2000-08-22HRA MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 22, 2000 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met on Tuesday, August 22, 2000, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Chairperson Pat Meisel; HRA Board Members: Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Absent and excused: HRA Board Member Andrea Ahrens. Also in attendance were City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney John Dean, Mound Visions Coordinator Bruce Chamberlain, City Planner Loren Gordon, City Building Official Jon Suthefland, I-IRA Executive Director Pinky Charon, and Recording Secretary Diana Mestad. Others present: Ken Custer; Jo Longpre; Lorrie Ham, The Laker; Dawn Donofro; Margi Raines; Barry and Joan DeSmet; Marie Fueseon; Toby Fuers; F. Herman; Brian Meagher; Peter Meyer; Jim and Denise Crawford; Katin Flar; William Nobraster; Todd Hansen; Steven Behnke; Bill Bline; Thomas and Tara Stokes; Steve and Deb Graud; Stephen and Deb Vertnik. Consent Agenda: All items listed under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment A ttthority. There w/il be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so req,est, itt which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered itt no~wTal seq~tence. Chairperson Meisel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 1.01 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. A__ INDIAN KNOLL MANOR CONSENT AGENDA. 1. MONTHLY BILLS FOR JULY AND AUGUST, 2000 2. MINUTES - JUNE 27, 2000 MOTION, by Hanus, seconded by Brown to accept the Consent Agenda. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. B.~. ACCOUNTING ITEMS 1. ACCOUNTANT REPORTS 2. BANK ACCOUNTS The Executive Director stated that there is still a $10,000 levy check to be deposited to the account. I1 JI, I I I ii, i,~l J ,l, Mound HRA Minutes, August 22, 2000 C~ II.II.A. ACTION ITI~Mg 1. RESOLUTION #00-15, LOAN FORGIVENESS The Executive Director stated that there was a need to improve the financial reserve for the HRA. HRA Board Member Hanus asked whether this would create a problem elsewhere. The Executive Director stated this would not create a problem. MOTION, by Weycker, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution #00-15. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. 2. RESOLUTION//00-16, TENANT APPOINTMENT The Executive Director stated that the term for this position would begin September 1 and run for three years. HRA Board Member Weycker pointed out a correction to the Resolution that this person would become the sixth voting member of the board. MOTION, by Weycker, seconded by Hanus to approve Resolution//0016. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. 3. RESOLUTION #00-17, EST. TAX LEVY HRA Board Member Hanus confirmed that this was the same levy as has been proposed in the past. The Executive Director confirmed this. The City Manager stated that $24,000 has previously been the amount of the annual levy, but perhaps this has been overlooked as a source of funds for redevelopment. She stated that it is Staff's recommendation to increase this levy. Gino Businaro, Finance Director, will bring a specific amount back to the HRA Board at a future meeting. The City Manager stated that this money could be earmarked for specific projects, for example, parking for the downtown redevelopment. The Executive Director asked whether the Resolution could still be passed at this meeting without the specific amount of the levy. The City Manager stated that this could be discussed at the next HRA meeting and decided at that time. Chairperson Meisel stated that she wished to know the exact amount proposed and what specifically the money would be used for and asked that the issue be brought back before the Board. The City Manager stated that this information would be available at the next meeting. II, i I ,Bi, I JI B ,~ ~, Mound HRA Minutes, August 22, 2000 MOTION, by Brown, seconded by ltanus to bring this Resolution back at the next lIRA Board Meeting. Motion carried. 4-0. 4. RESOLUTION//00-18, REVISED BUDGET FOR Y/E 9/30/00 The Executive Director stated that the majority of the expenses were in the maintenance budget because of renovations underway. She further stated that the cash reserve line is required to be at $39,289 and the amount budgeted is $45,110. Board Member Hanus asked the Executive Director to inform the Board in advance if it looked like the cash reserve money would dip below the required amount. The Executive Director stated that she would do this. MOTION, by Hanus, seconded by Weycker, to approve Resolution//00-18. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. 5. RESOLUTION 1100-19, NEW PET POLICY The Executive Director stated that the new policy was intended to be more stringent than in the past. She further stated that she has not had problems in the past, but wished to be proactive in preventing any future problems. Chairperson Meisel asked whether an additional amount was charged to tenants with pets. The Executive Director confirmed this stating that a $300 deposit is currently required and the new policy would require $5 per month for maintenance of the pet walk area. Board Member Brown asked if there were size limits on the pets allowed. The Executive Director stated that dogs were limited to 30 pounds. Board Member Hanus asked whether a prohibition against pets that were "habitually loud" should be added to the new policy. The Executive Director stated that this was covered in the lease. Board Member Weycker pointed out that the new policy required pets to be licensed yearly, but the City ordinance required licensing every two years. The City Clerk confirmed the time frame should be every two years. The City Manager pointed out that the mention of vaccinations should also be changed to show proof every two years. Board Member Weycker stated that this could be simply stated as "current in vaccinations." The Executive Director agreed to make the suggested changes. Mound HRA Minutes, August 22, 2000 MOTION, by ltanus, seconded by Brown, to approve Resolution #00-19 with the changes. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. D.~. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. ANNUAL AND FIVE YEAR HOUSING (WILL BE IN SEPTEMBER'S AGENDA) The Executive Director stated that she had received permission from HUD to move the public hearing on this item to September 26, 2000. She further stated that this would deal with housing and not redevelopment. 2. AUDIT FOR Y/E 9/30/99 (COMMISSIONERS ONLY) The Executive Director stated that this audit has been completed. E_ TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REORT Pauline Payne, Tenant Representative, stated that she had nothing to report at this meeting. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. 1.1 APPROVE MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 2000. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown, to approve the Minutes of August 8, 2000. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. 1.2 REDEVELOPMENT PROCEEDINGS The City Manager stated that StatThas met a few times and identified some developers who may be interested. Staffhas also notified the community that local business owners who want to do their own development will be entertained at this time. A packet has been put together for prospective developers and a list of 17 will be contacted. The follow up date to begin the interview process is September 8, 2000. Mayor Meisel asked for an estimate of how many developers would respond out of the 17 contacted. Bruce Chamberlain, Mound Visions Coordinator, stated that he thought 3 to 4 developers would be interested. The City Manager stated that Staff would do the initial screening of the developers including their financial ability. 1.4 POST OFFICE REDEVELOPMENT REPORT 4 Mound HRA Minutes, August 22, 2000 The City Attorney stated that in regard to the Wuollet parcel, the City would obtain title and possession in the next several days. As far as the United parcel is concerned, the City Attorney stated that there is a tentative agreement for the acquisition price that will come before the HKA for final approval. He further stated the stipulated price is close to the proposed price. Bruce Chamberlain stated that he has been working with the post office on design issues regarding the site and the building. The Phase I and Phase II environmental surveys have been completed. The site is very clean and the soil is stable. Working out option agreements between the postal service and the City is progressing. The post office has indicated that they will consider fair market value for the price. Chairperson Meisel asked what the expected time frame was. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that it was 30 days for construction plans, bid opening on October 30, and construction to begin on November 15. Board Member Hanus asked how realistic the above schedule was. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated it was a very realistic schedule. Board Member Hanus stated that he felt it was very important to stay on schedule with winter approaching. Board Member Brown stated that with recent improvements in the construction industry, it was now possible to work through the winter. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that he is reviewing with the post office the need for replatting. He stated that, if necessary, the City would submit a subdivision plan. He is also talking with the post office about the necessary permits for this project. 1.5 LOST LAKE DISTRICT A. REQUEST AUTHORIZATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that he was asking the Board to approve funds for Phase I testing on this site. He further stated that if Phase I was approved; he would need to return in two weeks to request funds for Phase II testing. This testing is needed to prepare the standardized criteria for the hotel site. The City Manager added that the test results were needed to create a meaningful package. The Mound Visions Coordinator further stated that this information was important to qualify for a DTED grant for clean up. Board Member Hanus asked whether either phase would require new data. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that if it were decided to enter the VIC program, ground wells would be necessary and that it was important to take a proactive stance on what needs to be done. II ,11 I I I ,Ii, I, ~i , i ,~, Mound HRA M~nutes~ Au,~ust ~ ~000 Board Member Weycker stated that she thought Phase I had been completed during the dredge program. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that was only pollution testing on the edge of the site. Board Member Hanus added that it was phosphorous testing. Chairperson Meisel confirmed that the cost for Phase I was $1,850 and asked what the cost for Phase II would be. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that the cost for Phase II on the post office site was $5,000. Board Member Hanus asked what cap number would be comfortable. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that he was comfortable with $6,500. MOTION, by Brown, seconded by Weycker to approve $1,850 for the completion of Phase I testing and a cap of $6,500 for Phase II testing. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. B. HOTEL DEVELOPMENT Board Member Hanus stated that there was a need for the hotel vision to be conforming between the Mounds Visions Coordinator and the community. He further stated that he thought the appearance of the chain hotels was fine and that the price range for room rental was good. He also mentioned that he knew of chain hotels that allowed the community to use the pool. Board Member Brown agreed and stated that he felt this was what the community wanted. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that he would like to hold a workshop in the future to go over design ideas for the site. Board Member Hanus stated that the price range of $70 to $100 per night is what the community is looking for in a hotel. The Mound Visions Coordinator stated that he was concerned that a franchise would not offer enough flexibility to allow for a design that would enhance the downtown. Chairperson Meisel suggested saving this discussion for a future study session. The City Manager stated that Staff.has been waiting to get the cleanup numbers before holding the workshop. 1.6 JOSEPHINE LONGRE RENTAL FOREBEARANCE AGREEMENTS The City Attorney stated that the modification to the original was that two properties would be wrapped into a single agreement and also parcel C was being added. The following changes were made to the original agreement: · Page 2, sect. 3B. The monthly rent is $370. Mound HRA Minutes, August 22, 2000 · page 3, item 1. The drop-dead date has been extended fi.om September 28 to January 1, 2001. The City Attorney stated that he felt this was a version that all parties could agree to. Chairperson Meisel asked how comfortable he was with the January 1 date. The City Attorney stated that he felt this date would work. MOTION, by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the agreement. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. 1.7 HRA MEETING START TIMES. The City Manager stated that she felt it was creating confusion to continually change the start times for the HRA meetings. She suggested setting a permanent start time. Chairperson Meisel suggested 6:30 p.m. for the start time. MOTION by Meisel, seconded by Brown to change the start time of the HRA Board meetings to 6:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. MOTION vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 4-0. Kandis Hanson, City Manager Attest: Chairperson Meisel