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VILLAGE OF MOUND 431 the invitation to costfree member~hip with the Minnesota Municipal Liquor ~tores Ass'ri., the same to be valid to June 30th, 1939. The following bills were read ~nd ordered paid: F. McCormick, Inc ............. $ ~ldwest Paper Prod. Co ........ Dt~tillers Dtst~bo Corp ...... ?,fcKesson & Robbins ............ Miller-Davis Co ............... Standard Oil Co ............... ~.~o und Grocery ................. Kenneth Schultz ............... Jim S%atts .................... Gordon Blatzheim .............. Herbert Sohns ................. ~ugene Eorman ................. ~hell Petrol. Corp ............ St. Bank of ~ound ............. Ira C. Peterson, Jr ........... C. M. ~andhoff ................ J. P. Reed~Agen~y ......... Phillips "~6" ~ta ..... :...~.:: L. ~. ~treater Lbr Co ......... ~d I. G. A .................... Interstate Power Co ........... Interstate Power Co ........... Stillman Co ................... Standard Clothing Co .......... Frank ~e iland ................. ~d. $¢~hwartz .................. Donald Painter ................ Andrew Krause ................. O. D. Johnson ................. Aaron Hastings ................ Andrew Fame ss ................ J. P. Collins ................. ~.¥. F. Krause .................. L. J. Bowers .................. Yargaretha Glewwe ............. F. P. Leakley ................. LeRoy V. Alwin ................ LeRoy V. Alwin ................ G. R. Cole .................... C~. R. Cole .................... J. C. ~tetn ................... Northlahd Greyhound Lines ..... ~. A. Muff .................... 179.83. Manning-,nderson Co..$ 3.30 3.35. ~tka Beverage Co ..... 4.00 ~86.56. Old Peoria Co ........ 85.77 18.42 ~d. Phillips & ~ons Co. 966.83 2.85 Standard Oil Co. ..... 5.~3 62.40. A~dressograph Div .... 10.70 8.58. City of Rob0insdale.. 4.00 11.48. Kenneth $chultz ...... 21.15 2.13. Francis Johnson ...... 3.60 13.05. Francis Johnson ...... 44.10 52.50. Gordon Blatzheim ..... 6.60 3.60. Watertown Tel Co ..... 6.20 15.60. ~tandard Oil Co ...... 7.15 I0.00. St. Bank of Mound .... 47.25 30.00. E. Powers ............ 7.00 15.00. ~t. Bank of ~ound .... 225.00 91.02. ~d. Hdw. Co .......... 200.00 7.70. ~mlth ~otors ......... 5.21 55.55. ~tka Pilot ........... 33.95 28.45. Inter~tate Power Co.. 43.35 3.60. Interstate Power Co... llS.00 2.20. L. J. Bowers ......... 8.13 ~8.37. Mygienlc Art. Ice. Co 13.90 17.65. Bernard ~inkel ....... ll.50 7.50. F. ?wensrude ......... ll.O0 lO.O0. F. ~chwartz .......... 12.50 1.50. R. ~. March .......... 9.00 12.00. Clarence Koehler ..... 13.50 12.O0. Calvin Inman ......... ll.O0 lO.O0. F. L. Groschen ....... 2.00 11.50. Warren Cressy ........ 10.00 6.50. Kenneth Platzheim ..... 8.00 50.00. Ben. Well,nd ......... 17.2D 8.00. LeRoy V. ~lwin ....... 5.60 5.60. ~. Kickhafer, ~r ..... 5.~0 5.60. C. L. Tuff ........... 5.60 1~.45. LeRoy V. At-In ....... 10.00 10.00. LeRoy V. Alwin ....... I0.00 25.00. G. R . Cole .......... 75.00 25.00.J.C. ~tein ........... 75.00 25.00. ~treater Lbr. Co ..... 25.00 25.00. Menn. Co. Tuber. A~'n 5.00 100.00. A. D. ~pauIdlng ...... 14.40 ~fter listening to a report ~y G. R. Hanson and instructing him to pursue and to report back to the council at stood adjourned on motion. Cole on the relief needs of ~im his findings to definite ends the next meeting, the council s nd single one offered towards 11 ,I,, I bid ~f L. J. Bowers, the only the erection of a flfty-f~ot tower for the in~tal]_~tion of the village fire siren. The bid of L. J. Bowers, with tower erected and s!ren~ installed according to ~pectficatton~ ~?s odvertlsed, wa's ~326-.&6. There being no further bids, or bidders, it wa~ moved by ~lwin that L. J. Bowe~ bid be acceoted by the council and that the work of erection ~nd installation proceed at once. This motion was suooorted by Trustee '.?inkel snd csrried by the council. On ~.~syor Hue~tis' suggestion it ws~ further move~] by -~,lwln thst the .~ayor apooint s Committee on Tower Iocstion, or, in lleu of this, that he in~truct the ore~ent Tower Committee, in the oersons of Trustees Tuff and-~inkel, to confer with cur. lifted members of the ~'ire Deosrtment ~.nd with &. J. ¥owers a~ to a suit.~ble location for the siren tower., This was seconded by Zru~tee Ferra!l snd concurred in by the ~counoi].-~ Conforming to ordin~r.y busines~ practl~e ~n,~ to legal recuire- ment, it was moved bM Trustee C.~ I Tuff th~-t I. J. Powers be rec~ulred ~to deposite 10~ of the ~smount ~of bi~ bid with the vill??e as a surety of oerform~-,sce, snd that-he further secure the village in the execution rnd~ signing of~ a written sgreer:ent. This received the second of Tru?~tee '7_!n!~el ?nd wss carrie~ 5y council. 'Vith reference to conditions, at the Vill?~e_ Perk ?~r=~nt~..~ s n~ v ' ~win offered the follo~-ing de~cribe~ by ~:svor "f ~ ~,uestls~, re~o!~tion, to wit: ~ IT R~C.I~D that the b~thin~ t.,. Vt!.? , . closed until 5.h*. ~_ . ~Tr~mmT~'~~. ~:._ _~, th~:t ~- nvon=~ .. found uoon the be~ch, or in ih~ wcier of the he, ch, wit .... n the ~:~6 5 A. Y., or if ?n~one be found ~n~here e~.~'e within the o~'rk, within th!~ ~e limit rnd on ~n occasion not ~uthortzed or oermitted by the d~y con~ltute~ ~utnorlty, ~nd he o~~. ~he he ro~-~d =m,~a In ,.~n unseemly ~ct or ~ the vroductiom of un- ~e~¥~lv ?nd dlst~rbing noi~s, he or ~he ~'~!1 be ~ub~ect to ~rre~t and ~Oe~?rcnce before ? loc~l ju-tlce co~rt for f~ne ~nd sentence. The ~otion hein~~ for the ,~dootion of the resolution, tiae vote stood ~ ~ ~ ~°q . _. ~omlows: ., ....., Tuff, '.Vinke! Ferry]l, : r? ]w~. , ~ 1,~o ne. .,',.nd so the !desolutiod stood adopted. On ? re-oort of the local t!e~.lth Luthority, ore,~ente~ tt~.rouFh the v~l'~e clerk, with reference to the un:?nltr~rv condit, ion~ of the "tl!~e .?~r'k to~.lets, it w,zs move ?.v a]w~a thr-t the eir~rk confer wtth We~lth Of~'icer, Dr. J. i~. ';i!],'in~, on measures to rett,;rn the "toilets to ~'t~te ~,anitr~r~ reouire~,onts. '±'hi~ motion w?a ~econded b~z 'Zrt~,~tee 'Lnkel rnd c~rr~_ed by the council. In v~.~,w of the growinF.- re~,,~ire~nent ~or ]oe~l low enfore~ent, Trustee C. L. Tuff moved that ~a,in ~.~ore;~.~n Jim '~tstts' be sworn in ~ o ?oecisl Police to ~id in l?w enforcement within 1he limit~ of the vi]lrge. This w.'?e ~:econded by 'lwip ~n~ c-rrled by the council. In view of i~provinF source~:~ of ¥ood grr~el ,nd the need on ville~ze ~treets, it was moved by Trustee C. R. Ferr,~ll that the Road Committee be authorized to negotiate for and to purchase all gravel needed for street u~e. This motion was sUooorted by ~finkel a~d carried by the council. ~ " On a com61s[nt by H./ J. Kuske, it was moved by Trustee 'Vlnkel that the bleeder at the Kuske !rain terminus be diverted into the drainage tile of the street, the water thus being .allowed to drain into the neighboring marsh, in~te~d of ~lou~hin~ the ground about the hydrant ~s ie now the ca~e. Trustee ?errall suooorted this'motion, the council concurring. On motion by Ferrall, Winkel ~econding, t~ie following bills were ordered paid: G. R. Cole, Julv~ Auto.......~,~ 25.00.G.R. Cole, ~.-~.uo_..rintent..~.~ 25.00 ~. R. Cole, Conctable 75.00 = A Huff, Mngr 100 O0 J. C. tteinm ~.tr. Oom ....... lO0.O0.Jim Statts, one wk. June. 25.00 Village.. Tress, Fund trans.. 1.O0.LeRov LeRo~· ~r~. Alwin L. :.:.° cleric -lO.O0.LeRoy V. Alwin,~ecorder.. £$rlggs, Coope~r & Co.,Liauor 145.24.Gluek Brewi~ Co.Peer .... Frank ~fcCormick, Inc.Liq... 140.50.Manning-Anderson Co.I. iq.. Chasks. Beverage Co.Liquor.. Old Peoria Co.Lieuor ....... '~t. Pk of ~,roun5 ,soecial tax LeRo~ ~. Alwin,206 mi. ror~ Eugene Hod~e, L. clericals. ~.~m. F. Krause, flags ....... .Herb. ?ohns, lO hrs work ound Grocery,~oldt relief Phtllips "g6~'_ ~', :ta. ~ss'..~ .... ?tandsrd Oil Co., gas ...... ~tillman Co.,J.Woodruff .... 8.00.'~enn. Co.~ur. Com. Co~... Interstate ~r Co.~tr. Lite 109.65.Inter~t~te ~r Co,.Pump,, Interstate ~r Co.L.store.. 2.04.~.~d.Hdw. Co.~iscellsneous. Republic Creosoting Co ..... 37.50.Vtka Pilot,oroceedings... Loyal P. Johnson,by assign.. 195.00.Gao Hastings. 22 gravel.. H. J. Kuske,35~ tons Pea R. 62.I3.J. ~. Carlson,K. ~,~.Parker )!o~d I.G.A.~,~ar.Apr.June R. Kopoers Co, road tar ....... ~;treater Lbr Co. L. ~. rent 20.10.LeRoy V. ~lwln, postage.. 13.30.~ndrew Krause, cut'g -gras D.O0.~'~mith ~%tors, gas ........ 6.O0.~mith Motors, towing ,gas. 4.50.Francis Johnson,32~ hrs.. 23.18.W. /'~. Reratt, ~ign. ...... 6.91 .City of Robbinsdale, Recr 2.47.t~iller Davl~. Co, Licenses 10.00 10.0© 4.20 11.9~ 4.70.~tka 2everage Co.Li~uor.. 8.90 6b.21.Ed. Phillips & Cons Co... 69~.92 1.00 9. dO l ,95 7.65 14.63 2,85 2 .O0 5.6O 12.86 47.25 3.43 65.55 5.5O 4.61 50.87.~tandard Oil Co. gsa ..... 1.14 42.50.B~dger ?feter ~"nfg Co ..... 151.20 25.00. There'being no further business before the meeting, it was moved by Alwin that the meeting ad~ourn until Tuesday, July 18, resuming st 7:30 P. ~. of that date. .This was seconded by Trustee ~uff and passed by the council. President ~tte ..........