*Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted b.v a single roll call
vote. There will be no separate discussion qf these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will
be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
Open meeting - Pledge of Allegiance
Approve agenda, with any amendments
*Consent Agenda
*A. Approve minutes: July 13, 2004 regular meeting
*B. Approve payment of claims: Batch #1 & #2
Planning Commission Recommendation(s)
1. Case No. 04-17: Mike Gardner
1599 Bluebird Lane
Variance - remodel & 2nd story
addition, including basement
PC recommendation: approval w/
Approve temporary sign permit for Our Lady of the Lake Incredible
Festival- Sept 10-12, 2004
Approve temporary on-sale 3.2 license for Our Lady of the Lake
Incredible Festival - Sept 10-12, 2004
Approve adoption of resolution pursuant to MSS 272.162, Subd 3 -
municipal approval of land divisions or property transfers by City of
Mound prior to processing by Hennepin County Taxpayer Services
Approve resolution requesting that Hennepin County post Commerce
Boulevard (CSAH 110) as "no parking" from the end of the current
Construction (approximately Church Street), north to the Minnetrista
Approve resolution authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report
for Chateau Lane elevated water storage facility
JULY 13, 2004
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular
session on Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David
Osmek and Peter Meyer.
Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk
Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public Works Director
Carlton Moore, Sherry Therres, Gerald & Rita Borseth, Tom Gray, Tammy Faiola, Mike
Specht, Joel Reinitz, Dan AIImaras, John Beise, Annick Pratbernon.
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be
routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roil call vote. There will be no
separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in
which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in
normal sequence.
1. Open Meeting and Pledge of Alleqiance
Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of
2. Approve Agenda
Meisel requested the addition of Item 3L, 2004 Retaining Wall Project Resolution, and
requested the removal of Item K., Cooperative Promotion Program. Hanus requested
the removal of Item (3, Planning Commission Recommendation, and Hanson requested
the addition of Item 3M, Moving Council meeting from September 14 (Primary Election)
to September 15. Meyer mentioned he would like to put the Gillespie Center budget on
the next council agenda.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to approve the agenda as amended. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consent Aqenda
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve minutes of June 8, 2004 and June 22, 2004 meetings.
B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $983,633.48.
C. Approve Payment Request #7 from Environmental Associates, Inc. in the amount
of $66,509.50 for the Greenway Project.
D. Approve Payment Request #2 from Valley Paving in the amount of $303,509.14
' for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project
Mound City Council Minutes- July 13, 2004
E. Approve Joint Powers Agreement between the Metropolitan Council and the City
of Mound for installation, replacement and maintenance of bus stop signage.
CASE #04-04: PID #13-117-24-12-0128 and #13-117-24-12-0129.
G. (removed)
J. Approve Service Agreement between the City of Mound and Northern Hennepin
Mediation Program
K. (removed)
M. Approve moving regular Council meeting from September 14, 2004 to September
15, 2004 due to Primary Election.
3G. Planninq Commission Recommendation
Case #04-07 and 04-13 - Waiver of PlattinqNariance for 5077 Shoreline Drive -
Thomas Gray
Hanus recommended a change in wording regarding in section 1(i), to: It is the
City's intent that hardcover not exceed 30%. He also asked that l(j) be changed
to reflect that a private easement shall be prepared for the shared driveway and
recorded at Hennepin County which shall be subject to review and approval by
the City Engineer and/or City Attorney prior to release of the building permit, not
prior to the release of the resolution.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution as
amended above. The following vote in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek.
The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried.
P&Z CASE #04-07 & 04-13. PID #13-117-24-43-0008
3K. Approval of Cooperative Promotion Proqram
Meisel expressed that she thinks the concept of this program is very good, but too early,
timing-wise. Discussion followed regarding where the funds for this program are
generated, and that it may be better to wait until the budget process is underway to
budget funds for involvement in this program.
Mound City Council Minutes -July 13, 2004
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to defer action on this item and have it put
back on a Council agenda when the City Manager deems appropriate. The following
voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer.
Motion carried.
4. Comments & suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the aqenda
None were offered.
5. Public Hearings and Corresponding Action
A. Case #04-12 - Joel Reinitz (Mt. Olive Church representative) - CUPNariance -
Memorial Garden at Mt. Olive Church at 5218 Bartlett Blvd.
Sarah Smith reviewed the new drawing and changes submitted since the June 22nd
meeting. There is screen of arborvitae proposed on three sides of the garden and a
raise in elevation of 2'. The use of interment sites was also revised to allow for only
burial urns to be used measuring no more than 9x9 inches and shall be buried at
depth of 24-30 inches, and in sites 18 inches wide.
Mayor Meisel opened the hearing at 8:25 p.m. (hearing continued from June 22nd).
Gerald Borseth, 2537 Wilshire Blvd., expressed deep concerns over the location of a
memorial garden in his neighborhood.
Sherry Therres, 2521 Wilshire Blvd., stated she is against placement of the
memorial garden. In her opinion it's a cemetery and she is not comfortable living
next to a cemetery.
Ritz Borseth, 2537 Wilshire Blvd., also expressed her disapproval of placement of a
memorial garden that she will see when looking out of her dining room and kitchen.
Mayor Meisel closed the hearing at 8:52 p.m.
Osmek commented that the applicant has done a good job in revising the plans for
the garden, which addressed some of the concerns of the Council, but he still can't
vote for this and has deep concern over this type of use.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. The
following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Meyer. The following voted
against: Osmek. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes - July 13, 2004
CASE #04-12, PID #24-117-24-21-0036.
B. Review/Adoption of new FloodPlain Manaqement Ordinance and Map and
Repeal of existinq Floodplain Overlay Regulations
Sarah Smith informed the Council that according to the DNR and FEMA, the
proposed new ordinance and map need to be formally adopted no later than
September 2, 2004 for the City to remain in good standing in the federal flood
protection program. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend
approval of the proposed new ordinance and map.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to pass the following ordinance and
approve accompanying map. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
6. Update on CSAH 15 Project by Dan AIImaras of Hennepin County
Dan AIImaras of Hennepin County Public Works appeared before the Council to update
them on the CSAH 15 Construction and Realignme'nt Project. Challenges have arose
and been met, and the project is still on target for November 15th completion.
7. Review of structure located at 2146 Cedar Lane and applicability with zoninq
and: buildinq code requirements per City Code 350.505 (Board of Adjustments and
Appeals) and proposed resolution - continued from June 22nd.
Sarah Smith reviewed the history of this item. The former Building Official deemed the
structure at 2146 Cedar Lane to be a carport which is subject to the accessory building
requirements and ordered that it be removed. Annick Pratbernon, the owner, is
requesting that the structure be considered a pergola and therefore allowed to remain.
She says she came to the City before constructing it and was told that she didn't need a
building permit. After direction by Council at the June 22nd meeting, City Staff has
determined that the posts of the subject structure are 2' into the Cedar Lane right-of-
Mound City Council Minutes- July 13, 2004
way, and the overhang encroaches another 1-2 feet more. Smith stated it is not usual
and customary to allow structures in the street right-of-way.
The discussion that followed centered around the use of the temporary structure and if it
should be deemed a pergola or a carport. John Dean read the definition of a carport
from the City Code and views the Council's findings that it is a carport, consistent with
the facts and definition as stated in the code.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to deny the appeal based on the finding that
the structure is encroaching on public right-of-way, and that the structure's primary
purpose is determined to be that of a carport and doesn't meet the setback
requirements for a carport. Meyer feels that the structure should be allowed because
applicant was told by City that it was OK. Meisel stated she is against removing the
structure, but that it should be moved back out of the right-of-way. The following voted
in favor of the motion: Brown, Hanus and Osmek. The following voted against: Meisel
and Meyer. Motion carried.
Smith will prepare a letter to the property owner conveying the Council's decision.
Brown asked Smith if the owner could come to the Council and request a variance for
the structure and Dean stated that it is now deemed a carport and she could apply for
an after the fact variance.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Meisel to direct staff to bring the membrane structure
ordinance back to the council for review at the earliest practical date. The following
voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer.
Motion carried.
8. Review of proposed amendment to City Code Chapter 330 (Subdivision
Ordinance) to regulate dock lot parcels for the purpose of providing lake access
for nearby properties - continued from June 22nd.
Sarah Smith reviewed the proposed changes that resulted from discussion at the June
22nd meeting. Discussion followed with regards to the proposed changes including;
inserting the notification of property owners within 350', but not using the CUP process,
the requirement of a dock parcel license, lake and street front footage requirements,
and the consequences if a property owner violates the provisions of the proposed
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to table action on this item until the July 27th
meeting, so that staff can prepare an ordinance with all of the suggested revisions. The
following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted
against: Meyer. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes - July 13, 2004
9. Miscellaneous/Correspondence
A. DCAC Minutes - June 17, 2004
B. Harbor Wine & Spirits Report - June 2004
C. Recap of 2004 Spring Clean-up
D. LMCD Minutes of May 26, 2004
E. Newsletter: Gillespie Gazette
F. LMCD 2005 Budget
G. Three Rivers Park District Community Needs Assessment
H. MFD Commission Meeting Minutes June 23, 2004
10. Adjourn
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adjourn at 10:35 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel
071404SUE $4,960.37 JULY
072004SUE $239.33 JULY
072104SUE $17,756.84 JULY
072204SUE $161,667.04JULY
072704S U E$179,017.08JULY
City of Mound 07/14/04 7:45 AM
Page 1
Batch Name
Current Period: July 2004
User Dollar Amt $4,960.37
Computer Dollar Amt $4,960.37
$0.00 In Balance
Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Trainin; 08-03-04 SKINNER,KIVISTO $400.00
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004 PO 18337
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00
Cash Payment E 101-.42110-321 Telephone & Cells 05-04 CELL PHONES $672.49
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 We1~s Fargo 10100 Total $672.49
Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. 07-04 PAGERS $102.70
Invoice 2023307048 7/1/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $102.70
Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels THRU 06-26-04 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,911.38
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,911.38
Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 05-10-04 CELL PHONES $181.06
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 05-10-04 CELL PHONES $95.85
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 05~10-04 CELL PHONES $95.85
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Cash Payment G 101-22816 Personal Cell Phone 05-10-04 CELL PHONES $330.17
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Transaction Date 7/7/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $702.93
Refer 71404 XCEL ENERGY
Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electdc Utilities 05-26-04 THRU 06-25-04 $1,170.87
Invoice 071404 7/14/2004
Transaction Date 7113/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,170.87
Fund Summary
City of Mound
07/14/04 7:45 AM
Page 2
Current Period: July 2004
10100 Wells Fargo
Pre-Written Check
Checks to be Generated by the Compute
Batch Name
City of Mound
07/20/04 11:34 AM
Page 1
Cash Payment
Invoice 072004
Cash Payment
Invoice 072004
Transaction Date
E 601-49400-322 Postage
E 602-49450-322 Postage
Fund Summary
Current Period: July 2004
User Dollar Amt $239.33
Computer Dollar Amt $239.33
Wells Fargo
10100 Wells Fargo
In Balance
10100 Total $239.33
Pre-Written Check
Checks to be Generated by the Compute
City of Mound
Current Period: July 2004
07/21/04 11:03 AM
Page 1
Batch Name
User Dollar Amt $17,756.84
Computer Dollar Amt $17,756.84
$0.00 In Balance
Cash Payment G 101-10100 Cash #04-2205 BOOKING #7244 WT #0422 $240.00
Invoice 072104 7/21/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $240.00
Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 07-19-04 MCPA HOUSING PETZ $190.00
Invoice 04028 7/21/2004 PO 18402
Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 07-19-04 MCPA HOUSING NICCUM $190.00
invoice 04028 7/21/2004 PO 18402
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $380.00
Cash Payment G 101-12300 Special Assess Rec-Deferred REFUND DEFERRED ASSESSMENT $548.62
Invoice 072104 7/21/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $548.62
Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous EE APPRECIATION PARTY $834.97
invoice 072104 7/21/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $834.97
Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous
Invoice 072104 7/21/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Cash Payment
Invoice 4198
Wells Fargo 10100 Total
E 101-41110-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-41310-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-41500-151 Worker's Comp insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-42110-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-42400-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-43100-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 101-45200-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 222-42260-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 609-49750-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
E 601-49400-151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMP
-2172- -
Batch Name
Refer 72704 3M COMPANY
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 1
Current Period: July 2004
User Dollar Amt $179,017.08
Computer Dollar Amt $179,017.08
Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials
Invoice TP30240 6/30/2004 PO 13820
Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials
Invoice TP30878 6/30/2004 PO 13820
Transaction Date 7/12/2004
$0.00 In Balance
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $764.40
Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply 07-16-04 PULVERIZED DIRT $239.62
Invoice 072704 7/18/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $239.62
Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts
Invoice 076401-00 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts
Invoice 076474-00 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts
Invoice 076474-00 6/30/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004
Wells Fargo 10100
Refer 72704 AMCON
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Transaction Date
E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA
Wells Fargo 10100
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
Invoice 438416613 6/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
Invoice 438419209 6/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
Invoice 438419108
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438419416
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438418408
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438418508
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438418715
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438419807
Cash Payment E
Invoice 438419908
Transaction Date
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
6/1 2/2004
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE
7/12/2004 Wefts Fargo
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 2
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE
Invoice 30051800 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
invoice 29990000 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE
invoice 38627700 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
Invoice 30117400 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE
Invoice 38688000 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE
Invoice 38660700 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale
Invoice 30109600 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale
Invoice 30077100 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale
Invoice 30074900 7/12/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004
10100 Total
WeLls Fargo
Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $249.91
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $33.24
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $33.24
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $33.25
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $19.42
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 06-04 GARBAGE SERVICE $22,15
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $391.21
Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 06-04 MOUND BAY PARK $434.52
Invoice W226662 7/2/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 06-04 CENTERVlEW BEACH $234.26
Invoice W226661 7/2/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $668.78
Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials
Invoice 02064623 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials
Invoice 02064623 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials
Invoice 02064623 7/7/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004
Wells Fargo 10100
- 2174-
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 3
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract CJDN CONNECT CHARGE $630.00
Invoice P07 MN0271300 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.00
Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies CHECKS $232.83
Invoice 32979 6/14/2004 PO 14875
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $232.83
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE ROTOR $103.71
Invoice N35995
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE ROTOR $151.95
invoice N35398
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery DISC PADS $65.64
Invoice N35392
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $321,30
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Transaction Date
E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities
E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities
E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities
E 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities
E 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities
E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities
E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities
Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply
Invoice D268929 7/6/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-000-053-000
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-001-095-800 $58.75
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-001-853-000 $234.32
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-001-972-603 $30.04
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-001-972-603 $16.39
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-001-972-603 $21.85
05-19-04 THRU 06-22-04 #543-004-818-801 $28.04
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $440.93
SLOTTED 3/16 $8.50
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8.50
Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX
Invoice 83412061 7/8/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100
Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies COLE DIRECTORY
Invoice 0356439-1N 6/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100
Total $267.30
Total $299.95
Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 05-04 CHECK VERIFICATION
invoice 106850604 7/13/2004
City of Mound 07/22/04 821 AM
Page 4
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 06-04 CHECK VERIFICATION $54.50
Invoice 106850604 7/13/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $109.00
Cash Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 06-05 COPIER MAINTENANCE $340.80
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $340.80
Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts CASE METERS $996.94
Invoice 3239475 7/8/2004 PO 18573
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $996.94
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale BEER $2,356.60
Invoice 271768 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $111.65
Invoice 271769 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $779.75
Invoice 272448 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $114.00
Invoice 272883 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $42.50
Invoice 273078 7/7/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,404.50
Refer 72704 DODDS, BRUCE
Cash Payment R 281-34725 Dock Permits REFUND SHARE FEE $100.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment R 281-34705 LMCD Fees REFUND LMCD FEE $7.50
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $107,50
Refer 72704
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,083,95
Invoice 223643 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1tl.50
Invoice 44647 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,127,28
Invoice 223732 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $330.00
Invoice 44740 7/12/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,652.73
Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 06-04 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $1,050.00
Invoice 22535 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 455-46386-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 TIF 1-2 DEVELOPMENT $675.00
/'"-'~ Invoice 22534 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $525.00
Invoice 22533 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,250.00
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 5
Current Period: July 2004
E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts
E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts
Cash Payment
Invoice 4429
Cash Payment
Invoice 4416
Transaction Date
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $141.49
Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings
Invoice S258/71504 7/15/2004
Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings
Invoice S258/71404 7/15/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004
07-01-04 THRU 09-30-04 MAINTENANCE
Wells Fargo 10100
Total $1,066.51
Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply MANHOLE COVERS $575.10
Invoice GG2808 6/29/2004 PO 18336
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $575.10
Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $94.95
Invoice 80124 6/25/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $94.95
Invoice 80124 6/25/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $94.96
Invoice 80124 6/25/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $261.92
Invoice 80124 6/25/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $54.70
Invoice 80086 6/25/2004
Cash Payment..E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 2004 ANNUAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE $55.00
Invoice 80085 6125/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $656.48
Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 06-01-04 THRU 05-31-05 MEMBERSHIP DUES $300.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300,00
Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN CAD/CAM TRAINING $350.00
Invoice 15 7/13/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $350.00
Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone & Cells 06-04 472-0648 $620.42
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 07-04 472-0646 $19,64
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $640.06
Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies GH SCENE LIGHT $216.74
invoice 9123 6/3012004 PO 18083
Transaction Date 7/13/2004
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 6
Current Period: July 2004
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21G.74
Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery PLOW #8 REPAIRS
Invoice 63644 5/13/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo
10100 Total $579.58
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Transaction Date
E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.90
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery TIRES FOR SQUADS
invoice 101099 7/7/2004 PO 18423
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100
Cash Payment
Invoice 65531
Transaction Date
E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $323.00
?"~' Cash Payment
~ Invoice 815358
Cash Payment
Invoice 915357
Cash Payment
Invoice 815335
Cash Payment
Invoice 912127
Cash Payment
Invoice 610878
Cash Payment
Invoice 917725
Cash Payment
Invoice 917710
Cash Payment
Invoice 917709
Cash Payment
Invoice 917742
Transaction Date
E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE
E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE
E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE
E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR
E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE
7/12J2004 Wells Fargo
Refer 72704 HART, PATRICK
Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo
/,,,-.,,Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals CONTAINERS (6)
3voice DM105145 6/30/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo
10100 Total $97,76
10100 Total $30.00
Cash Payment E 101-42110-418 Other Rentals
invoice 24068024 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals
Invoice 24068023 6/30/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 7
Current Period: July 2004
06-04 RADIO LEASE $1,323.44
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,326.40
Cash Payment
Invoice 335140
Cash Payment
Invoice 330254
Cash Payment
Invoice 329355
Cash Payment
Invoice 336159
Transaction Date
E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $92.50
E 609.49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $123.00
E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $154.35
E 609.49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $294.00
7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $663,85
Cash Payment
invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
invoice 072704
Transaction Date
E 101-43100-221 Equipment Pads
E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials
E 601.49400-230 Shop Materials
E 602.49450-230 Shop Materials
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $215.25
Rear 72704
Cash Payment
Invoice 16477
Cash Payment
Invoice 16320
Cash Payment
Invoice 16345
Cash Payment
Invoice 16360
Cash Payment
Invoice 16406
Cash Payment
Invoice 16467
Cash Payment
Invoice 16505
Cash Payment
invoice 16508
Cash Payment
Invoice 16513
Cash Payment
Invoice 16529
Cash Payment
Invoice 16548
E 101.45200.409 Other Equipment Repair FLAT TIRE REPAIR
E 101-42110.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #844 REPAIRS
E 101-42110.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #6440 REPAIRS
E 101.42110.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #842 REPAIRS
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #843 REPAIRS
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #841 FRONT UNIT
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #847 FRONT BRAKES
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery ~842 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #845 OIL CHANGE
E 101-42110.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #6416 BLADE
E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #844 ROTOR
City of Mound 07/22/04 8:21 AM
×~~"-~.%, Page 8
// Payments
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 1OI-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE ROTOR $153.24
Invoice 16473 6~24~2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE ROTOR $38.31
invoice 16473 6~24~2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450.404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE ROTOR $38.30
Invoice 16473 6/24/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2002 CHEV TRANSMISSION $161.08
Invoice 16318 6/2412004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BREAK LINES $141.35
Invoice 16334 6/24/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery R&R ARM, PITMAN $422.65
Invoice 16350 6/24/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BATTERY $76.70
Invoice 16461 6/24/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BATTERY $76.70
Invoice 16461 6/24/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BATTER $76.70
Invoice 16461 6~24~2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BULBS $30.37
Invoice 16534 6/24/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,470.85
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$10.98
invoice 254357 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUQR -$132.95
Invoice 254356 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LiQUOR -$49.50
Invoice 254357 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $6.90
Invoice 1749574 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $787.05
Invoice 1749573 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,444.25
Invoice 1749572 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,427,50
Invoice 1749571 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $405.55
Invoice 1752189 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $34.25
invoice 1752188 6~22~2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $276.79
Invoice 1752187 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,638,05
Invoice 1752186 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$93,24
Invoice 255205 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$155.40
'Invoice 255204 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$69.93
Invoice 255203 6/22/2004
City of Mound 07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 9
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$163.~T
Invoice 255202 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$69.93
Invoice 255201 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$54.39
Invoice 255200 6/22/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$70.89
Invoice 255199 6/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,149.96
Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair TRACK OFF SHOP REPAIR $75,48
Invoice 110935 6/23/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.48
Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials TRACTOR UTILITY LIGHT $31.45
invoice 2192927 7/6/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials TRACTOR UTILITY LIGHT $31.45
Invoice 2192927 7/6/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials TRACTOR UTILITY LIGHT $31.45
invoice 2192927 7/6/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $94.35
Cash Payment E 101-41110-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $1,352.58
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-41310-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $419.47
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-41500-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $539.32
invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-41600-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $99.30
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $2,934.58
invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42115-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $44,52
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42400-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $513.64
Invoice 16654 6/3012004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $3,247.90
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-41910-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $217.44
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $732,79
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 222-42260-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $3,929.33
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-361 General Liability ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $4,198.12
Invoice 16654 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $3,066.42
Invoice 16654 6/3012004
-2181 -
Cash Payment
Invoice 16654
Cash Payment
Invoice 16654
Transaction Date
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 10
Current Period: July 2004
E 602-49450-361 General Liability ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $3,066.42
E 281-45210-361 General Liability Ins GEN LIABILITY 2004 $433.17
7/12J2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $24,795.00
Cash Payment
Invoice 688494
Cash Payment
Jnvoice 689339
'Transaction Date
Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $589.83
Invoice 072704 7/1/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ $589.83
Cash Payment E 101-42110-300 Professional Srvs 07-04 VIRUS FILTERING $11.98
Invoice 1140-12931 7/1/2004
Cash Payment E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs 07-04 VIRUS FILTERING $17.97
Invoice 1.140-12931 7/1/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $29.95
E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $288.00
E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,294.60
7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,582.60
Cash Payment G 101-22965 2530 Ruby Lane #03-47 Mat REFUND ESCROW ACCOUNT $691
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $691.00
Cash Payment E 401-43104-300 Professional Srvs PREP/INSTALL SOD/SEED $1,422.00
invoice 287673 7/14/2004
Transaction Date 7/15/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,422.00
Refer 72704 MCKINLEY, JOHN
Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE CONFERENCE $200.00
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00
Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste DisposaI-MCIS 08-04 WASTEWATER $32,544.13
Invoice 777939 7/8/2004
Transaction Date 7/15/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32,544.13
Refer 72704 MICHAEL, GEOFF
Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies DVD PLAYER/BURNER $276.89
invoice 653 7/6/2004 PO 18427
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $276.89
Oash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 06-14-04 WINDOW WASH $37.28
Wells Fargo 10100
'invoice 711006230 7/4/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Total $37.26
Rear 72704
Cash Payment
InvOice 072704
Transaction Date
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 11
Current Period: July 2004
E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 03-24-04 THUR 06-15-04 DOWNTOWN TIF $1,140.00
7/9/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,140.00
Refer 72704 MORAN USA, LLC
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $85.52
Invoice 238673 6/14/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.52
Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 07-04 1/4 PAGE AD $90.00
Invoice 285 7/1/2004
Transaction Date 7/1212004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.00
Refer 72704
Cash Payment E 222-42260-185 Fire-Maintenance Pay 06-04 MAINTENANCE $597.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salaries 06-04 SALARIES $7,052.75
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay 06-04 DRILLS $720.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,369.75
Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pens Contdb 07-04 FIRE RELIEF $9,641.67
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 TOtal $9,641.67
Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals 07-04 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $1,470.50
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,470.50
Refer 72704 MOUND, CITY OF
Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/20/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts
Invoice 1464670 7/8/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004
06-04 WATER/SEWER $21.91
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21.91
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $417.95
Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call 06-04 LOCATES $331.20
Invoice 4060570 6/30/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $331.20
Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 4639 MANCHESTER CURB/APRON $3,000.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,000.00
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 12
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $541.00
Invoice 8040676 7/6/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $150.00
Invoice 8037263 7/6/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $605.97
Invoice 8041271 7/6/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,296.97
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $286.06
Invoice 5090292 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $145.50
Invoice 2092256 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $294.55
Invoice 2092257 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $25.00
Invoice 2092258 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $46.00
Invoice 2092259 7/8/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $797.11
Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $511.26
Invoice 44188 7/13/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $511.26
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,677.77
Invoice 425550-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,167.50
Invoice 425667-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $92.06
Invoice 384362-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $411.62
Invoice 427986-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $898.22
invoice 428292-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,567.83
Invoice 428201-00 7/7/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $63.13
Invoice 427990-00 7/7/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,878.13
Cash Paymen~ E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies REHANG LIGHT FIXTURE $115.00
Invoice 072704 7/13/2004
Transaction Date 7/15/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $115.00
, Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions
Invoice 072704 7127/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 13
Current Period: July 2004
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00
Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts FILLER CAP $25.53
Invoice 01-318335 7/6/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair OIL SEAL KIT $407.05
Invoice 28219 7/6/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $432.58
Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials GRAPHTEC CUTTER $191.70
Invoice 101036 7/12/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $191.70
Refer 72704 SOS PRINTING
Cash Payment E 401-46377-300 Professional Srvs PROJECT FLYERS $80.42
Invoice 65475 7/9/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies WARNING NOTICES $368.97
Invoice 65435 7/9/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies PAPER $45,09
Invoice 65449 7/9/2004 PO 18411
Cash Payment E 101-42110-350 Pdnting BUSINESS CARDS FOR OFFICERS $773.83
Invoice 65281 7/9/2004 PO 18404
Cash Payment E 101-42110-350 Printing BECK BUSINESS CARDS $131.74
Invoice 65403 7/9/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,400.05
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery NEEDLE VALVE SET $36.15
Invoice 89338 6/4/2004 PO 18477
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $36.15
Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATIONS $440.00
Invoice 8243 6/26/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATIONS $2,986.25
Invoice 8294 6/26/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATIONS $1,404.20
Invoice 8247 6/26/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,830.45
Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves JUNIOR POLICE BADGES $811.13
Invoice 0904664 6/25/2004 PO 18408
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100
, Total $811.13
Refer 72704 STREi~FIERs .................................................................................................
Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts FLASHLIGHT BULBS $89.35
Invoice 1200574 7/6/2004 PO 18571
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery TASK FORCE VEHICLE $39.25
Invoice 1200800 7/6/2004 PO 18425
Cash Payment E 101-42110-110 Clothing Allowance BALLISTIC VEST #6425 $779.95
Invoice 1201263 7/6/2004 PO 18426
City of Mound 07/22./04 8:21 AM
~/'"~ ~ ~~" ---'- ,.~ Payments Page 14
Current Period: July 2004
Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies TACTICAL SLINGS $11g.g7
Invoice 449016.1 7/6/2004 PO 18419
Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous KEY HOLDER $21.25
Invoice 446362.2 7/6/2004 PO 18410
Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous BIG EASY OPENING TOOL $48.88
Invoice 446362.1 7/6/2004 PO 18410
Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies .45 AMMO $1,203.43
Invoice 446291.1 7/6/2004 PO 18409
Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies INTOXILYZER MOUTHPIECES $143.51
Invoice 440132.1 716/2004 PO 18365
Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies SHIRT $35.00
Invoice 438900,tB 7/6/2004 PO 18352
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,480.59
Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery REMOTE KEY/PROGRAMMING $28.95
Invoice 386063 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.95
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $228.00
Invoice 33187 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $498.00
r Invoice 33266 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $140.85
Invoice 340642 7/12/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,781.75
invoice 340643 7/12/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,648.60
Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies LABELS FOR REGISTER $124.50
Invoice 14941 7/9/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $124,50
Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Trainin~ 04-12-04 CRISIS NEGOTIATION $25.00
Invoice 5594 7/27/2004 PO 18175
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25,00
Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $376.35
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $5.52
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $161,29
invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $103,32
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $24.45
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $174,93
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Cash Payment
Invoice 072704
Transaction Date
City of Mound
07/22/04 8:21 AM
Page 15
Current Period: July 2004
E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.82
E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $192.38
E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 06-04 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $178.34
7/15/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,256.40
Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves STREETGEAR PACK $55.50
Invoice 228488 7/27/2004 PO 18415
Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves SOFTVVEAR TASER $162.22
Invoice 229642 7/27/2004 PO 18416
Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves HUSBY UNIFORMS $97.80
Invoice 226356 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $315.52
Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 06-17-04 THRU 07-20-04 BLDG INSPECTIONS $6,710.00
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,710.00
Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous DEPARTMENT PICTURE $78.76
Invoice 1005 3/3/2004
Transaction Date 7/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $78,76
Rear 72704
Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 06-18-04 REPAIR LEAK $1,085.00
Invoice 582 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 401-43104-300 Professional Srvs 06-25-04 FIRE HYDRANT $825.00
Invoice 590 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 06-21-04 SHOREWOOD LANE $725.00
invoice 591 6/30/2004
Transaction Date 7/12/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,635.00
Refer 72704 WINE COMPANY
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale
Invoice 31001-00 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale
Invoice 31419-00 6/30/2004
Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale
Invoice 31474-00 6/30/2004
WINE $369.40
WINE $529,70
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $831.10
Refer 72704 XCEL ENERGY
Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 05-04 BALANCE DUE $11.14
Invoice 072704 7/27/2004
Transaction Date 7/13/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11.14
, ,&, I ,,Ii ~ ~ I& hh
Fund Summa~
455 TIF 1-2
City of Mound
07/22104 8:22 AM
Page 16
Current Period: July 2004
10100 Wells Fargo
Pre-Written Check
Checks to be Generated by the Compute
Batch Name
City of Mound
07/23/04 8:04 AM
Page 1
User Dollar Amt $161,667.04
Computer Dollar Amt $161,667.04
E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA
Cash Payment
Invoice 072204
Transaction Date
$0.00 In Balance
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $736.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $4,911.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,911
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $24,005.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $24,005.00
Cash Payment E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs $3,556.63
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 401-46377-300 Professional Srvs $3,370.88
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs . $1,855.00
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment G 101-22990 Mount Olive Church #04-12 $255.00
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment G 101-22984 1717 Finch Ln #04-09 Bowm $63.75
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs $600.00
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Cash Payment G 101-22994 MHR Alternative Urban Area $11,103.68
Invoice 072204 7/8/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20,805.14
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $11,197.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,197.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $3,754.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,754.00
06-04 04-12 MOUNT OLIVE CUP
Cash Payment G 427-20200 Accounts Payable 06-04 2002 SEAL COAT PROJECT $555.40
Invoice 48030 7/22/2004 Project 06173
Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 MISC BUILDING ENGINEERING $1,113.00
Invoice 48031 7/22/2004 Project 08901
Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 MISC P/Z ENGINEERING $318.00
Invoice 48032 7/22/2004 Project 08902
Cash Payment
Invoice 48033
Cash Payment
Invoice 48034-A
Cash Payment
Invoice 48034-B
Cash Payment
Invoice 48035
E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs
E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs
E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs
E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs
City of Mound 07/23/04 8:04 AM
Page 2
Current Period: July 2004
Project 08903
Project 08904
Project 08904
Project 10293
Cash Payment
Invoice 48036
Cash Payment
Invoice 48037
Cash Payment
Invoice 48038
Cash Payment
Invoice 48039
Cash Payment
Invoice 48040
Cash Payment
Invoice 48041
Cash Payment
Invoice 48042
Cash Payment
Invoice 48043
Cash Payment
Invoice 48044
Cash Payment
Invoice 48045
Cash Payment
Invoice 48046
Cash Payment
Invoice 48047
Cash Payment
Invoice 48048
Cash Payment
Invoice 48049
Cash Payment
Invoice 48050
Cash Payment
Invoice 48051
Cash Payment
Invoice 48052
Cash Payment
Invoice 48053
Cash Payment
Invoice 48054
Cash Payment
Invoice 48055
Cash Payment
Invoice 48056
G 101-23008 2020 Commerce Parking Lot 06-04 2020 COMMERCE PARKING LOT
7/22/2004 Project 11894
E 401--46377-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 CTY RD 15 REALIGHMENT
7/22/2004 Project 12533
G 101-22854 Langdon Bay Major Sub-Divi 06-04 LANGDON BAY DEVELOPMENT
G 101-22869 Landgon Woods, 00-35
E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs
E 281-45210-300 Professional Srvs
G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 06-04 WELL/PUMPHOUSE
E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 LONGPRE DEMO
Project 12754
Project 12911
Project 13215
Project 13223
Project 13313
Project 13314
E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 6384 WALNUT LANE GRADING
7/22/2004 Project 13488
G 101-22890 2957 Cambridge Retain Wall 06-04 2957 CAMBRIDGE SKAALERUD
7/22/2004 Project 13501
E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs 06-04 LOST LAKE GREENWAY
7/22/2004 Project 13566
G 101-22899 Pastuck Natural Homes #02- 06-04 PASTUCK SUB-DIVISION
G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance
E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs
E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs
G 101-22931 2241 Southview Ln,03-10 W
E 401-43104-300 Professional Srvs
E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs
E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs
G 101-22988 Heritage Point Trailer Court
G 101~22996 4841 Islandview Drive #04-1
Project 13770
Project 13832
Project 14000
Project 14121
06-04 2241 SOUTHVIEW #03-10
Project 14275
Project 14615
Project 14702
Project 14707
Project 14755
06-04 4841 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE #04-16
Project 14871
Cash Payment
Invoice 48057
Cash Payment
Invoice 48058
Transaction Date
E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs
E 101~42400-300 Professional Srvs
City of Mound 07/23/04 8:04 AM
Page 3
Current Period: July 2004
Project 14886
06-04 POST OFFICE 145-108-05 AUDITORS $212.00
Project 12379
Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56,969.90
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $21,794.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7~22~2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21,794.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $5,298.00
invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 712212004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,298.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $3,467.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,467.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $1,014.00
Invoice 072204 712212004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,014.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $1,093.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,093.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $1,695.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,695.00
Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING $4,928.00
Invoice 072204 7/22/2004
Transaction Date 7/22/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,928.00
-2191 -
Fund Summary
455 TIF 1-2
City of Mound 07/23/04 8:04 AM
Page 4
Current Period: July 2004
10100 Wells Fargo
Pre-Written Check
Checks to be Generated by the Compute
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff
FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director
DATE: July 15, 2004
SUBJECT: Variance(s) Request
LOCATION: 1599 Bluebird Lane
PID: 13-117-24-12-0128
ZONING: Residential District R-lA
The applicant is requesting variance approval to allow construction of a comprehensive
remodel and 2-story addition of the existing home located at 1599 Bluebird Lane. The
requested variance is outlined as follows:
Front / Corner
Required Existinq Proposed Variance
10.0 ft 7.3 feet 7.3 feet 2.7 feet
The subject property includes a 2-story single-family home and attached garage
that is located on the corner of Bluebird Lane and Woodland Road which is
unimproved. According to the City Code, a front / corner setback of (10) feet is
required from Woodland Road.
The applicant proposes to demolish the original portion of the house located on
the west side of the lot and construct a 2-story addition (including a basement)
and remodel the exterior and interior portions of the existing house.
Variances were approved in 1987 to recognize the non-conforming setback(s) for
the original home and to allow construction of a second story addition.
Additionally, variance approval was also granted in 2002 to allow construction of
an attached garage on the east side of the house.
The existing house has non-conforming side setbacks on both the north and
south sides. The proposed addition will correct a nonconforming condition on
the north side as it will be located (6) feet from the north property line. The
addition would maintain the same building line on the south side and would be
located (7.3) feet from the property line on the south side at the closest point
which is located in the SW corner of the existing home (excluding the deck.)
As the City Council is aware, decks are subject to alternate setback standards.
Specifically, lakeside decks located behind the rear building line are allowed a
side setback of (4) feet and but must also meet the (50) foot setback from the
OHWM. The existing deck is in a conforming location but is being replaced with
a screened porch in the NW corner and lakeside deck in the SW corner. The
screen porch is subject to a (6) foot setback on the north side as it is considered
to be part of the structure while a four (4) foot setback would be required for the
open lakeside deck on the south side. Both the screened porch and open deck
are proposed in conforming locations.
A lakeside deck addition was referenced on the submitted site plans but is not
part of the current project according to the applicant.
Access to the remodeled home will be via a doorway on the south side.
Members of the City Council are advised that entrance structures are generally
exempt from setback regulations according to the City Code Chapter 350:440,
Subd. 3 as long as they are uncovered and less than (32) square feet. Steps
are also allowable encroachments as long as they do not extend less than two
(2) feet from any lot line.
· Hardcover on the subject site meets the 40 percent hardcover restriction.
Copies of the floor plans and elevation drawings for the proposed project have been
included as attachments. A current property survey dated June 10, 2004 from
Gronberg and Associates has also been submitted. At the request of the Planning
Commission, the survey has been modified by Staff to show the proposed addition
In general, the Planning Commission was favorable to the request as the variance is
not being increased and no "new" nonconforming conditions are being created.
Additionally, the proposed addition will correct a nonconforming condition on the north
side as the proposed addition will meet the six (6) foot setback.
Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend
approval of the variance application as recommended by Staff subject to conditions. A
copy of the July 19, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes excerpts has been
included as an attachment. Additionally, a draft resolution based on the Planning
Commission's recommendation has also been provided.
P & Z CASE # 04-17
PID # 13-117-24-12-0128
WHEREAS, the applicant, Mike Gardner, has requested the following variance to
allow a comprehensive remodel of the existing home and 2-story addition at 1599
Bluebird Lane:
Required Existin.q Proposed Variance
Front/Corner 10.0 ft 7.3 feet 7.3 feet 2.7 feet
WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned R-lA and subject to a minimum front
yard setback of (20) feet on the east side, a minimum front yard setback of ten (10)
feet on the south side, a minimum side yard setback of six (6) feet on the north side
and a minimum lakeshore setback of fifty (50) feet; and
WHEREAS, the subject property includes an existing single-family house which
fronts Bluebird Lane and unimproved Woodland Road and is non-conforming due to
deficient setbacks on both the north and south sides; and
WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to demolish the original portion of the house
located on the west side of the lot and construct a 2-story addition (including a
basement) and remodel the exterior and interior portions of the existing house; and
WHEREAS, access to the remodeled home will be via a doorway on the south
side. Entrance structures are generally exempt from setback regulations according to
the City Code Chapter 350:440, Subd. 3 as long as they are uncovered and less
than (32) square feet. Steps are also allowable encroachments as long as they do
not extend less than two (2) feet from any lot line; and
WHEREAS, the proposed addition will correct a nonconforming condition on the
north side as it will be located (6) feet from the north property line. The addition
would maintain the same building line on the south side and would be located (7.3)
feet from the property line on the south side at the closest point which is located in
the SW corner of the existing home; and
WHEREAS, the proposal, as submitted, does not increase the non-conforming
conditions and will correct a deficient setback on the north side as the new addition
will meet the (6) foot side setback standard; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request at its July 19,
2004 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the variance as
recommended by Staff subject to conditions; and
WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 530:530, Subd. 1 states that a variance may be
issued to provide relief to a landowner where the ordinance imposes undue hardship
or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his/her property if certain
circumstances exist.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
Mound, Minnesota as follows:
1. The City does hereby approve the requested variance and makes the following
findings of fact:
The variance request, as submitted, does not increase the non-
conforming conditions and will correct a deficient setback on the north
side as the new addition will meet the (6) foot side setback standard.
The subject property is a corner lot and therefore subject to a front
setback of (20) feet from Bluebird Road and a second front setback of
(10) feet from Woodland Road which is unimproved. As Woodland Road
is unimproved in the subject area, the "front" setback generally functions
as a "side setback." The side setback requirement is (6) feet. The
proposed setback of (7.3) feet along Woodland Road exceeds the
minimum (6) foot side setback requirement.
C. The criteria for granting a variance as set forth in City Code Chapter
350:530 have been met.
2. This variance is approved subject to the following conditions:
A. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the
land use requests.
No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is
included as part of this action in the event the variance(s) application is
C. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon
submittal of the building permit application.
D. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits.
Applicant shall be required to submit an as-built survey prior to the final
inspection by the Building Official to ensure that the structure has been
constructed in compliance with the approved variance.
3. This variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in
the Hennepin County Property Information System:
This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of
Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be
considered a restriction on how this property may be used.
The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with
Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit
for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been
filed with the City Clerk.
The variance is valid for one (1) year following its approval unless an extension is
approved by the City Council pursuant to the City Code 350:530, Subd. 2 (E).
Applicant shall be required to submit a written request at least 30 days preceding
1-year deadline of the original approval date by the City Council.
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember
and seconded by Councilmember
The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative:
The following Councilmembers voted in the negative:
Adopted July 27, 2004
Pat Meisel, Mayor
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
JULY 2004
Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse,
David Miller, Michael Mueller, and Dave Osmek. Absent and Excused: Greg Raines.
Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Recording Secretary
Jill Norlander.
Jorj Ayaz & Jon Schwingler arrived at 7:06.
The applicant requests a variance to allow a comprehensive remodel and upper story
addition to the home with variances. Smith gave an overview of the project and noted
that the 2-story addition will meet the (6) foot setback requirement on the north side and
that the building line would be maintained on the south side.
The property includes an existing 2-story single-family home and attached garage that
is located on the corner of Bluebird Lane and Woodland Road. The applicants are
proposing to remodel the existing home and add an upper story on the west side of the
house. The existing house has non-conforming side setbacks on both the north and
south sides.
Staff recommends approVal of the variance with the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall be responsible for payment of all involved fees associated with
the variance request.
2. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the
building permit application.
3. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits.
Discussion ensued about clarification of the actual variance requested ~nd submitted
drawings. It was pointed out that the future deck expansion referenced on the site plan
appears to be closer to the south line than is being requested. Applicant said the plans
will be reconfigured to the limits established by the Council.
MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Miller, to recommend approval of the variance on the
condition that the addition meet a (7.3) foot setback on the south side at the closest
point and be built in a conforming location on the north side with a minimum setback of
(6) feet with any future deck expansion to be constructed in a conforming location.
MOTION carried unanimously.
Jun 24 04 08:13~ Pl~nnin~ ~nd Inspeo~ions ~bE~f~Ub~ M'w
Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application.
Planning Commission Date
City Council Date
Please iht legibly
SUBJECT Address 1 ~"~ ~LU ~¢~ i..~/'~ Lv"~.x./,/'~ ..
PROPER~ Lot / y ~ 1~ __ Block
DESC. Subdivision ~ o o ~ C~ ~ ~O, ~ ~
I%- !1~ -~ 1~Ol~ Plat~ (~ o1~
ZONING DISTRICT R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 ~3
PROPER~ Name ~ICI~U e ~..~ ~ ~~
Phone (H)9~2-~- 3~ (~ ~- Y~- ~Y ~ ,,.Fax
OWNER) Phone (H) ........ ~) ..... Fax
1. Has an application ever.been made for zoning, vanance, conditional use permit, or other zoning I
for this property? Yes (/N~ No (). if yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s)
and provide copies of resolutions.
Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.):
Variance Application
(Revised 12/30103) Page 1 of 3
JUN g 8 ZO04
JUN 2 8 2004
7-2201 -
Jun 24 04 08: 13a Pl~nnin~ ~nd Inspe¢~ions
, ,Bb ,ii, Il&
Case No.
Do the existing stn.'ctures comply with all em.a, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning
district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No 0~). If no, specify each non-conforming use (describe reason
for.v.arianca request, i.e. setback, lot ama, etc.):
{or exiting)
Front Yard: ( N S E W ) ft. '~ ~" ff. ft.
side Yard: ( N S E W) '~~"'-~*'~' ft. fi'."/ ft. ft.
Rear Yard: ( N S E W ) fi. ff. ft.
Lakeside: ( N S E W ) .~-0 It. C~ ~' fL ft.
: (NSEW) fl. fl. fl.
Street Frontage: ~' 0 fl, 4"/0 ft. ft.
Lot Size:
4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is
located? Yes (X~, No (). If no, specify each non'COnforming use:
X 30% = (for all lots) .......................................
SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of ReCord) .............................
* Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd.
6. B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and apProved by the Building Official.
TOTAL HOUSE ....................................................
X =
TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ...............................
DECKS Open decks (1/4" min.
Opening between boards) with a
pervious surface under are not
counted as hardcover.
x 2'";.':L. : '"7(,,I
x 1"7,¢' .- I";f"
x '-f=
Iff x
TOTAL HARDCOVER I IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .............................................
UNDER / OVER (indiCate difference) ....................................................................
Revised 08/06/03
Mike & Judy
1/4' - 1
1/4'- 1'o'
1/4' - 1'-0'
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Sarah Smith
2004 Incredible Festival Temporary Sign Permit Request
SUMMARY. Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church has submitted a wdtten request and
completed sign permit application to allow placement of a five (5) portable signs / sandwich
boards at various locations in the City to promote the 2004 Incredible Festival. According to
the City Code, the placement of the portable signs is allowed upon approval of the City
Council. Additionally, they are requesting placement of "special event" signage on private
property, the placement of a banner on CSAH 110 and use of a crane/boom truck with a
temporary sign to be located on the church property which can be raised and lowered
anywhere from 30 to 110 feet.
As the Council is aware, the current promotion campaign has been in place for several years
including the use of the crane/boom truck. For review and consideration, Staff offers the
following comments regarding the request:
Pennant / Banner on CSAH 410 . City Code Section 365:15 Subd. 9 (C) allows
temporary banners and pennants employed for special events as long as they are
removed within (30) days. Applicant is advised that permission from Hennepin County
may be required.
Special Event Yard SiRns. City Code Section 365.15 Subd. 9 (F) allows the placement
of special event signs on subject to the provisions in the City Code which regulates garage
sale signs.
Crane / Boom with Attached Si.qn. City Code Section 365 does not specifically address
this type of signage however previously it has been classified as a "portable" sign and
therefore is allowed upon approval of the City Council.
RECOMMENDATION. City staff recommends that the City Council approve the temporary
sign permit request(s) from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church for the 2004 Incredible
Festival subject to the following conditions:
1. The crane/boom truck is properly stored and secured when not in use and lowered
in the event of inclement weather.
2. All signage is removed immediately following the event.
~ the cb~cb o~
LoOk/ot: Lake
958:~ commence bor~[er.~nb moclngl, minneaol:a
July 01, 2004
The City of Mound
5341 Maywood Rd.
Mound, MN 55364
We are in the process of planning for our upcoming Incredible Festival, held Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday,
September l0th, 11th & 12th. The Committee would like to have a sign held up by a crane, as we have in the past
years. This crane is owned and operated by Mr. Bernie Hanson of Rocket Crane Service. The crane is mounted on
a truck, and the boom can be raised anywhere from 30 to 110 feet. The truck will be positioned in an enclosed area,
by our pastor's garage, with the only access being from Commerce Blvd. The truck will be locked and secured. If
inclement weather, such as high winds or storms appear, the boom will be lowered. It will be put up on Friday
September l0th, and then taken down on Sunday, September 12~. If there are any questions about the crane, Mr.
Bernie Hanson of 3555 Tuxedo Rd. in Mound would be glad to answer them.
We also have five A-frame signboards that are four feet high and four feet wide. These freestanding signs will be
-by the depot
-by Super America
-by Crow River Bank
-by the vacant lot across from PDQ
-by Our Lady of the Lake Church
We also have an over-the-street banner across Hwy. # 110 and Highland Blvd.
We also ask parishioners to display 'yard signs' on their property for several weeks before the event, and they are
promptly removed after the festival is over.
I have attached the sign permit that the City faxed to me.
I appreciate your help. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact.
Administrator at Our Lady of the Lake Church
-2211 -
..., o..ou.. S I G N P E R M IT
~ ~.~oo~ ~oa~, ~o~.~, ~ ~ A P P L I CA T I O N
Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620
Home Phone 72_'~ C~' ~'7~-/~ ~'1/~ Other
OWNER Name ~lf" _J~ ~. ~_~
Home P~one ~5 ~ ~ ~ Ot~er
SIGN Company Name
CONT~CTOR Address ~5~
Contact Person
Phone ~a'¢~-l~
NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FOR:45'"~ ~'~"'ff (if more than one wall sign is being requested, see
Side 2)
SEASONAL SIGN to be in place from
FREE STANDING SIGN height from ground level to top of sign
feet high x d feet wide = //~
~ I¢blb~ to c~/ /g./Dq (dates)
square feet
WALL SIGN: Wall area = feet high x
Number of existing wall signs:
List square footage of each existing sign:
Total square feet of all existing wall signs:
Percentage of wall area covered by signs:
DESCRIBE SIGN (message, materials, illumination, etc.):
feet wide =
square feet
square feet
square feet
App~~'~U ~R[~
¢ cX~orVXlO'J--- -2212-
The City of Mound does ordain:
Subsection 365.15, Subd. 1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Subd. 1. No sign other than governmental units shall be erected or placed
upon any public way or upon public easements with the exception of .qara,qe sale and
real estate directional si.qna.qe as provided for in Section 365.15, Subd. 9 (temporary
Subsection 365.15, Subd. 9 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Subd. 9. Temporary Signs
Garage sale signs will be permitted in conjunction with the sale of
household goods and materials from the private residences. Such signs
shall be exempt from permits and fees but shall be subject to the
(1) Signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area.
(2) The name and telephone number of the party responsible for the sale
shall be clearly marked on the sign.
(3) Directional off premises garage sale signs can be placed on. private
property providing that the property owners consent is obtained prior to
the. placement of such signs.
(4) The use of garage sale signs shall be limited to five (5) occasions per
calendar year per residence.
(5) Boutiques, craft sales, and other sales events of hand-crafted
merchandise shall be subject to all garage sale signage provisions.
(6) Garage sale signs shall be limited to five (5) days per occurrence.
(7) Gara,qe sale signs placed in the right-of-way (ROW) shall be placed a
minimum of five (5) feet from the street pavement or curb and shall not
obstruct visibility at intersections.
(8) May not be on the right-of-way of County and State roads or municipal
state-aid streets.
(9) Garage sale si,qns shall be removed immediately following the sale.
Special event signs shall be permitted subiect to the regulations as set
forth in City Code Subsection 365.15, Subd. 9 (e) above.
-2213- -~.
Ordinance No. 16-2002
(g) Directional real estate signage shall be allowed subiect to the followin.q:
(1) Sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area.
(2) The name and number of the party responsible shall be clearly marked
on the sign.
(3) Directional off-premise real estate signs can be placed on private
property provided that the property owners' consent is obtained prior to
the placement of such signs.
(4) Directional off-premise real estate signs advertisin.q open houses shall
be allowed on Saturday and Sundays only.
(5) May not be on the' ri.qht-of-way of County and State roads and
municipal state-aid streets.
(6) Directional off-premise real estate signs placed in the ri,qht-of-wa¥
(ROW} shall be placed a minimum of five (5) feet from the street
pavement or curb and shall not obstruct visibility at intersections.
¢)-(h) Seasonal Signs - Seasonal signs of a temporary or portable nature may
be used in the non-residential districts to promote or advertise on-premise
seasonal services or merchandise. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of
thirty-two (32) square feet and shall not be left in place for more than a two (2)
month period. Permits and fees shall be required for all seasonal signs, and
permits may be issued no more than two (2) times per calendar year per
Passed by the City Council this 13th day of August, 2002.
Published in The Laker the 24th day of August, 2002.
Effective the 25th day of August, 2002.
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Acting Mayor Mark Hanus
5341 MAYwooD ROAD
MOUND, MN 55364-1687
PH: (952) 472-0600
FAX: (952) 472-0620
WEB: www.cityofmound.com
July 22, 2004
Mayor and City Council
FROM: Bonnie Ritter
SUBJECT: Temporary On-sale 3.2 License
Attached for your consideration is an application from Our Lady of the Lake for a
Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage Permit for the Incredible Festival, to be held
September 10, 11, and 12, 2004.
Fees have been paid and all other regulations met.
_printed on recycled paper
G~¥ O'F ~oUND
Event: Incredible Festival
Address of Event: 2385 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364
Organization: Our Lady of the Lake Church
Address: 2385 Commerce Blvd.
or Title:
Rhonda M. Eurich, Administrator
2385 Commerce Blvd.
Mound, MN 55364
Mound, MN 55364
Phone No.: 952.472.1284 ext. 161
Home Phone: 952.472.1284 ext. 161
Work Phone: 952.472.1284 ext. 161
Section 810.10, Subd. 2. Liability Insurance. (a) Prior to the issuance of any Beer license, the applicant shall
demonstrate proof of £mancial responsibility with regard to liability imposed by Minnesota Statutes Section 340A.801
to the City Clerk and tO the Commissioner of Public Safety as a condition of the issuance or renewal of his license.
Proof of financial responsibility shall be given by filing a certificate that there is in effect an insurance policy or pool
providing the minimum coverage for dram shop liability as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.409,
Subdivision 1. It is the intent of this section to require the minimum insurance coverage and amounts required by
Minnesota law.
Name of Insurance Co.: Catholic Mutual Relief Society
Amount of Coverage: $500,000.
Section 810:10. Subd. 1. Application Form. In the case of any application for a Temporary "On-Sale" license to allow
sale and consumption of beer on public land or public school lands, the applicant shall, prior to issuance of such
license, file the written consent of the owner of such lands to such use of its lands.
7-06-04 '
Date re~
Approval - City Clerk
Approval - Police Dept.
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
To: Honorable Mayor and City Council
From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director
Date: July 22, 2004
Re: Local Approval of Property Transfers and Divisions
According to Jim Holen of Hennepin County Taypayer Services, the County's
approval of land divisions or property transfers follows the procedures outlined in
Minnesota Statutes Section 272.162 (copy attached.)
So as to ensure that no subdivision or property transfer occurs without local approval
by the City, it is suggested that a resolution be adopted pursuant to M.S.S. 272.162,
Subd. 3. According to Mr. Holen, in most cases, Hennepin County informally sends
out a proposed division to the City for review and approval prior to processing.
However, adoption of the resolution makes the process mandatory.
Members of the City Council are advised that local ordinance does not regulate lot
combination activities.
For review and consideration a draft resolution has been prepared.
Minnesota Statutes 2003, 272.162
, Il,
Page 1 of 2
Minnesota Statutes 2003, Table of Chapters
Table of contents for Chapter 272
272.162 Restrictions on transfers of specific parts.
Subdivision 1. Conditions restricting transfer. When
a deed or other instrument conveying a parcel of land is
presented to the county auditor for transfer or division under
sections 272.12, 272.16, and 272.161, the auditor shall not
transfer or divide the land or its net tax capacity in the
official records and shall not certify the instrument as
provided in section ~7/2_~12, if:
(a) The land conveyed is less than a whole parcel of land
as charged in the tax lists;
(b) The part conveyed appears within the area of
application of municipal subdivision regulations adopted and
filed under section 462.36, subdivision 1; and
(c) The part conveyed is part of or constitutes a
subdivision as defined in section 462.352, subdivision 12.
Subd. 2. Conditions allowing transfer.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision 1, the county
auditor may transfer or divide the land and it's net tax capacity
and may certify the instrument if the instrument contains a
certification by the clerk of the municipality:
(a) that the municipality's subdivision regulations do not
{b) that the subdivision has been approved by the governing
body of the municipality; or
(c) that the restrictions on the division of taxes and
filing and recording have been waived by resolution of the
governing body of the municipality in the particular case
because compliance would create an unnecessary hardship and
failure to comply would not interfere with the purpose of the
If any of the conditions for certification by the
municipality as provided in this subdivision exist and the
municipality does not certify that they exist within 24 hours
after the instrument of conveyance has been presented to the
clerk of the municipality, the provisions of subdivision 1 do
not apply.
If an unexecuted instrument is presented to the
municipality and any of the conditions for certification by the
municipality as provided in this subdivision exist, the
unexecuted instrument must be certified by the clerk of the
Subd. 3. Applicability of restrictions. This section
does not apply to the exceptions set forth in section 272.12.
http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/272/16',- 22 ] 8 - 7/22/2004
Minnesota Statutes 2003, 272.162 Page 2 of 2
This section applies only to land within municipalities
which choose to be governed by its provisions. A municipality
may choose to have this section apply to the property within its
boundaries by filing a certified copy of a resolution of its
governing body making that choice with the auditor and recorder
of the county in which it is located.
HIST: 1982 c 564 s 1; 1983 c 239 s 1,2; 1986 c 444; 1988 c 719
art 5 s 84; 1989 c 329 art 13 s 20
Copyright 2003 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota.
http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/272/16~- 221 9 -
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 272.162, Subd. 3 requires municipal
approval for property transfer or divisions prior to conveyance by Hennepin County if a
resolution is adopted by the City of Mound and a certified copy is filed with the County
Auditor and County Recorder.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound,
Minnesota to adopt the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 272.162 to require
municipal approval of all property transfers or divisions prior to conveyance by Hennepin
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember
and seconded by
The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative:
The following Councilmembers voted in the negative:
Adopted by the City Council this July 27, 2004
Mayor Pat Meisel
Attest: City Clerk Bonnie Ritter
City Manger Hanson, City Council Members
Chief of Police Jim Kurtz
Date: July 21, 2004
Subject: Striping of County Road 110
For the past four months, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Detective Dan Niccum,
Mound School Officials and I have been working with Hennepin County to develop a
plan to address traffic problems on County Road 110 near the Three Points
The greatest concern about CR 110 is that there is currently no striping on the road from
Minnetrista traveling South through Mound. Consequently, motorists have been using the
road as a four lane road. The problems have created safety concerns for Grandview
Middle School and the kids who cross the road.
Hennepin County has presented a plan that addresses all of our concerns. The plan
divides the road so that there are two 1 anes o f traffic (one going north and one going
south), mm lanes, and six-foot shoulders. In addition, there will be a crosswalk placed at
Grandview and CR 110.
To implement the plan, Hennepin County is requiring the City to pass a resolution
requesting the County post Commerce Boulevard (CSAH 110) as NO PARKING from
the end of the construction zone (roughly Church Street) North to the Minnetrista border.
The parking restrictions will affect Indian Knoll Manor located at 2020 Commerce
Boulevard and Mound Evangelical Free Church located at 2117 Commerce Boulevard.
Indian Knoll Manor has visitor and handicapped parking on Commerce Boulevard and
the church parks on Commerce during Sunday services. The crosswalk at 2020
Commerce will also be removed. According to staff at Indian Knoll Manor, removing the
crosswalk will not create a hardship for residents.
I will be available Tuesday evening before the Council meeting to show you a colored
map of the proposed changes.
Thank you
-2221 - :-
WHEREAS, City Staff, Mound Westonka School Officials, and Hennepin County have
been working to develop a plan to address traffic concerns on Commerce Boulevard
(CSAH 110); and
WHEREAS, it is felt that the greatest concern is that there is currently no striping on
said street from the downtown area, North to the Minnetrista border and motorists have
been using this street as a four-lane, causing safety concerns for vehicle and pedestrian
traffic in the Grandview Middle School area; and
WHEREAS, Hennepin County has presented a plan that addresses these concerns,
dividing Commerce Boulevard (CSAH 110) into one traffic lane traveling each direction,
adding turn lanes, six-foot shoulders and a crosswalk at Grandview and CSAH 110;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound,
Minnesota, hereby request that Hennepin County post Commerce Boulevard (CSAH
110) as NO PARKING from the end of the current construction (approximately Church
Street), North to the Minnetrista border.
Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of July, 2004.
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel
Engineering ~' Planning · Surveying
July 21, 2004
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, Minnesota 55364
Chateau Lane Elevated Water Storage Feasibility
Mound, Minnesota
· MFRA #12615
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
This letter requests authorization to prepare a Feasibility Report for the proposed new water tower.
In June 1990, McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. (MFRA) prepared a Preliminary Engineering
Report for Water System Improvements. Several addenda dated September 6, 1990 through October
19, 1993 were subsequently prepared. The June 1990 report considered several options regarding
water treatment and distribution. The report included a recommendation to plan for construction of a
300,000 gallon water tower in about 2005.
A new water tower to be located on Chateau Lane has been discussed with City staff and is
tentatively planned for construction in 2005. In order to receive bids prior to February 2005, final
design should begin by September 2004.
Prior to proceeding with Final Design, a Feasibility Report should be prepared to address the
following preliminary design issues:
Capacity - The population projections for the City of Mound have been revised since 1990.
With the development of new high-density residential and commercial areas, it may be
desirable to increase the size of the tower based on more recent projections.
Operating Head Range - The new tower must function hydraulically with the existing towers
and standpipe. This, in combination with the capacity will have a significant impact on the
geometry of the tower.
15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447
phone 763/476-6010 · fax 763/476-8532
e-mai/: mfra@mfra, com
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
July 21, 2004
Page 2
3. Geometry - Elevated water storage tanks come in several different configurations, each with
advantages and disadvantages with respect to capacity, economy, footprint and appearance.
4. Site Design - The proposed location of the tower is on a relatively small site. A preliminary
layout will identify any requirements for additional property or easements.
Construction Sequencing - The existing 75,000 gallon tower on Chateau Lane may need to
remain in service until the new tower is available. Depending on the sequence of
construction, it may be desirable to demolish the old tower, either as a part of the new tower
construction contract, or as a separate contract. Removing the existing tank prior to
constructing the new tank may reduce the land requirements.
6. Project Cost - Capital costs and financing options should be addressed.
The recommended plan in this report will serve as a preliminary design for the new water tower. The
field information gathered will be used for final design when the project proceeds to that phase.
We propose to submit a draft Feasibility Report to City staff by August 13, 2004. Following
revisions to the draft, we propose to present the Feasibility Report to the City Council at the August
24 or September 14, 2004 meeting. Work sessions, progress meetings and public hearings can be
scheduled as deemed necessary by the City Council.
Thank you for this opportunity to help address the City's needs regarding water distribution. If you
have any questions or need further information, please call.
Bryan T. Oakley, P.E.
cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director
John Cameron, City Engineer
s:~nain:~'nou 12615Xcorres~mayor&council7-21
Stephen L Hewitt
4849 Island View Drive
WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a Public Lands Permit to repair and replace and
relocate the deteriorating steps to the lake and replace the existing timber walls (all
under 3') with new, natural look concrete segmental retaining walls.
WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval by a majority vote
for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the
natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and
WHEREAS, City Staff recommended approval of the applicant's request per compliance
w/recommendations from the Community Development Director.
WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of July 27, 2004,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound,
Minnesota, to approve the Public Lands Permit as submitted by Stephen Hewitt.
The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember
seconded by Councilmember
The following voted in the affirmative:
The following voted in the negative:
Adopted by the City Council this
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel
5341 Maywood ROad
Mound, MN 55364
Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent
July 9, 2004
Public Lands Permit Application
Stephen L. Hewitt
4849 Island View Drive
To repair and replace deteriorating steps to lake and replace existing timber walls
(all under 3') with new, natural look concrete segmental retaining walls. (Anchor
block retaining wall.) Mr. Hewitt would like to move the stairs and replace them.
(See Option B)
City Code 320.01 regulates private structures and private construction activities on public
land in the City of Mound. Specifically, Subd. 1 regulates new construction activities on
public lands.
Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City
departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been
stmunarized below:
Sarah Smith, Community Development Director:
Subject to review by Carlton Moore. Walls more than 4' required building permit
with engineering data. Grading in shoreline/steep slopes subject to regulations in
City Code 350.1200.
Carlton Moore, Public Works Director:
Okayed plans subject to review by Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent
and Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent.
Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent:
Okayed plans.
Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent:
Had questions on new stair location and use of the access. Applicant must notify
neighbors on both sides of access and get their okay before proceeding. Applicant
must also repair any damage to the access with new sod. (Fackler relayed this
information to the applicant and applicant agreed.)Application should be
forwarded to the DCAC for review. However, if the July 15, 2004 DCAC meeting
is cancelled for any reason, this application will be forwarded to the City based
upon City Staff's recommendation.
City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting.
Included in application
Staff recommends approval of this application, per compliance w/recommendations from
Community Development Director. Staff also recommends forwarding this application to
the Dock and Commons Advisory Commission for their review.
Whether a recommendation from the Docks and Commons Commission is made at its
July 15, 2004 meeting, or the meeting is cancelled, the Public Lands Permit Application
will be forwarded to the City Council for review at its July 27, 2004 meeting..
Public Lands Permit Application dated
Site photos and drawings
Crllf OF M~U#O
5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364
Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620
Dock Commission Date
Date Received
City Council Date
Building Official
Parks Director
Check One
Public Works Other
OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320, Subd. 1).
PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT - to allow repairs to an existing structure
(City Code Section 320, Subd. 3).
[-] CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE - to allow an existing encroachment to remain in
an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3).
(--] LAND ALTERATION - change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill,
etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4).
;3e structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios,
~heds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bdng all these uses into conformance, which
means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are
granted for a limited time and are non-transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the
permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder.
Please type or print legibly
APPLICANT Name ~'l-'~P~
Phone (H)
LEGAL Lot 3 Block
PID ~ Plat
ZONING DISTRICT R-1 R-lA R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3
Public Lands Permit Application
Page 1 of 2
Revised 12/03/03
Dock Site #
Shoreline Type C..
Phone (H)
%2'- WTI- 777.g (w)_Cj~-z/'7/-')'-7')3_(M) ~'/,.1'-~G~--,2,.2,
Applicant's Signature ~~, ~.~
Public Lands Permit Application
Page 2 of 2
Revised f2/03/03
--, ...: ..... iSLAND - VIEW.
,m,,m~a,o.- N 89'3'7' 00" £140.00
S' 02" W
Lot 3, Block 14, DEVON
~ GARA~ - ~
T~ ~ F~AT~ -- ~
LOT ARKr..A -- ~ $F.
(e08.3): danote~ existing ~pot elevation, mean eeo level datum
r~: denotes prooo~ecl ~pot elevation, mean sea level datum
Bearings shown are based upon an o~mned datum.
This survey intends to show the Ixxmck~ries of the obove described property,
the location of an existing house, and the proposed location of a .,~oposed houae
thereom It does not purport to show <my other Jmprovc, f~ne~t~ or encroachments.
COl'PIN k ORONBi~RC, INC. ~,,,""',,,~;" ~,.:,~,.~T,~,~. ~""'~,~, ~
r~ .-~f~-~z__ ~ uc~ ~.'~3~ _z~?f~' I 01-074
N 8g'37'00' £140.00
3) BAS~EN?. ~
Lot 3, Black 14. DEVON -- LO~ AR~. ~ S~.
o : denote~ iron marker
~: ~ ~o~ ~ot ~afi~ ~ aea I~ ~t~
Thl. mrvey kttend, to ~how the Im~td~ri~ of the .bore described Ix'ope't),,
i-" IM ~ of on exlaflng h(x~e, mci the ~oposed location of a
thereo~ It doe~ not purport to ~ any ether improveme~t~ or
-2233 ............................
Engineering · Planning . Surveying
:' .cFRA
July 23, 2004
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, Minnesota 55364
City of Mound
2004 Seal Coat Program
MFRA #6173
Dear Mayor and Councilmembers:
Enclosed is a tabulation of the bids received on Tuesday, July 20, 2004, for the 2004 Seal Coat
P.~-ggram. Two bids were received with the low bid of $36,000 submitted by Pearson Brothers of
Loretto. The other bid amount was $39,375. The Engineer's estimate for this project was $36,000.
Included in the bid proposal was an add-alternate for sweeping to pick up and dispose of the loose
aggregate, after the seal coating. In past projects, the City has done this; however, staff is
recommending acceptance of the add-alternate bid in the amount of $2,900.00.
Public Works is pleased with the work done in the past by Pearson Brothers; therefore, we are
recommending that Pearson Brothers be awarded a contract in the amount of $38,900.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us.
Very truly yours,
John Cameron, City Engineer
JC :rth
cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director
s:\main :\Mou06173 :\Correspondencekmayor7 -21
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Sarah Smith (on behalf of City Planner Gordon, City Engineer Cameron and
Public Works Director Moore)
DATE: July 19, 2004
SUBJECT: Sketch Plan Review- Halstead Pointe
APPLICANT: Halstead Pointe LLC
LOCATION: 6701 County Road 110/6639 Bartlett Boulevard
PID: 22-117-24-43-0002 / 22-117-24-43-0007
At its July 27, 2004 meeting, the City Council will review the sketch plan for Halstead
Pointe, a (56) unit condominium project proposed for the manufactured home court
located at 6701 County Road 110 and 6639 Bartlett Boulevard which straddles the
western boundary of Mound and eastern boundary of Minnestrista. The project
consists of seven 8-unit buildings which includes one (8-unit) building in Mound and six
buildings (48-units) located in Minnetrista. A connected underground parking garage
would be located beneath the buildings.
Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, the subdividing owner, or authorized
agent, shall apply and secure approval from the City of Mound pursuant to the
provisions in City Code Chapter 330.15 which includes three steps for major
subdivisions. The submittal of a sketch plan is the first step in the major subdivision
process and involves informal review by Staff and the Planning Commission to outline
various planning-related issues associated with a pending project and also identifies
items that will need to be addressed in subsequent submittals. Members of the
Council are advised that the sketch plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission at
its July 11,2004 meeting. An overview of the 7/12 meeting is provided on Page 4.
Details regarding the proposal are contained in the applicant's narrative and concept
plans which were submitted as part of the application dated May 3rd. Following review
of the original sketch plan by the Minnetrista Planning Commission on May 24th, the
applicant modified the sketch plan(s) to reflect some of the comments received. Copies
of the modified plans have been provided.
Comprehensive Plan - The property would need to be reguided from Iow density to
high density to facilitate the proposed project.
Zoning -The property is currently zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and will need to
be rezoned to R-3 Multiple Family Residential. The Planned Development Area (PD^)
process will also likely be used to address various site-related issues (ie. structure
setbacks, etc,) The PDA process is accomplished via CUP.
Subdivision. It is anticipated that the property will be platted concurrently as a major
subdivision in both the City of Mound and City of Minnetrista. Additionally, the
structure(s) will be replatted for condominium use pursuant to state statute. No
annexation and/or detachment is anticipated with the current submittal.
Shoreland Management Overlay - The subject site is located within the shoreland
overlay district as it is located within 1000 linear feet of Lake Minnetonka.
Wetlands. There are no known wetlands on the subject property.
Park Land Dedication - Dedication of park land and/or payment of fees in lieu of land
dedication will be required as set forth in City Code Chapter 330.
Bluff - In a previous sketch plan submittal for the subject property, topography
indicated a bluff may be present in the Mound portion of the project. However, this
submittal does not include detailed topographical information therefore Staff is unable
to determine if the previous information was accurate. Contour data will need to be
provided at 2-foot intervals in preliminary and final plat reviews to make an accurate
assessment of the conditions.
BUILDING CODE. Please refer to the memorandum dated May 12, 2004 from Paul
Waldron & Associates, Ltd. regarding the proposed project which has been included as
an attachment.
Streets. Access to the proposed three-story building will be provided via a private
driveway terminating on the east side of the project area in a cul-de-sac (CDS.) The
proposed CDS shows a proposed 55-foot diameter pavement width and would be
connected to Bartlett Boulevard by a fire department emergency access lane. The
CDS pavement width would not meet the required 80-foot diameter standard for CDS
but would provide adequate turning movement for non-emergency vehicles.
Halstead Lane is platted with a 33-foot ROW and is located entirely within the corporate
boundary of Mound. Pavement width is approximately 20 feet which is less than the
standard 60-foot ROW and 28-foot pavement width. It should be noted that Minnetrista
would accept 50 feet of ROW although 60 feet is preferred.
The project area shares half of the eastern portion of Halstead Lane with the adjacent
homes on the south side. The private access drive through the center portion of the
site shows on-street parallel parking spaces with 20-foot stall lengths although none of
spaces would provide parking for the upper units in the Mound building.
Storm Water. Water runoff and ponding issues will need to be consistent with the
Mound Surface Water Management Plan and City Code Chapter 375 and will require
approval by the Mound City Council. Surface water permitting for the Minnetrista
portion of the property will be done by the MCWD. A copy of the email dated May 24,
2004 from MCWD District Technician Renae Clark regarding the project has been
included as an attachment.
Water, Water to the Mound units will be provided from the existing watermain located
along Bartlett Boulevard in addition to the fire hydrant for emergency fire suppression.
Fire protection will be provided via a well source located in Minnetrista.
Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary sewer connects into the Minnetrista system.
Hennepin County. Please refer to the letter dated May 19, 2004 from Dave
Z. etterstrom of Hennepin County regarding access and roadway dedication issues
associated with the proposed project.
· The Minnetrista Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan at its May 24
2004 meeting. The Minnetrista City Council reviewed the sketch plan at its June
21, 2004 meeting. Copies of the meeting minute excerpts as well as a copy of
the Sketch Plan Report have been included as attachments. Members of the
Planning Commission are advised that a number of significant issues were
raised during Minnetrista's review of the proposal including density, utilities and
infrastructure and road access.
· Members of the development team met with City of Mound and City of
Minnetrista Staff in late spring to discuss the proposed project.
· A neighborhood meeting for the proposed project was held by the development
team at the Gillespie Center on June '14th.
Architecture has been proposed for the project to reflect the historic Lake
Minnetonka hotels.
State statute includes specific regulations regarding the closing of manufactured
housing courts.
Preliminary issues identified by Mound Staff include neighborhood compatibility
and emergency access. Specifically, the proposed CDS access will require
detailed review by the Fire Department.
· The proposed 3-story building with underground parking may pose challenges to
the 3-story / 35-foot height restriction.
· No elevation data or floor plans were included with the sketch plan submittal but
will likely be provided during preliminary plat.
In general, the sketch plan was favorably received by the Planning Commission with the
majority of the discussion focusing on the issue raised during Minnetrista's review of the
project as well as emergency access and infrastructure / utility issues. Additionally, the
status of the bluff and dock and/or boat storage issues were also discussed.
Members of the Halstead Pointe Project Team indicated that resident docks are not
contemplated as part of the current project as it is geared towards "empty nesters."
Rather, they plan to promote use of the "boat club" concept. Details regarding the
meeting are contained in the July 12, 2004 meeting minute excerpts which have been
provided as an attachment.
Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Cklair Hasse, Michael
Mueller, and Dave Osmek. Absent and Excused: Greg Raines, Becky Glister and David
Miller. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith.
Smith provided an overview of the Planning Report contained in the agenda packet.
Review of PC Case No. 04-15
Sketch Plan for Halstead Pointe
(56) Unit Condominum Complex
6701 County Road 110 1 6639 Bartlett Boulevard
Smith provided an overview of the Planning Report for the Halstead Pointe sketch plan.
The project includes a (56) unit condominium complex proposed for the manufactured
home court iocated at 6701 County Road 110 and 6639 Bartlett Boulevard which
straddles the western boundary of Mound and eastern boundary of Minnestrista and
consists of seven 8-unit buildings including one (8-unit) building in Mound and six
buildings (48-units) located in Minnetrista. A connected underground parking garage
would be located beneath the buildings.
Craig Fink introduced members of the Project Team for Halstead Pointe LLC including
Steve Johnson and Anne Hunt. Mr. Fink also noted that local realtors John and Kristin
Beise were also present. Mr. Fink also provided a brief overview of similar projects the
Team has worked on. Mr. Johnson explained the various modifications made to the
site plan(s) following Minnetrista's Planning Commission review. The Project Team also
helped clarified the access issues and that indicated they had met with the Mound Fire
Chief to obtain preliminary comments and that the buildings will be sprinkled.
Chair Michael asked about the status of Minnetrista review process. Members of the
Project Team indicated that there are also outstanding Metropolitan Council issues in
addition to the City of Minnetrista and that they are currently waiting for comments from
the Met. Council.
Monitoring and enforcement of the gazebo and docks was mentioned as possible
concern by Hasse.
Ann Hunt mentioned that the docks will be for fishing and transient use only and will not
be for overnight use.
Ayaz commented on the opportunity for tax-base enhancement associated with
redevelopment of the property.
Osmek commented that a fishing pier only might be a better idea. Alternately, an
enforcement provision could be included in the homeowner documents.
Craig Fink commented that the owners of the condominium units will not have boats.
They will encourage resident use of the boat clubs. Osmek commented that potential
owners may want boats.
Ayaz commented that dock(s) is one issue. The redevelopment of the site is the bigger
picture item. He views the proposal to be an improvement. He did however comment
that (56) units is a bit overwhelming but the price of the units will create a nice
community. Market research has indicated that the project is geared for "empty
Mueller indicated that he likes the project and said that they have dealt with a lot of the
major issues. Dock issue in his opinion is a minor detail. However, it is important to
note that it should be addressed. Other comments and/or questions from
Commissioner Mueller are as follows:
Inquired if project will be done as a Major Subdivision with PDA overlay which would
address the variance(s) related issues. Smith commented that it would be done via
Water flow is an issue. Commented that there is a watermain in the southern portion
of the site. Asked if it could be looped. Craig Fink indicated that the engineer's had
considered this option.
Asked about access for the property on to a City accepted street and whether or not
it could be done as part of the PDA. Smith felt the issue could be address with PDA
Would like to see the bluff issue resolved. Ms. Hunt indicated that Mr. Hasse
commented that the bluff may have been created when the County Road was
originally built.
Screening issues for gazebo. Would like to make sure that immediately adjacent
neighbors to the south should be screened due to number of units and/or total
volume of the project.
-2241 -
6. Parking provisions should be met if possible. City has reduced the size of stalls but
due to large size of vehicles (ie. SUVs) this may be difficult.
7. Evaluate turning radius and emergency access issues.
Ayaz indicated that he also would like to see screening and landscaping by the gazebo
Hasse asked how far the site will be cut down on the Mound side. Team indicated that
they are going to try and utilize existing grade as much as possible.
The Team commented that there are a total of (24) manufactured homes on the subject
with (13) currently located on the Mound side.
Mueller asked about the shoreline boundary and does the real estate go to the lake.
Fink will confirm.
Ayaz asked if they are wet or dry ponds - facilities will both be aesthetic and will also
treat stormwater.
Smith asked about timing. The Project Team commented that the applications will be
forthcoming within the next few months.
6639 Bartlett Boulevard
June 21, 2004
1. Call to Order: Mayor Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and
led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
2. Roll Call: Council Present: Mayor Cheryl Fischer, Lisa Whalen, George
Zenanko, Margaret Davis and Jeff Montang. Staff Present: City Administrator
Dean Lotter, City Planner Ben Gozola, Police Chief Craig Anderson, City
Attorney Ron Batty, City Engineer Kevin Kimmes and Zoning Administrator
Nate Sparks
Business Items:
from Halsted Point LLC to redevelop property at 6701 County Road 1'10
West, and to rezone said property from R2 (single family residential) to RS
(multi family residential);
Gozola gave an overview of the application, per staff memo dated June 21,
2004. The applicant is seeking to redevelop the existing mobile home park at
6701 County Road 110 West. The proposal would replace the current mobile
home units by constructing 56 condominium units (48 of the units would be in
Minnetrista, while the remaining 8 would be in Mound). The condominium units
would be housed in two separate structures---each consisting of three or four
buildings all connected by an underground parking facility. The request would
require both a comprehensive plan amendment and a zoning change to allow
the proposed densities. Gozola stated the land would need to be zoned R5 to
accommodate the number of units currently proposed, and the comprehensive
plan would need to be amended to guide this parcel for high density
development (a new category not currently within the plan). One major issue
facing development of any parcel in this area is the current status of Halsted
Avenue. Staff would request additional right-of-way (to 50' or 60'), and this
would impact the proposed plan. Another challenge is posed by a small piece
of land between the property and the road that the applicant does not own.
The applicant could buy the property, obtain an easement or the City could
condemn which is not recommended. Staff recommends a sidewalk and shade
trees be required. The applicant did update the site plan after listening to the
concerns of the Planning Commission and showed an effort to address the
identifed concerns.
Kimmes addressed the water issues with the project. He stated the lift station
does have the capacity, but there are storm sewer issues. Kimmes gave an
overview of the city's sewer system. The City is broken up into three areas.
The north has one well and one tower but needs more. South has three wells
and one tower and is the best system. Central needs improvement, as it is
able to provide water and pressure for area, but not for fire protection. The
plan shows a well for the development but may not be the best solution for the
City as a whole. Whalen asked if by tapping into the southern system would
that develop a situation that robs "Peter to pay Paul" and will it eventually run
out. Kimmes replied that it was built with growth in mind but at some point
another well may be needed.
Davis asked for clarification on the proposed dry hydrant. Kimmes answered
that a dry hydrant is a hydrant with pipe to Lake Minnetonka. The hydrant
would require use of a pump truck, and therefore is not a long-term solution.
He continued to say that the well for the development would offer fire protection
for this development only, and that a pressurized tank would be needed for the
purpose of fire protection in the case that the electricity were out.
John Harriss, architect for the project, addressed the council to show updated
plans and answer questions. He explained that they have added multiple rain
gardens for run off along County Road 110 West. The water from the
raingardens would be directed to a centrally located pond, before being
directed into further rain gardens prior to entering the lake. They feel such a
system would be excellent for runoff water quality. They also worked with the
entrance plan to eliminate wrap around traffic, and they would use pavers to
address hardcover issues. There would be eight units per building and each
building would look different from the outside but have the same plan inside.
Mayor Fischer expressed concern over having only one entrance that also
serves as an exit in the underground garages. Harriss said that it has been
very challenging. Craig Fink commented they are willing to look at solutions to
water issues and staff has been helpful. He went on to say that the well would
serve the City as it could eventually be tapped into a trunk line.
Whalen questioned if council feedback would be giving the impression that the
rezoning would go through and she believes comments should be given at a
public meeting. Mayor Fischer agreed that this might be an issue and stated
there will be two public hearings. Davis asked if they had built any other
projects like this one. Fink replied that they have the Island Station
development in St. Paul. Zenanko said he liked the idea of developing that
area but asked Batty to comment on what Council should or shouldn't say at
this point. Batty emphasized that these are first impressions--not
commitments~and that the council members could share their thoughts
without commitment.
Zenanko then continued that he liked the idea of redevelopment but had some
safety concerns. He also commented that he did not like the idea of a dry
hydrant. Harriss mentioned that the units would be sprinkled. Fink stated they
talked with the Mound Fire Department to get support of their fire protection
Whalen stated that she has always looked forward to redevelopment of this
area but has some concerns about density with the plan calling for nearly 12
units per acre. She is also not excited about the concept of three stodes
although she does like the ponds and vegetation. She questioned whether a
cull-de-sac would be needed at the end of Halsted. Montang asked how much
lake usage the development would have. Fink answered that they are allowed
two slips to be shared by the residents by utilizing a boating services to drop-off
and pick up boats at scheduled times. Davis wondered if the units would have
ample security, and would they have a view the lake. Harriss replied that units
would have security systems, and that the proposed elevations of the units
would provide views with some blockage by trees.
Zenanko suggested they look at the Gables. Whalen expressed concern about
the 12-foot roads being too narrow and that they need an interior road. Harriss
told the Council that a neighborhood meeting had been held and not everyone
gave an "Atta Boy," but there was a lot of support.
Mayor Fischer commented that the water is biggest issue and is very
expensive. She liked the rain gardens, but wondered if they will take care of
drainage. She also asked Gozola about improvements to Halsted. Gozola
said staff informed the applicant they would need to improve road. He
concluded the discussion with Mayor Fischer's request for staff
recommendations. He recommended the applicant should consider the
feedback given by Council, and determine whether to return with a revised
sketch plan or walk away from the project considering the risks. He did not
recommend the applicant proceed to preliminary plat due to the many
outstanding issues.
_. -2246-
Page 1 of 1
Sarah Smith
"STEVE JOHNSON" <steve20537@msn.com>
<bgozola@ci.minnetrista.mn.us>; <sarahsmith@cityofmound.com>
<AnneHunt@edinarealty.com>; <JayNord@edinarealty.com>; <lakeviewtrading@cs.com>
Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:03 AM
Halstead Pointe
Ben & Sarah,
We had the neighborhood meeting last night at the Gillespie Center. I
didn't get an exact count, but I would guess somewhere around 30 people
showed up. As expected, they were primarily the immediate neighbors. And,
not surprisingly they would favor no development or perhaps a few single
family homes. I believe we addressed most of the issues and for the most
part the site plan was looked upon favorably, but the density and it's
related traffic is the main concern of the neighbors. We will work on
having better answers to the traffic question in the future, specifically
that a development aimed at "empty nesters" does not generate the same
amount of traffic (especially not rush hour traffic) as a development full
of young professionals and families.
The attendees who were not immediate neighbors were all complimentary. I
believe the larger community is in favor of this project, but the challenge
will be to get them represented in the process.
We are double booked next Monday and are wondering if we can be first on the
agenda in Minnetrista and last in Mound.
We can give you a more thorough report on the neighborhood meeting in person
if you would like.
Steve Johnson
KMJ Management
- 2247- 6/15/2004
:. -2248-
I .[
Minnetrista Planninq Commission PC Minutes: 5.24.04
May 24, 2004
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Commission Members present:
Mark Heck - Chair, Mark Brandow,
Roxanne Jordan, John Watson,. John Strandell, Guy Warner and Mike
Members absent: None
Others present:
Honorable Mayor Cheryl Fischer - Council Liaison
Ben Gozola - City Planner
from Halsted Point L.L.C. to redevelop property at 6701 County Road
,West, and to rezone said property from R2 (single family residential) to R~;
(multi family residential)
Gozola stated the applicant is seeking to redevelop the existing mobile home
park at 6701 County Road 110 West. The proposal would replace the current
mobile home units by constructing 56 condominium units (48 of the units would
be in Minnetrista, while the remaining 8 would be in Mound). The condominium
units would be housed in two separate structures, each consisting of three or four
buildings all connected by an underground parking facility. The request would
require both a comprehensive plan amendment and a zoning change to allow the
proposed densities. Staff has identified a number of different problems with the
currently proposed site plan. It is recommended a second sketch plan submittal
to ensure their proposal would be acceptable to the Commission and Council.
Gozola presented an overhead of the sketch plan, information regarding the bluff
codes to be looked at in the future and an overhead of the adjacent parcel
development. Staff presented information regarding the roadway issues and
noted one major issue is the current status of Halsted Avenue, he noted the City
maintains a limited easement in the location of the road as a statutory user. He
noted the City would like a minimum of 50 feet of right-of-way for Halsted Avenue
which would impact the current sketch plan layout as each structure would be
within the 35' setback and vacant parcel number one does own a small area of
land in between the road and the subject parcel and the applicant would need to
work with the property owner to obtain an easement over this area or purchase
the parcel to facilitate required improvements to Halsted Avenue. Staff
recommends the north/south portion be renamed to alleviate the confusing
-2.251 -
situation. Staff reviewed information regarding parking, wetlands, sanitary
systems, sewers, utilities, sidewalks, tree preservation, screening, signage,
warning sirens, park dedication; Park commission is requesting cash-in-lieu,
trailer court relocation and resident concerns. Hardcover maintained to 25%
Kimmes presented information regarding traffic flow and his concern regarding
the storm sewer system. He suggested running the storm sewer through the
proposed ponds. Kimmes presented information regarding the water main and
he noted the applicants are proposing adding a well to their site. Kimmes felt this
might not be the best solution for the future. He noted two other options are
building a water tower or connecting to the south water system which are both
very costly. Kimmes presented an overhead of the three water main districts and
noted adding a well would be an investment into the current system. It was
noted the comprehensive plan does show a connection from Kings Point Road to
110. It was noted with a multi family dwelling the fire protection is a bigger
concern. Discussion was held on the functioning difference between a well and
a water tower. Warner noted his concern regarding the water trucks reaching the
second story of the buildings. The applicant noted these buildings would be
equipped with sprinklers.
Craig Fink, Halstead Pointe LLC, stated he is trying to be proactive in moving
forward with this development. He agreed more time would be needed with Staff
for further discussions. He stated they are planning a neighborhood meeting for
further feedback and support. Mayor Fischer inquired about market price of their
condominiums. Mr. Fink noted they would be approximately $299,000 to
$599,000 per unit.
Jordan suggested the applicants add information regarding the elevations to their
notes for the next meeting. Brandow inquired about the side yard setbacks.
Discussion was held regarding the right of way. Chair Heck inquired if Kimmes
has looked into the traffic flow. Kimmes stated they are looking at 600 traffic
counts. Further discussion was held regarding the need for the 60' right of way.
Staff noted no additional access points would be added to Halsted Avenue and
there is no access off of 110. It was noted the developer would do the
reconstruction and improvement of the roads. Warner inquired about the
sanitary sewer system. Kimmes noted there is a lift station that is adequate for
this area. John Harris, Harris Architects, noted the ponds would take drainage
off of 110.
Stulberg recommended looking into the right of way issues further and suggested
the Planning Commission give their opinions to the developer on how they view
the setbacks and height variances. It was noted three stories is code. Jordan
noted discussion has not be held if the Planning Commission wants this type of
density and changing of the comprehensive plan. Mayor Fischer stated
discussion has been held with the Council regarding this property as having
higher density. Strandell stated the neighbors would have concerns to be
addressed. Brandow inquired about the hardcover calculations. Gozola noted
there would be a 25% maximum. Stulberg noted he is not in favor of going
above three stores and is concerned about the density and traffic on this small
area. Chair Heck noted this is also going in front of the Council at the next
-2252- _.
It was noted changes could be made to the site plan before the Council meeting.
Stulberg suggested the applicant keep the Planning Commission updated on
how the meetings go with Mound.
-2253- -~
City of Minnetrista Planning Department
Sketch Plan Report
Meeting Date:
Property Owner:
Current Zoning:
File #:
Planning Commission
Ben Gozola, City Planner
Stephen Johnson
Lake Minnetonka Highlands LLC (Halstead Pointe LLC, the applicant, has a
purchase agreement with the current owner)
6701 County Road 110 West
R2--Low single family residential
Introductory Information
The applicant is seeking to redevelop the existing mobile home park at 6701 County
Road 110 West. The proposal would replace the current mobile home units by
constructing 56 condominium units (48 of the units would be in Minnetrista, while the
remaining 8 would be in Mound). The condominium units would be housed in two
separate structures--each consisting of three or four buildings all connected by an
underground parking facility. The two structures would appear to be seven separate
buildings from ground level.
In addition to the issues normally facing a proposed urban subdivision (i.e.
infrastructure extensions, park dedication, etc.), the applicant must also address the
· Rezoning: the land would need to be zoned R5 to accommodate the number of
units currently proposed;
· Comprehensive Plan Amendment: the comprehensive plan would need to be
amended to guide this parcel for high density development (a new category not
currently within the plan);
Site Data:
Location - 6701 County Road ! 10 West
Existing Zoning - R2: Low single family residential
Proposed Zoning -R5: High density multi family residential
Complete Project Acreage (including land in Mound) = 5.897 acres (256,873 sq ft)
Minnetrista Parcel Acreage = 4.181 acres
Property Identification Number: 22-117-24-43-0002
Existing Use - Nine mobile home units
Page 2
Applicant Comments: The site is wooded with sloping topography from County Rd
110 down to Halstead's Bay. There is a pocket of mature, native trees in the NE
corner of the property. The majority of the remaining property is covered with
Boxelder and Poplar. There is a bluff line that was created when the street and
utility improvements were done a number of years ago. Prior to that point the
property was farmland that sloped more uniformly down to the lake. The upper
portion of the property has views of Halstead Bay.
Staff Comments: None
Applicant Comments: The Minnestrista portion of the project is situated on
approximately 4.2 acres or 182,950 sq ft. With the planned 48 units on the
Minnetrista side, this works out to 11.43 units/acre. A zoning change will be
requested to R-5. Under R-5, the project will be within the 12 units per acre density
the zoning allows. Minnetrista's comprehensive plan does not have a category that
matches the R-5 zoning. An amendment to the comp plan will be sought to have the
zoning and comp plan match. [sic]
Staff Comments: The proposed density for the subdivision is 48 units created on
4.181 acres, for an overall density of 1 unit per 0.087 acres (11.48 units per acre).
The proposed density is NOT allowable within the 'R2' zoning district, so the
applicant is proposing a rezone of the property to the R5 zoning classification. Under
the R5 designation, a development could include up to 12.45 units per acre.
Because the proposal is a condominium development, it will need to be platted under
rules that differ from standard subdivision practice. Basically, both structures will be
located on the single Minnetrista lot (with the northern building proposed to be built
atop the Minnetrista/Mound border), but platting will define the ownership structure
of stacked units.
Future parcel
The R5 zoning district could potentially allow for up to 52 units on the site.
Considering the intent of the developer is to fully redevelop both the Mound and
Minnetrista sites, it is unlikely that the additional four units could (or would) ever be
added to the site. Potential reconfiguration of the proposal based on other findings in
this report could impact this analysis.
.5'."tL(md U, reiLa/td Divisions'~Ilr~/sted Point('.; 670! ('lq
-2255- _.
Page 3
parcel dev.:
This parcel is one of a group of four
parcels sandwiched between CR 110W,
Halsted Avenue, Cardinal Cove Drive,
and the City of Mound (see diagram
right). Vacant parcel #1 is approximately
0.5 acres in size, 88 feet wide, and is
largely encumbered by the north/south
portion of Halsted Avenue. Likewise, the
single-family dwelling lot along Halsted
Avenue is 0.6 acres and is also
encumbered by Halsted Avenue. Both of these parcels cannot be further developed,
but each impact development on both the subject parcel and vacant parcel #2. The
main reason for this is comes from the current location of Halsted Avenue, and the
lack of dedicated right-of-way for the road (please see further discussion on this
subject in the next section entitled "road system"). Vacant parcel #2 is 4.4 acres in
size and is eligible to develop into a maximum of nine lots. Improvements to
infrastructure along Halsted Avenue should be done to facilitate this potential future
Road System:
· One major issue facing development of any parcel in this area is the current status
of Halsted Avenue. Vacant parcel #1 and the single family dwelling parcel are
both abstract recorded properties which currently contain a portion of the
north/south Halsted Avenue. Because the road has been in place longer than six
years, the City maintains a limited easement in the location of the road as a
statutory user. This situation presents two separate challenges:
1) The City would like a minimum of 50 feet of right-of-way for Halsted
Avenue; most of which could be obtained from the redevelopment of the
subject parcel. Obtaining 50 feet of right-of-way (or the preferable 60')
would impact the current sketch plan layout as each structure would be within
such right-of-way, or would be within the required 35' setback.
2) Vacant parcel # 1 does own a small sliver of land in-between the road and the
subject parcel. The applicant will need to work with this property owner to
obtain an easement over this area or purchase the parcel to facilitate required
improvements to Halsted Avenue. Another option that may be available
would be for the developer to work with the property owner of Vacant parcel
#2 to purchase Vacant parcel #1 as both parcels would benefit. The final
option would be for the City to consider condemning the land if necessary.
· There is currently only 33' of right-of-way along the east/west portion of Halsted
Avenue. Again, staff would request additional right-of-way (to 50' or 60'), and
again this would definitely impact the proposed plan. As currently proposed, the
southern most proposed building is already five feet within the required setback.
Upon dedicating additional right-of-way, the problem only increases.
,5,'(li,:md U&,'.La~td.Divisior~,x':IloLWed l'ointc, 67(I/CR ~ !Ol~,:SSgetch Rr;p--S&';ch: tlai:>'wdi'obt~c: P~X!Z: ~,-24...04, du','
-2256- _.
Page 4
· Regardless of how future reconfigurations may play out, no additional access
points should be proposed onto CR11 OW.
· Staff anticipates Hennepin County will request additional right-of-way for County
Road 110 West (14 feet). If this occurs, there will be definite impact to the
proposed location of the off street parking spaces and the internal traffic lanes.
· The north/south portion of Halstead Avenue currently comes to a perpendicular
intersection with and east/west street also called Halstead Avenue. Staff would
recommend the north/south portion be renamed to alleviate the confusing
Hennepin Co. Hwy. Dept. Comments:
· The provision of no direct site access to CSAH 110, other than an emergency
vehicle entrance, is strongly supported by Hennepin County. However, some left
turn accommodation (painted turn lane or by pass lane) on CSAH 110 at Halstead
Avenue must be provided.
· If this becomes a plat, the developer should dedicate a 50-foot half right of way
along CSAH 110, similar to other recent subdivisions in the area. This action will
help accommodate any future upgrading plus a trail as demonstrated on the City
and County trail plans.
Engineering Comments:
· There is insufficient right-of-way along both the north / south and east / west
portions of Halstead Avenue. Additional ROW will need to be given to have a
total of 60' of ROW for these portion of roadway.
· The traffic flow is unclear within the application. Please clarify with the next
· The fire department only access is not recommended. Problems generally occur
with these types of accesses in other users utilizing the access. Please resubmit
the application with an alternative solution.
· Submit the proposed street grades, typical section, and design specifications with
the preliminary plat application.
· City code requires that each dwelling in a multi-family development have at least
1.5 parking spaces (one of which must be provided via a garage). As the proposal
includes 56 dwelling units, the required parking would be at least 56 garage stalls,
and 28 off street spaces.
o The proposal includes at least 112 garage spaces (2+ per residence).
o The proposal includes 40 off-street spaces.
· Staff does not see any issues surrounding the proposed parking for the project.
S: iDtnd [;rc'iLa~d Divisions [lalx;ed Poinie; 670! CR ! 10B;'kSketch'Ret;,.-.*Skr,!r:h' t[aisa~d ~ c~ittt,;': P&Z: .5-24...04. doc'
-2257- ~.
Page 5
· Regardless of the final configuration of structures, the applicant's would be
seeking zero lot line setbacks from the Mound boundary. The northern most
structure is intended to cross the municipal line to allow the final eight-unit
building to reside in Mound. The southern structure will be entirely in
Minnetrista, but is proposed to be built directly adjacent to the municipal
· Depending upon the final layout of the proposed buildings, each structure might
also require side yard setback variances from the north/south portion of Halsted
· Additionally, a front yard setback variance may be necessary for the southern
structure from the east/west portion of Halsted Avenue.
· Hardcover should be a concern as the project moves forward, and all steps should
be taken to ensure that hardcover is limited at all times. Staff would not
recommend a hardcover variance with any nonconforming future submittal.
Wetlands &
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District:
MCWD will require a permit for erosion control, stormwater management, and
wetland protection if there are wetlands of the subject property. The requirements
for stormwater management will be runoff rate control, water quality of 50% P
removal, and additional permanent BMP's which are good for water quality.
Staff Comments:
The Hennepin Conservation District's wetlands inventory does not show the
presence of wetlands and/or hydric soils on the property. Staff would recommend
engineering verify this to determine if a wetland delineation will be required as
part of any future preliminary plat. As always, staff would require the applicant
adhere to MCWD requirements and permitting procedures.
Engineering Comments:
· A decision will need to be made regarding the proposed watermain system.
Please refer the memo written on April 15th, 2004 regarding the overall look at
the City's system.
· Water should be extended to the along Halstead Avenue both on the north / south
portion and the east / west portion of the roadway.
· Provide more detail on the service connection sizes, pipe sizes, and pipe material
that is being proposed.
· Please refer to the attached memo from Bonestroo for further comments
regarding water availability.
-2258- _-
Engineering Comments:
· Indicate the proposed mainline and service sewer line sizes. Also, anticipated
flows from each unit should be noted in the preliminary plat submittal.
· Show the existing force main location and size on the plan.
· The main connection into the existing sanitary sewer manhole is going "against
the flow" of the mainline. Please reconfigure to alleviate this situation.
· Please refer to the attached memo from Bonestroo for further coruments
regarding sewer availability.
Storm Sewers:
Engineering Comments:
· The 2-cell pond in the center of the development is not being properly utilized.
The eastern cell of the pond does not receive drainage from the system. Please
· The pipe that connects the 2-cell pond on the north east of the bridge is not
necessary since the water under the bridge is already connecting the two ponds.
If there is a reason to keep this pipe segment, please clarify the reason.
Otherwise, please remove that segment of pipe.
· The Emergency Overflow route must be shown such that in a large event, a path
for the water to reach Lake Minnetonka is formed that does not damage any
private property.
· The outlet from the southern pond is currently shown to empty onto private
property, this is not acceptable. Please propose a different scenario.
· Stormwater design calculations will need to be submitted at the time of
preliminary plat application. Please make sure that all drainage that contributes
to this site from other properties is taken into account and properly shown on the
final construction plans.
· All drainage on the site that is north of the "central" pond should be directed to
the "central" pond first. This will allow the central pond to act as a NURP pond
and remove sediment from that water prior to entering the second, southern,
pond on the site.
· Roof drainage systems will need to be tied into the storm sewer system. Please
indicate how during the preliminary plat application.
· An erosion and sediment control plan will need to be submitted for the
preliminary plat application.
Utilities: ·
According to Sec. 21-124. Location, "all utility facilities, including but not
limited to gas, electric power, telephone and other telecommunication cables,
shall be located underground throughout the subdivision. Wherever existing
utility facilities are located aboveground, except where existing on public roads
and rights-of-way, they shall be removed and placed underground."
-2259- ~.
Page 7
(cont.) · All utility facilities existing and proposed throughout the subdivision shall be
shown on a preliminary utility plan with the preliminary plat.
Sidewalks &
According to Sec. 21-122. Required improvements, "(a) Sidewalks shall be
included within the dedicated nonpavement right-of-way of all roads;
(b) Concrete curbs are required for all roads where sidewalks are required by this
article or where required in the discretion of the city council; (c) Sidewalks shall
be improved as required by the city engineer.
Staff would recommend a sidewalk be built along at least one side of each portion
of Halsted Avenue. This will provide an avenue for children to access the trail
that will eventually be along County Road 110 West. Additionally, the
intersection of Halsted Avenue and County Road 110 West is a logical location
for a school bus stop (if it isn't currently one already).
As staff is recommending sidewalks, we would also require the street to include
concrete curb along the entire stretch of road.
Flood Plain &
Steep Slopes: · The subject property is no~t within a FEMA floodplain.
As the proposed subdivision will create more than five (5) units, it will be subject
to tree preservation.
As part of a potential preliminary plat application, staff would require the
applicant to submit a tree preservation plan, prepared by a certified forester or
landscape architect, including the following:
o Page one shall depict the location of all existing significant trees (as
defined by Minnetrista City Code) on the property. Each tree shall be
labeled with a unique identification number.
o Page two shall depict the 70%+ trees proposed to be protected as part of
this development. Trees intended for removal shall be clearly
distinguishable from those intended for preservation. This page should
also depict the location of required street trees (which will also be
o Page three shall provide a matrix listing the unique identification number
for the tree, the species or common name, the size in caliper inches, and
an indicator as to whether the tree is intended for removal or preservation.
The matrix should conclude with a tabulation of the total number of
inches on the site, the total to be removed, and the total to be preserved.
Page 8
Considering the area of disturbance being proposed in the sketch plan, staff would
anticipate a great deal of replanting will be required as part of this project. The
applicant should strive to maintain those trees that provide natural screening from
the surrounding single-family dwellings.
Because of the heavy tree cover on this property, building permit applications will
need to show solid fencing placement to guard protected trees during
The applicant is advised to discuss tree preservation with City Council, and reach
an understanding as to whether planting will occur on-site, off-site, or possibly a
cash-in-lieu dedication made in place of additional planting.
Plantings &
· According to Sec. 21-127. Shade trees planted by subdivider, "One (1) tree
shall be planted for every forty (40) feet of frontage along each road unless the
city council, upon recommendation of the city engineer, shall grant a waiver."
Staff would recommend the developer comply with this requirement.
· Staff would require that this planting plan be included as another component of
the tree preservation plan (as these trees would also be protected). This plan shall
be the preliminary guide for the eventual placement of the required street trees.
· Spacing of the trees shall be generally 40 feet apart, but can/will vary depending
upon the location of existing trees, natural features, view triangles for roads, etc.
The initial plan should take these into consideration with proposed tree
· Replacement and/or new signs meeting City of Minnetrista specs for street signs
will be required as part of this subdivision.
· As part of a future preliminary plat application, staff will require that a signage
plan be incorporated showing the following:
o Existing/proposed locations of sign posts and a notation of sign(s) to be
placed on the post (street names, traffic control, warning, etc.)
o Table indicating the name of the required signs (example: Games Drive,
Turtle Road, Halsted Ave, Stop signs, children at play signs, etc.) and the
number of each sign needed for the development. Signs are required to
have double frontage (one sign for each side of a post--excluding traffic
control signs designed to be seen from only one direction).
· Location for a permanent entrance monument and easements for such (if
· Location for future temporary area identification signs and easements for such (if
S.' !Lrt~td ( ;?e Laud.Divisiomv'~Ilalsted I%inle ; 670! CR ] ! Ol~,iSk~:,tch'.Rep....Ske/ch: tlai,~,~<~d Pc~b~lc : P& 2:
-2261 -
Warning Siren
Page 9
The applicant must contribute a warning siren to serve the area, or paying a cash-
in-lieu fee. The City's standard fee in lieu of providing an on site siren is $64 *
the potential number of units (4.181 acres (209523.6 sq ft) / 3500 sq fi = 59
potential units) = $3776.
The Park Commission discussed this item at their May l lth meeting and
recommended that a fourteen foot wide trail easement with a ten foot wide trail
constructed within it and the remainder of dedication requirements be cash-in-lieu
of parkland dedication. The cash-in-lieu amount for this density is 15% of the
fair market value of the parcel not to exceed $25,000 per unit.
Trailer Court
Because state statutes govern trailer court relocations/redevelopment, it is imperative
that both the City and developer coordinate their efforts to ensure all regulations are
being upheld. Staff would suggest the applicant's attorney and the attorneys from
both Minnetrista and Mound meet to discuss the issue prior to any future submittal.
· Neither staff, nor the applicant, has received any official comments/letters
regarding the proposed project to date.
· Staffhad recommended the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting in early May,
but unfortunately, no such meeting was held.
· It should be noted that sketch plans do not require a public hearing and therefore
neighbor comments may not be available until a potential preliminary plat review
(when a public hearing notice will be sent to the adjacent properties within 500
The Planning Commission must examine the proposed sketch plan and suggest
changes and conditions that should be adhered to on any future preliminary plat
application. If major changes are required, the Commission may advise the applicant
to return with a different/revised sketch plan proposal the following month. Keep in
mind that additional changes can be required as a result of further study during the
preliminary plat phase.
With any future preliminary plat submittal, the applicant should be prepared to
address or correct all problems, concerns, violations or pertinent comments provided
during the sketch plan review.
Page 10
The Planning Commission has the following options:
A) The Planning Commission may recommend the applicant proceed to
preliminary plat by addressing proposed changes, concerns, and conditions
outlined by the Commission.
B) The Planning Commission may recommend the applicant return the following
month with a revised sketch plan showing major changes to the proposal as a
result of significant problems identified by the Commission
Staff recommends option B: Recommend the applicant return the following month
with a revised sketch plan showing major changes to the proposal as a result of
significant problems identified by staff and the Commission. Specifically, staff
would recommend the following issues be addressed:
1. The applicant should demonstrate how additional right-of-way dedications--
and the resulting setbacks--impact the overall layout of the plan.
Specifically, the applicants should show fourteen additional feet of ROW
along CSAH 11 OW, and a total of 50' to 60' for all portions of Halstead
Avenue (code requires a minimum dedication of 60'; a 50' dedication would
need a variance granted by Council). These dedications will require
significant site plan changes including location of the southern structure,
internal traffic flow, off-street parking, and proposed ponding areas.
2. Initial plans for sewer and water services should be updated per engineering
Staff recommends this option as the applicant will most likely want greater assurance
that the project has a likelihood of success prior to investing large sums of money
into full plan sets. Answering the questions called out in this report and delaying
progress for one month will provide that advantage. However, if the applicant
decides to submit a preliminary plat application, staff would recommend the follow
issues all be addressed and/or understood:
1. The applicant shall submit a completed application for preliminary plat
within ninety (90) days of the planning commission review.
Staff would recommend the applicant verify there are no wetlands on the
property. If wetlands are determined to be present, all shall be delineated
and shown on the preliminary plat. Drainage easements and buffers to
acCommodate said wetlands shall also be shown on the preliminary plat;
3. The applicant shall adhere to MCWD requirements and permitting
,5? [Laad Use Land Divisionsitlals,~ed Poime; 670] CR ! !O~;5.%'etchlRep....Sketch, Ila~.swd Poim~< P&Z: .~.24-04.doc
Page 11
4. The applicant shall provide a written narrative requesting all needed
variances substantiating why each should be granted and would be allowable
by code (if applicable).
5. The developer shall be responsible for the reconstruction of any roadway
impacted by the extension of utilities to service the proposed lots.
The developer shall make any necessary improvements to Halsted Avenue as
determined by the City Engineer due to the impact of the additional traffic
generated by this development.
7. Street lights shall be required at locations identified by the City Engineer.
8. The developer shall provide additional right-of-way along County Road 110
West as directed by the County Highway Department;
9. Concrete curbs shall be required along all of Halstead Avenue abutting this
All existing utilities shall be placed underground prior to final plat approval.
Future utilities serving the proposed structures shall also be placed
· Sidewalks shall be included within the dedicated nonpavement right-of-way
along at least the north/south portion of Halstead Avenue. All sidewalks
shall conform to engineering specifications.
12. The City, as part of the platting process, should rename the north/south
section of Halstead Avenue.
A tree preservation plan shall be submitted with a future preliminary plat
application, be prepared by a certified forester or landscape architect, and
including the following:
· Page one shall depict the location of all existing significant trees (as
defined by Minnetrista City Code) on the property. Each tree shall be
labeled with a unique identification number.
· Page two shall depict the 70%+ trees proposed to be protected as part of
this development. Trees intended for removal shall be clearly
distinguishable from those intended for preservation. This page should
also depict the location of required street trees (which will also be
· Page three shall provide a matrix listing the unique identification number
for the tree, the species or common name, the size in caliper inches, and
an indicator as to whether the tree is intended for removal or
preservation. The matrix should conclude with a tabulation of the total
number of inches on the site, the total to be removed, and the total to be
Page 12
14. Two-foot contours should be depicted on future applications.
15. A signage .plan shall be submitted with a future preliminary plat application
showing the following:
· Existing/proposed locations of sign posts and a notation of sign(s) to be
placed on the post (street names, traffic control, warning, etc.)
· Table indicating the name of the required signs (example: Games Drive,
Turtle Road, Halsted Ave, Stop signs, children at play signs, etc.) and the
number of each sign needed for the development. Signs are required to
have double frontage (one sign for each side of a post---excluding traffic
control signs designed to be seen from only one direction).
· Location for a permanent entrance monument and easements for such (if
· Location for future temporary area identification signs and easements for
such (if applicable).
16. A warning siren system shall be provided on site and/or cash dedication be
paid prior to application for Final Plat (4.181 acres (209523.6 sq ft) / 3500 sq
ft = 59 potential units) = $3776.
17. The parkland dedication of a trail constructed within an easement and cash-
in-lieu of parkland dedication of 15% of the fair market value of the parcel,
not to exceed $25,000 per unit must be dedicated.
18. Changes to the property (tree removal, grading, etc.) shall not occur until
authorized by the City.
19. Payment of all associated sketch plan review fees shall be received by the
City prior to acceptance of a preliminary plat application;
20. The preliminary plat shall show typical drainage and utility easements
around the perimeter of all lots;
21. Compliance with any additional requirements established by the City
Engineer and City Attorney.
Future items of note:
22. The applicant shall provide adequate title evidence satisfactory to the City
Attorney prior to submission of final plat;
cc: Robin Bowman, Public Works Julie Eckman, DNR
Dave Zetterstrom, Hennepin Co. Highway Dept.
Robin Caufman, Met Council
Stephen Johnson, Applicant
X' i.[~md (~s:e!Land Divisionsittahled Pointe; 670t CR ! lOI~,:53.'ketchJt~:p....Skc,,,ch; lIal,s'zed P.'.,btl~:. P&Z; .5...24-04. doc
Dean Lotter
Kevin Kimmes
Springpointe Trailer Park Redevelopment
Summary of Utility Issues
BRA File No. 260-04-146
Avril 15. 2004
This memo is intended to serve as a summary of the utility availability regarding the above-referenced
project. While there is some good information known at this time, due to the early stages of this process,
it should be understood that the level of precision on our findings is not yet refined. This is still a good
estimate of the issues regarding this matter.
The utility needs that are under question for the proposed subdivision are sewer and water availability.
To answer the easier part, we have reviewed the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer lift station that the
development will need to utilize and the station has more than enough capacity to handle the proposed 60
units. A more detailed breakdown of the number of homes will be forthcoming when the application
process proceeds.
The water needs are much more difficult to answer. The property exists at the Mound / Minnetrista
border. Staff examined each system and the following table summarizes how they exist today.
Existing Required fire Existing Required
Capacity flow Capacity Pressure Pressure
Minnetrista +/- 450 GPM 1000+ GPM 65 PSI 40+ PSI
Mound 750 GPM 1000 GPM 40 PSI 40+ PSI
As is evident, both systems lack the necessary capacity for fire flow issues which is the requirement that
drives the flow needs. This results in the water system having enough capacity for normal, residential
use, but lacking the necessary fire flow protection capacity. Also, the pressures provided by Mound are
on the very low end for residential use. This can be fixed if a pressure boosting station is constructed, but
the capacity issues will still remain.
To alleviate the system short comings, a few alternatives were investigated for preliminary ideas. They
are as follows:
1. Potential Fix: Increase pipe size in Mounds system in a few select "choker" locations.
Result: Cost would be around $150,000 +/- and would bring capacity to the very low end limit
that is necessary for fire protection. A more detailed analysis would be required and may end up
showing that this solution would not meet the necessary flows. Thus, this is not a solution that
can be counted on at this time.
Potential Fix: Install either a new water tower or install a connection under Six Mile Creek to the
existing tower along Kings Point Road, in Minnetrista.
Result: Both alternatives would supply the necessary capacity and pressure to the development,
but the costs are estimated to be over $1.2 million and thus this solution may be cost prohibitive-at
this time.
Potential Fix: Install a well on site within the new development. This system would be a private
well for the development and would eliminate any connection to either Cities water system.
Result: This alternative could supply enough pressure and potential capacity to the development
but would hinder any potential for solutions to the City systems which are currently in need of
Potential Fix: Install a "dry hydrant" with a lead into Lake Minnetonka that could temporarily
solve the demand for fire protection. This option, while potentially viable, is somewhat rare, and
would only fix the problem for the short term. Also, it is unknown if agencies such as the LMCD
would allow such a hook-up to the Lake Minnetonka waters.
Ben Gozola
Kevin Kimmes
SprotgPointe Redevelopment Review
BRA File No. 260-04-146
May 18, 2004
This memo is intended to be a review of the sketch plan submitted for the above referenced project.
Please contact me at 651-604-4769 for any clarifications that may be needed regarding the following
Sanitary Sewer 1. Indicate the proposed mainline and service sewer line sizes. Also, anticipated flows from each unit
should be noted in the preliminary plat submittal.
2. Show the existing force main location and size on the plan.
3. The main connection into the existing sanitary sewer manhole is going "against the flow" of the
mainline. Please reconfigure to alleviate this situation.
A decision will need to be made regarding the proposed watermaln system. Please refer the
memo written on April 15th, 2004 regarding the overall look at the City's system.
Water should be extended to the along Halstead Avenue both on the north / south portion and the
east / west portion of the roadway.
Provide more detail on the service connection sizes, pipe sizes, and pipe material that is being
The 2-cell pond in the center of the development is not being properly utilized. The eastern cell of
the pond does not receive drainage from the system. Please reconfigure.
2. The pipe that connects the 2-cell pond on the north east of the bridge is not necessary since the
water under the bridge is already connecting the two ponds. If there is a reason to keep this pipe
segment, please clarify the reason. Otherwise, please remove that segment of pipe.
3. The Emergency Overflow route must be shown such that in a large event, a path for the water to
reach Lake Minnetonka is formed that does not damage any private property.
4. The outlet from the southern pond is currently shown to empty onto private property, this is not
acceptable. Please propose a different scenario.
5. Stormwater design calculations will need to be submitted at the time of preliminary plat
application. Please make sure that all drainage that contributes to this site from other properties is
taken into account and properly shown on the final construction plans.
6. All drainage on the site that is north of the "central" pond should be directed to the "central" pond
first. This will allow the central pond to act as a NURP pond and remove sediment from that water
prior to entering the second, southern, pond on the site.
7. Roof drainage systems will need to be tied into the storm sewer system. Please indicate how
during the preliminary plat application.
8. An erosion and sediment control plan will need to be submitted for the preliminary plat
1. There is insufficient right-of-way along both the north / south and east / west portions of Halstead
Avenue. Additional ROW will need to be given to have a total of 60' of ROW for these portion of
2. The traffic flow is unclear within the application. Please clarify with the next submittals.
3. The fire department only access is not recommended. Problems generally occur with these types
of accesses in other users utilizing the access. Please resubmit the application with an alternative
4. Submit the proposed street grades, typical section, and design specifications with the preliminary
plat application.
Please note, that while this review did add value to the sketch plan application review process, it should
not be considered an all-inclusive list of the potential issues. Due to the potential of upcoming changes,
our review was done on the main items that were prevalent at this time. Future items may still exist that
have not been listed here.
Planning Cotlm~ssion Date
Case No. 04'~ ~r'
Clty'Council Date
\-"ox z,] .,
_/~s~c. P~..~v,~. .350' - ~
P~UMI~Y P~T $3~+$15 ~ lot *
FI~ P~T $3~+$15 ~r lot *
E~ DEPOSIT $5,000 '
V~CE $2~ *
TOT~ $
EXI~NG L~ Bi~ SubdMslon
LE~ ~ ~ ~c ~ ~ Zone
(if ~er ~
appll~nt) ~ ~) ~) ..Fax
Page I of 2
l~vis~ ! 1/20t03
EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity,
including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or
eliminate the Impacts.
If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the
completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $
Number of Structures:
Lot Ama Per Dwelling Unit:
sq. ft.
Number of Dwelling Units/Structure: ~'
Total Lot Area: I ~ EI ZS"-G sq. ff.
Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this
property? ( ) yes, (~) no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies
of resolutions.
Application must be signed by eli owners of the subject property, or explanation given why this is not the case.
I certify that alt of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted
herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that i have read all of the information provided (including Section
330 of the Mound City Ordinance) and that I am responsible for all costs Incurred by the City related to the
processing of this application, t consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by
any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose q/t' inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing
such notk:=e~ al may be required by law. -..- , / / '
Print A~!~Clrlt'l Name Apf:~ant'a~ Si g~ at~r~ x._._...~-- Dat~/ /
Print Owner's Name Owner's signature Date
Print Owner'l Name
Owner's Signature
Major Suni Al~amem
Page 2 of 2
-2271 -
Halstead Pointe LLC
Sketch Plan Review
May 3, 2004
Narrative - written Statements
A listing of contact information including name(s), address(es) andphone
number(s) of: the owner of record, authorized agents or representatives, engineer,
surveyor and any other relevant associates;
Owner of record:
Lake Minnetonka Highlands LLC
6542 Regency Lane, #203
Eden Prairie, MN 55425
Purchasing entity:
Halstead Pointe LLC
Craig Fink
2373 East Old Shakopee Rd
Bloomington, MN 55425
Project Manager:
KMJ Management LLC
Stephen Johnson
9909 South Shore Drive
Plymouth, MN 55441
Harriss Architects
John Harriss
331 Second Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Civil Engineer:
James R. Hill, Inc
Joel Cooper
2500 West County Rd 42
Bumsville, MN 55337
Henry Nelson
15050 23rd Ave N
Plymouth, MN 55447
Environmental & Geo-technical Engineer
Braun Intertec
Mike Heuer
11001 Hampshire Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55438
Sales & Marketing
Edina Realty
Anne Hunt/Jay Nord
b) ,4 listing of the following site data: ,4ddress, parcel size in acres and square feet,
property identification numbers (PID) and current legal description(s);
The proposed development consists of two PID's straddling the Mound and Minnetrista
6701 County Rd 110 W
P1D # 22-117-24-43-0002
182,118 sq.ft = 4.181 acres
6639 Bartlett Blvd
PID# 22-117-24-43-0007
74,755 sq.ft = 1.716 acres
Parcel is approximately 5.897 acres/256,873 sq. ft.
c) ,4 description of the land's current characteristics (i.e. rolling hills, streams,
wetlands, beautiful views, mature woods, etc);
The site is wooded with sloping topography from County Rd 110 down to Halstead's
Bay. There is a pocket of mature, native trees in the NE comer of the property. The
majority of the remaining property is covered with Boxelder and Poplar. There is a bluff
line that was created when the street and utility improvements were done a number of
years ago. Prior to that point the property was farmland that sloped more uniformly
down to the lake. The upper portion of the property has views of Halstead Bay.
d) Information on the proposal:
i) /t narrative explaining the intent of the project
The proposed project consists of seven-eight trait buildings (6 in Minnetrista
and 1 in Mound) for a total of 56 condominium town-homes. The buildings
will be designed to look like "Old Lake Minnetonka" style mansions or
resorts. There will be 4 units spaced along the upper (north) side of the
property and 3 units along the lower (south) portion. Every effort will be
made to have the buildings blend in with the natural topography and feel like
they belong on the site.
The proposed name of the subdivision
Halstead Pointe
Number of lots
Description of proposed parks and/or open space
Halstead Pointe will attempt to preserve as much open space as possible. The
area between the upper and lower buildings will be designed as a community
"green" area with extensive ponding and landscaping. The shoreline will be
natural vegetation with an area for picnics, a gazebo and a small dock.
Discuss proposed infrastructure extensions
County Road 110 will not be significantly impacted. The number of access
points will actually be reduced. It is not anticipated that replacing the current
mobile home park with condominiums will significantly increase traffic to the
The sewer service is sufficient to handle the needs of the site. There is
currently a lift station near the site that has ample capacity for the increased
usage of the new units over the current trailers.
Water supply is an issue that pre-dates this development and will continue to
be a problem, with or without this proposed development. There is sufficient
supply and pressure available for domestic use, but not for fire protection. A
series of meetings have occurred with the engineers for the developer, the city
of Mound and the city of Minnetrista to explore solutions, both short term and
long term. Although a couple of long term solutions have been identified,
these do not appear options that will be available in time to help this project.
An over-sized well built near the site would offer a short term solution for the
development as well as contribute to the city's future needs by being
integrated into the city's system.
e) A statement showing the proposed density of the project with the method of
calculating said density shown;
The Mound portion of the development is situated on approximately 1.716 acres or
74,755 sq. ft. With the planned 8 units on the Mound side, this works out to 4.66
A description of how conflicts with nearby land uses(livability, value, potential
future development, etc. and/or disturbances to wetlands or natural areas);
It is anticipated that the proposed development will increase value for the surrounding
area as well as the community at large. This property is the eastern gateway to the
city. An attractive, well-designed housing project will be an asset to the area. There
will be very little impact to the neighboring residents as to sight lines and views. The
orientation of the area is toward Halstead's Bay. This project will not block
anybody's views and will improve the view of those entering the community on
County Rd 110. No wetlands or natural areas will be disturbed. The property is
wooded, primarily with Boxelder and Poplar. Every effort will be made to preserve
the natural feel of the property.
A brief statement on theproposed ownership and maintenance of public and
private open space areas;
The private open spaces will be owned and maintained by the Hastead Pointe
homeowner' association. There are no public spaces anticipated.
~1 narrative addressing concerns/issues raised by neighboring properties (staff
always suggests discussing your proposal with the neighboring land owners to get a
sense of what issues may arise as your application is processed);
A neighborhood meeting will be held early in the development process to hear and
address any concerns the neighbors may have. Preliminary discussions indicate that
there may be concerns for traffic issues, sight-lines/views and how the development
will fit in with the Lake Minnetonka, semi-rural feel.
A proposed development schedule indicating the approximate date when
construction of the project, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be
completed (including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements
and recreational and common space areas).
A construction schedule is hard to estimate on this project given the relative
complexity of concurrent applications being processed through two municipalities, as
well as making sure that the closing of the mobile home park is handled in the
appropriate fashion. If all goes well, sales would occur in 2005.
Provide justification that the proposal will not place an excessive burden on roads
(traffic), sewage, water supply, parks, schools, fire, police, or other public
facilities/services (including traffic flows) in the area.
The target market for this development is "Empty Nesters". This type of resident has
a very low impact on community services. With one or two non-commuting drivers
per housing unit the impact on roads is minimal. Access to the property will be off of
County Rd 110. Currently there are several access points - this number will be
reduced. There are now approximately 24 households on the site. Although the
number of units will double, the traffic may not increase significantly, if at all.
Schools will not be affected, except to the extent that the increased value will lead to
a greater tax base to fund schools. There is ample sewage capacity available now and
for any furore growth. Water supply is currently an issue in the community. There is
sufficient domestic water supply, but not enough for fire protection. We propose
building an over-sized well on-site that can be eventually turned over to the city to
assist in the community's fire protection.
Schedule for removal of manufactured home park and associated legal issues.
Every effort will be made to meet both the letter and the intent of the closure statutes.
With two municipalities involved, there will be some scheduling issues to be dealt with.
As the development schedule is firmed up, so will the park closure plan.
· Paul A. Waldron & Associates, Ltd.
504 Industrial Boulevard
Waconia, Minnesota 55387
(952) 442-7520 · Fax (952) 442-7521
Sarah Smith, City of Mound Community Development Director
Paul Waldron, Building Official
DATE: May 12, 2004
Building Code Application for the Site Sketch Plan Review for Halstead
Pointe, LLC
This review is only for preliminary site sketch plan review, an additional plan review will
take place when the building permits are applied for at each respective City. At that time
comments will be made for code compliance for the final site plan and building
construction plans. The Minnesota Building Code has different code applications
depending upon the type of construction, occupancy and ownership of the structures. In
example, individual ownership of units have different code requirements than one entity
ownership, affecting property line locations, fire wall placement, etc.
General site comments are as follows:
Water Supply- The water supply to the site must be capable of providing adequate
pressures and volume to suppress fires or supply sprinkler systems and hydrants.
Placement of hydrants must be 150' maximum radius of structure coverage. See the Fire
Chief fm commm~ts.
Handicapped accessibili _ty - All public areas must be accessible to meet State Code
requirements. Private areas must meet the requirements for occupancy base on the type
of ownership, possibly all units need to be adaptable for handicapped occupancy mainly
on the ground level units.
Building Drainage - Must provide drainage system showing drainage from building to
meet code requirements.
Underground Parking - Must meet all code requirements for fire separation, list
construction materials and/or suppression systems, etc.
Generally, the project A.I.A will need to provide a code analysis upon submittal for
building permits. Again construction type, occupancy type and ownership will trigger
different code applications.
Hennepin County Transportation Department
1600 Prairie Drive
Medina, MN 55340-5421
763-745-7500, Phone
763-478-4000, Fax
www. co.hennepin.m ri.us
May 19, 2004
Mr. Ben Gazola, Planner
City of Minnetrista
7701 County Road 110 West
Minnetrista, MN 55364
Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan Review
CSAH 110, Southeast Quadrant Halstead Avenue
Hennepin County Review No. 2816
Review and Recommendations
Dear Mr. Gazola:
We have reviewed the above sketch and offer the following comments:
The provision of no direct site access to CSAH 110, other than an emergency vehicle entrance, is
strongly supported by Hennepin County. However, some left mm accommodation (painted turn
lane or by pass lane) on CSAH 110 at Halstead Avenue must be provided.
If this becomes a plat the developer should dedicate a 50-foot half right of way along CSAH 110,
similar to other recent subdivisions in the area. This action will help accommodate any future
upgrading plus a trail as demonstrated on the City and County trail plans.
Please direct any response to Dave Zetterstrom at 763-745-7643.
Robert H. Byers, P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer
Sarah Smith, City of Mound
Plat Review Committee
An Equol Opportunity Employer - 2280- Recycled Poper
Page 1 of 1
Sarah Smith
"Renae Clark" <rclark@minnehahacreek.org>
'"Sarah Smith'" <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com>
Monday, May 24, 2004 10:47 AM
Halsted Pointe
I apologize for my late comments on this project. Because the project is
in Mound and Minnetrista, the District will require a permit. The permit
requirements will be erosion control and stormwater management. The
stormwater management requirements are rate control for the 1, 10, and
100, year events and BMP's in addition to what is required for rate
control that are permanent in nature. For example, if the proposed ponds
are designed to remove at least 50% P that would be a good BMP. Other
examples of BMP's that are typically proposed for these types of
projects are street sweeping twice per year and/or sump catch basins or
grit chambers designed to work in conjunction with the ponds.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I have also commented to Ben
Gozola at the City of Minnetrista. Please reply if you have any
Renae Clark
District Technician
18202 Minnetonka Blvd.
Deephaven, MN 55391
Ph. 952-471-0590 Fx. 952-471-0682
-2281 - 5/24/2004
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
(952) 472-3190
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Sarah Smith
July 21, 2004
Dock Parcel Ordinance
Dock Parcel Ordinance (Draft). At its July 13, 2004 meeting, the Council reviewed
the suggested changes to the Dock Parcel Subdivision Ordinance which were
requested at the 6/22 meeting. The Council reviewed the document and made
several modifications and requested that the proposed ordinance be brought back at
the July 27th meeting.
Members of the Council are advised that the revised draft was reviewed by the
Planning Commission at its July 19, 2004 meeting who offered a number of
suggestions and/or revisions which are summarized below:
Subsection 330.05. Consider revision of the definition of "Residential
Parcel" to "Residential Dock Benefactor Parcel" and/or something
similar to set it apart from a standard residential lot. If appropriate,
revise accordingly.
2. Subsection 330.10.D (1). Establish whether the notification boundary
is from measured from the Dock Parcel or Residential Parcel or both.
Subsection 330.10.D (4). Revise second paragraph to read "Both the
Dock parcel and the Residential Parcel must include frontage on the
same public street."
Subsection 330.10.D (6). Discuss whether the (45) day deadline for
submittal of evidence of recording can be accommodated. Planning
Commission suggests a minimum of (60) days due to possible
recording backlogs at Hennepin County.
Subsection 330.10.D (7). Include additional language to establish that
the Dock Parcel must be of sufficient width as measured at the 929.4
OHWM to quality for a LMCD dock license, when applicable.
Other General Comments:
· Planning Commission felt strongly that the Dock Parcel must meet the
minimum frontage requirement at both the street and at the OHWM.
· Planning Commission appears to prefer the use of the CUP process for
review of an application for a Dock Parcel Subdivision.
· Correct all formatting / typos, etc.
· The Planning Commission discussed that the proposed provisions, as
written, could create an irregularly shaped Dock Parcel.
Staff and Council Liaison will comment further as part of the meeting.
· Page 2
The City of Mound does ordain:
Subsection 330.05 (Definitions) of the Mound City Code is hereby amended and
re-numbered to add the following definitions:
Dock Parcel. A parcel or tract of land located on the shore of a lake which is
combined with a nearby but non-contiguous residential parcel which shall be
subject to review and approval of an annual license by the City of Mound to
ensure compliance with City Code Chapter 330.05.
Dock Parcel Subdivision. The process of: (i) creating the Dock Parcel, if
necessary, by division of a larger parcel; and (ii) combining the Dock Parcel with
a non-contiguous residential parcel.
Residential Parcel. The non-contiguous nearby residential parcel with which
the Dock Parcel is combined.
Subsection 330.10 (Procedural Requirements) is hereby amended to add a new
Subsection D as follows:
Dock Parcel Subdivision Dock Parcel Subdivision will be processed as a
Subdivision Exemption under City Code Chapter 330.10(C), and shall be
subject to the following additional provisions:
Published and mailed notice regarding the Subdivision Exemption
request shall be mailed to all property owners within (350) feet of the
subject site no less than (10) days prior to review of the application by
the City Council.
The approval of a Dock Parcel Subdivision will include an approved
site plan showing the nature and location of all structures and
improvements that may are being proposed to be constructed on the
Dock Parcel. No accessory structures with the exception of those
allowed in City Code Chapter 350.1200 (Shoreland Regulations)shall
be allowed on the Dock Parcel. No structure or improvement other than
those shown on the approved site plan may be constructed on the
Dock Parcel unless the site plan is amended.
The Dock Parcel shall be located within (200) feet of the Residential
The Dock Parcel must be separated from the Residential Parcel by a
public street. Both the Dock Parcel and the Residential Parcel must
include frontage on the public street.
The approval of the Dock Parcel Subdivision will not be given until the
City is assured that the Dock Parcel cannot be separated from the
Residential Parcel and sold separately without the consent of the City.
The form and documentation to ensure satisfaction of this provision,
which shall include a development agreement shall be subject to
review and approval by the City Attorney and must be submitted in a
form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County
The approval of the Dock Lot Subdivision will be automatically
cancelled and rescinded if the applicant has not furnished the City with
evidence that the Dock Parcel and the Residential Parcel have been
tax combined within 45 days following approval of the Dock Lot
The Dock Parcel will not be subject to any of the lot area and
dimension restrictions applicable to Lots under the City Zoning Code;
but must be of sufficient width to qualify for a Lake Minnetonka
Conservation District dock license, where applicable.
The Dock Parcel Subdivision shall not create any new nonconforming
Square footage of the Dock Parcel shall not be included in hardcover,
lot area or lot coverage calculations for the Residential Parcel.
Dock Parcel Subdivision shall not trigger loss of non-lot of record status
for the Residential Parcel.
No exterior storage shall be allowed on the Dock Parcel with the
exception of water-oriented structures as outlined in City Code Chapter
350.1200 (shoreland ordinance)including, but not limited to, boat lifts
and docks. Boat vehicles and trailers shall not be allowed to be stored
on Dock Lots during the non-boating season.
Hardcover on Dock Parcel shall be no more than five (5) percent.
No motor vehicles shall be parked on the Dock Parcel.
14. Dock Parcel shall be used solely by the owners of the Reside ntial
Parcel and their guests and/or invitees and shall not be used for rental
15. No alteration of the existing public road or curb line, if applicable, shall
be allowed on the Dock Parcel.
16. Placement of any dock shall be subject to the provisions of the Lake
Minnetonka Conservation District, where applicable.
Dock Parcel shall have the minimum frontage as required by the
LMCD, where applicable, at both the public street and along the lake
as measured at the OHWM. If applicant is seekinq a variance from
required frontaqe from the LMCD, granting of such variance shall be a
pre-condition to subdivision.
In addition to the penalties provided in Subsection 100.60 of the City
Code, the City may pursue any remedy available in law or equity for a
violation of this section.
Passed by the City Council this
day of 200_.
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel
Planning Commission Minutes
July 19, 2004
Proposed amendment to City Code to regulate dock lot parcels following July 13th
City Council meeting
At its June 22, 2004 meeting, the City Council reviewed the latest draft of an ordinance
to regulate dock parcels including suggested changes from the June 21st Planning
Commission meeting to include a provision to process dock parcel subdivisions by
Conditional Use Permit.
Members of the City Council discussed whether or not the CUP process was
appropriate for tis type of request. Also at issue was the removal of Subsection 330:10
(D) (8) and the minimum 200 foot distance between the dock parcel and the residential
Mueller submitted the following comments for consideration:
Definition Section: Residential Parcel is a poor definition. Should be "Residential
Dock Benefactor Parcel" or other designation different that a normal residential
parcel. Osmek thought this could be clarified with John Dean.
· Page 1 Item 1: Is the 350 foot notice from the dock lot or residential benefactor
· Page2 Item 2:
· Page2 Item 3:
· Page2 Item 5:
Duplication of the words "be constructed on the dock parcel"
Change to "frontage on the same public street"
45 days should be at least 60 days due to Hennepin County lag
· Page 2 Item 7. Revise standard to state that width on lake needs to be
measured at the OHWM.
Mueller brought up the street frontage requirement on the dock lot? Osmek said the
City Council felt interested parties are not buying the property for street frontage and
that it is lake frontage that is the issue. Street frontage doesn't make any difference.
Smith indicated that at the issue of licensing vs. CUP may still be up in the air. One
benefit of the CUP is that it is recorded against the title of the property.
The City of Mound does ordain:
Subsection 330.05 (Definitions) of the Mound City Code is hereby amended and
renumbered to add the following definitions:
Dock Parcel. A parcel or tract of land located on the shore of a lake which is
combined with a nearby but non-contiguous residential parcel which shall be
subject to review and approval of an annual license by the City of Mound to
ensure compliance with City Code Chapter 330.05.
Dock Parcel Subdivision. The process of: (i) creating the Dock Parcel, if
necessary, by division of a larger parcel; and (ii) combining the Dock Parcel with
a non-contiguous residential parcel.
Residential Parcel. The non-contiguous nearby residential parcel with which
the Dock Parcel is combined.
Subsection 330.10 (Procedural Requirements) is hereby amended to add a new
Subsection D as follows:
D. Dock Parcel Subdivision Dock Parcel Subdivision will be processed as a
Subdivision Exemption under City Code Chapter 330.10 C ~
~nd ~and shall be subject to the following additional provisions:
Published and mailed notice reqarding the Subdivision Exemption
request shall be mailed to all property owners within (350) feet of the
subiect site no less than (10) days prior to review of the application by
the City Council.
-%2. The approval of a Dock Parcel Subdivision will include an approved
site plan showing the nature and location of all structures and
improvements that may be constructed on the Dock Parcel. No
structure or improvement other than those shown on the approved site
plan may be constructed on the Dock Parcel unless the site plan is
~3. The Dock Parcel shall be located within (200) feet of the
Residential Parcel.
,%4. The Dock Parcel must be separated from the Residential Parcel by
a public street. Both the Dock Parcel and the Residential Parcel must
include frontage on the public street.
~5. The approval of the Dock Parcel Subdivision will not be given until
the City is assured that the Dock Parcel cannot be separated from the
Residential Parcel and sold separately without the consent of the City.
The form and documentation to ensure satisfaction of this provision,
which shall include a development agreement shall be subject to
review and approval by the City Attorney and must be submitted in a
form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County
,%.6. The approval of the Dock Lot Subdivision will be automatically
cancelled and rescinded if the applicant has not furnished the City with
evidence that the Dock Parcel and the Residential Parcel have been
tax combined within 45 days following approval of the Dock Lot
~.7. The Dock Parcel will not be subject to any of the lot area and
dimension restrictions applicable to Lots under the City Zoning Code;
but must be of sufficient width to qualify for a Lake Minnetonka
Conservation District dock license.
~.8. The Dock Parcel Subdivision shall not create any new
nonconforming conditions.
~9. Square footage of the Dock Parcel shall not be included in
hardcover, lot area or lot coverage calculations for the Residential
.~.10. Dock Parcel Subdivision shall not trigger loss of non-lot of record
status for the Residential Parcel.
, JJ,, ,Il, ,,Ill ·
10.11. No accessory structures with the exception of those allowed in City
Code Chapter 350.1200 (Shoreland Regulations) shall be allowed on
the Dock Parcel.
11.12. No exterior storage shall be allowed on the Dock Parcel with the
exception of water-oriented structures as outlined in City Code Chapter
350.1200 (shoreland ordinance) including, but not limited to, boat lifts
and docks. Boat vehicles and trailers shall not be allowed to be stored
on Dock Lots during the non-boating season.
12..13. Hardcover on Dock Parcel shall be no more than five ( 5 ) percent.
13.14. No vehicles shall be parked on the Dock Parcel.
-14~.15. Dock Parcel shall be used solely by the owners of the Residential
Parcel and their .quests and/or invitees and shall not be used for rental
.l¥~-No alteration of the existing public road or curb line, if applicable, shall
be allowed on the Dock Parcel.
15.16. Placement of any dock shall be subject to the provisions of the
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District.
16.17. Dock Parcel shall have the minimum frontage as required by the
LMCD at both the public street and along the lake as measured at the
1R -rh.~ DocR D .... I ch.-~ll he, icc, ,~rl .'~n ,-~nn, ,~1 li~ne~ f~ll~,:,in, e:
P~~o ~,~f~e,, ,~es~ +~~ ~m~ ~ ....... ~
Passed by the City Council this day of
Published in The Laker the day of
Effective on ,200 .
200 .
,200 .
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel
-2291 -
June 2004
Business Licenses
Non-Business Ucenses/Permits
Charges for Services
Court Fines
Street Lighting. Fee
Franchise Fees
G.O. Equipment Certificates
Charges to Other Dpts
Other Revenue
2,222,510 866,660 866,660 (4,355,850) 38.99%
9,150 13,200 18,910 9,760 206~67%
273,500 15,204 71,015 (202,485) 25.97%
368,200 0 13,200 (355,000) 3,59%
257,050 7,492 39,545 (217,505) 15.38%
100,000 7,971 45,381 (54,619) 45.38%
75,000 9,061 53,279 (21,721) 71.04%
352,000 7,542 158,329 (193,671) 44~98%
483,433 483,133 483,133
14,000 2,733 5,197 (8~803) 37.12°/6
38,600 13.966 20,426 (18.174} 52.92%
3.710.010 1.426.932 1,775,075 (1.934.935~ 47.85%
674,140 t 06,885 431,866 (242,274) 64.06%
115,900 (1,263) 11 t ,006 (4,894) 95.78%
0 · 178 178
700,000 45,890 267,841 (432,159) 38.26%
1,202,000 106,755 629,786 (572,214) 52.39%
2,400,000 169,571 909,330 (1,490,670) 37.89%
137,400 8,247 56,983 (80,417) 41,47%
120,500 10,774 63,355 (57,145) 52.58%
June 2004
June 2004 YTD
Council 72,850 13,773 30,271 42,579 41.55%
Promotions 3,750 0 3,750 0 100.00%
City Manager/Clerk 276,900 21,068 131,461 145,439 47.48%
Elections 13,460 0 1,098 12,362 8.1 6%
Finance 234,070 16,250 101,122 132,948 43.20%
Assessing 79,300 11 47 79,253 0.06%
Legal 135,580 14,615 52,632 82,948 38.82%
City Hall Building & Srvcs 124,270 13,203 80,754 43,516 64.98%
Computer 29,900 7,477 10,997 18,903 36.78%
Police 1,301,340 93,288 622,635 678,705 47.85%
Emergency Prepardeness 7,130 (838) 4,225 2,905 59.26%
Planning/Inspections 367,880 26,459 154,389 213,491 41.97%
Streets 655,610 68,579 273,457 382,153 41.71%
Parks 331,930 58,704 160,222 171,708 48.27%
Cemetery 9,610 0 603 · 9,007 6.27%
Transfers 256,690 31,944 191,664 65,026 74.67%
Cable TV 50,000 10,576 10,576 39,424 21.1 5%
Contingencies 607.250 387.643 391,370 215.880 64.45¥9
762.752 2,221,273
2,336,247 48.74%
638,140 46,308 199,574 438,566 31.27%
143,150 8,477 37,250 105,900 26.02%
0 167,967 752,688 (752,688)
0 2,958 376,941 (376,941)
687,240 46,790 298,649 388,591 43.46%
1,201,940 65,302 521,308 680,632 43.37%
559,800 31,294 256,593 303,207 45.84%
167,680 27,864 81,329 86,351 48.50%
96,870 1,418 35,318 61,552 36.46%
Area Fire
Service Fund
Dock Fund
Capital Projects
TIF 1-2
Water Fund
Sewer Fund
Liquor Fund
Recycling Fund
Storm Water Utility
General Fund $1,691,262
CDBG 1,464
Area Fire Protection Services 330,239
Dock 226,827
G.O. Equip. Certf. 2004 -C 62,056
G.O, Bonds 2001 - C 99,372
commerce Place TIF
G,O~ Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1-2
G.:O~Bonds 2001 - A
G.O~ Bonds 2003 - A
G.O. Bonds 2004 - A
H~Lease Rev Bonds
Capital Improvement
MSA 19,280
sealCoat 38,809
CDB 4,264
DOWntown TIF 1-2 263,959
HRA.Public Safety Bldg 27,207
water 2,418,891
SeWer 1,357,556
~-~ LiqUor Store (330,300)
ReCycling 6,096
storm Water 882,033
F ire Rel ief (42,480)
HRA 50,000
The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances
by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger.
The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers,
encumbered funds, or dedicated/reserved resources, etc.
Only:isome accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be
distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included.
A.long and comPlete process is followed to record all transaCtions, before
we ~lose the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the: aUdit from the
independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report
will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties.
In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds
available for spending.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Central.Region Waters - 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106-6793
Telephone: (651) 772-7910 Fax: (651) 772-7977
July 15, 2004
The Honorable Pat Meisel
Mayor, City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, Minnesota 55364-1627
Dear Mayor Meisel:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has revised the Flood Insurance Study text and the Flood
Insurance Rate Map for Hennepin County. The Hennepin County Flood Insurance Study and map will become
effective on September 2, 2004. Before this effective date, your community must amend its floodplain
management ordinance consistent with state and federal floodplain management standards in order to maintain its
eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program.
Ms. Sarah Smith, City of Mound Community Development Director, submitted a final draft of an updated
floodplain management ordinance to this Department via e-mail on July 15, 2004. On behalf of the Commissioner
of Natural Resources, I am pleased to inform you that the above-cited proposed floodplain ordinance amendment is
in compliance with "Statewide Standards and Criteria for Management of Floodplain Areas of Minnesota,"
Minnesota Rules, Parts 6120.5000 to 6120.6200. Therefore, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section
103F. 121, Subd. 2. (g), I hereby conditionally certify state approval of the above-cited draft ordinance. This
proposed ordinance amendment also appears to be compliant with the floodplain management standards of the
National Flood Insurance Program.
This approval is valid upon adoption of the draft ordinance by the city and receipt by this office of three (3)
certified copies of the adopted ordinance amendments along with the signed and completed "Ordinance
Certification Checklist" that I have attached. We will then forward a certified copy to FEMA's regional office
in Chicago on your community's behalf.
Your community's cooperation and quick action in providing for the reduction in flood damage through the
adoption and administration of this ordinance is greatly appreciated. Please continue to work with Tom Lutgen of
our central office until this ordinance revision process is complete. For all other matters, please contact Area
Hydrologist Julie Ekman (651-772-7919) of this office should you have concerns or questions.
Dale E. Homuth
Regional Hydrologist
C: FEMA, Guy Matheson
Community Development Director, Sarah Smith
DNR Waters, Tom Lutgen
DNR Waters, Julie Ekman
DNR Information: 651-296-6157 · 1-888-646-6367 · TTY: 651-296-5484 · 1-800-657-3929
An Equal Opportunity Eml)ioyer
Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a
- Minimum or.:~0r;~ PosI-Consumer Waste
Please sign and return the Checklist and all reqUired documents to the DNR Waters Area
Hydrologist's office when completed.
Date of published hearing notice.
Date of postmark of hearing notice to
Commissioner of the Department of Natural
Resources/Area Hydrologist.
Date of Hearing(s).
Date of Ordinance Adoption.
If ordinance is published in entirety, date and
affidavit of newspaper publication of adopted
ordinance. (Include 3 copies.)
If only ordinance summary published, date and
affidavit of newspaper publication of ordinance title
and summary along with certified copy of adopted
ordinance in its entirety and zoning map from
Clerk/Auditor. (Include 3 copies.)
Date of official filing of adopted ordinance with the
County Recorder ( record book
number; page number).
Board of Adjustment/Appeals has been established.
Note: Cities under charter must also submit a list of additional requirements for hearings,
notices, etc., as stated in their charter. Please specify:
Signature of Clerk/Auditor
City of Mound
Redevelopment Update
Summer 2004
Greenway Construction. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Lost Lake Greenway
Trail was held in August 2003. Construction began last summer and is expected to be
completed in late summer 2004, with the exception of a small portion along the east side
which has been deferred and will be constructed with the proposed Lost Lake
townhomes. The Greenway will have a pier with 24 transient slips, a boardwalk and
walkways, gardens and seating areas. It will also serve as a very noteworthy gateway to
Mound's new downtown. Residents are advised that the second buy-a-brick campaign
was recently announced. Costs of the bricks are $75.00 and can be purchased by
contacting Jodi Rahn at City Hall at 472-0601.
Mound Marketplace. Work on the waterfall at the intersection of Commerce and
Lynwood has been completed. Tenant space(s) is still available in the freestanding
building by the Pond Arena.
Village by the Bay. Permits have been issued for (46) units including the Great House in
the Village by the Bay residential development. The project was part of the Spring
Parade of Homes Tour.
CSAH 15. Construction activities on CSAH 15 and 110 began in April 2004. It is
anticipated that the new road will be open for traffic by mid-November. Landscaping
activities will be completed in Spring 2005.
Downtown Streetscape. Plans are underway for the new downtown streetscape. The
project includes sidewalks made of concrete and brick pavers, significant landscaping,
ornamental streetlights, benches and decorative fencing. Landscape vegetation will be
fully irrigated.
Xcel Energy. It is expected that distribution lines will be underground in the downtown
area. The substation will eventually expand to the east and emphasis will be placed on
buffering and landscaping.
MCES Lift Station. The lift station located at Shoreline and Belmont is slated for removal
and will be moved to a temporary location to accommodate the redevelopment in the
Auditor's Road District. It is expected that it will be permanently replaced by a gravity line
that will run from its current location at Belmont and Shoreline to the wastewater
treatment plant on the western boundary of Mound.
-2297- v.
Former Dakota Railroad Line / Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority (HCRRA).
The City received notification from the HCRRA in March that the formal abandonment
process for former Dakota Railroad corridor, which runs from Wayzata to Hutchinson,
was approved by the Surface Transportation Board in Washington D.C. The process to
remove the railroad tracks began in April in HutchinsOn and i~expectedto be-coi'hpleted
by the end of summer 2004.
Downtown Parking Deck. Preliminary plans are being prepared for a 2-level multi-use
parking deck to be constructed in the True Value District which includes (50) spaces for
park and ride use, a MTC transit station and a farmer's market. Several grant programs
and/or alternate funding sources are being investigated.
Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC (MHRD). At its June 8, 2004 meeting,
the Mound HRA and City Council approved an extension to the Preliminary Development
Agreement until late summer 2004, so as to complete negotiations associated with the
proposed Final Development Agreement. The estimated value of the current proposal
from MHRD is $98 million. Other notable points:
The City of Mound and MHRD were notified last fall that the downtown project was
awarded a $80,000 Metropolitan Environmental Partnership Grant for innovative
stormwater techniques.
· Grant applications for environmental investigation in the Auditor's Road Value
District was submitted in May.
The MPCA awarded the City of Mound a grant in July for environmental
investigation in the True Value District which is the proposed site for a future multi-
use parking deck / transit station and Park and Ride.
· A Livable Communities Development Grant is being submitted for the downtown
and MHRD projects was submitted in June.
Auditor's Road Hotel. Plans for the proposed hotel, which is tentatively scheduled to
begin construction in Fall 2005, are progressing. The new hotel is part of Mound's
downtown redevelopment efforts and will be located on the site that includes the former
post office, the property currently occupied by Glass Plus, a section of the City-owned
park and ride lot and a portion of Shoreline Drive which will be vacated once the new
County Road 15 project is completed. The hotel will face Auditor's Road and the new
Lost Lake greenway and pier. The preliminary hotel plans include a 52,000 square foot
building that includes between 70-78 rooms, an indoor swimming pool, restaurant and bar
areas, and a 5000 square foot banquet facility. The architecture is based on the historic
hotels of Lake Minnetonka. Rick Bloomquist is the developer.
· Page 2
Cypress Commons. The former bowling alley known as Cypress Commons owned by
Dave Willette is now complete. Tenants include Curves for Women, the Mound Home
Laundry, Sew Like New and Cypress Spa and Salon. All the occupants of that block,
which include Java Lodge, the American Legion and SOS Printing should be
cbmpl~mented for their k~ -de-si~t¥ ~n~e ~l~l~eir' efforts to-'coorclinatetlTelr-exterior .........
Mound Development Update. City staff prepares a brief development update
throughout the year that is sent out in electronic form. Anyone interested in being added
to the email list is requested to contact Community Development Director Sarah Smith at
952-472-3190. Email: Sarahsmith~,cityofmound.com
· Page 3
-2299- ;~.
Page 1 of 1
Kandis Hanson
From: "Leah Weycker" <weyckerl@westonka.k12.mn.us>
To: <thomasstokes@brenshellhomes.com>; <jameskurtz@cityofmound.com>;
<JimFackler@cityofmound.com>; <KandisHanson@cityofmound.com>;
....... <sig.nshop@cityofmou nd~com>t. <djnicc-u rn22@jun-o:com>;-<jdean@ken nedy~g raven.com>;
<johnmekinlev§l 4~vahoo.corn>: <taooart52001@vah0o.c0m>
Cc: <geneallendesign@aol.com>; <carol.rae@mchsi.com>; <KHeiar@ymcampls.org>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 2:28 PM
Subject: Last pour is done!
Just to let everyone know, we poured the last of the sidewalks at the
skate park today, Friday the 18th! Yea!!!!!!
The rule sign will be finished by the city sign crew and hopefully
installed on Monday.
I will double check with Jim Fackler about the insurance company
guidelines for opening the park. I think the sign is the last step for
the soft opening.
We plan to start with a soft opening and have a grand opening later.
There are still additional features that we will add to the park. As
money comes in, we will continue with the additional features like the
shelter, half pipe, water fountain, mister, and landscaping. Keep the
donations coming!
Many thanks to all for the "community effort" in getting this park
open. The kids are already talking about "their" top quality park. We
made Mound proud!!!!
I will be in touch.
Leah Weycker
Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative
5901 Sunnyfield Rd.E
Minnetrista, MN 55364
fax 952.491.8043
- 2300 - 7/19~2004
Page 1 of 1
Kandis Hanson
From: "Leah Weycker" <weyckerl@westonka.k12.mn.us>
To: <thomasstokes@brenshellhomes.com>; <jameskurtz@cityofmound.com>;
<JimFackler@cityofmound.com>; <KandisHanson@cityofmound.com>;
........ <si gn shop-@cityofmound:.co m>;,-<dj n iccu m22@jun o: com>;-<jdean@kennedy<j raven .-corn>¥
<taggart52001 @yahoo.com>
Cc: <geneallendesign@aol.com>; <carol.rae@mchsi.com>; <KHeiar@ymcampls.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:49 PM
Subject: Skatepark update
** Skatepark update**
The insurance company visited the skatepark site and has given us the
Friday morning, Blackowiak will be bringing a dumpster to the site and
Facklers crew will remove the pile of supplies laying at the end of the
That will clear the way to remove the DANGER signs and allow the kids
to use the park.
Thanks for your patience. And thanks for the help!
I am thrilled to allow the kids to use the park. We will monitor the
activity for the first couple of weeks.
We will continue working on additional projects as money and labor
become available. The insurance company just asks that we keep safety in
mind with materials and terrain that could cause accidents.
** I would guess the DANGER signs will come down by noon, Friday, July
Leah Weycker
Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative
5901 Sunnyfield Rd.E
Minnetrista, MN 55364
fax 952.491.8043
-2301 - 7/22/-_2~04
4?20620 P.O~
07-21-2004 10:55AM FROM LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICA TO 4920620 P.03
-2303- TOTRL P.03
7~0 PM, Wednesday,-Juneg~2004
Tonka Bay City Hall
Skramstad called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Members present: Tom Skramstad, Shorewood; Katy Van Hercke, Minnetonka; Jose Valdesuso,
Excelsior; Paul Knudsen, Minnetrista; Doug Babcock, Tonka Bay; Orv Burma, Mound; Bert Foster,
Deephaven; Debbie Halvorson, Orono; Pete Nelson, Victoria; Tom Scanlon, Spring Park; Tom Seuntjens,
Minnetonka Beach; Herb Suerth, Woodland. Also present: Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Greg
Nybeck, Executive Director; Judd Harper, Administrative Technician.
Members absent: Bob Ambrose, Wayzata; Miles Canning, Greenwood.
Skramstad stated that the annual Board Lake Inspection Tour was scheduled for Tuesday, 6/29/04. He
asked Nybeck for further details.
Nybeck stated that he was working with Al & Almas regarding the reservation of a charter boat. Departure
location and time of departure are being finalized and will be forwarded to the Board in the near future.
PUBLIC COMMENTS- Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.)
There were no comments from the public on subjects not on the agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA- Consent agenda items identified with a (*) will be approved in one motion unless a
Board member requests discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent
Burma moVed, Seuntjens seconded to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Motion carried
unanimously. Items so approved include: lB, 2004 Multiple Dock Licenses, staff recommends the Board
approve the 2004 renewal without change multiple dock license application for Minnetonka Edgewater
Apartments, and 3B, Hennepin County Sheriff"s Office Water Patrol Significant Activity Report.
· Rita Zebeck, new multiple dock license application for seven Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on 466' of
continuous shoreline at 998 Wildhurst Trail on Forest Lake.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 2
Skramstad opened the public hearing at 7:06 p.m and asked for background from Harper.
Harper-madethe-fellowing comments:-
Ms. Rita Zebeck has submitted a new multiple dock license application for seven BSU's at
approximately 466' of 929.4' shoreline on Forest Lake. With a BSU density of 1:67', this site
would be conforming to the 1:50' General Rule.
· During the 2002 Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Inventory, staff observed more than four restricted
watercraft being stored at this site. The dock installed in 2002 was also too long; however, it
has been brought in so that it complies with the maximum length restrictiOn at this site, 100'. In
the meantime, staff has been working with the applicant on resolving the number of restricted
watercraft that has been stored at this site.
· Code Section 2.01, subd. 1 states that no person may locate, construct, install, or maintain a
multiple dock on the shoreline of the Lake, or in the waters of the Lake, unless licensed by the
Board to do so. Code Section 1.02, subd. 28 defines a multiple dock as any dock constructed
or maintained for the storage of five or more restricted watercraft. Because the proposed dock
would be used to store seven watercraft, Code requires a multiple dock license.
Code Section 2.01 prohibits a person from using any area of the Lake outside an authorized
dock use area for docking and storage of watercraft. The proposed site plan and storage of
watercraft would be within the authorized dock use area for this site.
· Staff has calculated structure and maneuvering space square footage to determine whether a
mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) needs to be conducted for the
proposed site plan. He stated that a mandatory EAW was not required based on Environmental
Quality Board rules.
· In accordance with MN DNR General Permit 97-6098, the City of Orono and the MN DNR were
provided a copy of the application on 5/26/04, with comments due by 6/7/04. The City of Orono
has stated that the applicant would not need a permit if all the watercraft stored at the dock are
owned and registered to the residents of the single family residential structure. No comments
have been received from the MN DNR.
· He recommended the Board approve the new multiple dock license application for the 2004
season. Additionally, he recommended that the Board approve a refund of $26.25 to the
applicant for overpayment of fees.
· He entertained questions or comments from the Board.
Halvorson asked how long the dock was currently installed at?
Harper stated that the dock was installed at slightly less than 100'.
Foster asked if the dock was seasonal or permanent,
Harper stated that the dock was a seasonal dock that is left in the lake 12 months a year.
Foster stated that a number of slips were quite large, 32' to 40' in length. He asked if the applicant
provided information on ownership of boats and the type of boats.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 3
Harper stated that a variety of watercraft have been stored at this dock based on inspections
conducted in recent years. Some of the boats include larger cruiser boats, personal watercraft, and an
...... unrestricted watercraft. :
Ms. Rita Zebeck, 998 Wildhurst Trail, addressed the ownership question raised by Foster. She
provided a summary of the watercraft to be stored at the dock, adding that she and her husband owned
them all. She stated that she had spent a great deal of money to bring this dock into compliance with
the rules.
Foster asked if the applicant had a deicing license for the dock.
Harper stated that this site has had a deicing license the past two winters.
Scanlon asked if the efforts made by staff were out of the ordinary to bring residential dock into
compliance with Code.
Nybeck stated that staff makes the effort to identify non-compliant docks dudng shoreline inventories
conducted every two years. When docks are obviously not complying with Code, which was the case
in this situation, staff works with the public to bring it into compliance voluntarily. He stated that this is a
prime example where a dock installer installed an illegal dock and the Board might want to discuss
whether it would make sense to license dock installers to hold them accountable for their work.
Babcock asked Ms. Zebeck if she was comfortable with the restriction of the City of Orono that all of the
watercraft be owned and registered to the residents of the site.
Zebeck stated that she was comfortable with that restriction.
Mr. Bob Wolf, 4450 Forest Lake Landing, stated that he was concerned about operations that take
place during the winter rather than the summer. The seasonal dock is left in place 12 months a year
and he expressed concern about the deicing activities occurring at this site. He was primarily
concerned about how the deicing activity was creating safety concerns for the public because of open
water outside of fencing.
Foster stated that deicing that occurs during the winter has been a concern of the LMCD and there has
been some discussion about not allowing deicing at residential seasonal docks that could be removed.
He pointed out that deicing sites are required to maintain fencing that is lit that and is within the
authorized dock use area for the site. He stated that he believed further review of the ordinance
relating to deicing would take place yet this summer. He suggested that the Board could approve the
multiple dock license application and place a condition on it that would prohibit deicing at this site.
Nybeck commented on deicing at the Zebeck site this past winter. There were some problems
originally at this site because the Zebecks were out of town and the dock installer was not adequately
supervising the deicing activity. These problems included fencing, signage, and lighting. Staff
communicated these concerns to the Zebecks and they were addressed and resolved through a
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 4
subsequent inspection. He pointed out that this was one of the sites where staff has communicated to
the Board the trend that deicing permits were being issued to larger seasonal that were not being
:removed~ primarilybecause ofeconomios-;--He suggested-that-the--Board-mightwant-tofocusits
discussion on the multiple dock license application rather than deicing activity at this site.
Babcock stated that he believed it was reasonable to have the new multiple dock license application
comply with the existing deicing ordinance. If deicing occurs outside the authorized dock use area for
this site, the applicant should be aware that this is a problem and that staff could turn off the bubbling
equipment if needed. The primary concern he expressed was that fencing at a deicing site needed to
be installed within the authorized dock use area.
Nybeck stated that Babcock raised a valid point that fencing at deicing sites needs to be contained
within authorized dock use areas. However, the vast majority of existing deicing sites do not comply
with this requirement and the Board should address it when the ordinance is reviewed.
Mr. Robert Eastman, 1359 Park Drive, stated that the neighbors were quiet and good neighbors.
However, he questioned why there was a need for a dock to store seven BSU's at it. He stated that he
believed four restricted watercraft at this site would be adequate.
Skramstad stated that this site could store up to nine restricted watercraft based on the 1:50' General
Zebeck stated that the boats to be stored at the site would be consistent with what has been done in
recent years.
There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed at 7:31 p.m.
MOTION: Nelson moved, Foster seconded to approve the Zebeck new multiple dock license
application for the 2004 season and refund $26.25 for overpayment of fees.
Babcock stated that he would like a condition to ensure that this site was in compliance with the
regulations pertaining to deicing, especially since it would have a multiple dock license if the motion
were approved. Additionally, he stated that he would like a condition to ensure that all of the watercraft
to be stored at this dock were owned and registered to the residents of this site. He recommended
these as conditions on the approval of the multiple dock license and that future deicing violations could
impact renewal of the multiple dock license. He recommended this as a friendly amendment. Nelson
and Foster agreed to this.
LeFevere stated that the friendly amendment relating to deicing could be considered to be appropriate
as a condition on the multiple dock license because of subjective criteria.
Knu'dsen stated that he would be in favor of the deicing friendly amendment if the dock to be installed
were permanent. Because the dock to be installed is seasonal and could be corrected if problems
occur, he expressed concern about placing a restriction on the multiple dock license for deicing
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Skramstadstated that-hesuppo~ed the multipledockJieenseapplicationaspreposed without-tyinga - ....
restriction on deicing requirements to it.
Seuntjens stated that he believed there was a process to address deicing violations separate from the
multiple dock license process.
MOTION: Seutjens moved, Knudsen seconded to remove the deicing condition from the original
motion, as amended.
VOTE: Ayes (8), Nayes (3; Babcock, Foster, and Nelson); motion carried.
VOTE ON: Motion carded unanimously.
· Bayview Homeowners Association (HOA), new multiple dock license application submitted on
9/22/76 to back license 10 Boat Storage Units (BSU's) on a 100' wide outlot on Smithtown Bay.
Skramstad opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. and asked for background from Nybeck
Nybeck made the following comments:
· In September 1976, Nicholas Palaia submitted an application for multiple dock and/or mooring
license for Bayview Properties to dock 10 boats at the 100' wide outlot in the Bayview Homes
Development on Smithtown Bay. The LMCD scheduled a public hearing for the 12/1/76
Regular Board Meeting; however, it was postponed at the request of the Village and no formal
action was ever taken by the Board on the application submitted.
· During the 2002 Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Inventory, staff observed more than four restricted
watercraft being stored at a dock(s) from the 100' wide outlot in question. In March 2003, staff
sent Bayview HOA a letter that summarized Code Section 2.02 and the number of restricted
watercraft that could be stored at this site. A letter was received from Bayview HOA in April
2003 stating that the dock was grandfathered and that the issue had been resolved by the
LMCD in the spring of 1995. LMCD records are not consistent with these statements made by
Bayview HOA and an offer was made to meet with representatives on-site to review LMCD
Code, to answer questions that they had, and to provide them options.
· He stated that he met with representatives of Bayview HOA on 5/13/03. Two options provided
included: 1) submittal and approval by the Board of a legal, non-conforming multiple dock
license application, and 2) submittal and approval of a legal, non-conforming non multiple dock
license application. It was communicated that they would need to demonstrate to the Board's
satisfaction the number of restricted watercraft that were stored at the site prior to 5/3/78. He
stated that it was his expectation that Bayview HOA would either submit an application for
either one of these options or they would be adjusting boat storage to comply with the 1:50'
General Rule. Neither occurred and six restricted watercraft were observed at this site on
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 6
6/19/03. A letter was sent out in September 2003 that continued non-compliance would not be
tolerated in 2004 and beyond and that corrective steps would be taken to resolve the matter,
............... including-turning-thematter over tothe LMCDprosecuting~attorney:
In a letter submitted by John Thomas on 318104, he references the multiple dock and/or
mooring license application submitted in 1976 for the outlot in question. Mr. Thomas has
requested that the LMCD Board equitably resolve this situation through the discretionary use of
its back license authority. After consulting with LMCD counsel Charlie LeFevere on this
request, Nybeck stated that he deemed the 1976 application incomplete' because a number of
items on the application have changed in the past 28 years. Although Mr. Thomas did not
submit a new application, he submitted a letter that provided the details that were being sought
in a current application. The application was deemed complete on 4/26/04.
· Code Section 2.01 prohibits the placement .of docks and storage of watercraft outside an
authorized dock use area. The dock length proposed in the 1976 site plan, approximately 85',
would comply with maximum length allowed at this site, 100'. However, the 1976 site plan
would not comply with existing Code for side setbacks. In the 1976 site plan, 10 side opening
slips that were 20' long were proposed approximately 28' from the side site line extensions.
Code requires that side opening slips maintain a setback equal to the depth of the slips, with a
minimum of 20'. Additionally, Code requires a doubling of setback when a multiple dock abuts
non-multiple dock facilities, which is the case in this application. The application does not meet
the doubling of setback requirements; however, it does not apply to multiple dock facilities in
existence on 5/3/78 that were deemed legal, non-conforming facilities.
· Code Section 2.02 allows boat storage based on the 929.4' shoreline at this site. This includes
the 1:50' General Rule, the two boat rule, and the four boat rule. Applying current rules, the
100' wide outJot would be allowed to legally store two restricted watercraft However, the
applicant has requested the Board to evaluate the 1976 application based on rules that existed
at that time. The 1:50' general Rule applies to sites that were legally in existence on 5/3/78.
Docks legally in existence on 5/3/78 were allowed to continue provided that such dock does
not exceed the number stored on 5/3/78. LeFevere stated that the Board traditionally back
licensed for facilities that were physically in existence on a specified grandfather date, not what
has been proposed in an application that has not been acted upon by the Board.
· In compliance with MN DNR General Permit 97-6098, the City of Victoria and the MN DNR
were provided a copy of the 1976 application on 5126104, with comments due on 6#7104. He
stated that he discussed the application with Victoria staff on 6/2/04 and that the applicant
would need to discuss with Victoria whether the proposal would trigger the need for a
conditional use permit. No feedback has been received from the MN DNR.
· There are a number of options for the Board to consider when evaluating the application
submited in 1976 by Mr. Palaia. Some of them included: 1) deny the application because
Bayview HOA has not documented that 10 boats were being stored at this site prior to 5/3/78,
2) grant the application and back license to 1977 for the number of BSU's that existed during
the 1977 season, and 3) continue the matter for presentation of further information specified by
the Board, conditioned on the waiver of the 60-day rule by the applicant. He stated that he did
not believe that Bayview HOA had satisfactorily demonstrated that 10 boats were being stored
at this site prior to 5/3/78.
· He entertained questions or comments from the Board.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 7
Babcock stated that it appeared that the fundamental problem was that the developer might have
represented something to the buyersthat was never- approved by the LMCD.
Nelson stated that he believed the problem existed with the City of Victoria rather the LMCD. There
were a number of homes sold in this development that were sold with the representation of docking
rights, It appears that the application submitted was not acted upon because of the request of the
Village and the Board should consider the 1976 application as though the dock facility existed.
LeFevere stated that there were no density regulations in existence in 1976.
Nybeck stated that he had contacted Victoria staff to see if they had record on why the Village
recommended that the 12/1/76 be postponed. There was no record at the city level on why this
recommendation was made.
Foster stated that if the developer met the requirements in 1976 and an application was made, there is
an assumption that the LMCD should have acted on it. He communicated that he would have a hard
time holding them to current day standards because each property was sold with the right to a dock.
Because these home were being constructed over a number of years, he believed it was clear that 10
boats would not have existed on 5/3/78.
Seunt~ens asked how it has been concluded that the Village requested that the 12/1/76 public hearing
be postponed.
Nybeck stated that there was hand written documentation in file from Frank Mixa that documented this.
Seuntjens asked if postponing of a scheduled public hearing at the request of the Village was proper.
LeFevere stated that postponing of a public hearing atthe request of a member city would not be done
currently. If a request was made by a member city, the Board has typically opened the public hearing
to allow the public to provide their input and then continued the public hearing to another meeting. The
Board today would not typically postpone a public hearing as it was done in 1976.
Seuntjens stated that if the public hearing was not postponed in 1976 and the Board acted on the
application, the request made today would not be occurring. He asked if staff has reviewed aerial
photos from 1976 or 1977.
Nybeck stated that he had not; however, there might photos that could be reviewed.
Seuntjens asked Nybeck how many boats were being stored at this site in recent years.
Nybeck stated that an undetermined number of restricted watercraft were being stored at this site in
2002; however, it was more than four. In 2003, there were six restricted watercraft being stored at this
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Babcock stated that he was uncomfortable about the Board making a hypothetical decision that there is
no documentation to supports--He pointed out that-the hypothetical couldalw-ays~work-the-other way;
He stated that legal back licensing situation should take into consideration what existed in 1977, not
existed in 2002, 2003, or another year.
LeFevere stated that even if a multiple dock license was issued in 1976 or 1977, it could be
conceivable that the same issues would exist today because back licensing was for what existed and
were constructed. One of the concerns he had with this application was the precedent that
grandfathering a non-conforming multiple dock facility could set for legal, nonconforming non multiple
dock licenses on a lakewide basis for boats that were not in existence.
Foster stated that he believed there was a distinction between grandfathering a multiple dock facility
compared to grandfathering a non multiple 'dock facility.
Halvorson stated that grandfathering in the Code requires boats to be in existence on 5~3~78.
Foster stated that although the Code reads that way, he did not believe it passed the logical test.
Babcock stated that he concurred with the comment made by Halvorson and that developers need to
get licenses or permits approved prior to making representations to buyers. If the developer in this
development made the representation to buyers that each house had access to store a boat at a dock,
this was misrepresentation. The Board could decide to fix this; however, the problem was not created
by the LMCD and might require ordinance changes.
Van Hercke stated that she had concerns about concessions that would need to be made to approve
the application and the precedent it might set.
Mr. John Thomas, 6520 Bayview Drive, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that he had been a
resident since 1996 and the letter he submitted, dated, 3/8/04, provided a great deal of historical
details. He believed the record is abundantly clear thatthe application had not been withdrawn and the
12/1/76 public hearing had been postponed at the request of the Village, as reported in the 12/8/76
Board minutes. At that time, the Village was actually Laketown Township and it was in disarray. The
Bayview development is quite stable with the last lot sold in 1987. The 1976 application represented
the developers intent to have one BSU for all 10 lots that were not on the lake. At the 1978 grandfather
date, six lots had been sold with four houses constructed. He believed that between five and seven
BSU's existed at the 1978 grandfather date and he did not contend there were 10 boats in existence at
that time. He questioned why there would be 10 boats if all 10 lots had not been sold. He suggested
that the 12/1/76 public hearing should have been conducted and the application would have been
approved. In 1977, it appears that the developer went bankrupt and a local builder acquired the
remaining lots, four. Throughout the 1980% the lots have been resold with the use of outlot B not to
exceed 10 BSU's. Between 1977 and 1992, the number of BSU's have increased and there were a
number of dock configurations. There were 10 BSU's installed in some of these years. A letter was
received in 1995 from the LMCD stating that there were too many watercraft being stored at this site.
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Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 9
Bayview HOA responded at that time the facility was grandfathered at that time; however, it was not
substantiated at that time. A resident at that time, Bill Stendard, was in attendance to address this.
Mr. Bill Stenard stated that he used to reside at 6510 Bayview Drive. A letter in 1995 was received
from the LMCD stating that there were too many boats being stored atthe outlot. He stated that he
responded in writing to the LMCD that the site was grandfathered and that he had a follow-up visit with
a LMCD employee.
Nybeck stated that he was the only employee of the LMCD in 1995 and that inspections were not
conducted that year. If Bayview HOA met with someone that year, he suggested that it might have
been another governmental agency, possibly the City of Victoria.
Skramstad stated that if a letter was forwarded to the LMCD from Bayview HOA in 1995, he
recommended a copy of it be forwarded to the LMCD office.
Thomas restated that in a letter, dated 3/18/03, staff advised that too many watercraft were observed at
the site during the 2002 Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Inventory. The homeowners association replied
on 4/11/03 stating that the dock was grandfathered and that they had put the dock in. Unfortunately, it
was installed too close to the abutting property to the east of the outlot, Allan and Nancy Greenwood.
He stated that representatives of Bayview HOA met with the Greenwoods after the dock was installed
in 2003 and there was agreement that it did not need to be readjusted as long as it was resolved for
the 2004 season. He apologized to the Greenwoods for the docking violation in 2003 for encroaching
into setback areas. He stated that Bayview HOA would like to get this situation resolved once and for
all. An alternative plan was prepared to be proposed hopefully to be acted upon by the Board at a
future Regular Meeting, pointing out that he believed it would be substantial improvement to the
neighborhood by alleviating side opening slips. This alternative plan has not been reviewed with staff;
however, he had copies available if the Board desired.
Nybeck recommended that the alternative proposed site plan not be reviewed at this Regular Meeting
because staff has not had the opportunity to review it and prepare written comments for the Board. He
stated that the Board could review this alternative site plan at a future Regular Meeting. The file for the
1976 application has been misplaced and has not been located in the office. This was observed after
he prepared the letter that was sent out in March. In December, Mr. Thomas reviewed the 1976 file
and he had staff copy the majority of the file. The 1976 file that has been misplaced has been
recreated based on the copies prepared in December for Mr. Thomas.
Babcock stated that the 3/8/04 letter prepared by Thomas references a newspaper article that was part
of the odginal file. This article was not included in the Board packet and he stated that he would like to
review it to see what the Laketown Township actions were with regards to the dock.
Thomas provided a summary of the article that was published in the Carver County Herald on 3/10/77.
In this article, it stated that the objection of Lakeship Township focused on the providing of a dock at
the outiot rather than the development of the land itself.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 10
Scanlon asked if the Greenwoods were part of the homeowners association.
Thomas stated that the Greenwoods do not have ohe-tenth ownership of the outlet, The. association- '
currently is not that formalized; however, he proposed making it more formalized in the future.
Halvorson asked for the amount of 929.4' lakeshore frontage at the outlot.
Thomas stated that there was 100'.
Babcock stated that he would like to better understand whether the ownership of the outlot changed
after the application was originally submitted in 1976. He believed that this should be formalized
through covenants, a deed, or an easement.
Thomas stated that each of the 10 lots that are not on the lake have a one-tenth undivided ownership
on Outlot B, adding that this was clarified on the deeds of these 10 properties. The 14 properties within
the development each own a one-fourteenth undivided interest in a water runoff pond on the property.
He concluded by stating that the development would have secured a license for 10 BSU's if the public
hearing had been conducted in 1976.
Mr. Allan Greenwood, 6500 Bayview Drive, stated that the 6/1/04 letter submitted expressed some of
the concerns he and his wife Nancy had with the 1976 application. He believed that 10 boats on a 100'
wide outlot was too dense for that area because of the private lots and the swimming of children in the
area. He expressed concern about the storage of boat lifts on the land during the months when
boating does not occur. He stated that there appeared to be concerns with the original application in
1976 and another hypothetical is that the application would not have been approved. He believed that
the follow-up of the application in 1976 was the responsibility of the developer. Bayview HOA does not
have any covenants or rules set up and this was the primary reason he did not belong to the
association. There currently are not 10 homes constructed off the lake and he did not recall 10 boats
ever being stored on the outlot since 1993 when he and wife purchased their home. In 1993, he
estimated that there were approximately three docks and six or seven boats being stored at them. The
docks installed and boats stored have historically encroached in the setback area since 1993;
however, he submitted a public inquiry in 2003 when the dock placement and boat storage extended
over the common side site line extension.
Mr. David Thun, 6490 Bayview Place, stated that he and wife Mary were the owners of the abutting
property on the west side of Outlot B. There is a letter in the packet, dated 6/8/04, which summarizes
his wife comments. The owners of these 10 properties have purchased these properties with docking
dghts. When he and his wife purchased their property, they were aware of the docking rights on Outlot
B. He concluded that he did not object to the proposal to store 10 boats on the outlot.
Thomas stated that there was a letter from Arthur Wick, dated 6~7~04, stating that he resided at 6480
Bayview Place since 1981. This letter points out that there have been a varying number of boats
ranging from five to 10 during this period.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed at 9:01 p.m.
MOTION: Babcock moved, Seuntjens seconded to table further discussion of the Bayview Association
to future meeting to: 1) allow staff to provide a complete copy of the 1976 file, including the
Carver County Herald newspaper article, 2) to allow the applicant to submit any new site
plan(s) they want considered by the Board, 3) to allow the applicant to provide
documentation of when the one-tenth interest on Outlot B occurred, possible through a copy
of the deed, and 4) to allow staff to investigate pictorial evidence of what existed around
VOTE: Ayes (10), Nayes (2; Nelson and Valdesuso); motion carried.
The meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m. and re-convened at 9:25 p.m.
Skramstad stated that Senator Gen Olson and Representative Steve Smith were in attendance to discuss
the recent changes to the LMCD's state enabling legislation. If the Board did not object, he stated that he
would like to discuss this under "NEW BUSINESS". The Board did not objection.
Skramstad welcomed Senator Olson and Representative Smith on behalf of the Board for coming to
this Regular Meeting to discuss the recent changes to the LMCD enabling legislation. He stated that
Knudsen has had previous conversations with Senator Olson and Representative Smith on this topic
and he asked for background on these discussions.
Knudsen stated that Nybeck brought the legislation change to his attention the Friday morning before
the legislatiive session ended. When this was brought to his attention, Knudsen stated that he placed
telephone calls into Senator Olson and Representative Smith. He had brief conversations with both
legislators within a couple of days; however, the legislation that changed the enabling legislation of the
LMCD had already passed. Senator Olson and Representative Smith were in attendance to discuss
the legislation thatwas passed and how it would affect the LMCD. He introduced both legislators and
welcomed them on behalf of the Board.
Senator Gen Olson made the following comments:
· She frequently receives telephone calls from citizens that are having problems dealing with
government in some form, sometimes at the local level. When she receives these calls, she
generally refers them to their local elected official.
· In this case, a decision was made by the LMCD that is not an elected unit of government.
Olson believed that her affected constituents had valid concerns and she attended at least one
Board meeting when the ordinance was discussed.
· She respected the history of the LMCD and she has worked very hard to maintain the agency
so that Lake Minnetonka would not be managed by the State of Minnesota. Equally so, she
stated that she respected the property rights of private citizens when the actions of government
take away a historical right or impact the value of property. She recalled that she suggested the
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 12
Board resolve this issue without having this kind of impact on the property rights of private
citizens rather than dealing with it legislatively.
The parties that were affected by the LMCDordinance hadcommunicated-to her that they were
in regular contact with the LMCD to be grandfathered and there was no response. Legislative
changes were initially discussed early this past spring; however, not a lot was done until the
article was published in the Star Tribune that discussed the idea of expanding municipal docks.
She expressed concern about the LCD not protecting affected private citizens that reside on Six
Mile Creek.
· She believed that jurisdiction of Six Mile Creek was not within the intent of the legislators when
the LMCD was originally created. If Six Mile Creek was within the jurisdiction of the LMCD, she
believed that St. Bonifacius and Laketown Township should have representation on the Board.
· Because of this, she introduced legislation working with the Senate Council by making
amendments to the LMCD's enabling legislation through the MN DNR technical bill. The one
thing that the legislation clarified was that the jurisdiction of the LMCD was on Lake Minnetonka,
excluding drainage ways and watercourses.
· She entertained questions or comments from the Board.
Skramstad addressed the comment made by Senator Olson that the LMCD did not respond to the
private citizens. The LMCD worked on this issue for nearly three years with input received from a wide
variety of groups. Based on the input received from these groups, an ordinance was adopted that took
this input into consideration.
Senator Olson stated that the solution that was eventually adopted by the Board was alrea'dy on the
table for consideration when she attended her first Regular LMCD Board Meeting. She noted that she
would make no apologies for taking a stand on justice when there are jurisdictional questions.
Skramstad asked how the LMCD, City of Minnetrista, MN DNR, and the MCWD could have been
involved prior to making a change to the enabling legislation for the LMCD.
Senator Olson stated that there was no time to get the agencies involved. She did not believe adopting
an ordinance that only restricts the size of a motor on a watercourse was appropriate.
Skramstad stated that he appreciated the comments from Olson; however, he felt that the LMCD was
left on the sideline because it was not involved in a last minute legislative change.
Babcock stated that he was charged by the Board to discuss with the affected property owners if there
was another action that could be taken by the Board after the ordinance was adopted. He believed
that changing the enabling legislation of the LMCD was a heavy handed approach. He expressed his
disappointment because he did not believe Senator Olson and Representative Smith had all of the
facts correct before making a legislative change. He believed that bad facts make bad laws, which
was the case in this situation. A grandfathering concept was proposed to the affected property owners
on Six Mile Creek for the historical use of approximately three to five boats. However, this became
problematic when the owners of these sites expressed an interest in grandfathering the potential boat
storage at these sites, which could be upwards to nearly 40 boats. When this occurred, negotiations
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
broke down and it does not seem that this was communicated by the affected property owners to
Senator Olson and Representative Smith.
Senator Olson stated that she had heard public statements from one of the affected residents
regarding the concept of utilizing conservation easements to prevent expansion of boat storage up and
above historical boat use.
Knudsen stated that was originally discussed with the affected property owners. However, the
discussions did not continue when the affected property owners requested grandfathering up and
above historical use.
Foster stated that he had met with the affected property owners with Babcock and Knudsen regarding
grandfathering of historical boat use in concert with conservation easements. He believed that this
would have been approved by the Board. He expressed his concern that the Board worked on this
issue for nearly three years and that hours of testimony was received from experts, the City of
Minnetrista, and a wide variety of experts. The concept of an electric motor only ordinance was
originally proposed by Jim Stuebner from Upland Farms. Six Mile Creek is generally quite shallow
during the course of a summer and testimony was received regarding environmental concerns.
Environmental and density concerns on Lake Minnetonka for were significantly impacted by the
legislative change if Six Mile Creek becomes fully developed because of the large amount of shoreline
and the potential request to dredge in the future.
Senator OIson stated that she was sorry that elected officials within the City of Minnetrista are not
willing to take the heat of making decisions around the development through zoning regulations. She
believed that these decisions should be made by the City of Minnetrista because they are elected
officials rather than by appointed officials of the LMCD.
Skramstad stated land base decisions are generally made by the member cities and that decisions in
the water are within.the jurisdiction of the LMCD.
Knudsen expressed his concern that the legislative change was done for four property owners at the
expense of the majority of property owners on Halsteads Bay. He suggested that decisions made by
the legislature should be made for the constituents that they represent rather than discussion amongst
colleagues. He did not concur with the comment made by Senator Olson that the adoption of the
ordinance resulted in a loss of value for the four property owners and the taking of riparian rights. He
stated that riparian rights abutting a water body do not ensure the ability to use motors. Both Mayor
Fischer and the city administrator for the City of Minnetrista have expressed concern to him about the
lack of consulting and the manner in which the legislative changes occurred. If time was so short that a
decision needed to be made, he stated that no change should have occurred in this legislative session.
Babcock made the following comments:
· He prefers to have decisions made when all the facts are considered. There are major
differences between what was covered in the Minneapolis Star Tribune article and what takes
place in wetland areas,
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
· He believed the Board demonstrated due diligence because ittook a boat tour in Six Mile
Creek. He stated that he took a second boat tour on his own last summer and that it was
difficult to navigate withoutstirring upthe nutrients atthe base of the creek,
· He has attended several meeting with the City of Minnetrista to work through the issues relating
to Six Mile Creek. He stated that the Management Plan for Lake Minnetonka indicated that the
LMCD was to work with the MN DNR, the member cities, and the MCWD on identifying the
values of wetlands at or below the 929.4' contour for the enhancement and preservation of
water quality on Lake Minnetonka. It also states that the LMCD should also identify wetland
areas with a lower need for protection. The'LMCD has regulatory authority of docking on Lake
Minnetonka and the Management Plan states that docking constructed over wetlands might
have an adverse impact on them. A great deal of cooperation was secured because the MN
DNR, the City of Minnetrista, and the MCWD supported the ordinance that was adopted by the
· He expressed his frustration that this was the second time that changes had been made to the
enabling legislation for the LMCD since he had been on the Board where the LMCD was not
consulted or represented. Additionally, he expressed his concern that the decision made by the
Board was not valid because he was appointed by his member city rather than elected.
Skramstad stated that he would prefer that the discussion focus on looking forward rather than looking
Knudsen stated that he believed all Board members keep in regular contact with the city council that
appointed them. In his situation, he makes decisions based on feedback he receives from the
Minnetrista city council and his constituents. There' are a few occasions where he might vote a
different way than the city council or the majority opinion of the constituents that he serves might
desire. He expressed concern about Senator Olson and Representative Smith proposing legislation
that changed the enabling legislation for the LMCD based on four constituents that reside on Six Mile
Van Hercke stated that she had been on the Board since 2000 and that she was shocked with the
change in the enabling legislation for the LMCD because of the time and due diligence that was
exhibited by the LMCD.
Scanlon stated that he believed communication was critical and that maybe efforts need to be made to
forward a copy of approved minutes to Senator Olson and Representative Smith. On the short time
that he served on the LMCD, he did not believe there was a lot of politics on the decisions made by the
Board. He believed that improved communication efforts could be made by both the local legislators
and the LMCD.
Senator Olson stated that she appreciated the comments made by Scanlon and that she would be
interested in receiving information from the LMCD. A number of lakes have been classified as
impaired based on federal regulations, including Lake Minnetonka. She did not believe the recent
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
legislative change was necessarily a setback for the LMCD because Six Mile Creek has also been
classified as impaired and will need to be analyzed and addressed further in the future.
Skramstad asked Senator Olson if she would consider changing the recent legislative changes in the
future or if there was anything else the Board could do to change her mind.
Senator Olson stated that the change in the enabling legislation was in statute; however, she would be
willing to sit down and facilitate discussion of the underlying issues and what jurisdiction they belong in.
Knudsen asked Senator Olson if she would be willing to change the recent change to the LMCD's
enabling legislation at a future legislative session.
Senator Olson stated that changes to enabling legislation for the LMCD need to be made by future
legislatures and that she was not willing to introduce legislative changes at this time.
Nelson stated that since Senator Olson was on the Senate Environmental Committee, he believed that
Olson could provide the LMCD a periodic update on activities occurring at the committee level, citing
exotic species as an example.
Senator Olson stated that she would be willing to provide a periodic update if she had the e-mail
addresses of the LMCD Board of Directors.
Knudsen stated that he had been working with the City of Minnetrista and the MCWD on a resolution
showing opposition or reluctance to additional development on Six Mile Creek and the two other
tributaries included in the ordinance that was adopted by the LMCD, Painters and Long Lake Creeks.
The MCWD Board of Managers voted unanimously to move this resolution forward, the City of
Minnetrista would likely be reviewing this resolution in the near future, and he recommended that the
LMCD review it in the near future.
Senator Olson asked for clarification on what additional development means.
Knudsen stated that this would focus on additional development in these creeks with access rights to
Lake Minnetonka. He asked Senator Olson what government agency she felt had jurisdiction over
these creeks if the LMCD does not.
Senator stated the jurisdictional questions relate to the function. In most cases, she believed that the
member city would have the jurisdiction.
Babcock stated that he believed most cities would take the position that they do not have jurisdiction.
Seuntjens recommended that the Board report back to their respective city council on the ordinance
that was adopted by the LMCD and the recent legislation authored by two local legislators that
changed the enabling legislation of the LMCD. He stated that he believed it was not uncommon for
government to protect the majority of the public by adopting ordinances that might impact a minority of
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
the public. He believed that the LMCD has done this in the past when limitations were placed on the
number of boats that can be stored at a site.
Senator OIson stated that she did not see the harm caused by the recent legislative change for the
Babcock stated that he believed the adoption of the ordinance was a long-term protection measure to
set expectations to address nutrient concerns raised through testimony by experts in these creeks.
Experts have communicated to the Board that Six Mile Creek is the number one source of external
phosphorous in-flow to Halsteads Bay that has some of the poorest water quality on Lake Minnetonka.
He believed that there area areas on the lake that do not support large boat storage, including wetland
Nelson stated that there was a recent power point presentation prepared that talked about
phosphorous and the problems it can create for a water body. Additionally, there has been a 30-
minute videotape recently prepared by the Freshwater Foundation. He suggested that efforts should
be made to forward the power point presentation and the videotape to Senator Olson and
Representative Smith.
Skramstad asked Representative Smith if he had any comments that he would like to make to the
Representative Steve Smith stated that he agreed with the comments made by Skramstad on the need
to look towards the future rather than the past. Where the discussion should go on this issue and other
issues merits further discussion. He suggested that the LMCD and the 14 member cities might want to
create a partnership to deal with jurisdictional issues because the LMCD and the member cities are
creatures of the state legislature. He suggested that there might be a need to discuss the role of the
state legislature on local environmental issues, noting that he takes these issues very seriously.
Babcock re-stated that he would like to have the local legislators communicate with the LMCD if
changes are being proposed to its enabling legislation.
Representative Smith stated that he did not anticipate that massive development would occur in the Six
Mile Creek area overnight. He suggested that discussion on a workable solution between the LMCD
and the member cities should take place prior to the next legislative session to invite cooperation.
Senator Olson stated that although she was willing not introduce future legislative changes at this time.
However, this could possibly change based on the discussions recommended by Representative
Skramstad stated that he believed one of the strengths of the Board was that it communicated and
generally voted consistent with the direction of the city council that appointed them. However, this
possibly could be improved.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Representative Smith stated that he served on the LMCD Board around 1985 and 1986 for the City of
Mound and he was aware of the role of the Board.
Nelson stated that a separate issue he would like to discuss with Senator Olson and Representative
Smith was the possible introduction of zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka. This invasive specie was
so severe that the federal government passed unusual legislation on how to deal with ships coming in
that possibly carry zebra mussels. Similar legislation has not been done by the State of Minnesota
and he believed the LMCD needs to work with the legislature on a comprehensive solution because of
the trampoline effect on nearby lakes if zebra mussels were introduced into Lake Minnetonka. He
believed that both timing and funding of a more comprehensive plan were issues that merited further
Representative Smith stated that he recalled the City of Mound contributed around $13,000 in the mid
1980's for the purchase of capital equipment and operating expenses for the EWM Harvesting
Program. Although the State of Minnesota views Lake Uinnetonka as a state resource for getting the
public on it, it does not currently view Lake Minnetonka as a liability for a place to spent state funds to
fix the cause. He stated that he was at the recent Mound city council meeting where the power point
presentation was presented. Funding from the State of Minnesota was part of the power point
presentation and he recommended that discussion needs to take place prior to the next legislative
Skramstad stated that a resident of Halsteads Bay,.Mr. Jim Blakeway, was in attendance to observe
the discussion. He asked Balkeway if he would like to make comments for the Board or for Senator
Olson or Representative Smith.
Mr. Jim Blakeway stated that he was speaking primarily for himself. However, he believed that his
comments would be consistent with approximately 230 voters that live on Halsteads Bay. He
expressed his concern that the majority of the residents on Halsteads Bay were not properly
represented by the recent legislative change. Residents on Halsteads Bay have concern about water
quality and an attempt was made by the LMCD to address this. He expressed concern about voters
being able to increase their property values substantially by allowing boats to traverse in Six Mile
Creek where they should not be allowed to. He did not think that taxpayers should have to pay for
phosphorous clean-up efforts on Halsteads Bay that are primarily created by a few property owners on
Six Mile Creek. He believed that the recent legislative change contradicts the testimony received by
the LMCD from the experts on the external loading of phosphorous into Halsteads Bay from Six Mile
Creek because of prop dredging.
Skramstad thanked Senator Olson and Representative Smith on behalf of the Board.
A. Howards Point Marina, consideration of draft Findings of Fact and Order for approval of a new
multiple dock land launch ramp license application to back license 38 off-lake Boat Storage Units
(BSU's) under LMCD Code Section 2.045.
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Skramstad stated that draft Findings had been prepared by LeFevere as directed by the Board at
the 5/2604 Regular Board Meeting. He entertained questions or comments from the Board.
MOTION: Foster moved, Valdesuso seconded to approve the Howards Point Marina Findings of
Fact and Order to back license 38 off-lake BSU's under LMCD Code Section 2.045.
Babcock expressed concern about the motion because the application does not comply with a
number of requirements for off-lake storage facilities. These included the facility does not have a
special density license, density in this area does not meet standards established by Code, there is
no staging included in the plan, it does not meet parking standards, and it was not licensed within
30 days from 12/28/87. Because of these concerns, he stated that he could not approve an
application that is prohibited by Code.
LeFevere stated that the concerns raised by Babcock would not apply because the requirements
are for complying facilities and Howards Point Marina has requested to be grandfathered.
VOTE: Ayes (10), Nayes (1, Babcock), Abstained (1, Halvorson); motion carried.
Nybeck stated that he included a memo in the handout folders that summarized back licensing
fees for Howards Point Marina that they will sent an invoice for.
C. Additional Business.
There was no additional business.
Burma left at 10:35 p.m.
A. Audit of vouchers (6/1/04- 6/15/04).
Knudsen reviewed the audit of vouchers as submitted.
MOTION: Nelson moved, Seuntjens seconded to approve the audit of vouchers as submitted.
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
B. Review of draft 2005 LMCD Budget.
Skramstad asked for an update on this agenda item from Nybeck.
Nybeck stated that the draft 2005 LMCD Budget that was reviewed by the Board at the 5/26/04
Regular Meeting was forwarded to the member cities on 5127104. A meeting was scheduled to
review the draft budget in the LMCD office on 6./4/04, noting that there were no representatives of
the cities Who attended. The member cities were notified that they had until Monday, 6/21104, to
-_-. -2321 -
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
comment on the draft 2005 LMCD Budget. Final review and approval by the Board is scheduled
for Wednesday, 6123104.
Babcock questioned whether the Board was comfortable that a quorum would be present at the
6~23~04 Regular Meeting. If not, he suggested that the Board could adopt the 2005 LMCD Budget
and direct staff not to send it out until 6124104 to verify whether comments are received by the
member cities by the 6/21/04 deadline.
MOTION: Babcock moved, Foster seconded to adopt the 2005 LMCD Budget and to direct staff
not to send it to the 14 member cities until 6/24/04.
Van Hercke stated that the City of Minnetonka had two concerns with the draft 2005 LMCD Budget.
First, the city manager expressed concern about comparables used in the Stanton Survey that
were not appropriate, especially comparing the Executive Director position with city administrator
positions. Second, the city manager stated that he believed the 6.7% increase was too high.
VOTE: Ayes (10), Nayes (1, Van Hercke); motion carried.
C. Additional Business.
There was no additional business.
A. Update of 6~3~04 Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee.
Skramstad asked for an update from Foster.
Foster stated that the sub-committee met in the LMCD office on 6/3/04. The meeting was
productive and the next sub-committee meeting is scheduled for 6/17/04. He believed that a
written report would be prepared for the 6/23/04 Regular Board Meeting.
C. Additional Business.
There was no additional business.
A. Consideration of draft 2004 "Save the Lake" Budget.
Skramstad asked for background on this agenda item from Babcock.
Babcock stated that he and Nybeck had prepared a draft 2004 "Save the Lake" Budget and he
recommended approval of it unless there were questions or comments from the Board.
MOTION: Knudsen moved, Valdesuso seconded to approve the 2004 "Save the Lake" Budget as
Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 20
VOTE: Motion carried unanimously.
Nybeck stated that $2,000 was approved in the 2004 "Save the Lake" Budget for Water Patrol
safety equipment. However, the Board has not refined the request for public safety equipment for
2004. He asked the Board how they would like to proceed on this request.
The Board discussed this and the consensus of the Board was to review the 2004 Water Patrol
request at the 6~23~04 Regular Meeting.
B. Additional Business.
There was no additional business.
Nelson stated that the letter, bound copies of the power point presentation, and the CD of the power
point presentation have been sent out to the member cities. Review of the power point presentation
has been conducted with the Excelsior and Mound city councils, noting that additional presentations
are anticipated. The draft of the text for the zebra mussel video has been sent out for technical review
and the taping of the video is scheduled with the TPT on 6/29/04. A meeting has been conducted with
MCWD staff on the possibility of their funding for this project.
Suerth stated that he would like to have a committee established on how to fund the variety of projects
that are anticipated with a more comprehensive zebra mussel program.
There was no discussion.
Nybeck updated the Board on four items. First, the lake level as of 6/9/04 was 929.85', with the dam
discharging at 200 c.f,s. Second, there was a memo in the packet that summarizes mission
statements for LMCD committees and the funding process. He recommended that this be discussed
by the Board in the near future. Third, there was a memo in the handout folders that discuses the fire
boat rescue situation on Lake Uinnetonka and the Code relating to this. He recommended that the
Board discuss this in the near future. Fourth, Robert Searles has recently passed away and his family
has request that memorial contributions in his name be forwarded to the "Save the Lake" fund.
Solicitations received will be forwarded towards the zebra mussel project.
There was no old business.
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Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Regular Board Meeting
June 9, 2004
Page 21
Knudsen stated that he attended the last MCWD Board of Managers Meeting to discuss Six Mile
Creek. The Board of Managers passed a resolution unanimously encouraging a joint resolution
amongst the MCWD, the LMCD, the City of Minnetrista, and the MN DNR on how to deal with these
tributaries. He stated that he would have a copy of the MCWD resolution included in the packet for the
6/23/04 Regular Board Meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:01 p.m.
Tom Skramstad, Chair
Jose Valdesuso, Secretary
7:00 PM, Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Tonka Bay City Hall
READING OF MINUTES- 6/9/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting
6/23/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting
PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.)
· Pelican Point HOA, new multiple dock license application to reconfigure the
conforming multiple dock facility on Spring Park Bay.
1. Public Hearing
2. Discussion and/or Consideration
A) Discussion of 7/9/04 staff memo that summarizes expenses incurred to be
deducted from the $250 refundable deposits for recently submitted variance
Ordinance Amendment, first reading of an ordinance relating to the storage of
fire and rescue boats on Lake Minnetonka; amending LMCD Code Section 2.02,
subd. 6;
C) Additional Business;
A) Chair update of Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee;
B) Additional Business;
A) Audit of vouchers (711/04 - 7/15/04);
B) Additional Business;
A) Minutes from the 6/11/04 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting (handout);
B) Discussion of possible future funding of the EWM Harvesting Program by the
C) Additional Businessl
~18338. M int~etorika .BI,id,
Deephaven, MN 55391
(952) 745~0~89
,July :19, 2004.
th'm u g h. mid:Aug uS~;~ With
H'~rV~sting pri~iiesarebased upon impediment:to pub ic bOat Whidh is.consistent
with past years. The'LoWer Lake' SOuth option has been implemented in 2004, With theflrst round of harvesting
completed, in the LOwer Lake and the majodiY completed in,the UPper,Lake; Hig:h':gi~&~: areas,.wili.be t~aN~sied
twice, time permitting
The LMCD cohtinues to be.concerned about the.introduCti0n .of other invasive Species into Lake Minnetonka, with an
emPhaSis on zebra musselS,. During,the .2004 :boat ng. season,.the LMCD has ncmased the .amoUnt Of-inSpect ons
being conducted.at h gh: volume pUblic accesseS during peak'period t mos, on Fridays, Satu~:days~ Sundays and
holic~ays frOm late MaY through,~id' AUgUst rAdditi0nal'l~/, the t'MCD has takeninit al steps on a'm(~re
compr'ehensive'zebra mUssel program ~nd We are solidit ng aS~istance and cooperation, from the 14,member cities
in thiS. offer't:
the :cOsts. going ant
oready W
2004 ,Lake,!Minnetonka Shorelinelnwentory: The Management p an for Lake M nnetonka requires'that'the, LMCD
conduct an i'nventory:for water~taff'st6tage0h:Lake Min.h'~tonka every tw0 years. The last year,tha[this: '
Management Plan ~as c~nducted w, as 2~)0;~i::and the project:iS l~eing conducted tl3is sammetl .LMCD stafflbegan
C0nd~ting tl~e fieidW0~ for:.thisPr0ject~ih eddy. June!, wii~ the fibi~ork anticipa'ted tb, be.Wrapped up withint~e next
3~ days, After ComPletio'n ef [he,fi~idwork,. LinCD st~ffwiil p'repa~e aRe~orti~f:th s: p~Oject ~t ~um~nari~e~.the key
.detail~. A cO:Py bilitl~is,i~O~-shoU d'be a.~ail'abie so~eti~ thiS:fall. : " .
2004 Lake Min'n'etonka:~Water~'.Patm. I. UPdate: Them is :increased WaterPatro presence on Lake Minnetorika by
O~t~ fo[.the?fe~h.~d~ecati'vb b~ti~ ~Sa~b.~. :Th~s added P¢~se~:by the S~:~¢S watbr patm'ha~ ~mProv~
for 200~' andb~Ybnd is que~'(ioha.5:j~ 8ua to t~'e. econbmi~"c6aii~ge~..th~t H~;~ke~in.c~u,ty is :f~ci~g.
2004 Lake Minnetonka .... Solar Light Buo¥.Proiect~ In 2002 and 2003, a solar light buoy project was implemented
on Lake Minnet0rika This project i'si~ritin~id~' dddng .the 2004'boating season and the solar lightshave been
mounted on top of the red and green havlgat onal buoys at a number of high traffic channels :through0ut Lake
Minnetonka. §teps have been taken bY L~ICD staff in 2004't° Purchase ~bre dUrable Solar lights and to imProve.
~. -2327-
how they are mounted. Feedback from this project in 2002 and 2003 was positive and we believe that this Will
continue in 2004. Please. feel free to contact the LMCD office if you would like to provide feedback on this project.
2005 LMOD Budget: In May, staff prepared 'the :draft2005' LMOD BUdget for reView by the Board and the 14
member cities. In accordance with Minnesota State Statute t03B..635, the'Board must on or before July 1 of each
year prepare and submit a detailed budgetof~the LMO'D'sneed, for the.next calendar year, to the governing body of
each municipality in the LMCD With a statement of the proportion of the budget to be provided by' each municipality.
The LMCD Board reviewed the draft 2005 LMCD Budget at its 5/26/04 and 6/9~04 Regular Board Meetings. A
meeting with .officials from the 14 member cities was coordinated in the LMCD office on F.dday, '6/4/04, to receive
in put and comments.on the draft 2005 LMCD BUdget:;: .The Board:adopted ith:e','2005 bMOD'B~i-dgetj:witha 6!9~7~".~ evy
increase compared to the :2004 L.MCD Budget, :at its 6/9/04 Regu ar Meet rig' and fOrWarded a-cOpy Of it to the 14
member cities befo(e the JU!yl Stdeadline,. The 6.9% 'levy increase tO the 14 member citieS, is the first increase' to
the member cities s nee the' 200.! bMOD BUdget
,Web, Page.:. The. LMOD!s':W~bPage: a~lFess is http'//~:l~od 'org
-2328- -~_
July 12, 2004
Dear Colleagues:
Over the past several years we have all come to learn a great deal more about the public
health dangers of second-hand smoke. This accumulated body of scientific knOwledge
certainly justifies us revisiting our smoking policies on a local, regional, and statewide
In fact, within the last few years and in the face of this mounting evidence regarding the
harm from second-hand smoke, a handful of Minnesota local governments have
considered and implemented smoking ordinances. More recently, a statewide smoking,
ban was considered at the State Legislature and many of our own colleagues in
surrounding communities have engaged in discussions about the best way to impose .1~al
restrictions on smoking.
Last week a group of local elected officials met to discuss the ~)ahie of a regional,
coordinated effort to restrict smoking. Our meeting brought agreement to share
information about various approaches with local officials in the seven-county area. OUr
meeting also brought agreement that a regional approach to regulating smoking maker'
sense from both a public health and an economic standpoint. With a regional approach,
we can set aside the false choice of health versus economics that is presented when one
local jurisdiction tries to regulate commerce on its own. The people of our region
deserve no less.
To that end, we have enclosed for your review some background materials outlining the
various approaches taken by other communities here in Minnesota and throughout the
country. We have also enclosed a few specific ordinances for your use in discussion in
your own communities.
Whether you are just beginning to wade into this issue, or have already begun
deliberations, we ask that you share your thoughts and ideas with us. In addition to the
work taking place locally and statewide, we truly believe a regional network and
implementation structure will help make this effort a success for everyone.
Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if you have a question, or want to participate in
a regional discussion. For our residents, visitors, business owners and employees in our
communities, we will continue to work to find the best solution to this problem.
Randy C. Kelly
Mayor of Saint Paul
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
390 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
651-266-85'10 (Of_rice)
Email -- randy.kelly~ci.stpaul.mn.us
Scott Benson
Minneapolis Councilmember
350 South Fifth Street
307 City Hall
Minneapolis, MN 554
612-673-2211 (Office)
Email - scott.benson~ci.minneapolis.mn.us
· Hennepin Couniy. Commissioner
A-2400 Government Center
Minneapolis, MN 55487-0240
612-348-7883 (Office)
Email: gail.dorfman~co.hennepin.mn.us
Susan Haigh
Ramsey County Commissioner
Room 220 Court House
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
651-266-8364 (Office)
Email: Susan. M.Haigh~co.ramsey.mn.us
D~ota County Commissioner
1590 HWY 55
Hastings, MN 55033
651-4384428 (Office)
Email -- kathleen.gaylord~co.dakota.mn.us
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WHEREAS, non-smoking sections in buildings do not eliminate non-smokers'
exposure to second-hand smoke (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office
of Air and Radiation IARC Scientific Publications 81:25-41, 1987); and
WHEREAS, carcinogens found in Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) are
causally related to cancer. It is estimated that every year 3,000 non-smokers in
the U.S. die of lung cancer related to ETS (60 deaths in MN). To date, over 50
substances in second-hand smoke have been identified as carcinogens. (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services; Health Effects of Exposure to
Environmental Tobacco Smoke, 1999); and
WHEREAS, annually between 35,000 and 62,000 non-smokers die in the U.S.
(700 to 1,240 deaths in MN) from Ischemic heart disease related to ETS (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services; Health Effects of Exposure to
Environmental Tobacco Smoke, 1999); and
WHEREAS, each year 9,700 to 18,600 Iow birth weight babies bom in the U.S.
(190 to 370 in MN) are causally related to ETS (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services; Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke,
1999); and
WHEREAS, annually between 1,900 and 2,700 deaths from Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS) occur in the U.S. (30 to 50 deaths in MN) related to ETS (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services; Health Effects of Exposure to
Environmental Tobacco Smoke, 1999); and
WHEREAS, irritants in ETS cause 150,000 cases annually of bronchitis and
pneumonia (3,000 cases in MN). Irritants also cause 700,000 cases annually of
middle ear infections in children in the U.S (14,000 in MN) (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services; Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental
Tobacco Smoke, 1999); and
WHEREAS, a review of 2000 children in Olmsted County has shown an average
of 17.3% having asthma, which is 2.5 times the national average (study
conducted by Dr. Barbara Yawn, Olmsted Medical Center researcher). Asthma
that becomes worse due to ETS occurs in 400,000 children annually in the U.S.
(8,000 children in MN) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Health
Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke, 1999); and
WHEREAS, ETS rapidly diffuses throughout a room. Using indoor air quality
standards, ventilation rates would have to be increased more than a thousand-
fold to reduce cancer risk associated with ETS. Such ventilation rate would
result in a virtual windstorm indoors (Repace, J. "Risk Management and Passive
Smoking at Work and at Home," St. Louis University Public Law Review, 13(2):
763-785, 1994); and
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WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People
2010 has as one of its objectives to cut exposure to ETS by non-smokers from
65% in 1994 to 45% in 2010 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Healthy People 2010, Washington D.C., U.S. Department of Health Human
Services 2000); and
WHEREAS, sitting in a smoke-free section of a restaurant for two hours is like
smoking 1% cigarettes (Presentation by Katherine Hammond, PhD, University of
California School of Public Health); and
WHEREAS, nine out of ten non-smokers are exposed to ETS at least once every
2 to 3 days (Journal of the American Medical Association, January 1998); and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute § 145A.04 establishes the powers and duties of a
Board of Health to enforce ordinances related to public health for the territory
within its jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute § 145A.05 authorizes a County Board to adopt
ordinances to regulate actual or potential threats to the public health and to
define public health nuisances and to provide for their prevention; and
WHEREAS, after due public notice a hearing was held on November 13, 2001,
by the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners, pursuant to Minnesota Statute
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Olmsted County Board of
Commissioners as the Public Health Board for Olmsted County adopts the
"Olmsted County Smoke-free Restaurant Ordinance", as on file in the County
Administrator's office, on this 13th day, of November, 2001
Dated: November 13, 2001
Jean Michaels, Chairperson
Richard G. Devlin, Clerk-Administrator
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The County Board of the County of Olmsted, Minnesota, ordains:
This ordinance shall be known and referenced as the Olmsted County Smoke-free
Restaurant Ordinance.
SECTION B. Jurisdiction:
Subd. 1. As provided in MN Statute§145A.05, this ordinance applies throughout all
of Olmsted County, including the municipalities therein.
Subd. 2. As provided in MN Statute §145A.04, the Community Health Board is
authorized to enforce laws, regulations, and ordinances within its jurisdictional area.
Subd. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent other local levels of government,
within Olmsted County, from adopting more restrictive measures to protect citizens
from second-hand smoke.
SECTION C. Definitions:
~ubd. 1. Definitions in this ordinance pertain only to this ordinance.
Subd. 2. Bar. "Bar" shall mean any establishment that a) has an on-sale 3.2 percent
malt liquor license issued pursuant to Minn. Statute § Section 340A.403; or an on-
sale intoxicating liquor license issued pursuant to Minn. Statute § Section 340A.404;
and b) whose sales of beer, malt liquor, and intoxicating liquor is projected for an
initial licensee to be - or is demonstrated for an existing licensee to be - more than 50
% (percent) of the total of net sales of food and beverages, after taxes that are
served in the bar. These are the sales reported to Federal and/or State Revenue
Authorities from the most recent liquor licensing year. However, sales for service to
customers in a separately licensed business shall not be included as part of the total
net sales for an establishment seeking this "bar" classification.
Subd. 3. Establishment. "Establishment" means the portion of a building, including
the infrastructure, that is typically reviewed, assessed, inspected, and included as
part of the plan review, licensing, and monitoring processes of food and/or beverage
facilities by the applicable public health licensing authorities. It also includes, in the
case of multi-purpose buildings and rooms and for the purposes of this ordinance,
those portions of the building that are.being used for food and/or beverage services
during an event.
Subd. 4. Other Person in Charge. "Other'Person In Charge" means the agent of
the proprietor authorized to perform administrative direction to, and general
supervision of, the activities within a public place at any given time.
Subd. 5. Private Club. "Private Club" shall mean an incorporated organization
organized under the laws of the state for civic, fraternal, social, or business
purposes; for intellectual improvement, for promotion of sports, or for a
congressionally chartered veterans' organization, .which:
a. a. has more than 50 members; and
b. b. has owned or rented a building or space in a building for more than one
year that is suitable and adequate for the accommodation of its members;
c. c. is directed by a board of directors, executive committee, or other similar
body chosen by the members at a meeting held for that purpose. No
member, officer, agent, or employee shall receive any profit from the
distribution or sale of beverages to the members of the club, or their guests,
beyond a reasonable salary or wage fixed and voted upon each 'year by the
governing body; and
d. d. does not restrict its membership on the basis of race, color, creed,
religion or national origin.
Any private club's exemption from the smoke-free provisions of this ordinance does
not apply when such organization is established to avoid compliance with this
Subd. 6. Proprietor. "Proprietor" shall mean the party, regardless of whether or not
the party is owner or lessee of the public place, who ultimately controls, governs, or
directs the activities within the public place. The term does not mean the owner of
the property, unless the owner ultimately controls, governs, or directs the activities
within the public place. The term "proprietor" may apply to a corporation as well as
to an individual.
Subd. 7. Restaurant. "Restaurant" shall have the meaning specified in Minn. Stat.
Section 157.15, Subd.12. "Restaurant" includes those portions of a multi-purpose
building that is being used for food and/or beverage services during an event. The
term "restaurant" does not include a "bar," as defined in this ordinance.
Subd. 8. Smoking. "Smoking" shall mean inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying
any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, weed, other plant substances or other lighted
smoking equipment in any manner or in any form.
SECTION D. Smoking Prohibited in Restaurants:
Subd. 1. Smoking Prohibited. Except as provided in Subd. 2, smoking is
prohibited in all indoor areas of any restaurant and its indoor entrance areas,
commonly referred to as vestibules, alcoves, and foyers.
Subd. 2 Exemptions. The prohibitions of subd.1 do not apply to the following
places or situations:
a. a. Bars, including those that are immediately adjacent to a restaurant,
provided that the following separations are maintained:
1) 1) The bar is separated from the restaurant on all sides by continuous
floor-to-ceiling walls, which are interrupted only by closeable doors, that
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are continuously closed, except when a person is actively entering or
exiting the bar; and
2) 2) The bar ventilation systems are totally separated from the restaurant,
with the bar maintaining a negative air pressure in relation to the adjacent
restaurant; and
3) 3) Whose revenues from the sale of food in this portion of the restaurant
consistent with the definition in this ordinance; and
4) 4) Consistent with Minnesota Statute § 340A.503, Subd. 4. (b), the bar
does not permit entrance or employment of minors at any time; and
5) 5) The bar has a Food and/or Beverage License, that is separate from
the restaurant, issued by the appropriate licensing agency.
b. b. Restaurants, that are closed to the public while being used for a private
c. Private clubs, except when they are open to serve food or drink to the
that are not members of the club. Guests accompanied by members are
considered the same as members.
d. An event that includes licensed food and/or beverage service in any
municipal owned and managed building, when the municipal governing
body has declared specific portions of the building to be exempt for the
Subd. 3. Proprietor's Right to Prohibit Smoking. Nothing in this ordinance
prevents the proprietor or other person in charge from prohibiting smoking in their
~ubd. 4. Compliance with Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act. Irrespective of any
exceptions granted under authority of this ordinance, compliance must be maintained
with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, as may be amended from time to time.
Subd. 5. Exceptions Based on False Information. Exceptions and/or variances
based on false information shall render any exception or variance null and void.
SECTION E. Resoonsibilities of Proprietom:
Subd. 1. Records required for exemption
a. Applicants for food and/or beverage establishments claiming exemption
allowed under Section D, Subd. 2 of this ordinance, shall annually provide,
in conjunction with their public health administered Food and Beverage
License reneWal, a copy of the annual report of food and liquor sales records
as provided to State Revenue Authorities from the most recent liquor
licensing year. The report shall be submitted with a form supplied by
Olmsted County Public Health and the information shall be provided under
oath and penalty of perjury. The report and accompanying form shall be the
basis for demonstrating whether or not the establishment continues to be
eligible for the exemption from the smoke-free requirements of Section D.
Prospective licensees of food and/or beverage establishments seeking to
open such an establishment, with an exemption from the smoke-free
requirements of Section D in this ordinance, shall provide a notarized
affidavit and agreement in conjunction with their application for initial Food
and Beverage License administered by Public Health. The affidavit and
agreement shall show that their business plan projections indicate that they
are eligible for such exemption and that they will convert to a smoke-free
status if their records indicate, after six calendar months of operation, that
the business is not eligible for continued.exemption from the smoke-free
requirements of this Ordinance.
2. Signage.
a. Where smoking is allowed in a bar, private club, or a facility in which
private functions are conducted, the proprietor, or other person in charge,
shall conspicuously post a sign at all entrances to that area or facility stating
one of the following:
1) 1) "This entire establishment is a designated smoking area" or
2) 2) "Warning -This area contains tobacco smoke, which causes
cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and can harm you, your
unbom baby, and children"
b. If a bar, private club, or a facility in which private functions are conducted
has both smoke-free areas and a designated smoking area, the proprietor or
other person in charge shall conspicuously post, in addition to those
messages reqUlred by the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, signs at all initial
entry points clearly stating "Warning -This area contains tobacco smoke."
c. The proprietor shall also clearly indicate those areas inside the
establishment where smoking is permitted and those that are smoke-free,
through the use of signs required in this Subd. 2.
The proprietor or other person in charge of a restaurant shall conspicuously
post a sign at all entrances to the restaurant stating: "This entire
establishment is smoke-free." The sign shall include the universal "no
smoking" symbol.
The placement and size of lettering for all signs and symbols required under
this Ordinance shall be consistent with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act,
Minn. Stat. Sections 144. 411 to 144.417, and the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air
Act Rules, Minnesota Rules, Part 4620.0100 to 4620.1450.
Subd. 3. The proprietor or other person in charge shall ensure that ashtrays,
lighters, and matchbooks are not provided in areas where smoking is prohibited.
Subd. 4. The proprietor, or other person in charge, shall ask any person who
smokes in an area where smoking is prohibited to refrain from smoking and, if the
person does not refrain from smoking after being asked to do so, shall ask the
person to leave. If the offending party refuses to leave, the operator shall handle the
situation consistent with lawful methods for handling other persons acting in a
disorderly manner or as a trespasser.
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5. Compliance After Adoption:
a. The proprietor or other person in charge shall be provided up to 30 (thirty)
days after this ordinance is adopted to meet ordinance requirements.
b. The Public Health Director is authorized to extend the time for
completion, after considering a proprietor's written request for extension - that
includes a detailed explanation of need - that the Public Health Director finds
to be reasonable.
c. Such extension, made at the Director's discretion, shall be limited to no
more than 90 (ninety) days. Extensions beyond that authorized in this
subdivision shall be according to the authorized appeals process.
SECTION F. No Retaliation:
No person shall discharge, refuse to hire, refuse to serve or in any manner retaliate
against any employee, applicant for employment, or customer because such
employee, applicant, or customer makes a report or files a complaint alleging a
violation of this ordinance.
SECTION G. Violations:
Consistent with Minn. Stat. Sections 375.53 and 609.02, violations of this ordinance
shall be a petty misdemeanor.
SECTION H. Exceptions~ Appeals~ and Resolution of Violation-~:
Administration of this ordinance, including guidance for, challenges to, and penalties
shall be according to the authorities provided in Minnesota Statute Chapter 145A,
other applicable Minnesota law, and the Olmsted County Environmental Services
Administrative Ordinance.
SECTION I. Severability and Savings Clause:
If any section or portion of this ordinance shall be found unconstitutional or otherwise
invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, that finding shall not
serve as an invalidation, or affect the validity or enforceability of any other section or
provision of this ordinance.
SECTION J. Effective Date:
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect January 1,2002 pursuant to
Minnesota law.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2001.
Jean Michaels, Chairperson
Richard G. Devlin, Clerk-Administrator
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Article VII. Smoking in Public Places.
Sec. 28-62. Findings of fact and statement of purpose.
(a) The Duluth City Council finds the following facts to exist:
(1) Tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution, and breathing second
hand smoke is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in nonsmokers. At special risk are children,
elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular disease and individuals with impaired respiratory function,
including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway disease. Many of these individuals cannot go into
public places with second hand smoke due to their respiratory or allergenic handicap; and
(2) Health hazards induced by breathing second hand smoke include, but are not
limited to, lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory infection and decreased respiratory function; and
(3) The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may
reduce, but does not eliminate, the exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke for which
there is no known safe level of exposure. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28-63. Definitions.
For the purpose of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given them
in this Section.
(a) Bar. Bar means an establishment that has an onsale 3.2 percent malt liquor license issued
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 340A.403, as amended from time to time, or an onsale intoxicating
liquor license issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 340A.404, as amended from time to time, which
does not serve food or which has a limited food menu selection as defined by Minnesota Statutes Sec
· 157.16, subd. 3(d)(1), as amended from time to time;
(b) Bar/restaurant. Bar/restaurant means an establishmentthat has an onsale 3.2 percent malt
liquor license issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 340A.403, as amended from time to time, or an
onsale intoxicating liquor license issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 340A.404, as amended from
time to time, and that holds a small, medium or large establishment food license as defined by Minnesota
Statutes Sec. 157.16, subd. 3(d)(2)-(4), as amended from time to time;
(c) Office. Office means any building, structure or area used by the general public or serving
as a place of work at which the principal activities consist of professional, clerical or administrative services.
An office includes professional offices, offices in financial institutions, business offices, telemarketing offices
and government offices;
(d) Other person in charge. Other person in charge has the meaning specified in the
Minnesota Clean IndoorAir Act Rules, Minnesota Rules Part 4620.0100, Subpart 10, as amended from time
to time;
(e) Proprietor. Proprietor has the meaning specified by the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act
Rules, Minnesota Rules Part 4620.0100, Subpart 13, as amended from time to time;
(f) Public conveyance. Public conveyance means any air, land or water vehicle used for the
transportation of persons for compensation, including but not limited to airplanes, trains, buses, boats and
(g). Public place. Public place means any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public,
including, but not limited to, restaurants, retail stores, offices and other commercial establishments, public
conveyances, bars, hospitals, auditoriums, arenas, meeting rooms and common areas of hotels and motels,
but excluding bowling alleys and pool halls until April 1, 2003, and excluding private, enclosed offices
occupied exclusively by smokers even though such offices may be visited by nonsmokers;
(h) Restaurant. Restaurant means any building, structure or area used as, maintained as,
advertised as or held out to the public for food service as defined in Minnesota Rules Part 4625.2401,
Subpart 15, which requires licensure under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 157;
(i) Retail store. Retail store means that portion of a commercial occupancy used for the
transaction of business or the rendering ora service directly to the public, including shops, retail food stores,
laundries or laundromats and department stores;
(j) Room. Room means any indoor area bordered on all sides by a floor to ceiling wall. The
sides must be continuous and solid except for closeable doors for entry and exit;
(k) Smoking. Smoking includes possessing or carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any
other lighted Smoking equipment. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28-64. Smoking prohibited in public places; exception.
No person shall smoke in any public place 'except:
(a) Restaurants that have a currently existing designated smoking area in a separate room,
separately ventilated to the outside and constituting not more than 30 percent of the seating floor space and
persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to enter or remain, provided that this exception shall cease
to be in effect after April 1, 2003; (b) Bars;
(c) The bar area of a bar/restaurant, if:
(1) The bar area is separately enclosed on all sides by continuous floor-to-ceiling walls,
interrupted only by closeable doors; and
(2) The bar area is separately ventilated, with negative air pressure in relation to areas
of the bar/restaurant where smoking is not permitted; and
(3) Minors are not permitted in the bar area at any time;
(d) A civic organization, service club, fraternal or patriotic organization or similar private
membership organization, when admission to the organization is limited to members and members' guests,
provided that this exception shall not apply to any organization established to avoid compliance with this
ordinance [Article];
(e) The use of tobacco as part of a recognized religious ritual or activity. (Ord. No. 9448,
6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9475112-21-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1; Ord. No. 9638, 12-15-2003,
§ 1.)
Sec. 28-65. Responsibilities of proprietors.
The proprietor or other person in charge of a restaurant subject to Chapter 28, Article VII, shall:
(a) Post no smoking signs that comply with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act Rules,
Minnesota Rules Part 4620.0500, as amended from time to time;
(b) Ensure that ashtrays, lighters and matchbooks are not provided in areas where smoking
is prohibited;
(c) Ask any person who smokes in areas where smoking is prohibited to refrain from smoking
and, if the person does not refrain from smoking after being asked to do so, ask the person to leave. (Ord.
No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28-66. Previous exemptions.
All previous exemptions are withdrawn effective April 1,2003. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord.
No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28-67. Employees not required to enter bar area.
At public places that include both a restaurant and a bar, the owner shall not require nonsmoking
employees to enter the bar area as part of the employee's duties without the employee's consent. (Ord.
No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1.)
Sec. 28-68. Retaliation prohibited.
No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire, penalize, discriminate against or in any
manner retaliate against, any employee, applicant for employment or customer because the employee,
applicant or customer exercises any right to a smoke free environment afforded by this ordinance[Artic/e]
or other law. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28-69. Other applicable laws.
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This ordinance [Article] is intended to complement the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, Minnesota
Statute Sec. 144.411 to 144.417, as amended from time to time. Nothing in this ordinance [Article]
authorizes smoking in any location where smoking is restricted by other applicable laws. (Ord. No. 9448,
6-12-2000, § I; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
Sec. 28.70. Violation and penalties.
(a) Smoking where prohibited. It is a violation of this Article for any person to smoke in an area
where smoking is prohibited by this Article;
(b) Proprietors. It is a violation of this Article for the proprietor or other person in ch arge of any
premises subject to this Article to fail to comply with the requirements of Chapter 28, Article VII, or to
retaliate against an employee, applicant for employment or customer, as prohibited by Section 28-68;
(c) Private right of action. In addition to the penalties provided in Section 28-70(c), any person
injured by a repeated or continuing violation of the Article may bring a civil action against the proprietor or
other person in charge of a public place to enjoin further violations. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord.
No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1; Ord. No. 9611, 7-28-2003, § 28.)
Sec. 28-71. Severability.
If any portion of this ordinance [Art~cie], or its application to any circumstances, is held invalid, the
remaining provisions shall be considered severable, and shall be given effect to the maximum extent
possible. (Ord. No. 9448, 6-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 9475, 12-21-2000, § 2; Ord. No. 9490, 5-29-2001, § 1.)
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Moorhead as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter 6 of Title 3 of the Moorhead City Code is hereby created and enacted to read as
6-1-1 Smoking in Public Indoor Workplaces Prohibited
6-1-2 Definition
6-1-3 Penalties For Violation
No person shall smoke, possess or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other tobacco products
in a public indoor workplace.
The owner or other person in charge of a public indoor workplace subject to the provisions of this
section must (i) post signs indicating "no smoking" or containing the international no smoking
symbol; (ii)ensure that ash trays, lighters and matchbooks are not provided in areas where
smoking is prohibited; and (iii) ask any person violating this section to refrain from smoking,
possessing or carrying a 'lighted cigarette cigar, pipe or other tobacco products on the premises,
and if the person does not so refrain after being asked to do so, ask the person to leave the
premises immediately.
DEFINITION: "Indoor Public Workplace" means any enclosed, indoor facility, business or establishment used by
the general public, or used as a place of work, including, but not limited to, restaurants, retail
stores, offices and other commemial establishments, public conveyances, bars, hospitals,
auditoriums, arenas., meeting rooms and common areas of hotels and motels..
6-1-3 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION: Violation of the provisions of this section is an infraction and the penalty
imposed for a first offense of this section shall be a fine of $100.00, for a second offense a fine of
$200.00 dollars, and for a third or subsequent offense a fine of $500.00.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on September 1,2004.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Moorhead the 21st day of June 2004.
First Consideration:
Second Consideration:
Third Consideration:
Date of Publication:
May 3,2004
May 17,2004
June 21, 2004
Bloomington City Council to Hear Smoke-Free Ordinance
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Karen Zeleznak
Health Administrator
City of Bloomington
(952) 563-8900
lczeleznak~ci, bloomington.mn.us
On Monday, June 28 the Bloomington Advisory Board of Health (ABH) presented a study on smoke-free
workplaces to the Bloomington City Council. In February the City Council had requested the ABH to
study the issue of smoke-free restaurants and bars and other work places, and provide recommendations to
the Council. The ABH study is available on the City's web site at:
Following the ABH presentation and discussion, the City Council, on a 4-3 vote, directed staffto
publish a notice for a public hearing on July 19, 2004 for Council consideration of an ordinance
expanding smoke-free areas in public places and work places beyond the requirements of the 1975
Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act.
The Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act permits designated smoking areas within public places and
places of work and does not regulate outdoor areas.
PH 952-563-8713 FAX 952-563-8715 TTY 952-563-8740
The proposed ordinance prohibits smoking in all defined indoor public places and places of work,
with the following exceptions: (1) private residences, (2) motor vehicles, (3) designated hotel-motel
sleeping rooms, and (4) Indian spiritual and cultural ceremonies (which are also exempt under the
Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act). Smoking would also be prohibited in outdoor bar and restaurant
areas and within 25 feet of entrances, exits, open windows and ventilation intakes of public places
and work places. The restriction does not extend to other outdoor sites beyond the existing
prohibition of smoking in Bloomington's parks near youth sports activities.
The proposed ordinance will be available on the City's web site at www.ci.bloomin~on.mn.us by
July 2.
Prior to the formal public hearing on the proposed ordinance, an administrative hearing will 'be held
by City staffand the Advisory Health Board on July 12 at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
The purpose of the administrative hearing is to answer questions and take comments.
The formal public hearing before the Bloomington City Council is scheduled for July 19 at 7:15
p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The City Council will take testimony on the proposed
ordinance at that time. 'If adopted as proposed, the ordinance would become effective on September
1, 2004.
Comments regarding the proposed ordinance may be submitted by e-mail to
council~ci.bloomington.mn.us or via U.S. mail to: Mayor and City Council, City of Bloomington,
1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, Minnesota 55431.
For more information, contact Karen Zeleznak, Health Administrator, 952-563-8900, or
The City Council of the City of Bloomington hereby ordains:
Section 1. That Chapter 12 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Division O. Smokinq Prohibited
The City Council finds that:
Tobacco smoke is a leadin.q cause of disease in nonsmokers and a maior source of indoor air
pollution. Secondhand smoke causes heart disease, lun,q cancer, respiratory infections, decreased
respiratory function, reproductive problems and other health problems. Secondhand smoke kills an
estimated 35,000 to 62,000 Americans each year from heart disease. Secondhand smoke also
causes an estimated 3~000 lun.q cancer deaths in America each year.
These adverse health effects are well documented and numerous medical and scientific
authorities, includin.q the American Medical Association, the Sur.qeon General, the National Institute
on Occupational Safety and Health, the National Cancer Institute, the Environmental Protection
Agency, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Toxicology Program and the World Health
Or.qanization have reco.clnized the deadly effects of exposure to secondhand smoke.
(c) There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. Neither the separation of smokers and
nonsmokers, nor the introduction of new ventilation systems, can eliminate the health hazards
caused by secondhand smoke.
(d) Employees in smoky workplaces are at special risk. One study has estimated that workin.q in a
smoky settin.q for ei.qht hours is equivalent to smokin.q 16 ciqarettes. Also at special risk are
children, elderly people, and those with cardiovascular disease or impaired respiratory function,
includin.q people with asthma and those with obstructive airway disease.
(e) Obiective evidence does not bear out the fear that elimination of public smoking will harm a
community's economy or result in a net loss of iobs in restaurants and bars. On the contrary, many
independent economic studies have shown that the elimination of smoking has no material
economic impact on a community. These studies are drawn from the experience of hundreds of
communities that have successfully eliminated smokin.q in workplaces and public places. The
states of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, and New York have adopted
laws endinq all smoking in bars, restaurants, and other public places, as have the nations of
Ireland, New Zealand and Norway.
(f) By reducin.q the exposure of youn.q people to adult smokin.q and unhealthy role modelinq,
elimination of smokinq in public places furthers Minnesota's .qoal of reducinq youth smokinq.
(.q) There is no le.qal or constitutional "riqht to smoke." Business owners have no leqal or constitutional
ri.qht to expose their employees and customers to toxic chemicals, whether in tobacco smoke or
otherwise. On the contrary, employers have a common law duty to provide their workers with a
workplace that is not unreasonably dan,qerous.
Therefore, the City Council declares that the purpose of this ordinance is to:
(1) Protect the public health, safety and welfare by better insuring the ability of citizens to
breathe safe and uncontaminated air;
(2) Affirm that the right to breathe has priority over the desire to smoke; and
(3) Protect vulnerable populations including employees, children, the elderly and those with
chronic health conditions.
SEC. 12.80. [~] DEFINITIONS.
The following words and terms, when used in this Division, shall have the followin.q meaning~
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Bar - a portion of an establishment where a person can purchase and consume alcoholic.
bevera(~es. --
Office - a build n,q, structure or area used by the genera public or servin,q as a place of work at
which principal activities consist of professional, clerical or administrative services. An office includes, but
is not limited to, professional offices, offices in financial institutions, business offices, telemarketin.q office,-.
and qovemmental offices. '
Other Person in Charge - the agent of the proprietor authorized to perform administratiw
direction to and general supervision of the activities within a place of work and public place at any ,qiven
Place of Work - any enclosed, indoor location at which two or more individuals perform any typ~,
of a service for consideration of payment under any type of employment relationship, includ n.q but not
limited to an employment relationship with or for a private corporation, partnership, individual, or
~ovemment a.qency This term includes any location where two or more individuals .qratuitousl~ perform
· services for which individuals are ordinarily paid. Examples of a place of work include enclosed indoor
areas of an office, a public conveyance, a factory, a warehouse, a hote or motel, and other Iocation~
where services are performed under an employment relationship. Enclosed, indoor areas of pdvat~
clubs, and rooms used for private meetin.qs or social functions, are ~places of work" if two or moro.
persons acting under an employment relationship provide cleanin.q, caterinq, food or beveraqe service,
maintenance '~r other support services in the location.
Proprietor - the party, regardless of whether the party is the owner or lessee of the place of work
or public place, who ultimately controls, ,qoverns or directs the activities within the place of work or public,
place. The term "proprietor' may apply to a corporation as well as an individual.
Public Place - any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public or serving as a place of work,
includinq, but not limited to, restaurants, retail stores, offices and other commercial establishments, public.
conveyances, auditoriums, arenas, meeting rooms, common areas of rental apartment buildin.qs, and
educational facilities other than public schools.
Restaurant - a food and bevera.qe service establishment, whether the establishment serve~
alcoholic or nonalcoholic bevera.qes
Smokin.q - the inhalinq, exhaling or combustion of any cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other li.qhte~
smokin.q equipment. Smokinq includes carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other lighted
smokinq equipment.
SEC. 12.81.
Except as provided in subsection lc), no person shall smoke in public .places and places of work,
including outdoor and bar areas of restaurants.
To ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter public places and places of work and that p.ersons
enterin.q such places are not exposed involuntarily to tobacco smoke, smokin.q is prohibited within
twenty-five I25) feet of entrances, exits, open windows and ventilation intakes of public places and
places of work.
The prohibitions of this Section do not apply to:
/1) Private residences.
/2) Motor vehicles.
(3) The use of tobacco as part of a traditional Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony.
Sleeping rooms of hotels and motels which are rented to ,quests.
The proprietor or other person in char,qe of a public place or place of work where smokinq is
prohibited shall:
(a) Post ~nonsmokin,q" si,qns that comply with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act Rules, Minnesota
Rules Part 4620.0500;
(b) Ensure that ashtrays, li.qhters and matchbooks are not provided in areas where smokin.q is
prohibited; and
(c) Ask any person who smokes in an area where smokin,q is prohibited to refrain from smokin.q and, if
the person does not refrain from smokinq after beinq asked to do so, ask the person to leave or
use any other means which may be appropriate to obtain compliance.
No person or employer shall discharqe, refuse to hire, penalize, discriminate against or in any
manner retaliate a.qainst any employer, applicant for employment or customer because the employee,
applicant or customer exercises any fight to a smoke-free environment provided by this ordinance or
other law.
Nothing in this Division prevents the proprietor or other person in char.cle of any place, including,
without limitation, any residence, motor vehicle or outdoor space, from prohibitin,q smoking in any such
This Division is intended to complement the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, Minn. Stat.,
§§114.411 to 144.17, as amended from time to time. Nothin,q in this Division authorizes smokinq in any
location where smokinq is prohibited or restricted by other laws.
SEC. 12.86. PENALTY.
Violation of any provision of this Division shall be a per'bt misdemeanor.
If any portion of this Division is held invalid, the remainin.q provisions shall be considered severable
and shall be given effect to the maximum extent possible.
This Division shall become effective on September 1, 2004..
Passed and adopted this __
day of ,, 2004.
Secretary to the Council
City Attorney
League of Mir~nesota Cities
145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044
(651) 281-1200 · (800) 925-1122
Fax: (651) 281-/299 · TDD: (651) 281-1290
www.lmnc, org
July 13, 2004
Dear Chief Appointed Officer,
The League Board of Directors is asking that you request the Governor and your legislators to
immediately resolve the confusion surrounding 2005 LGA amounts by correcting a drafting error
from the 2003 legislative session that failed to remove language related to the grandfather provision
of the LGA formula.
The legislature did not correct this error during the last session and as a result, the Governor has now
indicated that the state will certify 2005 LGA amounts based on the uncorrected statute rather than
on the intended changes. If this happens, it will alter about 8 - 10% of the 2005 LGA distribution.
Over 600 cities will be affected with some cities receiving more and others less; in some instances
the differences are quite significant. The Department of Revenue's estimate showing how your city
would be affected is on the League's web site.
At a special meeting on June 10, 2004, the League Board unanimously adopted a position supporting
the administration of the LGA formula as originally intended by the Legislature. The League Board's
position also supports a special session to address the LGA technical correction if it is determined
that the Legislature's intent from the 2003 special session cannot be followed. This request was
conveyed to both the Governor and legislative leadership, but that has so far not yielded results.
The Governor could resolve the issue by directing that the 2005 LGA certification follow legislative
intent or the matter could be addressed in special session. If neither happens, some legislators are
suggesting that they will fix the formula early in the 2005 legislative session, before distribution
could occur under the current law. That is not a desirable solution because it creates unnecessary
confusion and uncertainty for all cities, regardless of whether they would lose or gain LGA under the
Governor's proposal.
Since cities must make budget and levy decisions yet this fall, they will be forced to guess what the
legislature might do later in their 2005 fiscal year. This may cause some cities to budget for higher
than necessary property taxes, cut services, or both. It may cause other cities to plan for more LGA
than they will in the end receive should the 2005 Legislature modify the LGA distribution. The
League's Board felt that this unnecessary ambiguity will create a guessing game for city officials that
should not be a part of the local budget process.
By way of background, there is no disagreement that the 2003 special session tax bill inadvertently
failed to delete a paragraph dealing with the LGA grandfather. In administering the formula last
summer, the Department of Revenue accepted letters from House Tax Chair Ron Abrams (K-
Minnetonka) and Senate Tax Chair Larry Pogemiller (DFL-Minneapolis) requesting that the 2004
distribution follow legislative intent with an apparent understanding that the 2004 Legislature would
fix the technical problem.
Ch/efAppointed Officer
Page 2
July 13, 2004
During the 2004 legislative session, both the House and Senate tax bills contained that fix: and in
committee discussions of the provision, no one testified in opposition to the elimination o£the
paragraph. In addition, the House and Senate written summaries of the provision indicated that the
deletion of the paragraph was an inadvertent omission from the 2003 tax bill. Despite the non-
controversial nature of the provision, the House and Senate never negotiated a final tax bill and
therefore, the technical fix did not become law.
Please feel free to contact either Gary Carlson (gcarlsonC_~lmnc.org or 651-281-1255) or me
(imiller('~,lmnc.org or 651-281-1205) if you have any questions. We would also appreciate hearing
the results, of any conversations with the Governor or legislators you may have.
Executive Director
It Is Time for Action on Zebra Mussels
Last month's series of articles in the
Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled,
"Invaded Waters," only scratched the
surface on the issue of exotic species
invasions. The series documented the
inactions, delays and outright apathy of
the Federal government in protecting the
Great Lakes and other significant river
systems in the United States. In
Minnesota, it is much the same story -
our lakes ab41 rivers are vulnerable.
The Lake Minnetonka Association
knows Lake Minnetonka is vulnerable
to zebra mussels and other invaders.
Lacking coordinated, aggressive state
and federal protection regulations and
programs, local efforts are required to
protect Lake Minnetonka.
Our recent efforts have focused on the
real threats concerning zebra mussels.
Zebra mussels are not now in Lake
Minnetonka and we want to keep them
out. However; we are also frustrated by
slow, inadequate action to protect our
We have worked for three years to 'light
a fire' under local and state agencies to
actively protect our lake. The LMA has
also taken positive actions by participat-
ing in pilot inspection programs and
zebra mussel sampling. In our Summer
2001 newsletter; we stated, "The LMA
has made it a priority to work on keep-
ing zebra mussels out of the lake."
Even after three years of waving this
flag~ almost nothing has been done to
protect our lake!
Here is the problem - the agencies
charged with protecting Lake Minne-
tonka must get serious with meaningful,
comprehensive and timely act/on.
Zebra mussels were discovered in Lake
Ossawinnamakee last October. Now
nine months later; the DNR is imple-
menting a response that falls way short
of what is needed to keep zebra mussels
contained - they are neither performing
treatments to control zebra mussels nor
providing full time access inspections.
The DN-R has evaluated various treat-
ments that could help, but has conclud-
ed they should not be tried unless it is
certain such treatments would substan-
tially rid the lake of zebra mussel. While
the DNR has qualified technical experts
who have conducted this evaluation and
are correct in their technical conclusions,
they have not properly evaluated the
counterbalancing risks and, in effect,
have made a policy decision to risk
many other lakes in Minnesota. The
LMA is frustrated and angry the MN
DNR has decided not to implement
aggressive control actions, and we are
dumbfounded they are not providing
comprehensive inspections for boats
leaving the lake.
At a minimum, tbe MN DNR should '
inspect all watercraft leaving Lake
Ossawinnamakee and connected water-
ways to assure zebra mussels do not
spread to nearby lakes, eventually to
Lake Minnetonka.
We began working with the Lake
Minnetonka Conservation District and
others to provide access inspections,
veliger sampling and education pro-
grams several years ago. Recently, the
LMCD has proposed a more compre-
hensive and aggressive program for pre-
venting zebra mussds and other exotic
species from entering Lake Minnetonka
and tributary lakes.
The Lake Minnetonka Association is
grateful the LMCD is taking this threat
seriously and they bare proposed a
comprehensive, aggressive program.
However; much more is needed.
This summer; the LMCD is devoting
$27,500 for access inspections. This is a
significant increase from the past two
years. Howeveg a budget in the hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars is required
to provide comprehensive inspections.
The LMCD's adopted budget for 2005
contains only a small increase for the
zebra mussel program, from $5,000 to
(continued on next page)
$10,000. The LMCD and LMA con-
ducted the pilot inspection programs in
2002 and 2003. Now, we must actively
;..~and aggressively work to fully protect
· ~ke Minnetonka. We appreciate the fact
that the LMCD answers to its 14 mem-
ber cities and therefore must bring them
'on board.' However; doing this takes
too much time, We hope the member
cities would instead demand prompt,
aggressive action from the LMCD.
The LMA has enjoyed a positive work-
ing relationship with the LMCD. We
were troubled to learn of the late-session
legislation that undercut the LMCD's
authority to protect Lake Minnetonka.
The LMCD is the logical and appropri-
ate local agency to coordinate the local
response and implement protection pro-
grams for our lake. Without the full sup-
port of local government and our state
legislators, their task is made nearly
The LMCD should make protecting
Lake Minnetonka from zebra mussels its
top priority and the 14 member cities
and state legislators should fully support
the LMCD.
The Lake Minnetonka Association is
committed to advocating for the protec-
tion of Lake Minnetonka. We believe the
magnitude of damage caused by a zebra
mussel infestation is beyond rational
debate. We know that meaningful,
aggressive, timely and comprehensive
action will be a huge challenge, and we
know that every stakeholder must make
some tough choices.
The Lake Minnetonka Association, fully
understanding the political ramifications,
proposes these actions:
is a quarterly publication of the
Lake Minnetonka Association,
EO. Box 248, Excelsior, MN 55331
ISSUE 2004:3 · JULY 2004
.lhone Number: ............. (952) 470-4449
E-Mail: ........... Minnetonka@Mnlakes.org
W~b Site: .. 2. · .www. mnlakes.org/Minnetonka
The LMA is going to recommit to focusing on the needs, con-
cerns and rights of lakeshore owners and lake-related business-
es. The Board has adopted a 2004 action plan that calls for a Wayne Nelson
re-tooling of our database as the first step to assuring we can
connect with lakeshore owners and businesses. This will make us more responsive
to your concerns and make us a better advocate and a stronger voice on your
As lakeshore owners and businesses, you too have a role and responsibility in all
of this. We ask two things:
1) If you have questions, concerns or desires - let us know. The LlVlg2s contact
information appears elsewhere in this newsletter; and
2) Help us as we update our database by sending in your membership or
other contribution so we can record your contact information (and add
your support).
There are several important issues we should all be aware of and concerned about.
These are:
· Preventing zebra mussels and other exotic species from entering our lake
· Lake use and boat density
· Development in tributaries and marginal areas
· Keeping our lake clean
The L/VIA Board has made these our top focus for the remainder of 2004 and has
dedicated the majority of your resources to addressing them.
We have also clarified our membership policy as part of our attention to serving
you. We may discontinue sending this newsletter to nonmembers. For the past
three years, we have made it a priority to keep the Lake Minnetonka Community
informed through this newsletter. However, due to the large expense as well as our
new focus on serving our membership, we are reconsidering this. Again, those of
you receiving this newsletter, but have not supported the LMA, can make our job
easier by joining today.
We hope your summer on the lake is safe and pleasant.
1. Limit public access to a few sdected
sites and dose all others.
2. Establish gates and hours of
3. Require private and municipal
accesses to provide inspections of
every boat entering the lake.
4. Staff public access with qualified
inspectors who inspect every boat
entering the lake.
5. Pay for the inspections by charging a
fee at the accesses.
The LMA recognizes all people share the
right to use and enjoy Lake Minnetonka.
We will work to assure this right is
respected, balanced with a shared
responsibility to protect our lake.
We believe anything short of these tough
measures leaves beautiful Lake
Minnetonka unprotected, and unneces-
sarily vulnerable to present known
threats and potential threats from other
invasive, destructive or exotic plants and
THANK YOU, Dale & Marilyn Simmons J.R. Hartzell Cathie & John Foster J & M Reidhead
CONTRIBUTORS Paul Sjolund Deborah Hutchinson & Greg Miller Ginny & Glenn Froberg David Rogers
SINCE LAST LMA Yale Smiley gonica Kennard, DDS Rosemary Fruehling Mike Ronald
NEWSLETTER! Dean Spatz Kenneth & Nancy Koehnen James & Cathrine Gray Sandra Sevey
M/M Richard Spiegel Darryl Lapastrom Scott Hanson E.R. Shadier
CAPTAINS ($500 +) Russ Swenson Patrick Lucking & Ellen Bragg Norma Hayer Rich & Debbie Siakel
SUSTAINLNG ($150 - $499) William & Susan Trubeck Robert & Brenda MacDonald Robyn Helland Dale & Marilynn Simmons
Stephen & Lois Bergerson Thomas Tompson Dan McGlynn Randy HerMes Kathy & John Stuis
Jim Blakeway Paul & Belch WasM James Nystrom John Hey John & Arlenne Soranno
Edward & Sherry Ann Dayton J. Kimball & Helen Whimey Dick & Marlys Ogle Jon Holt Dean Spatz
Ron & Sandy Haberkorn Nan & Bob Woodburn Michael Reichert Marti & Art Honvitz D.C. Stanga
Brenda & Terry Lindgren Judy & Mike Wright Carole & John Sayer Tom Hudson. George & Karen Stannard
James McBride M/M Charles Zalk Bob & Sally Schneider Bruce Johnson Keith & Val Stuessi
Wayne Nunn David & Judy Znschke Steve & Elaine Silus Kevin Kennefick David Sturgeon
Jim & Bev Nyce Business ($250) Don Stodola Well Drilling Co. Inc. Gerald Kirsch Gary & Kay Thompson
Patricia Olson Edina Realty-Wayzata Rick & Diane Stodola M/M Richard Knapp John Thomas
Steve & Elaine Silus Maynard's Restaurant John & Jeanette 'fitsworth Don Knutsen Don Tremblay
Rick & Diane Stodola OrganiCare Jay & Sharon Wein Tom & Bonnie Lane Edward or Shawn Tripet
Jim & Sharon Walker Packaging Corporation of America Sheldon Weft Richard Lareau William & Susan Trubeck
Sheldon Weft Bob & Mary Ritter, realtors Walt Wittmer Carol Larsen Allen Wade
Rockvam Boat Yards UP TO $100 Roger & Bev Lindholm Brian Waller
BASIC (UP TO $149) Candi Stabeck, realtor David Lundquist Tom & Barbara Warner
Win & Barb Adams Wells Fargo Lake Minnetonka Half Dick & Kathi Adams Harold Lyman Peter Wattson
Pete & Margie Ankany Marathon ($2,000) Mark Anderson Linda & Michael Maki Stephen Way
James & DeDe Barnum Richard Atwood D~ & Mrs. Elmer Martinson J. Kimball & Helen Whimey
Kent Battles THANK YOU, Kathryn Bakko Jim & Kathy Mason Elizabeth Wilson
Jim & Peggy Beardsley CONTRIBUTORS TO H.M. Baskerville Jr. James McBride Nan & Bob Woodbum
John & Sandra Carr THE FIREWORKS! Lynne, Bob & Betty Batzll Richard McConnell Zaal
Stephen Cbesla $500+ John Beal Bun McGlynn Robert Zambreno
Jim & Peggy Beardsley Tom & Toni McGlyrm Ron & Susan Zemke
WayneDan ColbertClymer : Ron$100499 & Sandy Haberkntn MariaGreg &BrittleMitzi Bennis Keith Mllcock Bonnie &/klan Ziskin
Delores DuToit .o Jim & Laura Miles David & Judy Zoschke
M/M William Ellis Win & Barb Adams Gladys Burfield John Moe
Donald & Jen Elmberg Bruce & Martha Atwater Collins & Barbara Cavender Dennis Nelson THANK YOU,
Excel Marina Jim Blikeway Scott Colesudrtion Raymond & Dca Nelson CONTRIBUTORS TO THE '
Jean Gray Ed & Bobby Burns Harold & Phyllis Conrad Kent & Lois Norby EXOTIC SPECIES FUND!
Stewart & Beth Hanson Dale Christensen & Mary Burns Tom & Mary Ann Dahlquist Ed Oliver $100-499
Diana Haskins Dave & Carol Cole John Davis Nancy Osgood David & Virginia Houck
David & Virginia Houck Robert Cummins Fay Dunn John Packard Maynard's Restaurant
Don Jacobson Kenneth & Betty Jayne Dahlberg Jim & Melissa Easley
Doug & Marcia Jolstad Ned & Sherry Ann Dayton ' Jim & Jean Echtenkamp Robert Pollock Rick & Diane Stodola
R. Poole
Kevin Kennefick Daniel Durda Camie& Jack Eugster Frank Precapio UP TO $100
Steve & Deb Kind iv'dM William Ellis Robert Evens Dave Raisbeck Jim & Bev Nyce
Tom & Bonnie Lane Gerald Fischer
Jim & Kathy Mason
Dennis Nelson
George Owen
Thomas Petters
Bob & Carol Radunz
Guido Rahr
Jim Regan
Helen Schmidt
Bill & Jean Seamans
JOIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! We appreciate new or renewing members using this form-thanks!
Please complete this form and mail it with your tax-deductible contribution to the Lake Minnetonka Association, RO. Box 248,
Excelsior, MN 55331. Make your check payable to the "LMA." Thanks./
Name(s): E-mail:
I City, State, Zip: Phone:
1. I want to support the LMA at the following membership level:
[] Basic $50 - $149 [] Sustaining $150 - $499 [] Captain $500+ [] Business $250
2. I want to support the "LMA Exotic Species Fund" .$
3. Other or Additional ............................................ $
The LMA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
7G73 ....................... -~
Six Mile Creek, Halsted's Bay and
Lake Minnetonka all threatened- again
By Jim Blakeway, LMA Member, Halsted's Bay
Consider this - if there were a few people who owned land
adjacent to a large wetland with a creek flowing through this
wetland and into Lake Minnetonka, is it reasonable for those
individuals to be able to use a boat to access Lake Minnetonka
through this wetland and creek? What if the very shallow creek,
2 feet or less in normal water level years, had a mud bottom
that was loaded with a century of settled out phosphorous
(thousands of pounds) that was easily re-suspended into the
water which then floated into Lake Minnetonka?
These questions are at the core of the issue surrounding devel-
opment along Six Mile Creek - a tributary to Halsted's Bay.
Simply, should developers and property owners along the tribu-
taries leading into Lake Minnetonka be allowed to build boat-
ing facilities and operate boats in these tributaries which will
increase boating use in Lake
Minnetonka, damage important wet-
lands and diminish water quality?
I think not.
Recent high water levels have made
navigation in Six Mile Creek seem
plausible. However, the water levels
,/,--,-normally do l%t permit navigation, at
;ast not without great difficulty.
' Indeed, in most years, especially in the
summertime, navigation is not possi-
ble, at least not without much diffi-
culty and the likelihood of doing
much ecologic damage.
We know that development pressure
on and near Lake Minnetonka is
intense. Indeed, the prospect of a
water connection to Lake
Minnetonka, along with the urban
sprawl that is occurring region-wide,
has made it economically attractive to
subdivide and develop lands along Six
Mile Creek and wetland, despite the
challenges imposed by Mother
In fact, the Upland Farms development, about I mile upstream
from Halsted's Bay, has considered including a marina to pro-
vide boating access to Lake Minnetonka. I expect more proper-
ties will be developed along the Creek and also want access to
Lake Minnetonka. After all, Lake Minnetonka access substan-
tially raises the economic viability of these developments.
,a-~ This is a bad idea.
. About four years ago, Upland Farms, a development along Six
Mile Creek's vast wetland and located a mile upstream from
Lake Minnetonka, proposed building a marina so the property
owners could have boats and gain access to Halstead Bay and
Lake Minnetonka. Six Mile Creek enters Lake Minnetonka at
Halstead Bay. Halstead Bay is noted as the most polluted Bay of
Lake Minnetonka. The pollution is caused from a century of
farm fertilizer and the creek that has carried this fertilizer into
Halstead Bay. In a very real sense, these western-most bays of
Lake Minnetonka set the tone for water quality in the entire
In an attempt to prevent damage from boaters on SIX Mile
Creek, several agencies and municipal governments tried to
enact restrictions or controls. The City of Minnetrista, the MN
DNR and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District all initially
took a 'hands off' approach. The LMCD took on this issue and
heard testimony from engineers, hydrologists, biologists, scien-
tists, PhDs, etc. for three years. In the end, they voted to restrict
usage in all the tributary areas of Lake
Minnetonka to electric trolling motors
only. This was a compromise between
those who thought there should be no
boats in the Creek and a few property
owners along the Creek who thought
they should be able to continue using
the Creek without restrictions.
This three-year process has been
painstaking, slow and frustrating. As
a practical matter, the LMCD omi-
nance is not really enforceable, but I
suppose it represented the best possi-
ble balance among conflicting inter-
ests, but it also exposed vulnerabilities
in our system that is suppose to pro-
tect our lake. Nonetheless, I had
hoped this would prove to provide at
least some lasting protection.
I was mistaken and disappointed.
Senator Gen and Representative Steve
Smith cosponsored legislation that
took away the LMCD's regulatory
jurisdiction in these tributary areas.
They cosponsored this legislation and attached it to another bill.
Smith introduced this language on May 13, less than one week
before it was passed! His amendment was not even included in
the "Bill Summary," so it doesn't appear that most legislators
even knew the implications of this provision. In addition, none
of the affected parties - LMCD, MCWD, City of Minnetrista,
lakeshore owners and users, or Lake Minnetonka Association
(LMA) - had any opportunity to comment on the legislation
nor were any even made aware of it. The LMCD's three years
of work has been cast aside.
Sen. Olson and Rep. Smith have stated that there wasn't time to
(SIX MILE CREEK continued on page 5)
-'""- 2354- -
to Six Mile Creek, Halsted's Bay and Lake 'Minnetonka
(continued from page 4)
'consult. I have learned this was in the works for at least several
weeks prior to introduction. I also wonder, what was the rush?
Sen. Olson responds by stating that one of the individuals selling
his property for $2.5 million would have his property value affect-
ed by being restricted to electric motors when in the creek.
Olson/Smith also emphasize that the LMCD is made up of non-
elected individuals who essentially create law. This is true but the
LMCD's enabling law allows for this authority, plus the city coun-
cils and mayors have control over their LMCD appointment.
As of now, there are no restrictions on Six Mile Creek or any
tributaries to Lake Minnetonka. As of June 14th, boats were
entering and exiting Six Mile Creek at speed, legally stirring up
the phosphorous-laden mud, which is washed into Lake
The citizens who live on Halsted's Bay and other affected bays
would like to have dean water and many are willing to pay
their fair share to help. They are not interested in paying mil-
lions in extra cleanup money so that a few can increase their
property values and operate boats in an area where there
shouldn't be power boats, gas or electric.
My greatest disappointment and frustration is that those we
have entrusted to protect our lake have failed us, either through
inaction or their authority has been undercut. Also, a story like
this fuels the growing cynicism of our elected representatives.
Indeed, I wonder how we can be represented when there is no
Now is the time to decide whether we are willing to accept
boating in sensitive wetland, phosphorous-laden and shallow
areas. Further; who is qualified to decide? If it's the science that
decides, the answer is no to boating in the tributaries. If it's the
property owners and users of Lake Minnetonka, the answer is
no. If it's the politics?????
Lake Minnetonka
Association Cleans Up!
Mike Mason, LMA Board Vice President
On Saturday June 19th, the Lake
Minnetofik~a Association (LMA) com-
pleted the third gnnual Lake .
Minnetonka Underwater Clean-up.
This event was started by the LMA
three years ago as a fun way to draw
some attention to keeping trash out of
our lake. The event has grown from 30
SCUBA divers in the first year, to over
70 divers and 1 Kayak this year. Once
again, voluminous trash as well as
treasure was brought up from the
depths of Lake Minnetonka. Some of
the items brought up by the divers
included: A firer extinguisher, chairs,
parts of boats, anchors, bottles, cans, a
large chain that possibly came off from
an old steam-boat, a mast and sail,
several cell phones, glasses, and a bong
(if you don't know, don't ask). It was
interesting that a fireman found the
fire extinguisher and a police officer
found the bong
A number of sponsors helped to make
this year's event bigger and better then
ever. Maynard's Restaurant was the
host site and provided lunch for all
divers and volunteers. Crystal Pierz
Marine provided 4 pontoon boats for
divers as well as boats from the Lake
Minnetonka Power Squadron. Several
area Dive shops and other business
provided door prizes for the divers. A
list of all sponsors appears at the end
of this article. The LMA offers a big
"Thank You" to all Sponsors!
Plans for next years Lake Clean-up are
already underway and will include a
shoreline clean-up as well as the SCUBA
· Air Down There Diving
· Ameripride Services
· Caribou Coffee
· Crystal Pierz Marine, Inc.
· Maynard's Restaurant
· Minnetonka Power Squadron
· SCUBA Daddy's
· See Ya! Dive Shop
· Underwater Schools of America
· University of Lake Minnetonka
Thanks to the Wells Fargo
Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon
The Wells Fargo Half Marathon contributed
$2,000 to the LMA from the proceeds of their
Half Marathon. This year, there were 977
participants in the marathon. The winning time
was 1:16:46. Thanks again this year!
ON THE LAKE ACCEPTS ADVERTISING The LMA newsletter, On the Lake, accepts advertising.
For advertising rates and policies, contact the LMA at (952) 4704449.
su,_ 2355-'~ 5
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Minneapolis, MN 55459-0038
July 14, 2004
Ms. Bonnie Ritter
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Rd
Mound, MN 55364-1627
Dear Ms. Ritter:
I am writing to inform you that CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco filed a rate case today
with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC).
A rate case is the regulatory process that public utilities must follow to formally change
rates and services for their customers. The rate case we filed - our first since 1995 -- will
affect the rates paid by all of our more than 745,000 customers. The process for
changing our rates will take about one year, with interim (temporary) rates implemented
on October 1, 2004 and final rates implemented in the summer of 2005.
For your information, I enclosed our Rate Case Fact Sheet that further explains the rate
case process, the factors behind it, and its impact on our customers. Please contact me if
you have any questions or would like additional information about the rate case. You
may also visit our Web site at minneagasco. CenterPointEnergy.com.
Arne Hendrickson
Local Government Relations
Fax: 612-321-5137
Rate case fact sheet
Quick facts
· Revenue increase request: $21.77
million annually, or 1.8 percent
· Average residential customer
increase request: $38/year, or
4.1 percent annually
· Interim rates for all customer types
effective October 2004
CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco's rate case will help recover increased costs, including pipeline relocation
and reconstruction for street and highway projects.
On July 14, 2004, CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco filed a request with the
Minnesota Pubhc Utilities Commission (IV_PUC) for new natural gas distribution
rates. This is the company's first rate case since 1995. The filing will increase the
company's annual revenues by $21.77 million or 1.8 percent. The average residential
customer will receive a 4.1 percent increase, or $38 per year. Interim (temporary)
rates begin October 1, 2004. Public hearings on the filing begin in the fall. A final
decision from the MPUC is expected in May 2005, with final rates taking effect
during the summer of 2005.
Rate case basics
A rate case is the regulatory process that public utilities (natural gas, electric and
telephone) must follow to formally change base rates for their customers. Rates
are regulated by the MPUC, and proposed changes to base rates must first go
through a 10-month review process before receiving a final decision by regulators.
Rate case schedule
July 14, 2004 Rate case filed with MPUC
October 1, 2004 Interim rates begin
Late fall 2004 Public hearings
January 2005 Rate case hearings before MPUC
May 2005 MPUC final decision expected
Summer 2005
Final rates implemented
, ,J,, J, ,,il J, ,1, . II,
Interim rates are an approved percentage increase on all
customer bills that are effective about two months after a
rate filing. These temporary rates are collected without
changes to rate design. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco is
allowed to charge interim rates to recover the company's
higher cost of providing utihty distribution service, while
regulators use subsequent months to determine final
rates. Interim rates will take effect on October 1, 2004,
and stay in effect until the MPUC issues a final decision
and final rates are implemented. If the final rates are less
than interim rates, customers will be refunded the
difference with interest. If final rates are higher than
interim rates, customers will not be required to make up
the differencel
Public hearings providing opportunities for customers and
others to provide input about the rate case will be
scheduled for late fall. We will notify customers about the
timing and location of the hearings through a news release,
bill insert and on our Web site. An administrative law judge
will oversee the hearings, and other parties (interveners)
such as the Office of the Attorney General and the
Department of Commerce, will comment on our request.
Why rate case is needed
The rate case filing is necessary for CenterPoint Energy
Minnegasco to recover the increased costs of providing
utiliW distribution service, and to improve the stability of
our customers' bills.
Our current rates do not allow us to recover the increased
costs for two reasons: our costs have increased and average
customer demand, or sales, has decreased. These increased
costs include pipeline relocation and reconstruction for
street and tfighway projects, carrying costs and customer
debts related to higher natural gas costs, and other
operating costs. Decreased average customer demand
results from conservation improvements, energy efficiency,
and improved building construction.
Redesign of a utility's rate structure is traditional]y
considered in a rate case. Our last rate case was filed in
1995. Since then, wholesale gas costs have become
increasingly variable, causing customer bills to fluctuate
more than in previous years. This filing proposes a new
rate structure to improve the stability of customers' bills,
and better match rates with the costs of serving each type
of customer.
Your energy dollar
Understanding rate design
The largest portion of a customer's bill, .about 80 percent,
is for the wholesale cost of natural gas. CenterPoint Energy
Mirmegasco passes this cost directly to customers with no
mark-up. The remaining 20 percent of the bill is the
company's cost of distributing natural gas to customers.
Natural gas distribution costs are recovered two ways:
Basic Charge: Partially covers the cost of those services we
provide every month, regardless of how much gas a customer
uses. These fixed costs include maintenance of gas service
lines and regulators; gas meters; meter reading; billing;
maintaining facilities; vehicles; and equipment.
Delivet~ Charge: Recovers the cost of delivering natural gas
not recovered through the Basic Charge. These costs
include taxes, salaries, depreciation, interest, and other
operating expenses. The Delivery Charge is a per therm
charge and the total amount changes with customers' use.
Under the current rate structure, residential customers are
charged a $5 monthly Basic Charge and a Delivery Charge
of $. 12857 per therm. Under the proposed rate structure,
residential customers will be charged a monthly Basic
Charge of $16 and a Delivery Charge of $.03833 per therm.
This structure will provide some measure of stability for
most customers because their winter bills will decrease and
summer bills will increase, with less seasonal fluctuation.
Our fate request is to recover the higher costs of providing
reliable and safe natural gas distribution service. The
company has not requested an increase in its distribution
rates for nine years; meanwhile, our costs have increased.
Changes in wholesale natural gas costs (increases and
decreases) are recovered through monthly changes in rates
on customers' bills, and are passed through without mark-
up. Customers pay only the wholesale cost of natural gas
incurred by the company to acquire the gas, plus the
distribution cost to serve customers.
How the rate case affects customer bills
The rate filing will seek to increase the compsz~y's revenues
by $21.77 million annually, or 1.8 percent of revenue --
adding about $38 to an average residential customer's
armual bill, an increase of 4.1 percent.
Annual Bill
Average residential customer (1039 therms)
$60,00 $192.00
[~i Basic charges
· Delivery charges
· Cost of gas
,, 2003-2004 Proposed
[leafing Season
How these new rates affect individual monthly bills will vary
based upon the amount of natural gas used by each
customer and changes in the monthly cost of gas.
We proposed to increase the residential customer
monthly Basic Charge and decrease the Delivery Charge
for two reasons:
First, a higher Basic Charge will improve the stability of a
customer's bill because less of the bill will be affected by
weather-related natural gas use. Second, the majority of our
dehvery costs are fixed costs and do not vary according to.
the amount of natural gas delivered. The increase in
the monthly Basic Charge enables us to recover our fixed
delivery costs on a more consistent and predictable basis.
Historically, only a small amount of the fixed delivery costs
were collected through the monthly Basic Charge. The net
effect of a higher Basic Charge and a lower Delivery
Charge is a 4.1 percent annual increase for an average
residential customer.
If you are a No Surprise Bill® (NSB) customer, your bill
amount win not change during the 2003-2004 program year,
which ends with the November 2004 bill. Quotes for the
2004-2005 program year will include interim rates. If final
rates are lower than interim rates, customers who enroll and
remain on the program for 12 months will receive a refund
with interest at the end of the program year.
If you are enrolled in the Budget Plan, your quotes were
calculated prior to the rate case filing and include
estimated interim rates. The annual mid-year review in
February 2005 will allow customer Budget Plan amounts
to be adjusted up or down based on approved interim
rates, actual weather conditions and changes in wholesale
gas costs.
CustOmerType (usag~ in therm'~s)
up to 1,500/yr (Firm A)
1,500 to 5,000/yr (Firm B)
5,000 or more/yr (Firm C)
Small Volume Dual Fuel
up to 120,000/yr (A)
120,000 or more/yr (B)
Large Volume DUal Fuel
Average monthly
Average monthly
Note: Northern rate area. Figures are rounded to the nearest whole number.
:-Average monthly
Average monthly
+ $3
+ $2
+ $4
For more information
minnegasco. CenterPointEnerg¥.com
Natural gas remains your best energy value
Natural gas is an excellent, energy value -- a clean, efficient and affordable fuel for
home heating, water heat&rig, and providing fuel to industry. According to the U.S.
Department of Energy, natural gas will cost less to use in 2004 than any other home
energy source -- about two-thirds less than using electricity and also less than
propane, heating oil and kerosene. CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco's rates historically
are among the lowest in the nation.
CenterPoint Energy helps provide best energy value
At CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco, we have the expertise and the experience to
buy natural gas at the lowest reasonable prices in order to provide you with the
best energy value:
· Because of the volume of gas we buy, we can negotiate lower-priced supply
contracts with multiple suppliers.
· We work with about 20 of ~e largest suppliers in the U.S. and Canada.
· We are exploring additional pipeline opportunities to open up new
supply options.
· Our supply portfoho includes contracts with varying terms and conditions
whenever possible. We also buy as much summer gas at fixed prices as we can
be certain to sell during the heating season.
How to learn more
Public hearings will be scheduled and overseen by an administrative law judge.
Customers and others are given the opportunity to comment on our rate request at
the public hearings. Other regulatory agencies that generally comment include the
Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Commerce. CenterPoint
Energy Minnegasco representatives will attend each hearing to present the details
of the request. Public notice of the hearing dates and locations will be pubhshed in
local newspapers in the company's service area and listed on our Web site at
mirmegasco. CenterPointEnergy. com. Interested persons may visit the Department
of Commerce to examine the filing. They are located at 85 Seventh Place East,
Suite 500, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, or contact by telephone at 651-296-4026 or
TDD/TTY: 651-296-2860.
Metropolitan Council
July 7, 2004
Ms. Kandis Hanson
CitY .Manager
City Of Mound
5341 Maywood Rd
Mound, MN 55364-1687
Dear Ms. Hanson:
The Metropolitan Council's preliminary April 1, 2003 estimates of population and numbers of
households are shown below for your community.
2003 Estimate
Households4,071 Persons Per 2.37 Household
The estimates are based on demographic information from the 2000 U.S. Census. Annual updates
are calculated using residential Construction data and other local information sources. The Council's
estimation process relies on the valuable information provided to us by local government staff
members. Thank you very much for your assistance this year.
The population and. household estimates supply data for many purposes including planning,
budgetary, analysisi: and as factors in funding determination for grant programs. The finalized
estimates are :used in the Minnesota Department. of Revenue's formulas for calculating local
government aid (LGA).distributions. Aisc, estimated population plays an important role in local street
aid allocations determined by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN/DOT) for
communities with. at least 5,000 residents. The Council's development monitoring activities are
supported by 'analysis of population and household trends and of the accompanying information
used in the estimation process.
No replY to this letter is necessary.. If, however, you have comments regarding the estimates please
direct them to my attention, by July 20, 2004. Written comments can be sent to my e-mail address,
katby.iohnson~,metc.state.mn.us, or to the street address listed below. My telephone number is
(65!) 602-.I 332.
Kathy Johnson
Planning Analyst
Metropolitan Council
Me,rs ..Park Centre .
230 EastFifth Street
St. Paul, Mi-nnesota 551-01
Metro Info Line 602-1888
230 East Fifth Street * St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 * (651)602-1000 * Fax 602-1550 · TTY291-0904
- .~,, Equ,_ 2363
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0 ~ 0