2000-11-08HRA MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 8; 2000 ~e Housing and Redevelopment Authority of th~ City of Mound, H ',emi~ Mien .e~O~, met on Wedne~la¥, November $[, ~O00; at ~'.3B p;m;, in the ~ at 5341 Ma)wood Road, in said City. Those present: Chairperson Pat Meisel, and HRA Board Members: Andrea ~s, Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance were City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Fran Clark, and the following interested citizens: Kevin England (Hasbro), Bill & Dorothy Netka and Peter Meyer. Chairperson Meisel opened the meeting and welcomed those present. APPROVE AGENDA, WITH ANY AMENDMENTS The City Manager asked to add one item to the Agenda, Ken Custer Development Proposal. The lIRA Board agreed to put it on before adjournment. APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 2000, REGULAR M~,E~G. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the ~ Minutes of October 24, 2000, as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. STS CONSULTANTS, LTD PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE ORDER FOR PHASE n ENVIRONM'ENTAL ASSESSMENT OF LOST LAKE DUMP Brace Chamberlain introduced, Gary Rathoun, Senior Soil Scientist for STS Consultants, LTD. Mr. Rathoun explained that this change order addresses additional scope of work required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (F. SA) of the Lost Lake Dump. The MPCA scope of work includes the proposed four monitoring wells, eliminates two soil borings and requires 14 test pits. The MPCA requested 24 test pits which STS negotiated down to 14 test pits. The MPCA scope of work also calls for obtaining a sediment sample adjacent to the dump, a sample of surface water from the adjacent canal, waste sampling in each test pit and sampling below waste materials. Costs associated with the change order are as follows: Backhoe with safety trained operator, 2 days @ $1,000.00/day ................................ $ 2,000 Waste sample analyses, 14 @$945.00/each .................................... $13,230 Senior Environmental Technician, 20 hours @ $65.00/hour ................................ $1,300 MOUND HRA MINUTES- NOVEMBER 8, 2000 Environmental ,monitoring equipment, 2 .................................. Waste Dumpster (rental, dumping of non-hazardous waste) .................................. $1.0QQ $17,930 Mr. Rathoun emphasized that the analytical costs could be less than the worst case estimate shown above. Bruce Chamberlain stated he plans to apply for Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTED) grant ,money which could cover costs for the Phase II F_SA if DTED select this project for funding. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker to approve the above change order on the Pha~ II Environmental Site ~ent (ESA) of the Lost Lake I~lmp site in an amount not to exceed $17,930. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. UPDATE ON PARKING ME1}IATION FOR JOHN'S VARmTY BLOCK Bruce Chamberlain reviewed his memo dated November 3, 2000. He explained that City staff and the businesses and property owners on the John's Variety block have been mediating to strategize all acceptable parking solution. The mediation process led to a number of components as follows: 1. The City will do what it can to have on-street parking preserved on the north side of County Road 15 in conjunction with the Metro Plains development project. 2. The City will work with the eventual developer of the Langdon District to ensure 12- 15 stalls of "downtown-wide, commercial-use only' parking at the northeast comer of that district. 3. The Unchartered Grounds site (if the building were removed) would be the most viable parking alternative on the Johns Variety block (8-9 stalls are possible). The current business intends to move within two months and the property owner is willing to sell the property. 4. If the three items above are implemented, the Johns Variety block property owners are comfortable with the parking situation. The City presented the property owners with a range of funding alternatives for acquisition of the Uncharted Grounds site, removal of the building and construction of a parking lot. The alternatives ranged from City-ownership and development of the lot through the use of special assessments to private acquisition and development by the property owners. Staff indicated that some level of private participation would be needed for the City to complete the project. The three property owners on the block conferred on the issue of financial participation but could not reach consensus on a willingness to participate. 2 MOUND lIRA MINUTES- NOVEMBER 8, 2000 To make the subject a little more complicated, the County is now beginning to believe that a center median may be warranted on CSAH 15 west of the new 15/ 110 intersection, which could impact access and space available for parking. This issue will play out over the next few months. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Ahrens to table with item until there is further information from ttennepln County. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. KEN CUSTER PROPOSAL The City Manager explained that she has recently received a development proposal from Ken and Sally Custer for the redevelopment of a property they own at 4831 Shoreline Drive (the east end of Mound). The City Manager further related that Mr. Custer has decided against redeveloping his property at 5533 Shoreline Drive because it was just not financially feasible to do that. So this is his alternative to that project. The project team has met with Mr. Custer and they feel this may be an opportunity to do some clean up in that section of town. They are asking that the City consider redevelopment of that property so they could move their Glass Plus business to this location rather than in downtown Mound. Brace Chamberlain explained that the Custers are requesting that the City evaluate the possibility of establishing a TIF district in that area. He suggested that the this be considered at a future meeting after Staff has time to evaluate this proposal. There would have to be an assessment done of the properties involved within the area that Staff defines and a determination of if it meets the but-for test. There would be costs involved in doing that evaluation. He suggested this would be part of Staff's report back to the HRA on how to proceed including some of the costs that will be involved. The City Attorney suggested having Ehlers & Associates look at this proposal to see if the area proposed meets the criteria for a redevelopment project. MOTION made by Meisel, seconded by Weycker to direct Staff to have Ehlers look at this proposal to see if the proposed area meets the criteria for a redevelopment project including in this report an estimate of the costs that will be involved. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. MOTION made by Brown, seconded by Weycker to adjourn at 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. KandisHanson, CityManager Attest: City Clerk