Call meeting to order
Discussion/consideration of policies regarding communications
p. 53
Revised Addition to
City of Eagan
Basic Personnel Policy
Public Relations
It is the City of Eagan's policy to be open and responsive to the news media
within the following restrictions:
It is the policy of the City that any personnel contacted by the news media shall
immediately report such contacts to the City's Communication Director, or in the
director's absence to the City Administrator. The only exception to this policy
shall be the designated police spokesperson or police and fire department
personnel involved as on-scene incident commanders or governed by
departmental policies.
If a reporter has reached the employee directly, and is merely inquiring about
publicly available matters of fact (and not policy) then the employee shall answer
the reporter's question and report the contact immediately as directed in 26.3.
Under no circumstances should non-department head personnel comment to
reporters regarding matters of City policy, opinion or interpretation. If an
employee is uncomfortable or unsure how to answer a factual question from a
reporter, or if the reporter left a voice-mail or e-mail message, the employee shall
refer the message to the Communications Department for response. If the
employee receives a direct call from a reporter, the employee should obtain the
reporter's name, telephone number, deadline, and the topic they are calling about.
Then, courteously inform the reporter that someone will get back with him/her as
soon as possible. Refer to 26.3 for what to do next.
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Bonnie Rifler
"Jacque Larson" <jlarson@eminnetonka.com>
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:48 AM
FW: Communication Policy
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to returd your email...I hope this information might still be helpful to you.
This is what is contained in the city of Minnetonka's Personnel Policy, distributed to all employees when they
are hired.
Again, my apologies for the tardiness of my response. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jacque Larson
Community Relations Manager
(952) 939-8207
Media Relations/Public Information
These guidelines are applicable to official contacts with members of the media and the
release of public information.
It is in the City's interest to foster well-informed citizens, and the City recognizes the media's
role in making information available to the public. To that end, the City has an obligation to
reasonably assist the media and other members of the public with their information requests.
This policy applies to all City employees and volunteers, but not to the City Council or
members of appointed boards, commissions or task forces. The policy applies when City
employees and volunteers are acting in their official capacities in contacts with the media.
This policy applies when an individual is speaking on behalf of the City about any matter,
when it is reasonably assumed the person is speaking for the City, or when a person is
discussing the person's own actions as a City employee or volunteer. It applies when the
contact was made because of the person's association with the City. This policy does not
apply when the person is expressing opinions protected by the constitutional right of free
speech. It also does not apply to contacts with the media in the person's individual capacity
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as a private citizen unrelated to City employment or duties.
In order to comply with the MN Data Practices Act and facilitate the accuracy of information
about City activities and policies, the following guidelines apply:
[] Only the following people may speak on behalf of the City, or participate in
interviews with members of the media:
[] City Manager
r~ Assistant City Manager
[] Department Directors
[] Their subordinates who have been specifically authorized to do so
[] On-the-scene emergency personnel as authorized by specific
departmental policy
[] Only employees and volunteers authorized by the responsible Department
Director or Responsible Authority may release data classified as public data by
the MN Data Practices Act. Authorized employees and volunteers must consult
with their Department Director, the City's Responsible Authority or the City
Attorney's Office regarding the classification of requested data and whether it
should be released.
u Employees and volunteers providing information to the public should always
maintain a courteous and professional demeanor, and exercise good judgment in
providing any explanations or interpretations of the information.
[] If contacted by a media representative for information, the employee receiving
the request must notify the appropriate Department Director.
[] Department Directors may issue further guidelines, upon the approval of the City
Manager, regarding media contacts with that department's members.