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PI,EASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of&ese items unless' a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 2. 3. 4. 5. Call meeting to order Pledge of Allegiance Canvassing of the municipal election Approve agenda, with any an~endments *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes: *B. *C. *D. *E. *F. *G. *H. October 26, 2004 regular meeting October 28, 2004 special meeting Approve payment of claims Approve Payment Requests 1. Partial payment to Environmental Associates for work on Lost Lake Greenway Project 2. Final payment to Pearson Bros. for work on 2004 Seal Coat Project Approve addition of street light(s) on Denbigh Road Adopt resolution approving release of tax forfeited property: PID # 19-117-23- 32-0128, Wychwood, Lot 26, Block 11 Approve Platming Commission Reconunendations: 1. Case #04-38: Randy Valek and Mike Mueller, Jr XXXX Tonkawood PID No. 13-117-23-32-0062 Waiver of platting Set joint Comacil/HRA special meeting workshop with BFL2 to review financial issues relating to the hotel project: Nov 23, 6:30 p.m. Approve authorization of staffto secure bids for the legal newpaper for the City of Mound 3199-3202 3203-3209 3210 3211-3238 3239-3253 3254-3256 3257-3260 3261-3268 3269-3289 Ii -~ ,1 ,J , ~ ,J, ~,, 1,, PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker.) Public Hearings A. Presentation by Minnehaha Creek Watershed District staff representative Mike Wyatt with "Report on Innovative Stormwater Strategies for Downtown Mound and proposed MCWD levy for local project" Action on resolution authorizing submittal of new multiple dock application to the Lake Mirmetonka Conservation District for docks to be constructed in the Lost Lake District as part of Mound Harbor Renaissance Redevelopment Project Action on resolution authorizing MRFA to proceed with the CMteau Lane elevated water storage project 10. Action on resolution accepting report and calling hearing on 2005 Street Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Project: 11/23/04 11. Action on resolution setting bid date for Well #8 Pump House: 1/19/05 12. Discussion/action on assessment against dock lots contained in 2004 Street Replacement/Rehabilitation Project 13. Correspondence: Newsletter: Miscellaneous/Correspondence Report: Operation Clean Sweep Finance Department - Oct 2004 Status of Project- CSAH 15 City of Mound to Minnetonka Boat Club & Rental LMCD Gillespie Center Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Lake Minnetonka Association 14. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. agendas may be viewed at Ci~ Hall or at the City of Mound web site: ~:.c..[.~9~..m..9..u_n...d._.._c_o...m.... 3290-3320 3321-3324 3325 3326 3327 3328-3330 3331 3332-3334 3335 3336 3337-3352 3353 3354-3355 3356-3361 More current meeting COUNCIL BRIEFING November 9, 2004 O Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Nov 8 - 7:30 - Interviews for Parks Commissioner and rep to LMCD Nov 9 - 7:25 - HRA regular meeting (Note time change) Nov 9 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Nov 16 - 6:30 - Key Financial Strategies with Ehler's & Associates Nov 16 - 8:30 - HRA special meeting: MHR Development Nov 18 - 6:00 - Tree Lighting Ceremony Nov 23 - 6:30 - Joint CC/HRA meeting Nov 23 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Dec 6 - 7:00 - Truth in Taxation hearing Dec 13 - 7:00 - Truth in Taxation hearing continuation, if needed Dec 14 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Dec 14 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Dec 28 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Dec 28 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Jan 11 - 7:30 - CC annual meeting & swearing-in Feb 26 - Chamber of Commerce Ball Upcoming Absences Dec 16-27 Feb 18-19 Pat Meisel Kandis Hanson Vacation MCMA Winter Conference Admin Offices Closed Nov 11 Veteran's Day Nov 25-26 Thanksgiving Dec 23 (1/2 day) Christmas Dec 24 Christmas Dec 30 (1/2 day) New Years Dec 31 New Years Patrol Union Contract The Patrol Unit settled on their contract with the City prior to arbitration, which was scheduled for Nov 15. A summary of the terms will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration at the next meeting. Livable Communities Grant The question and answer session for the Livable Communities grant went well and we have indicators that we may score a grant this time. The official notice will be received in early December. Newly Elected Officials November and December dates are being considered for Newly Elected Officials Orientation which will ensure that the newcomers to the Council get off to a fast start. The members-elect will spend at least an hour with each Department Head or Division Supervisor, as well as 2 ½ hours with John Dean for a Legal Briefing. Some 18 hours of local orientation will be followed by the two-day training offered by the LMC in January or February. ITEM 3 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION AS PRESENTED, AS THE CANVASS OF VOTE OF THE NOVEMBER 2, 2004, GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: That the City Council does hereby certify the results of the Municipal Election as presented on the Canvass of Votes for the November 2, 2004, General Election as: CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE PCT 1 PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 5 PCT 6 TOTAL John Beise 252 621 747 513 361 2494 Mike Specht 254 596 714 434 269 2267 Peter Meyer 187 355 444 291 362 1639 Tracy Walstrom 134 336 444 262 237 1413 Dovid Blinderman 20 63 74 44 31 232 Write-Ins 0 9 20 10 5 44 MAYOR CANDIDATE PCT 1 PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 5 PCT 6 TOTAL Pat Meisel 371 921 1216 677 553 3738 Write-Ins 84 144 174 136 127 665 With said results, Pat Meisel is hereby appointed to a two-year Mayoral term. Mike Specht and John Beise are appointed to four-year Council terms. Adopted this 9th day of November, 2004. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk RESULTS FROM MOUND CITY ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2004 CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE PCT 1 PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 5 PCT 6 TOTAL John Beise 252 621 747 513 361 2494 Mike Specht 254 596 714 434 269 2267 Peter Meyer 187 355 444 291 362 1639 Tracy Walstrom 134 336 444 262 237 1413 Dovid Blinderman 20 63 74 44 31 232 Write-Ins 0 9 20 10 5 44 MAYOR CANDIDATE PCT 1PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 5 PCT 6 TOTAL Pat Meisel 371 921 1216677 553 3738 Write-I ns 84 144 1 741 36127 665 2004 Election Stats: Total Registered Voters as of 7:00 a.m. on 11/2/04:5702 Number of new registrations on Election Day: 1277 Total Number of Persons Voting in 11/2/04 Election' 80.5% of total voters (registered + new registrations) 5618 -3199- CITY OF MOUND WRITE-IN VOTES FROM NOVEMBER 2, 2004 ELECTION MAYOR NAME # VOTES NAME # VOTES Richard Pugh 438 Tim Goar 1 Adam West 1 Vinney 1 Leah Weyker 6 Roger Harvey 1 Al Bly 1 Joseph Baker 2 Nick Stoiaken 1 Peter Meyer 10 My Dog 1 Christina Fitz 1 John Beise 4 Barney Cooper 1 Ray Chamberlain 3 Douglas Frank Peterson 1 Mickey Mouse 2 Z_ach Cordie 1 Denny Hopkins 1 Gary Menne 1 Philip Klein 2 Michael Houser 1 Art Hefte 1 Dee 1 John Evans 2 Ken Kingren 1 Matt Orinstein 2 Anyone Else 4 Jeffrey Thorson 1 Cheryl Williams 1 Anthony Swierczek 1 No 1 Mike Gardner 1 Steven A. Sotak 1 Leo Zabak 1 Mike Specht 2 Michael Ronald 1 Mike Palm 3 Philip Fisk 1 John Muenich 1 Dave Sotak 1 Pat G. 1 Greg Vanderwilt 1 Greg Raines 1 John P. Moore 1 Rick Wies 1 Ryan Engelke 1 Daniel Cooper 1 Steve Matheson 1 Barb Motyka 1 Gabriel Levin 1 Curt Cain 2 Vince Forystek 1 Bob McCafferty 1 Tom Berent 1 David Thompson 1 James Stolin 1 Bill Dayphine 1 Ray Suddendorf 1 Shirley Curtis 2 Martha Mason 1 Mary Dobratz 3 Michelle Burke 1 Kevin Allinger 1 Jerry Dolezal 1 Conrad Starr 1 Anybody But Her 2 Paula Larson 6 Rick Breza 1 Tom Casey 3 Bob Dorfner 1 David Brickley 1 Tawn McCarthy 1 Tracy Walstrom 2 Other 1 Steve Smith 2 1 -3200- NAME # VOTES 'NAME # VOTES Santa Clause 1 Mark J. Dummer 2 Sue Pilling 2 Craig Piepkom 1 Paul Wartman 1 Kenneth Strickley 2 Whoever Runs 1 Lynn Peterson 1 Lenny Harrel 1 Donald Trump 1 Dave Thompson 1 Jeff Thorson 1 Dan Scherven 1 Pat Claton 1 Bill Baker 1 Tim Lause 1 Dan Scherven 1 Joe Schmidt 1 Phil Sprague 2 John Smythe 1 Bonnie Ritter 1 Mark Hagen 1 Don Heywood 1 Angela Holman 1 Steven Abbott 1 Mark Bluemke 1 Aaron Pierce 1 David Mangen 1 Bret Niccum 3 Darren Poikonen 3 Donald Duck 1 Mark Winter 1 Mike Mensinger 1 Jim Buckingham 3 Larry Beno 1 Christopher Prok 2 Vern Strand 1 Roger Bergquiest 1 Scott Pugh 1 Tracy Jacobson 1 Bill Gabby 1 Jeanie Kopf 1 Lassie 1 Henry Reinitz 2 Todd Fitz 1 Heidi Gesch 1 Henry Joel Reinitz 1 Brian Johnson 1 Scott Peterson 1 Steve Johnson 1 Skip Johnson 1 Pat Murphy 3 Gregg Towley 1 G.W. Bush 1 Mark Doepner Howe 1 Blair Lindemeyer 1 Scott Dorr 1 Eric Davis 1 Shelly Young 1 None 1 Phil Foti 1 Shale Nyberg 1 Martin Carlson 1 Glen Smith 1 Jeff Anderson 1 Walter Neske 1 Liz Jensen 1 Kevin Walsh 1 Alex Dussant 1 Bob Polston 1 Blank 24 2 -3201 - CITY OF MOUND WRITE-IN VOTES FROM NOVEMBER 2, 2004 ELECTION CITY COUNCIL NAME # VOTES NAME # VOTES Shale Nyberg 1 Mark Hanus 1 Bart Roeglin 1 Jeff Winter 1 Don Heywood 1 Joan Pierce 1 Aaron Pierce 1 Ryan Hibbard 1 Colonel Sanders 1 Ron Bauer 1 Cathy Bailey 1 Curt Cain 2 Louise Cain 1 Ken Berres 2 Shirley Curtis 1 Mike Mason 1 Mindy Tobey 1 Adam Smith 1 Conrad Starr 1 Greg Raines 1 Gretchen Smith 1 None of the Above 1 Greg Knutson 1 Orv Burma 2 Cosmo Jacobson 1 John Smythe 1 Elaine Hauff 1 Penn 1 Teller 1 Patrick Murphy 1 Greg Vanderwilt 1 Ryan Tanke 1 John P. Moore 1 Blanks 8 -3202- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 26, 2004 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 26, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, City Engineer John Cameron, Parks Superintendent Jim Fackler, Doug Hedquist, Glorida Heinrich, Gary Hart, Nancee Wright, Karl Weisenhorn, Gene Adams, Don Olson, Carol Norberg, Denice Schroeder, Alleene Butterield, Henry & Donna Sandoval, Irene Bazewicz, Dave Laube, Jeff Skelton, Larry Johnson, Leanne Kelly, Kristin & John Beise, James Jackson, Mike Specht, Cheryl Martin, Gary Wambold, Peter Johnson, Michael Ivers, Bruce Mclntyre Consent Agenda: Afl items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roil carl vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open Meetinq Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of AIleqiance 3. Approve Agenda Kandis Hanson requested a change in the wording of Item 10, stating that it should read discussion regarding Mound Business Council letter, rather than Jubilee Letter. Meisel requested moving Item #5 to 6D. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to approve the agenda as amended above. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent Aqenda MOTION by Brown, seconded by Hanus to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of October 12, 2004 meeting. B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $353,238.71. C. Approve Public Gathering Permit for PoleBender Outdoors for fishing tournament weight-in at Mound Bay Park on May 22, 2005. 1 -3203- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 D. Approve Planninq Commission Recommendations: 1. Case #04-36: Alleene Butterfield, 4862 Leslie Road, Front setback variance RESOLUTION NO. 04-122: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ADDITION AT 4862 LESLIE ROAD, P&Z CASE #04-36, PID #24-117-24-41- 0025. E. RESOLUTION NO. 04-123: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AND WAIVER AGREEMENT FROM JOHN PASTUCK ON BEHALF OF J. PASTUCK DESIGN/BUILD CORP AND TO CERTIFY TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 6% INTEREST, IMPROVEMENT COSTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,373.'10 TO REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR 2005 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6375 BARTLETT BOULEVARD, PID #23-117-24-32-0066, LEVY #16154. F. RESOLUTION NO. 04-124: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FROM GENE AND BRENDA PEDERSON TO ALLOW ROOFLINE ALTERATIONS AND DORMERS ON EXISTING DETACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 6033 RIDGEWOOD ROAD, PURSUANT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 350.505 (BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS) PID #23-'1 '17-24-34-000'1. 5. (moved to 6D) 6. Public Hearin.qs A. 2004 Street Reconstruction Project Assessment Hearing John Cameron presented a history of the project and reviewed the project costs and assessment figures. John Dean reviewed the legal requirements and procedure on how to handle objections to the assessment. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. Gene Adams, 6215 Bay Ridge Road, has an objection letter on file and expressed to the Council concern over the difference in the final figures and the preliminary figures given at the December 9th Council meeting. He also stated that he feels the Council could have done better than a 6% interest rate. He informed the Council that his driveway is not satisfactory. It has gouges and cracks that need to be repaired. Meisel informed him that the City will check on the condition of his driveway. Gary Hart, talking for Nancee Wright of 2700 Westedge Boulevard, also has an objection letter on file. He stated that he called the City and informed whoever he talked to, that they are not living on Beachwood, which was improved, but on Westedge Blvd, and were told that they wouldn't be assessed anything. Then they get a letter on October 1st that says they're being assessed for curb and gutter. They don't park on Beachwood, and don't use that street. John Cameron explained that they are 2 -3204- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 on a corner lot and will be assessed a ½ unit charge, plus lineal footage for the curb and gutter. Hart stated that his lineal footage is 90 feet and the assessment roll says 101' Cameron will check on this. Hart stated that if he has to file in district court he will, because being told they are not included in the project was deceitful and if the person at city hall doesn't know for sure, they should say they don't know. He also said he didn't get a notice for the improvement hearing. He was informed that Nancee Wright's name was on the improvement hearing list and included in the affidavit of mailing. Jeff Skelton, 1770 Baywood Shores Drive, stated he was at the improvement hearing and Mayor Meisel told him that they would not be putting an assessment on the dock lots because that street needed to be there for snow plows, emergency vehicles, etc. Meisel stated she can't remember saying that, but the audio tape will be reviewed to determine if that was said. Irene Bazewicz, 2362 Bay Ridge Road, stated she did not receive notice last year that this was going on, and it was later verified that her name and address were on the affidavit of mailing of improvement hearing notice. She doesn't feel Bay Ridge Road needed to be replaced and it gets very little use. Her objection was that she didn't get a chance to say anything about the project and the road was a mess all summer long. She has a written objection on file with the City. Leanne Kelly, 1712 Baywood Shores Drive, also objects to having the dock lot assessed. Meisel informed her that the tape of that hearing would be reviewed to see what was said regarding the assessment of the dock lots. Larry Johnson, 1724 Baywood Shores Drive, also objects to the lake lot assessment. It is non-buildable, has no city water or sewer and feels that the cost should be obsorbed by the whole city. He stated that at the December meeting the Council stated they were going to replace the streets and they objected because they've had so many water breaks. He said the Council stated at that time, that they would research how many water breaks there have been in an area to determine whether to replace the watermain. It was the decision to replace the watermain and now the council is trying to burden the homeowners with resurfacing at the same time, when really there is nothing wrong with the road except for the patches from all the water breaks. He has a problem with the homeowners paying for the dock lots. As homeowners they are stuck helping replace the watermain that had to be replaced anyway. He also stated that the sanitary sewer line was lined, and residents had to shut off their water. When turned back on, sewage blew back into their toilet and made a mess of their bathroom. He questioned that process and John Cameron explained that all the sewers were televised and any that needed repairs were done with a technique where they reline with a plastic liner. Carlton Moore will check on why the backup occurred into his house. Osmek informed him that this was a street project, not a water project. 3 -3205- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 The only reason utilities were repaired is if they are in need of repair, the time to do it is before the street is resurfaced so that the new street won't have to be dug up again. Dave Laube, 6000 Aspen Road, asked what his correct assessment figure is and the process and timeframe for paying it, and Cameron answered these questions. Michael Ivers, 5971 Gumwood Road, didn't remember getting an improvement hearing letter and said he was present to contest the assessment. A letter of objection was also presented. He had questions regarding his driveway apron and stated that he is not satisfied with the way the apron was tied into his driveway. Meisel informed him that someone would come and look at it. Henry Sandoval, 6370 Bay Ridge Road, stated that he feels the improvement on Bay Ridge went fine, and he was able to talk to the engineer several times. He voiced concern over a drainage issue with his neighbor and Carlton stated they are well aware of this and are working to rectify it. Gary Wambold, 6343 Bay Ridge Road, stated he feels the initial estimate could have been more accurate instead of having additional charges come up after the soil borings were done. Cameron explained that when the preliminary report was prepared, they just visually assess the streets and get their estimates. To go through the expense of soil borings before the project is ordered would be foolish. Wambold then asked how he is being assessed because he doesn't directly abut an improved street, but shares a common driveway. He was informed that he wasn't charged lineal footage for the street improvement, but was charged one unit for the project. Gloria Heinrich, 5926 Gumwood Road, asked about the assessment deferment process and was informed of such. Bruce Mclntyre, 6143 Beachwood Road, stated that he is happy with his street. They did a nice job and he is real happy with the project. Carol Norberg, 6015 Aspen Road, asked if the road were done and then dug up and redone, will they have to pay for that? Cameron stated they pay for it once. If the contractor has to dig up the street and repair, that's the contractor's responsibility. She asked Cameron about the final assessment figure and how it was arrived at and he informed her of such. Upon no further comment, Mayor Meisel closed the public hearing at 9:05 p.m. The Council then discussed the dock lot assessment issue. Meisel stated that she doesn't remember stating that the dock lots wouldn't be assessed, but does remember 4 -3206- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 the dock lots being brought up at the improvement hearing. The audio tape will be checked to see what was actually said regarding this. John Dean stated that even if the audio tape shows that the Mayor stated that these lots wouldn't be assessed, that doesn't preclude them from being on the final assessment roll because all of the property owners were notified of the improvement hearing, and the assessment hearing. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Meyer to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 04-125: RESOLUTOIN ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOP. 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT - LEVY #16151. B. CBD Parkinq Maintenance Assessment Hearinq Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 9:32 p.m., and upon no public comments being offered, closed the public hearing at 9:33 p.m. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus, Osmek and Meyer. The following against: None. Mayor Meisel abstained from voting because she owns property in the CBD Parking Maintenance Program. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 04-126: RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2004 CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 6% INTEREST - LEVY #16152. C. Nuisance Abatement at 4717 Island View Drive Assessment Hearinq Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 9:34 p.m. Kandis Hanson read an email that was received by city staff from the owner's family representative. The email stated that they will not be attending the public hearing and indicated that they have no objections to the proposed special assessment. Mayor Meisel closed the hearing at 9:35 p.m MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 04-127: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR NUISANCE ABATEMENT AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 6% INTEREST - LEVY 16153. D. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 5 -3207- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 7. Executive Session reqardin.q John M. Anderson, et al, v. City of Mound At 9:35 p.m. Mayor Meisel announced a 10 minutes recess, to be followed by the Council going into Executive Session regarding John M. Anderson, et al, v. City of Mound. The Council reconvened at 10:47 p.m. City Attorney John Dean informed the public that the Council met in closed session to discuss a draft settlement agreement received in the Anderson vs. Mound - Dreamwood Addition case. Part of the reason for the lengthy discussion was that the City Council was unable to accept the terms of the draft settlement and the attorney representing the City was directed to meet further with the other parties to attempt to arrive at an agreement. 8. Action on Status Chanqe for Commons at 2'!28 Centerview Lane Jim Fackler explained that in the 1970's the city conducted a study of the commons areas for a Use Plan. The former owner wasn't using this particular dock site and had no problem with its removal at that time and the site was removed for non-use and the area designated as a wildlife preserve. The owner is now requesting that this area be reclassified back to Type D to allow one dock in front of the property at 2128 Centerview Lane. It was noted that this is a Iow water site and there could be limited boat access during Iow water levels. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to approve changing the commons at 2128 Centerview Lane to Type D to allow one dock in front of the property. The following voted in favor: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried. 9. Action on 2004 Rip-Rap Proposal Jim Fackler presented a proposal for rip-rapping for 700 lineal feet of Waterbank at $48,300.00, and 164 lineal feet of Idlewood at $11,316.00. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve rip-rapping 700 lineal foot of Waterbank at $48,300.00. The Idlewood rip-rap will be postponed until 2005. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 10. Discussion regarding Mound Bay Business Council letter, with possible action The Council received a letter from the Mound Bay Business Council, asking the City Council's help to promote Mound and its surrounding businesses. They are asking the City to pay for three full page ads in the Laker, Gold Miner, Mound Business and the Lakeshore Weekly News. 6 -3208- Mound City Council Minutes - October 26, 2004 MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve payment of $1000 towards the promotion of Mound businesses, to come out of the Council's 2004 budget. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 11. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Correspondence: Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative Mediacom AMM LMCD B. WeCan Sleep-Out: Meyer stated that beginning November 18th in the Parking Lot of Mound MarketPlace, a sleep-out event will take place and invited all to participate and/or pledge. 12. Adjourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 11:13 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 7 -3209- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOER 28, 2004 The City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, met in special session on Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Dave Osmek and Mark Hanus. Members Absent: Councilmembers Bob Brown and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Parks Director Jim Fackler, Katie Hoff, Public Works Superintendent Carlton Moore, Finance Director Gino Businaro. 1. Discussion of City Code 256.00 Discussion took place regarding City Code Section 256.00, that addresses the Dock and Commons Advisory Commission. Work rules for the Parks and Docks Commissions, as well as the Planning Commission were discussed. Suggested changes to these rules include only allowing 4 absences on the Planning Commission per year, and 3 absences on the Parks Commission and Docks Commission. The various commissions will discuss these work rules in their early 2005 meetings. 2. DisCussion on Spreadsheets There was discussion on the Docks Projected Revenues and Expenditures spreadsheet. Mayor Meisel recommends a $25 raise for single docks, taking them to $275/year, and a $50 raise for multiples, taking them to $300/year. Staff will plug these proposed changes into the revenue spreadsheet to determine affect on the overall Docks budget. These suggested increases will be presented to the Docks Commission and then brought back to the City Council for review. 3. Discuss Revenue and Expenses See Item 2. 4. Review 2004 Dock and Boat Count The Boat and Dock Count was briefly discussed with no suggestions submitted. 5. Adjourn Mayor Meisel adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3210- NOVEMBER 9~ 2004 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 093004CRCARD$1,990.22 OCT 102204SUE $934.78 OCT 102704SU E $1,91 3.01 OCT 102804S U E $14,542.23 OCT 110304SU E $2,778.47 NOV 110904SU E $489,529.67NOV TOTAL $511,688.38 -3211 - CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 093004CRCARD Payments Refer 93004 ELAN CREDIT CARD Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 0q3004 E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 10/21/2004 E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 10/21/2004 E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 10/21/20 O4 City of Mound Payments 10/26/04 11:00 AM Page 1 Current Period: October 2004 i~ :~%;~ ~;~, ~;; ~'"L:;-;I~;; User Dollar Amt $1,990.22 Computer Dollar Amt $1,990.22 $0.00 In Balance Ck# 095100 10/21/2004 09-10-04 VERIZON CHARGER/BATTERY 09-10-04 VERIZON CHARGER/BATTERY 09-10-04 VERIZON CHARGER/BATTERY E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 09-13-04 CUMMINS GENERATOR 10/21/2004 E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 101-47400-210 Operating Supplies 10/21/2004 E 101-42400-434 Conference & Training 09-23-04 AMERICAN P/W,MOORE 09-23-04 AMERICAN P/W,MOORE 09-23-04 AMERICAN P/W,MOORE 09-23-04 AMERICAN P/W,MOORE 090-17-04 NORTON VIRUS,MICHAELS 10-02-04 ARROWWOOD RESORT ALEXANDRIA,SMITH 09-13-04 SIMPLE TECH MEMORY 09-04 INET7 09~21-04 SUPERAMERICA 09-24-04 SUPERAMERICA 09-24-04 DAYS INN ALEXANDRIA,BUSINARO 10-01-04 CREDIT DELL SALES RETURN 09-28-04 OUR DESIGNS HELMET i.D. 09-28-04 OUR DESIGNS HELMET I.D. 09-30-04 US FLAG,MN FLAGS 09-30-04 NEW ADVENTURE 09-30-04 NEW ADVENTURE 09-08-04 JUBILEE LIMES FOR RESALE $31.94 $31.94 $31.95 $424.34 $61.25 $61.25 $61.25 $61.25 $42.55 $281.16 $200.00 $30.95 $15.50 $11.40 $117.28 -$886,72 $114.00 $139.40 $101.80 $121.45 $280.00 $15.69 10/21/2004 E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 10121/2004 E 101-41910-300 Professional Srvs 10/21/2004 E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 10/21/2004 E 101-4~ ~ 10-210 Operating Supplies 10/21/2004 E 222-47~';0-210 Operating Supplies 10/21/2004 E 222-47260-210 Operating Supplies 1 (~/21/2004 E 222-477¢0-210 Operating Supplies ~ ;~/21/2004 E 222-42:%0-210 Operating Supplies 10121/2004 E 222-42; ;~0-210 Operating Supplies ' .,!21/2004 E 609-zt9~ ~0-430 Miscellaneous ~ :~/21/2004 -3212- CITY OF MOL~,i !i9 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Pa; ment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Cash Pa~,ment Invoice 093004 Cash Pa/ment Invoice 093004 Cash Payment Invoice 093004 Transaction Date City of Mound Payments 10/26/04 11:00 AM Page 2 Current Period: October 2004 E 609-49 50-210 Operating Supplies 1 O/21/2004 E 101-42110-431 Meeting Expense ~ /21/2004 E101-42 0-431 Meeting Expense I ~/21/2004 E 10%42110-219 Safety supplies ! O/21/2004 E 101-42' 10-219 Safety supplies 0/21/2O04 E 101-42; 10-219 Safety supplies 10/21/2004 E 101-42 ~ :0-321 Telephone & Cells i (/21/2004 E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies 10/21/2004 10/26/2004 09-30-03 OFFICEMAX IMAGING DRUM 09-09-04 RICKS MARKET ROLLS FOR TRAINING 09-15-04 BESTBUY,TAPES FOR INVESTIGATION 09-15-04 SPORTMART SPLATBALLS 09-17-04 CREDIT SPORTMART RETURN 09-15-04 TRUE VALUE POLY FOR SPLATBALL DEMO 09-25-04 NEXTEL PHONE EQUIPMENT 10-01-04 OFFICE DEPOT Wells Fargo 10100 $185.30 $14.70 $29.78 $64.92 -$46.82 $2O.22 $278.98 $93.51 Total $1,990.22 Fund Summary 10~ GENERAL FUN~ 222 AREA FIRE SER~/ICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $421.85 $756.65 $93.19 $517.54 $200.99 $1,990.22 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generatr~d by the Compute Total $1,990.22 $o.oo $1,990.22 -3213- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 102204SUE Payments Refer 102204 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment E 101-41110-322 Postage Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Transaction Date 10/21/2004 City of Mound 10/21/04 2:40 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: October 2004 User Dollar Amt $934.78 Computer Dollar Amt $934.78 $0.00 In Balance WINTER NEWSLETTER $709.44 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $709.44 Refer 102204 TRUE VALUE, MOUND Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $12.91 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $27.81 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $42.89 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $101.40 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $18.61 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.84 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $12.77 Invoice 102204 10/22/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Postage MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $6.11 Invoice 102204 10122~2004 Transaction Date 10/21/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $225.34 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $839.36 $33.92 $42.89 $18.61 $934.78 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $934.78 $934.78 -3214- CiTY OF MOUND Batch Name 102704SUE Payments City of Mound 10/27/04 9:57 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: October 2004 User Dollar Amt $1,913.01 Computer Dollar Amt $1,913.01 $0.00 In Balance Refer 102704 MOUND POST OFFICE E 609-49750-340 Advertising 10/27/2004 10/27/2004 Cash Payment Invoice 102704 Transaction Date WINE TASTING MAILING $484.65 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $484.65 Refer 102704 PETZ, ZACHORY Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPESNES $244.52 Invoice 102704 10/27/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $244.52 Refer 102704 STREICHER'S Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies CREDIT-GUN -$465.00 Invoice 383947.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Paym~qt E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies CREDIT-GUN -$900.00 Invoice 394997.1 1012712004 PO 18352 Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies CREDIT-GUN -$569.78 Invoice 3997 ]3.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $270.97 Invoice 437273.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Paym~;;t E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $354.95 Invoice 437732.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Paym~,nt E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $779.90 Invoice 47-'~75.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Paym~:,~t E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $36.95 Invoice 4'~:",¢;~7.1 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Pay,~ ~ E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $300.00 Invoice 4~~ ~ 7.2 1012712004 PO 18352 Cash Paym,'-t E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HELMETS/UNIFORMS $319.95 HELMETS/UNIFORMS $300.00 Invoice 43''' 73.2 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Cash Pa?*, '*t E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies Invoice 43,°0r~0.3 10/27/2004 PO 18352 Transaction E~ate 10/26/2004 We/Is Fargo 10100 Total $427.94 Refer 1C;, ,4 VERIZON WIRELESS (P/W) Cash Pay t ~ 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 09-10-04 CELL PHONES $211.90 Invoice 1'_' 4 10/27/2004 Cash Pa~ ; E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 09-10-04 CELL PHONES $129.70 Invoice 1~ _: o4 10/27/2004 Cash Pa;. : E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 09-10-04 CELL PHONES $129.71 Invoice ~t. ',,~4 10/27/2004 Ca~n P~ ~ G 101-22816 Personal Cell Phone 09-10-04 CELL PHONES $284.59 Inw}ice i,, ,t 10/27/2004 Tra.sacti~. ,[e 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $755.90 -3215- ~ OF MOUND Fun(~ 101 ~'L~:¢,t~RAL FUND 601v, :-TRFUND 602 ~-~F .'vER FUND 609~" ;~,CiPAL LIQUOR FUND City of Mound 10/27/04 9:57 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: October 2004 10100 Wells Fargo $1,168.95 $129.70 $129.71 $484.65 $1,913.01 Pre-V 't,.~e Check Chec be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $1,913.01 $1,913.01 -3216- City of Mound 10/28/0411:06 AM Page 1 Payments CITY OF t~OUND Batch Name 102804SUE User Dollar Amt $14,542.23 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $14,542.23 $0.00 In Balance Refer 102804 MUELLER/LANSING PROPERTIES Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 2003/2004 CBD LEASE $125.97 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.97 Refer 102804 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities $2,700.50 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities $43.98 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities $6,274.58 Invoice 102804 10/2812004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities $450.41 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electdc Utilities $354.79 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities $354.79 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities $354.79 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities $3,369.37 Invoice 102804 10/2812004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electdc Utilities $513.05 Invoice 102804 10/28/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,416.26 Fund Summary 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #2245-301-939 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0466-607-223 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0217-606-329 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0047-005-229 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #-0864-508-832 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0864-508-832 08-26-04 TH RU 09-27-04 #0864-508-832 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0018-802-634 08-26-04 THRU 09-27-04 #0009-604-835 10100 Wells Fargo $4,188.70 $6,629.37 $3,724.16 $14,542.23 101 GENERAL FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $14,542.23 $14,542.23 -3217- City of Mound 11/03/04 1:37 PM Payments CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 110304SUE Payments Refer 110304 ANDERSON, JEFF Cash Payment invoice 110304 Transaction Date Current Period: November 2004 User Dollar Amt $2,778.47 Computer Dollar Amt $2,778.47 $0.00 In Balance E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training 11/3/2004 11/3/2004 TRAVEL ADVANCE 11-11-04 ORLANDO,FL $650.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $650.00 Refer 110304 BECK, KENNETH Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $24.50 Invoice 110304 11/3/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42110-305 Medical Services 2004 EYE EXAM $37.00 Invoice 110304 11/3/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.50 Refer 110304 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (PAR Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Cash Payment invoice 110304 Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Cash Payment Invoice 110304 Transaction Date E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells 11/3/2004 11/1/2004 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-221-6740 BERENT,BRIAN 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-21-6794 TAFFE,JOHN 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-221-6812 FACKLER,JIM 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-221-6813 HOFF,KATIE 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-221-8385 SWARTZER,BRIAN 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 612-282-5889 09-19-04 THRU 10~18-04 612-363-5883 NORLANDER,JILL $32.41 $13.75 $114.96 $29,13 $35.90 $8,96 $26.98 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $262.09 Refer 110304 NICCUM, DANIEL Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $59.55 Invoice 110304 11/3/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59.55 Refer 110304 NORLANDER, JILL Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2004 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $261.56 invoice 110304 11/3/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.56 Refer 110304 SPEEDWA Y SUPERAMERICA (POL Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels THRU 10-26-04 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,483.77 Invoice 110304 11/3/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,483.77 -3218- CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND City of Mound 41/03/041:37 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: November 2004 10100 Wells Fargo $2,099.34 $650.00 $29.13 $2,778.47 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $2,778.47 $2,778.47 -3219- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page Payments Batch Name 110904SUE Payments Current Period: November 2004 User Dollar Amt $489,529.67 Computer Dollar Amt $489,529.67 $0.00 In Balance Refer 110904 ADP SCREENING AND SECTION S Cash Payment E 101-43100-305 Medical Services DRUG SCREENING Invoice 818557 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 110904 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSO Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training 2004 CONFERENCE,SKINNER Invoice 1089 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 $38,00 Total $38.00 $230.00 Total $230.00 Refer 110904 AMUNDSON, M. LLP Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARE'i-I'ES $815.10 Invoice 169098 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $815,10 Refer 110904 ARCH WIRELESS Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies PAGERS $74.76 Invoice N3457459J 11/9/2004 PO 18405 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.76 Refer 110904 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463429402 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463430004 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo $53.82 $61.65 10100 Total $115,47 Refer 110904 ASSURED SECURITY Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply - KEY CUT Invoice 34862 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 110904 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS OF BIG Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies SPEAKER WIRE Invoice 65009 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.03 $12.03 $42.60 $42.60 Refer 110904 BAYSIDEFLORAL Cash Payment Invoice 33435 Cash Payment Invoice 33435 Cash Payment Invoice 33435 Transaction Date E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-430Miscellaneous 11/9/2004 E 281-45210-430 Miscellaneous 11/9/2004 11/3/2004 FLORAL ARRANGEMENT FLORAL ARRANGEMENT FLORAL ARRANGEMENT Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 110904 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 39114800 11/9/2004 $16.40 $16.40 $8.20 Total $41.00 $85.36 -3220- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: November 2004 LIQUOR $3,874.90 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 31134100 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale invoice 31144100 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 31049500 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 39088300 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R Invoice 39071300 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 30994000 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 31036800 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 LIQUOR LIQUOR 10100 Total MERCHANDISE LIQUOR LIQUOR Wells Fargo $4,017.30 $1,184.75 $60.18 $85.16 $237.00 $1.501.80 $11,046.45 Refer 110904 BFI OF MINNESOTA, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $160.75 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101~43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $22.15 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $19,42 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $102.63 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $37.52 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $37.52 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos $37.53 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $417.52 Refer 110904 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTRO0 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 09-04 SKATE PARK $50.21 Invoice W239556 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50,21 Refer 110904 BLUE LINE LEARNING GROUP, IN Cash Payment E 101-42115-434 Conference & Training HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CD-ROMS $207.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 PO 18480 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $207.00 Refer 110904 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUP Cash Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply LIGHT BULBS $203.84 Invoice 93967298 11/9/2004 PO 18537 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $203,84 Refer 110904 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials COLD-CK AN TESTER $7.09 N42355 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials COLD-CK AN TESTER $7.09 Invoice N42355 11/9/2004 11-04 GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 STREETS GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 GARBAGE SERVICE 10-04 GARBAGE SERVICE -3221 - CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice N42355 Cash Payment Invoice N42541 Cash Payment Invoice N42541 Cash Payment Invoice N42541 Cash Payment Invoice N42848 Cash Payment Invoice N42848 Cash Payment Invoice N42848 Cash Payment Invoice N42003 Cash Payment Invoice N42003 Cash Payment Invoice N42003 Cash Payment Invoice N40781 Cash Payment Invoice N40781 Cash Payment Invoice N41318 Cash Payment Invoice N41318 Cash Payment Invoice N41318 Cash Payment Invoice N41364 Cash Payment Invoice N41364 Cash Payment Invoice N41364 Transaction Date City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: November 2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop MateriaJs 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 11/9/2004 COLD-CK AN TESTER $7.10 AIR HOSE SFTY STRIPE $13.38 AIR HOSE SFTY STRIPE $13.38 AIR HOSE SFTY STRIPE $13.39 OVAL STOP SEAL $4.25 OVAL STOP SEAL $4.25 OVAL STOP SEAL $4.25 TURN/TAIL LAMP $2.86 TURN/TAIL LAMP $2.86 TURN/TAIL LAMP $2.86 E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery ELECTRIC BREAK CONTROL $55.80 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery ELECTRIC BREAK CONTROL $55.80 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials COUPLER BODY $5.76 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials COUPLER BODY $5.76 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials COUPLER BODY $5.75 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials BENT HITCH PIN $2.12 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials BENT HITCH PIN $2.12 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials BENT HITCH PIN $2.12 11/9/2004 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $217.99 Refer 110904 CATAND FIDDLE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $186.00 Invoice 39339 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $424.50 Invoice 39462 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $610.50 Refer 110904 CEMSTONE CONCRETE sOLUTIO Cash Payment E 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts DiAM BLADE, TUBE $370.62 Invoice 1047500 11/9/2004 PO 18536 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $370.62 Refer 110904 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG -3222- City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page4 Payments CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment invoice 110904 Current Period: November 2004 E 455-46380-430 Miscellaneous 09-30-04 THRU 10-05-04 5533 SHORELINE $4.82 DRIVE 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4.82 Refer 110904 CHAMPION AUTO Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery RATCHET CARGO BAR $27.68 Invoice D289283 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.68 Refer 110904 CLARK PRODUCTS, INCORPORA T Cash Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services PAPER TOWELS,CUPS $118.62 Invoice V508655 11/9/2004 PO 18478 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.62 Refer 110904 CLASSIFIEDS, ROUNDUP, LAKER, Cash Payment E 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising 10-09-04 CLASSIFIED $118.50 Invoice 38772 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising 10-16-04 CLASSIFIED $118.50 Invoice 38772 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising 10-23-04 CLASSIFIED $118.50 Invoice 38772 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 We/Is Fargo 10100 Total $355.50 Refer 110904 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa CREDIT-MIX -$4.28 Invoice 81393115 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $149.20 Invoice 81393107 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $144.92 Refer 110904 CONCRETE CUTTING AND CORIN Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply DEPT WHEEL, BOLT,ETC $108.32 Invoice 47217 11/9/2004 PO 18578 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $108.32 Refer 110904 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply METERS $1,165.40 Invoice 3260469 11/9/2004 PO 18611 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,165.40 Refer 110904 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,415.55 Invoice 287743 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $106.40 Invoice 287133 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,413.25 Invoice 286792 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,935.20 Refer 110904 DEL PLACEMENT AGENCY, INCOR t Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 09-25-04 WINE POURING $100.00 invoice 6191 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 -3223- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 5 Payments Current Period: November 2004 Refer 110904 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 46036 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 225152 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 225065 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo $431.50 $1,618.25 $4,760.15 10100 Total $6,809.90 Cash Payment E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs THRU 10-31-04 LOST LAKE GREENWAY $54,283.32 Invoice REQUEST #11 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54,283.32 Refer 110904 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT AN Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts NOZZEL WITH TIP $52.03 Invoice 4577 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/27/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $52.03 Refer 110904 EQUIPMENT SUPPLY, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 10-01-04 THRU 02-28-05 SERVICE $980.00 MAINTENANCE Invoice S258101404 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $980.00 Refer 110904 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs MCES LIFT STATION RELOCATION $1,324.00 Invoice 00-6665 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs MCES LIFT STATION RELOCATION $1,845.95 Invoice 00-6642 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,169.95 Refer 110904 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $64.00 Invoice 246941 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $64.00 Refer 110904 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-12-04 UNIFORMS $64.15 Invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-12-04 UNIFORMS $64.15 invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-12-04 UNIFORMS $64.14 Invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 10-12-04 MATS $22.00 Invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 10-12-04 MATS $22,00 Invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 10-12-04 MATS $22,00 Invoice 6260325 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 10-26-04 MATS $48.82 Invoice 6273270 11/9/2004 -3224- City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM ~'~-- ~'~ Page6 /' Payments CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 6273271 Cash Payment Invoice 6273269 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6266799 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6247385 Cash Payment Invoice 6273264 Transaction Date E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 10-26-04 MATS $78.81 11/9/2004 E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services 10-26-04 MATS $38.55 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-19-04 UNIFORMS $52.59 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-19-04 UNIFORMS $52.59 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-19-04 UNIFORMS $52.60 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 10-19-04 MATS $24.86 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10-19-04 MATS $24.86 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 10-19-04 MATS $24.86 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 09-28~04 UNIFORMS $34.80 11/9/2004 E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 09-28-04 UNIFORMS $34.80 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 09-28-04 UNIFORMS $34.80 11/9/2004 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 09-28-04 MATS $26.93 11/9/2004 E 601,.49400-230 Shop Materials 09-28-04 MATS $26.93 11/9/2004 E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 09-28-04 MATS $26.93 11/9/2004 E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 10-26-04 MATS $45.85 11/9/2004 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $888.02 Refer 110904 GRAND PERE WINES, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $440.00 Invoice 00014582 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $440.00 Refer 110904 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 67817 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 68022 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Refer WINE $1,051.01 WINE $921.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,972.01 110904GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$18,03 Invoice 651202 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $86.79 , Invoice 135037 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,210.12 invoice 134801 11/9/2004 -3225- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 7 Payments Current Period: November 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $82.59 Invoice 138038 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $942.19 Invoice 138170 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,003.18 Invoice 138171 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,306.84 Refer 110904 HANSON, KANDIS Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE CTY MGR CONFERENCE, CA $238.33 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 10-04 DSL LINE $49.99 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $288.32 Refer 110904 HASCH, EVA Cash Payment G 101-22985 4804 Northern Ave #04-10 CLOSE ESCROW #04-10 4804 NORTHERN $500.00 RQAD Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 110904 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 RepaiflMaint Supply SANDER PARTS $83.25 Invoice 51731 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply SANDER PARTS $83.25 Invoice 51731 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 RepaidMaint Supply SANDER PARTS $83~24 Invoice 51731 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 RepaidMaint Supply GENERATOR TRAILER $14.05 Invoice 51668 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply GENERATOR TRAILER $14.05 Invoice 51668 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials GENERATOR TRAILER $14.05 Invoice 51668 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials PIPE $9.66 Invoice 51667 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials PIPE $9.66 Invoice 51667 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Sho) Materials PIPE $9.65 Invoice 51667 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $320.86 Refer 110904 HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WOR Cash Payment E 401-46377-300 Professional Srvs CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING $309,971.97 Invoice TRAN00755 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $309,971.97 Refer 110904 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 09-04 BOOKING FEE $1,326.94 Invoice 336 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,326.94 Refer 110904 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R -3226- City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM .......... '"'- Page 8 ..... ///'~f~ '~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Cash Paymen[ Invoice 000699 Transaction Date Current Period: November 2004 E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 09-04 ROOM AND BOARD $533.00 11/9/2004 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $533.00 Refer 110904 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609.49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $189.50 Invoice 343711 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $189.50 Refer 110904 HYDRAULIC SPECIALTY COMPAN Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials MOTOR REPAIR $149.76 invoice 56889 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials MOTOR REPAIR $149.76 Invoice 56889 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials MOTOR REPAIR $149.75 Invoice 56889 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $449.27 Refer 110904 IKON OFFICE MACHINES Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 11-04 COPIER MAINTENANCE $151.46 Invoice 23462567 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $151,46 Refer 110904 INTERNATIONAL CITY/COUNTY M Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items 2005 MEMBERSHIP DUES $750.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 110904 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #32 BATTERY/ALTERNATOR $366.19 invoice 17047 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2002 SILVERADO WIRING ADAPTER $25.37 Invoice 17089 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602.49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2002 SILVERADO WIRING $25.36 Invoice 17089 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $416.92 Refer 110904 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $214.80 Invoice 1799435 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,403.03 Invoice 1799436 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609.49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,753.15 Invoice 1799437 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,426.65 Invoice 1799438 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $450.24 Invoice 1799439 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,629.60 Invoice 1802993 11/9/2004 tCash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $472.74 Invoice 1802992 11/9/2004 -3227- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 1802991 Cash Payment Invoice 1802990 Cash Payment Invoice 1802989 Cash Payment Invoice 1802988 City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 9 Payments Current Period: November 2004 E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $27.45 11/9/2004 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $26.00 11/9/2004 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $785.57 11/9/2004 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $631.20 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,820.43 Re;e; 1109~4 juBiI_~ F°oD~ Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous 10-26-04 COUNCIL COOKIES $60.75 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-434 Conference & Training 09-09-04 MEETING $18.23 Invoice 092004 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $78.98 Refer 110904 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN Cash Payment Invoice 63526-A Cash Payment Invoice 63526-B Cash Payment Invoice 63526-C Cash Payment Invoice 63526-D Cash Payment E 455-43255-300 Professional Srvs 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11/9/2004 G 101-22988 Hedtage Point Trailer Court 11/9/2004 E 455-43255-300 Professional Srvs 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Cash Payment Invoice 63526-F Cash Payment Invoice 63526-G Cash Payment Invoice 63526-H Cash Payment Invoice 63526-11 Cash Payment Invoice 63526-12 Cash Payment Invoice 63526-E1 11/9/2004 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance Invoice 63526-E2 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-312 Legal Police 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-314 Legal P/W 11/9/2004 E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I 11/9/2004 G 101-22988 Heritage Point Trailer Court 11/9/2004 G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 Invoice 63525-A1 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 63525-A2 11/9/2004 Cash Payment Invoice 63525-B Cash Payment Invoice 63525-C Cash Payment Invoice 63525-D E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 11/9/2004 G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 11/9/2004 G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 11/9/2004 09-04 MCES LIFT STATION $96.00 09-04 DREAMWOOD LAWSUIT $30.00 09-04 HALSTEAD POINTE TRAILER COURTS $258.00 09-0 MCES LIFT STATION $2,622.72 09-04 EXEUCTIVE $948.00 09-04 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $90.00 09-04 ADMINSITRATION $204.00 09-04 PUBLIC SAFETY $955.74 09-04 PUBLIC WORKS $216.00 09-04 PLANNING AND ZONING $378.00 09-04 HALSTEAD POINTE TRAILER COURTS $150.00 09-04 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT $110.00 09-04 HRA MISC BILLABLE $401.50 09-04 REDEV PROJECT AREA #1 $1,232.00 09-04 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT $135.00 09-04 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $3,792.78 -3228- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 63525-E Cash Payment Invoice 63525-F Transaction Date City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 10 Current Period: November 2004 G 101-22974 Bloomquist Hotel Developme 09-04 BLOOMQUIST HOTEL DEVELOP $2,286.29 11/9/2004 E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 09-40 CUSTER PURCHASE AGREEMENT $500.00 11/9/2004 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,406.03 Refer 110904 KRAWIECKI, MARK Cash Payment G 101-22992 1736 Shorewood #04-14A Va 1736 SHOREWOOD LANE #04-14A $500.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wetls Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 110905 KUSTOMSIGNALS Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery RADAR REMOTE FOR EAGLE PLUS #843 $80.29 Invoice 212733 11/9/2004 PO 18481 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $80.29 Refer 110904 LAKER NEWSPAPER Cash Payment E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing 10-16-04 ACCURACY TEST $19.90 Invoice 101704 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing 10-16-04 NOTICE OF ELECTION $47.76 Invoice 101604 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.66 Refer 110904 LAKESHORE WEEKLY NEWS Cash Payment E 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising THRU 10-19-04 CLASSIFIED $324.00 Invoice 28500-B 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $324.00 Refer 110904 LA WSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $170.95 Invoice 2446373 11/9/2004 PO 18602 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $170.95 Invoice 2446373 11/9/2004 PO 18602 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $170.94 Invoice 2446373 11/9/2004 PO 18602 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $512.84 Refer 110904 LUBES UNLIMITED, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials FILTER DRUM PICK-UP $23.33 Invoice 7320 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials FILTER DRUM PICK-UP $23.33 Invoice 7320 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials FILTER DRUM PICK-UP $23,34 Invoice 7320 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/27/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.00 Refer 110904 MADDEN, FRANK AND ASSOCIAT Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs 09-04 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $680.90 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $680.90 Refer 110904 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $37.30 Invoice 725209 11/9/2004 -3229- City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM /"/' ...... ~ Page 11 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: November 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,971.40 Invoice 725209 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,714.00 Invoice 720200 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $53.30 Invoice 720201 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $23.00 Invoice 720202 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,541.50 Invoice 727613 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $10.00 Invoice 697273-B 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5 350~50 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 10-18-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $15.30 Invoice 14877 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 10-21-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $121.50 Invoice 14897 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 10-25-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $11.70 Invoice 14909 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 10-28-04 DELIVERY CHARGE $153.90 Invoice 14929 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 ~, ,. ~ Total $302.40 Cash Payment E 101.42110-200 Office Supplies FILING FOLDERS $222.08 Invoice 43430 11/9/2004 PO 18473 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $222.08 Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs ARBITRATION $450.00 Invoice 04-PN-1008 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 110904 MINNEAPOLIS GLASS Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings REPLACE TWO WINDOWS $1,973.01 Invoice 72513 11/9/2004 PO 18532 Transaction Date 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,973,01 Refer 110904 MiNNER~t~' Bui~Di~ MA/~TE~ Cash Payment E 609-49750.401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 10-04-04 WINDOW WASH $37.28 Invoice 1024010105 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $37.28 Refer 110904 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF 11-18-04 SEMINAR, MOORE 11-18-04 SEMINAR,MOORE 11-18-04 SEMINAR,MOORE Wells Fargo 10100 Total $63.34 $15.83 $15.83 Cash Payment E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training Invoice E186129 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training Invoice E186129 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training Invoice E186129 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 -3230- CITY OF MOUND Rear 110904 Cash Payment Invoice 110904 City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 12 Current Period: November 2004 MOUND FIRE RELIEF A$SOCIA TIO E 895-49990-124 Fire Pens Contrib 11-04 FiRE RELIEF $9,641.67 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 We/Is Fargo 10100 Total $9,641.67 Refer 110904 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment E 101-41910-322 Postage FIRST CLASS PRESORT MAILING PERMIT $150.00 invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41910-322 Postage STANDARD MAIL MAILING PERMIT $150.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 110904 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities 09-04 WATER/SEWER $22.02 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.02 Refer 110904 NATIONAL WATERWORKS Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply PVC PIPE,GASKETS $2,347.18 Invoice 1709931 11/9/2004 PO 18681 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 RepaidMaint Supply GATE VALVE RISERS $265.73 Invoice 1798902 11/9/2004 PO 18684 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 RepaidMaint Supply SILT FENCE $85.20 Invoice 1804471 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,698.11 Refer 110904 NEWMAN SIGNS Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials BLANK SHEETS $1,219.43 Invoice TI-0130004 11/9/2004 PO 18599 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,219.43 Refer 110904 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (POLl Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 09-19-04 THRU 10-18-04 CELL PHONES $527.57 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $527.57 Refer 110904 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $0.00 Invoice XXXXX 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $848.78 Invoice 8050238 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$4.00 Invoice 8051341 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE ~$18.00 invoice 8051342 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $417.99 Invoice 8048770 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $564.49 Invoice 8050846 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $t,809.26 Refer 110904 PEARSON BROTHERS, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 427-43121-224 Street Maint Materials 2004 SEAL COAT FINAL PAYMENT $2,900.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 -3231 - CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 13 Payments Current Period: November 2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,900.00 Reier ii0~04 P~Psi~LA ~'PA~i~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $75.60 Invoice 70134055 11/912004 ~[~s~a~.c.!i0n' .D~te ...... 11/4/2004 Fargo 10100 Total .60wells R;fer 110904, ~5 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $543.85 Invoice 2126644 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $656.65 Invoice 2129111 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $268.09 Invoice 2129110 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,468.59 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic OCT.NOV.DEC 2004 PEST CONTROL $95.84 Invoice 464417 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.84 Refer 110904 PROTECTION ONE Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-01-04 thrU 01-31-05 MONITORING $14:).80 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $142.80 Refer 110904 PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT COM Cash Payment E 101-42110-409 Other Equipment repair REPair RADAR REMOTES $75.00 Invoice 927 11/9/2004 PO 18486 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells fargo 10100 Tota 75 $ 00 Refer 110904 OUAIITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE TOOK CR TWICE $190.03 Invoice 433342-00-B 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine for Resale WINE $796.76 Invoice 469363-00 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor for Resale LIQUOR $894.35 Invoice 468831-00 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For resa MIX $28.63 Invoice 468832-00 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,359.36 invoice 471968-00 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $968.60 Invoice 471373-00 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $225.44 Invoice 472108-00 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,463.17 Refer 110904 RECYCLING ASSOCIATION MINNE Cash Payment E 670-49500-208 Instructional Supplies RECYCLING CONFERENCE 11-16-04 $130.00 NELSON Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 PO 18682 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 -3232- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 14 Current Period: November 2004 Refer 110904 ,_qBC MINNCOMM PAGING Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells invoice 647200010048 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 647200010048 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 647200010048 11/9/2004 BATTERIES $6.73 BATTERIES $6.73 BATTERIES $6.72 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.18 Refer 110904 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORA T E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-04 FIRE SYSTEM $25.72 $10.65 E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-04 ANNUAL FIRE ALARM TEST/iNSPECTION $22.21 Cash Payment Invoice 409628 Cash Payment Invoice 409628 Cash Payment Invoice 411483 Cash Payment Invoice 411483 Transaction Date E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-04 BURGLARY SYSTEM $10.65 E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-04 SUPERVISED O/C'S 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $69.23 Refer 110904 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, IN Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 10-15-04 WINE SPECTATOR $12.50 Invoice 49400079 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 10-31-04 WINE SPECTATOR $t2.50 Invoice 49731509 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 110904 SHOREWOOD TREE SERVICE Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal 4949 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $1,491.00 Invoice 5215 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,491.00 Refer 110904 SOS PRINTING Cash Payment E 101-41310-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $34.94 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 101-41500-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $34.94 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 101-42400-203 Pdnted Forms ENVELOPES $34.94 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 101-45200-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $34.94 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 101-43100-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $34.94 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 609-49750-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $11.64 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 601-49400-203 Printed Forms ENVELOPES $23.29 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 602-49450-203 Pdnted Forms ENVELOPES $23.29 Invoice 65679 11/9/2004 PO 18272 Cash Payment E 101-42110-350 Printing BUSINESS CARDS,TRAUX $65.76 Invoice 65640 11/9/2004 PO 18471 -3233- CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment Invoice 65681 Transaction Date City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 15 E 609-49750-340 Advertising 11-04-04 WINE TASTING $642.41 11/9/2004 10/28/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $941.09 Refer 110904 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR Cash Payment E 101-41310-212 Motor Fuels THRU 10-26-04 GASOLINE CHARGES $22.01 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels THRU 10-26-04 GASOLINE CHARGES $221,42 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $243.43 Refer 110904 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT, INCORP Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2,344.95 invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,344.95 Refer 110904 STS CONSULTANTS Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor RenaissanCe MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $604.25 Invoice 262904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $604.25 Refer 110904 SWARTZER, KEVIN Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 RepaidMaint Supply BALES OF STRAW $24.00 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $24.00 Refer 110904 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,677.90 Invoice 351402 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $43.45 Invoice 351401 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $346,00 invoice 34822 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $832.00 Invoice 352052 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $106.00 Invoice 34840 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $34.85 Invoice 352050 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,413.65 Invoice 352051 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $336.50 Invoice 34752 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,790.35 Refer 110904 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $5.97 Invoice 457578 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $5.97 Invoice 457578 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $5,97 Invoice 457578 11/9/2004 -3234- CiTY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 16 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $39.37 Invoice 326509 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $39.37 Invoice 326509 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES $39.38 Invoice 326509 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/27/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $136.03 Refer 110904 TRI-STATE PUMP AND CONTOL, I Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATION $1,149,50 Invoice 23884 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,t49.50 Refer 110904 TWIN CITY OFFICE SUPPLY Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444154-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443955-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444031-0 11/9/2004 PO 18483 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES CARTRIDGE PAPER,BINDERS,BATTERIES,ETC -$3.56 -$3.56 -$3.56 -$3.56 -$3,56 -$1.2O -$2.37 -$2.37 $3,56 $3,56 $3.56 $3,56 $3.56 $1.20 $2,37 $2.37 $214.92 $202.12 -3235- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 17 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 441094-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444452-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444471-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443430-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443257-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443257-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443257-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444859-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444822-0 11/9/2004 PO 18658 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 APPOINTMENT BOOK LABELS MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES C.D.'S C.D.'S C.D.'S STAPLER HANGING FOLDERS MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $13.09 $5.33 $1.53 $1.53 $1.53 $1.53 $1.53 $0.51 $1.02 $1 .O2 $8.00 $8.0O $8,00 $8.oo $8.00 $2.64 $5.33 $5.33 $3,50 $3.5O $1.75 $29.81 $13,75 $47.77 $47.77 -3236- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 18 Payments Current Period: November 2004 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies invoice 444723-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice C444031-0 11/9/2004 PO 18483 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444432-0 11/9/2004 PO 18483 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies Invoice 444431-0 11/9/2004 PO 18483 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 441393-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies invoice 441273-0 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies Invoice 443954-0 11/9/2004 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES CREDIT COPY PAPER CERTIFICATE AWARD COPY PAPER COPY PAPER SCISSORS PAPER,INK,ETC $47.77 $47.77 $47.77 $15.91 $31.84 $31.84 -$146,97 $11.67 $191,06 $84.99 $31.36 $42.10 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,083.92 Refer 110904 UN/FORMS UNLIMITED Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies TASER CARTRIDGES $118.88 Invoice 241753 11/9/2004 PO 18477 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.88 Refer 110904 VERIZON WIRELESS (PA/V) Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 10-10-04 CELL PHONES $190.21 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 10-10-04 CELL PHONES $89.06 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 10-10-04 CELL PHONES $76.08 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Cash Payment G 101-22816 Personal Cell Phone 10-10-04 CELL PHONES $277~02 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $632,37 Refer 110904 WILLIAMS TOWING Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program 08-29-04 TWO FROM 5555 SHORELINE $177,65 DRIVE Invoice 72141 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177.65 110904 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,091.40 101972-00 11/9/2004 -3237- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 11/04/04 3:19 PM Page 19 Current Period: November 2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$10,00 Invoice 101641-00 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/3/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,081,40 Refer 1i09~4 W~)R~_D C~S WiN~i i~l~R~- Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $366.25 Invoice 156399 11/9/2004 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $392.00 Invoice 156807 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 10/26/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $758.25 Refer 110904 WOYTCKE, DENNIS E. Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Trainin~ 03-26-04 FIRE INVESTIGATION $1.36 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/4/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 09-24-04 THRU 10-25-04 $978,51 Invoice 110904 11/9/2004 Transaction Date 11/1/2004 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $978.51 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 427 SEAL COAT FUND 455 TIF 1-2 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $30,192.93 $15.11 $9.95 $364,255.29 $2,900.00 $4,455.54 $6,991.33 $4,225.77 $66,712.08 $130.00 $9,641.67 $489,529.67 Pre-Written Check Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total $0.00 $489,529.67 $489,529.67 -3238- Engineering ° Planning ° Surveying November 3, 2004 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364-1627 SUBJECT: City of Mound Lost Lake Greenway S.P. 145-090-01 TEAX 2700 (28) Partial Payment MFRA #13566 Dear Kandis: Enclosed is Environmental Associates Payment Request No. 11 for work completed through October 31, 2004 on the subject project. The amount of this payment request is $54,283.32. We have reviewed this request, find it in order, and recommend payment in the above amount to the Contractor. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, MFRA John Cameron, City Engineer JC:rth cc: Gino Businaro, Finance Director Enclosure s:hmain:Xmou 13566\cortes\part-pay 11-3 -3239- 15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 763/476-6010 · fax 763/476-8532 e-mail: mfra@mfra.com <~ 00~ ~v O0m Omz ~mz ~0 -3240- · '~ o o ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~.c ~-'~ · R ~ ~ ~° .... 2~ · ~.~x~ ~x ~ o o ~ c ~° ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ oo~ ~ § bobbbbbboobbobobbbobooobbobbbbbbbbbbbbbbobboooooo O,.b..O,.,O. O00,.O ....... bo ....... bb..b..b...b-.. bobbbbbbobbobbbbbbbb889880bbbbbbboboobbobo Obbbbb - - ~ ~ ~ 888888888888888888888888888888888888888@888888888 Obbobbobbbbobooooooooooooooo~ooom~obobbbob~bbboob ooo8§ 8 o§8§ 88§8 8oo 8o§o8o8o8oo 8 88o8§o ...... ~'b~O~'''O ...... 888888oo8oooooo888o888888oo8oo88oooo88o88o888ooo8 bbbbobbbobbbbbboobbbbS~8~ ooo8§88~8,=o88§o§88§8-~8ooU8o8~o8o8oo~8~88o8§o ~ 888o88oo8ooooo88ooo88o8o88o8oo88~ooo88o8oo888ooo8 ~E > <m Om -3241 - ~0 · ~ 8 ~8 ~8 8 8888888888888888888~$88 88~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 8 8 888 0 ooo § bbb ~0099 0099~ 888 8 8 8 88 8 8 888 8 8 8 888888888888888888888888 ~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ - -' 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 ~ ~ ~88 8 8 ~ 88°°88oo888888888888~88Soo mi ..... ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ........................ 8~ g ~ ~ ~8 g 8 888 8 8 8 88888°°°8oo8888885888888ooo -3242- 88 8~88~ ~ 88888 ~ 88 8~88~ ~ 8 88888 ' ~ ~0~ ~ ~ ~0~ 8 88 88888 8 8 88888 ~ 88 89888 ~ 8 88888 ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... · , . . ~. . ~ 88 8~888 ~ 8 88888 ~ mo -3243- z .o oo~ oo ~ ~ ~ 888 8 88 888 8 ~ ...... . . ~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 8 8 888 ~ ~ -3244- Z~Z~ 0 ~ ~ ~.--= P PP < ~o~ ~ ~ ~ 8gg ~gggg OOb Oob~b bbbbb gg8oo=°g~ 8gggg . . ~ ~. g 888 ~°88~ 8 88888 -3245- oooooooooo ~ .......... mm 8888888888 -i -3246- -3247- ~ ~ 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 .....................o o oo 8888888888888888o8o888888oo8888888888888~88888888 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb°°~e°m~m~°°=~*mu~ .... ~oo~ou~eoN~o~bbbb~bbb~obbbbbb b~b bO°bO 888888888888°°88°°8888888888~888~g888888888888888oo oo 888888888888°°88888888888°°8~888~°°8888~88888oo8oo oo ooo -3248- 8g~ ~ g g ~8 8 8 888 ~ o oo8888gg8888ogoggooSoogg 888 8 8 8 88 8 8 888 8 8 8 888888888888888888888888 o 8g~ g ~ X ~g g ~ g88 8 8 g 88888°°888888ooSogogggg8oo o ~ ~ ~ o 8~ ~ ~ X X8 ~ ~ ~88 8 8 ~o8o° O8ogoSggsgsgg88888oSo8o o ~ o -3249- 8~88~ ~ 88888 8E88~ ~ 8 88888 88888 8 8 88888 8~888 ~ 8 ~8888 8E888 E ~ 8888~ -3250- .... . ~ 0 ~ ~. 8 8 ~ ~ ~ z c 8 8 8 8 888 8 88 888 ~ ~ 8 8 8 8 B~B ~ 8~ ~ , ~ ~8 8 8 888 B ~ 0~' m -3251 - o oo ~ ~_=°~ ~ ~ oo bbbbb Z 888 ~88~ 88888 ~ 888 ~88D~ 8 88888 "00 mO -3252- 88 8888888888 oooooooooo 8 8888888888 . ~oooo m~ E -3253- Engineering · Planning · Surveying November 3, 2004 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound 2004 Seal Coat Program MFRA #6173 Dear Kandis: Enclosed is Pearson Bros.' Final Payment Request for the subject project. The amount of this request is $2,900.00. We have reviewed the project and find that the work was completed in general accordance with the plans and specifications. It is our recommendation that the Contractor be paid in full for this project. Sincerely, MFRA John Cameron, City Engineer cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Gino Businaro, Financial Director Enclosure s:Xmain:Xmou06173:\corres~inalpayl 1-2 -3254- 15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 763/476-6010 · fax 763/476-8532 e-mai/: mfra@mfra.com m o ~0 m -o m .-I m -.t c ~c m ~ > -t m ..q z ~ --{ ..q 0 0 -n --I m -q -< 1 mm > 0 © 0 m m m m z -3255- 0 -n ..< m -I "n -3256- MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Jim Kurtz, Chief of Police October 26, 2004 Subject: Street lighting I have reviewed the request for additional street lighting on Denbigh Road. It's the recommendation of the police department that at least one additional street light be installed on this road for crime prevention. -3257- Page 1 of 1 Jim Kurtz From: Ken Beck Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 9:29 PM To: Jim Kurtz Subject: RE: Street lights Jim, I checked the roadway and its pretty dark on that street. There is one street Fight on Denbigh Rd. right off Wilshire Blvd. I would recommend that one be placed to the left and one to the right on the intersection. I did notice that most of the residences have their garage lights on and that does help with the poor lighting. From: Jim Kurtz Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 2:11 PM To: Ken Beck Subject: Street lights Will you pease check Denbigh Road for street lighting. They have submitted a petition to get 2 more street lights on their road. Check it out and send me an email with you recommendations. Thank you James E. Kurtz Chief of Police City of Mound 952-472-0623 (Office) 952-472-0656 (Fax) jkurtz@ci, mound, mn. us 0/26/2004 -3258- 10-1-04 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: AS CONCERNED INDIVIDUALS WHO RESIDE IN THE GREAT COMMUNITY OF MOUND, WE WISH TO STATE A NEED FOR AT LEAST ONE MORE STREET LIGHT ON DENBIGH ROAD. CURRENTLY WE HAVE ONLY TWO LIGHTS, INADEQUATELY SPACED IN A 2+ BLOCK AREA. SEVERAL CARS HAVE BEEN BROKE INTO, AS WELL AS SOME ATTEMPTS TO BREAK INTO GARAGES. WE FEEL THAT THE LACK OF GOOD LIGHTING HAS MADE US A MORE DESIRABLE TARGET FOR POTENTIAL CRIME. PLEASE TELL US WHAT STEPS WE MUST TAKE TO FACILTATE INCREASING OUR STREET LIGHTING. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, SINCERELY, -3259- -3260- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE RELEASE OF TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY PID # 19-117-23-32-0128 WHEREAS, the applicants are seeking the release for sale of tax forfeited property, PID #19-117-23-32-0128, Wychwood, Lot 26, Block 11, WHEREAS, the Parks and Open Spaces Advisory Commission considered the request at its October 14, 2004 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the applicant's request. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the request at its October 18, 2004 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the applicant's request. WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of November 9, 2004, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the release for sale of tax forfeited property PID # 19-117-23-32- 0128. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this Attest: Bonnie Rifler, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3261 - PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES October 14, 2004 Present: Commissioners Susan Taylor, Derrick Hentz, John Beise and Mike Mason, City Council Representative Bob Brown, Secretary Denice Widmer Absent or Excused: Commissioners Norm Domholt and Ron Motyka Park Superintendent Jim Fackler Citizens Present: Dave Osmek The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm Approval of the July 8~ 2004 Minutes (August and September meetings were MOTION by Beise to approve the July 8, MOTION CARRIED. Agenda Changes. None. However, Susan Taylor presented thanked Susan on behalf of the Parks of Mound for her hard work uorums.) by Mason letter. Bob the City Council and the City 3. Comments and Suggestions None 4. Discuss: had 'ssion as he is representing the Beise then stepped to the podium and gave a request; that this home formerly had a dock had been paying full lakeshore taxes to the the owner was under the assumption that this property MOTION to approve the removal of approximately 200' of wildlife land to be to the commons dock program. Amendment by Brown to change from a type "E" commons to a type "D". SECONDED BY Mason. Discussion followed with Taylor and Hentz stating they could not support this request. Vote of 2 to 2 followed. MOTION by Brown to pass this request on to the DCAC and the City Council with no recommendation from the Parks Commission due to a split vote. SECOND by Mason. MOTION CARRIED. POSAC Minutes October 14, 2004 -3262- e Discuss: Release of TAX Forfeited Property # 19-117-23-32-0128 Applicants: Doug McGibbon, 4725 Richmond Rd Brian and Amber Berent, 4743 Richmond Rd MOTION BY Brown to approve the release of this property to the adjacent property owners only. SECOND by Beise. Brief discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED. Review: Snowmobile Sub-Committee - John Beise Presenting Beise stated that the committee has not met yet, but is planning to in the near future. Discuss: Results of Park Tour Request by POSAC for staff to review the and the Bluffs parks. Discussion followed on structures at the parks. Fackler will bring Brown discussed the possibility taking $60-90,000 out of the Park Review: 2005 Budget a. Apl; Brief discussion in which the 2005 with the understanding for approval of a total of $90,000 both Evergreen of play as MOTION by Mason. 1,175 in made go to for 2005 this expenditure for )uncil later in the year 2005. 9. Discuss: the ? $60,175 for 2005. SECOND iON CARRIED. for POSAC, this item was tabled for I iss: ~alendar for November noted. Currently no applicants for POSAC 11. REPORT Brown gave Calendar. The Parks Tour is the only item on the July Agenda 12. Reports: Fackler gave a brief nmdown on his summer help, equipment, etc. MOTION by Hentz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Mason. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm. POSAC Minutes October 14, 2004 -3263- DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANTS: Name: Name: Release of Tax Forfeiture Property. For Sale October 6, 2004 Release for Sale of: 19-117-23-32-0128 Doug McGibbon, 4725 Richmond Rd, Mound, MN 55364 Brian and Amber Berent, 4743 Richmond Rd, Mound, MN 55364 CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Sarah Smith: Planning Commission review requested. Carlton Moore: Okay to be sold to adjacent property owners only. John Cameron: Okay to be sold to adjacent property owners only Greg Skinner: No utilities on property. Okay to release Jim Faclder: Send to POSAC for review. Also requested a review of the initial reason property was taken by the City. PUBLIC AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the proposal were forwarded to all involved public agencies. All written comments received to date have been included in the packet as separate attachments. SITE INSPECTION City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends the release of this property, which was originally taken for wetlands purposes, but is not a wetland property, be released to adjacent property owners only. Staff recommends this be forwarded to the Park and Open Space and Planning Commissions for their review and recommendation before being sent to the City Council for f'mal review and resolution. 1 -3264- 157. ,, lid I ESSE'× ~'L~ io lo S]RATFOR~) '-3265- · ... ;, ~/I;i;. ' 5 5 ~ RD '-% ix~4 34.6 A ~ Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 1 of 2 WWW. Search By,: Prope~ ID: 1911723320128 Hennepin County, MN Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is up~ daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (C Property Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2004 19-117-23-32-0128 85 ADDRESS UNASSZGNED MOUND 277 Construction year: 3 Parcel Size: HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD RD MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estat, are not warranted to represent arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Abstract or Torrens: Tax Parcel Description WYCHWOOD 026 TORRENS Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2{ Values Established by Assessor as of 3anuary 2, Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable Values Established by Assessor as of 3anuary 2, Values: Land Market http ://www2 .co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult j 23 2 6 6 - 9/1/2004 Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 2 of 2 Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited; Qualifying Xmprovements Classifications: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status EXEMPT NON- HOMESTEAD 355 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Tax related questions: taxin[o@co.hennepin.mn.us Need help locating a property on our site? Check out our Search Tips Ho. me I ¥0ur Count.y Government I L-i~n~,. 6erti.fi.ca~es, &A Regist[a.~;ion ~ol~ote~r!og I Health, . Housing, &Asocial Services I Law, Public Safety,. iA Environment, Property, IA. Transportation Copyright © 2004 Hennepin County, Minnesota I www. Hennepin.us Accessibility Policy I Contact Hennepin County I Security/Privacy Statem http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.j-~3 267 - 9/1/2004 Hennepin County Map Server Page 1 of 2 Hennepin County, HN Click on map to view intbrmation on adjoining properties Scroll down to see property address, value & tax intb ZOO#LEVeL ~&N Last update: 7/29/2004 at 1:00 PM READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Property ID 19-117-23-32-0128 Property Address ADDRESS UNASSIGNED Approximate Approximate Property Perimeter Property Area 240 ~. 3,227 sq.~. = 0.074 acres Market Value Total Tax (2004) $ $ .oo MOUND, MN 0 Click on Property Information Button below to view main tax information page for the property you have selected The data contained on this page is derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to Bob Moulder (Hennepin County Survey Division) at (612) 348-2618 or via e-mail at _Bg_b_.~9_u._[~r~cq. he~epi~.~_~_._~LS_ The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. http://www~ 9~c~~hennepin~mn.us/scripts/esrima~ 3268~ne=Hennepin&Cmd=~dentify&Le... 8/31/2004 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director 11/9/2004 Consent Agenda No. 5 (F) - Waiver of Platting (Tonkawood) - Proposed Resolution Revision As the City Council may be aware, City Code Chapter 330.120, Subd. 3 reads as follows: "In cases where one lot is split into lots, it is determined that only 1 new lot is being created." Therefore, Condition No. 13 of the draft resolution for the Tonkawood waiver of platting should be revised as follows: 13. One Two (_lg) park dedication fees in the amount of $22001100.00 ar~is paid prior to the release of the resolution. Consent Agenda Item No. 5 (F) Proposed Resolution Revision 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 PLANNING REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: November 3, 2004 SUBJECT: Request for waiver of platting approval APPLICANT: Randy Valek and Mike Mueller, Jr. PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 04-28 LOCATION: Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, Division, Mound, Minnesota ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential 39, and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park; A.L. Crocker's 1st SUMMARY The City Council will review a subdivision request from Randy Valek and Mike Mueller, Jr. for Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39, and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park, A.L. Crocker's 1st Division for "waiver of platting" approval pursuant to City Code Chapter 330:10 to reconfigure the subject property and create the following two (2) parcels: Parcel A Lots 23-25 Parcel B Lots 38-40 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Property Details. A survey of the subject property prepared by DeMars-Gabriel Land Surveyors, Inc. dated August 6, 2002 was submitted with the application and shows the existing and proposed configuration. A waiver of platting application for the subject property to create (3) lots was submitted in 2002 (PC Case No. 02-27) but was withdrawn by the application prior to action by the City Council. The subject property is approximately 24,181 SF (.51 acres) and was a former tax-forfeit parcel that was sold via public auction by Hennepin County and purchased by the applicants. -3269- 4. There are presently no structures on the property. .......... 5. Whitethe current application does not involve any construction activities~-~theapplicant has demonstrated a proposed building pad on the subject lot(s) which meets the requirements of the R-2 District. 6. Xcel Energy maintains a fifty (50) foot permanent easement that runs through portions of the subject property (Document No. 434209.) There is a small wetland located on portions of Lots 23, 39, and 40. A wetland delineation report was prepared for the subject site in 2002 which was reviewed by Kelly Bopray, MFRA Soil Scientist. City staff understands that the wetland is not affected by the current proposal. In the event that alterations are proposed in the future, the applicant and/or any future owner/representative will be responsible for all appropriate permitting pursuant to the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA.) 8. The proposed new homes for Parcel A and Parcel B will need to be located on the west side of the existing Xcel easement. Property Tax Status. According to Hennepin County property tax records, the subject property is considered to be one parcel. A copy of the current property information from Hennepin County has been included as an attachment. SUBDIVISION REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Chapter 330:10 states that any parcel of land, either platted or unplatted that has been combined for tax purposes or other reasons, cannot be re-separated or divided without an approved subdivision or a waiver of the platting requirements of the subdivision ordinance. A waiver of the platting requirement may be granted by the City Council after receipt of the background information provided by City staff. The waiver of platting and release of the tax combination may be approved if it is determined to be in compliance with all City codes. The City may impose conditions to the waiver. Applications for waiver of platting do not require review by the Planning Commission. However, if it so desires, the City Council may remand the application to the Planning Commission if it determines that their advice will be helpful in determining if the request meets the City's planning and zoning objectives. ISSUES ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map included in the Mound Comprehensive Plan guides the property for future low-density residential use (1-6 units / acre.) -3270- Zoning. The subject property is zoned R-2 Single and Two Family Residential. Single-family homes are a permitted use in the R-2 District. The following table includes the lot area, width and setback requirements for the R-2 District: Lot Area Width Depth I Front Side Setback(s) Rear Setback Setback R-2 6,000 SF 40 FT 80 FT 20 FT 10 FT 15 F'I' (Note: Corner lots have double front setbacks of 20 ~.) Non-Lot of Record Status / Hardcover. In the event the waiver of platting request is approved, the subject property will lose its "lot of record" status and therefore will be subject to the standard provisions of the R-2 zoning district including minimum side yard setbacks ten (10) feet and hardcover not exceeding (30) percent. Adjacent Land Uses - Draft Land Use Plan. The subject property is surrounded on all sides by low-density residential use. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Fire Chief Pederson No comment. Police Chief Kurtz No comment. Public Works Supt. Skinner Updated surveys to be submitted with building permit(s) need to include existing and proposed water and sewer services for Parcel A and Parcel B. Also, refer to any and/or all comments from City Engineer and Public Works Director City Engineer Cameron Refer to memorandum dated September 5, 2002. -3271- Soil Scientist Bopray (2002) A delineation report for the small wetland on the site-was prepared by SchoelI & Madson on orabout June 13, 2002. A site visit was conducted in June 2002 by City staff following submittal of the report. There are no wetland issues associated with the current waiver of platting application. The applicant may request a "No Net Loss" decision by the City if the wetland will not be impacted. In the event any alteration of the wetland is undertaken as part of a future construction project, the project will need to the follow the rules and procedures of the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. Parks Supt. Fackler No comment. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Approval of the proposed waiver of platting does not constitute or guarantee future approval of any building permit(s) or any other necessary approval by any other public agency. In the event the waiver request is approved, the property will no longer qualify for "lot of record" status. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends that the City Council approve the application from Randy Valek and Mike Mueller, Jr. for a waiver of platting for Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park A.L. Crocker's Division, Mound, Minnesota to create (2) lots subject to conditions. A draft resolution has been prepared for review and consideration by the City Council. -3272- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 04- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE REQUEST FROM RANDY VALEK AND MIKE MUELLER, JR. FOR WAIVER OF PLATTING APPROVAL FOR LOTS 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 AND 40, BLOCK 3, LAKE SIDE PARK A.L. CROCKERS Isx DIVISION, MOUND, MINNESOTA TO CREATE TWO (2) LOTS PID #13-117-24-32-0062 PLANNING CASE # 04-28 WHEREAS, the applicants, Randy Valek and Mike Mueller, Jr., have submitted a request for waiver of platting approval pursuant to City Code Chapter 330:10 for Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park A.L. Crocker's 1st Division in order to create two (s) new lots; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned R-2 and single-family residential is a permitted use; and WHEREAS, Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park A.L. Crocker's 1st Division are platted lots and were combined previously for tax-purposes; and WHEREAS, proposed Parcel A and Parcel B meet the lot size, width, and depth requirements of the R-2 District; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 330:10 states that a waiver of the platting request may be granted by the City Council if it is determined that the proposal is in compliance with all City codes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: -3273- A. The City does hereby approve the waiver of platting request with the following conditions: ............ 1, Applicant-shalLbe-responsible for-payment of altcosts assoeiated__ with the land use request. No future approval of any development plans, land use applications and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the waiver of platting request is approved. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit applications, when appropriate. 4. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or permits. 5. All conditions from City Engineer Cameron and MFRA Soil Scientist Bopray. Construction of permanent structures within the 50-foot Xcel easement is not permitted. Written permission from Xcel for placement of any temporary structures (ie. driveways, etc.) shall be obtained by the applicant as part of the building permit process. o In the event any alteration of the existing wetland is undertaken as part of a future construction project, the project will need to the follow the rules and procedures of the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. Applicant shall provide drainage and utility easements along all new lot lines, five feet wide on side and rear lot lines and ten feet in width along the front lot lines. 9. Final grading and drainage plan to be approved by the City Engineer at time of building permit application. 10. The installation of a new water service for Parcel B and relocation of existing water service for Parcel A, must either be completed or some type of financial guarantee provided, such as cash escrow or letter of credit. 11. Two (2) deficient street unit charges in the amount of $1,170.90 each, for a total of $2,341.80 shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. -3274- 12. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Area Trunk Charges in the amount of $1500.00 each shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution, 13. Two (2) park dedication fees in the amount of $2200.00 are paid prior to the release of the resolution. B. This waiver of platting request is hereby approved for the following described property: Existing Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park A.L. Crocker's 1st Division Proposed Lots 23-25, Block 3, Lake Side Park, A.L. Crocker's 1st Division Lots 38-40, Block 3, Lake Side Park, A.L. Crocker's 1st Division The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted November 9, 2004 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -3275- WAIVER OF PLATTING 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5364 APP UCA'ri ON Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 City Council Date: Case I~o. ~'~ ~Y_ ....... ApplicafionFee-end E~crowDe )o~E re( PROPERTY ....... ~v~,% ,,;Humm=,u at tmm~ u! appflca;lon. INFO Subje~Address , ~~)~ ~ ~ mISTING Lot(s) 2~. 2qja~ ~, 3~, yO Block ~ Subdivision~l~[~ /_ ~IV LEGAL - ' - =ESC.mT,o. P~ ~ ~ ~ / / ~ -~~ P~at ~ PROPOSED A. Lot(s) L~5 ~-~ LEGAL BIo~ ~ DESC.mT~O. a. Lot(~)~T5 '~- yO BIo~ ~ zo.,. DISTRICT PROP~R~ Am there existing stru~ures on the prope~? yes / ~ Do the existing stm~ures ~mply wi~ the zoning ordinance for setbacks, hard.var, etc.? yes / no APPLICANT The appli~nt is: ~owner .... other: OWNER Name. ~ ~ Y ~ ~~ (if o~er ~an applicant) Address Phone(H). ~ ~/~'~7)-' ~7~ ~ Fax SURVEYO~ Name ENGINEER Address Phone (H), ~ Fax (~ aPl ever been made for zomng, vanance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes, ( ) no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. ~5~O'T ~/*72 F,2. oo~ C65£~t-0.2-~7 Ozw/~Z oF Application m~t be sig'n-ed:by aI.J owners of the subject property, o~ explan-ation given why this is not the case. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application consent to tb~ entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for. theJ~urpose.of insQe~;r~, or of~ostin.q,~oaintaining and removing suc notices as ma required by law. f)////, ~/ ?~/~, //..~/~/~r__~)F.~/~.__ uch~ y be Applicant Signature /~/~/~. ~~~~ D=*= Owner s Signature ?L ~.v~/J (/z~ Date -3276- ..... ~/~~ ....... HARDCOVE R CALC U LA'1'/ON S --- ¢rfyo..o.~~~~'~(IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAG E) OWNER S NAME: LOTAREA /¢ : /~(%~SQ FT. X30%: (for all lots) ....................................... LOT ARENA ~ % /'Z/(~:~SQ. FT. X 40'/. = (for Lots of Record) * Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. HOUSE DETACHED BUILDINGS (GARAGE/SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT X __ TOTAL HOUSE .................................................... X = x -- TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... X = X = TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ........................................ X = X = TOTAL DECK ....................................................... = TOTAL OTHER .................................................... HARDCOVERI IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ....... ~ CUi~l~g~r~- Y UNDER / OVER (indicate differen,ce) .............. ~~ ~~/~/~/~ DATE PREPARED BY :~' Revised 11/20/03 Wetland Delineation, Classification and Identification for Lots 23,24,25,38,39 and 40, Block 3 Lake Side Park A. L. Crocker's 1st Division Mound, Minnesota Pmpamd by Schoell& Madson, lnc. June 12,2002 63514-002 -3278- Soil Testin§ · Environmental Services www. schoellmadson.com June 13, 2002 Mr. Steve Coddon PO Box 175 Mound, MN 55 Dear Mr. Coddon: Thank you for the opportunity to conduct a wetland delineation on the property in Mound, Minnesota. We have completed our delineation of the wetland basin on Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40 of Block 3, Lakeside Park A.L. Crocker's Ist Division, Mound, Minnesota. During our field investigation of the site, we identified one wetland basin as a PEMA, type 1 wetland based on soils, vegetation and hydrology. The wetland is not a DNR Protected Water. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Wetland Inventory map and the City of Mound's wetland inventory identify the wetland on the subject site as a PEMC, type 3 wetland. The wetland on the subject site may qualify for the "de minimis" exemption, based on the classification, size and location of the wetland. This exemption applies to wetlands that are less than 2,000 square feet; are classified as a type 1, 2, or 6 wetland; and are located outside of the shoreland. A replacement plan for the draining or filling of a wetland under the "de minimis' exemption is not required. We trust that the attached analysis we have previded will be useful in your planning efforts and look forward to working with you on future aspects of this project. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Director of Natural Resources Kris Wingen Environmental Specialist attachments Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite I · Minneapolis, MN 55305-1525 Office (952) 546-~- 3279- x (952) 546-9065 Project 63514-002 Wetland Delineation .... ~lune 2002- Wetland Classification, Identification and Delineation ....................... for bot-s-23~-24~25,38~39 andAO~BIock-3 Lake Side Park A. L. Crocker's 1st Division Mound, Minnesota Summary Based upon the boundaries indicated on the site map provided to Schoell and Madson, Inc., we have identified one wetland basin. The wetland was field identified on June 12, 2002. Total recorded rainfall at the Minneapolis International Airport for the week preceding the delineation was 2.75 inches. Total recorded rainfall for the month of May was 2.83 inches; 0.41 inches below normal. Review of U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Wetland Inventory maps indicate a PEMC wetland exists on this property. There are no DNR Protected Waters on the property. Project Location and Site Description The subject site, Lots 23, 24, 25, 38, 39 and 40, Block 3, Lake Side Park A. L. Crocker's 1st Division, Mound, Minnesota, is located in a residential area in Mound, east of Commerce Boulevard, between Spruce Road and Tonkawood Drive. The property is approximately 24,000 square feet in size, with one wetland basin located close to the eastern property boundary. The lot is wooded, with a power line clearing creating an open swath down the center. The defined wetland basin is located within this clearing. Characteristics of Wetland Basin The wetland on the property was delineated according to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manuel. The wetland basin is 620.5 square feet in size. Basin 1 Wetland 1 consists of a Type 1 (seasonally flooded) basin as defined in Wetlands of the United States (USFWS Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine 1971). Basin 1 is classified as a PEMA (Palustrine Emergent Temporarily Flooded) wetland based on the Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et al). -1- Schoell & Madson, Inc. -3280- Project 63514-002 Wetland Delineation ........................................................... June2002 A transect was placed at wetland boundaryflag 5 to observe hydrology characteristics, soil types and vegetation within the wetland, wetland boundary and upland areas. Vegetation Observed vegetation along the wetland boundary consisted of garlic mustard (Al#aria petiolata), a facultative plant; reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), a facultative wetland (+) plant; stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) a facultative (+) plant; and ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), a facultative upland plant. Vegetation inside the wetland boundary consisted of primarily reed canary grass and jewelweed (Impatiens pallida), a facultative wetland plant. Observed upland vegetation consisted of ground ivy; Canada thistle (Circium arvense) a facultative upland plant; garlic mustard; and reed canary grass. Soils The 1974 USDA Soil Survey of Hennepin County classifies the area of the subject site as fill land. Boundary, wetland and uplands soils were all field identified as a very dark brown (10YR 2/2) loam to a minimum depth of 12 inches below the surface. Hydrology No water was encountered within the wetland, boundary or upland soil pits. The drainage pattern of the basin was used as the primary indicator of its hydrology. The FAC-Neutral test was used as a secondary indicator. -2- Schoell & Madson, Inc. -3281 - Project 63514-002 Wetland Delineation June_2002 Wetland Conservation Act The site lies within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District boundaries. According to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1996, wetlands on this site come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The responsibility for administering the provisions of this legislation is up to the local unit of government (LGU). In this case, the City of Mound will oversee as the LGU. The project must be certified by the LGU as having complied with the provisions of the Act. -3- Schoell & Madson, Inc. -3282- FIGURE 1_: Site Location Map · ~- 2:2000 D~Lorme: Street Atlas uSA; © 2000 Mag 16.00 Thu Jun 13 11:58 2002 Scale 1:7,812 (at center) 500 Feet 200 Meters ~ Local Road ~ Major Connector I I Railroad · Small Town Water Harrison -3283- MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5, 2002 TO: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director FROM: John Cameron, CitY Engineer SUBJECT: City of Mound Coddon Waiver of Platting Spruce Road and Tonkawood Drive Case #02-27 1V[FRA #13827 As requested, we have reviewed the Coddon Waiver of Platting request and have the following comments and recommendations: Comments General This parcel is comprised of six (6), 40-foot wide by 100-foot deep platted lots, running between Spruce Road and Tonkawood Drive. A 50-foot wide Xcel Energy easement for the transmission line bisects the parcel. The parcel also contains a wetland that has been delineated and appears on the . survey. The original plat of"Lake Side Park A.L. Crocker's 1st Division, Mound, Minnetonka" did not include any drainage and utility easements along lot lines. Therefore, these easements as shown on the survey will need to be provided along all new parcel lines. Grading and Drainage ' The survey submitted with the application shows only tentative house locations and proposed building elevations. A more complete grading and drainage plan Mil need to be submitted when applications are made for building permits. The delineated wetland shown on the survey will need to be protected from any grading activity. 33-3284- Sarah Smith, Community Development Director September 5, 2002 Utilities The City's record plans indicate that sewer services are available for all three new parcels. The water services are a little more complicated. The City records show two water serVices with curb boxes located in the boulevard in front of Lot 24. The westerly one can be used for Parcel C and the easterly curb box will need to be relocated to serve Parcel A. A new water service will need to be installed for Parcel B; however the City watermain is located well behind the curb, which will avoid excavating the street to make the new connection. Miscellaneous The combination of these six (6) lots were assessed only one (1) unit charge when the streets in this area were reconstructed in 1978. It has been City policy to collect deferred unit charges when properties are re-divided and additional building units are created; therefore this property should be charged for two (2) additional units at $1,170.90 per unit, for a total of $2,341.80. Recent revisions to the City Code requires that sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges in addition to the connections must be paid on new building sites. The present area trunk charges are $1,500 each for sewer and water and a connection fee of $240 each, for sewer and water per new parcel created by the waiver of platting. The survey shows the proposed driveway for Parcel C located within the Xcel Energy easement. We have checked with Xcel and they do allow "temporary" installations, such as driveways, to be located within their easements. No permanent structures, such as homes, are allowed. Recommendations 1. Provide drainage and utility easements along all new lot lines, five feet wide on side and rear lot lines and ten feet in width along the front lot lines. 2. Final grading and drainage plan to be approved by the City Engineer at time of building permit application. 3. The installation ora new water service for Parcel B and relocation of existing water service for Parcel A, must either be completed or some type of financial guarantee provided, such as cash escrow, letter of credit, or performance bond. 4. Two (2) deficient street unit charges in the amount of $1,170.90 each, for a total of $2,341.80 shall be paid. 5. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Area Trunk Charges of $1,500 each shall be paid when building permit applications are made for each of the three (3) new parcels. 6. Written approval from Xcel Energy 'for the driveway located in their easement must be provided. s:\main:\Mou 13827:\Correspondence~smith9 '4 '-3285- Property Information Search by Property ID ResUlt page Page 1 of 2 Search By: Property ID: 1311724320062 Search J Clear Hennepin nty, MN .us ~~ .~Property Information Search Result ' The Hennepin cbunty Property Ta~ W~b database is u daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:1S p.m. Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2004 13-117-24-32-0062 85 ADDRESS UNASSTGNED MOUND 277 Construction year: 3 Parcel Size: HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND RANDALL J VALEK 4464 W ARM RD SPRING PARK MN 55384 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estat, not warranted to represent arms-length transactions. Sale Date: Hay, 2004 Sale Price: $85,000 Transaction Type: Vacant Land Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Tax Parcel Description LAKE SIDE PARK A L CROCKERS 1ST DI 003 LOTS 23 24 AND 25 ALSO LOTS 38 39 AND 40 EX STREET Abstract or Torrens: ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable Values Established by Assessor as of January Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: http ://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.j_ 3286 - 10/19/2004 Hennepin County Map Server Page 1 of 2 HennePin County, MN Click on map to view int~rmation on adjoining properties Sc:roll dow:n to see property address, value & tax :info Last update: 10/05/2004 at I:00 PM REAl) IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Approximate Approximate Property. ID Property Perimeter Property Area Propert!; Address PLerket Value Total Tax (2004) ADDRESS UNASSIGNED $ $ .00 MOUND, MN 0 Click on Property Information Button below to view main tax intbrmation .page for the property you have selected The data contained on this page is derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor, The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to Bob Moulder (Hennepin County Survey Division) at (612) 348-2618 or via e-mail at Bob. Moulder@co.hennepin.mn.us The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. This application requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. http ://wwwl 9.co.hennepin.mn.us/scripts/esrime_ 3 287 _ r~e=Hennepin&cmd=Find&VAL... 10/19/2004 ,i,', , '/' ,' / ./ / / -3288-- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director November 4, 2004 Public Hearing and MCWD Presentation - Innovative Stormwater Strategies for Downtown Mound At its November 9th meeting, the City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed $1.5M levy by the MCWD for stormwater improvements associated with the downtown Mound redevelopment project referenced in the Report on Innovative Stormwater Strategies for Downtown Mound which was completed by the MCWD as part of a cooperative effort with the City and MHRD. Members of the Council are advised that MCWD Planner Mike Wyatt is expected to attend the meeting to present the report as well as to respond to questions regarding the levy and proposed improvements. A copy of the report has been included for review. Additionally, it was also distributed forwarded to Staff and MHRD for comment. In general, the document has been well received by both the Mound and MHRD Project Teams. The MCWD has requested that all formal comments on the report are returned within 30 days. -3290- Lost Lake/Langdon Lake/Cooks Bay Improvement Project Minnehaha Creek Watershed District · Brief backgrOund on interest of MCWD · Present results of Feasibility Study · Confirm commitment to partnership on project Water quaUty and water quantity Phosphorus is key water quatity parameter Externa[ and internat toading MCWD Hydraulic, Hydrologic and Pollutant Loading Study · Requires 148 [bs/yr reduction in phosphorus [oading to achieve g~[ · Identified in 1997 Ptan for Capita[ Improvements deEradatton (focusing on Jnternat tOadtn~) · Retrofit BMP's into redevetopment · Ho net phosphorus increase from new or redevelopment · Wet[and preservation · Increased water quality monitoring ~ke M~nne~nka · Drainage from Lan~don Lake and Downtown watershed Langd~ Lake · Discharge to Cooks Bay Wateshed Lake · No available water quatity information 2 Good Water Quality - 49U:)slyr lon~ Term Goal - 18 , ,,-', L~ To reach ~oal, 62% Ioadin~ reduction (31 Ibslyr) with 2020 Regulation of development alone will not achieve this standard Identified in 1997 Plan for Capital improvement Project Regulation of new development (downtown and regionally) will not allow MCWD to achieve its water quality goals for the area ASSESSMENT: A Capital Project performed in conjunction with the Mound Downtown RedeveJopment could be one of the onJy significant opportunities for improvement in the area in the near future reductlom in the water~eds of IJn~n Lake, Lost lake and Cooks Bay Offset envirenrnental impacts of urbanization so that the project can be easily incorporated into the Alternative Urban Areawkle Review (AUAR) Incorporate ecoto~ical improvements where feaslbte as a secondary benefit to the area resources Utitize "green" infrastructure and innovative techniques Design a project which will serve as a positive example of an "environmentatty friend[y" urban area Provide visuat and functional examptes for builders, developers and municipalities to utffize with future projects 3 2. "Green Vttta~e" must Ptay a dominant rote FtttraUon must be a primary toot in Lost Lake District due to site conditions 4. InfiLtration witt be the primary tool in other areas s. UtiLize disconnected imperious surfaces Most techniques require Iow salt and sand use (heated pavement/porous asphalt alternatives) · Lake access and take aesthetics 4 Rain Gardens 7 innovat~ve stormwater treatment measures ........ ......... ~.~,~,~. · Prim.ry USe: Mixed usei commercinl/residentin~ · Preserve aesthetics of Lan~don Lake 8 · Estimated $1.3 MiLLion · WouLd require cost-share/partnership agreement between developer, City and MCWD · MCWD wilt levy S1.5 MilLion for project .0,5,acre foot. (21;780 CUbiC :feet) reduct.ton In runoff from 100-year event. · Aesthetic benefits to the downtown area · £ducationaL oppor'cuniUes for residents, visitors · Demonstration vatue for builders, devetopers, municipalities lO ..... ii 4 ,l ,J ,i ,, ,, IJ L I MCWD EMAIL MEMORANDUM (COPY) FROM: Mike Wyatt, MCWD TO: Dan Hughes, Loren Gordon, Sarah Smith, Carlton Moore, Chuck Alcon DATE: October 25, 2004 RE: Downtown Mound Redevelopment Report Please find the attached report completed by EOR which summarizes recommendations for stormwater management related to the Mound Downtown Redevelopment. In reviewing the report, I think that you'll find that EOR has incorporated a very innovative and aesthetically appealing design which should mutually satisfy the goals of the City, developer and MCWD for the site. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about the report. As a matter of procedure, a few things need to happen for us to continue our involvement in the project: o MCWD has requested a $1.5 million levy from the Counties (Hennepin and Carver) over three years for the project beginning in 2005. We need to have a public hearing for the project in the City of Mound prior to November 23rd or we cannot levy the money. I need to finalize a date~ time and location for this meeting before the end of this week in order to publish notice in the local papers. Please provide me guidance on where and when such a meeting should take place. MCWD requests your review and comment on the proposed design. As cited in the report, the proposed design is projected to reduce nutrient loading into Lake Minnetonka by approximately 75% (versus the MCWD regulatory requirement of 50%). Throughout this process, we have tried to work closely with all of the parties involved to ensure that we will create a stormwater treatment system which will also be complementary to the aesthetics and functionality of the site. The submittal of this report signifies an appropriate milestone where each of the parties can reevaluate their involvement and commitment to a joint project. Prior to December, the City, the developer and MCWD should re-affirm their commitment to a coordinated partnership. The MCWD Board will review the project report and issue support via a Board resolution. Following your review of the report, if acceptable, MCWD requests that you issue support in writing for our continued involvement in the project (preferably through Council resolution as well as a statement from the developer or developer's group from an individual serving in an official capacity to speak for the entire group). A cost estimate for the stormwater management has also been included with this e-mail. A cost- share agreement and implementation program will need to be jointly agreed upon prior to bid letting in 2005. The sooner we can complete this task the better. Please let me know if you have any immediate questions or concerns. I look forward to review and responding your comments related to the report or any upcoming events. Sincerely, Michael Wyatt MCWD Planner/Program Manager 18202 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 (952) 471-0590 -3291 - Supplementing Mound Downtown Redevelopment With Innovative Stormwater Management A Report for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District by Emmons and Olivier Resources, Inc. October, 2004 Introduction The redevelopment of downtown Mound provides a unique opportunity to implement a key recommendation of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District's (MCWD) Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Pollutant Loading Study (HHPLS) (MCWD, 2003). Retrofitting effective stormwater management into downtown Mound was identified in the HHPLS because this portion of the city developed initially without adequate attention to stormwater. This project is also a prototype for many similar retrofit projects identified for similar reasons throughout the Lake Minnetonka watershed. Mound Harbor Renaissance (Figure 1) comprises a substantial part of the overall downtown redevelopment. The reconstruction of County Road 15 and the new Mound marina provide an infrastructure frame within which to paint a vibrant downtown built with state-of-the-art, innovative stormwater management facilities. The purpose of the MCWD participation in the redevelopment is to incorporate stormwater management practices that reach as far as possible and incorporate as many new ideas as needed to improve the quality of runoff reaching Lake Minnetonka via Lost and Langdon Lakes. Exploring the feasibility of incorporating innovative practices and testing the effect will provide valuable information for similar ventures throughout the lake' s watershed. -3292- ,,. ~ . II ,I ,il ,~t ,, III1 i -3293- System Themes and Assumptions There are several themes that EOR used in developing the stormwater management scheme proposed in this report. It must be pointed out, however, that the land uses within the redevelopment area have been previously determined and that EOR worked within those assumptions. Also, many of the stormwater handling features were recommended as part of the initial site design by the developer and were merely incorporated into EOR's recommended approach because they made sense from a runoff management point of view. The following themes summarize the direction that EOR pursued in its conceptualization: · Stormwater is an asset, not a detriment. To adequately protect this resource, no drop of runoff from the redevelopment will reach Lost Lake or Langdon Lake without some level of treatment. A "treatment-train" approach will be used to expose runoff to as many levels of treatment as possible between the point of runoff and the final receiving water. The goal is to see no increase in the amount of runoff, and to improve the quality of runoff as a result of this development compared to pre-development. · The "green village" look means that native vegetation will play a dominant role in filtering runoff. The runoff handling system will incorporate reduction of runoff from commonly occurring events at its source as a first tenet, followed by collection and treatment in a regional detention system for excess flows. All filtration and infiltration practices will have overflow devices to move excess water away from the facility in medium to large events. · Runoff management for the Lost Lake District will focus on collection, filtration and wetland treatment because of the need to avoid infiltrating water into potentially contaminated soils. · Runoff management in the Auditor's Road and Langdon Districts will promote infiltration only in those instances when moving water into building sub-grades is not a problem. If the potential for sub-grade flooding is possible, water will be filtered and moved along in the treatment train. · All building impervious footprints will be disconnected from direct runoff to another impervious surface. This will be accomplished through a system of tree trenches, rain gardens, vegetated swales, and above- and below-grade storage. · Low salt and sand use, and removal of snow to an engineered snow disposal site should be standard snow management techniques for the downtown area. Possible use of select heated pavement and porous asphalt could be used to minimize snow and ice build-up. -3294- District Descriptions Lost Lake District (east) The primary objective for the Lost Lake District is to collect and treat runoff while minimizing infiltration to possibly contaminated soils. This portion of the downtown site has been exposed to many different polluting events in the past. A meeting with several MPCA staff on September 22, 2004 verified the contamination problems associated with two primary sites that have entered the Volunteer Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) program. Those sites are the Maxwell Property on the east side of the District (Area D- 2), which used to include the Metro 500 service station, and the former Lost Lake Dump on the west side of the District (Area D-1). Figure 2 shows the general location of these two parcels within the Lost Lake District. Some evidence of movement of a former petroleum spill from the Super America station outside of the east-side District boundary is also present. Monitoring of groundwater and soil within the District indicates that caution is imperative because of the remaining presence petroleum and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Figure 2. Location of the Maxwell Property and the Former Lost Lake Dump within the Lost Lake District. LOST ~ W~r. ST ~T~fCT Former Lost Lake Dump Maxwell Property -3295- The general stormwater management concept for the Lost Lake District is portrayed in Figure 3, and the vision of how it would appear is in Figure 4. To avoid exacerbating any of the groundwater contamination problems, water would be collected and treated on the surface, and routed through treatment systems to Lost Lake. The collection of water begins with the buildings themselves. All roof downspouts from the 17 units on the south and west side of the District would be routed to a serpentine rock-lined collection channel that also contains a sub-grade sand filter trench (Figure 5). This channel is proposed to flow along and under (at foot-bridge crossings) the trail on the south side of the District. This channel also could contain baseflow from the County Road 15 ponds north of the highway (see later discussion in Auditor's Road District). The connection between the roof leaders and the channel could be overland or via a sub- grade collection and storage system (Figure 5). The channel could discharge to one of two wetland treatment cells located between the trail and Lost Lake (see Figure 3 - above). These cells will provide additional treatment for runoff prior to lake discharge. These cells would be graded to maximize runoff contact with native wetland vegetation for nutrient uptake and particulate filtering. Runoff from the building cluster on the northwest side of the District could be collected in a large storage cistern located between the two lines of buildings or possibly introduced into a shallow Evaporative Control System (ECS) that would collect water and slowly feed it upward from storage chambers into vegetation through capillary action. The water stored in this "rain barrel" cistern or in the ECS could be used by the community for landscape watering. Excess water from either approach would flow into a linear rain garden at the site's entrance, and then into two rain gardens located in the center of the District. These two rain gardens would also collect runoff from the remaining building roof-tops, as well as surrounding parking lots surfaces. The outflow from the two rain gardens and the remaining parking lot surface on the south part of the site could be routed to a lateral swale adjacent to the restored wetland on the southeast end of the site. Here, water would be spread evenly in the swale and allowed to infiltrate. Any overflow during larger events would flow into the restored wetland treatment system, which in turn discharges to the edge of Lost Lake where a vegetated wetland basin accepts flow for further treatment. The currently degraded wetland on the east side of the District could be restored and configured to capture and treat runoff as described above. The wetland could also extend to the north to capture any excess flow that would enter from the northernmost parking area along County Road 15. The wetland could enlarge south of the infiltration swale for further treatment, and eventually discharge under a newly constructed trail crossing heading to the ballfields to the east. Downstream of the new trail crossing would be the additional wetland treatment cell collecting input also from the new wetland cell draining the meandering channel. -3296- ./ -3297- -3298- · ! t / / -3299- The rain gardens would be used for filtering rather than infiltration because of the potential contaminated soil in the area. The rain gardens would be designed with sub- grade filtering media and under-drains (Figure 6) so that excess flow could be captured and routed toward the wetland treatment system on the south edge of the District. Note that the depth of the sub-grade drainage system under the rain garden can be adjusted to avoid contact with contaminated soil or water. Figure 6. Rain Garden Cross-Section with Under-Drain. Adjustable depth There will not be much volume reduction from the treatment scheme proposed for this District because of the need to keep water from infiltrating into contaminated soils. However, there will be some infiltration along the south edge through the infiltration swale and rock-lined filtering channel. There will also be some volume loss through evapotranspiration through the rain gardens and through use of water stored in the cistern or ECS facility. Water quality, on the other hand, should be greatly improved through the treatment-train proposed through the District. Although the city ballfield parking area is not within the Lost Lake District, it makes sense for the city to entertain runoff improvements here as well. This area was not modeled, but could be in the future if the MCWD wants to assess the quantity and quality effects of management approaches within the sub-area. The parking lot associated with the ballfields could be improved through the use of permeable paving blocks or porous paving material. A sand filter under permeable paving blocks would filter runoff as it continues to soak into the ground as it does now. The blocks would lend more structural -3300- integrity and could incorporate an overflow routing system to move excess water to the wetland treatment system associated with the Lost Lake District described above. This are could also provide a snow dump site for disposal of snow during the season when the ball fields are not in use. The sand filter under the paving blocks would filter the snowmelt. Annual post-season maintenance would be crucial to keep sediment from building on top of the paving blocks. Auditor's Road District (central) The primary stormwater management objective for this District will be careful infiltration. Care is needed to avoid causing water problems in underground parking structures that are proposed for buildings within the District. The general stormwater management concept is portrayed in Figure 7, and the vision of how it would appear is in Figure 8. A substantial amount of this District will consist of rooftop and parking surfaces, with the potential for extremely high runoff volume unless water is allowed to soak into the ground. The problem with that, however, is that infiltrating a large volume of water could mean added water needing to be drained away from sub-grade parking structures. To begin reducing the volume reaching the parking surface, all rooftop drains and walking areas associated with the buildings could be routed to tree trenches (Figure 9) located on the sidewalk areas in front of every building. These trenches would collect all rooftop/sidewalk water and transmit excess water via a system of under-drains to a collection system that would route it away from the buildings to the south end of the District. The large parking expanse in the center of this District could be drained via bioretention swales (Figure 10) that could infiltrate a volume equal to small events, but route larger volumes toward the south through a collection, filtering and overflow system. To more effectively fill this role, the two very narrow "infiltration trenches" noted on the design drawing would need to be widened. To accommodate this, the storage pond/rain garden in the center could be decreased and converted to a rain garden that would accept parking lot swale and direct parking lot runoff. Excess water from this rain garden could flow into the north-south oriented drainage swale, and then southward in the collection system. Details for the potential hotel site are not in place at this time, but it is assumed that the site will conform with the rest of the District design concepts and have a similar treatment-train approach to stormwater management. The hotel could be a good demonstration site to incorporate landscape improvements into an overall site water management approach. This location would make a very nice place for a rooftop garden over a parking structure, such as show in Figure 11, or for landscaping drainage into vegetation from a garden overlook to Lost Lake. This area could be a quiet get-away for guests and could include some educational information about how this vegetated overlook is helping the lake. All of this could be part of an environmental ethic statement made by the hotel as part of its role in the "green village". It could be combined with 10 -3301 - messages about water conservation, chemical management, and landscaping to filter runoff. Once runoff is collected from the building and parking areas, it could be routed down to the Auditor's Road area and Lost Lake fringe. The primary drainage storm sewer from the developed part of the District could be discharged to a sub-grade pre-treatment device, similar to the Downstream Defender, a proprietary treatment device that shows promise for removing most of any remaining pollution in the runoff. Outflow from this device could then be discharged into a native vegetation forebay area and then into the restored wetland, which would be the final water quality "polisher" before runoff reaches the lake. 11 -3302- T -3303- -3304- -3305- -3306- Figure 11. Rooftop Garden Over Brit's Pub in Minneapolis (photo from Metropolitan Council). Runoff from Auditor's Road could be soaked into the ground through a system of porous pavement in the parking stalls, bordering the central drive lanes paved with conventional concrete. Runoff that does not infiltrate could be routed to rain garden peninsulas accessed through curb-cuts or depressed pavement. Overflow from any part of Auditor's Road could then be routed to an infiltration swale/bioretention structure located between the walkway and the restored wetland, with final discharge to the "polishing" wetland treatment system behind a vegetated forebay. In between the Lost Lake and Auditor's Road districts is the "restored" wetland area behind the floating docks. Two storm sewer outlets now exist there, with the source of water believed to be from outside of the project area via the two Co. Rd. 15 detention ponds north of the highway and the highway itself to the east. For a preliminary approach, Downstream Defender pre-treatment units can be installed, with each outlet to the restored wetland treatment system between the embankment and the floating docks. This wetland area could be reconfigured to bring the shoreline down to the lake water level through a series of vegetated terraces, each treating outflow to a further degree through filtration and infiltration. The biggest constraint at this location will be the elevation controls necessary for this system to properly function. The western-most pipe is likely the outlet flow from the County Road 15 ponds. If so, low flow could be routed to the rock-lined filtration channel in the Lost Lake District as baseflow, while medium and high flows could be routed through the Downstream Defender and into the restored wetland system. The eastern-most pipe drains the highway and could be similarly diverted depending upon the level of flow. 16 -3307- Mound Visions District (north) The Mound Visions area north of the Auditor's Road District and across the railroad tracks is not part of the Mound Harbor Renaissance development, and was thus not modeled. However, as with the ballfield area adjacent to the Lost Lake District, it makes some sense to incorporate runoff controls along with the Auditor's Road District improvements. Consideration of runoff controls is especially pertinent since this area has been identified by the MPCA as the "True Value District" because of the soil and groundwater contamination resulting from past use of the land. The area is being considered for entry into the state's brownfield reclamation program. Past contaminating uses are suspected to have included bulk petroleum storage, dry cleaning, auto servicing and industrial processing. Remnant contaminants include petroleum, VOCs and a heavy metal (barium). The general stormwater management concept and vision are portrayed in Figure 12. 17 -3308- -3309- The park and ride structure located in this area provides one of the only flat-roofed structures in the entire development area. Using the top surface, or a portion of the surface, as a rooftop garden/overlook park could combine runoff control with public open space. This location would be an ideal spot to overlook the bay and marina. Routing runoff from the tOl5 of the structure into a rooftop garden or hanging gardens at the roof's edges would remove this impervious surface from direct connection to runoff drainage, while at the same time affording the public a place to overlook the lake. Ultimate discharge from this building, with or without the rooftop park, could be routed to the pond southwest of County Road 15, then into the other ponds on the north side and down to Lost Lake, as described previously. Runoff treatment for the other parking areas north of the tracks (ex. True Value lot) are assumed to be similar to those described for the parking portion of the Auditor's Road District. Langdon District (wesO The primary objective for runoff control for this District is similar to Auditor's Road District in the caution needed to keep infiltrating water away from buildings while allowing for a treatment-train to be incorporated into a highly impervious area. The general stormwater management concept is portrayed in Figure 13, and the vision of how it would appear is in Figure 14. As with other buildings on the entire site, all of the runoff from the building rooftops will be routed to a tree trench or collected and routed to a rain garden. The central parking lot could have a vegetated bioretention swale system that could collect building and parking lot water and discharge either to the north or south, depending upon grade. A rain garden could be installed on the north edge of the site to collect and treat runoff from the parking lot swale. This rain garden could then release water to the wetland along the northern border, with ultimate discharge to an infiltration basin on the far western corner of the site and any excess water flowing into Langdon Lake. A rain garden could be installed between the large building in the center of the site and the five units on the western side. This garden could collect runoff from both building rooftops and slowly infiltrate it, with any excess released to Langdon Lake behind a vegetated forebay. An alternative for this spot could be the Evaporative Control System (ECS), which would collect water and slowly feed it back into the vegetative system as a source of irrigation water. Excess water from either system could flow as treated runoff into a vegetated forebay and then into the lake. The function of the proposed pond/grit chamber in the northwest corner is uncertain since it appears to be at the high point. Perhaps the developer intends for this high area to be removed. The implication for any proposed treatment element affected by this will need to be evaluated. 19 -3310- I I I' T -3311 - -3312- In the southeast comer of the District where water flows down the drive-in entry to the lake, something will need to be installed to intercept flow and soak it in or route it elsewhere. Such a control device could be a grated linear trench to route water over to the parking lot swale. The grated trench could also be moved further west and discharge into a vegetated swale that collects water and moved it to Langdon Lake. The Our Lady of the Lake Church parking lot adjacent to the Langdon District does not have any of its runoff treated and could, therefore, benefit from the redevelopment activity. A vegetated swale could be installed between the parking lot and Langdon Lake to intercept flow that currently flows directly to the lake. Outflow from the swale could be spread evenly to dissipate the energy originating from the large impervious surface. Further efforts could include reduction of the connected impervious parking surface. As with the other areas not included in the project area, this location was not modeled. Modeling of Quantity and Quality Modeling information from the MCWD's Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Pollutant Loading Study provides a basis for evaluating future runoff quantity and quality conditions with innovative stormwater techniques in place. This information also allows for some speculation on changes to the condition of Lake Minnetonka (Cook's Bay) as a result of this project. The Mound redevelopment is but one of many similar recommended locations for introduction of runoff control where it currently does not exist. There are many similar locations around the lake where development occurred without runoff controls. The success of the Mound redevelopment will serve as a prototype for similar ventures elsewhere, provided some benefit to the resource is shown. Quantity Maintenance of peak discharge rates to satisfy MCWD rules is easily achievable under the proposed redevelopment scenario incorporating stormwater features. Although final computation of peak discharge will depend upon the final pipe, feature layout, and grading, even conservative model assumptions result in a reduction of at least 1-3 cfs over that of pre-redevelopment conditions despite an overall increase of impervious acreage. Currently, MCWD rules do not require volume control and, as stated previously, only minimal volume control is realistic for this site due to both natural and imposed limitations. Factors limiting the potential for volume control include the presence of tight (clayey) soils, high groundwater, proximity to underground structures (parking facilities), and the presence of contaminated soils. However, in spite of numerous site limitations necessitating the need to restrict groundwater infiltration, a small amount of volume retention can realistically be expected within the recommended treatment trains. Incorporation of storage capacity below the designed outlets of the various recommended stormwater mitigation features serves as a dual purpose reservoir. The selected feature vegetation (with an appropriate root depth) will tap into the reservoir area allowing plant 22 -3313- uptake and promoting evapotranspiration. The underground reservoir will mitigate .the need for watering in dryer times as well as create a small amount of volume retention capacity to limit the amount of site runoff. Storage volume was estimated assuming that the reservoir area will consist mostly of sand with an effective porosity of approximately 15%. Under a very conservative assumption of zero uptake and no reservoir capacity, little site volume control is feasible. In this scenario, potential retention storage will be limited to the proposed cistern or evaporative control systems, rooftop storage and surface storage in the rain garden, wetland treatment swale, and the infiltration basin on the north end of the Langdon District site. Infiltration from other designed features will purposefully be limited to minimize the movement of soil contaminants as well as to protect underground facilities. Realistic assumptions show that, even under conditions of limited infiltration potential, a modest amount of volume control is feasible. Applying semi-conservative assumptions, it was estimated that approximately 1 acre-foot of volume capacity was available on the redevelopment site for stormwater retention with the greatest capacity (estimated 0.8 ac- ft) being available within the Langdon District site. Land use, land cover, impervious data, and soils information obtained for the MCWD HHPLS was used to evaluate existing and proposed site runoff characteristics. The runoff from each site generated for the 2-, 10-, and 100-yr, 24-hr storm events under existing conditions (pre-redevelopment), proposed conditions (without mitigative stormwater features), and proposed conditions with recommended mitigative stormwater features are shown in the following Tables 1 through 3. Table 1. 2-yr 24-hr (2.8 inches) Rainfall Runoff Volume Runoff {ac-fO Existing Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed Conditions {traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 0.6 1.1 0.3 Auditors Road 2.0 1.7 1.6 Lost Lake 0.7 0.9 0.8 Total Redevelopment Site 3.3 3.7 2.7 Table 2. 10-¥r 24-hr {4.2 inches) Rainfall Runoff Volume Runoff (ac-R) Existing Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed Conditions {traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 1.0 1.7 0.9 Auditors Road 3.0 2.6 2.5 Lost Lake 1.3 1.4 1.3 Total Redevelopment Site 5.3 5.7 4.7 23 -3314- Table 3. 100-yr 24-hr (6.0 inches) Rainfall Runoff Volume Runoff (ac-fO Existing Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed Conditions (traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 1.5 2.5 1.7 Auditors Road 4.3 3.7 3.6 Lost Lake 1.9 2.1 2.0 Total Redevelopment Site 7.8 8.3 7.3 Stormwater runoff changes resulting from the proposed development (over that of existing pre-redevelopment conditions) is shown as a percentage in Tables 4 through 6. Note that rounding was used in displaying the numbers in Tables 1-3 and that the percentages in Tables 4-6 represent the accurate percentage changes. Table 4. 2-yr 24-hr (2.8 inches) Rainfall Runoff Change over Existing Conditions % Change over isting Conditions Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed (traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 82 -48 Auditors Road - 14 - 19 Lost Lake 21 8 Total Redevelopment Site 12 - 19 Table 5. 10-yr 24-hr (4.2 inches) Rainfall Runoff Change over Existing Conditions Conditio/is % Change over Existing Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed (traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 72 -8 Auditors Road - 14 - 17 Lost Lake 12 4 Total Redevelopment Site 9 - ! 0 Table 6. 100-vr 24-hr (6.0 inches) Rainfall Runoff Change over Existing Conditions % Change over Existing Condition~ Proposed Conditions Proposed Conditions with District/Subwatershed (traditional design) Mitigative Features Langdon District 65 12 Auditors Road - 14 - 16 Lost Lake 6 2 Total Redevelopment Site 7 -6 24 -3315- Highlighted by the modeled results, a total volume reduction from the Mound Redevelopment site is achievable under all three of the design event scenarios when applying the mitigative stormwater features. Under proposed conditions without the mitigative features, a total runoff volume increase is expected due to new impervious surfaces. Collectively, the application of the proposed mitigative features under three typical design scenarios results in a reduction of runoff volume as compared to the traditional design. Quality The HHPLS water quality modeling approach was used to estimate the amount of total phosphorus (TP) in the runoff that leaves the project site and enters Langdon Lake and Lost Lake. Using the EPA's Simple Method, land cover and percent imperviousness data were used to estimate the volume of runoff leaving the site, and land use data were used to estimate the concentration of TP in that runoff. Since the size of this project area is much smaller than that modeled in the HHPLS, the modeling approach was modified to account for the high imperviousness of the site. The volume of runoff from the HHPLS was based on a long-term average depth of runoff for the area, as estimated from the MN Hydrology Guide (approximately 4.7 inches). However, this depth of runoff is based on a larger scale and therefore is an average representing an area with large amounts of both pervious and impervious surfaces. Since the project area is highly impervious (66% impervious under existing conditions), the runoff was estimated using the following guidelines: Impervious areas: 95% of precipitation becomes runoff Pervious areas: 4.7 inches of runoff The runoff volume estimates for this area are therefore higher than those estimated in the HHPLS. Three scenarios were modeled: Modeling Scenario Input Data 1) Existing conditions Metropolitan Council's 2000 land use data Existing land cover data Proposed land use, existing MCWD rules Proposed land use Estimated TP removal rates 2) 3) Proposed conditions, traditional design Proposed conditions with mitigative features For modeling scenario #3, estimated TP removal rates for each individual recommended stormwater management feature were used to determine the amount of TP exiting the feature and entering the next downstream one. Particulate phosphorus and dissolved phosphorus were tracked separately, since removal rates for each of these phosphorus pools differ depending on the recommended practice. It was assumed that watershed 25 -3316- runoff was 70% particulate and 30% dissolved phosphorus. Removal efficiencies for each proposed wetland treatment site were estimated using PONDNET. Removal efficiencies for the other proposed features were estimated based on knowledge of the removal mechanisms of each feature and past performance data. The existing conditions TP load was 27 lbs/yr, predicted to increase to 37 Ibs/yr under the proposed conditions (Table 7). If all of the recommended mitigative features were installed, the predicted TP load is predicted to decrease to 9.3 lbs/yr. This translates into a 75% TP removal under scenario #3, compared to proposed conditions under a traditional design (#2). Removals of particulate phosphorus are expected to be 84%, while removals of dissolved phosphorus are expected to be less, at approximately 45%. Table 7. Modeled phosphorus loads. Total Particulate Dissolved Phosphorus Phosphorus Phosphorus lbs P/year 1) Existing conditions 27 19 8 2) Proposed conditions, traditional design 37 26 11 3) Proposed conditions with mitigative features 9.3 3.2 6.1 Final % removal relative to existing (1) conditions 66% 84% 26% Final % removal relative to proposed (2) conditions under traditional design 75% 88% 45% These TP load reductions can be related to the water quality recommendations and load reduction goals from the HHPLS. The proposed development is located in the LL-5 (Langdon Lake) and the LST-1 (Lost Lake) subwatersheds. The TP load reduction goal for LL-5 was 10%. LST-1 did not have a load reduction goal specific to the subwatershed. However, recommended actions in that subwatershed include retrofitting new stormwater practices into redeveloping urban areas adjacent to Lake Minnetonka, and achieving a no net increase in phosphorus loading for new development. The model predicts a 38% decrease in TP loads within LL-5 under scenario//3 relative to existing conditions (#1), and a 76% decrease in loads within LST-1 (Table 8). LL-5 drains into Langdon Lake, which then flows through Lost Lake and outlets into Cooks Bay of Lake Minnetonka. LST-1 directly flows to Lost Lake, and then on to Cooks Bay. Cooks Bay itself was not modeled in the HHPLS, and therefore specific TP load reduction goals were not set for its watershed. 26 -3317- Table 8. Modeled phosphorus loads related to HHPLS goals. LL-5TP ] LST-1 TP lbs P/year Existing conditions 7.2 20 Proposed conditions 14 23 Proposed conditions with recommended features 4.5 4.8 Final % removal relative to existing conditions 38% 76% Final % removal relative to proposed conditions 67% 79% Although these load reductions in themselves will not have a noticeable influence on in- lake water quality (Langdon Lake, Cooks Bay), this project makes clear progress towards achieving the water quality goals. The cumulative impact of several redevelopment designs completed in this manner will likely improve in-lake water quality, and it is only through the completion of steps such as this project that these benefits will be realized. Conclusions The redevelopment of downtown Mound provides a unique opportunity to incorporate "innovative runoff management" techniques into an area where they do not currently exist. This portion of Mound originally developed at a time when the connection between polluted runoff and degraded lake water quality was not recognized. The MCWD's Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Pollutant Loading Study concluded that the sub-watershed within which Mound occurs is in need of some attention to improve runoff quality. The complete redevelopment of over 20 acres of highly urbanized land provides an opportunity to economically install runoff treatment systems during site construction, as opposed to retrofitting them into fully constructed urban settings. This approach in Mound should result in a small annual decrease in runoff volume and a phosphorus load reduction of 75% reaching Lake Minnetonka via Lost and Langdon Lakes from this project area. 27 -3318- ~ ~ 0 :~OOooOoO~ o oo o o~g 0000 O0O0 O0 000000 0000000000000 0~0000~000000 ~~~~0~ ooooogoooooogogooooo~o~ 0 0 0 .~ -~ 0 --~ 0 0 0 0 0 00. 0 --~ ~--~ -3319- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3320- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04-__ RESOLUTION AMENDING STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST OWNER OCCUPIED HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES IN HARDSHIP CASES FOR QUALIFIED HOMEOWNERS WHEREAS, under Minnesota law, cities are authorized to defer the payment of special assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make the assessment payments, and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 435.193 requires that any city desiring to defer special assessments in such instances must establish, by ordinance or resolution, standards and guidelines for determining the existence of a hardship and for determining the existence of a disability; WHEREAS, the City of Mound previously adopted Resolution No. 89-77, which states standards that in 1989 were appropriate for determining hardship; and WHEREAS, it is now determined that these standards are outdated and should be reconsidered, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, to amend the standards and guidelines for deferral of special assessments against owner occupied homestead properties in hardship cases for qualified homeowners, as follows: Eligibility; 1. The property on which the assessment is deferred must be classified as homestead on the records of the Hennepin County Property Tax Division. 2. The property must be owned by a person at least 65 years of age on January 1st of the year in which payment of the first installment of the subject assessment levy is due, or who is retired due to permanent and total disability. For purposes of this resolution, "permanent and total disability" means a condition that is permanent in nature and that totally incapacitates the person from working at an occupation that would generate income to the person. 3. The applicant must have a "financial hardship" defined as: An annual income for the applicant's household size which is at or below the "Very Low Income" limit established annually by HUD for the Minneapolis and St. Paul Metropolitan Area. B. Interest: Simple interest at the rate of that particular assessment levy will be added to the deferred assessment, calculated from the date interest started to accrue on the original levy, to the date of payment of the deferred portion of the assessment. Resolution No. 04- C. Termination: The option to defer the payment of special assessments will terminate and all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, shall become due upon the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. The death of the owner, provided that the spouse is otherwise not eligible for the benefits. 2. The sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof. 3. If the property should for any reason lose its homestead status. 4. The City Council determines that the hardship no longer exists. Application and Approval Process: 1. Application for deferral of payment of special assessments must be made on forms prescribed by the Hennepin County Auditor. The applicant must also provide such supplementary documentation as may be required to establish the following: a. The legal description and tax parcel number of the property. b. The street address of the property. c. The state of the homestead classification for the property d. The description or designation of the local improvement for which assessments are to be or have been levied. e. The name of the homestead owner-occupant f. The age or disability status of the applicant g. The applicant's annual household income Within 30 days after the application is filed with the City Manager, the City Manager should review the application for conformance to the standards and guidelines prescribed above and neither grant or deny the application. The City Manager must notify the applicant in writing of the City Manager's decision. If in the judgment of the City Manager exceptional or unusual circumstances exist that are not covered by the this resolution, the City Manager may report to the City Council within 30 days after the applications made, along with a recommendation as to whether the application should be granted or denied. If the City Manager denies an application, the applicant has the right to have the City Council consider the application. The applicant must request City Council review within 20 days after the mailing date of the City manager's notice of decision. When the City Council considers an application, the Council will grant or deny the application by resolution, based on the standards and guidelines set forth above. The City Council also may grant a deferment if it determines that a hardship exists on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances not covered by this resolution, provided that the determination is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and does not give the applicant an unreasonable preference or ~ ..... II ,1 ,J ,J Resolution No. 04-__ advantage over other applicants. The City Council's decision to grant or deny an application is final. At any time while a special assessment remains deferred and unpaid, the City Manager may request the applicant to provide current and updated information as set forth in Paragraph D.I., above, so that the City Manager may verify and determine whether eligibility for the deferral has ended. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of November, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel 0 00 oo8 Ii J oo~, z ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo Z 0 0 i O3 n, ~q 0 0 ,7. ~ 0 .7 0 O~ 0 888 ooo ooo ~o~ ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo 0 ~ o ~0 ~ o 0 ZO ZO ~Z ~0 ~0 OU © ~ © 0 0 148 June 27, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-77 RESOLUTION ~MENDING STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BECAUSE OF HARDSHIP FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WHEREAS, the state legislature has enacted MSA 435.193 to 435.195, which authorizes a city to defer the collection of special assessments for homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make payments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that this law should be implemented by the city of Mound for all special assessments to be hereinafter levied by Mound, and that the City Attorney is authorized and directed to ask for an opinion of the Attorney General as to the legality of making this policy ap- plicable for special assessments which have been previously levied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Mound, Minnesota: Persons 65 years of age or older who reside on and own homestead property may apply to defer special assess- ments levied by the City of Mound. Application for deferred assessments shall be on forms prescribed by the County Auditor and such other infor- mation as is determined necessary by the City Manager, City Clerk and city Treasurer to make their certifica- tions as set forth in paragraph 3. The city Council will approve deferred assessments for property owners who reside in a household which has a gross income of less than $12,500. The city Manager, city Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to review income data and to certify to this Council that the property oWner qualifies as a hardship case under the aforementioned criteria. Income tax returns and other private data may be reviewed by said city officers to determine that the property qualifies for a deferred assessment but said income information shall not be kept on file as a public record and said officials are directed to protect the privacy of applicant's personal financial affairs. After City Council approval of the application for the deferral, the City Clerk shall file a notice with the County Auditor thereof setting forth the amount of spe- cial assessments being deferred. The County Auditor shall file a copy of said notice with the County 149 June 27, 1989 Recorder pursuant to M.S.A. 435.194. Ail special assessments deferred under the provisions of M.S.A. 435.193 to 435.195 shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance. The notice to the County Auditor shall specify the interest rate and all such interest and principal ~hall b~ collected when the deferred assessment is payable under the provisions set forth hereafter in paragraph 5. The option to defer the payment of special assessments shall terminate and all amounts accumulated plus inter- est shall become due upon the occurrence of any of the following events: at The death of the owner, provided that the spouse is otherwise not eligible for the deferment. The surviving spouse shall file a new application with the city Manager, city Clerk and City Treasurer. If the property is still eligible for deferment, they shall so note in the city records and the matter need not be referred to this Council. be The sale, transfer or subdivision of the property or any part thereof. Ct The property for any reason loses its homestead status. at The City Council shall determine that there is no hardship and shall require immediate or partial payment. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Ahrens was absent and excused. May~F w Attest: City Clerk 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director / Jim Fackler, Parks Supt. November 5, 2004 Submittal of Multiple Dock Application to LMCD for Lost Lake District - MHRD Background The sketch plan from Mound Harbor Renaissance Development (MHRD) for the Lost Lake, Auditors Road and Lake Langdon Districts was reviewed by the City Council last August. As part of the project, (37) townhomes are programmed for the Lost Lake District which also includes construction of a new multiple dock to accommodate (40) slips. The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) is the public agency responsible for issuance of multiple-dock licenses on Lake Minnetonka. Pursuant to LMCD Code Section 2.03, a new multiple dock license is required for the project. Staff Comments · The new Lost Lake District docks will be owned by the City of Mound and operated through the City's public dock program. · (37) slips will be made available to the townhome residents and (3) slips are for visitors and guests. The multiple dock license for the new townhomes in the Lost Lake District will be a separate permit from the City's existing licenses for the transient docks on Lost Lake along the Greenway and the City's dock program. According to LMCD rules, 2000 linear feet is needed to accommodate the (40) boat storage units (BSU). Members of the Council are advised that there is adequate shoreline in the Lost Lake District to accommodate the new slips. · A preliminary site plan (Landform Dock Exhibit dated 9/27/2004) for the proposed Lost Lake dock has been included as an attachment but may be subject to change. Recommendation Staff respectfully requests that the City Council approve the resolution (draft) which has been prepared to authorize submittal of an application to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District for a new multiple dock to be constructed in the Lost Lake District for the townhomes to be constructed as part of the MHRD project to accommodate (40) boat storage units. -3321 - CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF NEW MULTIPLE DOCK APPLICATION TO THE LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT (LMCD) FOR DOCKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE LOST LAKE DISTRICT AS PART OF MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (MHRD) WHEREAS, the City of Mound is located in the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD); and WHEREAS, the LMCD is the agency responsible for issuance of multiple-dock licenses on Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound is proposing to construct a new multiple dock in the Lost Lake District as part of the downtown redevelopment project proposed by MHRD which includes (37) townhomes; and WHEREAS, (37) slips will be made available to the townhome residents and (3) slips are for visitors and guests of the townhome complex; and WHEREAS, the new Lost Lake District docks will be owned by the City of Mound and maintained through the City's public dock program; and WHEREAS, there is adequate shoreline in the Lost Lake District to accommodate the additional (40) boat storage units (BSU). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes submittal of a new multiple-dock permit application to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District to accommodate (40) boat storage units (BSU) to be constructed in the Lost Lake District as part of the downtown redevelopment project by Mound Harbor Renaissance Development. -3322- Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of November 2004 Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3323- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES TO PROCEED WITH CHATEAU LANE ELEVATED WATER STORAGE PROJECT WHEREAS, On July 27, 2004, the City Council authorized McCombs Frank Roos Associates (MFRA) to prepare a feasibility study for the Chateau Lane Elevated Water Storage Project; and WHEREAS, MFRA has presented said feasibility study, Adopt~ 'by the City C~t~ncil this 9th day of Nover~ber, 200~J. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council to authorize MFRA to proceed with the project as proposed: 1. ~ acquire prope~yto South, 2373 Chateau Lane 2. Prepare plans and specifications for demolition of existing tower and construction of a new elevated water tank. Prepare plans and specifications to rehabilitation and painting the existing standpipe on Devon Lane and bid the project as a separate contract. Proceed with the construction of a hydraulic model for the City offMound. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3325- Ri CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- UTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON 2005 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT STREET WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted October 12, 2004, a report has been prepared by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. with reference to the improvement of the following streets: Hawthorne Road, Idlewood Road, Cherrywood Road, Dickens Lane, Hazelwood Lane, Oaklawn Lane, and Longfellow Lane - south of Bartlett Boulevard and north of Ridgewood Road Halstead Lane, Setter Court, Otter Road, Acorn Road, Deerwood Drive, Pine Road, and Pheasant Circle, south and west of West Edge Drive and north of Bartlett Boulevard Eagle Lane, Finch Lane, and Gull Lane - In Three Points area Avocet Lane, Bluebird Lane, Canary Lane, Dove Lane, and Woodland Road - In the Three Points area Heron Lane, Crestview Road, and Jennings Road - In the Three Points Area Bay Ridge Road, Bluffs Drive, Bluffs Lane, and Highview Lane - In between Bartlett Boulevard and Bay Ridge Road Rusticwood Road - In the Highlands Area west of Garden Lane and this report was received by the Council on November 9, 2004, and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $1,207,700. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 23rd day of November, 2004, in the council chambers of city hall at 7:30 p.m. and the City Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of November, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3326- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 04- RESOLUTION ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WELL #8 PUMP HOUSE WHEREAS, on March 9, 2004, the City Council ordered plans and specifications for Well #8 Pump House; and WHEREAS, McComb Frank Roos & Associates have been appointed to prepare those plans and specifications; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published according to law, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Clerk until 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 2005, at which time they will be publicly opened in the council chambers of the city hall by the City Clerk and City Engineer, will then be tabulated and will be considered by the City Council at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 in the council chambers. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of November, 2004. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -3327- c H A R T E R E D 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http:Hwww, kennedy-graven.eom Jo~ B. D~ ARomey at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9207 Emait: jdean~kmnedy-graven.eom MEMORANDUM 10/29/04 To: Kandis M. Hanson, City From: John Dean, City Attorney Subject: Assessment against Dock Ik}ts. Background. At its October 26 meeting, the Mound City Council conducted the public hearing on the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project. Following the close of the hearing, the Council adopted the assessment mil for the project. During the hearing, one individual told the Council that at a December 9, 2003 council meeting on the project, the Mayor had informed him that there would be no assessment levied against the dock lots located within the project area. The Mayor did not recall making such a statement. At the close of the October 26 heating, the City Clerk was directed to review the tape recording of the December 9,2003 meeting to determine if the Mayor made such a statement. The Council further directed me to provide a written opinion on whether such a statement, if made, would be the basis for removing the assessments against the dock lots. The City Clerk's review of the recording of the December 9, 2003 meeting has determined that the Mayor did not make any statement regarding whether dock lots would be assessed. However, the recording of that meeting did disclose that the city engineer did make the following statement: "Those lots [referring to dock lots] would not be assessed. Those were not included in this assessment policy, only the residential units." During the preparation of the proposed assessment roll, which was prepared for the assessment hearing, the dock lots were included, and were assessed as one/quarter unit. The city engineer met with the Council on September 28, 2004, and discussed the reasoning for the inclusion of dock lots for assessment. It appears that notice of the assessment hearing was sent to all of the owners of the dock lots as is required by law. It appears from the review of the record by the City Clerk that the Mayor did not make the statement that was attributed to her by the resident. So no further analysis needs to be made concerning the impact, if any, of such a statement on the assessments. JBD-255004vl MU220-2 -3328- Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager October 29, 2004 Page 2 The Clerk's review did disclose that the above referenced statement was made by the city engineer at the December 9, 2003 Council meeting; and itis appropriate that the impact of that statement be considered as well. Analysis. Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.071 provides mechanisms for the reassessment of parcels. One of the grounds for reassessment is a determination by the Council "on advice of the municipal attorney that the assessment...may be invalid for any reason..." The question therefore, is whether the statement made on December 9, 2003 that the dock lots would not be assessed invalidates an assessment against the dock lots. Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 sets out the procedure for cities to follow in undertaking to construct public improvements. Under the statute, the city must consider a report fi.om the city engineer, or other person on the project. In addition, a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments must be available at the hearing. The section concludes with the following statement: 'no error or omission in the report invalidates the proceeding unless it materially prejudices the interests of an owner". Although the statement was not made at the improvement hearing, and although the statement was arguably not part of the report, I conclude that even if made at the hearing, and included as part of the report, the statement would not have prevented the council fi'om subsequently determining to assess the dock lots. My conclusion is based on the following factors: The primary purpose of the improvement hearing is to consider whether or not to construct the improvement. All of the owners of dock lots were given notice of the improvement hearing and had an oppommity to express their views concerning whether the project should be undertaken. Questions regarding individual assessments and the methodology are the subject of later public hearings at the time the assessment is considered. Once the decision was made to include the dock lots in the proposed assessment roll, all the owners of dock lots were notified of the assessment hearing and had an opportunity, as stated in the notice, to object to the proposed assessment. 0 IBD-255004vl MU220-2 At the assessment hearing, owners of dock lots had a full oppommity to present objections to the proposed assessment; and the Council articulated its rationale for including the dock lots as benefited parcels, with appropriate -3329- Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager October 29, 2004 Page 3 reductions from a full unit assessment based on the limited utility of the dock lots: Owners of dock lots who have complied with the statutory requirements will have the option to appeal the assessment. Conclusion. Based on the foregOing, I conclude that: (i) the Council was within its legal authority to depart fi-om the assessment methodology articulated by the city engineer on December 9, 2003; (ii) the owners of dock lots had full notice of the inclusion of the dock lots in the proposed assessment roll; (iii) the owners were accorded a full hearing on th.proposed assessment of the dock lots at which time they could impose whatever objections they had to the proposed assessment; (iv) subject to having met the procedural requirements contained in the notice and the statute, will have the oppommity to appeal the assessment of the dock lots. ~BD-255004vl MU220-2 -3330- MEMORANDUM To: Kandis Hanson, City Manager From: Jim Kurtz, Police Chief Subject: Operation Clean Sweep The purpose of this memo is to update you on Operation Clean Sweep. This summer Jennifer Williams worked with us as a college intern investigating and enforcing nuisance ordinance violations. Our goal for the summer was to saturate the Island and learn: 1) what types of violations we could enforce, 2) how much time it would take to inspect and re-inspect properties, 3) what enforcement strategies worked, and 4) learn how tolerant citizens were to our en£o~cen~ent effort. Intern Williams inspected the entire Island for nuisance violations including; house address numbers, illegal storage, junk vehicles, and noxious weeds. She issued 283 written warnings. Of the 283 written warning violators, 189, or 67% corrected the problem at the time of the scheduled re-inspection. An additional 64 properties complied at the time of the second inspection and there are currently 30 open investigations. Overall, 89% of the properties that were inspected have corrected their problems. The feedback from the project was mostly positive and the compliance numbers would suggest that the majority of the people supported the effort. We're going to suspend inspections for the season and work on closing the remaining 30 open investigations. Next year, we'll re-implement the program and target another portion of the city. -3331 - CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT Oct. 2004 GENERAL FUND 83.33% Oct. 2004 BUDGET EXPENSE YTD PERCENT EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED 72,850 11,967 66,038 6,812 90.65% Promotions City Manager/Clerk Elections Finance Assessing Legal City Hall Building & Srvcs Computer Police Emergency Prepardeness Planning/Inspections Streets 3,750 276 900 13 460 234 070 79 300 135 580 124 270 29 900 1,448,590 7,130 367,880 655,610 Pa~ks ............... 331,930 28,~3-49- ~286;758--~172 Cemetery 9,610 0 603 9,007 Transfers 256,690 31,944 319,440 (62,750) Cable TV 50,000 0 21,069 28,931 Contingencies 607,250 1,435 474,155 133,095 0 3,750 0 100.00% 18,077 219,907 56,993 79.42% 304 4,822 8,638 35.82% 17,308 180,003 54,067 76.90% 109 78,001 1,299 98.36% 14,015 96,410 39,170 71.11% 5,680 108,206 16,064 87.07% 342 12,039 17,861 40.26% 105,198 1,193,895 254,695 82.42% (11) 5,600 1,530 78.54% 23,769 236,940 130,940 64.41% 46,383 547,801 107,809 83.56% 86.39% 6.27% 124.45% 42.14% 78.08% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 4,704,770 304,869 3,855,437 849,333 81.95% Area Fire Service Fund 638,140 51,211 584,156 53,984 91.54% Dock Fund 143,150 3,027 53,956 89,194 37.69% Capital Projects 0 290,173 2,179,659 (2,179,659) TIF 1-2 0 6,337 506,008 (506,008) Water Fund 687,240 48,006 533,833 153,407 77.68% Sewer Fund 1,201,940 100,010 935,973 265,967 77.87% Liquor Fund 559,800 36,464 438,633 121,167 78.36% Recycling Fund 167,680 16,348 127,028 40,652 75.76% Storm Water Utility 96,870 3,796 70,896 25,974 73.19% Exp -02 11/05/2004 Gino -3332- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT Oct. 2004 83.33% GENERAL FUND Oct. 2004 YTD BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE PERCENT VARIANCE ..RECEIVED Taxes Business Licenses Non-Bus iness Licenses/Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Court Fines Street Lighting Fee Franchise Fees G.O. Equipment Certificates Charges to Other Dpts Other Revenue 2,222,510 0 9,15O 500 273,500 26,000 368,200 76,172 257,050 14,857 100,000 6,259 75,000 8,801 352,000 57,898 481,400 0 14,000 2,889 38,600 3,954 1,345 298 21 585 160 412 143 056 85 256 83 279 88 335 288 738 483 133 7,914 37,883 (877,212) 60.53% 12,435 235.90% (113,088) 58.65% (225,144) 38.85% (171,794) 33.17%o (16,721) 83.28% 13,335 117.78% (63,262) 82.03% 1,733 100.36% (6,086) 56.53% (717) 98.14% TOTAL REVENUE 4,191,410 197,330 2,744,889 ~1.446.521} 65.49% FIRE FUND DOCK FUND MOUND HRA WATER FUND SEWER FUND LIQUOR FUND RECYCLING FUND STORM WATER UTILITY 674,140 41,472 650,012 (24,128) 96.42% 115,900 541 114,458 (1,442) 98.76% 116,506 0 55,947 (60,559) 48.02% 700,000 57,486 533,258 (166,742) 76.18% 1,202,000 111,046 1,070,552 (131,448) 89.06% 2,400,000 150,863 1,583,961 (816,039) 66.00% 137,400 14,080 122,206 (15,194) 88.94% 120,500 10,598 105,651 (14,849) 87.68% 11/05/2004 rev2004 Gino -3333- General Fund CDBG Area Fire Protection Services Mound HRA G.O. Equip. Certf. 2004 -C G.O. Bonds 2001 - C Commerce Place TIF G.O. Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1-2 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A G.O. Bonds 2003 - A G.O. Bonds 2004 - A HRA Lease Rev Bonds Capital Improvement MSA $983,780 0 163,803 .................... 213,573 3,897 62,056 90,466 (399,612) 53,881 12,674 241,260 50,614 (13,768) 2,991,762 18,750 Sealcoat (1,149) CDB 5,191 Downtown TIF 1-2 134,891 HRA Public Safety Bldg 26,309 Water 2,442,624 Sewer 1,391,819 Liquor Store (374,278) Recycling 25,687 Storm Water 892,221 Fire Relief (81,047) Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated/reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. 11/05/2004 CashReportCouncil Gino -3334- STATUS OF PROJECT, CSAH 15 Dan Allmaras, Project Engineer November 5, 2004 As of now, we are preparing for winter suspension of this project. CSAH 110 (Commerce Blvd.) is currently paved and striped with traffic control inplace ............. for~he4Mnter ~ New CSAH 15 will be opened on a limited basis within the next couple of weeks. The replaced portion of CSAH 15 will be closed to traffic at the east end. A portion of new CSAH 15 will be limited to 2 lanes of traffic. This limitation will be necessary to accommodate the construction of the new wall near the lake. In general, wall construction did not go as predicted. Delays due to weather setbacks and utility conflicts hampered progress on the previously constructed walls. In order to maintain traffic through the project, only one wall could be built at a time. We anticipate at this time that wall construction will continue into December. If the wall can be poured yet this year, it would be a great aid in a timely and efficient startup next spring. The new signal system at the intersection of new CSAH 15 and CSAH 110 is also scheduled to be installed within the next couple of weeks. At that time the signal system currently working at the old intersection of CSAH 15 and CSAH 110 will be removed. A stop sign will be placed in the west bound lane on old CSAH 15 with north and south bound traffic on CSAH 110 free to move through the old intersection. The project is not following the original schedule. Originally, the project was scheduled to have all lanes open from the new CSAH 15 and CSAH 110 intersection to the east end of the project. This did not work out due to the wall construction delay. However, the contractor was able to do the portion of the project west of the intersection. This work was not scheduled to be completed until next summer. So the amount of work completed on the project as a whole is approximately where it should be at this time. At this time, work such as sidewalk placement, irrigation system installation, lighting and electrical work continue and will continue until weather forces stoppage. If we have a normal winter and the work on the wall near the lake goes as planned, we should be able to finish the road and get all four lanes of CSAH 15 open to traffic in the spring. Following the completion of the roadway, sidewalk can be completed and final landscaping can start. We anticipate completion of this project about the middle of summer. -3335- ~ CITY OF 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472~0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com October 28, 2004 Mr. David Rienstra Mr. Ted Manley P.O. Box 365 4004 Shoreline Drive Spring Park, MN 55384 Dear Mr. Rienstra and Mr. Manley: Several months ago representatives from the City of Mound met with you to discuss your future plans for the Minnetonka Boat Club & Rental and to express the City's interest in the property should you decide to sell. Although the Mound City Council has not made a decision as to it's interest in purchasing your property, the City is interested in discussing with you your option of giving the City a right of first refusal to purchase your property in the fim~re. .. The Right of First Refusal is a document which gives the City the option to purchase the property for the same amount you, the property owner, receive as a good faith offer from another party, should you decide to sell. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed Right of First Refi~sal agreement for your review. Please let me know if you are interested in this offer and if you would like to set up a meeting where we can review the City's proposal and respond to any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, Carlton B. Moore Director of Public Works Cc: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Jim Fackler, Park Supt. ) prialofl on recyclod papor -3336- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 18338 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 (952) 745-0789 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER Gmgo~S . Nybeck October.26, 2004 Lake Minnetonka Water Patrol Update: Since 2001, {herehas been increased Water Patrol presence on Lake Uinnetonka by adding two full-time Hennepin County Shedffs Office Patrol DePuties for five months from mid May through mid October. tn 2001 and 2002, fundingof,this program was 50% from Hennepin County and 50% from the Lake Minnetonka area. In 2003 and 2004, funding of this program was 100% from Hennepin County. Continuation of this program is planned for2005; however, HennePin C'ounty~might noLbe able eJther, partially'of'fullyl:und itdue to the economic challenges that Hennepin County.is facing. TheLMCD and a nUmber of member citieSbelieve that funding .of these two additional Deputie..s should be the responsibility of Hennepin County and Hennepin County is currently making efforts for long-term funding of this project~ The LMCD will keep you informed on the status of this project. 2004 Lake Minnetonka ~Solar LiRht Buoy Prbiect: FOr the third dbnsecuti~/e boating-S~aS0n, 'sbl~r lights~urchased with "Save the Lake" Funds were installed on top of existing red and green navigational buoys in 2004. Six areas of Lake Minnetonka were Chosen topar~icipate in this projectin 2004. Thesesix areas included: 1) two channels east of the Arcola Bridge, 2) the.channel.On the southeast Side of Spray Island onthe Upper Lake, 3) both ends Of the Narrows and Arcola Bridge channels, 4) the channel near Cedar Point,East on Wayzata Bay, 51 the channel on northeast Cooks Bay at the .Emerald'Lake Bridge, and 6)the Channel on the east side of Coffee Cove on Crystal BaY. Feedback from this project in 2004 has been encouraging and continUation of this project in 2005 is likely, with the possibility of expanding it to other areas of Lake Minnetonka. 2004 Lake Minnetonka EWM Harvesting program: The 2004 Lake Minnetonka EWM harvesting season commenced on 6/14/04 and continued through 8/14/04. Consistent with past years, harvesting priorities ~were-based upon impediment to public boat navigation on the open water. In 2004, the total number of harveSter loads was 396.25, which generated 196.00 or 4.46 truck loads per day. This compares to a total number of harvester loads of 270.75 in 2003, which generated 143.50 or 3.50 truck loads per day. A working group meeting was conducted in the LMCD office on 10/2/04 to discuss: the 2004 season and make'recommendationS to improve the program in 2005. One recommendation of the working group is to solicit sealed bids in 2004 for the purchase of a new paddlewheel harvester and the trading in of the two remaining 1989 UM1 harvesters prior to the 2005 season. Feel free to contact the LMCD office if you would like a copy of the 2004 EWM Final Harvesting Report. 2004 Lake Minnetonka Zebra Mussel Program: In 2004, the LMCD contracted with the MN DNR to conduct inspections from May 15th through September 19th on peak days, during peak times, at five selected public accesses..Peak days included Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Peak times during these days included 11 a.m. to 7 p,m. on Fddays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and. holidays. The five selected public accesses include Grays BaY, Wayzata Bay, Maxwell Bay, North Arm, and Spdng Park. Total inspection hours conducted by the MN DNR for this contract were 946.25, corn pared to a maximum contract hours of 2,200 in 2004. Plans for the 2005 season are on-going and the LMCD will be evaluating whether the MN DNR Watercraft Inspection Program can adequately cover the inspections h ours desired by the LMCD. ,, 2004 Lake Min netonka Boat Density and User Attitude Surveys: This past spring, the LMCD Board awarded a contract to ThomTech Design, Inc. to conduct boat density and user attitude surveys dudng the 2004 season. This -3337- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER, 10/26/04, PAGE 2 is a joint project with the MN DNR and is called for every four years by the Management Plan for Lake Minnetonka, with the last project conducted in 2000. This project is neadng completion and a Report will be presented to the LMCD Board by the end of the 2004. A copy of the final Report will be forwarded to the 14 member cities after it has been reviewed and accepted by the LMCD Board." 2004 Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Storage Count: The LMCD conducted this project during the 2004 boating season. LMCD staff by mid August completed_the fie!dwork and the Board at its 9122_/04 Regular Meet ng rev ewed a Report. in 2004, there were 9,734 watercraft stored on Lake Minnetonka, with 6,085 stored at riparian residences and 3,649 stored at multiple dock facilities. This compares to 10,509 watercraft stored on Lake Minnetonka in 2002, with 6,906 stored'at riparian residences and 3,603 stored at multiple dock facilities. The draft Report was accepted at the 9/22/04 Regular Meeting and the project is scheduled to be conducted again during the 2006 boating season. Feel free to contact the LMCD office' if you would like-a copy of this Report. o 2005 Board Officers & Board Appointments: 2005 raoard Officer and other Board appointments are' planned in the near future. At the 10/27/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting, the Board is scheduled to appoint a nominating committee for 2005 Board Officers. Additionally, LMCD staff will be forwarding reminder notices in the near future to those member cities whose Board member term expires at the second LMCD Regular Board Meeting. in January 2005. Board member terms, as outlined in the LMCD's state enabling legislation, are for three years. Appointments for 2005 ~'""-'~ ~' ..... contact theLM C D -officelf you -h avequestio~n~b~W~'uq~l-lil~Etb~fU-rtl'i~-d~h~is~- On-_~oin~ Licenses/Permits: In August, LMCD staff sent out renewal deicing :installation 'applications for the 2004- 2005 season on Lake Minnetonka. The majodty of these renewal applications have been received and will be processed by LMCD staff in the near future. A copy of the approved license for each of theseinstallations will be forwarded in the near future to the appropriate member city. LMCD staff has recently sent out'renewal without change applications, for the 2005 season, for licensed multiple dock and DMA facilities. LMCD staff will also be working in the near future on the preparation of renewal applications for charter boats and related liquor licenses for the 2005 season. Further details of these on-going licenses/permits are available at the LMCD office. Web Page: The LMCD'.s WebPage address is: http://www.lmcd.org. -3338- CALL TO ORDER LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 7:00 PM, Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Tonka Bay City Hall Skramstad called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Tom Skramstad, Shorewood; Katy Van Hercke, Minnetonka; Paul Knudsen, Minnetrista; Jose Valdesuso, Excelsior; Bob Ambrose, Wayzata; Pete Nelson, Victoria; Tom Seuntjens, Minnetonka Beach. Also present: Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Greg Nybeck, Executive Director. Members absent: Doug Babcock, Tonka Bay; Orv Burma, Mound; Bert Foster, Deephaven; Tom Scanlon, Spring Park; Herb Suerth, Woodland; the cities of Greenwood and Orono have no appointed member. The Board briefly discussed whether a quorum was present at this meeting. After LeFevere reviewed the by-laws for the LMCD, Skramstad declared that a quorum was present. CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Skramstad Skramstad made two Chair announcements. First, he commended the Board on its attendance record during the past year, which was approximately 80 percent overall. He thanked the Board on its attendance and diligence. He pointed out that Nelson had a perfect attendance record this past year and he commended Nelson on his leadership and efforts, especially on the zebra mussel program. Second the annual meeting with the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol has been scheduled for 11/9/04 at 7:30 a.m. at the Water Patrol Headquarters in Spring Park. He encouraged all Board members to attend this meeting if possible. He asked Nybeck to summarize the November Board meeting schedule. Nybeck stated that Board meetings in November are scheduled for the 10th and the 24th. However, the 24th is the day before Thanksgiving and the Board has traditionally cancelled the second meeting scheduled in November. Skramstad stated that he would cancel the November 24th Board Meeting unless any Board member objected to this. There were no objections. READING OF MINUTES- 9/8/04 LMCD Board Planning/VVorkshop Meeting Report 9/22/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting MOTION: Nelson moved, Van Hercke seconded to accept the meeting report from the 9/8/04 LMCD Board Planning/Workshop Session as submitted. VOTE: Ayes (3), Abstained (4; Ambrose, Knudsen, Seuntjens, and Valdesuso); motion carried. -3339- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 2 MOTION: Knudsen moved, Nelson seconded to approve the minutes from the 9/22/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting as submitted. VOTE: Ayes (5), Abstained (2; Valdesuso and Van Hercke); motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) Mr. Randy Boyd, 19960 Minnetonka Blvd., commented on boat density on Lake Minnetonka. He stated that he believed the boat density policy that was adopted clearly had conservation in mind. He believed that this policy had assisted in density issues on both St. Louis and Carsons Bays. Any changes to the 1974 policy should include a hearing to get public input on any changes being considered by the Board. CONSENT AGENDA- Consent agenda items identified with a (*) will be approved in motion unless a Board member requests discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. Nybeck requested that agenda item !B be removed from the consent agenda beca,Jse the minutes from the 10/8/04 EWMtExotics Task Force Meeting were not done. Ambrose moved, Nelson seconded to approve the consent agenda as amended, removing agenda item lB. Motion carried unanimously. Items so approved include: 2A, Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol Significant Activity Report, and 3B, September financial summary and balance sheet. 1. EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE A. Review of 2004 LMCD/Three Rivers Park District phosphorus removal sampling program. Skramstad asked Nybeck for background on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that the 2004 "Save the Lake" Budget funded a program, coordinated with the Three Rivers Park District, to determine how much phosphorous is being removed from harvested milfoil from the LMCD's program. The fieldwork and analysis for this project has been conducted by Three Rivers Park District and John Barten was in attendance to summarize the results. Baden made the following comments: The project took place because there has been an interest for some years in the amount of phosphoreus removed annually frem the LMCD's harvesting pregram. There have been some estimates in recent years addressing this, with an estimate most recently by the MCWD. In a Report prepared by the MCWD, they estimated that between 2,000 and 20,000 pounds were removed annually by the harvesting pregram. One of the primary objectives of this project was to further refine the estimates of the MCWD. He reviewed the methodology used in this project. This included how the samples were collected, the weighing of the trucks, and the drying methods. This methodology allowed the Three Rivers Park District to conduct a phosphoreus sampling analysis of dry vegetation. Overall, the results were consistent with a few exceptions when the vegetation did not primarily consist of milfoil. -3340- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 2.7, 2004 Page 3 · Based on this project, he estimated that each truckload consisted of approximately 2.6 pound of phosphorous. With 196 truckloads removed in 2004, he estimated that 510 pounds of phosphorous were removed by the 2004 harvesting program. · The total pounds of phosphorous removed annually might not seem like a lot, especially with the MCWD estimating the annual phosphorous in-flow into Lake Minnetonka at 20,000 pound. However, the cost per pound per removal, $204, is significantly less than removal rates for most watershed projects. · A big question is how much impact the phosphorous removed from Lake Minnetonka by the harvesting program has on water quality. In the shod-term, he did not believe it has a significant impact on water quality. However, the impact on long-term water quality was unknown and it has not been studied and this might be better addressed through the water quality sampling program four or five years from now. · He compared the 500 pounds of phosphorous removed by the harvesting program with other removal alternatives. It would require 1,500 rain gardens or the construction of a 4.5 acre NURP pond from approximately 700 acres of residential area to achieve a comparable phosphorous reduction. - u~.uv~u L,~,~L u~U p~UJUU[ Wa~ a SUCCESS because it bet[er refined the amount of PhosphOrous remoVed annually from the harvesting equipment. He entedained questions or comments from the Board. Nelson stated that Baden was present at the 10/8/04 EWM/Exotics Task Force meeting to discuss these results. Nelson expressed an interest in working with the MCWD on analyzing where the in- flows of phosphorous into Lake Minnetonka are coming from and then take preventive actions. He stated that the MCWD District Administrator Eric Evenson was present at the 10/8/04 meeting and he questioned Baden whether he had an oppodunity to discuss this fudher with Evenson. Baden stated that he had talked briefly with Loren Hatch of the MCWD regarding this issue, Baden stated that he and a representative from the MPCA have encouraged the MCWD to establish a nutrient control budget for Lake Minnetonka. Van Hercke asked Baden what other conclusions he drew from this project. Baden stated that the .232 percent of phosphorous by dry weight per truckload in this project was consistent with the .220 percent of phosphorous by dry weight per truckload in the literature he reviewed. Additionally, this project confirmed the amount of plant materials that was being removed annually by the harvesting program. Nybeck stated that there was discussion by the Board this past summer on whether to request the MCWD to assist in funding the LMCD's harvesting program. At that time, the Board concluded to hold off on this until the project just summarized by Baden was completed. Exotic species and the involvement of the MCWD was recently discussed at the 10/21/04 MCWD Board of Managers Planning/Workshop Session. Based on this meeting, Nybeck believed that the MCWD was not likely to fund either the harvesting or zebra mussel programs in the near future because it was not clear to him that they have interest in either program. There were some members of the Board of -3341 - Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 4 Managers that had a limited interest in the harvesting program and MCWD staff was putting further materials together for review by the Board of Managers in the future. Skramstad stated that he had talked to the President of the MCWD Board of Managers, Lance Fisher, and that it was unlikely that they would take these programs over. He believed that the MCWD might be able to partially assist financially in these programs sometime in the future and allow the LMCD to continue to manage these programs. Valdesuso asked if there was a letter forwarded amongst the LMCD member cities regarding the possibility of the MCWD funding the harvesting program. Nybeck stated that there was a request made in recent months by one of the member cities to the remaining 13 member cities for the MCWD to fund the LMCD's harvesting program. Ambrose stated that Nybeck's recollection was correct and the Wayzata city council took no action on this request. Valdesuso asked how this could be communicated to the 14 member cities because he been asked for an update on this on a couple of occasions. Skramstad recommended that an update should be included in the next quarterly Executive Director Newsletter. He thanked Baden on behalf of the Board of Directors for his leadership on this project. C. Report from the 10/8/04 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting. Nelson stated that the discussion at this meeting was quite interesting, including the "Black Lake- Green Lake" concept. Because of this discussion, the MCWD has expressed an interest in assisting in the drafting of a talking paper for Senator Olson to consider drafting legislation, possibly as soon as the upcoming session. He suggested that broad support of the various organizations was necessary, including the LMA, the MLA, and the MCWD. Valdesuso asked for a brief explanation of the "Black Lake-Green Lake" concept. Nelson stated that the general concept is to quarantine lakes or bodies of water that are infested with zebra mussels. Lakes that have zebra mussels would be posted accordingly and boats that enter these waters would have a black sticker on them. For these boats to enter non-infested zebra mussel waters, the owner would need to have these boats inspected in order to get a green sticker. The goal would be to make this program statewide and then expand it regionally, The consensus of the Board was to allow Nelson to work on this program and keep the Board up to date on this program. Nelson stated that the TPT zebra mussel video had been produced and that it would distributed next spring. -3342- ~ * , ~l,,~, ..... Il ki ,& ,I iai ~, Iii II Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 D. Update of 10/2/04 EWM Harvesting Program Working Group Meeting. Page 5 Skramstad asked Nybeck for an update on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that an EWM Harvesting Program Working Group meeting was conducted in the LMCD office on 10/2/04 to evaluate the 2004 season and to discuss potential changes for 2005. In addition to himself, Herb Suerth, Judd Harper, and Steve Curfman attended this meeting. Four primary topics were discussed at this meeting. These included: 1) review of the 2004 EWM Harvesting Program Final Season Report, 2) update on the maintenance of the EWM Harvesting equipment by Curfman, 3) discussion of the possible purchase/trade-in of harvesters for the 2005 season, and 4) discussion of other possible capital equipment purchases for the 2005 season (primarily outboard motors for the transport barge and pontoon). There are two recommendations for consideration by the Board. First, the working group recommends that the Board direct staff to advertise for competitive bids, through a Request for Proposal (RFP), for the purchase of a new Aquatic Plant Harvester and the trade-in of the two remaining UMI harvesters. Second, the working nrnlln recommends fh2f fh¢, Rn~rcl rlir,',r,f ~t~ fn ~nlir, itr, nmm,',nto OR th~ '"F ............. sent out through the RFP. He reviewed the proposed timeline and stated that a recommendation would likely be made at the 12/8/04 Regular Board Meeting. He entertained questions or comments from the Board. Seuntjens stated that during the 2002 season, the LMCD owned five harvesters. After the 2002 season, the LMCD purchased a new paddle wheel harvester and traded in two of the original UMI harvesters. Because of this, the LMCD owned four harvesters and generally operated three of them. With the proposed motion, the fleet of harvesters would be reduced from four to three for the 2005 season. With the costs of the program remaining relatively constant, he stated that he would like to have staff to provide an overview of productivity after the 2005 season. MOTION: Knudsen moved, Seuntjens seconded to direct staff to: 1) advertise for competitive bids, through a RFP, for the purchase of a new Aquatic Plant Harvester and the trade-in of the two remaining 1989 UMI harvesters, and 2) to solicit comments on the specifications sent out through the RFP. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. E. Review of MN DNR invoice for 2004 Zebra Mussel Inspection Program. Skramstad asked Nybeck for an update on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that an invoice was recently received for inspections conducted in conjunction with the 2004 zebra mussel program. Although the LMCD contracted for 2,200 hours of inspections, the MN DNR was only able to cover 946.26 hours or slightly over 40 percent of the hours contracted. The primary purpose of this agenda item was to give staff direction on what budget(s) to pay this invoice from. The 2004 project had a budget of $27,500, with $15,000 from the Exotic Species Budget and $12,500 from the "Save the Lake" Budget. With an invoice total of -3343- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 6 $11,828.13, Nybeck recommended that the Board pay the invoice with "Save the Lake" funds and earmark the $15,000 of unspent Exotic Species funds for 2005 zebra mussel inspections. The Board agreed with the recommendation made by Nybeck. F. Additional Business. Skramstad stated that the LMCD's website relating to zebra mussels was recently placed under construction. There previously was material in the zebra mussel website and he believed that it was important to get the website up and running as soon as possible because he had encouraged the City of Shorewood and other cities to provide a link to it. He stated that he talked to Nybeck regarding this and he asked for an update, Nybeck stated that staff was in the process of restoring the previous zebra mussel materials on the LMCD website, updating it where necessary. He believed that this was a short-term solution and that the long-term solution would be to update the website with materials from the powerpoint presentation ~,,,~ Society would be the next step to update the website on a long,term basis. The Board discussed this and the consensus was to have a proposal submitted by David Gillette to update the website for review at the 11/8/04 Regular Meeting. LAKE USE & RECREATION B. Discussion of options on how to proceed from the Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee Final Report. Skramstad asked for an update from Nybeck on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that this agenda item was tentatively scheduled based on discussion at the September 8th Board Planing/VVorkshop Session when sub-committee Chair Foster and those in attendance reviewed the Final Report. To prepare for discussion for this meeting, Foster was going to work with Skramstad on possible options on how to proceed. Foster was unable to attend this meeting and he suggested that this agenda item should be rescheduled. Skramstad stated that he had not talked to Foster regarding this. However, he wanted to keep these discussions moving forward. Seuntjens stated that he was not opposed to discussing this agenda item at this meeting. However, he did not believe anything would be resolved at this meeting so he encouraged a time limit on the Board discussion. He stated that he would have preferred that the sub-committee make recommendations on possible changes. Van Hercke stated that there were a number of directions that the discussion could go. She believed that the sub-committee preferred that the Board as a whole get up to speed on the 1974 policy and participate in the discussion on recommended changes. -3344- 'J ~ J~ ' Il l I, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 7 Skramstad stated that he believed that a second sub-committee might be necessary to take the next steps from the Lake Minnetonka Boat Density Sub-Committee. He stated that he would get a hold of Foster to keep this agenda item moving forward, C, Discussion of LMCD's involvement of permitting on Lake Minnetonka for winter special events. Skramstad asked Nybeck for background on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that he requested the Board to direct LeFevere to prepare a Code amendment to delegate non-open water special events, primarily in the winter on the ice, to the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol. LeFevere has prepared a draft Code amendment and resolution for Board consideration. The Board also directed staff to prepare a draft general permit that would achieve the same result. This has not been prepared and he recommended that LeFevere comment on this. terms and conditions that special event applications could be delegated to the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol. Nybeck stated that he was working with Lt. Storms on the posSibility of the Sheriff's Water Patrol and the LMCD streamlining the special event permit process on Lake Minnetonka. In the meantime, he recommended the Board adopt the ordinance amendment and approve the resolution for winter special events because the primary involvement of the LMCD on special events was to review zebra mussel prevention plans for open water special events. MOTION: Valdesuso moved, Ambrose seconded to: 1) approve first reading of the ordinance amendment, waive second and third readings, and adopt it, and 2) approve the resolution as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. D. Ordinance Amendment, first reading of an ordinance relating to the use of alcohol and controlled substances; amending LMCD Code Sections 3.16 and 3.17, subd. 12. This agenda item was re-scheduled for the 11/10/04 Regular Board Meeting. E. Additional Business. There was no additional business. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers (10/1/04- 10/15/04) and (10/16/04- 10/31/04). Knudsen reviewed the audit of vouchers as submitted. -3345- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 8 MOTION: Ambrose moved, Valdesuso seconded to approve the audit of vouchers (10/1/04 - 10/15/04) as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Ambrose moved, Nelson seconded to approve the audit of vouchers (10/16/04 - 10/31/04) as submitted. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. C. Additional Business. There was no additional business. WATER STRUCTURES Mile, Painter's, and Long Lake Creeks. Skramstad asked Nybeck for background on this agenda item. Nybeck stated that staff was looking for Board direction on the jurisdictional line in these tributaries for Code and enforcement and 2005 renewal multiple dock licenses. He recommended the Board focus its attention on Painter's Creek because he believed the jurisdictional line on Six Mile and Long Lake Creeks are relatively clear and because there are three multiple dock facilities and a pending docking complaint on Painter's Creek. Depending on the Boards feedback, the multiple dock facilities and the residential site might not be in the jurisdiction of the LMCD. The Board discussed the possible locations of the jurisdictional line on Painter's Creek. Some of the possibilities included just east of Harrisons Bay, further west of Harrisons Bay where the water body clearly get narrower, and County Road 110. The Board discussed the area in question and whether it had the characteristics of a creek or Harrisons Bay. The Board also discussed the idea of checking with the MCWD whether ditch laws covered the area in question. The consensus of the Board was 1) for the LMCD to take a position that its has jurisdiction on Painter's Creek east of County Road 110 and to write a letter to Senator Gen OIson asking her for clarification, and 2) to contact the affected member cities on whether they would like to send a letter to Senator Olson regarding the cities taking over these areas. B. Additional Business. There was no additional business. ADMINISTRATION A. Appointment of nominating committee for 2005 LMCD Board Officers. Skramstad stated that it was that time of the year for the Board to appoint a nominating committee -3346- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 9 for 2005 LMCD Board Officers. Seutjens chaired this committee for 2004 LMCD Board Officers and Skramstad asked Seuntjens if he would either chair or serve on the committee this year. Seuntjens stated that he would be willing to chair the nominating committee for 2005 LMCD Board Officers because he did not believe there was a need for any significant changes. The Board appointed Seuntjens to serve as chair of the nominating committee for 2005 LMCD Board Officers and to allow him to select other committee members at his discretion. B. Review of draft letter to be forwarded to LMCD member cities regarding Board appointments for 2005. Skramstad stated that there was a draft letter for 2005 LMCD Board appointments and a Board attendance sheet for the past year to be forwarded in the next few days to the 14 member cities. Without objection, he stated that he would direct staff to forward the letter to the 14 member cities as drafted. There were no objections. C. Consideration of staff recommendation for compensation adjustment for Administrative Secretary, Emily Herman. Skramstad asked Nybeck for background on this agenda item. Nybeck made the following comments: · A six-month performance appraisal was recently conducted for Emily A. Herman, Administrative Secretary for the LMCD. An overall grade of above average was communicated to Herman for the period of 4/19/04 - 10/8/04. Her anniversary date with the LMCD is 4/19/04. · Herman is currently compensated at a rate of $15.00 per hour. Additionally, she has a six- month probationary period and receives benefits in accordance with the LMCD Personnel Policy. · In October 2003, payscales were proposed for the Executive Director, Administrative Technician, and Administrative Secretary positions. Although the Board took no action on the proposed payscales, it agreed that they were to be used as guidelines rather than policy. The payscale for Herman's position in 2003 was $12.50 to $18.00 per hour. · Nybeck made two recommendations for Board consideration. These included: 1) notify Ms. Herman that her probationary period has ended and that she has become a permanent employee of the LMCD, and 2) approve a $.75 per hour adjustment from hourly rate, retroactive to 10/19/04, from $15.00 to $15.75 per hour. · The next performance appraisal for Herman is planned for April 2005. · He entertained questions or comments from the Board. Seuntjens stated that one concern he had with the recommendation made by Nybeck was that Herman would be with $.25 per hour of the top part of the payscale. This might require the Board to adjust the payscale for this position or increase her responsibilities for this position in the near future. -3347- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page10 A number of Board members complimented the performance of Herman based on their personal experiences. There was also discussion on whether the Board would like to adjust the hourly rate for this position based on the Stanton Survey information prepared for this position in 2003. The Board decided to make no changes at this time. MOTION: Knudsen moved, Ambrose seconded to: 1) direct Nybeck to notify Ms. Herman that her probationary period has ended and that she has become a permanent employee of the LMCD, 2) to approve a $.75 per hour adjustment from $15.00 to $15.75 retroactive to 10/19/04, and 3) to direct Nybeck to investigate the idea of expanding the duties for Ms. Herman in the upcoming appraisal period. VOTE: Ayes (6), Nayes (1, Seuntjens), motion carded. Review of proposal to relocate the meeting space for Regular LMCD Board of Director Meetings. ,qkr~m_~f~rl ~,::k~cl klyh~nk fnr h~nknrn~nrl nn thi~ ~n~nrl~ it~rn Nybeck made the following comments: · The proposal for the Board is to determine whether to relocate the LMCD Board Meetings to Wayzata City Hall to accommodate the request from the LMCC to tape them for local cable television. · The City of Wayzata has tentatively agreed to allow the LMCD to conduct its Board meeting in the council chambers similar to the School Board Meetings for Wayzata Independent School District 284, During this trial period, there will be no formal contract or agreement and there will be no cost to the LMCD for the use of the council chambers, provided the LMCD returns the room to its original condition after meetings. · After the trial pedod, Wayzata would like to sit down with the LMCD to discuss details relating to the continued of the council chambers for Board meetings. Two discussion points at that time would include: 1) whether was a need for a formal contract or agreement, and 2) whether Wayzata would need to charge a nominal fee for the use of the room and its equipment. · Board member Ambrose attended the meeting with Wayzata officials when this was discussed. If meeting expenses are to be charged to the LMCD for the use of the council chambers, he and Ambrose communicated their desire to have it implemented in 2006 so that it could be included in the LMCD Budget. · The LMCC has agreed to provide and train a producer to cover the Board meetings. The LMCC has agreed to cable cast the Board meeting and air it on local cable channel 20 within 48 after the meeting has been recorded. All of the services will be of no charge to the LMCD. · The primary cost to the LMCD would be the purchase of a laptop computer to take advantage of the technology available in the council chambers. The cost of this purchase, including the purchase of MicroSoft Office and professional services to install it, should not exceed $2,000. Other miscellaneous costs would include new name tags and skirting for the additional tables requires. -3348- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page 11 · He established a target date of 1/12/05 to relocate Board meetings to Wayzata City Hall. Ambrose stated that he had attended the same meeting that Nybeck had with Al Orsen and Dave Frischmon. He reaffirmed the points that Nybeck made relating to a trial period with no formal agreement; that this arrangement would be of no costs to the LMCD during the trial period; and the need to address the situation after the trial period, including possible nominal costs for the use of the council chambers and its equipment. The Board discussed whether there was a need for the LMCD to purchase a laptop computer during the trial period. The consensus of the Board was that there was not a need to purchase a laptop computer during the trial period because a number of Board members that stated that they would borrow their laptop computer during the trial period. The general consensus of the Board was to continue to investigate the idea of relocating Board Meetings to the City of Wayzata. The Board expressed its gratitude to the City of Tonka Bay and expressed their interest in possibly relocating to the Tonka Bay City Hall if the trial period is not successful. E. Addition~! Business. There was no additional business. 6. SAVE THE LAKE There was no discussion. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Nybeck stated that the lake level as of 10/22/04 was 928.46', with the dam closed. Second, there were a number of informational items in the handout folders. This included the most recent quarterly Executive Director Newsletter, a 2004 EWM Harvesting Program Acreage Summary Sheet, and a three boat boat/four boat/empty slip spreadsheet. 8. OLD BUSINESS Increased Intoxicatinq Liquor License Discussions Skramstad stated that there was Board discussion this past summer with the charter boat companies regarding the idea of increasing the number of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses that can be issued to charter boats on Lake Minnetonka. A letter was submitted by the charier boat association and a minimal amount of responses have been received from the 14 member cities on the letter sent out by the LMCD. He encouraged Board members to solicit comments from their respective cities because this topic is planned for the 11/10/04 Board Meeting. Pending complaint on an approved variance Skramstad stated that he would like to get some feedback from Board members on a letter recently forwarded on possible non-compliance of an approved variance. He and Nybeck provided an overview of the facts in this pending complaint. -3349- Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting October 27, 2004 Page12 The Board discussed this matter and the consensus of the Board was that the party against whom the complaint has been filed has made an effort to comply with the approved variance. The Board stated that it woUld not be taking further action on this situation and directed Skramstad to write a letter summarizing the discussion of the Board. Future LMCD Shoreline Inventories Van Hercke stated that she would like staff to notify Board members in future shoreline inventories when the fieidwork is being conducted in their respective city, 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business, 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Performance Evaluation of the Executive Director. Skramstad stated that an executive session was planed for this meeting to discuss the performance of Nybeck =t fhi~ meeting ~" .t~t..,~ th~, ~ r..t,i..,A, f~rrn h~d h...-n e.'-nf n,,f nr.'.,,i~.,,oh, ond fh,=,f k,~ h~d received only a few responses to date, Because of this, he stated that the executive session would be moved back to the 11/10/04 Board meeting to allow the remaining Board members to complete the review form so that this feedback could be included in the overall performance review of Nybeck. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business; the meeting adjourned at 9:29 p,m, Tom Skramstad, Chair Jose Valdesuso, Secretary -3350- LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Skramstad · 11/24/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting cancelled due to the Thanksgiving Holiday READING OF MINUTES- 10/27/04 LMCD Regular Board Meeting PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) 1. WATER STRUCTURES LAKE USE & RECREATION A) Discussion of options on how tc~ proceed from the I ~ke Mi_n. neto_nk_2. BO~t Density Sub-Committee Final Report; B) Discussion on whether to increase the number of on-sale Intoxicating Liquor Licenses for charter boats on Lake Minnetonka (previously discussed at the 8/11/04 Board Meeting); C) Ordinance Amendment, first reading of an ordinance relating to the use of alcohol and controlled substances; amending LMCD Code Sections 3.16 and 3.17, subd. 12; D) Additional Business; 3. FINANCIAL A) Audit of vouchers (11/1/04 - 11/15/04); B) Additional Business; ADMINISTRATION A) Appointments for 2005: · Auditor Selection · Legal Counsel · Prosecuting Attorney · Bookkeeper · Official Newspaper · Bank Depository Resolution for fiscal year 2005 B) Chair update of 11/9/04 annual meeting with the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Water Patrol; C) Additional Business; -3351 - 5. EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE A) Minutes from the 10/8/04 EWM/Exotics Task Force Meeting (handout); B) Additional Business; 6. SAVE THE LAKE 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Performance Evaluation of the Executive Director (Note: Board may vote to conduct evaluation in closed session) '11.ADJOURNMENT -3352- Dex~r M e, mbe~s, The Gillespie Gazette VOI~ XII NO Il November- 2004 Th&re ls a Lot of l~~y~ to pa~O~ to yo~e t~cls ~ F6r~, ~ke M~ Roowe k~s bee~ "l-~Jo/n ope~~" for a few week~. Yore may rtoto ~ave yov~ ~pape~rs for th~4r Thank you fo~ ~uppor~ tk6s proj'ec~. The f~ of ~¢e work&rs has ~ th~s an e~ve ~~4~r for m~cy years. m~ke yo~r r~rv~n¢~ by No~emL~r I I. I bok for~rd to ~ yo~ ~t "The Center". Bartw~a C~ Just i~ wh&t we ~an ~o w6th -3353- MetropoUt.~m Cot~cU Me.rs P~k Centre, 230 E. Filth St., St. Paul, ~ 55101 KANDIS HANSON 11 PRES0RTEO CITY MANAGER ~fA#DARD CITY OF MOUND U& POSTA6[ PAll) 5341 MAYWOOD RD MINNEAPOUS, MN MOUND MN 55364-1627 PE:RMrr NO.~610 hhh,hh,,Ih,lh,,h,h.lhll.,,hlh.h h,h .Ihih,I Reactions to regional transportation plan vary widely DiRgCT!ON$ LRT ridership tops forecasts again Customers r~de Hiawatha light rail 424,000 tLmes in September. 87 perce~t higher than expected ddership of 227,200. The fi~t three full months of ridership has totaled nearly 1.4 mi~on, 96 percent higher than the goal ~Rail ridership remain~'~trong," said Brian Lamb, Metro Transit general manager. 'Even though September has only 30 days, we were able to generate tidemhip of more than 400,000, com- pared with 476,800 in August and 462,400 in July." During September, weekday ridership averaged mote than 14,200 tides, 49 percent higher than the goal of 9,500 each week- day. Weekend tidership continued strong with Saturdays averag- ing 14,100 against a projection of 4,300 and Sund~Tdholidays averaging 14,000 versus a projection of 2,100, September ridesship '~s bolstered by faas tiding LRT to 11 Twins games, thine 1Vfinn~s0ta Gopher' f0o~ball ga~es and two Viltngs games. Full LRT alignment wEl open on Dec. 4. (See below.) Bus tidesship, 5.7 million in September, was down nine percent from September last year. Reasons include the bus strike earlier this year and a fare increase and service cats last year. Region's mobility slowdown, 2002 * Rank ln gmwth of delay among al185 metro areag. No. 1 · Growth In de, ay slnon 1982: 14-fold · Total pemo~honrs stuck in traffic In 2~ ~ million · Region's oost of wasted Ume and luet: $1 billion · Cost of waofnd time ami furl per traveler: $740 · Delay heurs prevented by public tmnspmtation and road enhancements; Ro million Full Hiawatha LRT to open Dec. 4 Light-rail transit will open its air- 4~ '"'~ po. and mu of ~m=ica :tatio.s ~ ~e for ~e ~'s b~iest ab~p~g ~d ~a~ se~n. S~ce w~ open at Bl~n ~6~s on ~c. 4, fo~ ~ ~e~ of ~d~e. the L~h ~d HumpMcy~ cent~ie= of a 43 .... ~ .... opening a~fies for ~e mor~ng of Sa~a)~ D~. 4, ~d B~), ~ ~r's ~e 2 ~llgnmenL hdude ~e rid~ on braes ~d a~us . on bo~ Dec 4 md Dec. 5. ~obifiN slows as oono~stion orows How would you Like m spend a week's vacation just sit~g doing nothing in your car for eight hours a day Monday through Friday? That's what Twin Cities area travelers did in 2002. They v~ted an average of 42 horn over the year's time -- ' equivalent to one week's vacation -- stuck in tralBc, according to the Latest data in a national report. The time wasted was well above the average 38 hours wasted in couges- tion for other 'large' U.S. metro areas (between 1 and 3 million people). DeNy in the Twin Cities has gFown faster than in any of the 85 metro areas studied. The region's travel delay skyrocketed from three hours in 1982 to 42 hours in 2002, a 14-fold increase. Cleveland's deLay rate ranks second, an ll-fold increase (from one hour in 1982 to 11 hours in 2002). The study, released Sept. 7 by the independent Texas Transportation Institute, ana- lyze~ congestion in U.S. urban areas from 1982 through 2002. 'Congestion ranka as the region's No 1 livability ir~ue,' raid Metropolitan Council Chair Peter Bell 'What's became, a~ a prosperous metro area, the Twin Cities has more people making more trips and traveling longer wm~.m~.~ou~ell.0vwdlr~li~m~/ A "bold" plan or "fiscally irresponsible? A welcome boost for transit, or not enough emphasis on roads? These were among the comments by 20 wit- nesses who testified Sept. 27 at a public hear- ing on the Metropoliran Council's proposed 2030 Transj~rtation Polity Plan. The 135-puge plan, developed in dose coordination with the Minnesota Department of Transportstinn, is the Council's vision for improving the high- way and transit systems in the seven-county The document is quick to acknowledge that existing revenue streams will not be adequate to keep pace with highway or transit needs in the region, which is expected to grow by near- ly 1 million people by 2030. In the plan, the Legislature, business groups and others to secure additional funding. It offers three scenarios for maintaining and improving the highway system, depending on the level of funding available. It also advocates up to $2 billion in additional invesmaents in the transit system to increase tidesship 50 per- cent by 2020, with the goal of doubling rider- ship by 2030. At the public hearing, wimesses such as ~ W'flson of the Assodafion of Mettopolitan Municipalities and Peter McLanghlin, a Hennepin County commissioner representing the metro counties, praised the plan for its emphasis on transit and its call for additional transportation fimding. McLaughlin said he believes the region needs "at least $150 million per year' in addi- tional resources for transit capital and opotat- lng proposes to expand the bus system and develop a network of bus and rail transitways, as envisioned by the Council's plan. But Rep. Phil ICtinkie, R-Shorevlew, a fte- quent transit critic, called it "totally fiscally inesponsible' for the Council to advocate up to $2 billion in additional transit investtnents. Krinkle ~dd the 44--day bus strike earlier this yeas demonstrated that 'the current system psovide~ litrle it' may congestion relie£' Roads also received some attention at the hearing. Both Nancy Schouweiler, a Dakota County commissioner, and Wendy Wulff, a LakeviUe City Council member, said the-doc- ument Lacks specific plans for new roads need- ed to keep pace with the rapid growth occur- ring in their county. 'Funding is dearly the primary obstacle to accomplishing the goals of the draft," Sehouweiler said. The Council hopes to complete action on the transportation pLan by the end of the year. www,metro~uscikorgldirec~ons/tran~ Momentum growing to address congestion Recent polls have confirmed what every &iver knows: congestion is bad and getting worse. A new report estimates the problem is costhig Tx,fin Cities residents Sl billion per year. But the problem can be addressed by putting a strong plan into action to slow the growth of congestion. That's the recommendation of the Itasca Project, a group of 40-phs business leaders and public officials who coalesced last year to create an economic development strategy for the Twla Cities. In a wide-ranging panel discussion, state legislators and advocacy groups ad&essed the Itasca proposal and tran~ortafien Kmdlng at the Minnesota Public Transit Conference in Minneapolis on Oct. 5. While panelists supported the proposal, it did not draw unanimous approval. And that's okay, according to former Cowles Media executive Jay Cowles, representing the hasea Group. WV'eke not going to meet everyone's wishes and desires,' he said. "But we need to listen closely to what we agree on. Our strength is that we are working together." The Itasea Group proposes spending 1600 million anaually on road~ and 8150 million annually on public transit for 15 years -- in addition to current funding. New revenue could be raised through some combination of toll roads, Ucense tab fees, gas tax, metro sales tax and sales tax on gas. The plan also pro- poses e~dendes in the transportation system that could save $100 million annually. Panelists representing the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Minnesota Counties mostly agreed with the proposal. Carolyn Jones oftbe Chamber said having CEOs and a unified business commu- nity at the table would help solve the funding issue at the LegisLature. -3354- Sen. Scott Dibble, D-Minneapolis, urged legishtive action this session. "The public is way ahead of thc polities on this issue. But we have to proceed in a balanced way and give people (ttausportafion) choices. Our first conversation should be about shared goals.' State Rep. Bill Kuirde, R-Rochester, was less enthusiastic. ~I sit on the tax committee, so I get it bom both sides," he said. 'I hear the business community asking for tax cats to stay competitive. People say, 'don't tax me, tax someone else to get the job done.' So I urge caution (with respect to taxes) when I see these big proposals come along." MetropoUtan Council c TIo Ns COUNCIL MEMRER PROFILE: Brian McDaniel 'In a gvvzuing metro area we can ? eliminate congestion, but aue can s/ova its gnvwth and improve mobility with cost- effective invesOnents in roads and transit. The Councils Home: Apple Valley. Represents Council District 16: Southern Dakota County, southern part of Eagan. Committees: Community Development and Trans'~rtad°n. Baclq~und: Legislative director for speaker of the Minnerota House. Previously served as director of fiscal policy for Minnesota Business Partnership; administrator for Minnesota House of Representatives Committee on Commerce, Jobs and Economic Developmene, attorney in private practice. F~ly: Wife, Melinda. Son, Joey. Interests: Minnesota Special Olympics basketball coach; sports; reading true tram?ortation policy ?lan is. crime and history. heading us in the right diremon. To nmch Brian: 651-296-5389. Ill work hard to hel~ identi./~ brian.medanlelOmetc.state.mn.us ap?mpriatefunding sources for For information about aL1 the Council the tramToortatiofl investments members: this region needs to make.' www.meb'0e0unelLoro/about/membe~.htm southern 140 Too early to tell on future light-rail lines BY PETER BELL The figurer ~e notNng to sneeze at, espedally given cur- rent budget considerations and daims being made on the public pm'se at a time when the Pawlenty Administration continues to hold the line on taxes. That's not to say we shouldn't have the debate, however. We absolutely should -- one based on fmandal realitier, I can't tell you how often I'm asked about the Council's analyses of environmental impacts and ridership potential, posture on futttre llght~raii ventures, given the errly snccess legisiative and public prfferences, as welI as our contlnuing of the Hiawatha line. Indeed, Hiawatha has far exceeded rldershlp expects- experience with light rail. fions, even before the line is fully open. We are thrilled I'm proud of Hiawatha's success. Gov. Pawlenty said with public enthusiasm for the project, staff performance when he appointed me that regardless of any personal mis- givings or concerns about rail transit, the objective, now and train operations to date· The jury, however, is still out. We have oxdy several fifll months of operations under our collective bdt-- not enough to evaluate long-term pro~pects for rail Furthermore, we, as a regio~ need to determine our appetite ~or the cost of rail, which is signifi- Ramsey County is determining the locally preferred alternative for the proposed Central Corridor between MitmeapoLis and St. Paul. The estimated cost of bus rapid transit (BRT) is $240 million, compared with an estimated $840 million for LRT. = _ tha~ it's here, is to make thc line as successfal as possible. Coup&ti Chair PSt6~ Bell That's o~ goal each and every day: Despite the achievement, it's too exrly to judge the long-term implications or determine whether light rail is the appropriate mode for other tran- sit con'idors in development. I believe it's in the best interest of us all to give the rail operation its due, but continue to diligently monitor its successer and identify, any shortcomm~ so we can make the fight choices about transit long into fl~e f~ture. www.melr0eouncll.orD/8 b0ut/ehsit, htm -3355- THE FALL 2004 THE INFORMATION RESOURCE AND ADVOCATE FOR LAKE MINNETONKA LAKESHORE OWNERS AND BUSINESSES, Watch-Dogging Lakeshore Development by Dick Osgood, LMA Executive Director We all know how great it is to live on or near Lake Minnetonka. We all know how great it is to boat on the lake. We have, or probably l~ will, become concerned that others wi~ -- ~ ~. ' ' . his treasure. We---- ~ wonder - are we loving our lake to death? Dick Osgood It is no secret lakeshore on and near Lake Minnetonka is valuable. As well, it is no secret access to Lake Minnetonka is valuable. So, we are not surprised there are pressures to squeeze in more homes, townhomes and condos as well as commercial and municipal properties on to tighter and environmentally marginal areas. Most of these lakeshore devel- opments include some kind of lake access. · We have recently learned of interest in developing addi- tional municipal docks in Deephaven. · Mound is opening a new phase in its Commons on Lost Lake. Increased boat traffic in the Lost Lake Channel may cause the increased 'calving' of cattail bogs. · A number of condos are in planning phases, including Lakeview Lofts in Spring Park and Halstead Pointe in Halsted's Bay. · We have been writing about the interest in lake access via Six Mile Creek for almost three years now. Who is watch-dogging this growth around our lake? The authority for regulating these developments rests mainly with each of the 14 cities abutting Lake Minnetonka. However, the cities are either unaware or not sensitive to the overdevel- opment around our lake. The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has the authority to regulate and control lakeshore boat storage, docking and surface use. However, as a practical matter, the LMCD deals with these issues only once a development is in place. The LMA has these developments on our radar. At this point, we need to hear from and be supported by our members. We think it is tUne to take a comprehensive look at these issues. We have taken a stand on an aspect of these concerns (see inset), but now it is time to look more carefully and comprehensively, then act as your lakeshore advocate. And we need to act in a --rimdyqn-anner. Let us know your thoughts and give use your support. See President Wayne Nelson's letter inside and join the LMA Planning for the 4th Annual Lake Minnetonka Clean-Up is Under Way Mike Mason, LMA Board Vice President The planning is well underway to make the fourth annual LMA Lake Clean-up - bigger and better then ever. The event will be held on Saturday June 18th, 2005. Maynard's Restaurant has once again agreed to be the host site for the SCUBA diving portion of the underwater clean-up of the lake. In 2005, the LMA will be taking the Lake clean-up to a whole new level and will be working with communities around the lake to encourage people to get involved with the clean-up of shorelines, beaches, islands, parks and boat launch areas. Look for more information to come on this aspect of the clean-up. For the -x/3C,..,.,_,A .... n.g ~.,.,mo.. o,c '-~ event~ we are once again hoping to set a new record as to the number of divers who participate. The first year we had about 25 divers, the next year we had about 35 divers, and last year we had 71 divers participate. In 2005 we are hoping to shatter the old record and attract over 100 divers. Plan on stopping by Maynard's to see the divers and the trash and treasure removed from the lake. LMA Hosts MLA and MCWD The Lake Minnetonka Association host- ed a Board meeting of the Minnesota Lakes Association in August. Pete Nelson, LMCD Board member, joined the group. LMA Executive Director Dick Osgood and Pete Nelson took the oppor- "ON THE LAKE" is a quarterly publication of the Lake Minnetonka Association, P.O. Box 248, Excelsior, MN 55331 ISSUE 2004:4 * OCTOBER 2004 HOW TO CONTACT THE LMA Phone Number: ............. (952) 470-4449 E-Mail: ........... Minnetonka@Mnlakes.org Web Site: ...... www. mnlakes.org/Minnetonka We have begun the first phase of our membership database update. In August, we sent out our first membership renewal notices in over five years - a practice we will now Wayne Nelson continue. We were extremely gratified to have received over a hundred renewals, most from members who had not been recent contributors. Thanks! In the next phase, we will reach out to lakeshore owners who have not become members of the LMA. There are about three thousand out there. We believe this direct approach wilt be as fruitful as our August campaign. Once on board, we know our members are faithful supporters of the LMA. We know this because the board has worked hard to focus our attention on issues and concerns of Lake Minnetonka lakeshore owners and businesses and that we have been effective communicating these concerns and imple- menting positive, proactive actions. The more members supporting the LMA and our good efforts, means a larger grassroots and an even greater impact on our common concerns! ~,-t.~ T ~ · ^ Board wit4-also t.~ r4ng-going4m sending ........... con$idc ck to- -our newsier.. ter to everyone around the lake only once per year. This will mean that becoming a member is especially important because then only LMA members will be assured of continuing to receive the newsletter each quarter. Please, if you have not joined the LMA, do so today. Hoping you had a great summer on the lake. tunity to review our concerns with zebra mussel for Lake Minnetonka as well as for the state. The MLA appreciat- ed the tour of the lake. Thanks to LMA Business Member, Rockvam Boat Yards, for providing a pontoon boat at reduced cost. The LMA Board joined the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board and staff for an evening cruise in Septemben The get-acquainted meeting was well attend- ed. Several Board and staff members from the respective organizations made brief remarks regarding common inter- ests and the prospect to work more closely together in the future. Thanks to LMA Business Membm; Paradise Charter Cruises, for providing the boat and thanks to the MC'kVD for providing a light meal. FALL 2004 · PAGE 2 -3357- THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS SINCE LAST LMA NEWSLETTERI CAPTAINS ($500 +) Tom & Tina Verburgt sUSTAINING ($150 - $499) Donna & Warren Beck Carl Berquist Mike & Sally Bosanko Peter Brask John Brooks George Carisch Mary Lee Dayton John Goodman Doug & Martha Head Don & Heidi Habberman Louise Heffelfinger Clyde Jorgenson Lyle & Kath Kasprick John & Nancy Lindahl Maple Woods Improvement Association Dan & Deb McGlynn Glen & Marylin Nelson Steve & Joan Nielson Stephen & Carrie Parente Eric-P-aulr, on Dave & Ellen Raisbeck Esther Sabes Clinton & Lois Shaw Lee & Louise Sunder Lynn Truesdell Gedney & Emily Anne Tuttle David & Patti Wessner Robert White Patricia Williams · Rosita Wright BASIC (UP TO $149) John Ahem Mary Alexander Barbers Inn M-dM Baskerville Jr. Alan Bignall Phil Bowman Jira Burdick Don & Betty Burns Miles & Pamula Canning Gerald Cavanaugh Brooks Chandler Julia & Mark Chatterton Gary Cohen Michael Colbert Welles Eastman Tom & Pat McGoldrick Peter Wattson Genevieve Eggen Jim & Linda Meffert Kay & David Willette Don & Nancy Erickson John & Evelyn Miller Bill & Mary Winter Flossie Finnicum Bill & Jennifer Mullin Jim & Leigh Woodburn Gerald Fisher Charles Nadler Ron & Rita Zebeck Rob & Ann Furst Hugh Neeson & Andrea Messina BUSEN-ESS ($250) Hugh & Kay Gilmore Ed & Charlotte Oliver Lisa Erickson, Realtor Grays Bay Landing Homeowners' Association Jann Olsten Howards Point Marine Gerald & Mary Goodlund Rhnnda & William Oulie Mahogany Bay Jerry & Cindy Gray Tom Penn & Sally Hebson Sawhorse Designers & Builders · Mark Gruss James & Helain Pesis Steven Haeg Molly & Ron Podle THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS Scott Hanson Robert Pollock TO THE FIREWORKS! Carol & Bud Haydon Cleo & Donna Powers UP TO $100 Dorothea Helman John & Linda Putnam Austin family Rndy & Suzy Herges Dick & Nancy Rademacher Michael Colbert Fredrick Hey Brian & Sandy Rasmussen Ward Edwards Jon Holt Diane & Ron Reimann John & Kristin Gehring Charles & Ann Hommeyer Roger Rovick Kathleen Cilium Art &Marti Horwitz Mimi & David Sanders Richard & Meredith Howell Diane & John Huston Date Schultz Ann & Robert Jackson Jay & Mary Kackley Bill & Jean Seamans ' Darwin Klockers Bruce & Carolyn'Johnson Lyle & Gretchen Shaw Ross McGlasson Farley & Karen Kaufmann Lloyd Sigel Gene Phelps & Rebecca Planer Jack & Barb Kimball Yale Smiiey M/M Robert Porter Marearet Keenan & Bill Manahan Bud & Karen Stannard G~Susan Rappaport Pat I~ranz & Marcia Michalik Carol Stauter Dave & Jen Larson Gregg Steinhafel THANK YOU, CONTRIBUTORS Richard Leavenworth Tira Stepanek TO THE EXOTIC SPECIES FUND! David Leighton James Stuebner UP TO $100 A. Luehmann Herb Suerth Jerry & Cindy Gray Judy Manuel Donald Swanson Scott Hanson Andy Marine H.R. Swanson H.L Sweatt Dorothea Helman John Massie Denise & Max McGee Richard & Beverly Mast Jolin Thomas Carol Moleski Gary & Patty MacHalec Jim Toye Richard Fuller McCarthy Fred & Alice Wall Herb Suerth Connie McDonald Lynn Walstedt 'James McEachran Kent & Ruth Warden Denise & Max McGee Douglas Watson Mary Lou Dasberg Patti & Bob Dykorski JOIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY/We appreciate new or renewing members using this form-thanks/ Please complete this form and mail it with your tax-deductible contribution to the Lake Minnetonka Association, P.O. Box 248, Excelsior, MN 55331. Make your check payable to the "LMA." Thanks/. E-mail: Name(s): Address: Phone: City, State, Zip: 1. I want to support the LMA at the following membership level: [] Basic $50 - $149 r~ Sustaining $150- $499 [] Captain $500+ [] Business $250 2. I want to support the "LMA Exotic Species Fund" . ................... $ .$ 3. Other or Additional ........................................... The LMA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. FALL 2004 · PAGE 3 -3358- More on Zebra Mussels Based in part on the LMA's leadership, the Minnesota Lakes Association has sent a letter to the Governor and the Commissioner of the D NR. The text of that letter is printed belou~: September 20, 2004 Governor Tim Pawlenty St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Dear Governor Pawlenty: A zebra mussel threat is now upon the inland lakes of Minnesota--currently they are in Lakes Zumbro and Ossawinnamakee. The Minnesota Lakes Association (MLA), a statewide nonprofit representing over 60,000 lake user interests in Minnesota, including 260 lake associations and 15 county coalitions of lake associations, has advocated that lake associations and local communities must take action to protect their lakes from zebra mussels. But, we also know a coordinated, effective state-wide effort is needed. Despite rhetoric and awareness campaigns, real threats concerning zebra mussels remain. We are frustrated by the slow, inadequate actions of the State to protect Minnesota's lakes from further spread of this destructive exotic invader. The Minnesota Lakes Association believes the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) response to the zebra mussel introduction in Lake Ossawinnamakee has been inadequate, and as a result, all of Minnesota lakes are unnecessarily vulnerable to zebra mussel infestations, which have the potential for devastating water quality and economic impacts by increasing weed growth, interrupting food webs, fouling boats, and clogging the water intake pipes of utilities. ~ Zebra mussels were discovered in Lake Ossawinnamakee in October, 2003. Now a year later, the DNR is implementing a response that falls extremely short of what is needed to keep zebra mussels contained. They are neither performing treatments to attempt to eradicate zebra mussels nbr providing full-time access inspections. The DNR has evaluated various treatments that could help, but has concluded they should not be tried unless it is certain such treatments would substantially rid the lake of zebra mussels. While this conclusion may be correct, the DNR has not properly evaluated the counterbalancing risks and, in effect, have made a policy decision to put all of Minnesota's lakes at risk. The MLA is frustrated that the DNR has decided not to implement aggressive control actions, and we are dumbfounded that they are not providing comprehensive inspections for boats leaving Lake Ossawinnamakee. The MLA recommends that, at a minimum, the DNR should inspect all watercraft leaving Lake Ossawinnamakee and Lake Zumbro as well as connected waterways, to assure zebra mussels do not spread to nearby lakes and eventually other Minnesota lakes. The MLA is committed to advocating for the protection of Minnesota lakes. We believe the magnitude of damage caused by zebra mussels is beyond rational debate. Aggressive, timely and comprehensive action is required to slow the spread of zebra mussels and thereby avoid much cost and damage to our beautiful lakes and Minnesota's economy. The DNR should lead the way in this effort by taking timely and aggressive actions when zebra mussels are found. Sincerely, Kay Cook, President Minnesota Lakes Association Cc: Gene Merriam, Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources FALL 2004 · PAGE 4 -3359- An Example Lake Minnetonka Lakeshore Restoration In our first article, in the Spring 2004 issue, we introduced a lakeshore restora- tion project on Lake Minnetonka that involved three acres of turf grass and some trees. Our goals for the project are to get rid of the non native turf, and replace it with native grasses, sedges, wildflowers, trees and shrubs. We began the project by putting together a restora- tion plan with a site specific plant list, treating the existing grass with herbicide, removing a few trees, and planting native trees and shrubs in specific areas of the project. This was described in detail in the first article. This spring, we planted additional trees, including some eastern red cedar and white pine. Our next step was to spray any re-emerging or newly germinating grasses and weeds with Roundup Pro herbicide. However, the site remained wet through much of the early summer, making access difficult. We were finally able to spray the site in mid July. After allowing two weeks for the herbi- cide treatment, our next step was to pre- pare the seedbed. We used a small tractor and various implements to do most of thesite preparation. A few areas were rototilled, but most of the site was worked up using a three point harrow, simply a tractor drawn rake. This created a firm, smooth seedbed. The grass and sedge seed was broadcast using a Vicon spreader. A second harrowing followed the grass seeding. Then, flower seed was broadcast onto the surface. Some of the species in the seed mix included: Blue joint grass, Wool grass, Joe pye weed, and Blue vervain in the wet areas, and Little bluestem, Side oats grama, Yellow coneflower, and Purple areas. In total, over 35 species of ' seedlings were used. The project is coming along quite well. There is good germination in most areas, and areas that are still bare will most likely germinate sometime in the next growing season. The seedlings are rooted in and growing, but some of them have been grazed or uprooted by geese. We may have to apply a goose repellent spray to the seedlings if the damage con- tinues or becomes more severe. Some weeds, such as Creeping Charlie have already returned to the site. In the next few growing seasons, quite a few weed species will have to be managed to p~a~fie c-loverTn th~-d~-i-fe-as.~h tot~, '-- ' ~ivekh~-'hifi~,e p~ts a chance to get over 35 species were seeded. At the beginning of August, we planted about 8600 native seedlings into the seed- ed area. These consisted of many wild- flower; grass, and sedge species that were not found in the seed mix. Many of these species would be difficult to establish fi:om seed, and they add diversity and a unique character to the project. Some of the seedling species used on the project include Blue flag iris, Bottle gen- tian, and Bottlebrush sedge in the wet areas, and Prairie phlox, Northern bed- straw, and Smooth aster in the dry areas. Also, species such as Blue wood aster and Wild geranium were used in shady established. We will discuss this more in depth in our next article. Overall, the project is looking good and is on its way to becoming a functioning native plant community. It will soon help decrease runoff and erosion, and be a beautiful haven for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. It will also provide an ever changing display of natural beauty for the homeowners and other lake users. [Editor's note: The location of the project is not included to protect the privacy of the client. The LMA recommends lakeshore owners consider natural land- and lakescaping instead of structural lakeshore protection] ON THE LAKE ACCEPTS ADVERTISING The LMA newsletter, On the Lake, accepts advertising. For advertising rates and policies, contact the LMA at (952) 470 4449. FALL pr~,'34 · PA~F ~ -3360- THE BEST EVENTS ARE ON THE WATER! · CORPORATE EVENTS · PERSONAL EVENTS · TOUR GROUPS 952'474:8058 I 888:559:8058 ParadiseCharterCruises.com · ~o~ ~ ~ o~.: ~aradise r~rl~ Chart. er ~ ~ Cruises ~' NIinnetonka Mississippi River -3361 - LE;SgS NIAI 'JO!SleOX:l 81~g xo8 'O'cl NOIIYIOOSSY Y)INOI:INNIIN