 472-5253 · FAX (952) 446-9670 www.stodolawell.com MN# 27172 w, ,_742_ E5 685 Excelsior Boulevard s Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 470-1800 LMA's Activities & Accomplishments in 20.03 The LMA has had a busy year. Our program, activities and effectiveness have increased. Here is a brief list of programs and activities undertaken by the LMA in 2003: · Lake Clean Up - In the second year of this event, the number of participants doubled and the amount of material collected increased. · Zebra Mussel Program - The LMA participated with the LMCD, the Legacy Foundation and the MN DNR in the second access inspection program. In addition, the LMA collected water samples around Lake Minnetonka plus four tributary lakes in the third year of the zebra mussel veliger (larvae) sampling program to detect the first signs of an infestation. Thanks to the LMCD's Save-the-Lake program for paying for the lab analysis. No sign of zebra mussel was detected. · Excelsior Fireworks - For the fifth year, LMA members con- tributed to the Excelsior Area Chamber of Commerce in support of the fireworks display. Again, the LMA was a major contributor to this event. Only specifically designated contributions support this program and no general member- ship monies are contributed. · LMCD Participant - The LMA works closely with the LMCD in its exotic species program, its boat density studies and other areas of interest to our members. The LMA is now regularly consulted and asked to participate with the LMCD, making our view credible and relevant. · Education Programs - The LMA produced our quarterly newsletter, produced regular cable shows (channel 21), keeps and up-to-date web site, participated in meetings and made numerous presentations in our community. · MN Lakes Association (MLA) - The LNIA is a member of MLA and is represented on their Board of Directors. · Chambers of Commerce - The LMA is a member of the three lake area chambers of commerce. · University of Lake Minnetonka - The LMA has negotiated an agreement with the University of Lake Minnetonka, a for-profit business that donates 10% of its gross sales to the LMA. The resuks of our efforts are encouraging. For example, com- pared to 2002: · Individual membership is up about 25%. · Business membership is up about 40%. · The size of the Board of Directors has doubled. · We have more diverse funding sources - contributions, donations, advertising, foundation, University of Lake Minnetonka, and dedicated funds. We look forward to continuing our efforts on behalf of lakeshore owners and businesses. If there are other ways the LMA can better advocate for the betterment of Lake Min- netonka, be sure tolet us know. 'Thank you for your support. NP~ ~0 [ 'ON l!tU~d 01¥d a~S0d '$'1] 9~0 llJO~dNON .LY_,gl,-t~ NRI punolN JoleJ~.U!tuPV/~..0 punolN luep.~-~e~l lue, uno JO I"ll'iI"T TI"'IIT'"II'il"T'I'"iI"iI'"i'I'TI'! -743- LSEgg NIAI '.~O!Sleox:1 8'ff~ xo~l 'O'd NOI.L'ff'IOOSS~f ~r)l NO.L=INNIIN Present: Citizens Present: DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES February 19, 2004 Chair Jim Funk, Vice Chair Greg Eurich, Commissioners Frank Ahrens, Gerald Jones, Michelle Olson, Council Representative Mark Hanus, Park Superintendent Jim Fackler,'Dock Administrator Katie Hoff, Secretary Denice Widmer Orv Burma''~ 3011 Island ~Ziew Drive Ron Bauer 3135 Highland Blvd Cliff Schmidt' 3001 Island View Drive Chair Funk called the meeting to order at 7:28pm. 1. Approval of January 15, 2004 Minutes Motion by Jones to accept the January 15, 2( Motion Carried. 2. Agenda Changes. None 3. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens 4. Election of Officers for 2004 Motion by Jones to leave the Officers the same. Jim Funk remains as Chair. Greg Eurich remains a utes. Second by Funk. le by Olson. Motion carried. 5. Discuss: PWC Slip -HighlandS Applicant: auer 3135 Highland Mr. Bauer made Commons apply for Bauer also asked consider only the unus he would like use of that uest to change the current rule governing the use of requesting that current Commons members may locations other than where their current slip is. his formal request, to Multiple since Mr. Bauer stated ~lf. There was lengthy discussion Bauer's formal request to change the current rule and how this ge might affect the Docks Program's lineal footage and BSU's. There was also considerable discussion regarding the unused slip at the Highlands Multiple. The DCAC could not approve that request since Mr. Bauer is neither a dock holder at the Highlands Multiple nor a participant of the Docks Program at this time. Motion by Funk to deny Mr. Bauer's request to change the current rule governing the use of Commons docks and slips and his request to allow use of the Highlands PWC slip at this time, but added that this request would be included in the overall discussion of BSU's at a future meeting. Second by Eurich. Motion carried. -744- 6. Discuss: Addition of Light to.Avalon Park Applicant: Orv Burma, 3011 IVD Mr. Burma stated that the dock holders at Avalon Park would like to bear the cost of the installation and monthly payments for a security light and 6 -30 watt marine receptacles at the site. Burma also requested that they not be charged a light fee since they are bearing the full cost: After considerable discussion, the DCAC requested Mr. Burma to come back with a site plan. Staffwill do a liability study. All parties agreed that a renewable agreement will have to be drawn up between the City and the dock holders. This issue will also be presented at the March 11 Parks Commission meeting. Mr. Burma will have the site plan available for discussion at the March 18 DCAC meeting. Review: Preliminary 2003 Financial Report Fackler advised that the actual numbers requested an updated spreadsheet. Hanus Mayor wants the Fees/Fund balance Agenda. ~ailable until March. Ahrens the commission that the be added to March ge Discuss: Fees/Fund Balance Information was not available for discussion. Item Agenda. lded to March e Review: March Calendar 2003 Financial Report Fees/Fund Balance Light at Avalon Park Shoreline Inventory Map/BSU Count 2004 D~ ect Council Representative or Park Superintendent Lengthy the Docks Pro on the impact of the transient docks at Lost Lake on lineal footage and BSU count. Motion to adjourn le by Ahrens. Second by Jones. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm -745-