2000-12-12MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOURITY COMMISSION MINUTES- DECEMBER 12, 2000 The Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, December 12, 2000, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Chairperson, Pat Meisel; Commissioners: Andrea Ahrens, Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance was City Attorney John Dean. APPROVE AGENDA The Mayor stated that the wrong minutes ( City Council Minutes for 11-28/2000) were in the agenda and will be replaced with the correct minutes for the next meeting. MOTION to approve the agenda by removing the wrong minutes(item 4.), was made by Ahrens, seconded by Brown. The vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carded. 3.0 Listing of the Bills for Indian Knoll Manor totaling $18,296.81 Hanus moved and Weckyer seconded the recommendation. Motion carded. 4.0 Public Hearing on Business Subsidy Agreement with MetroPlains The City Attorney explained document changes. In place of 3 million is 1.8 million Added one employee and 125% of Federal minimum wage provision. Change wording of'Article 9 here of' to 'Article 9 of the' contract Comments & Suggestions from Citizens present on the above item. There were none. Brown moved and Ahrens seconded the follow resolution: RESOLUTION #00-118 RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT. The vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Ahrens, seconded by Brow~. Motion carded. ~ty Clerk ~,..~,..~ x-L. ~/2(.~c ~z~ Chairperson, Pat Meisel MOUND R SOL ON ~LUTION ~0~!BUSINigss sUBsIOY AGREEMElVr ~, the ~0~sing aI!d ~evelopm~ Authority in and for the City of Mound has emered ~. ~Co~ for Private RedevelOpm~,ithMetroPlains Development 1J.C, calling for the reticent ot~ lands within the City Of Mound; and · i~lllREAg~the Contract calls for t~ providing of economic assistance by the HR~ to the Redeveloper ~hi~ meets the definition of "business subsidy" as that term is used in Minnesota Statutes, ~ lt6J.993through 116J.994 (the;~Act"); and ~ THE Act requires the adoption of a business subsidy agreement as a precondition.~,~maldng of ~ business subsid~' and ~ pursuant to notice as required by the Act, the HRA has held its public hearing on flio adoption of a business subsidy aSteement with the Redeveloper. NOW ~i~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Housing and Redevelopmem ~ in, ,al~g~ 'i.for.~e city of Mound that the. business .subsidy agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A is l~eri~y adbpted. -" Dated-~ ~ber' i~; 2000 The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Brown and .... The following Councilmembers voted inthe affirmal~e: Ahrens, Brown, ~Han~S, The following ~ciFrn~bers voted tn me negative: ~one. Pat Meisel, Board Chair JBD-lgg397vl MU195-9