The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
met on Tuesday, June 27, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road,
in said City.
Those present: Acting Chairperson Mark Hanus; HRA Board Members: Andrea Ahrens, Bob
Brown, and Leah Weycker. Absent and excused: Chairperson Meisel. Also in attendance were
HRA Director Pinky Charon, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Attorney John Dean, City
Engineer John Cameron, Mound Visions Coordinator Bruce Chamberlain, and Recording
Secretary Diana Mestad. Others present: Jo Longpre, 2631 Granger Lane; Ken Custer, 5533
Shoreline; Steven Coddon, 3615 Lyric Ave, Orono; Don Richard, Barr Engineering; Lorrie Ham,
The Laker; Martin Miller, 6058 Lynwood Blvd; Milton Hentges, 6400 County Road 5; Peter
Meyer, Mound; Tony Clapp, 2180 Cardinal; John Volgstrom, 4329 N. Woodgate Lane; John
Volgstrom, 2350 Driftwood Lane; Tom and Dene Fabick, 2017 Arbor Lane; Bill and Dorothy
Netka, 2360 Commerce; Joel Krumm, Mound.
Consent/lgenda: All items listed under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine b.v the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority. There will be no separate discussion of these items
unless a HRA Board Member or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from
the Consent Agenda attd considered itt normal sequence.
Acting Chairperson Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
B. MINUTES - MAY 23, 2000
Brown, Weycker, unanimously.
The HRA Director stated that the bank account information was included in the packet for
review. No action was required on this.
Mound HRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
A. RESOLUTION #00-14, BUDGET FOR Y/E 9/30/01
The HRA Director stated that the budget was for the year end 9/30/01 and there was not much
change from last year. She further stated that additional capital improvement money is expected
after the first of the year.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker to accept the resolution as submitted.
BUDGET FOR Y/E 9/30/01.
The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried 4-0.
The I-[RA Director stated that the HRA had received a commendation from the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development recognizing the HRA as a successful performer. The HRA
Director stated that she expected this trend to continue.
In addition, Harold Lucas, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development has sent the HRA a congratulatory letter.
The HRA Director stated that a new caretaker has been hired and is doing a great job. Marybeth
was introduced to the HRA.
The tenant representative was absent.
The next Indian Knoll Manor meeting is July 25, 2000.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown, to approve the Minutes of June 13, 2000.
The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0.
Mound I-IRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
Bruce Chamberlain, Mound Visions Coordinator spoke on this issue. He referred to the memo in
the meeting packet regarding the structural integrity of the site and the pollution that has been
discovered. He stated that he wanted to discuss the exploration and quotes. The possibilities to
consider were:
1. Structural mitigation due to poor soils needed for a proposed hotel building;
2. Soil stabilization to support a parking lot;
3. Soil investigation/remediation needed through the Petroleum Fund and
Voluntary Investigation and Clean-up Program (VIC).
The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that the cost for reviewing the first two items would be
$2,000 to $3,000 each. The cost for the consulting fees on item 3 is about $15,000 to review and
install monitoring wells. This cost is in addition to the cost of clean up. All costs for item 3 are
reimbursable through the Petroleum Fund.
Because volatile organic compounds have been found, the VIC program is necessary. The
Mound Visions Coordinator suggested reviewing the neighboring Lost Lake property at the same
time. The costs are in the $25,000 to $50,000 range depending on the level of pollution found on
the site.
The Mound Visions Coordinator suggested doing items 1 and 2 in order to get a handle on the
building costs for the site. After those costs have been determined, the City could decide on
whether to look into grant programs for site cleanup.
Acting Chairperson Hanus asked what the point of spending money on this site was unless the
City knew this would go forward. He questioned the idea of spending money on a parcel of land
the City does not control. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that this is a property that the
City will want to link with other properties in the future.
Acting Chairperson Hanus asked about doing the clean up on one parcel and not both. The
Mound Visions Coordinator stated that the VIC program should be done on all of the parcels so
that the area can be developed.
HRA Board Member Weycker asked about the option of talking with the current property owner
before pushing this through. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that the City already knows where
the property owner stands.
The City Attorney stated that the price of the property has been discussed for a long time and the
problem at the moment is the preliminary cost for structural use. He stated that the desire at this
point is to determine if this cost was realistic.
Mound HRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
Acting Chairperson Hanus asked if doing just item 1 was feasible. The Mound Visions
Coordinator suggested that both items 1 and 2 be addressed, as the parking lot is also a problem.
The City Attorney stated that the parking lot may be as big of an issue as a building or possibly
even worse.
HRA Board Member Ahrens stated that the original numbers were astronomical and wanted to
know if the Mound Visions Coordinator was now saying they were too high. The Mound Visions
Coordinator stated that the numbers were put together quickly with very and that the City
Engineer wanted to be safe and so offered a high range. The plan now was to have a structural
engineer explore the actual costs involved.
HRA Board Member Weycker stated that she was concerned that the property owner would not
sell and wondered if someone could be talking to him during the process. The City Attorney
stated that the property owner was in the $400,00 range and the City was looking at about
$250,000 and so he was not sure what the conversation should be.
HRA Board Member Weycker stated that she wanted to let the property owner know that the
City is looking at the options because she is afraid that he will sell the property while the
investigation is in progress. The City Attorneys stated that it would not hurt to ask about any
immediate prospects for a new buyer.
HRA Board Member Ahrens stated that this might be a chance the City has to take in order to
move forward.
The Mound Visions Coordination stated that he liked HRA Board Member Weycker's ideas and
that he is in contact with Mr. Maxwell.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker to move forward with items 1 and 2 in
the Mound Visions Coordinator's plan including a recommendation to stay in touch
with the property owner during the process. Motion carried 4-0.
The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that the City had originally entered into a preliminary
agreement with Country Inns who decided that they were not interested in Mound. That meant
the City was now looking at the possibility of an American or Super 8 motel chain. The City
decided that was not the type of facility they were interested in and the agreement was dropped.
Recently Rick and Sue Bloomquist have expressed an interest in developing a hotel. Staff feels
that the Bloomquist's can put this project together. Staff does have a concern that the hotel is a
very critical component in the overall redevelopment and feels it is too early to enter into an
agreement because Mound needs more development elsewhere in order to get the level of a
Mound HRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
facilit3, that the City wants. Staff recommends holding on this agreement and re-evahat'mg this in
six months or so.
HRA Board Member Brown disagreed with waiting because a hotel chain would be a basic
building whereas he felt there was an opportunity with the Bloomquists to have a hotel that blends
with the Visions plan and that the Bloomquists have an interest in the community. The Mound
Visions Coordinator agreed with this point, but also stated that Mr. Bloomquist has mentioned
bringing in a national franchise for his hotel proposal which again would bring a concern as to
whether it was too soon to qualify for the type of hotel the City was looking for. He stated that a
better result might be obtained in six months.
The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that the hope is to keep the Bloomquists interested until
some other projects in Mound are underway. HRA Board Member Brown stated that this might
give the Bloomquists false hope. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that this was a concern,
but that alternatively, the Bloomquists would be asked to invest in market research and design
resulting in the same type of facility that has already been turned down.
HRA Board Member Weycker stated that because the property is still uncertain, it is too early to
make a commitment, but that she would like to see the Bloomquists stay interested.
The City Attorney stated that this was a difficult decision and that Staff was impressed by the
Bloomquists, but the issue is the current marketplace. He wanted to clarify that the Bloomquists
were not the issue, but rather the timing of the decision was a concern.
Mr. Bloomquist addressed the Board stating that he and his wife have been talking to structural
people and that as of yet, they have no idea of what the market research will show. He stated that
he is currently not a hotel person, but that he will get what the City needs. Mr. Bloomquist
further stated that he wishes to be kept in the loop, but is not interested in a bidding war.
HRA Board Member Brown asked if there was an opportunity to give the Bloomquists a first
right of refusal such as in the Dodd case. The City Attorney stated that this was a different
situation from the Dodds, as they owned their land. He was concerned that a right of first refusal
might create false hopes and might also have an artificial impact on inflating the value of the
property that the City is trying to purchase. The City Attorney stated that he had the sense that
HRA will keep the Bloomquists in the loop.
MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Weycker, to accept Staff's recommendation not
to enter into an agreement but to continue to keep the Bloomquists informed and to
re-evaluate this in six months.
Ayes: 3
Nay: 1 (Brown)
Motion carried. 3-1.
Mound HRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
The City Attorney stated that more information has come in. The title company is requiring the
City to provide an indemnity with respect to the property. The City acquired the railroad
property in fee simple and stated the purpose was a municipal parking lot. Because the City is
now selling this property for another purpose, the title company wants indemnity. The City
Attorney feels there is nothing to this issue and that it is not a problem to recommend that the
City do this.
Additionally, there is a disbursement agreement in the contract that provided that net proceeds of
about $70,000 would be parceled out in increments of 25%. The SPA did not approve this.
Because they need to collateralize their loan, the SPA asked that the whole amount be deposited
with them at closing to pay for construction billings as they come in. This is not subject to
discussion. Because the SPA will be disbursing the money to cover validated construction costs,
the City is still in the same position and he recommends the I-IRA agree with this.
A third issue is the easement area across the land laying north of the portion of property conveyed
to the Dodds. This is an access easement and also a walkway easement 6 feet wide. Agreement
was not successfully put together and the Dodds are still interested in a 6-foot easement. The
City Attorney has added this to the agreement. As part of the same scenario, there was discussion
of building up to the property line on the north, which requires that the Dodd building be slightly
redesigned to cover the snow load. An agreement was in mind to reimburse the Dodds to cover
additional cost up to $10,000. It has now been concluded that the cost is $7,900. The cost of
this will be offset by the cost of the geo technical work ($3,050), and 1/2 the cost of the planning
of the entire property ($2,500). The City Attorney recommends that the amount of $2,500 be
paid by the City rather than the HRA. He is recommending an agreement on behalf of the City
and the Dodds to settle up when costs are known, probably in July. This will allow the City to
gain better utility of the property to the north.
Finally, is the issue of drainage and utility easements. The City Engineer and the Mound Visions
Coordinator have opened up the possibility that when a sanitary sewer force main is relocated, if
alternative route is provided, the City will not have to pay any money. The City Attorney has
drafted a dumpster agreement with the Dodds whereby the City will construct and move the
dumpster during the construction of this sewer arrangement. The City is suggesting a wooden
type of structure.
Acting Chairperson Hanus confirmed that none of the information above was in contained in the
meeting packet. The City Attorney said that only the dumpster agreement was included.
I-IRA Board Member Weycker asked whether the Dodds were asking to keep the 6-foot
easements and how that would be possible with the abutting building. The City Attorney said that
the walkway would remain and the new building will be built around the walkway; perhaps with
an enclosed walkway with a 2nd floor tie in; i.e., a mall type passage.
Mound I-IRA Minutes, June 27, 2000
MOTION by Ahrens, second by Brown to approve the changes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Brown to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The
vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0.
Kandis Hanson, City Manager
Attest: Acting Chairperson Hanus