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1997-01-21ii II I IL ii i~, Il , I, ,I , MINUTES - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - JANUARY 21, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Acting Mayor Andrea Ahrens. Councilmembers: Mark Hanus, Liz Jensen and Leah Weycker. Absent and Excused: Mayor Bob Polston. Also Present: Larry Miller, Hennepin County Assessor's Office; Stephanie Nyhuis, Hennepin County Assessor's Office; Bruce Chamberlain, Economic Development Coordinator; and Ed Shukle, City Manager. Hennepin County_ Assessor's Office Presentation Larry Miller and Stephanie Nyhuis from the Hennepin County Assessor's Office were present to provide information on the county assessing process and to preview the upcoming Board of Review meeting scheduled for April 22, 1997. Miller and Nyhuis distributed a binder full of information on sales of residential lakeshore properties between the period of October 1, 1995 and September 30, 1996 which is the standard time frame for review of sales to establish the next year's valuation. Miller indicated that the lakeshore properties are expected to increase by 12%-15% for the 1997 valuation. Off-lake properties will be increased about 5%. He indicated that the County attempts to assess at 93% of market value which is referred to as the "median." Mound Visions Bruce Chamberlain and Ed Shukle updated the Council on the progress of the Lost Lake Improvement Project. Chamberlain pointed out that applications for permits are pending at the LMCD, DNR, Corps of Engineers and the MCWD. Chamberlain also indicated that he may have found a place to dump the spoils from the canal dredge. It is a property in Minnetrista off of Hennepin County Road 26 owned by Howard and Rita Johnson. He stated that he is not sure if the Johnsons could accept all of the approximate 16,000 cubic yards of material. He suggested that 2 or 3 other sites be identified. In addition, the site(s) must be approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Ed Shukle updated the Council on the right of way acquisition process pertaining to Auditor's Road. Also addressed was the relocation of the post office. Chamberlain pointed out that the sites may be limited to two due to the possible development of retail/housing along the new Auditor's Road which would make a previously considered site unsuitable. Related to the relocation, the Council discussed the type of structure that would be proposed for the post office building as to whether it would be "off the shelf" post office or more of a customized or localized structure following the Environmental and Appearance Model. If the latter is chosen, it would require that the post office officials would have to waive certain requirements of their site selection process and building specifications. Chamberlain pointed out that this was possible but that it would involve the City having to spend more for the custom building. It is unlikely that the postal authorities would spend funds beyond their budget for something that the City may require. The attitude is why should they? Minutes of the Committee of the Whole January 21, 1997 Page 2 The idea of having a two story facility with other uses above the post office was discussed. The postal service is not accustomed to this type of facility but the possibility has not been totally ruled out. In addition, discussion focused on the post office being a part of a larger development project whether it be two story or one story. This again is not something the post office is used to but it cannot be ruled out at this point. Discussion moved on to the possibility of signing an Exclusive Development Rights Agreement with Dunbar Development Corporation. Shukle explained that he and Mr. Chamberlain have had two or three meetings with Frank Dunbar and his associates regarding the development of the new Auditor's Road area with housing on the upper level and retail on the lower level. Typically, Dunbar signs a development rights agreement with a city for the exclusive right to work on the feasibility of redeveloping a downtown area. It provides the opportunity for Dunbar to be a part of a project from the "ground floor" and assures the city that there is a serious party who is interested in redeveloping an area. Dunbar would conduct market studies for housing and retail and would work to bring a quality development to the city. The Council was very excited about having Dunbar express their interest at this time. They were impressed with their statement of qualifications and the staff's report on their background and experience. However, the Council indicated that they were interested in "testing the waters" regarding other developers who might be interested in the Mound Visions project. The Council suggested that staff contact others who have expressed interest to see if their interest is as serious as Dunbar's. In 30-60 days, the staff will report back to the Council on their findings regarding additional interest in development of Mound's downtown area. Senior Center Ed Shukle updated the Council on the status of this matter. He stated that city representatives from Spring Park, Minnetrista and Mound have been meeting to discuss the financing and construction of an approximate 12,000 - 14,000 square foot facility. Sites have been identified as Shirley Hills Elementary School and the land in Minnetrista known as the Westonka Recreation Association or WRA property near the Minnetrista City Hall. Shukle reported that the last meeting of the above group involved a discussion about the WRA land as the Shirley Hills site has two drawbacks: 1) Two story building and 2) No alcohol permitted due to school property which results in limited rental for private functions and ultimately revenue for the Center. Shukle indicated that the group will continue to meet. Mayor Polston, representing the City of Mound, has indicated to the group that the City of Mound is supportive of holding an election for the purposes of a general obligation bond to finance the facility. Spring Park and Minnetrista would also contribute to the cost and the Lions and/or Jaycees would assist in the operation and Minutes of the Committee of the Whole January 21, 1997 Page 3 maintenance of the facility. More information will be brought back at a later date. Request to Name a Park or Beach Area After a Local Citizen Ed Shukle presented a request that an individual made regarding the naming of public streets and park areas after someone. The request was made some time ago and resubmitted after the agreement to rename Forest Lane Sorbo Lane and renaming Langdon Park Sorbo Park after Kevin Sorbo who stars in the TV show "Hercules." Shukle suggested that a written policy be established identifying the criteria that could be used in dealing with these requests. The Council consensus was to direct staff to draft a policy regarding this matter. Other Business Councilmember Jensen asked that the City Manager look into some liquor licensing issues pertaining to existing provisions in the City Code. The City Manager reported on a proposed development in the Marina Shopping Center in Spring Park. There being no further business, it was moved by Hanus, unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 10:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ed Shukle City Manager seconded by Jensen and carried